#I’m not a huge fan of the Loki series tbh but I still love him
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sevrinve · 1 year ago
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missing this loki
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lokiinmediasideblog · 2 years ago
Hi my love, I saw your reblog on my post about liking Loki and about neurodivergence and being LGBTQ. I was going to reblog and reply but I didn’t want to overwhelm you and share your experience with my followers without asking first!
I have to say I’m both happy and sad you identified with it, happy because of course it’s wonderful to hear that I wasn’t the only person who had this experience who also likes Loki, and I’m sad because we shouldn’t have had these experiences in the first place.
I thought you were really brave sharing your own experience with me especially with how cautious you are, wanting to protect yourself from more ridicule is completely understandable yet you still tried to reach out to me on my post publicly which shows huge strength, you have my instant respect.
You made a wonderful addition to my post which was that not only are we bullied for liking the “wrong” people but we are also bullied for not liking the “right” people either, I distinctly remember being given shit for not finding most men attractive, we can’t win even if we try to mind our own business! You hit the nail on the head here!
I also loved how you compared Loki’s frost giant heritage to the queer and neurodiverse experience, I couldn’t quite pinpoint how exactly I related to it before (I think I was taking it too literally) but it’s clear to me now it’s because people around him treat him poorly because he is different, just like how we are.
I’m glad you’re doing better, lots of LGBTQ folk come into their own when they moved out. My closest friends are other LGBTQ and Neurodiverse folk which can make cishet/neurotypicals feel a bit slighted but there is just an added safety with my fellow marginalised friends that my more privileged friends just won’t understand. I imagine it’s a similar reason as to why we flock to Loki, he would understand and make us feel safe.
My DMs are always open to you, you have an ally and fellow Loki fan here!
Thank you! That is appreciated. I often see the Frost Giant heritage conflated with interracial adoption, but it is NOT a good analogy for that given that it's a different species and the Loki's appearance being altered with magic most of the time (And he is played by a white actor). Interracial adoption is not something you can hide.
On the other hand, I often see neurodivergence being represented through aliens or going to a different planet, which is essentially Loki's situation. Changelings are also famously inspired by neurodivergence (also Loki, technically). I also find myself gravitating to characters that are nonhuman in appearance because I relate to them and their misunderstanding of social cues. If there's an alien in a show, he's probably my favorite. Loki's probably the most human-looking characters I have ever liked tbh.
While Loki is not explicitly neurodivergent in cannon, he can definitely be argued to be coded as such. He's only tolerated by Thor's friends due to his relationship with Thor and because he is sometimes useful. People around him are quick to mock him. And the constant comparison to a sibling more adept at socializing than you are while you get labelled difficult and off-putting by pretty much everyone in your life...
And the ND-coding is there in all his appearances despite the inconsistency of the MCU Thor franchise, even the divisive Loki series. He also probably had different sensory needs growing up (e.g. maybe different temperature requirements and Marvel lies if he didn't lol). And he is cannonly queer (genderfluid and bisexual in comics and mythology, and bisexual in the MCU).
I feel like it's unfair to vilify deception and prop up "honor" because deception is often a survival mechanism. Especially when you belong to an oppressed group. Hearing horrible things about people like you from someone that claims to love you is the "queer in an un-supportive household" experience.
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scintillatingshortgirl19 · 4 years ago
Episode 4 Rewatch Thoughts
So first of all, I would definitely say that I have...calmed down a considerable amount since my first watch, so to speak. @delyth88 said some things in her rewatch post about being able to adapt to things and enjoy the episode more the second time due to knowing what's coming rather than having to deal with the uncertainty - which I how I feel about it as well and is a trend I experienced with episodes 1-2 as well, and in some ways episode 3. Once I had a chance to recover a bit from the narcissist thing and the romance thing, it turned out there were a lot of things I really liked! The big issues I had haven’t gone away by any means, and honestly a couple of the biggest ones aren’t even things that specifically happened in this episode - the first is just the gradual realization I’m having that I don’t think they are ever going to properly address Loki’s past trauma, and all those plot points the MCU just dropped are probably forever going to stay that way. And that fucking sucks, there’s no reason it had to be like this, and I don’t see how I could ever not be upset about that or truly get over it. The other thing is that it’s just incredibly frustrating and sad to me that all those theories about Loki having some kind of other plan in episode 3 to explain the bizarre incompetence we saw, or payoff for the weirdness that was the TemPad breaking scene, literally just amounted to nothing. All these things I hoped were intentional subtext turned out to just be nothing more than...bad writing? So yeah, I’m pretty disappointed about that. But at this point I’m trying to enjoy the series for what it is as much as I can, and on the second watch I really did enjoy a lot about this episode. So yeah, long-ass intro aside, here are my (hopefully more coherent this time) thoughts about episode 4:
Damn, that scene with Sylvie as a child really highlights how inhumane and barbaric the TVA is. Seeing her in that little prison uniform was...oof. Not that we didn’t already know the TVA was terrible, but I appreciate that they’re making it unmistakably clear for the general audience.
It's genuinely a good thing that they're going into Sylvie's trauma, and it's important to the plot, but I can't even put into words how frustrating it is to see them do that while simultaneously refusing to address Loki's. (you know, the protagonist?)
"Kind of an asshole and a bad friend" LMAO Mobius the TVA was holding Loki captive and was eventually going to kill him, can you really blame the guy for trying to escape?? Also an additional episode establishing that friendship would have been good - as much as I'm glad they consider each other friends, it felt premature for either of them to use that word yet.
I have mixed feelings about the Sif scene - overall I like it, but I do have some issues:
-   Loki whump! Both physical and emotional! (I want to see Loki win but I also like whump. It's complicated. Also I'm confused about where exactly she kneed him? Everyone is saying crotch but the first time he's holding his inner thigh so I thought it was there? Anyway if it is the crotch I'm not a huge fan of that particular decision, but my general feelings about whump still stand.) 
-    Lots of sad Loki faces, talking about fear of being alone - good stuff!
-    The first of the dreaded "narcissist" mentions
-    It’s kind of odd that he never even tried fighting back?
-    This also could have been an opportunity to acknowledge Loki's trauma, and as usual, they did not take it. I would have maybe liked a scene where Odin was being a dick to Loki and we got an acknowledgement of some of the emotional abuse. They probably could've worked Loki's fear of being alone into just about any memory. Did it really have to be a scene about how Loki's in the wrong? And in itself I have no issue with Loki facing the mistakes he's made! But I've been waiting 10 goddamn years for just one character or even a single solitary line of dialogue to acknowledge that Loki was wronged too, and by all appearances it still isn't going to happen and I'm just fucking tired.
And about the narcissist thing - it's frustrating because if they would just do it right, it could actually be really good?? If an element of the story was Loki (and Mobius) thinking he was a narcissist and then realizing he actually isn't, that would be amazing. The problem is, I'm fairly certain they are not going to go that route. I feel like it'll be more along the lines of "yeah you're a narcissist but you can be Good!" instead of acknowledging that Loki was never a fucking narcissist in the first place. Tbh it makes sense that both Loki and Mobius might think Loki's a narcissist, or throw around the term without knowing what they’re talking about - there are great explanations and meta about that - the real problem for me is that, in the eyes of the general audience, it confirmed a harmful and unfortunately very popular misconception about Loki, and it also perpetuates an incorrect view of what a narcissist is. Those are the main reasons I'm mad about it; if they purposefully, explicitly contradict it later it'll probably be fine! I just really don't think they're going to.
