#I’ve been meaning to draw her for ages she’s so cute
angelcakez-art · 1 year
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Baghera Jones! 🐤🇫🇷
I saw people talk about how she’s depicted in racing jumpsuits sometimes due to her skill at racing games and it reminded me of one of my favorite To Alice collections so I wanted to draw her in something inspired by that lol, inspo under the cut
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arkhamabyssfiles · 1 month
For the birthday celebration of a Princess, this was pretty mild. It was the same as his “party” had been, a nice lunch, some presents, some hugs and that was it. Jason was perplexed, he had thought there would be a big gala night or something like that for Bruce's birthday, but soon realized that that was just a show and he did it out of obligation rather than inclination.
Jason had a bit of trouble thinking about what to give her, after all, she was a Princess. She didn't need or want anything that he could buy, because ten to one she already had it, and if she didn’t, it was because she didn’t want it. So the thing was in giving her something she didn't think she wanted and probably really didn't. Then the idea of a book had come into mind, seeing as she wasn't a big reader outside studying, he thought of gifting her an easy book. It was more of a joke that he knew she would appreciate than a gift. But damn fucking hell, she'd liked it. It was something he’d found in that old bookstore that had a lot of old second-hand books—a fairytale book with very elaborate drawings that occupied half of the book.
It was the afternoon and she’d been lucky to not have to be at med school after the morning shift. Or most likely it wasn’t luck and she’d been given the rest of the day off by someone, being really smart had its perks after all. Dick had to go early–some trouble with his sidekick club or something–, and Bruce had had to go to the Wayne Tower over some unavoidable reunion, promising to come for dinner and bring more cake. So now, here they were like not so long ago for his birthday, sitting side by side on the couch. Helena was happily reading her fairytale book and he had opened the heavy tome of War and Peace he’d started two weeks ago. The contrast didn’t pass unnoticed by him, but if anything it made him grin a little and stare at her from the corner of his eyes how she tilted the book or got it closer to her face to look better at a picture.
Perhaps she was annoying most of the time, but at times like these, he might even admit that he enjoyed her company. Or that's what he thought until, again not so long on his birthday, she kissed his cheek when he was absorbed into his reading.
His heart beating heavily and again moving as far away as the couch permitted he turned to her, “The hell's wrong with you? It's not my birthday.”
“No. I know. It's mine, and that's part of my gift.” She smiled very smugly.
“What?” He asked incredulously and confused. Why would she want that as a part of her gift—? Wait. Wait. Nah, it couldn't be—
Helena was looking patiently at him, waiting for him to say something else, but he didn't have anything to say as his mind went back and forth. When she got bored of waiting she leaned into him and he instinctively moved his face away as his back was already pressed against the armrest of the couch.
“I said; it's part of my birthday present,” When he still looked blankly at her she continued, “That means, I like kissing you.”
“You—” Jason choked out, “like—?”
“Me?” He said and perhaps his voice cracked a little.
Helena hummed calmly and her eyes were sparkling with something he couldn't put his finger on.
“Why?” It took him some time to utter that question.
“Because you're cute and smart, and kind,” Helena answered readily enough.
Jason flushed. He didn't— he wasn't— “I'm not—” He refuted, or tried to.
Helena gave him some space and he relaxed a bit, “You are.”
“I’ve got nothing that is eye-catching.” He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck. For some reason, the back of his neck tingled often when she was near him and did these kinds of things—wait. Since when did she like him?
“You’re a straight ‘A’ student. Every time I see you, you have your nose in some thick book or are messing with Dad in some scrap of thingy—” She was counting with her fingers then paused and turned to look at him with mischief-“and as I said before, you are cute.”
“Well—” Jason didn’t want to acknowledge her praise at all so he focused on the cute thing, “I'm not cute, or–or kind.” He continued.
Helena again looked at him leaning her cheek into her palm, “But you are. You are very handsome to me.” Jason couldn’t help but feel his face flare up again, “As for being kind, you are. You'll have to take my word for it if you don’t believe it.”
Now Jason was not only confused but anxious, “Wait. You can't like me. I come from Crime Alley! I was a street rat that lived by robbing.” He felt bitterness in his mouth at saying that, but it was the truth, they just weren’t—
“My mom didn't come from a better-off place,” Helena said stretching her legs and a pensive look drew on her, just as it always did when she talked about her mom.
Jason looked at the ceiling, at a loss as to what to do, or what to think and feel.
“You don't have to like me back. It is ok, nothing's going to happen. You know, with all this being “first love” and all that it might just go away soon as soon as it came,” Helena broke the silence they had fallen into. Jason vaguely recognized that it hadn’t been an awkward silence, which left him even more dazed.
What an odd way of thinking, he was starting to believe she really didn't even truly like him, “I'm your first love?”
“Yes. Why? Is it so weird?” She made a face.
“No. Yes. The fuck do I know—” He answered rubbing his face.
“You shouldn't curse,” She corrected him softly but he could hear the laughter behind it.
“Sorry,” He muttered absently.
There was a moment of silence again, then she asked as if they'd been talking about the weather, “Who was your first love? Or crush if that's how you like it more.”
Jason didn't think the character of a book counted so he just shook his head.
“That means I have the path clear. That's nice.” She sounded too smug to his taste. It almost made it seem like she'd been planning to get rid of the competition. So he laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
“See? It's not so bad,” Helena said returning to her book.
Jason groaned, “You're a pain in the ass, Princess.”
“And you are the most gallant knight I could have found for myself,” She answered back and he laughed again, for indeed she had.
END OF MEMORY... For more FILES check previous entries...
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laughterbynight · 3 months
Possibly unpopular opinions incoming which means post it before bed, natch.
I actually think Tim in a trio would be cute. I don’t trust DC not to make it weird of course but as far as headcanons go I could see him trying that out for a bit. One partner is of course Kon. DC can fight it all they want but I do think someday (maybe when I’m 70) Tim and Kon will end up canon.
Anyway, temporary trio wise I think Tim, Kon, and maybe a new character. I have no issue with Bernard but I always feel like DC shoved him in there to cut off timkon talk so I have a hard time seeing him as anything permanent y’know? But then again that would work as a transition into timkon when the trio ends. Amicably!! I’m so not here for drama.
I’d like to see a woman in there maybe, for some balance. No not Steph. I know some fans are still really married to the idea of them but the whole manic pixie dreamgirl thing has never been my jam personally. That’s why I’m generally attracted to the batfam. I like stoics. Yes, Dick isn’t my fave either (drawing all kinds of targets on myself tonight).
I feel like figuring out sexuality is so…basic and static in comics. Like yeah they talk about it being a journey of discovery but we don’t really *see* that, they just say it.
I think I’ve seen Bart as a popular third. Idk if that’s in line with him as a character at all since I’m less familiar with him but I’m open to it. I do kinda like the idea of an Amazon about their age. I know the supe/bat/amazon thing is common ground but hey it works really good. I can’t argue with it. I like reading superwonderbat too. Sue me.
If we wanna shake things up it would be interesting if it was a male Amazon. I mean we know men aren’t allowed to stay there so they must go somewhere. I think it would be interesting to see a male character from a culture where women are in control and that’s considered normal. No hate about it just, yeah that’s how it is here. I get bored of the sausage club that is the batfamily but I’ll take it if that means an interesting third.
sidebar: I really wish Cass was in more stories and we could have more girldad Bruce moments. I feel like DC tries to do the “girlpower” thing by putting all the girls on teams together and honest to god I do not care. I wanna see Batman and his kick ass daughter and her brothers, together.
