#I’ve gotten four asks about the au already tonight and I’m super excited to go through and awnser them! so keep ‘em comin yall!!
spittyfishy · 2 years
Tell me about the au
So the very basic synopsis is that one day while out on a mission, Peko finds a baby abandoned in the trash and rubble. Seeing too much of her own history in the situation, she makes the split second decision to keep the baby as her own. She knows she can’t bring it back to the remnants (bc Despair) and she can’t bring it to the Future Foundation (bc Yukizome and her track record with kids), so in a very un-Peko-like move, she takes the baby and runs.
She’s found after about six to nine months and brought back to the other remnants. They end up voting on if she can keep the baby, and Peko wins by one vote.
I think it’s a very fun au lol, since it’s built on the delightful basis of shenanigans, but the more the other remnants got added to it and the more kids that came along, the more despair related fun times took center stage.
There’s a couple different arcs that so far make up the majority of the plot.
First of course is Peko finding Koko, and then the two of them making their way through despair era Japan and as far across the world as they can get before finally setting up a home in Tasmania. It’s a period of acclimatization as Peko replaces caring for Fuyuhiko with caring for Koko, and having to unlearn everything the last two years of Despair have drilled into her. (Koko is a few months old when Peko first finds her)
Next would be once they both get taken back to the remnants. Everyone else having to figure out how to be around Koko and all the very strict rules Peko put in place. Peko and Fuyuhiko have to interact again and clash over Koko, and Nekomaru and Akane get very attached to Koko. This arc culminates in the Future Foundation finding Koko during a raid on the Remnants base, and their agents take her back to HQ. The Future Foundation assumes Koko must somehow be Junko’s child, since why else would the Remnants be caring for her. It’s an all hands on deck attack on the Future Foundation to get her back, which they ultimately end up doing. (Koko is 1-2 during this time)
Shortly after that the next kid comes into the picture, and that’s Mikan and Kazuichi’s (and technically Junko’s sort of) daughter Mimi. I got a separate ask about the mechanics of how that whole clusterfuck works lol, so they’ll be more on Mimi there. You’d think more kids coming onto the scene would make Koko more accepted by the group at large, and you’d be wrong lol. Fuyuhiko is enraged by what’s happening, especially with things like Kazuichi fixing the atmosphere for the kids sake. With the help of Hiyoko, Gundham, and Imposter (pretending to be Peko), he tries to take Koko to Hope's Peak to show her the trial room and hopefully get her into despair.
Once Peko realizes Koko’s been taken somewhere she gets Nekomaru, Akane, and Soda’s help to try and track her down. When Koko ends up refusing to go into the building (it is Big and Scary) Fuyuhiko loses his temper on her and pulls out his gun. Peko arrives just in time to see this and jumps in the way as Fuyuhiko pulls the trigger, and he ends up shooting Peko. She’s ultimately fine, but the whole situation ends up resulting in Fuyuhiko being all but kicked out of the remnants (or at least, he’s banished from their bases and forced to be on his own) (Koko is 3 when Mimi is born and 4 by the times Fuyuhiko has to leave.)
There’s a period of relative ease after that, before the announcement of an upcoming child number three. Sonia has decided she needs an heir who’ll be able to carry on Novoselic’s glorious conquest once she’s long gone. For this she needs a male. Any other royalty would have been long dead by her hand at this point, so her first choice is actually Izuru, since he’s technically also the Ultimate Princess. He’s not interested at all, and she ends up turning to Nekomaru. He's strong, he’s dependable, he’s great with Koko and Mimi, and she knows he’ll do everything in his power to keep their child safe. Both Gundham and Akane are very hurt by this, and each respond with varying levels of insanity. (Koko is 6 during this and Mimi is 3)
That’s basically it all so far, at least until the Neo World Project rolls around…
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Ms. California, Chapter Six (Crygi) - Mik
A/N: I am SO sorry for taking so long to update! I had the worst case of writer’s block ever, and I had midterms this week. Thanks for being patient. I hope this makes up for my lack of posting!
Summary: Crystal moves to Los Angeles from Missouri and meets Gigi Goode, captain of the varsity cheer squad. Queue the 1990s lesbian high school AU that absolutely nobody asked for.
It’s been two weeks since Gigi announced to the cheer squad that Crystal was, in fact, her friend. And those two weeks had been delightful.
Every day, Gigi made a point to either sit with Jackie, Crystal, and Jan at lunch, or pull Crystal over to the squad’s lunch table. Crystal found herself beginning to enjoy getting to know the group: most of them were, to her surprise, funny, genuine, and generally good-natured. She especially found herself clicking with Nicky and Jaida. Although they were standoffish at first, Crystal quickly bonded with Nicky over her interest in fashion (although many would consider Crystal’s taste questionable at the very best, Nicky seemed to think it was “perfectly unique and lovely”) and Jaida over being the “new kid”, as she had moved from Wisconsin just a few years prior.
When Gigi first began sitting with Crystal, Jackie, and Jan, Jackie seemed to be pensive. She kept quiet and let the other three girls do all of the talking. However, this changed as soon as Gigi talked about what it was like sneaking into gay clubs in West Hollywood. Jackie lit up, asking questions about it for almost the entire lunch period. Crystal knew Jackie wanted nothing more than to have an out-and-proud gay community surrounding her - she was the only one of the four who everyone knew was gay. Gigi promised that she would accompany Jackie, and the other two girls, on one of the “18+” nights that the clubs held. From then on, Jackie seemed to gradually warm towards the blue-eyed cheerleader.
Gigi would drive Crystal home most days, often electing to come inside to do homework and cook dinner. The two would spend the first hour unable to focus, finding themselves tangled up in Crystal’s bed, lips attached and make-up smudged. Eventually, they’d compose themselves and start homework until Crystal’s mom arrived home. She’d hug both girls, and the three would automatically make their way into the kitchen. Gigi had made the comment that she felt, in many ways, that she was already closer to Crystal’s mom than her own. Crystal felt sad for her - Gigi never talked about her family and assumed that the situation was less-than-ideal - but her heart soared when she saw the blonde and her mom in fits of laughter together. Gigi would eat dinner with her family most nights, and Crystal would kiss her goodbye through the window of her magenta convertible before she drove home. They had fallen into a comfortable routine and Crystal could not have been happier.
Crystal is sitting with Jackie at their secluded lunch table, sketching the outline of a bird for an art project while Jackie flips through her government textbook. It’s a strangely gray day in Los Angeles and Crystal almost wonders if it will rain: the sun is completely hidden behind fog and dark clouds and it’s chilly enough that Crystal wishes she’d brought a hoodie with her to school.
She’s pulled out of her thoughts when she hears Gigi’s familiar laugh from a distance. It’s light and high-pitched and it makes Crystal light up. She turns around to see Gigi making her way over with Jan; they’re both wearing their cheer uniforms and Crystal doesn’t think she’s ever seen anyone look as stunning as Gigi does.
“Hey girls!” Gigi says as she sits down next to Crystal.
“Hey!” Crystal grins. “You look uh, really pretty in your uniform,” she says in a hushed tone. It’s the first time she’s seen Gigi in it.
Gigi blushes. “Thank you.”
