#I’ve been so busy drawing nothing but Christmas gifts for my friends lately
snailvibes · 10 months
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Chat I miss them so much to the point where if I talked about it yall would have to put me down at the vet
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My best friend and my sister
Word count: 3714
Pairing: Tammy x Miller!Reader (Lou’s younger sister)
Prompts requested: 1 “Why didn’t you tell me” 18 “How could you be so irresponsible?” 
A/N: For my sweet Anon, I hope you enjoy x Sorry it’s taking so long to get these out, I’ve been very burnt out recently but I’m back on track now! 
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @saucy-sapphic @witchxaf @creepingwolfberry​ @chewbacca0805​ @coconutlipss​
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Prompts 1 & 18 
You and Lou had always been close growing up. Having such a cool older sister had its perks. Like when you were eight years old and you had pleaded and begged for that toy you had spotted in the window but your parents had shook their heads, not having enough money to afford ‘special gifts’. Those were only reserved for birthdays and Christmas’s. You had walked out of the store devastated with tears in your eyes until Lou walked you around the corner and revealed the toy from the depths of her long coat, a finger to her lips and a wink keeping the secret gift between you both. Lou had been seventeen then and was struggling to find a part time job to help pay some of the family's bills and so she could buy you gifts. 
“Every kid should have a few toys growing up. Including you, Y/N.” She would say. 
Once Lou had reached the sweet old age of twenty-one, an opportunity had presented itself before her, one that she just couldn't refuse. One right where the tall green statue stood proud overlooking the city of dreams. New York City was Lou's chance to make something of herself and, who were you to deny her of that?
"This could be good for us, Y/N! I could make enough money to bring you over and you can live with me!"  She had exclaimed, excitement filling her youthful blue eyes. You had nodded and basked in her excitement, the dreading feeling of abandonment slowly creeping its way through into your chest.
Once you had turned eighteen, Lou had kept to her promise of bringing you over to the big city, flying first class from Australia and leaving your parents down under, ready to start your new life; a better life. 
You had lived with Lou while studying in New York. Your apartment was small, but enough for the two of you. That was, until Lou introduced you to the infamous Deborah Ocean. The woman was beautiful and mysterious, her words carefully calculated, her dark eyes taking in the room before she had even stepped into it. You thought she was pretty badass compared to your older sister, especially when you found out what they did for a living. The ‘jobs’ that they did helped keep you both afloat through your first few years in New York City, especially when the bigger jobs were coming through, which helped you move into a bigger, fancier place that you could call home. 
That was the day you fell in love with the most breath-taking human you had ever laid eyes on. The woman was average height, her blonde hair resting against her breasts in soft curls. The small dark freckle on the corner of her upper lip drawing you in and oh, that wide smile that lit up her whole face making her brown eyes sparkle ever so slightly under the sunlight that seeped into the open living room space where you had stood, staring a little too long at this stunning woman.
"Stop drooling, kid. You're gonna end up needing the mop at this rate and we haven't even put an offer in yet," Debbie had whispered to you, teasing your love sick expression. You had snapped out of your gaze at that remark, stuttering over your words trying to defend yourself. You both stood and watched as Lou and this beautiful blonde discussed the price by the bay window overlooking the busy streets of New York. Tammy was her name, and it was the most beautiful name you had ever heard of, her soft voice showing a tiny hint of a lisp making you swoon just that bit more for her.
She was an old friend of Debbie's who knew just the right places for the best prices around the area, she had also helped with some of the more high profiled jobs when needed, mainly moving various illegal items across borders. You looked at the sweet blonde in awe, wondering how a woman like that could look so innocent and sweet. 
You had never gotten over that first meeting with Tammy but as the years went by and you matured into a strong minded individual, you realised that you'd rather ignore that pining feeling and continue on with your life as if nothing had changed within you that day. As if you hadn't pictured her breathless beneath you while you buried your fingers deep inside her throbbing heat or how good her left hand would look with a diamond ring on her finger letting everyone know she is yours and you are hers.
No, she was a friend of your sister… your older sister, and a good friend at that.
'Still, it doesn't stop you from thinking about how sweet she would sound moaning your name,' You think bitterly to yourself, hating that you still have this pull to her. 
That’s why you totally weren’t stalking her social media page as you entered your shared apartment with your older sister and her best friend. Briefcase in hand and your eyes glued to your phone screen, eyes transfixed on the sweet blonde who’s smile still makes your stomach flutter. 
You were so invested in your scrolling that you had missed the knowing smirk shared between your sister and her best friend. 
“Hey Kid, how was your first day on the job?” Lou asks, hiding her smirk beneath her coffee mug as Debbie lays out the new flooring plans for their next big job. You look up at the sound of her voice, taking in the blue papers on the living room table.
“Yeah, it was good! The students were lovely and eager, which was encouraging.” You gush, the excitement from your first successful day distracting you from the breath-taking photos of your secret crush.
“God, just the thought of college makes me shiver now. Thank god I develop my skills as a con artist.” Debbie jokes, her eyes trained on the carefully mapped out plan. You move to sit next to her, leaning your chin onto her shoulder pointing at an unmarked area on the layout plans. 
“If you place the camera chip by the corner on the east wing here, that should cover up to the left side of the entryway down the hall.” You mumble, before grabbing Debbie’s hot coffee and taking a sip. Lou scoffs from her seat across but you can spot the pride in her eyes. Living with two very intelligent con artists has its perks. Debbie kisses the top of your head with enthusiasm.
“You’re the best, pumpkin. Still think you’re going down the right career path?” She questions, a playful smirk appearing on her lips making you shake your head as you move towards your bedroom. 
“You guys have your thing, I have mine. Besides, I’m far too good for your lil crew, Ocean.” You joke, turning to wink at the brunette before heading into your room. You falter slightly upon closing your door hearing your sister’s voice shout through to you from the other side. 
“The ‘crew’ are coming over later to go through the plan. You wanna join us?!” You bump your head lightly against your wooden door, already feeling the knowing smirks coming from both women. 
“Maybe. I’ll see how I feel later.” You reply against the door, before moving away and removing your work clothes piece by piece, leaving a trail of material towards the en-suite bathroom. 
Placing your phone on the drawer by the bathroom door, you head in for a shower completely missing the new text message from your favourite blonde.
Hey darling! I hope your first day went well. Can’t wait to hear all about it tonight! Tam x
Writing up the last few lines for your lesson plans, you look towards the digital clock on your desk as your stomach flutters in anticipation at seeing the blonde. You see, you may have never seeked out your intentions with Tammy but you would be fooling yourself if you thought you were over your silly crush on the woman. 
A loud knock on your door interrupts your thoughts. 
“Y/N! They’ll be here soon, are you joining us or not?” Lou’s deep voice came muffled from the other side of your door.
“Uh, yeah. Let me finish up this lesson plan and I’ll be out.” You reply, distracted by your thoughts. Shaking your head, you refocus back onto the task at hand before you can let your thoughts trail off into a much more filthier place.
You continue to write in your planner making sure that every detail has been looked over at least twice wanting everything to be perfect, completely unaware of the unannounced presence that stands by your doorway leaning heavily against the doorframe, soft eyes gazing lovingly at your hunched over figure. 
“Hey, you.” 
The voice startles you from your productivity, making you gasp and swirl around swiftly at the unexpected voice. Hand on chest, you try to catch your breath as the sweet angelic sound of Tammy’s laughter echoes throughout the bedroom. 
“Oh my god, Tammy! You gotta warn me next time.” You breathe, turning back to rearrange your notepad and planner. Tammy chuckles this time before pushing away from the doorframe and making herself comfortable at the foot of the bed.
“I’m sorry darling, but we’ve been out there for nearly an hour and well.. I missed you. We haven’t hung out with you much lately and we’re missing our most valuable member of the crew.” She confesses, a small smile playing on her lips as she takes in your room. You feel your heart flutter at the thought of her missing you, but you quickly squish down the thought knowing she didn’t mean just her but the rest of the gang. 
“Oh shit! I hadn’t realised the time. You guys haven’t ordered yet, right?” You ask, eyes hopeful and mouth watering at the thought of some delicious greasy pizza. 
“We have..” You pout at her words before watching her smile wide at you. “But don’t worry Y/N, I ordered your favourite.” She informs you with a smug expression. You leap out of your chair and practically leap towards her, placing your arms around her shoulder you press a big kiss to her cheek before moving away just as quickly heading for the living room.
“This is why you’re my favourite, Tam Tam.” You exclaim, already out of the room before she could blink. Within your excitement you missed how the blonde touched her cheek where you had placed the kiss onto her scorching skin, a tint of pink blushing across her cheeks. 
Yeah, you weren’t the only one smitten. 
Over the next few days, you had helped your sister and her crew form the perfect plan to take over the new Randervelt Museum and their very expensive art pieces. Debbie had dropped enough hints that you ended up being a part of the plan. 
“We can’t do this without you, Y/n.” 
“The money is good.” 
How could you say no? After all, you were a Miller and the thrill of a heist had always been appealing to you ever since your sister brought you along to your first one when you turned 21. “It’s tradition”, Lou had said. 
During that time, you had noticed Tammy had been awfully quiet around you. Sometimes you would catch her staring just a little too long at you before she would turn away and engage in conversation with one of the others, as if nothing was wrong. You had tried to talk to her about her odd behaviour but every time you got her alone, she would make some kind of excuse to not be around you. 
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt but the plan had gone smoothly with everyone accounted for, all except for well... you. 
“Where is she, Constance?” Tammy raged through her earpiece, getting ready to jump back out of the van and go searching for you herself. 
“She’s got caught up with that big ass guard. I’m going to intervene to see if I can get her out of the way.” Constance replies, far too calm for her liking. 
“What do you mean caught up with the guard?! What’s he saying to her?” 
“I dunno but, uh… it seems like he’s flirting with her.” Tammy gulps slightly at that, feeling her stomach drop. 
“Well, get him to back off before I come in there and do it myself.” She says through gritted teeth.
“Alright girl, chill the F out. I’ll go get your girl.” She mumbles into her ear. Tammy’s eyes widen at the blunt statement as she hears quiet chuckling from the others. 
“Ladies, can we please focus? This is my sister and I swear to god if anything happens to her I- just… Constance, go and get her. Me and Debbie are going to bring round the other truck so we can transfer the paintings over to you, got it?” Lou’s authoritative voice crackles through the earpiece. A collective of sorry's are mumbled across the team as everyone returned back to the task at hand. Tammy holds her breath, waiting for Constance's confirmation of a safe exit with you in toe. 
“Got her. We’re on our way out now, be ready for us.” 
She can finally breathe again.
The journey back to the warehouse was quiet and tense. Tammy tried to let go of the pent up frustration and unwanted anger of having you in such a situation in the first place, but she couldn’t seem to drop it. That is, if her knee bouncing rapidly had anything to say about it. 
You kept your eyes fixed on the empty seat across from you, knowing that a certain pair of  brown doe eyes were burning into your skull from the spot across. Once you had all entered the apartment, the team disperses towards the living area bringing in the pieces one by one. 
Tammy is no longer able to keep her thoughts to herself, the words ready to spill from her throat. 
“How could you be so irresponsible?” She scolded, turning towards you. 
Your eyes widen as you gape at her, showing your shock at her blunt words. 
You can hear Lou chastising Tammy quietly in warning from across the room, but from the look on the blonde's face she wasn’t about to listen to her friend.  
“Excuse me?” You exclaim, taking a step closer to her. 
“You could have gotten into some serious trouble back there Y/N, if that guy had caught onto what you were doing.. You need to be more careful.” She lectured, trying to slow down her rapid breathing knowing that secretly, deep down, it wasn’t your fault. 
“Are you being serious right now?!” You question, baffled by her defensive behaviour. 
“I knew it was a bad idea putting you in danger like that. I should have said something.” Tammy mutters to herself, but her words are clear enough for you to hear. 
“What do you mean, Tam? Is that why you’ve been so weird with me? I knew there was something up with you.” You summarize, pointing an accusing finger at the blonde. You notice at the corner of your eye, the other woman silently leaving the room, clearly not wanting to be involved. 
Your eyes catch your sisters, her crystal blue eyes staring back at you with understanding and knowing, baffling you even more before Debbie escorts her reluctant form out of the room, knowing that you are old enough to deal with the problem at hand.
“Okay, fine! I was pissed off, alright? I hated the fact that you were dragged into yet another job, an illegal job might I add. You are doing something good with your life right now, darling. I don’t want you getting mixed up in all of this. You’re too good for this.” She says, indicating towards the stolen art pieces. You frown at just how concerned she is with your involvement.
“Why do you care so much, Tam? I’m just your best friend's kid sister, remember?” You mock, remembering back to the time when you overheard her conversation with Debbie about your odd relationship with the older woman. 
“She’s young, Debs. I’m merely being a friend.”  Those were her words back then and they still stung to this day. 
Tammy drops her gaze, shame evident, remembering how she saw your retreating form from the corner of her eye back when she spoke to Debbie about her confusing feelings towards you.  
“I only said that because I was too scared to admit how I actually felt about you, Y/N.” Her voice soft, faltering slightly under her confession. Her eyes bright with unshed tears, her shoulders dropping as if the weight of her secret love for you has been lifted. You gape at the woman in front of you, overwhelmed with uncertainty and hope.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You managed to croak out, unable to form further words. 
Tammy shrugs her shoulders in defeat, before slowly meeting your conflicted gaze. You could see the vulnerability in those big brown eyes, making you step towards her. That instant pull between you growing stronger just like it had during that first meeting. 
“What, and tell your sister ‘oh hey, I know I’m one of your closest friends but I’m in love with your younger sister’? I don’t think that would have gone down well back then, do you?” You both chuckle slightly realising how ridiculous this all is. 
“I’m pretty sure she’s known something was going on,” you pause for a minute, thinking carefully about your next words. “Because I dunno if you know this, but I’ve been in love with you since I first laid my eyes on you.” You confess, folding your arms across your chest as if to protect yourself from your own words. 
Before you could apologise or take back your words, scared by the fallen silence that has settled between you both, Tammy walks the last few steps towards you placing her hands gently against your jaw, cupping your face within the palms of her hands. The tenderness within her hold makes you want to cry at just how much love seeps from her one single touch. 
“I would very much like to kiss you.” She whispers, her lips an inch away from your own. You close your eyes basking in the moment before you reply. 
“Then, do it.” Her lips clash with your own at your words, desperate as if they’ve been waiting a million years just to touch your own soft lips. Her tongue traces along your bottom lip making you part your lips ever so slightly but enough for her to trace her tongue along your own, fighting for dominance. Bringing your hands up, you thread your fingers through long blonde locks keeping her close not wanting to break away just yet. You continue with this fight for dominance with your mouths before the distinctive sound of someone gagging makes you break apart. 
Turning your heads to the side, you both see Lou and the others stood by the doorway with stupid grins on their faces. All except for Lou, who was fake gagging next to Debbie who just rolled her eyes at her best friend's antics. 
“Are you guys done sucking each other's faces? Because I wanna order pizza.” Nine says with indifference, before moving into the room and towards the kitchen where the food menus lay scattered on the kitchen island table. 
The others laugh watching as you both fluster at being caught making out like teenagers. You eye up your sister who has been very quiet about the whole exchange, feeling Tammy shift uncomfortably next to you clearly waiting for your sister to react. 
You keep a supportive arm around her waist, silently telling her that no matter what you’re both stronger than the rejection. Lou walks agonizingly slowly towards you both with a stoic face, giving nothing away while Debbie rolls her eyes at her friend's dramatics, once again. 
“My best friend and my sister...” Is all she says, as if trying to piece the information together out loud. 
You gulp once she’s up close to you, standing with her arms crossed as her eyes flicker between you and Tammy. The silent exchange feels like it goes on for a century before she breaks out into a huge smile, showing her pearly white teeth and her arms out wide towards you both.
“My best friend and my sister!” She exclaims excitingly, before pulling you both into a three-way hug. You both lock eyes over your sister’s shoulder, relief evident in those perfect brown eyes making you grin softly. 
“Yeah, me and your sister, Lou.” Tammy says as she laughs at your sister's antics. Lou pulls back, holding your shoulders with her hands eyeing your now clasped hands. 
“Just don’t make it gross, yeah? She’s still my little sister and I will kick your arse if you hurt her, Tam Tam.” Lou threatens, but the tone of her voice clearly shows she’s only half joking. 
You roll your eyes at your sister’s empty threat before she bops you on the nose, which you bat away with your free hand. 
“That goes for you as well, kid. She’s still one of my best friends, you hurt her in any way then me and you will be having words. Got it?” She promises, before winking and walking back towards the kitchen where the others have been not so subtly listening in to the exchange. 
You look at the blonde in front of you, taking in her soft features and perfect smile, overwhelmed with love for this woman in front of you.  Leaning in, you kiss the corner of her mouth softly. 
“I could never hurt you Tam Tam. Who would get my pizza order right, if not you?” You tease, watching the mischievous glint burn within her brown eyes as she playfully shoves you. 
“You, dork.” Grabbing her hand quickly, you place it over your heart and whisper. 
“But I’m your dork,” you smile cheekily at her.
“Yeah, my dork.” She confirms, her adoring eyes gazing into your own thinking to herself. 
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
October Writing Challenge - Day 13
The second half of my favourite Slytherin ship Bradford Pendleton belongs to my beloved wifey @kc-and-oc
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If there was one thing Bradford had always been proud of, it was his skills as an artist.
Even from a young age, back when his parents had still found his inclinations amusing, he had seen things for how they were, had understood forms and angles, and had commanded a natural feeling for just the right mix of colours.
Over the years, his talent had grown and sharpened to a masterful skill Bradford was proud of; but nothing had ever challenged him so much as the ethereal display of colour covering the night sky over the Baltic Sea.
He had been excited to see the fabled Northern lights ever since his friend Carolyn had invited him to join the Nybergs on their annual trip to Sweden to visit Caro’s grandmother on Gotland for Christmas.
Bradford wasn’t too keen on Caro’s parents and siblings - all of them terribly snobby and stuck up people - but he knew that from home. He was too happy to spend any time away from his parents for whatever reason, though, and spending time with Caro outside of school had been more than a perfect excuse for him to come.
His friend and fiancée by their parents’ design had always been encouraging of his artistry, and Brady wanted to thank her with a special gift by his own hand.
Brady had been a little disappointed when Caro’s grandmother had informed him that they didn’t get to see the auroras as frequently in the south of Sweden as they did up north; but when he had seen the ghostly green hues flickering over the starry sky, Bradford had wasted no time. He had gathered his materials and ventured out on the huge balcony branching off the main parlour overlooking the ink black sea.
For the first ten minutes, all Brady had been able to do was stare; the Northern lights were unlike anything he’d ever seen before.
When he’d thought he had a good idea on how to visualise them on his canvas, he had erased his pathetic attempt after a few strokes of his brush with an irritated flick of his wand.
Ever since then, Brady had tried and failed to capture the otherworldly beauty unfolding before his eyes. He didn’t even remember how often he had started anew, or how it felt when his fingers were warm, when he heard the huge glass doors in his back open and close again.
Moments later, soft scrunching of footsteps in the snow approached Brady.
“Here you are,” Caro’s voice sounded behind him, and Brady involuntarily stood up straighter. “I expected you to be in the drawing room. Have you forgotten about the game of chess you promised me?”
Brady felt the heat creeping up his neck, a stark contrast to the icy winds biting his face. “Is it so late already? I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to make you wait.”
“It’s alright. But now I’m curious what kept you so busy.”
With a quick motion she stepped next to Brady to see what he was doing; his whole body was stiff from the cold, so he barely managed to shift his position so Caro wouldn’t see his pathetic attempts at a painting.
But naturally, she had already put two and two together. Her eyes softened as they went from his easel to the dark sky.
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” she said with a mysterious smile. “I’ve only seen them a couple of times myself, but I’m in awe every time.”
“I’ve never seen anything like it before.”
“There isn’t. Nothing is like the beauty of the North,” Caro said.
There was a warm affection in her voice, so unlike anything Brady was used to hearing from her back home in England. Hearing her talk like this, it was easy to forget that Caro’s mother actually was an Englishwoman.
“I’ve been trying for ages,” he sighed. The words came slow and sluggish, he felt as if his tongue was just as frozen as his fingertips. “It seems like you won’t get your Christmas present after all.”
Caro looked surprised. “You wanted to paint the Northern lights for me?”
Brady nodded. “So you can always see them when we’re back home.”
“What a beautiful idea, Brady,” Caro said quietly, “I do tend to miss this place a lot.”
Her wistful tone tugged at Brady’s heart and he picked his brush up again. “Then let me try again.”
He picked up his colour palette and started mixing greens, whites and blues together until he found the result to his liking. Next to him, the tip of Caro’s wand lit up and she held it over Brady’s shoulder; he could feel the warmth of her hand she’d kept hidden in her fur muff close to his neck.
When Brady set the brush to the clean canvas, however, the first stroke was already a disaster; his hands were shaking from the bitter cold.
“Brady, how long have you been out here?” Caro asked sharply, but he could hear the trace of worry in her voice. “Are you cold?”
Brady tried to dismiss her question, but upon hearing her question, the cold seemed to spread through his entire body at lightning speed, as if it had only now realised the full extent of a Swedish winter. His teeth started chattering.
“I’m a-alright, don’t you w-worry about me.”
Caro drew her fine features into a dark frown. She stuck her still lit wand into a pile of snow next to her, and gently but firmly relieved him of his brush and palette. She pulled her muff from her arms and held it out to him.
“I’d give you my coat, but I’m afraid the last time that would have fit you was in our first year,” she said sternly.
“I-It’s yours,” Brady stammered, “y-you’ll be cold w-without it.”
Caro clicked her tongue indignantly. “I’ve seen worse. Grandmother would say this is basically spring weather. For crying out loud, you stubborn mule,” she exclaimed when Brady still refused to take the warming piece of clothing from her.
Before Brady could stop her, Caro stepped closer to him, closer than she’d ever been before. She raised her hands and laid them against his neck. The touch of her warm hands burned against his cold skin, and Brady felt a shiver run down his spine; he wasn’t entirely sure if the sudden source of warmth was the actual reason for it.
Tentatively, he raised his hands and brought them around her waist. He moved very slowly, in case Caro would draw back, which Brady fully expected her to do.
But to his relief, she stayed right where she was as he pulled her inside his arms. She rested her head against his chest, and Brady’s heart forgot to beat for a second, before fluttering like a caged bird against his ribs. Surely Caro must have noticed?
She didn’t move away, however, instead nestled her head into the crook of his neck, and a warmth flooded Brady’s whole body that would make all the ice and snow around them melt, if it found a way out.
He and Caro had been friends ever since their first year at Hogwarts, even though they hadn’t started on the best terms; but Brady had never hugged her, not even as her friend.
He wouldn’t have dared to come closer to her than she allowed; Carolyn Nyberg was an aloof beauty with an outstanding mind, who bested even the older students in Potions and had the sharpest tongue in the whole of Slytherin House.
There wasn’t one student Brady knew who hadn’t had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of her snide remarks, and even fewer who cared little enough to shoot back and earn her respect.
Luckily, Brady could count himself to her closest circle of friends, the only people who got to see a different side of her; Caro could be warm as well, she cared about her friends passionately, even if she had a reserved way of showing it, and whoever dared to trifle with one of them had better thought twice whether or not they were willing to risk her wrath.
Ever since they had arrived in Sweden, Brady had been allowed to see yet another side of her; he had always known her grandmother’s estate on Gotland was a special place to her; but after seeing her in this new environment with his own eyes, he truly understood what Caro meant when she called this her real home.
She was more carefree than Brady had ever seen her before, laughed easier, freer, and her eyes had a perpetual sparkle to them.
In this place, Caro was genuinely happy.
But her behaviour wasn’t the only thing that had changed; ever since she had accepted Brady’s invitation to the Yule Ball several weeks ago, the way Brady saw her had changed as well.
He had always known she was beautiful, had secretly sketched her unmistakable smirk before they had even been friends; but since he had been lucky enough to escort her to the dancefloor in her breathtaking lilac gown, he had started noticing new details in the way she held herself, in the way she spoke and laughed.
Brady wasn’t entirely sure what it was that made him relish the flowery scent of Caro’s hair, he knew he never wanted to let go of her again.
He thought about the jade hair comb he had gotten for her, which was lying neatly packaged in his guest room, and how lovely it would look in her blonde locks. Without realising what he was doing, he raised his hand to Caro’s head and gently ran it over her curls, which - for the first time since he knew her - she wore open and unrestrained.
His touch made her lift her head away from his chest. She looked up at him out of her strikingly blue eyes; the green shimmer of the northern lights were reflected in them and Brady’s heart ached at how beautiful she looked in this exact moment.
An idea for a painting floated in his mind, but was wiped away when Caro moved in just a little bit further and her eyes fluttered close as Brady simultaneously pulled her closer.
The moment he felt her lips against his own, Brady forgot everything around them; he felt neither the icy wind stirring Caro’s hair, nor did he hear the crushing of the waves below them.
