#I'll be here all day If I start doing animated star wars
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roninreverie · 10 months ago
Adding more!
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I know the animation industry has been going through a serious rough patch in the past 10 years. I just hope the medium and the artists making it can get the respect they deserve someday soon. So I wanna take a moment to spread a reminder of the powerful emotional scenes we've gotten from animation in the past 10 years.
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spookysplatt · 1 year ago
Hatchetfield Tumblr omg
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✝️ graciee777 Follow
Hello world! I'm Grace, I just got this app to keep up with my friend @s-lauter and post bible verses daily for a project my study group is doing! Can't wait to learn more about you all!
✝️ gracie777 Follow
All of you are going to Hell.
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💿 s-lauter Follow
we NEED to start talking about problematic morning cup'a news is. yeah it's """just a squirrel""" but if you're willing to misgender her it's a slippery slope
🔆 debs-bian Follow
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#okay but I actually had no idea peanuts was a girl?? #I'll tell my dad lol I promise he and donna just didn't know #chronically online kinda take though steph I hate to say it
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🍃 emmahikes Follow
Tell me why my boyfriend just called himself babygirl while hyping himself up for his big presentation at work today??
#what is wrong with him <3 #I think I have to marry him now
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👾 peternotparker Follow
First day working at my local theme park! I'll update you guys with how it goes
👾 peternotparker Follow
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🚬 califor-mia Follow
my sister is playing her little guitar at 3 am in our shared room and i can't even complain because i was already awake
🚗 carsnpunks Follow
Babe I think the little ones are violins not guitars
🌺 al-pal Follow
...ukulele. Guys. It's a ukulele.
#Lex you GOT IT FOR HER how do you not know what it is
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🧑🏻‍🎤 attackonbi-tan Follow
My uncle Gary called me cringe???? He's an actual lawyer he doesn't know these words who told him to say this
🌌 leialove Follow
I mean he's got a point you do use an anime character's name on here
🧑🏻‍🎤 attackonbi-tan Follow
#ruth you can't talk you have a star wars fandom blog #plus levi is a great name fuck you #stop teaching my uncle words
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📼 missretro Follow
I miss this
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📔 dukesthoughts Follow
Babe I love you so much but that picture says 2017
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mycatishandsome · 1 year ago
How I Shift: a step-by-step
So to start, I want to remind ya'll that what works for me, can and wil work for you, if you assume it will.
For context, I like to believe that the multiverse theory is true, but like mixing it in with the LOA (3D/4D/etc.) theory. I could sit here all day and talk and talk about those theories, but that's not what this post is about. If you scroll on my blog, you'll find plenty of posts that can do it better than I.
SO, where do we begin?
1.) As an obvious start, it's good to pick where it is you'd like to shift/ what you'd like to shift into this "reality". It's not super necessary, but it's great to reaffirm where it is your going/what you're bringing in.
2.) I like shifting at night (like most others), so before a shift, something I'll do is carve out a bit of time to go through my Pinterest boards. This is a great way to visualize what you want (what you technically already have) This is also great for my non-visualizers (or just those who have trouble doing it on the spot). it's a great way to reaffirm.
3.) Then depending on my DR, I'll choose an ambiance sound that is related (for example: star wars-space/ship sounds, harry potter-train sounds, pirates??? ships creaking/wind)(also sounds can be super broad, like rain/thunderstorm sounds) personally, I feel like ambience is crazy helpful for me (as I assume it is).
-The way I see it, and how I use it: The sounds I'm hearing ambiance wise, are the sounds I hear in my DR as well. They will not distract me! I have animals and loud roommates. Rather than sit there and get annoyed, i think to myself, "wow my house mates are rowdy tonight" in my DR. I apply those sounds TO my DR. This goes for the ambiance as well!
4.) At this point, I then pick how I'm going to meditate. So because I have autism, I tend to use the same two mediations because it's what I'm comfortable with (and they help me the best!) I'll tag them here :)
I start with this one: Law of Assumption meditation
Then listen to this one immediately after: Law of Assumption Meditation part 2
I listen to these one after the other using an app called musi. I set them to a timer so i don't have to stop a playlist or anything, just set it and go!
5.) I sometimes strait up fall asleep and shift, and sometimes i shift during these meditations. It often depends on how my mind set is, as sometimes I've had a tough day, or i just can't stop thinking about the exam i have tomorrow. Generally when I feel like this, I listen to another meditation before these other two. I don't have a specific one to link, i usually just look up 10 minute meditations. These will usually help me to relax and empty my mind.
Notice how none of these are shifting meditations. if you think it will work for you, then it will! I've always found that even when i was in the right mindset, shifting meditations were very.....not what shifting is. I always felt like they played against what i was trying to achieve. I'm sure there are some that are great and incredibly helpful!! I personally just haven't found that one yet. Shifting is generally simple, and to the point, there's no need to use complicated steps. (ONCE AGAIN, UNLESS you find they work for you! in your reality they may work just fine!)
I hope this helps, or at the very least gives some of ya'll some ideas on what to try!
Happy shifting!
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sciderman · 10 months ago
Sorry if someone else already asked this but out of the Deadpools in any animated adaption which one is your favorite?
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okay kidding, i've never played fortnite but i love watching him do the dances. i'll rate all of the animated deadpools i guess. all the animated deadpools that i know of.
hulk vs wolverine
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5/10 i think this might be the first animated deadpool i'd ever seen. and he's okay. i don't like nolan north's voice, really. i know a lot of people love him. i think his voice is pretty plain jane and his delivery is nothing special. mind you this wade doesn't have a lot of funny things to say anyway. this whole film is so very mid and so forgettable. marvel animation generally is really mid and forgettable. also he's such a scrawny little twink. i like my wades beefier. 5/10 for being one of the most ordinary, inoffensive, mid portrayals of deadpool ever.
deadpool (the game)
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3/10 yeah i don't know, i hate this guy. nolan north yet again but his voice is slightly less plain jane and more rocket raccoon here. not into it. this game sprouted all the worst interpretations of deadpool ever and for that it must pay dearly. three stars because at least his tits are massive. but i hate his stupid pinhead.
ultimate spider-man deadpool
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8/10 yeah he's the best one the west has to offer. sorry. he is. his jokes are funny. he is completely insane. he upstaged spider-man in every way a deadpool should. he's a scene-stealer. he has the presence. he has the hips. he has the thighs. he has my heart. one of my first ever exposures to deadpool and the start of a downward spiral for me. he loses two stars because DEAR GOD his voice is UNBEARABLE but. the episode is a masterpiece if you hit the mute button. i wanted to write a fic about him to flesh out his lore because honestly i'm really interested in this specific presumably teenaged wade wilson who was digested by the shield system and came out of it a mercenary. wade i was a teenage mercenary wilson. i want to know everything about him. i'm obsessed with him.
marvel disk wars
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10/10 he is SO cute and i think i'd die for him. he lends himself to anime so so well, and the japanese just know how to do deadpool. he's a spider-man fanboy and every bit the attention whore he's meant to be. he knows how to give his chimichangettes what they want. the crotch shots. the unrelenting barrage on the 4th wall. but he also has a good heart at the end of the day. he's everything to me.
marvel's future avengers
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10/10 obligatory, for being basically just a continuation of the prior deadpool but in a new series. he is very wife. the art is better but the animation isn't. but he's so. so cute. look at him. look at his gwumpy little faaaace look at HIIIIIM...
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the japanese do just know how to do deadpool. his sole motivation in all of these is literally just to hog screentime. that's literally all he's there for. he's just a spotlight hog. all he wants is attention, and for them to make cute anime figures of him. he's the most valid deadpool ever. i think.
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marvel-starwarsfangirl · 10 months ago
"The Bad Batch" Series Review
Now that this show is over and I've had some time to think about it, I'll give my overall thoughts, its strengths, weaknesses, and how it compares to other two main popular animated shows. In general, TBB is a solid show with fun characters, beautiful animation/music, and moments of truly peak Star Wars. Is it perfect? Definitely not, but I love it all the same. It's probably a solid 8/10 for me. In many ways, TBB is the type of show I absolutely love. It's dark, character driven, and touches on mature themes. I love seeing how different characters came to terms with Order 66 and the birth of the Empire. At a time when hope seemed at its bleakest, seeing characters try and find it again is very compelling.
Tbh, I think one of the reasons why I love this show so much is because it really hits home for me. A lot of the themes and ideas that are explored by the characters are also things I've been exploring at the same time. TBB has been a comfort show for me as the world becomes even scarier and I grow as a person. It was the show I needed right now. Also, the Batch remind me of my own friend group. So, I might be a bit biased here.
In comparison to the other shows, I think I love TBB about the same as much as the others. Some days, I'll prefer TBB, other days, I might prefer Rebels or CW. Each show has something I truly love and something that frustrates me. For example, Rebels has a lot of emotional moments I enjoy, but Zeb was really slept on after S2. CW had an amazing scale and scope, but some arcs were just awful. You know which one I'm talking about. TBB is the same. It really depends on the vibe though. At the end of the day though, I truly love all 3 shows and all the joy (and tears) they give me.
