ressjeon · 1 year
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cornyforjk · 21 days
Drive me crazy | Teaser | jjk
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In which you are stuck living with an arrogant rookie racer who thinks of you as an obstacle, ready to ruin your glory, but things get heated when he has a pervy smile hidden under that pretentious attitude. Emotions that are complicated. You could never fall for your enemy! He's sabotaging you.
You are stuck sharing a room with the self-absorbed rookie racer whose name shines with arrogance, but you can't deny his hot actions or the fact that he would be what people call a 'perfect boyfriend'.
Racers from all over the world come to the tracks of USA with the desire to snatch the glory, the desire to sabotage, the desire to get revenge. And Jeon Jungkook is one of them. You being the first ever female to race on those stereotyped paths want nothing coming between you and the profound glory, but life has other plans for you as you find yourself tied between the unquenched thirst of revenge...and love.
You can't love someone who is sabotaging you. He's your enemy! He'll always be your enemy.
With all the cliches re-written, there is a twist unforgettable. Can two enemies finally come together?
a/note: HELLLOOOO I'm back with my first ever SERIES OML. I'm very excited for this one and I'm looking forward to good responses and y'all's love <3.
[P.S might update the first chapter today are y'all ready?]
Dm me Or send an ask to be added in the taglist for the series.
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redskull199987 · 1 year
Spider-Man:Across the Spiderverse
I finally got to see the movie yesterday, so I thought I'd write down some of my thoughts:)
!SPOILERS! for Across the Spiderverse
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The animation of this movie. Oh!My!Lord! I don't think that people realize how insane this is. I mean, the first movie already revolutionized animation but the second bro.
Talking of Animation:Hobie Brown aka Spider-punk. I read that they animated him on every 3rd frame I believe, so that he was different from anyone else in every way, even in his animation. He breaks the law in every way and that's such a nice detail
Speaking of details. The Trans-flag in Gwen's room and the BLM pin on Miles' backpack have my heart. It's such a little detail, but it's so heartwarming. Its a presentation that is definitely needed.
I was not ready for Miguel O'Hara or Hobie Brown or Pavitr Prabhakar. I mean, I already loved them from the trailer, but they were even better in the movie. Especially Hobie and Pavitr. I love how Hobie didn't wanna be part of anything in the beginning. He didn't help chase Miles nor did he try to force him to leave his father behind. He's just so awesome. And his style, DEAR LORD
speaking of styles:BEN REILLY lady's and gentlemen(and everything in between and beyond). Did ya'll see him!? He was even animated in comic style, that was so awesome. He was exactly like he always was, I love him sm man
Can we talk about how cute Mayday is. Like, I usually don't like children, but she is such a sweetheart and she's so strong already. I think she's gonna be a great Spider someday
Also, THE PLOTTWIST?! like, technically you could've guessed that Miles was never supposed to be bitten, but I never thought about it. WOLRD 42 EVERYONE. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING IN THERE!? MILES AS THE PROWLER!? OML!?!?!
Next thing, all the different spider personas. It was so cool, sometimes I didn't even know where to look at because I didn't wanna miss anything. There were so many and everyone was beautiful in every way. From T-Rex to Cat. Also, Game Spider-Man was featured which was such a cool detail. I think Miles's roommate was even playing the Spider-Man game. They really included everything you could think of.
Also, Toby and Andrew!?!?! Bro they were in the movie, so that means that Miles and the others could eventually be in the Movies of the MCU. I mean, it's kind of confirmed now that they know of that reality, since Miguel talked about Tom's Spider-Man and Dr Strange. I'm just so excited for what's to come!!!
I think that's all for now, but I am still flabbergasted by this movie and I think I'll always will be
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m4rs-ex3 · 1 year
✨ rayllum ✨
whaddya want from me i have to talk about it rn. aaaaaaaaaaaaa🫶🫶🫶🫶 boundaries. trust. FINGERGUNS. they. them. my pronouns are they because i'll never be them. callum is done wasting time being mad and is now devoting all of his time remembering and/or discovering HOW MUCH HE LOVES THIS GIRL UGH 💕💞💖💗💞💕💖💝💝💘💖💓 he is the sweetest fucking thing rn oml he can see now that she will always be there for him and he wants her to know and im normal. aside from the core developments of their relationship omfg we were SERVED. the banter, the softness, the absolute bestie(+) behavior. let's review:
(e1) "practical? like what ; :)" that is the flirtiest fuckin face ive ever seen
"yes. you. uh.. rayla."
"i was lookin for you! uh.. callum." HIS FACEEEE HIS WIDDLE SMILE
"i can see that. let her go." ZERO hesitation. also mad foreshadowing
"she broke into the high mage's office." "no that's crazy. she can go in there any time she wants." UGH i expected a "no that's crazy she would never do that" but he's straight up like 'whats mine is urs bbg" 😭✋
"the elf stole it." oh.. ok his face doesn't look too happy there i wonder if "shes not 'the elf.' she's rayla." OH FUCK ME THEN
"and she was hiding a weapon" "so what? she always is?" IM SCREAMING I LOVE THEM SM
it doesn't even seem that for a second he was perturbed about rayla having the murder weapon, more so that he was looking straight at the murder weapon. she's always been in the clear 🫡
"if she didn't tell me... she has a good reason." THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE. THIS-- iiis getting its own post.
