#I'd be happy to hear your thoughts if you have any on the topic though
kjzx · 10 months
Do people like make analysis on how to approach working on art pages cause I've been meaning to make one for a loong time but I've been really critical of the stuff I make and what pieces I'm ready to show people.
I realize it's stupid to approach art pages like professional portfolios when I haven't made a single penny from my art once in my lifetime but I also like opening a page and seeing good stuff. But idk if this approach is gonna only make me anxious. Last time I tried having an art page was in like 2017 though, a lot has changed
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bixels · 7 months
Taking the current topic as an excuse to ask you to tell me all the reasons you love Rarijack. Your art for the ship is so sweet and intimate I'd love to hear any in depth thoughts you have.
Breathes in.
I think what makes their dynamic really strong is that they have opposing personalities but aligned values. It's deeper than just "opposites attract." Rarity's fancy, prissy, and femme while Applejack's modest, rough, and "masculine." But both value hard work (to the point of being workaholics), their families (both have guardianship over their little sisters), running successful businesses, and eventually each other. Their relationship can be boiled down to, "Despite our differences/disagreements, I still like you because we value the same things."
We see their relationship develop so much. In the first season, they can't stop bickering about surface-level differences. By season four, they still bicker, but will mend their relationship because they can't help but do nice things for each other. In Trade Ya, they start off arguing over personality differences (Applejack likes old junk and Rarity likes useless crap). Then they pivot and start arguing that they value their relationship more than the other. In the end, they mend things by sacrificing their needs and buying each other a gift. Even if they don't understand it, they know it'd make the other happy. And that's all that really matters. It's a genuinely sweet moment that shows how arguing can be healthy and necessary for relationships to strengthen.
We even see them dropping their hang-ups about each others' personalities. In Made in Manehattan, when Rarity runs off in dramatics about someone's fashion, AJ doesn't roll her eyes or scoff, she smiles. Oftentimes, their conflicts are very common domestic conflicts romantic couples face. Applejack's Day Off is about a woman's inability to balance work and life and find time to properly spend with her partner, causing her partner to feel neglected.
By season seven, they're actively participating in each others' interests. Any problems or conflicts that arise are dealt with, and they come out the other end stronger and closer. In Honest Apple, AJ pretty much spells out why their relationship works so well: even though she doesn't understand fashion, she can recognize and appreciate how much work it takes and wants to respect that. When she realizes her mistake in the episode, AJ goes above and beyond to fix things and apologize to Rarity. They care about each other so much.
The two go out of their way, sacrificing their personal desires and beliefs and doing things they normally wouldn't, to make the other happy. That's just love.
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There's Simple Ways, where AJ gets stuck in an unwanted love triangle between Rarity and her hipster crush. And her frustration and anger can be so easily interpreted as AJ finding herself in a terrible position; the girl she loves wants another man, and that man wants her.
I dunno. I've always had a preference for opposites attract ships, but Rarijack's stuck with me like a brain worm because they have the perfect chemistry. The way they show they care, or do things for each other, I've always read it as the truest representation of romance in the show.
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cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Hello! So, I hope this request is okay to ask, if not, I'm so sorry!!! (Especially as it is a triggering topic) --- TW ‼️‼️ healing from SA
I was wondering about a fic with george where the reader (gender neutral but afab anatomy) has maybe been put through something in the past (left ambiguous), and essentially is just ready to try more intimate stuff with george, and is able to just fully enjoy themself with him? Like a healing sort of thing?
I know this request is kinda different. I've seen your other posts about sensitive topics and thought they were great, and I checked to see what you are/aren't okay with (I hope I didn't get it wrong, if I did, I'm very sorry!), so I thought I'd send this in. I just thought it'd be a healing read! BUT, I understand that it's still sensitive, so totally no worries if that's the case!
Also, I hope this isn't too specific???? I apologise if it is!!!!
I hope that you're having a lovely day ^^
((Sorry it took so long! It’s been finals season, and since it’s such a heavy topic I wanted to be in a good headspace to work on it. Ya know?))
As someone who suffers from self harming ((I have an issue where I just scratch myself and my arms get scratched like crazy. They are vertical, so no one thinks they are ‘real’ self harming scars 🙄)) so writing George on a topic like this would be very comforting to me as well. Thank you for being so brave in asking 🫂 I’m so proud of you for speaking! This will be lovely
George Weasley X AFAB reader
Warnings: 18+, heavy talks about Self Harm and Suicidal Ideations, gentle sex, lots of fluff and kisses, body positivity, disabilities, Umbridge, Fred gets to live because we need to lighten this heavy topic, lots of gentleness, wizarding war typical angst, deafness, body dysmphroia, it’s gonna be heavy and descriptive but also there is plenty of comfort to balance. Not sugar coating comfort. Sugaring coating can be so annoying. Trust me. I know
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Life sure was different, when the war finally ended. The stress of it all was off everyone’s shoulders. The world was finally able to move forward. Death wasn’t at the doorstep. Life was suppose to be happier, but you still felt like it wasn’t. That you were holding yourself back. That even the battle of Hogwarts didn’t shake you back to reality. You felt bad, and George noticed.
“S’matter, jellybean?” He asked you, as he leaned himself against the railing. Having seen you space out again. Happened alot, but he noticed it more than ever now. As if he wanted to leave you to be stressed after all. This should be a happy time, but somehow it wasn’t.
“Just….Thinking.” You muttered, as you played with the end of your sleeves. You could hear him sigh, a deep one, as he watched. As if he knew something. Something you wish he didn’t. Seemed such a worry was made a reality, when you were both suddenly apparated into his office. A place for privacy, after all.
He’s been suspicious, but a constant wizarding war tends to take your mind off things. Along with busy with a school year, and starting up a business. Made any doubts get overrun with work, and stress, get covered. Not today, though. Not today.
“Love, we need to have a talk. A serious one, please.” That made your heart drop, as he would motion you to join him on the couch. You felt so terrified, as you were forced to sit next to him on it. Now having your hands held by his.
“You know I love you, and I want to take care of you. I love you so very much. We’ve been through so much together. You’ve been there for me, and I want to be there for you. You know that, right?” He asked, as you gave a sheepish nod. Wondering where this was going, but deep down knew he figured it out. He’s had it figured out for a while.
He’s not stupid, after all. You could only hide something like this for so long. Why you never turned on the light, how you used Umbridge as an excuse for anything that was accidentally seen. How you always wore long sleeves, even when going to bed. If you could hide your body, you did. But now? George could understand that pain, and he wasn’t having you suffer in silence anymore.
“Love, it’s ok. You know that, right? I’m not here to judge, or make fun of ya. Gonna be the last person to do that. I mean, look at me. Look at Billy boy. We know a thing or two about getting roughed up.” He tried to not directly say what he wanted to say, in a means to let you be the one to say it. To let YOU be in charge of it.
After the war, he just wasn’t the same. When Fred went in that coma, oh he was in utter hell. He was already recovering from his ear. Now he had to spend every day, wondering if his twin would live or die. How Umbridge caught wind of such a thing, and tried to pull something. Like trying to say Bill was qualified under the Werewolf laws. Oh life was hell, and he had to project somehow. Not the same as you, but to say there wasn’t a taste is an understatement.
“George, I really don’t want to talk about this-“ You tried to weasel out, but his grip on your hands only tightened. The sadness in his eyes left you frozen in place. He wanted to take care of you, and make sure you knew you were safe with him. Such a complicated mess it all was. Just made you feel worse, if anything.
“Love….Let me see you. Please. Let me see all of you. You see me, can I see you?” He tried, and your tears just welled up more. You couldn’t understand why he was doing this. Why he cared. Your brain just didn’t accept that people can love you. It’s hard to grasp.
“This is different-“ You tried. “Why is it different?” He rebutted. “It just is. It’s different when I do it-“ How the brain was complex, and a pain in the ass to have. Luckily, George knew a thing or two about them. You learn alot when running a joke shop. Kids come to you with so many problems. You learn things you don’t want to.
“I don’t want to force you, but I can’t have you suffer like this anymore. I’m not doing this to hurt you, Jellybean. You were there when I lost my ear. When I thought I was going to lose Fred. Umbridge, everything. Let me be there for you-“ He begged, as he forced your hand onto the side of his head.
Your palm would feel over the scars from the Potion Master Made Spell. How deep they were, and never seemed to properly heal. How familiar the texture was. The smoothness of cut flesh, as he no longer could hear. The lines that cut into his hair, cheek, and even face. It was nothing like what Bill suffered, but it hurt. Hurt no longer being identical.
With a shakey breath, you gave in. Ready to accept him screaming at you in disgust. To say all the mean things people have said to you before. Attention seeker, that you need to make them deeper already, that you look like a cutting board. Every insult, every mean remark. All of it. You accepted your fate, as you rolled up your sleeves.
The air was silent, but it wasn’t heavy. No, it was calm. Like the air was clear. For once, the weight was gone. You couldn’t understand why there was such a feeling of peace. Why wasn’t he looking at you with disgust? With hate? Why was he smiling?
“Hm, kinda remind me of Charlie. He’s got ink like crazy, same for Bill. You’ve seen them. Bills got these protection ruins, and Charlie has as many dragons as possible. You would look good with sleeves.” He smiled, as he gently held your wrist. Truly looking at them, and not flinching at all. He was looking at you. And wanting to make you feel like there was a chance you didn’t have to hide. That you were the center of it all. Not the scars. Not even asking why you had them. He didn’t need to know. He just wanted to know if you knew he could keep you safe.
The fact he started to kiss them was what had you sob. He was kissing something you hated so much. He was accepting it as a part of you. This was just what was part of your life. Your struggles. Your fears. Your hate. He was accepting that, because he loved you. You were what he cared about. Not what people thought.
It was such a tender moment, as you were able to let yourself cry. Let yourself have that good, needed, cry. All the while George took care of you. Kissing your scars, and holding you close. Just wanting you to know you were safe with him. Not rushing you. You never rushed him when he bursted into tears, no matter how random it was. So, you deserved that attention all the same.
“George…You know how I said I wanted us to wait until we were married?” You asked him, as you wiped your eyes. He would brush them aside, as well, as he nodded to you. Keeping his eyes glued with yours, as he tried to show you his full attention.
“It was kinda a lie. I didn’t want you to see me….But I think I’m ready now. I think you can see me now.” You consented, as he smiled. Clearly proud of such a big step. His pride made you want to cry more. There was no shame, or doubt, in those big brown eyes. He didn’t see you as any less, as before the topic was broached. It was as if you simply dyed your hair. It’s still you, under it all.
“I’ve been waiting for this, and I was willing to wait for never even.” He chuckled, as he kissed your cheek. Another reminder he was there for you. Not for some end goal. There was no end goal, with love. There was a continue. A continue for as long as the hearts wanted.
With a gentle kiss to your lips, the two of you were side alonged back into your shared flat. Fred would be able to handle the shop just fine, after all. It’s near closing anyway. With how close those two were, you wouldn’t be surprised if he knew where George went. Even as far as why.
“I’ve always wanted to see you. So badly.” He sighed, as he kissed you again. Gentle, and sweet. Not this heated passion in the books or movies. Just tender, and making sure you were taken care of. In every sense of the word. This was love, not sex.
Just gentle kisses, shared between you two, as he helps remove your clothes. Allowing more and more of you to be seen on the surface. Every cut, bruise, stretch mark, imperfection, whatever you had. He was able to finally see it all, and wouldn’t stop kissing each little dot on your skin.
It was so scary. Scary to allow him. He was so proud of you to allow him. To allow him to witness you whole. He was so damn proud. Couldn’t stop his kisses all over your skin. Along with a few little playful ones, like right on your nose. Just wanting to make you smile. Know that you were safe. No matter how vulnerable you were. You allowed him to feel safe, when he lost so much. It’s a crime to not return the favor.
Open mouth kisses would trail over your body, as he helped you lay down on the bed. Slow, sweet, and savoring it. Understanding just how important it all was. No need to rush. No need to treat it as a one and done. This a moment to share, between two people who loved each other. So very very very much.
“You really are beautiful. I know I know. I can say it all I want, but I mean it-!” He whined at the end, making you smile. Ever playful, no matter the mood. Was very soothing. Made any heavy topic easier to deal with. He just made life easier, and his smile could sooth any coals under your feet.