Alright, let's get into the nitty gritty.
I'll start off with the flaws just to get them out of the way. I think TBB's biggest flaws are regarding balancing the character dynamics and arcs. I understand that Omega is more or less the main character since she really changes the Batch's life, but they needed to do more. I wanted to learn more about the Batch. However, sometimes it felt like characters could only grow when Omega was with them. Granted, this wasn't the case 100% of the time. Crosshair is the most notable example of this and I loved Tech's interactions with Romar and Phee. Unfortunately, it does affect the characters if they only get characterization with one character. Echo is the biggest victim of this imo. They had a goldmine to explore how he felt in the aftermath of Skako Minor, but they didn't. Crosshair wound up being the Batcher who would've understood him most, except they only exchange two lines of dialogue together in S3. That's it. Imagine how impactful it would've been for Cross if he talked to him. Echo truly understands the horrors of being turned into a lifeless machine. It was an opportunity that was practically gift wrapped for the writers. Sadly, it did not come to pass. Overall, this show just needed more Echo.
Btw, TBB wasn't the only show with this problem. As mentioned above, Zeb didn't get much to do after S2 and I'm disappointed in that. Even Rex and Kallus also got sidelined after S3. CW's format was more forgiving with this, but certain characters like Savage became more irrelevant once more popular characters showed up. Additionally, Echo not learning about Fives was a massive missed opportunity.
Branching off of that, having Omega as the centerpiece also means that the emotional moments tend to happen with her. Now, that's not a bad thing, except it only seems to happen with her. In S1, it really felt like no one cared that Crosshair was gone. This is their brother who they've known forever. Why is Crosshair the only one who seems to be really emotional about the whole thing? Since the Batch have only ever had each other, I would've expected them to be more upset/bothered when one of their own suddenly does a 180 in personality. And again, it's not like it's not there, it is, but it really needs more. I'll be honest, I really didn't like S1 Hunter at all. The man tunnel visioned on Omega.
I'm more forgiving about the rough start since both CW and Rebels were also kinda rough. However, I think the lack of clear focus did hurt the show a bit. Rebels and CW had a greater scope: fighting in a war/revolution. TBB doesn't have this since everything just got uprooted. Had the show been a bit more focused, I think it really would've helped a lot. S2 and 3 both established what the overall focus was pretty quickly. But with S1, it seemed to jump from the inhibitor chips to whatever Omega's purpose was to Project War Mantle and I was like: so, what was the Batch's goal other than survival?
There are other things that bugged me as well. Tech's death should've been handled better. I get that the Batch are soldiers so they aren't expected to cry in each others arms. Except the closure for Tech's death wasn't enough. What wound up happening was half the fandom questioning if he was really dead and searching for hints that he was alive. I covered this in my S3 review, but to summarize: the writers needed more time and more deep character moments. TBB thrived on those deep, mature conversations.
I know I just went off, but I truly love this show with all my heart. I know it's capable of so much more as shows in its strengths. It just frustrates me when it falls short.
Crosshair. Looking back at his overall journey, Crosshair is easily the most compelling character. I'm linking my study of him because his arc is just that good.
What's so impressive to me about Cross is that he doesn't need to be in a lot of episodes in order to tell his story in a satisfactory way. Everything he's in is so well written that I can easily tell how he's feeling, why he feels that way, and why he makes the choices he does. In S2, not once did I have to wonder why he decided to betray the Empire or befriend Mayday despite that arc being only 2 episodes. The subtext really said it all perfectly. TBB does such a good job with his character, but I won't go on any further because we'd be here forever. Anyways, I love Crosshair and he has the best redemption arc in Star Wars. You can't change my mind.
TBB also touches on mature themes and I love that they are explored in a thoughtful way. Tech's conversation with Omega is really beautiful. It speaks to a lot of people and I love that the writers chose to take a thoughtful route instead of just having Tech say something nerdy and calling it at that. The same thing with Crosshair's PTSD. It was a genuine issue that affected him and not just when the plot needed it. I also appreciated that he was given time to actually try healing. Letting the characters sit down and have deep moments is what really connects the audiences to them because we see what makes them vulnerable. Light-hearted action is fun and all, but there is so much more to these characters than "blaster go pew." I really resonated with Crosshair's story and I know many people did the same with Tech's. I also loved how the show showed Omega adapting to the change around her; it can be very difficult sometimes and I appreciated that it wasn't still sunshine and rainbows after. Echo had a role within the Batch and his absence definitely shook the dynamics.
The animation and music are just perfection. It speaks for itself, but it's perfect imo. (yes, I'm aware of the errors, but it doesn't impact the actual quality).
The Empire was really freaking scary. TBB did a great job showing how the Empire started encroaching on the entire galaxy and began phasing out the clones. Occupations started, Rampart began his chain code system, and any form of dissent was immediately silenced. There was no question as to how ruthless they were. And there were genuine consequences to the actions of characters. Rampart was thrown under the bus for something he was ordered to do. The Empire doesn't protect anyone except Palpatine. "The Outpost" is so brutal and raw, but it perfectly shows how the Empire can drain a person until they break. Both Rampart and Hemlock are two fantastic villains that capture the true horrors of humanity. Rampart is a cold and greedy man. We all know people like him and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Not even humble juice in prison could make him reevaluate his views. Hemlock is a monster that only cares for his experiments. He was such a different villain compared to the Sith and greedy imperials we tend to see and I appreciated that. Even Crosshair was a good example of how misguided beliefs can turn people against one another. Like with Rampart, we all know people like Crosshair. It grounds TBB that much more.
I also loved the main focus on family in this show. It's a value that I hold dearly because of my beliefs and how I was raised. At the end of the day, the Batch's greatest strength comes from the bonds they have with each other. In times so dark, it's the people they love the most that will help them get through their struggles. I honestly love that. Whether it's friends, siblings, or parents, those bonds are so important. People aren't meant to tackle the world alone. TBB does a great job showing how hard it is when you're stuck in a dark place and how impactful it can be to have people who love and support you. Overall, I really loved it.
At the end of the day, I just really love the Batch. They mean a lot to me, especially Crosshair and Omega. Omega herself is such a sweet bean and her light truly is beautiful. I've loved watching her journey over the last several years. She's a wonderful character and I love her dearly. I love Crosshair (he's really hot, ok). I love Tech's charm and quips. I love Echo's strong drive for justice. I love Wrecker's big heart. I love Hunter's... fatherly instincts.
Ok, I know that was long, but I am so grateful for this show. I love TBB with all my heart and there's so much more to say. For now though, I'll just say that TBB has truly made an impact on my life. It gave me something to enjoy when times got rough and it gave me Crosshair. I will always be thankful for him.
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photogirl894 · 11 months ago
I know I've shared before a bit of what The Bad Batch has meant to me, but I just feel that I have so much more I want to say. Though, in all honesty, I don't think I'll ever be able to put into words exactly how much it means to me, but I'll certainly endeavor to do my best 😊
Having grown up with Clone Wars and just being a lifelong Star Wars fan in general, I was excited when the Bad Batch show was announced. Another Star Wars animated show?? Hell yeah!! I was so down for it. I remember going to my parents place to watch it with my family and my friends...and I fell in love SO fast! I remember thinking the Bad Batch were cool in their CW season 7 arc, but that was about it. Something about them in "Aftermath" changed my view of them and having Omega show up, too, made it even better. Then episode 2 came out later that week and I knew I was hooked right as the episode ended.
I had no idea just how much this show would consume my life 😅
I hadn't been so obsessed with a fandom since The Hobbit movies. That fandom was what introduced me to writing fanfiction and to Tumblr. Then Bad Batch was what made me go back to Tumblr and to fanfiction, as well. It made me start writing for the world of Star Wars, a world I didn't think I would ever be able to write for. I came back to Tumblr after a few years cuz once I found myself going so crazy for this show, I knew Tumblr was the right place to find other people just as crazy about it, just like I'd been able to do for the Hobbit.
And boy, was I right!!
I have found almost more people who loved Bad Batch as much as me than I did in my Hobbit days. Every single person I've talked to and interacted with have impacted my life in so many ways. I even had the special privilege of meeting a couple people in person, as well, which were wonderful experiences! I've spent many hours on discord calls either just one on one with certain people or in severs with big groups of people, playing games, chatting and just having a grand time. I've made some of the greatest friends I've ever had here and it's all thanks to the Bad Batch! I would name each person here, but I don't want to accidentally leave anyone out because there are just so many I'd want to mention, but you all know who you are! 💜💜 I mean it when I say I love all of you, every person I've ever interacted with! You all are truly amazing and I seriously hope I'll get to meet more of you in person in the future 💜
Being back on Tumblr also came with its fair share of drama over the past couple years, but if anything, all that made me stronger, more resilient and it also showed me who my true friends are. I'm grateful for those who stood beside me in those times.