"it means i trust her. unconditionally." brb dying happy
his face when she unchained herself god he loves his non-law-abiding girlfriend
"you don't have to explain or justify anything to me. you can tell me when you're ready :)" what can i even say at this point
(e2) "well i'm glad you liked it :)" kill me now
"and now... here we are," there it is he still sees them as one unit, defying all odds and persevering all circumstances oh me oh my
stargazing obvi
"she can't stop us." "nobody can >:)" "so we're going to lux aurea right? ; :)" "too right we are >:)>:)>:)>:)"
their chaos <3
(e4) rayllum montage my beloved THAT MUSIC
if you guys have been weird please show me normal
"rayla, we've been through a lot, and a lot has changed, ah- um, well, some things have changed, but not.. everything. uh... i would do anything for you."
i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i would do anything for you i wo
this is not fucking real what the fuckity fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
they are The standard
i've seen a lot of ships in my day way too many perhaps but no one compares
he's so patient and respectful w her 😭 the way he just gently holds out his hands
she fully emphasized that freeing them wasn't her priority and yet just ZERO hesitation callum saw his girl in distress and dropped everything no second thought required
about to die and only one priority mhm
"i waited too long" i am so absolutely insane feral indignant
"i hope you know-" "i know."
bury me
(e5) fist bump. thats it im done im gone oh m !!!!! FIST !!! BUMP !!!!! YOU ABSOLUTE DORKS YOU <3<3<3<3<3
i am weak and the water scene is literally my favorite
he IMMEDIATELY knows shes uncomfy
AND he waits for her
"i don't think i'm comfortable pushing- hey!" "see? i pushed you first! pushing is easy!"
12:06 ish that glance downward tho 👀
the hand snatch of the century. her face. his face. that squeeze. "together." that ttm parallel.
"-the entire world would be in danger-" IM SORRY BUT HE LOOKED STRAIGHT. AT HER. THAT LOOK KILL ME
"an amulet. or, uh, is it a talisman? what's the difference?" HER SWEET LIL GIGGLE (might just be the last sweet moment i have to report on)
beginning o e7 they're standing together on deck what happened all last night i need to know
her catching him when he collapsed :') and holding him up the rest of the time
so e8 🙂
female rage has nothing on callum.
5 seasons. so many characters. so many losses. we have never seen this much emotion from anyone. i can hardly joke right now but he really embodied "don't you just wanna go apeshit?" i consume so much fucking media and this is new even for me. callum has never even had a temper. through all of this--getting kidnapped, abused, mentally and physically, seeing what his friends are going through--he hasn't broke. and then, seeing his biggest fear, the thing he's been plagued with for years, the thing we've seen him throw away his life to prevent, comes true, and he loses it. the scream, grunt & inhale, the speed, the aggression, the fucking expression. it's not hard to see how what happened next happened, i'm surprised he didn't do worse.
“all that talk about how love makes you stronger, but the second you see that elf girl in pain, you completely lost yourself.” mitski miyawaki kindly carry me out
every threat or demand finnegrin has made and callum has done nothing but scour. he has been as strong as anyone can be. and all of a sudden here he is crying out for mercy, pleading, bargaining, the lowest we've ever seen him. it hurts, but finnegrin was right.
"just... just let her go."
"NO! NO"
his defeat. we know this is because of... literally everything he has ever stood for being demolished. but his personal moral catastrophe aside, don't you find it interesting how he did all of that to keep rayla safe, and yet he never once went to her? i made another post abt this but i'm saying it again: rayla told him not to. and she believed in him. she's safe, but i don't think he thought he really saved her. he doesn't think he deserves anything she's giving him. he refuses to indulge in her, he refuses to confide in her, he refuses to seek her out. but he just saved her life. but that's not enough. not enough to resolve this within himself, and apparently not enough for the girl who's life he has saved twice now, who has stuck by him for years, who has dedicated everything to him, to be able to be okay with it. and he just kind of... accepts it. he doesn't beg for forgiveness, that being said he doesn't tell her either. this may seem like he's protecting himself, that he really just doesn't want to lose her, that he doesn't want to face this at all, but maybe it's him not wanting to disappoint her. yknow i really hate to be one of those people who ignores how basically all of callum's character surrounds his own internal conflict in favor of rayllum fan service, but fuck it's hard no to sometimes. he wants to be her hero, but he isn't; not to himself, anyway. this would always be the case. and yet... he did it all anyway. if that isn't unconditional, i'm jumping off a bridge.
no matter who he's protecting he is still being so strong for her
"yeah. yeah, i'm okay. i am." no, that obviously wasn't the truth. but for a "horrible liar," he sure appeared at least a little bit better. at the end of the day, the end of the battle, rayla's okay. and that always seems to help.
face touch 🩷
that hug man. her deep sigh. his shame melting into unavoidable comfort. him letting go despite all his better judgement. also it was cute. homicidal. but cute.
the "eyes on me" thing AUUUHGHHGHGHGHGH
the squad reunion post-claudia when rayla gives callum's arm an extra little squeeze 😭
the ending handhold 🫶 thereee'ssss my little married couple
welp i would say it's been fun but it's been more so absolutely excruciating so. it has been.