It’s almost a shame Cass was adopted bc she would fit as a good third but of course we can’t do that for obvious reasons. Maybe in an AU, but I’d be more sad if she didn’t have batdad instead.
Anyone have any ideas about a third? I’m curious. Keeping in mind they'd need to get along with Tim and Kon on some level obvs or why would any of them bother.
Edit: How do we feel about Connor? I realized the rep for Ace characters is abysmal and I think Tim and Kon would be really sweet and understanding compared to like, idk a lot of other characters in general. Tbh I think of Tim as demi but idk if DC can handle that Bi was hard enough for them. But then I think I’d want them to stay a trio too. Idk y’all is Connor around their ages I seriously can’t keep up with how DC rearranges timelines. I DO know it would probably cause Bruce and Ollie to get catty with each other around the holidays and that’s always a bonus in my book.
So many ideassssss
edit edit: wait that’s two Connors. I shouldn’t do this at 1am. That would also be funny tho.
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lottiecrabie · 11 months
pfms matty taking reader trick or treating because she was never allowed to celebrate halloween growing up since her parents said it was the devils holiday blah blah
pfms crumb for u all
it’s october 31 and matty waits for her in the most undedicated devil costume. he wears his usual attire; some ripped, black clothes, as well as a pair of dollar tree red horns. black nailpolish and eyeliner is the most effort he’s put in his little get-up, and even that’s not far off from half of his basement shows.
he leans against the side of his van, several houses away. around him, small children and overrun adults roam the streets. there’s a shield of safety to the pumpkins and jolly ‘trick or treat’s; with everyone wearing a mask, they can be whoever they want.
she practically skips to him, licking the smile of her teeth. ‘you’re still not funny,’ she chastises, though the amusement betrays her voice.
‘what?’ matty grins. ‘it’s fitting. i’ve been told i’m the devil incarnate before.’
‘oh, my gosh. i did not say that, you dramaqueen.’
matty draws a hand out, catching hers and drawing her to him. she balances herself with two hands on his shoulders, blinking up at him. here she goes again, practically begging him to kiss her with some flutter of eyelashes.
‘i like the halo,’ he says, flicking it. she scowls, replacing the halo again. ‘you look cute.’
his hand drops to her waist, burning at the flimsy fabric. ‘we better not stain this dress. they won’t be able to recognize your costume then, angel.’ she flushes, thinking of that first party— and many more since. you hide in the crook his neck and he roars out a laugh, throat vibrating where her nose burrows. she smiles softly, kissing it. ‘i’ll keep my hands off, but i don’t know if we can trust you…’
‘hey,’ she says, looking up.
‘you’re impossible when you’re drunk.’
‘me?’ she says in faux-affront, as though she didn’t become some sort of superhuman glue any time red wine lingered on her tongue, sticking and sticking to his side.
‘alright, let’s go before george accuses us of ditching setting up to fool around.’
she snorts. ‘what could have possibly given him that idea, right?’ matty smirks, rounding the car. she holds the door handle, watching the little princesses and marios knocking on doors, sugared-up gullets smiling wide. something pinches in her heart. she bites her cheek, then sighs, opening the car door and stepping through.
‘what?’ matty says immediately, always some strange way of reading her. it doesn’t spook her nearly as much as it used to, doesn’t unnerve her from the inside-out.
‘nothing,’ she waves away. ‘it just seems fun.’
he frowns. ‘what does?’
‘being all dressed-up, going door to door, asking for candies.’ she vaguely gestures outside. on the sidewalk, a mother high-fives a tiny witch, rubbing her hair with a laugh.
‘you’ve never trick-or-treated?’
she gives him a deadpan look. ‘you mean the devil’s holiday that encourages gluttony and demonic activities?’ halloween was spent the same every year; hiding in a silent house with the lights off and the blinds shut, as though evil spirits could sense them through the cracks and rob their soul if they dared acknowledge it.
matty’s eyes soften at her. he reaches a hand out, warming her thigh. ‘well, i’m the devil,’ he waves to his silly horns, ‘so we have to celebrate.’
she gives him a humorous look. ‘what? go trick-or-treating at our age?’
he nods solemnly. ‘yes.’
‘what about the party?’
matty waves her away, already getting out of the car. ‘who cares?’
‘well, george.’ still, she’s opening the door, a giddy energy in her limbs. she jumps out as matty retrieves two plastic bags from the back of his dirty van.
‘c’mon,’ he says, already walking towards the first house of the street she runs behind him, laughing.
‘are we really doing this?’ she whispers, like this was a crime.
‘why wouldn’t we?’
he walks the stairs decidedly, uncaring of the looks parents give him. she pinches her thumb awkwardly, though not enough to hurt. she stands on the porch, unsure. she throws him a glance; he rings the doorbell.
a flushed-cheeked woman opens up. her eyes draw up to their height, a surprised oh leaving her mouth. matty stares at her. her eyes widen before she smiles at the woman. ‘trick or treat?’ her grin stretches strangely over her lips, as though it, too, didn’t know if it should be here.
the woman grins. ‘still kids at heart, huh?’
‘that’s right, ma’am,’ matty nods.
in their stretched out bags, she drops three pieces of candies each. this time, her grin brightens her face. ‘thanks!’
‘have a goodnight, kids!’ the woman cheers, then closes the door.
‘i can’t believe we did that,’ she whispers to him, jumping down each stair. matty laughs, shaking his head. he reaches into his bag, pulling out a lollipop, taking off the plastic, and sucking it into his mouth. her eyebrows raise. ‘you’re not gonna wait?’
‘why would i?’
decidedly, she takes a mini pack of gummy bears, ripping it open and biting off the first one’s head. the sugar fills her mouth. she laughs. ‘oh, this is fun.’
she smiles at him. ‘yes. thanks.’
he grins, throwing an arm around her shoulder and tugging her to his side. ‘anything for you, angel.’ they walk up the stairs of the next house.
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gordismybabygirl · 2 months
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Bully OC
Name: Mary Brown
Gender: Female
Age: 16 (sophomore)
Birthday: 23 July
Height: 5’7
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue
Clique: Preps
Favorite colors: pink, blue
Favorite music: classic
Hobbies: drawing, reading, playing tennis
Favourite class: Art, Music
Mary is proud, graceful, confident, playful girl. She maintains the image of a perfect and sassy spoiled rich girl, which can sometimes make her seem mean and heartless. But she’s actually quite empathic and kind. She’s quite popular at the academy and often she finds chocolate and cards with declarations of love in her locker.
Her parents are jewelers who hope that their daughter will follow in their footsteps. But Mary with all her heart wants to become an actress and play leading roles in movies. Since childhood, she has been practicing her acting skills, trying on different roles and images, surprising others with her talent.
She loves fashion, drawing, and, surprisingly to others, likes watching boxing.
Relationships with other characters:
Pinky and Gord her besties (however, she is secretly in love with Gord, but does not dare admit it).
She finds greasers attractive and if it weren’t for the war between their cliques she would want to spend time with them (but she hates Lola).
Doesn’t like jocks but she thinks Kirby is cute.
Even though nerds are considered losers, Mary finds them interesting (sometimes she likes to spend time with Beatrice).
She doesn’t approve of what bullies do, but she thinks they’re funny and cool (she finds Trent handsome).
Mostly she tries to avoid townies, but she likes Zoey’s company (maybe because she’s a girl).
Mary doesn’t have much contact with non-clique students, but time from time she communicates with Christy and Angie.
Mary likes Petey as someone who is interesting to spend time with when she gets tired of other people. She thinks he’s cute and is happy to keep him company.