Many of you have been there for me through other hard times in my life, when I had awful drama at work or financial troubles or just bad days in general. A lot of you let me vent so many times and offered me kindness, help and advice, which have meant the world to me. Some of you have even supported mine and my friends' Twitch and YouTube channels and have watched our Star Wars D&D streams or our charity streams, which also means so much to me and I can't thank those of you have supported us enough!
I've learned a lot from the Bad Batch over the years, as well.
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Hunter taught me to never give up on your family and to fight for what you think is right.
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Crosshair taught me to stick to your beliefs and that it's always possible to change.
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Echo taught me to always be loyal to your friends and that you can grow beyond your trauma.
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Tech taught me to always be who you are, no matter what everyone thinks, and to treasure your knowledge of things.
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Wrecker taught me that it's okay to still have a playful side and to never be afraid of sharing what you love with people.
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Omega taught me that compassion is not a weakness, but a strength and you're never too small or too young to make a difference.
So much of my life has changed in just 3 years because of this group of ragtag Clones and their exciting adventures in a galaxy far, far away. Even now, I don't think I've said everything I want to say...but I know I've said just enough.
Now, the show is coming to an end...and I'm feeling the same sadness I did when I knew the last Hobbit movie was coming out. Because that means the thing that has given me something to look forward to for so long is ending. I've become so emotionally invested in these characters and stories and I feel like I'm saying goodbye to loved ones. I legit don't know what I'm gonna do for a while.
One thing I do know I AM gonna do is I'm not going anywhere in the fandom. Space Mama will be around for a long time to come 😊💜 I've got fics to write and friendships to maintain!
All that's left to say is thank you. Thank you to every single person who have come into my life and will continue to be a part of it. Thank you to Dave Filoni (who I know, at least, started the show and brought the Bad Batch into Clone Wars) Jennifer Corbett, Brad Rau, the Kiner's, Joel Aron and, of course, Michelle Ang and Dee Bradley Baker for bringing this fantastic show to life.
In the words of Hunter: "Change takes getting used to. You'll see. Just give it time." Words we're all going to have to live by.
But also, in his words: "If this is where you want to be, then this is where you'll stay."
This is where I want to be...and this is where I'll stay 💜💜
May the Force be with us all...always 💜
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ultravioletqueen · 8 months ago
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After much reflection I finally said "you know what? Fuck it everything, I'll do my redesigns of the main cast" and here we are! starting with the undeveloped girlfriends.
For Charlie i changed her name to Aradia thanks to discovering the existence of this figure from Italian mythology of the same name, who is the daughter of Lucifer with the goddess Diana, in this mythology she is the mother of witches since she taught women how to use magic to protect themselves from the church and the freer of slaves (one of her favorite offerings was the liberation of these people) and I thought it would be interesting to use this reference character for the new Charlie.
Her personality is still happy and optimistic, but her priority is not the sinners but the hellborns, the reason for the existence of the Hazbin Hotel is to make the population of sinners smaller and the hellborns can recover territory that belongs to them, apart from that she does a lot of charity work for the hellborns, so that although the sinners do not take her seriously, the hellborns have her in high esteem since, unlike the supposed rulers of hell, she does do something to improve their living conditions, tries to protect them from sinners and try to have the slavery of the imps abolished (it's like Padme Amidala from Star Wars).
She treats the sinners more similar to how a veterinarian treats a wild animal, with caution, care, and since it is not your usual animal, a little rejection, but she reminds herself that this is necessary for the hellborns and if she has to bring all the psychologists from the ring of sloth so SO BE IT.
Aradia is not a fan of senseless massacre, her reason for the disgust she has for exterminations is because of the massacre of hellborns also since exorcists do not usually differentiate sinners from hellborns (because let's be honest sometimes you don't know difference at all) and that is why Aradia is looking for a less violent way to solve this problem because 1) she is a diplomat, not a genocidaire and 2) she knows that if she uses violence she would lower herself to the level of exorcists and sinners alike.
As I said, Aradia is optimistic, kind, happy and determined, however she would not allow herself to be trampled on by anyone, much less the scum of sinners.
Now let's focus on Vaggie or in this case Violeta, she was an angel who in an extermination was attacked by a group of cannibals who ate her wings and left her to her fate, she was found by Aradia when she went to Pentagram City to do the damage control.
She was found dying by Aradia who used healing magic to help her even though she knew she was an angel (she still had the uniform and parts of her wings, even though they were bones), at first and for obvious reasons Violet did not trust Aradia, but with Time softened with her when she saw that she REALLY didn't want to hurt her or use her, it even made her reflect on the massacre of the hellborns by showing her the consequences of the exterminations even if it was for the imps and other hellborns (destroyed houses, families innocents dead, chaos and misery, etc).
This made Violeta have her redemption arc helping those born from hell with Aradia, helping her with charity work, rebuilding houses, among others.
This helped them both see that they were not so different, they were both ambitious people who wanted to protect their people (Aradia to the hellborns and Violeta to the winners) and they began to have respect for each other and this respect turned into love.
Violeta is a tough woman, who doesn't take shit from anyone and who has very clear goals, she wants to be able to return to heaven one day but first she wants to redeem herself for the damage she caused to those born from hell, she longs to be able to return to her family but At the same time, she doesn't know if they would accept her after seeing what happened to her, so she is very conflicted.
Violeta does not like sinners at all, but she knows that they are the necessary steps to complete her mission of compensating those born from hell for all the evil she has done to them. She feels responsible even though she does not admit it and hides it with a tough facade.
Violeta is more compassionate than she shows, she always thinks about the well-being of others and in one way or another looks out for the people close to her even if she does it in a semi-tsundere way (but not to a toxic degree, but rather tough love type), she has a great sense of justice and will always fight for the oppressed (this is why she empathize so quickly with the hellborns).
They are the dynamic of sunshine x sunshine protector done well, since although Violeta is very protective of Aradia, she knows that she can handle herself well and that she did not need constant care, just as although Aradia likes that Violeta is independent, she too wants to take care of Violeta, even if it is simpler things like taking her to bed when she is tired (despite being thin she is very strong), preparing her favorite food when she is in a bad mood, treating and disinfecting her wounds even though she insists that She can do it alone, etc. They both take care of each other without suffocating the other.
AAAAAAAHHHHH i love how this turned out!
depsues de mucha reflexión por fin dije "¿sabes que? a la mierda todo, hare mis rediseños del cast principal" ¡y aqui estamos! empezando con las novias no desarrolladas.
a Charlie le cambie el nombre a Aradia gracias a que descubri la existencia de esta figura de la mitlogia italiana del mismo nombre, que es hija de Lucifer con la diosa diana, en esta mitología ella es la madre de las brujas ya que les enseño a las mujeres como usar magia para protegerse de la iglesia y la liberadora de esclavos(una de sus ofrendas favoritas era la liberación de estas personas) y pense que seria interesante usar este personaje de referencia para la nueva charlie.
Su personalidad sigue siendo alegre y optimista, pero su prioridad no son los pecadores sino los hellborns, la razon de la existencia del hazbin hotel es para hacer que la poblacion de pecadores sea menor y los hellborns puedan recuperar territorio que les pertenece, aparte de que hace muchos trabajos de caridad para los hellborns haciendo que si bien los pecadores no la tomen en serio los hellborns la tienen en alta estima ya que a diferencia de los supuestos reyes del infierno ella si hace algo para mejorar sus condiciones de vida y trata de protegerlos de los pecadores y trata de hacer que la exclavitud de los imps sea abolida(es como padme amidala de star wars).
ella trata a los pecadores mas similar a como un veterinario trata a un animal salvaje, osea con precaución, cuidado, y como no es tu animal habitual un poco de rechazo, pero ella se recuerda que esto es necesario por los hellborns y si tiene que traer todos los psicológos del anillo de la pereza pues QUE ASI SEA.
aradia no es fanatica de la masacre sin sentido, su razon por el disgusto que tiene a las exterminaciones es por la masacre de nacidos del infierno tambien ya que los exorcistas no suelen diferenciar a los pecadores de los hellborns(porque seamos honestos a veces no se diferencian en absoluto) y por eso aradia esta buscando una manera menos violenta de resolver este problema porque 1) es una diplomatica, no una genocida y 2) sabe que si usa la violencia se rebajaria al nivel de los exorcistas y los pecadores por igual.
como dije Aradia es optimista, amable, alegre y determinada, sin embargo ella no se dejaria pisotear por nadie, mucho menos la escoria de los pecadores.
ahora enfoquemonos en Vaggie o en este caso Violeta, ella fue un angel que en un exterminio fue atacada por un grupo de canibales que se comieron sus alas y la dejaron a su suerte, fue encontrada por aradia cuando ella fue a pentagram city para hacer el control de daños.
ella fue encontrada moribunda por Aradia que uso magia sanadora para ayudarla aun sabiendo que era un angel(todavia tenia el uniforme y partes de sus alas, aunque sean los huesos), en un inicio y por obvias razones violeta no confiaba en Aradia, pero con el tiempo se fue suavizando con ella al ver que ella REALMENTE no queria lastimarla o usarla, incluso le hizo reflexionar sobre la masacre de los hellborns al mostrarle las consecuencias de los exterminios aunque sea para los imps y otros nacidos del infierno(casas destruidas, familias inocentes muertas, caos y miseria, etc).
esto hizo que Violeta tuviera su arco de redención ayudando a los nacidos del infierno junto a aradia, ayudandola con los trabajos de caridad, reconstrucción de casas, entre otros.
esto ayudo a que ambas vieran que no eran tan diferentes, ambas eran gente ambiciosa que querian proteger a su gente(Aradia a los hellborns y Violeta a los winners) y empezarán a tener respeto la una por la otra y este respeto se volvio amor.
