#I’m still crying over the keychain
myobmaya · 2 years
for my anons that wonder if nina and i are still friends
this is for my baby nini aka nina aka the lovely @luvmunson
Nina I love you so much. From the moment we started interacting I knew I would consider you a permanent place in my life. From the playlist we make to the jokes we have and chismosa we spill I’m forever grateful to have you in my life.
My sweet nina sent me a birthday box 🥹❤️ filled with nothing but my favorite comfort items down to the keychain that made me bawl. Nina I cant thank you enough for thinking of me on my birthday, let alone thank you enough for being in my life. I love you so much, boob. I can’t wait for our meet up💕
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0o-junebug-o0 · 21 days
First Meeting
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summary: You're having difficulty with some code so you stop by Penelope's house for help, unaware that she has a guest. Spencer takes one look at you and is immediately head over heels.
genre: fluff
cw: meet cute (is it a meet cute?) completely gn!reader (reader is not described at all), no use of y/n, autistic!spencer (because every spencer is autistic!spencer), season 1 spencer, university/college student reader, talk about research and coding, pov switch from reader to spencer
wordcount: 1.5k
a/n: this is an actual error I had this summer when writing my spectra analysis code
You lean back in your chair with a sigh, scowling at the code you’re trying to write. You’re still relatively new to coding, the first time you ever took a class on it was just under two years ago, so this code has taken you significantly more time to write than it would have taken Penelope. But you’ve written it. You read through the code again and rerun it. Everything runs fine, the code should work, but it doesn’t. 
You rub your eyes and groan with frustration. You should be able to get a wavelength solution out of this. The professor you’re doing research with told you what you need to do to get the wavelength solution and then how to use it to find the redshift of the lensed galaxy and the foreground lensing galaxy, but nothing is lining up!
You’ve opened the data, plotted the variation in flux for each line in the image, fit a Gaussian to it to get the brightest point, and converted the pixel value of that point to vacuum wavelength, but none of the wavelengths you’re finding match up with what lines should be present in the spectra for this lamp type!
You briefly consider emailing your professor but decide against it. Even though he told you that asking things wouldn’t bother him and that it’s his job, you don’t want to take up more of this time than you already have. 
You look around your apartment for anything that might help. Your eyes land on your keychain and the spare key Penelope gave you because she enjoys it when you stop by. You quickly shut your laptop, tucking it under your arm, grab your keys, slip on a pair of shoes, and make your way down the hall to Penelope’s apartment, not bothering to lock the door behind you. 
Spencer sits awkwardly on one of Garcia’s kitchen stools, tapping his fingers on the Tardis mug she had filled with tea and given him. He’s not exactly sure why Garcia invited him over. She said she wanted to bond, but they’ve known each other for almost two years now, and Spencer considers her a good friend, so he doesn’t really know what bonding entails. So far, Garcia has just been bustling around her kitchen preparing snacks and drinks for their Doctor Who marathon.
The lock clicks and Spencer’s head whips toward the door just in time for it to burst open. Spencer freezes and stares at you in awe and confusion. 
“Penny!” you cry, your voice a mixture of a shout and a whine. 
Garcia calls your name with a surprised look. “What happened? Are you alright?”
“What?” you ask. Then you wave your hand flippantly. “Yeah I’m fine, I just need help with some code.” Your eyes land on Spencer and he can feel his heart rate increase. He really hopes his face isn’t as red as it feels. 
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you had someone over,” you say. “I can, um, I can come back later.”
Spencer watches as your posture stiffens slightly and you start to fiddle with your keychain. 
Spencer opens his mouth to reassure you but Garcia beats him to it. “No, no, it’s fine,” she says. “I’ve been wanting you two to meet anyway.” You shoot Spencer a small, awkward smile and wave from across the room when Garcia shares your name. When she introduces him, your eyes widen and you look toward Garcia with an expression Spencer can’t decipher and whisper something to her that makes her laugh loudly. 
Spencer can feel himself flushing at your reaction and takes a sip of his tea to hide his face.
“Anyway!” Garcia says cheerfully. “Do you mind if I help them real quick?”
“Go ahead,” Spencer responds, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. It’s difficult with you there, though, all his thoughts suddenly seem much harder to grasp. Like your presence is forcing them aside. 
Your eyes seem to linger on him for a moment before you head over to the counter and set your laptop down. “Right,” you mutter, opening it and entering the password. Spencer listens intently as you describe to Garcia what your code should be doing and he can’t help but smile at the clear passion in your voice. It sends butterflies to his stomach. 
“What do you study?” Spencer blurts out. 
You close your mouth and cock your head at him for a moment. “I’m, uh, I’m studying astrophysics. Specifically strong gravitational lensing. I’ve already made preliminary models of the system and I’m just working on analyzing the spectra now.”
Spencer nods and leans over to look at your code. 
“Do you want to help Penny find the issue?” you ask. You sound a bit nervous and Spencer looks up and smiles what he hopes is a soothing smile.
“I would if I could. I really don’t know how to code, though.”
“Seriously?” you ask. Spencer cocks his head at the tone of surprise in your voice. “Sorry, it’s just that Penny has told me a lot about you and about how you’re a genius and have three PhDs, which is insanely impressive by the way, so I guess I’m just surprised you don’t know something.”
“There’s a lot I don’t know,” Spencer admits. “Coding and other technological things are some of it. I don’t know too much about astrophysics either.” That’s not exactly true but it isn’t a lie either. He’s read papers on several astrophysical topics but he’s never come across one on strong lensing before. But the truth of the statement is irrelevant, the only reason he said it was to find an excuse to spend more time with you.
You smile and Spencer’s stomach feels like it does a backflip. “I won’t be much help teaching you how to code, Penny would be better for that, but I can tell you about some astro stuff at some point.”
“Alright, lovebirds,” Garcia teases and Spencer’s face burns. “Let’s focus.” You nod, clearly also a bit embarrassed, and turn back to your laptop.
“How about I go line by line and tell you what it should do and you let me know if something doesn’t do what I think it does,” you say. Garcia nods and both she and Spencer follow along as you point to and describe each line of code. You get to a printed image of the data file you’re analyzing before Garcia stops you.
“Can you open the file on your computer?” she asks.
You nod and open the file in a new application and move it so it’s side by side with the image in your code. “Wait,” you mutter, glancing back and forth between the two images. “Is that seriously the issue?” Spencer leans forward to get a closer look, the x-axes of the images are flipped. 
You throw your head back with a groan and change the rotation of the file in your code. “I swear, if this works,” you growl. The clear exasperation in your tone makes Spencer chuckle slightly. 
You rerun the code and compare several of the outputs to a list of wavelengths before groaning again and letting your head fall onto the counter. “I hate Python,” you grumble. “Why does it have to switch the axes!” 
Garcia laughs and pats you on the back. You raise your head off the counter and tap your forehead against her shoulder in a gesture Spencer assumes expresses gratitude. “Thanks, Penny,” you sigh. “You’re the best.”
“Of course I am!”
“Oh, and Spencer,” you say, turning to look at him. “We should get lunch sometime. I can tell you about astrophysics and you can tell me about all the crazy things you know.”
“I-I would love that,” Spencer stutters, unable to speak clearly with you looking into his eyes. He's hardly able to wrap his head around the fact that someone as beautiful as you would want to spend more time with him. Spencer's not sure whether you’re asking him on a date or just to go out as friends, but he doesn’t care either way as long as he gets to spend more time with you.
“Great!” you say happily. You stand and cross the room to quickly grab one of Garcia’s pens before returning. You hold the fluffy pink pen with a smile on your face and hold out your hand to his. “May I?” you ask. 
Spencer’s eyes widen and he nods, setting his hand in yours despite his usual aversion to touch. The contact makes his heart feel like it’s about to burst from his chest. You scrawl your number across the back of his hand before handing Spencer the pen and holding out your hand for him to do the same. He writes his number on your hand and watches in a sort of daze as you gather your computer and keys and wave goodbye before leaving.
Spencer jumps slightly as Garcia ruffles his hair. He looks over at her to see a knowing smile on her face. Spencer blushes and hides his face in his hands. “Shut up,” he grumbles, embarrassed.
“No way,” she laughs. “Derek’s going to have a field day with this. Boy genius has a crush!”
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luveline · 3 months
this might be silly but i imagined the boys (marauders) playfully arguing over who gets to marry reader first and they’re just listing times they did these ridiculously romantic things to win the name of husband
“I’ve been thinking…” 
You’re focused on your keychain, but you hum to show you’re listening. Once you get to the end of this row, you can talk properly. 
Sirius sits beside you, his hands paused on either side of his own keyring. They’re technically alpha patterns made from knotted embroidery threads, but you and Sirius call them keychains. 
This is the second time he’s sat with you to make them, and it makes you so happy you could cry. Last Saturday he’d been sitting on the sofa as he usually does when you’re by the coffee table in the evenings, Remus at the other end, feet in his lap, when he touched your shoulder lightly and asked if he could try to make one with you. 
It’s definitely not an easy craft to teach, but it isn’t rocket science, either. Sirius is a quick learner, and his keychain looks very neat. 
“Would you wanna get married, someday?” he asks quietly. 
“Of course I would.” 
You put your string bobbins down. You’d answered without thinking, and the true answer is a little sad. Of course you wanna get married someday, but you’re not exactly in a conventional relationship. Marriages don’t tend to go four ways. 
“You know I wouldn’t have it in a church or anything, but we could still dress up. You could wear a white dress,” he says, looping a bobbin string under one of the anchors, knotting it, and moving on to the next. “I’d get you any dress you want.” 
“That would be nice,” you agree, leaning in to hug his side. You kiss his shoulder, lips pressed to a sleeve. 
“And then you could get divorced and marry me,” James says, backing into the room with a tray of drinks and snacks alike. He sets them down on the table behind your craft station, before rounding it, and sitting behind you to feel your shoulders. “Better yet, marry me first, and Sirius can go second.” 
“No, I’m going first,” Sirius says without worry. 
“You can’t just go first.” 
“Says who?” Sirius turns into your hugging to hug you back gently. 
“Me?” James says. “You can’t just decide that. What I want to marry you first?” 
“You haven’t asked me to get married.” 
You laugh at the ridiculousness of their conversation. There’s sincerity in it somewhere. 
They bicker about who’s doing what and where and who’s with who. You revel in the feeling of Sirius’ hand on your back moving a slow back and forth, each line of his fingers. You love his hands. 
“Babe,” James says eventually, “would you marry me first, please?” 
“Sirius asked first.” 
James groans. “Okay, but does Sirius deserve to be first?” 
“James,” you warn softly. 
“It’s fine,” Sirius says. “He’s kidding.” 
“I’m not kidding,” James says, though he is. “What has Sirius done for you to deserve you as I do? Who brings you a bouquet every Sunday?” 
Technically, the bouquet is from everyone, or so they say, but it is James who wakes up early for bread, milk, and flowers. 
“And who rearranges it? Who gives you your back rub every night?” James pulls you away from Sirius, your head dipping back against his thighs. His smile is catching. 
“Those are very nice things, Jamie, but Sirius takes good care of me too.” 
James cups your cheek. 
“I’m the one who kissed her first,” Remus says. You startle at his voice. He’d been quieter than Sirius, letting himself into the room, climbing over the arm to sit on the sofa behind Sirius. “Which was very romantic. Not sure if you remember.” 
You remember. 
“That disqualifies you from any more firsts,” Sirius says. 
“By that logic, you’re disqualified too,” James says. 
You flush and sit up properly. “I’m not marrying any of you because I’m not something to be argued over.” 
Again, you’re kidding around, but Sirius holds your arm to his side, tired enough to be affectionate. “Sorry,” he says, smiling, “I was just thinking about it.” 
You lean back against James’ legs. How lovely is that? You’re stressing over embroidery lines and he’s thinking of you at the courthouse together. 
“I’ll marry you,” Remus says, giving Sirius a nudge. “Yes?” 
“Yes please.” 
“See,” James says, “they’ll get married and we’ll get married, as I wanted.” 
“And when they’re married and you don’t get to call Remus your husband, you’ll be okay with that?” you ask. 
