#I’m rewatching The Last Unicorn
dandyleyen · 11 months
Post-ToTK | Angst Drabble
What if Link does manage to get Zelda back after defeating Ganondorf. He truly finds her and she’s no longer a dragon, but she isn’t Hylian either. Not entirely. She comes back with some features left over from the dragonification process. Still, she’s recognizable as the Princess, as Zelda.
It comes as a shock to Link when he realizes that Zelda doesn’t have a sense of self anymore; at least, not as the Princess of Hyrule. She can’t seem to remember herself as she was before it all. It makes sense, he thinks. She’s been an immortal being, an immortal dragon, for so long now that it stands to reason that she’s lost sight of the Hylian she once was. Zelda, at the very least, knows something is off, but she doesn’t know what she’s lost. Not quite.
She doesn’t know why she’s there; furthermore, she doesn’t understand why she’s mortal now. Zelda lost her immortality and her connection with the other great dragons she would often fly with. She felt every bit of her connection with herself as an immortal being getting ripped away from her. Alive as she is, she can feel her body dying all around her. She finds herself missing what she once was.
She’s not entirely lost herself, and people who knew her can see that she’s still there somewhere, but it’s buried so far into her mind. What’s worse is that she can’t understand why everyone looks at her with such sadness in their eyes.
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gremlinmodetweeker · 1 month
A Very Bad Movie Night
I'm sorry, but movie nights with our favourite Austrian giant are either nice and cuddly or downright terrifying, depending on who picks the movie.
It's not that his movies are bad, he's just into really extreme horror and always searching for the scariest movies he can. He's not just pure 'blood, guts, gore' either because he's really into psychological thrillers and cosmic horror. He just loves to get his heart beating in his chest. He loves the scariest he can get, and he's especially into found footage or atmospheric horror. Don't get me wrong, he's down for a good slasher or a gory film like Saw, but if he can get a movie like Blair Witch Project or As Above So Below? He's very happy.
He has seen all the Guinea Pig movies. He won't force you through them (thank God for that), but you gotta know that sometimes this guy watches some fucked up shit.
He's a man built for war. He'll be cute and give you back massages and make pastries for Disney movie nights, but just remember that this guy has seen the worst of humanity, and it shows.
Anyways, I know it's a dumb little fic, but I wrote a little example of you trying to get 'The Big Boy' tm to try and open up about his favourite movies.
TWs: Gore (not described in detail, but talked about) and scary movies
Story below the cut
A Very Bad Movie Night
The tv remote on the coffee table acted as an effective wall between you and König.
On one side, you sat with a bowl of popcorn and a blanket. On the other, König sat armed with a bag of chips and a bottle of pop. Between you, the tv remote sat, awaiting its ultimate fate.
“We watched your movie yesterday. It is my turn,” König leaned his elbows on his knees.
“You always want to watch the same movies,” you pointed out, “we’ve watched Blade Runner three times this month.”
“Was? Nein!” König snapped, “we only watch the same movies because you can’t handle my favorite movies!”
“Are you seriously trying to pull that card on me?” you scoffed.
“I’m not ‘pulling a card’, I’m telling the truth,” König sniffed.
You rolled your eyes. Every week, you had this argument, like clockwork. It was a never ending struggle between the two of you. König insisted you couldn’t handle his movies, you told him you would, he would poo-poo your suggestions, and then you’d be stuck rewatching some old movie he approved. That ended tonight. Tonight, you would pull on your big kid pants and show him what’s what.
“You know what, try me,” you sneered.
König looked at you as though you were an angry baby rabbit.
“I can handle it!” you insisted defiantly, “I can!”
“You are not very…” König tilted his head to the side, “brave.”
“I’m not what!?” you snapped.
König winced, then carefully took your hands in his, “You are not well equipped to handle horror.”
You looked at him for a good long moment. After a hearty pause, you broke up laughing.
“You’re saying I can’t handle horror?” you snickered, “that’s what you’re worried about here?”
“I am not worried,” König told you flatly, “I know.”
“But you don’t!” you complained, “you don’t know at all! I’m great with horror! It’s like, my favorite genre!”
Okay, the last part was a lie, but he didn’t have to know that.
“Then why do you always want to watch your Disney princess movies with me?” König glared at you like a displeased parent.
“Because they’re cute and I like being cute with you?” you told him like it couldn’t be more obvious. You thought it was, but he seemed to disagree.
“If you want cute, we can watch Unicorn Wars or something,” König offered.
“Isn’t that the one where teddy bears kill unicorns in war?” you asked carefully.
“Ja! That’s the one!” König cheered.
You grimaced and König rolled his cold blue eyes.
“See? See that right there. That’s why we don’t watch fun movies,” König threw his hands up in dismay.
“What no! We watch fun movies!” you argued, “didn’t you like Howl’s Moving Castle?”
König was about to snap back before hesitating. With a tired sigh, he slumped in his seat, “Yes, that was good, but that silly ice woman movie? I did not like that.”
“You’re just dumb.”
Your eyes widened as König slowly raised his head to lock eyes with you. Even behind his black sniper’s hood, you could see the gears clicking together in his head as he stared you down.
“I’m dumb?” König chuckled darkly.
“Not dumb, just…” you gestured with your hands, “not that educated?”
König nodded, gesturing for you to keep going.
“I mean it’s not that you’re uneducated, you’re just not that knowledgeable? Wait wait wait hold on, stay with me for this one, I have a point I promise-No I really do don’t look at me like that!”
König raised a single bushy blond eyebrow.
“Listen to me!” you clapped with your words, “I’m just saying you’re not up to date with the times!”
König crossed his arms over his broad chest and leaned back into the pleather sofa.
“So you’re calling me old.”
“I’m not calling you old, I’m calling you out of touch!” you spat before immediately reconsidering your sentence.
König’s eyebrows raised as he let your words sink into the living room.
“No don’t look at me like that!” you spat as you desperately looked for a way out, “I’m… You know what? I’m standing by what I said. I’m right. You’re out of touch. You’re not even forty and you act like you’re ninety. You’re a grouchy old man.”
König nodded along as you spoke, amusement creasing in the corners of his eyes.
“Your back cracks when you touch your toes,” you could feel yourself digging your hole with a drilling rig, “and you keep saying you’re ‘too old for all this’ when you hear about your nephews’ talking about memes on Tiktok.”
“Tiktok is a mistake,” König grumbled under his breath.
“It’s a mistake, yeah, but you’re not making this any better for yourself,” you argued.
“I am only thirty-five,” König pointed out.
“Still getting up there,” you countered.
“So you think I’m old and out of touch, ja?” König laughs coldly, “and that’s why I don’t like your sweet pretty princess movies?”
“I think that’s a pretty significant factor, yeah,” you retorted.
“That is not why I dislike those movies.”
You snorted.