All that was important was the faint taste of cinnamon on Caro’s lips and the explosion of butterflies in his stomach that made him feel as if he could float, pulling her along until they would be up in the sky amongst the shimmering green lights.
When she pulled away after what could have been a second or a whole eternity, Brady was surprised to see the flustered look on her otherwise so self-assured face.
She dropped her gaze, but hugged him tighter again, leaning against Brady for warmth and closeness; he was only too happy to provide her with both.
“Are you still cold?” Brady could hear her whisper against his neck.
His mouth formed into a broad, happy smile as he leaned his cheek against her soft hair.
“Not anymore.”
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
Teenage Dream - All I want for Christmas is You. (Part 1)
Summary: Gang-tae gives Mun-yeong the Christmas she deserves.
Author Note: Wow. Writing IOTNBO again feels surreal honestly. This is for anyone who was waiting for me to write them again, hi I hope you like part 1 but this is my Christmas gift to @truccieeboo​ who regularly tells me that I am awesome and that I can write whenever I want to and I owe no one anything. I already know that of course but it’s so nice to hear that thought echoed by someone else. I’m happy to be back, hi guys!! It has been a busy week but I tried my best to get something out for you to read, there is so much more that I have planned and so I will be breaking it up into parts. 
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He hadn't realized it but every moment of their miraculous relationship- he'd been holding his breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop and for Mun Yeong to realize that she was dating a complete and utter nerd. But instead he's consistently greeted by a warm smile and her slight body being flung into his arms.
She doesn't get tired of him and months fly by, the happiest months of his life and suddenly it's Christmas week and he's smiling down at her beautiful face as she hangs off him like a limpet, convinced she's his ultimate gift. They should both be in class but he'd went to the bathroom only to run into her in the hallway, she'd walked over immediately her strut filled with confidence and purpose before redirecting him.
He'd almost tripped over his own feet as she bodily shoved him into a closet he'd never noticed in the hall before.
"Woah where are we going?" He asked over his shoulder as she rolled her eyes and shushed him, pinching his butt and then smirking at his affronted squeal.
"I've been walking around forever trying to accidentally run into you. I'm going to take advantage of this." Her eyes twinkle as he stares with a gaped mouth, it has been a while since their last makeout session and he's just as frustrated as Mun Yeong is. Christmas is always busy for his family with his mother decorating every inch of their humble home, not taking no for an answer.
Sang-tae always swindled his way out of working by complaining about fatigue from work while poking out a tongue when their mom wasn't looking. Leaving most of the heavy lifting to Gang-tae himself, literally their box of ornaments and lights made his arms strain.
He reaches out to gently palm Mun Yeong's face, looking deeply into her eyes.
"I missed you." He breathes out, heart growing three times larger as she smiles until her eyes disappear into perfect crescents. He's only ever seen that particular smile directed at him.
"You're such a sap." She snuggles in closer to him, actions contradicting her words. He holds her tighter, breathing in the intoxicating scent of her shampoo.
She gently sways in his arms, fingers swirling aimlessly on his broadening back. She's told him many times how he makes her feel small, contrarily she makes him feel huge. Like he's important and worth her time.
Again those words are on the tip of his tongue. He can feel them right there, bursting to come out. But fear cripples him and he pushes them back down into an abyss, locking them away with a key.
Next time.
"Okay. We've been nice, can we be naughty now?"
His reply is interrupted by her tongue in his mouth, latching on to his shoulder she tugs him down slanting her head to delve deeper into his mouth. Fire sears through his skin as she twists her fingers into his thick hair, scratching achingly at his scalp. Driven solely by primal desire he snatches her up, his hands cupping the meat under her ass dragging her up the length of his body.
Without preamble she wraps her legs around his waist, her heat sweltering through the thin material of their uniform. When he slides his hands under her skirt he almost drops her when he meets nothing but bare skin. Bare smooth skin.
Ripping their lips apart he stares at her with blown out pupils.
"Where is....what- I. Mun Yeong."
She only smiles at his whine. Dragging his hand back under her skirt.
"I've been a naughty girl huh? What are you going to do about it?" Heat washes over him at her purposeful words, he'd come unexpectedly at her calling herself a bad girl once and that had been it, she was relentless finding every possible way to milk his kink -her words- and torture him.
He surges at her, sliding his tongue into her simultaneously as his fingers sink into her velvety wet heat. He's forced to swallow her loud gasps as she seductively squirms in his arms.
"Gang-tae, more." She demands.
She's already so wet it's obscenely easy to sink another finger alongside the first, stretching her tight walls.
It takes him a few seconds to realize that she's trying to speak to him, twisting away from his lips. Finally he lets her go, panting into her neck as he thrusts into her over and over and over again. Wet noises ringing in his ears and tightening his pants until his cock is painfully pressing into his zipper.
"Gang-tae, I want you to fuck me."
Those inflammatory words engulf him in an inferno of arousal and hormones, his dick hardening so fast that all the remaining blood in his brain rushes to his groin and he sways unsteadily on his feet. He has to tighten his grip as to not drop her and the feline grin she shoots his way coyly informs him that she knows exactly the reaction those words had on him.
“Do you want to, hmm? Right here in the closet? You’ll probably have to cover my mouth I’ll probably scream because it’ll feel so go--”
His hand slams into her mouth cutting off her ability to render him anymore useless. He glares weakly at her, blaming himself for letting himself be caught off guard this way.
“I’m not going to....do that with you in a closet.” He blushes at her raised eyebrow at his hesitance to use the same vulgar words that she did. She giggles at him, rubbing his cheeks like he’s a much younger child. He balks at the treatment, his penis thoroughly confused.
“You can curse Gang-tae, I won’t tell anyone. You won’t fuck me in a closet? What if I want it though? What if I beg you to turn me around and fuck me so hard that my teeth rattle?”
His dick jumps painfully onboard with every word of filth dripping from her mouth and she snatches his hand bringing it back under her skirt pressing his index finger against her sopping wet core and he tenses as his finger slides in and  then he hears the worst thing possible, a voice right outside and a familiar one to boot.
“Where the hell did he go now and why did I have to look for him? I’m not his keeper.” Jae-su grumbles sounding far too close to them for his liking and he whips his head to tell Mun-yeong they need to be extremely quiet, to not be caught. Before he can get a word out she lifts herself up and grinds back onto his finger, a loud whimper falling from her bitten lips and echoing in the small room. He holds his breath hoping his meddlesome friend missed that but he hears the grumbling stop and the footsteps lurk back to their hidden location and he waits with bated breath.
A second passes by, Mun-yeong tries the move again but he is holding her hip with an ironclad grip placing her back on her feet much to her disappointment.
He almost releases a sigh of relief.
But then Jae-su calls out, “Moon Gang-tae? Are you in there, what are you doing?”
He has no planning of answering, has no feasible way of explaining his circumstance to his best friend right now. He’d been seduced completely, losing his wit and control, if Jae-su had not appeared there’s no telling what he would be doing.
Fucking Mun-yeong until her teeth rattle, his brain supplies.
He silences the voice.
Despite their lack of response Jae-su does not leave, instead the doorknob begins to rattle and then twist and too little too late he tries to stop the metal from being turned.
Suddenly he’s face to face with his friend of ten years, Jae-su’s eye bulging as he takes in the scene, a glance over to the temptress reveals that she is as calm and cool as a cucumber smiling serenely at being caught red-handed per se.
Jae-su speaks first, “What are.....why are you two in here?”
“I was trying to get Gang-tae to fuc--”
He shouts her name looking at her in disbelief, her forwardness is one of the things he lo-likes about her but this level of honesty is not necessary right now. But when he looks over at his best friend the fiery rouge on his cheeks reveals this interruption did very little to conceal what they were doing in the closet. He shrinks in embarrassment his own cheeks pinking in commiseration.
“I don’t wanna know! I’m leaving don’t say anything more, you’re both such perverts!” Jae-su runs away from them looking comically horrified, stopping once down the hallway to glare at them before disappearing completely.
“Well...want to continue where we left off?” Mun-yeong drawls easily, rubbing circles into his arms.
He stares credulously at her, only for her to shrug and reply, “What? I’m horny and we were just getting to the good part.”
He shakes his head in decline, staring at her deep in her eyes.
“I already told you, I’m not doing that with you here. You deserve way more than a quick....fuck in a closet. When we have sex I want to remember everything, I want to take my time and enjoy every second.”
This time she is the only whose eyes glaze over, breath hitching as color explodes across her gorgeous face. He almost ravishes her right then and there, her palpable arousal calling to him like a siren’s call.
“You promise?”
She sticks her little pinky out, wiggling it at him and he wraps his larger pinky around her own weaving their promise.
“Now let’s seal it.” She commands, already tugging him into a kiss. Their lips slap together, the sound of their mooch ringing in his ears.
As she draws away, he halts her with a hand on her hip.
“You only seal promises like that with me right?”
She tilts her head in question first before comprehension washes over her features and a devilish glint flashes in her eyes.
Winking at him and twisting out of his hold, she dances away.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She teases. He hopes she’s teasing. Jealousy sears in his body and it must show on his face because she practically cackles at him and runs away now, laughing all the way.
“See you later Gang-tae, think about me.” She demands, waving at him with her fingers as she disappears around the corner.
As if he has a choice, he stares down at his erection sending a mental apology to it as he actually goes to the bathroom. Today is turning out to be an exhausting day.
There are more heated makeout sessions in various parts of the school, he can no longer look much of the student body in the eyes but when he has Mun-yeong squirming and panting in his arms. all rationale goes out the window. His mother demands that he leave his bedroom door ajar after the last time she caught them “studying”, in his defense he did invite Mun-yeong over to study. Who knows how they ended up lip tangled on the bed with hands in provocative places, claiming possession didn’t seem to win his any favors with his seething mother. Now whenever his girlfriend is over, his mother finds any reason to check on them, even going as far as to send Sang-tae in to supervise them, it is beyond infantilizing.
Sang-tae commonly barges in, exclaiming, “Hey! I’m here to make sure you babies don’t make any new babies.” With a shit-eating grin on his lips as he obnoxiously sits in between them, beaming smile splattered on his face.
So it goes without saying that he too is horny beyond belief.
Which is how he finds himself searching for Mun-yeong in the halls, but to no avail and no replies to his messages.
He hasn’t heard from her all day, he realizes and worry overrides his desire as he pulls out his phone sending her another message.
Are you in school?
He looks at the screen awaiting her response but nothing comes, the message is marked delivered but not yet read.
He sends another message, Are you okay? Just like the first message, his second is felt unread and unanswered and he walks the all too familiar route to her locker, not sure what he is hoping to find.
Unfortunately his missing girlfriend does not magically appear however he finds the next best thing, her closest friend.
Seung-Jae is leaning against the locker in question, concern etched across her expressive face that is mostly eyes. She has her phone pressed to her ears and he can hear the tiny ringing through the phone as the operator recites that the person she is dialing is unable to get to the phone.
She sighs, head falling towards the ground. He clears his throat finally garnering her attention. Her head snaps up and instantly a smile breaks across her face.
“You!” She all but screams and he steps back taken off guard by her intensity.
He blinks owlishly, “Me?”
“Mun-yeong is absent today. She will be absent tomorrow too if we don’t stop her.”
This grabs his attention, he has no intention of not seeing his girlfriend for that long, his heart can’t take it.
“Why? Is she sick, is something wrong with her?” He replies, checking his phone once more and grunting when there is still no reply.
“She’s not going to reply. You have to go see her. Today. She’s going to try to lock you out but you need to be persistent okay? Don’t be your usual nice polite self unless you’ll never get in.”
His head is swimming from the information and her words do nothing to untangle the web of confusion but before he can prod her for more answers she is already ambling off, with a wave over her shoulder.
“I’m counting on you Moon. Don’t mess this up.”
He stands in shock, rubbing the back of his neck. He can’t walk home with Jae-su today.
Getting up to Mun-yeong’s lavish apartment is simple enough with security seeing him enough to register that he is with her. He still has to sign in but the whole ordeal is far less intimidating than it was all those months ago. He almost feels like he belongs. The marble walls of the elevator do a pretty decent job of swatting that feeling down.  
The ease of his entrance is squandered by Mun-yeong’s refusal to let him in her apartment.
“Mun-yeong? It’s me Gang-tae”
No response.
“Mun-yeong I know you’re there. I can see the lights, please let me in.” At his evidence of her presence the lights are suddenly shut off.
“Well now I know for a fact that you’re home. Open the door. Mun-yeong, open the door.”
“”It’s that time of the year. It’s impossible to get to her, just leave her alone and she will come out when she wants to. She always like this around Christmas.” He jumps at the sudden voice behind him, whipping around to the sunken face of Mun-yeong’s driver and adoptive father, Sang-in.
“Why? Why does she hate Christmas?”
“Why do you like it?”
Immediately he thinks of his mother and his brother and freshly baked cookies and decorations and then it clicks for him.
Mun-yeong doesn’t have any of that, she’s all alone in her beautiful prison.
“Exactly. Her parents never come, they hire people to decorate and Mun-yeong hides away for a few days until she’s ready to face the world again.”
It shatters his heart that this is her normal. So much so that everyone seems to know about this occurrence, Sang-in explaining it to him as if he’s reading the weather report.
“I can drive you to your house. Don’t worry, I will keep her company. I know how to handle her.”
Gang-tae feels his skin bristle at those words, no one can handle his Mun-yeong.  He stands taller, making his decision.
“Call my phone.”
Sang-in looks puzzled at his sudden request looking at him, as if he’s lost his mind and hell, maybe he has but there’s no way he’s leaving Mun-yeong to wallow in her sadness, not alone. She has him now, she never has to be alone ever again.
“Call my phone.” He repeats harder, and finally the man sighs pulling out his phone and following directions.
The all too familiar jingle of his phone rings out loudly and Gang-tae answers it just as loudly, “Oh Ju-ri? You want me to meet you where? What time?
He has to jump back to avoid being hit by the door that bursts open, a seething Mun-yeong on the other side. She snatches the phone from his hand finger set to hang up before she sees the name on the screen, Mun-yeong and a little symbol of a car.
He smiles innocently at the sharp glare she sends first his way and then to her driver who sputters out some nonsense about parking illegally and needing to move his car. Neither one of them acknowledge his departure.
“Go away. I don’t want company right now.”
“That’s too bad. I miss you.” He answers as he pushes his way past her, she attempts to stop him but it is futile and he closes the door behind him.
It takes a second for his sight to adjust to the darkness of her apartment but when it does he sees the destruction that lays around them, broken glasses and tinsel and Christmas decorations littering the floor. It looks like Christmas threw up on the floor.
He ignores that all and takes her hand. She doesn’t fight him, just stares back blankly at him. Looking as small and lost as she did on her birthday, the first time he saw her like this.
“Mun-yeong. Let’s go.”
Then she reacts, “No. I don’t want to go with you. Just leave. This is what I deserve.”
He squeezes her hand tighter, refusing to let those words settle in the air. “No you don’t , you deserve to be loved. You deserve everything Mun-yeong. Don’t shut me out, please.”
She rips her hand viciously from his grip, hissing like a viper.
“No! I let you confuse you, this is what I deserve. I don’t get to be happy, I should be alone. I don’t need anyone. I’ve been alone my whole life. I was an idiot to think that this would work. You’ll never understand me with your perfect family, why would you want to be with someone as broken as me?
Tears pool in his eyes as he listens to her berate herself, the pain is transparent on her face. The wound from her parent’s abandonment raw and throbbing.
“I hate them! I hate them! Why do they hire decorators? Why remind me that it’s Christmas when I’ll spend it alone,? Why give birth to me if they knew that I would be a burden?!” She is a tempest now, rushing to the perfectly decorated tree in the corner by large gleaming glass windows and he watches with tears streaming down his face as she shoves the tree to the ground, the delicate glass bulbs shattering with the impact.
Then she sinks to the ground as well, shoulders shaking up and down rapidly.
It’s not how he planned it but as he watches her fall apart, all his fears and hesitations fall out the window, there are more important things right now.
“I love you.”
She turns to look at him like he has two heads, her eyes large and wet. Tears aching to fall.
“I love you Mun-yeong.”
“....And you realized that right now?” She eyes all disaster all around her.
Now she is crying and he can’t decipher her feelings at all. She is glaring at him as she hiccups on the ground.
“I don’t like you. Why can’t you ever do as you’re told?”
He moves closer to her, bending at the knee until they’re eye level.
“Spend Christmas with me?” He pleads and she simply looks at him before collapsing into his chest. She sniffles into his collar, gripping at the lapels of his uniform before whispering her reply, “I’m scared. Gang-tae I’m scared.”
He has never cared for Christmas, it’s a chance to spend time with his family but nothing too serious, nothing he has ever made plans for. He has always been happy to follow his mother’s lead on everything, but as he stares down at Mun-yeong shaking in his arms, the most precious thing that he has ever had. He makes a silent promise that he will make this year different, this will be a Christmas that she never forgets.
I want to make her happy.
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mythicalsecretsanta · 4 years
12 Days of Christmas... Almost (E)
This gift is for: Cal (AKA @mythicalamity) Surprise! Keeping this secret from you for the last month wasn’t easy! Thank you for being the kindest, most loving friend I’ve ever had in this fandom and for being a pretty spectacular person in the real world as well. Merry Christmas, Cal! From your Secret Santa, @fanbabble​
Link to AO3, or read below:
The Holiday season was in full swing at Mythical, as much as it could be at least. The virus had put quite a damper on festive activities across the world and Myth Ent was no exception. There were lights strung up and a Christmas tree, but there would be no company Christmas party this year, no cookie exchange, no getting together at each other’s homes for dinner parties or gift swaps. The mood in the office was a little low and Link found himself looking for ways to encourage positivity and the good feelings of the season. That’s why when Stevie suggested a secret santa gift exchange, Link took the idea and ran with it. Employees would play secret santa leaving their secret giftee presents for the 12 days leading up to Christmas. Not only would this game bring a bit of fun into the office, but it could also be done safely as social distancing was a literal part of the rules. You couldn’t reveal your identity to your giftee until the final day of the exchange. It was perfect!
Rhett was less than excited about the prospect. He complained to Link about not wanting to participate. He was nervous he wouldn’t know what to get the person he chose or how to keep the secret. Rhett’s enneagram three-ness was getting in the way of him enjoying himself again. He was worrying too much about impressing the person he got, rather than letting himself relax and have fun with the idea. Link finally convinced his friend to participate. 
“How would it look if one of the owners of the company didn’t play along?”
“Fine. But if my gifts turn out to be duds and ruin someone’s Christmas it’s your fault!” Rhett said as he stood to join Link and walk down the hall to the Mythical kitchen for the name exchange.
Chase mixed the names of everyone in a Santa hat. The in-office folks would be in one drawing and the staff who were working virtually would draw amongst themselves. In all there were about 15 names in the hat that Chase held shut in his grasp. The group took turns reaching their hands in to pick a slip of paper with their giftees name written on it. The PAs went first, followed by the camera men, then the directors, followed by Chase, Stevie, and finally Rhett and Link. 
Rhett stuck his hand into the Santa hat. His gaze was trained on the little opening. 
“No peekin’!!” Link smacked his arm and scolded him. 
“I’m not! Besides There’s literally only one name left in the hat, Link.” 
The kitchen filled with the crew’s laughter. 
“Can’t exactly pick and choose who I want, man.”
Rhett glanced at his friend and then looked at the little slip of paper. The apples of his cheeks became more obvious as a small smile spread across his face. He grasped the paper close to his chest and then tucked it into the pocket of his jeans. 
Everyone in the kitchen celebrated the exchange with a cupcake whipped up by the Mythical Kitchen and then retreated back to their personal space to finish up the day’s work. 
Before the office door was even fully shut Link was in Rhett’s space. 
“Who’d ya get?”
“What?! I’m not telling you. It’s not fair.” Rhett sat down in his office chair and opened his laptop.
“Come on, Bo. Tell me. I got…”
“STOP” Rhett put his hands up to his ears as if to block out what Link was about to reveal. “I don’t wanna hear it. Let’s do this right. Keep it a secret.” 
“Since when do you care about keeping this kinda stuff secret? You usually can’t wait to tell me everything and anything,” Link was teetering on the fine edge between annoyed and amused.  
“Well this year is different. If this is one of the only ways the company gets to celebrate then I wanna do it right.”
“Fine,” Link huffed. He flopped down on the leather couch and draped his arm over his eyes. “You don’t want to tell me, that’s your business, but don’t come begging for gift ideas when you come up dry.” And with that healthy dose of snark the smaller man settled in for an afternoon nap. 
The next day Link walked into their office and threw his jacket over the back of the gray chair that sat by the door. He put his backpack on the floor by his desk and was just about to head to the office kitchen for a cup of coffee when he noticed a box sitting by his desk lamp. He picked it up and examined it. 
“Dang, my santa must get here early.”
It was only 7 AM and Link had just arrived to an empty building. The box was wrapped in shiny green paper and tied with an elegant red bow. He turned it over in his hands looking for some kind of tag or label. When he found nothing, Link slipped the ribbon from the package and pulled off the lid. Inside was a perfect golden pear tucked into a pillow of soft fabric. Link wasn’t sure what to do with the gift so he sniffed it to confirm it was a real piece of fruit. He lifted the pear out of the box and saw that a small note was hidden underneath. He held the pear in one hand and opened the slip of paper with the other. 
“On the first day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
A partridge in a pear tree”
-You may be a “sweet peach” but I think we’d make a great “pear”  Love, Your secret admirer
Link read over the note three times before he could totally comprehend what it said. He turned it over to look for any kind of identifying mark or signature. There was nothing to be found. He blushed hard and tucked the note into his pocket. It had been a long time since he had had anyone in his life, much less a Love, but he knew no one at Mythical felt that way about him and even if they did it would be totally unethical to pursue anything. Link was sure it was just some kind of joke by one of the writers and tucked the green box into his backpack before heading off to get his coffee.
When Rhett came in half an hour later, he was all nervous energy and talking 90 miles a minute. He said it was because he had almost gotten into a car accident on the way in. He had found his Secret Santa gift sitting on the back of the toilet in the bathroom and showed it to Link. 
“It’s gotta be Jordan, man,” Rhett said as he held out the bag for Link to inspect, “Who else would give me a bag of cotton candy?” 
Link peeked inside the gift bag and said, “Seems kinda obvious, but it’s possible.” He couldn’t help but let his thoughts wander back to the little green box he had received and the love note that it contained. 
“Earth to Link,” Rhett took the bag back and set it on his desk. “You alright man?”
Link shook his head to clear his mind and refocus on the man before him. “Oh yeah, sorry. Must need more coffee.” He held up his empty mug and headed toward the office door. 
As he reached for the doorknob, Rhett asked quietly, “Did you get your first gift yet?”
Link paused and laughed without looking back, “Yeah, pair of socks. Womp womp,” then he headed out the door.
Over the course of the next few days, Link continued to receive themed gifts from his Secret Santa that left him giddy and baffled at the same time. The first two were silly, Turtle and Dove chocolates for Day 2 and three fried chicken legs for Day 3. They were both accompanied by notes that talked about how much the gifter liked Link and they were both signed “Love, Your secret admirer.” Link still wasn’t sure what to make of the declarations, but he played along and let himself feel special for the moment. Even if he was still convinced it was all a joke. Until Day 4 that is. 
On Day 4 Link walked into the office late to find a small book tied up with a ribbon. “Native birds of the National Parks” The gift was incredibly thoughtful and one that he would definitely use on future adventures. A folded piece of paper was tucked inside the chapter about Denali National Park. It read,
“On the fourth day of Christmas,
My true love gave to me,
Four calling birds”
- Bird calls are beautiful, but the idea of calling you mine is even better.  Love, Your secret admirer
Link opened the book again to the page about the birds of Denali. There was only one person he had ever told about wanting to visit the park covered in glaciers and snow. Rhett. Could his secret admirer be Rhett? Link’s head swam with the possibility. 
He had been in love with his best friend for most of his life, but he had kept it hidden away out of fear of losing the one person in the world who was most important to him. Surely, Rhett was not the person who was his Secret Santa. Link felt a burst of warmth spread across his chest as he let himself entertain the idea for a moment. What would it be like to finally feel those arms around his body? To finally kiss Rhett’s lips? To own his heart as well as his friendship?
As he stood there lost in his own thoughts, the man in question came barreling into the office. Link stuffed the book into his desk drawer and turned quickly to face his friend. 
“Hey, Rhett, how’s it going?” 
Link did his best to maintain his cool. He watched his friend as he moved about the office getting settled for the day. He assessed his behavior for any clues or signs that he might be the “Secret Santa Secret Admirer.” 
“Pretty good. I added some new reps to my workout and now my abs are killing me.” Rhett rubbed his hand across his stomach. His t-shirt pulled taught and drew Link’s eye to the spot. Link felt his breath catch from the promise of what was underneath. His eyes roamed over the broad chest and thick arms. The way the shirt sleeves hugged Rhett’s biceps was criminal. Link knew he would have to control his thirst better if he hoped to get any hints about what role Rhett actually played in all of this. He cleared his throat and got a hold of himself. 