if i still had feelings i would be so happy <3
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daisychains111 · 5 months
live "tweet" books with me (via the Goodreads progress bar) pt. 6 A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas
SHAMELESS PLUG: The rest of the books are on my page as pt 4/4.5 and pt 5 hehe
Nesta laughing at the cauldron is so badass oml.....she was really pissing me off in frost and starlight so this book better redeem her"
you're reading my mind cassian...man up and knock
is he gonna call her nes the whole book YES PEASE
 Nesta "You're not my high lord" Archeron back in action
hahahaha rhys is scared of nesta (for good reason but it's still funny)
I still say that Nesta and Mor are gonna be besties.... it's just a matter of time
HAHAHA self insert smut book shaming
damn Cass brutal as hell
I am beyond excited to watch these two losers lust after each other for the next 700 pages...my favorite annoyances to lovers....plus Cass drooling over Nesta in pants is HILARIOUS
cassian comparing his reactions to things that happened to Nesta to Rhys' reaction to feyre and Tamlin cracks me up....just patiently waiting for their mating bond to kick in
Eris is right, they need him...but 1 he doesn't need to be a dick about it, and 2. I'm not excited for Mor to find out
Nesta making fun of her celibate bat boy "making fun of my smut books? I raise you making fun of you having to jerk off yourself" ICON
how Az isn't laughing his ass off rn I will never know...he's stronger than me that's for sure
hmmmmmm....Nesta dear, that sounds suspiciously like a mating bond
these mf have dirty ass minds....they're really just horny af
cassian don't be a creeper
yes Cassian be very bashful about what the sentient house can see...ya nasty
I would choose to read books with a romantic subplot over just a plain romance book literally every day but sometimes I'm really just like "fuck your war go kiss"
hehe Nesta and Gwen bestie prediction
I love the house so much...such an instigator
choosing to ignore the length of Cassian's hair bc long hair is an ick
I'm really ready for the Archeron sisters to be on one team...this 2 vs 1 bullshit is stupid...like clearly you love each other
YAYA RHYS AND FEYRE BABY!!! I saw that coming from a millleeeeee away
that is gonna be the most spoiled child known to man
reading this in the library at school is an interesting choice
"Just sex," my ass
azrial is the worst chaperone in all of existence... but he's also clearly the biggest Cassian/Nesta shipper in existence, so it's fine... Also, the way he just knowingly ate at the table after what they did is BOLD
awwww smutty book club
the older sister disapproval is real...also Nesta calling Rhys Rhysand is hilarious
I love Emerie and Gwyn so much omg
Emerie and Gwyn giggling at the sword inuendos is peak bestie vibe energy
every once in a while the Archeron sisters will say something very "human girl in her 20s" and it cracks me up to no end to watch their centuries-old faerie boyfriends look at them as if they're speaking tongues
just admit you're in love with each other..." just sex" is just hurting both of you
that is just about the hottest thing I've ever read
ewwww what does Tamlin want
Nesta needs a pin that says "bitch and proud" bc she really owns that shit like no other
"your my friend" my absolute ass
I love dancer!Nesta
bc I haven't read in like 5 days I can't remember what plan Cassian is ruining rn but I'm glad he's doing it...go dance with your girl pookie
Rhys is good at his job bc he can have feyre AND Cassian freaking out at him in his head and still hold a conversation....live laugh love feyre and Cassian as the Nesta Archeron protection squad
ha ha az...can't hide that you are in love with Elain from Nesta, she sees all
Az getting Nesta a gift is the cutest thing ever
Cassian has the confidence of an actual doormat...sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's annoying as hell
I love Gwen so much...that's all
hehe her mate taught her 😊
there is a little too much plot happening right now for a book that only has 30 pages left
cracking jokes after you almost just died...Cassian I love you
death pacts make me want to kill the people who made them
miracle magic objects are gonna miracle magic object now and bc Nesta's a badass everyone's gonna live...the end
awwwwww nyx
if I die never knowing what happened with Eris and Mor I'll kill Sarah myself (I never got to know)
(Afterthought in post-production: this could've been two books bc the way the plot was resolved in the last 30 pages of a 750-page book is WILD)
I'm also not gonna be reading fantasy for a while just bc that's not what's next on the tbr, so it might be a while before I do the next part cause these are harder to make for contemporary novels tehe
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clovercalloway · 11 months
We Best Love: Episode 1 [BLIND REACTION]
So, I have a girl friend who is fan of this show and finally convinced me to watch it. Did I make a mistake? Who knows.
But I collected my thoughts and decided to do this. Well, this is gonna be long so get ready. I'll edit with my afterthoughts (note, EAW means Edited After Watching [the episode]) once I'm finished with season 1, or maybe before. We'll see.
Ok, let's begin!
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Welp, he's dead, Great start!
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You sure this is a romance? This looks more like an intervention.
So, Zhau Shu Yi. I'll guess he's the main character or one of the main characters. I'll try to remember his name [furiously takes notes]
The one gremlin with No Name is asking Zhau why they think it's important for him to win. As a Bakugou fan, I'm excited to hear his answer.
"I push myself forward, so that you can see me." Just one minute and it's already too ‎fluffy for my heart
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So, they're fighting underwater. They saw too much anime, istg. Anygays, that tells me these are actual kids (well, the actors may be older, but I'll suppose they're interpreting kids. I bet they're highschoolers).
"LESSON 1: LET'S SUFFOCATE." Okay, wow, great title. So maybe my joke about him being dead wasn't that far off.
Chilhood friends to lovers is such a nice trope, oml, go for it, boy. Be a man and go get your man!
Fang Zhen Wen and Jiang Yu Xin. Hope I remember that. Are those the other two friends?
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Me, trying to be smooth
He has a fan club
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You gals are fans of a swimmer. What did you expect? You were gonna run out of things to offer him eventually.
So he's Zhou Shu Yi. [keeps taking notes] I'll try to remember that.
Bro, how did he fell? You're supposed to be a pro, Zhou, your gals will be dissapointed.
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He sounds way to chill for someone who's almost drowning.
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"How are they talking underwater?" "It's the rainbow connection, don't question it."
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My Shojo Academia
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Gao Shi De is me receiving gifts (socks and a mug) on Christmas
Anygays, Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi seem to have this kind of rivalry since they were basically on diapers. They came out of the womb wanting to throw hands with each other.
But Gao Shi De seems to be the naturally gifted, always on top, and so Zhou Shu Yi developed some sort of inferiority complex, or so it looks like. (Wow, this reminds me of yet ANOTHER story and ️‍🌈 ship that started in a similar way -if you know, you know-)
"Why did you fall-" THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING, LIKE, WHY
Are you telling me that the actual reason he fell was because of the big gay panic- I mean, rivalry, that he has against Shi De?
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OMG HE CUT HIS FINGER! I've seen enough shojo (and shonen) to know what this means. Where's Shi De to kiss it better?
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You're not Shi De.
"I'm not crying." He's so Bakugou, istg
Now he's blaming his misfortunes on Gao Shi De. Bruh, the only thing he did was exist.
Oh, so they're in university? Nice to know.
His friends are trying to understand his language, I feel them, literally had no idea what he was talking about other than "Gao Shi De".
