#I'll be back eventually 🗣️
blue-razzslushie · 2 months
Hey gang!!
so I'm deciding to take a small break from posting or being active on this account. Mental health kinda cut back on my motivation to ensure I'm posting all the time, and making drawings etc etc. And to be honest the community isn't the best at the moment, doesn't feel all that welcoming. Not to mention I'm kinda fixating on something else at the moment so that also adds to my nonexistent motivation to post.
I'm not exactly a important/ big person in the fandom so I doubt I'll be missed too badly, But just wanted to update cuz I've been radio silent!!
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shuenkio · 3 months
Admire not from afar | Enha Hyung line
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Paring: hyung-line x male!reader
Genre: Suggestive.
Cw: swearing, fantasize.
Pov: Co-workers having obsession admire at you.
Wc: 400+
Non proof read/ English is not my 1st lang.
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Lhs: Nerdy-quite guy who would stalk your social media, having your face on his wallpaper, while bragging to his friends that you're his one and only boyfriend, even though it's not true.
It's getting out of hand when you realize that he's the one who left those unknown, randomly given gifts in your locker every single morning. Eventually you started to ignore and avoid him at all costs, to the point that when you went home from work one day, you found him there, sitting while crossing his leg as he lean against the wooden chair inside your apartment. 
"Hello, baby boy, I see you avoiding me, so I'd like to pay you a visit. How do you like that?" 
Pjs: Everyone praises him not because of his potential or talents in the workplace; it's because he's related to the CEO of the company. You hate people who are overpowered by their money and not their own work, so you're brave enough to say what comes to mind when they make a mistake. 
Finally, you just got yourself into trouble; however, since he liked you enough to spare your life, he had another plan. 
While going to the bathroom to wash your dirty hands, you suddenly feel a pair of hands grab your forearm before pulling you inside the bathroom stall, locking the door at instant. 
"You've been a really bad boy lately, Mn! How dumb are you to not realize I'm your crazy secret Santa? Now you're going to pay for your consequences, darling." 
Sjy: The happiest guy is everyone's lifesaver and lover. Whenever there's a problem in the company, he'll always be there to fix the issue using his sexy brain in a blink of an eye. As a new employee, you were impressed at how much the other workers liked him, and the answer is quite obvious. 
Little did you know, not all good guys are innocent and nice; Jake also had his dark side too. He likes to take advantage of new employees like you, and at the end of the day, he'll throw them out as if they were some pieces of used trash. 
Nevertheless, when he laid eyes on you, it seemed like he couldn't stop thinking about you; you're that special to make him head over heels for you that bad. 
Late at night, as you take the elevator to the ground floor, Jake is also in the elevator, and you never know what will happen. 
"Mn, you might think I'm all bright and amazing, but did you know that every time I see you, I love fantasizing about you being under me?" 
Psh: This guy was cold as ice; no wonder he's the best employee of the month almost every single time, despite how hard he's working alone. Regardless of being friends with him for so long, you still don't know his personal life, his daily routine, or his inside. You couldn't care much since you respect his decision to keep himself.
But the reason why he won't let you visit him at his apartment is because all your pictures that he's captured every chance he's gotten were pinned and spread all over his room like a crime detective investigation. Not only is he obsessed, he already had plan B if you said no to his confession one day. 
"I'd give up heaven if I had to make you mine, little man." 
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ crd to all pics&dividers
🗣️ I can't imagine makenae line going to work like what 🤓 Anyway this is my last updated this week, since I have another exam next week, so I'll come back once I'm alive again!
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robin374 · 1 year
I saw that your requests were open and I jumped into action lol
Any ideas for the Mercs and reader with an “only one bed” trope? (Love the stuff youve written btw <3)
One Bed Trope with the mercs (part 1)
I'm gonna start with Demoman because he is my husband and gets the privilege of being the first.
Demoman ❤️
He just wanted to sleep man 😭
When you two finished the assigned mission that Miss Pauling gave you two, you went to the hotel/motel (how do you call it in English?). When you entered the room the first thing you two saw was a single big bed, for two people.
You looked at Demo and he was awkwardly standing there. He couldn't believe his eye
"I'll sleep on the floor, don't worry Demo." "No, Y/N. I've slept in all kinds of places, I think I can handle sleeping on the floor" "And that's exactly why you are sleeping in the bed"
At the end, you two decide to sleep in the same bed. He couldn't help but feel nervous, like yeah, he has slept at the top of Edinburgh's castle. Or with some random seals at a random beach. But he's never slept with the person he's in love with.
With that said, he remembers those words his Mom told him once.
"You better get a job, Tavish!"
I could give him a good job-
I don't know why he remembered that, don't ask me.
HE'S SO WARM KSDKAODJAKL I feel like his body would be so warm, because of the amount of alcohol he consumes.
He snores a little bit. Just tiny tiny tiny tiny little bit. 🤏
Not as much as Heavy at least.
He's a heavy sleeper so good luck trying to wake him up
I feel like he would see it as an opportunity to confess his feelings. Like you two are talking while laying down in bed, and casually spits it out. By the time you realize what he said, he is already sound asleep, his back facing you.
"I'm in love with you, Y/N" "Hmm? What did you say? I didn't hear you *Scottish snoring*
Scout 🤡
He knows what these situations are about and he will not let it slide so easily.
He doesn't even ask you if you are okay with sleeping with him, he just says "I'm so tired, let's sleep!" And he launches himself towards the bed.
He will pat the space next to him silently telling you to sleep too.
But then reality hits him like a rock, he is sleeping with you. He is really happy, any girl would've slapped him at tha exact moment, but you just accepted your fate.
