#I’m sorry to say this chapter might not be much better lol
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darlingpoppet · 2 months ago
Liminal Spaces— Chapter 6
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Hades (Video Game) | Modern AU (College/University) | PZA | Explicit | Chapters: 6/7 | Words: 38,186 (Chapter 6: 6,127)
Summary: Inspired by The Dreamers, except make it 2010s and vaporwave. Zagreus is a university student who feels aimless in life. His girlfriend dumped him, things between him & his best friend are weird, and he lacks ambition in his studies, all while the optimistic visions of his generation’s future are becoming lost. Until one day, he falls into the orbit of Achilles & Patroclus―a charming, yet eccentric pair who completely alter Zagreus’ outlook on life & death, love & loss, past & future, and the transitions in between. (Chapter 6 Summary: Zagreus, Achilles, and Patroclus all reconcile after the events of the last chapter, but soon Zagreus starts to become uneasy as they retreat further into isolation.)
The next morning, Zagreus awakens to the same feeling as he had the day previous: of warmth, and of firm bodies snuggling up against him from both sides. He cracks an eye open to see Achilles’ smiling face staring back at him, his golden curls lying tousled across his forehead and cheeks. From behind, the pleasant, soft scratch of Patroclus’ beard tickles at Zagreus’ neck and back, and his gentle hands are wrapped around his torso.
“Mm?” Zagreus grunts, too sleep drunk to make much sense of these unexpected guests in his bed. Neither of them have ever come to Zagreus in his room before now.
“Good morning,” Achilles murmurs sweetly to him. “Did you manage to sleep all right?”
“Mm… I’suppose,” Zagreus mumbles sleepily.
“That’s good.” Achilles pauses, and tucks a lock of hair behind Zagreus’ ear. “Look, Zagreus. I’m sorry about what happened last night. Both of us are.”
“We feel as if we put you in a position where you became caught in the middle of our disagreement, and that wasn’t fair of us,” Patroclus continues for him. “Please accept our apology.”
If Zagreus had woken up here alone, with only his thoughts and the time to think on them, he might have slipped out and away on his own, without the two of them needing to waste their breath on apologies. Yet despite the fact that he is still groggy, unable to give this all of the consideration that it probably deserves, he finds it meaningful that they came to him first, both of them eager to make amends, despite what they put him through. Zagreus realizes he really doesn’t have the heart to throw it back in their faces. He still doesn’t quite understand, precisely, what caused it all to go wrong last night, just as he isn’t sure how the two of them managed to make amends with one another so suddenly and quickly. Regardless of whatever caused a rift between them, it has already been bridged, and they both seem content to put it behind them. Zagreus supposes that this is all right with him too.
“S’fine,” he slurs out.
Achilles’ sigh of relief is broken in half with a hitch. This close, Zagreus can see how his eyes fill, but not quite overflow with tears. Achilles presses a kiss to Zagreus’ lips that’s contrite and gentle.
“Oh Zagreus… you really are so good to us. More than we deserve, perhaps. Though truly, we are sorry. It won’t happen again.”
Behind him, Zagreus allows Patroclus’ guiding hands to roll him over so that he can offer his own penitence. He kisses Zagreus softly as he strokes at the back of his head.
“We wanted to make it up to you,” he purrs against Zagreus’ mouth, “So we have a surprise for you.”
Zagreus is more fully awake now. He sits up, turning his back to them. His movement is sudden, and so when he looks back around to eye the two of them over his shoulder, they are wide-eyed, as if apprehensive that Zagreus has decided not to accept their apologies after all. He grins.
“Show me,” he says eagerly.
Chapter Navigation: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Bonus: Side Story
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ssreeder · 11 months ago
I'm so looking forward to iroh and zuko properly talking and seeing irohs reaction to zuko being gay.
Like we all know he doesn't agree with the fire nation rn but how will he react?
Will he not support him cause sokkas a guy? Will he not support him because it's SOKKA? Will he accept him? Will he reveal he's known for years zuko was gay?
Especially with everything that happened with zhao, regarding to what jee said to bato on their date. (Which is a very understandable perspective, zuko just got out of this very sexually traumatising situation and almost immediately starts a relationship (his first relationship) with sokka, but then again it is a very unique situation)
One thing I love about some atla fics is how they portray the FNs thoughts on queerness, cause on one hand they were one of the only country's (I think) that treated men and women the same but then again it's also the fucking fire nation.
And I also think zukos whole canon arc can be very comparative to queerness,
His dads an asshole and after speaking out against him he throws him out, and zuko try's for 3 years to regain his father's love and acceptance, and then faced with the opportunity of regaining it takes it immediately regardless of who or what he may hurt (iroh, his own morals etc) but once he makes it back home realises how fucked up everything is and eventually confronts his dad and openly tells him he doesn't agree with him then runs aways.
I also wonder if iroh secretly knows jee is queer it doesn't seem that likely to me but it also is iroh so who knows.
I do think Iroh’s reaction will be a big moment for not only the story but for Zuko’s character development. Right now, Zuko’s technically still a prisoner, holding himself there by assuming Iroh will not understand or judge him when in reality he’ll never know what his uncle is thinking until they TALK ABOUT IT. (Which the FN royal family is just sooo good at healthy communication I don’t understand why this is so hard for them lol?!)
I do agree that the suddenness of the relationship combined with the intensity from both zuko and Sokka is very alarming for people looking at it from the outside (I mean we all totally get it cause we were there but others are like uhhhh hmmmm ok this might be concerning) so I get them gossiping and wondering if this is truly real or what the fucks going on with those boys.
I love Zukos canon arc because there’s just so much about zukos story that can be relatable no matter who you are and I think that’s why he is a fan favorite (it doesn’t explain why we torture him the way we do but ehhhh it’s fine haha)
Hmmmmmm does iroh know Jees gay? Depends on how saucy those music nights got ;)
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swordsandholly · 10 months ago
Across the Way
Chapter 4: New and Old Problems Alike
Retired!Ghoap x Fem!Fat!Reader
Ao3 | Previous - Next | Masterlist
MDNI | cw: fainting, some medical inaccuracies
Word Count: 5.8k
Summary: You go to Scotland with high hopes for your future. After all, you have the bakery you always dreamed of and a whole new life to live. Plus, the men who own the butcher’s shop across the street seem nice.
You haven’t texted them, even three days later. That little sticky note haunts the surface of your kitchen counter. It taunts you - tells you that you should text them and at least give them your number. That you’re being a terrible neighbor. They might need you too, after all. Even though you can’t figure out why they might for the life of you. On the other hand, you can’t help but feel wary about it. Men don’t take an interest in you - people in general rarely take interest. It’s hard not to feel suspicious, as pure as you’re sure their intentions probably are.
More so than any of that, you don’t know what to say. If it had been day one you could have just put your name, but now you feel like you need to explain. Or at least be funny or something. Tossing and turning on your designated rest day about what the hell you should do.
You’re overthinking it. You know that. You can’t stop, either.
They just seem so cool - so put together. So unlike you. You want to impress them. You don’t want to ruin the first possibility of friends in this new life you’re building for yourself.
Eventually you work up the courage to send off an initial text to each of them. Just to give them your name to save if they so choose - plus an extra thank you to Simon for giving you their numbers in the first place. Something simple and borderline cold. Too cold, maybe? Maybe you sound irritated. You hope not. You just want them to like you. Friends in new places are hard and to have someone around you who gets how it feels to need accommodations would just feel so… lovely. Your phone may or may not go flying onto your bed while you bury your face in your hands out of sheer nervousness.
You don’t expect it to chime about a minute later. Right as you’re staring to calm down, of course. It sends your heart violently pounding all over again.
J >> Bonnie lass!
J >> So glad u texted!!
>> Sorry it took so long lol
Oh, you could just slap yourself. You don’t have anything better than that? At all? Christ.
J >> Nah Nah
J >> No worries
J >> Actually I was wondering if u would mind if I came by tomorrow
J >> Just to chat
J >> need an excuse to get out of the house
“How the hell does he type that fast?” You scoff to yourself.
>> Yeah, come by anytime.
>> totally
>> yea sounds cool
>> rad, man
A message from Simon pops up mid your internal battle with how to respond, replying with a simple thumbs up. Very in character, you think. He knows how to be nonchalant. What would Simon say? Something casual, maybe a little formal.
>> If you like. You’re always welcome.
Okay maybe that was too much like Simon. You sigh heavily m before adding,
>> I’m trying out a new blueberry loaf
>> If you want to test for me :)
Better. That’s a little better. With another heavy sigh you decide to drop your phone into your nightstand for the rest of the day. Your heart really cannot handle this much emotional pressure.
You sort of end up just forgetting about the texts. With your phone out of sight and out of mind upstairs in your apartment it almost catches you off guard when Johnny comes striding through the door just before close. He’s dressed more casually than the last couple of times you saw him - having broken out the summer shorts and a graphic tee for some band you don’t recognize. It suits him, though.
“Hey, bon.” He grins.
“Hey.” You smile back, finishing with putting up your stocking baskets before dusting off your hands and turning around. “Simon closing up?”
You hum. “Come on back, I’ll get you a slice of that loaf I mentioned.”
Johnny follows you quietly. Uncharacteristically quietly. That’s okay - you don’t have a problem with hanging out in silence. It doesn’t feel tense, surprisingly enough. He leaves Riley out front again. Should you get her a dog bed? Maybe if he comes by consistently. That would be nice. Maybe that’s wishful thinking.
“It’s sort of a pound cake but fluffier. I might make an icing for it but I don’t know if that would be too sweet…” You trail off, focusing on plating up the piece. You’re not sure what compels you to try and make it pretty for him. Probably something you could blame on your grandmother. She did have an obsession with presentation.
Johnny hums loudly after taking a bite, talking around the mouthful. “Y’should totally make an icing.” He swallows roughly. “Si would go crazy fer this.”
“Oh?” You smile. “I’ll send some home with you.”
There’s a lapse of silence while Johnny chews on his slice of bread and you pack up some in a paper bag for him to take home. The only sounds in the room comprised of your cutting and folding and the hum of the cooling oven.
“You’re being weirdly quiet.” You blurt, immediately covering your mouth with your hand. “I, uh, I mean that isn’t a bad thing! I don’t mind… I just, uh, was… sorry, never mind…”
“Well I did come wit’ a bit of an ulterior motive…” Johnny admits, glancing off to the side shyly. It’s a show, you think. Johnny doesn’t seem the type of man to have felt shy a day in his life.
You tilt your head. “Oh?”
He dusts off his hands and grins. “Let us take ye out! In celebration of yer first full month.”
Has it been a month already? “Oh - no, no you don’t have to-“
“C’mon! It’s a big accomplishment.” His smile is so bright that you almost believe his idea that you’ve done something great.
“…alright.” You give a tentative smile. It’s hard to believe they like you enough to want to hang out casually in the evening. Hard to imagine anyone liking you that much but you’re not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“There’s a pub down the street - the one on the corner. Want tae meet us there around six?” Johnny gives you that lovely smile. How could you ever say no to a smile like that?
You spend far too long changing in and out of clothes and fussing with your hair. Up-do’s and buns and braids. A tank top then a sweater then a t-shirt. There’s no reason to feel this stressed over it. It’s not a date or anything. Besides, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Either way you look like a frumpy dumpling. Eventually you land on jeans and one of your designated ‘going out tops.’ At least it’s a good excuse to wear something other than work clothes or loungewear.
Excitement and anxiety thrum under your skin like electricity as you make your way down the street. You feel painfully nauseous - stopping once or twice just to make sure you aren’t about to throw up for real.
The pub is surprisingly quiet when you enter. Obviously somewhere only real locals hang out - there’s no theme or really any decor in general. Just a bar, some booths and a couple pool tables. You scan the floor a few times, not seeing either Johnny or Simon (not that they would be hard to miss). Eventually you just grab a soda from the bar and slide into one of the booths closer to the back. A quiet spot facing the door where you can easily watch for them.
As time ticks on you begin to grow increasingly nervous. Did you get the time wrong? No, no you triple checked. You even wrote it down in your planner. Your leg begins to bounce furiously, heart nearly beating out of your chest. Did they decide to ditch? You wouldn’t really blame them. They’re way out of your league when it comes to friends. Maybe Johnny had an emergency? Should you call Simon? If he had an emergency it would make sense that they would forget to notice you. What if something really bad happened? What if-
The front door opens and Simon’s wide frame strides through, holding the door for Johnny and Riley to come in behind him. You let out a quiet sigh of relief, willing your leg to stop bouncing with a pinch to your thigh. Why are you always so damn dramatic?
Johnny lights up with an ear to ear grin when he spots you, bee-lining for the booth while Simon casually walks up to the bar. It’s almost comedic, the way he dwarfs the counter. Johnny leans on the side of the booth, waiting for Simon, you think.
“Glad ye could come out.” He looks you over, eyes flicking from your plain top to the very practical, not at all stylish up do that you landed on for the evening.
You do your best not to squirm under his gaze. “Me too…”
Simon comes back with two beers in hand and slides them onto the table. He scoots into the inner booth to give Johnny the outer edge. Riley happily sits beside his leg and practically grins at you in a near mirror image of Johnny’s. You’d never do it while she’s on the job, of course, but part of you wants to give her a pat on the head and coo at her for being so polite.
Johnny gives you an apologetic smile. “Sorry we were a bit late-”
“Johnny redid his hair about five times.” Simon butts in, not reacting at all to Johnny’s sputtering protest. He glances at your half-drunk soda. “Want me t’ grab you a beer?”
“Oh, no, I’ll just stick to coke.”
They blink at you. Simon cocks his head slightly. “You sure?”
You chew your lip. “Uh, alcohol tends to aggravate my symptoms is all...”
“Then why’d ye agree to drinks? We coulda gone somewhere else.” Johnny frowns.
You shrug. “I don’t mind. I… maybe this is over sharing but I’d rather go out and be kind of normal than just… not ever. Y’know?”
His expression softens. For having such icy blue eyes they are so, so warm. “I get it.”
“How’d you two meet anyway?” You blurt, taking a left turn to get the conversation off of you. It’s the first question that comes to mind. Maybe it’s rude - maybe you’re prying too much already.
“Military.” Simon grunts. “SAS.”
“Si retired wit’ me after I was discharged.” Johnny points to his scar the same way he did when you first met. “Russians scrambled my egg a bit.”
“Couldn’t do the time apart…” Simon murmurs, eyes locked on Johnny’s face. It’s vulnerable. More than he’s used to - you can see it in the way he tenses after saying it.
Something passes between them that a deep, wounded part of you desperately wishes to understand.
You can’t help but start giggling to yourself. They both give you an incredulous look. “Sorry, sorry - it’s just, that’s like… totally a romance book premise. It’s sweet. Really.”
“Och, aye. Wouldn’t know it t’ look at him but Si’s a real romantic.” Johnny bats his eyes at the other man, who just rolls his in response. The corner of his scarred mouth quirks up subtly.
“SAS…” You repeat, staring at your drink. “That’s like Navy Seal shit, right?”
“We worked with them a few times, yes.” Simon nods. There’s an air of ‘do not ask anything more specific’ in his voice.
“Huh.” You take that for what it is and sit back, squinting at them. “You don’t look it, honestly.”
Johnny laughs. “Tha’s just cause ye havennae seen Simon with his gear on. The Ghost.” He wiggles his fingers along as he makes a stupid, spooky sound effect. “I domesticated him.”
Simon scoffs but doesn’t deny it, just takes a quiet sip of his beer.
“Riley’s a vet, too.” Johnny pats her head. “Got too skittish around loud noises but she transitioned into a service dog nicely.”
“Now she’s just spoiled.” Simon rolls his eyes in faux annoyance. You get the strong feeling that he’s the one doing the spoiling.
You find yourself relaxing as the night goes on. Slouching in your seat rather than sitting ramrod straight and nervously twiddling your thumbs. They never press you to drink, never insist that you’ll be fine with just one. They take your statement as fact and it isn’t brought up again. That shouldn’t be as significant as it is, now that you think about it.
Johnny’s words begin to slur a little bit on his fourth, no maybe fifth, beer. You aren’t sure. It’s very cute, the little blush that forms across his cheeks. Simon loosens up, too. He slings an arm around the back of the booth and Johnny readily tucks himself into the open spot. You find yourself wondering about their military career again. You can’t picture either of them committing violence - especially Simon. Sure, he’s big and gruff but he looks at Johnny so, so softly.
Simon is the one to call it a night - though you have a feeling its because you nodded off a couple times. Not out of boredom, you try really, really hard to pay attention to Johnny rambling about the chemistry of different explosives. He makes it interesting, somehow. Really it’s just that you’ve been awake for… holy shit almost twenty hours!
“D’you need a ride?” Simon asks as you exit the pub, hands firmly shoved into his pockets.
“No, I’ll be fine.” You don’t know how to interpret the look he’s giving you. It’s intense, but not annoyed or displeased. He has such a weird knack for unreadable but distinct expressions. You wonder if you’ll ever get close enough to get good at deciphering them.
You jump when Johnny takes both your hands in, kissing the backs of them with a sloppy, drunk smile. “Thank ye fer comin’ out. “
Somehow your face feels hotter than a damn oven. You tuck your hands to your chest, kicking shyly at the sidewalk. “Th-thanks for the invite. We, uh, we could do it again sometime?”
You glance up hopefully, praying that you didn’t misread the situation. You’ve done that before - thought people liked you more than they did. Johnny just grins wider somehow and nods excitedly.
You watch them walk off in the other direction, hand in hand. Johnny giggles about something loudly and you can see Simon’s shoulders shake with a far more silent laugh. All the way until they disappear down the street.
The sheer amount that the image hurts your heart makes you feel evil.
The pub changed something. What, you don’t know. Either way, you fall into an easy pattern with Johnny and Simon over the next couple weeks. Exchanges of food, leftovers or morsels about to turn, little visits back and forth between your shops. Johnny continues to stop by after close, just hanging around with you while Simon closes up shop.
You can’t deny how much you look forward to hearing that door chime followed by a too-loud greeting from Johnny. How your heart flips in your chest when those bright blue eyes peek around the corner into the back room or light up while trying a new recipes you’ve been testing. You’re still a bit awkward - unsure how to react when he throws an arm around your shoulders or listens oh so intently while you talk about nothing important.
Things can’t ever be all sunshine and rainbows, though. Not for you. A new problem has arisen as summer truly sets in - the comfortable spring breezes giving way to nothing but bright, unfiltered sun. One you didn’t expect to impact you this much living this far north.
It’s hard to breathe in the back room while you’re baking. Hard to keep your water and salt intake high enough to compensate for how fast you lose them. You might as well get a permanent saline drip attached to you at this point. You definitely didn’t google if that was physically possible. Your budget for liquid IVs and other supplements nearly doubles. Standing over the massive oven in the back room has your head swimming a few times. You end up resting longer on your weekends, unable to keep up like you could in cooler weather.
It’s okay, you tell yourself, the summer here isn’t like back home. It will pass quicker. Plus, you at least have methods of dealing with it now other than crossing your fingers and praying.
“Bonnie!” Johnny suddenly appears in your doorway - that charming smile splitting his face from ear to ear. “Ye made it up Main Street yet?”
“No?” You tilt your head and try to ignore the way your vision spots momentarily at the motion. “Why?”
“Ye dinnae hear about the summer festival?” He leans on your counter. You shake your head. “It’s a yearly thing. Not that big a deal but they have some fun games an’ it’s nice tae see everyone out an’ about. Si an’ I are about tae head down. Come wit’?”
You hesitate. The exhaustion in your body tugs at your spine. Your limbs feel heavy. This morning really got to you - out of towners who must have come for the festival flooded your shop the moment it opened on top of your Saturday regulars. Not that you’re complaining, really. It’s easily your best day so far. You want to go with them, though, despite the ache in your back and the sting in your joints. It sounds so fun and it’s never a bad idea to take part in your new community’s festivities.
“Yeah. That sounds nice.” You smile. You can tough it out for an hour, then come back home. Yeah, just an hour. You’ll be fine.
You hadn’t noticed Simon leaned up at the entrance to your shop. Your eyes lock on his arms. This is the first time you’ve actually seen him in short sleeves. You can’t help but stare at his half-sleeve tattoo - all skulls and bombs and other military motifs. Faded and sun worn. Yeah, if you’d seen that sooner you definitely would have picked up on the whole military thing. You bite your lip to keep from snickering about it.
You can hear the music drifting from the speakers down the street. A few kids run by with balloons and cheap carnival prizes. It almost reminds you of the Spring Fling back home, just missing the extreme American flag theming across every booth and vendor front. Now that you’re looking around, you can actually see several booths that have been sponsored by various businesses in the area. Even the post office has a snow cone stand. The deeper you get into the event, the more flamboyant the decor becomes. Multicolored streamers and pennet flags connect stands, creating an almost canopy effect.
Simon stops rather abruptly at a booth, waiting behind a few teenagers tossing rings onto bottles. You stop with Johnny about two feet away. What’s he thinking? Simon doesn’t seem like the type who would be too entertained by basic carnival games. Even so, he steps forward and passes over a couple bills to the vendor as soon as the teenagers leave.
“Si’s really good at these. Watch.” Johnny grins beside you.
“Aren’t they rigged?” You raise an eyebrow.
Johnny doesn’t answer, eyes locked on his husband as he lines up one of the rings. You have to lean slightly to see around the breadth of the man - the multicolor rings almost cartoonishly small in his hands. Cute. Your eyes get impossibly wide with each toss, every single one landing comfortably on the bottle necks as if it’s the easiest thing in the world. As if this isn’t one of the most commonly rigged carnival games.
“Holy shit…” You mutter, still staring.
“Aye, tha’s a SAS sniper for ye.” Johnny laughs. “Glad tae see it still comes in handy.”
Simon huffs out a quiet laugh at that. Almost more of a sigh if it weren’t for the shaking of his shoulders. You love it - their little dynamic. The bond between them that’s so strong it’s almost visible.
“‘ere.” Simon turns to you suddenly, holding out a cheap little carnival prize. You can’t even begin to decipher what it’s supposed to be - some sort of furry puff ball with big, embroidered anime eyes and two felt antennae sticking up out of it’s purple head… body… thing…
Your face heats. “F-, uh, me?”
He shrugs. “Suits you. Riley will just chew it up if we take it home.”
“Aye. She’s so good with everythin’ but cheap plushies.” Johnny snickers.
You glance down at the dog in question - her dark eyes glued to the toy in Simon’s hand. Her tail thumps against the ground where she sists dutifully, but you can see the desire to snatch the thing away in her twitchy ears and pleading eyes. You snort, taking the stupid thing and tucking it under your arm with the prayer that they don’t notice the heat now spreading from your cheeks to your ears.
“Thanks…” you murmur, already mentally deciding where to add it to the mess of stuffies covering your bed already.
Somehow you end up walking between them down the street - Simon on your left and Johnny on your right with Riley in tow. You stop at a few other games here and there. All pretty basic. Johnny absolutely kills at the dunk booth.
Simon tires his hardest to help you with your terrible aim, “Just visualize it. Y’have t’ account for the arc.”
You get to the point of sticking your tongue out in concentration. Even so you only manage to knock down a couple of the wooden ducks at the ‘Dunk-A-Duck’ stand. You do, however, win one of those rock candy sticks at the guessing booth. You just hand it off to Johnny. It’s probably not best to load up on sugar in your current state.
Johnny excitedly points to different buildings giving you a rundown of the history of his hometown as you walk. Simon seems to barely be listening. He’s probably heard this a thousand times. Prattling on about the old town square, the church bell that a bunch of teenagers spray painted one time (Johnny was not involved, how could you accuse him of that?)
You find yourself focusing on your feet - keeping each step even and fast enough to remain on pace with them. One, two, one, two, one, two. The air begins to thicken. Muggy and heavy on your skin. Your breaths become shallow and fast. You can’t catch it, the air seeming to get stuck in your throat rather than reaching your lungs. Spots begin to dance across your vision. You stumble over nothing.
Not now! Come on! You’ve been doing so well!
Riley presses against your leg acting as a counter weight. Your body moves on instinct to grab whatever you can - hands wrapping around something strong and covered with cloth. An arm solid as rebar. Hopefully it’s someone you know. All you can see are colorless shapes.
“Gonna pass out - don’t freak!” You gasp before your legs give out.
It’s not that you go entirely out - it’s rare that you fully black out. It’s more like being stuck. Limp and fuzzy and confused. Almost like sleep paralysis. There’s voices and people moving around you. Someone has picked you up, you think, based on the swaying motion and the passing shapes around you. Maybe that’s just vertigo. A door bell chimes.
You finally begin to really come to when something icy is pressed to your forehead. It couldn’t have been more than a handful of seconds that you were gone, but it takes much longer for the world around you to come back into focus.
“I’m sorry…” You murmur, eyes stinging. Even after all these years it’s so damn embarrassing. You blink, the distinct mural that decorates the ceiling of the post office slowly coming into view. Johnny said a big time traveling artist painted it back in the nineties.
“Ye alright?” Johnny murmurs, crouched down beside you. Riley sniffs at your hand, seeming satisfied when you finally move it on your own.