I was gonna say they seem like good kids and very supportive friends. The latter is truth. The former...
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This poor unfortunate soul keeps falling for their tricks. Gao Shi De it's not that dumb, tho.
Oh gods, he plays the piano, he knows what them girls (and boys) like.
So after having a whole ass "Corpse Bride" moment they went back to bickering
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They should make out, ngl. [EAW: Bruh...]
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Gay people can't just ask someone out, they have to be very extra about it. Shu Yi is an example of that.
He's been bullying Shi De since they were kids, he's oblivious af.
Boy, just confess, it'll save you and your friends' time.
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I want to know his name, he's such a mood.
While Shu Yi can't stop thinking about Shi De, important things are happening.
That girl from the beginning [EAW: Yu Xin, her name is Yu Xin, you big disaster] is asking Fang Zhen Wen out and he's all (,,>﹏<,,)
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At least she's honest, nothing more important than THAT.
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Shu Yi heard about the proposal and went all fake-smile on them and then left.
"Is Shu Yi OK?" Idk, girl, you tell me, I thought you three were friends.
They're telling him is dangerous to run down the stairs. I think he'll live, but I won't forgive him for dropping his backpack on the floor. Bro, get your stuff.
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He's gonna start singing Beat on It.
Annnnnd he went back to the pool. Man, this is were it all started. The flashbacks from episode 1- oh wait.
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He's actually making me feel bad, ngl. Maybe it's the acting, or that I understand the whole "why not me" situation. Mitski taught me well.
It's hard. Friendships and relationships are messy, specially when someone is still young. You also have to deal with a lot of feelings being even more irrational than they should, and the inferiority complex definitely doesn't help, making you feel so insecure about yourself, and as if no matter what you're always going to lack something.
I might barely know them but at the end of the day it's no one's fault, really. You can't control how you feel, or how others feel.
MOOOOOVING ON. You know who could help? HEY, SHI DE!
[EAW: He actually came, that mf]
Wait, is he actually? Bruh, did he jumped on the pool?
Why are teens like this. He could've just dropped the collar. Him and his dramatic gay ass.
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Speaking of dramatic gay asses.
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My guy, this is episode 1, couldn't you just wait until... episode 4, at least?
Dont give me that bs about cpr. The surface was RIGHT THERE!
AND THAT'S THE END OF EPISODE 1. I kinda wanna know if he'll give him the lame excuse about cpr.
I'm dying for more tension, Yu Xin knows what I'm talking about, she also has to finish her thesis.
So, that went quicker than I thought. It was compelling tho. I still need more to form solid opinions, but I´ll bite, I'm interested to know how this develops.
Anyways, whoever reading this (cough cough, bossman), see ya later. I'll watch episode 2 after this.
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allylikethecat · 5 months
More on the carsickness haha bc it’s such a sweet and like niche hc but also like makes so much sense ?? Also because I’m obsessed w atkh at the moment just like probably everyone else who ever stepped foot into ur tumblr page lol. How do you reckon fictional George ends up finding out about it? Bc obviously this fictional Matty is less of a complainer and more likely to like pretend everything is fine ig? I guess it’s just one of those things that he’d notice when they spend more time together?
ALSO. Since I’m here, and you said send asks so you can’t stop me ;)
I have been slacking on my atkh chapter comments and I realised I was sooo taking them for granted SO
Starting from the chapter where he breaks down at fictional! George’s, OH MY GOD ????? Written to perfection and I cried. I feel like it’s just such a good way for it to all happen but also so devastating?! And they fact that he’s finally realising that he was soo wrong about everything So then I’m super glad that they got some time to like- be happy- even if you’re going to crush that for a bit..
And then the chapter w charli and everything was so sweet. Fictional Carly is really just another mini protector
The SLEEPOVER ???? Was definitely NOT too self indulgent from you I ate it up oh my god.
And then the date oml. I love anything w the horses in tbh it all seems so personal and real. And the blushing oml so sweet.
Hope your team win the hockey game ? If that’s still going?
I am going to start off by apologizing for how long this response is I got very excited about your WONDERFUL ask...
IDK maybe I'm just projecting but like Matty, fictional and IRL just gives me "gets carsick vibes" so like he will be getting carsick in all of my fics lol Also thank you SO MUCH for being obsessed with ATKH because I am also very obsessed with ATKH and I am just so excited and so grateful that people are enjoying it and will to chat with me about it because that is what I want to be doing at all times lol I don't know if Fictional!George is ever explicitly going to find out - but if he does its probably going to be in the sense that they're going somewhere that's further away, Fictional!George is driving as always, and it starts out fine, but maybe they hit some stop and go traffic, and it's just taking forever and Fictional!Matty has gotten quieter and quieter, and he's got his forehead pressed against the window and his eyes squeezed shut and he is breathing really heavily and Fictional!George is like what's wrong you're really pale and Fictional!Matty is just like "I need you to pull over as soon as you can because I am going to throw up" and Fictional!George is like 😮 what shit and is scrambling to try and pull over and is just like in awe of how calm Fictional!Matty is about the entire thing and is like why didn't you say anything! But Fictional!Matty is just like I get carsick it's fine and Fictional!George is like THIS iS NOT FINE HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS and next time they go on a roadtrip he's got like water and ginger ale for him and like anti-nausea lollipops and is READY.
No part of me wants to stop you keep the asks coming this is absolute AMAZING and thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to read All the King's Horses I'm just so extremely grateful for everyone who has given it a chance and who has taken the time to chat with me!!
