#I’m still fuming over that that Happy Tree Friends one that took me 2 weeks to finish
toonsforkicks22 · 2 years
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This is damn relatable and Mikey is no exception.
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multific · 4 years
Solve a Murder
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Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Summary: You were desperate. You needed help and so, you turned to the one man in London who would be able to help.
“Mr. Holmes, I’m here to hire you to solve a murder.”
“And who’s murder would that be?”
“Pardon?” asked Dr. Watson.
“It’s my step-sister. I suspect she and her husband want me dead. You see, I inherited my father’s land when she thought she would be the one to get it. And now, just the way she looks at me. She offers me drinks, way too often, I suspect she is trying to poison me. I fear for my life, and lately I haven’t been feeling well. You need to help me. Find evidence that she is plotting my death so I can go to the police.”
The two men looked at each other. 
“I knew I shouldn’t have come.” you said as you stood up, they made you feel like you were a fool, but then the Doctor spoke up making you look back at him.
“How long have you been suspecting that she is trying to poison you?”
“About a month. My dad died five months ago, I lost my mum when I was little, so he married another woman who gave him my step sister. My step mum died two years ago, or rather disappeared. Dad left everything to me in his will. And my sister was fuming, saying that she was the one to deserve it. Back that I was so sad, I didn’t even realize she said that. During the four months I was grieving, but then I started to notice things.”
“Things like?”
“Her servants bringing me food and tea, which is a nice gesture but...it’s usually after I already ate. And then I started to get sick a lot more often. I’m not one to fall sick easily. The doctor said it was just a cold, but...I know she did something. The look on her face said it all. She looked happy when I was in bed for a week. I tried asking for help, but everyone thinks I’m paranoid.”
“I believe you.” said Watson as he looked back at Sherlock who only rolled his eyes.
“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s clearly only the mind of a woman, making up scenarios. Why are you really here? You are wasting my time.” his words were harsh. And they hurt. Just as the nice Doctor turned to scold his friend, you spoke up, tear running down your face.
“I hope Mr. Holmes, that you will visit my grave one day. I just wish to see your face when you realize that you were wrong.” you said as you stormed out of the house.
You felt so silly. And to think that you were extremely nervous when you decided to seek for his help. You didn’t even realize that you left your scarf at the house. 
You were truly helpless, you didn’t have any friends to talk to, your maids were fired by her, leaving only her trusted ones behind. You were trapped in your own house.
And you didn’t have evidence to go to the police either. Although you looked everywhere in the house for signs. But you were unable to find anything, no bottles, no poison, nothing.
The worst however was that you were gradually falling more ill, day after day.
It felt like you were dying from the inside. So, you called the doctor over.
The doctor said that your illness was due to the loss of your father. The doctor blamed depression, but you knew it wasn’t that. Not with the way your sister was smirking and smiling when she thought you weren’t watching.
One day, you felt so terrible, you couldn’t even get out of the bed. 
And from that day on, you didn’t.
You were so ill, the sun hurt your eyes and you felt useless. You just laid in bed, you weren’t even sure for how long.
You had barely any appetite. And you wondered how many days have passed.
“Miss Y/L/N, two gentlemen are here to talk to you. They said they brought your scarf back.” one of the maid’s said before they left, leaving the door open to let the two men in. You tried to sit up, look at least presentable, but you were too weak.
“Miss Y/L/N,” you recognized that voice, that calm and kind voice.
“Dr. Watson,” you said smiling at the man, not noticing that Sherlock was also in the room.
“You left your scarf. Don’t get me wrong, My Lady, but you look very ill.” said the doctor as he placed the cloth by your hand. You grabbed it and thanked him.
“The doctor was just here, yesterday I think. Said it’s only depression.” you said letting out a long sigh. 
“That’s ridiculous. I saw people looking more heathy on their death bed. May I examine you?” you gave him a weak nod, then you turned to Sherlock who was standing on the other side of your bed.
“Will you take my case now, or in a few days when I’m gone?” you asked looking at Sherlock. His eyes met yours.
Dr. Watson determined that you needed immediate care in a hospital. Although your sister argued with him, telling him that you already are in the care of a doctor. 
That day, Sherlock took your case. He clearly noticed something which he didn’t’t share at the time.
You were in the hospital for three days, and you already felt better. Every day Dr Watson would come over to talk about the case or ask questions. Although you were sure Sherlock was already close to finding evidence.
One day, you were finally better, so you could walk around a little. You were sitting outside, reading a book under a tree when you noticed Mr Holmes making his way over to you. 
“It was the food and the water and the tea and the cookies and everything.” said Sherlock as he sat down beside you. “You were poisoned gradually, small portions on everything you ate, and drank. The maid did it, because your sister ordered her to. Both are in custody as we speak for attempted murder.” he said, but even with your suspicions being right, you didn’t feel better.
“Thank you Mr. Holmes. I will pay you as soon as I get out of here.” you said before turning to look up the tree, watching a little bird hop from one branch to the other.
“Hmm.” you didn’t notice the look Sherlock gave you. But he noticed just how much livelier you looked. Your eyes shined, your skin shimmered in the light. You looked a lot better. “So, as I observed, you are not married. Neither am I.” he said.
You had to admit this was the worst possible way someone tried to court you. You looked at him, eyes wide.
“I’m saying that I find you quite beautiful and I would like to know you better.”
“Oh? That’s it?”
“Don’t get me wrong Mr. Holmes, I appreciate the compliment, it’s just... Your timing, Sir. I am still in hospital because my sister tried to poison me, my brother-in-law is still out there, possibly stealing everything that he can move from my home. And you are...handsome.” 
“Then, I will be back with the same proposition in a few weeks. Ms Y/L/N.” he said as he stood up and left.
You laughed a little, thinking that he was joking.
After all, what could a man like him possibly want from you?
It had been almost a month since you left the hospital.
You were half right about your brother-in-law. He did steal a couple of items when he left, but luckily they didn’t mean anything to you, so you were just happy that he was gone. 
You hired new staff and fired everyone. You were not sure who you could trust.
You also made sure that every food and drink was thrown out or went down the sink. You were not taking any chances. 
The fact that you only had 2 members of staff made you do some work you were not used to. You were no brat and you didn’t mind getting your hands dirty, so you helped with the cleaning where you could. 
You were working in the kitchen, cleaning the cupboards when a voice behind you made you startled. You nearly fell off the furniture as you were cleaning the very top shelves.
“Miss, Mr. Holmes is here.” 
“Thank you, Tina! Let him in, please.”
“He is here, Miss.”
This is when you finally turned around and noticed the man smiling up at you. Tina already left to get back to her duties.
“Nice to see you again, Miss Y/L/N. I must admit, every time we meet I can see a different side of yours. I have never seen a lady on the sink, cleaning the shelves.”
“Well, someone has to do it.” you said slowly climbing down. Sherlock helped you, making sure you won’t fall. “I assume you came for your payment. Give me a moment. I put it in an envelope in the library.”
You said washing your hands before heading into the library. You pulled the drawer of your father’s desk out and pulled the envelope out.
“For your speedy resolution, and for Dr. Watson’s help regarding my health, I added a bit extra. Thank you very much.” you said handing him the payment.
“I actually didn’t come for the payment, Ms. Y/L/N.” he said but you watched as he reached out to take the payment from you and slipped in into his pocket. “I’m here to keep my word. What I said in the hospital, I wish to get to know you better. You seem like a very interesting and smart woman. You realized that your sister was bad, even when everyone, including me, thought that you were delusional. I apologize for that.” you honestly didn’t know what to say. You thought he was a man who wouldn’t see you in a romantic matter. But then again, he just mentioned getting to know you.
“Maybe, you can stay over for lunch? I will cook up something nice.”
“Yes, I am yet to hire a new cook, and in the meantime I do the cooking, my old nanny taught me a few recipes.”
“Sounds nice.”
And so, he stayed for lunch, dinner and the next day he came over again and every single day after.
He was charming, and the two of you could speak for hours about everything and anything.
Before you knew it, months, and years passed.
You certainly didn’t think that when you decided to go to Baker Street 221B to ask for help, you would find your future husband.
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Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You for reading my story!~
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minniewoos · 5 years
Amortentia ➣ Hwang Hyunjin Pt.2
Genre: hogwarts au, slytherin!Hyunjin, fluff, angst, bestfriend!Seungmin
Pairing: hyunjin x reader
Word Count: 18,459
Summary: As you grow closer to Hyunjin, you find yourself unable to think about much else. And Hyunjin, strangely, is the same way.
part 1 ➣part 2➣part 3
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The chatter of people around you filled the air as you sipped happily on your butterbeer. The warmth of the soothing drink mellowed you out. Hogsmeade was as bustling as ever and even though it was snowy, the sun shone the brightest it has since you arrived. The town was filled with Hogwarts students, since it was a day all students over their third year got to go to town. You were situated comfortably at a table. But you did tug your coat on further as the door to the tavern opened. ultimately letting a gust of cold air into the otherwise warm room. The breeze died down quickly as the door shut, but the chill remained in the air for a moment.
“Can I have a piece of gum?”
You pulled out your pack of gum and just tossed it to him, a smile playing on your lips, “Just keep it, you ask for it so often it's basically yours.”
Hyunjin smiled triumphantly as he popped a piece of mint gum into his mouth, then slid a piece over to you. Which you took gratefully for after you finish your butterbeer.
“So why do you insist you only take my gum?” You asked after taking another sip of butterbeer.
Hyunjin glanced up at you before tucking the pack of gum into his pocket, a smile tugged on his lips. He shrugged, “I like it better.”
“You have a mustache,” He snickered and reached out to wipe the supposed butterbeer mustache off your lips. You blushed, not only out of embarrassment but also out of the closeness as he leaned in. Your hand pushed on his chest and you rolled your eyes, then wiped the rest off yourself with your forearm.
Without the throng of people filling the the Three Broomsticks, you would’ve welcomed the intimacy. But there were too many eyes and not enough space, it felt too crowded for you as even more people entered the tavern. Cold air hit your cheeks once more until the door shut, your cheeks were probably hued pink due to the chill. 
You eyed Hyunjin's empty butterbeer mug and figured he was waiting on you to finish yours to leave and explore the town. So you silently sipped the butterbeer while you watched the patrons filling the Three Broomsticks. Plenty of Hogwarts students were splayed across the tavern, it was popular amongst the school. You spotted Han Jisung leaving, he ducked his head down as he maneuvered through the crowd to reach the exit. He was accompanied by a couple others. You recognized one as Lee Felix, a cheerful Hufflepuff in your year, he always seemed to brighten the mood. The other one accompanying him was Lee Minho, he was a Slytherin that graduated last year, you remembered he and Jisung being really good friends when he still attended Hogwarts. It kind of made you happy that they were still in touch. While passing by, Minho noticed Hyunjin and stopped by your table.
“Hyunjin! How’ve you been?” Minho smiled. He waved his hand at Jisung and Felix to keep going, “I’ll catch up to you guys later.”
Hyunjin leaned back and smiled, “It’s been a while, I thought you were moving away to become famous.”
“I’m on that path already, I got chosen to dance for a muggle broadcast, you wouldn’t know. But I can tell you it’s a big deal for somebody new like me.” Minho smiled proudly, his hard work paying off. If you remember right, Minho is a half-blood, and had a keen interest in muggle dance and arts.
You leaned forward in interest, “Which broadcast?? I might know.”
“I’m going to be a back up dancer for this big boy group, but listen, I’ll be at the front one day.” Minho crossed his arms and his eyebrows perked up, clearly determined. He then nudged Hyunjin with his elbow, “I thought you weren’t interested in dates?”
Hyunjin raised a hand leisurely, “We aren’t dating.”
You shook your head in agreement, then you introduced yourself, “We’re friends, I’m y/n.”
“So you’re Hyunjin's type,” Minho teased, an evil glint in his eyes. “Hyunjin was never interested in any of the girls I pointed out, I began to think he swung the other way.”
Hyunjin coughed unexpectedly and he panicked for a moment, caught off guard by Minho's words. He hit his chest a couple times before glaring at Minho and whacking him on the side, “Ah stop with that, you’re annoying.”
And an exuberant laugh bubbled up from Minho, then teased one last time, “Fine fine, enjoy the date.”
Minho patted Hyunjin's back before leaving, your eyebrows were raised curiously. You looked at Hyunjin, “He’s quite the character, now isn’t he.”
“Oh he’s something alright.” Hyunjin huffed, his nose scrunched is irritation. But then a smile played on his face. “Spend five years with him and you learn some things.”
“Like what?”
“How to be annoying.”
You giggled before finishing your butterbeer. Sighing contently as you set it down, the glass thudding on the wood table. You stretched your legs out under the table and prepared to leave. Hyunjin also began gathering his belongings up. He also took the opportunity to plop another piece of gum into his mouth. You sent him a weird look.
“Didn’t you just have one?”
“Ahm...I may have choked that down.” Hyunjin laughed timidly, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. Amused, you shook your head at him. The two of you were about to get up when a girl approached you both, her hands were clasped together in front of her and she smiled at Hyunjin. She bounced on the balls of her feet and giggled shyly. She was pretty and had her hair done nicely, curled in a precise way.
“Hi Hyunjin. I’m Ana” The girl was a little younger, you recognized her as a Gryffindor in her fourth year. She was perky and kind, if not a bit of a trouble maker. Other than that, you didn’t know much about her. You tilted your head, wondering what she wanted. But you had a feeling you knew where this was going.
Hyunjin nodded at her politely and stuffed the pack of gum back into his pocket. He was pulling his jacket on to leave, his eyes looked blank and unconcerned. You stood up, as soon as you saw the look on Hyunjin's face, you knew how this would turn out. Waiting patiently, you pulled some money out to leave on the table and a little extra tip as well.
“I was wondering if you wanted to walk around a bit,” she side-eyed you, “alone. There’s this new place in-”
Hyunjin stood up and fixed his jacket out, straightening the creases while she was talking. He looked down at the girl and sent her a stiff smile, “I’m already busy today, sorry.”
She took a step closer to him, insistent, “Then another day? Maybe next week, we could go on a date, it doesn’t even have to be in Hogsmeade.”
There was a telling breeze in the air as Hyunjin’s lips twitched down slightly, the icy air matching Hyunjin’s expression at that moment. He dropped the polite act quickly as he eyed her up and down, “I’m not interested in the slightest, so please leave us alone. I’m be spending the day with y/n.”
That seemed to poke a flame in her since her eyes quickly grew fiery. Her hands, which were previously tucked in front of her politely, were now clenched in fists at her sides. “What do you mean? I was only asking, besides you’re not even dating her.”
Ana sent you daggers and grew bitter, her delicate hands looked strained from the fists she made, “I don’t see what’s special about her anyway, don’t you want somebody more fun to hang out with. I could actually give you a good time.”
Hyunjin raised his eyebrows, looking down at the small girl as his chin raised up. He smirked, “Just because I’m not dating her doesn’t mean I’m not interested in her. Now does it?”
“You said you were just friends!” She huffed in frustration while your eyebrows raised in surprise at his words. You would have to bring his comment up later when you got the chance.
“Oh now you’re eavesdropping?” Hyunjin mused, he smiled coyly and patted her head, then sighed, “Let’s go y/n.”
The two of you walked out on the girl, leaving her fuming and rejected. You thought Hyunjin's reaction was a bit much, but she was rude anyway so you let the whole thing go. Footprints were left in the snow behind you as you walked side by side with Hyunjin, wondering where to go next in the nice village. People crowded the streets while shopping for the holidays, there were festive candles strung up in the trees as well, they emitted a warming yellow glow. You two passed by Zonko’s as loud music blared out from the joke shop and laughter erupted from the inside. The chatter and laughter of people just having fun filled the air around you, making the atmosphere of the town quite pleasant and cheerful. But the interaction with the fourth year girl was still on your mind, it was a little amusing to you. And you weren’t about to pass up an opportunity to tease Hyunjin. 
“You’re popular, now aren’t you?” You bumped Hyunjin with your shoulder and teased him, “And that girls a firecracker isn’t she? Why don’t you go on a date with her.”
“No thanks, she’s young and would probably bite my head off. I’ll pass…” Hyunjin shivered at the thought, his nose scrunching up. Then a solemn look grew. “I’m not a big fan of what she said about you anyway.”
“Ah don’t worry about that, just jealousy talking, and like you said, she’s young.” You waved it off, not bothered much by the girl, “I wouldn’t worry about her.”
Hyunjin nodded, “Yea, I didn’t want anything else nasty coming from her so I thought it was best to leave. Girls like her...they only ever seemed to care about how I look anyway.”
“Hm..” You hummed thoughtfully, then tilted your head up to look at Hyunjin yourself. Your eyes tracing his pretty features, “Well, I guess you don’t have to worry about being ugly.”
“Yeah but...I’m sure if they got to know me they wouldn’t be as enthusiastic.” Hyunjin grimaced as the thought.
A frown settled on your face, you knew what he was talking about and it upset you that he thinks so lowly of himself because of it. The two of you hadn’t talked about it much after he first sat you down and explained it to you, why he couldn’t love. Well, you guys hadn’t talked about the kiss either, and you were dying to know what he meant in that kiss, what he wanted and why. You found Hyunjin was difficult to read at first, but in the time you’ve spent with him, you discovered it wasn’t as hard as you initially thought. Hyunjin was just, thoughtful. So you weren’t usually bothered as much by his ‘mysterious’ persona. But your bones itched to talk about what happened that day in the potions room, the kiss and the intimacy you’ve shared since then. Ever since that day, you and Hyunjin became incredibly close, subtly flirting as well. He even seemed a lot more cheerful these days and if you were the cause for that then you were incredibly grateful.
Despite all of that, you hadn’t kissed again or even spoken about it. The curiosity was killing you. You tugged on his arm to go off the beaten path, dying to know what all of this meant. And to do that, the two of you needed some privacy.
“Oh, where are we going now?” Hyunjin mused as you pulled him through the snow. His arm limp as he allowed you to lead the way.
“Just somewhere where there are fewer people...it’s really crowded today.”
You ultimately lead him to a little clearing that overlooked the abandoned shrieking shack. There was an old fence that blocked off the cliff over the shack and a patch of woods behind you. You could hear the distant chatter of the town, but as far as you could tell, the two of you were alone. You looked around satisfied and plopped yourself in the snow, eyes focused on the shrieking shack. Hyunjin sat himself down next to you, cross-legged and looking at you with a smile.
You laughed, “What's that look for?”
Hyunjin was just smiling as he looked at you, his eyes turned to little crescents. He shrugged and his lower lip jutted out childishly, his eyes playful. “What look?”
“That,” You made a gesture towards his general face, giggling, “that smile. What's it for?”
“People smile when they’re happy. I’m happy.” He explained simply, hands raised at his side. You grinned back as your heart warmed in your chest, just being with this goofball made you happy.
“So...I make you happy?”
“Of course you do.” Hyunjin eyed you, not sure where you were taking this.
You hummed in response, then your eyes cast downwards. You suddenly got nervous as your tongue didn’t seem to want to form words. The heat from your coat was starting to get uncomfortable, even as you sat in the snow. Hyunjin noticed this. Unsure on how to even bring up the topic without feeling weird about it, you were worried. Hyunjin couldn’t feel love, you knew this, and yet that spark of hope was still blooming in your chest. Curse your feelings.
“I wanted to,” You let a drawn out pause fill the air, attempting to collect your mangled thoughts into a coherent sentence. Hyunjin waited patiently. Lips parted, eyes still cast downwards, you began again. “I wanted to talk about...about what our relationship is.”
Hyunjin's eyes lit up, he knew where this was going now. But he was avoiding this exact conversation this whole time, he shifted. A weird feeling bothered him and he felt conflicted. He licked his lips dryly, “What about it?”
“Well,” You hesitated again, combing through your thoughts. But you felt as though the best way was the honest way. So to avoid dancing around the subject, you decide to say it outright, albeit with some shakiness to your voice. “I know you know this, but, I’ve fallen for you, Hyunjin. And I really really like you. Like, shit, I love spending time with you and just being around you. But you’re...sending mixed signals. I know you can’t feel love, you know I know that. So why are you, why are you acting like you feel the same way as me…?”
As you just let your feelings spill out, you suddenly felt insecure. You weren’t exaggerating or being arrogant when you say Hyunjin's been flirty. There would be times where he would do something out of the blue, and it would remind you of how a boyfriend should act. It caught you off guard as well as confused you. You caught him looking at you often, just like earlier. He also did little actions that would cause you to blush, the small intimate moments. And while you welcomed how close the two of you have gotten recently, your hearts been in turmoil ever since. You haven’t even begun to talk about the kiss yet.
Hyunjin was frozen though, his knees were pulled up to his chest and he stared at the snow beneath his feet. He was thinking as well, you saw the gears in his head turning as he tried to comb through his own thoughts. It was silent for a while as your question was left to hang over the two of you like a cloud. You shook your head.
“And Hyunjin...the kiss? What was that about? We never talked about it, and I really think we should. We shared something that day...we shouldn’t ignore it.” You rambled on, your incoherent thoughts voicing themselves. But then you doubted your words, shaking your head again, “No, maybe I’m just delusional, maybe I’m just hoping too much. Maybe I just think we, we shared something nice. At one point I wondered if you were just playing with me.”
A feeling of warmth wrapped around your cold hands. Hyunjin grabbed onto your hand and finally looked up from the ground. His gaze caught yours as he subtly shook his head, gentle words leaving his lips. Soft spoken, for only your ears. “No...no, we do. I’m just trying to express how grateful I am to you the best way I can…”
Hyunjin was slowly getting closer, he was leaning down again, about to steal another kiss from your lips. And you were defenseless to stop him, you knew where this would lead but couldn’t find it in you to stop him. If anything, you leaned in as well, wanting him to kiss you. You wanted him to comfort you, give you that closeness you felt that day in the potions room. You wanted him to reassure you that he felt the same, despite you knowing it was impossible. So as his lips met yours, you accepted it fully. A weight was temporarily lifted from your shoulders as you leaned into him, your free hand resting on his chest. His hands still holding yours sweetly. The kiss was gentle, soft, a little hesitant.
And when you both pulled away, you leaned onto his shoulder, resting your head in the crook of his neck. There was silence for a long time, and it was just the two of you on a small overlook. While you played with his fingers, you could tell Hyunjin wanted to talk but something was stopping him. It was only when you prodded him to speak, he let you know what he was thinking.
Hyunjin’s eyes were downcast, then flicked up hesitantly, “I want you to use the Amortentia on me.”
Your head snapped up, your eyes trained on him for any signs of joking. But his face was blank, no signs of a small smile or his crescent eyes. Instead, they looked sad.
“Hyunjin, why, you know that that's not a solution.”
“I know but, y/n, I want you to know I want to love you. I like you, I trust you, I want to reciprocate your feelings. But I can’t. I was born under a love potion. I can’t love you, it’s physically impossible. At least, not how you love me.” Hyunjin snapped, his words had a bite to them. But his voice softened as he saw your sad eyes staring up at him. “It’s the closest I could get to feeling love, I don’t want to feel cold like this anymore.”
You shook your head sternly, “No, Hyunjin, I won’t do it. I refuse.”
“Please y/n I-”
“Absolutely not, we will find another way, I promise you.”
Hyunjin looked unsure.
“I want to help you, we’ll figure it out.”
“Okay, I trust you.”
You placed a soft kiss on his cheek, and he smiled.
It felt like there was a rock settling in your stomach. Discontented, you looked down at the finished Amortentia. It looked perfect, it regained its pearly sheen. The smoky wisps floated through the air delicately, and the light blue swirled around its base. This was the final session you had with Hyunjin, the project was finished now and you should really be jumping for joy, but you felt just about doing the opposite at that moment.
“Did something go wrong?” Hyunjin stood up from his seat after he noticed your conflicted expression, walking over to you to glance into the potion, “Is it not done? It should be perfect, I haven’t touched it at all.”
You shook your head, the uncomfortable feeling in your stomach slowly growing as tears began to well up. You weren’t sure why this made you cry, or why this was even happening. You gulped and rubbed your arm awkwardly, trying to steady your breathing. But Hyunjin quickly took notice of your state and gently pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
You shook your head into his chest, confused about how you should feel, “I don’t know.”
“Yes you do, take your time, but please tell me.” He frowned, worried about your sudden change in attitude. Earlier you were ecstatic to finally finish this project, and you were especially content that it went so well. But now as you stood in front of it, something happened.
Something about your mixed and confused emotions lead to your teary state, but the catalyst was what set you off. Just after finishing the Amortentia, you could smell the potent potion right away. But something was missing, and it was Seungmin’s jasmine tea scent. It was replaced by a clear mint smell, which was undoubtedly supposed to be Hyunjin's. You felt conflicted most of all, as well as saddened by the distance you put between yourself and Seungmin. Were you supposed to be happy? You loved Hyunjin, and the minty smell only confirmed it. But a small voice nagged at you, he wouldn’ t love you back.
“I don’t smell jasmine anymore…” You mumbled into his chest.
“Hm?” Hyunjin hummed, rubbing your back sweetly, his chin resting on you, “What’s that mean..?”
“The jasmine...the jasmine was Seungmin’s jasmine tea. I smelled it that day in class when we were learning about Amortentia. Remember?” You pressed your cheek onto his chest as you leaned into him, your frown prominent as you tried to sort through your conflicted feelings. “I don’t smell it anymore.”
Hyunjin remembered, he was particularly catty that day due to the nature of the lesson. It only reminded him of how different he was, how he had one less thing than everyone else that made people human. And when he went up to smell the Amortentia, he smelled nothing, not even a vague whiff. His hopes dropped significantly that day, and he was actively avoiding trying to smell the Amortentia the two of you brewed. His hands rested on your waist, “Old books, oranges, and jasmine; I do remember that...what do you smell now?”
What people smelled in the potion particularly interested him, mostly due to the fact he wanted to be able to love. In the past weeks he’s spent with you, he noticed your love for the things you smelled in the potions; your love for books as you read and your fondness for the oranges you ate often. Even weeks later he remembered what you smelled in the potion because your words stuck with him. He wasn’t sure why.
You wouldn’t answer him for a while, but Hyunjin already knew what you were going to say. He had a feeling it was his fault, he was the reason you lost that scent. Well, more like he hoped for it. He hoped you would smell something that reminded you of him. He really wanted that.
You said something, but it was so faint and muffled that he couldn’t catch. But before he asked you to repeat it, you said it again yourself.
“Mint. I smell mint.” Your arms hugged him tighter.
The hands around your waist tightened their grip as Hyunjin felt his heart skip a beat, he couldn’t form words. It wasn’t love but it was something. He felt something. And he clung to that feeling for as long as he could, not wanting to let go of you. Or maybe it was love? An odd pride bubbled up in him and despite your conflict, he was happy. A twinge of guilt passed through him.
“I’m sorry but...I feel oddly proud of that.” Hyunjin muttered, bringing his hands up to your face. You leaned into his touch, comforted by the warmth he provided you. “I don’t want you hurting.”
“Now, I’m not an expert at love, I think that’s clear.” Hyunjin continued, and you smiled at the comment, “But, I think I know enough to know that just because you don’t smell the jasmine, doesn't mean you don’t love and care for him. He’s been your best friend for years, you can’t lose a relationship like that so easily. And maybe, maybe when you smelled jasmine before it was just a platonic love. Maybe it’s always been platonic, I remember you’ve told me you felt conflicted about those feelings. Don’t force yourself to feel something just because you think you have to.”
Oh how ironic those words were coming from Hyunjin, but you saw his point. And as you contemplated his words you were thinking that he was right. And hearing it out loud calmed your nerves. You let out a sigh, not completely okay and shaky, but better.
You nodded into his chest and mumbled something. Small and insignificant, maybe they were just words to him. Maybe he wouldn't see much significance to the words that meant the world to you. But you said them anyway.
"Hyunjin...I love you."
"Hm? What was that?" Hyunjin bent down, not quite catching your little words. his ear turned towards you. His eyes turned up curiously. The little action stopped your heart for a moment, you heard the beat in your ears and felt the thumping in your chest. Your eyes flickered to his plump lips parted ever so slightly. He was so close but, not.
You simply tightened your hold around him, "Nothing, I was just saying thank you."
Hyunjin pulled away and held your shoulders in his hands, he had a stern look on his face as he prompted you to look at him. “Y/n, I know you feel conflicted and confused. But, don’t force yourself into anything, you can’t help how you feel.”
You nodded and felt like a child in that moment. Teary, sniffly, and pouty. Your thoughts were choppy and words didn’t come easily. After a moment you brought a hand up to wipe your tears away, not wanting them to spill over. “Thank you, I don’t know why I’m crying. I-I didn’t think I’d be so upset. Even...even though I knew already.”
“Knew what?” He asked kindly.
You sniffled before smiling at him cheekily, “That you stole my heart.”
Hyunjin looked at you blankly before cracking up, it started with a small smile until his giggles became uncontrollable, “You’re so lame.”
The atmosphere suddenly became much more light hearted, and your smile widened, “You like it, don’t lie to me.”
“Yea, you’re right. Because even though you’re lame, you're my lame...uh.” Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows, his words not quite working right. You laughed at him, seeing what he tried to do but failing miserably at the attempt at being cheesy. Even Hyunjin hung his head as he chuckled at himself.
“You’re lame too!” You hit his chest lightly, “You were trying to be cheesy huh?”
And Hyunjin nodded in defeat, a smile on his face. The two of you messed around some more, being goofballs and idiots after your heavy angst moment. While cleaning up, it seemed like everything was back to normal. But you couldn’t quite shake that weird feeling off, the feeling of guilt maybe. Even though you were past the initial shock, Seungmin still hung around in your mind, you felt bad about the distance you put between you two. While tears threatened to come up again you quickly shook it off, deciding to talk to him later tonight to apologize. He was still your best friend and wanted to make it up to him. You hummed contently, a smile played on your lips as you thought about bringing him a few oranges to eat while you talked. Seungmin was reasonable, you were sure you wouldn’t have a problem.
While you were in the supply closet putting ingredients away, Hyunjin was left alone in the room. And when he realized that, his eyes traveled to the Amortentia. From across the room he contemplated going over to test it, to see if anything changed about what he smelled. It would be a fruitless effort, Hyunjin always knew that, but every time he was hopeful that he would smell something. Anything. He gulped as curiosity got the better of him and he reluctantly moved to the cauldron. He stood in front of it for a brief moment before he leaned over to take a whiff and he expected nothing. He didn’t smell anything.
Not at first.
Only a moment before he was going to give up, something faint drifted up from the potion. And Hyunjin thought he was going crazy.
He took a sharp breath and stepped back, bewildered and confused. Tentatively, he tried again, and he still smelled the faint scent. It was hard to pinpoint but it was clearly there. Despite his hopes shooting up, he tried to suppress them for now, scared of being disappointed again. His palms were sweaty.
“There’s no way…” he stood in front of the cauldron for another minute when he finally got a good grasp on the smell. And the joy he felt was indescribable as he recognized the cool minty scent coming from the potion. In disbelief, a smile broke out and he jumped up shouting joyously, “There’s no way!”
A tense thought came to him, and he quickly patted himself down, trying to locate any packs of gum on him. But when he found none he relaxed and celebrated again, spinning and shouting and jumping for joy. He was definitely smelling Amortentia.
When you walked back into the classroom to find your partner jumping around like crazy, you had to laugh.
"What's this all about!?" You shouted over his cheering. His rambunctious mood was infectious and you almost wanted to jump around with him.
Hyunjin whipped around upon hearing your voice. A toothy, childish grin spread wide. He threw his arms up in the air, "Y/N!! You won't believe it!"
"Hyunjin!" You copied his wild movements, confused and incredibly curious. "What what what??"
He pointed both hands erratically at the cauldron situation at the top of the desk. "I smelled it!! Y/n, I-I smelled something. It was faint and I might be going crazy but, but, it was there..!”
