#I’m just assuming it’s adult timeline
reflectionsofgalaxies · 3 months
Okay y’all, Yellowjackets is filming at the mall by my house, they are apparently filming on Wednesdays (either on the 10th or 17th). I hate the mall, but I love Yellowjackets. 💛
Should I lurk at the mall on Wednesdays in hope of seeing them filming?
(I do really really REALLY wanna see Melanie Lynskey)
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pollyanna-nana · 1 year
Louie isn’t evil.
Or: what Pikmin 4 tells us about his character.
BIG WARNING FOR PIKMIN 4 SPOILERS! (and the rest of the series)
I want to preface this by saying that I am in no way trying to be the end-all, be-all of character interpretations, but Pikmin 4 to me, at least, confirms the suspicions I’ve had since playing Pikmin 2 and 3 all those years ago that Louie ISN’T secretly evil, or possessed, or whatever else. He’s just… Louie. And I think that’s interesting in and of itself.
1. Olimar himself vouches for him, and clearly doesn’t think he’s a bad person.
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Say what you will, but I’m inclined to think Olimar is a decent judge of character. Clearly he’s worked with Louie for enough time to see that while he’s not very good at his job, he’s not intentionally so— at least not in a malevolent way (will get more into this later). He also wants you to forgive him for Olimar’s sake, which can be read as self-sacrificing (as Olimar is known to be) but I also think hints at the soft spot he has for Louie.
It's also worth noting that he states during a end-of-day conversation that he told Louie that, since he's a new employee, he should do everything Olimar does... including throw castaways into the onion. Interesting that Louie took this so literally, but it does provide an explanation for why he kidnapped the Koppaites beyond "he's evil and crazy".
2. He really, REALLY loves his grandma.
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Like, wow. He talks about her SO MUCH both in his Piklopedia entries and also elsewhere in the game. It's interesting. Worth noting is that he never mentions any other family members- unlike Olimar, who talks about his wife and each of his children independently. I've said this before, but the content of a lot of these entries implies to me that Louie was mainly raised by his grandma, likely since birth. And given some of her emails in Pikmin 2, assuming they're also canon to Pikmin 4's timeline... Well, Louie certainly had an interesting upbringing. But he clearly loves her all the same.
3. He has a mischievous streak and tends to do things on impulse.
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This was already fairly obvious from the previous games, but I think it's worth noting that this game confirms that he's... would immature be the right word? In any regard, he doesn't seem to see himself as a "grown-up"- when in all likelihood he is. Personally, as a 22-year-old, I find that pretty relatable as I often think of myself as younger when in reality I am by all definitions an adult. This, along with his grandma still being around, makes it pretty much certain that Louie is a lot younger than Olimar and the president, likely in his early to mid twenties. Being a bit of a goofball isn't really out of the ordinary, all things considered.
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THAT BEING SAID, he's clearly capable of practicing self-restraint when he wants to. What he says here about the red Pikmin is pretty significant, since we know he's willing to eat just about anything- but clearly he has some reservations about creatures that are friendly and helpful. Which leads to...
4. He loves dogs and fluffy things.
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Same. But he doesn't even consider eating Moss, Oatchi or the Ancient Sirehound, showing that his creature-eating habits stop at things he recognizes as useful. He clearly also holds affection for things that are soft and fuzzy, and says as much.
5. He is so autism.
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He plays with fidget toys. He loves certain textures and sounds. This guy is stimming all over PNF-404!!! I think this also lends some explanation for why his behavior is what it is- things like taking Olimar's suggestion to do as he does super literally even after crashing on an alien planet, his hyperfixation on cooking and tendency not to communicate and incorrectly interpret situations (thinking the Koppaites are kidnappers in 3, running away from you in 4). He could even be low or no empathy as well, explaining why it takes a hot minute to get him to understand why people are upset with him about something.
Interestingly this game also makes it clear that Louie wants to live on the planet, or at least thought he did while you were chasing him down, which makes a lot of sense when you consider that he doesn't really seem to fit in back on Hocotate. I, too, wish to run away to an alien world with all of the things that I like and no other people, so I get you, Louie.
6. He hates his boss and his job, and the golden pikpik carrot incident was likely premeditated.
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This probably looks bad, but honestly? As a fellow work-hating anti-capitalist schmuck I get it. The president is for all intents and purposes a huge asshole, from sending Olimar straight back to the planet after selling his ship to not caring that Louie got left behind, just wanting to find the rest of the treasures. I doubt he is very kind to his employees, and doesn't seem very good at running the business. Definitely a funny character, but if he were my boss I would absolutely want to punt him into the sun.
From some other entries he clearly wants to sell certain things to accrue money, but it's for things like getting better kitchen tools and following his dream to have his own cooking show. Clearly being a freight driver isn't what Louie actually wants to do with his life, and he could not give less of a shit about what happens to the company. Very short-sighted on his part, but also again, yeah I get you Louie.
7. He... doesn't like the color red for some reason.
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Honestly, I'm not even really sure what to make of this. Is it because it reminds him of the Hocotate ship? Or does he just not like the color? Would be very interesting considering that it's Olimar's signature color. Perhaps that's at least part of why he attacks you in Pikmin 2- though that's speculation for another day.
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Also funny to me is his comments on the black-colored treasures. We know blue is his favorite color, but I guess he's also a bit of a goth at heart. Lol.
In conclusion.
I think Louie isn't written or intended to be evil, and Pikmin 4's portrayal of him was intentionally written to confirm this. He's just, as some have said, an agent of chaos, but that doesn't make him a bad person. Just an autistic 20-something working a shitty job he doesn't care about, who loves his grandma and has a mischievous streak and a hyperfixation on food. At least from what I can interpret, ymmv!
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sunshine-zenith · 2 months
I mean. If A New Wish takes place roughly 20 years after the original series (which seems to be the case since Vicky was 16 in the original and is said to be 36 here), then wouldn't Peri be RIGHT at college age?? Why is he immediately going into childcare instead of spending some time partying at the club.
