#I’m sorry it’s just that her movies. historically. are bad.
lunar-years · 11 days
Brett Goldstein leading man rom com but it comes at the price of also being a JLo production…. 😞
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kylorengarbagedump · 4 days
Playing Soldier: Chapter 10
Read on AO3. Part 9 here.
Summary: You're starting to think you're never getting back home.
Words: 6800
Warnings: Serious attempts at historical war nerdery
Characters: William Tavington x Reader
A/N: Co-written with @bastillia
Hi, quick note here - we are not following the timeline of the film, since it's completely fucky and doesn't really adhere to any of the major battles closely enough for our nerd-brains to enjoy. As such, please note that the Battle of Camden occurred on August 16th, 1780, not whatever time the movie made up in 1778.
HELLO, WELCOME BACK. Sorry for the delay! We've had an insanely busy two weeks with family visiting, work being insane, and just generally having way-too-much-shit going on. However, we plan to have a new chapter out next week (though the one after that might be... uh, LONG), so please keep in mind we're doing our best to keep to a schedule of every 1-2 weeks!
(I used to write shit that was like, 2k words per chapter. What happened to that??? lmao how did I even do that. I don't even know)
THANK YOU EVERYONE for your very kind words and thoughts for last chapter. We were SO excited to write it and honestly I have been thinking about it non-stop? Idk I just want his cock so bad.
He’d asked you to call him William.
It had been about forty-two hours (not that you were counting) since your thoroughly unwise, thoroughly unfinished tryst with the colonel of the Green Dragoons. You had spent that time trying to purge yourself of his scent, his touch, his taste. So far, your greatest measure of success had been in slapping your hand whenever it crawled to relieve the pressure between your legs.
You cupped your hands in the creek, splashed your face cold.
Your thoughts needed to be clearer than the damn creek. To even offer this desire a place in your mind would encourage it. And the memory of his name in your ear continued to invite it to stay.
Another palms-worth of water, another splash.
Even more infuriatingly, it had managed to wriggle its way into your thoughts. Most of the time, he passed through your mind as Tavington, or Colonel, or both of them together. But there were moments. Weak, inane moments, wherein the only representation of him bore the name William.
William, as if he were a man who had introduced himself with a bow, a man who might call on your father and ask permission to write, a man who’d done anything other than everything he had done.
William, a name so representative of nothing William Tavington was to you.
And yet, in the dark of night, your fingers itching to chase away lust, that name drifted like foam on the sea of your thoughts; a word whispered in your voice; a soft, reluctant plea; a fantasy of a fantasy—that not only was he your relief, but a man who deserved his name at all.
You groaned, thrust your face in the creek and screamed into the rocks. A voice called your name from beyond the surface, and you jerked back to sit on your heels. Panting, water dripping down your face, you turned to see Lottie.
“Is everything all right?” She studied your expression. “This is, what, the third time you’ve dunked your face in there today?”
You exhaled, waving her off dismissively. “Oh, yes, I’m fine,” you replied, wiping the remaining drops from your face. “Warm day, isn’t it?”
She nodded, gazing back toward camp, squinting in the sun. “I suppose we’d best try to enjoy it before autumn comes.” Her attention turned back to you. “Did you want to play cards before dinner? Best out of seven?”
“Seven?” You grinned, pushing yourself to your feet. “Omitting last night, are you? Fairly certain I recall a winning streak.”
“I don’t know at all what you mean,” she replied with a smile. “Come! I’ve grown weary of stitching circles and gossip.”
You looked to the sky. The sun was cresting away from high noon. Daylight was in waning supply, and this was the first time since the storm that Tavington had left camp—your first chance to venture off without fearing him heeling at your shadow. There was no telling when he'd return, but you'd already spent at least thirty minutes of that time trying to wash him from your thoughts. You needed to get going.
“I thought I’d eat a bit later, actually.” You offered an apologetic smile. “I wanted to forage for some supplies before the day is out.”
“Later?” Lottie tried and failed to conceal a grimace. “With, er, everyone else?”
“Yes.” You raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Oh, well I…” She looked at her shoes, rolling back and forth on the balls of her feet. “It just may be uncomfortable. With Alice.” When you replied with only a confused blink, she continued, “She’s still, ah, a bit upset.”
“Still?” You scowled, folding your arms. “Why?”
A sigh escaped her as she searched the ground. “I don't suppose it's that strange,” she said, and then lowered her voice. “Her miscarriage was only a month ago.”
“So?” Snorting, you rolled your eyes. “I said I was sorry. To her face, even.”
Lottie nodded sympathetically. “You did,” she said. “But—”
“But nothing,” you said. “I apologized. It’s done with. She needs to gather her skirts and start anew.”
“Perhaps…” Lottie pursed her lips, regarding you as she considered her words. “Though I'm sure she feels differently.”
“Perhaps she shouldn't have started it, then.” You shrugged. “I certainly don't start arguments that I don't plan on winning.”
“As I've come to learn.” Lottie smiled wryly. “Give her time. Alice clings to her grudges even tighter than she does to her Bible, I think.”
You nodded. “Precisely,” you said, comforted in your knowledge that Alice was the problem and definitely not you, or anything you’d done. “She won’t disturb me. I’ll scrounge some food and find you afterwards.”
“Lovely,” Lottie replied. “Don’t stay out too late. Benedict said we’ll be moving to Camden soon, and you know how the colonel is about giving notice for such things.”
“Camden?” You frowned. “Did he say why?”
Lottie shrugged. “Apparently we are to meet the general and his men there.” She wrung her hands. “Do you suppose it’s to do with those rebels who attacked us?”
“Most likely.” You sighed, forcing down a disquieted squirm. “Though if they know what’s good for them, they’ll have long since turned tail by now.”
If only you didn’t suspect that to be a false hope.
“Might they still be in the area, though?” A little line of concern folded along Lottie’s brow, and she glanced out toward the woods. “Planning an… an ambush, or something?”
“I doubt it,” you said. “Those men got a whipping they shan’t soon forget.”
Lottie let out a relieved half-laugh. “They did, didn’t they?” Skipping forward, she took your hands in hers. “Still. Do promise to be careful.”
“Of course.” You offered a small smile. “I’ll not allow Alice the satisfaction of my abduction.”
She grinned and pinched your arm. “Don’t say such things!”
“You’re right,” you said through a giggle, flinching from her. “Far more likely I’ll be tarred and feathered.”
“Oh, you!” Lottie swatted at you as you retreated, lip pinched between your teeth.
“Strung up as a warning,” you said, pantomiming your own hanging as you flounced away.
“Cards. Tonight.” Lottie shot you a final, quelling look as she began to turn back. “This time you’re done for!”
“You’re on,” you said, and watched as she departed toward camp.
Smile withering on your lips, you breathed deeply, turned your head north. Continentals were not only patrolling the road that direction, you knew militia were stationed toward that way as well. If the Wilksburg company had joined up with them, then that would be the best opportunity you had to find someone—anyone—who knew anything about your father.
In an ideal world, of course, he would be there when you arrived. But you knew better than to practice idealism.
After casting around to ensure that you weren’t being watched, you started down the road. Keeping to the sides, in the grass, was the best strategy for now. It gave you plausible deniability if someone from Tavington’s legion did happen across you.
You hadn’t considered, yet, what you’d even do if and when you found the Continentals. You just knew you needed to do something, anything to peel the guilt from behind your eyes. Kissing Tavington had been an incredible mistake that would require incredible redress. Providing the Continentals with whatever knowledge you possessed was your first attempt to achieve that.
The sun dripped down the sky as you walked, a bead of honey making its way to the horizon. Its heat had gathered sweat at your temples by the time you reached the bridge crossing. With a strange pang of disappointment, you found it deserted, the ground scarred by boot and hoof. The Continentals must have made good on their plans to fall back, spooked by the numbers they encountered at Tavington’s camp.
Huffing a sigh, you hiked your skirts and started over the bridge, reveling for a moment in the rush of cool air above the river.
There was always the possibility that you wouldn’t find the Continentals at all. That they had retreated all the way back to North Carolina, and you were following their long-cold trail. That no trace of them would be found by the time evening fell and forced you to circle back.
Or perhaps you wouldn’t circle back. It would be so simple. All you would have to do is continue walking. Forever. You would never have to see or touch or taste or dwell upon thoughts of William Tavington ever again.
And without you, your home would be burned.
And without you, Grace would be killed.
And you would never know if your father would live to learn of any of it.
Anger lashed you, quickened your steps. It settled into its chosen home of late: a dull, scraping throb in the back of your skull.
No, such whispers of despair would not seduce you. You would keep its lips just as far from your ear as you would keep Colonel Tavington’s lips from your own.
Continentals had to be here. You would find them. And this cacophonous discord in your mind would finally cease, so long as you could affix your sights upon—
“Madam? Madam, can I help you?”
To the west, a nearly-familiar voice. You turned to meet a mounted horse trotting over the hill. As the rider drew closer, you recognized his face.
“Wilson?” you said. “Is that you?”
Wilson gaped, kicking the horse to a canter until he reached you. Your heart was torn between relief and elation, tempered by confusion, since the last time you’d seen Wilson he was waiting out a hanging in Dorchester. Given his appearance now—closer to a bedraggled, bearded orphan than a soldier—you would’ve thought he’d just escaped.
“By God, it’s you,” he said, examining you. He glanced around. “What are you doing out here?”
You grimaced. Perhaps Wilson was trustworthy. But this wasn’t something you wanted to bet your safety on. You needed someone of higher rank.
“There’s a lot I need to explain,” you said. “How did you manage to get out of Dorchester? Do you know anything about my father?”
“Your…” Wilson frowned for a moment before realization dawned across his face.. “Of course. Your father broke us out of that lobster pit. He’s back at camp.”
“What?” It was definitely elation, now. You sidled up to the horse, grabbing at the cantle. “I must see him.”
“Indeed you must.” Wilson held out a hand and vacated his stirrup, letting you clamber onto the back of his mount. “We’re only a couple miles over the valley.” He urged his horse into a trot and laughed. “Oh, he’s going to be thrilled to see you, kid.”
Your chest tightened with excitement. “I know,” you replied, smiling.
You explained on the short ride to camp that you’d been paroled, but omitted anything about working for the British in the encampment down the way. And obviously omitted anything having to do with any superior officers or your attraction to them and how that potentially endangered everyone in your life.
Guilt trailed the horse’s stride. You’d be rid of it soon. Your father—your father—was at the camp. Safe. Alive. You brought your focus to that and that alone. It didn’t matter, the weeks of struggle, the fear and torment over your family’s well-being, the weight of it on your shoulders. It would all be worth it to hear your father’s voice.