She is suspicious of Gary (mostly because she thinks he’s weird).
Jimmy may not be the type of guy she likes, but she definitely finds him a cool and bad guy (in a good way).
“I will became an actress and be more popular! I can’t wait for this day!”
“Why do boys think all girls like flowers? I’m allergic to them! But I’ve always admired roses, they’re so beautiful”
“I can’t stand jocks! There is nothing in them except muscles”
“Why is Johnny wasting his time on a girl like Lola? He deserves better”
“This place may not be perfect, but I really love Bullworth!”
“Thanks to Gord I have good taste in clothes”
“I should stay away from poor people, but they are so interesting!”
“This new kid Jimmy… I think he’s really cool and dangerous!”
“Be polite to me and I will be the same to you. It’s easy, isn’t it?”
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mrsnancywheeler · 7 months
i’ve been stuck in my thoughts for ages about this so hear me out.
So we know about reader seeing Conway’s family when she gets back from the games- the way they stare at her, their beautiful son’s killer. but image reader seeing her friends for the first time when she’s back. Becket, Tallulah, ect (sorry if any of this is spelt wrong it’s midnight and for some reason my hands won’t stop shaking😭)
I think it would be so bittersweet for all of her friends. The sweet girl everybody in District 4 likes, the sweet girl who helped all of her friends in their time of need even if it wasn’t reciprocated, the sweet girl who survived. Yet, the same sweet girl who survived is the same one who deceived and killed her best friend.
I have no clue what her friends would even say😭 It’s obvious that there would be some people who couldn’t see her the same way, but her own friends?
Like I always imagine Beckett and reader to have a really close relationship pre-reaping. Cause i totally feel that Beckett is that one friend who has no safety awareness and would do the stupidest shit, especially if it was to get a laugh out of reader. I just imagine him to be such a goofy guy and Tallulah would always be the one to insult him for it. I can just imagine them as a cute lil trio, but the question is, would that trio fade into a duo after reader comes back home?
I can just imagine Finnick’s heart breaking as he watches his sweet girl get socially isolated when she comes back, he’d watch her say that she deserves it and his heart would just shatter. Never in a million years would she deserve it, loosing all of her remaining friends because they can’t fathom what it’s like to be in the arena. They can’t sympathise or understand at all because they just don’t have the experience she has, so they have to resort to the knowledge that they already know. The knowledge that tells them that she’s a monster because she deceived her best friend and then killed him, even if it was for survival.
so I believe that district 4 gets away with so much because they're so rich and the Capitol can funnel in so much propaganda, not as much as 1 & 2, but especially for the people who are more well off, the games are somewhat glorified. and I envision beckett and tallulah being victims of this to a certain extent. finnick presents himself as being fine, he parties, he acts like a normal rich young playboy, so it feeds into the narrative that all winning does is make you rich, powerful, but I don't think it serves as an incentive for either of them to volunteer because they aren't the type of people who long for more then the privileged lives they already have.
ao basically I don't necessarily think they isolate her, but I think she isolates herself because of her perception of the situation. she hates herself, thinks she deserves to suffer, that everyone should hate her the way she does, and so she convinces herself that everyone's putting on a facade because she has wealth now, not because they still care about her as a person. so she puts on a face at parties, but draws away otherwise. in the first year or so she probably only interacts, on a day to day basis, with finnick and just enough with her family to support them financially.
finnick tries to get her to spend time with mags, but for a while she won't, the first time she does she sits there in silence until she starts bawling. he doesn't like beckett much but he tries to help him open back up to her, and he does enjoy talullah's company, so he'd invite them over for dinner just try to mediate.
but once he's making dinner and tells her he's invited people over she's pissed and freaking out
"what do you mean? finnick, please, I can't act tonight, just me and you, please"
"you don't have to act, angel, you haven't talked to people in months. they're your friends and worried about you because they care."
"no they don't! how can anybody care about me after what they watched me do? look what I do to my friends."
"I care about you."
"tell them not to come."
"then you'll come to the market with me tomorrow."
"you're gonna have to pick something because I'm not going to let you rot away anymore. I love you and I need you to take care of yourself, you need to talk to people."
"finn, I'm fine, I just need you."
and he wants to fold for his sweet girl so bad but he has to be strong because he has to get her on a path to healing, it was okay at first, but way too much time has passed and it can't become permanent. so he's clenching his jaw, rubbing his forehead, taking a deep breath, ignoring her pleading eyes.
"they're coming."
"I'll lock myself in the bathroom."
and then he's crying because he just wants to help his sweet girl and his heart aches. he doesn't want to be sobbing the way he is, but it's like he can't stop. it's overwhelmed his senses. and then she's flooded with guilt again and she's crying too.
"I'm sorry I'm so difficult, you deserve better."
and then his heart hurts more when he goes to hug her, to comfort her and she's stepping away because she refuses to accept said comfort. and there's a silence besides the simmering food and sniffling tears before he's able to compose himself enough.
"mags, the market, or dinner? you choose, but you have to choose now or they will come. "
they both know he's strong enough to stop her from running into the bathroom so there's another silence. before she's slowly, shamefully walking towards him, carefully grabbing his hand and tracing up his arm.
"you've already started dinner and it's too late to cancel."
she's muttering it looking at the floor and he can't help but suddenly feel so relieved and ecstatic, so hopeful
his voice glimmering so slightly and she's nodding, continuing her patterns up his arm before he's hugging her with all of his warmth. and he's filled with excitement because she's taking a step, she's trying. and it's a rough night, but she tries. the conversation gets awkward and clunky, but she talks, and by the end of the night she's a little less sure her friends despise her.
it still takes nearly two years for her to just be friends again, but she makes small steps through the storm.
and also beckett and tallulah totally end up getting married years later and reader is a bridesmaid, so she does eventually once again become a pretty functioning member of society, up until the quarter quell.
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
I just thought of something extremely cute, how about a Ballet au but it's a wholesome bonding experience between Alma and Mirabel?
Like say Alma used to do it all the time when she was younger and when she was with Pedro. But after he passed, she just lost motivation. And between trying to take care of three kids by herself and being a leader of a whole village, she rarely had time.
Until Mirabel came into the picture that is. Mirabel had gotten a book on Ballet and tried to do some of the steps in it. That's when Alma thought "Hey, I know ballet, I can teach her way better than a book"
Now because of Alma's age she wasn't able to teach her much without getting a little sore. So, the candle may or may not have made Alma's bones a little younger so she could bond with Mira more.
Also, I found these beautiful ballet shoes and they fit both of them perfectly.
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But these would definitely need to be custom designed AFTER they got the breaks beat off them. I'm saying that because most pointe shoes need to be beaten and almost destroyed to be more comfortable to wear.
I can't decide which dress looks good enough for me to draw Mirabel in, but both look pretty!
