#I'm a person who goes off of vibes and not design since that's the most important thing to me
the-blossica-fan · 10 days
Also, I don't think I've seen anyone comment on this but Tuesday and Tooth Fairy actually give off similar vibes to each other. Both are presented as motherly, calm and collected characters who slowly become uncanny the more you stare at them. They both speak calmly, sing a nursery rhyme in a similar way (slightly creepy) and have this weird, off-putting aura that I usually can't explain.
The main difference (aside from their opposite color palette) is that one is a sweetheart who cares for children and the other is a malicious woman who interacts with spirits.
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earthstellar · 1 year
what are some other nice moments from Rescue bots?
This show is loaded with them!!! :)
Here we go, some nice moments in Rescue Bots!!
I'm going to write this with the assumption that some people reading this may not have ever seen Rescue Bots or might only be somewhat familiar, as I realise the target audience skews much younger than most Transformers media does, so I'm not 100% sure how popular it was outside of that demographic in total.
Off the top of my head:
-There is an in-universe VR game called Element Quest that has a couple really good episodes, the design is cute and there are tons of meme references. Blades, at one point, goes "I used to like video games. Then I took an arrow to the knee." LOL
-I think it's cool how they actually do tie in their continuity with TFP's continuity. For example, "What Rises Above" (RB) canonically comes before "Nemesis Prime" (TFP), and this is directly referenced in the dialogue in TFP when Optimus says that he is late arriving to the base as he was exploring an underground energon deposit-- This is the deposit he explores with the Rescue Bots.
-Woodrow Burns, the Chief's brother, is kind of an idiot asshole, although he's not actively malicious. But he is great with the kids and for whatever reason the only thing I can ever remember about this character is when he goes up to Cody after it's been a long time since he saw him last and says "You've grown a whole foot since the last time I saw you-- Now you'll need three socks!" IDK I just think that's a real cute dad joke thing to say to a little kid lol :')
-There is an episode where they explore the local folklore of Griffin Rock, and TL;DR the local lore is that their island is where literal griffins used to nest seasonally. So throughout the episode, there's this kind of vibe of "OK are these electrical magnetic pulses or whatever like a science problem or a magic problem" and it's actually a very cute and fun vibe, especially since Cody is talking about the lore in the first place as part of his work towards a Scouts badge and Blades is very cute in this episode, the bots are all like "okay magic isn't real but uhhh what if magic's real?" for a minute and it's great :')
-Doc Greene/Green creates a ton of fun science devices throughout the show, but the names of some are just so doofy and fun. I love the "Torna-Don't", which is a thing designed to dispel tornados. Of course. lmao
-All the weird small town local events are also very silly and cute, and weirdly realistic for those of us who are familiar with this kind of local event thing, lmao. One of my favourite concepts is one of what seems to be several crawdad-related festivals, in which there is apparently a televised crawdad race. It's a bunch of shrimps put on a tiny racetrack, like Olympic runners. LOL
-At one point, Blurr shows up, and when the Rescue Bots are trying to acclimate him to working with humans, Chase is like "Humans seem to have two genders, which are defined by how many cooties they have." This implies that as far as the Rescue Bots are aware, 1) cooties are real and 2) human gender is defined solely by how many cooties a person has, and not by anything else, thus leaving their understanding of human gender fairly open (and it is also clear they have solely learned about gender from young kids in a small town which is likely why they state there are two genders but then make it clear that gender is a cooties thing and not an inherently physical thing, which makes sense in context and is kind of great because it gives more leeway for gender diversity than I expected) and I love this a lot. What is human gender? Cooties. That's all. So someone with a particularly high number of cooties could be another gender altogether, because why not?
-There is a body swap episode, which treats us to Blades in Dani's body trying on dresses in her room. He picks an orange and white one, which matches his paint job. I also love this a lot.
-Heatwave is gruff as hell especially at the start of the series and constantly starts shit or perpetuates shit with Kade, which is super funny. Just this centuries old Cybertronian fucking with this doofus boy who keeps leaving donuts in his cab. God dammit Kade, lmao.
-There is an episode where Cody is aged up via Science Device, and we get to see an older Cody, who more closely resembles his father than his older brother does. It's cute that he'll look like his dad when he's older. :')
During this episode, he assists in a rescue, and the girl his brother has a crush on tries to hit on him, but he clearly doesn't get what's happening and thinks it's icky because of course he does, he's a kid. I just think this scene is handled well and it's cute that his reaction to being hit on is still "ewww girls" but his brother is still absolutely pissed off about it anyway LMAO like jesus Kade, relax
-Kade's mostly an asshole but he's shown to be a really good rescuer who genuinely cares about people, and he has moments where he really comes through for his family and realises on his own that he should shut up and back down on his bullshit, thus making him a better developed and more realistic asshole brother character than 99% of asshole brother characters in most shows. I think this is pretty solid because it does lead to effective character development here and there, and it makes his positive moments with his family and the bots that much nicer. :)
-Cody is such a good kid. He is often willing to give people or ideas a chance when nobody else will, and even though he's too young to actively participate in most missions, he stays involved by helping at their dispatch centre. He's a smart little dude, who has a lot of heart and a ton of potential. One of the few child characters in anything that I actually like, because I think they write him extremely well: He is young, but he is not stupid. He is not treated like an accessory or like the property of his family, he's his own person with a distinct personality within his family, with a reasonable amount of autonomy. And he's a person who is still learning and has valuable contributions while also needing guidance or support at times. 10/10
-Dani gradually gets better at helping Blades deal with his flight anxiety (and sticks up for him when the others might mock him a little for it), and this is not only inherently very nice and cute, but it also makes a lot of sense as she is a first responder/medic and we see her offer the same reassurances towards the people she helps to rescue.
-The writing for the Burns Family in general is some of the best family group character writing in anything tbh, they handle the family dynamic so well in this show, and it's extra cute as the Rescue Bots all learn a lot from observing how the family takes care of one another and the townspeople they rescue. :')
-Blades has anxiety. I also have anxiety, so I am biased and clearly love this dude, lmao. He's so fucking relatable and even though sometimes the others rip on him, it is clear that they're also very proud of him for trying his best to deal with a situation which for him is particularly difficult (he was forced to take a flight capable alt-mode when this is something he is explicitly not comfortable with) and his team mates do support him, even though Heatwave is a douche sometimes (although it is clear this is usually due to stress or something else and that the actual problem isn't Blades). Over the course of the series, Blades does develop a little more confidence, and it's very cute and nice to see him puffing himself up a little more. :)
-The overall attitudes the bots have towards humans in this show is sweet. It's clear they don't really understand humanity or humans as a whole, but it also doesn't really matter because they are so specifically oriented to their local population on the island and their focus is a relatively small community of humans. They take their duties seriously and will protect this population, even if they don't really understand the people outright. They gradually start to respect the locals (and the Burns Family) more and more as they work with them, and get acclimated to Earth. They love their dumbass weird little humans :')
This leads to a lot of fun shenanigans with the bots not understanding things, or only understanding things as they have been explained by the children, which is hilarious.
-There is an episode where local thieves steal Chase, and inspired by Cody's school drama project, he decides to go undercover after watching a bunch of old detective movies. This includes him narrating things to himself, which he is called on when Dani enters the garage and asks him "Why are the lights off? Are you talking to yourself?" lmao
-Although it isn't explicitly canonical, it's easy to interpret both Chase and Blades as being neurodivergent. Both of them display various behaviours and traits which can potentially be understood in this way, and I'm just glad that there's a show for kids where two of the main characters, who are rescue workers, are shown to be competent and skilled at their jobs and accepted by the community for who they are while also being neurodivergent. <3 It's such a good vibe when the other characters support or defend these two in particular, especially when Chase or Blades might be confused or upset about something. Chief Burns is especially great working with Chase.
-Any episode where Optimus shows up in Rescue Bots usually has some gems of cuteness/silliness. The Elvis line still takes me out, LMAO. "You're bigger than Elvis!" "I have not met this Elvis, and I am unaware of his size." 10/10 writing, I fucking love Rescue Bots
-The bots constantly call out a bunch of details that are entirely appropriate for robots from space to notice and recognise as somewhat weird, whereas a lot of the human characters are so used to 1) being human and 2) living on this incredibly weird little technologically advanced island that nothing really phases them anymore. So we can actually identify more with the bots at time, despite the fact that they are also providing an outsider point of view, which is really clever! :)
-The theme song is a fucking banger. It's so good. I love this song so much. I wish we got a full version of it, but this is the best extended version of it that I've been able to find. Enjoy!!!
-There's a lot of fairly adult stuff in the show, more than I think people realise! The tone can never get too dark outright as it is intended for young kids as the primary demographic, but there's a lot of situations, conversations, etc. that are genuinely engaging and interesting from an adult perspective, which is a large part of what makes it a great watch for all ages.
