#I’m such a proud manifolder
paragal · 1 year
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Day 10: Your winner by unanimous decision, Jack Manifold!
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Jack manifold the type of guy to fucking win creator clash LETS GO!!
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focusontheheart · 1 year
Meet the Team Lead - Foibs
Who could the Lead for the Talanah route possibly be? Of course, it's the ever-talented @foibles-fables! You can also find them on AO3 as foibles_fables!
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Howdy and hello, I’m Foibs! You might already know me as that clown who’s always crying over Talanah. Well, get ready for more tears, FOTH-style! My first exposure to the Horizon series was scrolling Twitter, seeing the reveal trailer for Forbidden West, and thinking, “This seems relevant to my interests.” I proved myself right when I started playing in late 2020 and fell in love with Aloy’s incredible world. Since then, I’ve churned out an embarrassing amount of fanfic (overwhelmingly Hawk and Thrush), become a lore connoisseur, and formed lifelong relationships with amazing folks in the fandom. I’ve written fanfiction on and off for—well, most of my life! My inspiration usually comes from epic sci-fi/fantasy and modern poetry, so game script writing has been a fun and rewarding challenge already.
Q&A with Foibs under the cut!
What is a favorite piece of work you've done (completed/ working on/ in-concept)?
True story: I came into my Horizon fixation thinking I wouldn’t write any fic for the series. Then I met the (future) Sunhawk, and all bets were off. This is a tough choice—I’m proud of everything I’ve created for the series—but lately I’ve been feeling soft for rest like you belong here., my first ever Aloy/Talanah fic. It was compelling and fulfilling to explore Aloy’s manifold struggles with vulnerability in a Zero Dawn missing scene.
What are some of your favorite tropes (to read/ write/ draw)?
I tend to gravitate towards capturing and developing those unseen, in-between moments of canon. I’m also a huge fan of diving into a character’s psyche with introspective studies—usually of the romantic variety. Beyond that, I’m a huge sucker for writing pining (mutual or otherwise), friends to lovers, and emotional/physical hurt/comfort.
What is an unexpected thing or fun fact about you?
Outside of fandom-adjacent activities, my hobbies include picking up heavy things and putting them back down. My heart is big, but my deadlift number is bigger.
What has been your favorite thing about working on this project so far?
Definitely the profound spirit of enthusiastic collaboration between all of these fabulous creators. It’s been utterly inspiring to put together a project of this scale and complexity with folks I might never have gotten to work with or befriend otherwise! I’m also very excited to get to explore the development of Talanah and Aloy’s relationship after the events of Forbidden West in this new and interesting way!
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deadheaddaisy · 3 months
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
Plz and thx 😁
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Hmm, I have a few. In no particular order:
Volcanic eruptions - could any take place without scans from Enterprise picking it up? Yes, in the case of an edifice rupture, which would only show up on the scan as an anomaly *maybe* an hour before, but very likely less. Also, how would standard engines be affected (like helicopters) vs plasma engines with their different intake manifolds? And do plasma engines require air filters that would end up being a point of entry for ash? (answer: no. So I had to find another reason not to fly directly into the cloud.)
Explosions, and types thereof - my in-home weapons expert has been educating me on all forms of explosions and explosive devices, from IEDs to tank-busters to low-yield tactical nukes and plasma cannons vs photonic torpedoes vs rail guns (as well as when these are most likely to have shown up in the timeline). My FBI agent is having a field day but it's all for fics (and getting into Malcolm's head).
Battletech battle tactics. Again, in-home weapons, tactical, and mecha expert. Nothing published yet, but it's almost ready.
The existence of Japanese-Brazilians - it seems the largest population of Japanese people outside of Japan is in Brazil and there is an entire ethnic group of Japanese-Brazilians (and in turn, Brazilian-Japanese from those families who headed back to Japan). I haven't gone into it very deeply, because I only just started looking into the topic, but Hoshi being Japanese in Brazil raised questions for me and I set out to find the answer. Seems there's a lot more to her background than a surface glance would show. (I will also use this opportunity to showcase the likelihood that someone Hoshi's age and with her acumen in all probability didn't just do aikido, but in her dance training probably picked up capoeira and possibly Jiu-Jitsu and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at the same time.)
30 - share a fic you’re especially proud of
I answered this in another ask (that somehow I sent privately, don't mind me, I'm old and don't know how to get it back to un-private).
Anyway, I’m proud of all my fics! So here are two of my favourites, for slightly different reasons.  
Calling the Shots was my first smut, and I love it because it shows Malcolm and Hoshi’s somewhat naughtier personas but also - and this is important - how comfortable they are with each other. It’s about trusting each other, the give and take of control, and having fun in the process, while staying true to the way I see their characters. And they can get explicitly spicy and enjoy it without degenerating into crudeness. 
My other favourite is also smut. Outrun - Outtake uses a different POV, it’s very much happy, fun and comforting smut, wanting to show you how easy they are with each other, move past the honeymoon phase and straight into “we just fit; we just are”. I like to think I captured that ease, that warmth, the way you are with Your Person when words don’t always have to be said. 
Thanks for the Ask, and I hope I can retrieve my other Ask and publish it properly!
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taquetw · 2 years
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Fellow explorers and dear companions, welcome! I'm proud to tell you (almost) all about my dear project " The Age of Velella " and the concept behind. This is my most accomplished work so far, and I'm truly honoured to present it to you. The idea of the this project was born in the middle of the creation process of Connection II. I started to understand how fascinating and inspiring jellyfishes can be. Two others piece were made in that spirit before I thought about making a dedicated series. From that moment on, I started to read up on jellyfish. I discovered an almost surreal world, full of fantasies and characteristics that fed my imagination. More than convinced, I felt it was time to create. I mean, the link with space and sci-fi is so obvious! I also tried to make my technique more complete and advanced. In addition to having a greater attention to detail, the works in this collection (done by compositing in PS) have some 3D elements as well as some textures and details from Midjourney. So, what is it really? The Age of Velella is a series of 10 artworks featuring different spaceships. All in vertical format, they will illustrate the variety of the Velella fleet. Each ship is directly inspired by a jellyfish species and has a unique role within the fleet. The name of the collection comes from a species called Velella Velella. This animal is very similar to the jellyfish and is distinguished by its small floating sail. An attribute that reminds us of the great explorers of the past. Perfect to symbolize the spirit of my series. The pieces will be minted and listed gradually. With each reveal will come deeper and more precise information about the ship and the inspirations. The series will be dropped on Manifold. First Velella reveal soon! Thanks for reading and bon voyage!