You nod slowly. “Overheated…”
“Give her this.” Someone says. An event medic, you think. The boys must have flagged them down. Fingers press to your pulse point, a light shines in your eyes and you follow it. A quick check of vitals. Johnny shoves a water bottle in your hand as soon as the medic decides you’re fine to move - the contents distinctly murky from some sort of electrolyte pack that’s been shaken into it.
“Up y’get. Slowly does it.” Simon helps you sit up with a hand on your back. It’s so gentle. You don’t miss how he cages in your body the way only someone intimately familiar with caretaking might. Fully ready to catch you if you go limp again.
You sip slow, eyes glued to the ground. You feel so fucking stupid. Can’t even walk down a street without creating some sort of scene. They’re never going to want to hang out with you again, are they? You can’t go out drinking, can’t walk around a festival for longer than a couple hours. You distracted Riley. What if something happened to Johnny while you were having your spell? She might not have alerted correctly because of you. She might have gotten confused and then he could have gotten hurt. He might have-
“Ye really should drink tha’ instead of glarin’ at it.” Johnny pulls you from your thoughts. He’s now sat with his legs crossed beside you. Riley’s head rests in his lap. She seems calm. Content now that the emergency is over and happily lying on a cool floor.
You hum, chugging the last bit of it quickly. “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be.” Simon says curtly. “Does this ‘appen often?”
You shrug. “Not as much anymore… usually my medication keeps me stable.”
“Do ye need a doctor?” Johnny tilts his head slightly. There’s no judgment in his tone - in either of their tones. Just calm concern. It probably shouldn’t make you want to cry as much as it does.
You shake your head. “I’ve got liquid IV at home. Just need to sleep it off.”
Hopefully. In reality, a pain flare up is inevitable now. You just won’t know how bad until you’re fully in it.
“Let’s get ye home.” Johnny says, knees popping as he stands.
“I-I’m fine!” You insist, mentally preparing to get yourself up off the floor. “I can get home on my own - I don’t want to ruin your time.”
Johnny levels his gaze onto you, so serious it almost looks angry. It doesn’t match his face. “We’re not leavin’ ye tae get home alone like this.”
You’re caught off guard when an arm slides under your back and another under knees - lifting you like you weigh half of what you do in reality. Like you’re a paperweight instead of a boulder. You blink up at Simon, far too surprised to be embarrassed. At least at first. You splutter out a poor attempt at convincing him to put you down. Excuse and reason after reason and excuse. They roll off him like water off a ducks back. Your face burns as he steps out of the post office with you neatly tucked against his chest - Johnny and Riley in tow.
If you allow yourself to be honest, to give into that weaker part of you (or, at least, the part you consider to be weak) you could possibly admit that this feels nice. Being cared for feels nice. Having your body up against someone else feels nice. It’s been a long time since anyone touched you outside of a polite handshake or accidental bump. You sink into it despite yourself - relaxing against Simon’s chest. They were right, you wouldn’t have made it back. Your head is too fuzzy and there’s that telltale pain in your shoulders radiating up to your neck that signifies an oncoming Bed Day.
It doesn’t take long with Simon’s lengthy strides to get back to your building. You probably wouldn’t have been able to keep up to that running. Well, you can’t really run much at all so you definitely wouldn’t. A stupid, muddled train of thought that melts into the hazy bog of your current mental state. Even Johnny trails a few feet behind. Neither of them speak, marching in determined silence. You attempt to subtly check their faces for any anger. You’d understand if they were angry. Most people would get angry. You interrupted their day out with your useless drama. All you get is a wide, bright grin from Johnny when your eyes eventually meet his.
Simon puts you down with all the care in the world. As if you’re made of fine china. His hand stays on your upper back - planted firmly between your shoulder blades and ready to catch you if need be. Your vision swims a bit, your joints feel like jelly but you manage to dig your keys out of your pocket and unlock the door.
“Here.” Johnny plops the puff ball back into your hands just as you turn to say goodbye. To say thank you - to apologize profusely.
Your brows raise. You completely forgot about it while swimming around in a sea of embarrassment - he must have picked it up for you. You hug it to your chest with a quiet, “Thanks.”
You shift your weight side to side, psyching yourself up for the crawl up the stairs. Probably literally. You don’t think you could stay upright if you tried to walk them like a regular day, or even with an aid. Like a regular or semi-regular person. Fuck.
Johnny follows your eyes up at the staircase. He must sense some hesitation in you. “Do ye need help up?”
You bite your lip, staring at the ground. Standing in one place seems alright, but the thought of climbing is so daunting, even with the cane you have stationed at the bottom of the steps for that exact purpose. It’s embarrassing. You’re young, you should be able to walk up some damn stairs. It isn’t even that many. It’s barely a full flight. Just one story of stairs for fuck’s sake.
“Hey.” Simon touches your cheek, the action snapping your eyes to his in surprise. “It’s okay. C’mere.”
He picks you up again in the same fashion with barely a grunt, taking his time up the steps so as not to jostle you. How many times has he done this with Johnny? you wonder. That’s the only explanation for how good he is at keeping your equilibrium so even. You wonder if he practiced - if he took caretaking classes. He probably did. Does he keep up at the gym just so he can take care of his husband? Simon might be quiet and a little formal, but he exudes dedication.
“Sorry it’s messy…” You murmur when they reach the top of the steps. Glancing behind you, you see Riley sitting patiently at the bottom. Johnny must have told her to stay. “Haven’t gotten to fully unpack…”
You’ve been spending too much time in bed on the weekends. Fucking lazy.
Johnny just laughs. “Ye shoulda seen the first place Simon an’ I had.”
“Wasn’t that bad.” Simon argues, carefully setting you down on the couch. His hands hold your waist to steady you. They’re so warm… It feels wrong to be disappointed when he lets go.
“We hadnae figured out a system yet.” Johnny huffs, hands on his hips. “We ended up hirin’ a specialized maid service the dishes got so backed up.”
You scoff, laying back against the couch with that stupid carnival prize still in your arms. Like it’s the only thing grounding you to reality. The tears that have been stinging your eyes this entire time continue to threaten to spill - a myriad of blinks and careful breaths the only thing keeping them back.
Johnny sits beside you slowly. You can’t meet his eyes. “Do… do ye want tae tell us what it is? Ye donnae have tae - it’s up tae ye. Just if somethin’ happens again…”
“We’d like to be prepared.” Simon jumps in where Johnny trails off.
You chew your lip, still staring up at the ceiling. It splits and that coppery taste coats your tongue for a moment. “I, uh, it’s called POTS. There’s different types but basically my body can’t regulate blood flow and pressure right…” You shrug. “Like I said my medication usually keeps me mostly okay.”
It’s the pain that really gets to you usually, but you don’t need to start dumping on them about that. There’s no reason to spill your guts about things they can’t fix.
“Thanks fer tellin’ us.” Johnny smiles. You stiffen slightly when he reaches out to tuck some hair behind your ear. You tilt your head, still resting on the back of the couch, to meet his eye. “Get some rest, yeah? We’ll lock the knob behind us. Call if ye need anythin’.”
“Okay.” You nod, keeping your eyes down and picking at your nails. “Sorry… about all this… I didn’t - I don’t… I’m sorry.”
“Donnae apologize.” He says softly as he stands. “Never apologize. We’re your friends, aye? Friends help friends. Tha’s all there is to it.”
Simon gives you a discerning nod behind him, expression both soft and deeply serious.
Friends? They consider you real life proper friends? Really? You can’t help but beam up at him. “Yeah.”
A/N: I’ve re-read this chapter so many times that it’s total mush in my brain which tells me it’s time to be done with it.
Bonus: I made a Pinterest board for this fic
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bluesidez · 10 months ago
GymRat!Miguel Part 9.1 | full chapter without breaks on AO3
content warning: lots of music links, ROADTRIP!!, some hurt/comfort at the beginning, a damn near comedy if I must say so myself, Spanish parts (if wrong, please correct me), lots of fluff, Buc-ee's shenanigans (I love that store), Miguel drives a Range Rover (hot, I know. Tyler got that MUNYUN), some jealous Miguel (MY FAVORITE), a hint of jealous reader 🫨 (she has a storm coming lol), simp Miguel if I'm being honest, 18+ so MNDI, male masturbation, wet wet fantasies, both reader and Miguel are h word for each other
word count: 7.1k, damn near proofread (this is only one part of the behemoth)
I did some research on MLE, yachts, superyachts, dolphins, and water activities for this chapter. 🤠 Hopefully, it shows! The yacht size I imagined is somewhere in between a regular yacht and a superyacht/megayacht. I built a Range Rover just for GR!Miguel you guys. (thanks to my irl besties and @slushycoookie once again 🥰)
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GymRat!Miguel who comes back home after nearly a week of bliss with you. He floated all the way home from dropping you off with Tyler’s people.
He made them wait much longer than they needed to when he decided to makeout with you next to the black Suburban. 
Only a few more weeks before he could see you again. 
GymRat!Miguel who is met with his mom sitting on the couch with just the tv glowing on her. 
His steps were too heavy to sneak past her, so he just sighed and settled down on one of the plush chairs. 
“I see you’re home,” she says. Her eyes don’t move from the Golden Girls episode playing softly. 
“Sí, mamá.”
“How come you didn’t tell me where you went?”
“Gabriel told you where I was. I’m sure you asked him.” Miguel was tired already. 
“He did, pero eso no fue lo que te pregunté.” (but that’s not what I asked you)
“You’re not even looking at me.”
“And you’ve sat so far away. Like I’m going to hurt you. Miguel, I asked you to come home. You didn’t respond. You didn’t call. You didn’t even speak to me when you came back a few days ago.”
Miguel stared at her face, willing himself not to get emotional over this. 
“I acknowledge that I should have let you know where I was. I didn’t talk to you because I didn’t want to say something I would regret.”
Conchata finally turned to look at Miguel. Her first-born. The life given to her after so much turmoil. 
She could still see the little boy that would cry at the drop of a hat. She could still see the little boy that would dry up his tears if Gabriel started to cry with him, just to comfort him. The little boy with so much room in his heart. 
She can see him now, face ridden with sadness. A face that she knew too well. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, mijo.”
“Well, you did. Again. I’m used to it. This isn’t a new feeling. What is new, is you acting like this towards someone else close to me.”
“Let me finish, ma, please. You’ve never been a parent that cares about how I’ve felt in regards to anything. You have made decisions for me without a second thought without ever considering how I might feel. You’ve also never been the type of person who hurts someone else for no reason. I’m sorry I’m not with someone you picked, but I’m not sorry for loving her. She is everything to me. If I were to fall, there’s no doubt in my mind that she would be there to build me back up. She’d probably even break my fall if I couldn’t stop her.” 
Miguel stopped to look up, willing himself not to cry. 
“What you said to her brought something out that she hasn’t felt in a while. You broke her in a way that I promised myself I never would. I wanted to present her to my family in a positive light, to show her off. I didn’t expect you to be ecstatic about her, but I did hope that you could at least open your heart up once you met her.”
He looked off, tears escaping from his eyes. You’re in a better position now, but he won’t know if that donner will creep back up on you, making you hate yourself for something that’s not your fault. He remembered the pain in your voice, how kept it in until you were with him and away from the manor. He hated it. 
“But instead, she was met with two people who paid her no respect. Two people that brought her turmoil. I expected Kron to be horrible, look at how he talked to you, but not you. You were supposed to be better. You didn’t see how much you hurt her, I did. It’s like we prepped for nothing but a shitshow and I should have followed my gut and kept her to myself a little longer.”
Miguel sniffed, wiping at his nose in hopes that it would stop the urge to cry. 
Conchata let the silence rest. Nothing but the TV and her son’s sniffles filled the room. 
“I’m sorry, Miguel.”
Miguel turned back. Shocked that she didn’t put up much of a fight. 
“I just,” she paused. “There’s no excuse for how I treated her. She didn’t deserve it and if I could go back and change my behavior, I would. I think that I was just overwhelmed. Upset because my baby is growing up. He’s moving on and I can’t hold him in my hands anymore. I don’t tuck him in anymore. I don’t have to check under his bed for monsters. He doesn’t need me to do anything. So this shift is hurting me, mijo, and I took it out on the wrong people. For that, I’m so sorry.”
Conchata was a hard-cased woman. She stuck with her opinions, even if they were blatantly wrong. She was proud and vocal. She never let people see her crack or fall under pressure. So, seeing her like this, begging for Miguel to understand her, was a rare moment for Miguel. 
“Ma, me growing up doesn’t stop me from being your son. I’m still here. I’ll still rely on you, but I want you to have a break too. You have to let me grow. I won’t live here forever, but that doesn’t mean I won’t come back to you. I’m glad you were able to express this to me, I just wish you could have said so sooner.”
“Lo siento, mijo.”
Miguel got up to get closer to her. He wrapped her up in his arms, too easy to forgive her. “It’s ok.”
He leans back and kisses her forehead, heart mending by the smallest of stitches. “You still have to apologize to my girlfriend, though.”
“I will when I see her again.”
“And we need to go to therapy.”
“George has already told me.”
“And I want you to make me some ceviche. And tamales.”
“And tres leches.” 
She sighed, but squeezed him tighter. “Don’t curse in front of me again, and I’ll consider it.”
“Gracias, mamá.”
“De nada, mijo.”
GymRat!Miguel who goes to sleep with his body feeling a lot lighter. The weight of his relationship with his mom lifted a little off his shoulders.
GymRat!Miguel who has two grand master plans that he’s been setting out for months: eating you out and making your first time together special. 
He’s been overthinking every detail like a maniac. The peaches from the fruit bowl have been disappearing to his room for research purposes only- and a snack of course. 
He once ended up on the girl side of Tik Tok where they complain about everything guys get wrong when pleasuring them. He had been thoroughly reading the comments and taking notes here and there. He didn’t really need the tip about making noise though, he already does that just thinking about you. So many times has he had to stuff his mouth when jerking off. 
He also had a few tabs open in incognito mode. That research is only done in the deep of the night. 
Right now, he’s sitting at his desk reading some article about listening to your partner’s body and his mind can’t help but to wander off. Will you grip your thighs around him? He hopes so. He could die that way. Will you be vocal? Will you tell him if it’s too much? Will you guide his head and pull his hair? 
That last question has him gripping his sweats in anticipation. No doubt when you scratched at his back in the hotel room, he was reeling from the sensation. It was like a reward for him whenever you feel so good, you’re too unaware of what you’re doing to him physically. Too lost in bliss to register the marks and pain you’re leaving on him. You just want him to give you more. 
Miguel drops his pen and pushes the heel of his palm on his growing bulge. 
“Fuck.” Every time about an hour or so into researching, his head is full of you. He imagines what it’ll be like to finally taste you, to be inside you. 
He remembered how wet you got with just a little rubbing. Your body was so responsive to his movements and he couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if you guys upped the foreplay. 
Miguel leaned back in his chair, arm over his head. He dropped his hand in his sweats hand gripping at the base of his erection, exhaling deep as he gave it a few pumps. 
Your hands on his chest. Your arms around his neck. Your nails scraping his back. Your thighs wrapping around his waist. Your breath on his lips. 
You opening up for him. You dripping down his fingers, down his legs, down his face. You screaming out his name loud enough for the entire neighborhood to file a complaint. You in whatever position he puts you in. He could hold you up. Maybe have your legs in the air or stretched out on the bed. He could have you grabbing for the sheets, the headboard, him. His head in your chest, in your pussy, in your ass. 
Pre-cum spilled onto his stomach, rolling down his shaft. Would you let him go that far?
He doesn’t know what’s worse, the cold showers and teeth-marked arms at the beginning of the relationship or his constant daydreams of your body connecting with his that kept occurring regularly. 
Maybe you felt the same way too. That was a new thought. 
Do you wonder about your first time together? Were you just as excited as him? Do you get wet at the thought of him inside of you? Do you have to stop everything and find pleasure like he does? Were your fingers enough or did you need more?
Miguel continued to move his hand up and down, squeezing occasionally to mimic what you might feel like. 
He’s groaning into his elbow, hips lifting from his desk chair. 
He could almost hear your voice in his ear. Begging, praising, crying out, stuttering. 
GymRat!Miguel who cums as Gabriel slams through the door. In a matter of 15 seconds, Miguel covers his drenched chest, shoves his sensitive dick back down, and grabs napkins to try to wipe away at his hand. 
Nevermind his shirt is now ruined. 
“What the fuck are you looking at and why is this picture showing a seductive pomegranate?”
“Why the fuck are you opening my door without knocking?”
“I did knock! I did our special knock plus a freestyle! I thought you were dead, Miguelito.”
Miguel’s heart felt a little tug despite its rapid tempo, “’M not dead, Gabri. Just busy. I didn’t hear you.”
Gabriel snickered when he got closer to look at his laptop. “I can see why. These tabs are a dead giveaway.” 
Gabriel reached over to stare at Miguel’s notebook. 
“These are some good tips! You shouldn’t expect her to taste like sweets, though.”
Nothing in his notes indicated that, but Miguel wanted to be offended for you anyway. 
Miguel gave Gabriel a hard side eye, mouth set deeply down. 
“I really wish you would get out of my room.”
“Oo, you should buy a rose. Dana loves that thing.”
“I don’t want to hear about whatever freaky shit you and Dana get up to, Gabriel.”
“You’ve caught me in more embarrassing situations, I’m just trying to lighten the mood! I also suggest those candy panties-”
“I’m not putting candy on- Gabriel. Can you please stop talking to me?”
“Miguel, this stuff is important!”
“¿Por qué eres así?” Miguel mumbled. “Ok, yeah. I get it. But you can chat to me about this after I’ve switched shirts.” (Why are you like this?)
“Fine, I’ll come back. Ten minutes. Then we must have a healthy chat about how to have fun safely.”
Gabriel skipped back to the door singing Candy loud enough to be heard as he went back to his own room. 
“Strawberry! Raspberry! All those good things! Violets and gumdrops that’s what you’re saying to me, me, me.”
A black hole would be nice to save himself from this situation. 
GymRat!Miguel who jumps out of his bed the day of the “Yacht Weekend.” Gabriel is dead set on calling it the “Yachty Pawty” and Miguel thinks that’s unbelievably stupid. 
GymRat!Miguel who has to go and pull Gabriel out of his bed to get him to get ready, his body stretching like a ferret. He’s never been a morning person. It’s like his brain didn’t start computing until noon. 
GymRat!Miguel who jogs around the neighborhood to kill time. The weather is a lot cooler in the morning plus it gives Gabriel time to come to reality. He waves to the son of one of his neighbors who gawks at him as he passes by. 
Were his shorts giving away too much again? He didn’t feel a draft. 
He looked down at his crotch. All good. 
GymRat!Miguel who calls you while he stops to take a water break. 
“Amor!” His voice is bright and his smile is radiant, watching as you squint at the screen.
Your cheek is squished against the pillow and you’re wrapped up in your covers. 
“Hey, Miggy. It’s so bright there.”
Your voice was scratchy, a sign of how deep in sleep you were. You were so fucking cute. 
“Are you running?”
He placed his phone on a nearby bench so he could stretch. “Yeah, I’m taking a break.”
He went into a deep lunge, stretching his body low to the ground. 
You went quiet for so long, Miguel thought the call dropped. 
“Baby? Did you go back to sleep?” Miguel asked.
“No, I’m still here. Those pants are,” you started to shuffle your phone. “Really short.”
“Really?” Miguel stood up and looked down at his pants. They did cut off high up his thighs, but they were good for running. Plus, he got hot easily, so he needed as much wind on his skin as possible. “They’re comfy.”
“Mm hm. Can you turn around for me?”
Miguel turned, confused but willing. 
“Got it. Thank you, my muscle bear!”
“What did you just do?”
“Took pictures of your ass. It looks great. I’m gonna hold it real good later.”
Miguel laughed and grabbed his phone. 
“Can I hold yours, too?” He wanted to do way more than hold it. 
You smile sleepily at the camera. “I’ll think about it.”
GymRat!Miguel who lets you stay on the phone while he runs back to the house. 
“You’re just going to hear the wind and me breathing for a few minutes.”
“And I’m fine with that! It’s like boyfriend ASMR. Peaceful.”
GymRat!Miguel who ruffles Gabriel’s hair when he gets back home. He’s staring at the wall and shoveling cereal in his mouth at the slowest pace known to man. 
“Buenos días, hermanito!” (Good morning, little brother)
GymRat!Miguel who takes a cold shower to cool off for once and not because he’s having explicit thoughts of you. 
GymRat!Miguel who chugs down a protein smoothie while he waits for Gabriel to come downstairs. 
GymRat!Miguel who answers the door to Dana. She’s got some shades on and a purse with the same texture as a croc. 
She peers over her shades. “You’re looking put together!”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Don’t play dumb. You’re trying to impress your girl! What do you have planned? A dinner on the horizon? A spa date? Oh! No! Another shopping spree?l
Yes. No, but he should arrange that. And absolutely not. He’s not Tyler. 
“No,” Miguel squints. “But how can you tell?”
“You’re easy to read, big guy. Even when you think about her your eyes turn into hearts. When have you ever thought to wear a button down for a roadtrip to the beach?”
“I’ll figure out what you’re up to. I have my ways.”
She twirls and runs up to Gabriel’s room, leaving a waft of strong perfume after her. 
With that, Miguel knew it would be at least another 45 minutes before he could get on the road. 
GymRat!Miguel who does his special knock on Gabriel’s door. 
“I’m opening it, so you fiends better have your clothes on.”
He swung the door open to the disheveled couple. Dana with her hair astray and Gabriel breathing eerily hard. 
“Seriously, guys? I need to go by the airport.”
“I was just waking him up!” Dana says with a voice that was much hoarser than it was an hour ago. 
“Well,” Miguel put a hand on his hip in a way that anyone could tell he was Conchata O’Hara’s son. “Are you awake, Gabri?”
Gabriel’s face was as red as a tomato as he shook his head no. 
Miguel pitched his voice higher to mimic his brother. “Ten minutes. And then we can have a conversation on time management and respect. Except it won’t be “safely” because I’m going to hurt you.”
GymRat!Miguel who finally backs out of the driveway in exactly ten minutes. Gabriel is rubbing his arm in the passenger seat with a pout on his face. Dana is grinning from ear to ear. 
GymRat!Miguel who hands Gabriel the aux. He might be a silly boy, but his music taste is immaculate.
GymRat!Miguel who almost has to hurt Gabriel again when he doesn’t want to get out of the passenger seat. 
“Why do I have to move?”
“Because I said so.”
“That’s not grounds for anything!”
Dana pokes her head over the console. “Gabie. Read the room. He wants to grip on to his girl while he drives with one hand. Show off.” 
GymRat!Miguel who kisses you and grabs your bags at the same time when he sees you. The cars around are loud, honking sporadically. People are walking and running to catch cabs or get to their loved ones. Workers are trying to direct the traffic. 
It all quiets down when he meets your eyes. 
“Hola, mi amor.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and bring him close. “Hello to you too, my love.”
You smile up until he presses his lips against yours. More and more pecks follow after that. 
He holds his nose to yours, completely enraptured by your presence. 
“Oh my god, let’s go!” Gabriel shouts from the car, pressing his palm against the steering wheel. 
“You’re not the one driving, pinche pendejo!”
You giggle and stand on your tippy toes to try and see over Miguel’s shoulder. You’re still too short so you lean sideways. Miguel melts. 
“Just a few more and we’ll be done Gabriel!”
“Fine. For you, I’ll let it slide.”
You stand back up straight and kiss Miguel a little more. 
GymRat!Miguel who does reach over and grip your thigh. If Gabriella and Troy weren’t in the back belting, he’d hike his hand up further. 
“Right now I can hardly breathe!” Gabriel pivots his head towards Dana dramatically, water bottle a faux mic. 
“Oh! You can do it, just know that I believe.” Dana is touching his chest dramatically. 
“Are they always like this?” You ask, laughing a little at their antics. 
Miguel groans in annoyance. “Yes.”
GymRat!Miguel who nearly sprints out the car when he parks by a pump. He’s been riding for a bit and he needs to stretch his legs. 
“Miggy, you want something from the store?” 
You’re standing next to the car, the wind blowing your hair back. Your jacket blows away a little, showing off the tight little outfit you’re sporting. You’re beautiful. 
He wants to break you down in the front seat of his car.
He swallows the thought. “I’ll come in there soon, don’t worry.”
You walk in the giant gas station and head immediately to the Icee machines. For the best possible experience, you should wait until it’s time to go before buying it. 
As you’re walking along the wall wondering what flavor you should get, you feel a tug at your arm. 
You turn to see Dana with some bottles in her hand. 
“I don’t know what he’s planning, but trust me when I say, you should take these.”
You frown as you take the cranberry juice. “Um.”
“I’ve been around those two long enough to know when one of them is up to something. I mean Gabriel hasn’t said anything off, but look at how he’s bopping around the store.”
You turn and look. 
He is indeed bouncing more than usual. He’s so tall that if he puts even more pep in his step, he might just break a hole in the ceiling. 
“Ok,” you turn back to Dana while fighting a laugh. “So they are planning something. What does that have to do with me and cranberry juice?”
