#I'll post a picture of my collection when I get home
f-a-b-l-e · 10 months
I keep finding small resin charms of ingredients and baked goods at school and like. The mystery of it all??? Sometimes I'd find two in one week, then go months before finding the next. I don't know if I'm supposed to rehide them or not. I was convinced they'd graduated since I hadn't found one in months and then today
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I swear to dough.
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We got another one, boys. It's not over yet.
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
The worst person alive <- caved in and bought an anime figure because it was on sale
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itstheghostofmypast · 7 months
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Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: At this point, he didn't know who she loved more, him or Byeol, either way, he was happy. What else could Choi San ask for other than his two favourite girls in the world getting along?
Warnings: NONE
Word Count: 2.1K
Est. Read Time: 10 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
A/N: No- see @edenesth 💗 did this to me. This timestamp is for my saviour, the one and only @edenesth 💗 , like we should totally blame San for posting such domestic core pics- no wonder we get all delulu- PS THIS COLLAB HAS ME DYING
@edenesth version: [12.58]PM
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"San?" she called out, walking down the hallway as she paused in front of the wall-length mirror, fixing her hair once more and checking out her outfit, simple, crisp and a dash of purple. Very different from her usual office attire, very colourful too- after all the first time he had seen her she was in a plain suit, a white dress shirt and slacks, running around collecting printouts for the upcoming spring magazine. That also being the first time he had realised how much he loved the word 'simple'. Okay, fine, perhaps she was dressed on the softer side, but was it so bad to play cute for once? Especially, if she was doing so to please her man. Call it her way of simping.
Truth be told, she wasn't even sure if he was going to show up, after their extensive tour, when he had mentioned the upcoming off days he was to get, she had suggested going to his home town to relax, leaving the city life for a while and although it pained her to know that she would be too busy with her own work at the office, also known as the company he too worked in, she wanted him to rest and relax away from the hustle bustle of his idol life, what she did not expect that after a week of his departure to Namhae, the very next weekend her fluff of a man would be ringing her doorbell in the late hours of the weekend.
"Byeol wanted to see you and so did I, I spent a week there and I'll spend a week here."
Was all he the dimpled man had made his way inside to the living room, opening the carrier to let Byeol out, the living room already a place of her liking. She had been here with San a couple of times; she had also been a very important part of their relationship. Especially on their third date where he had delicately brought up the topic, "Are you allergic to cats?"
"No, why?"
"Do you like cats?"
"Yeah, why?"
He never really answered her question that night, only smiled at her, leaning over the table to add more meat to her plate considering the late hours of the night, her hunger had distracted her from asking more questions, already too emotional at the thought of this angel of a man sacrificing his portion of protein for her - especially after grilling it so well. The only thing that did change was that the next morning she received around 400+ pictures of San's first love, Byeol.
The first time he had brought Byeol over, he was cautious and attentive, making sure both his girls were happy. He asked her cute questions all day- maybe she just found them cute because it was him, or perhaps it was because he was letting her in, into his domain, which is the little kitty roaming around the house.
"Can I put the litter here?"
"All your windows are locked right?"
"Do you mind if I keep the food bowl next to where we eat? She feels lonely otherwise."
"Can she sleep on your bed? I brought her cat mat just in case."
"Can we leave the bedroom door open a bit, so she can come and go without waking us up?"
He stopped when he realised, she wasn't even responding, panicking he looked up from the cat supplies. Maybe she felt like he was intruding or invading her privacy but was too afraid to tell him. Maybe bringing in Byeol was a big step he shouldn't have taken so quickly. What if she meant like she liked cats, at a normal level, like 'oh a cat.'  Not like cuddling them or baby-talking to them. Turning around his eyes scanned the room to spot her holding onto Byeol, carrying her like a baby and cooing at her. It was only then he realised how loud his cat was purring loud enough for it to echo in the silent room.
"Hmmm? You say something, Sannie?" she looked up from Byeol to him, eyes as curious as a cat's, hand resting on the cat's tummy, letting Byeol grab her hand with her soft paws. His heart felt as if it were about to burst out of his ribcage, running to her and landing on her palm, beating in it with an intensity that would borderline scare her. Licking his chapped lips the feline-eyed man shook his head, a genuine dimpled smile forming, one that would send thousands flipping with joy- or in her case have her gushing over it in solitude.
Thus, giving birth to a ritual, often he would spend his free days at his own home, sometimes calling her over, and gratefully his family welcomed her with open arms. On other occasions, he’d drop by to her apartment, bringing their 'daughter' with him.
She remembers the time Byeol had gotten sick. Unfortunately, San was busy that evening, and his parents were out of town so Byeol was to stay with her. Not an issue, at least it wasn't until the third night when San checked his phone after hours of practice late at night. He had decided to stay at the dorm, travelling would be more tiring she understood, but as the man checked his phone his heart almost stopped.
"Byeol is sick, she's vomiting. "
"I'm taking her to the vet."
"She's shivering."
"Okay, my car isn't working!"
'"I ran here, dw, made it in time, they're checking her."
"They say she has a fever, some bug?"
"They want to keep her overnight, idk I mean I can't just leave her here. She looked scared."
"I'm not leaving, but she's sedated. They say she'll be fine."
"San plz reply soon."
"San I'm scared."
Choi San had never run faster in his life he was sure of it, because the moment he burst into the 24/7 pet clinic his lungs were burning worse than a forest fire, his eyes red and blurry, the world around him extremely out of focus as he stumbled to the reception, about to take the patient's name but someone called him instead.
His head snapped in her direction, running to her, enveloping her in a tight embrace, trying to calm her down as she began to shiver in his embrace, her words coming out with choked sobs. Hand pressed against her head, he rubbed her back up and down with the other one, looking through the glass window at his cat, sprawled on the table with an IV tube attached.
"It's gonna be okay, it'll be okay."
It took almost an hour to calm her down, he had tried to convince her to go home, she had work the next day but she refused, instead blaming herself for Byeol's health. Though the doctor had assured him it was not because of her incompetency, but the cat food, the cat food Sanhad insisted on changing. Once she found that out, Choi San had to get an earful the remainder of the night, “How can you- I told you not to do that!”
“Babe I- “Don’t babe me! She doesn’t even like salmon! She prefers tuna.”
After the wonderful argument, that through the eyes of an elderly couple waiting for their dog looked like a cute domestic quarrel, came to an end. San remembered sitting next to her sulking as she gave him the silent treatment, though a few moments later her head had landed against his shoulder with a thump, followed by her snores. That night Choi San had realised two things, firstly that he was in love with her and secondly, she probably loved Byeol more than she loved him.
Hence, today they were supposed to go to a cute cafe she had been eying for a month. They had planned on taking Byeol out but since the cat had decided to stay up all night, running around the apartment she was tired today. San had just mocked her, claiming that Byeol knew it was Valentine's Day so she wanted her parents to spend the day together. However, he later countered himself with a, "Though each day is like Valentine's Day with you, love."
Clearing her throat, she dusted off the invisible dust, adjusting her cardigan before making her way to the living room once more, calling out to her significant other, "San! I'm ready to let's go." though his lack of response was confusing her, so she called out again, "Sannie where are you-" her word stopped as soon as she turned the corner, into her living room, spotting a giant starfish sprawled out on the wooden floor. Next to him was Byeol, staring down at him, San's hand pressed against his cat's back in a soothing manner, but she knew what he was doing, making sure his cat didn't move because Byeol was not only pretty but smart too, she knew what her dad was doing.
Sighing she walked closer to him, standing next to Byeol who looked up at her, blinking slowly, before turning back to stare at San. She stared down at him, arms crossed before slowly poking his side with her foot, watching him pretend and stretch, groaning as he cracked an eye open, "Oh~ you're finally done?"  
"Mhmmm." Raising a questioning brow she nodded, "And?"
"Oh, I mean" Sitting up he stretched his legs, much similar to how Byeol would do so, "Byeol said her mommy was taking so long in the shower that we fell asleep, waiting for you…" his words trailed off when he turned to look at her, his breath hitching at the sight of the soft pastels, the pretty purple, purple really was her colour. Clearing his throat he quickly got up, standing to talk in front of her, merely a few inches away from her as he stretched his arms over his head before casually bringing them down, not so discreetly wrapping them around her and slamming her into him, smirking when she whined.
"The dress will wrinkle Sannie." she tried to push him away but he pulled her closer, leaning down to peck the tip of her nose, "You can't look like a pretty pixie and not expect me to hold onto you like Captain Hook kidnapped Tinkerbell."
"What an analogy."  she mumbled, letting him squeeze her into his warm chest, feeling the vibrations as he chuckled, "You look very pretty…I like your cardigan."
"Thanks, your mom gave it to me last birthday. " Her arms wrapped around his waist, letting him gently sway them from side to side.
“Who do you think chose it?” he smiled down at her, finally meeting her with a gentle kiss, one she savoured greatly, hands fisting his shirt as his palm pressed against her back before slowly trailing down, though their little moment came to halt sudden when a high-pitched squeak caught their ears. Pulling back, she looked down at Byeol, frowning before turning to look at San, “Why isn’t she wearing her leash?” “What do you mean?”
Tutting at her gorgeous idiot of a man, she pulled away completely before crouching to grab the cat and walking towards the door where they hung coats and her leash. “I said we’re going to the café.”
“I know,” he mumbled scratching his head, a bit confused as to what she meant, “I got a booking for it, no? Why are you – we can’t take her there and it's almost time for our reservation.”
“Aww~ don’t listen to daddy, Byeol” San watched her talk to his cat instead of him, watching her put on Byeol’s harness and leash, somewhat impressed because Byeol never let him do that this easily, though the next statement had him blushing mad. “He’s a bit slow, handsome, but slow, he forgot we’re going to a cat café, you’ll have fun there~ Won’t you baby~”
Letting out a hearty chuckle he closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief, of course she’d come up with this idea on her own. She had mentioned earlier how leaving Byeol home wasn’t fun especially when the cat was their ‘child’ and leaving their child unattended was cruel. He watched the cat jump off the table and onto the floor, meowing up at his lover who sent Byeol a flying kiss, San didn’t know what heaven was, but if anyone were to ask him to describe what it looked like, the view was right in front of him.
“Any kisses for me?” He asked walking up to his two girls, who were almost out the door, pausing when she winked at him, “depends big boy. Might need to send our baby back home for a while if that’s what you want.” And that had the man shivering with excitement running after her as the two made it to the elevator, already planning on asking someone or one of the guys to watch his little baby for the night, so he could have a night with his kitten.
“Don’t worry, I think that can be arranged, kitten.”
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Taglist: @edenesth @mlysalt @spooo00oky @cereal-simp @yessa-vie
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shadyufo · 3 months
I'm aiming to have a big shop update this weekend. Finally had some not-humid weather recently so I was able to get all of the cryptid fish plaque paintings sealed and now they are ready to find their new homes! <3
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I'm also culling my fossil collection quite a bit so there will be some nice extra chonky megalodon teeth (including these four pictured) and lots of other neat fossils going up for grabs.
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I'll make another post when I have a better idea of the date/time but it'll probably be on Saturday.
Hope you rad folks are doing well! <3
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norman-fucking-reedus · 3 months
I read something that you said Scud liked to be recorded and I’m actually foaming at the mouth at the idea of that because it’s so real. I NEED a fic for that. So glad I found someone with a Scud obsession as bad as mine
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THE GOOD GOOD: FemDom!Reader x Sub!Scud, recording during sex, lots of teasing, and edging, bit of bondage, your much needed dose of pegging, and scud crying during sex, don't forget the hair pulling
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I'm really trying to get my drafts cleared out LOL hopefully sometime soon I'll have a big major posting spree and then I can start working on my inbox
The idea of Scud being recorded is still my favorite because I feel like he'd be so nervous under the lens, trying to hide from it and not be seen but he'd still end up looking like a slutty pornstar (my precious pornstar)
also scud in lace. its been on my mind for I don't even know how long at this point.
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You sighed as you walked down your complex's dingy, dimly lit hallway, silently hoping that Scud wouldn't be too mad at you for coming home so late into the night. After all, you had told him that you would only be about ten more minutes, but that had been almost an hour ago.
Things got a little out of hand, nothing you couldn't deal with sure but it was quite an inconvenience. A short, fifteen-minute task had easily turned into a full job, one that included running around the shop looking for spare parts. With what you had learned from Blade and Scud, it didn't take long to find all the little pieces you needed, and even a reward for yourself.