Like I kind of get why he keeps getting distracted by his parents- he literally hasn't seen them in years and there doesn't seem to have been any contact between them during that period. Who was raising him while Cosmo and Wanda were gone. Is he still the only fairy born within the past ten thousand years. Did he cope at all with suddenly losing his brother forever, or is he just repressing it like he's apparently subconsciously been doing with Vicky and who knows what else. Peri and Dev can go to therapy together
This ask got me seriously thinking about the timeline between FOP and FOP:ANW, especially in relation to the Cosma-Fairywinkles
So Wanda and Cosmo’s ten thousand year long vacation obviously involved time travel, and from how both Wanda and Peri words things, it sounds like he wasn’t there with them, at least for the last part of it — she specifically says they lost track of him during those ten thousand years and he specifically call it their (his parents’) vacation, not our vacation. That said, this trip, again, obviously involved time travel, meaning that while ten thousand years passed for Cosmo and Wanda, they might’ve only been gone for a few months for Peri. While that’s still a super long time, given how old Cosmo and Wanda are, it might not be that long for them (ex I was talking about school timelines with an older coworker, and she said that while an extra year is a long time for someone in their 20s, like me, for someone in their 40s-50s like her it’s nothing)
That said, even if the vacation wasn’t that long from Peri’s perspective, Peri specifically notes he hasn’t seen them since they got back from it — we don’t actually know how long Cosmo and Wanda were living as a “normal retired human couple” but it’s been long enough that they at least know some of the local celebrations (the lightbulb-ice cream parade)
Wanda and Cosmo don’t seem like the type of people to abandon/neglect their kid, especially after something as presumably tragic and traumatic as their sibling completely forgetting about them, so I’m just gonna assume that they either didn’t start their vacation until Peri was old enough to be on his own, or that they took Peri with them and Peri broke off from them early on when he reached the age of majority
Cosmo specifically notes the year 2001, which is a reference to when the original show started airing. This also technically establishes 2001 as the year Peri was born, since Timmy doesn’t age over the course of the series (ignoring timeline shenanigans from later in the series that ended up being reversed anyway) (also Peri is officially Gen Z rep)
I’m gonna say that ANW takes place in 2023-2024, since that’s when it was animated/aired, so about 22-23 years from the original series, which works with Vicky being said to be in her late 30s-early 40s and AJ looking to be in his early 30s (plus for all the fantastical elements these shows include when history is concerned — ie every they do with dinosaurs — this writers do seem fond of establishing political events in the series as matching the real world — ie Cosmo getting emotional over Obama and wanting to go back to those days. Establishing the show as being 2024 instead of 2021 gives enough distance in universe from quarantines that the writers can get away with not mentioning it. If it was meant to be set in 2021, I feel like the writers would include some kind of reference — a throw away line establishing it as something that did/didn’t happen in universe)
We don’t know how fairies age, how long it takes them to reach the age of majority, but yeah, Peri just feels very Young Adult coded, and him being 20-23 just kinda works with his character. He comes off as someone fresh out of school working their first real job and being blindsided by how different it is from what he expected/studied. Assuming that he aged like a human up until adulthood and assuming that Cosmo and Wanda waited until he was old enough to study on his own (18) in a safe environment (a fairy academy presumably), that means it’s potentially been 2-5 years since he’s seen them and that he spent his adulthood/adult education without them — no wonder they still see him like a kid while he wants them to treat him like an independent adult, he was basically still a kid going off to school when they last saw him while he had years of his own to give the adult thing again (again, in a hard but semi-sheltered environment that would be a school in fairy world). It’s possible Cosmo and Wanda are overcompensating for the thousands of years they missed (for them)/missing important events like graduation (for Peri)
It makes me think of the fact that the writers specifically named the robots that care for Dev and fulfill his demands (ei what ends up being Peri’s job when he comes along) “au pairs” — an au pair is basically a cross between a foreign exchange student and a nanny, someone (typically a young adult) from a different country who moves in with a local family and helps take care of the children and house in exchange for a living situation, and many au pairs specifically take on the role while studying at a local university. That’s not too far off from what Peri/a Fairy Godparent’s role is
All that out of the way… yeah Peri should be in the club. BUT who would he even go out with? Yes he had similar aged peers in the original series (Foop/Irep and Goldie), but we don’t actually know if fairies started having kids again after he was born. If he had classmates as an adult, they would likely be fairies much older than him returning to school, so people he might not easily relate to
Thinking about it, it starts to make sense why Peri was given such a hard case for his first godkid — fairies can chose to go into retirement but for the longest time couldn’t have children, so there wasn’t anyone to take up the jobs they leave behind. In the original series there was a fairy godparent shortage that probably only got worse as fairies working that job got to the point of “okay, this is my last child, I’m done after this.” Peri was possibly one of the only fairy godparents available (who else would go to Dev? Cookie? The fairy still pissed off at Cosmo and Wanda and going after Hazel? Please, she’d probably refuse before even looking at Dev), plus he didn’t have anyone experienced to give him advice going into things, so he couldn’t, say, negotiate for an easier kid to start with or something before taking up the job
Peri is a young adult with almost no one to relate to, choosing a career that he views as “the family business” to make his parents proud, choosing a career he automatically has a unique relationship to because of the timing of when he was born and who he grew up with, who has a strained relationship with his parents because of years of (unintentional but still) no contact (not to mention the very real family loss of having their other kid/his big brother basically go away forever and completely forget about them in the process, which can’t be easy to navigate), who’s working a hard job with no experience and seeming no resources
He really was doomed from the get go, wasn’t he
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candycandy00 · 6 months
The Doll House - A Choso x Reader Fanfic Part 3
When your younger sister is tricked into selling herself to the Doll House, you rush there to help her, only to find her being led away by her trainer, Choso. Moved by your desire to save your sister, he convinces the owner to let you take her place.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Read Geto’s Part Here!
Read Toji’s Part Here!
Read Nanami’s Part Here!
Read Sukuna’s Part Here!
Read Gojo’s Part Here!
Note: Please remember that these stories don’t take place at the same time, or even one after the other! Consider each one its own timeline. So if you see Geto and Toji with other dolls, don’t be alarmed lol. I had to do it this way because if I don’t, by the time I get to the last trainer, there won’t be any other trainers left to interact with!
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AU! Each trainer will get their own story! This is Choso’s. I’m keeping the tag list from previous parts. If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged! Any feedback whatsoever is adored!
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. FemDom. Sub Choso. Oral sex. Pegging. Strap ons. Divider by @benkeibear!
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The next morning, Choso is up earlier than usual, excitedly moving around the room, making sure the place is neat with no “toys” in plain view. Now you know why he keeps them in a nondescript drawer, right below his sock drawer. 
You watch him with a smile on your face. You know exactly how he feels. Your own sister has visited you a couple of times, and both times it made you very happy. Family is such a precious thing. 
When ready, he leaves to go pick up his brother, and you look forward to a fun Sunday. 
Choso isn’t gone long. Yuji’s grandfather must not live too far away. The little boy runs in through the front door, beating Choso inside, looking perfectly at ease in what is essentially a brothel. He looks just like his picture, pink hair and big bright eyes. He stops right in front of you and grins as he asks, “Are you Choso’s new girlfriend?”
You grin back. “Yeah, sure. And you must be Yuji!”
“That’s me!”
Choso walks through the door, carrying a bag of, you assume, Yuji’s things. He’s beaming as he watches his little brother chat with you, asking your name and how long you’ve been living at the Doll House. Then Yuji smiles and says, “You’re really pretty!”
This kid! Such a charmer! “Thank you! You’re a very handsome young man yourself!”
He turns to Choso once he notices his big brother has caught up to him. “Is Megumi here?”
Choso shakes his head. “Not today. He only visits every now and then, remember?”
Yuji is quiet for a moment, as if thinking hard, then he suddenly says, “I’ll go ask Toji to go get him!” And then he runs toward the hallway. 
“Who’s Megumi?” you ask as the two of you follow him down the hall. 
“Toji’s son,” Choso replies. “He’s Yuji’s age, so they play together when they happen to be here at the same time.”
“I didn’t realize he’s a dad,” you say, thinking of the somewhat gruff but friendly older man. 
Yuji knocks on Toji’s door loudly, his small fist pounding the door until you hear it open from down the hall. Then you hear Toji’s voice. 
“Oh, hey Yuji. What do you need?”
You see Yuji lean to the side, as if looking around Toji, into the room. Then you hear his cute little voice say, “Why is that lady naked?”
“Ah, shit!” Toji blurts out, stepping quickly out into the hall, finally coming into your view as he slams his door shut behind him. “Uh, she’s gettin’ ready to take a bath.”