A white mass of canvas bloomed into your field of vision, split into distinguished tents as you rode nearer. When you were close enough to shout at them, you could restrain yourself no longer. Squealing, you hopped off the horse, stumbling to the grass and nearly grinding your face into the dirt. You didn’t care. You scrambled to your feet and ran, ran toward the camp, waving your arms above your head, calling a single word out to the air.
“Papa!” you cried. “Papa!”
A dozen heads poked out of or around the side of the tents, squinting in the direction of the wild running woman. Realizing you weren’t their daughter, they dismissed you, nudging their comrades to look in your direction. It wasn’t until a head crowned in a tricorn hat emerged from the crowd that you met recognition in someone’s eyes.
First it was disbelief. Then a yielding, laughing shake of his head. Then he stepped, ambled, bounded toward you, his arms outspread in joy. To see his face was to see a mirror etched with age. He called out your name.
“My girl!” your father hollered. “It’s my girl!”
In long, loping seconds, you crashed together, your arms curling around him, his own embrace crushing your shoulders and head against his chest. You laughed, burying your face in his shoulder, every single shred of shame, panic, and fear withering to the ground. He was warm. He smelled like home.
Papa. Papa was here.
“Papa,” you mumbled. “I’m so glad you’re faring well.”
Papa squeezed you again before holding you at arm’s length, and looking you over. “No worse for wear, yourself.” He met your eyes. “Now what in God’s holy blessed green-and-blue earth are you doing here, cub?” His attention fell to Wilson, riding up behind you. “Where did you find this rascal?”
“She was looking for us, Captain,” Wilson replied with a sheepish shrug.
You fought off a grin, tilting your chin to the sky. “I found him,” you said, fixing your hands on your hips. “And we have much to discuss, Papa.”
“Oh-ho.” A laugh broke out of him, and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into another hug. “Of course you did. Of course we do.” He rubbed your back before guiding you around to face the camp. “But first—let me introduce you to everyone!” Papa led you forward, hand raised triumphantly in the air. “My girl is here!”
As you entered the Continental campground, men parted for you, greeted you, tipped their hats in your direction. Miss, missus, good day, pleased to meet you, pleasant to make your acquaintance; all floated in your ears, the words melting together in unfamiliar groups of sound. Never had you been treated with such deference. And never had men seemed so interested in earning your favor.
Even back in Catawba, where Papa was well-known and well-regarded, the local boys had grown up with you. Knew you too well to try speaking to you any more often than courtesy demanded To the Continental men, you were a potentially pretty stranger exposed only through anecdotes shared by a respected, impressive man.
Unfortunately for them (and, given your recent inclinations, perhaps you as well) not one of them impressed you. Though they were, potentially, not at fault for that.
Men shambled through the camp without shoes, without trousers. Handfuls waddled in mud only draped by blankets. Those who sought you to introduce themselves appeared to have gone without shaving—or washing, given the crescents of dirt under their nails—for days. Wilson had not been unique in his swamp-mongrel regalia, you realized.
The condition of the Continental encampment was abominable.
You looked to your father. Glee beamed from him like sunlight. If he was concerned about the deplorable circumstances of his soldiers, it didn’t show. He directed you toward a fire, where several men were seated in a circle, all of them outfitted in some sort of blue coat. They each eyed you as you approached, their gazes flitting between you and your father in confusion.
“Gentlemen,” he said, gesturing toward you, “this is my daughter.”
You gave them your name, bowing your head toward them. One of the men shot to his feet, his eyes wide and locked onto you. The rest of the men followed, standing and nodding toward you as they introduced themselves with names you didn't remember. The first man to stand tipped his cap in your direction.
“Miss.” He was dressed in an outfit that resembled your father’s and stood tall, with tawny hair and high cheekbones. “Captain Pearce. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
Your heart stalled. Pearce. That name pierced your memory in a clap of thunder, a flash of lightning. Your eyes widened, and you offered him a tight smile in the most normal manner you could possibly muster.
It had been dark. Storming. He hadn’t been the one speaking to you, and no hint of recognition stirred within his gaze. When you met his eyes, he grinned and returned to a seat around the fire. Your chest fell in relief.
You planned to tell your father what you’d been doing, but involving anyone else seemed foolhardy. If Tavington learned from some desperate Patriot soldier that you’d been dipping between camps with the desire to undermine him, you didn’t think you’d be able to get to Grace before he strung you up on the nearest tree.
Besides, the thought of even considering, let alone explaining, what sort of game you’d been playing with him made your stomach sink. Now that you knew your father was alive and occupied by the war, you could even dare to hope you might never play that game again.
The thought sparkled like a distant star. You imagined bidding your father farewell, escaping back to Catawba, whisking Grace away to Pennsylvania and never seeing William—Colonel—Tavington again.
Why, oh why did some awful, craven piece of you wilt at the very thought of it?
“Cub?” Papa said. “Everything all right?”
You blinked alive. You’d been staring into the fire. “Oh!” you said, laughing. “Yes, yes, Papa, sorry.”
“Go ahead and have a seat, my girl.” He sat on one of the benches by the fire and patted the spot next to him. “You said we have much to discuss.”
Nodding, you took the seat. Your hands folded into the fabric of your dress, your palms sweat onto your knees. You weren’t sure why you were nervous.
“I have information. About the British Army.” There was something important Lottie had mentioned earlier, too. “And about Camden.”
One of the named-but-forgotten men sat forward. “You know about the attempt—”
“Hold on.” Pearce extended his arm as if to quiet him. “Hold on, now.” He met your eyes before setting his jaw, sitting up taller. “By what means did you attain this information?”
You stiffened, looked toward Papa. “I’d rather reveal that to only my father, thank you.”
“Is there a reason you refuse?” Pearce sat forward, gesturing to his uniform. “I’m a captain, just like your father.”
“That’s evident,” you replied, “but my father you are not.”
Pearce glanced at Papa before continuing. “Well, yes, miss. I understand. But I can assure you that I, too, can be provided with sensitive information. My accomplishments in the war—”
You frowned. “I care little for your achievements, Captain Pearce,” you said. “Your behavior is what engenders my trust, and I have seen nothing of that thus far.”
Papa held up a calming hand. “Pearce, it’s all right. She’s a skeptical type. As well she should be.” He grinned at you. “We can talk in a moment.”
“Thank you, Papa.” You folded your arms over your chest.
Pearce huffed, but relinquished, easing back and glancing around. “Very well, then,” he said. “Should we gather the militia?”
“No need,” Papa said. “I’ll inform Colonel Martin later. He and his boy went out scouting a couple of hours ago.” He nodded toward you. “Go on.”
You took a breath, glanced around the circle of men, then at the fire. Your chest tightened. You swallowed the feeling.
“First,” you began, “how long since your forces returned to South Carolina?”
Papa pursed his lips, glanced at Pearce. “Six days, I believe,” he said. Pearce nodded in agreement.
“And how far out have you managed to scout in that time?”
Pearce straightened, shifted where he sat. “Well…”
“Not as far as we’d have liked, cub,” Papa said, raising a hand to the back of his neck. “Our General, you see—”
“Our resources are occupied elsewhere at this time,” said Pearce, a hint of what almost resembled distrust flickering over his face as he regarded you.
You fought the urge to roll your eyes.
“Yes,” Papa said, and you caught a mote of frustration in his tone. “I suppose that’s one way to put it.”
“Show me the most current map you have,” you said. “Much has changed, even since you were last here, Papa.”
Papa nodded, then gestured to a man seated across from him, who sprang to his feet and made for one of the surrounding tents.
“Changed, how?” Papa asked, turning back to you.
“Well,” you sighed. “The British have not rested a day since taking Charleston. They fan the flames of Loyalism across the colony as we speak. By force, or by…” You swallowed. “Enticement.”
Papa frowned. “This land has more backbone than that, surely.”
“Evidently not,” you returned, perhaps too sharply. “More towns pledge fealty to the crown by the day. Lord Cornwallis has dispatched entire legions of men to sweep the countryside and ensure it.”
“Perhaps they lie,” offered Pearce. “Swear whatever oath they must to be left in peace, while their allegiances truly lie elsewhere.”
“Precisely,” said Papa, holding a hand out as if to showcase Pearce. “The soul of liberty is not so easily snuffed.”
You met Pearce’s eyes. His shoulders rolled back. Words of doubt on your lips were distracted by the soldier returning with the requested map. He held it out to your father.
Papa frowned. “I wasn’t the one who asked for it, Private.”
The private’s back hunched in submission and he handed it over to you. As you spread it on your lap, he retreated to his seat around the fire, and you shot him a glare for good measure.
“So.” Your finger swirled over a swath of land in the backcountry. “All of these towns have sworn loyalty to the Crown over the past months.”
Scrutinizing the map, you hummed, leaned forward, and plucked an old charred stick from the edge of the fire pit.
“And there’s a road you’ve not accounted for. Here.” You scratched a charcoal line into the map. “It’s part of what they’re calling the King’s Highway. Supplies move from Charleston to be disseminated to outposts across the backcountry. These seem to be their primary fortifications, as far as I know.” With each new trail, you drew a new, black line. “Fort Ninety-Six, to the west. Stono Ferry, in the south. And Fort Carolina, here in the north.”
“New points of attack,” Papa said, staring into the map. “They’ll be vulnerable along those routes.” He gazed at you, face splitting with a smile before he slapped your back so hard he earned a small oof. “That’s my girl!” He looked to Pearce. “I told you that she was quite a woman, didn’t I?” Before you could begin to question that that meant, he continued, “Do you have anything else, cub?”
“What about the movements of their officers?” Pearce asked.
Your mouth parted as your pulse skipped. “I’m not quite sure what you mean, Captain.”
Pearce sighed. “We believe colonel of the Green Dragoons—William Tavington, if you know him—”
If only he knew how well.
“—was spotted here not more than a couple of days ago after our patrols encountered a redcoat encampment. We nearly captured him.”
Papa nodded. “Too bad, too,” he said. “Would’ve been excellent information for Gates.”
“General Gates continues to resist suggestions for the procurement of further intelligence,” Pearce said, partly to you, partly to your father.
“Well.” Papa scoffed. “Gates is a damn fool.”
Pearce gave a commiserating look before turning back to you. “We have reason to believe Tavington’s legion is in the area.” Grey eyes scrutinized you, flicked over your face and hands before meeting your gaze again. “Do you know anything about that?”
Had it been Papa asking, your answer would have been instant. But this was something you didn’t want to confirm for a stranger who could sell you out with the right amount of pressure. And you couldn’t discern Pearce’s intention, couldn’t figure if he already knew the answer to the question he was asking. He was studying you in a way that made your skin want to flutter off in flakes.
“No.” You spun to face your father. “I have something I want to discuss with you.” You glanced at Pearce. “Privately.”
