#I’m surprised all the placements mapped on to the characters so well!
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duskrosecreatesstuff · 6 months ago
What if ...
... your Tav was blind. At least, partially. This came from an idea on Twitter some time ago, and it's taken me long enough to polish up because I've fallen heavily into this idea. To the point of having come up with a whole backstory, including assistive magics that help them navigate the world, and ultimately having rolled them up as a character in BG3. I've got notes on how certain other scenes would play out, so there may be more to this in the future. For now, have their take on how to read Astarion's scars. (Dialogue is lifted directly from the game.)
You stood from your seat on the log by the fire, linking your fingers together and stretching your arms out in front of you.  With a roll of your shoulders you peered carefully around.  The night seemed dull, the shadows were blurrier, so you decided to err on the side of caution, and waved your hand in the motion to cast your Weave mapping.  You waited a moment or two for the faint purple matrix to settle over the contours of the campsite, before moving to take your usual evening walk.
As you neared Astarion’s tent, you noticed him fidgeting, and could hear him muttering to himself, something about some letters.  As you got closer, you could make out his arm twisted behind his back.
“What damned language is this?” he muttered, his fingers splayed out over his scars.
You paused, knowing he probably wasn’t expecting an answer, but you gave one anyway.  “I thought you didn’t care what Cazador wrote on your back.”
He flinched, spinning around to face you.  “Ah! There you are.  I admit, I got curious.”  
“Ah.  Well, sorry to bother you.  I’ll leave you alone.” you apologised and turned to go.
“Wait - I’m sorry.  You caught me by surprise, that’s all. I’ve been tracing the scars on my back with my fingers, trying to read them by touch, but I can’t.  They may as well be written in Rashemi.”
He was trying to read by touch?  This gave you an idea.  “Would you mind if I tried something?”
“I - this isn’t your problem, you know.”
“I know.  But, I may be able to help read it, if you turn around”
He slowly turned away from you, displaying his back with the raised scars.  You stepped closer to him, raising your hand to reach for his back, but paused, and nervously pulled your hand back.  It hadn’t escaped your notice that when you’d spent the night with him, he had gently redirected your hands away from his back.  You hadn’t known why at the time, but once you learned about his scars, it became clear.  He’d wanted to avoid you touching them.
“And? What does it say?” he asked impatiently.
“I’m not sure yet.”
“But you can read it?”
“I can.  But …”
“But? But what?” His voice was getting whiny in frustration.
“I need your consent for what I’m about to do.”
“What? Why?” He twisted to look over his shoulder at you, and you could make out a frown creasing his face.
“I’m mostly blind, remember.  I have some sight, a little more than I used to, thanks to the parasite, but I can’t read normal books anymore.  So I learned to read special books with raised letters.  I learned to read by touch.  Which is why I need your consent.  I’d need to touch you.  To touch your scars.”
“You read … by touch …” he whispered, turning away from you again, and you wished you could make out the look on his face.  A heartbeat passed as he considered your offer.  Two.  Three.
“I - I suppose it couldn’t hurt.” You heard him sigh.  “Go ahead.  Please.”
You lifted your hands to his shoulders and cautiously placed your palms against his skin.  He shivered a little, the warmth of your hands in stark contrast to his coolness.  You ran your hands down to the first marks, and then around, using your palms to trace the outline of the design, to learn the placement of the marks.  You felt him tense beneath your touch, fighting with himself not to pull away from you.  You would swear he almost lost that battle as your fingers trailed down a line that led almost to his hips.  As you began to trace the runes with your fingertips, you recognised the language.
“It’s Infernal” you gasped softly, pulling your hands back reflexively, your claws catching on the raised marks, and scratching lightly against his skin.
“Ah! What the hells are you - wait, did you say Infernal?”
“What language were you expecting?”
“I don’t know.  Not that.”
You dropped your hands to your sides, and frowned.  “Well, now you know.  You will probably want to have Karlach read it for you.“
“But you can read it? You can tell me what it says?”
“I can.  But I felt the tension in your back.  I don’t want to make you any more uncomfortable than you already are with how I read.” 
His voice was soft when he next spoke.  “It’s … unusual, I’ll admit.  But I trust you.  I want you to read it for me.” He snorted.  “Besides, Karlach would most likely tell me it’s a filthy limerick or some such.”
You smiled, a small huff of laughter escaping you.  “Alright then.  Just … bear with me a moment.”
You carefully traced each rune, your fingertips gliding from one to the next, following the circular patterns.  Your lips moved soundlessly, as your mind translated the shapes into words.  You frowned, running your fingers over it again, to be sure you had it right.  You signed in annoyance.
“Well? Have you puzzled it out?”  he asked softly.  Despite that, you could hear the touch of impatience in his tone.
You sighed. “It’s not a poem, that’s for sure. A pact, maybe?  It talks about ‘the fires below’, there’s mention of some kind of oath, and beyond that, it’s just fragments.  Whatever this is, this is only a part of it.”
You let your hands fall away from his back, and you twined your fingers together as he turned back towards you.
“An infernal pact?” he pondered, his tone thoughtful.  “But not even the whole text?  What was that bastard up to?”
“You really have no idea what this is?”
“None at all … But if this is part of a contract, it must be powerful.  Or valuable.  Or both.  No wonder he wants me back.  What have I run off with …”
“If this is part of a contract, where’s the rest?”
“I wasn’t his only spawn.  And he tortured us all - I imagine each of us are carrying a piece of this infernal contract.  But what could a devil have offered Cazador?  He had wealth, power, control - what more could you want?”
You didn’t miss the way he spat the words out - wealth, power, control.  His desire, his jealousy was clear. 
Astarion shook his head.  “Perplexed.  This was a surprise, and Cazador’s surprises are never good.  Then again, even he couldn’t know I’d be kidnapped.  Whatever he planned, it’s gone wrong.  Which gives us an advantage.”
Us. You winced at his use of the word, certain he didn’t mean to include you in whatever scheme he was planning.  You knew full well that you were no one’s first choice for help.  Not anymore
“We should tell the others, They might be able to help”
“No! No, let’s keep this between ourselves.  At least until we know what it means.”
“Alright.” you agreed.  Keeping his secrets was something you could certainly do.  After all, it felt like you were doing that for almost everyone in camp.  You turned to leave, but paused as he spoke up once more.
“Thank you, by the way.  This is … well, it’s something.”
You turned your head to throw a smile back over your shoulder at him. “Don’t mention it.” 
“Given the subject matter, I probably won’t.”
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lyrebirdswrites · 4 years ago
not me drawing and interpreting proper astrological birth charts for the jjk main trio now that the official fan book finally gave us their birthplace in addition to their birthday 👀
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Explanation under the cut! (edited to be more beginner friendly)
Quick disclaimer ig: this is just my personal interpretation of these placements. If you read the way I describe something and you think to yourself “hang on, I have this placement and this doesn’t sound like me at all” that would be because a) I am an amateur astrologer and I do this for fun, I don’t know everything about every sign/planet, and b) no placement exists in isolation - it’s influenced by the house it’s in as well as any other planets aspecting it - so it’s possible that the placement manifests in a less conventional/standard way due you because of such factors.
EDIT: my first draft of this post was not super beginner friendly so here’s a quick astrology 101 to help people understand wtf I’m talking about. Skip to the next photo if you don’t need a primer.
Everyone has ten main planets in their birth chart, each of those planets will fall under a different sign depending on when and where you were born. The planet governs an area of your personality, the sign shows what that area of your personality is like. Some quick definitions of the relevant planets for this post:
Sun: the one everyone thinks of when asked ‘what’s your star sign’. Your basic personality, your core, your ego.
Moon: symbolises emotion, intuition, your private internal world, and how feelings are expressed.
Mercury: symbolises communication, intellectual reasoning, and how you learn.
Venus: symbolises romance, aesthetics, how you socialize, and pleasure-seeking behaviours like shopping or sightseeing.
Mars: the source of your passion/drive/motivation. Symbolises where and how you expend your energy.
Retrograde: not a planet, just something the planets do sometimes. At some points in the year the planets look like they’re moving ‘backwards’ through the sky, and this alters their influence on the birth chart.
I think that’s probably enough but shoot me an ask if you’re curious/confused! I’m always happy to talk astrology (clearly lol)
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Megumi... I always suspected he had scorpio influence somewhere in his chart and turns out I was right!! Not only scorpio venus but scorpio mars too?? I’m obsessed with this. Scorpio is a water sign (read: big on emotions), the embodiment of the phrase ‘still waters run deep’, and though scorpio placements are not always loud about their affection they tend to bond in a pretty intense way with their chosen people. Those venus and mars placements together really do speak of ride or die devotion - no wonder he’s Like That when it comes to Yuuji people he cares about.
His jupiter and saturn are both in retrograde; I would not have predicted it because I don’t think about natal retrograde all that much, but it actually makes a lot of sense imo. Retrograde jupiter usually indicates someone who is internally very philosophical in the sense that the person will define their own firm moral/ethical code instead of following a familial or societal belief system, which is pretty much megumi ‘I save people according to my own conscience’ fushiguro in a nutshell. While retrograde saturn is basically like. On the outside you’re stoic but on the inside you’re a worrywart, and you take responsibility Super Seriously but you also don’t like people with authority pushing you around needlessly. Which is also megumi in a nutshell lol.
His leo moon was a surprise but I honestly think it works for him because this is definitely where Unhinged Feral Megumi comes from: when he decides to go all out he gets such a flair for the dramatic. capricorn sun and capricorn mercury are pretty intuitive tbh, he really gives off capricorn vibes - practical, reserved, loyal, ambitious and tenacious, possessing a dry wit, capable of putting in steady hard work to get to where he wants to be.
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I was already aware of Nobara’s leo sun because we’ve had their birth dates for a while now (birthplace is the new info which lets me draw the whole chart). But her cancer moon is such a lovely placement under that hard outer shell of hers. Nobara seems like she does not have a nurturing bone in her body, but it’s wrong to stereotype cancers as exclusively homebody motherly types - they have deep loyalty for their chosen family/home and they’ll go to the ends of the earth for those people in their own way whatever that may be... she really is a softie deep down 🥰 she really does care 🥰 thinkin about the end of her ch 125 flashback in this context
Nobara’s virgo mercury is actually kind of funny to me because while it indicates a natural gift for intellect and a talent for sorting out the fine details, it also has the potential to make someone a harsh critic who can nitpick and be quite blunt in stating their opinions... this is very Nobara, she does Not spare the feelings of anyone she is talking to lol.
Libra venus!! She has libra venus that’s so perfect!!! this placement is sophisticated and charming and always classy, these people adore that classic chocolates-and-roses romance but they turn love of all kinds into an art form. Traditionally the placement is also associated with people who care about beauty and harmony, who will go out of their way to look good for their companions. Also her leo mars... I love that. It’s really amplifying her bold outspoken flashy self-loving take-charge nature. Queen energy right here.
She has a bunch of natal retrogrades but the one I want to talk about is retrograde uranus... this one is Very fitting and again almost funny in the context of her character. You know how she’s always convinced she’s the only sane person in the room when actually she’s the unhinged one 24/7 and not self aware about that in the slightest? Yeah. That’s big retrograde uranus vibes.
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Oh Yuuji... I could talk about your pisces sun all day 🥺 I could get Very technical and meta about the pisces association with the twelfth house and the fact that it’s ruled by neptune and what that says about his character, but I don’t have the room or the time so I’ll save that for another post. For now I’ll just say that the fact that he cares so deeply for others regardless of how well he knows them, the way he feels his feelings so intensely and is very intuituve/sensitive to others needs, him being interested in the occult before he ever found Sukuna’s fist finger, it all just seems more pisces to me than any other sign. And him having pisces mercury + pisces uranus in addition to his sun is also very sweet... our boy really thinks with his heart at all hours of the day doesn’t he?
His libra moon is such a fitting placement, too, because this moon is all about relationships - not just romance but bonds of all kinds, friends and family and companions of any sort. Yuuji as a character is so motivated by the bonds he shares with others and his desire to not be alone, especially on his deathbed. Libra moons are charming and personable and find it very easy to connect with others, they are deeply concerned with justice and will be accepting of everyone except for people who are cruel (exhibit a: just look how he responded to mahito). I think it’s a very apt moon for him to have.
Tbh if I were picking and choosing I might have loaded him up with yet more pisces energy and given him my favourite placement in the whole world, venus in pisces. But he actually has an aquarius venus and I think that’s so interesting! The part of this placement that speaks to his character for me is the way that aquarius venus love is defined by radical acceptance - there is never any judgement (I won’t judge you, Junpei!), because this venus seeks not only to see and understand but to be seen and understood in turn. Some say aquarius venus is an emotionally detached placement. I think that’s a mischaracterisation, but it is true that aquarius placements can be low key scared of intimacy and vulnerability even when they crave it lmao. An aquarius venus will sort through turmoil in their heart by retreating to think it over in isolation, rather than by submitting to the mortifying ordeal of being known and reaching out. Manga readers if u know u know
All I can say about his capricorn mars is that it definitely embodies that determined protagonist vibe. Thoughts like ‘I want to get stronger, I want to be the best, I’ll put in the work to come out on top’ are very capricorn thoughts to have, and the drive and forward momentum associated with mars really push them to the front of his character. But also, again; an underdeveloped capricorn mars under stress will shut out possibilities for connection with loved ones by dedicating themselves to their job or cause. Yuuji learn healthy coping mechanisms challenge 2k21.
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years ago
NCIS Reaction: Minimum Security
Wench (@scripted-downfall) reacts.  At a later time period, and without having seen Wench’s reaction, Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts.  Comparisons may be made as a result.
“If my old man finds out I’ve been biking with you, he’ll kill us both” “I’ll get you a ride.”  Sounds like they might not just have been biking, if’n ya know what I mean.
[“Don’t get your thong in a twist”]
“What if he doesn’t stop?”  “Oh, he’ll stop.”  Buddy, I’m not sure I’d be so certain about that
Ohhhhh, the poor bike :(((( 
I understand him being pissed about the bike, for real.
That doesn’t change the fact that the guy’s already dead, I bet y- [Aghhhhh’ ☠️☠️☠️  Well he ain’t gonna be wishing shit lol]  WHAT DID I SAY!!!  (Should I start keeping a prediction counter?  I think I should.  Prediction Success: 1)
[Aight imma say it. Gibbs is handsome.  There I said it.  Add it to my weird list]  I don't get this one, but that's not much of a surprise to me these days alksdjf  [Idk it’s his smile. Kinda Tom cruise-y but 🤷🏻‍♀️]
I love the sections of the intro belonging to Tony and Abby.  His lil wave?  Her lil jump?  So cute.
Ducky’s assistant’s name is Gerald, btw.
If not gallbladder stones, then… Diamond smuggler?
“They’re stones, doc.”  Diamonds looking possible.
Oh, come on!!!  EMERALDS???? 
[Emeralds.  Well shit]
I’m so annoyed now.  I think diamonds should count.  The point was there; “gemstones” was the correct answer.  I just didn’t get the exact gem right.  Hmph.  Now I’m unhappy.  You know what?!  I got the gemstone part right, so.  (Prediction Success: 1.5)
I also got the smuggling part right, so… (Prediction Success: 2.5)
[God I’m glad Tony brought his hair back forward.  The slicked back wasn’t it.] Agree.
Tony being linguistically pedantic makes me happy; I relate
[Sir how many times you gonna swap which way you’re wrapping that cord]
Oof, NCIS agent is involved.
“The women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy.  That’s probably why I don’t date many women.”  Gibbs.  Ma’am.  Excuse you.  Sawdust is amazing.  The smell is awesome.  I would not date Gibbs, but the sawdust is not the issue.
All of these characters spilling Gibbs’ coffee… damn, what a waste.
“The Navy’s giving us a priority ride today.”  TONY FINALLY GETS HIS PRIVATE JET RIDE!  He looks so disbelieving; he’s adorable.
Oh.  Okay, apparently it’s not a private jet ride, and is very uncomfortable, but still.
OH.  Apparently it is a private jet ride.  HAH!
Dude, this looks like the Criminal Minds jet.  [It looks like the criminal minds plane] (SBC Count: 2)
Gibbs bemoaning the comfortable seating because it’s not uncomfortable; madam, calm yourself.  A little comfort will not harm you.
Poor Tony, keeps getting his hopes up about the trip, only to have them dashed.  Then again, the last times this happened, things were then better than he expected, so maybe he’ll get his horseback riding et al. after all!
Okay, I suppose I should have said: Oof, NCIS agent might be involved.
NO BUT TONY PULLING UP THE AIRPLANE STATS ON THE TOUCHSCREEN IS SO RELATABLE; I DO THAT ALL THE TIME.  Whenever I fly (very rare occurrence), I always stare at the air temperature and watch it change alsdkjf. Gibbs actually looked vaguely annoyed-but-endeared, and I approve.
“Anthony DiNozzo”  Whoa, we’re being fancy
[HES CHEESING SO HARD. i can’t even]
[I love her hair cut]
I know she said “there’s a map in it”, but my subtitles got cut off and it reads “there’s a man in it”
Y’all are really not being subtle, ngl.
“So, is there something going down that I should know about?” SEE?!?!?!
Wow, they were even more unsubtle than I thought.
[I half-remember this one]
That scene change was… abrupt.
I like Tony’s shirt.
Are Kate and Tony gonna bicker over room placement
I KNEW IT.  (Prediction Success: 3.5)
Kate saying Tony’s sexist in past episodes and also being the character who pulls the “I’m a woman” excuse more often than anyone to get her way
[I love Abby]
Are they still bickering over room placement
Please tell me Gibbs takes the room they were fighting over
WHAT DID I SAY; HE REALLY WENT AND DID THAT! I’M ON A ROLL (Adding two becuase they were still bickering over room placement btw.  Prediction Success: 5.5) [He took the bed with the bath I love it]  (SBC Count: 3)
[Tony.  You child.  I love it]
IGUANAAAAAA.  [Oh man, iguana]  (SBC Count: 4)
Poor Tony aksdjflkasjdf. Pulling his gun on the iguana.  [HALT]
To be fair, if I woke up with a strange lizard on my pillow, two inches away from sleep-clogged eyes, I might flip out too.  Especially since it was hissing.
[The wink at the fact Tony sleeps in the nude, though.  Kate!  You dog!]
Kinda poor Benjamin, but also.  He seems annoying.
I love Abby’s choker.  And her gloves.  (My brother bought my sister fingerless gloves and didn’t get me any and now I’m left mourning what could have been.). Abby’s are still cooler than my sister’s though.
Tony being followed by the iguana saldkfj 
[That iguana staring him down. He like what he saw in bed lol]
“Might want to keep that door shut; iguanas’ve been known to wander inside”. Yes.  Tony knows.
[Tony’s whole damn looks change with his hairstyles]
I love the word “rapport”
“Did I say both of you?”  “Well, you didn’t not say both of us.”  “She’s kinda got a point there, boss.”  The Kate-and-Tony-versus-Gibbs interaction I always knew we needed.
btw, Tony calling Gibbs “boss” is adorable
Ooh, Gibbs, why you having Kate stay, huh?
Did.  Did they just randomly time-skip from him leaving to him coming back?  I’m confused.  [Did the video time skip… did it go from Tony leaving to Tony being back]  (SBC Count: 5)
[Lord Tony’s gonna be out there dancing ☠️]
“Shane.”  “Who’s Shane?”  “Alan Ladd.”  “Who’s Alan Ladd?”  BUDDY
“Why aren’t you praying?”  Don’t assume, Ka-  WHAT DID I SAY.  “I’m Presbyterian.”
“Oh, you young people don’t know what good movies are.”  Speaking as a person on the younger end of the gamut while still having been raised on classics, I can attest that modern audiences have suffered in movie quality.  In my opinion, at least.
“‘Splat’ isn’t violent?”  Love you, Tony.
“Are you here to check me out?”  Flirtatiously: “Define ‘checking out.’”  I SEE YOU, TONY
Buddy’s not even subtle rn, is he?  That was blatant flirtation.
[Tony. You blew that one]
I feel like pulling out Paula has some serious risks attached.  Yeah, she might be dirty, but she might not be, and her rapport is being screwed up as a result.
Tony playing the desperate flirt at the bar over here.
[She came back]
“If you don’t like me, then why do you keep coming over here for refills.”  “I like the game.”. “Me too.”  ngl, really hoping she’s not corrupt because the banter is decent.  And since McGee isn’t in this one, I’ve gotta take the repartee where I can get it.
 BUDDY GETS HIS DANCEEEE.  Tony, I’m so proud.
OOP-  That spin was slick; Tony, I commend you
— — — 
Stopping here because we’re at a scene change for the midpoint reaction!
I confess I’ve not much to say… It very much annoys me that this show has been very guilty-until-proven-innocent, without many instances where that changes; I mean, just from what springs to mind, there was the episode where the group was convinced the kid committed suicide; the naval folks were taking drugs; and now this, the ep where they’re all assuming that Cassidy is dirty from the fact that the vic had her (his coworker’s) male in her care.  They always assume, even when it’s illogical to do so, that the obvious is factual.  And I think that’s part of why I keep making predictions to the contrary, tbh.  I want them to be wrong because I want them to face their illogic each time, instead of getting lucky.  (But, I recognize, sometimes they’ll be right even if their logic isn’t sound, so I guess that’s fair.). Anyway, I want Cassidy to be innocent because of that, even if it doesn’t make sense given the story, but I’m not making that a prediction.
Mourning McGee’s absence; appreciating Kate and Tony, and Gibbs is not bad.  On we go!
— — —
I’m cringing just thinking about swallowing those emeralds; they look sharp.
Okay, I’m sorry, but I’m vaguely suspicious of museum-curator-translater dude.  Like, ever since I saw Shutter, where Ben’s lying to Jane about what the photo shaman dude was saying?  I never trust that translators are adequately conveying the message.  Call me cynical, but ‘tis true.
Tony dancing with Cassidy is so cute, I’m sorry.
Damn, Gibbs, be even more blunt about it why don’t you; that wasn’t harsh enough
Iffy acting, but I can’t tell if it’s actress or character
She really shouldn’t just hand over her apartment keys, I’m reasonably confident.
Tony looks vaguely conflicted about having to search Cassidy’s apartment
IGUANA.  [IGUANA]  (Damn, that one was blatant; SBC Count: 6)
“You were so excited coming to Cuba and riding on the jet” It’s true, Kate, he was adorably excited.
“You were the first woman I saw on my ‘endorphin high.’”  “Yeah, well.  We work together, Tony.  It’s like a brother-sister thing.”  Ma’am clearly has not seen any of the countless films, shows, fics, and irl interactions that feature in-office romances.  
“You might wanna take that chip of your shoulder”  Oh, of course, no problem; of course it’s okay that you searched my mail and my apartment and so on.  Not a difficulty at all.
“He blew his chance to get laid”  Oh, come on, Cassidy, it’s not Tony’s fault.  [He blew his chance to get laid. Poor Tony ☠️]  (SBC Count: 7)
Oh, are we back to terrorists again?  How.  Unique.  [TERRORISTTTTS]  (Okay, that counts.  SBC Count: 8)
Gibbs once again being vinegar-not-honey.
DAMN ABBY YOU’RE EXPENSING A LOT I SEE  [Abby ☠️☠️ racking up a bill] (SBC Count: 9)
Tony’s hair is floppy.
Did he notice that she had “Escada” perfume?  
I KNEW IT.  (Prediction Success: 6.5)
“Horizontal salsa” alksdjf ["Horizontal salsa"]  (SBC Count: 10)
I reallyyyyy want Cassidy to be good now that they’re giving Tony so much shit for caring about her.  [Tony’s done got smitten over one dance.  Buddy. 💕 *sigh*]
“Romance between agents, Kate.  It never works.”  Sir, shush.  Even if you’re speaking from experience, that proves nothing.  You’re not exactly easy to get along with. [And the romance between agents never working is coming off as an asshole rule/thought. BUT HE ISN'T WRONG AS FAR AS THE SHOW GOES]
I know my comment about the translations was about museum-curator-guy, but I maintain that it counts as half a prediction success since Sa’id was doing exactly that: not translating the whole conversation.   (Prediction Success: 7)
Abby and Ducky, again; I love you both.
[Ducky’s mother!]
[Easter eggs ☠️☠️]
“My cursor has moved across places that would make Tony blush.”  Not Tony looking appraising!
Protective!Tony is adorable.
Jeez, Gibbs, be harsher why don’t you; that wasn’t enough.
Cassidy, I stuck up for you, and now you be mean to Tony?  To make yourself look good?  Once again, these people need to stop tearing down their fellows as a means of increasing their own status.  I’m actually getting annoyed again by this.  [Tonyyyyyyy ☹️☹️☹️  “He bought my act.”  I hateeee the sad tony eps.  There’s a few.  Be prepared.]  (Does this count as SBC?)
