#I'd like to watch you sleeping
afrianajeng · 4 months
Orang gila mana yang ingin tinggal di belakang gigi?
Orang yang sedang jatuh cinta. Dari sekian banyak tempat, seperti gunung, pantai, taman, atau lapangan sepak bola, Sal justru memikirkan gigi sebagai tempat yang ingin ditinggalinya. Perwujudan makna cinta memang merubah segala hal yang tak mungkin menjadi mungkin saja.
Konyol, tapi lucu juga. Terbayang ketika kau sudah mendengkur dan menganga. Lalu terbersit, apa aku tinggal di belakang giginya saja ya. Sebab, berada di dekatnya adalah hal yang paling ku suka. *Hmmm, tapi gak di belakang gigi juga gak sih😭
Kau terpejam, sedang aku terjaga sepanjang malam. Kau larut dalam mimpi, sedang aku merasa sunyi. Kuceritakan semuanya, sedang kau menjawab dengan dengkuran sambil menggaruk pipi.
Kadang aku penasaran, apa yang sedang kau lakukan di alam mimpi. Apakah bermain awan, berenang di dasar samudera, atau malah memandangiku yang sedang terlelap? Tapi aku lebih suka jika bisa menjelajah alam mimpi berdua. Lalu menjadi bulir hujan yang paling diharapkan setelah kemarau panjang. Turun ke bumi menyirami hutan-hutan raksasa dan tanaman-tanaman hingga tumbuh kembang.
Hiduplah terus, ada terus, sampai seribu tahun lagi. Seperti tokoh kartun di televisi.
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crimeronan · 3 months
ultimately i think the appeal of daniel and armand to me is that it's very much a typical dark romance storyline where the heroine is kidnapped and tortured by an evil monster but using her wits she manages to seduce him and make him emotionally vulnerable to her, because she is More Special and More Clever than all of his other victims, and because of this she enjoys a level of dangerous favor and protection from him, except in This version of the dark romance it's two toxic old men who both have the worst fucking personalities imaginable. who truly just fucking suck beyond measure. like no pun intended, they are Garbage, one is the actual literal immortal devil and the other is just kind of a deadbeat with no moral compass, neither of them is willing to work on himself and neither of them has ANY reason to want to rail the other as bad as they do.
and yet. There They Are,
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cometblaster2070 · 2 months
the best miraculous au is the one where marinette accidently enters the paris olympics and somehow manages to win an absolutely staggering amount of gold medals in a variety of sports while also having absolutely no clue as to what the fuck she's doing.
side note: kagami is also there; yes, she does win gold in fencing, and yes, she does not have a clue in regards to whatever bullshit marinette's pulling or how marinette even got there, but she is definitely going to support her all the way.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 2 months
Okay, I have decided that this section about the philosophy of religion is funny like...
They're defining judaism as one of the west's Largest Religions, and then this entire section is all presupposing that the g-d you're debating about is the xtian god like... I get that we're discussing mostly xtian philosophers but... I don't believe in a hell that g-d would send me to if I didn't believe in Him, and this entire text presupposes that things like hell are real. What's funny about it is just universalizing xtian belief and philosophy about g-d as though jews for example would feel compelled by the arguments. I'm feeling so uncompelled by these arguments and I'm a theist 😭
What's funny is the fact that judaism (and islam!) were presented as Major Western Religions but only one islamic philosopher was discussed and there is no mention of anything other than xtianity.
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heavywoolcoat · 11 months
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aflawedfashion · 3 months
I groaned at the writing of the 19 year old with too many ideals and not enough life experience, but there's a perspective shift in episode 3, so when we see her again, she's not a cringy character anymore
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vv-ispy · 5 months
If decarabian was a gamer he would have the most decked out setup imaginable. 2000+ dollar custom keyboard where nearly everything but the internal components are made of solid gold. Top-of-the-line pc entirely encased in various ornately decorated gemstones. He would have at least five monitors (bonus points if they also double as surveillance monitors.) His gaming chair would in fact be a literal throne. At times he thinks that video game logic must surely apply to real life mortal human logic as well and vastly overestimates how durable most humans are.
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Someone save her
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rogueshadeaux · 2 months
Slllliiiiiides over here. Hi hello. I don't think I'll do a bad karma run (IM SORRY. IM SORRY!!) cause a) I'm a wimp and b) I need to get off videogames as soon as I'm done cause I've spent too much time playing lately lmao BUT I will be watching playthrougs cause I gotta know how fucked up he gets.... I gotta know...
