#I’ve been wanting to make a comic about Angel with Mystic for so long
smply-sktchng · 3 months
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Chainsaw Man Chapter 74 with Excerpts from Mystic by Sylvia Plath
“The air is a mill of hooks —
Questions without answer
I remember
The dead smell of sun…
Once you have seen God, what is the remedy?
Once one has been seized up…
Used utterly…
What is the remedy?
38 notes · View notes
venusofthehardsells · 4 years
No Rest for the Wicked [Dea ex Machina part one]
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John ConstantinexAngel!Reader Summary: You travel to a remote island to put a murderous spirit to rest, but things get complicated when you run into one John Constantine. Warnings: swearing, mentions of mental illness, blood, smoking, ghosts, pining, is slowburn a warning? A/N: My first Constantine fic on tumblr, yay! This was originally written for a challenge aaages ago, but it got away from me and I couldn’t meet the deadline. I had so much fun with this though, Constantine is a great character to write for! There will definitely be more stories about him and this particular angelic reader in the future ♥
I’ve mixed elements from both the Vertigo comics and the NBC TV series, as well as from the general DC Universe, so don’t expect accuracy when it comes to canon. A special thanks to @nellblazer​​ for support and linguistic aid, you’re the best! ♥ Let me know what you think and if you want to be tagged ~
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Contrary to common belief, there had never actually been any ravens on Raven’s Rock. The tiny, windswept fleck of land in the North Sea had been named a few hundred years ago by a fool of a sailor, who hadn’t been able to tell a raven from a severely lost and consequently very confused Scandinavian pigeon. Said sailor had regrettably also been of some importance in his homeland at the time, meaning no one had bothered to correct the unfortunate mistake for fear of losing a head. Even though everyone who since came upon the island only ever managed to find gulls and puffins and various other seabirds, it had still kept its misleading English name.
The Celts, who by rights had been on the island long before the British, had chosen to play it safe and completely forego the bird names (although it had been suggested several times in later centuries to change it to the Gaelic word for seagull, or even pigeon, as a taunt). Instead, they had most likely looked to the ancient ruins that specked the island, jutting up from the rocks like broken teeth and, all things considered, had endured well beyond memory and history and legend. Or perhaps they had still been reeling from the mad determination that had brought them and their wooden ships so far from home. Whichever the case, they had called the stubborn, little rock Innis Seasmhach, “the steadfast island”.
That was its official name to this day, though most people, especially those who didn’t speak Gaelic (which in all fairness are not very many), still referred to it as Raven’s Rock.
The locals shrugged and simply called it “the island”.
There was only one village on the entire island, whose population on a good day might reach a hundred and thirty people. That usually only happened a few times during summer when the ferries from Stavanger and Aberdeen docked at the same time. The tourists came to see the ruins, buy a souvenir fridge magnet of a raven or a puffin, complain about the frightfully bleak weather and leave again on one of the ferries that departed before evenfall, secretly happy they didn’t have to spend any more time on the island.
On the day you arrived, the population on the isle of Raven’s Rock, was an astounding one hundred and forty four, which was quite unheard of in the middle of October.
What was even more unheard of, however, was the reason for all these untimely appearances.
A night ago, a pair of fishermen had discovered the body of a man in a small, secluded cove on the north side of the island. The body was placed so that it could only be seen from sea, unless one were to venture down a rocky and extremely narrow trail into the cove itself. It wasn’t hard to imagine someone slipping and ending up on the stony beach below. That kind of unfortunate death was of course tragic, but it hardly warranted the wide array of policemen and journalists the death had attracted. No, the reason for the sudden interest was the gruesome way the body had been displayed.
The dead man had been stripped bare and splayed out on the rocks like a cross with his arms stretched away from his torso. His skin was almost completely covered in symbols and writing no one could make sense of, though one expert, when consulted by the mystified and slightly desperate police, vaguely suggested it was possibly a rare pre-Arthurian dialect.
The more macabre specifics had so far been kept out of the press.
One was that the writings on the body had been done in blood, the corpse’s own, and another was that it came from where the head had been crudely severed from the rest of the flesh and spiked close by on a piece of driftwood.
Even hypnotised, the young sergeant who had told you, had looked slightly green when he related the information. You had padded him sympathetically on the shoulder before moving on. He wouldn’t remember revealing the details to you, but the information itself was seared into his mind forever.
His, along with the rest of the islanders’, you mused as you continued from the harbour and on into the village.
The locals called it “town”, but in truth it wasn’t really big enough to warrant that title.
It had one store that sold a little bit of everything depending on the weather, a church, a pub, a repair shop (it wasn’t specified what exactly you could get repaired there) and a public building, functioning as city hall, police station, post office, library and school in one. All the police reinforcements from Aberdeen had been moved into the city hall, seeing as the only two policemen permanently stationed on the island had never handled a murder case before. Meanwhile, the reporters and TV crews covering the case were taking up the pub’s five tiny bedrooms, both B&Bs and every single rental cottage Raven’s Rock could boast (nine in total if you counted the back room in the garage of the repair shop). Because you had left for the airport in a hurry and jumped onto the first plane to Norway, you hadn’t had time to secure a place to sleep on the island. You had pondered it on the ferry, but when it came down to it, you didn’t want to stick around longer than a day. If you worked fast, you could probably be on your way back to the mainland in the morning and wouldn’t need to worry about finding a bed. You had spotted a bench down by the harbour; it would have to do.
Besides, you didn’t have any time to waste as long as the murder case was unsolved. You could still hear Madame Xanadu’s words in your head like some annoying ominous echo.
A restless darkness will carry its evil across the water to be unleashed upon the twice-named rocks. The steadfast land will drink the blood of the laughing magician.
Fate was a menace when you had to deal with it like this, grounded and fumbling through the world with nothing but scraps to guide you. Not like in the old days when you had all of Heaven at your disposal… Being a proper angel had really had its advantages. You scoffed and walked faster. At least this prophecy had been pretty straightforward, which was far from what you were usually given to work with, you thought sourly, folding your arms around yourself against the wind.
A malevolent spirit that should have passed on, but hadn’t was easy enough to figure out; it happened all the time and you could deal with that. The location of the spirit had also been a walk in the park with so many hints to go on.
What really worried you was the second part of Madame Xanadu’s little mystic insight.
The steadfast land will drink the blood of the laughing magician.
Blood drinking was never a good omen in prophecies. It hardly ever meant vampires, usually just death. And the laughing magician, well, that one was always the same. The reason Madame Xanadu had called upon you to restore the balance in this place.
John Constantine.
Whenever one of her foresights indicated that the blonde warlock was walking into something he couldn’t handle himself, she sent you after him or, in this case, ahead to clear his path for him. Most times, he didn’t even know you had been there and you preferred it that way.
Like now.
The last you had heard of John was that he was in the States. Sufficiently far away, you thought. Even if someone had alerted him to the murder on Raven’s Rock, it would be at least another day before he could reach the windswept little island and by then you hoped to be long gone. It was best if you two didn’t meet at all.
You chewed on your lip as you thought of him. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to see him, it was just… easier if you didn’t. The things you did, the jobs you took were simply too dangerous if your focus wasn’t a hundred per cent on the task in front of you. And with John around, your newly mortal heart had a tendency to make your better judgement evaporate.
You passed a phonebox on the main (and only) street that looked as though it had seen better days and a small tourist information office/part time bakery with its doors and windows shut for the night, before you reached the seemingly only building in town with light and, admittedly subdued, noise streaming out of it: the pub. Apart from the city hall, you reckoned it must be the oldest building around, but also by far the one in best repair. The wooden sign above the heavy green door was, unsurprisingly, in the shape of a very sinister looking gull and it swayed in the wind with an ominous creak that made a shiver run down your spine, as if trying to dissuade you from entering.
Well, it wasn’t very likely that you would get any information elsewhere. With determination in your steps, you walked the last few cobbled steps to the door and went inside.
Your eyes quickly scanned the room, the patrons, the energies... and you froze on the threshold.
On a stool by the bar sat the very man you had hoped to avoid. He had taken off his signature trench coat and his back was towards you, but it didn't matter; you would recognise him blindfolded. He was so thoroughly cloaked and shrouded in magical protections of all sorts that the space he occupied was practically a vacuum. It was damn near impossible to locate him by magic, you knew. If one weren't looking directly at him, like you were now, no sixth sense or intricate spell would reveal his whereabouts. But his was a vacuum you had come to know very well. So well in fact, that by now you could pin him down by his apparent lack of magic, rather than by his well-hidden magical signature, and yet, there he was, sitting only half a room away from you with a drink in one hand and one of his ghastly Silk Cuts resting between the fingers of the other. And you hadn't noticed. You hadn't even done a quick scan to see if there were other magical presences on the island when you arrived. Worse, you hadn't cloaked yourself as thoroughly as you normally would have done and your own signature reached him before you could even think to try and prevent it.
From the way he straightened his back and immediately snuffed out the cigarette in an ashtray as if someone had shouted at him to show some care, you could tell he knew you were there. He shifted ever so slightly as if making room for you and you sighed. There was no getting out of this one.
Getting rid of your raincoat, you went over and crawled onto the empty stool next to him.
You were met with that wicked smirk of his that made your heart stutter and stumble in your chest.
"Now, there's a pleasant surprise to brighten this hellhole," he greeted, raising his glass at you. "Must confess, I never guessed I'd be running into you on this godforsaken rock, luv."
"Hello John." You did with a nod, trying to keep your voice even. "Can't say I expected this to be your sort of retreat either."
The warm light in the pub shone in John Constantine's dark eyes and his smirk grew into a grin.
"It's good to see you, luv. I've missed that disapproving pout o' yours. The fact that I never know when I'll see it again makes it so much sweeter."
You rolled your eyes at him, but didn't attempt to hide your burning cheeks. The bastard couldn’t possibly know exactly how brightly your torch for him was burning, but he always acted accordingly.
"So, what are you doing here then? Odd place for playing tourist, innit?"
He leaned on the counter, his hand moving closer to where yours was resting and there was that little, dark gleam of hope in his eyes that always appeared when he looked at you. As if there was somehow some other reasonable purpose you could have to be in a place like this, at a time like this.
You shrugged, biting down a smile.
"I find the climate rather agreeable."
John threw his head back and laughed at that. Even the barkeep, who had overheard your words, snorted. You caught his gaze before he turned back around and ordered a sparkling water.
"Right. And I just happened by to see the sights, eh?"
"Well, what do you think of them then?"
You raised an eyebrow at him and took a sip of the fizzy water the barkeep placed in front of you. John grinned and gave you an obvious once-over. Your dirty boots and high-neck jumper didn't seem to put him off.
"Much improved since this morning. At this rate, I can't wait to see how they'll look in the night."
"Oh, I ought to slap that smirk off your smug face, wizard," you sighed, feeling how your stomach was practically fluttering at his suggestive tone.
"Is that a promise, luv?"
"You're insufferable."
"Aye, that I am, luv, but you keep coming back for more. Must be doing something right, eh?"
You bit your lip and looked down; he suddenly felt too close. And the general level of noise inside the pub from people chattering wasn't as high as you had hoped. It would be easy for others to overhear anything you said. Given the island-wide unrest over the murder, you were sure ears were perked more than usual and you didn't want to draw any attention to yourself, or John. You would have to gather more information some other way.
"I missed you, too," you confessed, staring at the bottles lining the wall behind the bar as if they were all of a sudden exceedingly interesting. "But I... I thought you were helping out a certain green vigilante overseas these days."
John visibly tensed up.
"Who told you that?"
You shrugged, still not looking directly at him. The truth was that he couldn't really hide from you, not even in your current state. If he found out though, you didn't doubt for a second that his heated flirting would be switched for a literal knife in the back before you could even think the word "portal". Well, perhaps not literal, but you had no doubt the outcome would be fatal for you anyway.
"Who told you to come here?," you countered, raising an eyebrow and John scoffed.
"If you must know, I got a call from an old friend. Looks like she's been scrying on her own and this little spit of land kept drawing all her energy. Didn't seem like something I could ignore."
"You should've," you mumbled, taking a large slurp of your water and doing your best to ignore the persistent little spark of envy starting to gnaw away at you at his choice of words. What old friend? It had to be someone he had slept with, it always was with him. Why couldn't you just not care? "Take my advice, John, leave. Go home and lay low. I'll handle this island."
"Is that concern for old Johnny I hear, luv?," he asked with mock-surprise.
"Maybe. Don't let it get to your head, your ego won't be able to fit into that coat of yours."
He chuckled, but the tension was still there and you didn't know how to break it without giving him the truth, or at least something close.
"Your turn, pretty bird. I don't believe in coincidences like this, so tell me. How'd you know to come here?"
Lying to John Constantine was out of the question. As was being honest with him.
You chewed on your lip a bit, weighing your options. It wasn't like him to accept any kind of help unless he was downright desperate and that was still a long way off. If you challenged him though, he was most likely to flee, that much you knew. But you didn't want to get on his bad side unless you had absolutely no other choice.
"Leave," you repeated. "This one's out of your league, John. Let me take care of it, please."
The way your eyes were pleading with him made him frown and you realised you might have shown too much of your hand.
"I'm not going anywhere, luv." His hand was on top of yours on the bar before you could move it. To anyone looking, it seemed like an affectionate gesture, but he was effectively pinning you in place. "Not until you give me a bloody good reason not to give you the same treatment as whatever beast it is we're dealing with on this island."
"Let go of me."
Your voice wasn't very loud, but you knew he could hear you. He answered by pressing down harder on your hand and you winced.
"Why is it so hard for you to believe I just want to keep you safe?," you all but hissed at him, emptying your drink with a sour expression.
"Oh, I trust you just about as far as I can throw you, luv. Every time I see your pretty little face it means there's trouble brewing just around the corner."
"I saved your life in Tennessee. And in Derry," you tried, but his hold didn't loosen. If anything, John was now gripping your hand so hard no blood could possibly flow to your fingers. "I am trying to do your stubborn Scouse arse a bloody favour, why can't you just for once in your damn life listen to me?"
"Tell me your name then and maybe I will."
Fuck. Somehow it always came down to that.
"Xanadu," you snapped through gritted teeth, eyeing John with what you hoped was an appropriate amount of ire. "Xanadu contacted me and told me about this place. Happy? Obviously, she wasn't going to tell you now, was she?"
John withdrew his hand from you as though you'd burned him. It felt about as pleasant as a punch to the teeth, but you tried not to let it show on your face.
"I suppose you're right...," he admitted. "What did she tell you then? Her usual cryptic nonsense I reckon?"
"For someone in your line of work, you're not at all keen on prophecy reading, are you?," you sighed, forcing a bit of humour into your words.
There was no love lost between John Constantine and Madame Xanadu, that much had been clear to you from the beginning. But even though she couldn't stand the sight of him, she believed John was instrumental in keeping the world safe and had begrudgingly agreed to help you protect him when she could.
"Not really my style. I prefer things more tangible, to the point. Besides, I don't need to worry about divination when I have you."
"You rarely do."
"Not by my choice, luv."
Your eyes flickered back to the empty glass in front of you and you had to take a very slow breath to try and steady yourself. His effect on you was too strong for you to be safe around him. Your job required a clear head - for both your sakes.
"A restless darkness will carry its evil across the water to be unleashed upon the twice-named rocks," you recited, steeling your voice as you averted his unspoken question the way you always did. "It wasn't that cryptic at all for once."
He didn't need to hear the other part. You could feel his eyes roaming your face, trying to figure you out, looking for something without fully knowing what. It was at times like these you missed your wings. Keeping secrets in a human body full of emotions and urges and reactions beyond your immediate control was frustrating at best. It was another reason you were better off keeping your distance.
After a while of searching your features, John sighed and gave up.
"Alright. So it's probably some kind of malevolent spirit then, wreaking havoc. Don't see why you're so worried luv, sounds like any other Tuesday to me."
The barkeep was close enough for you to signal for a refill to you both. He grunted something unintelligible, obviously not too keen on all the Brits suddenly hanging out in his pub. You made sure to send him a grateful smile as he filled your glasses, yours with sparkling water, John's with whisky.
"My weeks are all Mondays," you said and raised the glass to your lips; just as you had hoped, John did the same. "Did you get here in time to see the body?"
"Only after they moved it. Wasn't pretty..." He took another swig while staring at the wall with a distant glaze clouding his eyes that told you he wasn't seeing the wall at all. "Pathologist told me the man had been alive when 'is head was severed. The, er... the inscriptions..." John looked just as sickly green as the constable had done and very gently you put your hand on his shoulder. A small gesture of reassurance. "I'm tired," he whispered suddenly. He turned his head to look at you and your heart ached when you realised how glassy his eyes had become. "I am just so bloody tired. Demons, vampires, curses, spirits, the lot. No matter where I go, there're always more and people die, it never stops. Innocent people, good people... I just want a fucking break, but if I don't stop the darkness from spreading, who will?"
His voice was thin and on the verge of breaking entirely. You wanted nothing more than to lean forwards on the stool and put your arms around him, somehow make him know he wasn't alone, but the risk was too great. You were in too deep already.
"Sometimes I wonder whether it's all worth it..."
"Of course it's worth it, John," you said quietly, clenching his shoulder. "We do what we have to so they...," you gestured discreetly towards the patrons, ”they can go on living their lives and not... not know and see the things we do..."
"I know, luv, I know. I just... I want..." The gloom that was always lurking just below the surface of his existence was spilling into his eyes. He was weary to the bone, deep into his very soul. For a moment, you thought he was going to let the tears burst. "I risk my life every day and it's never bloody enough, is it? A man got his head carved off by some wretched spirit who should have been resting in peace. Fuckin’ Hell..."
He rubbed his eyes hard and you decided then what to do. You didn't like it one bit, but seeing John this worn down, well, you liked that even less. It meant you had been sleeping on the job.
As subtly as you could, you put your hand in your pocket and found the tiny zip-bag with a pinch of purple powder in it. It wasn't something you used often and it had never been meant for John, but you couldn't in good conscience let him go after a rogue spirit in his current state. While he emptied his glass again, you drizzled the powder into your hand and braced yourself.
"John, look at me. It's going to be alright. You are John Constantine and without you this world would have ended twelve times in the last decade, maybe more. And right now you are going to save this island, because that is what you do. So get off your sulking arse and stop feeling sorry for yourself. We have a job here. You're going to find that spirit and put it out of its misery before it hurts someone else, got it?"
He huffed, but even so raised his head and managed a small grateful smile at the reprimand.