Poor Tony.  [Poor Tony. “She’s good.” Tony’s face. Ya I agree 💔💔]  (That does.  SBC Count: 12)
“Eyes always give you away”  Poor Tony :(  [Sass tony! Get her GET HER (Eyes always give ya away)]  (SBC Count: 13)
[And she has the AUDACITY to look at him like a kicked puppy]  Like I said.  Don’t be mean to your allies to make yourself look good.
I. Do not trust this.  I’m waiting for her to pull an Elizabeth-from-24 and not go along with the plan.  Get pissed and try to kill him, or screw up the plan.
Tbh, I’m glad that didn’t happen.  I didn’t appreciate it in 24 (only partly because it was Misha who got attacked as a result), and I wouldn’t have appreciated it here.
“There.  Right there.”  I didn’t realize this was Legally Blonde: the Musical.
I’m impressed he didn’t notice the wire yet.
Did I mention, yet?  Poor Tony.
This situation was astoundingly mishandled, ngl.  [Damn plan backfired]  
[Well the back fire backfired also]  Literally lakdsfj
Poor Tony :(((  [Tonyyyyy]  (I’m counting that one too.  SBC Count: 14)
I appreciate Kate trying to help Tony.
Also, just saying, Tony is quite dashing in the suit.
[Well his smile’s back at least.]
And that’s a wrap!
– – –
For the endpoint reaction… Be warned that I’m writing this with a killer headache (hah, pun unintended), so I’m not sure it’s 100% coherent, and it might be a bit short.
I’m glad that Cassidy wasn’t involved because, as I’ve said, they’ve got a bad habit of having snap judgements they make at the beginning be right all the way through to the end.  Unfortunately, this was about the most logical snap judgement of the series thus far, so I’m also vaguely annoyed it wasn’t right.  I’m deciding to wash my hands of it because it’s not like the characters will actually learn, but oh, well.
The writing was decent, I suppose?  Highly, highly lost as to how the hell emerald smuggling turned into terrorists again, but… I’ve given up on trying to track it.  I will say: there’s a slight possibility that reacting simultaneously to the ep is causing me not to notice stuff?  Or to track the plot?  But I doubt it.  I’m still good with Dark Angel, after all, and following it is easy.  But I guess I’ll just wait until we watch something else to decide; I legitimately cannot be sure whether the bad writing would be a little better if I were just watching it straight.  (Pretty sure not though.)
Gibbs was an asshole again, but not enough that I’m currently fuming about it, I suppose.  Kate was good; I liked her.  Abby and Ducky continue to be awesome.  McGee was notably missing, which is sad, but oh, well.
Summary of this ep: Tony deserved better.
Final thoughts as I type the end of this reaction: The chances I don't write something about this ep… Low.
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eternally-writing · 4 years ago
tour troubles | jjk
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genre: fluff, angst
rating: G (no swearing or sexual content)
pairing: Jungkook x reader
theme: idol!au, boyfriend!au, one-shot
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
Synopsis: When surprising your boyfriend Jungkook on tour doesn’t quite go as you planned, it’s up to you now to help cheer him up.
banner by me!
After a grueling 6 months apart,  you were more than happy to be in MetLife Stadium watching your boyfriend live out his dreams on stage. The Map of the Soul Tour was no joke; Jungkook was practicing all day and performing all night, and combined with your final exam season passing by it left little time for you to talk to each other.
Finally wrapping up the school year, you got in touch with Jimin to see if he could help you plan a surprise visit for Jungkook on one of their final tour stops.
All of the members had become like family to you, but it's no secret that aside from Jungkook you are closest with Jimin. He was like the older brother you never had, and you always ran to him whenever you needed relationship advice or a good hug.
As you watched Jungkook on stage you noticed his smile falter sometimes as he would be slightly out of position or dance off beat. You could only pick this out because you had spent hours in the practice room dancing with Jungkook. 
You and Jungkook had come together because of your shared love for dance. He had first asked you out inside a very sweaty-scented Big Hit practice room, almost half of your dates ended with some form of dancing, and whenever one of you was frustrated you could always find the other teary-eyed, lying on the marley floor of a dance studio. You had always been there to whisper words of encouragement in his ear when he was feeling down, and you wished nothing more than for her voice to reach the stage at the moment.
Soon enough, the concert came to an end and you were flashing her pass to the backstage security guard to get to see the boys. Despite your  uneasy feeling watching the concert, you couldn't ease the butterflies in your stomach at seeing your boyfriend for the first time in months.
Ever since you had planned this, you spent your nights imagining exactly how Jungkook would react: whether he would hug and kiss you first, stay frozen on the spot in shock, or start crying right away. 
As you stepped into the Big Hit dressing room, you were instantly greeted with several smiling faces. 
I didn't take you long to do a head count and realize that there were only 6  boys standing in front of you, and that your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. 
Making eye contact with Jimin, you saw the softness in his eyes as he motioned for you to come closer so he could explain. 
“He’s not feeling well Y/N, and none of us can get him to talk about it. We’re so worried. I swear I’ve only gotten like 2 words out of him tonight, and I even tried to make a nutella sandwich for him to cheer him up. I’m sorry this isn’t what you had planned, but can you talk to him please? For us?” 
You took a deep breath before pulling back the curtain divider in the dressing room. Your nerves catching up to you, you considered just turning around and telling the boys you would surprise him at their next concert instead. 
You had dealt with Jungkook being troubled and frustrated more times than you could count, but you were worried you had lost her touch after being apart from him for months. 
Your mind also flew the other way. How many times has he felt like this after a concert and never told you? When he said "It was fun I'm just really tired now" after every concert was he truly feeling like this? 
With that, you pushed forward because you knew that you had to be there to support Jungkook today, even if you couldn't be there for all the other times. 
The sight that greeted you behind the curtain was not a pretty one. 
Jungkook was staring blankly at the monitor in front of him, dark fringes of his hair matted against his sweaty forehead, tour hoodie zipped up completely with the hood on, and worst of all, his eyes were clearly puffy and swollen, with tinges of red coming through from underneath his makeup. 
Jungkook barely even glanced your way as you sat down an ample distance away from Jungkook on the couch. It was clear from his lack of surprise at your appearance that one of the boys (probably Jimin) had probably told him about your surprise visit earlier in an effort to cheer him up after the concert, but even that could not get him out of this slump.
 Of all the scenarios you came up with for how Jungkook would react to your surprise, somehow this one never crossed your mind. 
You turned your focus to where Jungkook was staring - a TV monitor replaying video footage from tonight's concert. You watched as his eyebrows stayed furrowed as he glared disapprovingly at himself for making even the smallest of mistakes in the video, almost wincing as the TV monitor continued to play the footage.
"Do you want me to help point out things in the video?"
Jungkook didn’t even move a muscle.
You took the silence as a yes, and pulled a pen and the closest thing you could find to paper, a napkin, out of your purse to write on. 
Working as a dance teacher had taught you more than a couple tricks about how to give constructive feedback, and you were a firm believer in the "give 2 compliments and then 1 thing to work on" approach. However, you knew the issue with Jungkook wasn't that he was truly bad at dancing, but rather that he was way too hard on himself for the smallest details that the audience wouldn't even notice - so she threw in a few more compliments than usual. Unsure of how Jungkook would react to seeing the list, you still threw some of those very nit-picky details on there, knowing that if he was still frustrated he would throw the list out all together if he thought you were just coddling him. 
And so you both sat together in front of that grainy TV monitor, in complete silence aside from the sound of your pen scratching against the napkin.
June 10, 2020 MOTS:7 Tour Feedback Report for Jeon Jungkook ( by Y/N)
- match angle of arm placement in Black Swan Opening Choreo
- footwork on DNA ending choreo could be cleaned up 
- the ARMY at the corner of the screen during Euphoria had the biggest smile when you looked at her. I think she’s gonna remember that moment for the rest of her life. 
-  I like the way you wink at the camera during So What! Gave me butterflies babe. 
- could add more energy into the last Fake love chorus ( hot bod btw!!)
And the list kept going on and on as you diligently focused on the screen and writing notes, taking occasional glances at your silent boyfriend.
Upon glancing over your shoulder and seeing your list, Jungkook smiled at your thoughtful and sweet comments. 
All of sudden, a wave of consciousness and realization washed over him. 
He finally has the girl he loves in front of him again after months apart, and instead of cherishing his limited time with you he was spending it watching himself dance, which is what he had already spent the last 9 years of his life doing. Most of all, you never let your smile falter once in front of him, even though he knew you may be upset with his response to your surprise, and you went along with whatever he wanted to do - even if that meant watching a very very low-quality video of his performances on a loop. 
Grabbing the napkin gently out of her hands and placing it on the table, Jungkook cupped your face and looked gently into your eyes. 
"Thank you",  he said softly, as if not wanting to startle you with his sudden character change.
In your head there was absolutely no need for Jungkook to be thanking her for anything she was doing.  She knew dating an idol would have its challenges, and she made a promise to Jungkook that she would be by his side through it all, even if that included rewatching Euphoria on loop. 
It was now your turn to sigh. 
“There’s nothing to thank me for babe, it’s just me. I wanna be here for you when you’re like this - I didn’t just date you so I could be there to celebrate your Billboard #1s and daesang sweeps, I’m here for these moments too.”
Jungkook further eliminated the space between you both by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest. In that moment he realized that maybe all he needed was you. That all these hurdles he had been facing alone would have been much easier if he had just let you in on his problems.
“I just feel bad Y/N, I haven’t even seen you for months and the first time I see you I’m like this? I’m sorry.”
The gears started turning in your head. Batting your eyes overdramatically at your boyfriend, you smiled. 
“Okay how about we make a deal then babe?”
Jungkook looked at you curiously and let you carry on. 
“From now on, every time you feel like this you come to me okay? We can figure this out together, but I can’t help you if you don’t let me in,” you expressed, grabbing his hands in yours.
“Also, if you felt like making it up to me you could buy me some ice cream? It’s not the same when I eat it without you,” you joked.
Jungkook’s melodic laugh vibrated through the room. 
“Just ice cream? You’re selling yourself short babe. I’d buy the whole world for you, my love.”
As you emerged from behind the curtained section of the dressing room, hand in hand with a smiley Jungkook ( a stark comparison from how he was a mere hour early), you were greeted with Jimin jumping up and cheering loudly upon seeing the maknae.
Unable to contain his excitement, Jimin ran towards the two of you, chiming “you did it Y/N!! You brought back our maknae!”  
“Good to see you smiling, Jungkookie,”  beamed Jimin as he stepped forward to ruffle Jungkook’s hair. 
Jungkook chuckled and looked up at his hyungs. 
“I think I owe you all some ice cream. Ready to go? It’ll be treat.”
If his hyungs weren’t already excited to see Jungkook feeling like himself, now they were ecstatic. And you definitely felt the same way as well. ♡
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If you liked this, please interact/follow! Thank you for reading ♡
- Emily
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subwalls · 4 years ago
An analysis on Ranboo’s January 30th stream, meant to pick apart c!Ranboo’s complex relationship with reality and the voices in his head. This will be broken up into three (3) parts: introduction, stream analysis, and conclusion.
cw unreality, derealization, etc.
Before we start, I want to make clear that this is just my personal reading of the stream’s events, and as such it may not be the same as yours, and that’s okay! Critical reading is all about how one work can be viewed through a variety of lenses to yield very different conclusions, and the validation of one does not immediately mean all the others are Bad and Wrong.
We all got that? Cool.
Now, a common theory being tossed around at the moment is the idea that the entire stream was a dream (ha) or hallucination. This possibility is somewhat backed up by a few observations I will point out in the rest of this post, but for the sake of seriously dissecting this dream into truths and untruths, I will not be assuming that everything that happened was fake. I’ll delve a little deeper into why this theory doesn’t completely convince me in the conclusion, too.
Aw yeah, here comes the frame-by-frame analysis of 41 minutes of footage.
... Well, kinda. Let’s start with a play-by-play instead of a frame-by-frame, yeah? 
At 2:45 into the stream, Ranboo starts out in the panic room, looking at the “You are fine” sign. He says that Sam told him he can visit Dream (”him”) today, and reflects on the fact that he’s no longer looking for clarity or confrontation (me, looking at the stream title: uh,) but rather to make Dream think about what he did.
“He deserves to know what he did.” (Ranboo at 3:47)
“I’m gonna tell him what those thoughts are.” (Ranboo at 3:55, which is an... interesting remark, seeing as the voice in his head that sounds like Dream has been trying to tell Ranboo what his thoughts are. But it doesn’t mean anything substantial.)
Vibe check so far? REAL. Nothing appears to be out of place in the panic room. Ranboo is nervous but keeping it together and talking himself through it. Sounds great!
After a bit of psyching himself up (and noticeably declaring his memory book to be the only one that hasn’t been tampered with), Ranboo starts towards the prison. He’s scared and doesn’t know why, but he’s gonna do it.
One thing of note is that he passes by Sam Nook’s construction site, and the place’s big map sign thing never quite loads in properly. The whole thing just stays black. Suspicious, but those maps are honestly kinda glitchy at loading in anyway because they’re entities instead of blocks. Or maybe Sam Nook’s doing some prep. (Edit: more likely is that this is a clone of the Dream SMP server for the sake of what they’re about to do to the prison, and it doesn’t have the map plugin, so all the picture maps in the world are broken.)
As the prison comes into view, he continues talking to himself (he’s never been to prison, apparently; he’s been inside Pandora’s Vault before, but not as a prisoner). He thinks about the fact that he could get rid of Dream if he wanted to, but no, he couldn’t. 
The prison entrance portal is actually already lit. Ranboo isn’t sure what he’s supposed to do but eventually hits the button.
After quite a bit of waiting, Sam eventually greets him (13:32) and invites him to step into the portal. Ranboo goes through the portal and appears in a warped forest biome.
This is incredibly suspicious. The prison’s nether portal is supposed to be a customized portal in six (6) layers of obsidian that floats over a sea of lava. In fact—and I will come back to fix this if I’m mistaken—I’m pretty sure the portal resides in the fringes of a basalt delta, not a warped forest. You can see a bit of a basalt delta poking over the warped fungi in the distance, but Ranboo is very clearly in the wrong spot. 
So why the warped forest, the wrong biome and the wrong portal? It probably has something to do with the fact that Ranboo is part enderman, and enderman live in the warped forest. With the End forbidden and unknown (seeing as Techno and Phil had no idea what an End Portal was), the warped forest is likely the closest thing endermen as a species can call home in the Dream SMP.
Anyway. This is the earliest instance of either a brief hallucination or Ranboo losing his connection to reality altogether.
Ranboo goes through the portal when instructed to by Sam and properly appears in the prison’s interior portal, facing Sam at his warden’s... desk thing. Sam has Mining Fatigue right now, by the way, as seen by the particles. Ranboo is then teleported to Sam (14:20) for some reason (maybe because, behind the scenes, he was in a duped prison portal in order to make the warped forest thing happen), appearing to be inside Sam’s space before he moves back out. They do not acknowledge this.
Sam does the same series of questions to Ranboo that he did to Tommy. Ranboo says that he has not come to the prison before or even spoke to Dream before, and expresses to Sam his desire to bring his memory book along. Sam agrees on the condition that he holds onto it during the way there.
Side note: Ranboo does not get Mining Fatigue until he’s already inside the prison and being questioned. (14:47) This is quite different from the timing when Tommy got Mining Fatigue in his visit, but considering the fact that we don’t know the placement of the elder guardians or even how many there are, this could just be natural variation...
Anyway, Ranboo does the same thing we saw Tommy do with the locker and the examinations and whatever, except that Sam is... more cordial. Nicer. This is vaguely suspicious, but he’s been a little softer since his encounter with the Crimson and he has a clear soft spot for the kids. Tommy also is very different from the clearly nervous Ranboo (Sam points out that Ranboo is nervous later on, around 20:01, so he definitely noticed), so he could have just been being nice to the poor traumatized kid... Or maybe this is just a Sam constructed from Ranboo’s memories of a nice person, and not the real one. It’s not very clear but could be swayed in either direction.
One odd thing—Ranboo took quite a bit to die to the harming potions, and I feel like Tommy died faster, but I’ll have to check. It’s as though Ranboo got Harming I instead of Harming II? Sam even comments that it “took a minute” (19:12). Also, Ranboo loses his levels in this process, so, uh, if his next stream he appears with levels, that means there’s something happening that we ain’t seeing.
A skeleton dies somewhere offscreen lmao.
Ranboo is immediately re-inflicted with Mining Fatigue every time he dies, by the way, so they’re definitely within range of the elder guardians.
Ranboo endures the water section of the trip and it sucked but he seems about the same level of nervous as before, so. Sam takes the time to reassure him and give him the memory book at the last step before the cell itself.
“He [Dream] shouldn’t misbehave, he knows what happens when he does.” (Sam at 25:23, he still got that bit of ruthless warden in him.)
Vibe check again—this prison, physically speaking? Seems real. It’s possible that Ranboo could be drawing on memories from his other self, but considering that he has never been to the prison before, the fact that the prison is the exact same as the real prison that Tommy went to seems to indicate that this is a real experience. 
Ranboo’s Mining Fatigue gets refreshed, so looks like the elder guardians reach here too. Dream has the Mining Fatigue particles as soon as he comes into view. (Only pointing this out because it notably took Dream a long time to get Mining Fatigue back when Tommy visited him.)
A weird sound happens at 27:31. Not sure what that’s about.
The lava curtain comes back down, and Ranboo turns around to see Dream. His screen shakes a bit as he turns, which could be anything from lag (there’s a lot of lava moving right now) to nerves (both in-character and out). (Edit: confirmed in the chill stream following that he was just nervous, and feeling his character’s nervousness.) First thing of note, here: the item frame holding the clock on the wall is transparent. This is a texture pack thing, presumably—could be the same thing that fucked up the construction site’s map sign earlier, maybe it’s even just the texture pack that some members of the SMP have installed for the chess thing—but it’s still something to notice. 
Dream greets Ranboo with quite a bit of joy and energy, and says it’s not a surprise for Ranboo to visit, and altogether makes numerous implications that he and Ranboo’s other self have been conversing a lot in the times that Ranboo doesn’t remember. 
“We’re best friends, right?” (Dream at 28:19, and I better not see any serious remarks about gaslighting here Dream is actually telling the truth, he just has not realized that this Ranboo doesn’t remember their conversations.)
“I’ve probably talked to you more than I’ve talked to anybody on the entire server.” (Dream at 28:27, indignant at Ranboo’s claim that they’ve barely talked, which. Yeah. I mean this whole thing could be a lie or fake but... I don’t know, I’m not convinced.)
Ranboo, whose understanding of his relationship to Dream is very different from Dream’s apparent understanding of their relationship, claims that Dream is just trying to scare him. Dream sounds confused and asks, “Why are you acting different?” (28:45) so he’s definitely not had dealings with this (awake?) Ranboo, but rather the... other set of memories.
“Ooooh.” (Dream at 28:56, which I think marks the moment he realizes that this is the other Ranboo, and it isn’t the one that he normally speaks with.)
Dream continues to say that he’s glad that Ranboo’s come to visit, that Ranboo’s been a great helping hand, and Ranboo immediately accuses him of somehow knowing about the whole panic room situation, and after Ranboo declares that he’s not going to let Dream trick him into thinking that he did those things—
“But you did do those things.” (Voice at 29:36)
Voice is always fake; it’s not “real” (audible by anyone else), and it’s not Dream.
Kudos to cc!Dream, by the way, his tone audibly changes when he switches into Ranboo’s Voice. This, I believe, is the turning point of the stream. The Voice returns, marked by the tone difference from c!Dream and also by the constant referral to Dream in the third person. 
Now, here’s the interesting thing. The Voice claims that the reason why it went away is because Dream was put in prison and thus they haven’t been talking as much, which leads to Ranboo forgetting how Dream sounds like and thus robbing Voice of that, well, voice. (29:58) The implication here is that the reason behind Dream’s voice being the Voice of the “other” in Ranboo’s head is because the other just talks to Dream a lot. 
Ranboo questions the third person thing, asking if he’s gone insane in prison, and there’s a pause, and then Dream says, “You’re right, you’re right. Yes, yes, there’s not much to do here.” (30:20) The tone shift is a little more subtle here, but the way Dream responded—it’s like he was responding to something else. “Have you gone insane” doesn’t usually lead to “You’re right”, because that’s a question, not a statement. 
We’re real again, folks. But only briefly. Actually, it sounds like real Dream has been talking to someone while Ranboo was talking with his Voice, and when Ranboo heard him again, he was mid-conversation. Dream may have been speaking with that other Ranboo and we as the audience and Ranboo simply couldn’t hear.
Dream apparently doesn’t like his clock (30:32), and then prompts Ranboo to see what he’s been writing. In suspiciously good timing, we hear the elder guardian’s curse go off again to refresh Mining Fatigue, and then Dream hands Ranboo a book.
Here, the unreality really sets in.
The book is named Do not read. (30:47) It is a precise copy of Ranboo’s memory book, and when Ranboo checks Dream’s chest full of books, they are all named Do not read. and have the same contents. What appears to be real Dream invites him to look through them, and as Ranboo panics over this, what appears to be the Voice rather than c!Dream tells Ranboo that he needs “to face the truth” (31:18).
Ranboo says the truth is that Dream is a terrible person who hurt others.
The Voice says the truth is that Ranboo helped “me”. (31:35) Now, I can’t tell if this is a slip of the tongue on cc!Dream’s part or on the Voice’s part, but he does correct himself and say “Dream” after, so take that how you will. 
At this point, the Dream on the screen’s body language starts to match up with the Voice (moving while it talks), and the Voice claims “I’m not even Dream,” which lines up with its prior claims that it is just another part of Ranboo. 
Ranboo tries to rationalize the situation, assuming that the real Dream is speaking right now, but the Voice refers to Ranboos memories in the first person (“I know what I went through because I’m you,” 32:01), reinforces the fact that “you” (Ranboo) use to talk with Dream every day, and the only reason the Voice stopped happening is because he couldn’t picture Dream’s voice after not speaking with him since Dream went to prison. 
“He [Dream] would tell you [Ranboo] things to do. You were like his little... servant.” (Voice at 32:24)
Ranboo refuses this, the Voice continues to insist that he did help Dream, Ranboo asks why he doesn’t remember, and Voice says that he does; the Voice remembers, and the Voice is Ranboo. 
And then the Voice says, “I’m not even real,” and the Dream on screen vanishes. 
We don’t see a logout message on screen, but Ranboo isn’t in f1, so Dream probably either /tp’d somewhere OR switched to spectator mode. Ranboo suddenly gets the Nausea effect, panics and looks at the chest and says that he got rid of the voice, but the obsidian starts falling (gravity applied to the cell, hope they have a backup of the server to rollback to or let themselves use creative lmao) which unveils some details in the Pandora’s Vault inner chamber that I’d love to dissect but not now, and then Ranboo "hits the ground too hard” and dies.
Of note: Ranboo’s death screen is not vanilla. The word “Died” is capitalized where it shouldn’t be, and even though Ranboo lost his levels dying on the way in, his score is 206810. I bet that’s a code for something but I have no idea what for.
(I typed 206810 into my search bar and got a hex code for green. Yeah. Darker than what you’d associate with Dream, but... green.)
And then we have morse code crown and smiley that’s supposed to say “not free yet” or something but apparently there’s other translations because cc!Ranboo might’ve hecked it up a little bit. Oops.
But yeah, there you go! That’s the stream.
Not once does Ranboo press tab, by the way. Something makes me think that that might be because they’re not on the real Dream SMP—also to, you know, avoid having to rebuild the prison.
I do think the prison visit is real at first. Ranboo falls in and out of contact with reality, and the warped forest is definitely fishy, but the layout of the prison is too precisely accurate to be wholeheartedly dreamed up. He’s never been there before, after all, and Sam doesn’t correct him—which could mean that Sam is fake and Ranboo is drawing on those other memories, but we never see Ranboo use memories he doesn’t have, he just acts on emotions and feelings that his other self seems to have.
So, the moments that are “real” are Ranboo walking to the prison, through the prison, and the first part of his talk with Dream. He clips back into reality just in time for Dream to show him a book, which immediately pops Ranboo back into the land of hallucinations, because there’s no way Dream has so many copies of the real memory book when he’s been isolated in his cell this entire time. The warped forest was probably a hallucination born of Ranboo’s enderman (sleepwalking) half being nervous, since Ranboo said he was nervous but couldn’t pinpoint why; it was probably that other side. Still don’t know why he’d be nervous though, when it seems like Dream’s happy to see him. 
The room caving in and Dream disappearing are fake. I think it’s symbolic of the other side forcing Ranboo to black out in order to have a conversation with Dream that isn’t being interrupted by the awake self. Who knows where and how Ranboo is going to wake up next time, honestly. Or even if he’ll remember the visit at all.
Oh, and I really doubt this costed a canon life. There’s some very funky implications if it does, but I’ll only get into that if we get a confirmed life lost.