“Gabie tries his best to use bro code, but I quite literally suck the information out of him sometimes. He caught Miguel looking at lots of articles about pleasuring his partner. With his mouth. That’s all I know for now.”
Your heart picks up. He was still going on about that?
“That might just be a coincidence.” 
“He’s wearing damn near beach attire with his hair styled. He held onto your thigh for an hour, even when the turns got tough. He stared at you walking into the store even until he couldn’t see you anymore.”
You bit your lip. “Those last two things are standard Miguel behavior.”
Dana huffs and spins you around. 
Across the store, you could see Miguel and Gabriel huddled over something. Miguel with his eyes focused and Gabriel animatedly explaining something. Every once in a while, Miguel would nod and roll his eyes up as if he was mentally checking on something. 
You sigh and turn back around. 
“Do they sell pineapples too?”
GymRat!Miguel who looms over you while you and Dana are looking at some cakes. You look up at him, pressing your head against his chest. 
Miguel kissed your forehead when you beamed at him. 
He looked over to Gabriel who was also crowding Dana and shouted, “¡Vamos!”
In a matter of seconds, Miguel had lifted you and brought you to the middle of the store where the workers were cooking up fresh meat. 
You squeal in shock and laugh on the way over. Miguel’s not even struggling. 
Gabriel on the other hand huffs as he places Dana down. 
“You need to work on that, babe.”
“I can lift you when I want to!” Gabriel replies, petulant. 
“For like one minute maybe. Why don’t you start working out with Miguel?”
“No thanks.” They both said in unison, almost carbon copies of each other. 
Really, if Miguel didn’t work out, or if Gabriel did for about a year, they could definitely play off as twins. Only subtle things separating them, like Gabriel’s freckles, softer face, and slightly shorter height and Miguel’s less curly hair, thicker eyebrows, and deeper voice. 
In your eyes, their bond was precious. You wondered what their baby pictures looked like. 
“You guys are so cute,” you say, reaching up to squeeze both of their cheeks. 
They both melt the same way in your hands. Miguel’s face is only a little bit hotter against your palm. 
GymRat!Miguel who presses up against you while you both check out. You stay nonchalant and talk to the cashier like normal, but you could feel Miguel’s heartbeat through your thin romper. 
Every breath he took molded on your skin, his chest rising and falling against your head. 
He kept steady hands on your hips and waist, only moving them to pay for your snacks. 
The cashier would take not-so-subtle breaks to stare up at him, face getting redder after each glance. 
You could only think “me too, girl.”
He really did look good today. His shirt was open a little lower than normal, his shorts loose but tightening around his thighs with every step he took. His hair was slicked back with a few strands falling loose and shades sat perfectly on top of his head. A chain danced around his neck, the color glowing on his pretty skin. He was tanner than usual, the sun making him glow after so many morning runs. 
To top it off he smelled really good. You wanted to lick him. 
From how slow the cashier was moving, you knew she was ready to take a lick too. 
You took moments like this in stride. Especially when Miguel was pressed so hard against you, you could feel his dick at the small of your back. 
Still, when people still tried to hit on your boyfriend or gawked at him even when you caught them, it was hard not feel frustrated about others thinking he can be taken from you. Or just ignoring you. 
More often than not, Miguel would bring you back down to earth with some action to let others know that he’s taken. 
Today, it was a kiss to your neck and a smack to your ass followed by his hand rubbing circles in the same spot. 
He grabbed the bags in one hand and your hip in the other. 
You looked back to the cashier scanning the next customer far more aggressively than before.  
GymRat!Miguel who eats half of his sandwich before starting the car back up. 
You still place the other half in front of his mouth, feeding him occasionally. 
He just smiles before and after each bite. Giddy with attention. You wipe his mouth to stop sauce from spilling from his shirt. 
Miguel almost turns the car into turbo drive. 
GymRat!Miguel who finally makes it to the beach an hour or so later. It’s late Thursday afternoon, so the sun is still shining bright. 
Gabriel is excited to finally be free from the tight back seat so he uses the opportunity to blast music from Miguel’s stereo. 
“C’mon, Dana! Dance with me,” Gabriel said, pulling her out of the back seat and bringing her to the front of the var. “Let’s have a twerk-off.”
You can’t stop the laugh that spills out of your mouth. You couldn’t imagine either of them shaking anything. 
“I can not twerk and you know it!”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t shake. Don’t be shy now!”
You and Miguel get out of the car to stretch, Miguel watching the two over the hood of the car, unphased. 
Gabriel turns to you with a glint in his eyes. “Can you twerk?”
You were ready to shake your ass on a yacht after some liquid courage, but you didn’t mind a little dancing beforehand. 
You hurried to the front before the song was over and put your hands on the hood. You bend over with an arch in your back and move your ass to the beat of the song. 
You hear Gabriel shout, “Oh shit! Go, go, go!”
Dana sprints, nearly bulldozing Gabriel to stand behind you and catch it. You laugh at the two and bend even deeper, encouraged by their cheers. 
GymRat!Miguel whose eyes nearly pop out of his head when you bend over. 
When did you learn how to do that?
He’s stunned for a second until he reaches inside the car and turns the radio off. He’s going to kill Gabriel. 
Miguel hurries to the front and picks Dana up by her armpits to move her aside. “You guys are wasting my gas and neither you or you are CashApping me shit.”
He straightens you up and pulls your risen romper back over your ass. He stands behind you like a bodyguard, arms crossed and frown deepening. 
“I don’t know what you think we’re going to be doing on this yacht, but all of my girls are throwing it back. You need to prepare yourself, Mig.” Dana scoffs, mostly offended that Miguel just removed her from a dream spot. 
“Yeah, Mig. Be mindful of why you were invited to the function,” Gabriel turned his nose up and wrapped his arm around Dana. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, m’lady.”
Gabriel bowed to you and you curtsied back with a fake dress. The two of them walked like royalty to the trunk, gathering their bags. 
GymRat!Miguel who stuttered trying to explain himself when you turned to him. 
“Is it going to be a problem for you that I’m dancing with others?”
“No!” he said way too fast. 
You gave him a look with your eyebrow raised. 
“You just,” he paused. His voice got quieter as he played with the strap of your romper. “You never danced on me before.”
He had a pout on his face, mouth turned like a duck. 
“Oh my god, Miguel. I can dance on you if you would like. You just have to ask.” He was so cute. You’ve never seen him get that jealous before. 
You kind of want to play with him some more. 
“Can you dance on me later?” he asks, not daring to meet your eyes. 
“Of course.”
You giggle as you kiss his cheek. His pout slowly disappearing from his face. 
GymRat!Miguel who is greeted by the enthusiastic captain with a shake that moves his entire arm. He’s a jolly little fellow, cheeks rosy and his mustache curled on the ends. He was also strangely stocky. He reminded Miguel of Santa Claus if he took vacations in the Bahamas when he’s not at the North Pole. 
“I take it you’re Mr. Stone’s son, yes?”
“That would be me.”
“Excellent! Excellent. Your father has told me quite a lot about you. You sure do take after his height. My name is Captain Barrett and I’ll be steering the boat for you youngins this weekend. Me and your father go way back. And between you and me, I was better lookin’!”
Miguel chuckles awkwardly, trying to move the conversation along. 
He finally looks past Miguel and sees the three of you standing there. 
“And who might you three be?”
“This is my younger brother, Gabriel. His girlfriend, Dana.” 
“And this is my girlfriend.” Miguel moves by your side and wraps his arm around your shoulders. His tone is full of warmth as he says your name. 
“It’s nice to meet you all. Will you all be in our cabins this weekend?”
“Yeah, this is four of the ten staying on board. The others won’t get here until tomorrow at noon.”
“Is Kron supposed to be joining you all too?”
Miguel stiffens, his grip on your shoulder a little firmer. 
“Not that I know of, no.”
“Perfect! He ruined my other boat and it took me ages to clean it up. Hopefully, you’re nothing like him.” Captain Barrett does a little pleading gesture with his hands. 
“Welp, follow me and I’ll show you on board!”
GymRat!Miguel who is still stunned by the amount of things money can buy when he sees the yacht. He’ll never get used to the life of luxury that Tyler introduces to him. 
“Holy shit,” Gabriel mutters as he stares up at the black and wooden beauty of the deck. Dana elbows in his side, telling him to be polite in front of the captain. 
“Welcome to Black Jack.”
There were crew members there to hand out fancy smoothies and grab everyone’s bags. 
You had seen yachts on some of your old high school classmates’ Insta stories but this was beyond. 
“I’d like to introduce you guys to the crew. They’ll be assisting me to give you youngins a good time.”
Captain Barrett ran down the line and you all greeted every person. Miguel made mental notes of their names. They’ll be getting close with all of the surprises he had planned for you. 
“And this is my son, Blake! He’ll be helping me up in the cockpit.”
Miguel stopped to shake his hand. 
He was like the textbook definition of a pretty frat boy. Tall, but not O’Hara tall, tan, and handsome. He smiled and showed a straight line of teeth, dimples peeking through. 
“Nice to meet you, Miguel. Kron’s really not coming?”
What’s with people asking about that dickhead today?
“Nope. Just us and our friends. If he does come, it’s news to me.” 
Blake went to shake your hand and it was like he started to glow under the sun. His smile went up to his eyes and he mimicked the heartthrobs in the movies Miguel’s cousins watched growing up. 
“And who’s this?”
“My name is-”
“My girlfriend,” Miguel said before you could even finish. 
You looked up at him in shock, laughing it off. “That too, but I have a name.” You respond to Blake and shake his hand. 
Miguel doesn’t like how his eyes scan your body. It was subtle, but he caught it. 
Even as you all finish up greetings, Blake is still making moves towards you. The type of flirting that probably flew over your head, but Miguel has been around enough guys like him to know exactly what it was. 
 “So is this your first time on a boat?” Blake asked you while he guided you guys to your room. 
“No, actually. But it’s definitely my first time on a yacht, especially one this huge.”
Miguel followed behind with Dana and Gabriel.
“Is this your first time on a boat?” Miguel mocked Blake quietly, mouth scrunched up. 
“‘La envidia esta flaca, porque muerde y no come,’” Gabriel replied. “You’re turning green from your neck, bro. He’s just being nice.” (Envy is thin, because it bites and does not eat.)
“No, he’s definitely flirting,” Dana quipped. “He’s not even paying the rest of us any attention.”
“Thank you, Dana. And Gabriel, don’t ever quote a Spaniard to me again.”
“How do you call that flirting? He’s not even-” Gabriel paused as Blake laughed really loud at something that you said with his hand guiding you way too close on your ass. “Ah shit.”
Miguel stomped towards you two, yanking Blake’s hand off of you and replacing it with his. 
“I think we’ve got it from here. You can show those two where they’ll be staying. Thanks,” Miguel nods his head towards Dana and Gabriel with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. 
“Right,” Blake responds to him with a blank face. “I’ll see you up on the deck.” Blake winks at you before walking further. 
“Don’t kill him, Miguel,” Dana pats his shoulder as she walks by. 
“You’ve got my permission to hurt him if he touches me one more time though,” you say, snuggling close to Miguel and patting at his chest. 
“So, I’m killing him. Got it.”
GymRat!Miguel who watches you twirl around the VIP suite. 
“Miguel! This is so beautiful! Look at the view.”
“Oh my god! There’s a walk-in closet!”
“There’s a bidet! How’d they fit that and a shower in here?”
Miguel leaned on the doorway, watching you comment on every little thing. 
You made sure to start to spray everything with Lysol, a habit from your mom when traveling. 
While you were in the bathroom, Miguel got out one of his first gifts of the night. 
It was another keychain to add to your collection. He’s been working hard to have this weekend make up for the awful dinner night. 
He placed it on the bed and started to open his bag to grab his pajamas. 
“What’s this?” you ask, coming out to spray the bed. 
“Just a little gift for you.”
“Aw, this is so cute!” Your voice gets higher as you take in the little legos. “They even look like us! When did you get these?”
“I got them made about a week ago. You like them?”
“I love them! Thank you, Miggy.”
GymRat!Miguel who wants to moan when you walk out. 
You guys are going on a double date with Gabriel and Dana at a casual-not-so-casual restaurant farther in the city. That didn’t stop you from getting all dolled up. 
You walk to him on the bed, standing in between his legs. 
“Amor,” Miguel said, rubbing his hands up and down your backside. “You look amazing.”
“Thank you. So do you,” you responded, careful to not run your hands through his hair. It was a comfort for you, but you didn’t want to ruin it. 
Instead, you bent down to kiss him in the quiet of the room. The sun was still out, but a lot dimmer than before. Little patches of sunlight caught Miguel’s eyes. The color was so deeply brown, you swore you saw speckles of red throughout. 
He moved to sit you on his lap, glancing over every detail of your body. 
“You’re making it harder for me to want to leave.”
“It’s funny that you say that. You’ve been walking around like you’re straight out of a beach movie. Chest out and legs for days.”
Miguel blushed and put his head in your chest, bending you back and holding you so you won’t fall. 
“What are you hiding for? It’s true!” you laugh as Miguel seemed to burrow his face deeper. 
“Yeah, but you don’t have to call me out.” He was just trying to impress you, per usual. 
GymRat!Miguel who gets nervous on the way to the restaurant. It was one of those immersive experiences with projections on the plates that told stories with the meals. They were pretty cute to Miguel and he figured that all three of you guys would love it. 
The only thing is, he pulled some strings with Tyler to add an extra animation in there. He’s not sure how much that cost, but he’s glad he didn’t have to see the price. 
GymRat!Miguel who side-eyes Gabriel when he just about screams as the little chef walks across the animated place. 
“He’s so tiny!” he whisper-shouts. “So precious!”
By the time the first course comes out Gabriel is fighting tears. 
“Control it, Gabri,” Miguel says, rubbing his back. 
“I’m trying. I really am.”
GymRat!Miguel whose heart blooms when you laugh at one of the scenes. The little chef is squabbling with a giant shrimp and losing the battle. 
GymRat!Miguel whose heart speeds up when the special animation starts up. 
Only the two of your plates are lit up. There’s a river of chocolate that separates the two. From Miguel’s plate, there’s a little version of him that calls to your plate. He watches as your eyes grow when a mini you climbs on top of the plate and yells back. Your character throws him a kiss, sending a pink flutter across the river. The wave of it goes straight to mini Miguel’s heart who in turn, falls backwards dramatically. 
The real you lets out a watery laugh at the scene, eyes looking at Miguel briefly in shock. 
Mini Miguel jumps back up and gets to work, digging around the plate to grab biscoff cookies from the chocolate ocean to make a boat. While he works, your character wanders around the plate cutely, tidying up the area for his arrival. 
When the boat is finished, Mini Miguel uses a giant spoon to steer the boat, singing out brightly the closer he gets to you. The mini you is jumping up and down, cheering him on just like you do in real life. 
Once he gets to the edge of your plate, you lean close to give him a kiss. He climbs from the boat onto the plate and spins you around. You giggle in his hold until he lets you down. 
From there, he starts to use the spoon to drag a chocolate message across the plate. He takes confident steps, spreading the brown syrup across the plate with ease. 
“Tú eres mi luz.” (You are my light.)
When he finishes it, you both sit at the edge of the plate, feeding each other scoops of chocolate from the giant spoon. They both look up at you to wave, the Mini Miguel cheesing extremely hard as he waves both arms. 
The animation fades away in a wave of browns and pinks, the waiters bringing out the actual plates of food. 
The floodgates open when you’re presented with the same chocolate message, a slice of chocolate biscoff cake, and little chocolate decorations of the mini you and Miguel. 
“Oh my god, the spoon is here too,” you say with emotion, picking up a chocolate coated spoon. “Miguel!”
You don't know what to do. You keep fanning your face in hopes to stop the tears from coming out and ruining the light makeup you had on. Dana hands you a pointed napkin and you thank her while holding your head back. 
Gabriel is a mess, faces wet with tears. His cheeks are round as he blows out air to control his breathing. 
“I didn’t mean to make you cry, mi amor,” Miguel’s face is ridden with worry as he reaches across the table to grab your hand. He looks to Gabriel and sighs, “You either, hermanito.” (little brother)
“I’m good. I gotta just,” Gabriel waves a hand in front of his face cutely. “Just gotta get this out. If you’ll excuse me.” 
He gets up to shuffle to the bathroom. 
“I better go help him out. He gets a little delirious when he cries like that,” Dana says, rubbing your shoulder as she leaves the table. 
Miguel wastes no time to sit in Dana’s seat, taking the napkin from your hands and wiping carefully at your tears. 
“I love you. So, so much,” you say, resting your face in his hands. “Everyday, you find new ways to surprise me. I don’t know how you do it, but I’m just…”
You pause, waving your hands in the air, unable to express how you felt. Just thinking about it has the tears spilling over again. 
“Hey, hey,” Miguel chides, catching your tears again. “If you keep crying, I’m going to cry.”
“I can’t help it, Miguel! You made a cookie boat to get to me. How can I not cry?”
Miguel reaches to kiss your cheeks in hopes to help you subside the tears, “I know, baby, I know. But to answer your first thought, when I think of you, the ideas just pour out of me. You’re my first true love, so I don’t know all the ends and outs of a relationship, but I do know what it feels like to be loved. I just want to extend that feeling to you.”
You stare in awe and the man sitting next to you, eyes glistening as you take in his words. 
“I think I need another tissue.”
Miguel laughs as he grabs one to pat at your face again. 
GymRat!Miguel who feeds you bites of the cake while you feed him scoops of ice cream when you’ve calmed down. You can’t stop smiling for the rest of the night. 
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divider by: @iwonbin 🩵
Part 9.2 here!
a/n: This is half of the chapter, but I had so much fun writing this! (mostly because I was not doing my actual work while writing half of it), especially Gabriel's silly ass. Like, it was super duper fun. Writing jealous Miguel was also great. There's so much stuff about reader that he was unaware of and I've been imagining him sitting at a table and yelling like Kendrick when it all plays back in his mind.
As always, like, comment, and reblog. Let me know how you feel! 🩵
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cellophanejpeg · 5 months ago
two is better than one | s. hanta ft. k. denki
s: What was supposed to be a night alone with Sero turns into something more once you see Kaminari is just as a freak as you are.
w: threesome, recreational drug use, smut, explicit smut, sex, smut smut smut
n: heyy, i have two more chapters left for these series, however i've reached a writer's block, so i'm not sure when they'll be posted lol. feedback is appreciated and i'll miss this story so much when it's done (i might be stalling a bit ngl). anyway, beta read by jemifiss as usual! | read on ao3
previous | next | start here
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“Are you kidding me?” You whisper, stepping into Sero’s apartment.
“Sorry.” He takes the bags from your hands and closes the door behind you.
It’s been almost two months since you and Sero had some time for yourselves and tonight you thought you’d have a private moment in his apartment. However, upon entering his apartment, you notice Kaminari slouched over the living room couch. His face tells you he’s high out of his mind.
“He just showed up,” Sero explains, leading you to the kitchen.
“I thought we were gonna…” You trail off, hinting at the one thing you've been expecting all week.
“I know, sorry…” He's still smiling as he digs into the snacks you've brought.
“Are you–” you push his shoulder so he looks at you, “Are you high right now?”
Sero looks like a deer caught in headlights. His smile falters for a second, his eyebrows curl upwards, and he shrugs, getting caught.
“Guilty,” he says, giggling as if he was caught stealing from the cookie jar.
You groan, “Alright, you know what? I can come back another day–”
You're already walking out of the kitchen, ready to put your shoes back on and leave, when he runs after you, wrapping his big hands on your shoulders.
“Wait, no! We can watch a movie! Kaminari brought some brownies you used to like.” He pleads with a soft voice.
A sigh leaves your lips, shoulders sagging, “Hanta, you know I don’t do that anymore…”
When the war was over, you had to go back to school and pretend nothing had happened, which was proven to be the worst to happen. You used to have panic attacks, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t handle loud noises – one time, you even lashed out at Bakugou for yelling in class –, so Sero introduced you to edibles, as a last resort. It wasn’t until the school had started offering mandatory counseling sessions that you finally started to fall asleep without getting high.
“Okay, okay, so hang out with us?” Sero smiles at you, still gripping your shoulders tightly, “I miss just being with you… Not just fucking your brains out.” He chuckles under his breath.
You sigh again, closing your eyes.
“Fine. But if he eats all my snacks, I’m leaving.”
“Look who it is!” Kaminari exclaims when you enter the living room. You smile, plopping down on the couch beside him. Of all Sero’s friends, Kaminari is the one you’re closest to. You don’t talk to him on the regular, but you’re definitely more comfortable having a conversation with him than with anyone else in the friend group. Maybe it’s because he’s so close to Sero. Or maybe because he makes you laugh just the same. “You gotta tell me…” He slouches an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him, “How big is it?”
“What are you talking about?” You frown, grabbing the remote to choose a movie for the three of you to watch.
“You know, Sero’s dick.”
You freeze, heart dropping to your stomach. Slowly, you turn your head to face Sero, on your left side. He’s drinking from a soda can when you start staring daggers at him.
“What?” he asks, noticing your furious eyes set at him.
“You told him?!” Your voice is louder than you intended, but it still makes Sero startle and Kaminari remove his arm from around your shoulders.
“I might have…” Sero brings his shoulders to his ears, slightly scared of you. He’s never seen you so angry like that before.
“Aw, c’mon, baby.” Kaminari chimes in, coming closer to your ear, “You don’t have to be embarrassed, it’s okay.”
“I’m not embarrassed!” You argue, trying to pull away from him, “I just never thought Hanta was the type to kiss and tell.”
Sero’s eyes widen as you stand up from the couch and face him. In a quick movement, he leaps from the couch and kneels before you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your lower belly.
“I’m sorry, angel!” He whines, “I was just so happy I couldn’t keep it to myself, I’m so sorry, I promise I’ll make it up to you!”
“What are you talking about?” You try to pry his arms open to be free of him, but his grip is too strong. You look down at his bloodshot eyes and something stirs inside you. Maybe it’s the way he kneels to you, the submissive look in his eyes, but you feel your face so hot that you have to look away.
“I’ll eat you out,” Sero quickly says, pushing your skirt up, trying to bunch up the fabric to have access to you, “I know it’s been a while–”
“Hanta!” You try to hold his hands, very aware that his friend is sitting on the couch, watching the scene. Your fingers desperately grip the hem of your skirt as your eyes shoot to Kaminari, who’s made himself comfortable by leaning back on the couch, sipping from his soda. He has a weird look on his face, like he isn’t shocked about Sero’s actions, “Wait– Kaminari is here–”
“He likes to watch,” Sero mumbles as he finally gets access to your underwear, pulling them down and pushing your skirt up.
“And Sero’s always a horndog when he’s high,” Kaminari says.
Sero’s fingers slip in your folds, opening you up, his tongue following right after. You hold back a moan as realization falls on you.
“You’ve done it before?”
Kaminari breathes out a laugh, setting his drink on the coffee table and standing up. Sero pulls your underwear even further, a hand wrapping around your ankle so you lift it up, freeing one leg from the undergarment. He dives into you further, putting your free thigh on his shoulder. In a second, Kaminari is behind you, hands slipping under your shirt and tickling your waist.
“You mean have we fucked before?” He says in your ear, “Or have we shared someone? Because the answer is yes, either way.”
The thought of Sero and Kaminari – and probably someone else – in bed makes your breath hitch. You’re shocked to find out your childhood best friend is a horny bastard, but the idea turns you on more than you’d like to admit. Or maybe it’s the way Sero’s tongue rubs deliciously against your clit as his fingers nudge your entrance.
“And you know what, angel?” Kaminari whispers, licking your earlobe, “I’m also a horndog when I’m high.”
His mouth latches at your neck, giving your skin open mouthed kisses, sucking and nibbling, and you can’t hold back anymore. Sero’s fingers finally press inside you, now that you’re wet enough, and you have to hold yourself on his shoulders for balance. If it wasn’t for Kaminari’s grip on you, you’d definitely have fallen over already.
“She likes that.” Sero mumbles against you, when you squeeze his fingers inside you, as Kaminari nibbles your ear, sending chills through your skin.
“Hanta…” Your hands tangle in his hair as you slightly grind on his face.
“Say the word, and we’ll stop.” Kaminari’s hands slip under your shirt further, until they reach your breasts. He grabs them with a light grip, massaging the muscles, until he finds your nipples and pinches them softly. A whine escapes your lips, your orgasm already building inside you.
A turn from your head and your lips press against Kaminari’s, kissing him fervently, the more you feel pleasure growing in your lower stomach. You squeeze your eyes shut as Sero’s fingers curl inside you, pressing on that spongy spot that makes you go crazy. A particular twist of your nipples, combined with a suck of your clit, have you coming undone, whining into Kaminari’s mouth. Your legs almost give out, but he holds you in place as Sero stands up and grabs your chin, pulling you away from his friend.
Sero kisses you roughly, hands pulling your shirt up to expose your breasts. His rough hands squeeze your breasts, harshly pinching your nipple and making you whimper. You notice he’s more dominant when he’s with Kaminari, who’s softer and gentler. Sero’s lips leave yours so he can kiss Kaminari, only pulling away so he can pull your shirt over your head, discarting it on the floor.