Even from across the room you saw the fanatical look in his eyes, his smile leading up to bright crescent eyes. And it was contagious. First, a giggle slipped out from your lips, then a smile broke out. A wide, joyous, cheek-aching smile.
“Y-you did!! That's...that's impossible, oh Hyunjin I’m so happy for you!” You exclaimed, excitement bubbling up. Then Hyunjin rushed over to you, wrapped his arms around your waist and spun you around.
“It was mint!” Hyunjin gulped, chest heaving but the smile never left his face. His eyes searched yours, and your reaction didn’t disappoint. Your eyes softened and you reached up to pepper his face with kisses. Laughter filled the space, and you found the highlight of your year at this moment.
Between the giggles and disbelief, the atmosphere calmed down but the jovial mood carried on. Hyunjin sniffed, and you looked up to find him with tears brimming his eyes, a shaky smile played on his lips. “I...I can say I love something.”
He breathed deeply before continuing to speak, “For the first time ever...in my life, I can say, truly y/n, I love you.”
As he finished his thought, the tears spilled and he sobbed with shaky shoulders. But his smile still shone through and his hands tightened. Tears coming to your own eyes, you wiped his tears from his face and nodded. “I love you too, Hyunjin.”
He leaned down to sob into your shoulder, the tears wetting your robes but you were too excited to care. You stroked his hair gently, allowing him to release all that was pent up within him as he continued to weep with joy. Before long, you felt your cheeks becoming soaked with your own tears slipping through, and you cried with him. Your mind was running a hundred miles an hour at how this was possible, your joy for Hyunjin, and now the life you could have with this wonderful boy. In the past, you’ve heard many stories about the power of love and how strong it was. But it was this moment where you sincerely believed in what the power of love could do. And you decided that Hyunjin was worth everything.
“I’m so happy for you Hyunjin, love comes softly.”
Time was lost to the both of you and you weren’t sure how long it was until it was time to leave. But you left that room with the most satisfying feeling ever as Hyunjin left you with a sweet kiss. You each also took a vial of Amortentia with you, for safe keeping and to maybe take a whiff whenever you were feeling down. Hyunjin was incredibly adamant about taking it with him as well, which you couldn’t deny him when he kept smiling as he held the potion up to his nose. So the two of you left with a vial each and each other in your thoughts. As you strolled up to the Ravenclaw tower with lovestruck eyes, Hyunjin did the same as he made his way to Slytherin dungeons.
After solving the riddle to the common room, you stepped inside and sighed happily at the homey feeling. You even spotted Seungmin in one of the armchairs, reading something.
“Seungmin, hi!”
He looked up from his book briefly before turning his attention back to his reading. Rolling your eyes, you approached him and leaned on the back of the chair and looked over his shoulder. “Don’t be a grouch, it's late, we should get some sleep.”
Still no response from him. Seungmin was reading a potions textbook, and you pursed your lips, confused. Your hand stretched out over his shoulder and pointed to the page, “Hey...this lesson was weeks ago. Why are you looking over it again?”
With furrowed eyebrows, you saw he was reading the lesson on Amortentia, and nudged him gently. Speaking softly, “Hey, if you need help with this lesson don’t hesitate to ask me. I was working on this with Hyunjin so I could help. We actually finished it recently and it turned out pretty great! I know I haven’t been hanging out with you as much, but still, you can come to me...”
Seungmin suddenly snapped the textbook shut and sat up straight, he breathed in slowly before he spoke, “I think we need to talk about something, y/n.”
In an instant, you grew worried as Seungmin stood up to face you. He had a stern look on his face, much sterner than usual and lacking the friendly nature to him. You knew this face and you knew he was very serious, upset, and angry. For some reason your eyes looked towards the ground, avoiding his gaze. “Seungmin...what’s it about..? Look, I’m sorry I’ve been a little distant, I actually want to fix tha-”
“It’s not about that.” He snapped, and you looked at him in surprise. Your friend was normally so level headed. “It’s about your deceptive little snake of a boyfriend.”
His words leaked venom, and you stepped away. Taken aback by the uncharacteristic harshness, while Seungmin may have been sarcastic at times he was never so stringent with you before. You gulped as you struggled to form any words to say, hurt by his cold attitude with you.
“Speechless huh?” Seungmin laughed sardonically and shook his head at you. “You’re always so irresponsible and oblivious to things around you. It was okay when you were just daydreaming in class or stalling your work, but now you’ve really done it. I thought you were smarter than this y/n. You may be book smart but your common sense is nonexistent, and this just proves it.”
While you listened to his words, you were dumbstruck and lost. “Seungmin, I’m not sure what you’re...talking about.”
“Didn’t you hear me? I said your snake of a boyfriend.” He sighed, impatient with you. “I can’t believe I have to spell it out for you. But I guess I can’t help that you’re being deceived.”
“Deceived? No no, please tell me what’s going on.” The previous joy you felt left you as you attempted to reconcile with Seungmin, but you’ve never seen him so pissed off at you before. “Did Hyunjin do something or, or what?”
“Did Hyunjin do something…” Seungmin repeated, “No, you just decided to be dumb enough to fall for whatever lies he’s feeding you.”
You frowned and suddenly got defensive. It was okay to be passive when he was irritated with you, but you opted to stand up for Hyunjin. “He hasn’t fed me any damn lies, I don’t know what you’re thinking but Hyunjin's actually a very genuine person so what would you know.”
“I just don’t see how the hell you could fall for somebody who can’t even love you back.” He hissed, taking a step towards you. “Do you know what that does to people? How twisted it makes them in the absence of love?”
Your jaw dropped and you gasped, “How do you know that?”
Desperately, you searched for something in Seungmins eyes that would tell you something, anything. It was a while of silence, and you spent that time fuming, contemplating, and with an aching heart. You had no idea how Seungmin had known about Hyunjin’s secret, and it infuriated you that he could think of Hyunjin as twisted and deceptive.
“It doesn’t matter how I know, it matters that you know that too and continue to follow his heels like a lost puppy. Y/n I don’t want to see you go down a dark path, but do you know who else was conceived under a love potion?”
“Don’t you dare say it-”
“Voldemort.” He was testing your patience, and he kept speaking still, “And you know, I'm sure you’ve heard... When he was still known as Tom Riddle, he was just as charming, attractive, and likable as Hyunjin is. But he was never close to anybody, and you know wh-”
“Shut it!” You shoved him back, already knowing what he was going to say. “Shut it! I don’t want to hear it, but you know what Seungmin, you haven’t spent so much time with him. You haven’t heard him speak, heard his feelings out. You don’t know what he goes through. And you know what? I’m disappointed in you. You are usually so understanding and-and patient and pleasant. But now you’re acting just like the snake you’re describing.”
“I’m sorry, I should’ve been more understanding like you said.” Seungmin stared at you for a few long moments, he was analyzing you, and he calmed down a bit. As he took a deep, long breath you thought he was going to try to listen to you. But instead you only heard bullshit come out, “Listen, I was just reading about it, you saw. But I believe you’re under Amortentia, or some kind of love potion. It really would explain everything. You’ve only been hanging out with him lately, you talk about him so much, and you’re being very defensive right now. Those are signs of obsession, if you let me, I can help out okay?”
“You...you think he has me under a spell? You know nothing.” You spat, absolutely fuming, and continued to speak. “How do you know he can’t feel love, if anything I believe he’s felt it. He’s told me-”
“Lies, He’s told you lies.” Seungmin interrupted, and took a step forward, holding his hands up in defense. “And I don’t want you falling for them any longer.”
“Why are you pinning him as evil? I can’t believe you.” You seethed, “He’s not some twisted and cruel villain like you believe him to be. He is a person, a person with emotions and thoughts and feelings. You’re not even listening to me.”
“You’re not listening to me.” He retorted, then ran a hand through his hair. “Please...I want to help you.”
“I don’t need any help. If you’re going to keep pushing this, then just leave me alone.” You jeered and began to make your way to the girls’ dormitories. A good mood ultimately ruined.
“Think about it y/n!” Seungmin called after you, but you just stomped up the stairs stubbornly.
As you trod into your dorm, one of your roommates was up and studying. She glanced at you before sitting up straight and stretching her back out. “Welcome, you’re back late.”
You forced a tight lipped smile and collapsed onto your bed, visibly exhausted and upset. “Seoyeon, I just feel awful right now.”
“I heard you and Seungmin from up here, not all of it, but it sounded serious.” Seoyeon frowned and leaned on the back of her chair to look at you. Her eyes up in worry, talking gently.
You lifted your head to look at her, and you sighed. In your mind, she was being pitiful of you and your situation. And that was probably the last thing you wanted. You’ve known Seoyeon since your first year, you were her roommate for years along with a couple other girls. There weren’t any big problems you had with any of them, and of course there was some bickering. But the look Seoyeon was giving you right now, you saw pity and distress. You’ve known her long enough to know what that look means, and what she’s probably thinking right now.
She agreed with Seungmin.
Shaking your head, you just pulled the covers up over you as you felt a headache coming on. You had no idea how many people were thinking exactly what Seungmin was, and you almost didn’t want to know.
“Seoyeon, how many people know?” You mumbled quietly, an odd sense of vulnerability in your tone.
She didn’t answer you after a long stretch of silence in the room. But a few moments passed before you heard the click of the lamp and the room fell into darkness. “Goodnight y/n.”
Turns out, the whole school knew.
The next day you sat with Soyeon in the Great Hall, sleep didn’t come easy for you that night and it showed. You were pale, your eyes were tired, and the exhausted frown never left your face. As you picked at your breakfast, you felt self-conscious. Eyes looked at you in quick glances, you felt them as they would stare at you for a moment before looking away quickly. Gossip spread quickly in this school, and you hated it. Bits and pieces of conversation were brought to your ears, and it only made you feel smaller.
“...Hwang Hyunjin...a Slytherin.”
“You’re kidding...monster….”
“On y/n? I thought…”
It made you sick.
There were a few people who were disinterested in the drama, rumors just being rumors. And there were a few who made no pass of judgement, not simply believing through word of mouth. But despite those few, the majority of people were sucked into the rumors and prattle, and believed it blindly.
Your head hung and you refused to entertain anybody, so you just sat. Soyeon had noticed and rubbed her arm awkwardly, unsure what to say. If she could even say anything. The atmosphere around you was suffocatingly awkward
You felt muggy; hot and uncomfortable underneath the piercing gazes looking your way. Snide comments were made, barely above a whisper but you heard them anyway. How could you not when half the hall was speaking about it, and being hyper-aware of those around you.
Any mention of the infamous Voldemort always got Hogwarts riled up, but you thought this much attention was ridiculous. Ridiculous and embarrassing. Just down the table, idle gossip was heard from a few fourth years; while earlier Seungmin compared Hyunjin to Voldemort, these kids were saying he was Voldemort's illegitimate child. The thought made you scoff, Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart, right? But you figured they probably thought the exact same thing about you.
Being in the center of all the talk, it made you feel angry, uncomfortable, and self-conscious. Your palms became clammy and so you not so discreetly wiped them on your robes. The irate expression was clear on your face but you hung your head low, timidly attempting to hide yourself. Amidst the loud whispers and heated pressure on your shoulders, you didn't notice Hyunjin enter the Great Hall. Despite that, you did notice the significant loss of sound amongst the chatty students. The hall had gone quiet to stare, to judge, and to be entertained. and so did you, but once your eyes landed on Hyunjin underneath the doorway, a bit of pressure was lifted. Just seeing him in front of you brought some confidence to your chest. So the stares and gossip almost didn't seem as bad. Almost.
Hyunjin, on the other hand, looked distressed. His eyes scanned the Great Hall and saw so many eyes on him; mocking, judgemental, and venomous. Standing there silently, his hair was a mess and so was his breathing.
First, Hyunjin looked to the Slytherin table yet made no move to sit. Second, he searched the Ravenclaw table until he found you. And third, he looked back towards the whole room. The once lost and frightened gaze he wore slowly darkened until he was glowering in the room. The headmaster made a move to stand and control the situation, ease the tension, but Hyunjin spoke before he could. The bitter malice dripping off his tongue accompanied by a cold gaze that reigned over the room.
With a voice still maintaining his dignity, he yelled out, "What are you all staring at? Mind your own damn business, I'm not a fucking tabloid."
Throughout the whole room, his words sent a chill into the air. The harsh biting tone of his voice and glaring look in his eyes quickly sent students back to their food. Many quickly turning around in fright and embarrassment at being called out. And the hall was silent for another minute, and you looked at Hyunjin.
He tread across the hall to you, a blank expression on his face with a solemn air. Students still stared, of course, but they at least had the decency to be discreet about it this time. When Hyunjin was a few feet away, you moved to stand up, frowning and desperate to get out of the room
But you felt a hand pull you back down, you looked, and Soyeon was gripping your wrist. She had a pleading look in her eyes and looked scared. Scared for you? For herself? You couldn't tell.
"Y/n...stop. you don't have to." She spoke lowly, not quite a whisper but stern in her intentions. After eyeing her, you looked down your table to see Seungmin and Jeongin staring as well. You looked away quickly.
You simply tugged your hand out of her grip, scowling and red, "I want to."
"Y/n, let's go." Hyunjin said softly, you saw how he was trying to maintain his harsh, cold facade. But as you looked into his eyes at his request, you saw the pain and dejection he really felt. Like a kicked puppy trying to fight back, staying strong to avoid the abuse. You nodded before leaving the hall with him, your head was still low until Hyunjin nudged you, his eyes speaking for him as he tipped his head up a bit. So you left the hall with your chin up, looking as if the stares and judgment of the other students were nowhere to be found.
Whispers erupted after the two of you left, and soon enough the whole hall burst out as it was filled with the voices of all the students. The noise was heard all the way down the hallway.
Sensing Hyunjin tense beside you, you slipped your hand into his to walk in silence. You didn’t realize that Hyunjin was actually guiding you to the Room of Requirement, not until you saw the doors in front of you. Hyunjin kept the cold, steely look on his face until the very end, but when he closed the door behind him the facade began crumbling in front of you. Your eyes catching the slight tremble of his shoulders and a moment of silence followed. Hyunjin turned around to face you and you saw just how vulnerable he was, his eyes were pleading for help. That’s when the mask completely broke. You didn’t see the cold, evil Slytherin the rest of the school saw, instead you saw a sensitive, vulnerable, and hurting boy.
Hyunjin dropped his head, his eyes blinking rapidly to ward tears off. Then you heard him mumble something, small words that broke your heart.
“Please don’t doubt me.”
“Please don’t doubt me,” Hyunjin’s lip quivered, his eyes darting around as he attempted to fight off the oncoming tears. “I-I really did smell the Amortentia, I feel love and...I don’t want to lose it. I don’t want to lose you.”
“Oh Hyunjin baby,” You approached him gently and lifted his chin up, your eyes locking onto his. There was a pain in your chest just seeing him crumble in front of you. You saw tears brimming, threatening to fall, “I never doubted you.”
“You didn’t?” His voice was small, delicate as he tentatively grasped your hand in his. Tears finally overflowing, wetting his cheeks and he hiccuped. Your lips trembled at the sight, seeing how much he was struggling with this.
“No,” You reassured him and he pulled you into an embrace, arms securely around your torso and his head in the crook of your neck. You felt your shoulder growing wet as Hyunjin shed his silent tears. You sniffled as you attempted to hold back your own tears, “Just let it all out.”
You guided Hyunjin to sit down, as you sat near the arm of the couch Hyunjin leaned into you. This allowed him to let it out and calm down. You were a comforting presence as he held your hand. Some time passed until he relaxed, his sniffles growing quiet until there was silence in the room. And at some point, his head ended up in your lap as he laid on his side; you took the opportunity to play with his hair. The little strands hung over his eyes and he didn’t seem bothered enough to move them.
“I didn’t know that falling in love hurt so much,” Hyunjin mumbled, “I was so happy yesterday…”
“How did you find out?”
“Jaemin brought the rumors up… and we argued about it.”
“Same thing happened to me, Seungmin and I had a fight…” You frowned, recalling all the things he said to you last night caused a pang in your chest.
Hyunjin’s head popped and he turned around to look at you, a surprised look on his face, “Seungmin too? I would’ve thought he’d be more understanding.”
“You and me both buddy.” You scoffed. Hyunjin frowned, then laid his head back down and signaled for you to keep playing with his hair. You complied, twisting the locks around, “He seemed concerned for me, but, he was convinced you used some spell or potion on me...I got really mad and it just became a spat.”
The words hung in the air and Hyunjin scrunched his eyebrows, he thought for a moment. “Jaemin said something similar, We didn’t exactly fight but, we argued. He asked me if I really used…” Hyunjin trailed off hesitantly.
“Used what?” You prodded gently, your hands fiddling around as you waited for his answer. He took a moment before speaking.
“If I really used the imperius curse.” Those words sent a chill down your spine as your hands were put on pause. Hyunjin's' voice was eerily cold as he spoke of the unforgivable curse.
You shook your head, “It’s all just talk Hyunjin, they have no proof because it’s not true. It’s hard, but these words will pass. Hell, I heard some fourth years saying you’re Voldemort’s illegitimate child for fucks sake.”
“Pfff what?” Hyunjin sneered. Then his voice lowered and mumbled with venom on his tongue, “That’s ridiculous.”
Conversation quickly veered off into more comfortable silence and for the first time that day you took the time to admire your surroundings. The Room of Requirement had transformed itself into a comfy sitting room, one where the atmosphere gave you a homey feel. A large stone fireplace sat in the nearest corner, it was lit as smoldering coals heated the room. Large windows stood tall and showed off a view of the Great Lake, as well as brought a lot of light into the room. The warm feeling made you drowsy, especially since you got very little sleep the night before and the feeling was welcomed. Also judging by the bags under Hyunjin's eyes, he didn’t sleep much either. In fact, he grew so quiet and still that he could’ve already been sleeping. So before you knew it, you rested your head and closed your eyes.
When you woke up, Hyunjin was still sleeping.
A little disoriented, you had turned to check the large clock hanging on the wall and found you two slept all the way till noon. Well, you did, Hyunjin was still sleeping like a log. You squeezed your eyes shut and yawned, stretching your arms out since Hyunjin was still making a pillow out of your legs. That’s when you really recalled in detail what happened that morning. How the Great Hall was filled with whispers and stony eyes and how you were suddenly treated very differently. Left to just pick at your food and not wanting to make the rumors worse. But after Hyunjin's dramatic entrance and exit, you were sure the school was buzzing with news about it. You suddenly grew self-conscious again as you wondered what kind of things people were saying about you now. Even worse, what they were saying about Hyunjin. He was getting the brunt of the attacks and was taking it pretty hard. 
A while later you heard Hyunjin groan as he woke up with a yawn, his hands rubbing at the sleep in his eyes. The sight brought a tiny smile to your face, “Good morning sleepy head.”
“Mmm,” He responded and sat up to stretch before slumping back to lean against your shoulder, “mornin’”
“By the way, it’s past noon, I guess we’re skipping classes today.”
“I don’t care, I’d rather not be stared at today anyway.” He grumbled, sleep still lacing his voice.
"Me neither. Think of it this way, this is just a big misunderstanding, it'll blow over like all drama does, and things will go back to normal." Your voice was positive, but it sounded like you were trying to convince yourself more than him.
Hyunjin slipped his hand into yours, “I hope so.”
The rest of the day was leisurely and neither of you dared to step outside, just wanting to spend time next to each other. And for the most part, the two of you fell into the usual. Once the drama left your minds, laughter and smiles followed soon after. The way you and Hyunjin were was like two puzzle pieces, it really felt like you belonged together. Oh, there was some kissing too. Hyunjin, as per usual, was interested about hearing about your life in the muggle world. You actually had to tell him to shut up to stop asking you so many questions.
And so he became pouty, “Come on, I barely knew anything about muggles, I’m learning.”
You rolled your eyes at the way he emphasized nearly every other word, “It’s not like I’m cutting your life supply off, but you really just asked me how rubber ducks work. I can’t answer that!”
You threw your arms in the air, a goofy smile on your face.
“Butttt babeeeee.” He whined, grabbing your hands in his and begging, “Please?”
“Pfff,” You couldn’t help but snicker, “How about we make a deal okay?”
Hyunjin looked skeptical, sitting up straight and narrowing his eyes at you.
“What’s that look for! It’s nothing bad I promise.” You urged, amused. “I’m just saying, if you stop asking so many questions, then when Christmas break comes I’ll show you around the muggle worl-”
“YOU WILL!?” Hyunjin practically jumped to his feet, very enthusiastic and very willing for your proposal. He was absolutely shaking in his shoes, he reminded you of a giddy child, “Oh my god I love you!! Are you serious?”
Your laughter at his excitement was cut off when he leaned over to squish your cheeks between his hands and kissed your lips. He pulled back quickly, pupils blown out wide and a sparkle in his eyes.
“Uh, yea! I’m serious you dork.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You giggled.
Now, you didn’t believe Hyunjin could become any happier, but once you said those words his eyes shone brighter than the stars. And at that moment, you believed Hyunjin to be the most beautiful person you’ve seen.
“Say it again.”
“I love you.”
“God, I could listen to you say that all day.” He whispered, eyes boring into yours. Then his lip tipped up in a lopsided grin, “But the best part is that I can say it back. I love you y/n.”
You broke out in a smile before placing a sweet kiss onto his lips, “You are the best person, that, I’ve ever met… Please don’t change.”
Hyunjin shook his head, “No, I’ll change, I’ll love you more. I want to love you more, better than anybody else can. Got it? I feel it...getting stronger? My love for you that is.” His thoughts were choppy, as if he was struggling on finding the right words to express himself. “It’s like, I can get high on this feeling, it’s new and scary but, but if it’s for you then I’ll give you my all. And it’s still growing! Um, it’s slow and-and gradual...but it’s so clearly growing and I can feel it!”
The hope and yearning in his voice was strong, but he was elated. And it made you happy; happy to hear him happy and happy to see his wish coming true. Hyunjin was experiencing what it was like to love and you were the one he was loving. He was still clumsy with the feeling, he could barely describe it now, but the absolute joy he felt was worth it.
“I’ve been wanting this for so long and...now I finally have it, and I promise you I won’t mess this up. I...I think the first time I felt it, was our first kiss, in the potions room. It was faint, and it was so small I could barely tell. But, it was there, and I went to sleep that night more alive than I’ve ever felt. And that feeling just keeps growing every moment I spend with you y/n. I’ve never known that loving can hurt, but I think that...this-this um, this obstacle just helped the feeling grow stronger. So even if love hurts, I’ll love you. I’m so happy.” Hyunjin poured his heart out, serious as his words reached your heart.
You smiled, “Hwang Hyunjin, there is no greater honor than to be loved by you.”
“I could say the same.” He shook his head, then suddenly perked up and sat on his knees. “I almost forgot, but I had this on me.”
Hyunjin dug through his robes until he pulled out a little vial, filled to the brim with a pearly liquid sheen. Amortentia. He held it up proudly, “I really just wanted to thank you. Remember last week in Hogsmeade, I asked you to use this on me.”
You nodded sadly, “I do, I would never though…”
“I know, and now I know how foolish it was. But, now it’s comforting to have this, I can always just pop it open and now I smell mint. It’s a reminder, a uh, a reassurance that I really really do love now.” Hyunjin explained, smiling happily at the little vial. “Besides, it reminds me of you and me.”
“God you’re so sweet,” You held his cheeks in your hands, then spoke in a faux evil voice. “who would’ve thought the evil Hwang Hyunjin could be so loving.”
He rolled his eyes at your antics but pulled you into a hug nonetheless. And just basked in your comforting presence. He chuckled to himself.
“What are you laughing at?”
“I just realized I began to cry a lot ever since I met you.” He said, amused.
“What?” You teased, “you weren’t always so fussy?”
“Oh shut up.”
“I’m teasing baby, I’m a crybaby you know.”
It was only hours later when you began to untangle yourself from Hyunjin. The two of you decided your time was best spent just cuddling, talking about who knows what. But being curled up together by a fire was definitely an emotional boost for the both of you. You even went over your Christmas break plans and what you would show him. He was pretty elated about that. In return, Hyunjin sang for you, which was a pleasant surprise. And one more thing you’ve learned about the “mysterious” boy.
But as you sat up, Hyunjin was already tugging you back down on the couch with him, complaining at the loss of contact. “No, we gotta get out of here at some point, and classes have been over by now.”
“No, let's just stay in here forever,” He hung his arms limply off the couch, pouty. Then rolled over to hide his face in the throw pillow, voice effectively muffled. “Block the world.”
You grabbed his arm and shook it, then pulled to try to get his lazy ass up. And he only groaned, shook you off and laid there.
Your hand rested on your hip, “Well, while you lay there like a butt, I’m gonna go and turn in our project to Professor Lee, I hope you remember that it’s due today.”
“Mmmm, no I’m coming.” He mumbled, “Just gimme a sec.”
So on the walk to the potions room, you got a few stares. You couldn’t blame them though.
After the whole scene that morning, you were sure most of the school knew what was going on. Or at least they thought they knew. Rumors are a flame that just don’t stop. Thankfully neither of you ran into anybody you knew personally. And that made the walk to Professor Lee’s room a little bit more peaceful. Neither of you wanted to deal with awkward confrontation.
“I wonder if Professor Lee and the other teachers know what’s going on.” You mused as you approached his classroom.
“Hm,” Hyunjin began opening the door, “I guess we’ll find out huh.”
As you entered the classroom you felt suspense, it was an odd feeling in your chest. Maybe it was anxiousness, nervousness? You weren’t sure, but your grip on your papers tightened in anticipation. Hyunjin held the little pot of Amortentia, the amount Professor Lee requested.
“Professor? It’s Hyunjin and y/n, we came to turn in our bonus assignment.” Hyunjin called out, not seeing Professor Lee sitting in his usual desk. “Maybe we can just turn it in later, we’ll leave the potion here though, I don’t really want to carry the pot around.”
You nodded and tucked the papers into your robes, “Yea, I don’t see a problem with that.”
The pressure on your chest was relieved a bit, you weren’t sure why Professor Lee’s opinion of you mattered so much. You just wanted to do good on this project, but you were sure the little accident affected it a bit. Besides that, you left the odd feeling you had behind you, just a little worried the rumors got to Professor Lee’s ears.
“Now,” Hyunjin clapped his hands together and turned on his heels to walk away, “Let’s go back to the Room of Requirement!”
“Nooo,” You snatched his wrist and pulled him back, “we are getting out of there and hanging out outside. Okay?”
He sighed but silently agreed, walking alongside you. Since it was after classes most students weren’t walking around the halls, and that made it easier for you two to pass by peacefully. The problems only arose when you came to the more populated areas of Hogwarts, and it made both of you apprehensive.
Eyes stared, no shame if either of you noticed. Raucous whispers were heard as well, even more gossip being spread among the students. But it was enough that it could be ignored, just hold your head up high and walk through it all. You felt Hyunjin slip his hands into yours, he was nervous. When you looked up at him, the steely look in his eyes was back; you frowned and squeezed his hand to try to reassure him.
The stares and chatter persisted, even outside. You thought that the cold, snowy weather would drive people away from going outside, but the courtyard was as populated as it usually was. People were just bundled up now. You swallowed a lump that formed in the back of your throat, suddenly much more nervous than before. All eyes turned toward the two of you when you walked into the courtyard, there was an eerie silence that made you prefer the low whispers and avoidant stares more. Now, people were unabashedly looking at you and Hyunjin, obvious judgment in their glaring eyes. And as your eyes landed on Seungmin and Jeongin, you knew you wouldn’t be able to avoid the oncoming argument. The two fellow Ravenclaws were standing among a group of your classmates, their stares in particular were more scorching than others. It made you feel small.
You felt Hyunjin’s grip on your hand tighten, and you glanced up at him to see he was looking the same way as you. Eyes on Seungmin, icy and biting.
Tension. You hated it.
Hyunjin began tugging on your hand, pulling you away from the courtyard and away from all the cold eyes. You followed him, head low once more to try to ignore the attention on you. There was near complete silence, and you almost thought you’d be able to make it out without any confrontation, but you’d be a fool. As you passed by the group with Seungmin and Jeongin, your friend spoke up.
“Hey asshole, where do you think you’re going with her?” Seungmin jeered, and the suspense in the courtyard was amped up to ten. If everyone wasn’t looking before, their attention was certainly caught now. And you could feel everyone was on Seungmin’s side. Hyunjin was the villain in this story.
You tried to tug on Hyunjin's arm, tried to pull him away to not cause a fight. But he shook you off and faced Seungmin, eyebrows pulled together and lip taut in a frown. “It’s none of your business, it’s nobody's business except ours, actually.”
“It is my business, y/n’s been my friend for too long to see her be manipulated by some asshole who can’t even care about her, about anybody.” Seungmin retorted, hitting a nerve in Hyunjin.
“You don’t know shit, you call yourself her friend? You don’t even listen to her.” Hyunjin let go of your hand and the cold air sent a chill through you. But you were too invested in Hyunjin’s words to pay it any mind. “She said you two fought, and for what? I thought you were better than that but I guess some Ravenclaws have to be idiots.”
Seungmin pursed his lips, taking a step forward, “You’re changing the subject Hwang, you’re not denying it. That you can’t even fucking love her even if you wanted to. And she deserves better than a heartless bastard who has to manipulate her to get her to pay attention to you. She follows your heels like a lost puppy and that’s been made clear this morning. If you’re hurting y/n anyway then-”
“Then what if I’m not? Huh?” Hyunjin curled his lips, taking a step towards Seungmin, “You ever thought about that? Or are you all drones that just take anybody’s word as truth? You’re all fucking fools.”
“You think I didn’t think about it? Everyones thinking it, the whole school knows you’re a heartless bastard. Stop the facade, there’s no point in lying.” Seungmin stepped away from the group. He was never one to be confrontational, but this is the angriest you’ve seen the boy. It worried you.
“Have any of you even asked y/n?! Where’s the damn proof?” Hyunjin pointed to you, fed up with the accusations as well as obvious invasion of a secret he so desperately wanted hidden.
Seungmin stood still, eyes darted from Hyunjin to you and back to Hyunjin. He took a deep breath, but his eyes were still steady. “You don’t know? Neither of you’ve seen it?”
“Seen what?” You spoke up, worried about Seungmins hint at actual proof.
There was another bout of silence, then Seungmin looked behind him at Jeongin. He looked unsure for a moment, but then Jeongin held his wand up in front of him and cast a spell. A new and familiar one to kids your age, you could only describe it as ‘saving videos’ on your wand; a spell modeled after the rise of cell phones in the muggle world. Jeongin’s wand projected a scene, a ‘video’ of you and Hyunjin. It looked like it was taken far away, but the audio was oddly grainy; like it was clear in some spots and fuzzy in others.
A new flame of anger rose in you at the scene, it was taken the day you and Hyunjin were at Hogsmeade and went off to have some privacy. But clearly, it wasn’t as private as you had thought. The scene played out in front of you two.
“I wanted to….I wanted to talk about what our relationship is.”
“What about it?”
“...you’re...sending mixed signals. I know you can’t feel love, you know I know that. So why are you, why are you acting like you feel the same way as me…?”
Hyunjin was silent, a blank look on his face and you began speaking again.
“And Hyunjin...the kiss? What was that about? We never talked about it, and I really think we should...maybe I’m just delusional, maybe I’m just hoping too much. Maybe I just think we, we shared something nice... you...just playing with me.”
The audio began to become fuzzy. But then the image showed Hyunjin holding your hands and leaning in close to your ear, whispering words not caught on the video. And you were silent in his words and made no move as Hyunjin then leaned down to kiss you. The video continued to play, sped up until it stopped again and the audio was heard again. But it was grainy.
“I want...to use the Amortentia...”
You were obviously shocked at his words, and gave him a weird look.
“Hyunjin, why…”
The audio became weird once more but the video showed Hyunjin becoming snappy with you, and the small tidbits of audio that was heard showcased his biting tone as he spoke to you. You gave him a sad expression, eyes searching and lost.