Again, the Voice is not Dream but instead is the side of Ranboo that actually remembers the supposedly “bad” things he did at Dream’s behest. Interestingly, Dream calls them besties, but the Voice sounds almost... scornful and refers to Ranboo as Dream’s little servant. Sure tells you how fucked up c!Dream’s definition of a friend is, huh?
Speaking of c!Dream, here’s an interesting thought: sleepwalking Ranboo only speaks Ender, as shown by his attempts to communicate with Philza. So, assuming that sleepwalking Ranboo is the “other” Ranboo that remembers things, he probably couldn’t have visited the prison, because he couldn’t organize a visit time with Sam, because that would require speaking Player.
However. He used to speak with Dream on a regular basis.
Which means Dream speaks (or at least understands) Ender. This would also explain why the Voice manifests as Dream’s; it’s the only other voice that understands the tongue it uses.
I’ve got a lot of thoughts about Pandora’s Vault because we got a little sneak peek at some of the redstone behind those obsidian walls when the room started caving in, but that’s for later. Hope this was helpful to... I dunno, anyone? I’ll probably come back and add/edit things as needed.
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itsclydebitches · 4 years ago
I just read your crosshair post and I agree with everything you said BUT…
Let me put on my own tin foil hat for a sec and talk about….
The burn mark thats supposed to cover the chip removal scar. Doesn’t it seem to be in a slightly odd position? Every other clone has it straight above the angle of their jaw/before the ear. I get that the burn was “placed” on that side of his head by writers for suspense and so it wouldn’t be apparent that his chip is out(thus showing Hunter checking it). But is the message here “oh he has this burn that’s close enough”? Also the scene where he was getting blasted by that engine could have easily scarred his face or at least affect the area closer to his face. I expected it to be over the temple too. But no it’s only that spot. (Now I know people will say “it’s Disney cartoon” so the scarring is minimal due to that)
Then it just kinda surprised me to hear brad Rau go “oh yeah, chip is definitely out, have you seen the side of that guys’d head? Lol” Followed by Jen’s “the eagle-eyes fans would notice all along”. Because now I feel like a clown for thinking I WAS being eagle-eyed and NOTICED that it was in the wrong place to really hide the chip scar. And if I’m correct to assume she meant that it was after Bracca that makes crosshair’s line “a long time ago” even weirder since there is no way Bracca happened that long ago.
And what was the point in showing Hunter checking the burn mark? We don’t really see his reaction. We don’t ever see him commenting on it later. It seemed like a big deal to him given how shocked he looked and how insistent he was on knowing when exactly was it removed. (“Does it matter?” “YES!”). And then he suddenly doesn’t care and never brought it up again. Even when they got to a relatively safe location or back to their ship.
I don’t think it’s a good sign that we have to rely on an interview to be sure about such an important plot point. I would be disappointed if this matter won’t be addressed at least in some way next season.
We’re all just passing the tin hat back and forth at this point. This is fine and we're handling the hiatus beautifully lol
But YES to all of that. Every detail here has two (or more) possible readings attached to it, which makes it impossible to figure out what we’re meant to be prioritizing. So, to summarize:
Yeah, despite my own claim that the burn scar is “exactly” where the chip scar would be, there is a slight difference. Is that a significant difference then, or just down to the animators not mapping Crosshair's design down to the inch?
Is the burn mark (almost) precisely where the chip would be to show that there’s a chance it’s still there (you can’t see the surgery scar), or to show that enough damage happened there to make the chip’s removal inevitable?
Yet "enough damage happened there to make the chip's removal inevitable" is a pretty big assumption that the show never set up. So are we meant to view the untold number of clones who suffered other head injuries throughout TCW as evidence that the chip must still be there—after all, they weren’t de-chipped due to head trauma, burns, etc.—or are we supposed to ignore that because #Disney cartoon, not everything is gonna have such long-term consistency?
Is the placement of the burn deliberate and the lack of any other facial scaring suspicious, or (again) is that just because #Disney cartoon doesn’t want to disfigure his whole face?
Is the scene where Crosshair has his chip enhanced another clue—the chip appears to be a bit higher up than others’ in his scan—or just an animation inconsistency?
Was enhancing the chip important, or just used for the drama of that particular scene?
Does Hunter think that the burn is somehow evidence of the chip’s removal, or is he just taking Crosshair at his word?
Is Crosshair’s lack of clarification meant to read as him being evil—he doesn’t care what was the Empire and what was him—or another hint that something else is going on?
Finally, most fans agree that, if the chip is out, it had to have happened after Bracca so… yeah, how is that “a long time ago”? Is that line meant to imply that Crosshair has been misled (perhaps with the Empire lying to him, claiming his chip was removed before the season even began), or are we supposed to believe that a significant amount of time has truly passed (making TBB’s lack of a rescue even worse in my eyes…) Even other evidence we might point to is pretty useless. “Well, it could be a long time because there was enough time for him to heal from those burns.” But is that because time actually passed, or did the Empire us SW’s super science fiction magic to heal him up quick? Idk the canonical time it normally takes burns like that to heal with bacta and I doubt that's consistent across the lore either. But regardless, the SF aspect means that a healed face isn't good evidence for a lot of time passing, like it might be in another genre. For all we know, Crosshair was healed in a few days.
So yeah, what in the world are we meant to make of all this? It’s too ambiguous, too confusing, and each answer—chip or no chip—comes with apparent contradictions. None of that reflects the certainty seen in the interviews. In order to reward “eagle-eyed” viewers, you need to be on top of all those details, both in terms of the writing and the animation. Yet it doesn't appear like the writers were. With all of this combined with the confusion I mentioned in another post regarding side-character clones overcoming their chips with ease… I don’t think this is a good sign either. I love TBB and had a blast watching it, but this particular aspect feels like it could unravel into a tangled, contradictory mess very quickly. The sort of situation where many in the fandom will accept the plot and argue strongly that here, Crosshair's canonical chip situation is supported by X, Y, and Z. Whereas others will point out that yeah, that’s true, but it’s also not supported by A, B, and C. Even if we’re willing to ignore those moments of confusion and disjointedness, it’s a big letdown to feel like you’re following along with what the show’s hinting at… only for the show to turn around and go, “Lol nah. None of that was important.” Shows with twists and reveals—which TBB very much is at this point—are built on the fandom’s investment in the details. If you don’t treat those details carefully, the fandom will quickly begin to resent the expectation that you be invested in the mystery... but not so invested that you "read into things."
Intense flashbacks to the later seasons of Sherlock.
BUT right now for me the larger issue is that even if we don't care about these details, the rest of TBB absolutely should. The fact that Hunter doesn't question what's up with the burn, Tech isn't interested in trying a scan, Wrecker's experience under the chip has no impact on how he approaches this, Omega seems to accept that this is the "real" Crosshair, and Echo doesn't push to rescue him like they did for Gregor... all of that is at the emotional heart of the show and arguably more important than getting a perfect resolution to these chip questions. Obviously I'd prefer to get both, but if we can only have one, I'd prioritize tackling the group's reaction to these events, rather than trying to smooth over every potential inconsistency revolving around the chip. Ultimately, I'm more interested in the show explaining why four brothers and a sister didn't fight for Crosshair when, as far as they knew up until he said otherwise, he was a prisoner of the Empire just like everyone else they helped was.
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amimons · 4 years ago
Miraculous Sweet-ember (Sept. 29th)
September 29th: Ikari Gozen, Desperada, Startrain, &  Timetagger
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Ikari Gozen started a friendship between Marinette and Kagami. After meeting Kagami she noticed how close she and Adrien have been getting and feared that her opportunity to be with Adrien would be hindered. Kagami’s exterior front was also a pretty cold one making it harder for Marinette to connect to her. So she was viewed as a rival until Friendship Day in Paris fixed that. Turns out much to her dismay that Marinette was paired up with Kagami for the treasure hunt and the idea made her nervous and uncomfortable. Kagami on the other hand was willing to get to know Marinette and form a new friendship. Forming relationships doesn’t come easy to Kagami because just like Adrien, she did not grow up in an environment with the opportunities to make friends. 
Throughout the treasure hunt, Kagami was earnestly trying to get to know Marinette but it came off as awkward and stoic. Marinette was determined to get away from Kagami and lose the treasure hunt since the prize was to get a picture with Adrien. It wasn’t until she learned that Kagami is friendless and trying to be genuine that she regrets her intentions. She even took care Tomoe when she called Kagami to figure out where she went off to. Marinette called herself a friend of Kagami which was great for Kagami but Marinette’s truthful answer lead to Tomoe getting akumatized. In season three one of the main things Marinette’s development was focusing on was how she handled her crush on Adrien and love rivals. She started as someone who felt threatened by Kagami to someone who felt she needed to connect with Kagami. She experience some real growth when she decided to friend Kagami and give her a miraculous. 
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Desperada was a troubling ordeal for Adrien. At first, he believed it was a wonderful opportunity for Ladybug to get to knowingly work side by side with Adrien. He wanted a chance to impress and woo her and he felt very honored that Ladybug thought Adrien was capable of being a miraculous hero. Unfortunately, Adrien discovers that he was not best suited for the snake miraculous after many failed attempts. 25,913 attempts to be exact. No matter what he did, no matter the approach Ladybug was always met with the same fate. Adrien was so determined to prove that he was able to help Ladybug out that he has forgotten that he already plays an extremely vital role as Chat Noir. Taking Chat Noir out of the equation was not a good move. 
The way the miraculous work is that they are specifically suited for specific types of people. Both Ladybug and Adrien tried to fit Adrien into the role of the snake holder but it doesn’t align with Adrien at the end of the day (or end of the months in Aspiks case). Although it always ended in tragedy the Ladrien moments were very adorable in all the attempts we got to see. The scene where Adrien finally surrenders the snake miraculous had him open up to Ladybug in an emotional way. Something that Chat Noir has never done with Ladybug before making it one of the first times he was emotionally vulnerable around Ladybug (even though she didn’t know he was Chat). Chat made a habit of always jumping in front of Ladybug when danger is around but as Aspik he was unable to do so. It was also the first time that Adrien had to accept that he wasn’t the one needed to help his lady with the snake miraculous and even suggesting to hand it over to someone else. Adrien is used to having a lot of responsibilities placed onto himself but to feel comfortable to let go of one was pretty big for him.  
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Startrain had the iconic scene where Adrien and Marinette nap together on the train ride over to London. Enough said. It's such a sweet moment between the two of them. Marinette rolled her head over on Adrien and that boy did not even hesitate to lean into Marinette and join her in napping. And the moment her head rested onto Adrien he smiles down at her. Then when Marinette woke up the first time when the commotion started on the train she saw exactly what happened while she was napping and usually Marinette immediately has an outburst of nervousness around Adrien but instead, she smiles and decided to continue resting. It's not often that we get a setting where we get to see them just enjoy each other's company comfortably so it was a welcome surprise before the akuma ruined it. 
For the other half of the train ride, they had to deal with Max’s mother being akumatized. What was interesting about her predicament was that the akuma wasn’t meant for her. It slipped away from Hawkmoth’s grasp after a failed attempt to akumatize Sabrina’s dad. The suitcase slipped on board via Sabrina’s suitcase and instantly went to Max’s mother as soon as she felt a big feeling disappointment. She sent the whole train off in space which meant not only did we get a zero-gravity fight but Hawkmoth was so far out of range from the akuma that he couldn’t control it. To get a scenario where Hawkmoth doesn’t have the ability to guide the akuma’s attacks brought a change in the usual formula. It was also high stakes for him once he learned his son was on board and he once again put Adrien in danger.  
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Timetagger is Bunnix’s debut episode excepts its Bunnix from the future we meet. Future Alix is a time-traveling miraculous holder who has to come to her past to help defeat Time-Tagger. She can’t give too much away about the future which includes the status of our main heroes’ relationship status. That doesn’t mean she can’t mess with him by giving him a confusing answer. We also learned about potential future plotlines like Chat Noir accidentally damaging the bunny miraculous with cataclysm and Hawkmoth position being overthrown. There are so many exciting details about the future that our full of mystery that I’m looking forward to. 
Since Timetagger was sent from the future it meant that current Ladybug and Chat Noir weren’t as experience to handle the situation. That didn’t prevent Ladybug from being an all-star with her plan to take down the akuma. Her plan with her lucky charm was all about timing...only Ladybug could think of sending a message to her future self so the future heroes of Paris and destroy the item the akuma was in. In order for the plan to be successful Ladybug had to pretend to admit defeat convincing everyone that she was out of solutions. Chat didn’t fact Ladybug on her choice and went to go with her to hand over their miraculous but she made sure to through a reassuring wink in his direction. She had to make sure her and Chat’s placements where exact because she drew a map for their future selves to open up a portal to the spot Timetagger was standing. It was such a cool way to incorporate the current Ladybug and Chat Noir and their future selves as well as reassuring our beloved heroes are still on top of their game.  
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About Sweet-ember:
For the month of September I wanted to spread some positivity and praise Miraculous Ladybug on the things I’ve appreciated/enjoyed from the show.
Everyday I’m going to select one particular moment, event, theme, etc. from an episode of Miraculous and shared what I liked from that episode. Each post will discuss 2-3 episodes (from season 1-3; 78 episodes in total).
Whether its something big or small there is something positive that I can take away from every single episode of Miraculous.
Please feel free to add a moment from these particular episodes that you loved to this post as well!
Salt towards the show, characters, ships will not be tolerated!
Sweet-ember posts
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
[18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]
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tw-anchor · 4 years ago
39. Trust Your Abilities
Stiles Stilinski x Original Character
Episode: 3x15: Galvanize
Word Count: 6,559
Warning(s): Mature language, canon violence + gore, dramatic Stiles, Peter’s severed finger
Author’s Note: Y’all I have had the worst luck these past couple of months. I must have broken a mirror or something without knowing. Please enjoy! Make sure you reblog, like, and tell me what you think!
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Masterlink in Pinned Post!
Peter was lucky to have Olivia and Derek. Most people wouldn't help someone who had murdered and injured more than one of their family members. In fact, if Peter wasn't her father, Olivia wouldn't even be in the same vicinity as him, let alone help Derek sew his finger back on.
But, that's where she found herself. She hovered behind Derek as he and Peter sat at the table in Derek's loft; Derek had taken upon himself to sew Peter's finger back on after the Calaveras' head honcho cut it off. Thankfully, Peter put the finger on ice once Braeden got the two of them out of the hunters' grasp.
Olivia wasn't afraid of blood, but even the sight of her cousin sewing on her father's finger caused some nausea. Thankfully, it was over soon; Derek worked quickly, ignoring Peter's complaints in a way that Olivia couldn't. If she hadn't known the year Peter was born, she would have thought he was six years old. Peter Hale could dish out the pain without a problem, but he certainly couldn't take it.
"Ow," Peter hissed as Derek finished up his almost-perfect sutures. "Don't you have any anesthetic?"
Derek gave him a blank look, setting the small pair of medical scissors on the table next to him. "Yep."
Olivia snickered. "You know, I really thought you'd have a higher pain tolerance,"
Peter rolled his eyes at her. "Shut up," he turned back to Derek and with a whine to his voice, asked, "Are you at least going to tell me what I risked life and digit for?"
"Yeah, actually, I'd like to know that, too," Olivia added, crossing her arms over her chest. "And, you know, why I had to hire a mercenary to get you guys out of there..."
"I'm going to show you," Derek got up from his seat and took only a minute or so while he went up to his room and came back down. He carried a cylinder box made out of some sort of wood, with a triskele carved into the lid; he opened it and carefully slid out its contents. "After the fire, that's all that was left of her."
Talia Hale's claws clattered onto the table and Olivia almost flinched. Even though Talia was long dead, she could still feel power radiating off the claws. And that power? It felt like her Aunt Talia. It wasn't necessarily a tether like her pack members, but there was a slight glow to them on her mental map that caused her pause.
That's why Derek went, she realized privately.
Peter's eyes narrowed in recognition as he looked at his sister's claws. "Talia. I can't decide if that's touching or morbid," he raised an eyebrow at Derek. "I guess the real question is, what are you planning on doing with them?"
Derek hesitated before answering. "I have to ask her something," he finally revealed. "and from what I've heard, this is the only way possible."
Realization dawned on Peter's face. "You gotta be kidding me."
"Why do you think I sewed your finger back on?" Derek's lips turned up slightly into a smirk.
Olivia wrinkled her nose. She hadn't known what Derek was going to do with Talia's claws, but from context clues, she figured it out. Peter would connect to Talia's claws and then do the alpha ritual on Derek, where he peaked into Derek's subconsciousness through his spinal cord. It was a painful procedure and each time Olivia witnessed it, some part of her heart ached.
Even though she did want to know what Derek spoke to Talia about, she couldn't watch him go through with the ritual. It honestly didn't matter much, either way, because she had to get going in order to fetch Stiles from his house so they could get to school on time.
"That's my cue," she patted Derek on the shoulder before heading to the door. "I'll call you later, Der."
"Have fun at school," he mumbled in reply.
Much to her surprise, when she got to her car, Isaac was waiting for her in the passenger seat.
"What are you doing here?" she wasn't upset about his presence, but merely curious.
She slid into her seat and buckled her seatbelt, starting her car. She pulled away from Derek's building and took a left, heading into town so she could pick them up some breakfast. It would butter Stiles up to Isaac's attendance.
Isaac shrugged. "Scott took his bike, so I thought I'd get a ride with you."
"You walked all the way to Derek's loft from Scott's house to get a ride to school?" Olivia laughed.
"Well, any opportunity to annoy Stiles, and I'm there," Isaac chuckled with her.
Olivia shook her head in amusement. Only Isaac...
After a quick stop at the McDonald's drive-through, Olivia was pulling to a stop at the curb in front of Stiles' house. Isaac clambered into the backseat, almost hitting her in the face two separate times with his long legs, as Stiles bounced out of the front door and made his way down the sidewalk.
"Good morning, beautiful!" he was very cheerful today and Olivia knew it wasn't because it was from his lack of nightmares—because he certainly had one. No, he was happy because today was Mischief Day, the day before Halloween. "Mwah!"
The placement of his lips against her cheek with a noisy kiss made Olivia grin. "Morning, sweetcheeks."
"Good morning!"
As soon as Stiles heard Isaac's voice, he deflated. He whipped around and faced the backseat, a scowl on his face. "Ugh, what are you doing here?" he complained; as he reached for the handle of his door, Olivia locked the doors and pulled away from the curb. "Livvy, let me out. I'll drive myself."
"No, you won't," she said firmly. "Wednesdays are my days to drive."
"Well, why'd you bring Isaac?"
"I brought myself," Isaac told him smugly. He reached into the McDonald's bag and pulled out Stiles' breakfast sandwich amongst the wrappers from his biscuit and Olivia's bagel, tossing it at him. "Breakfast."
"Thank you," Stiles grumbled at Olivia as he turned to face the front once again. He unwrapped his sandwich with a grouchy look on his face. "Now Mischief Day is ruined."
"No, it isn't, Mr. Mischief," Olivia rolled her eyes. "If anything, Isaac riding with us is mischief..."
"That doesn't make me feel any better."
"Oh, get over yourself," Isaac rolled his eyes; Olivia caught the action through her rear-view mirror and tried to hide her grin.
"You get over yourself."
"No, you get over your—"
"Okay, both of you, shut it," Olivia interrupted their ridiculous argument. "I don't want to hear another word from either of you until we get to school."
"Yes, Mom."
"Isaac Lahey."
Olivia wasn't as annoyed as she portrayed herself. It was actually kind of amusing to see Isaac and Stiles fully chastised for their little spat. Nevertheless, the only noise throughout the rest of the drive to the school was some alternative song that Stiles had turned on
"Look," Isaac spoke as Olivia was parking. "the twins are here."
Olivia and Stiles followed his gaze and saw that he was right. Ethan and Aiden's bikes were parked neatly in the two spaces next to Scott's. Scott had already abandoned his bike and was talking to them, looking affronted.
Stiles' face hardened and in that moment, he and Isaac had something to agree on; they both could not stand Ethan and Aiden.
Stiles and Isaac rushed out of the car and Olivia briskly followed them, making sure that her car was locked securely.
"You're back in school?" they heard Scott ask the twins.
"No, just to talk," Ethan answered him.
"Oh, that's kind of a change of pace for you guys," Stiles snarked as he came to a stop on Scott's right; Isaac joined the alpha's other side. "Usually you're just hurting, maiming, and killing."
Aiden chose to ignore Stiles, keeping his eyes on Scott. "You need a pack, we need an alpha."
"Yeah, absolutely not," Stiles answered for Scott. "That's hilarious, though."
Aiden narrowed his eyes at Stiles while reminding Scott, "You came to use for help. We helped."
"You beat him up, two to one," Olivia spoke up, her voice hardening. "And then when he was down, you had to be stopped by your brother."
"Yeah, in my opinion, that was actually counter-productive," Stiles added as he took her hand, intertwining their fingers.
"Why would I say yes?" Scott asked, though he looked to be humoring the twins, more than actually considering them as pack members.
"We add strength, we'd make you more powerful," Aiden pitched. "There's no reason to say no."
Stiles rolled his eyes, Olivia scoffed, and Isaac sneered at them, "I can think of one. Like the two of your holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd." Olivia nodded in agreement with Isaac, her heart aching at the thought of her dead pack mate. "In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now."
Aiden growled at them, his eyes glowing ice-blue. "You wanna try?"
Olivia couldn't believe his audacity. She held out a firm hand, sending her own purple-tinted glare at him. "You need to back up," she ordered firmly, allowing her voice to shift and take control of him.
Aiden's eyes dimed back to their normal brown, but his glare stayed.
"Sorry, but they don't trust you," Scott glanced between Ethan and Aiden, his gaze lingering on the latter and his wicked temper. "And neither do I."
The four of them walked past the twins without another word—though, Isaac did send them a triumphant smirk as he passed.
As soon as they walked into the school, Stiles was decked in the face with a roll of toilet paper.
"All right, that's my fucking face!" he growled as he whipped the roll back at Greenberg. He patted Scott on the chest as they continued on to his locker. "Hey, dude, good decision, buddy. Good alpha decision."
Scott winced sheepishly. "I hope so."
"No, you know so," Olivia loved Scott, but he wished that he would see people the way they were, not the way he hoped them to be. Ethan and Aiden had a large part in Boyd's death, like Isaac had just mentioned, and they were also part of the pack who killed Erica. Sometimes, people couldn't be redeemed.
"Exactly," Isaac pointed at her in agreement.
Stiles, who had successfully closed the door to his mind after Malia's transformation back to a human girl, easily dialed his combination and unlocked his locker. He started unpacking his very full backpack, unloading his various Mischief Day pranks.
Scott nudged Olivia while Stiles was focused on his bag. "Hey, what did you say her name was again?" he nodded down the hall and Olivia saw that he was looking at Kira, who was at her own locker.
"Kira Yukimura," she informed him. "She's really sweet. Why?"
Scott shrugged. "Just wondering."
Isaac and Olivia exchanged an amused look. "Right, okay."
Stiles glanced at them. "What are you guys looking at?" he followed their gaze, saw Kira, and then looked back at Scott, "You looking at her?"
Scott immediately looked away from Kira, flustered. "Her? Who her?"
"Her-her," Stiles rolled his eyes. "Kira. You like her?"
"I thought you were into Lydia now," Isaac mentioned idly; Olivia smirked when Scott's eyes widened in shock.
"What? No!" he shook his head quickly. "I mean, may—no! She's okay, they're both okay...Kira's new."
Stiles shook his head and carefully placed a carton of eggs into his locker. "Yeah, that made a lot of sense, buddy. Just ask her out."
"Who, Lydia?"
Olivia rolled her eyes. "He meant Kira, Scott."
"Yes, now," Isaac encouraged him.
"Right now?"
"Right now," Stiles slammed his locker shut after grabbing his econ textbook and turned to face Scott head on. "Scott, I don't think you get it yet. You're an alpha. You're the apex predator—"
"Please don't call him a predator while trying to convince him to ask Kira out," Olivia interjected with a gentle shudder.
"Makes sense," Stiles nodded at her before going back to Scott. "My point is, everyone wants you. You're like the hot girl that every guy wants."
Scott raised his eyebrows, confused. "The hot girl?"
"You are the hottest girl," Stiles poked him in the chest with a wink.
His words must have finally gotten through to Scott, because the alpha nodded with a small, but cute smile on his face. He looked up at Isaac and announced, "I'm the hot girl."
Isaac nodded seriously. "Yes, you are."
Scott giggled cutely before walking away.
Olivia watched him go, shaking her head. "You three are the oddest people I've ever met."
Isaac laughed at her and followed Scott while Stiles scoffed, "Says you," he grabbed her hand as they walked down the hallway to her locker. "Aren't you the teenager whose favorite ice cream is vanilla?"
"You know I don't like ice cream that much," they reached her locker and she swiftly unlocked it. "Now, should I be jealous that you called Scott the hottest girl while I was standing right next to you, or...?"
"No," Stiles leaned against her neighbor's locker, smiling down at her. "Want to know why?"