There was one more little kiss to your nose, before he finally allowed himself to strip. His own body full of scars from so many things. War, failed experiments, Umbridge, death eaters, blood purest’s, friends turned enemies, the list goes on. Those scars felt different to you. He didn’t ask for them, yet wasn’t ashamed of them either. The mind can truly be so warped, but George was always one to be fascinated by the world. Willing to dive into that hellscape you call a brain, because you are in there after all.
“You are so beautiful.” He just kept on saying, before his naked body was pressed against yours. Playful little kisses were pressed all over your face, as your skin felt his. Felt his scars on yours, yours were felt on his. Just pure skin contact, as he was holding you close. Loving every little part of you. If it was you, he loved it. Scars and all.
“I’m ready when you are. And if ready is never, eh. Who gives a shit?” He would place another kiss to your nose, before your hands were around his neck. You were trying to mentally psych yourself up, and he was more than happy to wait. Happy to just admire you. Big ole Brown eyes, and a freckled smile.
“Yeah. I’m ready.” You nodded, as he gave you another kiss. One arm was used to prop himself up, as the other found your slit. Just being very gentle, and stroking it. Not yet intruding, but just taking it nice and slow. He was no virgin, after all. But you were, and he was going to treat you right.
Slow, steady, and calculated. A man who was that of an inventor. He knew how to move his fingers. Gentle over your slit, almost ghosting it even. Made you crave more, in such a simple gesture. Those rough fingers on such a sensitive part of your body. All exposed to him.
A kiss to your neck was given, as he finally slipped them in. Had you shiver, but he kept planting kisses on you. Easing you into such a feeling you were growing costumed to. How you always loved his big and rough hands. Always brought you comfort. Now they were bringing you pleasure.
“You already feel so wonderful. Bloody amazing.” He whispered, as he would kiss along your jaw. Just two fingers pushing in and out of you. His thumb even working at your clit, and it had you whimper a bit. Such new stimuli, but he was keeping it slow and gentle. Easing you into it.
“Don’t be shy. I can only hear so much, have mercy on me.” He teases, as it helped bring you back to earth. That this isn’t just sex. You were making love with someone you love. Made you smile, as he kissed the corner of your mouth. Drinking in the soft little breaths you left for him, before he snuck a third finger in.
“Oh you are going to feel so bloody good. I just know it. I can hardly wait any longer.” He moaned for you, as he was picking up his speed. That earned him more sounds from you, as your walls were coating his fingers. Showing you were enjoying yourself, when your voice was lost.
“Are you ready, or was this enough for one day?” More reassurance. That even now, when he’s so close to getting his turn at pleasure, he wanted you to know it didn’t matter. You matter. Almost made you cry.
“I’m ready, Georgie. I mean it. For once, I’m ready.” You would cup his face, and admired him. Those warm eyes, that imperfect unsymmetrical face. Those freckles, those scars, and that beautiful toothy smile. That’s your man, and he was all yours. Never thought you deserved such a wonderful man in your life. In this moment though? You finally accepted it. Even if it was temporary, you were able to fight your brain long enough to say you deserved this man. Seemed George could even see it in your eyes, as he pulled you into a deep kiss.
The tip of his cock felt so hot. As if he was just twitching in need. Had you feel so beautiful. Beautiful to know he was that excited to be with you. Hard to fake a feeling like that, after all. That feeling of a throbbing cock. Just hungry to finally feel you. Feeling you, he did. Finally slipping inside, as you pulled him closer. Moaning into his mouth, as the gesture is returned.
You swore he might be feeling more pleasure from it than yourself. There was a morbid comfort in that. Knowing your body could do such a thing. Ever after so much, it could still do good. Made your body relax, and had you enjoy the ride all the better.
The feeling of his hips meeting yours, and how he rolled them. Feeling those hip bones against your soft flesh. It just itched a scratch you didn’t know you had. Feeling this slender man above you, with his arms tense. Those muscles showing themselves off to you. Freckled and scared. So beautiful to you.
The moans he gave you had you drunk. They sounded so good. You swore you could get off from them alone. The feeling of him moaning into your mouth, as he kept rolling his hips into yours. Fingers tangled together, as you both just enjoyed each other. No need for words. Just embracing what your bodies wanted. The feeling of connection, and love.
It was like a beautiful dream. Nothing else mattered, in that moment. Just the two of you. Making love, and enjoying each other’s company. To feel the air grow heated, and sweat build between you both. How those easy rolls grew in speed, and had you both gasping each other’s names. Fingers holding on tighter to each other, as if afraid to melt into nothing.
“You feel so good-“ He spoke so breathlessly, as he would keep thrusting into you. All the while you moan openly for him. Your hands were trapped under his own, and you would give him squeezes of delight into those callused fingers. Allowing yourself to be louder. A mixture of allowing yourself to enjoy it, and a need to make sure he could hear how much you were indeed enjoying it. It’s the least you can do. Small acts go a long way, and you witnessed such first hand tonight.
“I don’t think I’m going to last much longer-“ He admits, sounding so embarrassed. It was cute. He was always so cute. Had you smile, and he smiled back. Your smile seemed to comfort his blushing cheeks, as you two returned another kiss. A kiss, as his hips begun to thrust in an uneven pattern. Had you whimper for him, as he kept true to his word. He didn’t last any longer, and he was soon moaning your name into your mouth. Tangling it in your tongue, and his.
The heat inside felt so satisfying. To let yourself ride a high, and have it be with him. How your legs couldn’t stop themselves, and wrapped around him. Needing to have him as close as your bodies could allow it. As if needing to become one. It was truly like being a fire work. A burst of pleasure, and sounds. It all felt so good, and it truly did feel like it filled a void in your heart that you didn’t know you had.
Coming down from the high was treated slowly. The both of you savoring it. With him holding you, as he stayed where he was. His head snuggled into your neck, as you played with his hair. Your turn in giving him the gentle comfort. Allowing him to use his working ear to enjoy your breathing, and heart. No need to worry about words. Just gentle affection. Embracing each other, and enjoying a moment of existing.
“Worth the wait-?” You asked, as you two were finally in a more clear headspace. He took a moment to think, as he pulled out you. Had you whine, as you liked the feeling. That made him chuckle, as he was soon pulling a blanket over you both.
“Yes. Very much worth the wait.” He would reassure you, as he was now your big spoon. Making sure you felt safe, in yet another vulnerable moment. His legs tangled with yours, as he wrapped his arms around you. Giving you a hug, as he pressed his face in your neck. Enjoying your scent.
Tears slipped down your cheeks, but not out of sadness anymore. But pure relief. You will still have your dark days, but you had a bundle of sunshine to stay there. Stay, and wait, for when you could speak again. He wouldn’t leave you behind when things got rough. He was making sure of that. Not even processing how much this simple act of spoon was bringing such joy. He existed, and it made you existing easier.
“Love you, Georgie.” You said, as you stole a hand to kiss. His own lips returned the gesture, as they were right on your cheek. “Love you more, Jellybean.” He yawned.
That comfort of another body, it was just what you needed. For once, in a long time, you weren’t scared to fall asleep. You were happy to sleep. To get rest, even excited to wake up again. Because you knew one thing, and one thing that changed everything.
He would be there when you woke up, and that was what mattered. He would be there, every time you woke up, and sometimes that’s all it takes to make you wake up.
Your sunshine, always there when the rain clouds came. Always there, and will never leave.
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Flufftober Day 8 | Dancing in the rain
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Pairing | Best friend!Loki Laufeyson x Best friend!!Avenger!Female!Reader
Word count | ~ 850 words
Summary | Both you and Loki decide to make the best of a rainy day. He starts the day off with breakfast in bed, and you decide to bake him a pumpkin pie in the afternoon. When you suddenly get the idea to dance in the rain with him, something shifts between you, and you can't keep your hands off one another.
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Best friends to lovers, mutual pining, breakfast in bed, dancing in the rain, implied shower sex.
Prompt(s) | 8. Rainy day
Request | Anon: Can I request a lazy rainy day with loki and female reader? 😍😍
A/n | This one shot is written for day 8 of Flufftober 2023. Thank you for this sweet request, Nonnie! I dream of spending a day like this with Loki, so I'm happy to have worked on this. I hope you will all enjoy it as much as I did when writing it 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🧡
Divider is made by @cafekitsune | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Loki Laufeyson Masterlist | Flufftober Masterlist
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It is genuinely an autumnal day outside, with the rain falling heavy on the windows, the wind blowing trees in every direction, and it is cold out. Luckily for you, you're working in the kitchen to make a treat Loki has never had before: pumpkin pie.
The morning started nicely, even though you were rudely woken up by knocking on your door. Loki decided to bring you breakfast in bed, and you weren't fazed that he was wearing sweatpants and a tight shirt, which is the complete opposite of his usual Asgardian leather clothing.
''Mornin' Darling,'' he says with a small kiss on your temple, a little routine the two of you have built over the years you've known each other. What started as short, small pecks turned into lingering kisses and hugs, and sometimes, you two even slept in the same bed.
There's nothing wrong with that in and of itself if it weren't for the fact that you both have feelings for one another.
''I think I know what I want to do this afternoon,'' you suddenly said after Loki popped a strawberry into his mouth.
''And what would that be, Darling?'' Loki looks up at you expectingly.
''I'm going to bake you a pumpkin pie since I think it's a real shame you've never tasted one. It is one of the most amazing desserts on this planet, and since the weather is dreadful, it's the perfect opportunity to bake something!'' you said, and Loki was almost as enthusiastic as you were.
Keyword being almost, because your baking skills haven't always proved to be the best.
''Alright, if that's what you want to do, I'd be more than happy to try some of your pumpkin pie,'' he says before feeding you a strawberry, too, maintaining eye contact the entire time.
And that's how you found yourself in the kitchen, preparing the filling for your pumpkin pie. Loki silently observes you as you dance to the music you put on, and with each movement, he can feel himself falling more and more in love with you.
By the time the pie is ready to go into the oven, Loki has set up the living room to watch a movie together, a blanket, snacks, and your favorite Halloween movie ready to go.
''C'mon, we can probably watch about half the movie if we start now,'' he says, but when you look out the window, you suddenly get a better idea.
You stretch out your hand, and when he puts his in yours, you feel a warmth flowing through your body you can only describe as nothing but love.
''Trust me, it will be worth it,'' you tell Loki, who believes you, following you outside in the pouring rain.
''There's one thing I've always dreamt of doing: dancing in the rain!'' you scream at Loki so he can hear you through the pouring rain, and without a second thought, you dance like your life depends on it, not a single care in your mind right now.
All you know is you, Loki, and the rain, and he quickly follows suit as he busts out some odd dance moves he probably learned in Asgard, making you laugh uncontrollably.
''Loki, can I confess something?'' you say as you stop to dance. ''Because there's one more thing I've always dreamt of doing,'' you say, finally having found the courage to bring it up.
''Always, Darling,'' he says.
You walk over to him, and in the pouring rain, you wrap your arms around his neck, your lips crashing onto his in a kiss that takes your breath away in the best way possible.
His hands pull you closer by your waist until there's not a single inch left between you two, and it feels like you're in a romantic comedy, the moment feeling perfect.
When Loki pulls away, you chase his lips, and he gives one more small peck before telling you all about the feelings he's had for a long time now.
''I have to tell you how much I love you, how much I am in love with you. Every single time I see you, my heart skips a beat or two, and when we talk, I never get bored of talking or listening to you, and not a single moment is ever boring with you,'' he says, and your eyes light up at his words.
''I like how you look at people like they're all so precious, and you talk to everyone with love and care; it makes everyone feel special. But there's no one more special than you, Darling. And if you'll let me, I want to show you just how special,'' he says, a glint of mischief showing through.
''Please, Loki. I want you to show me,'' and within no time, you're both in the shower, and he has you pinned between himself and the wall as he makes sweet love to you, telling you how much he loves you and how perfect you are.
But most of all, he tells you what a good girl you are for him.
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velvetures · 1 year
Can we please have a cute gaz fic where they are pining on each other and everyone on base is naturally done with their shit ;))
Take It Easy
A/N: This isn't exactly... "spicy", because I used a trope that shot myself in the foot. Anyway, I hope you're happy with how this turned out. If not, let me know. I really love writing for Gaz, and I'd like to get more practice in and feel his character out to where it's more accurate. :) HE'S SO DAMN CUTE IN THIS PIC!!!