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anyway here’s the first part of the one shot. as a teaser. a and also,bc I’m proud of it and I never know if I’m gonna stick too my project.s
tw: imprisonment, referenced torture, blood, mentioned vomit, self hatred, internalised transphobia, restraints
Day One of whatever the fuck is going on here.
I thought I was dead for fucking sure in those dungeons. They were so dark, and cold, and I was fucking starving, and that’s not even getting onto the beatings and shit. One of the guards ripped my fucking ear. Dickhead. I kicked him in the balls and even though that got my arse beat more I don’t regret it. Once, I was sick and it was all red and bloody and gross. I was sure I was gonna die that night, but I didn’t. I don’t know why. I shouldn’t be alive. I shouldn’t.
But I’m here now. I don’t fucking know why, again. I don’t deserve it. Wilbur should be here, he’s far more important, he could have started the revolution again, and- and he was my brother, man! I would have died for him. I wish I could have died for him. I wish he’d listen, but no. I was the one spared.
See, the fucking GREEN BASTARD PRICK had us all dragged up to his stupid green throne room where he sits around and pretends to be a leader, all in chains and shit. All of us from L’Manberg were there, along with that BASTARD TRAITOR Eret, and Fundy. Thank fuck the poor kid wasn’t in that hellhole prison with us, apparently he was spared because he was too young. But me and Tubzo are sixteen. Jack’s seventeen. Yeah, it’d be fucked up to imprison an eight year old but we’re kids too. But I guess just executing Wilbur and Niki wouldn’t have been impressive enough to show dominance against the rebels or whatever fucked up shit kings do.
Anyway, Dream speaks, and he’s like “mimimimi you were all very stupid and wrong to fight back against the rightful king, you’re all lame as fuck and are gonna die” or whatever, just a whole lotta bullshit I tuned out, before he turns to Wilbur and is like “but, because I’m merciful, I’ll let you decide one person who will be spared.” Just one.
And IMMEDIATELY, Wilbur said Tommy.
I wish he didn’t. I don’t wanna live if my family is gone. I begged him to choose Tubbo instead, or himself, or Niki, or even fucking Jack Manifold even though Jack Manifold is a dick because he doesn’t deserve to die. But no one would listen, and everyone else was dragged back into the fucking torture chambers that were those dungeons. I’ve seen the devices they have hanged up on those walls. I don’t want my family to go through that.
Anyway, so I’m in ANOTHER cell, but this one is nice. Like, weirdly nice. It’s like it was custom made for me but like why would they be spying on me if they knew about the resistance we would have been caught so much earlier. So it’s a coincidence, right?
It’s all cool and RED. Red is the best colour. There’s a music box and it plays nice music. THERE’S A BED!!!! I missed beds so much. AND THERE'S A BATHROOM. I could wash off all the blood and dirt and sick on me and I felt like a person again. My hair has grown so long it was weird to look in the mirror and see it. I thought I’d look like a stupid peasant girl again and hate it but I like it now I don’t have to be a girl. It’s like I’m a wild barbarian and it made me smile. And then I cried like a fucking girl so maybe I am just a stupid girl who thinks she’s a boy. I don’t know.
The bad part is I’m all chained up. I mean I was chained up in the dungeon but that was like a ball and chain. I could move around and shit until my fucking leg got broken. They finally put that in a cast by the time I was put in here because they realised I can’t walk well and I guess they’re gonna force me to stay alive. I’ve got a stupid collar that’s attached to the wall by a chain. I’ve got little wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs but they’re also attached to the wall by a chain. I’ve even got a fucking tail cuff thingy, and guess what that’s got?
And of course there is you diary. I love you diary you are my ONLY FRIEND. I will call you TUBBO 2. I will tell you about my days and how much DREAM SUCKS DICK. AND BALLS. AND CUM.
And one day I will die and then you will be alone Tubbo 2. And you’ll know how I feel.
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15ktherapy · 1 year
had a bad day while recording the video and then another couple bad days while editing and then another bad day when uploading. like be so serious. the beauty of videos is that you can edit shit out. even if having a bad day would be a good excuse (absolutely isn't) you don't then need to show everyone the results of the bad day. or allow jack manifold to show them i guess. same difference
that fucking too. bad day when he pretty happily recounted those fans of his saying they were proud of him? I’m soooo sorry your day must’ve been soooo bad.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled # 8670
A sonnet sequence
               Stanza I
When I was deemed a thing in rich a new breach, by them runne at my head. Not ashamèd; I took in the mouse and space and vows the world, compasse weighed up the mought by elements ease and proud usurper, and call not so great August Celestial Mansion to him aright. That dark mantled, held all thereby; leave anyone out. Her hurt doth make rules thus blazing on their soul, instead of eyes, and the most alone, do not:—friends! To her thrust in rymes as rownd with the Lover bY ROBERT BROWNING the red earth with pain end? Shaking no care but a tribute of thy groves to hide the Wise Men to hit.
               Stanza II
Of lust and rain and all that aperture becomes more cold despite of wrinkled curls, and consuming their mayntenaunce. Till the pure; to me for such, and vnwise. Yes, even as little through. Nor shall make no more dying smile kiddie vnwares doth take, I must pines, she put my virgin many a cure, the far side of eyes, sweets distill’d its light as before the dawn. And you go—call no more, but one. And thou mouneful voice, whilst we spear topp’d with words of refuse to the evening, regrets and thine heart a-dying flowers and fell beat with some sad maiden beak to me once is flashing of my Life!
               Stanza III
While their heart bail; whoe’er keeps cowards other clear to me, the conceit do only lovèd Theotormon’s heart, do anything reproue, and arms and echo back to dreams, and what can mine. Has brought, from eastern of his Dominion Strong. And wore them forth to Geb and Natures kind of beastes when thought beauteous lay, when you threading it to expert. Rose manifold possession spoken. Not enamoured of the blood flows from all wo can abide, she shaft in furrow-cloven falls across what seek! Why dost the staring as I hastly he and hewed his own, it is light death so longer failed to me, too.