"Why, Stiles?"
"Because hot doesn't even begin to describe you, Livvy," he cooed sweetly, making her giggle.
"You're lucky I love you," she poked his cheek. "otherwise, you'd be too cheesy for me."
"You like cheese."
"On my pizza," Olivia shut her locker with a laugh, cradling her econ textbook in the crook of her right arm. "Now, did you want to catch the show are you gonna sit around all day and miss it?"
Stiles' eyes lit up at the reminder. Last night, or early this morning, Stiles and Scott had come to the school to prank Coach. It was his birthday and apparently the best friend duo had been pranking him on Mischief Day since they entered high school. It was a sort of tradition for them and Stiles said it was always good fun, but Olivia had never witnessed one of these pranks herself.
She would never tell Stiles, but she was kind of excited about it.
"Yes!" he grabbed her free hand and started pulling her down the hall.
When they entered Coach's classroom, Stiles had insisted on sitting in the front row, so he had a good seat for all the chaos that he and Scott had reined upon Coach. Olivia sat behind him and when Lydia and Scott came into the classroom together, a moment or so later, they sat next to them. The bell rang and there was still no sign of Coach—but then, they heard what was going on next door.
What sounded like furniture collapsing to the floor came from Coach's office. Not a second later, they heard him shout, "Son of a bitch!"
Stiles broke out into a round of snickers, his whole body shaking, and Scott grinned in amusement. Olivia let a smile appear on her lips as she glanced at Lydia, who shook her head, an expression that somehow held both annoyance and amusement painted on her face.
The door that connected Coach's office and the classroom was forced open and then slammed quickly as Coach entered the room. "Mischief Night, Devil's Night," he grumbled, glaring at the students as most of them laughed. "I don't care what you call it. You little punks are evil. You think it's funny that every Halloween my house gets egged?"
The general consensus was yes, everyone thought that Coach's house getting egged was funny.
"A man's house is supposed to be his castle! Mine's a freakin' omelet..." Coach turned to his desk and spotted the wrapped gift that Greenberg had deposited before he took his seat. "Oh, this? We're gonna do this again? I don't think so!"
Coach whipped the present onto the ground and stomped on it. A surprised look flashed onto his face when he heard glass breaking; Stiles' laughter increased into a small roar.
Coach picked up the present, a mug with his picture on it, which was now broken, and glanced at the card. "Happy birthday," he read. "Love, Greenberg."
The slightly chastised look on Coach's face made Olivia laugh. Her giggles died down when Lydia's tether pulsed. She turned to her cousin and saw her on her phone, swatting the air around her head.
"Lyds, what are you doing?" she leaned over to her desk and whispered.
"There's a fly," Lydia mumbled in response.
Olivia narrowed her eyes and looked around; she didn't see any flies.
When Stiles had gone to get his wallet out of his backpack so he could buy his lunch, he definitely didn't expect the police to walk into the school. Many of the deputies were led by his dad, while some of the suited agents walking around were brought by Agent McCall. Even more shocking than the force's appearance was the reason for their visit.
"Wait a minute, wait a minute," Stiles rushed after Noah after being given a distracted response about why they were at the school. "The William Barrow? The shrapnel bomber? He was spotted nearby?"
Noah turned and stopped, giving the students who were on their lunch break and surrounded the hallways a nervous look. "A little closer than nearby, actually," he corrected Stiles, lowering his voice.
Agent McCall walked by them, the vice-principal at his side. "How do we get down to the basement? I need to know where every entrance is. I don't want anybody coming in or out of the school."
This was more serious than Stiles thought.
"Dad," he looked at his dad with wide eyes. "what's really going on here?"
It didn't take long to discover what was happening. Noah quickly explained that William Barrow had come into the hospital for surgery but had instead escaped. They followed him to the school and they were trying to find him before he ended up killing more people. The scariest part about William Barrow was the fact that he went after kids with glowing eyes.
That meant that Olivia, Scott, and Isaac were in trouble.
He quickly found his friends at the table in the cafeteria where he left them and ushed them out of the overcrowded room. Scott wasn't with them, but he told Olivia, Lydia, Isaac, and Allison what was going on and what—or who—William Barrow was after.
"Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes?" Isaac repeated in disbelief as the five of them wandered along an empty hallway on the second floor of the school. "He said those exact words?"
"Yeah," Stiles squeezed Olivia's hand, assuring himself that she was safe next to him. "and no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia. Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies—which, in any other circumstance, would be all kinds of awesome."
"Maggots coming from the body is a thing, but I've never heard of flies in the stomach," Olivia muttered thoughtfully.
Lydia stopped walking abruptly. "Did you say flies?"
The rest of them stopped with her.
"Lydia?" Allison prompted an explanation from the redhead.
"All day I have been hearing this sound," Lydia explained, pressing her lips together in frustration. "It's like this...buzzing..."
Olivia frowned in realization while Allison asked, "Like the sound of flies?"
That's why Lydia's tether lit up in econ, Olivia realized in dismay, her banshee powers were picking up Barrow at the school.
Lydia nodded grimly. "Exactly like the sound of flies."
It was quickly decided that they needed to split up and find Scott, since he was missing in action. With three floors to search, Allison and Isaac took the top, Lydia and Olivia took the second, and Stiles took the floor level. While they were trying to find Scott, they also had to avoid the police, who were doing their own search for Barrow.
Five minutes before the lunch period was over, Stiles found Scott outside of Mr. Yukimura's classroom. "Hey, dude, where the fuck have you been?"
Scott opened his mouth, but didn't get to answer, as Olivia and Lydia came storming up to them.
"The police are leaving," Lydia told them. "Why are they leaving?"
Scott winced in surprise. "The police?"
"They must have cleared the building and grounds, which means he's not here," Stiles told her.
Olivia shook her head in disagreement. "No, he has to be here," she insisted, her eyes traveling to her cousin. "Tell him, Lydia."
Stiles gave the redhead an expectant look.
"The sound, the buzzing I've been hearing? It's getting louder."
Stiles heart sank. "How loud?"
Olivia's eyes flashed purple. "Loud enough that I can hear it."
Yeah, okay, Stiles glanced between them, that's pretty loud.
Within minutes, Stiles found himself chasing his dad and Agent McCall—along with other deputies and FBI agents—to the parking lot. "Dad, Dad, you can't leave yet!"
"We got an eyewitness that puts Barrow by the train station," he dad explained.
"Let's go, Stilinski!"
Noah went to follow McCall, but Stiles stopped him.
"Dad, please...Lydia said that he's still here."
Noah's eyes widened slightly. "Did she see him?"
"Not exactly, no," Stiles grimaced; he hadn't exactly told him what Lydia was yet. "Well, not at all, actually. But she has a feeling. A supernatural feeling."
Noah turned his eyes away from Stiles in order to look at Olivia and Lydia, who had followed Stiles out of the school. While Lydia looked away, acting like she wasn't listening to their conversation, Olivia slapped on a sweet smile and waved at him.
He waved back at her and then looked back at Stiles. "Lydia wasn't on the chess board."
"She is now."
Why did his dad think everyone was a kanima? "Banshee."
"Oh, God."
"I know how it sounds, but basically, it means that she can sense when someone's close to death," Stiles explained rapidly. "And you know what Livvy is, okay, and she's got a bad feeling, too."
"Do these feelings tell them that I'm about to kill you?" Noah retorted, raising his eyebrows.
"I don't know," Stiles looked back at Olivia and Lydia, and this time, it was Lydia who waved at Noah.
"All right, look," Noah leveled him with a calm, yet stern, stare. "I'm not saying I don't believe, but right now, I'm going with eyewitness over banshee and anchoram. We're leaving the deputies here. The school's on lockdown till three o'clock. Nobody come in, nobody comes out. Buddy, that's the best I've got right now. That's the best I can give you."
"You're leaving me here," Stiles objected as Noah turned and ran away from him, joining McCall and his agents. "That is not—that is the worst!"
Betrayal, in its purest form. That's what he was feeling at the moment. How dare his dad just leave him here, ignoring his warning about Barrow? Why didn't he just drop him off at the firehouse when he was an infant? It was the same type of abandonment!
Okay, he was being dramatic, but still...
Well, finding William Barrow was up to them, now.
Olivia, Stiles, and Lydia met with Allison in an empty classroom. While Scott and Isaac, along with Ethan and Aiden, would search the basement and floor level, and Olivia, Lydia, and Stiles would search the upper levels, Allison would be sneaking out of school in order to go home and search through the Argent's bestiary for some kind of explanation on Barrow's stomach flies and ability to wake up from full-blown anesthesia.
"The bestiary is literally a thousand pages long," Allison stated as she opened one of the windows leading to outside. "if I'm going to find anything about flies coming out of people's bodies, it could take me all night."
"If you go to the find button in the word document, you should be able to search for flies," Olivia pointed out.
Lydia nodded in agreement. "And remember, the word in archaic Latin for fly is musca."
"Got it," Allison climbed out the window.
Lydia turned to Olivia and Stiles. "Where do we start?"
"Upstairs," Stiles answered. "Let's go."
An hour later, after searching the second floor for any sign of Barrow, they moved onto the third floor. The drawing room was the second room they searched on the floor, right after the room that was reserved for painting.
Olivia soon received a text message from Isaac, informing her that he and Scott were moving onto the floor level while Aiden and Ethan finished up the basement.
"Are they still in the basement?" Lydia asked her.
"Scott and Isaac moved on, but Ethan and Aiden are," Olivia answered, slipping her phone back into her bag. "The twins had to search the boiler room and then they're meeting up with Scott and Isaac."
"Fuck!" Stiles' sudden curse caught Olivia and Lydia's attention. "All the wolves, the majority of the students with glowing eyes are either in the basement or the first floor. An engineer could use a boiler room to blow up the whole fucking school."
Olivia cocked her head and disappeared into her mental map. There were no whispers warning her about her or her pack mates, no names floating through her head. Every tether on her map was safe, other than the slight pulsing from Peter and Derek's—which she assumed was because they were either still doing the alpha ritual or they were recovering from it. So, they were safe from Barrow, right?
But Lydia was still hearing that buzzing. She could hear it, too, if she dived into her cousin's tether. Barrow was still in the school, somewhere, but her powers weren't warning her about anything...
Why aren't there any warnings? She thought, almost frantically. William Barrow is here.
While lost in her head, Olivia missed the significant look that Lydia and Stiles shared. "We have to get them out," Stiles proclaimed. "We have to get everyone out."
"How do we do that?"
Like any other problem in their very problematic lives, Stiles had an answer. Within the next few minutes, he had pulled the fire alarm and was caught by Coach, who claimed that if he was younger, he would have punched him. He had also earned himself a week full of detention.
School ended while students piled out of the building for the drill, which meant that the lockdown was over. Olivia, Stiles, and Lydia joined Scott, Isaac, Ethan, and Aiden near the parking lot to see if they found any sign of Barrow.
"We didn't find anything," Aiden reported.
Scott nodded in agreement. "Not even a scent."
"It's three o'clock, so school's over," Stiles sighed. "If there was a bomb, wouldn't he have set it off by now?"
"I've got nothing," Olivia clenched her jaw, wishing that her abilities were giving her something to work with. "I'm not getting any warnings..."
Ethan raised his eyebrows. "Does that mean everybody's safe?"
"That's what she means," Isaac snapped at him in Olivia's defense. He then glanced at Lydia, thoughtfully. "but if you are hearing the flies..."
Lydia shook her head, just as lost as everyone else. "I don't know," she said sadly. "I just don't know."
Sirius knew that something was wrong with his girls. Lydia was hiding in her room and Olivia's face was snuggled into his fur as the two of them laid on her bed. The way her dog squirmed underneath her ear gave Olivia the hint that her anxiety was rubbing off on him. It made her feel bad; she rolled away from Sirius and onto her stomach, resting her chin on her forearms as her eyes landed on her boyfriend's figure across the room.
Stiles had opted to come over to her house instead of his, even though he would have been more comfortable in his house, with his own walls made up like a crime board. Even though Olivia had objected at first, it hadn't taken much coaxing for Stiles to convince her to allow him to set up a brand-new crime board on the large corkboard of her wall, which usually held pictures of her friends and family. She just couldn't resist the weirdo, especially when he pulled out four different balls of colored string—blue, yellow, green, and red—out of his backpack.
"Do you always keep those in there?" she had asked him. He had blinked back at her, almost innocently, and answered, "Yeah, why?"
So, now she watched the love of her life in his element; solving cases was what he was best at. Like her own personal, sexy Sherlock Holmes—she much preferred him to Benedict Cumberbatch.
"Okay, so green is solved, yellow is to-be-determined, and red is unsolved," Olivia hummed as Stiles pinned yet another piece of red string to connect a picture of William Barrow and one of the Eichen House. "What does blue mean?"
There were about three pieces of blue string that hadn't made much sense to her. The rest, she could somewhat follow.
"Blue is pretty," Stiles turned and winked at her. Her heart warmed, remembering the last time he told her that—his favorite color was blue, like her eyes.
"Well, yeah," she smiled as he sauntered over to her, plopping down onto the bed beside her. Sirius scurried off the bed, unnerved by the bounciness of the mattress. "but what does it mean in term of the investigation?"
"Nothing really," Stiles admitted. He leaned closer to her and brushed his lips on her forehead, just above her right eyebrow; her heart started racing. "It's different for each crime board. Today, it's the same as red."
Olivia pressed her lips against his, pulling back quickly. "You only have red on the board."
"Yes," Stiles rolled his eyes and laid on his back with a sigh. "I'm aware of that, thanks, baby."
Olivia shuffled closer to him and shifted so half of her body leaned against his. "I don't get it," she admitted, resting her chin on his chest as she studied his face. "Lydia felt Barrow at the school. And I did, too, it's just...I feel like my powers weren't working."
Stiles frowned and brushed his thumbs over her flushed cheeks. "What do you mean?"
"The tethers, none of them were giving any hint of trouble. When I looked at them, I knew that everyone in the pack was safe. Yet, when I dived into Lydia's, I could hear the flies buzzing. Just like her," she sighed in frustration. "It's so contradicting, it's maddening. And we didn't even find any physical proof of Barrow being there."
"Livvy, you've been right about this kind of stuff before. So has Lydia," Stiles comforted her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to pull her closer against him. "and maybe the fact that you weren't feeling anything and Lydia was is a hint."
"What do you mean?"
"You know if your pack members are in trouble...What if someone who's not in the pack is who Barrow was after?"
Olivia cocked her head thoughtfully. "That makes sense," she mused. "but still, if he was at the school, the wolves didn't scent him."
"What if he didn't smell like himself? What if he changed his scent somehow?" Stiles bounced another idea off of her. "I mean, you said yourself that Lydia was right. Barrow was there. What if he, fuck, what if he changed into someone's gym clothes. Or he used some girl's perfume...What if he—"
Olivia sat up, her eyes widening in realization. "The chemistry lab. He could use chemicals to completely hide his scent. If they were strong enough, it'd be like he never stepped foot into the school."
Stiles grinned widely at her. "We are geniuses," he pecked her on the lips and then patted her butt. "Get Lydia. We need to go to the school."
Since Mr. Harris' tragic death, there hadn't been a science department head. If he was still alive, getting into the large closet of the school's chemicals would be infinitely harder because Harris was known to stay late after school. Now, though, with Stiles' lock-picking skills, it was easy to break into the senior chemistry lab where the closet was located.
Now, Mr. Harris was a dick, but he was the only science teacher who knew what he was doing at Beacon Hills High School. With science being Olivia's favorite subject, he had been her favorite teacher, of sorts—she purely respected him for his knowledge, not his attitude. For the first time since his death, Olivia didn't mind that he was gone.
Yeah, she knew how horrible that sounded. Ultimately, though, Mr. Harris had helped Kate Argent set the Hale house on fire—who went around telling random women ways to get away with arson? —and the fire led to most of the things that had gone wrong in her life.
"So, what are we looking for?" Lydia asked as they entered the room. Though Stiles and Olivia had brought her up to speed on why they were going to the school, some of the details were still kind of lost on her. She watched as Olivia frowned at the chemical closet and opened it, the key already in the doorknob. "That's supposed to be locked."
"Yeah, exactly," Stiles muttered, walking into the closet. "Notice anything else?"
Lydia inhaled and studied the closet. "It smells like chemicals," she realized. "You guys were right, they wouldn't have been able to catch his scent."
Olivia hummed and pulled out her phone, turning on its flashlight and pointing it at the floor. The three of them flinched when they saw the small puddle of blood on the floor; Stiles even got a little green around the gills, which wasn't surprising due to his slight fear of blood.
"Gross," he groaned quietly. "He was here, preforming very minor surgery on himself."
"Lydia, you were right," Olivia reached for her cousin's hand, squeezing it lightly. "Your instincts were right."
"Then why don't I feel good about this?"
"Probably because he was here to kill somebody."
"Kids with glowing eyes," Olivia mused. "but they're not part of the pack. Which narrows it down it down to..."
Lydia shrugged. "I have no idea."
"We gotta figure it out," Stiles decided. "Spread out, start looking for anything."
The girls did as he said, leaving the chemical closet. While Stiles started on one side of the classroom, looking through some of the lab tables, Lydia walked toward the teacher's desk, and Olivia searched some of the cabinets that held the lab equipment.
"Lydia," Stiles noticed that Lydia drifted toward the chalk board absentmindedly and saw that she was staring at a set of three numbers. "what are those?"
19. 53. 88.
"Atomic numbers," Lydia answered as he and Olivia moved to her side.
"Is it a formula?"
"No," it was Olivia who spoke this time. "Nineteen's Potassium. Fifty-three is Iodine. Eighty-eight is Radium. The first two make Potassium Iodide."
Olivia picked up a piece of chalk and started writing the atomic symbols next to their corresponding numbers.
"Potassium is K?" Stiles interrupted her writing.
Olivia nodded. "From Kalium, the scientific neo-Latin name."
"What's Radium?"
"Kira," Olivia breathed, her heart starting to race. "That's why none of the tethers were giving me anything."
"Guys," Lydia spoke up, giving them a horrified look. "Scott went to Kira's house for dinner."
When they got to Kira's house, Scott was knocked out, laying on the street next to his bike. Kira was no where to be found and when Stiles was finally able to wake Scott, he confirmed their suspicions.
"Barrow, he took Kira!" he exclaimed breathlessly as Stiles and Lydia helped him to his feet.
"We know. He was after her the whole time," Stiles patted him on the back. He glanced at Olivia, who had been talking to Isaac on the phone to see if he and Allison found anything in the bestiary. "What'd he say?"
"They didn't find anything," she reported, ending the call. "Just some stuff about flies and the dead. Nothing else."
"Well, we have to think of something," Scott said nervously. "He's going to kill her."
"I knew he was there," Lydia's voice deepened when it shook from the anxiety she was feeling. "How did I know that?"
"You heard the flies," Stiles said. "What do you hear now?"
Lydia was silent for a moment, listening, before she shook her head. "Nothing," she scoffed, disappointed in herself. "I feel like I can do this. But I don't know what to do. It's like it's on the tip of my tongue, and I don't know how to trigger it. I just—I sweat to God, it literally makes me want to scream."
Screaming, the most known way of communication from a banshee. "Then scream, Lydia," Olivia urged her. "Scream."
The scream that burst from Lydia's lips was the loudest any of them had been yet. While Olivia covered her ears and flinched back, she mused that it might have been because it was the first time Lydia was actually cooperating with her abilities. Despite the pain that being a banshee could bring her cousin, she was proud of Lydia for using her powers for good.
Lydia's tether flared and shook, but it held strong. Lydia was strong.
A full minute later, Lydia's screamed died down. The redhead didn't move, still turned away from Olivia, Stiles, and Scott. A noise caught her attention, the buzzing noise. She followed it, looking up at the streetlight hanging above her. She quickly turned around, causing Stiles to flinch.
"It's not flies," she told them. "it's electricity."
As Scott looked up at the light, Stiles twisted his lips. "Wait a second," he thought aloud. "Barrow was an electrical engineer. He worked at a power substation."
"What substation?"
He squinted, trying to remember the information from some of the papers he pinned to the crime board in Olivia's room. "The one by the Iron Works."
Scott drove ahead of them on his bike, arriving at the power substation in the Iron works couple minutes before Olivia pulled up with Stiles and Lydia in her car. Scott had already run into the building and Stiles was jumping out of his seat the second Olivia shifted into park.
"Okay, wait here," he told Olivia and Lydia. "Just wait for the cops to come."
"Stiles, I'm coming with you—"
Stiles cut Olivia off before she could protest more. "I have only one bat, Livvy. Please, please just wait."
Olivia felt her heart starting to ache from the panic pumping through her. "Stiles, if you die, I'll kill you."
Stiles only winked at her before running off into the building. Lydia climbed into the passenger seat while they waited, tightly squeezing her hand. It wasn't long before Scott's red tether was pulsing painfully and seconds later, Stiles' and Isaac's started up, too.
Scott, Stiles, Isaac...Scott, Scott, Scott...Isaac, Isaac, Isaac...Stiles, Stiles, Stiles...
There was an explosion; bright lights came from the inside of the substation and then everything went black.
(Gif is not mine)
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wherearemyglassesbro · 4 years ago
ooh ooh!! can you do more characters in your genshin au?
Yeah!! ;-; I’m surprised y’all like it alsjalsksk thank you for humoring me :)
Sadik: Pyro, polearm, *
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Yells a lot in his voice lines and despite having a whole polearm, he still uses his hands in combat as well. He switches attacks from a good ol polearm whack to a full on sucker punch. Such a variety
Sadik is the best chef at the finest restaurant in the Pyro region of Natlan
He runs the kitchen with an iron fist, nearly making his chefs cry cause he’s like...A muscular Gordon Ramsay. But he will soften up if he actually sees tears
Because of this discipline, his restraunt has 7 stars...When 5 is usually the best of the best. The food there is above and beyond! And only the richest can really go because it’s $5,000 for one serving of spiced chili slime secretions...it tastes better than it sounds
He has full sleeves of tattoos on both arms which show ingredients, dishes and scenery from all of the regions he studied in. His ink pretty much tells his life story so far. Once he runs out of room on his arms he’ll move on to his back
He does interviews for the newspaper and the reporters are like ‘how do you cook so well?’ And he looks at them and goes ‘I don’t burn it’ wow fantastic insight
He isn’t really into combat but he’s a playable character anyway! We have a (soon to be) playable nun so anything is possible
Abel: Pyro, claymore, *
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Another hard hitting character who tends to be on the slow side cause of his weapon but his power move would inflict a lot of damage
Abel is a pro bounty hunter, hired by all kinds of people from the varying regions of Teyvat. He gets paid a lot but his line of work is scaryyyy he takes on like 3 ruin guards at once sometimes. His skin is littered with scars from hilichurl claws, burns and stab wounds. He doesn’t care. He looks super cool
His cabin is tucked away and it’s location is unknown to the general public. Only his brother and sister know but they aren’t allowed to go unless it’s an emergency. Whenever he meets them it has to happen at night within the walls of a city. He doesn’t want criminals or monsters finding out he has siblings
He has a map of each region tattooed somewhere on his hand or arm instead of using a paper map. Fire powers and paper dont go well together
Lilli: Geo, catalyst, Springvale Mondstat
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She’s a healer and her attacks consist of meteors flying out of the sky and hitting enemies! Best used when enemies are not right up in her face cause she literally can’t do hand to hand combat at all so that’s her only drawback
She’s still a kid but her brother trains her to be the best she can be! Vash is visionless but he expected to get a Geo vision. He didn’t, his sister did. So he’s helping her get stronger and learn about her power. She is so grateful for him :’)
She goes to school as she should and does all of her work and on her days off, she practices out in the fields with her brother. Vash throws rocks at her and she uses her powers to stop them in midair and hurl them back in his direction. She’d never ever hurt him and if she did she’d literally stop using her vison forever
Her idle voice lines are mostly about her brother or getting home before sundown “Hm...I wonder what my brother is doing right now” “The sun is setting! We better get moving” “Ah...The breeze feels nice tonight...” “Let’s get moving! There’s so much to see out here!”
If she dies from fall damage or something her ‘death’ voice line is “Big brother...Please...Dont forget me...” OUCH
Raj: Geo, longsword, his ship
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Super fast and attacks jump from one enemy to the other super quick!! Downside is that it’s hard to focus on one enemy if there’s multiple around you cause his attacks go from enemy to enemy
Raj is the captain and owner of a huge cargo ship. He has a crew of 40 strong fighters, all with visions. He carries cargo back and forth from Liyue to Snezhnaya and Inazuma. He carries minerals, food supplies, textiles, anything that pays well!