And the video suddenly ended there. Jeongin lowered his wand, but he looked at you sadly, large eyes looking for your reaction.
“Where the hell did you get that?” Hyunjin snapped as soon as it ended, eyes furious and looking around. He took several more threatening steps towards Seungmin, his anger especially bubbling at the invasion of such an intimate moment for the two of you.
“That’s not what happened!” You cried out, speaking up for the first time. “Wherever you got that manipulated the video!”
“Memories can be manipulated too.”
“Oh fuck off, bastard.” Hyunjin uttered the words, malice lacing his tone as he pushed Seungmin in the chest. The crowd parted ways, forming a circle around the two as Seungmin pushed back.
You began panicking as you made your way towards the boys, but Jeongin grabbed your arm to hold you back. The two struggled against each other for a moment, but Hyunjin got an upper hand as he grabbed the front of Seungmins robes and pulled back to get a punch in.
He didn’t get the hit because as soon as Jeongin appeared at your side, he disappeared to help his friend, suddenly pulling Hyunjin off of Seungmin. Ultimately throwing him off balance as he was slammed into the cold, snowy ground. A small object fell out of his robes, but he was too dizzy to notice he lost the vial.
You ran up to Hyunjin, helping him stand up but more importantly pulling him away from the fighting. Hyunjin tugged against you, irate and still fixated on fighting. Jeongin was doing the same for Seungmin, pushing him back away from Hyunjin. Profanities poured from both sides.
But when you looked at Jeongin, he seemed suspiciously calm, aberrant in the chaos. Jeongin was staring at the ground, eyes narrowed. You followed his gaze until it landed on the vial of Amortentia laying in the snow, the sunlight glinting off its glass. Your stomach dropped but before you could grab it, Jeongin brought it to attention.
“The hell is that?” He said, loud to catch people’s attention, but calm enough to not add fuel to the fire. The crowd slowly got quiet once more as you scrambled to pick it up, but Jeongin grabbed it before you could. He held it up in front of him. Hyunjin looked lost, he patted his pockets and looked at you when he didn’t feel the vial in his robes.
Silently he sighed and handed it to Seungmin, who looked at it. He lifted his head to look at you then at Hyunjin, his tone bordering on retained anger “Don’t tell me this is what I think it is. Did she know about this?”
Hyunjin stammered, unable to explain the situation properly, only causing the blame on him to solidify in the mind of others. He looked at you for help, you gulped and stepped up to Seungmin, your hand stretched out to ask for the vial back. “Seungmin...it’s not what it looks like. We need that back though, it’s important.”
Seungmin pulled back cautiously, “Y/n, this stuff doesn’t make you think quite right. Amortentia is the most powerful love potion we know. If he’s giving this to you then you’re always going to side with him. We can take you to the infirmary okay? The evidence is right here in front of you, please just a few days away and you’ll feel better.”
“Seungmin,” you warned, taking another step towards him, “You’re not listening to me. We need that back.”
“Why?” He pressed, his grip on the vial tightened, “Why in the world would you need a love potion.”
You pursed your lips and shook your head, “Even if I explained it, you wouldn’t believe me.”
“You used to be able to tell me anything, if it’s not incriminating then why not say it?” Seungmin challenged.
“Because it’s private.” You hissed, a whisper only he could hear. He was getting on your nerves.
Seungmin only scoffed and took a step back, “It’s private…”
“It is! If I need to go to the fucking infirmary then I’ll go but give me the damn vial back.” You snapped at him and swiped for the Amortentia, but he pulled back again.
“Not until I, and we all, get a good fucking reason.” Seungmin retorted and raised his voice. He pointed harshly at Hyunjin, “Whatever’s going on with him is scaring the whole school and the two of you are being suspiciously private about it. Neither of you denied that he can’t feel love, there’s the video of him saying shit about using Amortentia, and he literally has the potion on him. For fucks sake y/n, it's scary how similar he is to-”
“What’s going on here?” A voice boomed, making the argument subside as the crowd parted for Professor Lee. He walked up, a stern look crossing his face. “There better not be a fight.”
“No, sir…” You muttered, “Just an argument.”
Professor Lee’s eyes landed on the vial of Amortentia, he looked at Hyunjin, “I see the two of you finished the project. Seungmin, may I see that?”
Seungmin hesitated for a split second before handing the potion over, “Sir, I-”
“One second my boy,” Professor Lee held a finger up and faced you, “I believe a couple essays were required with this project as well?”
“Uh, yes, professor.” You stammered as you dug through your robes and pulled out the slightly crumpled parchment papers and handed them over. “We stopped by your office just before this to drop it off but you weren’t there.”
He hummed in acknowledgment as he thumbed through the essays, “Yes, I was out talking with the Headmaster. There seems to be quite the...scare running throughout the school. We were discussing it.”
Professor Lee looked around at the small crowd and furrowed his big eyebrows. “What’s everyone looking at? Go on, mind your own business.” He motioned for all other students to go back about their own business and the crowd reluctantly dispersed. Hyunjin stayed silent beside you throughout the whole ordeal. Until Professor Lee looked at him.
Hyunjin perked his head up upon hearing his name, “Yes, Professor?”
“I would like to talk to you in my office alone, please.” Professor Lee requested calmly, with reverence. Hands clasped behind his back with a polite grin. Hyunjin glanced at you, and you saw the nerves in his eyes but you nodded towards him and made an encouraging gesture. So Hyunjin quietly followed the professor out of the courtyard, a vastly different attitude than minutes prior. For some reason he suddenly got more timid, reluctant.
You let out a long, drawn-out sigh as you stood there alone. For the first time you realized just how attached at the hip you and Hyunjin have gotten. It felt weird to suddenly stand there without him beside you, and now you understood why Seungmin said you were like a lost puppy. Although the wording still irked you, you saw why it seemed that way. You spent most of your time with Hyunjin nowadays; you now went to quidditch games and even some practices, hung out after school most days, and even studied together. Slightly scolding yourself, you just stood there as you looked at the ground. Eyebrows furrowed together at the way the two of you really just ‘blocked the world’.
Seungmin walked up to you, stopping just a few feet away and just looked at you sadly. It was as if he was trying to figure out what thoughts were swimming through your head. “Hey y/n…”
You peaked up at him meekly, “Let’s go to the infirmary.”
“Why? Are you hurt at all?” Seungmin took a few more steps towards you, worry written on his face and arms lifted to help.
“No, no” You shook your head and stood up straight, shooting him a subsistent smile, “we were going to get me tested right? For...for the love potion.”
“Oh.” He uttered dumbly, arms dropping to his sides. He scrutinized you, trying to see if you were being serious, “Are you sure?”
The courtyard around you two calmed down immensely without Hyunjin in the area, and nobody really paid much attention as you and Seungmin walked out. You gave a small wave to Jeongin and the other rest of the group, but other than that, you walked in silence.
As the two of you made your way to the infirmary, you almost forgot just how much you missed Seungmin. Just to have him walk beside you again was a good feeling, very familiar. But it wasn’t the same comfortable silence that usually fell over you, it was awkward and tense. Once again you scolded yourself for not being more aware of just how distant you’ve been. Because now there was a wall beside you that was never there before, and Seungmin was on the other side.
You gulped nervously before looking at Seungmin, “Hey...how long have the um, rumors been going around?”
Seungmin looked down at you, making you tear your eyes away and look forward, “A few days I’d say, but there was still doubt until that video got spread around yesterday.”
“That video…” You grumbled, then looked up at him again, eyes pleading for you, “It was manipulated Seungmin, I promise you that’s not what happened. Not all the words were caught and the audio was all messed up, I swear.”
The hallway was silent after you spoke and Seungmin stopped and looked at you, lips taut and eyebrows furrowed. You were about to give in and continue walking, but then he nodded, “Okay, I’ll believe you. But, I want your full explanation after we get to the infirmary.”
“Okay,” You nodded, a small smile tugging on your lips where you would usually roll your eyes at his nagging tone. There was a pain in your chest as you realized just how much you missed Seungmin. And there was a big part of you who suddenly wanted to just be with him for a while. To hear his voice, witness his mannerisms, and to laugh with him. Like how you always did.
“I’m sorry.”
Seungmin apologized, playing with the loose frays of his robes. Your results for any potions in your blood came back negative, as well as being under the influence of any spells. And so you got the chance to explain everything to Seungmin. How you got close to Hyunjin, the kiss, what really happened at Hogsmeade, and finally how Hyunjin was able to smell the Amortentia. The nurse gave you an apologetic look as she rushed the two of you out the doors, apparently there was something urgent she had to attend to.
Then Seungmin was bashful afterward, profusely apologizing and red-faced. His previous pride and anger was nowhere to be seen and you couldn’t stay mad at him. You could only smile in sympathy as Seungmin’s usual confident words turned into shy stammering, and then you pulled your best friend into a hug to tell him it was okay.
And that’s how you ended up here, in Seungmins dorm room, the comfortable and familiar presence Seungmin always provided was back to normal. It wasn’t rare to see you hanging out in Seungmins room, at least, before you began spending so much time with Hyunjin. But all that mattered now was that you finally got some quality time with your friend.
Sitting across from Seungmin on his bed, you laughed “That was like, the hundredth time you apologized today.”
“Cause I was an ass,” He whined, hugging a pillow to his chest, “I should’ve listened to you, but I was just...so worried for you. And caught up in all the talk going around, I was dumb.”
“Come onnn, don’t worry about it anymore. I’ve forgiven you, but if you really want to make it up to me, then just answer some questions I got.” You smiled as you rested your head against the bed frame. Seungmin luckily claimed the bottom bunk of the bed, something Renjun always got salty over.
“Oh am I gonna get interrogated now?” He teased.
“Yes.” You answered firmly and pointed at him. “Cause I was highly distressed this morning and you at least owe me an explanation.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Who told you about the rumors, and do you know who started them?” You frowned, eyebrows pulled together in concentration as you awaited Seungmin's answer.
“Jisung told me, uh Han Jisung, not the other one. I’m pretty sure the rumors began with the Gryffindors.” He answered right away, then he looked confused as he stared down at his duvet, “I’m not sure why though, you’d think the rumors would begin with some Ravenclaw or Slytherin, considering that’s what you guys are.”
“Really…?” You mumbled, the gears in your head twisted and you grew angry. “What do any of them have with my business? Why would they...oh my god, that wretch!!” At the sudden revelation, you pounded your fist into the mattress and huffed indignantly.
“What?? What is it? Who?” Seungmin asked in rapid succession, startled by your outburst. He sat up straighter and leaned in, really interested in your apparent epiphany.
“That little Gryffindor girl!! She got rejected by Hyunjin at Hogsmeade! She must’ve followed us...and recorded us.” You fumed, face growing red at your deduction. “I can’t believe she actually spread it around, that little brat!”
“Hey hey hey, calm down okay?” Seungmin held his hands up defensively, “We can’t just jump to conclusions, we don’t know it was her.”
“Well that’s my best guess,” You crossed your arms and slumped down, a clear pout on your lips. “I really can’t believe somebody would do this…”
The tips of Seungmins lips turned up at your pout, then dropped the next second. “I do feel bad for Hyunjin, he’s getting the brunt of the hate. And, and I contributed to it.”
His eyes reminded you of a kicked puppy. There was no way you’d let Seungmin get away with that sad look on his face, not under your watch. You pursed your lips before shuffling your way over to him, careful not to knock your head off the top bunk and pinched his cheeks back, “Hey mister, stop it with that sad look. I’m finally hanging out with you again and I don’t want to see you being all puppy dog sad. Got it?”
Seungmin wrinkled his nose in response and pushed your hands off, then rolled his eyes. “You’re one to talk, you were just fuming seconds ago.”
“That’s different from being sad with your big puppy dog eyes.” You giggled before settling down in front of him, your knees under you.
He scoffed with a contradictory sweet smile on his lips. “I missed you.”
Your chest constricted uncomfortably and you were vaguely reminded as to why you liked Seungmin. Why you loved Seungmin. His big brown eyes were warm and sweet and despite all the nagging, it showed that he really just cared. You smiled, a smile full of melancholy. “I missed you too, Seungmin. I really missed you.”
“I’m sorry,” It was your turn to apologize. You even felt tears beginning to prick your eyes, “I-I was just so caught up in him that...the rest of the world just didn’t seem to matter. I’m just dumb and blind. I mean, I guess you were kind of right when you said I’m irresponsible…”
“No no, don’t listen to me y/n. I’m the dumb one, I was just...jealous.” He said reluctantly, pausing for a moment before continuing. “I thought I lost my best friend and I was too quick to judge him. I was irresponsible if anything. Oh, please don’t cry.”
You laughed at his plea then hiccuped, it was too late, tears were already beginning to run down your cheeks. Seungmin stayed calm and brought his hand up to wipe the tears away, a small smile on his face. “You’ve always been a crier, huh?”
“No.” You pouted stubbornly, sniffling and going to hold his hand. A comforting gesture that never failed to calm you down. But among all the tears, you were really just glad to have your friend back.
The moment didn’t last long though, brief laughter was heard outside the door before it suddenly swung open. And who were the culprits? Renjun and Jisung. Seungmin pulled his hand away at their loud entrance and it dropped by your side. Their laughter died down after seeing you in the room, giving you solemn and unreadable looks. The mood change almost gave you whiplash.
Among the tension, you realized that you were still judged. Still in the spotlight for gossip at Hogwarts. You were suddenly brought back to reality as the stares made you feel small. And that feeling of vulnerability quickly turned for annoyance. You weren’t quite sure at what, but you quickly decided not to be passive about this anymore. Straightening you back, you turned your attention towards Han Jisung. Determined to gain just a little bit of your pride back.
You quickly wiped the remaining tears and pointed an accusatory finger at Jisung, “You’re not supposed to be here, you’re a Gryffindor.”
At your sudden allegation, which caught him off guard, Jisung straightened his back and held his hands up in defense. Then he narrowed his eyes and pointed at you as well, “Hey neither are you, you’re a girl.”
“Touche.” You sighed and looked at Renjun, “But it’s not like I’m not a normal guest, right Renjun?”
“Well, no, but I thought…” His gaze shifted to Seungmin and then back to you, “I just thought…”
And in response, Seungmin rapidly shook his head. So Renjun dropped the subject, “Uh, welcome back y/n.”
“Thanks for the warm welcome.” You smiled sarcastically before turning your attention back to Jisung. “Anyway, I have questions for you.”
“Actually, it might be better if I go.” Jisung cocked his head nervously and began to make his way towards the door, “I think we might’ve interrupted something…”
“Hey, no.” You pointed to the other bed, “Sit.”
And he sat.
You could feel their eyes on you, and you knew what thoughts were probably going through their heads. Renjun shifted awkwardly from foot to foot, then leaned back against his desk. Jisung fidgeted with his hands, he sat stiffly across from you but avoided your gaze. They were wondering why you were here. Why you were with Seungmin again. And why in the world you seemingly had a bone to pick with Jisung.
A breathy laugh escaped you as you looked on the scene. Seungmin caught on and smiled, "Guys she's not going to chew your heads off, relax."
"Then why did she sound so angry?" Jisung shuddered, his eyes blown wide as his head darted between you and Seungmin. He placed a hand on his chest dramatically and let out a nervous chuckle as he spoke. "I thought she was gonna hex me with the look she gave me!"
Renjun rolled his eyes and laughed, "Didn’t you guys just fight like, an hour before."
You shook your head, "We talked everything out. It's all a big misunderstanding, which, turned into paranoia. It’s all a mess and I’ve been caught up in it, and Hyunjin's getting the brunt of it all. And it’s all just...really stressful-”
Well, so much for gaining your pride back.
In that moment, the floodgates burst open and your cheeks felt wet. They were silent tears, at least at first, and your nose scrunched as you felt frustrated at yourself. You cried often these days, but you never broke down quite this bad before. The boys around you fell solemn and speechless for a moment, not expecting the sudden shift in dynamic. Seungmin reached up to comfort you, but faltered, hesitating for whatever reason. You suddenly inhaled a shaky breath before furiously wiping your embarrassing tears away. Your cheeks burned bright and your thoughts were staggering as your fists clenched the bedding beneath you, but you couldn’t stop talking. You stammered and stuttered and fumbled through your sentences, sounding borderline hysterical as you recounted what you’ve been through. While you were sure you were making a fool of yourself, you had to let it all out. It was like a switch was flipped and you can’t flip it back, like you couldn’t find the off button for your mouth. But you were grateful, since Renjun and Jisung were listening patiently through your mess of an explanation. And while you didn’t even notice it till now, Seungmin slipped his hand into yours in reassurance. You were probably cutting the poor boys circulation off with how hard you were gripping his hand back, but he never complained. So, as you were hiccuping, eyes red, and words just tumbling out of your mouth nonstop. They heard your side of the story and understood.
“Wait!” Jisung interrupted you, his hands were held up in front of him. His tone was desperate and buoyant all the same. As he handed you another tissue, he gave you a coy smile, “I got some info you might wanna hear. And I can help you out a little.”
You sniffled into the tissue, nodding at him softly to continue.
“So, they believed you?” Hyunjin inquired, peeling some oranges for the both of you. Brushing the peels into the trash beside you. You two sat in a little alcove, a place in the halls where people don’t come by very often. It gave the two of you a little privacy without feeling like you had to hide from everybody. The past few days were rough and the stares made you want to hide at times; but at this point, you were sick of the rumors and were working on ending them.
Deciding to save yourself the embarrassment, you brushed past mentioning your breakdown to him. You nodded, “Mhm, I guess I was quite...convincing. I’ll explain everything to you. I was able to get some info out of Jisung.”
“Good, I’m getting tired of being avoided like the plague.” He popped an orange slice into his mouth then handed you one. Which you took gratefully. Then set the rest between where you two sat. The tall window behind your back let plenty of light through, and it was a calm day. “Some first years give me this terrified look whenever I walk by, you know?”
“Oh no, it’s cause you’re an oh-so-scary dark wizard.” You teased, “I doubt you even have an ounce of dark magic in you.”
“Right, I forgot, I’m evil now.” Hyunjin rolled his eyes, “So, what did Jisung say?”
You clasped your hands together and scooched closer to him, “I know who did it. Who spread the rumors and eavesdropped on us and everything.”
He visibly perked up, “Who? Who was it because so help me, I’ll hex them into oblivion.”
“Just like the evil wizard you are, huh.” You chuckled, then shook your head. Your teasing mood quickly took a nosedive the more you thought about it. She put a bad taste in your mouth. “Remember that little fourth year Gryffindor, the one who asked you out at Hogsmeade?”
Hyunjin's expression quickly soured, his nose scrunched and lips curled back. “You’re kidding, that little-”
“No, and she followed us and took that video.” You muttered bitterly, but then gave Hyunjin a coy smile, “But there’s good news too.”
“And what’s that?”
“We all came up with a plan.” You glanced down the hall, suddenly very aware that people could be listening in. Hyunjin noticed and looked down the hall as well. But you digressed nonetheless, “So, apparently...this little girl is planning on asking you out again.”
Hyunjin jeered, showing his clear disgust with the idea, “What, is she crazy? What makes her think that I’d want to-”
“Because,” You interrupted, holding your pointer finger up to emphasize, “she thought I would run away from you. But more than that…” you paused for dramatic effect, “the little hypocrite bought a love potion.”
There was a beat of silence before Hyunjin raised his eyebrows in surprise, not expecting that. “How do you know?”
“Jisung said he heard her talking about it with her friends. Apparently, she’s gonna approach you soon to try to ‘comfort’ you. So basically she’s gonna act as your savior. Be all nice and friendly and caring. And offer you a snack. That's where the love potion is gonna be, right? Now that I think about it, she should be in Slytherin instead of you.” You mused, seeing just how cunning the little Gryffindor was.
“She’d fit right in.” Hyunjin muttered, crossing his arms and leaning back against the windowpane. He looked down in thought, “So what do you want me to do?”
You smiled, “Get the evidence, then we expose her.”
“Oh! Actually,” Hyunjin suddenly perked up, “I forgot to tell you, but remember how Professor Lee called me to his office yesterday?”
“Oh yea! What happened?”
“Well,” He looked up, “he told me not to worry, the headmaster is actually trying to take care of it right now. Sometime before the end of the week, he’s going to make an announcement and try to debunk the rumors. So, I mean the plans great and all, but it’s already being handled.”
You pouted, scooching over to him to lean against him, “I still think the plan is a good idea.”
He chuckled, “Cause it is, we’ll still go through with it if need be, but I want to avoid that girl as much as I can…”
“Yea, me too.” you sigh, suddenly really tired as the two of you fell into a bout of silence. It was nice just to enjoy the little moments in the day. These were the moments you really appreciated because while all the excitement is fun and all, it was moments like these that really solidified the comfort you felt with Hyunjin. To be able to just sit together and enjoy each other's presence. You were grateful to be able to have that with him. You began to play with his hand, twisting the rings on his fingers and such. At some point, you slipped a ring off his finger and placed it on one of yours. Hyunjin questioned it, commented on how it was a little loose, but let you borrow it nonetheless.
“So...you and Seungmin are good again?” Hyunjin broke the silence as he chewed on another orange slice, hence muffling his speech.
“Mhm,” You smiled and ducked your head down, trying to contain your joy at just the thought. It still amazed you how much you miss Seungmin. “I’m meeting up with him later, we decided we needed to catch up some.”
“Oh,” Hyunjin's brows knotted, he sat up a little straighter, “Okay.”
You straighten your back as well, mirroring his actions, “Is something the matter?”
Hyunjin held his hand onto his chest and stared down at the floor in front of him, but he didn’t answer you. He was frozen there until you placed a hand on his shoulder hesitantly. That's when he looked up to meet your eyes. His brow was still knotted and confused. It was strange like he was in a trance of some sort. The change in demeanor was very jarring and he wasn’t helping you much, not answering in the slightest.
“Are you hurt?” You began to panic, placing your hand over his on his chest, instantly very concerned. Hyunjin only stared at you for a second. But then his gaze tore away and looked away from you with a cold chuckle, all while shaking his head at you. You pulled your hand away, blinking at the harsh look he had, almost mocking. Then he stood up, subsequently ignoring you.
And you, not about to deal with any more crap than you already were, grabbed his wrist and yanked him back down to his seat. You stood up instead, arms crossed and looked down at him sternly, “Hyunjin, answer me, what’s wrong.”
That’s when he scoffed at you again and moved to stand up, but you placed a hand on his chest and gently pushed him back down. Sighing, you took his hand in yours and sat next to him, “Please, I don’t want to fight, and if you’re mad at me then please tell me why.”
You felt Hyunjin's hand tighten around yours, but his sturdy gaze softened and his head dipped down. And if you weren’t mistaken, his cheeks were red. “It’s stupid. It’s just dumb.”
“No it’s not, what happened?”
“I just...I think I got jealous. Sorry, I-I don't know why I acted like that. It was just very sudden and I kind of felt...wronged.” Hyunjin shook his head, laughing at himself bitterly. “I’ve never done that before, I’ve never felt that jealous before.”
If you were being honest, you had to hold yourself back from cooing and teasing him about it. It was cute, but he was clearly embarrassed about it, so you were going to save the teasing for later. Instead you nodded understandingly and just shrugged, “It’s okay, it’s a new feeling? And like, who doesn’t get jealous from time to time. Don’t worry about it.”
“Yea, I just feel dumb.”
“Cause you are.”
“Thanks.” He smiled at you before wrapping an arm around you. “I’ll try not to do that again. No guarantees though.”
You could only shake your head lovingly at the boy and kiss his cheek, you also kept toying with his ring on your finger. Being out instead of cooped up in the room of requirement was a good move. It was great and all for privacy, but sitting out in the hall cleared your minds a bit. Even if it was a more secluded part of the school, students still passed by. So you enjoyed the moment with Hyunjin, it was much less tense than days prior and you both seemed to loosen up a little bit. Eventually it came time for you to meet up with Seungmin, so you split up with Hyunjin and left.
And that’s how you ended up sitting in the astronomy tower with Seungmin. Side by side on the floor, you stared at the stars in wonder. At first, you two were just going to meet up in his dorm room, but he said that the rest of his roommates were there. And he didn’t think it’d be an ideal place to catch up. While the astronomy tower wasn’t usually open like this, you convinced Seungmin that bending the rules a little wouldn’t hurt. And he did his usual nagging while going along with your lackadaisical actions, not really caring for the rules.
Catching up with him was a lot more relaxed than you originally thought. For some reason, you had the idea in your head that this was going to be a tense and slightly awkward meeting. But you fell into routine and ease just like how you always did. You guess that just how your relationship with Seungmin is, it was always relaxed and you just felt comfortable next to him. It was always like that, which was one reason why you were so shocked when he lost his temper before. But none of that mattered now, conversation came easily and you talked for hours about who knows what. Seungmin filled you in and you filled Seungmin in. Topics strayed then came back then strayed again. All until your chat fizzled out and your attention turned more towards the stars and constellations. The stars were beautiful that night in particular.
“Did you do the homework yet.”
“Nope,” You continued to stare at the stars, “I can do it later.”
“It’s already midnight.”
You heard Seungmin chuckled beside you, “I’m glad you haven’t changed.”
“Just cause I began hanging with someone else means I’m suddenly going to be doing my work on time?” You said, sarcasm dripping from your tongue. “Who do you think I am? A diligent student? Pfff”
“I’m just saying, you got that project with Hyunjin in on time.” Seungmin shrugged, looking at the same part of the sky as you.
You smiled softly, tracing constellations with your eyes, “Believe it or not, I actually had to motivate him to do some work.”
“Yea, that’s hard to believe.” Seungmin leaned back on his palms, looking at you, “Your eyes are glowing.”
Blinking a couple times, you tilted your head and looked at him, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Looking at the stars, your eyes look like they’re glowing.” Seungmin smiled at you and made you do a silent double take. As you looked at him, you struggled to form words. Just something in the way he said it, or maybe how he looked at you. It took you off guard.
“Yea?” You replied simply, “Well they’re beautiful tonight.”
“I agree.” Seungmin nodded, looked down for a moment, then up at the stars. He then sat up straighter and turned his body so he was fully facing you, a little sheepish. “But, I wanted to meet up for more than just to catch up.”
Unsure of what he was doing, you stared at him blankly, lips parted as you waited for him to continue. He fiddled with his hands in front of him and then smiled at you, “I wanted to tell you that I like you, more than just as a friend. And I have for a while.”
Seungmin held a hand up, stopping you from speaking any more. But quite frankly, you were speechless from the confession. So you closed your mouth with wide eyes and listened to him. If he didn’t have your full attention before, he certainly did now.
“I don’t know how long I’ve liked you, I just know it’s been a while. And I realized it when I realized just how strange it felt to not be around you, and I’m not talking about recently. I just remember back in...I don’t know, fourth maybe fifth year, I came to the epiphany that something felt empty without you. I just, I just never knew if you felt the same and I was still happy with being your best friend. It was only when you told me what you smelled in the Amortentia, is when I began building up the courage to tell you. Because, tell me if I’m wrong, but you smell jasmine right? That’s...the tea I drink right?”
Not having the heart to tell him that the smell changed, you nodded solemnly.
“So, I was going to confess to you and everything after that. But, that’s when you got closer to Hyunjin and I couldn't seem to get a moment with you. Then the rumors got out and I just felt...wronged. And I got mad and jealous and you didn’t deserve the backlash I threw at you. I was just bitter.” Seungmin shook his head, talking carefully and clearly. He was always good at talking, “I just thought you deserved to know. Know why I overreacted and got just unreasonable… I also just felt like I needed to get this off my chest to…”
Seungmin trailed off and didn’t finish his sentence. You looked at him expectantly. But when you didn’t continue, you prodded him to finish his thought. “To...what?”
“To move on.” He smiled as his eyes cast down, the despondent smile caused your chest to pang weirdly. It caused you to frown and look down as well, not sure what to say. Seungmin, your best friend, just confessed to you. The guy you wished would do this for years, is now confessing just like you wanted, but you couldn’t feel happy at all. Your thoughts remained lingering on Hyunjin as you kept twisting his ring on your finger.
“Seungmin…” You murmured, words not coming to mind. More like you couldn’t bring yourself to speak.
But then Seungmin stood up, “It’s okay, I understand. To be honest, I really needed to get this off my chest, so just telling you feels better for me…”
“Wait, are you leaving?” You stood up as well. Not quite ready for him to go, you took a step closer to him.
“Well, I’m being rejected aren’t I?” Seungmin shrugged and smiled again, “I just don’t want this to affect our friendship. I value you too much to lose you over this, can you promise me that?”
“I promise…” You nodded sadly. In a weird way, you felt as if you were the one being rejected. Then a thought came to you, you furrowed your eyebrows as it came to you. And so before you could linger on the idea for too long, you just put it into action. Taking another step closer to him, Seungmin looked confused. But didn’t move away as you placed your hands on his shoulders and leaned up to place a sweet kiss to his cheek.
At your actions, he looked at you in astonishment and disbelief, pretty brown eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Yet, just as you were about to step away from him, embarrassed, he grasped your wrists. Not tightly, but just enough to keep you close to him. You didn’t have any time to think before Seungmin was leaning down and placing a chaste and tender kiss to your lips. This time, it was his turn to leave you doe-eyed and surprised.
Seungmin just kissed you.
And you were frozen at the thought. But you felt your blush quickly rising to your cheeks and you brought your hand to gently touch your lips. To say he caught you off guard would be an understatement. Your eyes darted around quickly before landing on Seungmins to find him scratching the back of his neck, looking away from you.
Seungmin was blushing as well, then he looked at you before placing a finger to his lips in a shushing motion. He wore a coy smile, “Just once okay?”
“That was a bold move,” You let out a breathy chuckle as you let your arm hang limply at your side, “maybe you’re changing quicker than I am.”
His attention seemed to be caught by the stars and he breathed in deeply, then exhaled as he replied, “Yea, that’s the plan. I’ll have to if I’m going to move on.”
“Yea…” You followed his gaze towards the stars, “you’re still my best friend okay?”
“And you’re my best friend.” Seungmin nodded before placing a kiss on your forehead. Then began to move away, “I’m going to go now…”
You suddenly became bashful again and perked an eyebrow up at him, “Do friends kiss friends?”
He shrugged, “Give me some slack, I just got rejected. I’m just wishing my friend luck in her future relationship with a certain Slytherin.”
“Goodnight Seungmin.” You chuckled and ran a hand through your messy hair. Watching as he gave you a wave goodbye before descending the astronomy tower. All of a sudden, he felt a lot more mature than a couple months ago. And you were proud of him.
So, you stayed up in the astronomy tower for a little longer. Left alone with your thoughts and the stars, quietly toyed with Hyunjin’s ring.
a/n: so its finally hereeeeee!. Sorry about it being a little late, i fell asleep after school and needed to edit it a little bit ahah. But I’m satisfied with this! This is by far the fanfic ive received the most feedback for and it feels nice that its so loved :)
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paper-chain-queen · 5 years
Sweet ‘N Spicy Boy
A slight continuation to the Sweet ‘N Spicy Goodness, I hope ya’ll enjoy
Bakugou X SenpaiReader
Rating: Teen... Bakugou swears, that’s just the way it is :P
Words: 2,500+
Summary: Bakugou wants to ask the reader out but he can’t seem to say the right words so he gets a little advice
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Striking red eyes watched as you walked with your friends in the cafeteria before sitting at a table. It was weird; before their interaction last week, he never saw you around U.A, and now you were everywhere.
"Dude, you're starting to look a little creepy." Kaminari pointed out as he safely sat at the far end, away from Bakugou.
" SHUT IT! I am not." He denied, immediately returning to his food that had now gone cold.
"Well, if your gonna make a move... you better do it, dude, I hear some 3rd year is planning on confessing... Maybe your too chicken." Kaminari decided to poke the bear, as he was not in the blasting radius.
