#I’m not retrying it though
finniestoncrane · 21 days
I need help please
I could've sworn at somepoint you reblogged a meme that said "Micah bell leaving blackwater with 9 bars of gold shoved up his ass" and a drawing of him traced over the one photo of a dude standing really akwardly
Ive been desperately trying to find it to show it to my friend cause ik they'd find it funny and I know rdr is something they like
YEAH LMAO see this is why I rigorously tag full character names like I’m adding them to my emergency contact information lmao
this is it here anon!!
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silksongeveryday · 8 months
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 359
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Request by anonymous!
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I’ve been pretty sick and out of it the past couple weeks so I’ve been replaying hollow knight, finally gave steel soul another go since I haven’t beaten it before and now I’m twelve hours in and scared to fight the radiance
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hungharrington · 1 month
i have an inbox full of beautiful ideas and no further clue what i wanna do with this account than i did when i put out my hiatus post…..
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azureyemberzz · 1 year
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rosicheeks · 6 months
15. Do you have any piercings?
No ☹️😔
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okartichoke · 1 month
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i do not have a name for this au yet but, hey ! look ! listen ! i drew some more :3
(gregory is a red kite too, forgot to write that in)
next set will probably be about DL-6 (more manfred with that one too) and how it is different in this universe. cuz like, a bunch of cases change if (almost) everyone can fly, and i’m real excited to dig into that
okay i didn’t know how to make this concise, so i wrote an essay 💀💀💀
Explanation for kestrel Fran: (to clarify first: i went off the behaviors of an American kestrel, but the coloration of a banded kestrel because it fits her better)
Originally, I planned to have her as a peregrine falcon because of her whole “speedrunner” vibe, but peregrines have to really commit to their dives yknow? franziska commits but she can adapt and retry faster than a peregrine, so i switched it (but as always i’m indecisive as hell and everything is subject to change LOL)
i liked the peregrines pattern for her though,, the banded kestrel looks pretty similar. also kestrels are small and i think that’s cute sue me :3
i also struggled a lot (A LOT) to come up with something i liked for Miles, but i ended up pretty happy with the kite ! ( not all prosecutors are birds of prey btw, these 3 just so happened to be lol )
thanks for reading if you got this far :33 hope you enjoyed my ace attorney bird wings au ted talk
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“You’re nervous.”
“Hnnngh,” Keith says, knuckles white on the steering wheel. He looks straight ahead, left leg bouncing, hair pulled back into a ponytail but flyaways everywhere. He keeps having to push up his glasses when they slide down his nose, nudged forward by all the tension in his eyebrows. “Being stressed before a stressful situation is not being nervous, Lance, it’s just my brain responding like a brain.”
Lance hides a smile. “You’ve met my family before, baby.”
Keith slows to a stop as they approach their turn, looking at Lance instead of the road for the first time in twenty minutes. His indigo eyes are wide and pleading. Lance is distracted by the tiny mole beside his nose.
“I’ve met your mom,” he says emphatically, breaking eye contact with Lance to crane his head to the left, checking over the hill for any cars. He’s far more careful than he needs to be — there’s never anyone on this road. But Keith is always endlessly careful when he’s driving other people around. “I’ve met your siblings. I’ve met your abuela. I’ve met the twins.”
“Mighty number of people,” Lance agrees. He looks at his boyfriend pointedly. “All of whom love you.”
“Because they love you,” Keith stresses. “You’re, like, their favourite person. You hyped me up so of course they have a nicer view of me. But this is like — your great grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles and, I dunno, second sister in law five times removed —
“Not how that works,” Lance interjects, amused.
“—and now I gotta impress them all? At once? I still don’t know how I did that with everyone else! I panicked! I forgot all my lines and conversation starters! I just — was awkward, and they were cool with it because your family is cool!”
“Ah, yes, you were yourself and people liked you,” Lance says, nodding sagely. “How bizarre.”
Keith looks at him imploringly. He has a — really cute nose, holy shit. It’s crooked from the three separate times it’s been broken and Lance is kind of obsessed with it. All he can think about is pressing a kiss to the bridge of it and watching how Keith will crinkle it on reflex. He has to fight back a giggle.
“I am going to get eaten,” Keith says miserably. “My luck is going to wear out. I’m gonna say something stupid and offend your third cousin or trip over someone’s toddler and destroy your mother’s flan by crashing into the table and upending hot coffee on an elderly person. Then I’ll get arrested for assault and you’ll have to visit me in prison and my cellmate will make a comment about you or something and I’ll have to kill him and then I’ll get retried and the death sentence, probably, and then Red will bust me out of prison and cause intergalactic meltdowns and —”
Lance can’t hold back anymore. Quick as a dart he reaches out, fisting Keith’s collar, and yanks him over the gearshift, kissing him softly and soundly until Keith sighs, surprise fading into something calmer, relaxed. His hand comes up to cup Lance’s cheek.
“You need a Xanax,” Lance says gently as he pulls away.
Keith huffs, the manic look in his eyes replaced with something much softer. Relieved, even. “Yeah, probably.” He tears his eyes away from Lance, rechecking his turn and finally actually putting on his blinker and moving onto the right road. His free hand reaches over the gearshift and Lance grabs it, tangling their fingers together and resting them in his lap. “I just — I want your family to like me.”
Lance smiles, a wide one that brings a flush to his cheeks and makes him shy, even though he’s not self-conscious; a smile that makes something flutter so intensely in his stomach that it feels so intensely private.
“They’ll like you,” Lance says simply.
Keith exhales. His hand tightens. Lance squeezes back.
The rest of the drive is easy.
By the time they make it to Lance’s great-grandmother’s farm, he can tell that some tension has crawled back into Keith’s shoulders. But he’s always been brave, when fighting dictators or meeting parents, and doesn’t hesitate to pull into the gravel driveway and park the car. He squeezes Lance’s hand again before letting go, stepping out of the car and heading to get their stuff.
“Tío! Tío!” scream two voices, and Lance doesn’t even have half a second to brace himself before Nadia is launching herself at his stomach. He manages somehow to spin them both around to offset the momentum, keeping them both upright. Keith is not quite so lucky — Lance hears a slam, a startled oof, and then he sees their bags go flying out of the corner of his eye.
“Jesus Christ,” Keith wheezes, flat on the ground with Sylvio crowded on top of him.
“I got you!” the boy crows, scrambling off Keith’s body in order to adequately dance around in victory. “You went splat!” He whirls around to face Lance, still dancing around. “Tío Lance! Did you see?”
Lance adjusts Nadia on his hip, making no attempt to hide his amusement. “I did. You got him good, buddy.”
Beaming, Sylvio turns back to Keith, who’s finally managed to get enough breath back in his lungs to stand.
“You got me good,” he wheezes in approval.
“Just like you showed me!”
There’s no mistaking the smugness in Sylvio’s voice, the challenge, the I’m-little-you’re-big-and-you’re-a-loser.
Keith recognises the challenge easily, eyes glinting, and before Sylvio can run away Keith scoops him up, tossing him over his shoulder and whirling them around ‘til he’s dizzy.
“Just like I showed you, champ. Think you can get out of this one, though? It’s easy!”
Sylvio shrieks, pounding on Keith’s back with fists weak from laughter. Nadia squirms in Lance’s hold, so Lance sets her down, and in seconds she’s run and attacked Keith’s other side, climbing up his legs to try and free her brother. Keith scoops her up, too, throwing her over his other shoulder as she laughs just as shrilly.
“Clearly neither of you learned very much!” he shouts, grin so wide it practically splits his face. His already precariously dangling glasses slide right off his face but Keith doesn’t even spare them a glance, stepping over them easily and shaking the twins as he goes. “You’re trapped!”
It doesn’t take the bright twins very long to unite forces, attacking Keith with renewed vigour all at once. Lance bends down as they wrestle, scooping up Keith’s glasses and their discarded bags.
“He’s good with them,” Lisa says, sidling up beside him and sliding her hand around his waist. Lance mirrors her, squeezing.
“He thinks they’re hilarious. He loves them to pieces.”
“Believe me, they love him too. I heard about Uncle Keith so much on the drive down that I was tired of him before you two even got here.”
Lance snorts. “Yeah, right, dweeb. No one else here reads Jane Austen. You need your nerd buddy.”
“Indeed,” she says, grinning. She pats him on the hip, pulling away and taking one of the bags slung over his shoulder. “C’mon, let’s get your stuff dropped off. Marcela will want to fuss over you, I’m sure. She hasn’t seen you since your last mission.”
Lance looks back at his boyfriend before following her, making sure he doesn’t need Lance’s help. The twins have wrestled him into doing their bidding, it looks like, or more likely he didn’t even put up a fight, and sit on one shoulder each, guiding him around the property with shouts and points and frenzied gesturing. Keith has his hand locked firmly over each set of knees, careful not to let them fall, as he wobbles around to make them gasp and laugh.
Lance smiles. He’s fine.
Keith finds him within the hour, Nadia and Sylvio off to play with their cousins.
“You abandoned me,” he pouts, hand wrapped around his elbow.
Lance notices, idly, that he’s slouching again; that his ponytail has been abandoned entirely and his hair curtains his face.
“You were busy being a doofus,” Lance teases, brushing his hair out of his face. He nobly resists the urge to quote Regina George. “One of us has to be the mature one. We wouldn’t want anyone getting the wrong impression about the saviours of the universe.
“You’re hiding out on a random couch on your phone,” Keith deadpans. He glances down at the screen. “You’re watching a seven year old vine compilation. On mute.”
“Like an adult,” Lance says primly. “Watch with me.”
Keith rolls his eyes fondly, but slides on the couch behind Lance, arms wrapped around his waist and chin hooked over his shoulder. Lance digs in his pockets until he finds Keith’s glasses, twisting around to slide them on his handsome face. His hands linger on Keith’s temples. Keith’s smile is small and crooked and bares the tiniest peek of crooked incisors, and Lance’s heart flutters.
He leans back into Keith’s chest as he plays the video, watching a compilation of dorky videos he’s seen a thousand times. He feels Keith’s grin press into the juncture of his neck as he starts to mumble along. His hand rests just under Lance’s shirt, flat on his stomach. Lance fights the urge to squirm.
You Are In Your Abuela’s House, he reminds himself firmly. Your Ancestors Are Watching You. And Jesus, Probably.
Luckily, someone calls out their names before Lance really needs to find a vat of ice water to dunk himself in.
“Leandro! Keith! Come eat before your hog of a brother takes it all!”
The two of them don’t even need to pause for a moment before throwing themselves off the couch, scrambling towards the kitchen at top speeds because Marco absolutely will eat their portion of the food. Not even because he’s hungry for it, just because he’s a butthead who thinks it’s funny.
“This is your fault,” Keith informs him, careening around a questionably placed side table.
“Nothing is ever my fault ever in the entire universe,” Lance shoots back.
(Is it Lance’s fault? Possibly. But in his defense, the several years he spent as a child waiting for Marco to be distracted before eating his favourite thing on the plate still make him crack up when he thinks about it. Marco just got so mad, every time. Plus his eyes bulge a little when he loses it. How was Lance ever supposed to avoid poking that bear?)
Luckily, they make it in time to wrestle a plate away from Marco’s snickering ass.
“Keith, Lance,” Lance’s mother greets warmly before Lance can crack a plate over his brother’s head. “I’m glad you made it!”
“Mother,” Lance squawks dramatically, hand flying to his chest, “I am the second to be greeted? You’re son? You’re youngest angel? The one who went missing for several years and returned to you, prodigal?”
She reaches over and flicks Lance in the forehead. Keith snorts. Marco cackles.
“Keith called me on the flight home,” she explains, ruthless. “So he is the son, and you are the son-in-law.”
Keith flushes as he always does when Mamá pairs them like that, when they’re both her sons, when she implies what it implies. Lance lets the warmth of that expression soak into his bones, deep in through his back, from every point Keith is touching him.
“I was sleeping off being maimed!” Lance despairs.
It does him no favours. Mamá waves her hands wildly, setting down her own plate in favour of placing her hands over her ears. “Gah! Sh! Do not tell me of these things! I am meant to pretend your job is nothing more than ornamental! Do not ruin that for me!”
“It was the slightest ever maiming,” Lance mutters, sullen.
Keith visibly bites back a retort to that, no doubt out of respect for Mamá.
(Lance knows that Keith would have been the world’s biggest mama’s boy had he grown up with Krolia. He has shared this hypothesis with Shiro, who had laughed so hard upon hearing it that he had sprained a muscle in his neck, and then explained later with a heat pack and a wryly smiling Adam that Keith used to scold Shiro for pushing himself with exact quotes from Shiro’s mother herself.)
“Nobody ever wants to hear my side of the story,” Lance laments.
Keith bends down to kiss him on the cheek.
“That’s because you are a liar,” he says kindly.
