#I’m scared a pixelated nightmare
dragonmask-8 · 10 months
Getting around to posting these here. My friend got me to get into this game and I love it
By the way the White Face design is by my friend, I drew it for their birthday a few weeks ago :)
Do not dis their design or I will personally steal all your flowers >:(
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drgngutz · 1 year
Cybernetic Soulmate - V
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BEN Drowned x Reader 
Soulmate AU – Implied Feminine Reader
Ben is gone; at least that’s what Jadusable might believe at first. 
Previous Part
Benjamin Lawman 
BEN Drowned
It was strange to finally be scrolling through my computer after being restricted for so long. When he had found his way outside of the cartridge and into my computer, BEN had always found some way to mess with it, screwing with my files, making me question reality with every loading screen or missing pixel. Even after I put him inside that cartridge again, it felt like there was something leftover; something that was still there, and I still couldn’t tell if what I was seeing online was real or fake. 
Without it, though, everything was absurdly fine. I felt okay. I no longer felt the constant watching as soon as I stepped into my room when I got home, nor did I hesitate like I used to when typing the password of my account to log in. Even looking at the 4chan post seemed so… normal. 
So why did it feel so wrong?
It didn’t make any sense. I had trapped him, I had given that girl the cartridge, and she would destroy it; he would be gone. For good. 
Looking through the comments and responses to my posts were helping me to enforce the idea that I was safe. I could easily responded to each comment now, perfectly ordinary, without any mishaps; I pushed the button and the thread was sent, without any altered words or blank messages. 
I felt relaxed for the first time in weeks. He was gone. He was actually gone.
MaskywasHere: I’m scared that we haven’t heard from you yet. You good bro?
gingersnaps-obsessed12: I’m too impatient for this crap. It’s like a masterpiece I can’t even- I must have more
DrgnGutz: Holy shit, dude. I mean, no way this is real, but it's a great story, really. 
KittyGirl<33: OMG! R u alive???!
Ifrit: I’d like to hear more from you via email, if you’re interested in sharing more of your story :)
I mostly responded to the concerned comments with simple, easy replies. Nothing too complex, most of them I just assured I was alright or that everything was fine before moving on to the next; I ignored the more inquisitive questions for my own sanity. The responses were never ending, a constant cycle of scrolling down further into the abyss of loading more comments; all of which I had never seen before, no thanks to BEN and meddling with my perception of the outside world. 
Everything was filled with his absence. Everything was all right again. 
That stupid fantasy was wiped away in an instant the moment I looked away from my computer for a second, before looking back and seeing a new window opened to cleverbot. I swear, I could feel a chill run up and down my spine as the room dropped a few degrees. 
Bursting from my seat, I rapidly move the mouse and hover over the bright red ‘X’ to close the damn thing, nerves lit up with alarm. 
“Fuck… Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I scream at the computer as the window refuses to close, slamming down on the left mouse button with my whole hand and sending it down to the floor with a clatter. 
“This isn’t happening.” I begged at the screen, shaking my head and backing away as if I had been burned. 
Oh, but it is.
Verging on hysteria, I lunged for the power button, landing harshly on my knees and nearly pushing it inside of the PC from the force. This was a dream, a nightmare. The after effects of what had happened to me, my brain was just tricking me right now. I would hit this button, and it would be over. Really over this time. 
I cried out in despair when the damn thing refused to turn off. 
“What the fuck… What the fuck do you want from me?!” Screaming at the bright pixels, I stood back up from the ground, fists clenched at my sides. 
Just to talk. 
“Leave me alone.” 
A little rude for a ‘welcome back,’ but, I suppose it can’t be helped.
“Go fuck yourself.” The longer it went on the more I began to realize this wasn’t in my head. I pinched, squeezed at my arms, the pain registering fully enough to know this wasn’t a nightmare. 
Ha. Do I disturb you that much?
“How did you get out?” I was yelling at the screen at this point, surprised my parents hadn’t walked in and asked what the hell I was doing up so late at night screaming so loud. 
Wouldn’t you like to know?
“Tell me. Tell me right now, or I swear…” 
You’ll what? Put me back? 
You can’t now. It’s too late. 
“Asshole. You’re a fucking asshole.” 
It’s amusing to watch your distress.
“You were supposed to be–” It dawned, right then and there. He was supposed to be gone, destroyed, for good. Something was wrong. Had she messaged me at all since yesterday?
I scrambled for my phone, scrolling through my emails and finding nothing; not since she first contacted me about the cartridge in the first place. 
“Where is she? Where’s (Y/n)?” 
“Don’t play coy with me, you little shit. What did you do to her?!” I was raging at this point, all forms of fear converting to defense in an effort to ward him off. It would never work, of course. I had tried it before. 
I’m not telling.
“Did you trick her, too? Trap her inside that fucking game, like you did to her brother, Matt?” 
You were so eager to get rid of me, you didn’t even think twice about what would happen if it was in someone else’s hands.
“I should’ve destroyed that cartridge myself.” I snarled at the screen, eyes scanning over his next reply as it scrolled onto the site. 
Yet you couldn’t. How funny.
“Shut up. You murderer, you killed her, just like you killed the rest.” 
Even if I did, that’s none of your concern, is it?
You should be more worried about yourself. 
“If she’s alive, I hope she comes to her senses and puts you back in that fucking game, just like I did.”
I told you, that can’t happen anymore. 
It’s too late. I’m free now. 
I am everywhere now. 
The screen explodes into a dialect of code bouncing off of other code, glitching and warping into itself as the machine whirs with an overload of power. In a last ditch effort, I try to draft a new email to her; maybe it’s not too late, maybe I can get to her in time before–
The draft closes itself, and my phone powers down. The dread swallows me up with hot and cold flashes as the small screen lights up with text. 
That won’t do you any good.
The entire house is painted black, the electricity shutting down and leaving me to bask in total desperation. 
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demonica-31 · 1 year
Hey guys, I need a little bit of help. I’m doing a Halloween themed game on ClanGen, but I’m having trouble figuring out how to name my characters. The only names I’ve been able to come up with are
1. Pumpkin
2. Were/Wolf
3. Chocolate/Cocoa
4. Bony/e
5. Skeleton
6. Skull
7. Witch
8. Zombie
9. Dead
10. Franken
11. Undead
12. Gourd
13. Spider
14. Corpse
15. Mummy
16. Eerie
17. Creepy
18. Crypt
19. Fear
20. Web
21. Troll
22. Hob/Goblin
23. Blood/y
24. Corn
25. Sugar
26. Sweet
27. Sour
28. Spirit
29. Ghost
30. Ghoul
31. Wraith
32. Fright
33. Stitch
34. Rat
35. Needle
36. Beetle
37. Glow
38. Lantern
39. Grave
40. Tomb
41. Freaky
42. Sliver
43. Grim
44. Phantom
45. Tarantula
46. Eldritch
47. Maggot
48. Vampire
49. Bat
50. Midnight
51. Fairy
52. Sprite
53. Vulture
54. Mushroom
55. Worm
56. Wither(ing)
57. Wilt(ed)/(ing)
58. Demon
59. Slime(y)
60. Dead
61. Cinnamon
62. Caramel
63. Coconut
64. Wisp
65. Rot(ten/ting)
66. Coffin
67. Howl/ing
68. Scream(ing)
69. Gore
70. Casket
71. Fungus
72. Taffy
73. Buried
74. Banshee
75. Beast
76. Bean
77. Monster
78. Nougat
79. Peanut
80. Sprinkle
81. Syrup
82. Ooze
83. Gooey
84. Cream/y
85. Knife
86. Cleaver
87. Slash
88. Doll(y)
89. Frosting
90. Icing
91. Glaze
92. Cookie
93. Cake
94. Poison
95. Cider
96. Shark
97. Metal
98. Mold/y
99. Nightmare
100. Hiss/ing
101. Severe/d
102. Cadaver
103. Devil
104. Ro/bot
105. Carcass
106. Lollipop
107. Licorice
108. Gummy
109. Jellybean
110. Marshmallow
111. S’more
112. Frog
113. Pie
114. Walker
115. Brownie
116. Fudge
117. Sharp
118. Razor
119. Buried
120. Chip
121. Bitter
122. Cyborg
123. Cyber
124. Digital
125. Pixel
126. Pixie
127. Blade
128. Toadstool
129. Snake
130. Cobra
131. Glitch
132. Spine
133. Chill(ed/ing)
134. Coffee
135. Espresso
136. Tick
137. Leech
138. Sting
139. Serpent
140. Cauldron
141. Iron
142. Potion
143. Pudding
144. Vanilla
145. Flour
146. Piranha
147. Boar
148. Pig
149. Leather
150. Orca
151. Anaconda (don’t want none)
152. Gorilla
153. Alligator
154. Crocodile
155. Turkey
156. Citrus
157. Lemon
158. Lime
159. Unicorn
160. Dagger
161. Clown
162. Jester
163. Void
164. Leprechaun
165. Orc
166. Torn
167. Shattered
168. Tea
169. Butter
170. Butterfly
171. Diamond
172. Gem
173. Alien
174. Mocha
175. Banana
176. Mermaid
177. Siren
178. Angel
179. Soda
180. Popcorn
181. Voodoo
182. Rattle(d/ing)
183. Dragon
184. Scale(d)/Scaly
185. Blueberry
186. Raspberry
187. Mango
188. Strawberry
189. Grinning
190. Dancing
191. Latte
192. Spice/y
193. Cozy
194. Tar
195. Acid
196. Melt(ed/ing)
197. Autumn
199. Cheesecake
200. Twilight
201. Grape
202. Shard
203. Crisp(y)
204. Still
205. Rabid
206. Bitter
207. Twisted
208. Bullet
209. Charcoal
210. Feral
211. Griffin
212. Nymph
213. Melon
214. Crimson
215. Plum
216. Salt(y)
217. Ring
218. Somber
219. Hyena
220. Decay(ed/ing)
221. Whiskey
222. Margarita
223. Cocktail (that's a whole entire name right there!)
224. Beer
225. Pirate
226. Glitter
227. Moon
228. Powder
229. Heathen
230. Garlic
231. Firework
232. Trick
233. Treat
234. Widow
235. Eclipse
236. Butterscotch
237. Gargoyle
238. Honeydew (another full name!)
239. Pomegranate
240. Malt
241. Milk
242. Tangerine
243. Kiwi
244. Apricot
245. Blackberry
246. Cranberry
247. Fig
248. Papaya
249. Pineapple
250. Raisin
251. Eclair
252. Drowned/ing
253. Viper
254. Wicked
255. Glass
256. Gem
257. Jewel
258. Thrash(ed/ing)
259. Venom
260. Almond
261. Cashew
262. Pistachio
263. Walnut
264. Fruit(y)
265. Bomb
266. Cherry
267. Chamomile
268. Volt
269. Jolt
270. Punk
271. Goth
272. Emo
273. Grunge
274. Hex
275. Vex
276. Snap
277. Macabre
278. Crazy
279. Insane
280. Muffin
281. Chain/Saw
282. Hammer
283. Hook
284. Machete
285. Axe
286. Slice
287. Loon
288. Lunar
289. Phoenix
290. Nail
291. Balloon
292. Fizz/y
293. Foam/y
294. Froth/y
295. Spook/y
296. Flesh
297. Haunt(ed/ing)
298. Poltergiest
299. Apparition
300. Soul
301. Scare/crow (Another full name!)
302. Cold
303. Elf
304. Ogre (someBODY-)
305. Frenzy
306. Mirage
307. Spunk
308. Darkling
309. Minotaur
310. Basilisk
311. Chanterelle (it's type of mushroom)
312. Clementine
313. Nectarine
314. Orange
315. Wizard
316. Broom
317. Mystery
318. Yeti
319. Cryptid
320. Wendigo
321. Behemoth
322. Kelpie
323. Goat
324. Amarok (it's a type of wolf)
325. Pegasus
326. Truffle
327. Saffron
328. Croissant
329. Strudel
330. Pepper/mint
331. Paint/ed
But here’s the thing. I’m running out of ideas! Can you guys help me come up with more names?
