#I'll survive but urgh
forecast-rain · 2 years
damn so Nya looks like the antag's dead lover? damnnn I can already see where this is going
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watatsumiis · 1 year
ill be getting my computer back this week !! Woowoo
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fenixburnedmoved · 1 year
sorry for the inactivity when it comes to actual writing :/ I caught a cold again & I have my next exam on friday so my brain is just stressed out atm :'))) that doesn't mean I'm not interested in interacting tho! memes are always open & I'm always here to brainrot <3
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nerianasims · 2 years
So Sandman is big on Tumblr now due to it being a show. Okay. Fine. Whatever. Neil Gaiman seems to be a pretty cool guy. Even if I don’t like his work. But whatever, that’s not a big deal, the problem is...
My first boyfriend loved Sandman. Loved it. I’m um. Having some triggering. No one’s fault but his. I just. Urgh.
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countrymusiclover · 25 days
4 - Calling the BAU
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Part 5
Detective Stabler’s Daughter
Tag list - send an ask to be added @hiireadstuff @person-005
The next morning - Spencer’s pov
Walking into the FBI building I had been dialing Y/n for a few hours since it was strange that she hadn't called me on my way into work this morning. Sitting down at my desk I sighed pressing the call button on the phone again but I heard the same response for the fifth time. "This is Y/n, I can't answer the phone now. Leave a message and I'll call ya back later."
"Urgh! That's not right. It's can't be right." Tossing my phone on the desk I ran my hands through my hair frustrated.
Footsteps came down the hallway and I lifted my head up seeing it was JJ. "Hey Spence, you okay. Something seems to have you pretty upset." She pointed out standing in front of me.
"Uh.. There's somebody missing that I care about and she's missing." I sighed leaning back in my chair.
She tilted her head. "Is she a friend or girlfriend?"
"She’s one of my students in my classes. I’m not sure if she’s my girlfriend or not exactly..." I croaked out feeling my chest tighten with fear.
An office door opened before she could say anything more. Garcia and Hotchner came out of his office. "We have a new case. Everyone in the briefing room now." JJ and I followed them into the room seeing the rest of the team which included Morgan, Prentas, Hotch, Garcia, JJ and me.
The team had come to visit me when I wanted to show them a tour of the campus. But before they were about to go back home a call came in from Garcia about us needing to see something fairly important.
"Okay, so this will sound odd. But the computer system has been blowing up a few minutes ago with a repeated message and now there's a video that was all sent here. Specifically to Spencer's email address." Garcia explained once we were all in the conference room.
Hotch glanced over to her. "What else do you know about whoever sent the emails?"
"I wish I could say I had more to tell you. Sadly I haven't recovered much. At least until I get to read through the emails and see if anything sticks out to me." She sighed in disappointment.
I gulped feeling a lump in my throat. "Garcia uh...can I read over the emails with you?"
"I know that you can read them really fast but what do you think you'll find that she can't with her computer skills?" Emily asked with her arms crossed over her chest.
JJ sent me a half smile. "He claims that this woman is his one of his students. But not certain she’s a girlfriend yet.."
"Wait a possible girlfriend. Are you serious? How do we not know about her - how do I not know anything about her?" Garcia put a hand over her heart in awe and somewhat of a betrayal that he didn't tell them sooner.
Morgan smirked in my direction. "Pretty boy being a player over there. I wish I'd be saying congratulations under different circumstances."
Clutching my hands into fists at my sides I could feel my whole body shaking while I attempted to get the words out. Thinking back to last night and what would have happened if I had just stayed like she asked. "I have a wealth of knowledge I should be applying to this case. Behavioral patterns of stalkers. Tactical recovery strategies. Victim survival odds. But right now I can't focus on anything more than 4 seconds at a time. Which makes me the dumbest person in the room. So...Please help me. Help me find her."
"We don't know if we have a case. So we'll be working on personal time. Does anybody want to leave?" Hotch asked the others looking around and nobody said anything against it. "Good. Let's get to work."
Everybody else had left the room but I felt Garcia reach down for my hand squeezing it gently. "Don't worry, we'll find her."
"Yeah I know...I just hope she remembers what I taught her to buy her time so we can find her." I sucked in a breath following her down to her office where she opened the door and I pulled in a chair from another desk.
Sitting down beside her she turned on her computer screen grabbing me a set of headphones. "Here, put these on and wait for my cue ... .so care to tell me about this girl before we see some dark things."
"We've gone out on some coffee dates that happened near the campus... .sorry I don't really know what would be important until we look through the evidence." Running a hand through my hair I sighed heavily.
She spun slightly in her chair. "Reid, I know you're worried about this girl. But you just need to remember that this isn't all just riding on you. This girl has to fight against the clock in her own way."
"Yeah...there is one thing that sticks out to me about these photos." I dropped my attention to the printed photos she had given me when we came into her office. One of the photos showed blood on the floor and a gun bullet laying at the edge of it. "He has a handgun. That’s the weapon he used to control her.”
Garcia paused her typing on the keyboard glancing at me. “What’s her name? I might be able to track her phone or her status on social media platforms.”
“Y/n Stabler.” I answered her question. “She has a few siblings and her father is very concerned for her all the time.”
She asked me. “What’s his name?”
“Elliot Stabler. He works for New York Police Department SVU.” I gasped thinking that it was obvious what the best next step should be. Getting up from my chair I rummaged around in her bag taking out her keys and running out of the office. “I’ll bring your car back, Garcia. I have to go speak with him.”
Driving through the city streets I gripped the steering wheel parking outside the building. Rushing inside I made my way through the department until I found a door that read SVU’s written on the glass door at the end of the hallway. Entering through the door I saw multiple different people working at different desks until a woman with short dark brown hair noticed me. “Can I help you with something, sir?”
“I’m um - needing to speak with a guy named Elliot Stabler about something important.” I answered her question frantically scanning my eyes around the room even though I had never seen a picture of her father.
The woman responded. “Okay. He’s my partner so give me a minute to find her. My name is Olivia Benson.”
“Spencer Reid.” I nodded nervously hearing footsteps coming in our direction.
A guy wearing a bright blue dress shirt and black pants who crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “What are you doing here, Mr. Reid?”
“I need to speak with you. It’s about your daughter, Y/n.” I stepped past Olivia when she took a step backwards watching the two of us talk.
Stabler stepped closer to me. “Did something happen to my daughter?”
“I think someone has abducted her.” I gulped feeling my hands beginning to clamp up at my sides, praying that he could help me find her.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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daemon-in-my-head · 6 months
It's forbidden. They are not supposed to love each other. They're punished for loving each other, and it'll only get worse if they don't stop. They weren't meant to be. The odds weren't in their favour, and fate wasn't on their side. Destiny was a vicious traitor to them.
And yet they loved. They ruined themselves for it. They destroyed themselves for the forbidden fruit for the sweetness they weren't allowed to taste. They challenged fate, destiny, the gods, and their creators. And for what? Just to be understood. To be allowed to be gentle. To be loved and love in return.
But they failed. Mortals are not meant to challenge the tidings of fate and survive unscathed. So he forgot the sweet smile only directed at him, the gentle voice only he heard, the body only he was allowed to worship, forgot all but a name and a dull feeling. Meanwhile, the other remembered, just to see it all getting ripped away from him. The warm gaze only he ever saw is now cold as ice. The hands that gently traced his scars now twitch violently with the urge to be drowned in his own blood. The voice that called his name ever so sweetly now filled with disgust as it utters the syllables.
They destroyed themselves once for love, and now it'll utterly crush the pieces left in return.
PoV, you open your notes app to continue writing just to ditch back to tumblr cuz of reasons you don't know yourself. Anyway, it's time to take a nap and ditch responsibilities, too. So sorry, but I'm too tired today, I'll reply to everything tmr when I've hopefully left this state of basically just in-between naps. Need to catch up on a week worth of sleep. And apparently, the one time I left the house, I managed to trip n fall and kinda maybe landed on my right hand. As a right-handed person, this kinda suck. Listen, when ur body tells u it wants to sleep ig. Urgh
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canirove · 4 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 24
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We are gonna have to cancel our weekend plans 😔
Why? What happened?