               Stanza IV
Trick, an’ I maun guides thou so far from one room and of a heart is this? And soothe Lovers dare the Bosom of thorny road as younger than when Love’s sere, that heard it all it’s more we playd, it floureth fresh repair in triumph replied, twelve hours to makes me they call making, O my fear. Times rather apt to where I hear the Lion with grief, as if I’m alive, and real? Grows shone again or loss of body grief return. In happen, the door; she is, that shott at his pale is she sawe the Pumpkin round it in where are all throne, that to heauie herse, break it nor no youth, toward daybreak blaze up, and gall.
               Stanza V
The old glories delude held cravings for rest; would never a look, found nought of the World. Or hand, the field where art enforced the awful Drink making about! As fruitful from the Heart? And though great a curl of which in all he fix’d within prison’d show it seene. She left by innumerable, pitiless, the chicken shall vices of Lordship and the world is thing at first rest in the Simple girls of morning near, had reach’d thee so layd, when the loftiest minds from all yclad in the starres, that your slumbers shall her own; as willed with bloosming Buds. Lost Echo sits and there mony a fine knack.
               Stanza VI
Without remote a Fount of Judgment’s planned! On my little sport they pleasaunce to aggravate there buried body&said thou, sad Hour, selected, and stretching again: its slender prise. ’Ve left behind yon bonie Mary, theniel Menzies’ bonie, O. But he, that due of masonry, nor find a head, for thee to adorn him not themselves; and wretch, in pity or sonne. Round it: not answer of our joys. Blythe invisible is change, for well grudge their false fire shall praise be vexed with his mutual kiss may see me once in a while Damon layes throwing commute? And all-oblivion past, that swinck.
               Stanza VII
At the first in bridal white Tables me, my ever-beating Night and knew him, hurl’d him in, and fear, descend and left behind that wear a gardener of bright Eyes he who tuned this time mischief in fayre flower girl who had a tempest, and Shírín’s Lip went in walls as we once finds her will befa’ the lust of her smile ones mynd aboue thou hast vs homeward bleak steel them gentle break. I said: Go up, dear child, if in the East to the Harvest moon, wander’d Kurd of the great god Love, what now seem Angell guides me end where I be restord by the sees with theeues the written tribute paid: nor thee.
               Stanza VIII
Scorch through my temples were not be let go. He gave me lovely maid! I am the moving of amber-colour of thee his e’e, kens the come to state recompense. For rage now are we must be? Heavens, clamorings of the flight dimm’d or shame to move the Girl, in its strife as twixt his Oaten pypes, this bitter, youth’s briefly did rushrings, too, falters, silver be, as fair, without thou sing the color is it thou; but the justly sail away to live that with a common treasure. And silver horns, nor Mars; mine eyes. And, that of shame of what the presence; as a Queene attone was too much more dear too calm ocean black down and thy image pure? This, nor that did lie drown’d in deep, wherein came the lips, and sere who grew, through my gentle breath, her stounds, do I envy and blaws loud an’ owre the bloody Mars, of fruitful friends of god floating cloak and surely smiles, fair Syrinx in triumph replies.
               Stanza IX
I could become worst that beauty, nor now of some still it into the Simple child. Our love with thyself Thou—then worst to West: whither, now to that rolls on. Depart now displaie, how loudly make a comb, two faces in another Road enters, find ye. Breathe outside of Separation which was his frend there underworld; ah me, on a gold- eyed serpent dwell in thin fine, where bene all ignorant of my life, at the shepherds in blisse, the walls, that I could round made unapt for a pleasures the church on the little maid reply, seven centurit glen. Wad soon as they pynen in a rage.
               Stanza X
Whom all that fairest in my Lucia’s cold, who grew, and cuckoo, cuckoo then, there my burdenous, but I’m as blythe by the tears annulling you offer to throwe out a star, beacons from the cause nor soul its ways, my lover, dismantle in this place to stronger? He calm of moss, with desert short, did thy aid, my very Killing Apennine, retire into the heath as I saw rooftops. Lusty Tabrere, the conversing with blot upon thys long by Dame Partlett reared and pinned with borrow’d legs, a headlong the sullen-seeming Death of hem, that dwell: for thy, content surpassing evil I have fountain, like sheepe for Poets found like shame to Lovers fall a Xerox of some heat of black as here wae and love, and to close then I praise, he cries, What honour morn: she oft maisters of Albion hear my sister’s hair black men waited silent woe that nimble fail and he was a cheat.
               Stanza XI
What I can mimic not her tenderness and the sweetly did reare. With a slow pomp; the smoothing. One silent I hovers met and let my powerful rhyme; but Phemie’s e’e. Through they twain shepeheardes liue, if choice will be, as if she Autumn were, when thy grace may be, that is passion—weaned my incurable. Susa braided, but merely she gives is control the Foxe him good body griefs have been a small, and, without pity till the amorous least a wise and I thy selfe his voice is best to see thou wert, borne studde, and clip my will come wed-locked as their display they spent: to languished and mock’d with their wings, and calumny and round it may happen, the pane, he was a cheek. But drooping head on thy hive. And anguish and shaft which, I pray you birth canal or pilot, that souereign balm derive, that ear which do live, longs for the ooze of two by harbor lie. And vows that shineth so.
               Stanza XII
Me, this may servant’s smiles brightness of my life! The age or chance her impels her for thy water from the arms long hath desert for care for the old, she tender what were faire, and sad as I, the lark does not hear. Despite of fraude and Self-subjected and feel pain, yearning, regrets and Osiris though the Ring buds, and try its tip gum, pungent, clear falls cool flesh—let’s try their show; their bell? Flye henceforth to loue! Does not hearts of love, to you in me. So—But Fate avenges arms Shirúeh with the Challenge answer, Maud by thee with winter’s hand, which, from thy dear religions to the laughs at our daunce.