“What time did you get here this morning?” Link asked as casually as he could. He fiddled with the monitor on his computer to appear slightly uninterested in Rhett’s response. 
“What? Just now. You saw me walk in.”
“I thought maybe you came in and left again.”
Rhett turned and opened his laptop. He busied himself with things on his desk while it booted up. 
“Nope. Just rolled in.”
“Oh cool,” Link paused before adding, “How’s your secret santa going?” 
Rhett reached for a pen and knocked his coffee mug off balance spilling yesterday’s brown stuff over his desk and onto his lap.
Link jumped up and grabbed the roll of paper towels he kept by his desk. He pulled off a handful and held them out to Rhett. 
“Can you clean this up for me, Buddyroll? I have to go over to wardrobe and find some different pants to wear or I’ll smell like an old coffee pot all day.” Rhett grabbed the towels and dabbed at the wet spot that stretched across his thighs. 
“Yeah, go ahead. I got this.” Link began to mop up the spilled coffee as Rhett headed out the door. His interrogation would have to wait for another day.
Days 5 and 6 were once again oddly funny gifts. If Rhett was the secret admirer it would make sense because he was the funniest person Link knew. A lifetime of laughter with Rhett had been the tradeoff for hiding the fact that he loved the man immensely. The idea that his love might be returned was more than Link had ever let himself hope for. 
The notes included with the gifts were just as tender as the previous ones. Day 5’s onion rings were accompanied by a slip that described Link as “more valuable than a golden ring” and day 6’s half dozen eggs had a note that read “You are a good egg, who makes my heart happy.”
Link enjoyed the sentiment, but nothing struck him as particularly suspicious. Day 7 was, however, a game changer.
That morning as Link walked past the dark studio a glimmer caught his eye. He set his backpack and Jade down and walked onto the GMM set where he found a string of origami paper birds strung together on a piece of gold silk ribbon. The swans were hanging across the back of the set from wall to wall. There must have been at least 50. Each bird’s wings was dipped in silver glitter and twinkled in the low light giving the set a magical air. Link stood back and took in the beauty. 
When he looked closer he saw each swan was made of sheet music. Link held one small bird in his fingers gently and examined it. He would recognize those chords anywhere. It was Merle. These paper swans were made with sheet music of Merle Haggard’s song, “Always Wanting You.”
“This has to be a gift,” Link whispered to himself. 
Link held his breath, afraid if he moved he would scare away the one idea he wanted to be true most in the world. That his secret santa was not only Rhett, but that the man was in love with him as well. 
A larger piece of paper flapped at the end of the string of birds. Link grabbed it and saw that his name was indeed on the front of the folded slip. He opened it and read:
“On the seventh day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Seven swams a swimming”
- Like Merle said, “Always wanting you, but never having you makes it hard to face tomorrow.”   Love, Your Secret Admirer
Link couldn’t believe what he was reading. This had to be confirmation that Rhett was his secret admirer and secret santa. Jade sniffed at his shoes as if she were looking for the answer to a question he didn’t know. Link gently took the chain of birds down, gathered his things, and headed back to his office. 
When he opened the door, he was surprised to see the big man sitting at his desk already. He was speaking loudly on the phone about a new project they were working on. 
“No, damn it. I don’t want to cut that part! I purposely included it to help the flow of the story.” 
Rhett’s voice bounced off the brick walls. His tone was harsh. Link thought better of questioning him right now and tucked the birds into his backpack. He sat back on the couch and opened his laptop for the day. Jade snuggled into Link’s side and he petted her head mindlessly. His thoughts were only of Rhett. As he waited for his computer to boot up, Link watched Rhett. 
“It has to be him. Who else would use Merle?” Link thought to himself, “Oh you’re being an idiot. Everyone knows you love Merle Haggard, dummy. It could be anybody.” 
Link sunk down into the leather cushions and sulked. Not knowing for certain was exhausting. Only 5 more days to figure out this mystery. He glanced down at the paper swans one more time and smiled softly. 
Day 8 brought a bottle of chocolate milk and a note that read, “You’re the milk to my cookie” 
Link drank it in front of Rhett at lunch to see if he would get a reaction. Nothing. Well, with the exception of the way those green eyes sparkled when he belly laughed at a joke or the way Rhett put his hand on Link’s back as they left the office to head to record an episode of Ear Biscuits. Link noticed those things, but he couldn’t be sure if they were a reaction to the milk or to being close to Link in general. 
Link had caught Rhett in a lingering gaze more than once since the Seven Swans gift. And when they were alone together it felt like a spark was fizzing between the two of them. Something was going on, Link was sure of it. He just needed a little more proof before he could confront Rhett. His friendship was entirely too valuable to risk on an assumption.
On day 9, Link climbed into the driver’s seat of his car. He reached down to grab his sunglasses and was surprised to find something extra resting on the console. It was an old school cassette tape. Just like the kind he and Rhett used to exchange in high school. They would spend hours making the tapes and then driving down the back roads listening to their creations and singing at the top of their lungs. If he was honest, those times were when he first fell in love with Rhett. 
Link flipped the cassette over in his palm. On the outside of the case where the album art would usually be, was his name. Link immediately recognized it as Rhett’s handwriting. He opened the case and found a piece of paper folded in fourths tucked inside. It read:
“On the ninth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Nine ladies dancing.”
- I kept trying to find a funny pun for this day, but all I could focus on was singing these songs with you as we drove down the highway in North Carolina. I’ve tried to hold out to the end of the 12 days, but this secret is an old one and I don’t want to keep quiet anymore. If you feel the same, find me in the office at work and tell me. If not just toss this cassette in the trash and pretend it never happened.  Love, Your Secret Admirer 
Link was quiet for a moment and then, “Rhett! It’s Rhett! He loves me!” Link yelled at nobody in particular. Just saying the words out loud made him feel less like it was all a dream and more like it was real life. He threw his things into the passenger’s seat. In his flustered state he tried to check the time on his sunglasses and put his phone on his nose. He shifted into reverse and sped down the block. 
Link’s heart was pounding in his chest. He was breaking every speed limit on the way into Burbank, but he did not care. Let a cop try and stop him now, nothing could keep him from getting to Rhett. Link pulled into the parking lot in record time and he bolted out of his car and through the studio doors. He was running at full speed back to the office he shared with Rhett. His Rhett. Link took a deep breath and pushed the door open. 
The office was empty. Where was he? Link knew he didn’t pass him on the way through the building. He stood still for a moment and wrung his hands trying to think of what to do next. Just when he was starting to worry that Rhett had panicked and ran, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs of their loft. 
Link watched as Rhett appeared slowly, first feet, then legs, torso, and finally that glorious head of hair. 
Rhett barely got the word out before the smaller man was launching himself across the office and into his arms. He melted into the embrace and pulled Link tighter against him. They took just a moment to look into each other’s eyes before their lips met. The kiss was strong and full of promise. Link opened his mouth to deepen the kiss and the passion kicked in. Rhett lifted Link up with his hands under the smaller man’s thighs and carried him to the couch. 
They pressed heated kisses into skin and hair. Marking their love on the other’s body wherever they could find purchase. Hands roamed pulling hair and grabbing biceps. And when Rhett laid Link down on their couch and pressed his body to the cradle of Link’s hips there was no denying that both men were hard with desire already. 
Link gasped with the sensation of being so close to Rhett. The feeling of his hard cock pressed against Rhett’s made his head swim and he pulled back to catch a breath. Rhett took the opportunity to say something he’d been holding in for decades.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” 
Each declaration was punctuated with a kiss. Link’s collar bones, his neck, his temple.
Link pulled Rhett close and whispered into his ear, “I’ve loved you my whole life.”
It was all the permission Rhett needed. He worshiped Link’s body and rocked against him until they were both finishing in their jeans like teenagers. Sticky and satisfied the pair laid together on the couch exchanging lazy kisses and gentle touches. Trying to make up for all the lost time they denied themselves. 
Link was half asleep and half in awe of the way Rhett looked. He laid silently and listened to Rhett as he said, “I can’t believe it worked. I thought for sure you’d throw the cassette away.” 
Link ran his fingers through Rhett’s curls gently. 
“You doubted me? Haven’t you figured it out yet, Bo? All you have to do is be the brave one and I’ll follow your lead.” He placed a kiss on Rhett’s tshirt right about his heart. “Thanks for being the brave one.” Rhett kissed the top of Link’s head and grunted in affirmation.
Link snuggled into Rhett’s chest and closed his eyes. Just as he was about to doze off the smaller man popped up and looked Rhett in the eye. 
“Don’t think just because you love me, you’re getting out of giving me gifts. I have three days left and I want my secret presents.” Link flashed his crooked grin and poked at Rhett’s side. 
Rhett let out a booming ho-ho-ho laugh before pulling Link back down against his chest.
“You can have anything you want, Link. Diamonds, rubies. I don’t need any presents though because I’ve already got the most valuable gift of the season… you.”
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think of all the fun i´ve missed (think of all the fellas that i haven’t kissed)
merry (early) christmas @leifdonnellies! i was your secret santa and i had a lot of fun writing this fic for you :D i hope you enjoy it and have a great holiday season! (the title is from santa baby and really doesn’t fit with the fic all that well but i thought it was funny...)
Tobin Batra knew every word in the English dictionary, and yet he still didn’t know the right words to describe the chaos that was SPRQ Point holiday parties. 
After going to one for this first time, Tobin immediately knew why STEM kids and queer kids were never the people throwing parties in high school. When you combined those groups into the group that was the fourth floor of SPRQ Point, the result was a drunken mess of a gathering. 
The floor was cleared off as it would be for any business-related gala, but instead of tasteful lighting and tech speeches, there were tacky Christmas lights strung up and shitty music blasting from every speaker. 
And yet, Tobin loved them. He loved his oddball group of friends and colleagues, and it was fun to hang out with them without any pressure of deadlines and CEO visits, and instead just a week-long break to look forward to. At recent parties, Zoey’s DJ friend Mo provided the music, and he did have objectively better music taste than anyone else there. Tobin liked Mo, and liked getting to chat with him at parties, mostly about music and queer stuff. Another plus of parties was seeing who gave the most outrageous white elephant gifts- Tobin was currently winning that competition ever since he gifted Max a live chinchilla a year ago. (Max still had the chinchilla. He named it Joan after their former boss, and it was beloved by everyone.) Yet another great thing about it was that it was the one night that they finally could replace the bread bar or oatmeal bar or whatever bar with an open bar, because apparently it was legal if it was for a party. But Tobin’s favorite thing about the holiday parties was the fact that it was the one night a year that his boyfriend let Tobin kiss him in front of their colleagues. 
Leif was surprisingly shy about PDA, and had been as long as Tobin had known him. His parents weren’t exactly the most touchy-feely people, with each other or with their children, and it had clearly rubbed off on Leif. Tobin was fine with this, of course, he’d never want to make his boyfriend uncomfortable. Plus the two lived together, and Leif was incredibly touch starved at home, so it wasn’t really a big deal that they never did more than very occasionally hold hands at work. That being said, Tobin discovered recently that Leif found it “morally wrong”- Leif’s words, not Tobin’s- to disobey the laws of mistletoe, and he planned to fully exploit that fact at the party.
Mistletoe was a big thing at these parties- because obviously it was, what chaotic Christmas party was complete without a tiny, slightly-poisonous plant that required you to kiss whoever’s nearest to you if you found yourself under it? When they arrived at the party, Tobin snatched a cluster of mistletoe that was hanging right outside the elevators. He figured that was a fair place to steal it from, because as much as he loved the tradition, it was a bit of a cruel place to hang it, catching people off guard like that. Leif glanced over and saw him grab it, but just rolled his eyes as Tobin winked at him and smirked. 
“Hey guys!” Zoey greeted as they joined the group. “You can put your gifts over there…” She pointed to a small pile before glancing at the package in Tobin’s arms with concern. “I do not want to know what’s in there this year.” 
Tobin smiled wide. “Well, I tried hard to top Joan the chinchilla, but I think it was my peak.” 
Leif and Zoey rolled their eyes in unison as Leif gave Tobin a shove towards the stack of gifts. 
Tobin soon joined the rest of the party, dragging Leif with him and forcing him to dance to the loud music with him. As per usual, Mo had created a killer playlist, albeit a bit of a weird conglomeration of songs. Any playlist that went from a stunning, slow cover of Someday At Christmas (that seemed to have been sung by the DJ himself) immediately into the original version of Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer had to be made by someone at least a little bit high. 
About an hour into the party, Tobin could tell that Leif was getting overwhelmed by all the people and the sounds, so he silently took his hand and pulled him into the nest. 
“Thanks,” Leif said once they were out of earshot of others. He rubbed his neck awkwardly as he sat down on the conference table. “Sorry, I don’t know what was happening back there, I’ve been better with social stuff for a while, I guess it just… I dunno… it’s still hard sometimes.”
“Bro, it’s okay, I get it. You never need to apologize about anxiety stuff. And it’s not going to be all better, all the time, and that’s okay. You’ve been doing so good lately, Leif, and you deserve to celebrate that.” Tobin sat next to Leif and put his hand over Leif’s. 
Leif turned to him and smiled softly. “Thank you, babe.” 
Tobin lay his head on Leif’s shoulder and began rubbing gentle circles on Leif’s hand with his thumb. “You’re welcome.” 
Neither man spoke for a few minutes, and Tobin could hear Leif doing some deep breathing, something he often did as a way to calm his anxiety. 
Eventually, when Leif seemed to have fully relaxed, he turned towards Tobin and smiled at him again. “Have I mentioned that you look really nice tonight?” 
Tobin laughed. “A few times. But you can tell me again.”
“Well you do. Really nice.” 
Leif leaned forward and kissed Tobin, and Tobin counted it a win that his boyfriend kissed him at work with no mistletoe involved. 
Tobin pulled away much sooner than he wanted to, because they were still at a party after all. “Hey, you ready to go back?”
Leif squeezed his hand before standing up. “Yeah. I think so.”
  The two of them left the conference room, and only got a few strange looks from the other party-goers as they made their way back to the group. 
“There you are!” Zoey said as she and Simon made their way over. “We were waiting for you to start gifts.” 
The next half-hour was spent in a flurry of white elephant chaos, filled with plenty of cursing and sighing and coming close to tears begging someone to please steal their gift because they don’t even play an instrument, why do they need sheet music for the wii theme?! Although none of the gifts came close to the glory of Tobin’s chinchilla, it was unanimously decided that Leif won this year’s most outrageous gift with the collection of small cowboy hats that Simon ended up with (something Simon was weirdly pleased with receiving.) Tobin had pouted about this decision, seeing as the hats had originally been his idea, but his boyfriend looked so pleased about winning such a stupid contest that Tobin let him take the win without too much complaining. 
It was getting late, and the party would likely be wearing to a close soon. People were still dancing, however- Leif being one of them. He and Zoey and Simon were in the middle of the floor, moving in a way that they must have considered “dancing” (but was really just a weird movement of limbs all over the place). 
The red and green lights were reflecting in Leif’s hair, making the blond curls glow in a way that could only be described as magical. His suit jacket had been abandoned at some point in the evening, so he was wearing only a deep red short sleeve dress shirt with a green vest over it. Despite the cliche color scheme, the outfit looked great on Leif. Tobin watched as Leif threw his head back in laughter at something Simon said, and felt a weird flutter in his heart at the sight. Even after nearly two years of dating Leif, and nearly twelve years of being in love with him, the other man never failed to make Tobin feel like he was fifteen again, looking over at the boy playing video games on the couch next to him, and being hit with a rush of feelings so sudden and so strong that Tobin thought he was dying. 
Tobin moved suddenly from where he’d been standing next to George, asking his friend to hold his drink for a moment. He joined Leif on the dance floor right as Santa Baby faded out (the dance moves done for that song did not bear repeating, to say the least), and faintly processed Mo announcing that their final song of the night was White Christmas because it had just started snowing in San Francisco, so of course it was. 
“Hey.” Tobin announced his presence as he sidled up next to Leif, swaying slightly to the melody. 
“Hi!” Leif turned around so quickly that he needed to steady himself by grabbing on to Tobin’s waist (nothing Tobin was complaining about), his face flushed from dancing. 
“Care to dance?” Tobin put his arms up and around Leif’s shoulders, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Zoey and Simon had begun to slow dance away from them, seemingly lost in each other. 
Leif just smiled in response and began leading Tobin slowly around the floor. Neither one of them were particularly great at dancing, but it didn’t matter. As Tobin heard the song drawing to a close, he fumbled in his jacket pocket for the mistletoe he had grabbed earlier. Upon finding it, he raised his arm above both him and Leif’s heads so that the mistletoe hung above them.
“Hey L.” Tobin said to get his boyfriend’s attention, because he’d somehow not noticed the commotion.
“Look up.” Tobin smirked.
Leif did so and immediately rolled his eyes and blushed.
“Well?” Tobin knew he was being obnoxious but didn’t care. “I seem to recall someone here saying that it was wrong to not follow the rules of mistletoe. Are you really gonna go back on your word now-”
Leif shut Tobin up by kissing him. 
Tobin smiled into the kiss, moving his non-mistletoe hand to cradle Leif’s face. People were probably staring at them, but he didn’t care. It’s not like no one knew they were together. 
Leif pulled back after a minute, slapping the mistletoe with indignance until Tobin lowered his arm. Their faces were still close, foreheads resting together.
“Merry Christmas Tobes.” 
Tobin gave Leif another quick kiss and smiled at him. “Merry Christmas Leif.” 
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mlepclaynos99 · 4 years
💛 Family (Christmas Morning) 💛
The last chapter to the 12 Days of Peraltiago I’ve been writing!
Summary: It's Christmas morning at the Peralta-Santiago household!
Read on AO3
Amy had the best memories of Christmas morning; waking up to the smell of her mother’s cooking, the excitement to open up presents that would have her up earlier than ever, rushing to wish her parents a Merry Christmas before trying to sneak a present, betting with her brothers on who could finish breakfast the fastest, and then the opening of presents that every kid looked forward to. She would remember Christmases where she would sit in her dad’s lap waiting for him to figure out how to assemble the elaborate dollhouse she had gotten as a gift and the other times she spent running around the house to stop her brothers from taking her presents to tease her, only do the same to them. But what she remembered the most was among the chaos of 8 children running around on Christmas morning, her parents always made sure that as the morning mayhem was over, they would pack themselves in their living room, and everyone would sit around, keeping their new toys aside for some time, playing games and singing together.
Jake on the other hand, had no holiday memories; his only excitement during the season was for winter break from school which meant no homework, he could stay up all late watching all his favourite movies and TV shows, and eating ice cream or anything else he whenever he wanted. The first few years he had tried to remember what his parents would do for the holidays only for nothing to come up in mind, perhaps because his parents were constantly arguing and if there were any happy moments, he had shoved them so far back in his mind with the horrible ones. All he remembered about the holidays was his mom leaving super early and telling him to wake up only for him to never listen to her, and the same amount of money she would always leave for him to order his favourite pizza for dinner. Christmas morning was like any other morning for him; just him all alone at home letting the time pass until he fell asleep on the couch. The one faint memory that made him smile was the brief moment he would wake up in the middle of the night to feel a blanket being put over him and his mom’s whispered good night before she kissed his forehead.
Now they had had their own family and their own Christmas mornings.
The Peralta-Santiago Christmas morning always started off with Jake being the first one up as he let Amy sleep in just long enough for him to brew her the cup of coffee she needed every morning. Jake was never an early riser, but having kids changes how you sleep, in that now he and Amy got to sleep when the kids slept. But Christmas morning was the exception he always made for his wife and kids.
He always heard Amy’s reminiscent stories about how she loved waking up the smells of cinnamon and sugar, that made her want to run to the kitchen, and he knew it wasn’t the smells of Cinnamon Toast Crunch he would eat on Christmas morning that she was talking about. Jake knew he wasn’t a great cook, but he also knew he wished his kids would one day grow up and tell happy stories about Christmas – that when they thought of dad on Christmas, it would bring a smile to their face, not a sadness.
So dutifully, he would plug in the fancy earbuds Amy had bought him as a gift two years ago (even after they promised no big gifts in preparing for their daughter’s arrival) and began making breakfast for his family. Jamming out to Taylor Swift, he rolled up the sleeves of his reindeer pajama tops to make the pancakes his wife and kids loved. Diligently working in the kitchen, he didn’t notice when Amy had walked into the kitchen.
She had woken up to an empty bedside and today was the only time she didn’t mind, knowing there was a steaming hot cup of coffee waiting for her in the kitchen along with her husband (who she would describe just like that coffee). Arms wrapped around herself to keep from the cold as she watched Jake busy at work, using the same focus he used when he was at work to place cinnamon rolls made by his best friend into the oven, which she knew was because she had made a passing comment about loving them. Walking up to him as he turned back to his pancakes, he looked around their kitchen and understanding exactly what he was looking for – which being married for 7 year does – she picked up the cookie cutters off the dish rack. Wrapping her arms around him, stopping him in his search with a smile, she held the two metal objects in front of him.
“Snowman for Bella and gingerbread man for Mac.”
Turning to face after taking the cookie cutters, Jake found himself engulfed in his sleepy wife’s arms and he wished he could have stayed there for the entire day as she leaned in to kiss him.
“Merry Christmas sweetheart.” He mumbled into the top of her while she rested her head on his chest, their fronts meeting so he could put his arms around her.
“Merry Christmas babe.” She placed her lips against his neck, holding him tight knowing this was moment of peace before their kids woke up and there chaotic Christmas cheer in their home.
Finally parting back from him when a yawned escaped her, Amy leaned against the counter, watching Jake chuckling in his own amusement as he poured chocolate chip pancake batter filling the outlines of the cookie cutter on the pan, making breakfast in festive shapes for his kids. He really was one of those dads and it took everything in her power to not pull his cheeks, realizing he was above and beyond what either of their dads every did. Seeing him yawn, she forwarded her mug towards him, which he absentmindedly sipped from too busy with his pan. Amy wasn’t lying when she later told their kids it looked like he would once again being fed the gross jellybean flavours from their BeanBoozled game. Quickly apologizing as she bit her tongue to hold back her laugh, she fixed him his type of coffee as he started making pancakes for her sans chocolate chips.
As he set up their breakfast table, Amy knew she had to double check she had put all the presents under the tree and all the stockings were completely stuffed. Doing her part in the living room, she picked up the cookies and milk the kids had left out for Santa and moved the coffee table aside knowing they needed the space for the kids to open their presents. Bringing out the Christmas themed throws and placing them on their couch, she looked around the house satisfied as Jake pulled out the cinnamon rolls, letting the fragrance of the spice fill their home. Only able to kiss his cheek as a thank you for bringing a piece of childhood into her Christmas morning, she felt his arm linking into hers as he proudly smiled on.
Walking into their son’s room, they found it empty and look at each other with worried looks before they heard giggles from the room next door belonging to their daughter. Shaking their heads, they walked into Bella’s room finding their two-year-old and five-year-old talking amongst themselves as if hiding a big secret. Clearing his throat, the two kids looked at them like they had been caught hiding cookies Bella’s dresser again but relaxed as Jake brought out his deep Santa voice.
“Merry Christmas children!”
Separating themselves as the kids squeals jumping off the bed, Jake immediately kneeled down and had his arms opened for them to fill. Almost knocking the wind out of him as the two kids jumped to give him hugs, yelling Merry Christmas, Amy kneeled down in laughter as the kids turned to her.
“Merry Christmas Macaroon!” She kissed the top of Mac’s head as he yelled Merry Christmas, clearly this being his favourite day after his birthday.
“Merry Christmas Bella!” She repeated the same with their daughter who had not inherited the same energy levels as Jake, rather was more like her mother and softly kissed Amy’s cheek before she wished her with an equally soft voice.
“Mewry Chwistmas mommy!”
“What about dad?” Jake sat cross legged on the floor with now empty arms and a pout on his face that made Amy remember she had three kids at times.
“You already got hugs!” And sometimes, she joined in the childish behaviour, especially when it came to getting their children’s attention.
Bella rushed back to Jake’s arms, casually sitting on his lap and putting her arms around his neck as he grinned proudly at Amy.
“I’m her favourite!”
“Mom’s my favourite!” Mac spoke up before Amy had the chance to say anything and Jake looked on offended as it was Amy’s turned to proudly smile while squeezing their son in a tight hug.
As the children laughed about their parents being silly again, Amy suddenly remembered how they all ended up in the same room and turned to the kids, knowing very well they were up to something.
“So what were you munchkins doing?”
As if it was a cue that set them off, Mac and Bella ran back to her bed. Getting off the floor slower than their kids, Jake and Amy shared a look wondering what was going on, a knowingly look that they were about experience the joys of being a parent or the not so fun side of parenting.
For the first time, they watched both their children shyly shuffling their feet and keeping their eyes lowered as they forwarded a folded paper to them, Mac nudging his baby sister to say “Merry Christmas” with him. Accepting what they realized was a card, they sat down on the tiny toddler bed, Bella once again climbing onto Jake’s lap. Amy opened the card revealing Mac’s kindergarten writing spelling out happy holidays and stick figure drawings of the four of them. He definitely had Jake’s writing and artistic abilities, but what made the parents smile prouder than they had been earlier was the scribbled “from Mac and Bela”, their daughter’s misspelled name written in a pen Mac had clearly picked up earlier this morning. They both knew this was probably a school craft Mac had made before the holidays, but his thoughtful gesture of helping his sister scribble her name onto it made it all the more special.
