#I' LL⠀CRY⠀UNTIL⠀MY⠀████⠀█████ █⠀IN⠀FLAMES .
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sugarish · 4 months ago
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  D𝒾d ██ Invit𝒶ti𝑜n s ᛝ Disappear ?
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@miujo event entry .
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sjuusei · 2 years ago
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Sun Reborn Chronicles: - The Good Doctor -
"So, u-uhm... Good luck!"
"Why are you all glowy? It looks like a flame!"
... Uh. I came to visit the doctor, but now a hyperactive child is making me questions.
Long story short, the kid´s name was Anna. She had a doll... And she says it´s Jirachi, much for his brother Noel´s tiredness.
... The weird thing is that that "Jirachi" actually has an energy sign.
"This is my friend Charlotte. She´s actually really, really pretty, you just have to see through the scars. By the way, you look cool with them!"
"... Thanks."
Alright. This kid would get along with Terry.
... Yes, he´s another of my kids.
... And no, I don´t have an adoption problem.
Anyways, after a little bit of chit chat--
"The Doctor is scary."
"Yeah! He has really strong Electric-type Pokémon, and he uses in his "therapy."
"... What?"
The hell? What kind of doctor uses shock therapy on children?! The way Anna talks...
... Alright, calm down. Perhaps she´s exaggerating things.
"Ah, a visitor."
Hmn. I can see why they´re scared of him... The "Good Doctor" doesn´t look that good.
... Thanks, kid. Now I have to deal with a orderly in battle.
Which doesn´t takes long thanks to Gea. Ah, right. Eevee evolved... At a new type of Eeveelution, Eeveeon. Normal type too. Sun Stone.
"You´ll simply have to wait until a different time."
"... Agreed."
I´ll ignore all the red flags for the moment. I´m a Pokémon Professor, not a Doctor, and Shelly needs help... I´m not able to give it to her, regardless of dealing with Apollo´s similar personality.
After that shout, Anna moved aside and went quiet.
Damnit. Too late to leave... I have to hope to see if the kid is wrong.
"Why don´t you tell me why you´re really here, Sun?"
"Heather is the most hurt at the moment... I need to find her--"
Before Victoria or her could move, I simply stopped her.
"No, kid. What you need is to take a moment to rest. Seeing this kind of things is not something to take it lightly."
... Ugh. I can feel Cal and Victoria´s eyes on me.
"N-No... I think... I think I would rather being doing something."
And off the kid went.
"You sounded like you saw something like it before."
Turning around, Cal was talking to me.
"... It sounded like experience."
Victoria looked at me too. Seems that she was too polite to ask that too.
"... Experience can be acquired in different ways, kid. Good or bad."
Seeing like both didn´t have another question, I went to challenge Shelly.
My mind is in other places than my life experiences.
My battle with Shelly took it´s time. Make it fun it the least I could do... I even managed to make her laugh a few times with Zs´Skayr.
Which is a good sign, making her distracted. Except when it ended and she started to ramble again herself.
"... Not like thiss at le--"
Again. What´s up with this kids and their low self-esteem?
"Stop doubting yourself. You´re a great Gym Leader... You treat your Pokémon with excellent care and commnads. You master the field like it was the very same you´re stepping on. You feel like you´re not progressing? Big surprise. Everyone can get better."
The look she was giving me seemed like she was about to tear down... So I knelt to her level.
"Let me tell you something. I have a kid just like you... And he has the strongest spirit I know of everyone I know. Because it doesn´t matter how many thing happen... If a friend needs help, he´ll be there. And you know what he uses to like to feel better?"
She shaked her head.
"A hug."
Well, she practically throwed at me, and started to cry.
Like I said, experience can arrive in different ways.
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octogramsmiles · 11 months ago
ow ow ow fuck why did I do that to myself
hey sweetie I'm just like you now
Hey you remember the cold basement floor
and the dark lights
aand hte little flame in your hand as you singed the blade
and the markings up and side and across and side and down and on and on until the mark was carved into your flesh
And you remember the tug fo flesh as you pulled the knife across the open wounds
criss cross on the skin, getting stuck in the flap of flesh and making you wince
It didn't hurt as bas as you thought
if you weren't a coward you would have cut deeper
till your little belly was ready to burst out of the gashes
But you insisted on thin cuts methodical cerminoical symbolic of the stranglehold she had over you
how old were you, do you remember?
I'm so fucking glad they touched me. I'm so fucking happy to be this broken. I can see them watching me wherever I go. You set me up. YOU fucking made me like this. Thank you. Thank you. Your singeing scalding burning hands follow me every fucking step I take and I just KNOW KNOW KNOW YOU DON"T EVEN REALIZE IT. YOU DON'T REMEMBER ME. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW BADLY YOU FUCKED ME UP
FUCKING FIVE YEARS OLD. FUCKING FIVE YEARS OLD. FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU oh good lord thank you for fucking ruining me so young the loud clap of leather and the blood and the threats and the fucking pleading and the terror that at any moment it all goes away. I know I know I know you fucking saw right through me I fucking know you could see into me see my miserable evil soul see that I was going to fucking hell to burn and suffer forever.
And when I cry and cry and cry to the priest that I'm a tainted sinner with a body fucking ruined he fucking feels me up and tells me he can make it okay. thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU FUCKING 1 INCH THICK WALLS OF PLASTER BETWEEN ME AND MY CLASSMATES TO FUCKING SCARED TO SAY ANYTHING THANK YOU THANK YOU
eht fucking blood dripping down my leg right now. its for you its for you for you that did this to me for you that broke me for me and you and everyone else my warm wretched intoxicating blood is for all to enjoy, splattered on cool tile or asphault or sharp rocks in the woods
: ) : ) :) :) HI HEY HELLO HI HEY HI HEY hell o hi hey hello hi hey hellow ha ha ha hope you'fre fucking happy you freak i know exaclty how much this hurts but it's exactly what you deserve awalys tryng to blame this shit on other people its so easy isn't it going though life guilt free oh the touched me oh they hurt me oh they showed me stuff they shouldnt good good good good fucking grow up and stand up and liten to yourself right now you bleeding whining stupid whore yourte the fucking wretch youre the fucking pervert youre the fucking miserable child who never outgrew her fucking delusions hello hello hello hi hi hello youre happy arent you fucker this makes you happe smile for me fucker smile so so wide smile for me fucker smile for me so wide youre so happy so so so happy~~~ so happy ~~~~~~~ you just know it ~~~~~~ so fucking happy hello hi hello hi you're so you you toy you yo u oyu oyou ooyou uoouoyuoytouytruotyr o
0 notes
sainz-zayn · 4 years ago
Treacherous 01.
Treacherous (adj.)  guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.
Warnings: vulgar foreign language/ foul language, sexual and suggestive themes, betrayal/ betrayal between Johnjae, Illegal drug dealing, mention of blood and wounds, use of gun, smoking, mention of death/ murder, minor character death. This is my first time writing a kind of detailed smut and it`s badly written I`m sorry. I don`t know much about law but I tried since this is kind of Vincenzo au a little far from it but kind of like that and I`m amateur when it come`s to writing again I`m sorry. All Italian/foreign words came from google translate.
► Part 2
Word Count: 10.1k 
Disclaimer: All characters and events in this story even those based on real people are entirely fictional.
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"Envious causes jealousy and jealousy causes hatred, hatred turns Treacherous causing sins to one another,"  you said letting out a sarcastic chortle.
 "Revenge, you said you want your revenge and I`m more than happy and dreadful to help you" his eyes are flaming and burning fire the beast inside him threatening to come out as anger forms and creeps inside him.
"I`m still not satisfied" you retorted emphasizing each word that is coming out of your lips. 
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Takara Nakajima is one of the most corrupted Lawyers under Gongpyeong law firm has the dirtiest secret and dirt under their family`s name, the enemy of Ferrante`s. One of the cases you need to solve without any of your relatives knowing except for your one adopted cousin Johnny Jun Suh also distinguished as John Ivano Ferrante American/Korean, an Italian citizen.
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"Where are you at 10:00 PM when the victim is rape?" His lawyer asked pacing back in forth waiting for the employer to answer.
"Again I will ask you where are you at exactly 10:00 PM when the victim is rape?" the lawyer questioned the employer again you can see that the employer is fidgeting his fingers and his eyes wandering the room one of the signs that he can be guilty.
"I-I`m home that night I didn`t do anything I didn`t put drugs in her drinks," the employer asserted.
"Objection your honor, Under sexual violence prevention and victims protection act, article 36 any person who dismisses a victim from employment or takes any other measure unfavorable to a victim, in violation of Article 8, shall be punished by imprisonment with labor. In the sexual violence prevention and victims protection act, article 8 No employer shall dismiss any victim or take any other unfavorable measure against him or her on the ground that he or she is the victim of sexual violence and this is what exactly what the employer doing now" you glance at the employer who is accused of doing sexual assault and attempted rape still contradicting what he has done.
"And let me ask one question please allow me your honor" you face the judge waiting for his approval.
"Let`s hear it" the judge simply said and you bow at him.
"No one, not even the police or anyone talks about you putting drugs on her drink, or perhaps you really did?" you ask the employer with anticipation waiting for him to reveal the truth and justice will be served.
"I didn`t, I said I didn`t! byeongsin saekki" the employer said and you glare at him for swearing.
"Your honor this footage from the witness will prove that he's guilty of the accusation that he`s getting" you fight back and you give the flash drive to them and insert it.
"Your honor we decline to accept this evidence!" the lawyer of the defendant said.
"It`s still evidence from the witness you have no choice," you said crossing your arms.
"Quiet! let`s watch the evidence" the judge proclaims making you all stop.
They watch the video of the girl being hauled in a dark place and how the employer does something very unpleasant and the video finishes again and now you still have the victory.
"Employer 5890 will be punished with imprisonment with labor for not more than three years" the judge announces and finalize it with the victim's family crying for winning the case. You walk out of the court with the cold aura you have going back to your office again.
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"Congratulations Y/n or should I say, Chiara Allesandra Ferrante," the person said sarcastically you look at your mortal enemy worst of the worst Takara Nakajima daughter of Nakajima Hiroto owner of Nakajima Enterprises.
"Shut it Nakajima Takara" you rolled your eyes at her purposely bumping your shoulder to hers making her huff.
"Just accept it that you can`t win a single case without bribing the judge how pathetic of you Na.Ka.Ji.Ma" you emphasize her surname with a mocking tone making sure she heard it even though you`re not facing her.
"What did you just say? Apologize now!" Takara is a partner in the Gongpyeong law firm and one of the bossiest ones.
"Mi dispiace, patetico moccioso" you purposely said it since she`s Japanese and she won`t be able to understand that you say "I`m sorry you pathetic brat." you leave her with a teasing grin tainted in your lips.
"What did you just say!?" Takara said stomping her feet to the ground.
"Goodbye," you sing while walking away from her.
You open the door of your office startled by Johnny who is admiring your office, you promptly ran in his direction and hug him as tight as you could. Johnny Suh or John Ivano is not just someone who is adopted for you, you see him as an older brother and a best friend. He is one of the best lawyers in the country and also known worldwide, renowned, and acknowledge as John Ivano Ferrante. Raised by two Italian couples at the age of 3, his parents died in a car accident the cause is still not solved after years of striving for justice to be served. But there is one saying in the Ferrante clan; Never trust anybody because you can find faults and sin even in the most righteous person.
"Ivano!" you jumped to him making him carry you in his arms while you`re clinging to him like a koala.
"Johnny, just call me Johnny" he let out a breathy chortle removing you from his tight grasp shuffling your hair the height difference didn`t help at all.
"Don`t mess up my hair my hairstylist is not available right now, you know Ivano" you emphasize his name teasingly because he doesn`t like to be called Ivano in private unless you called him John.
"Then stop calling me Ivano I`m Johnny okay? want me to spell it out for you?" Johnny raised his eyebrows at you while crossing his arms.
"Fine, fine sorry" you grin at him and shove him off of your chair to sit in it comfortably.
"So? when did you come back? you should have told me you know" you rant at him opening your laptop to explicate to him the new plan that you two have been plotting for approximately 5 years.
"I just got here yesterday night, what`s with the change of plan?" Johnny asked, making his self comfortable on the couch in front of you.
" We can`t stick to the old plan it might affect the others if we continue it so I change it, here look" Johnny stood up from his seat to move to your table and check the new plan.
"Illegal drugs transaction to sexual attraction?" Johnny read it with a furrowed eyebrows analyzing all of the pictures.
"Yes, Nakajima has been selling and importing drugs tricking their clients to buy it by using sexual attraction it`s been going on since the 2000s there are 5 lawyers who fight for this case but Nakajima is always playing the game dirty" you explain to him solemnly, showing him different files and pictures.
"I did some research about them last week the drug dealing is still going on around, we`re still finding Tajimamori Yamamoto one of their oldest lawyer and the most trusted. In the year 1998 Tajimamori fight for the Nakajima case until in the year 2000, Tajimamori just suddenly disappear out of nowhere without any traces. He`s the ace card that we need to find" Johnny explains tapping his fingers on the table, eyebrows furrowed.
"We don`t have much time left, we need to finish this within 6 months we can`t afford to lose this time" you lean back to your chair pinching your nose bridge.
Once this case opens up and once you win the case the Nakajima will fall, Takara Nakajima, you better get ready.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold," you said while clasping your hands together.
"Va servito freddo, that`s the spirit Y/n" Johnny smirk and so did you, without Johnny, this thing will be absurdity and nothing.
"Since you win a new case today lunch is on me c`mon let`s go," Johnny said and you take your purse and clung your arms to his, flashing him a bright smile.
Johnny drives into a nearby restaurant pulling up his car to the parking area when your phone opens by itself with a vibrate. Sign that someone is calling you, you look at Johnny and he nods at you as a gesture to answer the phone. He still didn`t turn off the ignition so you stay in the car and answer the phone.
"Hello? who is this?" you stated through the phone pretending that you don`t know the person calling you.
"Hi, I`m the Information hacker that you`ve called last week I just landed in Korea, can you tell me where I can meet you? I`m in your office right now." the person answered you playing along with your silly joke.
"Oh yeah, I`m in a nearby restaurant I`ll send you the address please feel free to join us for lunch," you said politely to the phone and ended it, you send the address and you go in with Johnny.
"Is that the Information hacker?" Johnny asked with a little off tone in his voice.
"Yeah, I invited him for lunch" you answered him and he only nodded.
"Ms. Ferrante?" you and Johnny heard someone called your name and you stood up from your sit to greet the person.
"It was nice to meet you" you greet him and he gives you a smile showing his whites pearly.
"The pleasure is mine," the guy said back and you smile at him.
"My name is..." the guy was about to Introduced himself when Johnny hastily cut him off.
"Ten Adriano Rossi" Johnny said while wiping his lips with a napkin.
"How did you know him?" you look at Johnny curiously, gesturing Ten to seat with a jaunty grin.
"Don`t you recognize him? he`s ten!" Johnny said calmly.
"Ten lee!?" you exclaimed acting like you don`t know him and he smiled at you opening his arms for you to hug him.
"I`m still here you know?" Johnny cleared his throat and rolled his eyes at you and Ten.
"Okay, okay no more funny business and let`s proceed to the plan," Ten said.
Johnny explained all of the new plans to Ten including the outline of the goals, objectives, measurements, action steps, and responsibilities for each step and negotiation.
"Here`s the information that you need about Tajimamori Yamamoto, he`s seen last week at Osaka and Tokyo and he soon flies to Toronto, Canada." Ten spoke and he settled the brown envelope on the table making sure no one is listening or looking at your conversation.
"Also, yesterday I was hacking the system of Nakajima enterprises but when this confidential file suddenly showed up, I think it`s the record of the money they have been Illegally pocketing," Ten said, sipping the coffee from the cup. The serious look never fading from his face.
"We should keep all of this evidence in a private place where we can easily find it but no one can, once we puzzled this informations and evidence we can open up the case against them with solid evidence that can make them fall," Johnny responded.
Get ready Nakajima the person who will destroy you is already plotting your worst nightmare, Il karma è un boomerang, il mio amato nemico; "karma is a boomerang, my beloved enemy."
Johnny and Ten excuses themselves for a minute to talk about something more private leaving you alone to clear your mind, when renjun`s number pops up on your phone screen. You didn`t answer it at first maybe he was just gonna ask you to buy something on your way home, it`s the 5th time he`s been calling you and it`s like he doesn`t want to stop until you answer. So, you finally answer the phone.
"Y/n!? what the fuck!? I`ve been calling you!" Renjun said through the phone the stress and nervousness in his voice are obvious.
"Watch your language Renjun, what is this time?" you asked him with a stern voice.
"Y/n, you need to get home we have a problem it`s hard to explain just go home right now okay?" Renjun said and he quickly cut the call.
You texted Johnny that you will go home first and he replied "Drive safe" that`s enough for you, you quickly drive to your home it`s a minute drive from the restaurant to home but you could care less how fast you`re driving right now. You know Renjun more than anyone, by just the tone of his voice you already know that something is off. Getting out of the car, you open the door of your house with Renjun behind Doyoung while pacing back and forth biting the tip of his finger.
"What`s going on!?" you asked them, sitting on the couch with heavy breathing.
"Doyoung, Hyung accidentally hack our own system, and the tax evasion record of Tremblay corp is locked and can`t be open" Renjun explained while Doyoung is fully focusing on the computer his finger tapping it so fast.
"What!? Kim Doyoung!" you said his name a little louder making him face you.
"Eojjeorago!? If Haechan is not being an ass and if he didn`t annoy me earlier I wouldn't have accidentally hacked our system!" Doyoung said, asking you what do you want him to do about it a little louder than yours.
"Geuraeso mwo!? I was telling you about the codes but you keep shoving me off!" Haechan fight back and Renjun and you sit there pinching your nose bridge in unison.
"Yah! you two come here now!" you exclaimed a little higher and louder than usual, the two of them stand in front of you and you stood up from your sit grabbing your handbag. At first, you calmly smile at them before hitting them lightly with your bag making them ran away and you chase them.
