#I'm Already There
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i'm already there🫶
pairing : max verstappen x fem!reader,alluded dad!lando norris x fem!reader, dad!charles leclerc x fem!reader, dad!oscar piastri x fem!reader
summary : a portion of the lyrics of westlife's song "i'm already there" illustrates the joys, tears, heartbreak and every other emotion in relation to being away from loved ones whilst travelling around the world for formula one.
warnings : reunions, happy tears, sad tears, swearing
a/n : this was written one other time for westlife but i wanted to rewrite it but for f1 since i just want to get another f1 grid one shot out idk lol!
max vestappen:
i'm already there, don't make a sound. i'm the beat in your heart, i'm the moonlight shining down. i'm the whisper in the wind and i'll be there 'til the end.
you sighed shakily as you mysteriously waited in the monaco airport. you had no idea why you were even in the airport since max, your boyfriend and his f1 team weren't leaving for an international grand prix so, you literally had no clue whatsoever why he had dragged you all the way to mote-carlo airport from your guys' place in monte-carlo. however, your boyfriend had cleverly come up with this plan to surprise you, his girlfriend, with the homecoming of your military twin sister and you were absolutely none the wiser. you didn't even realise this is what was happening because every other time you and your family were welcoming your sister back home from the military, you had to go to a specific terminal hidden away from regular public access so you just thought that maybe max had dragged the both of you here to watch the planes take off and land because that was another thing that you and max would drive the two-ish hour drive from your hous to the airport for.
however, you didn't realise the surprise you were in for when max tapped your shoulders since you were facing away from him to only turn around to see your sister walking out of the gate towards the both of you. your eyes widened and you staggered to your feet and, almost like a giraffe learning to walk, ran over to your sister. pulling you into her arms, you couldn't believe that she was home. you two had jokingly started to message the song, i'm already there, the westlife version, to one another just days ago not even realising that it was a cute little clue that your sister was going to be home very soon.
"...you...you're home!" you muttered in shock as max smiled, watching two of his favourite girls reunite - proud that he managed to keep such a surprise under lock and key
"yes i am! i'm home!" she smiled as she pulled out of the hug and held you at an arms length just to get a good look of you - noticing that not very much had changed except for a new hair colour and some new piercings
"that's why you were messaging me the lyrics of i'm already there? you were coming home!" you chuckled lightly as she nodded her head, quite proud that whilst the clue was quite obvious, it still flew right over your head
"mhm. that is correct! i was on my way home the whole entire time, the last lyric that i sent you, i'm the whisper in the wind, and i'll be there 'til the end was sent just before my flight left afghanistan," she smiled as you couldn't help the shake of your head as you both giggled
"how on earth did i not realise it wasn't just a cute little joke?" you sighed, facepalming as your sister and max both giggled as max and your sister reunited and hugged one another
"because max made sure you didn't look too much into it. your boyfriend was more involved in this surprise a lot more than you think, y.n," the older twin giggled as you couldn't believe it, what masterminds your sister and boyfriend were
"goddamit it! why am i so gullible!" you sighed with another giggle as you forgot you were still in an airport
"you're not, you were just so adorably focused on all the planes landing and taking off that you seemingly forgot why you were so confused originally," max perked up as he kissed your cheek as you smiled
after all the thrill of being surprised went down, you, your sister and max walked a little further through the airport, watched a few more planes landing and taking off before you three decided it was time to get something good to eat on your way home from the airport back to your guys' apartment in monte-carlo.
but, just as you three stepped in the car, the very song that you and your sister were messaging the lyrics to each other started to play on the radio and the same westlife version. and at this point, you could only believe that it was fate and you felt at ease and peaceful that your sister was home and that she was safe. she was no longer just the beat in your heart or the moonlight shining down or the whisper in the wind, she was right in front of you and she was safe.
lando norris:
we may be a thousand miles apart but i'll be with you wherever you are, i'm already there take a look around.
whilst you loved being the girlfriend of formula one driver, lando norris, there was only one small thing that you didn't enjoy and that was when their grand prix's took place during the times you had to be outside of europe and in australia and you weren't able to go with him. currently, lando and the other nineteen drivers and their teams were in america for the austin grand prix and the mexican grand prix before it was a two week break before a treacherous triple header which thankfully, you would be able to get time off of study to travel with lando for that triple header. and then after the triple header, you would return back to australia where lando would travel to the middle east for the qatar and abu dhabi races which were the last of the season where you would meet up with him again.
so, because you weren't allowed to travel for these next two races in america because you were studying internationally in australia, you weren't able to watch lando race and be his lucky charm. but, thankfully, you weren't alone in australia. one of the other wags, daniel ricciardo's girlfriend heidi was also currently in australia as well. it was a complete coincidence that the state you were studying in was the state that heidi was currently visiting on holiday alongside daniel since he wasn't needed since he was still the third reserve for red bull. so, what the three of you decided to do was to have sleepovers, going back and forth from the holiday home that daniel and heidi were staying in and the apartment that you were renting for the entire time you were studying in that state.
however, at this stage, you were struggling because it had been months since you'd last seen lando and you were drowning half the time in your university work. and it seemed like heidi noticed straight away as you desperately tried to cram in so much study since you decided you needed a break. only for you to feel as though you were now falling behind when really, you weren't at all.