Pearce frowned, looking between you and Papa like he was lost. Papa scanned your expression, chewed his lip before acknowledging Pearce, nodding at him and the other men around the fire to dismiss them. Exhaling, Pearce’s shoulders sank. He stole a final glimpse of you before tipping his hat again and following the rest of the soldiers to the tents.
Before he could speak, you lowered your voice. “Papa, how are you men surviving?” you said. “The state of this camp is horrific.”
Papa grinned, shaking his head. “Don’t be preposterous! No, it isn’t.”
“It’s atrocious.”
“What do you mean?” Papa craned his head, surveying the grid of tents. “Can you not see the fervor here? The thirst for revolution?” Like a poor boy on the eve of Christmas, the reality of his circumstances were obscured by delirious thrill. “These men are Patriots! They believe in something.”
From your perspective, it was difficult to identify what they believed in other than not being fully dressed. Perhaps the British encampment wasn’t possessed by passion, but they at least had the provisions to make it through a single battle. You weren’t sure how the Continentals had gotten this far.
“I’m just a bit concerned with the state of your men right now, is all.”
“Don’t be,” he said. “The colonel of our militia is a legend from the French and Indian war. If I could only tell you of his feats at Fort Wilderness.” He looked at you with utter conviction. “A word from that man could stir even the most phlegmatic hearts to fervor.”
You nodded. “All right then. Perhaps I need time to see it.” Giving him a sly grin, you added, “As of now, I see no such stirring man.”
“Not one?”
“Not one.”
“Ah…” Papa rubbed his knees, shooting you a rueful grin. “So, Captain Pearce didn’t impress you?”
Your brow furrowed. “No, he didn’t,” you replied. “Speak your meaning plainly, Papa. From where did this question arrive?”
He leaned back, sucking in air through his teeth. “Oh, I don’t know, cub,” he said. “He’s been a great help to me, and he’s around your age. He’s intelligent. Ambitious. I know you’re not easily impressed, so I thought maybe…” He waved you off. “Forget it, forget it.”
“Wait.” Your jaw dropped. “Were you trying to…” A laugh of disbelief escaped you. That’s why Pearce had been acting so strangely in front of you. “You were trying to arrange something with him?”
Papa threw up his hands defensively. “No!” he insisted. “No, no, no. Nothing like that. I just thought perhaps if you met him…”
“What, he’d—he’d… wing me away in a fit of infatuation?”
“Not a fit—no!” He clapped to silence further discussion. “Anyway. Just. Forget all of that.”
You grumbled, but nodded along anyway. Papa had never cared if you were married and had never tried to foist a man into your arms regardless. The romance of war had swept him in flight. He’d simply hoped to pass it on to you, as he’d done with all of his other idealistic aspirations.
The relics of your rage from a couple of nights prior resurrected themselves. If it hadn’t been for these very idealistic, romantic aspirations over something incredibly dangerous, you wouldn’t even be sitting in this camp. The three of you could have fled the encroaching war together, could have done something sensible for once.
Instead, just one of you was left with obligation.
Just one of you was left to put out the candles, to sweep the porch, to lock the doors, to tuck the sheets under the mattresses.
What had Tavington said, that first night you’d met him?
Is your father so thoughtless, leaving his daughters vulnerable while he dies in war?
You ground your teeth together. He wasn’t right. He couldn’t be. He wasn’t allowed to be.
“There’s something else I need to tell you,” you said, shaking off all thoughts of the colonel and how right or wrong or whatever he was. You dropped your volume to a whisper. “I’ve been traveling with the British army since mid-June. Grace and I were taken—”
Papa’s eyes widened. “You—cub, you’ve been what?”
“That’s where I came from!” You inched closer to him. “Tavington’s legion is just south of the river. That’s where I’ve been. Papa…” You glanced around. “Do your men mean to advance on Camden?”
His face fell. He drew in a long inhale, gazing into the fire. “Dammit. So they know, do they?”
“You must withdraw,” you said. “Cornwallis is on his way north to defend it. Whatever you’ve got planned, it won’t be enough.”
Papa nodded, silent, chewing on his cheek in thought. “Thank you,” he said, finally. “Though I’m not sure what good it will do with this fool Gates commanding us. I doubt he’ll hear a word of it.”
“Then you must make him hear. Relief though it brings me to have informed you of it.” You could let the load of this war die in its own wake. After seeing the state of the Continental camp, you were more determined than ever to get home and get Grace out of South Carolina. “More relief still to know you’re alive. I’ve spent all of these weeks thinking you might have been dead. Or hurt, or… I don’t know. Worse.”
“And that’s what had you out here staying in… did you say Tavington's legion?”
“I did.”
He hummed, giving another knowing shake of his head. “Tavington isn't known for being obtuse. Or charitable.” He laughed. “You might have gotten yourself killed.”
Or worse—deflowered. “I can handle myself,” you said. “Besides—”
“I know you can,” Papa said. “Just don’t give them too much hell when you get back there.”
Your fingers wound around each other. There, as in return to the British encampment. Not head home. You swallowed, panic creeping up your neck and bringing a wave of sweat with it. You’d thought it would be clear for you to abandon this entire charade and put the devilish whims of war—and Tavington—behind you.
Had you been neglecting some duty when considering your plan? Was there some important piece of information you’d omitted?
“But…” The word sounded wrong on your tongue. “How will I… what will I be doing?”
“What you’ve already been doing,” he said. “We need Tavington crippled. He’s been slaughtering us.”
“But how will I get you information?”
He shrugged. “Write letters to Grace, if you’d like. She can keep them for me. But I’m not worried about the information. I trust you to do what’s right.”
It wanted to leave again. “But I…”
You would never do that. There was no way you’d even accidentally implicate her anything. The fact that he’d even suggested it irritated you.
“Of course.” And then, with far more acidity than you realized you’d been holding, “Grace is well, by the way, since you asked.”
Papa frowned, face drawn with concern. “Well, I’m glad to hear it,” he said, “I’m glad she is. But I never doubted she would be with you there.” He paused, considering you. “Everything all right, cub?” He nudged you playfully. “Aren’t you inspired?”
Shame consumed you. Your stomach fell to your feet. You hadn’t been careful. You’d been selfish. That was the problem.
You held importance to people like your father, who was clearly awe-struck by the vigor of rebellion. You served a crucial point in preventing him from coming to harm. At least with the information you’d given him today, he might stand a chance in escaping certain death from a confrontation at Camden.
This was your father. Of course he trusted you, of course he assumed the best in you. How was it possible you considered doing anything but what he hoped for?
You’d been so stupid.
Nodding, you looked at Papa. Forced a smile just like you had when he told you he was heading off to join the Wilksburg company.
“Yes, Papa,” you replied. “I’m going to do my best for you. I promise.”
Papa smiled and pulled you into a strong, close hug. You closed your eyes, a knot bubbling in your throat and escaping as a pained laugh. You pressed your face into the crook of his neck.
“I lost your boots,” you whimpered.
His body shook with a chuckle. “My boots?”
You nodded. “Redcoats took them.” Your voice strained the words. “I’m sorry.”
“Damn the boots,” Papa said, holding you closer. “Damn the redcoats, too. It’s hardly the most consequential thing they’d take from us, given the chance.”
Warmth spread through you. Your father was right.
Tavington hadn’t been, wasn’t, and would never be right.
You allowed yourself to feel safety in your father’s arms for a few more moments. The sun was painting purple streaks through the sky, and you needed to return to camp with at least a few plants in your pocket. But for just a few seconds, none of that mattered.
After you bid Papa farewell with another long embrace, you waved at the Continental officers and their poorly-clothed subordinates. Wilson offered a ride at least to the bridge, but you declined it. You were not going to put yourself or anyone else at greater risk than you were already in.
The walk back to camp was long, but helped to soothe your racing mind. And at least it gave you the opportunity to collect whatever vegetation you could find. You managed to snatch a handful of a few different prophylactics for swelling along the way—the sumac and plantain would be best for that—and added in some dogwood to help reduce fever.
By the time you returned to camp, the sun had tucked itself into the trees, the eastern skyline bleeding black into the dying day. You neared the perimeter, and a couple of soldiers seated by a tent spotted you. Their eyes widened. One stood and slipped into camp.
Your mouth dried. Instead of waiting to find out what that was about, you scurried to the hospital tent, hoping to make yourself appear very busy instead of very delinquent. It was empty when you entered. You couldn’t decide if that was a relief or a disappointment.
Holding your breath, you hovered over one of the work tables and grabbed your mortar and pestle along with a few bottles. There had to be something you could start on that would allow you to perform innocence. If William—Colonel, dammit—
The flap to the hospital tent parted. Colonel Tavington stalked through.
You turned to see his brow relax when he saw you, only for his jaw to shift and tighten when his eyes met yours. His lip twitched.
You looked at your hands. “Good evening, Col—”
“Where were you?” He stepped toward you, hands behind his back.
“Sir?” You gave him a placating smile, gesturing to your bottles. “I was out gathering supplies.”
Tavington raised a brow. “Is that so?” Nodding toward the table, he said, “Show me, then.”
“What I gathered?”
“Unless you believe there’s something else I’d rather see as proof of your reason for absence.”
You pulled your lips in over your teeth and retrieved the vegetation from your pockets, spreading them all on the table. They sprinkled across the surface like a handful of hay on a pig’s belly. The amount now seemed pitiably inadequate for the time you’d been gone. Heat flushed your neck.
He stepped closer to you, looming over your shoulder. A slow breath left him as he examined them.
“This,” he said, pitch lower and quieter than you anticipated, “is all you managed to find?”
Ignoring the twist in your lower abdomen, you shrugged. “This was all that was worthwhile. And they’re all that I needed.”
He reached around you, lifting one of the crimson sumac clusters from the table and spinning it in his fingers. “Tell me about this, then.”
“That’s staghorn sumac.” You forced a small grin. The breadth of his chest, the rumble of his voice there almost unsteadied you. Almost. “Helpful for inflammation.”
“Sumac,” he said, twirling it again. “I remember you asking me if I could identify it.”
Your heart thumped against your chest. “I did.”
“Does it always look like this?” He slid his thumb up the tender stem, flicked it across the base of the fruits. “This color.”
“It does.” Your chin quivered, your insides writhing in a knot. The very fact he’d even asked made you want to hop on the table and wrap your legs around his waist. “You'll…” You exhaled a steadying breath. “You'll know it, now.”
“I should hope I never need to.” You didn’t reply. Only watched as he laid the sumac on the table and cradled one of the white flowers in his palm. “What does this do?”
“Dogwood,” you murmured. The heat from his body was not distracting. You were not thinking about how his palms would feel on your hips, your breasts. “For. Ah. For fever.”
“I see.” He brought the flower—and his arm—closer to your waist. “Have you noticed any…” he said, the next word hanging on his tongue, “neglected instances of feverish behavior recently?”
“No.” You swallowed. “Just preparation.”
