#truce poly
erindrinkstea · 4 months
Please Please Please
Poly! Dark! 141 x Reader
TW: Dark Themes, Spicy Themes, Possessive Behavior, Obsessive Behavior, Violence, Blood, Death.
Description, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Main Masterlist | CoD Masterlist
You would think that a bunch of grown men in the military would be mature. Said military men from the 141 task force nonetheless.
But no- these soldiers were just as petty as any motherfucker, if not even more.
It was clear to anybody that you weren't welcome in the task force despite being their lieutenant as well, much like Ghost. Well, unlike Ghost, they didn't respect you at all.
It could be felt from how Price refused to touch you at all- always patting the others but made sure to keep the contact with you minimum.
It could be heard from how formal Soap talked with you despite being so comedic and casual with the others, his warm tone quickly turning cold as soon as a conversation tried to be initiated.
It could be seen with how Gaz was so affectionate and comfortable with others but turns stiff and awkward as soon as you walk into the room.
Now, Ghost... He showed his dislike for you through everything. You could see it, hear it, feel it and fucking sense it. His stern glare, his strict tone, his rough hold and how oppressive he feels near you.
His chocolate eyes which you first admired melted into fear as they resembled more like the dirt he would bury you 6ft deep in.
The 141 hated you.
It was crystal fucking clear.
You don't blame their hatred. You understood why they hated you, but you do blame their pettiness.
The way you joined was different from others. Price didn't choose you, you were assigned to the 141 by Laswell.
She said that your talents were essential to the 141 and could be put to good use. I mean, you did almost unalive Soap as proof to your skills.
You were the lieutenant of another task force to start it off. The 141's mission clashed with your team's mission which led to certain misunderstandings.
It was too late when the misunderstanding was cleared- you had already landed a shot through Soap's throat and poor lad was choking on his own blood.
If it weren't for your team's combat medic, the sargeant would have died of suffocation from a shot to the throat.
A couple months passed since that mission and sad to say, your team didn't last. Unrelated to the 141, due to a mission gone bad- your captain as well as one of your sargeants died. The team was unable to perform due to the loss and caused your other lieutenant and two sargeants to retire.
You, on the other hand, wanted to resume your duties as lieutenant despite the loss. You wanted to push forward- not because you were strong. But to punish yourself for their deaths.
You would be a waste to assign to any other team that wouldn't allow you to showcase your skills and talents. This caused Laswell to make the decision to assign you to the 141. Even if they complained.
Now, you understood why the 141 was so against your addition to the team. You didn't exactly have the best history together. But you tried to make it up for your mistakes. You really tried to mend things, find common ground, initiatiate a truce for almost a fucking year.
You felt desperate, pathetic almost.
"That would be all. You're excused, Lieutenant." Price waved you off from his office, you sighed as you shut the door behind you.
You made your way to the kitchen- hoping that at least, they took a bite of your efforts.
You stopped in your steps, a few feet from the kitchen counter, you stared at the unmoved and probably cold by now food left there.
They didn't touch it at all.
You felt frustrated. "Seriously?"
You went closer to the plates left alone by your team. Not a single thing was touched.
You really put your effort on this one. You took note of their favorite food even! You made them after a really tiring mission, you knew that the team would probably be starving.
You even heard Soap complaining about how his stomach was killing him.
"I fucking give up." You mumbled, angry and exhausted. One year and three months was enough.
"If they're gonna be petty then fucking fine. But my patience isn't forever and I'm done." You rambled on to yourself. You took the plates and dumped the food into seperate plastic containers.
You weren't a waste. You'd probably give the food to Riley, save the other containers for the following days. The K9 at least had more manners than the rest of the humans in this compound.
"I'm done trying to be the bigger person." You angrily muttered as you crouched down to place the container in front of the dog.
Riley tilted his head at you. Curious at your rambling and sensing your irritation.
One last mission. You promised.
Just one last mission with the 141 and you would demand a transfer from Laswell. If that won't be allowed- all might as well go to hell and you'd join Kortac.
Roze always tried to persuade you to join and Konig wasn't afraid to joke of your addition to the team. You were pretty sure it wasn't a joke as Horangi handed you official documents of transfer.
You gave Riley one last pat before heading back to your personal room. Being in the 141 had it's benefits at least with the special treatment.
It was nice to have your own room to yourself. You'd die of tension if you'd share a room with the rest of the team.
You passed Gaz in the halls, he stiffened at the sight of you and you internally rolled your eyes at that. You ignored him and headed straight to your room.
Gaz almost stuttered in his steps when you passed by him, not even sparing a single glance at him.
He looked back at you as you entered your room and shut the door. It was weird not being greeted by you for once. He brushed the encounter off nonetheless.
You just didn't notice him, he guesses.
But that didn't sit well in his gut either.
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petalsnow · 9 months
divine & mine (18+)
Tumblr media
hyunjin x afab!reader x felix
word count: 3.7k
genre: smut, fluff - 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!
18+ content and smut warnings below the cut.
warnings: non-idol au, marriage au, intended lower-case usage, poly!relationship between reader, hyunjin, & felix, threesome, swearing, alcohol consumption, oral sex (reader & felix receiving), unprotected sex (don't do this), cumming inside (don't do this), impreg kink, praise kink, small mommy kink, dom/sub dynamics, confessions of love.. i think that covers everything, let me know if i missed something!
summary: you decide to celebrate your third wedding anniversary by having a romantic picnic with lots of wine and two horny husbands.
this is a fictional story. nothing in this fan-fiction represents hyunjin, felix, or stray kids as a whole. NOR does it represent their relationships with each other.
read at your own risk.
three years have passed since your wedding day. over one thousand days of being cared for and adored by both of your partners.
you had met hyunjin first, he was a regular at the same library you attended every monday, wednesday, and friday. he was a stranger, but he made sure that didn’t last. as each day passed, his stolen glances grew more frequent and his proximity grew closer and closer until you both could be spotted at the same table, quietly bickering over the novel you were both reading.
it wasn’t long after that hyunjin mustered up the courage to ask you out. the library was rigidly silent before hyunjin came out with it, “would you like to come over for dinner tonight? i’ve been dying to try this pasta recipe but it feeds two and i hate leftovers.” his face turning a pale shade of red before everting his gaze from yours.
naturally, you accepted and the rest was history. you two were shamelessly in love ever since.
you two had been together for a year before you met felix for the first time.
you and hyunjin met felix during a night out at a local bar. it was karaoke night and you had enough liquid courage to storm the main stage and sing your heart out to the lyrics of “My Heart Will Go On” by celine dion. Hyunjin admired you from the table you were both sitting at beforehand, sipping on an espresso martini. to his left, stood a blonde-headed boy who was smaller than him, sipping on a beer with his group of friends. The boy was thoroughly entertained by your performance, his laugh like silk as you made a fool out of yourself.
“she’s amazing” he said to his friend, but loud enough for hyunjin to hear, which made him shift his focus from you to the younger boy.
when hyunjin laid his eyes on felix for the first time, his first thought was how beautiful he was. He quickly took note of the freckles that dusted his cheeks, and his light brown eyes.
“after she comes down, you should totally ask her out” felix’s friend suggests with a smirk and a playful shove. felix couldn’t help but giggle and nod.
“she’s mine.” hyunjin spoke up, setting his cocktail down on the table. felix snapped his head in the direction of his voice, his face full of fear.
“oh, mate, i had no idea.. i wouldn’t have said anything if i had known.” he shook his head and pled his case.
“relax, there’s no way you could’ve known.” hyunjin broke his hard facade with a polite half smile. “come sit.” he gestured to the empty chair across from him.
felix visibly gulped and slid into the chair.
“what’s your name?” hyunjin asked, leaning forward to hear over the music.
“felix.. lee felix” the blonde replied quickly.
“hyunjin,” he said, holding his hand out for a truce.
felix met his hand and shook gently with an awkward nod.
“i like you.” hyunjin admitted
felix had a look of confusion painted across his face.
“i think you’re cute.”
“.. but didn’t you just say..”
“we’re open.”
felix still didn’t understand.
“we have an open relationship, and i think you’re cute” hyunjin clarified.
felix choked on his beer.
“oh, um..” he wasn’t sure how to respond.
before hyunjin could continue, you were stumbling back over to the table.
“hey baby!!” you exclaimed, throwing your arms around hyunjin’s neck. “i missed you” you giggled drunkenly.
hyunjin couldn’t help but laugh as he placed an arm around your waist.
“this is felix, we just made friends.” hyunjin said, turning you slightly to face the timid boy.
“hi” felix almost whimpered, offering a small wave.
“y/n, nice to meet you phoenix” you replied with a toothy smile.
“oh, that’s not-“ felix started before hyunjin interrupted him
“i was just asking if felix wanted to come home with us tonight, what do you think angel?” he asked, tucking a small piece of hair behind your ear.
immediately, you knew where this was headed and the realization was mildly sobering.
you looked back over at felix, taking him in completely this time, before looking back at your boyfriend.
“that sounds lovely.” you answered sweetly. “what do you think, freckles?” you cocked your head at felix.
felix looked absolutely mortified, like a deer in headlights. Nevertheless, he slid out of his chair and looked between both of you
“let’s get out of here.”
That was over three years ago, and today you are all celebrating your third wedding anniversary.
The whole thing was hyunjin and felix’s idea, they were truly the most lovesick pair you had ever seen. they were almost frantic in your kitchen, shoving expensive wine into the picnic basket and perfecting the charcuterie board for your date.
you had just finished getting ready, a flowy, snug fit sundress and a head full of loose curls. little did you know you were walking into a disaster of a kitchen.
“guys what the fuck happened in here? it looks like a tornado flew around the kitchen.” you gasped, looking at the mess they had made in preparation for your celebration.
felix was boxing up the last few finger foods before waltzing over to you to place a kiss on your temple.
“don’t worry about any of this, me and hyune will clean it up whenever we get back, mkay?” he reassured you, filling his arms with food and drinks to bring to the car.
you grinned and shook your head before reaching out to grab some of the load, but hyunjin yanked it from your grasp.
“what do you think you’re doing? what kind of husband makes his wife carry her own anniversary gift?” he looked viscerally offended. “go wait in the car my love” he cracked, shooting you a dashing smile and a wink.
you playfully pinched his hip as he brushed past you before heading to the car like you were instructed. felix was waiting outside of the car with the door ajar, waiting to help you inside with an out stretched hand.
“wow, so formal today.” you smirked, taking his hand and climbing into the car.
“always the best for our princess.” he smiled, waiting for you to get comfortable, before gently closing the door.
the ride was long, but only because your date was a picnic in a secluded field of flowers.
whenever you arrived, hyunjin and felix worked quickly to lay a large quilted blanket down and set up your lunch.
you thanked them for everything before sitting down between them.
you ate together and emptied wine glass after wine glass. you talked of the past and of the future, and of how much you adored one another.