Some situational examples include scenarios where children are imperilled in natural disasters, accidents, even kidnapping at one point.
Non-kid related situations include risks and threat to civilians from AI development and the dangers that uncontrolled or poorly thought out technology can cause or exacerbate, which is significant in context and also interesting to think about given our current relationship IRL with rapid tech development and concerns around how that technology is being made and applied, either in reality or in theory.
Some dialogue examples include scenes where the bots mention their grief over being unable to save Cybertron, a sense of guilt that they were in stasis for so long even though this was beyond their control, awareness that they may be the last Rescue Bots team in operation on Earth or anywhere else in the universe (a sense of loneliness and a responsibility as the last upholders of their specific creed), struggles with their sense of duty and concerns around their ability to fulfil their expectations for themselves and meet the expectations of others while rising to the demands of their unique situation, and so on.
this is already pretty long lmao, there's a ton of stuff I really like about Rescue Bots, but I hope this might encourage others to check out the show if you haven't before, it's well worth a watch! :)
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ninjagirlstar5 · 3 months
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Akane, beyond the grave: *steals her ex-friend's ultimate talent*
Jokes aside, the wheel chose Sora to be the Ultimate Merchant, so that's fun! Designing her outfit was interesting since I know Akane would take her role as a merchant seriously, but since Sora is (supposedly) an amnesiac, she would not have the memories that would influence her personality and decision-making, let alone her tastes in fashion. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I approached this design not by thinking on what Akane would wear, but rather what Sora would cobble together upon waking up the first time and what peaked her interest as an Ultimate Merchant.
In Sora's OG design, she was just wearing a regular school uniform, and in Teruya's designs, they were either a school uniform he personally designed himself, so he was doing self-promotion by physically wearing his own product, or just a regular suit underneath a very iconic coat with a hat, scarf and goggles which were all mementos of people he held dear. Both are good designs in their own right, although Sora's was definitely the simplest and perhaps uninteresting between the two of them. And considering that a part of being a merchant is making an impression on your customers and fellow businesspeople, Ultimate Merchant Sora can't look too simple to the point that she just blends in with a crowd. So I decided to go with an outfit that's similar in it's simplicity like her uniform but leaning a bit more towards a business-like vibe. So now she has a button-up, a shorter skirt, replaced her ascot with a tie, gave her a jacket to help her stick out more, and made her socks shorter along with some transparent tights underneath. While Akane is pretty professional in her design (when not in Despair), Sora comes off as someone who's much more casual in personality, hence why her button-up has it's collar popped open a bit and is untucked, her tie is a bit loose, and her original mary janes were replaced with sneakers. I also gave her skirt and jacket her matching criss-cross plaid pattern as not only was it an iconic part of her OG design, but I think Sora would choose this pattern to stand out thanks to her instinct as the Ultimate Merchant. Her hair went through some minor changes as I wanted to reference my Akane redesign's bang hairstyle a bit by giving Sora a similar style, just with a straighter style as Akane's hair is a bit more...floofier, to say the least. I also moved Sora's ponytail over her shoulder cause I wanted it to be more visible and as I mentioned in my Kiyoka redesign, making a low ponytail visible in a front-facing sprite like this one can get lost behind the body. I think it looks kinda nice like this. I stuck to her black, white, and red color palette and thus, we are done with Sora.
Next up is Kokoro!
Considering Sora is supposed to be Akane (but not really) in original canon, Sora's "backstory" might as well be her past up to the DRA events, but one that she had completely forgotten due to her amnesia. Since I mentioned not going with the Neo World Program setting for the killing game back in my Swap Talent Yoruko post, I'm gonna approach this as if Sora really was Akane and not just an algorithm put together to protect Yuki and attached to Akane's brain (or however this game described it on how Sora can be familiar with the DRA events but not know them).
Honestly, the most that would change from this is that Akane was supposed to die at the end of the DRA events but when her body inherited Divine Luck, she ended up surviving instead. But due to her injuries and being underwater for so long, even the Divine Luck couldn't keep her memories intact, so when she woke up in a hospital, she literally didn't know who she was and could only think of "Sora" as a name. So, unable to remember who she really is and the horrible things she's done, Sora kinda just...goes off to do her own thing as she searches for answers on who she is. In the process, she realizes that she has a distinct talent in business, and she uses them to buy and sell products to try and help others during the Tragedy. Which she's able to do very well...with a bit of luck. (I always considered that Divine Luck isn't the most active when the user isn't consciously aware that they have it. It's how DRA!Yuki had Divine Luck the whole time but people still died/bad things still happened because he just wasn't aware that he has a literal deus ex machina that is Divine Luck, and the only times it became active in his subconscious was when he was involved in a game reliant on luck or willed for a scenario so badly that it just happened, like with what happened with Kinjo in Chapter 5. Same with Sora in canon and it's basically the same here.) So Sora starts making headway with her reputation, with some people even calling her the "Ultimate Merchant" although she laughs it off since she doesn't have any papers to prove she was ever an Ultimate (she was). Mikado finds out about this, curiously looks into it since "Hey, wasn't there an Ultimate Merchant in the Proto-Killing Game?", and, after a lot of digging, he figures out that Sora is most likely Akane who managed to survive her fate from DRA, most likely due to her own luck. But of course, he never figured out that she has THE Divine Luck, he just assumed that either her Fortune pulled through for her or Utsuro blessed her a second time to save her life before dying. Either way, he needed an extra player since his class only had fourteen students, and who would be better than the accomplice to the mastermind herself? And oooh, how convenient, she also has amnesia so she can't blab about how strangely similar these events are in her previous killing game (although to say everything goes according to Mikado's plan would be a lie). So he snatches her up and does some convenient memory science alterations with the help of Void, more on that in future posts, to make her believe that this is her first time waking up and is a part of their class in this strange killing game when really, none of them had met her until now.
And to make matters worse, it's through this killing game that Sora finally starts to find out who she is and what her past was. And OH boy, would that hit her like a fucking truck to find out that she was a Despair and even got most of her real classmates and friends killed for the sake of her Master Utsuro. Since she has no memories of when she was Akane Taira, the dissonance between her past self and her current self is VERY strong and she's riddled with a huge sense of guilt and shame. Even to the very end, she never fully remembers her past, but she does take responsibility for her past actions even if she'll never forgive herself as Akane Taira.
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kittenpower05 · 10 months
Wait hold on I need to share my friend's based take on Helen tma
So yknow- most people, you know the fandom Helen design: Spiral Edition
It's the long boi stature with the wide smile, too tall for her own good, seems to have too many edges and corners for a person, yknow
My friend, who does not consume much tma fan content and only recently listened to tma was sharing his Helen design and headcannons and honestly I vibe with it so hard so I'm putting his brain fluids on the site for peer review knowing full well that most people will probably disagree but that's ok
He doesn't draw Helen with any of the spiral!micheal characteristics! And at first I was like "bold move but ok" because the Twink Horror Hands are kind of a staple for spiral shenanigans esp since Helen had taken Micheal's place
But he was explaining how he wanted her to go more down the uncanny person path where she looked like the type of person to be sickeningly sweet, and looked like a Good Friend who is actually manipulative on levels that are incomprehensible to those who grew close
And honestly I hadn't really considered how the difference in manipulation tactics between spiral avatars would impact their design and tbh I'm all for it
Micheal was a very aggressive and sinister type of manipulative, where his whole thing was to run things behind the scenes, everything always leading back to him type
Helen on the other hand, was nice and friendly and got to know you and supported you- until you weren't of use to her anymore. Until you posed a threat. Her whole thing was to get you to trust her and then use that trust to her own benefit
And I could absolutely see how Micheal's incomprehensible body shape with pointy ends and bulging joints that hurt to look at would fit his character
While my friend's design of someone who is your good pal and friend but Slightly Off though you can't put your finger on why would fit her personally
And having that variety in depictions of spiral avatars? Honestly? Good shit. I eat that up. I feel like there's an underrepreentation of spiral avatars that aren't just Long, and having that physical distinction actually goes hard imo
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kalys-404 · 1 month
Atlas "Sentinel" Osmerova backstory and headcanons
So I finally decided to give my OC a background story, which is kinda complicated so I'm just going to put the big lines here. There is also some headcanons on how she interacts with the rest of Shadow Co. and her personal life.
she was born in Vladivostok and has two older brothers who were already in the military when she was born.
her mother was very absent and uninvolved in her education.
her dad raised her in a military-like style because he didn't want a daughter.
when she was in 5th grade she got into a navy cadet class (cadet classes are a thing that lasts the child's whole education in Russia).
in 8th grade she was noticed as an excellent student and offered a transfer to an elite military school in Moscow, which she accepted.
she started coding at 6 and was fascinated by the dark web and more specifically the classified info that can be found there.
at 16 she knocked on the door of the FSB with a file that contained classified info from the Russian government and asked them to hire her because she was bored at school and knew she could do more.
they refused but offered her a position as soon as she graduated.
she was given a cyber-security degree from Moscow State University without ever going to university to make her employment look more legit.
she actually spent a year doing missions with the Spetsnaz as a form of field training. Afterward, most of her duties were centered around the FSB headquarters especially when she started rising in rank.
she got annoyed with the political bullshit and how it limited her range and freedom of action and left at 21yo.
she offered her services as an intelligence contractor on the dark web and met graves when he hired her for a job.
he hired her once, was impressed by her work and how she made sure the whole thing stayed quiet and hired her a second and then third time. Ultimately, he thought it would be a good idea to develop Shadow Co.'s intelligence by creating a designated department and offered her a leading position as it was safer than hiring someone he had never worked with.