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Can You Survive the Trip to the West Office | RE2 Remake
There’s just something about the terror you feel walking through the darkened Raccoon City Police Department. You can always hear zombies, or other mutated monsters, but you don’t always see them at first. The anxiety of walking around with barely any light, knowing something is going to jump out at you, but not knowing where or when, provides a constant thrill. I absolutely loved the original Resident Evil 2. 
It’s what started me on survival horror, and the Resident Evil franchise. I don’t even know how many hours my best friend and I spent playing this game on PlayStation after school and on weekends. It was completely different than anything we’d ever experienced before. I even had a nightmare after the first encounter with Lickers. lol Thanks, vivid imagination. 
Now, years later, I’m replaying the Resident Evil 2 Remake and it’s been such a thrill. It brings me back to 1998, sitting in my bestie’s converted attic, huddled around the tv and playing this new game. It marked the era of crossing from Nintendo games to a new form of gaming. An end to our childhood and a move to new and exciting gaming experiences.
We didn’t know the pixels and crude artistic forms we grew up with would grow into high definition and extremely realistic games. No matter how much I love all of the older retro games, including the original Resident Evil 2, I can’t help but love this one a little more. To have the experience of my childhood moved to a new, exciting and realistic looking experience is something I never thought would happen. 
I immediately got the game in 2019 and couldn’t wait to play. But I was also a bit leery because I remember how much it scared me when I was younger. The excitement and lingering fear as I popped the disc in was intense. I watched an entirely new game unfold before me, yet it was the same I played as a kid. I didn’t get to sit and play it consistently back then, but now I’m able to sit and enjoy the gameplay. I also get to make walkthroughs for my channel. 
Honestly, I hope most people check it out, mainly for the entertainment of it. 🎮
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Back with the girls’s situation, Elva has stop banging the door, having another dreadful feeling of being watched. She slowly turns around, to see another ghostly deceased girl sitting on the bed, just staring at them. But that wasn’t the reason of the dreadful feeling, something else watching. Joanne looks at Elva, wondering why she stopped, and doing. “Elva…? What’s the matter..?”, said Joanne. Joanne turns around as well. Joanne’s wired camera screen, shows a different ghostly deceased girl, looking at them. This other ghostly deceased girl, is wearing a dark blue dress, and is barefooted. 15 viewers has joined. The screen glitches a bit. “Is that another one?!”, “Yes!…But, I think we’re still not alone!”, said Elva. “What, is there another dead girl here too?!”, said Joanne. “No!…It’s something different. Something darker.”, said Elva. Joanne is confused about scared, “Darker?!”. The pounding gets more aggressively louder. Joanne’s wired camera screen, shows the ghostly deceased girl moving, scooting to the edge of the bed. The screen continues to glitch. Joanne goes back to the bedroom door, trying again to open it. The ghostly deceased girl now gets up and walks to them. Elva slowly walks backwards, hitting the door, while Joanne is still trying to open the door. “The dead girl is walking towards us!”, Joanne looks. The wired camera screen shows the ghostly deceased girl is jerkingly walking with bone cracking sounds, but stops half way. The ghostly deceased girl then turns her head to the right, sensing something is coming. 18 viewers has joined. Pixels emerges with static vectors, screen wobbles then jags. The screen does the same freakish spasms, with the same buzzing sear sound. Slowly something appears, it’s the same shadowy mist. Elva is speechless and petrified. Joanne notices Elva is frozen in fear. “Elva! Elva!,”, said Joanne.Elva points at the direction where the shadowy mist is at. “There’s a shadowy mist floating by the window!! That’s the darker presence I also felt!”, said Elva. Joanne looks at the direction that Elva is pointing at. She sees nothing but, the ghostly deceased girl standing and nothing else. “I don’t see anything!”, said Joanne. The shadowy mist is only visible to Elva. “Do you have your hand held camera? That ca be way to see this shadowy mist!”, said Elva. Joanne realizes she left her camera at the bathroom. “Fuck! I left it in the bathroom!”…Is it still there?”. “Yes!”, said Elva. Elva continues to look at it, as the shadowy mist is not moving, just floating.
Casey arrives and approaches outside of Elizabeth’s room, but sees the doors closed. Wondering if the girls left him, or something else. He starts pounding the door repeatedly. “JO!! ELVA!! ARE YOU IN THERR?!?! Joanne and Elva are surprised to hear Casey, and that he’s returned. “CASEY!?!?”, said Joanne. “WHY ARE THE DOORS LOCKED?!?!”, said Casey. “ELVA AND I DON’T KNOW!! SOMETHING JUST LOCKED US IN!!”, said Joanne. “WELL, STAND BACK!! I’M GOING TO KICK IT OPEN!!”, said Casey. “PEASE HURRY!! WE’RE NOT ALONE IN HERE!!”,said Joanne. Casey starts kicking the doors, Joanne and Elva, backs away. As Casey I’d still kicking the doors, Elva notices the shadowy mist, the ghostly deceased girl in the blue dress, has gone. Even the pounding on the bathroom door has stopped. “Joanne, they’re gone. The pounding on the door has stopped. The shadowy mist and the little girl have disappeared.”, said Elva. Joanne looks, her wired camera oscreen shows nothing, but the bed, and the windows. Casey has broken the door open. “ are you two okay?!..What happened?!”, said Casey. Joanne acts hysterical and replies. “No, some fucking dead girl wanted to harm me! Another dead girl was just standing in front of us! And this shadowy mist, that Elva said she saw!”, said Joanne. “Where did you encounter the dead girl at?”, said Casey. “At the bathroom..”, said Joanne. “Which is the bathroom?”, said Casey. Joanne points him to the door. “Be careful, that dead girl could still be in there!”, said Joanne. The bathroom door opens, Casey enters, using his hand held camera as light. There’s no ghostly deceased girl, except, Joanne’s hand held camera on the floor. He grabs Joanne’s camera and leaves, since there’s nothing, nor any ghostly deceased girl. He returns. “There’s nothing in there now…Just your camera.”, said Casey. Casey hand over her camera, she replies while receiving it back. “I know, I dropped and left it by mistake, when that fiasco happened.”, said Joanne. When she received the camera back, Elva notices a hand print on Casey’s right arm. “What happened to you? You have a hand print on your arm.”, said Elva. Casey looks at his arm. “Oh..Yeah. I went to check out that loud thud noise we heard earlier, and what caused that thud noise was a fallen cabinet, I picked it up, but had my own encounters. Two dead girls and one dead woman. One dead girl with one eye, who had a knife and tried to stab me with it. The other dead girl had no eyes. But, somehow manage to leave me a hand print on my arm. And the dead woman hardly did anything to me, but she crawled like a spider! From a wall, to the ceiling. When the conversation ended, Elva looks at the hallway entrance, and sees the shadowy mist has returned. She informs the two. “Guys, the shadowy mist is back! It’s out at the corridor”. Both are looking at the corridor but still couldn’t see anything. “I don’t see anything!”, said Casey. Joanne remembers what Elva had said earlier. “We might have to use our hand held camera to see this shadowy mist!”, said Joanne. Both uses.their hand held camera to see the shadowy mist. Pointing at the hallway, they’re stunned to see it. “Yo, what the fuck is that?!”, said Casey. In Casey’s wired camera screen, shows the shadowy mist just floating. In Casey’s wired camera screen, it shows the shadowy mist moving towards them slowly. 10 viewers has joined. His screen goes staticky, with pixels, and static vectors. More wobbles and jags, with a lot more freakish spasms. The same buzzing sear occurs again. The screen tries to rebalance, but it is having trouble. “My camera is acting up!”, said Casey. Joanne spends right after. “Mine too!”. They’re also irritated by the buzzing seat. “Can that tucking sear stop!”, said Casey. They’ were coughs off guard by the searing sound, that the shadowy mist struck. Realizing at the last minute, they see the shadowy mist is flying towards them. Ducking at the last minute, the shadowy mist still manages to fly through them, then vanishes. Raising back up, they all looked around. “Where the hell did it go?!”, said Casey. “I don’t
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nahasdynamics · 2 years
Erie scary game safe
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#Erie scary game safe for free
#Erie scary game safe Pc
#Erie scary game safe for free
Gather clues, collect dead cats, use spray paint to mark your trail, and whatever you do, don’t look behind you! Erie challenges the notion that the survival horror genre is dead, and is available for free on With barely a minute to orient themselves, players find themselves trapped, and being hunted with no option but seek escape. Made as part of their group thesis project, Erie ruthlessly drops players into a dark and terrifying sewer complex beneath a sleepy Michigan town during the 1960’s. With 11,500 people playing the game in the first two days, Erie, has its eye’s on the scariest indie game titles held by games like Slender Man, and Amnesia. The game is set in.Graduate students from the University of Utah’s Entertainment Arts and Engineering (EAE) Master Games Studio (MGS) take their place in the indie game hall of fame with Erie, a survival-horror game that already is the #1 game on Desura and has 700,000 hits on YouTube thanks to game commenter PewDiePie and other reviewers. SCP Containment Breach isn’t just a free survival horror game – it’s actually a phenomenon that probably inspired a lot of other indie horror games, such as Slender. Just like Ib and Ao Oni, this game was created with RPG Maker. Schuld (which means Guilty) is a free psychological horror game of German origins created by Kelven. You step into the shoes of a kid who has to find the whereabouts of his parents. Resolute Dark is a free horror game developed in a single week by indie studio Redev Games. The game goes for some of the most common themes to instill fear in the player – a creepy setting. Shutter is a free survival horror game developed by KGames. You play Aya, a young German girl living with her father Alfred and his assistant Maria in their mansion.ĭead Space managed to reinvigorate the survival horror space with its science-fiction theme and a sense of palpable dread, thanks to a great atmosphere and the necromorph threat.ĭid you ever stayed late at work in the office during a stormy night? Then you’ll probably relate to One Late Night, a short and free horror game where you play as a. Mad Father is a Japanese 2D horror puzzle game made with the 'Wolf RPG Editor'. This maze is the stage for a freeware horror game that is more difficult than. is a game where you are thrown into a maze and have to overcome fear to find the exit. The story is very similar to Ao Oni, except for the fact that you're a scientist.įrom a Czech developer comes Lake Queen, a freeware horror game that combines adventure and arcade through six chapters. Kuro Oni is a 3d horror/puzzle game made as a tribute to the widely popular Ao Oni. Kraven Manor is a free horror game created by 13 graduate students at The Guildhall at Southern Methodist University in Plano, Texas. Ildefonse is a free horror game developed by a small Portuguese indie team and one that tries to escape the worn out template that was made popular by Slender.
#Erie scary game safe Pc
A freeware horror game for PC developed with RPG Maker, this is one of the most popular free games. Ib is a game that will make you look at art museums in a very different light. I’m Scared: A Pixelated Nightmare is a free horror game created with Game Maker that uses pixel graphics to create an original atmosphere. What kind of irrational fear do you have? In the case of the Hylophobia game, you play as someone who has a fear of forests and trees. Homesick is a free 2D pixel-art side-scrolling horror game created by one single, talented person nicknamed Oh Hey, Chloe. Hidden in the Shadows 2 is a freeware horror adventure game where the player has to explore a school in a small town only to find that it is haunted. Horror games are few and far between and even popular franchises such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill abandoned most of the scary elements in favor of a more commercial.
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p3terparker · 3 years
hi! i saw this prompt somewhere where person A is very gullible and believes any conspiracy theory even if it makes no sense and person B is the one to tell them that it's not real, and i was thinking how peter would defenitely be person A, and i pretty much wanted to request for u to write something like that !
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𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: none
𝗮/𝗻: i hope u guys know this theory about jb 😭 this request just gave me an idea for a text au so im def gonna start writing it rn tysm anon 💓
𝘄/𝗰: 0.5k
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peter is extremely smart​​—everyone knows that. from random little facts to important knowledge for school, he knows it all. however, even though he’s smart, he’s still dumb enough to believe conspiracy theories.
you will admit, some of them do seem true, but the ones peter always tells you about makes absolutely no sense that you almost feel bad for his poor little gullible self.