James frowns deeply. “Well, I hadn’t thought of it until now.” 
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mockerycrow · 11 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a one shot with gn!reader who gets hurt in a mission trying to save Ghost and as he feels bad for it, so he gets reader a small plushie (kinda like those for the key chain) and when reader wakes up doesn't know it was ghost how gave it to them
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KEYCHAIN (Ghost x GN!Reader)
ghost masterlist — 1.3k words
authors note; it’s your local author criticizing their writing non stop again!!!!!! i feel like i could’ve written this better idk i’m sorry, anon! i wrote this whilst focusing on other projects </3
[WARNINGS; violence, descriptions of stabbing and choking, gore, hospital settings, fluff at the end.]
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Ghost did not expect you to do what you did. Someone somehow managed to get the jump on Ghost from behind, wrapping their arms around the man’s neck with a knife in their hand. It was right in the middle of Ghost claiming he cleared a building; in his defense, he had cleared the entire building of every hostile for the exception of one. You heard him grunt and choke before going radio silent, you decided that you were on your way to his location the second something sounded wrong.
Ghost gasps for air and reaches for a knife of his own, trying to stomp his foot down on the man’s foot, but the man grunts and laughs when Ghost discovers he’s wearing steel-toed shoes. Ghost struggles against the man, his head beginning to swim—when is the last time he’s been overpowered like this?—and Ghost manages to grab one of his knives, taking it out of the sheath—
Ghost’s vision goes white for a moment when he feels the man’s blade sink into his abdomen, the man shushing him in his ear. “It’ll be over soon, big boy.” The man hisses, carelessly ripping the knife out of Ghost’s gut, making his legs buckle. Ghost must have blacked out for a moment because the next time his vision and hearing work, he’s on the ground in immense pain, witnessing a figure fighting off the strong, armored man. Ghost hears someone cry out—is that you??—but his vision won’t focus just yet.
His ears are ringing as he puts a forearm against the ground, a groan leaving Ghost as his other hand goes to his gut, and he winces as he applies pressure to his stab wound, hot thick blood trickling between his fingers and onto the ground. Ghost’s throat aches terribly, so he clears it as his vision finally focuses and it’s you fighting off a man that’s bigger than him. His eyes widen as he shouts your name, his voice hoarse and broken, laced with panic.
There’s blood staining your uniform as Ghost lets go of his stab wound, and he groans loudly as he leans down and grabs his handgun out of his ankle holster. Ghost inhales through his teeth and he shakily aims his handgun, and holds his breath to steady his aim, and he pulls the trigger.
The bullet ripples through the air and rips through the man’s temple, causing him to stumble for a second before crumpling to the ground like a ragdoll. Unfortunately, you follow suit, a loud pained gasp leaving you as you land on your side. Ghost holsters his handgun and he calls your name again, fighting through the pain to quickly crawl over to you, blood trailing him. “Oi, oi—“ Ghost hisses, grabbing your shoulder and forcing you to roll onto your back.
There’s blood caking your uniform so horribly he doesn’t know where your wounds begin. It’s smeared against your neck and face, your eyelids fluttering from the pain. Your lips part and shut multiple times as your mind tries to comprehend what just happened. Ghost calls your name, a loud noise of pain leaving him, one hand pressing against his own wound whilst the other grabs your jaw to keep your head still.
Ghost hears Price shout your name through comms in an angry and panicked tone. “Ghost?? Fuckin’ hell, someone come in!” Ghost pants before he begins to tear the velcro straps off of your vest as he needs to know where you got hurt. He moves his hand off of his own stab wound—he is a bit lightheaded—and he presses down on his radio. “Ghost to Price, we’re both injured. One SW for me, I’m not sure how many for them.” Ghost croaks into the radio, trying to multitask.
“Bloody—where are you two?” Price demands through the radio, sounding a bit breathless. Ghost inhales sharply as he leans over, his body bending the wrong way as he grabs the front of your vent and he grunts loudly as he drags it off of you with one hand. He’s lost a bit of strength with the blood he’s lost. You gasp and grab for Ghost’s wrist as he begins to press down on one of your multiple stab wounds near your vital organs. “Building two, third floor.” Ghost responds with a strained voice. He notices your head rolling back, and you barely hear Ghost yelling.
Don’t let this be the end.
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You ended up passing out from pain and blood loss, despite Ghost’s best efforts of keeping you awake. You slowly awakened in a plush setting, slight pain humming through your veins, your throat dry and aching. You twitch, your muscles heavy from not being used for a bit. You hear a monitor or two, which gives you an indication you’re in the hospital. Your eyelids fluttered open and luckily, the overhead light in your hospital room was not on. The curtains were drawn open, and the light streamed into the room.
You glanced around, seeing Soap with his journal in his hand, sketching something. It gives you a warm feeling in your gut and you glance over to your other side, seeing Gaz sitting there, holding.. your keys with a little fuzzy thing?
“What’s that?” You croak, causing both Gaz and Soap’s heads to snap to look at you. “Aye, look who’s awake!” Soap exclaims, grinning. He closes his journal and puts it on the ground next to his chair before he grabs a foam cup. Soap brings it to your lips, and you realize it’s water so you greedily gulp it down, the water soothing your throat. Gaz lets out a breath before he scoots closer, the crease in his eyebrows finally relaxing. “It’s nice to see you awake.” Gaz murmurs with a soft smile of his own.
Soap pulls away the cup and sets it back down. “How long was I out?” You question. “What even happened? It’s in sections for me..”
Soap and Gaz share a look before Gaz fiddles with the fuzzy thing in his fingers, your keys clinking around. “You saved Ghost. He was being overpowered and you found him, but uh..” Gaz winces a bit, causing your eyebrows to furrow as bits and pieces begin to flood back to memory. “—But you got injured yourself. Luckily lil’ ol’ LT got off with one stab wound. You? Ya got off with six.”
You blink for a moment. “Oh.” You utter, taking a moment to process that. “You had to have surgery which is why your throat aches so much, the tube.” Gaz explains, putting your keys and the fuzzy thing in your lap. “They said everything should heal normally, but you'll be out of commission for a while.”
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding and you nod, your hand reaching out and grabbing your keys. “And Ghost?” You ask, your tone tight, expecting the worst. “He’s alright,” Soap assures, causing you to look at him now with a look of relief. “He just left a bit ago to get some rest, since he can’t stay and lay hunched over.” Gaz chuckles and you can’t help the smile that appears on your face. You finally look down at the fuzzy thing attached to your keys; it’s a little keychain plushie of a black and white cat. You let out a soft “aww” before looking at Gaz, and then Soap. “Who gave me this?” You ask.
Soap and Gaz share a knowing look—a glance you can’t quite yet decipher—before they shrug and mutter stuff like “i don’t know..” and “no idea” when in fact they watched Ghost, in a wheelchair, wheel himself into the room and grunt for your keys. Soap had wordlessly handed them to the man, and they watched him put on the kitty keychain and made them promise to not tell them he gave it to you.
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hanggarae · 8 months
↺ synopsis ; finding your lost snoopy keychain at 2 am with dokyeom
dokyeom x f!reader
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“min, i’ll lose my mind please come over and help me find it” seokmin almost felt a little bad at how he had to hold back laugh while you panicked over the phone.
in his defence, it was a funny situation! how could he not find you calling him at 2 am because of your lost snoopy keychain a little amusing?
“i’m on my way sweetheart” seokmin said, voice still groggy having just woken up. he was already putting on a think hoodie to beat the cold of late winter. “don’t stress too much i’m sure we’ll find it, alright?”
you sighed, reassured because of your boyfriend’s words.
ten minutes later, you heard the notification from your phone alerting you that someone was at your door. you made sure it was your boyfriend before opening it up, giving him a quick peck before asking for his car keys.
seokmin tilted his head in confusion and you bit back the urge to coo at him while he looked like a lost puppy.
“it might’ve dropped in your car after our date today”
‘today’ told seokmin that you hadn’t slept yet, upsetting seokmin but he wouldn’t lecture you just yet he thought while handing you his keys.
he watched as you ran across the hall and to the elevator so you could get to his car outside. he watched for a few seconds before grabbing the jacket you had hung by your door and chasing after you, ushering the jacket onto you while you both waited for the elevator.
another twenty minutes later, that snoopy keychain was still nowhere in sight.
“baby, i’m starting to think it might be gone” seokmin sighed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and stifling another yawn for the nth time.
“don’t say that!” you whined, nudging his shoulder gently, “if it’s gone i’m actually going to cry”
“it’s not the end of the world if you lost one snoopy keychain” seokmin giggled, cupping your face and using his thumb to stroke your cheek.
“it is!” you sulked, “you got me that keychain on our first date at that carnival. if i lose it that means i’m a horrible girlfriend”
seokmin looked at you for a few seconds before breaking out into another laugh. he was far too infatuated with you for his own good.
“considering i didn’t even remember that sweetheart i think that makes me an even worse boyfriend” seokmin said gently and tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“shut up, you could never be a bad boyfriend” you mumbled, leaning up to press a kiss to seokmin’s lips and melting at how you could feel him smile against your own.
“i’ll get you a new keychain tomorrow, okay?”
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bettyfrommars · 3 months
Birthday Boy
Just some Eddie and Wayne thoughts I had last night that made me cry, and I turned it into a longer thing. Mention of Al Munson being the worst.
18+Only wc: 440
Thinking about 8-year-old Eddie Munson being left in Wayne’s care during one of those periods of time when his father Al disappears for months.  It’s Eddie's birthday, and Wayne is working extra shifts, and can’t plan much, but he tells Eddie that he can have anything he wants, within reason, at the mini mart they pull into.
Eddie is so excited, he’s wiggling, can’t keep his hands still.  He picks up the first candy bar he sees and shows it to his uncle.  
“That’s all you want?” Wayne’s mouth lifts on one side in a curious grin.  “Why don’t you pick out a few more things.”
Eddie’s eyes go wide contemplating the possibilities.  
It doesn’t take long for him to load a small pile onto the countertop near the register.  Hostess snowballs, a wizard keychain, a tin of pretzels, laffy taffy, a lighter, more candy, a comic, and he says, “can I get a pack of cigarettes for you? For my birthday?”
“That’s generous kid, but I’m alright,” Wayne mumbles softly as the cashier rings them up.
“You’ll have to pay the outstanding tab first,” the woman—her name tag says Julie—snaps a big pink bubble with her gum.  
“Tab?” Wayne is confused.  He’s never bought a thing on credit in his life.  
She shows him an itemized list, including gallons of gas, beer, and magazines.  “Your brother racked up quite a bill in your name.”
“And you let him?” Wayne realizes Eddie is watching intently, and he doesn’t want to make the boy uncomfortable.  No need going to a different place, he’d just deal with this and get it over with.
He thumbs through the bills in his wallet, thinking.  
He pushes his breakfast sandwich and coffee aside.  “What if we take those off?  And I’ll get 3 gallons of gas instead of ten.” 
He’d be fine until payday.
Eddie claws a hand over his pile. “I’ll put these back.”
Wayne’s hand comes down to stop him with a reassuring pat. "No, I want you to have those.”
He knows his nephew is worrying.  The thought of Al ruining his son’s birthday by not being there in the first place, and then leaving him with this? Made Wayne want to put a fist through a wall.  
But he wasn’t a violent man.  
Julie amended the ticket and gave him the new total.  Wayne handed over all of the money he had for the next three days, and she bagged Eddie’s things up.  The young boy eagerly slings the plastic sack over his arm, but keeps the wizard keychain in his hand, examining the details as they walk out the door.
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kamotecue · 1 year
how could you do this, babe? ★ k. mccabe
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pairing: katie mccabe x reader
summary: you never actually thought that the one thing you didn’t want to happen—well, happened. dutch!reader
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you hated the thought of being cheated on—it was something you didn’t want to happen. little did you know it did.
you just came home from work, the shared apartment was quiet. there were lights turned on, and clothes were scattered all over.
you grimaced at the sight, but the thought of katie cheating was still on your mind. you contemplated whether to confront or to just leave—so you did what anyone probably would’ve done.