Summary: You've always had a thing for Gaz... and he's felt the same way. Everyone else knows it, but it takes a little shock for you both to figure it out.
T/W: injury description, some heat but no spice, suggestive content, Price being a mood-killer, not proofread.
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Kyle Garrick is well known as a man of few words, but immense power of action. He’s typically not going to have a handful of words on any topic at one time, and if he does, it’s definitely worth listening. Getting his point across isn’t hard though. Between his very expressive face and the far more interesting use of his hands and touch. Gaz very often employs the use of pats, nudges, hugs, and the occasional slap to ensure you’re on the same page with him.
The problem is, that it made your crush on Kyle that much harder to cope with. You spent so much time around him that it was almost impossible to go more than a couple of hours without touching him in some way or another. By it his knee up against yours sitting on a couch, a hand holding to the back of your parachute before a jump, or putting an arm around your waist to yank you out of harm's way. Rationalizing that he did it for nothing other than practical purposes helped take the edge off. Yet a small crack in your heart deepened when you had to remind yourself that he probably didn’t mean anything by it.
From the first week you met him, Gaz instantly had you wrapped around his finger without even trying. Just seeing him smile at one of Soap’s jokes or hearing him laugh practically melted you down into your boots. Even in his less-than-sweet moments, that little voice in the back of your head and the pulse between your thighs got heavier when you saw him coming out of a mission; dirty as fuck and panting, a hardened look in his eyes and sweat dripping off his face. Perfection, in your opinion, fell short when describing Kyle. Unbeknownst to you, there were plenty of reasons for him to be just as nervous around you.
Smart, skilled, and downright sexy… it was a total package for Gaz, and he always felt like attempting to make a hint or ask you out on a date just to see what your reaction would be. Talking wasn’t his best skill though, and when he was around you there wasn’t a single thought in his head that didn’t revolve around a subtle scream of frustration that he couldn’t just get you alone for more than a couple minutes. He loved how affectionate you could be after working in the same footsteps as himself and the other guys. Plenty of reasons and experiences to leave you jaded or downright pissed off with the world. Managing to keep himself from falling into that same trap got a lot easier after you came around. And maybe it was self-serving, but Kyle liked the idea of keeping you for himself so he’d never have to feel that way ever again. Admittedly, he thought about it a lot. Being a lot more than just a partner.
Through a few mistakes on paperwork and simple logistics, you’d been asked to stay behind for a mission. The 141 had not been expecting the loss of a teammate, but you’d been very quick to reassure them that before you’d come along, they managed just fine and this time would be no different. Besides, it wasn’t supposed to be more than a capture and kill of three terrorist organization leaders causing a bit too much trouble and making everyone nervous. All the intel was vetted multiple times, and you’d even been able to sit in on the briefings up until the last minute before they left. So it was a shock when they came back dirty as hell, half of them covered in blood -not their own- and Kyle hardly able to walk on his own two feet with a massive hole in his t-shirt soaked thoroughly in blood -of his own. You couldn’t have been out of your seat any faster, pushing right past Cap and Soap, shouldering Ghost’s massive body out of your way and staring up at Kyle with wide eyes and a worried look.
“What the hell happened to you, Gaz?” Instantly your hand was pressed softly against the hole in his shirt, feeling thick bandages taped up around the area just left of his abs and below his chest.
“Jesus... you got fucking shot?”
Your mind was already spinning, trying to figure out why he wasn’t in the hospital or at least in the medical wing of HQ getting professionally looked at, instead of standing here like a used gun range target. Kyle watched you with a bit of surprise, looking over your head to see the others staring with wide grins and Ghost shaking his head disappointedly. There was no denying that they all knew how he felt about her, but this was a lot more attention than he was used to getting. Not that he didn’t enjoy it. He huffed a little, putting his hand over yours and taking as deep of a breath as he could manage with bruised ribs and internals.
“Nothing awful, small round,” He attempted to soothe you, but apparently hearing what kind of round wasn’t what you wanted to hear. Your face twisted in anger and hurt, and you looked up at him like a kicked little puppy. It made his heart clench, and not because of his injury.
“Easy… my vest stopped the majority, okay?”
With that, he pulled up the hem of his shirt just enough for you to see that there was minimal blood soaking into the gauze and padded patch over him. It made your cheeks heat up, seeing him quite like that right in front of you. But you tried to swallow down your nervous energy and nod. Kyle just smiled, pulling you just a little closer to him with an arm wrapped around your shoulders, burying his face in the crown of your head with a stiff sigh. You were always so damn sweet… worrying about everyone but yourself. But this felt a little different than normal. He didn’t know why, but that feeling alone possessed him to press a soft kiss to the top of your head, lingering there just to make sure you knew exactly what he was doing before pulling back.
“No more missions without me,” You say quietly, hand fisting in his shirt. “I mean it, Kyle.”
You saying his name was new too.
You hardly ever called him that, and when you did there was a damn good reason for it. He’d always found it endearing realizing that you saved his actual name for occasions when a nickname didn’t feel personal or affectionate enough. Although you didn’t have a call sign like the rest of them, he just murmured your name back into your hair, rubbing one hand over your head softly. Gaz understood that even though he’d not meant to, him coming in without warning of what happened actually scared you quite a bit, and it made him feel really guilty for not thinking that it could affect you any more than it did him. Fuck. He was still alive, and walking… There wasn’t much else to be worried about in the grand scheme of things. Yet feeling you cling to his shirt helped him come to see that it might not only be him who had feelings deeper than two regular operators might share.
“I promise, love.” He squeezed you affectionately; Both of you knowing damn well he’d told a lie just to ease your upset. Yet that was exactly what you needed, and Kyle couldn’t think of anything more he wanted to give you. Well… maybe a couple of things crossed his mind. But that could wait for later. At least until he could actually sit down and stand up without his whole torso burning. He kissed the top of your head again, inhaling the sweet scent of your shampoo and feeling a touch of dampness like you’d not been out of the shower very long ago. It settled in his mind and bones, helping take the edge off of a long day and the remnants of adrenaline still rushing through his blood.
“Hate to interrupt the party,” The Captain’s dry and somewhat flat tone reminded the both of you that you weren’t in a private room. And that everything had been said under Price and Soap’s watchful eyes. Ghost was long gone, already knowing damn well what was going to happen. He’d already seen it long before either of you quite recognized it, and didn’t feel like staying for the re-run. “But if you don’t mind… finish that shit somewhere else. I’d like to drink my whiskey without all the extra… affection. If you don’t mind.”
Gaz stiffened, and you couldn’t help but blush. It’d been nothing short of instinct, seeing him visibly the worst off of the squad. And now that you were sure he was going to be okay, it had made a lot of little questions in the shape of missing pieces suddenly snap right into place. Unfortunately, it appeared everyone but you and Kyle were already more than finished with the topic and were honestly just hoping you’d figure it out. Price definitely didn’t think it would take Garrick getting shot for you two to stop running circles around each other, but now that was taken care of. So he didn’t have to be so subtle anymore. And neither did Soap, who gave a deep whistle and wink before shoving his hands in his pockets and disappearing down the hallways towards his own room.
“Come on,” Kyle nudged you gently. “Got a couple things I want to talk ya about.”
Walking sheepishly past Price, who’d already poured a few fingers of whiskey shot a somewhat dryly amused look in your direction before settling down in a chair with his feet propped up and a cigar pinched between two fingers. You expected Kyle to ease up a little once around the corner, but he was still hot on your heels with a hand lingering on your lower back, silently guiding you in the direction of his quarters. Patiently, he whispered the code to his door in your ear and waited for you to open it, holding it so he could go inside without having to put too much weight on his ribs or upper body.
He apparently, had different ideas though. The moment the door shut, you were up against it, and Kyle’s chest flush with yours.
“Question one,” His breath had gotten a little heavier, fanning against your mouth and a hand sliding down from your waist to the swell of your hip. “How long?” You couldn’t help the sensation of heat that wavered up through your body, knowing exactly what he wanted to know. It would be hard enough to lie and give a respectable answer, but telling the truth could be just as nerve-wracking to admit.
“Day Two,” You answered back quietly, looking up at him a little timid. “When you showed me around the base. Thought you were so damn hot… You were wearing that grey and white three-quarter-length t-shirt and jeans…” The image was fresh in your mind, and damn if you still didn’t get excited when he wore that same outfit. Gaz gave a breathy sigh of amusement, grunting a little when he leaned a little too hard against you.
“Fuck… wanted you since Somalia,” He panted, nose brushing against yours and his breathing getting a little more labored. “Couldn’t stand everyone staring at you walking down the street after the mission. Knew everything they were thinkin’… Cause I’d already thought it. Wanted to take you right then and there, show them you were mine.” His hand on your hip tightened, pulling you flush against him and the other arm putting a deep arch in your back. Needing every inch of your body against his despite the discomfort in his ribs rising. He tried lifting you, but quickly grunted lowly out of frustration, pausing your shared excitement as you held your hands against his sides protectively.
“I’m not going anywhere, Kyle…” You whisper, raising up on your toes to meet his height a little easier. “Let’s just take this slow… alright?”
You pressed your lips to his, smiling happily when he began trying to take over. Pushing, pulling, whining, and desperately wanting to handle you a bit more but is very restricted by his own injuries. It was hard balancing the desire you knew he had and keeping him from hurting himself even more than he already was. It was a tedious process, but one you utterly lavished in, and hoped would never end. He just felt like everything you’d dreamed of and more. Tasted like honey and brown sugar with a voice that got more whiney and soft with each kiss and gentle touch. You didn’t know how long you’d been wrapped up in his arms and exploring every inch of him you could when he finally pulled back with a raspy groan, pressing his thumb to your bottom lip with a rich chuckle and smile.
“M’not gonna be able to handle much more tonight, love,” He rolled from his uninjured side onto his back, pulling you along with him until tucked tightly against his side with your head resting on his shoulder. From this angle, you could see him staring up at the ceiling with a hardened, and somewhat embarrassed expression. No doubt upset that he couldn’t deliver at least a little bit more. But you couldn’t even begin to accept him pushing through any amount of pain for something that could wait even one more day. Carefully you rubbed your fingertips over his chest, tracing outlines of muscle and feeling little patches of hair on his chest and lower stomach. It felt like a fantasy, actually touching Kyle Garrick… You felt a little guilty for not paying more attention and limiting just how much you’d been physical. But for the most part, you’d been the more concerned with his pain tolerance while he just kept nonverbally complaining that everything he’d been wanting to do was being unfairly taken from him in a cruel stroke of bad timing and a lucky shot.
“I’m sorry…” You whisper, kissing his cheek and nuzzling the curve in his neck. “Should’ve stopped you sooner. I don’t want you hurting, Kyle. I care care about you too much.”
Kyle laughs, a little too hard for comfort, and holds his ribs with his free hand. “Love, you couldn’t have stopped me. I’ve waited too fucking long, and I don’t have much patience left. I just can’t even breathe hard… and nothing we could do wouldn’t make me… excited.”
Your cheeks went hot with embarrassment, hearing his voice lower at the thought. You hadn’t the slightest clue of exactly what he had in mind, but it was for sure that you wouldn’t be doing much of anything but getting your fill of Kyle Garrick anytime you could get your hands on him, and attempting to keep him from going back to the doctor again; having to explain how he re-injured himself. You giggled to yourself at the idea, and it caught his attention. His eyebrows raised in question and you bit your lip, trying to decide if it was worth telling him. You figured at this point, there was no use in not.
“I was just trying to imagine what you’d say if you needed to go back to the doctor… you know, if you hurt yourself with me.”
A devilish smirk plasters itself to his lips, and he shifts over just enough to have his lips brushing your ear. “You know I don’t talk much… I’ll let ‘em guess just what I was doing to you. I’m sure it’ll be more fun that way. Besides, you’ll have plenty of proof on you that I didn’t go easy.”