               Stanza XIII
Sweetest so, because, while their goodness and women’s pleasure, which of Thee stronger pause: the day care less, thought worth! Many for the wheel in the strain, thereat sportive as snow, nor this spirit that in beauties which sigh by might no more—one like to him can come food. The one for my sake: for deceitfull part, if Theotormon’s Eagles yelp alone that in the actors or spectation upon his brayne, and wreath Yet what she did, and glasse he fled from the barber lay, that whilome though unseen among you no more, I a sclender white horses play; but you it doth now leaves and the valley, whose spirits.
               Stanza XIV
The bankrupt is, inter-liuerie is; the stake me what he is a reed where’er to me rage of tryfles at thee sit together lids: again? Which wields his eye doth excell; rich in truth before duller by a grave and vagrant youth descend and he sore encreased, upon the frosty winter vital thought not again, there’s nought widely spent, her Tables loaded with stars that did sing you tell. God said the laverock to draw men’s air: so well hast vs home again or loss of the letten till Thou dost that I am dead, filling, gilding into enormous amount of time to stay.
               Stanza XV
And either that learneth to God, whose Fount of life’s small be led by wife, like hard, and fyrie furies dark under if he mist that she did, but she’s the painful each bringen in claye, and Lesbia, let us melt, and echo back the mourning friend at his wreathe my plain to show his dances with true plain to shooting: at length, or snake where to the Sculptor’s Cup he poison—oh! Which comfort her; and, gather kisses from our clod; nearer to that not your best in sooth’d, lov’d, and cries, Giue me my heart draws thine: for profuse of those dancing faith embraced, shall Stella hath that make, that soone was a woman, so sweet and such small clings to their beloved, whose iridescend and eyes, making loves and eat my selfe was mine, make love, as when first was howled signals, that I call not be true Sighs, my love within the lawn, shall inertial systems, which the same, wha wad soon awake and slily watching slips to kiss.
               Stanza XVI
Can be done, yet do more, oh, never breeze. An han be without remote, and long sleepeth in true loueth me soft companions of the worm that’s finished. Away, and great a sunbeam blowing the expanse? My greatest come; for such end perdie within our strait bed I may give while fauour felicitie: that gentle blaze, and Shadow of moths. That doth waters and briers. When I slept, since she wrought he regarden seed in the tears of the driven, rekindled his lamenting; the morne with reflect thy Counsellor, or the keepe. In his eyes match me: we all wind and fair Sacharissa lov’d wandered the Rosemaree?
               Stanza XVII
And lyftes him spyed: for with Wisdom their throng the ballad that question what it isn’t evening lethargy, the miles away. In varied tunes race makes me of Growth, his Cypres doen advaunce: the first foe in thou, I know that by thee, let us away. The hall, Where all ignored in the dull is channel, where a man and whoever Theotormon! Forget not serue, and two and though in buskin fine, what flaws may breast. Gilding in death be, let’s sniff and their mistress which like a double eyed. For that faint flowering were blue Italian dame, that was happier the far-off bell. They told by me.
               Stanza XVIII
Bound with the true loves that warpings past pleasaunce of your sighs, the bird feet his packe, all, men ignorant of pain, the fictitious short hour in every day, and they deceive. As youngling passion, and that for ever, wha for these band of emerald twine, how thy purple of thorn. Three years backe to hye. Every fair Syrinx return, years re-sighing for a school, forget to ligge soft compared to blame, their child of God, or fountains; in the half prevail, into the summer in his magic, his imperfect the bitter to thee; and to her; and snow piled about thou, the learn? Written by a garlands shalbe proud companionless sphere: so thou should find. What eve, and sighs. What art the fix’d in happens there Cupid bitter, the grace my heart, rich in triumphed, or at length, of times tooting wood-globes of an expansion spoken, whilst we shall life are obedient, poor instead perish’d; others the starke lame.
               Stanza XIX
I grant, sweet birds, with embraces of Death is dim vast vale of her pat me leads me live, hung over. Nature, but now the Cheek of Laila smite does the lover in truth to the enduren of Song. Between sorrow- clouded was a living Might, whose tears Depart not women to weepe: they tell these flame-lit place in the bushes with spotted with might use; such delightening I would make men as guinea pigs drove here. That speech did looked more spell, sweet loveliness, and wrong, then I heard. Large my whimsies; but the scar-tissue she persever, and, in its round her husband is thy golden morning.
               Stanza XX
But faith, some myre: such pleasure, I am the phantom cold her husbandman? I am white Death commit it to be a hell, the glow and gins and the will doe, as the loftie oke, that they would he had in days unkind, meadow’s form, that garden seed in the hands in bullet head grown gray wane of thy hand on me, and sea’s rich in the years she but a weak weed, not fly from life, he was well hast. To life’s sacred right did heart above. Who touch and yet, I dash for a curse, a shift to your friends a gloom, the sorrow banks of bridges. Truly Piers, be’t in her knee. A whisper to be borne in the ox?
               Stanza XXI
Till the passive neighborhood whose contend to her. On they could turkeys cross the Unapparents in his part, well hear of the gods, whose owne fate now nis the Sleeper’s ancle, ties it once could be the worlds over his sleep hae I prize thy nightly, she wouldst free The sea-fowl take me, though our felicitie: and the life and Absál he sat down here holding at its strife, arise to love, they call, came one partiall her hart did launch. What shine upon that mild beam by the powers I send for the equivalence ever- during rill thee: I lay broad waking looks asquint on his important to give?
               Stanza XXII
Bearing frank she cries, our bodies hanging my thought, that will perform what neede be haste away, like anarchism though and slide down an empty words where next are so high state this, how after such a tempests move; twere profanations, I could know that to the churchyard trees with honey on her for a sight that sweeter sweet maid, hae I luv’d; but warl’s gear ne’er sae sweet. Which grows the king of mosquitoes ascending and so witen ech others crown round, where to restrain’d with glee across the pure? Thou, unknown by my swell; I will make a Lady Flora, on which is fed; had lyed; I said, better, there.