"Yes. You're right. Thank you, luv. You always know what to say..." His eyes darted to your lips and for half a heartbeat, you did nothing, just sat there and waited for him to lean in the rest of the way and kiss you. It was far from the first time it had happened, but you still felt at war with yourself. There wasn't a single atom left in you anymore that didn't crave his affection. He was drunk and emotional and between the way he looked at you and the way there suddenly seemed to be less and less space separating your bodies, there was no doubt about his intention. It would be so easy just to finally give in and let it happen.
"Don't thank me."
Before he could lean back or ask you what you meant, you blew the purple powder straight into his face.
His eyes widened in shock, but his body immediately began to turn relaxed and pliant.
"Oh, you have got to be kidding me...," he mumbled, but his gaze was already unfocused.
"I'm so sorry, John," you whispered, gently guiding his torso onto the bar.
He tried to say something more, but his words were slurred and within a few seconds, he was gone.
You had gotten the sleeping powder from a dealer in New Orleans, who had told you the effects would last at least four hours. They always oversold their stuff, but hopefully John would be out long enough for you to deal with the entire affair if you hurried up and took a few shortcuts. It was a messy solution, but then again, you hadn't planned on him being here. Desperate times and all that.
"He gonna be lying there all night?," the barkeep grumbled with a raised eyebrow at John when you hopped down from your stool. You put on the best smile you could manage under the circumstances and slid 50 quid across the counter.
"He'll come ‘round soon enough. If not, I'll be back for him in a few."
You practically fled the pub before he could ask you any more questions.
The road outside was deserted and you hoped no one was watching as you marched to the lonely phone box you had spotted earlier. It didn't look like anyone had used it in several years, but when you picked up the receiver the dial tone was there alright.
You took out a stained, battered playing card from the depths of one of your pockets (the seven of diamonds) and slid it into the credit card slot. You didn't own a mobile phone and neither did most of your acquaintances, but still you had memorised the few numbers you occasionally needed.
"Hey Chas, it's me," you said when the answering machine finally picked up. "I'm at the island with John and I haven't got much time. I don’t want to get John involved in this so I need to work fast. There's no need to worry, really, I've got it under control, but... just in case something unforeseen happens, uhm... if I don't call back in let's say ten hours, will you let John know where to find my body? He can't track me in his usual ways, so he'll need your help."
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. What you were about to do was risky, maybe even reckless.
"I'm going to the beach where they found the dead man and work my way from there. If... if I don't succeed..." It was as if your throat was suddenly full of gravel. "Chas, please, just make sure John isn't the one to take on that spirit. He is not ready for that." Too late, you held the receiver away from your face while you tried to suppress a sniffle. So much for convincing Chas Chandler that you had things under control. Forcing your voice to even out, you continued. "I have to go. Just help him if I can’t, okay? And don’t worry too much. I’ll probably see you in a couple of days.”
Before you could say anything even more stupid, you hung up and slid your helpful seven of diamonds back into your coat. Handy little thing to have on you.
You left the phone box in the last light of day and made your way down to the beach. It took you twenty minutes to reach the cove and less than one to sneak under the police tape unseen. There were just two constables standing guard at the scene and they only looked when you wanted them to. For an active crime scene, the site was unusually quiet, but you attributed your luck to the dusk that made searching for clues almost impossible.
Of course, that went for you as well, you thought sourly as you carefully stepped around the little plastic numbers the police forensics had put up all over the little stretch of beach. You could make out the bloody piece of driftwood and the large dark spatter running down the stones where the corpse had lain, but nothing smaller than those. Even if the place was rather secluded, you didn’t dare light a torch with the uniforms standing idly guard so close by.
Sighing, you closed your eyes and concentrated.
The place was tingling with dark energy and it became clearer the more you felt around, using your own magic.
A spirit, just like you had anticipated. A lost soul preying on the living for… revenge? Yes, the bloody traces sang with the mad desire for vengeance that so often kept the dead from their rest. 
Bloodshed, the thirst temporarily quenched. Then what?
The movements of the spirit became blurry after that no matter how hard you tried to focus. The leftover energy had been disturbed and mixed with the signatures of all the people who had been to the crime scene since the discovery of the body and it was impossible to make out without assistance, even for someone as experienced as you.
If you couldn’t locate the soul, you couldn’t send it packing. 
Luring it via séance required more people and it was too risky for everyone involved anyway. Without its name, summoning it was out of the question as well.
You groaned when you realised what you had to do.
Making sure for the last time you couldn’t be seen from the line of police tape above you, you took off your backpack and dark raincoat and shoved both of them under the nearest rock. Next, you loosened your boots and sat them next to the backpack, then your thick scarf and woollen jumper. With short, angry movements, you rolled your trousers down and folded them hastily, ripped off your socks and wriggled out of your top.
“You’re so bloody lucky I love you, John,” you mumbled through clenched teeth that were starting to rattle in your skull. With fingers already numb from the cold, you unclasped your bra and slid down your underwear before you could change your mind, and with a deep breath, you stepped into the waves.
Even before you went into the sea, your body had been covered in goosebumps from the chilly October air, but the surfs rising around your legs now made you heave for breath with every step forward. The rocks under your feet were dull compared to the sharpness of the water. When it reached you mid-thigh you had to stop and wait for the pain to subside enough so that you could get further out. You were too close to the beach and the water was still too shallow for your purpose.
A tangle of seaweed drifted past your ankle, or at least you hoped it was just seaweed. It was hard to tell for sure in the dark.
Your submerged muscles were screaming as you forced yourself out until the water reached your ribs. If only that wretched spirit hadn’t chosen the middle of the bleeding autumn to throw its tantrum.
“Sacred Nanuet, your humble servant speaks to you,” you intoned through gritted teeth and held out your hands on either side of you so the gentle waves touched the palms of your hands. “She beseeches you; allow her the honour of sharing in your wisdom. Blessed goddess, lend her your sight and expand her understanding, your humble servant begs of you, great Nanuet…”
The ancient language you muttered your request in felt strange on your tongue as always, but your flattery worked. You could feel the magic start to sing under your hands and so you took a deep breath and lowered yourself completely into the sea.
The stranglehold of the freezing water somehow got pushed into the background of your conscience and within a beat of your heart your mind was alight with images. Through the water, you could see most of the world, but you focused on Raven’s Rock and the little beach behind you. The water had seen it all. From the depths of the ocean, it rolled onto the sand and sneaked its way under the island’s rocks, seeped into the soil and was drunk by the hungry roots of The Green, stretching into the light above ground…
It wasn’t long before you managed to zero in on the exact event you needed. The Sight of Nanuet allowed your mind to access the memory of the watery abyss, which included as good as all water on Earth and not a lot of people mastered navigating it anymore. You had been forced to use a lot of wordly magic since you lost your wings and so had learned to find what you needed relatively easy.
Through the Sight, you saw the murder of the man on the beach, how the spirit severed his head and lapped at the blood before turning away from the scene. It lost some of its shape then, but through the dewy grass above the cove and the moist air, you managed to follow it away from the beach and across the land.
The spirit held its physical form, or at least the overall contours of it, and it made it easier to trail. From what you could tell, it definitely had been human when it had been alive. Poor thing. If only it hadn’t gone and murdered someone, maybe you could have sent it to rest. 
But would you even be there if it hadn’t?
When the spirit finally settled, you had followed it to an old, abandoned stone house with no windows and a door rotting away on the hinges. The place must have been a farm. There were several small outhouses scattered around the main building and indents in the earth marking former animal pens. The roof had been a thatched one, but now it was more moss than straw and what still remained beneath the heavy green patches had long since turned mouldy and dark. A few shards of glass jutted from some of the window frames like crude, predatory teeth waiting to chew up whoever was unfortunate or foolish enough to get close.
You went after the spirit through the remnants of the front door.
A voice in the back of your head told you it was enough, you should get out of the house and the Sight and the water. You had what you needed for now.
But the way the spirit slumped through the dark rooms and up a ramshackle staircase, as if it had done it a hundred times before, as if it belonged there in that house, intrigued you. It didn't match your original theory, the reason you didn't want John involved.
Curiosity piqued, you followed the lonely ghost up the stairs, where it turned left and went into a room with what had been two alcoves in the wall but were now mostly caved in. The room didn't have any windows and it was hard to make out the details, but the flimsy shape of the spirit trudged towards one of the beds and with motions as if the bedding had still been intact, it lay down and pulled the memory of a blanket over itself.
You slowly got closer, unsure of what to do. The visible shape of the ghost was gone now that it was no longer in motion and the general gloom of the empty house made it near impossible for you to see anything clearly. But the person the ghost had been once seemed so at home here. You couldn't feel any hostility from it at all, not even a trace. Only peace, comfort. Quiet.
This had been its home once when it had lived, you were almost certain of it.
But the desolate little stone house, out of the way even for the island's standard, must have stood abandoned for several decades, maybe even a century or two. If the ghost had lived here it was much older than you had initially thought.
Which meant you might have knocked John out for nothing.
You had to find out more and fast, but it was unlikely the memory of the house before your closed eyes would yield anything further. Even if it was dark and late in the evening, you would have to go there physically. The chances of finding something would be higher, and besides, you couldn't stay in the water forever. You were almost human, after all.
The thought had barely crossed your mind before the reflex to breathe kicked in and you could feel the freezing seawater rush down your throat. One inhale was all it took for your lungs to feel heavy as a pair of burning bricks. A fleeting realisation, that drowning was one of the most unpleasant sensations you’d had the misfortune of experiencing since losing your wings, faintly made it to the front of your perception before the back of your head hit the sand on the ocean floor. Then the only thing you could focus on was the pressure of the water and the way your body grew ever more numb…
The room still flickered before your eyes, slowly losing definition as you lost consciousness. Strange, you mused with your last bit of coherence, that an angel from Heaven should die looking up at it from so far below, in the cold embrace of the sea. It wasn't even painful anymore, the water, but oddly comforting, lulling you to rest, holding you tight.
The only regret you had was leaving John…
The last thing you saw before your eyes fell shut was his face above yours and a faint smile moved your lips. How very considerate of your mind to conjure up his image as the last thing you would ever see.
You could feel his arms around you even, fingers digging into your skin, his body pressed down against your own…
“Bloody fucking Hell, let her go!” The words didn’t make sense to you and they sounded so awfully far away. “She isn’t yours, you stupid paegan relic, let go of her! Let go!”
But you were, you were letting go, there was nothing more you could do.
“Christ, luv, which heathen tosspot did you enlist to drown you?! Yam, Ægir? Tiamat? Nanuet? Nanuet, isn’t it?” At the invocation of her name, you could feel the ancient goddess slacken her hold on you, as if in surprise, and you vaguely realised that the embrace you felt didn’t belong to her or the water, but to John. “Oh, you always were a fickle tart. Let go of this servant or so help me God, I, John Constantine, will destroy you and every last shrine still bearing your blasted name! Let her go!”
With a cry you weren’t sure was even coming from you, your face broke the surface of the waves. You violently coughed up seawater and if it weren’t for John’s arms, you would have fallen right back down into the deep. Your head was spinning. The numbness gave way to a cold so freezing you might as well have been rolling in needles. Everything hurt. Your legs felt unsteady, no, your entire body felt as if someone had replaced your bones with straw and your muscles with jelly.
“J-John…,” you coughed, but he shushed you, keeping you close to him in the water.
“I know, luv, it’s a bloody miracle you aren’t dead, you’re welcome for that. Now let’s get you out of the water, yeah?”
He was really there, drenched in the North Sea in the middle of October at what might as well have been the edge of the Earth, just to save you from drowning. His white shirt and black trousers clung to his frame like film and from what you could make out in the light from the moon, he was shuddering from the cold, too. You had never wanted to kiss him so badly before.
“I c-can’t m-m-move,” you got out through teeth rattling painfully in your skull, suddenly all too aware of your proximity and your own state of undress. As much as you wanted to cling to him for warmth, for closeness, the logical part of your muddled brain was screaming at you to keep your distance. That was what you did, wasn’t it?
“‘Course you can’t. How long were you under for, anyway? Completely off your rocker summoning a paegan goddess alone at night in the middle of the bloody ocean! What were you thinking?”
“I-I saw the g-ghost,” you weakly tried stammering through your clattering teeth. “Saw h-how it killed-ungh!”
You let out a groan as John swiftly picked you up and started carrying you towards shore. Your severely tested heart felt as though it might give out entirely. Never had you been reckless enough to let him touch you like this before, to let him hold you, as if you were a lover who would readily indulge in such intimacy. If it weren’t for the fact that you were very likely about to freeze to death, your cheeks would have been on fire. Every inch of your skin would have been scorching.
As it were, you were too cold and too exhausted for your body to produce that kind of heat. Surrendering to the fatigue in your bones, you allowed your head to rest against him and closed your eyes. He could carry you to shore or to Hell on his hands. You weren’t going to argue. For the first time in all your human life, you completely let your guard down.
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monicawoe · 3 years
Series review of Lucifer (seasons one through five)
Mystical whooshing intensifies
So I initially watched the pilot of this show when it first aired and had a knee jerk comic snob reaction of: Ugh, everything is wrong! This isn’t like the comics at all, harrumph. But then recently two friends whose opinions I value greatly said it was good fun, so I gave it another chance. And wow am I glad I did!
The first three seasons at Fox were very much case based police procedurals format with the bonus of one partner being the Devil himself and the added bonus of the Devil going to therapy at some point during each episode (and also piano!!). It was to me a popcorn show, highly entertaining but not something I initially thought I’d get emotionally sucked into. But then I did. Pretty quickly too.
Lots more thoughts below (spoilery for seasons 3-5)
The main cast is largely responsible for why I fell so hard for this show (I love Maze and Amenadiel so much), but so are the side characters that come and go, like Tricia Helfer who has been near the top of my can make me cry in two seconds flat list since Battlestar Galactica.
Of the Fox seasons there’s a lot of great one offs, but the end of the season three finale 3x24, specifically the shot of Lucifer wrapping Chloe in his wings and him crashing through the window blood spattered and using the wings as weapons was my absolute fave, plus the gif sets of those scenes is another part of why I decided to give the show another chance.
Once Netflix takes over in season four there’s a tonal shift that I was at first worried was going to be dark and gritty™️ but instead it’s more like dark and gritty as defined by myself back when I was a fifteen year old goth. Meaning it’s everything I wanted then and still really enjoy now but not grim dark. It’s like season four doubled down on all the stuff that makes the premise so intriguing and had Chloe and Lucifer confront the sheer insanity of their respective situations while simultaneously leaning into the surreal ridiculousness of it all. Also Lucifer's continudity, which speaks for itself.
The season four penultimate episode - specifically the whole masquerade ball sequence and aftermath was so well done, and I really loved in particular the bit in the elevator where Lucifer's power is in overdrive and all Chloe has to do is ask the woman she pulled in with them to get an answer. And obviously the whole fully transformed Lucifer accepting himself scene was great. The Devil effects were so well done this season! Somebody who knows this stuff better than I do can probably confirm- but I feel like Netflix used far more practical effects and digital more as enhancement whereas Fox particularly early on relied solely on digital Devil face, is that right?
The season four finale opening to Kenny Loggins was hilarious, particularly Dan’s jump / Lucifer lifting him and Lucifer’s slide onto Chloe’s desk leading directly into the first “real” scene of the episode, just amazing. Though, side-note: given the musical in season five, was this sequence maybe real after all? Or just some sort of meta-level foreshadowing on the similarities between Lucifer and his Dad?
And the ending of this episode oh my goodness. Listen, I’ve got such a thing for Lucifer and the Devil on screen anyway and I have since I first saw Tim Curry’s the Darkness in Legend as a kid, but the whole way that scene was staged, with the demons grabbing Chloe, and Lucifer’s “You will bow down,” and then sending them all home with a word was just :chef's kiss:.
And the ending scenes from the balcony to Hell was so sad and so fucking great. The throne was awesome  (on that note I really dig this show’s depiction of Hell, both the landscape and the mechanics of it).
The season five opener was also really well done. There was something so lovely about Lucifer working the same case as Chloe from below and with Lee too! I absolutely loved the LA skyline and Lucifer peeling back the illusion to show Hell, and everything he did with Lee. And then of course we get the introduction of Michael which was such a fascinating way to start off the season.
Another big highlight for me in season five was the musical episode which I wrote about HERE.
And then of course the season five finale, which was absolutely everything fifteen year old me wanted finally realized. I’ll mention here briefly that I was a huge fan of the Prophecy movies back in those days and in general any property brave enough to try full wing effects (practical or otherwise) on angels. Netflix pulled it off beautifully.
Fave moments: Lucifer’s gut-wrenching agony when Chloe is killed and his litany of “No.” Michael looked dumbfounded by his brother’s pain. And then of course Lucifer flying to Heaven to get Chloe back, regardless of whether it would destroy him or not. That’s the level of obsessive self-sacrificial love I eat up with a spoon. Chloe wall slamming (and floor slamming) Michael was so satisfying, as was Lucifer returning just in time to keep her from delivering the final blow.
I knew immediately Lucifer was going to cut off Michael’s wings instead of killing him, but that didn’t make the moment any less powerful. And the stairs worked beautifully for the final scene.  Lucifer’s shock when everyone (except Chloe) took a knee and the closing line were both pitch perfect and such an awesome set up for the next and final season.
I haven’t been this excited by a season finale in a long time and immediately wrote a fic which I’ve posted HERE. It’s very possible there’s more coming, but I wanted to at least get this first part posted before any season six spoilers come out.
If anyone else has thoughts on the show overall, or season five, or any season really, feel free to comment on this post, would love to read other people’s reactions too. Also is there a Lucifer discord anywhere?
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encyclopika · 4 years
18 & 20 For the ask game!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH KAT!!! <3 God this is long.
From this writer’s ask game...feel free to send me some asks!!! :D
Gonna link the stories here for reference and for anyone interested in reading!
The Missing Series // Fire and Brimstone
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
Yes, ma’am! First I’m going to say that most do not, but the Missing series, particularly all that concerning Asuka and Ai, does in a big way...particularly the completely altered timeline that follows them if she doesn’t go away. You’ve seen the comic, where Ai doesn’t lose her nerve that snowy day and makes it obvious to him she also has stock in a deeper relationship. Yeah, that one. I’m currently working on more short comics from that timeline. Not necessarily a whole story, but snippets from that fluffier timeline. But that also means a few things happen differently - for one, Krow doesn’t join the Ryukyu offices, mostly because, in that timeline, he’s allowed to fulfill his own heroic story faster than he can in Missing. He’s not actually a rescue hero, but he doesn’t have Ai around in the main series to come into that as quickly. 
I also almost went harder on Ochako’s duality in Missing, almost making Uravity a separate entity that was starting to hate Ochako’s bullshit. I honestly hated that and clearly didn’t do that. Instead, the duality is more “in her head” than anything. This idea kinda comes out in Krow and Asuka instead.