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fuck i love gaz <3
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djuvlipen · 1 year
It's so hard being a Romani lesbian. It feels contradictory at best, unthinkable at worst. You are raised with the explicit goal to become a wife and to have children one day. I can't remember the first time my mother talked to me about marriage, but I remember being around 6 and being told that I will have a wedding one day, that it will be the most important day of my life and that I would make my family so happy. Growing up I'd constantly, almost daily hear about having children and having a boyfriend and getting married some day. It was always one of the most important topics of conversation. Your relatives - even your female relatives - don't seem to think you can make decisions by yourself, for yourself. Everything you wear, everything you say, everything you do is about appealing to men. When I was 5 I asked my mom if I could wear a dress to go outside because it was very sunny and she just told me I wanted to dress that way because I was in love with the male friend that I had. If you want to wear jewellery, if you wear "revealing clothes", that means you want to flirt with a man. This is not even an inconscious, internalized mindset: it is very overt and I was explicitly told that anything I did was because I was in love with a man - a classmate, a friend, a neighbour, an adult family friend (yes, even if I was 8), a male relative. I felt disgusting anytime I wanted to dress the way I wanted because I felt I was inviting men to have sexual thoughts about me.
As a Romani little girl you are groomed to accept relationships with men, especially older men. When I was about 8, my then 15yo sister invited me to her bedroom and showed me condoms and told me that I would need them one day. When we were 12, my female cousins all had boyfriends. My female cousins usually got their first serious relationship at 14-15yo. Two of my cousins had their first kid before they turned 17 (one was with a 28yo man). And this is seen as normal and you're weird for criticizing them. Any heterosexual intercourse is seen as good, as a positive value. The majority of my Romani female relatives sided against another relative of ours who had been raped by her stepfather. My mother and my sister also sided with my abuser and told me that I was being unfairly mean to him because he is my stepfather and I should be nicer, actually.
When I was 12, I had never had a boyfriend. All my other relatives, both male and female, started piling on me. We had family gatherings almost every couple of weeks, and the conversation would always somehow land on me. I was told I was weird, I was a dyke, I was probably a lesbian, my mother usually said she didn't want me to be some ugly dyke but she would also say that I was so mean to her for not coming out to her. This was discussed among my relatives while I was in the room. My mother usually pressured me every couple of nights to tell her if I was a "dyke". Because even though my group doesn't practice child marriages anymore, it's still the norm for Romani girls to be in serious relationship with (older) men when they are in middle school, and you are the weird one for not fitting that norm.
When gay marriage was being debated in my country, I was in middle school and my mother's favourite joke was about a gay teenager committing suicide. It was a joke made by a stand-up comedian and she would listen to it once in a while when driving me to school.
And I am so lucky because my family isn't even very traditional. They aren't even religious. Most Roma are very intense about religion. In my country, there are a lot of Evangelical Christian Roma, who told me that lesbian Roma should be murdered, should be ousted, that gay Romani teenager should be beaten by their parents, should be thrown on the street, that lesbian Romani Holocaust survivors should have been killed. All under the guise of "culture". Because a lot of those people have a "let it be" attitude when it comes to non-Romani LGBT people, but they don't extend that attitude to their own kids.
And then I talk to antiracist and "progressive" Romani activists, usually male, usually straight, who tell me that "being Romani is about being raised with Romani culture and embracing and respecting that culture", but what does that mean for LGB Roma who are constantly being bullied and abused by their own family and community? Heterosexuality lies at the core of Romani culture and LGB Roma won't be free until we start challenging religions and the patriarchal and homophobic bias engraved in Romani culture
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oneshotnewbie · 2 months
hello :)
can you please write athena grant x fem reader where y/n saves athena's life by taking a bullet for her with a happy ending and love confession?
thank you!
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topics of bullet wounds and blood and the plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
The morning sun cast a golden glow over the streets of Los Angeles as you and Athena Grant patrolled the streets in the patrol car. It was one of those rare days when the weather was perfect and the city seemed surprisingly quiet. Athena enjoyed the peace and your company. You had known each other for years and had been through countless missions together, which had led to a very deep friendship and tacit understanding between you.
"So, y/n," Athena began as they drove through the streets and she tapped the steering wheel to the soft melody of the radio. "Do you have any plans for the weekend yet?"
You laughed quietly and glanced at her sideways, your head leaning on your hand that was placed by the window. "Nothing concrete yet. I'm thinking about finally going to the cinema again. There's that new Marvel film and I thought I'd take Harry and May with me?"
Athena grinned. "But only if you take me with you? You know I can never say no to a nice day with the kids and you."
"Perfect, then that's a plan. I heard this movie is excellent and the animations are supposed to be awesome!" you nodded contentedly, your body shaking in the passenger seat with excitement. Athena could only shake her head, you were a total nerd when it came to the Marvel universe and even though she knew absolutely nothing about it, she loved hearing you talk about it.
The conversations between you flowed easily and effortlessly, switching from work to personal anecdotes and back. You teased each other and laughed about shared memories. Despite the many years in the service, you were still able to make Athena laugh and she appreciated your company more than she wanted to admit.
"Okay, last question," you said as you stopped at a traffic light, adjusting your sunglasses. "If you weren't a cop, what would you be doing?"
Athena thought for a moment and then answered casually, her gaze strictly focused on the traffic. "I'd probably open a café. I love coffee and I like helping people, so that would be the perfect combination."
You laughed out loud. "That honestly sounds like a dream. I would definitely be your regular customer." you said and shortly afterwards Athena drove the car into a parking lane in front of a bank. "I have to go in for a moment to sort out something personal. Are you coming with me?"
You nodded and got out of the car. You went into the bank together, where Athena went to the counter to take care of her affairs. You waited nearby and let your gaze wander around the banks. It seemed to be a completely normal morning - customers standing in line, employees working behind the counters and a general business atmosphere.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, three masked men burst into the bank, armed with assault weapons. A shrill scream broke the silence as one of the men fired the gun into the air. "Nobody move! This is a robbery!" one of the masked men yelled.
Athena exchanged a quick look with you and felt her body immediately tense as her training and experience took over. She knew this was an extremely dangerous situation and any wrong move could have disastrous consequences.
"Everyone on the floor!" one of the robbers ordered as the other two began to check the customers and employees.
You both obeyed and slowly lowered yourselves to the floor, your eyes always wandering between you and the robbers. Athena knew she would need a plan to defuse this situation, but for now you had to stay calm and wait for your chance.
One of the robbers went from person to person, collecting cell phones and carefully making sure that no one tried to set off an alarm or call the police. So far they hadn't noticed that two police officers were already in the bank. Athena watched the main man closely and noticed that he was nervous. His hands were shaking slightly and his chest was rising and falling quickly.
You, who had crawled towards Athena unnoticed, whispered almost imperceptibly. "We have to find a way to get the situation under control."
Athena nodded almost imperceptibly. "Wait for my instructions. We can't rush anything." she said and the minutes seemed to stretch on endlessly as the robbers continued to gain control of the bank. One of the men went to the vault while the other two kept an eye on the customers.
Athena felt her heart beating faster, but she forced herself to stay calm. She knew that every movement, every word could be decisive now. Her eyes wandered around the bank, looking for a possible opportunity to overpower the robbers.
"Hey, boss!" one of the robbers suddenly shouted, waiting until he got the larger man's attention before pointing the gun at Athena. "We have cops in the bank."
Athena remained calm as she slowly rose to her feet, her hands above her head. "Stay calm," Athena said in a firm and controlled voice.
The situation became chaotic in a matter of seconds. The robber, nervous and obviously mentally distressed, pulled a woman to her feet, a gun pointed strictly at her head while he screamed wildly. "No tricks, got it? You will shut up and try nothing, or you will be the first to lose your life. I'm not afraid of shooting fucking cops."
"Release the hostage and we can solve this peacefully," she spoke carefully and in a calm tone, but the robber didn't understand and continued to shout at her. "You don't understand! Nobody understands! I have nothing left to lose!"
The tension rose as the robber looked around wildly. Athena saw the gun start to shake in his sweaty hands and knew that the situation could escalate at any time and suddenly, the gun was no longer aimed at the woman, but directly at her.
You reacted instinctively. Without hesitation, you pushed yourself up from the ground and threw yourself in front of Athena. There was a loud bang - a shot had been fired. Then another shot, and for a moment time seemed to stand still. You felt the stabbing pain as the bullet hit you and you fell to the ground.
Athena's heart skipped a beat and she had to act quickly. When the robber was inattentive for a brief moment, Athena took the opportunity and ripped the gun from his hand. A fierce fight broke out while everyone else took cover. She managed to quickly overpower and arrest her opponent. You had shot the other in the shoulder from your position on the ground to give your partner cover.
When the two were handcuffed, Athena turned to the frightened bank customers and employees. "Reinforcements will be here soon. Everything will be fine. Please stay calm." she said and turned back to you. "Y/n!" she whispered as she knelt down. Blood seeped through your uniform and she knew it was serious. You weren't wearing a protective vest and the wounds on your upper and lower body looked serious.
While Athena desperately tried to stop the blood flow, the SWAT team ran in and overpowered the last robber, who went back into the main room of the bank. "Stay with me, y/n. You can't give up now."
You smiled weakly, your eyes filled with pain as you tried to take short breaths. "I... won't... 'thena."
Paramedics rushed in behind the SWAT team and began treating you. Athena didn't leave your side, her hands pressed tightly to your wounds as she continued to try to stop the blood loss. "We need to get her to the hospital immediately." one of the paramedics said as they placed you on a stretcher.
Athena followed the stretcher out and got into the ambulance. Her mind was racing and she couldn't hold back the tears. "Please, y/n, hold on."
The ambulance sped through the streets of Los Angeles, its sirens blaring and its lights flashing in frantic patterns. Athena held your hand tightly, her eyes full of worry and fear. Blood seeped through her fingers and dried on the sleeves of her police jacket. "Hold on, y/n," she whispered again, her voice shaking with emotion. "You can't give up now. Not after everything we've been through."
You weakly opened your eyes, briefly coming back from unconsciousness. "I'll try, Athena. For you."
When you reached the hospital, you were immediately greeted by a team of doctors and nurses and taken to an operating room. Athena was left alone in the lobby, hands smeared with your blood and shaking. All she could do was pray and hope that you would make it.
Hours passed in slow motion. Athena sat in a sterile waiting room, her thoughts racing. Memories of missions together, of conversations and of moments when you had saved her life flooded her mind. She couldn't imagine life without you. Not now, not ever.
Hours later, a doctor finally made his way to her. "She's stable," he said briefly, disinfecting his hands. "It was close. The bullet missed some important organs and arteries, but she lost a lot of blood. She'll make it, but it will take a while until she's fully recovered."
Tears of relief streamed down Athena's face. She knew she had almost lost someone who meant more to her than she ever wanted to admit. "Thank you," she whispered, unable to find more words. "Thank you for saving her."
The next few days were a test of patience and hope for Athena. She visited you regularly in the hospital, sat by your bed and held your hand. She spoke to you, even though you were often too weak to answer. But she knew you heard her, and that gave her strength.
One afternoon, when the sun shone warmly through the window of the hospital room, you awoke from a deep sleep. Athena sat by your side, quietly reading from a comic that Harry had brought for you. When she noticed that you were awake, she put the comic aside and smiled.
"Hey, you," she said gently. "How are you feeling?"
"Better now that you're here." You blinked and smiled weakly. Athena felt her heart beating faster. She had thought a lot over the last few days and had come to an important realization. She could no longer hide her feelings. It was time to tell you the truth.
"Y/n.." she began, her voice anxious and not what you were used to. "I have to tell you something. Something I've been feeling for a long time, but never had the courage to say it."
You looked at her carefully, your eyes full of curiosity and affection. "What is it, Athena?"
She took a deep breath and squeezed your hand tighter. "I... I love you, y/n. I always have, but I never admitted it to myself. But when I thought I might lose you, I realized how much you really mean to me. You are not only my best friend and partner, you are the person I can't imagine my life without."
Tears came to your eyes and you smiled. "Athena, I love you too. For so long. But I was always afraid that you wouldn't feel the same. That I could ruin our friendship."
Athena leaned forward and kissed your forehead gently. "Our friendship is strong enough to survive anything. And I'm ready to take a new path with you. Together."
Your smile grew wider and you pulled Athena closer to you with all your strength. "Then let's walk this path together, 'thena. No matter what happens, we will get through it together."
In the weeks and months that followed, you recovered slowly but steadily. Athena was always by your side, supporting you and encouraging you every step of the way. Your relationship deepened and you found comfort and strength in your love for each other.