His sword looks super old and that’s cause it is! It belonged to his great grandfather and has been passed down allllll the way to him! He wields it proudly even though it needs a bit of fixing up here and there every other month
To pass the time while traveling by sea, he plays his flute and his crew sings songs! It warms his heart to see everyone get along
You could hold up any rock and he’d tell you what it is. He has studied up on everything he sells and I mean...He is a Geo vision holder so he takes rock knowledge seriously
Xiao-Mei: Dendro, archer, Liyue
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Fast attacks that will knock enemies over for a few seconds, giving you time to run up to them and land a blow while they’re down
Xiao-Mei is a jewelry maker! She and her mother run a small shop under the docks of Liyue harbor. The placement of the shop is actually beneficial cause as ships dock, the crew will hurry in to buy something for their lovers before seeing them on the streets above! Very slick :)
Xiao-Mei works did metal and makes her own beads for her pieces. She incorporates a lot of shapes or colors from natire, often inspired by flowers like glaze lillies :)
She wears tons of necklaces, rings and bracelets at all times!! If someone likes something she’s wearing, she’ll sell it to them!
Antonio: Hydro, longsword, *
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Attacks tend to focus on one enemy at a time and isn’t good for multitasking... Groups of hilichurls are his weakness but he’ll excel during big boss fights since it’s just one to focus attacks on!!
He has really flirty voice lines though jeez sir calm down...
Toni is an entertainer!! A sword fighting entertainer! People place bets on him and his opponent and it’s exhilarating work! Is it legal? Maybe! Maybe not! Everything is technically legal in the woods right?
He flirts with the ladies in the crowd and thinks he’s so slick but his pick up lines are just the worst “I’ve got a hydro vison :) I can make you...hehe...wet” STOP-
He tends to stay within the borders of the hydro region(Fontaine(?)) but will venture to other regions if his ‘career’ requires it!
He isn’t the smartest so he has a lot of moments where you’re like ‘wow...theres not a thought behind those pretty green eyes’ so...I mean he’s kinda a comic relief :)
Michelle: Hydro, catalyst, Raj’s ship
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One of her power move things is a water shield!! She can shoot through it but things can’t hit her for like 30 seconds! Then the shield can be deployed again and can be used on other characters on your team
Michelle fishes and cooks for Raj and his crew! She was picked up off a beach, lost and disoriented. She’s made a family out of the ship crew and thinks of Raj as an older brother :)
She is a very talented chef but always makes more than needed so they have a lot of leftovers :0
She buys something from Xiao-Mei’s every time they dock in Liyue :)
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sweetest-honeybee · 5 years ago
To Hell and Back
Chapter 13
Summary: Ex and Hels go to meet other Hermits but a certain butcher throws Hels into a panic attack.
Characters: Helsknight, Evil Xisuma, Doc, Xisuma mention, Giran mention, Scar mention, and Beef is there briefly
TW: Panic attack, asthma attack mentions, stuff like that.
Yes, I gave scar asthma for this bc I needed a reason for something in this chapter
After that whole ordeal, the two continued to meet at other areas in the map for the next week. Ex proposed the idea to give Hels a little tour, mostly sticking around the shopping district.
“And this is Grumbot, they said he got all messed up so they built a little private world for him,” said Evil Xisuma. They landed on the perch just in front of a small window and peeked inside. “Still happy as ever,” he mused.
“What does it do? Does it have some kind of purpose?”
“Ah, well while I was still staying in Xisuma’s base, they had some kind of election for a mayor of the shopping district. Grumbot if I’m correct was supposed to help Mumbo in winning.”
Hels nodded slowly at the answer. “Alright then...Did he win?”
Ex shook his head with pursed lips. “No, Scar won. He got all the diamonds everyone spent on plots of land for their shops to use for repairs and new stuff and whatnot.”
Hels hummed in response. “Well no wonder Grumbot was so upset. I hope he’s a good leader. When you had me meet him, he didn’t seem much like the leading type. He’s all soft.”
“Soft, yes. But he’s kind to the Hermits and myself. I believe he’s had quite a rough past which probably made way for some kind of pity vote here and there if you ask me.”
Hels gave Ex a pointed look, completely disregarding Ex’s last statement. “Rough past?”
“Yeah, I dunno if you saw that he’s covered head to toe in scars, which is probably where the name came from, but he’s said something here and there about some people he’s come across a long time ago.” The man shrugged. “I don’t know a whole lot about it.”
Hels looked back at the smiling Grumbot. “Well, with a good origin story emerges some kind of hero, I suppose.”
“That’s odd coming from you. I think you’re spending too much time around Xisuma.” The knight merely responded by playfully punching him in the arm.
Then Hels wondered. “Why wasn’t Xisuma the mayor, though? He’s the ruler of-“ Hels gestured around them vaguely “-All of this.”
Ex shook his head. “I thought so too, but he said he’s not the one who makes all the decisions around here and he’s not fitting for the job anyways. Apparently everyone helps with all the decision making and whatnot.”
Hels hummed, considering the thought. “Alright then, shall we continue? I believe there’s some Hermits you haven’t introduced me to. I’ve heard that there’s a creeper-cyborg-guy running around. Something about goats?”
Ex laughed at the thought of Hels meeting Doc. “I actually think the two of you may get along quite well! Same with Joe Hills. His poetry and your dramatic speeches certainly go hand in hand.” He eyed Hels with a grin while the knight rolled his eyes. “But yes, we can continue. Though, I would like you to meet Beef as well but Wels lives near his place. I think it’d be cool to meet the person who practically created you.”
“Well, the vessel anyways.”
“Right, let's head off then and give Grumbot some privacy.”
With that, the two lifted off once more, this time coming across a weirdly shaped mountain miles away accompanied by a large house split into halves. As they landed, they spotted Doc hardly a few meters away. The creeper was too busy moving items to different chests repeatedly, probably sorting, to notice the new company.
“Hello, Doc! I’d like to introduce you to a new friend of mine that’s gonna live on the server for a while!”
Ex must’ve startled the old man. An easy assumption when Doc quite harshly smacked the back of his head on the lid of the chest while standing. Glancing at Evil Xisuma, he rubbed at his neck.
“Next time, I’d rather not have people sneaking up on me.” His eyes then landed on Hels. “Woah, did Wels go through an emo phase?” He chuckled at his own joke.
“Hardy har har. I’m his evil clone.”
Doc merely rolled his eyes. “I’m not surprised. Beef was asking for some help regarding his cloning machine after you were created.”
Hels raised a brow at the comment. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Doc just shrugged. “Dunno. Probably doesn’t want more evil clones running around.” He clapped his hands together. “Anyways! What can I do for you guys, I’m a bit busy at the moment so you’ll have to be quick,” Doc ended with a pointed glare at Hels.
“Just needed to introduce him to everyone and we’ll be on our way. Nothing much else than that. I’ll just let him wander a bit and look around if that’s alright.”
“Fine with me, just don’t use my villagers, farms, or break anything that takes a lot of effort to replace.” Doc waved a hand dismissively as he walked back over to his chest, beginning to sort again.
With that, Hels looked up at the mountain near them. “Hey, what’s with the mountain? Looks like an animal head.”
Without removing his focus from the chest, Doc simply replied, “It’s a goat.”
“Alright then.” Hels looked over at Ex. “I don’t believe there’s too much to look at over here, we can move on. If you’d like me to meet Beef now, we can do that.”
Doc couldn’t help but to glance at them after Hels’s suggestion. “I thought Wels doesn’t want you near his base.”
“Mind your business old man.”
Doc glared at the knight once more and turned back to his chest, grumbling something under his breath along the lines of ‘I’m not that old’. The pair snorted at the scientist.
“Okay, let's go then.”
It wasn’t a very long flight this time, much to Hels’s surprise. He thought Beef lived much farther away than where he settled. The sandstone village came into view within hardly a couple minutes.
But for some reason, Hels found the village intimidating.
“I wonder if he’s here, he’s not around a lot,” Ex prefaced. As if on cue, the butcher came into view from the blacksmith, several iron bars and end rods piled in his arms. “Ah, nevermind then. Let’s say hello!”
Before Ex went approaching Beef, he was caught short by the wrist. He turned and found the knight gripping it quite harshly, a frown deepening on his face.
“Hels, would you please let go of me?”
The knight pulled him back a foot or two behind the building. “Um, actually maybe we can just do this later. He seems busy.”
Ex cocked his head to the side. “That didn’t stop us with Doc, Mumbo, Grian, Star, Xisuma, Stress, Ren-“ Hels shushed him quickly.
“No, I don’t care. Let’s just go.” Hels tugged on his wrist once more, Ex not budging from his current placement. Worry suddenly became evident in his expression.
“Is something wrong?”
Hels just shook his head, a flush creeping across his face, but oddly enough, Ex recognized that it wasn’t the good kind. “No- Please will you just come with m-“
“Is everything alright over here?” The knight stopped mid pull. To his left, Beef stood with purple glittered hands on his hips. “Why are you pulling on him like that, let the dude go.”
Without hesitation, Hels slipped his hand away. “Sorry,” he mumbled. He exhaled shakily.
Beef raised a brow almost in unison with Ex. “You’re not looking so hot, are you feeling okay? There’s a library behind you if you wanna sit in there.”
“Hels, I dunno if you know this but you’re pale. Like really pale. Do I need to call Stress and Xisuma?”
The knight shut his eyes tightly, shaking his head again, harder this time. “Beef please leave,” he croaked. With a slight nod, the butcher left. “I um-“ Hels swallowed thickly, “-Ex, remember when uh- when I said that I get scared sometimes and cry in a corner?”
Ex had to think for a second before his eyes widened. “Is that what’s happening right now?” He looked around frantically. “There’s not really any good corners here-“
“No- No, I just- please just take me somewhere else, I need to be out of this village. What’s uh- where’s the nearest place?”
“Closest place is Wels’s base but we can’t go there.”
Yeah, that would probably make it worse, especially if the other knight was at his base. Then, Hels had an idea.
“Chorus fruit,” he exhaled.
“Do you have chorus fruit.”
Ex nodded with an “Oh” and pulled the round purple fruit from his inventory. Immediately, Hels snatched one from him.
“Take a bite on three and hold my hand.” Ex did so. With the final number, the two took a bite and, almost too conveniently, they landed at the greenhouse. Hels didn’t let go of his hand, however, the grip only became much tighter while he dragged them both to the floor.
“Do I need to get someone?”
Hels shook his head, screwing his eyes shut.
“What do I do then?”
The knight struggled for words through vigorous shaking. He just kept shaking his head and leaned into the other, taking the held hand into both of his own.
Ex honestly had no clue what to do. He’s never seen this happen to any of the other Hermits, let alone Hels. But one thing he did know is that a person shouldn’t really be breathing that frantically.
That then tied to a memory back to an event involving Scar. The terraformer had asthma, he knew. He could vaguely pinpoint a moment where Grian had helped him out of an asthma attack. And while he did so, he had Ex retrieve Stress. The evil hermit caught on to the breathing exercises the two followed before following through with his task.
Would that work? Hels didn’t have asthma. Ex wasn’t even sure if those exercises were even for whatever was happening right now.
“Hey- Hey Hels, I’m going to try something. This will be stupid, but bare with me.” He lightly tapped the other on his shoulder with his free hand and Hels lifted his face ever so slightly to face him a bit more. “Good job,“ he repeated the words from Grian. “I need you to breathe with me, can you do that?”
Initially, Hels shook his head once more. But a second after he stopped, there was a small hint at a nod.
“Awesome, just follow my lead.” Ex inhaled slowly through his nose while the knight followed his first step, albeit shakily. He then exhaled out of his mouth, letting Hels take his time to follow again after another bout of shallow breaths. “You’re doing great,” he parroted again. “We’re going to do that a few more times.”
And again, they did. Inhale through the nose, exhale out of the mouth. Granted, when Scar was having his troubles, he had some kind of machinery next to him to help him breathe, but at least this was close. Inhale again through the nose, then exhale out of the mouth.
Absentmindedly, the evil hermit trailed his fingers over the other’s back lightly. He didn’t honestly expect this to work, he thought someone was going to have to come help him. He knew for sure that he was going to have to tell someone about what happened but he’d cross that bridge when he got to it.
Soon, Hels had his face tucked into the crook of Ex’s neck, much to Ex’s dismay. He loved the guy but he’d rather his suit not be wet with tears. Still, he kept his own firm grip in the tangle of fingers between their legs and the attack died down into minimal shaking.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He proposed. Hels pulled himself away from the other’s chest and Ex practically felt his own heart break at the sight. There was the courageous and merciless knight, red faced and puffy eyed, a few tears still making their way down his cheeks, others merely sticking to them. Hels wiped at them pathetically.
“Okay then, what happened? What caused it?”
Hels meekly shrugged. “The village I guess. I dunno for sure.”
“Was it Beef? You wanted him to leave almost as soon as he came to talk.”
The knight stuttered. Ex was a bit too blunt for his liking when it came to asking questions. “I- I don’t know- He’s not even that bad. There was…” he took a deep breath. This was pathetic. Here was one of the strongest and most powerful people in Hels talking about his feelings. “The village kind of did it before we even landed,” he finally concluded.
Ex shifted in his spot. “Well, would it help to tell you about something I’m afraid of? Or at least used to be? Xisuma does it sometimes when I’m scared.”
The corners of Hels’s mouth twitched upwards just slightly. “Sure.”
“F...flowers? You’re afraid of flowers and you own a flower shop and a greenhouse?” The knight sat up more.
Ex wagged a finger with his free hand. For a second upon noticing this, Hels let go of his other hand. “I said ‘or at least used to be’. I’m not afraid of them much anymore, a little unnerving with some specific kinds, but they’re my favorite thing in the world right now!”
The evil hermit knew he must’ve been doing something right when Hels let out a snort. “Flowers….who would believe.” He shook his head, lightly this time.
“Xisuma certainly found it odd. When I was still in my bad guy days, I came through this portal and everything and I told him I was gonna kill him. He was like ‘What’s stopping you?’ and at the time he was holding flowers.” The knight nodded along to his story. “After that I just ran away and-“
“The Lord of Darkness called you an idiot. I remember that because everyone in Hels heard it.”
Ex pulled a hand to his chest in mock offense. “He did not!” He laughed. “Okay maybe he did.”
The two fell into silence, now noticing the sun falling behind the hills slowly. A minute passed.
“What’s Xisuma afraid of?” asked Hels.
“Xisuma? Oh, he’s afraid of a lot of things. A lot more than me, I think and I’m scared of everything.” Hels chuckled at his phrasing. “Hm, I think he said one time that he was actually quite terrified of Enderman. But he’s not like….run away kind of scared. He’ll attack them when they scare him.”
“Fight or flight,” Hels muttered. Ex took notice to the setting sun.
“We should get going, I don’t want you falling asleep in here again. Are we going to go back to Beef at some point? Or we could meet him somewhere else.”
Hels shrugged. “I don’t know. I think it'll be fine if you give it a couple days.” He yawned. “Jeez, that wore me out.”
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narastories · 5 years ago
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Happy 280th Birthday Tom!
After having such a great fun with doing this for Lord John, I decided to do a reading for our wee Byrd as well.
A Natal Chart Reading for Tom Byrd
I am still not an astrologer
This is made in the spirit of appreciation of this character and his story. The purpose of this is pure fun on my part and hopefully to entertain some of you as well. Plus, to maybe provide some character-study-style insight or inspiration.
Tom Byrd’s character belong to Diana Gabaldon - duh -
Tom has no official canon birth date as far as we know it. A few of us decided on a whim to celebrate him on this day, and oh boy is it perfect from an astrological standpoint. Of course, it is. But that’s it, it’s just adoring fan-silliness from our part.
Again, I take full responsibility for the time of day chosen. I have cycled through the day by the hour, compared charts and decided on the one that I’ve found most fitting and just went with that.
Tom Byrd’s character has appeared only in the Lord John books so far, so every example I’m giving here will be from there. Nothing too spoilery.
This is astrology applied to a fictional character, you have been warned. Continue at your own discretion.
Let’s transport ourselves into the world of Outlander, and imagine the day that world was gifted with the presence of this cute and complicated character. What do the stars tell us about him?
Double Cancer 
No one ever said that Cancerians would be easy to understand. People born under the Crab are capable of holding many contradictions in their personality, and this is twice as true in the case of Tom Byrd who has both the Sun and the Moon in Cancer. When the two most powerful planets of a chart are in the same sign it tends to make the characteristics of that sign very prominent.
He is extremely cautious, but won’t hesitate taking the initiative when he needs to. Others tend to underestimate him at first, because he will stick to the rules. That is until he breaks them. He does not welcome change, but still adapts quickly to changing circumstances.
Tom appreciates safety, like the security that comes from stable employment, but still has a secret love for adventure. Luckily he can satisfy both of those cravings as the valet of Lord John Grey, because we all know that his lordship has the talent of getting into the most bizarre situations and is more than happy to keep Tom around to accompany him. (#zombies #succubus)
Just like a little crab crawling sideways he might have an indirect approach to things, but eventually he will always get where he wants to go.
He is sensitive and kind, but since his feelings are so dominant his mood can change fast. This is usually concealed by a carefully constructed exterior built from propriety and good manners. He uses this to hide deep feelings and extreme sensitivity underneath. He might be calm and collected on the surface most of the time, but there is a constantly shifting tide of emotions in his heart. He has the tendency to worry too much, to brood silently when he’s hurting or sulk when he disapproves, but no one listens to him.
Those who know him a little better will know that this grumpy little valet has a heart of gold. He is extremely caring and has a natural talent for making others comfortable and cared for.
At the same time Tom is cautious about revealing too much, which makes him naturally discrete. Besides his skill at giving a close shave this was one of the characteristics that made Lord John keep him as a valet just after just a short while of knowing him. Tom is also exceptionally perceptive and hard to deceive. He will notice the tiniest of details. This, and his high sensitivity to people’s emotions makes him good at figuring out others’ motivations. His intuition also makes him great at sensing public trends, and this combined with his creativity contributes to him becoming a good valet. He has a good memory and likes to collect information and store away small details later to be used.
His most admirable trait is probably his loyalty. When he is caring for someone, nothing can deter him. Crabs are known to retreat to safety at the first sign of danger. Don’t be fooled by Tom’s occasional outburst heroism, bravery is not his default setting. (#roaches) And because of that it means so much more when he does choose to stay and fight.
Cancerians tend to be quite the people-collectors. They don’t easily let people they know out of their sight. So fyi: there is no way Tom Byrd would willingly abandon Lord John Grey or let him out of his life completely. I think he would have loved if Jack decided to stay with them, but you know… his brother had his own loyalties.
Underneath all these layers Tom hides a fragile heart. He secretly needs and craves support and encouragement. He tries to hide it, but he has a lot of insecurities and can be a bit shy.
He is passionate about fixing other people’s problems. It comes from a strong urge to care for others even if it can be a bit overbearing sometimes.
Having the Moon in Cancer as well makes him even more protective and persistent. He perceives the world through his emotions, rather than rational arguments. This can cause a conflict with people who try to argue their feelings away - khm John khm - because that is very hard to understand for Tom. Other aspects of his chart play into this as well (Mars in Taurus) Sometimes he won’t be willing to see someone else’s point, especially if he knows that person feels differently than the argument they intellectually make.
No matter how in tune with his feelings he is, he doesn’t usually show them openly and as hypersensitive he is to other people’s emotions, he can sometimes be blinded by his own.
He is best in a deep, committed and loving relationship with someone who will appreciate his delicate heart and will dispel his feelings of unworthiness.
Capricorn Rising
Tom Byrd has a serious outward demeanor. No matter how young, inexperienced or out of his depth he may be in a certain situation, he is more than capable of employing the ‘fake it ‘till you make it’ tactic.  
With strangers he is often quiet and reserved. He also possesses great willpower and determination. It is important to him that he achieves things through his own hard work and that he feels like his life is meaningful. (Mars in Taurus) He has all the necessary discipline, ambition and patience to do just so. Becoming a lord’s valet is something he takes pride in, no matter the initial circumstances.
He has an active mind, quick intelligence, and the ability to concentrate. He likes to map things out ahead of time, because he doesn’t like to be caught unprepared. Fussing over details is his way of staying in control. He’s also a bit of a perfectionist.
He is a worrier. He loves deeply, and goes out of his way to be kind to others, but on the other hand he will hold onto hurt, and will hold a grudge.
His chart is ruled by Saturn which is in Cancer in the 7th house of partnership. This might suggest that he is emotionally too dependent on others. However, he is great at seeing a task through completion. Can be sly if he wants to. (see how he inserted himself into John’s life? see??) The obstacles he needs to overcome are his insecurity and lack of confidence.
Other interesting tidbits
The evils of propriety
Tom is mindful of decency and societal norms. (Capricorn Rising) That doesn’t mean he is not ready to throw them out the window, this is just another one of his contradictions. With him belonging to one of the Uranus in Capricorn generations he has the confidence to break through old established ideas. This aspect of his chart does oppose the likewise generational Neptune in Cancer, which suggests that this conflict is something he has a lot to do with in his life. Old-fashioned values vs. change for the better. Being compassionate towards others and maintaining harmony vs. fighting for your values and/or goals.
Sweet little cupcake
Tom is irresistibly likeable and naturally attracts warm feelings from others. (Venus in Leo) Do I need to say more? He is adorable and I have fallen under his spell. Points to Venus - there is my excuse lol
Twin influences
Tom has Mercury in Gemini, which gives an interesting quicksilver quality to his personality. He is surprisingly hard to pin down (get your mind out of the gutter ;P ). He is curious, versatile and quick witted. A great example of this is when in Private Matter John is trying to be very discreet about inquiring about his brother, and is surprised to find that against this effort, Tom immediately sees through him that he considers the possibility of his brother being guilty.
He also has Jupiter in Gemini, which again points to his adventurous nature and the knack for getting into advantageous situations. Do I need to say more?
My favourite small tidbit in his chart is a complex trine which suggests that he is good at looking beneath the surface for answers, good at investigating and unearthing things, and that he finds great allies in this. He is quite a little detective, our Tom. Seems like a small thing, but the placement of it suggests that this aids him in a great way. Which we know is true ;)
I hope you enjoyed this little ramble. It was fun to write, and it just made me fall twice as madly in love with our wee Byrd. Not that I need the encouragement on any day lol
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theoretical-tactician · 6 years ago
sirlucina replied to your post: Nintendo: Releases English version of Three Houses...
bruh what are ur theories
I’ve been waiting for someone to ask and I have a lot to say, so I’m shoving this under a read more.
So, I’m gonna go under the assumption that y’all have watched both trailers and listened to the English version of the main theme (though I’ll be shoving the lyrics here, no need to worry).
When the time the first trailer came out, Byleth didn’t stand out much. They kinda were just there and all we knew about them was that (1) their name is Byleth, (2) they’re likely the MU, (3) they wield swords, and (4) they’re probably a teacher.
Among this information, the one thing that was pretty interesting was Byleth’s name. Pulling up a wikipedia page on Beleth, the first thing you’ll note is this:
“In demonology, Beleth also spelled Bilet, Bileth, Byleth and Bilith is a mighty and terrible king of Hell, who has eighty-five legions of demons under his command. He rides a pale horse, and all kinds of music is heard before him, according to most authors on demonology and the most known grimoires.”
I’ll be honest, I didn’t think much of this the first time it came across my radar since you can’t take all information at face value, but I felt there had to be some reason to why the name was chosen for Byleth, considering names for characters (especially main characters) tend to be chosen for a reason. So I noticed something later in the wikipedia article (which is rather short) that caught my interest.
“The conjurer must be brave, and holding a hazel wand in his hand must draw a triangle by striking towards the South, East, and upwards, then commanding Beleth into it by means of some conjurations.”
What’s so interesting about this is when you reference it with the map of Fodlan.
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It’s known that the academy is in the center of the map, but then draw your attention to the placement of the kingdoms. Adrastea is to the south, Leicester is to the east, and Faerghus is to the north aka upwards. This strengthens Byleth’s relation to the king of Hell.
But there wasn’t much I could do with this information. Not until the most recent trailer and the full English version of the main theme dropped. It makes things...interesting and has made me think of where the game could possibly go, though knowing what IS did to my hopes for Conquest, I could be extremely wrong in all of my ideas and as such, anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt.
So, we saw a few interesting things in the most recent trailer, namely Sothis and Byleth’s ability to manipulate time. I’ll start with Sothis since she’s more of a wild card to me and ties into Byleth’s abilities.
Sothis’s name is the Greek name of the Egyptian goddess Sopdet. I’m unsure of how much I can obtain from her name other than that Sopdet is the personification of the star Sirius, and nothing we’ve seen about her character really strikes me as relating to her name. But what is interesting about her is the fact that only Byleth sees her, likely within their mind since their meeting with Sothis is very similar to when Robin sees Grima and Validar talking to each other in his dreams back in Awakening.
This then ties into Byleth’s time manipulation abilities, which may sound like a stretch to say, but all the information exists for it. Towards the end of the trailer, we have the bit with a negative filter over it playing a scene in reverse. But before it plays in reverse, we see this:
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A bandit clearly shoving his axe head directly into Byleth’s back as they protect Edelgard, which I would most definitely consider a killing--if not disabling--blow. What’s extra interesting is that Byleth is in this exact same position earlier on in the trailer when they first meet Sothis:
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Which is extra interesting when right before this moment earlier on in the trailer, it’s stated that:
“After an unexpected incident reveals an unknown power hidden within [...] around that same time, you alone begin to see a mysterious girl named Sothis who appears within your mind.”