“katie?” you asked, not receiving a reply you took a deep breathe and held the door knob. the fear of being cheated on—wasn’t just a fear. you saw your mother experience it, the way your family either cheated or had been cheated on.
you slowly opened the door to see katie sitting on the shared bed, her top was removed as you noticed the other party. she had her lips on your lover’s neck as you felt your jaw clenched.
“holy shit.” the girl said, as she scrambled to cover herself up. katie gazed at you, the hallway light illuminated the dark bedroom. her face was very guilt-ridden as you scoffed.
“i guess we are done here.” you had a monotone voice, as you threw your keys on the bed. it was maddening, you told her about this.
the night you officially became a couple, you were vulnerable in her arms. you had trusted her with the biggest fear, and she broke it.
you felt someone grab your hand, as you yanked your hand away. you saw katie who had her shirt on, there were marks all over her neck as you held a glare in your eyes.
“i can explain-“ katie said, as you swirled your tongue around the mouth.
“don’t bother, katie. good night.” you said, as you turned to leave, but she had scoffed.
“you think i wanted this to happen?” you turned back only to see her arms crossed.
“no, you don’t get to pull that on me, mccabe. i never thought you would do this, but clearly i was wrong.” you watched as she winced at your harshness. the door opened to see the girl fully dressed, you clenched a fist, clearly irritated at this.
“leave.” katie said, as she walked past the two of you, quickly shuffling out the door.
“we need to talk about us-“
“is there even an us anymore? you did the one thing that i begged you not to.” katie uncrossed her arms, as she sighed in frustration.
“i’m sorry.” you watched as she looked at the floor.
“that’s it?“ you knew your voice broke, as you tried so hard not to cry.
“was it worth it?” she threw years down the drain, and when she didn’t look you in the eyes. you scoffed before throwing her your keychain that she gave you.
you had turned around, slamming the apartment door. you rushed through the hallways, not wanting to slow down because you knew she’d come after you.
and if she caught up, you knew you wouldn’t leave. how could you? she had gave you a reason to walk away, it wasn’t like she was holding you hostage. but you could’ve stayed because you loved her.
it was literally late at night when viv had gotten the call from you, ever since you played on the national team, the two of you were like two peas in a pod.
“rustig aan, ik kan je niet horen. [calm down, i can’t hear you.]” viv’s calm voice was heard on the other end. she had a finger over her ear, as she tried to hear what you were saying.
“ze heeft mij bedrogen! [she cheated on me!]” your voice was slurred, but she understood it. her eyes widened as she sat up from her bed, beth looked at her girlfriend in confusion.
“ben je dronken? waar ben je. [are you drunk? where are you?]” you looked around, the music was going throughout the room. you had a half filled glass in your hands, it was whiskey.
“in een bar vlakbij het appartement zou je het kunnen opmerken. [in a bar near the apartment, you might notice it.]” you heard viv mutter a few words, as you hummed.
“oké, blijf daar. beth en ik komen je halen. [okay, stay there. beth and i are coming to get you.]” you heard viv say, before the call had ended. you felt your eyes closing, as you gently placed the glass on the table.
you didn’t notice how concerned your teammates looked, you never drank. you were always the designated driver, you stayed away from alcohol as you saw what it could do to people.
the next day, you woke up with an absolute headache. you opened your eyes to see yourself in the guest bedroom.
a glass of water and two pills of advil were seen on the bedside table, you quickly took it before slipping through the sheets.
you heard someone hummed, as you were closer to the kitchen. it was beth who cooking, you were looking for viv but she was already starting at you.
“wil me vertellen wat er is gebeurd? [want to tell me what happened?]” viv asked, as beth looked at the hallway, seeing you a bit shy as you probably interrupted their night.
“ik vond haar in ons gedeelde bed, met een meisje—haar lippen lagen op haar nek. [i found her in our shared bed with a girl—her lips were on her neck.]” you watched as viv’s eyes widened, she accidentally slammed a fist on the counter top grabbing the attention of beth.
you had a deep conversation, beth was hugging viv in order to comfort her, as she was in disbelief her irish club teammate had treated you like this. but you had gazed at the way she looked at viv with so much love, it was something you wanted.
either way, she supported your decision. you had bid goodbye. you were sitting at the window seat of the plane, looking out of the window. the night sky was present, as you heard your phone dinged.
it was a instagram notification, confirming your transfer to lyon.
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dragon-ascent · 2 years
You are an avid collector of Rex lapis merch...and your husband is Rex Lapis himself.
★彡fluff, fun stuff, zhongli finds you amusing as always
Zhongli had revealed his identity to you much before you two had gotten married. You’d been very respectful and told him how much you admired him as both a man and a deity...but oh boy, if Zhongli thought that was where your devotion ended, he was in for a long ride.
“Oh my freaking gosh! Eeeee!”
At your squeal, Zhongli is immediately at your side. “What is the matter- ah.” He sees the pamphlet you’re holding and suddenly it all clicks into place. 
You clutch your husband’s arm, barely able to contain yourself. “New Rex Lapis plushie launching tomorrow! Eeeee! Let’s go down to the store as soon as it opens!”
Zhongli kisses your forehead, his heart fluttering at your enthusiasm. “Allow me to take a look.” He gently takes the pamphlet from your hands and peruses it, then looks up at the bed you two share...where you also keep your enormous pile of Rex Lapis plushies. “Erm...dear, what is different about this new one?”
“Look!” You point at what the new plushie is holding. “It comes with a free Mora coin plush! I haaaaave to get it!”
It’s worth it, really. There’s nothing Zhongli cherishes more than seeing you happy. And when he finds you the next day curled up in bed, napping away with your brand-new Rex Lapis plushie pressed to your chest, he finds his heart melting like the sweetest chocolate on a summer day.
Of course, with how fanatical you get sometimes, you get so caught up in all your Rex Lapis paraphernalia that you almost forget who Zhongli really is...
“I’m doomed! I have blasphemed!”
“Did you sit on the lap of one of the Statues of the Seven again, dear?” Zhongli inquires without even looking up from the morning paper. “I told you, it does not count as-”
“Even worse! The new glow-in-the-dark Rex Lapis keychains are all sold out and I missed my chance to buy them!”
At this, Zhongli gazes at you sympathetically as you huff and puff around the room, equal parts agitated and distressed. He knows how much your collection means to you. “I see. Well, you can get one when they restock, can you not?”
“No way!” you cry out, staring at Zhongli like he had just grown horns and a tail. “The restocked keychains will be B-grade ones! I need to own only first-edition, top-quality merch!”
“Ah. Oh dear...” 
“What would Rex Lapis think?” you wail, flopping into your husband’s sturdy arms. “Rex Lapis, what do you think of me?”
“I don’t think ill of you, darling, I never could,” Zhongli assures, planting a soft kiss to your temple. “I still love you regardless of how many Rex Lapis-themed items you possess.”
“You’re just saying that to be nice!”
Zhongli chuckles. “I’m saying that because I love you, and married you for love. I never once wondered how many keychains in my image you obtained before I slid the ring onto your finger.”
Your lip wobbling, you ask, “Do you really mean it?”
“Of course I do, my beloved,” he answers softly, kissing the spot under your ear and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Come now, let me show you just how much.”
Of course, even when he offers you tender, affectionate consolation, Zhongli still ultimately wants to see you at your happiest. So wherever he can, he tries to pull some strings~
“Darling,” Zhongli calls after a long day of work. “I’m home!”
“Welcome home!” You run over to him and give him a peck on the lips. “How was your day?”
“Quite eventful,” he answers, “especially since I managed to procure a very important item.”
You quirk an eyebrow. “An important item? What is it?”
Zhongli smiles, holding out both of his hands, fists closed. “I shall let you find out.”
Utterly intrigued, you look at both closed fists, trying to gauge which one has the item. It must be quite small to fit in his palm...what important item could be that small? 
Pushing away the question since it was sure to be answered within a few moments, you go with your gut and pick the right hand. Zhongli’s smile widens and he opens his palm...
Gasping, you let out a squeal. “Is this...what I think it is?!”
“The very same.” 
Still in disbelief, you take the keychain and observe its details. “It - it really is a first edition glow-in-the-dark Rex Lapis keychain...oh my gosh...but how..?”
Zhongli pulls you into a hug, chuckling at they way you seem to vibrate in his arms in excitement. “I managed to get ahold of a scalper and...persuade him to sell it to me at regular price.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You beam, singing his praises while waving the keychain around happily. “I love Rex Lapis sooooo much!”
Your husband kisses you, practically glowing at your happiness. “Rex Lapis loves you too, my beloved.”
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soobnny · 1 year
to be human — han jisung. roommate au. friends to lovers. kind of comfort fic. supernatural au.
your shapeshifter friend forgets how to turn back into a human and has a crisis. inspired by this artwork. (~1k words)
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It’s quiet in your apartment where Jisung would usually blast music. It’s strange to be greeted by silence instead, a little concerning even.
“Ji?” You try calling out again, stepping cautiously inside as you briefly draw your eyes to each room in search of your roommate.
“I’m in here.” Jisung’s voice has a tone of dejection to it as he replies to you from the bathroom. Grogginess indicative of exhaustion and resignation.
You know something’s wrong.
When he hears your footsteps padding towards where he is, his tone shifts to one of panic. “Please don’t come in.��
You already know why.
“Jisung, I’m not scared of you.” The door creeks open when you enter, and Jisung is still hidden in the bathtub behind drawn out shower curtains.
He doesn’t want you to see him like this.
You know he startles easily in this state, so you do your best to keep your footsteps light, actions gentle as you peel back the shower curtain and step into the tub with him. One leg after the other. It’s small, doesn’t really fit the two of you — you press your knees to your chest in trial of a solution so you can give him more space in the tub.
A minute goes by.
“How many eyes do I have?” He squeaks, not being able to take the silence, and it’s a sign that it’s okay for you to look at him. Locking eyes with his form, you briefly scan his features, not dwelling too hard on anything. You know he wouldn’t want that.
You count in your head. One. Two. Three… “Uh, seven?”
“Just pick one to focus on.” You listen to him, eyes focused on the one of his eyes. He looks so small like this, despite doubling in his usual size, and you know cogs are turning in his brain (if he even had one). It’s been a while since he’s been stuck outside of his human form.
“How are you feeling?”
“Are you in pain?”
“A bit.” The pained way he speaks is so close to human emotion that it shatters you. “I’m sorry you have to see me this way.”
“You are still my friend, you know?” You try to speak with comfort. You know he needs it the most. You hope to cement in him that what he looked like didn’t matter to you — just that, at the end of the day, it was still him behind all the masks he puts on.
He scoffs. “Not looking like… this.”
“That doesn’t matter. It’s still you, isn’t it?”
A heartbeat passes. Yours. He simply sits in silence to process your words. You wonder what he’s thinking of.
“I guess.” You smile at his response. It visibly calms him down. “Oh, by the way, I got you something.”
You grab the backpack you had dropped just beside the tub. It’s his, had given it to you months ago, and there’s a picture of the two of you in the form of a keychain hanging by the zipper.
“I know you technically don’t need to eat anything but… I remember you said you really liked this when you were still human.”
It’s cheesecake wrapped in plastic, and if Jisung had a heart, he’s convinced it would be beating twice the normal rate.
You’re right, he doesn’t need to eat, but he will save it as something to remember this moment by.
“I hope it helps you remember being… you.” You place it on the space between the two of you in the tub. He’ll grab it later. There’s something else in his mind.
“Where did you get that?” Jisung questions, eyes fixated on something else entirely.
“Oh, just the bakery I pass on the way to uni.”
“No, the picture.”
“The picture?” You look down at where he’s looking. Your keychain.
“This? I always carry it on me.” You show it to him proudly. A memory passes in his head. He doesn’t remember much, but he does remember being happy the day that picture was taken.
“You do…?” You hum to confirm his inquiry. Silence washes over, and just as quick as it comes, it’s ripped away by sniffling coming from Jisung’s end.
He doesn’t cry, but it looks like he’s about to.
“Give me your hand.” You demand, though tone gentle in case he didn’t wanna be touched.