One evening, as you sat together in the hospital garden and looked at the stars, you took Athena's hand and kissed it gently. "Thank you for being with me," you whispered. "You are my rock, Athena. With you by my side, I can do anything."
Athena smiled and leaned on your shoulder. "And you are my heart, y/n. Together we are unbeatable."
You knew that life would continue to hold challenges for them, but you were both ready to face them together. Your love was stronger than any danger, and you would always be there for each other, no matter what.
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
When you're gone who remembers your name?
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Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x f!reader
Genre: angst
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: Furious at the announcement of your betrothal, Daemon impulsively leaves for the stepstones. Three years without your presence has cooled his fury into longing, only his return does not herald as much happiness as he dreamed.
A/N: Not edited, haven't gotten any HoTD requests so thought I'd get the ball rolling with this little thought.
There had been whispers throughout the court for quite some time, not that that was anything new, the topic however, left more than a few people reeling.
News of your apparent betrothal to some insignificant minor lord had reached Daemon's ears. There had been several witnesses to the rogue Prince's reaction, and even though accounts differed there had been no denying Daemon's fury. Years later the songs detailing the story of the two would always include Caraxes's own reaction. His bellowing roars echoed throughout King's landing, projecting his rider's outrage for all to hear.
Servants and nobility alike had all but jumped out of the Prince's way, none daring to intervene in what was sure to be a legendary meltdown.
It would have been impossible to miss Daemon's arrival at your quarters, the doors flung open with such force a resounding bang had rung through the space. You hadn't moved though, despondent eyes staring into the crackling embers of the fire, ears half-heartedly picking up on Daemon's yelled words.
It isn't until fingers grip at your shoulders bruisingly and his reddened face appears in front of you that you give any indication of a reaction.
"Daemon" you whisper out, voice hoarse from the screaming match you had had with the king and the sobs that had torn from your throat in the fallout.
Immediately his ire dims, eyes finally taking in your shaking shoulders and the tears lining your eyes. His knees buckle at the realisation that you are just as miserable as him. Hands slip up from your shoulders to cup your face, pulling your forehead down to rest against his. Neither of speak, simply wallowing in the silence of your shared misery.
Despite your best efforts, your wedding day comes and passes. Daemon isn't present, having left months ago on his campaign in the stepstones. You aren't sure if that's for the better or worse, you cry all the same. Heart mournfully wailing as you lie awake next to a man you know you will never love.
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Daemon's return to court is heralded once more by the whispered voices that had inadvertently caused him to flee the first time. He pays them no mind. None of the sheep flocking to witness the show with bated breath matter to him. There is only one thing on his mind, you.
He had thought that the realisation you were promised to another, would be touched by another, loved by another would be the most painful thing he'd experience. But nothing could compare it seemed, to the agony of being apart from you. It had only taken a few months away for him to forget your scent, and as the war trudged along he had frighteningly come to forget more and more.
The way your hand felt clasped in his, the feather-light trails of your fingers against his face, the gentle touch you had reserved for him away from prying eyes. He imagines the devastation on your face when you lay eyes on his short hair, the hair that you had so loved to brush and braid.
He reunites with his brother, and though he knows he pledges his fealty the words sound distant to his ears. Daemon's mind has been absolutely consumed by you, more accurately, your lack of appearance for his return. Worst-case scenarios fly at lightning speed through his head as he forces his body to calmly behave and wait until it is appropriate for him to hunt you down. Viserys may not have kept in contact over the years but Daemon is sure that if something had happened to you he would have been the first to know.
As the drivel trail out and only his family remains he swiftly makes his way towards his weary-looking brother, questions of your whereabouts already starting to pour from his mouth. He barely manages to finish his sentence before his brother is shooting him a pitiful glance, reaching a hand out in a placating manner as he steps down to meet Daemon halfway.
"Brother what-" he is cut off once more with a sorrow filled apology and Daemon feels his entire world tilt off its axis as Viserys manages to explain the cause for your absence.
The calls for his name sound hollow and muted as he takes off in a desperate sprint through the keep. He pushes and shoves and swears at all who were in his way, yelling with a raised sword as he forces your whereabouts from the servant's lips.
Throwing the doors of your new chambers open it takes everything in him not to scream or cry out at the sight of your ashen form lying so listlessly. Like the last time he had done so, you barely notice his arrival, not until he takes one of your clammy hands in his own and desperately calls out your name.
That act gets your eyes to flicker open at least and Daemon's heart further shatters at seeing just how lifeless your expression has become.
You on the other hand are simply overjoyed. Your eyesight may have deteriorated rapidly but you would recognise his voice, his scent, his touch anywhere. The same touch you had yearned for all these years.
"Daemon" you manage to croak out, smiling as best you can before your body is wracked with a horrendously painful fit of coughs.
"Shhhh my love" he whispered, free hand raised to wipe the hair stuck to your face from sweat, "I'm home. You don't have to wait anymore"
"Wait?" you whispered back somewhat wistfully, eyes glazing over slightly as you considered his words. Once they do register, however, the final remnants of your strength slip further and further away. "Yes" you smiled slightly, weakly squeezing Daemon's hand back as your gaze conveys what you cannot verbally. "I waited for you. Knew you would come" with every it becomes harder to speak the next, your body finally starting to allow itself the rest you had so stubbornly held out against. You had refused to leave, not before your love had returned home, not before you heard his voice one last time.
The Stranger is looming over your bed, and it too is waiting, graciously allowing you what you are now certain will be your final moments with the only man you have ever loved.
"Daemon" you whisper once more, shaky hand reaching up to cup at his face despite the instant drain of energy you feel. "Daemon, I'm sorry." There are so many things you wish to say, soothing words you wish to utter to calm the panic that has started to claw its way back into Daemon's bones at the tone of your words.
"It was always you" you finally settle on before your eyes droop closed, no longer able to hold themselves open. "I've always loved you." The hitch of his breath is one of the last things you hear, frantic calls of your name as Daemon realises what's happening quickly dim into nothingness as your hand slowly grows cold in his.
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Daemon Targaryen had always had a somewhat tainted reputation. His roguish charm, terrifying temper and battle prowess were the topic of many scandals and rumours even long after he passed.
The most popular and tragic of all, the tale of two lovers, torn apart from a marriage alliance, a war, and a sudden stroke of illness. Of a once feared dragon growing in his sorrows and wine, unwilling to live without his maiden. Unable to stomach the sight of the keep he had once called home, not when it had become haunted by her ghost. Not when he had learned of her husband's demise not three months after he had left, the rest of his days plagued by the relentless what ifs?
But through the various legends, tales and ballads your name and the legacy of your love lives on.
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aalissy · 6 months
Reverse Crush
Anddd here is today's second chapter :). I hope you like it! I am forever tormented by how little reverse crush we got in the show. I always want more haha. Lemme know what you think <3
Adrien sighed quietly, leaning on his fist as he craned his neck back to stare blatantly at Marinette. It was study hall so he could finally get away with just focusing on her. Not for the first time that day, though did he wish he sat behind her. That way, he’d be able to peek up at her periodically through the day rather than having to crane his head back awkwardly to look at her.
She looked adorable. Just like she did every day. Her tongue was stuck out of the side of her mouth as she concentrated on whatever it was she was drawing. 
Clearing his throat, Adrien leaned forward, tapping her desk to get her attention. She looked up, her pretty blue eyes wide with shock. 
“What are you drawing, Marinette?” he asked, hopeful to hear her soft voice as she directed her attention to him alone.
Her surprise at his sudden question melted into a warm smile, and Adrien couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.
"I was actually just sketching some of my ideas down for fashion. It helps for inspiration when I’m creating." Marinette replied.
Adrien leaned in a bit closer, intrigued by her creative process. "Can I see?" he asked eagerly, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Marinette hesitated for a brief moment before nodding. She turned her notebook towards Adrien, revealing a series of intricate designs that showcased her talent and unique style.
The first page held numerous sketches of her and her friends in beautiful gowns. They all looked amazing. When he looked at the next page, however, his mouth dried. It was him. Or, well, Chat Noir, in a few different designs from Marinette. 
Suddenly, Adrien was struck by the urge to commission her. He’d wear those designs every day. He bit it back, however. As much as he might want to, he couldn’t reveal his secret identity. Not even to someone as perfect as Marinette.
"These are beautiful, Marinette!" Adrien exclaimed, genuinely impressed. "You're so talented. I especially liked the way that you drew Chat Noir." He winked up at her.
An adorable red blush lit up her face at the compliment, and she smiled gratefully. He needed to figure out how to get her to do that more often. She looked so cute with a flush on her cheeks. "Thank you, Adrien. That means a lot coming from you, being the son of a famous designer and all."
Encouraged by her positive reaction, he couldn't resist teasing her playfully. "You know, if you ever need a model for your designs, I'd be happy to volunteer."
Marinette's eyes widened in surprise, and then she burst into giggles, her laughter like music to his ears. "Sure, Adrien. I'll keep that in mind. If ever I make one of these frilly dresses, I’ll make sure that you’re the first one I call." She winked.
His heart quickened at her reaction, feeling dizzy with giddiness.
Wink! She winked at him. How was he meant to mentally function after that?
Adrien’s grin must have looked completely ridiculous as he couldn’t stop it from stretching wide across his cheeks. “I’ll be looking forward to it,” he replied, his voice filled with genuine excitement.
As the bell signaling the end of study hall rang, Adrien reluctantly tore his gaze away from Marinette who was laughing softly at his words. He made a mental note to find a way to bring up the topic of her designs again soon, maybe during their next study hall. 
After all, she had winked and laughed at him! That had to mean something... right? He wracked his brain, trying to remember if he had ever seen Marinette wink at anyone else. He couldn’t think of any which was a very pleasant thought.
As he walked to his next class, Adrien couldn’t shake off the image of Marinette’s sketches, especially the ones featuring Chat Noir. It was both thrilling and nerve-wracking to see himself depicted in her designs, knowing that she had no idea of his secret identity.
Maybe... maybe he could sneak over to her room one night, just to commission one of those designs. After all, if Adrien was able to take a peek at her designs, he figured she’d certainly let Chat Noir, a superhero, see them as well. With that plan in mind, Adrien’s grin stayed on his face for the rest of the day.
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safety-pin-punk · 6 months
whats your opinion on the current punk discourse? i find it really stupid personally, it really just feels like the same discourse that always happens (young punks denying punk history, older punks not wanting to let their culture change, them fighting about it) but i want to hear your thoughts since im still fairly new to the culture.
OKAY. Please forgive me if words don't work right, I'm very tired at the moment. That said, I do have an opinion on this topic.
You mention that its the 'current' punk discourse, but honestly, I'd argue its been *the* punk discourse since at least the 2000s. By that point, the scene had been around for 30 years, long enough to have veteran punks and people very fresh to the punk community. Though, I will admit that I'm lucky in that I don't see much of this online both because of how picky I tend to be with the blogs I follow, but also because of the nature of my own blog. Many people find safety-pin-punk from my Punk 101 posts that are focused on history and culture, consequently, most of my audience has at least some willingness to learn and has an interest in that topic.
And while generational gaps certainly *do* cause riffs within the punk community, its certainly not something limited to punks, or even alternative communities for that matter. Just look at the stereotypical american family gathering. Nobody is happy because nobody agrees. Best said perhaps by lyrics from both The Ataris and The Living End
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I point that out because my opinion on how it should be addressed within the punk community is the same as how it should be addressed in society as a whole. Younger people SHOULD be taking the time to learn their history and know how we got to where we are. Knowing where we started and the fights we've dealt with are important to being able to move even further. On the other side, older people NEED to actively work to challenge their beliefs and acknowledge that its okay for things to evolve and change over time.
The most talked about example of this phenomenon I've seen is the "Nazis aren't punk/where do you think the phrase Nazi punks fuck off comes from?" And I think anyone who is involved in online discourse over this fails to be able to see this argument from the other side. Yes Nazis used to be in punk spaces. But then they were kicked out (Nazi Punks Fuck Off). And now no one wants to let them back (Nazis aren't punk). I genuinely don't understand why people get upset over this. Not every post that talks about what punk has become needs to address its history. Not every post that addresses its history needs to bring up the current state. And people on both ends of any argument like this need to stop thinking they are superior than the other side, and instead start trying to use their brain cells and understand nuance in situations and conversations.