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Ok first. Love the shoes. Sobbing. Also am I the only one who unironically likes watching dancers break tf outta their shoes. It’s so entertaining to me. AND TWO UH…..I like them so much. but PERSONALLY, I like the second more, it fits better too <33
ANYWAY YEAH. Given that Mirabel was probably looking for more skills to do (on top of sewing/embroidery and playing instruments), I guess she saw ballet and was like 'I like dancing.' And just picked it up. She probably had no context for Alma either, unless she talked about it. But idk, would she? I mean she lost motivation and all that, and I imagine she had to put her stuff away, seeing she had no time (i say put away because I seriously doubt she'd just toss it out.) shoutout to the candle
Also. Because I have favs. Mirabel loves Esmeralda and Alma’s favorites are Giselle and Raymonda (which was actually Pedro’s favorite as well.) ALSO I WILL. BE DRAWING (possibly writing) MORE. AND IF YOU GIVE ME PROMPTS, STORY OR WHATEVER. I WILL TAKE IT AND RUN. BECAUSE I LOVE BALLET <<33333
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ALSO. Potential for angst. Because I’m evil and need a counter to this full. Since Mirabel loves ballet and doesn’t have a gift. Alma sorta kinda indirectly pressures her into doing it more. Now Mirabel loves it, but she wants to do other dances, specifically ones that involve playing an instrument and dancing like Esmeralda but. Alma in this scenario is nostalgia projecting, p,is she wants everyone to use their gifts perfectly, so Mirabel has to do every dance. Perfectly. And she can!t do that playing an instrument (spoiler she can.) JUST A SUGGESTION.
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So everything yes. Love Alma and Mirabel bonding, my favorite versions of that (but y'all knew that).
Proof of Mirabel doing ballet [Canon] [NOT CLICKBAIT‼️]
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proxythe · 4 months
some of my fav p3 hcs:
☆ junpei takes on a big brother role with ken. lending him manga and video games rated teen/mature that he knows contain content that is okay for his age. taking him out at night to the arcade/for "secret" menu items. sneaking fun snacks into his room so he has something to feast on besides milk. this makes ken feel seen as an equal rather than as a child bc junpei is so genuine in his antics that it doesn't feel belittling/mothering.
☆ mitsuru begins truly seeking out her own style after she + yukari deepen their bond in november. at first, this results in some truly horrendous outcomes bc yukari wanted mitsuru to select what she liked for once instead of a stylist choosing for her. it comes to a head when mitsuru walks out one sunday wearing a red leather jacket, tan cargo pants, a retro graphic tee, and crocs. she eventually lands on a casual alternative style under yukari's strict guidance.
☆ akihiko is prone to forgetting about things outside of his goals or the people he cares for. this leads to many situations where he finds himself standing head empty, no thoughts in the middle of the grocery store or during casual conversation with family/friends/acquaintances. his tell that he's forgotten something is the tips of his ears turning bright red. when younger, he'd steal shinji's beanie to cover them out of self-consciousness. his notes app is clogged with dozens of nonsensical ramblings such as "milk" or "sun outside" in an attempt to remember such things.
junpei (along w yukari, minato/kotone, fuuka, n aigis) being older siblings to ken is so important to me… idk how to explain but it just hits different …!!!! i love when ken shows up and junpei wants to be his older brother so bad lmfao. i feel like him (and the other second years) being closer to ken’s age makes it easier for them to understand him so it’s way easier for them to get along. only downside is junpei cannot help ken with any of his work. it could be the easiest problem youve ever seen and junpei will be like “sorry i cant help you”
the thought of mitsuru not having any sense of style is so funny bc i’ve always just been like “yeah i mean she can probably dress decently on her own” but it would b cute to think she just picks out whatever she likes without thinking if the outfit will actually look good together or not. she sees a funny little cartoon on a shirt and is like This is delightful!!! and grabs it and pairs it with the most expensive and beautiful pants you’ve ever seen. then she wears a hideous pair of shoes to top it all off. without yukari, i imagine she wears her ugly ass outfit to go out to eat w like. aki or something. she shows up n akihiko (who knows how to dress) is just like what the hell are you wearing
now that u say this… akihiko is kinda sim coded. does workouts anywhere he goes. forgets what hes doing the second he enters a room. & omfg. him blushing to the tips of his ears is something i put in my drawings all the time idk if it’s noticeable but i love it so much… + the notes app thing so real but also imagine him sending texts to ppl to remind himself of certain things. mitsuru waking up in the morning to see akihiko texted her “Water” at 3:42 AM. shinji picks up his phone and has 12 notifications from akihiko within seconds of each other (its a grocery list). ken doing his homework and akihiko texts him “Koromaru” and nothing else (he needs to take koromaru for a walk later)
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mangacupcake · 5 months
Bridgerton Au- The Ashengrotto Family
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The Secret Keepers of the Upperclass
The Ashengrotto family has been rumored to be descended from the great sea witch.
Now they serve as information brokers and help keep the peace of the upper class even working with the worst of the worst to maintain the status quo.
Azul’s mother worked hard in bringing the “family business ” to land and found success bymarrying a wealthy lawyer from the surface.
Since then she’s stepped aside in most matters and let Azul become the head of the family. Who is feared for his wish granting contracts, and his eel bodyguards.
He is also rumored to have a “demon maid” that will get rid of any problem you have for a Hefty sum or a very restrictive contract. What’s unique is that she will take requests regardless of your social status. However that’s just a rumor… or is it?
Azul has a sister, Drusilla Ashengrotto. Who’s has seldom been seen by anyone. She’s coming of age and just in time!
With her secret heiress now known to the public and the all the fortune hunters out there and the up coming social season Lilith Crewel called in a favor.
It was rare sunny day when the carriage arrived at the Crewel Estate. A gathering was quickly arranged and both parties met in the drawing room. Isabella tried not to fidget as Lilith took her hands “ trust me pup.”
The three moved gracefully, “Lady Lilith, my brother expresses his regret in not attending this meeting in person but some business came up in the coral seas that he had to oversee.”
The girl looked no older than herself, but she moved and spoke with all the elegance and grace as her adoptive grandmother. “You must be Isabella. I’m Drusilla Ashengrotto, These two are my families bodyguards. This one on left is Jade leech.”
“Charmed.” Jade placed a chaste kiss on her hand, “the one on lady Drusilla’s right is my twin brother Floyd.”
Instead of a kiss on the hand or a polite bow Floyd opted to pull Isabella in a bone crushing hug, “what a cute lil shrimpy!”
Jade removed him from Isabella with ease “please don’t be offended that’s how Floyd expresses his affections.”
“I know they can be a bit much. But I promise they have nothing but the best of intentions.”
Floyd’s laugh made the hair on Isabella’s neck stand up. Drusilla saw the fear in Isabella’s eyes and took her hands, “ please don’t be scared. I know he’s… a bit much. But he’s means well. We all do. And you’ll find his mannerism charming soon enough.”
“Uh why?”
“I’m sure you know or know of the Ashengrotto family. And I’m sure you’ve heard of the roumors, I’ll spare you of that ridiculous chatter. But to put it simply we’re are both young women from prominent families, the social season is almost here. And it’s better to have a friend.”
Drews smile was warm. “I’m here to be your friend and to potentially find a match as well. Starting today I’ll be moving in and I do hope we’ll be friends. As a start please call me Drew. I’ve only really been called Drusilla in formal situations but I’m fine with either-”
Drew was caught off guard by The little heiress pulling her into a hug “I’m so excited! I can’t wait to show you the dogs. You’ll love Horace and Jasper! Oh no wait I need to show you the rose garden! Oh um, sorry I got excited, um forgive me, Grandmother maybe I show the library, please?’
Lilith chuckled, “your both dismissed. Dearest please make your friend feel at home.’
Once the girls were out of sight Lilith held her cigar out to be lit which Jade generously did with his fire magic “that demon maid lives up to rumors, especially the price. I don’t mind of course. She’s a worthy investment. I know she’ll do a good job.”
Jade hummed “Indeed. What a time Azul’s darling sister coming of age just as your heir is. What a hell of family we all are.”
