#I’m still processing the finale
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astearisms · 1 year ago
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moon wishes 🌕
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lususrufus · 3 months ago
MelJayVik could’ve been the most dangerous polycule in America.
A polycule of a Black goddess who is the captain/Alpha of her two disaster mates, a Mexican immigrant who did more for the economy than the entire government, and a Czech revolutionary Jesus whose main goal is to help the poor and can give gender affirming care to all with his Jesus hands.
A conservative’s heart attack.
Not even counting jinx’s blue hair and pronouns. Women being the best fighters/shooters. Vi. Ambessa. Sevika.
Show an episode of Arcane on the fox channel and it would thanos snap their viewers.
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tremordusk · 4 months ago
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The way I rewatched this moment— you could just hear how angry and in pain Rio is here—
In the end Rio is hurting and lashing out, collecting Billy’s soul was just the cover up for how hurt she was.
Didn’t Kathryn Hahn say in an interview, that Agatha and Rio know each other so well and there is stuff that Rio is also hiding?!
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ender1821 · 4 months ago
another thing amongst the ten thousand other whatever the hell happened in WL ep 5 that continues to baffle and confuse me is the Gem and BigB trade conversation??? Because. Gem. GeminiTay. Why do you need to suddenly be in favour of the 5Gs alliance???
Gem: No, BigB, here’s the thing. What I trade is actually not items, I actually trade social things. So, you know how your alliance really hates me right now?
BigB: Yes.
Gem: If you could just say good things every now and then, I’ll give you a creeper egg.
BigB: Okay, I will say that Cleo is hard to convince, but I will give my best.
Gem: Well, you don’t need to say— you know what, I’ve burned… Well, I’ve exploded the bridge with Cleo, so that’s okay.
BigB: Okay.
Gem: I think just maybe Pearl, y’know, Impulse, Scott. Y’know, just say nice things— it can just be, y’know, they’re talking and you go “oh Gem’s barn is so nice” just every now and then, okay? Alright?
BigB: Consider it done.
I just. Of all the things she could’ve asked from BigB, why was it for him to just. Say nice things about her to Pearl, Impulse and Scott??? After setting up a whole narrative where the whole server thinks Pearl and Impulse have been antagonising her, and knowing that Scott is already on her side (something along the lines of it anyway, judging from what she tells Pearl later on and her telling Jimmy and Scar that Scott trusts her enough for her to lure him into a trap)??? After making it clear that as of right now she doesn’t ‘love’ Pearl??? Girl what was the point of that. Girl. Girl your mind…no genuinely Gem GeminiTay I need to dissect your brain to finally figure out what’s going on
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echo-of-the-eye · 3 months ago
Can’t stop thinking about Viktor and Jon parallels cause I have tma brainrot and anytime I see anything even remotely similar I go “is that a magnus reference?”
Anyways thinking about the differences in the choices they did and did not make and how both of them came back from the dead and were involved in ending the world.
I talked a bit about it before but Jon chooses to come back to life and become a monster. Granted it wasn’t a fair choice but he did choose it. Meanwhile the end of the world was not his choice. As much as he thinks otherwise it was not his fault. He didn’t “accidentally” start the apocalypse, he wasn’t “manipulated into it” he straight up did not end the world. Jonah did. Using Jon. Yes he was manipulated to prepare for the ritual (still not his fault), but actually ending the world? Jonah did that. He straight up took control of his body. Jon was the tool. The key to open the door. Jonah shaped the key and turned it.
Viktor is the opposite. He did not choose to come back to life. In fact he had basically accepted his death and was actively suicidal. Jayce brought him back (and I don’t really blame him for that. He didn’t know the consequences and he was trying to save the man he loved). Viktor did however, almost end the world (and succeeded in some timelines? I’m confused). Now it’s hard to say how much of that was Viktor. He was heavily influenced by the arcane, but Jon was also heavily influenced by the Eye (not that you can really compare them). We don’t know how sentient the arcane is but we can guess that its main goal/instinct is to spread. If it worked through Viktor or if it was simply influenced him, altering his thoughts and feelings to more easily rationalize what he was doing. Either way Viktor would not have done what he did without the arcane. But he did do it. The arcane isn’t a person. You can’t really put all the blame there. And we did see that Viktor was still in there, deep down, enough that he could change his mind. Meaning that to a certain degree, he did choose it. Viktor’s actions were his own, even if they were influenced. He’s the most responsible for what happened. Jayce also carries some responsibility for bringing Viktor back in the first place and creating hextech alongside Viktor, but again, he did not know the consequences of that. Neither did Viktor at first. So how much are they to blame?
