#I’m sorry Kieran 😭😭😭
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itsvae10 · 4 months ago
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I wanted to see if I can draw with no line art kinda and why not draw Kieran in this…
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javierduffy · 2 months ago
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i have a friend over while i’m playing and i wanted to take a picture of kieran because he looked so cute sitting on the ground and this is the frame that we got to before she immediately went “oh ! he’s got scurvy ! ❤️” in the tone of someone who just saw the most fucked up looking (but somehow so cute because of it) cat on the planet and then went “and he’s so full of love ❤️” and i almost cried
i was also messing around with filters and she said this one made him look like one of those dogs on those ASPCA commercials where they tell you like “for just 5¢ a day, you can keep cold kieran’s out of the cold 💔💔” while in the arms of the angels plays in the background . think she wants me to die
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always-just-red · 1 month ago
Oh I forgot to add 😭😭😭 be it fluff like jelly sylus but fluff maybe he trying to make the mc jelly too ? I’m going wild with ideas, I will be quiet
(Part 1 of ask) FINALLY finished this fic oh my goshhh I've loved it so much but writer's block was my constant companion for this one 🫠 Thanks for your patience!! Sy is jealous but I'm still pushing my 'Sylus is the softest man alive and would die before hurting MC' agenda, so I had to get a lil creative! Hope I've pulled it off idk 😭😭
Be Mine
Sylus x Reader 🩸
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Summary: Sylus is getting a little tired of sharing you with the other men in your life (and he doesn't mean Luke and Kieran 🙃)
Genre: lil bit of angst, comfort and fluff
Warnings/Additional tags: gn!reader, jealousy, other LIs mentioned, brief allusion to Raf's self-harm tendencies, cheating mentioned, some intimacy & kisses-- more soft than spicy!
| Word count: 4k | Masterlist | Opt-in to my taglist here!
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Love and Deepspace. All work is my own, so please don't repost or plagiarise!
Sylus has spent centuries waiting for you, so he’s going to give you another minute.
Patience is not a virtue; it’s an old acquaintance he greets with a false smile whenever he’s forced to pass it on the street. Sometimes outside your building, whilst you’re chatting with a neighbour from the apartment above yours. Sometimes when you’re running late from a doctor’s appointment.
Patience has been cropping up a lot these days and gods, he’s sick of its face. Even now, it sits with him at this table for two as he sips at a glass that’s almost empty. There’s poetry in stalling, in savouring what’s left, especially as a waiter hovers anxiously nearby, anticipating the need for yet another refill (it would be the third).
Dregs of blood-red wine swirl with solemnity. Sylus is a patient man, a man who waits, but he doesn’t want to be. He wants the reward of it: the pot of gold at the end of that insipid rainbow. Hasn’t he waited enough?
He lifts his drink to his lips again.
They curve as he swallows the final drop.
“I’m so sorry,” you stammer, flinging yourself into the seat across from him so quickly that he’s cheated of the chance to rise and help you with your chair. “Sit back down,” you usher, because he had made a start on it, “really, Sy, I’m so, so sorry. Things at work just got crazy, and I—”
“You don’t have to explain, sweetie,” he smiles as he signals the waiter. He’ll have that refill, now, and he orders your favourite drink as you shrug off your coat and fumble with your bag, looking for something. “I’m more than familiar with the Association’s… dedication to a cause.”
You glance up with an amused smile. “We’re keeping you on your toes, huh?”
“Mmm. There is one hunter who’s proving to be a real thorn in my side.”
“You on top of that?”
“Most evenings, yes. Some mornings, too.”
You poke your tongue out at him. You’ve retrieved a compact mirror and you use it to study your dishevelled reflection. “Is everything all right at work?” he asks as you fuss over your hair.
“Yeah,” you puff. “Long story.”
“We have time.”
With a warmer smile, you stash your mirror away and sequester your bag by your feet. “You sure?” He gives you a look. “Fine,” you chuckle. “Basically, Xavier forgot to write up some reports. He’s been away on an ultra-secret, special mission or whatever—” you tap your nose conspiratorially— “which I didn’t just tell you, okay? But yeah, the reports weren’t done, and they were due tonight, so…”
Sylus raises an apathetic eyebrow. “He asked you to help?”
“Begged me, more like.”
Of course he did. The waiter arrives with your drinks and Sylus has never been gladder for a distraction. His mouth is full of pettiness, bitterness, so he drowns it with wine. You could have called. Texted. “So kitten’s been playing secretary, hmm?” he goads instead.
“That would imply kitten could keep track of time,” you pout, “so no. And speaking of playing a part—” you poke his nose— “you’re allowed to be mad at me. I should have called you. Texted. So let me have it, yeah? I feel bad enough already without you being all… perfect.”
You’re only teasing, but Sylus doesn’t feel perfect. He’s thinking about you working late with your partner, laughing at his jokes, poking him with your pen to keep him from falling asleep on his paperwork. He smirks, regardless. “What if I want you to feel bad?”
“Oh, gods,” you slump forwards, face-down on the table. “How long were you waiting?”
You fake cry into the tablecloth. “Don’t, Sy. Just tell me the truth. How bad was it?”
“Really, years,” he insists again, folding his arms on the table and sliding forwards, too. His chin is resting on his hands, and he blows at the top of your head. “Look.” Your face lifts so you can peer at him. He pinches his hair. “I’ve even gone grey, see?”
You sit up the tiniest bit more and your noses are almost brushing. “It looks nice,” you whisper.
“You think so?”
“Mmm. Suits you.”
Your eyes are every gem— every jewel in an illicit auction Sylus has to steal away from the rest of the world, because something that pretty just has to be his; it will find no worthier home than his hands. His devotion fills vaults. Aren’t they spilling with emeralds, rubies, sapphires, diamonds— those reckless imitations of your gaze? No-one else could deserve them, adore them like he does.
And they’ve nothing on the real thing.
Someone clears their throat and Sylus tracks the noise begrudgingly. The anxious waiter is back, clutching menus this time. You sit up fully, laughing to break the tension, and sure enough, Sylus feels less like hurling the man through the nearest window.
He’s still thinking about it though. He tells the waiter as much with a smile, and the menus are passed over with shaking hands. When Sylus says, “thank you,” it sounds like a bomb, ticking.
“Play nice,” you tut, once the waiter’s cleared the blast radius.
“Sweetie, when do I ever not play nice?”
You blink back at him disbelievingly. This should be good. “How about the time that you—?”
A familiar ringtone interrupts you, and your eyes widen in apology as you grab at your bag, rifling around for your phone. You find it— check the call and decline it— but relief is hiding, refusing to set foot on stage. Not yet, it confers to Sylus darkly, because it knows what comes next.
“Do you need to…?” he asks anyway.
“Nah, it was just Rafayel. Thanks, though.” You set the phone down. “Where was I?”
“You were about to tell me what a terribly bad man I am, sweetie.”
“Right!” you giggle. No, not yet. “So how about the time that you…” The phone rings again. You check it. Decline it. “How about the time that you—ugh!” It’s ringing again.
Sylus taps a finger on the table, impatiently patient. You can’t mute the wretched thing: the next call you miss would be a Wanderer, tearing through an orphanage or the like. It’s the reason you check, even when there’re no orphans at stake— just a pest of an artist with too much time on his hands.
Except… “Oh,” you say, glancing downwards, “it’s Zayne. I should probably—” Sylus gives a half-smile of blessing, but you weren’t waiting around for it— “hey, Zayne! I can’t talk right now, unless— Raf? What the hell? How did you get Zayne’s phone?”
You pull yours away from your ear as a string of whines come through:
“— ignore my calls, don’t even text me to ask what’s up, and then pick up his call right away? You hate me, right? Just say that you hate me, cutie.”
“I don’t hate you, Raf.” The phone is back to your ear. “I’m busy. Now seriously, how did you get— oh, hi, Zayne. Why is Raf…?” Sylus can hear a deeper voice answering your questions. “He’s at the—? Shit, is he okay? Ugh, tell him I can hear him. Tell him I know he’s not dying.”
You meet Sylus’s eyes as conflict erupts on the other end of the call. Sorry, you mouth as static filters through, interspersed with broken words and curses. The doctor’s voice prevails. “Yeah, Zayne,” you speak back to it. “I’ll call Thomas, get him to pick him up. Mmhmm? Oh!” You pinch the bridge of your nose. “I forgot, he’s at that stupid art thing. Look, maybe later, I can…”
The artist’s shrill tone is protesting.
“I know it’s my job, Raf!” you counter. “But gimme a break, please. If it was any other night, you know I’d be there. Of course I wanna be there! But I can’t—”
It’s just a slip of the tongue— words you don’t even realise you’re saying— but Sylus still feels his heart sink. He hates it. A heart is so difficult to argue with: it’s long gone before you can talk any sense into it. He stands from the table, those priceless eyes of yours pursuing him. When you tilt your head, he musters a smile, then a weak excuse: “I’m just stepping outside for a moment.”