“Bed. Now.” He squeezes your cheeks before pulling you and Kaminari by the wrists towards his bedroom.
Kaminari undresses his shirt on the way to Sero’s room, unbuckling his belt as you reach the bed. Sero is already shirtless, pulling his sweatpants down, and rummaging his bedside drawer. He pulls a pack of condoms from it and rips one off, throwing it at Kaminari who laughs at his eagerness. Meanwhile, you try not to think about what is happening as you take your skirt off, finally baring yourself completely to the two men in the room.
Sero lies on the bed, back against the headboard as you crawl over to him. His cock sits hard against his lower abdomen when you wrap your delicate hands around it. You stroke him, licking the tip and going slow, like you know he likes. Kaminari positions himself behind you, fidgeting with the condom Sero tossed at him, and you twitch, anticipation pumping in your veins. He lifts your hips, having your ass up, runs his fingers through your folds.
“Fuck,” Kaminari whines as he pushes inside you. You’re so wet and open from your last orgasm that he slides in easily, as he refuses to give you time to adjust to his length.
A gasp leaves your lips as Sero’s hand flies to the back of your neck, the other cupping your cheek. You roll your eyes back as Kaminari sets on a punishing pace, much rougher than you’re used to. A squeeze of your cheeks makes you refocus your eyes on the man in front of you, who watches you intensely. If you weren’t being fucked out of your mind, you’d notice the moment of soberness in his eyes.
The way your body bounces back and forth with each thrust from Kaminari, the moans that leave your mouth, the trembling from pleasure of your hands as you stroke Sero – all these details give him a weird sensation in his chest. Is he having a panic attack? It wouldn’t be the first time it happened while he was high. But, no. This is unlike any other feeling he’s ever had. He’s always wanted to be with you in a carnal way, but this is something else.
He leans down to kiss you, soft lips a contrast to the rough pace of Kaminari, and then he pushes your head down, leading you towards his cock again. He doesn’t want to feel his heart thumping for no reason. So he makes you wrap your lips around him, pushing you further, until he hits the back of your throat and you gag. Your fingers tighten their grip on Sero's thighs as you force your way out of his hold, gasping for air.
“Can't breathe!” You exclaim, wet lips and tears running down your face.
Kaminari’s thrusts falter, recognizing the look of worry in Sero's face as he cups your face again and brings you to a kiss.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” Sero whispers, kissing your lips, your cheeks, your nose, “I'm sorry, angel.”
The softness in his voice would've had your stomach doing backflips, if it wasn't for Kaminari pounding his cock inside you. Prompted by a look of reassurance of his best friend, Denki resumed his rough pace, making you gasp again. Sero pulls you to him, wrapping his arms around you, at the same time Kaminari does the same, fingers digging in your hips and pulling you roughly towards him. You all adjust the position, so your face is resting against Sero's chest, but your ass is still up for Kaminari. 
“Can't believe you were keeping this cunt all to yourself,” Kaminari groans, slapping your ass cheek roughly as he pushes his cock inside you again. You yelp, shutting your eyes with pleasure.
“You like it?” Sero mumbles to you, “You like when he's rough like that?”
You murmur a whine in response that he assumes is a yes. Sero cups your breasts gently, such a contrast to Kaminari's harsh  movements.
“Are you gonna come all over his cock, like the good girl you are?”
“Fuck, keep talking like that and I'm gonna come all over,” Kaminari grunts, slapping his hips on your ass.
“That's a good thing I'm not talking to you then,.” Sero barks back, and you'd laugh at their interactions if it wasn't for the fact you felt an overwhelming orgasm coming.
Then, Kaminari does something that has you almost breaking down. He presses his thumb on your back entrance, as if he's going to finger it. It's just a tease, but it's enough to make you see stars as you succumb to your pleasure, letting all out on him, on the sheets, everywhere.
“Whoa!” Kaminari laughs, “Why didn't you say you were a squirter, baby?!”
Because I'm not, you want to say, but you feel like you're going to pass out. You barely register him slowing down his thrusts and cursing as he comes, following right behind you. You just collapse on Sero's chest, trying to focus on his face. He's half soft now, and you feel bad because you don't think you can handle one more round.
“You didn't come,” you whisper as Kaminari leaves for a moment to fetch a towel so he can clean himself.
“I don't mind,” Sero whispers back.
“But–” you try to wrap your hands around him again, but he just holds it, lacing your fingers together.
“It's okay, angel.”
Before you can argue further, Kaminari is back with a fluffy towel and, soon enough, he's wiping your legs, drying as much as he can.
“Bath?” Sero asks, rubbing his thumb on your cheek.
“Yes, please.”
“Your wish is my command.” He kisses your forehead, hopping off the bed and going toward the bathroom.
Kaminari scoffs as he lays on his back, wiping the sweat from his forehead and sighing heavily.
“What?” You ask, pulling the sheets up to cover your chest. Not that it would do anything to hide your body from him now that he's seen everything. You're trying not to think about how you're going to face him in the next group hang out, when he answers your question,
“He must really like you. Sero's never satisfied until he's finished,” Kaminari laughs again, “And running you a bath? I mean, he gives aftercare, but he's not exactly the king of it, you know?”
“What do you mean?” Confusion is clear in your voice as you lean on your elbow to face him better.
“All I'm saying is that, every time we've been together, he's never acted like that.” He explains, “Maybe he's got a soft spot for you…”
You try not to hold on to the hope he might have the same feelings as you, but it's stronger than you. The way he's been so soft to you during this entire night has the butterflies inside your stomach going crazy. Your heart skips a beat at the possibility of you and him staying together.
“What are you guys talking shit about?” Sero resurfaces from the bathroom, still naked, leaning on the doorframe. You hold back a dreamy sigh.
“You,” Kaminari replies, a shit eating grin on his face.
Sero groans, rolling his eyes at his friend.
“Anyway.” Kaminari jumps out of the bed, stretching his arms above his head. “Same time next week?”
Sero groans even louder as you bark out a laugh.
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@lousypotatoes @shoyosdoll @fresa-luna @crazyvalerie1236 @siillkie
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k0mmari · 3 months ago
hrllo!! :)
I just want to say that i loved Locked and Loaded!!! It is such an amazing fic!! But i noticed that its tagged as bingyuan on ao3.... is this really endgame bingyuan? (nothing against it!! Its just with the fact binghe isnt born and.... yeah he just isnt born yet so im just curious on how it happens.... obviously you dont have to answer this!! Especially if by answering it you spoil the plot!!! Im just a tad perplexed) :)
Hello, and thank you so much for sending your question!
The short answer would be: Yes! Maybe! Probably!
The long answer:
It’s a bit of a complicated question to answer now since, I’ll be honest, I didn’t plan this fic as much as I should probably have done lol
When I first started writing it, I didn’t expect this first part with sy and sj to get this big, it was honestly supposed to be like, 5 chapters long, so when I was putting in the tags I put them according to this expectation. Of course, as we can see, it got a bit bigger than that! Oops!
And, as I was writing it, I contemplated a lot of times if I should change the bingyuan tag for another ship or remove it entirely; that’s actually why in the end notes of chapter 13 I even asked if it would be better to separate the ‘first act’ and ‘second act’ in different fics altogether, since it feels a bit deceptive for me to put the bingyuan tag but is been 100K+ words and, as you’ve put it, Binghe is nowhere close to even existing difhudjfid. But, since everyone said to just put it all under one fic, I did!
(Ngl I may still end up separating them and putting them under the same collection, since I’m still not sure how long it’ll be till the end of this ‘first act’)
Also also, backtracking a bit to when I said I might consider different ships, I honestly may still consider them! I’ll still answer that bingyuan is endgame for now, since it was what I planned since the beginning, and I would feel bad for the people who have been patiently waiting for that to happen, but I can’t confidently say that 100% it’s bingyuan.
Anyways, sorry for all the yapping LOL, I’ve wanted to talk about this for a while and this gave me the opportunity. Have a little binghe doodle as an apology :)
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joekeeryswife · 1 year ago
arranged marriage 2 - f.c
hello angels! oh my goodness thank you all so much for the love in the last chapter, i cannot express how grateful i am to all of you! Felix is 22 and reader is 20.
here is chapter 2 (there may only be 1 or two chapters left 😔) of my short series! here is y/ns ring, if you don’t like it you can change it, there is also going to be a link to a few dresses and again if you don’t like them you can change it!! there will probably be some mistakes so bare with me lol, enjoy reading🩰
taglist🩰 (add yourselves here): @hummusxx @lalademie @kikiandbella @anamiad00msday @saltburntt @livvy256 @gee72sstuff @edogiscool @real-lana-del-rey @cel3stel0v3r
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it had been almost three months since your engagement party and a lot had changed. you and Felix were not getting along at all. your parents had thought it was best if the two of you moved in together and it had been the worst decision they had ever made. all you would do was fight and argue.
today, luckily, your mum, Elspeth and Venetia had decided that it was best for you to start trying on wedding dresses which meant you wouldn’t have to see Felix. “how are things with you and Felix going?” Elspeth asked, the three of you were sat in the back of the car almost at the wedding dress shop.
“not good. all we do is fight, i’m seriously considering not following through with this marriage” you rolled your eyes at the mere thought of Felix. “he’s being a dick head. sorry about him y/n, it’s like he’s on his period” Venetia apologised for how her brother was acting.
“oh no y/n don’t think like that, it’s just nerves. the two of you are going to have a very extravagant wedding and he gets nervous with those sorts of things” Elspeth said as she ran a hand through her hair. “it will get better i promise” she finished, showing you a sweet smile.
“surely you’re excited to try some dresses on? you might even find the one today” your mum finally spoke up. she loved the idea of you in a lovely white ballgown, walking up the isle arm linked with your fathers.
she had been dreaming about you getting married for years. “i hope so. how do you know if it’s the right dress for you?” you questioned, both women had been married and been through this exact same experience as you.
“you just have a gut feeling. i mean with me i had two dresses. i had one for the ceremony and then one for the party, god i wish i could relieve my wedding. it was the happiest day of my life” Elspeth said and your mum hummed, agreeing with what she had said.
“you’ll know if it’s the right dress, don’t worry about that sweetheart” your mum grabbed ahold of your hand and squeezed it gently. you nodded, giving her hand a squeeze back. “oh look, we are here” Elspeth said as the driver pulled up outside a fancy wedding boutique. “well, here goes nothing”.
“oh that dress is ravishing” you heard Elspeth say as you looked at yourself in the mirror. “it’s elegant, fits your body nicely, you look beautiful. what do you think?” she continued as she looked at the dress. this was the fourth dress you had tried on and you were beginning to think that this bridal shop didn’t have anything for you. “well, it’s a pretty dress. but i think it’s a little too plain” you mum agreed “it is a little too plain. very pretty but you need some sort of design on there” Venetia nodded her head, indicating that it was time to try on yet another dress.
you walked back to the changing room with the stylist and she helped you get into the next dress. this one was beautiful, it looked like a princess dress and that was something you loved. however, the dress was still plain. you walked out and stood in front of the three of them, their gasps were loud. “oh my goodness, this dress looks absolutely perfect on you y/n” Venetia said as her eyes trailed over the dress.
“y/n, you look so beautiful sweetheart” your mum said as she looked at you in awe. “i love it but it’s still plain, i want some sort of pattern on the fabric. i love the way the dress is and i would have picked it if it had a pattern” you said as your hands brushed over the dresses skirt. your bridal stylist Amy spoke up “you do look gorgeous in this dress style but i think i have one similar to this with a pattern. why don’t you go to the dressing room and i’ll bring it through?” you nodded, a smile appearing on your face.
you made your way to the dressing room filled with nerves and excitement. hearing that she had a dress similar to this made your heart beat fast. after a few minutes she came into the dressing room with the most perfect dress you’d ever seen. it was exactly what you wanted.
she helped you put the dress on and your heart fluttered, this was your dress. you walked back out your mums eyes filled with tears and both Elspeth and Venetia gasped, i’m awe of how beautiful you looked. “y/n i seriously have no words. you look so radiant and elegant, i am praying that you have picked this dress” your mum said, the dress was absolutely perfect.
“i can’t see any flaws in this dress, i think if i was to ever design my wedding dress this would be it” you turned to face the three of them, you’d never felt like this before. “that dress is just absolutely gorgeous. you look like a bride” although you were mad at Felix, you were excited to get married. not because you were marrying him but because you could party like no other in the most beautiful dress with your family and friends.
“i think my brother might fall in love with you when he sees you in this dress” Venetia somewhat joked, she knew her brother would at some point fall in love with you and this dress would make it 100x easier. “i think it’s time we buy this dress and go celebrate” Elspeth said which you all agreed too.
you had been out all day and it was now 7 at night. you hadn’t heard from Felix at all and you were not looking forward to seeing him. you opened the door to your house. “Felix, are you home?” you called out but got no response. you walked round the house saw him sitting on the sofa watching the tv.
“hey” you spoke as you sat down on the sofa next to him, you put your bag next to you and sighed. it had been a long day and finally sitting down felt amazing. he ignored you, his eyes still fixated on the tv screen. “how’s your day been?” he shrugged at you and you sighed, rubbing your forehead in frustration. “we can’t live like this Felix. this is no life” you looked over at him.
“y/n, have you ever thought that maybe i don’t want to live here with you?” his tone didn’t shock you, he had been in a bad mood for weeks. “i’m sorry but this wasn’t my decision either. do you really think i want to live here when you’re in a bad mood all the time?” he was silent.
“maybe think that i’m trying to work this out for the sake of our parents and whatever this relationship is and you’re just throwing it back in my face” he stood up, his tall frame towering over you.
“y/n. this isn’t a relationship. we are being forced to marry each other” you stood up, you weren’t going to let him intimidate you. there was an uncomfortable distance between you both.
“what is your problem Felix? why is there such an issue with you marrying me. i get we don’t love each other but am i really that bad?” you hated to admit it but even though Felix had been awful to you, there was a part of you that was falling for him.
there was some days where he was okay and the two of you got along, having Felix be nice to you was what made you somewhat fall for him. “don’t try guilt trip me y/n. you hate me just as much as i hate you” he scoffed but you just shook your head.
“what? i have been nice to you since after that talk we had in the bathroom at the party. i’m sick of you blaming me for absolutely everything when i’m reality it’s you who is the problem. i don’t think you realise how you make me feel when you treat me like shit” you could feel yourself getting upset.
“don’t pretend like you really care. you never cared about how it made you feel before so what’s changed now?” you shook your head, embarrassed that you were even about to admit this.
“what do you think Felix?” he looked at your confused. “there has been some days where you’ve been so sweet and it’s hard for me to not catch feelings for you” his eyes widened and you looked down at the ground, way too embarrassed to even look at him.
you could feel your eyes welling up with tears of embarrassment and frustration at the fact you had just admitted to Felix, the one person you’d thought you’d hate for the rest of your life, that you had feelings for him. and you knew that he didn’t feel the same. you could tell by his energy when he was around you.
it was silent, it felt like an eternity waiting for him to say something. when you felt like you’d been standing there long enough you decided it was best for you to leave, you’d embarrassed yourself enough and you just wanted to be alone. you grabbed your bag and started walking away from Felix who was still trying to process everything you had just said.
“y/n wait, don’t leave” he noticed that you were heading for the front door and was quick to follow you. Felix was never good with expressing how he felt and spending this time with you, living with you, made him realise that he was falling for you and that scared him. he’d been in love once before and it ended horribly and he didn’t want the same thing to happen with you.
“i’m going to my parents house don’t follow me. i want to be alone” you continued walking and looked for your car keys in your bag, he could hear the waver in your voice as you tried your hardest to keep your tears at bay until you weee away from him.
Felix continued following you and when he was close enough he grabbed your arm and turned you to face him. in one quick motion Felix pressed his lips against yours. it took you by surprise, it was filled with passion and love.
you quickly kissed him back and dropped your bag on the floor. your arms found their way around his neck, pulling him in closer. you’d been in one relationship and had your fair share of kisses in the past but it was nothing like this.
he pulled away, both of you breathless “please don’t go. i’m sorry i upset you. i am just scared” his eyes looked deeply into yours and you felt your heart flutter. “i’m scared that one day you’re going to find someone better than me because let’s be honest we haven’t gotten along, well, ever” his cheeks flushed a bright shade of red as he confessed his feelings.
“at first i didn’t want to do this marriage but now, it’s all i can think about. i see us getting married, travelling together, having kids together and growing old together and i’ve never felt like this before” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, Felix Catton the one boy who truly hated was confessing his feelings for you.
“do you think maybe we could start over and try make this work? not like we did the last time in the toilets” you semi-joked which made him smile, you hated to admit it but his smile was beautiful.
“come on, let’s go back inside it’s freezing out here” he said, pulling away from your hold but he grasped your hand and squeezed it softly. “i can’t believe you dropped your birkin bag for me” you picked it up and looked it over. “you’re lucky, it has no marks on it. looks as good as the day i bought it”
the two of you made your way back inside hand in hand, happy that you both finally expressed your feelings for one another. the only thing left was for the two of you to get married.
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gh0stly-pages · 5 months ago
Out of Our Minds (Part Three)
Ledger! Joker x Harley Quinn-esque f!reader (18+)
CW: swearing, mentions of violence
Words: 4.1k
Chapter Summary: The third session with the Joker, and as you try and delve into the man he is, you can't help the connection you feel. Seems he might feel it too...
previous part: part 2 | next part: part 4
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Notes: Hello everyone! Apologies for the wait, took a bit longer because of Halloween, was having too much fun to write. But here we are! This series is def picking up the pace now and soon we will dive into some real chaos lol. Please enjoy :) (I love inputting bits of Arkham dialogue in these because i can >:) )
On your way to work, it seems Gotham is in shambles. 
There seems to be some type of announcement going on, by someone from the GPD. You could care less, honestly, especially since you need to get to work before you’re late, but what piques your interest is the crowds of people. There is an obvious rift amongst them. Some of them hold signs displaying the infamous bat symbol, crying out in favor for Batman, it seems, some holding children at their hip who cry for the man they’ve lost. The other half push back against the pro-Batman crowd, yelling things like ‘murderer’ and ‘fraud’. The tension is so thick you can taste it. These people might tear each other apart.
Oh, if only Joker were here to see this. He’d never shut up.
A woman bumps into you, clutching a sign with that bat symbol painted on it, with words beneath it reading ‘come back’. You sneer, and she retreats back to her other Batman groupies. How could anyone get so worked up over a man in a mask? Take the mask off and we’re all messed up inside. Batman had worn the mask of a hero, parading around as Gotham’s salvation, and yet he killed people just like his enemies had. Like Joker had. Except Joker didn’t pretend to be someone he wasn’t. 
Mr. Dale may be right about keeping all this from Joker, but you can’t help but feel a twinge of guilt. He’s going to get out eventually and see all this mess. They can’t hide it from him forever. Even if he’s on house arrest for the rest of his damn life, he’s the Joker, and they won’t be able to stop him. They’re just scared. Scared that the Joker may have won. 
You walk through the city, broken into chaos, all the way to Arkham.
This time when you enter Joker’s little conference room, he lacks his usual straitjacket, and you’re both surprised and relieved that your bosses actually listened to you. His asylum garb has been replaced with the usual Arkham patient outfit, an orange baggy shirt with matching orange pants. Immediately, as ashamed as you are, your eyes go to his arms, which are surprisingly lean and toned, probably from numerous fights. You trace his arms down to his hands, each of which have a separate handcuff linked to a man made circle jutting from the table. You look at every crinkle, every callus, every line. Human hands. Dangerous hands.
“Uh, doll, my eyes are up here, ya know.”
Shit. You look up into his eyes as you take your seat, shifting uncomfortably. “I’m… sorry, I was just-“ You try to search for an excuse, but it’s clear from the teasing look Joker gives you that he’s not looking for one. You flush. “I’m surprised they let you out of the jacket.” I’m surprised your hands are so normal. 
“Well, it certainly wasn’t from my good behavior,” he clucks, his tongue hitting the top of his mouth. “Did you ask them to get rid of it?”
You can’t tell if he’s angry or not. “I did.”
He breaks into his signature, manic grin. Not angry. Good. “I knew I liked you, doll.”
Joker doesn’t say ‘thank you’ or ‘I appreciate it’ but somehow, this is better. It’s probably as close as you’ll get to hearing those words from him and it ignites something in you. You feel proud of yourself. Proud that he’s proud of you. Before you can return his smile, you remember ‘hey, wait a fucking second, this is my patient The Joker we’re talking about here’. You settle for a small smile. Be professional. “Mr. J, I wanna start this session off by just saying I think we’re making some good progress-“
“Doctor y/n, you seem to have quite the fascination with my hands,” Joker interrupts, a giggle rising in his throat. 
Dammit. Were you looking at his hands again? You didn’t even fucking notice. You’re not trying to. You’re probably just a little shocked. Again, it’s like pulling back the curtain, getting a glimpse at the man behind the act. And there he sits, with such human looking hands. “Excuse me, I’m just…” You search for the words. “I’m not used to seeing you without being all wrapped in a jacket.”
“Well, ah, they’re just hands. Did ya think I’d have talons?”
“Maybe. Or maybe, like, robotic hands. Rocket launchers for hands. Something cooler.” Are you teasing him? Your patient? You might be teasing him, just a little.
At your teasing, his smile shifts sideways into a smirk, eyes thinning. “Cooler? What’s cool is, ah, what these hands have done. They’ve been the cause of the end of so many lives.” He tries to lace his hands together, but the handcuffs keep his arms too far apart, so his fingers touch only slightly. “Now, ah, where were we?”
You stumble to find the words. So much for professionalism. “R-right, sorry. I think we’re making real progress here. Yesterday was a good session, and I’m hoping today will follow suit.” You bring out your clipboard. Click your pen open. “Now, why don’t we pick up where we left off? We were analyzing your crimes-“
“Whatever you wanna call em’. Now those are only one part of the man you call the Joker-“
“That is, ah, my name, doll face.”
You hold your hand up. “Let me finish. We haven’t talked about you. About this person you present as the Joker. And yes,” you say roughly, before he can cut you off again, “I know you say that you and this character you present are one in the same, but nobody is exactly the person they put out. I mean, you did say we all hide behind a facade. So, let’s talk about Joker, the one we see on TV getting the best of Batman.” You scribble a little picture of him, smiling wide and in his signature purple suit. Jutting your chin, you gestured for him to look at it. “This will be the outside Joker…” You do another little doodle, one of Joker without his makeup and in the Arkham garb. “And this will be the you in here.”
The Joker looks down at your drawings and bites the inside of his cheek. “Not much of a difference, doll face, except that I look even crappier in here.”
You roll your eyes. “Are you proud of the person that Gotham has come to know?”
“Define proud.”
“Do you feel a sense of satisfaction over the person you allow Gotham to see? This crazy clown figure?”
Joker tilts his head back, thinking, and you can’t help but stare intensely at his neck, tracing down his throat to his Adam’s apple, which moves as he swallows. Geez, what is up with you and the staring today? Luckily, he doesn’t think for long, tilting his head back down to look at you. “I’m just fine with whatever I showed to Gotham. And I don’t regret-tah one bit of it.” Looking all smug, he smirks. “I’m not proud of who I am, I relish it. Bask in it. The Clown Prince of Crime, they call me! Nothin’ better than that, doll. Means I’ve made a difference.”
“You’ve certainly made an impact, Mr. J. For better or for worse.”
“And whaddya get out of all that, doll? That I’m some kind of egotistical maniac?”
“Let me do the analyzing, please, Mr. J.”
He grunts. “Yeah, yeah,” he mumbles, and you can’t help but smile. “You say you’re proud, but clearly it’s not enough,” you tell him, scribbling notes underneath the doodle of him. “When you get out of here, you’d like to go back to all that, wouldn’t you? Go back to testing the B-Man?”
“Batsy and I just fit so well together, dolly. We’re meant to chase one another to the end of our days!”
If you can find him. “All the stuff you pulled then, did it really amount to anything if you want more?”
“Oh, doll, it’s not that I want more. I’m not just some kinda freak gettin’ a good fix when I cause havoc. My point just keeps needing to be made!” He winks at you. “Course, I know that if I get out of here I’ll have to behave.”
You seriously doubt Joker even knows the concept of behaving. “B-Man would just get you again, would he not?”
Joker cackles. He laughs at everything but you’re always confused when he laughs at something you don’t find remotely humorous. “That’s the fun part! He and I, we’re like a cat and mouse, like in those old cartoons. We’re just chasing each other in damn circles and, ah, the fun doesn’t-tah stop until one of us falls.” With a cruel smile, he flicks his fingers, as if toppling something over. “And I don’t intend to be the first to fall.”
“And after B-Man falls?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see, I suppose. Doesn’t sound very fun. Why, you got a soft spot for the Bat?”
“For Batsy?” Technically, you’re not supposed to be very vocal in your own opinions, especially when they do nothing to help, but wouldn’t it be good for Joker to know you’re with him on some things? Not that Joker has too much disdain in Batman, he clearly loves to mess with him, but obviously the two are on very different sides. You want to show Joker you stand with him. “Absolutely not. The Bat hasn’t done anything to benefit me. If anything I feel more… useless. This man in a mask gets to go around fighting criminals and gets praised and here I am busting my butt everyday and what do I get? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” You clap a hand over your mouth. Way to go overboard. “I’m sorry, I’m rambling.”