“Ah.” Returning the dogwood, he picked up a plantain leaf, humming thoughtfully. “And this?”
“It’s good for insect bites,” you murmured. The memory of his lips, the moan he’d made into your mouth stole the stability from your knees, and you braced yourself on the table. “I know the men have been complaining of mosquitoes recently.”
“How thoughtful.” He stepped closer, hips grazing yours. “And unlike you.”
“Perhaps so,” you said quickly, stupidly. You needed him out of your space. “But I’ve found them bothersome as well.”
His tone grew cold. “I believe that’s the first honest sentence out of your mouth all evening.”
You straightened, moving to the side. “I really must ask—”
Tavington gripped the table, barring your escape with his arm. Spinning to face him, you found his chest an inch from yours, his gaze boring into you. Every good intention you had to tell him to leave chilled to ice.
“Where were you?” His tongue rolled in his mouth. “This,” he said, crushing a handful of the flowers in his palm, “did not take you hours.”
“We’ve been camped here for weeks. I’ve picked these woods bare,” you replied. “I had to go far out into the field.”
His eyes narrowed. “To find scraps?”
The wicked edge in his tone cut a shiver up your spine. You could almost taste his lips again, could feel the yearning to dissolve against him. Clearing your throat of need, you lifted your chin to the air.
“I’m being honest,” you lied.
“Honest, are you?” That smirk that you found so irritating, so devastatingly irresistible, quirked on the mouth you did not want to kiss. “Then tell me this, my little soldier.” Tavington’s hand drew close to your hip, found the edges of your skirts, tugged at them by only an inch. You flinched. “Do I detect the vestiges…” He leaned close to whisper with soft, trembling rage. “... Of desire?”
Your nails dug into the table. Finding his eyes, you did the only thing you could think to do.
“Lottie!” you shouted. “Lottie, come quick! I want to show you something!”
Tavington’s brows rose, and his jaw stiffened.
“I knew you to be a liar,” he muttered. “But I did not take you for a coward.”
With a short exhale through his nose, he withdrew from you. Seconds later, Charlotte Goddard charged into the tent.
“I’m here! I’m here!” She was heaving. “What, what is it? When did you get back?” Spotting Tavington, she stood tall. “Oh, Colonel! Excuse me, sir.” She bowed her head. “Good evening.”
Colonel—yes, Colonel, thank you very much—Tavington’s attention flipped between the two of you. He marched out of the tent without a word. Lottie looked to the table, then at you.
“About as good as that’s going to get,” she said, walking over toward you. “What is it you wanted to show me?”
A long, heavy breath slid from your nose. An ache lingered between your legs. There were so many things you could have shown her, could have told her. All of them had to remain secret to your grave. So instead, you scooped up the sumac, dangling the clusters from your hands.
“Look,” you said, half-grinning. “It matches your hair.”
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murdleandmarot · 26 days
Hi!! Gonna ask this to everyone I can think of, do you have any AUs you like/made up for cats? Or for bluebelle?
HI HELLO‼️ sorry for the delay in answering 😭
It’s hard for me personally to come up with AUs for Cats, (mostly because of the cognitive dissonance with the names. It’s so difficult to get past the names), so I personally only have a couple. Firstly, Much Ado About Nothing, by William Shakespeare.
I saw the show live and I just felt that the whimsy of it really matched cats, and I have all of the roles planned out, I think it would be very interesting and fun to write out :). I don’t want to go into too much detail here, (I really don’t want to make this post a thousand years long 😭), but if you’re interesting, just shoot me an ask and I’ll be happy to rant about it, I love Shakespeare :D
I have another au that I unfortunately can’t reveal right now, as it’s something I’m currently working on, but I promise it’ll be out soon :D
(it’s completely unserious btw and entirely for silly goofy indulgent reasons-I’m not trying to be dramatic about it but it’s just. Very special to me :)
OH‼️ there was a Bluebelle au I had, based on the movie Barbe Bleue (2009)
It’s a French movie about Bluebeard and it’s one of my favorites, it’s very vaguely historical, very gloomy with some REALLY fun scenes and ideas.
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I’m more than a little obsessed with it, and at some point I REALLY want to do something with it, maybe a redraw of a still with Bluebelle, but who knows :)
Of course, other people’s au’s are the coolest in the entire world.
@/cillyscribbles has been driving me CRAZY with her human au, (it’s mostly about the Deut bros, and it is insanely good. Hasn’t left my mind since she told me all about it. Cilly when I get you Cilly)
@/margo-mania’s celestial au is SO rad, the concepts are gorgeous, and honestly could be made into a really really rad non-replica, especially with the potential of cool stage lighting, or poses (I’m thinking specifically of the eclipse (also I need Celestial!Victoria to marry me immediately))
@/pinkieclown’s doll(? Toy?) au is SO CUTE OMG. The character designs are so adorable. I want the newest design, munkustrap, as a plushie SO BAD.
Honestly, ALW should just give all of us collectively a billion dollars so we can create as many non-replicas as we want.
(Honorable mention to @/diorlusional’s apartment au, it’s my darling forever and ever)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Rating Disney Villains based on how relatable they are and why they are evil (part 1)
Ursula: 5/10
Despite being banished she isn’t starving to death and still gets plenty of visitors. Clearly she’s capping.
Jafar: 7/10
Considering the Sultan is an idiot, I too would probably want to take over the kingdom just so the kingdom doesn’t fall into ruin
Cruella de Vil: (original not that dumb live action prequel) 3/10
The dogs would have made great coats but she could have waited until they needed to be put down or the cops find out a place has over 100 dogs without a license
Maleficent: 9/10
I too would curse a baby if I was not invited to a party and no one was sorry about it
Gaston: 2/10
Just because one girl doesn’t want to marry you when you could have Litterally ANYONE ELSE, granted I think Bell is hot, but not worth starting a mob hot. Incel behavior do not approve
Scar: 7/10
Mufasa was elitist as f*** and everyone called him Scar, plus fighting to Attain dominance is a normal animal thing
Captain Hook: 7/10
I too would be annoyed if anytime I did anything a demigod in green tights and animal costume wearing children got in the way
Lady Tremaine: 1/10
You Literally have no reason to be this vile. If anything, being nice probably would have set you up for life.
Hades: 7/10
If I was stuck being life guard for the most depressing adult swim in history I would probably stage a coup too.
Evil Queen: 3/10
Considering she made a potion to look ugly to trick Snow White, why not just make a potion for Snow White to look slightly uglier so you can be the fairest.
Mother Gothel: 4/10
Considering Rapunzel’s hair helped make her nigh immortal, I kind of get why she went through such lengths to keep her isolated, but if she just took Rapunzel out 1 time. She could have stayed immortal for much longer.
Claude Frollo: 2/10
Using a bad interpretation of your religion to justify genocide is a dick move. But I get why he was into Esmeralda.
Shere Khan: 8/10
Humans are dicks, and fire burns. Very realistic animal reaction
Professor Ratigan: 8/10
Considering how people constantly called him a triggering name, I too probably would conquer England and write an entire diss track to play right at my nemesis’s death.
Yzma 10/10
Kuzco was 100% that guy people would not be sad seeing die in the start of the movie. Yzma Litterally took over within like a day after he was gone. I’m shocked it didn’t happen sooner.
Shan Yu: 7/10
It’s war, and historically speaking the Huns would have decimated China. Also considering how easily him and 5 guys managed to get into the capital and nearly kill the emperor, China needs to reconsider its military practices.
Dr.Facilier 2/10
Dude got himself in debt for his own powers then got shocked when his evil voodoo/hoodoo turned on him. Rip to him but I’m different.
The Horned King 4/10
While blander than an unsalted cracker, I don’t think a face like his could get into any other profession, so undead army
Madame Medusa: 4/10
That was a big ass Diamond, but probably wouldn’t have been a problem if she wasn’t a dick to children
Prince John: 0/10
He just taxed people for no reason, so basically like most governments.
Chernabog: 1/10
If he is basically satan than yea, pretty lame motivation
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theboarsbride · 2 years
ok sorry in advance for bothering you, feel free to tell me to get lost, but i was wondering if you, the resident expert, have any monster romance recs that aren’t way too. nsfw i guess? maybe it’s just me but i’m having a hard time finding any. like i’m more interested in the slow burn and the romance but the genre seems to be mainly fast paced erotica and i just can’t get into it
OOh!!! No need to be sorry, I'm always happy to answer stuff like this and talk about (cleaner) monster romances!! I'm honored you'd consider me an expert, though! 🥺💛I feel like I don't actually talk about monster romances all that much!
But I agree that it can be hard to find a monster romance that isn't erotica. Not that erotica isn't good, I just like seeing slow burn romances, too!
I wish I could provide a longer list, but here's what I got so far! (and if anyone finds this and wants to add onto this list, feel free to do so in comments, tags, reblogs, etc)
I will provide links/titles to these stories, say the genre(s), provide a short synopsis in my own words, and then say why I recommend it below the cut!
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Axiom's End by Lindsay Ellis | sci-fi, alternate history, conspiracy fiction, action/adventure
"An alternate history novel set in 2008 where whistleblower Nils Ortega leaks information to the public that the US government is secretly harboring extraterrestrial refugees. Cora Sabino, Nils' daughter, finds herself developing a connection with one of these aliens after inadvertently becoming the sole communication between humans and aliens."
This series is fucking great!! Admittedly, the monster/alien romance take more of a backseat to the larger plot, and mostly focuses on themes surrounding humanity, human rights, language, trauma, etc. Ellis does such a great job at writing characters that are just so... human, and deep. There is so much complexity and nuance that goes into this series, and just... it's so good! Definitely recommend if you're more into the super slow burns, alien romances, alien action movies like Michael Bay's Transformers series or Independence Day.
"The Courtship of Mr. Lyon" and "The Tiger's Bride" in The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter | Gothic, feminist fiction, fairytale retelling, horror, anthology
"'The Courtship of Mr. Lyon' follows the romance between Beauty and Beast after Beauty's father takes one of the lion-faced Beast's white roses while taking shelter following a car accident; in 'The Tiger's Bride' a young woman is sent to live with a mysterious masked man after her father gambles her away in a game of cards."
Honestly this book, though a collection of short stories, is one of my all-time favorite books! Carter's writing style is so, so gorgeous and lyrical, and she provides such fantastic, dark, moody, gory, horrific feminist fairytales. Her story "The Bloody Chamber" is also worth checking out! Honestly, this whole book is great!
Beauty: A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast and Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley | Fantasy, romance, fairytale retelling
"Classic Beauty and the Beast retellings."
Despite both being BATB retellings by the same author, both are so, so good in their own ways! While Beauty is way more classic and straightforward in its retelling, the characters are so endearing, the fantasy world is enchanting, and the writing is so *chefs kiss*. Rose Daughter is much the same, only slightly more adult in its tone and writing style - and its ending!