At that, the explosive boy immediately stood up and made his way over to your table. Fully prepared to do what he had to do.
"Just ask her out. She'll say yes, obviously." He thought to himself, trying to pump himself up. He was Bakugou Katsuki, he was amazing. He could conquer anything.
Bakugou Katsuki was the best at everything. Bakugou Katsuki was-
"Hello, Bakugou-Kun."
Your big eyes were looking up at him as he stood in front of your table, all the others at the table were watching with anticipation, but he didn't notice them. All he saw was you. Smiling at him.
He felt the sweat build upon his body as his nerves set in, but he carried on.
"You!" Bakugou pointed the finger at you, and you just raised an eyebrow at the action.
"Yes?" You asked, trying to figure out what he wanted as you pointed a finger at yourself.
" You and me!" The boy yelled, and he could hear his friends laughing at their lunch table.
"Yes?" You asked, a small smile gracing your face and Bakugou didn’t think it was fair for you to look so adorable.
"......" You were waiting, and the boy's face was close to matching his red-eyes. It was adorable.
" You're training with me after school! 4 o'clock! Don't be late!" He yelled as tiny sparks began erupting from his palms.
"Okay, sounds fun." You simply responded, giving him a full smile, radiating excitement.
"It won't be fun! It'll be serious training!" He argued, mad at himself for messing this up. Why was this so hard?
"Ah, yes, of course." All your friends were giggling over the scene. Bakugou couldn't even go back to his own table as they too were all still laughing at him, and he just stomped out of the cafeteria.
"You've got some interesting taste... I'll give you that (y/n)." Your friend from the support course teased, and you stuck your tongue out at her.
You couldn’t deny you were a little disappointed how that had gone, you had hoped that the handsome boy with the explosive personality was going to ask you out, but at least you could spend some time together, and he respected you enough to do some training.
It should be fun.
Bakugou learned that your nature quirk was more than it seemed, he thought he would have the upper-hand with his explosions, but your strong roots and resilient vines proved him wrong and left Bakugou trapped every time.
It was infuriating yet challenging.
He couldn’t even be mad because you always looked so genuinely happy every time you two got together and trained. Even covered in sweat and dirt, you were beautiful.
And every time he wanted to tell you that, but the words would get caught in his throat, and he stomped off before saying anything. It had been a week since you two started training together, and even his friends were starting to pity him, which only made him angrier.
“C’mon bro, today’s another day, you’re gonna ask her out.” Kirishima tried to encourage his friend, even Mina was offering up ideas, but Bakugou told them both to 'fuck off.'
They were on their way to Gym Gamma for combat training, Aizawa hadn’t told them what was happening but had ordered them to behave which meant they most likely had a special guest today.
"Welcome 1-A! we're doing something different today! 2-A say, hello to your under-classmen.” Midnight stood in her hero costume with a group of students behind her.
“Hello!” The class of 2-A greeted the 1st years as they bowed, and Aizawa had 1-A do the same. Bakugou looked over and spotted you, and you were whispering to a classmate of yours.
Bakugou gritted his teeth, pissed that you hadn’t even noticed him, and Kirishima shook his head, telling him to chill out.
The teachers stood in front of two bowls, one labelled 1-A and the other 2-A.
“We’ll be pairing you off by random, listen for your name and find your partner, then find a space on the gym floor for sparring.” Midnight explained as she tossed her whip around, getting excited to watch the training session, she knew her class was top-notch and couldn’t wait for them to show their stuff.
"Yes, Kayama-Sensei!" Everyone shouted and waited to be paired up.
“(L/n)-Chan and Todoroki-Kun!” Announced Midnight as Aizawa had already returned to his yellow sleeping bag, giving his fellow teacher complete control over the exercise.
Bakugou watched as you put up your hand to show who you were, and Todoroki walked over to meet you. You felt his eyes burning into your figure and looked over, and you gave the boy with an explosive quirk a wave and a smile causing him to huff and turned around.
Kirishima couldn’t help but notice the interaction and caught the slightly disheartened look on your face at Bakugou’s attitude but shook it off as you introduced yourself to Todoroki and you two of them went to a far corner of the gym to spar.
The ash-blonde boy was so caught up in his fuming he didn't hear his name being called, and the 2-A student had to snap his fingers in front of the boy's face to get his attention. This only put Bakugou in a worse mood, and he was ready for a fight.
The poor boy in 2-A was lucky he had a defensive quirk. And also fortunate that Bakugou kept leaving openings since he kept looking over at you who was easily holding your own against Todoroki’s fire and ice quirk.
Their fight had even caught the attention of a few other students, and finally, you ended it by causing a tree to sprout upright through the concrete of the gym and entrapped the dual-haired boy so he couldn't move a muscle.
“Alright! We're changing up partners, listen for your name!" Midnight yelled out, and Bakugou hoped that this time he would get you.
“ (Random 2-A student) and Bakugou-Kun!" She called out, and the explosive boy spat out a curse and then righter after, your name was called and paired with Kirishima.
“ Hey! (y/n)-Senpai! Looking forward to working with you!” Kirishima jogged up and smiled a 1000 watt smile at the girl.
“Kirishima-Kun, let’s give it our all!” You cheered, stretching yourself out to get ready to spar with the red-haired boy.
After a few quick spars, you took a quick water break, and the 1st year boy decided to ask a simple question and hopefully help his best bro. You were just no lovely and sweet, and he thought you were suitable for Bakugou. Kirishima also figured it took a particular person to catch Bakugou’s eye, which typically was so concentrated on himself.
“Soooo, what do you think of Bakugou?” Kirishima wasn’t the best at being subtle.
“Oh.. um, he certainly likes to train a lot." You answered, creating a pink carnation out of nowhere and playing with the petals.
“What do you mean?” Kirishima asked while tilting his head, he knew his friend was serious about working out but didn't know how you would know that already.
“This is kind of embarrassing…” You awkwardly laughed, feeling a bit like a fool.
“ I keep thinking he’s gonna like… ask me out or something, but I must have read the signs wrong. Every time he comes up to me, he asks to train, so I guess I'm a good training partner." You had a disappointed look in your eyes as you continued to fiddle with the soft petals.
It wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy sparring with Bakugou. He was talented, driven, and fighting him made you stronger. And the boy looked good in a black tank, like, really good.
Kirishima had to stop himself from hitting his face with his palm out of frustration but let out a loud sigh. I mean, you were a good sparring partner, but Kirishima knew that wasn’t what Bakugou was meaning to ask you.
"But oh well, It's my own fault. Hey, let's switch it up and try close combat without quirks." You suggested, really not wanting to talk about your pathetic crush with someone you barely knew.
Kirishima was tough and strong, but you were quick and flexible. It made for a good fight, but you eventually took a hit to the face and went flying back.
“Ah! (y/n)-Senpai! I’m sorry! Are you alright!” Kirishima panicked as your back hit the hard ground.
“I’m fine, nice shot-“ You tried to say but were cut off by a loud boom and an ever more booming voice.
“SHITTY HAIR!!!!” Bakugou seemed to fly down and hit Kirishima like an angry asteroid, slamming the red-haired boy’s body into the ground while you watched in shock.
The two began fighting, and the students stood around and watched while a friend helped you up and checked your cheek.
The battle didn't go on for long as the homeroom teachers quickly intervened, and that was the end of the 1-A, 2-A combat training.
You tried to say goodbye to Kirishima and Bakugou as they were escorted to the nurse's office, but he didn't answer you and glared at the ground, and you were a bit sad, but you couldn't help but think he looked cute as he pouted.
“Okay, Bro. You gotta ask her out already.” Kirishima groaned as the school nurse patched him up.
“I’ve been fuckin’ trying!” Bakugou growled.
“Lady problems?” The school nurse simply asked after laying a smooch to Kirishima.
“Stay out of it!! Old Hag!”
“Tut tut. Listen to your elders' young man." The old superhero used her cane to hit the boy's shin.
"What do you think, Recovery Girl?" Kirishima asked, hoping the elder could give some good advice.
"Well, my dear husband was so shy, but he used baking to get into my heart." She revealed, day-dreaming about her youthful days.
“Pfft, as if I’d something so pathetic….” Bakugou grimaced, like hell, he was gonna bake for anybody.
He told himself that for the rest of the day, all up until they returned to the dorms and he was demanding access to Sato’s inventory of baking goods.
Once Bakugou had what he needed from the baker and kicked everyone out of the kitchen.
The future heroes of 2-A were all hanging out in the living room area, relaxing after a satisfying dinner and all talking about their exciting combat training earlier that day.
“(Y/N)!!! I’m so jealous, you gotta be with Todoroki! He is so handsome!!” One of the girls in class gushed to you as she pulled on your sweater sleeve.
“ He’s okay." You told her, and she started scolding you for saying so.
“ Oh.. Todoroki’s not her type…” Your friend teased.
“Hmmm does our cute (y/n)-chan have a crush?" The girl asked, wiggling her eyebrows at you, and you covered your face as you blushed.
“OMG!! Tell me!” The girl began shaking your body vigorously, trying to shake an answer out of you.
“Its-“ Before your friend could reveal your little secret, you threw a couch pillow at her, which incited a pillow fight between the three of you.
“Hey! (Y/N)-San, you’ve got a visitor!” Your class-president announced to the room.
“Who?” The three of you asked in unison, all still holding a pillow up in the air.
"I don't know, but they asked for 'flower girl'"
You only knew one boy who called you that, and you felt butterflies dance in your stomach.
“I’ll be right there.” You dropped the pillow on the couch and ignored the girl’s teasing behind you.
And there, standing on the porch outside the front door was Bakugou Katsuki in a black winter jacket to protect him from the chilly evening.
You slipped on some shoes and stepped outside, wrapping your arms around you.
“Bakugou, Hi.” He met your eyes and then quickly looked away, but even in the low-light, you were able to see a light dusting of red on his cheeks. But maybe it was from the cold.
He then nodded to a bench that was a bit away from the porch, but you followed him and sat down while he paced in front of you.
“Umm… is everything alright?”
“NO! I don’t- Look... I – Just… FUCK, why is this so god damn difficult!" He cursed but must have noticed you’re slight shivering and slipped off his jacket and forced it around your shoulders. Cloaking you in its warmth and the faint smell of caramel.
The handsome boy started pacing around, speaking under this breath rapidly.
Bakugou then pointed to you, as he does every other time he's 'spoken to you.' He took a deep breath and-.
“I’m gonna take you out!! ” He yelled, his entire face was red, and his crimson eyes were locked onto yours.
You were so sore from training today, you even had a bandage on your cheek from Kirishima. You liked the practice, but it was literally the last thing you wanted to do right now.
"I'm sorry, Bakugou…. I really don’t feel like sparring tonight.. maybe tomorrow?” You offered.
“GRAH! No! I mean…. A date…tomorrow… after school…. you damn flower girl…" He said softly under his breath, and you felt your heart nearly leap out of your chest and words left your mouth before you could even think.
“I’d love to.” You told him as you gave him a smile so bright that Bakugou wished he hadn't been such a coward because he would have seen that smile a lot earlier.
You tried to offer the coat back, but he told me to keep it even though he had a lot further to walk than you. As he started to walk away, you stuffed your hands into the jacket and felt a bag.
You lifted it out and realized it was a bag of cookies, you thought it was kind of an odd thing for the boy to carry around.
“Um, Bakugou! You forgot your cookies!" You called out, waving the bag in your hands, and he marched back as he had only made it a few steps away.
The boy cursed himself for being too caught up in your beautiful eyes and smile, he had wholly forgotton to give the gift.
“There for you…”  He shrugged, trying to play it off.
“You made me cookies?” You asked, slightly astonished, and your heart was beating so fast as you felt you could walk on air.
“ They’re the best damn cookies you’ll ever have okay! So you better appreciate them!!” He proclaimed. You never expected the boy to bake for anybody. It turns out he was full of surprises.
“And it’s not gonna happen again! And don't tell anybody." You were already planning on snap-chatting your friend in the support course. As soon as you went back inside.
"Thank you, Bakugou-Kun.” You told him, genuinely honoured that he had baked something for you.
“Katsuki… call me, Katsuki.” He said as he crossed his arms and smirked at you, obviously feeling a little confident.  You giggled and stepped closer.
“Thank you, Katsuki." You said softly, and his cheeks went red while he muttered a 'whatever' as he turned away from you, but you weren't done. You just couldn't resist, he was so handsome, and he was so sweet underneath his spicy attitude.
You leaned in and laid a chaste kiss to the boy’s cheek, hoping he didn’t mind a little cherry chapstick on his face.
Bakugou’s jaw dropped open, and he slowly turned his face towards you, his bashfulness had seemed to return, and you heard a sparking sound.
Before you could blink, there was a blast of an explosion and the boy shot up into the sky, and you could only hope that he made a good landing because he had shot off out of sight. You giggled and held the coat tighter to you, taking in a soft caramel smell around the collar.
Yes, this spicy n’ sweet boy was defiantly your type.
You walked back to your dorm with a slight skip in your step, leaning against the door as you closed it behind you and holding the bag of cookies close to your chest.
Opening the bag you were hit the smell of cinnamon-sugar, you reached in to taste cookie and savoured the taste, it was delicious. A perfectly cooked and the right amount of spice from the cinnamon and sweetness from the brown sugar.
Picturing him in the kitchen, baking cinnamon-sugar cookies was somehow.. perfect, and you were on cloud nine.
Bakugou Katsuki was the right amount of sweet and spicy, all packaged up in one cute boy.
You were still wrapped up in the handsome boy’s coat, relaxing into the burnt caramel smell, and you couldn't help but wonder as you chewed on the cinnamon-sugar cookies. What did Katsuki's lips taste like?
Hahaha what am I doing with my life, I dunno :P
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lynelovespopculture · 4 years
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Faustus was awakened by the sound of clashing swords. He opened his eyes and saw that he was lying on the soft grass. It took a minute to remember. Yesterday, he, Prudence, and Ambrose had crossed over a magical time barrier into their ally’s Elizabeth Tudor aka queen Elizabeth I’s, world. A world frozen in 16th century England, simply because its people willed it so.  Faustus got up, off the grass, and saw his daughter and Elizabeth were some 30 feet away, practicing their swordplay. Faustus smiled; they seemed to be enjoying themselves.
“Good morning, uncle,” Ambrose yawned, getting up himself.  “Do you suppose Prudence is just trying to calm Elizabeth down?”
Faustus chuckled. “Maybe she is.”
They all knew that Blackwood had stolen Elizabeth’s kingdom and declared himself emperor. But when they first got there, they were blindsided by a royal wedding happening that very day. They were all surprised, but Elizabeth was absolutely fit to be tied when they discovered that the new empress was none other than Lilith! Her famous temper was on full display, as Elizabeth was fuming, slipped away from the group. She went down to the main floor, heading straight for Lilith and Blackwood. There would surely be a confrontation if Faustus didn’t teleport them all away quicker than lighting.
 “Why did you do that?!” Elizabeth demanded.
 Faustus stepped forward. “Must I remind you that we have yet to come up with a plan of attack and yeah, the fact that Blackwood is immortal?”
 “So am I!” Elizabeth said through gritted teeth.
 Ambrose and Prudence broke up the fight by pointing out that it was getting late and it would be dark soon. They also noted that it would be safer to make camp out in the woods rather than risk being spotted if they stayed in town somewhere. Faustus’s inner snob wanted to say no but when Elizabeth, the rightful queen of the very kingdom, agreed it was hard to say no.
 Faustus’s mind returned to the present as he slapped Ambrose on the back good-naturedly on the back. “Come on, let’s go see what we can dig up for breakfast while the ladies finish their workout?”
 All they could find in the woods were nuts and berries. No one really minded that much as they all sat around the campfire.
 “So,” Prudence said slowly, “I get that Lilith always had a thing for power, but what I can’t figure out why Blackwood would marry her.”
 “Simple,” Elizabeth responded.  “The only thing more valuable than a male heir to a ruler is 2 male heirs.  Blackwood made that quite clear when he announced Lilith’s son as his royal highness, Prince Alexander.”
 Faustus thought of last night too, not for Lilith’s son but for his own. After all these months, it felt so good to see Judas again, even if it was just for a few moments and from afar. The fact that he was still with Blackwood made Faustus’s blood boil. “So what’s the plan?”  he asked the others.
 “Well, according to the council letters, we know that Blackwood used a spell to win the people. Can’t we use the same spell and use it in Elizabeth’s favor?” Ambrose suggested.
 Elizabeth immediately shook her head. “That would still leave the people bewitched. After 500 years of faithful service, I won’t do that to them. I refuse to take away their free will.”
 Faustus shifted uncomfortably as the all too familiar guilt set in. He loved Zelda every bit as much as Elizabeth loved her people yet didn’t he once take Zelda’s will away from her? That wasn’t you, that was the curse, Faustus reminded himself with the very words Zelda used so often. Damn it! Mentally, he knew how to distance himself from Blackwood, but would these emotional scars ever heal?  Faustus made himself focus on the task at hand. “What we really here is an anti-spell; to put everything back the way it was.”
 Elizabeth smiled. “Sounds perfect.”
  They sneaked back into the village to collect an empty barrel. They almost got caught at 1 point but Faustus saved the day by pretending to be the emperor. Then they rolled the barrel back into the woods, found a lake, and filled it with seawater. It was heavy as Faustus and Ambrose pulled it right side up again.
 Elizabeth slid her hand over the water as if calming the tiny waves. “I, the lord of English wind and rain, will end the emperor’s reign of pain and my people’s memories shall be regained!” With a smile, Elizabeth turned back to the others with a smile. “Now, we just need a test subject.”
   The wagon driver saw the boy wave him down a mile away. When he got close enough, he stopped the wagon as Ambrose came up to him. “Hello sir, sorry to bother you, but there’s a fallen tree that you can’t get around, blocking the road up ahead and it’s too heavy for my friend and I to move.  Will you please help us?”
 The man nodded. “Of course.”
 He hopped down off the wagon and he and Ambrose walked to the tree.
 Ambrose pointed. “You take that side and I’ll take this one.”
 The man groaned. “Boy, this thing is really stuck!”
Little did he know that Ambrose was holding down the tree by magic. 10 minutes later, when Prudence gave him a nod, Ambrose released the spell and the tree finally gave way.
That’s when Prudence walked up to them and gave them both canteens of water. “You gentlemen must be thirsty after all that physical labor.”
Ambrose pretended to take a drink. “By the way, my friend and I are new here. I know this might be a stupid question, but who runs the kingdom?”
“Why, Emperor Blackwood, of course.”
 Ambrose and Prudence exchanged a glance while the man took a drink.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. Who did you say?” Ambrose tried again.
“I said that the emp-um, no, why did I say that? It’s Elizabeth, of course, Queen Elizabeth.”
“I’m glad you feel that way.” Elizabeth came out of her hiding place.
 The man bowed. “Your majesty!”
“Now, now, there will be plenty of time for that later.”
“Imposter!” The man hissed as soon as he saw Faustus.
Elizabeth caught up with the man. “No, he’s not the emperor! He just looks like him. Come with us and we’ll explain everything.”
  They explained to him the whole long story. As luck would have it, the wagon was filled with barrels of ale, the man was delivering to a local saloon. Just a few drops of the anti-spell in every barrel and everyone in the saloon were themselves again and it didn’t stop there. In less than a week and a half, thousands of Elizabethans had been turned back to normal, and not 1 of them chose to stay loyal to Blackwood.
 Night had fallen before Lilith realized that she didn’t know where the carriage was bringing her. “Driver, where are we?”  When the driver said nothing, Lilith grew angry. “I am your empress and command you to tell me where we are!”
They rode a little further before the carriage door opened and a man helped Lilith out. Lilith looked around and saw that they were at a camp with tents as far as the eye could see
“Where are we?” Lilith repeated for the 3rd time.
“The queen wants to see you.”
“Queen?  What queen?  There is no queen, only the emperor and I! Now, take me home!
Lilith tried to get back into the carriage but the driver blocked her way and then a guard came over and lead the way to a tent in the back and the men left Lilith alone. Before Lilith knew what was happening, the E necklace flew off her throat.
“First of all, this,” Elizabeth came into view, holding the E necklace, “was always mine. Second of all, if you’re waiting for me to bow, you’ll be waiting forever."
“Elizabeth?! I thought they told me that you left.”
The redhead nodded as she fastened the E necklace in its proper place. “You’re right, I did leave. I went to Greendale to help the Spellmans with that nasty dark lord problem you left them with. As soon as I learned that Blackwood falsely won my people, I returned to reclaim my throne.”
“But my husband already beat you.”
Elizabeth smirked. “Your husband? Come now, Lilith, you’re a smart woman. You know that Blackwood is a curse, and you can marry a curse no more than you can marry a chair. And he didn’t beat me, I surrendered because, at the time, I thought that’s what my people wanted. Besides, in your quest for power, you made a mistake, my mother’s mistake. You only have a consort’s power and you’ll only keep that power if you keep the insanity curse happy.”
Lilith rolled her eyes. “Is this all you wanted to tell me?”
Elizabeth shook her head. “No. You see, I had you brought here to give you a warning.”
“A warning?”
“Yes and be grateful. For we both know that I owe you nothing, yet I know I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t at least try to convince you to leave Blackwood, if only for the sake of your infant son.”
“But I have nowhere else to go.”
You know, I find it very ironic that you settled for the 2nd spot in my kingdom just as the power you’ve always wanted becomes available.”
“What do you mean?”
Elizabeth crossed her arms and stepped forward. “I’m speaking of the throne of hell.   It’s free to claim.”
Lilith was shocked. “How can that be?”
“Lucifer is unable to rule as Zelda and I trapped him inside the body of that pathetic so-called council member and Sabrina, that sweet, smart girl, wants nothing to do with her father’s kingdom so that leaves the throne empty.”  Elizabeth watched Lilith’s eyes widened as she digested this new information. “Do with this what you will but mark my words, when I make my attack against Blackwood, I will show no mercy to either him or anyone foolish enough to stand with him.” Elizabeth went to the edge of the tent and gestured. The men reappeared and led Lilith back to her carriage.
 Although Lilith would never admit it, deep down she knew that Elizabeth was right.  Sooner or later, Elizabeth would face Blackwood head-on and she would win. Elizabeth always won and Lilith had been a fool to believe that she wouldn’t return. At first, Lilith was sure that Elizabeth was lying about Lucifer and the throne of hell, but then while she was leaving, Lilith saw Faustus, Prudence, and Ambrose. Lucifer had to be captured or they would surely be dead. Now Lilith had to go get her son and rush back down to hell before 1 of those damn court demons even thought about claiming HER throne. The carriage finally pulled up to the palace and Lilith rushed inside. As she reached her bed-chamber, Lilith noticed that her favorite guard was on duty just outside the door. She knew it was crazy; it had only been a little over a week and as far as everyone in the palace was concerned, she was married. Yet, Lilith couldn’t explain it, but when it came to this 1 guard, she felt…drawn to him. Odder still was the fact that she had never seen his face, as he always wore a helmet that covered it. Lilith shook her head; this wasn’t the time to think about that. As soon as Lilith got to her room, she dismissed her maids and started to pack for her and the baby. Lilith was busy running around, gather things up that she didn’t notice when the guard came in.
“Madam, what are you doing?”
“Um, well- “
Then the guard saw the suitcases on the bed. “You’re planning to run away, aren’t you? Not that I can blame you, rumors are growing stronger every day that Elizabeth is coming to regain her throne and that the emperor’s days are numbered.”
Lilith was shocked. “If the news has already spread to the palace, why haven’t you fled to Elizabeth’s camp?”
“I respect Elizabeth as queen, truly I do,” He said slowly, “but I have no wish to serve her nor the emperor, I only wish to serve you. For some reason, I feel…drawn to you.”
What he said, took Lilith’s breath away.  “Take your helmet off. Let me see you.” He did remove his helmet and Lilith’s heart leaped into her throat. “Adam?”
He nodded. “Yes, my lady, I am Adam, 3rd earl of Marsters.”
He must be an ancestor of Mary Wardwell’s Adam, Lilith thought as she stepped closer to him.  “Tell me, do you want to serve me, or do you to be with me?”
“Both,” he whispered before kissing her.
“Adam, I hope you like warm weather.”
 3 nights later, Elizabeth couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t stop thinking about her meeting with Lilith. Perhaps she had been too cocky, maybe she has shown her hand too soon. Maybe Lilith was back at the castle right now, telling Blackwood all she knew. Elizabeth groaned, going around in circles like this was doing her no good. She rose from her cot and fastened her cloak into place. After a half-hour, Elizabeth dismounted from her horse and sneaked into the palace. It wasn’t hard at all to find Blackwood’s rooms, for he was screaming at the top of his lungs.
“What do you mean you can’t find her? It’s been over 3 days!”
“I’m sorry, sire, but we’ve looked everywhere for Empress Lilith and Prince Alexander. They’re gone.”
Well, what do you know? Elizabeth smiled from behind her hiding place. So, Lilith did make the right choice. Elizabeth was on her way out when she heard another angry male voice.
“Ow! What are you doing? Trying to poke me to death or something?!” The young man demanded.
“I’m sorry, Your Grace, but I’ve told you before we even started that I’m no good at sewing.”
“I thought you were being modest since sewing is woman’s work. Oh, forget it, you’re just as useless at this as you are at pleasing me in bed!”
The poor girl fled the room, crying. Elizabeth stepped back into darkness, as not to be seen.  Then Elizabeth looked into the slightly ajar door. You must be Judas, Elizabeth thought as she recalled conversations she had with both Faustus and LJ about how arrogant Judas had become and how hard it would be for him to join the Spellman family. Perhaps Elizabeth could help with that. She waited until Judas to get into bed before Elizabeth began to hum, slow and soft. Still humming, she stole into the room and sat down on the bed beside Judas and checked to ensure that his pulse was still steady.  Then she sang.
“Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep and carry you down into sleep, child. Guileless son, I’ll shape your belief and you’ll always know that your father’s a thief. And you won’t understand the cause of your grief, but you’ll always follow the voices beneath. You will expose his puppeteer behavior, for you are the proof of how he betrayed her loyalty.  Guileless son, each day you grow older, each moment I’m watching my vengeance unfold, for the child of his body and the flesh of my soul. He will die in returning the birthright he stole!”
 Ambrose yawned and stretched as he left the tent. When he finally looked straight ahead, he couldn’t believe what he saw. “Uncle! Uncle Faustus, wake up! You got to see this!”
“What? What is it?” Faustus stopped speaking as soon as he saw what Ambrose saw. The sun was just coming up and it seemed like Elizabeth was walking out of it. In her arms, she carried a slumbering Judas. Her cloak draped over him like a blanket. Faustus and Ambrose looked at each other and then ran to Elizabeth.
Faustus was gobsmacked.  “Elizabeth, why- how- where did you find him?”
“I couldn’t sleep last night. I was worried that Lilith would stand by Blackwood. I sneaked into the castle to learn that she did leave. On my way out, I found him.”
“Why is he asleep?” asked Ambrose.
“He’s in a magical coma. This way he can’t hurt himself or others, the way LJ did. Someone should stay at his bedside to tell him why the Spellmans aren’t  the bad guys and once all the poison that Blackwood fed him over the years washes away, the spell will wear off and he’ll awake on his own.”
Faustus’s jaw dropped. “That’s amazing! Why didn’t I think of a spell like that?”
Elizabeth shrugged. “You keep forgetting, I’m a lot older than you.”
Ambrose took Judas from Elizabeth and Faustus led the queen into breakfast.
 It might have been morning in that world, but back in Greendale, it was late at night. Hilda yawned as she locked up the storefront. Then she went to the living room, in the back, and picked up the baby.
“Well, Cordelia, it seems that it’s going to be just you and me for a while. Your uncle C is out back still talking to his supplier and Zelda’s not here yet.” The baby cooed. “Oh, don’t you worry, love, I expected your mother to be late. Today was the 1st day of the school term and your poor mommy has no less than 5 new teachers to train.” Hilda rocked the baby to sleep and half an hour later, she answered the knock at the door.
“Hello, sorry I’m so late.”
“No problem, Zelds. Come on in. Would you like a cup of coffee or something?”
Zelda smiled kindly at her younger sister. “No, thank you, Hildie, it’s getting late. I should get Cordy and head on home.”
Hilda nodded. “Yeah, that made sense, you must be tired.  Now that school has started and with you not sleeping at night.”
Zelda looked up from greeting her daughter. Who told you that I’m not sleeping at night?”
Oops. “Well, Sabrina was in here earlier with her friends and she might have mentioned that she hears you pacing in your room every night?”
Zelda sighed and sat down on the sofa. “Oh, Hildie, you’re right. I haven’t been sleeping because I’m just so worried.  Do you know what today is?”
“The 1st day of school?”
Zelda rolled her eyes. “Other than that, sister!  It’s been a month since Faustus, Ambrose, and Prudence went off to Elizabeth’s world. 1 whole month!  I thought for sure they would be back by now.  What’s even worse is that Faustus hasn’t found a way to contact me. I know that they’re in another dimension but Hecate, Faustus was in hell, trapped in Lucifer’s body and he still found a way to get in touch. Sometimes, I think that they can’t get in touch, that Blackwood has already- “
“Zelda Phonia Spellman, don’t you even think of finishing that thought,” Hilda instructed. “Elizabeth is immortal and if things really did get that bad, I’m sure that she would’ve found a way to get to us.”
Zelda smiled, for her sister’s words did give her comfort.
“For now,” Hilda continued, “I think that it’s best for us to stay patient and adopt the motto that no news is good news.” She put an arm around her sister in an effort to comfort her and Zelda sighed as she rested her head on Hilda’s shoulder. Such a somber moment was expectedly followed by cheerful whistling as Dr. C came in. It was enough to snap Zelda into action, as she got up and started to put Cordelia’s jacket on her.
Hilda turned to her husband. “So, how was your meeting, dear?”
“Wonderful! That Mike is always a laugh riot! Oh, and he gave me this!” Dr.  C reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a precious object.
Zelda raised an eyebrow. “A pen?”
Dr. C shook his head. “Not just a pen, it got disappearing ink! It’s a classic! Here, Zelda, you can have it. I got like 3 cases in the back.”
After giving her brother-in-law an unsure look, Zelda took the pen and left.
  “Your Majesty!”
It was a week later in the other world, and a royal aide rushed into Blackwood’s room. “The traitor Elizabeth and her entire camp have been located.”
“Excellent” Blackwood smiled. “I knew that stupid half breed couldn’t hide forever. Prepare the horses, we shall leave at once.”
20 minutes later, Blackwood was at the head of his army as they pulled into the camp. Oddly enough, no one seemed afraid of him.
“Elizabeth Tudor!”  Blackwood called out, shouting. A moment later, the redhead came out of a tent and headed toward the men on horseback, the Spellmans right behind her. Meanwhile, Blackwood continued to speak. “You and your loser friends are exposed as traitors to my crown. Surrender now or prepare for war.”
Elizabeth shook her head. “There will be no war. I won’t let my people’s blood be shed over you and if anyone should surrender, it should be you.”
Blackwood laughed. “Me surrender to you?! Why would I do that?”
“Because, you ill-mannered curse of insanity, you have unknowingly stepped into my trap. Seize him!”
Before he even knew what was going on, Blackwood was being dragged off his horse by his own guards. “What are you doing?”
“They’re obeying their true leader,” Elizabeth explained. “You know; war was never an option. I did worry about what I was going to do with the people who stayed loyal to you but no one ever did.”
Blackwood addressed his guards. “You can’t possibly follow her! She a woman and a half-breed! She shouldn’t even exist! I’m a better leader by far!”
“LAIR!” Someone yelled. The Spellmans were shocked to see Judas stomping across the yard. They have checked on him just this morning and he was still asleep. But now, he was awake, awake, and angry.
Blackwood smiled. “Judas, my son.”
