ahjae · 1 month
So.. I write RuiKasa
Tsukasa : Knight
(Minor) Prince Toya
Rui : Sorcerer "Villain"
Ever since one of the members left the village, Tsukasa was left taking care of her sister, Emu and Nene. He's the one defending the girls from the abuse they receive from their old village. Til one day Tsukasa packed all of their things (with the help of Nene) and left the village in the middle of the night.
Finding a new village wasn't easy, the walk was long and the weather was either too hot or too rainy for them. Their only source of shelter is a little tent that can barely fit all 4 of them together.
It took weeks of walking to finally find a village. Emu and Saki were ecstatic to finally find a new home, the bright smiles on their faces almost making Nene and Tsukasa go blind.
But happy endings don't exist. Not on Tsukasa's book.
"Tsukasa, Big brother wake up!" Saki shook her brother awake, tears pouring on her face. Tsukasa was confused and concerned but his questions was quickly answered by a loud explosion. "Get up!" Nene yelled from afar and Tsukasa was quick to his feet, grabbing Saki's hand and leaving the house. Every house in the village are on fire, a fire that Tsukasa was too familiar with. A bright crimson fire. But no time for theorising, his goal is to get the girls to safety. The four of them began sprinting but unfortunately for Nene, she tripped on her own two feet and started coughing, due to the smoke and the running exhausting her lungs. Saki turned around immediately and helped Nene to get back on her feet, but before Tsukasa could help another explosion erupted, the smoke covering the two girls. Emu and Tsukasa's eyes widen.
" SAKI!"
The two yelled in unison, and when the smoke cleared out two unconscious girls are in front of them. Emu yelled, tears streaming down her face. "Emu, let's go!" Tsukasa picked up Emu knowing she couldn't move on her own with what she just witnessed, Tsukasa couldn't move at that moment either but knowing the situation, he has to move.
Even if Tsukasa's legs wanted to give up he still kept on running while holding Emu in his arms; due to the smoke, the two of them couldn't see properly, if they could they could've avoided the debris that fell on top of them. But they didn't. Tsukasa groaned, quickly getting up and lifting up the debris on top of them. When he tried to pick up Emu she couldn't budge. "Emu..?" Tsukasa examined the debris and saw Emu's leg stuck under the debris. Tsukasa tried to help but noticed how quiet Emu is, with a shaken hand he reached out to Emu's pulse and nothing. Tsukasa frantically examined Emu body then finally saw the cause, the blood pooling on her head. Emu had hit her head on a sharp rock when the debris fell on them.
Tsukasa yelled at the top of his lungs, getting up from the ground and running away from the village, he couldn't believe he has to leave the girls, he couldn't believe that out of all of them he's the only one who survived the chaos.
When he's far enough from the village, he stumbled forward, his hands preventing him to kiss the floor. He's getting dizzy, he's exhausted, his vision is getting blurry. It's getting hard to breathe. Tsukasa looked up and saw a cloaked man in the distance even though the man is covered from head to toe, Tsukasa couldn't miss the purple and blue hair that’s sticking out. "Ru...i..?"
He muttered out before passing out.
Tsukasa opened his eyes and was blinded by the light from outside. The white ceiling stared back at him til he realize where he is. Tsukasa quickly sat up and looked around the room. "Where.. am I..?" And on queue the door opened and a bi-blue haired male entered the room. "You’re awake." said the male as he approaches Tsukasa. "Where am I?" He said softly yet still on guard. "You are in my palace, my people and I found you passed out near the burned down village."
Village... Tsukasa gripped the sheets. "Are they alive?! Please tell me they're alive!" Tsukasa gripped the prince's collar and violently shook him. The prince then grabbed both of Tsukasa's wrist and pulled it away from him while shaking his head. "You're the only survivor.."
That news broke Tsukasa.
"That's how I got here.." He said, looking down at the grave, a grave that's named after the girls he hold so close to his heart. "Knight Tsukasa" an individual called out to him. "Your highness is requesting your presence” Tsukasa nodded, getting up from the grassy land and said goodbye to the graves before following the individual.
They entered the Prince's room and there he saw the prince on his throne waiting for Tsukasa's arrival. Tsukasa walked down the red carpet and once he's near enough, he kneeled down with a hand on his chest. "Toya, your highness. What brings me the pleasure to be around your presence?" Tsukasa asked, looking up at Toya.
"I called you hear for a mission" Toya began to speak.
"Rumor has it that a sorcerer has been terrorizing multiple villages and I think you'd be suited for this job"
This catastrophe feel all to familiar to Tsukasa but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. Tsukasa accepted this mission, bowing one last time to Toya before leaving the room. He slowly walked down the hallway which leads to his room, while walking he was muttering and whispering his plan on how to slay he sorcerer.
Nightfall starts; Tsukasa has been hiding in the forest near an unaffected village where Toya predicted the next attack will happen and he was right. Footsteps rang on Tsukasa's ears, he didn't know exactly where this sorcerer is but he knows they’re near. The sorcerer fired its first shot before sprinting to the village and continuing to fire the shots. Tsukasa watched in horror as a familiar crimson flame emits from one of the village houses. "Rui.." He said under his breath before carefully getting up from his hiding spot and approaching the chaos.
It took Tsukasa a couple of minutes to finally find the sorcerer he's assigned to slay. He strikes with his sword but was blocked by an invisible force, his eyes widen but before he can react a wind blasted his direction pushing him far back. He clutched his sword close to his chest. A ball of crimson fire approached him; fortunately, Tsukasa was quick to react and blocked it with his sword, ignoring the burning air hitting his face.
Tsukasa charged at the sorcerer, lifting his sword and striking the cloaked man, hitting what he assumed is the arm. The sorcerer groaned, taking a step back but Tsukasa didn't give him a break and strike once again. kicking the sorcerer to the ground and there, the sorcerer's hood was taken off of him.
Tsukasa gasped as the man he didn't want to see was right in front of him. "Rui.." His grip on the sword loosen as he slowly approached Rui. "Did you.. cause that..?" He asked before placing a foot on Rui's chest.
"Did you cause that chaos back then that killed the girls..?" He asked once again, lifting his sword then stabbing the ground next to Rui's face.
Rui's eyes widen realising that a village he set on fire cause him to lose Nene, Emu and Saki.
"I didn't—" Rui's reply was cut off. "Don’t say you didn’t mean it!!" Tsukasa yelled, putting more pressure on Rui's chest. "Did you also not mean to abandon us?! To hurt us?! To leave us without saying anything?!" Tears began to form in Tsukasa eyes as he yelled. "Tsukasa! My star, I didn't want to hurt you all that's why I left.." Rui's having a hard time to breathe due to the pressure on his chest. "You didn't just hurt them.. you FUCKING KILLED THEM!" He stomped on Rui's chest and abdomen which led to Rui cough and spitting out blood.
'I.. deserved this..' Rui thought to himself as he gave up trying to fight for survival, if Tsukasa's killing him with his own hands then he has no reason to fight Tsukasa.
The blonde then took his foot off of Rui's chest and instead sat on his damaged abdomen; Tsukasa then pulled out his sword from the ground and plunged it on Rui's chest. "That's for killing Saki." He spat out, pulling out the sword.
"This is for killing Emu" another stab on Rui's chest. Rui choking on his own spit and blood as Tsukasa continues. Lifting up the sword once again and plunging it to Rui's heart "For killing Nene!" Tsukasa yelled, tears rolling down his cheeks and blurring his vision, he didn't care. He wanted to let is anger out.
"For abandoning us.." He whispered, gripping the sword. He lifted it up once again. "For abandoning ME!" He stabbed Rui once again. Tsukasa leaned down, shaking on top of Rui as tears continue to roll down his cheeks and hitting Rui's face. "We accepted who you are... opened our hearts and mind to you.." Tsukasa said softly; voice becoming hoarse yet soft. "We loved you.." Tsukasa pulled out the sword.
He raised the sword over his head. "LOVED YOU!" A sword enters Rui's chest once again.
"Rui.. Give it back.. Give everything back.."
"Give me back my secrets, my wasted affection on you.. and.." He stopped to catch his breath, still gripping the sword. "My heart.."
With the little energy Rui has, he raised his bloody hand up and placed it on Tsukasa's cheek and caresses it. Even in such a gruesome state, Rui still managed to smile at the blonde. "I'm.. sorry... My star" Rui's aware that no amount of apologies will bring the girls back to life. No amount of gifts will heal the injuries he left on them when he decided to leave them.
Rui's vision is nothing but a blur and slowly but surely darkness. He can feel himself getting weaker and weaker, slowly losing consciousness. He couldn't hear or see anymore. This is goodbye. With the little consciousness Rui had he whispered to Tsukasa.
"I love you, my star."
His arm slowly fell on his side leaving a blood mark on Tsukasa's cheek. Tsukasa watched as Rui closed his eyes and his breathing came to a halt. Tsukasa lay his head low letting tears drop down on Rui's now unconscious body, the blonde's breathing uneven, heart beating frantically and body shaking.
"I love you too, Rui Kamishiro. Goodbye"
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ahjae · 8 months
(RinKie, VinKoe, are not a thing anymore lol)
<BS:ZA> Connections
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Toko - Aysh - Nora (Been friends since their elementary days)
(On their highschool days they met) ~ Suro - Yuki - Rinne
Nora confessed to Yuki when they were partnered up in a school project. While Suro confessed to Aysh when they finally graduated.
Suro treated them as his siblings (except Aysh ofc, thats his wife /hj)
Had known each other at Middle school and are both the director(lead) of their music club.
Rookie barely spoke to Rev since she's very anti-social, but the two got a bit closer when they were assigned to have a duet one day.
Soon departed when they reached their Highschool days.
Rookie was a bartender in one of the cafe she worked at and that's where she met Rinne.
Both of them are anti-social but Rookie was the one who made the move and finally started talking to Rinne.