The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus | Romance, historical
"A mute janitor working in a high-security government facility falls in love with an amphibious creature."
Yeah, yeah, this is basically the novelized version of the movie lmao. I've not read the whole novel itself, but it's not half-bad!! It's decent enough - though I still feel like the movie to be better. Still worth checking out, I think!
Frankenstein's Monster by Susan Heyboer O'Keefe | Historical
"A sequel, of sorts, to Mary Shelley's classic novel. What becomes of Frankenstein's monster after Frankenstein dies? Where does he go, left to wander the earth?"
Not really a romance, per say, but there are SOME elements of romance! Mostly, this book follows Frankenstein's monster following the OG novel, who he all meets, and it is very much a character study on the monster! It's super fascinating, but its writing style is super similar to Mary Shelley's, so this very much reads like a classic novel. Honestly, I love how O'Keefe was able to mimic Shelley's style so well! But, again, romance is way more lowkey and this is more of a character study than anything else. Definitely reccomend if you loved the OG Shelley novel!
Beauty and the Beast by Megan Kearny | Webcomic, romance, fantasy, fairytale retelling
"A retelling of Beauty and the Beast."
Beautifully illustrated and wonderfully told, this comic is just SO GOOD!! It very much has the same vibes as Robin McKinley's novels, and is steeped in a cozy fantasy atmosphere! The characters are so loveable, the story intriguing, and just AAAUUGGGHHH SO GORGEOUS!!
Netvor: Beauty and the Beast by @rosesnwater | Fantasy, romance, fairytale retelling
"Aceline Capet swears to slay the monster Netvor that lurks in the forest surrounding her village - and ends up becoming entrenched in the world of magic and monsters and Fae."
LEGIT JUST UGH!!!!!!!! THIS NOVEL IS SO FUCKING GOOD!! Legit this is one of my all-time favorite reads from this year! If you love fantasy featuring actual, lore-accurate faeries and super intriguing slow burn romance with endearing characters, please please PLEASE check this out!!!!!!! I SWEAR YOU WONT BE DISSAPOINTED!! Definitely recommend if you love fantasy movies like Legend, Labyrinth, Thumbelina, Howl's Moving Castle, Disney's Beauty and the Beast, etc. or books like Naomi Novik's Uprooted, Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, Robin McKinley's work, etc.! It also currently being rewritten as a(n equally beautiful) webcomic that should definitely be checked out as well!
That Which We Call Beast by @raph-fangirl | Historical fiction, romance, fairytale retelling
"A young woman is seeking marriage, and comes into contact with a mysterious bachelor that hides himself from her behind a veil."
Basically if Jane Austen wrote Beauty and the Beast! Definitely a well-written slow burn! It's not completed yet, but with what's available to read it's legit so beautiful!! The prose is so well-crafted, and it legit feels as though I'm reading an Austen novel! Definitely recommend if you love films like the 2005 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice!
Then uhhhh not to toot my own horn but if you wanna read a Victorian Era Gothic romance-horror BATB retelling with a pathetic meow-meow of a monster I offer my story The Monster and the Butterfly- 🤲🥺
These are all the recs I have for now! Again, if there are any you'd like to add, whether they be published, a friend's online work, or your own work!! I hope these are helpful and satisfactory enough for ya!
Again, I love talking about monster romances, thank you so so much for this ask!!!! 🥺💛
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Hello....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
I can’t remember if I’ve done this before but it’s changed again recently. Most of these are gonna be books because I’ve had way too much time sitting around lately so I’ve had enough time to actually enjoy books without destroying my sleep schedule for it.
1. BBC Merlin is my all time favourite, I don’t feel like I need to elaborate, it’s pretty much all I post about on here.
2. Song of Achilles is still my all time favourite book and number 2 behind Merlin. I think I’m nearing 20 rereads total for it by now. It’s never boring and keeps me interested every time. Cannot recommend enough. I’d give anything to be able to read it again for the first time.
3. I’ve been reading quite a few classics recently, I had a lot of free time. I met another Greek mythology nerd so Iliad and Odyssey make my top ten again because they’ve been on my mind a lot more than I care to admit. (I know it’s technically two books but I always read them together)
4. And I finally got around to reading Iron Heart (sequel to Crier’s war) and it’s amazing. One of the best books I’ve read recently. I’m gonna leave it at that or I’ll start ranting but I can’t recommend it enough so definitely go read that if you get a chance.
5. BBC Musketeers is also really good, I started watching that recently. I’m only on episode 6 but it’s great so far. Santiago Cabrera’s hair is fucking gender. Also the show got me researching 17th century weapons and now I know a fair amount about capes so that’s fun. BBC is still shit at historical accuracy, but no surprise there.
6. The Great Gatsby because I’m that kind of nerd and I’ve been mostly rereading recently. Everyone is such an arsehole in that book but it’s so interesting to analyse and annotate. I read it in year 7 and hated it, then again in college and it wasn’t bad but 3rd times a charm I guess. I found it really interesting from an analytical perspective, but I wouldn’t read it for light reading or fun.
7. I’ve been avoiding anything new other than musketeers, just because I haven’t felt like getting to know a new set of characters and a new world. That being said, I rewatched the first season of Good Omens, Crowleys still one of my all time favourite characters and the show is great.
8. I rewatched Stars Align, always a fun one. It’s a great show and the art style is really cool.
9. Seraph of the end because I love vampire stories. The plot is really interesting, I still need to read the manga but the anime is brilliant so I want to read that soon. Also no romance (ignoring shipping) which my aroace self appreciates.
10. The Tempest because my cousin was studying it in school and asked for help so I reread it for her and got a little bit hyper-fixated for a few days, now it’s still just sort of in the back of my mind and I’m a Shakespeare nerd so might as well add it.
Thanks for the ask!
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yautjalover · 5 months
saw the 'bother with asks and questions' post and reblogged it so a lil obligated to BE THE CHANGE I WANT TO SEE. I appreciate a fellow yautja appreciator that is for sure. I didn't watch the latest movie, if you did, how would you compare it to any of the other predator (or AVP) films? I'm taking my sweet time, but good press from someone who is focused on whats important (tHE BIG ALIEMS,,,), might move it up my priority list.
I get you! We gotta be the change we want to see! I myself went out and asked some folks things. 😊
As for your question concerning “Prey”, in comparison to the others in the franchise it stands out for multiple reasons.
1. It’s not set in the modern era.
With this film not being in modern times, we get to explore, for the first time on film, what a predator hunt in the past would look like! It’s no longer just seeing their historical hunts in the comics and novels, which has long been something we fans have wanted to see on the big screen. “Prey” also answers questions concerning historical hunts.
How different would their technology look and behave? Would they get tangled with historical events that shaped the future? What would they do in the face of long outdated weapons of that time?
“Prey” answers these pretty well, I think!
We get to see possible earlier iterations of the iconic weapons Yautja are associated with, we get to see how one becomes entangled with big historical events in pre-colonial North America, and also get the treat of one dealing with 17th century weapons.
The weapons of the time provide a few genuinely funny moments that help break the tension a little. I won’t spoil them, but I’m sure they’ll give you a good laugh!
I will say that it’s not riddled with excessive humor like 2018’s “The Predator”. There is a wonderful balance.
2. The lead isn’t some forgettable buff military guy and instead a Comanche Native American woman.
Unlike other current Hollywood female leads, she’s a genuine bad ass. She’s allowed to learn and grow from her mistakes, shaping up to use her intelligence against Feral. Naru knows the land and uses it to her advantage. She grew up surrounded by nature and picks up that something weird is going on, something she can’t explain until things happen.
Sorry, no spoilers here!
While there are moments where there is obvious plot armor, she still a cool and likable character with flaws but manages to also be a surprisingly worthy hunt for Feral. It’s also cool to see Indigenous representation and see a glimpse into that culture! We see parallels between a cryptid (can’t confirm if it was just for the movie or actual mythology for that tribe) and our titular Yautja.
With Naru, we get a coming of age story that mirrors Feral in this hunt being his first time on our planet and him slowly learning more about this hunting ground. They’re both, seemingly, out to prove themselves, setting up for later events in the film that pay off.
3. New Sub-Species of Yautja!
Thanks to Feral we get a glimpse of what a Yautja who originates from a different region, other than the jungle, of the planet looks like, with this case being a desert environment. While I think the facial design is atrocious, I can see what they were going for.
We learned from interviews with the design team that his sub-species consumes bones and has a special palette just for that in his mouth. His locs are slender and more numerous in order to keep cool, plus it looks pretty cool! I’m sure he’d be a shampoo company’s dream model!
You get to see a predator actually hunt things other than humans! I won’t spoil it, but there are some awesome scenes that really showcase the strength and agility that Yautja are known for but we hardly get to see. It’s pretty bad ass!
In “Prey”, we also see a more brutal predator who revels in bloodshed and fucks people up. There’s more violence on display, plus some new cool weaponry that only aids the carnage. While he gives off Young Blood energy occasionally, he’s still a bad ass! When he’s on the screen, he commands your attention!
However, he’s the only Yautja I’ll want the mask to stay on. He’s not a pretty fella and I liken him to a golden roast chicken.
“Prey” was the return to form the franchise needed after the questionable decisions made in 2018’s “The Predator”. Whoever thought that Yautja would be interested in my Autism was a big dumb ass. This film breathes new life into the franchise and gives us something genuinely entertaining while also bringing back some of the terror that the original 1987 “Predator” gave us!
I personally rank this high up on the list of previous films we’ve received over the years. It’s better than “Predators”, “The Predator”, and “AVPR”, sitting right with the OG, Predator 2, and AVP for me.
It’s worth the watch. It’s not a 10/10, more like an 8/10, but it’s still worth the watch! You should run to Hulu and give it a go. You won’t be disappointed!
Sorry for the LONG response, but I wanted to break it down. Thank ADHD and Autism and my rabid horniness for Yautja.
Oh! Last thing!
On a scale of 1 to 10, Feral is a solid four for me. His body is gorgeous. Those thick fingers? HELLO!
It’s the face that lowers the rating, though. My GODS that face design is…wow. 💀
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brasideios · 11 months
10 Characters/10 Fandoms/10 Tags
Thank you for thinking of me my dears @krankittoeleven & @ainulindaelynn
Lemme see. This is long, sorry about that. I’m in a rambling mood. These are just the characters that came wandering into my noodle in no order - at least, that was intended.
1. Dorothea from Middlemarch (by George Eliot). She’s probably my fave character ever. I think in a mostly abstract way, she’s come nearest to mapping out how I perceive the feminine part of myself. She starts out so so idealistic - wanting to do something to change the world, to matter, but society has its own rules that eventually beats her down, but she’s so stoic, enduring, and self-denying, that her happy ending is earned… but then the epilogue is so melancholy so was it happy? and… I don’t know. There’s something in it all that I’ve never found a better version of.