“So, we were talking about what we could do tonight after the game!” Jan interrupts, nudging Jackie softly to get the girl to look up from her textbook.
“What’s that?” Jackie asks, shutting the book.
“What if we all had a big sleepover?!” Jan suggests excitedly.  
“Where?” Crystal asks.
“Jan’s house, her mom is really cool,” Gigi explains.
“Yeah, she knows about Jackie and I and is like, super happy for us,” elaborates the other blonde.
“She’s just happy that you’re finally dating someone who hasn’t had all of their braincells tackled out of them,” Jackie quips with a smirk.
“Ouch. But you’re not wrong,” Jan laughs, “I guess football guys aren’t always the brightest tools in the shed.”
“So, what do you think?!” Gigi interjects.
“I’m up for it!” Crystal agrees quickly, excited to spend more time with both of her new friends and her… whatever Gigi is to her.
“Obviously!” Jackie smiles.
“Yay!” Jan and Gigi simultaneously exclaim.
“Will you gals come to the football game, then?” Jan asks.
“I guess,” Jackie decides hesitantly.
“I’ve never been to a football game,” Crystal says. “I’ll give it a try, though. Why not?”
“You and I can just hang out at the top of the bleachers and read, Crystal,” Jackie tells the curly-haired girl.
“For sure.“
“Oh, come on, where’s your school spirit?! You gotta cheer the team on!” Jan jokes with her girlfriend and Jackie rolls her eyes playfully.
The wind begins softly blowing, making Crystal shiver again. She doesn’t understand California weather - it’s usually hot enough that she feels like she needs an ice bath, but right now, a warm sweater and some hot chocolate sounds delightful.
“Crys, are you cold?” Gigi asks.
“Oh no, I’m fine,” Crystal assures the blonde, trying not to shiver as another gust of wind blows through.
“You look like you’re cold, I’m giving you my jacket,” Gigi tells her decidedly.
“Gi, no, you totally don’t have to -”
“Here,” Gigi says, pulling off the purple letterman’s jacket.
Gigi drapes the heavy jacket around Crystal’s shoulders. The jacket is huge on her, probably because Gigi is so much taller than she is, and it envelopes her in warmth. Crystal can’t help but notice that it smells like vanilla - exactly like Gigi.
“Thanks,” Crystal blushes as Gigi leans in closer to her.
“You look really good in my jacket and I really want to kiss you right now,” the blue-eyed girl murmurs matter-of-factly.
Crystal’s face heats up more, and although she’s (kind of) gotten used to hearing compliments from Gigi, her brain still seems to short-circuit whenever Gigi says something sweet.
“Get a room!” Jackie laughs, noticing the romantic tension between the two.
“Maybe we will,” Gigi responds, raising an eyebrow. “Crystal, I think I left something in my car that I need some help with.”
“Oh, yeah, the um… the thing!” Crystal stutters out.
Gigi stands, motioning for Crystal to follow her.
“I’ll see you girls later tonight! And Jan, make sure to be on time for warm-ups today!” Gigi calls out, waving back at Jackie and Jan.
“How much longer do we even have at lunch?” Crystal asks once they’re in the parking lot.
“I don’t know, probably fifteen minutes,” Gigi guesses.
They walk briskly to Gigi’s car, and the second the doors shut behind them, Gigi captures Crystal’s lips in a heated kiss.
Crystal is sure that she’ll never get tired of the way that Gigi’s plump lips move softly against her own or the way that Gigi’s hands feel gripping her hips or the way that Gigi always bites down softly on Crystal’s bottom lip after she lightly drags her tongue across it. It’s all nothing short of magic.
Their kissing becomes increasingly passionate, and before Crystal knows it, Gigi tentatively moves her hands below the older girl’s shirt. Crystal lets out a quiet moan as Gigi’s hands make their way up her hips, her fingertips ghosting over Crystal’s ribcage.
Crystal knows this is all very “high school”; her best friends at home had countless stories about making out - or more - with boys in their cars. Crystal never thought she’d be one of them, but here she was, teenage hormones raging.
Crystal’s breath hitches when Gigi’s fingers brush over the side of her chest. Gigi breaks the kiss, still not moving more than a few centimeters away from Crystal.
“Is… that okay?” she whispers.
Crystal nods, reconnecting their lips.
Gigi hesitantly places one of her hands over Crystal’s breast and gently presses her hand against it, eliciting a slight gasp from the shorter girl. The blonde caresses her chest, and Crystal can feel her heart racing. She can’t think about anything but Gigi: Gigi’s hand moving languidly against the fabric of her bra, the feeling of Gigi’s heartbeat, the taste of Gigi’s breath in her mouth…
They’re interrupted when the lunch bell rings out, loudly enough that the two can hear it even from the confines of Gigi’s car.  
“Fuck,” Gigi stammers.
“We should uh, get going,” Crystal attempts to slow her breathing.
“Definitely,” Gigi agrees breathlessly.
“That was…”
“We should… try that again, not in your car,” Crystal says, her cheeks pink. She almost wants to laugh at how completely and utterly cliché this situation is: if they weren’t both girls, would this not be equivalent to the quintessential high school experience of getting felt up in some boy’s car?
“I’d like that,” Gigi says, regaining her composure. “Ready to go?”
“Yep,” Crystal says, adjusting her shirt.
They walk into the gates of the school, parting ways at the entrance.
Crystal realizes she’s still wearing Gigi’s letterman’s jacket and smiles.
“You did what?!” Jackie yells, wide-eyed.
Crystal and Jackie are sitting in Crystal’s bedroom, getting ready to go to the football game. Crystal could care less about supporting her school’s team, or “school spirit” as Jan referred to it, but she painted purple and white streaks on her cheeks anyways. If anything, she thinks Gigi will find it cute.
“Yeah,” Crystal replies to Jackie sheepishly.
“Weren’t you scared of someone seeing?! Not even a student, but like, a teacher!”
“Not really, my mind was… elsewhere,” Crystal replies honestly.
“You’re braver than I am, I’ll give you that,” Jackie mimics Crystal’s idea, dragging purple and white face paint across her own cheeks. “I’m scared to even kiss Jan on the cheek in the car. Or anywhere on campus.”
“Yeah, it might not have been the most responsible idea, in retrospect,” Crystal admits.
“Just be careful, I’d hate for people to find out about you guys,” Jackie warns.
“I don’t plan on people finding out,” Crystal assures her. “On that topic, what’s the deal with Jan’s mom?”
“What do you mean?”
“She just… knows about you guys? And lets you have sleepovers?” Crystal elaborates.
“Yeah,” Jackie smiles. “I remember the day her mom found out. We were laying in her backyard, drinking smoothies, and her mom was supposed to be at the gym. She got home early, I guess, and saw Jan lean in and kiss me.”
“What did she do?”
“She knocked on the window and Jan completely freaked out. She ran inside, and her mom apparently just asked if we were dating, and Jan tried to say it was nothing and completely innocent. Her mom didn’t buy it, and walked outside and asked me . I can’t lie, and I thought she was angry, so I said yes and offered to leave.”
“Was she mad?”
“Oh god no. She gave Jan a hug, and gave me a hug, and said she was happy that if Jan was going to be dating in high school, it was someone like me. It was the first time I’d ever heard that,” Jackie’s eyes light up.