"Kim Doyoung! Lee Haechan! get your ass in here!" you yelled at them and their playful laugh is only what you heard.
"Y/n, calm down!" Renjun yelled while the three of you, Doyoung, and Haechan is running around the living room.
"Wait, let me explain okay!? Mianhe" Doyoung stops running holding his hands to his chest breathing heavily with Haechan. While Renjun is just standing there his hands resting on his hips stifling his laughter.
"Fine! and you two Johnny and Ten!" you glare at them, Johnny gulps and so did Ten awkwardly scratching their neck.
"You said that you`re just gonna talk in private but why are you two here!?  you two went here first leaving me there!" you grab the pillow and throw it at them luckily they dodge it.
"Now explain" you sat back on the couch a sigh escaping your lips while rubbing your temple softly.
Doyoung explained everything about the system and how he can claim it back in just a few minutes and that`s enough to ease your worries. Of course, you trust Doyoung so much he`s like your sibling but losing all of the confidential files is different.
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"Yun-o, this is the information we gathered about Chiara Allesandra Ferrante she`s also known as Y/n," Yuta said and he leaves the office when another person enters the door.
"Stop investigating her, you will get nothing" Johnny glares at Yun-o who is peacefully sipping the wine.
"Why? is it because she`s your cousin or maybe something else?" Yun-o dropped the envelope on the table chuckling at his response at Johnny.
"Stop putting any malice about me being protective to her will you? Jaehyun il ragazzo innamorato" Johnny tease him by calling him il ragazzo innamorato;"The lover boy"
"Well, stai zitto Ivano" Jaehyun tease back making Johnny glared at him again. stai zitto Ivano; "Shut up Ivano"
Jaehyun or Yun-o owner of Neo tech enterprises, one of the most successful men in South Korea, a pile of girls ready to get in his pants and ready to risk everything just for him. Jaehyun has a visual like Goddess if you`re gonna describe perfection many will use him as an example. Looks, style, professionalism, maturity you can see it all in him.
"I`m warning you Jaehyun," Johnny said seriously taking another sip of wine from his glass.
"I won`t do anything I swear" Jaehyun patted his best friend's shoulder going back to his seat.
"How`s the branch in New york going?" Jaehyun brought up the conversation about their joint company.
"It`s doing good, nothing bad so far but we might get ready we don`t know what will happen. I guess you know what I`m talking about since you`re investigating Y/n" Johnny responded, leaning to his seat with eyes shut. A lot is going on in his mind these days, and half of it is you.
"Well, we are well prepared for that. Just tell me whenever you need my help and by the way, I met Mr. Tremblay last week he seems like he`s in a hurry so we don`t have much time to talk" Jaehyun said staring into a space in his room going deep in his thoughts.
"Yeah, and I heard that his son is hitting on Y/n, his son is an amateur piece of shit," Johnny said letting out a "tsk" gulping down the wine he's drinking making Jaehyun sneer at Johnny.
"Jealousy, dude" Jaehyun tantalized.
"Shut up!" Johnny groaned.
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"Ms. Ferrante you need to go with us!" The door of your office suddenly opens with a loud bang making you jolt in your sit and so did Kun.
"What!? this is absurd" Kun defended you holding your wrist preventing the officer from dragging you away.
"No, Kun it`s okay just call Johnny it`ll be fine," you said calmly before grabbing your bag, the police officer assisting you to follow them.
"I`ll come with you," Kun said keeping up with your pace of the walk.
Everyone outside the building is looking at you, sparing you one glance whispering to their partner's ears. Is gossiping a new trend now? it`s funny how people will talk about you and judge you easily when you just show them the part of you that you want them to see and they will act like they know the whole story of your life.
Arriving at the station the officer asked you to sit down so the interview will start.
"We`ll go straight to the point Ms. Ferrante, someone pointed out that you have been selling drugs and there`s one found in your car yesterday. We can finish this up if you cooperated with us" the police interrogated you, showing the evidence.
"I don`t sell drugs, I don`t do drugs, I never keep one," you said rolling your eyes.
"Then what is this then? a laundry powder?" the police ask sarcastically.
"Guarda, I`m not here so just you can tell and ask your not so lame jokes I said what I said, and can I possibly know who reported this bullshit?" you ask squinting your eyes at the officer, you`re not really like this but since you`re stress and for a woman who has a lot of works to do. This interview is a burden.
"Pick up, pick up, fucking pick up!" Kun grew impatient when Johnny is not answering his calls and messages after trying and trying Johnny finally answered the phone.
"Kun take it easy I`m with Jaehyun right now" and Johnny can feel that Kun has an irritated emotion written on his face right now.
"Yeah, you`re with Jaehyun right now while Y/n and I are in the police station right now uhuh," Kun said.
"Come here right now we need you" and then he ends the call waiting outside until the interview ends.
Hours have passed and the interrogating is still going on and Kun is still waiting for you. Johnny finally arrived, fixing the suit that he`s wearing he asked Kun where you are and he assists Johnny inside.
"John Ivano Ferrante, I`m Y/n`s lawyer," Johnny said full of professionalism.
They settled the problem after almost another 1 hour they finally let you leave. Out of curiosity and frustration wondering who decided to frame you. Of course, Takara is one of the options but maybe there is someone else.
"Can I ask who reported me?" letting out a hiss you ask the officer that arrested you.
"No" the officer simply responded to your question and Johnny holds your right arms. Johnny and you are ready to leave but you still want to know who it is so you turn around again.
"won`t you really gonna tell me?" you ask one more time and that`s enough for Johnny to drag you along with him.
"C`mon let`s go" Johnny drag you along with him but you keep removing his grip.
"One last question, please?" you look at Johnny with puppy eyes but it didn`t work so you stop it and stand straight walking out by yourself but before that, you punch his arms lightly enough for him to hold his arms before walking out.
"I hate you" and Johnny only smiles at himself like a fool before following you outside.
You walk outside and took a deep breath, you look for Kun only to see him leaning in Johnny`s car. You walk to him and he smiles at you.
"Thank you," you said at him.
"Kun, can you drive Y/n home for me? I gotta go somewhere," Johnny said giving Kun the key car. Sparing you a glance but you didn`t bother looking at him back, as if he`s not in front of you.
You go home with Kun the two of you use Johnny`s car and you`re worried about him you really do. The rain keeps pouring and it`s getting darker, more hours pass and you grew more worried the rain is getting heavy. You`re thinking how Johnny will get home in this weather, you lean your head against the windowpane the raindrops sliding outside of the pane when you see a glimpse of a familiar figure.
You ran downstairs as fast as you could grabbing a soft towel with you before opening the door. It`s Johnny, Johnny is soaked wet his hair sticking out in every direction possible, a cut in the lips, and bleeding knuckles. You look up at him with worried eyes and he smiled at you. You don`t know what to say but your next action makes him feel at ease, you hug him your chest touching his. The skin contact that makes him feel comfort.
"What happened?" you asked, you don`t know why you are tearing up when he`s the one in pain. He caressed your face softly and he still didn`t say anything. You invited him inside because it`s his home too. You hold his wrist guiding him in one of the rooms, you don`t know if it`s your room but you could care less until you put an ointment and bandage in his wounds. You make Johnny sit on the bed and handed him a towel while you go in the bathroom to get the things you needed.
You slowly applied the ointment on Johnny`s lips where the cut is while your hands are slightly shaking, not minding the tears that are brimming out of your eyes. You next hold his hands to yours softly and more tear brim in your eyes, you`re so weak when it comes to Johnny and you don`t know what to feel about it.
"I-I`ll do it," Johnny said removing his hands from yours before you grab it again.
"No! I`ll do it!" you said through your sobs, wiping your tears away.
"I can do..." you didn`t let Johnny what he was about to say because you know what it is.
"No! I`ll do it, you said you`re just gonna go somewhere but why do you have this cut and wounds in your body!? I hate it!" you said letting it out as your sobs get louder and Johnny only stayed silent. You covered his knuckles with a bandage softly while he let out a loud hiss.
"You`re strong but why do you let your body take all of this!? you know I hate it when something like this happens to you" you exclaimed tears are still falling from your eyes, you touch the cut on his lips again making him hiss.
The two of you stare at each other for a brief moment and Johnny brushes away the strands of hair that are covering your face when your emotion took over you. Your lips landed on his soft ones with your eyes closed he didn`t kiss back, you`re about to pull away when he holds your nape kissing you back. The two of you stay like that for a fleeting moment.
The two of you pulled away forehead resting on one another when the bedsheet cover suddenly moves revealing Ten with a teasing grin making you pull away from Johnny.
"Is it necessary to make out in my room?" Ten asked still wearing the annoying teasing grin on his face.
"S-shut up!" you said and you walk out of the room leaving Johnny and Ten alone.
"How is it?" Ten didn`t stop teasing Johnny so he grabs the pillow and throws it at ten softly before plopping down at the bed letting his body sink in it.
You open the door of your room and you straightly go to your bed burying your face at the pillow out of embarrassment, tossing around the bed messing it up.
"Did you just kiss your cousin? did you just kiss Johnny Suh? It`s okay, right? the two of us are not blood-related anyways so nothing to worry about yes? no?" burying your face on the pillow once again letting out a muffled scream.
The boys decided to have dinner all at once at home so they ordered food for all of you they start calling you, you just keep answering "Okay" so they decided to stop when your stomach makes a grumbling noise. You open the door of your room only to see Johnny`s fist in the air may be to knock? and you look down.
"A-about earlier" you`re about to apologize to Johnny when he cuts you off.
"It`s okay don`t flutter yourself," Johnny said with a smile and you go downstairs with him.
"Don`t Flutter? who said I`m fluttering myself!?" you scoffed and walk past him closing your eyes for a moment from embarrassment.
"Hey, wait up!" Johnny said grabbing your shoulders.
"Let me walk with you" he added.
The rest of you gathered in the dining room. Laughter, warmth, comfort, are filling up the whole room. Oh, gosh you know how much you miss this after almost a year of not being complete you on the times where you only have Renjun, Jaemin, and Haechan besides you.
"This pizza tastes delicious don`t you think so?" you nodded and giggled, your cheeks stuffed with pizza. All of you are laughing that you didn`t even realize who`s the person beside you, you stay silent for a moment before y`all turn your head once again to the person beside you.
"Mark Lee!" you exclaimed locking him with a tight hug.
"Dude, I can`t breath," Mark said tapping your back lightly and you back away.
"Sorry I got carried away" you beam at him and every one of them hugs him what a beautiful and pleasant event.  
"Announcement! we`re all having a party tomorrow so don`t miss out, I`ll tell y`all the location" Mark happily announced, and y`all cheered stuffing your mouth with food.
You excuse yourself to talk with Mark in private, the two of you sat in the living room looking around before proceeding to talk. Mark looks at you with confused eyes.
"So, what`s going on with Mr. Tremblay?" You asked Mark and now he finally understands.
"About that, he`s company is not doing well plus his son keeps asking me about you that I can`t even go on with a day without him asking me things about you since I sign a partnership with them," Mark answered with a sigh before pulling you into a hug and you rest your head to his arms.
"Is Takara invited to the party?" you ask him while you stare at the ceiling and he plays with your hair.
"Yes, she`s Invited" Mark simply responded.
"Can I ask you a favor for tomorrow?" you asked while looking back up at him.
"Sure, what is it?" you smiled at him for agreeing at first he didn`t buy the idea but there`s no way he can say no to you.
"Thank you, Mark!" you cheered.
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"Papà! you should`ve decline! out of all people why Takara!?" you barged in your father`s office throwing a tantrum as soon as you go face to face with him.
"Don`t raise voice at me Y/n! I`m still your father" your father defends which makes you more frustrated.
"Papà! you know that we can`t have any connection with them when it comes to running a company! this might ruin my plan why did you let them sign the contract!" you can`t help but raise your voice frustration is creeping inside you and you can`t help but let it out.
"Trust me Y/n this will help you sooner or later you will realize it," your father said. How can he be so calm when you`re out here in front of him letting your frustration out.
"Cazzo! this is ridiculous!" you fight back.
"Watch your language Y/n!" you had enough and you don`t think you can go on with this conversation.
"I`m done okay? I`m done!" you left your father`s office angrily closing the door walking fast not caring if anyone is looking.
Your father just makes a contract of partnership with Nakajima`s that makes you infuriated early in the morning. How can he sign an agreement with them?
"Did I just mention the plan to my father!? No, don`t worry Y/n he won`t get it" you talk to yourself taking a deep breath before entering your car, you called Johnny and tell him to meet you in your office in an hour.
"Why did you call me here?" Johnny asked while leaning in the doorway.
"Nice timing let`s go and help me find a dress to wear" you dragged him with you.
Johnny keeps whining about how you can ask for Wendy`s help but you keep shutting him from talking, you tried so many dresses and he keeps saying no which makes you pissed off. You choose a dress a long one and a short one for an option you bought it, it was color red you choose the long one with a deep sidecut that shows the skin of your legs.
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Arriving at the party it`s fabulous and it`s full of people around your age mid-20s and the ones in their 20s you spend the whole night drinking when this beautiful handsome man approaches you.
"Pleasure to meet you I`m Jung Jaehyun," He said offering his hands for you to shake it.
"Ciara Allessandra Ferrante but I`m more comfortable being called Y/n plus don`t act dumb I know you. I`m not a fool I know you hire someone to follow me and investigate me, I know by this time you know all of my plans but don`t worry I know you're trustworthy, and you`re friends with my friends." you took his hands to yours and you gladly shake it.
"Jaehyun? I`ve been looking for you" you heard a familiar voice and you`re completely sure it`s Johnny.
"Chill," Jaehyun said with a smile.
"Ciao Y/n I hope you will like my April fools surprise," she said slipping away the wine your holding.
Takara already left and the whole place gets full and crowded with businessmen, suddenly everyone becomes quiet when the news starts playing.
"Breaking news the well-known CEO and Founder of Phoenix corporation have been found dead at exactly 8:30 PM in his house there`s still no answer what is the cause of death" everyone gasp and you can feel a tear escaping your eyes.
"Papà, this is not real!" you said and you walk out of the party going to your dad but Johnny prevented you from doing so.
"Let go!" you said removing his grasp and he holds you tight to his embrace.
"Your father asked me a favor to not make you see him, he wants you to see him when he`s in the coffin" you didn`t hug him back but you keep crying.
"He`s still my father Johnny I want to see him!" you fight back pushing him through his chest but he won't budge. Of course, he`s stronger than you.
"Let`s go home tomorrow you`ll see him" Johnny whispered at you and you can see Jaehyun looking at you with pity in his eyes.
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"You!" you point at Jaehyun.
"Me?" he answered.
"Yes, you who else?" you talk.
"I want you to join us I know that`s your whole point of investigating me anyway," you said sternly and they all look at you.
"What?" you rolled your eyes at them.
"Tomorrow we have something to do, we`ll make our first move of the plan starting tomorrow I can`t tolerate this anymore after what Nakajimas do to my father.
You throw the glass of wine you`re holding in the wall staining it red, your hands holding tight the table with fire eyes in your eyes throwing daggers anger, guilt, and sorrow that`s all you can feel right now.
"It`s hard to enter that place unless you`re a guess they will let you in mostly couples. So, we need you and Jaehyun to pretend like the two of you are a couple" Jeno spoke you`re about to complain but Johnny already did.
"Couple!? them!?" he exclaimed.
"Yeah, anything wrong with that?" Jeno questioned.
"Nothing" he responded almost whining.
The whole planning already finishes and you`re in your room with Johnny laying in your bed comfortably tossing around.
"I don`t get it out of all people in this house why you and Jaehyun?" Johnny complains while you dry your hair.
"There`s nothing wrong with that plus I think Jaehyun kinda look handsome" you try to test the water and how he would react.
"Yeah, right whatever do whatever you want"  Johnny rolled his eyes and you giggled at his response.
"Jealous now are we?" you teased.
"Me Jealous? no way" he said facing the other side of the bed.
"How about we date? I mean it`s not like we`re blood-related we can easily cut ties and we can announce it for the world to know after we make the Nakajimas fall. Sounds good yeah? no?" you ask him seriously and he faces you.
"Really? like for real? but I`m 2 years older than you thought" he said caressing your face softly.
"It`s not like we have a big age gap, why don`t we try it?" you talked scooting closer to him.
"I don`t see why not?" he replied and you smiled at him.
"Does this mean we`re official?" Johnny asks you.
"Yes, baby," you said teasingly.
"Call me that again," he said back.
"No way" you replied and he hugs you, you spend the whole night with Johnny and the two of you surely have fun. It`s doing okay until Kun decided to barge in your room without even knocking.
"We found Tajimamori Yamamoto he`s currently in Tokyo right now, Johnny we need to fly to Tokyo this might be the last chance that we have to find him," Kun said showing the taken picture of Tajimamori leaving his car.
"We`ll fly tomorrow morning we need Jungwoo to come with us, get everything ready" Johnny responds as you stay quiet.
"Go and pack your things, Kun I`ll book you a flight" you talk and Johnny looks at you before standing up.
"I`ll help you pack your things" you added and he gave you a peck on the lips.
"How many days do you think you will stay there?" you ask him.
"For at least 5 days or 7," he answered.
"Take care make sure you come back without any scars I don`t want to lose you like my dad" you softly said, caressing his face to your hands.
You helped Johnny pack his things and you already book them a flight that will leave tomorrow morning. You slept in Johnny`s room and you make sure to embrace him because you can`t see him personally for at least 5 days or 7.
You wake up without Johnny by your side instead you wake up with Doyoung and Haechan bickering outside the room door, you tried to cover your ears with the pillow but you decided that it`ll be better if you stand up and stop them.
"Finally you wake up! go and take a bath we have a lot of things to do today" Ten said pushing you to your room as you watch the house gets chaotic every second.
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"Tax evasion, Illegal drug dealing, murder, sexual assault. We can sue them by using this plus we have Tajimamori as a witness" you explain, gripping the marker your holding too hard that it makes your palms white.