“I am not your son! I am his son!” Judas shouted, pointing to a nearby Faustus. “I don’t know how or why, but I woke up 5 minutes ago and everything suddenly became so clear.” He turned to the crowd. “Do not trust this man! For 16 years, he has done nothing but lie and use me and my sister.” My sister thought Judas. The things he’d done to Judith. Hades, the things I’ve done to Judith.
“Enough of this,” Blackwood declared before he head-butted 1 guard and stole his dagger to injure the other. Then, blade raised high, he advanced on Judas. For his part, the boy was frozen to the spot. He couldn’t speak, move, or react whatsoever. Judas felt himself being pushed out of harm’s way, but it wasn’t until he saw Faustus on the ground, the dagger firmly lodged in his father’s lower back, did he understand what had happened.
“No!” cried Judas.
“Father!” cried Prudence.
“Uncle!” cried Ambrose.
“Guards! Seize him!” Elizabeth’s order was much more stern this time. Instead of just 2 guards that held him like before, Blackwood was advanced on by 50 men.  Content that the villain was surrounded, Elizabeth turned to the threesome that hovered around Faustus. “Close your eyes, think of home and I’ll teleport you.” She instructed, “I’ll join you there later.”
 They all closed their eyes and when Ambrose, Prudence, and Judas opened their eyes, they were in the front hall of the Spellman house.  Before they could react, however, they could hear footsteps. It was Hilda, Sabrina, and LJ coming in from the kitchen.
“I thought I heard something,” Hilda said to the girls before she saw the others and gasped. “You’re home!”
“Yes, but Blackwood stabbed Father.” Prudence explained.
Hilda took charge. “Let get Faustus upstairs, then.”
Zelda was upstairs with the baby, so she wasn’t aware of what was going on until the others passed by the nursery. She hurried into the hallway. “Faustus? For Hecate’s sake, what happened to him?”
“Blackwood stabbed him.” Ambrose said simply as they bought him into his bedroom and laid him on the bed. Faustus’s eyes were closed and his body was still, too still.
Fear for her husband chilled Zelda to the bone. “Is-is he…dead?”
Ambrose checked his pulse. “No, he’s steady, but I think he’s in a coma.”
Hilda shook Zelda out of her funk and both sisters began to dress the wound.
“This is all my fault! That dagger was meant for me!” Everyone looked up to see a shell shocked Judas in the doorway.
Before he could start crying, the boy ran away.
Zelda started to go after him but LJ put a hand on her arm. “Let me go to him.”
Judas sat on the sofa but jumped up when he heard footsteps. Judas relaxed when he saw it was his sister. “He tried to kill me, Judith!  The man, not man, he’s just a curse, but he did raise us and he tried to kill me without batting an eye and now because of that, our real father might die. Also, he lied to us, our entire lives about everything.”
LJ nodded. “I know. I understand, I’ve been there too.”
“You were the smart one. You ran away because he was horrible to you. Because we were horrible to you.”
“He was always pinning us against each other. It’s over now. We don’t ever have to see him ever again.”
Judas shook his head. “The coven here will never accept me. I’ve already been baptized into the church of Judas.”
“So, you’ll be re-baptized, if you want to into the Order of Hecate,” LJ assured him. “As the whole coven was, as Father was and as I plan to be. Talk to Zelda about it, she’s the high priestess.”
“A woman cannot be a high priestess.” Judas gasped and covered his mouth. “I sorry, it just came out.”
“Judas, it’s okay. Not one expects you to change a lifetime of thinking in a day, but you corrected yourself. That’s a good sign.”
Her brother still seemed unsure.
LJ sat down with him by the fire. “Do you remember when we were very young, no more than 3 or 4, and we used to dream about a house with a family that would accept us no matter what? Despite what we were taught, I believe that this is that house, and the Spellmans are that family.”
For the 1st time that day, Judas smiled.
 True to her word, Elizabeth showed up 3 hours later, bringing with her the finest witch doctor she could find. As the witch doctor gave Faustus a complete exam, Elizabeth took Zelda aside.
“I bought Blackwood back to this world, as Faustus requested,” Elizabeth explained, “I left him in the woods, chained up and heavily under guard. Now, I completely understand why Faustus wanted to deal with Blackwood himself, but given all the times Blackwood has escaped justice before, I think it’s just too dangerous to wait.  Faustus told me all about the plan that you and he worked out, so, I think we should just do it.”
Zelda instantly nodded. “I completely agree.”
 With that, the 2 women went downstairs and out of the house, Zelda stopping just long enough to something out of her coat pocket. When the queen and the high priestess got to a deep wood, they came across 2 guards, taking turns beating up Blackwood. There was a 3rd guard nearby, digging.
“That’ s enough, gentlemen. We’ll take it from here.” Elizabeth said casually.
The 2 guards bowed and stepped aside.
“You?!” Blackwood hissed as soon as he saw Zelda. “I killed you!”
“You did,” Zelda agreed. “But I have 3 words for you; Cain pit, moron.”
Elizabeth folded her arms. “It’s over, Blackwood! There’s nowhere left for you to turn, to hide and the council can’t help you now.”
Blackwood laughed. “You bitches really are stupid! I can’t die!”
Zelda and Elizabeth exchanged a look and smiled. “Who said about dying? It’s just saving us a step.”  Zelda said before handing Elizabeth her cell phone and started to explain.
Blackwood raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing now?”
“Oh, we’re going to record this, for Faustus, when he wakes up.”
“He’s not going to wake up! Unlike me, that weakling can and will die.”
Angry, Zelda stepped forward. “Faustus is not going to die! I won’t let him and another thing- “
“Zelda,” Elizabeth cut in. “Don’t even bother, he’s just stalling.”
“Right” and just like that, Zelda was calm again. “The sooner we get done with you, the sooner I can get back to my husband. Look there” Zelda pointed to the pit. “Most mortals stop digging at 6 feet, but Faustus and I decided to double it to 12. We want to be careful just in case you escape your coffin.”
“What coffin?”
Zelda snapped her fingers and a casket from the funeral home appeared at her feet. “That one.” Zelda grabbed the chains and yanked Blackwood toward her.  “Now, it’s my turn to put you in a box!” Zelda hissed. Zelda practically threw Blackwood into the coffin, spelled him still when he fought to get out, put the top on, and secured it all by wrapping the coffin up in the 2nd pair of chains. All the while, Elizabeth recorded it all. It was only when Zelda was with the casket in the pit that Elizabeth remembered. “High priestess, it was at this point of the plan that I shared a suggestion with Faustus and he loved it. Might I show you?”
Zelda smiled and nodded. “Please.”
After calling over a guard to taking over the recording, Elizabeth teleported herself to beside Zelda. After looking around, Elizabeth plucked a pebble from the ground. After putting the pebble on the coffin, Elizabeth spelled it into the size of a bolder.
“Very nice,” Zelda smiled.
 After filling in the grave, Zelda walked home alone. Elizabeth had to get back to her world. After all, Elizabeth had a whole kingdom to put back together. As Zelda reached her driveway, she looked up and gasped in horror. Most of the family was already standing around the out of place cement truck. The most shocking thing was that cement was being poured into the Cain pit!
Zelda ran up to join the others. “What are you doing?” Zelda demanded of the cement truck driver. “Stop it!”
The worker seemed annoyed. “Listen, lady, I’m just doing my job.” He showed Zelda his clipboard. “See, right here. It says to fill in Lot 34, which is what I did.”
“Might I suggest that you get glasses because this says to fill in lot 43 which is on the other side of the yard!” Zelda pointed angrily.
The worker checked his notes and turned red. “Oops, sorry. I promise I’ll fix it 1st thing Monday.”
“Monday?!”  Zelda shrieked. The worker said more things like it was getting late and his wife and supper, yet Zelda barely listened. All she could think about was Faustus might not live until Monday. After the worker left and the kids went back inside, Zelda dropped to her knees.
“It’s already hardening, Hildie. I simply don’t believe this! We’ve never needed the Cain pit more. After all that’s happened, my Faustus can’t die!” Zelda burst into tears.
“Then we just have to keep him alive,” Hilda rocked her sister as one would a child.
 For 3 nights in a row, Zelda sat by her husband’s bedside, refusing any offers from the others to relieve her. Around midnight on the 3rd night, a thoughtful Prudence brought her a warm blanket. She was wrapped up in the blanket when Zelda awoke, stiff and sore at dawn. Faustus was still out cold, but Prudence was next to her father, sound asleep. Zelda got up and put the blanket on Prudence. As she did, Zelda flashed on another night, shortly after her marriage, when she tucked Prudence into bed at the academy.  The curse was heavily upon Faustus, but Zelda could never regret that night, for it was the night they made Cordelia. Speaking of Cordelia, the baby slept through her diaper change. When she checked on them, Zelda found Sabrina and Ambrose were both asleep. Downstairs, in the parlor, she found both of the twins asleep on the sofa. Judas’s head rested on the right arm, LJ the left, and their feet were intertwined in the middle.
Faustus, darling, Blackwood is gone and all our children are here and happy. You can wake up now. Zelda thought as she looked out toward the now filled Cain pit and sighed. Even if that worker did show up today, she doubted that the mortal would fix the whole problem in 1 day. With another heavy sigh, Zelda walked into the kitchen and lit up a cigarette. Zelda didn’t like it, but she could only think of 1 place of turning to for help.
 “Elizabeth told me that you reclaimed hell’s throne,” Zelda told Lilith as soon as the minion showed her in.
“How thoughtful, you wanted to congratulate me in person.” Lilith smiled.
“No,” Zelda said firmly. “I’m not here for that.” Zelda went on to explain about Faustus.
Lilith frowned. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help you. My reign is still in its infancy and I have to show the court I put their needs ahead of doing favors for an outsider.”
“Since when am I an outsider?” Zelda demanded to know.
Lilith shrugged. “You’re not a part of hell’s court. You’re no longer a member of the church of night of night or the church of Lilith.”
It was on the tip of her tongue to say that the church of Lilith was not actually official, but Zelda was able to sallow it. She did say, “You owe me. How soon we forget. I’m the 1 who helped you who smuggled your newborn out of here and you put both my family and me in danger, and when Lucifer came for you, you disappeared! Only to show up again as the consort of the man who wanted my family dead.”
“Lilith? Honey? Come back to bed.”
Zelda blinked in shock as she beheld a man in a robe and holding Lilith’s son. Lilith went to him. “I’ll be right there, Adam.”
Zelda folded her arms. “Adam?”
Lilith shook her head. “It’s not what you think.  He’s not Adam from the garden or Mary Wardwell’s Adam. He’s,” Lilith smiled “My Adam.”
 “So, you get your true love while mine dies? That’s unfair!”
 Lilith sighed. “Alright, perhaps we can reach a mutual deal.”
 A shiver ran down Zelda’s spine. “A deal?”
 “I am the queen of hell now and if anything unforeseen should happen to me, then my little Zander will follow me. Who better to rule beside him as his consort than the divine child, the one fated to become the most powerful witch the world has ever seen?”
 “You want me to promise you the hand of my 6-month old daughter in marriage to your 1-month old son?”
 Lilith nodded. “Yes.”
 Lilith was beyond shocked. “Really? I mean, wonderful. Shall we?”  The 2 women walked to a side table where a paper that outlined the deal proofed into thin air. “Let’s get you a pen.”
 “I bought my own.” Zelda sighed her name to the paper. “Well, I must get going.”
  Zelda didn’t even get across the throne room before Lilith cried out. “Hey! Why did your signature just disappear?!”
 “Damn it! I thought that trick pen would buy me more time.”
 “Why try to trick me at all?”
 “Because I saw the fear in your eyes when I agreed to your terms. You have no idea how to help Faustus.”
 “I’ll figure it out.” Lilith snapped. “Now, sign the deal for real.”
 “Never! I will not compromise my daughter’s future for what I want in the present. I am not Edward!”
 “Then, enjoy widowhood!” Lilith hissed.
 Zelda shook her head. “Faustus won’t die; I won’t let him! I don’t care if I have to break the world in 2, I will get my husband back!”
  Easier said than done.  Aside from phone calls made on the hour, every hour, to check on Faustus’s non-changing condition, Zelda spent the entire day in the school library, trying to find something, anything that would help. She found nothing. It was dark when Zelda got home and she couldn’t help but notice that the Cain pit was still wrecked. As soon as Zelda entered the house, she heard voices in the kitchen.
 “Where did you get this?” asked Hilda.
 “It was in the last box I unpacked from the supply from Riverdale. Will it help?” asked Dr. C.
 Hilda bite her lip. “It might. I mean, it says here that the spell with shrink Faustus’s wound by putting some of it on the witch who cast the spell but still- “
 “What are you two doing?” Zelda asked.
 “Nothing!” Hilda declared as she hid the spellbook behind her back. Zelda raised her hand and the book float up and into Zelda’s waiting hands.
 After studying the book for a moment, Zelda smiled. “This could work!”
 “But sister!” Hilda objected.  “This spell is unstable. It could possibly kill you both.”
 “It says right here that the spell is only dangerous if Faustus is not my soulmate which he is.”
 Hilda sighed. “Zelda, you can’t know for sure.”
 “But I am sure!” Angry and annoyed, Zelda ended the conversation by teleporting herself into her room and locking the door. It wasn’t long before knocking at the door. For the most part, Zelda ignored the noise, but then she saw her daughter in her basket.
 Zelda stoked Cordelia’s soft cheek. “Don’t you worry, my dark angel. I’ll bring your daddy back to us, I promise.” Zelda blinked and the basket showed up outside of the door.
 “Open the door! Zelda Phoina Spellman, open this door at once!”   Hilda screamed.
 Zelda just put a silencer spell on the door and went to lay down next to Faustus. “I don’t care what anyone else says, I know we’re soulmates,” Zelda whispered and kissed his lips. Zelda magically summoned a knife. She winced in pain as she sliced her palm open and did the same to Faustus’s hand. Holding his hand tightly in hers, Zelda rested her forehead against her husband’s.
 “Now, my beloved, let the spell begin. As we are now flesh to flesh, heart to heart, and blood to blood. Let your sorrows be my sorrows, your joy my joy, and your pain, my pain. From now until the world is done, you and I are one.”
 Zelda groaned as Faustus’s wound became her own. The family came in just as Zelda passed out from the pain.
  3 days later, Zelda heard faraway noises as she slowly opened her eyes. Then she saw Faustus, sitting up in bed, and watching cell phone footage.
 He turned to her.  “You did it! You got rid of Blackwood!”
 “And you got our son home at last. If they agree, I’d like to adopt the twins as soon as possible.”
 Faustus smiled. “I love you so much, dearest. This is a new beginning and we are going to have that quiet, boring life, I can feel it.”
 And he was right…for a while.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, December 14
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Prince William’s secret cancer crisis
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Page 2: Chris Martin is caught between girlfriend Dakota Johnson and ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow who are both hawking sex toys -- Gwyneth is accusing Dakota of copying her Goop brand and she’s letting Chris know it loud and clear -- Dakota signed on as co-creative director with the sexual wellness brand Maude to launch a line of hip sex products and Dakota’s gotten wind of Gwyn’s whining and thinks she’s being ridiculous -- Chris is proud of Dakota and he feels for Gwyneth but he really wants to be left out of this 
Page 3: Martha Stewart has whipped up a new recipe for romance which is red-hot dates with a string of men ordered up online and she may be 79 years old but she’s still cooking with gas in the dating department -- Martha’s getting more dates now than she ever has and she’s saying it makes her feel younger and hotter than ever but all the guys know the deal that there’s no pressure and no commitment and it’s just for the fun and the good company because Martha’s not looking for a relationship 
Page 4: Just weeks after Blake Shelton popped the question to longtime love Gwen Stefani they have something else to celebrate as Gwen is expecting a miracle baby at 51 -- after years of trying and failing to have a child together new photos show Gwen sporting what looks like a telltale baby bump -- after years of enduring grueling rounds of IVF treatment without any success Gwen had given up hope of being able to conceive again and she and Blake even looked into adopting but their baby dream has come true naturally 
* Reba McEntire’s romance with actor Rex Linn is less than a year old but she’s already driving him crazy -- it was wonderful for the first few months but Reba is so controlling Rex is begging her to give him some space -- Reba wants to be together 24/7 and while Rex loves being with her he’s starting to find her a bit suffocating -- Reba also sees red whenever Rex mentions his former fiancee Renee DeRese and she’s worried Rex is talking to his ex when he’s not around and he has a good relationship with his ex and believes that’s none of Reba’s business 
Page 5: Britney Spears lost her bid to have her father Jamie Spears removed from a controlling role in her conservatorship so she’s spending whatever money she can get her hands on to exact her revenge -- Britney is worth about $60 million and she gets a very healthy stipend from that so she’s going through it like water to thumb her nose at her dad and her recent no-holds-barred trip to Maui to celebrate her 39th birthday was more than a little payback because dropping $50,000 on a birthday trip to Hawaii was a satisfying slap in the face to her dad 
Page 6: Matthew McConaughey is taking his midlife crisis to an all-time high by planning to do a stand-up comedy tour -- after baring his soul in a memoir the 51-year-old star is totally gung-ho about the comedy thing and he’s cleared his schedule and hired a coach to work on his timing and punch up his jokes -- he’s written a lot of jokes and tried them out on his wife Camila and friends but they’re already tired of his cheesy one-liners and dad jokes and fart gags -- Camila wants to be supportive but she can’t fake it and friends wonder if Matthew’s lost the plot and others claim he might get more inspiration is he took up smoking weed again 
Page 7: Grieving Bobby Brown worries he’s cursed after the tragic death of his 28-year-old son Bobby Brown Jr. -- his son’s death follows the deaths of his ex-wife Whitney Houston in 2012 and the couple’s 22-year-old daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown in 2015 -- Bobby has suffered through so much pain in his life and it’s left him feeling like he’s cursed and he’s a loving father who always does the best he can and what’s right for his kids but there seems to be no escaping tragedy -- no foul play is expected in the death of Bobby Jr. but the coroner has yes to release the cause of death but Bobby Jr. seemed fit and healthy and had never been a drug user and was excited about a singing career after releasing his first single in September
* Donny Osmond is heading back to the Vegas strip to do a one-man show without his sister Marie Osmond and she’s fuming over the betrayal -- Marie is still smarting after getting dumped by The Talk and she thinks Donny could have been sensitive enough to at least invite her to join him -- Marie’s jealous co-stars on The Talk drove her off the daytime chat show because they couldn’t handle being overshadowed by her -- Donny will debut his new solo show at Harrah’s in August 
Page 8: Doting Dolly Parton swooped in to save goddaughter Miley Cyrus from a meltdown after Miley trashed her sobriety during a boozy bender -- Miley has been on the wagon for six months after years of indulging in weed and alcohol but the boredom of lockdown pushed her over the edge -- Dolly has been a source of inspiration and strength to Miley during this difficult time and she’s never lectured Miley about her lifestyle only shown her unconditional love and understanding and that’s what Miley’s responded to 
Page 9: Lady Gaga hopes to tango with Brad Pitt and they’re close to making a love connection -- the two have been in deep talks about working on a big-screen thriller and the conversations have turned up close and personal because the two have more in common than people realize -- Brad has always been a huge music nerd and Gaga wants to throw herself into movies in a big way after the success of A Star Is Born -- Gaga is ready to cash out of her latest relationship with businessman Michael Polansky because they quarantined together and things got a little too close for her tastes and she’s now set her sights on Brad who recently became unattached after giving the brush-off to German model Nicole Poturalski -- Gaga’s interest in Brad has not gone unreciprocated because Brad is fascinated by Gaga saying she’s cool and talented beyond words and he’s made it clear she’s his number one choice to star alongside him in next movie and as a result the new duo is set to spend months together in Japan filming the racy thriller Bullet Train and they both think that this will be a great opportunity to see if the chemistry they’ve shared in conversations is real 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Julia Garner filmed her role as a phony heiress in Inventing Anna in NYC, Gary Busey picked up a copy of the National Enquirer at a Malibu newsstand, Jay-Z tossed around a football with pals during a Hawaiian getaway, Heidi Klum shot Germany’s Next Top Model in Berlin 
Page 11: In the latest tragedy to strike the Getty dynasty 52-year-old John Gilbert Getty was found dead in a Texas hotel room -- he was a descendant of J. Paul Getty the oil tycoon who was once the world’s richest man -- the Getty fortune is worth an estimated $5 billion but the family has been rocked by a string of tragedies 
* Gutsy Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman kept his colon cancer diagnosis secret from his own brothers Derrick L. Boseman who is a pastor in Murfreesboro in Tennessee -- but when Derrick called Chadwick to congratulate him on his career the actor broke the tragic news -- Chadwick’s last words to him still echo in his heart: Chadwick said, “I’m in the fourth quarter and I need you to get me out of the game,” which Derrick understood to mean it was time for him to go -- Chadwick died on August 28 
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- the scrawny look of the holiday tree at Rockefeller Center revealed something that happens every year -- the tree is always filled with faux branches because that’s the only way the tree can sustain 50,000 LED lights
* Marie Osmond hasn’t spoken to Sharon Osbourne since she left The Talk because Marie and Sharon were professional but never friends
* Scarlett Johansson is worth $165 million while her new husband Colin Jost tops out a $6 million but despite the difference Colin bought both wedding rings -- some men may be intimidated by a wife who’s rich and famous but not Colin and paying the bills is something the two have worked out together
* Woody Harrelson chats with police after a day filming The Man from Toronto in Ontario (picture) 
Page 13: Conan O’Brien is putting on a happy face on his retirement from late-night TV but he was forced out -- after nearly three decades hosting a daily show Conan announced he’s leaving his TBS talker for a weekly variety series on HBO Max but he knew he had to go even before he was asked because he was made aware months ago that his show would not be renewed because the ratings weren’t great and the network was looking to replace him so he started looking for other opportunities 
* Lizzo wailing about the pitfalls of fame in an emotional TikTok post has sent out the alarm among her friends who fear she is days away from a full-on meltdown -- she seems to be hanging by a thread and is trying to numb the pain with endless cycles of comfort eating and she already weighs 350 pounds -- Lizzo’s unhappy with her weight and hates the sight of herself when she looks in the mirror but she’s unable to stick to a diet and ends up binge eating through the night 
Page 14: Crime 
Page 15: Emboldened by his legal victories last year accused sexual abuser Kevin Spacey is denying all the allegations in a 2020 lawsuit in New York against him and demanding the case be brought to trial so he can clear his name -- Kevin is feeling pretty confident after two sexual harassment cases against him in Los Angeles and Massachusetts were dismissed last year and he wants his day in court to prove he is not the monster these charges paint him to be -- in the September suit two male accusers charged Spacey sexually assaulted them when they were 14 and the first accuser alleged Spacey assaulted him on multiple occasions after they met in an acting class in the ‘80s -- in the same suit actor Anthony Rapp charged Spacey invited him to a party at his home and grabbed his buttocks and lifted him onto a bed and lay on top of him
* Serial killer Ted Bundy relived the details of one of his horrific killings in his final conversation before he was fried in the electric chair in 1989 -- Bundy who was convicted of killing 30 women and suspected of doing the same to many more across four states in the 1970s and ‘80s spilled his guts to a psychologist just hours before his execution death and it can be heard in its frightening entirety on the Crimedoor app -- Bundy details the murder of Georgann Hawkins 
Page 16: Accused Jeffrey Epstein madam Ghislaine Maxwell is under quarantine in a federal pen after being exposed to a guard with COVID-19 and now sources fear she could die before facing justice on child sex trafficking charges next year 
Page 17: Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton’s kids are devastated after their best friend Lupo the family dog passed away -- the beloved dog had become a fixture in family photos but sadly died at age nine leaving Prince Louis and Princess Charlotte and especially Prince George enormously upset -- for George especially this is a tremendous upset as Lupo was his best friend and he has been there his entire life and this is his first experience with loss and he’s been crying nonstop and asking where Lupo is now 
Page 18: American Life 
Page 19: Russia is using a brain-frying microwave weapon to target American envoys in the U.S. and around the world -- a team of doctors and scientists at CIA headquarters determined the mysterious illness that’s plagued embassy workers in recent years was the handiwork of a weapon that can send a mind-scrambling sonic beam through windows and walls from two miles away -- since 2018 the weapon has zapped 26 diplomats in Cuba who reported suffering from migraines and ringing in the ears and dizziness and vertigo -- Some has longer-term effects such as fatigue and loss of vision and difficulty sleeping symptoms dubbed the Havana Syndrome 
* Elon Musk is already designing posh planetary digs for residents of his future city on Mars and he said the first million Earthlings to arrive will live in glass domes -- Musk’s outer-space enterprise is still a little sketchy on details of how to ship a million people to Mars by 2050 and change the atmosphere by terraforming or planting the right stuff to create oxygen 
Page 21: American Pie singer Don McLean’s daughter has blasted him as a verbally abusive tyrant who left her with deep psychological scars -- Jackie McLean claimed her father insulted and degraded her and forbade her from following in his musical footsteps and even threatened to exclude her from his $50 million fortune if she spoke out against him -- despite her dad’s warning Jackie has embarked on a musical career with her husband Shawn Strack forming the group Roan Yellowthorpe
Page 22: Hey, Big Spender! Hollywood’s tippers and tightwads -- Jessica Simpson, Mick Jagger, Rachael Ray, Taylor Swift 
Page 23: Russell Crowe, Donnie Wahlberg, Jeremy Piven, Johnny Depp, Bill Cosby 
Page 25: Justin Bieber is questioning his future in the scandal-scarred Hillsong church after his former pal and pastor Carl Lentz was booted out in disgrace -- the singer has long relied on Hillsong which some have branded a cult and Lentz to help him navigate fame -- Justin’s at a crossroads right now because he definitely felt betrayed by Carl and now he and his wife Hailey Bieber are deciding whether to stay with the church 
Page 26: Viola Davis has revealed how growing up poor in Rhode Island affected her self-worth saying what comes with poverty is invisibility and we just want to be somebody desperately -- Viola says her feeling of I’m Important helped drive her career which has led to an Oscar and two Tonys and an Emmy 
* Hollywood Hookups -- Vanessa Hudgens is dating Cole Tucker of the Pittsburgh Pirates, Jordan Fisher and Ellie Woods married, Luann De Lesseps dating Garth Wakeford 
Page 27: Nicole Kidman has revealed there is only one cure for her desperate struggles with loneliness which is in the arms of husband Keith Urban -- Nicole said she practices psychological discipline to keep her career and home life separate but isolation still plagues her 
* Dallas star Linda Gray is mourning the death of her son Jeff Thrasher at the age of 56 -- she’s heard from some former Dallas colleagues who have rallied around her and expressed their condolences -- no cause of death for Jeff has been revealed 
Page 28: Cover Story -- Prince William is trapped in a cancer nightmare after medical tests have led doctors to suspect the heir to Britain’s throne may be fighting a slow-moving form of the deadly disease and now the 38-year-old royal and his family are terrified he is in severe danger and medical experts are monitoring his health for any symptoms of the illness -- there’s talk around the palace the prince’s decision to reveal he tested positive for COVID-19 during the spring is really an attempt to explain away his condition because doctors found something funky when they checked for the virus -- if William’s health takes a turn for the worse it could further erode confidence in the monarchy which has already endured Prince Andrew’s sex scandal and the defection of Prince Harry -- when William’s doctors dropped their cancer bombshell his wife Duchess Kate Middleton locked herself away with just their kids for five days and she’s practically had a breakdown but she’s learned to be a royal and is now coping very bravely and confronting the future with steely resolve but she is urging William to mend fences with his estranged brother Harry
Page 32: Health Watch 
Page 36: Jessica Simpson is preparing her windpipes for a post-pandemic musical comeback -- she hasn’t released an album since Happy Christmas a decade ago but wants to storm the pop charts once again and recruit some of her wider family to give her a disco edge because Jessica has always looked up to Diana Ross who is sister Ashlee Simpson’s mother-in-law and Jessica has been bugging Ashlee to hook her up with Diana and she thinks they could do an incredible duet 
Page 38: Paul McCartney has taken a seething jab at a two-faced gold-digging mystery woman in his new song Lavatory Lil but insisted it’s not about his ex-wife Heather Mills 
* Lil Wayne’s ex-girlfriend fears he will go insane behind bars -- the rapper is a convicted felon banned from possessing a weapon and now faces up to 10 years in jail after federal agents in Miami caught him with heroin and cocaine and ecstasy and marijuana and a gold-plated gun -- former girlfriend Melissa Howe says he won’t cope and it took him years to get his life back to normal after his last trip inside so for it to happen again for him to be put behind bars it would really get to him mentally 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- American Music Awards -- Kristin Cavallari, Christian Serratos, Paris Hilton, Dua Lipa, Bebe Rexha, Megan Fox 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- LeAnn Rimes holding a dog on Hallmark Channel’s Home and Family 
Page 47: Odd List 
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
Sonamy Week 2 - Dear Diary
Day 1 -
We just entered the dimensional portal and met up with all our older and alternate universe selves.
Mine is kinda cute, but she needs to try more. That’s just my opinion. Teehee! ^////^
Sonic and the older Sonic raced away to fight Eggman, I hope they’ll be okay... When they got back, I was so excited!!! I jumped really, really high many times to try and see them over the hill.
Sonic ducked through my leaps towards him but I caught him at a wall so he got his ‘Welcome back!’ hug. ;)
Then... I heard a weird conversation between my older, alternate universe self and older, alternate Sonic...
“I just don’t remember you ever being that mean to me!” Amy held her arms tightly around her, looking away as Sonic nervously scratched the back of his head.
“M-mean?” He seemed secretly hurt by that phrasing but didn’t say anything more.
“I guess... after all these years, I only remember the good parts about our past. I never realized how much you tried to dodge me or even push me away...”
Classic Amy was hunched under a stand that was at the corner of the outside wall. Her heart sank and her eyes watered at hearing her older self say something like that...
They were there to stop Eggman... not stop her love story.
“I-... I’m sure this is all a big misunderstanding, Amy.” Sonic tried to counter, but Amy just bent her eyebrows back and looked sorrowfully down to the ground.
“Hey...” she cut him off a little, jolting him back from her obvious ignorance of his last line. “Was there ever a time you really enjoyed being with me?”
“What kind of question is that?” Losing a bit of his temper, Sonic defiantly stepped back and side-stepped her. “How could you ask me something like that?”
“... Was it a loaded question?”
He folded his arms and huffed, “It’s a ridiculous question! Of course, I’ve had fun with you! We’re friends, Amy!” he spoke pretty animatedly with his hands, unfolding them to gesture around his jittery responses.
It was clear he was uncomfortable, so Amy just pouted and placed her hands confidently to her hips, striking a spirited pose.
“Fine, then. I’ll see it as boyish arrogance.” she puffed up the side of her cheek in the last fumes of her anger before popping it out with a sound as though that’s how she was letting it go. “Just maybe talk to your younger self about it. Encourage him to be more... understanding of my feelings.”
“...E...Eh?” Sonic once again seemed out of his comfort zone, not sure how to go about that, and not really sure he should be interfering with how his younger self acted. “It’s just their past, Amy. Can’t we... just drop it?”
“AH!” Both Amy’s gasped in offense, but Classic Amy quickly covered her gaping mouth outside.
Sonic retreated with a few steps back, and with each step, another bit of his hope at somehow overcoming this topic was crushed and hammered out.
“You can be so insensitive, sometimes!”
He sighed before the two heard some rustling and a few sobs.
“What was that?” Sonic asked, moving over to the door and looking out.
He watched as Classic Amy raced around the corner.
“Oh no...” He facepalmed himself, ‘Amy’s gonna kill me if she finds out her younger self heard all that...’
“What’s wrong?” Amy waited patiently within the room, and Sonic had a to look back and make a speedy decision.
“Uhh... We may have had a slight eavesdropper...” He awkwardly sweatdropped, figuring honesty was better than having her find out some other way.