"Scud! I'm back! Look at what was in the shop" You called out to him when you jingled your keys in the lock and swung the front door to your apartment open, eagerly kicking off your shoes as you toyed with the little camcorder you had come across, flipping through the random pictures on it. There was no clear indicator of who's camera exactly, but you had always loved photography, so just one day with it wouldn't hurt anyone.
There was no response to your voice, the apartment barely lit and quiet, soft thumping coming from you and Scud's shared bedroom. He was probably playing on his PS2 with his headphones in, loud music blasting at levels you’ve already scolded him for.
As you padded through the cozy living room, you pointed your camera at random things and took little cameos of them, making your way down the short and narrow hall towards the room where you could see some of the orange lighting spilling out through a crack in the door.
You approached, about to call out Scud’s name once again as the soft thumping faded into a rhythmic beat, a Lady Gaga track when you finally stopped short in front of the door, pushing it open a bit and poking your head through, combing hair out your eyes as your mind drew a blank, greedily taking in the sight in front of you.
Scud was in fact not playing on his game system, but rather prancing around the cozy room what he didn’t know was your very expensive lingerie set. An all-white, delicate full ‘angelic’ lingerie set. A satin ruffle top with a waist-high lace garter belt that clipped onto the white mesh fishnets, all paired with lacy underwear that had a large bow on the back, topped with a fair-sized opening that revealed a large portion of his dumb butt.
You had originally bought it to surprise your boyfriend a few months back, but you had both gotten so overcrowded with work that it slipped your mind, collecting a thin layer of dust somewhere you weren’t even sure where you had put it. Scud always got curious about your things when he was rocket-high, digging through things and asking a million and one questions. Now here he was, looking pretty as ever swaying his hips around in the bedroom, mumbling along to the current track playing.
You found yourself flipping the camcorder's small screen open and resting against the door frame as the device started to record, capturing Scud’s fluid movements as he obliviously danced around, brown curls falling sweetly in his face, and skin glowing orange from the multiple sources of warm light in the room.
He really did look like an angel, his broad body looking much more supple and soft, legs long and lean, hips wide and divine. A walking, talking piece of pure eye candy, reserved for your eyes and only your eyes. Guess this camera just found itself a new owner.
Scud spun around on his heels and toes, once, twice, before he stopped, eyes focusing on the small little red dot, flickering up to meet your gaze and feeling his entire exposed body heat up in embarrassment.
“W– Wha– How– How long– Hello– ” Scud sputtered, completely frozen in place as he stared at you.
You, who was now fully entering the bedroom, “Don’t stop now, I barely got any footage” placing your free hand on his small waist and dipping fingers under the fabric of the garter. A smile tugged your lips as you started taking in the entirety of your boyfriend's body up close, his skin soft and hot under the tips of your fingers. “Y– You’re re-recording me?” He knew the answer, but hearing it from you verbally just made a chill run down his spine, and his cock twitch.
“Does that make you nervous love?” Your fingers trailed up his scarred chest, brushing across the lose ruffled top and grazing his nipples, a small whine coming from Scud as he dipped down in order to hide his face, but you wouldn’t let him. “Look at me” You said as you lifted his head up by the chin, forcing his gaze onto yours.
Scud lightly whimpered, desire burning in his gut as you brushed hair out his face, fingers dancing along his skin. He felt exposed under the camera’s lens, so much of his raw and bare skin visible to the naked eye. Your gaze on his body made his cock throb.
“What do I always tell you about playing in my stuff?” You said in a condescending tone, teasing the tips of your fingers down his textured belly.
Scud shivered at your touch as goosebumps prickled his skin, a strained grunt coming from him as his face flushed. “N– not without mommy’s permission”
You slowly walk around him, taking in his full body in the set. “Don’t touch mommy’s things without permission. That’s a rule, right?” You murmur as you stop recording to take a picture of Scud’s ass, definitely filling out the panties better than you could.
“Yes…” He mumbles, and it almost comes out like a squeak. His cock aching with need and his stomach with embarrassment, heart pounding from a combination of nerves and weed.
You brush your lips against the skin of his shoulder, slipping fingers under the waistline of the lace undies. “So can you explain to me why said rule is broken?”
A whimper broke past Scud's lips as your fingers teased and explored his exposed skin, squeezing his hips and tracing scars. "I just– I just found it under the bed and didn't know what it was" Scud stumbled out, heart thumping in his chest as your hands covered more ground on his body, circling around to his back.
"Mhm?" You hummed, tracing your finger up his spine. He let out a moan as chills ran through his core, trembling under your touch as he could feel goosebumps explode across his skin. "Well, do you know what it is now?"
Scud nodded frantically at your words, "Yes! Yes– I know now" quivering as he spoke.
With one hand on his waist, the other still holding the camera, you guided him to the edge of the bed and pushed his upper half down onto the mattress, smiling softly to yourself as you eyed Scud's new position through the lens.
Click! Click!
The electric snap of the camera made Scud feel fuzzy and warm, slightly embarrassed, and very exposed. His skin was flushed a light red, some areas more blushed than the others. From where his cock was confined in the small panties, he was completely pulsing, throbbing with pure need in his gut.
"Do you also know not to break the rules?" You questioned, flipping through the few shots you had taken before moving your attention to the small walk-in closet, crouching down and reaching inside a box.
Scud whined into the soft comforter when you returned behind him, his socked feet barely reaching the rug between them. He could hear the small beep of the camera as you pressed your front to his bottom, a yelp coming from him when your palm made contact with his exposed cheek. "I asked, so answer"
"Y– Yes! Not breaking the rules is a rule" He whimpered, a shudder running through him as his skin tingled.
You smiled at his words as you caressed his side, squeezing his waist and hip slightly. "Good. Very good. So don't you think you deserve a punishment?"
Scud didn't respond, but he nodded his head, hiding his face the best he could behind his hair. You pushed the strands back and cooed at his cherry-red face, tiny whines coming from him as he squirmed under the camera's lens, jerking his hips slightly as he rutted against the edge of the bed.
Your hand made contact with his cheek again, a choked-off groan coming from his throat at your palm. "Words."
"Y– yes ma– ma'am..." He stuttered, trembling slightly with anticipation. It wasn't often that Scud got punished, even with as bratty as he was, so his cock was totally aching just thinking about whatever vile shit it was you were thinking about doing to him.
And you were thinking of doing some quite horrid things.
Teasingly, you ran your hand over the opening in his panties, prodding your finger at his puffy rim. A suppressed shudder traveled through him as his cock twitched, his hole fluttering at your air-light touch. You softly cooed at how needy he was, smiling to yourself as you single-handedly took off your shirt and tossed it on the floor somewhere to be picked up later.
From the box in your closet, you had pulled your strap set, a pair of cuffs, and a long vibrator that you had been wanting to test out for a little while.
Cuffing Scud's hands behind his back with only five fingers was a bit of a challenge, but an easy one. He squirmed a little as you did it, wiggling his fingers as his wrists adjusted to the new sensation of the cuffs.
You shuffled around behind him, cursing softly as you knocked a few things over before tossing a bottle of lube along with the rest of your toys, pressing yourself against Scud as you leaned down near his ear, breath feather-light and hair tickling his skin. His heart pounded in his chest, and you could hear his pulse in his neck thumping.
“Just how should I punish you?” You murmur, trailing your lips against his ear lobe and teasing the skin with the very tip of your tongue.
“Maybe I should spank you ‘til it hurts to sit,” You run your free hand down to his ass and give it a slap for emphasis, followed by a squeeze just cause.
“Or maybe I could tie up those cute balls and see just how long it takes for you to pop” You hum, nibbling on Scud’s ear and tugging it with your teeth until you dropped it with an idea lingering in mind.
“Or," You said as you pulled away from him. "I could just leave you here by yourself” You smirked, watching Scud’s face twist in horror.
“No! No– please no” He pleaded as he squirmed on the bed, hips jerking in a desperate search for relief, cock painfully hard and throbbing. “Need a punishment, need mommy to punish me” Scud blabbed, his body trembling as his eyes darted from your face to the camera's lens, his body coated in a thin sheen of sweat.
“But how should I punish you?” You teasingly coo, combing some of a Scud’s bangs out one of his eyes as you smiled softly at him. “I could smoke our whole stash right in your face”
Scud groaned, “Please don’t” squeezing his legs as arousal burned hot in his gut. “I’m really sorry mommy, I– I’ll do anything”
“Oh, I know you will. Just stay still for me ‘kay?” You pushed yourself back up to your full height, pausing your recording to swap out the camera for the bottle of lube, shaking it slightly before uncapping it and squeezing out more than enough of the clear liquid onto Scud's puffy rim, watching the shiver that ran through him as the cold sensation rolled down to his sensitive balls.
You scooped it up with your two fingers and easily slid them inside Scud, a soft moan coming from him as he clenched around you, almost instantly pushing back in search of more. "Such a greedy little hole, you just wanna be fucked so badly don't you?"
Scud whined and squeezed his slick walls around your digits, "Yes! Want mommy to fill me up so bad, need her so bad" rubbing his face against the soft comforter as he could feel it burning hot.
"Don't worry baby boy, we're gonna get you all nice 'nd full right now" You spoke sweetly to him as you picked up the camera with one hand and the vibrator with the other, resuming your recording as the toy harshly rumbled to life after the click of a button. Without wasting a second, you watched as the buzzing wand glided into Scud with zero resistance, pressing it directly against his sweet spot and causing him to loudly sputter, blabble, and cry out nonsense as the sudden vibration traveled through his entire nervous system, cock throbbing with the uncontrollable urge to cum.
Scud sobbed around his loud moans, choking out gasps when you started to quickly thrust the toy in and out, each hard bump to his now very sensitive prostrate only sent him closer to the edge, hands twitching and pulling where they were restrained as his body spasmed, heaving as his heart started to pound in his chest the harder and harder you fucked him, hips jerking down into the mattress as he tried to pathetically chase his rapidly building orgasm, a burning pleasure coursing through the entirety of his body before–
You swiftly pulled the toy out of him right as he was about to topple over the edge, a confused, strangled whimper tearing from his throat as his poor hole needily clenched around nothing, so full and pleased just a split second ago and now suddenly empty and crashing down from the way you abruptly ruined his orgasm.
“Sorry, my hand slipped” You mumbled, obviously not sorry at all as you teased his fluttering hole with the toy, capturing all your torturous movements through the little camera lens.
The cuffs rattled as Scud whined and squirmed at the contact against his sensitive skin, trying his hardest to push back onto the vibrator while also jerking his hips away from it. He was so high, so hot and sweaty as he heaved from where he was on the bed, shaking as you tauntingly dragged the toy up from his slick balls to his drenched rim, only ever applying the slightest amount of pressure.
It made him push his hips back in desperation, letting out a surprised yelp when you smacked him with the toy, tutting your lips as you shook your head, placing the camera down and positioning it to capture Scud's hidden face, forcing his head up by roughly yanking a fistful of hair.
He whined as a shiver ran down his spine, trembling as his eyes nervously darted away from the lens, feeling his cheeks heat up in embarrassment at being recorded in such an exposed state. His cock was still painfully aching, whole body throbbing uncontrollably from your early treatment.
Scud made tiny little whimpers when you started to tease his hole again with the toy, his hips twitching as he tried not to jerk them back, desperate and craving to be filled up again. His gut ached with arousal, cock leaking painfully where it was confined in the small panties.
"P– Please fuck me, please mommy" He begged as you dipped your head down and started nibbling at his bare shoulder, teasing the skin of his hip with your fingers.
You blew on his ear as you ran the length of the vibrator up his slick crack, a keen noise pulling out his throat as his hole fluttered in anticipation. "Is this what you want pretty boy? To be stuffed like a dumb slut?"
Scud whined at your words, nodding his head and hiding his face shyly behind his hair, jumping slightly when you tightly gripped his jaw, lifting his head once more and dropping it to pick up your camera.
"You're so cute when you're nervous" You said to him as you smooshed your cheek against his, pointing the lens at the both of you and snapping a few pictures, Scud's face red and embarrassed as the flash flickered, electric shutter ringing in his ears.
Scud huffed slightly as his socked toes brushed the rug beneath him, kicking his feet impatiently as need and heat burned through his veins. He whined softly when you pulled away from him entirely, leaving the camcorder pointed at him to capture his facial expressions when you suddenly shoved the entirety of the vibrator back into him, a loud and shaky moan tearing from Scud's throat as the toy easily slid into him, almost yelling when it buzzed to life against his sensitive walls.