"I can`t hack the system of Nakajima the file that holds their tax evasion can`t be open I need to be somewhere close to them," Ten said along with Doyoung, all of you think of a way to hack their system.
"Tremblay, Tremblay corp! we can enter Mr. Tremblay's office easily since he`s in Canada I heard that he will be back this Saturday. Mark, you can help us right? you're the only one who is closest to him" you talk as you wait for Mark`s answer.
"Yes, that`ll be easy since his secretary knows me. After that, we can finally file the case and go on, but the only problem is that Jungwoo texted me that they`re having a hard time since they land in Japan. Tajimamori seems to notice that they`re following him" Mark let out a sigh and so did you.
"Can we stop this for a moment there`s nothing but a problem here since I arrived," Mark said which makes you slightly offended at his statement?
"What did you just say?" you asked him with a stern voice.
"Look, Im tired okay?" Mark groaned.
"Neither am I but did you ever hear me complain!?" you fight back.
"Everything is not about you! not everything revolves around you so please if you don`t mind I`ll excuse myself for a moment" Mark leaves the room frustrated, he doesn`t know what`s wrong with him but he knows it`s wrong to let out his anger and frustration at you when you feel just the same way as him. He`s not been himself this fast few days because of what happened to your late father who treats him like he is his own son.
"Y`all can rest if you want, you can leave too if you want to, just say it you all know that I`m not forcing y`all into this," you speak softly before leaving the room with a small smile but deep inside you`re hurt.
You took a deep breath after leaving the room you saw Mark in the living room, you tried avoiding his gaze scared that he`s still not in the mood to talk. He`s watching the TV and you stop in your track when you heard the news, you look at the TV and you can see Wendy`s house and they blurred the body, you know it`s Wendy just by the body you know it`s her out of all people why does the world decide to be cruel to you.
"No, no, not her please tell me it`s not her" you broke down in tears as Mark catches you in his arms, you fell to your knees as your sobs et louder while Mark tries to comfort you. Jaehyun watch what`s happening in front of him, he does feel bad for you. You ran upstairs and grab your keys going outside with others trying to prevent you from leaving.
"Y/n, stop!" Mark`s hold your wrist while you look at him with teary eyes.
"No, Mark I have to see my best friend please, please let go" you remove his grip and he stays quiet as he watches your small figure enter your car.
You arrived at the hospital where you see your best friend's cold and pale body.
"How can they be so heinous!? why do they have to kill you!?" you cry in front of your best friend`s lifeless body.
"Just let it out" you look at the person beside you and it`s Jaehyun, did he follow you? you wiped your tears away standing back up.
"Why did you follow me?" you asked.
"Because you`re not in the right condition right now and I know there`s a lot more going on in your minds" you look at him, his side profile is surely attractive and also comforting.
"Thank you Jaehyun I know I just met you personally last week but I mean it" you spoke softly and he smiled, facing you, he holds you by your shoulders crouching down a little making an eye to eye level.
"It`s okay, I know you for a year now because of the investigation thingy I hope that doesn`t make you uncomfortable that I brought that up," He said showing his attractive smile.
"Forget about the couple thingy that we have to pretend I already talk to Mark, just like what he said earlier we can easily enter Mr. Tremblay`s office so try to worry less okay?" Jaehyun tries to comfort you as much as he can. The two of you go around the town making you forget about everything, you wish you can be with Johnny at a time like this but you know he`s in Japan.
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Three days have passed and you grew closer with Jaehyun, you expect Johnny to arrive tonight because they finally persuade Tajimamori to be the witness.
It`s past midnight and still no sign of Johnny so you decided to wait a little more until you just decided to go to bed and welcome him tomorrow morning.
"Babe? baby wake up" you slightly open your eyes because you feel someone poking your cheeks, your eyes are still blurry so can`t see the person clearly.
"Johnny?" you whispered.
"Yeah, it`s me sorry for waking you up I just need to hear your voice" you smile at his sweetness before going back to sleep.
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"Go inside I`ll wait here," Mark said, looking left to the right to check if anyone sees you and Jaehyun entering.
"Doyoung, Ten? we`re in" you said connecting the device they gave you to the pc. They started doing what they have to do as you watch closely when you can feel the cold metal in your neck.
"Jaehyun, what are you doing?" freezing at your position.
"Nothing, it`s just so funny how you trust me so easily Y/n" He let out a chortle.
"What do you really want?" you question with your eyes close.
"I`m the one who should ask you that, you said you want revenge but your revenge is too boring why don`t we spice it up a bit hmm?" Jaehyun spoke while you stay still.
"What do you want me to do then? Kill Takara?" you don`t where you get that kind of braveness because these days you`ve been down.
"Exactly, how about we do that just the two of us?" Jaehyun removes the blade that threatening to cut your skin.
Doyoung and Ten finish what they`re doing and you leave the building along with Mark, everyone that there`s something very different from how you`re acting since you leave the building but they didn`t mention it.
"Make sure to keep your promise" you whispered at Jaehyun.
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"I love you" Johnny whispered at you.
"I love you too," you said back.
"I want the world to know that you`re mine, you want that too baby?" Johnny said kissing your neck, softly marking you.
"Johnny please," you said with temptation in your voice.
"Please what baby?" Johnny asked you with a seductive voice.
"I want you inside me, I want you to touch me and make me feel so good" you whine making him let out a breathy chuckle at your eagerness.
"Will do princess" he answered.
That night you and Johnny take your time with feeling each other as if there`s no tomorrow for it.
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After that night you have been very distant to Johnny and almost everyone in the house can perceive it. You want to distance yourself because you don`t want him to be hurt so it`ll be better this way, it`s better this way. You keep convincing your day every single day that almost every day you argue with him because that`s the only way you can push him away, you want him not to love you anymore.
Today you saw Johnny with a girl and you can`t help but get jealous but what can you do? he`s still your boyfriend. Of course, you will get jealous but why now when you`re pushing him away.
"I told you already she`s an old colleague! nothing more!" Johnny said with a pissed voice.
"Yeah right, an old colleague who loves touching you did you even see yourself earlier you just let her!" you fight back with a loud voice that the boys outside can hear the two of you arguing.
"What kind of boyfriend do that!?" you continued.
"Woah, then what kind of girlfriend accused his own boyfriend of cheating when it`s not even real!" Johnny retorted making you quiet because it`s true and you don`t have anything about that.
"See? I`m right you keep pushing me off! you can`t even look me in the eyes these days and it`s making me sick, thinking what I have done to make you act like this. It`s so fucking tiring!" he retorted as he slammed the door when he leaves your room.
Everyone keeps themselves busy as if they never heard the argument between you and Johnny. Yes, they`re shocked about the relationship between you and him but it`s not their business to interfere.
You cry yourself to sleep while Johnny gets drunk to sleep, tomorrow is the day where you`re gonna meet up with Jaehyun in the place where the two of you talked about.
"I don`t get it! she keeps pushing me away and it hurts! do you know what I`m fucking saying Jaehyun!?" He said drinking beer to beer nonstop as Jaehyun watch his friend get drunk not even stopping him but why?
"Just give her some time maybe she`s tired" Jaehyun responded.
"I always do that but why is it not enough!?" Johnny cried out.
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"Envious causes jealousy and jealousy causes hatred, hatred turns Treacherous causing sins to one another," you said letting out a sarcastic chortle. 
"Revenge, you said you want your revenge and I`m more than happy and dreadful to help you" his eyes are flaming and burning fire the beast inside him threatening to come out as anger forms and creeps inside him.
"I`m still not satisfied" you retorted emphasizing each word that is coming out of your lips. 
"You drag me into this, this heinous sin that you`ve started is burning inside me. Now, everything doesn`t satisfy me anymore" you yelled the tension getting thicker and thicker. 
"Even though you`re gonna kill me you will get nothing, justice is in my palms in this accursed world," Takara intruded your arguing with Jaehyun, writhing her tied body on the chair. 
"Kill me!" Takara said shooting you a bloodshot glare that only makes your enjoyment alive as you slowly walk towards her with a gun in your hand. 
"Takara, Takara, Takara, you see this? this Russian pistol is what I`m going to use to kill you so don`t try me. Now, what part of your body should I shoot first? back of the head, chest, or maybe your mouth it`ll be more enjoyable that way honey. Oh, another idea maybe I should just strangle you to death" you give her face a few taps on her cheeks the leer in your eyes never leaving hers while she hitches her breath scared that any minute you can pull the trigger on her. 
"You have no conscience, do you?" Takara spoke again with a smirk forming on her lips making you more annoyed and tempted to kill her. 
"Of course I don`t, because you know what? It`s a pity the law doesn`t allow me to be merciful that`s what Javert said in Les Miserables and that`s literally me right now you Figlio di puttana!" you cursed breathily giving her a devilish grin making her slap you with her one free hand holding your face you glare at her, anger building up inside you. 
"Merde! do that again and I`ll kill you!" you hold her side to side eyes widening but Takara only laughs at you and you slap her too before you turn your back at her. 
"fuzakeru na! kill me so you can live longer and live in sorrow, happiness doesn`t exist in the world we`re born but the pain does" she shout with anger in her voice and now she reaches your limit.
"I know, want me to end your pain? then I will, I`ll make sure you suffer and Roth in hell! I will let you know what it feels like to be ripped every single day just like what you did to my best friend when she`s the only one who can understand me in this accursed world! you won`t be here if isn`t for your family`s greed, jealousy, and hatred towards mine!" You shout back pointing the gun at her turning back around to face her.
"A fanabla! Takara" you pull the trigger and shoot her straight at her chest making you fell on your knees with tears brimming in your eyes.
"Why am I even crying?" you wiped your tears away as you slowly stood up and spit to your side. 
"You want it, you get it. Ciao Takara" you laugh smirk is drawn on your lips as you walk out of the abandoned place with Jaehyun while whistling like a psycho.
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"Nice shoot out there" you`re startled by Jaehyun`s voice you thought Johnny was the one using your bathroom but when you turned around you`re eye to eye with Jaehyun water droplets falling from his abs with a towel covering his torso down.
"What the fuck are you doing here!?" you said eyes widening.
"Using your bathroom obviously" he answered coming closer to you.
"and who permitted you to use it!? get out!" you pushed him away but he put his shirt back on luckily his wearing his shorts under his towel only to come closer dangerously close that you can feel his hot breath panning to yours.
You back away until the back of your knees hit the bed making you fall with Jaehyun hovering above you, you know this is wrong and you need to stop Jaehyun.
"Stop!" you keep moving away from him but before you can push him the door suddenly burst open with Johnny looking at the two of you his eyes screaming anger, jealousy, hate, and sadness he feels betrayed. He drops the bouquet on the floor grabbing Jaehyun by his collar.
"I trusted you, you bastard!" Johnny was about to throw a punch on Jaehyun when you stop him.
"Baby no it`s not like that, it`s not what you think it is" you plead, holding his arms.
"So, this is the reason why you`ve been so distant to me lately huh?" Johnny glares at you, this is the first time you see him this fuming mad.
"What the fuck!? of course not!" you defended.
Within a second he throws a punch at Jaehyun which Jaehyun gives back at him you tried to stop them but they are much stronger compared to you.
"Johnny please stop" you shout at them making them stop from gripping each other.
Johnny fixes his clothes giving you a painful glance before leaving, why the fuck are you crying when Johnny is the one in pain right now. You quickly follow him not giving a fuck about Jaehyun.
"Johnny please wait, listen to me please, just please" you plead as you grab a hold of his wrist there`s also a tear escaping his eyes which breaks you more.
"Stop! stop okay? I don`t need any of your explanation" he said coldly before shutting the door of his room.
You stand there dumbfounded with your eyes brimming in tears you go back to your room Jaehyun is trying to apologize but it angers you more, irritating you more, hurting you more.
"Get the fuck out of my sight!" you exclaimed as you push him away.
"I don`t want your apology, your sorry won`t fix anything okay!? now live me the fuck alone!" you`re livid and you`re in your pain. Why are you always the one receiving the pain?
Jaehyun doesn`t say anything anymore leaving you alone, you cried your eyes out. You lost your father, you lost wendy, you lost Johnny. What else do they want to take away from you? sometimes you just wanna sleep and get deep in it so you will never wake up in this realm.
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"Johnny listen to me! what you saw there is nothing I swear please, just please at least talk to her. I`m sorry" Jaehyun rub his face using his palms out of stress and frustration while guilt is creeping up in his body.
"Quit with your bullshits! what do you want me to do? believe you after you deceive me by using Y/n? do you think I didn`t know that the two of you killing Takara? Well, fuck this because Y/n didn`t really kill her! It`s Kun" Johnny retorted. Well, Jaehyun is not shocked about Kun killing Takara since he`s an International agent. He glares at Jaehyun who`s speechless at his older friend's outburst.
"Okay, that shit is on me but don`t let it out on her for fuck sake Johnny the one you witness earlier is not what you think it is! I use her bathroom and decided to tease her not seduce her" A sigh escape Johnny`s lips throwing his head back out of mixed emotion.
"Get out I need some time alone" Johnny spoke without looking at his friend, he let his body fall on the mattress running his hands to his face.
You`ve been lying in your bed for a few hours now and so did Johnny making everyone worried and they didn`t even see a single glimpse of Jaehyun. You`re ashamed so ashamed to talk and face them, you`re the one who plans this revenge but you end up ruining it. Of course, you know it`s not you who kill Takara, you heard it from Johnny and there`s nothing more to deny it.
You really want to see him, you really want to feel him, you really want to apologize. Gathering your courage getting a little bit shameless you got up from your bed opening the door you flinch slightly when you see Johnny standing in front of you, his fist in the air maybe he's about to knock? there`s an awkward tension between the two of you. His eyes that full of love every day is now emotionless.
"D-do you want to come in?" you manage to let out but he didn`t say anything.
He cups your face landing his soft lips on yours pulling you back inside your room. He closes the door using his feet, you pull away from him avoiding his intense gaze. He softly touches your chin making you look at him before kissing you again this time it`s passionate and slow. You want him to stop, you really do but you can`t resist him. Within a moment you`re kissing him back too.
A soft moan escapes your lips as you and Johnny let your body fall on the mattress. Johnny hovering above you makes you feel small underneath him it awaken your inner desires. Johnny leaves traces of wet kisses on your neck making you yearn for his touch. He removes his shirt and so did you, throwing it somewhere in the room.
Tongues pressed together in a hot open-mouthed kiss as he kneaded your breast his other hands slowly making it`s way to your clothed core slowly removing it he rub your sensitive clit.
He stops for a moment before pulling away making you whine lightly at the sudden loss of contact. He removes his pants and boxer tossing it somewhere in the room again before positioning himself in between your legs, pushing in slowly his thrust is deep and slow making you moan in pleasure.
"I-I`m sorry" you let out breathily.
His thrust getting a little bit faster making you grip the sheets as he buried his face at the crook of your neck. You know this will be the last time you can feel him this close to you, the last time you can feel his love for you, the last time he will make you feel loved.
"D-don`t stop please" you stuttered out as tears fall from your eyes.
"Don`t cry you know it hurts me too" he kisses your tears away, his thrust getting sloppy as you can feel yourself about to reach your orgasm.
"Baby I`m gonna cum" you moaned gripping him tightly throwing your head back.
"Neither am I, cum for me," he said softly.
He goes to the bathroom to clean you up and getting a shirt in your closet which is his shirt.
"Is this the last time?" you asked him as he slid the shirt in your body before covering you with the blanket.
"Please, I`m sorry. I`ll do anything for you just please don`t leave me you know you`re the only one I have" you cried. You know you still have the others who treat you like their own sister but Johnny is different.
"Y/n our love it`s not just about holding on sometimes it`s about letting go too it`s treacherous if we love each other in this time it can lead to something else" He manages to speak despite of the lump forming in his throat. You sob in his shoulder clutching his shirt not wanting to let go.
"You need to rest, I want you to close your eyes until you heard the door close. Promise me to not open it" you nodded removing your grip on his shirt, you softly lay in your bed. Johnny kissed you on the forehead, you cry more when you can`t feel his warmth close to you anymore.
You heard the soft click of the door closing, you keep your promise you didn`t open your eyes. The memories you made with him flashes in your mind as you fall asleep.
Johnny stops midway before getting his luggage in his room "I love you" he whispered while looking at your room`s door. Proceeding to do his thing with tears brimming out of his eyes.
It`s currently 2:00 AM now and Jaehyun is accompanying Johnny to the airport.
"I`m sorry for what I`ve done I didn`t mean it as that" Jaehyun asks for forgiveness which Johnny gives back with a smile.
"It`s really not your fault and not Y/n`s fault I really have to do this" Johnny said but Jaehyun didn`t get it.
"Do you really have to leave?" Jaehyun asks once again Johnny nodded before leaving his friend alone the smile on his face quickly fades away as sadness took over it.
“I let go because I want you to hold on a little more longer I`ll promise to be back” Johnny said while tears slowly fall from his eyes, looking at the picture the two of you took together.
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‘It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves’ - William Shakespeare
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holykillercake · 4 years ago
Love Ordeal
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word count: 2k
summary: The Strawhts decide to play Secret Davy Treasure and Sanji doens´t stop asking whom you got. 
highlight:  ¨Sanji,¨ you sighed ¨I love you, but if you don´t stop, I will be forced to throw your cigarettes in the ocean and straighten your eyebrows.¨
warning: F.L.U.F.F.
notes: Guys! This a part 2/3 of a request for a fluff where they have a s/o that made them a thing with crochet and how they would react. Also, Secret Davy Treasure is like Secret Santa, but you know. ALSO, there is a surprise at the end! 
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙���, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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¨Just pick one, Luffy!¨
¨But which one?¨
¨It doesn´t matter!¨
¨Hmm, can I pick two?¨
Earlier that day, an old lady told Nami that whichever path Luffy chose would always lead to another Winter Island. So with the end of the year approaching and the cold weather, you decided to play Secret Davy Treasure, a great South Blue tradition.