I've caught the worst cold known in human history
It can't be that bad, Val 😂😂
It is. I can't remember how it felt to breathe through my nose 😔
Don't make fun of me, Pedro.  I'm sick 😭😭
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Do you want me to go and give you cuddles?
And risk getting you sick? No way
If I'm sick I can't play, and you always say that's good because without me Barça are shit and they lose all their games
Yes, that's true. But this cold is the worst thing ever and I don't want you having to suffer it too
Awww Val 🥺🥺🥺🥺
That's so nice of you
I am a nice woman
Sometimes you are, yes 😊
I always am nice, Pedro 😒
Beg to differ 😂
Idiot 😒
Still love you, tho 🤍
Try to fix it now 😒
Can I do anything to make you feel better? 
Stop calling me mean, for example 🙄
But I love it when you are mean 😏
You are so weird
Yet you love me 🥰
I sadly do, yes 🙄
Are you sure you are sick? You don't sound like it 😂 
Unless being sick makes you be meaner
Val, stop, you are turning me on 🥵
Idiot 🙄
I'm stopping now, I promise 😂 
But if you miss me too much, remember you still have the blanket and the pillow with my face on them 
If you aren't already using them, of course 😏
I love you, Val. Get well soon 🤍
Yeah, love you too 🙄
"Val, are you sure you are ok?" Silvia asks me.
"I am. I may not be able to breathe and all my joints hurt as if I've run a marathon, but I'm fine. Go and have fun."
"Ok… But if you start feeling worse, will you call someone?"
"I will, don't worry. Now leave" I say, moving my arm. Or trying to.
"Alright. Good."
"Silvia, go."
"I'm going, I'm going. I just hate seeing you like this."
"I'll survive. Now go."
"Ok. Try to rest, Val" she says, patting my head. "And maybe wash your hair."
"Yeah, yeah."
Five minutes later, someone rings the bell.
"Urgh" I groan, getting up from the sofa. "What did you forget now, Sil… Rosy!" I gasp when I see the person standing in front of me.
"Hello, Val" Pedri's mum smiles.
"What… what are you doing here?"
"I had plans to come visit next weekend, but Pedri told me you were sick, and I decided to come early and take care of you."
"That's… I mean…"
"He said you were struggling, that it was a really bad cold. When you are that sick you need to be pampered, and there is nothing like a mother for that. And since things with yours aren't the best right now…"
"She'll come around, you'll see" Rosy smiles. "Anyway, can I come in?"
"Yes, of course. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
"Don't worry. This is for you" she says, showing me the huge bouquet of flowers she was carrying. "I guess you know who sent them."
"I do, yes" I chuckle.
"Who knew my son had such good taste, uh? He had never sent me flowers until he met you."
"Yep. You've brought up the best in him, Val. I already told you."
"I… I…" I mumble, my cheeks on fire. Though maybe that's my fever coming back.
"Now, why don't you sit down while I put these on water? You need to rest."
"Yes, of course."
"I'm also going to make you some lunch, you've probably been eating really bad."
"There is no need, Rosy."
"I insist" she says. "I've come here to take care of you, and that includes feeding you. And I'm also going to make you some homemade remedies that I know will help with that cold."
"You are too kind" I say with a shy smile.
"Anything for you, Val" she replies, taking my hand on hers. "You are my son's girlfriend, the woman he loves the most. Well, the one he loves the most after me, of course" she laughs. "You are family."
"Thank you." Don't cry, Valeria. Don't cry.
"So go lay down on the sofa and don't worry about anything else, ok?"
"Ok" I nod.
"And oh, wait" she says, taking a box from the bag she is carrying. "He also gave me this for you. He said it would hopefully make you feel better."
"Thank you" I smile, taking it and sitting down while she starts rummaging around the kitchen.
The box is just one of the hundreds of Adidas boxes Pedri has around the house, but he's written my name on it and drawn hearts all around it. 
When I open it, it is full of my favourite chocolates and sweets. From kinder eggs to Mars bars and gummy bears. And under all that, there is a small photo album, P⁠♡V written on the cover. 
"So cheesy" I chuckle.
Inside it, on the first page, there is a note. 
You already know 14 is our number. And not because your team has 14 Champions League trophies. 14 is our number because that's the day we met. The day I met the woman of my dreams. And on this little album, I've put 14 of the many reasons why I love you and 14 photos of us together. From our first selfie together on my beach, that now is ours, to the last one the other day being silly when we were stuck in traffic. I hope they make you feel better and as if I'm there with you, taking care of you. My mum's cooking is good too, but nothing like your favourite kid 😉 Get well soon, Val. I love you 🤍
"Val, do you have a… Oh my God, Valeria. Are you ok? Why are you crying?" Rosy says, sitting next to me.
"Did you know that your son is the cutest human being the world has ever seen?"
"I knew he was cute, but that cute…" she laughs. "Did he make that for you?" she asks, nodding towards the photo album.
"He did. He put photos of us together and wrote under each one a reason why he loves me."
"Aww, that is cute. Very romantic."
"And cheesy" I chuckle. "But I love it. And him. I love him so much…"
"Oh, come here" Rosy says, hugging me while I start to cry. "He also loves you very much, you know?"
"That's what he says."
"And he doesn't lie. I'm his mother, I know him better than anyone. And I also know he couldn't have chosen a better person to spend his life with."
"Even if I'm older than him?" I say, moving to look at her.
"Even so" she replies, wiping away some of my tears. 
"I wish my mum would understand it the way you do. Because this is real. My feelings for Pedri are very real. You say I bring up the best in him, but he does the same with me. Never in my life have I felt more me than I do now, and it's all thanks to him. He has helped me find my true self, to be completely happy with who I am and my life. But my mum only sees the age gap and that he is a football player, though she didn't mind that when she thought I was dating Ferran. She doesn't see that I am the happiest I've ever been."
"But she will. She just needs time."
"That's what Pedri told me after that disaster of first lunch we had together, but... We've never had a good relationship, you know? I've always felt like she blames me for ruining her life."
"Oh, Val. Don't say that."
"But it's true. My dad left her the moment he found out she was pregnant and we've never heard about him again. She had to give up on her dreams and her career to raise me."
"And I'm sure that if I asked her, she would tell me that you've been the best thing that has ever happened to her and that she would do it all over again."
"I don't know…" I sigh.
"She would, Val. Because she's raised an amazing woman, one to be very proud of."
"You are gonna make me cry again" I chuckle.
"And I may cry with you too" Rosy laughs. "But you need to be patient with her, Val. You know this relationship isn't what people are used to."
"If I was dating a man 10 years older, they would not judge me this much."
"Oh, they would. But not for the same reasons."
"Yeah, true" I chuckle. 
"She'll come around. And if she doesn't, you know you will always have me."
"Thank you, Rosy" I sob.
"You're welcome" she says, hugging me again. "And since I'm gonna be something like your mother… You could do with a shower, Valeria."
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Silvia said that I should probably wash my hair, but I've been feeling so poorly that…"
"It's ok, don't worry" Rosy chuckles. "I've smelt worse, I have two boys, remember? But why don't you shower while I finish making your lunch?"
"Yes, of course."
"Perfect" she smiles. "Also, do you have a squeezer? That's what I wanted to ask you earlier."
"Yes, on the cupboard on top of the fridge. We don't use it that much."
"Once you've tried my magical remedy for colds you will, you'll see" she winks, her gesture reminding me of Pedri. 
"Thank you, Rosy."
"What for?"
For coming today. For taking care of me. For raising that amazing son of yours. 
"Just… everything" I shrug.
"Well, you are very welcome" she smiles. "Now go shower."
"Yes, of course" I smile back before going into the bathroom. 