His hands curled into one another where his arms were stretched behind his back, yet immediately scrambled to wrap around your wrist when you trailed fingers up his spine, his fingers twitching and trembling as they latched onto you, incoherent mumbles leaving Scud's lips.
As you started to properly fuck him with the toy, quickly thrusting it in and out as he tensed up at the sensation, shuddering as his jaw went slack and he started to desperately yet sloppy push back against your movements, toes curling into the carpet as you shoved the vibrator right into his sweet spot, stars dancing in his eyes and coursing through his body.
"I bet that feels so good huh pretty boy? Gonna cum aren't you?" You taunted as you fucked him quicker with the silicone toy, watching the way he had started to twitch and squirm, his whimpers and cries starting to increase in volume. Scud tried to respond to your questions, but his words only came out as a garbled mess.
It earned a small laugh from you, pressing yourself up against him and dipping your head down to attack his neck, running your tongue over his pulse, and feeling his heart race under the muscle. "Didn't quite catch that" You murmured into his ear, slowing down your movements as you searched for Scud's sweet spot, a broken sob tearing from his lips when you found it. "Yes," He gasped, trembling underneath you as he heaved for air, clumsily stuttering out his words. "Wanna cum so bad, want mommy to make me cum"
Scud tugged and pulled at his restraints as he choked back cries, clumsily pushing back against your movements desperately as he chased after his rapidly building orgasm, babbling brainlessly. He could feel the buzzing sensation in his toes, all the way up to his teeth, it made his head foggy and his jaw go slack, not sure if the high he was greedily riding was from the weed or sheer pleasure, but it had him on cloud nine either way.
Each thrust brought him closer and closer, so close he could practically taste it. A needy, broken whimper came from his chest as his body twitched against you, small pleas starting to fall from his lips as his untouched cock throbbed from his burning climax, lungs running out of air as his body started to tense up, standing right on the edge and about to fall down face first when you yanked the toy right out of him again, Scud whining and basically sobbing in protest as his hole uncontrollably clenched down around nothing, heavy groans leaving him as his body struggled to recover from the way you completely denied him again.
"Oh Please, please mommy, please" Scud sobbed as his body felt so empty and used, desperately craving the relief that he needed so badly.
You shut the toy off and tossed it down on the bed, taking hold of the camcorder and stopping your recording, snapping a few pictures of how utterly destroyed Scud was, face soaked with his tears and drool as he weakly rutted his hips in search of any type of pleasure. He whimpered softly at the flash of light, feeling exposed and nude under the lens.
"It's okay Scud, you've been doing so well for me. Momma's gonna make you feel so good" You murmured comfortingly into his ears as you pressed a kiss to his cheek, pushing your body up off his and leaving the camera on the bed. Scud still whined out in protest as your body heat left his, leaving him cold and lonely. His heart started to soar and quickly pick up speed when he heard the familiar sound of your strap buckling together, small mutters and curses coming from you as there was a slight struggle.
It wasn't long before you reappeared behind Scud, this time pressing your cock against him. Anticipation sparked to life in his tummy as you dragged the silicone through his slick, unable to help himself from pushing back against you with tiny little sounds. He needed it so bad that his body was practically begging for release, involuntarily twitching.
Scud was so close to an absolute breakdown, whimpering and mumbling incoherently as you finally started to push in at a tauntingly slow pace, the lube helping to make it an easy glide and blissful stretch. His head dropped down onto the mattress as sparks flew up his spine, so understimulated that even the slightest of touch would probably send him tipping over the edge.
You readjusted your camcorder with one hand and the tightly tangled the other in his hair, yanking his head back up to be captured in the lens, giggling at the groan that left Scud’s lips. “Come on pretty boy, keep your head up for momma”
“Need– Need it–“ Scud started to babble, head totally clouded and overworked as he desperately jerked his hips, rocking them back and forth to get any type of stimulation at all, trembling like a leaf on a branch when he felt the tip of your strap finally, finally jab right into his tender and used sweet spot, knees buckling between him as he involuntarily squeezed your wrist tightly, nails digging into the flesh as the orgasm his body had been begging for completely took over, loud and broken sobs leaving Scud’s lips as his untouched cock throbbed and pulsated, cumming right in the lace panties of the lingerie set.
The fact that you captured that on camera almost made your mouth water, and you cooed at Scud when he went ragdoll in your hold, stroking his side to give him some comfort as he slowly came back down to earth. “Oh, you poor little thing. Did I tease too much?”
Scud could barely even muster out words, breathing into the mattress as his body twitched, small grunts and whimpers coming from him your hand in his hair kept his head upright and his face vulnerable, tears streaming down his reddened cheeks.
“Or, did I not tease you enough?” You murmured the question softly in his ear, moving to grab a fist full of hair from the front and gripping his cuffed wrists, yanking both backward as you took a step forward to shove the entirety of your cock into Scud, who could almost taste the pleasure coursing through him. A choked sob tore itself from his throat, eyes darting frantically between the wall and camera lens as it felt like pure heaven burned it’s way up his spine, hands twitching and curling in on themselves under your grip.
It was arguably the best he’s ever felt in days, weeks even. When you started to relentlessly and mercilessly slam into him, each thrust going right to his core and sending his eyes rolling into the back of his head, lips glossy and slick with spit as he drooled from the mouthwatering pleasure.
“You’re just so, so cute Scud. I can’t wait to watch our little movie over and over and over again” You said as you tilted his head to the side by his hair, biting down harshly on the flesh of his already bruised and marked neck, a shriek pulling its way out his chest as all five of his senses were at a complete overload, skin flushing a deep red when he felt your teeth blissfully break skin. It was all so overwhelming, the wet glide of your cock slipping in and out against his tender velvety walls was simply too much for his mind to be able to comprehend, hips jerking as his second orgasm built up rapidly, like a can of soda that had been shaken up and was just waiting for someone to pop the tap.
He heard the sound of the cuffs clicking off before he felt the fuzzy material sliding off his wrists, your hands finding his and intertwining your fingers together, pinning his hands down on the mattress to fuck him with all the womanly strength left in you, sending the silicone as deep and hard into your angelic boyfriend as your body would possibly allow for. Scud’s head involuntarily dropped right down onto the blankets, whimpers and broken moans tumbling past his lips as he tightly squeezed your fingers, so close to the edge that this time he really could taste it.
“Please momma, please, please– fuuck, please” Scud helplessly babbled, needily pushing back to meet your thrusts as he was so fucking close, so close that he’d almost do anything just to cum, not that there was much to do considering he was already crashing down the hill, just needing a few more rough thrusts of your hips before his tap was finally popped, an explosion of fizzy stickiness exploding right in his gut, his second orgasm spilling right into the already soiled underwear, seeping through and dripping down onto the floor.
Scud went totally limp where he laid face down on the bed, breathing heavily as he twitched and tried to come down from such an earth shattering high, whining softly when you pulled out.
Tiny kisses were planted all over his face, neck, and shoulders, you gently brushing his hair out his face and unsticking it from his sweaty forehead. “You okay?”
Scud nodded, with his eyes half-lidded and a content smile tugging at his lips. “Mhmm”
“Did you learn your lesson?” You asked, pulling the bra strap and letting it snap against Scud’s flesh, a small grunt leaving him as his skin burned. “Yes ma’am…” He grumbled out, feet dangling off the bed.
You smiled softly, kissing him right below his eye. “Good baby. Now let’s get you all squeaky clean and cozy for bed, then we can find a way to put our special show on the TV for only our eyes to see” You said with a hint of mischief in your tone, reaching for the camcorder and stopping your recording once and for all.
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Whoa. Did Norman fucking reedus just fucking finish something. Did Normam fucking reedus just post something. Whoa. How crazy even is that.
ANYWAYS 😝 yes guys I still love Scud he's still my angel boy and be always will be I love the part of the fic where my peenar goes inside his body thats the best part hands down I love to fuck men with my lady peenar
One fic at a time guys 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ I have a few others that eeerm should get posted soon… dont get your hopes up (because mine are already up and that's a problem)
I was gonna end this with the cam corder MaGiCaLlYy disappearing 👁️ but that's for another fic 🙂‍↕️ (that ill end up never writing)
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krisdreaming · 1 year
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The things they daydream about | Timeskip!Captains version
A/N: Um, hi, hello. Yes, I've been gone for quite a while! I'll make a post later with more details 😅 For now, enjoy this lil thing I couldn't get out of my brain. Do the boys really daydream as much as I do? Almost certainly not, but LET ME HAVE THIS.
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KUROO envisions you sharing this space with him. He sees your toothbrush next to his and the indentation of you left in the bed next to him. Your laughter echoes through the quiet rooms and while he eats dinner, you're telling him about your day. You send him out the door each morning with a kiss, and your things slowly collect on every surface. His apartment never felt empty before, but lately it seems to be missing something.
BOKUTO thinks forever might look something like this: your smile, backlit by the sun, as you turn and hold your hand out to him. He takes it and instantly weaves his fingers with yours. The setting is hazy, but you're at the center of it, and that's all that matters. Another in a long string of adventures with you, even if that adventure is nothing more than a trip to the grocery store, is all he could ever ask for.
KITA sees a quiet evening. The sun is setting in a late summer sky, and he balances two cups of tea as he steps out onto the porch. You're already there, settled into your rocking chair with your eyes closed, soaking in the last rays of the sun. It plays golden across your face, and he can't help but pause for a few moments to admire the scene before him. When he finally moves to hand you a mug, your eyes open, and a smile breaks across your face that's only for him. He presses a kiss to your lips and basks in the contentment of the moment. This is the culmination of everything he's been working towards.
DAICHI always tends to picture you with a melody on your lips. It's an adorable habit of yours, that he often catches you humming softly to yourself as you go about your day, and it carries over into his daydreams. He's coming home after a long day, and there you are, standing at the kitchen counter and humming to yourself as you chop vegetables for dinner. The sound dies on your lips when his arms go around you, and turns into a soft smile as he presses a kiss to your temple. "Welcome home," you murmur, and he can't help but smile back. He wants to come home to this every day for the rest of his life.
OIKAWA just wants your face to be the first thing he sees every morning. He'll wake you up in a thousand different ways, with kisses or gentle murmurs or his fingers finding the soft skin beneath the hem of your shirt. When your eyes open, a soft smile breaks across your face, and you snuggle against him for just a few moments longer. Soon enough, you'll both have to get up and face the world, but until then it's enough to simply exist in this moment.
USHIJIMA hears three little words. "Let's go home," you're murmuring against his chest as he holds you close in the airport. He's been away again, but you're always here to welcome him back. Home is the apartment he shares with you, full of countless pieces of your life together, and most importantly, you. Stepping inside the familiar walls feels like a weight is falling from his shoulders. Sharing a meal with you and holding you close in your bed afterwards fills him to the brim with a warmth he never wants to lose.
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yumeka-sxf · 8 months
Spy x Family Operation Diary - game overview
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I've played through a good amount of the Spy x Family video game, Operation Diary (called Spy x Anya: Operation Memories in the localized version). In my opinion, the game is an absolute joy for any SxF fan: there's so many cute and funny family moments, the mini-games are varied and fun, and all the voice actors bring their A-game performances! Currently the game is only available in Japanese, so I wanted to provide an overview about it for anyone interested in playing it either now or when the English version is released later this year. I'll describe the basics of the game so you can decide if it's something you'd like or not.
You play as Anya, though you do briefly play as other characters in the mini-games. The goal is for Anya to complete a picture diary of memories she's made with friends, family, etc.
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The game is divided into days, with every three days being a family outing day, and non-outing days are school days.
Diary Photos
There are many locations throughout the game where Anya needs to take pictures for her diary. These places are at the Forger house, at Eden, and at the several family outing spots. However, you can typically only take one or two photos per visit to that location each day.
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When you select a spot to take a photo, you can move the L and R control sticks to make sure you have the right focus and angle for the photo. In addition, you have to hit the shutter button at the perfect time, for example, when Anya and other characters are doing something cute or interesting. You're limited in how much time you can take to snap each photo and how many attempts. If your focus, angle, and timing are perfect, you'll get the full three stars for the photo. Below is an example of how the photo taking works.
Each day starts with the Forgers at home. If it's a non-outing day, Anya will go to school at Eden. There are a few locations at the school, such as the classroom, gym, and study hall, where you can take photos for the diary.