To clarify i have a pre existing oc from a story that could be very easily flung into a vat of "au juice" because she's already halfway there in her own cannon LMAO we shall see, for now I have a huge list of things I want to draw for this game so I gotta finish 2 before I explode then I can unleash myself on art again. Gotta feed the discord now. I'm cooking for a crowd.
hi i've been dead for 8 days and recuperating for two lol I understand life stuff (and saw some references to it on your timeline, like the warhammer stuff and the tarot card thing??? bro that shit looks so good!!) as someone that literally shared your stuff and then got ripped away for my own life happenings lmfao. But if you get the chance in the future? Seriously, try an evil karma inF2 run. There's something about how they balanced the story that puts its predecessor AND sequel to shame. They're the same story, but different tales. They have the same goal, but different goalposts. SPP gives you a well-thought-out storyline that both is cohesive, but feels like your choices actually matter. It has none of the "I can help this old lady...or kick her fucking dog lol" of inFAMOUS 1, or the "I will fight for the tribe but literally do everything wrong. everywhere. because I'm a Bad Boy™" of inFAMOUS: Second Son. The choices feel real. They feel sound. They feel like the choices a man wronged by the world would make, if he decided to turn to his harbored resentment instead of his morality. And let's be honest, Cole also feels more morally gray in inF2 than 1 anyways, so seeing the path he takes is great because it genuinely feels like he's done with the accumulation of every shitty situation that has happened to him. And I'm sure you know how the story ends now, so...don't you wanna see what happens if he chose the other option? (pls tell me you haven't watched the playthrough yet lmfao)
Anyways yeah no I totally get life shit, it loves to pull you away from stuff, and also as someone only just now trying to do the bad options in Detroit: Become Human despite getting the game at launch because I need 6 years of preparation to be the bad guy, I understand the wimp bit too. It's hard to be mean sometimes. But with Cole's inF2 story, it doesn't feel mean. It feels like a desperate man, trying to fight for a future he's not convinced cares about him.
And yes oh my god please keep creating lmfao we all love your art so goddamn much. Don't leave this fandom you're now a very important asset. And it's always a good thing, throwing old friends into new situations! I love an OC in a wardrobe change. That's usually the best translation. Think a bit harder about forcing that OC into a new role. Shove her ass onto the stage. We'd all love her.
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Halloween Recommendation: Stephen King's Rose Red
** This one can be tricky to find. It was originally released as a 3 night mini-series in 2002, but then re-released as a motion picture. Apparently Hulu has it?
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In 1906, oil barron John Rimbauer built a veritable palace overlooking Seattle. It was his young bride, Ellen, who would give the house it's name: Rose Red.
First blood was drawn before the foundation was even laid. A foreman, murdered over a simple argument. Bizarre deaths and mysterious disappearances plagued Rose Red, swallowing up the Rimbauer family, their servants, friends, and anyone who dared enter.
Eventually, the grand estate fell into disrepair. Paranormal investigators descended upon the property, but none were ever able to solve the mystery, nor stop the deaths.
Now, more than 90 years after the first deaths at Rose Red, Steven Rimbauer, the last living descendant of John and Ellen Rimbauer, has been offered massive sums of money to sell Rose Red. It will be totally leveled, the land used for condos.
Before the house is destroyed, Steven agrees to let Dr. Joyce Reardon and a cobbled-together team of psychics, mediums, and other paranormal investigators do one final sweep of the house.
What evil lurks within Rose Red?
What horrors did John and Ellen Rimbauer summon in their palatial estate- or were they victims themselves?
Why does Rose Red kill the men, but swallow the souls of the women and force them to haunt it's halls?
How many of Dr. Joyce Reardon's team can escape with their lives?
*** Stephen King wrote the screenplay for this story, but there is no novel. Instead, as part of the publicity and hype leading up to the miniseries premiere, "The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer" was published, serving as a prequel. You can buy the novel on Kindle.