I just find it fascinating how such similar events (even if they are still vastly different) happen in two completely different series and how the characters had different levels of agency throughout it.
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okaytosave · 8 months ago
It is fair to say that the season 2 finale is the 5 stages of grief, thematically woven in the best way possible right?
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donnieisaprettyboy · 9 months ago
2014 - realized I liked girls but began desperately trying to “pray the gay away”
2016 - stopped believing in Christianity as I began to better accept my sexuality
2020 - publicly came out as bisexual, and shortly after my gender crisis began
2021 - nonbinary ? we’ll run with it, I’m experimenting! I’m playing with it! I’ve been in college for a year so now I have the room to try some things out!
2023 - my first pride parade! and the gender crisis continues on…. I would really love more masculine features… a deeper voice is my dream… I see men with flat chests and I get so envious. maybe I’m trans?
2024 - FINALLY allowing myself to use multiple labels that feel right! nonbinary, transmasc, genderfluid, genderqueer, they all feel like ME! planning on starting HRT after I get married and get onto my fiancé’s health insurance. plan on getting married in a wedding dress because THAT’S WHAT I WANT! because gender is not a strict binary and I am allowed to play with it however I want! my gender is not for the pleasure or comfort of anyone else! I got to experience my SECOND pride finally feeling content with myself and my identity! I’m happy! I’m so happy :)
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starrylothcat · 2 years ago
Not Alone
Hunter x Reader One-Shot
Warnings: Big spoilers for The Bad Batch S2 finale. Sadness, angst, comfort. SFW
Summary: You comfort Hunter after the events of the season 2 finale.
Word Count: 900ish
I was inspired by @jedipoodoo ‘s post on writing comfort for Hunter after the S2 finale, and @wanderer-six ‘s lovely Wrecker fic. Check it out! Our boys are in desperate need of comfort. 😩
Anyway, enjoy. 😌
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The Marauder was deadly silent. You could feel the anguish hanging in the air, it was suffocating as you tried to conceal your sobs. You found a small corner of the ship to tuck away in to, trying to process everything that had happened.
Tech was gone.
And so was Omega.
You couldn’t think straight, the grief ripping through you. Watching Tech plummet in to the clouds ran through your mind over and over. Seeing Omega be taken, while you all watched hopelessly, gripped your heart like an iron vice.
You squeezed your eyes shut as tears spilled out, silent cries wracking your body.
A gentle touch on your shoulder startled you. Hunter was standing over you, his face twisted in guilt. You had been with Clone Force 99 long enough to call them all brothers. Over time, your relationship with Hunter became more than friends, and you loved one another fiercely.
On Pabu, in those blissful days of no worries, you both talked about settling down there together with Omega. You were hopeful for a chance of putting your lives as soldiers to rest, and being with the man you loved. But that dream was now gone.
He held out a hand, offering to help you stand up. Always the strong Sergeant. But he doesn’t have to be.
He shouldn’t be the one coming to comfort you, as you knew him well enough to know what he was thinking. He blames himself.
You took his hand and laced yours with his once you stood up fully. The feeling of his gloved hand caressing yours gave you solace, momentarily. He looked at you, the absolute pain his eyes making your heart shatter. “Hunter…” your voice almost inaudible. He reached toward you with his free hand, wiping a tear off your face. “We’ll find her…” he whispered. You bit the inside of your cheek, trying not to crack under his gentle touch. “Don’t blame yourself...” You mumbled as you laid your head in the crook of his neck, tears threatening to fall again. Hunter put his strong arms around you, pulling you close and resting his cheek on top of your head.
“Let me help you, let us help you.” You said softly.
He gripped you tighter, and you could feel his body shake. “It was my fault. I shouldn’t have let them take her. I shouldn’t have taken us to Cid’s. I shouldn’t have let Tech…” His voice broke and he buried his face in to your hair. His usual stoic demeanor was crumbling, and he felt lost.
Useless. A failure.
He had let everyone down. First Crosshair. Now Tech. And Omega…his family was fading away from him one by one and there was nothing he could do about it. His grief over Tech laying so heavy on him, he could barely breath. He had never felt so undone.
He continued his hold on you, afraid if he let go, you’d be taken from him too. Something that he already had nightmares about and couldn’t bear the pain of that passing thought, not now. His senses were suddenly overwhelmed, and his head began to spin. He stumbled forward, before catching himself on you. “Hunter! Sit down, you’re still injured...” You had grabbed his shoulders to catch him, and he leaned in to you.
“I’m still here, Hunter.” You murmured. “We made these decisions as a team. And Tech…he saved us. This isn’t something you need to carry alone. Please, we’ll do this together.” You pleaded, knowing whatever you said, he would still carry the guilt on his own. He knew he didn’t have to, but it was habit. He let out a breath, your soft words bringing him back, grounding him.