You nod, a follow-up question on the tip of your tongue, but then there’s a voice in your ear again— two voices— and you’re you, so of course you listen.
Sylus waits on a bench outside the restaurant, closing his eyes as he waits for his heart to come back.
It’s only been a few minutes. He’s thinking about your eyes, your nose and lips— an inch from his— and how he should have closed that gap before it grew treacherous. Shouldn’t he be done with this? This… longing? You’re his. You’ve told him you’re his, over and over again, but he finds himself needing to hear it once more; the ghost of your voice is starting to lack persuasion.
He is yours without exception, but you? There’s always a caveat. I’m yours, Sylus. But only so long as the city is quiet. I’m yours, Sylus. Until someone else calls. The door to the restaurant opens— he can hear it— but he doesn’t open his eyes. He wants to pretend.
I’m yours, Sylus. No caveats. No exceptions.
He swallows the dread in his throat.
“I’m sorry,” you entreat softly. His eyes open, and you’re wearing your coat, holding your bag. “I have to run to the hospital— it’s this whole thing. Raf, like, passed out or something. He’s not been eating again. Zayne said when something like this keeps happening, it’s a sign that… yeah. He just… needs someone. And he hasn’t got anyone else, you know?”
“I understand.” You’re worried about your friend. That’s all it is.
Why can’t he believe that’s all it is?  
You come over and sink down on the bench beside him, looping your arm through his and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Don’t you know that he’s afraid? That a selfish, spiteful part of him wants to hide you— with the rest of his treasures— away from the light, so he can love you in the dark?
There’s a sigh as you lean against him, savouring his touch like the wine one swirls in a glass when their thoughts are elsewhere. It’s gone in a mouthful; you check your watch, and he hopes it’s bitter.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
No, he would rather be sweet for you, but look at you— making him lie. “I’m okay,” he says, and it doesn’t have a drop of conviction. He’s tired of philanthropy.
“What are you gonna do? Come on, tell us. Tell us! What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know, Luke. Give me a second, okay? Jeez.”
You literally just got here. Your pace is brisk and the night air still clings to you— you shed a layer of it by peeling your arms out of your coat. Luke and Kieran are close behind, keeping to your heels like terriers hoping you’ll trip with a plateful of food. They’ll take even a crumb at this point.
“You gonna fight him?” Kieran nudges, but your lips stay tight.
“Oh, you’re so gonna fight him,” Luke takes away from the silence.
You don’t know what you’re going to do. You’ve reached a decadent lounge, lavished with black and gold, and you throw your coat over the arm of a chair before starting to wrestle off your combat boots. You’ve been off work for hours, but it doesn’t feel like it. One call-to-duty after another; first the hospital, now this.
Mephisto caws in greeting from a nearby perch. “I’m not gonna fight him,” you say as your second boot drops with a clunk. “I just need to—”
“Say no more,” Luke cuts you off. “We want in.”
With a tired sigh, you gaze up at the twins at last. Kieran is readying a fist: punching his hand softly, the beak of his mask low and threatening. Beside him, Luke swings a baseball bat over his shoulder. He didn’t have it a second ago. Where did he even—?
You put your hands on your hips. “You guys got a death wish or something?”
“Yes!” they enthuse together, nodding excitedly.
You haven’t got time to ask. Your focus drifts to Sylus’s bedroom door, where music is leaking with honeylike light. You can’t count the number of times you’ve fallen over that threshold, exhausted— always slightly broken. You want to crawl into cool silk sheets and a warmer embrace, but there’s one small problem.
The text that had brought you here, anxious and out of breath:
Boss is with someone.
“What’re you thinking?”
You’re closer to the door, now, and Luke’s whisper makes you jump. You spin, twisting the bat from his fingers and pushing him back until the tip is pressed to his throat. “Get back,” you hiss, before levelling the weapon at an encroaching Kieran, “both of you.”
Luke leaps behind his brother— swinging him between you for protection. The baseball bat stays hovering, and Luke peeks over Kieran’s shoulder, swatting at it like an indignant kitten.
“Stop it,” you scold, poking back at his hand and his masked face. “Begone!”
“Yes, boss!” Kieran goes to move, but Luke is holding him in place. He’s dragged backwards: a human shield until they can both scurry around the turn of a corridor.
You smile fondly. You forget, for just a moment, that you’re alone and full of uncertainty. The song in the next room lulls, at its inevitable end, and then you can’t forget. You’re stood in silence, staring at a door you’ve never had to knock before. Another song starts up.
Whatever this is, you can handle it.
You use the baseball bat to tap against the dark wood. “Sylus?” you call.
He makes you wait. You can hear him, moving around— unmistakably taking his time— but you don’t mind. You’re running scenarios through your head. Is he in on this, too? Or…?
He opens the door and oh, he definitely is. His silk robe hangs haphazardly over his figure, one side threatening to slip from his shoulder and the belt dangerously loose at the middle. A flush is tinting his face, spreading down through his neck, past his collarbone and lower, you think, but you’re trying not to look.
“Sweetie,” he purrs in the way that tells you he’s up to no good, “what a pleasant surprise.” His eyes flit downwards. “And you’re armed, too.”
There’s a breathlessness to the observation, and your ability to breathe briefly eludes you as well. His hair is damp and unkempt, his skin warm, his gaze hot. Is this a test? It feels like a test.
“Are you alone?” you snap, because he’s clearly put some thought into whatever it is, and you’re a good sport, so you’ll play along.
“No,” he says, but then: “You know you’re always with me in spirit, kitten. Even if not in—” another downwards glance— “body.”
“I’m going to ask you one more time.” You catch his chin with your free hand, forcing his gaze back to your face. “And I want a real answer.” He swallows thickly. “Are you alone?”
His submission is fragile. He lifts his hand, wraps his fingers around your wrist like a reminder of the fact. “Careful, sweetie.” His grip tightens as his voice drops. “Think about what you’re asking.”
“I know what I’m asking.” You snatch your hand free and step closer. “Get out of my way.”
Sylus narrows his eyes, but soon relaxes. He sweeps a hand through his hair, chuckling as he obeys— moving aside to let you past. You storm through, looking over every visible inch of his room. There’s nothing to see, of course. No clothes that aren’t yours pooled over the floor. No lover wrapped up in his bedsheets.
“Just what exactly are you looking for?” he asks smugly behind you.
“Save it, Sylus.” Your pretend patience is gone. “The twins told me everything.”
So you start searching more strenuously. You make your way over to his bed, baseball bat slung over your shoulder as you check behind the far side— even stooping to peek under it. You open the wardrobe. Nothing. Use the baseball bat to push back the curtains, letting in more blood-red moonlight. Nothing. You huff in frustration.
“You know, don’t you?” Sylus says quietly.
He’s leant against the doorway, arms crossed, and you spare him a glance. “Know what?”  
“That there’s no-one here.”
It sounds like defeat. “I’m taking this very seriously, actually,” you dismiss as you roll open the drawer of his bedside table, where no-one is hiding. You move on to even more absurd places: lifting flowers out of their vase to glance about inside it, peering into the horn of his vintage gramophone.
You’d hoped your antics would elicit at least a short laugh, or a scoff of amusement. There’s nothing, though, so you plonk onto the bed— defeated, yourself— and look to the man as you set your weapon down.
He looks back with an insincere smile. “How did you know?”
“That you weren’t really with someone? Because you’re you, Sylus. The key to a good prank?” Your fingers twinkle in the air beside your head. “Believability. Besides—” now a forefinger taps at your temple— “nothing gets past this.”
“Your ego?” he guesses with a smirk that is sincere, if nothing else.
“My brain, Sy.”
Your ego— tsk. Your feet are dangling from the bed, playing with a slipper they’ve fished out from underneath it, and you have half a mind to launch it at him. This doesn’t feel like one of your usual games, though, and you’ve had a whole ride through the N109 Zone to figure out why.
“I really hurt you, didn’t I?” you speak like a confession, staring down at the floor so you don’t have to meet his eyes. “That’s what all this is about, right? You wanted to get back at me for dinner?”
“No, I—”
“I get it.” Your feet find the second slipper. “I do. I mean, it was a really shitty thing to do— walking out on you like that. Especially after you waited for me. You went to all that effort, and I— ah.” You’ve toed one of the slippers out of reach.
“Allow me,” comes a voice that’s suddenly close. Sylus’s figure looms over you before he’s crouching, kneeling by your feet. He still looks like a mess of sin, but he’s gentle as he retrieves the slipper for you. Removes your socks for you. Slides a slipper onto each of your cold feet. “You didn’t do anything wrong,” he mutters.
You let out a sigh. “Sylus.” You’re scolding him, and he gazes up at you, his eyes garnets of adoration only you could afford. “You can tell me anything, you know.”
“I know, sweetie.”