Rinne confessed but Rookie didn't answered him at first but when Rookie came looking for Rinne when the apocalypse occur, that's where she answered yes.
(I already wrote a backstory..)
Met on their highschool days.
Was partnered up with a project.
Kaitou went running up to Koe's flat when the apocalypse began to occur.
Had known eachother since kids— the two were neighbors.
Sereni would show off to Cyjen the "sword skills" they learned and soon after their parents gifted them plastic Katanas for their birthdays.
(As to why they had a real Katana in the current timeline is left a mystery)
(Cyjen's highschool days they encountered) ~ Rookie
The two never spoke a word to one another, would often smile at each other when they meet at the hallways.
Rookie would often hear rumors from other classmate, the topic is Cyjen and their friends.
Were in the same class in their highschool years and still kept in contact even after they graduated.
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ahjae · 8 months
bye bye buzzing melody 🌟
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78 notes · View notes
ahjae · 1 year
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ahjae · 1 year
"I cant sleep"
-Pulls my Guy's playlist for the nth time-
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ahjae · 1 year
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#69, bros and dudes, Huxley
Idk what sport y’all headcanon Hux played while at D.A.M.N., but for me personally— it was Lacrosse
Also his moms<3 I’ve yet to see anyone draw them so I felt the need and want to ✨ (I need Erik to drop their names or even just their last name)
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ahjae · 1 year
Would Pasilyo work for David and Angel or Vincent and Lovely?
Shaw pack (mostly Milo, Tank and Asher) listens to Ex B :))
Elliott listens to Lola Amour
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ahjae · 1 year
Key: Smut and Mature Content *
(also all other warnings will be put in the header of the fic! make sure to read them!)
The Mandalorian 
Quixotic Series (Din Djarin):
1. Quixotic *
2. Profound *
3. Blister *
4. Tender *
5. Static *
Are You In Or Out Series (Din Djarin/reader/Paz Vizsla)
Are You In Or Out? *
Sink Your Teeth In *
Being No One, Going Nowhere Series (Boba Fett)
Being No One, Going Nowhere *
Leave it All Behind *
Anything At All *
No One Like You *
Thing for Trouble*
how the boys eat you out (boba, din, paz, cody, wolffe, rex) *
some of boba fett’s kinks *
thigh riding * (boba, din, paz, cody, rex, wolffe, wrecker)
NSFW Alphabets
Paz Vizla *
Star Wars Original Trilogy
Last Favor Series (Boba Fett):
1. Last Favor *
2. Tough Luck  *
3. Don’t Push Your Luck *
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
 Madness (Poe Dameron) *
Oblivion (Poe Dameron) *
Rogue One
Between Everything and Nothing (Cassian Andor) *
The Clone Wars
Hell and You (Commander Wolffe) *
Mirrored Heart (Captain Rex)*
Prospect (2018)
Elegy to the Void (Ezra) *
As you Are * (Bucky Barnes)
All the Love We Never Had (Zemo) *
Really, Truly (Moon Knight)*
Peacemaker (2022)
Hot Venom || Sweetest Touch (Adrian Chase)*
Dying For (Adrian Chase)*
The Batman (2022)
Surely, You’d Burn the Same (batman/bruce)*
Until Ashes Are All We Breathe (batman/bruce)*
With Hearts Aflame (batman/bruce)*
A Burning Hill (batman/bruce)*
House of the Dragon
Ungrateful Heart (Daemon Targaryen)*
The Hobbit
The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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ahjae · 1 year
happy 7/11, remember to suck off a demon in a convenience store today to celebrate!
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ahjae · 1 year
Hi there! So- @ajfromthestarss and @darlin-collins decided they wanted some angst and gave me the prompt "Darlin has a nightmare‼️ Sam comforts them🔥the nightmare was abt Quinn ‼️" So I wrote it. Fair warning- this is a bit intense, though it's also the first time I've posted angst before. But also, because I felt like this was pretty intense, there's some fluff at the end cause DAMN Darlin needs it. Also, It's 1,749 words so that's something.
Anyways, triggers: flashback to trauma, with mentions of character death and light details of body horror, there's a small panic attack and what I would consider a bit of a dissociative episode after the flashback, though that bit isn't too bad. I also kinda leaned into the canonicity of Darlin having body issues, specifically toward their scars so be aware of that. Like I said this was intense to even write about.
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The ghosts of your past
You find yourself curled in bed, comfortable, scrolling on your phone. It was close to midnight and your mate was fast asleep next to you. Despite not needing sleep, he enjoyed it when the two of you would lay in bed together until one of you fell asleep. This time he was the one who fell asleep first.
You turn over onto your back, turning off your phone. Looking up at the ceiling, you thought about everything that had happened recently. Thoughts and feelings mixed in knots that desperately needed to be untied. Though, at that moment, there was no one there to untie those knots. No one to reassure you that everything would be okay. So, you let your mind wander, and before long, you were fast asleep.
When you opened your eyes, you felt for the dip in the bed where your mate layed. He wasn’t there which was to be expected with the way he slept. What was weird was that the dip didn’t even exist anymore. You got up, reaching for your phone on your nightstand, only to grab the air. Confused, you examined the room. It was familiar, you knew that much.
Your heart skipped a beat. You were in the small, unfurnished apartment you shared with him years ago. There was a gentle humming coming from outside the bedroom door. You recognized the humming from anywhere. He was here. Immediately your anger was pressed down by a solemn, calculated feeling. You took a deep breath and thought, “Now’s a better time than any, I guess.”
You opened the door, yawning while pulling up your hair into the signature bun you wore when you were with him. You noticed that your normal orange creme-colored pajamas had been replaced with some very old blue and white pajamas that you never wore anymore. You were nervous upon seeing your ex. Though, you didn’t know why. The last time you saw him you felt a strong deal of hate. You couldn’t recall the last time you had seen him for some reason. You didn’t care as you focused on the conversation.
“Hey, precious,” He smirked as he let a long breath of smoke out, almost like a dragon. The smoke detector was laid out on the kitchen island as he leaned against it. He never bothered to open a window, but he would put in all the effort to take apart a smoke detector… or at least mangle it ‘til it stopped screeching.
He handed you a cigar, to which you declined, “Not today…”
“C’mon precious, it’s just one. I know you don’t like them, but it’ll grow on you. Trust me.”
You ignored his comment, which seemed to get on his nerves. Though, he kept his cool as you spoke to him. You figured you’d pull the bandaid right off, “I- I think we should break up.” A chill went down your spine. It was that night. The night that you truly felt alone after so long.
“No,” you thought, “Not again. I can’t live through this night again. No. I- I have a mate. An actual mate th- that cares about me- Hi- His name is… What was his name?” You couldn’t remember your mate’s name even though it was on the tip of your tongue. You weren’t in control of your actions. You couldn’t tell him to fuck off. You couldn’t go see your friend, you couldn’t protect them. You were helpless to let this play out the way it always did. Whether it was in your head or in real life.
Your vision went black and within a few seconds, you found yourself wandering a dark void, helpless, alone, and scared. Eventually, you came across your friend, unempowered, helpless, and scared. They lay on the floor in front of you, staring into the abyss above you. Quickly, you rush to their side, worried. As you hold them in your arms, you take in the familiarity of their mutilated body. The bite marks, the scratches, even the small burns caused by your ex’s weak magic. You knew this part, you knew they’d still be alive you just had to get them to the hospital. You brushed their bangs out of their eyes, whispering gently to them, “Everything’s going to be okay, I can fix this,” but dropped them quickly when you realized their eyes were lifeless. You backed up quickly before bumping into something.
“Hello, precious,” your ex’s accent startled you as you whipped around, quickly to see nothing.
You heard him behind you again, “How’s your mate doing?” He spoke in the normal, teasing tone he used when he spoke to you last, “And his progeny? Oh, I’d give anything to see Fred now that I’m gone officially. Kind of makes me wish I had taken him the first time I met him.”
“How are you-”
“Nevermind that, I just wanted to let you know that no matter where you are. And no matter where I am, Sam is never safe-”
You wake up in a cold sweat and frantically look to your side. There he was, your mate, sound asleep. Catching your breath, you check the time… 3:34 am. You sigh and carefully make your way out of the room you shared with your mate, careful not to wake him up. You make your way to the bathroom after grabbing your clothing for the day. All of your thoughts and feelings were a jumbled mess.
You felt your heart was still racing as you walked over to the sink. You looked into the mirror, giving yourself a second to breathe. As you took your pajamas off, you examined the scars across your body. Slipping into your new clothes you thought for a moment, “These scars could’ve been avoided, had I not gotten with him.” Immediately you regretted your thought. If it weren’t for your ex, you wouldn’t have met your mate. Your mate that loved you, and cared for you. That didn’t excuse the things he did, and you knew that. You still held the same hate you had for him the moment he attempted to make your life a living hell.
After getting ready for the day, you sat in the kitchen drinking a coffee, thinking to yourself. You tried keeping your mind on other things, but nothing worked. You scanned the room for something to do, eventually, your eyes fell on your mate’s coat that laid across the sofa. Quickly, you finished your cup of coffee before grabbing a monster from the fridge and wrapping yourself in the coat. Instantly, you felt better as you walked out to the front porch and scanned the tree line surrounding the house.
After a while, you hear the gentle voice of your mate, “Darlin’? Did you fall asleep on the porch?”
You yawn, realizing that the sky was now fading into the morning. It was almost dawn, and Sam was out there to wake you up, “... What? Oh, yeah… I guess I did. Sorry ‘bout that.” You got up, remembering that you brought a monster with you outside. The can still felt cold, and you realized that your hands and feet were icy cold as well.
“Don’t apologize, I just seemed to get out of bed at the right time,” He reached out for your hand and was startled to find out how cold it was. “Jesus, Darlin’! How long have you been out here?”
You shrugged, “4:10 just about.”