Additionally, there was, once upon a time, an alternative “Missing”, in which Deku chooses not to return to Tokyo for the Pyromancer case, and Ochako faces him alone. It gets obnoxiously dark and gritty, to the point where I’ve taken that OnO fuel and split it between Escape Artists and my little-known horror project Downpour I’ve been working on in not-secret. But, yeah, that’s definitely an abandoned plotline...*shudders*.
There are small details here and there that I changed in both Missing and Missing Out that created alts, mostly concerning Deku and how he fights baddies/figures things out, name changes for OCs, The Ring’s and Pyromancer’s whole identities changed, and Irina’s characterization has really gone through the ringer (from being another lovable asshole bird like Krow that simply gets on his nerves, to being a dangerous, but important antagonist). I also had Deku introduce the idea that people’s quirks can kill them in Missing because I intended to explore it more, and I’m not sure if that’s totally abandoned... 
Thanks for asking this one. <3
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
All of that. I don’t wanna toot my own horn, but I live for hidden messages, references, callbacks, foreshadowing and symbolism. The Missing series (and to a lesser extent, Fire and Brimstone) is simply overflowing with these things...there’s so much that even with all of the people who have read it, there are still gems and Easter Eggs left to be discovered. And, before I get into it and make this post obscenely long, my reasoning for doing this is simple - I want you to read my fics again...I want to have reread value. 
I’m going to put it under a cut in case anyone wants to discover them for themselves and also general spoils. Here are the ones I’m MOST proud of or that make me laugh or, dare I say it, make me feel smart. This is not an exhaustive list, and of course, I’m not pointing out any future Missing series meta for sake of spoilers.
Titles, titles, titles, girl you know I love titles. I’m a title SNOB. And I do A LOT of fun things with titles, such as:
1. Using the title of the fic as a buzz word and callback to the theme. 
I get real obnoxious with this in the Missing series. The overarching theme of Missing is, well, missing people, particularly in the vain of heartache, loss, and longing. And I put it everywhere:
From Missed Chance:
Despite keeping steadfast to her goals and to her future, she knew that for a long time, she'd be missing him.
From Missing:
Today, there would be an update. As much as she wished it weren't so, the only time she saw Deku was when it had to do with Pyromancer or for a brief moment before leaving the police station in the mornings. Any other time, she was missing him.
“I miss you.”
“I'm always missing you.” 
That's probably how he wanted it - being Asuka, the one still missing Ai, was too painful.
It couldn't ever be the same again, and Ochako was happy for it, feeling like her life was now so full.
And not a thing was missing.
From Missing Out:
“Miss me?”
“Only a little.”
But even when she was being annoying as hell, I craved her, like I knew I'd miss her. 
Still, after all that time in the cold, her lips seemed like a warm reprieve...if I could have ever gotten there...
I miss her.
I'm always missing her.
^This one’s a double whammy, for obvious reasons.
2. Using chapter titles to run with a theme, too.
This only happens in Missing and Missing Out, but, look:
Chapter titles for Missing are the life of a fire and also follow the level of stress in the fic, as well as Ochako’s feelings: Hot Coals, Rekindling, Reignited, On Fire, Blazing, Inferno, Burn Out, Backdraft
Those words are used in their respective chapters too AND we run through them when Ochako is considering confessing or not in the last chapter.
I pull the same kind of crap in Missing Out, except all the chapter titles are things Ai gave to Asuka. If it’s an object, the object is in the chapter, otherwise, it’s stated in the chapter, too.: A Desperate Lie, Lunch, Skills, Home, No Conditions, Second Chances, Worry, Agony. It’s also in reference to this, because kill me, I guess.
Bonus: Since the story is told from within the theatre of Asuka’s memories, the titles for chapters 7 and 8, “Worry” and “Agony”, are spoiled in Chapter 6 here:
I didn't know I'd missed my last shot at telling her...I didn't know that I really would be missing out on a life with her.
Because everything after this is worry and agony.
3. Title allusions and character.
Particularly for “Fire and Brimstone”, the title sounds like it’s just about the main boys, Katsuki = Fire, and Kirishima = Brimstone. BUT BUT BUT it’s also referencing biblical shit, which is appropriate, given it’s an Angel/Demon AU. It refers to God’s wrath when people use it loosely, but it is also the torment in hell for the deadly sin lust. *hint hint nudge nudge*
Okay that’s enough about titles. How about the fact that 
Krow is a Crow
So many little crow quirks, lore, and bullshit is put into this character, like wow.
1. The entire concept of his quirk is all about crow lore, in that they are often connected with death in a number of cultures. This is why, although he doesn’t like to explain it, his quirk isn’t literally a sense of smell, but a little more mystical than that. It’s a sense. His quirk also references the Carrion Crow, Corvus corone, for which he’s based, which is a scavenger and is heavily associated with carrion and is native to Japan.
2. The green and purple iridescence of his wings are also referred from the Carrion Crow in particular. 
3. What’s not overly obvious is that crows and ravens have positive lore too - in a number of cultures they are guides and messengers, sometimes to people, sometimes to Gods, which Krow fulfills to both Ochako and Ai (with Ai’s quirk, she could be compared to a goddess, for which he acts as the messenger - this was how she figured their partnership would work). Krow kind of puts this and the negative lore together when he explains his quirk for real in Missing Out:
 As a teenager, I ignored them. Death is everywhere and it usually isn't important. Whatever messages they need sending, I'm not the crow they're looking for.
He also actually has a messenger bag in Missing Out.
4. It’s referenced in Missing and outright admitted in Missing Out that he’s inexplicably attracted to shiny things, which is more or less also crow lore, rather than fact, but still. 
5. Krow’s name “Asuka” is a unisex name that refers to scents, but also birds and flight. There are a bunch of different refs that say differently, but I’m sticking with that. “Dakuro” is Engrish for “Dark”, which, if you really wanna meta, is actually his last name, considering his father is British. “Dakuro” is just how the Japanese people around him pronounce it. XD
6. He admits to collecting random shit he finds aesthetic, in reference to hoarding and collecting as crows do. 
7. Asuka and Ai’s “lunch for quirk fodder” exchange, as well as his giving her the necklace and the box of quirk fodder, is in direct reference to this adorable true story.
8. Asuka speaks more than one language and is capable of mimicry during his “feral response” while fighting the Bear Trap Villain. This is in reference to the fact that crows and ravens are capable of mimicking human speech like parrots.
9. Asuka likes to sit in high places and watch people, and squats in tree for the majority of Missing Out and often bitches about walking anywhere, unless it’s to protect Ai. He has the mentality of a bird. He’s also built like a bird, with hollow bones and air sacs to assist his properly sized wings during flight.
10. He’s actually incredibly intelligent, and uses it to finagle out of tough situations and generally be a trickster, as is crow/raven lore, but crows/ravens are considered the smartest group of birds besides parrots. Unfortunately, this gets balanced out by the fact he’s a teenage human boy, which makes him lazy and capable of dumbass moments. 
11. The murder investigations - there’s a number of instances where Krow can’t help but be drawn to death from his death sense in both Missing and Missing Out. He can’t stop himself from investigating the building Pyro is hiding in, the murder warehouse, and when Ai dies. Crows and ravens will gather around fallen comrades in a mix of mourning and also in an effort to try and figure out what happened and if that threat still pertains to them. 
:3 Birb <3
Secret Messages and Tells and Foreshadowing and Symbolism
-In Missed Chance, the duality split of Ochako and Uravity is referenced as happening at a particular moment. Throughout Missing, Uravity is treated as apart from Ochako until the end of Missing where they “agree” on letting Deku help. It’s a duality of self representation.
-At the end of Missing, I’m hoping its clear everyone but Iida was in on leaving the two of them alone. Aoyama initiates it by leaving first.
-There are at least two instances where there’s heavy foreshadowing of the end of chapter 7, once with Aoyama:
“Then where in this overcrowded city?”
“I see. Among the clouds, then.*”
And again with Deku:
“That's a relief. Now, I just need to make sure I don't float myself into the stratosphere and you'll be right!”
-There is SO MUCH symbolism related to flying and birds, I can’t really put it all here, but it’s there. Also so much symbolism to fire in Missing, not only with Pyro’s quirk, but Ochako’s feelings..
-Krow reacts to a memory of Ai before we know she exists (since he’s hiding it) while they are interrogating Necromancer: “That’s not bringing them back. That’s nothing like bringing them back.” He also lets it slip a bit that he’d speaking from experience when ragging on Ochako about Deku. Deku also introduces the idea that people’s quirks can kill them in the same chapter, which is in reference to Ai, but also what ends up happening to Ochako, more or less.
-If you replace Ai’s name with the literal meaning of her name in some sentences of Missing and Missing Out, the UwU angst goes up to an 11. Here’s the one that’s particularly the gut punch:
Ai saved me in every way someone could be saved.
[Love] saved me in every way someone could be saved.
-End of chapter 5 of Missing Out, No Conditions, it should be obvious as hell that if Ai wasn’t in love with Asuka before, she certainly is now. Particularly in the gift box scene, he gives her...butterflies...right? 
-Ai is compared to the winter throughout Missing Out. This is more in reference to what she means to Asuka than anything else. Winter, as a season, is the great equalizer and although things die in the winter, it is also necessary to the bloom in spring. This refers to the shift in Asuka’s life because of her - his villain life ends and his hero life begins. 
-In fact, that whole scene in the snow is based off this gif, particularly the alt comic. It’s of two crows sitting in the snow kissing UwU.
-In both Fire and Brimstone and Missing Out, it should be getting pretty obvious I like to have my winged beasties flutter their wings when they’re in love. 
Referencing Literature & Real Life & Pop Culture/Memes
-Pyromancer’s first crime in Alaska is based off the McCarthy, Alaska massacre where a lone gunman gunned down 6 of the 22 residents and injured more. Guy almost killed the entire town. Pyromancer actually did.
-I’ve referred to “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe a number of times, particularly in Krow’s famous line
“Nevermore, bitch!”
But I also referenced the Telltale Heart, The Cask of Amontillado, Frankenstein, The Wizard of Oz, and fanfiction in general. 
-There’s a pop culture reference in Fire and Brimstone from Bioshock where Shinso says:
“Would you kindly go repent at the alter? Ashido is waiting.”
And I love it a lot, because in Bioshock SPOILERS, “would you kindly” is the trigger phrase that’s supposedly controlling the player, Jack, to do things for Atlas and in canon, Shinso’s quirk is brainwashing. Mineta upon hearing it just goes “okay” and promptly does what Shinso tells him. Shinso’s brainwashing is also referred to by Mineta just before that:
“Or get brainwashed into believing fairy tales,” Mineta said flatly from beside the Angel.
-There is indeed a motherfucking JoJo’s reference in Missing. And there’s more memes where that came from.
-Krow’s use of “my guy”, “lit” etc etc. is self explanatory. He is a whole ass meme chicken.
-In fact, I call Krow and the other birds of the Missing series “chickens” because of the meme of the girl pointing to a bunch of geese saying “look at all these chickens!” In fact, Irina calls and will call Krow a “cock” in Missing Out and Escape Artists, and it’s kind of a more sinister play on this. Transplant and Keeper, during their convo in Missing Out refer to the women captive under Keeper part of her “henhouse” and that she’d need a “rooster” to go through with her plans. Krow also refers to his fight with Irina as a “cockfight”.
-I’m not religious, but the lore is fun to allude to. The religious references should be clear in Fire & Brimstone, and a lot of the words I use relate to the topic, even casually in the narration, but also when the characters say “like hell!” Also in F&B, the real Angelic hierarchy shapes much of the worldbuilding, as do the references to real life racism, police brutality, and other shit like that.
In Missed Chance, the sun coming through the window puts a “halo” around Deku.
In Missing Out, Krow refers to demons on a number of occasions, sometimes towards himself, his family (which in comes the irony, since they look like Angels), but towards the end, it’s used to explain Ai’s mental illness. There are also these choice lines that entertain the notion of heaven and hell:
  Below us was hell – mothers with agendas, school, dipshits, murderous villains, oh my! But up there? It was just us...
I was under no illusions about a heaven...hell certainly exists back down on the ground but I've been high enough now to rule the other place out. Unless this cold, quiet nothingness is supposed to be the intuitive opposite to the chaotic, unfair bullshit below.
-There’s a lot of references and characters with mental illnesses - psychosis, sociopathy, anxiety, depression and PTSD are all explored. In fact, Krow’s tendency to laugh at everything and get triggered by certain events (all of Missing Out is the result of him triggering himself in order to make Ochako realize her mistake) is a tell-tale sign he suffers greatly from PTSD, and Ai’s mental breakdowns are indicative of the anxiety I myself suffer from. Honestly, I just wanted some fics that look into it. 
-In the same strain, all of the characters in Missing present different coping mechanisms towards what first-responders actively go through irl. Much of that was taken from my own life as someone with police in the family and being married to a firefighter/EMT.  
Okay, that’s enough. Hope you enjoyed...I certainly had fun outlining all of it XD
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jennaschererwrites · 4 years
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Inside the Groundbreaking Queer Reboot of ‘She-Ra’ | Rolling Stone
We’re all shaped by the myths we grow up with, whether it’s the stories we learn from holy books or Saturday morning cartoons. Kids who see themselves as the hero learn to center themselves in their own life stories. Kids who see their experiences relegated to the sidelines, or not represented at all, come away with a very different lesson — one that can take years to unlearn.
Which is exactly what makes a show like She-Ra and the Princesses of Power so vital. Since its premiere in 2018, Noelle Stevenson’s reboot of the cult Eighties cartoon has joined a revolution in the world of children’s animation, combining classic genre storytelling with diverse representation and a progressive worldview (see also: Nickelodeon’s The Legend of Korra, Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time and Steven Universe). In its fifth and final season, which dropped on Netflix last month, She-Ra rounded out its 52-episode run by centering a queer romance — specifically, between its hero, Adora, and her best frenemy Catra — and positing that such a love can, quite literally, save the world.
“I knew from the start that it wasn’t going to be easy,” says Stevenson, speaking via phone from Los Angeles. “Because this is She-Ra. To have the culmination of her arc be this lesbian love plot is a big deal! And I understood that. But I also felt that it was really important.”
The original She-Ra: Princess of Power was a 1985 Filmation spin-off of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, which itself was based on a line of Mattel action figures. Set on the planet of Etheria, She-Ra follows a band of magical princesses in their rebellion against the Evil Horde, a totalitarian sci-fi regime bent on global domination. Adora is an ex-Horde soldier who joins the rebellion after she gains the ability to transform into She-Ra, a superpowered Chosen One with glowing blue eyes, a mystical sword, and a very cool outfit.
In 2015, when Stevenson, then 23, found out that DreamWorks Animation was looking for someone to pitch a new take on She-Ra, she jumped at the chance. She was already an Eisner Award-winning cartoonist and writer who had made a name for herself with works like her web comic-turned-graphic novel Nimona and the Boom! Studios series Lumberjanes.
“The world [of She-Ra] is so incredibly vibrant, and has so many powerful female characters. It’s this world that has all my interests rolled into one: It’s got the flying ponies and superpowers and all of these things that, immediately, I was like, ‘I want to do this. I want to be the one to do this,’” she says.
While Stevenson’s reimagination of the world of Etheria pays tribute to its predecessor, it includes some key differences. The reboot transforms the musclebound, scantily-clad grownups of the original series into awkward teens in much more practical (but still very sparkly) clothing. In addition to embracing a diversity of races, genders, and body types, the She-Ra reboot fleshes out the characters and their backstories, giving them fully-fledged arcs and complicating the good/evil binary of the original. The princesses of the rebellion aren’t simply heroic, and the soldiers of the Horde aren’t simply villains; everyone’s just a human being (or scorpion person or alien clone or flying horse, as the case may be) trying to make their way in a world that doesn’t offer easy solutions. It’s also, incidentally, really funny.
For Stevenson, it was crucial that the characters felt three-dimensional, and that it was their choices that guided the direction of the storytelling. “The characters all began with a deep personal flaw, and the process of making the show was kind of giving them the room to process those flaws. But we wanted it to feel organic. We wanted the characters to feel like real people that we knew,” she explains.
From the start, She-Ra’s most compelling tension was always between Adora (Aimee Carrero) and Catra (AJ Michalka), Adora’s childhood best friend who becomes her bitterest rival after Adora leaves the Horde to join the rebellion. In the show’s first four seasons, the two continually fight and reconcile and break apart again, their obsession with each other marking them as something more than frenemies.
“It’s a dynamic that I find really interesting: the attraction and the tension between the villain and the hero, especially when they know each other better than anyone. They love each other, but there’s something between them that cannot be overcome,” Stevenson says.
Stevenson always knew that she wanted the relationship between Catra and Adora to be a romantic one; but she had to walk a fine line, because she didn’t know if the studio would give her the go-ahead to put an explicitly lesbian love story front and center. At first, as in Steven Universe, Rebecca Sugar’s radically progressive series that aired its final episodes earlier this year, she steeped the world of the She-Ra reboot in queerness. The show features multiple side characters in same-sex relationships, characters who flout traditional gender roles, and even a nonbinary character (Double Trouble, voiced by transgender writer and activist Jacob Tobia).
Still, Stevenson, herself a gay woman, wanted young viewers to be able to see a queer relationship that wasn’t just incidental, but central to the plot of the entire series. “I’ve loved these stories my entire life, you know? I was a huge Star Wars and Lord of the Rings fan as a kid. But there weren’t a lot of characters that I felt personally represented by,” she says. “We love what makes these stories classic, but we’ve seen them all culminate in the same kind of romance so many times: The hero gets the girl, he gets the kiss, and then he saves the world. And it’s not just [swapping] the man and the woman for two women. You have to actually approach it from a standpoint of: How do you make these stories, at their roots, queer?
“So that’s what I was trying to do — for little queer kids to see that this is normal, that these are stories that can happen and that exist, and that can center them and make them feel seen and understood.”
Whether or not Adora and Catra’s romance would become canonical was in the hands of the studio, and it was a risk Stevenson couldn’t be sure it would be willing to take. So the show played a long game — hinting at a romantic dynamic between the two without making it explicit, for fear of disappointing fans in the end if they weren’t able to deliver. Fortunately, a groundswell of viewer support for a potential relationship between the characters — a phenomenon known in the fan community as “shipping” — allowed Stevenson to make a case to the studio for supporting the story she wanted to tell with She-Ra.
“Just as I had hoped, people started picking up on this tension and getting really passionate about it,” she says. “It was immediately one of the strongest fandom ships right out of the gate. And that was when I finally showed my hand and was like, ‘Look. We’ve got a bunch of people who, just off Season One, are really, really excited about the gay representation in this show. I have been planning for this. And here’s how it needs to end, and not just because I want a moment that everyone’s gonna talk about. It’s the logical conclusion of both their character arcs. They need each other.’”