Tbh, after the second watch I'm a lot less mad about the shitty things Mobius said while interrogating Loki - it still hurt to hear and I'd still love an apology, but from Mobius' perspective it honestly makes sense that he wouldn't pull any punches considering he thinks Loki is partially responsible for killing the minutemen and Hunter C-20, and is trying to bring down the TVA.
I do still think Mobius turning on the TVA felt rushed. I'm delighted he got there, and the way he realized things made sense - it just happened unrealistically fast. I felt like a lot of things were rushed, and honestly I think more things will probably feel rushed in these last two episodes as well. This is something I felt with The Falcon and the Winter Soldier too - like they needed at least eight if not more episodes to give proper space for the story and character arcs they were trying to squeeze in. Six episodes just isn't enough.
Although, that said, while I still think this episode had weird pacing it didn't really bother me that much on the second watch? Probably because I already knew what the sequence of events was going to be.
The scene when Mobius was pruned was amazing - I loved Loki's emotions, and the way he walks down the hallway still kind of crying but mostly just looking utterly dead inside? *chef's kiss*
The timekeepers scene still felt off to me, and I still can't really articulate why. It honestly doesn't matter that much to me so I don't want to waste time on it, but I guess it just felt...sort of low-budget? Like we already knew the timekeepers probably weren't real/weren't what they seemed, but did they have to look that obviously fake? Idk.
I'm going to make a separate post about the romance stuff, but basically where I’m at with it is: it's a terrible shame to see such beautiful platonic/sibling energy go to waste, I'm real annoyed about it but trying to make peace with it for my own sanity, and I think there are a million clues pointing to it not actually being romantic but I don't trust that any of those were intentional. So I guess we'll see? 
I'm very intrigued by all the Loki variants. Also I'm curious if Mobius is there as well, or if each variant person has their own world? Either way I'll be shocked if Mobius is actually dead (there's a million reasons for that but the main ones are that it's likely pruning doesn't actually kill any of the variants (not just the Loki ones) and anyway he's supposed to be in 5 episodes). I'm really curious about the variant world in general though and I wonder what exactly the dangers are - why Loki "will be [dead]" if he doesn't come with the other Lokis.
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vampish-glamour · 4 years ago
Loki anon here. I'll try to keep it spoiler free, but it's a bit hard when the show's premise is rotten to the core. Basically, there is no free will in the entire MCU. There are these time cop characters that go through time and basically kill anyone who doesn't do exactly what they want to happen. They then rewind time and let that person try their choice again. The person has no memory of being killed and reset, but every single person on earth experiences this. Every heroic action, every villain, every mistake made - every single second of the MCU was planned and approved by the time cops. These characters are somewhat portrayed as antagonists, but not to the extent that they should be. The show barely acknowledges this as WRONG, after taking a huge dump on the entire MCU!
Since you've never experienced the MCU, this might not even bother you as a newcomer to the series lol. Loki can be consumed without the rest of the MCU to back it up, because Loki goes through 2 movies full of character development in one fucking monolog. One character literally tells Loki "Hey you are going to be a good guy in the future", shows him some future stuff, and he is literally a good guy now. Someone got paid by Marvel to write bad fanfiction, I'm so jealous.
But Loki is bi guys! And there's a canon fem!Loki au! So everything is fiiiine, this is just fine. The show is... passable to watch as a Loki fan, but I think they could definitely lean harder into making him a trickster character. As an MCU fan, this show is hot garbage, and I'm sad to see how many people mindlessly consume and praise the content.
Thanks!!! 😄
I can see how that would bother somebody who actually knows about the MCU… because I’m guessing you’d be looking back at certain actions and wondering how/why it was approved, or mad that it wasn’t out of a character’s own free will.
But yeah I probably won’t be bothered, I’ll be going into this clueless and probably coming out if it with my biggest grievance being Loki falling in love with a female version of himself…
Which speaking of—I saw it mentioned somewhere that if they had made him fall in love with another version of himself, still male… people would probably be calling it incest and wrong. But it gets a pass from wokesters because “genderfluid!!!!”. Tbh I think that’s a credible claim, I can’t see many people being happy with him falling in love with another male version of himself. Or a male period.
I’m disappointed that they didn’t lean into him being a trickster, because that’s what I find appealing about him. Isn’t that his whole thing????
It really does sound like bad fanfiction lmao.
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latent-thoughts · 5 years ago
Hi! What’s up with this hate against the possibility of Lady Loki? Saw a post equating it with people who worship *agnarok. I love mcu Loki & I want a lot of Tom in the series but I would also love a bit of Lady Loki because, well, heck, I’m a bisexual on fire & I adored her in comics. All the while I recognize Gagnarok for the dumpster fire it is... just curious about your take on this?
Ok, so, I think I need to tag @nikkoliferous in this, since this ask is referring to her post.
So, dear anan, the issue in that post is that people who simply want the show to be about Lady Loki are calling those of who don’t want it SEXIST (and what not). Just the way people who stan Ragnarok often attack the anti-Ragnarok lot by saying that they’re RACIST and just want to bang Tom Hiddleston. See where the comparison is coming from?
Now, to further answer your question about Lady Loki. Firstly, there is no Lady Loki hate here. I love the concept of Loki being able to decide which gender he wants to be. Loki may well exist beyond the bounds of gender or sexuality, IMO, since he’s a shapeshifter, and that’s that. No issues there. 
BUT that is not all that there is to his character. In fact, that is not even the focus of his character in the MCU. 
We haven’t even begun to explore Loki’s issues with his heritage and identity, his adoptive family’s abusive behaviour towards him and its ramifications, his existential issues, his mental illness, his treatment at the hands of Thanos and co. and all the resultant PTSD from everything, his self loathing due to the unsavoury things he did, etc. (to name a few). I want all of this resolved first. Not that I have high hopes for it from Disney/Marvel.
Secondly, MCU Loki, as he was introduced to us, has not, thus far, indicated that he has any issues with gender. He has a lot else going on for now (as mentioned above). I don’t understand this obsession with turning him into a woman for the sake of simply turning him into a woman. I’d much rather see a character being established with these issues in the background and then moving forth with resolving it rather than it being brought in as an afterthought. (And yes, I recognize that the comics and myth Loki have been women, but this isn’t the case with MCU Loki. He is a completely different Loki, a different character than those other Lokis. So bringing in comics or myth Loki is for comparison is kinda like comparing apples to oranges).
Thirdly, the Loki we fell in love with, the Loki that gathered such a huge fan following, was Tom’s Loki. Tom painstakingly created this character with Kenneth Branagh (and to some extent, Joss Whedon). Tom is the one whose acting chops gave Loki the depth that made him compelling. I do not understand the appeal of replacing Tom with someone else, when he is the one who made Loki who he is. I don’t want to see some random actor/actress coming in to play Loki, kicking Tom out of the role that he established. I want Tom’s Loki to have a closure with all his issues, because I know that he’d do justice to it the way no other actor can. So yeah, a few glimpses of Lady Loki here and there is fine, but not the whole thing about that. 