Lance catches his chin before he can pull away, kissing him to shut him up.
They head outside to join everyone else, plates stacked high with food and plastic cups balanced precariously with spare fingers. Keith starts to slouch again as they walk out the sliding screen door, but he keeps his hair out of his face, eyes flitting between different people. It helps that hardly anyone spares him half a glance, too used to random new people in such a big family.
“Hey, Patito! Over here!”
Lance whips his head up at the familiar voice, breaking into a wide smile when he sees his sister’s wilding waving hand. Keith, too, seems relieved when he catches sight of Veronica, rushing over almost faster than Lance is.
“Hey, losers,” she greets, flicking water from her cup at them as they sit across from her. “Took you long enough to get here.”
“Lance is a distraction and danger to the road,” Keith says immediately, because he is a snitch. He is also unfortunately very quick and manages to duck away from Lance’s pinch.
Veronica snorts. “Believe me, I know. Every ride back to the Garrison on weekends was a near death experience because he kept smacking me every ten seconds. A menace.”
“You manipulator!” Lance accuses. “I slapped you because you teased me! Constantly!”
Keith and Veronica share sharp, matching grins. Lance takes a nanosecond to ponder what he ever did to deserve the sufferings of their friendship.
“That’s because you’re so goddamn easy to rile up, sweetheart,” Keith says with a wink.
Lance attempts to shove him off his chair. Unfortunately, while he does flail backwards, he manages to stay upright.
“You two were supposed to hate each other,” he mutters into his congrí. “This friendship thing is bullshit.”
Neither believe him for a second.
They’re barely into their meal when the nosiness starts. In fact, Lance is honestly surprised it has lasted this long. Luis probably said something to convince everyone to tone it down, because he is a saint and also Lance’s favourite.
“So,” says his Aunt Vena, “…Keith.”
Keith freezes, cheeks bulging. Lance tries very hard not to laugh at him.
“Hi,” he says, swallowing. He says nothing else and looks agonized about it. His memorized conversation starters have no doubt fled his brain.
“You know, I feel like I already know you,” jokes Aunt Vena, never bothered by awkwardness. Or boundaries. “I only see Leandro a few times a year were the only thing he talked about for ages.”
Lance goes pale. Oh, please God, no. Please let Aunt Vena be suddenly gifted with the ability to read Lance’s mind, or at least notice him waving his hands frantically behind Keith’s head, making cutting motions at his throat.
“Keith this, Keith that. Keith Keith Keith.”
Lance cradles his face in his hands. So much for miracles.
“He did?” Keith asks.
“Stop investigating immediately or you’re sleeping on the floor tonight,” Lance threatens under his breath. Keith’s hand finds it’s way to his thigh and rests there, as if laughing at him.
“Oh, yes,” laughs Aunt Vena. “Every other word was about how you sat in class or walked in the hall or flew your planes. He was always angry about it, but he was quite focused on you. Oh, and your hair.”
Aunt Vena turns away to chatter with someone else like she didn’t just ruin Lance’s life. Lance would hate her if he didn’t find her so goddamn loveable, but he does, so instead he looks up and suffers Keith’s wide, shit-eating grin, and ponders deep in his heart how he will re-humble his boyfriend so they’re back on even ground.
“…You were big on the hair, huh.”
“Shut the fuck up or I’ll chop it off as you sleep.”
“I’m just saying.”
“You dorkbrain.”
“I’m just saying!”
Keith’s hair is in a knot at the crown of his head, glasses pushed all the way to his face. He’s got Lance’s hand in his but he’s not paying attention to him in the slightest — he cycles between leaning back, then forwards, then craning his neck and shifting his eyes. Every few seconds he lets out a muted gasp.
A group of children run yelling in and out of the house, heedless of doors and stairs.
“You are such a mother hen,” Lance says with great amusement.
Keith is too distracted to even roll his eyes. “Some of them are very little,” he says worriedly. “Maybe they should play a game outside. There’s more space.” He looks around at the various adults sitting and chatting, aghast. “Should me maybe get a — pool noodle, or something? Just for the corners. So there are no head injuries. That’s the most common way they happen, you know. Tripping during play.”
Lance hums, leaning into his side. “Reading a lot of parenting books, are you.”
Keith is very deliberately silent. Lance flicks up his gaze to watch his face redden.
“It’s Shiro’s!” he says defensively. “It was — he had it on the shelf! I read it when I was younger! It was traumatizing! Do you know how easy it is to fuck up a kid? Very easy, Lance! Their heads are very squishy! They don’t know balance yet! They repeat everything you say!”
“Was this book,” Lance starts, choking back laughter with everything he has, “perhaps about raising toddlers?”
Keith’s jaw snaps shut.
“Children under two? Hm?”
Keith glances away. “It didn’t mention.”
Lance loses his battle, burying his cackling in Keith’s shoulder.
“How was I supposed to know that ‘A Guide To Raising Healthy Children For New Parents’ was about — babies? Shiro was the dumbass who had it!”
Lance laughs harder. “Did he — did he buy it when he —”
Keith puts his head in his hands. “He bought, like, forty books when he first started fostering me, they were all basically the same, he’s such a dumbass —”
“Stop, stop,” Lance begs, grasping his aching stomach. The image of Shiro, twenty years old, panicking after impulsively deciding to apply to foster the delinquent who stole his car, frantically googling advice for new parents only to unknowingly receive information about toddlers is the best mental image he’s had in a while. He’ll have to share with Pidge and the rest of the Holts the second they get home.
“You’re such a butthead,” Keith grumbles, but it’s half-hearted. His attention is still mostly on the way Mateo, Lance’s four year old second cousin, very nearly brains himself on the corner of the brick entryway trying to swerve away from his older sister. Keith’s sharp inhale would have been comical if Lance didn’t feel his own heart drop.
“Okay,” Lance concedes, “maybe it’s time for a new game.” He pats his boyfriend on the knee. “You’re up, champ.”
“Wait, me?” Keith asks, bewildered. “You’re their cousin.”
Lance shrugs. “You’re the worried one. Plus, I want to go get wine drunk with Rachel. Mamá said she just got here. She’s been avoiding my calls all week which means she has Information to share and doesn’t trust herself not to tell me immediately. I have to know what’s up.”
Keith still doesn’t look convinced. “But I’m a stranger to them, basically.”
“So start with Nadia and Sylvio, dummy. Once the rest of the kids see a cool newer and accidentally safer game to play, they’ll join fast. Plus, the stranger aspect is intriguing, probably. You’re like a new toy.”
To solidify his point, Lance calls his niblings over, gesturing to Keith. The twins light up, immediately abandoning whatever they’re doing — trying to shove a sleeping Luis’ finger up his own nose — to sprint over to them.
“Tío Keith has a game for you two,” Lance whispers conspirationally.
The twins burst into howling cheers.
“Game! Game! Game! Game!” they chant, each grabbing one of Keith’s hands and tugging him away.
Keith looks back at him, panicked. Lance blows him a kiss, then turns back into the house to go hunt for his sister.
She finds him first.
“LANCE,” she shouts, whipping around to face him. Lance immediately shifts backwards slightly, knees bent, legs widened, arms held out protectively in front of him. He smirks. She matches it.
She charges.
She aerials into a heel kick, as always, aiming for his skull. Lance back handsprings out of her reach, careful of the various relatives around him, who are well used to their brand of bullshit and don’t even pause their conversations as they lean away.
He comes back up just in time to throw up a block to her fists, aiming a kick to her stomach that she can’t fully dodge. She gets him right back, though, like she always does, aiming a sweeping kick for his ankles that he has to flip on his hands to avoid.
“It’s good to see you, fucker,” she pants, roundhouse kicking the dip of his waist.
“Likewise, asshole,” he grunts, grabbing her ankle and flipping her to the ground. She drags him down with her.
They’re both grinning.
“Tomorrow morning we box for real,” she proposes as they lay there, getting their breath back.
“Deal,” he agrees.
By the time they finally get back on their feet, they’re both parched, and since they also make frequent poor decisions, they head straight for the bad boxed wine. Lance pours them both heaping glasses and Rachel guides them to an open lawn chair, which they both sprawl on, a hundred percent in each other’s space.
“So,” Rachel says, chugging half her glass, “my grades are in. I’m graduating top of my class.”
Lance gasps. “Rachel!”
“And,” she continues, building up suspense with a grin, “I got word back from all my residency applications.”
Lance thinks he might explode. He remembers them when they were little, huddled on the floor of their bedroom at one in the morning, glow sticks guiding their planners, mapping out heir lives together. Where they would go to school, when they would bother with dating, how they would do it all together. Lance, best pilot to come out of the Garrison next to Shirogane. Rachel, the first surgeon to successfully transplant a brain.
“I got in,” she says, beam so wide it forces her eyes shut. “Lance, I got in!”
“Rach!” he screams, eyes blurry from tears and heart full to bursting. “Rach!”
He wraps his arms around her shoulders and squeezes, weeping with joy and elation and buzzing from his head to his toes. This is what Rachel has wanted since she was old enough to talk. This is his sister, his first and best friend, getting everything she has ever wanted, as she has always deserved.
“I’m so fucking proud of you!”
She squeezes him right back, her own tears wetting his t-shirt. Her relief is palpable, and Lance knows it, the indescribable feeling of finally crossing that goddamn mountain, finally getting what you’ve been working for for longer than you can remember.
“Everything is falling into place,” she says softly, pulling back and holding up her cup. Lance laughs and clinks them together.
They settle back into their shared chair, too happy for words, gathering themselves. Lance catches his mother’s eye and returns her soft smile, wine making him warm and happiness making him bright. He feels like he’s swimming in sun-warmed water.
He settles back with a sigh.
Rachel nudges him. “Hey, Loverboy. Look.”
Lance follows her pointing finger. Away from the tables and lawn chairs, in a wide, open space, there’s Keith — surrounded by every single child on the property, ordered in neat rows. Each of them has a hefty stick, held carefully in their hands, watching Keith with great intensity. Keith himself has his bayard out, stretched out in a battle position, back straight and shoulders loose. He has the same bright look on his face that he has during Lion training, or riskier missions. Excitement, steadiness, and a hint of cockiness that has Lance shivering. He demonstrates a move, and with a single minded focus, the children repeat it.
It has always been impossible not to want to be a part of everything Keith does, Lance has found.
“…You kind of scored,” Rachel observes.
Lance’s laughter is breathy, high-pitched. “Believe me, I know.”
There’s a rousing shout from the kids, then a cheer, then Keith shouts, “Ready?” and at their raucous response, chaos breaks out. Sticks are strikes and parried and children throw themselves dramatically on the floor in pantomimed deaths, scrambling to their feet seconds later to get back into the fray. Every few seconds Keith calls out rules and reminders, weaving through the children to point out places for improvement or congratulate someone for doing something right.
“I have never seen them all gathered this long without any crying or fighting,” Rachel says, something like awe in her voice. She pauses. “Well, real fighting.”
Lance smiles, something small and secret and over which he has no control. He catches his boyfriend’s eye and waves, which is returned at twice the enthusiasm.
“Keith’s good with kids,” he says quietly. To himself, he wonders if it’s possible to have a heart so full it bursts.
The blankets are scratchy but warm, and Keith smells as he always does, and Lance is half asleep. But the words come leisurely out anyway.
“You awake?“ he whispers, words tucked into the spot above Keith’s heart.
Keith hums. Lance feels the rumble of it in his cheek.
His eyes are too heavy to keep open, so he lets them slip shut. He breathes deeply the smell of his boyfriend’s body wash, and traces meaningless patterns on his chest with his fingertips, breathing slowly, taking his time. He might fall asleep, but that’s okay. They have time.
“‘M glad you came, today.”
Keith’s breathing is slow and even, just like Lance’s, but he can feel the heavy weight of his gaze, those indigo eyes.
“I go where you go.”
Lance quirks his lips. The blankets rustle softly as Keith slowly slides up his hand, encircling his fingers around Lance’s wrist, palm resting on his forearm. After a minute Lance can feel his heartbeat, at the same time that he hears it, head pressed to Keith’s chest. “You’re good with the kids.”
Keith’s breath stutters. “Yeah?”
“I like them. And your family.”
“Told you.”
“Yeah, you did.” He’s silent for a minute, palm heavy on Lance’s skin. “I wanna — do this, Lance. Forever.”
Lance turns his head slightly, just enough to press his lips to Keith’s sternum. “I will love you until the end of time.”
He feels Keith’s smile, sweetening the air.
“I love you, too.”
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one For Maleficent x Fem!reader where the reader is maybe a goody-two-shoes like bridget who is very interested in Maleficent and in her style and just wants to befriend her, Maleficent finds it kind of Cute how the reader is so interested in her and decides to Actually approach the reader and try to mess with her but end up actually liking her
As someone who is also fascinated in how they dressed young Maleficent I’m so ecstatic to work on this :) I’m making the reader an artist and the villains (mainly Mali) her muses, I hope that’s alright. Also if this isn't what you wanted please feel free to reach out to me to retry love.