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Once you take your daily photo at Eden, you can go home to the Forger house, where you'll get to take another photo since the Forger house also has a number of photo opportunities. And once you're done doing that, the day shifts to evening. This is the time where Anya is writing "memories" in her diary that the mini-games represent.
Inspiration Points
When you successfully take a photo for the diary, you'll get Inspiration Points depending on how good it was. You can use Inspiration Points to play the mini-games. Completing mini-games earns you Play Points, which is the currency you use to buy things at the shop (more on that later). Each mini-game costs a certain number of Inspiration Points to play (typically you'll have enough for one or two per day). However, even if you run out of Inspiration Points, you can still keep playing the mini-games as much as you like, you just won't earn any Play Points or other rewards from them.
Mini Games
There's a ton of mini-games, and as of this writing, I haven't even unlocked all of them yet! I'll probably make another post just about the mini-games since they're all very unique - of the ones I've played, there's Yor's cooking where you have to get Yor to cut the vegetables perfectly, Eden dodgeball, a Pac Man-like maze game with Anya collecting peanuts, a stealth game where you play as Twilight on a mission to swap museum paintings with fakes, a Becky fashion show rhythm game, a Forgers bowling game, and a Thorn Princess game where Yor has to defeat a bunch of bad guys within a time limit.
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Once you're done with mini-games for the day, Anya will go to bed and the next day will start!
Play Points
The Play Points you earn from the mini games are used to buy items at the shop, which you can access pretty much any time. The shop sells "items of interest" (which I'll discuss below) as well as tons of different clothes for the Forgers.
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Some of the clothes are just cosmetic, but some have additional bonuses when the characters wear them, such as increasing the number of Inspiration Points or Play Points you earn.
Family Outing Days
On family outing days, instead of going to school, Anya will instead go with Loid, Yor, and Bond to one of several previously selected locations, such as the aquarium, dog park, castle, etc.
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Just like Eden and the Forger house, these locations will have a number of photo opportunities, but in addition, you can bring up to three "items of interest" to these places. These items are typically something unique to that location, like the frisbee for the dog park. If you have these items when you go to the location, you'll unlock an additional photo opportunity. Once you've taken photos with all three items of interest at a particular location, you'll then get the ability to take a final "special" photo there as well!
Missions and Challenges
There are various missions and challenges that you complete for performing specific tasks. Some you'll achieve naturally by progressing the story, but most have additional requirements, such as talking to a character a certain number of times or beating a mini-game with a certain score. When you complete these challenges you earn Raffle Tickets. You get the chance to visit the Raffle Ticket booth before you go on an outing. Each ticket allows you a chance to win a costume item for one of the Forgers if you pull a winning number from the box.
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The odds of winning are low, but you will get some Play Points for every attempt, so it's not a total waste! There are also some clothing items that increase your odds of winning if the Forgers are wearing them.
Character interactions
Anya can talk to all the characters to trigger cute and funny interactions!
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Talking to characters each day also allows Anya to get a boost in the number of Play Points earned in mini-games. Though some of the dialogue repeats, there's a lot of unique interactions with characters that are needed to complete challenges and also unlock events. You'll know you can trigger these unique dialogues when the characters have red exclamation marks above their heads. Talking to them in this situation will increase a gauge, and once you've talked to them enough times to fill the gauge, you'll trigger a unique cutscene as well as an illustration for your album!
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Each character has 1-3 of these special cutscenes and illustrations. You'll always have one chance per day to have these special conversations with Damian, Becky, and Henderson at Eden, and Yor and Loid at home. Yuri and Fiona will appear randomly at the Forger house or at one of the outing locations, so you'll have to wait for those opportunities to talk to them.
And that's pretty much what the game is about! To me, it's a mix of Pokemon Snap and a mini-game collection, with some visual novel elements too (but with voices instead of just reading). Obviously it doesn't have much appeal to anyone who's not a SxF fan, but I'm assuming most of you reading this are 😅 If you want to see a lot of cute and funny interactions between the characters, do some silly stuff like dress the Forgers up in various costumes, as well as play some quick but addicting mini-games with our beloved characters as the main attraction, then you'll definitely like Operation Diary!
As I mentioned, I plan to make at least a couple more posts about the game, so stay tuned~
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thefallennightmare · 2 months
Just Pretend-Chapter 28 Teaser
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*all pictures found on Pinterest*
We're so close to the finish, guys! I'm scared, sad, happy, and so ready for the smut I have planned. The final three chapters are jam-packed so buckle up and prepare yourselves for a wild ride. Also, I forgot that I made a teaser post MONTHS ago about some future smut I had planned but now I can't find it ☹️
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My knee bounced with agitation as I held a firm grip on my phone. I wasn't angry with Y/N; far from it. I wanted her back home so I could have her bent over my knee, punishing her for all of the texts she sent me.
She'd been out all evening with the girls yet somehow managed to keep me on edge the entire time. I was at therapy when she left for her girls' night out so I wasn't able to see what she was wearing until she sent me a selfie of her in the bathroom mirror at the restaurant they were at. My eyes zoned in on her necklace and bracelet as it sparkled under the low light.
Angel 🪽: What, you don't like my red dress?
Me: You know I'm a sucker for you in red. I want to rip it off of you.
Me: Actually, I want to fuck you with it on.
Y/N kept me waiting for almost two hours for a reply. I did everything I could to keep my mind on something else and not the hard-on in my joggers. I read, cleaned the house, took Kuma for a walk, and was currently sitting on the couch with Jesse and Michael, definitely not paying attention to the movie.
When my phone buzzed, I nearly fell off the couch reaching for it.
"Someone misses Y/N," Jesse teased while ruffling my hair.
I shot him a look: you're the one to talk.
Angel 🪽: Don't make promises you can't keep, mochi.
Raising a brow, I discreetly adjusted my position on the couch so I was laying down, away from the guys.
Me: Are you getting sassy with me, angel? Do I need to keep you in line?
Angel 🪽: What are you going to do to me?
Quickly glancing towards the guys and noticing they couldn't see my phone, I typed out my response.
Me: I'm going to tie your hands behind your back and force you over my knee while I smack your ass with my belt. Then when you're crying out in pain, I'm going to push you to your knees and watch as you take my entire cock in your mouth, choking on it. You're going to get so wet that you're going to leave a puddle on the carpet. If you're still sassy, I'm going to make you lick it up.
Me: Or I'm going to cum all over that pretty face of yours. I haven't decided yet.
My dick was aching for some sort of release and I couldn't help myself from looking at the picture Y/N sent me again. Not even two minutes later, she responded and I nearly dropped the phone on my face.
Angel 🪽: You better go buy some binds then. I'll be home in an hour.
Smacking my thighs, I rose from the couch and bid a goodbye to the guys.
"Where are you headed?" Michael wondered.
Pocketing my keys and placing a hat low on my head, I motioned to the door. "I'm going to run and get some ice cream for Y/N. She should be home soon."
I was definitely not going to buy her some ice cream.
Well, maybe I could buy some and use it in other ways.
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tags: @blueskylinesx @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @joe9cool @ozwriterchick @teenblues @malice-ov-mercy @krisslee18 @xxkittenkissesxx @happi-goth @embracethereaper42 @softvgold @cncohshit @heyyoplayer @rain-down-on-me @bloody-delusion-expert @respectfulrebel @reader13000 @koskeepsake @malerieee @cheyyyyr @myownthoughts12 @noahsbong @laurpartyprogram @cloudykoookie @jessiskyee @a1ex-ba1ex @sideeyenoah @emzandthevoid @badomensls @bellaboo967 @waake-mee-up @rxdlstgn @anthemheatwave @lobolocaamo @cncohshit @amelia-acero @karenfranco @collidewiththesavannah @xserenax-13 @bleachampion @thepastelfae @supersquirrel1996 @madomens @themodern-daywednesday @oxythoughtin7715
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
ok I’m sorry about having you write those heartbreaking Grayson hcs, I’m gonna be honest they made me sob so hard 😭 so let’s get some happy Grayson ones (I loved that last one by the way, he’s so cute)
happy grayson head canons
of course, i have made another grayson post (some are happy, some are sad), but i'll make another one bc he's everything (it might be shorter though).also i have no idea what 'happy' head canons are so here are some that aren't sad (some funny, some happy, some embarrassing, etc). hope you like them <3. @lanterns-and-daydreams helped with some of these
he doesn't smile often, but when he does you see his little dimples (idk if this is canon but, if it isn't, i like the idea of him having dimples)
he talks to their dog, tiramisu, in a really high pitched voice
he works out religiously. he has like a schedule and everything, and he sings when he works out.
he watches my little pony as a guilty pleasure. xander knows and is using it as blackmail material.
he desperately wants a cat but doesn't want their dog to kill it.
he has an obsession with is ass. he takes pride in it being big and juicy.
he's jealous of jameson bc he's an inch taller than gray is, and he uses it against him.
he joined a yoga group without knowing it was for girls only, so now, once a week, he gossips and does yoga with these old ladies.
he loves face masks more than anything. xander and jameson have tons of pictures of him with cucumbers on his eyes and a face mask.
he doesn't like colors. if someone were to ask him what his favorite color is, he'd just say black or white or smth
he loves composing his own piano pieces and playing them to his brothers and the others.
he despises sex education with a passion. whenever he used to have those classes in school, he would blush so hard the teachers thought he was having a stroke or some shit
grayson loves poetry (ik this was mentioned in tbh, but i hc he still does it for fun to express his emotions (he didn't stop after the one year challenge))
when he was younger, he really liked snails. he used to collect some and give them a 'home' in jars he found around the mansion.
he's a sucker for matchas. he literally makes himself one every morning before he starts working. (he has a cup with cats on it that he uses every day)
he owns a human dog bed (if you don't know what it is, search it up)
he once tried to watch p*rn to see what the hype is all about, but he got so disgusted and uncomfortable he threw away his laptop.
all of the pens in his pen collection are placed side by side from smallest to biggest in his drawer.
he has the biggest walk in closet you can imagine (bigger than barbie's)
xander once bought him a skirt and dared him to go to work wearing it. pictures of it got out and his fans started calling him baby girl.
he makes playlist for his favorite book couples.
this dude cannot smirk for the life of him. he looks like a constipated sloth when he tries to.
he can do the splits perfectly.
when someone kicks him in the balls, he sounds like a dying hyena. he just wheezes for like 5 minutes straight whilst everyone just looks at him in horror. he then wobbles away.
he's a really good just dance player. he actually laughs when he plays.
grayson knows how to pole dance.
when he was younger, he was jealous that jamie had more prominent abs so he used to contour his to make them look like jamie's
when he was younger, he tried to learn how to purr. he thought it would be cool
he wanted to be like nash so bad when he was younger than he would stick a hay strand in his mouth and try to speak in a southern accent. skye was mortified.
grayson loved flower crowns. xander used to make him some and he would walk around wearing them proudly.
he wears subtle makeup sometimes (when he's in the mood) (blush, concealer, very subtle eyeliner, etc)
when he was younger, he would also try to gallop around like a horse. he would get on his hands and knees and strut around (tobias wanted to kill himself)
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rambleonwaywardson · 4 months
A Clegan (Buck x Bucky) one-shot
Summary: Buck and Bucky both struggle with nightmares after the war, but they help each other cope.
Word Count: 2380
Author's note: some hurt/comfort for you all with some fluff at the end. As before, I'm posting here for now, and if I manage to build up a small collection of Clegan drabbles I'll see about putting them on AO3.
Bucky can’t sleep. But he could sit and watch Gale sleep for hours. 
They’ve been doing okay, since the war. They’ve had good days and bad days. Good nights and worse nights. Over time, something in both of their minds is slowly, slowly beginning to heal, and the frequency of worse is steadily decreasing. Bucky is proud to say that he can, on average, probably sleep through the night almost every day of the week now. It’s taking time, but he’s getting there. He thinks to himself that he should start keeping track: “nights since last nightmare that made me afraid to close my eyes again…”
Tonight, unfortunately, had fallen into the worse category. 
Sometimes, when he wakes up, he can’t even remember what he’d been dreaming about. Sometimes, he isn’t sure that he had a dream at all. Just a feeling, an unease, a fear. Something that grips his mind and soul and just refuses to let go, no matter how hard he tries to shake it off. Funny how in war, in a bomber plane under attack, in a POW camp, in a near-death experience, he didn’t notice the fear so much. It was there, sure; he felt it creeping around in the back of his brain almost every second. But it was rarely all-consuming, and he did his best to push it away. He had to keep going, after all. Had to survive, had to find Gale, had to look after his men, had to make it home. There wasn’t time to let the fear drown him. There wasn’t time to truly think about how terrible, how harrowing, his experiences were in the moment. For the most part, he just had to keep going.