I personally feel that focussing on him being Lady Loki would take away from the many unresolved issues Loki has. It’d be merely fanservice and nothing more, TBH.
And as per what we want and what we like, dear Anon, we all have our preferences, bi or het or asexual, but we cannot let that dictate the media we consume just because we want to see a character as per our wants, especially with that character having different issues going on with them that need resolution first. Like, I’d love to see an asexual and disabled character, but I’m not going to demand that Loki be it. That isn’t even close to the issues he has going on, not even close to what his established characterization was. (That’s what fanfic is for--exploring those possibilities). I’m not saying that Loki cannot be bi or a woman, but that it is not the focal point of his character. That’s all.
On a parting note, I’d like to say that perhaps we all need to chill and wait for a proper announcement regarding the show and its cast. I’m still considering the whole Lady Loki thing to be a rumour, as we have received no confirmation regarding it.
I hope that made things clear, Anon.
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maagicmiss · 6 years ago
Endgame spoilers !! Beware the spoil !!
This movie was amazing. With a lot of humor, which never fall flat. I was dumbfounded from the beginning to the end tbh Nobody asked for it but there is my hot take of Avengers 4 :
I felt really bad for Thor because ya know, depression™️ but damn the surprise/shock made me laugh. Noobmaster is an absolute evil that we need to end. They kinda did him dirty, I really wasn’t wanting for that but eh 🤷🏻‍♀️ Broken man 😔 Everytime I think about how much he lost I die inside a little more. Rocket was the real best dude here. Cheers to him. I was so fck happy for him when he got his hammer back !!! Like !!! "I’m still worthy" !!!!! You go you funky thunderous man !!! He deserves to be happy at all cost. Protect this man. During the last battle I was shook, with both his hammer and axe, fighting the purple asshole, so cool. Amazing, truly. Also, when he gave Valkyrie the commandment ?? My queen. She’s now my queen. By the way, we all know who’s in command of the Guardians now 🔥🔥😂
I can’t exprim how much I was sad for Natasha. When I saw them climbing this damned mountain I understood it was over for her 😭😭 I will love her until my dying breaths. She did deserve better but she died protecting her family, and the earth. She was the one who fought until the end, who did everything she could, and managed to avenge the earth. Thanks to her Thanos was defeated. Let’s honor her 😭👊🏻🔥
Clint. Like, dude. Pain. Angst. A bit of stupidity but that’s Clint so yeah. The assasinsbowl was ofc won by Natasha, and he lived. I would’ve been pissed if he died because he killed all this (bad indeed) people out of pettiness and sadness and anger for his family but he would’ve let himself die ? I understand. But like, dude. No. You’re a father. A husband. Natasha was ofc going to sacrifices herself instead of you.
HULK !!! My man. He’s happy and that’s all that matter 😭❤️ We stan a confident and humourus man y’all (Im still waiting for a height joke when Scott got aaaaaall huge in the end rip) Also, him being ashamed of his past self ??? Amazing. I couldn’t even in my wildest dreams lol I was dead when he met the old sorceress and got kicked out of his body lmaoo
STEVE. Or best known as America’s ass. Bae. I love that man. Everybody does. He did it. He did all his possible and it payed off. Also what a quick learner. When the hammer got lift, I was "W H O ???" Tbh I was thinking Loki, like "yo surprise bitches" but it was way better xD I think I screamed lmaooo But man, so fucking cool and impressive. That scene where he stand alone in front of Thanos and of his whole army ? With his broken shield ? I C O N I C. I am already seeing all the edit, gif, tribute, fanart and fanfic about it. I can’t wait y’all. Although, I was a bit disappointed about his closure ? Like yeaaah it was neat but... idk....... a bit dissatisfied and disappointed. The Steve/Steve was funny but also sad, idk. Although, Steve in the elevator saying Heil Hydra was beautiful.
Tony. I need to say it. Steve did him dirty. Like. Poor man. He didn’t deserve that, at all. I would’ve preferred Steve snapping down Thanos than him. He’s a father !! A husband too !!! Steve promised to him he wasn’t going to die. LIES, ALL LIES. I’m salty. But no hate for the blond man please. In the end, it was Tony choice. In the end with "The proof that Tony Stark has a heart" was heartbreaking. I wasn’t ready AT ALL. I’m not his biggest fan but oh damn, Sadness got me down. His daughter ? Pain. The little kid from Iron man 3 ?? Pain. Happy being sad ? Pain. Pepper ? Pain. I’m dead. He deserved better 😔 When he met his dad, I was dying. Dying of sadness but also of joy. Glad he could talk to him, and even hug him !!!!
Carol !!! THE bitch. I love her. She could walk on me and I would apologize. We didn’t saw her that much but ya know, it’s cool. I gave her entry a 9/10 because there wasn’t thunder lol (unlike Thor in Infinity War, who rightfully had a mighty 10/10). She was a queen. That haircut ? Beautiful.
Nebula. She’s my bae. Protect her. She’s doesn’t seem to need it but she does. Baby. She baby. But she’s a dangerous baby so be careful lmao Her killing in cold blood her past her (??? Was that suicide ?? Or murder ?? Or murder suicide idk ???) to protect her past sister was tragically sad and heartbreaking and beautiful. I’m saying a lot beautiful but hey I’m doing my best with my limited vocabulary. Nebula and her, and the guardian deserves happiness. Lowkey shooketh that nobody saw it was the past Nebula and not the right one but I’m going to excuse them by saying it the excitement of having all Infinity stones and of sadness for Natasha. Other way I’m about to throw hands 🤬😤
Iconic moment :
Carol saving Tony’s ass. We all knew that was how it gonna to happen but I was so relieved. 9/10.
Thor killing in cold blood Thanos in front of everyone, dead inside was wow, brutal. Not happiness out of it, no recomfort. Merciless, brutal, cold. He was here for the head and he got it. 7/10
Not an iconic moment but shush. The five years later ? I was astonished. It must have been 5 painful years. The world was in shred, dusts and broken people everywhere. Pain. Everything is blue, melancholic, broke. If I was one of the missing people coming back I would tell to every fucking one that joke "Hey, I’m gone like 5 seconds and everybody go apeshit ? What would you all do without me ?" Yeah im that bitch lmao 10/10 because you feel that emptiness and sadness.
Tony joining the idiots and Tired Steve™️ with an actual good plan in his fancy car with a lot of skids and other fancy stuff ? 10/10 good one, boi
That scene from Avengers 1 ? Then them on the side ? 6/10
Steve in that elevator ? You already know. 9/10
Steve commenting on his own ass ?? 1000/10 Trust me, it’s fair. Were waiting for that since Avengers 1.
I love Steve
Loki ?? Man, that dude is a joke but I love him. The face he made when he saw the case slide.... beautiful. The face he made when he jumped in the time hole ??? Iconic. 10/10. I want to know how everything is gonna to play with his series. I wanted more of him tbh I even was waiting for him in the last battle. By the way, is he still dead ? If he never went to Odin.... idk. Lowkey confused here.....
And last but not least :
The final battle.
