#I’m just sitting here hot at hell man I’m gonna ask them if they have a fan??? or could we get one for the front desk…
tariah23 · 7 days
I’m at work ass out with no training but it’s the 3rd shift so I doubt anything is gonna be going on outside of food deliveries. It’s a bit different here but they still use the same system for processing packages and such…
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
He’s not sure why he even comes to these parties anymore. He used to sell at the frat houses, made his rounds until he was out of product, made more money than any minimum wage job he could find near campus.
But he hasn’t in a while. Months, at this point.
It’s just that every time he came to one of these idiotic showing of riches and popularity, the most beautiful man he’d ever seen was sitting in the corner of the kitchen watching with a faraway look in his eyes. Sometimes he stood in a group of people in the living room, but never contributed to the conversation. Once, Eddie saw him swinging his feet back and forth in the water of the hot tub on the back patio with three different couples making out inside it, completely zoned out.
Eddie needs to keep an eye on him. Hence, he attends the stupid parties.
And it’s stupid, to go through so much trouble for a guy he doesn’t even know, who probably doesn’t even notice him back. It’s stupid, but Eddie’s never claimed to be very bright.
Which is probably why he walks up to the guy when he’s about two seconds from punching Tommy Hagan, grabs his wrists, and tugs.
“The fuck are you?” He asks Eddie, reasonably confused and angry at being interrupted by a stranger.
Eddie could feel his pulse against his fingers, swore he could feel a spark of electricity flow between them.
“Eddie. Just leave him. Whatever he did isn’t worth it,” he said through clenched teeth.
His fingers tightened around Steve’s wrists as he considered trying to pick him up, throw him over his shoulder, and walk out of this party entirely.
“How the hell do you know?” Steve wasn’t trying to pull away.
Eddie didn’t let himself think about that too much.
“I just know nothing Hagan does is ever worth trouble for you. C’mon,” Eddie tugged on his wrists again, and this time, it seemed to catch the guy off guard.
“Didn’t know you were into freaks, Harrington,” Tommy said as they took a few steps away from him. “If you’re gonna be gay, you could at least have taste.”
Eddie froze.
The guy, Harrington, tried to pull his wrists loose, but Eddie didn’t let him.
He turned to Tommy, the guy who almost got him arrested for selling at his party only a few months ago, and smirked.
If he was gonna out someone to a stranger, Eddie had no problem doing the same right now.
“And you just sucked my dick because you wanted to add it to your résumé?” Eddie grinned at Tommy, who quickly looked around to make sure no one else heard.
“As if I would-“ he tried to say, but Harrington cut him off.
“You forget you say shit when you’re high. You told me about it already. I think your exact words were, ‘he had the best dick I’ve ever seen, Steve.’ Or am I mixing that up with another dick?” Steve pulled one arm loose from Eddie’s grip, brushed hair from his face, and let it relax at his side.
Eddie could let go now, he was sure if anyone would start something at this point it would be Tommy. But Steve wasn’t trying to pull his other wrist loose and Eddie liked the warmth of him in his hand.
“Whatever man, just go. You don’t even wanna be here,” Tommy turned and left before Steve could respond.
Eddie finally let go, but he didn’t like the immediate sense of loss that filled his chest.
“You always interrupt strangers before they fight?” Steve asked him, hands shoved into his pockets.
Eddie really looked at him, inspected him. He only ever saw him at these parties, so the lighting was shit, but he’d noticed the dark shadows under his eyes a while ago. He noticed that he held himself in a way that showed he was always ready for a fight. Steve’s hair had gone flat over the last month or so, not nearly as voluminous or shiny as it had been at the start of the year.
“Are you okay?” He asked instead of answering the question.
“I’m fine, dude.”
Eddie shook his head. “You don’t seem okay.”
“Then why did you ask?”
“Just seems like something is bothering you,” Eddie wouldn’t push more, not if Steve was actually gonna get mad. But something told him that nobody pushed Steve to talk enough.
Eddie had Wayne back home, and his friends in his band here, and a couple coworkers at the bar he worked at twice a week now that he could joke around with. Steve didn’t even seem to have the people he hung around with.
“Why does it matter to you if something is bothering me?”
That’s a fair question. Why does it matter to him?
“Maybe because I just wanted to help. That’s what people do, right?”
“Not for me, usually.”
Eddie stepped closer, barely leaving space between them. “Well, I am.”
Steve stared back at him, shoulders dropping and eyes losing that angry fire.
Eddie was an idiot sometimes, but he was able to read people pretty well. It’s what kept him safe for most of middle and high school, and made him friends in college.
He knew what it looked like to be lonely and depressed, and Steve had check marks next to both of those.
“You wanna get out of here?” Eddie asked, once again avoiding his question.
“And go where?”
“I’ll show you my favorite getting high spot.”
“I don’t really smoke with strangers,” Steve seemed nervous.
“You don’t have to smoke. I’m just gonna show you the place.”
He watched Steve think about it, noting the way his brows scrunched together, how he bit his bottom lip, how he looked at the ground instead of at Eddie.
“Fine. But if you murder me in the woods, my mom will have you hanged,” Steve finally said.
“Hanged? Do they even do that anymore?”
Steve giggled. “Probably not. But she’d find a way.”
“Well, I’ve got no interest in murdering you, big boy.”
The blush that filled Steve’s cheeks was stunning. A perfect pink dusting his skin, giving him a healthier glow than what he’d had for a while.
“What do you have interest in?”
Eddie could say any number of things to flirt, make his true intentions clear, maybe even go straight back to his single dorm instead of showing Steve anywhere.
But Eddie figured that’s all Steve was used to, or maybe he was always the one who had to put an effort into things.
Maybe he wasn’t used to getting treated like a human being.
“I’d like to get to know you. Parties like this aren’t really a good place to learn about someone’s favorite song or what they snack on when they wake up in the middle of the night.”
Steve seemed shocked by this answer, but his features quickly melted into a soft smile, one Eddie would want to see every single day.
“Fine. But it’s not a date,” Steve held out his hand, ready to be led.
Instead of lacing his fingers with Steve’s, or even just grabbing his hand in his palm, he wrapped his fingers around Steve’s wrist again.
“We’ll see.”
On graduation day, Steve and Eddie found their way back to their spot, one they’d probably never visit again.
Eddie’s fingers were curled around Steve’s wrist as they stood facing each other, close enough to feel each other’s breaths against their lips.
Nearly two years together, nearly 300 trips to this spot, and more than 500 dates that they never called dates.
And it was just the beginning.
Eddie leaned in to press his lips to Steve’s gently, keeping it soft so they wouldn’t get carried away.
They had to meet Wayne at the Italian restaurant in less than an hour and then Steve’s mom expected them back at Steve’s apartment for a wine and dessert celebration.
They wouldn’t be properly alone like this again for at least a couple days, but they didn’t have time to do much about it right now.
“I love you,” Eddie whispered as he rested his forehead against Steve’s.
“I love you, too,” Steve said back.
He didn’t have dark shadows under his eyes anymore, spending more nights sleeping in bed with Eddie than awake at parties he didn’t want to be at. His hair had most of its shine back. He’d put on a few pounds after joining the gym again, using it as an outlet for stress instead of hiding in corners at parties where he would drink just enough to get buzzed four times a week.
He made friends with Eddie’s friends, plus some of his own when he got a part time job at the coffee shop on campus.
Steve never spoke to Tommy again, at least as far as Eddie knew. He didn’t seem interested in being his friend again, and once he told Eddie more about their “friendship”, he couldn’t really blame him.
“You ready to go see Wayne?” Steve asked him, probably more excited than even Eddie was.
Wayne and Steve bonded quickly and they’d probably spend most of the lunch talking about sports and where they would go fishing this summer.
Eddie nodded, but he pulled something from his pocket before Steve could pull away and start walking back to the car they now shared.
“What’s that?” Steve asked, pointing towards the envelope in Eddie’s hand.
“It’s a gift from me to you. Well, I guess both of us, but I really got it for you.”
He handed it to Steve, who opened it quickly.
He pulled out the paper inside and Eddie watched his eyes fly across the words written there.
“You got us a trip to Italy? How the fuck did you get us a trip to Italy?” Steve was looking at him, eyes wet with tears.
“Doesn’t matter how. Wayne gave us some money for it, so did your mom. I’ve been saving for a year. Want us to have something special before we have to start working.” Eddie kissed his forehead. “Plus I want any excuse to see you in some of those see-through linen shorts.”
Steve’s lips were on his, his arms wrapped around Eddie’s neck. Eddie wrapped his arms around his waist to hold him there.
“I’ll wear them every day,” he gasped as he leaned in for another kiss.
Eddie laughed. “You won’t hear any complaints from me, sugar.”
“I can’t believe you did this. All I got you was a t-shirt.”
“You know I love t-shirts. I know you love Italy. It’s a win-win for both of us.”
Steve rolled his eyes, but kissed him again.
His eyes widened. “Oh my god. Are you gonna propose in Italy?”
Eddie snorted. “Why would I answer that question?”
“Because! I have to know!”
“So I can make sure I have a nice outfit for pictures, dumbass.”
“You’ll just have to wait and see. You look good in everything,” Eddie kissed the top of his head before he wrapped his fingers around Steve’s wrist and tugged on it once. “Let’s get to Wayne before he sends a search party.”
Eddie smiled to himself as they walked to the car, Steve’s rambling about what he wanted to do in Italy keeping his mind from wandering too far. He couldn’t help thinking about the ring he had stashed away in his guitar case, though.
Italy was the perfect place to propose.
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forbidden-sin-bin · 1 year
Sex and Filthy Smut headcanons
(Eminem x F!Reader Hc’s and drabbles)
Rated: E for explicit… no wait, this needs an X rating for possibly being the filthiest thing I’m gonna write in my life. God save my soul (probably not but hey at least I asked)
Warnings: I mean… look at the title. Need I say more??? Smut. Sex. Lovemaking, Intercourse. Whatever the hell you wanna call it. The whole 10 yards is here. It’s porn, not gonna lie at all.
Tags/Keywords: Smut, Heavy Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, fluff, fluff and smut, Pre-established relationship, Sexual Content, Kink, Overstimulation, Dom/Sub, BDSM, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Oral Sex, Giving/Receiving, Healthy Relationships, Feel Good, Everything sinful under the sun is found here, Author is going to hell, anyone who reads this is coming with me
A/N: Yes yes, ain’t no fuckbuddies or friends with benefits headcanons here, sue me. There is NO angst or sadness here. None, zero, zilch. Those kinds of relationships almost NEVER end well 98% of the time. This is all about you and him ONLY. Give it up for romance y’all.
Not gonna lie, there might've been more I wanted to add to this hellfire list of headcanons but once you've seen how much stuff there is below I hope you'll forgive me for finally putting this out here.
I hope by reading this, will provide you with comfort and satisfaction.
VERY special thanks to @smutty-books for beta reading and feedback along with helping me with this monster of a list! Please check them out and show them some love! (Seriously thank you Smutty for the additional ideas and content. you made this Hc's list a million times better and twice as much content included.)
General HC's:
Oh boy. Oh boy oh boy ohhhhhh boy.
You want sum fuk? You got sum fuk and way more.
As long as you’re his s/o, congrats on your sex life being absolutely demolished and rebuilt by this man. You’ll probably never find a better person in the bedroom for the rest of your life. It literally doesn’t matter if he’s your boyfriend or your husband, sex is a staple activity in your relationship that you both enjoy.
Fast and rough? Slow and steady? Maybe a little bit of both? You bet he’ll be saying fuck yeah to all of those.
His sex drive has always been relatively quite high, even after all these years. Being 50 and counting ain’t gonna stop him anytime soon.
Can, and will, want to fuck you on any and every surface of the house.
Living room couch? Perfect spot for bouncing in his lap or to blow him hard.
Dining room table? He’ll have you either bent over and railing you from behind or sitting on top while he devours your dripping wet pussy.
Taking a shower? You’ll be saving water if you do it together… yeah. Definitely not because of at least a half dozen things you can do in there with soothing hot water pouring down your bodies.
In the studio?…
Okay maybe not the studio he’s gotta work without getting distracted and lord save you two if anyone finds a sliver of evidence that you two fucked in there-
Not a PDA guy much, which also extends to any sexual antics outside. He won’t be taking any risks getting the two of you caught lacking
As long as you two are in the house, it’s free game
His views and methods of sex vary depending on which era we’re talking about
If he were in his 1999’s/2000’s era, then yeah, absolute horndog. He’s constantly so busy and on the move, sex would be a quick trip and onto the next. It would’ve scratched the itch, but arguably wouldn’t have sated his appetite for long. If he ever had a chance to have a good, drawn out sex session, it’ll leave him looking like he had a serious hangover but he’ll be waking up so relaxed.
Him being quick to fuck around and quick to leave was his style pre-Relapse. It’s a common thing you see around music artists in general and he was no exception. That doesn’t mean he was closed off to finding an actual solid relationship, it just becomes that much harder to find someone genuine. Most of the time though, he was busy putting out albums and producing music with a 9 to 5 regimen.
Post-Relapse/Recovery Em had insane stamina due to the excessive amount of exercise he put in. Call me insane, but I have a feeling this may be the time where he had the least amount of sex drive-
He was starting out his sobriety around this time, I’m no expert but I would have to think that he hasn’t fucked or hooked up with anyone since then cause sex may have been a risk or his body was recovering, therefore most likely putting sex as a low priority. That isn’t to say he wasn’t busting a nut oh no, he probably became best friends with his hands again.
The time between Rap God/Monster Era was slowly building back up his drive, transitioning him to the Revival/Present Day era where he’s back on his blue-balling bullshit. Mans been practically putting out mating calls in his music and in interviews I mean COME ON HAVE YOU SEEN IT
He’s wise enough to not be caught slipping with hoes cause he won’t be caught with those hoes. At all. He’s not a hoe fucker no more. You heard him.
Finding an actual healthy relationship with one person? Someone give it to him, now.
(Anyone who remembers that one shot in that Rainy Days behind the scenes video where he points the camera to his crotch and says “EVERYTHING is for sale.” If that isn’t a man in heat I dunno what is; And that’s just one example out of many lemme tell you)
He’s determined to make you feel good more than him, but he’ll absolutely be having fun with how you’re gonna come. He’ll love exploring your body, finding out every little spot that gives you shivers down your spine.
Oh yeah, did I mention that he's got a big dick? He's got a big dick.
Don't try to deny it when you can't help but glance at his crotch all the time. It might be bias, or it might be fact that you can see the bulge in his pants.
Dom/Sub Roles:
He’s a dom, no question about that. Most of the time he’s a soft dom, not overwhelmingly asserting himself over you but firm enough to have you listen to him. Of course, he’ll be praising you a ton if you’re doing good and listening. But if you’re acting a little bratty, a little petty… yeah, he’ll make you behave, let’s just leave it at that.
Enjoys having you bent over his knee while he fingers your pussy, making sure you’re all nice and ready for him to enjoy.
If you squirm too much, expect a light spanking and a firm reminder to behave.
Again, not over the top with his dominance, cause at the end of the day, he wants to take care of you, to make you feel comfortable and show you how much he loves you. So praising isn’t just a dom thing, it’s genuinely how he expresses his affection to you.
If you insist on it, he can go even harder as a dom, upping his antics and getting off on seeing you beg for relief. Punishments will be even meaner and if you slip up even just a little, looks like you’re gonna have to start all over. No amount of pleading, teary whines from you will get him to change the cold, hard look in his eyes as he’s watching you.
Absolutely insistent on a safe word, no matter the situation.
Marshall’s immediately shifting to a protective, nurturing caretaker the moment your safe word leaves your lips and making sure your needs are met, completely understanding and shushing any apologies that threaten to leave your mouth for ruining the moment. You come first and foremost.
Amazing with aftercare. Will make sure that you’re okay and well taken care of after a session, praising you lovingly as he holds you close. If it was particularly intense, he’ll be checking in on you for the next day or so whilst feeling quite proud of himself that he can reduce you to a begging, dripping mess yesterday night. But he's by far more proud of you for trusting him and letting him experience you in such a vulnerable position.
All it takes is for him to say: "Such a good girl" and you're all his. (Can't blame you honestly-)
He'll be using your petnames even outside of your passionate sessions, even if it's just coming home to greet you after a day of work or passing by each other in the house to do something, a quick: "Hey peaches" or "How's my babygirl?" never fails to want to leave you smiling shyly, even after a bad day.