"...hey, y.n, do you need help?" heidi came up behind you softly, a small hand to the bottom of your back as you couldn't help the trembling breath that left your mouth
"umm...i..." you trailed off as tears hit your eyes and a sob left your mouth as immediately, daniel seemingly came out of nowhere and gently lifted you out of your seat as heidi pulled you in for a hug as she let you cry
after daniel had cleaned up the desk that was filled with so much uni work, he rushed back over and joined the hug as you continued to cry as they both comforted you. it was obvious you were exhausted and needed a break but you couldn't give yourself one because no matter what, you always needed to prioritise your uni work first and then you were a secondary choice. it was obvious to heidi and daniel why you were suddenly crumbling under the pressure. you were a nursing student who had been graciously given so many days out so you could travel the world but now you had run out of them until after the american races and you were in the long-distance part of your relationship with lando and it wasn't like you could just ring your boyfriend any time you wanted because he was across bloody oceans from you. it was also hard on lando being so far away from you, he didn't fully know how to help you with your study because he didn't know much about what goes on about becoming a nurse. and you knew for sure that being so far away from you was killing him inside every second of every day he was away. so you weren't mad at lando at all, he was simply doing his job which was how you guys were surviving and providing for your little two-person family.
you had finally started to stop the tears and managed to not wake up the rest of the neighbourhood which you were shocked at considering you were not a silent crier, "i'm sorry! i don't know what came over me..." you trailed off before heidi and daniel stopped you from continuing
"...don't apologise, y.n, you're exhausted! it's hard being in a long-distance relationship and a nursing student with all of this work piled up when your boyfriend is on the other side of the world and the rest of your support system being there as well. i get it, i mean, i have the same feelings when i can't be with daniel and it's hard but, i also remember to ask for help and to stay with friends and family because i know i can't always do it all on my own. which reminds me, when was the last time you spoke on the phone to lando's family? i'm sure they'd love to catch up with you over a facetime call, especially lando's sisters cisca and flo! and even oli's wife, savannah would love it! even letting lando in on this plan would be helpful too, just so we're all on the same page!" heidi proposed as you sniffled and nodded your head with a smile
"yeah, that does sound like a good plan, heidi! i shouldn't have tried to do it all on my own! i should have asked lando's family for help from the start as well as extended family i have here," you smiled as heidi and daniel smiled back as you three hugged again
like heidi and daniel promised, as they all huddled together on the couch away from all the nursing notes and asessments, you rang up lando just to check in with him and make sure he was okay coping since you knew he was also a worrier especially now after the pointy end of your nursing degree was approaching. you could tell almost the moment lando spoke up over the phone that he was also fighting against his emotions like you were. however, you were just glad that he was finally given time to have a full-on conversation as last time you tried, you could only speak for five minutes before lando had to hang up. so, it felt great having over an hour of a conversation with your boyfriend. it reminded you that whilst you may be a thousand miles apart from lando sometimes, he was always there and all you had to was just to look around you. he was in the photos covering the walls, he was in the sunshine that reflected in your hair, but most importantly, he was in the photos that you plastered all around the house so you wouldn't feel lonely.
charles leclerc:
she got back on the phone, said, "i really miss you, darling. don't worry about the kids, they'll be alright." wish i was in your arms, laying right there beside you, but i know i'll be in your dreams tonight. "and i'll gently kiss your lips, touch you with my fingertips, so turn out the lights and close your eyes."
you were on your own with your husband charles being away at the tailend of the triple header in japan, azerbaijan and singapore whilst you looked after the twin girls you shared together, jules and antoinette. you were now back on the phone with charles after you let the twins talk to their daddy. they then sat and watched with tired eyes as you finished up the call with their daddy so the three of you could go to bed together in the lounge room.
"...i really miss you, darling. but, don't worry about jules and nini, they'll be alright. we're doing perfectly fine without you but, it's never fun just the three of us, we need daddy home with us!" you sighed with a small giggle as you could hear the emotions in charles' voice on the other line while he was all the way in singapore for the end of that specific triple header
"i miss you too babe. but, i'll be home soon and i'll gently kiss your lips, touch you with my fingertips... it's getting late in monaco and i have more meetings and things i need to be at, so turn out the lights and close your eyes, you need sleep baby! i promise, the race is going to fly by and i'll be home before you guys know it, okay?" charles' voice was soft and filled with so much love that you felt okay with having to end the call since you were basically falling asleep at the mere sound of his voice over the phone
"ok, it's probably a good idea as i'm basically falling asleep at the mere sound of your voice bebe*giggles*. and i know, it's going to go by so quickly that you'll be home soon and we can then go out to france for a little getaway holiday with the girls and we'll be happy again!" you slurred as sleep really started to takeover as you heard charles' sweet, gentle giggles over the phone slip right into your ears
"good. you need sleep mi amor, you need to also take care of yourself, not just the girls! and deal, we can go to france for a little holiday with the girls, it'll be a lot of fun. but, right now, you need to hang up this phone call and you need to go to sleep and so do the girls because i can picture you guys in the lounge room after rearranging it so you could all sleep together...so, it's bedtime and i'll talk to you tomorrow and i promise i'll tell you everything about the race in our facetime tomorrow at the airport, okay?" charles convinced you as you smiled as nini, the youngest of the girls, cuddled up against you as you kissed her hair before finally deciding to finish up the call
"okay. i love you, amor. see you soon and, you better tell me everything about the race in tomorrow's facetime otherwise i'll be ringing up carlos *giggles*. goodnight bebe, i love you," you smiled as charles also smiled on the other end of the phone all the way in singapore
"i love you too, bebe. talk tomorrow," charles giggled as he ended the call before sighing to himself, only wishing the wags could always come with them for all of their races even though it was practically impossible due to having jobs and also having young kids
as you turned your phone off, placing it on the armrest of the couch, nini spoke up, "is papa gone now?" she questioned in her sleepy voice as you couldn't help your facial expression as you hugged your youngest girl tighter
"yeah baby, he had to hang up the phone cause it's bedtime for us and daddy has meetings before his race tonight with your uncles!" you whispered in a baby voice as nini nodded her head as her eyes started to close
"oh, okay. goodnight mama. i love you and papa!" nini mumbled as her eyes fully shut and she fell asleep basically on top of you
you chuckled softly, kissing the little princess on the top of her head, "goodnight baby nini. i love you too and papa loves you as well!" you whispered as you lowered yourself, making yourself and nini comfortable on the couch as jules after patiently waiting, joined you
cuddling on the other side of you, jules closed her eyes and started to fall asleep but, not before she also said goodnight, "goodnight mama, i love you and papa," jules muttered sleep overcame her as well as you smiled
laying awake for a couple more minutes after your two girls had all fallen asleep, you could only feel excited that your husband charles would be returning home soon. you were also smiling because you damn well knew that you'd be dreaming over your husband being home with you and you were always so excited when you dreamt about charles just because it was endless and it was always an adventure.