“oh my god.” you heard peter mutter in disbelief to himself in his bedroom while you were using the bathroom. “BABE COME HERE” peter yelled.
“what is it pete?” you said while drying your hands on your pajama pants and settling onto his bed in a sitting position across from him.
“prepare for what i’m about to tell you. i- i’m in shock right now.” he says, voice shaky.
“what has you so freaked out? you’re scaring me”
“justin bieber is a reptile.” peter says while practically wincing at the words coming out of his mouth. you stared at him for a couple of seconds to see if he was joking, but by the look on his face, you could tell he was completely serious.
“peter you can’t be this gullible!” you say laughing out loud at his accusations.
“y/n i’m serious! look at this video of his eyes!” he exclaims before showing you an extremely low-quality video on his laptop of justin bieber where his eyes look weird. you have to stop yourself from laughing in his face again before trying to calm him down.
“baby, look at me.” you say softly before shutting his laptop and guiding his face to look at yours.
“that video was like negative three pixels. sure, his eyes looked weird but that was probably just because of the quality. justin bieber is not a reptile, peter.”
“how can you be so sure he’s not a reptile? does this mean other celebrities are reptiles too? oh my god, what if the kardashians are! i think i’m going to pass out” peter rambles on and on about celebrities he thinks could be reptiles, causing you to laugh even harder.
“so what if they’re reptiles? you literally know bruce banner, the man who transforms into a giant green monster. you’re not afraid of him, so why be afraid of human-reptile shapeshifters?” you say logically, trying to calm his nerves since his mind is set that 90% of celebrities are reptiles.
“you’re right. i just hope they’re not like trying to overthrow the government or anything. that’d be pretty scary” peter envisions with chills running down his spine.
“can you please sleep over? i’m scared i’m going to have nightmares about reptilian justin bieber trying to beat me up or something”
“of course i’ll sleep over. you really need to stop watching conspiracy videos though, they freak you out too much.” you say while thinking of the countless times peter has spazzed out over other dumb theories that make zero sense.
“okay mom”
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baby-bearie · 4 years
sleepy and sad
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(not my gif, all credit to owner)
jj maybank x reader
tags: @sunflowermotel @howdyherron @drew-starkey @maraseavey @outerbanqs @yelyahryan @loveylangdon @obxwriterfan @avashroom @rewindlr @raekenliar @ceruleanjj @dolanfivsosxox @heyhargrove @lashtonandmalumsbaby @beautyandthebleh @pancahke @outrbank @kiarasflowr @adoreyoudrews @myjjbaby @jjmaebank @corleigh @poguemacking @kristineee-obx @jjtheangel @maybe-maybanks @5sos-seavey @pixelated-pogues @shawnssongs @thorsangel @midnightmagicmusings @jjouterbanks @daniel9seavey9 @hopefultrashforanythingreally @trashmouth-jjmaybank @drewtruly @rudys-pankow @spilledtee
a/n: here is second of three. i am once again very sorry for posting a bunch in one night; but i had these chilling and never posted them. i apologize for annoying all of the people i keep tagging lmao. this is definitely the shortest of the three.
The sound of something hitting your window woke you up from your sleep. You stretched before realizing it was still night. Moaning, you flipped over on your stomach to go back to sleep.
You lift your head to look at the window. 
A shoe hit the window. 
Okay, now you were awake. 
You dragged yourself out of the warm, cozy covers to unlock and open up your window. You stick your head out to find out who’s shoe it was and-
Took a shoe to the face.
“Shit, baby, are you okay?” Your boyfriend whisper yelled from below your window.
You held your nose in your hand, but it didn’t seem to be bleeding or anything. 
“I’m fine. JJ?” You whispered back.
“Yeah, it’s me. Can I come up?”
You nodded, a little disoriented. “Okay, but you have to climb, my parents are watching something downstairs.”
JJ hoisted himself up the tree next to your window, and you took a second to admire the view.
Sometimes you forget how pretty your boyfriend is. Especially in the middle of the night. 
When he reaches your window you move to the side and he climbs into the window sill, swinging himself under the frame to get into your room. 
The second both of his shoeless feet are on your bedroom floor, he sweeps you into a bear hug, nearly crushing you in his arms. He rests his forehead on your shoulder and with the arm not squeezed between the two of you, you reach up to stroke his hair. 
“You’re okay. You’re here. Are you okay?” He pulls away to look over you, and there’s an unsettling amount of panic in his eyes.
“I’m fine. What’s going on?” 
“Nothing, nothing. I’m so glad you’re okay.” JJ pulls you in again for another hug. You manage to weasel your hands onto his shoulders and push him away, holding him there. He pushes against you, wanting to hold you again.
“JJ.” He can tell by your tone that you mean business and he sighs. 
“I had a nightmare.” he mumbles. You feel your face fall. He’d been doing so well with the nightmares for the past couple weeks. 
“Usually when you have a nightmare you just call me. Why did you come all the way over here? Did you bike here? Do you need water?” You fire question after question at him, and he shakes his head quickly, ceasing your fire. 
“This time was different,” he takes a breath, his voice is shaky. “This time it was about you.”
Your brow furrows in concern and he sits down on your bed, tugging on your hand. You sit next to him. 
“It was the same nightmare,” he starts, but situates himself so his head is resting on your legs. 
JJ has been having the same nightmare for months now. He won’t tell you all of it but you know it involves his dad and some violence. 
“But this time he didn’t try to come after me, he was hurting you.” JJ’s voice breaks on the last word. “I couldn’t do anything, I had to just watch him put his hands on you like that, and you kept,” he’s interrupted by a sob, “you kept begging me to help you, you were crying for me. And I couldn’t help. I was so scared.” 
You understand now. You understand why he’s so shaken. 
Since the moment you met him, you knew JJ Maybank was going to be the strongest person you’d ever meet. And he had proved you right time and time again. He put up with his dad’s bullshit, he took blows for his friends and he still was the same JJ.
But JJ could only handle being hurt himself. His biggest weakness, his only weakness was his family. His real family. The second he thought any of you were in danger, you, Kiara, Pope, John B, he was willing to risk anything. 
You rested your hand on his head and let him cry into your legs. “J, I’m okay! It was just a dream, I promise. You keep me safe, remember?” 
JJ nods on your lap. It’s a promise he made to you years ago, during a game of paintball when you had a panic attack over John B shooting too many times at you a little too fast. He promised you, he’d always keep you safe.
“It wasn’t real, okay?” 
He’s calming down now, his breathing evens out. 
“Can I spend the night here?” He asks, twisting his neck to look up at you. 
“Yeah, sure,” You smile down at your sweet, sad, somewhat scared boy.
He shoots up and falls on you, tackling you onto the bed. 
You grunt under him, and he tucks his face in your neck. 
“JJ, get off me, you oaf.” You try and shove him off but he doesn’t budge. He’s already asleep. 
Your own sleepy, sad, somewhat scared boy. 
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dindjarindiaries · 4 years
Mandoctober - October 5: Target Practice
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summary: After you sustain an injury during a fight, Mando cares for you and ends up revealing more about himself and his past than you’d expected him to—including a little bit about an old tattoo. (an excerpt from the one-shot Riduurok)
pairing: din djarin (the mandalorian) x gn!reader
warnings: canonical-type violence, injuries, hurt/comfort
rating: T
word count: 1.492k
mandoctober masterlist
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october 5: target practice
“I’m meeting the client at the cantina just down this way,” Mando tells you as you walk into the marketplace on Yedhi. He hands you a comlink. “If it ends up being a setup, I’ll call for help. You do the same if you need it.”
You nod, accepting the device in your hand and securing it on your belt. “You got it, Mando.” After placing a firm hand on your shoulder, Mando heads off towards the cantina, leaving you with the child in his pram as you walk around the marketplace. You have nearly all of the necessary supplies purchased and secured in the cloth sack that’s hanging over your shoulder when you hear a distant sound that makes your blood run cold: a tracking fob.
Turning your head casually, as if to pretend you’re looking at something beside you, your eye catches a Trandoshan following you closely. There’s a red blinking light on his belt, and you curse under your breath as you try to walk a little faster. When he matches your speed, you get your confirmation of what’s happening, and you reach for your comlink as you weave through the crowds of people and try to hide in a nearby alleyway.
“Mando, come in,” you hiss into the comlink. “We’re by the Jogan fruit stand in the marketplace. We’ve been tracked—.”
You’re cut off by an ambush of two other Trandoshans jumping down from a nearby rooftop, knocking the comlink from your hands and forcing you back against the wall. You drop your cloth sack onto the ground and close the child’s pram, freeing the Amban rifle from your back and beginning to engage. You get a few hits at the two Trandoshans who first pounced, forcing them further back. When one stumbles enough, you lunge towards him and get him with the metal prongs, tasering him until he collapses to the ground in a heap. You can see the other one approaching, and so you take a step back and spin around to hit him with the end of the rifle. He instead catches it in his hand and gives it a firm tug, causing you to fall forward a few steps. You manage to dodge a blaster bolt just in time, pulling your own blaster and getting a clear shot at his chest.
Your victory is short-lived, though, as the third Trandoshan who’d been tracking you suddenly makes his appearance. With a sharp fighting stick of his own, he catches your arm with a blade, making you gasp as he creates a gash in your bicep that causes you to drop your blaster. With a quick flip of his stick, he lunges forward to hit your stomach and knock you to the ground—hard. You completely lose your breath as he hovers above you, ready to make the final blow at your head with the blade.
He doesn’t get the chance to, thanks to a blaster bolt hitting him square in the back and causing him to fall over into a limp heap at your side. You try to sit up but still find yourself without air, mouth open and eyes wide as your lungs burn for oxygen. A shadow crosses over you and you soon recognize it as Mando, one of his gloved hands assessing your gash as the other taps against your cheek.
“C’mon, stay with me,” his modulated voice demands, though you can hear his distress clearly. There’s a wavering in his tone that shows you his full desperation. “Stay with me. You’re okay, cyar’ika. You’re all right.”
“I’m—all right,” you gasp out, letting him help you to sit up as you finally get your breath back. Mando keeps one arm on your back and the other around your hands, his helmet assessing you for any injuries other than your arm. “I’m fine, Mando, I swear. Just this.” You gesture to your arm, wincing a bit as the movement causes a sting to prick through it. “Got the wind knocked out of me.”
“You had me scared for a second there.” Mando’s tone is full of relief and a little bit of playfulness—whatever he can afford in the aftermath of what he just witnessed. He helps you to stand up, grabbing your blaster for you and helping you get it into your holster. “Thought I was losing you.”
“To a couple of Trandoshans?” You scoff, nudging Mando’s shoulder with your good arm. “I hoped you’d think more highly of me.”
Mando releases a chuckle that warms your chest, making you smile as you swing the pulse rifle back over your shoulder and pick the cloth sack up. Mando reconnects the child’s pram to his vambrace and keeps one gloved hand on the small of your back. “Let’s get you fixed up.”
You look over at him with a raised brow. “What about your job?”
Mando shrugs. “Not important right now. We still have enough credits to get by.” He continues to lead you back to the ship, causing your cheeks to heat up as his hand never leaves your back.
Once you’re on the Crest, Mando frees the child from his pram while you discard your belongings. He makes you sit where you are in the hull as he fetches the medpac, coming back and kneeling beside you. Mando removes his gloves and starts to get to work on your arm, cleaning the wound first. You try to hold back your hisses at the stinging it brings.
“Sorry. I know it’s uncomfortable.” Mando’s words are soft, barely passing through his modulator.
“It’s all right.” You grit your teeth with his final swipe of a cloth over the wound, continuing to watch as he reaches for a bacta patch next. While he applies it, you catch something on his left hand, and you raise an eyebrow as you observe it. On the skin between his forefinger and thumb, there’s a dark-colored ink design of a bullseye. Your curiosity piques and you can’t help questioning him about it. “I didn’t know you had a tattoo.”