“That’s insane, and really sweet,” Crystal muses. “My parents are both really great, but I doubt they’d respond like that.”
“Mine definitely wouldn’t. I’d be disowned in a second.”
“I’m sorry, Jackie,” Crystal sympathizes.
“Don’t be. Jan’s mom does a good enough job at making me feel like I’m a part of their family.”
The two spend the rest of the time getting ready in relative silence. Six o’clock rolls around, and the pair make their way downstairs to ask if Crystal’s mom can drop them off. Jackie doesn’t want to deal with parking at school during a football game.
“Hey mom! We’re ready to go,” Crystal tells her.
Her mom looks up at her from the book she’s reading. “Oh honey, you two look adorable !”
“Thanks,” Crystal smiles.
“Do you need me to pick you up?” Crystal’s mom asks.
“No, I think we’re staying over at Jan’s - Gigi will drive.”
“Sounds good!” Crystal’s mom grabs her keys. “Let’s get going, then!”
The car ride is short and sweet; it’s filled with small-talk and her mom’s bad taste in music.
“Have fun and be safe, girls!” Crystal’s mom calls out as the two exit the car.
Crystal waves, telling her mom that she loves her, and sets off towards the bleachers with Jackie.
“So, if I’m being completely honest, I don’t uh, really want to sit in the back the whole time,” Crystal laughs.
“I mean, I wanna like, cheer on Gigi or whatever,” she says. Crystal is wearing the blonde’s letterman’s jacket, and she feels like the girlfriend of the high school quarterback.
Except she isn’t Gigi’s girlfriend and Gigi is the head cheerleader.
“That’s… cute. Okay, well, fine by me,” Jackie shrugs.
The two sit several rows back from the front, far enough away from the over-zealous fans but close enough that they can still see the field, waiting for the game to start.
“Do you come to these much?” Crystal asks.
“Not as much as Jan would like, I’m sure,” Jackie shares. “I guess now that I have you to come with, I’ll come more.”
“It’s like a reverse double-date, or something,” Crystal laughs. “I never thought I’d be sitting at a football game for a girl .”
“I never thought I’d actually make a friend at this school,” Jackie says seriously, attempting to cover the serious nature of her statement with a laugh.
“Come on, you have other friends, right?”
Jackie shakes her head. “I came out and everyone dropped like flies. That and being the weird Persian kid kind of kills my ability to have a social life.”
“Geeze, I’m sorry, Jackie.”
“Hey, I’ve got you and Jan, and oddly enough, Gigi is back in my life, so I can’t complain, can I?”
The game starts, and all of the football players make their way onto the field. The cheerleaders run out shortly after, and Crystal cranes her neck to see her favorite blonde. She stands front and center, leading both the audience and the squad in chants. Gigi is bubbly and upbeat and in her element; she dances and kicks and does the splits and Crystal is nothing short of amazed by her. Next to her, Jackie smiles at Jan and waves to her several times when the squad has a break. Jan beams up at her, waving back each time.
Crystal couldn’t say who won the game, or how many points were scored; she knows next to nothing about sports and was far more entertained by watching Gigi down on the field than the game itself. When the game is over, she and Jackie make their way down to the field to wait for their respective blondes.
Crystal sees Gigi emerge from the field, a smile painted across her face.
“Gi, you were awesome!” Crystal grins, hugging her.
“I’m glad you had fun!” Gigi says enthusiastically.
“Sorry that I sort of stole your jacket,” Crystal apologizes. “You probably wanted it during the game.”
“It looks much cuter on you,” Gigi winks. “Plus, I kind of like seeing you in my jacket.”
“Gross!” Jan jokes, elbowing Gigi. “Are you lovebirds ready to go?”
“I’m ready,” Crystal nods, and Gigi agrees.
“Great! Mom said she’d order pizza for us all!”
The four head to Gigi’s car; it’s less than a five minute drive to Jan’s house from the school.
Jan’s house is surprisingly large; Crystal isn’t used to the gigantic houses that seem to line the streets in Los Angeles. Jan unlocks the door, yelling to tell her mom that she’s home.
Jan’s mom emerges from the kitchen, approaching the door.
“Hi, sweetie, how was the game?” she hugs Jan.
“It was good, we won!” Jan tells her.
“Hello, Jackie!” Jan’s mom moves to hug her daughter’s girlfriend. “You look adorable with your face painted like that!”
“Thank you! It was Crystal’s idea.”
Jan’s mom turns to look at Crystal. “You must be Crystal, the girls have told me so much about you! It’s so nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too!” Crystal reaches out to shake her hand, and much like her own mother, Jan’s mom pulls her into a hug.
“We’re big on hugs here, handshakes are for strangers!”
Crystal laughs; she thinks her mom would get along swimmingly with Jan’s.
“And Gigi, you don’t get to avoid my hugs, either!” Gigi laughs as she’s wrapped in a hug. “I’m so glad to see that you aren’t third-wheeling with these two anymore!”
“Hey, she never third-wheels!” Jan laughs, faux-scowling at her mom.
“Well, I’m just happy you have a girlfriend, it’ll give you all some super fun double-dates, I’m sure! You make a cute couple!”
“Oh, we’re not gi-” Crystal begins to correct her before Gigi talks.
“Thank you, hopefully Crystal can get Jackie out to more games!” Gigi jokes.
“Let’s hope! Anyways, what kind of pizza do you girls want?”
The four sit on Jan’s living room floor, eating pizza on a mountain of sleeping bags and pillows as It plays in the background. Jackie is cowering into Jan, clearly terrified of the movie that her girlfriend insisted that they watch.
Crystal has seen it before - it’s one of her favorites - and Gigi seems almost as freaked out as Jackie is. The blonde has trapped Crystal’s hand in a death grip and Crystal swears her fingers are losing circulation. She can’t bring herself to care; the sensation of Gigi’s hand in her own is inarguably one of her favorite feelings.
“Why did we have to watch this movie?” Jackie squeaks out. “It’s so… violent.”
“It’s a masterpiece, babe!” Jan debates.
“It’s gory.”
“It’s interesting!”
“Whatever you say, darling,” Jackie says, continuing to hide behind Jan.
Crystal has to stifle a laugh - their exchange is adorably hilarious, and she thinks that they’re perfect for each other. She looks down at Gigi, who has buried her head in Crystal’s arm, and squeezes the blonde’s hand.
Her mind wanders as the movie plays on. Gigi didn’t tell Jan’s mom that they weren’t girlfriends and wonders if Gigi is interested in being exclusive. Crystal hasn’t thought about it much until this point - she’s been enjoying living in the moment with Gigi - but now the thought won’t leave her mind.
She can see herself in a relationship with Gigi easily. They’ll go on dates and fall asleep next to each other and surprise each other with flowers and Crystal will show up at all of Gigi’s cheer events with enthusiasm. She wants to wear the letterman’s jacket every day, and she never wants to go a day without feeling Gigi’s fingers intertwined with her own.
Crystal’s thoughts trail on until the end of the movie. Jackie has fallen asleep in Jan’s lap and Jan is lazily stroking her curly, dark hair as she, too, begins to drift off. Gigi is wide awake, still clutching Crystal’s hand.
“Do you wanna go sit on the porch?” Gigi asks Crystal quietly.