Yuji stares up at him, his face blank. “You said a bad word.”
Toji’s face seems to twitch slightly. “I’m a grownup. You’re allowed to say bad words when you’re a grownup.”
“Really?” Yuji asks, then looks down the hall toward you and Choso. “Is that true?”
Choso gives him an uneasy smile. “We’ll talk about that when you grow up.”
Toji leans against his door and crosses his arms. “So what do you need, kid?”
Yuji returns his attention to the huge trainer. “Can you go get Megumi? I wanna play with him.”
Toji scratches the back of his head. “Megumi’s with his uncle right now. I don’t even know what he’s up to today.”
“Please, Tojiiiii?” Yuji asks, looking up. “He’s my best friend!”
You get the impression that Yuji has a lot of “best friends” but you find this scene too cute to say anything. 
Toji sighs. “Alright. I’ll call and see if he wants to come over.”
“Thanks, Toji!” Yuji says, hugging the man’s thigh. 
Toji pats the boy’s head. “Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome.”
A little later, Toji leaves to get his son, and you, Choso, and Yuji grab a snack in the kitchen before sitting down in the welcome room to wait. 
Yuji is chatty, telling you about his classmates at school and the soccer team he plays on. 
“I’ve scored more goals than anybody else!” he exclaims proudly. 
“Really? That’s amazing!” you tell him.  
“Yuji is very good at sports,” Choso says. “He’s a lot more athletic than I ever was.”
You glance at Choso, thinking of his well sculpted body and the flexibility he’s shown during your sessions. “You’re pretty athletic though,” you say to him, “and you have a lot of stamina.”
Yuji perks up. “Have you guys been playing together?”
Both you and Choso blush and avert your eyes at the innocent question. “Uh, yeah, we play games sometimes,” you say.
“What kind of games?” Yuji asks. 
Choso looks at you awkwardly, opening his mouth to give some kind of answer, but at the same moment, you hear the front door swing open. Yuji, realizing his friend has most likely arrived, jumps up and runs to the lobby, completely forgetting his question. 
You and Choso both exhale, then glance at each other. He laughs, and so do you. “What were you going to tell him?” you ask. 
“I was going to say Twister,” he says with a grin. 
“Good idea.”
Just then Yuji appears in the welcome room again, smiling as he pulls along another little boy by the hand. This must be Toji’s son Megumi. He has dark messy hair and a somewhat sullen expression, but he’s making no attempt to pull his hand free. 
“And I brought a new game,” Yuji is saying as he walks toward the hallway, “Curse Fighters 3! It’s awesome! There’s a guy who can shoot his own blood across the screen! And another guy who doesn’t have special moves but he uses all kinds of cool weapons! And one guy fights while wearing a blindfold!”
As their voices fade down the hall, you hear Megumi say, “Who would fight while blindfolded? That’s dumb.”
Toji is standing in the welcome room, looking a little exasperated. Choso looks up at him and smiles apologetically. “Sorry for the inconvenience.”
Toji shrugs. “It’s fine. Megumi won’t admit it, but he loves playing with Yuji. I think your brother pulls him out of his shell.” Then Toji heads toward the hall. “I’ll go tell the others we’ve got kids here today.”
“Thanks,” Choso says. 
Whatever Toji told the other trainers must have worked. When you walk into the dining hall at lunch time, all the dolls you normally see are dressed in regular clothes, even Geto’s and Gojo’s. You don’t see the kids, and wonder if they’re still playing video games as you and Choso begin fixing your plates. Just as you’re about to ask him if you should go get them, the door leading to the kitchen bursts open and Gojo limps into the dining hall. 
Megumi is wrapped around one of Gojo’s legs, being dragged along by the tall trainer. Yuji is hanging from Gojo’s neck, and there’s an orange toy arrow stuck under Gojo’s arm. 
“Help! Help!” Gojo is shouting dramatically. “The little goblins are attacking!”
Everyone else watches the scene with amusement, aside from Sukuna who simply looks bored. Gojo drags himself to Geto’s table and practically throws himself across it. “Suguru! You have to help me!”
Geto gives him a wicked grin as he crosses his arms. “Help you? Who do you think told them your weakness?”
Gojo pulls himself up, Yuji still holding onto his neck, and looks at Geto with shock as he screams, “Traitor!”
Yuji hops down, pulling the toy arrow free. “Now we know you’re weak to arrows!” he yells as he pokes Gojo with the foam tip. 
Megumi disentangles himself and pulls another arrow out from behind him. It must have been stuck through the belt loop of his shorts. He wordlessly jabs the arrow against Gojo’s thigh. 
Gojo yelps and jerks away from them, finally collapsing onto the floor. Yuji hoists his arrow into the air and declares, “We did it! We defeated the white haired demon!”
Megumi doesn’t yell, but he does mimic Yuji’s motion, holding his own arrow up. Most of the people in the dining hall, including you and Choso, clap and laugh. 
Yuji bows as if he’s an actor on a stage, then he and Megumi are at the food table, already filling plates. Choso walks over and supervises them, making sure they don’t make a mess. 
Surprisingly, both boys elect to sit at Nanami’s table with him, chatting animatedly. Choso seems to notice your confusion. 
“They like to play with Gojo, but they like to talk to Nanami,” he says. 
Looking across the room, you can’t hear what’s being said, but the blonde trainer is looking at the kids with a warm expression while they seem to ramble on to him. 
“It’s nice that the other trainers are friendly to them,” you say. 
Choso’s smile is lovely. “I’m really thankful to them for being so kind to Yuji. I know he can be a bit… rambunctious. But no one complains.”
Your eyes shift to the table a few feet away with a lone occupant. Sukuna is eating his dinner like usual, taking no interest in the kids. 
“Even Sukuna?” 
Choso wears an uneasy expression. “Well, he doesn’t complain, but-“
“I don’t like Sukuna!” Yuji suddenly says beside you, seeming to appear at your table out of the blue. “He’s mean!”
You glance nervously at the tattooed trainer, knowing he’s close enough to hear. He looks at Yuji and gives the child a menacing grin. He doesn’t say a word, but from the look on his face, you can practically hear him saying, “The feeling’s mutual, brat!”
Yuji flinches, but doesn’t flee or back down. 
“How is he mean?” you ask, curious. 
Yuji frowns at the man before turning his attention back to you. “He says bad words all the time without apologizing. He won’t play with me or Megumi, and he never lets me meet his girlfriends!”
Before you can respond, Yuji is already heading back to Nanami’s table. Choso gives a somewhat apologetic wave to Sukuna, who shrugs. 
“He never complains, even though Yuji antagonizes him sometimes,” Choso tells you. “But he’s not friendly with him either. I can’t expect everyone to spoil Yuji, so I’m just glad Sukuna puts up with him.”
You relax slightly as the dining hall calms down. Both boys are eating beside Nanami and his doll, and all the other trainers are chatting and eating like normal people. Your phone vibrates in your pocket, and you pull it out to look at the screen. Your sister has sent you a message to let you know she finished all her paperwork for starting classes. You send her a happy, cheering emoji and smile as you put your phone away. 
Hours later, after dinner, Choso and his doll are walking down the hall, toward the kitchen. Yuji and Megumi said they want a “snack for dessert”, so they ran ahead to pick something. 
As the two adults approach the door to the kitchen, his doll suddenly freezes and holds up a hand, silencing whatever Choso was saying. 