He doesn't snore, but he does this thing that dogs do that is moving his legs as if he was running.
You better be a heavy sleeper because he talks while sleeping.
"Spy stole my chicken and now I can't eat my bullets. " "Scout are you awake?" "Fuck you Spy, I miss my chicken :("
He got so red when he woke up in the morning. You were still asleep, that's the first thing he saw after opening his eyes. He wanted to kiss you so bad.
"Good morning, toots. You've slept well?"
He's so in love with istg.
But he won't confess, he wants to keep this as a (really) good memory and confess after he's sure that you feel the same.
Scared of rejection I guess.
Engie 🤠
He's so casual about it.
He has to sleep in the same bed as his crush? Well, darn.
"It is what it is" energy.
You don't want him to sleep on the floor and he doesn't want you to sleep on the floor. Oh no, sadly we will have to sleep in the same bed :( (that's sarcasm for those confused)
"Come here, sugar, I don't bite." Unless you want me to.
He snores more than Demo sorry, it's bearable though. It's like having a horse next to you huffing and puffiing. A horse you don't mind to ride (ok I'll stop now sorry lmao)
He's like a teddy bear, he doesn't mind if you hug him. On the contrary, he will "unintentionally" pull you closer.
He would wake up in the middle of the night, because he's not used to sleeping like a normal person would do. So he will take advantage of it and admire your beautiful face. How the moonlight delicatedly lights your face, your closed eyes giving that feel of calmness... He will eventually kiss your forehead and go back to sleep.
He won't say a word about it in the morning. He will just greet you like always do in the base and get back to work.
In the inside he's screaming, dancing, running, whooping of joy. For him, it's one little step more to you being his pardner.
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tayytae · 5 months
“Late Nights, and Tom”
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Synopsis: Fem/Reader, who becomes increasingly suspicious of her boyfriend Tom's late-night arrivals home. She grapples with doubts about his fidelity, questioning his explanations for his tardiness. The tension builds as she confronts Tom about her concerns, leading to a pivotal moment in their relationship where trust is put to the test.
Reading time: 10m
I sat on the couch, staring at the clock as it ticked past midnight. Tom was late again. This had become a routine lately—him coming home way past his usual time, always with some flimsy excuse. At first, I tried to believe him, but my gut told me something was off.
Tonight, I couldn't take it anymore. I paced around the living room, my mind racing with thoughts of what he could be doing. Is he with another woman? Is he lying to me? The questions gnawed at me, consuming my thoughts until I heard the front door creak open.
Tom stumbled in, looking disheveled and guilty. "Hey, babe," he mumbled, avoiding my eyes.
I couldn't hold back anymore. "Where have you been?" My voice came out sharper than I intended.
He hesitated, then stammered out a story about a work emergency that required him to stay late. But I wasn't buying it anymore. "Tom, I can't do this. I feel like you're hiding something from me."
He looked genuinely hurt. "I'm not cheating on you, I swear. It's just been crazy at work."
Tears welled up in my eyes. "I want to believe you, but it's hard when you keep coming home late without any real explanation."
Tom sat down heavily on the couch, looking defeated. "I promise, there's nothing going on. I'll try to be more transparent about my schedule from now on."
I nodded, trying to compose myself. "I just need honesty, Tom. That's all."
We argued for a while longer, and eventually, I just gave up and went to bed.
As the days went by, the tension between us only grew. Every time Tom came home late, it was like a dagger in my heart. I tried to trust him, but the doubts kept creeping in. One evening, I couldn't contain my frustration any longer, once again, I accidentally outbursted.
"You're late again," I said, my voice trembling with anger.
Tom sighed, running a hand through his braided hair, tracing the indents of the rows. “It was just a long meeting, babe. You know how it is."
"No, I don't know how it is, Tom. Because you never tell me anything anymore!" The words spilled out before I could stop them.
He looked hurt. "I'm sorry if I've been distant, but work has been crazy lately."
"That's not an excuse, Tom! You can't keep using work as a shield to hide whatever it is you're doing."
His eyes flashed with annoyance. "I'm not hiding anything from you!"
"Then why won't you just be honest with me?" I pleaded, tears welling up in my eyes.
Tom's expression softened. "I am being honest. I love you, I would never do anything to hurt you." He sighed, looking down at his feet for a few seconds before glancing his doe eyes back up at me.
"But you are hurting me, Tom. Every time you come home late, it feels like a betrayal."
He took a step towards me, reaching out to hold my hands. "I promise, there's no one else. You're the only one I want."
I wanted to pull away, I wanted so desperately to believe him, but the doubts lingered like a dark cloud over us. "Prove it then, Tom. Show me that I can trust you."
He nodded solemnly. "I will, I swear. Just give me a chance to make things right.." he pulled me closer by my waist, our chests touching together as he looked down at me with a smirk.
We stood there in silence for a moment, the weight of our words hanging heavy in the air. Deep down, I wanted to believe that Tom was telling the truth. But the nagging voice in my head kept asking, what if he's not?
Tom leaned down, passionately kissing my lips. His lips felt.. soft, warm, and plump. I couldn’t help but let his tongue explore my mouth with such keenness.
I blush as tom’s lustful gaze stayed upon me. "Fuck, you're beautiful," he said in a husky voice, his hand sliding up from my waist to cup my breast through my shirt. He can already feel my hardened nipple against his palm and he smirks, knowing that he has that effect on me.