Personal life and relationship with the rest of Shadow Company:
she has no contact with her family whatsoever and does not wish to contact them.
she functions solely on RedBull and spite.
she has a schizoid personality disorder and therefore does not have a very close relationship with the rest of shadow co., she is relatively close with 7-11 though and they banter daily.
even though she might seem distant from the rest of the shadows, she still gives off the "no one bullies my siblings but me" vibes and will kill anyone who messes with her guys.
she doesn't do any sex or romantic stuff but is an amazing cuddle buddy if you catch her at the right time and give her enough puppy eyes.
she doesn't really do any combat and people often assume she can't fight at all. Little do they know, she has been able to kill a fully armored soldier with her bare hands since she was 15 and is one of the most dangerous snipers to ever live. The shadows have bets going about her kill count, which only Graves knows.
her lack of empathy due to her mental illness makes her the voice of reason in any and all situations, which can be crucial during missions that take a bad turn.
she knows everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, like a shadow comes up to her like "Hey, have you seen my-" and she immediately goes "In the gymnasium.", or when someone starts telling her an anecdote about someone and she's like "I already knew that" even though said anecdote happened like 30 secs ago and she wasn't even there when it happened. She also knows a lot of stuff that is definitely some of the most classified shit on earth but no one mentions it.
she has 50 backup plans and is creating more by the second.
knows some of the more elaborate torture techniques to ever exist and will not hesitate to use them if need be.
her lack of facial expressions makes it impossible for people to know what she is feeling, even the shadows have a hard time guessing her emotions (if she even feels any).
probably the most blunt and honest person in the company.
she goes by her callsign most of the time and Graves is the only one to call her by her first name when he feels like he has a death wish.
she is fluent in French, Russian, ASL, FSL, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, German, RSL and Mandarin. (and obviously English)
she is semi-verbal and uses sign language when she doesn't feel like talking.
I don't have any other ideas right now but if you'd like to know how she would react to certain situations let me know and I will add it.
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Favorite boss(es) in No Straight Roads?
Least favorite?
(Sincere apologies. I've been holding this one for more than a year in my box, so I hope you don't mind a really late reply ^^")
(Also Happy 3rd Anniversary, NSR!! 🎉)
I will tell ya honestly - they all are my favourites!
Tho if to be more specific I decided to set them up by TOP.
1. Sayu
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Oh Sayu, my beloved <3
The Best Virtual Idol and The Reason I bought this game in the first place!
Her music and style of battle was the most fun and dancy! I still vibe to it to this day-
Sooo many references to Internet Culture and Digital Art fills my heart with warmth and gives me determination just like her song itself as well!
Funny Useless Fact: She is the only boss I've beaten on Rank B on my first blind playthrough!
2. DK West
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My second favorite and at the same time the hardest for me to beat.
I personally didn't adore RAP genre at first and never seen anyone preform it as an actual entertaining battle until he showed up...
Anyway, despite damaged fingers - 10/10, would fight again!
Funny Useless Fact: When I was drawing him for the first time I listened to his theme on loop for 4 days straight in order not to get myself distracted or lose motivation, so I finish the piece.
3. Yinu
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Oh, sweet child...
I love Yinu and her theme lots even if I'm not that big of a fan of Classical Music. And her backstory...Gosh! It made me cry a lot.
And I'm still feel ashamed of breaking the piano ;;-;;
Love the pace of how music goes with the fight and it feels even better when you get into actual rhythm. There were issues that gladly wore off thanks to practice and fighting this boss over and over.
Tho those slamming cords haunt me whenever I listen to the song off-battle-
Funny Useless Fact: I didn't like her Mother at first but when I read more about her and relationship with Yinu my opinion completely changed. And this is why I would nominate No Straight Roads for The Best Storytelling and Character Design.
4. EVE
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Two-faced, tall woman.
Used to be one of my favorites but due to some circumstances I can't look at her the same way I used to but I still adore her as a boss!
I honestly love her style of the fight and music that changes depending on who you play.
Tho fighting her is literally like eating a lemon but eventually you kinda just accept your fate and roll with weird artistic antics happening around you.
And EVE herself as a character is so fascinating. Like this is the moment where I started to see that these aren't just bosses, they are actually characters that tie this little but complex story together bit by bit. And this is why I would nominate No Straight Roads for The Best Storytelling and Character Design AGAIN!
Funny Useless Fact: EVE was supposed to be a next character to have a complete and detailed art of but due to my forgetfulness, difficulties with her design (and many other things) - it was never finished but I hope to get that dusty sketch out of WIP folder someday.
5. Tatiana
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The Bitch. The Boss.
I don't really like her music and rhythm but I can forgive that since it is kind of fitting for conflict between her and the BBJ.
She tries to hide her true image throughout the story and the fight but ultimately crumbles cause escaping from the past isn't the best option to improve.
I love her design and personality and I wish there were more villains like her. Strict, simple, stoic and yet well-written.
Funny Useless Fact: I've never drawn Tatiana until NSR announced their release on Steam with addition of Fanat Graffiti Contest that I certainly didn't want to miss out on. It was difficult but I did it and ngl, I am still proud of the results.
6. DJ Subatomic Supernova & 1010/Neon J
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I can't really say anything much about both of them. Sorry, guys...
Their designs and personalities are fun and well-made but due to one of them being the first you fight as "tutorial" and the other appears only at the end of a fight. (1010 band doesn't count as an actual boss to me more like a part of it) They didn't struck me much as the others did...
I will say this thou: their backstories are interesting. One is an academy astrology teacher with a goal of achieving the stars and other is a war veteran who just wanted everyone to live in peace and he himself despite everything never stopped his passion for doll-making and making people happy.
Just simply, beautiful...
Cool Science Fact: Their VAs are GOLD!
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rainbowninja00 · 6 days
title pending!
so there's this idea that's been bonking around my mind for... years? I'm not sure how many but it's been a while. so, it started with the idea of characters based on the 7 deadly sins (original I know) and grew into a whole false tv show in my brain. first off, LONG POST WARNING!!!!!!! just letting yall know. second, there is some inspiration from Ready Player One here, if you haven't seen it, dw you dont need the context of the story, just the idea of a VR kinda thing for the internet, EXCEPT your body ceases to exist outside of it when you arent in the internet (tm) so no bullshit someone's gonna get you while you're in there! I can and will go into the intricusies of how the internet (tm) works but there are other things I wanna expand on. mainly, our main characters!!! there are 8 main characters: one for every sin and the protagonist. (some images included to show off the general vibe/colour palette of the characters all from pinterest) starting with our main character, she doesn't really have a name cause i cant think of a good one, but she's 14-16, new to high school and experiencing the internet (tm) for the first time, she's been online, but never in the actual world before. I like to think she wears mainly black and white with hints of red or other colours in the beginning and gains more colours as time goes on and she learns more about herself and the world around her. she is heavily inspired by moon girl from marvel's moon girl and devil dinosaur
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next, Pride! she is the general leader of the group since she's the most commanding and takes no shit. she tries to keep the kid safe and out of trouble, she has her own in securities and such that I can go over in a stand alone post about the specific characters. she is kinda inspired by garnet from steven universe but only in a design way.
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then we have the most developed and a literal self insert: lust! he's the resident "heart throb" of the group and is probably the silliest of the group, also the one the protag meets first. he is the insighting incident in many a misadventure cause its easy to use him for that. I will go into this more later, but he's lust cause he lusts for a relationship, he's a sad boy (like me) inspiration is angel dust from hazbin but only in personality.
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envy and greed are twins, identical within the internet (tm) and fraternal outside of it cause oh yeah, the 7 are all real people too. they work together very well and put on a show of wanting what the other has to outside observers. the only inspo I can think of is the general aesthetic of grossology and mammon from helluva from a design stand point.
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(pretend there's an image of a big ol oversized hoodie here, almost all those photos have people in them and I dont feel comfortable with that) wrath was one of the hardest for me to pinpoint initially, his thing isn't being angry, he makes others angry by being goofy and messing with them. Like kel from omori, also his design SOMEHOW ended up being cowboy esque in my head??? so like clover from undertale yellow.