“Did Yuji just say he could climb to reach something?”
Choso is momentarily confused. He didn’t hear anything. But the doll dashes through the door at top speed, Choso following after her. 
As they burst into the kitchen, they see Yuji on top of the counter, in the process of falling backwards off it. Choso’s immediate reaction is to try to dive for him, but his doll is closer. She rushes forward and catches Yuji in her arms, the two of them falling to the floor. She lands on her ass, cradling Yuji, protecting him from the impact.  
She barely takes a moment to wince before she’s looking the child over. “Are you okay?”
Yuji looks stunned for a few seconds, but quickly recovers. “I’m fine!”
She sighs with relief, then her face becomes stern. “Don’t ever do that again! Climbing on the counters is dangerous. You could’ve been hurt!”
Yuji looks shocked. He’s not used to being scolded by anyone besides his grandpa. Choso is well aware that he’s way too soft on Yuji, and perhaps a strong scolding is good for him, especially in a case like this. 
“I’m sorry,” Yuji says, looking dejected as he climbs out of the doll’s lap. 
She gets to her feet and smiles down at him. “It’s okay. Just be careful from now on, okay? You scared me. Think about how sad your brother would be if you got hurt while visiting him.”
Yuji looks at Choso, his big eyes glossy. “Sorry, Choso!”
Choso walks over and rubs Yuji’s hair affectionately. “I’m not mad. I’m just relieved that you’re okay.”
“I told him not to,” Megumi says, his arms crossed. When he stands there like that, he looks just like his father. 
Yuji turns sharply to look at his friend, as if he’s been betrayed. 
Megumi’s slightly smug expression falters. “What? It’s the truth!”
Choso pats Yuji’s head again. “Don’t be mad at Megumi. It sounds like he was giving you good advice. You should listen to him. Now, what were you trying to reach?”
Yuji is such a sweet, bright young man. He doesn’t linger on negative feelings and never pouts. So he’s almost immediately back to normal, pointing to a box of chocolate snack cakes in the top cabinet. Apparently he’d seen Gojo get some out earlier, so he remembered where they were. 
Choso’s doll pulls the box down and gets out a small, individually wrapped cake for each of the boys. They take them, thank her, and then they both run back out of the kitchen and toward the empty room they’ve been using to play in. 
Once they’re gone, his doll turns to him. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have scolded Yuji. It wasn’t my place. I think my big sister instincts just kicked in when I heard him say he was going to climb.”
Choso gives her a warm smile. “No, you were right to say what you did. He can be a bit reckless at times, and it worries me. But I’m too easy on him to say anything. Thank you for catching him.”
She smiles back. “Anytime.”
Later that night, Toji drives both boys home. He’s done this a few times now, so he knows where Yuji lives, and it’s on his way. Choso thanks him when he returns. 
“No problem,” Toji replies. “My kid actually talks to me when your brother is around.”
After the other trainer goes to his room, Choso’s doll stands beside him. “Sounds like he and Megumi have a complicated relationship.”
“I suppose they do. I had a complicated relationship with my own father,” he says. 
“Same here. I guess that’s pretty common.”
He glances at her, wishing he knew more about her, wishing he knew everything about her. But she’ll be gone in a couple of weeks, and he’ll never see her again. She said she wanted them to be friends, but how would her new owner react to her remaining in contact with her trainer? It would be highly unprofessional on Choso’s part. 
Actually, he wishes she could just stay with him. 
Several days later, you walk into the welcome room to find Choso accepting a package from the delivery man, bowing slightly as he thanks the man. 
You look at the plain brown box in his hands, your heart beginning to race as you approach him. “Is that it?”
Choso notices you, blushes, but then grins. “It is. Want to open it now?”
“Definitely,” you say, and the two of you return to his room. 
In the early days of the training, Choso told you to order whatever you wanted to use in the training sessions and he would pay for it. You’ve ordered a few items but nothing really special. A few days ago you spotted this item, and after asking Choso if it’s something he’d be okay with using, you ordered it immediately. Since then, all you can think about is trying it out. 
Choso sits the box on the bed and gestures for you to go ahead and open it. You feel like a kid at Christmas as you tear the box open and remove your prize. 
It’s a bright red double-sided strap on. There’s an impressive silicone appendage sticking out from the front, and an equally impressive one sticking out from the inside of the strap, which is supposed to go inside you. 
When you first approached Choso about the idea of pegging him, you were a bit nervous. But he told you he enjoyed it under the right circumstances (plenty of lube and a careful partner). 
“I think it would be amazing with you,” he told you, his eyes shining with excitement. 
So after some prep work, you find yourself standing naked in his room, him on his knees in front of you, eating you out to get you slicked up. When you’re ready, he helps you pull the strap on up and into you. It’s a snug fit, and the thought that the same thing will be going inside Choso makes you clench. 
You stand with the bright red dildo hanging over Choso’s face, and he looks up at you expectantly. 
“Suck me off,” you tell him, and he begins licking the dildo, his tongue moving over it in such an erotic way, you imagine you can feel it. When he takes it into his mouth and moves his head back and forth, the motion causes the dildo inside you to move, stirring you up. You moan and grab his hair, guiding his head to a rhythm. 
It feels so good, and Choso looks so fucking hot on his knees, deep throating the dildo, you’re on the edge of cumming within minutes. But you hold back, and instead gently push him back and then lead him to the bed. 
He slips his black pants down his hips and steps out of them, along with his boxers. He’s already hard, a pink dusting on his cheeks as he climbs onto the mattress and gets into position, on his knees, facing the foot of the bed. You climb on behind him, a bottle of lube in your hand. 
Looking down at him, you find yourself mesmerized by how tight and smooth his ass is. He’s definitely put some work into getting such a fine, toned body. You rub and squeeze his ass for a moment before drizzling the lube liberally over him and the strap on. You rub it in, taking care to do it thoroughly. The last thing you want to do is hurt him. 
You spread his firm cheeks and press one finger into him, testing to be sure he’s nice and slippery. He seems to tense up slightly, and you grin as you give his ass a light, playful slap. “Are you ready?” you ask, removing your finger and watching his cute asshole clench the air. 
“Yes, Mistress,” he replies, eyes forward. There’s a bit of a crack in his voice that sends a shiver through you. 
Satisfied that you’re both prepared, you line the silicone dick up with Choso’s hole and slowly, carefully, ease it into him. He makes a small gasping sound as it goes further in, but otherwise remains calm and quiet until it’s all the way in. 
You experiment with a few shallow thrusts, enjoying the way your end feels inside you and the way Choso’s muscles ripple beneath you. Leaning forward, you put your mouth close to his ear and say, “How does it feel?”
“It feels good, Mistress,” he says, in that shuddering voice you love so much. 
Gradually, you begin thrusting deeper and harder, listening to his grunts and moans to determine whether it feels good or hurts. He agreed beforehand to let you know if he felt any discomfort, but you still want to take care with him. 
As your thrusts speed up, the dildo on your end moves back and forth, thrusting into you as well. You find yourself moaning along with Choso as you fuck him. 
You notice his body is quivering with pleasure, his strong arms trembling as they try to hold him up. His hair is loose, the way you like it, spilling over his face in sweaty strands. You reach around him and gently grip his hard, leaking cock. He moans as you begin stroking him, using the same rhythm as your thrusts. His cock feels lovely in your hand, all hot and slick and throbbing. Your thrusts become faster as chase your own pleasure, the silicone rod inside you making the perfect amount of friction with every move. 