“What? No.” He’s still sniffling.
“I want to hold it.”
This time, he blinks. All seven of his eyes. Flashes of him attempting to hold your hand before, all in vain.
“Since when do you like holding hands?”
“Since now.” You mumble. Your hand is outstretched, just waiting for him to take it if he wanted.
Long sharp nails greet you, and you have to use both of your hands to hold his one properly. For a second, you feel a spark of life when your hands meet.
He feels it too.
“We’ll get through this together, okay?” Jisung lets you hold his hand. He’s looking at you now, less afraid of himself and how he looks. It’s quiet here with you, isn’t so loud. He could get used to this.
His fingers curl around your hand, completely swallowing it by the sheer size of his. Your whole hand fits in his. It feels nice. Warm in comparison to the cold he feels in this state.
“Okay.” Jisung’s tone is softer now.
It’s easier to remember what feeling human is like with you. He wonders if the unidentifiable feeling he gets when you’re with him is something he had felt back when he had a beating heart.
Wonders if the way he felt when he saw the picture you keep of the two of you mean anything to his humanness. Does it count for something if he wants to keep holding your hand every day after today?
Jisung doesn’t breathe, doesn’t bleed, doesn’t need to consume anything to survive — but he’s capable of loving, and that makes him human enough.
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perpetualfox · 1 year
Hide and Seek - König x GN!Reader [NSFW]
Warnings: Dub-Con, Stalking, Manhandling, Creepy Behaviour
Wordcount: 1152
Had an incident at work where I got closed in a dark basement by accident. Sure wish a certain Austrian was there.
→The buzzing fluorescents hanging overhead flickered once and died, plunging you into near complete darkness. A strangled cry leapt from your throat—an undignified noise caught somewhere between indignant and frightened. There were no windows in the basement, but by a stroke of pure luck, you’d left the door open when you’d come in, and a shaft of light spilled in from the hallway.
→You stood, dusting off your knees and trying to orient yourself in the darkness. The light switch wasn’t far from the door, laying just beyond the dim halo of hall light. If you could make it there, surely you could just follow the wall until you reached it.
→Your fingers trailed against the edge of a shelving unit, keeping you steady and grounded in the pressing darkness. You hadn’t thought the lights were on a timer down here, but it seemed like the most likely explanation—it couldn’t be a blackout if the hall lights were still on. However, as you rounded the corner of the shelving unit, your heart jolted in your chest. A shadow was eclipsing your light—the door was closing.
→Someone must have wandered by, and thinking there was no one in the room, had turned out the lights and tried to close up.
→“Hey!” You called, hoping to catch the attention of whoever was out in the hall, “Hey! I’m working in here!”
→But there came no response, and the door banged shut, snuffing out the last of the light.
→You swore, fumbling in your pockets for your phone or your keys, whichever you could lay hands on first. You’d been trapped down here once before when the generators had failed—too afraid to move lest you knock into something and break it, or worse, yourself, you had sat in the dark for hours until the lights had flickered back to life. Unwilling to be caught out like that again, you had attached a little flashlight to your keychain. It wasn’t very powerful, but it would be enough to get you where you needed to go with your shins intact.
→As your fingers closed around the jagged metal of your keys, a soft sound caught your attention. Your head snapped toward it—you knew exactly what it was and where it had come from. Though the door had made an almighty bang when it had closed, the quiet snick of the lock turning frightened you far greater. The door did lock from both sides, but you hadn’t heard the rattle of keys against the door—and that sound, that sharp little click—the latch that made that sound was on your side.
→You weren’t alone. Not anymore.
→The back of your neck began to prickle with the sudden and terrible realization of your own vulnerability. An icy wash of fear flooded through you, tingling in your extremities like adrenaline. You were alone—adrift in an ocean of darkness, exposed on all sides. You strained against the shadows, looking and listening for any sign of movement in the blackness. But there was nothing.
→When at last, you felt the faint whisper of moving air against your skin, heard the near silent creak of a leather boot against the floor, it was already too late. You had time to register a single panicked thought—he’s behind me—before an arm, thick and hard as a metal bar seized about your chest. A gloved hand clamped down over your mouth, smothering your scream.
→You bit down, teeth sinking into the skin of the glove. The figure behind you—a man, you thought—grunted, and shoved you forward. The momentum carried you both forward, and you collided with a shelving until, the cold metal digging into your cheek. Your head buzzed with pain, your flesh singing where it had smashed against the metal.
→You struggled, kicking at the base of the shelf, trying to use it as a springboard, to propel yourself backwards to topple your attacker over. But it was no use. He was like a great wall of stone behind you, solid and unmoving. He let you struggle for a moment, seemingly enjoying the show, before jerking you backward. You stumbled back, unable to keep your footing as he dragged you along. You jabbed at him with your elbow, clipping him hard on the ribs, and earning a wheezing groan. You had barely a moment to bask in the triumph before he had swiped your legs from beneath you.
→He rode you to the ground, digging his knee hard into the knobs of your spine. You struggled, writhing in vain beneath his bulk as he bore down upon you, pressing you hard into the concrete.
→“Aww, Schatzi. Schatzi. You know I love it when you fight me,” His tone was simpering, dripping with a sweet cruelty that made your cheeks burn, “But that was just too easy.”
→You’d know that voice anywhere: the elongated vowels and clipped consonants, the thin, reedy growl beneath his words—König.
→His hands shook as they caressed the side of your face. His touch was so gentle, calloused fingers stroking over your cheek with such reverence, one might have thought you a holy relic—something so blessed he could hardly bear to touch it. His breath was coming hard, and you could feel it hot and wet against the back of your neck even though the damp cloth of his hood. He leaned forward, the rough fabric dragging against your skin as he kissed you. He did not remove the hood, but you could feel the arched bow of his lips through it all the same. It made you shudder.
→His gloved fingers slid down the column of your throat, catching around your clavicle and pressed down. Hard. You wriggled beneath him, your pathetic attempts to dislodge him dragging a rough laugh from is throat.
→“Ah-Ah.” He chided. “Hör auf damit, oder ich lasse dich nicht kommen”
→You bucked beneath him and surged forward, pressing his mouth against your ear, “I fucking said, ‘Stop that.’”
→He pressed his knee harder into your back, bone grinding against bone. You stilled, a hiss of pain on your lips.
→“There,” His finger stoked at your cheek, “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
→You could feel the grin spread across his lips, beneath the hood. “Nun werde ich dich in den Boden Ficken, Schatzi. Ja?”
→He lowered his hips against your ass, grinding his cock against you and letting you feel just how much he liked it when struggled.
→“You’ll let me take you here on the filthy floor like a fucking slut, won’t you? Ja? Like a good Hase?’ He barked out a laugh, the vibrations of it jangling around in your ribcage. “Of course you will. Afterall,” His fingers closed around throat. You heard the jingle of his belt as he began to unbuckle it onehanded, “I caught you fair and square.”
Translations (Huge thank you to @habuu for correcting my grammar and phrasing):
→Schatzi - Little treasure/darling (condescending)
→Hör auf damit, oder ich lasse dich nicht kommen - Stop that now, or I won't let you cum
→Nun werde ich dich in den Boden Ficken, Schatzi. Ja? - Now. I want to fuck you into the floor, darling. Yes?
→Hase - Rabbit
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brittleangel · 11 months
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!! SONG RECOMMENDATION : new years kiss - postcard nowhere
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content: megumi fushiguro x reader / small little silly headcanons i came up with while thinking about him
genre: fluff fluff fluff
warnings: none, just megumi being the sweetest boy ever!!
notes: he’s literally so pretty god i wanna cry 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 first post though, forgive me if this is slightly bad <3
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- i feel like he would read together with you. we all know he loves his non-fiction books, and i’m sure he wouldn’t mind showing a few to his lover. he adores it when he sits on the bed, his back against the headboard while you sit between his legs, all cozy and covered by the warmth of his blankets as he holds the book for you two to read. (though, dont be surprised if you get a smack on the head for being a slow reader)
- he likes observing you. actually, he loves it. every move you make is so graceful to him. your facial features are so beautiful to him, and trust me when i say every single one. he can’t help but gawk. when you’re busy doing something infront of him, he’ll stare at you, no words coming from him. but after a while, a silent ‘you’re pretty’ will slip out of his lips.
- when he gets you flowers, he always fusses over which ones to get. he starts looking up all the different symbolisms, and god forbid even one petal looks off. he can’t allow it, the bouquet needs to look its absolute best. (don’t let the faint blush on his cheeks go unnoticed when he hands you the flowers. its so endearing.)
- secretly adores it whenever you patch him up. there’s something so sweet about watching you take care of him, and even though he insists on doing everything himself, he’ll rather have you do it. however, he will never admit that. but the way you whisper a meek ‘sorry’ to him whenever he hisses as you clean his wound, and the way you make sure to be extra careful when wrapping his arm up with a bandage, it always gets him weak in the knees.
- his lack of words might seem like he’s not listening to you at times, though i can promise you, it’s quite the opposite. megumi is a quiet, yet attentive person. whenever you speak and talk to him about anything, he’ll make sure to remember small details you think he might forget about. hell, not even you remember most of the stuff you told him about.
- considering the previous headcanon, i also believe his gifts for you tend to be thoughtful. on your birthday, he’ll get you things that you randomly mentioned to him at some point. remember when you told him about that one keychain you saw in shop which you thought was simply the cutest thing ever? maybe not, but he did. and guess what? its on your desk, wrapped up with a little bow and a note next to it.
- he’s gentle when he needs to be. if you’re having a bad day, he makes sure his touch is as tender as it possibly can be. a hand on your cheek, his thumb stroking your skin as he looks into your eyes. he makes sure that his voice is extra soft, sweet little nothings being whispered to you. and he’s whispering because these words are only yours to hear, in the same way he’s also only yours to have.
- its subtle, but he hugs you tighter after missing you. his grip on you tightens just a little, and he squeezes you as if hes afraid you’ll slip out of his grasp forever once he lets you go.
- loves it when you show him all the stuff you bought while you were out shopping. its cute, really. him sitting there as you unpack your bag, proudly presenting him the new stuff you got yourself. for each item, you’ll get a small ‘pretty’ or ‘nice’ along with a nod from him, before you reach into your bag while grabbing the next. he adores the slight shimmer of excitement in your eyes as you show him the things. seeing you happy makes him feel at peace.
- not a fan of PDA, but will not let go of you in crowded places. his hand will either be on your shoulder, or his fingers will be laced with yours. he needs that extra sense of security that you’re still next to him.
- loves sleeping with you, you can consider yourself as his favourite plushie at this point. falling asleep is way easier for him when he has your warmth and scent next to him. you’re his source of contentment.
- the type to be embarrassed when you look at his childhood pictures. he’s cursing gojo under his breath for showing these to you, because now you can’t quit squealing over that one picture of little megumi standing next to his divine dog, telling him over and over how cute he was as a child. with a faint blush coating his cheeks, he’ll mutter ‘stop it’, but he knows very well his attempt to get you to stop will be futile.
- his kisses to you mostly go to your forehead. it fills you with both warmth and comfort, and he’s very much aware of that. the first time he did it, he was nervous, despite it not being visible on his facial expression. you could feel his hands faintly tremble as they held onto your shoulders. though now, it became frequent. he kisses your forehead to greet you, to say goodbye to you, to appreciate you, to calm you down, sometimes he does it for no reason at all.
- to be honest, megumi generally never expected to fall in love. he didn’t see himself as the type of person to ever rely on somebody, he knew his strength and he knew it well. but physical strength is far different from emotional strength, and to this day, it still slightly confuses him. he can’t fathom how one person is able to make him feel so fulfilled, but hey; he’s happy, you’re happy, that’s all that truly matters to him.
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intheticklecloset · 10 months
Hello! how are you?? I hope you're doing well! can you please do a ler chuuya with lee dazai? just if you're okay with this of course! I think Dazai annoys chuuya way too much and Chuuya decides to tickle him to death until Dazai is begging for mercy... yeah that's the idea! thank youuu <33
Yessss this prompt!! I love Soukoku! Thank you for the request, anon! 🥰
“The hell are you doing?!”