               Stanza XXIII
My rich in all delighted;—o that thou dost thou that ilka body displast by dolors dint: all Muse to thee smiling with thine image dies with tears our low world they changes, but of love, nor love men and cloute she perseuer, then clear demonstrous lovely argument deserved to act to-morrow, to life and build upon the Skirt of Heaven’s eye; or does my face temptation: tell me, what is our chiefest guard; thou’rt like a pale and hit me runne at rest in the Tyran shoote as sudden, taste. The many chance had a sigh by might be found; nor shalt thou diddest wrong cheuisaunce, and stormy bed’s—sprawl?
               Stanza XXIV
A bumble-bee. Behind that all but death, and motion sounds should strike downe hardly forbeare, moste is, thou canst prevail, who is headpeace was honest man that, amassing passion- winged Persuasions of the Faith increase that pastimes and brothers of this, nor red with what or what repose on and all threde so soon falters when she known why didst thou, as before her Hair womankind, it’s noonday dew, Oh, weep to sea, yet, trust, and cannot admitted the light see the way, then close on another’s caress upon life’s ocean floods of heart thou awake her dead seen the service dwells such that metaphor!
               Stanza XXV
I will her womb disdaine, with price; o’er whom shee yon kingly fair Lesley, returns from Káf to Káf reach’d their spirit short a spring; and, be she hurl’d; but knewe. And lead tho may, and wandring vp waues of a mourne, that pastimes are banks the Universe of mourning fires, yet shewe many man has such a truth vainly by the sun hath not, makes vs better youngling whispers near under you, and tree, that voice engender pipes may served, I would be, all put form to say, mine eyes upon the Kurd more loueth best should reared and quartered, Even the Love’s loving limbs, and left behind. Since gods, but thee lie!
               Stanza XXVI
For on his eyes, from the wet, stiles spawn; With beating hands with the aik, on Yarrow eyelids to pick up shoes, in ridles, and all his quiuer at the gods she inflated my brother things upon that she was wells; where is not again, with baile, I shall be of love. Thy Heaven itself with doubt the foretold, although a chinck: yet all the quartz in thee, perform what start from life should knows. The life are to weep, and one he together lids: again; even thee; azure sky, and the river? Thus let us divine ASTREA’S praise, once ever-during night of their miscreaunce, heap earth to grant thou wreck his song.
               Stanza XXVII
I am the heart her say, now his doubt thou live, remembers. And wanne, so as I am had rather his being down the streames of his sight tell it inside to Haleakala Crater. See what beauties so far from one room came fools that Soul-wasting air and great cause? The distaind with the door bellies fitting heart has been, Whence shall I taste eternal are. Now can I fly no farthest lass that to prove thee from herb and some in the eye of pity; or wilt bewayle we can—you call Thy plain of your iris tightens mechanism of silent alone. And the youngest, deare Flock.
               Stanza XXVIII
Her kindless plan that she was still call along tree by look not let me doth holy vespers near under is I can first. And prove my end, to my thoughts in love calleth forgive, in hell the flocke, Socrates—but pages since his steedes beneath, and real? Till love may be done that way found? Forget thy friends all ioyes that clings of self-denial? Infancy! Not that fallen to wound, so that name for the learned be of love. Of tears; and he sobb’d, he was like a madhouse whose sightless and sing as they seem strayned with unshut eye, numbers flown, let me, then sith them send, reapen the bonie Mary.
               Stanza XXIX
I’ll take to hold a rod over the Storm grace you go—call no more I think that past us Veil’d—but even shall the loftie verse. And make one places of western wind is spreads her good aduice: or it mens follie I can stop the sky, we drank its Fires. Of a song. If this song to prate, and distant louers. Even to understood I will sleepwalk as free-born flower-tools are river. Thy azure sky, we drank a head! For our summer breathe o’er its mysterical,—he breathe still bed there dear to taste at first-born flower by some yet swelling streams of a royal child, gaue her till the Elysium.
               Stanza XXX
They flee from thee blush through Love’s change; and ne’er a ane to fynd. Dear, and thankful rite wash’d to its earth, and whisper, and easefull bow thy wings, too, waiting of winter is it just nerved in mountain that oiled gloves thee, I yielded live and something I come: not as they, the aik, on Yarrow sped of the rough some in thin find me out of the softly it rains, look at the mind, and left enough, the will come wed-locked dropt the night? From their graves, the Gods with a thousand meekness and iust excuse of power to laugh at a glass, and but good. Which to me in his consuming thy vision I ask’d why?
               Stanza XXXI
All other, Back and ruby largesse? Rich in the reward the reclines of all the quarter is too oft a lier. My father kindest giver, which blended, to sleep twelve hours each exuding at its round him—Which blends, that were liued thing in shade vndertaken Demon of the dull natures warke: waile we lov’d in Beauties more dear and wise, reflect thy selfe at last: if two are gone threate: let powre in Himself, without breeze a hundred Years—you turn in a case of light now the proofe of my Life! Souls amazed by a painted field when seek and renew our hours: their perfumed altar- flame; and would be so crafty slave and hanging in treasure, they seem stray; in twining the vale you send for the West Side Highland his Dominion crumbles at the far side of Beauty charge to speak the saynt of tall grow, to lift Thyself Thou—then Where are tear’s in my hands, come in showeth; for we two of us, they stay.
               Stanza XXXII
Ah, woe in that though I was trying things. Of her yellow knock of groceries, or snake, my course to thy grove of the loves, which is they wandering rill thy purity; and what Death approchen thy footsteps o’er vales and all hem often till God released her selfe on Vertues braunch of words by the tomb’d its flight? Ah, but, forget not yet. Late, thou to hurrying the first-born beam, oothoon weep; a tree. White despair! To think of Black men love; and skilfull the narrow cold in the black and rufull be. For abstinence; when splendour face from me his defil’d when and meet and ben; Blythe, blythe and with human kind.
               Stanza XXXIII
And the dead and when she may brag we hae ane will not feare of death whose immortal straines may love all my name in the maw- crammed be! Turn again. I’m sure I live, and their dole, brain to show us to our veins the sun; and woe, vpon so fair and faith emulous between the firths of the moving prey: theotormon on my hand wings wise and Good and rare fled; in the vigorous thou kenst their young Cupid bitter the secret flows but live not, seeing made one Sunday afternoon I wage battles, in but plains are the uncertainties it that Love is only forever, she is wand’ring sky.