Hunter looked you in the eyes, trying to find anything to say. You placed a hand on his cheek, and he leaned in to your touch, feeling more vulnerable than he’d ever had in his life.
You brought your lips to his in a soft, chaste kiss. “I’m here for you. Always.” His mesmerizing brown eyes met yours, and you could see tears forming in the corners. “I know.” He whispered as he brought you back in to another strong embrace, your familiar scent surrounding him. He focused on the sound of your heartbeat, rhythmic and strong. Alive.
He felt your hands on his back, the warmth of your palms radiating through his clothing. He truly didn’t know what he would be without you, especially now, in this moment. You had a way of always knowing what he was thinking. While you were intense and composed on the battlefield, you had a tranquil way about you. Whenever Hunter was stressed by a mission, getting in to his own head about his skills as a leader, you were always there to reassure him. It’s one of the reasons he fell for you.
You melted in to one another, desperately wishing the circumstances were different. He slowly pulled away from you, because if didn’t, he would continue getting lost in you forever. But every second that passed, Omega got further away. You knew it too. Your lives as soldiers weren’t over. Not yet.
He put his hand under your chin, lifting it gently toward his face. “I love you.” He mumbled, pressing a tender kiss on your forehead, before stepping away from you. He moved toward the front of the ship, where Echo and Wrecker were silently sitting, lost in their own dark thoughts.
“I love you, too.” Your heart swelled momentarily, before following him to begin planning your next move, ready to continue the fight.
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teenageukulelescreamo · 5 months ago
Pros: for the first time in four incredibly long years, I have my interests back! I can hyper fixate on things again! I can’t believe I’m having my first hyper fixation in FOUR YEARS again!
Cons: why did it have to be monster hunter, a notoriously difficult series of video games, why am I making dinner at 2:30 am.
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akkivee · 6 months ago
🙂↕️🙂↕️okay okay okay so so far within the og divisions we have:
❤️: they strive for a world where words solve conflict. they pointedly did not use mics to express this. at the end of the track, they’re dynamic as brothers has shifted to a more equal dynamic, where ichiro doesn’t feel so compelled to raise them
💙: they strive for a world without violence and used their mics to resolve the conflict. at the end of the track, they reject their status quo and aim to find a new one to change the world without the use of violence
💛: wanted to be real with each other and used their mics to get that across. at the end of the track tho, they say that truth doesn’t really matter anyway and stay true to the selves they formed their bond with
🩶: a battle of wills using the mics. jakurai’s love for yotsutsuji manifested in the form of sacrificing himself and dohifu trying to stop him using their love for their bond as mtr. at the end of the track it’s that love that’s saved jakurai, healed hifumi and elevated doppo’s status at work
and things have changed for all they’ve stayed the same so i’m genuinely curious where nagosaka fits in this lol
#vee queued to fill the void#as i’m typing this i haven’t really processed the scope of mtr’s story lmao#like it may be bc i’m still a matenhoe forever and always but holy shit their love literally changed their lives#and seeing those threads come to a head like that literally made me want to projectile vomit LOL CAN NEVER FEEL NORMAL ABOUT AN MTR DT EVER#i want to draw!!!!!! the scene where sensei as calm and as at peace as he’s ever been!!!!!!!!#tell dohifu they may think him using the true hypnosis mic to save yotsutsuji is stupidity but to him!!!!!!#it’s literally the most important thing!!!!!!!! god!!!!!!!!! it’s the utter peace in his voice that literally kills me listening it!!!!!#doppo: with all due respect this boils down to your ego#sensei: my ego? well that certainly may be the case. it is i who will be saved by doing this#me: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGHHHGG#*sniffs* god hypmic has been insane for these tracks on god pls tell me i’m not the only one who sees how insane hypmic rn#and like??????????? wtf can dh and bat deal with??????? i wish i was big brained to see where nagosaka has been going towards lol#dh has to be setting the tone tho since lowkey???? tdd are paralleling with their 1st drb match ups lol bbmtc want basically the same thing#and fpmtr reaffirmed their bonds and identities in theirs#and like ‘the trio’ makes me think rosasa are finally going to punch rei in the face for ditching them lol#but it might be time for dh to enter in the plot frfr trying to get rei from doing stuff on his own#so does bat parallel that??? trying to stop kuukou from doing things on his own???? something else?????#bc hitoya is deadass the only who has interacted with the plot in any way lmao (kuukou too as a victim of the true hypnosis mic)#this is me processing things out loud gomen thanks for attending the ted tag vomit lmao
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luffysprincess · 2 months ago
amira !!!! 🤍🫂 i hope you have been doing well this week :] i have come to very eagerly ask for rinmira crumbs if that is okay !! the birthday art still lives in my head, and i wonder … how you two met and what led to such a cute birthday party ?! 🥹 and / or .. what were the first impressions of each other like ?! OR ANY rinmira crumbs hehe ( i am a bit greedy )
Evieeeeee!!! Hi my love I hope you’re doing amazing!! I actually have answered how we met before so I’ll link that here!!