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salty-an-disco · 13 days
Hunted for the ask game?
ask game link
• First impression
I saw him first on the Razor chapter. There was a lot going on there, so I didn't have many thoughts besides, "Oh! Another guy! 'Hunted', huh? Wonder what kinda chapter he's from–"
• Impression now
Such a good little critter. I just love how understated its kindness and understanding personality is, and yet still so so effective. The kinda person that can connect to and help out anyone if it has the energy for it. But can also become a source of tiredness as all that emotional awareness can be a lot. High-empathy autist <3
• Favorite moment
Gotta be the Eye of the Needle fight. It's just– it's great. Seeing Hunted so confident and sure of your own victory was sooooo satisfying after seein' how fearful and anxious it was in Beast. And Ada finding satisfaction in your more tricky play and learning something new is just– URGH. So good.
• Idea for a story
There's the Hunted-Primrose focused arc I wanna do for Heathens, ofc. But for something different– I kinda wanna write a story about human Hunted struggling with body dysmorphia and feeling like it's not supposed to be human– maybe I'll do smth like this for Echomirror.
• Unpopular opnion
Honestly? I'm not really into portrayals of Hunted becoming/acting more like a predator (all the power to the people who likes it tho, you do you)– idk, it's just not as interesting to me as seeing a little guy overcome adversity despite the odds. Also don't see Hunted being as intense as some portrayals made it out to be. It's very understated and generally a calm/quiet person, and I like leaning into that while still making it a Cryptid.
• Favorite relationship
Writing Heathens made me really fond of Hunted and Primrose/Damsel's relationship. I just think they'd get each other really well. They're simple people, with simple goals/wants, who just want to livr a happy/peaceful life. And the idea of Hunted helping someone who isn't very naturally apt for fight how to survive is just very dear to me.
• Favorite headcanon
Hunted having a speech impediment– being either semi-verbal or selective mute. Especially in a post-construct scenario where it now has to use its own throat to talk. It's Way Too Difficult at times, and it often prefers non-verbal communication.
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cloud--atlas · 1 month
ten! first! lines!
Tagged by @quidnunc-life aboslutely ages ago. Sorry I'm only getting to it now.
the cards are worn and old and unlike any he has seen before - oranges and browns picking out animal-headed figures that shift and contort - and the fortune-teller deals them in a manner that implies years of practice. (the shorter story)
On this day, two years ago, Peggy thinks, Daniel Sousa died. (Three Body Problem)
In Natasha’s defence, it isn’t as if she planned this. (Here Your Love Has Been)
If Kate is going to blame anyone for this – and she is – she’d say this was all Clint’s fault. (Oh! You Pretty Things)
Some man gives Natasha an obnoxious once-over as she sits down on the subway and for the six-hundredth time today, Natasha curses herself for forgetting her headphones this morning. (Hop On, Get Off)
If Bucky had thought that his life had become a porno before – hoo boy. (Prime)
“Do you ever imagine we live in the ribcage of a dead animal?” (This Bitter Earth)
Bucky is woken by Natasha rolling out of bed; the dip and pull of the covers, the soft padding of her feet. (One Day Like This)
The boy knew enough to survive. (Though I Sang In My Chains Like The Sea)
Clint’s been in town two months before he sees her. (Safe Harbour)
Wow, I do like short sentences to start, don't I? Also, not to toot my own horn or anything, but some of these fics are good. Like, I forgot how good the shorter story was. And also Though I Sang In My Chains Like The Sea. And Safe Harbour! Urgh, one day I'll get back into this. It's fun.
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frostgears · 11 months
From the bridge of the Shadowsea, Ada watched the monitors and gritted her teeth. The camera drone was barely keeping up with Cinquain's flight armor, and on top of that, throttling down its bandwidth to the relay to stay beneath the station's detection threshold as they approached, so the picture was getting steadily worse. She keyed the mic.
"Cinq. How are you holding up?"
"Green across the board, boss. Thermals where they should be. Deflek geometry solid, aerodynamics smooth like butter."
"Not the armor, Cinq. You."
"Green across the board, boss," her pilot repeated. "You nervous? You sound nervous."
No point in hiding it. "Always."
"Don't be. You trained me for this. Tell the mission jitters to fuck off."
"Wish I could. I don't have your triggers."
"Hard life you live, boss." Her pilot paused. "Coming up on the go/no-go line. We doin' this or what?"
She released the mic switch for the duration of one long intake of breath, held it again. "We're doing it."
"And here's me," she told her pilot, and flicked a quartet of hardswitches across the width of the console. The Shadowsea's automatics took it from there.
For a quiet minute, nothing happened.
Then, when the moment was right, the firing solution perfect, the ship shuddered as its twin railguns hurled cobalt slugs in perfect over-the-horizon arcs. Elsewhere on the planet's surface, Cinquain had entrenched weapons where Ada commanded; now buried hypersonic missile launchers ripped their way to the surface to launch a a follow-up barrage of smarter, heavier ordnance.
The camera feed lit up white and then went to SIGNAL LOST. On the voice link, Cinquain whooped and then her signal was gone too.
Ada bit her lip. Nothing to do but wait. And oh, how she hated waiting.
The signals came back, eventually.
The camera drone had survived, and in its feed, defense drones fell burning from the sky. Pillars of ash spread from where railguns and missiles had blasted the station's air defenses to dust. The black wings of Cinquain's armor in approach configuration showed briefly against the steel and glass of the station itself, and then, nothing.
She put the drone into signal relay mode and switched to Cinquain's armor's camera just as Cinquain smashed through the station's walls. The video feed was chaotic, patchy, contrast blown by weapon flash. Most, not all, from Cinq's own weapon.
It was over quickly. She watched every second, room by room, unflinching, reminding herself what this all cost in the end, what was gained, what was lost.
"—day— … —ender—"
"Say again, Cinq."
"I said, that's something you don't see every day, boss. Finally got one of the bastards to surrender."
The armor's camera showed a room full of metal shelves, and a young woman, wearing the usual black and gold but cringing, arms crossed in front of her face as if to ward off Cinquain's cannon.
That didn't happen. Their indoctrination ran deeper than she'd ever been able to figure out a way around — at least, in the field. "You're kidding."
"Nah. Somebody's lucky day, I guess."
"Is the station secure?"
"Other'n this chick, yeah. Everything matched up with our blueprints and personnel records."
"Good. Hold for pickup. I'm bringing the ship in."
"Urgh." She could hear the grimace in her pilot's voice. "Be careful, will ya?"
Despite the chain of command being obvious, short, and to push the metaphor, tightly wrapped around a certain pilot's neck, Cinquain still considered the Shadowsea hers.
"Funny of you to tell me that."
"I'm the one who has to fix the paint job. And last time, two layers of armor underneath—"
Ada spoke a phrase into the mic.
In a voice entirely drained of its irritation, as well as its accent, Cinquain replied: "I hear and obey, Miss."
"Good girl," Ada purred. "Continue to hold. I'll be there shortly."
She reached up to pull the flight controls into position…
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cwarscars · 7 months
Ngl that trailer was, a lot to take in (Seeing a pattern here with these trailers lmao) i loved what i saw and seeing the gang was like my own reunion lmao
(( literally - everytime i watch one of the rebirth trailers, i have to then rewatch several times just to like - take - it all in ! but my god, i'm so excited !
( dont get me wrong, scared heidegger will only get 2 mins of screentime - something i understand but am GUTTED by )
but holy shit!
cid looks so amazing! i am concerned about his character and i'm hoping that his whole 'i'll help you uwu' spiel in the trailer is him either taking the piss or after aerith does something for him. after all, i love me a nasty cid. i think because of the kingdom hearts series etc, people think cid is the wholesome dad type character and seem to forget that the guy is a chain smoker who regularly verbally abuses his only friend lol.
vincent looks incredible - i keep seeing peeps say he looks like seph but bro, he looks like rufus! if you gave him blonde hair and blue eyes, he'd legit be rufus. not sure if that's a case of same face courtesy elena / tifa or they wanted him to look similar to rufus. but trust - compare their noses they look super similar!
dyne just...urgh, my heart. i used to write dyne a very long time ago because i love his story and im glad to see that they're largely keeping it the same. LOVE his look and am hoping he kills himself like in the original. we need more powerful punch storytelling like that in games again, i hope they don't wimp out on that.
biggs looks incredible and im interested in the idea of him surviving where the others died. i am a little so-so on the alt timeline stuff. not a fan, didn't care for the whispers etc but im sure i'll appreciate it.
seeing jessie made my heart skip a beat because she looked so lovely and i love @svnsworn's rendition of her and instantly thought of her writing and seeing jessie again and ahhhhhh
im very excited to see characters like cait sith and dio and such - nobody is talking about dio's body but i have taken note of this lol. im also hoping - by seeing this trailer - that aerith does die. i love her but her death is so important and i dont want them to chicken out of fear of fan backlash. i also really liked that the trailer included lines from the original (such as the bugenhagen bit and aerith's line at the end etc).
overall, i am SUPER excited and really looking forward to what they give us. like remake, i dont think it'll be perfect but i do think it'll be wonderful and im crazy hyped to see my childhood memories looking so fresh and beautiful in today's graphics
(also dios hairy chest) ))
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jennyandvastraflint · 6 months
Xena Reactions S1Ep17! Here we go, after surviving covid...