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sloth is actually my favourite, she loves hyperpop, all things pink and pastel, loves performing songs with lust, but she's sloth because she doesn't do anything unless it interests her, no chores, no responsibilities, she leaves the internet(tm) the least out of them all. I saw an artist on twitter once and was like YEAH THATS THE VIBE but I forgot who they are TwT. she is also based on moon girl design wise. BEE AND PUPPYCAT AESTHETIC MY GOAT!!!
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(idk if this is fan art, if it is and someone knows who made it lmk)
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last and sadly least is gluttony, I don't really have them super developed, and if anyone has any ideas for them I would love to hear it!
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If anyone wants to see or hear more I will happily yap about it for hours, PLEASE I AM BEGGING ON MY HANDS AND KNEES FOR PEOPLE TO REBLOG THIS I just wanna know if anyone would be interested on hearing more so I know if I should bother typing up more posts on these guys! (also id appriciate help w/ the title)
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safyresky · 3 days
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 37/52: Diteline Donniline family portrait!
BOOM BABY! DITELINE KIDS! AKA DONNILINE KIDS! Because when Jacqueline and Dite have their kiddos, Dite has had her whole arc and goes by her true name, Hedone! (Which I know I have said a bunch of times already lol but since this is THE Donnieline fam post, it's here for posterity).
This one was by FAR my most intensive scrimble YET. Joy's wings nearly took me OUT. I have NO IDEA how to alt ID this as of yet, oh my GOD. The sketch was finished Friday, the lines Saturday, and the colours took all day Sunday on and off between Year 9 edits (and then drafting this post took most of my evening between episodes of Face Off lol :)
In terms of designs, Milfline is in her usual fit, Milfdone is in a casual fit based on this dress here. And as for the kids...well. I think it's time we officially meet them, shall we? I'll go oldest to youngest!
Meet Joy! She's the oldest of the bunch! Is about 8 (hundred) in this scrimble :) (on the right (our right), with the wings)
Was "born" on accident due to the HUGE amount of joy Jacqueline and Dite felt after being reunited when Venus did some BULLSHIT
(Including, but not limited to, misnaming Hedone for THOUSANDS of years, cursing Jacqueline into an eternal sleep and casting her into the underworld, and setting Hedone on the same journey Psyche went on for Cupid just before Dite was born)
She is the literal embodiment of Joy. Literally.
She has ALL the celestial/god powers!
She can do a little bit of fire and a bit of frost but not as much as her mom, her mom's fam, or her siblings
So she can conjure some flame and some snow/frost but that's about it sprite wise!
Is as talented a weapons master as her Mater
Has 0 (zero) castor magic abilities
Is the Cupid after Donnie (The Third Cupid. Cupid the Third).
Has butterfly wings like Psyche, her grandma!
They start small and grow with her. I based the pattern on monarch patterns and the shape on this clip art lol
The tips are vaguely heart shaped lmao (emphasis on VAGUELY)
In terms of wing pattern itself, it's not final? But the vibe/idea I was going for was a snowflake-esque motif for the top wings, and a combo of hearts and sparks/stars for the bottom wings! Also not sure about colours—I'm deffs gonna use her wings as like, a blank canvas every time!
Joy is just a bundle of Joy. She's an absolute sweetheart. Not a SINGLE PERSON dislikes her, she's just so sweet it's so hard to DISlike her
Seems kind of like a bit of an airhead because she's so full of joy and whimsy and such but she knows when to smarten up and is ALWAYS looking out for her siblings (despite what Bianca thinks)
Her heart pochette was so last minute but I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!
Hair I've always pictured strawberry blonde, but I think it's more orangey thanks to her summer sprite relatives!
Has Jacqueline's eyes!
Hair is fairly curly! Turns out when you constantly freeze your hair into curls, the curls become genetic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Meet Bianca! She's the middlest, and is about 7 (hundred) in this scrimble :) (on the left, with the C: face)
Joy really wanted a sibling and so, for funsies, Dite and Jacquie are like "Oh? What would they be like?" and build a snowman with her, to her specifications lol
They have a very fun time together but then things get...weird
The snowman seems to have a mind of its own. It moves around on them. It doesn't melt. Joy claims it talks to her.
It starts to look more little girl like. Knowing how sprites were originally made, Jacqueline's like hmm...
She talks to MN, who tells her to go to this very sacred section of the Springs and she does and she gets a life light and goes DAMN. OKAY. GUESS WE'VE GOT KID NUMBER TWO ON THE WAY!
She gets home that day, and finds the snowman, and gives it the light life and POOF! Suddenly, Bianca!
She's named after Winter's bio Mom :)
Bianca is FULL Winter sprite; she has 0 god things going on.
She CAN do some castor stuff! Dips into warlock lineage but I'm not sure she has a staff—she Blaises it: wandless magic FTW babieeeeee!
Is the Jack Frost after Jacqueline (The Third Jack Frost. Jack Frost the Third. As you can see I am workshopping how they refer to the latter Legendary Figures lmao)
She has this really cool talent where she can pull the most GORGEOUS colours out of the snow and ice
When she freeze dries, it is more icy looking like her Uncle Jack and she is CONSTANTLY changing the shades. Blues! Pinks! Purples! Sometimes she gets some ORANGE going! She's like YEAH BABY! FUCKIN. COLOURS!
She is a bookworm; of the 3 Donniline kids deffs the more sensible/down to earth/serious one
Which is saying something as she and Robyn do all sorts of shenanigans together lol. Wait until you see the VDay oneshot >:)
When THAWED, her hair is as dark as Jacqueline's and she tends to also put lil colourful streaks in that lol. I keep picturing it as a bit of a poofball? Idk where she got the poofball gene from. Humidity is her enemy lol
Has Dite's eyes!
She likes sweater vests a normal amount, she swears
It's ROBYN! They are the youngest, most hyper active, and the future governor of Crystal Springs (I am not joking. I am so serious. He is the person who finally defeats Blaise in an election)
They are about 6 (hundred) here and are smack dab in the middle of the scrimble
He was gonna give Joy bunny ears but then she got too excited and started hovering and now he's trying to save it with a wave lol
Robyn is genderfluid! Usually goes by he/they but has been known to have some she/her days and has dabbled in neopronouns, I'm sure
Robyn has the most chaotic birth story, because of COURSE he does
Gods started bragging one day and somehow. SOMEHOW Donnie got into it with Jupiter about how HE birthed Minerva from his HEAD, to which Donnie replied "YOU ATE HER MOM AND THEN ASKED VULCAN TO SMASH YOU WITH A HAMMER BECAUSE OF THE HEADACHE SHE GAVE YOU AND BOOM. AUNT MINERVA. THAT'S NOT THE SAME AS GIVING BIRTH. I'LL PROVE IT!"
And then she does. Well, sorta! She doesn't. Y'know. Eat Jacqueline after fucking her or anything like that, and I don't think they conceive traditionally. There's DEFFS some god magic involved.
But anyway, they have a spot of fun, and Dite takes care of the "pregnancy" bit, and Robyn bursts out of her BICEP nine months later lol.
He's always like FULLY FORMED AND READY TO SLAY and then Bianca goes NO YOU WERE A BABY. BABY SHAPED. I WAS THERE AND SAW to which they reply YOU WERE TWO (hundred), FUCK OFF
And then fisticuffs happen as Joy yells about the swear jar
It's deffs still a wip lol but tl;dr: Robyn comes out of Dite's bicep :)
He is full Summer sprite! Loves them some arson and fire. ALSO fully warlockian! Can cast like nobody's bizz! Has his Uncle Fino AND Grunkle Pyros AND Gramps AND Uncle Jack teaching him
Needless to say, he's a force to be reckoned with
Either wears a blazer or denim vest COVERED in buttons and pins. Depends on the plans they've got for the day! Business, or party?
Would probably wear the vest OVER the blazer if they felt so inclined lol
His satchel is bottomless. Got it from B-Man :) It is great for tomfoolery, shenanigans, snacks, and storage!
Has a trans bestie and I think the pair of them accidentally bring back PRE MONARCHY fae. It gets weird.