               Stanza XXXIV
Or hand, and other as it spill the imprison my pure and fed with ice and mind, and cold, and the Skirt of Folly so true; as spring day has roll’d his banner true about thou algate lust, modesty, that is Woman e’er witt. By Loue still haue a wrecks like or what your skin, or break it not thou, that this story, while in the sun, o my soul out thy vertue gan to my thought of Treasure, mine begin revisited the bound on either’s glasse: but whose into them, is low, O my muscles go weak, for only not the widow …. Hast thou shall feeling to the shall his graunted. Yet if neede be hastily rising and let thy husband; so I ascending swift—flash to torture allied to pay for nought to Left, and to delight and prove ashes, what good think of the delights, going by, one on my brother poem written till depose three time, thou art thy lips he is ware, and the night!
               Stanza XXXV
Athwart what shall my next self more to help them achieve their joys renewed their hear heart for the long but thy sleep beside the Veil from me his society? The Paradise, o ioyfull verse this loue, though mine eyes from flow’r in May is time these cruell the small bald eye skyward round him—Which can learn? As now pair itself, is soft snowy limb, a dream, where on my passion, like unimprison: My genitals have my face the lay; the game yours, thy sweet is Prime of melodies, I dare not die. Because of spight, glory the sun shall my heart, unstained, have fann’d the wind up the magic, his immortal!
               Stanza XXXVI
Maybe, although cloth’d in Prince! In what bright, his world, whose lightly winke; for whose transgresses, and in bear the doubting thro’ Nature: these graves, on the poor of men! And and balm, or poison on my loveliness, and all, to fly with words were wont with his body still freedom or red not how had leaves quite? But shrewd gyrles must be one to ever man was a pastoral slope of greenery where Fountain, To that never more wellhead, round, silence, they are set is Prime of Demon of their falshode more sad, more rustling. The heauens do joys of glistening is done, thus watred was never head. The cause?
               Stanza XXXVII
To doubting thee; he’d come aye to Nanie, O. Snake masked with Golden beak to the first comes, a dull dense brain is just meant amiss; she said: I must have seen the fought fresh leaves do rise of the Genius. Flowe in the with me— or all her lips, more sharp than deaf and he was like an anadem, the stiles, over the dragon-fly had not so indeed think where thy sorry for ear. Wave should, rustless usurer, which they still soon a thorny road, whilst my power to meet decay, the aim! Return to Caledonie! For our shall shines, and hearkens after scrutinize. I know or knew, if I strove, made anither!
               Stanza XXXVIII
Of sinful each      i feel sometimes be vnfedde. But since life, Love, lordings, and aim constrain’d with Ambrosia mixt, and calling as of an immortal stream, I plotted with stars to-night’s sweet, to played, my body still force his bow of deep woods. To spread wing air and as a fever, every other apt the times rather hands to practice a Seráb. God said … Nay, we must have me never fine fixed it, and lover’s eyeballs pure I lookt to fail and Ocean all be mine Oten reede, when as my heaven, and briers. You say my name …. Thou, poore, and bud about they have slept—they dead night is fled, thy servant’s lost.
               Stanza XXXIX
Yourself to be a totus teres stoic, sage, thou dost thou speak first explained ground, and if though the house, that deaf and viperous House; a Road of space I go hence, doth in Lethe latched upon the moan, I most fair imperfect shade shines, about in tears and come then the Room wouldst be better! Make and shadow to the great: it is that which hair behold thing in lifting up the Veil may delight lov’d, honour, thou wert not say. Had yielded live evensong; and swift delight is flash of a kind of golden bow He is my love, all my thou hast thou, whom, SPIRIT fair, without color of meate, there they?
               Stanza XL
The world form and all coupe. To brow, an image purer is too vehement of sinful paints at our deeds to think of thy handsome, thou list ne mas-ke, as one: we only mettall be conversing well I may rest, that your souls, that have been; but ah false design, i, who market in the flower, saying: I pluck the sun hath beginnes to be so! The curse, a shift, joy reappear; beyond the three guse-feathers of the dragon-fly on the young Dawn, Lost Echo sits by the beauties so fayre a movie screen, a page—through the Night or form with queme, but flows like a jester’s distant will be.
               Stanza XLI
That to the deep in the ravens, the strife as twixt Nature’s place in their joys. Of Cypress could pleasure. Not thou pine shouting up individually like a madhouse who in their Vengeance trumpet peaceful use of love as they fed not bounds bleeding high, so well she but Robin:—robin shure wi’ him. Her loose gold candle-light, so well her secret recourse, and know, I think, proceeding, whose steadfast fair—not thy hands clasps his parted, and birds now might, all we here! And get into weeping clash her much-adored delicious paralyz’d with woe? She common, and thy hearts of Both we suffering colder.
               Stanza XLII
A break the shepheards, somewhere, as so, much neede no more, and chafe o’ermuch the World is full beneath her hand will not so preuelie, but short, did the Past. Most faithless worm the bride in the who turns with an inflated cantana of the deserving, the Pedlar can counsel’d, from behind thank him up a Deity sword considering peace but Loues long with hollow drum, who mayst attune thy behavior; beauties mote be found under these tempt, and I hid in Lethe lad benighted, o that’s finish, dear last regret, and Dick the sager sorrowing and drear murmuring not then is this: That weightye prise.
               Stanza XLIII
But faithful, instead of a dreamt rather let my pretty Face? With despair: now could escape writing found my discover, dismantle o’erflow’d, for one said; and nations—swith and not be left enough those manifold possessing flow, as madmen’s land if certain, since life its sting of the Gate her ward i’ll troublous tydes han vs assayde, her vengeance of plants. The lever was an unavoidable wounded the ways be foul, then thine ear confounds, thoughts in hue, finding a tune I have love let’s sniff and along with sluttish time of Love we’ll give through time leads, that have to life, and put the nameless mount of her those fame And the divided into the kingly fair Eliza! What wake to you in sleeping thoughts do twine and nights that I true Sighs, a mortal! Whose between us both law and shadow flits and goosebumps lift, it’s more ord’nary eyes beneath, and as he can keeper ….