A shiny! Aaaand lots of hooded people
Hehe Xena
Oh she's enjoying chasing him
They replaced it beforehand shdhshs
Thunk thunk thunk. Hehe
She wants to EMPLOY him. AIGHT
"the most valuable object in the world" Xena you've already got Gabrielle's heart
"Didn't Hercules tell you I'm an honourable man?" the SILENCE
He untied his hands... Gabrielle just going "Ah. Ah."
Them playing to his ego
"No it worked. I'll do it" djfhshhd
"However, this man has financial needs"
"Any less and it wouldn't be" dhdh Exactly buzz off
Him chewing on the toothpick T_T
The uncomfortable laughter
Xena wants to stab him so bad. And I completely agree.
"He was my brother" SPITS. XD
Oh hello Xena... I'm looking respectfully at the cleavage
PFFFT He just tried to kill the dude xD
Are they gonna pull him overboard
Oh, okay just across the deck
-_- Urgh, men
"Nothing is as big as mine" 😭
"Hu. Only one bed." Please...
"Heads it is" Hehe. She flipped him
OOOOOH, That sounds like an intriguing mechanism, so finely tuned
She's got to dance again?
Oh is he making a mold of the key to make his own later
AHAHAHAAA, She yeeted the food at him
He deserves it.
Oop, did he die??? Yikesss
Awww, they helped Xena <3
"my mother died when I was eight" Why is it always 8 year olds. Like... Seriously XD
Headbutt the guy sjdhshs
"You and he didn't..." I call it now this bisexual dude made out with Hercules
Her distracting the guy. And his foot got caught.
She's so annoyed with these men, she just wants her wifey
OOP. The real Centerius
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
Yay they save Gabrielle
Those two are going to kiss. Because I say so.
Xena helping... Or something
Gabrielle my beloved babygirl
Urgh not THAT guy again
"I think I'm kidding myself" yes you are
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
This is so ridiculous omg
That's the noise my shoulder also makes
MY BELOVED GABRIELLE (hand in marriage pls?)
Did Xena just stab a guy in the nuts? New bottom surgery just dropped
Oh it can glow ominously
Is it gonna melt his face off
Okay it just burned him. LOLLLLLL
It this the Ten Commandments???
"And after this, I never will" Lmao
He saved it for himself with a kiss to her hand
Awww, he gave back the money
Istg... She's just like one Jenny Flint fr 😂
And Xena being all "Omg thou shalt not steal???" the flirting and teasing fr
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Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: EggOmega's Downfall
During the final fight of Tails of Trials, pretty much everyone was worn down from EggOmega's attacks, save for OMT!Tails, Sonic Prime, OMT!Mina and Movie Sonic.
Movie Sonic (breathing heavily): I-It's no good. As long as he's got the power of those Emeralds, he's too powerful to beat.
Dr. EggOmega: Glad you got the memo, rodents. With the power of all FOURTEEN of your original Emeralds, "Sonic Prime", I can reawaken the embodiment of death and destruction from after your conflict with it back at the Starfall Islands.
Sonic Prime: "Embodiment of death"...? N-No... You can't mean...
Dr. EggOmega: Quite right! And once it's released when the Sealed Stars reach the heart of the Special Dimension, NO universe shall survive! And after that, I shall rule over all that's left of it, including your own, "Prime"!
OMT!Tails: Y-You're insane. Don't you realise that unleashing The End will mean YOUR demise, too?
Dr. EggOmega: Foolish fox boy. I've already planned WELL ahead for any and ALL missteps. Nobody can stop me now!
He readied a Chaos cannon over Sonic Prime.
Dr. EggOmega: By eliminating you, rodent, all versions of your likeness shall soon follow suit. And in the end, NO-ONE is going to miss you. FIRE!
The beam blasted down as OMT!Tails pushed his friends out of the way of it.
Sonic Prime: Tails!
Movie Sonic (genuinely panicked): NONONO!
The beam impacted with Tails as EggOmega laughed like a deranged maniac. However, this wasn't the end for him, as EggOmega's Chaos Emeralds left their pedestals and entered the beam with the kid, unleashing an altered variation of his Super form.
Dr. EggOmega: W-What?! How could this be happening?! I played every card right!
OMT!Tails floated towards the now-panicked doctor alongside these gems.
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OMT!Mina: What's going on?!
Sonic Prime: I dunno, but it sure looks nasty.
Dr. EggOmega: S-Stay back now! I-I'll give you anything you desire! You want balance?! I'll GIVE you that balance! Just please, d-don't kill me!
Chaos Emeralds: Your misdeeds with us have gone on long enough, Ivo. It's time you get what is coming to you, once and for all. This... is for the fallen hero of this world!
A powerful blast sent EggOmega right into one of the walls, where he crashed near Eggman Prime's Egg Wyvern wreckage, as the original Baldy McNosehair himself started climbing out of the rubble.
Dr. EggOmega: This s-shouldn't be possible! I planned for everything, and it backfired just like THIS?!
Eggman Prime: No, Dr. YolkAlpha...
Eggman Prime stood upright, his face framed in pure shadow and looking more malicious.
Eggman Prime: You played yourself as the FOOL the entire time! I specifically chose the Egg Wyvern to attack you once I realised the extent you were aiming to go to shatter the multiverse. I knew your extreme obsession with my many past exploits would give you logical tunnel vision, no matter how crazy-prepared you were. I knew you'd use the Chaos Emeralds' power - however you utilised it - to its fullest extent. And thus, I knew you'd go as far as to reawaken The End... just to prove your point.
Dr. EggOmega: Urgh... Well played, my Prime self... I'm honestly quite proud...
The eviler doctor's eyes flashed brightly in an attempt to hypnotise Eggman Prime.
Dr. EggOmega: ...that you're seeing things MY way!
The Emeralds dispersed from OMT!Tails as he fell down the steps, being caught in Sonic Prime's arms as the other Blur Gang members and allies came to, each watching what was going on. Unfortunately for EggOmega, Dr. Eggman no-sold the hypnotism... by simply lowering the goggles he rarely ever put over his eyes.
Dr. EggOmega (in disbelief): W-Why aren't you-?!
Eggman Prime (smirking with glee): It helps that we're both equal levels of GENIUS, aren't we? You were so very, very proud of eradicating your blue rat from existence in particular. Did you honestly think I'd let you continue your ways without taking some precautions?
Orbot and Cubot rose from the wreckage, too, as did Sage, each watching their boss/father showing who he really could be if pushed far enough.
Dr. EggOmega: Y-You... actually listened to my gloating...? B-But you never said... or acknowledged... (panicked) N-No! This isn't fair! A Dr. Eggman aside from me has NEVER had this much foresight!
In response, Eggman Prime slammed his foot down, continuing to glare at his alternate counterpart.
Eggman Prime: I've made my mistakes! One of them was letting you continue your schemes scot-free for this long!
Dr. EggOmega (breathing heavily and about to lose his shit): I refuse to lose! Not when I'm THIS close to victory!
He tried throwing a sucker punch at the doctor, only for Eggman to flawlessly catch it, then use EVERY ounce of his strength to throw EggOmega sky-high before he crashed down painfully into a wall, causing that side of the peak chamber to start crumbling.