I bit my lip as Tom leaned in and captured my lips in yet, another kiss. This time, the passion, the love, and the gentleness vanished. This one, was lustful, eager, and rough. His hands traveled around my body in a possessive manner, wanting nothing more then to show me his love tonight.
Tom's hands traveled down my body, pulling my shirt up and over my head, revealing my bare chest to him for the first time in what felt like years. His lips were on my skin, kissing, sucking, and nipping at my neck, collarbone, and breasts.
I moaned softly as I felt his lips attach to my neck area, my hands left his own and started to tug on his dark, black cornrows.
Tom growls, the sound vibrating through my body as he grabs my hands and pins them above my head, his lips never leaving my skin. He trails kisses down my chest, over my breasts, and flicking his tongue over each of my nipples before making his way lower.
“mmh- Tom..” I moaned quietly, loving the way his lips feel against my soft and delicate skin.
"Mm.. your skin against my lips feels amazing, fuck.." Tom murmurs against my skin, his tongue tracing patterns over my stomach as his hands move to unbutton my pants. He pulls them down, taking my panties with them and throwing them both to the side.
I feel the cold air hit me, the only form of warmth is Tom’s ragged breathing and the feeling in my lower abdomen.
I moan and throw my head back, letting myself enjoy the sensations. Tom’s constant praises and reassurances make me feel a bit better about all of his actions, but I don’t want to think about that right now. Only thing on my mind is him.
“T-Tom,” I plead, my hands tugging on his braids as I continued to speak, my hips rocking against his face in order to creat more friction.
“Mmm, that's it baby. Let go and give in to the pleasure. You're so fucking beautiful when you lose control." Tom whispers against my skin as he continues to finger and suck on my clit, determined to make me cum hard for him.
A loud moan escapes my mouth as he adds a finger, his fingers automatically curling to my g-spot. My legs squeeze his head unconsciously as the pleasure becomes a bit overwhelming.
“M’close..” I said in between my moans, whimpers coming out of my mouth as my stomach forms a knot.
“I know, you're so fucking close. Make sure you cum hard for me baby. Make that sound again, I've missed it." Tom murmurs against my skin, his fingers pumping into me faster with his thumb rubbing circles over my clit.
I moan louder, my hands gripping the sheets hard as my head gets thrown back. My mouth in a shape of an ‘O’ as a silent moan escapes my mouth at the same time. I glance back to Tom as his eyes stay focused on me, occasionally sneaking glances at his working.
"Yes, that's it baby. Cum hard for me like you always do. I love watching you cum undone in my hands." Tom groans out as he watches my reaction, his fingers moving faster as he increases the pressure on my clit.
“Shit!- M’gonna..” I couldn’t finish my sentance as my pussy clenches around Toms rather large fingers; my white juice covering his fingers
"oh fuck yeah..." Tom groans as I cum hard on his hand, his fingers covered in my juices. He immediately withdraws them and licks them off in front of me, giving a loud moan as he does.
Tom stands up and undos his belt and takes off his shirt, my eyes wander over his toned body; admiring his godly physique.
"Do you like what you see?" A smirk forms on Tom's lips as he drops his boxer briefs, showing off his cock that was now fully erect. "I hope you do because I can't wait to be inside of you."
I gasped at the size, a huge 10 inch cock. Its been in me before, but just seeing it makes me feel even wetter..
"Don't worry baby, I'll go slow. I want you to feel every inch of me in that tight little pussy." Tom gets on the bed, crawling towards me. He leans down and kisses me hard, running a hand over my chest.
I moaned into the kiss as tom pulled me closer to the edge of the bed, spreading my legs apart and positioning himself at my entrance.
"Oh fuck, I missed you baby. I missed that sweet little pussy too." Tom teases as he rubs his cock between my lips slowly before pushing it in all the way to the hilt, giving a loud grunt as he does.
I squeeze my eyes shut as I grip his biceps, the pain of him stretching me out is absolutely insane. Yet, do to our long history of dating, I still never really got used to his size.
"That's right, fucking tight as always baby.” Tom bottoms out and stays there for a moment, letting me adjust to his size before he starts to pull back slowly. He does this a few times so I can get used to the feeling of him being inside of me.
I bit my lip in pain, but then the pain turns in to pleasure as I begin to moan. Nodding at Tom to signal he can start to go faster.
Tom gives a low growl from the back of his throat and starts to pick up his pace, gradually going faster with each thrust as he fucks me hard and fast.
I moaned loud, my hands moving to his shoulder as I dig my nails into his skin, Tom leans down and whispers sweet nothings into my ear.
"God baby, I love you so much. Your pussy feels so good." he says with a gasp as he picks up his pace even more, the sound of our skin slapping together filling the room.
“T-Tom!” my eyes rolling back as my face begins to sweat, the sensations sending me into complete ecstasy.
"I'm close baby, cum with me. cum all over my cock." he growls, reaching a hand down between me to rub at my clit, the extra stimulation pushing me both over the edge.
I clench around his cock as my vision fades, stars filling my sight as I do exactly what he says. I cum hard and all over his dick. A ring of my juices can be found at the base of his penis.
Tom lets out a loud moan as he cums deep inside of me, completely filling me up with his seed. He stays there for a moment or two, trying to catch his breath before pulling out and collapsing on the bed next to me.
I pant as I try and catch my breath, glancing over at Tom. His gaze then looks at me.
"wow.." he says with a grin on his face, reaching out to brush some hair out of my sweaty face. We stay silent for a few minutes before tom speaks up again, "I'm sorry I've been so late from work lately, baby. My boss has been piling on the work and I wanted to make sure I could do as much as I could so I could see you."