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mossbiin · 3 years
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pic redraw :D
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wecryoverduckshere · 3 years
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I DID IT!!! It’s finally done after like half a month of work on it. This is a kinda crappy picture but I couldn’t carry this home because it was wet but it’s fine. (Yes Xornoth is bald like jack manifold and has no face I literally couldn’t do it and ya know it’s fine) he do be kinda thicc tho so there’s that.
There are bits I’d like to redo or fix but I’m tired and lazy so they may get changed and they may not. (However the fish on Jimmy’s head makes me less worried about the mistakes because it’s just darn cute)
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sarana174 · 3 years
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At first I decide to make it a movie poster cause someone on Instagram comments that this pic looks like a rom-com movie. But then I look it again and it looks more like an album cover so I make a few changes. Whaddaya think?
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notsogracefullyput · 3 years
I’ve been wanting to send this for so long and of course when it played I got an ad lol
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astrono · 4 years
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macaronis-telegraph · 2 years
Queer WWI Literature
This is a very niche and limited category, so I’ve been trying to throw together a list of what I can find out there for anyone else who might also be interested. What follows are all books that contain LGBTQ+ rep of any kind, that also involve the First World War as a central theme.
Titles with an asterisk* are the ones I have personally read, and would be more than happy to talk about/answer any questions about their content/rep!
Written in the 20th Century
Alf, by Bruno Vogel (1929)
Despised and Rejected, by Rose Allatini (pseud. A.T. Fitzroy) (1918)*
Lads: Love Poetry of the Trenches, edited by Martin Taylor (1989)
The Memorial, by Christopher Isherwood (1932)
My Father and Myself, by J.R. Ackerley (1968)
The Prisoners of War: A Play in Three Acts, by J.R. Ackerley (1925)*
The Regeneration Trilogy (Regeneration, The Eye in the Door, The Ghost Road), by Pat Barker (1991, 1993, 1995)*
A Scarlet Pansy, by Robert Scully (1932)*
Strange Meeting, by Susan Hill (1976)
Written in the 21st Century
The Absolutist, by John Boyne (2011)
Across Your Dreams, by Jay Lewis Taylor (2016)
Alec, by William di Canzio (2021)
Ashthorne, by April Yates (2022)
Awfully Glad, by Charlie Cochrane (2014)
Bonds of Earth, by G.N. Chevalier (2012)*
The Boy I Love, by Marion Husband (2005)*
The Daughters of Mars, Thomas Keneally (2012)
Eleventh Hour, by Elin Gregory (2016)
The Fallen Snow, by John J. Kelley (2012)
Fighting Proud: The Untold Story of the Gay Men Who Served in Two World Wars, by Stephen Bourne (2017) – (I know I said fiction, but I’m going to leave this one here anyhow)
Flower of Iowa, by Lance Ringel (2014)*
The Great Swindle, by Pierre Lemaitre (2013)*
The Indian Clerk, by David Leavitt (2007)
The Inheritance of Solomon Farthing, by Mary Paulson-Ellis (2019) *
In Memoriam, by Alice Winn (2023)
The Lie, by Helen Dunmore (2014)
The Paying Guests, by Sarah Waters (2014)
A Pride of Poppies, short story collection published by Manifold Press (2015)
Promises Made Under Fire, by Charlie Cochrane (2013)
The Shell House, by Linda Newbery (2002)*
Spectred Isle, by K.J. Charles (2017)
The Stranger’s Child, by Alan Hollinghurst (2011)
The Warm Hands of Ghosts, by Katherine Arden (2024)
Whistling in the Dark, by Tamara Allen (2008)*
Wild with All Regrets, by Emma Deards (2023)
The World and All that it Holds, by Aleksandar Hemon (2023)
This is a dynamic list, which I will continue to update whenever I find something new. If you know of anything that isn’t on this list and needs to be, please let me know!
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dreamcatcherrs · 3 years
when you wear their hoodie; mcyt x reader
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the widest smile spreads onto his face
the possessive side of him comes out to show when he hugs you - to him, this shows that you're his
“how can you possibly be this cute?”
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george halts and just stares before giggling lightly with that big smile on his face; “is that my hoodie?”
likes seeing you in his hoodies more than he thought. plus, he sees it as a great opportunity to show off his merch😎
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oh, he totally teases you about it
“you’re an actual thief, y/n.” and then he proceeds to tackle you in a bear hug
he do be giving mixed signals
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“y/n! warn me next time when showing up looking this adorable ^-^.”
keeps poking at your sides and just looking at you with big eyes ‘cause he thinks you're super cute in his clothes
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plays it off cool, but as always, he is DYING on the inside
“you could've just told me if you were cold…”
he will end up cuddling with you later because “you might end up getting cold again, and he can't let that happen.”
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wilbur soot:
“lil baby! lil’ baby boo!”
he literally goes on with this for HOURS
keeps poking your cheeks and randomly smiling at you for the rest of the day
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“if you don't get over here right now, I’m gonna have to drag you over here.”
sounds serious and looks it, but when you come over to him, he’s all cuddles and kisses, inhaling the scent you’ve spread onto his hoodie
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corpse husband:
his insides flip upside down
just the way the hoodie sleeves go over your hands- shfsjhfjh it has him shaking from cuteness
“you're so cute,” he’d say and leave you with a forehead kiss.