“So why won’t you tell me how you feel?”
He sits back on his knees, his thumb drawing circles on the inside of your ankle. The ministrations are mindless, and so are his words: “How I feel is not important.”
“Of course it is!” You pull away from him. “Don’t say things like that.”
“But I thought I could tell you anything, kitten.”
It’s a nick from a blade that could do much worse; he wants you to feel how sharp it is. His smile is a warning and he’s waiting for the hunter in you to strike back, because violence is what you’re good at. What you’re both good at. It hurts, but it’s easy.
You shift forward on the bed. “Sylus… you don’t need to protect me. Not from you. Not from anything you feel. I want you to be happy, to tell me if you’re unhappy. I don’t need you to—” your fingers skirt over his chest and you falter inexplicably— “to sacrifice yourself for me.”
Sylus looks down to where you’re tracing the shape of his heart on his skin. He lets out a long, beleaguered breath, then leans closer to you, his head turning away as he settles it on your lap. Your hands find his hair instinctually, threading through it in slow, meandering motions.
“I want you to be mine,” he admits on another sigh.
He can’t see you smile, but he’ll hear it in your voice: “I am yours, Sy—”
“No— just mine.”
He won’t make it a demand. Even asking you nicely has him breathless and still, like the drawn-out pause of a finished symphony. Your hands stop moving, out of respect for the quiet. You’re remembering the times you’ve been late out of your building because you’d stumbled into Xavier in the lobby. The doctor’s appointments that always overrun, and Rafayel’s ‘emergency’ phone calls.
“Come and sit with me,” you mumble, patting the bed beside you.
When Sylus does, it’s with the same reluctance a cat surrenders a sliver of sun. Lazy and listless— still warm from the light. The bed sinks under his weight and you turn to face him. His robe’s collar has fallen further, so you hook a finger under it to draw it back up to his neck. Then you straighten the lapels, smoothing them over distractedly.
He’s watching your face, not the movements of your hands. Your cheeks feel warm. “I was speaking to Rafayel earlier, and we—”
A groan, and Sylus is no longer at your fingertips; he’s flopped down backwards on the bed, his hand over his face. You can’t help giggling— you’ve broken the big, bad boss of Onychinus, it seems. Is that all it takes? You grin as you lie down with him, settling on your side, propped up on an elbow. He doesn’t stir when you fix a few stray strands of his hair.
“We talked about boundaries,” you continue. “How I can’t be on call twenty-four seven, and how he’s going to take better care of himself, so I don’t have to be.”
Sylus has moved his hand, ever so slightly.
There’s more: “I’m gonna call in sick to work tomorrow. I made a deal with Xavier, that’s why I stayed late today. He’ll cover for me.” You shift closer. “I wanted it to be a surprise. I know I can’t always be with you, but I am always thinking of you, I promise. You’re always with me in spirit, Sy, even if not in—” you press a quick kiss to his chest— “body.”
He chuckles at the words, or maybe the touch tickled.
You grin down at him. “I’m yours. Say it.”
“I’m yours.”
“No! Ugh, just—” Smart-ass! You flick his forehead as he laughs quietly. “Not the words ‘I’m yours’, say that I’m—”
His hand is at your face, pulling you in so he can kiss you. It’s slow and it’s patient; he’s taking his time, and you won’t slip away. You can feel his smile. “You’re mine,” he murmurs when he finally withdraws. One more kiss, lighter, on the tip of your nose. “Just mine.”
Always. You let him pull you into an embrace, snuggling into his warmth like you’ve been wanting to from the moment you last left it. You can hear his heartbeat beneath the lullaby of his breath. “Sy?” you whisper.
“You look really hot when you’re pretending to cheat on me.”
He scoffs, but a yawn comes before his response. “Don’t get any ideas, kitten.”
Your quiet is pensive. “I have this lunch with Zayne later this week. I really should text him to find out—”
The grip around you constricts, and a voice is in your ear, soft and possessive:
“What did I just say?”
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joelsprettyprincess · 2 months ago
Taming of the Shrew - Part 2
Pairing: dark!Arthur Morgan x f!reader Summary: Although you've ended your relationship with Arthur, he gets you to agree to one final rendezvous. Series-wide tags: Toxic relationships, manipulation, obsessive behavior, smut, secretly unprotected piv, babytrapping, pregnancy, canon-typical violence, slight canon-typical misogyny. Wordcount: 3.7k A/N: I was not expecting that much love on part 1! I'm so glad yall enjoyed! Here's part 2 and where things get juicy 🤭. And before you ask, yes they had condoms in 1899!! They just weren't very good.. Also, I do not profess to be an expert on pregnancy, I just looked things up and hoped for the best. 😭 Sorry if anything's inaccurate. This chapter contains smut. And as always MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Tags: @dandelion-ranch @i-will-give-you-love @amaranth-writing @heloixe @buneio @warmsideofthepillow03 @thoughts-of-bear @luzzbuzz
Part 1 Part 3
Several days had passed since you told Arthur to never speak to you again.
You didn’t mean it. You couldn’t have. Your love, though short, had burned like a phoenix: though it was currently snuffed, Arthur knew it would soon rise again.
He knew better than to approach you again, though. So he wrote a letter.
My love.
My darling, my princess. I am in pain while writing this. Not because of any physical injury, but because I miss you badly indeed. My heart burns for you, for your touch, your skin on mine, even just one last time.
I am certain you feel the same way. If you do, please meet me at our spot near Ringneck Creek at noon next Monday.
I swear this will be the last time I will contact you. If you don’t show, I’ll know your decision is final. However I know you will. I know our love was something real. Please don’t make a fool of me.
Forever yours,
Arthur posted the letter on a Monday, giving you nearly a full week to make a decision. He was on edge after that, wondering if you would actually show. Would you bring your father, or even a bounty hunter, to capture him? Or would you just not show at all?
Thankfully most everyone in camp left him alone; the news of your loud departure had spread fast. There was the occasional ribbing from Micah, but he was like a mosquito buzzing in everyone’s face. Arthur paid him no mind.
Dutch told him it was a waste of time. 
“Women are a complete mystery, son,” he told him Sunday night, puffing on his cigar. “Trust me, you’re better off being single forever.” He didn’t seem to care that Molly was behind him in the tent, hopefully sleeping.
But he didn’t know the inner workings of Arthur’s mind. Didn’t know what he planned to do.
Monday morning, he bathed and trimmed his beard. As much as he hated to admit it, Arthur was nervous.
He scoffed. Headshotting O’Driscolls barely raised his heart rate, but the thought of seeing you again had him jumpy like that Kieran boy.
Arthur rode over to the spot early. It was a good isolated spot a little ways away from the creek, where you two had slept together a couple times.
He spread down a blanket and cleaned his guns while he waited for you.
About half an hour later, he heard the crunching of leaves and turned around. Your familiar form entered his field of vision; suddenly, Arthur was breathless.
You were here. You’d actually come. And you appeared to be alone.
You hitched your horse next to his, then came down to the blanket. “Hey,” you said, smiling softly.
“Yes, well.” You smoothed your skirts. “Just can’t help m’self, I suppose. But listen, Arthur…this is the last time I’m seeing you. Seriously. I don’t even know why I came here–”
Arthur pulled you down beside him. “You came.” He cleared his throat. “I knew you would.”
“Alright, shh,” Arthur interrupted, taking your hand in his and softly pressing his lips to yours.
“Mm,” you sighed, immediately melting into his touch. He might be rough around the edges, but Arthur surely knew how to treat a woman. You’d already forgotten what you were gabbing on about.
Arthur wasted no time in deepening the kiss and pushing his tongue past your lips. “That’s my good girl,” he murmured, one hand cupping your cheek and the other on your hip.
You spent a few minutes exploring each other’s mouths and letting your hands wander. Eventually your positions shifted so Arthur was nearly laying on top of you. He spoke again.
“Come back,” he whispered. “I can’t live without you.”
That voice. It was sweet as honey. It made you want to follow him to the ends of the earth.
You avoided his gaze, pursing your slightly swollen, glazed lips. “Arthur, I can’t–”
“You love the bloodshed,” he spoke in your ear. His hand went under your skirt and ghosted over your bloomers. “You crave it. Stop actin’ like you don’t.”
Arthur silenced you with another kiss, capturing your lips and claiming them as his, as he had done so many times before. Yet it never got old; the lusty looks and burning touches lit you on fire.
You whimpered as he slipped his hand inside your bloomers.
“We both know this doesn’t lie,” he murmured, barely grazing your folds. He kept his bright eyes steadily focused on you while he used just one finger to tease you.
A quiet moan escaped your lips.
Arthur seemed eager to get on with it. He lifted your skirt and removed your underthings, carefully setting them beside you on the blanket.
“Did my pretty girl miss me?” he breathed, massaging your thighs. You whined just a little, already anticipating his touch.