Mando looks up at you for a moment and then down to his hand, giving a light chuckle as he finishes the bacta patch and reaches for some gauze. “Yeah. Got it when I was just starting to run out with a group of mercenaries.” He pauses, focusing for a moment as he secures one end of the gauze over the bacta patch. Then, he begins to wrap it around your arm gingerly, and you try to ignore the way the brushing of his fingertips sets your skin on fire. “I used to joke about it being ‘target practice.’ After a celebratory night at a cantina… I got this.”
You smile at the thought of a young, hotshot Mando having a little too much to drink at a cantina and deciding to get some ink—a much more reckless image of the careful and calculated man you’ve come to know. “I like it.”
You hear Mando’s breath hitch slightly in his throat, causing you to bite back another smile at his sudden shyness. “Thank you. Sometimes I forget it’s there, with my gloves and all.”
“Understandable.” You remain silent as Mando finishes his work, ripping off the gauze and securing it to your arm. You flex your hand and fingers out a few times before bending your elbow, satisfied with the reduced amount of pain you feel now. “Thanks so much for taking care of this, Mando.”
Mando stays silent for a beat. Then, he speaks, his voice a bit quieter than before. “Din.”
Your gaze snaps up at him, your mouth falling open as your brow knits together. “What?”
“Din. Din Djarin. That’s my real name.”
Your heart flutters upon hearing Mando’s true name and knowing you’ve gained his full trust to learn it. He’s told you before about how Mandalorians had to strip themselves of their identities to stay safe—and now he’s laid this information in your very hands. You give him a smile as you repeat the name in your head over and over. Your gaze falls to your left hand as it makes its way to his, your thumb brushing over the skin where the bullseye tattoo is. “I like your name, Din.”
Din’s breath hitches in his throat again, but you can’t tell if it’s because of your intimate contact or because of your voice saying his real name. Either way, it makes your heart beat even faster, and you can feel his own pulse starting to race underneath your thumb.
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permanent tag list: @mikahid @bestintheparsec​ @stilllivindue2spite​ @givemethatgold @xbrujita​ @mandalorianspace​ @blushingwueen​ @sevvysaurus​ @myakai13​ @thisis-theway​ @beskars​ @rachelloveseveryone​ @theindiealto​ @hiscyarika​ @wickedfrsgrl​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @bookwafflefangirl​ @charliepeaceout @cable-kenobi​ @ezraslittleblondestreak​ @hdlynn​ @your-pixels-are-showing​ @b0n-chann​ @javier-djarin​ @nettyklecan​ @mistermiraclee​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @smellssharpies​ @catfishingmorales​ @wille-zarr​ @kaetastic​ @saltywintersoldat​ @agentpike​ @mrsparknuts​ @readsalot73​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @mandhoelorian​ @lilangeldevil006​ @roxypeanut​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @hail-doodles​ @randomness501​ @this-cat-is-dea​ @hopplessdreamer​ @paintballkid711​ @dracos-jedi-marvel​ @whataenginerd​ @katlikeme​ @petertingless​ @propertyofdindjarin​ @theocatkov​ @bisexual-space-slut​ @cyaredindjarin​ @arkofblake​ @cryptkeepersoul​ @motleymoose​ @mrschiltoncat​ @f0rever15elf​ @lady-of-nightmares-and-heartache @rogueonestan​ @goldafterglow​ @milleniumvalcon @badassbaker​ @pancakepike​ @sunbeambby13​ @mymindisawhirpool​ @antmnwasp​ @capbrie​ @freak-of-nature2002​ @arabellathorne​ @mandilflorian​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @beiroviski​ @darthadeline​ @cheriedjarin​ @edencherries​ @mstgsmy​ @seasonschange-butpeopledont​ @aliciaxglasgow​
mandalorian tag list: @lola-wolf​ @professionalfangirl55 @hoodedbirdie​ @chibi-liz05​ @nerd-without-a-cause​ @hdlynn​ @thepjofanqueen​ @bwemph​ @starwarsslytherin​ @iellarenuodolorian​ @littlevodika​ @jjemcarstairs​ @promiscuoussatan​ @fahrenheit-not​ @vernon-dursley​
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lowkeyjustvibing · 3 years
Fic time again
Pairing: Truce poly + Reaper and Epic
Prompt: Just some chaos
Also! We have:
Enby Nightmare, Reaper, and Horror
Neopronoun Error (string,strings,stringself)
aro/ace Ink and ace Reaper
Also human versions ‘cuz    y e s
“You’re legit dead, bruh.”
“Shut up and run before they see us!”
Nightmare stormed down the hall, their tentacles thrashing wildly and just barely avoiding breaking some things themselves. Things like this (Which were once a rarity) had become quite common ever since the truce and the events that occurred as a result. In short, after peace was finally brought to the multiverse, both the Star Sanses and the Bad Sanses both realized just how dull life was without the other group present in their lives. 
The solution? Get everyone to live in the same house.
And since Nightmare was the only one in possession of a building big enough for all of them to live in, the Star Sanses just moved in. It was difficult to get used to the sudden change in living arrangements. Fights would break out on a daily basis over small things and it would be up to someone else to keep the peace. However, once they all managed to get used to each other, things went a lot smoother.
Or rather, smoother than before.
Nightmare finally reached the living room, sighing as they saw the shards of porcelain covering the floor.
“And this was one of my favorites too.” They muttered, picking up the shards.
Thankfully, one of the nice things about being covered in sentient sludge is that it works as great glue. In a few seconds, the vase looked back to normal (If you ignored the subtle cracks covering it).
“Now where’s that clumsy squid?” They mused, scanning the room.
At that moment Dust walked in, probably having heard all the commotion as well and coming to see what happened. When he saw Nightmare, he gave a small wave before flopping onto the couch and curling up under the blankets.
Nightmare jumped and Dust practically flew off the couch, immediately grabbing the pocket knife he carried, manifesting a few blasters, and pointing them at the now wriggling blankets.
Nightmare just sighed, signaling Dust to calm down, “Ink, come out from under the blankets.”
After a few minutes of silence, the artist was heard quietly cursing before sheepishly poking his head out from under the blankets, “Um, hey Nightmare?”
Suddenly, another person emerged from the blanket as well, “It’s his fault, bruh!”
Nightmare just sighed again, pinching their eyebrows, “What have I told you about roughhousing outside of the gym and your own rooms?”
“Not to...” Epic and Ink responded simultaneously, both staring at the floor.
Dust just snickered, de-summoning the blaster and putting away his knife, “What is this, the seventh time you guys have broken something just this week?”
Ink stuck his tongue out at the other, getting rewarded with a similar action. 
“That doesn’t matter,” Nightmare said, “Ink, Epic, you two are doing extra chores this week.”
“What?!” Epic cried, “I didn’t even do anything, bruh!”
“Yes, because Ink decided to break the vase with no prompting.”
Epic just huffed and folded his arms, grumbling something unintelligible. Ink looked equally annoyed but seemed to accept what Nightmare said. 
“Oh yeah, Nightmare.” Dust suddenly piped up, “I think Error wanted you. Heard string say something about Reaper harassing strings.”
“Not again...” Nightmare muttered, walking off and leaving the other three to do their own thing.
On the way to where they believed Error was, Nightmare passed Dream’s room where he was helping Horror read a story Killer had gotten them for their birthday. It had taken a while for Horror to be comfortable asking anyone to help them read. They felt embarrassed that they couldn’t read on their own due to not only being slightly dyslexic, but also having poor vision. It always Nightmare happy to see somebody helping them. After a few moments, Dream looked up and saw Nightmare. He waved, smiling brightly and Horror glanced up, waving as well. Nightmare returned the gesture before continuing down the hall, they had a job to do.
Nightmare jumped, their tentacles instinctively sharpening and pointing towards whoever scared them.
“OH!” Blue cried before lowering his voice, “Sorry, I forget how loud I can be sometimes.”
After recovering from the shock Nightmare smiled, ruffling Blue’s hair, “It’s fine, you just surprised me.”
Blue beamed, giving them a hug, “OK!”
They returned the hug, giving the shorter and giving him a peck on the cheek before letting go, “Forgive me for my abruptness, but I have something to take care of at the moment. See you again later.”
And with that, they left a very flustered Blue standing in the middle of the hallway. Now, to finally find Error. They thought, a determined glint in their eyes. No more distractions.
“Sup Boss.”
Nightmare just barely suppressed a groan, “Damn it.”
Killer scoffed, “Well, I didn’t realize how little you liked my presence.” 
“You know I didn’t mean that.” Nightmare responded, continuing down the hall with Killer now practically skipping along behind them.
“Then what’s got ya’ so riled up?” Killer asked.
“I’m trying to find Error but I keep getting distracted by people.”
“Why ‘re ya’ trying to find strings?”
“Dust said something about Reaper harassing strings and I want to make sure Error doesn’t kill them.”
At that, Killer instantly tensed up, though he quickly hid his reaction, “Oh, you got any idea where string is?”
“Unfortunately, no.”
Killer didn’t respond, only speeding up and quickly overtaking Nightmare. In turn, Nightmare began speeding up as well to keep up with him. They expected Killer to become worried once he found out Error was even mildly inconvenienced. Dust and Horror were also very protective of the glitch. They all saw strings as a parental figure of sorts (Along with Nightmare). 
“Calm down Killer.” Nightmare said, reaching out and grabbing his shoulder.
Killer flinched and seemed to calm down a bit but he still radiated worry and anger, “Sorry, I’m just worried about strings.”
“I am too but you just need to calm down.” They responded, “It’ll be OK.”
Killer grumbled something but agreed following right alongside Nightmare.
“I wonder where-” Nightmare was cut off by a glitched out shout of frustration followed by a surprised yelp, “Found them.”
Killer broke into a run and Nightmare just walked along after him.
“Killer! Get away before I touch you!” Reaper cried, instantly stumbling backwards upon seeing the other.
Killer just scoffed in response and turned to Error who was still glitching slightly. It was obvious string was just frustrated with the pesky god, passive aggressively turning away from them.
Reaper finally steadied, brushing themselves off, “Well, that was an unexpected turn of events.” after regaining their composure, they turned to Error and did a dramatic bow, “Forgive me for my insolence my sweet cherry blossom.”
Error ignored strings blush and the fact that parts of strings were pixelating in and out of existence, “ץєคђ ฬђคՇєשєг, ןยรՇ ๒คςк ๏ŦŦ ๒єŦ๏гє เ ๔๏ ร๏๓єՇђเภﻮ ฬє ๒๏Շђ гєﻮгєՇ.”
Reaper took that as a win and grinned, spinning on their heel and walking down the hall, “I look forward to our next encounter beautiful~!”
“Sƚυριԃ ϝʅιɾƚყ Ⴆαʂƚαɾԃ.” Error muttered, though string wouldn’t deny the smile that tugged at the corners of strings mouth.
“You OK Error?” Killer asked, careful not to be too close without permission.
String nodded, “Yҽαԋ, αʅʅ Շђєץ ԃιԃ ɯαʂ ριʂʂ ɱҽ σϝϝ. Nσƚԋιɳɠ Ⴆιɠ.”
“They’re lucky I can’t touch them or else they’d be in danger right about now.” Was all he said, scowling at the floor.
Nightmare finally stepped forward, having just been watching the interaction, “Well, I’m glad nothing too bad happened.”
“Eαʂყ ϝσɾ ყσυ ƚσ ʂαყ σƈƚσρυʂ.” String responded.
Nightmare rolled their eyes, “My goodness, I thought we were over the whole octopus ordeal.”
“Never will be goop lord!” Killer said, instantly going from brooding to playful.
They sighed in disappointment before picking Killer up with a tentacle and motioning for Error to follow, “Anyways, it’s movie night.”
“Is it my turn?!” Killer asked, swinging his legs though being careful not to kick Nightmare.
“No, Cross.” 
Killer groaned loudly, “Oh come ON! You know full well he and Epic are gonna’ make us watch the Bee Movie again.”
Nightmare just shrugged, “I don’t make the rules.”
Error snickered quietly at their debate, “ʏօʊ ȶաօ ʄɨɢɦȶ ʟɨӄɛ ǟռ օʟɖ ʍǟʀʀɨɛɖ ƈօʊքʟɛ.”