I pull Tom into my embrace, “Thank you baby,” I rubbed his back, “Thank you for finally telling me.”
"I know I should have told you sooner, but I didn't want you to worry." he says, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in closer.
I smiled, “Its fine baby, I love you.”
"I love you too, more than anything.”
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
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WIBTA if I encouraged a classmate to make a complaint about our instructor?
I'm a college student, everyone involved is an adult. Myself and classmates are in our 20s and our instructor is an older man (60s)
I'm currently taking an online business communications class in college. Recently, we were assigned a team project. For a bit of context, our instructor is a bit of a hard ass, as they say. A rule in class is that your camera must be on at all times. Prior to the start of this team project there wasn't any real consequence for not having your camera on besides our instructor stopping the lesson to ask why your camera is off. However he told us that at the start of this team project it will be mandatory and that having it off will result in docked marks on this project.
Today was the first day we got to work on it, and shortly after our team got to work one of our team members told us that he needed to take a few minutes to pray because he is Muslim. Of course everyone on our team told him that was fine and to go ahead, that we'd catch him up on what we got done when he returned. So he turns off his camera and leaves to go pray, we continue working on the project, everything is fine. Shortly after he gets back, before he turned his camera back on, our instructor joins our Teams call to check in on us. Almost immediately he asks why our classmate's camera is off, and before anyone really got a chance to explain he starts saying that it's mandatory and disrespectful to the rest of the team not to have your camera on. Eventually another team member gets a word in and tells our instructor that our team mate's camera was off because he was praying, and our instructor told us that it doesn't matter what the reason is, that we all have a commitment to our team to be present at meetings. He left shortly after, and we got back to work without saying much about it.
Before I go on I'll say that I'm white and not Muslim. I haven't gone to the instructor to complain myself because I worry that doing that would come across as trying to be a 'white saviour' as they say. Furthermore, my classmate is an adult, and I don't feel like it's appropriate for me to go straight to the instructor without talking to the person who was affected first.
However, it's been bothering me since I got out of class. I think it's completely fair for him to take a few minutes away from class to pray, and everyone else on my team agrees. I'm definitely going to include my feelings about this in the anonymous instructor feedback at the end of the term. However I also thought to talk to my classmate and tell him that he should complain directly to the instructor about this, and that if he does I'll back him up.
So WIBTA and should I just let him sort it out himself?
What are these acronyms?
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meatiey · 1 year
hiii sub soobin x dom male reader where soobin touches himself w/o readers permission and reader punishes him by edging him multiple times🗣️‼️‼️
Sub!soobin x male!dom!reader
summary : Soobin touches himself without permission and gets punished by m!reader by getting edged.
Includes : edging, dacryphillia, pillow humping, begging
wc : 488
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"augh!~" The bedroom was filled with constant moans and whimpers from Soobin as you gave another hard thrust into him while the bed banged against the wall continuously. He was currently on all fours with a pillow underneath him, in between his legs, making him grind against the pillow each time you thrust into him.
You had just come back from work not too long ago, however you had come back to the sight of him touching himself without your permission, therefore you decided to punish him. Each time he was close to cumming you pulled out of him and lifted his hips to stop him from potentially trying to hump the pillow beneath him, causing him to whine and beg for a release.
Once his orgasm was completely gone you then started to pound into him. His tip was so red. He continued to moan and whine while you fuck him into the pillow beneath him. When his 7th orgasm was denied he nearly screamed.
He whined, "P-please..! I'm s-sorry! I shouldn't have touched myself! I'm sorry p-please just let me cum!~"
"Hm...I don't know..I feel like you shouldn't get to cum tonight." Tears started to form in his eyes once you said that. Your response made him go crazy.
"I'll think about it."
Tears fell from his eyes as you continued to edge him more and more throughout the night. Pathetic whimpers and sobs coming out of his mouth. Eventually he had reached his 10th time being edged. He was shaking and jolting while you waited for his orgasm to pass.
"Wow...look at your pretty tip. So red and wet from all that precum huh. Maybe it does deserve an opportunity to cum.."
"Yes! P-please! Let me cum please! Fuck me until I cum!"
"Oh, baby. Who said I was gonna fuck you until you cum? I want you to hump that pillow until you cum and if you don't anytime soon then I guess you just won't be able to cum tonight. Understand?"
He was silent for a second before slowly nodding his head in agreement that he understood. "I-i understand.."
"Good." You sat up, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed. "You can start."
He shyly nodded before slowly grinding his hips against the pillow. Soon enough those gentle shy humps turned into fast and aggressive. He was like a bitch in heat.
"Awh look at you. So desperate for a release huh? Well you better cum soon or else you're not gonna get to for the rest of the week."
Soobin's pace became faster as he finally came onto the pillow. He moaned loudly as he finally got the release he's been waiting for. He continued panting as he dropped onto the pillow beneath him.
"You did a good job, love." You said smiling as you leaned in to give a gentle kiss on his forehead.
"Now let's get you all cleaned up."
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chaostroberry1 · 4 months
*ahem* please may I be honoured with asking for a fluffy ares w/ interviewer? 👀
*must boost the ares content any way I know how*
Idk if this is an interviewer!reader or not, so you guys can be the interviewer ^^
Ares w interviewer!!!
He's always acting cool and mighty sometimes but when I tell you this mans entire body throughout Olympus and back— WAS FROZEN.
He was sweating his biceps off, I swear on zues. I'm not kidding.
He's pacing around the room, multiple beads of sweat dripping down his face, and his head was storming with thoughts.