Arthur traced your bare cunt, enjoying watching you squirm.
“Arthur,” you whispered in a choked voice. 
He shucked off his pants, then laid down between your legs. 
Arthur was gentleman enough to service you first. He put your legs on either side of his face, and breathed in the natural scent of your pussy, again barely grazing the already soaked lips with his finger.
“S-Stop teasing me, dammit,” you moaned. He smiled. It was almost fun to see how quickly he could get you to come undone, begging for his touch.
Arthur started with small licks on the inner parts of your thighs. Your legs immediately tried to come together, but he held them apart and kept licking. Your chest heaved up and down as you tried to stay still. 
He traveled up your thighs and paused just before he got to your cunt. Taking two fingers, Arthur spread your lips apart, marveling at the amount of slick already coating your entrance.
“Ah- ah, d-don’t- mmgh,” you cried. His touch was so depraved and satisfying. 
Arthur dove in, pushing his tongue into your warm, sticky entrance. He gripped your thighs with his hands and held them up as he fully ate you out. He got messy with it very quickly, suckling on everything he could get a hold of.
You cried out and gripped his hair hard, bucking your hips. This kind of pleasure was completely unheard of and forbidden for girls like you, and that made it all the more filthy. You loved it. You loved every second of it. No man had ever touched you like this before, and you doubted any man ever would.
He removed his mouth for a second and rubbed circles around your sweet spot. “You’re lovin’ it, aren’t you, sweet girl?”
You breathed in and out loudly. “Yes,” you whined shamelessly. 
Arthur pushed his tongue back in, appreciating how your walls tightened around him. He swore he could feel your heartbeat, pulsing in time with his.
You grinded against his face, spreading your juices everywhere, going crazy at the lewd noises being produced.
���Arthur– oh, Arthur, yes, please–”
You were getting close. It never took long for you to cum, but apparently you were touch starved right now.
Abruptly, Arthur pulled back from your pussy, breathing heavily and licking his lips.
You panted too. “Why’d you stop?”
He paused, then quickly pulled off his boxers. Oh.
Arthur pushed you down again and rubbed his girthy, veiny cock up and down your soaked pussy. 
The thick mushroom head was poking at your entrance, and you wanted to let him in, but…
“Do you have…protection?” you whispered.
He nodded. “Course.” He pulled a condom packet out of his pants pocket. A primitive thing, to be sure, but it was part of the plan.
Arthur pulled it on, then nosed his tip so it was just breaching your entrance. You sighed loudly, spreading your legs a bit more.
He pushed in. A creamy noise was produced, but even louder was your pained moan. It was a stretch to fit him in, even when he had prepped you first.
This was only the second time he’d gone all the way like this. There was no reliable way of avoiding pregnancy, so you simply didn’t allow him to do it. But this was a special occasion. After this, you were done with each other, forever.
Arthur sighed and pushed into you even further, watching your pussy lips greedily suck in his cock.
“That’s my girl,” he murmured. “Letting me in so nicely.”
He started to thrust in and out slowly. You threw your head back and panted, whining loudly and mumbling his name.
His cock repeatedly filled you to the brim and you squeezed your tight walls around him. Your juices quickly coated the condom, allowing him to more easily push the rest of his cock in.
Soon he was pushing in and out, all the way to the burst of hair at his base. Arthur groaned lowly, biting your shoulder and holding onto your hips with his big hands, kneading your ass.
After a few minutes of bliss, he shifted positions; Arthur pressed your legs almost to your chest and held them there, hitting deeper and deeper into your sticky cunt. 
You moaned loudly, finding his hair again and holding it tightly. His full balls slapped against your ass.
“Like that?” he muttered. “You like that, you uppity little–” He groaned loudly, going faster and rougher.
“Arthur, Arthur,” you sobbed, curling your toes. “Please, I’m g-gonna–”
With a muffled cry, you came undone on his cock, toes curling, legs shaking, cunt spasming and letting out more of your juices all over his cock and the blanket.
“That’s right, let it out, sweetheart,” he gasped. “I’m close too, baby, shit–”
Arthur pressed himself into you and stilled, panting, eyes tightly shut. You could feel his cock twitching as he rode out his orgasm in your soaked through cunt.
His lips collided with yours in a sloppy, desperate kiss, and he slowly thrusted a couple more times before pulling out.
The condom was smeared in your juices.
Arthur sighed. “Hopefully it didn’t break. I tried to get a good one.”
You chuckled nervously. “Hopefully not.”
He helped you clean up, wiping you down and putting your clothes back on. You hoped his smell (it wasn’t a bad one, just distinct) wouldn’t cling to your clothes.
“I’m sorry it had to be like this,” you told him as you prepared to remount your horse. “But if you ever decide to stop being an outlaw…you know where to find me.”
“I love you,” Arthur said simply.
You flushed, and looked away. 
“Goodbye, Arthur.”
You rode off.
Arthur waited till you were out of sight to smile.
You were really gullible. A condom, seriously? Even pulling out was more reliable. These things broke more easily than a cheap lock. Even if it hadn’t, he’d cut a small hole into the tip that ensured he’d painted your walls white. If it dripped out, you would probably just assume it to be your own juices.
Now it was just a waiting game.
Two months later.
Your maid, Elisabeth, stared at you frightfully as you bent over a bucket for the 3rd time this week, vomiting horribly. You breathed heavily, then vomited again. There was nothing even in your stomach, which made it so much worse.
“Are you alright, ma’am?’ she squeaked, standing by with a towel.
You were too nauseous to answer. You clutched your stomach, head spinning and mind racing.
Your stomach had been in shambles this week and the last, and it was getting concerning.
After a few labored breaths, you grabbed the towel and wiped off your mouth. “Let's visit the doctor.”
Elisabeth gave you some cool water to sip, which helped a bit but not much. You could hardly stand to get on the carriage, and then it was like you were on a merry-go-round with the way it was hitting every bump in the road.
You leaned over the side and emptied your stomach yet again.
It was possible this sickness had a terrifying explanation, one that you couldn't even begin to imagine. Lord, protect me, you prayed despairingly. 
One agonizingly slow and nauseating ride later, you pulled up next to the doctor's office. Elisabeth had to coax you down, and she was clearly scared you would projectile vomit on her. The world was swimming around you and had a hazy feel.
You stumbled into the office and leaned against the cool wall.
“You alright, ma'am?” a voice asked. It was Dr. Williams, an older gentleman who'd been in Rhodes for years.
“I-I think I have a fever,” you whispered, fanning yourself. “Been throwing up everywhere.”
He quickly escorted you to a room in the back, and you collapsed into the chair. 
Dr. Williams examined you, looking inside your mouth and pressing various points on your body.
“Any symptoms besides vomiting?” he inquired.
You shook your head. “Don't believe so.”
“When did they start?”
“I'd say…maybe two weeks ago.”
He hummed and thought for a bit while examining you. “Is there a chance you could be with child?”
You started, then stopped, then froze.
“Err,” you stuttered.
He waited for your answer.
“I-I-...well, I suppose it ain't impossible,” you admitted fearfully.
Dr. Williams nodded. “Unless you have some strange fever, it is my opinion that you're suffering from morning sickness.”
Your heart dropped to your feet and started beating like a jackrabbit's. No. No. Lord, please.
“That can't be true,” you said desperately. “It-It- was so long ago…I don't…”
“It takes a bit for symptoms to present,” the doctor explained.
“B-But I can't, I can't be,” you cried, panicking. “You don't understand, my life is over if I'm with child. Over!” You stood up and started pacing around.
“Admittedly it’s still too early to tell for certain,” Dr. Williams allowed. “However, I have seen this many times before. There are options–”
“No! There are no options!” you snapped. “I am the daughter of an oil baron and a society lady! J-just imagining the shame, the disgrace–...my mother will kill me. And if she doesn't, I'll be sent away to the corners of the earth.” 
You burst into tears at this declaration, falling to your knees and covering your face in shame. Dr. Williams hung back, perhaps sensing that you needed a minute.
After you collected yourself and stood up, you said in a quiet, cold voice: “There is no way I am pregnant. I thank you for your expertise, Dr. Williams, but in this case you are incorrect. I simply have a fever. Good day.”
You swept out of the building with your head held high, collecting your maid and getting back on the carriage. 
The two of you had barely left the town borders before you broke down and started crying again. Pregnant? A child? You? It could not be true. It could not. 
And…and definitely not by Arthur, of all people. He was like a firecracker, burning hot and dangerous, the exact opposite of a…father.
Even that word burned acrid on your tongue.
“Do you need somethin’, miss?” Elisabeth asked tentatively.
You sighed, wiped your face, and shook your head sadly. “No…no thank you. I'm alright.”
The ride back home was silent save for your sniffles and forlorn sighs. You refused to accept this possibility.