It consisted of the participants writing their names on a piece of paper, mixing them in a bowl - or Luffy's hat - and drawing them.  Whoever’s name you picked is who you will buy or make a Secret Davy Treasure.
You should have guessed that even something that sounded so simple would be complicated in the Thousand Sunny. The crew didn´t seem to understand nor follow the rules of physics, reality, and the game. 
At first, Zoro folded his paper with his name on the outside; then Brook picked himself and didn´t tell anyone. Now you were struggling with Luffy, who couldn´t pick one because A) he wanted to know what was written inside, and B) he wanted to pick more than one. 
While Franky, Usopp, and Chopper yelled at him, trying to make him understand, Brook laughed at the whole situation, and the rest of you wished to die and get reborn as clams. 
Sanji adjusted the blanket around your bodies and hugged you tighter, chatting until the commotion was over.  
¨Will you tell me?¨ he blew some smoke, and you tilted your head to look at him. 
¨Tell what?¨
¨Who you got.¨
¨What? Of course no!¨ you laughed ¨This is not how you play it!¨
¨But we are a couple, Y/N-chan!¨
¨.., and?¨ you sang the word.
¨We shouldn't keep secrets from each other!¨
A cloud of white smoke came out of your mouth when you giggled before snuggling deeper in his arms. 
¨Okaay,¨ Usopp crawled closer to you, defeated and holding Luffy´s hat ¨he will be the last one.¨
Despite your captain yelling that he should be the first to pick, you were all getting tired and opted to ignore him. 
¨Thanks!¨ you used the blanket to cover yourself as you unfolded it.
A chuckle left your mouth when you saw the name written, and the blonde behind you tried to peek over your shoulder. But you were faster to put the piece of paper with the name of your boyfriend inside your bra.
You turned and gave him a peck on the cheek while he pouted. 
You would have one week to come up with a Davy Treasure for Sanji, and you knew exactly what to do, but some butterflies still flew in your belly, wondering if he would like it. 
As a matter of fact, he loved everything you did, from sweet love to extremely salty culinary disasters. He would find perfection in every little thing done by you.
Enjoying your last days on the island of Snow Globe Pole - yeah, almost as bad as ¨Long Ring Long Land¨ - you decided to tour the city, looking for what you needed to make your gift. Or rather, to crochet your gift.
That was the easy part, for you were on a winter island, yarn and wool were pretty abundant. Every style possible of every possible color, anything that crossed your mind was available in the store. It would have been distracting if you didn´t have the colors already chosen. 
But again, so much for an innocent game. So much for a bit of fun. So naive to believe that Sanji would stop asking you whom you picked. 
In his defense, he had gotten calmer during the first night. But after seeing the bag you brought from the store, he became even more annoying. 
Charming, loving, but still annoying. 
¨It´s not Franky, right? His hands wouldn´t fit in it.¨
¨His regular-sized-robotic-mannequin hands would.¨ you looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. 
You could almost see the gasp stuck in his throat and his heart skipping a beat. 
After that, he kept bringing you desserts, offering massages, and doing everything in his power to bribe you. Skypiea Sanji was not the real Love Ordeal. Secret Davy Treasure Sanji was the real Love Ordeal. 
¨Sanji,¨ you sighed ¨I love you, but if you don´t stop, I will be forced to throw your cigarettes in the ocean and straighten your eyebrows.¨
He grumbled ¨I love you¨ back among some other things and marched to the kitchen with flames on the top of his head. You chuckled and went back to your colorful wools. 
Before you chose his gift, you thought about Sanji and the things that he liked or needed. From cooking to smoking and women. 
Cooking for him would be outrageous. You wanted to give him something amazing, and you couldn't compare to him in the kitchen. At all.
Women. You were the only woman he wanted and needed, and honestly, you were the woman for the job. 
Now, smoking. You would not buy or make him cigarettes, obviously. But he had this adorable and clumsy thing of always burning the tips of his mittens whenever he lit a cigarette. 
Because of that, you decided to crochet him one of those fingerless gloves that come with a mitten flap so he could cover his fingers once he was done. Like that, he would be warm and natural disaster-free. 
¨There is orange, Y/N-chan! You got Nami, right?!¨ you jumped and almost stabbed yourself with the hook when he yelled in your ear.
¨Oh, my sweet Davy Jones, give me strength...¨ you whispered ¨There is also purple, Sanji-kun. It could be Brook or Robin.¨ 
He pondered over it a little, frowned, and made his way to the door.
¨Hey!¨ he turned with sad puppy eyes ¨Is this really important to you? To know who I got?¨ he nodded. 
You gestured with your head, telling him to come closer. A big and bright smile appeared on his face, and your heart beat stronger. That smile, you would punch the Red Line broken to create another All Blue for that smile. 
Oh, how you love this cook. 
¨Ok! Just because I am asking I´ll tell you first, ok?¨ he spoke with a lower voice but still sparkly. You smiled and nodded. ¨I got Chopper! And I bought him a new backpack with a lot of compartments for his medical stuff.¨
The way he paid attention to the tiny details made you melt. He was always taking care of others, complimenting the crew - except Zoro - and celebrating even the smallest of the successes. 
He showed you the blue backpack, very similar to Chopper´s current one, but a lot stronger, prettier, and more practical. He would love it, no doubts. 
¨Well,¨ you began ¨I got... Usopp.¨ 
You felt terrible about telling him a lie, but you couldn´t spoil your surprise.
 ¨Since we´re going to winter islands, I don´t want his finger to get tangled when, Uhm... he´s picking his Ketchup Stars, Green Stars, or Let´s-scare-creepy-girls-to-death Stars. I really hope he likes it.¨
If you were not paying enough attention, you would have missed Sanji´s disappointed look, which he quickly hid with a kind smile. 
¨You always think about everything, Y/N-chan. He will love it.¨ he kissed your forehead and went back to the kitchen. 
You waited until he closed the door to cringe ¨You are going to hell, Y/N.¨ 
Finally, the Secret Davy Treasure day arrived. You would exchange gifts and then have a nice dinner if Luffy didn´t make a party out of it. He definitely would. 
But you were also grateful that today was the day. Since you told Sanji that you had picked Usopp, he has been acting a little upset. The other guys didn´t notice, but you did. 
You would always notice. And you had an idea why. 
The gift exchanging rules were pretty simple.  The Secret Davy had to offer information about the person receiving the treasure, and the others had to guess. 
It started with Usopp, whose Secret Davy was Franky. He gave him a bunch of super tools and some colored light bulbs for the ¨Party Nipple¨ idea.
Franky´s Secret Davy was Robin. He gave her a journal with waterproof pages he created. 
Robin´s Secret Davy was you, and she presented you with a beautiful copy of a fictional adventure book since you were always reading them on the ship.
Then it was your turn. You held the gift wrapped in a shiny blue paper and began to describe your Secret Davy. 
¨My Secret Davy is... slightly annoying sometimes.¨
¨It´s the stupid-eyebrow.¨ Zoro said.
¨Shut up, marimo head!¨
You continued after Nami punched them. ¨My Secret Davy always takes care of us.¨ 
¨It´s Chopper!¨ you shook your head.
¨Hmm... my Secret Davy is an exceptional fighter! Really strong!¨ 
¨It´s me!¨ 
¨No, Zoro! It´s me! I will become the Pirate King!¨ 
¨Shut up, you two!¨
¨My Secret Davy is...¨ you looked at Sanji and smiled ¨... loving and caring.¨ 
He looked back at you, confused.  Why would you say those about Usopp? Not that he wasn´t loving and caring, but... still. 
¨My Secret Davy is... the man of my dreams, the prince of my fairy tale, and the love of my life.¨
A minute or two passed while everyone waited for Sanji to say something, but he remained frozen with a perplexed expression. 
¨Sanji-san, I think the treasure is yours.¨ Brook said calmy. 
The cook made his way to you slowly, taking the gift from your hands and opening it gently, without tearing the wrapping.  
Did he get upset because of your lie? 
¨Sanji...¨ you called him, but he kept staring at the gloves. 
You saw his eyes fill with water before he excused himself and exited the deck, leaving everyone staring at you. 
��I don´t... I´m gonna...¨ you pointed and left too. 
When you entered your room, he was standing, back turned to you. Was he really crying, or you saw things?
¨You remembered...¨ he turned around, still holding the mittens ¨These colors...¨ 
¨Yeah, they don´t really match, but...¨
¨I wanted it so much, Y/N. When I saw it, I wanted it so much.¨
He rushed in your direction and hugged you tight. He hugged you and you felt all his emotions, you felt the weight he carried in his heart. Not a bad weight, just the weight of missing someone you love. 
You knew that that was the reason he was pestering you so much, the colors. You had chosen the colors that Zeff, Sanji´s mentor, wore. 
The fingers were orange and purple, like his striped shirt. You added yellow details of his hair; the blue of his ascot, and the white of his apron. 
As you said, they didn´t match, but apparently, Sanji didn´t care.
He would always share stories about their lives and cook recipes that Zeff taught him. Despite him always calling him old man or damn geezer, the Red Leg was his father.
¨Thank you, Y/N-chan. I loved it.¨
The sound of him sniffing made you hold him stronger. 
¨I miss that damn geezer.¨ 
¨I´m sure he misses you too, Little Eggplant.¨ 
You squeaked and laughed when he threw on the bed.
¨I´ll show you Little Eggplant!¨
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Hey, Guys! SURPRISE! Here´s my first decent art? hahaha THE MITTENS!
I don´t know if the quality dropped. I´m using krita and still don´t know how to adjust the settings stuff when I´m saving a jpeg. Anyway, I hope you liked it!
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lady-literature · 4 years ago
[heelies into the inbox] hi i'm still thinking about the robin hood/princess bride au and im curious about a) the fallout of the ladybug/robin confrontation and b) jason's thoughts all those years away from marinette as robin because GOD you know someone like jason hated being away from marinette for every minute but he had a role to play to survive and get what he needed to get /back/ to her. Also I so desperately wanna see more of the merry men interacting
referring to this
Marinette does not, in fact, put an arrow in his throat no matter how much he might deserve it. She’s pissed and hurting and, despite it all, still loves him with all her aching, traitorous heart.
There’s also the fact that, outlaw she may now be, Ladybug is no murderer.
“I’m not here to wander,” Jason tells her easily. He’s cocky and charming and so much like she remembers except more.
The years, she thinks bitterly, have been good to him it seems.
“I have no quarrel with you, Ladyship. I merely seek someone beyond these woods.”
Marinette snorts. “You won’t find the woman you seek beyond these woods.”
Jason frowns, eyes turning sharp. “And how would you know that?”
“I told you I knew who you were, did I not?” she snaps, dropping her arrow back into her quiver. “You won’t find her because she doesn’t exist anymore, Jason. You’re too late.”
He staggers back as if she had struck him. She can see how wide his eyes are behind his mask and his mouth opens and closes like he’s searching for words he cannot find.
“She’s… dead?” he finally asks, voice like a wounded animal, but it only serves to fan the flame in her chest.
“What do you care?” she lashes out, the venom on her tongue normally reserved only for the selfish, greedy rich. “You left her five years ago. Odd timing to start giving a damn.”
With one move he’s before her, forearm pressed against her throat as he shoves her against a tree, eyes sparking mad and teeth bared at her like a snarl. “Do not presume to know things you cannot understand,” he growls.
She snarls right back, signaling to her men to stand down. This is her battle, not theirs.
“What’s there to misunderstand, pirate? Upset your plaything isn’t around for you to toy with?”
“You mock my pain-”
“Life is pain!” she cuts him off, “And it’s a good thing your woman died before she could learn how little she truly meant to you. That would be pain-”
“Marinette was everything to me!” he roars, and around her, the forest goes silent. Not even the telling whisper of her cohorts movements to be found.
“I loved her more than life itself,” he says, hurt and furious and aching in all the same ways she is. “I faced death every day for just the chance I might return to her side. I fought, tooth and bloody nail, to get back to her.” She watches as his expression crumples with grief and his voice cracks. “But I was too late.”
And her heart—her bloody, traitorous heart—jumps into her throat.
“How do I know you tell the truth?”
He scoffs, shifting to move away. “What reason would I have to lie to you?”
She grabs at his shirt then, desperate. “Swear it to me! Swear on your life!”
“My life is nothing without Marinette,” he answers, quick and honest. “It is worthless to swear on when I do not value it.”
Her heart squeezes. “How can you say that?” she demands, grabbing for him, pulling him to her. He resists and she yanks her mask off. “How can you say your life is worthless when to me it is more precious than gold?”
His hand raises, brushing against her cheek like he fears she is an illusion that will shatter at his touch. His voice is barely a breath when he says, “Mari?”
She’s pretty sure she’s crying now—something Adrien will make fun of her for later—but she can find it in her to care. Because in the next moment Jason’s kissing her and it’s like everything that was missing is finally slotting back into place.
She’s still angry and there are plenty of questions she will demand answers to but- later. All that can wait until later.
Right now she’s kissing the man she loves and he loves her back and they’re together and that is enough.
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sharkbait-writes · 4 years ago
Despite knowing it would happen, it still hurt.
Here’s the thing. No matter how close you are growing up with your siblings, despite your bond sufficing through different opinions and actions, not matter the love you felt for them and how deep it was ingrained, no matter how much it made you yourself -how much it was coded into you- there will always be some things breaking that bond.
Whether that was different ideals, believes, actions or even orders.
So, no matter how much it hurt Fox, -no matter how much it chipped away at his own person until it broke him and left him an empty shell, not even a whisper of his old and own person residing-, he was absolutely not surprised when it happened to him.
Life always found a way to come back to him.
Fox realized that very early in his life and was constantly reminded of that fact.
And no matter how much it absolutely destroyed Fox, he knew it would happen and he was not even a single bit surprised.
Chancellor Palpatine found him on a roof. Because where else could he have been?
Many believe that to be a sign. A symbol. That something bad was about to happen. That he could make one wrong move and tumble over the edge.
But the Chancellor knew him well enough to know that wasn’t going to happen.
The Coruscant Guard might have been reduced to nothing but lap dogs for the senators in the eyes of the public and the GAR, but they still did what they were originally supposed to be doing on Coruscant -keeping the plant and its inhabitants safe. And while being in broad daylight worked in daylight, during night it was a different game. One played by the guard and consisting of jumping off high platforms and swinging between building.
So yes, the Coruscant Guard was never immediately on high alert if they saw one of their own on the edge of a high platform, like a roof for example. Every Guard knew how to act if something bad were to happen. If they were ever to tumble over the edge.
Perhaps it helped that Fox wasn’t standing, but instead sitting with his legs dangling over the edge and repeatedly hitting the wall behind with the other foot every hit.
Perhaps it was helping that Fox wasn’t holding any kind of beverage and instead had his hands lose in his lap and with no bottle on either side of him.
Perhaps it helped that Fox was one of the best. Had been swinging between these very buildings since he first laid eyes on them. One of the most highly decorated soldiers in the entire GAR.
Perhaps it was the way his muscles didn’t seem to be flexing, building up for the moment the constant tension could finally be let lose, and instead looked, for the first time in what seemed like forever, relaxed.
Or not relaxed- outwardly perhaps he seemed like it, when internally he actually was numb.
“You want to know why I’m not crying?”, the silence had been stretching for far too long between the two. Long enough for Palpatine to rethink his decision, now however, it seemed like he chose the right time.
The thing is, Fox knew it would happen.
He knew since the beginning of the war, where he was the only one of his squad to be assigned to stay on Coruscant. On Coruscant where he was doomed to watch his loved ones die and not be able to do anything about it. On Coruscant where he was doomed by behing held captive against his own will and knowledge-
(whY is he sO ALONE???)
-On Coruscant where he was doomed to become someone he wasn’t-
(Oh, force, whY Won’T soMEonE COmE AND SAVE ME???)
-Where he was doomed to realized his family was leaving him, their faces turned away from him so he couldn’t see their disgust, pain, betrayal, shame, numbness or passiveness on it.
One by one, his family left him. First the younger cadets looking up at him, then his trainers, then his batchmates, then his very own Guard and then his fellow Guard Commanders.
One by one they died.
One by one they turned their backs on him. And he let it happen, didn’t stop it because he did the same to them.
And it hurt.
Oh, how it hurt and destroyed him from the inside out. That the only reason he was even still fighting this warm was leaving him, like he had left them.
That his family was gone and he was alone.
And even if it hurt so much he could barely make it out of his own bed at times, he had not been surprised at the slightest to see it start to happen.
“My family has left me. I’m all alone. I should be crying. But I’m not”, the clone’s face has been looking up the whole time, unseeing. His eyes busy watching memories and past actions.
“You don’t even care. You’re only here because you are the only one still looking for me, even if your reason is anything but moral..”
Palpatine stayed quiet.
“I have lost everything and I’m not even crying a single, kriffin’ tear”, Palpatine wasn’t even sure if he was supposed to have heard that, with how quietly it was whispered.
It hurt, but it was not surprising.
After all the hurt he put his family through, after all the broken promises and forgotten reunions and eft alone brothers and murdered brothers-
(brotHER killer, brotHER killer, brother Killer, brother kiLLEr, BROther ki-)
Without much flair, the clone stood up. It stood there, on the edge of the roof just staring up, and turned just the slightest bit.
If Palpatine had a caring heart and the clone were more than just a clone -if it were an actual human being- the next words would have made him feel at least something. A tug at his heartstrings, a burning behind his eyes, a jab at his heart or even a problem with breathing. Anything.
But as it was, the clone was all it was -a clone- and Palpatine was only here to make sure his plan didn’t go down in flames.
Which was why the next matter-of-fact said words -quiet, small and empty-
“I knew it would happen”
-directed at the night sky a couple of levels higher up but getting caught in the pollution of lower levels- only made him feel irritation.
But the clone only shouldered its way past Palpatine, down the stairways and to his bike to get back to his office where he would be alone again.
Fox remembered how in the beginning he thought that maybe they would just ignore him for a short while. But that changed and the though he would be replaced.