"how will I act? What questions will I have to answer? What if I DONT know the answer??? What if the interviewer is mean? Will this be the end?? I don't want it to end! WHAT ARE HOMOSAPIENS AGAIN?- wait..oh. WHAT??"
Hermes was just standing there with him, a little smile on his face as he awaited the interviewer, absolutely ignoring his brothers blabbering.
Hermes : "I'm sure it'll go well, brother ares. The interviewer is known to be really nice (⌒_⌒)"
Hermes : "I never said you were scared.."
The moment you walk in, your greeted with him sitting on the couch, his back incredibly straight. But his face? Drenched in sweat.
"hello, mister Ares. I'll be your interviewer...please feel free to relax around me..I don't bite.." you gave a little bow and sat down your things, getting out a pen and journal. Ready to interview him with absolute profession.
"er...y...yes...go..ahead..." The small response was a good enough giveaway of his discomfort. Well, not that you couldn't see his eyes that kept darting to his brother Hermes for support.
"thank you for taking your time for him, he's just a little nervous since it's his first interview..." he smiled, giving you a soft look while looking at Ares who started fuming out of embarrassment.
"I'm not nervous!!!" Hermes rolls his eyes and giving a soft smile, no other expression towards his brother's outburst.
"well then, I shall take my leave now. have fun~"
And with that, he shut the door, as ares gave him the biggest look of betrayal, thinking his brother would have stayed with him the whole time. But now, he was stuck with you.
You started off with a few easy question, like how his day was, what he liked to do. His hobbies, his favourite animals, which were all responded to with heavy hesitated replies.
He did eventually start softening up, which gave you hope. Going on further to more personal topics, which he started answering with clearer replies and detail.
In the end, you were happy with the outcome, and gave him a few pieces of candy.
"thank you for your time, Mister Ares...I hope to speak with you again soon."
You gave him a polite bow, which he also returned.
And with newfound courage, he spoke
"thank you v..very much..for your time."
When you looked back at the door, you saw his face flushed with embarrassed, but also with a shy look. Which put a little smile to your face.
And now, what is he doing? Munching on the candy, checking the calendar as zues and Hermes stood in the doorway.
"what's gotten into him all of a sudden?"
Zues looked at Hermes for answers, who chuckled in amusement.
"he's checking for the next time he'll get interviewed. He seems to have taken a liking to the interviewer."
"NO IM NOT!!" they both snicker to each other at an embarrassed Ares who was listening to them the whole time.
And let's just say, he will refuse to talk to any other interviewers unless it was you who he could talk to. Since he now had a shared bond after his first interview.
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loodaff · 1 month
so. I went on Pinterest. I looked up drawings references. And I found a couple. AND I REAKLY KIKED THIS ONE LOL I DREW GON AND KILLUA!! :V
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Here's just Killua 😼 ! I love how I draw his hair!! It isn't as fluffy here but I also didn't care..... so... erm... BUT YURR FRICKEN LOVE MY CAT BOY KILL 🗣️‼️
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Still struggling on drawing his hair... IT'S LITERALLY JUST TRIANGLES ON A BIG HEAD AND I STILL CAN'T GET IT RIGHT... I can't even get his big ahh forehead right bruh >:( JK I TAKE THAT BACK LOL I LOVE MY BOY GONNIE 🗣️‼️
BUT GRRR I'LL GET BETTER AT DRAWING CHAT! TRUST!! (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) *sigh* I'll do them justice eventually ! (Let's hope I do guys...)
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happy 20th birthday to ME. uhmmmm big news
I'M RETIRING!!!!! 🗣️🗣️
as spiderling. for the foreseeable future. potentially forever!!
i've just been thinking, i started being spiderling when i was 13 fresh off the death of harry. that wasn't my fault, i didn't do anything to cause that other than like exist. it took me a really long time to figure that out though. but after that i decided i had to fix what i thought i'd done, i had these abilities that meant i had to use them, right?
so i went out and i helped tons of people and i'll never regret that, but i got myself hurt. a lot.
and then i met the cluster. which is another thing i'll always be thankful for. i absolutely love y'all, don't doubt this because of what i'm about to say. a lot of you were not the best role models for a 13 year old. this is just like a fact i'm NOT upset about it, i can easily recognize that we were all in uniquely weird and/or bad places, but also gang the first time most of us met was ALSO the first time i saw a dead body. but we all met and now you're my family and i know now that if i quit spider stuff entirely you'll still stick by me.
then mysterio happened. and listen there are things that occurred that stay between me, him, gd, and my therapist, beyond what y'all already know. but it fucked me up GOOD, and i still have a lot of problems discerning what around me is real or not.
then a WHOLE lot of other stuff happened and i got angrier and just. bad mentally. i never wanted to fight when i was angry, i still don't, i hate the lack of control and i hate acting like my dad. but i was spiderling i couldn't just not go out. because then the almighty vague "something bad" would happen. and so i'd go out and be reckless and get hurt worse and worse and i'd feel awful about it so OBVIOUSLY to make up for it i had to go out more.