You felt you would rather be tarred and feathered than even think about telling your mother about your condition. Your outburst at Dr. Williams had barely covered it; your parents were continually telling you to act perfectly, to never step out of line. Even though they were far from perfect.
Your mother was the biggest hypocrite you knew. She thought you didn't see her inviting the help in for "tea". Well, you did, not that you cared much. It was just sickening that she set expectations for you that she herself had never reached.
She'd threatened you with the nunnery before, after catching you with one of the stable boys. Said that “wicked girls were destined for the deepest pits of hell.” Hmph. She was definitely an expert on the subject.
As for your father, well, he wasn't much better. Though he didn't verbally abuse you like your mother, he viewed you more like a liability among his property. You were certain he would marry you off if it would benefit his emerging empire. He would see this…predicament as something that could damage his reputation. If your mother chose to send you away, you doubted he would make much of a fuss.
Thankfully, the churning in your stomach faded on the way home, and only your mind remained in shambles. 
You tried to avoid your mother when you arrived at the manor, but of course she was in the front room, waiting for you.
“What did the doctor say?” she inquired as you put down your things.
“Just a mild fever,” you replied shortly, then power walked to your room. But she followed.
“Are you sure? Do you have a temperature? Did he give you any medicine?” she pressed, following your impatient footsteps right up to your bedroom door.
“Mother, I'll be fine. It's not serious,” you said angrily, then closed the door behind you firmly.
You waited until her heels clicked away down the wooden stairs, then collapsed on your bed and sobbed some more.
My life might be over.
A month and a half later.
Your life was over.
Completely and utterly.
The nausea had not stopped, and in fact it got worse the week after you went to the doctor. That had been the peak of pain, but it still remained for another two weeks afterwards, lurking like some shadowy beast.
Your dresses, tailored exactly to your measurements, had become just a little bit tighter. At first you had brushed it off as an indulgent diet, or just stress weight, but even your mother had commented on how your dress was pulled tight over your torso.
After that, you took care to hide your body under the heaviest dresses you could manage. But it was summer by now, and staying out of sight was a tall order.
Your mother repeatedly asked you to go to the doctor again, and perhaps seek out a second opinion, and you refused, insisting that it was just a fever. But you could tell she wasn’t believing you. She gave you strange looks when you said you felt nauseous yet again.
It was a stormy day in June when you finally had the courage to take off your clothes and examine your body in the floor-length, gilded mirror in your boudoir.
A mistake.
Your blood turned to ice as you saw the unmistakable bump that was forming.
Your breathing accelerated along with your mind, thoughts racing and jumbling and colliding, coming to one stunning, awful conclusion:
I’m pregnant.
You were pregnant. With child. An expectant mother.
What a joke.
You? A mother? What a ridiculously absurd notion. You would sooner be a clown in a traveling circus.
And…that man was the father. The man that haunted your thoughts and your dreams, the man whose scent still clung ever so faintly to one of your riding dresses. The man whose mere name sent shivers down your spine.
Arthur Morgan.
You put your clothes back on, then left the room, intending to get a snack, but before even making it to the stairs your mother pounced on you.
“Alright, I simply must insist that you tell me what is really going on,” she declared. “No fever lasts this long, and you have no temperature at all.”
You tried to dodge her, but she blocked your path, clearly dead set on getting an answer from you.
“It’s nothing, Mother, I told you before,” you said, irritated. It absolutely was not nothing, but you needed time to plan your strategy. 
“If it’s nothing, why have you been nauseous for the past…” She paused, then narrowed her eyebrows. 
Before you could step back, she poked your stomach with one finger. You of course involuntarily jumped back.
“What- What are you doing?” you gasped, nervous.
“Let me see your stomach.”
She pushed you towards your room. “I said, let me see your stomach, girl. Lift up your skirts.”
You scoffed, heart pounding like a drum. “Why would I do that?”
You were forced back into your bedroom, and your mother closed and locked the door behind her. “I just want to look at it.”
This was quite a pickle.
“I- I really don’t think that’s necessary, Mother-”
She grabbed at your skirts, impatient. You jumped back. “Stop it! Fine, I will.”
She was going to find out eventually.
Your mother crossed her arms and waited with anticipation as you slowly lifted your skirt. The blood was rushing in your ears and you prayed to God that you would survive the next five minutes.
Eventually your skirt revealed the still developing but definitely noticeable bump you had.
The room was dead silent. Your mother stared at your belly in shock, lips slightly parted. 
Then her mouth closed and formed a hard scowl. “Would you care to explain the meaning of this?”
You blinked several times, trying to find your voice, but it was lost and long gone.
“Are you-” She swallowed hard. “Are you…with child?”
She stared at you. Her glare kept you still and pinned you down like a bug on display.
You eventually nodded, wordless and terrified.
“And who is the father, pray tell?”
You just stared at the ground.
“Answer me, girl,” she said sharply.
There was no way you were going to tell her that. It would genuinely be better for her to assume you were so loose you couldn’t even pinpoint the father.
Your mother pinched her nose, and sighed, shaking her head. “We’re going to have a little talk with your father when he comes home. Remain in your room; I have no desire to see you anymore.” With those pleasant parting words, she stomped out, slamming the door behind you.
Once her footsteps faded away, you sat on your bed, numbly thinking of what to do. 
Your father was sure to agree with any punishment your mother dreamed up. He was more like a manager than a father, and he had no qualms about letting a bad employee go.
Or…or maybe he wouldn’t? Perhaps his indifference would work in your favor, and he would tell your mother not to bother? Maybe he’d even pay someone to take care of it.
These were all hypotheticals. There was no telling what would really happen until it actually occurred.
Your father was due home soon. It was just your luck that he was taking a half-day in the office.
End of Part 2.
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stygiansun-totaleclipse · 14 days ago
Not to be horny on main or anything (is that rven allowed? I can’t remember 😭😭) but can I ask what the ro’s turn ons are? And maybe tbey’re reaction to accidentally turning the MC on?? Wpwbdpdbosfh sorry if this id like totally weird and not allowed feel free to give me the boot forever 🙏🙏 ALSO ALSO your story is amazing and so is your writing and I can’t wait to see where this story goes !! Never forget to hydrate well king (gn)
No worries lol NSFW asks are totally fine; I’ll just answer them under a cut for those who’d prefer not to read them. :) Also thank you I’m glad you enjoyed it and stay hydrated as well!! ❤️ (I love water so much my family is sick of hearing me talk about it)
Kieran: Difficult to break, but is sensitive along the scalp. Hair-pulling is sure to crack their composure. Post-relationship, if they accidentally turned mc on they’d find it hard to concentrate on what they’re supposed to be concentrating on and would find themself staring at mc with dark glazed-over eyes.
Nihm: Sensitive along the spine. Most easily aroused by an mc that is much more forward and hungry in their appetite but in rarer instances they can sometimes switch that role. Also enjoys a spot of monsterfucking in fiction. (Idk I just like the idea of them seeming so innocuous and bland in their tastes and making some offhand comment that reveals their taste in monsters and everyone being like ‘what’). Can be painfully oblivious at times and probably wouldn’t realize they’d accidentally turned mc on unless the mc explicitly told them they had or unless it was very plainly visible 😳
Lilith/Lucien: Pet-play and praise. Pat their head and call them a good boy/girl. Also sometimes a bit of voyeurism or humiliation, especially if it puts their partner in a position of dominance and them in a position of obedience/subservience—but expect to work for their obedience. If they accidentally turned mc on, they’re gonna have to restrain themselves from pouncing immediately but they’re definitely smug and fascinated by it. Also expect them to get off to the memory of it later.
Samira: Sensitive around the neck—any kind of light touching/nuzzling/whispering would make her squirm a bit despite her best efforts not to. Also enjoys toying with an mc that is not verbally upfront with their feelings or is combative about them. If she accidentally turned mc on she’d probably be torn between ‘oh gods I’ve messed up big time’ (with her patron and royalty no less) and being amused and wanting to push MCs buttons further.
Aurynn: Difficult to actually make him aroused at least pre-relationship. He’s used to a degree of control regarding his own arousal. Post-relationship, smaller genuine acts of intimacy would be enough to leave him wanting. Ya done fucked up if MC gets noticeably turned on in front of Aurynn because he will not forget it and he will use it at the most inopportune times to drive MC up a wall.
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robin-writess · 7 months ago
so this might be really specific but could you PLEASE write about if kieran made a bet with arthur at a camp party that he could get Y/N to dance with him by the end of the night? not enough people write about kieran and your writing of him makes me feral, it's so good ♥️♥️
Thanks for the req!! I’m sorry it took so long but here you go love<33
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🎀A Deal is a Deal🎀
Kieran Duffy x Fem!Reader
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Summary ~ Arthur bets Kieran won’t be able to get you to dance with him
Warnings ~ none
not proof read
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Kieran always had some sort of attraction towards you, and he couldn't deny it. I mean you are the most beautiful woman in camp. In his eyes anyway. You're one of the only few people who treat him right, like he's a human being just as everyone else is.