Lilith knew she’d be gettin an earful from Marcus and her son but when it comes to Isabella she’d do anything to protect that girl. Even chasing in favors with some questionable businessmen…
@adrianasunderworld @marrondrawsalot @heiress-has-retired @the-weirdos-mind @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna
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fumifooms · 6 months
do you have any character analysis posts you're working on? i'm currently mulling Daya/Dia over in my head right now. In general, I'm thinking a lot about Kabru's team because they don't show up much in the manga and won't be in the show much longer as noticeable players, but have quite a bit of outside-the-manga content to comb through. Personally, I like the idea of Rin and Dia becoming friends with Marcille post-canon, but I want to know them better first. I know Rin pretty well already. 1/2
(for example, Rin/Dia/Marcille seem to like clothes, and i want to draw them clothes shopping.) And I ask this not to put all the work on you! I want to discuss these characters with somebody, and you're one of the only ones I can think of who enjoys doing in-depth dives into the side characters of Dungeon Meshi. You, summerboletes, shisurus, and ambrosiagourmet are some other blogs i can think of that made great meta posts. You can reply to this privately if you want! 2/2 (think about it. daya has a boyfriend and marries him post-canon. marcille loves romance and loves clothes. it'd be adorable if she helped daya find a wedding dress. like kabru introduces them and dia (god i'm so used to writing 'daya') mentions her wedding and marcille immediately pounces on her with eyes sparkling in excitement. i plan to write this fic one day)
This idea is so cute! I’ll also check out those other blogs you mentioned when I have the time to hehe~ I do latch onto minor characters easily but it doesn’t mean I have much to say about everyone. Dia (agreed btw, the situation with Daya vs Dia is confusing)… I do like her, but I feel like her Adventurer’s Bible profile sums it all up quite nicely and straightforwardly honestly. You’re right though her reaction to the treasure bugs was so cute and honestly surprising considering her appearance and demeanor, she does like pretty things and jewelry I could def see her going shopping. More content of her would definitely be fun, I’d read your fic!! I do love imagining how everyone’s relationships are like in Kabru’s party, the intricacies of it… I haven’t mulled it over enough though. I’ve been thinking of Mickbell more because of recent posts though, also Rin… If you’d like, the dunmeshi discord I’m in would be a good place to brainstorm about it I think! Hmu for an invite if you want
Summing up the posts I’m working on was long so here’s a cut out of mercy
I have 78 drafts on tumblr currently oh boy… The thing about my process is that I ramble easily but then I need to compile panels to illustrate the points and that’s real tedious… Character analysis wise - I’m most hyped about a Falin one on the topic of if she’s a people pleaser, how much does she care, what’s her way of thinking etc etc, also her differences with Laios because I hate seeing people seriously say they’re the same person. - Also a Cithis one that I just need to streamline at this point. I want to analyze her demeanor, poke at her psychology and analyze her relationships, she’s fascinating. - Oh I’m so stupid I almost forgot to mention the one I’ve been working on currently about Thistle, the age shenanigans but in an in-world way where yes it’s wonky and it means something. He hauntssss me I have so many thoughts on Thistle & Falin lately. Like, offtopic for the analysis but… Falin loves nature and Thistle is named after a flower… Imagine her post-canon coming across wild thistles and feeling a rush of fondness and she doesn’t know why… Thistles have thorns but they taste sweet… Peel of his thorns and eat him pls.
I have more Chilchuck & family thoughts coming, and more Toshiro & family, but these will have more of a casual brainstorm & speculating tone to them, I also just need to streamline these… Like I am obsessed about Toshiyuki and Chilchuck’s alcoholism I’m sorry
Beyond those the topics of the character analysis become more specific, like - How much social awareness does Laios have? Not none, not a lot, but the specifics can be blurry in ways I think are interesting, he was sensitive to people’s judgements in his hometown after all, and he does worry about others’ perception of him… He does know that buzzcut guy was taking advantage of him, etc etc. - There’s an extensive one I want to make on how the winged lion reflects abusive relationships, like how he targets all his ‘meals’'s specific weaknesses and draws out the worst in each of them. A lot of Dunmeshi is about unity and overcoming prejudices & differences & flaws and forming deep and long-lasting bonds despite it all, and amongst all of it it’s like… How flawed relationships with flawed people can still be made into somehing good and healthy that make the world brighter… Except the winged lion there to represent abusive relationships which you need to fucking DITCH, lol. - And on the topic of Dunmeshi & relationships I want to talk about it and queerness, especially in the queerplatonic sense of blurring lines, and Izutsumi + Laios’ relationship to touch should feature in those.
And my crown jewel but I’m soooo hyped about the Marcille & Chilchuck’s arcs one I’m working on it’s gonna go over so much stuff I’m obsessed about, like the importance of books in Marcille’s life, what the succubi reveal about the characters in what ways, the theme that’s so prevalent in Dunmeshi of idealization, Marcille’s imagery as a dungeon lord, a shepherd a general a princess a monster a damsel a woman in mourning…
But that’s enough for heavy ones, side characters wise: doing quick posts like for the gold-stripper characters has been great, but those usually come to me on the same day that I post them. I might make some analysis posts on say Mickbell or Holm or Otta, but I don’t have the thread I want to follow yet. Flamela’s been on my brain so much too…
Mostly though there’s just a lot that I wouldn’t write analysis for, but that I’d love to explore in fanfics! For example, the hienbeni I want to write the most rn is about the surges of anger that Benichidori gets, impulsive and stressed out. I haven’t made a post on my Izutsumi & Benichidori brotp and all the interesting parallels I think I have, but I’ve written a fic on it! Same about Chilchuck’s daughters and their relationship with his alcoholism, etc. I explored the guilt and confliction he may feel about his wife in my fic Enough as well, etc etc. You can see my fics here! For Kabru’s party lately mickrin has been having a chokehold on my brain, I’d love love love to explore Rin’s and Mickbell’s characters and issues through fics for them. As I think you might have figured, I love to explore characters through the lenses of relationships they have with others (Cithis & Mithrun and Pattadol, Thistle and Falin, etc), and that’s why for example I love to make posts that pitch ship ideas, I think specific dynamics can really have a lot to say about either characters. Oh another one’s toshimari, I want to make a fic about them and their feelings of being foreigners and not being able to integrate well to The Island, through the plot of them going to a restaurant as coworkers and the food they eat there~
These are only the ones I have at the top of my head though………. Someone help me Hopefully this post wasn’t boring lol, but yeah those are my wips rn. Need to make posts on toshimari, kabushuro, cithaios, cittadela and ships like that I think have interesting potential too. Many of these I’ve mentioned here I’ve had in my drafts for like 6 months btw gdvd 😭
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krystaldeath · 6 months
Cult of The Lamb hc’s (part of me feels like I should wait till I play the game myself - or watch a full playthrough at least - before I “solidify” these but meh. For now at least these are how I see things):
* Kinda typical hc I feel like but Leshy is the youngest, then it’s Heket, Narinder, Kallamar, and then Shamura is the oldest.
* Idk what their ages would be chronologically wise but my personal hc’s for “biological” age are: Leshy (21), Heket (25), Narinder (27), Kallamar (32), and Shamura (40). I think Lamb is about 200 years chronologically but 28 “biologically” (I think it’s funny if they’re “older” than Narinder)
* I don’t have a name for them yet but my version of the Yellow Cat is a little bit fucked up actually. Like they seem chill and they kinda are? But they’ve got a body count. And no not the sex kind. Think of that one audio where the guy answers the body count with 30 and when it’s clarified that it’s about sex he’s like “Oh well I haven’t done that yet!” And the other persons like “WHAT DOES 30 MEAN THEN???”