oscar piastri:
he called her on the road, from a lonely cold hotel room, just to hear her say "i love you" one more time. and when he heard the sound, of kids laughing in the background, he had to wipe away a tear from his eye. a little voice came on the phone said, "daddy, when you're coming home?" he said the first thing that came to his mind.
you had just managed to calm down your little daughter, ellie and her brother noah that you share with your husband oscar, when your phone started to ring. it spooked you but, nevertheless, you answered the phone and smiled when you heard your husband's voice on the other end. it was obvious he had called you just to hear you say i love you one more time even though you had just spent the last twenty minutes sending each other i love yous back and forth.
immediately, the moment you picked up the phone, it was as though your two kids, ellie and noah knew straight away who it was that you were talking to and started to laugh and play with each other, not realising that their dad could hear them. you could tell even though you weren't seeing each other face to face that oscar was crying due to the way he was breathing against the phone.
you smiled sadly as you picked up ellie, put your phone on speaker and her little voice spoke up, "daddy, when are you coming home?" ellie's voice was soft and pure and, of course, the first thing that came to oscar's mind was what he said
"i'm already there baby girl. just look around you darling, i'm in your reflection, i'm the sunshine in your hair..." oscar sniffled, just wishing he wasn't halfway across the world as you couldn't help your own heart breaking at hearing the upset in your husbands voice
it was confusing for ellie because she couldn't understand why her dad was crying. especially considering before having ellie and noah, they had never seen their dad be the levelheaded, unemotional person he was before they had arrived. so, she just looked at you in confusion as she handed you the phone. you smiled sadly as you gestured for her to continue playing with her little brother as long as they were quiet.
"you alright babe?" you questioned, hearing oscar's sniffles as he tearfully giggled, most likely wiping away his tears
"yeah, i'm fine babe. just didn't realise how much i actually missed the sound of ellie's voice..." oscar swallowed back a sob as you moved into the kitchen, trusting ellie and noah not needing you to constantly keep your eyes on them whilst you spoke with their dad
"...i'm sorry babe. ellie just heard you over the phone and she got excited. she misses you by the way, so does noah. but, they're doing perfectly fine, they're just a little bit confused often as to why they can't see their daddy but can hear him. i forget how intelligent children actually are even though they're still so young, they are way too observant *giggles*. anyway though, i don't want to make you cry even more so, how have the races in the triple header been going, the races fun?" you smiled as oscar again tearfully laughed and wiped away tears on the other end of the phone
"don't apologise babe, it's not your fault, i wish we weren't so far away. and i miss you three as well, but i'm glad that they're doing good. oh yeah, i also forget how smart they are, i accidentally overheard lando and his girl's phone call last night and i could hear their little ones in the background just making their sweet baby noises and could tell it was absolutely breaking lando's heart into two. and, you won't make me cry more, it'll be me that does that myself since it's all i've been doing since becoming a dad! *giggles* and the races have been so much fun and yeah, the media things also have been so much fun. but, i'm very excited to come back home and see my two girls and my gorgeous little boy again," oscar smiled, noticing lando and a few other drivers he was close with giving him worried looks as they noticed the tears but, he reassured them he was okay
you could hear the three other drivers, lando, logan and alex in the background and could tell that they were most likely checking in on oscar, to make sure he was okay and that made you smile as you rested against the kitchen bench, "you sure you're okay, osc? i can hear lando, logan and alex in the background which usually means you're not okay..." you trailed off as oscar giggled which made you smile
"...i'm truly okay babe. i was upset and crying at the beginning when ellie had the phone but, i'm okay now. anyway, enough about me, how are you dealing with all of this? i know how stressful it can be on you having to deal with two little gremlins *giggles* so how are you?" oscar then switched it over to you as you smiled, not even needing to think about your reponse
and, truthfully, you thought you'd be struggling a lot more however, you weren't since you had remembered to ask for help this time. since, the first time oscar had returned back to racing after ellie had been born, you didn't ask for help. and you cried yourself to sleep every single night until the last day of the grand prix when lily, alex's girlfriend, had suggested you ask for help and you did
however, this time, you didn't allow yourself to be in struggle town now that you've had baby noah, along with ellie, you had both grandparents, oscar's parents chris and nicole as well as your own dropping past every now and then to take them for a couple evenings. so, this triple header, you were doing a lot better and you were a lot less stressed.
"i'm okay babe. i'm a lot less stressed this time around. tomorrow and over the weekend, i'll be having a girls night in with your sisters and lily so, ellie and noah will be with mum and dad so, i'm doing great thanks. anyway, where are you right now? last time we chatted you guys were in singapore so, are you boys still there or have you moved on?" you questioned, hearing oscar breathe a sigh of relief that you were doing better than last time as he smiled
"we've moved on babe, we left singapore last night and we arrived in qatar early this morning. we're just chilling in my hotel room right now all together. so, i'm not on my own this time like i was a few nights ago when we both cried together over the phone *giggles* but yeah, no, this time i've got the three boys with me," oscar smiled as he laughed as the boys all cheered, hoping they were loud enough for you to hear them - which they were
"yeah, i can hear them, osc*giggles* but i'm glad that you're not alone this time. it's not healthy to be alone when you're struggling like that and i'm glad you've all got each other because me, your sister's and lily all have each others backs when we miss you so, it's good you guys can lean on each other for support..." you trailed off, for the first time running out of things to say since you had been updating oscar daily on everything so there was all of a sudden nothing else to talk about
"...yeah, anyway, i better hang the phone up cause i remembered that you're going out for dinner with the wags tonight so, who's looking after ellie and noah tonight? my parents or yours?" oscar questioned as you smiled that he even remembered that as you then noticed the kids scream in excitement - their nanna and pops had just arrived
"that was perfect timing babe cause they've just arrived and it's your parents tonight babe. my parents have them tomorrow and over the weekend!" you laughed as you went over to the front door and let in your inlaws as immediately, nicole picked up ellie and chris picked up noah before they both pulled you in for a hug
they then noticed you were on the phone to oscar as they smiled and took the littles to the lounge room so you could finish off the phone call, "wow, yeah, that is amazing timing! and, wonderful, well, i'll let you go now babe as you've probably got to go get ready, are you driving or are you being picked up?" oscar questioned as you just loved at how involved he was with everything even though he was across a couple of oceans
"i know right babe! and yeah, i'm just going to our room now to get dressed since i did my makeup just before you called actually *giggles* and kelly just picked up lily, alex and lando's new girlfriend and is on their way to ours now so, they should be here in like, five/ten minutes, since logan's girlfriend is already at the restaurant waiting for us," you smiled as oscar smiled again and mumbled a "mhm"
"well, i guess its time to end the call then babe. i love you so much, have fun tonight with the girls. talk with you tomorrow, yeah?" oscar starts to wrap up as you smiled as you stepped into your sweet little black dress you had picked out for the dinner
"okay. i love you so much more babe, and we plan to have fun but not too much obviously! and yeah, talk tomorrow! tell me everything about the races and we'll talk about other stuff as well since i won't have ellie and noah with me, bye-bye," you ended the call after hearing another faint "bye babe, love you" and finished getting ready
you were putting on your shoes and earrings when you came back down the stairs to see ellie and noah behaving perfectly with their nanna and pops. walking over to the couch, you gave them both hugs and kisses and then gave kisses to ellie and noah's heads.