“Oh yeah?” you leaned in on your knees, “then what’s really stopping you from hopping on the Disney train?”
König sighed and rolled his eyes, “It’s not that I don’t like your Disney movies, it’s just that I prefer something… Grittier.”
“Like what?” you asked, intrigued.
“Like…” König closed his eyes for a moment, then nodded and looked at you with a menacing glare, “how about we watch a movie?”
You buried your face further into König’s chest. The screams were too much for you to bear. This was König’s favorite kind of movie? What kind of man did you marry?
“This is a funny part,” König laughs, “she wakes up and her fiance’s head is sewn into her stomach.”
“You think that’s-” you spluttered before giving up, “this is awful.”
“This is fun!” König teased you light-heartedly as the woman screamed bloody murder.
“This is fucked up,” you grumbled and dug further into his side.
He laughed heartily at your response. Rubbing your side lovingly, he asked (over the screaming), “This is all fake! It’s not real!”
You groaned. You didn’t know if you were more frightened by the movie your boyfriend put on or the fact that this was the movie he put on after telling you ‘it’s one of the easier ones to get through’. On one hand, it was a fantastic true crime mockumentary, on the other, you were going to have nightmares about this for weeks.
König hadn’t pulled any punches, or so you thought. You’d realized pretty quickly that if this was what König considered ‘light’, then you had a whole lot of work to getting used to this. As much as the movie horrified you, the story was terribly compelling.
“I just hope they catch the guy,” you were practically behind König at this point.
“Nein, this movie is not so nice,” König chuckled, “but I understand your feelings.”
“Wait they don’t even catch the guy?” you balked.
“Nein! Don’t you remember the beginning?” König scratched your hair affectionately.
“Wait…” you trail off as you realize he’s right. God, this movie just kept getting more and more fucked up.
“It’s alright,” König pressed a kiss against your shoulder, the closest thing he could reach with your head being burrowed into the sofa behind him.
You grumbled, but the movie played on.
By the end of the movie, you’d decided that König was now your favorite sociopath. You wouldn’t stop loving him, but how this was a good movie to him defied any and all logic. Well, the camera work was good, and the story was well-written, and the acting was impressive, and-NO. No this movie was awful. There was no way you were letting König win this time.
König crawled off the sofa, freeing you from the ending credits of The Poughkeepsie Tapes once and for all. When he turned and saw your terrified form, he barked another laugh before sauntering over and ruffling your hair.
“My little liebling,” König picked you up into his arms, “was that too much for you?”
You huffed and turned away with a pout, drawing a deep belly laugh out of your pet sociopa-sorry, boyfriend. He apologetically pressed a kiss against your cheek and carried you to the bedroom.
“Does my little liebling need me to keep the lamp on tonight?” he laughed as he tucked you into your side of the bed.
“No,” you scoffed petulantly.
“Then you should be fine when I..” he flipped off the lights, “do this.”
Immediately you scrambled to turn the lamp on the bedside table on.
König mercifully tugged on the light, casting a soft warm glow over the bedroom.
You glared at him, but thankfully he didn’t tease you any further.
Over the course of the night, you woke up several times, but thankfully, König held you close, lulling you back to sleep with his soft snoring and warm arms around you. When the morning came, you’d need to figure out some sort of revenge, but that was in the morning. You had all night to stew.
PS. The Poughkeepsie Tapes is a very intense gory movie about a man kidnapping and killing people, told through detectives documenting the data and uncovering the tapes the killer makes. It's very good, but also, very scary. I would watch at your own risk! Make sure to check the warnings on that movie on https://www.doesthedogdie.com/ which is a great website to check for trigger warnings in a movie you want to watch.
Story Masterlist
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bellofthemeadow · 1 year
Blended Heart and Bitter Brews | part 1/?
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Summary: Your life was boring, hoping for your big break, you were stuck at Starbucks for what felt like forever. The hot metalhead that just came through your door might just be the amount of shit-stirring fun you've been looking for. (2.4K)
A/N: Hey everyone, first time venturing into the Stranger Things fandom. I know I am late to the party lol, but I was off TUMBLR when the show came out and I've just recently started rewatching it and I had the need to write a series on everyone's favourite metalhead! Hope you all enjoy it and lmy what you think  😊
Warning: Swearing, suggestive language, reference to bratting and brat taming (18+)
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Working at Starbucks isn’t the most glamorous job in the world. It wouldn’t even make the top 500 hundred in your opinion. The hours were long, the pay was mediocre at best, and you didn’t even want to think about the tips.
After 3 years on the job, you came to the very scientific conclusion that there was a direct correlation between your empty tip jar and the ungodly amount of Frappuccino you’d have to do on a given day. To the point: right now it was just shy of 2 pm, and you had been making so many of those blended abominations that the front of your apron looked like a unicorn and a leprechaun had an orgy on it. And your tip jar was empty. Go figure.
Starbucks was supposed to be a temporary gig, something to keep the cash flowing between college and your big break. Unfortunately, there was no big break in sight, no producers had called you back because, your sound was “too 80s, but like the wrong 80s” so you were still there serving tweens their daily fix of sugar. You wanted to ram your head on the counter, maybe you should dye your hair platinum and get into pop. Maybe then someone would sign you since the whole metal vibe just wasn’t doing it for anyone. You sighed, just 1 hour and then you’d be free. At least for today, until you’d have to do it all again tomorrow. To avoid having a mental breakdown in the middle of the coffee shop, you distracted yourself by mentally running through the list of things you had to do when you got home:
Go grocery shopping. Nah you were positive you still had fruit loops; Grocery could wait.
Go over your demo. AGAIN
Therapy Oh yeah you couldn’t afford that. Maybe a good crying session to end the night.
Go grocery shopping. Nah you were positive you still had fruit loops; Grocery could wait.  GET BEN & JERRY
Yeah, that should do it.
As you were mentally ticking things off, you heard the shrill voice of a girl at the counter order, “I wanna Venti Caramel Frappuccino with extra whip and a blended cake pop inside. Oh, and with Skim milk!” Of course. Fuck that!
You groaned and pushed your way to the till where the newly hired 19-year-old was taking the order, “Swap with me.” You made sure that your tone left no place for arguments. “Ehhh, I’m taking an order.” Looks like new girl didn’t get the tone memo, “I’ll take the orders from now on, you go work the bar.”
“But I am in the middle of tak…” “Ok look, that’s great, hard-worker is such a good look for you. But I think I’m not making myself clear here; You are going to swap the bar with Me because if I have to make another fucking Frappuccino, I will set this place on fire with everyone inside! Capish?”
Suddenly a loud guffaw reverberated from somewhere towards the end of the already long line. Your coworker and the girl at the till looked horrified. But your monumental side-eye was the last nail into the proverbial coffin because Emma didn’t try to argue with you and instead, scurried over to the coffee bar.