And then his batchmates stayed only professional with him if they were together, never mentioned him to others, acted if he were nothing more but air otherwise, stopped trying to get him away from his early death by flimsiwork.
And then he realized they didn’t want anything to do with him anymore.
Fox was already feeling empty enough to know it was only a matter of time.
If Fox would have turned around he would have seen the Chancellor in all of his robed and hidden glory silently watching him leave. Would have seen the way the corners pf his mouth turned up ever so slightly to reveal a smirk and a whispered “tomorrow”.
But he never did.
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elladescent449-artspace · 4 years ago
It started with the Milk: Chapter 5 - Not a dance anymore.
Note: Uggggh this is my first time writing a fight and I don’t know if this is any good, but anyway yeah. I’m surprised how fast I got this next chapter done. You guys can find this fic under the username C4mag1 on ao3, i’ll put a link at the end. Let me know what you think of it!
Not a dance anymore.
Leo rolled to the side to dodge ‘Its’ grapple. When he stood he was greeted with the mace end of Donnie’s bo brushing the skin between his eyes as it swung through. Leo jumped back to dodge the next strike, and again with the next one. He stumbled when a crack in the floor and he took a sucker kick to the stomach that folded him like a chair around the guts. Leo slid back with a cough and the taste of bile rising to his throat, cradling his stomach but was thrown to the floor with a sickening crack as he took a shot to the face from Donnie’s stick. He hears the blade of his sword hit the floor with a metallic twang but he doesn’t have time to look when a flash of purple takes his attention. His hands meet the broad side of Donnie’s bo and he’s pushed further into the concrete as he fights it from crushing his throat. 
‘Its’ eyes are wide with excitement as it chuckles gruffly. “What’s wrong Leo, can’t hit your brother?”
Donnie was not stronger than Leo. He couldn’t put a dent in the side of a melon, so why was Leo struggling so hard to keep this thing from pressing against his windpipe? Leo growled as he felt the strain in his arms. “You’re not my brother!” 
“You sure about that?” It whispered as it changed position, “Leo, are you sure?” It pushes harder as it straddles Leo, hovering over him and blocking out the little light there was.
Leo hears his wrists pop with the pressure. “Stop,” there’s a small chain of cracking as Donnie- or - It’s knuckles pop, forcing more and more weight into the metal stick.
“I think you’re just crazy!” ‘It’ mocks Leo with a laugh.
The staff is inching closer as Leo’s arms are starting to give way. Leonardo is scrambling beneath ‘It’, trying to kick or throw ‘It’ off or something. With a cry Leo instinctively leans his head back as the bo sarts to close in on his neck. Leo twists his body, flexes his guts, tries shifting his grip, anything to make this stop- and then there’s a digital ‘blip’.
Leo smiled with a grunt. “Maybe I am crazy,” he huffed and groaned as he found the strength to edge the stick away, even just a little. Donnie’s tech-bo beeped and a shower of metal plating shifted under both of their hands, “but you’re about to be over the moon.”
The dual-rocket setting was finalized and a flare of purple flames ignited. Blue could feel the heat from under his hoodie and winced as it started to burn. The start of a word starts to form in ‘It’s’ mouth and Leo can see a flash of inky black behind Donnie’s teeth, he doesn’t stop to stare though, finally slipping one leg out and sending a forceful kick into ‘Its’ chest.
It grunts as it’s pushed back but maintains its grip on the bo as it begins to spin uncontrollably. Leo scans quickly to find his sword and staggers to his feet just as ‘It’ is sent crashing through the vert ramp. Leo picks up his sword and pulls out his phone as he starts running for the exit, speed dialing Raphael and clicking the green button. Leo goes for the exit by the kitchen, stopping at the threshold to the main sewer. The phone is ringing and Leo swings his sword in a familiar circle. The magic flickers and Leo’s shakes worsen, “c’mon, magic portal!” He tries again, swinging a larger, more exact circle as he catches his breath. The phone is ringing its familiar tune but there’s no answer yet, “please, please, please.” The portal flickers for a moment before forming completely with an electric zap. He takes step forwards with a laugh of happiness, but it's cut short when his head is ripped back by the tails of his mask.
His wrist is squeezed painfully as'It'presses a thumb into a nerve, making Leo's hand cramp until his hands stop working and his phone falls to the floor.
“Who are you calling, Leo?” There is so much furry in'It's' shaky whisper. An arm swings around Leo's neck and he's pulled into a choke as he's dragged backwards. “Raph?” It chuckles darkly, “you think he 'll believe you? ” 
Leo's screen turned colors and a timer appeared.
“Hello?” Raph's tiny voice emitted from the speaker, Leo screamed Raph's name but his voice was cut short when the grip around his throat tightened enough for Blue to see spots. “What was that? Leo?” was enough to make Leo cry. Leo tried to say something, anything, Please Raph please come home, please help me.'It' paused, looking down on the phone for a moment before stomping down on it with enough force to shatter the phone in half.
Leo held tightly onto his sword, he wasn't going to let it fall this time. He ripped his hand out of Its grip and tried prying off the tightening appendage. He got a breath of air and coughed as a single tear soaked his mask . “Let go!”
“He won't believe you,” It started, pulling Leo back from the portal. “Do you think any of them will believe you? You haven't slept in days and it's made you look crazy.” The portal began to slowly shrink as'It' increased the distance between them and the swirling blue.
“Stop it,” Leo kicked and struggled hard, twisting in place as he groaned and cried out trying to escape Its grip.
It laughed into Leo's ear, brushing up on the side of Leo's head with its cheek, almost affectionately, as it continued. “I'm Donnie,” it sang.
“No you're not,” he gasped. Leo started to feel the pressure increase again and his vision started to blur. In the mesh of his panicked mind, he thought,'where is this strength coming from?'
“I, Donatello, the more humble twin is smart,” The portal was getting smaller and smaller as the time achingly passed. Leo dug his heels into the gritty concrete, stopping them for a moment. It hummed, “dependent, funny .. "Leo's hope was shrinking with the portal and'It'knew it, so'It' let them both be stationary as they watched the portal shrink together." "I'm one of the actual favorites in the family."
Leo knocked his head back at the same time that he elbowed Donnie in the Solar plexus. It groaned as it staggered backwards and Leo swung his sword down,'just get him in the battle shell and you'll have enough time to-'It Donnie's gloves were enough to keep from cutting, so it squeezed it's fingers as it straightened up to stand to its full height. Leo could see the scrapes and bruises forming on Its skin from where it had crashed into the wooden ramp. Pieces of splintered wood speckled Donnies mask and Leo could see a few large chips stuck between Donnie's battle shell. ”
Leo tugged at his sword. “Let go!” Leo looked back over his shoulder, the portal was so small now, he only had seconds before it was too small for him to fit and he knew that he wouldn't be able to make a second one fast enough.
It chuckled darkly as Leo struggled, shifting'Its' grip to hold the blade even tighter. “Raph hasn't noticed a thing,” It cocked it's head to the side and narrowed it's eyes, “and Splinter wouldn't believe you even if he did like you. ”
There's a wet shift and the sound of fabric cutting as the sword slipped out of its hand. Oh no. Leo's breath hitches when bubbles of red grow until they pool and spill onto the floor, he could see past the thin layer of skin and fat There was a pause as'It'stared at the gaping slice in Donnie's hand. It didn't think that Leo could do it. He had cut from one end of Donnie's hand., And then the fleshy pink of muscle and then something white. to the other. He had cut down to bone. 
Leo tries to say something, but all he comes up with is a shaky swallow and a gasp before he turns. 
'It' snaps out of the trance. “No!”'It' races towards the portal, reaching to try and grapple Leo just as he jumps.
Leo is washed in electric blue before the portal fizzes out, leaving'It' gasping for air with a bloody hand and nothing to show for it.
'It' stands there for a moment, in the silence. Its groans rise into a roar before slamming Donnie's bleeding fist into the wall.'It' leans into the rounded wall to press its forehead against it, and breathes heavily into the concrete with closed eyes, thinking deeply as it searches its mind for what to do next.'It'sighed, taking a few deep breaths before pulling out Donnie's phone, which was luckily unbroken considering that it had been thrown along with the body into the vert ramp . It only rang twice before a familiar voice answered.
“Hey, Donnie, what's up?” There was a cheer in Raphael's voice, he could be heard crunching on something as he spoke.
“Raph, you guys need to get home right now.”'It'played up the shake that was already in Donnie's breath from the fight, presenting desperate concern with a touch of pain as it spoke through the receiver, “I think Leo's is sick, or maybe just crazy, but ... ”It began walking towards the bathroom but stopped, better let it bleed for a bit longer,“ he just attacked me. ”
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vasiliair · 4 years ago
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deep water — american authors.          liability — lorde.          angel of small death and the codeine scene — hozier.          bedroom hymns — florence + the machine.          bloodbath for birds — squalloscope.          flowers of flesh and blood — nicole dollanganger.          the river — aurora.          the love club — lorde.          wasteland, baby! — hozier.          writer in the dark — lorde.
                               a playlist for the flower who was forged into a weapon.
01.     it comes and goes in waves / it always runs back, but it’s never quite the same / well, i think there’s something wrong with me          (   . . .   )          when it pulls me under / will you make me stronger? / will you be my breath through the deep, deep water? / take me farther, give me one day longer          (   . . .  )          ain’t even scratched the surface / thinking i deserve the dream / but i don’t deserve the hurting / i want the flame without the burning / but i can’t find my purpose / when i don’t know what my worth is
02.     says he made the big mistake of dancing in my storm / says it was poison / so i guess i’ll go home into the arms of the girl that i love / the only love i haven’t screwed up / she’s so hard to please but she’s a forest fire / i do my best to meet her demands / play at romance, we slow dance in the living room, but all that a stranger would see is one girl swaying alone / stroking her cheek / they say, “you’re a little much for me — you’re a liability. you’re a little much for me,” / so they pull back, make other plans / i understand, i’m a liability — get you wild, make you leave / i’m a little much for everyone / the truth is i am a toy that people enjoy ’til all of the tricks don't work anymore / and then they are bored of me / i know that it's exciting running through the night, but every perfect summer’s eating me alive until you’re gone / better on my own /  they’re gonna watch me disappear into the sun  . . .  you’re all gonna watch me disappear into the sun
03.     calling to join them the wretched and joyful / shaking the wings of their terrible youths / freshly dissolved in some frozen devotion / no more alone or myself could i be / looks like a strain to the arms it were open / no shortage of sordid, no protest from me          (   . . .   )          feeling more human and hooked on her flesh i lay my heart down with the rest at her feet / fresh from the fields, all fetor and fertile / bloody and raw, but i swear it is sweet
04.     we’ll build our altar here / make me your maria / i’m already on my knees          (   . . .   )          spilt bitter tears, i did this for you / spilling over the idle, the black and the blue          (   . . .   )          yeah, i can’t get enough / i’'m not here looking for absolution
05.     the ticking of the clock was tap tap tapping against the insides of my skull          (   . . .   )          and i rocked back and forth on the edge of the bed trying to keep my insides in / and for a second i thought i felt the imprint of your fingers          (   . . .   )          remember the feverish night i dreamt of the machine / that makes planets for parallel galaxies out of plasticine?
06.     close my plastic eyelids / you say this is the love we all hope to find / so don’t cry, don’t worry          (   . . .   )          and i’ll fist it with knuckles full of rings / give you back the love you said was mine / so don’t cry, don’t worry
07.     now those memories come back to haunt me / they haunt me like a curse / is a dream a lie if it don’t come true / or is it something worse / that sends me down to the river / though I know the river is dry / that sends me down to the river tonight / down to the river
08.     the card games and ease, with the bitter salt of blood / i was in, but i want out / my mother’s love is choking me / i’m sick of words that hang above my head / what about the kid? it’s time the kid got free          (   . . .   )          your clothes are soaked and you don’t know where to go / so drop your chin and take yourself back at home / and roll out your maps and papers, find out your hiding places again / the only problem that i got with the club / is how you’re severed from the people who watched you grow up / when you’re a member, go on your great adventure again / and we’ll be waiting at the end
09.     all the things yet to come are the things that have passed / like the old enough hands, like the breaking of glass / like the bonfire that burns, in worth, in a fight felt too          (   . . .   )          and when the stance of the sea and the absence of green / are the death of all things that are seen and unseen / not an end, but the start of all things that are left to do?
10.     i am my mother’s child, i’ll love you ’til my breathing stops / i’ll love you ’til you call the cops on me / but in our darkest hours, i stumbled on a secret power / i’ll find a way to be without you, babe / i still feel you, now and then / slow like pseudo-ephedrine / when you see me, will you say i’ve changed? i ride the subway, read the signs / i let the seasons change my mind / i love it here since i’ve stopped needing you / bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark
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whatdidimissjm · 5 years ago
Hamlaf Week Day 3 - Fire
Alex always leaves his phone on silent, especially at night. Still he gets woken up by a loud and obnoxious sound and after looking around a bit disorientated to locate where it´s coming from, he notices that it´s in fact his phone ringing on his bedside table. He needs another few seconds of just staring at the ringing phone, until he is awake enough to realise that he should pick up. He grabs it, squinting at the far too bright screen and sees that it´s Lafayette calling. Why is his boyfriend calling him in the middle of the night?
“Hi, babe, what´s the matter?”, Alex asks, his speech a bit slurred because of how tired he is.
Lafayette is rapidly speaking French, but his voice is almost drowned out by the cacophony of noises in the background.
“What? What? Laf, slow down, I can barely understand you.”, Alex says, now far more awake. “Take a deep breath and then explain what´s happening.”
For a moment all that there is to hear are the background noises through the phone and Alex can´t help but wonder where Laf is. He glances at the alarm clock and sees that it´s barely past 3 am.
“There was a fire.”, Laf says finally, his French accent more prominent with how panicked he is. “The whole building is burning.”
Alex is paralyzed in shock for a second, before he jumps out of the bed and runs over to his wardrobe to pull out a pair of jeans and a sweater.
“Oh god, are you hurt? I´ll be there as soon as I can.”
“No, I´m… I´m fine. Just, how you say? In shock?”, Laf answers, but there is still a slight tremble in his voice.
Alex fights with his jeans for a moment, almost falling headfirst into the window, but he couldn´t care less.
“That´s good. I´ll get you. Everything will be alright, baby.”, he promises.
“Thank you.”, Laf says, his voice small and barely audible.
“Do you want me to stay on the phone until I get to you?”
“No, no. I have to talk to the helpers here anyway.”, he is quiet for a moment. “Just get here soon, alright?”
“Of course, baby. I´m on my way.”
As soon as Alex is dressed, he grabs his jacket and keys and sprints down the stairs. After almost falling down for the second time, he slows down a bit, rather getting there a few minutes later than not at all, because he´s lying at the bottom of the stairs with a broken neck. Once he reaches his car, he speeds through the city, not caring about possible penalties he might get. He reaches Laf´s flat in about half the time it usually takes him, partly because of his reckless driving, but also partly because it´s 3 am and there aren´t as many cars on the street. He can already see the flames in the building from a few streets away and feels his hands starting to tremble. Now that he is actually here, it feels far more real than before. As soon as he is close enough, he parks his car on the street and gets out, walking over to where most of the people are waiting. They all look traumatized, almost all of them only wearing their pyjamas. Most of the kids are crying and even some of the adults have glassy eyes. Luckily only a few of them seem to be injured. He recognises some for them, even though he doesn´t know their names.
It takes him some looking around, before he finds Laf, who is standing a bit away from the crowd in just a thin shirt and looking a bit lost. Alex feels guilty for not having brought clothes for Laf, but there is no use dwelling on that now. He takes off his jacket and walks up to his boyfriend, who only now seems to notice him. There are tear tracks on his cheeks and he is shivering. Alex is about to offer him his jacket, when he notices that Laf is bleeding on his arm.
“You said you weren´t hurt!”, Alex accuses, grabbing his boyfriend´s arm, to get a better look at the cut.
Laf follows his eyes, frowning when he sees the blood seeping out of the injury.
“I did not notice.”, he mumbles, his voice still trembling.
“It´s okay.”, Alex rushes to say. “Come, I´ve seen some paramedics over there, they´ll help us.”
Lafayette nods reluctantly and Alex grabs his hand, guiding him to the ambulance.
“Hey. My boyfriend is bleeding, can you help him?”, he asks one of the paramedics, an elder woman, and she nods, her gaze shifting over to Laf.
She has him sit down in the back of the ambulance and while she goes to get the first aid kit, Alex pulls Laf into an embrace.
“I´m so glad that you are alright.”, he mumbles, softly kissing the top of his head.
Alex feels a tremble passing through Lafayette and hugs him tighter, while the younger man cries quietly. The paramedic comes back after a few moments and Alex pushes Laf gently away, though he keeps holding onto his hand.
The cut luckily turns out not to be that bad, which means Laf doesn´t need to get stitches. The paramedic closes the cut with medical strips, before she wraps a bandage around his arm. After making sure Laf doesn´t have any further injuries, she allows Alex to bring him home.
Alex helps his boyfriend into his jacket, before leading him to the car. Laf has stopped crying, but he is still shivering, probably both from being cold and being in shock.
“It´s going to be alright.”, Alex says, once they are in the car, turning around to Laf and squeezing his hand.
Lafayette closes his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath, nodding slowly.
“Thank you.”, Laf mumbles.
Alex hesitates a moment, before he starts the car, making his way home. They aren´t talking much during the drive, but Alex notices that Laf gets calmer, the father they get away from his still burning building. Some time later, Alex parks his car in his usual parking spot, and they get out. Laf grabs Alexander´s hand almost instantly and Alex gives him a reassuring smile, leading him into the building.
When they are finally in the bedroom of Alexander´s flat, both in their pyjamas again, Alex can´t help but hug Laf once again. He is incredibly glad that nothing worse has happened and now, in the safety of the room, all the tension leaves him, and he can´t help but let out a small sob.
“Pardon, pardon, pardon.”, Laf mumbles again and again, and Alex shushes him softly.
“Not your fault. I´m just so glad you are alright. I was so scared.”