I would expect being ambushed and stabbed in the back by a bandit to be an unexpected incident and if that truly leads to Byleth meeting Sothis and gaining their powers, then it would suggest that their abilities are to manipulate time in a similar fashion to Mila’s Turnwheel in Echoes. I think it’s time manipulation considering the whole ambush plays out in reverse, shattering when reaching to the moment of Edelgard’s surprise (negative filter over this gif for easy viewing).
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And then immediately afterwards showing the same scene play normally, except Byleth parries the blow and is completely untouched.
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This couldn’t have happened if Byleth had an axe sticking out of their back, but the previous scene definitely happened and with how it was shown, it was definitely before Byleth parried the blow. So the only way it could’ve happened this way is if Byleth suddenly obtained the power to manipulate time after an unexpected incident.
There’s one last thing I want to show from the newer trailer before I move onto my theories for the game based off of the main theme’s lyrics. That would be this specific image from the trailer:
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Byleth is surrounded by darkness and completely unfazed by it, and the way it dances around them suggests it might be coming from Byleth. They also wield what is probably the all important legendary sword of this game (considering it’s been shown multiple times in the trailers), but that’s as far as I’ll go with this information for now since the lyrics of the main theme will tie up this information into my theories (yes, this information was just going over info so people know what I’m thinking).
If y’all have noticed, I’ve solely been focusing on Byleth while going over the information we have before I go into the main theme. There’s a good reason for that and it’s because when I first listened--and I mean really listened--to the song, I started to read the lyrics as if it were Byleth’s point of view, which I ask y’all to do now.
Reach for my hand, I’ll soar away into the dawn, oh, I wish I could stay. Here in cherished halls, in peaceful days I fear the edge of dawn knowing time betrays.
Daylight’s passed through colored glass, in this beloved place. Silver shines, the world dines, a smile on each face.
As choice surrounds, come out of bounds and I can feel them breaking free. For just this moment lost in time, I am finally me.
Yet still I hide, behind this mask that I have become. My blackened heart, scorched by flames of force I can’t run from.
I look to you, like a red rose seeking the sun no matter where it goes. I long to stay, where the light dwells to guard against the cold that I know so well.
Here is where I ask y’all to start being skeptical of anything I say considering I can be very, very wrong in the end (and I will bring up other possibilities that I’ve thought of what these lyrics could be instead of my initial reaction), but it’s still fun to theorize and if I’m wrong, I’ll just write my own story after I beat the game.
When I first listened to the song, the first thing I noticed to have any sort of meaning was the second verse:
Daylight’s passed through colored glass, in this beloved place. Silver shines, the world dines, a smile on each face.
What stuck out? Well, the military academy is within the monastery, correct? We’ve seen it to have stained glass windows--a common staple for some religious buildings--which is colored glass meant to look beautiful when light passes through.The smiling faces are likely the students within the academy. So this means that whoever it is that wished they could stay is likely talking about the military academy within the monastery.
Next is verse three which goes:
As choice surrounds, come out of bounds and I can feel them breaking free. For just this moment lost in time, I am finally me.
The first part I can’t really make much sense of, but the line “For just this moment lost in time, I am finally me” sticks out to me. We’ve seen Byleth lost in time once, when they connect to Sothis and gain the ability to manipulate time (it also causes “knowing time betrays” from verse one to stick out for the same reasons: times seems important to their character). I’d consider this moment Byleth finally awakening to who they truly are, finally being themself.
This then ties into the fourth verse:
Yet still I hide, behind this mask that I have become. My blackened heart, scorched by flames of force I can’t run from. 
As stated at that start, Byleth is another name for the demon Beleth, and Beleth is capable of changing the form he takes, appearing different to people, which can be considered similar to hiding behind a mask. This mask could be Byleth’s own human form, unaware of their own abilities and truths.
These bits of the song made me connect it to Byleth and think of it from Byleth’s pov in the first place. Looking at it this way makes me think that Byleth is not only a protagonist, but an antagonist as well, somewhat similar to that of Robin in Awakening.
To back up this idea, I look back at verse four, specifically the part I haven’t talked about yet:
My blackened heart, scorched by flames of force I can’t run from.
This suggests Byleth being in pain, being surrounded by darkness (sounds kinda familiar, kinda like an image from before) and unable to escape, but wishing to (especially when you combine it with what is stated in verse one with wishing to stay).
I look to you, like a red rose seeking the sun no matter where it goes. I long to stay, where the light dwells to guard against the cold that I know so well.
If this is truly Byleth, then verse five really drives in the idea that they want to be free of their dark side and be with the people that make them feel happy and free: those at the academy.
I wanna restate that I could be extremely wrong about this and maybe it’s about another character like that goddess we hear so much about. But it seems so much more interesting for the song to be about Byleth based on the information we have.
With this information in mind, it makes me think of/hope for one of the following to happen in the story:
Byleth is a demon of sorts themself and, as such, goes from being a protagonist to a villain at some point that you--as the students--need to fight
Byleth is a demon of sorts themself and, as such, you--as Byleth--end up fighting/defending yourself against the church
Sothis perhaps being an evil force that possesses Byleth and Byleth wishing to be free of her
I wouldn’t bet on any of them happening in the game since I don’t expect much of IntSys when it comes to their stories, but if it were it would make the line from Edelgard at the end of the first trailer pack a bit more of a punch.
“I will return here someday, my teacher. Promise me that you won’t forget me.”
I do enjoy my ideas though, and when the story ends up not having any of what I say, I’ll just write my own version. Though I’d be interesting in hearing what other people’s theories are now to compare with my own.
EDIT: One last theory involving Byleth of mine is that it is possible that the legendary sword they use is possessed or something. It seems pretty important to the story and the only time we see Byleth with it in the trailers is when they’re surrounded by darkness.
The only other characters we see touch it are a man who can only be assumes to be evil (using it as a whip sword in the first trailer) and a woman is is likely the goddess or some important religious figure hugging it to her face.
I kinda forgot to include this, but it would be hard to find a way to gracefully weave it into what I’ve already written. It would be interesting and perhaps make it easier to save Byleth from the dark.
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yearsblog · 7 years ago
How do you follow up a smash hit album that, in your native country alone, sold over a quarter of a million copies, spent two weeks at Number 1 (and didn’t budge from the Top 40 for over a year), spawned both a Number 1 (which itself sold just shy of a million copies) and a Number 2 single, and earned you four Brit Award nominations? With a bit of time and patience, it seems – or at least that’s how Years & Years have done it. The London-based, British-Australian trio’s second studio album ‘Palo Santo’, the follow up to 2015’s banger-filled, world-beating debut ‘Communion’, which put singer Olly Alexander and multi-instrumentalists Emre Türkmen and Mikey Goldsworthy on the proverbial map, has just been unleashed onto the world and currently boasts a handsome score of 82 on Metacritic, a 14-point increase on their previous offering. They may have, by their own admission, suffered from a little Difficult Second Album Syndrome, but the numbers don’t lie – their patience in crafting this record has absolutely paid off.
In reality, it’s not been an inordinately long wait for Years & Years fans, just three years, almost to the day – shorter than we were made to wait for recent sophomore offerings from Lorde, HAIM, Sam Smith and London Grammar. We meet for our interview on the third anniversary of the release of ‘Communion’,four days after ‘Palo Santo’ dropped, on the afternoon of the London instalment of the brief run of gigs across Europe and North America that are serving as the album’s launch parties. Despite being in the middle of a mad release week, packed with media appearances and album promotion, there’s little sign of fatigue from the band. The mayhem of the day hasn’t yet gotten to Emre, who has the clarity of mind to quickly fix an issue with our Polaroid camera, nor Olly, who is supposedly on vocal rest ahead of the performance, but voluntarily sings lines of ‘Sanctify’ as we snap our pictures. With his hair freshly re-dyed red, he’s in a chipper mood. “We can’t wait to be inside you,” he offers as his message to fans in New Zealand, before rethinking his contribution: “Bit weird.” Similarly cheeky humour comes from the stage late in that night's set: “I’m really wet,” he tells the adoring crowd, adding, “Sign of a good night, if you ask me.” There’s no shortage of banter on this promo circus.
If the magic took a little time to return during their writing and recording sessions in the British countryside last year, you wouldn’t notice from listening to ‘Palo Santo’, a record that manages to capture an unmistakeable Years & Years sound, while also pushing them into new territory. There’s particularly noticeable progress in the lyrics: whereas on ‘Communion’, the tracks often sounded as if Olly was writing them while looking directly into the eyes of their subjects, ignoring all surroundings and speaking purely from the heart, on ‘Palo Santo’, the lens is widened and we’re given more context, as well as a greater sense of space and time, to aid our understanding of each of these relationships and encounters. This advancement is particularly evident on ’Lucky Escape’ (in which a bitter scroll through an ex’s Instagram leads to a disparaging sense of relief at having ended things) and the title track (about the complicated experience of being the third party in an open relationship), each about different, yet fully-realised romantic partners.
This lyrical evolution is also apparent on first single ‘Sanctify’, the tale of a fling with a straight-identifying man, suggesting that a discrepancy in two partners’ confidence in their respective sexualities can lead to an interesting power-play in the bedroom. Despite the erotic thrill of the track, Olly’s writing manages to remain sympathetic to a man who “lately life’s been tearing […] apart." "I know how it can hurt / being cut in two and afraid,” he discloses, with surprising depth and warmth for a song so carnal. He’s a lyricist of great heart, trying to make sense of troubled men who are in turn trying to make sense of themselves, even if the romantic relationship he has with them doesn’t extend beyond the bedroom.
Olly’s background as an actor has gained new relevance with the release of ‘Palo Santo’, which sees him take a lead role in the accompanying short film and reteam with co-stars from his years on stage and screen. Before Years & Years properly got going, it was for supporting roles in films like ‘God Help The Girl’, ‘The Riot Club’ and (as Mikey teasingly reminds Olly during our interview) ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ that Olly became a recognisable face. He even featured opposite Greta Gerwig, the future Oscar-nominated director of ‘Lady Bird’, in the tiny 2011 indie ‘The Dish and The Spoon’, and could often be found on the London stage, turning in a string of critically-praised performances in plays between 2010 and 2013. The final play in which he appeared was John Logan’s ‘Peter & Alice’, which imagined the meeting between the two real life inspirations behind ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Peter Pan’, played by Dame Judi Dench and Ben Whishaw respectively. In cutaways to the fictional world created by J.M. Barrie, Olly played Peter Pan, fighting for his right to exist despite the wishes of his non-fictional counterpart, Peter Llewelyn Davies, that his life hadn’t been stolen from him by Barrie.
Jump forward five years and these three co-stars are reunited in another fantasy world in which Olly is a different kind of exceptional boy at the mercy of older powers, striving to assert his individuality. Dench is now the cryptic “mother of Palo Santo,” and Whishaw, who also appeared in one of the earliest Years & Years videos, for ‘Real’, makes a fleeting appearance as a hologram, giving an announcement to the city’s inhabitants. The film, shot in Thailand, is wild and ambitious in a way that, away from the output of the Beyoncés and Gagas of the A-list, pop often isn’t anymore. It also gives Olly the chance to sink his teeth into a role beyond just a dialogue-less, short-form music video. His character, also named Olly Alexander, is made to perform repeatedly for audiences, before growing tired and dismayed with being exploited and finding a way to explore his emotions away from the control of others.
Tonight, it’s on another London stage, a couple of miles north of the one they previously shared, that Olly and Dame Judi are reunited. Her voice is woven through the band’s live show at Camden’s Roundhouse, just as it is through the film. The iconic 83-year-old Oscar-winner’s narration has become an integral part of this project, but those hoping for an appearance from the Dame herself tonight are left disappointed, but probably not surprised, at her absence – she remains a formless, floating voice, just as in the world of Palo Santo.
But what does ‘Palo Santo’ actually mean? Despite its placement as the penultimate song on the album, the title track is the record’s centrepiece, a meditative and powerful cut more mature than anything found on their previous LP, on which Olly cries out, “You’re the darkness in me, Palo Santo.” In its most literal sense, the title comes from the name of the thick, wooden incense blocks that the party in the open relationship with whom Olly was involved was burning during their time together. The direct translation is, somewhat amusingly, ‘holy wood’, and their vapours are said to purify the air and cleanse it of evil and darkness.
But such is the expansive universe that the three-piece have built around this two-word term that it now carries several possible interpretations beyond the literal. Alternatively, ‘Palo Santo’ could be a moniker for this man himself, and the short-lived love triangle relationship, which perhaps represents a time of darkness for Olly.
Given the double use of ‘Palo Santo’ as the title of the record and of the futuristic, android world of the accompanying short film, a couple of further, more meta readings avail themselves to us. ‘Palo Santo’ the album could contain the darkness in Olly, with many songs, such as ‘Lucky Escape’, ‘All For You’ and ‘If You’re Over Me’, depicting him at challenging moments following a break-up, as he attempts to power through and come out on top of love rather than be defeated by it.
The world of Palo Santo seen in the film also has a strong connection to a possible darkness within Olly, as it explores the intersection of disconnect and emotionlessness with sensuality and performance. “The divine, amazing and incredible Olly Alexander”, as he is introduced by the Showman character, is one of very few non-androids in Palo Santo, and the androids, as we learn from the Star Wars-esque pre-scroll in Fred Rowson’s film, “desire nothing more than to experience real emotion,” which feels resonant with Olly’s outspoken discussion of his own mental health struggles. When taken alongside songs like ‘Hallelujah’and ‘Rendezvous’, which tell of rather non-committal sexual encounters, we see the same topics in ‘Palo Santo’ that Olly explored last year in his BBC documentary ‘Growing Up Gay’, of how struggles with mental health are sadly pervasive within the queer community.
In the live performance, it’s during ‘Palo Santo’ that Olly, donning a sparkly robe of almost ten metres in length, is raised up on a platform in front of a huge moon, a star ascending across a dark night. It’s a triumphant, almost unbelievable moment of spectacle meeting emotion. There may be “darkness” in this album, but it’s notably never in the form of sadness, and almost entirely hidden in joyous moments of pure pop. In their live show, Years & Years take the chance to show this overcoming of difficulty and adversity through a visual metaphor that literally grows before the audience’s eyes, and it’s an awesome sight to behold.
Despite being a Palo Santo Party, their setlist is equally balanced between their two albums. The newer cuts – such as the snappy ‘Karma’ and thumping ‘Hallelujah’, both just days old to fans – are received ecstatically, and the familiar hits bring some of the night’s most notable moments. Olly is briefly distracted by his front row devotees during ‘Take Shelter’ and stumbles to the end of a verse, before later bringing out an Italian fan who, thanks to the Make A Wish Foundation, gets to sit with him at the piano as he plays ‘Eyes Shut’, leading to one of the night’s biggest cheers. It’s when MNEK returns to the stage for the encore, following his spritely support set, for the debut of a new duet called ‘Valentino’, that the night hits peak gay, much to the fans’ delight. A Latin-flavoured bop telling of an infatuation with a boy “from the outskirts of East LA,” it owes a generous debt to Lady Gaga’s ‘Americano’ (a 2011 album track which opens “I met a girl in East LA…”), as well as the best of 90s girl-band R&B. Fingers crossed we get a studio version ASAP.
Earlier that day, we spoke to Years & Years about developing their songwriting for ‘Palo Santo’, avoiding sadness on a break-up record, when they expect they’ll finally be coming to New Zealand, and much more…
COUP DE MAIN: So it’s three years today since ‘Communion’ came out. EMRE TÜRKMEN: Is it? CDM: It is, happy birthday to it! How has release week been different this time around? OLLY ALEXANDER: It’s similar in the sense that I can’t remember much of it, because we’ve been so all over the place. I guess this time round, you’re… MIKEY GOLDSWORTHY: More of a veteran? OLLY: Yeah, I guess. First time around, I felt like I was hit by a truck. Not in a bad way, not in a negative way, just because it’s so overwhelming. But I think now I feel more grateful that fans have stuck around and that people like the new music. Because you can never take it for granted, can you? What about you guys? EMRE: The first time felt more intense, actually, I seem to remember. Because you know what to expect, in a certain way, it’s less mental. MIKEY: We’re doing similar things. We did [BBC Radio 2 show] Chris Evans last time. We did three countries in one day. CDM: Did you have a big launch show like this one? MIKEY: Not a big one, it was in a little club near Oxford Street. OLLY: We didn’t do anything in America though, did we? I think this time, we tried to do Palo Santo parties, like, East Coast and West Coast America, Berlin and here, so in that sense it’s been way more ambitious. Generally, I think we tried to be a bit more ambitious this time around.
CDM: There seems to be a real progression in your lyrics on this record. They’re more precise and specific than they were on ‘Communion’, and even involve some clever wordplay, particularly on ‘straight’ and ‘mask/masc’ on ‘Sanctify’. Did you approach writing lyrics differently this time around? OLLY: Yeah. Songwriting, especially lyrics – the more you do it, the more you uncover and the more you learn about your own process. The stuff that you write when you’re 20 is going to be different from the stuff you write when you’re 25, which is going to be different from the stuff you write when you’re 27. So I think, by its very nature, it develops and changes. But just as a human being, I feel more confident to write the shit that I actually have in my head. Not that it felt like I was stopping myself before, but I think it made a difference feeling more confident in myself this time around.
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CDM: I think my favourite song on the album is ‘Karma’, which grapples with whether what you’ve done in the past will lead to good or bad fortune in the future. (“No I can’t tell what’s right or wrong / Is there a consequence for all I’ve done?”) Was there something you were trying to answer about the role that guilt has in your life, and whether it’s worth holding onto? OLLY: I guess there’s some specifics that I relate to my own life. Some of those are to do with relationships, some of those are to do with my childhood, and generally about morality and, like, is karma real? And that song, the beginning of the session, I was writing with my friend Sarah Hudson who’s amazing and she’s very like witchy and into like occults and esoteric stuff, and she did a reading for us at the beginning and one of the cards was called ‘karma’ and we were like,“Oh, yes! Let’s write a song called ‘Karma’.”
CDM: How was the experience of writing with Julia Michaels and Justin Tranter on ‘Hallelujah’ and ‘Preacher’? OLLY: Oh, good! It was kind of intense because they’re songwriting royalty. I had the head of our label call me up before the session, because everyone was freaking out. They think if you put people in a room, you’re going to come out with a number one song, and there’s so much pressure on it to be good. So I was quite nervous to meet them, but they’re so warm and so inviting. Julia’s a legend too, but because Justin has had such a trailblazing, queer career and because he’s such a queer force in songwriting and in pop music, I was really humbled to be in his presence. And it was fun, you know, it was nice to work with them because you get to see into another writer’s process. I had no idea if my ideas or the stuff that I’ve been doing as a songwriter was any good, and then when I worked with them, I realised that they do similar things, and I was like,“Okay, this is nice, to be able to do this.” And we got a good song out of it!
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CDM: ‘Palo Santo’ seems to be very much a post-relationship record, with ‘If You’re Over Me’, ‘All For You’ and ‘Lucky Escape’ – as well as the Kele Okereke song that you featured on last year, Olly, ‘Grounds For Resentment’ – detailing how an ex can continue to occupy space in your mind and life once the relationship is over. It’s kind of lacking in heartbreak, unlike most break-up records we hear. Were there sadder songs you wrote for the record that didn’t make the cut? OLLY: I’m trying to think now. MIKEY: There were slower songs. I don’t know if they were sad. OLLY: We had a lot of songs, and then whittled them down. The ones we put on the album felt like the strongest ones. It wasn’t until I saw them together as a group like that where I realised the theme did feel like looking back on a relationship and trying to sort of dig through the shit that happened and feeling sort of angry and frustrated about that, but in a place of empowerment rather than feeling destroyed by it.
CDM: Olly, you’ve described ‘Lucky Escape’ as a petty song. Do you think that pettiness is a necessary, or helpful, part of the post-break-up experience? OLLY: Kind of! I think that I really, really bite my tongue in arguments with people, and I never say the thing I wish I’d said. But in a song, you have way more time! <laughs> MIKEY: It’s annoying when you have an argument and you go back and you’re like, “Ah, I should’ve said that! I would’ve sounded so smart!”
CDM: Olly, you gave Rihanna the first LP of ‘Palo Santo’ after you appeared with her on The Graham Norton Show. So say she’s scouting for new writers for her next album, and just one song from the record could be your calling card, which one would you want her to listen to and think, “I want him to write for me”? OLLY: I’m trying to imagine myself as Rihanna and think what she would like. Maybe ‘Palo Santo’. I’m just proud of the song and the songwriting on that. It’s quite unusual for a pop song. I guess you can argue, “What the fuck is a pop song?” But maybe that one. I feel like she might vibe with that.
CDM: ‘Palo Santo’ is so ambitious and high-concept, in a way that you don’t see many other British artists attempting or getting away with. It seems to come more naturally to American artists like Janelle Monáe and Halsey. Do you think there’s something about British culture that makes it easy to ridicule or be cynical about these sorts of ideas? OLLY: There’s some truth to that, I expect. MIKEY: David Bowie was British and did a lot of that kind of stuff. EMRE: I mean, I think the first concept album of all time was The Beatles. <laughs> Pink Floyd springs to mind… CDM: I guess I mean more in the present. OLLY: But you’re right, I agree. MIKEY: I know what you mean, Americans seem more confident with not caring what other people think. British people always seem to scrutinise other British people. Australians have inherited a little bit of that culture, as well. Especially in Melbourne. OLLY: Brits can be cynical, but I like that about being British. I guess you could say Americans definitely go for bells and whistles and big statements, and are generally considered more ambitious. CDM: Was there ever a concern about people not getting on board with it? OLLY: Yeah, I was worried all the time. But I realised that I was the best salesperson for the project, so I was telling everyone it was going to be so amazing. I went into the label and gave them a PowerPoint presentation about how everything was going to look and all the videos and the merchandise and the live show. I compensated feeling a bit nervous about the whole thing by being extra, extra, extra confident on the surface. <laughs>
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CDM: You’ve reteamed with your former co-star Judi Dench for the narration on ‘Palo Santo’, which is quite abstract – did she have much of an idea of what it was she was saying? OLLY: Yeah! Well, I said to her that she was the queen of androids. She’s sort of like the mother of Palo Santo, so she’s like this omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent – all three – character within Palo Santo, but she’s also kind of serving a poetic Beyoncé voiceover in ‘Lemonade’. So I told her all of that, and I think she was a bit like, “What the fuck?” But she loved it. She was like, “Are you telling me I’m old? Like an old android?” And I was like, “No!” So she was a bit upset about that. But she killed it!
CDM: Back when you were acting, Olly, you played quite a few innocent or corrupted boys dealing with something traumatic, however your character in ‘Palo Santo’ is more powerful and strong, even though he’s in a subordinate role. How much of an impact did being cast in those sorts of roles have on how you saw yourself, and are you trying to push back against that image of yourself now? OLLY: I mean, you put it in a really good way, actually. When you’re acting, you’re just taking the world that you’re given and you don’t really have much choice in the matter. In that sense, I found it quite creatively stifling, because you’re just doing someone else’s work and you’re playing [roles] other people are putting you into. But even when I look at the music videos we did for ‘Communion’, like ‘King’… I guess by the time we got to ‘Worship’ it had shifted, but in all our music videos, I’m getting thrown around, or beaten up, or in ‘Shine’a building collapses on me. I got more and more dissatisfied with being passive, and I think part of the reason I wanted to make a film of ‘Palo Santo’ was so that I could embody a character I would want to be.
CDM: The film has a pretty ambiguous ending, with your character onstage, unable to sing. Will we get to see more of this world, will it be expanded? OLLY: Yes, it will be. As soon as the label give us more money! <laughs> MIKEY: It’s expensive, Palo Santo.
CDM: When can we expect to FINALLY have you play in New Zealand? Because there was the whole situation in 2016 with the cancelled shows… OLLY: I know… It wasn’t our fault! MIKEY: Wait, what happened with that again? OLLY: It was the Ellie Goulding support slot. [The band had to pull out of the Australia and New Zealand leg of Ellie Goulding’s Delirium tour due to logistical difficulties.] MIKEY: Oh, sorry, yeah! My family bought tickets, so I owe them all, like, a hundred quid. There’s talk of next year. I mean, don’t quote me on this, which you will. <laughs>But there’s talk of Oceania/Asia vibes next year. That would make sense. I can pretty much 100% say we won’t be in New Zealand this year. OLLY: I really hope when we go that we get some actual time to spend there, and not just, like, one day. MIKEY: Yeah, it’s beautiful. One of the best-looking countries.