Crystal nods, and the two stand. Gigi has clearly been over to Jan’s house enough that she knows exactly where to go, because she leads Crystal to a sliding glass door. They sit down on the wooden porch in Jan’s backyard, and Crystal lets out a contented sigh as Gigi plants a kiss on her cheek.
“Thanks for coming tonight. It really, really means a lot to me, Crys.”
“Hey, of course. I like watching you, you look so happy when you’re cheering.”
“Not as happy as I am when I’m with you,” Gigi hums.
“That was cheesy,” Crystal jokes, wrapping her arm around the blonde.
“Look what you’ve done to me, Crystal Elizabeth. You’ve turned me into a complete dork! I’m almost as bad as Jan!” Gigi jokes.
Crystal can feel butterflies fluttering around in her stomach when Gigi uses her middle name - it feels like a term of endearment.  
“Who said dorky was a bad thing? I happen to think your dorky comments are adorable - or should I say, adorkable!” Crystal laughs.
“Okay, now that was bad,” Gigi snorts.
“You love it.”
“I know.”
The two sit in silence, wrapped up in each other’s arms, enjoying the cool night air.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something,” Gigi breaks the silence.
“What’s up?” Crystal asks.
“I hate to be that girl that asks this question, but like… what is this?”
Crystal doesn’t know how to answer - she doesn’t know what will be too much for Gigi and doesn’t want to scare the girl off. She doesn’t want to look inexperienced and over-eager.
“I, uh, I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it,” Crystal lies.
“Not that I don’t want to think about it!” Crystal quickly follows up. “What do you think this is?”
“Hey, not fair! I asked you first!” Gigi giggles.
“I mean, I really like you. Enough that I went to my first high school football game in four years for you.”
“I really like you too, Crystal.”
“So…” Crystal trails off, avoiding the question she knows she needs to ask.
“You’re going to make me be the one to say it, aren’t you?”
“I have no idea what you mean,” Crystal feigns innocence.
“Crystal, I want you to be my girlfriend,” Gigi declares.
Crystal presses a light kiss on Gigi’s lips before replying.
“Gi, I want nothing more than to be your girlfriend.”
Gigi leans her head on Crystal’s shoulder and throws her arms around the older girl’s waist. Crystal runs her fingers through her blonde hair, pressing gentle kisses to the top of her head as the two sit in a comfortable quietness.
Crystal can’t think of anything better than this.
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krreader · 6 years
so close, and still so far | chapter 1.
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pairing: jung hoseok x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; fuckboy!hoseok ; neighbors!au ; mentions of sex ; mentions of masturbation ; language genre: angst ; fluff ; smut
summary: hoseok was that annoying neighbor that brought home a new girl every week, which was bad enough as it was, but what was even worse was the fact that you had fallen in love with the guy that always showed up at your doorstep after a tumble with an apologetic smile and pizza, despite you knowing that all you were to him was a neighbor.. right?
a/n: I’ve got original stories for almost all members, but not jimin and hoseok, so I need to change that. this is going to be hoseok’s story, one that I’m really excited about, because it’s mostly going to be super angsty and I love angst :’) if you’re wondering about the title, it’s from the enchanted movie  and if you haven’t watched enchanted, do it. you won’t regret it. for now, enjoy this introduction ♥ (masterlist is in my description box)
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People who live in apartments know the struggle of annoying neighbors. Sure, if you live in a house, you can have annoying neighbors too, but at least they'll be further away from you. If you live in an apartment though, especially one that wasn't one the first floor, you had three, sometimes even four neighboring apartments and that meant three to four annoying neighbors.
Take the neighbor underneath you, for example. In theory, a really nice family, a young family, actually. Namjoon, that was his name, but you had never met the wife. They had a son around seven years old and while Namjoon was nice, his son was the worst brat you can even imagine. That boy screamed 24/7 about every single thing. And if he wasn't screaming, then he was crying. Honestly, you always asked yourself how Namjoon managed to stay so cheerful when you met him in the hallways with a son like that. You probably would have become a triggered mess if you were him.
Then there was the neighbor above you, Yoongi. Yoongi was actually really quiet and you rarely heard him, but if you did, then you really heard him. As far as you knew, he was a music producer, or at least trying to be one, who clearly didn't have a soundproof studio, because sometimes he was blasting his music so loud, that you felt like the floor was going to give in from the bass and drop onto your head. But that didn't happen too often, so you could deal with him. And quite honestly, his music wasn’t too bad, so you enjoyed listening to it every once in a while.
Then there was the neighbor in the apartment to your left, a guy named Jeongguk who recently moved in with his girlfriend, but from the screaming matches these two had, it probably wouldn't last. The walls were so thin, that you could always hear the arguments and it always seemed to be about the same thing. Her being jealous and her not trusting him. Poor guy, actually. He seemed like he really loved her, but he surely wouldn't stay with her if she accused him of cheating almost daily.
And then.. then there was the worst of them all.
The neighbor in the apartment to your right.
Jung Hoseok.
Jung Hoseok was the neighbor you were closest to. He was the one that helped you move in when you did and he was the one that made the first nights less lonely by watching movies with you on your cold floor - since your couch hadn’t been delivered yet - and brought you Chinese takeaway because you didn’t have kitchen equipment yet. He turned into a friend and then he turned into something more, which is bad enough as it is, because he didn't feel the same way about you.
But the worst thing about it is that Jung Hoseok was a womanizer. Someone who brought home new girls almost every three days and as said before, your walls were so thin that you heard everything. And unfortunately, his bedroom was right next to your bedroom. So almost every third night, you had to try to fall asleep to various women – sometimes even more than one – moaning his name, begging him to go faster, calling him all sorts of names and Hoseok moaning just as loudly in return.
It drove you crazy.
Not just because it broke your heart little by little each and every time, because you wished he thought you were attractive enough to sleep with you, but also because each time you became a wet mess in your bed. You couldn't even remember the amount of times you’ve masturbated while he was having sex, imagining him moaning your name and lying on top of you, saying all those things he was saying to these girls to you and not them.
Kind of pathetic, probably.. but you couldn’t help it.
Hoseok knew that he was loud and he also knew that his partners were loud. So as an apology, he has made it his ritual to ring your doorbell each and every time he had sex, with some food in his hands and an apologetic smile on his face as you opened the door, spending the rest of the night with you, food and a Netflix movie.
So yeah, all in all, the entire situation sucked and if you weren't so hopelessly in love with his goofy personality and his beautiful smile, you would tell him to leave you alone. But you couldn't.. you invited him in each time and you tried your hardest not to let him see how upset you were that he only ever came here to apologize.
Today was probably one of those days. Friday night. So that meant that he was surely having someone over.
And because you didn't feel like hearing it all today, you had decided to stay longer than usual at work, sinking into your chair as the clock on your desk showed 10 PM.
'Maybe I should stop and get food on the way? That'll take me another thirty minutes, then another thirty minutes home.. 11 PM.'
“Why are you still here?” Jin, your boss, furrowed his eyebrows as he walked past you with a cup of coffee in his hands.
“It's Friday night.”
“Exactly. Young people like you should go out and party.”
“You're not that old yourself, you know?” you chuckled and turned off your computer, “My neighbor probably has his new girlfriend over. And I'm not in the mood to hear which kinks she has tonight.”