* I need y’all to know I project onto The Lamb HARD. So yeah, they always wanted to be kind and sorta made it a big part of their personality. Unfortunately their world and circumstances just doesn’t allow for their kindness. They still try to be as kind as they can be, but it’s hard when you’re slowly ascending to godhood, especially into the god of death.
* Also Agender Lamb. They/Them and ONLY They/Them Lamb all the way. Demi ro & sex & pan. They’re a?ab (assigned ??? At birth; bc I can’t decide but if you MUST know I think they can shapeshift a bit now so. Maybe they forgot themself lol). Presents androgynously, leaning either way whenever they feel like it. They have a more masc voice though I think, like the ones people use in comic dubs a lot.
* Once I figure out how to draw (could stop it there I am Rusty) anthropomorphic animals it’s over for y’all (Translation: I will draw my self insert and The Lamb being kinda fucked up Besties)
* The cotl fandom is filled with queer people who’ve got some level of religious trauma, let me recommend a recent song I’ve been looping and imagining a cotl/narilamb animatic to: Collared by Vane Lily (look it up on YouTube to watch the fun mv first!) WARNING IT IS HIGHLY SUGGESTIVE
* I’ve been flip flopping a bit on what species she’d be but I have ideas for a follower love interest for Heket! At first I thought a bunny, then a bee, and currently feeling like a bat would be cute. Idk but I do see her as a warrior type who also likes to bake and do cutesy things too
* I think once the bishops become followers their injuries are worse but they can still “work” around them: Leshy can kinda see things if they’re up close. Heket can sorta speak but not fast and she’s got. Well not a sore throat bc. She doesn’t have one of those anymore. But something akin to that constantly. Kallamar can only hear loud things or if someone spoke into his ear directly (he only allows those in his polycule and his siblings (minus Narinder) to get that close). Shamura does get a bit lost in their own mind, and even when they’re more conscious their memory is spotty.
* Back to my Yellow Cat being a bit fucked up: They actually really liked the idea of chaos (though they hardly show it) so when they find out Leshy was the bishop of chaos instead of being scared or unnerved they’re like “*twirls hair (fur??)* ha ha ha, omg, really~?”
* *slaps the top of The Lamb, Leshy, and probably so many others don’t underestimate me* these bitches can fit so much adhd (+ autism probably) in them
* Probably (geez I use that word a lot huh?) got more hc’s, especially for other characters, but this is already pretty long so I’ll leave it here for now
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muthaz-rapapa · 11 months
Hirogaru Sky Impressions (4/5)
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Keeping this short since I’m still tired from my trip and have stuff to do before going back to work tomorrow.
Thankfully, the past 10 eps only consisted of Majesty’s debut and some (really great) fillers.
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Starting with Majesty then. I’m honestly surprised I was correct about them keeping her a toddler despite aging her up when transforming. And as I guessed as much, this means she doesn’t really have a full-fledged character arc of her own.
Not that it’s a bad thing since Ellee-chan still gets a good amount of development cuz she’s a growing child, after all. Which is mainly shown through things like her speech improving significantly each day, learning how to better express herself and her wants. And of course, the heartwarming interactions with her friends who also have their moments in finding the best ways they can to support her (like how Ageha readily believed Ellee-chan who was frustrated when she had trouble transforming into Majesty).
These are all within range of what is expected for a child her age so a whole arc isn’t really needed and therefore, more time and focus can be dedicated to the older Cures, too. So I’m quite pleased with that.
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But I also can’t lie that it’s a shame we won’t see what a preteen Ellee-chan is like outside her alter ego.
That and considering her VA is Aoi Koga (of Kaguya-sama fame), we won’t get to hear a further extent of her acting in this role either.
Don’t get me wrong, Aoi Koga absolutely nailed the part of a baby, able to bring out Ellee-chan’s cuteness without making her sound annoying but…the potential is already a loss at this point.
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Additionally, for a midseason Cure, Majesty has the least going for her in other departments compared to those before her.
Up till now, they’ve barely scraped at the lore associated with her identity. So when she’s not fighting, she’s limited to being slightly better than the average mascot.
The only attack in her arsenal is simultaneously a group attack so she has to share it with the others. Not to mention half the stock footage doesn’t have her at the center but Sky instead. Despite the attack bearing her name.
With only 8 eps left in the season, it seems the writers brought Majesty out as part of Precure’s yearly formula schedule more than anything. Her purpose is mainly to renew viewers’ excitment in the show (and generate desire to buy the newest toy) since her debut brings a little something new to the table…but she is not allowed to outshine this season’s real star, the lead Cure.
Personally, I think the pros outweigh the cons so it doesn’t bother me too much but it’s also too noticeably flawed and biased for me to really accept it as okay.
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Moving on, the fillers.
They were all amazing, definitely better than the previous 10 eps.
Mashiro continuing to pursue the path towards becoming a picture book author and coming to terms with the fact that not everyone will receive her work with good reviews yet still choosing to draw because she’s doing it for herself and those who do enjoy her books was something that resonated with me deeply.
Then more time was devoted to her childhood friendship with Ageha which was super wonderful. We really needed that ep of how they became friends and the writers delivered so excellent job 👍
Ageha finally encountering struggles in her job and learning that it was okay to show sadness in front of her students was something I’ve been waiting a long time to see as well. It was especially good because it corresponded splendidly with the first ep of Otona Precure within the same week (which is also great so far) as the intro of that dealt with Nozomi trying to help her own student.
Portraying adults as realistic adults instead of perfect caricatures who can do anything. Showing hardships by not sweeping them under the rug but acknowleding them with the screentime they deserve so the characters can actually process their own feelings and work out a solution. Displaying a healthy level of idealism, not based on generic platitudes but actual belief. I really appreciate that.
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Yoyo cleverly getting Tsubasa a promotion to a sage in Skyland’s royal court was also 10,000 meters of screaming joy for me cuz yea, that boy is way too smart and talented to just settle for flying around. He clearly treasures his homeland and wants to make it a better place for all its inhabitants, including the Dragon Tribe that had been cut off from the rest of the country for decades. He obviously has what it takes to become a diplomat.
He acquired a new dream to devote himself and his skills to and that’s what anyone who’s as wholesome as Tsubasa should get. So it was fulfilling to see that come true for him.
Lastly, Sora. She only had one ep to herself this time but it was a good ep with a good topic (probably one of the best of the Sora eps). Honestly, I think I liked it more because it was only one ep, lol
So yea, with this, I think I’m all set for the rest of the show as far as Tsubasa and Ageha’s arcs are concerned. There will still be more fillers until ep 45 at least, plenty of time to close out the Mashiro and Sora’s as well as the lore surrounding Ellee-chan so it’s just a matter of concluding the story in a satisfying manner.
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Other than that, I’m also wondering if we’ll get any super forms for HiroSky since it’s already this late in the season…
…but you never know as it can happen in the finale. Not sure if HiroSky will get its standalone movie in Mar either but if so, we might see something there, too.
Ok, that is all. The season will pass by in a flash so enjoy the rest of HiroSky with a full heart and let’s begin to look forward to next Precure in the new year. Bye for now!
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third-arch · 10 months
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Some Reasons Why Trafalgar Law is a Comfort Character of Mine!!
Aka me rambling about Law 🥳🥳
Some context
Trafalgar Law is a character that I’ve known about since I was a kid. A little over 10 years to be exact. I’d seen cosplays of him in anime conventions, his iconic polar white cap in anime shops, and his Jolly Roger everywhere.
Thanks to Aokkun’s artwork, I’ve also kinda known about Corazon, too!!
 I never saw too many photos of him nor understood his power or character too well. I just knew that he was kinda popular and he was from One Piece.