“Me too.”, Laf whispers.
Alex pulls back a bit and rubs the tears from his eyes, before he gets on his tiptoes and presses a soft kiss to Laf´s lips.
“I love you.”, Alex whispers. “I say that far too little.”
“I love you too.”, Laf gives back, a tiny playing around his lips, though he is still crying.
Alex pulls Laf into a hug again and after staying like this for what feels like hours, they get into bed, Laf still clinging to Alex.
“I don´t know if I can sleep.”, Laf says after some time, looking up at Alex with big eyes.
“Then we´ll stay awake.”
Laf nods, letting out a shaky breath.
About ten minutes later though, Laf is asleep, his face buried in Alexander´s shirt, still holding on close to him. Alex is watching his face in the dim light of the streetlamps outside, only now really coming to terms with how close he had come to losing the other man. He takes a shaky breath, carefully, as to not to wake Laf, brushing a strand of hair out of his face, just so that he can make sure that he is really there. Alex doesn´t know if he will sleep tonight, but as long as he can hold Lafayette close, everything will be alright.
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bravonovel · 4 years ago
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Begin Again: https://www.bravonovel.com/begin-again-7645
Begin Again novel is a second chance romance story, written by Val Sims.
A hot rebound is just what any doctor would recommend for Eden McBride's broken heart after a brutal breakup. Not really. But it's what she needs.
Liam Anderson is the perfect rebound guy. Dubbed the Three Months Prince because he's never with the same girl longer than three months, Liam's had his share of one night stands and doesn't expect Eden to be anything more than a hookup.
When he wakes up and finds her gone along with his favourite denim shirt, Liam is irritated, but oddly intrigued. No woman has ever left his bed willingly or stole from him. Eden has done both. He needs to find her and make her account.
But in a city with more than five million people, finding one person proves impossible, until fate brings them together again two years later.
Eden is no longer the naive girl she was when she jumped into Liam's bed; she now has a secret to protect at all costs. Liam is determined to get everything Eden stole from him, and it's not just his denim shirt.
Begin Again novel Trial Reading
"Can someone please tell me why I left our perfectly comfortable couch to freeze my ass off here?" Eden McBride glared at her three friends waiting patiently in the queue with her.
It's been over an hour, but the long line snaking its way around the block had barely moved.
Out of all the hangouts in Rock Castle, they had to choose Crush, one of the most challenging clubs to get into, especially on the one weekend when the hottest DJ in town makes an appearance.
"To help you get over the man whose name we won't mention!" Sienna, her best friend since primary school, said in a hushed tone. The clear plastic beads dangling on the ends of her long ombre braids chinked as she turned her head to match her death glare.
On her 'bad' days, Sienna was cute. But on a good day, like tonight, she was smoking hot. The guys milling about, desperate to get inside like they were, clearly thought so too. They could barely peel their eyes from her.
"Yeah, Eden, we've given you enough time to mope," Lydia chimed in as she snapped a quick selfie and posted it on her Instagram. Within seconds her phone pinged incessantly with notifications from millions of adoring fans. Lydia is a mega-successful YouTuber whose makeup videos have catapulted her to a goddess-like status on the internet.
"The sooner you get back on the bike, the better," Cassandra added, flicking her long blond hair over her shoulder as she pulled up the collar of her signature leather jacket. In the five or six years Eden's known her, she's never seen her in a dress. Not even once. For a self-proclaimed tomboy, Cassandra was effortlessly chic, and with her tall slim physique and delicate features, she could pull off any look.
In their crew, Eden was the plainest, and she was okay with that. Her skin was so pale she could never get a tan no matter how long she stayed in the sun. She tried colouring her long mousey brown hair a few times, but the constant retouching got old real quick. Her most striking feature was her slanted, brown eyes. Pity, she had to hide them behind thick-lensed glasses because she was almost as blind as a bat without them.
"He's moved on. You should do the same!" Lydia chimed in brutally. Subtlety was not her strong suit.
Eden sighed and rolled her eyes. Her friends meant well. But, she was okay with spending her days and nights in front of the TV binging on carbs and terrible reality shows. She was cool with not brushing her hair or changing her clothes for days on end. She was happy to cry herself to sleep and wake up with a puffy face and swollen eyes. But she didn't want to be rushed through her grief.
How could six weeks be enough to get over a lifetime of memories, of four years of happy moments and hopeful dreams, dashed in an instant?
"If this stupid line doesn't move in the next two minutes, I'm leaving," she hissed and pulled her trench tighter, glad she had the foresight to wear it even when her friends wanted her to ditch it because it was 'ruining her whole aesthetic'.
A Lamborghini screeched in front of the entrance, followed by a Ferrari and a Porsche. A group of men, as tall as the surrounding office towers and good looking enough to have walked straight out of a fashion magazine, jumped out of the three cars, threw their car keys at the valets, and made their way to the door.
Perhaps it was the long line that seemed to be going nowhere fast or the stress of the past few weeks, but when Eden saw the six towers trying to bypass the queue, she lost all her patience. Without thinking, she left her place and stormed to the entrance, her friends trailing behind her.
She tapped the very tall ginger, trying to smooth talk his way into the club, on the shoulder. He turned to look at her, his thick eyebrows fusing in a questioning frown.
Eden paused, her lungs struggling to keep up with her thoughts and take in simple breaths. With hair so bright like flames, she expected his eyes to be green. Not this denim blue. She could feel herself struggle against their pull.
"Eden, don't cause a scene," Sienna gritted her teeth and tugged at her arm.
But, Eden saw no reason to be polite. Not when she was almost frozen solid she could barely feel her ass.
She stretched to her full height as she tried to match the man's towering size. But even in her Jimmy Choo stilettos, she still had to look up at him.
"Can I help you?" He asked in a voice meant to melt the panties off of any woman within a kilometre radius.
As if he wasn't already deadly enough, he had a cleft too. The fact that it wasn't so prominent and only seemed to show itself when he spoke or smiled, which was all he did in the last fifty seconds, made it all the more devastating.
"I don't need your help," Eden said icily, hating him a little. He had no right to be so attractive.
"Okay, then!" He shrugged, showing off two rows of perfectly straight teeth as he smiled. They were so white she thought they might be veneers. They had to be. There was no way anyone would have such great teeth unless they had an excellent dentist.
"If you are done gawking at me–"
Eden held up her hand, irritated with herself for noticing all these things about him and hating him a little more for his presumptuous arrogance.
"Do you see all these people?" She glared at him and pointed at the endless line. "They've been waiting for over an hour. You can't just come here and skip the queue."
"Are you going to stop me, Princess?" His rust-coloured eyebrows shot up, his eyes sparkling with amusement and his Calvin Klein underwear model friends sniggered. Eden wanted so much to wipe the smirk off his face with her puny little fists. But she was an educated person. She didn't have to use her hands to prove her point. Words were just as powerful.
"If you have any decency, you'll do the right thing and wait in line like everyone else." She hissed, blinking furiously behind her black-framed glasses.
A hush fell over the small crowd gathered around them. Eden's friends kept tugging and pulling at her. But she was so over everything, including this night, and she refused to be intimidated by Red as he leaned down to stare at her at eye level condescendingly.
"I guess I'm not a decent person now, am I?" He blew a cold minty breath on her face and shrugged, returning his attention to the bouncer.
He flashed a few notes at the burly man, gathered up his crew, and waved at her group. "They are with us!"
Before Eden could even process his announcement, they were already inside the club, wading through a swarm of sweaty heaving bodies swaying to the music.
Continue to read Begin Again novel: https://www.bravonovel.com/begin-again-7645/chapter-1-crush-95332
Read the full story of Begin Again novel on Bravonovel App: https://www.bravonovel.com/download-bravonovel-app
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artxmisery · 5 years ago
Here we go! 1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? No reason, in particular, just the fact that my life is a confusing mess.
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? Not really, no.
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? Yes, but mostly because I’d be concerned for their safety.
4: Do you find it easy to trust others? Hell no.
5: What were you doing at 11 PM last night? Failing quite badly at sleep.
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? Hopefully a friend.
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? Cut ties and tell them to do better next time.
8: Are you close with your dad? Eh, relatively.
9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? God, I wish. Sort of.
10: What are you listening to? The Silent Confessions album by sad boy with a laptop
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? Plain old water.
12: Do you like hickeys? Not particularly.
13: What time do you go to bed? Before midnight, if I’m lucky.
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? Nope.
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? More or less.
16: Do you always answer your texts? In time, yes.
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? No.
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? A minute or two ago.
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? Most of my friends tbh.
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? I haven’t the foggiest.
21: Is anyone else in the room with you? Nope.
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? Absolutely.
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? For sure.
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? A little bit.
25: In the past week, have you cried? Yep.
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? Grey.
27: Do people ever call you by your last name? Once in a blue moon, yeah.
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? I hope not.
29: Do you have a best friend? Not one person in particular, no.
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? Not particularly.
31: Who was your last call/text message from? My mum.
32: Are you mad at anyone? Myself.
33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? A few times.
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
35: How many more days until your birthday? 167.
36: Do you have any summer plans yet? Stay inside. And that’s about it...
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? Yeah.
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? Perhaps.
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? Absolutely.
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? Not really.
41: Do you think age matters in relationships? Depends on the context. Most of the time, yes.
42: Are you available? Quite.
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? A few.
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? Nose, probably.
45: Do you believe exes can be friends? Absolutely.
46: Do you regret anything? Nearly everything I’ve ever done.
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? Entirely too much.
48: Did you ever lose a best friend? Sort of, but not really.
49: Was your last kiss a mistake? No.
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? Assorted reasons, mostly because I’m a coward and it’s complicated.
51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? Yes.
52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? Yes.
53: What was the last thing you ate? Fried rice with an egg over the top.
54: Did you get any compliments today? Not really.
55: Where are you going on your next vacation? I don’t know yet.
56: Do you own anything from other countries? Quite a bit, even if we’re only talking souvenir-type stuff.
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? Guys, I guess.
58: Where have you lived most of your life? Washington.
59: When was the last time you took a long drive? A couple days ago.
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? Once or twice, yeah.
61: Have you ever TP’d someone’s house? House? No.
62: Who do you text the most? Text? My immediate family, probably. Discord, who knows.
63: What was the last movie you saw? I honestly don’t recall, it’s been a long time.
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? Ahahahahaha...
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011? None.
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you? Yes.
67: Do you curse around your parents? I try not to.
68: Are you happy with where you live? More or less, but there are definitely places I’d rather live.
69: Picture of yourself? Nah.
70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? Depends on the context, but I think that a healthy open relationship could 100% work.
71: Have you ever been dumped? Not really.
72: What do you most like about making out? Physical intimacy.
73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with? Maybe once? But no, not really.
74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? Generally the other.
75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? Eyes, most of the time.
76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed? A friend of mine.
77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? Nope.
78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name? Nope.
79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? Depends on the person, but most of the time probably not.
81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? A few times.
82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? I certainly hope not.
83: Do you miss your last sweetie? A good deal.
84: Last time you slow danced with someone? A couple of months now? I think?
85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? Nope.
86: How can I win your heart? Just existing is sufficient most of the time. Kindness helps.
87: What is your astrological sign? Capricorn.
88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Failing quite badly at sleep.
89: Do you cook? A few times a week.
90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? No.
91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? Somewhat, yeah.
92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? I generally stick to one relationship to see if it works out.
93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? Not many, honestly.
94: Name four things that you wish you had! The ability to shapeshift. Or go back in time. Significantly more money. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
95: Are you a player? Nope.
96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? Once or twice
.97: Are you a tease? Sometimes.
98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? Don’t think so.
99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? Yes.
100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? Absolutely.
101: Hugs or Kisses? Hugs.
102: Are you too shy to ask someone out? Always.
103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Their voice, generally.
104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? Can be.
105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in a relationship, would you go for it? Depends on if I know them and their partner(s). Generally, no.
106: Do you flirt a lot? Sometimes.
107: Your last kiss? It happened, yes.
108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012? Yes.
109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month? I wish.
110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be? [redacted]
111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next? Nope.
112: Does someone like you currently? I doubt it, but I can hope.
113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone? Yep.
114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? Serious, all the way.
115: Ever made out with just a friend? The ones I have didn’t stay that way long, one way or another.
116: Are you happier single or in a relationship? I think it generally goes the other way around, honestly.
117: Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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rikumorimachisgirl · 6 years ago
Heyyyy girl could i please get the other boys reactions to finding out mc accadently got married to gavin. I'd imagine they be really shocked/upset that she said she was pleased with the arrangement
Hello! I was gonna write something else, but I couldn't resist your prompt. This was a little difficult to write. Here is my attempt at their responses, and I hope you like it. 🙈
Title: Regrets
Pairing: Gavin x MC
Prompt: What is the reaction of the other guys to MC marrying Gavin?
Word count: 2,000+
7:30 am
You rolled on your back, your heart still racing from your passionate lovemaking. Beside you, Gavin did the same and the fine sheen of sweat that covered his body reminded you of how sexy he looked when he held your gaze as he thrust his engorged cock deep inside you until you rode out one orgasm after another. 
"You've got a funny smile on your face, " he teased. "Don't tell me you're ready for round two."
"Am not, " you replied, bringing the covers up to your neck. 
"Oh, come on. Can't you let your husband show you how much he loves you?" 
You were so caught up on playing hard-to-get, you almost failed to hear the creaking of your front door as it opened. You froze and looked at your husband, who had already wrapped a towel around his waist and tossed his shirt at you. 
As you slipped into his white undershirt, you heard the sound of the voice you've been dreading to hear. 
"Honey, I've brought you breakfast. You can't still be mad at me for - oh."
It was Lucien - top-notch neuroscientist, next-door-neighbor, and until yesterday, your lover. He held a bag of hot buns in one hand, and his gaze shifted from the half-naked police officer to you a few times. 
You sighed. He rarely used the spare key you gave him in the past, but you were so upset yesterday, he must've felt he needed to do something special. "Lucien, " you called,  your voice snapping him out of his reverie. "I'd like you to meet Gavin..."
The scientist looked at you like you had lost your mind. Really, he must've thought, why would you be standing in front of him introducing the guy you had just slept with, whose shirt you had on? 
"... My husband."
Your last line struck him like a punch in the gut. His eyes drifted to the ring you now sported, and his heart sank. So surprised by your unexpected announcement, the usually calm and collected Loveland University Professor dropped the bag he was holding, the buns rolling out of the bag. 
Thinking fast, Gavin bent over to pick up the buns and place them back in the brown paper bag his wife's former flame had just dropped. "Here you go."
"Uh, thank you, " the scientist replied in his usual monotone, before shaking his head. "Oh, where are my manners? Congratulations to you both. I'm sorry for intruding your privacy. I should go."
You watched in silence as he fished the spare key of your apartment from his pocket, and placed it on the table before walking out the door. You felt the weight of your guilt vanish as he took one step after another away from you, and when he finally closed the door behind him, you knew for certain you weren't going to see him again. 
One down, two to go. 
10:30 am
LFG was bustling with activity as the employees went about their daily grind. On the top floor, the CEO paced back and forth in his office. He had been feeling restless since last night, but he had no idea why. Throughout the sleepless night, he typed messages to you several times but never sent them. He smiled wryly at the thought that you might be getting the wrong impression once again. 
But you had an appointment with him at ten in the morning, and you were never late for your meetings. Until today. 
His head snapped when he heard the light rap at his door. Soon after, you poked your head in to check if he was busy or not. 
"You're late, " he said, not sparing you a glance. 
"Yes, and I'm sorry, " you replied silently, as you entered the room.
He looked up from his paperwork and sat back. "Not offering an excuse for me this time?"
"I have none, " you said. "But I have an explanation."
"Do you know? Let's hear it, " he gestured with his hand, encouraging you to speak up. 
You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself. Though he never admitted it, you always felt that he treated you differently - like you actually mattered to him - and what you were about to say to him would probably break his heart. 
"I… I… well, I…"
He frowned as you stammered, and he watched you twist your fingers together. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, " you nodded. "The truth is, I was gonna send Anna to take my place today, but I thought that would be improper."
He narrowed his eyes as you spoke, silently assessing what could be wrong. And then he saw it - a faint glimmer as the light hit your wedding band. "I see, " he said. "I have to change my evaluation of you. Up to now, I thought you were the worst idiot to walk this earth. Apparently, there's someone even stupider than you…"
"Hey -"
"Who's the unlucky man?"
"His name is Gavin, he's a police officer, and he makes me happy, " you replied, stressing on every word to get the message through. 
The twenty-eight-year-old executive was silent for a while. He knew the guy - he was rough around the edges, but he was an extremely talented Evol Agent, probably the best in the force. He sighed in resignation. 
"Well, I suppose I owe you a present for your wedding, " he finally said as he took out an envelope from his drawer and tossed it across his desk to you. 
Curiously, you opened it and saw two tickets to a Carribean cruise. He watched as your eyes widened and your lips stretched to a smile - the widest and most beautiful you've given by far. As you held the tickets in your hand, he felt his heart sink. He did intend to give those to you today, but he had hoped it was him you'd be taking with you on your well-deserved vacation, but fate wasn't so kind. 
"Now get out of my office and tell Anna to come. You need to go on a proper honeymoon as commoners do."
"You know you could be less of a jerk about it, " you said, faking a frown. In reality, you felt relief wash over you as the regular rhythm of your banter returned. "Thank you for these, Victor!"
He waved you off and waited until you closed the door before he picked up his phone. 
"Goldman, I'll be taking the rest of the day off today. Cancel my appointments. I won't be reachable for the next twenty-four hours."
One more to go…
2:30 pm
On your way to pick up Gavin, you made one last detour to B.S. Entertainment. Kiro was guesting in your new talk show tonight, but you wouldn't be around to watch it so you thought of cheering him on early. 
As you made your way up the elevator, you silently wished he wasn't shooting anywhere today. 
"I didn't expect to see you this early. Have you come to pick up Kiro?"
You smiled as his agent greeted you quite warmly. Normally, he'd be too swamped with phone calls to even nod at your direction. 