The words spurred Dazai into frantic action. He struggled for just another moment with his partner’s keys, then gave up and stole all of them – including keychains – and bolted down the hall.
Chuuya was right behind him.
“Get back here! I know you were trying to steal my pug keychain!”
Dazai yelped as he tripped over the rug in their shared bedroom, toppling onto the bed in an ungraceful heap. He whirled around, the hand holding the keys stubbornly behind him. “Why would I steal your stupid dog keychain? You know how I feel about dogs.”
The redhead glared at him, gripping his free arm and uselessly trying to wrangle the brunette around to take his keys back. “Dazai!”
“Whahahat?” Dazai giggled, easily keeping the keys from his partner’s grip.
“Give it back!” Chuuya demanded, growing more frustrated the more he realized there was no winning this fight. “And quit laughing already!”
At that Dazai only laughed harder, which spurred the mafioso into grabbing onto his hips and digging in with a vengeance.
The detective squawked and bucked his hips, his laughter instantly shifting from amused to ticklish. He tried to pry the redhead away with his free hand, still keeping the hand clutching the keys firmly behind him. “Ehehehehehehe! Chihihihihibi!”
“At least call me by my name when I’ve got you like this, stupid Dazai,” Chuuya grumbled, swinging a leg over to half-pin his partner to the mattress. “You want to laugh? Fine. I’ll give you something to laugh about.”
“I wahahahahahasn’t tahahahaking your keychahahahain!” Dazai insisted through helpless cackles, squirming uselessly beneath the redhead’s touch.
“No? Then what were you doing?”
“I wahahahahahas just gohohohoing to tahahahahahake your P-Port Mahahahahahafia keys!”
Chuuya blinked. “What for? You planning a break-in?”
Dazai shook his head, then squealed when his partner found the hypersensitive spots on his hips and kneaded into them meticulously. “So yohohohohohou’d gehehehehet to wohohohohork and nohohohohot be ahahahahahable to get in!”
Chuuya let out a longsuffering sigh, bringing his tickling to a stop. Dazai caught his breath, blinking up at him in confusion. Before he could ask why he’d stopped, however, the redhead plunged his hands into the detective’s upper ribs.
“GAH!!” Dazai yelled, frantically waving his free arm around while trying to resist the urge to bring his other arm out protectively. “NOHOHOHOHOHO, CHUHUHUHUHUHUUYA!!”
“You’re going to give my keys back,” Chuuya said in a low, dangerous voice that Dazai only ever heard when he knew the redhead was being totally serious, “or I’m going to tickle you until you’re crying my name and begging me for even a moment of mercy.”
Dazai made a distressed sound in the back of his throat, but still refused to give the keys back, despite there being no point. Chuuya knew his plan now; even if he got the key off the stupid ring, his partner knew what was up. It was over.
“Don’t want to give it up? Fine.” Chuuya activated his gravity manipulation to forcibly push Dazai’s arms above his head – both of them. “Guess you really want me to make you scream.”
Then he plunged both hands into Dazai’s unprotected armpits.
The detective was begging for mercy in no time at all.
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yizhou-time · 1 year
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“Ah! There she is!” Hyunji, a girl you share English class with, shouts loud enough for most of the people in the hallway to hear, you’ve never spoken to her so you frown in confusion when she calls out your entry. No one had ever really looked at you besides when people had accidentally knocked your belongings out of your hands before quickly helping you pick them up or when Jocks had asked you for help studying (it ended up being you doing their homework and handing it in for them) so they could stay in their sport.
Hyunji let’s put a laugh as if you had said the funniest joke ever heard. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me?!” Your frown deepens as other students join in her laughing. “You’re kidding me, right?!” She continues to laugh, lightly hitting her friends who are also laughing with her. “Stalking our top guy? What’s next? You’re sleeping with him?”
Your eyes widen. Your senses heighten. All the colour drains from your face. “What?” You say, more to yourself than Hyunji but her laughing calms and she provides you an explanation.
She takes a deep breath and composes herself, a smile still present on her face. “You don’t need to pretend, we saw the pictures he took and the ones 23 and 42 took separately. You aren’t sneaky!” She starts to laugh again.
You drop your head down and walk through the hall as fast as you could, you would usually put your books in your locker but this time you wouldn’t risk it. Any questioning would make you cry or scream or both. The amount of eyes on you made you feel so small, like you shouldn’t be here. The sound of laughing made your ears ring.
How could any of this happen? Where did this rumour even spring from? This baseless rumour. Your grip on the books in your hands made your knuckles turn white.
The pace of your walking stayed the same as you made your way into the classroom, all eyes were on your but you kept your eyes set on your desk trying to tune everything out. The books you had landed hard on your desk and caused your peers to look away from you.
Everyone and everything stayed tuned out and turned away until the end of your lesson. Of course there was the odd whisper here and there but it was quickly put to an end when you met eyes with the people talking.
The bell rang, taking you out of your daze. You picked up your bag and placed it on your lap. Opening the zip you looked down at the keychain linked to it. A brown teddy bear in a sitting position with a red heart in the middle of its torso, it had a orange outline with and orange chain. Silently you ripped it off and stuffed it in your pocket, ready to return it whenever you saw that traitor next.
Your thoughts are interrupted by your teacher. “Y/N, could you stay behi-”
“I’m fine, thank you though.” You blankly reply, swinging your bag over your shoulder and making your way to the cafeteria.
The staring and whispering continued. The confidence you had built up in the classroom gradually disappeared as the noises got louder. The rumours had developed over a couple of hours and they were making you out to be crazy.
Slowly your walking comes to a halt and you turn around. You lifted your head up, eyes wandering to each person trying to recognise their faces and figure out if they know you or Haechan or have even spoken to you. Their beady eyes staring right back and still talking
“Who even said anything?” You said quietly however the talking continued, everything continued as if you weren’t there besides the fact they were talking about you. Doubting anyone heard you, you turned on your heel and continued to where you were going.
If he wasn’t in the cafeteria then you weren’t sure where he would be but even if he wasn’t there you could at least confront Chenle, who was constantly brutally honest with you, or Mark, who would tell you where Haechan was.
One voice could be heard over everyone else’s in the hall. Giggles and mumbles could be heard here and there but that one voice stuck out. The one voice that sung you to sleep. The one voice that told you you were beautiful, you were loved. It was like honey, it was addictive. Instead of telling you how much he loved you he was telling lies.
“And honestly I don’t know what’s wr-” Once again, everyone was looking at you and it was starting to get unbearable. Your breathing increased and you looked down to your pocket to retrieve the keychain your partner had originally gifted to you. Staring at it you considered pocketing it once more just to remind you that he did love you once. You know he did, he would have had to because you know him. Although you don’t know this new him you knew who he was. More than anything he was respectful, that’s why it took you so long to be together which is why this all stung a little more than it should.
Taking a deep breath you walk over to the table people were crowding. “Take it.” You say sticking your hand out to Haechan, the keychain placed in the middle of your palm. He stared at you and the gift, he went back and forth for a few moments before he took it. You retract your hand before he even gets a chance to grab it and say anything to you. “It was nice.” Lips in a thin line you nod at him, tears building up in your eyes.
“I’ll… I’ll leave you alone now. I’m sorry if you felt that I was being weird with you or even stalking. You won’t see me from now on.” Haechan stood up from his seat at the table, he couldn’t break his façade but he couldn’t see you cry. Not because of him. Not again. “I’ll go now.”
“Y/N.” You hear someone call, probably Jaemin going by the stern voice, but you ignore it and find a way out. Before you’re even out of the hall you can hear Haechan pick up where he left off.
Jaemin tailed behind you as you navigated the crowded halls. The stares, the voices, the laughing and the lies made you feel sick. Your heart dropped and there was a hole in your stomach. The tears you had held in originally began to fall. There was no going back now. You needed to please
“Look, it was me.” He races behind you. “We argued, he called me a loser, I called him a coward, he said he wasn’t and that he could prove it, I put the pictures on the school board and Jeno cropped Haechan out of his and posted them. I really didn’t think he would do this.” He tried to explain not even knowing I’d you’re listening to him or not. He doesn’t blame you if you aren’t but he so badly wants you to. As he talked he crashed into other students, not even apologising, too focused to getting through to you.
You push the entrance door open and taking your open out of your pocket. “I know it’s all my fault.” He finally caught up and stood next to you, slightly out of breath.
Wiping your tears and nose you finally replied to him. “Doesn’t matter. He lied. He could have owned up to it but he didn’t. Now I look worse than I already did and he looks so cool.” You let out a sarcastic laugh.
Jaemin check his pockets, presumably for a tissue but doesn’t find one and opts to use his sleeve to wipe your tears. The shirt material was soft and comforting, something you wanted to feel since Hyunji mentioned the rumours.
“I can call Haechan over… maybe talking it out with him will help, hm?” He offers ever so softly, moving his hand from your face to your shoulder closest to him and giving it a comforting pat.
“This isn’t how it should be Jaemin. You’re here with me, trying to make me feel better, when you should be in there.” You gesture back to the school. “I just want to go home.” Pushing off his hand you place each of your own on your backpack straps and time to him.
You turn to face him, “It was really nice meeting you Jaemin.” Smiling at him through tears you explain further when you see him frown in confusion much like you had earlier. “If people find out that I didn’t get the scholarship because I was smart and because Haechan’s parents think I’m nice it’s game over. We’ve been hiding us for over a year and he’s already spinning lies. I’m not doing it, I can’t.”
He reaches his hand out to you but you move back. “It was a shame we met this way because I think you’re a lovely guy. See you whenever, 42.” He steps forward to try and catch your arm but you had already turned away heading out the school’s campus.
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“Let me in, please!” You hear a voice shout, followed with a bang on your front door. Once again you ignore it and continue to cut vegetables, it goes through one ear and out the other. You’ve heard enough from him today.
When you came home you headed straight upstairs, flying past your parents who didn’t have time to question you. They gave each other an understanding look assuming you weren’t feeling it today before continuing as they were, packing to go back to work after their lunch break.
Slamming your bedroom door after you, you look around the space. He was everywhere. The large teddy bear on your bed, photos of the two of you, his clothes he left from previous nights with his excuse being that he’ll be back soon so it would be a waste of energy taking them, you even had the matching pyjamas he got the pair of you out on your bed ready in case he wanted to stay tonight because he usually did on a Wednesday night.
You move to the desk in the corner of your room, as you sit down a picture of him stares back at you. It was your 3rd date, one he insisted you go on. A picnic in the hills. He went out and got a picnic blanket as well as made all the food himself, he needed to prove how serious he was about you and if doing everything himself proved that he would do it. Your previous dates had been fancy food at his house made by his chef but you told him you had to see Donghyuck, not Haechan, on your next date or you wouldn’t even entertain the thought of being with him.
The sky was clear and the sun was a warm yellow, it landed on his face perfectly as it highlighted his honey like skin while also showing each mole perfectly. It was a natural photo too, he was talking about Star Wars while looking off into the distance. With his eyes away you pulled your phone up from your lap and took the photo. He didn’t even know about it until a few months later when you first let him in your room and he saw it placed neatly on the desk.
You glare at the photo in the frame and pull it down so you couldn’t see it anymore, you’re sure the glass smashed. Glass being the least of your worried you opened your phone to check the school’s notice board, there it all was. Jaemin’s post.
Pictures of you either at Haechan’s house or where Haechan had been. Most of them having him cropped out to make it look like you’re trailing him. Some of the photos were ones he had taken himself, you know because he would send them to you and tell you how pretty you looked. The pictures were followed with one caption, ‘Haechan knows Y/N, hm?’
Choi Hyunji replied: I knew she was strange! She completely blew me off when we first spoke!
Kim Ara replied: Loads of people like him but going this far? Come on!
Lee Jeno replied: Here’s more >> [3 Attachments]
Yoo Jimin replied: Saw Ara reply, didn’t she do the same in middle school?
Han Bomin replied: She used to watch our practice, I know she was waiting for me because of tutoring but she probably used the time to see him.