“i bet if we had kids they’d look exactly like me and have y/nnie’s attitude.” hyunjin teased, propping himself up on his side while plucking grapes off their vine. He delicately placed one in each of your mouths.
“hey, what is that supposed to mean?” you gasped with your mouth full of grapes and slapped his arm playfully.
“it just means they’d be so kind and so sweet and so perfect and not sarcastic, short-tempered, or sassy at all!!” felix mocked as you landed another playful slap, now into his arm.
“you’re one to talk” you rolled your eyes as the laughter died down slowly
“in my defense, i only have an attitude around you guys if i’m trying to have it fucked out of me.” felix shrugged nonchalantly, causing both you and hyunjin to grow wide-eyed and cough at his suddenly bold statement.
“jesus, lix” hyunjin placed a hand over his mouth, trying his best to finish his last bite of food
“at least he’s honest” you added, resting back on your palms
felix blushed smugly at your reactions before picking the original conversation back up
“i would love to have children one day..” he added with shyness laced in his voice
you and hyunjin’s attention shifted to him at the sudden seriousness
“you would?” you asked sweetly
felix nodded, toying with a blade of grass near his hand
you looked over at your other husband, who then looked back at you. you weren’t sure why, but these kinds of conversations always made it difficult for you to navigate. Although you all loved one another equally, whenever it came to the discussion of starting a family, the reality of things had to be faced. Hyunjin, knowing how you are, spoke up first.
“let’s have a baby then,” he said before taking another sip of wine.
this made your heart race as you looked between both of them.
“but-“ you began and felix cut you off this time.
“i don’t care who the father is. The way i see it, we’re all three connected and we would all love the baby the same regardless.” felix offered, trying to soothe your anxious state.
you took a deep breath as the tension built upon itself.
“i’m sorry, i just wasn’t really expected to talk about this today. I apologize for my hesitation. Of course, I would love to have children with you, but only if we’re all sure.”
hyunjin and felix chuckled, sitting up.
“i don’t think we’re ever been more sure of anything in our lives, angel” hyunjin smiled before placing a tender kiss to your lips and running his hand up your thigh.
felix wasn’t far behind him, moving your hair to place an open-mouth kiss to the side of your neck as you sat in between the two men.
you closed your eyes in pleasure, melting into their touches. as hyunjin left your lips you spoke up
“what, are you guys going to knock me up in this field?” you laughed sarcastically, waiting for them to catch on. Instead, the two boys turned their attention to each other with twin calculating looks in their eyes and then back over to you.
“yes,” they said in unison, hyunjin returning to your lips and felix back to your neck.
you moaned into hyunjin’s mouth at the realization and instinctively parted your legs ever so slightly.
even though the movement was quaint, felix took note and moved his hand up your inner thigh gently as he kissed down your collarbone.
“may i?” felix broke the silence, fingers dancing dangerously close to your panties.
hyunjin broke the heated kiss at his question.
“what do you say, pretty girl?” he glanced at felix, and back into your pleading eyes.
“please,” you whined, opening your legs more for felix to fit in between and get to work.
felix hummed and tugged your lace panties down your legs, discarding them nearby. Bring his mouth to your heat, kissing your clit softly to let you know he was starting.
your breath hitched in your throat as hyunjin moved to support you from behind, your back resting against his chest as you got comfortable.
“that’s it, baby, relax” hyunjin cooed in your ear, running his hand up your side.
felix wasted no time licking away at your cunt. his arms were wrapped around your thighs, his thumb rubbing at your clit.
eating you out had to be felix’s favorite thing to do. he could spend all day pleasing you, hearing you cry out for him.
your wetness was dripping down his chin and he loved how filthy it made him feel.
“you taste so sweet” he groaned, entranced by you and the way you responded to him. he moved one hand from your thigh and brought two fingers up your heat, running them down to collect some lubrication.
“look at that, you’re in for a treat darling.” hyunjin half-whispered into your ear, brushing the straps of your dress off your shoulders to allow him access to your breasts.
felix blushed at his husband’s comment before dipping the first finger into your pussy.
felix slowly pumped his finger in and out of you while hyunjin pushed your dress down to reveal your chest. he hummed at his success and began toying with your nipple between his slender fingers.
your back arched at the new sensation and it caused you to clench around felix’s fingers.
“feel good?” hyunjin questioned, pinching your nipple gently.
“fuck, yes. you both feel so amazing.” you whimpered out, clinging to the picnic blanket that laid underneath all of you.
felix had resumed eating you out, adding another finger to fuck into you, growing more eager by the second.
hyunjin brought one of his hands up to his mouth to spit into his palm before bringing it back down over your nipple, swirling the saliva over the sensitive bud.
“hyunjin…” you sighed blissfully, arching your back into his touch.
felix had completely zeroed in on your cunt, fucking his fingers into you at a steady pace while lapping at your clit
“i need you to cum on my face” felix whined desperately, only detaching himself long enough to utter the one sentence.
you groaned at his words and hyunjin’s massage
“i’m close” you mewled, knuckles growing white from your tightening grip
“let go for us, be a good girl.” hyunjin cooed, never ceasing his movements.
that’s all it took for you to twitch and release all over felix’s fingers and his face. He wasted no time licking up anything that missed him and left a trail of kisses across your lower half.
“fuck, that was so hot” felix growled, sitting up between your legs.
“let me taste her.” hyunjin ordered, gripping the young boy by the back of his head and crashing their lips together.
You watched as your husbands made out just above your head, the remnants of your release dripping down from their lips and onto your bare chest.
you always had a lingering sense of guilt, for no reason that you could pinpoint. Both of them catered to you more than they catered to each other, and that always made you feel a little strange. you always hoped they weren’t sacrificing anything to be in this kind of relationship. But it was times like these, watching them melt into each other's touch, that you felt your heart swell, and you could relax, knowing they loved each other, too.
the kiss ended and hyunjin moved out from behind you to face you now.
“you ready for us, doll?” hyunjin asked softly, rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
you nodded as felix removed his shirt and began undoing his pants to slip them off.
“words, y/n” hyunjin reminded you, waiting patiently for your approval to remove his clothes
“always ready for you.” you smiled, tugging on the hem of hyunjin’s shirt and he wasted no time removing it over his head and then discarding his pants as well.
felix helped you lie down on your back while hyunjin positioned himself between your legs and felix positioned himself behind your head.
“you okay if i use your mouth while hyunjin fucks you?” felix asked softly, stroking his hard cock.
“of course, lixie wanna taste you.” you nod and lean your head back to make it easier on him.
he blushed at the nickname and looked at hyunjin.
“you can start, wanna make sure she’s okay before I stuff her mouth full.” felix chuckled and you rolled your eyes playfully.
hyunjin said nothing, too focused on the way you looked beneath him. he slid the head of his cock up and down your slit experimentally, gathering your wetness before pushing into you slowly.
you whined at the stretch and felix ran his fingers over your cheek, consoling you.
“you doing okay sweet girl?” hyunjin asked, halting his movements.
“yes, yes i’m perfect baby.” you nodded frantically “please give me more,” you begged
hyunjin moaned as he pushed deeper into you, moving your legs to wrap around his hips.
felix took that as his signal to push his cock into your mouth, his eyes rolling back at the warmth, slowly fucking his cock into you.
“fuck baby, how are you still so tight?” hyunjin mewled, throwing his head back, licking his lips
you moaned around felix’s cock as hyunjin’s hips sped up, your body felt like it was floating from the overstimulation.
hyunjin and felix both reached for your tits, hands brushing over each other before they both claimed one, teasing you once again.
“fuck, hyune, i don’t think i’m gonna last.” felix whimpered out to the other boy.
hyunjin was still trying to compose himself, biting his lip between moans
“you don’t have to hold on lixie, we have all day.” hyunjin squeezed the other boy’s pinkie, reassuring him.
felix whimpered, his hips speeding up, repeatedly hitting the back of your throat.
“baby i’m gonna cum, can i come in your mouth? please please, can i?” he stuttered
you moaned out in approval, back arching off the ground.
felix’s hip shuddered, his warm milky release filling your mouth, you swallowing it up without hesitation.
hyunjin’s pace quickened, fucking into you deeper and harder.
your eyes were brewing tears, gasping for air.
“y/n, i’m gonna cum. i’m gonna cum inside of you, are you ready for me?” hyunjin growled, placing his hands on your hips to stabilize himself.
“please, need you to fill me up. please hyune.” you mewled, finding felix’s hand and holding onto it tightly.
“fuck- i’m cumming.” hyunjin confirmed, landing sharp thrusts into your cunt, filling you to the brim.
felix wiped the tears off your cheeks and caressed your cheeks as you came down.
“you’re such a good girl, y/n. our perfect girl.” felix praised sweetly.
hyunjin leaned down and kissed your lips sweetly, leaving a few stray kisses on your neck after.
“did so good. you’re so good for us.” hyunjin breathed out, slowly pulling out of you.
you smiled beneath them and leaned into felix’s hand.
“can i feel you too lixie?” you looked up innocently at the freckled boy.
he looked surprised, “are you sure baby? that was a lot just now.”
you nodded, sure of yourself. “want you too.”
hyunjin chuckled at your cute exchange.
“felix, switch places with y/n,” he instructed, moving back so you two had room to do so.
felix obeyed and laid down on his back, his cock soft due to his release.
you sat next to felix, waiting for hyunjin’s instruction.
hyunjin moved in between the younger boy's legs, leaning down to kiss him.
felix whimpered into hyunjin’s lips, both their cocks growing hard once again at the contact. felix’s hands found purchase in hyunjin’s hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss.
you watched in awe, running your soft hands up the side of felix’s leg.
hyunjin let him go, smirking.
“my turn.” you smiled, leaning down to capture felix’s lips this time.
felix smiled into your kiss, his lips tasted like hyunjin and wine.
hyunjin took advantage of the distraction and spit into his palm, rubbing the lubrication over his head and felix’s opening.
hyunjin lined his cock up with felix’s hole and slowly pushed forward.
felix squealed into your mouth at the unexpected intrusion. it startled you so you looked toward hyunjin and quickly picked up on what was happening.
“hyunjin! it was my turn!” you complained, looking at him in belief.
felix became a moaning mess as hyunjin began fucking into him.
“fuck, hyung, you’re so big.” he all but screamed out.
“baby, it’s still your turn.” hyunjin chuckled “come on, climb in front of me.” he pulled you onto felix.