Violeta es una mujer ruda, que no toma mierda de nadie y que tiene metas muy claras, ella desea poder volver al cielo algún dia pero primero quiere redimirse por el daño que causo a los nacidos del infierno, ella ansia poder volver con su familia pero al mismo tiempo no sabe si la aceptarian al ver lo que le paso, por lo que esta muy conflictuada.
Violeta no le agradan los pecadores, para nada, pero sabe que son los escalones necesarios para poder completar su mision de compensar a los nacidos del infierno todo el mal que les ha hecho, ella se siente responsable aunque no lo admita y lo oculte con una fachada de tipa dura.
Violeta es mas compasiva de lo que deja ver, ella siempre piensa que en el bienestar de los demas y de una u otra forma vela por las personas cercanas a ella incluso si lo hace de forma medio tsundere(pero no a un grado toxico, sino tipo amor duro), ella tiene un gran sentido de la justicia y siempre peleara a favor del oprimido(por esto empatizo tan rapido con los nacidos del infierno).
ellas son la dinámica de sunshine x sunshine protector hecho bien, siendo que pese a Violeta es muy protectora con Aradia ella sabe que puede manejarselas bien sola y que no necesitaba cuidado constante, al igual que si bien Aradia le gusta que Violeta sea independiente ella tambien quiere cuidar de Violeta, incluso si son en cosas mas simples como llevarla a la cama cuando esta cansada(pese a ser delgada es muy fuerte), preparar su comida favorita cuando esta de mal humor, tratar y desinfectar sus heridas pese a que insista que puede hacerlo sola, etc, ambas se cuidan la una a la otra sin sofocar a la otra.
¡AAAAAAAHHHHH amo como me quedo esto!
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bikananjarrus · 4 months ago
Hmmmm….im wondering how you feel about hera and maybe Ezra?
jess i love you so much 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 thank u for letting me talk about the blorbos!!!!!!!
let's start with hera 💚
how i feel about this character:
how do i even begin to express how much i love thee hera syndulla. that is my WIFE. i would kill for her. i would die for her. i would let her talk my ear off about piloting. i would cook her dinner (bc i know in my heart she can't cook). but seriously, i just so admire her dedication to the rebel cause, her standing up and fighting so that everyone in the galaxy can be free. the way that she is filled to the brim with hope and the conviction that they will win, they will beat the empire. she just truly embodies having the heart of a rebel, and i love her so so so so sooooo much!
all the people i ship romantically with this character:
kanan kanan kanan. just kanan <3 he's her person <3 i have a hard time picturing her with anyone else (which i explain a bit better here), and i also headcanon hera as demi, so i think this fits with that too.
my non-romantic otp for this character:
so hard to pick just one! but probably ezra. i'm just so so fond of their friendship, and how welcome hera made him feel immediately, and how much he admires her and learns from her. and they both embody that Star Wars Hope and i love them <3
my unpopular opinion about this character:
i've said it before and i'll say it again, but reducing hera down to just the Mom(tm) of the group is really unfair and disrespectful to her character. obviously being a mom becomes an intrinsic part of her once she has jacen, but she's not just a mom. but especially talking about her dynamic with the ghost crew, she's so much more than the mom of the group. she is a founding member of the rebellion! she's the best pilot in the galaxy (yes i am prepared to argue about this)! she and kanan are EQUAL. PARTNERS. her looking out for sabine and ezra is a little different, but when it comes to kanan and zeb, especially, they're two grown men and perfectly capable of taking care of themselves without hera being forced into a box to mom them.
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
i wish we had gotten more of her backstory in rebels. we learn very little about her mom in rebels (they told us more in t*b*b, but still not much). and we know she had a brother, but we don't even know his name. also her relationship with her father is really complicated and i wanted more on that.
(there is also one particular scene in s4 that i'm really not a fan of and i think does a disservice to her character, though that's more on the writing than on her. and the way she was written in the ahsoka show (specifically her role as general) was pretty awful imo. but also, more a writing thing than her fault).
and now ezra 💙
how i feel about this character:
google show results for: how to talk about ezra bridger without bursting into tears
like that is my specialist little guy, and i know that sounds unserious, but i am SO so very serious. like! that's my LITTLE GUY!!!!! i am saying that with my WHOLE CHEST and so much AFFECTION AND LOVE. he is everything to me. my sweet cheese. my short king. expert at casting animal friendship. he is the soul of the ghost crew. and imo, he is one of the few characters who embodies hope and love in the same way that luke skywalker does. i love him more and more every single rewatch and i could spend 500 more hours explaining how much i love him and it still wouldn't be enough.
all the people i ship romantically with this character:
big fan of him and tristan (sabine's brother). don't worry mr. bridger. i saw you babbling and blushing like a lovestruck idiot when you met tristan.
also i think him and luke would be cute (they WOULD bicker constantly about ezra being 2 days older, it would be utterly adorable).
there's probably others, and i'm pretty open with who i would ship him with! so long as it's a boy. you can pry gay ezra from my cold dead hands.
my non-romantic otp for this character:
sabine!!!!!!!! that's his best friend!!!!!!!!!!!! sabine ezra siblingism forever and ever <333
my unpopular opinion about this character:
i don't think this is unpopular among most of the rebels fandom (at least not that i've observed on here, in the circles i'm in) but i KNOW there are swaths of the general sw population that think he's annoying and they can't stand him. and you know what! he IS annoying!!!! want to know why?? because he's a TEENAGE BOY!!!!!!! (same kind of people who call teenage ahsoka annoying). and he's just acting the way teenage boys do! like DUH he's being annoying, we're all annoying at 15! but he is absolutely one of the best star wars characters, he has such an incredible arc, and i will accept NO ezra slander in this house!
also leave his little gunsaber alone. y'all are just jealous that YOUR lightsaber can't also shoot people.
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
hmmm. overall i am so utterly satisfied with his character arc. i do wish we had learned more about his parents.
and EYE would have done his story different from what they did in the ahsoka show. they could've made his time out in wild space so much fucking cooler, they could've done so much more with his force abilities adapting when he doesn't have a lightsaber. ahsoka is such a separate entity in my head from rebels, and his story in rebels is 10/10 amazing spectacular perfect! in the ahsoka show...well. it just could've been so much cooler and more impactful and well :/ we mostly got a nothing burger imo. (eman is great as a live action ezra though!).
also as a treat to me and the shatterpoint lineage, his new lightsaber should've been purple. and he should've had a sick ass space animal companion. he deserves it <3
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lovestuckstarz · 5 months ago
🎯Something Blue: Where it began + HCs🫐
I made this originally on twitter but due to post limitations I wanted to rant here! :D In this, I will be describing where I found Something New, why I ship Killer with Blue but not 100% as big a fan as other ships, and so on and so forth. At the very end I will list my headcanons with them :)
In 2018 on July 25th (my birthday) is the first evidence I have of ever liking this ship. The reason I know of this date is due the the image below made by @/jamesjp-things-blog and how I had a cropped version on roblox (I roleplayed shush) and it was a RP of them LOL
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I believe sometime after, I found the swap vs killer animation and believed that was all and shipped them and RPed them with my ex n roblox because yeah cringe! Here is the old Killerberry ship kid I made for archive purposes (shes so ugly) + the where it started wall
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Moving on! I don't exactly remember where my ideas for the ship went as in 2018 is when I left the fandom space of undertale and bullied myself out of it since Underswap was my favorite and I love all versions of swap and that was around the time the fandom hated those people
In april of 2024 (hey this year!) I decided that hating something I love with every fiber in my being was dumb so gradually came back. I started off embracing my old love for Nightberry (fan since 2016) and Horrorberry (I do not remember), two other ships i loved in the old days
Thats when I became good friends with Mae (hi) and they started talking about their AU and story and my little worm self talked about Horrorberry, Dustberry, and Nightberry but just ignored Killerberry as I forgot my love for it. IDRM what exactly was said but yeah
Then Mae showed me something. The start of the Killer VS Swap comic. I only knew the animation and NONE of this was in it. (Credit to rahaf) Seeing this changed my whole view on them, but it continues.
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The part the hit me the most was when Blue was upset he couldn't save Killer despite the fact he nearly killed the guy which opened me to the world of toxic yaoi /silly. Jokes aside, it showed me how well and under looked these characters are together.