Was born with fully white hair; he looks full winter sprite but is a summer sprite
When his hair on fire it stays white. Very cool >:)
Also playing with the idea of his flames being blue and white or one or the other! Still thinking about it lol
I tried to see how I liked him with the summer sprite eyes and decided I don't!! So he'll also have the Jacqueline eyes :) Make people assume he's a winter sprite SO FAST until he sets something on fire with their bare hands
He is very proud that he is an enigma ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE lol
And I think that about covers it for these goobers, for now! Bianca's hair is DEFFS very different in my head so I will DEFFS have to do proper doodles of them all to give you guys the full vibe. These guys have been CARTWHEELING in my head, let me tell you. I love them dearly. Have a snippet of their shenanigans:
“How do I look?” “Stunning, jaw-dropping, gorgeous—ready to kick ass, even!” “Oh, stop it,” Donnie said, playfully waving a hand. “Never.” Jacqueline fell back, her head hitting the pillow. “Check on the kids on your way out? Bianca was still awake when I got in.” “Still?!” “One more chapter, she said. You know. Like a liar,” Jacqueline huffed, snuggling into the covers. “Oh, boo! It’s already cold.” Donnie laughed, clipping her charm bracelet onto her wrist. “It’ll warm up. And if not, we’ll make short work of that later.” Donnie did not need to turn around to know that her wife had turned very red. The squeak that came out of the blankets was enough of a tell. Laughing quietly to herself she left the room, keeping the door slightly ajar. Across the hall, another door opened. “Did someone say they needed some WARM?!” Robyn asked, popping out of their room. He wore a throw blanket over his head, clasping it around their neck like a cape. “You know how your Mom is.” Donnie swooped over, giving Robyn a big old hug. “The moment I leave the bed she freezes.” “DUTY CALLS!” Robyn saluted, rushing across the hall and bursting through the door. “CHARGE!” “AH!” There was a poof, pillows hitting the ground as both Jacqueline and Robyn laughed. “Get over here you, I’m fucking freezing.” “MOM! SWEAR JAR!” The door beside Robyn’s burst open, Joy’s head popping out with a small frown. “PUT IT ON MY TAB!” Joy huffed, the stray hairs on her forehead briefly lifting. Donnie tilted her head. She frowned. “Joy.” “Mmmmyes?” “Are you dressed for work?” “Oh, this old thing?” she popped out of her room fully, clothed in Donnie’s old chiton from her Legate days. “YES. Absolutely I am! You said so yourself! Duty calls!” her eyes were wide, with a big old smile to match. She clasped her hands together excitedly, hovering off the ground, her wings fluttering rapidly. “I was just thinking, you know, it being THE day and all, that we’d better be ready to help you however we need!” “SHE DOESN’T SPEAK FOR ME!” Robyn shouted, Jacqueline laughing loudly. “Well, Bianca and I will—” “NO!”
There was a clatter from the room beside the main. Something fell with a hefty thunk; there was a scramble as Bianca’s door burst open. “FIRST of all, I don’t do the Cupid thing! I do the Jack Frost thing! SECONDLY, I’m not going ANYWHERE this morning cuz I’m almost done my book, and it’s a slow burn, and they only JUST admitted their love and I am like. Only one fifty pages in!! THERE’S STILL ONE HUNDRED MORE PAGES! So I’m booked today. Literally.” “Bianca! You should have been asleep hours ago.” “Okay, one more chapter, Mater, then I’ll sleep." “YOU SAID THAT AN HOUR AGO,” Jacqueline shouted from the bedroom. “I’M A SLOW READER,” Bianca shouted back. “THE FUCK YOU ARE!” “SWEAR JAR!” Joy shouted. “I saw her tank that really thick romance last week in like, an hour. It was fascinating,” Robyn continued unabashed, volume as normal as it got with the kids (which was still pretty loud). “It was really good! I was HOOKED! Their magic system was stupid but I couldn’t stop reading. I was like, enthralled with how unreal the mechanics are—HOLD UP. ROBYN.” “WHAT.” “DID YOU START A CUDDLE PUDDLE AND NOT TELL ME?” “…” “YOU BITCH!” "SWEAR JAR!"
From the Valentine's Day Donniline Special, Bedtime Stories, coming to a platform near you in February!
This is 4/5 of the @kscribbs suggestions! It was a simple prompt: a family portrait of Jacquie, Donnie and the kiddos. Did I go overboard? (squints at colours, bios, birth stories, AND the oneshot snippet) very much yes. But hey! Now's a good time as any to show you the lil' guys!!! AND I AM FINALLY CAUGHT UP ON THE SCRIMBLES! AH!
This week's scrimble will be ANOTHER cute one (I TOLD YA I'd have cute to compensate for the angst of #36) and then the week AFTER is an EVEN CUTER ONE I've been DYING to do—topical since that'll be my BIRTHDAY WEEK! YEAH!
Right! I think I've uh. Said enough. Too much, even. Oy vey. These tags are gonna be WILDIN. See y'all with the next scrimble Friday, and Frostmas Y9 before that! :D
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lutethebodies · 2 months
hey just letting you know, I really enjoy your Cannor/Minthara ship posts. You're one of a handful of the regular shippers I know who thinks about, like, long term relationship stuff with your oc and Minthara, beyond the puppy love years and actually considering how they'd manage to live/work/survive together without it all breaking down.
keep it up, you're appreciated ^_^
I hope anon will forgive me if I jump off their very kind note to mention a few reasons why I think I might be good at what they noticed about my character pieces like the one they mentioned.
First, age. I was recently told in no uncertain terms (by people much younger) that it's both hilarious and pathetic for me, a 47-year-old person, to post on Tumblr about anything at all, let alone BG3 character ships. I think someone even said "you're as old as my parents, just stop." And, well, whatever. I made a dumb and needlessly negative mistake (which earned me a lot of other weirdly reductive and untrue assumptions, and because this is the internet, all of it will of course live forever somewhere) on a topic I'd already covered better in non-negative ways. But it ultimately doesn't matter, because life is cringe and self-flagellation is performatively silly and nobody who cares about me judges me for blogging on Tumblr anyway.
However, I think my age (at least in terms of life experience) helps me think about interpersonal behavior and relationships in ways that younger people might not. I don't wanna go full Joe-Biden-in-denial about this—because who the fuck am I, really?—but the fact that I'm still married to the same person after 18 years (with 8 more together before that) speaks to what I've been able to learn and know about how these things work. (Pro tip for a successful marriage: don't have kids; we don't and we're very happy about that.). So that's a bit of an obvious self-insert in what I write for Cannor.
Second, employment status. After decades in the professional design/marketing world, I'm very fortunate to (post-quarantine) be able to freelance part-time as a creative professional and stay home as a house-spouse. I can make art and record songs and write posts and bike for exercise pretty much when I want, as well as take care of housework. It's really inspiring and I like to spread inspiration whenever I can. I also think it's important to be a proud house-spouse as a cishet USAmerican man because even now (get your tiny violins ready) we are still mocked as unmanly and societally useless if we don't have the right job title or don't make more money than our wives or don't have 6 kids or whatever it is that a man's man's man is supposed to be like. Fuck that noise.
I have no problem being a man who is, in many ways, overshadowed by what my spouse does in her life and with her career. She works hard, she's really good at what she does, and is really patient with a flighty artist guy at home. That's how love works for us. (She would probably be annoyed at the mere fact of me getting hung up on all this shit, btw). Most of my "career" work has been ephemeral (that's marketing for you), and I value my decades of making art and music way more anyway, even and especially since it's a hobby and I'll never be celebrated for it. So that vibe goes into my Cannor-Minthara headcanon as well (remember folks, self-insert is not a sin).
Finally (and I say this as a reminder to myself as much as anyone else): think before posting. Don't put needlessly negative things out there, because the world will oblige you in return a hundredfold. Perhaps obvious, but always a lesson worth re-learning. Believe it or not, some old people do realize when they need to re-learn shit.
Now, if you don't mind I'd like to go back to being laughably cringe on main.
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philcoulsonismyhero · 2 months
Help, my flatmate roped me into a DnD group and I'm going to finally get to play a character I've had slowly cooking in my brain for about six months and I can just Feel the brainworms taking root
So, here's many and various fun facts about Benjamin Larkwright, war wizard:
He started out as a combo of Thomas Nightingale and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and ended up with a decent dose of Sam Vimes in there as well which is very fun (weld Vimes' arc on to the end of Obi-Wan's story instead of him dying and you basically end up with Nightingale, which is something very fun I only noticed when I thought about all three of them at once)
He's aroace
He's a moustache guy, of the early 20th century soldier sort of vibe, and one of those folks with brown hair whose facial hair is noticeably more ginger
He's got. Nineteen (19) total hit points at 4th level, I rolled like Garbage, he's terrifying squishy
(But I took War Caster and Spell Sniper as feats so ideally he'll be raining death on his enemies from Very Far Away from all that melee nonsense)
His arcane focus is the engraved metal cap on the end of his quarterstaff, and he made it from scratch himself as part of his magic training
We started with extra gold since we're starting at level 4, and he's ended up being the 'Pack Full of Random Useful Items' Guy (also the only one with land vehicles proficiency, so he'll end up being the Designated Driver, and why do I always end up playing the Party Dad Friend...)