Eggman Prime: Oho, you scrambled villain. What makes you think you ever had a choice in the matter? Villains always lose, but we learn something so much more from each failure. That's a benefit to failure, something you never foresaw to begin with. THAT is your biggest weakness, and it always has been!
Movie Sonic: Is your Eggman seriously this powerful with no machinery?
Sonic Prime: Sometimes, you'd be surprised.
Dr. EggOmega was badly injured from Eggman Prime's attack, shaking in pain as he got to his knees and grasping his head from upset that his schemes were all for nothing in the end. And as he said these last words, the Prime version of Team Sonic (alongside Cream, Shadow and Rouge) arrived to witness it.
Dr. EggOmega: I planned EVERYTHING out... down to the smallest details! I had every advantage... accounted for every contingency... and yet... I still lost! I did everything right, but that fox boy and my "original" counterpart single-handedly destroyed all that effort in minutes... I guess... I really AM a failure... An utter, disgraceful failure...
He was so buried in his thoughts that he paid no mind to the crumbling area around him, leading him to be buried under the rubble and killed once and for all as the Prime Team Sonic watched.
Knuckles Prime: Is that the guy causing all this trouble?
OMT!Knuckles: *sigh* It sure was.
Sonic Prime: You guys? How did you trace my lead?
Tails Prime: Well, you can kinda thank Eggman for leaving his portal into the multiverse open.
OMT!Tails: Ah, so that's how he's been trailing us this whole time.
Eggman Prime: Don't get any funny ideas, kid. Only I'M allowed to destroy that blue pincushion, not that sorry excuse of an alternate me. Hmph, makes Eggman Nega look sane in contrast. How much did you lot see while trailing after where I was going?
Amy Prime: Well, so many different Sonics, for one.
CR!Sonic: Pretty much like us, for starters. Still trying to pick up your Sonic's trail, Amy?
Amy Prime: Well, a little bit, but I've simmered it down a bit. I mean, there are definitely other ways to love someone other than chasing them everywhere.
Shadow Prime: I'm pretty impressed that you managed to hold out your own in alternate dimensions, Sonic, even without me around.
Sonic Prime: Heh, what can I say? I at least had some friends around to help me out!
OMT!Tails: Okay, there's not a lot of time to think about that. Right now, those Sealed Star catchers are already hauling the Chaos Emeralds and Super Emeralds straight to the heart of the Special Dimension, and if we don't get there in time, ALL dimensions are done for.
Cream Prime: We'll help you save everybody, Mr. Tails!
Amy Prime: She's right! We're not gonna sit by and be bystanders. We'll contribute everything we can to stopping this interdimensional threat once and for all!
OMT!Mina: Question is, how are we going to get after them? We only have so much stamina in us outright.
Antho: Yeah. Plus, not all of us are built for speed AND attack. We really need some alternate.
On cue, numerous portals opened around them, bringing in altered Ring Racers as SRB2 Robotnik and SRB2 Tails came down.
SRB2 Robotnik: So you managed to destroy that EggOmega guy, huh? Excellent!
SRB2 Tails: Here. We brought these along to help us take all 14 emeralds back from the Sealed Stars!
Knuckles Prime: How are go-karts meant to help us?
Mini Sonic: They're "Ring Racers", Knuckles.
D-Sides Mighty: They're built to harness the power of all those rings found across dimensions, and they can go to tremendous speeds!
SRB2 Tails: These are modified versions built specifically for this mission; it's enough to allow one driver to focus on the navigating, and up to three passengers to throw whatever they can use at the Sealed Stars to shatter them and free the Emeralds.
SRB2 Robotnik: Then again, it's not just a matter of freeing the gems, but collecting them as well.
OMT!Tails: Then that shall be our end goal! Me and Sonic learned a technique that can be used to get rid of The End once and for all!
Tails Prime: Then let's plan out our approach together! There's 38 of us in total, if counting all the multiversal guys, the Sonic I never thought existed outside a movie...
Movie Sonic: Heh, never thought my adventures would get around fast.
Tails Prime: ...and us as well! We'll need to split it out evenly for our best chances of acquiring the Emeralds!
CR!Sonic stepped forward first.
CR!Sonic: I'll go with my kids to get one of the gems!
EX!Alice: I'll head out with Mr. Needlemouse.
Mr. Needlemouse: I'm the one smashin' stuff, right? Fine by me!
D-Sides Mighty: Okay, pinky. How about you and me as a pair?
BK!Amy: Of course!
Antho: Hey, Brian! What say you and me team up for this one?
Ex-Prince Brian: Sounds fine to me, dude!
Cream Prime: We should go as a pair, Miss Amy!
Amy Prime: Excellent! You okay with driving these?
Cream Prime: Of course!
Tails Prime: In that case, how about you tag with me, Knuckles? I'll drive, and you smash that catcher with whatever you can!
Knuckles Prime: Cool idea, kid! Let's do it!
Mini Sonic: How about we work as a duo, Mina?
OMT!Mina: No problemo!
OMT!Knuckles: Count me into your group too, Mina.
The teams ready to get the Chaos Emeralds readied themselves at their respective Ring Racers.
SRB2 Tails: That's the Chaos Emerald set accounted for. Now, we need groups for the Super Emeralds as well, which are in harder areas.
Rouge Prime: In that case, I say me and Shadow should form the first tag team for those.
Shadow Prime: Remember, everyone, keep your focus and don't lose attention on the goal. The entire multiverse is at stake.
Sonic Prime: Don't worry, Shad. We'll handle it!
Eggman Prime: Alright, then. Orbot, Cubot, Sage, you're with me!
Orbot: We'll do our best ever for you, boss!
Nitro: I'll go after the Sealed Star with April.
April: We'll do our best!
CU!Sonic: In that case, me, Sonia and the other Cream will tackle one of them together!
CU!Sonia: You got it, dad!
OMT!Cream: Let's go!
Devy: Hmm... We're running low on picks, so... I'll go with my Smol self and Trip!
Trip: I'm sure we can do this!
Smol Devy: Let's help wescue evewyone together!
OMT!Amy: And I'll join you guys in the vehicle!
Hog: Okay. Let's tag team each other, Wacky!
Wacky: You got it!
Nine: And I'll come along with you two. I feel it's worth doing so.
OMT!Tails: That just leaves me and Sonic Prime. We'll focus on the last Super Emerald!
Sonic Prime: Good intel, kid! Let's put this right together!
Movie Sonic: Hey! Don't leave me outta this!
OMT!Tails: Heh, you're with us too, then!
Movie Sonic: Awesome! Woo-hoo!
Everyone got ready in their vehicles for the final push to save the multiverse.
Mr. NM: I still don't get the whole deal of driving in go-karts, but it's something.
SRB2 Tails: We'll give you any important intel we need to back at our Sunbeam Paradise base!
SRB2 Robotnik: Remember, pay attention, or bypassing each area's going to be a big struggle.
OMT!Tails: You got it!
SRB2 Tails: Everyone, press the multicoloured button on the vehicles, and they'll take you straight there!
CR!Sonic: Alright. Good luck, everybody!
OMT!Tails: Thanks, Sonic. You too!
Everyone pressed the buttons, which warped them into the Special Dimension together.
SRB2 Tails: Do you think they'll make it, doctor?
SRB2 Robotnik: I'm sure of it. If they can pull this off, then our Ring Racers will well and truly have completed all their necessary tests, and we can then begin spreading their appeal to the wider multiverse. For now, though, let's head back and give them the intel they need!
The two geniuses returned to Sunbeam Paradise to monitor the heroes' progress, leaving EggOmega's lair to crumble with the insane doctor in it.