He looked at you, concerned, “The hell were you doing up at 4:10!?”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“Well, why not?” his face softened, though his accent was harsh along with his tone.
You decided it would be best to tell him the truth as the two of you made it into the living room, “I had a nightmare.”
The two of you sat down on the couch as worry crossed his face. It seemed to make sense to him after everything that had happened recently, “... Was it about him?”
You rubbed your arm awkwardly, “Yes.”
Immediately, your mate held your hand in his, tightly. He looked you in the eyes and spoke in a gentle, loving tone, “He’s gone now. He can’t hurt you anymore.”
“I- I know… I’m just angry, I guess,” you gazed into his silver eyes as a soft smile teased the corners of your mouth. Just being near him would make you feel better about anything. You continued to speak as he looked confused, “I didn’t think that after it was all set and done with that he’d still bother me. I didn’t think he ever had that much of an effect on me.”
“Darlin’... I- Can I give you a hug?” you nodded and he held you as closely as you’d allow him to. He continued speaking to you as he embraced you, “Just because the problem is fixed doesn’t mean that all the… damage he caused you are healed. It takes time and patience to let a wound heal, and he left a pretty big fuckin’ wound. I should know.”
“I thought he would go away finally. I thought that he would stop haunting me. I can’t stop thinking about what could’ve happened, what I could’ve done, what I could’ve said. I don’t even want to think about him, I just want him to leave me alone.”
“Darlin’, even though you have ghosts in your past, you shouldn’t let those ghosts affect you in the present. What happened has happened. And I don’t know about you but even though there were some hardships, I’m happy the way it turned out. Because now I have you,” He held you tighter and pressed a kiss against your forehead.
“Sam… I love you,” you said, finally coming to terms with the fact that you would need time to heal. You knew that every step of the way Sam would be there, to comfort and take care of you.
“I love you too, Darlin’... You wanna know something?” He asked you as you pulled away to look at him.
“I think It’s pretty damn cute that you wore my coat to go fall asleep on the porch.”
“I was cold.” You told him, smiling mischievously.
“Really? So that’s why you had your arms wrapped around yourself like you were giving yourself a big hug?” He smiled as he teased you.
“Just let me have this one,” you said as you sat closer to him and cuddled into his chest.
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ahjae · 1 year
Redacted characs most likely to listen to Taylor Swift
Freelancer and Gavin defo listens to Taylor Swift, Huxley singing along ofc
Shaw boys and their mates though, David was more on the "forced to listen to it" Vincent is the biggest swiftie, fight me
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ahjae · 1 year
The Power of Words
I can, apparently, only ever write ficlets for these two, not full fics. Enjoy? 736 words
CW: heated verbal argument
“There’s nothing stopping you from leaving, y’know. Least of all me,” I remarked.
Guy swore, paused his game, dropped his controller, and whipped his head to stare at me. “What—and I mean this with the utmost affection—the hell is that supposed to mean?!”
I shrugged. “If you wanna break up with me, I’d respect that.”
“I don’t—where did that—respect—the f—honey what are you talking about?!” Guy spluttered.
“Don’t act like you didn’t know I could hear you yesterday.”
Guy’s confused expression dropped. “Oh God. What did I say?”
I dug my fingernails into the skin of the apple I’d been munching on as my grip tightened on it. Juice spurted from the punctures. “Something to the effect of ‘you shackled yourself to a cruel, unreasonable taskmaster’.”
Guy stared, greenish-blue eyes wide and eyebrows attempting to disappear into his hairline. “Did I really say that?”
My other hand dropped to the dining table. The thick, heavy ring on my middle finger clanked hard against the wood. “Don’t act like you didn’t know what you were saying,” I snapped. My nails dug deeper into the meat of the apple. “Mr. Vocab King or whatever the hell you’ve called yourself before.”
Guy kept staring. Slack-jawed. “Baby… you know me. I speak before I think and I exaggerate to be funny.”
“Oh so you don’t consider yourself shackled to me but you do think you’re stuck with me in some way that’s just barely lesser than steel chains. Great.” I used my hand on the table to shove to my feet.
Guy scrambled to his, following me down the short hall to where I stormed into our bedroom. “Honey, no. Never—”
I clenched my jaw around grabbing my overnight bag out from the back corner of the closet where it had been shoved. “You—of all people, Guy—should know the power of words.” I grabbed a couple shirts off their hangers and threw them at where I’d opened the small suitcase on the floor.
Guy seemed to realize what I was doing. “What—why are you packing?”
“Because you think you’re chained to me and decided to finally admit it in the middle of a monologue against decorating. After we’ve been together for almost two years.” I yanked open a drawer in my dresser and snatched jeans out, adding them to the pile. “So I’m giving you space to decide what you actually want without the pressure of my domineering wickedness hanging over you. Or whatever you said yesterday.”
Guy was going along behind me, putting my stuff back where it belonged. “I didn’t mean any of it like that, hon, I swear—”
Until I grabbed the shoulder of his T-shirt and shoved him against the wall. “Stop. That,” I snarled. “I’m going to go spend the night at my brother’s while you figure yourself out.”
“Is this why you were still awake at two-AM last night?”
I let go of his shirt and rolled my eyes with a scoff. “Leave it to you to change the subject.”
“I don’t consider myself stuck with you,” Guy shot back. “I love you. I’m happy with you.”
“Happy? With the person who rations affection like it’s a non-renewable resource and forces you to decorate.” I scoffed. “Sure.” I pulled the hoodie of mine he’d been trying to hang back up out of his hands. “You may consider yourself an insufferable headache but we both know I’m the one that’s hard to live with.” I threw the hoodie back in the suitcase. “I’ll see you on Monday, Guy. I’ll say hi to my brother for you.” I grabbed some socks and the shirts he’d put back on their hangers in the closet and dumped them all in before zipping it up. “Think about the power of words while I’m gone and what you actually want out of this relationship, hmm? I’m in it for the long haul. If that’s not for you, I’ll respect that. But at least be an adult and tell me to my face. I get that you love me. But think some things over while I’m at my brother’s.” I zipped up the bag and shouldered past him out of our room, dragging it behind me. I shoved my feet into my boots and grabbed my wallet and keys. “I love you too.”
I ripped open the door and slammed it shut behind me before he could say anything else.
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ahjae · 1 year
<BS:ZA> Connections
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Toko - Aysh - Nora (Been friends since their elementary days)
(On their highschool days they met) ~ Suro - Yuki - Rinne
Nora confessed to Yuki when they were partnered up in a school project. While Suro confessed to Aysh when they finally graduated.
Suro treated them as his siblings (except Aysh ofc, thats his wife /hj)
Had known each other at Middle school and are both the director(lead) of their music club.
Rookie barely spoke to Rev since she's very anti-social, but the two got a bit closer when they were assigned to have a duet one day.
Soon departed when they reached their Highschool days.
Rookie was a bartender in one of the cafe she worked at and that's where she met Rinne.
Both of them are anti-social but Rookie was the one who made the move and finally started talking to Rinne.
Rinne confessed but Rookie didn't answered him at first but when Rookie came looking for Rinne when the apocalypse occur, that's where she answered yes.
(I already wrote a backstory..)
Met on their highschool days.
Was partnered up with a project.
Kaitou went running up to Koe's flat when the apocalypse began to occur.
Had known eachother since kids— the two were neighbors.
Sereni would show off to Cyjen the "sword skills" they learned and soon after their parents gifted them plastic Katanas for their birthdays.
(As to why they had a real Katana in the current timeline is left a mystery)
(Cyjen's highschool days they encountered) ~ Rookie
The two never spoke a word to one another, would often smile at each other when they meet at the hallways.
Rookie would often hear rumors from other classmate, the topic is Cyjen and their friends.
Were in the same class in their highschool years and still kept in contact even after they graduated.
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ahjae · 1 year
<BS:ZA> Chpt 3
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New day, new hell.
It was quiet, though it wasn’t gloomy. The silence wasn’t awkward, it’s more comfortable than anything. 
Aysh and Suro were hogging up the couch, with Aysh sitting down and Suro resting his head on the girl’s lap. She combed her fingers on Suro’s hair.
None of them utter a word, too occupied with the comfortable silence hugging them. 
Unfortunately that comfortable silence had to come to an abrupt stop.
It was Nora.
"Get up you two, the meeting's going to start soon" Yuki called out and the two did what they were told. Aysh got up from the couch and stretched her arms out hearing a little pop coming from her back. "Oh gosh, that felt nice" She muttered then reached her hand out for Suro, helping him get up. "I can get up on my own, you know?" Suro chuckled but still grabbed onto Aysh's hand anyway. The two walked up to the kitchen and spotted Nora who was cooking simple eggs and bacon.
Aysh let out a small gasp and walked up to Nora. "Smells good here, Noraaa? Is that for us?" Aysh then placed her chin on Nora's shoulder.
Nora only lets out a scoff while placing the food in one of the plates. "No, It's for me and Yuki, cook your own food" Nora turned off the stove and grabbed the two plates. With that she simply walked off, placing the food down on the table and waited for Yuki to arrive. 
Aysh frowned then looked at Suro who just quietly laughed at her. "Oi! Don't laugh at me!" She pouted, walking in front of the fridge and opening it to see if there's anything she can cook.
"Rinne, Rookie, good morning. It's unusual for Rookie to wake up this early, what's the occasion?" Aysh can hear Suro asking while still having her head buried in the fridge. 
"She couldn't sleep much last night." Rinne just pats Rookie's head, she flinched at the sudden contact but didn't bother to pull away. "Anyways, were you and Aysh just about to cook breakfast?" Rinne asked.
Suro only looked at Aysh's direction, still trying to find the ingredients for the food. "Oh I see... How about we make some pancakes? Sounds good?" Suddenly Aysh slammed the fridge door, everyone turned to look at her and saw that she already has her arms filled with ingredients. 