“oh fuck-“ felix realized what was going to happen “i, oh-fuck, i can't handle-“ he couldn’t finish his sentence.
you followed hyunjin’s guidance and lowered yourself onto felix’s length, earning a loud cry from the pitiful boy below you.
hyunjin held onto you while he fucked deeper into felix, and set the pace for you to ride your shared partner.
you toyed with felix’s nipples as hyunjin held onto you as if he owned you, biting into your neck and shoulders and your hips moved up and down.
felix was seeing stars, his eyes were rolled back into his skull and his breathing was staggered, completely encapsulated by you and hyunjin’s movements.
“lix- you’re - fuck - you’re so perfect.” you praised him, resting your palms on his chest now
“feels perfect too” hyunjin chimed in.
all felix could do was groan out, still not being able to focus on anything.
“are you gonna cum for us baby boy?” you whined, staring at his fucked out expression
he nodded quickly
“gonna make our girl a mommy?” hyunjin added.
felix squealed out and thrusted his hips upwards as he came in you without warning.
you moaned out and hyunjin did the same, finishing inside the smaller boy.
everyone was catching their breath at the same time, you picked yourself off of felix and fell onto the blanket next to him, chests heaving.
hyunjin pulled out of felix slowly and gently, making sure not to hurt him.
after a minute or so of regaining composure, the silence was broken.
“happy anniversary, my pillow princesses.” hyunjin giggled with his bunny smile, leaning over the two of you to place playful kisses on both of your flushed faces.
you and felix both blushed and wiped your faces after his wet kisses.
“happy anniversary.” you smiled at them both, pulling hyunjin down so you could lay in between them.
“i’m so glad you were horrendous at karaoke.” felix challenged and quickly hid his face, awaiting your retaliation, which immediately came after.
“felix! that’s so mean! oh my gosh!” it was hyunjin’s turn to chime in, giggling sweetly.
you laughed as the boys began to playfully fight over you. you looked over at your left hand, where a small golden band hugged your finger.
you sighed happily as their bickering continued,
you were in love.
the end.
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enixamyram · 3 months
I've seen a lot of people questioning about Martha's husband and children since the last episode. Now, it was only a very short clip of the two women so the way I see it, there's a few personal ideas I have for them that I figured I'd share:
Polyamorous. I don't necessarily feel strongly about this idea but you know, at the same time, why the hell not. I want to see more poly relationships and so maybe husband was still in the bath during this scene, just out of sight.
Shared Custody. Hell's a big change so who's to say hubby wasn't more frustrated by the situation than Martha or the other way around and in the end they simply split. But, despite being murderous satanist, they were clearly loving parents and I like the idea of their demonic evil children spending one week with dad and one week with mom (as well as their new step mom)!
Miracle survival? Really insanely unlikely but you know, not necessarily impossible. Maybe the kids and dad slipped out the house before it blew? XD
Extermination. I dunno how much time has past in Helluva or what time of year it is but maybe hubby was killed off by an exterminator. Just throwing it out there, but this could make for a pretty good meet-cute between Martha and Mayberry and be the start of their relationship. (Maybe Martha is pissed off after losing her husband and in fighting back against an exterminator, she ends up saving Mayberry and they called a temporary truce that grew over time?)
Anyway, just a couple ideas floating around my head!
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wickjump · 3 months
I heard thoe like Hypersomnia? Could that be true?
*quietly slides a yapping card across the table
takes your yapping card and adds it to my probably not all that legal collection of yapping cards. pleasure doing business
that it IS!!!!!!!!! (for those who don’t know, hypersomnia is ink x error x dream poly). anyway I LOVE HYPERSOMNIA. so much so that i was the one to coin the ship name hypersomnia and then became incredibly obnoxious about it ever since.
i think theyre perfect in every way. to me the initial appeal came from loving drink and errorink equally and being a fan of insomnia so why not smash em together? and then i looked deeper into it and Yes i love them.
my biggest propaganda for them is the fact that with hypersomnia, palette, pj, and gradient can exist as siblings without ink being divorced or a shitty dad, both of which im not a fan of. but then we go outside of ship kid territory and think about them and they work SO WELL THERE TOO.
the dynamic feels equal. dream and ink provide physical touch for each other so error doesn’t feel pressured, dream and error provide the romantic feelings for each other while ink is aro, and ink and error both can’t be read feelings-wise because ink has no soul and while not canon I like to think error’s soul is to corrupted for Dream to get a read on, so he feels that they’re not dating him for his aura and rather for him as a person.
and they’re FUN. and lowkey domestic in a sense too like. dream and error bond over spanish tv while ink draws them both so he keeps quiet during the show and doesn’t ramble on. dream listening to both his partners rant on about things they like while he just sits and listens with a genuine smile. movie nights? all the time. they share a big bed, but error’s part is sectioned off with pillows so he feels comfortable, though on days it feels too suffocating he sleeps in a hammock in the room. dream is injured in battle? don’t worry his husbands are the protector of universes and destroyer of worlds. ink is canonically a pretty lonely character—and while he doesn’t mind it per se, nobody ever sees his art. but now he’s got not one but TWO partners to look at his drawings!!!
AND INKS DADS!!!!!!! ASTER AND TOP HAVE TWO SONS IN LAWS!!!!!!!!! and they are SO supportive and they love dream and error and are very happy ink found people that love him for his weirdness and not ‘in spite of it’.
truce or modern au? nightmare does Not Like Them, on the contrary. and it’s funny. hijinks ensue. passive/uncorrupted or otherwise, he does not like them for one reason or another. thinks they have bad intentions, just doesn’t think they’re right, bad influences, or maybe he’s just scared he’ll lose dream and be alone. NIGHTMARE ANGST. YOU GUYS LIKE THAT RIGHT???????
need more appeal? just take whatever you like about drink, errorink, and insomnia and mash it together CAUSE THATS WHAT THEY ARE!!!!!! they are SOULMATES. TRUST ME they said so themselves.
literally any au version or interpretation only furthers the appeal. dream has wings? error uses his feathers in his dolls to make doll-dream’s wings ‘accurate’, and ink uses them in art (plus group preening, and error likes touching Dream’s fallen feathers bc he sorta knows how Dream feels now even if they’ve never/hardly touched).
fgod error/fgoc ink? dream is supportive of both of them and sympathizes with their roles (iirc dreamtale operates in a world where error’s job is necessary and not out of insanity so this is accurate too).
shattered dream and emotionless ink? great they can be 3 evil fucked up boyfriends because error is flexible like that and i like a bit of evil every so often.
it’s all great. they’re perfect. and they’re SO sweet to each other and they absolutely garden together. and every day past 6pm they sit down in the living area and error crochets/sews while ink draws and dream. aw fuck i forgot what dream does but he does some creative thing. whatever. and they take care of their kids together and they’re the BEST dads to EVER EXIST!!!!!!!! and they’re perfect and they love each other and they have rings with gems that they picked out cause they’re married. ok i know you wanted me to yap but this is too long SORRY!!!!!!!!HOPE U ENJOYED IG??
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tiniedemon · 1 year
. . .
poly headcanons
stan marsh & kyle broflovski
— it’s a constant battle
— kyle and stan are always competing for your attention in one way or another
— if kyle gets you a gift, stan has to get you two, and vice versa
— stan takes you out, kyle has to take you somewhere nicer
— you caught on after a little while and started using it to your advantage
— anytime you got into an argument with one of the boys, you’d ‘demote’ them
— “kyle, you’re pissing me off. i’m demoting you. stan’s my favorite boyfriend now”
— your relationship is still somewhat functional, though
— kyle’s a passionate hotheaded asshole, stan’s an emotional lovesick puppy, and you’re like the balance
— anytime the boys argue you have to break it up or they fist fight
— anytime you argue with one of the boys the other one kicks back with popcorn
— when there’s a truce, things are at their best
— there usually aren’t too many problems unless one of the boys feels like you love the other one more
— then you have to comfort them, reassure them that your love is equal, and spend the day cuddled up with both of them equally
— it isn’t really a problem with stan and kyle showing each other more attention than they show you
— you know at the end of the day that their love for each other doesn’t mean they don’t love you just as much
— they’re mostly just equally terrified you’ll leave them
— kyle cooks, you clean, stan gets control over ambience music
— said ambience music is divorced dad rock
— kyle drives, stan rides passenger, you get backseat and aux
— stan plays sad music in the car, not fun music
— so kyle took his aux privileges
— cuddle time consists of you in the middle, stan wrapped completely around you, and kyle letting you lay your head on his chest
— you all take turns choosing content for movie night
— also applies to shows you binge together
— kyle’s a firm believer in acts of service, stan’s more of a physical touch kind of guy
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starryaugust · 12 days
100 au!Jason Todd - Backstory
Jason was orphaned at a young age, his dad died when he was just a baby and his mother died a few years later. He can barely remember her.
Like Dick, he was raised in the orphanage.
He fought to survive, for every bit of food. No matter how little it was.
When Dick arrived, he was suspicious. Why would someone want to help without gaining anything from it?
It took some time, but eventually he started to trust Dick. And in the end, he started seeing him as a brother. And he started to come back to who he was before the orphanage, before learning the hardships of life, before the corruption.
When Dick was arrested, Jason decided to replace him. But security was more careful, he was caught and put in the sky box quickly.
When the guards came to get him, he fought. He punched a guard and they had to tranquilize him, when he woke up the 100 were already on their way to the ground. And Dick was next to him.
Jason was the first person to step on the ground for 100 years,
or at least that's what they thought.
Unlike in the series, in this au no one from the 100 doesn't go straight to mount weather. They decide to assemble a camp before and scavenge and hunt for food.
A few days after they landed, Jason was exploring the woods and was taken by the grounders. They almost killed him, only to heal him.
The 100 threw a search party, and a few days later they found Jason as a trap for a tiger. He was dying.
At the end, with the help of Bernard and Steph, he survived. But he wasn't the same, the hopeful ball of sunshine he used to be was gone, for good this time. He returned to the shield he put back in the orphanage, but it was rotted deeper this time.
So when the 100 tried to decide what to do about the grounders, he said peace wasn't an option.
He wanted revenge, he wanted a war, and he got one.
After everything happened, he thought he was finally safe.
But then mount weather took the 100.
He didn't trust Lex Luther, he thought the peace he was offering was a facade, nothing was that simple in the world they were living in.
So he investigated, and when he found the grounders, he wanted to come back to Dick to warn him. But he was caught by Luther's guards.
He ended up managing to escape with the help of a grounder, an archer.
Roy Harper.
Roy helped Jason realize that peace with grounders could be an option.
So Jason found the survivors of the arc, while Roy went to Polis. Together they worked for a truce. And they succeeded.
Jason still didn't fully trust the grounders, but he was ready to do whatever it takes to save his brother and friends.
Together with Tim, Bruce, Roy and the grounders Heda he managed to come up with a plan to save the 100 and the grounders trapped in mount weather.
This plan obviously went to shit.