“Bold of you to assume we aren’t.” Killer retorted.
“I’m pretty sure we all are.”
They walked in silence for a moment before Nightmare turned and rapped loudly on a nearby door, “Epic, Cross, stop making out and come to the living room. It’s movie night.”
After a few moments of frantic shuffling from inside the room, Cross opened the door, looking quite disheveled, “H-hey Nightmare, we’ll be out in a minute.”
Somewhere inside the dimly lit bedroom a frantic voice whispered, “Close the damn door, bruh!”
Killer burst out laughing, Error barely kept stringself from glitching out from laughter, and Nightmare chuckled before closing the door in Cross’s flushed face. 
“Oh they are NEVER living this down!” Killer wheezed and barely managed to pat the tentacle holding him, “H-here, just put me d-down, I need to go tell the other two.” he wheezed out.
Nightmare set him down and after a few moments of trying to catch his breath, he was off, jogging down the halls and calling for Horror and Dust. After he was out of sight, Nightmare turned to Error.
“So,” They started, “Are you SURE you’re OK?”
Error looked at them in confusion for a moment before nodding, “Yҽαԋ, ʝυʂƚ ɠσƚ ƈαυɠԋƚ σϝϝ Ⴆყ Rҽαρҽɾ. I'ɱ ϝιɳҽ ɳσɯ.”
“Alright,” Nightmare responded, giving strings a soft kiss on the forehead, “but if they ever make you uncomfortable just tell them to back off. They’re a clingy flirt but they know to respect boundaries.”
String was now a blushing mess and Nightmare reveled in that fact, deciding to fluster strings more. 
“I hope you know I love you.” They mumbled, moving closer to Error (Who thankfully didn’t move back)
String was glitching hard, not from how close the other was, but from how flustered strings was.
Nightmare decided to continue, embracing strings in a loose hug, “You’re so wonderful, I could never live without you.”
“��-₦ł₲Ⱨ���₥₳ⱤɆ...” Error responded and upon hearing how bad string was glitching, Nightmare backed off slightly.
After a few moments, string pulled them back into another hug, burying strings head into their shoulder. Nightmare was caught off guard but smiled and proceeded to hum quietly while holding the other. They occasionally gave more compliments just to see Error get flustered again while they both stood there in the empty hallway. After some time, Nightmare found themself wanting to make the other all the more flustered, just to see what would happen. They lifted a hand to strings cheek and moved strings so that they were face to face. The only warning Error got was a mischievous look in Nightmare’s eyes before their lips met. It was brief, nothing too long so as to not cause Error to crash, but Nightmare savored the brief moment.
After a few minutes of stunned silence, Error’s cheeks began to burn. String glitched sharply, trying not to crash as Nightmare began to regret the impulsive decision.
“Are you O-” Nightmare started but was stopped as Error, in a similar moment of impulsivity, kissed them again.
Now it was Nightmare’s turn to be caught off guard but they weren’t about to waste this. They kissed back and absentmindedly began fiddling with strings hair. 
That was until they heard the sound of a phone camera clicking and snickering from a bit down the hall. They both instantly looked over and saw Cross and Epic snickering as Epic pointed his phone at them. The effect was instantaneous. Error crashed, scratchy dial up noise filling the hall and Nightmare’s tentacles sharpened and pointed towards the other two as their cheeks turned bright red.
“Go.” Was all they said and Cross instantly grabbed Epic and sprinted down the hall, cursing as he ran.
Nightmare uttered a few curses themself and turned back to Error who was still rebooting. It took a minute but string eventually finished, blinking a few times to clear the lingering pixels and error signs.
“₮ⱧØ₴Ɇ Ⱡł₮₮ⱠɆ ₳**ⱧØⱠɆ₴!” String cried, the glitches returning for a moment before calming down.
“Calm down Error.” Nightmare said, barely retaining their own composure, “It’s not like they can even do much with that picture anyways.”
String muttered something incomprehensible before just groaning and resting strings head on Nightmares shoulder, “ƈǟռ ʏօʊ ǟȶ ʟɛǟֆȶ ƈǟʀʀʏ ʍɛ? ɨ'ʍ ȶɨʀɛɖ ռօա.”
“Of course.” They responded, doing something similar to what they did with Killer and carrying strings in their tentacles.
They had discovered that while physical contact still caused strings to glitch occasionally, somehow their tentacles didn’t seem to trigger it. So, of course, whenever Error crashed and was too tired to walk much, they would always carry strings in his tentacles. As they walked, Error sighed contentedly and buried strings head in the mass of pure negativity. Nightmare couldn’t help feeling proud that they found a way to practically smother Error while not hurting strings, something very few could accomplish. They eventually got to the theatre room where everyone was either chatting amongst themselves or engaged in the giant pillow fight occurring in the middle of the room.
“Are we watching a movie or...?” Nightmare said, their voice seeming to magically project to every corner of the room and quelling all the chaos.
“I’ll get popcorn!” Dream said, jumping to his feet and running to the kitchen as Blue and Horror followed. 
Nightmare sat Error down gently on the couch, making sure string was comfortable before moving around the scattered cushions and sitting next to strings. It took a few minutes for the other three to get back and by then, the movie was already chosen. As expected, it was the Bee Movie. Everyone was either howling with laughter or completely enraged by this development. The popcorn bowls were distributed across the couch and floor where everyone was sitting and the movie started. No one was watching the movie. Instead, they were all either talking or cuddling with the nearest person. Nightmare did the same and cradled Error in their tentacles along with Blue, who just happened to be sitting nearby, and reading a book.
The thing that snapped them out of the world of the thick novel was loud snickers coming from one side of the room. Killer, Horror, Cross, and Epic were all just barely keeping from bursting out laughing at something Ink was showing them. Out of curiosity, Nightmare reached out with a spare tentacle and snatched the sketch book, earning an indignant shout from Ink. They ignored it and opened the sketchbook, skipping past a few other, incredibly well done, drawing to what the other four were looking at. 
So to say that they were shocked upon going from a drawing of a forest the looked like it was a picture and not hand drawn to some horrible amalgamation of Barry B. Benson and Shrek was an understatement.
Error (Who just recently woke up) and Blue saw the drawing and started snickering as well. Nightmare just stared at it in disgust and confusion.
“I don’t understand why you waste your incredible talent on such horrendous things.” Was all they said before giving the sketchbook back.
“Whatever Mr. Grumpy Pants.” Ink huffed, holding the book close to his chest as if someone else was about to take it as well.
After the laughter died down they all returned to what they had been doing. It was still odd to many of them. The fact that some were sitting side by side with who used to be their mortal enemies was still a foreign concept but it wasn’t unwelcome. 
“Love you guys.” Dust whispered and everyone in the room looked at him in surprise.
After a few moments of Dust feeling incredibly self conscious about the fact that everyone was staring him down, Error responded.
“ʟօʋɛ ʏօʊ ɢʊʏֆ ȶօօ.” String said, cuddling closer into Nightmare.
A chorus of “Love you”s Rose from around the room as they all relaxed, enjoying the feeling of peaceful quiet. Well, at least until tomorrow when they were all reenergized and ready to cause more trouble.
This took SO long to do (Almost completely because I procrastinated so long-) and I’m glad I finally finished it! 
I hope this makes yalls as happy as it made me while I wrote it :)
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novannna · 3 years
"Let go of my hand." With nobell? 👀👀
ahhhh rae tysm for the ask i had a lot of fun writing this!!!!
nova and danna are just doing a standard mission, when stuff goes wrong.
tw: death, bombs, heights
wc: 2035
“So,” Danna said smoothly, coming up behind Nova. “Got any plans tonight?”
Nova rolled her eyes. “Yeah. I’ve got a date.”
“Do you? Is the lucky person any interesting?” Danna smirked, and leaned against the railing surrounding the rooftop.
Nova shrugged. “Eh. I like to think that I’m the one who really completes the relationship.”
“Hey!” Danna frowned. “Rude.”
Nova rolled her eyes again. “You were asking for it. And you know I’m joking. You are the interesting one, I just like to stand next to you and look pretty.”
“And you excel at that,” Danna replied, leaning in to kiss Nova’s cheek. “But I’d say you’re pretty interesting yourself, with your uncle being Ace Anarchy, and being the former supervillain Nightmare.”
“You think so?” Nova asked, her tone part sarcastic.
Danna grinned, and pushed herself off the railing, and threw an arm over Nova’s shoulder. “I know so. Believe me, all my other partners have never saved the world from a sadistic asshole pretending to be a god.”
“Yeah, I am pretty great aren’t I?”
Danna grinned, and leaned in to kiss Nova’s chapped lips. “The greatest,” she murmured.
Nova glanced over at the criminal behind them. Just a simple robber, nothing special. There was only a need for two Renegades to deal with him. It had only taken a few minutes for them to find, and subdue the criminal. Now, he was sitting, bound in handcuffs, and propped against the railing of the roof, a strange smile on his face.
“How long till clean up gets here?” Nova asked, her face twisting. “Something feels off about that guy, and I can’t wait for him to be out of our hands.”
Danna followed her gaze, and wrinkled her nose. “At least an hour. We’re out at the ass end of Gatlon, and there was a problem that required immediate attention. You’re right though, he’s scaring the fuck out of me.”
“And he’s not even a bird!” Nova widened her eyes in mock amazement.
Danna scowled, and lightly punched Nova’s arms. “Shut up.”
Nova smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Make me.”
“Is that a challenge?” Danna asked, already pushing Nova’s choppy hair out of her face, and cupping her head in her hands.
Nova laughed softly. “What do you think?” She lifted her brown eyes to Danna’s and inhaled her warm scent. Danna smelled like flowers, and sun, and all the best things in Nova’s life.
“Are you smelling me?” Danna asked, amused.
Nova’s face flushed bright red. “Maybe,” she half mumbled. “You smell good.”
Danna laughed, her voice sending warmth through Nova’s body. “You smell good too, Star.”
Nova froze, her smile curving into a frown. “Do you hear that?” A faint beeping noise, barely hearable, but still there.
Danna cocked her head. “Hear what?”
Nova drew away from Danna and walked towards the noise. It was coming from the robber, his lips still in a twisted grin.
There wasn’t any happiness, or playfulness left on her face. “Star, what do you hear?”
Nova didn’t respond. Instead, she knelt next to the robber, and carefully peeled back his jacket.
A ring of explosives around his waist, and a timer blinking down. There were only seven seconds left, each red pixel sending a bolt of fear into Nova.
The robber laughed, low and sinister. “You lose, bitch.”
“Nova get back!” Danna screamed, stumbling away, her feet clumsy with fear. “Get away from him!”
Nova couldn’t get far enough. The timer blinked out, the red 00:00 mocking Nova. The explosives erupted in fiery red heat, the blast throwing Nova around. She landed hard against the railing, the metal sending sharp pain into her back. A large piece of debris smashed against her shoulder, sending pain lancing through her arm.
“Nova!” Danna screamed, her voice sounding far away.
Then the railing was tearing away, and Nova was falling. Her body was falling through the air, ready to shatter against the hard concrete far below.
Her body came to a wrenching halt. Danna was leaning over the edge, eyes full of terror and tears. Her hand was wrapped around Nova’s, the only thing keeping her from falling to the merciless ground.
Nova could feel the wind blowing against her clothes, a reminder of how high she was.
“Hold on Nova,” Danna gasped, her face screwed with pain.
Nova nodded, too terrified to speak.
“Can you pull yourself up?” Danna asked.
“I… I don’t think so,” Nova said. “I think my other arm is broken, and there’s nothing for me to hold onto. I’m stuck.” She could feel both their hands start to get sweaty, both from the exertion and fear.
Danna nodded, her movements frantic and forced. “You’re going to be okay,” she said. “We just need to wait for the others to get here.”
Nova shook her head. “That’s over an hour Danna. I can’t hold on that long.”