"Pancakes you say?" 
Suro just shook his head and went over to help Aysh.
Rinne then looked at Rookie who was yawning and by the looks of it, squinting her eyes to get used to the lighting of the room. "You wanted to help, Dear?" Rinne asked and Rookie shook her head, glancing at the cabinet where all the caffeine is being stored. "Alright then, brew me one as well." Rookie nods her head, but before she can grab the mug she feels lips pressing against her cheek, but it quickly disappears as quickly as it arrived. "Thank you!" Rinne chimed. Rookie can hear her heart beating out of her chest. "It's so early.. The hell.." She mutters to herself and proceeds to grab the mugs and started to brew the coffee. 
"Morning everyone!" They heard someone greet. Rinne and Aysh turned their heads around, and there they saw the director.
"Hi Toko.'' Rinne waved.
Toko takes a quick look around the kitchen. "Where are the others?" She asked, pulling a chair and taking a seat.
"Kaitou and Koe already ate and just gossiping in their room, Rev already ate as well and is now taking a shower." Yuki specified as she took the last bite of her food. "Thanks for the food Nora." She smiled, and Nora had to look away to hide the light pink spreading across her cheek.
"Are we all cooking our own food?" Toko asked once again.
"Yes." Everyone said in unison. Toko just silently laughed at this and waited for Aysh and Suro to finish hogging the stove. Then a mug of coffee was placed in front of her. She looked up and saw Rookie, she muttered a quick thank you as Rookie proceeded to place mugs in front of Yuki and Nora.
"Aysh there's still clumps of powder in the batter." Rinne pointed out and Aysh only clicked her tongue.
"I can see that, smartass." Her brows furrowed as she continues to struggle to get rid of the clumps.
"Here, let me." Suro tried to take the bowl, but Aysh was stubborn enough to not hand it to Suro.
"No, let me handle this." Aysh said, and Suro sighed and went behind Aysh and grabbed onto her arms. "Huh?" Aysh looked back and saw Suro dangerously close to her, but Suro seems a bit oblivious to Aysh's obvious blushing face.
"You fold it not swirl it around." He whispers, just for the two of them to hear as he guided Aysh's arms to properly stir the mix.
"O-Ok.." She stuttered out, trying her best to focus.
Everyone was looking at the scene happening in the kitchen, they're all used to this type of behaviour they didn't mind, of course, the teasing will undoubtedly occur, knowing Nora and Toko. 
Rookie went up to Rinne and the two looked at each other while Rookie was still sipping her coffee. When she put her coffee down. "Us when?" Rinne just rolled her eyes and ignored the comment and prepared the stove. "I gave you coffee and this is how I get repaid? You wound me." 
"Shut up, Rookie."
When everyone got to eat their food, Yuki and Nora went to call for the other three for the meeting. They were all gathered in the living room, Toko being the only one standing up. "I already mentioned this to Rookie and Suro, we found a bigger shelter. Rev and Rinne are aware of this information, I assume. More and more survivors are appearing and I'm more than happy to help them." She clapped her hands together and smiled. "We'll be going this afternoon, so, I suggest you all start packing your things."
"Who's driving?" Koe asked and everyone looked at Rookie.
"I'm the only one here who knows how to drive." She sighed and got up from the floor. "Is that all?" She asked. "I'll be packing up the kitchen and I believe Rev finished packing his stuff already so he'll be helping me." All of them nodded, Toko clapped her hands once more and dismissed everyone. 
"Suro stop shoving your clothes, fold them first.." Aysh sighed as she took the clothes out of Suro's duffle bag and folded it. "Take your time, jeez, it's not like Toko's gonna kill us if we take a few more minutes" She assured while slowly putting the folded clothes in the duffle bag. "How about this?" She got up from the bed and handed Suro two boxes. He looked confused but let Aysh explain. "To make this quicker, I'll pack the clothes and you pack our other belongings, how's that sound?" Suro took a couple of minutes to think about it before nodding and grabbing the boxes from Aysh's hands.
"Alright then, I'll help you if I ever finished first." Suro walked up to her and pressed a kiss on Aysh's forehead. The two then continue to pack their things.
They own a lot of stuff and Suro seemed to bring every little thing in their room, even if Aysh told him the stuff he packed was not needed. When they stepped out of the room and into the living room, they saw everyone waiting for them. Aysh just chuckled and walked up over to the group. “Sorry we took longer than expected, Suro just wanted to pack everything in our room.” Aysh was holding both duffle bags while Suro was pushing two boxes stacked upon one another.
"Here, let me help.” Rev walked over to Suro and lifted one of the boxes.
“Thanks, Rev.” Suro sighed and looked around. “Where’s Rookie?” He asks and Nora glances at the couch, and there he spots Rookie laying on Rinne’s lap and by the looks of it Rinne is trying to shake Rookie awake. With enough poking and shaking she finally stirred awake, Rinne lets out a sigh of relief as she helps Rookie get on her feet.
“Just put the bags and boxes at the back.” Toko instructed and the boys went to help carry the heavy luggage.
Rinne placed a hand on Rookie’s back and slowly rubbed it in an up and down motion, trying to comfort her. “Let’s go?” He looked up and Rookie just nodded her head and followed Toko and the others.
“I call shotgun!” Nora yelled as she ran up to the front of the car, only to be stopped by Aysh grabbing her shirt and pulling her back.
“Nope! It’s my turn!” Now it’s Aysh's turn to sprint.
Rookie looked out the window and just glared at everyone who tried to race to the front seat. She sighed and just leaned her chair back as she waited for everyone to enter the van. If she were to choose who's going to sit in the front it would be Toko. But that’s just her opinion.
Fortunately. Toko hopped in the front and shut the door and quickly locked it. Everyone seemed to be on high alert when they heard the thud of the Van. Toko then rolled down the window and stuck her tongue out. “Hurry up and get in, losers!” She smirked then rolled up the window at the same time with Rookie adjusting the car seat to its proper position before everyone entered the car. Aysh and Nora just clicked their tongues and stomped their way to the backseat. The car ride was rather quiet, they could only hear the crunching of the concrete under the van’s wheels. As much as Aysh wants to play her music on the radio, it is unfortunately broken and is in need of desperate fixing.
Rookie was thankful it was quiet. She can focus more on the road than having her thoughts being disturbed by complaints and whining, she can also hear a zombie about to approach. “You hear it too?” Toko asked and Rookie simply nodded.
Soon, three zombies appeared in front, Toko holding onto the door as Rookie pressed the gas even more, the car moving forward at a rapid speed. “Rookie..?” Aysh looked at the driver then in front. “Oh gosh.” She muttered as she stayed still in her seat, holding onto the seat belt and shuts her eyes tight.
Rookie smirked and floored the gas pedal. Two of the zombies fell and got crushed by the van with a loud crunching and squishing sound while the other one rolled on top of the car and out from behind.
“That’s one hell of a speed bump.” Rookie said, relaxing in her seat once again.
"A juicy one as well.” Rev added which led to everyone in the vehicle bursting out laughing.
Toko then glanced at the side mirror and saw more Zombies running after the vehicle. “Shit.” Toko cussed out and opened the front compartment of the car. She then rolled her window down and stuck half of her body out. She aimed at one of the zombie’s heads, she took her time and when the opportunity greets itself, she shoots. “One down.” She smiled and went back to sitting down. “Rev take over. No need to clear them out, just slow them down.” Toko ordered, and Rev nodded and looked at the back and saw that Yuki and Nora were already pulling out weapons from the back and handing them to Rev. Rookie then opened the sunroof by opening one of the buttons.
Rev then got up from his seat and placed his rifle in a comfortable position. Aysh and Suro were holding close, making sure he didn't jump out of the van. Considering how fast Rookie is driving right now it is possible for a person to fly out of the sunroof. Rev carefully placed the rifle on top and slowly aimed at one of the zombies, he looked at the scope making sure his aim was accurate. He took his time.
“Bang.” Rev murmured to himself and pulled the trigger hitting two zombies in one bullet. “Gotcha!” He smirked and aimed at one of the zombies and pulled the trigger once again, and repeated. 
The van came to an abrupt stop which almost lunged everyone forward. “Rookie!” Nora yelled and held onto the seat. Then they hear another gunshot before Rev went back to his seat, panting. “What’s wrong, Rookie?” Rev asked and looked at the road. Everyone is looking at it.
“It’s a…” Toko seemed hesitant. “Survivor..” 
“Doesn’t seem nice..” Kaitou chimed in. “And it doesn’t seem like it wants to negotiate.. What are we going to do?” Kaitou asked, slowly cowering at the back seat.
“I’ll handle it” Aysh spat out. Grabbing some weapons then opening the door.
“Aysh wait-!” Before Suro could stop her, Aysh already slammed the door shut. Aysh then walked up to the stranger, wielding her bat.
“You seem like you’re hungry for a battle…” The stranger slowly sheathed their weapon. “Leave. Now. You’ve attracted too many of those corrupted beings.” They slowly started to walk, getting closer to Aysh and she readied herself to attack. “So, I suggest leaving before I chop you to pieces and give it to those bastards.” They stopped right in front of Aysh, she was quiet, not sure what to respond to the stranger in front of her. When they noticed that Aysh doesn’t plan on stepping away soon.
They strike. 
Aysh was fast enough to block the stranger’s attack using the bat. This made Aysh’s balance to be unstable, they were fast to strike in an instant. Aysh ducked and swung her bat, hitting their leg.
“Agh!” They let out a yelp, instantly backing away from Aysh. “Do you have a death wish?” They sighed and ran up to Aysh once again and swung their Katana, each swing getting faster and faster, Aysh couldn’t keep up the pace and her stamina was getting drained by the second.