And Jason and Tim needed to make a choice, their people or the people of mount weather.
They choose their people.
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dreaming-medium · 10 months
Pssst, can I ask u🫵 something?
Do you have any rec for skzfic? Since you're a good writer so I think you a good taste in fics
Omg hey! You can absolutely ask me this, sorry it took so long for me to get around to! SO I read most (all) of my fics on Ao3! I'm still getting used to Tumblr lmao I can try to curate some Tumblr fics but that would take me a hot minute But here are some good ones I have bookmarked, I think most, if not all, are smutty 18+, but I'll tag them nontheless: Not gunna lie, 99% of the fics I read have smut just cause of what I like, so
Multi-chap fics:
Close Your Eyes (... And Count To Seven) by MysteryBird (18+) Ot8 x reader Word Count: 117,144 Mafia AU where the reader hooks up with each member of the gang. HIGHLY SMUTTY, has some extreme kinks in it. Definitely a Dead Dove Do Not Eat on the tags. But my god it is so well written and has plot, idk how it doesn't have more attention.
Stray Gods by DollyStuart (18+) Poly!Ot8 x reader Word Count: 171,475 (WIP, not finished) All of the members are gods of different powers and the reader is their guide throughout godhood. Has some good smut!
Tangled by ThisPeachIsDirty (18+) Poly!Ot8 x reader Word Count: 199,549 Reader is a tour photographer for the group and all of them use her to relieve... tension in various ways.
Instinct by fizzydrink698 (18+) Bang Chan x reader Word Count: 53,405 ABO where the reader is an alpha and Chan is the omega, it is definitely one of my fav SKZ ABO fics
Friends with Benefits by starrgaziingg (18+) Lee Know x reader Word Count: 67,847 "Lee Minho is a legacy at your university. He received an honorary award when he graduated, got a position as a dancer in a company a week after receiving his diploma...and was renowned as the schools famous ice-cold fuckboy." SO good
What You Deserve by 2chopsticks2eyes (18+) This is another author that I devour any of their work Lee Know x reader Word Count: 67,284 "You meet your best friend's group from college and find yourself spending more and more time with Minho. Sexual tension ensues." I think I re-read this fic 10 times already One Shots:
Strike the match, burn me down till I'm nothing by lemonhopia (18+) Kim Seungmin x reader Word Count: 5,290 enemies to lovers (sort of) Seungmin is reader's childhood best friend's brother who has been nothing but a thorn in her side since they were little. He's tasked with picking you up from the airport for your best friend's wedding.
conflict, conceal, confess by fizzydrink698 (18+) TBH anything by this author is AMAZING. I stalk their page so often. Lee Know x reader Word Count: 18,239 "minho and reader have been academic rivals for nearly a decade. now they have to put aside their differences, call a truce and finally admit they're ridiculously attracted to each other."
The Duke and I by lordseok (18+) Hwang Hyunjin x reader Word Count: 32,289 Bridgerton AU "Wishing to be a successful writer in the regency period seemed next to impossible for the sole daughter of a dead earl. With arising pressures from your mother to tie the knot, you turn to your dearest friend, Hwang Hyunjin, Duke of Hastings and the most eligible, scandalous bachelor of the season, for assistance. When he suggests the insane of idea of marrying each other to help each other, you agree to the proposal, unaware of how much the duke can teach you of the wonders of matrimony." I. Ate. This. UP. It is SO WELL WRITTEN.
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snackugaki · 1 year
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more AU visdev shenanigans because I have both a problem and am trying to trick myself into doing visdev for my actual  projects
my tmnt au (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt au part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
tmnt au omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
lny visit 1 | 2
AU musings under the cut cuz truly, i have a goddamn problem and most of it is from my brain always go brr
uhhh... hm... Mirage spoilers pmuch right out the gate... probably IDW, and prrrrobably Next Mutation spoilers for the kids who haven’t started/caught up because surprise that’s where I pull from (aside from the 87 cartoon and 90s movies because who doesn’t pull mainly from their childhood turtles)
April being into punk, goth, alt, what have you just makes sense to me
...because she gravitated to the outsider nature of those subcultures since she, herself, didn’t feel like she quite belonged anywhere
which is natural when you’re a drawing made real
(it’s fine, she’s flesh and blood now)
shout out to poly styrene, april loved her
keeping them short kings just like my childhood turtles
Jennika absolutely comments to Donnie if he’s found any good cheese in any walls lately
god i hate plowing through the first couple of passes of a design
alas, the process
Venus ended up being dressed in hanfu since other clothes didn’t fit her quite right; a specific group of old women were ecstatic at breaking out hanfu patterns to use.
Chung I doted on Venus so much, the only thing that kept her from becoming spoiled was when she started taking up cultivation alongside Chung I and his sect
nothing more humbling that carrying 3 buckets of water up a steep mountain side while your sifu hurls mystic blasts at your feet
Venus progressed pretty quickly though; enough to be trusted with plans to circumvent Vam Mi’s return and reconnoiter with the sect’s allies in NYC
(it didn’t work but it’s okay they defeated Vam Mi anyway)
shit now I have to come up with a name for the sect hhhhh
Chung I’s sect is one of ?? who, like the ninja, have a responsibility (among others) to regulate the mortal plane with the less mundane ones
Venus IS training to serve in his role (give or take one of her brothers or sisters being bestowed the responsibility)
hmm... Venus likes keemun tea best if she has the choice, and for soup... oxtail soup and black sesame soup
and because it was fkkn metal in Next Mutation, Venus is primarily a pugilist who occasionally uses her cultivation techniques ; she trains a little with a fan when she gets to weapons training but she prefers the spear (link has blood and some real violent fighting but fuck Fog Hill is fucking siiiiick)
...a nickname Venus gains is ‘the spear fairy’ ‘cuz i’m indulgent :)
the supernatural side of NY was already getting antsy and unruly when Venus arrived so of course she and the boys ended up fighting upon first encounter
The fight happens after hours at a local walk-around market; Raph barges in and Venus fishes around for something that isn’t the requisite staff she was saddled with before setting out (because she knows how to deal some damage with it and she wasn’t about to do that to complete strangers she didn’t know the alignment of)
she ends up using a mannequin; one arm came off so Venus attacked with that and defended with the upper part of the mannequin; Raph was getting outmatched while Mikey and Donnie were laughing in increasing volume
at a certain point Leo tried to intervene but Venus assumed it was a double team, ripped the other arm off the mannequin and defended with both against Raph and Leo; eventually her hood was flipped and they saw she was a turtle so cue Venus using the opportunity to get them both on the ground and about to smash the now armless mannequin torso onto Leo and Raph before Donnie called for a truce
at which point, as is established, Mikey quipped up at the scene, “I call this... ‘Venus de Milo, triumph over dorkus maximuses’”
Leo DID try to address her by her actual name but his not-quite-right tone made her pity him and insisted he just use Mikey’s new nickname
Venus absolutely asked why the boys were running around half naked when she came across them; they didn’t have an answer they just shrugged and let Mikey change the subject with asking if she’s tried NY pizza yet
Venus is ambivalent in the end, she knew humans wore clothes since their bits are just ...like, out there dangling around; the yaoguai around her also dressed and thought they were just adhering to the custom out of simple consideration
Venus eventually gears up like the boys to help hide her mission from the sect trying to resurrect Vam Mi
Leo gives Venus a spare mask of his; it came from a bin of incorrectly dyed masks when he was attempting shibori dye experiments
Mikey was so enthusiastic about it, having only known April at the time he asked if he could try out braiding her mask tails since Leo didn’t bother tailoring it after he botched the dye job
Splinter helps Venus make contact with her sect’s allies ala Rescuers Down Under
NM!Venus canonically knows how to pick locks why not in this AU too
The boys take Venus to the library one night, Donnie pleads for Venus to break into the reference shelves, stoops to fibbing a little that information she might find handy could be in those shelves (they weren’t)
A hilarious exchange happens between April and Venus when Venus cycles through like 3 dialects and 2 languages before finding out April speaks Canto; Venus starts calling April Ah ze, in kind April calls Venus Ah mui
hmm hmmm... still torn between April meeting the boys once as little kids then running into them again when she’s an adult or having her meet them as little kids but connecting a little earlier, 1-2 years from graduating HS
mostly just cuz I wanna have this AU April taking them to GWAR concerts so they can enjoy being out without getting clocked 
Casey and Raph absolutely dressed as the Bash Brothers for a couple of halloweens
I like the idea of Casey thinking of himself as the fifth turtle brother because it’s sweet, thassit AU canon it is done
I feel like Jennika probably ran into April and Casey at separate music venues; befriended Casey first tho
Jennika spent two years in China with Venus, getting her handle on her new turtle body; when she came back she nearly cleaned out 3 thrift stores and basically commandeered a portion of Donnie’s lab for almost a year to tailor clothes for herself
Donnie basically made himself a mini-clothing manufacturing  factory by salvaging and rebuilding embroidery, pattern cutting, and industrial sewing machines
Jennika and Mondo have jam sessions
The brockhampton parody in this AU is northbrockton, Jennika and Mondo are rotational members
Mondo can speak hawaiian pidgin, he speak liddat when he go an talk story with Mikey ova some grinds, Mikey also starts picking it up
 Mondo sometimes refers to Mikey as Braddah Honu
One of the stolen waste/mutagen barrels from That Night rolled and got shunted conveniently to a desolate lot where it leaked for years
Mondo came across it looking for a place for his band to jam without getting interrupted, pop goes the lizard mutation
tl;dr a video of urban explorers stumbling on it got onto Mona’s feed (and I’m smudging her original start as a physicist to a biophysicist) and since she’s a can do sort of girl she goes to check it out herself before reporting it to the proper organizations-- bam, mutant lizard Mona Lisa rip
that same video came across on one of Donnie’s feeds, Raph’n Mikey go to investigate and come upon a distraught lizard Mona Lisa; Mikey uses her assumption they were also originally human to bring her back to the lair and get her calmed down
god it’s so messy, thankfully Splinter, Leo and April are far better at helping Mona come to grips with her mutation, Donnie helps out in setting her up to survive the first couple months of transitioning between her old human life to navigating her mutant one
For me, she’s now Mona Lisa Saperfeld purely for this exact reference link
Raph and Casey also get the occasional treats from the local bodegas, but for running off extortionists and other assorted dipshits with too much time an not enough supervision
Jennika, Mondo, and Mikey are constantly replacing each others’ high scores in Guitar Hero and DDR in Donnie’s arcade
When Donnie, Casey, and Raph are left in the garage for too long... they end up making the weirdest shit (link to a Handy Geng playlist, a dude who makes funky inventions)
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Ellabs x Reader
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(X) = Smut
Indefinitely ours @miasbby (X) Summary: You're not willing to date nor looking for anyone, but Ellie Williams, the art teacher working in the school that hired you a year ago, is making you seriously doubt that decision. With her flirting, praises and constant touches, you're all but ready to give up and ask her out. That is, until you meet her girlfriend, Abby, who to your greatest shock seems very… curious about you. Warnings: None Special Tag: Teacher AU
Roommates @canaidliafail (X) Summary: It hard to have three people in a room. Warnings: None Special Tag: Voyerism
OFF TO THE RACES @angvlita (X) Summary: You are in a poly relationship with New York’s elite women, Ellie Williams and Abby Anderson, but living in the world of power, money, and lust possesses each one of you as the dynamic amongst you three becomes more volatile and violent. Warnings: Controlling Partners, Drug Use, Muder, Dub Con Special Tag: Poly, Dark, Muilt-chapter
Hey batter, batter @fadedin2u (X) Summary: Ellie and Abby have been rivals for years, playing for their university’s softball team. one day you, their coach’s daughter, show up at their game and ruin everything. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None
FINAL ACT @abbysvictim (X) Summary: After trying to fight it for as long as you could remember, it was in the moment her life dangled between your fingers did you realize that Abby, your captor and perpetrator was also your savior. In her own ugly and twisted way. Warnings: Dub Con, Stockholm Syndrome Special Tag: Dark
Side Lines @satellitespinner Summary: You've been going to salt witch beach every summer for as long as you can remember, it's home to you. and you wouldn't change that for the world... Warnings: None Special Tag: Mutil chapter
Strange Fascination @ervotica (X) Summary: They love you Warnings: Non con, Drugging Special Tag: Dark
Winner Winner @lynnielovestlou (X) Summary: Abby and Ellie challenge each other to see who can make you squirt first. Warnings: None Special Tag: None
Lap dog @catfern (X) Summary: Abby and Ellie are best friends, never more. when you come into the picture, competition bleeds into something else entirely Warnings: Drugs Special Tag: None
Tragicomedy @sratcash-wasguds Summary: Two girls are losers in love. Warnings: None Special Tag: None
BITE ME @dumbblond3s Summary: They’re the hot older couple you see from across the bar. Abby with her arm resting on the back of the booth they sit in Ellie at her side. The lingering glances they cast make it clear they’re scouting out their next victim Warnings: None Special Tag: Vampires AU
Special Girls @freakassfemme (X) Summary: Abby and Ellie + are head over heels insane for their hyper fem girlfriend, but Ellie loves to try to keep her all to herself. Warnings: None Special Tag: Polly, Hyper-Fem Reader
livin' a dream @vampiresbloodx (X) Summary: She living the dream Warnings: None Special Tag: Poly AU, Public Sex
Strict @eccentricallygothic  (X) Summary: Yes, Abby and Ellie hate each other and for good reason. But if they were to make a truce? What– no, who would be the common interest? Warnings: None Special Tag: Poly AU
Watcher @saved1byabs  (X) Summary: girlfriend!abby watching best friend!ellie fuck the brains out of you Warnings: None Special Tag: Poly AU
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
wait wait i got another,
so yknow how both foxy and withered bonnie are just sitting in the hall as if their both teaming to get you?