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crescentfool · 1 year
HI FELIX!! thank you for the ask i am always happy to take more opportunities to talk about ryomina they are so special to me o7
it is VERY tempting for me to answer, "every fucking time ryoji showed up on screen!" ok this might be an exaggeration, i like 90% of his screentime, december 2nd ryoji should've been portrayed more like a pathetic wet dog imo but i digress. but hm... favorite moment.
while the helper's club montage has a very strong place in my heart (it permeated my braincells without my permission)!! i think my favorite part of ryomina's portrayal in the movies is the whole sentence finishing thing they got going on. i feel like that's a cop out answer but like.
there is something so so gut wrenching to me about how they start off by making it so that ryoji is the one finishing minato's sentences. always ryoji. BUT THEN!!! when they meet again at the top of tartarus to do battle on judgment day!! they turn it on it's head!! and it's minato!! who finishes the sentence!! and fuck man does it make me feel like i'm being kicked down a staircase.
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and to have the sentence finishing happen again for such an important day?? god idk im gonna tear up and someone needs to like. give me like. a chew toy or something this makes me so fucking insane (blows up) (blows up).
so basically my favorite moment is really like, january 31st, but a lot of my attachment to it is BECAUSE they have that set-up in november with ryoji being the silliest fucking guy to have ever walked at gekkoukan. and oh man oh man the fucking. THE. when. WHEN THEY FOLLOW IT UP WITH MINATO SUMMONING THANATOS AFTER THIS?? yeah man. that's the fucking shit.
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like i don't think the english language is enough to convey how much i love the artistic choice to have the flash frame of ryoji when minato summons thanatos. it's the hesitation and rebellion babey!!! the whole scene afterwards is so fucking juicy as well.
honorable mention to when ryoji jumped off the fucking roof at iwatodai station to tell minato that he has kindness in his eyes and that he doesn't like seeing him alone. what kind of guy does that. that's so fucking hilarious to me like actually. he was insane for that.
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anyway that is my answer i HOPE u enjoyed reading it, god, ryomina still makes me eyes watery (it's been almost 2 years since i've met them??? what the fuck). i feel like others have echoed this sentiment before but nevertheless i was super happy to type it out :D
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gideonisms · 2 years
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janiedean · 7 months
I'm not even gonna go into the oscars because I knew they were gonna give everything to opp*nheimer anyway and everyone knows my opinion wrt nolan but I am once again not surprised to see them giving absolutely nothing to the scorsese movie which was by far the best of the bunch they truly will never have the spine to give awards to anything even remotely controversial will they
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softdreamlesssleep · 1 month
God, "I missed you" sex is the best
#eep.txt#as soon as we were alone he kissed me hard and just couldn't get close enough#we went to his room and he immediately attacked my neck i don't think i've ever had so many hickeys at once#he kept grinding for so long against me on his lap 😵‍💫 i was very desperate for more but he just wanted so feel my skin against his#he was sososo cute with his messy hair and the way he kept saying i love you!#i could see myself in the mirror in front of his bed i didn't think i was this fucked out lmao#maybe the first time i moaned this loud and talked this much too#usually i have to keep quiet even though it's hard cuz there's other people but it was so nice having him aaalll to myself#when he finally put his fingers in it felt like heaven i'd been so long#and same he just kept going so deep and so fast my god he said he liked hearing me again#i had to stop him cause i was getting really overstimulated but it was so good#i'm pretty sure it's the first time i've actually like moaned his name without meaning to do it#apparently i didn't realise i was babbling and scratching his back so hard#god i love being a power bottom and calling him cute or my sweet boy and getting him desperate but...#when he goes feral like that after not seeing me for a while? it's the best. i'm so lucky to have such a service top#so happy to be with him again#after we cuddled and we showered and we cooked and then watched videos and then talked and laughed#i'm so happy right now to even see him sleeping next to me :]#sorry i meant to do a sexy post but i guess this is more positive venting i'll make a proper one later#still new to this writing thing i'm probably very bad at it but it's nice to have a place to write down my memories and experiences
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threepige0ns · 2 months
While I'm waiting for my friends to catch up with the finale I wanted to share my personal most terrifying silt verses experience
I was solo camping, 18 hours driving distance away from my nearest friend, having spent the last 16 straight hours on the road and listening to my latest podcast obsession, The Silt Verses. I arrive to my campsite at 2 am, no cell phone service. Totally expected and normal. To not wake the other very asleep campers, I pitch my tent far enough from everyone else to where the sound of me getting settled in won't bother anyone. Right by the river. After 16 hours of River Horror Podcast. I'd never been scared to sleep outdoors in my life before, but I think I tried to send texts to multiple people that if my phone was found somewhere and I'd gone missinf firever that the damn trawler man had gotten me. 10/10 would recommend
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I'll never understand why people act like the first season of HSMTMTS is or should be deemed the best?