I didn’t really start really liking him until I started getting more One Piece YT shorts. 
I eventually did a One Piece Boyfriends Quiz for fun to see who I’d get. Law happened to be tied for third or fourth place. I did some more quizzes later on, and he always ended up consistently near the top (like top 3-4). So, I watched some videos on Law, and ended up seeing the Kid and Law vs. Big mom fight scene. Idr if it was that particular video, but I remember closing it thinking like woah, he’s cool. 
After spending time researching him, spending time watching the anime, and indulging in his character and a lot of fanworks, I realized just how much this character means to me.
So, here are some reasons that I really like him!!
One thing that I really like about him is his style and appearance. It’s alot like how I like to dress and the clothes he wears, his hair color, skin color, color palette just really make me happy. 
I like that he’s a doctor, since medicine is something that I want to be involved with in the future. I’ve been having alot of burnout lately since October, and felt like I’ve been losing the motivation for what I want to pursue. But, being able to relate to being young and already had some experience with medicine and being surrounded by supportive adults is cool (I’m referring to the novel and his family, not Doffy lol). 
I like his design, VA’s, and attacks, too!! He’s just super cool in general. He’s also cute!!🤍🌸
I like how nerdy he is and honestly just all of the fun facts about him. How he’s a Libra like me, his flower (Queen of the Night), his spirit animal(s), where he’s from, his hobbies (not so much the coin collection deal, my sister collects coins!! Idk if she still does it tho).
I just really like him as a character. His black cat personality is a dynamic that I like working with alot. Him also being a doctor, I have alot of medical issues that I could see him helping me with and recognizing early on. He’d be someone who would look out for me. I feel like we’d butt heads in the beginning, but he’d always try to be patient. 
This reason is also a bit random, but he reminds me of my mom alot. 
My mom is someone who was incredibly intelligent at a young age. She had a really high IQ and was even suggested to do something with Harvard. 
I’m not one to tell her story, but to sum it up, the way her and Law handled life are very similar. The way Law treats Luffy is also very cute to me. It’s funny seeing the high IQ black cat character x ADHD ball of sunshine together. 
 So, being able to understand his character and his motives was really easy. He’s a complicated character, but reading the novel helped me recognize that I’m understanding him well. 
He’s really fun to draw lol!! There’s not much else to say but yeah!! I like drawing him a lot.
He also just makes me feel confident. Being genderfluid, he really helps me express my masculine side. I love how he still likes cute things and sweet things.
He also has some weird habits that I relate to, one of them being the bread thing LOL. I always thought it was alittle weird, but I realized that I’m pretty picky about bread, too. 
I really like making HC’s for him and relating them to the people I know who remind me alot of Law. 
One thing that I don’t think about a lot are the people in our lives who did alot of damage to us. I don’t talk about it too often, but I can kinda relate to Law’s story with Doffy and Corazon. Like Law, I met someone (who really likes flamingos too lol) at a low point, and it really only became worse, until another individual showed up and helped us out. They showed us the good in life and loved us. That person happens to be my boyfriend!! 
It wasn’t an easy road, but, like Law, I started seeing the good in life, despite all of the bad luck I have. 
Writing No Surprises has really helped me indulge in him as a character and enjoy writing. He makes me really happy and will definitely hold a dear place in my heart. 
Anyways, I just wanted to ramble about it. I can’t wait to keep working on No Surprises!! I’m still editing and changing bits and pieces as I go along, but the ending and key details will be the same. 🌸🌸🌸
Regardless, I'm still finding more and more reasons to like him everyday, and it makes me super happy!! 🤍✨
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seal-writes-stuff · 2 years
oh my god i'm drunk with power slamming this ask button again & again -- Seal does Dani do anything to celebrate Halloween? the very thought of her in a cute dorky costume or chickening out of a haunted house/horror movie bc it's too stressful is making me COMBUST. please share your valuable insight, tsym (:
Spooky Season
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: F!Reader, some suggestive stuff (nothing explicit but still), otherwise pure fluff
Summary: Glimpses of the Halloween celebration you and Dani have together.
A/N: Ask and you shall receive >:) Happy belated Halloween, guys! I couldn’t choose between a fic and a list of headcanons for this one, so I’ve decided to try something new and kinda did a blend of both. Hope you enjoy!
“Hey, quit squirming!” you throw your hands in the air, pretending to be exasperated, as Dani struggles not to laugh. “You’re running my hard work. I simply cannot continue in such dire conditions.”
“Dire? Seriously?”
“Well, not that dire,” you wiggle your eyebrows. “But, y’know. I could use some cooperation.”
“Can you blame me, though? It’s been half an hour…”
 “You can’t rush art, miss Ardor. Now sit tight or it’ll be, like, ten more hours and that’s a promise.”
She huffs, pretending to be annoyed, but you know she doesn’t mean it. You can’t imagine Dani ever being seriously angry at you, especially without talking it out.
A few silent minutes pass as you keep drawing shiny scales on her cheekbones. Some face paint here, some glitter there – everything to create a perfect make-up for a mermaid costume. You’ve designed a whole thing yourself too, in just a couple of hours.
Dani’s very inspiring, what can you say.
“Thank you, by the way,” you look up, only to be met with her gentle gaze, shining with bashful adoration. “For this. I know it's silly, but-”
“You make it sound like a favor,” you murmur under your breath, returning to you work. “And not like a blessing it is. So… Can’t take it, sorry.”
“Oh,” Dani’s voice cracks. She blinks a few times. “That’s- That’s really beautiful.”
“That’s just how it is,” you move away, giving Dani’s face a one last look-over. “Speaking of beautiful! Not to brag or anything, but I think this is my magnum opus. If you dragged me to the bottom of the sea, I’d just thank you.”
“That’s a siren, not a mermaid.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m not an expert in, uh, mermology,” you revel in a small giggle she gives you. “Then what? You’ve sold your voice to the sea witch to see the human world?”
“Yeah, right. To see a very…” Dani looks away, blush still obvious despite all the makeup. “Um, special part of it.”
Now it’s your turn get flustered. You stare at her lips; a glance not stolen, but gifted freely.
“Well then. Better give you a true love’s kiss really quick.”
“What about ruining your hard work?”
“Eh, who cares? There’s always more glitter.”
���Is it over?” Dani peeks at the screen, only to immediately hide her face in the crook of your neck again.
“It didn’t even start! That’s literally just two people talking.”
“Yeah, for now!”
“Oh, come on,” pausing the horror movie the two of you are watching, you let out a soft laugh. You’re not even looking at the screen anymore and you don’t need to– you know how it goes. You’ve seen it way more times than you’d like to admit; it’s cheesy and the special effects didn’t age all that well, but it’s still dear to your heart. Also, it’s not scary at all.
Well, not for everyone, apparently.
“You know,” you whisper in Dani’s ear, feeling her shiver at the proximity of your warm breath. “If you just wanted to cuddle, could’ve just said so.”
“It’s not like that.”
“Oh, so you didn’t want to cuddle?”
“No, I- That’s not- Ah!” she hides her face in her hands with a groan. You don’t reply, opting for a kiss on a cheek instead. “You’re so annoying, I swear.”
 “And yet here we are,” you murmur, earning a content sigh from Dani. “I love you so much, y’know? Don’t you forget.”
“Don’t think I can.”
An image of a rubbery-looking monster peeking from the shadows lingers on the TV screen for hours, forgotten.
“Alright, so trick or treat?”