You turned toward the girl and plastered the fakest smile you could on your face “And what did you say you wanted?” The girl looked like she was going to puke on your counter “… I’ll have a grande latte… Is iced, ok?”
You smiled broadly “One grande ice latte coming right up, did you want skim milk with that?” “Oh no, no. Just regular is fine,” She stuttered.
“Great just gonna need to add your name and that’ll be 4.00 $.” “… Its Josie.” Sacharine smile plastered on your face, “Great Josie, you can go and wait by the bar over there.” You dismissively pointed in the general direction of the farthest end of the bar, “I can take whoever’s next!”
For the next couple of minutes, your other customers were rather accommodating, ordering black coffees and lattes with no mod for once.  “All right next!” You passed down the cup for a “Grande Americano for Josh” toward Emma who was still doing her best to avoid any form of eye contact. You snorted a bit, to say that Emma might be a bit oversensitive was an understatement, maybe you’d apologized after your shift… Maybe.
You turned your eyes to the new customer in line and you couldn’t help but raise a brow at the yummy stud that just stepped up to your till.  You licked your lips appreciatively; the guy must be around your age, with shaggy brown hair, big brown puppy eyes and plush lips you wanted to snap between your teeth. The guy was totally your type too, you spotted how his slightly ripped 1991 “Wherever We May Roam” Metallica tour t-shirt was hiking up his belly revealing a toned stomach. But what really made you salivate was the sight of his numerous tats that decorated both his arms. You could also peek at some hiding under his collar.  Yummy.  
You gave him your best sultry smile, leaned forward, showcasing the unfortunate non-existence of your cleavage as it was all covered by your apron, and coyly purred, "And what can I get you today, handsome?"
Hot dude seemed happy with your flirting as he responded with a reciprocating smile before leaning forward. You were so close that you could almost trace the tattoos (were those bats?!) decorating his forearms. He hummed as though contemplating it, then offered you a sultry smile. You were more than happy to respond with your best fuck-me eyes.
Suddenly his sexy smile transformed into a wide shit-eating grin before he boomed loudly, “I’ll have a Venti Caramel Frappuccino, extra drizzle, extra caramel and extra whipped cream.”
Time stopped. Crickets chirping. Jaw Dropped
What in the actual fuck?!
You jerked your head back and grumbled. Displeasure etched on your face. Hot dude wasn’t so hot anymore as you reluctantly entered the order into the cash register. "Whatshisface" still wore that irritating grin as he leaned forward even further, granting you a clear view of his sharp collarbones. He began to toy with some of the chocolate-covered coffee beans next to your cash register. "You touch it, you buy it," you grumbled.
His Cheshire cat-like grin grew even larger, if that was even possible, and he let out a loud tut. “Aw sweetheart, you don’t have to get all bratty on me. Come on, I know under that little metal act you got goin’ on, you wanna be a good girl for me.” He finished with a little wink that made you want to shove the napkin holder on his stupid handsome face.
“That’ll be 9.85 $” Grin gone. Whatshisface looked completely flabbergasted, “9.85$?!? In what world do you live in that you think its ok to charge so much for a cup of coffee!?” He loudly gasped, affronted.
You flashed your most charming smile and fluttered your eyelashes innocently, much to your delight, you noticed the tips of his ears beginning to blush. In a syrupy tone, you purred “Well sir the caramel, the extra drizzle AND the extra whipped are all extra charges. But I understand if that’s too expensive for you, perhaps you could move over and explore other parts of the menu that are more… within your means.”
Hook, line, and sinker
Hot dude turned an even deeper shade of red and began to rummage through the bag he was carrying, all the while muttering less-than-flattering expletives under his breath. You were fairly certain you heard him mutter a rather pointed “disrespectful little brat,” which senta delicious shiver straight to your core.
You were feeling quite triumphant and began tapping your manicured finger on the counter, a gesture that seemed to further irritate him. After a minute, he forcefully slid a crumpled $20 bill your way, bringing a smug grin to your face. After making a show of counting his change, you grabbed the venti cup and the black Sharpie. “And can I have your name for that?”
“…Eddie.” You slowly captured the cap of the Sharpie between your teeth and started writing his name on the side of the plastic cup. You added a wide smiley next to it for good measure.  You triumphantly noticed that Eddie gaze hadn't wavered from your mouth, as if entranced by the sight of the cap being gripped by your teeth. Maybe he was imagining something else between your lips, you snicker to yourself.
After sliding the cup over to Emma, who appeared as though she had just witnessed a car crash, before hurrying over to start his drink, you coquettishly cooed at him, “Well Eddie,” you made sure to enunciate every word as you tasted how his name felt in your mouth. “I hope you enjoy your… expensive drink, Tip jar is right here.” You gestured with your impeccably black manicured nail towards the nearly empty box "Don't you think I deserve it? After all, I’ve been such a gooood girl for you and did everything you wanted?" You batted your eyelashes, ensuring to add ample emphasis to drive your point home.
As for Eddie, well he looked like he was about to suffocate. Red and blotchy all over, you could also spot some sweat gathering on his forehead. You almost started to pity the poor guy when he tried to stutter out a response to your teasing. Almost.
 In the end, Eddie dropped a couple of ones in the small glass before making his way toward the end of the bar. You also noticed how he had a slightly slouched gait—probably because you'd turn his attempt at embarrassing you on him. He finally stopped in front of where Emma was making his sugared monstrosity. As you were taking the next order, you could feel Eddie’s gaze burning your body. So, you made sure to give him a good show, laughing extra hard at the lame jokes from the college boy you were serving. Bending down a bit too low to grab an extra roll of receipt paper giving him a good view of your shapely ass, drawing large hearts on every cup and flirtatiously referring to every guy in your line with endearments like "sugar" or "handsome."
“Jesus Christ, no need to scream in my ears like that.” Eddie, looking mortified, snatched his drink before sitting down at one of the empty tables. One of the only ones with a perfect view of the counter. You gleefully observed how Eddie nearly spat out his drink after taking the first sip, probably dying a little bit inside at the taste of the artificial sweeteners that must invaded his mouth.  Quite the smooth move, jackass.
You looked at the time, as your other coworker Jenson joined you behind the bar to relieve you of your minimum wage duties, “I’ll just make myself a drink and then I’m outta here!” You whoop, Jenson acquiesced with a shrugging smile before taking over the till. You shuffle toward the bar area and snicker as you start to make yourself an extra special drink.
“Hey Jenson, can you do something for me real quick after I leave?”
Eddie is grudgingly drinking the caramel monstrosity he ordered. His own fault really, he’s always been a black coffee kind of guy. When he was younger, he started to order it black because it fitted his whole metal vibe; “Black like my soul,” he’d ordered with a wink to the old-timey dinner waitress back in Hawkins. But now that he moved to Indianapolis to chase his music dreams, he realized that he couldn't enjoy coffee unless it was as bitter as the disappointment that people had in him.