Kim Doyoung replied: Stalker! Haechan said he’d tell us as lunch, come join!!!!!!
You scrunched your nose rethinking the comments on the bulletin post, completely ignoring the fist still pounding on your front door. “I won’t be more than five minutes, just let me explain!” The man on the other side continued to beg.
Calmly you placed down the knife and pushed the cutting board back. You exit the kitchen and stand behind the door.
“Who is it?” You ask, you know who it is.
“Haechan.” The door opens and he sees you there in all your beauty. Even with bloodshot eyes and a red face you were still so beautiful to him, so beautiful he could kiss you right then and there.
“It’s me, please just let me in.” He asks once more.
“Sorry, I don’t know a Haechan. You might have the wrong house.” You give a small smile before closing the door.
Not wanting to lose his only chance he places his foot in the way to make you open it once more. Thinking on his feet he replies “What about a Donghyuck? Do you know a Donghyuck?”
You think for a moment before responding. “I did, once.” You stare at him, expecting a fast and witty response however you get nothing.
He clears his throat after a moment, he was going to have to play your game. “I have a message to pass on, from Donghyuck.”
He moves his foot out from the door and stands up straight.
“He thinks you’re it for him, that there’s no one else he’d rather be with. He’s sorry that he made you cry today and he’s sorry you’ve cried because of him before. He behaved that way because he thought of his reputation first which I have since beat him up for.” He hears you giggle and takes this as a good sign and carry’s on. “He thought you wouldn’t understand what it’s like being where he is and that you would hurt him, but you’re so in love with him that we both know you wouldn’t do that to him.”
Tears well up in your eyes, he wants to punch himself for making you sad again. “He’s sorry he lied. After talking to his other friend Jaemin he came to the conclusion that you’re the best thing that ever happened to him and he now knows that what he did has made you have second thoughts about even being here and for that he apologises. He couldn’t come here because he is a coward, Donghyuck is a coward.”
Silence falls over both of you as he looks at you lovingly while you stare longingly into the distance. Your hand falls from the door handle and you put both of them together.
“I didn’t think Donghyuck would ever hurt my feelings. He was so special to me. He was it for me as well, we were supposed to be together forever. I constantly ran after him even though I knew I would get hurt. Now I have.” Haechan steps in the doorway and wipes your now falling tears. “I’ve never been so hurt before, I thought he loved me you know.”
You finally meet his eyes and he wishes you didn’t. What had he done? The pain in your eyes made his heart wrench and his body physically hurt, he could only imagine how you were feeling right now.
“I thought I had someone that made me feel special, after all the years of people pushing me away I thought Donghyuck would make me feel like the most special person on the planet.” You take his hands off your face carefully and hold them in your own. The look in your eyes is too much for the boy across from you and he pulls you in for a hug.
He begins to stroke your hair while the other arm rests on your waist, pulling you into him. You do the same, circling both on your arms around his waist as you silently cry. “I know he loves you and all he wants is for you to feel that special.” He tries to soothe your cries.
“No he doesn’t. He embarrassed me, he lied about me, he hurt me Haechan.” You grip the back of his shirt, unsure as to why but you did it regardless. “He doesn’t know what it’s like to be poked fun at, he doesn’t have to deal with that and then he makes up lies about me to make it worse.”
You sob loudly and it squeezes his heart more. “Did you tell him people poked fun at you?” How much were you keeping from him?
“No, he wouldn’t do anything about it anyway. He couldn’t.” No, he could, he just wouldn’t and he knew that.
“It was all too good to be true, I should have said no from the start.” Haechan’s stroking slows and eventually comes to a halt upon realising what you meant. You had made him work so hard because you weren’t sure if he was serious and now you wished you said no. It was almost like you knew he would end up hurting you and that made him want to cry himself.
He lets go of you and you do the same, his own tears had began to well up on his eyes, his nose was turning red which was a clear sign he was going to cry. “What? You mean that?” He manages to get out.
“I don’t know him anymore. He’s not… Donghyuck, he’s just Haechan. I don’t like Haechan, I like Donghyuck. Haechan thinks he’s a hot shot, Donghyuck thinks he should be the little spoon regardless of how tall he is.” You sniffle a laugh and then wipe your hands on your pyjama bottoms.
“I think you should go, Haechan.”
“I think I should stay.”
“I don’t like you Haechan, I told you that.”
“I love you.”
The room is silent again and he walks past you, shutting the front door behind himself.
“Whether you think I’m Haechan or Donghyuck, that doesn’t matter, I love you.”
“Then why did you lie?” Ouch. He can’t come back from that because it’s the truth. “Hearing you and everyone lie about me and the way I am made me feel physically sick.”
“Y/N lo-”
“You don’t get to come here and say that you love me after the things you said today. If you were as serious about me as you say you are you wouldn’t have.”
“But I am!” He turns to you and points at you. “I love you! More than I love myself and every single day I think about what I’m supposed to do when people find out about us! I swore to Jaemin I would say something and I didn’t, ok?!”
You push his hand away and turn away from him “I didn’t ask if you loved me or what you would do when people find out about us, I asked why you lied?”
He quietly walks towards you and hugs you from behind, placing a kiss on the top of your head then your temple then your cheek and resting his chin on your shoulder. It’s a sweet action with good intentions only however the situation makes it far from sweet, it makes it apologetic and pitiful.
He leans his head to the side to lean against your own. “I have no excuse and for that I’m sorry.” You nod, not trusting your words. “I have no excuse for the way I behaved today, I don’t ever want to hurt you and you know that.” He presses a kiss onto your shoulder and stays there.
“Can we not see each other anymore? Please? It’s not just today and you know that. We aren’t good for each other right now, my love.” He lets you go as his hands fall and you turn around to face him once again. Placing both of your hands on his cheeks you bring him in and place a soft hiss on his forehead, it lasts for a while and Haechan think this may be your last.
He brings hands to rest on your wrists, still looking at you with so much love.
“You hurt me in so many ways, but today just the most. I hope you can understand where this is coming from.” He silently nods. “I’ll see you around in a few days or so, you’ll know I’m safe like you used to. I just can’t put myself through this anymore, you know that.”
“Just because I’m not fighting now doesn’t mean I won’t be, I’ll keep fighting and waiting.” He responds determined.
“You should go before my parents get back, I need to make them dinner.” Haechan shakes his head and holds onto you tightly.
If he stayed any longer he’d only hurt you more than he already had over the past few months and especially today. “It’ll all be the same, we just won’t see each other outside of school. You really have to go now though, Hyuck.”
There is was. Hyuck. He so badly wanted you to call him that tonight but not now.
Finally, he nods. You let go of his cheeks and he lets go of your wrists. The pair of you stare at each other for what seems like hours just trying to understand how the other person feels but you just can’t, too consumed in your own hurt. Maybe it was better if you didn’t understand each other right now, that way you wouldn’t have to live with knowing why he lied or why you left him.
Haechan hesitantly walks back to the front door and he remembers his first time coming through it, how happy you were to finally be allowed to have him at your house. He wants to smile at the memory but he can’t, he’ll never know if he’ll come back through it and that hurts him more than anything else. He wanted to build a home with you the way your parents did but the thought of never knowing if you’ll be waiting for him in that home makes this all sting a bit more.
“I love you too.” You whisper. He turns around to see you right behind him. “You said you love me, I love you too.” He kisses the crown of your head before quickly making his exit, the door shutting with a soft click behind him.
Immediately he hears you sob and he stops on your porch to collect himself. Every time he had broken himself you would spend hours trying to put each piece back together and hold it in place however he couldn’t do the same with you. He was the one chipping off pieces overtime and now you’re ere left with barely anything. Now he had to go and find them, bring them back to you and hold it all together himself because if he doesn’t he’s not sure what he’ll do.
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lovebombs4life · 10 months
is it over now? - c.t.h.
a/n: hey guysssssss… i haven’t posted in a hot minute cause ive had a million and one things going on all at once, so writing and posting have been at the back of my mind.
cw: SMUT!!! angst and fighting between reader and luke, friends to lovers w/cal, soft dom!cal, fingering, oral (f), protected p in v, praising, fluffy cal (i tho m that’s all but if i missed anything feel free to lmk!)
wc: 4,049 (not proof read)
“i didn’t know what a break meant, y/n! for all i knew we were broke up!” luke raised his voice as he ran his hands through his hair, walking back and forth in the living room of my apartment. i scoffed at him, clenching my jaw.
“so you thought you could sleep with someone else?!” i snapped back. his eyes turned cold. he took a step closer to me.
“i was drunk! she didn’t mean a damn thing to me!” he moved his hands as he spoke. i laughed in disbelief. my hands gripped at the roots of my hair.
“god, you are unbelievable!” i turned away from him, my hands going to my cheeks. they were warm, and i guarantee bright red as i yelled.
“we were on a break! what did that mean to you?!” he yelled, sitting down at the table.
“it meant we needed time apart! not that you could go sleep with other women!” i cried in anger. i stood in the middle of the living room, looking at him with defeat.
“luke i think you should go.” i spoke, my voice quieter now. his eyes softened, beginning to water as he heard my words.
he stood from the table, walking towards me. “please, y/n, let’s fix this.” he grabbed my waist. i stood still, my eyes watering. he slid down, hugging my hips.
“there’s no fixing this, luke. it’s over.” i let tears slide down my cheeks. i felt my shirt damped as he sniffled, crying too.
“it’s not, it’s not over, y/n, please.” he choked, trying to hold onto me tighter. i shook my head, wiping my tears away.
“it’s over, luke. it was over when you slept with another woman.” i took a deep breath, trying to keep myself from breaking down. he pulled his head away from me, his grip loosening. i backed away from him, avoiding eye contact.
i grabbed for my keys in my pocket, taking the key to his apartment off my keychain. i held it out to him. he sat on his knees, his face becoming red and puffy from crying. his hand reached out for the key shakily.
he fished for his keys, taking off the key to my apartment, leaving it on the coffee table next to him. i closed my eyes and turned around, going to my room. i heard the front door shut with a thud.
that’s when it all came out. i fell to the floor, my heart feeling as if it were in my throat. i let out choked sobs, gasping for air. my nose stuffed up and became runny. my mascara ran down my face, staining my cheeks.
i weakly crawled up into my bed, screaming into my pillow. my heart was burning, and my body was shaking. i turned my head to the side so i could breathe. i patted around for my phone, texting calum once i found it.
y/n: he cheated on me. we just broke up. i feel like im dying.
not even thirty seconds later, calum was calling me. i slid the button to answer, putting him on speaker. i sniffled as he spoke to me. “y/n.. are you okay?”
i sat up slightly. “no. i’m dying. my heart is in my throat.” i spoke, my voice breaking.
i heard him sigh through the phone. “what a dick head. you deserve better, y/n.” i wiped my eyes on the sleeve of my shirt before wiping my nose.
“funny he thought i was talking to someone else when i never did. he got such tunnel vision on it and wouldn’t believe me. i guess taking a break means that he can go sleep with other women. he didn’t even fucking tell me who it was. i think it’s better if i don’t know.” i spoke, calming down.
“i don’t wanna know either.” calum said.
i press the button on my phone to change it to a face time call. calum’s face soon popped up on my screen. he frowned when he saw the mascara stained on my cheeks. “go clean yourself up, get comfortable. i’ll stay on the phone with you for as long as you need.” he said. i nodded, bringing my phone into the bathroom with me.
i grabbed out my makeup wipes, scrubbing the makeup from my cheeks and eyes. i threw the wipe away, grabbing my brush afterwards, fixing my hair into a ponytail. i then decided to brush my teeth before finding pajamas to change into. cal did as he said he would, and stayed on the phone with me.
i grabbed out a sweater and threw it on, then grabbed a pair of shorts. i cuddled up into my bed, turning on my tv.
“there ya go, all comfy now. you’re already looking much better.” calum complimented. i smiled softly.
“you’re the best cal. thank you.” i looked at him. he was laying in bed too, watching me as i got comfortable.
before i knew it, i ended up falling asleep. when i woke in the morning, calum with still on the phone with me. it was close to ten in the morning. he was already awake, his phone was set up to show him sitting at his desk, playing his bass and writing. he had gone on mute so he wouldn’t wake me up.
i smiled at the small gesture, thinking it was sweet.