Although you had the same attraction to him, you were oblivious to his feelings towards you. It was so obvious to everyone but you. Some of the girls have told you before but you always denied it.
You all had recently earned a lot of money from a successful job, so Dutch decided to celebrate by throwing a little party in camp. The atmosphere was blissful, people laughing and singing, Hosea telling funny stories of Dutch and Arthur. Overall, everyone was just having a great night and enjoying themselves.
You're with some of the girls not too far from the party, just chatting and gossiping, mostly about Molly (sorry molly😭).
“Molly can be a bitch sometimes, but I honestly feel kinda bad for her,” Karen says as she shakes her head.
“Why’s that?” Mary-Beth asks, leaning forward in interest.
“The way Dutch treats her,” Karen speaks again, “he acts like he loves her then goes off and flirts with other women.. it ain’t right.”
From where you were, you could see Dutch and Molly dancing to some music coming from the gramophone in his tent. You could also see Arthur and Kieran a few feet away from them at one of the tables.
~Kieran’s POV~
“So uh… how do I tell her..?” Kieran asks nervously.
“Tell her what?” Arthur asked, seemingly forgetting everything Kieran just told him moments earlier.
“That I like her!” Kieran whisper-yells, looking around to make sure nobody heard.
“Ahh I’m not too good with advice, Kieran,” he replies, “but you could ask her to dance. Maybe she’d like that.”
This sparks Kieran’s interest and makes him think why he hasn’t thought of that before.
“Well hell, I bet you couldn’t even do that.” Arthur chuckles and lowers his head.
This only fuels Kieran’s determination even more.
“W-well I bet I could.” He bites back, straightening his posture.
Arthur laughs again, “okay, $5.”
“Deal,” Kieran says and they both shake hands.
Kieran begins to walk off before he hears Arthur behind him.
“I’ll be waiting for my money.”
~Your POV~
You’re all laughing at a joke Tilly made when Kieran suddenly appeared, causing the laughter to die down as he catches the attention of all of you.
“Hey, uh..” he waves and nervously sways from side to side, “y/n, uhm do you wanna dance…?” He reaches his hand out for you to take.
You hear a couple ‘oohs’ from some of the girls as you become flustered, your face slightly heating up.
“Yes of course.” You smile and take his hand.
He walks you over closer to the music before nervously placing his hand on your waist, holding one of yours with his other hand. You both gently sway and move around to the sound of the music, soft smiles and giggles coming from the two of you.
“Uhm.. to be honest, I really don’t know how to dance.. all I know is this.” Kieran admits.
A soft laugh comes from you, “that’s okay, I don’t either.”
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purerae · 1 year ago
hi!!! I just read about kieran and omfg I love his character and I have so many ideas about this man😭
-what if reader actually straight up tells him they don’t like him romantically?(i love aggressive reader especially with playboys)
-reader having enough of kieran
-kieran finding out that reader is in a relationship
hii oh my gosh thank you so much!! let me know if you want a proper oneshot and i’ll write it for you but these are just some bulletpoints on how i’d think he’d react <3
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ this man will not take no for an answer he will keep trying and trying.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ He’d take it as a joke but would begin screaming crying throwing up once he gets home.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ “Haha, don’t be so harsh~! I know you love playing hard to get cutie!”
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ If you are persistent in your feelings, he’d end up kidnapping you LOL
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ he likes your aggressive behaviour so some part of him likes the chase and you rejecting him consistently.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ He honestly does not care if you’ve had enough of him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Although he wants to see you laugh and smile at his jokes he also loves seeing you getting annoyed by his antics
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ in the long run it would hurt him to see you genuinely tired of him and he’d start growing slightly insecure
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ no one would realise though because he wouldn’t change his behaviour
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ again in the long run if he can see you’ve had enough of him he’d probably kidnap you so you can’t move schools or switch classes.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ “It’s okay, you’re already tired of me, so what’s the point in holding any barriers now? Now I don’t have to pretend like you don’t belong to me <3”
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Or he would use some sort of blackmail against you but would portray it as he’s trying to look out for you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ he is so SO livid
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ he’s been trying for AGES and you’re in a relationship??
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Kieran would genuinely would try to ruin your partners life.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ He’d begin to spread nasty rumours about them and make sure they have a bad reputation
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ “Oh (P/N)..?? I heard they cheated on their ex..?? I dunno though someone told me that”
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ He would make sure that no one would link it back to him spreading the rumours. Wouldn’t want you to find out he’s the reason why your partners life is hell now??
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ If you’re still with them, he’d threaten the partner and make sure you won’t find out.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ All in all, if you’re still with them, he’d most definitely end up murdering them.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ It wouldn’t trace back to him because he’s actually incredibly smart and has a social status. He would easily get away with it
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ He would notice you all depressed in chemistry class and realise it’s his chance to get closer to you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥“Oh princess…I heard about the news.. I’m so sorry~”
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comatosebunny09 · 1 month ago
Hello! First off I wanted to thank you for posting fhe latest chapter of Carpe Noctem. Writing take so much effort and I want you to know that you are very much appreciated! I am sorry to hear about the copying thing. I haven’t come across it yet but it must have sucked especially when you have put so much effort into the concept.
I wanted to yell more about the recent chapter because the diner scene especially made me scream - it captures the reader and Sylus’s dynamic so well! And it was just. So. Cool!! And then and then and then with them in the safe house finally! Everything was so well-written!
And because I’m a sucker for angst what if his phone suddenly rings and it’s her she’s back early and he forgets where he was for 2 seconds so he pulls away from you and answers out of muscle memory because of course, why wouldn’t he, right. You’re so dumb, this was just to fill the absence and she’s your friend how could you do this so you slip out quietly, as you should, disappearing into the night so he could focus on her. It was only for a few seconds, he hurries a “sorry sweetie, I’ll call you back” out of his lips and turns and you’re gone. For days. And he’s out his mind with worry.
Sorry for the word vomit, your stories and concepts are so, so incredible and I hope you continue and keep the passion burning. have a great day!!
Hello, sug!
Thank you for being so supportive and taking the time to read carpe noctem. I’m blessed that you liked it. I was afraid to post the latest chapter because I feared it wouldn’t live up to the first few parts I shared. But I am grateful for the amount of feedback I’ve received on it. 🥹🥹🥹
It’s a shitty feeling. I tried to sleep on it last night and allow myself time to calm down before I reached out to the person who duplicated my work. I poured my experiences, feelings, and thoughts into carpe noctem and limerence, so it was very disheartening to see someone take something I’ve been working on for months that is l literally a part of me pass it off as their own.
But enough of that.
I’m glad you enjoyed the diner scene. 😭😭😭 I was so afraid to incorporate that because I was thinking, “Is this really necessary? Is this cringe?” But I wanted to provide more insight into Sylus and the reader’s relationship, as they’ve been thick as thieves since she began working more closely with him.
Sylus’ Night of Secrecy card heavily influenced the safe house scene. I wanted to write something similar but with my own twist. Again, I was terrified to incorporate this, but I feel that it was somewhat of a turning point for their relationship. Some progress where they’ve spent four years dancing around each other.
I’ve been watching so many C-Dramas these days where right before two love interests kiss, a phone rings, and one of them is compelled to answer it. It drives me insane! Like, does no one silence their phones anymore?!
But, I did consider implementing that idea for carpe noctem, where Luke or Kieran call right before things get too heated, alerting Sylus that everything following the reader’s mission has been cleaned up. And right after, the spell between them is broken, and the reader realizes what a mistake she made after retreating to one of the guest rooms. I didn’t think to have MC on the phone. 🤔🤔🤔 That’s not a terrible idea, actually. For the reader to hear her friend’s voice on the speaker and, it snaps her back into reality.
Sylus would drive himself sick with worry, wondering if he had crossed a line, if he had misread things and pushed her too far. This is the kind of pain I ache for. I will be thinking about this for days.
Again, thank you so much for reaching out to me and feeding my brain worms! Once I get out of this funk, I’ll definitely consider your suggestions for the updates. I hope you have a lovely day!
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basicallyjeankirschtein · 2 months ago
sylus x reader - my demon au drabble ft. some caleb x reader
i’m sorry i’ve been brainrotted by kdramas i just got my wisdom teeth removed and all ive been doing is rewatching my old faves…
but please sylus x reader writers and lovers HEAR ME OUT ON THIS!!!! my demon au… starts licking the screen
and imagine the love triangle caleb girlies!! caleb can be seok-hoon MEOWWWW and when both of them ask do-hee, or in this case reader, to marry them!! im clawing at the walls of my enclosure. idk how do-hee did it dawg bc if i was proposed by sylus AND caleb i would simply not choose
JUST IMAGINE enemies to lovers.. and then reader starts to actually like him but sylus is too arrogant to accept his feelings, then luke and kieran knock some sense into him and he’s just. absolutely infatuated with you. he really takes that contractual marriage seriously after that.