The fight between Iron Man, Thor, Captain and Thanos was intense. I was on the edge of my seat lmao It reminds me of their fight in Avengers 1, in the forest, for Loki. They were fighting against each other, now they’re fighting together 🔥👊🏻❤️ 9/10
Steve picking up the hammer ? 10/10 No comment, it’s fair. (The "I knew it" of Thor was priceless)
Steve getting a rematch on Thanos with both his shield and Hammer ? I C O N I C. 9/10 because it didn’t last long in my opinion.
Steve in front of the whole army ? Alone ? The face dirty of dirt and blood, the shield cut in half ? After he slowly stood up, even tho he was tired and probably had broken ribs ? How dare you not applause. That old man was ready to fight them all, and to fucking die. Stupid but amazing. 1001/10. Slightly better than him commenting on his own ass lmao (tag me if u ever do a fanart of this scene please)
Sam calling Steve ? Not iconic but still. I was dying and it cured me. My skin is clear, my debt are payed off, my grades are perfect and I’m now immortal.
The Powerful Women squad ? Damn. I love it. Sign me up for 10 movies about their shenanigans around the universe. 10/10
All the dead one coming back to life ? All the dead coming through the portals ? And looking badass af ?? Doctor Strange ? Wong ? Wanda ? Sam ? Bucky ? Spider man ? The Guardians looking sharp ? Black Panther with his sister and Okoye ? The Wankanda Army ? The spatial ships ? EVERYONE ????? Bitch Please, it was perfect. 10/10.
Tony snapping ? "I’m Iron Man." I was euphoric. 10/10. Then I was really sad. So 10/pain
"Proof that Tony Stark has an heart" ? A painful 7/10.
As you can read, I loved that movie. Like, very much, but, I’m a bit dissatisfied about the music. The Russos were idk, timid ? Shy about it. Most of them were old one, the themes of the characters and the principal theme (the one from avengers 1). Nothing too extraordinary, nor extravagant. Can do better.
Also, idk why but I found that Hulk was a bit weird ? Idk he seemed emotionless ? Maybe it’s only me but I didn’t like that much the CGI of Hulk this time.
Wanda. She barely spoke. Rip
Tony’s death. He shouldn’t have died.
Steve’s old days/death/idk. I’m not buying it. I don’t like it either. Glad Sam is Captain America now tho. Sad for Bucky. The dude is gonna end up alone in 2022 (or idk what years) with only Sam and Steve’s grandchildren or idk Rip dude
There is soooo much to say about this movie. Like, I write something down and something else is immediately coming up x) Maybe I’ll edit stuff later.
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raviposting · 6 years ago
Top 5 non-romantic/pairing type of AU (so like, AUs made solely for found family and brotps, not for a romantic pairing)
Oooh nice thank you!! I’m not sure if these qualify into characters that never meet in the source material or if it means two completely different series but let’s see lmao 
I have always been a fan of Agents of Flash, and even though I’m particularly a fan of Quakevibe, I love imagining any of the gang interacting with each other! (I’m also a huge fan of Ravi from iZombie & Cisco being buds but tbh I think I’m partial to any Cisco friendship because he works so well w/ most people) 
If Sansa and Oberyn had met he would have been one of her biggest fans and she would have loved him! I could literally imagine Oberyn just having another goal lmao like he has a list that’s like “avenge Elia” and then right under that he adds “get Sansa out of King’s Landing” like...it would have been such A Good Dynamic and I’m sad we never got to see them interact 
Shuri and Peter!!! Science bros 2.0!!! Give it to me Marvel you cowards!!!!
I love the idea of Loki and Peter P. meeting and I do genuinely think that Loki would have been super fond of Peter despite himself and Peter would have probably been like :D and then D: when he remembered who Loki was LMAOOO. And then I can imagine that Peter just rambles on about Thor and Loki is like, yes yes, I know, you love my brother Please Relax you fast-speaking spider child 
.........does it count that I still genuinely believe that Ben Wyatt is the actual child of Amy and Jake lmao like he is literally what a Peraltiago child would look like 
Ask me my top 5 anything!
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alenalokidottir · 7 years ago
I have a lot to say about Infinity War (spoilers below keep reading line)
I saw Avengers: Infinity War today. For almost three hours I watched a movie that was supposed to be the payoff for every movie I had invested in for ten years. I walked into the theater knowing that the characters I had grown to love since 2008 were going into a fight that would take everything they had to win. I also knew that not everyone would make it out alive. Even with this in mind, I sobbed through the ending of the movie, not knowing why I felt like something had been torn away from me. I left the theater with a distinct sense of hopelessness but no words to describe why it was there. It’s been a couple hours and I now have the words to explain what I’m feeling, and I’m sure other people feel this way, too.
After the Keep Reading line there will be my rant. If you’ve seen the movie, feel free to read it. If you haven’t and you’re okay with reading spoilers, feel free to read it. If you haven’t and you don’t want to be spoiled, read this after you’ve seen it. Feel free to reblog this post or leave a comment with your thoughts. I want to know what other people think.
This isn’t a review of Avengers: Infinity War. It’s just a venting session that I may delete later if I end up not liking how it turned out. Before I start I want to make it clear that I loved every moment of this movie. The Russo brothers have made a fantastic film. I didn’t write this to bash Marvel or the Russo brothers or anyone else involved in the the production of the movie. I just needed to get my feelings about this movie out somehow, and writing is the only way I can do that. I’m writing this late at night and I may wake up in the morning to read this and realize half of it is completely unintelligible, so please bear with me. You can agree or disagree with everything I say here. This is all post-Infinity War feels talking and it’s purely my opinion. 
From what I can tell, this movie draws from The Infinity Gauntlet story from 1991, only taking the title of Avengers: Infinity War from the sequel series published in 1992 (I’m a fan but not an expert in comics so feel free to correct me if I get anything in this paragraph wrong). Much like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, many of the comics in print at the time tied into this story. To make a very long story short, the basis of the story was that the Marvel Universe was overpopulated and Thanos was going to use the Infinity Gems to fix the problem. This movie goes off that same premise. The biggest difference between the comic and the movie is that the moment Thanos snaps his fingers and half the people in the universe disappear basically kickstarts the comic story. For the movie, this is the ending. This isn’t my issue with the movie, though. 
This is the 19th film (correct me if I’m wrong) to be made in this cinematic universe. We’ve invested 10 years watching the three phases of the story of the Avengers unfold, and more than half of these characters are now gone. For months, even years, we all joked about the huge amount of death that would occur in this movie. We even had fun predicting who would die. We all knew this was going to happen, and some of us even guessed that the loss would be this big, but I’m left with one question: was it worth it?
I seriously need help answering this question. I look back at all these movies and all these characters and I think, was it all worth it? Does anything that’s happened even matter? If everyone is going to just die in the end, then what was the point? We knew this was going to happen. We just never thought about what it would mean. 
Before anyone comes at me with “They’ll just use the Time Stone to fix everything like in Doctor Strange!” wait a second and really think about this. The concept of stakes and tension, the things that keep a story going and make everything worth it, disappears when time travel is introduced. Why should the audience worry if the characters can just go back in time and fix everything? Infinity War doesn’t even matter if this is what ends up happening. If that’s the route the writers take, the why not go back and prevent the civil war? Why not go back and keep Tony from creating Ultron? Better yet, why not go back in time and keep Starlord from fucking up the plan and stopping the group from getting the Gauntlet off of Thanos? The events that have happened over the course of these films have been a chain reaction. Every single thing could be fixed by going back in time. If everything can just be fixed with time travel, then why did any of it have to happen in the first place? 
