#shudao rp
funny-fella-fantrolls · 10 months
fuck it
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((y'all know how it be, reblog with a character and the funny dog man will judge them))
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🗣️ - Shudao + Therus, perhaps?
Shudao is resting in his hive, watching a movie when he gets a knock at his front door. He calls out, unsure who it is.
"Who's there/?"
A familiar voice responds, slightly strained but otherwise recognisable.
"It's Therus. I need your help re∆l quick."
The oliveblood jumps up and rushes to the door. If Therus was coming to him for help, something must be up. He grabs the door handle and opens it, seeing Therus right in front of him, covered in cuts and bruises, with a few bloodstains decorating his hoodie, not all of them his colour.
"Fucking hell/. What happened/?"
"Went to find out ∆bout ∆ job. Fleet guys were w∆iting. C∆n I come in?"
"Yeah, sure, just go sit down/. I'll go grab some medical supplies and some spare clothes/. Assuming I still have spares, actually/."
Therus walks through the hive, sitting down on the loungeplank and waiting and Shudao rushes to grab his first aid kit, and a spare set of his clothes.
"Alright, should have everything here/. Ditch the hoodie/. Body armour and shirt too while you're at it/."
"Heh, getting me to strip? Wh∆t would your m∆tesprit think if she w∆lked in right now?"
The joke draws a chuckle out of Shudao, the oliveblood appreciating how the situation would look from outside.
"Yeah, T/. Next I'll get the pole and the stack of singles out/. But seriously/. I need to check you over/."
"Fine, fine, gimme ∆ sec."
Therus begins to remove his hoodie, struggling to get it over his horns, but managing eventually, and then taking off his body armour and his shirt.
"There we go, now let's take a quick look/."
Shudao looks over Therus's body, checking for any injuries beyond cuts and scrapes, but finding nothing. He grabs a roll of bandages, but stops just before starting to wrap the wounds.
"Go wash first/. Need to make sure I'm not gonna be wrapping up your wounds while they're dirty, and I'd be here forever if I tried to wipe each cut first/."
"Got it. I'll be quick."
With that, the rustblood runs upstairs, climbing into the ablution trap and turning on the water, washing himself off, before drying himself, wrapping a towel around his waist and heading back downstairs.
"I'm done, you got those b∆nd∆ges re∆dy?"
"Yeah, get over here and I'll get you all wrapped up/."
As Shudao begins to bandage his friend's injuries, he starts talking.
"So, a fleet ambush, huh/?"
"Ye∆h, b∆rely m∆de it out."
"Surprised you did/. Kind of trolls they get for those jobs are tough bastards/."
"Our sp∆rring sessions c∆me in h∆ndy there. Know ∆ thing or two ∆bout fighting someone stronger th∆n me."
"Guessing you killed 'em/?"
"They would h∆ve done the s∆me to me."
"True/. Anyway, that's the bandages all done/. Get these on, I'll get your clothes back to you when I've washed them/."
"∆lright, dude. You re∆lly do let th∆t lusus h∆lf through sometimes, you know?"
"So I hear/. I just feel like if someone chooses to ask me for help, might as well go all in/."
Therus begins to put on the spare clothes given to him by Shudao, with the addition of his body armour just in case.
"There we go. Well, th∆nks ∆g∆in, dude. Guess I'll be on my w∆y. See you!"
"See you whenever, T/."
With that, the rustblood leaves back to his hive, and Shudao goes to put the dirty clothes to be washed.
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basic intro bullshit
this shit gon be longe, click the read more if you dare
basically im just gonna go through and post pics of all the fellas and give their names and typing quirks. if you want to find out more guess youll just have to ask em huh. thisll be in order of when i first introduced them on here. anyway enough fuckin rambling lets get this shit movin
oh yeah before i forget i wanna run a quick poll: should i do a partial reset for these guys since a solid chunk of peeps i used to talk to on here are either deactivated or doing other shit now, or should i keep them as they were pre-break (all my pre-break posts are still there so the old rps can still be found)
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Name: Vextri Demyol
Typing quirk: i -> ][, o -> []
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Name: Ofuuno Hyvren
Typing quirk: c -> {
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Name: Shudao Jagifa
Typing quirk: ends his sentences with a tail like so/.
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Name: Rodazz Kewave
Typing quirk: i -> !
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Name: Cadark Adanti
Typing quirk: o -> 00
and thats all folks! though there are a couple more to come, one is basically ready just needs a quirk, and the other needs a quirk and a name.
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