“Ah, yeah. I know what you mean. Make sure to write down your overtime, though. No matter what reason you're staying longer, you should get paid for it.”
Your living situation may suck at the moment, but at least your job didn't. Jin was literally the best boss you could have asked for.
“Thanks, boss,” you smiled and got up, shouldering your bag, “I'll see you on Monday.”
“See you. And good luck with your neighbor.”
Yeah. You're going to need that.
Tumblr media
11:18 PM.
You stood in front of your apartment complex, craning your neck to see your apartment and that of Hoseok. Yours was completely dark, while his was illuminated only slightly.
'Maybe he fell asleep?'
With hopeful steps, you made your way up to your apartment, the bag of takeaway dangling from your fingers as you finally reached your floor and saw..
“You'll call.. right?” the girl whispered, kissing Hoseok's jaw.
“Of course, I'll call,” he whispered back, one of his hands on her lower back, while the other arm was casually against the door frame, “Get home safely, alright?”
If only these girls knew that he never called. Ever.
With a final kiss, the girl turned around and nearly ran into you, smiling shyly and then winking at Hoseok one last time before leaving. You watched her run down the stairs, then turned your head to look at him.
“What happened to that other girl?”
“What other girl?” he asked, tying his bathrobe tighter together.
“The one you called your girlfriend a week ago?”
“Oh, Soojun. Yeah, we broke up. This was Jinae. I met her on Tinder.”
“Tinder? Really?” you laughed and walked over to your door to unlock it, Hoseok closing his own door, making sure he had the key though, before following you into your apartment without even asking if he could, “I never would have took you for someone that uses Tinder.”
“Why not? It's the easiest way to get sex,” he laughed and grabbed the plastic bag out of your hand, before making his way into your kitchen to take out dinner, “You brought extra food again!”
“Because I knew you were going to stop by eventually,” you yelled through the apartment as you changed into more comfortable clothes.
A small smile formed on Hoseok's face as he saw you had bought his favorite dish from that restaurant, putting both plates into the microwave for a moment, before he placed them on the coffee table, you joining him again only a moment later, now in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt.
“How was work?” he asked, already beginning to eat, “You were working late again.”
“Yeah.. I can use the money. And it was alright. Nothing exciting. How was your day?”
“Well, she was..-”
“No, I meant your day, Hoseok. Not the sex.”
“Oh.. well, that was boring,” he shrugged, “Jinae, though? I might call her again, to be honest. She was fantastic in bed.”
Yeah, see, that's the issue.
Hoseok always bragged about his girls. It didn’t matter whether you wanted to hear about it or not, you would hear it if he wanted you to hear it.
“Have you ever thought about.. I don't know.. settling down?” you asked over the rim of your glass.
“Settle down? With who?” he snorted.
‘With me’
“I don't know.. someone you actually like. Sex is nice and stuff, but don't you want.. more? Someone you can love? Someone that loves you?”
“Maybe, if the right girl ever comes along,” he said, his voice a little more quiet, but then he grinned and looked up at you, “So far, the only girls I met were either only fucking material or like you..”
“Like.. me?” you asked hesitantly, actually not wanting to hear the answer, but also yeah, kind of wanting to hear it.
“You know.. buddy material,” he grinned, clapping you on the back.
Friend zone.
Forever in the fucking friend zone.
“Right,” you mumbled into your glass, taking another big sip of your water.
Maybe you should have gotten some alcohol. Maybe that would help.
“But don't worry. I'm sure you're going to find the right guy soon. Someone you love. That's what you want, isn't it?”
“Yeah.. that'd be nice,” you said with a sad smile as you watched him eat, him being completely oblivious to the fact that you already were in love.
With him.
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variabels · 5 years
Fictober 2019 #1 Ganondorf creates a Kpop group
A/N: Yo, what is up? I’m back with the crack. I’m in such a good mood because my three fav players (Leff, Armada and my man, Samsora) made it into summit.
Anyway, this is part of the fic I started last fictober I suck at romance. You can read it if you want, chapter 4 is my favorite one. But to summarize, you just need to know that Link wants to break up with Zelda because he’s bored of their relationship and that Ganondorf works at the Apple store in costumer service where he’s really just doing odd jobs and getting paid a lot to the point he’s the asset of the store.
Prompt number:  1 “It will be fun, trust me.”
Fandom (AU if applicable): Super Smash Bros
Rating: Idk, T.
Warnings/Tags: kpop
Words: Idk, I just write everything in a long file with a bunch of crap, so I couldn’t count.
Ships: Link x Zelda. A bit of Marth x Roy, mainly Ike making jokes about them. At this point, I think Ganondorf x his job at the Apple store qualifies as a ship.
“Won’t lie, you’re the last person I expected to see here,” Ganondorf admitted as he stared at the short blond in front of him, “You must be in quite the pickle if you’re asking me for help.”
“I have no other choice,” Link sighed, “I’ve tried everything and I always fail.”
“Not surprised. What do you need help with anyways?”
“Help me break up with Zelda.”
“You truly are desperate.”
Ganondorf had gathered Link and his friends to the training room. No one was quite sure why they had to be there but Link had told them it would be fun.
Ganondorf entered the room holding a huge radio and a bag full of CDs and accessories. He set everything up and soon, the training room looked more like a stage.
“I am training you guys for karaoke,” Ganondorf announced, “You five will be singing some Kpop songs about breakups with Link as the center. Any objections?”
“I can’t read!” Pit reminded Ganondorf.
“And I can’t dance, like at all,” Roy admitted, “Dancing doesn’t run on mom’s side of the family.”
“I don’t like karaoke,” Ike said, “I’ve never even sung before.”
“Can I be G-Dragon?” Marth asked.
Ganondorf facepalmed so hard he almost had to go to the doctor. He was not ready to work with the group of idiotic friends. When they were all separated, the five friends were actually quite competent, but having them all in one room reduced their collective IQ to 0.
But there was no time for the Gerudo king to worry about his own feelings. He had to get the job done, nothing was more important than his reputation as the most valuable employee of the Apple store.
After a week of training, the boys were ready. But they still had to choose a song and that was probably the hardest part of the whole plan. They needed a song that was quite clear on the message Link wanted to convey.
Ganondorf had prepared a list of songs but clearly, none of the boys besides Link really cared about the list. They all wanted to sing their favorite songs instead and those songs happened to be the complete opposite of the concept Ganondorf and Link wanted.
“No, Marth, we can’t sing Bang Bang Bang,” Roy argued, “Fantastic Baby is clearly the superior BigBang song.”
“That’s not true and you know it!” Marth snapped, “Bang Bang Bang is way better, plus it fits with our breakup concept. If the only word Zelda understands is bang, she’ll think that Link’s shooting her.”
“But according to your line distributions, we’re the only ones saying bang bang bang. She won’t think Link’s the one shooting her.”
“She’ll think that you two should go bang bang bang in your room,” Ike smirked, “We should sing As if it’s your last.”
“I want to sing Gangnam Style!” Pit smiled.
Ganondorf sighed and looked at Link for answers. The Hylian said he’d go ask Zelda what music she liked so that he could choose the exact opposite.