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ladynamida · 16 days
Hi all!
Happy @verladyweek Day 4! I've been working a story featuring two of the prompts for Day 4, Confession and "Except for your eyes, no blade can control me, no sharpened knife."
First I'd like to say another big thank you for the inspiration - the brain worms are so wriggly about this.
Second, this week has been so fun I don't want to ruin the vibes, so no one has to reblog this post.
Third, this story has become something larger and more personal to me than I originally intended. Some might say, extremely self-indulgent writing-as-therapy. I'm just saying "oops". It deals with some sensitive topics that I'm not sure I'll be confident in sharing widely. Not until I can do them justice at least. Either way, it won't be finished this week. 😔
I'd still like to contribute by sharing a wip snippet or two! The snippet under the cut gives a flavour for the rest of the story. (I promise there are more upbeat moments amongst the angst I could share, but didnt want to mislead on the overall vibe). Let me know in the tags/asks/DMs.
Trigger warnings: depression, mental health crisis. If you're worried about the content but want to find out more, I'd be happy to respond via DM. Please take care of yourselves first and foremost 💙
Dante's voice was hoarse as he whispered, “I don’t know what to do.”
Okay, this did sound like it was shaping up to be some kind of crisis, and Lady did pride herself on her ability to salvage the best possible outcome from bad circumstances. Being thrust into world-threatening situations on a semi-regular basis and life-threatening situations practically every week did wonders to sharpen your disaster management skills. “Whatever it is, we’ll take care of it, that’s what we always do, right?” She gulped the rest of her coffee in one long draw, and dropped the cup from chest height into the waste paper basket. She retook her seat. “So what’s going on?”
“Nothing, and that’s the problem. Have you seen much of Vergil recently?”
She shakes her head, thinking. He had been missing in action recently, though she hadn’t really thought too much about it. He was weirdly quiet at the best of times, unless he was arguing with Dante or Nero, even then he was just as likely to storm out as he was to fight back. She couldn’t remember the last time he’d raised his voice, even when fighting. They’d had a few brief conversations after he and Dante returned from hell; about coffee, about the weather, about nothing significant. Just normal, everyday stuff. She didn’t really care for boundaries, but she didn’t particularly want to push his and cause the group any problems, so when he ignored her she ignored him right back. The implications of what Dante might be suggesting started to sink in. “Can’t say that I have. You think he’s up to something?”
A single, dry laugh. “Nah.”
She trusted his judgement, since no one knew Vergil better, and Dante had agreed to keep an eye on him. “Then what’s the problem?”
“He never does anything.”
She snorts, trying to keep the tone light despite her growing sense of dread. “Like drinking and going to strip-joints? Maybe he just has a better taste in hobbies than you.”
“No hobbies. You don’t get it. He doesn’t do anything, doesn’t go anywhere. He hasn’t left the shop in three weeks.”
She lowers her voice, realising he must be upstairs while they’re talking about him and not wanting to provoke any awkwardness should he hear. “Maybe he’s just doing his thing, reading or something. He’s always quiet.”
“Lady, he hasn’t left his room in nearly a week… not even to use the bathroom.”
Now, that shocked her. “So what, he’s just rotting in his own filth? That’s not like him.”
~ to be continued ~
“Nah, nothing like that. He’s not eating or drinking either, so there’s no mess. I’ve been in there, he’s just sat there on the floor like some kind of fucking zombie.”
Lady felt her face pale. She stayed quiet and still for a moment, letting the weight of Dante’s comment settle between them, as she racked her brains to try and work out how she could help them.
“Do you think he’s still sick?... Like V was?”
He sniffed, and bowed his head, his hair hiding his face. “Nah, I dunno, he looks normal. Can’t see any marks or anything.”
“Did something happen the last time he was down here?”
She could almost smell the guilt. “I don’t even know when that was. I don’t think so.”
“Okay.” She absentmindedly kicked her feet, slowly tapping her heel against the side of the desk. “And you’ve tried talking to him?” Silence, and a nod. “Well, maybe I’ll head up there and give it a try?” She stood and pulled her shorts down, making herself more presentable. She didn’t know why, but she felt slightly nervous. Dante she knew well, she had a pretty good handle on his moods and how he might react to her poking and prodding. Vergil… well, Vergil was a different animal.
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builtbybrokenbells · 8 months
Hi t!! I just read Reaching New Heights and I've never liked a fic so fast. Bless that anon for sending the ask and thank you for making it come true in the best way. I have to admit I'm a sucker for soft virginity/first time trope, maybe because it's something I've never had. It's so soft and sweet and smoking hot all at the same time and the epitome of fictional men written by women (I mean this as a compliment and I'd choose fictional men over men in real life any day, duh) it instantly reminds me of the episode on Unwaxed podcast where Emily Morse talked about how some so many portrayal of sex scenes in movies and stuff aren't realistic like women actually need time to properly warm up and it's just not realistic for them to have an orgasm in two minutes in an elevator or something. I mean we can all dream in fictional world, but it's just awesome from time to time to read something that has the proper build up (the part with the kisses rather than just rushing into it....top tier writing) I saw dee reblogs it with the tag "men take notes" and I 🙌🙌🙌 I am on my period and anxious as f^ck because of a task I have for tomorrow but coming cross this piece of art feels like a kiss on the forehead. bless your heart for making a stranger feel so soft, mushy, and happpy that she cries a little....THANK YOU SO MUCH. (I am sorry if this is long and TMI, I'm sorry if this sounds awkward....lqiudghxiy I just really need to say it out loud because it's just soooooo goooooood)
Hello, lovely 🤍 let me just say, your words have kept a smile on my face all day long. I wanted to take a minute to formulate a proper response, because you have no idea how appreciative I am for you!
I have also found myself enjoying the virginity/first time trope, and I tend to believe that it’s because my first time was nothing short of awful (and that’s putting it… lightly) and I have spent my entire life dreaming of fictional men that would treat me better than real life men.
I was so nervous to post it, as well as Picasso, which I posted some time ago, now. It was my way of airing out my desire for someone who treated me well, yet I still recognized that first time fics are very difficult to write well. I also fear that with a request like such, that I cannot capture the readers vision as clear or well as they would like me to.
As I posted it and read some messages and comments, I realized that there’s a lot more people who have had the same types of experiences and feelings about the topic than I originally thought. To hear that this made you feel such a way makes me incredibly happy, and I cannot express my gratitude enough.
As for the details, sometimes I feel like it’s easy to forget the build up in lieu of the main event. Especially when there’s so many fics out there that are hot, and exceptionally well written. I hate to say that I did end up cutting out quite a bit of stuff from the main draft, and now that I read this, it makes me feel as though I should have left it. To know that was the part that stuck out with you makes me incredibly happy, because it stuck out to me, too. (I swear I could write a novel about good foreplay and only that, because that’s how much it means to me.)
Good banter and build up are just as essential as the main event to me while creating a scene, as well as a relationship to the story. In a world where it’s normalized for men to leave women unfulfilled, I think it’s quite important to focus on that more than anything else, especially in these types of fics.
I am so grateful for your kindness, and for everyone else who took time to leave a comment. Messages like this and people like you are the reason I come on here and share my work, and I would not be here without your support. Thank you so much for brightening my day, and I’m so glad that my writing could bring you so much joy.
I hope your task tomorrow goes well, and thank you again for being my shred of happiness for the day 🤍
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Wedding crasher
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PAIRING | Sebastian Stan x Best Friend!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | Today is the day you're getting married to the love of your life, or so you thought. When Sebastian confesses his love for you when you're standing at the altar, you're faced with the hardest decision you'd ever have to make.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Swearing, angst, runaway bride, smut [ Light praise kink, light breeding kink, oral F&M receiving, face riding, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, people!), multiple orgasms, implied aftercare ].
A/N | I'd love to start writing more requests (not just for Sebastian, but for all people/characters on my Masterlist) so if you would like to send me a request, please don't hesitate! 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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You still can't believe what you did, and you're wondering if you made the right choice. Sure, it felt nothing more than perfect the moment you decided to say yes, but now the aftermath of your actions is starting to dawn on you when you look at the naked man in bed next to you. You were naked too and had an amazing few hours before the two of you fell asleep, but there will always be a little voice in the back of your head that wonders. The more you think about it however, the more it seems to be okay, and a small smile starts tugging at the corners of your mouth. You said yes to the man you want to spend the rest of your life with, and wouldn't want to have it any other way.
~ Earlier that morning ~
''How is the blushing bride-to-be doing today?'' Sebastian asks when he calls you, it is the morning of your wedding to your soon-to-be husband Milo. ''I'm okay, nervous, but that's to be expected when you're about to give yourself to someone else for the rest of your lives, right?'' you ask him, a hint of something in your voice, a little bit of uncertainty laced in there. ''You're going to be okay, Duckie, I promise. And if not, well, you're always welcome to come crash at my place,'' Sebastian said and you know he means it, you've spent many nights on his couch after you and Milo had a big fight. Despite all that, the two of you are getting married today, and you're happy, though you're only 99% sure you should go through with this, and this 1% might get you into trouble later today.
''I know, but it won't be necessary today,'' you told Sebastian and you weren't even entirely convinced of your own words. ''I have to go now though, still have to get ready for the start of the rest of my life,'' and with that, you and Sebastian said your goodbyes. You look over to your wedding dress, which is hanging on the closet door of the bridal suite you're currently getting ready in, and you think about the fact that the one person you want to be there, won't be. Sebastian. After many long discussions and arguments with Milo, you decided not to invite him to keep the peace in your relationship. He has always been jealous of your bond with Sebastian, even though you reassured him a million times it wasn't necessary.
A single tear slips out of the corner of your eye, and you quickly wipe it away before more can follow right behind. You hear a knock on your door and get up to see who's on the other side, and it's your friend Joy, who promised she would do your hair today. ''Hey babe, come in!'' you said with a big smile and you open your arms to pull her in for a big hug. ''Are you okay? You look like there's something wrong,'' she asks, and it is like she can see right through you. ''Yeah, no, I'm fine. Everything's fine...'' you sighed while shaking your head. ''You know what, no, it's not fine and I refuse to keep things in, even on my wedding day,'' you started your rant.
''I just got a call from Seb, and it just fucking sucks he can't be here on my wedding day. Like, the one person I want to be here isn't even invited and I think it's fucking unfair! I just don't get why Milo is so worried, it's not like Seb and I are having an affair or anything, we're just friends,'' you say, the corners of your mouth slightly turning down at the thought of just being friends, and Joy notices, of fucking course she does. ''I know I will be a shitty friend if I don't say this, so here it goes. Are you sure you're making the right decision today, by marrying Milo? I know you love him, and he loves you, but I have a feeling there might be more to this friendship with Seb than you show me. I don't want you to walk down that aisle and do something that'll make you unhappy for the rest of your life,'' she says and you swallow the lump in your throat away.
She's right, you know she is, even though you don't want to admit it out loud. ''No, we're just best friends, that's all,'' you tell her, trying to sound confident and for a second you think it works because she doesn't push any further. That little seed, however, has been firmly planted in your head now. ''Come on, let's do some bridal hair,'' she says and she guides you to the vanity, reassuringly squeezing your shoulders to let you know she's behind you, no matter what choice you will make. About an hour and a half later, your bridal hair is done, and it is time for your make-up.
''Alright, I have to go get ready now, but I will see you at the ceremony. I love you, Y/N, don't you ever forget that,'' she says as she pulls you in for another hug. ''I love you too, Joy, more than you'll ever know,'' you said and you're thankful for having a friend like her. You have a few minutes before Ella, your make-up artist arrives to do your make-up and decide to text Sebastian. You can't get the conversation with Joy out of your head, and can't stop thinking about him not being there.
Duckie 🐥 | I wish you could be here today... God, I miss you so fucking much, it hurts... 🥺
You don't have to wait long to get your answer, within less than a minute Sebastian texted you back.
Seb 💙 | I'm sorry, Duckie, I wish I could be there too. But I know you'll be gorgeous in your dress, so if I would be there I don't think I'd let you walk down that aisle. I would just grab you before you can walk down and keep you all to myself 😉
Seeing his text made your heart beat a thousand times faster. God, this man was doing things to you he really shouldn't. But little do you know, he's closer to the wedding venue than you think, because he has a plan to make his words a reality. He has seen how miserable you are in your relationship with Milo and is determined to at least let you know you have a choice before you go through with the biggest decision of your life.