AHHH I'm so happy that you liked the chapter where they really ~talked~ about Fictional!Matty's history, that was one of the very first chapters I saw like fully formed in my mind when I started outlining this fic! It had moments where it was hard to write, but looking back I am happy with how it came out! Fictional!George is very obsessed with Fictional!Matty and that line between love and hate when it comes to obsession is very thin... but yes! They are going to be happy for a little bit 👀
I LOVE Fictional!Charli SO MUCH she is the MVP and the voice of reason in this fic and Fictional!Carly is a compilation of all the fabulous wealthy women who ride at my barn and have adopted me as their like bonus adult child I love them all so much and am so grateful to them and have had so much fun turning them into Fictional!Carly
HEHE I was so excited about the only one bed thing, that is like one of my FAVORITE things and I was so happy and excited to like full send it lol
YAY! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the date chapter! That was another one that was very self indulgent because I NEEDED to get Pop in there - I had to make some major edits to that chapter because I had accidentally made Pop the main character haha he might be the main character in my life but I was like this fic is about Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George not you Pop lol He retaliated IRL today by getting his third eyelid stuck over his eyeball and absolutely freaking me out because he can never NOT be the center of attention lol I was also really amused by how much Fictional!Matty was blushing - part of me worried it was too much but I was also like this fictional man has hardly had anyone do anything truly nice for him just because, ever, in his life, so he is going to be so anxious and embarrassed about it the entire time.
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blueberry-lavender · 2 years
Hi! A bit late, but welcome to posting on Tumblr! I hope you're having fun and doing well ;)
I saw you're taking requests for Xander? I was wondering if you could write some fluff with him,,, maybe his SO comforting him after getting crowned as king. Y'know, stuff like him doubting if he could do better than his father, and worried about Nohr's future in general. And SO being there for him to give him some love,,, he deserves it!! He is a good man and he deserves to be reminded often.
One-shot or hc's, whatever works best for you! Female or gender neutral reader is okay too.
Have a lovely day/night and thank you ;>
Crowned Comfort - Part I
A/N: Ah! This is so cute! I'm going to write this as a one-shot, and the reader is neutral. Thank you for being my first request Anon! I simp for Xander so hard oml. This was so long! I'll get Part II out before Xmas.
This was the night of the coronation. Everyone was lively, excited to celebrate the new King of Nohr. Everyone was invited, and oh my lord that is a lot of people. Not everyone came, just reading it in the paper was enough for them. Hoshidan royalty, Hinoka and Sakura, came too. They were enjoying themselves, talking to knights, retainers, and royalty alike. The room was fun, and the people radiated that energy (especially Elise, she was off the walls.) Everyone was having fun.
Everyone except Xander.
He was a wreck. Every time he talked to someone he was terrified of making a mistake. He was all over the room. Hosting, conversing, laughing, commanding, everything. He was sitting in his chair (almost a throne, much more adorned than the others), and he showed many signs of nervousness. His hands trembled in his lap, his heartbeat pounded in his head, he wasn't really breathing, and his brain had stopped working like it used to. Or it was going a million miles per hour. No in-between.
While he was standing looking at the ballroom being cleared from it's tables to get ready for the dancing, he felt a soft tap on his shoulder.
"Hmm?" he hummed as he turned his head.
"Xander?" Y/n asked softly with a concerned look on their face.
"Oh, Y/n, darling you startled me. Do you need something?"
"Yes, actually. I need you to come with me."
"Dear, I'm sorry but I'm busy at the momen-"
"No you're not." Y/n tugged his arm and rolled their eyes.
Y/n glared at him with a look he knew he would get in trouble with if he kept arguing. There weren't many people in the room, only the work staff. The guests were all in the front of the castle watching a jester's performance with fire. An easy slip-away was very possible with these conditions.
"What did you need?" Xander asked with the most unaware concern ever.
"You! You can't expect to run a whole night with no break in between can you? Let's keep walking." Y/n almost scolded him.
"Y/n." Xander held onto their upper arm, "I appreciate the sentiment, but I must get back. People need me to oversee."
"Well," Y/n took his hand, "Good thing I told Leo exactly what to do while you're away." They smiled.
Staring at each other, Xander had a break of a smirk on his face.
"What did you need to speak with me about so badly then?" He spoke calm and low.
Without responding, Y/n wrapped around him. A little shocked, he nuzzled his face in their neck.
Then he realized.
With him slowly tearing up, Y/n reached up and started messing with his hair. He almost latched onto her, like this is all he needed in life at the moment.
"It's okay." Y/n whispered to him. "You're doing amazing. I'm so proud of you."
"I don't think Father would be." He choked out between his gasps for air.
Even though Garon was insane in his last bit of life, that wasn't really him. Xander still valued him as his father, not as a traitor. Of course, the trauma of it all was still relatively new, so Xander hadn't really come to terms with any of it yet. Good thing Y/n is there.
"Oh my goodness," Y/n whispered to herself. "He is so proud of you. And so is Queen Katerina. I know they are so happy for and with you."
"You can't speak for the dead." Xander sounded almost upset over that fact.
"True. And neither can you, so stop saying they don't like what you're doing. You're doing your best. And most of all, I'm proud of you."
Still in that hug, Xander hugged tighter. Y/n returned the favor.
"I love you, Xander, you know that?" Y/n backed away to look at his eyes when she said it.
"I love you too, Y/n." Tears still in his eyes, he kissed her to feel a little better.
After breaking, Y/n grabbed onto his arms with hers.
"Do you want to talk about this later, too? I think the ballroom's ready." Y/n brought them both back to reality.
"Of course. On one condition." Xander perked up, smiling.
"Oh? And what would that be?" Y/n laughed through their words.
"If you dance with me for the night."
Laughing, Y/n nodded their head. And off they went their separate ways, to go and prepare to have a lovely night.
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darklordofthesimp · 2 years
i'm so ready to get my shit wrecked oml IM EXCITED FOR ANYTHING AAAA
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54prowl · 2 years
i think i'm gonna wait until i can send you a reasonable amount of money to join your lil holiday icon event ++ they are all so pretty oml i'm so excited <3
omg hiiiii first of all thank you and you're incredibly generous to think about it this way ;u;
BUT!! something I've done for this event and my way to also pay-it-forward I suppose is to allow some folks (ones who wanted to send ko-fis but couldn't currently) to get their icons now and they can send some whenever they're ready. this helps maximize the time that they have the icon!!