While being a sub is not what he would usually do at all, it’s not impossible. Once he’s far into a relationship with you and fully comfortable, he might actually give in to your insistence.
He has a need to feel like he’s in control, like he’s leading; Being on the opposite end is a big deal for him, so if he ever subs it’s a huge fucking compliment and privilege that shows how much he trusts and loves you to bare himself to you.
He’ll definitely be grumbly about it tho, and probably trying to act all teasing at your attempt to dominate him. But once you get past that first phase and he lets himself relax and give into your control… he doesn’t want to admit it, but he feels so fucking secure with you.
When he fully gives in, he’s preening and leaning into your touch. He’ll be such a good boy under your lavish praise and having all of your attention on him.
It feels almost foreign, not being the one in charge and making all the decisions for once. But once he gets used to it, he'll be doing whatever he can to receive your approval.
Seeing him at your mercy, letting you take the reins, makes it your priority to see him come undone by your command, holy shit, it's fucking beautiful.
If he's up for being a little more bratty (not unlike he's been on his petty shit for decades as his core personality trait let's be real here) and expecting to be punished and/or your dominance be harsher, the thought of pushing you to your limits with how much you're willing to keep up with him makes him really, really excited on the inside.
It’s both of your secrets, so don’t fuck it up, a'ight?
Teasing/Body Parts:
Speaking of secrets… he’s incredibly private, but at the same time, don’t be surprised if he ends up writing lyrics that may or may not allude or be inspired by your sex lives. You swear this man will be the death of you, smug bastard.
If you’re ever turned on by listening to his music or his voice, it’ll be such a massive ego boost for him, holy shit. No need to feel embarrassed, cause he’s fucking flattered.
Even tho his residence is far from any neighbors (and definitely soundproof), he’s got a playlist for your ears to get aroused to.
Imagine Marshall whispering in your ear or talking in that low voice of his and well damn now you’re horny is an understatement of the goddamn century.
And it’s not just you! Marshall gets off hearing you moan like crazy, another sign that lets him know he’s doing a damn good job. Hearing you whimpering gets him going, but making you scream? Jackpot.
Unsurprisingly to a lot of y’all, but he loves tits. He loves ass for sure, but feeling your breasts is just- Yes.
Love fondling them, licking, biting, sucking, you name it.
Now do the same for him-
(No wonder he’s such a titty guy-)
But seriously, play with his chest and he’ll be moaning and writhing under you. Music to your ears.
Rest assured your ass will not be forgotten or neglected. No fucking way he’ll ever leave any part of you un-worshipped. Even when you’re just passing each other around the house he’ll playfully slap or squeeze your ass with a smirk. Cheeky fucker.
May or may not prompt him to just throw you down and pin you against whatever furniture is closest and have his way with you right then and there.
Or it could be the other way around! You can't help but give his sexy behind a mischievous swat or grab, or his pecs. He'll probably pretend to be miffed but you'll be catching him returning the smirk you have on your face. Oh, by all means, have your way with him right then and there as well. Equal rights, equal sexy times.
Grabbing your backside and pulling you closer to him, pressed against his chest and his growing bulge in his pants oh sweet Jesus-
Will for sure spank you while you’re riding him or he’s railing you from behind, the sounds of skin slapping against skin while he sees your ass jiggle with every thrust is just so fucking hot
He wants to reach deep down, as far as his cock can reach, nothing in the house is safe from him pounding your pussy and giving you a creampie.
Speaking of that, He LOVES to come into you or on you. It gives him a feeling of claiming what's his. Anytime he sees his cum dripping outta you or running down your skin, Marshall’s ready to go again.
Or he could use a sex toy, making sure his cum stays inside and your pussy ready for him in a few.
We’ve already covered the dom/sub parts, but there is SO much potential for other kinks that you and him can get into so let’s get right into it
Breeding Kink:
I mean how can we not start this off without mentioning that
Can, and will ram you harder and faster than a piston AND make sure you both cum multiple times
If you’re walking the next morning, that means he failed the assignment so now he’s boutta rectify that
Dirty talk is cranked to a hundred as he’s growling in your ear on how much of a slut you are for his seed, how he’ll fill you up and make sure your womb is carrying his baby, how gorgeous you would look with your belly swollen with your little creation, etc.
Even if he’s sure that he doesn’t want anymore kids (given his age or experience, which is understandable), imagine the baby fever he gets when he sees or imagines you with kids
He’s perfectly happy with just you and him, but the possibility of you, him, and maybe a little one you made together from your love? His pupils are dilating like a cat getting ready to pounce
Even if the possibilities are extremely unlikely, the mere thought of it and he’s giving you the 🥺 eyes. (Every time you see him make those eyes at you, it’s probably cause he’s feelin the breeding urge)
If you're not able to, that doesn't change a thing; he wants to make you feel like you're his no matter what, and you are! He loves you for you.
Obsessed with coming inside you after railing you into the mattress, filling you to the brim with his seed
Loves giving you a creampie and then watching it leak out of your pussy, might take the initiative to stuff his spilling cum back into you
Or he could just fuck you at multiple different times during the day like the stud he is
Hell he may as well just not pull out and you’ll both be falling asleep still connected
You'll be waking up with his member engorged and slowly thrusting in you while he nuzzles into you, taking in your scent, kissing your lips so softly until you both cum. After that he takes you to the shower and you both wash each other
Loves marking your skin with his mouth, letting anyone know that your his and his only
Your cunt and everything else is thoroughly satisfied every time the breeding kink comes on don’t you worry about that honey
Size Kink:
Hey don't judge his 5'7 ass. Marshall's got other big things minus his height; Big hands, big ears, HUGE CO-
If you're smaller than him: He praises you for taking him in so well, whispers words of encouragement with every inch he pushes into you until you can feel his tip brushing against your cervix. Doesn't want to overdo it in fear of hurting you, but with your insistence he'll be going all out in due time
If you're taller than him: He LOVES it. No cap you being taller or bigger than him is so fucking sexy. Makes him more eager to make you come and more confidence in exploring different ways to do so
Takes a hand in yours and guides you both to press against your stomach, feeling for his cock thrusting into you
Praises you constantly as he feels your walls stretch around him so perfectly
Once you feel like you can take all of him, all of his restraint is gone as he pounds your sopping wet cunt relentlessly
Body worshipping is a must regardless of size
Feral/Primal Kink:
You know how possessive he can be, and that still translates to the bedroom. Even when he knows you're his, he can't help but feel turned on by his possessiveness for you.
And when you're all his, he can go fucking. Crazy.
It's also the dom feeling in him as well, but he has a need to claim you: Not out of insecurity, but out of his desire to make sure you know how much he loves you.
Likes biting your ear as an affectionate gesture. Sometimes he enjoys lightly tugging as a playful gesture to get you riled up.
Marshall thinks the growling thing is dumb as hell but if you're into that he'll try to give you some throaty growls in your ear, but expect him to start cracking up at his attempts until he's used to it
He thinks he can't do it yet he doesn't realize the low rumble in his throat whenever he gets a jealous streak
Voice/Audio Kink:
Well, well, WELL. Someone's ego is about to be stroked harder than his cock for once
He’ll absolutely be moaning and grunting more often when you guys have sex
Jokingly asks if you want to put some music on before you start fucking though he probably cringes listening to his own music during sex
Definitely ruins the mood for him when he hears someone that collabed with him on one of his songs or if any of his lyrics mention things that he doesn't want to think about when horny
Whenever he asks what you're listening to and hears one of his songs, he can't help but inwardly smile or smirk with pride. "Good choice." He nods, keeping his face unreadable.
If he catches you listening to FACK he just starts dying with laughter and dying on the inside simultaneously
No but seriously, he's super fucking flattered knowing how much his music or just his voice turns you on
Whispers in your ear during sex, either praising, teasing, or telling you what to do
He'll be observing which tone provokes the biggest reaction out of you so he can remember it for future reference
(People working with him in the studio are gonna be wondering why he's so close to the mic while recording recently)
Might record something just for your ears to listen to when you guys are apart ;)
Sex Positions
Ah, the OG.
Ranging from being the most vanilla to literally breaking the bed and making the house shake. Most people’s go-to position and Marshall is no different.
He’s got full access to your face, neck, and breasts while he pounds you into the mattress, absolutely loves it and it’s no surprise.
Is eye contact a kink? He’ll be wanting to look you in the eyes no matter the pace you’re going. Additionally may often include forehead touching and/or nose nuzzling. Incredibly hot and intimate.
If he’s feeling extra curious or dominant, he might even push your legs back and over his shoulders to reach even deeper into you. (In other words, putting you in a mating press.) You ain’t walking for a few days after this. Catch his freaky ass all smug n shit.
Slow and intimate in this position is SO fulfilling. It’s like baring your souls to one another.
Going fast and rough is just straight up a joyride and a half. It feels carnal in the best way possible.
Overall you can’t fuck this up really. It’s missionary for crying out loud.
*clears throat* Ahem. BARK BARK WOOF WOOF
If you haven’t seen my fic Heat yet, it’s basically me writing smut for the first time in this position but taken to the next level. Should hint at a lot on what imma bout to say tbh
If you go face down on the bed, ass up? Holy shit
Expect bruises on your hips the next morning… also a very horny man ready to go again or to absolutely worship the fuck outta you for taking it so fucking amazingly
He'll be running a bath for you, being extra doting and attentive, the whole nine yards while also feeing that masculine satisfaction™ at the fact that he's able to get you to that state of bliss.
By far the most feral position. If he’s got a breeding kink I wish you luck on how many times you’re gonna come and he’s gonna come
If you’re also into taking it in the ass I respect you 👀 kinky motherfucker would love to explore some new ways to fuck
Pronebone is also basically the same as mentioned above, but it’s got that intimate feel, you get me? He’s closer to you whilst also able to attack your neck and shoulders, maybe even have a hot make out session with you while he continues to pound your pussy or ass raw.
As long as you love taking it from behind he’ll be on his knees for you. And on top of you.
Cowgirl/Reverse Cowgirl, You On Top:
Ride him. That’s all I gotta say.
He wants you to ride him. Fuck him silly. He’ll lose it.
It’s a perfect demonstration of him still being the dom. You may be on top, but he’s the one in control.
Might tease you by making you work hard for a reaction outta him. He’ll be pretending to be unimpressed or smug while you bounce in his lap but in reality he’s trying so hard not to break
Either that, or he won’t be holding back on how good you make him feel. Mouth open, quietly moaning, grabbing your ass or your hips.
If he can't take it anymore, he pulls you down to him and holds you tight while he starts bucking his hips, pounding up into you like a piston
Even once you both come he starts back up again before you've even calmed down
Oral (Giving and Receiving)/69:
I mean… are we really gonna question it? Yeah you better give this guy some head he is a slut for it
Give him a blowjob and he’ll be the happiest man alive
You watching his expressions as you’re sucking him off
Might take some practice to take all of him into your mouth cause this man is BIG
Even when he’s got loose sweatpants on you can still see his bulge AND IT’S NOT WHEN HE’S HARD AND HORNY. MARSHALL’S PACKING.
I wish you luck in trying to deepthroat this man
When it comes to oral, he definitely prefers receiving rather than giving
But don’t you DARE underestimate this man’s tongue cause holy fucking hell he’s feasting on your pussy
PLEASE let him suck on your clit while he’s eating you out. That man’s mouth is amazing in many ways for a reason
Imagine having to go out after and if anyone asks him if he wants anything to eat he just replies: “Nah I’m good. I had something earlier.” And then GIVING YOU THE SIDE EYE LOOK-
Let this man bury his face in between your thighs and imagine the friction of his beard brushing against your skin. If that doesn’t make you cum then him lapping you up will guaranteed
69 turns into a competition to see who can get the other to cum first, or a comforting session of tasting each other
Y'all know he can do it pinning you against a wall. Thanks 8 Mile
As hot as it is, take care as not to have your head or back bang against it
Great for quickies but probably not for a long time; You gotta give his back a break lmao
Hugging your waist from behind tho :eyes:
Add a mirror on both opposite ends of the wall and you can watch him thrust into you
He's holding you real tight and close, making sure to hold you up so your legs won't buckle
Feelin real cozy
It can be lazy morning sex; Intimate and gentle as he places kisses behind your ear and buries his face into your neck while he does long, deep strokes in and out of your walls
Or it can be rough: Holding your thigh up while his hips violently thrust into you, only stilling when he comes after you
Another way is his cock slipping between your thighs and humping you eagerly, or his cock rutting against your ass
Push your hips back in time with his thrusts for deeper penetration or the sound of your skin slapping against each other
His hands clutching your hips or grabbing your breasts as he moans in your ear, feeling his cock twitching with his release
- - -
ALRIGHT TIME TO STOP HERE I’VE BEEN KEEPING THIS IN MY DRAFTS FOR MONTHS Anyways hope y’all enjoyed this and then some <3 I might come back to this and and more so who knows? If you enjoyed let me know your feedback and if you have any suggestions!
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arieslost · 7 months
act up | op81
summary: you and oscar have been skirting around each other for ages. it ends tonight.
word count: 949
warnings: drinking (we’re back in the club!), suggestive comments/moments
masterlist — join my tag list here!
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oscar couldn’t stop staring at you, and he had no one to blame but himself.
well, himself and the empty shot glass in his hand. he’d lost count of how many times he’d tipped the contents of the glass down his throat, and it’s like that saying— a drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts. or however it goes. if oscar were to insert himself in that equation now, he’d be the drunk guy.
the drunk guy who wanted to do nothing but stare at the girl sitting on his lap: you. he couldn’t remember how you got there for the life of him, but hell, he wouldn’t be caught dead complaining about it. it felt good to let his inhibitions go and his anxiety with them, even if all he was doing was sitting there with his arm around your waist, hand resting on your thigh.
you’re waving down the bartender to pour the two of you another round of shots from where you both sit in a booth, and he uses the liquid courage to rest his chin on your shoulder.
“are you trying to make me act up tonight?” he murmurs in your ear.
you press your lips together, tilting your head towards him so you’re practically cheek to cheek. “maybe. got a problem with that?”
he’s surprised at himself for his lack of filter and complete honesty with you; normally he isn’t even able to look anywhere near you without feeling his face getting hot. the same could be said about you, honestly. the boldest you’ve ever been towards him is giving him a kiss on the cheek when he got a podium finish a month ago, and both of you were bright red afterwards even though you both loved it. it didn’t help that lando had, of course, been there to make fun.
“i’m sick of the two of you. oscar, mate, be a man and kiss her for real.” he’d said, laughing as the two of you somehow turned an even deeper shade of red and looked in opposite directions.
“shut up, lando, for fuck’s sake.” oscar grumbled, punching him in the shoulder a little harder than normal.
“ah,” lando had just laughed harder before setting his sights on you. “if he doesn’t grow a pair it’s gonna have to be you.”
“die,” you told him, not being dramatic about it at all.
“i love you guys too. but not as much as you love each other!” he called before being chased out of the room by oscar’s balaclava and your empty water bottle hurtling towards him.
neither of you could endure lando’s teasing sober, especially not oscar, who spent way more time with him. but here he is, so many shots in that he’s lost count, and you on his lap. he’s going to run with it for as long as possible.
the bartender brings over the shots you ordered, and you pick up both.
“don’t cut me off now, i’m almost drunk enough to ask you to come home with me,” oscar says, lips brushing your neck.
he smiles when he feels you shiver, dragging his hand a little further up your thigh. “save it for when we’re sober,” you giggle as his fingers play with the bottom of your shorts.
“i’m not brave enough to say this stuff to you when i’m sober,” he confesses with a sigh.
“you should be. you know i’ll say yes.” you down a shot, and then hold up the other. “you want this?”
he nods. clearly there’s some magic in the shots that finally allows him to be forward with you.
you lift yourself up, much to his dismay, but he relaxes when you simply turn to face him and straddle his hips. “come and get it, then,” you say with a playful smirk, before tipping back the shot and looking at him expectantly.
you don’t swallow. oscar feels like he’s about to explode. he doesn’t waste any time in leaning forward and firmly pressing his lips to yours, knowing that he would never be daring enough to do this sober, as much as he always wants to. your fingers slide into his hair, carding through the long strands like you’ve done it a thousand times. his hands find purchase on your back, pulling you forward, before they slide down to your hips and squeeze. your mouth opens in surprise, but he’s expecting it and opens his mouth as well, allowing the alcohol to pass from yours to his.
you part from each other for a moment, and oscar barely even registers the harsh burn of the alcohol when he swallows, too intent on kissing you until he can’t breathe.