Before you can answer again you hear a knock on your door again, and it's Ella this time, here to do your make-up. ''Hi, come on in and thank you for being here,'' you say sincerely. She has done your make-up for lots of different occasions, and it wouldn't feel right if she wasn't the one doing your make-up. You settled on a natural look, so your dress and hair can take all the shine they need today. ''You look gorgeous, Y/N, and congratulations again!'' she says before walking out the door. Now you're left all alone, and it's time for you to get into your dress. You picked one that you could get on and off by yourself, and you're glad about that fact now.
Once it's on you stand in front of the lifesize mirror and snap a photo, sending it to Sebastian. He might not be there today, but that doesn't mean he won't get to see how beautiful you look today. All you get back are emojis with heart eyes, and you couldn't be happier, it feels good. Now it's time to go down and walk down the aisle, so you slip into your shoes before heading down, ready to be walked down the aisle by your stepdad. ''Are you ready, darling?'' he asks as you hook your arm in his, and you nod. ''I am, Phil, thank you,'' you say, and not long after, the music starts, signifying that you're coming down the aisle.
~ The wedding ceremony ~
The doors in front of you open, and you get a full view of everyone standing, looking back at you and Phil. Your eyes glide past all the guests, searching for Sebastian, even though you know it won't get you anything. He isn't there, and even though you're well aware of it, your mind still unconsciously searches for him in every room you walk into. You see the white roses adorning the wedding aisle, the white carpet down the path, adorned with light pink rose petals from the flower girls that walked there before you. And then, you look up and look right into the eyes of the man you're going to marry, Milo. You give him a small smile, and he wipes away a few tears at the sight of you.
Your legs walk forward as if they're on autopilot, and before you know it, you're at the front of the aisle, and the guests are sitting down. ''Congratulations, darling, I love you,'' Phil says before giving your hand away to Milo. ''You look beautiful, baby,'' he whispers in your ear and it makes you blush, you're still not used to getting compliments, even after all these years you've been together. ''So do you,'' you say as you look at Milo in a dark blue suit, his hair neatly slicked back, but still a little fluffy, just the way he likes it. You go and stand in front of him after giving your bouquet to Joy, who was also your maid-of-honor, and she smiled at you with a knowing look.
The official ceremony started, and now it's time for the ring exchange. ''Do you, Y/N Y/L/N, take Miles Smiths as your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?'' he asks, and before you can say ''I do'', the doors you walked through earlier swing open, making your eyes snap up to who opened them. There was a loud gasp coming from the guests, and as soon as you locked eyes with the person standing there, your heart started beating a mile a minute. There he is, the person you want to be here more than anyone, he showed up. Sebastian's here, and he won't leave without you.
''What the fuck is he doing here?'' Milo hissed through his teeth at you, but you didn't care. You didn't even look at him, your eyes were fixed on Sebastian in his light blue suit that matched his eyes perfectly. He's walking towards the altar and ignoring every protest that is thrown his way, before stopping in front of you. ''Duckie, you don't have to marry him, I know you don't want to. If you give me the chance, I will show you what real love looks like. I promise to worship you every single minute every single way, in everything that I do. I love you, Duckie, and I'm sorry, but I can't let you marry him without letting you know how I feel. So please, come with me, and I will love you deeper than you ever thought possible,'' he says, slightly out of breath.
''You're fucking stupid if you think she's going with you. She's here to marry me, not you, now is she? Leave us alone, and if I-'' Milo said before he was cut off by you. ''Milo, don't.'' is all you said before looking back at Sebastian, and in your gut you know what you had to do. You looked back at Joy who only gave you a small nod and a very knowing smile, and that is all the push you need to lift the bottom of your dress, walk down the 3 steps and take Sebastian's hand before running out of the wedding venue together. Now, you're officially a runaway bride and you never felt this free before.
~ After the ceremony ~
Sebastian quickly opens his passenger-side door for you and you step in before you can change your mind, not that you were planning on doing so. Sebastian walked to the driver's side and at that moment Milo ran outside to see him get in the car and drive off with his now ex-fiancée. ''Holy shit, I can't believe I did that,'' you laugh breathily, the realization dawning on you that you ran away from your wedding, to start a life with your best friend, the man who you love more than anyone in this entire world. ''I can, and I'm fucking happy you did Duckie,'' he says, making you smile at the nickname he gave you years ago after he found out about your obsession with ducks.
You give him the directions to the hotel you were supposed to go to with Milo, but you don't care anymore. Right now you want to share every single second you can with Sebastian, and both of you plan to take full advantage of the situation right now. When he pulls into the parking garage of the hotel he quickly parks before the two of you get out and go to the check-in desk. ''Hi, we have a reservation under Y/L/N,'' you tell the lady behind the desk. ''Ah, congratulations on your wedding!'' she said and you looked at Seb. ''Thank you so much, I can't believe I finally get to call her my wife,'' he said, pulling you closer and placing a kiss on your temple. It makes your heart race and the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
The lady gives you the pass to the bridal suite and before you know it, you're in the elevator, pushed against the wall by Sebastian who can't wait any longer. He softly held on to your face while carefully pushing your back against the wall as he captured your lips in a kiss, which is something he wanted to do for years now, and he feels amazing knowing that he finally has the chance to kiss you, without thinking about the consequences. For now at least. The elevator bell dings notifying you that you've arrived and he picks you up bridal style so you let out a shriek. ''Seb, we're not at the room yet!'' you say laughing.
You unlock the door with the keycard and push it open before Sebastian walks in, still holding you in his arms and looking at you with nothing but pure adoration in your eyes, and it's been a long time since anyone has looked at you like that. ''I love you, Seb, more than I'll ever be able to express in words,'' you say before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his pink, plump lips. He stops for a few seconds to kiss you back, and when you pull apart he walks to the bed, which is adorned with red rose petals. You kick off your heels before you stand up, so Sebastian can take off your dress.
He pulls the zipper of your dress down when you pulled your hair out of the way, and lets his hand caress the skin that gets exposed by every inch the zipper goes down. He's biting his bottom lip as he slides the sleeves down your shoulders, and the fabric falls to the floor, revealing the white lingerie that you wore underneath, and Sebastian softly gasps when you turn around. ''Fuckin' hell, I can't believe what I've missed out on all these years,'' he whispers as he trails small kisses from your cheek down your jaw and neck, over your shoulder and collarbone, and into the valley of your breasts.
You push his suit jacket off and it falls to the floor as well, followed by his shirt. You can't help but run your hands over the firm planes of his abs as he pulls off the shirt, and now it's your turn to softly gasp. You can see how hard he is right now, and it must be aching, so you do the only thing that feels right. You sink to your knees and unbutton his pants, pulling the zipper and then the pants down so he can step out of them. ''Hm, been thinking about sucking this dick for a while,'' you say as you look up at him from your position, which only gets him harder as his dick twitches in front of your face.
You palm him through his boxer briefs, feeling exactly how hard he is for you right now, and he lets out deep groans at the feeling of your hand on him. ''Please, wrap those pretty lips around it and suck me 'til I shoot my cum down that gorgeous throat,'' Sebastian says and you happily comply. His boxer slides down easily and lands on the floor, receiving the same treatment as all the other clothes. You waste no time and wrap your lips around his thick, red, weeping dick. Precum is already leaking from the tip and you softly suckle on the tip, earning yourself another groan out of the man's chest.
''Fuck,'' he grunts as his fists wind their way into your hair and he pulls softly, making you moan around him, the vibrations are shooting up his spine as he bucks his hips forward. His rock-hard cock is shoved right into your throat and you're glad you don't have too much of a gag reflex, otherwise, you would have a whole different type of conversation right now. You take it in stride as Sebastian keeps thrusting down your throat, and you moan around him while he chants your name like a prayer at the feeling of your warm mouth and throat around him. You keep sucking in your cheeks to give him even more pleasure and before you know it, he shoots ropes and ropes of cum down your throat, and you swallow every last drop of it.
''Jesus, shoulda done that way sooner,'' he grunts as he falls backward onto the bed, and you get up, before crawling onto the bed to straddle him. ''Bein' such a good boy for me, hm?'' you ask as you lean forward, your chest pressing down on his as he's still coming down from his orgasm. ''Yeah, 'm a good boy,'' he says with a small smile on his lips. You kiss him softly, making sure he doesn't crash down from his post-orgasmic bliss and you feel his hands on you, caressing your waist and hips, back to your ass where he gives a soft squeeze. ''Mine,'' he says and he gives it a soft slap with both hands at the same time, and you shoot forward.
''All yours, Seb, it's all for you,'' you coo at him and his arms make their way up your back and to the clasps of your bra. ''Need it off,'' he said and he unhooks it quickly, so you sit up and let him guide the lacy fabric down your arms and onto the floor. Without hesitation he reaches out for your nipples and softly flicks them before squeezing and tugging a little, earning soft moans from you as you writhe on his lap, making him hard again. ''C'mere, sit on my face,'' Sebastian says and you do without a single doubt, making your way onto his chest and his face. ''Wanna taste you, Duckie,'' he says as his strong arms wrap around your thighs.
He pushes you down onto his mouth and starts sucking and licking over your panties, the feeling of the fabric against your clit making you go a little crazy. ''Seb, let me take it off,'' you say as you want to get up, but he doesn't let you. Instead, he pushes it aside and starts eating you out like a man who hasn't eaten in weeks. You moan loudly as he sucks, licks, and kisses your clit, and fucks his tongue inside your entrance. ''S-Seb, 'm close!'' you whine and he takes it as an invitation to attack your clit, making you cum violently in less than a minute afterward. Your legs are shaking as you're coming down from your high, your hands pressed against Sebastian's chest as you try to keep yourself from falling over.
He gently lifts you off of his face and lays you down on the bed, before finally sliding down your panties and positioning himself between your legs. ''Can't wait to feel you wrapped around me, Duckie, never gonna leave,'' he says as he leans down for a kiss, deepening it slowly. Neither of you are in a rush, and you're taking in every single second together. ''Seb, please, fuck me. Want you to put a baby in me,'' you say, not entirely thinking straight, but not regretting what you said either. ''Yeah? Wanna be round with my child? Show everyone our love?'' he asks and you just nod, that's all you want.
''Alright, since you asked so nicely, I will put a baby in ya,'' he says and he grabs his hard cock in his right hand, stroking up and down a few times before moving it through your folds, earning himself a moan. ''Gonna put it in, baby. 'S gonna be a stretch, but you'll take it, won't you?'' he says and you just moan softly in response, you can't wait to feel him slide inside you until he's bottomed out. The first burn is quickly replaced by pleasure as he works more of himself in you. Not long after he's completely inside you, he's home. ''Fuck, feels good,'' you say and Sebastian agrees.
He softly pulls back out before thrusting back in with a bit of force, but not too much. Right now isn't about lust, it's about making nothing but pure, unadulterated love to each other. Soft moans and skin slapping against the skin can be heard throughout the room, but neither of your is rushing it, instead taking it slow and enjoying each other. There are slow, lazy kisses exchanged, and it doesn't take long before you're almost at the edge of another orgasm. ''Seb, 'm close, please, make me cum for you,'' you tell him, and he doesn't have to be told twice. He picks up his pace a little and reaches down to your clit, rubbing it until you fall apart under him.
''S-SEB, yes, f-fuck!'' is all you say as you cum again, and not long after you're being followed by Sebastian, shooting his cum deep inside you before slowly pulling out, and getting a washcloth to clean both of you up. ''Here you go, Duckie, all clean again,'' he says before laying down next to you, and pulling you into his chest, as he puts a kiss on your forehead. ''That was amazing, and I can't wait to do that every single night,'' he says, earning himself a glare from you. ''Kidding, Duckie,'' he said and you closed your eyes and sighed, feeling safe in his arms, and you press a kiss on his cheek. ''Thank you for doing that, you made me see what I was missing out on, and I'm glad I finally found where I belong,'' you say and Sebastian just hugs you tighter at your words.