I really don't expect any money from anyone due to the nature of this event so I've been pleasantly surprised that people have been so kind!
anyway, my dms are open whenever you are ready. we can always talk about it owo!!
holiday art event
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firemenenthusiast · 5 months
AAAH im so happy more and more people are watching see, beside archie looking fine asf for three seasons it's also a genuinely good series, I'm not normally a big fan of sci-fi but i watched three seasons in like four days bc i couldn't get enough 😭
also yes kofun is dumb as hell but honestly that's pretty realistic lmao, him and haniwa are two sheltered teens with overprotective parents + sight is basically a superpower in their world, id act like that too if i could see purple 2
the only thing that puzzles me is how normal incest seems to be in their world?? gether bax and his aunt's relationship is public and *SPOILERS FOR SEASON TWO* nobody ever bats an eye at the fact that kofun fucked his aunt, it's more about the aunt being sibeth lmao
sorry for rambling a bit but i never get the chance to talk about see so im a bit excited 🙈
you’re not rambling bae im happy to be talking to you any day ! also yes i finally got to watch see but im only at the few first episodes of the first season. you’re right its getting really good now that kofun showed some warrior skills to redeem his goofy ahh being taken away by the slavers. kofun you’re lucky you’re fine as hell
the opposite personalities of the twins is really interesting to me cuz i feel like i could always rely on haniwa but have to worry about kofun doing dumbass shit anytime. when they were at the river i was 98% sure kofun was gonna run his mouth it was so suspenseful. and when the twins confessed that one doesnt want to leave the village ever and the other does really badly i get more hooked
also yeah whats up with the incest yall pack it up you be fucking yo aunts and complain when the baby came out deformed saying its the curse no bitch you’re the curse 😭 ive read about kofun and sibeth everywhere but still wouldn’t be ready when it happens lmao. also whats up with the queen everytime she wants to ‘pray’ ? no one finds that weird ? oml
you’re welcome to come talk about see anytime but bear with me im only on the first couple of episodes cuz i need to study 😞 i’ll be live posting as i watch tho so i can feel like im watching with yall
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pxgeturner · 6 months
i’m trying my best but oml there’s always so much to do!!
YES THEY DO WE LOVE THAT <333 and that’s so me omg i will never stop it’s they're so good :))
ooh i’ll definitely look into that thank you!! and no that’s ok we love a good mix of movies and series and i adore all romcoms anyway so how could i say no to that
that’s ok!! i am 16 but if you are planning to change it to 18+ i completely understand and respect that!! :)
& how have you been feeling anyway? i hope you're recovering well <3 - 🪷
um well... hmm.. I don't have a lot to say but I can't not reply. you deserve response when I see ur msgs. my ankle is better, I don't have any pain. but im not sure if the swelling is all the way down but I am nawt going to pay fifteen whole dollars to go see the nurse on campus. besides the man said to wait for like 6 weeks until the swelling goes down. so I'm not v worried at all.
Iron Fist's grand debut is on Friday. exciting!! I hope u (all of u tbh) are so hyped. I am. I'm so ready. this is my brain baby. hklghkgjhg excited autist noises.
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kitasgloves · 11 months
Sexy Escapades ft. MSBY 4
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— ♬ NSFW, MINORS DNI, female reader but can be interpreted as gender-neutral, haikyuu timsekip
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(doggystyle & cowgirl)
Oh boy he's a pounder
He likes to grab your ass during doggy and it for sure leaves red marks
I'm losing my mind thinking about Bokuto grabbing your wrists from behind and pulling your body against him whenever he thrusts forward, would literally make you go cross-eyed
He's a sucker when you ride him, he'd literally beg you to ride his cock
He'd be all grabby, his hands aren't stuck in one place. He'd grab your waist, squeeze your breasts, or caress your face
I'd like to imagine when he's close, he'd grab you by both of your arms or by your neck (if he's feeling aggressive) and he'd thrust his hips upward frantically until he cums
"Oh, fuck baby, take that! Take all of it"
(pussyeating & facesitting)
Ninja Shoyo is a whole new breed bro oml
He's a giver I just know ittttt
He's eager to please but knows how to tease and rile you up until you beg for it
Going feral thinking about him burying his face into your cunt and just lapping all of your juices like a thirsty man left in the desert
He'd play with your clit. He'd lick, suck, and even grazes his teeth against it to scare or excite you
He'll use his fingers, burying them deep into your dripping pussy
Literally, eyes shut, groaning because he can feel you close to cumming on his tongue
My man enjoys facesitting. Don't even worry about suffocating him if you got thick thighs or a fat ass
He'd grip your thighs hard then knead them as he passionately eats you out until you're about to collapse
He'd probably unintentionally overstimulate you, oops
"Come on, give it to me babe. Give me everything"
(finger fucking & thigh riding)
Idk about y'all but I think Atsumu has those dangerously precise fingers that know where to find the perfect spot inside of you that makes you scream
Doesn't even take more than five minutes and he has you close to cumming around his thick and talented fingers
He'd use three to four fingers frantically pumping inside of you, while he uses his thumb to massage your clit
Would literally make you see stars omg
He's the type to look you dead in the eye and lick your cum off his fingers with a smug smirk SOMEONE PLS CHECK ON MY PULSE RIGHT NOW
Okay, he's got NFTs; Nice Fucking Thighs. And he knows how to use them.
He'd grab you by the waist and tell you to grind on his thigh. If he's feeling generous he'd help you cum by grinding his thigh up and down your clit.
Doesn't mind you making a mess on his thighs, he'd ask you to lick it all off anyway.
"Yer really nasty aren't ya sweetheart? Yeah, just like that, lick yer cum off my thigh and I'll treat ya real good"
(fingering & missionary)
Those bendy wrists are perfect for fingering I said what I said. It's a great exercise for him
When he fingers you, it's slow and passionate. He takes his time analyzing what makes you feel good. He lives for those tiny reactions like gasps and whimpers whenever his fingers brush a particular spot
He'd alternate from one hand to another after he makes you cum. He'd bury his face against your neck and whisper nasty shit to you that brings you to the edge.