“An eavesdropper? It couldn’t be...” she worriedly put her finger up to her mouth, clearly about the freak out when Sonic waved his hands out to try and settle her shivering nerves.
“Don’t worry, Amy! I’ll talk to her. I think that might be best at this point.” Sonic lowered his head in a bit of humility, ‘How could that ever be easier than just telling myself to be less obvious?’
He raced out after seeing Amy nod uncontrollably at his idea, noticing her break down might happen at any moment. He caught up to Classic Amy easily, skidding to a halt behind her.
“Wait up, Little Amy!” he smiled warmly but noticed her whole face was fearful, teary-eyed, and full of confusion.
“...Oh man.” He felt his heart take an escalator slowly up to his throat.
She slowly turned around, “W-why... Why are you so mean to me?”
The escalator had a hitch in its momentum and suddenly the icky-ucky feeling in his gut decided to take the elevator.
 “I’m... I’m not mean to you...” He slowly fell to a knee, crumbling at how sweetly innocent her voice sounded. ‘Man, I remember this age.’ he thought to himself, the nostalgia getting to him. “I care an awful lot about your wellbeing.” He tried to remember she was a child, speaking in plain terms, but it still felt a little awkward.
He had memories of her overly affectionate outbreaks of kisses and hugs, and the reflex to flinch back almost triggered at just the thought of them!
He shook his head, “Sometimes,... Amy.... I’m not good with showing how I really feel.”
“...Could you write it down?” She raised an eyebrow, seeking desperately for understanding.
Now he felt both the stomach and his heart fighting for space in his throat.
He had to clear it, sending them all straight back down where they belonged. “Gee, I don’t know about that but... you can always try.”
Her face suddenly lit up with an idea then. She rubbed the tears off her eyes, and nodded. “I’ll make you one then!”
“H-huh? Make me one wha-Hey!” he reached out for her when she dashed off. “J-... Just don’t tell Amy! Or give younger me a hard time about this..! ...Oh boy.” he worried what his younger self would think, but at least it was out of his hands now.
Day 3 - I’ve completed my project!
I placed my ‘Book of What Makes Me Happy’ under Sonic’s arm today. Older Sonic had said that maybe writing it down would be best, and I think so too!
I’ve recorded what I said in this book too, just so I remember what I did!
The first page is a drawing with me on it, saying --- “This is what makes me happy!” then the other pages go as follows, 1. Spending time with Sonic and his friends. 2. Going on adventures with Sonic and his friends. 3. Eating together with Sonic and his friends. 4. What makes me most happiest is when I’m with Sonic!
I contemplating drawing a wedding at the end, but I ran out of paper. :’( It’s okay though, I drew us looking out at the sunset.
While I was drawing, I tried to hide my pictures from Sonic. He had come back with his older self and tried to peek over and see what I was doing at the table.
I was really careful not to show him! >:Y I didn’t want him to ruin the surprise! But then he did something I won’t forget...
He sat down next to me and drew us drawing together, with big smiles on our faces, and laughing with one another...
Aww, it was so cute! I had to put it in The Book of What Makes Me Happy. I just had too! So the last page was his picture, which I asked if I could keep.
He didn’t write on it, but I was excited he let me keep it.
Day 4 -
Sonic’s acting weird around me... He must have seen my book, why didn’t he want to talk about it?
I put on the final page to write me a book of his happiness, so that way, I would know what made him happy too. Smart, right? :Db
Well, he’s being a jerk again! >Bc Hmph! He kept avoiding me all day and hiding something behind his back. I even threw my hammer in a tantrum, but instead of rushing over to comfort me, he sped off again! That was mean!
Older Sonic just laughed and called me a Rascal... that also hurt my feelings... but older me said he meant it in a loving way...
I don’t see it, but I trusted her anyway when he looked back and gave me a wink. That made me happy again! *//nwn//* Older Sonic is so handsome! Getting a wink from him made my day, heehee!~
Day 6 -
Sonic spoke to me again, he quickly said -- “Here! Have this!” I was so shocked but he smashed a poorly-shuffled book at me and ran.
Its cover was cardboard with the words, ‘What Makes Me Happy - Amy’s Eyes Only.’ Then a picture of himself with angry eyes. I guess that means its my response, right?
I was so excited, I just rushed to my room and closed the door right away! I didn’t know what to expect, but I’m glad I got to read it...
His book had pictures just like mine! One was him sleeping in a tree, and he wrote--well, scribbled--”What Makes Me Happy is being alone in nature.” That made me frown because it contradicted what I had said.
The next page had, “2. Fighting Robotnik and Robots!” and had him crashing into and sticking his tongue out at a badnik. It made me giggle, hehe! But I was still sad it didn’t have me in it...
“3. Watching sunsets...” This one broke my heart, he was watching the sunset alone! And he drew it just like I had! But cut me out of the picture! I was about ready to thrown down the book, but noticed there was a sliver of paper still attached to the ringlets around the book.
I turned the page and low and behold! It was a picture of all our friends! And there was a cut out section where Sonic was still watching the sunset, but now Tails, Knuckles, and even I was there! It read above it, “...Even with my friends!”
That made me very, very happy! But I noticed there was still one piece of paper left.
I flipped it over and it had me hugging Sonic on it. He drew hearts all over where I was but he put a swiggly line as his nervous smile. Aww, how cute! He’s so shy~
That one was my favorite, he wrote, “And lastly, you make me happy too.”
That was it! I was gonna marry him and no one could tell me otherwise! Hehe!!! <3 <3 <3 xoxxxxo
Sonic was strolling with Classic Amy up on top of his head, playing keep-away with his younger self as he tried to take her back from him.
“You’ll never see her again! Whaha!” Sonic was clearly playing with them, but even Classic Tails joined in the fun, though it took some effort to get Classic Knuckles to see it as a game.
When Classic Sonic finally saved Classic Amy, Sonic let him have her and watched him take off with Tails and Knuckles, all heading back to the portal.
“Aww, that was sweet.” Amy approached Sonic, looking lovestruck at seeing how good he was with ‘kids’.
Sonic just chuckled, “Yeah, well... I thought a lot about what you said.”
“Really? That’s new.” Amy teased, but Sonic just rolled his eyes.
“Heh... Anyway, I wanted him to value his friendship with her. So by playing keep-away, I think I resparked that old flame.”
“...Old flame?” Amy’s eyes blinked in delight, leaning towards his eyeline and stepping in front of her. Her hands were behind her back as she swayed her body back and forth a moment. “Whatever do you mean by that, my darling Sonic~?”
“H-huh?” He head meant helping his younger self remember how much Amy meant to him, but not like this! “W-wa-wait a second! Hold on, Amy! You might have the wrong idea!”
“Oh, I think I got the right idea... hehe~ Now time to convince you it is!” she jumped at him, mimicking her younger years of flirting with him as Sonic quickly escaped her arms and began to move back, shaking his head and hands that he placed out in front of him.
“R-Really, Amy! It’s not what you think!”
“What was that? I can’t hear your sweet nothings from all the way over there~”
“Q-quit that, Amy! We’re not kids anymore! Yikes!” he took off but Amy was right on his heels!
(I’m trying to get these sonamy week prompts out on time. I hope this works ^^; )
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waldenweave · 5 years
Wow. It’s been a while.
Things got really busy with doctor’s appointments and general exhaustion. I am better now! I had a lumpectomy on November 14th and radiation therapy for the entire month of January – my last day of radiation was also W. A. Mozart’s birthday, so there was a lot to celebrate. It wasn’t until about two weeks or so ago that I realized exactly how tired I had been because all of a sudden I wasn’t that tired. I still am tired, and my joints are creaky, but that’s the tamoxifen. But hey, as far as I know I do not have cancer, and that’s a win.
I’ve tried to keep up with practicing and making things, but tendonitis struck again. I’ve had it since about this past September in my left elbow, and I did not do what I was supposed to do (rest, heat, NSAIDs), but kept practicing both cello and gamba. The result was that I stopped cello the end of October until mid January, and I stopped gamba in the first half of December until the very end of January. I couldn’t button my sweater or braid my hair anymore, and I still can’t believe I let it get that bad. It’s sooo much better now, but it’s still there, so I’m being careful and doing what I need to do to make it better.
This also meant that all that hand work I was doing wasn’t possible anymore. Spinning for any huge length of time made it worse. Knitting has been right out for months and months. Combing wool was only possible in about 3 minute chunks. And then my friend Lee started a make-a-thing-daily project and invited everyone to join in. Her process of choice this time was embroidery.
I have been itching to embroider for some time, and Lee’s rules seemed simple enough: gather all your materials ahead of time, set the bar so low you can roll over it (quick and dirty, Kate, quick. and. dirty.), and do not fret about what you are making. Quantity over quality. Okay, okay, so I naturally fret over quality. Always. But I also recognize this is a thing that I need to maybe let go of now and then. So. A daily thing for February. The Short Month! Yes, I thought, I can do this.
I found all my embroidery floss and hoops and needles. And I began.
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Week 1. These are Very Small, which keeps to the quick-and-dirty principle.
I had no patterns – so I just doodled. And doodled. Some I like, some not so much. But I did start to look at embroidery online and got to thinking about flowers.
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Week 2, plus one. Moar doodles!
I re-learned how to do French knots, I learned the bullion stitch, and I learned that some of the yarns I spin are perfectly suitable for embroidering with. The purple flower (there’s a bit of charcoal on that one from the frame – the frames were laser cut, and so had carbon on the edges) is a silk/merino blend I spun up, as well as the purple in the octagonal frame. The grey sheep/mouse (it was supposed to be a sheep, but didn’t quite work) is a bit of Gotland I’d spun.
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Week 3, plus a bit? Feeesh, flowers, and…more flowers?
I am really enamored of French knots. And embroidered flowers. And in rayon floss! I really wanted silk yarn (because who wouldn’t?), but all I could get quickly and on the cheap was rayon, so I settled (for now). The tree I’m especially happy with – that one is all in cotton floss, but from three colors I kept pulling out and staring hard at. I’d been looking at pictures online of tiny, gorgeous embroidered flowering trees made from satin stitches and French knots. Eventually, I knew I’d get to it. And I did. And I’m happy with it. And I think this particular tree with this particular color scheme will inspire Something Else (stay tuned?). The dandelion was a doodle to see if I could do it. I have a skein of variegated yellow cotton and I thought, “O, that reminds me of dandelions.”
I’m telling you, I have so much appreciation for those professional embroiderers who can create depth with needle and thread just through the use of color and stitch direction.
Late in the game, I ran out of white linen, so reached for a scrap of blue. But you know, it just wasn’t working. I love this shade, but I just wasn’t happy with how the colors of the floss were working with it.
Well. In any case, you’ll notice that there are fewer than 29 embroideries. I framed the last batch (Week 3 and a bit) yesterday, and while trying to start another wee embroidery to catch up on the last day of the month, I realized that the tendonitis really did not like it. I practiced a ridiculous amount of cello yesterday (yay, Vivaldi [except I can’t play it yet]), but the thing that made the tendonitis really painful was holding the embroidery hoop. Argh. The embroidery can wait. There will be other months, and an almost endless supply of floss and handspun yarn.
This is not to say that I did not make nothing prior to February. Spinning did aggravate the tendonitis, but as long as I did it in small chunks and took care, I spun. The spinning also helped with the mental stuff going on – a repetitive task that I don’t have to think overly much about and at the end, I get soft, squishy yarn. That I can squish.
I’ll try to go in order.
  This was a bit of dyed Leicester Longwool and I got from a destash pile at one of the spinning guild meetings that I spun up in late December. I’m pretty happy with it. It was very easy and very mindless to spin, and there was a lot of it. I believe this is 8 ounces – each skein is 4 ounces. The only thing about this project was that the dye still hasn’t finished washing out, and I washed that skein about four times. I had used some cotton weaving yarn as ties on the skeins, and those picked up some of the dye, which leads me to believe the dyer used fiber reactive dyes rather than an acid dye. Which is aggravating. It would explain the lack of luster one would expect in this breed of wool. So, I’ll have to be careful when washing whatever project I use this for. (I’ll likely get a dye magnet or another fresher bottle of Synthropol to remove the rest of the excess dye.)
At some point, I realized I needed to start making progress on the Shetland fleeces. Because I have way too many fleeces and need to get through them! Especially if I want to buy more fleeces to make into more fabulous yarn to weave fabulous cloth. I’d been spinning samples for a bit (pretty sure this was January), and this one was one I was reasonably happy with. It’s got a bit more twist than I think the Shetland really wants, but I would absolutely weave with it. And let me tell you, Shetland is a joy to spin. It almost spins itself, it’s so very soft, and it’s so very lustrous. Can you see the shine?!
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I tried another sample of the Shetland, this time with slightly less twist, and look at the difference! It’s much puffier than the stuff in the previous photo, and it’s so, so squishy. I loves it, I do. I want so much to weave with this, but I’ve had two people (experts in weaving and spinning, actually) tell me that this yarn is Really Suitable for Knitting. Sigh. I mean, it’s a sample. I can’t quite knit yet (tendonitis), but I might be able to weave it into a sample. Maybe. A tiny one.
Honestly, I love that yarn. I have never loved yarn I’ve spun so much as I love this one.
At some point in January, I decided to try out R.H. Lindsay Wool Merchants. I follow them on social media, and some of their pictures of wool are just so delicious. They sell wholesale, but they’ll also sell by the pound to whoever wants it. And I did. They’d posted a picture of super bouncy Dorset/Polypay roving from New England sheep. For $8.50/lb. I ordered two pounds. (The shipping was nearly that much, so I did briefly consider getting three pounds – I have no where to put it!) It came lickity-split and I pulled some of that off to spin:
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Super springy! Super bouncy!
Yep. That’s pretty springy and bouncy! I gotta say, I really like this. You can’t beat the price, even with the shipping, and the roving is not carbonized. There were bits of VM in there, which I very happily picked out.
And then!
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Look at that luster! Look at the color! Ooooh! Aaaaah!
I’m putting in a full size photo of the Gotland. I mean, how could I not?
This was my first attempt at spinning it. It’s not easy to spin. This is from commercially prepared roving that had sat in storage for some time, so was compressed some. There’s no crimp, there’s no wave. It’s a bit like spinning mohair, except it’s a bit less slippery. Getting the right amount of twist was a challenge, but I am pretty happy with this. It’s a two ply and if I can, I’ll weave a tiny sample out of this and full it to see what happens. But, on the other hand, I have more roving, and really what I should do is spin up the rest of it, and weave that into a sample, but cut the sample into three pieces, and go to town with experimental fulling. “Why all the trouble?” I hear you ask. The answer is that I want so much to sew myself a grey wool coat, and, believe it or not, I cannot find the right grey wool. It’s either not the right color, not the right weight, or some combination of wool and synthetic fibers. Or some combination of those three. And it pisses me off. So, I’ll just weave my own cloth, and spin the yarn if I have to. Dammit.
I know this is a huge project. I’d like to get it done in the next three years (before I’m 50).
Here’s another snap of that yarn:
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I guess all that practicing spinning really paid off. I seem to be improving!
And then!
My friend Rachel (over at Spotted Sheep Studio) found some Gammelnorsk fleeces. I bet you had no idea there was a breed called Gammelnorsk, did you? Well. There is. And it’s rare. And she found a person in Norway who raises this breed, and got to buy a bag of fleeces from her. And Rachel and I stool around in the Webs parking lot after a spinning meeting opening the bag and smelling the delightful fumes of Norwegian barnyard and lanolin. And, of course, fondling the Gammelnorsk fleeces. The colors are amazing.
This breed is a dual coated breed, which means it has hair and a downy undercoat (tog and thel, respectively). I do not know much more than this, but Rachel is a fount of knowledge and will impart all her wisdom if I ask – also I’m going to be helping to prepare these fleeces for spinning, and then spinning. So I’ll have to know.
And the very last picture I have to show you is a bit of yarn I spun up yesterday. I have been learning about spinning and preparing the fibers via some Interweave videos. And so I tried coming the alpaca batts I have, because who doesn’t want alpaca top? Well. The batts are made from garbage alpaca. Or they were carded into oblivion, I’m not sure. In any case, the batts are only suitable for felting. The fibers are way too short for even spinning yarn. I even tried to card it and spin it. So aggravating. So, then I decided to turn my attention to a red Spelsau batt that Rachel’s husband brought back from a recent trip to Norway for me (and Rachel too, you should have seen her haul!). I tried combing a bit, and I got some top off it, but I think this batt is really suitable for carding. However, the color is AMAZING. Behold:
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And lo! The Perfect Red!
And you know what? No dye came out of this when I washed it. None. Not even a little.
I love this red so much I want to roll around in it.
Really, what makes it so gorgeous is that it’s a tan or brown fleece that has been dyed red. The brown deepens the color and brings it over to the orangey side rather than the blue side. I’m thinking about experimenting with dyeing some of that brown Shetland – I have a white fleece too, but man, this red…
  I’m still here. Wow. It's been a while. Things got really busy with doctor's appointments and general exhaustion. I am better now!
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choupetit · 5 years
GOT Recap:  A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Airdate: 4/21/19 ;  Season 8, Episode 2
Meep, things are really heating up on Game of Thrones!  Or rather, cooling down…oh heck, I don’t know what to do with all the Fire and Ice metaphors. Let’s just say, stuff is getting real and the latest installment of GOT  gave us one last moment to enjoy the fuzzy warm feels before next week’s huge battle against the Night King’s army begins.  This last episode was all about wish fulfillment and tying up loose ends for viewers – and I’m still a bit conflicted about how I feel about it all. But fear not, we’ll get into my two cents about it very soon.  Now, find a warm body to snuggle up to and get a toasty fire going, because the night is dark and full of manipulative story ploys.  Here’s my recap of:  “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.”
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I Know What You Did Last Long Summer
We start things off with Jaime Lannister standing before a tribunal in the Great Hall at Winterfell, with Sansa Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, and Jon Snow seated at the VIP table. Dany shares that she and her brother grew up talking about what they would do to the man who murdered their father, once they captured him and reclaimed the Seven Kingdoms.  She points out that Cersei promised her an army, and instead has only sent one man with one hand.  Ouch, that smarts.  Jaime fills everybody in on Cersei’s plan: She isn’t sending any help. Rather, Queen Cersei has procured a hired army and is sending them to Winterfell to finish off whatever survivors are left after the impending war against the Dead.  She lied to them all – Jaime included – and he left her to come and join Jon and Dany’s battle for the living.  Daenerys casts a pointed gaze at Tyrion Lannister, who looks miserable. Ya done messed up, Ty!
Dany wonders how they can possibly trust Jaime. Tyrion sticks up for his brother, but is shot down by Daenerys who counters that perhaps this is an elaborate scheme for Jaime to assassinate her.  Sansa chimes in that Jamie can’t be trusted, and lists the crappy things he did to House Stark, including attacking Ned Stark back in Season 1.  When Jaime defends his actions saying it was during a time of war, and that he was protecting his family, Bran dryly states “The things we do for love.” Fear flickers in Jaime’s eyes.  Bran knows!  
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Brienne of Tarth steps up and defends Jaime.  She tells Dany how she and Jaime were captured a few years back and he defended her when she was this close to getting raped – and lost his hand in the process. To Sansa, she says that it’s only due to Jaime’s honor in keeping his word to Catelyn Stark that Brienne was able to find and save Sansa from the sadistic Ramsay Bolton.  This is enough to change Sansa’s mind.  Dany seems peeved by Sansa’s about-face and asks Jon what he thinks.  Visibly still grappling with the bombshell about his parents, Jon doesn’t even look at Dany and simply states they need all the extra help they can get.  Dany allows Jaime to stay and fight with them, and they all rise.  Sansa huffs off and when Dany turns to Jon, he’s all “K gotta run, byeeee.” Ugh, you let a guy ride your dragon one time and then he gets all weird on you.  Brienne shoots Jaime a look that clearly states “Don’t make me regret sticking my neck out for you,” and Bran just stares at him.  Again.  Creepily.
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Rebuffed by her lover, and fuming about Cersei’s deceipt, Dany is ripe to start throwing cell phones at her assistants.  She chews out Tyrion for being either in cahoots with Cersei, or a damn fool. When Tyrion tells her it’s the latter, she retorts “It’s not the first time,” and indicates his time may be up serving as Hand of the Queen.  Varys and Ser Jorah are all “Awwwwkward.”
Number 1 Crush
At the Winterfell forge, we see Gendry’s handiwork:  Tons and tons of spearheads and other weapons made of dragonglass are ready to be wielded. As Gendry works, Arya approaches and takes in all his hunky, sweaty manliness, then asks him about the weapon she requested.  “Yeah, I’ll get right on that after I make a few thousand more of these. Shouldn’t you be hanging out in the crypts anyway when the fighting begins?  It’s the safest place to be.” Arya questions why he thinks he’s qualified to fight – he’s just a blacksmith.  When he tells her he killed a few of the Dead and she wants to know what they’re like, his reply is “Really bad”. “How bad are we talking, dude?  What do they look like? How do they smell? When they change a toilet paper roll, do they do it the wrong way or the right way – and don’t you DARE say there isn’t a right way, Gendry!!” “Ok, fine, they’re like death, ok?” “Oh, cool, I know all about death!” Arya gives Gendry an impressive demo of her razor sharp knife throwing skills – it’s instant bonerville for Gendry.  “So…how about that weapon?” – “Yes, ma’am, coming right up!!” Ok, these two flirting is just too much. Arya is such a badass, I love it! And she deserves a little joy in her life.
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Meanwhile, a very remorseful Jaime seeks out Bran by the Weirwood tree and apologizes for pushing him out the tower window all those years ago, rendering him a paraplegic. Jaime questions why Bran didn’t tell the others about this, and Bran tells him he can’t be much use in their fight if Bran lets his family murder Jaime.  “But aren’t you mad at me?” Let’s just break this down for you, dude: Bran ain’t mad at anybody.  He is so beyond all those petty human emotions, because OMG you guys are all about to be annihilated by ruthless ice zombies and Bran is trying to figure out how to stop it.  “Ok, so what happens after?” asks Jaime. Bran counters, “What makes you think there is an after?”
Oooh sidebar! Y’all I have been knee deep in GOT theories the past few weeks, and one of the theories I’m really into says that Jaime might be Azor Ahai (the Prince who was Promised) and plays a huge role in defeating the Night King.  There’s this whole prophecy about it in the books, and the High Valyerian words for “Gold” and “Hand” are very similar to the words “Lord” and “Light”. After this chat with Bran, I’m convinced Jaime is a key player in ending the Night King’s reign.
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Later, Tyrion and Jaime walk around the courtyard, discussing the two queens.  Tyrion says how he truly believes Daenerys will be a great queen for the realm, and the two commiserate over how Cersei fooled them – the part about being pregnant is true, though.   Tyrion notes that Jaime has never been fooled by Cersei, he’s always loved her in spite of her miserable character.  When Tyrion remarks that they are likely going to die at Winterfell, he muses that at least Cersei won’t have the satisfaction of killing him.  Hey, maybe his dead corpse will go down to King’s Landing and tear her apart - but Jaime isn’t listening.  He is distracted by something else – or rather someone:  
Brienne of Tarth, is on the practice field, watching Podrick as he spars with another fighter.  Jaime shows up and chats with her about the impending battle. Brienne is weirded out by how nice Jaime is acting, because he’s always shown  his snarky side around her in the past.  He tells her he returned to Winterfell because we wants to serve under her command. She excuses herself.  Oh man! Brienne has been holding a torch for Jaime for so many seasons and he is finally sorta living up to the person she has seen in him all along: a good and honorable guy.  And he came to Winterfell to fight alongside her? Hubba hubba.  And yet…I don’t see anything romantic ever happening between these two, even though there is something there.  It just feels like he’s the super popular dude who’s had a lot of personal growth and really likes her and cares for her, but will never actually date her because she isn’t a supermodel.  Ya know what I mean?  Brienne is in the friend zone 4eva. Also, I think this whole exchange means Brienne ain’t long for this world – she’s probably going to sacrifice herself to save Jaime during the battle. Sorry, Bri Bri!  We love you, though!
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A Matter of Trust
In Daenerys’s quarters, Ser Jorah takes a moment to tell her to take it easy on Tyrion.  He knows his Khaleesi is super pissed, but he advises her to see past Tyrion’s flub and keep him on as Hand of the Queen because he has a super big brain.  Coming from Jorah, this means a lot.  Then he offers another suggestion:  Make more of an effort with Sansa Stark.
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In the great hall, Dany requests a heart to heart with Sansa Stark who also puts in a good word for Tyrion when Daenerys makes a snarky remark about not having faith in her advisors. Geez Louise, everybody is sticking up for Tyrion in this episode!  The conversation turns to Dany drawing comparisons between herself and Sansa as female leaders in a man’s world and then she’s all “Girls rule, yay!!!  So...why don’t you like me?” - “Honestly?  Because guys can do pretty dumb stuff for women and they’re easily manipulated. And you basically convinced Jon to give up his crown for you”  Dany’s all: “Ok, so, real talk? I was all about taking the Iron Throne, and then Jon pops up and tells me about these weird Snow Zombies coming to destroy us all, and I dropped everything to help him fight his war, so…who is being manipulated?”  [Personally, I think that’s a lame argument, because obviously the survival of mankind is still totally in your interest, Daenerys, because if they are all dead you don’t have anybody to rule, m’kay?]  Sansa  warms a bit to Dany, and tells her she should have thanked her when she arrived.  But just as Daenerys is cozying up to Sansa and holding her hands, Sansa takes things right back to business – God, I love her for it:   “So, Dany, riddle me this:  Let’s say we defeat the Night King and Cersei.  What happens next?” Dany’s face is a little perplexed “Um, I rule on the Iron Throne.  Obviously.” –“Yeah, but what about the North?  We took back our land and we swore we’d never give it back, so…what about the North?” This does not make Dany happy, and she looks about ready to lose it.  
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Thankfully, however, their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of:  Theon Greyjoy and his men.  He fills them in on the successful rescue of Yara, and informs Queen Daenerys that Yara is reclaiming the Iron Isles for Dany.  He returned to fight for Winterfell – if they’ll have him.  Sansa’s eyes fill with tears and she rushes to embrace Theon.  It’s a very sweet moment but also, I’m immediately worried that the writers are going to try and make something romantic happen here.  Ew, not Theon. I’m just going to chalk this up to him and Sansa sharing a strong mutual survivor bond.  Also, my death prediction: Theon is sooo gonna die.  And they've been making Daenerys super unlikeable these past two episodes that it has me a little nervous they might off her, too.
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In the courtyard, Davos is running a soup kitchen and gives a short pep talk to some of the men who have arrived.  Gilly is telling some girls how safe the crypts are – the safest place at Winterfell, actually.  You guys, make sure you write this down:  The crypts - where they keep all the dead bodies which have not been burned - are the safest place in Winterfell.   So if you have zero fighting skills, you really totally without a doubt need to head to the crypts where no dead bodies will suddenly come to life and attack you because the crypts are S-A-F-E, you got it?  
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A little girl asks where she should go when the battle starts because she wants to fight, too. Gilly advises her to go to…you got it. The crypts. Le sigh.
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A horn blows and Jon turns the corner to see who it is:  The Night’s Watch from Castle Black have arrived and as he goes to bro hug Dolorous Edd, he’s tackled by Thormund Giantsbane like an overjoyed Saint Bernard pup. Beric Dondarrion is there, too.  Yay, Jon’s happy to see them all and probably is even happier that he has more legit reasons to avoid Daenerys.  His friends inform him they met up at the Last Hearth - everybody was dead and gone.  It’s safe to assume anybody who hasn’t made it to Winterfell by now has been claimed by the Night King’s army.  Jon asks how long until the Dead will arrive and Thormund replies:  Just before sunrise. Also, Thormund would really like to know where Brienne is.  Oh me, oh my – will my Brienne, Jaime, Thormund troika dreams come true? Unlikely, but I do love Thormund’s interest in Brienne, if only for the comic relief it provides.
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In the war room, all the important peeps have gathered to talk strategy.  The Night King’s army is too big, and they never tire, so Jon & Co. won’t be able to beat them in a straight fight.  Their best chance at survival is to kill the Night King – if they kill him, they kill his army.  But how? If he’s that important, the Night King won’t risk exposing himself – when they say this, I just imagine the Night King in a long trench coat.  Yeah, I’m mature.  Bran volunteers to be human bait, because the Night King is after him.  But why, Bran, why? We discover that the Night King’s ultimate goal is an endless night and he wants to wipe out all trace of men and their memories.  Bran is basically a human hard drive with the entire history of their world and the Night King wants to erase it all.  I don’t know…it’s kind of a weird reason to me.  I mean, if the Night King is gonna kill everybody anyway, why is it so important that he kill Bran first?  Sam waxes poetic about death and how when we die our memories are forgotten and we are forgotten, blah, blah, blah, but I still don’t get it.  What is the difference between wiping out all of mankind’s history and killing everybody vs. just wiping out mankind?  Wouldn’t wiping out mankind just, like...wipe out mankind and its history?  I don’t know folks.  Clue me in if you understand. Or is it just a matter of getting rid of any evidence on how to stop the Night King? In that case, just say so, Bran.
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Anyhoo, Bran will wait for the Night King in the Godswood – he has a GPS tracking device on him, so the Night King always knows where he is.  His siblings are vehemently against it, but Theon volunteers to be there with his guys to help protect Bran.  Why do we think this is a better idea than Bran’s own family protecting him?  I mean, other than simply using this as a plot device for Theon to die while defending Bran and thus somehow redeem himself for all the shitty stuff he did to the Stark kids when they were younger? Obviously, I’m not a big fan of this scene.
Dany tells Tyrion he’ll have to wait in the crypts during the battle because: a) they are super safe and b) Dany needs his mind because her faith in him has been restored. Yeah, after hearing what everybody told her so far, she also polled 28 whores about his character and realized she shouldn’t fire him after all because he’s a good dude and actually really smart.  Except for when it comes to trusting his evil sister, whose superpower is stabbing people in the back, who has always hated him, and has never done anything in her life to prove herself trustworthy in his eyes.
Oh, and one more thing: They’ll need to have the dragons close by to save Bran if things go bad.  Not too close to give anything away.  Just close enough to probably be completely useless and get one more dragon killed.  M’kay? Sounds like a plan, team!  
As they wrap things up, Thormund points out the silver lining: They are all going to die, but at least they’ll die together.  He flashes a winning look at Brienne.  Jon hastily leaves, expertly avoiding Dany once again, and everybody except Bran and Tyrion exits the room.  Tyrion tells Bran he wants to hear all about his stories and they both settle in next to the fire.
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One Last Waltz
And now…get ready for the showrunners to check off all your hopes and dreams for all your favorite characters so you can have one final lovely memory of them all alive before everything goes to hell:
In the courtyard, Grew Worm and Missandei share a special moment where they make plans for the future. Once Grey Worm has finished securing the throne for Daenerys, he’s gonna retire with Missandei and she can visit her home again.  And he’ll keep her and her peeps safe with his Unsullied pals as they live happily ever after. So…he’s gonna die, right?
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On the ramparts, Jon and Sam hang together with Ghost nearby.  Yay, finally we see a direwolf again!  Sam asks Jon when he is going to fill Daenerys in on the revelation of Jon’s true parents.  Edd arrives and declares “And now our watch begins.” Gilly and little Sam will be in the crypts (wanna know why?) and Jon tells Sam he can go, too – to protect them – but Sam scoffs and asks his buds to give him some credit.  He was, after all the first of them to kill a white walker and discover other ways to defeat the Dead.  They take a moment to remember their fallen friends from the Night’s Watch and Edd grimly states “Last man left, burn the rest of us.”
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In the Great Hall, Tyrion and Jaime sit by the fire and enjoy a cup of wine as they ponder how much they’ve changed since their last visit to Winterfell and Tyrion bemoans the perils of self betterment – gone are his days of excessive drinking and whoreing.