The Joker, of course, doesn’t care that you rambled on. He looks amused. No, not just amused, he looks pleased. His whole face contorts into an evil grin. “Well well well, doll face, nowwww we’re talking. Why didn’t you tell me you loathed the Batman so much?”
“Didn’t think it important.”
“Well, ah, I find it important. Looks like we wanna both go after the Batman, don’t we?”
“Go after him?” Now it’s your turn to laugh. “Obviously I’m not going to do that.”
He scooches forward. “But you’d like to. Come on, doll, given the chance, wouldn’t you wanna, ah, take the Bat down?”
For some reason, you actually think about it. If you really did have the chance, would you want to bring down the Bat? He was already down now, obviously, but if you had had the chance before then, would you have taken B-Man down? Before you can even dive into it, you snap yourself out of it. Why would you even care to do all that in the first place? Imagine you, beating up Batman? You’re not crazy. “I’m not so sure about that.”
Joker shrugs. “That isn’t a no.”
Things are going far from where you need them to be. “Let’s take this conversation back to you, Mr. J. How about we talk about the Joker in here? Nothing left for you to do except sit and think. You’re not out causing havoc, you’ve been stripped of your weapons and your makeup, what do you feel about yourself now?”
Already, you can tell the Joker isn’t too fond of the question. He squirms uncomfortably in his chair, muttering things under his breath that all sound nonsensical to you. For some reason, you kinda like it. It’s about time you get under his skin too.  “I feel like I wanna hurt someone,” he answers, clenching his fists. “I just wanna get out there and get back to everything.”
“Okay… see, you’re angry at being in here, and you don’t know how to handle your emotions so you’re resorting to violence.” As much as that’s probably true, you’re almost sure that if you were stuck in Arkham, you’d wanna hurt a few people too but that won’t help.
“Violence solves a lot more problems than ya think.”
“Not mental ones. I think I’m seeing what’s going on here, Mr. J.”
Joker taps on the table, a random pattern of noise. “And that is?”
You point with your pen between the two Joker sketches. “Both these people have unresolved problems, problems coped with by violence. Plenty of people do this, but they don’t go around trying to make their points to the whole damn city. These huge acts of violence are outcries and you don’t even realize it. You have no one to turn to to sort your feelings out with and this is what the outcome is.” You look back up at him, and it’s clear he’s confused. “I told you at our last session, you need company. Someone you can relate to, empathize with, talk through these feelings with.”
He frowns. “And what about you, huh? You’re, ah, just as alone as me, not a soul to talk to, and yet you’re not blowing up hospitals.”
Will he ever quit trying to analyze you? “I have other means of coping, Mr. J. Whatever happened to you… it made you hurt. And this hurt, it turned you away from people, even though we need companionship. We seek attention and validation and yet I fear you’re seeking it in all the wrong ways.”
“Who says we need companionship?”
“Human nature. Our hearts. Your mental state,” you say harshly.
His tongue pushes out his scar as he licks the inside of his cheek. “Feistyyy. I like it when you’re all, ah, riled up.”
Joker was really pushing your buttons now, and it was worse that no matter how upset you got at him, he’d find some kind of enjoyment in it. You really couldn’t win some of the battles he put you up against. Yet, the purr in his voice made your cheeks heat. You could never tell when to be angered or enamored. “I really do think that whatever happened in your childhood resulted in your detachment from emotion, and a distrust in people, and this mix of the two… well, it hasn’t been the best for you.”
“So, whaddya suggest? I go mingle with some of the other Arkham patients? Spend some quality time together finger painting and singing Christmas carols?” His laugh comes out as a sharp exhale. “I don’t think friendship is gonna fix me, doll.”
“I wasn’t going to suggest any of that,” you assert. “I just think that isolating ourselves from not just people but also feelings, now that doesn’t get us anywhere good.”
“Clearly,” he giggles, lifting up his cuffed wrists. “But I’ve been doing just fine, doll, aside from this little incident of being locked up in here.”
It was like the Joker just considered Arkham some bump in the road before he could continue his anarchy. That wasn’t good. He couldn’t have his heart set on going back to taking down Batman, no matter how good his reason. Especially considering, well, Batman was nowhere to be seen. Gosh, you wish you could just tell him. Maybe he wouldn’t see it as motivation, maybe it would shut down all his ideas. There was just far too much risk with everything. Say something, say nothing. The Joker was a lot of uncertainties. “But you shouldn’t have to be locked up in here. You don’t have to be if you just try and listen to me. I really want you to get better.”
“I don’t need to get better,” he growls. “The way other people feel, it’s just a soft spot for others to exploit. I’m already winning because nobody has anything on me. Chaos stirs something inside me, isn’t that enough?”
“No, Mr. J, you need more than that,” you plead. Why is he so stubborn? “Just a little company can do wonders. Just some faith in someone.”
“So they can do what? Push me down on my knees like some kind of sinner, making me beg for forgiveness? Making me change my ways? You really are crazy if you believe that.”
Joker is impossible, really. You don’t know how else to get your message across, how to make him listen. So instead, you think back on your deal, take a deep breath, and give him a story.
“When I was ten years old, the kids at school all decided they hated me so much that they all pretended I didn’t exist. I’d try and approach people and… and they never even acknowledged me. It followed me all throughout the rest of my school years.” You mess with your coat, fidgeting with the buttons, not quite able to meet Joker’s gaze. “I know how it feels when people hurt you.”
You wait, wondering if the Joker will give you a story back. You’re surprised when he opens his mouth to speak. “Once, ah, when I was just starting out, one of the criminals I hired managed to sneak up on me, knocked me to the floor real good. Kept babblin’ on about how I was a freak, how I’d never amount to anything, the heel of his boot digging into my back.” He stops, taking a deep breath, and you wonder for a moment if he’s going to stop all together but he continues. “Course, with all his ramblin’, he failed to notice me grabbing a blade. I stabbed him right in the foot, and oh boy, did he scream. I gave him the nastiest beating of his life, I’m sure. Blood all over the floor. And right before I was done, I made sure to give him and I matching smiles. Die with a smile, no?” Joker holds his chin up. “I don’t need people. People don’t care.”
It’s only a single story yet you realize the Joker has so much behind him. So many incidents that seemed to have fueled the thunderous rage beneath his skin. This man, finding humor in the wickedness of the world, wanting to show that everyone is essentially just as rotten as he, has been torn apart over and over again. Society had crushed the both of you yet here you sat, a doctor, and there he sat before you, a madman. In your anger towards the world, you had sought to try and help it, and in his anger, he wanted to burn it all down. You still had hope left in people, he had let that all die away.
He said people didn’t care, but you cared. This was more than just a way towards a paycheck, you really did want to help him. That’s what you’d always wanted for every Arkham patient. Yet the others did not quite distrust people as much as Joker did. Joker didn’t have anyone for him. How was it that Batman, a murderer playing superhero, still had half the city on his side and yet everyone just wanted Joker to rot away in here? You think about yourself, and how much better you would feel if you did have someone, if you had been given love and support along your miserable journey. If you could give Joker the support you’d always wanted, well, maybe that would change something in him.
“We’re both pretty messed up, huh?” you finally say, deciding not to comment on anything specifically about Joker’s anecdote. No need to keep talking about something so horrific. Joker didn’t need that. He needed comfort. 
Joker blows air from his nose, smiling softly. “We are, aren’t we? Just a buncha freaks.”
“Freaks still need to stick with other freaks.”
“And who have you got exactly, Miss l/n?”
You freeze. Nobody. Absolutely nobody. He knows it. Yet for a moment you feel… well, embarrassed. Your hand creeps to your warming face, your eyes feel suddenly watery. You don’t have your parents anymore. No old friends from school or college, not that there were many to begin with. No coworker friends, shitty bosses. All you have is yourself and you hate it. 
Joker seems to notice that his comment didn’t go down well, and he holds up his hands like he’s gesturing for you to stop, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “Uh, doll, I didn’t mean to pry…”
“No, no, it’s fine…” You quickly wipe at your eyes with the back of your hand. “Just wasn’t expecting the question, I guess.”
“Right,” he mumbles. “It wasn’t, uh, meant to be an insult.”
You let your eyes flutter close for a second and take a nice, long breath in. When your eyes open again, you straighten yourself out, contemplating your next words. “I know how it feels to be alone, Mr. J. More than anything.” Your voice comes out as a whisper, your fingers drifting towards his own, which are splayed out on the table. He sits up very still, unmoving save for a twitch in his jaw, as he watches you place your hand on top of his. You’re not sure what you’re doing, but you need your point made. “I… I know how much you think you don’t need people, but people offer support and guidance, and if I could have some of that right now, for fucks sake, I would.” You sigh. “I don’t have a lot of friends.”
Joker’s tongue slowly traces along his chapped lips. You wish you knew what he was thinking. You hated how well he read you and you could hardly get anything on him. Finally, he speaks. “Well, you got one now.”
The Joker, a friend. It sounds like the stupidest thing in the entire world. This was someone who had hurt and killed and destroyed. Someone who was close to no one, the people around him with one purpose: to serve him. He had said how loyalty didn’t come for free, that it needed to be bought. If something so simple as loyalty was seen as a transaction to him, did he even comprehend the concept of companionship? He must have, at some point, whoever the man before the Joker was. But the person you were dealing with was not that man, you were dealing with Joker. Joker did not seem a man who connected with anyone yet he tells you how alike the two of you are, and you can’t help but believe it. Alone in the world, the two of you. Maybe he can’t yet bring himself to make a real connection with anyone but, goddammit, you wanted him to try.
Why not be alone together?
It would all be in hopes of helping him, you told yourself. Whatever relationship the two of you were forming. If he could have someone to talk to, not just in a professional sense, but someone who would really be there for him, you think that would help a lot.
That’s all this is. This is to help him.
You squeeze his hand. “I like the sound of that, Mr. J.”
It started off as a joke, really. 
Joker didn’t want to be analyzed. The first night he had been brought into Arkham, he had been poked and prodded, as doctors tried to decipher what kinda pills to stuff him full of. Joker had tried to fight them off, but they had injected him with something that made him sluggish. Just a few hours later was when they had sent in all the psychiatrists to try and fix him. Joker didn’t need to be fixed. He was an agent of chaos, a force to be reckoned with, something they just couldn’t comprehend. Then you’d come along, and you were so lonely, and Joker liked toying with things that were easy to break. Except you’re nothing like the others. There’s something about you, this way that you interact with him, the way you don’t see him as some freak. When you stare at him, you don’t look at him like he’s a monster. It’s strange.
Joker doesn’t do friends. The term itself means nothing to him. It’s a meaningless word. Most words are meaningless to him, empty sayings. Yet when you look at him with those eyes, like he’s your equal rather than beneath you, Joker does feel something. Some kind of connection. He’s never thought about killing you, which says something. It’s the only way he can describe this feeling towards you, something other than the pure disdain he usually feels towards others. There is something… warm about you. Joker didn’t like it. Yet he let it happen anyways.
Long after you’re gone, when he’s strapped onto the metal slab the Arkham guards call a bed, he thinks on some of your words. You thought a companion would help him. Someone he could rely on. Someone who would truly be loyal.
He smiles wickedly to himself. You might just be right.
Taglist: @lightsabergirl / @knoepfl / @jeffswh0re / @itsmrshamilton / @heath-ledger-jokers-wife / @lolwey
Lmk if you'd like to be added! Hope the @'s are working lol...
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literaryavenger · 1 year ago
Broken - part 5
Summary: You and Bucky keep bonding.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Language. Innocent and broken Bucky. Mentions of Bucky's past and nightmares. A lot of fluff. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.2K
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
A/N: I decided on the ending for this story, and I have only one more chapter to go! Enjoy, the last one will probably come sometime tomorrow. Also, again, it's 4:30 am and I can't help myself lol.
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Spending time with Cassie you couldn’t help but feel better.
The more you have fun and laugh with the little girl, the more you forget about your anger against the team.
It also helps that you spend most of the day away from them, eating lunch with Cassie and Scott, who you didn’t stay mad at for too long. To be fair to him you didn’t even know him when everything happened so you don't blame him too much.
As promised, Bucky comes looking for you as soon as he and Steve get back to the tower, finding you still on Scott's floor while you guys watch Despicable Me inside a huge blanket fort Cassie insisted on building in the middle of the floor of the living room.
Thankfully the other occupants of this floor, Bruce, Thor and Loki, are still in New Asgard. He’s just about to turn around and go back to his room when you notice him.
"Hey Bucky! Where are you going, how did it go?" he looks uncertainly at Scott and his daughter before answering.
"I was just gonna…" he trails off, pointing behind him towards the elevator.
"Nonsense, come here." you tell him, patting the seat next to you in the fort.
He’s a little hesitant, but slowly comes further into the room, sitting on the ground, leaving a little space between you.
You give him a smile that he shyly returns before you hear a little voice clearing her throat, which brings your attention to the little girl on your right. "Yes, Princess Cassie?"
"And who would this be, Queen Y/N?" Bucky’s a little confused by the interaction, but says nothing.
"This is Bucky. What title would you like to give him?" Cassie thinks about it for a second while staring very intently at Bucky, narrowing her eyes at him, and you can’t hide your amusement.
That is, until Cassie suddenly lands on a role for Bucky.
"He should be the King!" she says, looking from him to you a couple of times "You guys look good together." you’re about to say something, when Scott beats you to the punch.
"She’s right, I can see it." he says putting his hands up and looking through them to frame you and Bucky together, clearly much more amused than you are at the situation.
You sigh, knowing you can’t escape this. "Well, what Princess Cassie says goes. I’m sorry, King Bucky, you’re stuck with me now."
You turn to Bucky who's still very confused, and is now also starting to turn slightly pink, so you decide to explain.
"We’re playing make believe. Cassie is the Princess, Scott is the Jester and I’m the Queen. I’m sorry to inform you you’ve been crowned King of the castle." you gesture to the fort with your hands.
"And also Y/N’s husband!" Cassie feel the need to shout, making your head snap to her with wide eyes while Bucky turns even redder, your own face starting to change color now.
"He gets it, Princess." you try not to snap at her, she’s just a kid and doesn’t mean anything by it, but it’s still pretty embarrassing.
You see Scott snickering behind Cassie and glare at him as much as you can trying to go unnoticed by her, but Cassie's attention is on the super soldier now.
"You're going to play with us, right?" she asks him in a  sweet voice, making the biggest puppy eyes you've ever seen. She certainly knows what she's doing.
Bucky, who hasn't said anything until now, doesn't know what to do. He looks at you for help and you give him an encouraging smile.
He then looked at Scott, worried that the man might want Bucky anywhere near his daughter, but Scott simply nods his head with a smile.
Bucky relaxes a bit and turned his attention back to the little girl, trying to find the right thing to say.
"Of course I'll play with you. After all, the Princess’ word is law." Cassie starts giggling at the bow he gives her, and you're almost giddy at seeing this side of Bucky, more relaxed than he's been since he got here.
Granted, it was just a couple of days ago, but he seems to be making a lot of progress really fast, so far, just like Steve said after he hugged you yesterday morning.
You keep watching the movie, then the second one and you get halfway through the third when Maggie comes by to pick up Cassie.
So, with the promise not to finish the movie without her, you and Bucky say goodbye to all three and make your way to your shared floor.
"You were right, she really is adorable." Bucky says with a smile as you get into the elevator.
"I know, it’s pretty hard to stay mad at Scott when he lets me hang out with her." you smile back at him. "So, how did your meeting go?"
You see Bucky tense and feel a little bad. You really didn’t mean to make him uncomfortable, but you were genuinely curious and also wanted to support him. After all you know having a hearing isn’t certainly gonna be easy.
"I’m sorry, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to." You quickly reassure him and he seems to relax and gives you a nod.
When he doesn’t say anything else, you let it go. But Bucky had a question himself.
"Why are you ignoring everyone but me?" you sigh.
You don't blame him for being curious, you yourself are as nosy as they come. Always in a respectful manner, of course.
"I’m mad at them." You simply say. "They selfishly kept a pretty big thing from me. They made me feel bad, knowing they were lying to me. They’re my family, they should trust me more than this. I’ll get over it, eventually, but for now I’m happy avoiding everybody." you shrug. You know it’s kind of childish, but you also don’t care.
"Okay, I understand that… But why are you not avoiding me?" Now you’re confused.
"Why would I avoid you?" he bows his head in shame, not meeting your eyes as you exit the elevator and you already know you’re not going to like his answer.
"I’m the reason it all happened in the first place… it’s all my fault." You can feel the sadness in his voice, you can see he actually feels bad about causing this.
You, on the other hand, don't agree.
"Bucky," you start, stopping right in front of him, forcing him to stop too, looking up and quickly putting his hands on your arms to make sure you don't fall after almost colliding with you. "you can’t blame yourself for other people’s choices. Steve chose to help you, Tony chose to fight it, everybody else chose a side. None of it was on you. You didn’t ask anybody to do anything. So, please, stop feeling guilty."
Bucky looks at you silently for a few moments and you feel like he's searching your face for any hint that you might be lying, that you don't really believe what you were saying.
But he doesn't to find any so he nods and says "I’ll try." with his hands still on your arms and it's like you're suddenly registering just how close he is and how warm his touch is on your skin.
He’s about to say something else, when you hear someone clear their throat behind you.
Bucky drops his hands from you like they burned and you turn around, almost feeling like you got caught doing something wrong when you see Steve and Sam just standing there looking at you two.
Steve has that stupid grin on his face that he doesn’t seem to be able to wipe every time he sees you and Bucky together, but Sam looks more concerned than anything.
"Everything okay here?" he says and you can’t help but roll your eyes at his insinuation that something might be wrong just because you’re alone with Bucky.
You turn back to the brunette super soldier and smile at him "I’m gonna go to my room, I still have some reports to finish. See you later?"
You wait until he nods and then get on your tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek like this morning, smiling a little more when you back away and see a little pink hue coming back to his face, but with a smile nonetheless.
You turn around and pass the other two men without saying a word, hearing them sigh behind you as you walk away towards your room.
Maybe you’re being a little dramatic, but you don’t feel like forgiving anybody else just yet.
So that’s how you find yourself spending more and more time with Bucky.
It feels like you spent all your free time with each other, only being apart at night and when Bucky joins the team for dinner.
He tried to get out of it multiple times to join you when you would eat in the kitchen of your floor, but Steve insists that it would be better for him to be around the team, even if just for an hour a day, and you fully agree.
That, however, doesn’t stop him from joining you afterwards just so you won't have to eat alone, for which you're grateful.
Initially Bucky's pretty content just following you around like a lost puppy, a fact that Sam and Steve never fail to mention as it amuses them to no end.
But Bucky doesn't care, and neither do you as you enjoy each other’s presence, even in silence.
Bucky likes watching you go about your day, still amazed by everything you do and you like having him near you. It makes you feel safe.
Still, the more time you spent together, the more comfortable he feels around you.
The real turning point comes when one night you open your door to find a disheveled looking Bucky, and you know immediately that him knocking at your door at 3 am meant nothing good.
Which is confirmed when he sniffles and you realize he has tears streaming down his face.
Without saying anything you hold out your hand, which he instantly takes as he lets you guide him inside, shutting the door behind him.
You walk to the bed and sit down, hand still in his and, when he just stands there you tug on it, silently letting him know that it's okay for him to join you.
You expect him to sit next to you as he’s done countless times now while leaving a respectful space between you, always the gentleman.
What you didn’t expect is him crawling into your bed, taking you to lay down with him, and hugging you as tightly as he can without hurting you, his legs also wrapping around yours.
To say you're shocked right now is an understatement. You always made a point to keep physical touch to a minimum when it comes to Bucky, not wanting to do anything to make him uncomfortable.
But here he is, clinging to you like a scared little kid, crying his eyes out with his head buried in the crook your neck.
You wrap your arms around his shaking body, hugging him as tight as he is, rubbing his back to try and soothe him, whispering what you hope are words of encouragement in his ear. 
You stay like that for a while until he finally calms down and stops crying.
You don’t rush him to let go or to talk about it, letting him decide if and when he's ready to talk at all.
After a few minutes of total silence you think the poor guy cried himself to sleep, but he proves you wrong by moving his head away from your neck and placing it on your chest.
You feel him play with your necklace as he starts talking with a quiet voice that reminds you of the first day you met him. "I’m sorry, doll. I didn’t want to bother you, but I didn’t want to be alone and had nowhere else to go." and your heart breaks for him.
"Don’t apologize, Buck. You can always come to me, it doesn’t matter what time it is."
He looks up, looking at you like you hung the moon and stars just for him, and seems like he's about to say something else but thinks better of it, his mouth opening and closing a couple of times.
He settles for giving you a gentle squeeze and moving his head back to lay on you, but you don't need words to know he's grateful for your understanding.
He's seemingly unashamed of the way he's still clinging to you and you’d be lying if you said you mind being so close to him either.
You start running your hand through his hair, which he seems to appreciate, and, after a few more minutes of silence, he starts speaking again.
He tells you about the nightmares he’s been having ever since he escaped Hydra, and that tonight, after a particularly gruesome one, he just couldn’t stand being alone.
He doesn't go into too much detail about the dream but tells you enough for you to want to take a few firearms and track down every single person connected to Hydra so you can put as many bullets in them as you can carry, then light them on fire for good measure.
But, Bucky being your first priority, you stay where you are and try your best to comfort him, eventually changing the subject to keep his mind off the nightmare.
You talk until the sun comes up, birds chirping, but neither of you make a move to get up at any point, eventually falling asleep for a couple of hours in each other’s arms.
Part 6
Taglist: @aesthetic0cherryblossom @buchi91 @sapphirebarnes @ordelixx
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jinxsleftmiddlefinger · 2 months ago
timebomb highschool au
(part 11)
(masterlist) (read on ao3)
description: timebomb highschool au pretty much sums it up lol. there’s also canon storylines (vander death, vi conflict etc.) but translated into a modern context
note: sorry this one took a little longer ur girl is struggling 💔💔 thank you to anyone still reading this ilyyy!!!! I think I might try to wrap it up in the next two chapters but we’ll see where it goes lmao (not edited so bare with me here)
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Jinx is scared. Her heart is hammering in her chest and her face feels red hot. She shouldn’t be scared; it’s not even that big of a deal.
It’s just, Ekko isn’t even technically her boyfriend yet, maybe he doesn’t even really like her. And she’s scared for him to meet Silco and Sevika, for them to meet him. To meet her non-boyfriend.
The voices are loud today, and it’s only making her feel worse and worse. She can’t let him see how fucked up in the head she is on top of everything else.
She’s been getting ready for much too long now, staring at the mirror like her appearance is going to change. Silco keeps calling for her to come downstairs, but she’s frozen, studying every aspect of her face, of her hair. Like it’s going to get any better.
It doesn’t matter. It’s just dinner. She’s looked worse, right?
Jinx smiles at herself in the mirror and immediately drops it when she realizes how much she looks like a maniac. She is not going to make it through the night.
“Jinx!” Silco calls again. “Do you want to be late?”
She ignores him in favour of running her hands through her again.
“That’s me.” She whispers to herself before standing, grabbing her small purse and making the walk downstairs.
The restaurant is fancy; Silco will only ever eat out if it’s at a fancy restaurant. A run down diner would have been just peachy, but no, she instead must dress up for some high end place downtown. She spent way too much time pondering what was too causal and what was too fancy. An embarrassing amount of time.
Silco and Sevika are already in the car by the time she’s on the first floor, and Sevika’s revving the engine by the time she makes it outside, still sliding her boot on. 
“I’m going, I’m going!” Jinx speed walks towards the car. “Impatient ogre.” She grumbles.
Jinx slides into the backseat, Silco in the passenger seat in front of her angrily gripping the wheel.
“There.” Silco says, sitting in a weirdly proper position. “We are all ready now.”
“Took her long enough.” Sevika steps on the gas pedal.
“This dinner was kind of on short notice.” The blue haired girl in the back seat crosses her arms.
“And whose fault is that?” 
“It’s Silco’s, not mine!”
“Jinx,” Her adoptive father warns her for what seems like the millionth time today. “This dinner is going to be fine. And it will be good for you. Both you and the boy.”
“Are you planning something? I swear to god-“ Jinx huffs. “Listen, I appreciate the notion, but I just don’t trust that this gonna work out. Like I’ve already told you, me and him are not dating!”
“You were swapping spit behind the school like you were about to take your pants off.” Sevika comments, not even acknowledging the glare that Jinx gives her.
Silco simply nods in the drivers direction, a silent agreement.
“Ach! Come on, guys! I was not gonna have sex with him or something at the back of the school-“ Her arms flail around wildly.
“That does bring up the conversation, Jinx, that-“ Her adoptive father starts, turning to look at her from the passenger seat.
“Nope!” Jinx slaps her hands over her ears. “We are not doing this. Not again.”
“You are getting to the age-“ He tries again.
“Stop! Stop stop stop! Sevika, stop him!”
“Leave me out of this.” The driver rolls her eyes.
“You need to be safe, Jinx, and-“ 
“Crash the car! Sevika, crash the fucking car!” Jinx sticks her fingers in her ears.