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But why them? Well answer is: Every instance of them together while negative is only negative on Killer's behalf. Color had negative moments with Killer even if it got positive could end up being a nightingale syndrome scenario and how I see Blue and Killer strays far from this, NM is NM and Dream while he did feel positivity from Killer, Dreams motives just makes the ship feel icky to me but no hate! Outer is just a crack ship and I can't see it at all LOL (Dust and Horror I only ship for toxic yaoi I'll just out that here)
Blue on the other hand's motive is to help him, to change him to for the better even if he nearly died trying. He isn't degrading Killer, he isn't doing it for a questionably moral motive, he KNOWS if Killer tries he can be good. I believe if he learned what will be talked about below, he'd stop trying to """fix""" him but more so help him understand himself and his stages to be able to have a healthy relationship with himself.
Do I think Killer can be good? Not really, he doesn't concider himself a sans anymore so if he were to become fully himself again, I don't think that would do him good mentally. His soul is at a ever constant war with chara as shown here.
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I think Killer is appreciates Blue trying to help and more upset by means and the fact it didn't work. In the comics, Blue tried the hardest but also the most back to back to help Killer which just annoyed him most likely but despite him causing the pain to himself, he hates it. I feel like this is further proven on how Blue is one of the people he mentions when talking to Nightmare and how you can still see Blue smile.
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Also, it could be argued that Killer only really escalated things because Blue took him to see the stars, one thing Killer doesn't like nor feel comfortable around them. The one they're looking at doesn't help either.
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Heres some more little things Rahaf has done with the two that fuel my love for them and their relationship!
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For the name: Just something new + blue's name LOL also a wedding term so its even gayer
Now for the headcanons!
☆ Killer found a new appreciation for the stars because of Blue loving space
𖣠 Killer was forced to apologize for escalating fights (NM had made Killer stop similar in Killer VS the Star Sans' and didn't have him kill Dream)
☆ Killer got blue a new scarf
𖣠 Killer thinks Blue is the strongest Star Sans due to surviving him, having to get rid of Blue's magic to even win
☆ Paps and Chara don't like Killer so they keep it hidden, also to protect Blue from NM
𖣠 Killer keeps Blue's old one because hes weird and its like a trophy
☆ Killer thought being mean would get blue to leave and stop so kept being a jerk
𖣠 Killer didn't trust Blue around his cats bc trauma but when he caught wind Killer had cats absolutely spoiled them with treats and toys
☆ They have a lot of "Why do you care" talks
𖣠 Killer has said "You're my favorite star out of all the ones you've shown me"
☆ Blue 100% got giddy from that
𖣠 Killer is very touchy physically to make sure Blue is real + just a flirt
☆ Blue isn't use to it but makes him smile
𖣠 Blue confessed first on accident
☆ Said something like "I wish you could fully feel so you could love me too" and then was like "Oh stars I'm sorry!"
𖣠 Killer probably just laughed and said something like "I wouldn't mind that being my first feeling if we can get this solved."
☆ Killer made the first move
𖣠 Killer has bought him awful aprons saying stuff like "Spooning leads to forking"
☆ Killer likes testing Blue's alcohol tolerance
𖣠 Due to Killer trying to maintain his soul around Blue, hes actually more dangerous due to repression so if NM finds out about them, makes them not allowed to be alone for Blue's safety
☆ "If I ever get to stage three or four around you, please kill me." "You know I can't do that."
𖣠 Blue gets super happy everytime he sees killer's soul in stage 1 especially when more frequent because that means improvement
☆ Blue plans dates every weekend
𖣠 Oh yah why NM doesn't kill Blue is bc I HC them as friends since they both deal with idiots plus errormare LOL
☆ He also plans relaxation time after hard mission Killer has to do
𖣠 Had a "I'm... not a real person. I thought... haven't we... is this not how it works?" talk (I love SU referencing them)
☆ Since my blue is a mixture of all swap versions, when Blue has a bit of a ""yanberry"" moment Killers just like "Oh thats hot"
𖣠 If Blues universe were to reset Killer might have a Dust moment with Chara
☆ Blue rambles a lot to Killer
𖣠 He doesn't mind since it keeps him knowing Blue is real and distracts him from Chara ghosty
☆ If Killer were to "die", everyone would reassure Blue he'd just reset and come back SU style
𖣠 If he doesn't, Blue would talk to Reaper asking when Killer would be back and alive who'd say "It doesnt work that way, kid" if Killer chose to actually rest (I forgot what comic I saw that gave this idea)
☆ Blue still has PTSD from their fight so hates knives if held by Killer
𖣠 Blue goes to Killer when its storming
☆ Blue teaches Killer how to dance
𖣠 Killer's hallucination of Blue consists of a bloody eye powerless eye, tear eyed, and bloody in general
☆ Killer was Blue's first partner and kiss
𖣠 Same cannot be said for Killer but def is most healthy
☆ No one on really supports their relationship but thats because of Killer
𖣠 Blue will standup for Killer but no one really is scared of him, more so of killer whos behind him
☆ Blue has patched up Killer's jacket / sweater many times
𖣠 Just doomed yaoi by definition sorry
☆ Blue goes to Killer if dealing with Dream and Ink has gotten too much and vise versa with the three idiots (cross being the third) and NM
𖣠 Sit in comfortable silence together, occasionally checking in on one another
☆ Killer took Blue to see the stars despite his distaste since he felt bad for beating his ass after that
𖣠 "If you ever miss me, just look at the stars. Only a universe away" - Killer
☆ If they were to have a kid, Killer would be an amazing dad but think he's terrible
𖣠 I like to think that even after Blue and Killer's fight that even if Blue's magic is okay in his eye, his rib is still missing and unhealed and he's partially blind in that eye causing the magic to be a lighter blue
☆ This started from my Dustberry headcanons that sort of just trickled but I feel like he shows care about things Dust and Killer see, AKA Paps and Chara and often ask if they would like anything specific for dinner and try to converse with them even if he cant see or hear them
𖣠 Killer would probably think its super weird but probably get jealous if he lets Dust get that treatment (I needed to add my badsans poly + swap (and saejun + epic but thats a rant for another day) some where)
☆ I don't think they'd be the perfect relationship don't get me wrong, I feel like Killer would constantly try to break it off in some way for some normalcy but I feel like Blue is grounded enough to know this and understand this and knows if he just ups and walks he'd only be hurting Killer more
𖣠 Now this doesn't mean he is a doormat, he'll scold Killer but thats for after
☆ For angst purposes, I like the thought that Killer got hurt because of Blue trying to get Nightmare to ease the work load and what not and since he's NM's right hand man that didn't really fly by
𖣠 Despite Blue's positivity and how he views himself, because I HC him with HPD or histrionic personality disorder, he has a low view on himself away from others and I feel like Killer would try to help him during all those times as a way to pay Blue back for all the effort he has given to help Killer
☆ Since I HC Blue doesn't remember resets and the younger brother, I like to think that Killer introduced him fully to this talk, Stretch probably tried before but just thought it was nightmares
𖣠 I feel like Blue would try and make Killer sweets only to find out he doesn't really like em due to everything LOL
☆ I also HC Killer to cough DT a lot so Blue keeps a spare little handkerchief on him to wipe Killer's mouth
𖣠 I like to think Blue really looks up to Dream and Ink but they semi push him away as he's a mortal so Killer has those "Who needs em" talks and probably realizes he's semi codependent on them as he is to Nightmare but not in the same life depends on it way
☆ Also when theyre hiding their relationship I like to think that they'd run off during battles like the freaks they are
𖣠 Soley based on a RP with Mae but Blue calling Killer, Kiki and Killer calling Blue, Iris is my ride or die oh my stars
☆ Because Killer doesn't talk too much in the canon events of Something New, I feel as if the more Killer talks to Blue is another indicator to Blue about change and that makes me smile (Ignore how Killer talked a bit in their fight it just proves Killer fought him out of love /silly)
𖣠 I feel as if my Blue had a Blueberror moment, Killer and him would bond a lot due to similar feelings of not being good enough + both kinda chill in an antivoid space and yeah I probably have a ton more I can pull out of my ass but I am tired sooooooooo
Heres their playlist I update religiously:
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starfleetshrimps · 2 months ago
Star Trek ask game 2 & 11! 🖖
2) Least favorite ep?
oooooohhhuuuugghhhhh i actually really do not like 'Meridian' mostly because its sort of boring and I think it horribly mischaracterizes an already overlooked character (jadzia). like she would not leave her whole life for a lukewarm man she met less than a week ago. what the fuck are you talking about. and sisko is just fine with this? no. ew. im sure theres an episode I like less but this is what came to mine
11) song i associate with a character:
i was HOPING i would be able to answer this one! I've said it before and I'll say it again Chris Pureka's Eternal November is SOOOOOOO Garak/ASIT and I will be going over some choice lyrics here (the whole song im going over the whole song)
Dry the flowers, file the sheet-music, save me for the fire
"dry the flowers" (file the sheet-music)--Garak giving up gardening, his connection to Tolan when he was forced into exile. He also gave up his job orchestrating shit in the order.