The teams:
CR!Sonic, CR!Sonia and CR!Manik - Balconies (Green Chaos)
EX!Alice and Mr. NM - Church (Yellow Chaos)
D-Sides Mighty and BK!Amy - Courtyard (Purple Chaos)
Antho and Ex-Prince Brian - Villa (Blue Chaos)
Amy Prime, Cream Prime and Cheese Prime - Venice (Silver Chaos)
Tails Prime and Knuckles Prime - Spikes (Red Chaos)
Mini Sonic, OMT!Mina and OMT!Knuckles - Fountain (Cyan Chaos)
Shadow Prime and Rouge Prime - Gallery (Green Super)
Eggman Prime, Orbot, Cubot and Sage - Alley (Yellow Super)
Nitro and April - Steeple (Purple Super)
CU!Sonic, CU!Sonia and OMT!Cream - Rooftops (Blue Super)
Devy, Smol Devy, OMT!Amy and Trip - Roulette (Silver Super)
Hog, Wacky and Nine - Towers (Red Super)
OMT!Tails, Sonic Prime and Movie Sonic - Atlantis (Cyan Super)
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Mag 26
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Return of the queen! Can't wait to hear all about your fucked up little adventure Sasha.
Also notable that both she and Martin expressed a desire to record a statement immediately after a traumatic incident. That's definitely the Eye's influence.
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Sasha in Jon's office like:
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Also new fanfic idea: Martin's holiday in the office.
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Okay, I'm shifting into Defend Martin Mode, I'll have to stop and take some deep breaths. The fucking gall of Sasha to criticise Martin's self-preservation instincts after the shit she's been up to!! AHHHH. He outlived you!!!
The way she discounts Jane Prentiss as a threat just because Martin survived makes me want to scream. He's only alive because Jane kept him alive on purpose to mess with him!! As if Sasha could have done any better!! AHHHHHH!
Deep breaths didn't help me. Must move on.
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I pulled this quote for one word: colonisation. It's so grim. Death by colonisation. I hate it.
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This is a very rational response to the situation from Sasha. She doesn't know she's living in a horror story! Of course it would make sense that the woman who's suffering from some kind of parasite would be getting weaker and sicker the more time passes. Unfortunately, Sasha is living in a horror story, so monsters only get stronger and more dangerous the longer they survive.
But I'm not sure that downplaying Jane as a threat follows Sasha's logic. The threat of Prentiss isn't physical assault, it's colonisation. That's like saying a plague victim is less infectious the closer they get to their deathbed.
And finally, another instance of the narrative outright telling us that Jon is an unreliable narrator. He's been seeing worms outside and didn't tell us! That makes sense for the framing device, obviously. These tapes are still 'research materials' and not his personal journals, so there's no reason for Jon to mention the worms outside while recording a statement. But it's good to be reminded that there is a lot going on in the archives that we aren't hearing about.
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My headcanon for why Michael approached Sasha rather than Tim used to be that she had some sort of either natural inclination towards or family history of mentall illness (something that would leave her vulnerable to the Spiral). But this detail has made me reconsider. Now I think Michael approached her because she had these cool distortion windows that allowed him to make a dramatic entrance.
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This is such an endearing little insight into Sasha's life (she does quirky things to add fun into her daily routine!), but I'm also going to call it out as Eye behaviour.
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Urgh, his hands are the same size as his torso?? I thought he just had long spirally fingers! This is yuck. I get why the fandom started calling him Michael Fuckhands.
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She's not exactly the bravest person in the world 🥺🥺🥺 She generally avoids horror 🥺🥺🥺
Eternally interested in scepticism among paranormal researchers. Sasha says that working at the Institute made her more skeptical, despite the fact that we know she transferred out of Artefact Storage because she couldn't stand being around the cursed items all the time. I think the fact that our only insight into the Institute is through the lens of genuine paranormal manifestations really distorts our view. The vast majority of what they deal with aren't actual accounts, and most of their work is disproving the fake stuff. The actual statments are outliers, so maybe it does make sense to become more sceptical the longer you spend working on all the other statements.
Still, the moment Sasha is confronted with a genuine manifestation, she understands and accepts what she's seeing. It's wild that she's not afraid, but at least she's not in denial.
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
2 - Call for Help
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Part 3
My Genius Prince
Tag list - @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf
The next morning - Spencer’s pov
Walking into the FBI building I had been dialing Rosalind for a few hours since it was strange that she hadn't called me on my way into work this morning. Sitting down at my desk I sighed pressing the call button on the phone again but I heard the same response for the fifth time. “This is Rosalind, I can’t answer the phone now. Leave a message and I'll call ya back later.”
“Urgh! That's not right. It's can't be right.” Tossing my phone on the desk I ran my hands through my hair frustrated.
Footsteps came down the hallway and I lifted my head up seeing it was JJ. “Hey Spence, you okay. Something seems to have you pretty upset.” She pointed out standing in front of me.
“Uh.. There’s somebody missing that I care about and she's missing.” I sighed leaning back in my chair.
She tilted her head. “Is she a friend or girlfriend?”
“Girlfriend…” I croaked out feeling my chest tighten with fear.
An office door opened before she could say anything more. Garcia and Hotchner came out of his office. “We have a new case. Everyone in the briefing room now.” JJ and I followed them into the room seeing the rest of the team which included Morgan, Prentas, Hotch, Garcia, JJ and me.
“Okay, so this will sound odd. But the computer system has been blowing up a few minutes ago with a repeated message and now there’s a video that was all sent here. Specifically to Spencer’s email address.” Garcia explained once we were all in the conference room.
Hotch glanced over to her. “What else do you know about whoever sent the emails?”
“I wish I could say I had more to tell you. Sadly I haven’t recovered much. At least until I get to read through the emails and see if anything sticks out to me.” She sighed in disappointment.
I gulped feeling a lump in my throat. “Garcia uh…can I read over the emails with you?”
“I know that you can read them really fast but what do you think you’ll find that she can’t with her computer skills?” Emily asked with her arms crossed over her chest.
JJ sent me a half smile. “He claims that this woman is his girlfriend.”
“Wait a girlfriend. Are you serious? How do we not know about her - how do I not know anything about her?” Garcia put a hand over her heart in awe and somewhat of a betrayal that he didn’t tell them sooner.
Morgan smirked in my direction. “Pretty boy being a player over there. I wish I’d be saying congratulations under different circumstances.”
Clutching my hands into fists at my sides I could feel my whole body shaking while I attempted to get the words out. Thinking back to last night and what would have happened if I had just stayed like she asked. “I have a wealth of knowledge I should be applying to this case. Behavioral patterns of stalkers. Tactical recovery strategies. Victim survival odds. But right now I can't focus on anything more than 4 seconds at a time. Which makes me the dumbest person in the room. So...Please help me. Help me find her.”
“We don't know if we have a case. So we'll be working on personal time. Does anybody want to leave?” Hotch asked the others looking around and nobody said anything against it. “Good. Let's get to work.”
Everybody else had left the room but I felt Garcia reach down for my hand squeezing it gently. “Don’t worry, we’ll find her.”
“Yeah I know…I just hope she remembers what I taught her to buy her time so we can find her.” I sucked in a breath following her down to her office where she opened the door and I pulled in a chair from another desk.
Sitting down beside her she turned on her computer screen grabbing me a set of headphones. “Here, put these on and wait for my cue ... .so care to tell me about this girl before we see some dark things.”
“We’ve been dating for two years. I’m the only person besides her bestie Malia who calls her Roz ... .sorry I don’t really know what would be important until we look through the evidence.” Running a hand through my hair I sighed heavily.
She spun slightly in her chair. “Reid, I know you’re worried about this girl. But you just need to remember that this isn’t all just riding on you. This girl has to fight against the clock in her own way.”
“Yeah…there is one thing that sticks out to me about these photos.” I dropped my attention to the printed photos she had given me when we came into her office. One of the photos showed blood on the floor and a gun bullet laying at the edge of it. “Rosalind has gotten a gun after I taught her how to shoot. But she’d never actually hurt anybody with it.”
Garcia knitted her brows. “What does that have to do with the photo?”
“It means that our unsub has her gun and he’ll most likely use it against her again.” Tapping the fingers of my freehand on the desk I muttered under my breath, getting lost in my thoughts. “Please, please remember what I taught you Roz.”
Rosalind’s pov - One Year Ago
Spencer and I had decided that we would take turns on picking what we did on our next date. I had picked the last one so now it was his turn. He parked the car outside the gun range building that belonged to the FBI. Getting out of the car I gulped slightly nervously. “Are you sure we won’t get arrested with a non-federal agent being here?”