Maleficent x Artist!Reader
Pronouns used: she/her/hers
Summary: Artistry is the finest form of flattery, and Maleficent’s style leaves her as a hero’s newest muse.
Warnings: minor swearing, Maleficent is fully convinced that she’s being stalked, and I mean I guess in a way she is, reader is a sweetie but also a touch of a tease, she kisses Morgie’s cheek once but it’s in the way you’d kiss a toddler on the top of their head when you tell them goodnight
Word count: 2.4K
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     Maleficent could feel her eyes everywhere. The courtyard during lunch, in the few classes she chose to attend, in the hallways, and on occasion even at the black lagoon after school. It made her feel like she was going crazy. Before this semester, Maleficent hadn’t so much as seen the bubbly girl and now she was being haunted by her. She was everywhere, always with some Polaroid camera or a sketchbook and it was driving her mad. It wasn’t just her, it couldn’t be. She could see the way she ogled at Hook, the careful glances she threw to Hades. Even sending focused adoring eyes to Uliana. But it was like she was the only one who could feel the girl. As if she was hyper attuned to the pastel princess’s watchful eye. 
    And now there she was with her -well, Maleficent wasn’t exactly sure she wanted to call Morgie le Fay a friend. But he was hers, he belonged to them. Yet there he was leaning over the girl's shoulder, hands resting on either side of her looking at something. The display was too cozy in Maleficent’s eyes. His chin rested on her head, moving every so often as if he was speaking. He probably was, the boy would talk to anyone who’d listen. If she cared to move, she’d see the adoring wonder in the boy’s eyes, greedily eating up what the girl was showing him. Had Morgie gone and got himself a princess? The boy was always soft but that would be a new level. Perhaps that could explain her following them around though. Had she seen Morgie leave them to go to her instead? She couldn’t recall a time. 
    Slowly, as if they’d startle like strays, the pixie approaches the table. If she’s lucky she won’t attract her new found stalker’s attention. She simply had to know what the girl had Morgie so enamored with, nothing more. 
    “No, the way you did her eyes there,” he points at something on the page, “it’s like she’s glowing. It’s gorgeous.” “Thank you,” she looks at her watch and gasps, slamming what Maleficent could now see was some sort of notebook- a sketchbook-closed. “I have to get going, promised Bridget I’d help her with this new dandelion potion frosting she’s trying out. It’s supposed to make you have less of a center of gravity, they’re gonna be so cool,” she giggles, placing a sweet playful kiss on the villain kid’s cheek as she stands up. Briefly the girl looks over at Maleficent, looking her up and down with a smile before waving. Morgie slides out of the way, letting the princess wiggle through, her book pressed firm to her chest. “Bye, (Y/n)! Steal me a cupcake!” She giggles, turning to walk backwards for a moment so she can wink at him, “Bye Morgie. Nice to see you, Maleficent!” Nice to see her? They hadn’t spoken. Hadn’t interacted. Was every pastel princess in this school as bubbly as Bridget? Weirdo.
    “Well that explains why the girl is stalking us, doesn’t it? Went and got yourself a little princess, did you? I was wondering why I’d never seen her before she started following us around, but that just might make sense. Seems you have a lot of explaining to do, le Fay,” she snatches his wrist, damn near dragging the boy, yelling at him as if she’s his disappointed mother. Wait until Uliana got a load of this, their weakest link with a princess. “What are you talking about, Mali? (Y/n) isn’t stalking us, she’s just using us for a project.” “A project?” As if that was any better to her.
     Maleficent storming in with Morgie stumbling behind her was no rare sight at the Black Lagoon.Truly the boy was often in that position, if not tripping in her shadow, it was Uliana’s.  Grip firm on his wrist as she swings him forward, presenting him to their fellow villains. “Well, go on then,” she prompts, poking a well manicured finger against his spine, “Tell them what you did.” It causes the rest of the room to stir, eyes falling on the boy. “It’s really not that big of a deal! I don’t understand your issue with it,” he retaliates, catching the way Uliana rolls her eyes at the duo. 
    “You tell them or I will.” “Fine,” he snatches his wrist away, going to sit beside Hook, “Tell them.” The boy spares him a look as he falls into the seat. Morgie shrugging to him as he leans their shoulders together.  “Genius here,” she sneers, eyes squinted at the boy, “Gave some princess permission to do a whole class project on us.” Maleficent’s eyes fall on Uliana, waiting for some sort of punishment for the boy. For her to scream, kick him out, anything. Instead, the sea witch rolls her eyes, “Are you talking about (Y/n)? Yeah we knew about that.” A disgruntled huff leaves the dark pixie’s lips. “You all knew about it?” “Well, yeah. I was with Morgie when she asked. It’s a compliment. The girl would make a fabulous painter if she wasn’t so set on a fashion degree. The detail she puts into my hair when she draws me is killer.” Uliana rolls her eyes, going back to the game of Uno that a member of Hook’s crew had her previously wrapped up in. 
    For the briefest moment, Hook’s polishing hand stills, eyes flickering to Maleficent’s rigid frame. “If it makes you feel better, Mali, I didn’t know either. She doesn’t do my eyes too far apart, does she? The last bloke who painted me made me look like a sloth.” Morgie laughs, shaking his head. Hook goes back to his work, shaking his head as he speaks, “Then I don’t mind. I should go see the lassie’s work sometime.” Desperate for someone else to be mad with her, the girls eyes fall to Hades. An odd plea to them that makes him almost feel bad. He puts out the flame he’s playing with, crossing his arms as he looks at her with a stoic expression. 
    “You knew too?” “Well yeah. She sits next to me in Magical history. She’s a lot, never shuts up, but she’s one hell of an artist,” he shakes his head, “How did you two not know? She’s been following us around to paint us for weeks.” Hook laughs, “I just thought she had a little crush on one of us.” Brows crinkling he tacks on a, “Since when do you actually go to Magical History?” “We’re learning about Greek Mythology. Like hell I’d miss a chance to go to a lesson about myself. It’s a good project, it’s AP traditional art, I believe. Theme is something like ‘the greyscale of villainy’. It’s impressive.” “Yeah I don’t get that,” Morgie points a lazy finger in the air, “How is it the greyscale of villainy if she’s using color?” Hades brings a hand up to his face, rubbing over it as he sighs, “It’s like when someone says, ‘everything isn’t always black or white’ not the colors.” 
   “Oh so she’s saying we’re not truly evil? She’s so sugary sweet that she thinks everyone has to have some sort of goodness to them?” She’s pretty sure the words Hades says in response are some sort of Greek swears as he shakes his head. “It’s a compliment, Maleficent. You above any of us should see it that way. She’s so enamored with you and the way you dress, it’s ridiculous. The way (Y/n) draws you could start another Trojan war. She thinks you’re the coolest person at this school. Relax a little bit.” She stamps her foot, on the verge of a tantrum and turning to leave, “I never asked for that!” 
     It was disgusting, the way villains were falling over her. The girl was sitting with Hook leaning on her shoulder, wiping a stray smear of frosting off his lip as she showed him her work. And the adoring look on his face was disgusting, the pirate laying it on thick as he complimented her. Pointing to different things on the page with a smile. There was no way she was that good. They were evil, they were supposed to be awful to her  not cooing over some prissy pink princess with paint splatters on her hands. How good could her work possibly be that she had every villain in that school falling at her feet? 
    Maleficent had enough of it, slamming her palms against the courtyard table to force herself up. “What, pray tell, do you think you’re doing?” Hades’ head lulls back on his neck so he can look at her as he speaks. “I’m going to go see what could possibly be so good that she has you lot falling at her feet.” As temperamental as ever she storms over to the girl and her friend, barking at Hook to move. “Now Lass, is that how we talk to our friends?” He smirks up at her, a look of adoration still hanging on his features. A vibrant flash of green lights up her eyes and he throws his arms up in surrender, no use trying to fight her. “Well, Lass,” he gets up as he speaks, smiling down at the girl, “If she gives you any trouble you just shout.” She laughs, shaking her head, “I’ll be okay, Hook, don’t you worry about me.” 
   Her gaze turns to the pixie, looking her up and down with a bright smile, “Hi! You look so pretty today, those tights are absolutely gorgeous.” Her eyes meet Maleficent’s again and the girl falters. “You don’t,” she raises a brow, eyes flickering between the girl and her sketchbook, “You don’t find me scary?” “Scary?” She pats the seat beside her, flicking through pages in her sketchbook as her tongue slips across her lips, “Goodness no, you’re devine. I mean the angles of your face and bangs and the way you dress are exactly why I wanted you and your friends to be the subjects of my portfolio.” She stops on a page, sliding it between them as Mali sits beside her, head tilted as she stares. “I mean, the joy on your face while Hades was speaking was so, captivating. And then your outfits, your style is just stunning. The deep rich colors and layered textures. All the chains and patterns and tights, you’re a study all on your own.” The page before her was a week worth of outfits, details perfectly done down to her last accessories. She hated how right Hades was, the way she’d drawn her was gorgeous. Potentially even prettier than she actually was. She could play with this, if the girl wants to worship her, she’d let her. 
       “What do you expect to gain from this?” She hums, turning to Maleficent with her brows furrowed. “What do you mean?” “I mean, is this like, your version of the treats or something?” her laugh is almost musical, fitting for a princess she assumes. “Well, I’m hoping for a passing grade. If I happen to befriend anyone from it, that’s just an exciting bonus. I mean, I got Morgie but I think that’s a pretty easy thing to do.” Her eyes look over the girl with a twinkle in them. “It is, you could draw him in with a bowl of milk like a stray.” A hand finds its way on top of Maleficent’s following the arm attached she’s met with a playful smile, “What does it take to draw you in?” The smile that crosses her lips betrays her, maybe this girl wasn’t too bad. Annoying, definitely annoying, but she had a charm to her. “How about you paint me one on one? Since you seem so dedicated to the craft.” 
     This was ridiculous. She thought she’d be able to make the girl uncomfortable or something by just being there. The outfit she had on was nothing new to her technically, if she thought about it the page the girl had shown her earlier included every piece she was wearing. But she had more skin exposed, in her mind a girl that sweet and innocent should have squirmed at the sight. Innocent or not, the girl seemed ecstatic, saying something about getting to work more on shading skin. Instead of being uncomfortable, the artist was staring at her in adoration, giving her minor commands as she paints her. Turn your head a little more to the left. Actually can you shift right just a little bit? If you do it makes the latex on those shorts shine better. She was so dedicated, so adoring in her work. It was hard not to admire it. Maybe Uliana was right to be okay with this. Maleficent had never felt this interesting in her life. It felt as if she was the only thing in the world. 
    “So,” she pauses, letting out a slow breath, “You want to be a designer?” “Yeah,” she nods slightly, something the pixie only catches out of the corner of her eye. “I uh, I love the way that fabric gives itself away to art. In my heart it’s ballgowns.” Ball gowns huh? Then what was the appeal of her? “Shouldn’t your project focus on princesses then?” She tuts, leaning down to grab more purple paint from the cart on her side. “No, they all wear the same things. That’s your appeal, the clashing fabrics and richer colors, you stand out. I like that, I want to take things like that into account in my work.” It earns her a giggle, when was the last time Maleficent had genuinely giggled? “So like, a leather ball gown? Interesting sight.” “No, but come on, you’re telling me you wouldn’t be excited by a ball gown that fits a style as interesting as yours existing? Even villains like feeling pretty, don’t they?” 
    If she thought about it too much, the pixie knew that’s the real reason she was here. The way the princess looked at her was precious, silly of course. But, it made her feel pretty. The way she was painted made her feel stunning. And she hoped that the warmth she could feel in her cheeks wasn’t visible. “Is it almost done? I want to see it.” “Really? Hook said you hated the idea of my portfolio.” Damnit Hook. “Yeah well,” her words fall flat, waving her hand around in the air. “Well?” “Well, maybe I changed my mind. Am I not allowed to do that?” She laughs, getting up and turning the canvas around, “Are you saying I’m winning you over, Maleficent?” Her eyes drink in the canvas, the woman who looked back at her was stunning. Surely it was supposed to be her but something about her was prettier. It was like she’d been painted into a god. Where did she learn to paint like that? “I’m saying there’s potential there. You have charisma.” She giggle, placing the canvas down before walking over to the pixie. Her finger tapping the tip of  her pale nose with a smile as she watches the blush on the girl’s cheeks darken. “Whatever you say, gorgeous. But if you ask me, it surely looks like you’re starting to like me just as much as Morgie does.” “Do not push your luck, Princess.”
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razorblade180 · 4 months
9 days of Lancaster Day 9: Firsts
Ruby:(Don’t over complicate this. Don’t do it. Just relax… relax…)
Jaune:Uh Rubes?