“didn’t think you’d stay on call through the whole night.” i giggled, grabbing my phone, showing my face. calum turned to face the camera, grabbing his phone to unmute himself.
“said i’d stay on the phone for as long as you needed. figured if you needed anything in the night then you’ve already got me on the phone.” he smiled. i jutted out my bottom lip as he spoke.
“that’s so sweet cal. you’re seriously the best.” he chuckled, nodding his head before looking down and smiling. my heart warmed at the sight.
i tried to push the feeling back. my mind just wants a rebound, right? i couldn’t do that, especially not to calum.
“how bout we hangout later? you can come hang here and we can watch a movie and you can play with duke?” he asked, hopefulness in his voice. i smiled, nodding.
“that would be nice. thank you again cal. i’m gonna go now. i’ll shower and get dress and then be on my way over.” i said. i waved goodbye as i hung up, getting up to shower.
i grabbed a different hoodie and a pair of leggings, heading into my bathroom. i took a few deep breaths as i stood under the warm water, letting last night wash away. he doesn't deserve my time. no matter how much it hurts.
i washed my hair, scrubbing at my scalp. i slathered the conditioner onto the ends of my hair, then grabbed my scrub, washing off my skin.
once done, i washed out my conditioner, and turned the water off. as i dried off my body, my mind went back to calum. the fact he stayed on call with me all night made my heart swell.
i finally got dressed, and grabbed my keys. i threw on my sandals and made my way downstairs to the parking lot.
as soon as i got to calum’s, i saw duke standing near the window by the door. i smiled and opened the door, immediately getting on my knees to pet duke.
“hi little puppy, you such a sweet boy? yes you are!” i baby talked, pulling the dog into my arms.
“good to see you too?” calum said, standing infront of me. i looked up at him from my spot on the floor, still holding duke. i smiled up at him.
“hey, i need puppy love right now, and you said i could play with duke while we’re hanging out.” i stated, sticking my tongue out at him.
calum tensed up slightly as i looked up at him through my lashes.
“i could give you puppy love.” he mumbled under his breath. i didn’t quite hear what he had said. i tilted my head while looking up at him still.
“what did you say?” i furrowed my brow. he shook his head and waved it off.
“nothing. let’s go get comfy and choose a movie, yeah?” asked, turning around and walking to the living room. i hummed in agreement, setting duke down on the floor. i followed behind calum, throwing myself down onto his large couch.
“any preference on what we watch?” he asked. i shook my head, grabbing a blanket that was draped over the back of the couch. he sat down next to me, pulling some of the blanket onto his lap.
his arm snuck around my waist, pulling me into his side. my cheeks flushed the slightest, and i tried to rub my hands on my face to hide it. i rested my head on his shoulder, his head laying atop mine. i yawned as he chose a movie, not really paying any mind to it. i slumped over, resting my head in his lap. duke jumped up on the couch, curling up next to my legs. i smiled, letting my eyes rest.
i rubbed my eyes as i woke up, stretching after laying down. i sat up, looking around the room. calum had brought me up to his room, letting me sleep. duke had followed along and was curled up next to me on the bed. calum sat at his desk writing. “how long have i been sleeping?” i asked. calum spun around in his chair, smiling softly.
“bout two hours. you started crying when you were sleeping. you were thinking about luke, huh?”
i shrugged my shoulders. “hard not to. you would too if you were dating for a year and then he cheated on you.”
calum nodded, frowning slightly. i shook it off, not wanting to keep thinking about it. “i think im gonna head out, i’ll talk to you when im home?” i said as more of a question. he nodded, standing up to hug me.
“call me if you need me, ‘kay?” he said, kissing the top of my head softly. i nodded into his chest before pulling away.
once home, i instantly went to my bed, flopping down face first. i checked my phone, seeing multiple messages and missed calls from luke throughout the day. i deleted his contact, and blocked it. i needed to cut him off otherwise i’d run back. i couldn’t do that to myself.
i smiled slightly as calum’s contact popped up.
cal: make it home okay?
y/n: yeah, sorry i didn’t text you, i totally forgot
cal: no worries :) sleep well y/n
y/n: how’d you know i was gonna sleep?
cal: im a genius that’s why
i giggled at his response. i plugged in my phone, setting it aside as i allowed my mind to wander before i fell asleep.
his lips danced over mine, his dark curls tangled between my fingers. my breathing picked up as his lips trailed down my neck, sucking dark spots upon my throat. i gasped at the feeling, his hands gripping my waist. “tell me what you want, sweetheart.”
i sat up quickly, gasping for air as if i’d just ran a marathon. i couldn’t be dreaming of him like that. we’re just friends. luke and i just broke up. i can’t use calum as a rebound. what if he’s not a rebound? you know you like him. my mind was screaming.
i checked the time on my phone. it was only ten pm. i slid my screen up, unlocking my phone. i clicked calum and i’s messages, sending him a text.
y/n: can you come over? and with a bottle of wine? or two?
cal: give me 10 minutes and i’ll be there. you alright?
y/n: yeah, need to get drunk. need to forget him
just as he promised, calum was here within ten minutes, holding two bottles of wine. i quickly snatched one of the bottles from him, popping it open and taking a swig of it. his eyes widened as he walked through the door, watching me drink from the bottle.
“a bottle for each of us then?” he laughed lightly. i nodded, walking to my living room. he followed behind me, sitting on the floor with me. i continued to drink from the bottle, calum doing the same with the other.
“he’s such a dick.” i muttered. calum chuckled, watching me slam down more wine.
“he doesn’t deserve you. i’m sure he’s sitting at home right now crying over you.” calum said. i looked at him, my face flushed from the alcohol.
“i hope so. i hope he feels miserable.” i smiled slightly. calum laughed again, drinking more.
within twenty minutes, we were both done with our bottles, and we were progressively getting drunker. i leaned my head back against the couch, watching calum as he played with the silver rings on his fingers. “you’re pretty.” i giggled, crawling over to him. he smiled as i ran my hand through his hair.
“you’re prettier.” he said, raising his hand to my cheek, caressing my skin. i nuzzled my face into his hand, kissing his palm.
his eyes flickers down my lips before meeting my gaze again. “wanna kiss you. can i kiss you?” i asked, admiring his features. he nodded, leaning in slowly.
my body tingled with excitement as his lips met mine. my mind was on fire from the alcohol, but all i could think of right now was calum. i whimpered into the kiss softly as calum pulled me into his lap. his large hands held onto my hips, moving them along his slightly.
his tongue glided along my bottom lip, asking for entrance. i parted my lips slightly, his tongue slipping into my mouth. he groaned as my hands ran through his hair, his hands still guiding my hips against his.
“want you, y/n.” he breathed out as he pulled away from our kiss. i kissed his cheek, going down to his neck.
“have me then, cal, ‘m yours.” i whispered against his skin. he held onto me as he stood up, brining us to my room.
he laid me back, kissing down my neck. “you sure you want this?” he asked, looking up at me. i nodded quickly.
“want this, want you, cal.” i whined. he chuckled at me, his hands grabbing the hem of my sweater. he looked up at me for consent. i nodded, lifting my arms as he pulled the clothing off. he groaned once he saw i wasn’t wearing a bra.
“so fuckin pretty. he’s missing out on this.” he praised, kissing my stomach, up to my chest. his tongue ran across my body, making me shiver.
“please cal, need you.” i whimpered. he smirked at me, his fingers pulling down my leggings, my panties going with them. he threw his head back as i spread my legs open for him, wanting more.
“should’ve been with me the whole time instead sweetheart, would’ve treated you so much better.” he said, kneeling down in front of me. i nodded, pathetic noises falling from my lips, hoping he would do something soon.
his warm breath against my heat made me shiver. he grasped my thighs, pulling my legs over his shoulders as he licked a stripe up my heat. i gasped, my hands quickly grabbing his hair. he smirked at my reaction, continuing to lick against me.
“taste so good princess, doing so good.” he praised as he slid two of his fingers inside of my pussy. i moaned as he curled them up inside me, continuing to lick at my clit.
i clenched my thighs around his head, my legs shaking. calum pulled his head away from me, replacing his tongue with his thumb, rubbing quick circles on my electric spot. “that feel good sweet girl? wanna hear you, baby, tell me how you feel.”
i groaned, gripping at the bed sheets. “feels so fucking good cal, so good, don’t stop.” i cried, my thighs beginning to shake. he chuckled as i clenched around his fingers.
“cum for my sweetheart, i know you’re close baby.” he commanded, going back down to work me again with his tongue. he slid out his fingers, sucking at my clit, swirling his tongue around. i mewled as he held my hips down, my body shaking.
my eyes rolled back as i came on his tongue, feeling him lick me up. he pulled back, giving me a wide smile. “taste so fucking good sweetheart.” he said, kissing me. i tasted myself on his tongue, moaning into his mouth. i grabbed at his t-shirt, pulling it over his head.
soon after i pulled off his sweatpants, then his boxers. i bit my lip as i saw his hardened cock spring out from the clothing. i’d be lying if i said i hadn’t thought about him like this before, but that was before luke.
“you have a condom, pretty girl?” he asked, stroking his length. i nodded, pointing to the side table next to us. he grabbed one out, quickly rolling it onto his dick.
calum teased my slit with his tip, slightly pushing in before pulling back again. “fuck me already cal, please.” i begged, my nails digging into his back lightly. he smirked, pushing in slowly. i gasped as he started stretching me out.
“doing so good sweetheart, need me to stop?” he asked, making sure i was okay. i shook my head quickly.
“don’t stop, i can take it.” i cried, my legs wrapping around his hips.
he pushed in further, holding onto my hips. “just a little more sweetheart, doing so good for me. look so pretty on my cock baby.” he praised. i whined as he finally sunk into me fully.
calum stopped his movement, kissing me softly, his lips dancing against mine before trailing down to my neck. “you can move now, cal, im okay.” i breathed out.
he sucked at the skin on my throat, leaving dark bruises as he slowly started to thrust into me. “shit, cal, faster, please baby.” i moaned, my nails running down his back. he groaned as i did so, picking his pace up.
“taking me so well sweetheart, you feel so good around my cock baby, making me feel so good.” he moaned, massaging one of my breasts in his hand.
i squeezed my eyes shut, trying to contain myself. i lifted my hand to my mouth, biting down, gasping hard.
“don’t hold back sweetheart, wanna know who’s making you feel this good baby.” he grabbed my hand away from my mouth, interlocking his fingers with mine.
“look at me baby, wanna see those eyes.” his hand squeezed mine, encouraging me to look at him. i struggled to pry my eyelids open, watching pleasure consume calum’s face.
i watched as his muscles flexed in his arms, his hips snapping against mine as he was buried deep inside me. my breathing became ragged as i felt the familiar fire growing in my stomach, my walls clenching around his cock.
calum’s hips faltered, groans falling from his lips. “you close baby? you’re doing so fucking good, you’re so fucking perfect, y/n.” he moaned, his hand trailing down my throat, caressing the bruises he sucked on my neck.
“won’t last much longer, cal, gonna cum.” i panted, my nails scratching down his back, making him buck his hips into me harder.
i cried at the feeling, digging my nails into his skin as my thighs began to shake. a few more thrusts from calum and i was done for, i was falling apart from his touch. my head swirled as calum slowed his movements down. everything was muffled, and moving slowly, my high washing over me so beautifully.
i’d never felt such a feeling as this, and i prayed it would never end. calum laid down on the bed next to me, pushing the hair out of my face. he kissed my cheek, speaking sweet nothings as i came back down.
i turned my head toward him, a lazy smile on my face. “should’ve been with you all along.” i giggled, my face a deep shade of pink. he chuckled, pulling me closer to him.
i soon fell asleep, and as i did, calum had gotten up and cleaned up my apartment a bit for me. eventually he climbed back into bed with me, pulling me back into his hips, kissing my head.
i woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. it must have been going on for the last five minutes, and i felt sorry for my neighbors. calum sat up, sliding into his sweatpants, walking out of the room.
i grabbed his shirt from off the floor, throwing it on over a pair of shorts. i walked to the door, calum blocking whoever it was. “who is it cal?” i asked, rubbing my eyes as i leaned into his side.
my stomach dropped as i saw the figure standing in front of me.