Fixing character deaths with the Time Stone seems like the obvious solution, and that may very well be what ends up happening. We don’t know. I have my doubts, though. That would be an easy way out, and these movies rarely take the easy way out. Loki’s two resurrections, Tony destroying his suits, Odin’s death (basically the entirety of Thor: Ragnarok tbh), Doctor Strange’s victory against Dormammu, and some events during the time skip between Civil War and Infinity War (explained in a comic mini-series) are the only examples I can think of off the top of my head. That’s 5 examples from 19 movies (if you can think of more, add them in the comments). Fixing the Infinity War deaths with time travel would be another, and although the rational voice in my head is saying that’s what’s going to happen, I have a sinking feeling that the writers aren’t going to do that, at least not to the extent that the audience wants.
Does what I’m saying make sense so far? I hope it does. Now on to my issue with this movie: the deaths. 
Fifteen named characters died on screen: Loki, Heimdall, Gamora, Vision, Wanda Maximoff, T’Challa, Peter Parker, Doctor Strange, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Drax, Peter Quill, Mantis, Groot, Nick Fury, and Maria Hill. Eight named characters survived on screen: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, James Rhodes, Rocket, Nebula, Okoye, and M’Baku. Pepper Potts, Shuri, Wong, Ned, and Clint Barton were also either seen or mentioned in the movie, but we’re left to guess what happened to them. My bet is that Valkyrie (Yeah. Marvel didn’t make me forget about her like they tried to make me forget about Sif.) died with the rest of the Asgardians and Clint is still alive, but I can only hope for the best for everyone else. I don’t even want to think about the characters in the tie-in shows. These deaths don’t just have rippling consequences for the future of the MCU, but they also present a problem when looking back at the previous 18 films. 
There are four deaths that occurred in this movie that I think were necessary: Loki, Heimdall, Gamora, and Vision. We all knew Thanos wasn’t going to let Loki live anyway, and I feel that ending his arc with him accepting who he is and standing with Thor, even if it meant sacrificing himself, was a bittersweet end for him. Heimdall was a servant of Asgard, and Asgard is literally dead, so he had nothing to offer the plot anymore and it made sense for him to die. Gamora’s death contributed to the plot in an important way, by getting Thanos the Soul Stone and giving him more depth as a character. Vision’s death (although a result of deus ex Time Stone, which we know how I feel about) meant Thanos would get the Mind Stone, completing the set of Infinity Stones on the Gauntlet and bringing us to the point of no return in the story. 
Every other character that died went with the snap of Thanos’s fingers. While this was a satisfying payoff from the foreshadowing earlier in the movie, I didn’t expect the amount of death that would follow. Wanda, T’Challa, Peter Parker, Doctor Strange, Bucky, Sam, Drax, Peter Quill, Mantis, and Groot all disintegrated away. I had a particularly hard time watching Peter Parker cling to Tony as his life drained from him, desperately saying that he didn’t want to go. Nick Fury and Maria Hill couldn’t even escape death in the post credit scene (No, the Captain Marvel Easter Egg didn’t make me feel hopeful like it was supposed to). These deaths were beautifully executed in a way that brought many of the people in the theater to tears, including me. I’m fully aware that it’s the Infinity War, and in wars there are always unnecessary casualties, but from a storytelling perspective, I think we lost too many. Ten characters were killed off, cheapening the experience of every film they appeared in and rendering those stories pointless. The four deaths I mentioned before were necessary to the story. In my opinion, these ten deaths were not. I’m also fully aware that this is a superhero movie and characters never stay dead for long, especially since we know some of these dead characters are supposed to appear in future Marvel films, but I’m still nervous about how the writers are going to get themselves out of this mess. I’m a big fan of the “when in doubt, kill someone” suggestion in writing, but 10 characters at once when they still have a role to play is too much. 
Okay I’ve talked too much and I feel like I’ve made no sense. Basically what I’m trying to say is that most of the deaths in this movie were unnecessary, and it makes me feel like the movies that happened before this happened for no reason at all, especially when the only possible solutions are everyone stays dead or everyone comes back or only characters whose actors still have contracts come back, most likely because of the time travel back door that’s always opened. I know that the original story ended with Adam Warlock, who was teased in the Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 post credit scene, getting the Gauntlet, and maybe that’s how they’ll end up defeating Thanos in the next Avengers movie. I don’t know. I’m still not exactly sure how to feel or how to respond to this. I’ve been looking forward to this movie for such a long time, and while I feel that I got everything I expected to get in this movie, I still can’t help but feel disappointed. 
As I’ve been writing this, something occurred to me. The theme of this movie is that war comes with a cost, and in the end wars are pointless. It’s even brought up in the movie. Thanos has a vision of young Gamora asking him if he did it. When he says yes, she asks him, “At what cost?” Maybe the unnecessary deaths are to prove that point. I don’t know. I could be giving the writers too much credit.
Okay. I’m running out of words to help me get across my worries and I’m half asleep at this point, so I think I’m gonna end this here and add on if I think of anything else. Feel free to add your comments. I really want to know how other people are feeling after seeing this movie. Thanks for putting up with me this long and thanks for reading my rant. 
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cindyfelicia · 7 years ago
Hi, I hope you’re doing well!! I was just wondering if you read comics? If so could you recommend some/ how to start getting into them? I want to start reading them, but it’s so stressful trying to figure out where to start. Also I love you blog!
Hi there! you’re all manners of sweet and kind thank u my advice abt approaching comics is going for solo runs first, this is how I, personally, did it and it’s way easier than jumping in on team books, or worse events bc they tend to be messier and need more bg info and pre-existing knowledge than a comic that focus on just the one character; I also feel it’s good to start with current or at least recent comics, you can always read the old stuff when you’re better acquainted with how comics work and which characters, artists and writers you like (or can tolerate).
actual recs under the cut because this got so long
i was gonna do a whole list of mcu characters’ solos because most people entry point to comics rn is superhero movies, and hmu if you want that, but instead I think I’m gonna rec you some good comics that are either separated enough from main marvel continuity as to be intelligible without extensive info gathering, or I just think they’re great and worth a bit of confusion (part of starting out reading comics is not knowing fully wth is going on sometimes, but stiking with it for some good art or for characters you love -I’m not gonna go so far as to say for good writing bc that’s just not realistic):
if you like yourself some spider-people:- silk (2015) and vol 2 (2016) are my absolute favorites- I’m not very much into spiderman but I read renew your vows  and it’s lovely,  it’s just not a main universe comic it’s an au where things are as, imo, they should be with ye old web slinger, and it’s good for getting your feet wet in the huge pool of spider-man comics;- I love miss jessica drew (spider-woman) but her solo is……. questionable if someone has a good jess drew intro rec pls tell me so I can pass it on, - miles morales has been written badly in more ways than one but I love him so I suffer, I can direct you without scruples only to his novel tho, absolutely lovely and not written by brian michaelbendis lmao- anya corazon is a really good character that marvel loves to forget it has, let’s not make the same mistake;- black widow 2014 and 2016 and bw: the name of the rose are all good comics (I know technically nat isn’t a spider person but like nothing about spider-woman’s powers screams ‘spider’ either so..