Highlights from The Pack of Everything include a crowbar, a scroll case, a bullseye lantern (with oil flasks for fuel and also throwing with the spell Catapult, an option I'm very excited about), a shovel, a bag of caltrops and one of ball bearings, manacles, and a grappling hook
He learned his magic in the army as a young man, but quit after his specialist unit of wizards was almost entirely wiped out. His whole military pension and his entire inheritance goes towards supporting the families of his dead comrades and paying the medical bills of the survivors
He's also the last surviving member of his family (wiped out by the war he fought in) and technically he has a title that he inherited from his father, but he Never uses it
The man's got So Much survivor's guilt, poor chap
He took a job with the City Watch so he could afford to eat, and then spent about a decade in a holding pattern not really looking after himself and not doing any magic and just generally being Pretty Miserable and trying to pretend to himself that he wasn't (see: Vimes, pre-Guards! Guards!; Obi-Wan between trilogies; and Nightingale pre-Rivers of London, and you see what I mean about their stories overlapping?)
Until one day he got dragged into Shenanigans by a nobleman he was guarding who turned out to be a gentleman spy, and he ended up using his magic for the first time in years in order to save the day
And it turned out picking magic back up again and using it to help people was the purpose he'd been trying to pretend he didn't need in his life
So he dug his staff out of the back of a cupboard, cleaned the cobwebs off it, set about relearning all the magic that he gave up when he destroyed his old spellbook back in the day, and quit the Watch to become an adventurer
Personality-wise, he's Obi-Wan but stiffer and with significantly less people skills, and Nightingale at his most brisk and soldierly. The Vimes influence is more in his backstory than personality, but he's got shades of the temper and the Strong Opinions as well. He's polite, respectful (unless someone proves they don't deserve it, in which case he is Very obvious with his disapproval), formal, got a bit of a temper but also nerves of steel, stubborn as all hell, likes to solve his problems head-on, got a strong sense of duty and obligation, and got a surprisingly sly sense of humour.
And he's got a moustache. I've mentioned that already but it greatly entertains me so I'm pointing it out again.
I love him a lot, I'm excited to get to actually play him. (We're starting next week!)
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localsharkcryptid · 5 months
For the bingo, c!Dteam. Sapnap, George, and Dream
Ah the full trio let's GO! All these are color coded as well cause I CAN
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George, good ol goggy, I can't say I have too many thoughts about him alone (my xdnf/XD thoughts are for another day cause OH BOY) but I do absolutely love the hardcore mushroom aesthetic. In general I don't have a set design for him yet in my mind but the options are plentiful and FUN, though usually I take my buddy moff's route and go for a mooshroom vibe. I do think he's a interesting character though I'm just not as well versed with him. ^^
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Sapnap my beloved little idiot, I'm very partial to him cause of my own design thoughts (which are pretty average/stereotypical but I do give him a fun blade tail :]) and headcanons but personally I think Sap's lore is VERY underappreciated!! It's really good and has a very interesting progression too it that feels very realistic for what all goes down in the end!!! He's a guy who's so often caught in the middle of personal conflicts and god it's interesting, also don't even get me started on him and Punz being narrative foils to eachother cause MMM GOOD SHIT. Also he's fuckin stupid/pos for making the death pact with XD, going off of the death pact rules the real reason Sapnap finale didn't happen was because of Dream & Punz testing the revival book, the MOMENT Dream lost his final life man just dropped dead. Great job guys.
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And last but not least, the most controversial one of them all, Dreammmm!!! My view of this guy has done a full 180 since I joined the fandom (thanks dreblr) and I can truthfully say that I love his character these days! I think there's so much to be done with the fact that we never see his pov and how he's written that's so underutilized. He's an insanely compex character and honestly it's now a red flag for me if I see people just not even try to characterize him with any form of complexity. There's sooo much going on with him and he deserves so much better in terms of fandom treatment. Also in general his character is so fuckin INTERESTING with his like psychology and how he thinks, his overarching story is so so good.
My personal design for him is a chimera, he has feline, mammal and serpentine traits in my mind for a fun best of all world type of design - and one that inherently plays into how he's often viewed within the story from the other characters (ya know unbeatable monster and all that shit - not unlike the nature of The Chimera, though in Dream's case it is very much a facade). I still don't actually know what his smile mask looks like with my design but eh I'll get to it eventually! Also for a silly headcanon I will share, I have the idea that post prison arc he has a little Siamese cat named Boots for company, who will also be getting his own post cause boots means soooo much to me.
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rowavolo · 6 months
hiiii !! 2 4 6 and 12 (if you have one) for your obey me s/i? either one! c:
hi hi hi !! :D ty for the ask wheeeee also i MUST compliment your choice of numbers here. these are lovely numbers. some of my favourites genuinely
answers under the cut i KNOW im not gonna be able to shut the hell up !! im gonna do it for angel!ro because hes funny and cool i think
2. How similar is your s/i to you? Are they a carbon copy, completely different or a mix of the two?
Hmm, a bit of a mix, really! But also I do like to try and include my little quirks/idiosyncrasies where i can for my s/is because theyre very much a way that i express myself and explore things that aren't necessarily feasible for me irl . I think the main difference is my s/is are slightly less depressed. though that may be more due to circumstance and stuff. also significantly less time spent laying in bed due to pain/fatigue. but other than that (and the obvious physical differences) I try to keep the personality and vibes pretty similar to myself in real life where i can :3
4. How did your s/i feel when they first met your f/o(s)? How do they feel about them now?
To begin with, my s/i was definitely very ... not exactly intimidated by, but sort of .. anxious around Diavolo. Due to the nature of their relationship and the arranged aspects of it, he felt a lot of pressure to get along well with Dia and be like the 'perfect' spouse, since this marriage had so much riding on it (peace between celestial realm and devildom , blah blah blah, whatever) so at first hes very quiet and anxious and just afraid to speak up or make himself a nuisance in any way, so he'd always just smile and nod along to Diavolo's suggestions and jokes and sort of 'dull down' any gruesome answers to the questions he was posed about the celestial realm (though this is also in part due to the fact that things up there are very much Not As They Seem and the angels are uhh 'strongly encouraged' not to disclose too much information)
As time goes by and he gets more comfortable, however, he lets his weirdness really shine, along with his dark sense of humour. He and Diavolo wind up going through a lot together and sort of bond over that, along with their weirdly parallel upbringings, so they become really close and painfully in love. Like. 'will only use pet names for one another and always be holding hands' levels of PDA. It's obnoxious and codependent. Diavolo absolutely dotes on Ro, and Ro definitely comes to rely on him more and more as like.. 'his person.' He becomes more comfortable with unmasking and asking Dia for help with things (and if Dia can't, then he'll ask Barbs to). Theyre like two bonded cats. if you separate them they'll get depressed and start pining and become physically ill after too long. It may be a little unhealthy but like. theyre just hanging out. they like it that way. they can spend time away from each other, they just don't often really want to. They vibe like the most stereotypical 'straight guys who do really gay stuff for the bit' but they committed fully and are so so in love. theyve been around each other so much that they basically have their own language, etc. and are just so comfy and happy around one another that its obnoxious to look at i think <3 ro loves his big silly himbo to bits and vice versa
6. Has your s/i undergone any design/story changes since they were first made?
Hmm, I'd have to say absolutely yes, but genuinely I can't think of exactly what off the top of my head. He's kind of been adjusted a bit as i've fleshed out the ~vibes~ of the way i interpret the celestial realm, he got given haunted angel cryptid lore and lack of 'flock' attraction lore (theyre intertwined also) and put through The Horrors also. he also has his own more fucked up au with even more Horrors. just like for the funny. Visually though, his design has mostly stayed the same. I'm not really a huge fan of how his outfit vibes, but i think overall i do like his Vibe and hes very silly and parallels nicely with Dia!
Though looking at the pics below i havent entirely decided how i like to draw his hair. which is like blaaahhh bleeeh bluueeueueuh
12. Can we see a picture of your s/i?
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tada!!!!! silly nya nya!!!!!
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childofaura · 1 year
Not to drop in another ask after the recent one but looking at your last post regarding how you want to change Engage’s story….
What are some of the things you want to rewrite and/or change in FE Engage?
I wanted to get to my computer before I answered this one, because I have a LOT to say on it.
I've basically been re-imagining most of Engage's story from the ground up, changing a lot of things to either make the story make have a little more meaning at some parts, or just to satisfy some personal itches I had with the game. I've been doing my best to think of things that would make the story more enjoyable to me overall, though sadly some of it would erase Veyle's established development (but also it would kind of just go down a different path?), and I'm trying to do my damndest to hold onto Hortensia's character arc, lol. So it'd be a LOT of things to change in Engage's story.
I spent nearly an hour typing stuff up but decided to remove it because I MAY want to do a comic someday. But bottom line is mostly this:
Alear and Veyle would be established as Fell Dragons right off the bat in the game. They would also actually transform into dragons (none of that "uwu I hate my dragon form" just because they didn't want to design more dragons. We were cheated of Dragon Alear, Veyle, and Zephia!). The designs would be reminiscent of swans (since Veyle's outfit gives off swan vibes), with Veyle being based off of a white swan and Alear being based off of a black swan. Also Zephia would have a dragon form as well, something along the lines of a vampire bat. Because they're established as Fell Dragons, instead of being worshiped by everyone, they're distrusted and scorned by most of the cast (in varying degrees from mild to more severe), with most of the story having Alear and Veyle needing to earn the trust of the other characters.