“Oh really, Jinx,” Silco clicks his tongue, resigning from his mission defeatedly. “Be mature, please.”
She shakes her head, silently looking out the window. “Do not try to give Ekko the talk at dinner, please.” She shivers just imagining it. “If you love me at all, do not bring anything of the sort up.”
Sevika laughs dryly and the car goes quiet.
When they arrive at the restaurant, Jinx can see Ekko’s car already waiting in the parking lot. She can only recognize it slightly, considering Ekko usually took his skateboard to school. Seeing his car was a rare occurrence, but she had memorized the look of it enough to know it’s his.
She hops out of the car, smoothing out her skirt beneath her hands and shoving her phone into her pocket. Ekko gets out of his car at the same time. She almost wants to laugh at how he looks.
He looks terrified, and on top of it all, he’s wearing some dorky suit. She wanted to say that a suit at dinner was like a gaping wound in shark infested waters; Silco could smell weakness like a damn animal. She wanted to tell him he didn’t need to do all that, not for her. At the same time, she wants to grab him by the silly tie and kiss him stupid.
Alas, Sevika and Silco are third wheeling this not-date with her not-boyfriend. But a girl can dream, right?
“Hey.” Ekko says, and she smiles tightly.
The 4 walk towards the restaurant in silence, Jinx standing beside Ekko, and Silco and Sevika walking in front of them.
“Are you nervous?” Jinx whispers to the boy beside her.
“Yeah.” He laughs anxiously. “Really nervous.”
“Can I let you in on a secret?” She looks at the ground. “I’m nervous too.”
He looks at her through the corner of his eye. “At least we’re in the same boat, huh?”
She trails here eyes from his brown ones to his lips and then back up again. Focus, Jinx. Focus.
“Yeah.” She shoves his shoulder lightly. “Except, I’d be more worried if I was you. Don’t fuck it up.” Her voice is light.
“I’ll try.” He shoves her back and she giggles. He gives her an odd look, one she can’t quite decipher. Adoration? Confusion? Want?
Jinx shakes her head to clear herself off all the thoughts. Her mind is whirring with desire and confusion and worry faster than she can even keep up.
The restaurant is exactly how she expected it to be; unbearably neat and clean and full of snobby people. It smells like cleaner and polished floors, and the classical music playing softly in the background makes her long for her headphones on max or the car speaker vibrating through her body.
“And so the fun begins.” Jinx mutters to herself as they walk towards their reserved table, her shoes clicking on the stupid fancy floors.
Of course Silco would choose a place like this to eat at. Of course.
Jinx slides into her seat and Ekko stiffly sits down beside her, putting his hands in his lap and holding his shoulders back like he’s made of ice. She tries to not show her amusement at his effort to impress Silco and Sevika.
“So, Ekko.” Silco says, folding his hands on the table like how he does at his principals desk. “How are you?” 
“I’m good, thank you, sir.”
Jinx almost laughs at that one. She can see Sevika’s lips curling up at the stupidity of the interaction.
The waiter interrupts with a pitcher of water, pouring some in each of their glasses. Jinx chugs all her water while Sevika asks for wine and Silco stares at Ekko, who looks close to a breakdown.
After the waiter refills her cup and walks away, Jinx chugs the water again, whilst the lady across the table watches her with mild disgust.
“What?” She says, wiping off her mouth.
Sevika just raises an eyebrow.
“Ekko,” Silco starts. “I was looking at your grades, and-“
Jinx groans. “Don’t be weird. Why would you do that?” 
“Jinx.” He says slowly.
“Sil-co.” She mocks. Her dad has never scared her.
The waiter returns with Sevika’s wine, and Jinx can feel the itch to grab it and chug that to. She could really use a drink right about know.
She glances over at Ekko, then back at the two adults at the the table. She doesn’t think she should leave him stranded here with them, but she also really needs to pee.
“Going to the washroom.” She informs the table, standing up.
Ekko looks at her with those beautiful big brown eyes, full of desperation. ‘Sorry.’ She mouths at him. She can already picture the interrogation Silco is going to perform in her absence.
The people sitting at the tables remind her of Vi’s annoying girlfriend; preppy and stuck up. Then she thinks of Vi, and her mind starts to scribble over any coherent thought. Jinx really hopes she’s not going it have an episode in the middle of this disgustingly shiny restaurant.
The bathroom is empty when she walks in. 5 stalls, wooden doors, high ceilings. A lot nicer than the school bathrooms, that’s for sure.
Once she’s left the stall, which has a toilet nicer than she knew a toilet could be, she goes over to the sinks to wash her hands. The soap smells like some kind of flowery perfume and the water even feels nicer than normal. She wonders if this is what someone like Caitlyn’s house would be like, what they would live in all the time. She can’t even imagine Vi living somewhere that looks this nice.
Jinx turns to leave, hurrying to be Ekko’s salvation from her slightly intimidating father. She almost walks right into someone coming into the bathroom door, grunting and stumbling back. 
“Sorry.” She mutters, looking only at the heels of the woman in front of her. 
“It’s okay, I should have been watching where I was going.” The woman replies, holding the door open for her.
Jinx freezes. Fuck. She recognizes that stupid accent, that annoyingly smug voice.
She locks eyes with her and can see the exact moment she recognizes her too. 
“Jinx?” Caitlyn says, looking scared and angry at the same time.
“Caitlyn.” Jinx huffs, pushing past her, out the door. “Can’t you just-“ She stops, squeezing her eyes shut as her chest burns with anger. 
Jinx walks away, farther and farther into the restaurant. She doesn’t have the energy to blow up at Caitlyn right now, the mental fortitude. She needs to be alone with the screams and scribbles behind her eyes; she can’t let other people see the crumbling stability her mind holds.
“Can’t you just fucking leave me alone?” She says to no one in particular. She’s alone in this part of the restaurant, the people at the tables sparse in this area. The bathroom is still too close, Caitlyn’s still too close.
And if Caitlyn’s close, that means Vi is…
Right there. Fuck. Pink hair is sitting at a table, facing away from her.
“Why did they have to be here?” She groans to herself, burying her hands in her hair and hiding behind a wall. Jinx is starting to feel grateful the restaurant is so big; there’s more walls to hide behind, more spaces to slip into.
She’ll need those hiding places now. Her mind is slipping away from her by the second.
The panic is seeping in, chipping away at the fragile peace she was holding. She knew today wasn’t going to be a good day, she just didn’t know it would be this bad. She never should have come here. 
The bathroom door opens, and she turns to look from behind the wall. Caitlyn walks out, looking scared.
Seeing Caitlyn again only sets Jinx off more. She pulls her knees to her chest and buries her face, trying to breathe through it. She was never good at dealing with panic attacks, which was unfortunate, considering how often she would have them.
Jinx’s mind is too loud, too quiet, too much, too colourful. She can’t think. Every voice in her head is screaming on full volume, louder than even her speaker could drown out. She can’t think, she can’t see, she can’t feel.
And then suddenly, she can. A warm hand on her arm. A voice, one outside of her brain, one that’s not screeching; it’s warm like summer and soft like a plush carpet.
“Jinx?” It says. The hand shakes rouses her lightly. “Jinx, are you okay? Talk to me, please.” Even filled with desperation, the voice calms her.
Her vision clears, just a bit, of the colourful scribbles, of the mess. She can see who’s in front of her, who’s talking to her. Ekko.
Jinx almost wants to cry from relief.
“Jinx?” He says again. He’s kneeling beside. “Are you okay? Do you want me to get someone? Silco?”
“No,” She manages to gasp out, leaning into his feather light grip on her shoulder. “Just you.” 
Her muddled mind and eyes clear more, and she can see his shining eyes, his furrowed brow. She wants to wipe the worried expression of his face.
She starts to breathe easier, staring at Ekko. Caitlyn and Vi don’t matter, not right now. She doesn’t have to worry about how she fucked up with her sister when she can just sit here, with this wonderful boy who she somehow hasn’t managed to jinx. At least not yet.
“Sorry.” Jinx’s voice sounds raspy and rough, even more than usual. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Ekko tilts his head. “Jinx, you haven’t done anything wrong.” 
She breaths deeply, trying to balance herself out more. “I did…I’ve messed everything up, with everyone.” She hates how her voice breaks.
“No you haven’t.” He sits down beside her, leaning on the wall sheltering them from the outside world. “You haven’t messed it up with me, Jinx. And it’s not your fault, whatever happened.”
“But you barely know me.” She puts her head back on the wall. “I make everyone leave, run away…if you stay any longer, I’ll jinx you too. That’s how I got the stupid name, and I…I can’t do that to you.”
She can hear him breathe. She can feel his confusion, his worry.
“I…wasn’t born with the name Jinx.” She starts to explain. “I mean, that’d be stupid, but my old name isn’t much better. I used to be called Powder, way back when. And then…sweet ol’ Powder fucked up, and she started calling herself what she always had been, always will be; Jinx.”
Ekko tentatively moves his hand down from Jinx’s shoulder, putting his hand in hers. “You’re not a jinx. Everyone makes mistakes. And even if I haven’t known you very long…I know you’re a good person. You deserve good things. I promise.”
He looks at her so sincerely she can feel another piece of her battered, rotten heart break off. 
“Oh.” Is all she can say. 
His wide brown eyes stare into her blue ones. It almost feels like he’s looking into her soul.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Ekko.” Jinx bites her lip, desperately trying to find the will to look away.
“I don’t think you will.” His fingers curl tighter around hers. “And even if you do, I’d let you.” He laughs. 
Jinx wants to kiss him so bad it hurts.
Their faces get closer and closer, noses almost touching. She pauses, resisting for a moment. “How’d you even get away from Silco and Sevika?”
“I came to look for you. You were gone for a while.” Ekko’s eyes flash from her lips back up to her eyes. “Are you good now?”
“Yeah.” She breathes. “Thanks.”
She moves forward, holding the back of his head with her hands, and locking his lips with hers. She really hopes this wall gives them enough privacy from the others in the restaurant, or else they’ll have to eat with a view of two teenagers passionately making out.
And even though Jinx’s rotten heart starts to feel fuller, her mind starts to feel clearer, there’s still a piece missing. Still something…not there. She wants to be with Ekko, but she doesn’t want to hurt him. She can’t. Despite what he says, she knows it’s inevitable.
So she savours this kiss like it’s the last. Kisses him as hard as she can, kisses him like it’s goodbye. She doesn’t think he notices that it is. 
I’m sorry, Ekko. She thinks. 
Once a jinx, always a jinx…
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dvrtrblhr · 8 months ago
omg hiii your Dimiclaudes are gorgeous and I adore the snippets of writing you add to the pieces 💛💙
aaa thanks a lot! i love drawing them forever, so i'm happy others also enjoy it lol
anyway, i searched my folders for a sketch i hadn't posted and i found this one:
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and the scene that comes with it below:
As if to prove that point, while they followed the locals through the tunnels that would lead them to Abyss, Claude noticed that Dimitri was throwing glances at him and looking sulky.
“What is it?” Claude asked in a whisper. Dimitri glanced at him and sulked some more. It was starting to get annoying.
“You don’t think I can take him,” he answered finally. Claude couldn’t help the way his mouth fell open in disbelief. Out of all things, that was what bothered him. It was that kind of moment that made Claude very aware of how different they really were. “Honestly, he’s not even that big. He’s shorter than Dedue, I think.”
“Dedue, who is probably the tallest, biggest person in the whole monastery,” Claude rebutted mostly because Dimitri’s remark was so absurd. “Anyway, did I say that you couldn’t take him? I don’t think so.” They walked in silence for a while longer before Claude continued, “I don’t see why you would want to risk getting hurt because of something so silly. It’s not even your specialty. Or did you forget that you excel in sparring with a lance? That long pole with a sharp tip that keeps the enemy at a safe distance, remember?”
“Why are you so sure I’m going to lose though?” Dimitri asked, still looking offended.
“I’m not! In this stupid thing called fist fighting even the winner gets hurt. Now, if brawling is what you want, then go ahead! Just don’t expect me to cheer for you or kiss your bruises better, all right?” he replied, equally perplexed and irritated, then noticed what he had just said and looked around to see that they had, fortunately or not, fell behind the rest of their group so he continued, “What were you expecting, Dimitri? Did you think I would swoon at your manliness? I’m sorry, but that… doesn’t really impress me. Now, you want to know what impresses me? Your kindness, passion and sincerity.”
It was Dimitri’s turn to be speechless, it seemed. Claude immediately thought he had said too much and felt his face flush at his own corniness. Then Dimitri's hands were caressing his cheeks softly, tilting his head upwards so he could kiss his lips gently. It was the kind of touch that made Claude forget why doing that at such time and place was a really bad idea.
“You are right, I’m sorry,” Dimitri said quietly, still cradling his face in his hands, “There’s one thing, though. You are too kind, Claude. Kinder than I could ever hope to be. And kinder than I deserve.”
Claude wanted to protest about such a useless comparison and about Dimitri’s supposed unworthiness. It was something that had crept into their conversations from time to time, how Dimitri seemed to think he was somehow a bad person. It made no sense considering the effort he put into being as good and helpful as he could, sometimes to the point of exhaustion. He didn’t say anything, though, it was such a pleasant moment… He really didn’t want to ruin it with an argument, not even an important one he had been procrastinating for a while. And Dimitri was kissing him again, his lips, his cheeks, his neck. He might really turn to mush if that continued.
Then they heard the sound of footsteps and they were quickly pulling away from each other. Edelgard appeared by the corner looking sour.
"What are you two doing?" she asked irritably.
Golden Dawn, Chapter 20, Wind - Underground
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agaypanic · 8 months ago
The Fella Part 11 (James Maguire X Quinn!Reader)
The Fella Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Request Something!
Summary: As prom approaches, the girls find a strange friend in the new Our Lady Immaculate student. 
A/N: ahhhh only one chapter left!!! i usually don’t say the word count in fics, but this is the longest chapter of The Fella and possibly my longest fic to date, its almost 9k words long. So just a warning for yall. like the last few chapters, thanks to @crumpets-are-better-with-jam for writing out the script of this episode for me. Some suggestive stuff (not talking about michelle lol), but the characters are 17 and it’s not explicit. If you’re gonna be like “this surprise character you put in totally wouldn’t do this” just keep it to yourself bc i can do what i want, im the god of my creation (im so fucking crazy)
School formals were always exciting. At least, if you went with exciting people. And if it was a formal at the end of the year, it was even better because you could celebrate school ending and a summer of fun beginning.
One of the reasons Y/n and her friends were looking forward to the end of term was because they wouldn’t have to hear Jenny Joyce’s horrendous singing for a few months. Everyone in the assembly seemed to share their sentiment as they all stared at the stage, uninterested and displeased. It didn’t help that the girls were dressed in striped suit jackets, making them look like some sort of barbershop quartet. Y/n cringed as Jenny and her friends sang their last note, which wasn’t very good.
There was a slight pause, and Sister Michael looked relieved that this was the song’s end. “Lovely…” It was clear that she didn’t really think so. “And I believe you wrote the lyrics yourselves, is that correct?”
“It is indeed, Sister,” Jenny responded smugly.
“Makes sense,” Y/n muttered to her friends. “It was a load of shite.” They all made quiet sounds of agreement before turning their attention back to the stage.
“Do you ever think you might have too much time on your hands, girls?” Jenny and her group didn’t respond, but there was a murmur of giggles among the crowd as Sister Michael stood from her chair. “Lose the jackets.” She said, dismissing them from the stage before stepping up to the microphone. “Okay, just a couple of things. Firstly, I’d like to introduce Mae Cheung. Can you make yourself known, please, Mae?”
A few rows before the girls, a hand slowly and awkwardly rose into the air in the middle of the crowd. Everyone tried to get a good look at her, but it was difficult since most people could only see the back of her head.
“Miss Cheung’s family have recently moved here to Derry, so I hope you’ll all make her feel very welcome. It’s bound to be a bit of a culture shock, Mae. Things are done differently in this part of the world. But I’m sure you’ll soon feel as at home here as you did back in your beloved Donegal.” There was a beat of silence before Sister Michael remembered the other announcement she needed to make. She pulled out a piece of paper, looking at the crowd before reading it. “Announcement from Jenny Joyce and the dance committee: ‘The school social event for the year is fast approaching, but before you… don your glad rags… and- boogie- on- down…’” She sighed, looking at the paper appalled. “I’m sorry, I simply cannot read this.” She stepped away from the microphone, giving Jenny Joyce the paper before sitting in her chair.
Jenny eagerly went to the mic, showing too much energy and enthusiasm for a Monday morning with her big grin and little dance moves as she spoke. “But before you don your glad rags and boogie on down, we’d like to let you in on our little secret. We’re not actually gonna have a school formal this year.”
The assembly went into an uproar, and rightfully so. There were some murmurs of disbelief and booing, and Jenny waved her hands around with a smile.
“No, listen. We’re not gonna have a school formal. We’re gonna have…” As she paused for effect, her three friends started singing ‘doo-be doo’s in the background. “A fifties prom!”
That caused even more of a reaction. Michelle and Y/n were pretty vocal about this silly decision, gaining the attention of Sister Michael. “Girls!” She said, effectively quieting the large room. She addressed all the students, but her somewhat mischievous gaze was on Y/n and Michelle. “If you have any feedback, you can find Miss Joyce after assembly.”
“I know, I know.” Jenny laughed off everyone’s reactions. “But I do love a theme. Sure, isn’t that why they call me the Theme Queen?”
The girls looked at each other, confused. “Who said that?” Y/n asked.
“Do they?” Clare questioned.
“Do they fuck.” Michelle answered.
Jenny continued, not having heard their little conversation. “We wanted to have a real, old school, retro, vintage vibe, so feel free to just go for it!”
“Feel free to kiss my hole,” Michelle muttered.
After being released by Sister Michael, the girls and James walked through the hallways, discreetly looking for someone. Turning into one of the halls with a wall of lockers, Clare gasped.
“There she is.” Everyone saw the new girl, Mae, at her locker. Clare turned around to face her friends, filled with her usual frantic energy. “Okay, so, I say we just go over there and be ourselves, girls. Well, not totally ourselves. We should definitely be a bit ourselves. We could also pretend we’re sort of better than we actually are, so, I supposed what I’m saying is we could present a version of ourselves as less-”
“Shit.” Y/n finished the sentence, giving Clare a much-needed break to breathe.
“Why do we even have to talk to her?” Michelle asked, her crabby mood from having to listen to Jenny earlier still present.
Clare rolled her eyes, thinking the answer was obvious. “Because she’s new, Michelle.”
Michelle groaned. “I hate people I don’t know.”
“Aw.” Y/n cooed, putting an arm around her friend’s shoulder. “Does that mean you love us?”
“I wouldn’t go that far.” She answered, shoving Y/n’s arm off.
“And, in case you hadn’t noticed, she happens to be Chinese.” Clare continued. “I mean, how class would it be to have a Chinese friend?”
“We could keep her in my toy box.” Y/n and Erin looked at their cousin with alarm.
“No, we couldn’t, Orla.”
“That’s kidnapping, I’m pretty sure.”
“She’d definitely fit,” Orla said adamantly.
“That’s not the point.”
“Fine.” Michelle was clearly ignoring the strange side conversation. “But can we agree it’s on a strict one-in-one-out basis? If she joins the group, James has to leave.”
Everyone responded in agreement, except for Y/n and James, of course. The girls made their way over to the new girl, leaving the couple confused.
“Excuse me?” James said to no one in particular, but then frowned at his girlfriend. “Are they serious?”
Y/n snorted, grabbing James’ arm. “Probably.” Without further elaboration, she pulled the boy towards the rest of their friends. Despite only being separated for a short time, it seemed that James and Y/n had missed some secondhand embarrassment from Clare’s brief interaction with the new girl, Mae.
Mae stared at Clare for a moment before looking at the group. “Is she alright?”
Michelle leaned down to Clare’s ear, rolling her eyes. “Burnin’ for you, Clare.”
“It’s Cantonese.” Clare stuttered out to Mae.
“Right. Well, I’m from Donegal, and we speak English there.”
“If you say so, Mae,” Michelle said. “But I spent a summer in Killybegs, and seriously, not a fuckin’ word.” Y/n elbowed her friend in the side, making a comment about how that might’ve been more of an issue with Michelle’s intelligence than with the town of Killybegs.
Clare smiled kindly at Mae, trying to amend the awkward situation. “We just wanted to introduce ourselves and-”
“-Okay, I think I see where this is going.” Mae interrupted, holding up her hand to further silence the short blonde. “I get this a lot. Dull, white girls want me to join their gang because, well…” Mae gestured to herself to finish the point. 
“We’re not dull,” Erin argued.
Y/n pointed to James. “And he’s a boy.”
“A man, Y/n.” James corrected, as if he had had this conversation many times. “I’m a man.”
“Woah.” Mae almost laughed. “She has a really fucked up accent.”
“We know,” Michelle said with a sigh.
James leaned into his girlfriend, slightly offended. “I’m not a girl; I’m a man.”
“Sure you are, Jamie,” Y/n said, patting his cheek before focusing back on the main conversation.
Mae sighed, slinging her bag over her shoulder and looking the group over with a judging look. “What’s in this for me?” She asked. “What do you bring to the table?”
Orla held out her hand. “Six cream crackers?”
Y/n snatched one of the crackers and put it in her mouth, looking at Mae. “Five cream crackers.” She corrected. Mae raised her brow at the two girls.
“I’m good for cream crackers, thank you.” Her tone was filled with sass, but Orla didn’t catch it, so she just shrugged and put them back in her pocket. Mae slammed her locker closed and gave the girls one last look. “I’ll see you around, girls.”
The group disappointedly watched her walk off. Except for Orla, because the girl was an optimist through and through. “Maybe we don’t need a Chinese person.” She said. “We’ve still got a lesbian.”
Suddenly, Mae whipped her head back around. “What? Who?” She quickly walked back to the girls. Timidly, Clare raised her hand.
Mae didn’t look too convinced. “Really? You don’t look like a lesbian.”
Y/n put a protective arm around Clare, almost standing in front of her. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” She asked inquisitively. Mae’s sudden interest and then questioning of Clare being a lesbian was making Y/n wonder if the girls should even try to get her to be their friend.
Mae seemed to ignore Y/n, instead giving Clare a once-over. “It’s just that you’re a bit… short.”
“Well, there’s no height restrictions.” Clare rebutted before glancing at Y/n a bit anxiously. “As far as I’m aware.”
“Interesting.” Mae started looking like she was putting together a scheme in her head. “I’ve always wanted a gay friend. I mean, ideally, a fella-”
“Oh, we’ve got one right here.” Michelle laughed, pointing to her cousin. He and Y/n looked at her with exasperation.
“I’m not gay!”
“He’s not gay!”
“Howdy, folks.” The girls recognized the voice instantly, cringing at the sight of Jenny Joyce, who had now intercepted the entire interaction. Michelle made her distaste for the girl known with an eye roll and a little curse. Jenny ignored it. “I’m Jenny. This is Aisling.” She pointed to the tall brunette who seemed to always be by her side. “We just thought we’d introduce ourselves and see if-”
Clare jumped between Jenny and Mae, throwing her arms out to shield the new girl from Jenny. “Too late, Jenny. She’s ours.”
“I see,” Jenny responded, looking amused and alarmed by Clare before looking back to Mae. “Look, these girls are great, but I do have a pen pal from the Caribbean, so perhaps my circle is a bit more diverse.”
“Back. Off.” Clare seethed, her intensity starting to startle her friends.
Jenny managed to hand Mae a piece of paper with her phone number scribbled on it. “Think about it. Give me a call.” She was finally about to walk away when she remembered something and spun back around to the group. “Oh! And F-Y-I, the Prom Queen vote closes today.”
“F-Y-I, nobody gives a shit,” Michelle remarked.
Aisling held out a piece of paper, waiting for someone to take it. “Here’s the wee ballot.”
Erin snatched it quickly, rolling her eyes when she read the list of candidates. “I see you’ve thrown your hat in the ring, Jenny.”
The girl waved her hand, her humility clearly faked. “I had my arm twisted, but feel free to tick my box.” Then she finally left, Aisling in tow.
Y/n snorted. “I didn’t know Jenny was like that.”
“Dirty bitch.” Michelle added, shaking her head.
After school, the girls decided to go to the shopping center instead of straight home. After all, they had much to discuss. After hopping off the bus, they started their trek into town. 
“This prom is going to be a full-blown dick fest.” Michelle started, the word ‘prom’ catching everyone’s attention. “Y’know there’s not even gonna be a DJ? Apparently, Jenny’s hired this fuckin’ pensioner band.”
“Fucks sake.” Y/n sighed.
“Christ, really?” Erin asked.
Michelle nodded. “I heard the drummer is at least thirty.” Seeing the smirk she wore when dropping that piece of information, Clare’s mouth dropped in horror.
“I don’t feel so bad about missing it now,” James said, feeling a sense of relief. “It clashes with my thing.”
Y/n confusedly looked at her boyfriend, unaware of what his ‘thing’ was. But before she could ask, Michelle rolled her eyes and looked back at her cousin. “The creep convention? Seriously?”