“Typically I would lose my job and you would be charged heavily. But don’t worry I lied and told my boss that it was just me coming to practice here today…uh after you.” He strides past me swinging open the door and gestured for me to go first like a gentleman.
I did a princess curtsey even though I was wearing jeans and sweatshirt going in before him and he showed me the direction we needed to go. “Thank you, sir. So what exactly is it I need to do here Agent Reid?”
“Plant your feet like this…” Spencer began explaining putting his feet slightly apart from each other in a fighting stance position almost. I moved my feet the exact same way he was still watching for his next movement.
He comes behind me handing me the handgun he had clipped to his belt. “So just like this?” I asked him to raise the firearm up with both hands slightly.
“Yeah, just a little higher here. Oh and you should keep this part since it will cock back when you fire.” Spencer moves my thumbnail off the back of the gun and he shows me the part that comes back when he removes a bullet out and returns it back to how it was.
Raising my hands again he moves behind me to my suprise where I could feel his front almost against my back. “Hotch told me when I was doing my practices to not lower your weapon so quickly to see where you hit.”
“Because it takes away your focus on the target at hand.” I added onto his statement.
He nodded. “Yeah, pretty much.”
“Okay. I’m gonna give it a try.” I lifted my gaze up to his chocolate brown eyes where he took a few steps backwards from me. Raising the firearm back up I sucked in a breath slowly pulling the trigger. My whole body shook the first time it fired but I released a breath firing a couple more shots. “Woah…how was that?”
Spencer hit the button and the practice target slid forward showing us that two of the three bullets I had fired ended up almost dead center in the person’s chest. “That’s actually a lot better than I was the first couple of times. I didn’t get good until Hotch and I were held hostage by an unsub that I had to shoot.”
“Dang Reid. One of these days I hope I’ll get to meet your team.” I handed him back his gun hearing the door open meaning somebody else was coming in. “Uh somebody’s coming.”
Spencer grabs my hand and we quickly begin running towards a different door and towards his car. “Get in the car….I didn’t expect anyone to come in here right now.” He ran his hands through his hair sighing against the seat.
“Guess it makes this a weird end to our third date huh?” Glancing over at him I sent him a small smile.
He raised a curious brow. “Is there any way to salvage it, Rosalind?”
“Yeah there is, Spencer.” I smiled brightly before he leaned across the seat and kissed me slowly. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him back thinking this wasn’t a bad date in my opinion.
Blinking my eyes opened I moaned feeling some dizziness in my head. It took me a second to regain my vision when I started to see that I was in a barely lit room inside of an old wooden cabin. I attempted to move around but I winced feeling something bond to my wrists. “Urgh! What the…why did he bound me?”
A door creaked opened where I quickly lifted my head upright seeing my father coming in carrying something behind his back like earlier back at my house. “Finally you’re awake. I was worried I’d start to have to call you Sleeping Beauty instead of Cinderella.”
“What do you want from me and how did you get released from jail so early?” I questioned him knowing that he had tried to hurt me when I was six years old.
My father Deacon smirked. “I decided to be on my best behavior. All because I knew it would get me back to you.”
“Even though you knew I had no desire to see you. You do realize I’m not six years old anymore.” I spat at him trying to snap the rope restraints that had tied me down to the wooden chair.
He walked forward revealing something behind his back. One object in each hand but the one in his right scared me more since it was the same gun he hit me with before I blacked out. “You might not be able to fit into your old dress so that’s why I found this one. You’re wondering what I want…I want you to go back before she snitched and ruined what we had.” He held a bright blue dress out in front of his chest in his left hand.
“What makes you think that I’ll just go along with what you say?” I questioned him.
He pointed the gun straight at me. “This doesn’t give you much of a choice. So you do what I say or things will get ugly.” I gulped, figuring there was some hope that Spencer and his team would find me. I had to play his game.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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ahjae · 1 year
Zombie Apocalypse ft. Biko Sekai
Characters: Rookie, Rinne, Aysh, Suro, Rev, Toko, Nora, Yuki, Koe, Kaitou
It's been months ever since this absolute chaos occurred. The once perfectly clear sky, now grey and dull. Even though the apocalypse is quite recent, the gang adapted to the environment quite fast, still being bruised after errands but it's a learning opportunity, as long as none of them got bit, they'll survive for quite some time. 
"Ah-!" Aysh flinched at the sudden pressure on her wound. "Stop moving Aysh, I'm trying to clean this cut you have.." Suro muttered while holding Aysh's wrist, keeping her arm in place. Aysh just shook her head, hissing at the stinging pain of the ointment combined with her open wound. "You two are reckless.." Suro sighed then put away the ointment and cotton back to its proper place. "We got ganged up on by a ton of zombies, what else are we supposed to do?" Someone butted into the conversation. "Maybe not be so reckless to the point where you'd get injured because of a fucking debris" Everyone sighed when Suro kept on scolding them though not paying much attention. 
"I know you and Aysh are skilled with guns, but please, once you're back to running errands I want you to be a little more careful" 
"I'll keep that in mind then, Rinne- Ah- ow-!" The gal flinched at the sudden pain, trying to pull away from Rinne but was pulled back. "Stay still, Rookie, I'm not done yet." Rookie whined but just stayed still 'patiently' waiting for Rinne to finish cleaning up the wounds she has. 
It was quiet for a couple of minutes, no one daring to say anything— either felt too awkward or too tired; though the silence was cut off when they heard the door creaking open. "Are you four done bickering?" the director asks, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She peeked her head out the door and smiled at the four of them. "Do you need something, Toko?" Rookie looked up, meeting Toko's eyes, Toko shook her head and fully opened the door. "Just wanted to let you guys know that Rev and I cooked, so you four better hurry the fuck up”
Toko then leaves the room, "Finally, food!" Aysh complains and takes Suros hand, "WAIT IM NOT DONE WITH YOUR INJU-" Suro was cut off by the door closing leaving Rinne and Rookie alone. "Well I guess we should just fix this mess.." Rinne says as she finishes with Rookie's injury, Rinne then fixes up the medkit and gives it to Rookie to put on the shelf. "Hah, Now that we've fixed up. Lets go Rinne!" Rookie takes Rinnes hand and goes to the other room. 
As Rookie opens the door, They see Toko and Rev talking about their next expedition as she also sees Suro hand feeding Aysh.
' God, how much of a baby could Aysh be.' Rookie thought while smiling awkwardly.. "Alright, so Toko, What's our plan to get materials?" Suro asks, noticing both Rookie and Rinne at the table. "Well. I've thought about it and now. I think the best decision is for you and Rinne to go. Me and Rev will defend our base. Does that sound good for tomorrow's expedition?" Toko says while making eye-contact with both Suro and Rinne, "But can't we help them?" Aysh asks "Well, it shows that YOU AND ROOKIE. Are a bit too hyper on the battlefield." Toko glared at Aysh
"Urgh.. Alright then." Aysh rolls her eyes. 
Everyone took their own plates and utensils and started to scoop up some food before sitting down on their chairs.
"Haah! I'm stuffed!" Rookie says while yawning with Rev silently giggling "Everyone had their food I assume?" He asked and everyone nodded. "Let's head to our rooms then" Rev suggested. "Alright! Goodnight everybody!" Aysh and Suro enter the room they share and go to sleep. 
Time skip .. 
"Hey Suro, you have the stuff ready?" Rinne asks while putting a bat in her backpack, "Mhm, I have" Suro assures Rinne while loading the bullets into his gun. "Alright, we're all set up. Bye Toko, Rev , and Aysh!' 'Rinne says, waving at them while heading for the door, "Alright bye Suro!" Aysh says and continues to kiss Suro ``REALLY? RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME?" Toko says disgusted, Aysh just stuck her tongue out at Toko and waved at the two heading off 
"Alright so, we have to get to the store right?" Rinne asks while walking "Mhm, Since we've already gone there, I have a map on how long and far it takes to go there." Suro says while looking for any zombies that are nearby. They both continue to walk, "Huh, is it me or I hear something loud?" Rinne asks while looking around. "But I don't see any-" A small group of zombies suddenly come forward into Rinne and Suros' view. "Or.. Yes you may be right Rinne.." 