“Mistress,” Choso’s strained voice says between groans, “m-may I cum? Please?”
The pulse of his cock is faster now, the appendage twitching in your grip. You stroke him a few moments longer, thrusting deeply into him, before finally moving your hand down to give his balls a squeeze. “Cum for me,” you whisper into his ear, pushing into him as far as possible. 
He moans loudly as he cums, shooting his load onto the sheets, his body shaking. Seeing and hearing it is enough to bring you to your own orgasm, and you keep thrusting as the pleasure overtakes you. 
You’re left panting, collapsed on top of Choso, the dildo slipping out of him and hanging between your bodies. When you have the strength, you draw back and begin unfastening the strap on. Choso turns around and helps you remove it. The inner dildo, that had been inside you, is sticky and glistening. Before you can reach for it, Choso holds it up to his mouth and begins licking it clean. 
Fuck, he’s amazing. How are you supposed to just move on to some other man after being with someone so perfect? No one is ever going to compare to him. Choso not only pleases you sexually, but he’s a kind and responsible man who makes your heart flutter. You’re starting to seriously dread the end of the training. If only you could just… stay here. 
The following evening, Choso is getting ready to take his nightly shower when he notices something amiss. His doll is looking at her phone, and instead of the usual bright smile she wears while texting her sister, her face is becoming increasingly distraught. 
She looks up at him, the phone now trembling in her hand. “I have to go home, right now,” she says, her voice shaky. “My sister is in trouble.”
Choso feels a spike of alarm. “What’s wrong?”
Her eyes are full of anger and fear as she says, “Yosaku broke into our house. He said if he can’t have her, no one can! She’s hiding in the bathroom!”
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master-jarrus · 10 months
So I found out about Splinter in Dead man’s eye
It puts Lloyd at age 9 when he was the green ninja
So I’m redoing my timeline for the show
Pilot episodes:
Kai is the oldest at 15
Cole is 15 but a few months younger
Zane’s body is actually about eight years old but I hc that Professor Julien had his program running on computers for awhile so Zane is actually 12 acts like an adult though so they just assume he’s 17
Jay is 14
Nya is 13
Rise of the serpentine
It’s been exactly a year
Lloyd is 9
Kai and Cole 16
Zane 13
Jay 15
Nya 14
Legacy of the Green Ninja
Nyas birthday passed making her 15
Kai and Cole 17
Lloyd just turned 10
Zane 14
Jay 15
Nya 15
Tournament of Elements
Year has passed
Kai and Cole are officially adults at 18
Lloyd is 11
Zane’s program is 15
Jay is 17 but he lied and said 18 to become a tv host
Nya will be turning 17 soon
Skylor is 17
Lloyd is 12 but will soon be 13
Kai is 19
Cole will be 19 when he turns into a ghost
Zane is 16
Jay is officially 18
Nya is 17
Morro died at 20
Skybound technically didn’t happen but
Lloyd is 15 and they have to do limited screen time which is why he’s missing for like half the episode they were filming
Kai and Cole are 21 Kai went drinking Cole has not because he is a ghost and doesn’t see the point
Zane is 18
Jay will soon be 20
Nya is 19
Hands of time
Obviously happens after the time span that Skybound would’ve taken up if Jay hadn’t wished it back
I say they are still all about the same age but now Jay is 20
Sons of Garmadon
Lloyd will soon be 16
Harumi is confirmed 14
Kai and Cole 22
Zane is 19
Jay is 21, Kai and Nya took him out to celebrate but the others were out on missions he let Nya have some of his alcohol and Kai made him pay for it because of that
Nya is 20
Same ages
March of the Oni
Lloyd is sixteen now
Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu
Lloyd is 17
Kai and Cole 23
Zane made it to 20
Jay 22
Nya 21
Prime Empire
Zane 124
Same ages
The island and Seabound
Nya turns 22
Lloyd is 18
Kai and Cole 24
Zane 125
Jay 23
Nya does she age when she’s water? I mean I guess 22
Dragons Rising
Lloyd is 20 when the merge happens but meets Arin when is 25
Kai at time of merge 26 reconnects with everyone one at 31
Zane is 127, when his program isn’t running should he age?
Nya 24 reconnects with them at 29
Cole 26 runs into Nya right after 31st birthday
Jay 24 merge happened before his birthday. In his cameo he’s 30
Arin is five at the time of the merge and is 10 when he meets Lloyd
Sora eight at the time of the merge and is 14 they went to junkyard for her birthday and entered the race
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savaralyn2 · 8 months
I’ve seen arguments for both but I’m wondering if we know if Thistle is an adult/teen/kid based on official info? I know the adventure’s bible says his age is unknown but I’m trying to figure out the timeline in my head.
I thought he was an adult at first when reading but as the story went on and I learned more about his backstory I get the sense that he is an older teen which honestly makes his desire for his adoptive family to love him more heartbreaking imo.
I was wondering if you had any info I might have missed ty!!
Its hard to say exactly as its never mentioned, but we do know that-
when he was initially 'given' to Delgals father Frinag, he was very young, somewhere around 30 or so I'd guess. When the dungeon itself was actually made and Thistle stopped everyone's aging, I'd assume it'd put him around 70 then (maybe a bit older? depends on how quickly Frinag had Delgal after Thistle showed up, though it didn't seem like that long)? So in IRL human years he'd be physically around 14 or 15. Purely my guessing, but it generally seems to fit with how he looks (though he might also just be small for his age)
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orbital-inclination · 2 years
Miscellaneous fluff (mostly)
Rem made the transition from sleeping in a tree to a traditional four-post bed fairly easily. But Molt isn't always comfortable in his own, so he sometimes just. makes a pillow fort in the corner of his room. Strips the bed, pulls down the canopy, and moves everything to the floor. Alternatives places where you might find him sleeping: window seats, reading nooks, and the sofa in the study.
on this note Molt hoards pillows.
Molt is a social creature who’s convinced himself he’s not allowed to be. So he has the tendency to gravitate towards wherever the largest gathering of *familiar people is. (The Key word here is familiar. Even as an adult, Molt is unsettled by crowds and is sometimes even triggered by them.)
Molt wants to like parties but can’t. He often finds them stressful for the above mentioned reasons.
If the gang hasn’t see him in a couple hours it’s safe to assume he’s having a bad day.
Cross and Horror are typically the go-to to find him on bad days.
Rem on the other hand NEEDS time alone. It’s not usual for him to disappear for several hours a-day. Once his social battery has recovered he’s actually quite playful.
Despite being adults by the current timeline, Rem and Molt frequently get into petty sibling fights. These fights include such classics as:
Who did what chore last. (It’s a competition you understand.)
“I’m mad at you so I’m locking you out!”
“Where did you put (blank)?”
“if you don’t move your leg in the next five seconds I swear to the angel…”
“Well, YOU had the remote last!” “-Yeah, well, YOU kicked me!” “I did NOT!”
when they first established their base they fought over the bed room with the largest window.
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
hi ! i’m not sure if this account is active but i just got done reading all your writing and i’m hooked , i was wondering if i could request a main timeline trunks HC of how he is as a boyfriend ! thank you!!
Trunks Imagine
What type of boyfriend he'd be
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Want more from me? MasTErliSt.