AND THE SERIAL KILLER SUBPLOT DAWGGGG sylus, even tho he acts like he hates u, is absolutely furious a man is stalking you. and when he gets that SOS call… ohhhh he is mad. he is so ready to kill that man. then he sees caleb is also at your apartment because he also got the SOS call and sylus realizes he’s jealous aruuhghhh
he only became a demon because you were killed in your past life due to catholicism 😭😭💔 he killed everybody in that damn village who let you get murdered and swore on his life he would never go to heaven because God let you die. he doesn’t realize you were, well, you, until he regained his memories of being human and he is just so heartbroken he was rude to you at first, was heartbroken he almost struck a deal with you, was heartbroken he couldn’t do anything but watch you die. he is terrified of letting you die in this life too, but then you regain the memories of your past life and swear to him you’ll always love him and it wasn’t his fault… guys i’m crying.
BUT THEN YOU DO DIE!!! because somehow the serial killer is STILL ALIVE?? and sylus goes against the demon manual (lol) and brings you back to life even tho he’s not supposed to do that, and then he dies for you instead 💔💔💔 but don’t worry god is a REAL ONE in the show and brought him back to life i was so happy 😭💔
i love this stupid show. i really disliked the relationship at first bc im not a big fan of enemies to lovers and the man being mean, but by the end i put up with it and absolutely adored it. i get he was just mean bc hes a demon and cant relate to human emotions 😭😭💔but then he learned to love humans and only struck deals with bad people because he adored his wife so much… oh my god… i can’t stop thinking about sylus as gu-won and reader as do-hee
i’d love to write like, an actual full fic of this but business proposal will always be my number 1 so i’m writing a fic based on that instead ): but if anyone would like to write a full fic of this with sylus, PLEASEEEE DO. i would eat that up so hard.
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tempting-andromeda · 2 years ago
Omg omg omg idk if your requests are opened but if they are then pleaseee accept this request. (It’s totally okay if you don’t want to though!)
Ok so Kieran, Charles, Sean, Bill, and Lenny and how they’d react to finding their s/o hidden somewhere crying. Like she’s (or they, whichever you prefer to write) overthinking and starts to wonder if they even actually love her.
Again, it’s completely fine if you don’t wanna write this but thank you so much if you do, and have a nice day! (Or night, whatever it is for you😭)
Hehe I love requests also Ngl I didn’t know people found Bill attractive…do I add him to the list of hc?
Kieran Duffy, Charles Smith, Sean MacGuire, Bill Williamson, Lenny Summers
Kieran Duffy
He kinda thinks you were ignoring him at first but after a while he goes searching for you and finds you kinda off somewhere away from camp
He’s super hesitant to interrupt you but the minute he hears you crying he’s immediately by your side trying to comfort you.
“H-hey…whatcha crying about?” He asks softly as he gently touched your arm to gain your attention.
He’s probably the most soft and comforting person even if he’s shaking from anxiety at the fact that you’re crying and he doesn’t know why. He overthinks a bit himself until you tell him how you feel
“I love you…really I do. I’m sorry if I didn’t show it but I’m showing’ ya now.” He mumbled softly as he moved closer to you and slowly began to rub your back, wanting to comfort you
He definitely bumps up his show of live for you afterwards by telling you he loves you, physical touch, helping you with your chores.
Charles Smith
At first he thinks you just need time away and he’s like “they weren’t in the best moods :/“ but still gives you space
After a while he realizes he should check on you so he finds you and once he notices you’re crying it’s a a switch flips
He gives you a soft “hey…what’s the matter?” And he crouched down in front of you and takes your hands
You don’t respond immediately but he’s not really that hurt by it. He knows you need time and he gives it to you but he doesn’t leave your side once
Once you tell him how you feel he lets out a small chuckle and pulls you to his chest.
“I promise you it’s just your mind telling you that. I love you and I’ll tell you every day if I have to.”
Sean MacGuire
Sean doesn’t even think twice about you walking off. He probably thinks you’re just going off to do your business but after a while he starts to realize you’re gone for a bit too long.
He follows you expecting to find you sneaking a nap or doing something you’re not supposed to but once he hears your stifled cries he panics
He’s immediately on his knees in front of you frantically touching and grabbing you, trying to figure out what’s wrong. It’s probably not the best way to comfort you but he’s trying and he’s worried about you.
“Hey, hey, hey why the tears?” He asks worriedly as he lifts your face to look at him, clearly concerned and confused.
Once you confess your worries he just blurts out “I like ya! I love ya even!” Because he wholeheartedly means it.
Bill Williamson
Okay I don’t think bill would be the best with pda so when you go off to let go of your emotions he watches you and just lets you go
But after a while he realizes it’s been a while and he reluctantly follows you, a little annoyed you haven’t gotten back yet
When he sees you crying he hesitantly makes his way to you and just tried to think of what he did or what anyone else did to make you cry.
He’s real awkward comforting you. He just pats your back and tries to think of what to say or do and kinda overthinks himself
“Sorry if I did anything…I’ll make it right.” He mumbles after a moment of silence and once you tell him how you feel he’s kinda taken back
“Course I love ya, wouldn’t be tryin to comfort you if I didn’t.” He grumbles, a bit offended you thought he didn’t like you.
He’s blunt about it but it’s also how you know he’s telling the truth.
Lenny Summers
He probably doesn’t realize you’ve been off for so long until he’s done with his chores and he’s like “hm where did they go?” And then goes to look for you
He finds you hiding somewhere and at first he’s a little amused because he doesn’t really notice your tears but once he sees them he’s instantly worried
“Hey…what’s with the tears?” He whispers as he brushed your tears from your face.
He doesn’t overthink too much but it’s obvious he’s worried about you. He gives you time to tell him how you feel and he presses a soft kiss to your forehead
“Don’t worry. I love you. If I could I’d spend everyday tellin’ you I love you. Might just make that the plan.” He says warmly, trying to boost your mood yet also telling you how he feels truthfully
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organdon3r · 6 months ago
hi!  I am desperately in need for help. I need my insulin to bring my blood sugar back down. It’s $300 That’s all I need. I’m not asking for a windfall, just a little help, please.
Be blessed 💓🙏🙏💓
            DONATE AND SHARE.
OFC OFC!!❤️❤️
I'm so sorry atm my financial situation is horrific😭 BUT ILL SHARE ACROSS ALLL MY FANDOMS ND TAGS🫶🫶
:) I hope from the bottom of my heart that everything gets so much better for you
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witchlingcirce · 7 months ago
Opinions on the Better in Black stories? What do you think each one will be about? I’m so happy Sizzy is being included 😋 I wanna see their wedding
IMGGG better in black!! It needs to come NEOWW I am so excited. And yes I DO have opinions on the better in black stories!!
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So if you don’t know these are the stories featured in better in black. The absolute uproar these comments where in other the characters where really obnoxious to me. Cassandra doesn’t OWE you writing any specific pairing 😭😭 anon this isn’t about you but everytime I see these comments I get mad.
The only thing I would have done is add characters we haven’t seen in awhile. IE, maybe swap Sophie & Gideon/ Cecily and Gabriel with some couples we’ve already seen a lot (Clace, black stairs ect). But again, I don’t really have any complaints! Quite happy with the pairings.
WHAT do I think each story will be about?? Well some of them I’m kind of not really opinionated on BUTTT I will tell you what I think for some of them!!
Wessa —> I think Wessa’s story will be them in Paris! If you look at the cover it seems like there the ones who near the Eiffel tower. What are they doing? Who knows. I don’t think it will be an adventure pursue, but I feel like maybe there gonna have a love confession on the Eiffel Tower.
Sebastian and the Seelie queen —> if I remember correctly, Cassandra said this was going to be a romance story in particular. So i definitely feel as though this will be some kind of political story. Ie: Sebastian and the Seelie queen trying to manipulate each other through pleasantries or coming to some kind of agreement. I honestly think this story will give us some kind of insight into Ash in particular.
Mark, Kieran and Cristina —> WELL, if anything- I think this book will 100% be them in the faerie cottage. Doing what? Who knows… but doing who? Well… JOKES. If anything, I could see maybe them dealing with some kind of fae problem. Or maybe Mark & Cristina visiting Kieran in the unseelie court, helping out!!<3
Jocelyn and Luke —> no one rlly gaf about this story as much as me. I think the fact it’s in the PAST is what excites me most. So there’s two possibilities for this story.
1. It’s them in the circle days, kind of crushing on each other but yk, Targaryen wannabe Valentine Morgenstern is in the way. I think seeing the teenage crush that Luke had on Jocelyn would be oober cute and sad.