Finally, after years of hedging their bets, Stevenson and her collaborators got the go-ahead from DreamWorks. “I really wanted it to be so central to the plot that if at any point they were like, ‘Oh, we changed our minds, we want to take it out again,’ they wouldn’t be able to, because it would be so baked in,” she explains. “The temperature is not always right, and depending on what’s happening in the world, not everyone wants to be the studio that sticks their neck out and makes a statement like this. You will get a flat ‘no’ sometimes. But if you bide your time, or you come at it from another angle, that can change. You just have to keep pushing.”
Feedback for the conclusion of She-Ra has been overwhelmingly positive both from critics and fans. Viewer support has been pouring out in the form of social media posts, YouTube reaction videos, and fan art and fan fiction. Stevenson, who first made a name for herself online with Lord of the Rings and Avengers fan art, has been blown away by the support from She-Ra lovers. “That’s how you know that you’re successful at what you set out to do — if people are getting inspired by the stories that you’re telling. I think that that’s the beauty of fan work, is that it’s an evolution of the genre. We take that inspiration and create something new all the time.”
Unfettered by restrictions, the final season of She-Ra is a tightly plotted, character-driven masterwork, featuring a slow-burn redemption arc, a harrowing villain, and a timely message about the power of love and unity against the forces of repression and tyranny. It’s a show about becoming kinder and more open in the face of unrelenting darkness, about banding together to prepare for the worst, but always hoping for the best in spite of overwhelming odds.
Stevenson says that she and her team began work on She-Ra in the aftermath of the 2016 election. “The veil was ripped off, and we had to reckon with a world that we hadn’t expected. And that theme of relying on each other and being stronger together became so much more relevant,” she recalls. “I remember writing one script after a particularly bad news day where it just felt like nothing was ever going to be OK again. It’s an episode where Adora realizes that there are supposed to be stars in the sky, and there aren’t any more stars. And as Aimee [Carrero] was recording the lines, she was crying, and we were crying, because we were all experiencing this together — the idea that things were changing in maybe irreparable ways.”
The refrain of She-Ra’s catchy-as-hell power-pop theme song is “We must be strong, and we must be brave.” According to Stevenson, that’s easier said than done; but the whole point of the series is that you have to try anyway. It’s a message that rings especially true at this moment in our world when it seems like everything is spinning out of control, and it’s all too easy to feel helpless.
“It always comes back to this — when you realize that there’s a great evil or a great darkness that won’t just go away from one fight,” Stevenson says. “It boils up, and it can be pushed back down, but it’s something that we’ll probably have to be fighting for the rest of our lives. That’s really hard to do, and it makes you really tired sometimes, and it can be really scary. But when you are surrounded by the people that you love, and when you have that love for the people around you, then that strength is possible.”
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Boredom Buster Question: what not mainstream comics hero do you think would be suited to integrating into the big two? Like, do you think Night Rider (they count but Hassle doesn’t) would work as an entity in DC comics? Or what about Tru from Tru Calling, do you think she’d work as a vigilante in marvel? Or any other of that type, the scifi/action/adventure shows. Aside from the obvious, like Mutant X or Heroes being integrated into the X Men. (Tho maybe Heroes wok better as Inhumans?)
Ooooh too many! I could definitely see Firebreather in the Marvel U, esp considering he started out as a Young Avengers pitch that Marvel passed on and then ended up at Image. And he’d be a good fit tonally. 
Aspen, from Fathom, and literally all that world-building, could easily be transplanted right into the Marvel U and emerge as like, a rival underwater species/nation Namor is unfamiliar with until they come up from the depths similar to the way the Black did in the Fathom comic. Like, the writing for that series and a lot else of it was Not Good, but I loved the worldbuilding and ideas, and I do think they’d fit Marvel well. 
Similarly, this is kinda cheating since due to being a Wildstorm character he’s technically DC, even though I haven’t seen him anywhere there since that World’s End crossover event, but Backlash was long one of my favorite Wildstorm characters and I always thought he would fit Marvel better than DC. Leave out his Kherubim heritage as unnecessary and he could easily be a Weapon X project. 
Dynamo 5 from Image and their entire concept could easily make for a good family of DC heroes.
So could the whole Noble family to be honest.
A number of Rising Stars characters could fit well in either Marvel or DC - I’d go with Pyre, Chandra, and Ravenshadow for sure.....I’m thinking Marvel. Maybe throw in Matthew Bright as well, and Sanctuary.
The Wicked + The Divine’s ending pissed me off, so the characters who deserved better from that should end up in the Marvel Universe instead, specifically Baal, Nergal and Sekhmet. But also Inanna too for no other reason than I love him.
As far as TV shows go:
LOL well you know me and my long-standing Scott McCall as DC hero Lone Wolf, teenage protégé of Mari McCabe, Danny as Poison Ivy’s, with Kira in there somewhere as Foxfire. 
Max from Dark Angel and her siblings could be a book about escaped teens from a rival government facility/project of Weapon X’s.
Magnus Bane from Shadowhunters casts a “Save Me From This Hell” spell, fueled by the mystical essence of Deserving Better, and winds up in the Marvel universe, ousts Dr. Strange as the Sorcerer Supreme, and regularly has spell duels with Ilyana not because she wants his job, but because they both find their sparring matches wildly entertaining. Except they don’t consider them sparring matches because if there’s not even a chance of either of them winding up even a LITTLE dead, its like what’s even the point, y’know? They’re not novices.
Tbh, I’ve never really been all that keen on Adam Strange, but his concept isn’t that far off from Farscape’s, so replace him and his book from any point in the DC universe with Crichton and the crew of Moya, and I’m good.
You could easily drop the entire town of Haven and that entire premise right smack in Maine in the DC universe, and voila.
Shawn Farrell from The 4400 I could see in the DC universe, not sure why I feel he’d be a better fit there than Marvel, I just do.
Marvel has too many vampires and not enough werewolves. That needs fixing, so drop Wolf Lake and all its inhabitants somewhere on the West Coast.
Zeke Stone from Brimstone could fit into DC as a bounty hunter working for Neron.
Ben Hawkins and Brother Justin Crowe from Carnivale could be figures from the history of the DC Earth, their battle between light and dark having happened in the 1930s Depression era there.
The W.I.T.C.H. girls could be a team in the Marvel Universe, with all their villains like Prince Phobos, Cedric and Nerissa there as well, but could also just as easily battle established Marvel villains like Diablo.
Ben 10 could easily be a DC character.
And then because I will never ever be over the bankruptcy of Crossgen and the cancellation of all of their titles and so many lost and wasted characters and because I will always be pissed at Marvel for doing nothing with any of those characters despite having ALL OF THEM thanks to Disney purchasing the whole damn company just to get the one book, Abadazad, which they never did anything with either.....I would put every last one of my faves from that company in the DC universe and they would be sooooo gooooood there.
Giselle Villard and all the Guild Spirits from Mystic would be BFFs with Zatanna, and keep her enemies Animora and Darrow.
Samandahl Rey, Roiya Sintor and Zaniati Oribatta from Sigil would be off on Sam’s ship The Bitterluck, involved in some interplanetary war somewhere in DC space like with the Thanagarians.
Sephie from Meridian would be....I have no idea actually, because Earth just doesn’t work for her, not without her sky pirates, so put all of them on some random planet in DC space inexplicably populated with ‘might as well be Earth humans.’
Simon Archard and Emma Bishop from Ruse would be based out of London, occasionally being consulted by various other DC heroes like Batman, who Emma would piss off just by existing, and Constantine, who would piss off Simon just by existing.
Have Capricia, Tug, Verityn, Zephyre and the twins Gammid and Galvan from Crux be ancient Atlanteans here as well, who end up discovered in stasis by Arthur and have to adjust to the present day, as well as face threats from their past/present day like Aristophanes who end up a danger to modern day Atlantis. 
Cassie from Route 666 would be criss-crossing the US doing Supernatural better than the Winchesters could ever.
Solusandra and Lindy from Solus are running around the universe scaring the shit out of the New Gods just by virtue of them having no idea who or what Solusandra is or what she’s really capable of.
The First could all be various New Gods: Pyrem, Trenin, Yala, Persha, etc would be from New Genesis, while Ingra, Braag, Tulity, Gannish and Seahn would be from Apokolips.
And lastly, Charon from Negation would be the mysterious threat from the Anti-matter universe who kidnaps various DC heroes to test them and the potential threat his armies face in the DC universe....among them, the various Negation characters like Obregon Kaine, Evinlea, Javi, Iress, Corrin, Matua, Mercer Drake, Westin and Shassa.
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squiddybeifong · 5 years
Meeting the Sirens
Harley could honestly admit to never paying attention to how amazing plants were at camouflage. It made sense to a certain extent with the natural world, but when one mixed Raven’s darkness with Pam’s powers, it gave the impression that Hell could be nothing more than a jungle on fire.
Sapphire eyes watched as cacti scuttled closer and vines slithered along the walls, hidden by the usual shadows. Their leaves curled in on themselves before they aimed towards Raven and the shadows darted away, forcing the plants to scramble into better hiding as Pam tried to keep the upper hand.
Harley ran a tongue over her teeth and forced out a laugh, sliding in between her kinda-girlfriend and her kinda-niece and tossing an arm around them both. “Come on, you two!” She pulled them close until their cheeks touched, spinning to beam at Talia and Kitty, “We can all get along, can’t we?”
Three glares and one look of pure apathy greeted her suggestion. “It’s bad enough you brought her--” Selina started, not taking her glare off of the assassin.
Ivy continued her sentence, all but sneering at the teen, “But why the fuck would we ever trust a hero?” The botanist’s glare deepened, the vines shifting in preparation again.
Emerald eyes widened half an inch as Raven forced to vines to stay in place, the darkness freezing the walls around them. The two superpowered women stared at each other for a long moment, uncaring to how Harley sheepishly squeezed their shoulders.  
After an impossibly long minute, the clown started to squirm and the Titan shrugged, “Your grudges are fair enough.”
She lifted her hand and made sure that Poison Ivy saw the magic fall away from her palm. Raven silently lowered herself until she stood on the floor and crossed her arms over her chest, rolling her jaw once before offering an olive branch, “But from what Harley’s told me we both despise Zatanna.”
The redhead raised a brow, a humorless laugh escaping, “That’s it?”
“I’m also an empath.” Pam straightened her back at that information. Raven glanced at Catwoman out of the corner of her eye, addressing the green-skinned woman in front of her, “And I’d imagine that while I’m not as fond of her as you seem to be, we all don’t mind Harley dragging us away with her shenanigans.”
A pale hand raised from underneath her cloak, “That’s at least two things we have in common.”
Talia finally spoke up, “Three if you count having powers.”
Selina snorted at her interjection and Harley turned to them, her eyes brightening up as she tried to get her two friend groups to get along. Pam and Raven didn’t seem that close to killing each other, so she focused on getting Kitty and Talia from trying to glare each other out of existence, “And I bet you two have stuff in common too!”
Almost immediately after the words left her Harley sucked her teeth, wincing as she remembered the last time they had met. Raven shifted at the emotions in the room, letting out a silent hum as her shadows drifted closer to her.
Amethyst eyes flicked to Ivy as she let out a huff, “Not this again.”
The teen didn’t ask, but her question was loud in the air. Talia kept Selina in her line of sight as she shifted to explain, “We’ve had the same lover.”
Raven arched a brow, her mild amusement obvious even despite her hood shadowing half her face. She tilted her chin towards Ivy, “Batman seems to just attract criminals, doesn’t he?”
“Yes,” Talia hummed, displeasure rolling off her in waves. “He surrounds himself with more and more incompetence after every switch.”
Harley emphatically nodded her head at the statement behind her words. She patted the assassin’s arm, “Oh, so Batman ditched you? That’s rough, buddy.”
Selina narrowed her eyes despite the haughty smirk on her face, her hands curling into fists as she shot out to the goth, “He ditched her for me.”
“Wait, so you were the rebound? That’s rough too, Kitty.” Harley seemed to catch herself, her head snapping back to Talia. “I, uh, I mean…”
The blonde glanced at Raven, looking for some emphatic help. When nothing came she rushed out, “That sucks, my gals who can hopefully be pals?”
Raven crossed her arms over her chest, “This is an awful conversation.” Violet eyes turned to the botanist and she inched closer, “I’m sensing at least four deaths that have taken place here in the past two months. Care to show me around?”
Her request was met with a curious stare. After a contemplative moment the vines seemed to relax around them, a tangle of flowered stems curling to make a sort of hallway near their feet. A lazy grin curled black-lipsticked lips.
“Sure,” Ivy waved at the mystic to follow and away they went. Green shoulders shrugged, “If Robin--no, he’s a different bird now, right?”
“Yeah. If he asks, they were all eco-terrorists that went missing.”
Raven snorted, her face curious as Pam added, a lilt to her voice, “There’s also a bunch of mushroom patches over their graves. They’re just full of poison; you’ll love them.”
The demoness perked up at that, “Any death caps?” Pine eyes flicked to her and Raven amended, “You’re Poison Ivy. I’d expect you to have at least a few of this planet’s best.”
“I’ve got better than that. Look up there,” Raven followed her pointed finger, her eyes lighting up as she spotted a white patch clumped along the rusty rivets. Pam watched as she floated up a few inches until they were practically the same height. A rare smile curled the stoic’s face, “I didn’t know Gotham was humid enough to support destroying angels…”
“You don’t know a lot about Gotham just yet.” The redhead nudged her elbow, starting to walk again. She bit her lip and decided to give this hero one allowance; if Harley loved her and she seemed morally gray enough to mingle with Batman’s enemies, then Raven was not yet trustworthy but slightly okay in her book. “And you can call me Pam, by the way.”
Raven tilted her head, giving the siren a thin but genuine smile, “Pam, then. Shall we go?” She motioned to where the vines were laid out for them to follow, “Those spirits aren’t going to be put to rest otherwise.”
Her words got an ‘Aha!’ and a snap as recognition filled the redhead’s aura, “Is that why all of our stuff has been moving around when we aren’t here? I told Harley no one alive was stupid enough to keep breaking into our place…”
Harley watched them go out the doors with a pout, turning back to see Talia had a hand on her sword’s hilt and Cat was tense, poised for a fight with her claws unretracted, if curled into fists.  
Quickly skipping in between them, the blonde tried to stall.
Her hands clasped in front of her chest as she wiggled her shoulders, thinking of something, anything, to prevent the fighting before it really began. Not that she couldn’t take care of any brawls, of course, but her friends were supposed to be getting along, dammit!
When nothing came to mind, she thought of how she’d distract the Joker whenever he got in his funks. And while neither of the two villainesses in front of her seemed opposed to potentially joining her in bed (though that was more up Pam’s alley, honestly), the answer came to her: both Kitty and Tally Marks were awful when it came to withstanding annoyances.
Her eyes bright, the blonde spoke a single word.
“Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo--,” Harley held it for a few seconds, paused to take a breath, and continued on as long as she could, “--oooooooooooooooooo…”
A clawed finger jerked out to press against her lips, “Shut up.”
Talia tensed at the move and Harley twisted away to speak up again, “Right, right. Cool, cool, cool, this is so cool that we’re all meeting again like this.” Harley rubbed at the back of her neck as her eyes darted around the room, considering asking the cactus where Ivy and Birdie went off to.
But she was the bridge and she had to stall the inevitable fight (again). The clown clicked her tongue and spoke freely and impulsively, “So, you two both fucked Batsy then?”
Neither women moved but two green glares landed on her. Deciding that she had to out-tension them both, Harley flipped one of her pigtails over her shoulder, “Hey, at least y’all got something in common, amirite?”
She rocked on her heels, “I mean, jeez. Wanting to cuddle with raspy-voiced bats. I know that feeling.”
That got Talia’s attention. Her eyes didn’t stray from Catwoman, but her temple tilted towards her friend, “Are you in love with my Beloved as well?”
“Ugh. Gods, no,” Harley’s face scrunched up at the mere thought. Shaking her head, she puffed her chest and buffed her checkerboard nails on her shirt, “I’m more-a Fidget kinda gal, myself.”
When neither reacted the blonde looked between them, her eyes comically widening, almost in slow motion. Blinking rapidly, Harley let her astonishment fill her voice, “Please say you guys remember Fidget? He’s one of Disney’s best characters in one of their best movies. Of all time.”
Selina couldn’t hold back her snort and Harley waved her thinly-veiled mockery aside, answering the look of confusion on Talia’s face, “He was the bat in ‘the Great Mouse Detective.’ Great film, by the way.”
Blue eyes smugly bored into Cat’s face, “Waaaaay better than ‘the Aristocats,’ despite the lies Kitty may believe.”
Smiling, she strolled back to face her favorite evil heiress, “Now I wouldn’t so much as ever think of fucking him --y’know Kitty’s the furry of the group-- but I can see getting to know the baby. Maybe even plan a heist or three after Rati--”
Selina drawled out, “Don’t spoil her.”
Talia watched the way Harley’s face lit up, “So you have seen it!”
“Yes. You make us watch it all the time.”
“Well I didn’t realize you were so busy thinking of a different bat the whole time. I just figured you purring about milk was a feline thing. Sorry for assuming, Kit-Kat.”
Annoyed, an irritated sigh forced its way out of Talia. She rolled her jaw, her fingers drumming against the metal of her sword’s guard, “You two tire me in the worst of ways.”
A high-pitched laugh escaped Harley as she dove into a hug, her palms hastily wrapping around Talia’s waist to prevent the assassin’s sword from being unsheathed. Giggling against the taller woman’s shoulder Harley sighed into the air, “Ray Ray was right this is just awful. We can find a different connection besides Batman, right?”
Talia and Selina didn’t stop their glare-off but the blonde paid them no mind, her words coming a beat faster than usual, “Like how we all break the law! Or how you both really appreciate having me in your lives? Oh! What about how both your names end with ‘A,’ that’s gotta be worth something!”
Her nose scrunched as she kept thinking, the idea coming to her effortlessly after a few seconds of silence, “Oh! I got it!” She held out her hands, making a square out of her fingers and closing one eye as if painting a picture in the air. Harley’s grin was loud in her declaration, “Strawberry milkshakes.”
Selina let out a huff through her nose, “Neutral ground won’t keep us from wanting to kill each other, Harls.”
“You never know. That’s what happened with Tal and Rae and me. Oh!” Blonde brows jumped an inch above sapphire eyes as a place came to mind, “How about we go to that burger diner that the Bats sometimes goes to.”
Talia tilted her head to the side, knowing the girl’s connection to the city’s protectors. “I doubt Raven will agree to that.”