"i am so sorry, nicole and chris, i was on the phone to oscar. he's in qatar with the rest of the teams and they have their race tonight. he was a little bit upset and started to cry after hearing ellie talk on the phone, asking him when he was coming home, but, apart from that, he's doing okay and is pleased to know that i'm doing much better this time around," you immediately gave nicole and chris the update from the phone call as they smiled, even though they heard about oscar's tears, they still smiled knowing he was okay
"oh, don't apologise y.n, thank you for the update. so, is kelly picking you up tonight?" nicole smiled as you smiled, nodding your head
"yes, nicole. kelly has already picked up lily, alexandra and lando's new girlfriend and logan's girlfriend is at the restaurant already holding the table for us. but kelly, lily, alexandra and lando's new wag should only be about five minutes away now. umm, of course, i don't need to go over the rules with you but, ellie and noah have said that for dinner tonight, they'd love it if they got some chocolate afterwards so, i have two little chocolate bars for them in the pantry that you can give to them afterwards. umm, yeah, i think that's all i have to say since you always know what to do but, yeah, thank you again for coming down to take care of them. i just didn't want to ask mum and dad to have them for four days in a row so, yeah," you smiled at the end as chris and nicole smiled as they sat with ellie and noah in their laps whilst the kids were focused on the kids show on the tv in front of them
"no worries. we'll make sure ellie and noah get those chocolate bars after dinner and, absolutely understandable, y.n. it's not a problem, ellie and noah are just the most perfect little angels ever! we love looking after them!" chris spoke up this time as nicole nodded her head as you nodded your head with a smile as you grabbed your handbag as kelly's car had just driven up the driveway
giving one last hug and kiss to ellie and noah and one last goodbye to your inlaws, you left your house out of the front door, closing the door behind you. not needing to lock it since both your inlaws were there and you climbed into kelly's car as you greeted each other, you, kelly, alexandra, lily and reintroducing yourself to lando's new girlfriend, before starting to car up and leaving for the restaurant where logan's girlfriend was patiently waiting for you.
this was so much fun to rewrite but omg, this was not what i originally wanted to publish since i have a charles one-shot that's really sad but has ended up taking so much longer than expected. so, it's sitting in my drafts after deciding i wanted to put this one out first since it was way shorter lol and because i just wanted to publish something in the inbetween of the bigger charles one-shot.
©⠀amberjazmyn's original work. do not translate or steal any of my fics. 2024
#formula one#emotional angst#long distance relationships#not really any real triggers#max verstappen#lando norris#charles leclerc#oscar piastri#i'm already there
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I'm Already There Pt. 2
Summary: Now that Carole knows she is pregnant she has to deal with the pregnancy without Nick but her wanting to go through this together she moved to Maryland. Now they’re back home for the last month of the pregnancy where they learn some exciting news.
Pairings: Nick Bradshaw x Carole Bradshaw, Carole Bradshaw x Daughter!reader, Nick Bradshaw x Daughter!reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Sister!reader
Warnings: fluff, inaccurate military talk
I'm Already There

The, now, Carole Bradshaw was ecstatic learning she was going to be a mother and Nick was going to be a father. Everything was perfect, except the morning sickness. It wasn’t terrible but it was there. Nick was back home finally after graduating from the Naval Academy. She had one more month of being pregnant and that means one more checkup. She had all of her appointments in Virginia since that is where they wanted their child born. They were currently at their last appointment and getting ready to do the ultrasound.
“What do you think the baby is going to be?” Nick asked his, now, wife who was sitting on the chair in her medical issued gown.
“I honestly don’t care as long as they are healthy.” Carole said, rubbing her swollen stomach and smiling at it. The sight made Nick smile.
“What if we end up having twins?” Nick asked coming over to stand next to his wife. Carole smiled and looked up at him.
“Then it would be perfect. Boy and a girl.” Carole said and smiled. Nick was about to answer when the doctor walked into the room and greeted them while shutting the door.
"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw. How are you today?" Dr. Lake asked them.
"Really good. Excited to see what we are having." Carole said smiling which made Dr. Lake smile.
"Well let's get started shall we?" She asked and Nick being the over excited man he nodded enthusiastically which made them both laugh. Carole had already been sitting on the chair so all she had to do was lift her shirt. Dr. Lake put the gel on her stomach and moved it around until she found the baby or in this case babies. "Oh." She said and that freaked the soon to be parents out.
"Oh?" Nick asked for both of them.
"Well it seems like there is a second baby. I don't know how we missed it unless the other one was hiding behind the other." Dr. Lake said "Do you want to find out then genders?" She asked.