'the fire'=the Fire (Cardassias razing) AND ALSO the war leading up to it.
I spent the day forgetting the dream that woke me up
look i can't explain this one without fully learning to animate. but if you get it you get it
The garden is empty and I still remember why I'm so reluctant to start it again
eternal November shines through the marrow of me
okay so this is to me. garak saying that he is always cold. and also a callback to that one lie he told in the wire where hes like 'i was cold' and so i let them go' and then hes always cold on ds9 and then also on post-cacon cardassia bc its been fucked and hes lonely. also cold=lonely.
I never was a very good fighter they started me young
You always were the very best lover that I couldn't love
(@ bashir obvs)
The years they will make you a pretty good runner, yeah I've been running around all of this time
this also seems self explanatory but like you know. hes been exiled, and hes been avoiding everything he can't deal with (i.e. feelings, for bashir and for cardassia and about tain, and mila, and palandine, and parmak. jesus is there anyone in this mans life he doesnt have angst about christ alive)
Shot in the dark, down in the shadows waiting for when, yeah just waiting for when the coast is clear...
Hes waiting for when he can go home to cardassia again. i have more feelings on these lines but if i tried to type them id go blind
You were running around so you'd never remember this fear lights a fire under you And all you leave behind are the smoke and the ashes a trail of grey and blue...
now THIS i feel is bashir talking to garak. telling him hes running around (here that means avoiding everything i mentioned before) and then. like you know. grey and blue. like garak.
Blame me dear for any disaster,
again hes talking to bashir here. this feels like when he keeps lying to julian telling him hes worse than he really is so that bashir will leave him alone/think he deserves what he's getting (most notably in the wire but he NEVER STOPS DOING THISSSS)
oh how the kerosene ran dry and we made our bed in that familiar graveyard between the sternum and the spine
This is garak sleeping in the wreckage of cardassia (Tolan's shed) and making those stone monuments that he was mostly doing for enrichment in his enclosure but them were coopted to be memorials
Oh darling I think that all of the answers went south on the backs of those grey winged birds or slipped through our finger
while we were sleepin
So stick with me here. I think this is Garak losing sight of all of his secrets, and I also think its him acccepting that he will never know all of tain's. because really, tain never told him everything--I think after the Fire hes coming to terms with the fact that he doesnt have the answers that actually fix anything. all his spying and information wont really help him at all anymore.
waiting for when, yeah just waiting for when the coast is clear...
Along the way the light is the medicine
now this has two meanings: number one garak misses the sun, warmth, light--its medicinal for him. AND. the only thing he had to look forward to (the only thing giving his life any light at all) was a one smug sanctimonious face. (the light is the medicine) (bashir is medicine) (it is a REACH and i have reached it)
along the way we search for the sun to call us down the dark corridor back into the world...
searching for the sun on cardassia; dark corridor=his exile, the war, etc,
back into the world=he is returned to cardassia, his homeworld.
as soon as I learn how to make animatics its over for you bitches
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kimium · 22 days ago
9 Novels that shaped my personality
I was tagged in this post HERE by my dear friend @m34gs!! Thank you so much for this tag! I'm really excited to do this one!
However, before I start I'm laying down ground rules:
Only novels on this list. No manga. Maybe later I'll do a manga one for fun.
These are all my opinion. I'm not here to say they're the best books in the world. Don't like them? I don't care. I don't want to hear it.
I'm adding explanations to all of these.
None of these are in any "best book" order.
Let's get started! Rest is under a cut because this will be long.
We start with the most obvious book choice, at least to those who know me in real life, Alice in Wonderland. It's only now as an adult I realize how much of this book has shaped my overall likes in media.
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
The first and most obvious point: this book is an isekai and more specifically the more old fashioned one. Modern day audiences most likely automatically think of anime/manga and series like SAO that have either game mechanics, male power fantasies, and harems.
However, Alice in Wonderland's main selling point is the world Alice is teleported to. It's the setting and characters within Wonderland that have captured imaginations and hearts for decades, not necessarily Alice the character. Yes, she's important, but the fantasy comes from exploring a new, nonsensical world. There is a bit of danger but nothing to suggest Alice will be seriously harmed.
When I look to other media I adore such as Spirited Away (Studio Ghibli) or the Digimon franchise (specifically Adventure) I see the strong thread of common likes that links everything together. Truly, this book is probably the one that shaped me the most
Moving along, we get to Inkheart, which is my favourite book in the Trilogy. I cannot begin to tell you how obsessed with this book I was as a child. I think this book is my most read childhood book ever.
2. Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
The main draw of this book to me is the magical ability Mo, the father, has. Who hasn't imagined the ability to speak to your favourite characters or take items from our favourite books?
Yet, what this series does is throw an existential crisis into the mix but frame it for children. The problem Dustfinger and other characters read out of their stories is a complex one, but it's never written in a way that talks over or down to a child.
That's why this story resonates with me and to this day. This is probably why I'm such a huge fan of series with magic but with consequences or drawbacks.
3. The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud
The part of this book that influenced me is how, when I was a child, it introduced the use of footnotes in novels. Bartimaeus's internal commentary being shoved into the footnotes was a brilliant move on the writer. It made child me feel very smart when I knew to follow the footnote even if I was reading in the middle of the page.
Also, the internal commentary is hilarious. It also holds up. I reread this book over the summer and still found myself drawn to Bartimaeus's personality and character.
This series truly is fun and in a way it's magical Britain Kuroshitsuji because Nathaniel has so many similarities to Ciel it isn't even funny.
I wrote the first book's title because that's the one everyone knows, but truly my favourite book in this series is the second book, Eldest.
4. Eragon (+series) by Christopher Paolini
As an adult I now see that this series truly is magical middle earth Star Wars and has a bunch of cliches and tropes lifted from the first Trilogy. Also, some lifted from LOTR, but I digress because teenage me didn't know that. This is because teenage me (and me of today) still hasn't watched the original Star Wars trilogy. Hold your shocked gasps and fainting.
Anyways, the reason this book series is on the list is because of the second book: Eldest. What I love the best about this book is how we shifted to following Eragon's cousin, Roran. This was the first time as a reader I'd ever experienced a true "outsider's POV". I still remember how excited I was when the book finally caught up to Eragon and we could see in Roran's perspective the character his cousin was slowly changing to.
This is probably why some of my current favourite media such as Anohana or The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle resonate so strongly in me. I'm a big sucker for stories that have multiple perspectives that weave together it seems.
5. What Happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum Ucci
To this day, out of all the books on this list, I think about this one the most. The main idea of "floating angels" or supernatural angelic beings that go around on earth helping humans out has stuck in my brain for decades.
What I love most about the idea is the book never outright states if Lani truly was an angel. That ambiguity fascinates me because I think about how regardless if I think Lani is an angel or not, the book's core message is kindness. It urges us to be kind and help others out. To always try to lend a helping hand. To include regardless of differences. That's the kind of world the book calls us to foster and one I hope I can create.
I don't like historical fiction books. However, this book is an exception. I think the reason why I like this book so much is while it's set in one of the most pivotal moments of human history, there is a message of hope.
6. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
I also like how it highlights just how important books and human literature is for us as a society. And as someone who loves reading, this naturally resonated with young me.
It's hard for me to pinpoint why I like this book so much. I think it's because it's such a strong character driven story. I remember being captivated by this book and rereading it several times.
7. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
The book having strong Japanese cultural roots and a glimpse into its history is a fact that doesn't hurt it. Clearly, as an anime lover, I'd be drawn to a book with Japan as the setting.
I also think this book was one of my first real "adult" books I ever read on my own after I graduated high school. That made me feel grown up and mature for sure.
And again, clearly I'm a big character driven person when it comes to picking out stories.
8. The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
I didn't read this series until later in life, but that doesn't mean it wasn't impactful. What this series did for me above all the others was it influenced my style of writing. Out of the many things I adore about this series I love the witty humour and how the character dialogue/interactions are written.
The story is also great and I am in love with how magic is implemented into the series. Again, as I said before, I'm a big sucker for stories with consequences to their magic.
9. Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Yeah, I know, not a shocking pick. By far this book is my most recent favourite book.
What I love about this book is how human both Achilles and Patroclus are. I am always a sucker for doomed gay loves (see me screaming about Madoka Magica all the time).
But more importantly the way the tragedy was written has rewired my brain chemistry. There are lines in this book that haunt me all the time. I cannot get them out of my mind. I cannot stop wanting to scream about how perfect this story tells Achilles and Patroclus's love.
There is a reason why people take lines from this book and put it over their favourite doomed gay ships. (Looking at you, Satosugu.)
And there you have it! My top nine stories that shaped my personality! I hope you all like this list. I'm tagged @shreedle @someobscurereference and @a-little-harmed-shinra! Have fun friends if you want to do this!
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stars-n-spice · 11 months ago
So, this is it, huh?