"Quiet day today?"
"It's quiet now. It was crazy this morning, " he replied, scratching his head. "If you want to see him, he's in the studio rehearsing for tonight."
An enchanting melody filled the air as you walked to the recording studio. You recognize the sound - Canon in D - your favorite, being played beautifully on a solo violin. You snuck inside the closed room and were immediately entranced by the vision before you - Kiro with his eyes closed, playing so exquisitely, you couldn't help but applaud when he finished. 
"Hey! When did you get here, Miss Chips?"
You laughed at his term of endearment, which he never seemed to get rid of, after all this time. 
"That was so amazing, Kiro!"
He blushed slightly and then regained his composure. "Of course, it is. I'm rehearsing because I'm playing your favorite tune tonight," he said, as he bounded over to you. "So what brings you here this early?"
The earnest look in his eyes made you want to cry. You haven't been anything more than friends, yet it felt like you were going to do something horrible and your heart couldn't take that. 
"Hey…, " the superstar said, taking your hand in his. 
You notice his eyes widen as the cool metal of your band touched his palm, and he suddenly brought your left hand up to inspect closely. 
"New ring, Miss Chips? It's cute… and it almost looks like a wedding ring…"
You cleared your throat. "That's because it is."
As his gaze drifted from the hand he was holding to meet yours, you could have sworn you saw a tinge of hurt in those blue eyes for a split second, and he forced a bright smile on his face to cover it up. 
"Really? That's amazing!"
"Yeah, it is. He's a great guy. I wish you could meet him, " you trailed off, as you let his hand go. "But anyway, I'm here now because I won't be able to come to the show later. We're going on a trip for a few days, so I thought I'd come to cheer for you before I go."
"Aww… You didn't have to do that, " he joked, messing up your hair. "But thank you for dropping by. I- 'll dedicate the song I play later to you."
"That's so sweet of you, " you beamed. "Thank you, Kiro!"
"No problem, " he said, his smile plastered upon his handsome face. "So, I guess I won't be seeing you for a while."
"Yes, but I'll bring you back a souvenir from our trip!"
"I'm sure you'll have lots of fun, " he mused happily. 
"I sure will, " you seconded. "But right now, I gotta go. Gavin should have been done filing his leaves by now."
"Yeah. Well, take care and don't overeat!"
"I'm not you, Kiro, " you called out as you waved and turned to exit the room, your head on the clouds as you thought of your trip with Gavin. So caught up in your daydream, you failed to notice the smile disappear from the pop star's face, as he brought his hand up to brush away his tears. 
7:30 pm
Willow texted that Kiro was up next, so you turned on the television to listen to him play.
"I'm still surprised we got a present from one of your business partners on such short notice, " Gavin said, as helped you pack. "Pretty lucky, huh?"
"I'm pretty lucky, " you replied, hugging him from behind. "Because I'm married to the best guy ever!"
He chuckled. "Is that so?"
"Of course. Where can you find a guy who would shop with you without a complaint, carry all the bags, and then help me pack for our honeymoon?"
"Mmh… either he's great or he's just crazy for you, " he said, turning around slightly to plant a kiss on your forehead. 
"And speaking of great, he's pretty great in bed, too." 
He smiled at your sly comment and straightened up. "Is he now?"
"And do you care to give him another chance to show how great he is in bed right now?"
Throwing your arms around his neck, you stand on the tips of your toes until your lips hovered just below his. "I thought you'd never ask, Babe."
In the background, you could hear that the host had just turned the floor over to Kiro and that he was going to perform anytime now. But all that was forgotten as your lips hungrily sought Gavin's, and he matched your passion with his. He made quick work of your clothes until you were stripped down to your panties. He lowered you in bed and kissed every single part of you, as Kiro played for the audience, a song he dedicated to you. 
A few doors down, Lucien lay on his bed, attempting to read while the TV was on. The apartment felt unusually cold and empty tonight and the Finale of Tchaikovsky’s 6th symphony that Kiro played beautifully on the violin did nothing to lighten the mood. He sighed and dropped his book, defeated. While it pained him to admit, he had everything and let it go - and now he had nothing. Nothing without you. 
Down the road, Victor took another shot of whiskey and asked his personal bartender to refill his glass once more. He lost count of how many glasses he's had as he played billiards by himself. The bartender turned up the volume to listen to Kiro's performance, and he paused briefly to listen. He'd never felt regret until now - for treating her the way he did, for not being honest about his feelings… for not having the power to turn back time and change things - for if he did, then he would've been the man she was making love to at this moment. 
And as Kiro played the last chords of the symphony, he finally allowed his tears to fall. 
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bards-witcher · 6 years ago
Perdita - Chapter 8
Are people out of character? yeah probably, but we’re 2 chapters ftill the end and gold star to whoever guesses what’s going to happen.
And let me know what you think :D
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[Luke POV]
For the next couple of days, he kept vigil of his brothers’ bedside, watching as his life barely hung by a thread as he refused to even think of sleeping as he knew his friend would need him when he woke up, that was one reason. The other was that if kept unchecked, his mind would bring up visions of Ryan no longer himself again and he wasn’t quite strong enough to be dealing with that just yet.
In the mad rush back to the base to save Jon he’d learned that Lui and Ryan had been ambushed on their way over to help them, which also happened to be the exact time that Anthonys’ comms went down, meaning that he had no way of telling them, and sure enough if it wasn’t for the other man then sending Nogla, John and Craig he’s sure that he wouldn’t be sitting here now, nor Lui for that matter.
Not that it made it any easier to deal with, he’d failed both Ryan and Jon, the two people most important to him and he’s sure that fact would’ve hurt a lot more than it did if he was anything more than the empty shell of a man he currently was now.
He hadn’t spoken to anyone but Brock since that day, and even then it was just to find out how Jon was doing, ignoring the worried looks and gestures of support by his friends as he kept himself by Jons’ side, refusing food and sleep until he knew for sure that the other man would pull through.
He’d lost track of the days since the shooting, but sure enough he felt his energy begin to waver, slipping in and out of conscious and startling awake at the slightest sound, and it’s with Brock entering the room that he wakes, gun raised at the other man until he knows who it is, ignoring the pained look on Brocks face as the younger man approached Jon.
The other man doesn’t bother trying to say anything as he knew he’d get no answer in return, instead, he simply checked over the fluid levels and Jons’ vitals from the last couple of hours, a small, tired smile gracing Brocks’ face as the younger man then turned to him.
“Del’s gonna pull through” He’s too exhausted to deny the relief he felt at that statement, practically feeling himself deflate as he released the air that he’d been holding ever since that day “We’re gonna keep him in a coma for a few more days to help him heal and he’s going to be out of commission for a while, but he’s stable, half an inch to the right and Jon wouldn’t-“
“Thanks Brock” He gave the other man a wry smile and watched as understanding came across the other man’s face for a moment before he then turned back to face Jon, Ryans’ shot had been half an inch away from being deadly with both he and Jon now and the fact was enough to light the smallest flame of hope in him.
“Luke, go get some food and rest, I’ll keep watch of Jon” He looked up at Brock then, unaware the other man was even still in the room as he just gave him an empty gaze “You’re barely functioning right now and you’ll be no good to Jon or Ryan if you’re dead on your feet, go look after yourself for a little bit and I’ll let you know if anything changes”
He’s far too tired to even think of arguing, so instead, he settles on giving a small nod in thank you at the other man before he offered a final look to Jon.
“I made some pecan pie earlier, should still be warm, figured you could use some comfort food” He gave a final murmured thank you to Brock before in an almost trance-like state he left the room, no thought to where he was going until he found himself outside of his bedroom door.
Without hesitation he opened the door, glad that someone had the sense to remove the couple of pieces of Ryans’ clothing that had littered the floor before they’d left, not wanting the reminder that for a time he had the other man with him again, only for his efforts to be dashed when he caught movement on the bed and looked up to see Tiny staring up at him, an all too hopeful look in his eyes as they studied each other.
He felt tears start to form in his eyes, losing what little resolve he had left as he let them fall freely whilst he slowly approached the bed, extending a hand out to rub on the dog’s fur as a gesture of comfort, whether it was for him or Tiny he didn’t have the heart to answer as he let the guilt of losing Ryan consume him once again.
“’m sorry I couldn’t bring your daddy home Tiny” He had to stop for a minute to catch his breath which now seemed to be caught in his throat, the small dog taking the moment to move his head and begin licking at his hand, almost as if he knew that he was upset and was trying to offer what little comfort he could “I promise I’ll get him back for you, but you’re just gonna have to put up with me for a bit”
His words and the realization that came with them shred through his control and he quickly crumpled to his knees, moving his hands to try and cover up his face somewhat so as not to disturb Tiny, only the dog didn’t care for that, using his new advantage to stand up so that he could move closer to begin licking fervently at his hands and face, which meant that now his efforts went into keeping the small animal at bay.
The somewhat welcome interruption had him then pull Tiny closer to him so that he could cuddle against him for a moment whilst he tried to form some source of strength to compose himself a little, and although it took longer than he’d like to admit, with Tiny who was ever patient arms he eventually found it, now given another reason to go rescue the other man, but first he needed to sleep.
As much as he wanted to remain by Jons’ side, his body would not allow it, spending most of the next two days catching up on some much needed sleep intermixed with eating a whole pecan pie to himself and various other comfort foods that were given to him whilst he willed himself not to breakdown and cry.
He’s not sure how long he slept this time, he just knew that he felt some semblance of his former self, wincing at the sour taste in his mouth and feeling an itch under his skin that told him he hadn’t showered in what was probably far too long.
Carefully, he got out of bed so as not to disturb Tiny, an action which was futile as the small dog seemed to wake with the slightest movement he made, but nevertheless he left him to stretch across his bed whilst he took off his clothes and got in the shower, the hot water far too good for words as he took several minutes to just stand there and let it melt away any thoughts that had begun to intrude his mind.
Eventually, he picked up the shower gel and made quick work of washing over his body several times for good measure, already feeling significantly better than he did before as he washed about a week’s grime and muck off of him.
As good as it felt though, he knew he couldn’t stay in the shower forever, so it was with a sigh that he turned the water off before stepping out to quickly dry himself off where he then made quick work of brushing his teeth and putting a bit more care into his appearance.
Although he felt somewhat rejuvenated when he left the room he bypassed the kitchen entirely to instead make his way towards the infirmary, giving brief murmurs of greetings at those he passed by, barely noting their comments of how he looked like he was doing better until finally, he’s pushing through the doors.
He felt Brocks’ scrutiny for a second, as if he were being judged on whether he was allowed to be here or not, and whilst he had no idea what he saw, apparently it was good enough as the other man stood up to leave, ignoring most of what he said apart from how Jon should hopefully be waking up within the next several hours, and then suddenly he’s alone again.
His mind was racing as he sat there watching Jon’s prone form, and although he knew the other man was alright, well as alright as he could be, it didn’t make the sight any easier, hoping that the other man would wake up sooner rather than later to help put him somewhat at ease so that he could turn his mind onto other matters.
The seconds ticked by, which quickly turned into minutes and hours, unsure how long it was since he arrived at Jons’ room but he was quickly startled to attention when he saw the other man stir a little as he slowly became conscious, unable to do anything but hold his breath until he finally saw the stark blue of Jon’s eyes squinting up at him.
“What happened” He winced a little at how hoarse Jons’ voice is but then he’s quickly leaning forward to stop the other man’s attempts at getting up, all but shoving him back down until the younger man settled back with an annoyed huff.
“You got shot you dimwit, you’re still recoverin’ so don’t think of goin’ anywhere just yet”
Jon seemed to mull over that answer for a couple of minutes, what the other man was thinking or how much he remembered he had no idea, too relieved at the fact that Jon was actually here and that he was alive in front of him.
“You get Ryan? Kill G?” He flinched a little at the question, a reaction he’s sure gave Jon his answer and sure enough, he saw the look of pain flash across the younger man’s face for a moment “Why the fuck didn’t you save him?”
“Because we needed to save you, I wanted to go after him, trust me, but after findin’ out you got shot I haven’t been able to think ‘bout anythin’ else. You’re my brother, Jon, and if anythin’ happened to you-“
“I’m here aren’t I? Luke, I love you man, and I appreciate the sentiment, but you gotta get your head outta your ass and bring Ryan home” He was somewhat stunned by Jon’s outburst, it having been the last thing he expected but he supposed it would be the closest thing to a thank you he would get.
“It’s not as easy as that, Jon”
“Why not?”
“I don’t think we can bring Ryan back this time, we got lucky last time, but I couldn’t break through to him and we’re nowhere close to findin’ a cure” He had to stop for a moment, looking down and away from the other man to instead run a hand down his face to try and keep some composure “Plus you heard what G said, whatever shit they put in him is stronger this time, I just don’t see a way of gettin’ Ryan out of this alive”
“Luke, I’m gonna ask you to shut the fuck up from now on alright” He looked up startled, giving a confused look at the other man who had a fire burning behind his eyes right now and looked less than impressed with him, silencing whatever protest he went to make “Whatever G said is fuckin’ bullshit, I’m livin’ proof of that, literally, Ryan was given the kill order and I’m still here to talk some sense into your broody ass”
He still can’t seem to form a response to Jon’s argument, but he also can’t deny the truth in what he said, and he felt that small flame of hope in him grow just that little bit bigger.
“Ryan knows what he’s doin’, hell he’s never missed a shot, except when it comes to us Luke, he’s lost yes but he needs us and everyone else, his family, to help guide him back, he’s the strongest person I know, we just gotta have faith”
Now it was his turn to mull over the statement, turning it over in his mind and trying to find some fault, only he can’t, it’s the most sense he’s had of the whole situation since it began and as much as he doesn’t want to, to him the situation didn’t seem as bleak as it once did.
“That was awful deep of you Jon, you watch that in a movie or somethin’”
“I have my moments, now that’ll be 200 cash for giving such sage advice” He can’t help but roll his eyes a little at the statement as Jon laughed a little, noting the slight wince of pain the younger man gave that suddenly brought him back down to earth and the realization of their situation.
“You just take it easy Jon, I’m gonna go get Brock to look you over and keep you company for a bit” He chuckled at the way Jon seemed to perk up a little at that, giving the man a final smile before he got up to leave, sparing him a last glance and a brief smile just before he left “Thanks Jon, for puttin’ me straight”
“Don’t say that, Ryans’ gonna hate me if I made you straight” Neither of them could hold back their laughs now, sparing one last ‘Fuck you’ to the other man before he began his search for Brock and to assemble the rest of his friends for what he hoped would be their last mission for a while.
It’s far too long before everyone joined him in the living area, too eager now to get this whole ordeal over with and to have Ryan in his arms again where he had no intention of letting him go again.
However, when he started talking, going briefly over a loose plan he formed in his head as well as potentially bringing in a couple of other faces to help them out, he couldn’t help but note how antsy some of the other guys looked, as if they didn’t believe in a word he was saying, ignoring it as best he could until he simply couldn’t anymore.
“Clearly not everyone agrees with savin’ Ryan, so how ‘bout y’all say what you wanna say” He’s met with nothing but silence, most of the guys choosing to avoid his gaze and he quickly got tired of the act “You guys lost your balls all of a sudden, spit it out”
The guys all seemed to look at each other to dictate who’s going to be the one to speak and it seemed that they settled on Tyler, probably more so due to his size, a fact that didn’t threaten him in the slightest.
“Look, Luke, we want to save Ryan, me more than most but you’ve got to accept that we’re probably not gonna get him back, that we’re gonna have to kill-“
“I’m gonna stop you right there”
“It’s the last thing I want to do too, but you’ve gotta face facts, G let Ryan go once and he sure as hell ain’t gonna do it again, plus we have no idea where to even begin on finding some sort of cure”
He scoffed a little at the turn of events, Tyler being the last person he thought would leave Ryan to his fate “Didn’t think you gave up so easy Tyler, if we get Ryan back here we can do some tests, there’s always somethin’ we can do” As much as it made sense to him, not everyone seemed to agree, most of them casting small glances towards Scotty and Nogla who both refused to look at him until his stare became too much for them.
“We could do that, but honestly I don’t think we’re gonna get anywhere unless we get some of whatever shit they used on him, I mean we’d do our best but it’s not looking good, I’m sorry, Luke” He stared towards Scotty, frozen for a second as he processed the new information, well it definitely put a wrench in their plans but it still wasn’t impossible, however, before he could say anything, it was Brian’s turn to speak up.
“Look Luke, we wanna save him, but he shot Jon, the next person he goes for might not be so lucky and we can’t take that chance, unless of course, he means more to you then the lot of us” Now it was his turn to look somewhat uncomfortable as he was put under the microscope, with some of the guys squaring up a little, ready to argue with him if need be.
He took a deep sigh before he spoke, not wanting to come out and say this but it had to be done if he was to have the support of everyone, no matter how much he was against it “I’m gonna be real, I love you guys and I love Ryan, and as much as you don’t want to hear it, Ryan will always come first for me, but it also doesn’t mean I’m gonna let him kill anyone else if I have say”
He had to stop himself for a moment, debating with himself if he should come forward with this promise, but the expectant looks from everyone else made up his mind for him “If it comes down to it, if there’s no way of savin’ Ryan without casualty’s or if he’s too far gone to be saved, then I’m gonna be the one to take him out”
The sentence felt like a vice around his chest, squeezing the life out of him until he felt nothing more than an empty shell, surprised that he could even say the sentence without faltering, surprise that seemed to be shared with his friends as it was Evan that spoke next.
“Luke, that’s the last thing you should have to do, you don’t have-“
“Yes, I do, this whole thing is my responsibility and if Ryan’s too dangerous and hurts any one of y’all then that’s on me” He looked around the room at each of them, all of them giving him small nods, some more hesitant than others but eventually they all agreed “and if anyone else kills him I’ll make sure to kill them too, now can we please get back to fuckin’ work”
With that everyone hesitantly moved closer to him to glance down at the table, never settling on any one thing as they weighed the risks involved, and he was sure it would take them the better part of two days before they had any sort of plan formed.