While he wasn't usually a Starbucks person, he had stayed up until 4 am this morning after playing a gig downtown. And to top it off, he had to be at work on the dock by 6 am, leaving him with barely any time to sleep in between. At this point, he would have traded his soul for a coffee. So, when he spotted the Starbucks on his way home, he just had to stop. Mindlessly scrolling on his phone for any notifications of Corroded Coffin, you took him right out of his zombie-like trance when you shrieked about setting the place on fire. He hadn’t been able to stifle his laughter at your words. To top it off, you were hot, as fiery as the arson you threatened everyone with. So, when he reached the till and saw that his attraction was completely reciprocated, he couldn't help but tease you a bit.
He just hadn’t banked on you being such a brat. Now he was sitting alone with an almost inedible caramel concoction of his own making, swimming in the bitter disappointment of having made a fool of himself in front of you. As he was simmering in his annoyance, a cup of steaming Americano was placed in front of him. He raised his head fast and looked at the sheepish expression of a lanky guy with a freckled face, “I didn’t order that…”
“Eh, well she made it for you. Told me to give it to you after she left.”
Eddie’s head snapped back to the bar where you had disappeared. A bitter taste of disappointment coated his mouth as he realized he hadn’t even gotten your number, “Thanks, man.” The guy gave him a sharp nod in response before making his way back to the till where a line was slowly forming again.
Eddie took a deep breath, inhaling the tangy smell of the black coffee. Exactly what he needed.  As he was about to take a sip, black writing on the side of the cup got his attention.
Hey hot stuff, You looked like you wanted to put me back in my place back there 😉 I’d like to see you try, call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx -Little brat
A huge grin broke out on Eddie’s face as he took a sip of his coffee, letting the bitter liquid burn down his throat.
Today turned out to be pretty metal after all.
Part 2: The Phone Call
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loveliepa · 21 days
Birthday on Tuesday means rewatching The Last Unicorn! It will forever and always be my fav movie. ☹️☹️💞💞 I’ve watched it since I was like six. Now, I’m turning twenty. Fourteen years with this movie. 🙃🙃 Words can’t explain how in love I am with this movie.
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captainlaurence · 9 months
In the last 24 hours I’ve been on a kick to rewatch all my favorite medieval fantasy children’s movies and so far on the list has been The Sword in the Stone, The Black Cauldron, the Last Unicorn, and now I’m starting Dragonheart.
No wonder I am the way I am.
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Heartstopper Season 2 play-by-play analysis
I’ve already written all these thoughts during the last rewatch, but since I’m rewatching again to figure out which gifs I want to look for, I always end up rereading or rewriting something, adding more thoughts, etc. There’s always something to add, something new that I noticed. The next few rewatches will be all about the music, probably.
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- Why does Mr Farouk always look like he’s about to either give the scolding of a lifetime or give terrible news???? Even when he’s saying nice things. I love him, though.
- Isaac looking down at his book as he gets told to participate more.
- IS THAT DAVID THACKERAY telling Ben’s parents that Ben is wonderful? Poor thing.
- If we get Spanish-speaking Charlie at some point, I will cry.
- “I know getting your first boyfriend is very exciting, but…” Charlie’s parents will never know about Ben. The only ones who know are Nick and (somewhat) Tori, and that’s how it will stay. Was it Charlie’s first boyfriend? Technically, maybe, but in all the ways that matter, Nick is the true first, Nick has changed the game for Charlie forever. He shouted it at the sea and everything.
- Here we have the first time that Jane takes a very extreme approach, but of course she doesn’t know that Charlie has bigger problems than being distracted by his new boyfriend. Jane’s approach is complete ban, complete cut off, no in between.
- Olivia Colman, in yellow, like the ray of sunshine she is. But how Sara managed to raise someone as shit as David, when she’s so wonderful and Nick turned out so wonderful, is beyond me.
- The actor who plays David is so good, you just want to punch him.
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- “the universe is pulling us apart” “we are tragic starcrossed lovers” “we should run away to paris together” “bring nellie though” “of course”… two dumbasses in love.
- Ugh, Ben seeing Nick approaching so he pulls Imogen closer and kisses her because he knows it’ll piss Nick off… And Imogen being so oblivious that she thinks nothing of Nick’s frown and not waving back. She does look a bit sad that he doesn’t. And Ben looking so smug.
- New favorite character unlocked: Sahar. We love her. I didn’t really get much personality from her in the comics, but here it’s much more fleshed out.
- “Still as desperate as ever”, excuse me? Who’s the true desperate one here? Ben gets this wistful, googly-eyed look every time Charlie appears and looks equally as murderous at Nick every time he sees them together. None ya business, Ben.
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- Nick seriously telling Ben not to talk about Charlie, because that’s as much as he can do, or ignore him, but Ben won’t let it go, like he’s not even a little bit afraid of the boy that could snap him like a twig.
- “It’s not my fault he liked me before you”. EXCUSE ME, for one thing, what does that have to do with anything??? And for another thing, you really think that Charlie liked you? I don’t think Ben realizes how much Charlie’s crush on Ben was just that, a crush, but actually liking him would have probably made it harder for Charlie to break things off, and it wasn’t… I think Charlie authentically had a crush on Ben, because he’s handsome and because he took an interest in him, and because there was no one else. But liking him? Nah, that was just wishful thinking.
- “I hate you because you literally assaulted him”. YES NICK, TELL HIM.
- “I was going through personal stuff”. Everyone is always going through personal stuff, you dick. But you chose to “take it out” on Charlie.
- “You hurt him and who knows if you’ll do the same with Imogen.” Sweet Nick. “Do you even like her?”
- “Sorry, am I not allowed to like girls as well as boys?” This might be the first time that he’s been this honest with someone over whom he doesn’t have any control whatsoever. Also Nick’s face when he realizes that him and Ben are both bi, or at least that’s what Ben is telling him. And it reinforces the fear that Nick’s had since last season, that he’s just like Ben.
- “I’ll believe that when I see it.” Ben also thinks that being queer means having to tell the world, otherwise it’s not real.
- Ben saying that Charlie thinks that Nick is perfect, like… sir, you do not speak for Charlie, and you do not know Nick, and you are just trying to make yourself not look as bad, and convince yourself that you could just be as good a boyfriend to Charlie as Nick is, and why don’t you just go to therapy, SIR??? But Nick for a moment looks like he believes him, because it’s been hard for him to come out, he’s only managed to come out himself to two people, his mum and Imogen, and he knows it’s hard, and maybe Ben is right, maybe he’s just like him, maybe he’ll hurt Charlie too by keeping their relationship a secret… Him stroking the pen that Charlie gave him.
- “I’ve had the worst day haha” aw baby, the haha just makes it worse.