I was a little confused by the term "main timeline", I'm assuming you mean not Future Trunks (teen/adult trunks at that tournament)? If I'm wrong, just let me know.
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
He'd approach you thinking he'd easily get what he wants the first day you meet.
But no, you made him work for it. He loves a good competition, anyway.
Putting in work humbled him a bit by the time you started dating.
When you become a couple, he's still definitely cocky, but about you.
"Double date? Oh, I'm sure we'd outdress you both."
The type of boyfriend who encourages you to show yourself off.
Got a dress that's cut a little short? Shorts that cut low? A crop top? He doesn't mind. Wear it. Show them what they can't have.
If you feel like it'd be wrong of you, all he'll say is, "Don't sell yourself short. Flaunt what you've got, babe."
Will buy you things.
Doesn't need to have a particular reason, it could be because he just wanted to see you smile that day.
But doing things for you or with you, that's his love language.
He'd never admit it aloud, though.
Saiyan pride and all.
Spoiled brat, even with you.
He expects to get everything he wants.
So you have to train him that's not how it always works.
But sometimes you fold.
"[Naaame], you've been watching Tv for hours, come take a nap with me," he whined.
Cuddling with him always made you fold.
He knew it.
His parents are honestly pretty chill with you guys. Vegeta doesn't really bother you unless you're deemed unworthy, but considering his mindset has changed about how he judges people, it is unlikely.
If you're a sarcastic person that can stand up to Vegeta with easy banter, oh, you've got 'im. He loves a sassy person.
Bulma just teases you both when you're sickeningly cute, but she doesn't pester about much.
Though she will get on Trunks about his boyfriend skills sometimes. "Trunks, you can't go to [Name]'s house like that. At least fix your hair!"
Which feels like a betrayal to him, like, she's his mom. Who's team is she on?
Yours. Both of them are on Team [Name], low-key.
He is selfish about you and often doesn't want to share when Bulma wants to talk to you.
He's VERY loving, if affection's your thing, he will shower you with it. If not, he has plenty of other ways to show his love.
Despite being spoiled, cocky, and all that, he's still very well-mannered.
He has his father to thank for that. But he still has a potty mouth at times...Has both parents to thank for that.
Very intelligent and picks up knowledge about you quickly.
Knows a lot about tech, so he's happy to fix any problems you have with it.
Loyal to a fault, even if you're in the wrong, he's blind to it unless you don't let him be.
Protective. Like, insanely protective.
Prone to getting jealous if another guy tries to talk to you and will pout.
Will treat you like royalty, because in his eyes he already sees you as his life partner, which means you would be a royal, technically.
Often acts like you're already married and randomly decides to start acting domestically. Sometimes even teases and calls you, "(Wife/Husband/Darling/etc.)"
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ofthehands · 1 month
Been thinking about the childhoods of the Sawyers again, this time in particular Drayton, and wondering about how the time period he grew up in might have shaped who he became. Generally I base his age on his actor, Jim Siedow, which just makes sense, we’ve never been given any reason to doubt he’s the same age as his actor. Which would mean Drayton was born in 1920 sometime, and would’ve grown up in part during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. 
Now, of course the Sawyers would’ve been too poor to have a stake in the stock market, and whether or not the Dust Bowl would’ve hit them exactly depends on where Newt, Texas actually is, but for this little piece of analysis I’m going to make the leap and assume Newt would’ve been impacted by the Dust Bowl, and that the Sawyers were impacted by the job loss and industry cutbacks (via the slaughterhouse, most likely) of  the Great Depression, both because it’s interesting and because I think it makes sense. 
We know Drayton was born in 1920, and the twins were likely next, or at least the next surviving Sawyer children, born in 1945 (if you base their age on Edwin Neal’s age). Which is a big age gap, and we’ve discussed lots of reasons for this age gap, but one that isn’t talked about much that I think makes sense is the economic impacts of the times leading the Sawyers to be too afraid to have more children. They had Drayton when things were looking up- the Great War just ended and while many farmers were burdened with debt, the roaring twenties were beginning, and along with that came a boom in industrial production- it could be possible this is when the slaughterhouse came to Newt.  Only for all that to be yanked away when their son is about nine years old. The Great Depression comes first- wages are cut, many people lose their jobs, folks are going hungry. But the Sawyers seem to have at some point lived off the land somewhat, maybe they could raise livestock or grow food. For about a year, until the Dust Bowl starts, nearly a full decade of dust storms so intense they choked the life out of the land and left the Sawyers and many people like them not only in abject poverty, but absolutely starving. Of course they wouldn’t want another child- they probably only barely managed to clothe and feed Drayton. But, eventually the Dust Bowl does end, and the economy of the United States is boosted by the second World War, leading many Americans to feel secure enough to start having lots of kids, causing the Baby Boom. Which started around 1945, birth year of the twins. The birth order and timeline of the Sawyer family makes a lot of sense with these historical events taken into account, and the Texas Chainsaw universe is never shown to be different to ours historically beyond the existence of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, so I believe it’s entirely reasonable to assume these events did happen and did impact the Sawyer family in this way. 
So, with that out of the way, how did these events impact Drayton? As an adult Drayton seems to be a very anxious and money-conscious man. Which in the first film makes a lot of sense- he and his family are very poor, and he’s their only source of real income that we see. However, at the same time, the family is shown to have a collection of victims’ previous cars. Which is a bit odd. There could be a good bit of money there, which you would think would cross Drayton’s mind.  Of course, it would be important to make sure these cars aren’t traced back to them, so selling them outright would be risky, but selling parts of them as scrap or the whole cars to be scrapped could be a fairly easy way to make some more money. It would’ve been easier to get away with then, without cameras everywhere especially in the middle of nowhere Texas, and with the law caring/ believing as little about the Sawyers as TCM2 showed us they did.  But, the cars are collected anyway. Since Drayton is the head of the household and these cars wouldn’t be easy to hide, it’s reasonable to assume that Drayton allowed these cars to be kept. It could be argued that the Sawyers just aren’t smart enough to figure out how to safely dispose of their victim’s cars, and so they keep them in order to avoid suspicion. However, I would like to posit that these cars are an early sign of Drayton’s tendency to hoard. 
Hoarding is a fairly common behavior in people who lived through the Great Depression, and it can be handed down generationally as well- the children of (or in our case, children raised by) those who lived through the Great Depression often struggle with hoarding too. Hoarding behaviors are commonly associated with anxiety- the fear of not having enough, the fear of needing something and not having it- there is an anxiety around need. Which, of course, is an anxiety that was greatly exacerbated by the Great Depression and Dust Bowl- people in mass didn’t have what they needed, and like many traumas, these events left people with the unending fear of it happening again. Additionally, and notably,  hoarding can also be related to a number of mental health conditions, like severe depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and psychotic disorders. So how exactly does this relate back to Drayton Sawyer? 