Now, in the aftermath, the fear pops up seemingly out of nowhere and makes him feel sick. He finds that unfair. He’d made it. He beat all of the unbeatable odds and survived. He’d found his way home, made it back to Gale. He isn’t dead no matter how hard the world has tried to do him in. And this is what he gets: he gets to remember it all in clearer detail than he experienced it when it actually happened. He gets to be haunted by it.
He made it home, but part of him is still at war.
Sitting cross-legged on their bed in sweatpants and no shirt, Bucky rests his elbow on his knee and his chin in his hand. He takes a deep breath. It’s fucking unfair, but at least it’s getting better. At least this is only his first sleepless night in about a week. We can’t win all the time, huh?
Exhausted but unable, unwilling, to close his eyes again, he watches Gale in the dim light of the bedside lamp. It’s fucking unfair, but at least he has this.
Gale is still fast asleep, peacefully laying on his side with his hands tucked up under his head. Bucky’s actual angel in disguise. He loves the way Gale’s messy hair falls down over his forehead and his lips part ever so slightly. The way he curls his legs up towards his chest just the littlest bit. Bucky wants to wrap him up in his arms and hold on forever. He focuses on watching Gale’s breathing, the gentle rise and fall of his chest. It reassures him that, no matter what his unconscious mind tries to tell him, Gale is here. He’s the picture of health. He’s alive, and he’s all Bucky’s. He’s not about to get taken away in the blink of an eye. Gently, Bucky reaches out and strokes Gale’s soft hair. Gale smiles in his sleep, and it makes Bucky smile, too. He thinks to himself that he’d do everything over again if it meant he’d end up here.
When he pulls his hand away, Gale scrunches his brow and frowns. Bucky blinks, hand hovering in the air, waiting to see if Gale’s face will soften again. It doesn’t. Instead, Gale starts nervously clenching and unclenching his jaw. Bucky’s heart sinks and he reaches back out, places his hand on the side of Gale’s head again, but it doesn’t seem to matter. Gale’s breathing picks up, faster, faster. He screws his eyes shut tight and makes a soft, wounded sort of grunting sound as one of his hands curls into a tight fist under his face. 
Bucky runs his hand reassuringly over his hair the way Gale likes when he’s awake, trying to calm him down. It takes a minute, but his breathing starts to slow again, and then his eyes flutter open, unfocused and glassy with worried sleep. He scrunches his nose unhappily.
“Hey,” Bucky says softly.
Gale’s eyes find his. He tries to smile, but it’s just not quite there. “Hey.” Slowly, he sits up, the sheets falling down away from his chest so they sit in his lap as he leans forward, hands on his knees. He’s wearing a thin light gray t-shirt, but under it Bucky can see the chain around his neck and the outline of dog tags swinging against the fabric. Bucky is wearing his, too. They still haven’t quite gotten out of the habit. Oddly enough, they both have found that they often sleep better with them on.
Gale scrubs at his face with one hand and brushes his hair back away from his eyes. He checks the clock on the bedside table. 3:30 AM. Looking over at Bucky, he frowns. His voice is low and gravelly from sleep and carries a sort of guilt that Bucky wants to whisk away. “Did I wake you?”
Bucky shakes his head as he picks at the fabric of his sweats. “Was already up.”
“Mmm.” Gale nods and looks down at his lap, takes a deep breath. “What was yours about?”
They’d started doing this recently. Talking about their bad dreams. For a long time, neither of them wanted to give voice to what was in their heads. They wanted to push it away, ignore it, move on. Didn’t want to bug each other with it, add more weight to the burdens they already carried. Lately, though, they’d found that at least briefly putting words to it, saying it out loud to someone who would understand, helped them move forward a little easier. Instead of weighing more heavily on each other, talking about it lifted some of the burden away.
Bucky scratches the back of his head and sighs. “I-” Shit. It never really got easier to talk about, though. “I jumped from the fort, you know? And they were shooting at me, but they didn’t get me. I was still there. But. I looked over.” He glances up at Gale, who is looking vaguely in the direction of Bucky’s dog tags. Bucky breathes. “I looked over, and you were there, too. And I saw you, and I called your name, but you wouldn’t answer me. You wouldn’t answer. And then, I saw that you were dead. Hanging from your chute. A bullet hole through your…”
Bucky trails off, like the breath was pushed all out of his lungs before he could say the last word. He shuts his eyes tight and smacks a fist against his knee. Then there’s gentle fingers on his hand. A thumb stroking over his knuckles. I’m here, the touch says. Bucky nods. He knows. He just wishes his brain would start believing it.
“Mine was about the kid Nazi in the woods,” Gale says. This was one of his more frequent dreams, about the kids who killed George, the kid who pointed a gun at Gale’s head. In the dream, Gale doesn’t give him the chance to run. Bucky knows it by now, but he lets Gale say it anyway. He squeezes Gale’s hand back. Neither of them are looking at each other. Sometimes it’s easier that way. “I shot him,” Gale breathes out. “A kid. Just a kid. And I shot him.”
When Bucky looks up again, Gale is looking right at him, his face a mess of sadness and resignation, searching for something, anything, to make it go away. Bucky leans forward and pulls him in close, wraps his arms around Gale’s shoulders. “You didn’t, though,” he whispers.
Gale nods. “And I’m here.”
“You wanna try to go back to sleep?” Bucky asks him. Gale just about scoffs, burying his face deeper in Bucky’s neck. Bucky laughs mirthlessly. “Yeah, me neither.” He pats Gale on the side and pulls away. “Come on.”
Hand in hand – a tether proving to each other that they’re there, they’re safe, they’re not alone – they walk out of the bedroom and to the kitchen, turning on the lights. Bucky makes a show of how painfully bright they are even as he eyes the liquor cabinet in the corner. Gale shakes his head wordlessly and guides him away from it. He’d been so nervous since they came home, since the nightmares started in earnest, that Bucky would turn to alcohol to numb the pain. Months later, Gale still makes every effort to make sure that doesn’t happen. He’s thankful every day that Bucky tries his best, and that he lets Gale step in as his moral compass when the nights get hard. Bucky has no idea where he’d be by now if Gale wasn’t here with him.
So instead, Bucky pushes himself up to sit on the kitchen counter, fingers tapping nervously on his thigh, while Gale goes about making tea. Bucky never used to like tea, but he isn’t allowed to have alcohol after a nightmare and Gale insisted that coffee wouldn’t help matters either. So he lets him make him tea, and eventually he had learned to like it simply because it came from Gale when he needed Gale most. 
They don’t always wake up on the same nights. Often now, it’s one or the other at a time. And not all the dreams make it impossible to fall back asleep either, thank God. But sometimes, when they’re bad, they’ll wake each other up because they just can’t be alone. It’s an unspoken agreement: it doesn’t matter what they have going on or what time of night it is; if one of them needs the other, they’ll stay awake together. No exceptions. Every once in a while, though, like now, the night turns on both of them. Often, they barely talk on nights like these. Words tend to feel empty; they’ve all already been said. They just need to be. To touch, to feel, to breathe. They just need the closeness and the care. They need each other, and that has to be enough.
Gale hands Bucky a mug full of tea, and Bucky spreads his legs open so Gale can stand between them. Gale tries not to look too intently at the tags dangling over Bucky’s bare chest, and he raises his own mug. “Cheers.”
Bucky half smiles and raises his mug to clink against Gale’s before taking a sip, letting the comforting warmth run through his body. He closes his eyes for a moment and feels the heat radiating from Gale standing in front of him, so close they’re almost touching. When he turns his head and looks out the kitchen window, he can see stars. So many stars, a constant the past few years no matter where on the Earth he’s been. Everything is quiet. He drinks his tea.
After a while, Gale sets his mug on the counter and leans his forehead against Bucky’s shoulder. Bucky sets his mug down, too, and places his hand on the back of Gale’s head, running his fingers soothingly through his hair. Then, carefully, he slides down off the counter so they’re face to face, and Gale wraps his arms up over Bucky’s shoulders. Bucky rests his head against Gale’s, cheek pressed to soft hair. Gale is not particularly small, but Bucky is still bigger than him, and he takes comfort in being wrapped securely in his arms. Like somehow, Bucky can be a shield, protecting him from all of the bad things in his own head.
When Bucky starts swaying, Gale raises an eyebrow even though his face is hidden in Bucky’s neck. “What are you doing?” he mumbles.
“Dancing,” Bucky says matter of factly. It’s somewhat less convincing because he yawns in the middle of the word and has to say it again.
“Why are we dancing?”
Bucky lifts his head up, kisses Gale’s forehead, and leans back as much as he can so he can look him in the eyes. “Why not?”
Gale rolls his eyes, but he smiles. It’s small, but it’s real, and Bucky smiles back.
They dance all around the kitchen, first just swaying, going in circles to the music in Bucky’s head. Then Gale slips away to put a record on in the living room – it starts on Blue Skies, Bucky’s comfort song – and when he comes back Bucky grabs him by the waist and spins him around. Gale laughs even as he nearly loses his balance and grabs onto Bucky’s arms again. Neither of them are very good, and they’re even worse together, but they do it anyway. And soon they’ve stepped and turned and spun their way into the living room. Bucky has tried to lift and spin Gale around in the air no fewer than three times. Gale has tried to twirl Bucky to no avail, to the point of stepping on each other’s feet and stumbling into each other’s arms. Until eventually, they collapse onto the couch, half laying on one another, and their eyes are still tired but they’re brighter again. 
Bucky crawls forward and kisses Gale softly, slowly, before laying his head on his chest. Gale rubs his hand up and down Bucky’s back, wondering how on Earth he isn’t cold. Gale hasn’t had much tolerance for cold since the Stalag. It feels bone-deep and he often finds himself shivering even when it’s warm, unless he has something covering his body. He takes comfort in the warmth of Bucky’s skin, though, lets it calm his senses as they match their breathing to one another.
The last thing Gale hears before he falls asleep is a whispered, “I love you,” and he smiles.
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
Love Begins From a Mean Lie: Liam Evans Collection Event Story❥︎
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. What I obtain is what will be translated. Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with/// Dividers: @/natimiles
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Liam: Victor, what's going on? Katie and I are going to be separated for a few days…..
Victor: I'm sorry. I've been making adjustments and considering things, but... due to circumstances, it just ended up happening.
Victor: ...... First, Kate I want you to infiltrate a women's club where there are rumors of drug deals going on.
Kate: When it comes to women's clubs, only women can infiltrate them.
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Victor: Given Crown’s busy schedule, it would be impossible for him to dress as a woman, so I have no choice but to ask you Kate.
Liam: Can't I sneak into that women's club, too? I can even cross dress!!
Liam approaches Victor, threatening to take off his clothes and put on the dress at any second.
Victor: Liam, I would like you to work with Harrison to investigate illegal gambling establishments in the suburbs.
Victor: We need tickets to enter the gambling hall, but I only have one available.
Victor: So, Liam I want you to use your ability to disappear and infiltrate.
(There are places where only women can enter, and places where you have to disappear to enter……)
(……both of those missions are irreplaceable.)
Liam: ……
Liam: ……ok, I get it.
Victor: I’m sorry, Liam. Thank you for understanding.
Victor: While you can't be by her side, I'll be more careful than usual to make sure Kate is never in danger.
Victor: How about having Roger on standby, so he can be there when she needs help?
Liam: Yea... In that case, I’ll feel a little relieved.
When Victor told him about the schedule for the next mission, he was satisfied for a while…….
On the way home, Liam was completely depressed.
(......Liam, are you sure you're okay?)
So far, I've seen him get anxious many times before just because he can't see me even a little bit.
(This lasts for several days.…..)
Kate: Um, Liam…..
Liam: ….okay!
Liam suddenly slapped his own cheeks with his hands.
Liam: I'm sorry for looking so bitter, Katie. I changed my mind.
Liam: Even if you’re not here Katie….I'll be fine!
Kate: Really....?
Liam smiles and holds out his little finger to reassure me.
Liam: I'll complete the mission perfectly and come back to see you soon …. I promise.
Kate: Then I'll finish my mission safely and wait for you to come back Liam.