“Fuck!” Aysh yelled out as she stumbled back, almost falling on her ass. She held her arm now all bloodied up; she panted as she put herself in a defensive position. The stranger scoffed and in an instant they spotted Aysh charging at them and swinging her bat and hitting the opponent. The stranger used their left arm to block the strike and they’re fairly certain the damage is more than a bruise. They clicked their tongue, then quickly swung their katana once again and sliced a layer of skin from Aysh’s lower torso.
Aysh’s vision has been getting blurry, the blood slowly drooling out of her and the fact she keeps moving is not helping. “You really want to die that badly huh?” The person said smugly. Aysh dropped down on her knees and looked up seeing that the person had raised their weapon, ready to take the final strike. Aysh shut her eyes waiting for the pain of the sharp blade but all she heard was gunshot and metal clacking, she shot her eyes open and saw that the person in front is no longer holding their weapon and the reason as to why it is all because of Suro.
The boy dashed behind Aysh and quickly picked her up, then placing her on his back while running. This put Aysh’s mind at ease and this is where she decides to finally close her eyes. “Aysh, don’t you fucking dare sleep right now!” Suro said sternly as he ran away from the stranger and tried to catch up from the moving van. Suro spots the sliding door of the van open and pops out Koe and Rev reaching their hand towards Suro. He looked behind him and saw that the attacker was still chasing them, this made Suro run faster and soon enough they grabbed onto Koe’s hand and soon after he jumped inside the van and Rev shut the door immediately. “Hey.. Aysh..?” Suro muttered as he tried to shake the girl awake. Kaitou handed Suro the med kit and he immediately started treating Aysh’s cuts. 
“Who the hell was that…” Toko muttered to herself. “Cyjen” Rookie answered as she parked the car somewhere secluded. Rookie turned off the engine then leaned her head against the steering wheel, she let out a groan while her leg was lightly bouncing. 
"Cyjen?.." Toko looked at Rookie, wanting answers. "Cyjen, yeah. One of my seniors back in Highschool, I never get to know them since they can be a bit of a troublemaker.." Rookie explained. "Their school performance was outstanding, though their personality can sometimes lead them into trouble." She continued, Toko mentally taking notes. The two from the front seat then looked behind them to check on the injured girl.
“How is she?” Toko then asked.
“Aysh is fine, just unconscious, her wounds will take a while to heal. But other than that she’ll be fine once she gets enough rest.” Koe announced as they let Aysh lay down at the very back of the car with Kaitou, Koe, and Rev.
Suro nodded as he leaned back against the chair and sighed. “Reckless bastard…” He muttered to himself. “Let’s keep moving so that Aysh can have a comfortable place to rest” Suro demanded and Rookie followed, starting the car and beginning to drive. 
The drive there was silent, not wanting to disturb the sleeping Aysh.
After what felt like hours they finally reached their destination. Everyone hopped off the van while Suro had to carry Aysh inside and placed her down on one of the couches that the place provided. Suro ran back outside and grabbed their bags and boxes and then dropped them to one of the rooms.
Hours later Aysh finally started to stir awake alerting Suro and Toko at the process. "Aysh?.." Suro mumbles as he steps closer to the girl who's laying on the couch. She groaned as she tried to sit up from the couch. "Hey, hey.. don't move too much, you're injured" He then helped Aysh lay back on the couch, she didn't fought much as she was too sore and tired to do so. "What on earth.. happened?.." She grumble then looked around the area. "Is this our new.. place?" She asked once again and this time Toko was the one who replied to her. "Firstly, you were badly beaten up to the point we were worried you're not going to wake up" she sighed. "And yes this is our new place" Toko then walked up to Suro and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll leave her to you, I'll go and rest for a while" Suro nodded and Toko walks off. 
"I didn't mean to worry you, '' Aysh said once Toko was out of the room. "I tried to stop you, you know, '' Suro muttered as he held Aysh's hand and softly caressed it. "I'm aware, and I'm sorry if I didn't listen.." Suro shook his head and kissed the back of Aysh's hand. "I'm worried, not mad. I'm glad you're still here" He smiled ever so softly.
"I kinda… wanna see what the outside looks like.." Aysh spoke once again, looking up at Suro. "I didn't get to see it when we arrived," Aysh chuckled. Suro just let out a sigh, helping Aysh sit up from the couch. "Don't force yourself." Suro warned and Aysh nodded, slowly getting up from the couch— her body suddenly aching. "Ow ow.." Her grip on Suro's hand tightens, trying not to yell from the pain of her body. "Give me a minute.." 
"Do you need me to carry you?" He suggested, waiting for Aysh to respond. "Could you even carry me?" Aysh chuckled and Suro looked at her, offended. "I was the one who carried you to safety, dumbass" He looked unimpressed but nevertheless turned his back to Aysh and kneeled down insisting her to hop on his back. A rose pink spread across the girl's cheek as she slowly got on Suro's back.
"Where are you two going?" A voice spoke. "Shouldn't you be resting, Aysh?" They turned around and spotted Yuki who had her arms crossed on her chest. "Well.." Suro let out a nervous chuckle. "Aysh wanted to get some fresh air, I won't do anything reckless." 
"Don't give me that crap. You're just as reckless and idiotic as Aysh" She sighed and walked towards the front door and opened it for the two couples. "I'll tag along," Yuki said with a stoic voice. "I appreciate that," Suro smiled.
The three stepped outside and Aysh was in awe at how much space there was. "You said it's big but I didn't expect it to be this.." Aysh giggled and Suro walked around the front area just for Aysh to take a look around. "It is a big upgrade, I admit. '' Suro giggled and held onto Aysh closely to prevent her from falling. Though such a peaceful moment won't last long.
Screaming can be heard from the distance, Yuki whipped her head to where the noise was coming from and immediately pulled out her pistol, jumping over the fence and started spriting, the couple following close behind. "What are you doing, Suro?!" Yuki yelled as she noticed that Suro was following while still holding Aysh. "At least put Aysh down!" Yuki groan but still kept running, Suro didn't bother to listen as he kept following Yuki. 
There, behind the bushes and trees where they spot two individuals all panting, bruised and wounded. It seems like they've been ambushed by these zombies— Yuki was surprised none of them had gotten bitten yet. Yuki charged in front of one of them and shot the one by the head. One of them, a brunette— finally crashed onto their knees and held the other one close. Yuki then kicked one of the zombies, making it fall and tumbling on the others and Yuki shot their heads one by one.
Yuki noticed that her gun ran out of bullets; they looked up and saw a zombie charging at them— she clicked her tongue and quickly swapped her gun for a knife. Once the zombie was in reach she swiftly swung the knife and sliced it by its throat. Blood splattering from face to chest as she did so.
Yuki then quickly put her weapons away and helped the two individuals to get on their feet and guided them to where Aysh and Suro were. Yuki looked back and saw a swarm of zombies coming out behind trees and bushes, her eyes widened as she shielded everyone behind her. "Call Nora and the rest, I might need some-" Before Yuki could finish their sentence, another figure appeared from behind the zombies and swiftly sliced each and every zombie they could spot. Everyone's eyes widened as this mysterious figure solo'd everyone zombie who tried to ambush them.
The way they fought is swift and flawless, their movement reckless but still manage to dodge the filthy mouths of the zombies. Everyone was in awe as they watched this person fight.
Once they cleared out every zombie they put their Katana aside and wiped the sweat from their brow. No one knew what to say and the next thing they know the person is approaching them. Once close enough, they smiled. "Hi there, I thought I'd be the last one standing, but here we are" They smiled brightly, Yuki then cleared their throat and began to speak. "Let's have our introductions later, if you three don't mind we can escort you to our place." 
The three stood there in thought and soon after nodded. The three strangers followed Yuki to their shelter.
Once they reached their destination, Aysh spotted Nora and Koe having a chat at the front. They didn't seem to notice the group arriving before Yuki opened the gates. They looked up and their faces turned into terror. "Yuki!" Nora ran up to the group. "What happened? Are you hurt?" Yuki shook her head and patted Nora's head. "I'm alright, just need a bit of cleaning" Nora nodded then escorted Yuki inside the shelter, leaving Koe alone.
"Leave the introduction to me," Suro said and Koe let out a sigh of relief.
"I am Suro" He started. "This girl on my back is Aysh" She then waved at the three. "This is Koe and the girl you saw all bloodied was Yuki." Suro then slowly puts Aysh down as he proceeds to introduced the people they already spotted. "The girl who dragged Yuki inside was Nora" The three nodded. "And you are?"
"My name is Sereni" The gal with the Katana started. "I've been actually trying to find a couple of survivors. It's been quite boring without any company" They giggled then Suro looked at the other two. "I'm Bon" The blue haired individual started. "And I am Mimi" The brunette followed. "We thank you all for saving our asses back there" She chuckled nervously. "We owe you." Suro shook his head and smiled softly. "There's no need. It's kind of our job to take in the survivors and give them a home" 
"Still, we thank you" Bon then bowed their head and smiled back at Suro. "Let's get you three all cleaned up and rested" The three nodded and followed Suro inside the shelter. "Koe, grab the first aid kit and water, if you don’t mind" Aysh ordered and Koe nodded then marched away.
"There will be more people coming in soon" Aysh looked at the three. "As of now, they're resting; Another set of introductions is bound to happen" She giggled and insisted the three to sit down on the couch.
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ahjae · 1 year
A personal draft that was made by yours truly, which consists of me and my irl classmates in an Agent/Mafia Au
Do note that this is merely a draft and it is not properly edited and I barely proof read it.