“She’ll agree. But it’ll be reluctant.” Harley pitched forward and aimed a finger gun to both, her smile widening to a grin, “Just like your truce.”
Two aggravated sighs came from her words and Catwoman’s lips tightened in annoyance, “Not likely.”
Talia glowered when the blonde clasped her hands above her collar, Harley’s growing pout accompanying her dilating eyes, “No. We’re not as susceptible as the other two to your looks.”
A lazy laugh slipped out of the blonde, “Something else y’all have in common?”
The assassin’s glower deepened at her words. And while she’d never admit to the troublesome way Harley’s eyes grew and her lower lip quivered, Talia had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep her resolve. Without putting too much attention on her rival, she knew Catwoman was doing the same.
Olive eyes rolled in annoyance and Talia sheathed her sword, grumbling out, “I won’t attack her tonight.”
Selina shrugged one shoulder and retracted her claws. She crossed her arms over her chest and glanced between the two, “These meetings only last the night, correct?”
“Yep!” Harley popped the ‘P,’ practically bouncing on her feet at the way the tension in the room was lessening. The clown looked like a kid in a candy store and both Bat-lovers rolled their eyes.
“Then I guess we can get along for a few hours.” The Cat glanced at Talia out of the corner of her eye, a tiny smirk quirking her lips, “For Harley’s sake.”
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teefa85 · 5 years
Second Section of this little scavenger hunt.  Same rules...I can use a picture from any show or game, as long as I can identify them, even if I haven’t seen it personally.  Since it’s a hunt more than a “I want a pic of this chara”
Character Situations
Main Character The main character of any show or game.  If there are two characters counted as the lead, you can use either of them! FOUND...Sword and Shield Male and Female protagonists with Lillie
Main Antagonist Now, as Anime sometimes shift who the Main Antagonist is (due to subordinates taking over after a main villain dies, or even just new antagonists every arc) and games do this from time to time too, as long as the person spends some time as the major threat in the heroes’ eyes, it will count. FOUND...Shigaraki with Himiko (Hero Aca)
Two Cosplayers as a Canon Couple Now, I know “canon” can sometimes be debatable when it comes to a series.  Therefore, we’re only going for 100% verified couples who get together by the ending, between a show/game and a sequel series, or they’ve been stated to be romantically involved by the creators themselves.  So for characters who appear to be canon but don’t officially get together (such as Ark and Ivy from CIMA...I know you don’t know who they are but that means nobody is going to complain about me using them as an example), they wouldn’t count. FOUND...Alm and Celica (Fire Emblem Echoes)
Two Cosplayers as a Non-Canon Couple This is for any couple that 100% DOESN’T get together (usually because one or more of them are involved with someone else, or the show/game isn’t romantic in nature).  Again, that means you can’t use people (like, again, Ark and Ivy) who seem to be canon but aren’t 100% confirmed, as they exist in a gray zone between canon and non-canon.  However, if the character is from a Harem that doesn’t answer who the MC canonically got with, any of the characters would be fair game (unless one is heavily implied to be the canonical love interest, but then you could use any of the other characters).  You should probably try to choose a pair that is clearly playing them as a couple.  However, if you can’t find any, feel free to choose any pic of two people you ship together, or possibly just make finding a duo acting romantic as bonus points.  But...nothing with any extra characters in it (unless you’re playing it off as an OT3, OT4, etc.). FOUND...Ophilia and Therion (Octopath Traveler).  Hey!  I’m in one of these!  The non-canon couples were pretty dry this year and this is my favorite ship for her.  Even if we didn’t take the pic as a shipping pic.
Cosplaying Family Sometimes, the parents who cosplay will do a family cosplay with their kids.  This must contain at least one adult and one child or teenager, and they must be in costumes from the same game or show!  Not a family where one parent went as Kagome, one child went as Deku, and the second child went as a Pokemon Trainer. FOUND...Robin, Tharja, and Morgan (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Guy With a Giant Weapon It can be wide.  It can be tall.  It can even be both!  As long as the damn thing is nearly as large or larger than you (or at least as large as your convention rules will allow) it can work! FOUND...Breath of the Wild Link with a Lynel Sword (Legend of Zelda)
Character With Lots of Weapons He doesn’t have to naturally carry them all on him in the game/show.  Or even be a dude!  But as long as you see someone running around with at least 3 weapons, you can use it! FOUND...a Cloud getting weapons ready for a fake duel (FF7)
Superhero I don’t care if it’s an American Comic Book hero, a Magical Girl, or a Japanese take on the American Super Hero!  If the character can be classified as a Super Hero, you can use them! FOUND...Tsu (Hero Aca)
Magic User Tomes, Staves, Scrolls.  Healing or Destruction.  Human or Non-Human!  If the character’s power is over mystical forces, they fit! FOUND...Flonne, Fallen Angel Version (Disgaea)
Deity Character They can be a god or goddess who shaped and created the world.  Someone with limitless power.  Or even along the lines of “nigh immortal and doesn’t consider themselves divine but is considered a god.”  Just as long as they’re seen as divine by someone within the universe.  Demon or Youkai Gods do count if that’s all you can find. FOUND...A Konosuba Group, so that means Aqua was there (Konosuba)
Dragon Character They can be in a full dragon suit, use body paint, look human but have some draconic features such as wings or a tail.  Or even just be fully transformed into their human form.  If the game or show classifies them as a Dragon, they work! FOUND...a hilarious pic of Corrin and Azura doing Jojo Poses due to a botched FEH summoning ritual (Fire Emblem Fates)
Demon Character Good Demons or Evil Demons, it doesn’t matter.  I’d even count Youkai in this mix if you manage to find someone from a series that focuses on it (there are usually a few Touhou characters running around).   Just as long as their series of origin classifies them as a Demon in some way. FOUND...Rin, actually in full Demon Mode (Blue Exorcist)
A “How Do They Battle Evil in This?” outfit Sometimes...games and anime make no sense!  Too skimpy!  Dress too long!  Complete fashion disaster where their only victories should be due to making the enemy laugh so hard!  It all can count as long as you or other people ask this question about them. FOUND...Judith (Tales of Vesperia) although she was also with Flynn who definitely does not count on this!
Pokémon Trainer They can be an actual character in the games or anime, a representation of one of the Trainer Classes in the games, or even just someone wearing normal clothes but running around with Pokeballs and at least one plushie!  Although, you can choose to only go for actual characters or classes, or make getting one of them a bonus point. FOUND...Red with a Pikachu and Charmander
Any Pokémon Design Reinterpreted as Clothing Seriously!  I’ve seen some creative things, such as the Hoenn Weather Trio being reinterpreted as a Kimono (Kyogre), a Samurai (Groudon), and a Ninja (Rayquaza).  People who cosplay actual Pokemon usually do an amazing job at capturing their chosen ‘mon in human outfits. FOUND...Schoolgirl Scorbunny
Animal Companion Any animal that might assist the heroes, regardless of whether or not they are the game or show’s mascot.  Even if that character is only around for minimal time, if they appeared and helped out, they count! FOUND...Rubble, Sky, Marshall, Chase (Paw Patrol...no, really, they even helped cheer up a crying baby at one point)
Mascot Character The opposite of above!  It’s a mascot, regardless of whether said mascot is an animal, a mechanical lifeform, or even a mecha!  As long as it’s very synonymous with the series of origin, it works! FOUND...Detective Pikachu (Pokemon)
Fursuit Whether they’re portraying an actual animal character or their own furry avatar, it doesn’t really matter.  As long as they’re in a full on fursuit that you have to hand it to them for wearing even in the summer! FOUND...Susie (Delta Rune)
Group of Bishonen Doesn’t all have to be from the same series.  As long as a group of friends are portraying a bunch of hot guys, it fits.  Also, they don’t have to be the only people in the group, like if you got lucky and managed to find the entirety of a Reverse Harem’s cast which included the female lead they were all going crazy over.  As long as most of the people are playing guys, it’s cool. FOUND...Fire Emblem Lord Group (that also had Lucina and Celica)
Character From a Game That’s Not Out Yet As long as you took the picture before the game is out, it’s fine.  Even if said game is going to be coming out within a few days! FOUND...Kris and Ralsei (Delta Rune), though if you don’t think it counts due to Toby Fox’s vagueness on when the game will come out, I also did find Sonia from Pokemon Sword and Shield (because this fandom works crazy fast...there was also a Milo and two Wooloo running around but I didn’t get pics).
Jesus! No, really!  I’ve seen people cosplaying Jesus at many a convention! FOUND...I found him!
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kiwigreenflame · 5 years
It’s been a while since the Top 10 religion and comics installments, and I’ve been meaning to post a number of other comics that didn’t make it into that list but are still worth mentioning in passing. No commentary on these apart from the official blurbs. As always, YMMV reading these.
Creators: Douglas Rushkoff & Liam Sharp Publisher: Vertigo (DC Comics) Date: 2006-2008
From the imagination of best-selling author Douglas Rushkoff, one of the most iconoclastic and acclaimed minds of our era, comes a graphic novel series that exposes the “real” Bible as it was actually written, and reveals how its mythic tales are repeated today. Grad student Jake Stern leads an underground band of renegades that uses any means necessary to combat the frightening threats to freedom that permeate the world. They employ technology, alchemy, media hacking and mysticism to fight a modern threat that has its roots in ancient stories destined to recur in the modern age.
Chosen (American Jesus)
Creators: Mark Millar & Peter Gross Publisher: Image Comics Date: 2009
From the writer of the Universal hit, Wanted, comes his next graphic novel on the way to becoming a feature film! American Jesus Volume 1: Chosen follows a twelve-year-old boy who suddenly discovers he’s returned as Jesus Christ. He can turn water into wine, make the crippled walk, and, perhaps, even raise the dead! How will he deal with the destiny to lead the world in a conflict thousands of years in the making?
The 99
Creators: Naif Al-Mutawa Publisher: Teshkeel Comics Date: 2007-2014
Young heroes gain superhuman abilities when they bond with 99 powerful gemstones. These Noor Stones were forged from the destruction of ancient Baghdad to preserve the wisdom of the ages, and were lost for centuries, but they are being found, one-by-one…
Vampirella Strikes
Creators: Tom Sniegoski & Johnny D. Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Date: 2013
For years, the raven-haired heroine Vampirella has hunted the world’s supernatural threats, all the while fighting back her own bloodthirsty nature. After a night out in Boston leads to particularly brutal violence, she seeks comfort in her Brownstone home… but discovers the most unexpected surprise of all. Angels have been sent to her by God — and they come asking for help! Enter Janus, a former soldier in the legion of Heaven, who skirts the line between the damned and divine. Only a fallen angel can navigate Vampirella through the seedy, demon-run underworld, where she hopes to find the source of an addictive, body-altering drug derived from archangel blood. Will Vampirella’s mission redeem her… or will she uncover secrets so shocking that their discovery will damn her forever?
Loaded Bible: Jesus vs. Vampires
Creators: Tim Seeley, Nate Bellegarde & Mark Englert Publisher: Image Comics Date: 2006-2008
In the near future, nuclear Holy War has decimated North America and humanity’s last stronghold is the dome metropolis of New Vatican City. When vampires attack, the Church turns to a clone of Jesus Christ Himself to protect them! But all is not as it seems for the Test Tube Messiah, as he’s drawn into a web of betrayal, bloodshed, and seduction!
The Sisterhood
Creators: Christopher Golden, Tom Sniegoski, Wellinton Alves, & Andrew Dalhouse. Publisher: Archaia (BOOM! Studies imprint) Date: 2008
The Order of the Holy Sepulchre is an elite group of specially trained nuns, the world’s most powerful exorcists. But they don’t just get rid of the demons they exorcise…the Sisters draw the demons into themselves, using their own bodies as cages of flesh. If they die a natural death, the demons die with them, small pieces of the world’s evil gone forever. But if the Sisters should dies violently…the demons are released into the world again!
Now someone has sent assassins to kill the oldest of the sisters, releasing the captive demons out into the world. Eden Parish is assigned the task of discovering who is behind this massacre, and why. In her journey she will uncover dark secrets about the Order, and about their enemies. And the real reason behind all this murder.
Creators: Craig Thompson Publisher: Top Shelf Productions Date: 2003
Blankets is the story of a young man coming of age and finding the confidence to express his creative voice. Craig Thompson’s poignant graphic memoir plays out against the backdrop of a Midwestern winterscape: finely-hewn linework draws together a portrait of small town life, a rigorously fundamentalist Christian childhood, and a lonely, emotionally mixed-up adolescence.
Under an engulfing blanket of snow, Craig and Raina fall in love at winter church camp, revealing to one another their struggles with faith and their dreams of escape. Over time though, their personal demons resurface and their relationship falls apart. It’s a universal story, and Thompson’s vibrant brushstrokes and unique page designs make the familiar heartbreaking all over again.
This groundbreaking graphic novel, winner of two Eisner and three Harvey Awards, is an eloquent portrait of adolescent yearning; first love (and first heartache); faith in crisis; and the process of moving beyond all of that. Beautifully rendered in pen and ink, Thompson has created a love story that lasts.
A Contract with God and other Tenement Stories
Creator: Will Eisner Date: 1978
This semi-autobiographical work captures with pen and ink the drama of the city and its all-too-human inhabitants. Set in the same Bronx neighborhood as later works Dropsie Avenue and A Life Force, the four stories that comprise the book – “A Contract With God”,”The Street Singer”, “The Super” and “Cookalein” – examine the world of immigrant life in New York City in the 1930s with a unique look at the emotion and character of its denizens.
Warrior Nun Areala
Creator: Ben Dunn Publisher: Antarctic Press Date: 1994-2002
Follows the exploits of Sister Shannon Masters who is part of a militant Catholic organisation, the Order of the Cruciform Sword, who protect Church and world from supernatural threats. Plays fast and loose with things Catholic the series still manages to portray characters with genuine faith, humility and the odd bit of theology.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Creator: Michael Mendheim; Mike Kennedy; Sean Jaffe; & Simon Bisley Publisher: Titan Comics Date: 2014
Raised by the ancient Order of Solomon, Adam Cahill is one of a rare handful of highly trained warriors bound by bloodline to guard the Seven Holy Seals that contain the End of Days.
But ageless forces have conspired towards a prophetic event foretold by numerous cultures and multiple religions… and when that cryptic date arrives, they strike against the order without mercy!
The Lone and Level Sands
Creator: A. David Lewis and mpMann Publisher: Archaia (Imprint of BOOM! Studios) Date: 2005
Pharaoh Ramses II hasn’t seen his long-lost cousin Moses in nearly forty years. Yet while pressed by the Hittites to the North and construction delays in the South, Ramses must make time for this ancient desert rascal, the long-ago mystery he represents, and the impossible demands of an alien deity. Drawing on the Bible, the Qur’an, and historical sources, writer A. David Lewis (Mortal Coils) and artist Marvin Perry Mann (Arcana Jayne) present a retelling of the Book of Exodus through the eyes of the man who is either its greatest leader or its worst villain: a man trying to rule wisely, love his family well, and deal justly in the face of a divine wrath.
Some New Kind of Slaughter, or Lost in the Flood (and How We Found Home Again)
Creator: mpMann & A. David Lewis Publisher: Archaia (Imprint of BOOM! Studios) Date: 2009
If there is one constant throughout most of Earth’s historical nations, cultures, and religions, it is the threat and the destruction of the Great Flood. In the wake of the recent Indian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and alarm over global warming, the award-winning creators of The Lone and Level Sands return to plumb the depths of the world’s great myths with this graphic novel exploring how this legendary fear may be more relevant now than ever before. Like Noah, sea-bound Ziusudra and other heroes across time must strive against the coming Floods and the baffling will of the gods.
Creator: Jeff Loveness & Jakub Rebelka Publisher: BOOM! Studios Date: 2009
Judas Iscariot journeys through life and death, grappling with his place in “The Greatest Story Ever Told,” and how much of his part was preordained. In a religion built on redemption and forgiveness, one man had to sacrifice himself for everyone…and it wasn’t Jesus.
Kismet: Man of Faith
Creator: A. David Lewis; Noel Tuazon; Rob Croonenborghs; Taylor Esposito; & Tyler Chin-Tanner Publisher: A Wave Blue World Date: 2018
Punching Nazis used to be more than a meme. In 1944, it was a vocation. And no one put his gloved fist in the faces of more fascists than the Man of Fate, the Algerian Operative, our man in Occupied France — Kismet.
Then, he disappeared. Gone without a trace…until now.
Back from beyond, Kismet finds a new world of gay rights, quantum physics, and computer technology along with the old evils of bigotry, greed, and ignorance at a crossroads. Twenty-first-century America needs more than a superhero. It needs an ally.
Religion and Comics – Wrap Up It's been a while since the Top 10 religion and comics installments, and I've been meaning to post a number of other comics that didn't make it into that list but are still worth mentioning in passing.
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Alexandra Wallace Smith's Idea of Privacy
My sister is striking. All the ladies in our own family are. My Aunt Magdalene was notably stunning too. They have spitfire personalities. Daddy, you know, you of all understand my moved quickly notes, the journals that I even have kept from youth continued to beyond, the magazine, the rejected novel, the reckoning, the poems that I've scribbled, misplaced, that point and electricity and ego forgot. Then there are the black Croxley notebooks. I am decided to keep that away from you, and from the relaxation of the world for good.
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Muirhead wounded me Loose Diamonds. I consider all his ladies inside the workplace area in Johannesburg earlier than I got here home to my formative years home in Port Elizabeth anxious to death of falling pregnant. Having a child out of wedlock. Becoming a unmarried parent and raising a child on my own with little or no cash. I rarely made any money or had an income to aid a child. How they included him, laughed at his jokes, how they positioned him on a pedestal, how they worshiped him, how they sat opposite him in fancy Johannesburg restaurants ingesting their cabernet or merlot. Thinking ladies, stunning ladies, women with youngsters, naivety and sexual inexperience (although the sexual impulse, the sexual power become there) on their aspect. How he winded hem up as if they may be electric powered dolls. I heated up the livers, mushrooms and bacon, the leftovers, scrambled the eggs and listened to the morning information on the radio. The bus coming in from Port Elizabeth to Johannesburg had flipped into the air off the highway. There have been no fatalities. The plums have been juicy and sweet. I might store them for lunch. I sat at the kitchen desk, buttered my toast, drank my lukewarm coffee, crossed my legs, scratched my knee absentmindedly and stared out of the window. The breakfast's grease turned into stuck to the pan. I should forget about about it. And the extra aware I became of the sky, the environment, the internal, the more conscious I have become of who created the invention, vision, dream, aim, and stop of this line of sky, of blue, of this author, this tortured poet, this fowl?
I felt his hand intimately as if it become a dream and then not anything. I felt ashamed.