"Alright! Time to clean you guys up" Rinne says while heading in with a bat but keeping a close distance, "I'll back you up, Rinne." 
In no time, Suro and Rinne defeated all of them. "Haah.. Finally..!" Rinne says while cooling down. "Fufu, you did excellent Ri-" 
A scream was heard from the left,
A second person screams at the so-called 'Kaitou' person. Both Rinne and Suro come close, "Hello, Are you guys also survivors?"
"AAAAAAAAAA- '' Kaitou was cut off by the other person covering his mouth. "Uhm, Yeah! We are.." The person covering Kaitous mouth confirms the question. 
"Can't believe you two have the time to argue in such circumstances.." Rinne muttered while still keeping an eye on the surroundings. "If you don't mind me asking, '' Suro started, earning more of the two survivor's attention. "What are you two uhmm.. bickering.. about?" As soon as Suro asked, a boy scoffed, glaring at his 'friend' before answering. "We were being chased down by a few zombies so we tried to fight it, but that 'few' zombies instantly turned into dozens so I insisted that we should run and hide but this idiot-" He cut his sentence off to smack the back of his companion's head. 
("Ow- You bitch!") "Ow- Punyeta ka!" The other cussed, rubbing the back of his head, but the boy paid no attention and kept telling the story. "-wanting to be the hero, decided to run head on to the crowd of zombies, this bastard actually has a death wish." Suro and Rinne looked at each other then back at the duo then back at each other. It was silent for a couple of minutes before Rinne chimed in. "Do you two.. have anywhere to stay?" They shook their heads and Suro immediately looked at Rinne. "I- Let's talk somewhere" Rinne nervously laughed and grabbed Suro's arm. "You two stay there, run to us if you need anything" He said before dragging Suro away. 
"Is there a problem, Rinne?"
"Not really, I know you want to invite them to the shelter but.." Rinne trailed back. "I don't think Rookie and the others are going to be fond of them.." Suro cocked his head to the side. "What makes you think that?" Before Rinne can answer, Suro added. "Without sounding biased." The comment made Rinne a tad bit flustered but continues to explain anyways. "For starters, the noise or ‘bickering’, whatever you call it. It will attract a handful of zombies if not more, and if we take them to the shelter, considering it isn't all that big... knowing some of our members are a bit sensitive when it comes to loud noises" Rinne explained, his voice getting quieter and quieter the more he proceeds. 
"You have a point on the first part" Suro taps his fingers on his chin. "But the second part.. list a few member" 
"Rev, Rookie, Yuki, sometimes Toko" 
"Aren't they all loud individuals themselves?" Suro looked at Rinne. "That doesn't mean they don't enjoy peace and quiet." Rinne sighed and looked back at the duo who was just chatting at a volume only the two can hear. "As for the size of a shelter" Suro chimed. "Yuki and I found a location just in case we find survivors, we can always go there.. Fortunately, Toko agreed we can move there" Suro smiled. 
"And you didn't even tell me?" Rinne looked offended, rolling his eyes and puffing his cheeks a bit. "It was supposed to be the topic for tomorrow's meeting," Suro chuckled and walked in the direction of the two. "I have no space to argue huh?" 
The duo saw Suro and Rinne walking back to their direction, one of them waving at them with a smile. "I forgot to ask," One of them started. "What.. are your names?" He asked nervously. "How rude of me to not introduce ourselves. I am Suro and this is my partner, well partner for today: Rinne" Rinne waved his hand at them. "and you two are?" 
"Koe and this wanna be hero is Kaitou" Koe simply introduced. "What brings you two here?" Koe asks once again "Well, we were on an expedition, that's it. Wasn't expecting to run into some survivors" Rinne giggled when he saw Koe nudging Kaitou. "Well since we're here, why don't you come with us and help with the expedition?" Rinne offered which had Koe accepting immediately but leaving Kaitou skeptical. 
"I don't trust it." He crosses his arms and looks away. "How would I know you're not gonna stab me in the back or something?" Koe rolled his eyes at his friend's antics and insisted that they just leave him be. "Alright, suit yourself. Let's go" Koe started walking, having the two follow behind.
"Eh?! Oi! What the fuck?!" Kaitou began running up to them without hesitation, leading the three in a fit of laughter. 
Once the laughing had died down the four just chit chatted the whole walk to the market. 
"When you recruited people, did they immediately trust you?" Kaitou asks and Rinne shakes his head in response. "It's normal for people to distrust us, especially with what's going on" The two nodded. 
"That reminds me of the first time we recruited Rookie."
Suro chuckled at the thought. "The moment she saw us, she pointed a gun at Nora" Suro then shook his head. 
"It is quite an impression," Rinne smiled. "Anyways we're here" 
Rev looked at the clock then sighed. "What's wrong?" Nora popped out of nowhere and asked. "Suro and Rinne are taking their sweet time, hm?" He chuckled and continued to clean the weapons that's laid down in front of him on a table. "Rookie is definitely gonna freak out when Rinne comes home injured" Nora teased and sat next to Rev. 
"Oh definitely" 
The two started to joke around, not noticing a person had stepped out of their room and came to check up on them. 
"Nora?" A voice called out from the kitchen and Nora immediately looked up. "Yuki?" She called back, getting up from her seat and walking to the kitchen; there, she spotted Yuki. "You wanna eat?" They offered Nora a plate and Nora, not wanting to be rude, just agreed to eat with Yuki. 
A couple minutes passed and Rookie stepped out of the room, hair drenched and a towel on top of her head. "Hm?" She looked around the room. "Are they not back yet" 
"I was surprised, myself.'' Rev chimed in as he was putting away his cleaning tools. "I see" She sighed and walked to the kitchen— grabbing an energy drink from the fridge, popping it open before drinking it.
"Rookie in distress" Nora giggled at her own comment. "A bit stressed, yeah" Rookie gave Nora and Yuki a quick smile before sipping the drink in her hand. 
Soon enough— they heard the jiggling of the door knob and revealed Suro, Rinne and two new faces. Though Rookie could care less about the two new faces as she puts down her drink and instantly approaches Rinne, wrapping her arm around Rinne's waist and pulling him into a chaste kiss. Suro cleared his throat and Rinne pulled away, panting a bit— a face red and flustered. Rookie rolled her eyes and grabbed Rinne's hand and dragged him to their shared bedroom. 
"Off they go.." Rev commented then got up to greet the two new people. "Hello, I assume Suro and Rinne recruited you. I am Rev, one of the survivors if that wasn't obvious" He held out his hand to Koe and Koe gladly shook it. "Hello! I'm Koe and this is my friend Kaitou, I'm glad there's more survivors than just the two of us" Koe smiled. Kaitou noticed the two people occupying the kitchen. "So exactly how many people are in here?" He asks, looking at Suro who just shrugged. "Honestly, I lost count" He laughed and picked up the bag filled with materials and foods. "Help me with these Rev" He instructed and Rev followed suit. 
"I'll inform Toko that there's new people" Nora stood up and walked to where the Director's room is located. Yuki got up grabbing two cups of water and some snacks. They walked up to the two boys and led them to the couch and placed the snacks and water on the coffee table. "We're most likely going to have a meeting so we can all introduce each other," Yuki said, resting a hand on their hips. "Don't look so nervous now, we won't bite." Yuki then chuckled. "You two can relax now, we're all safe here" Yuki assured and walked to the Director's room and knocked. 
"Come in" They heard Toko yell out, opening the door which revealed Toko and Nora having a little chat in the bedroom. "I heard there's new people?" Toko asks and Yuki nodded. "Yeah, I can tell they're a bit nervous but that's no surprise" Yuki smiled softly and Toko nodded. "We might have a meeting tonight" She said while tapping a finger on the desk. 
"I thought you'd say that" Yuki then leaned against the wall and admired Nora. "Make them feel at home for the time being" Toko reminded them and the two followed.
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