“oscar,” you moan out against his lips, and fuck, you sound so hot that he can only moan back at you, hands traveling down to your ass and grasping it firmly.
you’re pressed so close to him that he can hear the hitch in your breathing when he does so. he moves his attention to your jaw, your neck, your collarbones, wanting to know what places draw out those beautiful sounds from your mouth.
“oscar,” you say again, sounding more insistent, and he reluctantly lets you pull away. “not here.”
you giggle when his eyes light up. “but somewhere else?”
“somewhere else, when we’re sober.”
oscar pouts. “i don’t know if i can do this when i’m sober.”
“then i guess it’s gonna have to be me,” you echo lando’s words from last month with raised brows.
“lando can kiss my ass,” oscar says with a newfound determination. “i will do this when i’m sober.”
you grin. “that’s what I’m hoping for.”
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note: the beginning of this was actually written for a fun little passion project of mine and i wanted to turn it into something a bit more. i hope u all enjoyed!
since this is being posted on march 12 it is important for me to say that this is most specially dedicated to @venusacrossthestars. my entire op81 week event is, but three years ago on this day, we met through a discord server, and i am so grateful to still know you today and call you my best friend. i love you bestie <3
requests are OPEN, and my inbox is always open for comments, criticism, and conversation! feel free to pop in!
reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
dividers by @/saradika !
tags (i’m sorry if i couldn’t tag you!): @venusacrossthestars @67-angelofthelordme-67 @emails-i-can-send @nelly187 @cixrosie @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @imheretoread @mellowarcadefun @yourbane @monsieurbacteria6 @c-losur3 @papayatori @ssprayberrythings @namgification @maih23 @evlkking @witchycarmen @ilovethispookie @maxverstappenfan79 @sya-skies @hauntedphotographybookstaco @bigheartsthings @northpizzasposts @notturlover @riv3rbank @gesfjjsl @oliveisunstable @lily1sposts @sadbut-true0 @lilcowboy0 @alltoowelltaylor @kimis-gloves @superheroreader @alexmarie29 @anedpev @lalalaphie @waitingforsmartpeople @arrowenchantress @zillygoose @its-cat-eyes @gxllumsriddles @fionaschicken @mrsgeorgerussell63 @bre013 @lizzypiastri @blldsnjs @samantha-chicago @homosexualjohnwayne @opheliabluewolff @catbat011 @drivelikeiido @what-is-happening-helpp @decafmickey @tania2748 @steviesscoops @annahowardsworld @nessacarty1 @tswizzleismother @anythingforourmoonsy @meko-mt @solonelystill @tomriddleswhorecruxes @sammykiszkalover @landosgirl
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erwinsvow · 7 months
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when rafe meets you for the first time, he feels something he’s never felt before. you’re surrounded by your pogue friends and his stupid sister, laughing at a joke jj says, pushing pope’s arm gently, making a face at kie. he stares, lost in his own mind, wondering what the hell they’re saying to make you laugh like that, make you smile like that. 
he’s leering, he knows—wishing he could pull his gaze away but having more trouble doing so than he expected. you smile all pretty at your friends, lips pink and glossy, shining in the sun enough that he can see from where’s sitting. a beer rests in his hand, droplets of condensation gathering on his fingers. he can’t drink though, he’s too distracted. 
the way you twist your hair up and clip it with something silver. the sweat gathering on your neck, along your hairline, how you wipe it with the back of your hand. one of the boys—he can’t tell which one, and he’s glad, otherwise he’d probably go over there and start throwing punches—offers you a hand to guide you into the water, presumably to cool off. 
you shake your head to say no, and sweetly is the only word he can think of to describe how you do it. to describe you, everything about you—it’s so fucking sweet, he can taste it from over here. some of the others go into the water. you stay sprawled out on your beach chair, book resting on your stomach. you fiddle with the straps of your bikini top, yellow—that’s all he can make out—before you stand up, settling the book on the chair and walking towards him. 
he’s under the shade of the little bar on the beach, watching shamelessly, thinking he should look away now that you’re walking over, at least try to play it cool. he doesn’t. he takes a long sip of his beer, putting it down with a slam, harder than he intended.
as soon as you enter the cool shade, you sigh with relief. you take out the clip and let your hair fall down how it was, strands sticking to your neck where he wishes he could lick it off. you’re not two feet from him now, can’t really ignore how he’s staring at you either. 
“can i get a lemonade, please?” you ask the bartender politely, glancing over quickly at rafe. he’s still looking, making you flush and feel even hotter all over. you turn away within a few seconds.
“spiked?” the man behind the counter asks. rafe does move his gaze, finally, to stare at the guy—trying to make sure he’s not making you feel uncomfortable. 
you shake your head and the bartender turns back to get your drink. your eyes keep wandering back to rafe—big, bad, evil rafe. the one your friends always talk about. he’s cruel, they say, violent and angry and treats them badly. just for the principle of the thing, you should hate him. so why can’t you stop your eyes from flitting back to him every few seconds?
“that’s a good idea,” rafe starts. he’s quiet, just so the two of you can hear him, but you have to lean in further. the gap is shortened to just a foot now.
“hm?” you question innocently, not hearing exactly what he said. you’re surprised he’s even talking to you. 
“s’good idea, not to get it spiked. with this sun, you’ll get sick an' tired.”
“but you’re drinking,” you comment, gesturing to the beer in his hand. it looks almost empty.
“i’m not a fucking lightweight, though, that’s the difference.” he turns to see the bartender, chopping up a lemon for your drink. he thinks he has another minute, maybe two, with you.
“how d’you figure that? you don’t even know me.”
“you can just tell.”
“yeah, kid.” he holds eye contact for a second too long, and you turn away smiling, face feeling so hot, like you’ve been basking in the sun for hours. rafe thinks mission accomplished for a second, smirking, but it dissipates quickly—your drink is ready and he sees jj walking up to where you are.
“can i get a straw?” you ask again, smiling all friendly at the bartender. he grabs you one from behind the counter and peels the wrapper for you.
“kie’s not gonna like that,” jj says, smiling down at you. you look at rafe though, which makes his heart thud in his chest. he likes that, a lot, more than he should.
“well it’ll just be our little secret, then,” you say, thanking the bartender and then taking a sip of the cold drink. 
“you ready?” jj asks, ignoring the entire situation in front of him. 
“yeah, just need to pay-”
“i got it, kid,” rafe says, grabbing his wallet before you can move. you look at him curiously for a second, eyes big, pretty smile shining again. 
“wow, how generous from the millionaire. c’mon,” jj says, and you get up but you don’t want to.
“thanks, rafe,” you say, even sweeter than before. he enjoys how your name rolls off his tongue, wishes he could hear you say it again. 
“no problem,” he says quietly. jj puts his arm around your waist to guide you away, which would normally be enough to warrant at least a single punch, but you look back once, then twice, sneaking a glance back at rafe, still smiling big, bringing the straw to your mouth and sipping. “i’ll be seeing you around," he says, under his breath, just to himself.
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ofc-vi-writes-too · 3 months
so all ive been able to think about is gotham for the past several days, and more specifically how gothamite culture has to be SO drastically different and jarring to literally anywhere else in the world. Like even other super cities like metropolis, or central city, or wherever else are at least KINDA normal. Like yea u have superman or wonderwoman or the flash but they dont really have to deal with the same level of bs as Gotham.
That being said here are a list of things that I think are extremely normal to Gotham, and other things that happen in thay horrible little city:
• the episode of Hot Ones with Brucie Wayne where no one thinks he’ll even be able to stand the 2nd or 3rd wing but he eats all of them with no reaction, and Sean Evans (or the in universe equivalent) just sits there like “wow no one has ever had literally no reaction before this is really crazy, and Bruce Wayne of all people?” Afterwards Bruce has second thoughts and realizes that maybe he should have played up his reaction to the spice a bit more. People Inside of Gotham are a little shocked because everytime he eats in public it is the most boring, bland, flavorless food imaginable. (he handled the spice so well because Batman is ready for all potential threats and forms of torture. Ridiculous levels of spice included)
• Gotham schools offer courses in self defense. In some school districts its actually mandatory, thats usually in old gotham or downtown gotham. In more affluent areas, self defense is still taught in schools, but most kids are sent to some ritzy trainer to make sure they can defend themselves.
• No one even blinks when theres a new vigilante by the time Damian comes around. Theres still a little buzz but by the time Duke shows up, people are like “Oh cool another one. HEY BRO WHATS YOUR NAME.” I saw someone post here about how when the Wayne kids get mad at Bruce, they go to Selina and make public appearances as Stray, Catwomans sidekick. I personally believe that Tim was the first one to do it but Dick does it the most, and gothamites didnt even need to get used to Stray showing up sometimes, nor did people really care that Stray was always wildly different heights, shapes, colors, etc. the additude is kinda like “I have taxes and job security to worry about. If a new vigilante is what were doing then so be it.”
• People tend to think that Gothamites aren’t smart, but that city is home to the Richest, smartest, most creative people alive. They mostly just lack morals. Like Dr. Freeze, Harley Quinn, hell even The Riddler are all insanely intelligent. Half of Gothams Villains have at minimum 2 Doctorates in something or other. Gotham generates a lot of cash as a whole, and small businesses thrive there. They have high employment rates, and most citizens have their associates despite everything happening around them. People who have never been to Gotham before expect to have to talk down to the citizens but Gothamites just kinda roll their eyes at them and carry on about their merriment.
• Gothamites CONSTANTLY says “because I’m Batman” when they don’t want to explain themselves. Kids hear it a lot from parents and they also get “If you don’t go to sleep, Condiment Man i gonna come and cover you in stinky relish.” Because truly what else is condiment man good for.
• Gothamites who work at BatBurger and typically work the night shift are used to visits from Batman, Robin, Red Hood, Cat Woman, Harley Quinn, etc. Sometimes they remember the workers and ask about their family, and how life is, and other things like that. Theres some barely 18 y/o who just graduated high school who worls at Bat Burger, and asked Red Hood to help him impress his gf by saying theyre friends. He like fuck it why not and tells the gf that the kid helped him save an old lady’s cat in a tree and now theyre bffs. She totally believes it. Score.
• I see the Gotham thinks Batman is Bruce Wayne’s boyfriend theories and raise you: Its pretty common knowledge that Bruce Wayne is Batman, just no one has the heart to tell him. Also theyre scared he will quit if anyone brings it up. So from this Gothamites created the joke that BW and batman are dating and when asked about it in an interview, dick grayson is like “……yes! My adoptive father is dating the guy who dressed up like a bat every night…!”
• this cuased and arguement between Bruce and Dick because no! Bruce isnt dating Batman! (stray was seen again that week) HE IS BATMAN! But fuck now the public thinks theyre a couple so now bruce gets asked about it and hes like “haha yes my spooky bat bf is who i love very dearly!” As punishment He makes Dick bring him flowers in the batsuit because “as far as he is concerned, this is his shithead son’s fault.” Thats a direct quote btw. Little does he know this somehow ties back to Tim Drake before they met.
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lexaknoxville · 2 months
𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 - ᴊᴏʜɴɴʏ ᴋɴᴏxᴠɪʟʟᴇ
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“𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥, 𝘪’𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶” - 𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘪𝘯
description. | in which the boys go to film on a ranch, and knoxville can’t seem to keep his eyes off the girl in the cowboy boots.
warnings. | foul language. crude humor? idk man normal jackass shit.
notes. | if you enjoy pls like and reblog!
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Hot couldn’t even describe it.
Summers in the south were vicious. Some days the heat was enough to shelter you inside, not even the constant efforts of the ac units were enough to cool people down. Today was almost one of those days. Had it been just the tiniest bit hotter and not a single person would be out here running around.
Lucky for you though, your boss, Jim, decided that it wasn’t all that bad. So against several complaints, you and all your coworkers got sent in today. Jim made the argument that yall had “Special Visitors” coming in today, and he couldn’t afford not having a full staff.
You’re not exactly sure what you expected out of the visitors, but you definitely weren’t expecting to pull up to an entire film crew sitting up by the stables.
“God this is gonna be fun”
You were able to avoid the filming going on outside all the way until your lunch break, which was unusual considering Jim is usually up your ass. Deciding to go for a quick smoke break you headed out to your car, only to be stopped by the sound of hollering and something falling over.
The sound was loud and the boisterous laughter following soon after had you not only curious, but a little frightened. Naturally, the curiousity got the best of you. Finding the source of all the noise wasn’t hard considering the large crowd of people.
Spotting one of your favorite coworkers, you pushed your way to the front to see what all the commotion is about.
“Janae, what in the hell is going on up here” you asked with an amused tone.
All she could do was laugh and shrug. Clearly confused as well, but mostly entertained.
Finally turning around to look at the group causing all the ruckus, they were interesting, to say the least. There was a boy with short black hair and black clothes, a goofy looking guy with a slightly grown out buzz cut, a guy with shoulder length brown hair, a blonde man with a beard, and a taller guy wearing a red cowboy hat.
odd group.
Standing in a circle of sorts, the 5 men were talking to the camera. It wasnt easy to make out what they were saying but there was definitely something along the lines of “horse shit” thrown in there. They stood around and talked for a minute before the man in the cowboy hat laughed loudly and ushered them away.
As they were all walking to do whatever it was they had planned out, your eyes seemed to linger on the cowboy a little longer than necessary. Finally taking the time to analyze his appearance, you realized he’s actually really fucking hot.
He had on a pair of dark sunglasses, dirty red converse that matched his hat, a little facial hair, and amazing arms. The sleeves of his t-shirt were tight around his biceps, and god did he look good.
You weren’t sure if it was the muscles, the light tan, or the way he was covered in sweat, but it drove you crazy. For the first time in a long time, the heat of the south was on your side.
The way you were staring must of caught the man’s attention, cause when you looked up he was staring right back at you. He smiled at you, and sent a small wave.
You waved back, but kept your smile small, trying to play it cool even though he had definitely saw you staring . He laughed a little, looking oddly flustered, and turned back to his group.
“Oh god, Janae i’m out. I’m gonna go find something to keep me busy. Bye baby.” you muttered out, a mixture of embarrassed and nervous. “Bye honey”
Taking long strides, you made your way back to work. Your mind still filtered back to what happened, you never get that flustered over random men!
What you didn’t know was that Johnny had watched you walk off. He had planned on showing off to get your attention, but you had left before they could even start the stunt.
“Knoxville i swear if you don’t get your head out of your ass i’m gonna smack the shit out of you.” ahhh Jeff always had such a way with words.
“Sorry man, i’m focused i swear” he wasn’t.
“No you weren’t, you were too busy checking out “mrs cowboy boots” over there.” Jeff laughed. Johnny just laughed, knowing he couldn’t deny it now.
“Listen, just get through this stunt and you can go talk to her during your break, ok man?” he swore. “ ok ok, let’s get this over with” he agreed before clapping Jeff on the back.
They had just finished all their stunts and Johnny was itching to come find you. He had been counting down the minutes until he could get off.
“Hey Jeff, i’m gonna go on over there, i’ll be back in a minute” Johnny shouted. “ok man, have fun” he shouted back, chuckling.
Immediately after getting the ok from Jeff, he ran off to find you. He must’ve searched around outside for more than fifteen minutes, but there was absolutely no sign of you. Right as he was about to give up, he saw the woman you were talking to earlier.
“Hey! Hey ma’am im sorry to bother you but umm” he paused, not knowing how to go about this without seeming like a creep. “i noticed you were talking to this woman earlier, and ive gotta ask, what’s her name”
Janae paused, trying to think of who he could be referring to. Once it finally hit her she smiled “Oh! was she wearing a white shirt and boots?”
“Yeah! yeah she was. What’s her name?” Johnny was almost bouncing he was so excited. “Yeah her names y/n, real sweet girl. She’s right inside that door over there if you want to go talk to her.”
Johnny swore at this moment that this woman was an angel. “Thank you so much, have a nice day!” he exclaimed, already turning around to go see you.
Once he finally got up to the door, he took a deep breath, making sure to collect himself. He opened up the door and walked inside, relieved to feel the cool air on his damp skin. He looked around for a quick minute before his eyes finally landed on you.
You were faced away from him, looking at some kind of paper. He took a second to admire you. A clean white shirt, a pair of dark jeans, and some roughed up cowboy boots.
God you were gonna be a problem, he could already feel it. He knew it as soon as he saw you outside, but seeing you up close made it so much worse. There was absolutely no reason for a woman to be so damn beautiful.