The dream girl after leaving Johannesburg turned into a lady. She again to the coast, to her father's house, her mother's kitchen, her mom's expertise and the thrones of her early life persevered, to the artwork of a coronary heart undone. She again to the coast in which water may be discovered in wild places, where tides had been difficulty to trade, to the location where she spent magnificent blue hours staring up on the sky. She had her books. Her index finger could linger on the backbone in her father's grand observe, his library, and his 'London enjoy'. The residence changed into dilapidated. It changed into in a awful way. The tiles had been falling off the wall in the kitchen. The partitions needed a lick of paint. The interiors had been in need of restore. The whole house needed to be renovated. The dream woman had back. The dream female become also decided to alternate. She also desired to be heroic, angelic and magical.
Writing approximately grief is one of the maximum hard matters I have ever needed to do. Nerves I could fathom as I stood in front of them however what I without a doubt desired to do became break out. Everybody constantly speaks approximately the miracle of existence at a funeral. When death can pay a visit there's no apprehension about discussing what track to play while the coffin is decreased, what hymns might be played, what verse will be examine out of the bible, and who will make the potato salad.
Ocean of beads. Not intended to last long on this lifetime or the next. The people of South Africa are like that. My city is a dignified town filled with church human beings. In Central you'll locate the fine women within the international. They will detach themselves from feminism, and the tigers that come at night time, their competitors in a finite time and location. They are moneyed. Drugs have destroyed the very art in their soul. Every gram in their spirits have wasted away. Muirhead. Flesh have come earlier than you and after. The most exquisite elements of you portioned off like cubicles in an office space. Tell me the whole lot you need me to be I could have stated in my twenties. This doesn't need to be the give up of it however it's far. It is. And still I say allow it not be so. So comic. So tragic. I stand on this ice residence. In this residence from hell. Pale. The origins of smoke and mirrors, the cosmic bloodlines of my creativeness, may be seen thru the embodiment and timeline of my flesh.
Paper thin skating on ice is what I've yearned for my complete existence. Not to fail, no longer to discriminate, but to create art within the landscape of suicidal depression and contamination. All poetry and poetic justice seems to ask of us is to have a decided lust for lifestyles. I nonetheless need to familiarise myself with rituals that I found so comforting in childhood. Norma Jean where are you, where do you discover yourself now, who are you and what's that golden mirrored image staring lower back at you? Is there whatever more seductive than insanity, than being blonde and being favored via the world at big, to be quiet approximately your philosophy on existence, your starving targets to be a author and a poet? To triumph like you've got triumphed Norma Jean is to chortle within the face of men and women, of presidents, of feminists, to snigger in the face of the adversity that they have got confronted. No remember how quick, how solitary ecstasy is one can't get away its urgency, its survival manual, that stain of love no matter how powerful and sparkling it is probably, how dwindled it'd make you experience in the long run, you may discover that that revel in turned into worth it. I left the insanity and the heat of the city in the back of me in my early twenties. It will go away you superbly grown now.
The universe is sweeter, purer, greater honourable and I am less haunted, less ghostlike, much less transparent, baffled via denial. I cannot erase the treasured of life anymore and the fragility of it. How crushed and petrified my spirit once changed into. Am I, become I ever simply loved? The women round me in life, in the place of business, within the sphere of immediate own family were introspective cohorts. I am exhausted of writing about preference and that is the reality of the problem due to the fact in some manner it is invincible like scrapbooking on whatever at the inked tattooed patchwork planet that you stay in. I've end up a primitive girl in green spaces, inexperienced feasts of them, and foundations of iciness timber of them. I've grow to be an invention of a modern lady. The invention of the width of the thread of the other girl in a land that time forgot. What are the lyrics once more to that music? What are the lines that point forgot in that journal on the ones cold, harsh blue, blue traces? I am bored with feeding the beasts galore but should not angels usually be defended? Who or what in essence defines an angel? An angel is the unseen, the invisible correct and no person can hardwire your mind like God can.
And what's choice truly? Smoke and honey within the dance of anger, intimacy, duplicity and deception and the everlasting obsession of all those matters. It is meant for the gamine, the airy, and the otherworldly, the mystical woman. The adolescent. Children are intended for women and what takes place when you want writing about loss of life. For me I value feedback on dying, on eternity, at the paradise of heaven, the recognition-thinking in wishful questioning, the curious creatures that volcano human beings are and the many faces of saints. I've usually believed in angels. The dwelling keep on living whilst the dead turn to dirt. There's a dark aching, a canvas on which to play on, the haunting ache in my brother's soul is the identical ache which I actually have in my very own. There's a ghost state in my head. The faculties, the rooms, and all the white walled interiors of my imagination. And if I near my eyes I can consider all of our contours and the blue sharp mild poured into the cages of the heavenly sky. The lover and the mother and the drowning blossom that become me. Dirt swimming-swimming in a watery spool gene pool of garbage. The dying of a pet and a poet portray this elusive world with lucid thought styles.
Does decay, blood and the darkish each get lonely and the groom with the unspoken ardour he has for his bride? The bride in her wedded bliss. In her impossible high-heeled footwear. So I turned into there in spirit. If fish kissed oxygen they might surely die. Their pomegranate gills snuffed out of lifestyles. What are the grains of poverty? Where do they lay? Are they sequestered? Their souls lie in South Africa, perhaps even take root there. Roots tapping into the lifestyles of the soil, the subculture of the earth, tapping into the burden of water, or squalor (whichever it reaches first beneath the situations), keeping the fragility of phones as existence buoys, unspecified social media is the new sexy, tapping into religious poverty, the cemeteries of poverty, of the bone-tired. What sweetness! The unknown comes with anticipation. The anticipation of the attention of marvel and the prying eyes of society. Where does my soul lie? It lay with you for a while I bet. Sated bride, uninvolved girl, splendor meeting the stunning middle of a masculine identification, and the physical frame of a mysterious wellspring of the intelligence of the alternative of sexuality.
Alone, given way to non secular abandonment, inhibitory nostalgia and the holiest of holies privacy, and with the solitude status that includes intimacy I consider you. You burnt via. You not anything however a burnt and melted fragment yet still dispelling radiance. You like the crested burnt cease of a matchstick. Sooty cinders within the fire. Cinders from the coal. Cinders and smoke from your freshly lit cigarette. Give me mouth to mouth resuscitation so I can be brought back to life, your existence. I assume that the only aspect that genuinely mattered in the long run, and that was product of a substance that might be harvested from the cells of a everyday fact turned into inside the steps of Jean Rhys's haunting vulnerability. The haunting vulnerability of all ladies. I can see it in their eyes, their manner they keep themselves responsible to shielding themselves from being put on show if it is not on their phrases, the lengthy street in their guarded pilgrimage into humanity, spirituality. Gods to be made from their reflections interior of the looking glass. I marvel the way to prevent stammering. How to break out into letter-writing. If I cannot get away into love, its poetic grace, mercy and use.
Into wincing at its threshold of pain and but comprehending it at the equal time. Comprehending the sun, moon and big name fabric, the summer season's son and his empire. And so begins the letter to a brother in rehabilitation. Brother and anchor. The 'filthy special' ceramic little Buddha pottering around. You had been the anchor that cemented me, my symphony, my tool, my common aim, my oracle, my ardour. You had been my one direction to comply with homeward sure. What is living in the coronary heart is this. The walls of a garden manufactured from brick and mortar, stone and the whole thing this is recuperation. Winter timber and Whitman. It is time for the display, finding Isaiah within the gritty switch of the loophole. Why did not you come back once? Why did not you write as soon as healthy specimen of ownership, what's the tragedy of all of it however are you satisfied, refreshed by way of all the seeds, roots, vegetation and stems? I stared and stared at the photograph of him and questioned on the tragedy of all of it. Speechless earlier than the photo evaporates completely something takes location and soon the whole lot unearths its area on impartial ground, in gravity, in the world or in soil. There is no promise in the dying of the solar handiest the angelic, the whispers underfoot.
There is new life in vegetation, in love, in empathy and the ardour that humanity has for empathy. Everything frail earlier than it's far misplaced. Lost to the dark. What is black and what is darkish? Is it one and the same? The smell of cinnamon and bark. Salt and light. The colour of the day, dawn breaking into fragments. The stillness of the air. What are you manufactured from Mr. Muirhead? Skin and bone, flesh and tissue, a succession of the physical melting away around you to your immediate surroundings? The noise to your head, in that rush, are you able to feel it on your blood, that instance of possession. Where to from right here from following a street map into the complex intrigue of a sheltered formative years endured, and there I observed love. In the behaviour of an artist at paintings, the supply of verbal exchange, the self-portrait of human capital, the entirety heightened whilst it's illuminated as an instance visions of the cosmos disintegrating, collapsing below meteors on film. Drawings of earth's destruction, the bride of technological improvements, the use of the psychological framework of what got here before the humanity as we knew it as youngsters and as we get older, end up human beings with our very own thoughts to returned up our values we alternate, and we alternate the sector around us. We have Sci-fi to thank for that, Kubrick and Spielberg.
'Do no longer lecture me. You do not know anything about my scars.' My brother tells me. He says it together with his eyes too and I see a wild blue sky. Its journey is electrical in which its routes have become as important as the destinations of a diamond in the tough. Through the looking glass's façade comes the first harm, the poetry of my early twenties. Every family is dysfunctional of their personal manner. We live in a stressful society. I seem to have been born with this intuition to be considerate and touchy, knowledge and caring to others who appear to be in a less privileged role than I am but it has include a rate. My brother along with his cigarettes, stale smoke and moustache and the younger woman on his arm who herself is a fragile beauty. They are both stuck up in contemplative noise. They have discovered themselves only to fall amongst the stars. So I am left in mourning for what has been misplaced for each of them. A formative years.
'But I love you. Please don't do that.' I say in return and I see a revolution taking location inside him, the insufferable heaviness, and the uncivilised not anything of an echo vibrating like a shell casing. Something is let loose and communicated to me. Something bittersweet and sour.
And so I go back to love, loss and the elated appreciate I actually have of both of them. There is something inside each the innerness of the equipment for eternity (there is no bodily frame required for eternity, handiest the spirit, the soul, and kindred). There's an equilibrium inside the territory of the vacancy every so often determined in a human vessel after the sexual transaction and a symphony. Rhys's transactions and now I even have turn out to be really like her. I think that I have misplaced myself inside the very last analysis the preference to emerge as desirable. What would Moses do? I wouldn't be able to pick up the smartphone and speak to him up. He might pray in the desert history he found himself in. There become not anything else he may want to do inside the occasions he found himself in. He had a flame within himself that burned bright. Romance well what can I say except what a harsh experience that was. It become hellish. Love is a posed interlude, a pause among  acts, oh the way it modifications the entirety approximately a bleak international enjoy, materialism, values, poverty, and that high commodity of spirituality. You could be as lovely to me now as you'll be in old age. I will do not forget you, wish for you, and that this romance will move ahead and go on and on however my soul lies in South Africa in which the ache of the mind may be greater devastating, felt greater acutely than the pain of the body. What taints the ache of a toddler feeling that another sibling has taken her region, overshadowed her. Let me now look at that distillate.
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12izzy3 · 7 years
Webcomic Recommendations No One Asked For:
I......... Spent 2 hours putting together a list of my webcomic recommendations, with summaries and reviews, because I was reworking my blog... And really I don’t think anyone ever goes directly on to my blog proper, so it feels kind of foolish to have that there where no one will see it, so I’m actually going to post it as well:
Webcomics are honestly just so tight, and there’s such a vast variety of them that there’s something for everyone, if not a few somethings for everyone! I’m personally all about indie games, but if there’s another indie market that I feel like the internet has created a space for it’s comics. After I started writing this I realized I have a uh… Lot of recommendations. Also, I may be an idiot for not using the author’s own summaries???
Regularly updating:
KILL SIX BILLION DEMONS - A comic about a college girl, Allison, given mystical powers beyond her understanding, and thrust into a celestial world filled with angels and demons, where the lines of good and evil are blurry at best. With the help of friends she meets along the way, she must navigate her new powers, and save her boyfriend from forces that would destroy existence. Kinda dark thematically (with very rare and minor gore), but a great comic if you love action, fantasy, and fantastic art. One of my favorites.
AWFUL HOSPITAL - Another one of my favorites. After her child becomes terribly sick, and doctors tell her that there’s nothing that they can do, a mother wakes up in a mysterious, otherworldly hospital. She must navigate this confusing and sometimes horrifying hospital to save her child and get home, and on the way, she makes many odd friends and unknowable enemies, and learns that her child’s sickness may be part of something larger. This comic is funny, has cool action, a unique format, and lots of great, though ghastly, character designs.
GUNNERKRIGG COURT - A coming of age story about two girls, Antimony and Kat, as they try to find their place in each other’s lives, and the two clashing worlds that surround them, the massive technological complex that is their school and home, Gunnerkrigg Court, and the forest across the river, where magic and fantastic creatures thrive, under the watchful eye of the trickster god Coyote. Another great one for if you like fantasy, but is usually a lot lighter, with a peak of intensity about equal to… Like, Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, I think. I’ve only gotten into this one pretty recently, but it’s good.
PARANATURAL - After his family moves to his dad’s old home town, Max discovers that he has magical powers, and becomes part of the Paranatural Activities club at his school, a group of students and their adviser who all have magical powers, and use them to protect the populace from ghosts, as well as investigate the many magical mysteries of the town. This comic is great, and mostly focuses on action and comedy. The art is a very colorful cartoony style, and the characters are drawn very… fluid, rubbery. The best way to put it is that the artist has really put a lot of effort into making characters consistently as expressive as possible, and that good old Disney/Looney Toons/Tom & Jerry stretchiness makes for very good visual comedy.
HOUSEPETS! - Another one of the earliest webcomics I ever read! Housepets is… largely a comedy comic, following the lives of anthropomorphized pets in a small neighborhood. They go on adventures, and live the fun yet complicated lives of an open society of people with unbelievable amounts of free time. However, sometimes there are bigger drama/adventure arcs, which are really good! A lot of the times amazing art or cool action are what draw me into adventure stories, but I just think the plot of this comic can be really good and surprisingly deep for a humor comic. And it’s still loose enough, and in the newspaper comic style that you can usually jump in very often (not every strip, mind you but in pretty small arcs) without feeling like you’ve missed a ton. Long too, lots to read, recommend.
STAND STILL STAY SILENT - SSSS is a comic that takes place 90 years after the end of the world. A zombie-like virus with strong mystical qualities has wiped out not just human, but much of the world’s mammalian life. In Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, and Denmark), in spite of the virus, society continues to exist, and most people live normal, happy lives. Our comic follows a research team, formed on a hairstring budget to travel into the infected zone, collect information on the virus and state of the fauna there, and, secretly, to collect books to sell back home. A great fantasy adventure drama that updates very often, and has really good art.
CUCUMBER QUEST - In spite of order this is actually the last one I’m writing, and I’m tired, so I’m going to copy the book one summary from Amazon:
What happens when an evil queen gets her hands on an ancient force of destruction? World domination, obviously. The seven kingdoms of Dreamside need a legendary hero. Instead, they’ll have to settle for Cucumber, a nerdy magician who just wants to go to school. As destiny would have it, he and his way more heroic sister, Almond, must now seek the Dream Sword, the only weapon powerful enough to defeat Queen Cordelia’s Nightmare Knight. Can these bunny siblings really save the world in its darkest hour? Sure, why not?
Cucumber Quest is good, the art is colorful and bright, all of the characters are relatable and real, including the villains, there’s cool adventures sequences and plot, and it’s a very fun comic. There’s humor and love and struggle in the comic, and it’s very well done.
GIRL GENIUS - Girl Genius follows Agatha Heterodyne, up and coming mad scientist, on her many adventures to save herself, her friends and the world if it’s along the way. It’s hard, however, competing with an entire world of mad scientists, as well as the Heterodyne legacy, one filled with chaos and bloodshed up until recently. I like Girl Genius a lot. It doesn’t move through the story very fast, but there’s a lot of solid world building, and more importantly, very intriguing sci-fi action and adventure happening inside of that world! I’m also pretty sure they do a radio show or podcast or something with additional Agatha adventures on top of the comic.
SUPERNORMAL STEP - After leading a life as a drifter after the death of her father, Fae is pulled into an alternate world where magic is real. There, she tries to find her place in life, master the magic that the world around her runs on, and get home to plain old earth in one piece. Lots of cool action, every character has really got their own style of magic. I can honestly tell you that it’s good, but I read it over such a long period of time that it’s got a pretty vague impression in my head.
ATOMIC ROBO - Robo is a skilled an dedicated scientist. He’s also an atomic robot built and raised by Nikola Tesla. Atomic Robo follows the titular character on the many adventures of his life, from WWII to the present. As the head of Tesladyne Industries, Robo is dedicated to researching the outlandish, the weird, the impossible! And when the world calls on him, he and his Action Scientists defend it from giant monsters, cosmic anomalies, and mad science. Atomic Robo is great if you love action, robots, monsters, humor, and velociraptors duel-wielding uzis. Highly recommended.
DUMBING OF AGE - As the title would imply, Dumbing Of Age is a pretty standard coming of age comedy! Starring a wide cast of likable and complex character, DoA follows a group of college freshmen as they learn more about themselves, and grow beyond the bubbles that they were raised in. I think the underpinnings of the comic are pretty strongly on humor, but there’s a lot of drama, and conversations about meaningful things too. There are lots of varying depictions of drama, depression, anxiety, and the ways people deal with pressure, and fear. But there’s also a lot of love and friendliness. It’s a good comic, and probably the only solid slice-of-life on my list.
MANLY GUYS DOING MANLY THINGS - This comic follows The Commander, a bio-engineered super soldier sent back in time to run a temp agency. This particular temp agency specializes in reintroducing particularly brutish video game, comic, and movie protagonists back into normal polite society. Duke Nukem isn’t much of a man for customer service, however. Later on the comic drifts more toward Commander’s personal life. (So slice of life, but with a buff, and actually surprisingly sensitive and forward thinking, super commando from the future.) Has been in a bit of a slump in terms of updates recently, but they still happen.
GRRL POWER - Sidney, a slightly hyper nerd who works at a comic shop, stumbles upon an artifact that gives her a variety of superpowers. After being exposed, she becomes a member of the government’s brand new super hero organization. This comic is a lot of fun, with some cool superpowers and super fights. Lots of humor, very consistently, in any given scene. Sadly, it is a bit fan service-y, though in the grand scale of things it’s not the worst offender (though definitely the worst you’ll see on this list).