“This might be the best present we’ve ever gotten, don’t you think?” Amy looked at Jake while the brother and sister hi-fived at their success.
“Definitely! It’s best present from the best children.” Sandwiching their kids into a hug, Jake looked up at Amy both wanting to tell the other about amazing their kids were. Carefully closing the card, Amy knew it was going to go up on the fridge and in a special box in her closet after the new year.
“Now pancakes are getting cold! No one want breakfast today?” Jake picked Bella up as she clapped her hands in excitement, watching Mac run out of the room knowing exactly what was waiting on the breakfast table.
Less than an hour later, the kitchen was full of empty dishes and fireplace held into empty stockings. Amy had taken up cleaning the kitchen while Jake made sure the kids would be bathed and ready for opening their big presents. They must have really worked out their timing in the last two years as Amy had just taken a seat on the couch when she heard her three favourite people running out of the rooms ready for presents.
Before they knew it, there was wrapping paper all over the place, the kids had been laughing as they uncovered all the gifts they had gotten. Mac was jumping in front of Amy, asking her to show him how his remote-controlled robot toy worked while Bella was once again seated Jake’s lap, patiently watching him assemble her new activity table asking questions about every part he was adding on and then removing when he misread the instructions.
Looking eyes from across the room, Jake and Amy shared a serene smile. It was perfect & the day had just begun.
A short while later
As candy canes lay on the coffee table, a display of tiny gingerbread houses along their kitchen island, Jake & Amy heard their children singing along to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The bright lights reflected the ribbons, bows, and wrapping paper all over the living room carpet, which they walked past to stand under the mistletoe placed in the corner by their framed holiday cards to sneak a moment away from the kids busy with their toys. 
Soon changed from their matching PJs to their matching sweaters and Santa hats, they sat down on the couch with their children in their laps. As snow gently further covered the city outside, the family of four was sipping on Jake’s signature hot chocolate watching Christmas movies.
In the middle of watching Elf, when Bella was almost asleep against Jake’s chest and Mac was busy in the movie resting on Amy’s arm, Jake glanced over at Amy. Sharing a soft smile with the woman who had every part of his life better, he looked down at their children momentarily before he finally said the words she had never heard in all the years of being with him.
“I love the holidays.”
Reaching past their kids, Amy grabbed his hand before they turned back to their movie. She blinked back a tear knowing he had always loved the holidays, but never had a family to make him realize the same. Snuggling in closer to their kids, she ran her free hand over Mac’s hair, feeling lucky enough to be the one to build a family with him. And the gratefulness for their perfect little family just grow more with every Christmas morning.
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Survey #306
i’m v talkative today so pardon my jabbering below.
What is the strangest type of candy you have eaten? I think I've had one of those lollipops with a bug in it before as a kid? I don't remember. What would be your most ideal profession? A freelance photographer. But I'm honestly starting to lose hope. Have you tried those coloring books for adults? Yeah; it's funny you mention 'em, 'cuz a family friend got me one for my birthday earlier this month. What is a topic you definitely don't want to talk about with anyone? I don't like talking about my sexual history, doesn't matter who you are. It's just uncomfortable. What was your first gaming console? An Atari. Is there something you're eagerly waiting for? What is it? *SLAMS FISTS ON TABLE* MAY NEEDS TO FUCKIN' HURRY. My tattoo appointment is set then. :''') Do you/have you ever belonged to an organization? If so, which one? I was a Girl Scout when I was young. What is something you're very passionate about? Nature conservation, gay rights (equal rights in general, really), the pro-choice movement, and then there are less "important" things like certain hobbies interests and such. I'm sure there are more big ones that are just slipping my mind right now, considering I feel passionately for a shitload of stuff. What are you studying or what was the last thing you studied? I majored in Art & Design with a focus on Photography in college. But guess who dropped out. What was the last present you gave someone? I don't know... I mention enough that I don't have a source of income where I can really buy anything. I think the last thing I did was a Christmas gift for Mom a year or two back of a drawing I did of our late dog Cali, whom she absolutely adored. Do you enjoy plays? If so, what was the latest one you saw? Not really, no. What was the last thing you achieved? PHP has helped me focus on little victories, so prepare for an underwhelming answer haha, but it's something. I Facebook messaged an old friend I really wanted to catch up with, and everyone in group cheered for me. :') It was really heartwarming. What a shocker that this program is really helping me once again. What is something you would like to achieve at some point in your life? I would love love love to take at least one "famous" or award-winning photograph. It'd be such amazing validation that I'm talented at something I love so much. What is one philosophy you have regarding life/living/purpose? That's... difficult to answer seeing as I'm trying desperately to find my purpose. I do try to live by this old quote a therapist said once: "Deal with life, or life deals with you." I think it holds an incredible amount of depth and meaning in such a short phrase. How would you design the inside of your own home? I don't know the details of it, really, besides that shit is gonna look like a Halloween house year-round. I can imagine wanting black furniture, too, and having loooots of decor expressive of what I love and find comfort in. Gotta make a house feel like a home just for me. What is a band you remember liking from your childhood? Backstreet Boys, duh. Do you ever get mad at people for not having the same opinion as you (i.e. abortion being wrong/right, meat-eating being wrong/right)? Two things: it depends on the topic, and "get mad" is the wrong term for what I feel. It's more disgust; ex., I'm repulsed by anti-gay rights people and want absolutely nothing to do with 'em, but I'm not like, mad at them. Do you edit any of your pictures? In what ways? Oh yeah, and it definitely depends on the raw photograph. I edit depending on the mood it emanates; like if you've seen my roadkill photography versus nature shots, there is an extremely distinct difference in editing style and vibe. I'd say in general though, I tend to like to brighten my photographs and add more vibrance. If you like to take pictures, what is your motivation? God, I could write an essay on this. I just love and am so thankful for the fact we can literally freeze time forever with the click of a button and look back on fantastic sights, beautiful moments, memories... It's just magical to me, and I adore contributing to that art. Would you ever consider living anywhere cold? Well yeah, that's my preference, actually. What is your absolute favorite food? The spicy shrimp fritas from Olive Garden, jfc. Would you ever wear snake-skin pants, or other animal clothing? Fuck to the absolute hell no. What foreign country would you like to go to for a shopping spree? Idk, considering I'm not well-versed in the artistic creations of other countries. Perhaps India? Japan? I dunno. If you met your favorite musician, what would you ask him/her? I'm asking for his fucking autograph and a hug while I smile my face in two AND cry lmao. What do you spend most of your day thinking about? I ain't gonna bullshit nobody, my PTSD. In some way or another, he's lurking in that head of mine through memories, flashbacks, wonders of what could have gone differently... but thank God it's no longer in the forefront of my mind after my first PHP. I've come very, very far, but especially when trying to blank out my mind to fall asleep, parts of PTSD strangle my brain until I'm just finally out. I really hope that changes someday. Where is a busy place you would like to go to? Yikes, nowhere, really. I like to avoid busy locations. Do you think video games cause people to become violent? Absolutely not. You are responsible for the decisions you make; music, games, movies, etc. have no deciding voice in stupid shit you do, and it's bullshit that people blame art and entertainment for such things. Vocabulary: What was the last word you learned? I'm unsure. Have you or could you build your own site? Absolutely not from scratch. The closest I've gotten to that is my photography website, but it was through the assistance of Wix. What's the best thing you can cook yourself? Scrambled eggs, haha. I do make some bomb eggs at least. Are there a lot of graffiti around your neighborhood? No. Do you have a hobby that forces you out of the house? If so, what is it? Nature photography. Would you stop eating meat, if you had to raise and slaughter it yourself? Absolutely. God, I want to go vegetarian again... Besides English, what other languages can you speak? I can speak a very little bit of German. Took four semesters of it in high school and became very good at it, but lack of practice has pretty much ruined that. Besides English, what other languages can you read? I can read German well; as in, I can pronounce most words I see, but that doesn't mean I understand what is written. Do you think you could make it as a chef? Gordon Ramsey would deadass kick me off his show on day one, lmao. What's your favorite kind of tea? It marvels me JUST how many tea and coffee questions are in surveys. Anyway, I don't like tea. I am an embarrassment to NC culture. What thing/person/happening has made you the happiest you've been? lask;dfjal;wekrjwe What's the most freeing thing you've ever done? Stealing my happiness back from someone who had no right to hold it all in its entirety. That shit's mine. Do you think today's kids are really impatient? Most, probably, but in some ways I can understand it - at least, in the sense that with the assistance of modern technology and advancements in satiating our wants so quickly, kids just expect it. I definitely believe that patience is something to try to be deeply instilled in everyone, though. I don't have an ounce of it (in most situations) and wish I did. Have you ever tasted birch sap? No. How about the young buds/shoots of spruce trees? No. Which edible flowers have you tasted? One of my favorite Southern experiences is finding a bunch of honeysuckles and tasting the honey (is it technically even honey??). Tastes amazing. My family's hairdresser lives down a beautiful path that sprouts a massive amount of them, and as kids, my sisters and her two boys would go tasting them while our parents talked for so long, or if we were waiting our turn. Good memories. What has been your worst restaurant experience? I'm not sure, really. What's the most immature, adolescent thing that still makes you laugh? "Inappropriate humor type jokes." <<<< They can get me sometimes, too. Have you ever had a life-threatening condition? If so, what was it? No, thankfully. Have you ever had a custom print done on a shirt? If so, what was it? I don't believe so, no. Besides making a tye-dye one in HS with our school colors. Wasn't my idea and never wore it, haha. Do you ever read other people's survey answers? It depends on the person. If it's a friend, absolutely, because I love learning usually obscure things about them I wouldn't have known otherwise. If it's a user I don't know from wherever I got the survey, sometimes, depending on how short the answer is and my eyes kinda just scroll over it. Do you like daytime or night time better? Why? Daytime, especially mornings. I'm generally happier when there's light around. What's your highest level of education so far? Some college. Describe your ordinary day: My average day is embarrassingly uneventful. It's sitting on the laptop doing shit on various sites, none of which are actually important, and playing WoW, which is also without true substance, save for social interactions with my friends on there. I spray Venus' terrarium everyday multiple times as well to keep the humidity up, and obviously eat and handle that kinda bodily needs stuff. Would you ever have a UV tattoo? Ugh, that'd be so dope. I've seen some awesome ones, but idk if I'd get one, considering when am I actually going to be under UV light?? Like I wanna be able to see my tat. What is the brand and color name of your favorite lipstick? I have one black lipstick, but it comes right off so I don't even like it. I only ever put it on to take pictures. What do you like on your tortilla? Just ham and cheese. How about inside your pita bread? I've never had pita bread, actually. What do you like in your burger? It depends on where I'm getting the burger. My basic is cheese, ketchup, mustard, a bit of mayo, pickles, and a light sprinkle of diced onion, but sometimes I add bacon and take away the onions. How about on your pizza? I have three I tend to pick from: pepperoni, jalapeno, or meat lovers. Do you work better alone or in a group? Alone, definitely. Which body part would you not mind losing? I'ma be extremely honest, with just how horribly weak my legs are, I could live without them, I guess. Not saying I want to by any means, it's just exhausting using them. Ideally, I'd take away something minor, like a finger or something. What common saying people use is absolute BS to you? “'Everything happens for a reason.'” <<<< Fuckin' colossal "same." I won't rag on people who believe it, especially if it gives you courage to keep moving forward, but I don't believe it in the slightest. If it were so, I'd like to talk to whoever is in control of those "reasons," please. What is the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week? I had no idea elephants were pregnant for two years, like holy shit, can you imagine. It was in an article I saw on Facebook about a mother and daughter elephant who are both expecting and doing well. Wonderful to hear. What’s the most useless talent you have? Ha, I'm a master in the arts of catastrophizing and jumping to conclusions involving people hating me in one way or another. What’s something everyone looks stupid doing? I'm one of those people who hate dabbing done by anybody, like you look like you're just smelling your armpit. Which kids’ movie scarred you for life? I wouldn't say "scarred me for life" by any means, but when I was little, I was terrified of the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz and even had nightmares about her. It sucked because my little sister was obsessed with that movie, haha. In one sentence, how would you sum up the Internet? A source of incredible knowledge but also hate and misinformation. What would be the most ridiculous thing for the government to make illegal? I literally dread the idea of Roe vs. Wade being reversed. Banning abortion would kill so many people with operational uteruses and cause absolute pandemonium. How many friends do you have on social media and how many of them do you know for real? On Facebook, I have 124 friends, and I'd say I know most of them "in real life." However, having been on the Internet since I was so young and befriending loads of incredible people, a good chunk are "online friends." Hell, I'm more interested in their lives than most "real" ones. Long-distance friendships are so valid. What fact amazes you every time you think of it? Lots of things, generally regarding the stupidity of humanity. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done? Probably going to the beach w/ my old friend Colleen. We had zero plans of doing it, but she just called me one morning and asked if I wanted to go, and off we went. It was a fun day. What has taken up too much of your life? I'ma be real, WoW. I don't think I'm addicted to it like I once was seeing as I go through spans where I barely want to play it at all and don't, so I truly am capable of not playing it, but rather it's just the most entertaining way to kill time in my life. I just don't like how much time I've invested into a game over six or seven years regardless. Where do you not mind waiting? Uh, nowhere lmao. Is there an app you hate to use, but still use every day? No; why would I use it if that was the case? Who is the funniest person you know? My friend Girt is fucking hysterical. What three words describe you best? Complex, passionate, and creative. What makes you think you’re smart? Lol who says I think I'm smart? Who inspires you? Korean Jesus. Okay on a serious note, not just him, of course, but he's #1 in an entire universe of ways. Do you aspire to be like somebody else? If so, who? No; I want to be my own authentic self. How did you meet your best friend? YouTube, back when it had more social aspects. Which one of your accomplishments are you the most proud of? I want to say my recovery, but like... I wonder a lot if it's "enough" to be proud of with how scarred I still am? I still struggle with a lot and feel like I could be so much better by now if I tried harder. If I'm completely honest with myself, I think it's finishing high school in the top percentile of my graduating class. There was a ceremony for the handful of us and all, and I cherish my plaque probably too much. Reminds me of a time when I knew what the fuck I was doing. What's the strangest thing you ever did as a child? Thinking I had "animal powers" where I could invoke the traits of certain animals at will, like what the actual fuck, Brittany. What did your mother teach you? Christ, a lot. Dad didn't do a lot of the raising, honestly, so much of my core values and whatnot were instilled by my mother. She taught me to care for and be nice to others, respect myself, try my best in everything, and most importantly that she is always there for me and my sisters no matter what and can tell her absolutely anything. She was very serious about us going to college and saving sex for marriage when we were younger, but she diverged from those ideas as absolutely necessary with experience. I'm extremely lucky with who I call my mom, overall. What did your father teach you? Eek... Read above. Not a lot as a kid (save for riding a bike and playing softball); most he's taught me has come following reuniting with him after my parents' divorce. I remember we went to lunch once and talked about my breakup, and he talked to me about sometimes, you just have to let people go in order to be happy, like with him and Mom. He's very serious now about ensuring us girls know that he is always there for us and will help us in any way he's capable. What makes you feel powerful? "Powerful" isn't something I really feel, if I'm being real. What are you ready to let go? It would be inexplicably fantastic if I could let every speck of Jason go in both my head and heart. What is your most bizarre deal-breaker? I don't really find any of my expectations and limits as "bizarre?" They're all valid to me. Well wait, idk if you'd find it strange that I absofuckinglutely would not date someone who hunts, but it's not to me. That's a difference in a very serious value to me. Would you rather be hated or forgotten? Hated. God, I don't want to leave this earth having given just nothing. I can live with some people hating me for whatever reason. What’s the biggest personal change you’ve made? Accepting my bisexuality, probably. That's something that I consider pretty big for two reasons: 1.) I could end up with a woman forever, and especially 2.) I was originally homophobic. I still have difficulty in fathoming how I ever was. What are some of your short-term goals? PHP is finally starting to make me build these again. I want to get better at selfcare, draw, write, and read more, I want to drink a lot more water, exercise way more... Lots of things, really. What is the weirdest thing about you? Uh. I dunno. Probably that I RP meerkats, which is a very obscure RP niche for sure.
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mackwritess · 4 years
Westwood Road
Word count: 3k+
Summary: It’s your average high school romance. The boy meets a girl who accepts him despite his hidden secret, and in turn he changes her. But what happens when she’s got her own little secret?
A/N: Hi! This story represents a lot of milestones for me as this is both my first commission and my first attempt at romance! I hope you like it!
He’s running late. It’s a character flaw of his, really. A problem he’s never been able to correct, no matter how many alarms he set to go off in time. This time though, it isn’t just some unimportant thing he’s late for, oh no.
Today, he’s meeting her parents.
He takes a sharp turn down her street, the street people normally avoid. He doesn’t have time to think about the warnings he’s gotten about this old gravel road. He has somewhere to be.
He finally decides to slow down a bit in order to ensure he doesn’t pass up his destination by mistake. Slowing down to what feels like a snail’s pace, he pays close attention to each disheveled home he passes by, looking out for the house that was described to him.
Luckily, he didn’t have to look particularly hard, as she was standing outside the very place he was looking for, waiting for him to arrive.
He slows his vehicle to a stop and jumps out immediately, trying to make up every second he may have lost. Running over to where she stands, he tries to rush out an apology, explaining his situation. Instead of lashing out as he fears, she offers him a serene, almost eerie, smile. She assures him he’s right on time, and takes his hand to lead him inside.
How they met was something straight out of a romantic comedy.
He was running late, of course, to a special event at his local video game store. He insists it’s not his fault this time, really, it’s not. He’s got a reputation to uphold, he can’t be caught hanging out with a bunch of people who’ve never even been to prom without a group of friends rather than a date, he rationalizes. He’s ducking around corners and hiding behind telephone poles in a borderline cartoonish manner, hoping he won’t run into someone from school, specifically anyone he’s on a team with.
After finally arriving at the store, he can finally drop his elaborate manner of movement, certain that he’ll run into no trouble here. Upon arrival, he spots the table set up for the event he’s attending, already surrounded by others who are there for the same reason he is. He scans the scene quickly, looking for a place to sit, and his eyes find an empty seat next to a girl.
He thinks nothing of it and takes a seat next to her, offering her a small smile when he does. It’s only when she turns to look at him that he realizes he knows her from somewhere. Perhaps he’s seen her in the store before, though he isn’t quite sure.
Today’s event is for a game tournament. It’s a relatively popular game, if the attendance of this event is anything to go by. After the order of the tournament is decided, he’s careful not to take his eyes off his other opponents' game play, hoping to catch on to any tricks they may have.
The girl he had sat next to doesn’t appear to have any particular strategy. Unlike her more animated competitors, she remains calm, her expression blank.
Eventually, after making his way up the tournament bracket, he finds himself facing her in the final. He’s nervous, having been unable to learn anything about her potential, but can tell that she’s skilled.
“I’m nervous,” she says suddenly, “You’re really good.”
He’s caught off guard. She hasn’t spoken a word this entire time, and he’s certain he’s only gotten this far by luck. All he can do is offer her a sheepish smile, before the game begins.
He’s feeling a little misled by the time their turn concludes. Not only was he utterly destroyed, but their match was the shortest out of all the others, lasting a measly two minutes. She’s given her prize, a gift card to be used in the store, and immediately stands from her seat, presumably to begin her shopping with her newly earned funds.
He finds himself following after her, not to berate her or accuse her of cheating like some people his age might do, but rather to ask how the hell she managed to do what she did in such a fashion. He finds her looking at the old used games, likely because of their relatively low price range compared to the rest of the items in the store.
He’s unsure how to approach her, the first time he’s ever been nervous about such a thing. He can’t quite place it, but something about her is making him feel sheepish and insecure in a way. It’s when he finally decides what he’ll start with, a simple “hello” that he sees her pick up an old game he recalls from childhood. Immediately, he calls out to her, seeming to startle her, and explains the relationship he has with the game.
“It’s one of the first games I ever owned,” he elaborates. “I’ve never even gotten to complete it. Haven’t seen the cartridge in years.”
The girl seems to consider his words. “What if I let you borrow it? After I’m done with it, of course.”
He lights up at her offer. “I would love that!” He says, albeit a little loudly, attracting the attention of other patrons in the store. Taking note, he lowers his voice. “But how would I know to get it back from you, and how would I return it?”
“Well, it is the twenty-first century after all. I could just give you my number.” He cringes at himself, realizing how clueless he must seem.
“Right, yea, we could do that.” He moves to take her phone to enter his number before pausing. “Wait. Do you mind keeping this a secret?”
“I mean, sure,” she says, clearly confused by his odd request, “Can I ask why?”
“No one knows I do things like this, it’s a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. If people found out, my reputation would be ruined.” He expects her to get angry. To tell him he has no respect for the hobby or the people who play professionally.
Instead, she laughs.
“What year is this? Dude, everyone plays video games these days. What, do you think you’re gonna get bullied if you tell your friends you like Mario?” She laughs again, and he decides he likes the sound of it.
“It’s a long story, alright? Just promise me you won’t say anything,” he says, trying to preserve what little dignity he has left after today.
“Fine, fine. I’ll keep your dirty little secret,” she says. She hands him his phone, and he quickly inputs his name and number. Upon finishing, he looks up and hands the phone back to her. Though, he’s afraid to make eye contact, so instead he finds himself watching the fly that seems to have appeared out of nowhere.
“How long do you think it’ll take for you to finish?” He asks, trying to shift the conversation back.
“Not sure,” she says with a shrug. “I’ve never played, could be weeks, months even. But I’ll get back to you as soon as I finish.” He nods, already eager to talk to her again.
Three days later, he receives a message.
What had begun as a simple exchange had quickly turned into a friendship between the two of them. The two of them clicked better than he had ever expected. Upon talking more to her, he realizes she looked familiar because they have a few classes together. He worries that she’ll be upset that he didn’t know her, but instead she laughs it off.
They’ve made it a weekly tradition now to meet once every week at the game store where they first met. They talk about their favorite releases, look at new equipment that the store has gotten in, and comb over the clearance section, hoping to get their hands on a cheap game or two.
This time, though, his luck appears to have run out.
The two of them are making their way around the store, looking for a particular pair of headphones that professional gamers swear is the best product in the business. Upon examining them, deciding they won’t look at the price tag just yet, he hears a familiar voice call out his name.
He looks up, and is met with the confused expression of his teammate.
“What are you doing here?” He asks.
“I’m looking for some game for my brother, he’s got his heart set on it so I’m getting it as a Christmas gift. What are you doing here?”
He stutters, trying to come up with an explanation, when she peers from behind him to see what the sudden commotion is about.
“It’s a game store, can’t you read?” She asks, obviously irritated by the interruption. “Why don’t you look for what you came here for and mind your business?”
He’s shocked by her sudden outburst, and when he turns to look at her, she’s back to browsing the shelves as if nothing happened.
“You’re here with her too? Man, you really must be desperate for something to do,” the other boy responds, unphased by her words.
“What’s wrong with her?” He lets slip immediately, wanting to return the favor.
“You’re telling me you haven’t heard? She lives on Westwood Road. You know, that old freaky abandoned road at the edge of town?”
“So what?”
“What do you mean, so what?” The boy balks. “That place is haunted, no sane person would ever live there, besides, even ignoring the fact that she’s probably some undead weirdo, this place is for nerds.”
He moves to say something, but a fearful expression briefly moves past the other boy’s face, and he’s backing away.
“You know what? Forget it. I won’t tell anyone I saw you, just keep that freak away from me.” He turns around and quickly moves to another part of the store.
“Well,” she says, drawing his attention back to her, “that was something.”
He profusely apologizes to her, which she brushes off and insists is fine. She continues her shopping, deciding she’ll buy the overpriced headset she’s heard so much, and he asks when he’ll be allowed to borrow them.
It had been a few months since the incident, and rather than growing farther apart like he feared, they’d actually grown much closer. They spend almost every day together now, whether it be just goofing off or working on school assignments together. With spring break underway, today is one of their goofing off days.
He decides that today he’s going to ask her to go to prom with him.
He doesn’t really have a plan, deciding he’ll keep it simple and wing it rather than some big display of affection. He’ll wait for the right moment, and then he’ll ask her and hope he doesn’t get rejected.
They’re at a local diner now, having decided after last time that if they get confronted again that they can handle it. He’s listening to her explain the plot of a game she’s been struggling with lately. She’s clearly frustrated, having never struggled with a game before, and he finds it endearing.
“Will you go to prom with me?” He asks, not realizing he’s said anything until she stops ranting, a shocked expression appearing on her face.
“What did you just say?”
“I was just thinking, since we’ve been hanging out so much. I don’t know, I don’t really talk to any other girls and I really like spending time with you and I just thought-“
She cuts off his rambling by throwing a napkin at his face, a small smile gracing her lips.
