Mel the Writer (#BLM)
1K posts
38. She/They. NJ. Married. Disabled. Hellenic polytheist. Bi as hell. Out of fucks to give. I wrote a book, I'm on AO3 and I have a website. I have a Gumroad shop, which includes all the books and music I've created. You can also help me out by buying me a coffee.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
melissatreglia · 4 years ago
i will never forgive the internet for what it did to the word “mansplain”
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
Honestly I wish people with neurological disorders and mental illness talking to themselves was more normalized so here’s to people with autism who narrate things! people with adhd who talk out loud to remember stuff! people with tourette’s and tic disorders with verbal tics! people with psychosis who talk to their voices! people with DID who talk to their alters!
If you talk to yourself for any reason you are wonderful and not bad or weird. And if you see someone talking to yourself and think it’s weird? Maybe mind your own business!
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
I think it's so weird seeing black gothic people. I think it's only for the pretty pale people and not the darks. Idek they don't have the right hair or skin color
I didn’t know if I should publish this or not because while this kind of racism (yes, that’s what this is) in our community needs to be addressed when encountered, I wasn’t sure I wanted to publish this message out there for all the beautiful non-white goths to see.
One thing needs to be gotten straight: There is no right hair or skin colour to be goth. Period. Neither skin colour or hair colour defines whether you can be goth or not, and no way is the right way to have them.
The pale red-lipped and black-haired girl dressed in all black might be the stereotype of a goth but that is a very shallow and one-sided representation of the people in the community. How many of us actually fit into that stereotype? How many of us strive to look like that because if we don’t, we will get told we don’t look right? Goth has since its beginning featured many ethnicities, and there is nothing weird about non-white goths in the subculture. Look up photos of the English goth scene in the 80s. There are loads of non-white goths absolutely rocking the original look.
There are many gothic styles I personally don’t like, but it is not my place to tell those people that I don’t think they look good. I wouldn’t want them telling me that, so why would I do that to others? And I’m talking about styles that someone chooses to wear, so can you even imagine hearing it about something you cannot choose like skin colour? I understand that it is your personal preference, but is it necessary to bring it up when all it will do is discourage people from being a part of a community they feel they belong to?
Some goths are black, some goths wear hijabs, some goths keep their natural hair. And they all look gorgeous and have as much right to express themselves in the subculture as white goths. The subculture is extremely diverse but there is so much gate-keeping from goths who think that you need to look like X and listen to Y that we end up only seeing a glimpse of it all. That shouldn’t be, and as corny as it sounds, we should try to create a comfortable, safe community instead of one that shuns people out because they do not fit a stereotype.
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
your favourite content creator(s) is not gonna fall in love with you. they do not know you. you do not know them. they are not going to look into your eyes if you meet them and magically fall for you. go outside and touch some grass.
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
Hey, just figured I’d take today to remind you that you’re a kind, strong, and talented individual who deserves happiness. You’re one of the first people who followed me on here, and I couldn’t be happier that I’ve had you in my life for what will soon be 4 years. I hope you’re having a good day/night. If not, I’m sending you all my hugs and support.
Thank you so much, Wren. I needed to hear this tonight. :)
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
It’s about freakin’ time!
I dropped by my AO3 account, and I discovered that *gasp* they actually have the right tags for Mark and Jack’s many alter egos!
So guess who spent over an hour re-organising the tags on her fanfic, so they better reflect the actual content of the fic? :)
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
Side eyeing everyone who sympathizes with Britney Spears but nitpicks Meghan Markle.
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
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“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent” ~ Madeleine K. Albright
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
...Which means I can write that lesbian Dracula AU I was thinking of.
I’m forever haunted by the knowledge that Dracula is a public domain work and I could literally just write Dracula AU (No listen, but hear me out, The Batchelor), and every second I’m not doing it feels like an affront to whatever god thought it would be a good idea to keep me alive.
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
"Impostor Syndrome" novella available on Kindle!
“Impostor Syndrome” novella available on Kindle!
My novella Impostor Syndrome is available right now on Kindle. It will be available as an ebook and paperback everywhere else soon!
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
Mine's 50 First Dates.
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Mine was HOME ALONE. Well, that figures. The movie that was number one on the day I was born (1/16/70) was THEY SHOOT HORSES DONT THEY?
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
OMG, the problematic ship generated for me is basically fanon Destiel! XD
Problematic Ship Generator
Tired of having to sit through whole movies, books, or TV shows to find a ship that will get you cancelled? Worry not! Use this generator to find your ideal problematic ship dynamic!
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
Hekate depictions on etsy: she wears a dark hood and black robes and her boobs are out for religious reasons
The Greeks describing Hekate: her dress was fucking yellow
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
I’ve finally exited writing hell, and can relax for a minute.
I’m gonna go back to the fun stuff (ie. fanfic in multiple fandoms), once I’ve had a moment to catch my breath and chill a bit.
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
You people on Tumblr are so obsessed with shipping that you can't hold a normal conversation anymore.
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melissatreglia · 4 years ago
The gender gremlin came to me In the dark of the night, and said he:
“Zippy fip-flitty and turvy-whirl You’ll only sometimes feel like a girl!”
And then left a piece of my gender behind leaving me confused for a very long time.
shhh! it was supposed to be a secret
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