Jaune:Are you gonna hit retry or…
She turns her head and notices they’re on they’re on the ranking screen. When did the match end!? Ruby finally hits continue. Jaune can’t help but chuckle a little as he leans back against Blake’s bed.
Ruby:What’s so funny?
Jaune:You seem a little lost in thought. Thinking of a way of outplaying me?
Ruby:I introduced you to this game. I know your skills.
Jaune:And yet I out rank you.
Ruby:Because you’re such a try hard! I’ve been busy on missions.
Jaune:Yeah that’s fair. It’s nice that you finally have time off. I would’ve thought your team would be knocked out for days. I was little shocked when you said you planned an all day video game date.
Ruby:I begged a little. Also called in a few favors. Weiss just needed a nice place to sleep, Blake is flexible and I became a pouty little sister for Yang.
Jaune:Qualities of a true leader.
Ruby:Shut up! I’m just happy you didn’t procrastinate on any assignments.
Jaune:Pyrrha said she’d add Nora to my training if I did.
Ruby:Yeah that would get me moving too. Soooo you’re really free ?
Jaune:Yep, I’m all yours for the day. Any game you need a partner in, I’ll help you see credits.
Ruby:…And if we get tired of games?
Jaune:We got movies. There’s a couple good ones that came while you were away. Or ones you’ll force me to watch.
Ruby:Stop acting like you don’t like horror.
Jaune:It really isn’t an act. But you planned all this and who am I to not appreciate that.
Ruby:So you’re done for anything?
Ruby:*red* Even…oh I don’t know, sleeping together?
Jaune’s hands stopped pressing buttons and Ruby managed to send him to the loser screen. It wasn’t intentional but a small boost of confidence as she turned her head right to see him looking at her with a flushed red face.
Ruby:Don’t make it weird!
Jaune:Me!? What!? You just- context please! Was that a ploy to win!?
Ruby:I’m not that petty! Look I just…. *plays with hair* thought maybe we should discuss that idea. We’ve been together for almost five months and it’s been really great! It’s felt a little weird though that you never seemed to make a move or bring up “that”
Jaune: Do I really give off that sorta vibe? I had no idea.
Ruby:I’m not saying you do, but between how you used to try flirting with Weiss and our casual conversations, it didn’t feel like you weren’t into more intimate things. Ugh, I really don’t know what I’m saying at this point! I guess a part of me felt a little confused and worried if you weren’t interested in me in that way at all.
Jaune:Oh I have had thoughts, but i know how to keep them to myself.
Jaune:*blushing* That’s normal and decent behavior! Why, are you interested?
Ruby:Of course! I organized I room date to give you the opportunity to-
Saying it aloud made it sound way more embarrassing and forward than Ruby meant for it to be. And pulled her hood over her head and huffed in defeat as she stared down at her lap.
Jaune:….Does your team know about this?
Ruby:Blake does. She said her bed is fair game. Those are actually my sheets right now. As far as Yang is concerned, I asked for privacy so we can have our first kiss.
Jaune:We’ve made out a bunch of times.
Ruby:I’m very sneaky when I want to be. Look, I get this is a lot I’m dropping on you and we don’t have to do anything today. I just…really wanted to know where I stand with you and to let you know that…I’m okay with going further with you. *crimson* I really like you. A lot.
Jaune:…This question may sound a little dumb all things considering, but I have to hear it. I get that you’re okay with it, but do you want to have sex with me? As in your are looking forward to it?
Ruby:…Very much, yeah.
Jaune:….Hold on just one moment.
He took her scroll and walked out of the room. Ruby wanted to scream until she passed out. Why did she start this conversation!? Was it too forward!? They were having such a good time before this moment. Why did he leave!?
So many thoughts bombarded her brain and they didn’t stop when she heard the door unlock again. Her scroll flew into her lap so she knew it was him. Seconds later, a box of condoms fell into her lap. Her brain took a moment to process what she was looking at then her head immediately jerked up to see Jaune bright red and also avoiding her gaze.
Jaune: Nora may have helped me find female ones too, as well as emergency pills.
Ruby:Ah, I see. How proactive. Well…*twiddles fingers* Weiss may have helped me find a pay for some quality meds awhile go.
Jaune:Huh, imagine that.
Ruby:Yeeeep. Jaune, can you look at me?
Jaune:*makes eye contact*
Ruby:Soooo are we…still playing video games right now?
Blake:*eating noodles*
Yang:You think the date is going well?
Weiss:Yes. *eating cake*
Yang:Really think she’ll go for a kiss?
Blake:Ruby can dive into a Nevermore’s mouth. She’ll find the willpower to kiss a boy.
Yang:….Maybe I should call t-
Weiss:Yang, as a younger sister myself, I appreciate my older sister. However, if she interrupted me on a date with a call or coming home early, I’m going to be mad for a very long time. Eat your burger and relax. Ruby will be fine.
Yang: I know, ugh! It’s like I’m antsy for her. Gods, if I’m like this now then I don’t know if I can handle her asking about sex.
Blake and Weiss:Don’t worry about that now.
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
How they would react to you being tied up
Suggestive but silly
Cw: nothing explicit but heavily mentioned. Fmab reader
Characters: Jean, Beidou, Shenhe, Diluc
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“A-are you sure that’s comfortable for you?” She said a bit concerned. While she loved your body she was worried the ropes dug too deeply. “Well.. lisa recommended I try it for you. And I may or may not have done it wrong.” You say, trying not to let in that you’re genuinely tangled in this failed attempt of seduction. She gives up trying to untie it and simply procures a small knife to gently release you. You sigh in relief once the tension and tightness is gone.
“Next time have someone else do this for you. Please my love, I don’t want you get yourself hurt.” She kissed your back as she untangled the now limp ropes off your body. “I still like my present though. I just prefer if its not damaged.” She says teasingly.
“Hey! I didn’t mean ro.” You say defensively.
“I know I know. Are you still in the mood to…”
“Of course! I prepared all this! We’re not letting it go to waste!”
“Of course dear. Lets retry that then shall we? I’ll tie you myself more simply.” Jean smiled a bit more mischievously, all while your back was turned.
She shakes her head, a amused smile on her face. “These ropes are NOT for skin dear. It could easily damage you. If you want to do that kind of play we cannot use this rope.” You sulk in embarrassment.
“I had to make do.” You said. She clicked her tongue in disagreement.
“If you really want more suitable binds i could just take that shirt of yours instead. Roll it up and tie your hands together. When we’re back on shore we can get proper handcuffs but for now that can do.” She suggests. That idea is really hot. “Or i could just take your hands pin them above your head?” She offers again. Your mind short circuiting at the though.
“Yes. All of them.” You said. She chuckled,
“You truly are insatiable my love. I love it.” She grinned as she took your hands, firmly grasping them. “Lets not waste any time then.”
“You mean to say you tied yourself up… on purpose?” She said confused. You nod embrassed. “For what reason? There isn’t any enemies nearby… is there.” The mere thought of such led you to know her polearm was ready just in case.
“No no no… you see its a form of role play… powerplay you know. Some people find it thrilling to have their partner at their mercy in this context.” You explain.
“I don’t think its a good idea to play with such impulses with me. My red ropes don’t retain all my impulses.” She says. “I fear that if I indulge them too much I’ll become to used to it..” you sigh as you put the ropes away.
“I understand. I should’ve asked you first I’m sorry love.” You apologize.
“I never said i didn’t like it…” she said. You blushed processing her words. “Let me clarify, I don’t like the idea of you being bound by rope because I’d rather it be me doing it myself. If I saw you bound by rope it makes me feel too… monstrous. I don’t want it to feel like you’re a sacrifice to me.” She explains. You nod.
“So you would be down to restrain me.. just with yourself instead of any ropes?”
“Well then should we get started?” You say nervously pulling on your bra strap, letting it snap against your skin. You barely blinked before she was ontop of you, your hands above your hand, pinned roughly.
The second he saw you in bed, posed like a damsel, arms and legs tied with that look in your eyes he stopped as he taken aback. You squirm teasingly as he takes in the sight.
“Oh my you’re full of surprises tonight.” He says as a smile forms on his face. You smiled as he turned you over onto your back. “I’d rather hold you down myself though- oh.” He noticed your hands seemed too tightly wound, a slight purple tint to them. He quickly tore the ropes off to your surprise.
“He-oh… OWWW.” You shouted as the feeling in your hands returned leaving you feeling excruciating pain all the sudden as your hands had fallen asleep.
“Sorry to ruin our fun. I don’t want you to lose your hands.” He said a bit worried. He held your hands out to inspect them, his arousal forgotten as he felt his protectiveness take over.
“No no I understand. I really shouldn’t have tied it myself. I should’ve settled on handcuffs.” You sighed.
“Once you’ve recovered I could retie it myself. Or maybe its better if I just pin you down myself.” He said.
“It was supposed to be for you so I guess you should just go with what you want.” You said, shaking your hands trying to rid the needle like sensations stinging in your hands.
“Well.. I still appreciate the get up..” he said eyeing your body.
“This is my normal night gown, you’re just far too easily aroused. I could probably wear a potato sack and you would find it attractive.” You teased. He smiled brushing hair out of your face.
“It’s because you’re the one wearing it. Do you feel better now?” He asked. You felt a little bit better.
“Yes now lets get to it! I didn’t prepare all this for nothing.” You practically jumped ontop of him. He smiled.
“I love when you smile like that.” He said with a dumb smile on his face.
“Stop being sappy I’m trying to turn you on!” You exclaim playful.
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sleepdeprv · 3 months
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I’m trying out another artstyle for this! I still don’t know what artstyle I'm most comfortable with (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
To be honest, this used to be my old artstyle, so its more like a retry with it with newer info and skills i have rn! This surprisingly took awhile! (though I'm also thankful it didnt take that long haha)
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Here's the video of it as well! I was thinking of drawing him with my OL MC but decided not to (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
My hand keeps cramping up and my sleep deprivation is getting to me lol!
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sevenboarproductions · 3 months
[IDOLiSH7] [Part 6] Chapter 12: In a quiet night
6.12.1. - The right mindset
Kujou Tenn: Good work. 
Staff: Good work! I’m looking forward to “New Black or White”! Do your best!
Yaotome Gaku: Thank you very much.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Good work!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Tenn, are you going back to Kujou-san’s house today as well? 
Kujou Tenn: Lately, Kujou-san keeps going on business trips. And I can’t leave Aya alone, so… 
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: She’s a girl, after all. Tell me if there’s anything I can do to help. 
Kujou Tenn: Thanks.
Yaotome Gaku: If he keeps going on business trips, is Kujou working on something big? 
Kujou Tenn: I wonder… He won’t talk to me properly. But it seems that he said the truth about staying home being hard on him, though.
Yaotome Gaku: Why would that be hard? Did he argue with Aya-chan?
Kujou Tenn: Well, kind of… 
Yaotome Gaku: If something happened, just talk to us. Don’t worry about it by yourself. 
Kujou Tenn: Yeah… Well, see you tomorrow. 
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I wonder if Tenn will be fine…
Yaotome Gaku: He’ll come to us if things get too out of hand. At least I’ve had that sort of impression lately.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: The impression that Tenn trusts us?
Yaotome Gaku: The impression that he’ll let us spoil him. He seems like someone who’s never been spoiled in a non-calculated way. He sucks at giving signs that he wants it, though.  
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Aah, I get that… I’m also getting the feeling that cautiously, bit by bit, he’s trying to reach out and join hands with us.
Yaotome Gaku: That was unthinkable for Tenn before. Even when he cried during the street live, he was TRIGGER’s standard. 
Yaotome Gaku: Even right now, he is doing his best trying to get used to being the youngest when he’s with us. It’s different when he’s on stage, though. 
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: TRIGGER stays TRIGGER but at the same time we continue to change. I think that’s interesting. 
Yaotome Gaku: It’s cool, right? If we keep changing, we’ll never be done.
Yaotome Gaku: If we’re never done, that means that there is no end, either. 
Kujou Tenn: I’m back.
Kujou Aya: Ah… Welcome home, Tenn-onii-chan. Kujou-san said he is sleeping somewhere else tonight again. 
Kujou Tenn: I heard as much. You made dinner, right? Thank you. 
Kujou Aya: You know… Can I ask you something weird? 
Kujou Tenn: Go ahead. You can ask me anything. 
Kujou Aya: Uhm, well… It’s about a friend! My friend confessed to the person they like, and they got rejected. 
Kujou Tenn: I see…
Kujou Aya: But they still love them… How long should they wait so it’s fine to confess once more?
Kujou Tenn: …Like a retry? 
Kujou Aya: Yes.
Kujou Tenn: …
Kujou Tenn: I think that your friend has earnestly confessed, but the person who rejected them also earnestly thought about it before rejecting them.