how bout a yan team up with both withered bonnie and withered foxy
Oh, sure! I'll do a bit of poly/rivalry in this. Animatronic or android, doesn't really matter. I got motivation for this through FNAF songs in my Spotify. Concept as not specified.
No dead kids! Just sentient robots like in SB.
Yandere! Withered Foxy + Withered Bonnie
(Nightguard! Darling)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Rivalry/Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Violence, Obsession, Isolation, Clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Rivalry turns into sharing with tension, Protective behavior, Jealousy, They tolerate each other for you, Kidnapping implied, Attempted murder/Murder.
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The two bots have their differences from their original production.
Withered Bonnie is intimidating and aware that he's broken.
Bonnie's aggressive at times but for the most part he's saddened by his appearance.
The bunny used to be so prideful of his skills, now he hates being kept in a cramped room and feels neglected.
Withered Foxy is much more aggressive compared to his usual self.
This is because he feels much more isolated than before, making him irritable.
He's one of the more feral Foxy's.
There's a good chance he'll be too eager and hurt his darling the first few times he meets you.
But he is grateful to see a new face after only seeing the withereds for so long....
Both bots share something in common, they want attention.
All of the withereds want attention due to being locked up for so long....
Yet Bonnie and Foxy are the ones that get attached to their new nightguard friend the most.
The way you deal with the two bots is very different.
Bonnie tries to go through the vents and hallway to see you, craving your attention and validation.
Foxy won't fall for the stupid mask trick, he just tries to jump into your office.
Until he's flashbanged by your flashlight.
They aren't aware they the same fixation until they meet each other in the hallway.
Safe to say one asks questions... then they realize they have the same desperation towards you.
At first this causes violence between the two bots.
Foxy's possessive with his rotting mind, he's never been noticed since his cove was closed down and was transferred here.
Why should he give you up to Bonnie? That bunny had his time to shine.
Bonnie's obsession over you turns possessive due to his obsessive need for validation.
He thinks you don't mind his appearance!
He also doesn't harm you unlike the fox.
Your shift only gets worse when you hear metal against metal echo in the pizzeria.
It's them fighting, busting each other up more than they were previously.
The fighting and rivalry is intense.
They now try to claw their way towards you with new purpose.
Bonnie stays in your room longer, no longer falling for the mask trick.
He knows you're there... he's always known.
Why don't you just talk with him?
He'd never hurt you.
Foxy has made a deal with Balloon Boy to get into your office.
The kid bot steals any batteries he can find and hides them away.
This allows Foxy to leap into your office and "play" with his best mate.
If either of them get into your office they usually don't hurt you.
They try to befriend you... making conversation.
They don't leave for hours so their rival doesn't enter.
The only good thing that comes from them is the fact other bots stay away.
You're guarded by either one of them.
Their "sharing" is a truce to tolerate each other.
They hate the idea but it is for the same goal.
They both care for you, they both want your attention and care, and soon...
You'll get a new job and leave them alone.
The thought of you soon finishing your week here pulls them together for a common goal.
They don't want to lose you.
That's when we get the moment of the two teaming up.
That's when you see them in the hall.
The sight unnerves you.
You're half used to them... but the idea of sentient robots is still a new concept to you.
You've never seen them in the hall with each other....
According to their chatter with you, you thought they disliked each other despite being friends at one point.
Foxy always spoke Bonnie's name with a hateful growl...
Meanwhile Bonnie was sent into a glitchy fit when the fox was mentioned.
Why are they so close now?
What were they even fighting for before?
You don't have much time to react as both bots can't be dealt with at the same time.
Even if they were friendly before... can you trust it?
You go for your flashlight... only to be met with laughter before BB scurries off.
You curse to yourself... fearfully staring back at the eyes in the darkness.
This was it....
Even if you defended against Bonnie, Foxy would attack.
You were at a loss.
Foxy enters first, supernatural speed catching you off guard.
You fall out of your chair with your heart pounding, making the fox laugh.
He hadn't even touched you!
Then Bonnie enters, faceless appearance staring at your shaking form on the floor.
Thoughts of them tearing into your flesh flash into your mind.
You scramble up right just as Foxy takes his place in front of you and Bonnie rounds the desk behind you.
Cornered... surrounded... at their mercy.
"Heard you were leaving this week!" Foxy scoffs.
"Why would you want to leave us... aren't we your friends?" Bonnie whines through his voice box.
You can't seem to find the words to reply... you're stunned.
"I don't think we can let you leave, matey."
"You belong here... with us. We care for you... don't you care for us?"
You have trouble believing that.
You still have marks from the two being too rough when they met you.
You don't have much of a choice in the matter.
By the end of the week the two abduct you.
Hiding you is an issue.
They could find an empty suit... maybe muffle your screams...
They'll find a way.
You have bathrooms, you have food to eat, they can take care of you.
If any of the other bots turn hostile towards you, the two bots defend you.
If employees find you and try to take you away...
Either Foxy or Bonnie will deal with them.
The two bots fight over your attention at times but you can calm them down.
Their aggression is taken out on their Toy counterparts at times instead of you.
They don't want to hurt you like they did before.
Escaping them will be challenging as they're never truly offline for long.
Your only way out of here may end up being in a body bag one way or another.
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nishayuro · 22 days
How do you feel a little angst but fluff with both Stanely and Xeno. Both them and reader have been friends since childhood, before the petrification reader got really hurt or terminally ill. They don't revive them till after the truces with Senku, he tells them about the healing property of the revival fluid. They went to go find them who they place in a secure place, hoping to see the one other person they cared about. I'm a sucker of both of them, either loving them as a romantic parther (all three) or just love for a very close friend/family. :D
Dr Stone Being StanXeno’s Terminally Ill lover 
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A/N: I am a sucker for this trope omg thank you for this. I reread the whole america arc to the end again just to remember the detailsss
Genre: Angst, Fluff
GN! Reader, Poly!Stanley x Xeno x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of cancer
(Dr.Stone manga spoilers ahead, but y’all have probably read it by now if y’all know who stanxeno are)
Date posted: 07/09/2024
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You met Stanley and Xeno in your elementary school, you three got along well and started being inseparable. 
You three grew up together, always being with each other and being present in each other’s achievements.
Whenever Xeno competed in contests, you and Stanley were there to support him. Whenever Stanley had a game, you and Xeno would be there to cheer on him. Whenever you had any performances, contests, or whatever you did, Stanley and Xeno would be there to support and cheer on you. 
Fast forward to your teenage years when you realised that you fell in love with not just one, but both of your best friends. 
Having the two just balanced each other out, it was impossible to not fall for them both.
Stanley and Xeno realised their feelings for you and each other after you attempted to date another person in order to get over them. 
That relationship made the two jealous, feeling as though your new partner stole you from them. They had more time alone together and fell for each other as well, but you were still the missing one in the equation.
When your partner ended up being a douchebag, they finally decided to confess their love for you at the same time, also confessing to each other. 
You three became a throuple since then. 
You three all reached your dream careers together, with Stanley becoming a Marine commander, Xeno a NASA Scientist, you a Biologist.
You and Xeno would comfort each other whenever Stanley gets deployed on dangerous missions. 
You and Stanley would often plan dates for the three of you whenever Xeno got too busy in his projects.
One day, you noticed a few symptoms, but decided to ignore them because you thought it was nothing serious. 
It wasn’t until you passed out and Xeno checked on you to realise that something was wrong.
They went with you to the doctor, and when you found out that you had cancer, it was as if your whole world crashed. 
Stanley and Xeno were no better, Stanley asked to be exempted from deployment for a while. Xeno then began doing extensive research to help you. 
It got to the point where you were confined and basically lived in the hospital.
Stanley and Xeno were always there with you, giving you words of security. 