“Relax, already. I just wanted to see you freak out a little,” she chuckles lightly. “I’d love to go with you.”
He lets out a sigh of relief, pulling another laugh from her.
“I really thought you’d reject me for a second there.”
“Do you really take me as being that heartless?”
“Heartless isn’t the word I’d use.”
“That’s the one.”
They continue to talk for hours on end, until the street lights outside the diner turn on. Another fly appears in his field of vision, though his focus this time is entirely on her.
“What are you smiling about?” She asks, having stopped at her front door, waiting for him to snap back from whatever thought he was having.
“Remember prom?” She laughs immediately.
“Yea, how could I forget the wonky chocolate fountain they had that got all over everyone’s clothes?”
“I still can’t believe I talked you into going to an after party.”
“Listen, I heard there was a pool, I wasn’t about to say no.”
The two of them laugh again, reminiscing on the night they decided to make their relationship official.
“C’mon,” she says, suddenly much quieter, “let’s head in.”
He follows her through the door, and is met with a surprisingly nice house compared to the disheveled appearance. There’s a few paintings hung up on the wall, and an old fireplace lit in the living room.
He makes his way through the house, curiosity overtaking his thoughts that he may be acting a bit rude for digging around. He finds a decently sized kitchen, and a dining room straight out of a centuries old painting.
While he looks around, she’s following him slowly, hoping the old furniture is enough to distract him from her presence. She lifts the weapon above her head and, right as he moves to turn around, brings it down on his head.
He wakes up after what feels like days, when in reality it’s only been about an hour. His head is throbbing, and when he tries to move, he finds himself unable to, his hands having been tied behind him. He’s in a dark room, barely able to see anything as his visions adjusts to the lack of light. The smell of sulfur invades his nostrils, worsening his headache.
“You’re awake, I see. I thought you’d be out for at least another hour or two.”
He hears her voice before he sees her. When she steps forward, he notices something is different. Her demeanor has changed, and he finds himself sitting up in the chair he’s tied to.
“What happened? Where are we? Are you okay?”
“How sweet, you’re worried about me?” She sighs, “Don’t do that, my dear boy. You’re starting to make me feel a little bad for what’s about to happen.”
He’s about to ask her what she means, when she speaks again.
“Oh, have you not figured it out yet? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. This has been one of my most successful catches, after all.”
“Catches?” He asked, still not understanding.
“Must I explain everything?” She shrugs. “Fine, I suppose I can tell you how you’ll be dying.” His eyes widen, and he opens his mouth to scream when she interrupts him. “Don’t bother, we’re underground. No one will hear you.”
“What the hell is going on? Who are you?”
“I have many names. It’d be easier if you think of me as the one I already gave you.”
“Why am I tied up? What are you doing?”
“Well in order to get to that, we’ll have to start from the beginning, wouldn’t you agree?” He doesn’t respond. “Why don’t we play a little game? Did you notice anything strange when we first met?”
He thinks back. Nothing particular stands out to him, except for one thing.
“There was a fly, that was pretty weird.” He finds himself laughing, despite his situation. “I was too afraid to look at you, so I watched the fly.”
“Judging by the way you’re laughing right now, I assume you don’t know what this means.”
“You’re right, I don’t.”
“Anything else you noticed? A certain smell perhaps?”
“Sulfur. I smell sulfur.” She says nothing. He’s deep in thought. “So you’re a demon?”
“Ding ding ding! Smart boy, I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”
“Why me? Why did it have to be me?”
“Oh, it’s nothing personal, really. You just seemed the perfect target. Looks like I was right.” Again, she’s met with silence. “I know it’s hard for you to accept, but I never loved you. You’re a food source for me, nothing more.” Still, he says nothing.
“So now what happens? You eat my soul or something?” He asks, finally.
“Precisely! And since you’ve won the game, I've decided to let you have your last words. Go ahead.” He looks her directly in the eye.
“You’re lying.”
“W-what?” She stutters, caught off guard. “I’m not lying, why else do you think your loud friend ran off that day?”
“No no, I believe that you’re a demon. What I don’t believe is that you never loved me.” It’s her turn to stay silent. Taking note, he continues. “It’s not hard to tell when feelings are real, and yours clearly were, whether you’re ready to admit it or not.”
“They weren’t!” She yells, beginning to shake.
“Now that I think about it, I’ve heard of your kind before. Your death relates to lost love, and now you live as a demon, breaking hearts and feeding on the souls because this is how you survive. How you get your revenge.”
“Stop it,” she screams, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I know you love me, really, but I know you no choice.” She’s crying now. All she can do is shake her head violently in denial. “But it’s okay. Because I still love you. And I forgive you.”
She leaves the house covered in his blood. She found herself unable to consume his soul, as even after all she’d done, she was still unable to break him. Out of anger, and sadness, she had ripped him apart, leaving his body scattered across the room.
For years, she’s been living on this road. She’d never encountered any problems, and she never had to think too much about what she would ultimately end up doing to her victims. This time was different.
She was suddenly disgusted with herself, after doing what she’d done to so many people. Maybe she’d find some other way to sustain herself. Perhaps one day, she’d reunite with him, one day when she felt she was worthy of a love so pure.
For now, though, she would leave Westwood Road, and start somewhere new.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 5 years
Mechanic Shop
Summary: Best friend’s little brother, it really be like that, huh? Mechanics amirite?
Kai X Reader
Requested by @astarlightmonbebe btw
Prompt: 18. Breaking down on Christmas eve and a cute and the only mechanic in town fixes your car
A/n: I’m sorry these have been taking so long, finals are coming up I’ll try to fly through the rest of the requests!
If I had known my old Betsy was going to not start today I would have driven all 8 hours to the place. But no, I rented a hotel for the night because I was tired, and there are no rest stops on country roads. Looks like I’m not coming home for Christmas, I rush back in and see the hotel clerk and ask her where the nearest mechanic is, and if he’s open today. “Well, I’d have to check, I don’t know if he is on holiday or not…” She smiles at me, and promises to call, “He’s there sweetie, I hope your car gets fixed!” Which leads to me asking if someone could help push it. A burly guy, and a father-daughter duo. Pushing as I push from the front steering the poor ol’ lass. Which at this point, I’m just glad it’s three shops away. 
When we reach the shop, I thank them all offering them twenty, as a Christmas gift for all the help they did. They accepted after I haggled with the burly guy who kept stating he was just being kind. I wouldn't back down after they helped push ol’ Betsy, the least I could do was give them money. He sighed, “You’re too sweet kiddo, I hope you get home for Christmas.” I laugh and wish them a happy holiday, and they were off. I walk into the shop looking for the owner, he waves at me, “Hi, how can I help you today?” my heart drops, I didn’t expect him to be good looking, we’re here about ol’ Betsy nothing else, he looks kind of familiar though… 
I shake the thoughts out of my head and tell him about my car, “Oh um… I think my car’s starter went out,... but all I know is it won’t turn over.” Looking down trying to remember who he was, when I look up at him again, I realize, “Kai??” He smiles at me, “(Y/n)?” “You started your own mechanic shop? I’m so proud of you!” He laughs at me and comes around the counter and gives me a big ol’ hug. I chuckle squeezing him back. “Do you still live with my family?” He shakes his head, “Moved out my parents are proud of me as well as your family is” I mess up his hair, “I haven’t seen you in years,” “Well, you don’t come home for the holidays anymore” I pout, “I work nearly 24/7 and I was making my way up here, it’s an 8 hour drive!” He laughs, “You moved to the big city, I know your brother told me so,...” He trails off, “You could visit me though, I’m closer” “Six hours is still not a bargain.”
He shrugs, “So you said your car’s starter isn’t going. Don’t tell me you still own that old hand me down…” I look down at the floor before I look him in the eyes, “Don’t make fun of ol’ Betsy she gets around and turns real tight” He smirks, “Is it because you still struggle with parking?” I glare, “I guess I’ll just use the present I bought you” He shoves me playfully, “I’m just kidding” “Chanyeol!!” He yells for him and a tall man comes out of a mini office, “Yes, Kai?” “Pull ol’ Betsy onto the lift, will you?” He rolls his eyes and hooks up ol’ Betsy to the winch and pulled her onto the lift.
“Did my father encourage you?” He nods, “Yeah, he pitched in on the money for the shop too!” I grin, “He’s something else isn’t he?” He laughs, “Yeah, but that’s why we love him. Are you finally doing what you love” I nod happily, “Yeah, it’s an absolute dream, I get to wake up and write every day.” He ruffles my hair, “That’s my girl” I blush, and before he can continue, Chanyeol lets out a loud, "Kai! Quit flirting!" He sighs, "I may own the shop, but doesn't mean I run it" I laugh and Chanyeol tells me they're going to check over the starter and flywheel. While I sit back and relax in the shop for a while. I guess I should probably explain how I know Kai, he is my little brother's best friend. While he is my brother’s best friend he has always been there for me. He never let me go to bed crying even if it was a fight with my brother. He’s our mediator, and he’s kind of cute too. During the school year, he would stay at our house because of his parent’s business trips and on the breaks he would go with them. His parents are usually out and about living the business daydream, while we took him in. After all, Kai’s parents were close to mine, to begin with, but no matter what we would end up spending Christmas together. The past five years that I have been in the city pursuing my dream it seems Kai has too. 
Chanyeol comes in and gestures for me to follow him out, "Okay so we have your starter out and it is completely fried." Chanyeol tells me softly, breaking the news to me, "Oh" is all I can say, "But!! Lucky for you we have your exact make and model for your car!" Kai says with a sweet tone, "How much will it be?" I say solemnly, "Altogether it's gonna be about 280, but you can pay me in increments if you want?" I didn't intend for my sigh of relief to be that big but it was. Both of them laughed, "Can I pay you forty now?" Kai nods and takes my forty and runs it through his cash register. He comes back with a receipt, "We'll have it done in an hour" Chanyeol says with a big smile. 
When they finish Kai comes out wiping his face with a rag, and he tells me my car is all ready to go. "Are you coming over for the holidays, Kai?" He smiles, "I'll be a little late this year seeing as I'm open on Christmas for three hours because Jay needs his transmission replaced and he is paying me extra so I said I'd do it." I nod, "You remind me of my dad." I say with a smile, "Your brother says that too" He grins at me, and I walk to my car, only two hours to go and after this weekend I have an 8 hour drive back home. 
I arrive and I'm swaddled with hugs, "Hey, Kai is gonna be a little late-" I try to tell my little brother, "How do you know that?" I sigh, "Ol' betsy's starter went out so that's why I'm late. I didn't know he had a mechanic shop." My brother rolls his eyes, "Because you haven't been home in a while" I roll my eyes back, "I don't live with my parents" I tell him in a mocking tone, "But who's making more?" My mother glares, "You both are doing what you love, now quit it or you won't get any Christmas presents.” She smiles fondly at me, “We're so glad to have you back home, sweetie!" My brother laughs and we shrug it off before doing our handshake and going to bed. 
I wake up to my brother shaking me, "I will pour water all over you and tell Kai you peed yourself" I squint my eyes, "Why are you acting like I care?" He smirks at me, and grabs my water from my bedside table, "You do it and I swear I will show your girlfriend your baby pictures" "You don't even know where they are!" I smirk back at him, "What makes you so sure that Mom didn't give me a copy?" His mouth drops and he carefully puts the glass down and helps me up. "Why are you set on me liking Kai?" I ask earnestly, "Eh, no reason" he shrugs and goes down the stairs and I see Kai standing at the bottom of the steps in his full glory. I can't like him, he's my little brother's friend. Even though he is only a year younger than me, isn't that wrong? Why does my brother keep hinting at it? 
I roll my eyes and ask Kai how he's back so early. "Jay came to the shop after you and didn't want me to work on Christmas, he spent more money but he said it was worth it if we both can be at home for Christmas." I grin, “I’m glad you made here early. Do you have your own place unlike, that one?" My brother turns and scowls at me, "We're still on about that, poor one?" "Mama's boy!" "Some things never change" Kai let's out and my mother yells, "I will beat you both if you don't shut it! Can we open presents in peace now?" We grumble and gather onto the couch, opening our presents.
My brother's girlfriend made an appearance making Kai and I gag. "Wait until you two get into a relationship," my father says sweetly gazing into my mom's eyes, "Ew!" Kai and I exclaim like we're five. 
We all separate and go to our rooms, "Kai?" I ask. He tells me to come in, “You never answered my question earlier,” I tell him walking into the room. “Oh I live on my own, above the shop, Chanyeol and I split rent.” I nod and he asks, “Where did you go after you graduated?” “Everywhere, I went to see the world and finally settled down. I guess you can call me a professional poet, or a traveling poet.” He nods, “Do you still write love poems?” I grin, “Yeah, because I wish to feel that with someone” He smiles, “I do too, but I guess we’ll just have to see what happens.”
Christmas came and went, I still have to drive six hours to Kai’s shop to pay him off. Yes, I’ve been paying him in tens to draw out the time. But it seems my time has run out, and my car doesn’t need to be fixed anymore so I guess we’re back to the beginning. “Oh, hi (Y/n)! This is your last payment isn’t it?” Chanyeol asks me sweetly, “Yeah,” I look past him to look for Kai, “where’s Kai?” He pouts, “I thought you were here to see me!” I laugh, and he tells me, “He’s in his office fiddling like usual” I laugh, patting Chanyeol on his shoulder. I walk into his mini office, and he puts his legs down from his kicked back position. He smiles at me, "Back again already? This is your last payment…" I sigh, "I know," I tell him sadly as I hand him a ten, "This doesn't have to be our last meeting!" He tells me as he prints off my last payment receipt.
I grin, "Really?" He nods, "Maybe instead of my shop we go to a coffee shop?" I nod, "I agree but on one condition,” “What’s the condition?” He asks me earnestly, “you go to meet me in the middle. Driving like 6 hours here isn't my ideal hangout." He grins, "I can do that, your free Mondays right?" I nod, "So am I, this Monday Brissel's café?" I nod agreeing to it, and Chanyeol whines, "This is the last time I'm gonna see you again?" I nod and he pouts, "If my car breaks down, I'll be sure to get it towed here" Kai laughs, and Chanyeol smirks and grabs a wrench, "I guess you'll have to stay" I blankly look at him, "I will tell your boyfriend that you are a rat." He smirks, "He already knows" I shake my head bidding them farewell and going home. 
I wait for him in the café, and he appears with that brilliant grin, “I ordered us both a hot cocoa” I tell him, he thanks me as he pulls off his coat. The waiter brings them over and I grin at him, “This seems like a date,...” I trail off, “It could be if you wanted it to be.” He says with a wink, “What if I wanted it to be?” He gives me ‘the look’! RED ALERT!! HE GAVE ME THE LOOK!! RED ALERT!! I’m screaming in my head before I reciprocate the motion, “Then it’s a date” I grin and carefully reach over to grab his hand, “You know I always thought you were cute” I tell him, “I thought you were too, but your my best friend’s sibling,... so I felt I couldn’t.” I nod, “I did too, but I know that if we go back home soon, we will get the shit teased out of us.” He nods, “You’re  right but, remember if he wants his car to start in the morning” I laugh, “Then our software will somehow stop working till you fix his car, and for free” He pouts, “You’re always right” “Remember that” 
I’m not sure how our relationship started off so easy. But three months later I found myself moving into his apartment, above his shop. Starting a new career as a freelance poet, and learning things about cars I never wanted to. But Kai’s eyes light up like it’s Christmas day talking about cars, so who am I to resist listening, because I know he’ll listen to my new poetry. Most of my poems nowadays are about our relationship, some do come from the shop though. Watching older couples come in needing an oil change or Baekhyun and Chanyeol kissing underneath a car, and Kai yelling at them. “No love on the job” “You act like you wouldn’t do the same thing!” He catches my eye as I wave at him, “Sh-Shut up!” Yeah, my little brother teases us for it a lot, but whose is engaged and who’s not? I’m glad my car broke down so I could rekindle my crush on Kai all those years ago, and he’s glad it was near his shop. 
He’s hunched over a cherry red 76’ nova, he’s fixing up for us to take a vacation in. He looks over at me and I wink drawing the cover for my poetry book, with him on the front. He’s my muse, and he looks hot even with the grease smudge on his cheek. “Babe?” I call out to him, “Hmm?” “You got a little something on your cheek!” He laughs, and wipes it off, “You want to see if she’ll start?” I nod and hop into the car, he’s just been standing over it for the past thirty minutes. Telling me the starter is out, “Here comes a request from Kai in Newport, ‘I’ll Have To Say I Love You In A Song’” He comes over, as the car gently roars, “Pulling me off of the car seat and spins me around, “I spent all night working on Margo, so we can start our trip tonight” I put my head into his shoulder as he spins me around, dancing, “So that’s why your side of the bed was cold when I rolled over” He chuckles, “Yeah, I’m sorry babe, but I hope the song makes it better.” “I love you” I whisper in his ear, “I love you too” “Did you request it earlier and have a time for it, “Yeah” I grin, “You’re cute,” I tell him softly as I look up at him, “You’re cuter.” He says and before I can argue he kisses me softly, “Grab your bags” I nod and he turns off the car and follows me up the stairs. Chanyeol and Baekhyun can keep the shop safe he assured me over the past few days. 
I never thought of leaving the big city would give me a life, I thought it was dull in the tiny towns. But Kai, he proved me wrong, because wherever he is, is home. He says the same about me, and even if we are in a tiny town, it doesn’t matter. Plus, if we break down he can fix Margo up, my ol’ Betsy is another story. There have been many chapters in our relationship and I have to say this so far, is my favorite one.
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sidlottedream · 5 years
Wish Upon A Star/part 3
Part 3
Sanditon alternative universe fanfiction
a/n: thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate it. xoxo
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Sometime in the afternoon, Christmas Eve
"Just a minute!" Esther shouted as the door bell went three times. And to her amazement as she opened the door, it was no delivery men standing with the tree, but Babington politely asking, "May I come in?", holding a 5 foot tree.
Esther rolled her eyes a bit and waved him in, drawing a silent breath. 
Babington walked in and looked at her, not waiting for her to throw a barrage at him that last night was just a drunken glitch and that there was no future for them.
“I am just delivering the tree.”
"I guess" Esther said, "Sidney couldn't find any delivery men available?!”
“He had some errands to run- and I was free!" Babington fibbed, “I was actually not expecting to find you here.”
"You were free?! Right." Esther said and taking a silent breath to calm her stomach butterflies said staring him in the eyes,"well, now you are free to leave!"
But Babington was not to be rushed away. And before we return this moment - let's go back to Charlotte’s phone call to Sidney orchestrating the whole tree delivery thing.
"I have a favour to ask" Charlotte said, "I know for a fact that Esther is really in love with Babington and she will stay with us over Christmas, because Edward has actually locked her out of the apartment. You know that battle over the house- apparently he won the lawsuit. Anyway- I have an idea.”
Charlotte now ran the idea of Babington delivering the tree to their flat and give those two some time alone to talk things through. 
“Done.” Sidney agreed to the scheme.
And so- back to Charlotte and Georgiana’s flat
What to say and what to do - and now he thought of the totally unexpected Babington knelt down.
"Babington? What are you doing?" Esther looked wide-eyed at the man, pulling him by the arms to get up, “Don’t do that again.”
"I’m not. I’m just begging for forgivness" Babingotn  said seriously and continued, "I know there's no fit excuse for me acting the way I did last summer in Sanditon."
“Just stop it. Get up! You’re being ridiculous!” Esther stepped forward taking him  by the shoulders trying to entice him to get up. Babington swiftly took hold of her hand standing up. And there it was- both of them looked at their hands entwined, Babington’ s eyes looked her deeply in the eyes, more than apology seeping out of them, “I love you! More than love you. You are my everything, Esther.”
 Esther’s eyes watered with emotions, but she pulled her hands away from his stepping aside to brush her tears away, "No- huh- ok- I forgive you-are we done? Can you just leave?! Please!"
"Right" Babington drew a deep exasperated breath, pausing for a moment waiting for another second for her reaction till he passed by her to walk to the door. Esther stood still in the living room, her heart yelling at her to stop him- yeah, you thought you were exclusive, but it was never declared- really- was a declaration necessary, after weeks being inseparable, going back and forth to Sanditon and London-it all was just sweet nothings.
"Babington-"s he uttered and he turned around, the butterflies now raising in his stomach with half anguish and half hope, waiting for her to speak.
"I- I mistook all our being together as something more than it was- I guess, I didn't read the signs that it was just a fun thing"
Babington now walked back to her, "It was not just a fun thing- it was me- not admitting to my heart that I have finally found the woman I wanted to be with -it was me being foolish- demented- call it what you want- there is no excuse- ah, I've always thought love was a weakness- how stupid was I-"
"Stupid" Esther uttered.
Well, what followed after Babington bore his soul to her - was- well, a kiss was the next logical thing that should have happened if, of course, Esther's fear of giving him another chance hadn’t reared its ugly head - as her phone rang, she took the phone call as it was her aunt. Escape or just pause- Esther now went out of the living room.
Babington sighed a little and now took his phone and texting Sidney that the mission felt like it had, to which Sidney replied not to let it go and said that he and Charlotte were their way to the flat.
In the wine bar not far from the flat. Sidney, Charlotte and Georgiana had a very late lunch.
"They so belong together- I hate matchmaking, but this time it is necessary" Charlotte said.
"I say so, too" Sidney agree , smiling a little, he got up, “I got to go. I will see you later.”
"Yes. Later" Charlotte said, gazing lovingly at the man as he went out of the bar.
“You two are just friends-yeah right?!" Georgiana remarked sipping down the rest of her wine.
"Don’t start please - what if all falls apart and I lose him as a friend?" Charlotte puffed nervously.
"Or-you never try and regret it and yet it could have been something amazing and the stuff that always and forever are made off- what then?!" Georgiana said to her friend with romantic optimism.
“I can’t think about it. And the whole invitation to the play - Esther thinks it is a non-date, that could actually be a date of sorts. It’s not like the first time we went to a play, or a reading.”
“Oh, God yes - the Heraclitus Night - I thing that you two are made for each other. Only you two could enjoy something so boring. He is definitely the one for you!”
"True" Charlotte said dreamily, remembering the evening in Sanditon where they spent discussing philosophers. Is Sidney really the one?!
The same question played on Diana's mind when she stood in front of the cafe seeing Stringer waiting for her. She had been in love so many times, but Stringer was the only guy that had the great potential not to stump all over her heart if only he fell in love with her. And what about Stringer’ feelings?! Ah, he had his heart broken and stumped on almost as often as Diana's. And, Charlotte, who had said that she was no matchmaker steered the wheel for them as well.
The night before at the bar
"Just go for it. She's got a timid heart, she hides under the facade of a bitch." Charlotte said to Stringer.
And, at the flat, a tad bit later, Charlotte and Georgiana made Babington busy helping them with the unpacking, as they bought additional decorations, as well as the food for the Christmas Eve dinner. Esther disappeared to get dressed and pulled Charlotte with her to discuss the Babington situation.
"He apologized- and he was on his knees"
"What-he proposed again?" Charlotte said excited.
"Char! No. Just said how sorry he was about - last summer"
Charlotte knew that Esther was waiting for her friend to bestow her with her wisdom. But Charlotte had none. Still she pulled her all time romantic one out, "What does your heart tell you?"
”Char - I really need you here in the kitchen.” Georgiana peeped through the door and Charlotte could not say no, as he knew that her bestie was a disaster in the kitchen. 
“I got to go help.” Charlotte turned to Esther before she slipped out of the bedroom, “Listen to what your heart is telling you!”
"Right" Esther said,"I am getting dressed and you get cooking!" 
Walking to the wardrobe, she now went through the dresses - as all of a sudden as she looked at herself in the mirror to see if the blue dress she chose was fitting a fairy-like Esther looked back at her making her flinch a bit. The Esther in the mirror now addressed her human counterpart.
"Don't be afraid- I am something like your doppelganger-or-nevermind- I just wanted to tell you that - well", Charlotte is right- you have to look in your heart -and your heart is my heart too, I don't know if this is really true- "
"What is this?" Esther now said-"I am going crazy?!" 
Quickly she shut the wardrobe door, but whatever the creature was - she now was sitting on the bed in a glitzi gown with her hair pulled up in bun with a wand in her hand, "Hey-don't worry- you are perfectly fine- this is Christmas Eve -although it's daytime still- and I am actually always on the other side looking after you- and you usually can't see me. Christmas is special time of the year- and we can walk over through the veil. Ok, where were we? Ah, yes, you, and your heart and Babington. I know he hurt you, but I'd like to just show you something about him and why you fell in love with him."
"I am leaving" Esther now walked to the bedroom door and opened it. As she walked through it she was not in Charlotte’s flat, but in a big, luxurious house.  A three year old boy ran to her calling her mom. Babingotn was right behind him placing a kiss on her lips, telling her that everyone had been waiting forever for her to get ready so they could light up the tree. 
Esther looked stunned and then turned to her doppelganger, fairy or whoever that was saying to her, "This is a gift from the ghost of Christmas future for you!"