Danna’s hold on Nova’s hand tightened. “Well you have to. I’m not letting you die tonight.” There were tears spilling out of Danna’s eyes, cutting tracks through the dust left from the explosion. Dimly, Nova was aware of how filthy she was too. Her entire body was gray,and her hair was full of dust.
“What are we doing tonight?” Nova asked, trying to think of anything but the air below her. Trying to think of anything but the fact that she could be moments away from death.
Danna half laughed, half sobbed. “You’re hanging off the edge of a 200 foot building, and you want to ask about your date?”
Nova tried to shrug with her broken shoulder, but instead gasped at the rush of pain. “I’m trying to think of something pleasant to look forward to.”
“Well I can’t tell you,” Danna said, her voice breaking. “It’s a surprise. If you want to find out, you just have to hang on for a little bit longer.”
Nova laughed, but it was sobered by the impossible reality.
“Danna…” She said softly.
Danna shook her head. “No. You have to hold on for long enough, you understand? I’m not letting go, so you can’t either.”
“They won’t be here for at least an hour. One arm is broken, the others in pain, we’re both tired. It’s impossible.”
“No, you can do it. I can do this. Nova, you aren’t fucking falling, understand?” Danna’s voice was strong, but her eyes betrayed her doubt.
“Crystal,” Nova replied, trying to blink away tears. “But if-”
“No ‘if’s’.”
Nova tried to smile, and nodded. “Alright. I’m surviving, then we’re going to go on our date, and you’ll surprise me with some wonderful evening.”
“Exactly. You see, pretty simple.”
Simple enough in words. But still Nova’s arm ached, and her fingers grew sweatier, and all she wanted to do was let go.
But if Danna wasn’t giving up, then neither was Nova.
“Can you reach your wristband and call for help,” Nova asked.
“It was broken by a rock in the explosion.”
“Fuck,” Nova muttered. “Is there anything we can do?”
Danna shook her head.
Nova cursed again. “My hand really hurts,” she murmured.
“Mine too.”
“I don’t know if I can’t hold on for an hour Danna.” Nova met Danna’s eyes. “I want to hold on for as long as possible, but can we please be realistic?”
“No,” Danna said, her voice breaking into a million pieces. “I know how impossible this is, but I can’t fucking let you go Nova. I can’t watch you fall. I can’t.” Her body shook with barely contained sobs. “I fucking love you. I’m holding on until the Renegades get here, and even then I’m not letting go. There’s only one ending to this, and it's me and you walking out of this together.”
Nova was sobbing too, the force of her grief making her body move on the wall. “Danna, please. You have to be realistic.”
“I can’t think of it Nova. Because if you fall, then it will be my fault. I let you die. I would be the one who let your hand slip away. I can’t live with that.”
Nova nodded, heart thudding in her ears. “Then I just have to hold on a little longer.”
“Why did this happen? Why did he have to have a bomb, why did it have to be us?” Danna asked.
“I don’t know.” Nova could feel her skin starting to rip open from Danna nails grasping her wrist so tight. “There’s nothing that we could have done.”
Maybe it was true, maybe it wasn’t. But, at that point, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the arm holding Nova tight, keeping her safe from the world.
Nova was finally starting to think that they may be able to wait long enough for her to be saved.
Of course, that was when it came tumbling down. The piece of roof Danna lay on, weakened by the explosion finally had enough. It started to rip out of the wall, carrying Danna with it.
With a scream, the girl managed to wrap an arm around the metal railing, just as the stone fell down, shattering against the concrete so far below.
“Danna, are you okay?” Nova asked, horror coating her throat. Her breath was coming out in short gasps.
Danna nodded. “Good enough. I’m not too hurt. But the railing is starting to rip out. I don’t know if it will hold.” She was crying. Her body was shuddering, maybe for the first time considering what could happen.
Nova wasn’t though. She knew what had to happen. SHe knew what she needed to do. Fuck, she didn’t want to though.
All Nova wanted was to go home hand in hand with Danna, back home to their small apartment and friends. She wanted to have their date, then have a few more. But they weren’t going to be able to hold on forever, and Nova wasn’t going to bring Danna with her.
“Let go of my hand Danna,” she said quietly, her voice barely a whisper.
But still Danna heard her.
“What? Are you crazy? No way!”
“I can’t hold on much longer, and that railing isn’t going to hold the both of us forever. I’m not going to make it, you know that.” Nova was perfectly calm now. If Danna was in danger, then Nova was ready to die for her. She’d do anything for Danna.
“It will hold,” Danna insisted. “Nova, you can’t let go. You can’t make me live without you. You can’t.”
“I love you,” Nova screamed. “I love you so fucking much, so don’t you dare risk yourself for me.”
Now she was crying. Big fat tears rolling down her cheek, and falling down to the ground like rain.
“Hold on,” Danna pleaded.
Nova looked at Danna, tears clouding her vision. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, and she let go.
Such a simple feat. So easy, just a single thought.
But it was the hardest thing Nova had ever done, letting go of Danna. Letting go of the life she had wanted. The life she had fought for. Letting go of her everything.
Danna still held on to Nova, but it wasn’t enough. With each breath, Nova slipped a little farther.
“Nova!” Danna screamed. “Please, just wait. We can do this. Please, I can’t live without you.”
“I love you so much,” Nova said softly, trying to convey all the unspoken words. “But there’s no good ending for us. I won’t last another hour.”
The metal railing groaned, and both girls fell a little farther.
“I don’t think we’re going to have our date tonight,” Nova said quietly.
Danna shook her head. “We will! We’ll have one every night! I swear, just hold on a little longer!”
“Danna, promise me something,” Nova said. “Promise you won’t mourn forever. Promise you’ll try and find someone new. Please.”
She smiled sadly, and met Danna's eyes. “It’s okay, Danna. Let go of my hand.”
“No, I can’t,” Danna sobbed. “You can’t.”
Nova closed her eyes, and kicked off the wall, breaking the contact between her wrist, and Danna’s hand.
She could hear Danna’s scream, muffled by the wind, and then there was nothing at all.
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
If we’re going with those kinds of games, what about an Ib au? With Tubbo as Ib and Eret as Gary(since Gary’s pretty loose with gender as well).
I just saw the Ib game and man is it also going to give me nightmares. I love it and I’m now also terrified of it at the same time. 
Anyways if you guys want to watch a playthrough of it, then fair warning, it is also a surreal horror and it has creepy dolls and mannequins. Pixelated but fair warning. Also there is some things like a Mirror Scare for the game.
Onto plot and planning!
So main premise of game: Tubbo is basically now trapped in a gallery of art works made by someone who’s initials are only known as XD. So Tubbo is going into the gallery with the SBI and gets sucked into the world of XD’s artworks and given a flower.
He immediately gets attacked by mannequins and is only saved because of Eret and Dream, who are also trapped there. It is then explained to Tubbo that if all the petals of the flower fall off, he will die. Cue adventuring to find the way out and not die.
Eret as Gary in this is great and we get to have Tubbo and them bond. Yay! This is going to hurt when Eret reaches the Doll Room!
Mary can be Dream. He isn’t a bastard in this and he does act like another older brother to Tubbo. Of course the people who’ve seen the ending will know that this will not end well.
We get to have some creepy dolls nice looking bees follow them around and we get to see the mannequins follow them around as well! There will also be a scene where someone tries to take Eret’s flower so yay! Pain.
This is a minefield of angst for Eret really. We can play “He Love Me, He Loves Me Not” with their flower and that’s not going to be fun :’)
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asleepyraven · 3 years
Summary: V tries to figure out how to prepare for a date she’s not even technically going on.
Word Count: 1,742
Warnings: Language
Characters: Female V (Nomad), Johnny
A/n: If I missed any warnings please let me know! In the mean time hope you enjoy! I sat on this one for wayyyyy too long.  Previous Part: Reflections
V’s eyes slowly opened, but the light was too bright and her vision was blurry. She blinked a few times and slowly the tattoo on her arm came into focus. It annoyed her at first- a reminder of what an idiot she’d been, but now it reminded her that she wasn’t alone. Her condition was getting worse. She fell asleep to more nightmares and awoke with stronger headaches. Johnny did- god help her, get under her skin, sometimes, and he may technically be the reason she’s dying, but she was glad she wasn’t going through this by herself. Everything aside, when push came to shove, he had always been there when it mattered most. 
Speak of the devil, she thought as he appeared next to her. “Finally, you’re awake. I know people say they need their beauty sleep, but fuck, doesn’t seem to help in your case.”  “Good morning to you too,” V yawned as she sat up and stretched. 
He glitched and reappeared standing at the window. “Afternoon is more like. Was starting to think you’d sleep right through dinner.” 
“Nah, promised to call Rogue, didn’t I? Can’t exactly go out on a date for a midnight snack.”  Johnny took off his glasses and looked at her. “You’re sure about this?” “Can’t say the idea of handing you the wheel again thrills me, but yeah. Besides, I kind of owe you for the whole lake date with Judy; I know that wasn’t exactly a good time for you.” 
She swore she saw him shiver as he put his glasses back on. “Wasn’t exactly fun for you either, but she batted her eyelashes and you just couldn’t say no.”
V shrugged. “It was important to her, even if it did scare me half to death.” 
“And you’re worried about me having control. Imagine how I feel any time a pretty girl asks you for a favor. Sure, Panam, I’ll raid a Wraith hide out with you. I’ll risk my neck to get your leader back. I’ll help you steal a god-damn tank. Sure, Judy, I’ll fight through two dozen scavs to rescue your ex. I’ll start a war with the Tyger Claws to free some joy toys. I’ll dive to the bottom of a fuckin’ toxic lake, even though I’m terrified of being underwater. You are hopeless when it comes to damsels in distress.” 
“I...fine. Maybe I have an issue with saying no to my friends, but most of it was fun.”  “It’s just tits you can’t say no to. You say no to me just fine.” 
V laughed. “Well, technically you’ve got tits now, so there goes your theory. Besides, I said I’d do it, didn’t I? You know I’m a merc of my word. And I agreed to give you a second chance, so...so there’s no reason not to.”
He sighed. “You don’t owe me anything. If you really don’t trust me then-”
“I...I want to. It’s just...scary, is all. Weird, being trapped in my own body with no control. Felt like I was locked in my own trunk. I guess maybe that’s how you feel all the time, but, I don’t know. It’s my body. I’m supposed to be driving.”  “Yeah, I can kind of understand that. Right now I’m standing here talking to you, completely aware, but the drugs take you out of it. Guess I could see how it’d be scary to only get flashes, but I promise, I’m not gonna make that mistake twice.” 
“I guess we’ll find out,” V sighed and pulled up Rogue’s number. 
She couldn’t believe she was really going to call up the queen of Afterlife and ask her on a date.  
“V, need something?” Rogue’s tone wasn’t exactly encouraging, but the fact that she answered was proof that she was at least somewhat over the whole Grayson/Smasher business. 
“Johnny wants to ask you out on a date,” V replied in a light, almost teasing tone. 
“Johnny does, or you do?”
V was taken aback. “Johnny. You’re the one who said you got no issue tellin’ us apart.” 
“Just not like him. Well, alright. Where would we go?”
“Where would you like to go?”
She thought about it for a moment. “Silver Pixel Cloud.”
“Alright. Sounds good. We’ll pick you up tonight then.” “Sure, come around six-thirty.”
“See you then.” 
V grinned like an idiot at Johnny, who couldn’t help but smirk back a little. 
He shook his head. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“’Cause it’s cute. Johnny has a date! It’s...kinda weird to think about actually.” 
He pushed off the window and stood up straight, crossing his arms. “And why’s that?”
“Dunno, just hard to picture. Not like you ever had to work for your girls; they just lined up for you. Do you even know how to be romantic?” 
He rolled his eyes. “You think Rogue and I hooked up in the first place because I swept her off her feet with roses and open doors?”
“I have no idea why she gave you the time of day, or why she still does for that matter. I mean, what was it, three other women you were sleeping with last time you were dating?”
“Well, she doesn’t have to worry about that now.”
“You see my point though. You have no idea how to even go on a normal date, do you?”
“I’ll be fine.” 