“Excuse me ma’am.”
Hearing another person in the once empty room startled you. You whipped around and took a second to catch your breath. Realizing it was the cute guy from earlier, you straightened yourself out and walked towards where he was standing.
“Oh gosh i’m so sorry, have you been standing there long? i was in my own little world over here” you admitted. “No, no i just got here, sorry to spook you.”
“No baby you’re fine, i should’ve been paying attention!” it was then that Johnny noticed your accent, and he could’ve sworn his knees almost buckled.
god she has a pretty smile.
shit he was staring.
“Ok, i’m just going to try to be straight forward here doll, i asked your friend outside where i could find you.” he admitted sheepishly. “I saw you out there while we were filming, and i was gonna come talk to you but you ran off before i could get the chance!”
All you could do was laugh. “Yeah i kinda dodged you a bit huh… my nerves got the best of me” you laughed. “So what’s your name cowboy?” you joked, motioning to his obnoxious red hat.
“Johnny, it’s nice to meet you.” he held his hand out for you to take. “Y/n, nice to meet you too.”
Feeling how much bigger his hands are than yours had you a little flustered. it was then you realized just how much bigger than you he really was. He had to be over 6 foot, and his wide shoulders added to the look.
“Well y/n, how would you feel about going out some time. I’m in town for a few more weeks if you’re interested.” Johnny questioned nervously.
Honestly you were shocked. There was absolutely no way this man who was not only handsome, but apparently pretty well known, was asking you out.
Your silence had Johnny worried, “If you don’t want to i understand completely, absolutely no pressure.”
“No, i’m sorry! i would love to!” you answered frantically, worried you had made a bad impression. “Why don’t you give me your number, and we can talk about getting together? I know some good places around here!”
Johnny let out a sigh of relief and smiled at you. God there was no way you were getting over that smile anytime soon.
“That sounds great doll”
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tags: @vaporub4ever @maddieeb3 @stplvrr @ilovewhiteboyz
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odetodilfs · 10 months
Looking for release
Pairing: dbf!Santiago García x sub!top!male reader
CWs: Reader is anywhere from 19 to his early twenties, age gap, underwear sniffing, slight scent kink, Santi has a hairy ass, praising, rimming, creampie.
Description: With guests at your house using your room and the couch being repaired, you have no option but to stay in your dad's hot best friend Santi's house. When he leaves the house shortly, you start exploring the place and make an awesome discovery...
Please reblog if you liked this story!
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Your parents had dropped you off at your dad’s best friend Santiago’s house, you had guests coming over and they were too many for the guest room, so they had to use your room as well, and your couch was being repaired, leaving you no option but to go to Santi’s house. It wasn’t like you minded though… Santi was eye candy to look at, he had salt and pepper hair, dark brown eyes, plump lips and a pretty good physique for someone in their 40s, and you’d also seen he had a happy trail from when he and your dad bathed in the pool together. So a week with your dad’s hot best friend definitely wasn’t one of your complaints.
When you arrived at his apartment he was outside waiting for you already. “What’s up, boy?” he asked, hugging you. Boy… him calling you that was so hot. “Here, I got your room ready” he said while he smiled and helped you haul your stuff to what would be your room for the next week. “Do you need help here or can you do it yourself?” he asked, looking sexy as hell, like always. You spent the next 20 minutes organizing your clothes and plugging your chargers, etc. When you finished, Santi walked back into the room, “Hey, I’m just gonna go to the store for some bread cause I forgot we ran out, I’ll be back soon” he waved goodbye and left, leaving you alone in Santi’s house. 
You roamed around his house, it was a well decorated one, unusual for a guy like him, the table was nicely set out and his couch was extremely comfortable to sit in. His kitchen was pretty organized aside from a few plates that needed washing, and the place had great lighting too. You looked at the pictures on his wall, some were just paintings and some were of him and his friends, they all looked attractive, just like Santi. As you kept exploring the house you eventually walked into his room… it was what you’d expect from a bedroom.. a bed, some clothes laying around and a work desk. You were in this extremely hot man’s room… you realized as you felt something stir in your pants. And in one corner of the room, right next to his bathroom door, there was a dirty laundry basket… you wouldn’t… right?
But your mind was pretty much clouded with the fact that those clothes were Santi’s dirty clothes… you opened the basket and looked inside… as if the gods knew what you wanted, you found Santi’s boxers… you wouldn’t.. right? Right? 
Moments later you were walking back to your room, his boxers in your hands as you laid on the bed and… sniffed them. They smelt manly, it was clear he’d used these as the scent went into your nostrils and god did you enjoy it. You freed your rock hard cock and started to stroke it, desperate to cum… the effect his clothes were having on you… you needed this man carnally. You held the underwear to your nose and sniffed as you jerked off. It must have been 10 minutes that you were doing this until someone’s voice snapped you out of your horny frenzy, it was Santi. “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, you thought this was it.. but he didn’t seem particularly angry, he seemed pretty chill for someone who’d just seen his best friend’s son sniff his dirty underwear… “is that my underwear, y/n?” he asked, with a slight smug. You realized there was no way out but to tell the truth.
“Y-yes…” you stuttered… your cheeks were boiling hot due to embarrassment and shame, “Tell me, y/n.. do you find me attractive?” he asked you, raising his eyebrow, but once again, he didn’t look nor seem mad.. you decided to confess, “Fine, yes I do.. since forever.. and I was just exploring the h-” you started “It’s okay.. can’t say I’d resist either if I found yours” he smirked lustfully, you couldn’t believe it.. your dad’s friend who you’d found incredibly hot for ages just said he couldn’t resist smelling your undies if he found them… so.. he basically just said he found you hot too..
“So… you’re looking for a release… I can give that to you…” he smirked, running his hand up your bare thigh, close to your hard cock, “But you have to work for it” he smirked, you wondered what he meant “What do I have to do?” you asked curiously, “Ever heard about rimming, boy?” he asked, god, the way he called you “boy” was so fucking hot. “Yeah” you replied, figuring out what he wanted, and you definitely weren’t gonna say no. “How ‘bout you eat my ass for a while?” he kept smug as he took off his pants and underwear, showing you his hole, spreading his legs. It was dark pink and his cheeks had some hair… it was driving you crazy. You nervously got between his legs and looked up at him, “Go on boy… feast on it..” he said as you pressed your tongue to his hole.
His ass tasted sweet and slightly musky, but it was incredible to you. You couldn't believe what you were doing… eating your dad’s best friend ass… but you definitely weren’t gonna stop now, you fucking loved it. You’d never done this before, but somehow your eagerness made up for the lack of experience, “Oh fuck- you’re good at this..” he mouthed as you hungrily ate him out, desperate to please him. “Such a dirty boy, aren’t you? Sniffing my underwear.. you really love scents, huh?” he asked, taking his shirt off as well, “I’ll show you scents later if you’re good~” he smirked, you nodded aggressively and whimpered as you ate his ass. God, he tasted so addictive.
You gently placed your hand on his asscheeks, wanting to feel his round ass but not acting too quickly either, “It’s okay boy.. touch it, indulge yourself..” he groaned, you grabbed his asscheek hard as well as his thigh as his taste spurred you on further. By now, you were licking inside him, having loosened that tight ring of muscle enough. “You can lick more places, boy..” he suggested, making you switch from his ass to his balls, they smelled like his underwear, but much, much stronger, not that you minded though. You licked and worshiped his balls for a while like you did with his ass while he complimented you with names such as “good boy”. You switched back to his hole and you were starting to get completely ass drunk. Your long forgotten cock was standing hard and leaking, you were so aroused it was almost overwhelming. 
Suddenly, Santiago told you to get on the bed. You followed his orders of course, “You’ve been a very good boy for me, amor..” he said, that sexy smug on his face as he showed you his hole, “you can put it inside” he said, your mind went into overdrive, your cock was gonna be in Santi’s ass! “It’s big..” he said as he said “gonna enjoy making it mine..” he said with a smirk, the prospect of your cock being made into Santi’s toy for his pleasure was a synonym of heaven for you. He gave you some lube and you put it on your cock, it felt heavenly as you put it inside him, he was so tight and his hole had a vice grip on your cock. “F-fuck-” you had to moan, “Tight hm? Probably the tightest one you’ve had…” he smirked as he stroked himself. You slowly sank into him, inch by inch until you were finally balls deep inside him, you started to gasp in pleasure, you really wanted to start thrusting, but you knew better than that, you could tell Santi liked ordering you around. 
It was a full minute before Santi told you to start thrusting.. and when you did, you could feel butterflies in your stomach, he was gripping your cock so hard inside him, you were worried that it was even gonna get squashed. “Holy fuck- Santi-” you weren’t sure if you’d last long, Santi’s hole was sucking you into him, almost trying to jerk you off, you grabbed his ass and buried your face in his neck, you immediately the smell of his cologne and his natural smell. God, he smelt so manly, so potent, so powerful, you felt the need to please him, that you needed to impress him in some way. You were so hypnotized with him that you completely forgot you were thrusting into him, “Just like that- good boy~" he moaned, “you’ve got a pretty big dick- feels good-” that compliment sent shockwaves down your body, this man who had a chokehold on you was saying you were doing a good job, you had to resist cumming. 
You sped up, still careful and trying to last long enough to make Santi cum at least once, and there was the cocky son of a bitch, in absolute bliss, with no worries and dominating you without having to lift a single finger, while you were over here struggling to not cum. You needed to step up your game to make him actually moan loudly, so you sped up a little more, angled your dick just to the right angle towards his prostate and wrapped your hand around his thick, hard cock, “Fuck yeah, now that’s what I’m talking about..” he said, as the sound of slapping skin started to identify. However, the tables definitely hadn’t turned, you were still trying to impress Santi and his pleasure was still the priority.
The next 15 minutes were absolute bliss, you were definitely achieving your goal to impress Santi, the man was now moaning and praising you non-stop. However, your uphill battle with your orgasm eventually caught up to you. “Fuck- Santi- I’m gonna-” you were desperate, you didn’t know where he was gonna let you cum “No worries boy, just cum inside” he replied with a smirk, those words tipped you over the edge as you splattered a huge load in his hole, still thrusting. “Fucking Christ-” Santi cursed as he too finally reached his release, spewing his orgasm all over himself.
You buried your face in his neck and stayed there for.. 15? 20 minutes? You didn’t know, all you knew was that you had just had the best orgasm in your life with the hottest man you’d ever seen. “You want anything?” he asked you, you realized you were thirsty as hell, “Some water?” you asked.
“Okay, I’ll be back with it then,” he said as he stood up “Don’t clean up by the way, we’ve still got to do a lot more…”.
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apomaro-mellow · 3 months
Hot for Teacher(s) 13
Part 12
Steve didn’t realize how hard he was gripping the door handle, how stiff he’d gotten, how he had stopped breathing until the ghost of his past spoke.
“Hey there, pretty boy.”
He nearly choked on the intake of air. Billy was here. Actually here, out of the blue. Steve swallowed and found his voice.
“What’re you doing here?”, he asked, keeping his voice low.
Billy just smiled at him, smug like he knew he was flipping Steve’s world upside down. “I can’t visit my family?”
“We’re not-”
“Hey! There’s my tiger!”, Billy pushed past Steve, forcing him to turn and see Shawn sitting on the stairs, eavesdropping. 
Steve tried to reason and be rational. Billy had never outright hurt their son. There was no issue with him picking him up and hugging him close. Even if it made Steve’s skin crawl. Shawn gave his father a hesitant squeeze back, caught off guard by the sudden visit too. 
“I’ll ask you again Billy”, Steve said the moment Shawn was put back down on his feet. “Why are you here?”
Billy stuck his hands in the pockets of his jacket, then pulled something out. “Came to give my boy his birthday present.” He handed him a toy car, still in the packaging.
Shawn accepted, giving a small thank you. Steve remembered the way his body used to tense up or go into autopilot when his parents fought. He couldn’t do that anymore. He had to be present and protect his child so that he didn’t develop those habits. He walked over and put a hand on Shawn’s head. 
“You brushed your teeth right?”
Shawn nodded, then smiled big to show off his pearly whites. Steve smiled back, feeling lighter already.
“Go on to your room then, it’s past your bedtime. And don’t even think about sneaking in reading time”, he called after him as he scurried up the stairs. He waited until he heard the sound of Shawn’s door closing but he didn’t take his eyes off of Billy. He was watching his expressions. 
He had been watching Shawn go up the stairs and seemed to be waiting as well before his smile dropped. He went to the front door and for a moment, Steve had the hope that he would walk right through it and save him the grief. But Billy only shut it.
“His birthday was a week ago”, Steve said, arms crossed.
“I knew you were gonna give me shit for not getting the exact day”, Billy said, like he was a victim. “Cut me some slack, alright?”
Steve didn’t have to tell him that this wasn’t the first birthday he had missed, even when they had lived together. He wasn’t going to give him a whole laundry list of issues. He shouldn’t have to. Billy should know why he can’t just show up unannounced after two years of silence.
“I’m gonna remind you that you walked out. You left us. And we’ve been fine. You can’t just show up out of nowhere.”
“Why the fuck do you smell like another alpha?”, Billy growled.
Steve only faltered for a second but it was enough to make Billy advance on him and in two seconds they were toe to toe.
“And why the fuck does my pup smell like another alpha?”
The growl in his voice was enough to make him take a step back and Billy replaced it with one of his own, not letting Steve put any distance between them. He hated how much power this man had over him. He wanted to make him happy. He wanted to be loved by him. Now all he wanted to be as far from him as possible.
Where was Eddie? His real alpha?
“I don’t see a ring on this finger or a bite on my neck, so where do you get the idea that I’m yours?” Steve had this. He didn’t need Eddie before and he didn’t need him now. Whatever Billy dished out, he could take it.
Billy’s eyes glanced up the stairs. “I wonder if CPS would take issue with that.”
“Excuse me?”, Steve got whiplash so bad his head hurt. “What the hell are you-”
“An unbonded omega, parading a bunch of alphas around a vulnerable child? Sounds pretty irresponsible to me. And his stench is all over this place”, Billy scowled.
The accusations and assumptions and just everything had finally piled on enough. Steve saw red. He shoved Billy back. Hard.
“How dare you?”, he hissed. “How fucking dare you?”
“Watch yourself”, Billy said, grabbing Steve’s wrists in a bruising grip. “I left because I thought you needed some time to get yourself together. Getting knocked up made you this desperate, clingy thing. I thought you’d be better by now but it’s like you’ve gotten worse.”
Steve tore his hands away but that just freed Billy to push him back by the shoulders into a wall. All Steve was thinking of how loud the bump was. Did Shawn hear it?
“You should be glad. Isn’t this what you wanted? You, me, the kid?” Billy’s eyes softened the way he knew Steve was weak to. The look that made him appear as though he was changing because he wanted to be the father to Shawn that he never had.
But Steve wasn’t weak to it anymore. He didn’t know why Billy was back but he wasn’t letting him back in his life.
“Get out of my house. Before I call the police.”
Billy took his hands off then, held in the air like in surrender but with an expression that said otherwise. He even took a step back. His hands went back down into his pockets, casual and relaxed.
“You’ve always been like this. You don’t know what you want. One minute you want me, the next you threaten to call the cops on me.”
“Out”, Steve said, voice hardened as he pointed at the door.
Billy walked backwards towards it. “I’ll be around. It’s gotta be spring break for Shawn soon, right? Picnics, parks, concerts. And then summer. Bet he can’t wait.”
He opened the door and walked out and Steve didn’t wait even a second before locking it. He let out a breath as he listened. He could hear a car door close and then the vehicle drive away. He went to the window to check and it went down the road, disappearing into the night. 
Steve put a hand to his chest and his hands shook. He brought his shirt up to his nose and took a deep breath. His love, his alpha. Eddie.
He went upstairs and knocked on Shawn’s door. When he heard nothing, he hoped he was asleep, but had to check. Quietly, he opened the door, not wanting to wake him if he was. Shawn’s covers were pulled up high, only his eyes uncovered, like he was scared to be found but also wanted to see. Steve came in and turned the lamp on, giving the room a gentle glow.
“Hey bud.”
“Is he going to come and live with us again?” Shawn’s voice was small and whispery.
Steve put their foreheads together and stroked his hair. He hated that Billy had this effect on them. He kissed Shawn’s forehead.
“No, he’s not. Even if I have to tie him to a rocket and send him to space”, Steve said, trying to lighten the mood in the room.