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Brienne and Podrick arrive in the great hall – oh hai, guys!  They were looking for a place to warm up, and Jaime insists that they join him and his bro. Brienne agrees – obviously. Is she going to pass up the chance to be with her hunky unrequited love? Never.  Oh, and would you look at that!  Davos and Thormund pop in as well to join some theater in the round. Thormund regales them with a hilarious story of how he got the “Giantsbane” moniker. Truly, he is the shining star in this episode and certainly in this scene. I’m feeling extra manipulated by the show – now that we’re more emotionally invested in him, I’m 100% sure that he’ll be killed off next week.
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Up on the ramparts, Arya sees the Hound and sits next to him.  They have a nice moment when she questions why he’s even here fighting with everybody.  “When is the last time you fought for anybody?”, she asks.  He replies gruffly, “I fought for you, didn’t I?” And that is the line that wins the night.  Awwwww, I love the Hound.  Then Beric Dondarrion shows up and ruins the moment.  He apologizes to Arya for the way they parted the last time they saw each other – ya know, when he sold out Gendry to Melisandre to do her voodoo magic.  When he starts talking about the Lord of Light, the Hound tells him to shut his trap and Arya is all “Peace out, I’m gonna find something better to do than spend my final hours with you old farts.”
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Next, Arya whiles away the time with some archery practice when Gendry arrives with the weapon he’s fashioned for her.  It’s a spear and she gives it a whirl – not bad at all.  As she shows off her fancy spear twirling skills, Arya asks Gendry what Melisandre did to him after she took him, and he tells her about the blood magic.   She assumes (correctly) that Melisandre had sex with Gendry and suddenly Arya is grilling Gendry about all his past partners, presumably calculating her risk of contracting syphilis.  Apparently, Gendry’s number of former lovers is satisfactory and Arya reveals that if she’s going to die in the battle against the dead, she wants to at least know what sex feels like and they get. It. On.  Oh my stars!! I’m equal parts stoked that Arya and Gendry hooked up, and also intensely worried now that one of them will die – maybe even both of them. Gah!  I wish I wasn’t so traumatized by GOT to assume that any time a good moment happens, it will be yanked away, but such is the life of the Game of Thrones fan:  We can’t have nice things.
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Call Me By Your Name
Back in the Great Hall, Tyrion remarks how all of the people in the room had at one point fought the Starks in one way or another, and now they are united in fighting together at Winterfell.  As Tyrion gives them all a verbal pat on the back for surviving so many battles, he accidentally calls Brienne “Ser” and corrects himself.  Thormund is confused that Brienne isn’t a knight, and she tells him women can’t be knights because sexist traditions are alive and well in Westeros. When Thormund tells her he’d make her a knight if he were king, Jaime points out that you don’t need a king to be knighted – another knight can do it. And so, with a little coaxing everybody encourages Brienne to get knighted.  She’s always wanted to be a knight and she accepts the honor with all the grace and reverence it warrants.  Ser Jaime Lannister taps her shoulders with his sword, reciting the words and at last proclaims her a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.  As the men in the room start a slow clap and cheer for her, Ser Brienne of Tarth rises with tears in her eyes and a luminous smile.  Oh God, she’s toast now!!!!
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In the courtyard, Ser Jorah Mormont and his little cuz Lyanna Mormont argue.  He thinks she should go to the crypts –I really don’t want to say this, but I must…because they are the safest place to be—and Lyanna insists that she vowed to fight, and that’s precisely what she’ll do.  She wishes him well just as Samwell Tarly shows up. He presents his family’s sword to Ser Jorah.  It’s called Heartsbane and it’s made of Valyrian steel.  The sword is too heavy for Sam to wield himself.  He shares that Lord Commander Mormont – Jorah’s father – was a wonderful mentor who taught Sam to always do what’s right, and Sam would be honored for Jorah to have it.  Ser Jorah accepts the weapon, and then Sam has to go and say something like: “I’ll see you when the battle’s through.” F#$K!!!! So now Jorah’s gonna die?! I can’t take it, you guys!
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Aaaand we’re back at the Great Hall, where the wine has run out and the karaoke portion of the night has begun.  Podrick, it turns out, has the voice of an angel and treats the group to a lovely and haunting melody.  It’s a perfect tune for a montage scene and we get one last glimpse of all the characters we’ve come to love as they have one last tender and bittersweet moment of togetherness.
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In the ever-so-safe crypts, Jon stands at Lyanna’s coffin and statue, and Daenerys approaches. She asks who the statue is of, and Jon simply says “Lyanna Stark.” Dany knows the story of Lyanna’s abduction – she tells Jon that she grew up hearing such good things about her brother Rhaegar, who was known to be kind and decent, and yet, he raped Lyanna.  Jon corrects her “Oh, but he didn’t,” and all the details spill out.  Dany is shook by the revelation that Jon is actually Rhaegar’s legitimate son and asks how he knows this – she is not impressed by Jon’s sources and points out how convenient it is that his brother and best friend are the only people who can corroborate the story.  Her thoughts immediately go to the Iron Throne and the fact that Jon would have a better claim to it, if what he says is true. Before they can go into things further, a horn sounds: The Dead are here.  Jon and Dany give each other a look of agreement and both storm off – presumably to ride some dragons.
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In the dark, a horse’s hoof stops in the snow and as the camera pans up, it reveals the Night King’s lieutenants all lined up in formation, ready for the attack, their gaze fixed upon Winterfell in the near distance.   Roll credits.
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Holy moly so many people are gonna die next week, and I am losing my mind over here!  This episode was a lot of things, and while I feel like I got all the moments I technically wanted, I also feel weirdly placated by the writers for actually giving those moments to us viewers.   I’m not sure how true some of the actions were to the characters, and it seemed more like the last 20 minutes were purely catering to the audience’s wishes before the showrunners kill off all the people they shone a spotlight on in this episode. It’s hard to truly enjoy something when you feel like you’re being set up for a fall, ya know?  But overall, it was a fine episode to set up the epic battle next week.
The takeaways for me were: Jaime has an important role to play in ending the long night.  Dany’s whole worldview is going to have to be reconsidered unless of course she (or Jon) dies, making the whole “Who deserves the crown more?” a moot point.  Maybe she’ll even screw Jon over?  Tyrion will likely survive and I’m wondering if Bran shared something important with him during their chat.  That way, if Bran should perish, Tyrion will have some trump card of knowledge to share with the others.  Arya is probably toast – if not, then Gendry is. Brienne will die – for SURE!  Oh, and the crypts are the least safe place to be and some freaky deaky stuff is gonna happen down there next episode.
I would like to point out that we didn’t actually see the Night King standing outside Winterfell with his homies.  Like I mentioned earlier, I am reading so many different theories and one is that the Night King is splitting up his army, and he is heading straight to King’s Landing with his ice dragon to torch the city and turn its 1 million inhabitants into an army that nobody can match.  
Will all my death predictions come true?  Will the Night King fool us all and fly to Essos to kill the fire priestesses? Or will Melisandre suddenly pop up at the 11th hour to save the day?  Are there any other important theories I have yet to discover? I’m sure by next week we’ll know a lot more, and also be bawling our eyes out as Jaime tenderly holds a dying Brienne in his arms, who it turn holds a dying Thormund in hers.  It could happen, you guys.  I’ll see ya here next week for a grief group therapy session!
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(The first wonderful screencap is by @japanesemaple77 - vielen Dank! I took the other three screencaps and edited them a bit).
English translation (the translation of the movie will have altogether 9 parts)
(Part 2)
Torsten: Do you know anything about stochastics?
Elias: Yes, nobody understands this. (literally: Yes, that understands no pig)
Torsten: Thank you! I've already understood that. The question is, why do I need to know this to study law?
Elias: The trick is that they want to find out if you're smart enough. Will Nina finance you?
Torsten: Shut up.
Elias: A course of law studies takes at least five years. At your pace, it takes till your retirement. You have a good job. We are a good team. Is it about money, or what?
Torsten: Do you always have to talk?
Nina: It`s me again. Can you please send me the plans for the spatial organization? ... Thank you.
(To the children): Can you be quiet, please!
Torsten: That was it.
Canan: Hey! You can not give up shortly before the end.
Torsten: I do not understand that!
Canan: As long as you try to understand, you will not get math.
Canan: You have to accept that things are the way they are. Then it works! If you need help, then let me know!
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Torsten: What happened here?
Nina: What? All good!
Torsten: Hello!
Nina: The children are already in bed. How was your day?
Torsten: So-so. We've got our math tests back.
Nina. And?
Torsten: A six.
Nina: Oh! But that does not count yet, right?
Torsten: Fortunately not. Have I missed anything? Was there a children's birthday party here?
Nina: Nope! Only my first working day, and that was ... It gets a bit more intense than imagined.
Torsten: Wait a minute. What do you mean by that?
Nina: Alex needs more support from me in the coming weeks.
Torsten: I also need your support in the next few weeks. You have to take the children to the daycare center. Otherwise I can forget the math exam.
Nina: I have been at home for five years.
Torsten: I've been going to the evening school for three years.
Nina: Then I'm going to tell Alex that his company goes bankrupt because my husband is taking his Abitur?
Torsten. What? He's broke?
Nina: Not yet.
Torsten: If so, what will you doing?
Nina: Then we have to sell the house. My account is empty. There are no half-day jobs for architects.
Torsten: Except for Alex.
Nina: Exactly! Because we're friends, so you could be happy. The bills do not stop coming just because you want to upgrade your education.
Torsten: Sure, I'm totally happy! I have no say because you earn more money. I just drop out of taking the Abitur.
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Nina: We just get a babysitter.
Torsten: Where should we find a babysitter so easily? (That person) is at home all the time with our children? ....... Please say something!
Nina: Can you help me please? ... I miss my father so much. We did not know how good we had it with him. ... I would call your mother.
Torsten: Please don`t! We still owe her money.
Nina: Right.
Torsten: Canan! The math whiz from my class. She gives me private tuition.
Nina: Canan! Sounds exotic, pretty?
Torsten: Don`t worry! Burka, glasses, beard.
Nina: Aha.
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Nina: Look! … They're all looking for work. She looks nice.
Torsten: You have no idea how many psychos are in the world. I see this every day.
Nina: Yeah, because you're a cop. The people you meet are full-time criminals. But this has nothing to do with reality.
Torsten: I know that face! I have arrested her twice - shoplifting. ... Too much makeup. ... Smokes, most certainly. ... Skirt too short, skirt too long. ... Look at the hair! She has lice. ...... I'm just worried about the children.
Nina: I'll take them to the daycare center tomorrow.
Torsten: Thank you! It is only for three months, then the exams are over. I love you!
Nina: ...  I (love) you too.
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Canan: Cool! A cop-car!
Torsten: It is an exception, I have to work soon.
Canan: Can I sit in front?
Torsten: When I do not arrest you.
Canan: How cool is that?
Torsten: Where shall we go?
Canan: School canteen, it's already open. Wow! Shit! The last time I was driving in such a thing, I sat behind.
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Piet: I have tummy ache.
Ella: That's because of the sweets you gave us yesterday. That is not healthy.
Nina: Alex, I'm on my way. Why did the building authority reject at the time?
........ Bye bye sweeties!
........ I just do not want to make the same mistake twice.
Ines. Nina, can we speak briefly?
Nina: Ines, I'm not constantly on the phone, that's just ...
Ines: You do not have early childcare.
Nina: No, I have to work a little earlier today.
Ines: Sure! But you understand that this can not be a habit. Otherwise I have twenty children here. ... I did not mean it like that.
Nina: Me neither. This is for the "coffee fund".
Ines: But at 4 pm the children have to be picked up. At 16 o'clock at the latest.
Nina: Promised! Thank you very much! ......... Alex!
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Lene: Morning.
Nina: Such a stupid mother has connected her bike with my (bike).
Lene. They believe that the world belongs to them.
Nina: Alex should be here right away.
Lene: Testosterone nebulizes the focus. I want to talk to you alone. ... And, have you never regretted it? Without children, without family? Not afraid of loneliness?
Nina: I'm just concentrating on the work.
Lene: I know that. ... Nevertheless, there are moments ... it is too late for me, but you can still change your opinion. ... When the right one comes.
Nina: Why do I feel like you want to test me?
Lene: Because that's exactly what I'm doing. Before I get someone into my team, I need absolute security. I have to trust my people to 100%.
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
Nina: Gorgeous, the fresh air up here, right? Perfect for children.
Lene: Do you think that a mother who has her wits about one, lets her children up here?
Nina: We build a second barrier, which is 3.50 meters high. We will have a playground, high grass, trees, without street noise, without exhaust fumes.
to be continued …
(I apologize because my English is far from being perfect, so the translation from German to English also is far from being perfect.
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birdofdoom · 7 years
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The poster asked for a fic in which Anna actually lived. They wanted to know what the interaction between Anna, Michael, and Polly would look like. In this chapter, Michael and Anna meet for the first time. They’ll meet Polly in Chapter 2. I had a lot of ideas so it was hard to do a one shot. I’m sorry I have so many ongoing projects. I hope it meets expectations if not just send some feedback and I’d be happy to rewrite it.
PS I am so so so sorry that I’ve taken so long to post. I’ve been pretty ill for the past couple of weeks and it all came to a head last week so I’ve been working on recovering. I’m sorry for the delay and thank you for being patient. I hope you enjoy it. Cheers.
The summer air was sweet. Heather and hollyhock wafted in the wind. Henry was stretched out beneath a lonesome oak tree in the center of a grassy hill. The tree was a remnant of antiquity, gray and gnarled with time. It stood tall creating a massive umbrella of shade, sunshine dappling the young man’s face. The saccharine sting in the air made Henry tired. He could feel his eyelids grow heavy as he drifted in and out of daydreams. The languid afternoon was soon broken. Noxious gasoline fumes and the roar of a car engine ripped through the quiet country town. The beast of a machine belched an air of foreboding, smothering the remnants of freshness in the breeze. Henry propped himself on his forearms to better see the interloper. The car had pulled off on a lane that led to Henry’s knoll. The driver cut the engine. A renewed silence fell over the meadow in a heavy shroud. He watched suspiciously as a man and young girl climbed out of the vehicle and began to make their way to his ancient tree. As the pair approached, Henry stood to meet them and saw the slightest look of recognition in the man’s shrewd gaze. The girl remained ten paces behind, too shy or too cautious to keep pace.   
“How old are you, lad?” Tobacco smoke poured from his mouth as he spoke.
“Seventeen, eighteen in a few weeks time. Why?”
“Do live with a Mrs. Johnson? You go by Henry?”
“Yeah? Can I help you? Why do you ask?”  
There was a pause and Henry could feel anticipation and tension grow. The man inhaled from his cigarette and oozed a sense of cool. The visitors were a welcome distraction in Henry’s dull life. However, the oddity of the man’s questions charged the air with disagreeable intrigue. Henry could feel his cheeks grow red with self-awareness as the man stared at him in appraisal. The silence was long and hung thick in the summer heat. 
“You taken by the Parish?” The man’s words were acrid and blunt.
“What of it? That isn’t any of your concern.” 
“That a ‘yes’?”
Henry felt shame and hurt well in his stomach. Words sunk like lead in his throat. He managed a meek nod.
“Good, lad. I’m round asking because, like you said, you’ll be a man soon. Eighteen. Therefore, it’s your right to know your family and where you come from. I’m here to ensure that right is protected. My name’s Thomas, I’m your cousin. Your mother, Elizabeth Gray, sent me.  She just wants to talk Michael.” Henry quirked his head with suspicion, the name making an intimate moment feel strange. “That’s your real name, Michael Gray, not Henry Johnson. Your sister,” he turned, glancing over his shoulder and gesturing to the small girl, “is on her way to meet your mother now. You have a home with them, if you so choose. Take some time and think on it, Michael. Here,” he handed Henry a small card with a name and address. “You can find them there.” 
Henry couldn’t bring himself to be so blindly accepting. The man ensured that ‘Michael,’ was his true name, but the designation felt melancholic in Henry’s mouth. As he wrapped his mind around the cadence of the syllables, it reminded him of loss. It sat in his mind; alien, unnerving, like an old friend that had grown distant with time. Henry yearned to be reunited with his real family, but distrust chilled any hope at gayety. He needed evidence to know if this girl was his sister and if his birthmother still lived. He needed proof. His eyes were interrogating. The sun stung Henry’s eyes and he squinted to see the girl, sweat prickling at his neck. She had since moved forward to stand at the man’s side.
Her hair was laid into plaits, forming twin sheaves of golden wheat at her shoulders. Like her brother, her eyes seemed to glow with a brilliant celadon sheen. She had that thousand mile stare that ripped through time and space; the kind of look one develops when they’ve seen too much too young. Refugee eyes. Survivor eyes. It was a knowing look, the kind of look that cut through bullshit and silenced emotion. She didn’t seem to see much of anything; rather she just looked past it, through it. Although four years his junior her stare was ancient. He felt exposed and pinned down under her faded jade eyes. They mirrored back to him an imagined understanding of what his father must have looked like. Somewhere deep in that knowing gaze was the galaxy: an abyss of apathy and indifference that revealed her lack of innocence. The kid had seen some shit, and her stoicism showed it. 
Her somber eyes and smooth face were off-putting and unnerving. Her jaw was round and cherubic but her cheeks were gaunt; the jolliness of youth drained by hunger and illness. Her shoes were old and the soles had long since lost their glue; hanging precariously to the leather tops by a few shabby threads. Her dress was well worn. The matching jumper had mismatched patches at the elbow and hem where it had undoubtedly frayed with wear. She was short, but long limbed and gangly thin. He found her to be oddly reminiscent of a rag doll or a marionette with cut strings. She stood, chaos and rapture held at bay behind her silence. 
The omen of a man that brought her to Henry held similar power in his gaze. He was wealthy, as evidenced by the automobile and gold pocket watch. Henry found the man to be reminiscent of Death, handsome and villainous. The man with the posh car walked forward; smoke curling out of his nostrils. Everything about his presence read as sharp. He looked to be more serpent than man. His jaw was chiseled and smooth marble; eyes cerulean and frigid. The dragon wore a smart suit and a peaked cap. He looked beautiful and lethal, otherworldly. As he took an exceptionally long drag from his cigarette, he scanned the two children. Evaluating. Judging. Calculating. Henry could feel his gut turn. He was fascinated and frightened by the two ethereal terrors before him. Both the man and young girl were leviathans wrapped in beautiful faces; devilment only visible in their eyes. He could make out a possible ghost of kinship between the two. However, where her eyes held an opacity of emptiness, his held an icy fire, intense and electrically alive.
Taking another drag, the stranger pulled his hand from his pocket, reaching to hold the girl’s. His hands were scarred and rough but held hers with a tender softness.
“What do you say? He look up to snuff to be your brother?” his voice was smooth and playful, lightening the mood.
“I wouldn’t know, Tommy.” Her voice was like river-glass. 
Henry laughed nervously, realizing he wouldn’t either. He had memories, or rather shadows of memories, of the life he lived before. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Henry reached out his hand to shake hers. Her eyes narrowed.
“I’m sure it is.” The smoking man smirked at her reply. There was an edge in her tone that mirrored the man’s. She was quick-witted and her tongue sharp. “So this is what you got? A fucking home in the country?” Henry could practically taste the bitterness in her tone. “How long?”
“How long what?”
“How long were you a ward of the Parish? How long did you live with the Fathers? Even make it to the workhouse? Nah, I bet they took you in right away to this lovely, house in the country. Isn’t that right, Henry?” Her voice lingered on his name as an accusation, an insult to who he had become.
“It was little over two years.” He could feel the color drain from his face, a wave of nausea ebbing and tainted memories flowing. She nodded in silent agreement. She knew his pain. Henry couldn’t bring himself to imagine how time compounded her experience and trauma. He could feel himself fall into the well of shame and self-loathing that those vile memories slept in. He bit at the inside of his mouth in an attempt to stave off the embarrassment of tears. The girl reached into the pocket of her jumper retrieving a chocolate bar. She unwrapped it with precision and care, looking upon it with reverence. Henry could see that this treat was a treasure, something that she had been saving and protecting. She split the bar into three equal shares, handing one each to the men.
“To coming home.” She lifted the sweet in a mock toast and began eating. Thomas chuckled, halving his own chocolate then handing the pieces to the children. 
“Not one for sweets,” he soothed as tendrils of smoke danced in the still summer air.
Henry was grateful for the chocolate, but even more so for the understanding and care from apparent strangers. They both felt so wraithlike, so terrifying, and yet so nostalgic. The girl knew his secret. She had lived that secret. In their common suffering, she offered him an unspoken sympathy. Tommy checked his pocket watch and turned to face the girl.  
“Right. Into the car.”  He exhaled smoke into the command and it burned sweetly with his rough tambour. The girl walked robotically into the backseat.
“Goodbye then, Anna.” Her head lifted. She slowly turned to catch his gaze. As tears began to roll quietly down her hollowed cheeks, she formed a soft crooked smile in turn. Henry felt his heart soar and sing at her beaming face, surprised at the name tumbling from his tongue. The way her lips hooked slyly to the right mirrored his own. 
“I never said my name was Anna.” Her eyes had turned sharp, taking on the fire and conviction that Henry had seen in Thomas’ gaze. Hope kissed the corners of her cheeks as her smile broadened. In that moment he knew that she was indeed his sister. Something visceral and primal called out. The connection of kinship.
“Come on Michael, it’s just a chat.”
“Alright. Just so long as I’m back by sundown.”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 8 years
Locked In (Part 9)
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Summary: Detective Winchester might have a lead on Sam but it comes at a cost...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Pairing: Detective!Dean x reader
Word Count: 2,200ish
Warnings: language, violence
A/N: So I might have broke my own heart a little while writing the end of this one...
“Hi, Dean,” you said into your phone as you piled the groceries into your trunk. 
“Hi sweetheart. Everything okay?” asked Dean, an edge to his voice.
“Yes,” you said, putting a smile in your words. “Guess what?”
“What?” he said. “I thought I was supposed to take a nap after my relaxing shower by the way.”
“Did you take a relaxing shower, Dean?” you asked. He hummed on the other end.
“Had to use some of your shampoo though. Apparently we’re out of mine,” said Dean and you knew he was rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t want to make you run back inside but-”
“I grabbed you some shampoo and deodorant. You were running low on that too,” you said, climbing into your car.
“Like I said, always taking care of me,” he chuckled. 
“Hold on a sec,” you said, letting your phone sync up with your car so you could go hands free. “So you haven’t guessed yet.”
“Did you pick up steak or something for dinner?” asked Dean, a poof of air in the background telling you he’d flopped down on your bed. Good. The poor boy needed to relax.
“Even better,” you said. “They had it for once.”
“Pecan? They never have pecan,” said Dean, a brief smile probably crossing his lips.
“It’s the little stuff,” you said, pulling out onto the road and getting stuck at one of the few lights in town. “I always catch this red.”
“You have horrible luck,” said Dean, hearing the tease in his voice.
“Alright, I’m gonna...” you trailed off, ready to hang up when you saw it. You’d glanced to your left, knowing this light always took forever and there he was, the face you’d seen a million times on posters and on screens, the one you’d committed to memory.
Henry Anderson.
“Dean, I see him. Anderson, he’s in the car right fucking next to me at this light,” you said, trying not to stare and tip him off.
“What kind of car?” asked Dean, bolting up from the sound of your head board smacking the wall and his feet on the floor.
“Maroon. Sedan. Looks older, maybe early 2000s. I can get a plate if I follow-”
“Do not follow that car, understand me?” said Dean, the light going green and the other car taking off.
“Sorry,” you said, going along after it. You told Dean the plate number and knew he was fuming.
“Fine, you got it,” said Dean. “Now get your ass out of there.”
“What if he’s going to where he has Sam?” you asked. “If you were in my position, you’d follow him.”
“Think about it, Y/N,” said Dean, trying to keep his cool. “He took down, Sam. Giant, strong, badass Sam. Don’t get me wrong, you're a badass in your own right but I cannot risk something happening to you. Please just pull into one of the other stores or something. Please.”
“Dean...” you said, knowing he was heading out of town and you only had a few seconds to make a decision.
“I’m begging you, Y/N. Please,” said Dean, the plead in his voice too strong to ignore. You turned left into the small lot of the hardware store and parked, watching the other car drive off down the road to who knew where.
“I’m in Franklin’s lot,” you said, hands shaking on the wheel. “I need to...I need to calm down before I can drive again.”
“I’ll come get you. Be there in five,” said Dean.
“You don’t have to,” you said, hearing him throw open your closet door and grab some clothes.
“I want to. I’ll get you and we’ll go to the station and...” Dean said but you stopped paying attention and looked out into the distance. 
“I think...I think the car is coming back Dean,” you said, grabbing your phone and stepping outside to get a better look.
“Do not...did you get out of your car?” Dean asked, his voice raising as you shut your door.
“Well there’s a bunch of trees and shit in the way! I-” you said, walking over to the passenger side to peer around the shrubs.
“Get the fuck back in your car and drive to the station. That’s an order,” said Dean, things slamming in the background.
“I’ll just go in Franklin’s,” you said, turning around and pretending to grab your purse from the passenger side door as the car came closer. “It’ll look fucking weird if I just get back...”
“Y/N?” you heard Dean shout as you took a step towards the end of your car. 
“He’s pulling into the fucking parking lot. What the fuck do I do?” you asked, knowing you were panicking. Dean was telling you to calm down and just get in your car but you already knew he’d seen you. “Oh shit.”
“Y/N!” Dean shouted through the phone as you scrambled into your car, the maroon one not pulling into a space but instead coming to a stop behind yours, blocking you in.
“I’m in the damn car and he’s blocked...oh God he’s getting out of the car,” you said, climbing into the drivers seat and turning the engine on.
“Put it in reverse and gun it,” said Dean. You did as told but there’s was no space for you even back up into and get some kind of momentum going. There was a solid cement wall in front of you that gave you no other option. “Y/N?”
“I’m fucked,” you said, Anderson standing a few feet away from your door with an amused look. 
“I radio’d Bryce. There should be someone there in two minutes, sweetheart,” said Dean, the sound of Baby’s engine revving in the background. “I’m coming for you.”
“Dean...” you said, watching as he walked over and curled his finger, telling you to get out. “It’s a maroon car and he was heading west, towards a bunch of the old farmhouses. That’s probably where Sam is...where I’ll be if I’m lucky.”
“Y/N, I am not letting this psycho get you too,” said Dean. You heard him wince in time with you as Anderson used a crowbar and smashed through your window. “Y/N!”
“Sorry darlin’ but you’re coming with me,” said Anderson, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you out of your car. You swung your right fist and connected with his jaw. You put up a pretty decent fight actually and managed to scamper away at one point. “I’m done playing,” he said, grabbing you and tossing you to the ground.
You could still hear Dean shouting through your phone as you saw the fist come down and you knew he was about to enter a whole new level of Hell.
“Rise and shine darlin’,” said a voice that made your skin crawl. You were groggy from being knocked out and stumbled on your feet as you were pulled out of a trunk. 
“Mmphf hmf,” you mumbled under the tape over your mouth. 
“Was that supposed to be a ‘Fuck you’? I don’t tolerate that kind of language,” he said, shoving you over so you feel on your arms bound behind your back. He kneeled down over you before holding up a knife. “Behave. I’m not sure if I want to kill you yet or not. I think Sam might be happier with a friend though. We’ll see.”
It was nighttime by now and you couldn’t see that well but knew at least your farmhouse theory had been correct. You were led inside and down a musty hall and then another before coming to a door that looked reinforced. Anderson undid a few bolts and the door flung open. The two of you went down a set of stairs to find a mostly empty basement.
Apart from Sam laying on a mattress in the corner facing the wall, something on his ankle tethering him to the spot.
“Hiya Sammy,” said Anderson and you saw the shake run through Sam’s body. God, you hoped Dean could find the two of you quick. “Brought you a present.”
“Go away,” said Sam quietly, still in his now filthy pajamas from over a week ago. 
“Stop calling me that!” Sam shouted as he spun around and sat up. His gaze landed on you and everything in his demeanor changed. “Let her go.”
“Sam, I can’t do that. She saw me,” said Anderson, leading you over to the corner opposite Sam and pushing you down.
“Let. Her. Go,” said Sam. Your captor looked more than a little surprised at Sam’s tone.
“Here I thought you were starting to be good for me, Sammy,” he said, wrapping something around one of your ankles before releasing you. You ripped the tape off your mouth and went to throw another punch but he’d barely given you enough room to lay down and he was quickly out of reach. “Teach her the rules. Next time she’s out of line, either of you are out of line, you both get it.”
Sam didn’t retort as he watched the man walk back up the stairs and lock the door behind him. 
“Are you okay?” you asked, standing and trying to take a step over to him but finding your foot catch. You tugged on it but it was a thick industrial cable you wouldn’t be getting it off anytime soon.
“Not really,” said Sam, shifting over to be as close as he could. “Probably not what you wanted to hear.”
“No, but I wasn’t expecting you to say you were having the time of your life,” you said, forcing a smile on your face.
“You look like you were in a bar fight. Dean’d be proud,” said Sam, reaching over with one of his long arms to wipe some blood away from your face.
“Dean’ll kill me if this guy doesn’t,” you said, using your shirt to wipe your face off as best you could. “I was stupid and followed the car when I saw it was Anderson.”
“You weren’t stupid, Y/N,” said Sam, putting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Yes I was. If I hadn’t followed it, he never would have seen me. Dean is going to murder me when he finds us,” you said, looking around. If Sam hadn’t found a way out yet you certainly weren’t going to.
“First off, you were trying to save me so relax. It’s my fault this happened anyways,” said Sam, letting his hand slip away.
“No it’s not. It’s mine,” you said, turning to see Sam with a sad smile.
“Don’t go all Dean on me Y/N. When I say my fault...” said Sam, rubbing his hands against his head. “This guy is a fucking psycho, wants me to be his kid or family or something. Well, I’ve already got one with you and Dean so I told him to go screw himself. He said earlier today he was going to go get me something to try and make me happy. I really don’t think you followed him, Y/N. I think he was waiting to get you alone so he could take you too. I think...I think he was coming after you whether you knew it or not.”
“If that’s true, it’s still not your fault. It’s no one’s fault,” you said, turning over your scratched up hands. 
“Were you getting close? To finding this place?” asked Sam. You shook your head, even if you thought Dean might have a chance now. It could take ages to find you and you didn’t want Sam to have false hope. It wasn’t like there weren’t about fifty farms heading west or anything. “I just want to go home.”
“Dean’ll save us. I just hope he doesn’t lose himself along the way when he does.”
Dean’s POV
“Detective Winchester?” asked Bryce, handing me a cup of coffee as I sat behind Y/N’s desk.
“Thanks, rookie,” I said, taking the styrofoam cup from him. I downed most of it in one shot, even if it burned and had no cream or sugar. Y/N always put those in for me. I couldn’t think about stuff like that if I was getting them back. 
“They aren’t going to take you off the case,” said Bryce, looking around to the outside officers who were working away at developing a search plan.
“Conflict of interest much? They barely let me stay on when it was just Sam. Y/N too? They’re afraid I’m going to go in guns blazing,” I said, finding Y/N’s stress ball off her desk and squeezing it hard. “Fuck, Bryce, I don’t even know if she’s alive.”
“It’s Y/N. She isn’t going down without a fight,” said Bryce, pulling over a chair and taking a seat nearby. “Come on. We’ll stop at the diner for a quick dinner and then come back.”
“Bryce, I don’t need-”
“Excuse me but I wasn’t exactly asking, Detective Winchester,” said Bryce, crossing his arms. “You going to let me take care of you like Y/N and Sam would want or are you going to stew and make things worse?”
“Thanks Cas,” I said after a moment, seeing the confused look on Bryce’s face. “What? You didn’t think I knew your last name or something Castiel?”
“I just...you always call me rookie or Bryce,” he said, running a hand through his short black hair.