To assume Drayton is a hoarder, or takes part in hoarding behaviors, based only on the car graveyard would be quite the stretch. However, this is far from the only time we see hoarding-type behaviors  in the Sawyers that must either be done by him or allowed by him. In the first film the Sawyers don’t seem to have too much of a hoarding problem. They use absolutely everything they get their hands on, which could again be a Great Depression/Dust Bowl influence, but their home seems rather sparsely furnished, and while they have a lot of animal bones laying about, its still easy to move through their home- it’s not particularly cluttered, just filthy. In the second film, however, with greater access to money, the Sawyers have started to collect things. The massive cave system they live in is full of strange items, all throughout the walls, and bodies are kept throughout their ‘home’ even when they aren’t being used- the giblets being stuffed into the walls, where Lefty finds them. They could burn something like that, or find some use for it, or get rid of it in some other way, but Drayton, who is in charge of their cooking operations undoubtedly, does none of this- he keeps all of it. He additionally is still very worried about money- he refuses to take a break or miss out on money for even one night, in spite of his advanced age, the fact that they have enough food to be selling food in mass, and that his business is stable enough for the woman at the chili contest to call him “Dallas’ favorite caterer”. Dallas is a big area- if he’s one of the most popular caterers in Dallas, his family isn’t going to go hungry. But Drayton expresses constant money anxiety anyways, and he keeps or allows the keeping of tons of strange and borderline useless items in their home- Christmas lights, skeletons, giblets, a stop light for some reason. If they lived still in the old farmhouse and not the cave system, their house likely would be full wall to wall. And, with the blood and guts in the very walls of their house, which is a cave and thus a fantastic place to grow all kinds of deadly molds, this behavior is definitely putting the Sawyers at a significant health risk. The Sawyer family, and Drayton specifically, show hoarding behaviors to the extent that it’s putting their health at risk. It may also seem like an odd thing, to keep mentioning the collection of bodies on the Sawyer property as a form of hoarding, but I think for Drayton it very much is. Meat is life for the Sawyers- they were raised in meat- and having it is all they have, often. So a massive collection of bodies and body parts, even when they’re not really being used and are likely rotting their home, soothes Drayton’s fear of needing and not having. If hard times come again, like they did during the Depression, or when the Sawyers could no longer work at the slaughterhouse, they’ve still got something, even if that something is nothing more than viscera in the walls. 
Now, of course, other mental health conditions could be impacting Drayton and causing his hoarding behavior. While Drayton doesn’t display a lot of obvious symptoms, we know psychotic disorders run in the family- Nubbins is heavily coded as schizophrenic, Edwin Neal based his performance off his schizophrenic nephew. Additionally, Drayton could have some type of severe depression. Throughout the end of the second film, Drayton talks about ‘quitting’, and how he’s been thinking about ‘quitting’ lately. Reasonably, it could be assumed he means retirement- he’s 66 after all. However, at the very end of the film, he refers to killing himself and his family in the same terms- “Maybe it’s time to just shut down. Time to shut down the show, yeah.” It’s possible that he did mean retirement originally. And it’s also possible he was always thinking of suicide. Drayton Sawyer may not seem like someone who is depressed, especially with business booming as it is, but depression doesn’t yield to success, and Drayton displays and follows through on suicidal intensions. It’s not a sure thing, but certainly not impossible. Additionally, Drayton could have OCD. Compulsive hoarding was considered a type of OCD, and 1/4th of people with OCD also display compulsive hoarding, and 1/5th of hoarders also display other traits of OCD. 
However, I still think one could argue these hoarding behaviors present in Drayton and his money anxiety are inextricably linked to trauma related to the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl. Especially since in disorders like depression and OCD, trauma- while not necessarily causative of the disorder- is a risk factor for the development of these disorders. So I do believe it could be said that Drayton is a hoarder, or at least shows signs of hoarding behaviors, and that this behavior stems from the impacts of the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl on him. 
I think, additionally, Drayton’s sadism and antisocial behaviors could stem partially from his experiences with the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl as well. I do believe there are other factors at play, ranging from potential generational abuse in the Sawyer family, to Drayton’s own desire for power and control leading him to exert that power as violence over anybody he can hurt and get away with hurting- namely his vulnerable and reliant younger brothers and the victims of his family. However, I think the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl could still have played a substantial part in shaping the way he’s sadistic, and forming within him a need for power and control. 
One of the more prominent ways I think that the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl shaped Drayton’s antisocial behaviors, is the way that it altered his view of people outside his family and the nature of human interaction. One of his snappier lines in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 was “It’s a dog eat dog world and from where I sit there just ain’t enough damn dogs!” which gives a pretty solid view into Drayton’s mindset. People can and will tear each other apart, and it’s important to him to be the one doing the hurting instead of being the one getting hurt. Of course, ignoring the cannibalistic implications of this sentence from the mouth of a cannibal would be silly, but taken literally the meaning is much the same. Drayton believes that the people he and his family kills and eats would at least harm and take advantage of him and his family if the shoe were on the other foot- maybe he even thinks its a matter of cannibalize or be cannibalized. And, of course, now that Drayton is on top- now that he’s scrapped out some deal of security by slaughtering others, he only wants more. Which makes sense if he grew up with barely any food on his plate, in a time period where others could pose a real danger, as they’re hungry too. Their neighbors realistically weren’t going to cannibalize the Sawyers in turn, but it was possible they might try to steal from them, or that desperate people might try to hurt them in order to take resources from them. It’s possible this could’ve happened to the Sawyers in Drayton’s lifetime, and it’s possible it never did but Drayton was raised with the idea in his head that it could happen- that the anxieties of older Sawyers before him imparted on him that he couldn’t trust people other than his family and that he should take what he can from other people before they take from him, regardless of whether the Sawyers were even cannibalistic during this time or not. I think that this anxiety around being hurt, baked into Drayton from a young age, manifested in his adulthood as an inward justification for his extreme and violent behavior, and in the way that he raised his younger brothers to continue this cycle- Drayton never breaks the cycle and imposes his beliefs and traumas onto his younger brothers, causing them to become even more isolationist and antisocial than him. 
Another way I think the Great Depression/ Dust Bowl would’ve impacted Drayton as an adult is by impacting how and why he expresses sadism. I believe that Drayton likely expresses sadism the way he does due to feeling helpless or out of control. This is an odd sentiment to apply to Drayton- he’s a very cruel and controlling man when he’s present in the films, and helplessness isn’t particularly befitting of him from the outside. However, despite what Drayton might admit or be willing to believe, he has control over almost nothing. He’s dirt poor, and likely disabled, trying to keep a gas station running in a tiny town when he can’t even always count on having gas. According to signs on the station, he sells barbeque and fishing worms as well, the barbeque sourced from their victims, and the worms likely just dug up out of the ground. He’s doing all he can to make ends meet, but whether or not he makes it really isn’t in his control. Additionally, he can’t keep his brothers under control. It’s not a particularly reasonable thing for him to want- the level of control he wants over his brothers, who are grown men, could certainly be argued to be unhealthy, he treats them quite like children. But it is still something Drayton clearly wants- he punishes them severely for disobeying him, and “I told you and I told you” is a pretty common sentence out of his mouth- he’s always vying for control of his brothers, even to the extent to not teach them about sex and to try and sway them away from ever having connections to people outside of the family, especially of a romantic variety, going so far as to try to make Bubba kill a woman Drayton assumed he had some kind of connection with. But, for all he does, he can’t keep Nubbins in the house, or Chop Top from getting into trouble and messing with Nubbins’ body, or Bubba from developing an interest in women. He wants control of them, desperately, but he can’t have that either. The only time Drayton Sawyer has complete control is when he’s tormenting a victim. It could be argued he torments them for the sake of tormenting them, not to have control, but to hurt someone for the simple enjoyment of causing pain. However, I don’t think this lines up with much of what we know about Drayton. While he is very cruel, he also shies away from violence at odd times. He enjoys poking Sally with the stick when she’s in his truck, but he also doesn’t like hearing her cry. He enjoys watching Grandpa bash her head in with a hammer, but also scolds his brothers for “torturing the poor girl”. Drayton clearly does enjoy violence to some degree, but I don’t think he enjoys violence for the sake of it. I think Drayton enjoys violence as a means to feel in control, and desires that feeling both because of his lack of control in his everyday life, and because of the way his life was suddenly upended by forces beyond his control or his family’s control at a young age.  