“Just trying to help. Look, we don’t have a lot of time. Make this night count is all I’m saying. Make it special somehow. Maybe be a bit of a gentleman for once in your life.”
“I’m always a gentleman.”  “Riiiiighhhttt. In any case, I better get a move on if I want to get some biz done before I hand over the wheel. First thing’s first, breakfast.”                                      *                         *                          *
V shrugged off her jacket as she entered her apartment.“Can’t believe it’s already five. Time flies when you’re doing merc work.”
Johnny lit up a cigarette. “It also flies when you sleep half the day.”
“Getting up early is overrated.” 
He flopped down on the couch. “Gotta agree with you there.”
“So, excited for tonight?” V asked as she strolled over to her closet. 
“Yeah, jumping up and down like a little girl, just on the inside.”  “This is so weird. What do I even wear? Do I try to look hot, or should I dress more like you?” “Wow okay.” 
“What? Ha, no, I just really don’t know what I should go for here.” 
“Don’t think it matters, V. ‘Sides, you’re not the one actually going on the date, ‘member?”
“Yeah, but my body is.”
“Wear whatever, it doesn’t matter.” 
“Doesn’t matter? Must be nice being you. What’s it like to give actually give zero fucks about what anyone thinks?”
“Fuckin’ preem. You should try it.” 
“Seriously, there’s no part of you that’s self-conscious? I could dress myself in the worst sweats I have and you’d just strut out there and make it work?” 
“I could, yeah.” He sat up and looked at her. “V, what’s really going on? You barely put any thought into how you dress. Why’s this any different?”
“I don’t know. It’s weird. Like, if I were dressing for a date with Judy this would be so much easier, but I’m not. I��m dressing for a date with Rogue, for you. It’s-”
“You’re thinking about it way too much.” 
“You’re probably right. I’m gonna go take a shower. I’m starting to give myself a headache.”  “You always have headaches.” 
“Funny, I didn’t used to until you showed up.”  “What, no one ever pointed out the dumb shit you do before I showed up?” V smiled sadly. “No, I used to have someone that did the dumb shit with me.”  “Jackie.” 
“You don’t talk about him much.” 
“What was it you said when I said that about you and Alt? There was never the right time?” “Not exactly easy to just spill about your dead chooms, is it?”
“No. Not really.”  They lapsed into silence until V stepped out of the shower. 
“So, decide what you’re going to wear?” Johnny asked appearing behind her in the mirror. 
“Fuck, can you not? You know I hate when you do that.”
“It’s not like I don’t know what you look like.” 
“I know, but it’s a little easier when you’re not... Can you just- You don’t have to be right here.”
He rolled his eyes, but glitched out of view. “Really V, it’s not like there’s any secrets between us. You’ve seen me naked. Is that your issue, that it’s just you? Cause I could-” She toweled off her hair. “Fuck, no. Just, look I know all that, but give a girl her fake privacy, alright? Let me pretend that I have some space in here.”  “Psht, nothin’ but empty space in here, can almost hear the echos.”  “Lucky that means there was enough room for your ego.”  She wrapped her towel around herself and strolled over to her closet. She decided maybe she was putting too much thought into it. She grabbed a pair of distressed jeans and tugged them on. She reached for her Samurai tank top, but stopped.  She turned to Johnny. “T-shirt or tank?”  “For fuck’s sake V, it doesn’t matter!” “But what would you feel more comfortable in? I mean you wear tanks, but it’s different when a girl does it.”  “Why?”
She flexed her arm. “’Cause for guys it’s sun’s out guns out, but for girls,” She drew a hand across her torso. “It’s more about the chest. So I don’t know. It’s that weird for you?” “In case you missed it, this whole thing is weird. Pick whatever.” V grabbed her Samurai T-shirt instead. She went back to the mirror and spiked up her hair and brushed her teeth.  “You done yet? We’re gonna be late. You know, now that I think about it, how are lesbians ever on time for dates?”
“We just add a half hour to whatever time we set,” V responded, tugging on her jacket. She slid Johnny’s shades out of the pocket and put them on. “How do I look?”
He shrugged. “Decent I guess, can we go now?”
“Yeah, let me just find the keys.” 
“We takin’ the Porsche?”
“Well yeah, since my motorcycle doesn’t exactly fit two, besides I’m sure Rogue will get a kick out of it.” 
He smirked. “Oh, she sure will.” 
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jaideite · 4 years
Main 1-A (shoto, izuku, bakuhoe, and Iida) boys playing Minecraft with their s/o
*cries in ender pearls* I’m such a loser cause I don’t even remember most of everything that goes on in minecraft. Don’t @ me if something is wrong. Debating if I should buy Minecraft on my phone and play it
i felt bad bc i haven’t posted any good content so heres an old request ima shoot out the inbox for y’all I’m probably so rusty KWKD :(( <3
first time writing for Iida let’s see how well we do hMM ;))
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— doesn’t understand a single thing but still plays because you do
— he spawned into the world and moved two spaces
— he fell into a cave and survived
— then died because a cave spider attacked him
— “That’s rough buddy.”
— He’s one of those people who mines straight down and finds a whole bunch of diamonds
— “What are these light blue things in the stones?”
— “It’s an ore for a gem. You mine them and you get diamonds or emeralds. Is it like a really light blue?”
— you’re on like the other side of the cave you both went into so you can’t go over and mine them with a certain pickaxe you made specifically for mining
— you’re pissed because you always struggle to find them and here he is breaking the first rule of Minecraft and finding them
— jerk
— “So I should just get rid of them?”
— “Well I mean—“
— he throws them in lava and they make that burning “sss” sound and you just slowly look up at him from your screen
— “Shoto...what did you do with the diamonds?”
— he kinda just “oops” from his side of the room and you just rub your hands over your face and sigh
— “Oh god I’m in for a rude awakening.”
— he makes an underground farm and house and has collected sea lanterns as lights
— has collected all the diamonds in the world I’m not even kidding he just followed your rule of mining them with the gem pickaxe and diddly doo went off
— “This world sucks there are no diamonds.”
— “Oh I have some in the chest by my crafting table.”
— it’s literally a large chest and it’s full of diamonds
— you are just shook
— “sHOTO HOW—“
— lives in the side of a mountain too it’s actually kinda cute cause he used like stairs as chairs and stuff
— unless y’all are playing with some type of mod that allows chairs then other than that pfft your little “house” is decked out just like his bedroom
— your Minecraft beds are right next to each other too
— he thinks it’s romantic
— kinda looks more like an apartment lmaoo
— he’s more of a peaceful Minecraft player but he can survive survival mode if being asked to play
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— blows everything up
— but not with TNT and flint and steel oh no that’s too easy for him
— the easy way is not for him
— he’s going to learn how to set redstone traps so you walk into them and don’t know
— you walk into your house and you hear the click
— “What just—“
— next thing you know your getting eaten by endermites that have been spawned in
— or your screen just freezes because of all the explosions that go off
— “No No No my stuff—“
— you just watch from the ‘respawn’ screen while he moves into your house to steal your stuff
— “Haha, I knew you had some good shit in here—fucking taking these— what the hell is hitting me—OH SHIT! NO FUCK OFF STUPID RAT LOOKING FUCKS NO DON’T FUCKING KILL ME—“
— your rolling on the floor at the situation of him raging cause the endermites killed him
— katsuki works hard but karma works harder bitch
— raids your stuff when all else fails
— “They’re mine now bitch.”
— he is a survival mode player only
— no exceptions
— plays it at the hardest level and rages when he dies but manages to get the hang of it after a while
— the meanest and worst minecraft player to ever play with
— and on top of it all he only plays so he has your attention
— what a clown i swear
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— best one to play with tbh only second to mirio
— knows the basics and a little more
— if he made his own world he could survive pretty decently
— he keeps a notebook on the world you guys share with all the weapons and stuff you could need
— has memorized the most important potions needed like invisibility, etc.
— when you first made the world you had an icon that looked like you so you were looking for a little green haired character amongst the grass (assuming that’s where y’all spawned)
— and you are just so confused cause where is he
— “Izuku where the heck are you?”
— “By the flowers and grass.”
— “Oh no wonder I didn’t see you your hair probably—“
— and like once you finally get to the flowers you see him (or his character) and you just stop in your tracks
— cause there’s a tall, buff pixelated All Might staring back at you
— “Izuku—you know what? I ain’t even surprised.“
— “Haha...sorry.”
— you had to turn away because oh god the face on that thing was going to give you nightmares
— the armour—oh goodness the armour
— of course it’s customized to look like All Mights hero costume
— other than that—he’s a decent Minecraft player
— he has a secret world where he has built the city and all might fighting the villains
— it’s a huge flat world and it’s dedicated to all might
— he can survive pretty well at going off mining on his own but he won’t go without you just in case he dies and loses his stuff
— gets excited when he finds ores especially diamonds
— you get excited when you find emeralds because
— “Oh my god Izuku the emeralds look like your eyes.”
— all_mights_1_fan has left the game
— “Oh wow.”
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— y’all know those Minecraft books that they used to have that used to help you with like enchantments and stuff?
— Thats Iida
— he plays by the books
— has the complete handbook collection
— I do too lmaooo
— you ask him does he want to play and he just ??
— two days later he’s knocking at your door with the books in hand ready to play
— “I would suggest you go over these should we play!”
— “...Tenya—“
— when you guys play he immediately wants the rules
— “Theres only one.”
— “One—“
— “Don’t dig straight down.”
— he just stares at you mouth agape before he just starts going oFF
— “That rule is absurd! Surely there are more—“
— “NOpe that’s how you play.”
— he’s just ??
— no wonder you’re so chaotic you play games with oNE RULE
— what kind of g a m e has o n e r u l e ?
— so you guys are playing and yknow Iida isn’t having the best of luck
— he’s fallen into caves, burned by lava, and been buried alive by gravel and sand
— lowkey kinda feel bad for him lmaoo
— “This game is chaotic! At least these strange green fellows are coming to greet me.”
— “Strange green fellows?”
— “Yes! Some have no clothing on, but that’s alright!”
— you’re confused for a bit until it just it’s you
— when the first creeper explodes and he goes flying and he starts scolding it for doing that you know you’re in for a ride
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— also best person to play with
— a combination of everyone lmaoo
— he’s like midoriya except no notebooks
— can also survive on his own but like not in hard mode like katsuki that demon
— you guys play mini games like bedwars and are definitely a couples teams just like in real life
— you guys are like pros at playing
— “Get that blue bed guy over there.”
— “You have a yellow bed behind you, watch out!”
— wholesome is what it is
— if you are like me and just chaotic at Minecraft and life
— which includes missing almost everything, forgetting the names of stuff, and building a little house on the side of a mountain for the next seven days and being scared of everything
— “Babe where are you?”
— “Uh...I’m... I’m in a cave.”
— “We are in the jungle how are you—“
— “I saw a pig and I wanted to kill it and on the way I just dropped into a hole in the ground.”
— poor mirio is just exasperated
— oh boy y’all are in for a ride
— best therapy for him if he gets depressed about the losing his quirk
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struwwelzeter · 4 years
Because i miss your design themed rants (it is good word here) i would like you to rank Rammstein album covers from designers point of view.
Ah, I love you. This got VERY ranty.
This is kinda hard because I tend to judge the entire packagaing/notes, and when I count that into it the ranking would be ever so slightly different. I’ll mention it for each I have Opinions (TM) on, but yeah, this is solely going on cover. I’ll only do the studio albums, not made in germany or the DVDs, or this will get too big.
7th: Rosenrot.
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I know lots of you are gonna hate me for this. It’s not that I don’t like it, I do, it’s beautiful. Unfortunately it’s ... slightly lazy. It’s I think their most obvious cover and obvious feels like it’s good design but never truly is. It’s got that first idea feel, if that makes any sense. There is always that project where you go “uh can’t think of anything, but this works.” It’s not a bad thing, they clearly still knew what they were doing. It’s just ... that typical photoshop post apocalyptic composit that lost of metal/alternative bands did at some point. They all did it because it’s cool. No argument there. It’s just that I expect a bit ... more.