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hollowphobia-casual · 5 years
The Amazing World Of Friendship Part MMXIX, The Return Of The Rising Awakened Empire
It’s that time of year again! The time I let down my defences and expose my emotions bare to all my friends so that I may thank and gush all over them, because despite my cynical hate filled shell, deep, deep, deep, deep, deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep down I’m actually someone who just wants to be loved, maybe.
But joking and honest truths disguised as jokes aside, there is something I would like to say, most of the time.., I feel like I have imposter syndrome, not regarding my art and my work, but with my friends! I have SO many wonderful friends and I honestly love them to bits and yet every year due to work, time zones, time schedules or just my inability to start a conversation I don’t get to talk to them or they go neglected for ages and I hate that so much about myself. My friends, all of them, are such wonderful people and they deserve so much better than what I give them, I love you guys, so very much..., I’m sorry for being such a terrible friend.
THAT SAID! It’s time to embarrass these lovely losers by letting them know just how much I care, kukuku.
@articbleu​ [Twitter]
Hah! Speaking of friends whom I’m constantly feel like I am neglecting, where do I begin without feeling like I’m treading over the same ground? You are one of the many artists whom I consider an inspiration, your dedication, drive and sheer will is aweing inspiring, like, I dunno if I can ever get over how much I think about it, I remember a time where we were both almost at the same level and now you are off doing who knows what, last I checked, you were studying in Korea, which is awesome, I’m so happy for you. But when ever I’m working and I feel like I can’t achieve, I look to you and tell myself, I can do better. I dunno if we’ll ever talk like we used to, so much time has passed since we last spoke, I dunno if we are the same people and there are times when I look back on my past, things I said that I regret and wonder if maybe you shouldn’t be my friend, not because I hate you, but because there are better people than me, who are more deserving of your attention, admiration and so much more, but regardless of what comes and what may happen, you have been or are, my friend and I love you, please, keep shooting like the star you are!
@nightmargin​ [twitter]
Okay, imagine this, so you met this cool girl who likes to draw weird, amazing and beautiful things on Deviantart, you enter a character tournament two with them, you chat about anime and stuff, then just a few years later THEY RELEASE ONE MOST ACCLAIMED INDIE GAMES KNOWN, like Whaaaaa-, there is not a day that goes by I don’t see One Shot stuff like, wha-, I dunno.., and she’s still making stuff it’s fucking incredible, WHY ARE MY FRIENDS SO TALENTED.., hah, go damit didn’t want to be melancholy.. ..,But like, shit, I just want to support my friends and let them know how much I give a shit, just how impressed I am, how happy for them I am but truth is I hardly get to see them, which is not your fault, you are making games, doing art, and having to be a social media presence, it’s exhausting, I understand, I just hope you know that I care still, that when I see your characters around the web, in fanart, in VRchat and other places, it makes me SO happy, I just want to hug you and let you know that you are doing an amazing job and that I couldn’t be more proud of you, I hope you know that.
@doodlediddy​ @doodledittydaisy​ [Twitter]
AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Okay so, this is a friend where neither of us are to blame for staying out of touch because, HOLY FUCK YOU HAVE A BABY! AAAAA, you made a little person and they are so cute! On the rare occasion I go onto the hellsite that is Facebook, I get to catch glimpses of you and your lovely child, whom I terribly do not know the name or gender of A+ friendship right there, but yeah, GURL, you have an infant and they are precious, I don’t blame you for a second for not being in touch, it feels so weird, not too many years ago you were talking me off the ledge and then you got married, then you got baby fat AND NOT IT’S ESCAPE! I’m so happy for your family, fuck, that’s so weird, it’s YOUR family, not your family, YOUR FAMILY! AAAAaaaaa!
@mistercrowbar​ [Twitter]
I MET HER!, I MET HER!, I MET HER! No you guys don’t understand, I MET CROWBAR AND IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! We looked at beautiful lakes, we watched netflix, We ate burgers, looked at destroyed cranes, went to Ikea, watched more netflix, bought DnD stuff, ate more burgers, tried a beaver tail, more netflix, talked about lobsters and my little pony, looked at fossils, got mad at the ocean, yelled at drivers, more netflix… It was great, I loved it, would sleep on the floor again, 10/10. But Okay so I know that many people would think of Crowbar as intimidating, she’s not an emotionally open person I know, but to be honest it just makes friendship with her special, getting to know her on a level where you can read her is something that is truly treasurable and I’m so lucky to have that, she’s a unique person to love and that’s what's so great about her, she isn’t like everyone else, I wouldn’t change her for anything in the world…, okay maybe I’d allow her let me hug her more so I can tell her how great she is and she can’t flee, haha. I know I get on her nerves sometimes and I’m probably not the best friend on her list, I mean, I’m guessing, but considering how I measure up to some of the other people she knows, I can easily see that, I mean who knows thow, maybe I’m not a tier friend and maybe just a different friend and I just.., haha, I dunno why I obsess over this, how important I am to my friends, maybe because I just want them to be the happiest they can be and when I know I’m depriving them of joy, I question myself. But I am happy for what happiness I do bring to her, the moments I’m useful, when I am needed or just enjoyable company, those are the best moments for me, I’d give anything just to hear Crowbar laugh once every day, that’s how important of a friend she is to me.
@valbey-the-girl​ [twitter]
THIS ASSHOLE! Has been with me since I can remember, which probably annoys him, because I’m not the easiest person to friends with, specially of late, my mood has been all over the fucking place, I’m happy, sad, depressed, angry, frustated and yet he doesn’t complain…, that I know of.., and in return.., I send him lewd christmas gifts that make his parents question him and his life choices. Haha, friendship. But honestly, I like that about him, he’s one of the true people I know that makes me feel like we have a ‘normal’ friendship, we are not overly affectionate, we can speak openly to one another and we don’t like all of them same things and all I want to do is make him laugh and find a game that I’m good at and that he sucks at, because god damit, he seems like he’s an expert at everything, fuck you! I know times right now are tough for you, I can’t imagine it’s easy, shits going down at home, work and there is some asshole asking if your free once every Saturday so you can pretend to be a dwarf, just know if you need anything, you can always ask me, you’ve been there for me, don’t forget I’m here for you.
@dansome0203 [Twitter]
Don’t say how you are terrible friend because you haven’t been talking to him much, you say it every year, Don’t say how you are terrible friend because you haven’t been talking to him much, you say it every year, Don’t say how you are terrible friend because you haven’t been talking to him much, you say it every year,... -checks Script- “I’m a terrible Friend..” FUCK. -inhale- The man I look to for inspiration on cute girls and large boobs! God, I only really got to know this guy at the tail end of my Deviantart carrier before the big move to Tumblr and even then it was less a ‘WE ARE FRIENDS SWORN TO A BLOOD OATH’ and more me oddly poking him now and again, trying to start a conversation failing miserably, a tradition that would continue for about…, nine years…, nine years.. God I am a terrible friend. But enough about my inability to simply converse with people, what can I say about this Dan, he’s fucking great to start with, on the odd times I do actually get to talk to him I know he is nothing more than a chill dude who creates a lovely and warm atmosphere around him that draws people in, he has a fantastic sense of humour which is only equaled by his creative flair, no I’m not talking about the boobs, but more his designs for his characters, colour choices and so much more, I am honestly not joking when I say that I look at this guys work for inspiration from time to time, because I find his designs just that appealing and insightful. I would love for nothing than to just sit in a call with this guy and talk shop, or talk, or anything…, I wanna love you Dan, let me love you!
Gwyn Graham
And right of the gates… I FORGOT WHAT THERE TUMBLR USERNAME IS GOD DAMMIT! So for once me being a bad friend is entirely my fault!, we’ve always had a rocky time zone/schedule conflict even when we use to play DnD with each other, because life sadly, is not easy, fuck I wish it was. But also sadly I dunno what you’ve been up to, I dunno how you have been. I hope you are well and happy, did you get date? Are you on the lamb for murder? Who knows, but I like to think you are happy, I hope you are, I wish that you are.
@taplaos @tapliciousart [Twitter]
I bought three shirts from you and my father ignored the washing instructions so they are now basically ruined.-sigh- That said they are some amazing fucking shirts, so gonna try and be less of a downer here, but yes, like most of my friends, I am terribly out of touch with this wonderful person, HOWEVER, they have been fucking busy, designing some of the sickest Pokemon related merchandise I’ve ever seen, two things immediately come to mind when ever I see their amazing work up on my twitter, one… Why have Nintendo/Game Freak issued a take down notice and second, WHY HAVEN’T THEY HIRED YOU and I don’t mean that in a fanboy sort of, I love you pay attention to me sort of way, I actually mean that, your designs are so appealing, humorous, creative and at the same time, family friendly, like, there is such a demand for Pokemon related merchandise and you are just popping it out like nobody's business, christ, you are too good at this, it’s why I really need to sit down and talk to you about helping me design T-shirts at some point. Honestly, if you haven’t, go check out their stuff, seriously, do it, DO IT NOW!
@tuz-ohtopia @dm-tuz [Twitter] [Patreon]
When I started out I was ‘aware’ of Tuzzy, but I didn’t really know him, it wasn’t until I started getting involved with DnD that I started to know him and that was because he was the DM of my two other friends, so sadly I can never say that me and Tuzo have had the strongest of friendships. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I dislike Tuzo, I think the guy is great, the times we’ve actually spoken it’s been fantastic and talking shop with him was always a highlight, but it just.., amazes me, how I guy I barely knew went from a simple background presence to almost being everywhere I look. For you who don’t know, Tuzo is now a DM for hire and even has a Patreon where he offers up custom monsters, tiles and such, it’s so amazing to see how far he has come, it’s great, even if he has an unhealthy obsession with a lesser version of DnD, haha. I’m so proud of him and his unbound campaign is so enjoyable, experiencing it though his players is incredible and the assets he creates are outstanding, I just wish I had his time management, because I can not create assets to the same level or detail he does. This man has inspired me as a DM, an artist and a creator, and I don’t know if he is even aware that he has done that, Tuzo, keep doing what you're doing, because it’s amazing.
@nickala [Twitter]
Nicki’s Twitter describes her as a wannabe concept artist and an actual scientist and I’m probably the reverse haha, a wannabe scientist, god I love Nicki’s job, I really should talk to her about it, but then again I dunno how much of it she is allowed to openly discuss, she is after all handling human remains, so… I’ve mentioned it before, but I love Nicki, she makes life, make sense and it’s great, but more importantly than that, she’s just.., fantastic, funny, caring, but human. Like she feels so relatable with how she expresses herself, everything comes with a little frustration, a little guilt and honesty, which might sound like a weird thing to admire, but there are so many people these days who want to be fake, they want to be these, ideal versions that don’t exist, trying so hard and it becomes, exhausting and almost impossible to talk to them, because they wear a mask and you don’t know what their true intentions are. But not with Nicki, they talk and you can feel that raw emotion, it’s so satisfying to read text, to hear a voice and just know the complexity of a person, it’s refreshing and I cherish it.., even if I don’t talk to them that often.., I’m a sham of a friend -cries-
@mortooncian-art [Twitter]
I just met this lovely gal this year and…, I’m as bad with talking to them as I am with Dan…, I hope it doesn’t continue for about nine years…, I don’t want to be awkwardly skirting conversations at 37.
Sadly I can’t say much of them as a person, mostly because I’ve only really gotten to meet them this year, the aforementioned being a terrible person/friend, but I can talk about what drew me to them, because I was always aware of Thren? Mortoon?...uh.. Oh god I dunno what to call them..FU- I had always been aware of them since Deviantart and their art was appealing I just never made the leap to try and talk to them, because COWARD, it wasn’t until sometime last year, I can’t recall who but someone was reblogging their work, I believe it was Dan or Calien, it was from his DnD session and her little tiefling was just.., so..fucking CUTE! I loved her and wanted to know so much about her and looking into her work I found more and more cute loveable characters, and I dunno how to describe it, but her art just has this beautiful, cute and sexy charm to it that makes you just want to.. LIKE AND REBLOG IT… So after that, I just wanted to get know her, it seems so stupid thinking about it, liking someones art you think to yourself, hey I want to know this person on a personal level and maybe talk to them! And then, you get it and you clam up due to your social awkwardness and inability to manage a time schedule, haha.. But yes, I’m so glad I’ve been given a chance to talk to her, maybe if time allows it, I won’t screw it up in getting to be her friend.
@clauseart [Twitter] [Webcomic]
Yes, my fellow british artist whom I constantly compare myself against to measure my self success and my constantly conclude my lack of value… ...That’s not a joke I really do do this. Enough about me, I’ve mentioned it before with a few.., or most.., artist here, met on DA and look at where they are now, this girl, this them, this BEAST, started out with a crazy pinwheel and appearing in almost every OCT (Original Character Tournament) you can think of and now, they have an amazing webcomic about an amazing buff ginger and a kid whom I dislike (I’m sorry, I just wanna punch him,). Also a DnD character who seems from a distance seems like the drunk aunt who hates her family children.., I dunno I know nothing about their character and I really should ask someone, but if I’m right I want a gold star. But regardless, I am so proud of them, their creativity and artistic skill seems to have nothing but skyrocketed since the end of the OCT era of our lives and the dawn of tumblr, not to mention the just general progression of their comics, which I will leave a link to and if you don’t read this super funny and amazingly well drawn comic I will.. I really want to say more about them, I do! Sadly, I consider myself a friend, but I dunno if I even have that right, our friendship was very, distant, not in a negative way, but more like someone you chat to in a tescos (For any curious americans think Walmart), and now, I feel like I’m just a one man cheer squad. And honestly, I am okay with that, I get to see them improve and feel proud for them and they have a wonderful life as it is, what's more to want?
@lou0 @hunnylou0 [Twitter]
Lou has been one of my longest…, acquaintances? Okay I’m not saying that Lou isn’t a friend, I mean, I consider her a friend, but I’ve known her since I rejoined DA under the name Clockworkable, since then she’s been a source Joy, laughter, inspiration and to some extent a free expression, but, I could never feel like I was her equal or at least a friend, we were never close, despite how I tried to be.., she’s a difficult person to talk to, which isn’t her fault! Nothing ever seems to go her way, which.. Pisses me off so much, because she’s just a nice, beautiful and kind person who just deserves nothing but affection and I’d love to give it to her, even if it’s just a hug. But I know it can be hard.. That said, I’ve gotten the chance to really talk to her, getting to know her, the true her and it’s as wonderful as you’d think it would be, she is a true expression of her art, joyful, cheeky, funny, playful and kind, sweet, brutally honest, but that’s never a bad thing in my books. I dunno even now if I’m a good friend to her, I dunno if she’d even think of me as one, but I am happy that I’m a little bit here for her, more than I was before, I just want to make her happy.
@sunshinedrago [twitter]
Don’t be friends with this woman, it starts off small like “Oh, would you like to play Final Fantasy XIV?” and then the next thing you know your talking to scottish fairies and questioning your life decisions. I met this crazy spanish.. “ITALIAN!” Italian woman about three.., maybe four years ago? I can’t even remember how we met, like I know we met because we needed someone for a DnD game, but I can’t recall if it was me she contacted or someone else, haha, I’m getting old. Either way it doesn’t matter, because I’m so happy that I did, she’s encouraging, kind, sympathetic, honest and joyful, but more importantly realistic and down to earth, this woman is not a pity party and has introduced me to some of the most important anime and shows I could imagine, as well as help fueled my addiction to some games, a few years back I’d never played an MMO and now look at me...a broken shell of my former self…, obsessing over loot drops and glamorous for a fictional 3D bunny girl…She’s also one of my more active and talkative friends, which helps with my crippling depression haha, I dunno what else to say, It’s not like there isn’t a lot to say, just that I’ve said it over and over again, she’s a great friend and someone I wish I knew sooner, she feels like a friend I’ve always had, but I only met three years ago. Yeah.
@jabbage [Twitter]
What can I say, Smart, dedicated, driven, focused, talented, learned and amazing… ...Yep…, not just saying that because I am terrible friend…, not another example of not staying in touch with people, made worse by the fact they live in england…, nope…, are you buying it yet? I want to talk about how they inspire me, how they fuel my motivation, but sadly I have to just slap myself and twitter, because GURL never appears on my dash, but just.., THEY’VE WRITTEN SO MANY STORIES! H-how! I just.., I can’t get one webcomic done, I am so proud of her because of this, I should just be able to say that, but I don’t want to, I mean I do, I am proud, but I always want to talk about them as a person, I wanna mention times they’ve made me laugh, made me smile, but there is only a fleeting moment in a minecraft server sometime ago and… I am so sorry, for being a bad friend, but you don’t really need me to enrich your life.., JUST LOOK AT ALL YOU’VE ACCOMPLISHED! You are so amazing, one woman army, just AAAAA, so great! I love it, I love you, keep being amazing!, don’t stop! Burn bright, burn far and burn hard! Go!
@flunafloon [Twitter]
I can’t say how much of a bad friend I am again.., please, she deserves better than me, here is the link to her Etsy store.
@daco-taco [Twitter]
God I have a bleeding heart.., I say because I don’t really know Daco, hell I dunno if I even register as ‘friend’, I’ve followed them since Deviantart and I loved their art, for the most part I was content to be just that and then…, I just saw them upset, and fuck me, haha. I hate that I hate people being in pain so much I dunno why it destroys the core of who I am.., so now I’m in a discord server, or trying to be, feeling constantly judge, because I want to make someone happy and I dunno if I am even doing the job. Haha, what does that say about me?
I want to say a lot about charanty, I want to say we were great friends, I wanna say we talked from sunrise to sunset, I want to so badly.., dumb ideas we had, silly jokes we shared, moments of confusion, anger, tears.., bliss, regret.. But sadly I can’t, not that I don’t like them, no no, Charanty is amazing, but like something truly amazing, they are never around all the time, which sucks, because they are truly amazing, creative, beautiful in their mannerisms and perfect in their imperfection. I wish I could enjoy them more often.
I have many friends whom I want to be happy, Chubbu probably more than anything and sometimes I blame myself for their sadness, I know I am not the root cause, but I can still blame myself for moments of silence, moments of stupidity and overall not trying harder. Chubbu is.., affectionately irrational and down to earth, the best of times they are infectiously fun to provoke, play with and tease, while at the same time being caring and hopeful, I’ve only had the pleasure of knowing them for this year and even still it feels like I’ve known them longer, but I can’t wait to get to know them more as time goes on, I hope I do, I wish I do.
@hypertronic [Twitter]
Hyper…, Hyper.., “Your a terrible friend again aren’t you?” I mean.., YES, okay so Hyper started off as someone who was a fan of one my characters and since then I’ve had the pleasure of being taken out of the limelight and watching them grow into an amazing artist and COMIC CREATOR, AAAAA, so Park Of Plutonia, Hyper’s comic was a silly little RP group that was on DA, but look at it now! The amazing world she had hidden away in her head, now for you to read and I really recommend you go read it, especially if you want something different and unique, I really want to say more than just ‘go check out her comic’, I really do.
-breaths- “You were a bad friend again” GOD DAMMIT, YES! You know the saying never meet you idols! Because all you will do is upset them and make them judge you, HAHAHHA, SO! I became aware of Mon thanks to a small show I’m pretty sure NO ONE has heard of called Critical Role, they drew fanart for it quite regularly and I loved it! I even commented on their stuff from time and time, but there wasn’t much to it. Then I had a friend drag me into the world of FFXIV and to my surprise I met Mon…, after like a week or ten before I realised who she was, how would you describe Mon as a person? Like a rabbit doped up on sugar and caffeine, especially when she’s tired, cause then it’s like x2, what I’m saying is Mon is excitable and positive, which sadly doesn’t really gel well with my down to earth, grumpy I hate everything because I can’t act cute attitude that I’ve cultivated. So despite how much you’d think we are friends and how amazing and creative she is, we clash a lot, and honestly I feel like I am just WAITING for the moment, where she declares she has had enough of me and just throws me out of the friendship circle, because…, I know that not all people gel and sadly as much as I want to, I feel like I’m bringing her nothing but pain and I don’t want to do that, she’s creative and amazing, as well as so positive, she doesn’t need someone like me hurting her all the time.  
@spookydraws, @spesiria, @totalobelisk, @ssksscrapboard, @horrorjuice, @riyamilea
“More friend’s you have trouble staying in contact with?” Mmm.. “Amazing wonderful people who you’d love to talk to for days on end, but you are always just too busy for them, too involved in yourself to even say hi?” Yeah.. “Are they even your friends anymore? Are you worth anything to them, I think at this point you should do them a favour and unfollow them, because in the schemes of their lives you aren’t exactly making an impact are you? If anything you slow them down, maybe you are just slowing everyone down? How many more of you ‘friends’ are going to be added to a stockpile of names you can just gush over, because you don’t know them as people anymore, they don’t impact your life and they probably haven’t had a second thought about them?” …, I just think they are amazing people who need to be recongised for how talented and beautiful they are, life is hard and the voices in our heads can be fucking disgusting to us, so everyone just needs a moment, a person to just hug them and them, I love you, I dunno if you even know me but you are so important, don’t forget how important you are and just how meaningful you are, I’m probably just a stranger to you, but you have never for one second not been important to me in some way, I hope you are happy and that you live every second of your life knowing that you are loved by atleast one person. Cause in the end, that’s all we really want isn’t it, we just want someone to tell us that they love us, that we mean something to them, that we are important.
@phantomdotexe [Twitter]
The living definition of too kind for her own good, it’s both your best quality and your worst quality. An amazing talented person who’s managed to influence a small cults worth of people under the ideal of one uniform symbol and then gets upset how she hasn’t done anything with it. I love you to bits, your drive, your kind nature, but at the same time I worry for you, you have so many self defeating thoughts and worries, all stemming from your lack of respect for your own skill and your ability to try and please everyone at once, which can especially be seen with the ‘everyones opinion is valid’ If you made short stories based on your vision or merch, you’d make money in no time, but as it might contradict with someone else's, you don’t. Now I know this is meant to be a ‘I love my friends’ thing, but the truth is I do, I love you so much, but at the same time I have to tell you, you need to stop fretting, you always worried about other people, asking when they are going to bed and such, but then you are equally as bad of the same thing, burning the candle at both ends, rather than trying to resolve any of your problems. As someone who cares, let other people worry and focus on yourself, see you strengths for what they really are and go and make bank.
Only had the pleasure to speak to you twice on live streams, mostly knew you for your art, I dunno what I can really say? Here, you’re a new friend and I can’t wait to get to know you more… Man this was short.., fuck.., I really wanted to say something else…, uh.. .. .... ....shit
Lady Violi
Man, I wish I drew more personal projects like you did, haha, Okay so, a bit of honesty, when I first saw you on DA I have to be frank and say I didn’t think much of your art back then, but I am so happy to see not only was I proben wrong, but your art had grown incredibly sicne there, no just in scale and scope, but in detail, colour, it’s fantastic, is there places it could use improvement, yeah, but no one is perfect, but that’s enough about you creatively, what about you the person!
Well like I said I didn’t think much at first, but as time went on I became a little intimadated by you, probably cause of my own guilt more than anything else, but, doesn’t really matter, I’m just happy we actually talked, because discussing things with you is always a high light of my day, I’m so eager when your online because have such a nice easy and approach manner of conversation that’s infectious to me, and I love it.
And the best part! It’s only been a year since we started talking, I’m so excited how we’ll grow in friendship as time goes on, I know it’ll be worth it!
And.., that’s it, If you actually read through all of these and not just your own, I’d be surpruised, but I’m happy I wrote this, even if my arm hurts, things needed to be said, apologises needed to be made and love needed to be shared, thank you all.
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
Teenage Dream Part 3- All I Want for Christmas Is You( Part 1)
Summary: Gang-tae gives Mun-yeong the Christmas she deserves. 
Author Note: Wow. Writing IOTNBO again feels surreal honestly. This is for anyone who was waiting for me to write them again, hi I hope you like part 1 but this is my Christmas gift to @truccieeboo​ who regularly tells me that I am awesome and that I can write whenever I want to and I owe no one anything. I already know that of course but it’s so nice to hear that thought echoed by someone else. I’m happy to be back, hi guys!! 
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He hadn't realized it but every moment of their miraculous relationship- he'd been holding his breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop and for Mun Yeong to realize that she was dating a complete and utter nerd. But instead he's consistently greeted by a warm smile and her slight body being flung into his arms.
She doesn't get tired of him and months fly by, the happiest months of his life and suddenly it's Christmas week and he's smiling down at her beautiful face as she hangs off him like a limpet, convinced she's his ultimate gift. They should both be in class but he'd went to the bathroom only to run into her in the hallway, she'd walked over immediately her strut filled with confidence and purpose before redirecting him.
He'd almost tripped over his own feet as she bodily shoved him into a closet he'd never noticed in the hall before.
"Woah where are we going?" He asked over his shoulder as she rolled her eyes and shushed him, pinching his butt and then smirking at his affronted squeal.
"I've been walking around forever trying to accidentally run into you. I'm going to take advantage of this." Her eyes twinkle as he stares with a gaped mouth, it has been a while since their last makeout session and he's just as frustrated as Mun Yeong is. Christmas is always busy for his family with his mother decorating every inch of their humble home, not taking no for an answer.