Dani rolls her eyes, attempting to grab the bowl of leftover candy you’re holding, but you’re quick enough to pull it away. It’s dark outside; the kitchen is illuminated with all the candles you’ve managed to find around the house, the soft orange glow outlining cardboard bats and plastic skeletons. You were aiming for “scary” when you’ve set the decorations up. Still, “romantic” fits better anyway, love shining through the playful horror.
Honestly, you can’t complain.
“Pretty sure that’s not how it works.”
“It is now!” you put the bowl in one hand, placing the other on her forearm. “Come on, baby, humor me for a minute. Trick or treat?”
“Alright, alright, uh…trick? I’m scared already.”
“That’s the point of the holi- Hey, not so fast!” you cut your girlfriend’s another attempt to steal candy from you short, grinning. “Tell me. What did a skeleton say to her girlfriend after a date?”
“Can’t even imagine. Wait, don’t you dare say ‘let’s bo-”
“Let’s bone.”
“Oh my God,” Dani buries her head in her hands as you cackle triumphantly. “This is awful. Get out.”
“You’ve chosen it, not me!” reaching into the bowl, you pull out a Twix and hand it to her. “Here. A whole bar, you deserve it.”
“Thank you.”
Without another word, Dani grabs the candy from you and unwraps it, handing you one of the sticks. You put the bowl down; for a moment, the both of you are too busy with your sweets to talk, but you can tell there’s something on her mind. That little frown of hers, made all more adorable by the fact that she has no idea about it.
“Okay, no- I’m curious now,” Dani brushes the crumbs off her mouth with a quick gesture. “What would be a treat?”
“Want a trick and a treat?” you move closer, your voice dropping to a sultry whisper. “Your wish is my command. What did I say to my girlfriend after this date?”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Worked so far.”
Dani doesn’t answer. Instead, she leans in and you comply happily, drowning in her soft embrace. Sweeter than any candy, warmer than any candle.
“Y/N, it’s…” Dani whispers, pressing her forehead to yours. “It’s really nice.”
“What is?”
“This. You,” she kisses you, smiling against your lips. “I mean, it’s so- Can we do this next year? Please. I’d really love that.”
“I think that’s how that ‘holiday’ thing wo- Ow!” with a giggle, you steal another kiss, closing your eyes in pure joy. “Of course we can. Happy Halloween, baby.”
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mydollsaregay · 1 year
i picked some stuff up from fb marketplace today! I actually got more than I planned for, as some items were marked as sold online, but the seller said they were actually still available, so i was able to get them as well!
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the overview (plus bonus doggy).
sam’s bed frame was the original draw for me with this lot - i actually got just the bedding in a lot a while back, and have since been keeping an eye out for just the bed frame at a reasonable price. i’m so excited to have found it! it’s definitely seen some play, but it is still super cute and totally good for my purposes.
the desk is going to end up being sold or given away, as i don’t have the space for a school setup in the dollhouse. i told the seller she could keep it and sell it to someone else, but she wanted to sell it as a set with some of the other stuff that i wanted so oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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i’m super pumped to have sam’s nightstand (even missing a handle) alongside her bed frame! it means i’ll be able to reuse her current bed frame and side table in another room.
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in the accessories box, i got kanani’s beach outfit and paddleboard set! (+bonus random sunglasses) before i got the stuff today, i actually had no idea this was kanani’s, i just thought it was cute. when I found the map though, i was very excited, and immediately knew at least some of this stuff had to be hers. to my excitement, this all was! (other than the bonus random sunglasses haha)
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next, some super cute pieces from a costco sleepover set and a petite place settings set. I’m most excited about the book, magazine, and game!
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there was also some super cute christmas stuff! there’s a santa hat, a santa themed apron, a whole gingerbread house decorating set, and some totally adorable tiny ornaments. i don’t believe the ornaments are ag branded, but they’re super detailed and high quality, and i LOVE them. this year, i’m totally gonna set them up on a mini tree.
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next up, kit’s school bag, school supplies, lunch, and lunchbox! I totally wasn’t expecting these and was really excited 😄 kit+claudie’s room is one of the most complete rooms in the dollhouse, and am always excited to add some more little details.
I already had some of kits school supplies and her backpack, but it’s awesome to have more. the lunchbox is totally new for me, and I’m super hyped about it! ive always loved the look of metal lunchboxes, especially in miniature!! the seller also had kit’s bed, but i had to pass, as I’ve already got one.
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finally, the classic “other miscellaneous items” group haha. the dog, music stand, and hair brush are very normal items to find in a lot. felicity’s noah’s ark toy (sadly sans most figures, though there is one that i miscategorized as a ginger bread person while i was taking pictures), and a cute statue of liberty outfit for coconut are much cooler to me!
overall, this was a really cool collection of items! i had a ton of fun going through them. i also had a ton of fun picking them up, as my friend graciously joined me on my journey to keep me company while i drove, and we stopped for ice cream on the way back!
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evansbby · 2 years
bestie!! im sorry if I sound delirious writing this I just got home from uni and work and decided to read the poyt prequel as a treat😋 but I still want to share my thoughts on it before I go to sleep <3
first of all, I had to pause, close my eyes and breathe halfway through reading it because Steve is such a dick!! poor baby omega, minding her own business, she just wants to finish her studies!😫
second, the flowers!! I love how significant it is in Steve’s life with the little flashbacks from his childhood, and how he imagined giving omega yellow roses alongside his sappy thoughts, associating omega’s scent with the magnolias…
it made that one scene in poyt4 even more special knowing that he was gonna give it to omega, he was showing omega how much he loves her  (even though he wasn’t ready to admit it yet at the time and projected on omega for “cheating”, but we’re just gonna pretend that didnt happen lol). Omega is just his little flower🥺 he irresistibly loves flowers since the beginning  but he just doesn’t know how to show it!! 
third, the drawings 😫😫 i’m an artist myself and I am terrible drawing from memory! he must’ve really memorised and spent a LOT of time looking at Omega for him to draw her with so much details, our Steve is just a cute little softie awe
Although it pained me to see Steve being a huge douchebag, I’m excited to see how he will redeem himself in poyt 5 now that he finally accepted the fact that he truly loves omega! I hope he will actually start acting on his softer side and not just hide it in his consciousness😣Right now I just want to give omega a big hug from having to go through all of that!! 😫 men are just so weird sometimes 🤧
thank you so much for this lovely read!! I’ve been following this series for awhile now and I know how hard you worked on it<3 your blog and your writings became a constant thing in my life in 2022 and I can’t wait to support more of your work this year!! Sending much love mwa mwa mwa !!! 💌💌
YES YES YES!! Thanks so much for this amazing review, I loved reading through it ughh you have no idea!!
Okay so YESS not only does he associate omega’s scent with the magnolias from his childhood, her scent IS the magnolias from his childhood. Meaning he was obsessed with her scent ever since he was a child. Meaning that it was always meant to be her 😭😭😭
And the yellow roses 😌😌 I feel like those roses also grew in his mom’s garden and he just fixated on them from a young age (ugh damn I should’ve included this ajdjsjajka) anyways, so now every time he buys roses, he gravitates towards the yellow ones. Yellow is also like the colour of spring and hope and that’s also what he associated her scent with.
I LOVE that you said she’s just his little flower, I find that so cute and important! Bc Steve’s mom tells him that flowers need love and nurturing to grow, else they die. Mirrors how his own omega “wilts” and starts losing all hope when Steve mistreats her a lot. 🥲🥲🥲
And finally, the drawings 😌😌 yes, Steve literally spent hours and hours staring at her. During lectures, following her around, finding her social media and looking at the grainy pics 😭😭😭
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