"Absolutely!" Carole said and they watched the babies move at the sound of their mothers voice. One even kicked where the ultrasound wand was. They all laughed at that.
"Well it looks like the one in front is a little boy and the second looks like a little girl. It looks like brother is hiding sister." She said and both Carole and Nick looked at each other. The rest of the appointment went by with a breeze. They were just so happy they were getting twins.
When they got home Nick was all about taking care of his wife and his babies. He was good at it and Carole wasn't going to complain, although he could be overbearing at some points. Now they knew the gender of the babies, they knew their names and couldn't wait for them to be here to spoil them.
June 27 1984 couldn't have come any faster. It was in the middle of the night when Carole's water broke. "Nick!" She tried and got nothing. "Honey!" She shoved him a little bit and got a grumble and rolled over she sighed frustrated. She grabbed her pillow and hit him "Goose!" She yelled and that woke him up. When he told her the callsign he had gotten she laughed but said that it fit him. She also had met Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell and they instantly became friends.
"I'm up. I'm up. What's wrong?" He asked sitting up and looking over at his wife.
"My water broke." Carole said calmly and it took a few minutes and then it clicked and he was shooting out of bed. He started to run around getting stuff and throwing stuff in and Carole just sat there and looked at him like he was crazy, which he was but she loved him. He finally stopped and looked at her.
"Are you ok? Do you need anything?" He asked and she just looked at him.
"Yes I need to go to the hospital. We're fine." She said and before they knew it they were out the door and on their way to the hospital with Nick going as fast as he could.
When they got there they took her straight back while Nick called Maverick, who was there in a instant. He also called their parents who also came down. They all waited in the waiting room while Nick went back to his wife. Carole was sweating and had hair stuck to her but to Nick she couldn't have looked more beautiful.
"I can't believe I let you do this to me!" She yelled at him and hit him but he didn't take it ro heart.
"Just think, Darling. We'll have two wonderful babies here soon. They're going to be so loved." He said and ran a hand through her hair.
"I still hate you for doing this to me but I'm gonna love those babies." She said just as another contraction hit her. She squeezed his hand and hard and he tried to show it but he was in pain.
"Ok, Darling. Let up on the strength. I have to have my hand for my career." Nick said trying to joke and keep the mood light but she just glared at him and he shut up. Dr. Lake came in as she was glaring at her husband.
"I take he said something offensive." She chuckled and Carole nodded. "They always say the wrong things at the wrong time. Ok, I'm gonna check you." She said and Carole nodded.
"I'm ready for them to be here." Carole said as another contraction hit and while she still had a hold of Nick's hand but he didn't say a word.
"Well it looks like your fully dilated. Ready to see your babies?" She asked and both Carole and Nick nodded.
"Absolutely!" They both said at the same time.
"Next contraction I want you to push." Dr. Lake said and as the next contraction hit she started to push. "That's it momma. You're doing great. Dad you doing ok?" She asked not taking her eyes off the babies.
"Doing great." He said trying to hide the pain.
"I see the head of the first baby." Dr. Lake said "I want you to do the same thing as before." She said and as the next contraction hit Carole did what she was told.
"I'm never letting you touch me again." Carole told him and eveyone just laughed knowing it wasn't true.
"Ok, Darling. I love you." Ncik said and she turned to him seething.
"I see the head. You got this momma." Dr. Lake cut in and Carole pushed and the first baby came out screaming and crying "Congratulations! It's a boy!" Dr. Lake said "Dad you want to cut the cord?" She said and Nick nodded. She showed him where to cut. The baby boy was placed on her chest for a brief moment until Dr. Lake announced that the second baby was on its way and she could already see the head. "Wow. I've never had this happen before." She said.
"Have what happen?" Carole asked a little panicked.
"Nothing bad don't worry. It looks like they're going to be born at the exact same time." Dr. Lake said "It looks like you have come competitive babies." She said with a smile and they chuckled. "Ok, you know what to do." She said and then Carole started pushing and the second baby came out screaming and crying just like her brother "Congratulations! It's a girl!" Dr. Lake said "Dad?" Nick cut the cord. Both babies were crying and wouldn't stop until they were laid upon their mother's chest together, when they touched each other letting each other know they're there that's when they stopped their crying. Both of them were already cleaned up.
Once everything was settled and Dr. Lake and the nurses left is when they got to actually be with their kids. "They're perfect." Carole said while she held the boy and Nick held the girl.
"Just like their momma." He said and Carole chuckled.
"They're also like you." She said and he smiled. He looked down at his little girl and she wrapped her hand around his finger and it brought tears to his eyes. A nurse came in and checked on them and asked them for the names so she could write them on the card.
"The boy is Bradley." Carole said looking down at him smiling he opened his eyes and smiled at her. The nurse smiled.
"What about the girl?" She asked and Nick was just smiling away.
"Y/N. Her name is Y/N." He said and she smiled in her sleep and snuggled into her daddy. The nurse wrote down the names and then left. A few minutes later they let their family and Maverick in to see them. They were in awe. They were perfect.
Carole, Bradley, and Y/N stayed in the hospital for a few days making sure they were ok. Nick never left their side and surprisingly Maverick was there as well. He was cherishing those moments that he was getting with them because you never know of it's going to be your last.
3 days later they were allowed to go home and honestly, they were pretty easy babies. Bradley and Y/N never wanted to be away from each other, this just proved to the parents that they were going to be there for each other and Y/N had a brother to look after her. The parents couldn't wait to see them grow up and see what they become.
Tag List:
#I'm Already There#carole brdshaw x nick bradshaw#nick bradshaw x daughter!reader#carole bradshaw x daughter!reader#bradley bradshaw x sister!reader#top gun fanfiction#top gun imagine#top gun x reader#daughter reader top gun#daughter!reader top gun#top gun fan fiction#top gun fanfic#bradley bradshaw x sister!reader fic#bradley bradshaw x sister!reader fandom#bradley bradshaw x sister!reader fanfiction#bradley bradshaw x sister!reader imagine#bradley bradshaw x sister!reader imagines#carole bradshaw x daughter!reader fic#carole bradshaw x daughter!reader fandom#carole bradshaw x daughter!reader imagines#nick bradshaw x daughter!reader fanfiction#nick bradshaw x daughter!reader fandom#nick bradshaw x daughter!reader imagines
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This was a fun mini! This is "I'm Already There" by Lonestar as I see it because of synesthesia!