I smiled back at Liam as we intertwined our little fingers.
Liam: Haaa……Katie.
Harrison: Hey, how many times have you sighed? They say that when you sigh, happiness escapes from you. 
Liam: ……Which direction is Crown Castle in?
Harrison: From this position, it's southeast... so, isn't it over there? 
Liam: Haaa…..
Liam: I hope the happiness that escaped from me reaches Katie.
Harrison: ……We’re about to go on a mission, and you're not ready.
Liam: It's a symptom of Katie deficiency.
Liam: …..Don't you think the picture on that signboard looks a bit like Kate?
Liam: I feel like the flowers on the roadside there also look like Kate……
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Liam: Katie…..I’m fine. 
Harrison: Don't talk to the flowers .....
Harrison: .…I thought you told Kate you were okay to come out.
Liam: Because if I cried forever about not wanting to leave, Kate would be troubled, right?
Liam: Even if I didn’t mean it...I have no choice but to say so.
Harrison: You sound like a toddler who is reluctant to go to preschool because he doesn't want to be away from his parents.
Liam: ….Hey, Harry. Can you do me a favor?
Harrison: What?
Liam: ..... I hope you'll imitate Isla and support me.
Harrison: Huh?
Liam: I need to intake Katie’s dosage……I’m already on…..
Liam: I may go back to Crown Castle right now without completing my mission.
Harrison: ..... Can you promise me that if I imitate her, you’ll get back on track and complete the mission perfectly?
Liam: I promise!
Harrison: ..... You're not lying. I'll do it because I have to, but don't laugh.
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Harrison: Hmmm …….Liam! I'm rooting for you Liam! Keep up the good work! 😭
Liam:……Not at all.
Liam: Katie’s arms are angled like this. The direction of her neck is like this. The way her legs open is like this..... Haaa.
Liam: Harry, your poor impersonation has made me want to see Katie even more….
Harrison: ........ I can't do it.
Kate: Liam! Welcome back!
A few days after Liam and I were separated for a mission.
Liam finally returned to Crown Castle after completing his mission.
Liam: Isla, I'm back……!
Liam hugged me tightly while we were talking.
The painful embrace made me feel that Liam was indeed here, and I was very happy.
Harrison: I'll report back to Victor on the mission, so Liam can go off with Isla, okay?
Liam: No problem! Thanks, Harry!
Harrison: You can buy me a table full of sweet treats later and we can call it even about the mission.
Kate: About the mission….?  What happened?
Liam: While on the mission, I asked Harry a rather difficult request.
Liam: For Harry's honor, I can't go into details...
Liam: I was faced with the obvious fact that there is no one who can replace you Katie.
Liam, who must have been exhausted, took me in his arms and ran in a straight line from the entrance hall to his room.
Before the open door is completely closed, my lips are quickly snatched away.
Kate: Mmm…….haa…..
Liam: ….I missed you, Katie…..
After many intense kisses to fill the missing time, we finally pull away.
Liam: I've done my …….mission perfectly, just as I promised. How did you do while I was gone, Kate?
Kate: The mission I was on went off without a hitch! There was nothing dangerous about it.
Liam: Good…..
Kate: I was also relieved. Even though we were a part, you were able to carry out your duties without any problems, Liam.
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Liam: That’s…..
Liam: …. It was more like I was the one who had the problem by being a part.
Liam: ….What?
Kate: Even though you weren’t there Liam, when we were eating, I'd turn around to the one next to me and say, “It's delicious, Liam.” 
Kate: Even when I was writing my report, I mistakenly wrote your name Liam for a completely different person...
Kate: I was worried about you before I left...but I was the one who wasn't okay.
I remembered my days at Crown Castle with Liam by my side.
Meals that were supposed to be delicious were tasteless, and even when the sky cleared, I didn't feel better.
With each passing day, the world seemed to gradually fade away.
Liam: That's not true! I wasn't okay at all either!
Liam: I didn't want to worry you, so I lied and said I was fine...... 
Liam: I was lonely and sad and pained when I left you Kate.... I was going crazy.
(I wasn't the only one...) 
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Liam: I'm sorry. I keep telling you I want to change……
Liam: Katie, I can’t leave you, I’m still so weak and useless…..
Kate: That's not true! I like the Liam, who is trying to change and moving forward.
Kate: There is no time limit, so don't be in a hurry to ……change.
Kate: Besides, if you were to leave me so quickly, I would feel lonely too.
Liam: Yeah…..
We smile, we kiss, and we make love again.
Liam's brazen lies taught me that we’re deeply in love, and I don't want to be apart even for a moment.
And then -
Liam: Hey, Isla. Actually I think I bumped myself a little bit on my mission......
Liam: May I ask you to check to see if there are any bruises?
Kate: What? That's a big deal ...... I have to check it out right away!
I rush to undress Liam.
Kate: There's nothing in particular about the upper body, but….
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Liam: Then maybe it’s on my lower body?
Kate: Lower body…….
Liam: Yeah, I'd like you to help me check! I can't see much by myself.
Liam, who replies, is very energetic and doesn't look like he is in any pain.
Kate: Um……Liam, I'm sorry if I'm mistaken.
Kate: Are you lying, by any chance?
Liam: …..You found out?
Kate: Liam, you said it yourself, you’re a bad liar…
Liam: I wanted you to spoil me and take off my clothes, so I lied to you Katie…Sorry!
Kate: If that's the reason, I can't get angry.
Kate: In exchange for forgiveness, Liam I’ll ask you to help me get undressed as punishment.
Kate: Now are you going to undress me Liam.....?
Liam: …..Then it's not a punishment, it's a treat, Katie.
Giggling and giggling, we kissed again and…naughty lies deepened our evening.
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I shed a tear over Harrison today LOL!
[Master List]
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purplealmonds · 6 months
I watched the Mononoke Zashikiwarashi stage play!!
I watched the performances on 03/29 and 03/30, and I have so many Thoughts. But I’m on vacation and haven’t the spoons to draft them up coherently until I return home in a few days.
For now, I'll do a photo/art dump of my experience.
I arrived a few hours early to the theater (I had to take the train from Kyoto to Osaka, and built in time for potential navigational incompetence). While I waited for the theater to open up, cracked open my iPad and started painting in Procreate.
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This is the exterior of Cool Japan Park Osaka's WW Hall. Shaking off a lot of rust from painting from observation, but I'm happy with how the colors came out.
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Photo for reference, though I painted it live. Shadows moved quite a bit while I worked because I am slow.
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This is the interior of the theater. I was forbidden from taking photo and video of this space, so I painted it it, albeit messily because of the short time I had before the performance began.
Winding back time a bit, here's the cardboard cutout stand the theater staff set out right before they started admitting people into the lobby:
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It was a bit windy that day, so it actually snapped in half mere minutes after its installation lmao. Not pictured is the flustered staff tying Mr. Medicine Seller to the railing with some twine.
Selfie taken after the disaster:
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Keeping an eye on Mr. Medicine Seller to ensure he doesn't misbehave agains, prints in hand to be gifted to unsuspecting theater-goers:
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When I was seated, some of the giftees stopped by to gift me with an acrylic standee and a cookie! The standee is given exclusively to audience members who preordered their tickets super early, so it's amazing I got my hands on one! After the performance, someone also posted my art on their instagram story! O:
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The performance visual, gift shop, and posters were also deployed around this time.
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Also was pleasantly surprised to see a huge Mononoke Karakusa poster displayed. Unlike typical movie posters, this one was printed on a rather thick matte rather than thin translucent gloss paper.
And here's the merch and goodies I acquired at the lobby:
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I was originally buying just the pamphlet, but as you can see I did a few more impulse purchases! I ended up getting:
📖 Zashikiwarashi Pamphlet - Hoping if productions of other episodes are a thing this can become a collection. The Bakeneko pamphlet was also sold here. If there's interest I can do a flip-through video of both the Bakeneko and Zashikiwarashi pamphlets!
🎟️Mononoke Karakasa Bonus Gifts: I thought it was just the clear file and a neat lil trading card but it seems like the trading card is actually a movie ticket??? I’m not gonna be in Japan when the movie comes out though but it’s a nice souvenir nonetheless!
🌇 Mononoke Karakasa flyer - The theatre had massive stacks of them to be taken freely. The first one got a bit wrinkled on my ride back to the hotel, so I grabbed 2 more after watching the 2nd performance!
💿Bakeneko Blu-Ray - This was something I thought I’d never get my hands as a US resident so I was pleasantly surprised they were selling this. Definitely a pretty penny but now I get to watch it at my leisure when I get home! May do a write up about it eventually. The Zashikiwarashi Blu-Ray actually went on sale today, but it only delivers in Japan. Sighhh. I guess I have no choice but to fly back when the Umi Bozu stageplay goes live. Or if it pops up on Mercari some time in August the price gouging hopefully won't be too horrific.
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leiflitter · 3 months
Felix calling Oliver's office with an "emergency" and he was just lonely and needed to talk to him.
Whenever the desk phone rang, Oliver jumped. Stupid, really, that he even had a phone on his desk- they were in the digital age, everything was done on his laptop- but old habits died hard, and Oxford was built on old.
It probably wasn't anything important, anyway. Maybe he had some post to collect from a porter in another building, or some ancient acquaintance from a conference was calling to discuss something he'd published. Oliver was in two minds as to actually answering, but he ought to take a break soon. Go grab a coffee, text Felix, then text Felix again to say no, he wasn’t going to take any slutty pictures in his office.
Then he'd probably end up taking a selfie or two. Just to keep Felix happy, which meant when he got home...
He'd lifted the phone without thinking, giving his head a little shake before clearing his throat. "Associate Professor Oliver Quick, English-"
"Hi, Oliver." June's reedy voice always made Oliver feel like he should call his mother. She reminded him of Paula in far too many ways; he wasn't sure how long she'd been one of the reception staff, but if she retired the whole place would definitely crumble. "I have your fiancé on the other line- he says it's an emergency?"
"Fuck- sorry, sorry, June, did he say what it was, or... No, don't worry, just put him through?" Oliver trapped the phone between his shoulder and ear, hurriedly slamming his laptop closed and wondering how quickly he could be ready to go. The phone wasn't considerate enough to be wireless, and he didn't think he could reach his coat, but... June said something before there was a click, and Oliver tried to drag his laptop bag out from under the desk with one foot. "Felix? What's happened, June said it was an emergency, are you- or the kids- or Basil?"
Oliver's blood ran cold.
"Actually, Ollie-love, it... You weren't texting back, so I was a bit worried and I might have decided to make sure you were alright. I'd have emailed but I'd have to make a new one, seeing as my actual email's blocked, so... Calling it was."
"I told you I wasn't coming back for lunch today, Felix. You scared the shit out of me." Oliver collapsed back into his chair, gingerly reopening his laptop. Relief washed over him when he saw the screen was intact, and he crossed one arm over his chest, holding the phone with the other hand. "I thought... I don’t know. Someone had died, or something. You've got to find something to do, Felix."
"I have something to do, Oliver." Felix almost sounded indignant, before his voice dropped to a purr. "You. Except you're not here, so..."
"Felix, you're awful." Oliver pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes. If he gave in, then he'd be reenforcing this behaviour, and it'd happen again and again and again... "Give me a minute. I'll call you back on my mobile?"
"Video call?" Felix was outrageously hopeful.
"Video call. Just... Felix?" There was a moment before a nonchalant hum down the line meant Felix hadn't hung up. "Give Baz his licky mat in the living room before you get your cock out? I've got about fifteen minutes, and if he interrupts- that's it, til I get home. Got it?"
"Aye aye, captain."
Oliver hung up.
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cuckqueanmeat · 11 months
My college friend D (true story)
I was going to college 3-4 years ago, my boyfriend at the time really liked one of the girls in my class. I'll call her D. She was tall, skinny and blonde. Naturally beautiful face, ditzy and airheaded. She had the kind of body that had even me watching her as she walked by.
To the other girls in my class, D came off a little annoying and loud, but I found her endearing and I saw she needed a friend, so I began talking to her. I really did want to befriend her but I can't lie, I found her very attractive and would stare at her when she wasn't looking. It also aroused me that my boyfriend found her extremely attractive.
There was one time we had a two hour break in between our classes. When it was time to go to the next class, we were waiting outside the classroom door when she walked up. She had changed into gym clothes, the tiniest crop top and the smallest shorts. They were so short the lower half of her ass cheeks were hanging out, I couldn't stop staring. The other girls in my class were criticizing her as she walked by us to the bathroom to change back into her uniform (our class required uniforms), I pulled out my phone so fast and started texting my boyfriend. I had the biggest crush on her.