Shawn’s hold on his blanket relaxed a little. The book they’d been reading was on the floor. Steve picked it up and put it on the shelf. He knew he was too anxious to get to sleep and that was probably true for Shawn too. 
“How about a midnight snack?”
Shawn’s reply was to throw the covers off and hop out of bed. “Is it a midnight snack when it’s not even midnight yet?”, he asked, taking his daddy’s hand as they walked out of his room.
“I think it counts”, Steve said.
When they got to the kitchen, Shawn sat at the table while Steve got some things from the pantry. Tonight seemed a good night for some hot milk with honey. Maybe some cinnamon and vanilla too. 
“You NEVER let me stay up on a school night”, Shawn said, a little in awe. 
“Well they’re also school nights for me”, Steve smiled as he turned the stove on. “And I can’t be late either.”
Steve stirred the pot, making a serving for them both and pouring it into two mugs. He came over to the table, bringing some cookies for them to dunk too. They sat and snacked, talking mostly about nothing. When they finished, Steve could tell his son wasn’t all that tired still, so they moved to the living room and turned on the tv. Steve gave him a choice between animals, oceans, or space and Shawn chose animals.
In silence, they watched and learned about different organisms that lived in the Arctic tundras. Steve felt his pup yawn next to him and knew he was down for the count. He gathered him in his arms and turned the tv off. As he was settled into bed, Shawn rubbed his eyes. 
“I kinda want Mr. Eddie to be my dad too. Instead of him.”
Steve didn’t know how it was possible for his heart to feel light and heavy at the same time. He sat on the edge of the bed.
“Can I tell you a secret?” He waited for his pup to nod before continuing. “I think he’d be a great father.”
Even if Eddie hadn’t been there for Shawn’s birth, something he already had on Billy, Eddie had more than proven himself as capable around children. Not just as a teacher but as…well, a father too. He kissed Shawn’s forehead and then got up to go to his own room. His hand itched to grab his phone and call.
He sent a text to Robin without hesitation. She’d been there during the last couple of years of his time with Billy. She knew what his sudden appearance would mean. He was hesitant to tell Eddie though. Things had been going so great between them. Would this throw a wrench in things? Would he decide that Steve wasn’t worth the trouble? What would that do to Shawn?
Steve took a breath and put his phone down. It was too late to get worked up after coming down with Shawn. His son was right, they both had school tomorrow. He contemplated a mental health day for them both, he hadn’t taken off a single day this year, so he had some available. He’d let Shawn decide in the morning.
For now, he got into the bed and let sleep take him.
Part 14
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @gregre369 @attic-cat-blog
@hippieg1rl420 @spectrum-spectre @a-lovely-craziness
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moonctzeny · 2 years
Let’s start the year off right
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pairing: ex boyfriend to lover!jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: smut, angst
wc: 1,8k
warnings: groping, fingering, oral (female receiving)
a/n: hey Autumn @smileyerim​ ! I hope you enjoy this fic for the secret santa event!! 💖 I’m really sorry I was sooo late 😭😭 hope you had an amazing holiday season and you enjoy this!!
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“What about him?”
Sliding further into the couch, you sigh at your friend pointing at yet another prospective victim. He was tall, and cute, yet the way he was holding his drink gave you an ick you couldn’t shake off. The new year’s party you were currently at was full of them, in fact. The hallway overflowed with single men your age, almost like a pretty boy factory, all of them not quite fitting your piece of the puzzle.
“How many times do I need to tell you? Even if he is into me, I’ve completely forgotten how to flirt!”
“Well if you never practice, how the hell are you gonna get out of your dry spell?”
“Just sit here and wait for the universe to send someone my way?”
“Hey, you can’t refuse to take a risk, and also pester me all night about how horny you are. You gotta pick a struggle.”
You groan at his remark, your frustration growing bigger. The boy you were looking at sends you a smile, and you hope he doesn’t invite himself over.
“It’s not that it’s just… I’m gonna have to ask him for his name, and his work, and his friends, then his family… all for it to possibly not work out in the end.”
“Building a relationship of any kind takes time, y/n. It’s not like Santa is gonna fall from the chimney with your new year’s kiss!”
As if rehearsed, someone barges through the front door right then, magnetizing everyone’s eyes on him at once. The stranger in a bright red Santa costume has his head fallen, warm brown locks swinging as he pants heavily.
“Sorry I’m late! Your elevator’s broken.”
“Not a chimney, but close enough”, your friend mumbles, amused, before gasping as the other man finally stands up straight. You could have recognized those dimples anywhere.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“Good to see you too”, the stranger responds to your not-so-subtle observation, though he wasn’t much of a stranger anymore. He was no other than your ex, the one you’ve so skillfully managed to avoid for months, until Fate decided to bring you back together right before the year changed and you’d decide to change with it. He seemed eager to aid Fate, confidently striding towards you and Mark, before ungracefully sprawling himself onto the tiny couch next to you.
“Nice outfit”, you sigh, trying to inhale as little of that cologne you got him for your last anniversary that made your knees turn to jello.
“You always told me I look good in red”, he retorts quickly, witty as ever. “My friend’s kid threw a party and they were looking for a Santa.”
The explanation mellows you out a little, appreciating the reason behind the ridiculous attire.
“Anything you want to ask for from Mr. Claus?”, he jokes, “What do you wanna get for Christmas?”
“Fucked”, Mark deadpans, and manages to escape your chokehold right on time.
“Hey Mark could you please go get yourself a drink in the kitchen? And stay there?”
A wicked smile stretches across the younger boy’s face.
“Oh, I see, I see. You want me to leave you two alone”, he hums, entertained, and you decide not to swear at him at hopes he leaves you alone faster. Jaehyun’s breath that suddenly tickles your ear makes you jump in your seat.
“If you sit on Santa’s lap and ask nicely, maybe your wish will come true.”
Kissing your teeth in annoyance, you press the back of your palms to your cheeks, blaming the hotness of your face to a non-existing headache.
“I think I’m having an allergic reaction to your jokes.”
“I thought you liked my humour?”
“You’re lucky you’re cute”, you tell him honestly, and now it’s his turn to roll his eyes. You notice some redness around his chin, probably from the fake beard he must have had on earlier, and you’re reminded at how easily his skin flares up. Your mind time-travels at all those times you saw his pale skin as a canvas, leaving marks in shades of pink and purple, and you’re so desperate to keep your mind off the thought of your teeth sinking into his neck that you’d talk about anything at this point.
“How’s work?”, you ask a bit awkwardly, regretting the question as soon as you see him tense up. Maybe the reason why you broke up in the first place isn’t the best conversation starter.
“Good. I’ve learned to manage my time a bit better. To spend time with the ones I loved. Wish I could’ve done that sooner.”
The small yet intentional jab leaves a dull pain somewhere deep in your guts.
“I’m happy for you.”
“You are?”
“Yeah”, you nod, earnestly, “I know how hard you work. You deserve your success.”
“Thank you”, he manages to choke out, his eyes a little watery, though it could have been due to tiredness. He passes you both a glass full of a fizzy alcoholic drink, and the bubbles in your tongue soothe you a little.
So you take a few more sips, just enough to let yourself enjoy the warmth Jaehyun’s body emits next to you, enough to snuggle up to him a little. You talk, and talk. About your life, about the mutual friends you both had to become distant to after your break up, about the little habits that you used to share. And it feels nice. So nice that when he asks you for a dance, you don’t even think to scoff in incredulousness.
You scan the room for any prying eyes, only to find everyone preoccupied in the own little universe rather than yours. Jaehyun’s palm is big and inviting as he stretches out his arm towards you and you take it, recognizing that the song that started playing moments ago, was the one you used to call as “yours”.
“Can I be honest with you?”
He spins you slowly around him and the room spins with you, the effects of the champagne evident on his rosy cheeks. Your hands play with the soft fabric of the ridiculous costume that he’s somehow pulling off.
“Please”, you whisper, trying to catch a breath as your chests connect in the crescendo of the chorus.
“I’m not sure what to do with all these feelings for you.”
You stumble on your toes a little, stepping on the corner of his shoe. Your attempt to voice out an apology gets fizzled out when you realize he’s hanging on the tip of your tongue for a response to his confession.
“You still have feelings for me?”
“You don’t?”
His hands move awkwardly from their place on your waist, and you feel like your heart is going to break if he moves even an inch away from you.
You glance at the clock. 10 minutes to 00:00.
Screw it. You can’t wait that long.
Grabbing the back of his neck, you pull him down into a kiss. The forceful movement makes his red hat drop to the floor yet he doesn’t seem to care. He presses his lips against yours harder, moving them slowly as the song fades out into another. Big hands bring you closer, resting right above your ass. You can’t help but silently ask him for your kiss to deepen, sliding the tip of your tongue against his bottom lip. He gladly shares a french kiss with you and when you suck on his tongue lightly, a trick you knew how much he loved when you were together, he lets out a groan that vibrates you both.
You’re not sure where he’s leading you but you follow him, hands travelling across his collarbones as you feel your back getting pressed against a door. His face gets buried in the slope of your neck, sucking at your skin until your legs give out. You can practically feel his devious smirk as he prepares his joke inside his head.
“So. Have you been naughty, or nice?”
“Shut up, Jaehyun.”
You knock on the door behind you (that belonged to the apartment’s only bathroom, apparently), and after getting no answer from the other side, you pull Jaehyun inside with you.
You barely manage to lock before your ass is on the cool sink, your skirt getting pulled up to the top of your thighs. You let your fingers wander past the elastic of his boxers, following the path of his happy trail.
“You first”, he moans, and gets on his knees in front of you. He inserts his middle and then his ring finger, establishing a pace that is both leisurely and sinfully wonderful. And when his lips find your clit, you’re finally reminded of how well he knows what makes your toes crawl; he can play you in the palm of his hand. The sounds of him kissing and slurping echo in the small bathroom, but you can't beg him to stop when you're also struggling to control your moans. You get dizzy from the sensation of his tongue sucking on your pussy and the soft pads of his fingers stroking your walls, and you start digging your nails into the marble in a desperate attempt to keep yourself from falling over.
You can faintly hear the distant cheers of the other party goers from the living room.
“...three, two, one. Happy New Year!”
You bite your fist to stop yourself from making a sound as your orgasm strikes you like a wave, yet that wouldn’t be the end for Jaehyun. He firmly lays one hand on your hips, cupping your left boob with the other. Stars dance over your vision as he continues to lap up on your arousal, sucking on your swollen nub until your whole body starts to shake in overstimulation.
He finally mercies you, pupils blown out from the unadulterated arousal as he gets up on his feet and you take his place on the floor. His cock is pressing desperately against the velvet fabric of his pants, and you’re ready to return the favor when a loud knock on the door startles you.
“Get out already! Some people have to pee!”
You have no choice but to laugh at the other party, straightening out your clothes in silence. You were on your way to the door when you feel Jaehyun cupping your jaw, leaving a surprisingly soft kiss on your raw lips.
“I don’t want the night to end now. Wanna get out of here?”
You smile.
“Sure. Let’s go do something fun. You know what they say; whatever it is you’re doing on the first day of the year, you’ll end up doing for the rest of it too.”
“Guess I’ll have to do you, then.”
It was your turn to kiss him now, yet the intention behind yours felt much heavier.
“Let’s start the year off right.”
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cookie-crumblr · 10 months
The Smell of Smoke
Innocent F! Reader x M!Yandere Bully OC
Part 5~
His Info: 🖕✨
Part: 1 2 3 4 5 6
CW: !F reader, use of she/her when referring to reader, reader has a vagina, YANDERE, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, name calling (bitch, slut, whore, ), BULLY, plot part(some backstory) a spoiler for TC, SA NOT BY ML, NON-CON oral on ml, force feeding alcohol, fighting, blood mentioned
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Thick black leather covers your neck. A little padlock hangs from the buckle.
What the fuck is going on?
Of course you’ll try an avoid him!
Did Ace even have to ask!?
Something thumps somewhere outside your cell.
You try to cover yourself, but they didn’t give you any clothes.
Half of the gang is gone at the moment in some sort of fight, you couldn’t overhear much about it though.
There’s no way in hell you’re trying to get away, your leg is still casted up and pretty badly burned.
A thin door somewhere opens and then closes outside of your room.
“Hey Ace!” A guy says as you hear a hand-to-hand *smack*!
“Sup dude!”
“What cha doin’ ere?”
“Here to pick her up,” Ace answers them as their footfalls come closer.
“Oh? Man sounds like fun. I missed her train the other day, but oh well, plenty of whores, guess.” He shrugs and unlocks the door for the fluffy pink haired guy.
He walks you out to the connected parking garage without a word from either of you till you get into the car.
“Are you gonna get in trouble for helping me?”
“With who? Ezra? Hah!!” he laughs in earnest. “No, he raised me! after his mom ki—” his face drops, then he steels himself, “No! ya know what! He revoked his right to have secretes.”
“Wait wait, he raised you? How’d you turn out like the way you are? and not…”
“I’m sure he looks evil… I mean he’s never been like this with anyone. An I won’t try to say it’s right...”
“Why’s he doing it then?”
“I’ve never seen him with a vendetta quite like this. to be honest, i don’t know” He takes a long strained sigh before pulling out of the garage. “N-not saying there’s anything you could have done that would justify any of this! it just feels very… reveng-y”
“Whatever… Anyway, what was that about secretes? sorry-side tangents” You shrug in your seat.
“His mother murdered my parents”
Harsh knocking shakes your door practically off its hinges.
looking out the peephole you see, it’s not Ezra, but it’s still unfortunately a couple members of his gang you think.
“Sup. Boss’s gone f’today, we’re here t’escort ya around, an all that.” They look at you hungrily, sweeping over your still very much damaged form.
“A-are you??” You ask skeptically. “I-I’m just gonna… Get ready! … then.”
You go to close the door, and one of them smacks it open wider with his fist.
You jump. “Wh-what the—!?”
“Yeah. He said yur paying us fur our services” They step closer and closer. One strokes your hair, the other grabs you and bends you over them.
They take you to your class, still dirty and disheveled, but you make it on time.
After class they don’t come to pick you up. Which you think is odd, but you don’t question it, feeling a lot better off without them.
At the end of the school day you’re hopping down the street, sticky and hot, trying to get home.
“Hey, slut, ya miss me?” You hear Ezra call out to you, something stirs deep within you…
You sigh out, there’s no way you’re getting away from him right now, being on crutches and all. You give him a weak, defeated smile.
“Get in.” he practically snarls at you.
You do, without any assistance. It hurts all over by the time you’re sitting.
“You reek! t’fuck happened t’ya!?”
Sheer embarrassment turns swiftly into tears bubbling in the bottom lids of your eyes. “You should know—It was y-your guys!”
“My guys?” his lip turns up in disgust.
“Yes! they c-came first thing in the morning, said they’d pr-protect me—” your sobbing a little from exacerbation, “Th-then they—”
“What’d they look like?” His voice sits completely level, but it’s much deeper now.
You explain their appearance as best as you remember. He pulls away from the curb as soon as you get half way through.
“They ain’t my guys.”
“Stay here.” Ezra jumps out of the car and rushes the front door. Your little heart is beating so loud and hard in your chest now. Somethings really, really wrong.
You scooch down lower in your chair.
One of the guys from earlier opens the door… You see Ezra immediately grab him and slam his face down into his knee.
The guy yells loud, blood pours from his nose.
Ezra throws him to the lawn and reaches into the darkened doorway to grab the second guy and throw him as well.
He stomps on him once before kicking him a few times in the ribs.
The other guy is still reeling on the ground.
Ezra leans down over the man now and punches him repeatedly in the head and face.
Finally standing, the first guy goes to pull Ezra off his friend. Ezra’s attention is now on him, there’s blood splattered on his face, and dripping onto his shirt.
You look away, shivering, and hold your ears, your eyes are wide.
You consider running, again forgetting your damn leg.
“F-Fuck!” You punch the door of the car.
It feels like hours later he comes back to the car, the bandages on his knuckles are torn and blood soaked.
“thanks f’tellin me” He slides a wet finger up your jaw.
He throws your face roughly, before undoing his pants and grabbing you again.
“Open up, bitch,” he shoves your head down and grinds into your face. You shake your head no, and clench your jaw. “If you don’t take this fucking cock into your whore mouth—”
“Okay! okay! okayy, please! just sto-opp” You sob and put your lips to his hot, spongey tip.
Heat spreads between your legs at a frustrating pace.
“Nah, nah, bitch, this ain’t it” he chuckles.