I’m taking commissions! | Support me on Patreon!
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#arcane#arcane spoilers#arcane season 2#viktor arcane#jayce arcane#vi arcane#caitlyn kiramman#jayvik#caitvi#like damn i didn't even have the time to appreciate it was already over i'm crying#anyway i can't wait for actii#my edits#gif#gifset
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#and so milgram was born#milgram#meme#Jackalope#hope no one has done this already#this post broke containment. if you're here for tma this is about a music project called milgram where prisoners in a panopticon sing song#about their crimes . anyway . the warden is a talking jackalope .#which was edited into this post. so uh. he is on your blog now#i thought it was very obvious that this was an edited icon and display name but apparently some people think Twitter op was a milgram fan#I'm sorry to disappoint#this was supposed to be a 3 note post for niche jp music project fans#if you're reading my tags look at my Cosplays
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don't show him modern technology; it won't end well
bonus under the cut:
#i'm not sure if ford would really be interested in using the internet much#but i could see him wanting to look something up real quick and ending up reading something so outrageously wrong#that it pisses him off to the point that he gets into an argument about it lol#gravity falls#stan pines#stanley pines#stanford pines#digital art#my stuff#anyway i really don't like how this one turned out#but i don't feel like changing it#bc i already spent way more time on this than i actually wanted to#and i don't wanna look at it any longer
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Oh look, it seems like there's a Republican-led movement to purge voter rolls in the lead-up to the election! It's almost as if your vote matters and they don't want you to vote! Anyway, I whipped up a quick map (based on this) that shows when the voter registration deadline is in each state. There are a few deadlines coming up in the next week or so.
If you live in a state that regularly purges voter rolls for infrequent voters (the orange ones in the first map), or if you moved recently, it's good to check if you're still registered to vote.
Vote.org makes it super easy to check your registration: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/
Just put in your address and DOB and they'll tell you whether you're registered. (And they give you a quick link to register online if it turns out that you're not! Only the 9 states in white on my map don't have online registration, and for those they provide instructions on how to do it via mail or in person.) If you want an extra verification, find your state's election website and double-check there.
So yeah, give yourself peace of mind -- do a quick check. :)
#sorry that us election season plagues the non-usa folks on tumblr#took a break from binging more batfam fics to do this lol#i LOVE how easy vote.org makes things tho#lowkey was planning to do a gotv comic but the reg deadlines were coming up so#us election 2024#thank you past self from 2020 for already having a map in a psd file#i got my voter info booklet in the mail on friday and i'm so hype
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Thinking of becoming a guy that thinks wolves are the most badass and aspirational animal, but about ants. Like wearing t-shirts about being loyal to my Queen and training to bench 5x my bodyweight. Studying ant warfare. Posting shit like this

#Ant photo by Alex Wild. Inspirational ant image by me.#In a sense‚ the Ant mindset is antithetical to those who follow the Wolf. The lone‚ individualist “alpha” inclinations simply do not apply.#The Ant values her work and her sisters. She is a humble worker and brave soldier. So small‚ yet so strong... Because she's never alone.#This post was a lie. I'm actually already this theoretical person.
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can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
#ramble#if you say unalive in front of me i will personally kill you with my hands#you just can't muffle and censor and hold someone's hand through some things#some things are horrible. and they should be spoken aloud and they should upset you. because they are horrible#the second we started kidzbopifying the world was the end of taking anything seriously i think#i'm not even joking i've spoken to people older than me who won't even say the world sex#this isn't the playground you're not going to get in trouble just let us say the word!!!!!!#how am i supposed to listen to you when you won't even say the thing you're supposed to be talking about#yes this is the fault of the platforms with their censorship rules but the fact that we all just go along with it like it's not dystopian#you do know it doesn't stop with cursing right. people are already having to censor queer terms because they get flagged as inappropriate
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I'm wondering if, as a society who cares about vulnerable people, we could stop saying "traumatize" when we truly mean "upset"?
I am sick of hearing sad books or movies "traumatize" their readers. I simply do not believe that happens. A traumatic experience might be adjacent to books (I have vivid memories of books I was reading around certain experiences and even how the contents of those books affected my processing of the experiences). But it's not caused by the book. And, y'know. The weather is Christofascist Censorship Attempts outside.
Meanwhile from the other side I continue to be surprised at just how badly people fail to understand trauma and traumatic experiences in general. Watering down the term isn't helping. Find other hyperbole to express that The Bridge to Terebithia gutted you, chewed on your heartstrings, and made you cry your first pair of contact lenses right out of your preteen eyes.
(ETA here although it's impossible to edit reblogs: over the months since this post really took off, there has been valuable discussion in the comments. I stand by the passion with which I wrote this post and with the general message, but not all the exact wording. I talk more about the way I'd re-write this post in a response here, replying to an addition that added a ton of useful context [other additions touched on similar themes, but that person had it all together in one reblog]. With that said, I am muting this post.)
#I know I'm not the first person to say this but#a book cannot put you in visceral fear of your safety or someone else's safety#reading is not a traumatic experience#it may be a triggering experience if you are already traumatized by something else. that is different.#meanwhile actual trauma is not always experienced as consciously upsetting!#people may act extremely chill while being traumatized!#only to then be judged by a peanut gallery on how they handled things#<one reblog recommended not using 'peanut gallery' in the future so I'll amend to say: an audience of uninvolved onlookers#trauma
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I'm Already There Pt. 1
Summary: Nick is off to the Naval Academy leaving his new fiancée at home. Carole has a wedding to plan and life plans to figure out.