You knew how much this hurts for the both of them, seeing you losing your life to your illness.
The day of the DARPA expo, both of them were called into work, leaving you alone at the hospital. 
You noticed a green light from your window, and the next thing you realised was you couldn't move. You thought you died then and there, mentally saying sorry and goodbye to the two loves of your life before your consciousness faded.
Meanwhile at the expo, when Stanley saw the green light, he immediately ordered everyone to get low and to not let their minds fade. 
During the 3,700 years, the two men thought about you a lot, how you were, where you are, or if they’ll ever see you and the other ever again. 
“Xeno…Y/N, I hope you both are alright…” Stanley thought as he busied his mind to not fade. He doesn’t know how long it's been, nor how long until he will be free again. Ever since the green light, he’s been thinking of ways to potentially get freed from his paralysis. His mind would sometimes wander to you, his last memory of you was when he and Xeno visited a day before the expo. You were getting weaker, he didn’t know how long you had left. If only he knew that that day could potentially be the last time he saw you, he would have stayed for longer. 
“7, 8, 9, 10. Y/N, Stan… I’ll find a way to get out of here and save you both. Y/N, even if it’s been over centuries, if there’s a chance of you still being alive, I’ll do all I can to cure you.” Xeno thought as he counted the seconds. That’s all he did, count to keep track of time and think of how he could survive in what will be a new era when he gets out. He’s recalling every piece of information he’s even known, forcing himself to never forget any. With all of the research wiped out, the knowledge will only live in his mind until he can write them down again. He’s keen on remembering the research for your cure, that could be his last hope.
When Xeno woke up from his petrification, he immediately did things to ensure his survival as he waited for the other people to get freed. 
When Stanley and the others woke up, they immediately built a base and gathered all the resources to survive, slowly building up the American colony. 
It took years for them to go from the stone tools to the upgrades that would help them live more comfortably. 
Each hunt for food and resources, Stanley would scour the statues, hoping to maybe find yours. 
One night, Stanley asked Xeno how they’ll go about finding your statue, or if your statue is even intact. 
That was one of the few times Stanley got vulnerable, the last time was when your cancer got worse. 
Xeno then pulled out a map of all the possible locations, taking into consideration where you were, how many years it's been, how the topography changed, and all of that.
It was at times like this when Stanley was glad to have Xeno’s scary intelligence.
When they successfully made vehicles and aircrafts, they sent out the squad to go look for you which was led by Stanley, they took a few weeks to retrieve you. 
“Alright, this is location no.10. Let’s go.” Stanley commanded, each of his people looked at each statue closely, looking for you. Stanley himself meticulously looked around for you, it was hard to remain calm when he was so desperate to find you. He was anxious, didn’t know what state he’d find you in, or if you could be revived.  “Commander! Take a look!” one of them shouted, alerting him. He rushed towards her and looked down at the hole. His eyes widened when he realised it really was you. “Y/N… we finally found you.” He spoke. 
He dug the dirt more to reveal that your statue was in pieces. His heart sank at the realisation that you can’t wake up on your own, that you were gone for good. He still decided to gather all pieces of you, in case Xeno would be able to magically heal you. He was silent the whole ride back to the base, his crew has never seen him this depressed. They knew him as a resilient commander who was afraid of almost nothing. When he got back, he brought your statue directly to Xeno.
“I’m back, I found Y/N.” Stanley stated, entering the lab. “Welcome back, how are they-” Xeno stopped as he saw the way Stanley looked, it was a negative look. “Their statue is in pieces… I… how will they revive…” Stanley sat, emotions pooling, tears threatening to leave his eyes. “I…” for once, Xeno was at a loss for words. His mind couldn’t think straight.  He expected this outcome, but a part of him hoped that a miracle could have happened and kept your stone body safe. Xeno went to hug Stanley as they sobbed together for the loss of their lover. They decided to keep your statue somewhere safe, arranged and put you back into your form. This was their last way of having something to remember you by. When days get tough, they’d visit your statue and just talk as if you were really still there.
When Senku and the Kingdom of Science fought against the American colony and kidnapped Xeno, Stanley was furious. He already lost you, he couldn’t afford to lose Xeno as well. 
The whole chase happened, and in order to defeat Stanley, they had to petrify the whole globe again. 
After the 7 years of Petrification, Suika was able to revive Senku who in turn revived the others and Xeno, forming a truce with him. 
When Senku told Xeno about the healing properties of the revival fluid, as well as how they revived a lot of the statues that Tsukasa smashed, Xeno was amazed. 
He realised that you had another chance at life. 
“Hello, sorry for the intrusion. Yuzuriha, correct?” Xeno walked into Yuzuriha’s tent where she was making cloth. “Oh, Xeno. Can I help you with anything?” Yuzuriha answered. “Yes, actually. Senku told me that you were able to piece back together smashed statues and were able to revive them, is that correct?” Xeno asked, eyeing the woman. “Oh, yes. I spent a lot of time glueing pieces back together before. Why is that?” She asked, curious as to where this is going. “I have a job for you, if you wouldn’t mind. Follow me.” Xeno said, leading the way with Yuzuriha following after. 
He brought her to where you were kept. He was glad to find out that nothing much changed in the 7 years that passed. “Oh, a broken statue?” Yuzuriha asked, kneeling down to inspect the pieces. They weren't as bad as the ones broken by Tsukasa, yours was much easier. “Yes, they were someone very special to both Stan and I.” Xeno answered, looking at your stone face. 
Yuzuriha looked back at Xeno and saw the soft gaze he held. “So, you want me to put them back together and get Senku to revive them?” She asked. “Just put back together for now. I think Stanley would like to be here when they get revived.” Xeno answered. “Ok, you can count on me, Xeno!” Yuzuriha cheered, running to get her supplies. It took her no less than 2 hours to get you all pieced back together. 
Xeno felt alone, despite having everyone around him, the two people he cherished were still in stone. He could revive you, but he’d want Stanley to witness it as well, he knew how much pain Stanley kept when he thought you were unrevivable. So he waited for an opportunity, maybe in the soon future, to negotiate Stanley’s revival and then yours. 
When the astronaut selection happened, they decided to revive Stanley. Bringing the idea to Xeno, his eyes widened and he turned around, not wanting the others to see his emotional state. “If we’re reviving Stanley, may I ask for another one to get revived?” Xeno asked after the agreement, to which Senku agreed after learning that it wasn’t someone harmful and it was someone who could be useful. 
When Stanley got revived, his only thought was that it was an important mission, and he was assigned to pilot the manned rocket. When that was set, he and Xeno were left alone. “Stan… let’s go see Y/N’s statue.” Xeno said, to which Stanley immediately agreed to. Part of him hoped that he’d see you in the flesh, but he was also scared to hope. When they got there, Stanley was surprised to see that your statue was intact and dressed, the lines the only evidence of the shatter. “That petrification device is one of a kind, you know. Its mysterious science is quite elegant. Who knew that the reason for humanity’s collapse can also be the cure we’ve looked for.” Xeno said, looking at you. 
“Wait… you mean…?” Stanley stuttered, eyes wide looking at Xeno. “See for yourself.” Xeno said, handing him a bottle which the other assumed to be revival fluid. Stanley slowly uncapped the bottle and poured the liquid over you. Soon enough, your stone cracked and revealed you, alive. “What… where am I… huh?” You spoke as you blinked, eyes getting used to the sudden light. “Y/N… you’re actually alive…” Stanley whispered, afraid that this was an illusion. “Stan…Xeno…” you muttered. Stanley immediately brought you into a hug, his emotions spilling out. He didn’t need to be stoic when it was only you three. 
“The petrification from the medusa has healing properties. Senku shared to me that it was able to revive one of their comrades after you had a run in with them. It also healed the injuries from the war.” Xeno shared, “what? What’s going on…?” you asked. “That’s a story to tell for later, what I’m trying to say is that due to the petrification’s healing properties, the cancer in your body is no more.” Xeno replied, shocking both Stanley and yourself. “Really?!” you exclaimed, getting up to hug Xeno. “I do feel more energised than before. That’s amazing!” You added.
They ended up bringing you to Xeno’s place, filling you in with what you’ve missed for the years you’ve been petrified, and what they’re up to now. You learned that Stanley was revived to be the pilot of the rocket, while that scared you, you had trust in Xeno and Stanley that they will make sure that this mission is successful.
“Everyone, this is Dr. L/N, one of the renowned biologists of the old world.” Xeno introduced you to the crew. “Great! We have a biologist to help out with the agricultural cultivation! I desire all the different kinds of plants!” The guy who’s name you learned was Ryusui shouted. You helped them cultivate crops and helped with the agriculture in the Kingdom. Partnering up with Francios and making the food more nutritious and more easy to obtain. 
It wasn’t a secret that Stanley, Xeno, and you had something going on, but it wasn’t announced either. The others would just see how the other two were so much more different when with you. You were the “light” of the three, making them trust the other two more. With you there, it feels as if the other two were tamer. That however was put to test when someone decided it would be a good idea to flirt with you despite your protest and obvious uncomfort. “Back off from our partner.” Stanley’s commanding voice boomed, “lest you want to become one of the testing dummies in an experiment I’m working on.” Xeno added. making the other person cower in fear, that was when they found out that you three were in fact official. 
When everything was settled and humanity was slowly rising back up and with the legal rules of old age gone, the three of you decided to get married and live as how you’ve wanted to in your old lives. You thought that your life back in the old days would end easily, with you succumbing to your illness and leaving behind your two lovers, but thanks to the phenomenon, you were able to restart and live a new life with the two loves of your life. 
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carnivorousyandeere · 8 months
Ok since we're feeling poly and non-smut so reader giving EXTRA TRIPLE love and affection for the babies - Erik and Thorn on V day?
I love you anon 😭🫶 thank you for being patient with me and the lack of good smut lately (/p /gen)
The Prof’s not the most romantic person in the world, and honestly, Thorn isn’t either. Erik would rather go for one of his usual dates (staying at home while drinking wine, going to an opera, ballet, or classical play) than plan something special for Valentine’s. Thorn would also rather go for one of her usual dates (roller skating, mall crawling, hanging out at the arcade, smoking weed together). They absolutely hate each other’s date ideas. The only thing they’d have in common is you, so they’d begrudgingly form a truce to plan something everybody can tolerate. They end up deciding to take you out to eat.
It’d be a miracle if they didn’t start fighting during the date, but if they make it through, the night could end with the three of you falling asleep cuddling (you in the middle because they both get the ick at the thought of touching each other affectionately), or it could actually end up in a threesome (with Thorn and Erik still fighting over you).
It’s like trying to get two very angry cats to learn how to live together. The fact that you’re so sweet, giving them so much love and attention equally really helps. The more verbally and physically affectionate you are with them the whole day, the better behaved they end up being.