Sakusa likes missionary fight me on this bitch. He likes seeing his partner's reactions when he pounds into them slowly.
He goes slow and hard, you'll feel every hard thrust and it will make your eyes roll back each time
If he's feeling aggressive he'd have a hand around your neck too.
When he's close, he'd grab both of your legs and place them over his shoulders. He'd lean forward and start to pound at the same pace but this time he's deeper
Will literally leave you convulsing when cum.
"Fuck! You like that? Of course, you do darling. Ready to give me one more?"
BONUS: squirting or creampie?
Hinata (he thinks it's fun)
Atsumu (sometimes)
Sakusa (a shocker, I know)
Bokuto (is literally obsessed)
Atsumu (is an enthusiast)
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©kitasgloves (do not steal or copy)
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twistedwishes · 2 years
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Hello, whomever actually stuck around this very dead blog.
I didn't mean to just drop dead off the face of this world, but alas it happened.
I am slowly trying to get back into writing for Twisted Wonderland and playing the game itself, so we're hoping for a post or two soon.
Another thing I'm working on with a friend of mine, is an idea for a comic starring our OC gang.
We are currently developing some major plot points as well as deciding how the world itself will function.
As I'm responsible for the writing, I will start posting any idea, snippet or slice of life-type one shot.
We'll also try to create little introductions to each of the characters and how they relate to others.
I will be making some minor changes to the blog itself.
(No worries, the genie theme is staying-)
Ah, the Lamp is still open for wishes as well 👀
Until next time!
~ Genie ~
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new-ninjago · 2 years
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cole brookstone
he tries his best to make you feel better, even though he’ll likely be hard on himself about the whole thing.
"don't worry [name], we'll definitely get your powers back."
literally comes at your beck and call afterwards all the time.
also continues to spar with you, he's always one of the first to step up ( though you have to tell him to stop going easy on you ).
he's super bent on finding the guy who stole them; pixal has to tell him to be patient because she's diligently searching for any trace of the villain.
but when the said droid does confirms eyes on him ー everyone's ready for action.
cole and you literally almost argue because he refused for you to come </3 you still went though
nontheless, the villain was made quick work of and you tried to activate your powers ..
they worked!
you pecked cole on the cheek after the mission, grateful for his support.
"thanks for believing in me cole :)"
he's totally blushing and stuck in place; holding his cheek.
you mightve broke him tbh
kai smith
he's angry that he was right in front of you and watched it happened.
he's angry that the guy got away.
but most of all, he's angry at himself because it should've been him, and now you were going to be powerless, for who knows how long.
you can see the guilt in his eyes, so you console him. or rather, you say:
"it wasn't your fault, kai. don't blame yourself for a villains actions."
and with that, he tries his best to do so.
gets upset at anyone who asks if you're still a ninja even with your lack of power. ( "of course they're still a ninja, they've protected ninjago countless times!" )
and when they finally run into the said bad guy again?
he's so happy to write his wrong ong
but even whilst being powerless, you managed to deal the final hit!
thankfully, defeating them seemed to return your powers. but overwhelmed with giddiness, you're quick to hug kai.
he squeezes back, exclaiming the great news like an excited toddler.
plus a free kai hug™? so lucky oml
jay walker
jay's afraid that he'll say something completely stupid or insensitive, so he's simply quiet when it first happened.
but he's there for you, ready for you to lean on him whenever you please.
he even offers you to go on patrol with him sometimes ー perhaps trying to prove nothings different, that you're still a part of the team.
"we've all lost our powers at some point; i'm sure you'll get yours back, too."
jay doesn't use his powers as frequently around you unless necessary. poor guy is doing it without being aware :(
you're both in the middle of playing video games when the villain decides to strike.
jay ends up fumbling with his remote; taken off guard by the alarms going off in the monastery.
"i'm going" "absolutely notー" ( the others have to tell you to hurry up otherwise they'd escape )
needless to say, you were victorious and the blue ninja simply decided he'd have to protect you if anything happened.
the last hit came down to you while everyone was trying to fend for themselves due to the enemy activating your powers for themself.
you straight up uppercutted them and everyone was in shoCK.
jay whooped and babbled about how cool you were during the said moment
"oh my first spinjitzu master. [name], you should've seen yourselfー!!"
in that moment of excitement, he hugs you super tight ( "did it work? did it work?" "do you have them back?" )
and when you activate them with a grin, he nearly cries
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hello!!!! i am so excited that ur requests are open ur one of my favorite writers EEEEEE!! i was wondering if i could request a headcabnon for the obey me brothers (and dateables if u wanna do both up to u) reaction to gn mc giving them little sentimental gifts all the time to show them that they love and appreciate them? spontaneous gift giving bc something reminded them of u and u love them? i hope that made sense oml thank u!
Adtgub omg thank you so much 💕
And hoo boy did I feel this! Gift giving is one of my love languages xD
I hope what I came up with is what you wanted 💖
Also, I'm not brave enough to write for the dateables just yet... Maybe someday. But today was sadly not that day 😅
The brothers and MC randomly giving them gifts
The first time you gift him a new coffee mug, he doesn't think too much about it. You probably overheard him talking about needing a new one, since one of his broke, the other day.
Still he very much appreciates it and of course thanks you. After all it saved him the trouble of having to head out and buy one himself.
Though over time he notices that it's not a one time only thing. Usually they're small things. Like a new pen or more of his favorite tea.
Up until one day where you visit him in his study, smiling widely and holding a bag out to him. "I got something for you!"
With a frown, he turns away from the paperwork to give you his full attention. "What's in it?"
"Just open it and see for yourself~"
So he does and what he pulls out is a vinyl, still a little confused. Why would you get him one just like that?