2. My brain is on D names now lol so Daphnae from AC Odyssey. The more I think about her story, as little as we’re given of it, the more I find something tragic and fated in it, and then there’s the possibility of changing that fate, or embracing it. Something, something doomed by the narrative, unless…?
3. Demosthenes from my pdfs lol listen - ancient history RPF is a fandom (apparently) so this is valid. I have been down some serious rabbit holes with this man of late - I won’t even start on why or this will be an essay. I could also have put Thucydides in this position - but I’m on D names.
4. Daria. No seriously. I loved this show when I was a teen, and she’s honestly my spirit animal. It was my nickname because I was unfortunately very much like that. I adore her deadpan, acerbic remarks and many of them will live on in my brain forevermore. I wasn’t as witty btw - but the vibes were the same.
5. Hedwyn from the vg Pyre (woot! My brain releases me from the letter D!). I’ve played it several times now, and he’s my fave. Just a sweet guy - so sweet, you always want to free him first, but then you also very much wanna keep him with you - and sometimes I’ve been selfish enough to send everyone else instead. I also like Volfred a lot but that has everything up do with the VA 🙈
6. Alfie from Peaky Blinders. I have no excuses - the character is an unhinged maniac but Tom Hardy just brought something (a twinkling eye) to the role that makes him a very likeable, back-stabbing psychopath.
7. Caesar from HBO Rome. Ciaran Hinds has been a fave of mine since Persuasion - and I liked how he acted this part / how he was written. That’s all I’ll ever say about Caesar - character or historical figure. There are at least another half a dozen characters in this series I might’ve mentioned too. I must rewatch it one of these days.
8. Gannicus from Starz Spartacus. Dustin Clare is an old time favourite from waaaay back when I was persuaded to watch McLeod’s Daughters - really bingeable but quite trashy Aussie TV - sorry to any fans - but it really is. I so enjoyed his vibes and he brings all of that to Gannicus and it just works so well for the character. Pure cheekiness, and when he does this face 🥺 chefs kiss. Side note - I will pretty regularly say some variation of ‘my cock rages on’ about the most random stuff so - thanks to this character for that gem lol.
9. Johnny Spit from the movie Gettin Square. Yeah this is left field and I seriously doubt there’s a fandom for it - but what a character - quintessentially Australian deadbeat, (played by David Wenham). There’s a courtroom scene that kills me every time. I hope he got square, for good this time.
10. Kenny from Mad Men. I don’t even know how to explain it, I just want to protect him and he doesn’t even deserve it, and he wouldn’t have thanked me for it - maybe it was just the way everyone else was just an asshole about his writing. I want to know more about the short story about the egg. I could’ve picked almost any other character from this show though. They’re all so good/bad for their own reasons.
I made it! Haha! I have no idea who to tag - I think the only people who usually join in have already been tagged - so I’ll just add a few and call it ten. Sorry for any double ups.
No pressure at all - @nemo-of-house-frye @theinkandthesea @liminalspacecowboah @cyrus-the-younger @myriath
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gemini-care-barr · 7 months
Okay, I’m an effort to lighten up here’s a more fun question.
It’s Saturday night and Oppenheimer just dropped on Amazon prime. And all ur favs and their respective partners (so like Bruce brings Selina and Barry brings Iris etc.) to a JLA watch party!
How do you think all (or some) of your favs would react to the movie? Who would like it? Who would say words? Any fun commentaries? Who’s talking the most? Who’s eating the most? Who disagrees with Oppenheimer etc.? Who’s spiraling? 🤣
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I’m still reeling at the fact that you think anything to do with Oppenheimer would lighten things up hahah 😭🤣
To answer, as briefly as possible haha:
Barry/Iris: Barry is interested from a scientific and historical perspective and very moved by Oppenheimer’s dilemma and the emotional burden he carries after the realization of his creation lands squarely on him. Iris is hyper-fixated on why tf Florence Pugh had to be naked right in front of her salad lmao.
Hal/Carol: Hal is high key bored and asking Barry when the explosion happens, once it does happen he’s in absolute shock that the credits aren’t immediately rolling. Carol is enjoying it as a closet movie buff and is feeling very seen in all the scenes showing the stress of organizing large projects haha.
Bruce/Selina: Bruce is interested for similar reasons as Barry and is getting ready to enter an hours-long debate with Barry and Ollie about the validity of creating something so dangerous for the sake of making it first. Selina is recognizing the validity of avoiding marriage when men like Oppenheimer exist, and is getting ready to enter into an hours-long debate with Lois and Dinah on how marriage could possibly be an option lol.
Arthur/Mera: Arthur is approaching the movie from a king’s perspective and is appalled at the idea of weapons of mass destruction because of the endangerment of so many innocents, he’s getting ready to join Ollie’s fight against the preemptive motive of mutually assured destruction. Mera is surprisingly okay with mutually assured destruction and even more surprisingly likes the movie as a movie, so she’s just vibing while eating popcorn haha.
Clark/Lois: Clark is saddened by the story, but understanding of Oppenheimer’s hunger for knowledge, it’s nothing he didn’t already know, and now he’s getting ready to play referee for the Barry/Bruce/Ollie/Arthur fight debate. Lois is looking up articles on Oppenheimer’s life to see just how accurate this movie is, “no way he said that ‘I am become death’ line right then,” she thinks.
Ollie/Dinah: Ollie, ah Ollie, he’s ready to fite, Oppenheimer’s complete disregard for human life and the flimsy excuse of the safety of mutually assured destruction or getting ahead of the “bad guys” when creating something so dangerous just isn’t enough for him, he holds little sympathy for Oppenheimer and doesn’t believe in his remorse, he’ll fight Barry and Bruce’s scientific/pragmatic/forgiving natures on this. Dinah has Ollie’s back on this, she’s slightly more forgiving, but that gets overridden by Oppenheimer’s treatment of the people in his life, granted, she’s also not that willing to fight over a movie no matter how historically accurate (or not) it is, so she’ll be supporting Ollie, but also reminding everyone to chill.
J’onn: He’s amazingly brought down by thoughts of his home world that are sparked by the movie, he has a deep appreciation for art though and is marveling at the technical and artistic aspects of the movie, the cinematography, audio, writing, and acting are all stunning and he is moved, he’ll be the one to sober everyone up afterwards and remind them that they’re all friends here, he’s the true mediator of the group, everyone trusts him on this since he’s the closest to all that pain.
And those are my thoughts! Sorry for getting a little sad there at the end haha, but can you blame me?? It’s Oppenheimer 😭
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bookwyrminspiration · 6 months
You didn’t ask, probably don’t care, and likely haven’t watched the movie, but if I may scream into the void that is your inbox about Damsel… I would greatly appreciate it. I will not spoil it for you, but if you would like to watch the movie and not waste time, may I suggest the trailer?
The makeup for this movie was so bad. God awful. Made me want to jump out of my one story window and on to a cactus.
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This is Elodie at the start of her day. She’s just been married, her makeup is on point (not at all historically accurate, but I will forgive it because this is ✨fantasy✨), and she is beautiful.
This is Elodie days later after she’s been bleeding, burned, sobbing, screaming, climbing, falling down, rolling around, etc.
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Tell me why she still looks fine.
This is the end of the movie. Where the character should look horrid. She should look like she’s been to hell and back. She should not look like she is in a weird “express ur inner beauty 🐉 ⛓️ 🥀“ commercial.
Elodie should be covered in filth. Her makeup should be running down her face, surrounding her eyes and making her look like a raccoon. She shouldn’t be any semblance of clean in this moment.
Additionally, her hair should be messed up! Just before this scene she’s cut it herself with a knife to make use of it. At best, she should have strands of hair that are different lengths. Most accurately, she should have one piece of hair which is short while the rest remains long. (I realize this one is more on the costuming department, but I must point it out nonetheless.)
All of this really takes away from the end of the film where such a contrast is needed. Towards the end, there’s a very important part where she is next to characters who are incredibly clean and pristine. These people should be looking at her with horror due to her appearance, but she looks fine and therefore the impact is lessened greatly.
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The image on the left is just before the big battle scene while the image to the right is the very end of the film. She really doesn’t look all that different and I’m! So! Disappointed!
Thank you 😔 also I am sorry for my grammar if you read this far.
You weren't lying like the entire movie is in that 3 minute trailer. That's both impressive and disappointing. Impressive because wow, we learned so much so quickly. Disappointing because you mean to tell me there's only 3 minutes worth of stuff. However. will say there may be info missing from said trailer and I'm being hasty
anyway. it's amazing to see how that final battle was so intense and scary and hard that it literally curled and styled her hair. most stories leave that detail out, so it's nice to see it included <3
wait are those. are those dragons on her crown? even if not now I'm thinking about dragon crowns. ozzy I love dragons so so much. the things I would do for a dragon. just to see one...
anyway. this is an excellent ramble about how women's beauty (and the western stereotype of beauty more specifically) and aesthetics are prioritized in media/life over the truth/reality of their experiences. they're not allowed to be real people, they have to look nice when they struggle, to be poised and appealing when suffering. a very frustrating trend.
i appreciate the rant, thank you for sharing :)
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
alright let’s get into it about king arthur 2004. first of all yes it was bad of course it was bad, it’s a “historical” retelling of arthurian legend and it makes arthur roman and the other knights are supposedly eastern european except that none of those men are eastern european and then also guinevere and merlin were whatever scottish people were in the 5th century but again keira knightly is not scottish. basically it’s very dense on the lore for a movie that didn’t really seem to care about accuracy to the lore. there’s like. there’s words on the screen in the beginning and then there’s also more expositional narration and then there’s also more exposition in the form of bad dialogue and genuinely it does feel like a good 40 minutes of this movie is exposition all for a nothing plot because it’s so reliant on the action scenes you kind of get nothing out of it. however EYE got something out of it because early in the movie arthur is praying that his knights make it back from their last mission so they can live to become free men, and lancelot walks in and says “why do you always talk to god and not to me?” and it made me insane for the rest of the two hour runtime. those men were gay as hell your honor. lancelot dies in the climactic battle and arthur and guinevere both kneel over his body and cry and scream it’s great. i think it was brave of them to kill lancelot before he got to steal arthur’s wife. julian murphy should’ve taken notes wtf.