2. This is the one I think is the most plausible, them raising clary <3. Them both adjusting to there newer lives while also taking care of this tiny new infant. It would be so cute!!! Also it would be really cute to see a younger clary (of any age really). Like imagine them going to Luke’s book store like Lorelai and Rory going to Luke’s diner :,)
For the other characters?? I don’t really know to be honest. I’ll let the wind take me with there stories.
ALSO SIZZY. I am sorry I’ve made you absolutely lug through this entire post anon, but the fact where getting sizzy content for the first time in 2. Billion years… don’t even talk to me!!
I have a multitude of sizzy ideas that I have actually made in an entirely different post here
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brxkxnhxxrtsclxb · 2 months ago
idk but i kinda wanna say something else about this line
i’ve been in such awe since the scary sweet birthday stock photos dropped and i love the line. easily the best G3 line imo. i have zero complaints about the designs so my post isn’t about that. BUT…
i’m kinda bummed we didn’t get kieran valentine in this line
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i know i sound delusional and “this is a reboot it’s not gonna be like G1” but idk when you bring an iconic and beloved line from G1 into G3, i feel we can’t be faulted for wanting it to be similar or a callback to the original >.< plus cupid is here again, and she and kieran were first introduced in drac’s sweet 1600 line / film !!
i get it. the mansters have never been popular and it’s unfortunate they’re at an all time low in G3 (seriously is like they stopped trying. at least in G1 we still got them here and there), but it would be nice to have more of them !!
kieran is also a beloved character and what better time to introduce a new manster than in G3’s sweet 1600 line ??!! draculaura’s birthday is on valentine’s day, we have a cupid, who are literally like the mascots of valentine’s day, so why not include the guy who has valentine as his last name ??😭 (plus he’s a pink lil vampire dude and we know PINK SELLS SO IF LOW SALES IS WHAT THEYRE WORRIED ABOUT MATTEL HAS NOTHING TO FEAR *cries*)
sorry. i had to ramble about this but excluding kieran just kinda feels like a missed opportunity. i get it, but i don’t like it T_T
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milliemuus · 1 year ago
Possible future stuff (just a snippet ;) ):
Dokutaro: ‘No…no! Impossible! How is my power core destroyed?!’
Kieran: Wait, his colour’s weird, this means, maybe we have a chance now? If so, then…
Ogerpon: *angrily growls while bringing out her cudgel*
Kieran: *puts his hand, blocking Ogerpon* *with rage* No,I’ll take care of this.
*Grabs Dokutaro’s neck while the True Finale starts*
Who are you… To think that could prevail? For all the sins you’ve done, You'll fall on your face and FAIL!!!! Now then! And In The Final hour our HOPE STILL SHINES!! BLINDING THE DARKEST OF NIGHTS… IN THE FINAL… FIGHT!!
You’ll never harm anyone again Like the runt you were, You may have possessed me and and made me harm my family! But when YOU harm my friends?! You're asking for a Kieran smacking! One single KO punch, Will send you sorry runt a-packing!
*Finally, in a fit of rage, Kieran mustered up all his strength, and punched Dokutaro, sending him flying in the air. Finally the second attack is over, but it truly was a Grand Finale*
(v) PV! Pecharunt: And that’s how I got my ass handed by my Kieran.
@tealmaskmybeloved Pecharunt: *grimaced* sheesh, I hope you’re alright.
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: Now you’re making me feel that I got off easy…
Azure Dive Pecharunt: *curious* Really? What happened?
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: Well, let’s just say my Kieran was AN ABSOLUTE SIMP, somehow, his simping was able to shrug off my possession for a short while, but it’s really tiring, ugh, I’m SO TIRED…*internally screaming*
Azure Dive Pecharunt: ohhhh, that sounds really annoying to deal with.
(so, ANOTHER IDEA, AND A SNIPPET OF THE PECHAS. So, you said most of your stuff is inspired by BIS, so another lyrical stuff by Juno Songs (credits to him) for Kieran in the Key Change segment. Also, I changed a few things to fit the context)
(and this could be a sequel’s ending since, the final battle is sort of discussed already)
(so maybe?)
(Also, opportunity for the Pechas to interact :), also if S&S Dipplins Pecharunt confusing you, you can go to @dipplinduo and see the asks, he’s the author of the fanfic)
I LOVE THIS IDEA! I'M FINALLY GETTING TO ANSWER BUT I RLLY NEED TO LISTEN TO THIS SONG! I'VE BEEN Listening to the actual BIS soundtrack, and smth funny I've been thinkin abt is a mario-rpg style thing of Project Venus.
So, you know how in BIS the music changes depending on whether you are bowser or the brothers? Esp inside bowser? I wanna make themes based off the inside bowser themes for Kitakami, BB Academy, Area Zero, etc for PV!Kieran, since his POV is technically warped. Like when we first meet him, it's obvs gonna be normal, but it slowly but surely settles in as time goes on because I wanna say there's a side episode of him training (Like Bowser Jrs Journey was a side episode)
I'd love for everyone's Pechas to interact! I'm a bit intimidated even tho I'm mutuals with both dipplinduo (I believe) and I am definitely mutuals with tealmaskmybeloved!
However, I don't think I've heard much abt Azure Dive, but I hella love the name 👀
I wanna find out more abt them, though! I don't see them on my tl much and I get busy, but I'd love if you told me a buncha stuff, if you'd like to! You're definitely not obligated to, by any means!
Also, I'm very sure that PV!Pecha wpuld get the walloping if a lifetime for sure! Maybe not just by Kieran himself, but by Kieran's ancestor, too 😭
In fact, I think that's what I want PVs Mochi Mayhem to be about! Uncovering Pecharunt and Kieran and Carmine's ancestry with Eustace (The Mask Maker) and the sealed curse that Pecharunt has him under! Ooooghh, givin me so many ideas...
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blazingstar400 · 9 months ago
Anyone else notice themselves playing one of Kieran’s themes at least once a day? I have been playing them so much and I think my sibling noticed since they asked me if there was any other song I was going to listen to.
Like I’m sorry, I can’t help the fact that he’s taken over my mind. 😭
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d4rkshad0w · 7 months ago
So, we know that Kieran has talked about how he feels something dark in Faerie because of how he's connected to the land. Do you think that darkness will specifically be Janus because he's not of this world and from Thule or do you think it will be Ash because of everything he is (Shadowhunter, possibly mixed with some demon because of Sebastian, and Faerie royalty)? Or possibly it's even Kit since he is starting to reach for his powers and Mother Hawthorn once said that when the First Heir reached for their power all of Faerie would fall under shadow?
I've been thinking about it lately and I was just curious if you had any thoughts of your own!
i haven’t really thought about this before but i doubt it’s Janus’s connection to Thule that causes a problem, although he is from Thule and not of their world how would he affect Faerie, he’s also the same as Jace so if Janus were to effect Faerie wouldn’t Jace also effect it, and when Julian and Emma went to Thule, Sebastian couldn’t tell that they weren’t from that world so i don’t really think that Janus being from a different world would effect Faerie if anything it would effect the Nephilim
i think it’s either Ash or Kit, it could be Kit because of what Mother Hawthorne said about him reaching the full extent of his powers, he was safer in TDA because he didn’t know that he was the First Heir but after his encounter with the Riders or Mannan/him using his powers and then with what Jem and Tessa told him about Auraline. i think that by tlkof he will definitely know more about his powers and what he can really do because i’m pretty sure his powers have come out by accident a few times, so if he goes into battle and uses his powers with purpose to their full extent then he will definitely be dangerous to Faerie and their future, or it could also mean maybe a curse about how the First Heir can control the land or something and with Kit being older and more of a threat that’s probably what the “something darker” Kieran feels
i think it’s mostly Kit because he’s the main character 😅 but it could also be Ash and his blood (angel, demon, faerie) like maybe the Seelie queen dies and Ash becomes influenced by Janus to take over the Seelie Courts or maybe Janus takes over the Seelie Court but if either becomes King i’m sure something bad will happen and i’m not saying it will be Ash’s fault but i think that Janus will use Ash and his royalty/connections to do something bad to Faerie, like maybe he tries to shut it off from the shadow world/ earth i guess Ash also had his connection to Faerie and how creatures and animals are drawn to him so maybe he gets mad at something that someone did and creates an army to go like fight them and in doing so he destroys part of Faerie, another one of my theory’s is what if the Seelie Queen finds out about Kit and uses Ash to take Kit to Faerie and maybe Ash succeeds but Kit escapes and bring the battle to Faerie where it’s Kits First Heir powers against Ash’s connection to the land and while they’re fighting they destroy a big part of Faerie
i just think Kit and Ash will play a huge role in the future of Faerie and Janus will be helping escalate the situation
Kieran feels something dark in faerie because of his connection to the land but Ash is also connected to the land so what if he’s sensing Ash’s powers and his demon/angel blood so maybe it is Ash
i never really thought much about Kieran’s little ‘prophecy’ but thank you so much for bringing it up and asking for my opinion and sorry it’s so long 😭
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