As for what led to that bday party, it happens wayyy down in our relationship!! If you zoom in on that art you can see a ring on my left finger 🙈 so that party happens sometime after we get engaged.
I’d like to think he set up a surprise party for me the night before my bday after a long week. I’ve never had a surprise party and am usually the one making plans on my special day and this one year, I’m just not feeling it. So he takes it upon himself to do the party planning for me. There’s not a lot of ppl, just close friends (but that’s how I’d want it to be anyways).
He tells me he’s taking me out to dinner, hence the outfit, but then drives me to osamu’s place for a quick pitstop since rin wanted “to borrow one of his ties”. Except he goes up to samu’s building and five minutes later, calls me who’s waiting in the car, to come up too so I can help him pick the right tie. And that’s when everyone surprises me 🙈🙈 If you ask rinnie, he’ll tell you he got the best head of his life that night 🤭
First impressions!!!
I thought rin was hot from day one, but extremely intimidating. Therefore he became one of those crushes where you pretend the guy doesn’t exist lol
His first impression of me was that I was really pretty and that I looked nice. So he thought he’d come up to me, say hi and maybe some small talk but was met with me playing hard to get. Which he found so amusing bc he loves the chase. And thus I became that one cheerleader that suna rintaro always torments. Or as he would say it, “flirts with” lol But basically all of Inarizaki knows about how he won’t leave me alone and that I might look like I hate it but secretly enjoy his attention
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kathybluecaller · 8 months ago
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Finally got around drawing Aioros :D
#saint seiya#saint seiya fanart#los caballeros del zodiaco#sagittarius aiolos#I remember reading somewhere (either a post or some wiki page idk) how aioros is often revered as the perfect saint an almost divine figure#and I’m pretty sure aioros initially refutes being the next pope saying saga would be a better fit (it’s 4am so correct me if I’m wrong)#anyway I watched some of kotz for fun and saw that scene. he seemed rather upset at the news but a sense of distress I can’t really describ#even when keeping in mind that he was only 14 I don’t think it was the responsibility that comes with being a gold saint/pope successor#but more combining the first bit of being highly viewed. he seems like a rather humble guy who’s rather content with risking his life#or has at least excepted that fact. but when seem as more than a simple soldier it makes him uneasy. because he knows he’s not a god#yet is put in such position that when adding his sacrifice at an early age he’s practically legend. and despite the initial denial he will#always be obedient enough to accept the duty placed upon him. this is all to simply say I tried drawing him smiling but it didn’t look righ#so ye. (feel bad for just leaving the thought process to the sketch in the tags but it’s not my best wording so it stays down here)#a smol trivia nugget: I still don’t know how I want to draw aioros :p actually better trivia nugget: the pose/composition is from a photo m#they saw I had taken a photo but my angle was rather bland so they decided to absolutely blow me away with one heck of a photo#theres even nice lighting and everything. real glad I finally used the reference as reference :]
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whentherewerebicycles · 8 months ago
we got three four-hour stretches! the midnight feed was challenging as he peed all over himself mid-diaper change and was utterly inconsolable about it for five solid minutes after 😂 however we all survived this harrowing experience and slept soundly afterwards. he’s doing a great job now of soothing himself back to sleep after a feed which was such a struggle in the early weeks. hm okay my parents are back in town tonight so most of my goals today are house chores.
the day:
fold and put away clean laundry x 1
fold and put away clean laundry x 2
take dirty laundry downstairs
showerrr and do a hair mask
pick up mail
fill out forms to mail
wash bottles
meal plan
place grocery order
change sheets
5 min tidy kitchen
5 min tidy living room
make formula
make enchiladas
grocery pickup
visit liz
walk dogs (stroller or carrier walk)
finish reading this very long fic?? or put a significant dent in it anyway
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gamingmint · 1 year ago
Finally getting a chance to return to tumblr and break this art block after the absolutely hectic last year I had. Gotta slowly catch up on everything I’ve missed on here. And of course already started on working on fgw.
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s0ftpining · 1 year ago
so you’re telling me marion collodi is a canonical goddamn time looper
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