6th: Herzeleid
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I know it’s iconic, but. The execution?! Terrible. The colours of their skin and that flower?! Too different to feel monochromatic, to same same to contrast nicely. Too much texture. What is that?! The positive bit is the placement of the typography because, neat! Most people fail at that. I like the blue-grey there aswell, how about you’d added that to their skin a little? No? Ok.
Also, this (Richard speaking):
“The bloody sleeve! What a crazy situation that was. We approved the photos in a car park without thinking what we were letting ourselves in for. When we saw what the designer had done, we freaked! We looked so… gay! All of us stripped to the waist. It was like an ad for a gay porno film. So we had to say, sort it out. Make us look straight again. Change the sleeve.”
Who in the fuck works like this?! Nevermind, I know it was a considerably younger Dirk Rudolph, but fucking hell, have some self respect, all of you. I know they didn’t know what they were doing, they probably had the management/record company comission it, and that was still the time graphic designers were seen as just pixel pushers from that time it took 3 days to layout a poster. Still. What was that brief?! Could you have sat down for 20 minutes and talk, perhaps?! Also, I hope this is how Richie learned to be the nightmare client I know he is. Don’t approve layouts in a car park, what the fuck is wrong with you.
It’s a pity because the concept? Nice. Sculpted men infront of flowers, what else do you want from life. Why crysanthemes, tho? Too textured in that macro shot. What is that photo angle?! Might try and redo that if I ever feel like it.
5th: Reise, Reise
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This breaks my heart a little, because it’s my lonely island album. And it isn’t bad by any stretch. Actually, their album cover game is ridiculous, can I have that established as a general benchmark? It would make for a lot less mental break downs. The thing is ... I like the idea. Make it look like the black box, cool. The problem is the type. It makes it look like “Flugrekorder Nicht Öffnen” is the album title. To be fair, Typesetting is my main thing, and album artists get it wrong (imo) 99 out of 100 times. I wish they would have comitted more and just left the titel off and solved it with a slide in, or a sticker or something like that. It’s just a bit ... weird. What works brilliantly is that it’s very memorable, stands out on the shelf, is unusual, all of that. It’s iconic. I do like it very much but I had to place something here.
4th: Liebe ist für alle da
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Now the thing with that album is that it has two covers. If I’d gone by the original one, I’d have to place it behind Reise, Reise. Everything RR has in impact, this is missing. It’s too dark, has too many pieces, it won’t stand out on a shelf. Especially not in the CD age when it was on 12x12 cm. Even on a Vinyl, it’s ... just not that impactful. Sure, the photograph is beautiful but meh. Luckily there is a second option. And that - is almost like a logo. It works as a symbol, and that makes it so strong. Less is more. Brilliant. You can draw it from memory. It’s so iconic, the kind of stuff that starts showing up in subways, drawn on the back of a seat and sprayed on walls. Tell me you never wanted to paint that on a flag and take it to a pride parade. I am sure some of us have.
I do want to mention the booklet in this, because it does bump it up a little too, because where the panorama image fails as a cover, the inside is done so beautifully with the fold out, the type setting, everything. It’s special, and done with love and it shows.
3rd: Mutter
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There is just something about this that is so, so, so memorable. Everyone recognises this. If you ask anyone over the age of 20 to describe Rammstein with an album cover only to someone less familiar, is anyone gonna say anything but “they’re the band with the embryo in close up”?! Maybe this is subjective because that’s how I first got exposed to them, but I don’t think so. It’s such a powerful image. It’s both beautiful and uncomfortable, the way Rammstein as a whole and that album in particular is beautiful and uncomfortable. It’s stunning. That’s it. Unfortunately, this one falls apart inside. The went too far with the whole Matrix inspired cyber elements. It’s trendy and trendy never stands the test of time, in that it has the same problem Rosenrot has, but much worse because it’s not even done that well. They could have just used the photos and kept it raw. The type setting on the cover is as good as it gets with albums tho, so I am happy.
2nd: Sehnsucht
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Ah, Sehnsucht. The most perfect band shoot they ever had. Helnwein just ... did it. I don’t know, it both defined and summed up who they are aesthetically for the longest time. It’s the visual statement that says “this is Rammstein”. It ... just looks like a band that sings about heartbreak and necrophilia is supposed to look like. Don’t you agree? How else would it look like? Even that omniously coloured beach. It’s as if the predicted the mood of True Detective, only less Hollywood. That darkness we don’t want to see, that can happen anywhere. And where they fell short with Mutter, where they added too much on to these powerful images, they just added the type. Granted, it was the 90s so it’s slightly experimental type. But unlike most type in the 90s it stood the test of time. Add the whole variable cover versions and chefs kiss! Beautiful work. Makes me happy and emotional and ugh.
1st: The White Album
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I’m just calling it that now. The Matchstick. You know, good design is made up from three components only: Concept. Commitment. Execution. The concept of this is so streamlined and clean. It’s the entire Rammstein story narrowed down to a single little thing. It’s small and ordinary looking but it can become dangerous and big. It’s underestimated. A little piece of wood with a head of phosphor and calium chlorit and yet you can commit the most legendary arson. It’s the personification of the thing that has become synonymous with them: Fire. It says so much with so little. And then they comitted to that. No useless typography, a simple but oh so well done photoshoot, the simple text on white. They didn’t ad too much additional ideas on to it, they trusted that one to carry and it does. They could have done without the black and white match stick arrangements inside, although I’m not even sure if that’s not just a limited edition thing, it’s a bit too much almost. They got scared a little there. The execution is also well done, I have very little to critique, only that I feel it lacks a tiny bit of love. The thing is, the more minimalist you go, the more love you have to put into each element. I feel like the spacing of the type should have been fixed in a few places but honestly that is being very very picky. Or not. Because if it wasn’t for that, and the teeeeny tiny commitment issue, this should have been a candidate for the packaging grammy. I mean it should be even the way it is, but we all know how those fuckers ignore our boys.
I’m done. Can I use this as application? Do you think if I send them a run down of basically tearing them apart they will hire me?
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kieraelieson · 4 years
For the prompt thing, how about “You’re safe now.” with Big Bro Remus and Little Bro Virgil? Maybe Tiny Anxiety sneaks into Remus' side of the Imagination when he isn't supposed to and ended up in danger? [And gets grounded at the end for it?]
Parental Fic Contest 1st Place Winner!
It was dark. It wasn’t nearly as fun as he’d thought it would be. 
Virgil hugged himself tightly, walking along the forest path and trying to ignore the shadows and eyes watching him. Where was the castle? Remus always took him this way, and they went straight to the castle! 
Virgil sniffed. Not because he was crying. He was far too big for that. He scared other people, they didn’t scare him. He sniffed again, and rubbed his eyes one at a time so he didn’t have to close them entirely. 
There was a snap from inside the trees, and Virgil jumped. His chin trembled. 
It was just a bit farther. It had to be. 
Virgil kept walking. 
Don’t run. They’ll know you’re scared if you run, and they’ll chase you. 
He kept walking, even though he thought he could hear heavy breathing. He sniffed again, and bit down on his lip to stop the tears from welling up. 
Remus was almost done. Just a little more and then he could take Virgil into the imagination for some games. They’d both been excited for it since yesterday, when they had to give it up because of some troubles Thomas was having. 
And. Just a few more. Almost. Maybe one more little bit. There!
It was the perfect nightmare. Not scary enough to wake Thomas up, but scary enough to make him wish he’d have woken up. Remus needed to have at least one on hand all the time, especially during times Thomas was having a harder time. Nightmares just lined up perfectly with troubles!
Remus set it carefully into a box, where Virgil couldn’t accidentally get into it, and went looking for the other side. 
“Viiiirge! We can go now!” 
But there wasn’t any reply. Usually by this point Virgil would be rushing down the stairs with one black eye from his makeup experiments, or slouching down pretending he was excited. 
Remus went upstairs and knocked on Virgil’s door, but didn’t get a reply. 
“Now where are you hiding?” He wondered aloud, knocking on Janus’s door too. 
Virgil wasn’t in there either, and Remus was able to cover up his slight worry with a loud laugh, so that Janus wouldn’t worry either. He was probably just napping in the closet, or sitting on top of the fridge with a snack. 
Remus walked through the house, calling for Virgil and looking in all his little hiding places. He was getting concerned now that he couldn’t find him, and his brain was very helpfully feeding him gruesome images that he was not enjoying right now. 
But when he found the door to the imagination unlocked, and not quite shut, the images tripled, nearly sending him to his knees with their ferocity. And sounds. Horrible, horrible sounds. And Virgil shrieking his name, begging to be rescued. 
And then Remus realized that it might not all be in his head. He charged through the door, running through the imagination. 
Virgil still trudged through the dumb, dark, scary forest. He should never have gone without Remus. If he’d waited Remus would almost certainly be done by now and they’d have gone straight to the castle like he’d wanted. 
The sniffs were coming fast now, and his chin quivered, but he was not going to cry. He would be alright as soon as he reached the castle. The guards would know who he was and keep him safe until Remus got there. 
A distant roar made him shiver. 
“I don’t like this,” he murmured, but somehow, the sound of his own voice just seemed to amplify the strange sounds all around him. “I-I don’t— I don’t—I want Remus!”
As soon as he said it he knew he was too loud, and then he heard running. Running coming towards him. Virgil bolted down the path as fast as he could run, tears streaming down his face as he screamed Remus’s name. 
He ran until he tripped on something and fell. He skinned his knee on the hard path, and the palms of his hands where he tried to catch himself, and when he sat up he could see the glints of many, many eyes all around. 
Virgil curled up in a ball, wailing and calling for Remus. 
There weren’t any monsters. They were hunting something, and Remus was almost sure he knew what. He kept running, all over the imagination, trying to find Virgil. But Virgil was in none of the places he liked. 
Remus tried hard to think of somewhere else, and finally remembered that Virgil couldn’t walk all over the imagination like he could. He’d still be stuck… in the forest. Remus’s brain swam with terrifying images, and he only barely shoved them aside enough to get to the forest. 
In the far distance he heard roars, and something that could be crying, or his ears playing tricks on him. He ran. 
He nearly ran Virgil over, and grabbed him up, sinking out immediately and rising up in the dark side commons. 
“What were you thinking!” He yelled, holding Virgil at arms length and scanning for injuries. “You could’ve been mauled! You aren’t allowed in the Imagination alone! Why would you go without me?! You’re grounded, you aren’t going back in there for a month!”
Virgil sobbed and hiccuped, his eyes already red and swollen. “I-I’m s-sooorryy!” He wailed, pushing forward to grab Remus around the waist and clung to him as if someone was trying to rip him away. “I’m sorry! I’m—I’m so-rry!”
Remus’s anger faded away almost instantly. He picked Virgil up and hugged him close. “It’s ok. It’s ok, I’ve got you now. I’m sorry too, I should’ve made sure the door was locked, and I should’ve gotten you faster, and I shouldn’t have yelled.”
“I-I was scared, Ree, a-and there were scary things everywhere, and I— and I couldn’t find the castle anywhere!” Virgil sobbed into his neck. 
“Shhh, it’s ok, I’ve got you. You're safe now.” Remus said, rocking back and forth and holding Virgil securely. 
Virgil’s crying slowed into sniffles and hiccups, and he didn’t try to move at all, not even to get more comfortable. Remus finally moved to sit on the couch, rubbing a hand on his back. It was then that he noticed Janus standing in the doorway, with a look he was sure that Janus would call ‘only concern’. He beckoned to him, and Janus came to sit next to them and lean on his arm. 
“Is Virgil alright?”
“He’s alright. He just had a good scare, that’s all.” 
Virgil let go of his death-grip on Remus with one hand to pat Janus until he held his hand. 
“We’ll be alright. We’re all alright now.” Remus promised. 
Janus visibly relaxed, and hugged a bit closer, getting comfy on Remus with his hand still holding Virgil’s. 
Remus smiled tiredly. Napping here wouldn’t be a bad idea. And anyway, he didn’t think that he or Virgil would be ready to let go of each other for a long time. 
@flamyangelwings Happy Birthday!
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