Kujou Tenn: Wouldn’t that person think that if your friend confessed again, their own earnest feelings weren’t accepted, either? 
Kujou Aya: But… I often hear stories about people getting attacked fiercely, giving in and then going out after all or something? 
Kujou Aya: Retry and retry and retry, and then reaching the finish-mark as a married couple thanks to tenacity!
Kujou Tenn: …That sort of story, well… It does happen, but… 
Kujou Aya: So it might be the same for the person my friend likes! How do I put it, like valuing your own persistence and retrying… a person chasing after their dream… 
Kujou Tenn: Ah— Certainly… 
Kujou Aya: So what do you think? If it was about you, Tenn-onii-chan, how many days of waiting would be the most favourable for a retry? 
Kujou Tenn: …The most favourable retry, huh… 
Kujou Aya: Never give up, never lose, never die. It shows up a lot in the lyrics of love songs, too, so…
Kujou Tenn: …Certainly…
Kujou Aya: Never die. 
Kujou Tenn: Never die, huh…
Kujou Tenn: …By the way, to change the topic, with Kujou-san taking so many business trips like this, aren’t you lonely, Aya? 
Kujou Tenn: Besides, until now, you were with Kujou-san when he moved around, so I think things must have been very hard on you, Aya.
Kujou Tenn: Isn’t it about time we look for a quiet place for you to live? 
Kujou Aya: A quiet place…? 
Kujou Tenn: By your real brother’s side.
Kujou Aya: …
Kujou Tenn: If you want to continue to be with Kujou-san as his daughter, it’s fine for you to continue living like this, too, though. 
Kujou Tenn: If you want to be with Kujou-san for a different reason, it would end up being weird if you don’t get rid of your standpoint as his daughter first, right? 
Kujou Aya: …That’s… That might be true, but… 
Kujou Tenn: Yotsuba Tamaki is still a student, but he’s a kind, cheerful, dependable and reliable person. 
Kujou Tenn: It’s about time you properly talked for once? It’ll turn out alright, you’re siblings after all. 
Kujou Aya: …Did you talk to him, Tenn-onii-chan? Your real brother. 
Kujou Tenn: We talked. On the stage of the “Zero” musical. Bathing in the lights there, we didn’t need any words. 
Kujou Tenn: We were born together. But we can’t keep holding hands. I’m sure we’ll be walking different paths from now on.
Kujou Tenn: Still, we couldn’t replace each other. The same goes for you and Yotsuba Tamaki, as well as for you and Kujou-san. Please have a proper talk with him. 
Kujou Aya: …Yeah…
Kujou Aya: I’ll try talking to Tamaki-nii-chan… 
Ousaka Sougo: Manager…
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes. Did something happen?
Ousaka Sougo: Regarding “New Black or White”... I was wondering if there’s still open seats for priority guests. 
Takanashi Tsumugi: Ah… Could this be about your parents, Sougo-san? 
Ousaka Sougo: Yes… I want to try inviting them. 
Ousaka Sougo: I don’t think they’ll come. My mother might come, but she’s not the type of person who would go against my father… 
Ousaka Sougo: I’m sorry about wasting the seat space, but…
Takanashi Tsumugi: You don’t know that yet. But regarding the arrangements, I understand! I will get things ready!
Ousaka Sougo: Thank you.
Takanashi Tsumugi: I’ll get in touch with people right away. 
Ousaka Sougo: Please do. 
Ousaka Sougo: …………
Ousaka Sougo: Even though it took a long time, with this, something will finally end… 
Ousaka Sougo: And the life of the new me will start. 
Natsume Minami: This is the demo of the new song. Please listen to it.
Inumaru Touma: It’s finally completed! 
Isumi Haruka: It’s the song we’ll sing as “New Black or White”! 
Midou Torao: What kind of song is it? How did it turn out?
Natsume Minami: Let me just say that I have no intention of being criticized by everyone. 
Natsume Minami: I will not listen to anything but praise.
Midou Torao: You don’t have to be so menacing…
Inumaru Touma: So it’s about building confidence, right?
Natsume Minami: …. Well… That’s true… …
Inumaru Touma: Well, I’m looking forward to it! 
Isumi Haruka: What’s the title?
Natsume Minami: Did I not tell you?
Natsume Minami: It’s “Utopia”.
Isumi Haruka: That’s a nice title!! Ah, it started. …Ooh! 
Inumaru Touma: Aah…!
Midou Torao: Hee…!
Natsume Minami: What is this reaction supposed to be…? 
Inumaru Touma: It’s good!
Isumi Haruka: It’s cool!
Midou Torao: I like it!
Natsume Minami: This is exactly why people who lack vocabulary are so… Praise me more, please, properly. 
Inumaru Touma: The best of the best! Mina, you’re a genius! 
Isumi Haruka: With this song, ŹOOḼ is definitely gonna win!!
Midou Torao: It’s perfect! The entire world will bow to Minami! 
Natsume Minami: …Alright!
Inumaru Touma: You’re unusually excited…
Natsume Minami: Let’s listen to it from the start once more. Please praise the lines one by one. 
Isumi Haruka: It’s super super super cool!! Only Minami can make songs like this! You’re number one! 
Midou Torao: Aah! Now we can't afford to lose. Let’s win with this song.
Natsume Minami: Yes. Absolutely. Since you said that, please put your body on the line, too. 
Midou Torao: Eh?
Inumaru Touma: Like, “show me some bold moves”. What do you think about something like that? 
Isumi Haruka: Isn’t that nice!? Let’s be bold! Torao, can you do it?
Midou Torao: Huh… Who do you think you’re asking? 
Inumaru Touma: Alright, I’m slowly getting the hang of how to get Tora’s motivation.
(door opens)
Utsugi Shirou: Excuse me. 
Isumi Haruka: Utsugi-san. Did you hear the song Minami made?
Utsugi Shirou: Yes. I listened to it a bit earlier. An incredible song has descended upon earth.
Utsugi Shirou: Natsume-san. I cannot express it in words very well, so I will write a 10,000 character report about it later.
Natsume Minami: Fufu. Thank you very much. 
Utsugi Shirou: Since the new song is finished now, there is someone I want to introduce to you.
Isumi Haruka: Someone you want to introduce to us…? 
~ to be continued ~
6.12.2. - Moonlight
Inumaru Touma: Are they coming here right now?
Utsugi Shirou: No. He said he wanted to say hello using a webcam. I’ll set up my computer now. 
Natsume Minami: …What kind of person is it?
Utsugi Shirou: Uhm, wait a second, please. I’m connected to them via this headset right now, so I’ll confirm things before switching to speaker.
Utsugi Shirou: Hello? Did you decide on the settings?
Isumi Haruka: …Decide on the settings…?
Utsugi Shirou: Anything’s fine. Eh? Ah… Ugh, what a pain. I get it, I get it.
Inumaru Touma: That’s a lot of arrangements… 
Utsugi Shirou: Sorry to keep you waiting. I would like to introduce you to a world-renowned event artist teacher.
Midou Torao: I didn’t have the feeling you were talking to a world-renowned teacher, though… 
Natsume Minami: What is the teacher’s name? 
Utsugi Shirou: Ah, that’s right… Please wait a moment.
Utsugi Shirou: What should I do? What’re you gonna do? Did you decide yet?
Inumaru Touma: He said “Did you decide yet?”... 
Isumi Haruka: Isn’t he introducing us to a really shady teacher? This manager… 
Utsugi Shirou: Sorry to keep you waiting. This is Moonlight Ichirou-sensei. 
Natsume Minami: Moonlight Ichirou-sensei…
Midou Torao: Have you heard of him?
Natsume Minami: Unfortunately, I have not, either…  
Utsugi Shirou: Well then, let’s switch to speaker. I’m very sorry, but his camera has a mosaic effect on it… 
Inumaru Touma: Why!? Serious, why!?
Utsugi Shirou: I’m starting.
Isumi Haruka: Ah… it started… 
Midou Torao: Can he hear this already?
Natsume Minami: It seems so… Nice to meet you, Moonlight Ichirou-sensei, I am ŹOOḼ’s Natsume Minami.
Moonlight Ichirou: Yes… Nice to meet you.
Moonlight Ichirou: This is Moonlight Ichirou.
Inumaru Touma: …Ryou-san…?
Isumi Haruka: …Isn’t that Ryou-san…?
Midou Torao: …Is that Ryou-san…?
Natsume Minami: …Ryou-san…?
Moonlight Ichirou: Eeh~, to get right to it, before you take on “Black or White”, I’ll give you some advice.
Inumaru Touma: Wait a minute… you’re Ryou-san, right? 
Moonlight Ichirou: I’m not.
Isumi Haruka: You’re Tsukumo Ryou, right?
Moonlight Ichirou: This is Moonlight Jirou.
Midou Torao: The more I listen to it, the more it sounds like Ryou-san… Also, did you say Jirou? 
Moonlight Ichirou: Tch… That’s why I told you, Shirou. Come on, hurry. 
Utsugi Shirou: Wait a sec, I’m trying right now, so… 
Natsume Minami: What settings are you changing on your computer, Utsugi-san…? 
Utsugi Shirou: I apologize. It might be difficult to hear the audio, but… Ah, it’s working.
Moonlight Ichirou: Yes, I am Moonlight Ichirou.
Inumaru Touma: Ah, what’s this, it’s a voice that’s different from Ryou-san… Is what you thought I’d say!?
Isumi Haruka: Stop blatantly using a voice changer!? I mean, you’re Ryou-san, right!?
Moonlight Ichirou: I’m not.
Midou Torao: You’re Ryou-san! Utsugi-san, take down the mosaic effect. 
Utsugi Shirou: Can I? Ryou-kun.
Moonlight Ichirou: No way you can, idiot.
Natsume Minami: He’s calling him Ryou-kun…
Moonlight Ichirou: Anyway, I’ll give you some helpful advice, so listen to what I’m saying. 
Inumaru Touma: It’s been a while, Ryou-san. How have you been? 
Moonlight Ichirou: I haven’t been fine. It’s my first time meeting you.
Isumi Haruka: Did you see “BLAST”?
Moonlight Ichirou: I watched it. Not to the last episode, though.
Midou Torao: It was good, though! I jumped by myself in that one. 
Moonlight Ichirou: I know. I read it in a magazine.  
Natsume Minami: Wanna listen to the new song?
Moonlight Ichirou: Did you finish it? The one for “Black or White”?
Natsume Minami: Yes.
Moonlight Ichirou: Send me the data. 
Utsugi Shirou: Ryou-kun, can you stop playing Moonlight-sensei yet? 
Moonlight Ichirou: Don’t call it playing. It’s your fault it got ruined.
Utsugi Shirou: I don’t think it’s ruined. You might be able to keep going if you force yourself. 
Moonlight Ichirou: Really?
Utsugi Shirou: Maybe?
Isumi Haruka: No way. Utsugi-san, do you think we’re idiots? 
Utsugi Shirou: No, I would never.
Isumi Haruka: Ryou-san is the one on the other side of the screen, right? 
Utsugi Shirou: …?
Isumi Haruka: Stop tilting your head and playing dumb, you’re a grown adult! 
Natsume Minami: Well, isn’t it fine. So Moonlight-sensei, what in the world could the advice you want to give us be? 
Natsume Minami: We will no longer act according to someone else’s whims. 
Moonlight Ichirou: Hm… Aren’t you cocky?
Moonlight Ichirou: I will give you advice regarding the composition of ŹOOḼ’s mini lives so you can win “New Black or White”.
Isumi Haruka: Don’t need it! Stop messing with us by continuing to pretend. 
Isumi Haruka: Tell us properly. You’re Ryou-san, right? You wanna be involved with us, right?
Moonlight Ichirou: …
Moonlight Ichirou: I’m not.
Isumi Haruka: Utsugi-san! Hang up!!
Utsugi Shirou: Understood.
Moonlight Ichirou: Don’t “understood” me!!
Isumi Haruka: See you! Mosaic filter man!! 
Midou Torao: Hey, hey, hey! Wait! Isn’t Moonlight fine for now?
Isumi Haruka: You’re too soft, Torao! 
Midou Torao: Look, how do I put it, I just experienced wanting to say something but being unable to, so… 
Moonlight Ichirou: Why are you saying, idiot? Weren’t you replaced by some kid at the last second in the action scene? Since you have no guts. 
Midou Torao: …
Midou Torao: Utsugi-san. Hang up. 
Utsugi Shirou: Right.
Moonlight Ichirou: Don’t “right” me. 
Utsugi Shirou: Ryou-kun. If you’re just going to hurl insults at ŹOOḼ, I will hang up. This is an important time for them.
Utsugi Shirou: You said you had something to tell them, so I set up an opportunity to talk. If you have nothing to say, I’ll end it here. 
Moonlight Ichirou: …I get it. Remove the mosaic filter.
Utsugi Shirou: Understood. 