"It just made me think of you, so I had to get it... Do you like it?", you speak up, like you've read his mind.
Immediately his expression softens, a warmth spreading through him. How is it possible for a human to be that sweet? "I do like it. Very much so. How about we listen to it together?"
The way you beam at him and nod enthusiastically definitely makes it worth pushing his work off for a bit.
"Oi, MC! I think ya left your ring in my room", Mammon barges into your room without any further announcement, holding the gold band out to you.
Had it been tempting to try and sell it? Yes. But for some reason he always feels extremely guilty when it's about your stuff.
But you only chuckle and shake your head. "I got that for you, actually. You said you lost one of yours, right? I know it's not the same, but I thought you might like that one. The color of the stone reminded me of your eyes..."
All he can do at your explanation is stare at you, then the ring and back at you. Cheeks flushed and he's at a complete loss for words. Eventually he manages to mutter a thanks, the smile you aim at him only making him blush even more.
But you can be sure that he's never taking that ring off.
In fact, he treats every single present you give to him like the most valuable thing he owns. Because to him, they all are.
Every time you show up and hand him something, saying that it reminded you of him or that you remembered him wanting something like that? He's ready to melt into a puddle.
"Levi! I got us friendship bracelets!", you declare as you skip into his room, simply grabbing his hand to tie the bracelet around his wrist. Afterwards you present him the one on your own wrist with a wide smile. "I made them myself~"
His brain completely shuts down. Not only because of you so casually getting that close to him but... The entire thing is just too adorable?
It reminds him of a scene in the anime "I fell in love with my best friend, though I'll never tell them because I don't want to ruin the friendship. But they are actually in love with me, too and we're both simply oblivious idiots."
He turns as red as a tomato and only splutters incoherent sentences, while trying to hide his face as good as possible. "I-I guess it's pretty nice. Coming from a normie and all..."
You just chuckle and press a kiss to his cheek, before you leave the room again. Leaving an extremely flustered Levi behind, who's staring at the bracelet.
Over time he notices that you rather often gift him something randomly. Though it never fails to make his heart race.
Especially when you get him something, no matter how small, and say that it reminded you of him.
Bonus points when you got yourself something similar. For example a key chain from your favorite anime, etc.
He may or may not be bragging to his brothers about having matching stuff with you.
"I think you forgot your bookmark in one of the books I borrowed you", Satan says, holding the item in question out to you.
But you just shake your head and nudge his hand back. Looking rather amused. "Nope. I left it there on purpose. It's a present for you! I thought it would be cute to make one out of my favorite picture of us."
Did he hear that correctly? You made a bookmark? For him? His cheeks flush as he looks down at it and he can't help but smile.
It's the first time he's getting a sentimental gift like that and it'd be a lie to say that it doesn't make his heart race.
"Thank you. I'll make sure to cherish it." And that he does. He treats it with utmost care and whenever he looks at it, he just can't help but smile.
After that he notices that you either drop things off in his room or just give them to him direct. Saying things like "I noticed you looking at it, the other day" or "You said you wanted something like this, right?" Something that always makes him all soft.
He makes sure to put a curse on everything he got from you, to make sure none of his brothers could potentially mess with them. Because those things are priceless to him.
You're not the only one who likes to give small (or sometimes even bigger) presents, from time to time.
So on more than one occasion you two ended up giving each other a gift, chuckling about the funny and cute situation.
"Asmo! I got you one of those bath bombs you like so much!", you declare excitedly, while handing him the small bag.
He beams at you and doesn't hesitate to steal a small kiss, while taking the offered bag. "Aw, you shouldn't have, sweetheart! But, I also got something for you~"
You two just enjoy giving each other things that remind you of the other one, always getting all giddy when you see the other one's happy reactions.
Especially the things you made yourself, or the ones that you two have matching, are treasured by Asmo and he won't ever let anyone else touch them.
Though he will boast about it. In front of his brothers and in his Devilgram posts.
"I have a present for you!"
"Mh? But it's not  my birthday...", Beel says, clearly confused. Even stopping in his tracks of taking another bite of his snack.
"It doesn't have to be your birthday for me to get you something", you chuckle and hand him a box. "Open it~"
He quickly wipes his hands on his shirt, before he takes the box from you. And as soon as he opens it, his expression softens. "Is that...?"
"The one decent group picture we managed to take, the other day. I thought you might like to have it in a nice frame to put it up. I painted the frame myself so it would match the colors of your side of the room.
Before you even have the chance to say more, he already pulls you in for a bear hug, unwilling to let go of you anytime soon. "Thank you so much, MC..."
Whenever you gift him something, no matter how small it might be, he just looks like a happy puppy. Beaming and proudly showing it off.
Or making sure to find the perfect spot in his room, where they'll be safe but he can always see them.
You skip into the attic, where you know he disappeared to for a nap. Though you take no mercy on him, as you flop down next to him. Nudging his side until he grumbles and pouts up at you.
"Don't look at me like that", you snort in amusement. "I got you something ~"
You wiggle the two plushies that you're holding. Though you click your tongue and pull them out of reach when Belphie tries to grab both of them.
Only making him pout more, even causing him to look slightly irritated. "I thought you said they're for me?"
"Not both of them. One is for you, the other one for me. They kinda reminded me of us", you explain with a shrug and finally hand him one of the plushies."I thought it would be cute if you got the MC plushie and I'll keep the Belphie one."
He tries to hide his blush but fails miserably. Unable to keep himself from smiling, as he already hugs the present close.
Afterwards he grabs your wrist to tug you closer, immediately cuddling close. "So it's a you and me thing? Mhm... I like that."
In fact, he loves everything you give him.
And whenever you gift him new pillows or more plushies? He makes sure to keep them in the attic. Far away from his brothers. Beel is the only one allowed to get close to them
Maybe, just maybe, one of the pillows you gave him might even become his new favorite.
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@the-purpleblushh @sweeneyblue1
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