It was the night before they made their final move against G, whether the other man knew they were coming he had no idea, not that he cared much, he just wanted this whole shitfest to be over, to get on with his life, but would he ever truly live again without Ryan beside him.
The constant reminder of what seemed to be the inevitable outcome weighed heavily on his shoulders and left him gasping for breath, unsure if he’d even have the strength to actually shoot the man he loved, let alone live without him.
As he mulled over their plan in his head whilst looking out on his home, standing on that roof that he reunited with Ryan on all those weeks ago, he couldn’t help but note that it was his family in there, a family he was willing to die for, but his heart was elsewhere, lost and fragile and on the verge of breaking.
Before he could carry on down that self-destructive path, a noise off to his left caught his attention, immediately bringing up the gun he always carried on him only to notice that it was Evan that joined him, letting out an exaggerated sigh before putting his gun back and turning back out again to look at the base and the sun set behind it, not looking when he felt the younger man move to stand beside him.
“For the record, I hope we bring Ryan back safely, he’s family you know and kil- losing him is the last thing I want”
All he could do was give a huff a laugh, one that was empty and hollow just like him, refusing to turn to the other man “Guess that makes two of us, surprised you don’t want him dead like the others after what he did to Del”
Now it was Evan’s turn to huff an empty laugh “I know that wasn’t Ryan, hell Ryan’s the reason Jon’s even still alive, I believe he can be saved, and I know you’ll bring him home”
“You know Ev, you almost sound like you’re not comin’ with”
“That’s cause I’m not” He can’t help but turn to the other man now, ready to chew him out for not being there in his hour of need but Evan interrupted him before he could say anything “I’m staying back in case G tries to counter-attack, the dude always seems to have the upper hand over us and I don’t want to be caught short this time, especially as Del and Tyler are still out of commission.
He can’t help but agree with the logic, it was better to take every precaution, but that also meant he was down four people, Brock included, and the odds against them only seemed to stack higher and it seemed Evan knew his doubts as he spoke up again.
“Del’s right, Ryan is the strongest of all of us and I have faith you’ll bring him back”
“At this point, I don’t know how much faith I have left”
“I’ve always had faith in you, Luke, we all have, it’s why we chose you to lead us and you haven’t lead us wrong yet”
He didn’t know how to answer, although simple, Evan’s words brought all the emotion he’d been keeping down to bubble up to the surface and he had to settle on the cracked voice when he next spoke “Shouldn’t you be getting’ back, they might start worryin’ about you”
He could practically feel the eye roll Evan gave him but nevertheless he took the hint and made a move to leave, but not before he reached into his pocket and the next thing he knew he had what looked like a bracelet being offered to him, trouble is, with Evans’ gadgets you never knew what you were truly getting.
“It’s got a tiny needlepoint in it, nothing that will hurt you, trust me, unless you want to stab yourself in the neck that is, but it has a toxin that’ll make someone unconscious and slow down their heartbeat enough to be considered dead”
“That’s all well and good but what the hell am I gonna use this for”
“I’m sure you’ll know when the time comes, could be a good way of getting out of a tricky situation, for you or someone else, if you catch my drift” He could almost feel the implied wink Evan was giving him, and suddenly their plan didn’t seem as bad as it once did, he had a way of saving Ryan, or at least getting him out safely, he admired the bracelet for another moment before putting it on, a comforting weight against his wrist that took off some of the weight that had settled on his shoulders.
“Thanks, Ev, for everythin’”
“’m just doing my job, just be sure to give em hell for me” He couldn’t help but smile then, his first genuine one since Jon first woke up but even that felt like a lifetime ago.
Before the other man could leave he quickly pulled him into a hug, it was only brief, but it definitely offered some much-needed comfort to him that Evan seemed all too happy to give.
Just as suddenly as it started the two of them pulled away, Evan bidding him a final ‘Good luck’ before he left, leaving him alone once again to return staring out at his city, his home.
Without thinking he reached a hand up to grasp the bullet he still kept chained around his neck, a symbol that signified the hope that Ryan wasn’t beyond saving, and all he could do was pray that whatever he did was enough to bring the other man back to him.
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toxoplasmajuice · 5 years ago
nobody replies (2020)
yes, i am going to keep making this style of reply post until the day i die. and you know why? because you guys are funnier than i am
@harmoniouspixels​ replied to your photo “Rusty made macaroni and cheese.”
Honestly a big pot of mac and cheese sounds really good rn
fuck now i want some as i’m making this reply post at 10:30 PM
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Orange started crying. Rusty paid attention to him after she finished...”
[Simblr voice] *sniffles* What a great mom omg ��
love that bare minimum :’)
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Rusty ordered a whole pizza from the bartender.”
Put those townies away they have Far Too Much Personality for this whole thing
tom wordy, i think: *dancing on the counter*
the narrator of this challenge:
Tumblr media
harmoniouspixels replied to your photo “Rusty tried to hide in her refrigerator.”
Mood (also Rusty this isn't Camisade get out of the fridge before you freeze to death)
hahaha... freezing... that’s like, the opposite of what--
@goldenboisoysauce​ replied to your photoset “Rusty ate a single slice of pizza before she and Apollo both left the...”
goldenboisoysauce replied to your photoset “Rusty ate a single slice of pizza before she and Apollo both left the...”
Oh black widow challenge ur gonna fuckin kill him dear god
knowing how this save ended i cackled irl when i saw these replies
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Rusty ate shit.”
The deadpan delivery here of "Rusty ate shit." is k*lling me omg algjklk
simply reporting on the facts in this challenge!
goldenboisoysauce replied to your photoset “Rusty and Apollo had their first kiss.”
She gonna eat him
it took me embarrassingly long to realize that the joke here was that rusty had the very hungry speech bubble floating over her dfghdfkhg
harmoniouspixels replied to your photo “Rusty finally got to eat her salad. Apollo read a book titled, Do I...”
Big mood honestly
I Wish I Didn’t Exist
harmoniouspixels replied to your photo “They proceeded to have a completely casual conversation because I...”
It's a good thing he's turned around otherwise TitBot would've come down on him
shh its ok his nipples are male-presenting
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “They briefly stopped to argue about conflicting traits, but they got...”
The Sims 3 really does just say "fuck EA, I'm the captain now" and does it's own thing
EA says fuck EA!
@autisticnoravalkyrie​ replied to your photo “Afterwards, Rusty invited Big Hartley to have a water balloon fight...”
harmoniouspixels replied to your photo “Afterwards, Rusty invited Big Hartley to have a water balloon fight...”
this is an MMBC, so fortunately, your sim will die
(also kasper’s reply didn’t show up in my notes :/// )
@catallenapapi​ replied to your photo “Murder, obviously. Communication? What’s that?”
catallenapapi replied to your photoset “Nothing happened here.”
I’m getting serious arg vibes
*runs a whole arg for an april fools joke*
harmoniouspixels replied to your photo “Murder, obviously. Communication? What’s that?”
alksdjglkjs;adljkg;sd "Divorce? Wuzzat? I have to commit a m*rder if I don't want my husband anymore" -Rusty, apparently
divorce has been made illegal in SimNation in the nobodyverse it’s until death do us part in here
catallenapapi replied to your photoset “Rusty ate shit.”
we love her lack of energy. yes queen give us nothing
me @ myself
catallenapapi replied to your photoset “They got married in the kitchen.”
“They went to the wedding venue” followed by “they got married in the kitchen” is peak 2020 stay at home vibes
king and queen of social distancing
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “It’s at this moment that Rusty realized she didn’t think her...”
Is she. Is she going to k*ll her child too
harmoniouspixels replied to your photo “Wasn’t there a smoke detector there a second ago?”
Oh shit :eyes:
rusty: *slaps the smoke detector off the wall* what?
harmoniouspixels replied to your photo “Here’s where, suddenly hit with the realizations that everything she’d...”
All of this has me alkgjsdjlkgg (also big swaths of text, in this rather mundane story? It's more likely than you think)
Just Reporting On The Facts Here! there are many facts. this is not prose. that encourages character development
harmoniouspixels replied to your photo “Rusty caught on fire.”
I really am going to be sad over this pudding pixel's d*ath, huh
im sorry i made u stan rusty nobody only to lead her to her doom (supposedly)
harmoniouspixels replied to your photo “The flames consumed her.”
F... :pensive:
Tumblr media
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “As the flames died down, the Grim Reaper showed up to take Rusty’s...”
Ohhh it's a d*ath type to match her colors (but still, F...)
OH MY GOD IT IS also i read this reply wrong over and over until i got to it on this very reply post... i thought you were shocked that ghosts are color coded and i was gonna be like “jack didnt you do three mmbcs? how do u not know this” then i realized what you actually meant and that i am the dumbass
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “But as he did, a sentence flashed in his mind– “This is not a Murder...”
harmoniouspixels replied to your photo “With her second chance at life, she abandoned Bridgeport, carrying...”
What. A. Ride. Goodbye, Rusty (and Orange). You may be missed
love the uncertainty behind “you may be missed” rather than “you will be missed” like will they REALLY be missed? probably not
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alphacrone · 5 years ago
for it's better to burn out than to fade out of sight (1/?)
rating: T pairings: Yuki & Tohru (platonic), Tohru/Kyo, Yuki/Machi, other canon pairings & friendships summary: In the end, it wasn’t sadness Yuki felt, when Tohru Honda had her memories erased. No, it was anger. And anger he could work with. notes: manga spoilers, canon divergence 
next chapter >>
i. i thought i found you, just to see you fading out into the night
Will you still be my friend? 
In the end, it wasn’t sadness Yuki felt, nor grief, nor disbelief as Hatori slid his shoes off in their entryway with a muttered, excuse me . He did not feel dread as the doctor bowed to Tohru as she came out of the kitchen, still wearing her apron. Yuki didn’t even feel the cold trickle of fear when Hatori said, in his callous monotone, I’m here on Akito’s orders.
Numbness burned the tips of Yuki’s fingers as Kyo hurled insults at Hatori, at Shigure, at anyone and everyone. An unpleasant warmth bubbled against the skin of Yuki’s neck as Shigure impassively asked if Hatori was mistaken. 
I’m sorry , Hatori said in lieu of an answer. He did not meet Shigure’s gaze, nor Yuki’s. He looked instead at Tohru. 
I understand , she had replied, smiling bright as the sun, even as she cried. I understand . 
She didn’t understand, in Yuki’s opinion. This wasn’t about keeping a secret; it was about punishing him . 
Kyo was gone before Tohru even sat down across from Hatori. Yuki wished for that sort of freedom when his legs felt shackled to the floor. To run from this latest tragedy would be bliss.
Does it hurt? Tohru asked, hands clasped tightly together on her lap. 
No , Hatori said. 
Not you , Yuki thought. This won’t hurt you. Not in a way you’ll know.
She nodded, wiping at her damp cheeks as she met Yuki’s gaze. Thank you , she whispered. For everything.  
Yuki didn’t cry as Hatori touched the side of Tohru’s head. He didn’t scream as she slumped over, eyes rolling back. He didn’t say anything at all as she looked up at Hatori, unseeing. 
Were he that stupid cat, he might’ve raged, might’ve broken down doors or throttled Hatori for daring to take away his friend again . But Yuki bit his tongue as the good doctor left and stood still when Shigure led Tohru back to that damned tent, all alone in the woods. She would wake up in the morning and remember nothing of her time in this house. To her, Yuki would be a distant classmate, another face in the sea of students who made up the background noise of her life. 
No, it wasn’t sadness Yuki felt.
It was anger. 
Yuki knew grief well, knew how it frosted over his heart and froze his limbs. But anger was something new to him in this world outside the walls of the Sohma compound. He’d watched as it burned Kyo from the inside out, had felt its flaming tendrils lapping within his chest when Shigure was cruel or the cat needled him into a fight. But now, as he stood alone in the first place he’d ever considered home, rage sparked like stoked coals in the pit of his stomach. 
Sadness was debilitating, but anger? Anger he could work with. 
The night outside grew dark, but Yuki’s path forward seemed clearer than ever.
There is one thing...please...
Yuki didn’t mean to be in the classroom when Tohru’s friends confronted her, but in his defense, he hadn’t thought they’d have this conversation at school . 
He was doodling aimlessly in the margins of his notebook, letting the morning chatter of his classmates down out the messy thoughts in his head. The two girls—Uotani and Hanajima—jumped up the moment Tohru walked into class, Uotani brandishing a crumpled piece of paper at her as she waved in greeting. 
“Is this true?!” Uotani shouted. Behind her, Hanajima stood expressionless. “Did your gramps kick you out? I’ll kill him !” 
“W-what?” Tohru paled and read the paper Uotani shoved in her face. “I-Yes! I mean, no! I- I didn’t mean to keep it a secret from you, I just didn’t want to worry you-”
“Of course we’d worry-”
“-a-a-and Grandpa didn’t kick me out, his house is being renovated! And he asked if I could stay somewhere else-”
“-a tent in the woods, do you know how dangerous -”
“-and Hana’s family is so big and you always say your place is too small for you and your dad-”
“-friends help each other, Tohru!” Uotani slammed her hand against an empty desk, causing Tohru to jump in surprise. “You aren’t a burden!” 
Tears filled Tohru’s eyes, and she looked down at her feet. Hanajima stepped forward, having remained silent this whole time, and placed a hand on Tohru’s shoulder. “You’re going to come stay with me, okay? Mother and Father were very worried when I told them you didn’t have a place to live.” 
Tohru was crying in full now, face buried in her hands. Uotani was sobbing, too, and she pulled Tohru into a tight hug, Hanajima wrapped her arms around both of them and stood patiently, eyes closed, and the other two apologized to each other in shaky hysterics. Yuki averted his eyes, wondering if he should have chosen a better time to slip that anonymous note into Uotani’s locker. 
Perhaps this was for the best. Tohru would live with Hanajima’s family, then return to her family, and she’d live a normal life away from the Sohma curse and all that came with it. She would be safe; Akito would never be able to touch her on the outside. 
But Yuki was selfish, selfish and angry and greedy for more than watching Tohru smile from across a classroom. For once, he’d let someone near his heart, and she hadn’t run away. She’d fixed his crooked tie and protected his secret base and asked a dirty, unnatural rat to be her friend. Tohru deserved better than someone like him, but Yuki would be damned if he let her go without a fight. 
He glanced at Kyo’s empty seat; the idiot had skipped class every day since Tohru had left. Yuki didn’t care what the stupid cat did with his time, but he felt a twinge of something akin to sympathy anyway. If anyone’s anger could match Yuki’s own, it was Kyo’s. The cat was born into injustice and fed nothing but pain and fear. 
Yuki would rather cut his own tongue out than ever admit it out loud, but perhaps this was something they could ally against. Perhaps…
Mayu-sensei’s arrival broke Yuki from his thoughts, and he quickly shook them away. The cat was no use to him, now or ever. It was foolish to dream. 
If my memories are erased...
“ You can stay at Kaibara, ” Hatori had told him over the phone, the night Tohru left. “But you cannot talk to Tohru Honda. If you or Kyo talk to her, you’ll both be transferred. My method is powerful, but not foolproof, and talking to her could spark something.” There was a pause, then, “This is what is best for everyone, no matter Shigure thinks.”
None of this was surprising, but Hatori’s cold tone was gasoline tossed on the fire of Yuki’s rage. Yuki had clenched his jaw, but did not shout when he asked, “Do you remember, when you erased the memories of my friends, when I was young? Do you remember how much I cried?”
There was a pause, then a sigh, and a soft, “Yes.” 
“And Akito laughed,” Yuki had continued. “Akito laughed until he cried.”
“I’m sorry.” And Yuki believed Hatori felt remorse. He knew not a soul among them could defy Akito’s direct orders. But it wasn’t enough. 
“I’m not crying now,” Yuki told him, voice cold and clear. “And when this is over, Akito won’t be laughing.”
He’d hung up before his nerves could overtake him and sank to the floor, burying his face against his knees. Threatening Hatori wasn’t as dangerous, as forbidden as threatening Akito but…
Yuki scrambled to the bathroom, barely making it in time to empty the contents of his stomach into the toilet. He retched, again and again until nothing was left. His body shook uncontrollably, adrenaline and fear and newfound power coursing through his veins. Yuki stood, shaky as a fawn, and felt a lightness in his limbs he’d never known before. 
He couldn’t help but laugh; Yuki was toeing a dangerous line and it felt like freedom. 
... will you still be my friend? 
Opportunity had a funny way of sneaking up on a person. 
It was raining the day Yuki noticed Tohru eating alone at her desk, for once not surrounded by Uotani and Hanajima. She didn’t seem sad or lonely, smiling softly to herself and glancing over her class notes, but Yuki could only see that tired girl emerging from her tent in the woods, feverish and small. 
Don’t speak to Tohru Honda. He could hear Hatori say. This is for the best . 
Who would want to be friends with someone as useless as you? Mother hissed in his head. 
If normal people knew your secret, Akito had once said. It would sicken them. 
They were right, he was being stupid, he was broken and cursed and disgusting. Yuki was an abomination, a shell of a person hiding an ugly truth, and Tohru was-
Will you still be my friend?
Torhu was someone he’d made a promise to, someone who’d seen the truth and smiled. Yuki took a deep breath and slowly approached her desk, lunch clutched in his hand as the classroom around him blurred into nothingness.  
“Honda?” His voice came out softer than he intended, shakier. But Tohru looked up, eyes bright and kind as always, and his nerves settled. “You’re eating alone today?” 
Tohru looked around, as if just realizing her friends were gone. “Oh, Sohma, hello! Um, yes, Hana needed to return some books to the library and Uo’s home sick, so it’s just me.” She smiled awkwardly. 
Those ugly voices still screamed in his head, but the newly-burning rage roared louder. Yuki took another deep breath and focused on the warmth that always seemed to radiate from Tohru. She looked at him curiously, sweet and open and kind. He could do this. He would do this. 
“Do you...do you mind if I join you?”
next chapter >>
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