for wakanda I’d say good recent start-ups would be: - black panther (2016), - black panther: world of wakanda (w/ a lesbian couple as protag), - and rise of the black panther (ongoing)
some non x-men team books that are easier to approach as a beginner imho:-young avengers vol 2 (vol 1 has its moments if you want to start from the beginning with them but a lot of it involves the civil war arc and stuff.. also some characters die, the art is less good and I want to protect people from 17’s yo cassie lang’s nipples poking through her shirt.. I wish someone had protected me tbh) -I want to rec some Runaways but besides the current run (which is alright) there’s a lot to be said against the writing in most of the rest of them maybe vol 1? to have the origins pinned down-I feel like after a small read through of what exactly the hell was going on with secret wars you could approach A-Force vol 1 and the first half of vol 2 (the second half ties in with civil war II and I’m not touching that mess) and that and avenger world and sometimes secret avengers to me are good avengers books-she hulk 2014 and totally awesome hulk are my greens of choice but if you want an intro to bruce banner idont actually know, sorry-for the asgardians: thor 2014 and it’s follow up mighty thor, thor: god of thunder, angela: asgard’s assassin and its sequel angela: queen of hel, and loki: agent of asgard are my pick of this crop-we also have Fun here at marvel comics on occasion and both patsy walker aka hellcat and squirrel girl are nice in their own way although the latter isn’t really my thing
some follow up on the young avengers:- hawkeye (2013) an absolute fan favorite, good to discover that actually clint barton was a good character it’s that the avengers movies are just bad and hate people with disabilities- a couple of follow-ups to that (x) (x) and the kate bishop solo all pretty nice- america chavez’s solo (I’m just here to suggest gay comics, that’s almost all I read really)
I want to rec Champions to people but frankly it’s just a long series of event interruptions and bullshit interspersed with a couple of nice moments so far, so I’m gonna rec you some kids that are in the champions and have solos I haven’t already mentioned:- kamala khan’s book is probably my favorite ongoing series at marvel right now about any non-mutant char, I cannot say enough good about it,- nova is nice,- miles morales (spider-man) and amadeuscho (totally awesome hulk) are also there but I’ve already mentioned themalso in this house we love and respect elektranatchiosand any other attitude just isn’t tolerated.
on to the x-men, gotta love those guys, you just gotta:- like I said I prefer to tell people to start from recent comics but with the xmen that’s so difficult? it’s been 10+ bad years for them because of the movie rights situation and just marvel being shit in general, so my one recent team book to approach the x-men is prob x-men ‘92? because its based off of the xm animated series so you don’t have to straightaway deal with some mutant plague, eugenics plots, and other catastrophic events, but you can still get to know more of the char we all love - I want to say generation x vol 2, it’s not a good starting point for anything really but I love it so so much I had to mention it even tho it was cancelled and I’m still angry as hell about it.
the solo situation is better. I’m gonna be able to breathe without tasting my own bile while I type this, hurray!-all new wolverine follows laura kinney as she takes up the mantle from logan-iceman, good solid comic abt coming out and ice puns, who doesn’t like bobby really-jean grey, yes she’s a teen girl in this, yes it’s weird and I hate de-aging characters but it’s nice to see her train with different mutants, struggling with the incoming phoenix force and her adult self’s shadow, not really great entry point to jean grey but id read it anyway-if you were into the 00’s xmen movies like me, or at least a normal person’s amount the phoenix recently returned and with her adult!jean grey, it was a good book for me and good if you want to later start reading the actual phoenix saga (which is a lot of material so starting small with this might help) -I love wandamaximoff and despite what they’ve done to the maximoffs in order to bring them into the mcu (was it worth it for that result btw? really?) her recent book was good and I genuinely loved it -storm’s solo is so good, you’re gonna fall in love with an het ship and you’re not gonna regret it either-rogue and gambit, is ongoing and it’s good to get a little acquainted with these characters but mostly it’s about explorign their relationship
I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot of good x-men content atm but I can’t stop thinking I need to mention that there are ongoing series you could pick up its just.. I hate them.. some started out promising (xmen gold, astonishing xmen), but they’ve not developed in good directions imo, but I still feel they should be mentioned, there’s also a weapon x comic if you want to go for a more bloody kind of book and xmen blue if you like time displaced teens or something? god its bad
jeez this is so so long and guess what? I haven’t even finished yet.. there’s some excellent indie comics out there and with those you really don’t need to worry abt knowing any 30 years old lore or anything you pick them up and they explain themselves like any other normal media out there, I know, be still my heart:
- lumberjanes is my absolute favorite, a little corny, but so much fun and cuteness and if I could go back in time I’d give it to my little bi self so she’d know she’s not alone and anything I feel that ways about has a special place i my heart js
- Motor crush, there really isn’t any other comic book with a black lesbian as protagonist out there that I can think of, good if you’re into motorcycles but if like in my case that threatens to put you to sleep, it also has a sci-fi streak and solid character work, you won’t regret giving it a try
- moonstruck, cute non-white gay werewolves and other mythological creatures are there, I feel this cathers to me specifically every time I open it?? bless
- Hi-Fi fight club or heavy vinyl (they changed the title) if you want a period piece that’s fun and cute and gay (I meant it about me reading only gay comics as you can tell)
- saga, for a space, well ya know.. saga I feel that I can describe it as romeo and juliet in space with added racial commentary except they don’t kill themselves, I have to say not my favorite but you might stick with it for the characters, I sure do
- the wicked + the divine, I feel very much the same about this as I do about saga, only this is mythology based so like.. I sold my soul to it, but please do tread with care there’s a lot of deaths in it and so many of these dead people are gays and/or poc.. I’m none too pleased about it and I’d understand anyone not wanting to pick it up, I mean the deaths are basically in the premises of the books but that doesn’t change the end result..
lastly like I said dc is not my area of expertise but I’ve been following with pleasure both batwoman and green lanterns, and mr miracle was an amazing comic so I thought I’d mention them
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piolhyna · 4 years ago
Okay so, as I am seeing this, they do not know anything of what might happen to Vision or WhiteVision or whatever, but I believe Kevin Feige and the big bosses at Marvel know for sure. The director of Wandavision just knows their own stuff, whatever happens next is out of their control. Marvel executives on the other hand have planned out about 10 years of content and just making WV appear at the end and then leave alive is not something they are going to let go.
Marvel doesn’t let loose threads like that, and with the huge boom that Wandavision became, I don’t think they are going to leave him behind.
Tbh a few years back if you asked me if they will ever have a Loki series or focus on Wanda’s trauma and all of that I would have not belived you, but now it seems Marvel is focusing their attention in what made the fans love their content, which is their characters and their personal growth. And Vision is just now getting into the good stuff, to explore what he is and what happened to him!
I’m still hoping we see him in Armor Wars, or Black Panther 2 or god knows. I mean, what are the three big bads?? Robots, Aliens and Wizards. That machine at the TVA was designed to keep robots away! I might be going insane, but c’mon.
For now, we are in the multiverse era, but I assure all of you reading this. Vision will be back.
I have been a voice with no body. A body, but not human. And now a memory made real.
Who knows what I might be next?