Moonlight Ichirou: As you said, my true identity is the one who scouted you… 
Tsukumo Ryou: Tsukumo Ryou.
Inumaru Touma: Huh…?  The blur on the screen got stronger…? 
Natsume Minami: Utsugi-san, what did you press? 
Utsugi Shirou: Huh? That’s strange… 
Tsukumo Ryou: I had my own reasons for not telling you my name right away. My position is little more than that of an observer, so… 
Isumi Haruka: Wa… Ryou-san, wait with the serious talk for a bit. Since it’s kinda become like an interrogation.
Tsukumo Ryou: What’s that supposed to… What are you doing? Isn’t this an important moment? 
Utsugi Shirou: Hey, Ryou-kun, that thing. The face editing game, where’d you drop that?  
Tsukumo Ryou: Just check your downloaded apps?
Natsume Minami: These old guys seem to play rather enjoyable games.
Isumi Haruka: Even when you become an adult you can use face editing apps. I’m kind of relieved. 
Inumaru Touma: That being said, aren’t those two getting along pretty well? 
Utsugi Shirou: We’re not getting along well. But we’re kind of like childhood friends, so I’ve been looking after him for a long time.
Tsukumo Ryou: I’m the one who looked after you, though. Since you’re from a family of commoners and all.
Utsugi Shirou: No, I’m the one who did. Since you were hated by your family. Ah, it’s fixed.
Tsukumo Ryou: Hello. It’s been a while.
Inumaru Touma: It’s been a while. It would’ve been fine for you to contact us in a non-roundabout way, though. 
Tsukumo Ryou: I was busy.
Natsume Minami: You haven’t met Momo-san, either? Isn’t he your friend? 
Tsukumo Ryou: He’s not my friend, so I haven’t met him. But after “New Black or White” ends, I might go comfort him. 
Isumi Haruka: Comfort him? Why?
Tsukumo Ryou: You know, since ŹOOḼ is going to win.
Isumi Haruka: …Ryou-san…
Natsume Minami: …You said you had advice for us, but what kind of advice is it? 
Tsukumo Ryou: I’ll decide that from here on out. First, tell me the set list. He won’t tell me ‘cause I’m an outsider.
Inumaru Touma: I mean, that’s true. After disappearing like that and then not contacting us, that is. 
Tsukumo Ryou: What’s this, are you mad? 
Inumaru Touma: Yeah.
Tsukumo Ryou: …
Inumaru Touma: It might be a little different from being mad. After all, I feel grateful to you, Ryou-san, so I can't quite hate you. 
Inumaru Touma: But as ŹOOḼ’s leader, I cannot let anyone who might hurt them get close to them.
Inumaru Touma: I think that's also why Utsugi-san called you an outsider. Which is it gonna be?
Inumaru Touma: Are you going to cheer us on and pick up the pieces of our dream together with us? Or did you just come here to poke fun at us on a whim? 
Inumaru Touma: Tell us properly. …I know you disappeared by yourself to protect us. 
Inumaru Touma: Tell us properly if you want to hold our hands once more.
Tsukumo Ryou: …
Tsukumo Ryou: You guys are really stupid. You were used this much, and yet you thought you were being protected? 
Tsukumo Ryou: What's more, “holding hands”? You guys are idols, your image is your trade, right? What a bunch of imbecile idiots. 
Tsukumo Ryou: I was feeling down, so I poked fun at you, but I stopped. Since my identity got revealed, too. 
Tsukumo Ryou: This is the end of it. Shirou, you can hang up now. 
Isumi Haruka: You're the idiot here, idiot. 
Tsukumo Ryou: Excuse me?
Midou Torao: This is really pointless. Utsugi-san, lend me your laptop.
Utsugi Shirou: There you go.
Tsukumo Ryou: What are you doing? I can only see Torao’s face like this.
Midou Torao: Wouldn't that be lucky? You guys are fine with that, right? 
Inumaru Touma: Sure.
Natsume Minami: I don't mind.
Tsukumo Ryou: What are you even talking about?
Midou Torao: Look, I sent it to you just now. The set list. It's still a work in progress though.
Tsukumo Ryou: …Hmm…
Tumblr media
Inumaru Touma: We thought about it in our own way and did our best.
Inumaru Touma: If you have advice, we'd like to hear it. But don't hurt us for no reason. 
Inumaru Touma: If your words affected us and we couldn't give it our all for the actual thing, that’d be the worst. 
Inumaru Touma: I no longer think you don't like us at least a little, Ryou-san. 
Natsume Minami: But the fact that you left us without saying anything is true, too.
Natsume Minami: Right now, we love ourselves, more than a certain someone who wouldn't take responsibility… 
Natsume Minami: Even if they don't love us, we need someone to take responsibility for us.
Utsugi Shirou: Why are you looking at me like that? I properly love you guys. 
Natsume Minami: If you care about our feelings, then let's play together again. 
Natsume Minami: Ryou-san, you said idols are the best game in the world. 
Tsukumo Ryou: …
Isumi Haruka: It's fine, right? You'll cheer us on, right? 
Isumi Haruka: During last year’s Black or White… Ryou-san, you came to see us. I saw it from atop the stage.
Tsukumo Ryou: …Hmm…
Tsukumo Ryou: I won't cheer you on. After all, I don't like idols.
Tsukumo Ryou: But, every now and then, Moonlight Ichirou might make some nice comments.
Midou Torao: You're going to continue with that character even though you failed that much at pretending? 
Inumaru Touma: …I get it. Then I will say goodbye to you. 
Inumaru Touma: But I'm glad you're doing fine.
Tsukumo Ryou: Yeah. You, too.
Natsume Minami: Contact us anytime. 
Midou Torao: Come see us on that day, too. 
Tsukumo Ryou: If I have free time.
Isumi Haruka: Cheer us on.
Tsukumo Ryou: Do your best.
Isumi Haruka: …
Tsukumo Ryou: Do your best.
Isumi Haruka: …Yeah. Thank you.
Tsukumo Ryou: Haha… …Shirou, this is enough. Hang up. 
Utsugi Shirou: Understood. 
Utsugi Shirou: …I cut the connection. Sorry for taking up your time while you are busy. 
Inumaru Touma: Since we're idols… I hope we can make Ryou-san happy one day, too. 
Midou Torao: That's right… 
Utsugi Shirou: Everyone is very kind. ...Huh?
Natsume Minami: There's a sign of an incoming call. May I try taking it?
Utsugi Shirou: Yes…
Natsume Minami: Yes. Who am I speaking to?
Moonlight Ichirou: It's Moonlight Ichirou.
Natsume Minami: …
Isumi Haruka: You're pretty fast at switching, Ryou-san… 
~ to be continued ~
6.12.3. - News from the country up north 
Nanase Riku: Finally, “Black or White” is tomorrow… 
Izumi Iori: That’s true… 
Takanashi Tsumugi: Everyone, you did your best even though you were busy! I’m sure there will be good results! 
Nanase Riku: Mhm, that’s right. Thanks, manager!
Rokuya Nagi: Iori, Riku! OH! Manager, too!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Nagi-san, what happened? You have your laptop with you…  
Rokuya Nagi: Manager! Please gather the members. He wants to talk to everyone using the internet… 
Izumi Iori: To whom?
Rokuya Nagi: My brother… Seto! 
Izumi Iori & Nanase Riku: Seto-san!?
Nikaidou Yamato: Ah, Bernard-san appeared on screen… 
Izumi Mitsuki: The background is stunningly gorgeous~… I’m kind of nervous… 
Bernard Kenneth: Good evening. Can you hear me? 
Rokuya Nagi: I can hear you.
Bernard Kenneth: Huh…? I think I can’t hear them. 
Yotsuba Tamaki: He said he can’t hear us.
Ousaka Sougo: What’s wrong? Are we muted? 
Yotsuba Tamaki: Bercchi! Bercchi, how are you?
Nanase Riku: Bernard-san, hello~! 
Bernard Kenneth: <Apparently there is trouble with the audio. Can they no longer my voice, either?>
Bernard Kenneth: <That’s troublesome… I can’t type in Japanese, so I can’t confirm whether they can hear me or not via messaging them, either.>
Bernard Kenneth: <If it’s going to be like this, the only thing I can do is to say some risque words and judge from whether his Highness looks shocked or not…>
Rokuya Nagi: <Stop taking dangerous bets, Bernard.>
Bernard Kenneth: OH! Hello! I just heard something! Hello, can you hear me?
Nanase Riku: I can hear you!
Izumi Mitsuki: Hello~! I can hear you!
Bernard Kenneth: OH! Hi! My friends! IDOLiSH7-dono, it has been a while!
Yotsuba Tamaki: It’s been a while! How have you been?
Bernard Kenneth: OH! I’ve been good! I saw “Crescent Wolf” on blu-ray! It was truly wonderful! 
Nanase Riku: I will tell TRIGGER about it! Tenn-nii and the others will definitely be happy! 
Bernard Kenneth: I will invite His Highness Seto. His Highness Seto has been studying Japanese. 
Rokuya Nagi: Japanese! I’m impressed!
Bernard Kenneth: He wants to give an encouraging speech to everyone in IDOLiSH7. Please look forward to it! 
Ousaka Sougo: He said it’s a message of encouragement!
Izumi Iori: I presume he contacted us because we are taking on the challenge of “New Black or White”.
Nanase Riku: Ah! Seto-san is here! 
Nikaidou Yamato: It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, but he is stunningly gorgeous as always… 
Ousaka Sougo: Even though there’s no effects, both the background and the people look like they’re in an MV… 
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: He. 
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: H e l l o.
IDOLiSH7: Hello~!
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: IDOLiSH7, how are you? 
IDOLiSH7: We’re fine!
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: I am, Nagi’s brother, Seto. 
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: I cannot, come to Japan, on December 31st. In order, to win, I will give you, a hundred, sea breams… sea breams.
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: Brimming with happiness.¹
Izumi Mitsuki & Nanase Riku & Yotsuba Tamaki: Ya~y!!
Izumi Iori: …Rokuya-san. Is it alright for His Highness, the crown prince of Northmeir, to memorize bad puns?
Rokuya Nagi: OH… Aren’t Japanese puns a lucky charm, though?
Nikaidou Yamato: Huh? Wait. Did he catch a school of a hundred sea breams? 
Ousaka Sougo: Do you mean a swarm of a hundred sea breams? Sea breams aren’t that big, are they...²
(doorbell rings)
Izumi Mitsuki: Huh? A guest… 
(door opens)
Ousaka Sougo: The lock unlocked before we even opened the door!? 
Thorvald: <As usual, the security of this accommodation is weak…>
Rokuya Nagi: Thorvald!
Thorvald: It has been a while, Your Highness. I came to deliver the sea breams which come from Northern Europe.
Thorvald: They’re stored in a container right now, but is it okay to store them all in your refrigerator?
Izumi Mitsuki: No way it is, no way it is. 
Nikaidou Yamato: Our fridge will be filled to the brim with sea bream! Did you really bring a hundred of them? 
Thorvald: Yes.
Nikaidou Yamato: Why!?
Thorvald:  …So you’d brim with happiness…
Nikaidou Yamato: Are the people of Northmeir that innocent? 
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Nagi.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Yes.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Is there some sort of trouble?>
Rokuya Nagi: <Yes, uhm…>
Rokuya Nagi: <It’s nothing. Everyone is happy. Thank you, brother.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Is that so? I’m glad.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <You, IDOLiSH7, are Nagi’s friends and you saved me. From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <I wish for you to attain honor and victory in tomorrow’s battle.>
Nanase Riku: What did Seto-san say?
Rokuya Nagi: He’s grateful to everyone from the bottom of his heart. He wishes for us to attain honor and victory in tomorrow’s battle.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Thank you~! Prince Seto! 
Ousaka Sougo: Thank you very much.
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <One more thing.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <I’ll bring this up through the Northmeiran Embassy again, but Nagi’s residence problem needs to be resolved.>
Rokuya Nagi: <You’re saying there’s a problem with my housing…>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <You may have relinquished your royal rights, but you are my only brother. I want you to live peacefully and safely.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Brother…>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <But I know that you like living with IDOLiSH7, Nagi.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <If your friends are alright with it, I will look after the matter for all of you. The property is secured.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Our residence?  What about our homeland? >
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Those who left the royal family cannot be supported by the people’s taxes. This a personal loan from me.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <I have backed up talented people. I never aimed for profit, there were people who expressed their gratitude to me by giving me some of their privileges. >
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Those are my personal assets. Do not worry.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Wa… Wait. I will discuss this.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <I don’t mind.>
Rokuya Nagi: …
Izumi Mitsuki: Nagi, what’s wrong?
Rokuya Nagi: My brother would like to prepare a new house for me. He’d like to know if everyone else would like to live there, too… 
Nanase Riku: You mean we’d all live in the house Seto-san prepared?