- I just realized how much I relate to Nick’s relationship with his brother. Not that my sister was ever as bad as a David, but I wish she had been more of a Tori… Being the youngest and having to deal with an invasive older sibling who just waltzes into your room and looks at your stuff and thinks they know you better than you know yourself… yeah… In retrospect it’s funny how siblings can be so unbearable to each other, and often it gets better when you don’t have to live together anymore, but it’s amazing how we can tick each other off, like no one else can… they did such a good job at capturing that dynamic…
-“If you do have a girlfriend, I want to know about it, she needs my approval”, sir fuck all the way off back to uni, please.
- “We could meet at the park”, and then they meet there and it’s so obvious that their homes used to be their safe places, but now, now they know that it’s each other, they’re each other’s safe place. Recharging!
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- Listen, that hug, that spin hug, with the music playing, the joy on their faces as they realize that home is wherever the other one is, it’s just soooooo… it rewired my brain, it was like a deep breath, it’s the epitome of all NickxCharlie hugs. It’s one of my favorite scenes, if not the most favorite.
- I love how we got to see the beginning of Charlie’s serial hoodie thievery. This whole scene is so soft. And Nellie just makes everything ten times better.
- Nick leaning in for a kiss in an open space, and Charlie looking around nervously, because last season Nick was flinching with nerves at the idea of anyone, even strangers, seeing them kiss, and Nick knows this and he has moved past that and he pulls Charlie on top of him and just kisses him like crazy… seriously the amount of kissing this season is magical… And Charlie feeling euphoric as he walks home and sees Nick’s instagram post about him…
- Elle’s new friends are as stylish as her… Naomi’s eyeliner is perfect…
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- I love that we get a little more insight into Elle’s experience, and why she wants to pursue art, and why Lambert would be a safe haven for her…
- Tao’s mum being the biggest fan of Elle and being the biggest TaoElle shipper… I’m glad we got a bit more of her, and other parents. Elle’s parents were excellent too (more on them later).
- Nick gathering up the courage to confront Imogen about Ben, because he wants to protect her, but not being able to tell her why, and Imogen getting defensive because she’s just afraid of being alone. And the whole thing affecting Nick and causing him such anxiety that he can’t really focus.
- The big hug and lift, priceless move. (I've lost count of all the times that Nick gives into his urge of picking Charlie up in any way he can).
- “That boy of yours is here”. Elle’s mum being a bit of a TaoElle shipper too. Elle trying to put distance between them.
- Charlie not being a fan of Marvel movies, whilst Joe Locke is starring soon in a Marvel streaming show… poetic. Methinks that, when the time comes for Nick to watch Agatha Coven of Darkness, he’ll have a massive crush on that actor who plays (presumably) Billy.
- “I’ll have something when I get home”, and then when he gets home “I ate at Nick’s.”
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- Fucking David, snooping around, disrespecting Nick’s privacy. And Nick’s little “you okay?” at Charlie. David is such a perfect asshole, and I love Nick calling him a homophobic prick, but not being intimidated or anything. “You left a picture of you two kissing on your bedroom wall” “WHY DO YOU KEEP GOING IN MY ROOM?” Yes, David, why?
-Some people pointed out that Nick seems to unfairly take it out on his mum, when it was David, a grown man, sneaking in as he pleases, but I didn't see it that way. Nick's yelling at David, but looking at him mum, or looking to her for support, like going "do you see what he's done??? do you see what a dick your other son is???? please tell him to stop!!"
- Nick telling Charlie that it’s not his fault, and telling him that he’s fine and he doesn’t care, but Charlie had really thought he’d be able to protect Nick from the things that happened to him when he came out.
- Tao’s talk with his mum, it was so sweet.
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- Charlie and Isaac being so serious, but also not arguing when Tao said “I know you’ve been laughing behind my back because I’m so oblivious”. And him asking for their help.
This episode was brought to you by HOODIES™.
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petty-crush · 3 months
“Psycho” 1960 (rewatch)
-I had forgotten the throughly lived world of pre Norman Bates section of this film
+how hungry and desperate for love Marion Crane and Sam Loomis are
-I particularly like the line from the rich Texan character about giving money to his daughter (that Marion later steals)
-“It’s not that I’m buying happiness. It’s that I’m buying off unhappiness!”
-Truly outstanding
+it’s the demented David Lynch character like way he says it that really underscores it.
-How funny is it that all this effort was to have Marion get with Loomis, and the resulting investigation gets her sister Lila to marry him (in the film sequel)
-Anthony Perkins is riveting in the parlor scene, the little tics and laughter he gives to “everyone has their own little trap they want to escape”.
-It sucks that he got typecasted like this, but, like Bela Lugosi and a few others, he will be remembered for eternity for this role. He just inhabits the skin of this character.
-You watch him and you go “that is the joy an actor brings to a role”
-What was it like to go into this film raw when first released? It is so excellently paced in how it parses information and infers a path only to twist the knife.
+by my count at least five paths are teased then dashed away (including meeting the mother and the secrets). No wonder it became so beloved
-My personal second favorite performance of the film is the delightful Martin Balsam as the oily charming private investigator Arbogast.
-It occurs to me that this is the film that put the cliche of “why doesn’t this filmmaker go back to basics after those expensive films and do a well executed low budget?”
(The only one to really follow up on this is M. Night Shyamalan, who flushed away the taste of “Last Airbender”with some of his best work starting with “The Visitor”)
-When does five minutes feel like twenty? When this doctor spells everything out for us at the end. Possibly just to raise the gist of transvestism and then dash it away.
-Not that any serious motion picture enthusiast expects a perfect film, but here is definitive proof that a great riptide of a film can have a truly pointless scene and still knock it out of the park.
-Bernard Herrmann’s score still smokes. The silence adds to his through the window intrusions.