We would invite her out to eat or go to bars with us in groups. One time, D got so drunk and was tipsily spinning around on a pole in the club we were in. My boyfriend was breaking his neck staring, I found it so hot as I watched him watch her. Me and him both thought she was so pretty, the way her body moved was mesmorizing. Her boobs weren't big, but she was in shape and her body was so slender. Her ass was tight. She ended up getting kicked out of the club, we hadn't been in the club more than 10 minutes. She was obviously drunk and also going through a breakup at the time so we as a group all made sure she got home safely, we drove her home and watched her walk into her home.
There was another time where one of our friends was having a girls only party. D had attended, she was a lightweight and got into our friend's liquor collection so she got tipsy pretty quick. We were playing party games, I had taken a video of the party and of course, D was in it. She was facing away from the camera playing some games with the other women, her figure from behind was amazing. I had posted it and my boyfriend quickly texted me and said he found that video so fucking hot because she was jumping up and down. He was telling me that he was jerking off to the video of her, it was so hot having my boyfriend getting off to my friend while I was just feet away from her.
We ended up drifting apart from D, and I eventually broke up with that boyfriend for different reasons. I still follow D on social media. I find it funny and arousing that men that follow me somehow find her account and always end up following her. I don't blame them, she's beautiful. She's ditzy and naive, but she know she's beautiful and always posts the sexiest pictures.
To this day, I still have not met another girl in real life that was anywhere near as naturally beautiful as her.
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nothankyoudear · 1 year
London book shop recommendations?
Summary: A.Z. Fell and Co. is recommended as a local London bookshop on a Reddit post. Chaos ensues when someone actually takes the recommendation and goes there, only to find that: 1. They don't get to buy books 2. The gentle bookshop owner apparently owns a giant python And 3. The bookshop owner is 100% in love with his best friend with the sunglasses OR Ineffable Husbands told through Reddit posts.
stupid little fic i wrote. thought it'd be funny to post on tumblr bc its formatted like reddit... social mediaception?
anyways, also on my ao3, nothankyoudear.
Posted by u/SadLittleJay 2 years ago
London book shop recommendations?
Hi everyone! Not sure if this is the right subreddit for this, but I just moved to London and I'd like to support some of the more local book shops that are around here! Any good suggestions?
EDIT: Thank you for all the suggestions! I will definitely be checking them out :)
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buttscotchzzz · 2 yrs. ago Are you looking to actually take home the books?    
       SadLittleJay OP · 2 yrs. ago        yes... I think that's the purpose of bookshops?
             buttscotchzzz · 2 yrs. ago               Yes, obviously, sorry. I just live close to this book store called A.Z. Fell & Co, and it's the loveliest place. It's very cosy and the collection of books there is honestly unbelievable (I think  there are some texts dating back to the 16th century? Not sure why those are in a book shop instead of a museum). The owner is a lovely man too, but he refuses to sell his books. Not sure why.
              Yeah so, for looking around and sitting?? Fantastic place. Actually purchasing books?? Probably not so much.
                   SadLittleJay OP · 2 yrs. ago                     No apology needed, sorry if I came off too harsh :) Sounds wonderfully strange!! I'll make sure to check it out (even if I won't get to take any of the books back home lol)
Posted by u/SadLittleJay 2 years ago
Strange soho bookshop that doesn't sell books?
Hello! I've recently been recommended this bookshop called "A.Z. Fell & Co" in Soho. It's quite nice but also... Kinda weird? Not sure how to describe it. So I know it might be quite niche, but I just wanted to know if anyone knows anything about it? 
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DollieDollie · 2 yrs. ago Lived in Soho all my life. The shop is kinda infamous with the locals because nobody knows what the hell is going on with it. Weird as hell opening and closing hours too.
       Miriiriram · 2 yrs. ago        I live in Covent Garden and I've also heard some stuff about the bookshop. Never been able to figure out how the man keeps his shop open in central Soho since there's no way he's turning a profit - It's been here for as long as I can remember though. 
             SadLittleJay OP · 2 yrs. ago              Huh, how weird. Well, the shop owner seems nice so I'll keep digging! 
Posted by u/SadLittleJay 2 years ago
Update on strange soho bookshop that doesn't sell books
Hi everyone! Me again. Not sure if anyone is still keeping up, but I've had a few more trips to "A.Z. Fell & Co" and here are my experiences:
- I've had some people mention weird opening and closing hours, and from what I can tell that is 100% true. The sign at the front door almost melted my brain, but I've figured out the timings pretty good by now.
- The books kept there are very very strange. From what I can tell, most of them are published before the 1930s, and I swear I've seen some ancient texts around... I did find this one book with some pictures of earth and space though, so that's pretty cool.
- Nearly no one comes into the shop! Foot traffic outside is crazy, but every time I've been inside, I'm always the only one there. I understand that bookshops aren't the most interesting things around, but it's still a shop in the smack dab middle of Soho, so the pure emptiness of it is a little weird (take a shot every time I say weird or strange in this post lol)
- Mr Fell, the shop owner, is very very lovely!! There was this one time when I just sat and read for what must be hours, and he didn't even bat an eye - even offered me tea! We sat down, had a little chat about Jane Austen, and I could really tell that he is really passionate about his books - couldn't stop smiling and everything.
He did mumble something weird about Jane Austen being a spy, however, so still quite a weird fellow.
- Mr Fell still doesn't sell books. I asked him the first time I came into the store for some books and he said no, but I just assumed it was maybe because I didn't know him well enough? Anyways I asked him again and he just stared at me like I just asked to take his firstborn. So no luck on that yet.
- I think Mr Fell has a partner but I'm not quite sure about it. There's this man called Crowley that seems to be the only other person that comes into the bookshop, and he's got what is possibly the coolest sense of fashion in the world - I'm talking full two-piece suit, sunglasses on indoors, and bright red hair. Not ginger hair, RED hair. 
Mr Fell calls Crowley "My dear" and Crowley calls him "Angel". They act like an old married couple, bickering and everything, but I really don't wanna assume so... 
That's pretty much all I can think of off the top of my head, I think. I'll keep you guys updated (if anyone is still reading lol) if I find something new!
PS. unrelated but there's this coffee shop that's really nice - "Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death", just across the street from the bookshop. Really good coffee if anyone is looking for a drink!
EDIT: Okay well, this post blew up more than I expected. Good to see that other people are also strangely obsessed with this little bookshop lol! Thanks for the awards and I'll definitely keep you guys updated!!!
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Posted by u/SadLittleJay 1 year ago
Does anyone know what this snake is?
Found this GIANT snake on the floor of a bookshop!!! Does anyone know the species or anything?? 
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SSssssBoys· 1 yr. agoOh my god that thing is huge! You found it on the floor of a BOOKSHOP?
       SadLittleJay OP · 1 yr. ago        Yes!!! Crazy right?? I think it must've snuck in or smth because I'm a regular at the shop and I've never seen it before. Is it venomous????
             liveweire837· 1 yr. ago              Purely based on the size it has to be a ball python or an anaconda - Can't really tell from the photo quality. Neither are venomous but are still dangerous. Call animal control ASAP.
                   SadLittleJay OP · 1 yr. ago                      Sorry for the quality - I was a little busy screaming lol. But the store owner just came out and told me that it's apparently his pet? I knew some people keep snakes for pets but I've never seen them in real life, so huge too! Anyways thank you for the advice! :D ---------------
Posted by u/SadLittleJay 1 year ago
Update on "A.Z. Fell & Co"
Hello, I'm back with some more news! 
- First news: Mr Fell has given me his first name! I asked him what A. Z. stood for, and he thought for a while like he doesn't know his first name? Anyways his name is Azira, which I think is quite a cool name.
I tried looking him up on Google but nothing came up, so I tried asking him for his middle name and he got this weirdly panicked look on his face. I didn't push it further because he was turning a little red trying to think. 
- Mr Fell owns a giant snake. I think he's some sort of Python? Not quite sure about it yet. His name is Crawly (ha, like Crowley) and I found him on the floor one morning - gave me the fright of my life! Anyways, he's cute but he has this weirdly human look in his eyes sometimes. He also really likes curling himself next to or just on Mr Fell - didn't know snakes could be clingy lol. Sometimes I feel like I'm intruding on the two of them, which is kinda crazy because one of them is literally a snake.
- Crowley is still coming into the shop fairly often, and he's still just as intimidating as ever. He does, however, do this thing where he kinda melts when he talks to Mr Fell. Kinda hard to explain but you can really tell the difference in his body language. I can't see his eyes because of the sunglasses, but I swear they go soft and everything.
Maybe they're dating, maybe they're not. All I know is that when I ask Mr Fell about Crowley, he talks about him like how he talks about Jane Austen books.
- I've finally managed to lend (heavy focus on the word LEND) a book!! Returned in perfect condition :)
That's all I have for now! Will continue to update if anything else interesting comes up.
EDIT 1: Some people didn't believe in the whole snake shenanigan, which I completely understand (sounds ridiculous to myself too), but I've attached a picture of Crawly just as proof. You can see him curled up next to Mr Fell, which I still think is pretty cute.
[Attachment: 1]
EDIT 2: I've asked Mr Fell (in a very awkward conversation), and Crowley is in fact not his partner. I know people have been debating in the comments but Mr Fell says they're just best friends. Will investigate further on the matter.
EDIT 3: I've asked Mr Fell and Crowley if they mind me posting about them, and I am proud to say that I now have the official go ahead from the both of them to post updates. I've also made a subreddit since I feel bad spamming r/London with nothing but A.Z. Fell & Co content lol. I'll be posting future updates at r/AZFellAndCo :)
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PollyPirate · 1 yr. agoEveryone in agreement that there's definitely some HEAVY pining going on between Mr Fell and Crowley say aye
       WonderfulWorld· 1 yr. ago        aye
             cooliosoolio23 · 1 yr. ago              AYE
                  nothankyou845 · 1 yr. ago                   aye > 56 more replies
peanutbutternnut · 1 yr. ago a bookseller named azira w/ a fucking python sounds like a video game character. badass as hell
       SadLittleJay OP · 1 yr. ago        He's actually kind of the opposite of badass - dresses like he just stepped out of the Victorian era. He's got a bowtie and everything! 
                peanutbutternnut · 1 yr. ago                  even MORE badass
                         Lilypadwfrog · 1 yr. ago                           wait so mr fell is dressed like a gentleman from the victorian era, and crowley is dressed like an 80s fashion icon??? literally the most blatant example of opposites attract i've ever seen. next thing i know you'll be telling me that they have contrasting colour palettes LMAO                                  SadLittleJay OP · 1 yr. ago                                   You're not gonna believe this lol
HmmmmMMmM· 1 yr. ago "He talks about him like how he talks about Jane Austen books." BRO ---------------
Posted by u/Mimimeow 1 year ago
Has anyone actually visited A. Z. Fell & Co. ?
Basically just the title. I keep seeing posts about people trying to visit the store but always getting 'interrupted' by one thing or another. Has anyone actually managed to visit the place other than SadLittleJay?
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mirandapanda · 1 yr ago I was one of the people who got 'interrupted' on their way there. I found a little kitten on the side of the road and just couldn't leave her there, so I took her to the vet instead. Not too fussed about it though, since now it helped me meet the absolute love of my life, Luna.
      Mimimeow OP · 1 yr ago       oh my god SHE'S SO CUTE 😭 Maybe I'll try visiting the bookshop so I can get a cat
      Edit: Holy fucking shit ---------------
Posted by u/AnthonyJC 9 months ago
Why do people think they're in love It's all people are talking about. Can someone explain this. 
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Sort By: Best MillieRockers96· 9 mo ago well i mean,,, mr fell talks about crowley like he talks about books (which i think r basically his life and soul), and from the last update we got crowley was literally giving mr fell houseplants in what i can only say is domestic hell. if u see some videos of them u can also see that they look at each other like the other one's the sun when the other not watching, so yeah we're pretty sure they're in love just INCREDIBLY oblivious
                Lilypadwfrog ·9 mo ago                 100% in love. also talking about the whole "he talks about crowley like he talks about books", its lowkey crazy how much mr fell talks about crowley. like that man NEVER stops i think. but honestly just give the pinned post a look and you'll get it. 