OCD is not a logical disorder.
and things would get better for a bit, then worse, and the "betters" got less great and the "worses" got more extreme and it just get going and going until eventually i hit a point where i realized if i didn't quit i would probably get killed. but by now, patrol was a compulsion. i'd have full anxiety attacks if i didn't have my suit on me at all times. so quitting was much much harder than i thought it'd be.
but i hatched a plan last year, you love me and my plans, and took down my rouges in a way that i believe ensures they can't come back. all of them are big long stories that i WILL be telling but ideally later. and uh yeah. did it!
so i think, it's still hard to retire entirely. because there are good, great things about being spiderling, mostly the community and getting to help people in a way that really matters. so essentially, i'm on call. if there's a situation where you need extra hands and i feel capable of helping, i'll be there. but in 22701? zip, zilch, nada, i am done. i did my time.
i want to be there for fun things too! conventions, events, competitions, all that jazz.
but yeah, that's the spiel. happy 20th to meeeee can't wait until next year to see if i can get drunk
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dogcodedcatboy · 9 months
🦅, 🗣️, and 🐕 !! also au where aaron works at w.aystar sounds soo so fun omg
🦅How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
(aaron is one of like... 10 fully fleshed out ocs i have that all make up a wretched wretched friendgroup of late 20's gays and i love all of them dearly. i could literally talk abt them forever theres SOO MUCH!!! if anyone ever wants to get an earful frm me feel free to inquire bc holy hell like 10 years of oc content n my mind...)
ANYWAY... his friends are sick of his shit anyway so when he's like 'ooh new man :3c' theyre already like. shut the hell up brother. but when they meet roman...they can't help but be a /little/ charmed. they wont wingman for aaron bc his lovelife is so radioactive they dont wanna get near that shit. but tbh they do think roman is funny and he fits in with all of their senses of humor and stuff. even aarons childhood bestie (who hates everyone hes ever dated) likes roman so he gets a Good Grade in getting along w aarons housemates. so much to say on this but i'll leave it at that.
this doesn't...apply to poor roro so much bc he's like...deeply lonely...certainly no friends who he would come out to, or introduce his bf to. :(
🗣️ Who’s the one that will ramble on about their highly specific interest while the other just sits back and nods along?
i think that they both do this to some degree. aaron is the bigger culprit bc he has a lot of interests roman wouldnt know very much about (specific genres of music, culinary arts, specific horror movies), but they pretty equally yap at eachother! they both have SO MANY OPINIONS on filmbro shit...also roman is actually pretty knowledgeable on art so they can both bounce off eachother about that too! when roman talks abt work aarons eyes do tend to glaze over.
🐕: Do they have any pets together? If one of them had a pet from before their relationship how well does the pet get along with their partner? Do they have the pets approval or does said pet sit in between them and their partner any time they try to make a move?
aaron has a silly lil cat named gustav!!!! thats his baby (adopted the cat after a bad breakup and pair bonded to him Instantly) and he would take a bullet for him. roman never had animals growing up and at first was a little iffy on gustav but eventually he falls completely in love with him. before hes able to have any public pics of aaron he makes a picture of gustav his lock screen on his phone....
gus is iffy on rome at first but after about a month or so of bribery via treats he's chill...he still gets a little jealous and tries to sit between them on the couch and in bed. he also yowls like a bastard outside the door whenever hes locked out.
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🗣️ - Shudao + Therus, perhaps?
Shudao is resting in his hive, watching a movie when he gets a knock at his front door. He calls out, unsure who it is.
"Who's there/?"
A familiar voice responds, slightly strained but otherwise recognisable.
"It's Therus. I need your help re∆l quick."
The oliveblood jumps up and rushes to the door. If Therus was coming to him for help, something must be up. He grabs the door handle and opens it, seeing Therus right in front of him, covered in cuts and bruises, with a few bloodstains decorating his hoodie, not all of them his colour.
"Fucking hell/. What happened/?"
"Went to find out ∆bout ∆ job. Fleet guys were w∆iting. C∆n I come in?"
"Yeah, sure, just go sit down/. I'll go grab some medical supplies and some spare clothes/. Assuming I still have spares, actually/."
Therus walks through the hive, sitting down on the loungeplank and waiting and Shudao rushes to grab his first aid kit, and a spare set of his clothes.
"Alright, should have everything here/. Ditch the hoodie/. Body armour and shirt too while you're at it/."
"Heh, getting me to strip? Wh∆t would your m∆tesprit think if she w∆lked in right now?"
The joke draws a chuckle out of Shudao, the oliveblood appreciating how the situation would look from outside.
"Yeah, T/. Next I'll get the pole and the stack of singles out/. But seriously/. I need to check you over/."
"Fine, fine, gimme ∆ sec."
Therus begins to remove his hoodie, struggling to get it over his horns, but managing eventually, and then taking off his body armour and his shirt.
"There we go, now let's take a quick look/."
Shudao looks over Therus's body, checking for any injuries beyond cuts and scrapes, but finding nothing. He grabs a roll of bandages, but stops just before starting to wrap the wounds.
"Go wash first/. Need to make sure I'm not gonna be wrapping up your wounds while they're dirty, and I'd be here forever if I tried to wipe each cut first/."
"Got it. I'll be quick."
With that, the rustblood runs upstairs, climbing into the ablution trap and turning on the water, washing himself off, before drying himself, wrapping a towel around his waist and heading back downstairs.
"I'm done, you got those b∆nd∆ges re∆dy?"
"Yeah, get over here and I'll get you all wrapped up/."
As Shudao begins to bandage his friend's injuries, he starts talking.
"So, a fleet ambush, huh/?"
"Ye∆h, b∆rely m∆de it out."
"Surprised you did/. Kind of trolls they get for those jobs are tough bastards/."
"Our sp∆rring sessions c∆me in h∆ndy there. Know ∆ thing or two ∆bout fighting someone stronger th∆n me."
"Guessing you killed 'em/?"
"They would h∆ve done the s∆me to me."
"True/. Anyway, that's the bandages all done/. Get these on, I'll get your clothes back to you when I've washed them/."
"∆lright, dude. You re∆lly do let th∆t lusus h∆lf through sometimes, you know?"