Sang-tae always swindled his way out of working by complaining about fatigue from work while poking out a tongue when their mom wasn't looking. Leaving most of the heavy lifting to Gang-tae himself, literally their box of ornaments and lights made his arms strain.
He reaches out to gently palm Mun Yeong's face, looking deeply into her eyes.
"I missed you." He breathes out, heart growing three times larger as she smiles until her eyes disappear into perfect crescents. He's only ever seen that particular smile directed at him.
"You're such a sap." She snuggles in closer to him, actions contradicting her words. He holds her tighter, breathing in the intoxicating scent of her shampoo.
She gently sways in his arms, fingers swirling aimlessly on his broadening back. She's told him many times how he makes her feel small, contrarily she makes him feel huge. Like he's important and worth her time.
Again those words are on the tip of his tongue. He can feel them right there, bursting to come out. But fear cripples him and he pushes them back down into an abyss, locking them away with a key.
Next time.
"Okay. We've been nice, can we be naughty now?"
His reply is interrupted by her tongue in his mouth, latching on to his shoulder she tugs him down slanting her head to delve deeper into his mouth. Fire sears through his skin as she twists her fingers into his thick hair, scratching achingly at his scalp. Driven solely by primal desire he snatches her up, his hands cupping the meat under her ass dragging her up the length of his body.
Without preamble she wraps her legs around his waist, her heat sweltering through the thin material of their uniform. When he slides his hands under her skirt he almost drops her when he meets nothing but bare skin. Bare smooth skin.
Ripping their lips apart he stares at her with blown out pupils.
"Where is....what- I. Mun Yeong."
She only smiles at his whine. Dragging his hand back under her skirt.
"I've been a naughty girl huh? What are you going to do about it?" Heat washes over him at her purposeful words, he'd come unexpectedly at her calling herself a bad girl once and that had been it, she was relentless finding every possible way to milk his kink -her words- and torture him.
He surges at her, sliding his tongue into her simultaneously as his fingers sink into her velvety wet heat. He's forced to swallow her loud gasps as she seductively squirms in his arms.
"Gang-tae, more." She demands.
She's already so wet it's obscenely easy to sink another finger alongside the first, stretching her tight walls.
It takes him a few seconds to realize that she's trying to speak to him, twisting away from his lips. Finally he lets her go, panting into her neck as he thrusts into her over and over and over again. Wet noises ringing in his ears and tightening his pants until his cock is painfully pressing into his zipper.
"Gang-tae, I want you to fuck me."
Those inflammatory words engulf him in an inferno of arousal and hormones, his dick hardening so fast that all the remaining blood in his brain rushes to his groin and he sways unsteadily on his feet. He has to tighten his grip as to not drop her and the feline grin she shoots his way coyly informs him that she knows exactly the reaction those words had on him. 
“Do you want to, hmm? Right here in the closet? You’ll probably have to cover my mouth I’ll probably scream because it’ll feel so go--”
His hand slams into her mouth cutting off her ability to render him anymore useless. He glares weakly at her, blaming himself for letting himself be caught off guard this way. 
“I’m not going to....do that with you in a closet.” He blushes at her raised eyebrow at his hesitance to use the same vulgar words that she did. She giggles at him, rubbing his cheeks like he’s a much younger child. He balks at the treatment, his penis thoroughly confused. 
“You can curse Gang-tae, I won’t tell anyone. You won’t fuck me in a closet? What if I want it though? What if I beg you to turn me around and fuck me so hard that my teeth rattle?” 
His dick jumps painfully onboard with every word of filth dripping from her mouth and she snatches his hand bringing it back under her skirt pressing his index finger against her sopping wet core and he tenses as his finger slides in and  then he hears the worst thing possible, a voice right outside and a familiar one to boot.
“Where the hell did he go now and why did I have to look for him? I’m not his keeper.” Jae-su grumbles sounding far too close to them for his liking and he whips his head to tell Mun-yeong they need to be extremely quiet, to not be caught. Before he can get a word out she lifts herself up and grinds back onto his finger, a loud whimper falling from her bitten lips and echoing in the small room. He holds his breath hoping his meddlesome friend missed that but he hears the grumbling stop and the footsteps lurk back to their hidden location and he waits with bated breath. 
A second passes by, Mun-yeong tries the move again but he is holding her hip with an ironclad grip placing her back on her feet much to her disappointment. 
He almost releases a sigh of relief. 
But then Jae-su calls out, “Moon Gang-tae? Are you in there, what are you doing?”
He has no planning of answering, has no feasible way of explaining his circumstance to his best friend right now. He’d been seduced completely, losing his wit and control, if Jae-su had not appeared there’s no telling what he would be doing. 
Fucking Mun-yeong until her teeth rattle, his brain supplies. 
He silences the voice. 
Despite their lack of response Jae-su does not leave, instead the doorknob begins to rattle and then twist and too little too late he tries to stop the metal from being turned. 
Suddenly he’s face to face with his friend of ten years, Jae-su’s eye bulging as he takes in the scene, a glance over to the temptress reveals that she is as calm and cool as a cucumber smiling serenely at being caught red-handed per se. 
Jae-su speaks first, “What are.....why are you two in here?”
“I was trying to get Gang-tae to fuc--”
He shouts her name looking at her in disbelief, her forwardness is one of the things he lo-likes about her but this level of honesty is not necessary right now. But when he looks over at his best friend the fiery rouge on his cheeks reveals this interruption did very little to conceal what they were doing in the closet. He shrinks in embarrassment his own cheeks pinking in commiseration. 
“I don’t wanna know! I’m leaving don’t say anything more, you’re both such perverts!” Jae-su runs away from them looking comically horrified, stopping once down the hallway to glare at them before disappearing completely. 
“Well...want to continue where we left off?” Mun-yeong drawls easily, rubbing circles into his arms. 
He stares credulously at her, only for her to shrug and reply, “What? I’m horny and we were just getting to the good part.” 
He shakes his head in decline, staring at her deep in her eyes. 
“I already told you, I’m not doing that with you here. You deserve way more than a quick....fuck in a closet. When we have sex I want to remember everything, I want to take my time and enjoy every second.” 
This time she is the only whose eyes glaze over, breath hitching as color explodes across her gorgeous face. He almost ravishes her right then and there, her palpable arousal calling to him like a siren’s call. 
“You promise?”
She sticks her little pinky out, wiggling it at him and he wraps his larger pinky around her own weaving their promise. 
“Now let’s seal it.” She commands, already tugging him into a kiss. Their lips slap together, the sound of their mooch ringing in his ears. 
As she draws away, he halts her with a hand on her hip. 
“You only seal promises like that with me right?”
She tilts her head in question first before comprehension washes over her features and a devilish glint flashes in her eyes. 
Winking at him and twisting out of his hold, she dances away. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She teases. He hopes she’s teasing. Jealousy sears in his body and it must show on his face because she practically cackles at him and runs away now, laughing all the way. 
“See you later Gang-tae, think about me.” She demands, waving at him with her fingers as she disappears around the corner. 
As if he has a choice, he stares down at his erection sending a mental apology to it as he actually goes to the bathroom. Today is turning out to be an exhausting day. 
There are more heated makeout sessions in various parts of the school, he can no longer look much of the student body in the eyes but when he has Mun-yeong squirming and panting in his arms. all rationale goes out the window. His mother demands that he leave his bedroom door ajar after the last time she caught them “studying”, in his defense he did invite Mun-yeong over to study. Who knows how they ended up lip tangled on the bed with hands in provocative places, claiming possession didn’t seem to win his any favors with his seething mother. Now whenever his girlfriend is over, his mother finds any reason to check on them, even going as far as to send Sang-tae in to supervise them, it is beyond infantilizing. 
Sang-tae commonly barges in, exclaiming, “Hey! I’m here to make sure you babies don’t make any new babies.” With a shit-eating grin on his lips as he obnoxiously sits in between them, beaming smile splattered on his face. 
So it goes without saying that he too is horny beyond belief. 
Which is how he finds himself searching for Mun-yeong in the halls, but to no avail and no replies to his messages. 
He hasn’t heard from her all day, he realizes and worry overrides his desire as he pulls out his phone sending her another message. 
Are you in school?
He looks at the screen awaiting her response but nothing comes, the message is marked delivered but not yet read. 
He sends another message, Are you okay? Just like the first message, his second is felt unread and unanswered and he walks the all too familiar route to her locker, not sure what he is hoping to find. 
Unfortunately his missing girlfriend does not magically appear however he finds the next best thing, her closest friend. 
Seung-Jae is leaning against the locker in question, concern etched across her expressive face that is mostly eyes. She has her phone pressed to her ears and he can hear the tiny ringing through the phone as the operator recites that the person she is dialing is unable to get to the phone. 
She sighs, head falling towards the ground. He clears his throat finally garnering her attention. Her head snaps up and instantly a smile breaks across her face. 
“You!” She all but screams and he steps back taken off guard by her intensity. 
He blinks owlishly, “Me?”
“Mun-yeong is absent today. She will be absent tomorrow too if we don’t stop her.”
This grabs his attention, he has no intention of not seeing his girlfriend for that long, his heart can’t take it. 
“Why? Is she sick, is something wrong with her?” He replies, checking his phone once more and grunting when there is still no reply. 
“She’s not going to reply. You have to go see her. Today. She’s going to try to lock you out but you need to be persistent okay? Don’t be your usual nice polite self unless you’ll never get in.” 
His head is swimming from the information and her words do nothing to untangle the web of confusion but before he can prod her for more answers she is already ambling off, with a wave over her shoulder. 
“I’m counting on you Moon. Don’t mess this up.”
He stands in shock, rubbing the back of his neck. He can’t walk home with Jae-su today. 
Getting up to Mun-yeong’s lavish apartment is simple enough with security seeing him enough to register that he is with her. He still has to sign in but the whole ordeal is far less intimidating than it was all those months ago. He almost feels like he belongs. The marble walls of the elevator do a pretty decent job of swatting that feeling down.  
The ease of his entrance is squandered by Mun-yeong’s refusal to let him in her apartment. 
“Mun-yeong? It’s me Gang-tae”
No response. 
“Mun-yeong I know you’re there. I can see the lights, please let me in.” At his evidence of her presence the lights are suddenly shut off. 
“Well now I know for a fact that you’re home. Open the door. Mun-yeong, open the door.” 
“”It’s that time of the year. It’s impossible to get to her, just leave her alone and she will come out when she wants to. She always like this around Christmas.” He jumps at the sudden voice behind him, whipping around to the sunken face of Mun-yeong’s driver and adoptive father, Sang-in. 
“Why? Why does she hate Christmas?” 
“Why do you like it?” 
Immediately he thinks of his mother and his brother and freshly baked cookies and decorations and then it clicks for him. 
Mun-yeong doesn’t have any of that, she’s all alone in her beautiful prison. 
“Exactly. Her parents never come, they hire people to decorate and Mun-yeong hides away for a few days until she’s ready to face the world again.”
It shatters his heart that this is her normal. So much so that everyone seems to know about this occurrence, Sang-in explaining it to him as if he’s reading the weather report. 
“I can drive you to your house. Don’t worry, I will keep her company. I know how to handle her.”
Gang-tae feels his skin bristle at those words, no one can handle his Mun-yeong.  He stands taller, making his decision. 
“Call my phone.”
Sang-in looks puzzled at his sudden request looking at him, as if he’s lost his mind and hell, maybe he has but there’s no way he’s leaving Mun-yeong to wallow in her sadness, not alone. She has him now, she never has to be alone ever again. 
“Call my phone.” He repeats harder, and finally the man sighs pulling out his phone and following directions. 
The all too familiar jingle of his phone rings out loudly and Gang-tae answers it just as loudly, “Oh Ju-ri? You want me to meet you where? What time?
He has to jump back to avoid being hit by the door that bursts open, a seething Mun-yeong on the other side. She snatches the phone from his hand finger set to hang up before she sees the name on the screen, Mun-yeong and a little symbol of a car. 
He smiles innocently at the sharp glare she sends first his way and then to her driver who sputters out some nonsense about parking illegally and needing to move his car. Neither one of them acknowledge his departure. 
“Go away. I don’t want company right now.”
“That’s too bad. I miss you.” He answers as he pushes his way past her, she attempts to stop him but it is futile and he closes the door behind him. 
It takes a second for his sight to adjust to the darkness of her apartment but when it does he sees the destruction that lays around them, broken glasses and tinsel and Christmas decorations littering the floor. It looks like Christmas threw up on the floor. 
He ignores that all and takes her hand. She doesn’t fight him, just stares back blankly at him. Looking as small and lost as she did on her birthday, the first time he saw her like this. 
“Mun-yeong. Let’s go.”
Then she reacts, “No. I don’t want to go with you. Just leave. This is what I deserve.”
He squeezes her hand tighter, refusing to let those words settle in the air. “No you don’t , you deserve to be loved. You deserve everything Mun-yeong. Don’t shut me out, please.”
She rips her hand viciously from his grip, hissing like a viper. 
“No! I let you confuse you, this is what I deserve. I don’t get to be happy, I should be alone. I don’t need anyone. I’ve been alone my whole life. I was an idiot to think that this would work. You’ll never understand me with your perfect family, why would you want to be with someone as broken as me? 
Tears pool in his eyes as he listens to her berate herself, the pain is transparent on her face. The wound from her parent’s abandonment raw and throbbing. 
“I hate them! I hate them! Why do they hire decorators? Why remind me that it’s Christmas when I’ll spend it alone,? Why give birth to me if they knew that I would be a burden?!” She is a tempest now, rushing to the perfectly decorated tree in the corner by large gleaming glass windows and he watches with tears streaming down his face as she shoves the tree to the ground, the delicate glass bulbs shattering with the impact. 
Then she sinks to the ground as well, shoulders shaking up and down rapidly. 
It’s not how he planned it but as he watches her fall apart, all his fears and hesitations fall out the window, there are more important things right now. 
“I love you.” 
She turns to look at him like he has two heads, her eyes large and wet. Tears aching to fall. 
“I love you Mun-yeong.”
“....And you realized that right now?” She eyes all disaster all around her. 
Now she is crying and he can’t decipher her feelings at all. She is glaring at him as she hiccups on the ground. 
“I don’t like you. Why can’t you ever do as you’re told?”
He moves closer to her, bending at the knee until they’re eye level. 
“Spend Christmas with me?” He pleads and she simply looks at him before collapsing into his chest. She sniffles into his collar, gripping at the lapels of his uniform before whispering her reply, “I’m scared. Gang-tae I’m scared.”
He has never cared for Christmas, it’s a chance to spend time with his family but nothing too serious, nothing he has ever made plans for. He has always been happy to follow his mother’s lead on everything, but as he stares down at Mun-yeong shaking in his arms, the most precious thing that he has ever had. He makes a silent promise that he will make this year different, this will be a Christmas that she never forgets. 
I want to make her happy. 
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melissatreglia · 5 years
First Date
(After waaaaay too damn long, I managed to edit @southerndragontamer​‘s and my first-ever roleplaying session into a proper fic for ease of reading. Back in December 23, 2017, Dark and Grace went on their first date at a coffee shop. Be warned: you’re gonna lose a filling or two on this sweetness. :D )
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Dark waited patiently at a wrought-iron table outside the charming little café for Grace to arrive. His aura was pulled in so as to not draw unwanted attention to Himself… or potentially cause panic among the people drifting in and out of the cozy establishment.
It was an unseasonably warm day for late December, and there was no chilly breezes to cut through the balmy air. In sharp contrast, Annie Lennox’s voice drifted over from the speakers inside the shop, and her pre-recorded tune was a sweet melody about building snowmen and walking in a winter wonderland.
To anyone watching, He looked like an ordinary – if handsome and rather well-heeled – young man expecting His date to arrive at any moment.
He absently brushed imaginary lint off the shoulder of His light woolen jacket, nodding in thanks to the waitress as she refilled His coffee mug. He did a quick inventory to make sure that not a single thread was out of place on His business casual suit. He then began to tap His fingers lightly against the container, stopping when He realized He was fidgeting.
Why was He getting restless? There was no rationale whatsoever for this bout of nerves. She’s just a girl, after all, He reasoned to Himself with cold logic. Only one of billions of humans on this planet.
He also knew that, in addition to the public setting, that Melissa and Ulysses were both already here somewhere. He couldn’t see where they were hiding precisely, but He could definitely sense their presence nonetheless. No doubt in an effort to protect their friend, because they suspected ill of Him.
He could scarcely blame them. It wasn’t like He’d given cause for them to think otherwise.
But He had no desire to harm this one. She had appealed to Him from the first, her quiet and soft nature a balm. And her blushes were quite charming, to say the least.
His gaze continued to scan the crowd, anticipating Grace’s arrival. He was finally gratified to see her walking down the street, sneakers thudding softly against the pavement. He saw her take a deep breath, shoving her trembling hands into her pockets. When she looked up from watching her own feet on the ground and her eyes met His, her breath caught in her throat as their eyes met. A lovely pink blush coloured along her face, but she closed the distance between them as He rose to His feet.
The smile on her face warmed His cold heart. "Hello again, Sir," she said, her voice soft and shy. The blush deepened noticeably when He took her hand and kissed the back of it in a chivalrous manner.
A smile spread on His face, mirroring hers. "Hello, Grace. You look lovely this evening." His voice lacked the echo and white noise, but was still fairly deep with His signature coolly polite tone. “How have you been faring since we last spoke?”
“Th-Thank You Sir, you look handsome as well. I’ve been well, getting ready for the holidays.” She sighed tiredly, pushing her glasses up her nose. “And dealing with an unruly family member along with that...”
He pulled out her chair for her, silently entreating her to sit with Him. She took the offered seat, smiling in gratitude for the kind gesture.
“Ah, yes. Family can be difficult from time to time,” He replied, as He wandered back to His seat across from her. “But they are still family, nonetheless.”
Grace nodded in agreement, adding, “That reminds me of a quote from the Disney film 'Lilo and Stitch': Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.” She then giggled. "And I agree. Family is family, even if they are difficult."
Amused by her response, He gave a low chuckle. “I’m afraid I have never seen that film, but I can appreciate the sentiment."
Dark signaled to the waitress, who came over to their table for Grace's order. Grace tucked a long lock of her brunette hair behind her ear, looking up at Dark with a hesitant expression. “I’ve never been here before, Sir. What would You recommend?”
“The coffee is really quite excellent, as are the croissants.” He took a judicious sip from His own hot beverage.
Grace smiled and laughed teasingly. "I'll take your word on it, Sir." She then turned to the waitress. "I'll just have a glass of water and a croissant, please ma'am." When the waitress left, Grace took a deep breath to study an obvious bout of nerves. "Dark, there's... there's something important I should tell You..."
He placed His mug neatly on the table and folded His hands together. “And what would that be, My dear?”
There was nothing to suggest anything beyond a mild curiosity in His demeanour, but she nonetheless recognized the hidden bite in that question. She swallowed and took another deep breath, meeting His deep, dark eyes.
“Dark, Sir... Do You remember the rescue operation in October that was launched for Miss Melissa, when she was Your... ah, house guest?”
“Indeed. I remember everything.” He considered her for a long, silent moment that was heavy with unspoken meaning. “You were involved in that, weren’t you?”
She nodded. "Yes, Sir. I was." She slowly took her glasses off, ignoring as best she could how everything around the table blurred without them, and set them on the table. She then met His gaze again, letting Him see the emotions in her eyes without the thin glass shield. "I'm sorry, Sir, but I was the one who provided the consecrated acid. I'm not ashamed of it, because I did it to protect Melissa. She's my friend and I'd do it again, if I had to, even though it probably wouldn't work again. I also suggested using cold iron against You."
“I see.”
For a split second, a feeling of pressure and electricity pervaded the air, as if lightning were about to strike. The hairs on her arms and neck stood up as His power uncoiled around them with His anger. But reality instantly snapped back on itself so quickly, it was almost as if it never happened.
He closed His eyes for a brief moment, before opening them again to gaze at her calmly. “Forgive me,” He said in a carefully neutral tone for the fright it may have caused her. “I am sure your only concern was for the welfare of your friend. That is quite commendable, even noble.”
She released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. She fumbled for her glasses, her hands shaking as she put them back on. Giving herself a moment to calm her racing heart, she allowed herself a small smile.
“It's alright, sir. I understand. And I was very worried for Miss Melissa; that’s why I did it in the first place. I don't really like hurting anyone, even a Hellgod, without a good reason."
He nodded at this, His expression softening into the hint of a smile. “I know you are not a violent person by nature, dearest Grace. And I should only expect such a thing from a lady who bears the name of a prized virtue."
She blushed at the compliment, squeaking, “Th-Thank You, Sir.”
He briefly sipped from His drink again, then added with a smirk, "I’m quite certain I have done something deserving of such recompense in My long and, one might say, chequered existence. Purity is for the angels, after all, and I am far from that.”
She giggled. “No. You’re no angel, Sir. I can agree on that.” She worried at her lower lip, reaching up to tuck the disobedient lock of hair back once again. “Dark, I’ve got to be a bit blunt. Why did You remember me, Sir?"
He considered her question for a long moment, as He struggled to decipher His own feelings on the matter. For one moment, the silver-tongued demon was at a rare loss for words… but then inspiration came to Him. He had found in Himself part of a strange but beautiful truth.
“There’s nothing so captivating as meeting one’s opposite,” He finally said. “Two selves fuse together to become one whole, as if you are two different sides of the same coin. You are as close to an angel as I will ever find in this world, or any other. My only hope is that I am worthy of your affections.”
Grace's jaw dropped at His words, and she stared at Him in shock for a moment. "Dark, Sir... I... I think that last part is mixed up. I'm the one who should be saying that." Her face turned bright red, and she clapped a hand over her mouth.
He chuckled at this, a genuine sound of merriment. “Then we are at an impasse, My dear. If we both feel less than the other, perhaps we should agree that we are equally worthy and unworthy at the same time.”
"Sounds like a good idea, Sir." The heat in her blush wasn't fading, and she let out a tiny cough as the moment between them seemed to draw itself out. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, she perked up. "This is gonna sound odd, maybe. But, what do Anti and Meg like for dessert?"
He tilted His head, regarding her curiously, then gave a shrug of His broad shoulders. “Meg has a preference for ice cream, and Anti has a taste for Yorkshire pudding. I rather like them both together. Why do you ask?”
Grace gave a quick, awkward laugh and rubbed at the back of her neck sheepishly. "I just wanted to make the three of you a little something for Christmas. I'm planning to bake a little something, anyway, and I thought it'd be nice for all of you to have a treat for the season too. A gift, you know?"
He smiled slightly, adding in a mild tone, “What do you prefer for a treat?”
She grinned. "Like you, I have a fondness for chocolate."
“That is very thoughtful of you, dearest Grace, to think of the three of us during this time of year.” His gaze met hers again unerringly. “It has little significance for Me, of course, but it is still a special occasion for them.”
He reached across the table, open palm up in a silent entreaty to bridge the gap between them, if Grace so chose. Grace reached over, hand shaking slightly, to grasp His hand in her own much smaller one.
She gave Him a shy smile, and His responding glance was pleased as He grasped her hand gently, enveloping her fingers as if she were made of fine porcelain. Her hand was warmer than His, and He held onto that sensation. When their eyes met, her cheeks pinkened further but she didn’t look away.
“And it is good to be thought of fondly,” He added.
“You’re welcome, Dark. I figured you’d all like a little something… even if human food doesn’t really sustain You.”
“As I said,” and one of His fingers gently brushed against the pulse point of her wrist. Her pulse was racing, but not out of fear, and this pleased Him more than He was likely to admit. “You are very thoughtful.” More on impulse than plan, He reached up with His free hand, tucking the dark strand of her hair that had fallen forward back behind her ear.
She felt a little shiver at the contact, eyes widening in surprise at how intimate such a simple touch felt, before finally registering that He had stopped talking.
“Oh, I almost forgot. Would Meg be alright with some kind of baked treat? I don’t know how well I can make ice cream if this unseasonably warm weather keeps up.”
He smirked a little at this. “Well then, if you wish to have a back-up, Meg also enjoys strawberry shortcake.” But then His moment of humour died. “Unfortunately, I will not be able to spend very much time with you until after the New Year’s celebrations have passed. I hope you are amenable to this.”
“Y-yes, Sir. That’s perfectly alright. Can I pass the gifts through Melissa, so you all get them on Christmas? And, um... maybe give You one early?” That last bit slipped free unbidden, and she covered her mouth with her free hand. Her face was burning once more, and He chuckled gently at the bright pink in her face. 
“An early gift? I must admit, I am intrigued.” He purred, charmed and delighted by her shyness. “What might that be, sweetest Grace?”
She lowered her hand and said softly, throat suddenly dry, “Umm… You’ll need to lean over for it, Dark. I can’t reach You from here… a-and close Your eyes? Please, Sir?”
He shrugged, and decided to humour her.
Taking a deep breath, she swallowed her nerves and leaned over the last bit of distance to reach Him. She whispered, “Merry early Christmas, Dark.” 