“It’s not a creep convention!”
Michelle shrugged, clearly not convinced. “Well, I think a load of perverts gettin’ together to wank over some fella who fights hoovers and rides aliens in a telephone box, is the very fuckin’ definition of a creep convention.”
James scoffed. “It’s a Doctor Who night. Me and my stepdad used to watch it when I was little.”
“Well, someone should’ve called Social Services then, James.”
“You’re not going to the prom then, James?” Clare asked, seeming offended. He shook his head, and Clare looked over to Y/n, who was already looking at her with a confused and disappointed look.
Eventually, the group reached the shopping center. The conversation moved to the topic of dates, or lack thereof.
“I have no clue who to ask.” Clare sighed, a bit frustrated. “I’d ask James, but-” She cut herself off, remembering that she was the only one completely aware of the relationship between James and one of her best friends. 
“But you’re not desperate, Clare.” Michelle finished her sentence with a laugh. “And tell me about it. There’s at least five fellas who fancy the arse off’a me, but I just can’t choose.”
“Yeah, that’s definitely the same,” Clare responded with a grumpy face and monotonous tone.
Erin nudged the small blonde with her elbow. “I’ll be your date, Clare.”
“But, Erin, people might talk. They might get the wrong idea.”
“Let them.” She said proudly, head held high. “We need to break down these ridiculous conventions.”
Y/n would’ve commented about her sister’s somewhat fake activism, but she kept her mouth shut after seeing the hopeful look on dear Clare’s face. “Thank you.” 
Erin would have responded to Clare if she hadn’t caught sight of a familiar face. Through the window of the cafe the girls were walking to, Erin could see a boy about their age sitting at a far table with a girl, and they both looked somewhat miserable. “Oh God, John-Paul’s over there,” Erin said stiffly, turning around to look at her friends. “Christ, but it’s been so awkward since we broke up.”
“For fuck’s sake, Erin,” Michelle said, remembering the event a bit differently than how Erin was painting it. “He kissed your cheek at Kerry Coyle’s sixteenth birthday party.”
“Didn’t he pass out in his own boke?” Y/n asked, recalling the embarrassing moment. “Feckin’ lightweight.”
Erin looked over her shoulder back at John-Paul. “Yeah, he missed that boat, alright.”
“Come on already.” Michelle opened the door, pushing the girls into the cafe. “I’m fucking starving.”
James was about to go inside but was held back by Y/n. The door closed after Orla, leaving the couple outside.
“Are you okay, Y/n?” James asked, as curious and thoughtful as ever.
“Why didn’t you tell me about the convention?” 
James cringed at the twinge of hurt in her voice, realizing that he had never told her about the Doctor Who convention and how it was the same night at prom. “I… forgot?”
“You’re really gonna go?” Y/n didn’t want to start a fight over this, but she thought her boyfriend would have debated between prom and the convention, or tell her that he had plans at the very least. James nodded. “I just thought that, you know, prom is usually a couple’s thing. And we’re a couple. I thought it might be fun to go together.”
“I can go to prom if you want me to,” James said, wanting to please his girlfriend. 
But that caused the opposite reaction. Y/n shook her head, a slight frown appearing on her face. “I don’t wanna force you to go, James. You can obviously go to the convention if you really want to. I just…” She sighed, getting a little worked up. “I just wish you would’ve told me first, that’s all.”
James nodded apologetically. “I was going to, Y/n, I swear. It just slipped my mind.”
“It’s fine.”
The two stood outside the cafe door, wondering if there was anything more to say or if they should go inside. 
“You know, just because I’m not going doesn’t mean you don’t have to go,” James said, giving his girlfriend a hopeful look. “I mean, if you want to go, of course.”
Y/n nodded. “I’ll think about it.”
Another pause. “We’re okay, right?”
The slightly scared look on James’ face, like he had done something wrong, made Y/n place her hands on his cheeks and sweep her thumbs over his cheekbones in a comforting motion. “Of course, we’re okay, Jamie.” To emphasize the point, she gave him a peck on the lips before letting go of his face and grabbing his hand. “Now let’s go inside, I’m hungry.”
When they entered the cafe, James walked Y/n to the table their friends were sitting at and pulled out a chair for her to sit in before going to the counter to order for the both of them. “She is not a model!” Erin responded sharply to something Y/n had missed.
“Who’s not a model?” She asked quickly, and her friends looked at her like they didn’t realize she had just now entered the conversation.
“Cara something,” Michelle answered, not very discreetly pointing over to the girl sitting with John-Paul. “The girl that that John-Paul fella is pokin’. Heard she’s gonna be on Baywatch.”
“Oh yeah, I heard that too.”
Erin groaned in frustration, looking at her sister. “Get real, Y/n. She’s not gonna be on Baywatch.”
“It’s just what I heard.”
“Oh my God.” Clare seemed to be the only one still paying attention to John-Paul and the supposed Baywatch model. “Looks like they’re breaking up.”
The girls looked at the couple. Erin almost snapped her neck with how fast she turned her head. “Jesus, are they really?” She wondered aloud, a bit too hopefully. “Are they breaking up?” Cara got up and left the table, leaving a broken-hearted John-Paul to watch her walk away. Erin’s eyes also followed the girl, but she seemed much more gleeful about Cara’s departure. “They are. They’re breaking up. This is class!”
“What?” Clare asked, being the voice for the perplexed group of girls.
As soon as Cara was out the door, Erin jumped out of her seat and sped over to John-Paul.
“What’s class?” James startled the girls as he set some food and drinks on the table before sitting in the empty chair beside Y/n.
“Remember how we were talking about that lad John-Paul?” Y/n asked, taking a sip of her drink as James nodded. “Well, him and the girl he was with, who’s gonna be on Baywatch, by the way, broke up, and she left him. So now Erin’s swooped in like a vulture.”
“She has no respect for herself,” Michelle commented, looking over the menu on the table. “And coming from me…”
“That is bad.” Clare frowned.
“Terrible even,” Y/n added.
Clare, Orla, and Michelle soon got up and went to the counter to order. This gave Erin privacy to bother John-Paul, who looked like he was seconds away from a breakdown, and allowed Y/n and James to have lunch and talk in peace. 
“Can I have a bite of your sandwich?” The girl asked, pointing at the nibbled-on food in front of James.
“If I can have a bite of your doughnut.” He responded, pointing his own finger to the sweet treat.
The couple nodded in agreement and held their food to each other’s mouths. They took a bite at the same time, mumbling about how good the food was while chewing.
“What’re you doing?” Michelle asked, her lip curling in a slight snarl as she, Clare, and Orla came back to the table.
“What?” Y/n asked, not noticing James taking a second bite of her doughnut.
“You’re looking like you’re going out or something,” Michelle explained, wagging her finger between the two teens. “It’s making me sick. Like, if someone thought I was goin’ out with James, I think I’d kill myself.”
“Well, he is your cousin, Michelle.” Y/n laughed. 
Her friend shrugged and sat down, muttering about how the English thing was worse before talking to Clare about something else. With the attention off of them, Y/n reached down to squeeze James’ hand and smiled at him. But the smile was soon wiped off her face when she realized her doughnut was now half eaten.
Erin boasted about her new prom date the entire walk home, much to everyone else’s outspoken chagrin and annoyance. James, Michelle, and Clare were lucky, because they didn’t live in the McCool-Quinn household. So after the three dispersed from the group to go to their own homes, Y/n and Orla had to hear about Erin’s plans to get a new dress and maybe even new shoes to impress John-Paul for their date.
Then, the rest of their family got to hear about it.
“This is a huge deal.” Erin insisted to her mother that she was following around the kitchen. “This is a massive, massive deal. I’m going to the prom with John-Paul O’Reilly, for God’s sake. Come on, Mammy!”
Mary shook her head. “I don’t care if you’re going to the prom with John Paul the Second, Erin. I’m not buying you another frock. End of story.”
“But, Mammy, you don’t understand.”
“There’s nothin’ wrong with your Easter dress.”
Erin scoffed. “There’s lots of things wrong with my Easter dress.”
“It matches Y/n and Orla’s.” Mary persisted, waving her hand over to the girls she just named. Orla was wearing her Easter dress and holding her mother’s cigarette while she and Y/n pinched the fabric at her waist to see what had to be taken in.
“That being the main one.”
“Honestly, Erin, I think we’ll look so cracker if we rock up wearin’ these.” Orla grinned, doing a little shimmy with her words.
Erin raised her brows and gave her cousin a smile that looked more like a grimace. “Right, well I don’t.”
Aunt Sarah pulled more on the loose fabric, grabbing her cigarette from her daughter for a quick drag. “Ach, Mary, you’d think the wain’s been dropped into it. You wouldn’t nip it in a bit for her? I’d do it meself, but sewing plays havoc on my acrylics.”
“Y/n, dear, can you pin it for me?” Sarah asked, gesturing to her nails. The girl nodded and grabbed some safety pins to cinch Orla’s dress. “Then afterward, Orla and I can do yours for you.”
“Nah, that’s fine,” Y/n replied. “Don’t think I’ll wear it.”
Orla gasped in disappointment, wondering why both her cousins didn’t want to match with her. Meanwhile, Erin kept trying to convince her mother she absolutely needed a new frock.
“I really like this fella, Mammy.”
“Well, if he really likes you, it won’t matter what you wear.”
“Ach, come off it!”
“Have you a date lined up, girls?” Aunt Sarah asked her daughter and niece before taking a drag of her cigarette. 
One seemed to be more enthusiastic about the question than the other. “I do, aye,” Orla answered.
“What?” Erin gave her cousin a strange look. “...With, like, a human?”
The girl blinked before nodding, like Erin was the strange one. “...Yeah.”
“What about you, love?” Sarah looked to Y/n, who was wrapped up in making sure she didn’t accidentally stab Orla. The girl looked up when she realized she was being spoken to. “Has anyone snatched you up for the dance yet?”
Y/n shook her head, trying to not seem so disappointed about it. “Nope. But it’s fine.” She sighed, going back to picking at her nails. “I dunno if I’m even gonna go.”
“What d’ya mean you’re not going?” Erin questioned, seeming offended that her sister would even debate not attending the prom. “You have to go.”
“Why do I have to go, Erin?”
Erin made that little sort of laugh and eye roll that she did when she felt like someone had said something silly or dumb, and she was about to correct it with her obvious intelligence. “It’s prom, Y/n. It’s a big deal.”
“It’s only prom-” Y/n was cut off by a commotion in the living room. Gerry yelped in surprise as Joe banged on something, but no one seemed to care enough to look at what was happening. She shook her head and continued. “Besides, Erin, there’ll be other proms. It’s not that big of a deal.”
Y/n could tell her sister wasn’t entirely convinced. To be perfectly honest, she wasn’t too convinced herself. But she’d rather lie and say she didn’t care than make James feel bad about being unable to take her.
Erin looked at Y/n inquisitively. She walked up to her and crossed her arms. “Is this because Ja-”
“This stupid prick’s broken the TV, Mary!” Joe cried out, and his daughter rushed to the living room. Gerry looked appalled at his father-in-law. “He’s been futterin’.”
“Excuse me, you’re the one that was thumpin’ it repeatedly, Joe.”
“I’ll thump you repeatedly.”
“Well, the pair of you’d better sort it out!” Mary interjected before walking over to her sister. “London’s Burning’s on in twenty minutes.”
“God, Mary, but them poor fellas are flat out with fires, so they are. Jesus, but they never get a minute.”
Behind Mary, Joe started to slam the television even harder than before, and Gerry cringed with every slap. “Aye, it’s a good job they keep themselves in such great shape.”
“Don’t, Mary.” Sarah gasped. “That Greek fella…”
“He could throw me over his shoulder any day of the week.”
Y/n and Erin stared at their mother and aunt before looking at each other. They were both equally horrified and disgusted.
“They make me sick.”
Clare didn’t take the news of Erin ditching her for John-Paul very well, despite telling Erin it was fine. Erin was the only one who believed her, too wrapped up in her and John-Paul’s revived “relationship.” But Clare pretty quickly found a new date: the new girl from Donegal, Mae, who was going dress shopping with the girls and James when she heard about Erin’s little betrayal. 
After Clare’s date problem was solved, the girls had to solve their dress problem. But Michelle came to the rescue—or rather, her mother’s credit card that she stole came to the rescue. Despite Clare’s very vocal opinion about committing a crime, the rest of the girls were on board on account of having no money.
“What do you think of this one?” Erin asked, coming out in a very tight, turquoise dress. 
“It’s very…” Y/n trailed off, trying to think of an appropriate word. “Different.”
“I’m not sure it’s you, really,” Michelle added.
“Good,” Erin said, in a bit of a struggle as she walked over to a mirror. “I don’t wanna be me.”
Clare walked up to the group, holding two dresses. “Which of these do you like best?”
“Definitely the pink,” Erin answered.
But Clare didn’t care much about Erin’s opinion. “Has to be the blue,” Mae said, and Clare glared at Erin.
“Yeah, I thought the blue.”
“What about you, Y/n?” James asked a bit quietly, holding a pile of dresses that all the girls had thrown at him. “Don’t you wanna look for a dress? You are going to the prom, right?”
He knew her answer before she said it, because she gave him a bit of a frown and a shrug. “I don’t think I will.”
“It’s fine, really! I was thinking of helping Daddy fix our TV.” She looked around at all the clothing racks before giving James what she hoped was a convincing smile. “Besides, nothing here’s really my taste.”
“Although, I have heard he’s really good with his hands.” Michelle talking about one of her possible dates reached the couples’ ears. “And when I say he’s good with his hands, I’m not talking about puttin’ up shelves, girls. I’m talking about-”
“Everybody knows what you’re talking about, Michelle.” James interrupted, hoping it would be enough for her to move on. But everybody also knew there was no stopping Michelle from her vulgarity.
The curly-haired girl smirked. “Fingerin’.”
James cringed. “Honestly…”
After much decision-making about what dresses to get, the girls went to the front to pay with Michelle’s stolen card. Mae, who didn’t find a dress she liked, gasped and pointed behind the counter to a red dress that was hung up. 
“Oh my God, that’s the one! Can I try that one on, please?”
“Sorry, love.” The shop owner said apologetically. “That’s being left over for someone.”
“Hiya!” In came Jenny Joyce, holding a couple of balloons. “Sorry girls, can’t stop.”
“Don’t worry.” Y/n smiled. “No one asked you to.”
“I’m just grabbing a few wee bits for the prom.” Jenny continued while the owner started bagging up the red dress. “Sure, you know how it is.”
“I was actually about to try that one on,” Mae said, pointing to the dress Jenny was now paying for.
“Well, I left it over, so…”
“It’s just that, red’s my color.”
“Yeah, mine too.”
The rest of the girls backed up a bit, surprised by how hostile Mae and Jenny were becoming towards each other. “No, you don’t understand. I really, really suit it.” The shop owner placed the bag on the counter, and Mae inched her hand towards it. “Garnet’s actually my birthstone.”
“Well, ruby’s mine, so…” Jenny grabbed her bag, and Mae slammed her hand on the counter. She looked at the Joyce girl menacingly. If Jenny was intimidated, she definitely didn’t show it.
“I want that dress, Jenny.”
“Well, you can’t have it.” Jenny left the store, leaving the girls to deal with Mae, who was cursing her out and beyond livid.
Prom night had finally arrived after much anticipation. Erin was upstairs in her room getting ready on her own while Aunt Sarah was doing her daughter’s hair and makeup in the kitchen. Mary watched while sipping her tea because Erin didn’t want her help, and Y/n decided to help her father fix their busted television set instead of going to the dance. Granda Joe was nowhere to be found, which relieved Gerry a bit because it meant his father-in-law wasn’t criticizing him.
“Now, close your eyes,” Sarah said, picking up two giant cans of hairspray. “I’m just going to give you a wee light mist, just so it holds for you.”
Y/n could smell the fumes from her spot on the floor in the living room, so she could only imagine what it was like being her mother or cousin in the kitchen. A cloud of hairspray surrounded Orla, making her cough a bit, and Mary covered her tea.
Finally ready, Erin came down from her room and into the kitchen. It took her a bit of effort because her dress was so tight that she had to take baby steps in her heels. “What do you think?” Everyone looked at her, all seeming to have the same reaction.
Mary looked the most surprised by her daughter’s appearance. “God, aye. It’s…” She trailed off, wanting to be honest but nice about it. “Different, isn’t it?”
“Different?” Erin asked. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well… it was nice of Michelle to lend it to you, love, but it just doesn’t look…” Mary grimaced, trying to choose her words carefully, “very comfortable.”
Erin rolled her eyes a little. “It’s really comfortable, actually.” She said, walking closer. “It’s like a second skin.”
“I don’t think that’s a good thing, Erin,” Y/n called out, handing Gerry a screwdriver. “I dunno if a second skin should be turquoise and… Well, squeaking when you walk.”
“It does not squeak,” Erin replied, squeaking as she hobbled to the table. 
Erin looked forward to see Orla looking at her grumpily. “I wish you would wear your Easter frock, Erin. When we were wee, we always went to parties dressed the same.”
“We’re not wee anymore, Orla.”
Orla grumbled in agreement while Erin handed her mother a piece of paper. Mary unfolded it and looked it over, and Aunt Sarah did the same from over her shoulder.
“What’s this?” Mary asked.
“It’s some guidelines,” Erin answered. “Things you are and aren’t allowed to say to John-Paul when he gets here.”
“Right.” Mary stared into her daughter’s eyes, not looking away as she crumpled the paper into a ball. Erin looked a bit disturbed but decided it was best not to say anything.
“What time’s your date arriving at, Orla, love?” Sarah asked, doing the final fixes on Orla’s hair.
Granda Joe waltzed into the room, wearing a white suit with a yellow rosette pinned to it. “He’s already here.” He said, doing a little spin before walking the rest of the way to the kitchen.
“You asked Granda to the prom?” Erin asked, smiling a little.
Orla’s grin was the widest in the bunch, eyes staying on her grandfather. “Well, everyone kept sayin’ you have to ask a fella you really like, and this is the fell I like the most.” Joe beamed, bowing down and presenting another yellow rose from his pocket for the girl.
“That’s so sweet, Orla.” Y/n said from her spot next to the TV. “Granda’s a lucky lad, that’s for sure.”
“Why, thank you, love,” Joe replied, turning to fully show his granddaughter the happy smile he had been sporting.
“Aye, you’re looking well, Joe,” Gerry added, taking a small break from trying to repair the television to weigh in.
“Oh, it’s not all shite you talk, Gerry.” Gerry gave his daughter an unimpressed look, making her giggle as he went back to the task at hand. Joe turned back to Orla. “Should we head?”
“John-Paul’s picking me up at seven,” Erin replied. “You go on; we’ll see you there.”
Joe looked back to Y/n, waiting for her answer. The girl waved her hand. “Oh, I’m not goin’. Don’t have a date and all that. Besides, I dunno what I’d wear.”
“You could wear your Easter frock, Y/n,” Orla said, trying to entice the girl once more into matching with her. But she just laughed and shook her head.
“No thanks, Orla.”
While Orla said goodbye to her mother and aunt, Joe walked over to Mary and whispered something to her. They looked over at Y/n, who didn’t notice their eyes because she was looking for a tool her father had asked for. Mary nodded at Joe for an unknown reason, and soon, he and Orla were off to the prom.
Erin sat down, struggling quite a bit because of her dress’s tightness. When she was settled, she looked at the clock. Only fifteen minutes until John-Paul arrived.
When twenty minutes had passed, Y/n knew John-Paul wasn’t coming for her sister. She couldn’t say she was surprised, but she was still saddened for her sister. “I’ll be right back, Daddy,” Y/n whispered before standing up and sneaking to the entrance where the phone and some privacy were.
Y/n knew she had to call someone, but was racking her brain on who. Everyone she knew was either at the prom or busy with something else. 
Suddenly, she jumped as if the idea that came to her had shocked her. She quickly dialed and held the phone to her ear, listening to the rings.
Then, someone finally picked up the phone. “Hello?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” She peered out the door, seeing Erin still staring at the clock. “How’ve you been?”
“Same old stuff, really,” David answered. “Band’s picked up a few gigs this month, it’s been pretty-”
“That’s great. Listen, can you do me a favor?”
David couldn’t help but laugh at the interruption and how urgent Y/n sounded. “Uh, maybe? What d’ya need?”
“Remember my sister, Erin?” He made a small hum of confirmation. “Well, she used to have a massive thing for you until that whole thing at Jenny’s party a few months ago.”
“You mean when she called that Russian girl your fella was going out with a prostitute?”
“She was Ukrainian, but yes. Anyway, she pretty much gave up on you after that because the whole thing was so embarrassing. But…” Y/n looked to the kitchen again. She could see Mary looking at her daughter a bit sadly, as if she also knew John-Paul wasn’t coming for her. “The prom’s tonight, and her date’s not coming. And… as annoying as she is, she’s my sister and all. So I was wondering if maybe you’d be willing to-”
“I’ll be there at 7:30.” David cut her off, feeling it was only fair since she had interrupted him just moments ago.
Y/n had to keep herself from squealing, not wanting to give Erin the idea that something was going on. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
After saying a quick goodbye, Y/n hung up the phone and snuck back out to the living room. David would arrive in twenty minutes, and she just had to count on Erin being hopeful enough to wait that much longer. 
Nothing much had really happened in those twenty minutes. Y/n assisted Gerry in fixing their broken TV, Mary and Aunt Sarah played a card game, and Erin sat and stared at the clock. The only time she moved was to go to the phone in the kitchen, but she was so quiet and far away that Y/n had no idea who she was calling. 
When the clock struck 7:30, Erin sighed. “He’s not coming.”
“Ach, love.” Mary frowned.
“I’m gonna go and change.” That made Y/n panic, and she scrambled off of the floor.
“What?” She said, walking over to Erin and slightly shaking her head. “No, just give it a few more minutes.”
“I wanna get out of this thing.” Erin teared up, struggling to get out of her chair. With how tight the dress was, she started to waddle towards the stairs.
Y/n was hot on her sister’s heels, which wasn’t hard because moving was so difficult for her in that tight dress. “Erin, please. Just-” The doorbell rang, and Y/n let out a breath of relief. She scooted past Erin and went to the door. “See! I told you! Now, I know you were hoping for John-Paul, but I think-... James?”
Y/n was stunned to silence. James was standing right in front of her, dressed up as the Fourth Doctor from Doctor Who, smiling right at her. “Hi.”
“David?” Erin waddled over to the door, and that’s when Y/n finally noticed her friend David Donnelly standing next to James, dressed in a suit with no tie. 
“Erin.” He replied with a nod.
The two girls looked at each other, confused. “What’s he doing here?” They asked in unison, pointing to the boy that was in front of them, who both laughed at their reactions.
“I called David for you because I knew John-Paul stood you up.”
“I called James for you because I knew you wanted to go to the prom with him.”
Y/n looked up at her boyfriend. “Wait, what about your creep convention?”
She laughed when he rolled his eyes. “It’s not a creep convention, and you know that. And it’s not important. I just…” James sighed, toying with his long, colorful scarf. “I knew the prom meant a lot to you, and Erin calling me just gave me the push I needed. Besides, I didn’t want to miss a chance to dance with my girl.”
“Ach, Jamie.” Y/n sighed endearingly, cupping his face. She gave him a soft, long kiss that he eagerly returned.
Erin and David had their own little conversation, trying not to look at the couple that were sucking face. “I’m surprised you’re here. I haven’t seen you since… Well, you know.”
“Yeah, I know.” David laughed a little, thinking back to that night. Then he shrugged. “But Y/n called tellin’ me your date stood you up and… I dunno, you’re kinda cool to talk to and whatever.”
“I am?” Erin asked excitedly. 
“I said ‘kinda’.”
“Wait.” Y/n finally pulled away from James, looking down at her attire. “What am I gonna wear?”
“I’ll take you wearing this,” James said, seemingly serious as he looked at his girlfriend’s ripped jeans and oversized sweater that she had stolen from Granda Joe’s closet. The three other teens gave him unimpressed looks. “What? So what if it’s not a formal dress, she still looks nice.”
“I have something better.” Everyone jumped in surprise as Mary poked her head in. “Come over here. I’ve got somethin’ to show you.”
Y/n pulled Erin to their mother, giving the boys a final glance over her shoulder. “Go ahead and talk, we won’t be long.”
Mary led her daughters to the kitchen, where two big boxes they’d never seen before sat on the table. Mary gestured for the girls to open them, which they did.
“Oh my God, Mammy.” Y/n pulled out a pink dress with layers, ruffles, and small arm straps. Erin held a similar styled dress but in blue. “Where on earth did you get these?”
“They were my mother’s,” Mary answered, looking at the dresses fondly. “Your Granda said to bring them out, in case you changed your mind about the dance. Heard it was fifties themed and all that.”
Both of Mary’s daughters now had tears in their eyes, but they were not from sadness. The girls rounded the table to hug their mum tightly.
“You know, the dress is nice and all but-” Erin cut herself off with a sniffle. “I think I wanna match with Orla.”
“Well, one of you better be wearing my Mammy’s dress,” Mary said, deadly serious with only a tiny hint of amusement in her voice. “I didn’t dig these boxes up for nothing.”