A girl sighed as she looked at all her paper works, she couldn't believe how much has happened in less than a week. Four of the papers are requesting backup agents yet all bids are so unreasonable, the two consist of documents of people that needed to be dead. She lets out another sigh, then a knock was heard. "AJ" A familiar voice called out, she looks up and spots one of the captain. "Naoki.." She breathes out, putting the papers down and turning her attention to the man. "Hopefully I wasn't disturbing you, I was just checking up on you" he said, often trailing his gaze away from the leader. "You're not bothering, I'm quite glad you're here actually." She said, getting up from her seat with a hand full of papers. "Here" She handed the papers to Naoki. "These are papers from other agents requesting us to hand them some of our crew as back up" Naoki nodded along, attentively listening while looking at the papers. "Are.. are you sure?.. The bids are not exactly..." Naoki re-reads the papers again then soon after looked up at AJ. "That's exactly why I'm asking you to hand it to Eli, he knows what to do." She sighed once again, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she does. "Everyone's going to be busy, we also have to track down some people who tried to take down our agency" 
"I see" 
"Call in Clark for me once you gave this one to Eli" AJ ordered and Naoki merely followed. "I'll be back" Then he's off with AJ waving at him. She walked back to her desk not even bothering to sit down as she scanned every document that laid in front of her.
"Regime..." She mumbled as she read one of the papers. "Tries to use the agency's money for personal use.. i.e buying drinks and buying illegal substances." 
She hummed then moved to the next paper. "Placido... Betrayed the agency, manipulating every member in the third division including the first in command (Ms. Ramos)" She shook her head, still taken aback by the fact that a member has the guts to betray an agency. "Then there's Garcia not doing the assignment handed out to her, who also has the audacity to duel with the commander's assistant of the second division, that assistant would be Jayna..." She shuts her eyes and takes a deep breath, grabbing all the documents she already knows which assignments are going to whom.
Shivers went up at AJ's spine when she heard the door suddenly open; she must've been in such a daze that she didn't notice the footsteps getting closer. Gosh she's tired. 
"Good day, Ms. AJ" Clark greeted which made AJ wince. "AJ is fine, you all know me already" She shook her head when she heard a tiny chuckle coming out of Clark's mouth. "Anyways. here's the documents" She proceeds to hand them out. "The ones I gave you will be your target please let me know if there's any complaints" The two boys read the papers that were handed to them, their expressions are unclear but AJ didn't wanna base out of reactions, she needs a verbal approval. "Wouldn't tracing down Placido be a hard task, she can be anywhere at once" Clark commented and AJ hummed at this.
"That wouldn't be a problem for you as you can easily track people down with no problem" She complimented but still went over to her desk, opening her laptop and doing a quick search. "Ah.. here! Often seen during weekends at a local coffee shop with Mr. Ventura. Then.." She continues her search. "Mondays and Fridays are days when she goes out clubbing either with friends or by herself" She mentioned while pulling open the drawer from the desk and pulling out some pens and papers; AJ wrote hastily then ripped the paper— walking over to Clark and handing it to him. "Here, just in case. Her address and other information should be written as well." 
"What about you Naoki?" She then turned her attention towards the taller male. "Regime's locations cannot be tracked that easily, ever since he got banned from the agency, he's been working non stop" She yanked the pen and paper from her desk and wrote down the address in it— handing it to Naoki. "It's alright to ask some of your members if they know anything about the person you're tracking down, it'll be much help. Unfortunately I only have his address written down." Naoki took a quick reading from the paper AJ had given out. "It's more than enough, no need to worry." Naoki reassured her.
"Before you head out Naoki, I might need to borrow Ms. Jayna from you" He looked at the leader a tad bit puzzled, she then gave her documents to Naoki so he could take a look. "I will let you borrow my assistant if you have to. I promise I'll protect her.. if that's what you're worried about" 
"I'll borrow Leandro then" Naoki smiled, handing the papers back to AJ. "You got it, you two are dismissed"
A new day rolls around, AJ was watching Jayna at the shooting range, she was noticing that the girl was improving ever since the last month she duel with her
"Getting faster with your aims, hm?" AJ complimented and Jayna just giggled at this, not knowing how to word her response; AJ checked her smart watch. "You have 30 minutes to meet me at the basement, make it quick" Jayna nodded and with that AJ walked off, putting on her earpiece making sure it is on and is snuggled up in her ear. 
She pressed the earpiece "Testing, testing" A quick static was heard til she heard another voice. "1 2 3" It was Naoki. "Testing, testing" He started and without a pause another respond. "1 2 3" It was Clark this time. AJ was relieved that it was working. "Testing, testing" She repeated, waiting for a different individual to respond. " 1 2 3 " There it is. 
"Hurry up Jayna '' She ordered and through the earpiece she can hear rustling and a few mentals clacking. "Good." 
Finally, everyone is in the basement. Each commander ordered their divisions and handed out assignments, handing out weapons and walkie-talkies and other gears that are needed for this.
"It is best to keep our guard up" AJ announced, everyone having their full attention on her. "We don't know what they have done during the times they've been banned, from all we know they have moved into a new agency" She paced around the front of the crowd. "Do not alert anyone in the public, we may stumble into a bigger problem. Understood?" And there she faced everyone.
The crowd yelled a quick "Understood!" Before AJ dismissed them and had them be grouped to their respective Divisions. "We should get going." AJ announced to her own division and with that everyone is out. 
"Try to be less suspicious, don't bring everyone in your division as it will raise some suspicions, we are pretty well known to the public. Our plan is to eliminate our targets without being noticed. Did I make myself clear?"  AJ announced to the commanders and assistants. They all nodded. "Good." 
"You said, Ms. Garcia works at a bank now?" 
The two were discussing at the back of the car, AJ being the anxious, paranoid bastard that she is kept on looking at the front of the car. "No one knew her previous occupation?" Jayna asked and AJ just shook her head. Once she noticed that they're getting closer and closer by the second; she pulled out her laptop and connected the USB. "The bank is pretty well known. I had Sir. Apalit to help me with the camera system" Jayna looked over and indeed she was looking at the bank through the CCTV of the bank. "He's impressive."
"I know" 
The car came to a stop, Jayna looked up to see that they're parked somewhere, away from the main entrance yet it is still visible, she can barely see the employees working inside thanks to the glass entrance. "Madams, we're here" The driver called out while also grabbing his own weapon. "Don't go just yet, there's quite a crowd inside." Both the driver and Jayna nodded and patiently waited inside while AJ scans through the CCTV. "We need to shut the power out but how.." AJ mumbled to herself as she bit her nails while trying to focus. "It's in the very back.." She muttered. 
"Let me handle it, Ma'am"
AJ's train of thought was broken by the driver's suggestion. She looked up to see the Driver putting on the earpiece— tapping it and quickly tested if it was working. AJ nodded and quickly came up with a simple plan. 
The driver stepped out of the vehicle— shutting the door after he stepped out. He made his way to the entrance of the bank. Jayna and AJ were looking at the CCTV cameras while everything was being played out. The driver grabbed a plate number from the stand in front and took a seat at the middle row. He took a quick glance at his number then at the screen that's displaying from the front; Fortunately, he has time.
In the corner of his eye he spots an older citizen, with the little moral he has, he got up and assisted the old citizen to take his seat instead, the citizen appreciated the action.
"How nice" Jayna commented. 
The girls then spotted the driver walking out of frame from the main camera, Jayna looked all over the other screen that was displayed, spotting the man walking to one of the restrooms. The leader opened her phone and connected the camera to her phone. "This is what we see" She pointed at her laptop, explaining to Jayna. "And this is what the camera will see" She then handed her phone to the girl next to her. With a couple more clicks the man they were keeping an eye on vanished from the camera.
AJ lifts her hand up and holds the earpiece. "Go on '' She signalled. Driver nodded and kept on walking, avoiding the guards he saw. When they spotted him enter the breaker room, Jayna handed the phone back and also stepped out of the vehicle, straightening her dress then walking inside the bank. "Good." 
"In 3... 2... 1..." She counted down. "Lights out" She smirked as the lights from the bank had shut down. Screams can be heard from inside the bank. 
The people from the bank tried to escape but the door was locked, the employees and guards tried to calm the customers down but to no avail. The screaming continues. 
"Checkmate." Both the Driver and AJ heard from their earpiece, minutes passed and the lights finally opened. AJ looked out from the window and she saw many people crying and panicked. She almost felt bad. She shuts her devices and gets prepared herself, stepping out the door and just in time, sirens are blasting in the distance. When the police arrived and stepped out of the car, AJ sighed, trying her best to compose herself as she ran up to one of the cops. “Jermaine!! Caz!” She yelled as she ‘tries’ to get past the police. 
“Ma’am, we need you to calm down” One of the police said while gently holding AJ. She was panting while looking up at the bank. “M-My siblings are inside that b-bank!” She gasped out as she held onto the police. “We will bring them out to safety, we just need you to trust us” The cops reassured her and AJ simply nodded, staring up at the entrance where the cops are struggling to open the door without breaking the glass.
With enough force the door finally opened, half of the cops entered the building while the other half kept the people outside close to them. AJ patiently waited for the two to step out of the building, she wanted to leave this place already but she can’t just leave her companions behind. 
When she spots the two finally stepping out of the building AJ lightly pushes the police away from her and she dashed to the two and hugged them tightly. “Oh my god. A-Are you two alright? Are you hurt?” AJ cupped Jayna’s cheek, lightly caressing it. Jayna nodded and held AJ’s hand. “W-We’re fine sis.. I just wanna go home” AJ nodded and kept the two close to her as she walked up to one of the police. “I-Is it alright for us to.. Go home? O-Our parents are gonna be worried” AJ stuttered and the cops just let them go. The three of them thanked the police and started walking to where they parked the car.
Once inside. 
“Nice acting madams” The driver complimented and Jayna just let out a laugh. “Our leader took it seriously, I can see tears forming” Jayna looked back at AJ who is now wiping her eyes with a napkin. “Oh shut up, I had to make it believable” The three had a good laugh for a couple of minutes before the earpiece started to make a static noise. Jayna held the earpiece and waited for the other line to talk.
He- … Hello…. Hello?....