Don't get me wrong, it's totally fine to have a sense of nostalgia because you might recall season 1 being the first time you fell in love with the show or you're reminiscing about what drew you into it in the first place, but most arguments about season 1 never involve talking about any aspects of the show other than the fact that it ended with the R*ni love confession, and it makes it difficult for me to believe that there's any other reasons why you deem the season so superior to the others.
When you remove the nostalgia blinders, season 1 only gives a semblance of justice to a tiny amount of characters. Ricky and Nini get the most attention devoted to them, but whether it's because of the writing or simply the fact that she's the best actress on the show who's also capable of elevating any material that's given to her, it's Gina personally that stands out to me this season. Yet while it was airing, she was getting harassment from R*nis who were ignoring the obvious issues in their relationship to take all of their anger out on Gina. This would go on to happen for two more seasons.
Everyone other than Ricky, Nini, Gina, and maybe EJ, gets abandoned or shoehorned into things that age in a horrific way. I would argue that Kourtney's character suffers the most this season, and it was actually jarring seeing someone as vocally talented as Dara Reneé play a character that wasn't initially a singer. She wasn't even supposed to have a role on the show that lasted beyond two episodes, and yet she has one of the strongest, if not the strongest voice in the entire cast. For a show that was meant to revolve around theater kids, that alone was unrealistic and as a black woman, I can't ignore how colorism played a role in that. No one with a voice like that would have been given a supporting position if they were nonblack. Somehow the likes of M*tt C*rnett were given more solos on the show, and he is easily the worst male "vocalist" of the cast.
I won't even get into the fact that other than Gina, EJ was one of the most hated characters that season singlehandedly for getting in the way of R*ni, yet once the chances of R*ni making it to endgame status were getting increasingly lower, everyone decided that he was their favorite person and became P*rtwells. Not because they saw potential in anything (we all know one of the biggest plot points of season 1 was Rina getting closer, no matter how many people want to ignore it) but because they hated the idea of any character involved in R*ni being happy with someone who wasn't a part of their ship. Because I'm saving that for a later conversation.
The point is, like every season, season 1 had more flaws than most of the fandom wants to acknowledge, especially in the characterization of the ensemble cast, which was never the right move for a show that would not be as strong without their ensemble. Nostalgia as well as the plague of real life shipping has made people believe that this season was somehow unbeatable, when I would even argue that at the show's absolute worst in season 2 we would already see the improvements and corrections that season 1 failed to expand on. Such as giving underutilized characters like Kourtney and Carlos more depth by introducing their storylines with dealing with self doubt and acceptance.
I've always said that the episode that really made me stick with the show was episode 5 of season 1, and it isn't just because I'm an avid Rina. One of my favorite parts of the episode will always be the Born to Be Brave group number. Seeing Carlos start off dancing by himself and then Ashlyn going up to join him was one of the first moments of the show where I noticed just how strong the ensemble was and just how much heart they all brought to the show.
One love confession that didn't even manage to end up being the best love confession on the show is not what made the show what it is now. Delusional nostalgia is trying to tell you that despite other seasons allowing characters who were overdue in getting their own storylines finally have their moments to shine, nothing will ever amount to season 1 because of what you shipped. Season 1 didn't even deal with their deepest subjects. In retrospect, the entire season was essentially like a trial run. Even the first 4 episodes were written by a different show runner. The entire thing was an experiment. And while it was a good start and while I do understand why it's a season that's so loved, I just wish more people would unpack the reasons why they loved it and stopped dismissing the fact that there were seasons that did things better, even if your nostalgia is trying to tell you otherwise.
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aeterna---amantes · 26 days
|| A peak of my year: I showed my grandmother Austin Butler (because frankly, I'm head over heels for his performance in Dune Part 2), and I asked her if she's seen the movie Elvis, because he's the lead actor in that one. She said she hasn't seen it, but fortunately, it was in the telly on Sunday evening, and she promised she'd watch it. I asked her tonight if she's watched it and she said yes, and she liked it, and that the actor was so handsome that she's going to watch it every time it's in the telly. 😌😂
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