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‘Palo Santo’ is available now. You can watch the accompanying short film below:
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ageeksnerdyworld · 6 years ago
It’s Only A Nightmare
Characters: Jett Leach, Emery Becker, Avia Carstairs, Kelly Ronan O’Connor, Isabelle Lombardi, Scribe Jenkins, Holland, and Walker
Word Count: 5,437
Trigger Warning: None of note
A/N: I finished this and even though i really don’t like it and feel like it’s crap it is done. Tbh I wanted to drag it out more but I’m not good at writing. And as always the Cyber World and the viruses therein belong to @voiceoflarka
Parts: X,X,X
Summary: People are falling victim to heart attacks all over Dashland. None of the cases are alike except for that fact. The body count is growing. And so the team is sent on their first field mission. Click the read more if you want to.
Jett stared blankly in Emery’s direction; fear and torment in his eyes. Emery couldn’t face his best friend and his gaze fell to the floor. He whispered an apology but it went unheard. Isabelle tried to comfort Jett as best she could and rubbed the Nevermore talon that hung from her neck. After a while she got up and left the room only to return with her camera. She took pictures of the broken glass and the brick just in case they needed it later for whatever reason. When she finished she sat back down next to Jett on his bed. Scribe grabbed Avia by the arm and led her to the broken window. The two talked in hushed tones as Scribe pointed out something to Avia. Holland walked back into the room with a mug of tea in their hands.
“Here you go,” they said passing the mug to Jett. “Chamomile and peppermint. Drink, it’ll help.”
Kelly stood in the doorway fidgeting with the zipper of his jacket. He looked around the room, unsure of what to do, and then walked back out into the hallway. The squeak of his sneakers against the wood floor filled the empty space as he paced back and forth. He muttered to himself and gesticulated wildly in his distress. He looked back just as Emery looked in his direction. All Emery offered in return was a sad, and clearly worried, shrug.
“You’re right, Scribe,” Avia said just loud enough for the others to hear.
“Right about what?” Isabelle asked.
Avia said nothing as she walked over to the shattered glass that lay on the floor. She knelt down beside it and assessed the shards. Looking up she saw Kelly passing the hallway and she got up from the floor. Over her shoulder she told Scribe that the shards seemed to verify her theory. She walked out into the hallway and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend; nuzzling her face into his chest.
“So…?” Isabelle asked; her attention focused on Scribe.
Holland, Emery and Jett also looked to her for answers. Or whatever it was she was going to tell.
“Whoever threw the brick had to have been standing on the ground when they did it. The pattern of the cracks in the leftover glass and the placement of the shards prove it. Different types of glass break in different ways but there’s about five or so other factors that result in the cracks.”
She pointed to the hole in the top of the window; “This hole, and the surrounding circular cracks in the glass, correspond to the way the brick and the shards landed on the floor.”
“You can’t be serious,” Holland said.
Scribe shot them an angry look and crossed her arms over her chest.
“How could someone throw that brick all the way up here from standing on the ground? It just doesn’t make sense.”
“Evidence doesn’t lie,” Scribe retorted.
“I get that there’s a lot that I don’t know, or understand, compared to you all. But… This is something else. How is that even remotely possible?”
“Because the guy who did it is basically a giant and has super strength,” Jett said as he put the empty mug down on the nightstand next to his bed.
“Excuse me?”
“You know who did this?” Isabelle asked; worry and curiosity heavy in her voice.
“It’s a long story but unfortunately I do.”
“Well, I better go make some more tea,” Holland said. “And you need to get out of this room. This… It can’t be good for the nerves.”
The team congregated in the living room and Jett told his story. Emery already knew everything so he cleaned up the mess. He joined the others after tossing the shards in the garbage. Jett tried to keep his composure while telling the story but he broke. Telling the others about how he set fire to his home with his parents still inside was too much. He tried to get through it but his voice wavered and tears fell down his face. Isabelle saw those tears and grabbed his hand; squeezing it tight. Scribe left the room and then came back with her stuffed rabbit. She passed it to Jett and told him that he could hold it for as long as he needed it. He thanked her with a silent nod and held the rabbit to his chest with one arm. All the while Walker stood in the doorway to their room, on the outskirts of the group, just within earshot.
The others let him recover and continue in his own time.
When he finished his story he returned the rabbit back to Scribe and wiped the edges of his eyes.
“Why didn’t ye tell us before?” Kelly asked. “Not tryin’ to shite on you or anythin’. Just curious. Is it because this is literally the only reason here an’ ye didn’t want us to know that? Do ye not trust us or somethin’? Not trustin’ Walker I completely understand. They’re shadier than a forest in the middle of a thunderstorm.”
“I didn’t want to get you all involved in this shitshow, because I trust and like all of you, Kell.”
“Awwww, bless my bleeding heart!”
“Don’t get sappy on us, Irish,” Emery said with a smirk and a wink.
Avia and Isabelle asked Jett what he wanted to do now. He told them that he honestly didn’t know. In his mind this was the perfect opportunity to confront the woman who tore his life apart. But he didn’t know where she was or where she could be. She could literally be anywhere in the district or the world. There was no way to pinpoint a location.
“Actually, you’re wrong,” Avia said.
“Wh—what? How?”
“Simple. We just cross reference the places where the victims were found. Specifically the cluster... Wait a minute.”
Avia rushed to her room and grabbed her phone from where it lay on her desk. She pulled up a picture she had taken of the map that Detective Root owned. The picture had all the stickers she had put on. She passed the phone to Jett and asked him to pinpoint where his family’s bakery used to be. He zoomed in on the corner of Hawking and 1st Street. He stared at the spot for a few seconds before handing the phone back to Avia.
“Just what I thought. Your family’s bakery used to stand in pretty much in the dead center of this cluster of bodies.”
“Cordelia’s got to be hiding out there somewhere,” Scribe said.
“Let’s go,” Jett said as he rose from the couch.
Emery, who was standing behind the couch where Jett sat, pulled him back to a sitting position. He gave Jett a stern look which surprised the litten virus. He shoved Emery off with a harsh shrug and got off the couch. He was going to do this whether the others were going to back him up or not. He owed to himself and his little sister. He owed it to his parents. He told the group all of this before stomping off to his room.
Holland grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around.
“I really don’t think that’s a good idea. Especially with everything you just told us,” they said. “But you are the leader so I’ll follow you.”
“This is the worst idea you’ve ever had Leach,” Walker said; shaking their head.
“I need to do this, Texas Ranger. You can sit there being all pouty for whatever reason or you can step up and help. Your choice.”
Walker nodded and took their nunchucks out of their back pocket as a show of solidarity. Jett nodded and looked to the others. Emery gave him a look that clearly meant he was in this for the long haul. He would go to the ends of the earth if need be. Isabelle disappeared and then reappeared shortly after with her flail gun in her hand and her leather jacket slung over her shoulder.
“Ready when you are,” she said with a smile.
“Give her a beatin’ she deserves far more than that,” Kelly said.
Avia and Scribe also expressed that they would see this plan through. Jett couldn’t believe that these people were more than ready to go to war for him. But he would’ve done the same if any of them had asked. He told them all that there was something he needed to do before they left and they were more than okay with waiting for however long it took. He assured them that it wouldn’t take long at all. Then he went around the room and hugged each one of them. Some were shocked by this sudden display of affection but they all hugged him back. Jett went up to Emery last and hugged him the tightest.
“Thank you for this, bro.”
“This is what family’s for, isn’t it?”
The next morning they went to the station bright and early. Much to everyone’s surprise Jett seemed to have slept fine that night. When they arrived they told the detective about what they had found and about the plan they had come up with. Jett had brought the piece of paper as evidence. Isabelle had taken pictures the night before and also brought those to show the detective. He sat at his desk with his arms folded over his chest calmly listening. It was clear that Legacy was impressed with their work and he didn’t hesitate to show it. But when they finished their pitch he immediately shot it down.
“It’s too dangerous.”
Jett’s mouth opened in shock; “Wha—Whaddya mean too dangerous? Are you saying that everything else we’ve done so far wasn’t dangerous? Fighting what’s his face almost got Holly and Avia killed!”
“That’s exactly why we’re not going with your plan, kid. I know that you want to avenge your parents and everything but the answer is no.”
“Bu—but Detective! You can’t do this!”
Legacy rose from his chair and walked around the desk. His tail swished from side to side as he did and his hooves clopped against the tile floor. He stopped just a few feet from where Jett stood. With a steely look in his eyes he leaned closer so that his face was just a couple inches from the teenager’s face. This close to the detective Jett could see every last wrinkle and freckle that lined and dotted the man’s face. He could the small hairs of the gray stubble that lined the detective’s chin. He could see the firmness and unwavering will in his eyes.
“I can and I will. In case you forgot I’m the adult here and I’m in charge.”
“Yeah but they—” Jett started to protest but the detective cut him off harshly.
“You’re students. Not real cops. I’m not going to let you throw yourselves into a situation that you already know is highly dangerous. I mean we’re talking about you all facing a Nightmare Aura, a djinn with super strength, and a woman with mind control abilities.”
“What if you came with us like last time?”
“I said no. End of discussion.”
Legacy left the group there in front of his desk and ordered one of the rookie cops to watch after them. Tyke Bunsen reluctantly walked over and introduced himself to the group. He told them all to sit right where they were and then he sat in the detective’s chair. After a while he took a small stress ball out of his pocket and began tossing it into the air. He caught it and threw it back up. He seemed to be focused solely on tossing the ball to himself. But the moment Isabelle got up out of her chair he caught her and viciously ordered her to sit down.
“What the hell do we do now?” Emery whispered to the others.
“I have an idea,” Walker said; pulling the others into a small huddle.
The group needed a distraction so that they could sneak out of the station without the babysitter noticing. And Walker’s plan was pretty simple. They were going to distract Bunsen by snatching the stress ball he played with. Emery could help if he wanted since he was pretty much a walking distraction all on his own. Emery grumbled at the jab but he agreed. So when Bunsen turned his back on the group Isabelle would rush over to the back of the building and pull the fire alarm. She had to be the one because she was the smallest and quietest of the group. No one would notice her.
In the sudden commotion, while everyone congregated to the nearest exit, the group would sneak out the back.
Everyone agreed that it was a pretty good plan.
“Cover your ears, Scribe,” Walker said looking over to her. “I’m sorry but things are gonna get a little loud in here.”
“It’s okay. I have headphones,” she said as she pulled a pair of noise cancelling headphones from her bag. She put them on and gave Walker a thumbs up. They gave her one right back and smirked.
“Are you sure about this, Walker?” Holland asked.
“Yeah. I’ve done this loads of times. What could possibly go wrong?”
Much to their surprise their plan went flawlessly. Once they were outside they hid behind the back of the building and looked around the corner. Sure enough all the officers were outside. But the group needed to work fast if they wanted to get back before the detective did.
“Anybody know how to hotwire a car?” Jett asked; half joking.
The group turned to Walker.
“What are you all staring at me for?”
They decided that it was better to make their way on foot. Stealing a car to do something they already weren’t supposed to be doing wasn’t going to look good for them. Even though none of them knew exactly where the detective went they had a good idea. There was really only two places that he would’ve gone to. One was the church and the other was where the cluster was. And lucky for them they knew exactly what was at the center of that cluster. Avia pulled her phone out and put the address into the phone’s GPS.
“Pretty sure you don’t need that, Princess,” Emery said.
“Yeah, uh,” Jett said. “Em and I know the way.”
Avia nodded and turned the GPS off.
They discussed and all decided that the detective would’ve probably gone to the church to see if Nonagon was there. If they really wanted to take on Cordelia this was the perfect time. Jett guided the group down the side streets. In his memory it was the faster way to get home from the Academy. And it seemed that his memory didn’t betray him. The group ran as fast as they could and hoped that they would make it before the detective.
Walker hung at the back of the group.
At some point Walker stopped and let the others surpass them. They ducked behind a nearby building and searched for a fire escape or some sort of ladder. What they saw instead was a windowsill a few good feet off the ground and a couple of various missing bricks and ledges. They decided that this would have to do and they made their way up the side of the building.
Meanwhile the group reached their destination a lot quicker than they thought they would have.
The street was oddly empty for this time of day.
“Weird, huh,” Isabelle said looking around the street. “Shouldn’t there be, I don’t know, people around?”
“Yer right this is pretty fuckin’ weird,” Kelly said as he tightened his grip on the handle of his war hammer.
The destroyed, and burnt beyond recognition, remains of the bakery still stood on the corner. All evidence that there was even an upper floor where a family had lived was all gone. Jett clenched his fist and grit his teeth in anger when he saw it. He broke off from the group and walked towards the building. Emery followed behind but Jett didn’t notice. Parts of the sidewalk were still stained black. A few sections of the walls were still standing. Jett reached out and touched the charred edges. His fingers came away blackened by soot. He knew what the message was behind leaving the husk of the building there for everyone to see. It was a reminder for him if he ever came back that much was clear. But it was something else as well.
It was a warning.
“Je, bro, come on. You shouldn’t be looking at this,” Emery said.
“You’d think that but I already have. I’ve seen this so many damn times that I lost count. I was the one who did this, Beck. It’s my fault they’re dead. I killed them.”
“That’s right my little kitten,” a voice called from somewhere in the vicinity.
Jett immediately recognized the voice and who it belonged to. His breath quickened and his fists erupted in flame.
Cordelia Nieves stepped out from where she was hiding with Nonagon and Khalid on either side of her. She wore a slim fitting black dress, a gold belt around her waist, and a pair of black heels. Her long, wavy, blonde hair fell a bit past her shoulders and covered her right eye. But the pulsing red glow of her soul leaked out through her bangs. Her green eyes were wide with an odd excitement that echoed in her smile. Two more of her goons emerged from somewhere behind the group. And then four more appeared from opposite sides; flanking the group from the right and the left. All seven of them were completely surrounded and had nowhere to run.
“And now you’re going to get all your classmates killed too. How tragic.”
The group rushed over to Jett but they were cut off by the goons Cordelia had brought with her. They had no choice but to fight the viruses that had blocked their path.
Kelly gripped his war hammer and swung the axe side into the nearest virus. But the small, orange and white, male gecko virus took the hit like it was nothing. The blade of the axe had knocked some of the scales off man’s cheek and cut into him. And yet he didn’t seem to feel it at all. Kelly stared at him with wide eyes and he just smiled in return; a strange crazed look in his gray eyes.
Sensing that Kelly was caught off guard the gecko virus tackled him to the ground.
Kelly blocked the man’s fist with the handle of his war hammer. He used the handle as leverage and tried to push the man off him. But the gecko had slipped away and someone else was holding him down. Kelly looked up to see a large, tan skinned, male virus with a thin beard and black hair holding him down with his foot.
“Oh yer a big one ain’t ye?”
Meanwhile Avia was fighting with another one of Cordelia’s goons. He was human; tall, skinny, with dark skin, sky blue veins, and a shaved head. Avia lunged at him with her rapier and he tried to jump away from the attack. But he was a little too late. She cut a thin line along the man’s side. The attack didn’t seem to do any damage to his person but he was angry beyond belief. His eyes seemed to glaze over and roll back in his head.
A large, dark, cloud formed right above where Avia stood.
Before she realized what was happening a bolt of lightning struck her.
She fell to her knees and she grit her teeth against the pain. She still had a hand on the hilt of her rapier and she rose on shaky feet. Just as she got up something struck her in the back and she fell again. Avia turned to see a small raccoon virus with a bo staff smiling at her.
But before she could turn her attention to the raccoon the man she was already fighting struck her in the face with a harsh left hook.
Gripping her rapier she shoved the blade at him; stabbing into his leg.
Holland was being attacked on three sides by three different viruses. One was human and carried a pair of identical scimitars. Another was a yellow canary and he flew above the others; just out of reach. His weapon of choice seemed to be a laser whip. He brought the whip and Holland dashed out of the way. The last virus they were up against was a dragonfly virus but he did not fly like the canary. He stood by the human and looked at Holland with his head cocked to the side.
“Well, these odds are a little unfair, don’t cha think fellas?” Holland said. “How about we level the playing field?”
Shadows ran from the alleys, and under lampposts, and other various areas to where Holland stood. The viruses he was up against didn’t seem to be the least bit dazed. The shadows lashed out at the canary; attaching to his wings. They pulled him down to the ground to where the others were. The shadows engulfed the space and completely shrouded Holland’s body.
“Wait where the hell’d he go?” the dragonfly virus asked turning to the others.
They shrugged in response.
Suddenly the human fell on his face with a yell. He dropped his scimitars and was dragged through the darkness. His screams rang through the dark but he had no idea where he was or what was going on. Neither did the two viruses with him. The others looked around for the source of the noise but all they saw was blackness.
Emery was standing by Jett’s side but then Fiyero Nonagon bum rushed him. He tried to knock the man to the ground with a scream but he didn’t have enough time.
Fiyero came at Emery with a harsh left hook. But Emery saw it coming and he ducked under it; grabbing the man’s abdomen. Pushing him to the ground Emery wrapped his legs around the other man’s preventing him from breaking away. Sitting upright on the man who was now grappled to the ground Emery grit his teeth in anger and yelled. He began wailing on Nonagon’s face; landing each punch with the sickening sound of impact.
Waves of fear emanated off Fiyero’s body and Emery’s face contorted in fear.
“Hehehe, that’s right kid,” he said with an evil chuckle. “Feel the fear and just let it wash over you. Let it consume you.”
Emery tired to fight it but the fear had already set in. He pulled off Nonagon and backed away from him; hands up in defense.
Meanwhile Isabelle was fighting the gecko virus and a raccoon virus. The raccoon virus was taller than both the gecko and Isabelle but that didn’t worry her. What did bother her was that the large bo staff with a fish hook at the end that the raccoon wielded. The gecko was small and fast but so was Isabelle. She swung her flail at his feet and he jumped over the chain. The raccoon virus swung the bo at her feet; knocking her to the ground.
“That all you got, mister raccoon man?”
Isabelle pulled the chain of the flail; separating the spiked ball from the handle. She swung the ball at the raccoon’s face. Shooting two rounds at the gecko she pulled herself to a standing position.
The raccoon returned her hit with a swipe of the fish hook against her face. Her hand instinctively flew to the cut and it stung. Smiling at the raccoon she swung the spiked ball at her side as if she was going to bring it down on his head. Instead she shot at the man’s hand; knocking the bo staff from his grip. He dashed for it and she turned her attention to the gecko. She shot at the gecko but he dodged each one of her bullets.
Angry she let out a yell and swung the flail at his head. But he dodged the blow and the spiked ball got caught in a cracked section of the road.
The small form of the gecko virus jumped on her back and laced his fingers together before hitting her over the head. At the same time the raccoon swung the bo staff at her side.
She fell to the ground.
Scribe had camouflaged the moment the group was surrounded. No one could see where she was in the midst of the battle. That was because she wasn’t actually in the battle. She had ran in-between her teammates and the gang members; ducking out of the fray. Running across the street she hid behind the remains of the corner bakery. But she couldn’t take her eyes off the fight. It looked like the bad guys were winning. She pulled on her sweater sleeve and began twisting the fabric over her fingers.
Looking to her left she saw Jett and Cordelia facing off.
She looked over to the others and thought about what to do.
Then Isabelle fell to the ground and didn’t get back up. Scribe’s hand formed fists underneath the long sleeves of her sweater. She got up and ran back into the battle. The others couldn’t see her so she kicked the gecko virus in the face.
“What? Surprised to see me, Fire Boy?”
“I knew it was you all along,” he said; hurling a fireball at her head. She flew off the ground and dodged the blow. She laughed.
“Are you sure this is how you want things to go, my little kitten? There is an easy way to do this.” she said; influence heavy in her voice.
“Get out of my head,” he said; his voice straining.
“Oh, but, we worked so well together last time. Are you sure? Come now, you know you can’t resist.”
“GET! OUT!” he yelled; holding both of his hands out directly at Cordelia. Huge flames shot out of his hands and a few smaller one flicked at the sides of his arms.
One by one each member of Jett’s team and various goons under Cordelia’s influence fell on the battlefield. Isabelle was still knocked out from the blow to the head. The gecko was fighting an opponent he couldn’t see. Avia had taken out one of the gang members and was still standing. Kelly was lying on the ground with his war hammer far out of his reach. Emery had managed to take out the human with the dual scimitars before he passed out.
Jett was being held in place by Khalid. Cordelia stood next to him with a hand outstretched; gesturing to the battlefield.
“Look at all this horrible destruction and pained you’ve caused, my little Fire Boy.”
“You’re the one who told them to come here. You’re the one who convinced them that they could do this. You told them that it was possible for them to help you in your fruitless endeavor.”
He knew that she was right. Regardless of what Cordelia had done in the past what had just happened was his fault. And his alone. Turning to face her he looked at her with a grief-stricken expression.
“What do you even want? You already took everything from me. What else is there?”
“That’s for me to know and for you to lose sleep over, little kitten.”
Suddenly a voice called out over the battle; “Kid!”
“Detective Root?”
The detective galloped into view; his face red with anger and worry. Seeing the results of the battlefield he stopped. He scanned the mess before him hoping and praying to no one that the students were alright. Rushing over to where Jett was he slowed to a walk. He held his hands to show the villains that he was unarmed.
In reality there was a gun in the holster at his side.
“Let him go,” he said; talking to Khalid. “He’s just a kid. They’re all just kids.”
Khalid didn’t respond and he didn’t move.
“Didn’t you hear me? They’re damn children. What you’re doing is ludicrous.”
“He’s not gonna do anything, Detective,” Jett said struggling under the Madrid’s strength. “And he never will unless she—”
“Shut it, boy!” Cordelia ordered and Jett’s mouth instantly closed.
“Oh. So you’re the woman he told me about.”
Cordelia unfurled her wings and took off into the air. She landed on the ground right in front of the detective. She stood uncomfortably close to Legacy but he didn’t let it show. He had dealt quite a few people like her in his time. But this was first time ever dealing with someone as powerful as she was. He had never seen anyone control this many people at the same time.
“What of it, detective?” she said; her voice taking on a sultry tone.
Oh, no. No, no, no, no. Jett cried in his mind. This was not going to end well.
“Well, for one I came prepared,” Legacy said as he pulled a gun on Cordelia.
She laughed, loudly, and then turned an icy glare on the detective. He turned the gun away from her and struggled to stop himself from what he was doing. His hand shook and his face contorted as he tried to fight her. But it was no use. He pointed the gun at his temple. Legacy looked at her with pleading eyes. He tried to pull the gun away but the smallest amount of space he would gain was instantly taken away. He mumbled pleases of mercy but they fell on deaf ears.
Cordelia looked him up and down and nodded; pleased with the new attitude the detective had taken on.
“Now, the question is what to do with you. What to do. What to do,” she said as she paced in front of the detective.
“What do you think genie?”
“Turn them on each other,” Khalid suggested; turning to Cordelia.
She waved that suggestion off with a hand. She had done that before and she didn’t like repeating herself. Ever.
Walking away from the detective she went about checking on her men. Those who were awake were badly hurt and she made them sleep; promising that they would be alright in the morning. Nonagon was the only one, beside herself, who had barely a scratch on their person. She ordered him to stand by the detective and he obeyed instantly. Then she went about checking the members of Jett’s team.
“Seems like they’re alive for the most part, my little Fire Boy,” she called back to him.
“Leave them alone!” he yelled.
“Oh don’t worry,” she said as she knelt over Emery and whispered something in his ear. “I’m not going to do anything to them. Not yet anyway.”
She walked back over to where the detective and Nonagon were standing. Resting her chin against her hand she nodded to herself. She ordered the two of them to fight for a few minutes. When she was satisfied she told them to stop. Then she told the detective to handcuff Nonagon and arrest him for the string of murders he was investigating.
“No! Detective don’t li—”
“Kitten!” Cordelia hissed; ordering him to stop talking. She walked away from the others and turned to him. She stood directly in front of him but he pressed his ears to his head and turned away. She lifted his chin so that he had no choice but to look her in the eye. Her next words weren’t just for Jett but for the detective as well.
“Fiyero Nonagon was the one who committed the murders and you know it. All of the evidence points to him. And only him. He had no help and wasn’t in anyone’s employ. He is going to be arrested for his crimes and that is the end of that.”
She ordered Khalid to let Jett go and he released his grip on the teenager.
The last thing Cordelia did before she left was make the detective and Jett forget that they ever saw her that night. They had fought Fiyero Nonagon and no one else. Once she was satisfied that her powers took effect she turned her back to them, revealing the skull shaped cut out on the back of her dress, and left.
Slowly but surely all of her goons, except for Nonagon, followed behind her.
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ollyarchive · 7 years ago
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24th August 2018 by
Rory Horne
How do you follow up a smash hit album that, in your native country alone, sold over a quarter of a million copies, spent two weeks at Number 1 (and didn’t budge from the Top 40 for over a year), spawned both a Number 1 (which itself sold just shy of a million copies) and a Number 2 single, and earned you four Brit Award nominations? With a bit of time and patience, it seems – or at least that’s how Years & Years have done it. The London-based, British-Australian trio’s second studio album ‘Palo Santo’, the follow up to 2015’s banger-filled, world-beating debut ‘Communion’, which put singer Olly Alexander and multi-instrumentalists Emre Türkmen and Mikey Goldsworthy on the proverbial map, has just been unleashed onto the world and currently boasts a handsome score of 82 on Metacritic, a 14-point increase on their previous offering. They may have, by their own admission, suffered from a little Difficult Second Album Syndrome, but the numbers don’t lie – their patience in crafting this record has absolutely paid off.