"So I hear/. I just feel like if someone chooses to ask me for help, might as well go all in/."
Therus begins to put on the spare clothes given to him by Shudao, with the addition of his body armour just in case.
"There we go. Well, th∆nks ∆g∆in, dude. Guess I'll be on my w∆y. See you!"
"See you whenever, T/."
With that, the rustblood leaves back to his hive, and Shudao goes to put the dirty clothes to be washed.
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shuenkio · 4 months
Ah okay so for my request maybe an Enhypen x Little Brother reader who's like 19. Essentially their reaction to their little brother getting hit on by guys while they're just hanging out in the mall or something. Little brother is shy and chubby so his very more quiet and small. But yeah thank you!!!!!!!!!!!🫧♡♡♡♡♡♡have a good day!!!!!
🗣️ Your request is here pookie, it was fun writing this (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ enjoy~~ (not 100% accurate tho, I wrote most girls than guys 😭since I forget the part "guys")
ENHYPEN reaction when someone hit on ya 💘
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Paring: Enha X male!(little brother)reader.
Genre: fluff, crack.
Cw: curse.
Summary: Enha as your older brother, their reaction when a stranger rizz you up.
No Proof-read ><
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{Heeseung} Your older brother is fairly strict towards you, as he is overprotective of you and loves you deeply. He doesn't like it when he sees you sulking or feeling hurt. Your parents always trust him, leaving you under his supervision while they head off to work because you're still too clumsy to be left alone, even though you're an adult, well, 18 to be exact. While out at the store, he has you hold onto the groceries while he heads off to pick up some meat in another section. Suddenly, a girl comes up to you, thinking you are a cute little boy because you are wearing an oversized. hoodie before she initiates casual flirting with you, asking for your number. You are stunned and speechless, never imagining that anyone would even be interested in you. Your brother comes back and recognizes the situation immediately. He quickly explains to the girl that you are too young to be dating yet, and he doesn't allow it.
He's correct in his judgment, as you tend to fall in love easily, with simple crushes. However, when it comes to the end of the day, you ultimately prefer being on your own. You are upset about this, and want to speak for yourself, but your brother has already done the job for you. She is left speechless and turns her attention towards your older brother, asking for his number instead. He politely declines and takes your hand in his to lead you away. The girl is left speechless and doesn't know what to say. Your brother glances at you, sensing that you are disappointed, and leads you away from the situation.
"You're still a baby, no dating until i married"
"You're joking, you wanna left me alone with my Shadow?"
"Well yeah since you love korean idols than loving a real people"
{Jay} He is like a second mother to you, a strict and protective older brother despite you being the younger sibling in the wealthy family. Everything that you do, from going out with your friends to prom parties and trips, is under his watch. He knows every move you make, and is always looking out for you. The thought of you getting your heart broken one day would destroy him, which is why he's so overprotective of you. On the day of your birthday party at his house, he wants you to be more social and step outside of your comfort zone.While he goes to greet his friends, a stranger approaches you, and starts up a small conversation, which eventually begins to flirt with you. You are extremely shy and hesitant, replying with short, simple responses whenever they ask you questions. Soon enough, your older brother sees you are surrounded by unfamiliar people, and gets furious. He shoos them away, in the nicest way possible, and grabs your hand to take you away immediately from the party.
In the car.
"Sorry m/n i should've known better, you probably feel-"
"No it's fine at least they're nice, flirting probably just a way to began a small talk too, I don't mind"
"Glad you're okay, I'll be more careful from now on"
"Come on, see! I'm laterally okay stop acting like you're giving birth to me~"
"Alright alright monkey, what do you want to eat, I'll take you anywhere you wish for, you didn't anything yet didn't you"
He definitely know me better than mom.
{Jake} Your highly attractive and good-looking older brother is akin to a golden retriever in human form, constantly clinging to you despite the fact that you are siblings. He enjoys spoiling you with many sweet treats and knows your favorite foods without a doubt. One day, he takes you to his office after you insist on seeing where he works. As soon as his female co-workers are introduced to you, they all begin cooing over you and paying you many flirtatious compliments, overwhelming and draining your introverted battery. Upon seeing this, your brother quickly swoops in, rescues you, and whisks you away.
"Now you'd better stay at home, since you've seen this place already lol - I doubt you wanna come back after this."
"I suppose ..."
{Sunghoon} Not only are you the introverted member of the household, but your older brother is two times more introverted than you are. Despite working as a professional figure skater and public personality, he is also a beloved celebrity known by many of his fans and interviewers. When asked about his siblings, he admits to having a little brother, but does not elaborate further and protects your identity.
Which mean He cherishes you dearly, taking great care in keeping you safe from any potential danger and harm, as your protector and older brother. One day when he takes you out in public for a beach trip with your family, one of his fans recognizes him and draws the attention of others. The crowd of people grows bigger and bigger, all of them in awe of your incredible visuals, some trying to approach you but unable to due to his bodyguard's intervention.
"I told you it was a bad idea to come here!"
"Not my fault when you're a walking celebrity"
{Sunoo} Your vibrant, golden-hearted older brother is ever so cuddly and caring. He enjoys giving gifts to you, even if it's not your birthday, and has a penchant for pretty things. You and him have similarities in that regard, and he is a frequent gifter, bestowing you with various presents like perfume, skincare products, clothing, and more.