also i liked that the other knights were like, fleshed out characters. maybe not gawain who didn’t talk very much or hugh dancy who i don’t remember who he was supposed to be. but like tristan was cool i liked his falcon rest in peace buddy. and the other guy with the 11 kids oh my god do i know anyone’s name from this movie. who the hell was that guy. hold on. oh ok bors. was he lancelot’s cousin in this movie i wasn’t paying attention. and hugh dancy was galahad. sorry i didn’t remember that in my defense he had like two minutes of screentime. and dagonet was cool although i think it’s wild that this movie was pulling out niche knights and not like. kay. or bedivere. sorry i’m attached to those guys because of alex that’s not my fault. anyway i liked them they were cool to hang with
ALSO i think it was surprisingly feminist for a movie that came out in 2004 about men. or maybe not feminist exactly but like. not misogynistic. there’s a moment where you think it might be with the one guy’s not-wife (she’s the mother of his 11 children but they’re not married) but it’s not misogyny they’re just toxic hets and i support them <3 and then guinevere is just such a slay but what else did you expect from keira knightly… like yeah i think it’s weird that keira was like 18 making this movie with a hoard of adult men and she’s the object of both male protagonist’s lust but at the end of the day she seems like she made it through that weird phase of her career fine so i’ll let it go for the sake of not going insane. anyway i think it was really feminist of her to want to fuck that gay man so bad. real. but no really i just liked that her character was well done and got to do things. she killed a bunch of guys it was hot what who said that i mean like it was great. and she’s the one that convinced arthur to abandon rome and fight for something he actually believed in, where rome was a lie he believed for convenience.
which brings me to my man <3 you know no critique of a king arthur movie from me is complete without me rambling for a little about how well i think they characterized my special little guy… and i think this movie did pretty good! he’s a good man who cares about people and his most defining enduring belief for the entire story is of freedom which i thought was slay even though um. he’s english. cannot imagine he’d be happy to see what his country came to yikes!! but also i think it was good to show that he also had flaws that tied directly into his strengths and his goodness. how he fought so hard for rome in the beginning because his idea of rome was this ideal society that believed in equality and freedom, and he didn’t realize that that was a fantasy because he didn’t want to realize it so he could hold on to something while he fought their wars. like i think willful ignorance is such a great king arthur flaw that not enough media wants to depict. he’s an idealist at heart and i adore him for it but it means he has a tendency to ignore reality… and then also he had a little red cape which you KNOW i am always a fan of. i LOVE it when they put this guy in a red cape!! seriously! it’s sooo stupid <33 um yeah and then also i think he could have been hotter but i’ll allow mediocrity just this once because he was gay about it. also they killed his celibacy swag which i thought was fucked up but again i’ll allow it just this once because he did think he was going to die the next morning. and they also made literally every word out of this man’s mouth the most intense thing anyone has ever said, which i think was a great choice. he’s literally just like that like he’s literally just. like that. drama queen!!
also i liked that bit of narration at the end when dead lancelot says that none of them who died really died because they live on in stories and legend passed down through generations <3 and finally here is the joke i wasted my letterboxd review on
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Tag game to better know you
Thanks for the tag @barmadumet I have done this before, but I am totally up for doing it again.
What book are you currently reading?
I just finished Shatterpoint by Matthew Stover, and I have to say that if I didn't love Mace Windu before and considered him one of the coolest Jedi Masters, I do now. He is badass! Next I will read Dooku Jedi lost.
What's your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I haven't been to the movies this year. I've become picky about movies and it's become difficult to find the time. Elemental or the second part of Dune will probably be the next movie I find the time for.
What do you usually wear?
At home; leggings and a big sweater. I like to be comfortable.
How tall are you?
What's your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Taurus, and no not anyone I know who is or anything I know about...
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
My name, but also some nicknames.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
No. I wanted to be a paleontologist and author, but I became a professional vampire. Points if you can guess what it means (and it's not as exciting as it might sound).
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
I am married.
What's something you're good at vs. something you're bad at?
I am not good at this type of question, but I will try... nop that is a blank, sorry.
Dogs or cats?
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
"Can I help you?" The former Jedi asked warily, carefully reaching out with the Force to get a sense of her unexpected guests. A shiver of recognition went through her, blue eyes becoming wide in surprise as the man pulled away the scarf covering his face, smiling broadly at her.
"Are you going to shoot me, Commander, or can we talk about it?"
"Rex!" The name left Ahsoka's lips in a rush of air, and before she could think, she had thrown herself into her friend's arms.
She hadn't seen him in over two years.
The former clone commander easily caught the young togruta, wrapping her in his strong arms and holding her close. He was incredibly relieved to have found her and thrilled to finally hold her in his arms again. With a sigh of relief, he allowed himself a brief moment to bury his face against her mortals. She giggled a little when his beard tickled the sensitive skin.
This is a tiny bit of a snippet I am working on and I am really exited about it.
What's something you'd like to create content for?
I would like to continue writing fanfictions for the SW fandom.
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
See the answer above.
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
I try not to be disappointed when things don't turn out as I had hoped.
What's a hidden talent of yours?
I don't think I have any, I'm not a very talented person.
Are you religious?
No not really.
What's something you wish to have at this moment?
TIME, I am always needing more time. I don't know who to tag, so anyone who wants to do this can consider themselves tagged.
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miladythewinter · 2 years
tagged by @paty-ofarrell. thank you so much!! <33
What book are you currently reading?
ahsoka by ek johnston and i think i’m gonna start viagem ao paraíso verde by eva ibbotson. that’s journey to the river sea in the original english
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theatres this year?
i only saw like 4 movies in theaters but everything everywhere all at once.
What do you usually wear?
jeans, always jeans. i think my most worn outfit type is jeans + tshirt + jacket combo. just switch the tshirt for a long sleeved shirt or sweater in the colder months and that’s it.
How tall are you?
1,75 m
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
taurus. the only celebrity i know that has the same birthday as me is Cher 😊
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
my name but not the same one. at some places i’m known by my first name, at others by my second.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
no 😂 like MC said in her answer i also wanted to be everything like an award winning actress, a band member, a fashion designer, a diplomat and a hidden princess to a small european principality. it’s actually not too late for me to become a diplomat one day but i’m not sure i want that life actually
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
not to toot my own horn but i’m good at most of the things i dedicate myself to. i learn very quickly. not that i do many things, but for example i’m really good at adapting to different tasks at the different jobs i’ve had. so i guess my ability to learn and to adapt is a thing i do well. something i’m bad at...... social things
Dogs or cats?
CATS. i’m sorry but i’m not a dog person at all. they’re fine but i personally would never have a dog as a pet. its not for me
What’s something you would like to create stuff for?
nothing. i’m not a creator atm
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
star wars. it’s not new
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
nothing in particular. i don’t watch/read many things when they come out. or that i was already anticipating. i’m a relatively harsh critic, especially for the things that i like and am already familiar with, so i guess the Kenobi show, as well as Hotd, were a bit disappointing but i wouldn’t say i had high expectations for either to start with
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
it’s not a hidden talent per se but since i don’t have a reason to use it everyday, i’d say the fact that i speak a bit of german could be a hidden talent because people are always surprised when it comes up
Are you religious?
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
a million euros. not covid.
tagging: @annie-knowby, @herdingsnails, @katherinederoets, @benjicotblackwood, @frankboeijen, @spacesweepers, @chairhandle, if you want to!
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aricazorel · 2 years
WIP Mass Effect
Haven't done one of these in a while so I'm starting off the new year with an excerpt from my Mass Effect project. Have a bit from one of Joker's movie's nights on the SR-1 set during ME1.
~ ~ ~
“Have you seen this one?” Reese whispered as she leaned over, her shoulder bumping Alenko’s.
Kaidan shook his head. “Nope. Not this one. I’ve heard of it but never seen it. I think I might have seen the remake with my mom but I’m not sure.”
He glanced down. Even sitting, he was a couple of inches taller than her. Leaning down he said, “You could always look it up like you normally do when you have no idea what’s going on.”
Grey eyes glanced up at him. “I’m trying something new this time.”
“By not looking it up on the extranet?” he asked with a grin.
“You seem to get annoyed when I do that, so I thought I’d just go in blind,” she said reluctantly.
“How’s that working out for you?” he asked with amusement in his voice and making no effort to hide his grin.
Reese glared at him as she crossed her arms and sat up straight. Taking her refusal to speak as her answer, the Sentinel went back to watching the latest movie Joker had picked out. It was ‘The Blob’ starring Steven McQueen and Aneta Corsaut. He guessed it was supposed to be a horror flick aimed at teenagers, but he had been truthful when he told Reese he’d never seen this one. One from the 1980s seemed more familiar but even then, he wasn’t totally for sure. He’d have to ask his mom the next time he called home.
“What is the creature’s purpose?” Liara asked from the front row. Joker had insisted she sit next to him for a lesson in human entertainment. Kaidan wasn’t sure if it was so she would stop asking questions in the middle of the movies or because he really did think she needed a tutor in the area. Honestly he wouldn’t have put past the pilot to be both reasons.
“It’s the blob, Liara,” the Flight Lt. said as he motioned to the gelatinous mass moving across the screen looking for its next victim. “It’s only purpose is to eat people and get bigger.”
“But why?” she asked.
“Because it’s a horror movie,” Joker explained in a very patient tone considering it was interrupting his viewing of the movie he’d picked out. “It’s meant to scare the audience. It isn’t supposed to make perfect sense. It’s supposed to scare you.”
“It’s like those stories your parents tell you as a child to get you to not do something,” Garrus tried as he sat next to the archaeologist. “You know. The ones that involve something bad happening, like a monster eating you or something if you do whatever the naughty thing is you’re not supposed to do.”
“I suppose…” she said thoughtfully. “My studies have shown that many cultures pass down myths and legends that are similar to what you speak of.”
“Right,” Joker added as he pointed at the large screen again. “It’s like that with humans too. We use movies for that. Or they did a lot back in the day.”
“Quarians tell stories of the Geth in such a manner,” Tali chimed in. “I find it hard to believe the Asari don’t have something similar in your culture.”
“We do. But we are brought up to know they are not real. That it is simply a story,” Liara said. “We do not enjoy being scared with myths. History has provided enough real things to be scared of.”
“Like the Reapers,” Shepard noted from the row behind them.
Liara nodded. “Though, most people do not believe in them. They find it much more…comfortable to believe the Protheans are the oldest beings to exist.”
Ashley sat beside the Commander as she leaned back in her chair. “Are we gonna watch this or debate it’s historical value?”
“I am sorry,” Liara sputtered. “Joker offered to help be understand. I did not mean to interrupt—”
“It’s fine, Liara,” the N7 said as he jabbed the Gunnery Chief in the arm. “The movie is a little weird even for Joker.”
Kaidan had watched the exchange in silence as Reese tilted her head. He could almost hear the wheels spinning in her head as she tried to figure out something that really wasn’t meant to make scientific sense in a 1950s horror movie. Wondering how long it would take her to flip open her omni-tool and look up whatever it was, he was surprised when she perked up and whispered almost to herself, “Phagocytosis.”
“What?” he asked in confusion.
“Phagocytosis,” she repeated as she looked up at him. “It’s the answer to Dr. T’Soni’s question.”