SWORD INTERVAL - This is a pretty new one for me, but it’s great. At some indeterminate point in the past (potentially as far back as the civil war, if not farther), the earth became exposed to monsters and magic in ways that it wasn’t before. Humanity still exists and survives, but plagued by supernatural forces. Our main character is Fall, a very new monster hunter, who after years in witness protection, has decided to track down and kill the Hierophant, the powerful monster that killed her parents. Sword interval does a lot of really cool fantasy stuff, with new takes on classic monsters, and magic and monsters in settings that we don’t often see them in, out in the open in present day. It’s something I wish we could see more. Good action and art, particularly character design.
BACK - Abigail is back. From the dead? From a very long sleep in a box underground? She doesn’t know either. She doesn’t know a lot of things. What she does know is that she’s got two guns, is nearly indestructible, and is prophesied to go north to the capital and end the world. With the help of the young cleric Michael, who supplements her absolute lack of all knowledge and common sense, Abigail fights her way through the kingdom, and past the kings many superpowered deputies. Back is cool, back is funny, and sometimes has some good action. I wouldn’t consider it one of my favorites, but it’s a comic I started and I’ve kept up with, so that’s saying something.
MARE INTERNUM - Not very long yet, and I only recently read it, but Mare Internum is really good. I don’t want to spoil it too much, honestly, especially because it’s so short, but it’s a sci-fi adventure comic about being trapped, underground, on Mars, and finding life there. The art is great, the story so far is well written, and the dialogue is good. I really don’t want to spoil it, but there are some great concepts in it and you should read it.
OPHIUCHUS - A very new comic about an ancient stone guardian who is whisked away to another, far off world. Here, he is employed to help two of this world’s denizens defeat the blight that has corrupted and destroyed their once almost utopian world. The art for this is really good. The comic is not currently long enough to comment on much else, but it seems interesting, sci-fi with a touch of fantasy.
Slowly Updating:
AVA’S DEMON - Ava’s Demon is about a girl, Ava who has spent her entire young life haunted by a ghost that torments her, before finally making a deal. The ghost, Wrathia, will help her become a normal girl, with friends and a normal life, but first, Ava must track down the ghosts of Wrathia’s most powerful allies, and help her dissolve the massive interplanetary empire that is TITAN. Ava’s Demon is amazing. The story is good, but I think the comic’s greatest strength is absolutely stunning and polished art. Strong recommendation.
THE PROPERTY OF HATE - RGB is a self-described monster, a sharp dressed man with a TV for a head. However, he’s looking for a hero to guide on a quest. RGB whisks our young protagonist, the Hero, to a world that exists beside our own a world completely fueled and inhabited by our creativity, our stories. RGB protects the Hero from these dangers, guiding her on a mission unknown, through a world that, although mystical, seems to have lost its hope.
HE IS A GOOD BOY - Slow but large updates. This comic follows the life a sentient acorn, Crange, after the death of his parent (a tree) to a lumberjack. Crange is kind of a bit of a loser, and stumbles around his world of sentient rocks and bugs getting into all sorts of trouble and hijinks. These hijinks almost always result in someone’s death, which Crange is impressively unphased by. HIAGB is fantastic, in my opinion. The art is great, the humor is great, especially the visual comedy, and the story is good. However, it gets real dark, and gory. But if you’re fine with that, it IS a (dark) comedy comic, and a good one.
THE LAST HALLOWEEN - One Halloween, the darkness opens up, and monsters pour out from the seams between our world and theirs. Approximately 7 billion monsters, in fact. Mona, a young girl and horror fanatic finds herself thrown into a world of chaos and horror, on the run from her own monster, and forced to look for a way to save the world, with the help of ghosts, zombies, vampires, and even monsters themselves. In spite of the fact that this comic can be VERY dark, I think one of its big hooks is humor and likable characters, on top of great art and plot. I really like it. This comic maybeshouldn’t be on the slow update list, but the artist is just picking up speed after a long hiatus, so…
ROMANTICALLY APOCALYPTIC - The apocalypse happened, and Charles Snippy missed it. Humanity was wiped out in a war against it’s own, ever-present AI, and Charles Snippy, a scientist/tour guide without the implants made it out alive, only to wander alone this is until he meets Zee Captain, an ever positive, gender question mark, maniac who wanders the wasteland with their insane assistant Pilot. Snippy, Captain and Pilot wander the wasteland, facing off against monsters, raiders, and the laws of physics in a mind warping and illogical adventure.
On Hiatus:
DERELICT - Like a surprisingly large number of comics on this list, in Derelict, the world has ended. A strange Miasma travels the world, killing billions, and bringing with it gargoyle-like monsters who fear the daylight. However, the world goes on, in a small, broken way, and our story follows a scavenger in this new world.
HELVETICA - So, you die, and then what? Well, life goes on. This is what Helvetica learns, after he dies and reemerges into an afterlife that seems shockingly similar to the world of the living, with work, pressure, responsibility, danger, and just plain old boring life. Except everyone is a skeleton. Helvetica is very resistant to accept this new life in death. This one is pretty short so far, and hasn’t updated in a while, but it’s good.
VIBE - Hasn’t update in a year and a half, but what’s there is good (Honestly, it’s super sad it hasn’t update, I like it a lot). Vibe follows Baron, a young shaman, a spiritual master who is able to expel negative emotions (bad vibes) from the human body. Only those emotions then become monsters, who a shaman must fight to complete the process! With the help of his Loa (they’re like familiars), he navigates life as a teenager, and his increasingly complex and dangerous life as a shaman. I really like this comic. There’s a lot of very cool and dynamic action, and the artist makes great use of a ton of bright colors.
THE ABOMINABLE CHARLES CHRISTOPHER - This one hasn’t updated in about a year, but what’s there right now is good. Charles Christopher is a Sasquatch, living in the woods on the edge of society. Though he himself is fairly soft, and simple, the wilderness around him is full of anthropomorphized animals who go about shockingly human social and professional lives. The comic follows Charles Christopher as he interacts with the world of these animals, and becomes tangled in a vast spiritual quest.
POWER NAP - Hard to know exactly where to put this one. It’s currently VERY slow updating. Power Nap takes place in a world where the majority of mankind is reliant on a drug that allows them to live 24/7 without sleep. However, there are those who are allergic to the medicine, who live their lives out of sync with their peers, protected by the government, but effectively second class citizens. However, in a sleepless world, over-saturated by virtual reality, the human subconscious has found ways to seep into reality.
THE FANCY ADVENTURES OF JACK CANNON - I want to start this out by saying this comic is probably dead, without a 100% resolution. However, it’s currently 492 pages, and a LOT of the storyline covered in that span was resolved. Such that, if they’d wanted to, I could’ve seen the author wrapping it up. I digress. Jack Cannon is about a kid moving to a new school, where he finds the bullies are able to hack reality. Somehow immune to hacks, Jack fights the bullies, and in doing so, puts himself on the stage of a worldwide battle against hackers. Lots of really cool action in this, one of the first few webcomics I read.
HOMESTUCK - If you’re here, you are probably at least aware of Homestuck. It’s about a bunch of goofy awkward teen friends who get sucked into a cosmic (video) game, with the fate of the universe at stake, but you know, they’ve still got that teen angst. Time travel is involved. It’s a very long, fun, and dramatic comic which is heavily influenced by RPGs and point and click adventures.
THE ADVENTURES OF DR. MCNINJA - The pressures of being a doctor AND ninja are immense, but on either front, you can trust that Dr. McNinja is the man for the job. Born into an Irish ninja family, Dr. McNinja longs for a life where he can do medicine in peace, but finds himself constantly pulled into a string of action packed adventures, fighting giant monsters, bandits riding velociraptors, and dueling radical interdimensional kings. This one if fairly long, a bit over 1800 pages, but it’s really good and well done. Again, there is a lot of both action and humor (I’m big on that), with some surprisingly meaningful and well-done story arcs in spite of how silly the premise is.
REMIND - This one is about a girl who lives in a lighthouse on the edge of a town whose main draw is the “Lizard Man” legend that her own father made up. However, after her cat one day starts walking on two legs and talking, claiming to be one of many said lizard men, they both go on a journey to discover the truth. This one was OK. The story and sci-fi elements are both alright bot not great. But it’s not super long, so if you have the time, maybe read it.
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1256
Monday April 1, 2019
 Call me an April fool. I thought that the pure joy of comic book collecting was going the way of the Dodo bird but judging from the attendance of yesterday's Capital Comic Book Convention I'm glad to say I am mistaken. No celebrities. No cosplay. No special events. Just a room full of vendors who also love the hobby and collectors looking for unique and fun comics. I want to thank my partner Chris for all his hard work. He made Jee-Riz's booth a standout in the room. "You don't see this sort of stuff very often" was heard more than once.
 Archie #703 - Nick Spencer (writer) Sandy Jarrell (artist) Matt Herms (colours) Jack Morelli (letters). So much going on. We find out who attacks Jughead in the woods and why. I want to be a roadie for Josey and the Pussycats. Betty and Veronica enlists the aid of Cheryl Blossom to ferret out if Archie has a new girlfriend. As long as it's not Betty I'm not jealous of the ginger bonehead.
 Avengers #17/LGY #707 - Jason Aaron (writer) David Marquez (art) Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). This issue has some of the cheesiest dialogue I have ever read. I really hope that the Vampire War is over. This Avengers team is a bit too goody two shoes for me.
 Batman #67 - Tom King (writer) Lee Weeks & Jorge Fornes (art) Lovern Kindzierski (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Knightmares part 5. Batman's in his Batman: Year One costume chasing a masked killer. You'll feel like you're watching a Roadrunner cartoon. The guy in the mask is William Ernest Coyote. You're in for a shock when Batman unmasks him.
 Savage Sword of Conan #3 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Ron Garney (art) Richard Isanove (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Conan is captured by the evil wizard Koga Thun but manages to escape to continue his search for treasure. It looks like he's got to fight zombies to get to the treasure. I got all excited when I saw the cover showing Conan fighting alongside Belit but nothing like that happens at all inside. I'm not reading any more of these. I don't like being played for a sucker.
 Immortal Hulk #15 - Al Ewing (writer) Joe Bennett (pencils) Ruy Jose (inks) Paul Mounts (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I love this couch session with Doc Samson and the Hulk, sans couch. The two talk it out after a sniper shoots Betty and the Hulk. Some of the stuff they talk about is quite insightful. You think they're trying to find Betty but they're not. Their final destination is a surprise.
 Thor #11 - Jason Aaron (writer) Lee Garbett (art) Antonio Fabela (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Thor goes looking for his best friend thinking he's going to need all the help he can get in the coming War of the Realms. The Lady Freyja has to make her son stop his foolish search. I like the little snippets showing characters we haven't seen in a while and I can't wait to see what their roles are in the war. Get ready true believers, Malekith is about to invade Midgard.
 Avengers LGY #714: No Road Home #7 - Jim Zub, Mark Waid & Al Ewing (writers) Paco Medina (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). This issue features Monica Rambeau/Spectrum. Who better to fight the Queen of Darkness than a being of light. The last page made up for the disappointment I felt reading Savage Sword of Conan #3.
 Heroes in Crisis #7 - Tom King (writer) Clay Mann (art pages 1-6, 11, 17,-19, 23-24) Travis Moore (art pages 8-10, 13, 14-16, 20-21) Jorge Fornes (art pages 7, 12, 22) Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). You could read this one issue and it wouldn't make a lick of sense unless you've read the previous 6. I even had a hard time understanding what's going on and I've read every issue. I think the only reason I'm going to read the last two issues is to find out if anything makes sense in the end.
 Hulkverines #2 - Greg Pak (writer) Guiu Vilanova (art) Morry Hollowell with Chris Sotomayor (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). We go from Hulkverine, the Hulk and Wolverine fighting each other to the three of them teaming up. Meanwhile the Leader and Doctor Alba, who created Hulkverine, do the super villain equivalent of what the three super heroes did. The result is going to be very interesting. This is the first I've seen of Guiu Vilanova's art and I think it's great.
 Ironheart #4 - Eve L. Ewing (writer) Luciano Vecchio (art) Geoffo (layouts) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). It's a rematch with Midnight's Fire. This new super villain reminds me of Miles's uncle Aaron AKA the Prowler. I hope there isn't too much overlap between these two young super heroes, otherwise I will get bored with one of them.
 The Avant-Guards #3 - Carly Usdin (writer) Noah Hayes (art) Rebecca Nalty (colours) Ed Dukeshire (letters). The team has their first practice and play their first game. Major points to Noah for showing the players following through on their shots. I used to love playing basketball but never made my high school team. So I ended up managing both junior and senior teams and got to practice with them. I would love to find someone my own age to shoot some hoops with right now.
 Black Widow #3 - Jen & Sylvia Soska (writers) Flaviano (art) Veronica Gandini (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Natasha's mission to shut down an online pay-per-view torture site goes horribly wrong. I can't wait to see how she gets out of this predicament.
 Sabrina the teenage witch #1 - Kelly Thompson (writer) Veronica Fish & Andy Fish (art) Jack Morelli (letters). This new comic book is more like the TV show than the gritty ghoulish title that was on the racks a while ago. I liked the old show but haven't seen the new one. I had a crush on Melissa Joan Hart. I really like the writing and art in this so it's going on my "must read" list.
 Dial H for Hero #1 - Sam Humphries (writer) Joe Quinones (art) Dave Sharpe (letters). I mainly bought Marvel comics when I got more spending money and could afford new comic books but I did buy this DC title because I liked the concept. Robby Reed was this nerdy kid who finds a rotary telephone dial that changed him into a different super hero whenever he dialled H-E-R-O. he always had different powers and a different costume. This updated version has a kid named Miguel who is an adrenaline junky. An old timey telephone, the whole thing with handset this time, appears before him as he's plummeting towards certain death and he changes into Monster Truck. The Monster Truck pages are quite Kirbyesque. Throw in a page with Damian/ Robin, Lobo, Snapper Carr, Angel and the Ape, Harley Quinn and Alfred and I am hooked. I liked the town troublemaker Summer too. I am looking forward to seeing their further adventures.
 Doctor Strange #12 - Mark Waid (writer) Barry Kitson (pencils) Scott Koblish (inks) Brian Reber (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Herald Supreme part 1. Stephen Strange is bored but he won't be for long. An alien from a warrior race of mystics comes to Earth to ask Doctor Strange how he defeated Galactus. I guess there's no Marvel comics where this guy is from. Seems the world eater is fixing to eat his planet. The super aggressive Zoloz manages to steal all of Doc Strange's mystical power and banishes Galactus in the Mystic Realms. Read this issue to find out why that's a bad idea. Now it's up to Stephen to keep the big purple planet eater from feeding and destroying our universe too.
 Action Comics #1009 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Steve Epting (art) Brad Anderson (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Leviathan Rising part 3. Lois is pissed at Amanda Waller but she reigns in her anger to come up with a plan to find out what Leviathan is. We get to see what Gold Kryptonite does, which is kind of cool. It's fun when something new gets added to a story. Superman's transformation surprised me.
 Sharkey the bounty hunter #2 - Mark Millar (writer) Simone Bianchi (art & colours) Peter Doherty (letters). This one's a fun space romp. The hunter finds his prey but she's not going to come along quietly.
 The Superior Spider-Man #4 - Christos Gage (writer) Mike Hawthorne (pencils) Wade von Grawbadger (inks) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I hope this change is permanent but it's going to take some getting used to calling Otto but his new identity Elliot. I like how Anna Maria is the woman behind the man. She teaches him a lesson in humility in this issue. Now I have a craving for Polish sausage.
 Shazam #4 - Geoff Johns (writer) Dale Eaglesham & Marco Santucci (art) Mike Atiyeh (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Yay, my wish came true. We meet Tawky Tawny the tiger in the first 6 pages. This version is quite dapper. The kids get separated with two in the Wildlands, two in the Gamelands and Mary and Billy in the Funlands, contrary to what the cover shows. Who's going to rescue the Marvel Family? The last page will enlighten you. I'm not excited about the movie hitting theatres on April 5 but if it's as good as this comic book, I might go see it.
 Fantastic Four #8 - Dan Slott (writer) Aaron Kuder, Stefano Caselli, David Marquez & Reilly Brown (art) Matt Yackey (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Did someone forget to tell cover artist Esad Ribic that Victorious was female? Doctor Doom has captured both Galactus and the Fantastic Four. He's siphoning off the former's cosmic power and is going to execute the latter. Reed, Sue, Ben and Johnny are sure in a pickle. I can't wait to see how they get out of it.
 The Amazing Spider-Man #18 - Nick Spencer (writer) Humberto Ramos (pencils) Victor Olazaba (inks) Edgar Delgado & Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Hunted part 2. There's a spectre of danger hovering over Mary Jane in the side story. That's always a good plot twist to keep a Spider-Man fan hooked.
 Daredevil #3 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Marco Checchetto (art) Sunny Gho (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Know Fear part 3. Daredevil's been shot and is about to be arrested for murder. Detective Cole North aims to bring the suspect in no matter what it takes. I wonder if Canadian Chip Zdarsky picked that name as an inside joke? Just when the "tough-as-nails" ex-Chicago cop is about to succeed, Daredevil is rescued. I chuckled when I saw who it was, and it's not Man-Thing.
 Detective Comics #1000 - Is this worth $9.99 US? You bet your sweet bippy it is. I might even buy one for myself, but which cover to pick? Here are the choices.
 Main cover by Jim Lee (pencils) Scott Williams (inks) & Alex Sinclair (colours)
1930s by Steve Rude (art)
1940s by Bruce Timm (art)
1950s by Michael Cho (art)
1960s by Jim Steranko (art)
1970s by Bernie Wrightson (art) & Alex Sinclair (colours)
1980s by Frank Miller (art) & Alex Sinclair (colours)
1990s by Tim Sale (art) & Brennan Wagner (colours)
2000s by Jock (art)
2010s by Greg Capullo (art) & FCO Plascencia (colours)
 We get 3 pin-ups by:
Mikel Janin (art)
Jason Fabok (art) & Brad Anderson (colours)
Amanda Conner (art) & Paul Mounts (colours)
 Then there's all the terrific stories inside that not only shows Batman as a crime fighter but more importantly for this title as a consummate crime solver. You will find all of Batman's family and rogues gallery in here. I loved how this issue was a feast for the eyes too. I'm just going to list the titles of the stories and their creative teams. If you don't buy a copy for your comic book collection then you're missing out on what will be a classic. With a line up like this you can't lose.
 Longest Case by Scott Snyder (writer) Greg Capullo (pencils) Jonathan Glapion (inks) FCO Plascencia (colours) & Tom Napolitano (letters).
Manufacture for Use by Kevin Smith (writer) Jim Lee (pencils) Scott Williams (inks) & Alex Sinclair (colours) & Todd Klein (letters).