I figured the least I could do was write something down before shit goes down because I know after tomorrow I don't think I'll be emotionally available to do or say much about the show and what it and the fanbase means to me.
The last few days, my mind has been a whirlwind of emotions and I don't think I've ever really suspended my disbelief since it was announced that this would be the last season.
I felt like Po honestly, in Kung Fu Panda 2, when he's like "But I just got Kung Fu!" when they're talking about Lord Shen making that weapon that straight-up kills people who practice Kung Fu (I'm going somewhere with this just bear with me-) because I'm fairly new to the animated shows of Star Wars fandom and didn't start hyperfixating on Bad Batch until midway through Season 2 while those episodes were still releasing.
So when they announced that the 3rd season was the final season I was devastated. "What do you mean no more Bad Batch? I just got Bad Batch!" - I didn't want to believe it.
But here we are. Final season. Final episode.
I can't describe how the obsession started. It just did.
When the first season was coming out, I was still on Season 6 of TCW, so I got into it a little late. Then when it was over I immediately jumped into watching Rebels and became utterly obsessed with that show while Bad Batch just stayed, "Oh, neat show I watched."
Then the second season came out. I don't know how or when or why but suddenly something just went off in my brain and I became obsessed. I became attached. I fell in love with Wrecker in a way that I've never once felt or experienced towards any other fictional character, or person for that matter. I grew to understand Crosshair on a deeper level that made my heart ache for him and made me reflect on my own past and choices. Echo became a comfort character and an anchor in my life in where he's the first thing I think of when I'm down to put myself in a better mood. Suddenly I was ready to give Omega the universe and everything good in it. Tech became a lifelife (ironically) a hope that despite how I am and who I am, I'm capable of loving and being loved. And recently I've become so incredibly attached to Hunter because as the oldest child of five as well, I know that crushing weight of responsibility. Of failing your siblings. Of trying to be better.
This squad. This family. Cheesy as it is, I can't describe what they mean to me but Force, I'll try.
Recently I've been wondering why I'm so attached to this show and these characters. Jokingly, part of it is yes, the Bad Batch are lovely to look at and that does play a role in why I enjoy watching the show so much, but that's not completely it.
I think I speak for a lot of us fans when I say that I didn't fit in as a kid. I still don't even as an 'adult.' Look, I'm a biracial guy from two VERY different cultures that don't feel like home to me. On top of that, half of the time I don't know how to identify myself in gender and sexuality because I don't feel either most of the time. I'm introverted. I have anxiety. I probably have autism. I'm a burnt-out former gifted kid. I quite simply don't fit in.
"No, I'll stay. You guys don't fit in here either."
That? Yeah.
This show is for all those kids. Everyone who never fit in. Everyone who was told they were strange or weird, for the kids who ate glue in the back of the classroom, who were told they were too loud, who were put down because they didn't express emotion a certain way, for the kids who sat alone at lunch, who got left behind in their friend groups, for the kids who felt like they had no one so turned to harmful things, for the kids who were told they were special only to be discarded later in life, for the kids who don't know their place, don't know where they fit in and if they even do or ever will.
It's a show that tells those kids you're more than that. You're worth it. You're worth loving. You're worth protecting. You're worth the second chance. You're worth being loyal to. You're worth teaching. You're worth forgiving. You're worth it. You're worth it. You're worth it.
In the end there's hope for us. There's hope for all of us. And I think that's why I cling to tightly to this show. Why it means so much to me. Why I so desperately need these characters to make it out alive.
It's what Star Wars was from the start. About hope. About family. About loving and being loved and learning to love despite your circumstances. It's a show that took a bunch of neurodivergent absolute daddies and packed in so much angst but also feel-good moments with stunning animation, beautiful, moving music, and phenomenal voice acting. It's a show I can't help but love and love immensely because it feels like it was written for me.
For that kid who spent their recesses with their nose buried in an animal encyclopedia or talking to imaginary characters from their favorite books. For that kid who always felt so utterly useless and hopeless whenever they got less than an A- for a grade because they were supposed to be the gifted one. For the kid who struggled so much to be the older sibling they never asked to be. For the kid who just wants to find someone, anyone, who will love them as they are and fight for them. For the kid who valued loyalty above all else, always has, always will, and never gets it in return. For the kid who never fit in.
And well, whatever happens in the finale, I'm so grateful, so blessed, and so honored to have been a part of this journey with all of you.
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the-kr8tor · 5 months ago
More Spider-Punk and Loki Variant! R, anyone???
– You like to shapeshift quite a lot, your favorite forms being animals. Hobìe doesn't think it's entirely good for his heart, especially when you like to turn into such adorable animals. (The time you'd turned into a bunny, he'd practically had a heart attack. He had held you close to his chest and played with your floppy ears as he cooed. You didn't hate the smothering as much as you claimed you did.)
– There are times when you transform into not so cute animals, though. It would give him a good scare at first until you nuzzled against him, then he'd know it was you. (There was that time you turned into a snake. Then, the time you turned into a baby alligator. Hobie had jumped onto the ceiling while screaming for help both times and refused to get down until you'd turn back to calm him down. "It's just me, Hobes! I'm sorry!", you said while failing to hide the chortles of laughter. "I love you, but you're an ass sometimes, lovie.")
– Sometimes, you bring him with you when you need to check in on Asgard. His chest swells with pride to see how fair and kind of a leader you are for your people, his love for you growing tenfold when he sees that you've let orphaned children live in your palace until they found homes. Since you rule the realm now that your corrupt father is no longer in control, your people like to refer to Hobie as "hilmir" (Which means prince/protector) Hobie would look at them crazy and peer at you for explanation. You'd just shrug and say they've gone mad since the rebellion, a smirk on your lips. ("....I'm gonna have Miles look it up." "My love, I assure you, it is nothing you need to worry your pretty head about. It's trivial!" ".... Better yet, I'll just go ask Lyla-" "Hobie!")
– There are times when running a kingdom is too much, especially a kingdom that's still recovering from war. Some days, when Hobie is there in the palace with you, you both go into a room hidden among the walls. A place you've always used as a hideaway for as long as you can remember. You lay your head on his chest and breathe in his scent, the tension in your body practically leaving as he tenderly trails his knuckles along your spine. He'll hum a tune he wrote just for you as you melt into his embrace, his beauty that fell from the stars. ("I never wanted to rule...", you mumble against his chest as tears sting your eyes. "It was always supposed to be Thor, that big oaf... I miss him..." "I know, sweetheart", he coos as his thumb brushes the tears that drip down your cheek.)
– One time, Hobie tries to get you to teach him magic. Excited that he's interested in learning from you, you agree and start training him in the ways of the mystic arts just as your mother had trained you. You have to bite your lip to keep from laughing when he accidentally makes an explosion of colors splash onto his face, which is now a purple hue. ("You got a little... thing right here." You say quietly while pointing to his face, lips trembling as you hold back your chuckles. "No shit, love. Can you fix it?" "I told you to visualize your favorite color in a ball and make it glow a tiny bit brighter. What happened?" "I like 'em all, what can I say?")
– When Miles, Gwen, Pav, and Margo come over, Hobie is too excited to show off what you taught him. He tries to shapeshift into a cat, only for just a pair of fluffy ears to poof onto his head in a cloud of shimmering red smoke. The sight makes them all laugh, Hobie scoffing and waving them away. ("Oi. At least I can do that much. I don't see none of you lot makin' cat ears, huh?" He says with a triumphant smirk, only to click his tongue when you smirk at him and turn into a giant hyena. Your barking laughter almost sounding like a real laugh. "Show off," Hobie grumbles before he and the kids clamor on top of your belly, nuzzling into your warm fur.)
The second I read that r likes to shapeshift into animals this part in thor ragnarok popped up in my head 🤣🤣
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I giggled when I read the second part 🤭
Hilmir 🥹🥹😭😭 that's so freaking sweet 😭
Aww them hiding away from everyone while Hobie comforts r 🥹
BAHAHAHHAHAHHA i love that he's trying to learn magic!! The way that i imagined the magic orb splashing on his face like nickelodeon slime 🤣
Bro lost some aura points there (or so the kids say these days 😂)
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judethebrood · 2 years ago
When Paris said "If we had a daughter, I'd watch and could not save her. The emotional torture, from the head of your high table. She'd do what you taught her, she'd meet the same cruel fate".
When Hozier said "When my time comes around, lay me gently in the cold dark earth. No grave can hold my body down. I'll crawl home to her".
When Florence said "Then bow your head in the house of God. Little girl, who do you think you are? You think you need it, you think you want love. You wouldn't want it if you knew what it was".
When Lana said "Is it me, was I wrong to have trusted you? Did I see what I wanted, what wasn't true? Was I wrong to go on like a little fool? It's amazing what women in love will do".
When Marina said "Started in the strangest way. Didn't see it coming, swept up in your hurricane. Wouldn't give it up for nothing. Now I'm all caught up in the highs and the lows. It's a shock to my system. I don't wanna run away so I stay. My head gets messy when I try to hide the things I love about you in my mind. I don't really know a lot about love".