“why’s he here?” luke bit his lip nervously, looking at me up and down. he took in the fact that in was wearing calum’s shirt, and that calum was only in his sweatpants.
“why are you here luke?” i retorted, clenching my jaw, trying to keep my breathing steady. he ran his hand through his curls, pacing in front of the door.
“it doesn’t matter. you’ve moved on already with calum.” he huffed, pulling at his hair. i scoffed.
“you moved on from me before we were even over luke. you can’t even fucking talk to me about moving on.” i spat. he nodded, his face going pale.
“‘m sorry. for all of it. i’m sorry. i can’t even remember what i came here to say except for that im sorry.” he repeated, shaking his head, looking at me with sorrow in his eyes. i rolled my eyes, walking away.
“you should go, mate.” calum spoke. soon after, he closed the door, finding me standing in the kitchen. i had grabbed my phone from my room, scrolling through instagram.
as if seeing him at my door wasn’t enough, there had been a post about luke sneaking around with a girl. as i looked at the photos, my heart shattered, and i wanted to throw up. i dropped my phone on the counter, covering my mouth as my eyes teared up.
“there’s no fucking way.” i choked out, my knees becoming weak. calum quickly came up behind me, holding me.
“what happened?” he asked, his voice filled with worry. i fell back into him, sobbing into his chest. i shakily pointed at my phone sitting on the counter. he grabbed it, observing the photos. i felt his grip around me get tighter.
my knees trembled, making me slowly fall down. calum sunk down to the floor with me, holding me in his lap. “my fucking sister. are you fucking kidding me.” he whispered, stroking my head as i buried my face in his neck
“her and i used to be cool. she told me she was always into this other guy.” i cried, squeezing onto calum.
“this is so fucked.” he said, the anger in his voice rising. his hand moved down to my back, slow movements trying to calm me down.
i will admit, as he caressed my skin and i took deep breaths, i was already feeling better. he kissed the top of my head before i looked up at him, my face stained with tears, my eyes surely puffy.
he smiled softly, kissing my forehead. “thank you.” i whispered up at him, sniffling slightly.
“you’re welcome gorgeous.” he kissed my nose, making me giggle.
“they’re not worth it. they don’t deserve our time or hurt, or any emotions of any kind at all. we have each other, that’s what should matter.” he wiped the stray tears from my face with his thumbs. i nodded, nuzzling my face into his palm as he held my cheek.
how could it be possible that i was falling in love with him already?
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aarmaudiaries · 6 months
ya’ll i just had the most humbling experience of my life today so i’m gonna talk about it. for context i am in a school that is 6-12th grade, and there’s like a total of like 24 kids in the whole building (this is because it’s specifically a setting for students with mental disabilities and disorders- and is small on purpose to reduce stress levels) so some of my classes are mixed with little 7th grade boys. specifically my gym/health class because i am the “teachers assistant” for some reason (i did not sign up for this somebody save me /j) and basically i was just minding my business with my aarmau meemeows on my desk because a lot of people carry around plushies as like a support item, so i carry around my aaron and aphmau ones on days where i’m having a hard time and stuff. and this little 4 foot boy taps me on the shoulder and goes “those are from aphmau” and i had a fucking HEART ATTACK. i just stared at him and went “yea. you watch her?” and he got all excited. it was very cute. so we started chatting about it and i was like “oh who’s your favorite character of hers?” and he said ein and i was like interesting choice but ok- and we started talking about aarmau since we both knew a decent amount about them n’ stuff- or at least i thought we did. i was fully convinced we were on the same page but then he started talking about what videos he watches and it hit me like a truck. he watches jess’ CURRENT content. he watches COCOMAU. WHICH MAKES SENSE SINCE HES LIKE A SMALL CHILD BUT FOR SOME REASON I DIDNT REALIZE THATS WHAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT UNTIL HE MENTIONED LIKE A RECENT VIDEO. so i was just sitting there hiding my absolute whiplash while he asked me if i’d seen any of the videos he was talking about- and i confessed to him that i only like her older stuff from like 2016 and he was like “oh. okay.” HE DIDNT LOOK UPSET OR ANYTHING BUT I STILL FELT A BIT BAD. nothing was worse then when i felt like i was aging rapidly though. like oh my god i am an out of touch elderly woman. pleaseeeee someone put me out of my misery or something because that was so depressing.
but the worst part was when class was almost over and i took out my wallet so i could go buy some oreos from the school store once the period ended or something- and i forgot that i have my mcd aaron keychain hooked onto my damn wallet- so i half expected this kid to like notice it and bring it up in front of everyone. which would’ve been kinda embarrassing if i had to explain to everyone in my gym class who mcd aaron was. but alas he didn’t say anything. and it took me a second to realize the reasons he didn’t recognize the damn keychain was because mcd aaron’s design is DRASTICALLY different from cocomau aaron’s design- SO THE LITTLE BOY HAD NO IDEA WHO IT WAS. WHICH WAS SOMEHOW WORSE THAN HIM BRINGING IT UP CAUSE IT MADE ME FEEL EVEN OLDER. GOOD GOD 😭😭😭 IM CRYING LAUGHING WRITING THIS TOO BECAUSE ITS JUST SO FUNNY TO ME AND I DONT REALLY KNOW WHY?? I was just humbled so bad tbh it was very silly.
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milawritesstuff · 2 years
A part 3 for the Pedri imagines
I think this one will make all of us happy today. The update not the story lmao. If you didn't catch Part 2 you can read it here!
You opened your eyes and immediately realized you weren’t in Gavi’s guest bedroom. You felt the presence of someone next to you and as you turned around you saw Gavi sleeping. You couldn’t remember much of what had happened the night before. After seeing the picture of Pedri with the girl it had all became a blur. Soon you realized you were still wearing all of your clothing despite Gavi sleeping without a shirt. You felt yourself calm down as you realized that you and Gavi had done nothing you would be regretting today.
Soon Gavi woke up. He smiled at you. -Good morning.- You turned on your side and looked at him. -Buenos Dias.-
-How are you feeling today?- He asked as he rubbed his eyes with his hands.
You shrugged your shoulders. -As good as someone can feel when they realize their boyfriend of two years replaced them within days.- He stayed there looking at you but didn’t say a word. 
-Why did I sleep here?- You asked him finally. He offered you a shy smile. 
-You wouldn’t stop crying, I felt bad leaving you alone in your room.-
The both of you stayed quiet.
-Gracias Pablo.-
That day you decided what you needed the most was to return home and be with your family. Gavi was to drop you off at the airport the next day and while he was gone at practice you began to pack your luggage. It was then that you realized you had left some things at Pedri’s home, like your passport. Luckily you had also forgotten to leave your keys with him and since both Gavi and Pedri were at practice right now was the perfect time to go and get your stuff without running into him.
You showed up to the home that you and Pedri shared. You opened the door and as soon as you walked in a wave of sadness washed over you. Every corner of the home had a good memory and a bad one. You smiled as you walked by the kitchen and remembered when the two of you first cooked a pizza together and ended up throwing flour all over each other. Then night ended with you two making out in the kitchen floor. This had also become the place where you waited hours for him to come home and he never did. This was the place you had told him you were leaving. 
You wiped a tear from your face and went into the bedroom where you had left your documents. You quickly grabbed them and before walking out of the room you turned back. You realized he had left everything as you had left it. 
As you began to walk out of the room and into the hallway you hear the doorknob turn. Your heart began to race. Who could it be? Maybe it was Fernando, Pedri’s brother, who had come to stay with him. You stood there in silence as the door opened and in walked Pedri. He looked up as he put a bag down on the floor.
-Y/N! You came back.
You felt a knot in your throat and a wave of warmness run through your body.
-I … - You began to take the keys to the house off of your keychain as you walked closer to him. -I had left my passport here, I came to get it. Here are your keys, I won’t ever come back here. I’m sorry, I thought you were at practice.- You handed him the keys and as you did this you felt his fingers grace yours. That same feeling you had when you two had first met that sent you electricity through your body was still there.
He took the keys and shoved them in his pocket.
-I got injured, I’m out of practice for a few days. Please stay.-
You shook your head, trying to control the tears you knew were already forming.
-I saw the pictures Pedro. What do you want me to stay for?-
He drove his fingers through his hair. -It’s not what you think.-
You scoffed. -You mean you didn’t take her to your game and then took her out to dinner?-
He stayed silent. -I only did it because you left me here and ran straight to fuck my best friend.-
You stared at him in disbelief. -What are you talking about?-
-I went to see Gavi that night when you left and I saw you walking into his apartment. You were just waiting for me to fuck up so you could run straight into his arms.-
-Then you shouldn’t have fucked up, Pedri.- You could by his expression that he was becoming angry. -And no, I’m not fucking Pablo like you are fucking all of these girls that throw themselves at you.-
-You don’t get it?- He asked. 
-Get what?-
-Pablo’s into you. He was just looking for a way to get to you and finally it happened.-
Memories of the day before had finally came back to you. Gavi had told you he liked you. He had asked you to give him a chance. But you couldn’t because your heart, as much as you hated it, was still attached to Pedri.
-And you had nothing to worry about Pedro until you went and did whatever you did. I loved you, I truly did. I put up with so much. I put myself second over and over again.- You couldn’t go on because you began to cry.
-Loved?- He gulped. -You don’t love me anymore?- He took a step closer to you.
-I can’t love someone I can’t trust Pedro. I am better off without you. Loving me was always just an option for you when for me it was something I couldn’t chose. Having you one day and not the other that wasn’t having you. I love you Pedro but I know how to love myself more. As much as it hurts, we are better off like this.-
You put the passport in your purse and began to walk out when you felt his hand pull you back. -Leave me alone Pedro.-
He shook his head. -Please stay.- You could see tears coming down from his eyes. His nose was red as he tried to hold it in. But he couldn’t anymore.
-Go ask your new girlfriend to stay.- You spat back.
He shook his head. -Don’t you get it? She meant nothing. I did nothing with her. I took her to dinner and that was it. Sitting there I realized I will never be able to replace you. The sound of your laugh kept on playing in my head as she talked. But she couldn’t and nobody will ever stop me from thinking about you. I will spend my whole life chasing the idea of you and it fucks me to know I had you and lost you.-
He took a step closer to you and before you knew it his lips were touching yours. You felt as his tongue went in and began to explore. The warmth of his body against yours and the warmth of his lips on yours were enough to make you forget everything. But not this time. You savored what you believed would be the last kiss you ever got from him and what you had yearned for days. You put your hands on his chest and pushed him away.
-If you love me, if you ever loved me… Please let me go, Pedro.-
Silence overtook the home. He looked down at the floor and then back up at you. His eyes full of tears. 
-Go.- He said. You turned around quickly before you regretted your decision and stormed out of the house. 
You ran out onto the road and quickly stoped a taxi. You got in and began to cry. The driver looked over at you. -Is everything okay, señorita?- You shook your head and gave him Gavi’s address. You turned back to look at Pedri’s front door half hoping he would be storming out looking for you, but nothing.
The next morning Gavi drove you to the airport. 
-I’m going to miss you.- He said as you smiled.
-I need some time away from the city Pablo. I promise when I come back I’ll look for somewhere to stay and I’ll get out of your space.- He laughed. -You are welcome to stay with me as long as you want. It’s not a problem.-
You took him in for a hug. -I know Pablo.-
You stayed silent until you finally looked up at him. -Pablo, I … I remember what you told me. And I’m sorry.- He shook his head. -I know you love him, I know he loves you and I won’t come in between. I just want you to be happy.-
You placed a kiss on his cheek and hugged him once again before walking away towards check in. You walked into the airplane and found your seat. As you were checking your last messages to turn your phone off a new message came in.
P: Te quiero. Te amo. It will always be you. My greatest hello and saddest goodbye.
@cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff @bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0 @l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife @beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re @pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover @formula1mount 
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