Zelda was walking around the Smash Mansion’s garden when Link ran up to her. Link never ran up to her, so she knew he had something important to say.
“Zelda, what’s your favorite Kpop group?”
Zelda was shocked. Link never asked her questions. Was he finally trying to be a decent boyfriend?
“Um, I only really like EXO and Red Velvet.”
“BigBang and Blackpink it is.”
“Nothing. Do you want to go to the karaoke tonight?”
“It will be fun, trust me.”
Zelda naturally accepted. She didn’t know why Link chose the karaoke but he always chose weird places for their dates. She was excited Link was the one asking her on a date for once. But she couldn’t help but think something was wrong.
It was the night of the karaoke. Ganondorf had gathered the boys for one last training session. While the three Fire Emblem lords had a boring fight about what the microphones’ colors should be, Link asked Pit for a request.
“Pit, I need you to act as cute as possible so that you can seduce Zelda,” Link told the angel, “That way, she’ll move over really quickly after our breakup and she won’t be sad about it.”
“But I don’t want to date Zelda,” Pit complained.
“Yeah, I don’t blame you.”
“All of you shut up and listen to my advice!” Ganondorf yelled, “Link, you need to make sure all the random stranger girls fall for you so that Zelda gets even more pissed off. It would be even better if you fell for one so that you’d finally have the motivation to break up with her. Or fall for one of your friends, I don’t care. Just fucking break up with her already, I have a reputation to uphold.”
Zelda had chosen her coolest dress in the hopes of impressing Link. Had she really been serious about impressing him, she would have changed her hair.
As she entered the karaoke, she noticed Link and his four friends. Zelda wanted to groan very loudly. Link was obsessed with his friends, it was like he was more in love with them, than he was with her. If he liked one of them, why didn’t he just break up with her?
Zelda wanted to yell at him but she quickly remembered Link had never specified it was a date and sighed with relief. Still, she hoped that if Link really did leave her, it wasn’t for one of his friends. She politely greeted Link and his friends and they all prepared to take the stage.
“I want to dedicate these songs to Zelda,” Link spoke into the microphone.
Zelda was really happy her boyfriend was singing something for her, he had even gotten his friends to help. Except that he’d chosen to sing a song she didn’t like. She assumed he was saving the best for last since he was going to sing multiple songs.
But she didn’t like any of the songs they were singing. She didn’t care that their dancing and singing were almost inexistent, she just wanted to hear songs she liked. Meanwhile, the crowd appeared to be really into the performance.
Zelda got herself a glass of water and sighed as she watched the performance. There was no coordination at all. Marth and Roy were getting significantly more lines than the others because they chose to song Japanese versions of the songs, Link was getting all the English parts and Ike was doing random adlibs. Poor Pit didn’t even have his microphone on.
Zelda felt so bad for the angel. He was clearly putting everything into the performance but since he couldn’t read, he wasn’t allowed to shine. Yet despite this, he stood out to her because of how cute he was.
“What am I thinking?” Zelda said out loud, “I’ve already been through this.”
Zelda was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice the pattern in the song choice. Ganondorf realized Zelda wasn’t paying attention, so he told Link to start plan B.
“Zelda, this song describes what I feel towards you,” Link said.
“Please fuck me, Link!” some random girl in the crowd shouted.
“I’m so sick of this fake love! Fake love!”
Link was screaming at the top of his lungs but Zelda somehow managed to assume that he was being sarcastic and giggled thinking it was a joke. Zelda, why?
It was break time and Ganondorf gathered all the boys in the men's room. Link and Zelda were going to break up or his name wouldn’t be Ganondorf, the Apple Store’s best employee anymore.
“Guys, sing the most disorganized mess you can think of. I’ll play all your songs at the same time.”
Everyone seemed pretty happy with his suggestion. They changed into the outfits they actually wanted to wear and rushed back to the stage.
“Zelda listen carefully,” Link said as the start of Zelda’s favorite song ever started to play.
Now Zelda’s attention was on the stage. She couldn’t wait for Link to start singing. But before she knew it, the song stopped and five songs played at the exact same time. No one was even singing the same song, they were all in their little bubbles and somehow still managing to hype up the crowd.
Zelda was pissed off. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. She hated being pranked. But she hated when her favorite artists were insulted. She went up the stage to confront her boyfriend.
“What was that?” the angry girlfriend yelled, “How could you insult my favorite song like that?”
“After all of this, you couldn’t even figure out what I’ve been trying to tell you?” a clearly annoyed Link asked.
“Oh, I’ve figured it all out. You hate my favorite music. Link, we’re over!”
“Wait… Are you serious? Are we finally breaking up?”
“Yes, you never truly loved me. You just wanted to bang all your friends.”
“Eh, close enough.”
“Oh, wow...” Marth blushed, “I never knew Link felt that way about us.”
“Now that that’s settled,” Ike started, “We just need Roy to take Marth to his room and bang bang bang his brains out so-.”
“Great idea, let’s go sing Bang Bang Bang in our room,” Roy interrupted.
The boys returned to Marth, Roy and Ike’s room to celebrate Link’s breakup. While Marth and Roy sang BigBang songs, the others talked about the day’s events.
“I can’t believe I’m finally single again!” Link sighed in relief, “And she was the one to break up with me, so she won’t feel depressed for a month.”
“Why did you even date her if you didn’t love her?” Pit asked.
“Her eyebrows were better than my Zelda’s eyebrows. I just had to say yes when she asked me out.”
“I can’t believe you dated her for a petty reason and she broke up with you for a petty reason,” Ike facepalmed.
Meanwhile, Ganondorf was sitting on his desk laughing his ass off as he counted all the money he had gotten. He was the best Apple store employee the store could ever dream of. He would have accepted a promotion, but he wouldn’t get paid as much.
The King of Darkness laughed the entire night much to his roommates’ dismay.
A/N: I actually really like kpop and I respect all the groups mentioned. I just thought it would be fucking funny to have Link and Zelda break up over kpop.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
You Know You Love Me, Chapter 7 (Branjie) - Kiki
A/N: Chapter 7 is here later than I promised but it’s been less than a week so I’ll accept it! I think we can all agree online college is so draining haha I hope you enjoy this chapter, I can’t believe I’ve actually managed to write seven whole chapters of something! If you enjoy, please let me know and I hope you all have a magical week!
Summary: Brooke Lynn Hytes returns to New York City after being shipped off to boarding school and her ex best friend, Vanessa Mateo, isn’t too happy about it…which would be bad enough but add in the fact that they’re lowkey in love with each other. (Gossip Girl AU)
Brooke was about to kill her mother.
It was one of Brooke’s least favourite times of year. Her mother was planning the annual charity ball for the Manhattan Women’s League that she was apart of which meant that tensions were running high twenty-four seven in the Hytes’ household. Brooke had spent her morning on the phone to caterers and decorators since her mother was forcing her to help plan the event and she was miserable and not to mention, extremely bored.
She had stopped to make herself a cup of coffee to try and get some energy to push through the torture that was being enforced upon her but her mom saw that she had stopped working which prompted a screaming match between the two of them. Brooke Lynn was close to pouring the hot coffee over her mother’s head if she didn’t stop with the constant nagging.