“Can you hear me? Jayna? AJ?” The other line questioned. “Yes I can hear you, what’s up? Naoki was on the other line. “Success?” Naoki asked and Jayna just cheered, a signal where the plan they’ve created was flawless. “That’s good, I got the target if you bother asking” Naoki chuckled. AJ looked out the window and the car was already moving. “You want us to pick you up?” Jayna asked. “Yes… please…” Naoki slowly replied which alerted Jayna, AJ and the driver spotted this and the speed of the car increased. “Where are you?”
Naoki lets out a deep sigh before replying “First meeting spot” and with that Jayna was directing the driver on where Naoki’s location is. Not even 5 minutes passed and they’re already at Naoki’s location.
When Jayna spots him on the sidewalk she almost stepped out of the vehicle but AJ stopped her. “AJ?!” She yelled and the look on AJ’s face told her to be cautious and just wait for a couple of minutes. Jayna couldn’t sit around and wait when the possibility of her friend and the agency being in danger
They watched Naoki mindlessly walking back and forth on the sidewalk, occasionally checking his phone and/or watch. “He’s being followed,” AJ muttered
“What are we going to do?” Jayna asked, panicked written all over her face. 
The leader then pulled out her phone and dialed Naoki’s number then handed it to the driver.
“Madam?” He looked back. “Just follow” The driver just nodded and brought the phone to his ear. Jayna spots Naoki picking up the phone.
“Hey, bro! It’s Jermaine, I'm with your sisters right now and we’re here to uhm.. Pick you up” 
But before Naoki can finish his question Jayna lets out a fake cough, catching Naoki off guard but thankfully he got the message.
“W-What was that? Signal’s bad I’m sorry” 
He let out a soft chuckle and the driver repeated. 
“Oh Caz and Jae? Yeah yeah! I already sent my location, right?” 
“You have. We’re here already actually we just couldn’t seem to find you” 
Jayna checks out the window again and spots Naoki looking around the area. 
“Is that you with a red button down?” The driver asked and all three can see the act of surprise on Naoki’s face. “Yeah that’s me, where are you..? Ah! Nevermind found you!”  and with that tiny conversation Naoki hung up and walked over to the car. AJ then lowered her head and insisted Jayna do the same. 
Naoki opened the door in the front seat, it was a bit quiet but it was soon disturbed when the car started to move. “Leandro got caught, when we’re on our way home” Naoki started. “I heard from one of Clark’s members that he got knocked out and taken somewhere. My only guess is that Him and Leandro are being taken to the same place.” The ride back to the agency was definitely quiet, with AJ feeling all sorts of emotions, Naoki filled with guilt and Jayna in distress. “We’ll save them” AJ muttered but she was unsure herself. “But for now, let's go back home” AJ suggested, though as much as she herself wanted to charge into whoever abducted Leandro and Clark.
They finally reached their base. They all opened the door and when they stepped out, AJ felt something bite… or stab her neck, she looked back and saw a glint and three people in the distance. Everything is slowly fading, her vision is getting blurry and the screams from her teammates are getting muffled. She looked back and saw Naoki having the dart on his neck. “Na…o…ki…” Was the last word she muttered before completely passing out.
She didn’t know how long she was out, but when she opened her eyes it felt like someone smacked her head a million times. It was throbbing in pain. AJ then slowly looked and was met with nothing but darkness. 
“You’re awake”
A voice spoke, she knew of this voice, yet she didn't want to jump into conclusion. Fuck. Is it really him… Soon enough the light suddenly turned on, blinding AJ in the process that she had to shut her eyes for it. “Still sensitive to light, I see,'' the person muttered. Slowly AJ opened her eyes and tried to adjust to the lighting, she was looking down on the floor and there was a shadow. Someone was looming over her. “AJ?...” He spoke softly, he’s deceiving her. Then she felt hand on her chin and slowly lifted up. “There we go, look at me when I'm talking.” It’s what she feared, it’s him. “M-My Liege'' AJ mentally slapped herself for stuttering. She couldn’t believe it, he’s here. “You know… I’m still hurt after you left me in such a hell hole without telling me” He frowned and shoved AJ out which made her groan, her head's still spinning thanks to the side effect of the tranquillizer. “I’m sorry” were the only words she could mutter out, she didn’t know how to make it up to him nor did she think she'd ever be forgiven. “Still the kind hearted leader that everyone looks up to, hm?” The man kneeled in front of AJ. “Where’s…Jermaine… Naoki… Jayna?” She asked, glaring at the man. “I knew you’d ask that.” He stood up and looked back at the guard who was standing at the door. “Bring them in '' He ordered and the guard just opened the door and the other guards shoved the three inside.
She shook her head as she saw the condition of the others. “What the fuck do you want, Ethan?” She spat out as she tried to wiggle out of the restraints. 
“I want you to shut down your agency” He simply said. “I can’t just possibly do that!” AJ yelled out, the restrained getting tighter on her wrists as she continued to struggle. “Shut down the agency or you die today.” A gun was now pressed against her forehead but she was unbothered by the threat. “Or are you still that suicidal bastard that I know” He said with a smirk as he shoved the gun more. 
“Where’s Leandro and Clark?” 
“Huh?” Ethan was taken aback.
“Where the fuck are they?” She glared at him again. “You never fucking changed huh, AJ” He chuckled and used the gun to smack AJ right across the face. “BOSS!” The three yelled in unison as they ran up to her and shielded her. Jayna quickly cut the restraints from her wrist. “You’ve changed in such a small time, my liege…” She slowly got up from the sitting position, her legs still wobbling from sitting down for such a long time. AJ sighed and did a spin kick but only for the man to block it, but before he could say anything AJ attacked once again by kicking him right in the chest, losing his balance in the process. While the man was trying to get up he pulled out his gun and shot AJ, luckily she dodged it and kicked the gun off of Ethan’s hand. “I know i’ve hurt you in the past and no matter how many times i’ve begged you to listen, you wouldn’t” She loomed over the man, stepping on his leg. “I guess we’ll have to battle to death, if that’ll help you move on..” She glared and kicked him once again. “Fuck off” He muttered as he grabbed the girl’s ankle and slammed her to the ground, immediately he ran to get the gun but Naoki beat him to it. Grabbing Ethan’s shirt and forcefully pulling him away, AJ saw the opportunity and ran to where the gun was. “Get out of here, Nao… I don’t want you to get involved… Just back off” She sighed and the three followed her orders. 
Ethan charged in for another attack but AJ swiftly dodged the attack, she looked back and shot Ethan on his leg though it seems that Ethan was expecting it as he grabbed AJ’s wrist and pulled her with him and snatched the gun away from her and shot her arm. “Agh!-” AJ yelled as she held onto her now shot arm.
Jayna tried to run up to the boss but Naoki pulled her back. “We have to help her! Are you fucking crazy?” She yelled as she tried to wiggle her way out of Naoki’s grasp. “Let go! Please! AJ!” She cried out. 
Ethan then places the gun on his gun holder and proceeds to use his fist as he beats the leader up. The other three just stood there and watched. They didn’t know what to do, their bodies couldn’t move, voices stuck in their throat. They just watched in horror as their boss got beaten. 
Just then a loud explosion could be heard, everyone looked up and saw that the door had been kicked down and smoke was emitting from the outside. “Eli! Angeline!” The three cheered and dashed to the door, Ethan tried to follow suit but a hand had caught him. “You’re not going anywhere, my liege…” She muttered as he pulled him away. “AJ! What are you doing?! Bombs are placed everywhere in this area and Mei has already pulled the trigger, let’s go!” AJ nodded and slowly got up only for Ethan to grab her ankle once again. “Fuck off.” She kicked and wobbled towards her friend. 
Another explosion occurred and another. “Hurry!” Eli ran up to her and guided her to the door. “Say Eli… Thank you for being a friend since childhood, you… Ethan, Akie, and many more had put a genuine smile on my face” She muttered, making sure her friend could hear. “You’ve done so much to me, so…” She stopped near the door frame which left Eli confused.
“Jae..?” “Let me repay you” She smiled warmly to Eli as she pushed him away from the room and immediately shut the door. Muffled scream can be heard from the other side. 
“Joaquin! Let go! AJ’s still in there!” Eli yelled as she struggled to get away from his friend’s grip. “Elijah! There’s no time to waste, If we stay any longer we too will die!” He knows that there’s no way Elijah is moving out of their place as long as AJ is inside so he only did what was best and carried Elijah and ran to the exit. “AJ!” 
AJ can feel the building crumbling, she can see debris falling from the ceiling. She pressed her back on the door and smiled at Ethan. “I know there’s no way I can redeem myself” She slowly wobbled towards Ethan and kneeled in front of him. “Why didn’t you go with him?” Ethan asked as another explosion could be heard but it was getting closer to the room they were in. “I’m not letting you die alone now, no? I did say I either die first or we die together” She smiled and patted Ethan’s head. “It’s the only promise I can keep, dumbass.” She said, smugly. “My liege…”
“I’m so… sorry” She muttered and wrapped her arms around her friend, not caring if the explosion was in the room they were in.
He forgave her, and she can fulfil her promise once again, she’s never letting him go, not this time. 
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ahjae · 1 year
<BS:ZA> Chpt 2 - part 2 (Duo's backstory)
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November 25, xxxx
He lets out a sigh as he stares mindlessly at the board, he’s barely listening to his teacher if he’s being completely honest.
"Alright, before we end class, I would like you to grab a partner and build a model on our topic" The teacher tapped the board. "This will be your last project for this school year," She recalled as the other students took out their writing instruments and started to take down notes. "The deadline will be after your last exams, so you have plenty of time. '' The teacher then soon dismissed the class. Everyone packed their belongings and finally stepped out of the classroom, that includes the teacher. 
A student approached Kaitou; 
"Do you.. have a partner already?"
The boy asked, seeming to be hesitant.