-Somehow a film that informs you to do your best work but also entertains no matter how many times seen. A rare delicious unicorn
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tvshowspoilers · 11 months
Rewatching all of the episodes released to do last minute, 11th hour thoughts
Season 2 episode 1
Just realized Rickey calls himself an “odd bird” which is fitting with the episode title
Also realized that Rickey says “I know everything about you” but instead melting Stede like whenever Ed said, it just pisses him off
Still can’t get over the way Ed says “and these are the kids” and “hi all”
“Vibe on this ship is poisonous” ——-> “turn poison to positivity”
Still crazy he was at sea for 88 days…the idea that the tally marks were for Stede is sad but that it’s also for the record makes it sadder
I wonder if the indigo will ever come back into play
Also it’s interesting that Ed never did anything about Fang crying
Episode 2
Seeing cleaned up and chipper Ed hurts with the context that he wants to die…also every moment with Ed when he’s interacting with Frenchie is just….ooof yeah he looks gorgeous but damn those eyes are dead…like when he says “was someone injured” and “panto”
Idk what to think about Stede’s lack of expression when Lucius says everything that happened was his fault…I mean he does let out a hell of a sigh at the end of the scene
I like Archie’s earring
Does ed feel any guilt at the moment when Jim says “he was your friend “ or was it still just pure anger
Also, Zhang saying “you’re doing great” totally has the “doing great sweetie ❤️❤️” vibes
Stede face when he starts to climb over the rail breaks my heart every time
anyone else notice how gentle ed is with his hands? Like when he places them on the table as Jeff during the gravy basket, when he places them on his lap when visiting sick Izzy, when he crosses them in s1e6 when Stede tells him they should do a fuckery
The heartbreak coming on to Stede face when he sees Ed hurts
Wonder if ghost Hornigold is a foreshadowing for living Hornigold coming
Also love the Zheng tries to seduce Olu with a sword
Aww Jim grabbed Archie’s hand when they were escaping the cell
I’m never going to stop yelling about how ed grabs Stede hand at the end of this episode
Also is This Woman’s Work season 2’s The Chain? Either way I tear up
I think Ed’s first expression when he wakes up is confusion, of course. But also maybe a little omg you’re here…for a minute, lol. Then he gets pissed. Anyone more eloquent then me have any ideas?
I so wish the cast could talk about this show so we could ask them who voted to kick ed off ship and to keep him
Heh…is that a yay or neigh
I don’t think Stede was actually gonna leave him leave him right
Still wondering if ed called the rabbit a wolf cause he’s still a little out of it lol
I’m glad ed got his hug but HE NEEDS A HUG FROM STEDE
Also I wonder if Buttons led him to Mary’s shop on purpose
I better get ed calling Stede darling or love in epi 8 or I’m going to cry
Omg I know we see bare chested Izzy later and all but dude! Just noticed his opened vest when he’s talking to the unicorn
Man ed is sooo pissed and trying so hard to keep that cold facade but he always wants to “melt back into “ Stede arms..hence his first expression when he wakes up before the anger comes back cause Stede “expects him to back back into his arms the second he pops his head up”
Also I love how fondly he remembers being stabbed by Stede but also it huuuurts because of epi. 6 “I had to make him do it…hes so fragile”
First time I saw epi 4 I thought Annie was gonna throw up in the bowl buttons found
Episode 5
Love that Lucius points out that ed never actually said I’m sorry to them, he’s right and I hope he gives them proper apology later
So Ed’s emotion and breaking of his voice but also the YouTuber quality of it….anyone have any thoughts?
Ed’s apology and the whole “restore my reputation” hits different with Taikas fuck up, doesn’t it?
Still going crazy over Ed’s face when Stede says it’s a long story. Is he sad? That stede feels like he should stop talking? Or what…
I love ed setting boundaries, well done and Stede’s instant acceptance
Also, did David really put in a song that goes “you’re so baby”…..he knows… he knows ed is our babygirl
Gosh but I do love Bronson Pinchot. I first saw him as Mr. Toomy and I love that he brought that energy here
I don’t think this is the day after but a few days maybe
I wonder why ed put on his leathers….cause he had no clothes yet or…? Cause Stede says he can use the treasure to buy new clothes but in the next episode he is wearing clothes he clearly gathered together from the ship
During the scene where they are getting the supplies for the party…..Where did ed goooo??? He is walking on the bridge and suddenly is gone and then back….did he trip over guitar guy ( who I guess is Ned)??
Ed’s little hey and soft eyes when Stede walks up is precious
I love the community during the party
When ed sees Izzy, his face…WHAT IS HE THINKING
Heh, just noticed a torturer with little sunglasses on
The noose around Hellcat Maggie’s neck
Does anyone else think they may have not gone all the way during sex? Tbh that’s my head canon I think?
The morning after robe is lovely…. As much as I wanted it to be from the auxiliary wardrobe, I absolutely love the idea Ed chose it for himself
Omg I can’t with Stede’s squeak
Lol the cigarette behind Lucius’s ear
I can’t hear Swede say “my wife” without flashing back to Borat
Ed’s sad look when he’s looking at the fishing boat hurts
Also, the guy Stede sets Hey simulation sorry I missed it on fire only gives me Freddy Krueger vibes
 Also, I had originally posted ages ago about Ed not being happy… And yeah whenever Stede says you don’t sound happy… 😭 I don’t know how to articulate what I’m thinking
Oh Stede, loosing ed and then his crew
The tears in Stedes eyes, he’s so upset about loosing his family and ed
Still can’t with the fight
So I think I’m ready for episode 8! (Lol no I’m not) but this has been a good run and here’s hoping for season 3!
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enruiinas · 7 months
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𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓: for read/watch progress and AU/verse plotting purposes. I love AUs & verses in general and am always happy to use a fandom we're both familiar with as a starting point, whether it's borrowing the whole setting, elements we enjoyed or both recognize from a fandom, etc. This is a long post so I'll read-more after "currently reading/watching" - a full list of fandoms I'm familiar with or enjoy is available below the cut.
bold - fandoms i'm familiar enough to base an AU on, pull elements from, etc. italicized - fandoms i'm fairly confident on my grasp of. can base an AU on or pull elements from, but might need a tiny bit of time to revisit some things. ★ - muses from this fandom will likely feature on or will soon be tested on the multimuse i'm working on in the background.
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★ ONE PIECE. (manga re-read): ch. 339/????. I am technically "caught up" through the end of Wano and peep on spoilers for the ongoing arc, but as I speed-read the entire thing in a month last year, I'm not always super confident in my grasp on the second half of the series because I was so ready to be caught up. Wano grasp is particularly abysmal but I'm okay with exploring ongoing Egghead stuff with Law in interactions. [Potential muses: Baby 5, Mihawk, Usopp] ★ FAIRY TAIL. (manga first-time read): ch. 285/545.
★ POKEMON (mostly Kanto/Johto stuff though). I grew up on Pokémon and love lol things Kanto/Johto but haven’t watched, played, or read anything since Ruby and Sapphire were current content. I’m starting from scratch and working my way up again, beginning with Pokemon Adventures (manga) and Pokémon Origins + an original Kanto rewatch on Netflix.
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Anime / Manga:
★ ONE PIECE. see above. ★ FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: BROTHERHOOD. I haven't watched FMA (2003) in years, but it's on my list to revisit. [Potential muses: Winry Rockbell] ★ DEMON SLAYER. Have dabbled in Demon Slayer muses and plan to bring them back after a rewatch to spark my muse again. [Potential muses: TBD pending revisit.] ★ FAIRY TAIL. Reading for the first time. Current progress: ch. 285/545. Potential muses (once I've completed my read only): Cana Alberona, Loke, Gray Fullbuster, Levy McGarden. CHARLOTTE. Anime. This is one I would love to explore AU plots based on. It's short (13 episodes?) and I would probably revisit before jumping into anything but highly recommend if you're looking for a short anime to watch sometimes. ★ NORAGAMI. I slacked off following the manga there for a bit at the end and would need to revisit, but might add muses after a re-read. [Potential muses: TBD pending revisit.] ★ TOILET-BOUND HANAKO-KUN. Need to revisit, but I loved what I'd read so far and would likely end up adding muses. ★ BUNGOU STRAY DOGS.