                           AnthonyJC OP· 9 mo ago                             Oh ---------------
Posted by u/porlrlrlr 2 months ago What are some of the weirdest things that you've seen on reddit?
Very broad and basic question, but I'm bored and need temporary fulfilment
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yeahsolikeuhh · 2 mo ago A while back there was this bookshop that blew up because of a reddit post. Apparently the shop's been around for three hundred years or something, and apparently had shit like the first edition of the Great Gatsby and stuff trailing back to the 16th century or something - But that's not even the weird part.
People tried to visit the bookshop because of the popularity obviously, but every time they try, stuff just happens at random and it never happens. Everyone knows the bookshop is there, but no one except OP for that first reddit post has ever actually managed to get in. Sometimes they find a stray cat and get distracted, sometimes a giant storm just instantaneously starts, but literally ZERO people have gotten into that book shop except for OP.
The bookshop owner is called AZIRA (not fucking kidding), with a pet python (also not fucking kidding), who is also apparently dressed like he came out of the Victorian era (still not fucking kidding). Now I'm not saying he's a wizard, but I'm pretty damn sure he's a fucking wizard.
Also apparently he's also in love with his best friend and there's this huge pining thing happening the last time I checked, but I think OP stopped updating a while back so yeah. 
        Cauliflourpanfried· 2 mo ago         Holy shit I completely forgot about that. Genuinely the weirdest shit. Hope they finally got their shit sorted and at least kissed or smth tho. ---------------
Posted by u/MrAziraFell 6 days ago
I am Azira Fell, the owner of A.Z. Fell & Co. A sk Me Anything!
Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well. I am Azira Fell and I happen to own A.Z. Fell & Co. I've recently been informed of just how popular my bookshop has become, so here I am! Here is a picture of me, Crawly, and this sign I made for proof.
I'm still not very good at technology, so I truly do apologise for the slow responses. I will try my best :)
Edit: Thank you for all your questions! As much as I'd love to just sit and chat with all of you, I still have the calls of thousands of wonderful books to tend to. I hope you all have a lovely day :)
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monsteriaLoe· 6 days ago Are you aware of the weird phenomenon where, when someone tries to come to your shop, they always seem to get distracted or pulled away by another thing? And, being completely honest, were you involved in any of these? I understand the question sounds silly, but it's just so strange that I have to ask.
        MrAziraFell OP · 6 days ago         Thank you for the question! And it's not silly at all. I actually was not aware of this until today! And if I had the ability to summon stray cats at will, my bookshop would already be overwhelmed with kittens.
        I suppose it must just simply be some sort of magic, or maybe even a miracle ;) - AZF
PollyPirate · 6 days ago Are you and Crowley finally together???? (feel free to not answer if it really is too personal or anything like that)
        MrAziraFell OP · 6 days ago         Hello, Polly! Thank you for being so considerate. In short, yes we are together now. Now looking back on it, I suppose it was a little silly that we waited that long to be together. Well, that's all over now, and Crowley and I are as happy as ever - AZF
              PollyPirate· 6 days ago              OMG
                     JooolyRancher· 6 days ago                      Congratulations! What made you guys take the last step, if I may ask?
                                MrAziraFell OP · 6 days ago                                 Well, it's actually quite funny since apparently Crowley had found the subreddit (I believe that is what it's called) that Jay had made while looking for the bookshop on the Internet, saw the posts that all of you made about us being obliviously in love with the other, and finally decided to tell me how he truly felt. So, if I have to be honest, it was all of you that helped us take the last step, and I am very grateful for that :) - AZF
                                        cooliosoolio23· 6 days ago                                        ok well now im crying
wormieboyyyyyy · 6 days ago Why don't you sell your books? Also do you have a favourite? (a favourite book I mean)         MrAziraFell OP · 6 days ago         Well those two questions actually are quite interlinked, if I do say so myself. My answer to the first is because I simply love them all too much, and can't bear to part with them. My answer to the second is also I simply love them all too much, so I cannot pick just one. I do, however, especially adore the work of Terry Pratchett. - AZF
                wormieboyyyyyy · 6 days ago                 Ain't that the truth. Have you ever thought of selling a book, tho? Like ever? You do run a bookshop.
                        MrAziraFell OP · 6 days ago                         Well.... I suppose I could sell just one. - AZF ---------------
Posted by u/SadLittleJay 1 day ago
Oh my god
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immoralimmortals · 4 months
Akatsuki Member Songs and Headcanons
I have had years to ruminate to myself on certain songs I listen to that get associated with certain Akatsuki. I'm gonna try to present some of these pairings in a comprehensive way for you guys.
I can 100% replicate this post several times over with different songs and explanations, so I most likely will. We will see! Songs are linked within the post.
Pain: Mr. FEAR by Siamés
This man wants to fix everything, and yet if you look deep enough, he is absolutely crumbling. He is the Mr. Fear, literally, to instill fear in order to bring what he dictates as peace. The song itself is simultaneously calm and chaotic. Despite how conflicted he ends up being, every single contradiction is still said as a command to the listener.
Standout lines:
I wish I had a faster therapy
I've come to mind control your needs
Just trust in me, my dear
Don't fight with me, my dear
Don't trust in me, my dear What cure is coming near?
Konan: Youth by Daughter
Youth, hope, suffering. She has experienced life in that order, and it has left her an angel in constant mourning. This song is, to me, the retrospective side of her, the part of Konan that is still a scared and hurt young lady, the place in her mind that inspires her to keep going for something better. I specifically associate this song more with her loss of Yahiko and the original Akatsuki than her actual childhood.
I could literally quote the whole song for her, so I recommend you listen if it seems interesting. Here's some painfully selected lyrics:
And if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones 'Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs
We are the reckless, we are the wild youth Chasing visions of our futures One day, we'll reveal the truth That one will die before he gets there
Collecting pictures from a flood that wrecked our home It was a flood that wrecked this home
Zetsu: Dangerous by Big Data
This song sort of changed my brain chemistry, both in general and about Zetsu. If you pair the (honestly very strange and parodic) music video with the content of the lyrics, it creates an idea of heightened awareness of insidious knowledge and, though it is meant about modern advertisements, I also take it about being spied on in general, being dangerous because of your knowledge of the world against you. When I started associating this song with Zetsu, I began seeing him more as an active character than one that merely is there. His spying has purpose, he has motives.
Standout lines:
You understand, they got a plan for us I bet you didn't know that I was dangerous
Nobody's listening when we're alone Nobody's listening, there's nobody listening, No one can hear us when we're alone No one can hear us, no, no one can hear us And I've gotta get out of here Sink down, into the dark
How could you know, how could you know? That those were my eyes Peepin' through the floor, it's like they know It's like they know I'm looking from the outside And creeping to the door, it's like they know
And especially if you're in a shipping mood:
It must be fate, I found a place for us I bet you didn't know someone could love you this much
Tobi/Obito: Dirty Imbecile by The Happy Fits
Being an Uchiha is hard, you know? The expectations, both from your clan and from everyone else... Obito really put the bar of achievement really high because he thought that's where he'd finally be respected, so much as acknowledged. This is a song about being much more deep down than the fool you seem to others, the righteous desire to be worth your many efforts.
Standout lines:
Damn this town and damn this city You never give me anything that I want No one seems to really care They're just wholly unaware Of all the blood and sweat I cry before dawn
Am I good? Is all I could enough for you? I'm so scared of when and where I'll find the truth
Count my little scars, I've got dozens down inside I come complete and invincible behind my dirty imbecile
Hidan: Nothing Personal by Night Riots
Relaxed yet vicious, I think this is a good pairing to think about how he must strut about, preaching of Jashin. You can't be better than him. He will always know better, be better, believe better. Self-centered prick. I adore his confidence.
Standout lyrics:
The center of the world is lonely me Float along through the catacombs The endless cycle, flesh to bones
I’ll be the king, you’ll be the filth I wash away Nothing personal, personal, personal I am the light, I am the truth, I am the way Nothing personal, personal, personal
I’ll take your crown, I’ll make it mine As you sulk your days away Numb yourself and think of me
Kakuzu: Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant
I highkey associate a lot of the themes from the Borderlands series with Kakuzu, featured songs included. This song is pretty self evident to me, overtly about how money motivates people. In my view of Kakuzu, he has crafted over his many decades of war and hardship this encompassing, compassionless worldview of why people do things. If you say "money is the only thing that matters" and you're older than like, a five year old who got their first dollar, you are going to have a strong and elaborate justification for it. It's a song about hard truths about humanity, some things that will never change and you need to accept without taking it personally.
Standout lyrics:
Oh there ain't no rest for the wicked Money don't grow on trees I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed There ain't nothing in this world for free Oh no, I can't slow down, I can't hold back Though you know, I wish I could Oh no there ain't no rest for the wicked Until we close our eyes for good
He made it clear he wasn't looking for a fight He said, "Give me all you've got, I want your money, not your life But if you try to make a move, I won't think twice" I told him, "You can have my cash, but first you know I gotta ask What made you want to live this kind of life?"
I saw a preacher man in cuffs, he'd taken money from the church He'd stuffed his bank account with righteous dollar bills But even still I can't say much because I know we're all the same Oh yes, we all seek out to satisfy those thrills
Deidara: Fear & Delight by The Correspondents
Brief aside: gorgeous music video, very skillfully made. Deidara would love it. Certainly a mastercraft of editing and camera tricks.
Tumblr media
Dynamic, vibrant song. My partner has used this song as a pairing with another character, comparing the love interest in the song to courting something you really probably should not be. Deidara courts with destruction and death with absolute abandon. His art is beautiful. His art will hurt him. He's so, so okay with that.
In addition, I think this song describes really well how he approaches things that are novel and perhaps frighten him.
It is, again, literally the whole song but here's a couple of lines:
I'm a little boy that's gonna be getting his fingers burned But I can see this lesson's gotta, gotta, gotta be learned
In any case, my friends, it's too late Like a moth to light, like a beast to bait And I know the black widow eats its mate
I'm an innocent being seduced by your charms I'm a young boy tickled to death in your arms Your kisses taste like bitter almonds
Addiction pulling me to a grave end You're an enemy who I'm keen to defend Down the black hole of my lust I descend
Why is it that I'm keen to be devoured by you When there's the option of a love affair that's pure and true? I always choose the dungeon over the sea view
It's wrong but I want you tonight
Sasori: Body by Mother Mother
This guy hates every inch of his human body. As soon as he realized he could change himself, every cell of skin, every drop of blood, every breath of air was cursed. As long as he is flesh and bone, he suffers. This includes even the barest hint of humanity in the cylinder that is his heart. If he could get rid of it, he would. The body only exists to get in the way. He will break these confines.
It is. Yet again. Just the entire song that works for him. Here are a few lines:
Take my eyes, take them aside Take my face, and desecrate Arms and legs, get in the way Bodies break
'Cause I've grown tired of this body A cumbersome and heavy body I've grown tired of this body Fall apart without me, body
Kisame: Promiseland by Mika
It's no secret I adore thinking about Kisame's worldview, and I think this song is a wonderful insight into it. He is the definition of disillusioned, trying to find out what he can really depend upon, if anything. He has nothing to lose. He's already lost it all.
Standout lyrics:
Sold my soul, broke my bones, tell me, what did I get? Did my time, toed the line, ain't seen anything yet Strike me down to the ground, you know I've seen it before Make it hurt, I'll eat the dirt, I just don't care anymore
I kept my promise, man, show me the promiseland
And the whole world's bringing me down
One person's lie is just another man's truth We kept on running from the devil, but the devil was you Every time I see the light, I'm falling deeper in debt If I've never seen the good, how can it come to an end?
Itachi: The Villain I Appear to Be by Connor Spiotto and Molly Pease
Itachi puts his mission first before anyone's impression of him, even that of his beloved brother. However, he can still yearn for his understanding, his respect. The song reflects on doing the right thing without slowing down to explain, lest it be too late, and hoping the pieces may be put together later. Maybe it'll be in your favor, maybe not. That doesn't matter as much as the outcome of your actions.
Standout lyrics:
Nothin' left to do but Try to take the leap and follow through And that's exactly what I'll do
I don't plan on slowing Down, no I'll keep on going Even if you think I'm in the wrong
I know that's what I'm here for I don't wanna wait around anymore Even if you can't see The good inside me
I don't have the time to tell you Why I do the things that I do Just please hold on and soon you'll see That I'm not the villain I appear to be
And I know you think I'm crazy But I hope that maybe Now you'll see why I had to try
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