Her mom left the room to go check that her outfit for the ball was ready and Brooke noticed her phone lighting up with a picture of Vanessa’s face on it, which meant that Vanessa was calling her. Vanessa had taken the picture of herself on Brooke’s phone and set it as the contact photo for herself. It was a cute picture of her winking with her tongue out and it made Brooke happy every time she saw it. She quickly answered the call and prayed that her mother didn’t come back downstairs and catch her.
“B! Thank God you picked up, I’m soooo bored!,” Vanessa exclaimed as if she had been trying to get in contact with Brooke for hours when in reality, this was the first time she had called her. Brooke chuckled and quickly double checked that her mom hadn’t come back downstairs. “Can we hang out or something? I finished all my homework and I have nothing to do now.” Brooke rolled her eyes fondly at the fact that Vanessa already had all of her homework done at 11am on a Saturday morning.
“I wish I could, V, but this stupid ball is taking up all my time. I swear to god, Ness, if she even catches me on the phone to you, she might kill me.” Brooke replied, being completely serious about how her mother would react but Vanessa just laughed in response.
“You think you’re gonna be busy all day?” Vanessa asked and Brooke swore she could hear that Vanessa was pouting from the tone of her voice.
“I hope not…it depends on how crazy my mom is later on. We could probably go fir dinner later if you want?” Brooke asked hopefully and before she could hear Vanessa’s response, her phone was snatched from her hand. She quickly turned around and saw her mother putting her cell phone up to her ear.
“Vanessa, darling, Brooke and I are very busy over here. She’ll call you when she’s free, okay?” Mrs Hytes said and without letting Vanessa reply, she hung up the phone and handed it back to Brooke Lynn who was furious. Brooke had to take several deep breaths before being able to think properly again and quickly sent Vanessa an apology text saying that she would be buying them dinner tonight.
“Brooke took one more deep breath to mentally prepare herself for dealing with her mother again and got back to work.
Vanessa was bored. She had finished her homework, watched Dorota organise her handbag collection and had already started studying for an exam that was a few months ago. Usually she was good at entertaining herself and finding things to do when she didn’t have plans but she found it hard to focus on other things when she knew that she could be spending time with Brooke Lynn. So when Brooke’s mom had hung up on her and Brooke had said they would still get dinner later, Vanessa had to come to terms with the fact that she had an entire day to kill.
Normally she would go shopping or try out a new restaurant or simply just hang out with her friends but ever since Gossip Girl had outed her, she still wasn’t totally comfortable with being out in public alone. She had gone back to school and her friends had not left her side which she was so grateful for. Her life hadn’t changed that much, really. Her mom treated her the same, her friends treated her the same and no one in school had said anything rude to her. But she just wasn’t ready to go back to normal yet.
There was one thing that had been on her mind a lot since she had been outed though, and that was revenge. She was absolutely furious that Kameron had gotten away with what she did to her. She almost moved to a different country because of what Kameron had done and she couldn’t let it go on any longer without Kameron being punished.
Akeria had hinted at taking Kameron down a few times but Vanessa had always refused, only because Brooke was there and Brooke didn’t like when Vanessa schemed and planned revenge on people. But as Vanessa was sitting on her bed thinking about the entire situation, she knew there was only one thing to do: call Silky and Akeria and finally plan some revenge on the bitch that tried to ruin her life.
Silky and Akeria came over immediately, ready to research Kameron Michaels as much as they possibly could. The three of them had their laptops out and were scouring the Internet and all of her social media platforms, determined to find something they could use against her. Unfortunately, Kameron didn’t live in New York since she was originally from Nashville so there wasn’t really anything about her on Gossip Girl and Vanessa was starting to lose hope of ever finding any dirt on her.
“OOH BITCH I’VE GOT IT!” Silky screamed in excitement as she leaped up from the armchair she was sitting on and ran over to the couch opposite her where Akeria and Vanessa were. She sat down in between them the two girls and pointed at a picture of Kameron on her Facebook profile that had been posted about eight months ago. Vanessa quickly did the math in her head and realised that it must’ve been posted just before Kameron had left boarding school after what went down between her and Brooke Lynn. Akeria scrunched her face up in confusion and leaned in to look at the picture up close.
“What am I supposed to be looking at, Silk?” Akeria asked. Vanessa slightly nodded her head in agreement.
“Yeah, Silk…I don’t get it.” Silky looked down at the screen and realised that what she had wanted to show them wasn’t on the screen anymore. She clicked the comments on the picture and as the comments tab popped up, it all clicked into place in Vanessa’s mind.
The comments were two girls, presumably from boarding school, asking Kameron where she had gone and why she had left school suddenly. As Vanessa continued to read the rest of the comments, her eyes went wide and she felt stupid that she had missed this when she had been looking at Kameron’s profile a couple of hours ago.
There was a comment from none other than Kameron’s mother saying that Kameron had to be checked into a rehab centre because of her anger issues and her dependency on alcohol and drugs. Vanessa thought it was super rude and embarrassing of Kameron’s mother to post that information online but she quickly stopped feeling bad for the girl after she remembered what Kameron had done to her. Then, there was a comment from just two weeks ago, again from Kameron’s mother, saying that Kameron had escaped from rehab and if the girls knew where she was, they should tell her or the police.
Vanessa’s eyes opened wide in shock, as did Akeria’s while Silky had an extremely proud look on her face. She was thinking she would find an embarrassing photo or some old gossip of Kameron’s that she could use against her, but this was something else entirely. She knew that it could be risky, but she had a chance to get Kameron out of New York and she was definitely going to take that opportunity.
After brainstorming with Silky and Akeria for an hour or so, she had a plan and she knew what she had to do…and she wasn’t going to stop until that plan succeeded.
Vanessa walked out of the elevator into the Hytes’ penthouse apartment and walked straight into chaos. Brooke Lynn and her mother were screaming at each other with such intensity that Vanessa secretly wanted to walk back out before either of them saw her. Any other time, she could have easily done that but right now, she had a mission to complete and coming here was the first part of that plan.
Vanessa pieced together from the screaming and shouting that they seemed to be fighting over the outfit that Brooke had planned to wear to her mother’s ball. Her mom was saying that the dress was too inappropriate and that it made her look like a prostitute and while that made Vanessa very excited to see Brooke in that dress, she pushed it to the back of her mind because she knew she had bigger things to focus on in that moment.
Mrs Hytes was the first one to notice Vanessa standing in the hallway and didn’t seem too happy that she had shown up to their home unannounced. When Brooke noticed that her mother had gone quiet, she turned around to see what was there and her eyes lit up in excitement when she saw Vanessa standing there and it made Vanessa’s heart melt just a tiny bit.
“Hey! I know you guys are busy but I just thought I’d come by for a few minutes and bring you both some coffee!” Vanessa handed the paper tray filled with two disposable coffee cups to Brooke who took it graciously and handed the other cup to her mother, who seemed to be a lot more welcoming to Vanessa as soon as she had her first sip of the coffee.
“Thank you Vanessa, darling. You shouldn’t have.” Mrs Hytes said graciously and Vanessa was happy that Brooke’s mom approved of her. Of course, she had known Mrs Hytes for years at this point but it felt different now that her and Brooke were kind of dating. She felt like she had to make a new good impression all over again.