Izumi Mitsuki: All seven of us!?
Rokuya Nagi: Probably. What should we do…?
Izumi Iori: Manager…
Takanashi Tsumugi: …Even at the agency, we were thinking of preparing a new residence for everyone.
Takanashi Tsumugi: The only question is whether you’d live together as seven like right now, or whether there would be a different setup… 
Takanashi Tsumugi: But as for an answer, we don’t…
Nikaidou Yamato: It’s fine to live as seven.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yamato-san…
Nikaidou Yamato: There might be a limit to living like this someday.
Nikaidou Yamato: But that will be alright when the time comes. Right now, we still want to be together. At least I do. 
Ousaka Sougo: Me, too… I want to be with everyone, too. 
Ousaka Sougo: When I came home fatigued from work, just seeing everyone’s smiles blew away my fatigue. 
Ousaka Sougo: I don’t want to lose this place. 
Izumi Mitsuki: I agree. Until Iori becomes an adult, I think we’ll stay together.
Izumi Mitsuki: So I think staying with everyone is fine. What about you, Iori?
Izumi Iori: …If possible… If I could stay with everyone, I think I’d want to, too. 
Izumi Iori: One day, the time where everyone live on their own will come. But even so… 
Izumi Iori: Right now, I want to be with everyone and still have them be within sight. 
Yotsuba Tamaki: …I… I might not be able to do it…
Ousaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun…?
Yotsuba Tamaki: I can’t leave Aya alone after all. When it comes to living with Aya, it doesn’t have to be right now, though… 
Yotsuba Tamaki: The idea of me being surrounded by people while Aya is alone is… 
Nanase Riku: Tamaki…
~ to be continued ~
6.12.4. - Sea bream
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <What are you talking about?>
Rokuya Nagi: <Tamaki has a younger sister. He would like to live with us, but he says he cannot neglect her. >
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <She should just live with you. If you are concerned about the fact that there are a lot of men, I can hire female staff. >
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Is there a problem? If there is, let’s resolve it right away.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Brother…>
Yotsuba Tamaki: Nagicchi, what did Prince Seto say…?
Rokuya Nagi: OH, Tamaki… Prince Seto is my pride.
Rokuya Nagi: When the circumstances got bad, he would repeatedly try to escape from reality. For him to say he wants to resolve something right away…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Nagicchi?
Rokuya Nagi: OH, sorry. I was too impressed…
Rokuya Nagi: He said that living together with her is okay, hiring female staff is okay and that if there is a problem, he’ll solve it.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Really…!? Thank you, Prince Seto!
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: Y o u ‘ r e w e l c o me.
Izumi Mitsuki: I’m glad for you, Tamaki…!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah! All I gotta do now is convince Aya…
Nikaidou Yamato: Have you not talked to her? If you keep putting off the conversation, you’ll become like me one day.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Since we can’t just keep putting the burden on Seto-san, please let us do something as well.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Which is to say, originally, we should have been the one to secure the property…
Izumi Iori: Isn’t it fine? There probably aren’t that many buildings with security levels that satisfy the royal family…
Takanashi Tsumugi: Seto-san. Please let me consult the President! We are very grateful for your feelings! Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <She is IDOLiSH7’s manager, right? What did she say?>
Rokuya Nagi: <She thanked you and said she would like to consult with her boss first.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <She can do what she wants. Well then, Nagi and everyone in IDOLiSH7. I wish you great fortune tomorrow.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <May the goddess of victory smile upon you. Cheers.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Thank you so much.>
Izumi Mitsuki: Thank you very much! Thank you! Very thank you!
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: Thanks. Byebye.
Nanase Riku: Thank you so much! Byebye! See you!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Thank you!! Byebye! See you again!
Izumi Iori: Thank you very much.
Nikaidou Yamato: Byebye~
Rokuya Nagi: Good night, byebye.
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: Byebye.
Nanase Riku: …Sending us an encouraging message as we worry about tomorrow… you have a great big brother, Nagi!
Rokuya Nagi: Yes… A day like this coming is like a dream.
Izumi Mitsuki: About the dorm though… Is this really fine?
Thorvald: Next time when I have time, I will show you around the property.
Nikaidou Yamato: Thorvald-san, what are you doing with that penlight turned on?
Thorvald: It’s preparation for tomorrow. I wanted to make sure it shines properly…
Rokuya Nagi: OH… How foolish…
Ousaka Sougo: I didn’t think you were close enough to him to say “How foolish”.
Yotsuba Tamaki: It’s like a manga, it’s cool. Rokuya Nagi: This type only glows for a couple of hours. So there won’t be a tomorrow for that penlight.
Thorvald: How tragic…
Nikaidou Yamato: Shouldn’t we be happy he came to cheer us on? Thorvald-san, thank you.
Thorvald: You’re welcome. Is it fine with you if I distribute the sea breams that wouldn’t fit in the refrigerator among the neighbors?
Izumi Iori: I don’t know about giving out perishables in the current times…
Thorvald: Don’t you give leftover ingredients to the neighbors in Japan?
Nanase Riku: It is sea breams, though… Do you think TRIGGER will eat them?
Nikaidou Yamato: It does seem like they’d eat them, but should we really give sea bream to the people we’re competing against tomorrow…?
Izumi Mitsuki: That’s just how we are, isn’t it fine? I’ll go ask Momo-san, too.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Then I’ll contact Isumin.
Nikaidou Yamato: Riku, will you ask TRIGGER?
Nanase Riku: Yes! I’ll send a rabbit chat right now!
Izumi Iori: Nii-san, our parents might eat it, too…
Izumi Mitsuki: That’s true! I’ll contact them. It seems like we’ll be able to hand out all 100 fish!
Ousaka Sougo: I will ask Touma, too.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan, don’t you get along better with Toracchi, too?
Ousaka Sougo: Because Midou-san is the type of person who can eat sea bream whenever he wants…
Thorvald: Eating sea bream anytime… He must be brimming with happiness.
Nikaidou Yamato: Uhm, I don’t think you have any bad intentions at all, but there is a risk of battle occurring here…
Thorvald: Is that so? Are you the type of person who is brimming with happiness without engaging in battles, Nikaidou-san?
Nikaidou Yamato: Yes…? Are you trying to pick a fight…?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Well then, I will go for a quick drive to deliver the sea breams to those we managed to contact!
Izumi Iori: Somehow, it has become a strange evening…
Izumi Mitsuki: Well, isn’t it fine? It’s not like the sea breams are poisoned.
Yotsuba Tamaki: We’re brimming with happiness, after all!
Yuki: What is this, what happened…?
Momo: It’s from Maneko-chan. A delivery of sea bream!
Yuki: A declaration of victory…?
Momo: Eh~!? It’s to make us brim with happiness for sure. Isn’t it like, “let’s do our best together”? 
Yuki: Huh. They’re strange kids. Momo, do you wanna eat some?
Momo: I wanna~!
Yuki: Then I’ll grill it.
Momo: Nice~!
Yaotome Gaku: Takanashi-san just delivered this to us. Ryuu, prepare it!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Sea breams are a lucky charm, after all! It’s a big sea bream, too! What do you want to eat it with?
Kujou Tenn: Sea bream over rice.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That’s good, sounds delicious!
Kujou Tenn: Do we have mitsuba leaves? Maybe I should buy some.
Yaotome Gaku: We got three sea breams, so we could also do grilled fish or sashimi.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I kind of… am starting to feel like we won!
Kujou Tenn: Same.
Yaotome Gaku: Same. I feel like I’ve just scored a goal.
Kujou Tenn: Maybe it’s a strategy to make us let down our guard…?
Yaotome Gaku: IDOLiSH7 will eat it tonight, too, so I don’t think so…?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Let’s be thankful and eat it! Alright, let’s prepare it~!
Isumi Haruka: We kinda got a lot of sea breams from IDOLiSH7…
Haruka's grandmother: My, isn’t that nice, Haru-chan? Eat lots of it with your friends, will you?
Inumaru Touma: Excuse me! Sorry for intruding! I thought since it’s a good opportunity, we could all eat together!
Haruka's grandmother: It’s fine, take your time. The sea bream rice is almost ready, too.
Natsume Minami: I’m happy. I love it.
Haruka's grandmother: My, well, I am glad.
Isumi Haruka: Grandma, you can go now, so.
Haruka's grandmother: Yes, yes.
Midou Torao: Thanks, it will be a feast.
Midou Torao: The sea bream Haruka’s grandma grilled is yummy. But don’t you normally eat pork cutlets³…?
Natsume Minami: Sea bream have a bone called the sea bream’s sea bream because it is shaped like a fish. Supposedly, carrying it with you will ward off misfortune.
Isumi Haruka: Then the leader should carry it.
Inumaru Touma: A fish bone!? Won’t it smell!?
Midou Torao: Won’t it be fine as long as you put deodorant on it?
Inumaru Touma: Then should I hide it in my costume for the sake of victory…?
Isumi Haruka: It’s both surreal and funny that the guy preparing sea bream bones is going to dance in “New Black or White”.
Inumaru Touma: Mina, around where is the sea bream’s sea bream?
Natsume Minami: It appears to be around the pectoral fin.
Inumaru Touma: Then I’ll go find it now…
Isumi Haruka: If you find it, I want to see it, too.
Midou Torao: Me, too.
Inumaru Touma: It’s like a treasure hunt. Fufu, just wait for it…
Takanashi Tsumugi: And just like that, the night before the battle passed―
Takanashi Tsumugi: And December 31st… The day of “Black or White Live Showdown” arrived.
~ to be continued ~
TL notes:
Mod Riku here! I'd actually drafted this ages ago, so going back to do TL notes was kind of a hassle. We started this project over a year ago... Nostalgic, am I right? Two more chapters to go!!
...That being said, expect chapter 13 to take a bit. Both mods are kind of preoccupied.
¹ - I've dreaded this pun for a long time. I managed, though! (Click.)
² - Japanese counting words correspond to the thing you're counting, hence them joking about what counter to use for sea bream. (Click.)
³ - Katsu (pork cutlet) and katsu (to win) are homophones, so you eat katsudon before a competition.
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lqfiles · 1 year
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SCORE THAT GOAL! — 4. yes captain!
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(wc: 998)
it was already 11, and you took that as your cue to finally make your way to the gym. you had planned to wait a few minutes in case you were the first one there. and as you neared the sports gym, you could hear the echoing voices of what you assumed to be the other applicants. you took a deep breath, giving yourself a small pep talk before you opened the doors leading to the inside of the gym.
“hello, you must be here to join the football club, right?” a voice spoke from next to you, full of anticipation and what you guessed was also expectations. it resulted in you flinching up a bit, quickly turning to your left to face the source of the voice.
you couldn’t help but slightly gape as you made eye contact with the black haired boy, who stared at you with a surprised expression after seeing you flinch. “y-yeah..” you answered his questioning. you couldn’t understand why you suddenly felt so nervous, but the boy picked up on it and gave a small smile in return.
“coach is currently getting some extra pens. he suggested we keep those who are signing up busy, wanna play?” he nodded his head back to the spacious gym. your eyes skimmed over the countless of pairs playing varieties of games with the ball they had. “sure.” you nodded, following the boy who started walking towards the corner of the gym where a basket of different balls laid.
“i’m lee jeno, by the way.” he crouched down, inspecting each of the balls and pushing into them, presumably looking for one that wasn’t deflated. “nice to meet you, jeno. i’m (—)” you introduced back, earning a hum back as a response. “alright, should we do kick ups and see how many we can do each?” jeno suggested excitedly.
you were so captivated by the way he was smiling at you, his eyes slowly glazing as the light on the ceiling reflected onto them. so distracted that you ignored his question. “hello?” jeno tilted his head, wondering if you had heard him. “oh! yeah sorry, sure let’s do that.” you apologised. the embarrassment hit you when you realised that jeno definitely saw you staring.
“i’ll start.” jeno spoke, the two of you walking to a more emptier side of the gym. you nodded and watched him place the ball down onto the ground. it only hit you then that you had no idea what kick ups even meant as you watched jeno tie his shoe laces. you copied him, feeling pressured.
soon enough, jeno started the game. rolling the ball back with the sole of his shoe before flicking it up into the air. it took him a while before the ball had reached a comfortable level to kick it properly. “start the count.” he told you, and you complied, counting the times the ball went up before it reached down again.