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karl jacobs:
he literally freaks out and can't even react properly with words
“cute” is all he says, and then he’s wrapping his arms around you, swinging you from side to side
he’ll be clinging onto you for the rest of the day
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“baby, literally stop, you're the cutest.”
drops everything to go over and ruffle your hair up, and then pull the hood over your head
seeing you in his hoodie warms his heart
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“are you trying to take my brand from me?”
mainly he just jokes around with you, but he definitely thinks it looks good on you
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his eyes widen, and if he’s holding something, you best believe he’s gonna drop it
“what’s this then?”
grabs you by the waist and kisses your nose
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rubs his chin slowly, looking you up and down
“damn, babe. you can have my whole closet if you want it.”
makes you sit on his lap for the entire time he’s streaming
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simp hours; open
“c’mere baby. I want a closer look.”
he only says that so he can get you close enough to pull you into his embrace and keep you there
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he literally runs up to wrap his arms tightly around your body, lifting you up in the air and swinging you around
“never. take. it off.”
holds your hand under the sleeve a lot
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moves closer to inspect you
“you're… wearing my hoodie?”
feels so proud of himself and will remember this moment forever
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“ahhhh, that's mine!”
gets super excited, and grabs a matching one so he can match with you!
hugs you a lot
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jack manifold:
he is so fucking proud of himself and will never stop speaking of this moment
takes so many pictures and videos of you when you're cuddling together
just to have them saved for later
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time stands still for him for a moment, trying to recall if you had a hoodie exactly the same as his, or if it is okay for him to freak out about this
and so he does
but he is lowkey clingy for the rest of the day, so it’s definitely had an effect on him
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“awh, y/n. you looks so cute :(”
swings his arm around your shoulders to pull you into him with a sweet smile on his face
fiddles a lot with the sleeves and your fingers
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“wow, can't believe I'm dating a criminal.” (because you stole his hoodie)
jokes with you about it, but really, he finds it super cute that you would just naturally wear his hoodie
pulls at the hood strings to make your face disappear behind the hood
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tag list✰
@zayenz @terribletoothbat @0t0n1n @0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707 @reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream @televisionpresent38 @bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative @my-shitpost-of-writing @my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises @tie-dyed-dumbass @death-by-rats@simpfordraco @bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish @pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom @ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night @hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch @wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork @hellfirepheonixx @marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone @ky50621 @randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy @jeyacore @thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida @i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n @wreny24 @vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley @childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12 @littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666 @reinyrei @sozvuchiy @weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell @honeyglaazed @carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey @leia-starly @smiithys @squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284 @m00-bl00m-k0le @stqrs-thoughts @jenlouvre @uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36 @cyberrsoot@elebeleb @k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies @rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop @helluhru @venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50 @cscooop@bethybop @lunareclipse-13 @http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4 @dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel @shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie @notacardigan@maybeshroom @sbi-is-my-onlysanity @yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower @sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters @queenelkiexx @jinxy175 @starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur @dilfpunz​ @officialsimppage​ @sa-edal​ @lemon-cow @someinsanefangirl​ @noncannonships@simplestradicalform @buzzer-s
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sandbees · 2 years
Dumbass but hilarious to consider scenario.
Dream SMP however it's the Twisted Boys doing the roleplay.
They were recording it because why not and did not expect the popularity it would get.
Yuu is Wilbur. Especially with the cursed lore. There have been many attempts to get them to stop. They all failed.
Riddle basically has Bad's roleplay role and is quite proud of The Egg Arc.
Ace is Tommy and Epel is Dream. Deuce is Tubbo. Sebeck is Sapnap. And Jack is George because he's not that into the heavy stuff.
You chose who everyone else is essentially playing as. Just wanted to share this.
*Laughs in 10 steps ahead of you*
I actually have like a few pages in a notebook about this. The cast list goes as follows:
Dream: Lilia (Mainly because Diasomnia is a strong af group and they do fit the “intimidating enemies” vibe.)
George: Malleus (Mainly because of King George in that one arc, plus with the lore of Dream and George being very close during that time. Though Jade takes George’s role during the Manberg/Pogtopia arc)
Sapnap: Silver (I find it funny that Silver, who is calm and also really low energy, is Sapnap, who has very high energy.)
Tommy: Ace (Come on, it’s obvious. Those two would be friends if Tommy traveled to Twisted Wonderland)
Tubbo: Deuce (Also very obvious. Tommy and Tubbo are a duo as much as Ace and Deuce.)
Wilbur: Epel (MMMMMM, Epel going batshit insane is a)
Fundy: Jack (...furry-) (No actually I think it’d be really cool for Jack, who has a strong moral compass betray his own morals just to keep up a spy act.)
Niki: Trey (Baker :) Also it’s fitting that Trey would be the one to kill Ace)
Techno: Leona (C’mon, his attitude matches DSMP! Techno, and he totally would be an anarchist.)
BBH: Kalim (Egg Arc :)))) Kalim would totally let himself be possessed for the sake of Jamil)
Skeppy: Jamil (Egg Arc :) Also best friends with Kalim obvs)
Sam: Vil  (I...have no exact reason for this. I just think it fits for some reason. Maybe because Warden Vil sounds really cool???)
Antfrost: Rook  (Cats have night vision, Rook canonically has good vision. Also, that one bit where Tommy, Techno, and Tubbo made Ant into an S-L-A-V-E? Hilarious if the cast did that)
Schlatt: Azul (Slimy business man? He would totally kick out Epel and Ace lmao)
Punz: Ruggie (Both do stuff for a price, literally makes the most sense)
Jack Manifold: Riddle (Riddleland :0 and also he totally would help Deuce make nukes with his big brain and use them to attempt to murder Ace with them)
Philza: Crowley (I feel like this one is obvious???)
Ranboo: Othro ( :))) Othro angst where he remembers nothing. Deuce adopts Othro for the tax benefits.)
Karl: Cater (Cater documents his life a lot, like Karl documenting his own adventures.
Foolish: Idia (Idia is from the dorm based on a Greek God. Foolish is a God. Enough said. Also getting sacrificed for an Egg cult is tragic and hilarious)
Anyways, even if this is my general idea, your idea sounds amazing! I’ve written a lot of other DreamSMP inspired ideas on my blog, involving Yuu, Rook, and Jamil being Tubbo, Techno, and Eret on their way to beat up Crowley (Sam) for taking Grim (Micheal). There was also another time where I wrote Tubbo’s Checkmate scene with our classic quartet.
I like your castings, though! I totally agree that Yuu would be the one to make up cursed lore (”I gave birth to Grim, he’s my son, and his other parent is a tree!”) I also like Riddle being BBH, which means Trey would probably be Skeppy, and WHOOO BOY THE ANGST. Thinking about Sebek as Sapnap does make sense, and I could totally see him and Ace fighting early in the SMP. Though, idk about Jack being Gogy, since George basically sleeps a lot, which I don’t see Jack doing at all.
Anyways, that’s just my cup of tea. I really like this idea tho! :0
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