His hand digs into your scalp and grips tightly. He forces you all the way down his shaft, nose against his thigh once again.
Your throat contracts painfully as you try and breathe.
He keeps you there, giving and taking your air at his own whim all over again the entire way home.
Once there, you’re apparently too slow to grab your things, so he grabs your bag and helps you with your crutches.
Again he tries to speed ahead of you and he sighs in frustration when you still aren’t fast enough.
He comes back to sling you over his shoulder with one arm and your crutches in the other.
You cling to his shirt, scared of having anymore pain than you’re already in.
“Have you not taken any meds yet?” He opens the door to your dorm.
“I was going to when i got home…” You say, your voice is hoarse, and quiet.
He finds the meds in your bag, after forcing you to sit. He then goes to your fridge and finds some of your roommates boxed wine.
He pours some wine into his mouth and drops in a couple pills, then brings his lips down to yours and forced the alcohol into your mouth.
It rushes in so fast you’re forced to swallow! The alcohol tastes terrible and feels so hot as it goes down. You push him away after he makes sure you gulped everything down.
He takes the container of wine and sips more, before repeating the process with you.
His hand finds your mound with ease, and he starts to rub you through your panties as you swallow more of the hot fluid.
You’re dizzy and panting already and when you try and push him away now, it’s sluggish with no power, as if you’re dreaming.
A weird buzz fills your head, you think you must be cross eyed when he pulls away.
“Hah, you’re such a lightweight!” His words float into your mind, vision spinning and blurry.
You yelp as he slaps your cunt with the back of his hand.
He takes a large gulp of the wine, before picking you back up.
It hardly feels different than being on the bed, you’re rapidly spinning regardless of where in space you are.
You can’t help giggling as he takes your clothes off, he keeps brushing over ticklish spots everywhere! Everything feels so silly right now, even your ribs tickle as you try and breathe!
He puts you in the tub with some hot water.
You suddenly stop laughing though, while he’s holding your casted leg up out of the water for you… It’s a strangely sweet gesture from him.
“‘ll this help?” he’s looking away as if trying to be polite while he asks.
You wash as quickly as possible.
Ezra dries you off and carries you to bed. He sets you in his lap and holds your chin to face him. His lips tickle yours as he just barely touches them.
You’re still dizzy, and the world is still fuzzy, making it hard to think.
His kiss gets rougher as the seconds pass, eventually he’s biting you, and sinking his teeth into your shoulder, leaving dark bruises in his wake.
His hand finds your tit, he runs his fingers over your pert bud. His other moves to your sore scalp.
“I want to tear you apart, Y/N,” he whispers against your neck in a gruff, rumbling voice.
You can’t do anything but whine, “What-” He pulls your head back forcefully, it hurts your neck, and causes you to cough.
As he kisses you, his hand slowly glides up your chest to your throat, pressing traveling dents into you’re flesh all along the way. you moan into him.
“I can’t wait to fucking destroy you,”
Your head tilts back practically welcoming his touch on its own. You couldn’t fight to keep it upright against the alcohol combined with the spreading warmth.
“You‘re too numb for me righ’now.” He throws you aside, though he stays close to you in the bed. “I want you to feel everything I give you.”
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kiraswritten · 1 year
Pyro x Reader (Smut)
pairing: pyro x reader warning: smut (not full blown but it gets pretty steamy), excessive swearing bc i love to swear, and excessive use of parentheses word count: 2k+
authors note: ya if you've read Just Maybe, this is legit word for word but it was originally written for Pyro. wrote this ages ago on another blog and i’m just trying to consolidate everything on here! :)
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You’re not the type of person that wants to be in a relationship; not you cause you’re still young and why would you want to be with one person for the rest of your life so early on?
You were the type of person that liked to have a certain sense of freedom and no way was a committed relationship a thing you desired, which is why your relationship with Pyro is perfect.
He felt the same way; he too didn’t want the commitment and the hassle of feelings; those things were messy and a lot of things in Pyro’s life was already fucked up.
There you were, on his bed, straddling him only in your bra and panties (He took those off long ago), as he nipped and sucked on your neck, wonderful sounds of pleasure leaving your lips. It was a typical Thursday for the both of you; after training the two of you would take a quick shower (sometimes together) and end up in Pyro’s bed, usually naked.
“You smell like Apples,” he mumbled against your skin, dragging his teeth along the crook of your neck.
“New body wash, you like?” You teased, grinding your wet heat against his crotch.
“Tease, you know I do.” He said, biting and sucking on your neck until he left a bruise.
“You ass I can’t cover that!” You hissed, glaring at him.
Pyro rolled his eyes, “Everyone already knows we fuck; you’re acting like such a priss.” His hands trail down to your waist, slowly pushing off your lace panties.
“As much as I love these on you, they need to come off.” He grinned.
You lift your ass up (earning a groan from Pyro, he loved watching you getting naked), letting him pull off the thin article of clothing from your body, then chucking it off somewhere in the far corner of his room.
You sit back down on him, a sly grin on your face as he looks up and down your body.
You bring your lips to his ear, “Consider yourself lucky cos a pretty girl is sitting on your lap like this,” you bite at the shell of his ear, “I wonder who you saved in your past life to be this lucky.”
Pyro closed his eyes, gripping your waist tightly, he grinds his crotch on you, a moan leaving your lips. “Yeah Baby, I’m lucky as hell. You dripping wet and ready for me, I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
You loved how the two of you can’t seem to get your hands off of each other; no matter how many times the two of you go at it, the intensity and hunger for each other grows each time.
Pyro latches his mouth onto your nipple, earning another moan from you, he flicks and gropes the other one with his hand as you hold onto him. He leaves love bites all over your chest, proud of his work.
“Pyro I can’t wear my tank tops ‘cause of you,” you whine but enjoy the pleasure he’s giving you.
“Just wear them, it’ll be hot.” He says into your skin. “Like me.”
He flips you over, your back on his bed, he trails kisses down to your hip bone, grazing his teeth, then trailing kisses down to your thighs. You close your eyes, gripping at the sheets, “Oh fuck you’re so wet babe,” he says, he licks a trail at your entrance, making you squirm under his touch. “Fuck John, if you don’t fuck me this instant I swear I’m gonna kick your ass!” You yell out, impatient at how he’s playing you.
His eyebrow twitches; he hated it when people called him John but with you it turns him on knowing that you only did that when you were sexually frustrated by him.
“All you had to do was ask,” he sneered, sticking a finger into your wet cunt.
“Fuck,” you gasp out, your back arching off of the bed.
“I need you, please,” you gasp out, “I can’t with foreplay right now, I want you inside me,” Pyro quickly discards his boxers, kicking them off to the floor. He makes his way to you, hovering over your naked body, his eyes glazed over with lust.
He parts your legs with his knees, you bite down on your bottom lip in anticipation, he always liked making you squirm under him. His eyes look down on you, his arm near your head, propping him up while his other hand is wrapped around his cock, giving it a few pumps before lining it against your entrance.
“You want me Babe?” He has his shit-eating grin plastered on his face; you knew how you looked under him; you knew how red your cheeks were, lips swollen, eyelids half-lidded, chest heaving; he had you right when he wanted you. “Please-” “Please what?” He rubs his tip against your wet folds, teasing you.
You knew he wanted you to beg for his cock, he wanted to hear you moan and whimper just for him. “I’m not begging, just be a good boy for me and give me what I want.” You whine, lifting your hips for any type of friction.
He lets go of his cock, his hand grabbing your hip, pushing your down. “Boy? What did you just call me?” His eyes grew dark, the pressure of his hold on your hip grew tighter, “Oh honey, I am not a boy,” He growls, slipping himself inside you with one forceful thrust. “Oh fuck,” you cry out, arching your back off of the bed.
“Yesyesyesyes!” you sigh out, Pyro grins at your reaction, quickening his thrusts. He shifts his weight and uses his elbow to hold himself up, both of your pelvises pressed against each other. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him into a kiss; all tongue and teeth clashing, you needed to taste him.
It ends with him rolling off of you, lying down next to you as the two of you catch your breaths, his fingers slowly interlocks with yours. You think nothing of it but you can’t deny it quickens your heartbeat when he does.
He’s only done this recently. You don’t ask him why he does it and he doesn’t tell you why either. The two of you lie in silence (sans the heavy breathing) till you’re reasonably calm.
You begin to get up from the bed, wanting to go to the restroom because you needed to go (no uti’s for you). His grip on your hand pulls you back slightly, causing you to look at him. “Come back after?” he asks, his usual icy grey eyes soften at you.
You nod your head as you let go of his hand, quickly grabbing his shirt and boxers from the floor; ignoring the burning sensation in your thighs. You quickly dress in his clothing, scurrying to the bathroom. You finish your business and walk back into his room; he’s half dressed, barely, only in boxers as he fixes the pillows back to their original positions.
He’s changed the bed sheets; the old one stuffed into his hamper. You close the door and jump into his bed, loving the softness of his new blanket.
He lies next to you, his arm wrapping around your waist. You turn your body towards him, resting your head on his chest; this is normal, nothing’s changed. Can my heart stop beating so fucking fast?!
You’ve been lying to yourself for a while now; you’re terrified of commitment yet this is the longest relationship you’ve had with someone. You didn’t want feelings to mess up the thing you had with Pyro, it was good, you were happy.
The plan was foolproof; the two of you would stay best of friends, no feelings attached when the two of you fucked; just sexual frustrations poured over one (sometimes yours, so two) bed(s), no strings attached. Your relationship in bed is strictly in bed and your relationship as friends were out of the room.
But your heart decided to join the party and made you confused.
You caught yourself more times than you’d like to admit, daydreaming of going on dates with Pyro, hell, even holding his hand in public and it scared you. This was supposed to be fun and mess free and you suddenly find yourself tangled in your own emotions.
It didn’t help that when the two of you were in public, he’d hold you by your waist as if it were natural, or you’d be sitting on his lap during break, it’s like he needed to be touching you when the two of you weren’t grabbing each other in bed. It only occurred to you how much you needed to feel his presence recently and that scared you.
You didn’t want this; you didn’t want feelings, but here you are, in bed with the guy that you might have (maybe) feelings for. “Py,” you say, breaking the silence, he loved it when you called him the shitty nickname you gave him but he’d never admit that to your face.
“Yeah?” He asked, his eyes still glued to the ceiling.
“I think we should stop this whole thing,” You feel your cheeks heat up, cause i’m pretty sure i’m in fucking love with you and i don’t want to be. “Huh?” He says, surprised, he sits himself up on the headboard, his arm still wrapped around your waist.
You look up at him, meeting his gaze, his eyes a darker shade of grey.
“The whole ‘this’ I-I think we should stop.” You watch his reaction to your words, he furrows his brows in confusion, “Is there something wrong? Did I do something wrong?” He asks and you immediately feel shitty,
“No, no! It’s not that, nothing like that. You-uh, you’re great-amazing even!” Oh fucking god I shouldn’t have said shit. “I just, I think we should just stop with that now, I mean- don’t you wanna do it with someone else?” You cringe at your words, you wanted to kick yourself in the ass for saying those words cause you don’t mean them at all.
“Do you?” He asks, his throat feeling tight, “Did you find someone else you wanted to fuck?” The last word cut into you, making you bite down on your lip.
“No, that’s not the point-Jesus- Pyro no, fuck, just forget it, forget it.” You turn your body away from his, closing your eyes. He slinks back down on the bed, this time pulling you closer, your back against his chest.
“Talk to me,” he says quietly, his voice void of any emotion.
Something inside you snaps and all you want to do is tell him everything; tell him that you’ve (probably) fallen for him and it eats at you. You broke the rule and all you wanted to do was run away.
You don’t reply and he doesn’t push any further; he was lost in his own thoughts, wondering if he did anything wrong.
Did she find out? He curses himself silently, am i that fucking obvious? He wonders if you noticed how needy he’s grown to have you near him, he wonders if you’ve noticed how he looks at you when you’re doing homework or cleaning, or doing absolutely fucking nothing, he wonders if you know that he’s head-over-heels for you and he wants to kick himself in the ass cause he broke the rule.
He was lying to himself the day the two of you decided this whole ordeal. He was being selfish and he wanted you for himself.
You didn’t want to feel this way; you didn’t want to ruin whatever it was that you had.
“Feelings ruin shit.” you mumble, loud enough for Pyro to hear.
“I think I fucking love you okay and- okay I lied, I don’t think I do, I probably do-like there’s a good chance I do and I’m sorry I broke the rule, god why am I still talking-” You were cut off by Pyro pulling you into his chest, hugging you tight.
“I love you too, fuck you scared me. I thought you didn’t want me around anymore.” He says, unable to control the smile that spread across his face.
You look at him, blinking the tears from your eyes (you didn’t even realise you were crying), he lets out a chuckle, wiping the tears from your face, “You baby,” He teases, and you swat his arm, and he laughs this time, hugging you tighter.
You melt into his touch, he presses a soft kiss on your forehead and your heart bursts cause this was one of the scenarios you’ve thought of and it’s so much better than you imagined, “I swear to god if you tell anyone this I’m gonna set you on fire,” and the magic is ruined. “That’s the Pyro I know, ruining moments like this.”
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simp999 · 1 year
I feel this is cringe but it itches the back of my mind like no other… since it’s late 60s early 70s in tf2, mercs reaction to there being a new recruit who is a female pilot? I’m sorry if this sounds like? Hyper specific ? But she’s like hot biker/pilot bitch who is like the epitome of Cool Girl (tm) flared ripped jeans and tight tank tops yk?
I'm so sorry about how long it took to make this and how short it is, I'm trying to do all my requests in order of what I received em ww
TF2 Mercs x Badass Fem Pilot! Reader Headcannons
Wc: 730
Themes: uhh Fluff? Romantic and platonic depends on character
A/N: Sniper bias whoop
A/N 2: okay so. I try to stray away from fem reader stuff but this THIS is a complete exception because I love the idea sm
Taglist: @emotionally-alive-sniper @moopy-milk @skeleton-stomper-xoxo @emotionallyunwellmedic @physically-robotic-medic
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
-God,, he is immediately in love with your style and vibes.
-Yes, in a simpery way
-Will absolutely fumble on words and flirt miserably
-"Hey girl are you a pilot cause uh you’re really cool"
-Absolutely will find clothes that he thinks suits your style and be your #1 hypeman 
-Wants to touch all the buttons
-Does respect the effort and time you’ve put into training definetly. But is always asking you to prove yourself
-Okay you can pilot but can you do 30 pushups. Right here right now.
-Doesn’t think of you any differently if you’re female
-A new cool friend!!
-Just an adorable little goober. Okay maybe they get to sit in the front sometimes
-Loves loves loves making drawings of you and them and planes!!!! And clouds
-Protective older brother.
-He is SO overprotective of you. You remind him too much of his sisters.
-You’re strong just like them but,, it’s just scary, y’know? He misses them
-Often just kinda chills around- and won’t stand for ANY harassment or anything rude. AHEM spy AHEM
-And the clear bias for you? It’s honestly funny at times
-He definetly makes you sandviches and just. Silently takes care of you
-Rocket boosters for the planes. He’s gonna bring it up on multiple occasions
-Makes you little plane trinkets out of wood and stuff!! Pyro paints them :]
-Is so interested in infodumping about mechanical stuff with you- he’s glad he has somebody that just. GETS HIM yknow?
-If you need someplace to go chill away from the chaos that the mercs usually bring, the workshop’s your go-to. Late night convos are the best with this man
-Treats you like one of the guys
-Respectfully ofc but. You’re getting noogies
-Will be offering you beer n stuff, he treats you like a really good friend
-Lives for your vibes
-He thinks you’re so badass!! Hell yeah!!!
-Kay so. You probably had to go through lots of training right?? So!;
-Rivalry for first aid.
-Hear me out
-Everyone all of a sudden wants you to help make them feel better when they get small injuries because of the one time you mentionned you had to do a buttload of first-aid courses
-So. Lots of who can make it to the scene and get (injured person) back on their feet the quickest
-Does ask you if you’ve ever expirinenced or witnessed anything wild- such as big crashes, and how people dealt with the situations
-Loves your stories despite pretending to hate you- it’s just a friendly rivalry!
-He’s not one to really apprach you, but he does definetly admire you from a distance.
-He thinks you’re too cool for him :( 
-But eventually one day, you’ll ctach him stargazing- and you’d have the amazing idea of bringing him for a ride just the two of you so that you can see the stars
-.God maybe he just fell in love I MEAN WHAT????? ANYWAys
-He LOVES stargazing with you!!