Their meeting with Lumera would be drastically changed: Instead of Lumera meeting Alear in the mountains, Alear would have tried to kill Lumera to appease Sombron, but Veyle tags along and is captured by guards, and Alear gives up their fight with Lumera to plead for Veyle to be released. Lumera is moved by this and orders the guards to release the both of them, where she takes them to a separate room alone and makes tea for them. She spends the night talking to them and learning about how Sombron uses them as tools, they bond, and then she lets them go. Sombron is angered by their failure and goes to kill them; Alear, in a panic, defies Sombron and fights him, but Veyle also tries to protect Alear and is injured in the process. So Alear takes Veyle back to Lumera, having nowhere else to go, and Lumera manages to heal Veyle and offers them refuge in her castle. Thus begins Lumera, Alear, and Veyle's bonding, and at some point she adopts the two as her own children. The Sombron attacking Alear at the castle would probably play out the same, but instead Lumera, after giving her Divine Blood to save Alear, would tell Veyle to take Alear and hide somewhere safe, also entrusting them with Marth's Emblem.
For the game's beginning, Alear would have their memories of what had occurred intact (because no more protag amnesia, please), and instead of the Somniel, would wake up in a small isolated cottage where Veyle's been watching over them this whole time (which means Veyle would be with you from Chapter 1). Also a drastic change: instead of starting the game off with Vander, Framme, and Clanne, you'd start off with Mauvier who finds Veyle and Alear alone several years before Alear wakes up, becomes friends with Veyle, and opts to stay to take care of the both of them (this is actually a ruse ordered by Zephia who finds out where Veyle and Alear are hiding, but this is still kind and compassionate Mauvier so he genuinely bonds with Veyle during this time). Once Alear wakes up, this is when they decide to return to Lumera to show her Alear has awoken.
The whole rewrite is still a big work in progress, but to summarize some other changes:
The order in which the kingdoms are visited would be different. Instead of Firene, Brodia, Elusia, Solm: Firene would be first (Instead of Alfred meeting you at the castle, you'd first meet Celine on the way to Firene who asks for your help, and Alfred would be at the castle attempting to defend his mother). Then Elusia, which would be the first and only kingdom that actually worships you as Fell Dragons (However Ivy and Hortensia don't quite join you yet); however this would be for ulterior motives as King Hyacinth wants to use you to counterattack and conquer Brodia as revenge. The war between Brodia and Elusia would still play out, but with Brodia on the antagonistic side instead; however, when Hyacinth tells Alear and Veyle to execute Diamant, they refuse (also gaining Diamant's trust for him to be recruited later).
Sombron's return and Hyacinth's death are still played out the same, but instead of Veyle having a dual personality, Sombron executes his influence over her to simply make her an empty, emotionless drone. With this, both Mauvier and Veyle are removed from your party (as Mauvier would be revealed to be one of the Hounds), and instead of your current party running away, it's just Alear (of course with a MUCH ADJUSTED level design), but after a few turns your party comes in to save the day, with a new alliance from the Brodian and Elusian characters.
Additionally, Yunaka, Lindon, and Seadall would be recruited in paralogues like Jean. There'd be two separate types of paralogues; ones to recruit the new characters, and memory paralogues that explain Alear's Fell Dragon origins. The Emblem battles would be done away with entirely.
I haven't gotten much further than that because there's a LOT of nitty-gritty story stuff I've been reworking in my head, but this is the best that I can summarize of my rewriting. Actually typing it out is VERY messy for me, lol.
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
hii can i have a romantic twst matchup pls ?
im 5'6" so like around kalim's height, and im pretty sure im an INFP & im a sagittarius sun, pisces moon, and virgo rising. uhh i have a lot of hobbies but my main ones are like creating clothes, singing, and dancing. i make my own music and clothes actually lol. i also like astrology and psychology and im pretty good at playing piano and violin ! i had to ask my friends for this but they all said im "cheeky" ? and im blunt but not in the way that i don't care for your feelings, more like i just say whatever's on my mind lol. im very honest and find it hard to lie most of the time and apparently im quite dense too😅 i like talking to people but i am pretty introverted so i always need time to myself after hanging out with others to recharge lol. im an only child, my dad adopted me when i was like 2 or 3 ! my favorite colors are all shades of blue since they look the best on me. im trying to learn more languages but right now i have english and ASL.
i hope this was enough information 😅 good luck!!
A/N: Thank you so much for your request, I hope that you like it! I'm sorry this took longer to get out, I just finally finished up with finals.😊
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I match you with........
Vil Schoenheit
• Personally, I can see you guys vibing pretty wewell. After all, with your love of singing and dancing, and his acting and modeling career, you are both able to fuel each other on your goals and passions to an insane degree.
• Takes your love of designing clothes very seriously! After all, he is a model, he is very keen on both looking his best, and everyone around him as well. Seeing you being able to create beautiful designs stirs something inside of him that makes him smile.
• If you need a modem for any outfits, call him! As stated above, he is a model, he knows just what to do, how to pose, not to mention, remaining in such positions for long amounts of time. You will have no better person that can put up with such actions.
• Again with the modeling, because I think the fact of making your own clothes is like the coolest thing ever, he will absolutely want to show off your designs! But only with your approval. Showing up to modeling gigs and performances and fashion shows wearing something that you designed causes a rush of pride to surge through him.
• Please sing to this man! After such a long and tiring day between his career, schoolwork, club activities, and his housewsrden duties, ne is beyond tired at the end of the day. As he goes through his nightly routine, sing something soft and soothing for him, whether it be your own creation or not, by the time he's finished with his routine, he's ready for sleep and your voice only helps relax him more.
• He could sit for hours at a time listening to you play your violin or piano. But, while he may not have countless hours of free time, he makes the most of whatever time he can have with you.
• Vil is also a very blunt person. He doesn't beat around the bush, but his intentions are good (mostly post OB), wanting everyone to be their best self. You two get along on that note, especially when it comes to each other. You don't sugar coat anything or say what they may want to hear, you're both honest with each other even if it is a bit brutal. It's better to be honest then give half truths.
• He has connections! You want to know and learn more languages? He knows just who he can call, all you need to do is give him a good time frame and he can get you the needed information. He finds it rather humble of you learning and wanting to learn more of them and about them.
• I feel like this js common with Vil, but Rook is the biggest supporter of your relationship him, it's insane. His queen with someone of stunning knowledge and beauty. Epel js just glad that Vil isn't harping on him as much since the two of you got together.
• Astrology makes me think of stargazing, I know there's more to it than that but it was cute, and thus, Stargazing dates. While he may not want to stay up super late, rest is important after all, he will take you put to a proper clearing, a blanket laid down for the both of you, enjoying each other's company under a blanket of stars.
• Overall, you're both very honest with one another no matter how blunt. He loves you for everything that you do, who you are, how you wish to expand your knowledge. He is a gentle boyfriend who listens to you when you need someone, who isn't afraid to let anyone know just who the wonderful person was thay captured his heart.
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cimeret · 2 years
It’s been a few days since Tales of the Jedi aired, but I wanted to check out the Ahsoka novel that the last episode seems to be largely based on. Some more thoughts and opinions about the last two episodes under the cut.
Practice Makes Perfect
Despite the fact that this was the shortest episode, and also the one that gave us what felt like the least amount of new information on the characters and events—I enjoyed it. Yes, it might have been a bit fanservicey in parts, playing on nostalgia, but not in a way that I personally found distracting. Just seeing the characters smiling and joking and being friends really felt like a much needed breather after all these depressing episodes that came before. I especially liked the little exchange between Anakin and Obi-Wan at the beginning and how Anakin later stole Obi-Wan’s joke. What can I say, I just love their whole lineage and in general I’m a sucker for the idea that small things like jokes, mannerisms etc. might be passed down from master to padawan. (I like to imagine there might have been a similar scene between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan once; Qui-Gon’s dry "took you long enough" in the Kenobi series was delivered in a similar vein, after all.)
I'm also endlessly grateful that they finally realized how important it was to translate Obi-Wan’s mullet into his animated design. The effort paid off. This is where the full power of a Jedi Knight unfolds on screen. It truly is his most glorious form.     
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And on the one hand, Ahsoka trying to parry blaster shots for basically the whole episode might be a little repetitive, but on the other hand, the animation is just so well down and she moves so fluidly and gracefully, I felt like I could watch her all day! Also, Anakin’s rather cold and pragmatic "again … again …" gave off some really dark vibes, considering how Ahsoka was unconscious for a full hour at the beginning and was still dizzy and staggering around after getting up! That’s some tough love, Anakin! I enjoyed the conflicted feelings I got from watching all these repetitive scenes building up! Respect to the troopers who agreed to help Ahsoka with her training and hung around for all those hours until she woke up again.