LABYRINTH. 1986 - the David Bowie movie. always a fave. ★ DISNEY MOVIES. Pretty much any, but my favorites are Hercules*, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Emperor's New Groove, Lilo & Stitch... HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE. (Also reading the book trilogy at the moment, currently on 2/3. Potential muses: Sophie Hatter, Lettie Hatter, Martha Hatter.) SPIRITED AWAY. BARBIE (2023).
A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES. I loooove ACTOAR but it's admittedly been a while. I want to reread soon! (mun confession: after getting @climatact I realized the full extent to which Law is accidentally/unintentionally Rhys-coded. Oops.) ARTEMIS FOWL My all-time favorite book series. I re-read this at least once a year. I doubt I'll add muses, but I'm definitely familiar enough with it I feel like I could muse almost anyone. PRIDE & PREJUDICE. Won't add muses, but enjoy a lot of themes & character tropes/archetypes here. THE LAST UNICORN. [finished 2/19/2024.]
TV Shows:
★ Once Upon a Time. Other than the last season, probably my favorite TV show, but I'm due for a rewatch. [Potential muses: not sure yet but there will be some.]
Video Games:
* - I love Greek mythology (or any polytheistic belief system) in general. There are probably plenty of things i'd need to read up on but I am always up for Greek mythology or fairy tale (Disney-fied or original versions) inspired verses/themes.
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Pokemon (Anime? Manga? Games? Where do I wanna start?)
Kaoru Hana Wa Rin To Saku.
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resurrection-rose · 8 months
tysm for tagging me @flowersandfashion 💕
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Last song: “not a lot, just forever” by Adrianne Lenker
Currently watching: omg I’m watching Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi) and I am absolutely obsessed with the ultimate high-maintenance-girlfail-femme-princess Marcille 🎀
Three ships:
1. currently (delusional) manifesting Marcille and Falin from Dungeon Meshi.
2. SYBIL/GWEN FROM DOWNTON ABBEY IF I SPEEEEAK (i’ve been crying for 10 years)
3. I think about the tragedy of a sapphic relationship between Padmé and Sabé from Star Wars (shut up) so often and in fact the only reason I use tiktok is so I can watch fan edits of them set to Phoebe Bridgers songs
First ship: Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter lmao are you sensing a theme here
Relationship status: single lesbian in her late 20s recovering from heartbreak and being so not brave about it!!!
Last movie: I recently rewatched the Last Unicorn for the pure nostalgic comfort and idk if the movie itself holds up but I’m going to reread the book soon bc the story is truly so incredible and dear to my heart
Currently working on: um lounging around in silk pajama sets? Learning how to cry even prettier than I already do? Listening to sad music? Rotting, festering, wallowing, yearning, etc? Healing my heart babes
I’m tagging: anyone who wants to do this! It always stresses me out so much to tag people in anything so please if this seems fun to do beloved then I’m tagging you <3
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yue-muffin · 1 year
i keep watching UC gundam entries out of order and i’m so confused but like i like the vibes just...i’m missing the entire backstory the whole time.
started with gundam unicorn i believe. tried to read a summary of earlier events, rewatched unicorn a few years later. still confused.
i just watched gundam hathaway and wow is it a gorgeous movie, and the story and the main themes/conflicts were conveyed well in isolation. you don’t need the context of the last...however many entries came before it to understand the main issues and conflicts. but it’ll definitely make way more sense and the gravitas of the main character’s struggle will have a better impact with context since he appears in an earlier work as a kid.
(but also i’ve found my ot3, possibly the only polycule i’ve ever actually liked...just had to throw that out there)
so, like, maybe i should actually try watching the UC timeline in order...it would certainly clarify some things. hathaway was actually easier to contextualize and infer than unicorn was. i’ve seen unicorn twice and i’m still lost.
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flowerytale · 1 year
I have so many but the last unicorn and the princess bride are two of my favorites
The batman 2022 was also pretty good imo and so was But I’m a cheerleader that movie made me really emotional lol
I absolutely need to rewatch the last unicorn, I think I watched it only once. I love you choices anon!
thanks for sharing✨
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the-nightly-film · 1 year
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September 3rd, 2023
This is the best The Hobbit movie, change my mind.
I’ve owned the 1977 film for years and thanks to The Last Unicorn I was in the mood to watch it again. The best part about this rewatch was that my brother randomly decided to join me and it’s always interesting to watch movies with him because he never wants to hang out with me when I’m actually watching anything I think he would be interested in. He chooses the most random movies that he knows nothing about to walk in on and then he’s just sitting there like “What the fuck?” for an hour and a half or so.
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osmanthusoolong · 2 years
im sorry youre feeling bad! i dont know if you've ever talked abt this before but if you HAVENT id love to hear about your favorite movie 🤍
My favourite is a bit hard to fully pin down, but I can definitely give my current top three movies I’m always up to rewatch!
Ravenous: I think I’ve made everyone I’m really close with see it, a few repeatedly. But a surprisingly clever and wildly homoerotic black comedy/horror movie explicitly about white supremacy and colonialism and attempts to oppose those, with a fantastic soundtrack? Always, always up to rewatch.
Is Near Dark necessarily a great movie? Not especially. The protagonist is absolutely, utterly loathsome in every second he’s on the screen. The ending makes me mad every time. It’s still one of my favourites, nonetheless. The central idea of the Western is almost always that of enclosure, of a way of being that’s in its last days and the tension thereof, and it does that so well with the way the murderous vampire drifters are clearly doomed even without the shitty loser dude who joins them. They’re irredeemable in every way except for their genuine fondness for each other and they do it with the sleaziest glamour.
I’m definitely also finding myself Extremely Normal about Only Lovers Left Alive. About the opposite kind of vampire movie, but equally about what it means to exist in a changing world, what’s worth getting up at night for, what it means to have others and care for each other. It’s lovely and stylish and still manages a kind of hope amid crumbling unlives and I like that. Eve is a whole mood.
Honourable mentions: Survive Style 5+, which I think everyone should watch, it’s the most mental-health-improving art I know, The Last Unicorn (though the book is more trans, the movie has Christopher Lee)
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rottenbrainstuff · 2 years
I rewatched Legend last night! It’s not as good as other 80s fantasy movies like Willow or Labyrinth… but it’s interesting in its own little way. I have the European cut which I think has a better script.