Pairings: Nick Bradshaw x Carole Bradshaw, Carole Bradshaw x Daughter!reader, Nick Bradshaw x Daughter!reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Sister!reader
Warnings: fluff, inaccurate military talk
I'm Already There
June 21, 1980, came sooner than anyone hoped for. Nick was excited to go but felt bad about leaving his fiancée to plan the wedding alone and just in general. They told everyone about the engagement when they came back from their date on the beach. Everyone was supportive and both Carole's and Nick's mom said they would help plan the wedding.
Carloe went with them to drop Nick off at the Naval Academy, which was a little heartbreaking for every one that went. Carloe immediately started to plan the wedding, already having the details in mind, while going to drop Nick off. Carole's mom, Liza, and Nick's mom, Samantha, already agreed to help.
Once a very tearful goodbye and promising to keep in touch when he could, Nick was heading to basic training. While Carole went back to their hometown. She already missed him.
Everything was running smoothly as it could without Carole's other half not being there. Samantha has been a huge help with details that needed her son's advice. They had the venue, color, cake, dresses, suits, and decorations picked out. Now all they needed was Nick and a date. They wanted to get married as soon as possible.
On August 2, 1980, Nick was out of basic training and was allowed to talk to family members. The first person he called was Carole and they talked the entire time he was allowed. They talked and they finally settled on a date. He would be home for Thanksgiving and they figured the day before Thanksgiving would be perfect and the best time for them to do so.
Thanksgiving was coming up and nothing could stand in the way of their love. They talked whenever Nick was allowed to and Carole went down there every other weekend. They talked nonsense, about the wedding, about the kids that they were going to have. Everything was perfect until it wasn't.
Thanksgiving weekend rolled around and everything came in full force. Nick and Carole were running one way while the parents were running the other trying to get everything set for the day after. Thankfully the wedding was gonna be a small one and not too many people were coming which meant that some good country cooking was happening.
Friday- November 21, 1980 (1 day before the wedding)
When Carole and her father-in-law went to get the cake in the early morning the bakery said that they had lost the order. Carole was furious and so was the father-in-law. Everything was falling apart and fast.
"What do you mean you lost the order?" A frantic Carole asked, stress shooting through the roof.
"I'm sorry ma'am, we didn't mean to. We've been busy trying to fill other orders and somehow yours got misplaced." The bakery owner explained as calmly as she could knowing yelling and getting mad wouldn't help the situation.
"My wedding is tomorrow. Is there anything you can do?" Carole asked, trying to keep the peace. The baker sighed trying to think of a solution.
"I can get the cake ready in an hour. I'll also throw in a discount for the trouble." The baker said.
"Thank you. The discount isn't necessary though." Carole said not wanting to impose.
"Nonsense! It was our mistake. I'm just glad we don't have problems between us." The baker said thankfully she wasn't like normal brides that come in. They both left and returned an hour later with a perfect cake made for their special day.
They arrived back at the venue which was a nice country bed and breakfast with a beautiful backyard. It had a nice little lake behind it and a beautiful view of the sunset. The other family members were hard at work setting up lights and flowers and chairs. Carole just stood back and admired everything, she was so out of it that she didn't even notice Nick come up behind her, wrapped his arms around her, and lie his head on her shoulder. She leaned into him and put her hands on his.
"I can't wait to call you my wife." Nick said followed by a kiss to the back of her head. Carole smiled.
"I can't wait to call you my husband." She replied and turned to kiss him on the lips.
Everything was starting to become perfect again.
Saturday- November 22, 1980 (Wedding day)
This was it. The big day. Nerves were starting to pop up but nobody was getting cold feet, they both wanted this and it was their dream. They weren't allowed to see each other until their first look and honestly, it was killing them both not being in each other's presence.
The wedding was going to be at 6:30 PM, the perfect time to take pictures. An hour before is when they decided to start getting things into motion. Nick went down to the lake with the photographer and waited for his perfect match. Finally it was time for their first look. Carole walks down to him with the help of her mom carrying her dress. She reached her soon to be husband and mother-in-law.
"Nick, you can turn around now." Liza, Carole's mom said with a smile on her face. He turned around and a huge smile came onto his face and hers.
"You are absolutely beautiful." Nick said while taking a step towards her and taking her face in his hands and kissed her. Carole giggled and leaned into his kiss and then broke apart.
"You look handsome." She said quietly only for him to hear. He never stopped smiling. They both were crying by now.
The photographer took pictures of them, groomsmen, bridesmaids, them with groomsmen and bridesmaids along with the mothers and fathers. Everything was flying by quickly and then it was time for the wedding to start.
They both went inside and waited for people to take seats. The music started and Nick along with his groomsmen walked down the aisle first. The music changed and the bridesmaids in their Navy blue dresses walked down. Then finally Carole in her beautiful white dress started down the aisle with her father while everyone stood. She reached the front and Nick shook her father's hand and handed her off to him.
"Everyone please be seated." The minister said and everyone sat down. "Good evening. We gather here today to witness and celebrate an act of deep love. “Carole and Nick”, in their devotion, respect, and love for each other, wish to unite in the holy bond of marriage, and to dedicate themselves to each other's happiness and well‑being as life mates and partners. On behalf of them, I welcome you all." The minister added. "Nick and Carole have decided to trade vows as a sign of their love. May I have the ring?" The best man gave him the ring. "Nick, you may start."
"From the moment I met you in our sophomore homeroom, I knew you were the one for me. You were and still are the most beautiful woman I've set my eyes on. Nothing could stand in my way of starting a life with you and the kids that we'll raise together. I'll always love you, even if you did turn me down 2 times before saying yes, in sickness and health for richer and poorer to death do us part." Nick finished.
"Do you Nicholas Bradshaw take Carole to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The minister asked.
"I do." Nick said as he placed the ring on Carole's finger.
"Carole you may say your vows." The minister said and received the ring for Nick.
"Nick from the start you've always been a true gentleman since we were friends and been together. I love your goofy personality. I fell in love with you from the moment I met you and to this day and always will love you. I can't wait to grow old and raise children with you. Nothing could stand in the way of my true love for you. I too vow to always love you in sickness and health for richer and poorer to death do us part." Carole said with tears forming in her eyes, well everyone's eyes.