"Mukha bang may partner ako?" (Do I look like I have a partner?) Kaitou snarled, he just wanted to go home. He doesn't wanna deal with anyone from this horrid place they call school. He's tired. "Yeah, no wonder no one wants to partner with you.." The boy muttered to himself, Kaitou could clearly hear him as he whipped his head and glared at the boy. "If you're complaining already then fuck off." Kaitou slammed his palms on the table, the boy flinched and Kaitou could care less. He grabbed his back and stormed off the room. 
The boy was a stubborn one as he ran off to Kaitou. "Oy, teka lang!" (Oy! Wait up!)
The boy chased after Kaitou, grabbing his wrist abruptly stopping Kaitou's walk. "Ano?!" (What?!)
Kaitou looked back and saw a helpless boy, panting. 
"I know you don't have a partner and you won't bother asking someone," The boy paused, catching his breath. "Let's partner up on this project and once we're done with it we don't have to interact." The boy looked at Kaitou straight in the eyes. He won't give up til he said yes hm.. 
"Fine." Kaitou replied, nothing but joy can be seen in the boy's eyes. "Give me your number" Kaitou then pulled out his phone. "I'll send you the research and other details next week" The boy nodded and grabbed his phone then gave it to Kaitou. The two were silent while putting each other's number on each other's fine. "I'll get going, don't chase after me" Kaitou sighed, turning on his heel and walking away. Thankfully, the boy didn't follow. He opened his phone and checked his contacts. "Koe?.." It took Kaitou a good minute. "Oh that's his name." 
A week passed by and as Kaitou promised he sent all his research to Koe. The boy appreciated this and suggested that they talk more about this during their break time, Kaitou was hesitant but still agreed nonetheless.
"You remember how ma'am said that we have to build a model?" Koe asked and Kaitou simply nodded while eating his snacks. "I was wondering maybe I can build it while you do the research?" Koe requested and this made Kaitou's vein pop. "Do you just want the points to yourself?" He glared at the boy and Koe just shook his head. "No no no! That's not it– I–" Koe stuttered out and Kaitou wasn't having it. "Why bother looking for a partner when you want the grades to yourself?" Kaitou balled his fist trying not to slam it on the table. 
"Just hear me out, please!" Koe begged and since Kaitou didn't want to embarrass himself, he just waited for Koe to start talking once again.
"Thank you. I'm not being selfish, I just want to split the work. That's all" Koe explained and Kaitou is not convinced one bit. "But.. if you feel like helping just ask me, a little help wouldn't... hurt" Koe looked down, staring at his lap waiting for a response from Kaitou. 
Kaitou just lets out a sigh and arises from his chair. Koe looked up to see him packing up already, panic stricken.
"W-Where are you going?" Koe mentally slapped himself for stuttering. "Going back to the classroom, what else? We have 5 more minutes of break." Kaitou reminded Koe. "What about the-" Koe was cut off by Kaitou clicking his tongue. "We can split the work." And without further discussion Kaitou is off, heading to their classroom. 
Koe lied; 
And Kaitou knows. 
Whenever Kaitou would send Koe one of the research he conducts he would always ask the boy if there's anything he can do. Koe would always turn him down. 
Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and the next thing Kaitou knows the deadline is near. 
By the end of the examination he just gave up, he stopped asking Koe if there's anything he can help. He accepted the fact that Koe is taking all the credits to himself and Kaitou has no time to create another research let alone build a model.
The day of the deadline comes and everyone has their model in front of the class. Kaitou was sitting at the back— listening to the students present their work. 
When it's time for their work to be presented, Kaitou couldn't help but look away, Koe's presenting by himself. It made every blood in Kaitou's body boil. 
He couldn't fucking believe it. 
Once every student had presented their work the teacher walked in front of the class.
"I have everyone's index card right here" She announced, waving a stack of index cards in one hand. "I mentioned the rubrics in one of our free time but if you forgot it's written here" The teacher then tapped the board with the written rubrics. "I also mentioned that whoever is in charge is allowed to grade their partner based on their performance from 1-10, 1 being the lowest" 
The teacher then looked at each index card. "And the highest right now is..." She prolonged her sentence, trying to find a specific card. "Ah, Koe and Kaitou seem to be doing well, they've split up their work pretty well it seems." Kaitou's eyes widened, he whipped his head and caught Koe's eyes. He couldn't hear what the teacher was saying after that, the two just had a staring contest the whole time the teacher was talking. 
When the teacher dismissed the class Kaitou hurriedly got up from his seat and chased after Koe. "Oy, dickhead!" He spat out, grabbing Koe's shoulder and forcefully spun him around to make him look at Kaitou. "What was that all about?"
"I did mention we're splitting the work," Koe said smugly. 
"You fucker. I keep asking you if there's anything I can help with— like you said, but I always get fucking ghosted." Kaitou then shoved Koe. "L-Look.. I'm sorry, I heard you're not a huge fan of working, s-so I spared you a bit" Koe stuttered out, slowly stepping away from Kaitou. "And you didn't bother asking me?" Koe was silent, letting Kaitou yell at him. "Did I just waste my breath telling you that I can help with the building process?! I even went to your house to try and help you!" Finally, Kaitou lets out a sigh. "Whatever." He muttered and shoved Koe out of his way. Koe just watched Kaitou walking away. Koe sighed and walked the opposite direction. 
Thankfully, school's over, the two can forget about this experience. 
A month went by and the two stopped talking to one another, they didn't mind anyways. 
Kaitou stepped out of the grocery store, both hands holding a plastic bag filled with groceries that his mother listed down, he also grabbed a couple of snacks for himself. He started walking to the direction of his house when he passed by an alleyway, in that alleyway he heard low groaning. Kaitou looked at the alleyway in disgust and proceeded to walk. "Who the fuck would have sex in a dirty ass alleyway" He muttered to himself, completely oblivious to the fact that someone or something was on his tail. It slowly approached him til it finally had its filthy hands on Kaitou's shoulder.
Kaitou flinched and immediately kicked whoever was behind him. Kaitou turned around to take a good look at whoever dared touch him and god..
He regretted it. 
This creature that Kaitou was looking at— it almost made him throw up. The creature is covered in dried blood, skin decaying, mouth ajar and one of its eyes is dangling out of its own socket. Kaitou took a step back, then another, til he's finally sprinting home. 
One creature turns into swarms of creatures. He ran as fast as he could; the joy in his eyes when he spotted his house. He swung the front door open and slammed it shut once he's inside, locking it. "MA!" He called out and the response he got sent shivers down his spine. 
A low groan. 
Shit. They got here already. How?! 
He dropped the groceries and slowly walked his way to the kitchen and grabbed a chef's knife. He doesn't want to do it. But.. he knows.. his mother is gone. 
He quickly grabbed the groceries he bought and before he could step out of the house he heard stomping, slow once but soon enough the footsteps became faster and louder.
Kaitou swung the door open and dashed out the door, leaving his now corrupted mother behind. He ran and ran, he didn't know where he was going and just ran with groceries and a knife in hand.
You sent
Once he came to a stop he dropped down on his knees and tried to catch his breath. "Fucking christ.." He cussed at no one, he slowly arose from the floor and looked up noticing a familiar house. "Kaitou?" A familiar voice called out. 
"Well fuck." 
"I see you just got back from an errand" Koe teased and jogged to the front of his house. “This is not a good time to be teasing me, asshole. Did you not notice our predicament just now?” Kaitou yelled at him, Koe just stayed silent, opening the door and letting Kaitou enter before him. “I know, I saw” Koe sighed and slid his jacket off his shoulder. Koe pointed at the counter, insisting Kaitou to place the bag of groceries there. Kaitou understood and did as he was instructed. “It’s best to mentally and physically prepare ourselves before going outside,” Koe said before hanging his jacket on one of the chairs. “Thankfully we got groceries.” He then pulled the chair and sat down, sighing to himself. “Why are you suddenly here out of all places?” He started to ask the boy who’s currently storing the groceries away. “Tried to go home, mother’s corrupted and I have no place to go” Kaitou said softly. Then silence, no one dared to mutter out a word. They didn’t mind it one bit, they needed to wrap their head on what on earth happened and what they just experienced. 
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“And the rest is history” Kaitou then clapped his hand as he finished telling the story which included every detail he can remember. To put it simply, Toko has no words as she listens to every word the two are spitting out. She’s thankful that Suro and Rinne found them and decided to take them in, they would be a good part of the team. “Is there anything else you want to know?” Koe asked. 
“That’s all, no worries,” Toko smiled and tapped her fingers on the table. “I do have a question though,” Kaitou stepped in. 
“Go on?” 
“Do you give the others their “job” or do they have to pick?” 
Toko hummed at Kaitou’s question. “It really depends. If they’re unsure on what they want to do they come to me and I'll give them a position. But other than that it’s mostly them giving themself a position.” The two boys nodded at the information that Toko gave. “Is that all?”
Koe hummed and the duo stood up from their seats. “That’s all for now, thank you” Koe smiled at Toko as he walked up to the door and opened it. “I should be the one thanking you two for trusting me with your story” Toko softly chuckled and watched the two step out of her office. Once the door was closed she leaned back on her chair and she let out a groan. “What’s with everyone with traumatic ass stories” She then lets out a sarcastic laugh.
“You’re one to talk” Another voice spoke, she immediately sat up and saw Rev leaning on the door frame. “As if you don’t” Toko teased which earn a laugh from Rev. “No one is stable in this shelter” He grabbed a chair and slid it behind him then he sat down. “True” said Toko, 
“Also, aren’t we supposed to move out?” Rev added. “Maybe tomorrow, i’m not too sure”
“You said that last time”
“Shut it!” Toko lets out another groan and she lays her head on the desk in front of her. “Finding a new shelter is no problem, we already found one. The drive there will be a big one” Rev nodded as he mentally took notes. “We’ll have a meeting tomorrow, for now, go to sleep” 
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ahjae · 1 year
shoot Koe instead /j
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