“Ummm, okay,” he replied uncertainly. “I thought Joker and the others answered it.”
“No—Well, yes in a way but there is a scientific explanation,” she replied.
“Everything good back there, Reese?” the Specter asked as he turned to glance at the two Lt.’s.
“Ah, yes, sir. I just remembered something that would actually explain the blob’s behavior in an actual scientific way,” she said.
“Wanna share with the class?” her CO asked as Joker paused the movie.
“Really? You wanna nerd out on a B movie?” the pilot asked in annoyance.
“You better let her, Joker, or she’ll start reading everything the extranet has to offer during the rest of the movie,” Alenko suggested as the L3 bumped him with her shoulder.
“Fiiiinnneeee,” the bearded pilot said as Liara turned around patiently waiting for the answer.
Reese glanced up at Kaidan who only grinned and motioned for her to begin. She made a face at him and then started, “Phagocytosis is basically a process a cell uses its plasma membrane to engulf a particle of something. It’s like when it engulfs a pathogen. It’s a type of endocytosis. It’s a biological process in multicellular organisms that helps remove pathogens and cell debris—bacteria, dead tissue cells, and the like. Some protozoa even use it to obtain their nutrients.”
“Oh, well, that actually makes sense,” the Asari doctor mused as she turned back around. “Thank you, Lt. Reese.”
“No problem,” the ops officer said as she leaned back in her chair again.
“Can I start the movie again?” Joker asked impatiently.
“Go ahead,” Shepard said as the rest of the crew returned their attention to the movie.
After a few minutes, Kaidan leaned down and asked, “How’d you know all that?”
She shrugged. “I’m good with science facts.”
“Kori,” he said hoping to let her know he really wanted to know.
She sighed. “My grandfather was a biologist. I was around a lot of his work after he retired and started consulting and volunteering. He helped develop a lot of treatments for very specific conditions before he passed away.”
“Oh, I—I didn’t know,” Kaidan said, feeling bad for pushing. “I’m sorry. I—”
She shook her head. “Don’t be sorry. He was a good man that did a lot for a lot of people. It’s been a while anyway, but I know he’s always with me. Watching out for me. So, it’s all good.”
Alenko was quiet for a moment and then said attempting to lighten the mood, “I bet he never thought you’d use what you learned from him to explain the motivation of a monster from a B movie to an Asari.”
“Nope,” Reese said with a grin. “I don’t think he ever would have.”
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horse-girl-anthy · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks..
tbh this is extremely hard to answer because I have many interests. I’m sure I’ll feel bad when I remember the hundred other characters that should have made the list. I’m not putting any Ikuhara characters because it’d been too hard to pick and honestly I’d have to go through each work individually. 
1. Tenma from Naoki Urasawa’s Monster. I don’t claim to be a complicated person, alright. I just think he’s nice. every time I read Monster I get more attached to him like a little baby duck, which is what all the other characters in that story do as well so I’m valid. trying to put it into words is hard--he’s just an alluring combo of pathetic, ridiculous, cool, strong, and kind. plus he kinda becomes a religious figure by the end and I’m a sucker for that shit.
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2. Xie Lian from TGCF/Heaven Official’s Blessing. I read the novels this summer after watching the donghua. I was just expecting a decent BL, but what I got was epic historical supernatural fiction (and BL). Xie Lian is such an impressively written character. his story helped me deal with my own fall from grace, as it were, and was overall cathartic and engaging. plus he’s my type. step aside Hua Cheng, I’d die for him first. 
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3. Orel from Moral Orel. I love this show a lot because of its focus on the cruelty and hypocrisy of WASP America, and Orel is relatable for struggling to understand the bulltshit answers he gets to all his questions. he’s a lot more innocent than I was as a kid, but I think his kind of purity plays well against the satirical, dark edge of the show. 
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4. Reki from Haibane Renmei. most of the reasons I love her aren’t revealed until the very end of the show. I’ll say that I love her because she’s the ultimate manifestation of the story’s themes of guilt and redemption.
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5. Ishida from Koe no Katachi. I just finished rereading this manga recently. if you want a character who does wrong, suffers, tries to change himself, but finds it isn’t that easy, Ishida is your man. he’s such a funny, well-written teen boy, but also someone I think anyone from any background can see themselves in--the good and the bad. 
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6. Naruto from... you know. Naruto was the first anime I became really obsessed with, when I was in middle school, and Naruto himself is the first character I can remember becoming attached to in an intense, lasting way. I loved him so much and I still have that attachment to him. he’s so, so cute, and so, so lovable. when I’m done with my first round of Ikuhara vids, I’m going to download Naruto so I can make my friend a Sasuke fancam and I’m also gonna make a Naruto edit just for me :)
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7. Miyuki from Naoki Urasawa’s Happy! I’ve read everything by Urasawa except for Yawara, and I’m one of the only people who seems to have read Happy! I gotta say, would I pick it as one of his best works? no. I love everything he’s done, but something like 20th Century Boys or Billy Bat is clearly a more serious, meaningful story than Happy!, which comes out of his transition phase between writing romantic comedy sports manga and his later thrillers. however... Happy! is one of those works which makes me lose my mind regardless of quality. and Miyuki, the main character, is just so damn adorable. I find her a very appealing, sweet character. beyond that, kind of like Monster, the entire story is about people trying to break her down, but she refuses to ever give up and I love that sort of thing when played right. 
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8. Ged from Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea series. I am still digging into Le Guin’s body of work but I’ve read most of her novels and short story collections. I could absolutely make a top ten list with just characters from her books. however, I managed to narrow it down to just three from this list, all from the Earthsea books. Ged is the only character who appears in all six books, and the reader gets to experience close the entire course of his life. he starts as an arrogant, careless boy and grows into a wise man. Le Guin decided not to leave him after he does his final great act, and his story continues after he loses his power. Tehanu, the fourth book in the series, is probably my favorite book I’ve ever read, I’ve thought about writing an analysis comparing it with RGU, and one of its main themes is life after loss and trauma. his story interwines with the next two characters on this list.
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9. Tenar from Earthsea. like Ged, we get to see most of her life throughout the books. book 2 contains her coming of age story, while Tehanu features her as a widow, struggling between the life of an ordinary woman and her status in the mythology of Earthsea. she brings so much fire, mirth, and strength to the series. she’s someone I wish I had in my life, and if you really pressed me, she’s my favorite character Le Guin ever wrote. 
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10. Tehanu from Earthsea. this character is a strange one to try to write about. I’ve seen people criticize her writing by saying there’s nothing to her, she’s just a vessel for the story. but I can’t agree. as someone who’s known people who went through severe childhood trauma, I think that Tehanu is written with thought and care. I love how unnerving and unknowable she is, but also how she is written like she’s any other child. the ending of her story in the final book made me sob and sob and sob. 
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sources for the last three images because they’re fanart: 1, 2, 3
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galacticlamps · 2 years
I was tagged by @terryfphanatics​ (thanks! sorry I took forever - I started answering these & didn’t finish and just remembered it was in my drafts)
What book are you currently reading?
The Two Towers! which upsets me bc I’ve been at it since August (technically - I wasn’t ‘at it’ in, uh, October, November, December, January, or February, for lack of time - but I’m back at it now, and I even convinced myself to start over from the beginning so I didn’t forget anything)
What's your favourite movie you saw in a cinema this year?
sorry but the last time I went to a movie theater was probably in 2017, 2018 at the latest, so... yeah I’ve got nothing
What do you usually wear?
jeans, boots, at this point in the winter usually some combination of flannels, sweaters and/or sweatshirts. (I’ve been really cold lately)
How tall are you?
5′6″ ish
What's your star sign?
Do you share your birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
I do, yeah
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
mostly nicknames, I have quite a few at this point. I’ve yet to pick one to use on here, I should probably do that soon, I’ve been meaning to for years now
Did you grow up to be what you wanted to be as a child?
I don’t recall ever wanting to be anything in particular as a child, honestly, but I can say that so far I’ve pretty much stuck to the career path that first caught my interest in high school, if that counts
Are you in a relationship? Who is your crush if not?
nope! and it’s been a very long time since I’ve had a serious crush either, which I’m honestly grateful for. I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship at this exact point in my life anyway, so I’m just gonna keep vaguely admiring every funny girl who’s kind to me for the time being without actually developing feelings for her. I hope It seems to be going well so far mostly
What's something you're good at versus something you're bad at?
(I’m trying to think of two that relate to each other)
I am very good at drawing objects and not at all good at drawing people! technical plans are something I’ve dealt with extensively both academically & professionally, but in the more general sense I’ve always been an ‘I can’t draw’ person. tbh I should find some of those artists who complain about backgrounds and just do all their architecture etc for them
Dogs or cats?
nothing against dogs but cats for sure, always cats
What's something you'd like to create content for?
not to sound like a jerk, but I work in the arts industry & really hate the place ‘content creation’ has come to occupy in everyone’s vocabulary, even though I totally realize that in a context like this it’s probably just trying to be a vague enough term to be inclusive of the many different things people can create. I like writing the fanfic that I do, so without switching subjects, I would like to get better at drawing people because sometimes I have ideas that would be better expressed as images or even short comics
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
Obsessing over 60s who is my baseline so I don’t think that counts - but it’s been almost a month since I watched Holding Achilles & there have only been hours when I didn’t think of it, not entire days
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Ngl, (& not to be a total downer, but) the last 12 months-ish have been an extremely busy/hectic/unpredictable year for me, with both the good & the bad stuff coming out of left field most of the time. So while there were certainly more than enough disappointments, for the most part, they weren’t the kinds of things you could be excited about beforehand (relatives dying, people fighting, strained relationships, illnesses, work stuff in a perpetual state of flux - or as I’ve taken to calling it: death disease & dubious employment). I suppose there were a lot of events I wanted to make it to that I didn’t, due to the aforementioned junk, and I certainly imagined myself getting to read more books & write more fics than I did, but that doesn’t feel like a good specific answer.
What's a hidden talent of yours?
I suppose that depends who you ask? There are lots of work or work-adjacent skills I could name that would be news to people on here, but those are such prominent parts of my life otherwise that they definitely don’t feel ‘hidden.’ But I guess even among people who expect me to be handy/crafty, more overtly artistic things tend to surprise them - like I’ve had people forget that I was the one who painted something, for instance, because that’s not the kind of skill most associate with me. (and I am very good with color & pigment tbh)
Are you religious?
nah. I’m not like, a committed atheist or anything either, I just grew up catholic & don’t go in for that anymore, nor do I have any desire to go seek out another faith
What's something you wish to have at this moment?
time uh, let’s say a haircut
tagging people kinda seems rude after taking multiple months to come up with so many kind of non-answers oops, but if anyone would like to copy the questions, either as an opportunity to do a little q&a or an excuse to tag/ask your friends, be my guest
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