-You get to tell eachother stories and it’s overall really calming- a nice from the hectic mercenary life
-He also happens to know a fair bit about constellations, so he’ll infodump unconsiously if you let him :) 
-Spyyyy… dislikes your ideals, and has traditional values
-Not a fan of the way you hold yourself, but will eventually warm up a bit
-Im sorry,, I just don’t like Spy aheh anyways
-You probably end up showing off your skills- not of purpose though, just- you seen a natural at what you do, and that’s when he sees that maybe there’s a reason you’re such a big deal
(Bonus!) All:
-They all fight over who gets to sit in the passenger seat. Some are more civil about it, for example Engineer or Heavy- but they still want to sit in the front for their own reasons. You may have walked into the room only to find all the mercs fighting iver who’s calling shotgun for the next ride.
“No. Heavy will sit next to pilot for protection. Is only fair.”
“Ya’ll- I have some things I’d like to see up close in the cockpit, I think I should be next.”
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worldofheroes · 1 year
A Jealous Man
pete “maverick” mitchell x reader
summary: you try to distract yourself from practice and Maverick
warnings: angst, some fluff, language, alcohol
wc: 902
a/n: hi all! so sorry it’s been a hot minute. I got married!!! I promise I’m still working on all the requests! based on this request! maybe there will be a part two??
tags: @kissatelier @tomcruiseishot
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"What the hell was that?" Maverick yells from across the tarmac.
"Leave me alone, Mav," you say, grabbing your gear and heading to the locker rooms.
"No, I will not. That stunt you pulled? It could’ve gotten you killed!"
"I was in control."
"You were not in control."
"You would’ve done the same thing."
Maverick sighs. "I don’t have the energy to argue with you. Go home."
"Yes sir," you say, walking past Maverick and purposefully bumping his shoulder.
You change out of your flight suit and head to The Hard Deck to meet someone you’ve been on a couple dates with. He’s not amazing, but it’s something.
Maverick didn’t consider himself to be a jealous man.
But when he walked in The Hard Deck and saw you with someone, Maverick felt physical pain.
He hated to admit it, but there was something about you that lured him in.
Of course, it was inappropriate, with him being your teacher. But Maverick wasn’t one for rules.
When you looked over and gave him a small smile, he felt something he hasn’t felt in a long time.
Tough guy Maverick was falling for you.
Shortly after getting your first round of drinks, your date leaves you for his friends.
You sigh, knowing he’s not going to come back to be with you.
You finish your beer and head up to the bar. Much to your better judgment, you find a seat beside Maverick.
"Where’s your date?" Maverick asks.
You scoff. "With his friends. I knew it was a bad idea coming here."
Penny walks over to you, and you hold up your bottle. She nods and grabs another beer for you.
Maverick clenches his jaw. He could say so many things right now, but none of them are a good idea.
"What are you doing here?" you ask him.
"Trying to avoid thinking about the mission," he says.
You nod. "Fair enough."
"Y/n, what are you doing over here?" your date asks, stumbling over not only his words, but also his feet.
"How are you this drunk already?" you mutter.
"Baby, come on," he says, his hands all over you.
"Dylan, just leave," you say.
"Baby," he repeats, still touching you. You try to move away.
"Leave her alone," Maverick says.
"Oh, who are you to tell me what to do?" Dylan asks.
"A decent human being. I’d leave now, if I were you."
"Are you threatening me?"
"Not yet."
"Mav," you whisper.
"You know this old man?" Dylan asks, appalled by this possibility.
"Dylan, leave," you say.
Maverick stands up and forces himself between you and Dylan.
You’ve never been this close to Maverick, and it makes you a little dizzy.
Maverick and Dylan are silent, having a stare down.
"Fine," Dylan says, walking away. "I’ll call you later, Y/n.”
"Please don’t," you say, looking at the floor.
Maverick doesn’t move until Dylan has left the area.
"Are you okay?" Maverick asks you, sitting back down at the bar.
"Yeah." You stand up and finish your beer. "I’m gonna head out. Thanks for, uh, intervening, I guess."
You don’t even wait for a response from Maverick before you leave.
"Y/n," Maverick calls out as he catches up to you in the parking lot.
"Mav, I appreciate you standing up for me, but I’m fine. I don’t need protecting. I know how to fly my plane. I don’t need your help constantly," you say.
"Y/n," Maverick repeats.
"I don’t get why you give me so much shit all the time. I don’t get why you’re always right there. I can handle myself," you ramble.
It takes you a second to realize Maverick has closed in on you, his face inches from yours. You stop mid sentence.
"Maverick," you whisper.
He leans in closer, stopping for a millisecond before his lips land on yours.
Your mind goes blank, and you wrap your arms around his neck.
He places his hands gently on your waist.
"Maverick," you repeat.
"I care about you so much, Y/n. I tried to push these feelings away, but I can’t. And seeing you with that guy tonight… I’ve never felt that way before, jealous of another man," Maverick says softly.
"Mav," you repeat.
"I want to give this a try."
"We can’t, the rules.”
"Fuck the rules," Maverick says, caressing your face.
"Maverick," you scold.
"I’ll take care of it," he smiles at you.
You roll your eyes and give him another kiss.
"I don’t want this to hurt me, Mav."
"I’ll handle it, trust me.”
Maverick wraps you up in his arms, and you rest your head against his chest, where you can hear his heartbeat.
"Come back to my place?" Maverick asks.
"Okay," you say, nodding against his chest.
Maverick releases you from his arms. "Need a ride?"
"I’ve never ridden a bike before."
"Just hold on to me, you’ll be fine," he says with a smile, leading you to his bike.
You can’t help but smile back as Maverick’s hand finds yours.
He easily swings a leg up and over the bike, and helps you on to the bike too.
Maverick takes your hands and places them around his waist.
"Hang on," he says.
"Take it easy for me," you smile.
"No promises," he jokes with you, taking off from the parking lot.
You're still unsure how it happened, but you're thrilled to be going home with Maverick.
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bronx-bomber87 · 7 months
Good evening fandom! Welcome to my inaugural mini review post. Holy hell I can’t believe we’re finally here. These probably won’t be as detailed as normal like I mentioned. Mini review is the goal. It’ll be initial thoughts and feelings. Which will be fun cause all the other seasons other than S5 I had ton of time to reflect on moments. These thoughts for S6 could change when I rewatch the season for review purposes this summer. The exciting thing is having those first reactions. That's what these will be.
So you're getting hot off the presses thoughts haha I just watched it couple hours ago. These are thoughts I had while it was happening. With some editing to make it readable ha Want my reactions be as authentic as possible with these. Why I avoid spoilers tbh. Be interested in seeing what everyone else’s are as well. The gif library was an absolute turd so I didn't get to use all the gifs that were made yet. So I made some. Anyways this so friggin exciting to delve into so let’s get started.
6x01 Strike Back
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Tim got scruffier from the finale to now-and I’m here for it. Mm. Plus he's in Metro gear. Phew Lord. Something about scruffy Tim gets me going. Adore them riding together automatically after their battle. I truly love it. The little things I continually love with them. Also LOVING the Metro call sign. Yum If this going to be his call sign all season I am about it.
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Oh my lord why is her sitting at his desk so squee worthy to me? It’s getting me all in my feels. I love that Lucy can just use his office as her own. So cute using it to steal it for some study time. I love this so very much. Then her asking if they can ride together so he can quiz her? Tim doesn’t hesitate for a moment before saying yes.
Still amazes me we’re in the place with them. The Tim of old would’ve groaned and moaned about such a task. He jumps right on it for her. Ready to help her out. Even though he’s not sure how much it’s gonna do. Clearly very aware Primm is out to get her. That is common knowledge now.
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Lucy is right when she says it sucks. That she has to battle this and face possible wild cards.. It isn’t fair when she's earned her spot more than most. Fought and clawed for everything she's done in this department. Definitely more than Nolan... Hey wouldn't be a review if I didn't pot shot Nolan would it? lol I love Tim finding a solution for them. Saying they can take out do the box calls all day. Widen her knowledge a bit on it. Sharpen her skills with odd calls.
I love her grateful smile when she says 'Thank you.' Loves this man. Damnit they’re so cute their banter coming out of his office is on point. Tim saying she learns best when she’s pissed off. I mean if that isn’t her rookie experience with him in a sentence. Lucy saying this feels like she is giving him permission to be an ass. Heh it kinda is no matter what Tim says.
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You know he kinda loves being able to make her his boot again in some form. He is going to enjoy himself with this. There is no doubt about it. That's why he's doing that smile of his. Lucy calling him out knowing this man so well. Pointing her finger and all. God I love these idiots so much. Tim trying to tell her just his smile. Uh huh sure it is Tim.... Lucy following after him with a smile of her own. These dopes I've missed them so damn much.
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I’m very much loving Tim has not really shaved in 6 weeks ha. The scruffy remains and I’m excited about it. Lucy is starting to question asking Tim to help her. We all know she learns best from that man sitting next to her though. I also always enjoy when she gets to drive. Another micro shift that has changed that I love so much. Her heart eyes when he says Angela’s cop brain is just booting up LOL Loves this goober of man.
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Lucy absolutely losing it and going on a rant of epic proportions had me rolling. LOL Massive emotional downward spiral happening here. I’m dying as I watch Tim take it in. God Eric the master of expressions crushing it again. This was a huge one for her holy crap. Nuclear really. Well done Melissa getting all that in with one breath basically. By the time she’s done I’m cackling at Tim’s expression. LMAO Oh my god these two. God I’ve missed them so much it pained me.
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Lucy knowing Tim's reply without even looking at him. Just epic married status at this point. Doesn’t even have to look at him or for Tim to say anything. It’s already there because of that crazy good connection they have. How deeply they know one another. It’s so good. Tim being the smart man he is says nothing. Lucy knowing he’s thinking it haha
Lucy coming to conclusion she will do crazy wild card during the day and the manual at night. She will sleep when it's over LOL Tim shaking his head. Knowing there is nothing he can say right now that'll make this better. Or to derail her crazy train of thought. This is like S1/S2 them with the added benefit of them being together now. It’s glorious.
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Getting serious Plain Clothes Day vibes from this episode as well. Except this time Lucy light years away from who she was then. Confidently reciting what she’s going to do Tim nodding along. Tim wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t rock her boat a little though. Lucy getting in her head about the crime scene now. Tim isn’t wrong she did tick all the obvious boxes. That the point of today is looking for wild cards. That’s what he wants her to engage that brilliant brain of her's in. It's why he's here.
To zero in on the 'Out of the box thinking'. Poor Lucy spirals out not being able to decide if she wants his help or not. I ADORE Tim telling her it’s ok to not know the answer. Not shaming her in the least just needing her to make a call. God how far we’ve come. Tim pushes her because he knows that is when she learns best. Trying to add a little urgency to her decision making. Unfortunately it backfires. I kinda loved them calling each other by their ranks in this heated exchange.
Lucy is so flustered it’s giving me PCD vibe once again in the best way. The sprinklers turn on and Lucy panics. There’s the wild card….We watch as a bullet leaves this man’s body and enters the storm drain never to be seen again. Lucy being so very disappointed in herself. It’s reminiscent of the disappointment she showed in s1 but only now she's far more experienced. So it hurts much more now….Oh Lucy my heart. You poor thing. Couldn’t have gone more wrong if she tried.
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I can’t believe they played clown music upon her entrance.... Beyond cruel but that's cops. Always taking shots when people mess up spectacularly. Tim trying not laugh.... Babe she is spiraling right now maybe don’t lol Poor thing I would be mortified too. I love how both Tim and Lucy smile when they see Wes and the wee one. My heart. She wants Wes's opinion and he just crushes her with logic. Ugh She needs a hug. Bad day for our girl.
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Lucy continues to break my heart as they sit in front of the crime scene. She is on the verge of tears. Verge of a breakdown it feels like as well. Killing me softly. Saying she should skip the detectives exam. My girl. Tim doesn't want her to give up. I will say this fight I feel like I would be Tim. Trying to be so supportive it’s come off as agreeing with her she can’t do it. When really he was just trying to be supportive of whatever she wants.
Can't win for losing right now Timothy. She is in a bad way right now. Lucy has some weight to her argument though. if I was her in this moment I would feel the same way. If I’m in a bad headspace I need reassurances. So I can relate to both of them in this fight. It’s not a fun time for either of them. Tim is still learning that emotional depth he needs to have with her in these moments.
Being supportive has worked before so he's not sure why it's backfiring right now. They’re solid but always room to grow beauty of them. Lucy spots someone pull up to crime scene crying. She has them peel out with Tim not really understanding why. Lucy catching her digging through her trash. She ends up getting a confession. Phew Well done Luce.
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Oooh this final scene. Oh my damn lord. This is some PRIMO productive angst holy hell. Eric and Melissa came out swinging with it. I knew they were going to have one more scene about it. I just didn't think it would be this explosive. I adore Tim picking up on how short she is with him. Grabbing her by the arm and confronting her. Growth continuous growth for them both continues to show. Love it. Look at Tim being the one to come at this. I’m so proud of him.
Throwing her words from 5x21 somewhat back at her. Saying this isn’t going to work if she isn’t honest with him. Then Lucy really lays into him. Now do I think he purposely undermined her? No I don’t. Not ever. That’s not in his DNA to do that to someone he loves. I was deeply hurt for him when she suggested this. You can see how hurt he is when she says as such. He’s getting emotional and it makes me as well. I just wanna hug him.
Tim as we know is a DEEPLY loyal person. Also one of my main relations to him as a character. To purposely hurt someone they love isn’t fathomable to a loyal person. It's unthinkable. You have to hurt them first. To undermine Lucy would be to hurt her so he would never. To be accused of such by your favorite person? That cut's so insanely deep for him. I haven’t seen him this hurt since the 'Tim Test' line from her in 4x08. I’m legit wounded for him. He is so upset she could think that of him.
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Now Lucy might be onto something with the subconscious part. He could’ve done it not realizing what he was doing. Because love isn’t rational. Man is hardwired to protect her and want to keep her safe. So I could see this especially with her psych background. I think this is solid guess at what happened. Now was this the right time to lash out at him for Isabel stuff? I don’t know…
Felt like a low blow when he was already down for the count. She is throwing him daggers with her eyes most of this conversation. Feels like its more than just the UC right now but that's just my guess at this point. Let's not forget she was having UC doubts towards the end of last season.
Now do they need to have these fights and conversations? HELL YES. My god this subject needs to be discussed. Especially with how 5x20-5x21 were. Want to reiterate this is my first impression. I was literally writing this as I experienced their fight for first time. When I rewatch it this summer this could change. My POV could shift. But right now I see a man who only thought he had her back and was raked across the coals in this moment.
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So for me right now in this moment I feel like Lucy had pent up frustrations and took it out on Tim. The protective side of me for him isn’t pleased with that tbh. Doesn't mean I love Lucy any less. I adore her so much. You all know that. But my gut leaned towards Tim in this fight. That may be bias idk but it’s how I felt when it was said and done. Tim was very very defensive when she brought up Isabel. Which hasn't happened in awhile. But his emotions were heightened and he was on the defensive before they'd reach the topic of her.
Lucy basically kicked him while he was down and he felt it. I'm not discounting her feelings at all. She is allowed to feel overwhelmed. Has every right to be. She is STRESSED and it is coming out in all kinds of ways. Ways that aren't like her. I think she stewed on this thought the ENTIRE shift and it came out in the worst way. Which also isn't like her. What she did had him defaulting back to old school Tim. Cutting off the conversation before more emotions were to be had or he said something he would regret.
Basically cut the fight off at the knees and walked away. Lucy’s face says it all when he walks away. She wasn’t expecting that. Shocked he just left her like that. Oh Lucy, you wounded him more than once and he retreated HARD. Leaving her standing there wondering what the hell just happened? God this is so good though everyone. This is the type of angst I'm all for. What a way to start the season off hot damn. Hurts so good angst to get us going. I could not be more excited for where we go this season. Feel free to comment on this. Love to chat with you all about this. All uncharted territory for us all. We're in for quite the ride.
Side notes-non Chenford
Who are these friggin people? They’re insanely ruthless. Like Rosalind level ruthless in how they just dispose of people. Sending two their team out as a distraction to be blown up. Jesus. Then sniping their own guy. They’re smart but cold af. Then killing who I thought was the boss at the end. Shit. Consider me intrigued.
I liked the 6 weeks later. Makes sense need to do a time jump.