“If you’re going to insist on calling me Detective Winchester at work then I should start calling you Officer Castiel. You’re not a rookie anymore. Not after this,” I said. 
“Thanks Dean,” he said. “You’ve got to be the strangest best friend I’ve ever had.”
“Come on,” I said standing up, trying not to let it show that no one had ever called me their best friend before. No one apart from the two people who were depending on me to save them. “Let’s grab a bite and then get back to work.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
A/N: Read part 10 here!
@anokhi07 @xxwinchester-22xx @charliebradbury1104 @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose @youwerelikeadream @drugpug@darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis @tanithlowisabamf @smoothdogsgirl @dancingalone21 @ktrivia @demonic-meatball  @oaisara @feelmyroarrrr  @illisea @cojootromuelle @gallifreyansass@fangirl1802 @angelwingsandsupernaturalthings @itstheprincess@casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass@mogaruke@secretlyfurrydragon @perpetualabsurdity @ria132love@heycassbutt-67@aingealcethlenn @docharleythegeekqueen  @missmotherhen@smacklesandstretch67 @ceeceewinchester  @tumblinwith-me @xfanqirlinq@heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou @hey-um-misha @bennyyh @nikolanna  @nerdwholikesword@deanwnchstr @under-general-asthetics @the-infamous-duckasaurus@benjerry707   @fernwinchester326 @lean-mean-sam-and-dean  @thisistheonly-nameleft  @acreativelydifferentlove @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @lovelife-tothefullest @deanandsamsbitch @alyeskandragon
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The Forgotten of History: The Two Knights of Haverforth (Part 2 of 3)
“Will you two stop playing your games?” Monty chastised Cobalt, rocking the boat while standing to wave at a black raven flying overhead. The ocean was calm and quiet, every so often a wind would come by, blowing the sails little by little further onto the open sea. There were hardly any clouds in the sky, and against the pure blue backdrop, a single black raven circled over the boat, cawing every so often. Cobalt laughed as she did, almost teetering over the edge of the small sailboat. His copper hair had been wet by the sea, and the sleeves of his white shirt were rolled tightly against his arms as he waved. He had no shoes on, and the wood of the boat felt awkward against his toes, but he stood nonetheless.
“She’s helping us find land, Monty, I would take the sour look of your face,” he said, still grinning and waving. “It’s not like she’s cursed you — recently — what do you have to be mad about?” As Cub asked him the question, Monty pulled his cloak over his face groaning. Another fight he did not want to have.
“Nothing, Cub, I’ve got nothing to be mad about. She’s a wonderful blood-mage. It’s not like she’s the reason we’re fugitives, or that we had to commit a plurality of regicides, or that this boat smells like the aftermath of a boy’s first time at a brothel,” Cobalt looked away, blushing. “Plus every once in awhile she puts a nasty little spell on me,” Monty continued.
“Hey, that last one was your own fault. And she made it up to you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Still, an inch on the tip is not worth a week of living as a goat.”
“You were a nice goat.”
“Shut up, Cub.”
The raven signaled overhead and the boys noticed a small spit of land near them; it was an island covered in trees that looked foreign to the young men, but showed no immediate signs of human life. The sun was high overhead, and the boys’ stomachs were empty, and they decided that whatever the island held, it most likely had some source of food. They pulled out the paddles and splashed them quickly into the water. Coming up on the shore of the island, they dismounted and took their first steps on solid ground in a couple days. They had been traveling for weeks — maybe months, they never counted — stopping now and then to get food or sleep on solid ground. The raven had been leading them for the past few days, insisting that they not stop, until they reached this island. The raven, swooping down from above, landed next to them and began to grow. Her feathers fell to the ground as her claws melded into human feet, her legs elongating and growing into muscular, feminine legs that led up to a curvaceous but and soft thighs. Her wings began to cling to themselves, changing into thin arms, and her chest extended and formed her shapely bosom. Her beak seemed to implode against her face, revealing a sharp nose and the raven eyes shifted only slightly to reveal her natural countenance. She had long, dark, maroon hair that reached to the small of her back. Sunlight seemed to curve as it hit her, making her appear both translucent and shiny as she stood on the beach.
“Hello, Fay. What is it you want from us?” Monty asked the raven-turned-woman, who was stretching out her arms and legs along the sandy shore. She turned to him, as if pretending to just notice him.
“Do I need a reason to visit my two favorite guys?” The witch returned, causing Cub to blush, sticking his hands in his pocket, and Monty to roll his eyes. “Now that you mention it, though, there is a teensy little thing that I could use some help with.” Fay waved her finger and the sandy beach swirled around her, the material becoming more compact as it clung to her skin, forming a tannish sundress that fell to just above her knees. Tan was not really her color, she noted, but she would have to make do until darker material came along. “There’s a tome in the Daring Cave, just offshore of the Red Castle. It’s rumored to hold the secret to eternal life. I can’t speak for you two, but that’s a secret I would not mind knowing.” “Eh, not interested,” Monty replied, and looked to Cub, who looked back with confusion. “Forever really isn’t something I need to see, just give me my time here with my mate — and occasionally his bitch — and I’m happy.”
“I think eternal life could be fun,” Cobalt said, seeing the anger fume off of Fay’s face. H put his hand on Monty’s shoulder. “Think about it, wandering the sea, together, with the open sky and wind against our faces. Learning to do magic: there’ll be enough time, finally!” Cobalt laughed. “Honing your swordsmanship, sleeping with beautiful maidens across the lands. Think of it, Monty, we could be known as heroes, legends, gods.” He made a glance at Fay, who was nodding along.
“You might be the first person ever,” Montgomery replied, “to be seeking immortality for the sole purpose of getting laid by a witch.”
“Not just getting laid by a witch, getting laid by a witch for all eternity,” Cobalt corrected him. He winked at Fay, who laughed into her hand, and the harshness of her face evaporated. She was cute when she wasn’t angry, Cub always said, the problem was that she was always angry. “Besides, it can’t hurt to know where it is, in case you ever change your mind,” he reasoned, as Monty reluctantly nodded in agreement.
“Why did you bring us to this island then, witch?” Monty asked.
“There’s someone here I need to meet with, before we go,” Fay answered, and began to trek into the woods. Cobalt turned to Monty and shrugged; Monty replied with a passive aggressive comment concerning the skill of Fay in bed, causing Cub to turn, blush, and chase after her into the woods.
“Welcome to the long lost village of Odabo,” Fay told the two knights of Haverforth as they walked into a quaint little village, consisting of wood huts of various sizes and small, dark children playing in the street with an oaken wheel. “Well, it’s not really long lost. Not yet, anyway. For it to be lost, someone’s got to lose it. I fashion it will be me that drops it somewhere and never comes back.” Cub nodded along as Monty rolled his eyes. “Nonetheless, a year or two ago I was wandering around this area looking for some old magic, and,” she paused in front of a large, wood-and-straw hut that, unlike the other homes, was built into a point at the top, almost like a gothic style building, “I found it.” She pushed open the doors and stepped in, motioning the two knights to stand outside. Monty scoffed.
“Oh come now, you’re having fun,” Cub informed him. “Stop being so prissy. What’s your problem with her anyway?” “My problem, Cub, is that she never tells us what her plans are; we just have to move blindly forward, accepting her every word. What if she’s leading us to a death trap?”
“She’d never do that, Monty. We’re friends.”
“Friends?” “Friends. Occasionally a bit more. Once or twice a lot more. Oh and this one time-”
“I’m actually in Hell.”
“No, mate, we’ve been to Hell before, remember?”
“Ah yes, the whole Lenten season a few years back. It’s where you got your sword.”
“Well, before I lost it.”
“I will never understand how you lost the Demon Sword of Rochta III. It was huge.” “It was dark in the cave and the sword was black and I wasn’t going to risk pricking myself on that thing, it eats souls!”
“You’re a moron.” “Im a moron who still has a soul.”
“Do you really want immortality?” Monty asked, and Cub’s smile faded.
“I’m really neither here nor there on it. Do I think it’d be cool? Sure. Is it a very long commitment? Yeah. I’m sure the process is reversible though, should it get too dull. But with you there, that shouldn’t be a problem. We have fun, right?”
“Yes, Cub, we have fun.” “Well, why not have it for eternity?”
Just then, the door to the temple-hut flew open, with Fay stepping quickly out.
“Did you get what you needed?” They asked.
“Yes,” she replied.
“What was it?” Monty pressed.
“The future.”
“And what is the future?”
“We sail, we fight, we win, we live,” Fay said, assuming a pompous countenance.
“Ah, so the usual then?” Cobalt commented.
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A kiss never forgotten
*Chap 1: A drunken night*
*Chap 2: A blurred night*
*Chap 3: The bath house*
*Chap 4: A Thousand pieces*
*Chap 5: Heart beat*
*Chap 6: Surprise*
*Chap 7: Sunsets, trees and you*
*Chap 8: What now?*
*Chap 9: Healing the unfixable*
*Chap 10: So, this is it?*
*Chap 11: What now?*
Chap 12: Kids and kisses
Naruto was anxious, his breathe unsteady. This would be the first time seeing his kids since the official break up, and from what Hinata had said on the phone both of them had no intention of speaking with him or Hinata. Naruto wasn’t sure how to handle a situation like this, he was as confused as they were. On top of all this commotion, Sasuke had been out on a mission for a couple days and Naruto was missing his warmth and snickering smile.
Naruto looked towards the desk in his room were his hokage cloak hanged cleaned and untouched. Kakashi had agreed to fill in for Naruto until he was back on his feet, with Shikamaru also helping him Naruto knew the village was in safe hands. He didn’t like taking time off; to be Hokage means to fully devote yourself to the protection of the people. But he just didn’t have it in him, his energy felt drained and his heart felt enormously heavy in his chest.
He knew his kids were going to be an issue, on top of that, he was unsure when to announce that fact that he was dating Sasuke, well actually was he? Neither of them had talked about it yet, they just drunkenly confessed their bottled love for each other. But Sasuke nor Naruto had yet said the ‘boyfriend’ or ‘dating’ word, which made Naruto extremely frantic and scared that Sasuke could leave and expect Naruto to have known it was casual from the beginning.
Naruto let the thought slide into the back of his mind, right now his kids were his priority, then Konoha and lastly Sasuke. He couldn’t let that dark haired, extremely handsome, eyes made of dark gold that could consume you in one glance…”God dammit Naruto. GET YOUR SELF TOGETHER! This is no time to be thinking about Sasuke.”
With a quick lecture to himself, he was out the door and off to see his children for the first time. He was determined to make them understand that this changed nothing, that Naruto would be the father they needed. He stepped outside to be greeted with a cool gentle breeze, a refreshing start to his morning. The trees rustles in the distance as the wind brushed fallen leaves across his feet. Naruto took in a deep breathe, ready to take on the day.
Naruto sees a door he is all too familiar with. That door was considered the entry to his home for years, and now he was a stranger to this door which left his chest feeling heavy. As much as Naruto was happy in the choice to call it quits with Hinata, he missed coming home to his children a great deal. He only wished with time, that he could start a new family, one that could include all those he cared about.
Naruto started pondering this dream of having a big family with Sasuke. Having Boruto, Himawari and Sarada all in the same house hold with Hinata and Sakura also being a part of this family, and being happy for Sasuke and Naruto. But dreams are not reality and Naruto surely knew that.
Naruto knocked on the door. The handle swiftly turned to reveal a house which he could no longer could call home. “Hinata, how have you been?” “I have been okay Naruto, but it’s been very hard on the kids. They refuse to eat or come out of their rooms, I don’t know what to do. They barely want to talk to me, and they refuse to go with you next week. I am so torn Naruto, I knew it would be hard, but… not like this.” Tears started to fall down Hinata’s cheeks, automatically Naruto went to hug her and tend to her tears. As he wiped away the last tear Naruto realised he was hugging Hinata, he wasn’t sure if Hinata would want them to be so close after being divorced for nearly a week.
“Hinata, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to invade your space.” “No Naruto, it’s okay. Thank you. I do care for you Naruto and no mater our divorce, I will always wish for your happiness. So being civil and generally caring for each other, is the way I wish we could be.” “We can be like that Hinata, that’s what I have been thinking as well. I just wished that we can be one big happy extended family at the end of the day.”
Naruto held his tongue before he could slip in the part of adding Sasuke, Sarada and Sakura to the addition. He took off his shoes and walked into the room that filled him with familiar scents, a smell he didn’t realised he missed till that moment.
Naruto patted Hinata on the shoulder assuring her with silent words that this would be okay. He let himself take in a deep breath giving him enough courage to walk upstairs and enter the games room.
Naruto opened the door slowly and quietly. He stepped inside without a word. Steadily he knelt all the way down the ground. By this moment both Himawari and Boruto had noticed his presence. Both children stayed in their place far away from Naruto. As Naruto started kneeling down, Himarwi and Boruto’s expressions grew more confused. Mixed emotions surfaced both of their faces, but Boruto showed more signs of anger. “Kids, I want you to listen. Don’t interrupt me until I am done. Got it?”
Both kids unwillingly replied with a stubborn “hmph” with forced nods of approval to allow Naruto his time to speak. Naruto had a small smile of gratitude, but also didn’t lower his ‘dad’ figure just yet. “Kids, I want you to know that me and mum did not do this to hurt you, we love you more than words can describe. We are doing this for our happiness, both of us have been extremely unhappy and have tried our best to make this work. I want you know that me and mum are still friends, we are happy in our choice, and I know this will take time to understand but we hope you guys can help make this easier for me and mum.” Naruto looked into both of their eyes for moment. Sadness filled the air, but there was an under-layer of understanding.
“We love you, and we will try to make you two happy separately. I know as well I haven’t been the best dad, but I plan on spending a lot more time with both of you, I want to make sure I don’t make the same mistakes as many fathers have in the past, which is concentrating so much on my job and not having any time for my kids.” Naruto started to tear up, something he rarely did in front of his children. Both Boruto and Himawari were shocked by the scene that played before them. Himawari was the first to jump up and run to her crying father.
Himawari embraced every inch of Naruto, letting her tears fall onto her arm as she attempted to squeeze harder. 1 minute later Boruto walked towards Naruto, looked him in the eye and smiled. “Dad, I promise I will surpass you and make you proud, no matter what. I will be the best ninja their ever was, and this isn’t going to stop me, just you watch!” Naruto let out a small chuckle. Boruto jumped into the pile of mushy hugs and tears, until time had seemed to slip away.
By the time Naruto left his old home, he felt bitter sweet. Progressed had been made and both of the kids had seemed to simmer down. He managed to get them to eat dinner and agree to try and make this work. Hinata seemed ecstatic over the progress and Himawari and Boruto ended up apologizing and smothering Hinata in hugs for a solid 20 minutes. Naruto was glad he left on a positive note, but what rang clear in his head was the fact that he was leaving. That sinking feeling hit him hard, and the realism that he was no longer part of that house and part of the picture was the thing that caused knives to dive into his heart and make him feel utterly powerless. As much as things with Hinata were never well off, Naruto valued family, he loved the idea of family. Seeming as he never had one when he was young, he loved to believe he could create a loving happy family. To see it fade away after years was as disheartening as having to leave after dinner to his separate home.
Naruto was sure that one day he would achieve that paradise he was looking for. A place were all his happy places finally met. “Heaven.” The only word that rang in Naruto’s mind for the next ten minutes was heaven. A place Naruto is sure he still hasn’t seen and he feared how his heart would cope if he was ever so lucky to be taken there.
Naruto walked to his home, which was some bland space he was renting out for the mean time. The room had no life or colour to it, the walls were painting grey and most of the furniture was either a dull black or grey to match the walls. Every time he stepped inside he felt his heart sink a little bit more. He was so desperately happy sitting on a table eating dinner with his children, he was even happy to have Hinata there. The energy in the room felt warm and genuine, nothing fake nor manufactured. It felt organic and Naruto craved to stay longer. But Boruto and Himawari had to go to bed and once they left Naruto felt like a slice of his heart went with them.
Naruto changed into his hokage uniform, finally deciding it was time to make an appearance at his work place, but he was determined to set up rules and boundaries that allowed him to spend more time with his children. He was going to keep his promise this time around.
Naruto stepped outside his depressive apartment, with his colourful hokage uniform ready to become everything he promised his children he would be. As he locked the door behind him, he could notice a black figure down the corridor. Instantly Naruto’s chakra kicked in, his senses had doubled and his hair stood on edge. The black figure creeped closer and closer. Every step closer Naruto would slowly get closer to his kunai.
“Now look at this, has the hokage finally returned from his slumber? I heard you’ve been slacking off whilst I was working hard.” Naruto was full of 100 emotions. He knew that voice like the back of his hand, but he was fuming at the black figure for scaring the living day lights out of him. “You scared the shit out of me Sasuke, what the hell are doing here two days early?” The black figure immerged into the light, revealing a porcelain man that never looked better in ninja uniform. “Is that a proper hello to your boyfriend?”
Naruto was gone at this point, if the man spinning a kunai around his finger walking sensually toward him wasn’t enough, then the fact that Sasuke just used the words ‘boyfriend’ had definitely done it. Naruto honestly believes he blanked out for a moment, because the last thing he remembers is standing by his door way.
Naruto’s reflexes were so quick that in less than a second he had Sasuke pinned to a wall, his eyes glowed neon blue in the dark corridor. Sasuke smiled cheekily, knowing his taunting was stirring up Naruto. “You missed me that bad, huh?” “You wish.” Naruto let his lips skim Sasuke’s without actually pressing down. He knew how the game was played and he was prepared to win. “Tch, you tease.” “You have to wine and dine me before you get any of this. Wise words from a very sexy friend of mine.”
“Friend?” Sasuke’s eyes seemed pent up with both rage and lust for the man who was slowly walking away back into the light of the street. “You heard me lover boy. Friend. We shall see how well you wine and dine now that you are back.” Before Naruto could fully cross the light that separated him from the street Sasuke had him pinned down harshly against a brick wall. He spared no expense of chakra seeming as half the bricks split into pieces and started crumbling on the floor.
“You’re paying for that.” “Tch, gladfully.” In an instant Sasuke’s lips were digging deep onto Naruto’s, the kiss was hot and heavy with steam circulating between the two men. The kiss sooner or later lead to a full make out session, with the world around them becoming a blurred hot mess. Naruto didn’t hear the street that was centimetres away from him, he didn’t sense the bricks which pressed against his shirt and he sure as hell didn’t sense a living soul around them, besides the one that currently held his heart on a silver platter. Naruto twisted and turned with Sasuke, digging his fingers deeply into his hair. He didn’t want this bliss to end, but alas it was Sasuke who pulled away with half lid eyes full of raging lust. “So still a friend?” “Hm, border line.” Naruto winked at Sasuke, but this motion just turned Sasuke into a full on monster.
“Look here Hokage, if you wish to keep this friendly, I can do that, but let me tell you. If we start this war, you will have to do a lot more than wine and dine me to get anything out of me.” “Wooooh, isn’t someone a bit upset I won’t call them my boyfriend? Fine boyfriend Uchiha, wish to join me for drinks?” Sasuke had a soft and triumphant smile on his face but suddenly turned a soft shade of pink. “Uh Naruto, you might have to wait, I still have a bit of a situation down there.” Naruto followed Sasuke’s eyes and then was struck with the fact that both of them were quite turned on from that. “Yer, agreed.”
Naruto embarrassingly laughed it off, until their bodies turned stone cold as the finally noticed they weren’t alone. Naruto and Sasuke turned around to look who was down the corridor firmly leaning against the wall with a book in his hand. “Kakashi?”
“Hello.” Naruto gulped down painfully, terrified of exactly what he heard and what he saw. “Uh Kakashi, how much of that did you see?”
“Enough. To be honest I’m not that surprised, I am madder that I have been doing your job whilst you are here making out.” “Hey! Sasuke just got here from a mission!” “Hm, I know he came to me first, thinking you would be there. As soon as he saw me he went from showing actual human emotion to stone cold bitch once again. So naturally I was curious where he was going in such a rush and alas I found him here.” Naruto didn’t know what to feel, he was terrified of all this coming out to soon for Hinata and the kids to handle, he was desperate to plea with Kakashi, to keep his mouth shut.
“Now, I will keep quiet about all this, if you buy me dinner and the new icha-icha paradise/tactics book.” Sasuke coldly asked back “is that all your highness?” “Uh Mr. Uchiha, I would be careful speaking like that to me I do hold a big leverage over you so be nice to your sensie.” Sasuke just let out an irritated huff, unwilling to partake in Kakashi’s games, but Naruto would do anything to keep him quiet.
*The ramen shop hadn’t seen the dynamic 3 eating together in a long time. And by god, was it not like the old days. There was a loud and vibrant Naruto trying to fill the air with conversation, a moody Sasuke who did not want to be there and lastly Kakashi who was extremely content with his new book and free bowl of ramen, enjoying the power he obtained over the two. All that was missing was a flirtatious Sakura, which is convenient, because tables have turned and Naruto wants him 100 times more than she ever did back in the day. Having the two fight over Sasuke’s attention would surely make for an interesting dinner*
*Chap 13: Its time*
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Dreams and Visions (42/51): The Eventual Appearance of a Carriage, pt. 2
Time Period: BBC
Chapter Summary:  Kitty and Stan have yet another question for Sherlock, and a storm brings a new member to the Baker Street Clan.
Note:  This is about a year and a half after the last chapter.
Read it on AO3
           “And how’s Mrs. Hopkins?” John asked.
           He was on the phone with Stan as Sherlock typed up their latest case (ever since they got married, their readers had begged for both of them to post about cases to compare them. Sherlock obliged, though he still got stroppy when people said John’s writing was more ‘relatable’).
           “Kitty’s doing well—she took Lily and Jacob shopping for Christmas presents today for their families.” Stan paused a minute. “We were thinking of dropping in later, is that alright?”
           “Sure. We’ll just have to hide the ponies we got you.”
           “Da, no, I wanted a hippopotamus,” Stan groaned.
           John shook his head. “See you soon, son.”
           “We’ll be over in an hour or so,” Stan said before he hung up.
           “What was that about?” Sherlock asked.
           “I dunno,” John answered. “They just want to drop in.”
           Sherlock put his laptop down. “If it was just dropping in, then why didn’t they just do it? They’re home now, they live just down the road. No, something’s up.”
           John frowned. “He seemed alright. I don’t think it’s a row or anything.”
           Sherlock went back to his typing. “Perhaps it’s money troubles.”
           “I don’t think it’s that. Suppose we’ll just have to wait.”
           They didn’t have to wait long. Less than twenty minutes later Stan and Kitty walked in, bundled up against the ridiculous snow storm outside.
           Sherlock put his laptop aside. “What is it?”
           “Sherlock, at least say hello,” John scolded. “Hello, you two. What is it?”
           Kitty bit her lip. “Can we…I can’t do it, you ask them.”
           “How the hell am I going to explain any better?”
           “How about you both sit down and spit it out,” Sherlock suggested. He and John sat in their chairs, pulled close to the sofa.
           Kitty took Stan’s hand. “Well, I’m in my thirties.”
           “Yes, we noticed that your last birthday.”
           Kitty didn’t even smile. “And…well, I’m getting a bit older, and we thought that if we wanted to have…I mean we’re doing alright now and…”
           “We’re thinking about having a child,” Stan interrupted.
           “Really?” John couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face. “That’s wonderful! So what’s the prob—oh.”
           Stan’s eyes went wide. “Did you just—Da, did you just forget?”
           John covered his face with his hands. “I’m so, so sorry.”
           Stan laughed. “Not at all; that means the hormones are really working.” He stroked his beard. “Anyways I…well, I can’t. We can’t have our own baby.”
           “So are you thinking adoption, or…”
           “We thought about it, but we’re not exactly Mike and Molly.” Kitty smiled a little sadly. “I don’t think even Uncle Mycroft could forge enough documents to make us look like suitable parents, especially when there are so many couples that are infertile.”
           “You’ll be brilliant parents,” John said gruffly. “Don’t be stupid.”
           “If I can halfway manage it, you two can,” Sherlock added.
           “You do a bit more than halfway, Da,” Stan replied. “But Kitty’s right—I don’t think adoption is something we’ll be able to do. At least not right now.”
           “So…a donor, then?”
           “Yeah. Molly was very kind and got me an exam so we won’t be wasting any time—I’m fertile enough that it hopefully won’t take too many tries. We started looking through potential donors today.”
           “Do you want us to do some background checking?” John asked. “I’m sure we can hack in—”
           “Da, that’s illegal!”
           “John, we can deduce the pertinent information from the file anyways.”
           “Okay, shut up you lot!” Kitty was suddenly very tense. “The problem is…well, we couldn’t find anyone we liked. Not really.”
           “You’ll find someone,” John comforted her.
           Kitty met his eyes. “What if…we already have?”
           John froze.
           “I know…I know it’s a lot to ask, and I swear, it’ll be mine and Stan’s baby, you can be involved as little or as much as you want—”
           “Kitty,” John stopped her. “You want one of us to donate?”
           “If you wouldn’t mind.” Kitty looked desperately hopeful. “Then I know—it won’t be a stranger, and I won’t be worrying the whole time, and you could count it as a million Christmas presents—”
           John swept her into a tight hug. “We won’t count it as one,” he promised, voice thick. He turned to look at Sherlock. “Suppose we’ll have to flip for it, right love?”
           Sherlock had gone very still. “Why bother? You’re the obvious choice.”
           “What are you talking about?” John let go of Kitty. “You’ve got more to offer than me in terms of good genes.”
           Sherlock laughed. It wasn’t a happy sound. “Ah yes, borderline sociopathic tendencies, addictive tendencies…”
           “Impeccable family medical history, tall, attractive, amazingly intelligent…” John took his husband’s hand. “Dear, don’t be stupid. It looks bad on you.”
           Sherlock turned to their children. “You can’t tell me you don’t have a preference.”
           “Only for cosmetic reasons. John looks more like Stan. But…” Kitty tapped her face. “I think there are certain genes that are just going to overwhelm the others. I don’t mind either way. And just to stop either of you worrying, think about it like this. If one of you was a woman, and you were having a baby, you couldn’t control which person the baby takes its genes from anyways.”
           “Excellent point,” John agreed, not letting go of Sherlock’s hand. “Right let’s say this—we’re both willing. We should probably do some tests of our own, make sure that both of us are able.”
           Stan blushed. “Yeah. Um, no rush or anything.”
           “We’ll let you know by Christmas,” John promised.
           “Now go home or your scallops will have been in the freezer too long,” Sherlock said, waving his hand.
            Kitty and Stan leapt up. “Damn it!” They rushed out the door, calling hurried thanks over their shoulders.
           John glared at Sherlock. “You guessed.”
           “No, Kitty had the receipt sticking out of her purse.” Sherlock’s gaze unfocused, and John sighed. He got up and sat on Sherlock’s lap. “Sherlock Holmes, don’t ever say something like that again.”
           “You’d be a much better father than me.”
           “Dear, we are fathers, remember? And that was by our children’s choice—they didn’t need to pick us.” John was still proud of that, still in awe that people like Kitty and Stan wanted him in their lives at all, much less as a parent.
           Sherlock leaned his head against John’s chest. “But we didn’t have a chance to fuck their start up.”
           “No.” John paused. “But Sherlock, think about Kitty’s biological family. From what she’s told us, they’re quite fortunate they’re dead and out of our reach. But she’s brilliant with kids.”
           “And she’ll make a wonderful mother.” Sherlock was quiet for a minute, playing with John’s fingers. “So if she has the courage—”
           “You can too,” John finished. He kissed the top of Sherlock’s head. “Anyways, we’ll be the grandfathers. It’s our job to spoil the little one.”
           Sherlock cracked a smile at that. “I suppose.” He looked over his shoulder at the table. “Well, I have the necessary equipment to do those tests you mentioned.”
           John smirked. “Tonight?”
           Sherlock wrapped his arms around John’s neck. “Why not?” he replied, dropping his voice an octave. “Could be rather fun.”
           Of course the test didn’t solve anything, and there were several more arguments before it was eventually settled. John did have to fight hard to convince Sherlock that Kitty and Stan would prefer actual baby clothes to the…physical proof of John’s donation.
           Years after, when he confided in Kitty, Kitty told him that deduction was exactly correct.
           It took two tries, but Kitty was pregnant by April. Pregnancy was hard on her, but she refused to let it show, up for consulting at all hours until Stan put his foot down.
           “I’m not having you get ill when you’re already taxing your body,” he told her. “Relax. The world isn’t going to end because you can’t consult.”
           Kitty fumed, but she eventually gave in, helped along by Mycroft agreeing to step in. She spent most of her maternity leave at Molly’s, looking after the children. Stan painted the spare bedroom a bright, cheerful jungle, with animals peeking out from the trees.
           Sherlock said nothing about the inaccuracies of having only happy, cheerful herbivores.
           Kitty was due in the middle of December, but John and Sherlock got a frantic call from Stan the last day of November. “She’s in labour!” he gasped. “And she thinks the baby’s coming now!”
           They were out the door before Stan finished talking, out into a wild winter storm.
           Kitty was indeed in labour, face rigid with pain. Stan held Kitty’s hand tight while Sherlock dialled Molly and Mike. John settled her comfortably on their bed and starting preparing for a home delivery.
           It was over before Mike and Molly could get there with pain relief and paramedics, but John never forgot that hour. He’d treated friends and family before, treated Sherlock with hands that stayed steady until it was over, but this was something different. This pain had a purpose; the real agony had been the years of suffering his daughter had endured, the despair his son had felt. It was terrifying, delivering without tools, in a still messy bedroom, but somehow John knew everything was going to be alright.
           And it was. Despite being two weeks early, Stan and Kitty’s daughter was a perfectly healthy weight. The Hoopers arrived just as John finished cutting the cord. Tears in her eyes, Molly wrapped the baby in the blanket she and Lily had made. Then, cooing over the small curly head, she tucked her back into Kitty’s arms. Kitty rocked her baby, tears in her eyes. “Oh look at her, Stan,” she whispered. “Oh, she’s lovely.”
           Stan sat next to his wife, doing his best to put his arms around her and their child. “I love you,” he whispered back. “And I love our baby, oh gosh…”
           The baby’s skin was just as dark as Kitty’s but her eyes were teal, the same shape as John’s—and oddly enough, Stan’s as well. And her curls…if John didn’t know better he could have sworn they came from Stan as well.
           As Kitty nursed the baby, Mike asked if they’d thought of names yet.
           “Well, it’s going to be her birth name, and she can change it if she likes,” Kitty answered with a glance at Stan, “but we thought maybe the best start for a name is one that reminds you of love. So her name’s Rachel Molly Hopkins.”
           John’s jaw dropped. When his eyes met Sherlock’s, he wasn’t entirely surprised to see his husband tear up.
           “We can use that, right?” Kitty looked up. “I thought about Jennifer, but her last word was Rachel, and if it wasn’t for that case—”
           “We’d never be here,” John answered hoarsely. Kitty held Rachel out to him and John cradled the baby—my granddaughter—close. He’d worried in the last couple of months that the baby would somehow feel like his, but it didn’t feel that way at all. This baby was family, certainly. But Rachel Molly Hopkins was his granddaughter. Certainly not his daughter.
           And if anyone wanted to fight him on it…well, he still ran rooftops twice a week. They were welcome to try.
           “Come here, dear,” he called Sherlock. “Come and hold our granddaughter.”
           Sherlock took Rachel very carefully from John, holding her in front of him, supporting her head carefully. “Hello Rachel,” he said. “You won’t remember this, but I’m your other grandfather. It’s very…very nice to meet you.” He cradled her against his chest, closing his eyes.
           The wind was still howling outside, and Rachel’s birthday would be stormy every year, but that little room was quiet as the family took in its tiny, newest member.
           That is, until Mycroft, Greg and Mrs. Hudson announced their arrival by Greg falling up the stairs.
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