I would like to have a discussion about THIS and how it is a steaming Drax turd. Not just that Paul is up in the air, but no follow up with RISEN!Vision because “it didn’t matter.” And that Wanda will not pursue because “he’s not her guy.” So when the witch goes haywire and had a meltdown over trauma, she gets all the love and support from a version of her boo and new friends, imagined and not... but the synthezoid’s trauma isn’t human enough for her to pursue. That is really REALLY CRAPPY of Wanda. She doesn’t have to get into bed with him, but maybe honoring the memory of her alleged love by checking on his reanimated body, cause he has no one, would be the decent thing to do. Or was he literally just a safety blankey to be fridged for her woman-pain?
Talk me off this ledge here...
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todokori-kun · 8 years ago
ehehehehehe I’m sure you’ll get over it :) (but you won’t, really. I should probably go and make sure you don’t have any sharp objects in your possession.)
Don’t be upset! *hugs* not until you listen to ‘Words Fail’, 'I am damaged’ and watch Civil War + Thor 2, at least…
I read the chapter! One of the things that immediately stood out to me was Shuu’s design, because it really shows how much it’s changed since the first series (he looks so pretty(?) now. Look at those eyes (down for the count and I’m drownin’ in 'em)).
As for Naki, my boy. The moment I saw him using a freaking PROVERB I think I teared up a little.
But obviously, the one thing he will never learn is Shuu’s name.
And that ending…since it’s the 'king’ it should be Ken, right? But if it is, there’s definitely something wrong (I mean just look at the last panel). When did he get back? Where’s Touka? What has he been doing? I mean, from the spoilers, some fans were guessing that was actually Arima and that’s possible now with the whole 'bring back the dead’ thing, but I don’t think it’s him. For one thing, Arima’s story had a heartbreaking ending, but it was satisfying…it was a clean, simple conclusion. I feel like it wouldn’t be a good idea to mess that up, since it would just makes things that much more complicated. It would also be cruel to Arima because COME ON, he chose his own death because that was the best option for him and he died happy! WHY would you make him do it all over again?!
And weirdly, this chapter is like 'lol Touken? what Touken?’ like the last few chapters never happened. Not sure how to feel about that XD
Also Kou is adorable and if Ishida hurts him I don’t know what I’ll do.
yeah, I do know that 'Aishiteru’ is such a powerful phrase that even married couples hesitate to use it ^^ I just wanted something to compare it to. Apparently Saiko’s 'I love you’ was the same 'I love you’ she uses with the rest of the Q squad…? Idk if that’s 100% accurate though.
OTL that freaking scene…
'Ravenclaw or Slytherin’ ^^ hahaha…ehehehehehehe…the thing is…
King Evans, bringer of angst, breaker of feels, mighty lord of the tragic OTPs, is 98% Hufflepuff. The other 2% is probably Ravenclaw.
MY HEART. Queen Luna…
Ronald and Evans would have the most casual relationship- in public, if they didn’t bother to make it obvious, people would probably think they were just BFFs.
Marco is honestly the best option tbh (he IS freckled jesus after all). Thank you so much for that <3
Vitya is a darling. His PDA would probably embarrass me a lot though haha
You said 'Steve might not be a good choice’, dunno if that’s a typo or not LOL honestly I’m not sure who I’d like as an s/o from the MCU… I mean, Loki is one of my favorites but I would NOT want to date him under any circumstances (dude tried to commit genocide in Thor 1 by killing every single Frost Giant…probably because of his self-loathing about being one himself). And like I said, though I really relate to Bruce, we’d probably just be like 'I’m so anxious’ 'You are? I’m totally anxious too’ 'I’m anxious about you being anxious’ and so on and so forth…
Wanda (Scarlet Witch) seems like the kind of person I’d get along well with though, since we’re pretty similar personality-wise but Wanda seems less sensitive than me and a bit more outgoing/willing to take charge. The reason I picked the Captain is because of out of all the avengers we have the most similar beliefs (I can talk like a nihilist at times but at the end of the day I’m probably Team Cap) and he’s got the nicest personality.
YAS another Joker fan! I thought we were extinct ;-; Luna/Joker sounds cute but Luna/Soma sounds absolutely adorable.
-“I like cute animals,”
-You (sort of) regret those words when Soma gets you a baby elephant for your birthday
-He doesn’t get how you can study so many things and concentrate on all of them. He’s not sure how to feel about it either, because he thinks you’re awesome and calls you a true scholar (he’s just so proud “Ciel, YOUR girlfriend may be a fencing prodigy but MY girlfriend is a genius!” “Well-” “What’s that? I can’t hear you over the sound of how amazing she is!”), but then he doesn’t understand how you don’t get bored of all those things, and he’s kind of jealous that it takes up so much of your time.
-jealous soma=pouty soma asking Agni and Ciel for love advice
-his nickname for you is 'princess’
Armin/Luna is one of the new OTPs
-though you’re an introverted couple you’re both willing to speak up for each other when it’s needed
-Armin loves to tell you stories about the world outside the walls and you often look at the picutres in his books together, making up wild and crazy theories about what’s out there
-Eren approves
-Mikasa gives you The Talk
-'I have two functioning blades and dozens of titans waiting outside. Hurt him and no one will ever find your body’
-Of course he wants to skate with you. If you already know he’s overjoyed and loves to have friendly competitions/races, and if you don’t he’s happy to teach you. He’s very sweet about it (until you realize he’s been taking pictures of your 'progress’ throughout the entire lesson)
-Phichit FLOODS his instagram with pictures of you and him together 'Look at this goddess’ 'Me and my bae’ 'Georgi’s jealous’
-In fact he just rambles about you on social media to the point where everyone decides that either he’s lost it or this Luna person is, in fact, a goddess
-Phichit also has a tumblr so he quickly becomes a part of the constant fandom discussions between Luna and Evans
-expect a ton of Hamilpuns
-Evans third wheels like a pro
Oh I Ken totally Hide (sorry)
YES those are also some of my favorites parts! (Thor is very disappointed with his little bro. Though I have to say, it’s a bit like
Loki: “I am a strong, independent frost giant who don’t need no Odin. Go home yourself.”
Thor: “Ok.
Ah, you’ll get to see Loki’s softer side in Thor 2…prepare for the feels. Also, I do recommend you watch Thor 1 sometime. You may already know the plot but Thor 1 is the only movie we actually get see Loki before he turned into a complete and utter mess. He was actually a nice guy before the daddy issues…I was planning not to watch the first movie either but after watching it I’m glad I did.
Yeah, I don’t think you have to watch anything other than the ones you’ve listed, since those seem to be the ones most involved with the main, running plot (the Infinity Stones).
Also, idk if you’ve heard, but the post-credit scenes matter A LOT in marvel movies so I suggest you try to watch all of those :)
I think I’ll try BHA if I get the time ^^ it’s easier to get into that than Love Live in Korea. Manga is more common than anime over here unless the anime in question is really popular
Don’t worry, I’ll have you sobbing over them soon enough :)
And I suppose you’re talking about the Hamilton Believer PV? I look forward to your reaction! :D Mine was to sob and then start screaming the lyrics all over the place
I love pretty much all the Loki gifs. Like, look at them:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Also, that knife gif. When I search ‘Loki’ in gifs, most of the results are that one. I understand why, though. I mean, dayum,
Oh I’m sure I’ll get over it once I’m deep enough into the fandom. And I’m slowly, but surely getting there :)))
I loved Shuu in the new chap! I was like ‘oh la la the gourmet has returned, finally’.  The chapter does raise a lot of questions, though. I mean, who’s the king? What’s happening to the world? Kaneki? Touka? ANYONE?