“I’ll wear it.” Y/n laughed, grabbing the box with the pink dress. “Come on, Erin, let’s go change.”
“You look lovely.” This was the fifth time James had said this to Y/n in the past thirty minutes. But he meant it every time he said it.
And Y/n knew he did because he couldn’t stop staring at her. “Thank you, Jamie. You look just as handsome.” The couple walked to the school doors arm in arm, Erin and David a few steps behind them. “Although…” James opened the door and looked at his girlfriend curiously. “Are you sure you didn’t want to leave the scarf at home?”
“I think it completes the look,” James said with a bit of humor, toying with the piece of clothing. “But if you want, I can leave it in the car.”
“Nah.” Y/n shook her head, giving James a peck on the lips. “How else am I gonna pull you to the dancefloor?”
The two couples went into the decorated gym, quickly spotting two of their friends. Clare was talking frantically to Michelle, who honestly looked like she couldn’t care less.
“Look, there’s a guy here; he knows Mae-” The four heard Clare say before Michelle cut her off, looking over the blonde’s shoulder to see them.
“What’s going on?” Clare turned around, a bit spooked by the sudden appearance of her friends. Michelle grimaced at Y/n and James standing together arm in arm, but opted to comment on Erin’s new date instead. “Oh, don’t tell me. Wank-features stood you up.”
“Yeah.” Erin shrugged it off like she hadn’t cried over John-Paul standing her up about an hour before. She nudged her sister. “But Y/n called David Donnelly here, so I wouldn’t go alone.”
“What can I say? I’m a sweetheart.” Y/n smiled.
Clare put a hand on Erin’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, Erin. About John-Paul, I mean.”
“No, I’m sorry. You were right; I was jealous. Mae’s just so cool and exotic, and you liked her so much-”
“She’s deranged!” Clare blurted out with wide eyes, taking everyone aback.
“Who’s Mae?” David leaned back to ask Y/n and James, who said they’d explain later. He tsked, tapping Erin’s shoulder. “I’m gonna get a drink.”
“Get me some punch.” She said before turning back to Clare. “What d’you mean, Clare? You were crazy about her yesterday.”
“She’s the one who’s crazy, Erin!” Clare squealed. “I met this guy that went to her school. He said she had to leave for, like, being a bully. He said she’s seriously unhinged! I think he’s a bit pissed off with her, to be honest, and I can’t blame him, ’cause she’s given the Chinese population of Donegal a really bad rap.” Clare’s friends would always be surprised over how much she could say without taking breaks for breath.
Michelle rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Typical Donegal man. Always moanin’.”
“There she is.” Everyone looked to where James was pointing. Sure enough, Mae was on the other side of the large room, going backstage.
“What’s she doing?” Michelle wondered, and everyone started walking closer to the stage to try and get a better look.
“She was talking about how she wasn’t going to let Jenny get away with the whole Prom Queen thing,” Clare answered.
James gasped. “Jesus Christ, look. Above the stage, look!” He pointed again, and everyone followed his finger to the tin buckets rigged with rope above the stage.
“Is she doing what I think she’s doin’?” Y/n asked.
“I think she’s gonna do a Carrie.” The couple looked both concerned and impressed, now both very glad they decided to come to prom.
“What’s a Carrie?” Clare asked frantically. “What does that mean?”
“You’ve never seen Carrie?”
“No.” Everyone said something about what a good film it was, but Clare wasn’t looking for film critiques. “Expand and explain! EXPAND. AND. EXPLAIN!”
“So, Carrie is voted Prom Queen, and this bully pours a bucket of pig’s blood on her.” James quickly explained.
“Jesus Christ!”
“Well, a lot of other stuff happens. But, you know, that’s the relevant bit.” Y/n said, but before she could go more into the movie, the band on stage finished playing.
Aisling stepped up to the microphone, some feedback echoing through the gym.
“Can I have your attention, please?” She said with a smile. The girls looked terrified. “And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. It’s time to crown our Prom Queen.” Mae waited for Aisling to announce the name everyone knew would be said. She held the rope tightly, waiting for the moment she could finally release it. “And now… our Prom Queen is… Jenny Joyce!”
The girl looked completely surprised, and the girls wondered, against their better judgment, if they could just let this all play out. 
“We have to do something!” Clare yelled over the celebratory music as Jenny went up on stage.
While Jenny started to give a small acceptance speech, everyone started running. Except for Orla and Granda Joe, who were more than content with eating popcorn and watching the scene. David joined them, holding two cups of punch and wondering why his date was rushing the stage.
Michelle and James joined Erin to try and get Jenny off the stage, while Y/n went with Clare to stop Mae. It was a struggle, but it didn’t help as much as the girls thought it would. The only good thing was that Mae wasn’t crazy enough to use pig’s blood and instead soaked everyone on stage with tomato juice.
Erin tried to tell Jenny that her friends weren’t to blame, but Jenny, of course, didn’t believe her. The two girls started fighting, soon being joined by Michelle and Aisling. James just stood back and watched, not really wanting to intervene, and Y/n would’ve laughed if she wasn’t caught up in trying to break Clare and Mae apart. The rest of the audience seemed to enjoy the spectacle, laughing and having refreshments as it all played out.
It was a good thing David had towels in the boot of his car. Erin and James were covered and sticky with tomato juice, no matter how hard they tried to get it off them. Y/n was eternally grateful that she decided to go with Clare to stop Mae, sparing her grandmother’s dress. She didn’t think Joe would be too happy about it being covered in red, no matter how amused he was by tonight’s events.
“Jesus, the street’s packed.” David grimaced as he turned onto the sisters’ street. It was crowded with all their neighbors, whooping and partying for an unknown reason that they would surely hear about tonight or early tomorrow.
Y/n sighed, poking her head out the window. “I dunno if I wanna go home.” She settled back in her seat and looked at her boyfriend. “Wanna go to your place?”
“Sure.” He answered.
“Want me to drive you there?” David asked, but James shook his head.
“No, mate, it’s fine. I’m only a street over.”
“Yeah, take Erin home for me.” The Donnelly boy seemed to miss the sly wink Y/n gave her sister in the rearview mirror.
After some goodbyes and teasing comments, Y/n and James got out of the car and started walking down the street, weaving through all the people out and about. Surprisingly, Michelle and her parents weren’t home when the two arrived. Michelle must have still been panicking over how she was going to return her tomato-soddened dress, and James’ aunt and uncle were either at work or celebrating whatever was going on with their friends.
With the house empty, Y/n and James unwinded and relaxed. James took a much-needed shower, putting his clothes in a plastic bag so they wouldn’t stain anything else. Meanwhile, Y/n shimmied out of her dress and put on some of James’ pajamas.
“So, what do you wanna do?” James asked as he entered his room, a towel wrapped around his waist. Y/n was a little surprised by his boldness, remembering how shy he was some months ago when he didn’t have any clothes at her house and had to stand in his boxers while Y/n grabbed him a sweater.
“Maybe a movie?” Y/n suggested, watching James rifle through his dresser. She was filled with a sudden feeling of not wanting him to put on the clothes he was grabbing. “Carrie would be pretty fitting.”
They laughed, James shaking his head as he slipped his boxers on. “Oh, I don’t know.” He tore the towel off and sat down next to his girlfriend, pulling a shirt over his head. “I think there’s been enough blood, or blood adjacent, covered people tonight.”
Y/n laid back, humming in thought. “Well, there is… another thing... we could do.”
James looked down at Y/n, waiting for her to elaborate. She reached up his back, lightly tugging on his shirt until he laid down beside her. Y/n hooked a leg over James’ waist and brushed some wet curls away from his forehead. As her other hand slowly traveled down his chest, he started to get what she was hinting at.
“Only if you want to, obviously.”
James pushed Y/n off of him only to hover over her, kissing her deeply. He helped her shimmy up his bed until her head was resting on a pillow. Feeling brave, but mainly horny, James pulled away and took off his shirt before slipping his hand under Y/n’s.
“Are you sure?” James asked, slightly panting from how escalated the moment was getting.
“Yeah,” Y/n responded, taking a deep breath before pushing James away so she could take her own shirt off. James stared at her in amazement. Before she could tease him for his reaction, he gripped her bare waist and pulled her against him, kissing her with hunger.
The prom sure was exciting. But sometimes, what happened after was much more eventful.
The Fella Taglist: @mistahjsfunnygirl @etherealdisneyvillainness @crystalsoobin-m @raggedyoldwitch @rosetintworld @regretthatsme @neenieweenie @allexiiisss @drmeghanjones @eli-com @anything-for-our-moony-toast @ilovespideyyy @eddisaurus @imagines--galore @emma-is-a-nerd @sir1usblacksgf @kaz-2y567 @spidercrush3 @miilkshakess @underthebatcape @dear-jamespotter @brithedemonspawn @acupnoodle @nevillescomslut @hantivity @slaymybreathaway @mystic-writings @thegirlwithoutaname87 @mystic-mara @st4rryhae @ljaneyx @justlibra @siriuslyinlovewithsiriusblack @elauranicolee @in-my-hoe-era @grippleback-galaxy @greensunflowerjuna @sarcasm-and-stiles @callsignwidow @qtkat @asterizee @cursedandromedablack @athenalive
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nkplanet · 1 year ago
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it seemed like riki was appearing everywhere after you’d blocked him. all of a sudden he was in your english class, he was bumping into you in the hallways, he caught the same bus home as you. you couldn't escape him. so instead, you began going places with your friends. every time riki tried to talk to you, he was shut down or glared at by one of your friends. your personal favourite was yunjin's way of deterring him, which involved a series of rude gestures and a "fuck off."
riki, on the other hand, was trying tirelessly to find a way to talk to you. aside from the fact that he'd been seeking you out in the school corridors, he now realised that you were in his english class and caught the same bus as him. it was like his eyes now searched for you wherever he went, seeking you out in the hopes of explaining himself and apologising. he truly never meant to hurt you. he just didn't have much choice in whether he moved or not, and didn't have the courage to tell you or break up with you.
he spotted you by yourself a week after yunjin's last attack, standing by your locker. you were clearly waiting for someone.
he wandered over, leaving a decent distance between the two of you in case he made you uncomfortable. "y/n," he said, clearing his throat, "please." "fuck off, riki," you replied, not even sparing him a glance.
ouch. as much as he deserved that, it still hurt.
"please, you don't have to talk. you don't even have to look at me. just listen." you turned your head, glaring at him but not saying anything, so he continued. "i want to apololgise. i know what i did was awful, and i probably hurt you really badly, but i had to move. it was because of my grandma, and i couldn't stay here." you sighed, turning fully to face him. "i don't understand why you couldn't just tell me that two years ago. you broke my heart," you said. "i know. i'm really sorry," he replied sheepishly, looking down. "listen, i remember how much your grandma meant to you. i'm still really hurt, and despite how much i want to, i don't think i'll ever be able to fully forgive you. but i get why you had to move," you told him, reaching into your locker for a textbook.
riki sighed as a weight lifted off his shoulders. "thank you."
“that doesn’t mean i accept your apology. you still suck, just slightly less now.”
“i know. you don’t have to accept it, i just wanted you to know. i’ve wanted you to know for two years but i didn’t have the balls to contact you.”
you sighed, looking him in the eyes, “if you’d even do much as shot me a text it would have been better than ghosting me. it really hurt, you know?”
he looked back at you, saying a heartfelt, “i’m sorry.”
"i guess i have to unblock you now, huh?" you said, giving him a small smile. he laughed in return as a crowd of students headed your way.
yunjin emerged from the crowd, looking scarier than ever. "hey, nishimura," she said, pointing at him, "what did i tell you? walk away."
riki walked away from you, feeling the best he'd felt since seeing you again for the first time. you might not be friends again, but at least you knew why he'd left, and he'd take what he could get.
NOTE : remember that backbone that y/n had in the last chapter lol
TAGLIST : CLOSED : @yvjw @k1ttylvr @soobs-things @daniels-hlini @asteria-wood @eneiyri @sel1uv @tzuyusluv @natalunae @eleanorheartschishiya @candyhere @ttylxox2
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yuseirra · 5 months ago
(Probably my final analysis about this guy unless something new comes up) There is a reason why Kamiki must be a god from a thematic perspective.
+prediction: This manga's ending can be really unhinged lol
I haven't encountered any spoilers regarding the ramaining chapters and if I get sent ANY, I WILL block you. No prior warnings. I was too tormented by those earlier. I don't deserve that for having cared for hikaai..(But if I get anything right.. You may o<-<.. Ohh I have so many love-hate relationship w this comic.. I guess I'll be able to get over with this whole nervousness soon one way or the other)
Jotted this down earlier, used machine translator haha ;v;
To elaborate, I think there are two remaining ways to handle this character. One is to treat him delicately (but considering the limited chapters left, this seems almost out of the question; everyone keeps saying he's dead and it's over, and it upsets me. I don’t think that way. I’m not even sure if he’s actually dead, yet everyone seems so certain he is, and it’s depressing. Wouldn't that be a really bad outcome? It’s not about liking the character; it just feels so unfair to both the readers and the character if the story goes in that direction. Just brushing him off as a villain would be too shallow, and I don't think it would make for a good story. But everyone else seems to have given up... Should I give up too? Would the author make such a choice? I’m sorry, but I really don’t think they'd finish this story so sloppily after getting this far. If so, I’d say I could put more effort into writing about him, but I don’t want to speak like this about someone else’s precious work.)
The other option is to treat him as a "fallen god" like the title suggests, glossing over some details. This way, they can maintain some narrative consistency without devoting much chapter space to him. There are actually a lot of hints regarding this (for example, if we assume he actually killed a lot of people, it could explain why no bodies were ever found... Like, we might get a news story in the next chapter about hundreds of bodies being discovered in the mountains because the power that concealed them vanished after his death (which would be terrifying. Then I’d be left baffled & wondering again, what kind of person was Ai really involved with?;; why the heck did the writers make her love such a guy?? I explained how this could work in a way IF he's a god in my earlier posts)).
Looking at the broader scope of the work, if we try to understand what the story is aiming to convey, there’s a clear significance to the character.
If they want to bury several dark aspects of the entertainment industry in him and just decide he is the reason behind it all, then he can't just be an ordinary person.
Seriously, Ai wouldn't have died for this kind of reason if she wasn't a celebrity. Nino and Ryosuke, these deranged individuals, wouldn’t have meddled in her private life and family matters, claiming that she must be the perfect idol, that she can't have a boyfriend or children, chasing her down, and trying to kill her if she weren't one. Many of Ai’s miseries stemmed from her being an idol, where her individuality was not accepted, and this isn’t a problem that can be resolved by simply taking down one madman—it’s connected to societal perceptions. To write this off as being Kamiki’s fault doesn’t even seem possible to me. That's not just simply bad writing, it's irresponsible and harmful. So I don't see the writers making such a choice. They're smart people.
Even if Kamiki harbored resentment after breaking up with his girlfriend, Ai wouldn't have been harmed if she wasn’t a celebrity. Nino even mentioned that Kamiki only talked about Ai. If Ai had been a regular person, what he did probably would have just him reminiscing about her as an ex-girlfriend. Seriously. Does this really make sense for it to believe that Kamiki orchestrated Ai’s murder? There should be a better reason. Otherwise, it’s just Nino and Ryosuke being unhinged, right? Wasn't Kamiki a minor in middle or high school at the time? I doubt he would have directly ordered anyone to kill Ai. Does he seem like someone who would harm Ai deliberately? If that were the case, why wouldn’t he have sought revenge immediately after the breakup? Why wait four whole years? Why? Even if he had anger and resentment (which I believe he did not...this guy never blames Ai.)would die down a lot within that much timespan. Honestly, I have no idea. Considering about the major event at time being Ai's dome concert, I plain think he'd have intended to send flowers through a friend to congratulate her about it, but then the accident happened. Ai’s comment that “our kids are smart and will understand our situation” suggests they weren’t completely out of touch. Maybe Ai told him where she was, which is why he knew about the hospital on her delivery day. Just WHY would he harm her? He's been throwing away his entire life away for a cause related to her for over a decade after she's deceased!! He never wanted to hurt her!!
Going back to the point, if his character isn’t going to be given proper focus (but considering they even brought in a famous voice actor for him, wouldn’t he be more significant than just a side character?), then it would make more sense for him to be a god. That way, he can absorb the societal context surrounding him. Like, he was originally a divine guardian of the entertainment world, but he became corrupted and fell into madness because of humanity. And there are plenty of odd situations and foreshadowing that can only be explained this way... His unique connection with Ai, the intensity of his attachment—it wouldn’t need further explanation, because there’s a narrative that exists beyond the story itself. If he’s treated as just a person, he holds no symbolic value and is merely a broken-minded individual—a mere psychopath. What would that contribute to the story? It shouldn’t go that way. It wasn’t until Chapter 154 that I realized, “Ah... This guy wasn’t supposed to be the culprit.” I just kept following along from there. If the story has a message to convey, it needs to address this. I can see where it's headed, and it’s frustrating, so I just want it to show a bit more! And then they say the story is ending soon. I think the most pressing need for the story now is to resolve its thematic elements.
I can think of about three or four scenarios for how this manga might end. Remember Chapter 156-7 or so, where Aqua and Ruby have that conversation? That chapter is narratively ominous. After reading that, I thought this story might end as a vision flashing before the eyes of two dying people. Like, “You had fun, didn’t you? This kind of life wasn’t so bad, right?” If that chapter is any indication, it’s not impossible that the entire story has been a well-constructed stage, all fiction! That chapter gave me a weird vibe, so I mentioned that the author might craft an ending that over 70% of the readers would dislike in a post once.
If it takes a really bold direction, it could end like that.
Or it could go with a more conventional ending. But this story, since Chapter 1, has been talking about how “everything is fiction, the world is fiction, and it hopes for good lies.” I think something that ties back to that concept will come up at the end.
And the last scenario is an ending that tries to hold onto some deeper meaning (but that doesn’t rule out an Aqua-Ruby flashback ending... lol. They could try to maintain meaning even with that or fulfill Aqua’s dreams of going to medical school and ending up with Kana~~).
Honestly... Even with four chapters left, I’d like them to dedicate like two of them to Kamiki. If we’re talking about liars, he’s as much of a liar as Ai, but he hasn’t been highlighted at all. Is becoming like Ruby supposed to be ideal? I haven’t been convinced of that... If this story wants to say something meaningful about the entertainment industry, it should address the lies required by idols and actors alike.
Wrap up Aqua’s story in one or two chapters, give Kana a happy ending (Kana’s been through a lot in the narrative), even if Aqua and Ruby don’t find happiness, I think Kana should at least find some fulfillment. MEM-cho will do fine, and Akane’s smart, so she’ll be okay.
Kamiki and Ai deserve about half of the remaining focus, thematically speaking. Even if Kamiki ends up being too far gone and deserves to rot in hell, we should at least understand who he really was. Ai’s true feelings were revealed, but Kamiki never got that chance... He never had a real opportunity to be happy, either. To me, he’s more of a person who was pushed to the brink and went mad rather than someone purely evil, so I can’t stop thinking about him. There’s a reason the story was written this way, and I want it to show that. There's someone broken and hit and hurt, but no one's taking responsibility for it. Is that right? Is that what you call justice? I don't think so. It gets on my nerves. I knew that he was a noble soul before they even brought that up. He used to be kind but something pushed him so far. A good story should show what broke him.
The recent chapters have been intriguing but not particularly substantive, mostly dropping hints without much resolution, given the remaining chapters. Can they really tie everything up? I have my doubts.
I just want the story to hold onto its meaning, regardless of the characters’ fates. That’s my hope. For me, this piece is about the message. I really wish it gives out a good one. I’ll keep quiet now; I really hate being wrong—
Did I figure out what this manga is trying to convey? If I have- I hope it goes in that direction. I do have an idea. It’s still possible, after all.
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honeybee-bard · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Thank you to @feedthepheasants for the tag! In honor of Yavari's official debut in chapter 3 of sequel fic today, here's a WIP from the eventual Gale x Yavari childhood friends to lovers longfic, It's Nice to Have a Friend. If you've seen snippets I've posted of Gale and "[REDACTED]", that was all Yavari lol. This is a vignette of their time as students at Blackstaff, set at the age of 15.
“A party?” Yavari asks, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know, Gale. I have to finish my languages homework. We’re working on Sylvan.” “I thought you already knew Sylvan,” Gale points out. “I know some Sylvan. I want to be fluent,” she explains. “Yavari, you need to take a break sometimes,” he sighs. “And that’s coming from myself, one who-” “- takes two extracurriculars, maintains full marks in all of his classes, and studies under the world-renowned wizard and Chosen of Mystra, Elminster Aumar, yes. You’ve mentioned it a time or two before. But…I suppose you’re right,” she concedes. “Fine, I’ll go. But only if you promise not to abandon me on my own in some corner.” “I would never,” he says with a smile. They both try their first sip of wine at the party. They both hate it. “Gods, how do people drink that stuff?” Yavari sputters, coughing as the alcohol burns her throat. “Mum says it’s an acquired taste,” Gale says mockingly, putting the last two words in air quotes. One of the elven girls from the year below the two of them pokes her head outside and announces they’re going to play spin the bottle in the living room. The girl goes back inside, but they both hesitate. “Are you going to play?” Yavari asks. Her tail twitches nervously behind her, though Gale is oblivious to it, which she’s thankful for. He laughs and shakes his head. “No, I’m afraid not. My lack of experience might drive the poor soul on the other end of the bottle away.” “You’ve never been kissed?” Yavari asks, a little surprised. Gale Dekarios has been the talk of the entire school ever since he successfully channeled the Weave on his first try in evocation class. They’d all been able to feel the way Mystra’s blessing emanated from it, leaving the classroom smelling faintly of rosewater for the rest of the day. “I have had the opportunity to do so - more than once, in fact - but I find my time is better spent focusing on my studies, and-” “So no, then?” He blushes and shakes his head. “I haven’t either,” she admits. Despite how much they both hate the wine, they finish the bottle. Before Yavari departs for the evening, Gale presses a quick kiss to her lips. It’s barely even a peck, really, their lips lingering for less than a full second, but it sets their hearts racing and stomachs fluttering all the same. They never speak of it again.
It's hard to pick a favorite child but it's Yavari for me, sorry Wyn. Also, Gale and Yavari's ship name is Weaveweave, because it was too funny not to do it.
No-pressure tags: @amoremagnificentbastard @roguishcat @astarionancuntnin @bardic-inspo @busy-baker
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gutsby · 5 months ago
Ok sorry this might be long but I want to say that you are truly an all star in the joel fandom, guts. I read Seeing Pink like 3 times last week. Waiting game has changed my brain chemistry for fucking real. I think about it TOO much. I think I actually need to take a break from all the smut I read in general and all the smut i RE-READ too, waiting game definitely top of the list for the latter. If I ever do find the discipline to chill for a sec, I will STILL think fondly of our bestie reader and dbf joel in my moments to spare. The latest chapter was to die for, the angst killed me. I hope all will be well in their perfectly written fictional universe and, with love and respect and zero pressure, look forward to any future chapters we get!
Even though I just said I need to take a break from how much smut I read, unfortunately i've been peaking at some of the daryl fics and I've literally never fucking watched the walking dead lmao and based on what I've seen some of your other anons I've read, I may need to read Wedded Bliss even though I don't have a leg to stand on there either! The point is like YOU ARE A GREAT FUCKING WRITER.
I'm almost done ranting but I was wondering if it is not too intrusive to ask, are you a writer offline? Like is that your job or a job you hope to have? Not specifically asking where or in what capacity or anything but I was mostly just curious about the mastermind behind all this amazing writing we get. I am a big reader (of things other than smut, i swear, but that too obvi lol) and I have aspirations of little stories here and there. I saw your response to that anon who wants to write and it was so sweet. But I totally got where that anon was coming from. I have self doubt beause even though like for most people this is just a hobby, it's intimidating and wild that we've got people like you with the ability to be full blown fucking novelists in our midst on tumblr. Ok I'm done being crazy on main. Thank you again for everything for real for real for real!
With all due respect………I’M FUCKING SOBBING!!!!!
Thank you so much for this kind message!!!! 🩷🩷 It makes my week to hear what y’all think of what I write, and I’m so thankful to have people like YOU reading and rooting for these stories and characters - I’m continually in awe of you guys and everything you do and don’t deserve it. I hope to update WG very soon and keep their dumbass romance alive too!! 🫡🫡
And not intrusive at all! I don’t share a lot about my personal life on here, but I’m a lawyer! I work in the most boring ass practice area requiring zero creative writing whatsoever…..so Tumblr is a huge outlet for me LOL. I think it would be awesome to get published someday, but it’s more of a dream than a goal atp! I just like to write.
If YOUUUUU ever wanna start writing too, GO FOR IT!! I’ll try not to scream at you like I did the last anon but holy shit please write if you ever have the slightest inclination to do so—the world will be better for it, and you’ll learn and grow so much. Even if it’s scary. Even if it’s intimidating. Even if you don’t think your stories will “measure up” to what other people put out….WRITE IT!!! I cannot emphasize that enough.
Anyway thank you again from the bottom of my heart and I wish you the best of luck in life and writing!!! ♥️
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