“I don’t wanna stand in your way or anything, I know how busy you are, I just wanted to drop these off and be on my way. But do you mind if I quickly use your restroom?” Vanessa said politely, while her eyes searched the area they were in for what she needed to complete the plan. Mrs Hytes said that she could go ahead and use the restroom and Brooke was talking about how she wished she could hang out with Vanessa right now, but Vanessa was so distracted once her eyes landed on what she was searching for: Brooke’s cell phone.
It was on the counter that was directly behind Brooke and Vanessa knew she would have to be extra sneaky to be able to grab it. She leaned in to give Brooke a hug and told her how she wished that she could be hanging out with her too, and while it wasn’t a lie, she did feel kind of guilty for planning revenge on Kameron and not telling Brooke about it. As soon as Brooke hugged her back, Vanessa’s hand quickly grabbed the phone and tried her best to hide it from Brooke. She broke the hug apart and walked over to the bathroom and quickly locked the door.
The first part of her master plan was to text Kameron on Brooke’s phone pretending to be Brooke and ask her to meet up with her, that way she could guarantee that Kameron would show up. The second part of her plan was being completed by Silky and Akeria at, they were sending Kameron’s parents the information of where Kameron was going to be later on so they could take her home and out of Vanessa’s life permanently.
She quickly typed in Brooke’s password and thanked god that Brooke hadn’t changed it in years. She scrolled through her contacts and quickly found Kameron’s number, again grateful that Brooke never deleted anyone’s number once she put it into her contacts. She knew she didn’t have a lot of time to waste and she tried to come up with a text that would sound like Brooke had wrote it but it was proving to be kind of difficult for her.
She decided to keep the text simple and wrote: “Hey Kameron, it’s Brooke. I made a mistake telling you to leave and I wanna talk. Meet me at that bridge in Central Park at 5pm? Don’t text back, Vanessa might see my phone. -Brooke.”
It had been Akeria’s idea to say that Kameron shouldn’t text back and Vanessa was very appreciative because she didn’t know if she would have thought of that on her own. She wiped the message from Brooke’s phone and pretended to flush the toilet, washed her hands and left the phone on a coffee table outside the bathroom and hoped that Brooke wouldn’t remember exactly where she had put it.
She said goodbye to Mrs Hytes and gave Brooke a hug and a kiss goodbye and told her she would see her later that night for dinner if Brooke had time. Vanessa was hoping that by the time they went for dinner, Kameron would be gone for good and she wouldn’t have to worry anymore.
She sent a quick text to Akeria telling her that part one of the plan was done and Akeria text back fast assuring her that part two had been taken care of as well. Vanessa took a deep breathe in to calm her nerves as she mentally prepared herself for the next part.
Part three of the plan was making sure that Kameron showed up to the park thinking that she was meeting Brooke but instead, she would find Vanessa, Akeria, Silky and her parents ready to take her back to wherever the hell she came from.
Vanessa couldn’t wait.      
Kameron walked into the park and it was safe to say that she was buzzing with excitement. She knew that her plan of outing Vanessa would work eventually but she didn’t think it would happen as quickly as it did. She was so happy that Brooke Lynn had finally come to her senses and realised that Kameron would make a way better girlfriend than Vanessa ever could. She stopped at the bridge that Brooke had mentioned, the one that Brooke and Vanessa had kissed under and waited for Brooke to arrive.
She was looking around and couldn’t see Brooke Lynn’s signature blonde hair anywhere. The only people around were three girls who had their backs to her. She looked down at her phone and opened the text from Brooke to make sure she had the right time and once she confirmed that she did, she was about to call Brooke to ask where she was when she heard a voice say her name.
“Kameron?” Kameron turned around expecting to be met with Brooke’s tall figure but instead, she was met with Vanessa Mateo and her two best friends. Kameron was confused, why was Vanessa here? Why would Brooke tell Vanessa about them meeting up? What was going on? Vanessa could see the confused look on Kameron’s face and couldn’t help but feel pure joy from it.
“Confused? Yeah, you should be.” Akeria said with her hand on her hip.
“You didn’t really think Brooke was gonna show up, did you?” Silky asked with a mocking tone to her voice as her and Akeria tried to supress a laugh.
“Come on girls, no need to be rude. Let’s just let Kameron know why we’re here and we can get on with the rest of our day.” Vanessa said light heartedly as if she wasn’t about to ruin Kameron’s day.
“What are you talking about? Where the hell is Brooke Lynn?” Kameron said angrily and it was clear that she was about to get extremely pissed off.
“That doesn’t matter, she’s not here. However, there are some people here who have been super worried about you, Kam.” Vanessa pointed behind her and Kameron turned around slowly and was met by the only two people she feared: her mom and dad. When Kameron had escaped from rehab, she knew her dad would be pissed and her mom would be worried but she didn’t really care, she just wanted to get to Brooke Lynn as soon as she could. However, she knew if she got caught, there would be hell to pay for it.
“Mom, dad…I promise, it’s not what you think, I swear I had to leave, you should have seen how they were treating me—” Kameron was interrupted by her dad as soon as she started her rambling.
“Shut up, Kameron. We’re fed up with your lies.” Kameron’s dad said angrily while her mom just looked extremely disappointed.
“Mom, you have to believe me!” Kameron said making direct eye contact with her mother.
“Don’t worry Kameron, it’ll be okay.” Vanessa said with a mocking tone of reassurance in her voice. Silky and Akeria were trying not to laugh behind her.
“No, this time it won’t.” Kameron’s mother said with a bitter tone to her voice and it made Silky giggle.
“Or it won’t!,” Vanessa replied and walked over to where Kameron’s parents were standing. “Oh, I almost forgot to give you the information that I discussed with your parents!” Vanessa handed Kameron a pamphlet and Kameron looked down at it in confusion.
“What’s this?” Kameron asked in a worried tone, as if she didn’t want to know the answer to her own question.
“It’s where you’re going, immediately.” Kameron’s mom said. Before Kameron could even begin to protest, her dad spoke up.
“It’s a school for troubled girls and you won’t be leaving until we see an improvement in your behaviour…and it’s not up for discussion.” Vanessa could see Kameron’s body twitch as if she was about to run but out of nowhere, three security guards walked over to the group and situated themselves around Kameron so she couldn’t run away. Vanessa was impressed by the extra touch that Kameron’s parents added by bringing the guards. She wished she would’ve thought of it.
Kameron’s father pointed in the direction of the street and began to walk to where their car was parked and two of the security guards started to get closer to Kameron, ready to take her away. Vanessa waved goodbye with a massive smile on her face. As Kameron was being escorted away, Vanessa knew she had to have the last word.
“Oh, and Kameron?,” Vanessa said and Kameron turned around promptly. “Haven’t you heard? I’m the crazy bitch around here. Have fun in your new school.” With that, Vanessa linked arms with Silky and Akeria and they walked away in the opposite direction, holding in their laughter until they were at least a couple more feet away from Kameron and her parents. Once they were gone, they burst into laughter and Vanessa was so happy about what they had accomplished.
She looked around at her two best friends and was immediately filled with love. She was so grateful for how they helped her get back at someone who had massively wronged her and she knew that they would always have her back and support her in whatever she did.
Now, she just had to hope and pray that Brooke Lynn wouldn’t find out.  
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