In reality, it’s not been an inordinately long wait for Years & Years fans, just three years, almost to the day – shorter than we were made to wait for recent sophomore offerings from Lorde, HAIM, Sam Smith and London Grammar. We meet for our interview on the third anniversary of the release of ‘Communion’, four days after ‘Palo Santo’ dropped, on the afternoon of the London instalment of the brief run of gigs across Europe and North America that are serving as the album’s launch parties. Despite being in the middle of a mad release week, packed with media appearances and album promotion, there’s little sign of fatigue from the band. The mayhem of the day hasn’t yet gotten to Emre, who has the clarity of mind to quickly fix an issue with our Polaroid camera, nor Olly, who is supposedly on vocal rest ahead of the performance, but voluntarily sings lines of ‘Sanctify’ as we snap our pictures. With his hair freshly re-dyed red, he’s in a chipper mood. “We can’t wait to be inside you,” he offers as his message to fans in New Zealand, before rethinking his contribution: “Bit weird.” Similarly cheeky humour comes from the stage late in that night's set: “I’m really wet,” he tells the adoring crowd, adding, “Sign of a good night, if you ask me.” There’s no shortage of banter on this promo circus.
If the magic took a little time to return during their writing and recording sessions in the British countryside last year, you wouldn’t notice from listening to ‘Palo Santo’, a record that manages to capture an unmistakeable Years & Years sound, while also pushing them into new territory. There’s particularly noticeable progress in the lyrics: whereas on ‘Communion’, the tracks often sounded as if Olly was writing them while looking directly into the eyes of their subjects, ignoring all surroundings and speaking purely from the heart, on ‘Palo Santo’, the lens is widened and we’re given more context, as well as a greater sense of space and time, to aid our understanding of each of these relationships and encounters. This advancement is particularly evident on 'Lucky Escape' (in which a bitter scroll through an ex’s Instagram leads to a disparaging sense of relief at having ended things) and the title track (about the complicated experience of being the third party in an open relationship), each about different, yet fully-realised romantic partners.
This lyrical evolution is also apparent on first single ‘Sanctify’, the tale of a fling with a straight-identifying man, suggesting that a discrepancy in two partners’ confidence in their respective sexualities can lead to an interesting power-play in the bedroom. Despite the erotic thrill of the track, Olly's writing manages to remain sympathetic to a man who "lately life's been tearing [...] apart." "I know how it can hurt / being cut in two and afraid," he discloses, with surprising depth and warmth for a song so carnal. He's a lyricist of great heart, trying to make sense of troubled men who are in turn trying to make sense of themselves, even if the romantic relationship he has with them doesn't extend beyond the bedroom.
Olly’s background as an actor has gained new relevance with the release of ‘Palo Santo’, which sees him take a lead role in the accompanying short film and reteam with co-stars from his years on stage and screen. Before Years & Years properly got going, it was for supporting roles in films like ‘God Help The Girl’, ‘The Riot Club’ and (as Mikey teasingly reminds Olly during our interview) ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ that Olly became a recognisable face. He even featured opposite Greta Gerwig, the future Oscar-nominated director of ‘Lady Bird’, in the tiny 2011 indie ‘The Dish and The Spoon’, and could often be found on the London stage, turning in a string of critically-praised performances in plays between 2010 and 2013. The final play in which he appeared was John Logan’s ‘Peter & Alice’, which imagined the meeting between the two real life inspirations behind ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Peter Pan’, played by Dame Judi Dench and Ben Whishaw respectively. In cutaways to the fictional world created by J.M. Barrie, Olly played Peter Pan, fighting for his right to exist despite the wishes of his non-fictional counterpart, Peter Llewelyn Davies, that his life hadn’t been stolen from him by Barrie.
Jump forward five years and these three co-stars are reunited in another fantasy world in which Olly is a different kind of exceptional boy at the mercy of older powers, striving to assert his individuality. Dench is now the cryptic “mother of Palo Santo,” and Whishaw, who also appeared in one of the earliest Years & Years videos, for ‘Real’, makes a fleeting appearance as a hologram, giving an announcement to the city’s inhabitants. The film, shot in Thailand, is wild and ambitious in a way that, away from the output of the Beyoncés and Gagas of the A-list, pop often isn’t anymore. It also gives Olly the chance to sink his teeth into a role beyond just a dialogue-less, short-form music video. His character, also named Olly Alexander, is made to perform repeatedly for audiences, before growing tired and dismayed with being exploited and finding a way to explore his emotions away from the control of others.
Tonight, it’s on another London stage, a couple of miles north of the one they previously shared, that Olly and Dame Judi are reunited. Her voice is woven through the band’s live show at Camden’s Roundhouse, just as it is through the film. The iconic 83-year-old Oscar-winner’s narration has become an integral part of this project, but those hoping for an appearance from the Dame herself tonight are left disappointed, but probably not surprised, at her absence – she remains a formless, floating voice, just as in the world of Palo Santo.
But what does ‘Palo Santo’ actually mean? Despite its placement as the penultimate song on the album, the title track is the record’s centrepiece, a meditative and powerful cut more mature than anything found on their previous LP, on which Olly cries out, “You’re the darkness in me, Palo Santo.” In its most literal sense, the title comes from the name of the thick, wooden incense blocks that the party in the open relationship with whom Olly was involved was burning during their time together. The direct translation is, somewhat amusingly, ‘holy wood’, and their vapours are said to purify the air and cleanse it of evil and darkness.
But such is the expansive universe that the three-piece have built around this two-word term that it now carries several possible interpretations beyond the literal. Alternatively, ‘Palo Santo’ could be a moniker for this man himself, and the short-lived love triangle relationship, which perhaps represents a time of darkness for Olly.
Given the double use of ‘Palo Santo’ as the title of the record and of the futuristic, android world of the accompanying short film, a couple of further, more meta readings avail themselves to us. ‘Palo Santo’ the album could contain the darkness in Olly, with many songs, such as ‘Lucky Escape’, ‘All For You’ and ‘If You’re Over Me’, depicting him at challenging moments following a break-up, as he attempts to power through and come out on top of love rather than be defeated by it.
The world of Palo Santo seen in the film also has a strong connection to a possible darkness within Olly, as it explores the intersection of disconnect and emotionlessness with sensuality and performance. “The divine, amazing and incredible Olly Alexander”, as he is introduced by the Showman character, is one of very few non-androids in Palo Santo, and the androids, as we learn from the Star Wars-esque pre-scroll in Fred Rowson’s film, “desire nothing more than to experience real emotion,” which feels resonant with Olly’s outspoken discussion of his own mental health struggles. When taken alongside songs like ‘Hallelujah’ and ‘Rendezvous’, which tell of rather non-committal sexual encounters, we see the same topics in ‘Palo Santo’ that Olly explored last year in his BBC documentary ‘Growing Up Gay’, of how struggles with mental health are sadly pervasive within the queer community.
In the live performance, it’s during ‘Palo Santo’ that Olly, donning a sparkly robe of almost ten metres in length, is raised up on a platform in front of a huge moon, a star ascending across a dark night. It’s a triumphant, almost unbelievable moment of spectacle meeting emotion. There may be “darkness” in this album, but it’s notably never in the form of sadness, and almost entirely hidden in joyous moments of pure pop. In their live show, Years & Years take the chance to show this overcoming of difficulty and adversity through a visual metaphor that literally grows before the audience’s eyes, and it’s an awesome sight to behold.
Despite being a Palo Santo Party, their setlist is equally balanced between their two albums. The newer cuts – such as the snappy ‘Karma’ and thumping ‘Hallelujah’, both just days old to fans – are received ecstatically, and the familiar hits bring some of the night’s most notable moments. Olly is briefly distracted by his front row devotees during ‘Take Shelter’ and stumbles to the end of a verse, before later bringing out an Italian fan who, thanks to the Make A Wish Foundation, gets to sit with him at the piano as he plays ‘Eyes Shut’, leading to one of the night’s biggest cheers. It's when MNEK returns to the stage for the encore, following his spritely support set, for the debut of a new duet called ‘Valentino’, that the night hits peak gay, much to the fans’ delight. A Latin-flavoured bop telling of an infatuation with a boy “from the outskirts of East LA,” it owes a generous debt to Lady Gaga’s ‘Americano’ (a 2011 album track which opens “I met a girl in East LA...”), as well as the best of 90s girl-band R&B. Fingers crossed we get a studio version ASAP.
Earlier that day, we spoke to Years & Years about developing their songwriting for ‘Palo Santo’, avoiding sadness on a break-up record, when they expect they’ll finally be coming to New Zealand, and much more…
COUP DE MAIN: So it’s three years today since ‘Communion’ came out. EMRE TÜRKMEN: Is it? CDM: It is, happy birthday to it! How has release week been different this time around? OLLY ALEXANDER: It’s similar in the sense that I can’t remember much of it, because we’ve been so all over the place. I guess this time round, you’re… MIKEY GOLDSWORTHY:More of a veteran? OLLY: Yeah, I guess. First time around, I felt like I was hit by a truck. Not in a bad way, not in a negative way, just because it’s so overwhelming. But I think now I feel more grateful that fans have stuck around and that people like the new music. Because you can never take it for granted, can you? What about you guys? EMRE: The first time felt more intense, actually, I seem to remember. Because you know what to expect, in a certain way, it’s less mental. MIKEY: We’re doing similar things. We did [BBC Radio 2 show] Chris Evans last time. We did three countries in one day. CDM: Did you have a big launch show like this one? MIKEY: Not a big one, it was in a little club near Oxford Street. OLLY: We didn’t do anything in America though, did we? I think this time, we tried to do Palo Santo parties, like, East Coast and West Coast America, Berlin and here, so in that sense it’s been way more ambitious. Generally, I think we tried to be a bit more ambitious this time around.
CDM: There seems to be a real progression in your lyrics on this record. They’re more precise and specific than they were on ‘Communion’, and even involve some clever wordplay, particularly on ‘straight’ and ‘mask/masc’ on ‘Sanctify’. Did you approach writing lyrics differently this time around? OLLY: Yeah. Songwriting, especially lyrics – the more you do it, the more you uncover and the more you learn about your own process. The stuff that you write when you’re 20 is going to be different from the stuff you write when you’re 25, which is going to be different from the stuff you write when you’re 27. So I think, by its very nature, it develops and changes. But just as a human being, I feel more confident to write the shit that I actually have in my head. Not that it felt like I was stopping myself before, but I think it made a difference feeling more confident in myself this time around.
CDM: I think my favourite song on the album is ‘Karma’, which grapples with whether what you’ve done in the past will lead to good or bad fortune in the future. (“No I can’t tell what’s right or wrong / Is there a consequence for all I’ve done?”) Was there something you were trying to answer about the role that guilt has in your life, and whether it’s worth holding onto? OLLY: I guess there’s some specifics that I relate to my own life. Some of those are to do with relationships, some of those are to do with my childhood, and generally about morality and, like, is karma real? And that song, the beginning of the session, I was writing with my friend Sarah Hudson who’s amazing and she’s very like witchy and into like occults and esoteric stuff, and she did a reading for us at the beginning and one of the cards was called ‘karma’ and we were like, “Oh, yes! Let’s write a song called ‘Karma’.”
CDM: How was the experience of writing with Julia Michaels and Justin Tranter on ‘Hallelujah’ and ‘Preacher’? OLLY: Oh, good! It was kind of intense because they’re songwriting royalty. I had the head of our label call me up before the session, because everyone was freaking out. They think if you put people in a room, you’re going to come out with a number one song, and there’s so much pressure on it to be good. So I was quite nervous to meet them, but they’re so warm and so inviting. Julia’s a legend too, but because Justin has had such a trailblazing, queer career and because he’s such a queer force in songwriting and in pop music, I was really humbled to be in his presence. And it was fun, you know, it was nice to work with them because you get to see into another writer’s process. I had no idea if my ideas or the stuff that I’ve been doing as a songwriter was any good, and then when I worked with them, I realised that they do similar things, and I was like, “Okay, this is nice, to be able to do this.” And we got a good song out of it!
CDM: ‘Palo Santo’ seems to be very much a post-relationship record, with ‘If You’re Over Me’, ‘All For You’ and ‘Lucky Escape’ – as well as the Kele Okereke song that you featured on last year, Olly, ‘Grounds For Resentment’ – detailing how an ex can continue to occupy space in your mind and life once the relationship is over. It’s kind of lacking in heartbreak, unlike most break-up records we hear. Were there sadder songs you wrote for the record that didn’t make the cut? OLLY: I’m trying to think now. MIKEY: There were slower songs. I don’t know if they were sad. OLLY: We had a lot of songs, and then whittled them down. The ones we put on the album felt like the strongest ones. It wasn’t until I saw them together as a group like that where I realised the theme did feel like looking back on a relationship and trying to sort of dig through the shit that happened and feeling sort of angry and frustrated about that, but in a place of empowerment rather than feeling destroyed by it.
CDM: Olly, you’ve described ‘Lucky Escape’ as a petty song. Do you think that pettiness is a necessary, or helpful, part of the post-break-up experience? OLLY: Kind of! I think that I really, really bite my tongue in arguments with people, and I never say the thing I wish I’d said. But in a song, you have way more time! <laughs> MIKEY: It’s annoying when you have an argument and you go back and you’re like, “Ah, I should’ve said that! I would’ve sounded so smart!”
CDM: Olly, you gave Rihanna the first LP of ‘Palo Santo’ after you appeared with her on The Graham Norton Show. So say she’s scouting for new writers for her next album, and just one song from the record could be your calling card, which one would you want her to listen to and think, “I want him to write for me”? OLLY: I’m trying to imagine myself as Rihanna and think what she would like. Maybe ‘Palo Santo’. I’m just proud of the song and the songwriting on that. It’s quite unusual for a pop song. I guess you can argue, "What the fuck is a pop song?" But maybe that one. I feel like she might vibe with that.
CDM: ‘Palo Santo’ is so ambitious and high-concept, in a way that you don’t see many other British artists attempting or getting away with. It seems to come more naturally to American artists like Janelle Monáe and Halsey. Do you think there’s something about British culture that makes it easy to ridicule or be cynical about these sorts of ideas? OLLY: There’s some truth to that, I expect. MIKEY: David Bowie was British and did a lot of that kind of stuff. EMRE: I mean, I think the first concept album of all time was The Beatles. <laughs> Pink Floyd springs to mind… CDM: I guess I mean more in the present. OLLY: But you’re right, I agree. MIKEY: I know what you mean, Americans seem more confident with not caring what other people think. British people always seem to scrutinise other British people. Australians have inherited a little bit of that culture, as well. Especially in Melbourne. OLLY: Brits can be cynical, but I like that about being British. I guess you could say Americans definitely go for bells and whistles and big statements, and are generally considered more ambitious. CDM: Was there ever a concern about people not getting on board with it? OLLY: Yeah, I was worried all the time. But I realised that I was the best salesperson for the project, so I was telling everyone it was going to be so amazing. I went into the label and gave them a PowerPoint presentation about how everything was going to look and all the videos and the merchandise and the live show. I compensated feeling a bit nervous about the whole thing by being extra, extra, extra confident on the surface. <laughs>
CDM: You’ve reteamed with your former co-star Judi Dench for the narration on ‘Palo Santo’, which is quite abstract – did she have much of an idea of what it was she was saying? OLLY: Yeah! Well, I said to her that she was the queen of androids. She’s sort of like the mother of Palo Santo, so she’s like this omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent – all three – character within Palo Santo, but she’s also kind of serving a poetic Beyoncé voiceover in ‘Lemonade’. So I told her all of that, and I think she was a bit like, “What the fuck?” But she loved it. She was like, “Are you telling me I’m old? Like an old android?” And I was like, “No!” So she was a bit upset about that. But she killed it!
CDM: Back when you were acting, Olly, you played quite a few innocent or corrupted boys dealing with something traumatic, however your character in ‘Palo Santo’ is more powerful and strong, even though he’s in a subordinate role. How much of an impact did being cast in those sorts of roles have on how you saw yourself, and are you trying to push back against that image of yourself now? OLLY: I mean, you put it in a really good way, actually. When you’re acting, you’re just taking the world that you’re given and you don’t really have much choice in the matter. In that sense, I found it quite creatively stifling, because you’re just doing someone else’s work and you’re playing [roles] other people are putting you into. But even when I look at the music videos we did for ‘Communion’, like ‘King’… I guess by the time we got to ‘Worship’ it had shifted, but in all our music videos, I’m getting thrown around, or beaten up, or in ‘Shine’ a building collapses on me. I got more and more dissatisfied with being passive, and I think part of the reason I wanted to make a film of ‘Palo Santo’ was so that I could embody a character I would want to be.
CDM: The film has a pretty ambiguous ending, with your character onstage, unable to sing. Will we get to see more of this world, will it be expanded? OLLY: Yes, it will be. As soon as the label give us more money! <laughs> MIKEY: It’s expensive, Palo Santo.
CDM: When can we expect to FINALLY have you play in New Zealand? Because there was the whole situation in 2016 with the cancelled shows… OLLY: I know… It wasn’t our fault! MIKEY: Wait, what happened with that again? OLLY: It was the Ellie Goulding support slot. [The band had to pull out of the Australia and New Zealand leg of Ellie Goulding’s Delirium tour due to logistical difficulties.] MIKEY: Oh, sorry, yeah! My family bought tickets, so I owe them all, like, a hundred quid. There’s talk of next year. I mean, don’t quote me on this, which you will. <laughs> But there’s talk of Oceania/Asia vibes next year. That would make sense. I can pretty much 100% say we won’t be in New Zealand this year. OLLY: I really hope when we go that we get some actual time to spend there, and not just, like, one day. MIKEY: Yeah, it’s beautiful. One of the best-looking countries.
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stormsbourne · 7 years ago
boardgames post
it has now been a week since geekway and it was a shitload of fun. shoutout to @hexmeridian, @bettycrockerscookbook, and @ectogeo-rebubbles for joining elzie, rosa, frozen, and I for the weekend! we had a lot of fun and played a lot of good games! here’s a collective list of what we played and my onions on each of them
(this post is REALLY LONG, this is what happens when you just play boardgames for 4 days)
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Valeria: Card Kingdoms - if you’ve played Machi Koro, the mechanics will seem similar. You roll some dice, the dice dictate which citizens “activate” and give you stuff (magic, gold, attack power) and you then use those things to buy other citizens, buy domains (victory point spots that also have neat powers), or kill monsters. Machi Koro meets Thunderstone. I won this one!!! I can’t believe I won it I was seriously gonna go buy it
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Sparkle*Kitty: this game is hilarious and a lot of fun. it’s a bit like uno but with princesses, dark magic, and incredibly silly spells such as “itty-bitty glitter kitty.” It also has a “Nights” version (aka, the “adult” edition) up on Kickstarter right now. we had a lot of fun playing this between games and as a filler. also, A+ on the diversity in the princesses. 
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Fields of Green: build a farm! each card you lay down (it’s a drafting game sort of like 7 wonders) impacts other cards or plays off how many you have nearby, but you also have to be careful to have enough water and grain to harvest your crops and feed your animals. I had a lot of fun with this one, though it doesn’t have a particularly strong aesthetic imo. farm games are always good. Ecto’s bf won this one!
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Indian Summer: this one is ALL aesthetic. do you like tetris? do you like colorful autumn leaves? do you like MAKING ROOM FOR A FOX TO LIVE IN YOUR FOREST? this game is for you. it’s incredibly pretty. elzie picked this one up after the con was over
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Hardback: this is a sequel (well, prequel) to a game called Paperback. make words with your cards, but now, with added bonuses for having multiple letters of one genre in it! Have multiple adventure letters? you’ll probably get extra points! Have multiple horror letters? get some free ink remover which can get you out of an iffy situation in the future! LOTS of fun, definitely an upgrade on the already-stellar Paperback. Elzie won this! (Or maybe Rosa? I forget which of them since they married)
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Azul: I want to eat all of it. I went over this one in my geekway mini post a few months ago but it’s part set collection, part artistic ... it’s hard to sum up but it’s a very chill game that’s easy to play while having a conversation.
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Sagrada: I feel like this game has some of the same stuff as azul but is for a more boardgamey audience. you make stained-glass windows using dice that have to match colored or numbered spots on your window, but you can’t put the same colors or the same numbers next to each other. This was probably one of the most popular games of the con and was completely sold out when I went to the vendor hall on Sunday. (I got a promo card for my trouble though)
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Cytosis: THE MITOCHONDRIA IS THE POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL. THE MITOCHONDRIA IS THE POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL. THE MITOCHONDRIA IS THE P-- ok enough anyway this is a game about doing the shit cells do with synthesizing proteins into steroids or enzymes or whatever else and it’s very fun once you get the hang of it -- part set collection and part worker placement. Also, probably really good for teaching life science to eighth-graders. 
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Dance of the Fireflies: winner for prettiest boxart, which is some amazing Mucha-inspired shit. You’re growing flowers in your own personal garden by taking them off the flower clock (the thing in the middle) and competing to outbid your competitors for specific colors, which give you special one-time powers. Way thinkier than it looks. Frozen got this one, I believe.
Five Seals of Magic: Roll some dice! then use those dice to break magical seals, or collect spells which can augment your other dice! Play a cool fuckin wizard with an awesome familiar! I’m not sure if I’ve played any games like this before to be honest, though I’m sure if I thought about it some more I’d come up with some. Hex won this one! 
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Imhotep: I had played this one at last year’s geekway, I think, but I played it again one of those times when we had to split groups. This game has a little bit of pickup and delivery and a little bit of set collection, but basically every place you can send your stones to gives different points depending on how the stones are arranged. I lost pretty bad at it. I’m good at games I swear, I swear I’
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Majesty: For The Realm: I’ve heard this game is sort of like another one called Splendor, but since I haven’t played that one, I didn’t have that comparison. Build a tableau by spending workers to get cards, occasionally attacking other players or benefitting off the buildings they choose to construct, and make a badass city. Rosa won this one!
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Not Alone: This is one of those games where all but one of the players are playing against the last one. the final player is an alien creature attempting to assimilate the other players, shipwrecked scientists, into their planet and prevent them from ever leaving, while the scientists are attempting to outlast and outmaneuver the creature in order to survive until they are rescued. Really neat. I’ve played both sides and lost both times. Frozen bought this one. 
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Queendomino: played this at minigeekway and it’s still good
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My Little Scythe: this one has an adorable fuckin story which is the main reason I’m posting it. A dude was playing Scythe, a good but heavy-ish worker placement game involving war and mechs in 1900s Europe, but his daughter wanted to join in. And wanted to use her my little pony figurines. So he put together a variant of the game that reworked the battles to be pie fights, the resources to be apples and crystals, and generally softened the game. The original designer got word of this and bought the rights to publish it, and, well, here we are. Worker placement game, fairly simple but also pretty quick, especially compared to its original inspiration. This was actually a surprise title at the con -- Jamey Stegmaier, the publisher/developer, considers Geekway his “home” con and put it up on the play-to-win table as a last minute surprise! p cool. There’s literally like 3 copies of it in existence right now. Thanks Jamey
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Seikatsu: Set collection with birds and flowers where the angle you “view” the set from matters. Really interesting, but I don’t think I’d ever buy it -- it’s in the same school as Azul where it’s largely a chill conversation game.
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The Grimm Forest: You’re a relative of the three little pigs and your job is to build 3 houses (of any type) before any of your other relatives do, using help from fairytale characters and various fabled tricks to get the job done before any of your competitors do. Nice minis, it’s one of those games where everyone picks a card without other people knowing what they’ve picked. Really long despite the simple premise, which isn’t bad, but was surprising!
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Xenofera: Catch and cage amazing animal creatures to sell to noble menageries. But be careful -- everybody’s got means to sabotage your cages, steal your animals, or even kill your captains, and the winner can turn on a dime. I enjoyed this one but I’m not sure it’s one I’d buy. Very cute animals though. Almost bought some of the puff duck pins in the vendor hall
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Yamatai: as a sailor in ancient Japan, it’s your job to help map out and settle this newly discovered archipelago. I’m ... not sure what I’d call this one, though it has a lot of similar DNA to Five Tribes. It’s fun! I’m bad at it.
Elzie and Rosa played a few different games from me (our group was so large we had to split up a few times) but I believe that’s everything I played from the play-to-win table, which was open Thursday through Saturday. There were some games going on on Sunday as well (I remember Hardback, Majesty, and Valeria, specifically) but then everybody had to part ways.
Was loads of fun. Don’t think we played a single stinker this year.
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