“34.. wow..” you were amazed and jeno couldn’t hold the smile that was forming on his face back. “this isn’t even my best, i just haven’t done this in a while.” he picked the ball back up with one hand, his other grazing through the black locks on his head. “your turn.” he handed you the ball, and panic filled your body.
you eyed the ball as if it was a foreign object, which it kinda was. you never actually played football, the most you did was see it on tv while your dad would be watching it. holding the ball into your hand, you realised that you should’ve thought this more through.
jeno eyed your frozen figure, sensing that something was wrong. he was about to comment before you beat him to it and placed the ball down like he had. you tried recalling the exact motions he had done, rolling the ball back with the tip of your shoe and lifting it up.
unfortunately, the ball didn’t go up like jeno’s did. instead it flung forward, hitting jeno’s chest. you gasped, quickly reaching forward to check if he was alright. “i’m so sorry!” you apologised, though jeno seemed fine. he shook his head. “it’s alright, try again.” he encouraged, handing you the ball back. you looked back at the ball in your hands, mentally sighing as you retried the action.
“not to sound mean, but you’re really bad at this.” jeno chuckled awkwardly after your 5th attempt. the two of you decided to take a break. “i know…” you rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment. “so is there a reason why you want to join the football club?” jeno asked as he placed the football under his arm.
from what you had heard, (stalking jisung’s twitter page) you were aware that lee jeno was a close friend of jisung. the thought of honestly telling him your intentions was crossing your mind. maybe he could potentially help you? but a larger part of you didn’t want to take any risks, so you opted to lying instead.
“eh, i was interested. the sport seems fun.” you smiled at jeno, hoping your tone was convincing enough for him. but the chuckle he let out made you doubt it. “it is fun. as the captain it’s even more fun to see my team get hit on by others, you should see it for yourself.” jeno responded back. the coach had returned to the gym by then, asking everyone to come to the front. jeno sent you a sly grin before walking ahead towards the rest.
lee jeno wasn’t naive.
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TAGLIST ; @rksbae @222brainrot @severefireangelprune @violetvoo @prdshobi @kikookii @haechansbbg @en-dream @bbxnny-bbxtch @cvpidxo @jaeminslattes @90s-belladonna @softieluvsyou @wenjunblossoms @be0mluver @jeongintwt @myhaechan
notes ; looks like i wrote a lot but it rlly wasn’t that much but i’m planning on making jeno y/n wingman kinda
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nekropsii · 1 month
I’m obsessed with Pink Phosphorus, White Lies because the amount of blame shifting and gaslighting Pleome is doing in it is actually insane.
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Retris couldn’t be clearer here.
Pleome wants some soft, picturesque ideal of a relationship where he’s the gardener in control of something beautiful. The maintenance of a rose bush to keep it alive but in captivity is notoriously difficult. Endless pruning to make it pretty and manageable and acceptable to the HOA and Instagram photos, but unnatural and unrecognizable to what would genuinely survive in the wild. Roses themselves are grossly impermanent but the symbol of a perfect romance. Retris is gripping the thorns, the only aspect of the rose that is permanent and stable no matter where or how it’s being kept, the part you shave off when you’ve severed a rose to present to a loved one. It’s substantial, but it’s ugly, and it can hurt you if you lack respect for it and the nature of the rose stem.
It’s too difficult for a gardener to handle, though. They wear gloves for a reason.
This direct communication of Retris’s wants and needs is met with hostility. Immediately after Pleome spends a fraction of a second doubting himself,
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He cancels out the idea that he could be in the wrong and starts gaslighting Retris outright.
He keeps crossing lines and teetering on the edge of a realization that he’s in the wrong but immediately shuts the thought down to address the consequences of his actions as the problem, not the actual root. Again, the roses - he’s concerned with appearances, not substance.
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This turns into open dehumanization. Retris isn’t a person, he’s one of Pleome’s pet projects. He’s a broken computer that needs to be fixed. He’s something to be retrofitted to suit Pleome’s needs. The image of a rose bush is at least pretty. There’s nothing beautiful about cracking open a computer and ripping its guts out to figure out what the hell is wrong with it. That’s not a struggle that can be glorified.
Pleome’s idea of ugly and substantial conflicts directly with Retris’s. To grip the thorns is to request to be left unchanged and respected. It’s wild, and it can hurt sometimes, but that’s only if you forget to treat it with care. Pleome would rather perform a symbolic lobotomy than take Retris as he is.
Get a Divorce!
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
I just thought of something funny. What about a reader that can manipulated space-time but only uses it to travel. Like he goes: I’m going to get some groceries. Then travels to Belobog despite being at Herta’s space station. I could just imagine the shock!
I would request the characters: Tingyun, Asta, Herta, and of course Natasha!
@oxyotl Coming right up! Thank you so much for requesting! :D I hope you don't mind but I'm going to assume that Reader and the HSR character already know each other for the sake of convience.
Space-Time Traveler!Reader & Their Basic Need Warping with Tingyun, Asta, Herta, and Natasha!
(Warning: May be OOC!)
She finds it a little adorable, actually! You could literally go to the store on the Xianzhou Luofu, or even ask her since she runs good business (therefore she can find you good deals), but you seem to have your own little method of doing things and she loves it!
She is pretty curious about your abilities, and she highly respects your decision of not using it for anything but your basic needs—whether buying merchandise may be on that list or not. Heck, before you even go on this journey—sometimes Tingyun herself asks you to get something for her.
"My lovely benefactor~ Do you mind if you can get me something to help comb through my tail?~" If you have anything that is against your wishes of what you want to do, be sure to tell her! She wants you to be comfortable around her~
Finds your powers absolutely fascinating! How are you able to cross the stars and space? And time in general? Could that mean you could catch up with stuff that could light years away? So many questions!
She is very shocked to hear that you only use your powers when you need food, clothes, maybe a snack you wanted to retry, etc. Not that she's against it—she's just completely cut off guard.
But that just makes her more curious about you! Why do you only use your powers for basic necessities? Was there a restriction you constantly face while using your powers? Of course—she'll immediately apologize if any of these questions mean offence to you, but her curiosity sometimes gets the best of her.
"What's it like travelling through the stars as you stop time? Do they still glow, or do all celestial objects in the night just stop their reactivity? Ack!—Sorry, am I crossing any boundaries?"
Asta may ask you to recommend a few things to buy, since you travel to many different worlds that vary in goods. She'll personally buy something you recommend with her own money—online, of course.
If she can't find anything that you recommend, she'll ask you to buy it for her. And don't try to be generous and gift to her—you must use her money. There is no other option.
Please, side with Arlan and make sure Asta doesn't spend her money too much on shops—
Must I say a lot? You caught the attention of this Genius Society Member, that's for sure. Her puppets are constantly going online just simply because she wants to see you in action!
She's utterly shocked and dumbfounded when she comes to realize you use your powers for such useless things! How was getting a carton of eggs so important you had to use your powers to travel and get them? With your inter-universal powers?
You truly know how to falter and short-circuit this one with your simple tasks. Herta just doesn't get it—but that doesn't mean she's against it. Sometimes, she even asks you to get things for her—though that won't stop her from asking you questions regarding your powers and she is NOT afraid to ask them, lemme tell you.
"Is there a significant difference between the dimensions of time, or does it all just feel the same to you? How do you preserve your....basic necessities through this jump through the universe?" Very scientific and big questions that really has to get your brain thinking before you answer them. Good luck.
She's pretty calm about it, honestly. Sure, she's surprised when you do it for the first time, and she wonder why you only get basic things, but nevertheless, she doesn't judge you. You are you, after all.
Since she's an Underworld Doctor, and supplies are hard to come by, she frequently has to ask you for stuff. She does feel a tad bit guilty for constantly sending you on her errands, so be sure to reassure her!
She appreciates you a lot, since (probably) half of your runs are getting supplies for her and the patients she takes care of. Natasha, in return, makes sure that you are in peak health as possible.
"Y/N, did you have breakfast? You're not going to travel with an empty stomach, are you?" Loves taking care of you and loves how you're helpful.
She also finds your travelling habits a little silly and adorable—you, who has such powerful abilities that can make even Luka Strongarm look like a joke in the Fight Club, only using your powers for the sake of basic needs.
Safe to say, she welcomes you whole with open arms!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: DONE! Woo, this took longer than expected—apologies for that! But I hope you guys enjoyed these headcanons :D
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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turtletaubwrites · 1 month
Turtletaub Blog, WIP, & Health Update
I wanted to put this out there so no one freaks out! My daily queue is going to run out in a few days. I initially used the queue for my adhd, so I wouldn’t spam you for three weeks and then forget to reblog things for months, and I didn’t tag it before since I was on here everyday. Now that it’s going to run out, I’ll be adding to it and I’ll tag it as #turtlequeb
Things have still been unfun over here lately, but I’m okay, and health things are hopefully looking up. There's a health/life update/ramble below the cut if you're interested.
Part 32 is almost done, and I’m going bonkers waiting for y’all to read it. The current life situations have taken up a lot of my free time and energy, but it’s soo close! 😭
I’m also working on a brief dossier for our suitors since I’ve done way too much research on these guys, and I know how hard it is to keep track of all of these characters in this giant One Piece world!
I miss y’all so much. I feel extra yucky that in my current struggles I’m having such a hard time focusing and connecting, especially since this community has helped me get through such difficult times. I’m really hoping that I can get back to the things I enjoy soon, especially interacting with my favorite internet fiends! 🥰
Health/life update below the cut: (cw health, mental health, medications, side effects, depression, bipolar disorder, doctors)
It’s wild just how much medication can help people.
Without the Lamictal that I took for three years, I have reverted into severe depression, and it has been debilitating.
It’s like I WAS an adult with full control (lol, mostly) over my mental and physical capacities, but now that I'm off the medication, I have reverted to a child, a preteen, a helpless human with no ability to regulate my own emotions, or even influence my own behaviors.
For the last three years, I was finally able to utilize my intellect, my experience, and my wisdom, while dealing with stressful situations.
Now I feel like I'm 13 again, lost, desperately clinging to distractions to keep from dying inside, from falling apart, or disappearing.
But it turns out that the whole reason for going off of the medication might have been avoided.
During these treasured three years of mental stability, I experienced symptoms that negatively impacted my physical, and mental health. I went to doctor after doctor for this unusual issue, only to be told that there was nothing to be done.
Until I finally got the referral to a specialist last week, and they immediately diagnosed the actual issue, and said that the other concern was false.
So all of this suffering could have been avoided if one of the 10+ primary care or ER doctors I've begged for help these last 3 years would have said "you know what, this is an unusual and persistent situation, why don't I refer you to a specialist," instead of "this condition you're describing is incurable, take these pills, there's nothing else we can do" (even though it is NOT NORMAL to have these issues consistently for 3 years).
The new specialist caught me dissociating after diagnosing the issue in under five minutes. When I asked about the new med they were prescribing, they apologized that I hadn't been given the opportunity to take it before.
I now have to wait 3 months on this (non psychiatric) med to see if those symptoms will be finally be helped, but now that means I have to/get to retry the mood stabilizer, or something else since Lithium, Concerta, and Hydroxyzine are clearly not enough to keep me functioning.
I fucking advocate for myself y'all, but I was misdiagnosed, and kept getting sent away in tears. Now I'm spacey, dissociated. Still too scared and hurt to hope that this new thing will help.
I'm tired.
All I want to do is write. I will literally take whatever pill lets me get back to my preferred writing schedule. Gimme.
I'm trying not to let guilt pile up about not connecting, about not being able to write like I could when I wasn't severely depressed. Logic brain and depresso brain don't mix though, and my pile of unanswered comments and unread fics here and on Ao3 have been making me sad.
But it's just because I love this lil world, and I WANT to be here. I plan to try Lamictal again, or something else in about a month since I want to give the new med some time to observe any side effects.
For now, my mood stabilizer of choice is endless reaction videos of therapists and rappers reacting to Hi Ren, The Hunger, and Chalk Outlines. Ren's music fucking gets into me when nothing else can, and I'm trying TRYING to remember the lines that sit me down when I start to spiral.
It's helping me write to see him use his pain and trauma to create absolute beauty.
This is a giant ramble, but one more thing, I swear!
When I began writing for our Numbers Girl, and even when we got into her backstory, and trauma things started coming up, I didn't think about it like this. Since I've been diagnosed and medicated for 3 years, my ability to manage most of my psychological symptoms felt amazing. Those conditions went from being disabling to manageable and it was freeing. Writing about dissociation and trauma was easy because I know it all too well, it was satisfying because I wish I had found media to relate to when I was deep in it, and it was healing, because I was on the other side of it.
Now I'm back there. I did not mean to write a reader character dealing with mental health trauma while in the middle of it myself.
Hopefully I can hop back on some meds in a few weeks, and have the physical and mental symptoms I've been struggling with ease up.
I'm a trying.
It just made me sad laugh a couple of times while writing our Numbers Girl going through it recently, because I am now right there with her instead of reaching my hand down the deep, dark hole to help her climb into the light.
But we'll get through it together, and having such wonderful, supportive people cheering on my healing and writing is incredible. I can't begin to describe how grateful I am to all of you, and how excited I am to get back into this amazing community.
Just gotta go easy. Soften. Relax.
Thank you for reading 🙏🏼
Lynna 💜✨
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