The Legend of Knute Brody by Paul Dini (writer) Dustin Nguyen (pencils) Derek Fridolfs (inks) John Kalisz (colours) & Steve Wands (letters).
The Batman's Design by Warren Ellis (writer) Becky Cloonan (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) & Simon Bowland (letters).
Return to Crime Alley by Denny O'Neil (writer) Steve Epting (art) Elizabeth Breitweiser (colours) & AndWorld Design (letters).
Heretic by Christopher Priest (writer) Neal Adams (art) Dave Stewart (colours) & Willie Schubert (letters).
I Know by Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art & colours) & Josh Reed (letters).
The Last Crime in Gotham by Geoff Johns (writer) Kelley Jones (art) Michelle Madsen (colours) Rob Leigh (letters).
The Precedent by James Tynion IV (writer) Alvaro Martinez-Bueno (pencils) Raul Fernandez (inks) Brad Anderson (colours) & Sal Cipriano (letters).
Batman's Greatest Case by Tom King (writer) Tony S. Daniel & Joelle Jones (art) Tomeu Morey (colours) & Clayton Cowles (letters).
And finally Medieval by Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Doug Mahnke (pencils) Jaime Mendoza & Doug Mahnke (inks) David Baron (colours) & Rob Leigh (letters).
 That last story introduces a new (at least to me) Gotham City crime fighter named the Arkham Knight. His story continues in Detective Comics #1001 and I'm going to snag that issue off the racks to find out who he is.
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britesparc · 6 years
Weekend Top Ten #367
Top Ten Star Trek Characters I’d Like to See in the New Picard Series
I grew up as a Star Wars fan, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Star Trek. Slow-paced and contemplative, I like its depiction of futuristic submarine warfare in space; its focus on morality and ethics over bombastic heroism; and, above all, its depiction of a future where we all, more or less, get along. I came to the franchise via the original movies (The Voyage Home and The Wrath of Khan being particular favourites when I was young), but my introduction to the various series came via The Next Generation. Although it’s understandably dated now (it’s over thirty years old, after all), I think it best nails what I consider the core Trek trait of morally upright people trying to maintain their sense of decency as they navigate the choppy waters of space and intergalactic diplomacy. Central to this, of course, is Sir Patrick Stewart’s epoch-defining portrayal of everyone’s favourite patriarch, Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Unquestionably the best captain, but also – like Martin Sheen’s Jed Bartlet or Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers – a profound performance of a super-straight, moral, upstanding bloke who is dedicated to being a firm ethical foundation upon which an entire franchise can be built.
All this is a typically long-winded way of saying I’m super-stoked about the upcoming Star Trek series that will catch up with Picard twenty years after we last saw him in Nemesis.
I’m primed for it, too: as well as enjoyed the new episodes of Discovery, I’m also about halfway through a re-watch of The Next Generation. I say re-watch, but to be honest I’ve probably only seen about a third of the episodes before (like I said, I came to the franchise through the films); and even then, I watched it in a disorganised and random fashion, catching episodes on TV over the years. So following the story from beginning to end for the first time has been something of a revelation, and one I’m thoroughly enjoying revelling in.
Anyway, if you’re bringing back Picard and going back to the best era of Star Trek – the Next Gen era – then who else do you bring back? I’m not expecting (or even desiring, really) a new Enterprise-focused series with the whole crew. But pretty much all versions of Trek are defined by their characters, by the interplay between the actors, and the sense of a constructed family that emerges. I’m assuming that some reference, at least, will be made to all of the main crew – Riker, Troi, Crusher, La Forge, and Worf – but what about the various supporting characters, love interests, nemeses, and – yes – dear departed Datas? Well, as you can imagine, I’ve got a few ideas. So here we go: ten Star Trek characters I’d like to see back in the Picard show (apart from the ones listed above, natch).
Data: what? But he’s (a) one of the main cast and (b) dead! Well, yes. I know in the comics at least Data’s android brother B-4 absorbed Data’s memories and, essentially, our favourite android was resurrected. Well, I’m sort-of in favour of that, but I’d like it to be a slow, painful, morally-compromised affair; perhaps Data’s personality is surfacing underneath B-4’s rudimentary programming, leading to an android in some degree of pain. Whatever, having Brent Spiner come back as a reminder of Picard’s lost friend and also what I imagine he would see as his own personal failure, would serve as a valuable plot point and also tie up the loose end left dangling in Nemesis (but, for what it’s worth, it would also be nice for a Trek character to die and stay dead).
Q: it has to be Q. He has to be in it. I would be entirely in support of Q being the main antagonist or even co-lead of the show; Q taking a tired and ageing Picard on one last bizarre voyage. Maybe Q claims he can “cure” Data and restore his personality, and Picard follows him on a quest to “save” his friend? See, two birds with one stone. Triple bonus points if they get John de Lancie to make some kind of My Little Pony in-joke.
Guinan: her wisdom and counsel was often very beneficial to Picard during TNG, so it would be great to see her back, even if it’s just for a cameo. I know from her recent interview with David Tennant that Whoopee Goldberg would be up for it. Plus maybe we could get more of her contentious backstory with Q?
The Borg Queen: Picard’s relationship with her in First Contact, and the delicious, flirtatious portrayal of her by Alice Krige, was a highlight of that film. I’ve not seen all of Voyager, but my understanding is that a great deal of the Borg threat is neutralised by the end of the series, so seeing the Queen return to further torment Picard would be interesting. Alternatively, perhaps he’s having some kind of regressive visions due to his old assimilation?
Wesley Crusher: yes, I know, I’m trying to avoid “main” characters, but Young Wesley left the show halfway through, so I’m counting him in this time. His final appearance saw him flitting off with the weird space-wizard “Traveler” to learn the Force, or something. I know he cameoed in Nemesis at Riker and Troi’s wedding, but I don’t recall seeing him in the final film, unless he’s in the background somewhere. Nevertheless, I like the idea that he rejoined Starfleet, and perhaps by now he’s a Captain himself. But what’s his relationship with Picard like nowadays, seeing as he saw the Captain as a surrogate father-figure during his time on the Enterprise? And if he does have mystical space-wizard powers, how is he putting them to use?
The USS Enterprise: yes, that’s right, I’m counting it as a character even though it’s a spaceship. Is the Enterprise-E still in operation twenty or so years later? Probably, as they seem to use starships for quite a long time (maybe because they go back to stardock every three episodes to get a refit or something). But even though I don’t think the series should be set on the Enterprise, it’d still be good to catch up with the old ship and see how life is progressing back there. Who’s the captain now? Riker would be the obvious choice, but I’m gonna go with Worf. I like Worf.
Sela: my apparent predilection for resurrecting actors knows no bounds! Last we saw of Sela, I seem to remember, was when her attempted invasion of Vulcan went tits-up. She didn’t appear on Romulus during Nemesis; where is she now, what’s she doing? Romulus was destroyed at the beginning of 2009’s Star Trek; let’s assume she escaped that tragedy. Is she in favour or better relations with the Federation? Was she disgraced following the Vulcan incident? Did she, like Nero, blame Spock for the destruction of Romulus? Regardless, it’d just be nice to bring back Denise Crosby for an episode or so, and seeing that (as far as I can gather, reading between the lines), the aftermath of Romulus’ destruction will play into the storyline, we need some recognisable Romulans.
O’Brien: I’m gonna be honest, this is just because I want to see more Colm Meany. I love his appearances in TNG, and he was often a good source of humour on the show. Plus we need more Irishmen in space. I think the plot of the series should involve Picard essentially commandeering a ship to follow Q on a quest to resurrect Data, and the captain of this ship should be O’Brien. There you go. Writes itself.
A character from the wider world of Trek: we’re all used to shared universes nowadays, but arguably Trek got there first, with characters flitting from TNG to DS9 to Voyager back in the day. I mean, O’Brien is king of this, really, going from recurring in TNG to starring in DS9. But he’s a special case and I love me some Colm Meany regardless. No, it’d be nice if we could briefly catch up with some of the other contemporary Trek families. Perhaps Sisko? Or Voyager’s Doctor? Alternatively – and this is where I’m descending into rampant fanning speculation – what about a time-displaced Michael Burnham? I’ve got this crazy theory that, in Discovery, she is the Red Angel and the current season will end with her catapulted into the future. Perhaps she bumps into Picard? Or – and this idea has literally just come to me – the Prime-universe Gabriel Lorca, who was similarly thrust through time when trying to escape from the Mirror Universe.
Ian McKellen: I mean, good god, how great would that be?
So there you go. Sadly no time for Vash, my favourite of Picard’s love interests, and who would be fun to bump into for an episode. I also think serial Trek-actors like James Cromwell, Clint Howard, and Jeffrey Combs should cameo as various aliens. And, like I said at the beginning, I want to see all the TNG regulars at some point. This might be the list bite of the TNG cherry, so what became of our faves? We demand to know! Well, not demand, but it’d certainly be nice.
Finally, a suggestion: it is common among Star Trek series for the title to be the name of the ship or station upon which the story is set. Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery. In this vein, I think the plot of the new series should involve the launch of a new starship, which is called… the USS Picard. Picard himself, a retired admiral now, is on board for the maiden voyage when… something happens. The plot intervenes. And then they’re off on some grand quest in the galaxy (like I said, maybe involving Q, Data, and Captain O’Brien). As such, the title of the series would be… Star Trek: Picard.
You’re welcome, fellas.
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flicksnfilms · 6 years
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Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
As the Avengers and their allies have continued to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero to handle, a new danger has emerged from the cosmic shadows: Thanos. A despot of intergalactic infamy, his goal is to collect all six Infinity Stones, artifacts of unimaginable power, and use them to inflict his twisted will on all of reality. Everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment - the fate of Earth and existence itself has never been more uncertain.
Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Writer: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely (screenplay), Stan Lee, Jack Kirby (Marvel comics), Jim Starlin, George Pérez, Ron Lim (comic book story) Cast: fucking everybody IMDB | RottenTomatoes | Official Site
Watched: on 25 April, at the IMAX cinema, and 28 April, and 01 May
Reaction: ± Thanos demands my silence. I will say that i wasn’t half as prepared as i though i was. I'll edit this in like a week with my actual reaction since i assume by then it'll be far enough down any follower's (who hasn't watched - IN A WHOLE WEEK AFTER RELEASE!) dashboard to not be seen unless you're looking specifically at this blog.
Memorable aspect of the movie: + So many things. (Soon.)
Would I recommend it? > Fuck. Yes.
[EDIT:] So, reaction. After more than a month because i haven’t been on in a while, and under the cut because it’s hella long (like, super fucking long) and rambling in my geeky joy. :D It’s in 3 parts, from the three times i watched it.
[Take 1] ± It was an EXCELLENT, WELL BALANCED FILM. They have the Marvel Cinematic Universe formula down pat of comedy and drama, action and reaction. It’s so perfect and fun to watch. They were able to give the gigantic cast fairly equal screen time as well as balancing the personalities on screen. [See bonus content at the very end.]. That they split up the teams and threw them with other franchises was a great choice for both balance and dynamic. The visuals -- cinematography, CGI, costume, make up, set design --, as always, are a feast, with the coloration of the film striking a balance between all the different tones from each individual franchise. 
[Take 2] Memorable [aspect] moments of the movie: + D:  “I am Loki, Prince of Asgard... Odinson.” + XD “I’ll get you a metaphysical ham on rye.” + Doctor Strange and Tony’s interactions. It was interesting repartee and good chemistry. + Stark-raving Hazelnut and Hunka-Hulk-a Burning Love. I need to try these flavours, and also i need to know the flavours for every other Avenger. + <3 Tony brings the stupid flip phone around with him! AND there’s a message!! + XD “Squidward” + XD “Dude, you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.” + XD Bruce trying to beat Hulk out.  + “Wong, you’re invited to my wedding.” + XD The singing. Mean faces. “Language. ... Ever since you got a little sap.” OMG. You GOT a little sap. Oh, puberty. “ XD “He is not a dude. You are a dude. He is a man. A handsome, muscular man.” “It’s like a pirate made a baby with an angel.” “God man.” + XD Mantis’s attack form. + XD Quill’s jealousy and mimicking. + “All words are made up words.” Well, that’s actually a good point. + “Is there a 4 digit code? A birthday perhaps” Thor’s really gotten into Midgard culture eh? (Which is a good carry over from Thor: Ragnarok.) + XD Rabbit. Tree. Morons. Ah, Thor’s nicknames. It’s fun, cause he doesn’t mean them maliciously and he says them with such regal diction that they feel kind of acceptable as nicknames. + The intro sequences for the rogue Avengers. STEVE!!! <3 And Sam! And Nat!! The whole fight sequence too! + D:  “Where to, Cap?” “Home.” !!! (ESPECIALLY IF YOU REWATCH AGE OF ULTRON AND SEE HOW STEVE REACTS TO SAM SAYING “Home is home,” AT THE PARTY. TT_TT )  + “The kid watches more movies.” Well, that’s a good enough strategy. + “WHAT ARE THOSE??” The two teenagers use the same (meme) phrasing. + “Doctor. Do you concur?” + <3 “I’m not looking for forgiveness. And I’m way past asking permission. Earth just lost its best defender, so we’re here to fight. If you want to stand in our way, we’ll fight you too.” ICONIC. STEVEN FUCKING ROGERS, EVERYONE. + <3 The reunion greetings with Rhodey.” + XD “This is awkward.” + XD “It was an elective.” I NEED TO KNOW WHAT OTHER ELECTIVES THEY OFFERED ON ASGARD, PLEASE. + “I am Groot?” Evidently translates to: Are we there yet? The question of all kids in travelling vehicles everywhere. + D:  “What more do I have to lose?”  + Giant Peter Dinklage. So weird. + D:  Quill and Gamora. + Quill actually got Thanos’s approval. So like, thanks, dad? Hahaha. + “We don’t trade lives.”  + Nebula. What a badass. + XD “Blanket of death” + XD “Where is Gamora?” “Who is Gamora?” “Why is Gamora?” + “You’re from Earth?” “I’m from Missouri.” “Missouri is on Earth, dumbass.” + XD “Kick names. Take ass.” + Tony’s face. He’s so done with everyone. + Rhodey & Bruce. Ahh, what are friends for. XD + Steve & Bucky. Both of you are “hundred year old, semi-stable soldier”s. + Shuri! Wakanda! Man, i love this place. It’s great. + D:  Gamora!! + “Get out of the way, Sammy.” SAMMY! + Thor jumping onto and then sitting on the pod. What a cutie. + “It’ll kill you.” “Not if I don’t die.” “Yes, that’s what killing you means.” + XD “Magic! More magic! Magic with a kick!” + Bucky & Rocket + “New haircut?” “I see you’ve copied my beard.” This is SO MUCH better knowing they ad-libbed it.  + “This is my friend, Tree.” “I am Groot.” “I am Steve Rogers.” Of fucking course. Such a polite cutie pie, this guy. + XD Okoye’s reactions, and the “Why was she up there all this time?” + “She’s not alone.” FUCK YEAH. LET’S GO LADIES!! + “Oh, screw you, you big green asshole. I’ll do it myself.” Banner is super funny, situationally in this film. + “Tony Stark.” “You know me?” Hell yeah, you deserve to be acknowledged all over the universe, Tony. + The power of Doctor Strange and the mystic arts. SO COOL.  + Tony ran out of nanoparticles! O_o + D:  Wanda & Vision + “Steve?” TT___TT D: Bucky! Sam! My King! “Steady, Quill.” “I don’t wanna go!” TT__TT FEELS.
[Take 3] ± The familial hits get me more than the romantic ones. My reactions per viewing gave me three different experiences; It was personal, then intellectual, them empathic, in that order, for me. There are some moments i paid particular attention to, for a few characters:
Loki gets to come full circle with the “We have a Hulk,” line along with his redemption arc continuing on in from Thor: Ragnarok. Thor is an odd amalgamation of Shakespearean proper and slangy modern. “A little bit.” “So cool.” “I bid thee farewell and good luck, morons.” “Bye.”
The interplay between Tony and Strange. Excellent. It’s a real battle of egos at the beginning which turns to a mutual respect. Tony is a true leader. He intuits other people’s emotional reactions and attempts to keep them in line long enough to complete the goal.
A lot of shots in the Avengers compound are just Steve’s reactions. What bearing will this have? How does he feel about the cost?? Are they showing how tired he is from paying for his decisions?
The kid’s all heart. The first thing Peter does, once their plan goes awry, is try to save everyone even if he can’t remember their names. Okoye is a warrior to the core. She refuses to attach even these fuckers from behind. Bruce is such a goof and it shows now that he can’t disappear mid-scene. “Oh, you guys are so screwed!” And all the talking-to he gives Hulk.
Thanos’s voice really goes soft for Gamora, as a child, and the “I’m sorry, daughter.” “Tony Stark. ... You have my respect. I will wipe out half of humanity. I hope they remember you.” That’s amazing. The cost, the deterioration, is up to his arm and his neck. That’s an interesting detail which kind of implies that the Infinity Gauntlet (in the MCU at least) can only be used for something of this scale a few, if not only one, times.
I love that Marvel is really invested in antagonists that aren’t villains purely for the sake of being evil, but are fleshed out beings with emotions and purpose and passion, even if their goals are morally misguided. They have complex backstories and three dimensional personalities. Their goals are logical and intelligent, if a little beyond what’s reasonable. Their thought processes within the realm of imagination but a step too far for civilians and heroes.
The ending of this film is superb. I’ve seen many a peer say they think it’s too short or unresolved but i think they fail to appreciate the story. That sometimes the “good guys” don’t or can’t win (for now). That there are outcomes we’d rather not fathom and costs we’d rather not pay. But they happen. And the MCU gets this. That things happen and there’s a balance to it. There’s collateral and there’s gains and losses. And not just for the protagonist. (But for every character.)
Thanos achieved his goal, but at great personal cost. He won but lost all at once. Likewise, Killmonger achieved some of his goals but failed at others, died but did it with dignity in his eyes; Hela brought was released from her bonds and gained power but didn’t wind up ruling Asgard as it was swallowed by Ragnarok; Zemo sowed discord and ripped the Avengers apart from the inside, but was prevented from shooting himself and joining his family. 
[BONUS:] In some of my movie reviews i talk about the characters and their stories in relation to Joseph Campbell’s Heroic Monomyth. And, i dunno, i suppose it my complete emotional roller coaster watching this film along with all the geek out moments, i completely missed its inclusion in this, given that the beginning of the monomyth takes place before the beginning of this film. I was delighted to find it pointed out to me in this post by The Screen Junkies - The Dailies Facebook. It’s a really good breakdown of the way the writers (maybe intentionally) incorporated the Heroic Monomyth in Infinity War despite it featuring like 7000 characters and all of Hollywood. :)
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