I’ve watched the special features and I’m listening to the Ridley Scott commentary and I’m getting super tired of how often he’s talking about the princess being manipulative, she’s manipulating Jack, she’s manipulating the unicorn… she’s not manipulating the unicorn, she just wants to fucking pet it, and she sings to it like she’s trying to calm down a nervous horse. It’s not a GOOD idea, it’s like tourists trying to pet elk, but jfc it’s not MANIPULATION and he’s cheesing me off how much he’s talking about it. She’s a teenaged girl, she’s a little mischievous, she’s a little bit of a free spirit, for goodness sake wanting things and talking to people about the things you want isn’t manipulation, this is like listening to some anti talk about some children’s cartoon and why x character is actually abusive and bad or something. Stop it.
I’m also a bit confused about the “purity” narrative that they keep talking about, purity and the corruption of purity… it’s weird and it’s overly simplistic. What the heck even is “purity”? This movie (and Ridley Scott) takes for granted that the audience just accepts and understands this “purity”… I dunno, it’s just…. I get it, I can see maybe what they wanted to go for, but listening to Ridley Scott talk about the themes, I find it really unsatisfying, really underdeveloped, taking way too much for granted and not really exploring anything. When I consider his later films Prometheus and Covenant, I think when considered together you can see how he has a oversimplified… honestly maybe even childish take on religion and religious themes… or maybe he’s just really not good at filming them?
He talks a lot as well about how, if they made this movie today, x set would be CG, x effect would be CG… I’m not entirely sure what he means though, if he is GLAD he was able to make this movie using practical effects, or if he thinks it would be BETTER if it was made today using CG. I think it absolutely wouldn’t be better at all. Say what you want about the creaky plot, but the costumes, makeup and the amazing, amazing forest set (which btw burned to the ground unfortunately during shooting!) are absolutely beautiful, and wouldn’t look even half as good if this movie was remade today.
Tom Cruise irritates the crap out of me here. I actually have never liked him too much as an actor, and I think this is one of his worst roles. It’s all worth it to see Tim Curry though. Holy shit. Whatever nonsense is happening in the rest of the movie, this performance and this makeup make it all worthwhile.
It would be neat to imagine this movie being remade… I would love to see the clunky plot shaken out and updated, and having this really fucking irritating Adam and Eve, woman-is-the-temptress-and-downfall-of-man theme reworked…. But a character like Darkness, a set like the forest, these would absolutely be done with CG now and it would look like shit. No thanks. In addition I think in general we have totally and completely lost the knack (or desire?) for this kind of classic, fantastic fairy tale storytelling. It’s still fun to think about though.
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turtleboyz · 2 years
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So, what did I think of season 1?
Well, I like it! This being my 3rd time watch the first season. That being said, most of the jokes didn’t make me laugh. But rewatching the season you can definitely pick up the foreshadowing and hints. As for the show, I love the background and the neon lights!
So far season 1 is good! Personal I like that the first half was just the boys messing around and have fun. Then the second half was actually plot. I also really like that the touches on being yourself and that person and/or tradition doesn’t need to define you. This theme being taught more than once.
That being said, Game time!!!!
Mikey Abuse: in season 1 I counted 12 times Mikey was abuse. 6 being done by Donnie, 3 being done by Splinter, 1 time being Raphael , and the last 2 by Draxum.
Donnie- use Shelldon to fire lasers him. Called him (and the rest of the brothers) “dum-dum”, rewrites his brain and make him into a version of Donnie, darts him, and his gift made Mikey think “does Donnie really think I’m a crazy kangaroo who needs to wear a padded suit so I don’t hurt myself?”
Raph-hit him with a door
Splinter-the first half of season 1 splinter was a neglected/emotional distance father. Lies a couple of times (also to the others) Also hits him a couple of times (both in training and having to fight one on one)
Draxum- constantly fighting him and the others, called the boys losers and morons, try to kill him and the others.
Yes. I know most of these aren’t really abuse, but I’m playing it safe and writing down anything I see that could be abuse. I want to get accurate data! That being said, if I miss or did anything wrong let me know.
How many time does Raph call himself in the 3rd person. 12 times! More or less. I noticed that Raph does it more off when his scared or angry.
You’re a kid, not a parent: 6 times! I thought there would be more time with Raph or one of the others would have to parent the others? Though 6 still is a big number. 5 of time it’s Raph, the last being Donnie.
Donnie does this to Splinter, yelling at him and saying that he’s going to change the tv channel to education shows. This apparently happen before.
Raph; all most of these, he talk in a baby voice.
To Mikey; “hey Buddy, uh, just checking in, making sure you’re uh, okay. Everything okay? You’re okay right?”
To Mikey: “of course you are-in seven to ten years. Right now, it’s just to dangerous.”
To Donnie; “ooh, hey Buddy. Hey, um really loving the gifts you got us. We-we know how long it took you to make ‘‘em and it was so thoughtful”
About Donnie: “yeah I know but he’s got such a softshell.”
To Franken-Foot “someone needs Raphy’s help?”
Last game, it’s a long one. Why do they do that? It’s just me finding characters details and some ooc things.
Leo can portal water
Leo can moves his portals with or without his wepond
Raph talk in third person
Raph eats the wet salami
Donnie can write in cursive
Donnie dosnt like bees or beach balls
Donnie like “cute but mean” types
Raph ruined a woman’s 95th birthday
Mikey + Raph like to wear the hippo costume
Raph catchphrase “jumping Jack flash” and “like a boss”
Mikey catchphrase “cowabunga”
Mikey + Donnie can build
Mikey + Leo know how to cook
Leo can code
Leo + Mikey likes unicorns
Splinter can get rat flu
Splinter writes self insert fanfiction
Splinter wears fish shoes (shoes that are see through and has a alive fish in them)
Donnie keeps said fish in the tank
Splinter eats stuff off the bottom of his slippers
The gang have movie nights
Raph is allergic to peanuts
Mikey can DJ and can play the mandolin
The boys can sing and dance
Raph collets and names teddy bears
Mikey maybe has diabetes??
Donnie can read lips
Donnie does/sings to musical numbers
Mikey took rodeo classes
Mikey also used raph toothbrush
Raph is scars of puppets (or dolls or bunnies, it hard to say witch is it)
Raph crys when scared
Donnie has a titanium bust of himself
Donnie made a self cleaning toothpick
All the boys talk to themselves
Splinter can sing opera
Leo drinks tea
Mikey + Donnie believe in cryptic, Leo doesn’t
Donnie has pictures of their previous incarnations
Raphael has a social account
Donnie tech bo runs on batteries
April doesn’t have any human friends
April has a curse birthday
Donnie won “national library competition” 3 years in a row
Donnie can play guitar
Donnie is a fan of experiential learning
Things I found OOC (out of character)
Mikey and Leo fighting during the waiting episode
Leo and Raph fighting first meeting big mama
The boys think that Donnie doesn’t like them, that Leo think Donnie sees him as “broken”, and raph think the helmet is “condescending”
Next up! Character analysis!
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