Celina being more afraid of Tim than Harper. LOL little does she know they’re basically the same person haha
Poor Aaron wants to be back in the game and can’t be. I agree with Grey he’s not ready even if he thinks he is.
God I love Nyla Harper. Took that mofo out like the complete bad ass she is. Came with repercussions which made me sad for her.
Angela being more excited to see burritos than her husband lmao I love this woman.
Feeling little potential flirty action for Aaron and his therapist.
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fatecantstopme · 2 years
I Was Thinking Maybe, Eight?
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x wife!reader
Summary: You ask Bucky for something you’ve been desperate for and you’re terrified he’ll say no. Turns out, he wants the same thing.
Warnings: so much smut. Oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V), Breeding kink. Swearing. Use of pet names. Bit of angst.
You came home from work to find your husband busy cooking dinner in the kitchen. It always made you smile to see him acting all domestic, especially given his history. For him to finally have a real home after 80 years of hell, never failed to warm your heart.
“Hey babe,” you said as you entered the kitchen, dropping your purse on the counter, kicking off your heels, and pulling yourself up on the island counter behind him.
“Hey, doll. How was work?” He asked without turning around.
“Nothing exciting to report. Whatcha making?”
You hummed happily. “Did you homemake the red sauce?”
Bucky could hear the excitement in your voice and he chuckled. “Of course I did.”
He finished what he was doing at the stove and finally turned around to look at you. Not for the first time, he found himself blown away by your beauty. He’d always counted himself a lucky man since he’d met you. You were just so gentle and sweet, a soft glow always gracing your skin, a warmth to your soul that he’d never seen in anyone else.
“Buck? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re trying to memorize my face. I’m not gonna disappear.”
He came up to stand between your legs and leaned forward to gently kiss your lips. “I would hope not, but it never hurts to be able to describe every inch of your beloved wife’s body should you need to.”
You laughed. “I think that’s why they have pictures.”
“Hmm…I have heard those last longer,” he said with a grin.
You smacked his arm affectionately. “Go monitor your sauce. I don’t want red splatters all over the kitchen.” You hopped off the counter. “I’m gonna change.”
Bucky went back to cooking and you went to your bedroom to change into something more comfortable. You’d just done laundry the day before and Bucky’s clean clothes were neatly folded on top of the dresser, patiently waiting to be put away. You sighed as you looked at them and shook your head. You loved the man, but god help you, if he didn’t put his clothes away you’d knock him upside his head. It was your personal pet peeve. Laundry comes out of the dryer, is immediately folded (by you), and then put away (by the owner of said clothing). It wasn’t too much to ask.
You grabbed a pair of his sweats and a shirt off the stack and threw them on. If he wasn’t gonna bother to put them away, then you might as well wear them.
You came back into the kitchen just as Bucky was plating dinner. He looked up when you entered and his eyes widened.
“Pretty sure those are mine, doll.”
“Yup. They were just sitting out on the dresser, practically begging to be worn. I figured if you didn’t want me to wear them, you would have put them away.” You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow as you regarded him.
A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He knew it annoyed you when he didn’t put his clothes away and he felt bad for forgetting, he really did…but seeing you in his clothes? Damn, that made it completely worth it. “Sorry, sweets. Guess I forgot to put them away again.”
You narrowed your eyes. “You don’t look sorry.”
He grinned. “Can’t help it. You come walking in here all grumpy, looking cute as hell, wearing my clothes? You’re lucky I spent so much time on dinner or I’d be taking you right here on this table.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “James!” You said indignantly, a smile pulling at the corners of your mouth.
He shrugged. “But since I slaved over this meal, we’d better eat it while it’s hot.” He sat a plate at your seat and one at his. “I’ve got a really good idea for dessert,” he said with a wink.
You blushed and took your seat at the table. You couldn’t deny the hungry way he looked at you turned you on. You felt wetness pooling in your panties and the man hadn’t done anything but look at you and speak. God, you were pathetic.
He watched you closely as you both ate. He asked questions about your day and you tried your best to focus on your answers, but he could tell you were distracted. You kept shifting back and forth in your seat, thighs squeezing together in desperate search of friction.
“Better eat up, doll. You’ll need the energy,” he teased lightly.
Your eyes shot up from your plate and met his. He saw the need in them and knew the very same look was in his own eyes.
“Or, maybe we can eat the rest later,” he said softly.
You nodded quickly.
He grinned. “Besides, I’m quite certain dessert will taste better anyway.”
You weren’t shy by any means, but god, when he spoke to you like that, you couldn’t help but blush. He was always so gentle and affectionate, his love soft and pure. When he was like this? Rough and crude and filthy? You knew you were in for a long, deliciously fun, night.
Before you could even blink, Bucky was beside you, scooping you out of your chair and carrying you off to the bedroom.
"Buck, shouldn't we clean--"
"You really wanna clean up dinner right now, sweets?"
You grinned. "Not particularly."
"Then shush."
He tossed you onto the bed and immediately crawled on top of you, lips attaching themselves to yours in a searing, passionate kiss. Every bit of air was sucked from your lungs, but you didn't care. You needed to feel him, every part of him, so much more than you needed to breathe.
Your lips parted, allowing Bucky's tongue to slip into your mouth, the passion quickly becoming an inferno. You tangled your fingers into his hair and he clung to your body, hips rutting against yours as he moaned into the kiss.
You whined as he pulled away from you, the absence of his lips making you feel empty.
He chuckled warmly. "You do have to breathe occasionally, doll."
"I would much rather be kissing you."
He smiled at you and sat up, pulling his shirt up over his head and tossing it to the ground. It didn't matter how many times you saw his body, you always found something new to love and admire about it. You knew each scar, mark, and blemish that littered his skin and you loved each and every one of them.
It had once made him uncomfortable, the way you seemed to worship his body, despite its many flaws, but he had since come to adore it, even crave it. Your eyes slowly traveled over his torso, appreciating every single inch of it. Your fingers ached to touch him, but you knew better than to do it without asking first...at least when he was in this kind of mood.
"May I?" you asked softly, one hand inches away from his chest.
"Tonight is a special night, my love. Whatever you want, you can have. All you need to do is ask me and I will give it to you."
You inhaled sharply and pressed your hand firmly against his skin, the heat of his body warming your palm. Your fingers moved slowly, tracing the scars along his shoulder, his chest, and finally down to his abdomen. When you reached the top of his jeans, you looked up at him, once again asking for permission.
He leaned forward and kissed you gently. "You don't need my permission, doll," he whispered against your lips.
"Then I think you should remove your pants before I accidentally rip them."
He laughed and stood up, jeans dropping to the floor along with his boxers.
You bit your lip as you looked at him, appreciating his perfection from head to toe. You crooked your finger and beckoned him back to you.
"I think you're wearing too much clothing, sweets. It's unfair," he chided.
"Well perhaps you could help me with that?" you teased.
He grabbed you around your waist and turned you towards him, prompting you to sit up and face him. You giggled as he manhandled you, never once feeling afraid of his strength. He was quick to remove your shirt and your pants, a groan coming from deep in his chest. "No underwear?"
You smirked. "I had plans of my own tonight, handsome."
He grinned. "As long as they were with me, I'm not complaining."
You touched his face and pulled him to you, dragging him back onto the bed with you. "Only you, James."
His body shuddered and he let out another low groan. "You did that on purpose," he mumbled into your shoulder, teeth scrapping along your flesh.
"You're damn right I did."
"God, sweets, you're gonna kill me," he moaned, lips never leaving your skin for more than a heartbeat. He trailed down your body, every inch of your beautiful form laid bare before him, and he'd be damned if he wasn't gonna take the time to fully appreciate it.
His hands felt like fire and ice, tracing lines across your body; his lips like warm velvet, leaving every inch of your skin alight with desire. Soft moans escaped your lips, your own hands clinging to any part of him you could reach, desperate to feel his skin against your fingertips.
When he finally reached your core, your need for him was overwhelming. Bucky could sense it, but he liked to do things at his own pace, in his own time. He placed soft, gentle kisses to your inner thighs, gently across your mound, and down to your soft lips.
You whimpered softly, "Bucky."
He smiled. "I know, sweets. I know. I've got you." His hands rubbed circles into your hips as he held you in place, hot breath against the place you wanted him most.
He watched your face, waiting for the exact moment he would give you want you wanted. It wasn't that he wanted to torture you or make you wait...it was simply a desperate need to watch you come undone from nothing more than his touch.
When he was satisfied by your wrecked expression, he dove into your pussy with abandon. He knew exactly how to please you, years of practice and patience paying off. Your moans echoed throughout the room, fingers tugging on his hair like you were drowning and he was a life raft.
"Bucky, please, I--I need--" you gasped as he slipped two fingers inside of you, knowing exactly what you needed without you having to say it.
Your whole body felt like it was on fire, every inch of you alive in a way only he could make you feel. You gasped and pleaded, and he never stopped, your pleasure the sole thing on his mind.
When you finally came, the pleasure was blinding, so overwhelming that you could do nothing but moan his name. Bucky helped you ride out your orgasm, but he allowed you to pull him away when it became too much for you.
You were panting, limbs trembling slightly, as you watched him lift himself up and crawl towards your face. His movements were slow, his lips planting warm kisses to your soft curves as he went. When he finally reached your lips, your breathing had calmed significantly.
"Hey, beautiful," he whispered.
You chuckled lightly. "Hey, handsome."
It was an exchange that had become almost a ritual. It was exactly what Bucky had said the first time the two of you had ever made love and he had said it every time since. Sometimes before, sometimes during, sometimes after...but he never missed it, and neither did you.
This time though, something felt different. Perhaps it was the way he looked at you, or maybe it was what you carried in your heart...what you desperately wanted to tell him. "Buck," you began softly.
"I love you," he whispered, cutting you off. "I love you so damn much it hurts."
You took a shallow breath and gently caressed his face, a warm smile spreading across your lips. "I love you just as much, Bucky. I hope you know that."
He leaned into your palm and sighed, blue eyes fluttering closed. "I know you do, doll. I know."
"There's something I want to tell you," you murmur.
He feels a stab of fear in his chest, a remnant of his past inability to trust others. But he knows you, knows you would never do or say anything to hurt him, so he pushes that fear aside and opens his eyes to look at you. "I'm listening."
"I umm--well, I've been thinking..."
He cocked his head to the side as he regarded you, waiting for you to say what was on your mind.
"Well, the thing is, we've been married for a couple years now...umm--and I think maybe it would, you know if you wanted, maybe we could..." you trailed off, gaze averting from his face.
"Doll?" he asked softly, pulling your attention back to him. "What is it?"
You shook your head. "Maybe it's stupid."
"Nothing you want is stupid."
"We've never really talked about it. I just...I don't know--it sort of hit me one day and suddenly it's all I can think about."
He brushed some of your hair out of your face, his warm eyes pleading with you to open up to him. "What is, doll?"
"Kids," you whispered so softly he might not have heard you if not for the serum.
His face paled slightly and he inhaled sharply, jaw going slack.
"Never mind, it was stupid," you rushed out. You tried to get out from under him, wanting nothing more than to run away and hide for a couple hours until maybe you either disappeared or he forgot you'd said anything.
"Hey, hey," Bucky said insistently. He kept you from getting away, his hold on you firm, but gentle. "Doll, it's not stupid."
You swallowed thickly, eyes still looking anywhere but at him.
"Look at me, sweets. Please?"
You bit your lip, obvious discomfort etched into your features.
"Please? I need you to look at me when I say this."
You could hear the desperation in Bucky's voice when he spoke and it pulled your gaze back to him, as if you had no control. When your eyes met his, your breath caught in your chest. His beautiful blue eyes were swimming with emotions, just not the ones you were expecting.
"When I met you, my life changed. You have given me everything I could ever want and need; you're my entire world. I would move mountains for you, burn worlds to the ground, whatever you want or need, I will do it." He paused, breathing ragged. "You know what I want, doll? I want to have kids with you. I want a whole little brood. I want to see you barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, watching as I make you dinner. I want to see this beautiful body of yours so full of life, a life we created together. I want to make you a mother, and I would love to be the father of your children. So if you're asking me if I want to make a baby with you, the answer is an emphatic yes."
Tears welled in your eyes as he spoke, his words warming your soul from the outside in. You could hear the love in his voice and it meant the world to you; he meant the world to you. You took a deep breath and you smiled at him, a few stray tears making their way to your cheeks.
He smiled back at you, his expression so full of love it made you breathless. He gently wiped the tears from your eyes and lowered his lips to yours, kissing you deeply, ensuring you knew exactly how he felt.
When he pulled away, you asked softly, "So...you wanna start now?"
At first his eyes widened, but they quickly darkened, the pupils expanding with lust. "Hell yeah, sweets. I think right now would be perfect."
It didn't take him long to work you back up, his expert hands guiding you, arousal pooling between your legs. In minutes, you were begging him to take you, the need becoming unbearable.
Bucky was never one to deny you, especially when you pleaded with him like this. He slid into you in one smooth thrust, earning a deep pleasured moan from your lips to match his own.
"Shit, doll, you're so tight," he groaned. "You always feel so good wrapped around me."
His movements were quick and intense, each thrust sending a wave of pleasure through you. Your moans were his best encouragement, a song meant only for his ears.
He pictured you pregnant, belly all swollen, carrying his child. A baby the two of you had made together, something he had long ago given up hope of, and the thought made him feral. The images flashed through his mind and he couldn't stop the words that flowed from his mouth as he pounded into you.
"God, I can't wait to see you with your belly all swollen. I bet you'll look so pretty pregnant, glowing like the light of the moon. Prettiest damn thing in the world."
He could tell his words were having an effect on you, but you were completely unable to respond. Nothing but hungry moans dripping from your mouth, head thrown back in ecstasy.
"You're gonna be such a good mama, sweets, I just know it. Gonna be so good," he groaned as you clenched around him. "Fuck, doll, I'm so close."
"Me--too," you gasped, though he already knew that.
"That's right, pretty mama. I wanna feel you cum around me, so I can fill you up. You gonna let me put a baby in you?"
You cried out in pleasure as you reach your peak, nails digging into his back, body shaking beneath him.
He gasped, the pleasure of your orgasm pushed him closer to his own. "That's it, sweets. Gonna make me a daddy--fuck," he groaned as you clenched around him, this time on purpose.
He looked at you, surprised to see you looking at him so intently. "Put a baby in me, James; fill me up," you begged.
It was all he needed to push him over the edge, hot spurts of his seed shot into you as he came with a shout of your name. His body shook slightly as he pulled out of you, quickly grabbing a pillow and sliding it under your hips.
"Buck?" you questioned lightly.
"Gotta make sure all my cum stays inside," he answered breathlessly, before collapsing beside you.
You laughed lightly, a warm smile lighting up your face. "You're ridiculous."
"Maybe, but you still married me."
You laughed harder. "Touché."
"So how many kids are you thinking?" he asked curiously.
"I don't know, probably two or three." You turned your head to look at him. "You?"
"I was thinking maybe, eight?"
"Eight?!" you asked incredulously. "Only if you carry four of them."
He laughed. "I would do that for you if I could, doll. I just want a big family with you...bunch of little kids running around, maybe a couple of dogs. I mean, we already have the house with the white picket fence."
You laughed with him. "Babe, I'm pretty sure those families only had 2.5 kids," you teased. "But for you, I'm open to maybe having a couple more."
His eyes lit up. "Really?"
"Yes," you said with a laugh. "Just don't get too crazy. We're not making an entire baseball team here."
"Damn," he mumbled jokingly.
You smacked him affectionately and he grabbed your hand and placed a soft kiss to it. "I love you, sweets."
You sighed contentedly. "I love you too, Buck."
He sat up and kissed your forehead before helping you turn onto your side, hips still elevated by the pillow. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, his warmth providing you both comfort and safety. You knew there were still dishes out in the dining room to deal with and whatever mess remained in the kitchen, but you couldn't get yourself to get out of the bed.
As if sensing where your head was at, Bucky whispered, "I'll deal with the dishes later. I'd much rather hold you until you fall asleep."
You sighed and leaned into his chest. "You won't hear me complaining. I'm exhausted."
"Get some sleep, doll." He kissed your shoulder. "Oh, one more thing."
"Hmm?" you hummed.
"I was completely right. Dessert was way better."
He joined in with your laughter, the combination of which was easily the most beautiful sound in the world. It was the sound of two people so wonderfully in love that everything around them seemed to stop and listen, hoping to catch even the slightest glimpse of true love.
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