When Naki started talking my reaction was ‘slow down, kid’. I’m so prout T^T
I don’t want it to be Arima. He finally found peace (in death, tho), so let him have he’s peace. He deserves it. We’ll just have to wait a week until we know, I guess. There better be some good explanations in the next chapter!
Well, I guess we’ll never know. Unless I somehow find a raw. Then, I guess I could at least see which form she uses. It’s a mystery, though, and I really want to know what she used.
You what. Hufflepuff? Nah, can’t be. Feel murderers don’t go into  the house for cinnamon rolls (but, then again, you are a cinnamon roll with an evil side).  Ever heard of hybrid houses? Yeah, I think you belong to one of those. 
Yeah, of all the character you’ve chosen, I’d say Marco is the best for you because he’d always be able to calm you down and make you laugh when you’d need it. It’d be the most adorable relationship ever and I’d be that stalker friend who’d secretly take pictures of the two of you together and would try to get you together before you’d confess. 
Yeah, that was a typo. I mean to say ‘Steve would be a good choice’.  I think the two of you would make a cute pair. Like, he’s a huge sweetheart and somewhat old fashioned. My new OTP is forming....
Ah, you and Loki might be cute, actually. I mean, once you’d open up and let your sass out, he’d be like ‘I like this mortal’. I must admit, though, I think Steve would be just a tiny bit better choice...?
The second I saw Joker, I was like ‘he’s my new problematic fave’. And then he died. And I cried. Then I heard the dub and almost threw my phone out of the window because they ruined his voice. I know he’s not the youngest person ever but he sounds like he’s in his 40s or something. 
Souma is the purest cinnamon roll in the series. I have no idea why some people dislike him so much. Sure, he’s oblivious and a tiny bit annoying at times, but he’s a nice person and does his best. NOt to mention what happened in the recent chapters. He definitely deserves more love :)))
Armin and Luna would have reading dates 90% of the time. Also, random glomping from my side because he’s too adorable.  But something I found out recently: he’s also ripped. Like, damn. It might be a consequence of his new... condition, but still.
Evans would never be a third wheel. In fact, I’m sure Luna would ditch Phichit every once in a while to talk to you hahah  Tbh, from YoI, I’m not sure I’d actually date anyone, but if I had to, Phichit would be my top choice. 
I am proud to say that I stayed up until 3:30am, binging on all the Avengers fics I could find and came to the conclusion that Loki is number 1 after all. Thor is nice and all, but I think I would get a tiny bit fed up with his constant obliviousness. Also, Jane.  And a lot of the fics described Loki as a huge bookworm, however I’m not sure if it’s fanon or canon. Either way, I like it hahah Also, imagine the sass battles. I’m 100% sure everyone would be fed up with us hahah
I am going to get all the feels during Thor 1 and 2, aren’t I?
Actually, from the ones that aren’t one the list, I only haven’t watched the Hulk, but I know what happens.
One of my friends is a huge fan of MCU and constantly yells about the post credit scenes, so i’ll definitely remember ^^
Oh, I see! LL has a mobile game, though ;) Your choice!
I almost cried over believer. It really does fit well ^^
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shepherdofsuns · 8 years ago
What do you think of the new Lucifer series, now that Kadrey writes it?
Ho, boy. I’m— 
Okay, sit down and relax because it is a longer story.
I didn’t know Mr Kadrey and his work before. Not at all. I went out there, did some research as soon as the news about him taking over were out. I was excited because honestly, my benefit of doubt for Holly Black ended up with nothing good – the plot was not there at all, it was one big horrible mess. I learned to accept changes in Lucifer’s personality (it was a mix of both Carey’s and Gaiman’s with a dose of Loki-like mischief. Not horrible, I was able to see him like that because, well, made sense when we look at different depictions of the Devil throughout the time. but I hated the one-liners. Oh god, I hated them). What was hard to forgive her though was how she made it out to be such a huge thing – the resolve of Lucifer/Mazikeen relationship… and can we just stop here and talk about how important Mazikeen is to me? Ok? Right. The way she just pretty much slammed them together for no reason so they could just be together… this was the most disappointing thing I’ve read in any comic series EVER.
Moving on to Mr Kadrey (to whom I’ve left a welcoming tweet on twitter as he was joining the boat – and he said he hopes I’ll enjoy what they’re doing with the series; well, here’s to hope. toast!). I think he’s left with a lot of mess to deal with. It’s never easy to clean up after someone and erase the distaste, is it? Kadrey’s part of a holiday special back in December was an oddly delightful comedy. As specials usually should be. As for the start of his run… I like the essential idea he is going with, but the delivery leaves a lot to wish for. I feel like he dumbed down some characters and dumbed them down quite a lot. Also, Annabelle as a character so far is proving to be a disappointment – I don’t like her. Where I thought we’d get our fem!stantine, a woman who for some reason (choose your poison tbh) chose John Constantine to be her biggest hero and has been consequently following his path. I hoped for some truly filthy, disgusting but fun to spend time with female character (look filthy assistants from Transmet), but what I got is a boring and sort of stupid emo lady who I wish to have nothing to do with – will my opinion change? Who knows. But if it doesn’t then why on Earth would you choose this woman to take on the John Constantine look? She big fan of the tv series adaptation? The part with Gabriel in this newest issue was way too awkward to read too. Like, I know he’s supposed to be this angelic loser, right? But the jokes just didn’t land correctly. Maybe it’s Kadrey being inexperienced with comics, maybe it’s something else. I suppose we’re going to see as the plot develops.
I like where he’s trying to go with the plot, but characters need a lot of shaping here. And it sort of worries me, because it’s not something one can fix from issue to issue. I’m still hoping he will be able to get some interesting results with the ideas he’s having.
Eh, I sound like someone hard to please rn, don’t I? You can tell there are things that’s just… been bothering me a lot. A LOT. I just fail to understand why they choose people who had no previous experience with comics-writing as ones to write a Vertigo classic (when it’s a known fact that die-hard Vertigo fans have high expectations). Though then it dawned me that Vertigo’s no longer a thing, it’s no longer led by the same people we used to know and love and that perhaps DC is trying hard to get new readers aka the tv series fans with this one while trying to keep the old fans around. Seriously, don’t do that. It’s not how it works. Either go all the way in or out.
But overall, I keep on reading the comics, keep on hoping something will change (at least Garbett’s art is really eye-pleasing. I’d say he overdid it a little bit with the ‘bishounen’ look on Lucifer – a little too soft of the features on our Devil. But then again, that’s just how he draws them characters, so…  not bad, not bad.
I’ll continue reading it (tho I secretly hope that some comics writer will suddenly appear on board – I mean, as long as it’s not Milligan. anyone but Milligan). Mr Kadrey is finally taking a plot somewhere, after we’ve had the ramblings and pretend-action-filled-drama that got us pretty much nowhere for 12 first issues, Kadrey took two issues to have us jump back on the right tracks in terms of plot development. That’s promising, right?
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