As the holiday season arrives, he's excited to take you to a new restaurant that's opened up, saying he's heard that it's trendy and cool. Of course, he, the sociable guy that he is, wants to try it out immediately, with you by his side. Once you arrive at the restaurant, the waiter promptly seats you and provides you with the menu. The waiter is struck by your adorable appearance and drops a smooth pick-up line in an attempt to flirt with you, which leaves your brother's jaw dropped on the ground in sheer disbelief.
This memorable moment would surely cause your brother to tease you endlessly while laughing, and might even regale mom and dad with this amusing tale as well.
"I'm not gonna lie bubble gum! You are sure adorable today with your pink sweater"
"Oh shut up, it's was... Kinda embarrassed"
You hide your face under the menu.
{Jungwon} Your adorable, spirited older brother is a bit like a real-life version of the cartoon duo Tom and Jerry, regularly teasing and pranking you. He's very loving and cares deeply for you, and even treats you to extra snacks when he's won a competition or returned home from taekwondo practice. However, despite being laid back and not strict, he would likely be upset if he saw a stranger approach you and try to get your number with a cheesy pickup line, as you're a gentle-hearted person. His protective instinct would quickly kick in, and he'd take you away from the situation immediately.
You, too, were shocked that someone would ask for your number in such a nonchalant fashion, when you're wearing an outfit that doesn't convey much self-confidence. However, your charming presence may have caught their attention, and they weren't entirely wrong about your appeal.
"Don't get me wrong, that person looks like they're from a gangster team"
"No cap, I'd have stay on the spot instead of responding back"
{Ni-Ki} Your older brother, your twin but older by two seconds, has a distinctly different personality from yours. He's talkative and outgoing, while you're more reserved and antisocial. The two of you share a striking resemblance, and as a result, people frequently mistake you for him, attempting to strike up conversations with you thinking you are him. One particularly embarrassing memory involves a girl trying to hit on you, using creative pickup lines, yet your brother didn't intervene to correct the misunderstanding and let it happen instead. Laughing his ass out as you struggling, before he said this.
"He's gay ~ he only like boys lady!! Lmfao"
"You fucking BITCH SHUT UP"
He's spit truth out actually. °_°
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️ Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ crd to all pics&dividers
Announcement 📣
[I'll update my next work on weekends since I have exams started from tomorrow]
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thewindandthestars · 1 month
🗣️: Who’s the one that will ramble on about their highly specific interest while the other just sits back and nods along?
🐕: Do they have any pets together? If one of them had a pet from before their relationship how well does the pet get along with their partner? Do they have the pets approval or does said pet sit in between them and their partner any time they try to make a move?
✏️: How canon compliant are you with them? Do you stick pretty close or just have fun cause it’s your ship so no one can tell you what to do other wise?
Ying <33 how sweet of you to drop by <33 thank you for the questions, sending lots of love and kisses /p
Random spinney wheel we go ✌️ the wheel has spoken yall. We answering for oros and idion
🗣️: Who’s the one that will ramble on about their highly specific interest while the other just sits back and nods along?
Oros: orion is the one who would ramble about her highly specific interest(s) lmfao especially at night when her energy is at its highest. Heizou is a great listener because he wouldn't just sit back and nod along, he'd actually ask questions and engage her. He probably picked up the hints of hesitation when she realizes that she's talking too much and keeping her engaged in the topic would keep her from falling into those self deprecating thoughts. Whenever he has anything he wants to ramble about, Orion would happily be the one to sit back and engage with him in his topic of interest. But more often then not it's orion talking his ear off lmfao
Idion: both. Both can ramble as if their lives depended on it lmfao fun thing about idion is that they're both nerds and engage each other in their interests more often than not. All you see is their mouths talking at the speed of light and their hands moving along with their words. A lot of stimming happens too.
🐕: Do they have any pets together? If one of them had a pet from before their relationship how well does the pet get along with their partner? Do they have the pets approval or does said pet sit in between them and their partner any time they try to make a move?
Oros: no pets for now but orion will convince Heizou to get a cat eventually 💅
Idion: does having the entire murder of crows at NRC count? /j Idia loves cats. Like he adores cats so much. We'd get a cat together when we move in together once we're done with school. Getting an adult cat to like him is the hard part, but a kitten? Oh you know that he's making the most unmanly squeals as soon as he sees a kitten and the kitten actually let's him pet them. Immediate adoption. Seeing him and the baby cuddled together would have me snapping so many pictures because osbsosjsk they're so cute
✏️: How canon compliant are you with them? Do you stick pretty close or just have fun cause it’s your ship so no one can tell you what to do other wise?
For all my selfships I try to stay canon compliant but more in terms of their personalities. Other than that I just have fun because who can stop me? I fell in love with their canon selves so I'll keep them as canon as possible in that regard.
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ginjointsintheworld · 3 years
Sooo Leyla will stay but we will see less of her. I am happy that they wont write her off. Hopefully this chaos will be resolved at the end of season 4
first of all i'm SCREAMING at jocko basically nullifying half the suspense in the midseason finale in that interview but frankly 'is half of a wlw ship going to get written off' isn't the kind of suspense that should be held over our heads so GO OFF KING 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
i'm glad they're having leyla reach out to floyd during this period and fingers crossed we'll get to see leyla confide her feelings about everything and get insight there. but also let floyd give lauren the "be patient and give her space, she'll come around eventually" speech 2k21. i need to see lauren actually getting some advice from her friends and talk about her feelings instead of the one way street we've been on this season with the exception of iggy.
after going through the literal hellfire gauntlet that is watching one half of your ship get written off a show, having 90% confidence that leyla is staying put makes me feel so much more at ease lol. i'll wait into season 5 for them to find their way back to each other idc as long as both of them stay on screen.
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