Decks herself out in a bunch of candy necklaces and bracelets, and puts some on you, too. Grabs your hand and takes you away from whatever your original plans were for the day (preparing a surprise date for her 💀). “Today’s the day!” Her eyes shine with determination. “I’m gonna fuckin win you that giant teddy bear from the arcade!” It was not the day. You go home without a teddy bear, and Thorn pouts the whole way home. She pauses at all the half-finished decorations at your place. “W-what’s all this?”
You feel your face grow warm with embarrassment. “It was for you… but I wasn’t sure if you’d like it…”
You barely get the chance to finish the sentence before Thorn launches herself at you, wrapping you in a hug so tight you think your ribs might crack. “For me?!” She shakes you back and forth, overwhelmed with excitement. She stills eventually, burying her head in your shoulder with a sigh. “This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.”
Would’ve forgotten it was Valentine’s if it weren’t for their students getting on their nerves asking if they can cancel class for the holiday, or at least get less homework.
They scoff at the idea and try to avoid thinking about Valentine’s Day, and to think about you with it. Sitting at their desk, chin in their hand, grumbling to themself. Surely you don’t need some cheesy date and gaudy gifts to feel secure with him…? But he feels increasingly agitated the more he thinks about it.
Erik buys you a single rose on their way home.
They’re surprised to see a table set for two complete with rose petals, candles, and champagne flutes. A swell of emotion rises in Erik’s chest, and they can’t tell if it’s painful or not. The thorns of the rose they’d bought for you dig into their palm.
Erik rounds the corner to the kitchenette, met with you in an apron, preparing a meal for the both of you. His throat is dry, too dry to greet you, and you’re frightened half to death when you turn to see him.
“E-Erik! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” You laugh, and it’s the best sound he’s heard all day. If he were honest, they’d admit it was the best sound he’d ever heard in his life. “Now, go, go! You���re spoiling the surprise!”
You try to usher Erik out of the kitchen, only to spot his scratched-up hand. “W-what happened?”
Erik offers you the rose, and watches in a daze as you take the rose and put it aside, grasping his hand and fussing over him instead. You’re gently washing the wounds and placing band-aids over them when the smoke alarm goes off. “Oh, fuck, the dessert!”
Tag list: @hana-no-seiiki
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senseioftheseidiots · 2 years
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AU NUMBER 1, COURTESY OF THE SPINNY WHEEL OF FATE SPELLBOUND TRAITOROUS TRIO AU Oh youre all going to love, and hate me for what youre about to know. Alright, to start us off! Yes, this is a crackship, yes, that is their name, yes, i made it myself. BUT HEAR ME OUT- in context of the au! Spellbound is post season 16, when everything has finally cooled down and every other villain that managed to survive the chaos had gone low, including aspheera and pythor, now the two snakes ended up just working together to get the other away from trouble, despite their differences they both had hatred for the ninja, and thats their only fuel for truce.. well, that and they also hated jail, theyre trying their best escaping it.. When then, suddenly, while roaming, they came across their ticket back into civilization.. and perhaps revenge, a spell, a pendant. That can make anyone who wears it stick to your side, good or bad.. But the only downside is, its fueled by affection, and both of them hated it. They weighed their options and decided to take their chances on t h i s, than just constantly living on the run.. this is where wu gets thrown in, both of them have standards, and at the same time they needed the best person to get them immunity from mostly the ninja, so who else but their master? Unlike garmadon the sensei was alot tamer, and easier to kidnap..they found that out after they got him, with rope. Cause lets be honest if theres one thing we know its wu's constant weakness, its rope. So now with this found sensei they managed to get him to talk his way out on jailtime by expressing that they, as in he and the ninja would take care of the two instead. Though the ninja dont even know, as in their knowledge wu had just gone out by himself not realising the trouble he has gotten himself into. But now pythor and aspheera go around the city just 'trying' to be nice to save face.. and also give wu new clothes, i mean with their standards their partner has to atleast be better dressed than t h a t. But as you all can tell, when therye caught, it isnt so pretty..especially if the one who caught them with this little ploy..was garmadon. Is this an excuse to make a silly little crack poly relationship? Oh absolutely, do i regret anything? no, should i make an askblog? you decide, but i wont color it cause i hated the coloring of this drawing alone, now then, go get your bleach <3
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
brainrot time. kaveh and alhaitham with a roommate that’s just a mix of them both
alhaitham’s logic, kaveh’s compassion, alhaitham’s academic inclinations, kaveh’s ‘artistic soul’ (as he would say), alhaitham’s observance and perception, kaveh’s charm, alhaitham’s intelligence, kaveh’s drive, etc. etc. idk
alhaitham’s laziness, kaveh’s impulse control, alhaitham’s sharp tongue, kaveh’s lack of self preservation, alhaitham’s apathy, kaveh’s meddling tendencies, both of their stubborness
they both have a love hate relationship with these traits of yours;
for one, you compliment and contrast them in the important ways, and it’s always a treat for you to show such similarities to them. it makes them feel less alone, more seen.
but then, it’s the same for their roommate, and you end up reminding them of the other.
and that in itself is also good and bad, because despite the fact that they hate each other, that’s still their ex(?) best friend, and those are still the traits that made them fall in love with each other all those years ago (platonically, if you’re not a poly enthusiast.)
anyways, time for fun stuff:
maybe roommate is a researcher that specializes in documentation— specifically, sketching down any relics, sites, fauna and flora etc. etc. that can’t be brought home.
so kaveh is always dragging you into art activities, like those wine painting classes, or simply finding a scenic spot and having a picnic while you do your individual art things together, and alhaitham taking you out to book stores and libraries and cafes.
alhaitham subtly brags about getting to reach his arm around you under the excuse of grabbing a book and sitting close (maybe even low key cuddling depending on how bold you are) to share a book, and hearing your soothing reading voice. and kaveh brags back about one of you holding the other’s hand to demonstrate a specific technique, or him cuddling up to your back to look over your shoulder so he can ‘properly critique’ your work, or the both of you sketching each other.
them trying to subtly influence you to encourage similarities and discourage whatever reminds them of the other.
you just letting them try with a knowing smile :)
you being the referee of their arguments. also saying that you’re staying out of it but instigating anyways
they’ll ask you to judge their debates, and get so smug when you approve or disprove one of their points
them letting the annoying things you do slide but immediately getting on the other’s ass for doing the same thing
teasing kaveh just to see him pout. being only (other) person that could get a rise out of alhaitham
you knowing the best ways to comfort them, show affection, stroke their egos, check their egos, fluster them, and most importantly, piss them off P;
even funnier if roommate is a chaos monger that uses their skills for evil. they will, very occasionally, form a truce just to get you back. y’all have fun.
anywho!! did you ever get a similar brainrot ask with a martial artist!reader? I was just curious, also bc tumblr will occasionally eat my asks
[Roommate AU brainrots]
Hiiii! Yes I got your other ask don't worry. I just haven't had time to reply to it yet since I am a bit on a tight schedule at the moment and wanted to take my time with your brainrots and read them properly 😭
I love this so much! You'd be the perfect counterbalance to either of them.
I'd love to just sit down to draw together with Kaveh. That seems so incredibly comforting and relaxing for some reason. (I also imagine he'd be a red wine guy and I'm a white wine girl so that would be also the perfect contrast for the wine taste haha!). He is my comfort character, don't perceive me, I'm daydreaming 🤭 Also makes me realize I need more artist friends... I have none ;_;
Also going to book stores with Alhaitham? YES. He'd have to drag me out of there at some point because I'm not leaving on my own.
And YES, they'd so brag about what they did together with you to the other guy. They love you but they also have to one up each other constantly lmao.
And about getting in their arguments and them letting it slide when it was you... yep, 100%. Reminds me of that one thing I wrote already called "Cookies". Completely how they'd act.
"Kaveh/Alhaitham did you do XY again" "It was me." "Oh, Y/N? Well, don't worry. I'll take care of it then."
They're down bad BAD.
Thank you for your ask! I loved reading it 🤭
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bluegalaxygirl · 11 months
Ruthless (Zosan X reader) P1
Plot: Beast off the walking dead series. After the governor attacks your people you head back to help plan an attack back. Luffy's not happy with being left out so ends up following only to end up at the governor's town.
Warning: Death, blood, violence, reader being unhinged, bad language.
Reader is a gunslinger of the crew and the younger sibling to Rick. This isn't accurate to the show but it does contain characters and plot lines, deaths have been added that aren't apart of the show. Zoro X Sanji X Reader, poly relationship, Established relationship, Reader is GN.
P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11
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Gulping down some water you wiped sweat from your forehead, training with Zoro was hard but you loved it, you got stronger and strong each time but today was different, you pushed yourself more than normal getting yourself ready for the battle ahead of you. The letter you got a day ago told you about the attack on your group and of course you decide to help and plan an attack back. You chose not to tell anyone about it, they know a little about where you come form, an island thats heavily quarantined due to a virus that turned most of the population into walking corpses. You and your family were lucky, the virus couldn't take hold of someone with A positive blood so even though you got bit early on you didn't turn. The group your family formed over the years grew and the government tried to get you all to leave, but they wanted to stay and rebuild, claim their home back. This came with its own probables, other groups weren't so friendly and often attacked each other, you made it your job to create alliances or truces and it worked but if they broke either one it was your job to fix it and in those early years there was a lot of blood on your hands.
You became known as Ruthless hunting anyone down who dared to hurt your people and most groups feared you but one had always met you head on, The governor was civil with you but you two would butt heads a lot on things, luckily it never turned into a full out war even though people got hurt on both sides during your big disagreements. He was a power hungry man and has lost an eye to you but in turn you have a big scar stretching form the right side of your neck to the middle of your chest. Leaving was hard for you but when a large part of your people got sick you had no chose but to take them away form the island for help leaving the group in the hands of your older brother Rick who's almost 13 years older than you. The government made it hard, testing everyone for the virus and refusing to teat anyone until the tests came back. You understand but people died during that time and after everyone was treated they refused to let you back no matter how much you fought. You managed to get in contact with your brother who told you to leave, to live your life and explore the world. Now your hear with the straw hat crew, you have two loving boyfriends and have seen so many places, its like a dream come true.
You plan on coming back but you don't want them to come with you in case they get infected. The virus can only be transmuted through a bite and with how reckless some of them can be your sure one of them will get bit so you told them about your new baby niece and how you wanted to meet her. It wasn't a lie but it also wasn't the full truth. "Im gonna head off soon" you sigh rubbing the towel across your face before looking at Zoro doing squats with a large weight. He grunts before putting it down and stretching "Already?" he sighs taking the towel you offer him and wiping his neck "Well we have been docked or an hour" you laugh a little, you were going to take one of Franky's small boats and meet them on the next island thanks to Nami's log posts. Zoro wraps the towel around his neck and pulls you in placing a kiss on your lips which you happily lean up to meet. Running your hands over his toned chest you hum into the kiss feeling his hands wonder to your lower back before moving down a bit more.