"Do you Carole take Nick to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The minister asked her.
"I do." She said with a grin on her face and as she slid the ring on his finger.
"By the power vested in me the State of Virgina, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Nick, you may kiss your bride." The minister said and that's exactly what Nick did. He grabbed her gently and kissed her like there was no tomorrow well until they both ran out of air.
They both pulled back and turned to face their loved ones and everyone clapped and hollered. They walked down the aisle hand in hand and when they got to the end the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down next. They took a few more pictures with their family and headed to the reception.
When they arrived at their reception everyone cheered when they walked through the door. They said their speeches and they started the line to eat. Once everyone had their fill the dancing started. They had their first dance and after that was over everyone was allowed to get up and dance. Overall it was a fun reception and lasted well into the night. Once it was over the newlyweds went to the little cabin on the property and everyone else retired to their rooms.
Sunday- November 23, 1980 (Thanksgiving)
Thanksgiving was the next day and everyone showed up at Carole's house. The food was cooking and would be ready around lunch time. Kids were in the pool while their parents were all sitting around talking and having fun waiting on the food. Nick and Carole got there last not wanting to leave the little cabin at the venue.
They both arrived at the little cozy house and were greeted by everyone. They asked them what their plans were and if they thought about starting a family, in which they answered truthfully. The food was ready to eat shortly after and the turkey was carved, blessings were said and everyone dug in.
Their first holiday as a married couple was perfect! They wouldn't trade it for anything. A few days later they had to say goodbye to Nick as he had to go back to the Naval Academy. Another tearful goodbye had to be made but instead of leaving his fiancée, he was leaving his wife.
Honeymoon- September 20-27, 1983
Nick and Carole had decided to take a honeymoon before he had to go back to the Academy. He had one year left of the Naval Academy. They decided to go to a cute cozy little cottage by the lake near Virginia and Maryland located in Washington. Since Nick excelled in all of his classes they were letting him take 7 days for his honeymoon.
When they got to Washington everything was perfect. It was a beautiful site to see and nobody bothered them, it was a nice secluded area that housed a cabin and a lake right out the backyard and the closest neighbor was 2 miles away.
They didn't do much on the honeymoon; they just enjoyed being together and drinking some wine. They sat around the bonfire in each other's arms and sometimes ended up falling asleep. Nothing could ruin that moment. They talked about anything and nothing.
The last night of their honeymoon was sweet and sensational. They spent it together in bed, well they did every chance they got but this was more personal. The next morning, the last day of their honeymoon, she was late and she was never late. She voiced her concern to Nick and they went to get a pregnancy test. They waited the right amount of time and when the timer went off they looked at it, and both broke out in smiles. Carole was pleased to announce it to her husband.
"I'm pregnant."
#I'm Already There#daughter reader top gun#daughter!reader top gun#top gun fanfiction#bradley bradshaw x sister!reader#carole bradshaw x daughter!reader#nick bradshaw x daughter!reader#top gun imagine#top gun x reader
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Do you know this queer character?

Castiel is Queer and Agender or Genderfluid, and uses varying pronouns based on presentation!
#opening pandora's box with this one i've been blissfully unaware of supernatural my entire life and I don't really want to start but#the history of supernatural on this blog already is rough please have mercy#this is the most specific i'm willing to get with labels on this one#8 people submitted him dear lord#castiel#cas spn#castiel spn#spn#supernatural#tumblr polls#fandom polls#poll#queer#agender#genderfluid#varying pronouns#he/him#she/her#they/them#live action#lgbtqia#do you know this queer character
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you're going about your normal day when, suddenly, surprise! you've been pokémon mystery dungeon'd!
unfortunately, due to budget cuts, the pokémon assigning quiz has been canceled. instead, you must spin THE WHEEL, assigning you a random, unevolved, non-legendary and non-mythical pokémon. you must now go on some sort of world-saving adventure as this pokémon. good luck!
tell me in the tags what you rolled, and how you feel about it - for bonus points, you can spin the wheel again for (or just take your pick of) a pokémon to be your partner.
bonus rules:
you're not shiny unless the wheel tells you you're shiny
take your pick of regional forms and evolutions (for example, if you roll vulpix, it's up to you whether that means normal or alolan vulpix)
apply whatever logic you like with regards to gender
have fun and be yourself!
#pokemon#pkmn#pokemon mystery dungeon#pmd#tag games#someone might've done this concept already but i had a worm in my brain you know.#i thought itd be fun to list all the unevolved pokemon... now i know there's only around 400 evolution lines total!#.. not counting mythicals legendaries ultra beasts or paradoxes#by the way! alongside the shiny result there are two other bonus results: an obligatory pikachu and... a surprise!!!#finally feel free to let me know if i misspelled something or accidentally included an evolved mon (other than pikachu)#sorry long tags ha 😅 i'm done now#tw flashing#<- 2025 edit: meant to add this a while back whoops! the wheel spinning is a bit flashy. stay safe!
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Just having some drinks at the local saloon.
#stardew valley#spoilers#stardew valley spoilers#stardew valley 1.6 update#drinking mayonnaise#also this was during a green rain day#so folks were already freaked out#i am making things worse on purpose haha#anyway i'm obsessed with the fact that you can drink mayo#and i enjoy that i'm properly shamed for it#imperatoralicia top hits
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Must be a Sugondese joke.
#dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#laios touden#senshi#Looks like I won't be able to post this on dungeon meshi thursday so instead I will have a fun past/future conversation#This is wednesday me who has not seen the episode yet but I have such a strong feeling that it is going to be extremely special.#*This* fight is what the first arc has been building up to and it has *so* many incredible moments.#We're going to see the chilchuck knife throw! The leg sacrifice! The bones!#Watch them ramp up the quality this episode and go wild with the frantic action of 'oh god our plan is going to shit'.#Hello. Me of the future who just watched the episode.#I knew it was going to be good but that...that blew my mind completely. My high expectations were beyond met. My god.#I'm just speechless at how well they handled everything. The leg. The tension. That ENDING.#If you have not already: PLEASE watch Dungeon Meshi.
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