When Morrisey said "And if a double-decker bus crashes into us, to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die. And if a ten ton truck kills the both of us, to die by your side, well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine".
When Stevie and Lindsey said "Love somebody save their soul. Tie them to your heaven erase their hell. Love their lifestyle if you feel it. Don't try to change them you never will. Sunflowers and your face fascinate me. You go into the dusty pink day. I come a calling unto you, but you run. You're the winner. Long distance winner. You're the winner. Long distance winner".
When Kate said "And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God, and I'd get him to swap our places. Be runnin' up that road. Be runnin' up that hill. Be runnin' up that building. Say, if I only could".
When Joni said "The last time I saw Richard was Detroit in 68. And he told me, "All romantics meet the same fate. Some day, cynical and drunk and boring. Someone in some dark cafe" "You laugh", he said, "You think you're immune? Go look at your eyes, they're full of moon. You like roses and kisses and pretty men to tell you all those pretty lies, pretty lies. When you gonna realise they're only pretty lies? Only pretty lies, just pretty lies".
When Bob said "She said, "Where ya been?" I said, "No place special" She said, "You look different." I said, "Well, I guess" She said, "You been gone." I said, "That's only natural" She said, "You gonna stay?" I said, "If you want me to, yes".
When Mitski said "You're growing tired of me. You love me so hard and I still can't sleep. You're growing tired of me, and all the things I don't talk about. Sorry, I don't want your touch. It's not that I don't want you. Sorry, I can't take your touch. It's just that I fell in love with a war. Nobody told me it ended. And it left a pearl in my head, and I roll it around every night. Just to watch it glow. Every night, baby, that's where I go".
When Glass animals said "Bye bye baby blue. I wish you could see the wicked truth. Caught up in a rush, it's killing you. Screaming at the sun, you blow into. Curled up in a grip when we were us. Fingers in a fist like you might run. I settle for a ghost I never knew. Superparadise I held on to, but I settle for a ghost".
When the Killers said "They say the devil's water, it ain't so sweet. You don't have to drink right now, but you can dip your feet, every once in a little while. You sit there in your heartache, waiting on some beautiful boy to. To save you from your old ways. You play forgiveness. Watch it now, here he comes. He doesn't look a thing like Jesus, but he talks like a gentlemen, like you imagined when you were young. When you were young".
When Radiohead said "You are the sun and moon and stars are you. And I could never run away from you. You try at working out chaotic things. And why should I believe myself, not you? It's like the world is gonna end so soon. And why should I believe myself? You, me and everything, caught in the fire. I can see me drowning, caught in the fire. You, me and everything, caught in the fireI can see me drowning, caught in the fire".
Yeah. That.
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l0nestarr3d · 8 months ago
Hello! It seems as though you love Texas, so may I request some hc's for him? :D
*not forcing ofc !! <3*
sorry if these ain't all that good... :'(
HEIGHT: 6'5"
HAIR TYPE, STYLE, & COLOR: Curly (3a), manbun with the length as to his mid-back, and the color is eclipse (#311C17)!
SKIN COLOR: Limed Oak (#B7865C)
EYE COLOR: Silver Sand (#BFC1C2)
MARKINGS: Scars from wars and his work, a little star-shaped birthmark on his left palm
He has sharp lil' canines too. (my thought process is just *nom*)
Man speaks Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, and German.
Severely dehydrated like the grass here in summer
He can play all guitars (he finds the harp guitar interesting,) the fiddle, and the banjo.
I haven't decided for him to be AAA (Aromantic, Asexual, Agender) or transmasc and gay as fuck. i like both help
He will start crying if met with bro country and pop country. That shit sucks ass. He'd rather not listen to electronic songs yappin' about women shakin' it, guns, beer, and trucks.
He's Tejano (Texan with traces to Texas before statehood like Mexican Texas) and also Native American (for his name)
Basically call him Snow White since the animals love him.
WILL jump at gunshots/sounds at glass breaking.
Insecure about his accomplishments because he's always second in what he does.
Oh yeah, he has the 'tisms and ADHD. Both are undiagnosed. He also hates people despite putting up a extroverted persona.
Nearly blind in an eye due to Mexico (Battle of the Alamo)
Almost always sick in some sort of way due to the disasters. He eventually got used to it but it makes him feel like shit.
He most often than not works himself nearly to death.
He got his hat as a gift from a human best friend (or something more..?). However, said friend died to tuberculosis. (A happy part: He reads the message in the hat which reads "You Are A Divine Angel Sent From Above, My Dear LONE STAR. <3" whenever he feels down. His friend was like the ethereal spring days to him.)
Also, if given the chance to, he'll assert dominance by sitting on chairs like this. He loves to do it, by the way.
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contentloadingandstuff · 2 years ago
On Wings of Freedom - Barbara x Male!Reader
CW: Male!Reader, Barbara is either adult or reader is around her age, not proofread, awful poetry (poetry is hard, especially in a foreign language 😭but I tried okay?).
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You inspect the lyre for the seventh time. Everything seems in order, but your mind restlessly seeks faults. Anything to improve, anything to correct - do any act of final preparation. The audience claps and your fellow poet bows, humming in satisfaction. He walks off of the stage, patting you on the shoulder on his way out. 
"Break a leg, my friend. Good luck." He stops for a brief moment and smiles kindly. 
"Thanks…" It's all your throat, tight with stress, can let out. The bard leaves and you step on the stage slowly, holding your breath. The tavern goers look at you with restrained curiosity, understanding of your stage fright in their expectation. Guests on the second floor lean against the railing, their gazes fixed on you as well. You focus on the end of the hall, spotting a familiar, teal-clad musician. Venti winks at you and holds his thumb up. You smile at his cheering, and shift your attention to one particular visitor. You might be in the spotlight for the majority of Angel's Share, but for you the true star is she. Barbara sips her Jueyun Chilli brew, eyes focused on you. 
You clear your throat and take a deep breath. The string of your instrument are moved with practiced ease by your slender digits, accompanying your trained voice. 
Within the world there live a man Born from but a minor clan With a lyre in hand and a dream in mind He roamed the world, singing for his kind Onto a meadow one day he came Searching for a muse to lift his spirits A woman he found, of a beautiful name Her radiance unshown by mortal lyrics On Wings of Freedom we will soar Through all the skies of new and old Before us sun, behind a dragon’s roar  Only through song my love is told Her voice as soft as gentlest flax She held my heart dead in its tracks Her porcelain skin, so white and kind Yet the greatest treasure is her mind For a shed of her affection's grace For a brush of her gentle hand My shield will hold the deadliest mace My hands all my care to her will lend On Wings of Freedom we will soar  Hand in hand, our hearts of gold We'll power through the deadliest war Only through song their love is told So I stand here, on the shore Above the heavenly highs, below the abyss' roar With an inquiry I end this score I ask for a word - just one, and not more
The tavern fills with the sound of clapping and cheering. You bow slightly, your eyes never leaving hers. Barbara is blushing slightly, her quick claps sounding out as the loudest. 
"That was Y/N of Springvale with the song Wings of Freedom. Bravo for him!" 
The crowd is further animated, the sound of whistling and encouragement nearly deafening. You smile broadly, bowing time and time again. 
"Thank you, thank you!" 
Waving your hand, you make your way off the stage, making space for Six-Fingered José. 
"Good luck." You say, but he doesn't answer, sending you a thankful nod instead. 
The speaker starts announcing your subsequent, but you don't listen. Your attention is focused on Barbara, who stands up from her seat, leaving Lumine with only Paimon as company. She motions for you to follow and turns to leave the establishment. For her safety, you leave through the back door. As you close the door behind you, José's performance begins. 
You circle around the tavern to find Barbara next to the outside tables. She rocks up and down on her feet, her hands behind her back and a deep crimson on her face. Her eyes are glued to the floor, occasionally glancing up at the approaching you. You stop in front of her. You awkwardly smile at her, rubbing your forearm. 
"Y-yes, Y/N…" She speaks quietly, so much so that it's barely audible. Your heart speeds up. "I love you as well. I'll date you!" 
You can't resist the urge. Smiling like never before you grab a hold of her and pull her into a bone crushing embrace. She squeals in surprise and giggles as you lift her up and spin her around. 
"I love you Barbara, I love you so much! I'm so happy!" You stop. Both of you stare into each other's eyes for a solid second, before you blush and avert your eyes. You set her down, rubbing the back of your head. 
"S-sorry, Barbs. I didn't mean to-" Before you can finish, she places a peck on your cheek. 
"I would have done just the same thing if I were you, hehe!" 
You stand there in silence, either of you too excited to know what to do next. Barbara, still blushing heavily, gently put your hand in hers. 
"How about we go to Cat's Tail, hm? My treat! Your throat must be so tired after such a stunning performance, I'm sure of it! Diona will probably be happy to make something non-alcoholic for a change as well, I can tell! So what do you say?" 
You grab her other hand and place a quick kiss on her forehead. 
"Let's go!" 
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Thanks for reading!
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