This whole part was really bittersweet and it works so well because we all know exactly how it’s going to end …
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Another thing I really liked was the overall progression of the episode, as we see Ahsoka at different stages in her life, connected in this snapshot-like manner by the theme of an exercise she performs. It was almost like an art montage. I feel like that’s where the real strength of this short episode format might lie. The Dooku episodes were great, but a complex story such as his can’t fully unfold in the short running time of the episodes and I was always left with the feeling of getting mere glimpses and impressions rather than a cohesive story. Which can also be cool, but then I would have liked them to really double-down on the idea. His first two episodes already explore the same theme anyway. I would have loved an artsy montage of him and Qui-Gon traveling the galaxy to Kevin Kiner’s atmospheric soundtrack.
An already fleshed out character like Ahsoka can really shine in this format if the script manages to show us new, overarching connections in her story. Like little puzzle pieces coming together in new, unexpected ways. Something similar could also work for lesser-known Jedi. I just think that with these short episodes, I would like it better if the stories focused more on certain unifying themes and motifs and tried less to explain personal developments and complicated character changes. Especially with a title like "Tales of the Jedi", the possibilities here would be endless. Let the Order be the main character and not so much the individual members.
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None of this is to say that I don’t like what we got! As far as the official Star Wars canon goes, this is the content I’ve been most excited about in years. And this is despite the fact that I’m more of a live action fan and admittedly always had a hard time getting into Filoni’s Clone Wars.
I am so torn about this episode.
On its own, I really enjoyed it. There were so many great things about it. Padmé’s funeral, oof. Back after ROTS, that was one of the scenes that stayed with me for a long time, and they did a wonderful job of capturing its sad magic in the animated version. Bail Organa is great in every scene he appears in, honestly. And I liked the little story of Ahsoka going into hiding, doubting, trying to live a normal life and finally finding a reason to keep fighting. It mirrors Obi-Wan’s journey on Tatooine, and I think that’s very realistic and understandable since they were both so close to Anakin. I suppose most of the surviving Jedi would probably have gone through something similar after their whole family was murdered, but of course, it hits hardest for Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.
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Most of the inconsistencies with the Ahsoka novel don’t really bother me. Sure, they could have simply adapted the novel or Filoni could have come up with a new and original story for the final episode. But the story we ended up getting was nice, and I’m okay with there being two slightly different versions, one in the show and one in the book. There’s so much Star Wars material that either overlaps or soft-retcons or outright contradicts each other, and I see the galaxy as more of a playground where you pick and choose the things you like the most to play with. I don’t mind Disney and Filoni doing the same. In general. I also don’t mind if, in general, they leave out the romance storylines in the process of adapting something for the screen. In fact, I actually might prefer it when Star Wars sticks to themes like friendship and family, because so far I’ve never really liked the way it has handled romance and romantic love.    
But at the same time that’s exactly my problem.
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Because I could have enjoyed the episode on its own, but knowing that the role of the white farmer girl is black in the novel and quite clearly has a crush on Ahsoka… I just don’t understand why these changes were made? Yes, pick the things you like the most to play with, but if all the new toys you give us are the same bright red sand molds, what else am I supposed to take away from this except that you seem to hate anything that isn’t a bright red sand mold? I’m sorry for the metaphor. It’s one thing to decide you want to skip the romance, but then, the romantic relationships that we actually get to see on screen are purely heterosexual (and rarely a model for good, healthy relationships, but that’s a whole other point). And this episode would have been the ideal opportunity to include a queer character to finally bring in some variety! The farmer girl and Ahsoka already had a bit of chemistry going on. Sprinkling in a bit of innocent romance wouldn’t have distracted from the main story, but could have fit in nicely and organically with the characters and the plot, as can be seen from the original novel. It wasn’t even like there was too much going on in the episode already and they couldn’t have fit the one or two lines of dialogue they would have needed anywhere.  
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I wish I didn’t have to think about it so much, but it really annoys me because it literally would have been so easy and I just don’t get it!
Also, Ahsoka just looks gorgeous in every scene. It’s absolutely no stretch to imagine that people might be crushing on her. Seriously, how does everyone in this show look so pretty? 
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There were many other things in this episode that I enjoyed, such as the Inquisitor and his brief duel in which Ahsoka overpowers him as nonchalantly as Indiana Jones shoots that swordsman in Raiders. That was awesome and fun to watch!
But this episode also got me thinking about how I often have a hard time liking Star Wars for what it is, and enjoy it much more for what it could be. Or perhaps more accurately, for what I make of it. Like I said, most of the time I don’t have that much of a problem with it, I just overlook the things I don’t like so much and hype the things I do love, and it’s a lot of fun analyzing and transforming these stories in my own head. I often think about what I would have done differently or what I would have liked better, and I love how these characters and stories can spark such creativity and make me dream. That’s what I’m here for.
But sometimes all of this also leaves me feeling very, very frustrated.
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
oh ho ho
why hello there
I just read through a bunch of the stuff you have about yourself, and now you have to deal with me <3
so first of all: i saw that you really liked blue period, and I was wondering how you'd recommend it? I keep on wanting to watch it but my mind goes "but you have this thing" and "what about the other three animes you're watching" but who cares! It looks really pretty tho. Also me and my partner are going to watch Bungo Stray Dogs together (eventually-) bc it's his favorite anime lol.
ok next point: WATERMELON IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE FOODS I LOVE WATERMELON. MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP ICE CREAM IS THE BEST. and i agree, winter and autumn are the best seasons. rain. rain is nice :).
third and i think final thing: you're learning japanese, you say? ok, i have a few questions for you. what are you learning it on? (i'm learning it on the demon bird app, aka duolingo). what words have you learned? what do you know about the grammar/word structure? and the scary one: have you started learning the terror that is katakana? (if no, it's just another alphabet with the same order and sounds, except different characters. i hate katakana :,>) because i can't type in japanese on my chromebook, i'll just use the romanji. But expect me to send you random hiragana and have you say what it is!
Kimu-san, yahho! Anata ga kakkoii to karai desu yo! (i promise you it's a compliment <3)
try to tell me what that means, and expect more random japanese in your future :)
anyways have a lovely day byeee <3
when i saw the 'oh ho ho' i heard french venti LMAOOO 💀💀
omg new moot guys NEW MOOT !! u match my vibe so <3
BLUE PERIOD IS SO SHHEHEHEHHE esp if ur an artist like myself, it gives u a different and probably more professional view of art ^^ For wat i like abt it, i'd say da characters and how theyre written. The main character is pretty relatable. Theres another character who has family issues and may be trans (or genderfluid? it isnt confirmed but she was born male, currently dresses feminine and hates it when people uses her dead name). Another one who was born a 'Genius' but doesnt really understand art, hes only doing it bcs its basically wat he can only do. Another character who'm gets compared to her older sister and so on. Even minor characters have well written stories I suggest u watch da anime THEN read da manga from da beginning :>> Sanaol may partner- jkjk ur prob fil but imagien having a partner 😭 my lonely ass could never U SHOULDD WATCH BSD!! I LOVEEE DA ENDINGS ITS SUCH A VIBE AND DA OPS R BANGERS UGH THE CHARACTER DESIGNS AND PLOT I WANNA 👊 ITS INTERESTING BUT I SUGGEST ALSO READING THE MANGA FROM THE BEGINNING SINCE THE ANIME SKIPS ALOT OF THINGS AND IT MIGHT GET U CONFUSED 😭😭 Also, hes so true for that, hes DEF a keeper 💪 unless hes a mori/fukuchi stan then ew no
Im currently just memorizing da basics; hiragana and katakana before i continue off where i left off in grammar and vocab (i'll most likely start over since its been arounf half a year and i have goldfish memory 🥲) Ive already memorized hiragana, now im going with katakana but im focusing on art lately since i just got my stylus back so im prob not gonna do it for awhile but i'll try to before may >:DD I currently only use 'Write it Japanese!' app on mobile, its REALLY useful, idk anything to help with grammar but my jp speaking friend recommends da book 'Minna no nihongo'. She used to be my jp study buddy but shes been VERY busy with uni lately so :'''D AND YES BBG (can i call u dat??) LETS PRACTICE TOGETHER <33 tbh it would be better if we use hiragana/katakana/kanji (i literally dont know kanji SOBS) since it helps us learn!! AND DAT WOULD BE FUNN
From just my understanding: 'Kim-san, Yahoo/hello! Youre a cool person [smth smth]'
from google: 'Kimu, Yahoo! It hurts to think you're cool' (pls get ur shit together google 😭😭i couldnt call my friends bitches lovingly bcs of u)
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