A few hours have passed, and you look over at Sebastian, who's almost asleep next to you in the wedding suite of the hotel. Naked. Beautiful. And you feel happier than you ever have in your life, and this is when you realize you made the right decision, it was Sebastian all this time, and you were too stupid to see it until now. You cuddle up to him and he nuzzles his nose in your hair. ''Love you, my Duckie,'' he says in your hair and you smile so big it feels like your face is splitting apart. ''Love you too, Seb, more than you'll ever know,'' you whisper as you fall into a deep sleep, content in the arms of the man you love, so so much.
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honoringthehorrific · 23 days
I watched Alien: Romulus and here's what I thought!
As always friends Spoilers under the cut!...👽
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Gosh first can I apologize for not being as active recently? I've seen this movie 3 times and am just now getting to writing my review! Might as well torch me now! haha. Seriously though I'd like to stay active on this blog it's just hard to find stuff to talk about sometimes when I come away from these movies. I'd like to start this off by saying this is going to be a pretty glowing review. If you haven't seen Romulus, or any of the alien movies...What the hell are you doing here??? Get out! Go see it! If for some reason you cant get out and go see it please spare yourself spoilers until you can find it on streaming! This franchise from what i've seen so far is one of my favorites. If you love sci-fi, body horror, bad ass female leads, or slimy slithering creatures in general you should really give this one a chance.
I feel like a lot of people wanna talk about this so lets get it out of the way. Rook. The artificial person we meet when things start heating up. Obviously he is a CGI rendition of Ash's actor from the first movie Ian Holm. You may be screaming at me right now about ethics. How this took a job from an actor. How technology is bad because it's going to take work from actors. I hear you. I was on the fence about this too. In truth AI replacing human workers is a topic near and dear to my heart because it's something that worries me as an artist myself. However, Reading about how Alvarez got permission from Holm's widow. How Holm felt almost blacklisted from hollywood after so many years in the sci-fi and fantasy genres. It made my opinion of this soften. If that makes you disregard my review or even me as a person I understand. I'm happy I was able to give you my thoughts and that you gave me your time. Now, The CGI of Holm's face is....not the best? His eyes and mouth move strangely if you pay too close of attention however it was something I could easily ignore as the movie progressed. Overall however with the other effects I think this movie did very well! I loved the way the facehuggers looked and moved and we even got to see up close the egg laying...tube...thing? Forgive me I'm not well versed in facehugger anatomy. The chest burster actually having to work to burrow it's way out and the xenomorph's acid just all of it felt really great! I only very recently watched the second alien movie and I intend to watch the rest of the alien sequels in the near future so don't be upset with me! However it seems like if you've only seen the first two this one will make plenty sense. I've seen people complain about the pacing being really slow and the only thing I really have to say to that is...The first two movies, at least to me, felt equally as "slow." However I wouldn't necessarily say this is a slow movie! It kept me interested each step of the way. Usually I hate watching something that feels like it's dragging it's feet so I feel like if the movie were truly a drag someone with my attention span would have noticed. On the subject of noticing things this movie has a TON of fan service and nostalgia. There's quotes from the previous films, Visual references, and even a nod to the video game Isolation! Some people really lay on a lot of flack for that kind of thing but it's been 7 years since the last alien movie so it's kind of something I expected if that makes sense? Also If it's something I love, I'm usually a sucker for fan service! Yeah some of the quotes felt kinda off in the dialogue (Personally when Andy says he prefers the term artificial person, That felt like an off moment to me? I could be nit picking but it just felt like it didn't flow with the previous dialogue.) But over all I liked easter egg hunting on my second and third watch. In terms of characters there were some misses like Navarro where I really wanted to learn more about her but we don't really get the chance. We see and learn a lot about Andy and Raine's relationship as siblings but its hard to tell what the other's relationships are to each other until they outright say or are on their deathbeds.
Overall I liked the effects, the action, the pacing and the characters. It did fall flat in some spaces but honestly I think it's one of my favorite movies of the year next to Immaculate. 4.5/5 Facehuggers!
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scaly-freaks · 4 months
I was not the anon who brought this Au up originally, but yeah props to them for making us both obsessed i guess. There is just something about amara being the only one on aegons mind while she couldn’t really care less about him that makes me crazyyy like, I can see aemond genuinely starting to move on from alys, seeing a future with amara and just generally being a nice and respectable man wanting to date amara and even being ready to leave the bad. So amara has the choice of ending up in a healthy and good relationship with aemond but somehow the thought turns her completely off and she's like 'wtf no I can’t do this'. And somehow she lands in aegons arms, the little pervy creep who is like 'yaay she doesn’t wanna be happy she wants me!'. (I wouldn’t put it past aegon to carry a paper face-mask of amaras face with him at all times so he can put it on whoever he's hooking up with, and all the girls tolerate it so they can tell everyone they slept with someone famous. But if they’re being real with themselves they’re all super weirded out by him)
Interesting, interesting. Because I do not see Aemond getting over Alys at allllll. Hear me out -
He's the kid who was turned into the emotional support by their mother, so he looks to an older woman to for once support his emotions and help him get them out. We're not going to get into what kind of kinks he and Alys get into when they sleep together but iykyk. And to me, it's like Amara can't hope to match up. She would be the normal relationship for him, the one without any objection from anyone (except Aegon but who gives af about him), but Aemond just...can't. Alys calls, his insides pull tight, and even though he knows he's so close to falling in love with Amara, he can't step over the edge.
Off topic, but so many 'A' names in this thing - Alicent, Alys, Aemond, Aegon, Amara - anyway -
The paper mask thing made me giggle so hard because oooh ofc he does. At this point he's probably built up quite a bit of resentment, and if he gets to fuck her, he's not just doing it because he thinks she's hot, he's violating his brother's "sanctified relationship" that everyone in their family approve of. Amara is still very much in an on-again, off-again thing with Aemond, because she refuses to accept she can't turn him away from Alys, and Aemond still has a huge weak spot for her and when they're together, things just click.
But anyway, she ends up on the roof of the bar they're at one night, alone and upset and crying into her sleeves with the cigarettes she stole from Aemond (she never used to smoke, but picked up the habit because the smell of the brand reminded her of him). She hears the doors to the roof open and close, and stands up like, "Aemond?" and there's so much hope in her eyes, Aegon just feels sick to his stomach. He kinda came up there to comfort her, but hearing his brother's name from that sweet little voice pisses him off real quick.
Now fictional intrusive thoughts say that Amara ends up being shoved over that ledge by accident that night, probably in a tussle to get Aegon off her (they're both drunk) but woah, I don't want her to die.
He gets all stroppy and weird about why she wants Aemond so bad when she knows he's got his head split between her and Alys, and she's like, "Oh sure, and if I went with you, I'd have your head split between me and any woman who'll open her legs, yes?"
He doesn't take the bait, and leans in to light his cigarette with the end of hers, and the wind slows down as they stare at each other. She doesn't pull away when his hand brushes her ankle, so he plays with it a bit, kneading the bone through the skin, until she fidgets to make him get off. That triggers something, and he grabs the end of her net kimono as she gets up to go back down, and as Amara shoves him, SOMEHOW, their lips end up colliding (oh yeah, wonder how that happened).
And it's literally all Aegon needs. Because for about five seconds, she kisses him back, and she does it the way you do when you're into someone. Obviously, she's horrified, and leaves instantly, but now he knows.
Let the games begin, as they say.
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omegapheromone · 1 year
Hi! :D I’m really interested in hearing more about the (c)ptsd omegaverse hcs you have. I think one thing that I wonder about particularly is how therapy would change? Like, how would the perspective on mental health change and/or how would therapy techniques change, if at all?
I realize that may be a degree of separation too far from the initial post. Really, I’d be happy to hear any of your thoughts on the topic
Auughh sorry it took me a while to get to this I've been feeling out of it but hmm! Here's some of my thoughts!
• Perspectives on Mental Health:
I think it would depend a lot on the decade and the specific culture as well. I'll assume a mostly modern omegaverse setting for a more in-depth response though.
I think awareness of mental health in general would be on the rise among especially younger generations, while older ones might still hold on to a lot of preconceived notions such as "depression/anxiety means that you're just mentally weak" and "only veterans can experience ptsd", and would likely assume that any mental disorder that affects one's perception of reality, such as any psychotic disorders, mean that the person must also be intellectually delayed as well. Just very outdated ideas on mental health, much like how a lot of older folks irl see it. Younger generations would likely understand it better, at least anyone with a decent education would. I'd imagine it as a class issue in general, both in terms of awareness and access to resources.
• Omegaverse and how it affects/complicates mental health issues we already are familiar with
My thoughts have always been that given that we already know really well that mental stuff can affect physical wellbeing (for example: Adverse Childhood Experiences scale, getting physical symptoms as a result of mental health issues, etc) this would likely be amplified a lot in omegaverse specifically because of pheromones and similar.
We already know chronic stress leads not only to physical symptoms like digestive issues and increased risk for cardiovascular disease, but also can affect fertility because it's. Well, hormones.
I'd imagine this could show up as things such as irregular or completely missing heats/ruts, or even stress-triggered heats/ruts, where an overwhelming/stressful situation could trigger a sort of "forced heat", especially when it has to do with the presence/pheromones of other dynamics, and could happen to anyone- for example, an Alpha's rut could easily be caused by for example, a toxic/abusive omega partner or family member, just as a stressed out omega's heat could potentially be triggered by an intimidating/abusive Alpha- and this would apply to betas and any other dynamics as well depending on the canon, of course. Whether these heats/ruts cause any sexual symptoms like a mating cycle type heat would have, is up to the author methinks, and the level of pheromone involvement probably too. As much as this is a bit of an angst/whump topic, I actually like the thought because it creates an opportunity for Omegas to be just as shitty and abusive as alphas, instead of the very tired trope of only alphas being abusive and honestly? Makes it all the more realistic. While it's probably true that an omega in heat is a slightly easier target than an alpha in a rut might be, it doesn't mean omegas aren't capable of abuse, manipulation, and things like sexual assault.
Childhood trauma on the other hand would probably delay dynamic presentation and cause all sorts of hormonal issues later in life, such as the previously mentioned unstable and irregular heat cycles. Childhood trauma can cause all sorts of emotional problems as well, and I think in omegaverse that would show up as uncontrollable/unstable pheromones (such as, being unable to control them when feeling strong emotions and as a result ending up making other people viscerally uncomfortable because idk, someone feels annoyed but the pheromones are so strong and oppressive it feels like they're trying to suffocate you with pheromones alone), and in some cases, literally missing pheromones;
I have a headcanon of someone going through something incredibly traumatic around the time they have their first heat or when their pheromones start to go from "pup/child" to "young (insert dynamic here)", and this could cause said person to just. Completely lose the ability to produce any pheromones. I also imagine that it could cause some sort of health issues on account of, since the body isn't releasing any pheromones and instead holds on to them, the unreleased pheromones would probably wreak havoc on the body both in terms of just. Causing all sorts of physical symptoms, but probably also really messing with the cycle where maybe they don't have a cycle at all except for when the pheromones pile up so much that the body can't handle it anymore and it's almost like an explosive, unusually intense heat/rut that's completely unpredictable since there normally isn't one to begin with. A bad enough one that it's genuinely more like a severe illness than a cycle, and would most likely lead to being hospitalized and possibly put into a medically induced coma because of the sheer intensity. It's something I've been thinking of writing about, actually.
• Therapy?
For me, with trauma stuff, the most helpful form of trauma therapy hasn't been endlessly bringing my traumatic experiences up to a therapist to process them. Rather, what I really benefited from was therapy that was oriented at understanding HOW trauma affects me and the symptoms and emotions it causes me to experience in daily life, and developing skills to reduce them, cope with them and learn to live with trauma. I think similar approaches would be used in omegaverse cases as well.
I think in terms of some cases, for example if someone has a phobia of a specific dynamic, or even severe social anxiety about pheromones, pheromone exposure therapy could be utilized, but that could be a somewhat controversial form of therapy that doesn't always work out for everyone. In some cases, that could even make things worse.
Therapists and other professionals would also probably have to go through extra training to have a good control over their own pheromones, because if they respond with, for example, a distressed scent at hearing someone's traumatic life story, that would likely just cause the person to not want to work on it out of fear that they'll just upset the people who are meant to be helping them.
• Other thoughts
I'm not qualified to talk about it much myself, but I wonder if the hormonal changes of a heat cycle would cause people with psychosis and related disorders to experience a worsening of their symptoms as well?
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