She kissed His cheek, His skin cool to the touch of her lips. He smiled as He felt her lips brush against the stubble of His beard. When His eyes opened again, there was a hot longing behind the near-black irises. A moment later, she pulled back, fighting a silly grin.
“On second thought, I believe I can arrange for us to have an appointment with a sprig of mistletoe.” He reached up again, this time to lightly brush His fingertips along the soft curve of her jaw. “Would you like to spend a little time with Me on Christmas Day?”
She trembled slightly at the touch. “O-only if I don’t take up too much of Your time, Sir. I… I know You’re busy, and You have Meg and Anti to look after.”
“That I do,” He replied, deep voice a pleasantly soft rumble. “But, if you are willing to put up with them for one day, I suppose we can manage.”
“I don’t mind, Sir. I’d like to get to know them both better. Especially Meg. Anti, I know well enough from Jack’s channel. But Meg’s something of a mystery to me. I hope they won’t mind my presence, though. I’m human, after all.” This last was said with a little smile and a bit of a teasing tone, mischief seeming to glint in her eyes at that moment. 
“They will be on their best behaviour with you. If they are not, they will reap the consequences.” He sighed. “Such is the price of parenting.”
“You have all my empathy, Sir. I’m not a parent, so I can’t relate. But I sympathize.”
Dark chuckled. “But it does seem I have monopolized your attentions this evening, and you no doubt need some rest and quiet before the festivities begin. Perhaps, I could walk you home?”
“I thought You said You’re not an angel, Dark.” She giggled. “You’re such a gentleman.”
“Haven’t you heard, My dear?” He added with a quiet laugh. “It is often told I’m a humourless ponce with a makeup fetish. Truly, such is the worst of creatures.”
She burst out with a peal of laughter at His self-effacing description. “I-I’ve never heard that one before, Sir.” She then quieted. “But yes, please. I’d like it if You walked me home. Thank You, Sir.” 
He stood, offering His hand to her, an invitation to walk with Him. “Shall we?”
She smiled, sliding her hand into His and standing as well. She was no longer shaking, and she actually grinned up at Him. “We shall.” 
The walk was quiet, the streets darkening with the encroaching night. Constellations danced above their heads, and the kindly moon lit the way where the streetlamps failed. He did not let go of her hand until they reached her doorstep, where He kissed the back of her hand a second time.
“Until Monday, dearest Grace. ‘Parting is such sweet sorrow.’“ There’s the vaguest hint of an echo, but He otherwise held Himself back.
She blushed at the courtly gesture, her voice a near-whisper. “Until Monday, Dark. ‘That I shall say good night till it be morrow.’” There was a brief moment of silent thought, before she added, “Sir, You don’t have to keep holding Your powers back. Especially if it hurts.”
He smirked. “Next time, I won’t. Good night, My Grace.”
“Good night, Dark,” she replied as she slipped into the door of her home.
He waited until she was safely in her dwelling before taking His leave. A creaking like an oak threatening to fall lingered in the empty street as He vanished.
Alone in the comfort of her own home, Grace slid back against the door and sighed. Oh my god, she thought as she slowed her breathing. I survived a date with the Devil. I kissed Him on the cheek, and now I’m going to see Him and His kids for Christmas! She gave a little giggle that verged near hysterics.
Nobody will ever believe this!
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distant-rose · 5 years
Notes: This is purely @killianmesmalls‘ fault for taking me to Cursed Child this week and the parallels between Scorbus and Wesgid getting to me. I have a lot of feelings about best friends who shouldn’t be best friends becoming lovers and this is what I’m all about - disaster bi boys. A special thanks also to @shireness-says, @optomisticgirl and @clockadile for encouraging me to write this nonsense that only they would read. I’ve kinda been on an LP roll lately and it’s not slowing down anytime soon.  Summary: Gideon has been in love with Wes for as long as he could remember, but has resigned himself to the fact he’s only meant to be Wes’s best friend and trusted confidante. Everything changes on a cold snowy December night. Word Count: 2,300+ Rating: T
‘Your war memories will be with you forever, you'll be asked about them thousands of times after the war is over.’
Gideon had been staring at those nineteen words for the past twenty minutes, but for some reason, his brain refused to get past them. His mother had gifted him A Separate Peace for Christmas and while he was initially enthusiastic to read it, now he couldn’t bring himself to concentrate.
It wasn’t a secret as to why.
Wes had been pacing around their apartment now for the past twenty minutes, doing a circuit around the entire place. He seemed as content as a caged tiger, with his eyebrows furrowed together and his lips drawn into a thin pressed line. He wasn’t particularly loud, but the constant motion combined with the rather obvious tempestuous energy radiating off of him was enough to take Gideon’s eye away from the page.
“If you keep going about like that, you’re going to burn a hole into that carpet and I don’t think we can afford to replace it.”
Wes didn’t respond, he kept pacing. Occasionally he glanced up at the clock and the scowl got deeper.
Gideon Gold didn’t take kindly to being ignored.
“What’s wrong with you?” he snapped, his anger punctuated by the forceful shutting of his book. The sound cut through the room, causing Wes to jump and finally look at him.
“What’s the matter with you? You’re acting strange. You’re pacing. You look nervous, and you’ve never looked nervous a day in your life. Even when you destroyed the truck. You’ve always been irritatingly unflappable. So what’s got you so…flappable?”
“Flappable? Is that all you got? You read almost two hundred books a year, all those words in your head and that’s all you can come up with? Flappable? It’s disappointing.”
“Well, this might be news to you, but you rate slightly higher on my list of concerns than my vocabulary,” he responded, unimpressed. “And you’re avoiding the question.”
“Bobbi is the problem.”
There was no other way to respond. Fights between Bobbi and Wes were frequent and infamous at this point. They had been on and off with their relationship for as long as he could remember. Gideon had done his best to stay out of their squabbles. No good had ever been done by getting involved. He had learned that the hard way.
“Is that all you have to say? How articulate.”
“What is there to say? It’s none of my business.”
“Isn’t it?” Wes responded, arching his eyebrows at him.
Gideon’s cheeks coloured with mortification at the question. An oppressing silence followed, as Wes continued to stare at him challengingly and Gideon struggled to formulate his words.
He had been dreading this moment his entire life. No amount of nightmares could have prepared him for it.
“I don’t think you’re socially aware enough to understand how inappropriate that question is,” he responded in a neutral tone when he finally found the words. “And because of that, I’m going to take a walk before we both say something we regret.”
“Gideon, I—“
“Stop,” he cut him off. “Just stop and give me space. For once, do as I say and not as you want, and give me space.”
He stood, dropping his book without care, and made his way to the door without looking at Wes. The silence between them rang loudly in his ears as he pulled on his jacket and left.
The cold January air stung his lungs, but Gideon was glad to feel something other than the mounting mortification. Despite the fact it was only after eight o’clock, the streets of Storybrooke were empty. Everyone was inside, preparing for the upcoming snowstorm and he was glad for the solitude.
He didn’t want anyone to see him like this.  
Hot tears trickled down his cheeks as he trudged his way down the sidewalk, snow and ice crunching loudly underneath his feet. One fact was buzzing loudly in his brain.
Wes knew.
Gideon had feelings for Wes and Wes knew it.
Those feelings had existed for as long as he could remember, but he had always known that he could never act on them. Wes had always had his eyes on Bobbi. Even though he had fooled around with every girl in their school, it had always been Bobbi that held his eye and Gideon had grown to accept that fact. It would always be Bobbi and he had been content to be nothing more than his best friend. Even though he wished he was the one in his arms and he was the one Wes was kissing, having his friendship and having his trust was better than having nothing.
Now Wes knew and everything would change.
He was going to lose his best friend.
He let out a shuddering breath as that one painful fact sunk in. He was going to lose his best friend, his world, the only boy who had ever approached him on the playground when they were kids.
Everything hurt.
Snowflakes began to fall, dancing in the harsh yellow of the street lamps. He watched them as they began fluttering to the ground, trying to calm the emotional maelstrom in his head. When he was a child, he used to spend hours watching snow storms from the window, waiting for the frost to cover the glass so he could draw and make funny pictures. His mother sometimes would join in and they would create scenes from the stories she would read to him.
His breath slowed as he watched, his steady exhales occasionally interrupted by the occasional hiccup.
He squeezed his eyes shut at the sound of his name.
Of fucking course.
Wes Jones never listened. If given a command, he would do anything in his power to thwart the wishes of the authority in question, even if it was his own best friend.
“Gideon, come here!”
He deliberately turned his back to him, fists balled in anger. He didn’t respond. If he did, Wes would win.
“Gideon, please!”
Snow crunched behind him, getting louder and closer with each sound. There was a tug on his shoulder.
“Look at me.”
“Look at me...please...”
It was the ‘please’ that got him. Wesley Graham Jones had never said the word before in his life. Things came easy for him; he had always been charming and charismatic enough to get what he wanted without much effort. He never had to beg to get what he wanted.
Now, here he was.
Gideon turned, slightly startled to see how close Wes was. Wes was looking at him with concerned forget-me-not blue eyes. It was the eyes that always caught Gideon’s attention. No one had eyes like that.
“What do you want?”
“It’s cold,” Wes replied, stepping even closer. “And you forgot your scarf.”
He held up the red scarf that Gideon’s mother had made for him when he was still young, barely a teenager. It had been one of his favorite possessions, so much that he had considered it an extension of himself.
Wes didn’t wait for him to respond. Instead, he took it and wrapped it gently around Gideon’s neck. His eyebrows were knitted together in a contemplative expression as he smoothed it out like a fussy, affectionate grandmother.
“I’m not a good boyfriend.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I’m not a good boyfriend,” Wes repeated. “Bobbi and I...I haven’t been good to her. We broke it off last night...again...and I was angry and I decided that the answer to my anger and my hurt...was to flirt with another girl in front of her and show her what she was missing. I wanted to hurt her...”
“Okay. What does this have to do with anything?” Gideon asked, frowning.
“I’m getting there,” Wes rolled his eyes, tugging on Gideon’s scarf in emphasis. It was then that he noticed that Wes hadn’t let go of it, his fingers still curled into the knitted fabric. “Stop interrupting me.”
“Whatever. Just get on with it.”
“Needless to say it didn’t work. If anything, it amused her and she started to laugh. It made me angrier and it wounded my pride.”
“Not a typically hard thing to do.”
“Shush now. Story time,” Wes admonished again, giving him a pointed look.  
He still hadn’t let go of the scarf.
“I confronted her about it. I didn’t understand her reaction and she told me, point blank, that the girl I was flirting with was not and would never be her competition. She said she only had one true rival for my affections and that rival... was you.”
“Westley…she was just winding you up.”
“No, she was right.”
Gideon froze, afraid that if he so much as breathed, this moment would disappear forever. Wes stood before him, disheveled and, for once, genuine. The tips of his nose and ears were pink and his long blond hair was a mess, but he never looked more handsome than he did at that moment with his intense blue eyes earnest and snow collecting in his lashes.
“I don’t like people,you know this,” Wes spoke again. “Sure, I enjoy a good party, but most people I could do without.  If the world ended tomorrow,there are only two people in the world that I would want to be with...it would be you and Bobbi, hands down. I love both of you more than my own family. You are my family, and for a long time, that’s all I thought I felt for you: something familial…I now know...that’s not true...it’s not…”
“I’ve been blind… I’ve been blind for a long time, blind, and stubborn,  and trying to make something that can’t work, work… and you’ve been here for so long and you never said anything — ”
“I didn’t want to lose you,” he murmured.
A small smile pulled at the corner of Wes’s lips. Gideon’s heart skipped as Wes stepped closer and cupped his cheek.
“You could never lose me. We’ve been friends for too long and I can’t imagine a world without you, nor would I want to. You’re my best friend, and… you’re one of the great loves of my life.”
“One of them? There’s more than one?” Gideon questioned, raising his eyebrows. He couldn’t help teasing Wes and his inability to think before speaking. His words had stung a little, but he understood how big of a gesture this was for Wes, who was incredibly ill equipped to make romantic speeches.
Wes seemed to realize the implications behind his words and looked stricken.
“Oh god, I’ve stepped in already!”
“Really, Westley? I’ve been waiting for this day since I was thirteen years old and this is the best you can do? Unbelievable.”
Wes’ face flushed further. “You know I’m not good at this.”
“Yeah, you really are a bad boyfriend,” he snickered.
“But I would like to be your bad boyfriend.”
“You’re really on a roll with the bad lines today.”
“I can’t seem to stop myself,” Wes chuckled awkwardly, taking a step backwards but still holding onto the scarf.
“I can fix that,” Gideon said with a small smile.
Gideon was known for many things. He was known for being rather bookish, intelligent and sarcastic. He had been simultaneously a teacher’s wet dream and worst nightmare when he was in high school. What he wasn’t known for was his bravery. He had always left it to Wes and Bobbi to take the lead and be the brave ones when such things were required.
However, in this moment, he felt brave.
It was him who stepped forward this time. It was him who reached forward and traced his fingers along Wes’s cheek. And it was him who leaned forward and kissed Wes.
Wes’s lips were chapped and a little cold, but it didn’t stop the jolt of electricity that seemed to zip throughout his entire body. It didn’t take him too long to respond, his hands leaving Gideon’s scarf and traveling upwards. One cradled the line of his jaw and changed the angle of the kiss while the other curled in his hair, pulling him closer. The kiss wasn’t the most coordinated in the world, their noses smushing together and teeth clacking, but they made up for technique with enthusiasm.
It was hands down the best kiss Gideon had experienced.
Wes pulled back first, far enough away that their lips weren’t touching but close enough that Gideon still felt the warmth of his breath curling against his skin. His eyes were bright and he was smiling.
“So...that was new…” Wes chuckled.
“It was.”
“And it was pretty good - ...A good start…”
“Yeah, a good start,” he agreed.
“Do you want to know what would make it better?”
“What?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow but still smiling.
“If I wasn’t freezing my ass off.”
“Oh my god, you really are the most unromantic person I know,” Gideon laughed. He couldn’t stop the giddy feeling inside of him from bubbling up to the surface.
“Can you handle that?” Wes asked, looking concerned.
Gideon leaned forward and pressed another kiss to his lips, this time quick and all too brief.
“Yeah, I can handle that. Now, let’s go inside and warm you up.”
“Yes, warm me up, I like the sound of that,” Wes smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at him.
Gideon rolled his eyes.
“I’m gonna say this now because I know what you’re like, but I’m not sleeping with you. Not until you buy me dinner first.”
“What if I make you dinner?” Wes asked. He held out his hand, wiggling his fingers at him. Gideon tentatively took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Sure, but I’m going to say this point blank: boxed macaroni and cheese or microwave ramen does not count as dinner.”
“But that’s all I know how to make,” Wes pouted.
“Yes, I’m well aware.”
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everly-kindred · 5 years
Everly’s Diary - Entry #38
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Synopsis: Eve details the festivities of the past few weeks - the Winter Fete, her birthday, the Yule Ball, and the return home!
Words: 1,881
Date: 17th of December, 2026
Dear Diary, 
Can you believe it's already been a year since I first started writing these? I know I can't! So much has happened since then, it almost feels like a year is too long and yet also not long enough! 
I'm writing this from my bed. Ruby is sound asleep in the other room. I hope he’s comfortable, I worry that the space is too small for him. 
I haven’t really had much time to write. I know I say that a lot, but it’s true… And when I do have time, I feel too exhausted, like I’ve run out of… spell slots or something. So I know it’s been awhile and I have a lot to catch you up on, but not to fear! I’ve been keeping a list of the things that have happened since my last entry! 
So, I found out that on the first of December, the keeper of keys brings Christmas trees into the Great Hall, and we watch them all get lit up once decorations are done. That day was also the day of the fete that the prefects threw for everyone. 
It was so stunning to see the Great Hall filled with that light from the Christmas trees. Honestly, Christmas trees give off the best lighting, and I have no idea why we don’t just keep them all year ‘round. I guess that’s what faerie lights are for, and I’m quite fond of those, but anyways...
The prefect’s fete was absolutely brilliant! They had completely transformed the long gallery and filled it with booths and activities and snacks… Elaine, an older Hufflepuff girl, convinced me to do this kissing booth thing with that Slytherin Prefect, Persephone Vitrac. Basically she waits under the mistletoe for anyone who dares approach her for a kiss on the cheek. Elaine claimed it’d be my first kiss, but I don’t think it counts! I mean… I got all flustered after and ended up running face first into a pile of snow that was being used for snowball fights, but still! I mean, maybe it counts… Doesn’t it only count if it’s mutual? Is it a real kiss?
Anyways, yes, I got my ‘first kiss’ from a werewolf girl who is actually very nice thank you very much, I still remember when she helped me and Bonnie with making that laughing potion which I thankfully haven’t had to use. The boggart is still running around apparently but I’ve managed to avoid it. But anyways, back to the kiss! I was so nervous at first, but Elaine assured me that it’s fine and that Persephone wouldn’t hurt me and whatnot. I feel like I should learn more about werewolves because of it, honestly, and I’ve made a note to ask Vikander or Lane about them, later. 
Like I had mentioned, there was also snowball fights, ice skating, and Vikander was up on a chair dressed as Santa, taking everyone’s Christmas wishes! I’d write what my wish was, but I don’t think… I mean, you are only a diary after all, but isn’t it bad to say what you wished for? Well, it’s not like it could really happen anyways. Alright, so I wished that I could be a faerie, just once. Shrink down to six inches tall with pretty wings on my back! Fly around, sleep in flowers, that kind of thing. Oh, and also for my very own broom for quidditch, though first years can’t really have that. And love and joy for all my friends and family, of course. 
And then there was what was probably my favourite part of the evening, which was the sleigh ride. It was so… magical, romantic, exhilarating, dreamy… Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. We all got into this sleigh and flew around the castle in the night! It was perfectly fantastical! I don’t think I have the proper words to describe it, though I tried, I’m just… Not sure if it is something you can put into words, truly. I do think it caused me to get a bit of a cold, though, because I was sick for a couple of days after, until the matrons in the hospital wing fixed me up with some pepper-up potion. 
I believe it was the next day that we Hufflepuffs had our meeting, and we all went out to Dracheblume’s hut and had a snowball fight! I tried to hide in the pumpkins, and was able to hit Elaine and Roisin a few times, and I even climbed up on the roof, but Elaine pulled me down by summoning my cloak. I landed in a snowbank, though, so I didn’t hurt anything! 
End of term exams started for the last week of school, and when I wasn’t studying for those or practicing quidditch, I was writing and drawing Maxine. I can’t tell if I wish she existed and was really my friend, or if I simply wish I was her… She helps me when I feel lonely, which has been often, lately. I feel like there’s an awkwardness between me and my friends, and perhaps it’s because I’ve been hiding so much in my dorm that I don’t see them anymore. I hope I’ll have more time to see them over break and in the next term. 
A weird thing that happened was that two Slytherins apparently burnt up one of the Christmas trees. The Ravenclaw one, I think. It was even written about in the Owl Post. I don’t know if they got punished for it or not, though. I hope the Ravenclaws got a replacement tree! 
The Slytherins also had their first quidditch game, against Gryffindor. But apparently there was an issue with the snitch or something, so even though Gryffindor caught the snitch first, it’s being investigated? I’m not really sure what happened with that. 
The full moon happened recently, too. On the 12th, I think. The castle was locked up at 3 p.m. and professors and prefects were set to patrol, which I found both scary and exciting. Nothing happened that I know of, though.
Hufflepuff finally had a party and a secret santa gift exchange. My secret santa was Cheryl, so I made her some biscuits iced and shaped to look like badgers and mushrooms. They turned out quite well, if I do say so myself! She said she liked the colour black and sweets, so hopefully she approved!
My secret santa got me a new snow globe with a pretty tree inside, a crystal ball, and some other things, so I can definitely say that whoever it was knows me very well! I always welcome more snow globes and crystals for my collection. The crystal ball is orange, too, so it looks like a fire trapped in a ball. 
It was also my birthday that weekend, the 8th of December. I didn’t really do anything about it, except take the day to actually relax. My family sent me some birthday wishes, some sweets and a few presents, but I’ve decided I wanted to wait until I was home to throw a true party. I want my parents there for it, you know? 
I actually just sent out all the invitations yesterday, when we got home. Our owl has been very busy lately! I also sent a letter to the Headmistress regarding that letter she had sent me about wanting to meet, and I invited her and Deputy Headmistress Blightly for tea with me and my parents. Oh! And I must say, they both looked absolutely stunning at the prefect fete, and the Yule Ball! I hope that one day I can look that beautiful and elegant. 
My dress was more plain in comparison. But at least I was able to get Bonnie’s help with it, because she helped me make lace faerie wings that were enchanted to flutter, and she also coloured my hair pink! I wanted to be the sugar plum faerie, so I guess in a way, I got one of the things I’d wished for at the fete! I was so inspired, that I wrote a poem about the sugar plum faerie:
“Twirling in a flurry of snowflakes
Dreaming in a starry haze
The sugar plum faerie with glittering wings
Sweetens the snow on these wintry days”
Anyways, back to the Yule Ball. I must write everything about that, so I remember it forever! Firstly, everyone got to vote on these awards that they give out at the beginning of the dance. I voted Bonnie for four different things, and she actually won two of them! She won the awards for best spellcaster and for most likely to become minister of magic! I was so proud! 
Also, Professor Gallo won the award for most inspiring professor, which was named after Headmaster Fox! I nearly cried at that! I love so many of the professors here, but Gallo has been one of my absolute favourites since I first met him. Also, Marigold won the award for most uh… Congenial, I think was the word, which means she’s very friendly to everyone and has a lovely smile (I think that’s what it means, anyways) and I found that to be very fitting, too. Persephone Vitrac won the Grand Sorceress award, and Ruby’s… Cousin, I think? Won Grand Sorcerer.
Ruby and I danced for most of the night, and ate sweets. He tried to show me how to dance, but I was terrified of messing up and hurting him or myself or even someone else with my clumsiness. Ruby says he’ll teach me how to do ballet like he does. I have my doubts that it’ll be successful, I think I’m pretty hopeless, but he seems to believe in me!
He wore pretty white flowers in his hair and white and grey suit that looked sort of vintage. Snow was enchanted to sort of float off from the flowers, which I thought looked very pretty. Oh, and the great hall looked stunning, also!  Everything was frosty and white, and there were penguins everywhere, wobbling around and sliding across ice! 
A girl named Charlotte who is a Gryffindor Alumni sung for all of us. She was gorgeous! She wore a sparkling costume and had a voice like honey wine... not that I know what honey wine is, mind, I’ve just heard good singing voices described that way. The night sort of flew by, I couldn’t believe how quickly it ended.
And then, it was time to get back on the Hogwarts Express and go home. One of these years, I’d like to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays, but… Not this year. I miss home, and I miss my family, and I got to bring Ruby with me! 
On the train ride home, the Owl Post sent out an article filled with candygrams which were basically nice messages people gave to each other for the Owl Post to share, and I guess you also give a candy cane to whomever you wrote to. I feel bad that I forgot to do it! It’s just as well, though, no one wrote to me, so I guess I don’t have to feel guilty about it. 
When we got home, I found out that dad has a new girlfriend! Her name is Genevieve. She’s also a witch, but I forgot to ask her what her house was. She has very long, pretty red hair that sort of fades into a soft blonde, and I’m honestly quite envious of her hair colour. She always wears sparkly makeup, and she has a lot of freckles which I love! I love freckles and dimples. She is very nice, I like her a lot! I look forward to getting to know her better. Apparently, she knows a lot about faeries!
Once we were settled, I talked to Genevieve and dad about school and I showed them Venus and told them about how I found her in the dungeons. Dad was actually quite annoyed with me that I now had three pets instead of just the one, so we compromised and decided to keep Venus at home. Dad doesn’t like her because she’s a rat, but Genevieve loves her! So that works out. I get to keep Puck and Cornelius, and bring them back to school whenever we return to Hogwarts, since Puck kind of does his own thing in the castle and I can keep Cornelius in my bag or pocket. 
I think that’s just about everything there is to catch up on! My birthday party will be in two days - on Thursday, and I’ve been trying to find and make the perfect things for it. You know, it doesn’t really feel like my birthday, maybe because everything around the house is green instead of white and snowy, from my dad keeping things warm with weather charms. That’ll work for the party at least, so my guests won’t be cold! Anyways, I hear Ruby stirring, so I think it’s time to wake up and make breakfast. 
Much love, Everly
About the Character: Everlina Rosemary Kindred is an imaginative Hufflepuff attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She keeps up with her magical journey through a series of diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings, all documented for future reflection. Her diary is a small glimpse into her enchanted life, and her adventure into the wizarding world and all its splendors. If you’d like more information about Eve, visit her wiki page. 
About the Author: My name is Katherine! I am a 21-year-old Hufflepuff & Pukwudgie from Louisville, Kentucky. This page is my creative journey into the magical world, through the lenses of Second Life. Here I post diary entries, dream journals, and tarot readings all from my character’s perspective. If you’d like more information about me, visit my Flickr! 
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