You laugh a little and pull away grabbing his hand form behind you with a smile "Your mean" he comments with a smug smile watching you remove his hands from you and step away "I know and yet you still love me" you kiss him one more time before heading to the ladder and heading down. Zoro sighs and grabs his bottle of water before following. You make it down and head to the shower room only for Sanji to rush out the kitchen and stop in front of you "Oh i was just about to come and watch you my love" he smiles a cigarette dangling from his lips. "I was just about to take a bath before heading out, want to join me?" you ask with a smile, Sanji's nose bleeding a little and nods. Zoro walks up behind and wraps his arm around your waist lifting you up and over his shoulder, you gasp and playfully hit his back "Lets go then" The swordsman laughs putting his other arm around Sanji and walking to the bathroom.
The warm water felt so good on your skin and the steam form the water made it feel like a sauna. "Are you sure we can't come with?" Sanji sighs sitting in front of you and washing your leg for you "I'm sorry, i wish you could but it's going to be hard for me to sneak in" you sigh as Zoro walks over and sits next to you handing you the soap so you can wash your arms "Its only going to be a few days" he groans as Sanji pouts moving to your other leg and pulling it out of the water "I know but... I'm going to miss you" The cook rubs your leg with the soap being gentle with your skin. "Im gonna miss you too.. Both of you but when i get back I'll make up for lost time" you smile getting the cook to stop pouting and actually give you a smile. Zoro reaches over and takes your left arm looking at the bit mark close to your wrist before placing a kiss on it "Just dont get bit again" Zoro knows you won't get infected but it must have been hell to deal with, the teeth marks forever imprinted in your skin. Leaning over you kiss his cheek "I won't, there's not that many out there anymore thank gods" you reassure him as Sanji moves to sit on your other side placing an arm around you. "I love you both" you smile kissing Sanji then Zoro before leaning back in the water with them.
With all your bag packed and guns on your belt you stand on the dock untying the boat Franky set up for you. You said good bye to everyone on the sunny but Chopper, Sanji, Zoro and Luffy insisted on seeing you off. "Don't forget this" Chopper pushes a big bag over to you, he insisted that you take a lot of medical supply's, baby stuff and medical books with you for your group. "Thank you, This will help a lot" you smile leaning down and placing a soft kiss on his cheek making him squirm a bit in happiness "You idiot.. that doesn't make me happy at all" he laughs unable to hide how happy you made him. Putting the stuff on the boat you turn to your friends with a smile "I'll see you guys on the next island" you hug your two boys first, their arms around you with your head in between them "Be safe" Zoro kisses your neck before pulling away to kiss your lips. His kiss was deep and rough but you like it leaning in and matching his roughness before pulling away. "I love you" Sanji leans in placing his lips on yours and licking your lower lip. You smile and open your mouth a little for him so his tongue can enter, you run your hand through his hair and hum a little into the kiss before pulling away "I love you too... and i love you" you smile looking at Sanji then to Zoro who rubs your back "Love you too baby" he leans in again placing a softer kiss on your lips. Luffy bounces a little on his toes waiting for you to say goodbye to him, he's not happy that your going, he wants to go with and see your home but your persistent with saying no.
Pulling away form your boys to turn to your Captain "I'll see you in a few days Captain" you salute making Luffy laugh a little before hugging you. You hug back only to feel him squeeze you more "L-Luffy c-can't b-breath" you pat his back and take a big breath in once he lets you go and rubs the back of his head "Sorry" the captain smiles wide as you step onto the boat. "I know you probably will but... try not to get into trouble" you sigh looking them over, you know your crew well enough to predict what will happen while your gone but at least you told them. They wave goodbye as your boat starts up and takes off through the water, the sea breeze on your face felt amazing but the feeling a dread loomed over you knowing what you were going to walk into. You just hoped it would be over quickly. When Rick wrote to you he said people died and that your niece was born but didn't tell you who died or if your sister-in-law was ok. It worried you but you were going to end this, no more truces or deal, the governor was going to die.
It was sun down by the time you made it to your island, putting the log post away you stayed low and turned the ship off letting it glide over to the large metal wall that surrounded the island, there was only one ship guarding the wall but over the years of no incidents they got lazy and only stayed in one spot making it easy for you to get in. Grabbing the tools Franky lent you, you managed to unscrew the bolts and pass through the gap with your boat before pulling it back to normal behind you just in case the marines deiced to do some actually work. Turning the boat on again you made your way through the rest of the water and to the island where you pulled your boat up the shore and covered it in leaves. You knew this area well so started making your way through the thick forest to your old home.
Your group had been staying inside a large prison for a few years, the last time you sore it you all managed to clear out a few areas inside but according to your letter more than half of the inside has been cleared. Pushing past a tree you make it over the hill looking down on the prison, your breath hitches in your throat once you see the damage that was done. The large fence surrounding the prison was still standing but there were now large plastic and metal sheets covering big holes that the dead were pushing against, the main gate was gone now replaced by a large sheet of metal, one of the buildings to the side of the prison was badly burnt along with a watch tower and the once lush and lively farm area was destroyed, no animals or crops in sight. You could tell the governor went after your groups lively hood, the building they burned housed most of the food you all found but hopefully it didn't take all of it.
Making your way down you walked to the side entrance, it was usually blocked off but now it was the only way in. Making your way around hiding in the long grass to avoid the undead's eyes you managed to get around and close to the gate. Standing up out of the long grass you got the attention of someone inside, you couldn't see who with the fading light but you put your hands up anyway. "Y/N?" A female whispered lowering the gun and making her way to the gate unlocking it for you telling you to get in. Running in she closed and locked the gate behind you, even though it was dark you were up close enough to see her face, short curly brown hair and Hazel eyes. "Maggie?" you whisper with a smile as the girl hugs you with one arm, you hug her back happy to see she's still alive and unharmed. "Lets get inside" She takes your hand and lead you away form the fence and through the destroyed farm area. You got a better look now, the makeshift pig pen and chicken coop were burned beyond repair, blood stained the grass and mood on the floor and there were still odd bullet casings around. The once lush grass was withered and the crap area was torn apart. Making it past the next gate into the courtyard you noticed bullet holes in the ground and lots of dried blood, some of the doors where burned up or kicked in but people where still working on either fixing them or making new doors with spare wood.
You pulled your eyes away form the blood hearing a soft sniffle from Maggie, you stop walking making her stop too, but she kept her back to you her shoulders slightly shaking as you pulled her to you and wrapped your arms around her "It's ok, i'm here now" you whisper letting the girl cry into your shoulder. Maggie is a very strong and brave woman and you can tell she's been holding this in for a while so you didn't stop her, just held her and rubbed her back until she stopped crying. "Its late, we should sleep and in the morning, Rick will tell you everything" Maggie pulls away letting you wipe her tears away with your jacket sleeve "Where is Rick?" you ask concerned that he's not here but Maggie takes your hand and walks you into the prison "They went out looking for food and medicine, don't worry too much, ok?" You nod deciding its best to hear things form your brother since he's now the sole leader of your group.
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maxslibrary · 2 years
Can I request poly Shiver and Fry challenging the reader to one of the "combative courtship rituals" heard about in sunken scroll 5 but the reader doesn't know about them since they are new to the Splatlands
A Splatfest Of The Heart (Shiver Vs Frye X Reader)
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You were just hanging outside of Crush Station, minding your own business. You had moved to the Splatlands a while ago and you were still getting used to a lot of the customs around here. You were sipping some soda as you sat on the stool. You watched as folks of varying shapes and sizes walked around the street.
Suddenly you saw a few of the Splatlandians look back in shock as someone walked through the crowd. The inkling had yellow hair and long ears. You could see her purple tinted fingers. You recognized this inkling, it was Frye! She appeared to be dressed in a leather jacket and spiky wristbands.
You tilted your head at her before you looked over as another figure emerged from the other side of the street. She was an octoling with blue hair and red fingertips. Shiver, it was Shiver. She also appeared to be dressed like a biker.
You looked.. confused as you looked at the two. Both were inkfish you had known personally but you also knew them as two members of Deepcut, this could be something to advertise the next Splatfest. You sipped your soda at the thought, suddenly noticing the lack of Big Man. Odd. So this wasn't a Splatfest thing. Either way the surrounding crowd seemed pretty jazzed about it.
Suddenly Shiver spoke up "Tch.. nice to know you're not a coward, Frye." she posed, placing her fingers on her forehead, staring daggers at Frye. "Tough talk for the octoling who lost the flavor splatfest." Frye smirked at Shiver. The octoling's face turned bright red "YOU ALSO LOST THE CHOCOLATE SPLATFEST!" "Yeah but I didn't loose the last two splatfests." the inkling responded casually.
"WHATEVER! We're not here to debate splatfests.. our battlefield for today is love.." Shiver announced, crossing her arms. Suddenly you stopped sipping your soda, noticing it was empty. You shook around the empty cup, your eyes locked on it. Looking back at the street you noticed the two Inkfish walk towards you and your heart stopped.
"What in cod is going on..?" you whispered as the idols walked up to your table. Frye placed her hand on the table, smoothly gazing at you. "Heyyy Y/N.. what's cooking good looking?" the inkling purred at you as Shiver rolled her eyes in the background.
"Please. CLEARLY you don't know a thing about romance, Frye." Shiver shoved Frye out of the way, causing you to jolt in shock. You noticed how no one besides you seemed to really react. "My darling Y/N how does the sun shine on you this lovely day~?".
Suddenly you spoke out "Nothing besides utter confusion. What ARE you two doing right now?". Shiver and Frye looked at each other, genuinely shocked.
"You don't know..?" They said in unison. You shook your head, drumming your fingers as you look at them in confusion.
"We're having a rumble!" Frye started. "It's when two inkfishes fall for the same person and they proceed to playfully roughhouse until the winner is decided." Shiver explained, checking her nails. "Don't forget about the delinquent clothes!" Frye brushed off her leather jacket and adjusted her spiked bracelets.
You pause, your face going red as you realized "You both.. are in love with me?". They both nodded, causing you to look at the ground, flustered. "Wow.. that's... wow." You got up "Well I guess I'll have to decide then.." you hummed as you walked down the steps.
Shiver and Frye followed you, much akin to a pair of lost puppies, eagerly waiting to see who you'd choose. You turned back "After I think about it for a few days." you continue. The two inkfishes are left in shock as you walk away.
Suddenly the octoling stands up straight as she lends a hand to Frye "Truce?" the inkling shakes her hand "Truce."
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