Ultimately, I’m not entirely certain that the creators of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre would’ve put much thought into the ways that the politics and economics of the time period the characters were born in would affect how the old scary guy who takes a chainsaw up the ass in the second movie thinks and behaves, so take this analysis with a grain of salt, lol, but it was a lot of fun to write, and I think that these factors are certainly something fans could take into account when thinking about and creating content of these characters. I greatly enjoy trying to unravel some of the mystery around the Sawyers with what little information we have, especially since these questions will never be answered in canon. Feel free to add on anything you think I might have missed with this topic, or any other thoughts that come to your mind! I love hearing other people’s theories and thoughts and such.
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justablanketreally · 8 months
Was rewatching Rickternal Friendshine and it led to a long and futile attempt to figure out Rick’s age:
SO Rick says that Memory Rick is 35 (5.08), I don’t see how this can be wrong unless Rick forgot what age he was in Birdperson’s memory or makes a wrong assumption.
Memory Rick doesn’t know who Morty is but he says “You’re one of those creeps who moves in with abandoned adult Beths” WHICH MEANS Beth is 18-21 when Rick is 35. I’m going to assume 18 because that means Rick would’ve had her when he was 17-18.
In Fear No Mort (7.10), Rick de-ages himself to 27 for Diane. This could just be Morty’s guess for how old Rick was when he lost his family, but it’s all the information we have now so I’m going to go off of it.
35 - 27 = 8, which lines up with Beth’s age, because that would mean she was 10 years old when she died, and she looks to be about 10 in the flashback (5.10).
Rick moves back in when Summer is 17 and Beth is 34, meaning that’s 35 + 17, which would make current day Rick 52 years old.
HOWEVER, Toxic Rick says that Rick is 70 (3.06). This is like. The only confirmation of age he’s ever given us, but it means there’s a 18 years period where he aged but his family didn’t. I can see a sci fi reason for this but it is like, a lot of time that isn’t accounted for.
Other ways this can be adjusted is: 1.) that Birdperson’s memory of what Rick knew at what age is a little fuzzy, which would make a lot of sense given they’ve known each other a long time and he’s had his brain messed with a lot, or 2.) Morty’s guess that Rick was 27 is inaccurate. This is a little harder to change because of Beth’s age. In the flashback, she doesn’t look to be more than 12 maybe. But if she’s 12 that would mean Rick and Diane had her at when he was 15, which I don’t think is the case because they would’ve probably said something if Rick was that young. Still, we can give or take a year.
The Principal says Rick is an 80 year old man (2.07). We can probably dismiss this because the principal doesn’t know Rick.
I don’t know where this is said in the show but a lot of Rick and Morty wikis say Rick wasn’t in Beth’s life for 20 years. This can mean a lot of things. It could mean that Rick left at 27 and came back 20 years later, making current day Rick 47, but that’s way too young. More likely is that Rick came back into a Beth’s life temporarily when she was 14-ish and the left again for 20 years. This doesn’t make a lot of sense, and since I don’t know where the 20 years thing came from or if it’s even said in the show, I’m going to tentatively dismiss it.
Rick’s memory and picture of holding a baby Morty (1.10 & 2.05) are still unexplained. Best guess is that Rick stopped by a random universe temporarily just to see what his grandson was like. A bunch of Ricks first started coming back when Summer was born so it would be consistent that he would do it again for grandkid #2.
Obviously Rick’s age keeps changing because the writers didn’t have his full timeline and backstory planned from the beginning, but it ends up hilariously making it so he keeps getting younger every time his age is mentioned:
2.07 -> 80 years old (unreliable, from person who doesn’t know Rick)
3.06 -> 70 years old (reliable, from Rick himself)
5.08 & 7.10 -> 52 years old (uncertain, from mix of Birdperson, Rick, and Morty’s assumptions of each other)
The most likely explanation we’re going to be given if the writers go back to this or decide to explain it is that something sci fi happened where Rick was stuck aging while no one else did.
Please tell me if I missed something 😭. I tried to cite every relevant episode but I might of missed where they said something about his age or the timeline somewhere else.
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kierancaz · 8 months
Listen I do not ship Jon and Damian.
But if dc is trying to convince us that they wouldn’t work as a couple they are doing a horrible fucking job at it.
Also literally what the fuck is the dc timeline right now bc I’m literally so confused bc on one hand we have like the new Wonder Woman series which is like far enough in the future for Lizzie to be either a teen or young adult and Damian is Batman and Jon is Superman but then we also have the Batman and Robin series where Damian literally just started high school so like wtf is this Dawn of Dc reboot doing and where are we.
Whatever the fuck happened in Future State is lowkey like bothering me now even tho at the time I was really happy bc we got Yara (which I’m still happy about bc I love her and I want more stuff with her in it) but also I feel like jumping ahead in the timeline was a bad decision bc now it’s all fucked up and weird.
Ngl I haven’t really read the new Wonder Woman series, I started it but didn’t get too far bc I was reading on my phone and there were just sooo many text boxes I wanted to wait until I can get it in graphic novel form. But I see pages from it and stuff (of Damian and Jon raising Lizzie) that are like 5, 10, idk years in the future bc we’re watching Lizzie be grow up and it just makes me go ??? Bc Lizzie is going to be a permanent character (I’m assuming) but they’re just kinda skipping over all of her life ?? And also fast forwarding Damian and Jon’s ??? And if they’re gonna keep with Damian and Jon raising her then they NEED to be fast forwarded in their stories for Lizzie/Trinity to exist. I think Lizzie has had a comic before this (I remember casually comics made a video on it) but Lizzie was a full adult and Damian and Jon were already Batman and Superman so like. Idk the only way Lizzie seems to be able to exist is by cutting out years of story from Damian and Jon and also as someone who doesn’t want Damian to end up as Batman it’s kinda like with Lizzie’s existence it just kinda seals it in stone that Damian is going to be Batman.
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
This is probably going to be my last big ask for a while, so let’s make it count. What I really wanted to talk about is Yuu and disease. It’s probably just me, but while the cute caretaker sick fics are nice and all, I just sit there worrying about Yuu’s heath.
As a completely different world, realistically Twisted Wonderland would not have the same diseases as Earth. Poor Yuu must have gone down like a sack of bricks the first time they got sick, at the very least. I’m not exactly knowledgeable about the medical field or anything, but even babies have some kind of an immune system thanks to receiving temporary antibodies from their mothers that hold them over until they can receive vaccines. Yuu doesn’t have that.
To make this worse, Ramshackle is well… ramshackle. Before it got rebuilt I guarantee that building was having untold issues even after being cleaned up. I mean, I highly doubt Ramshackle is temperature regulated via magic like the rest of the school due to it being abandoned. Yuu spent all of fall and part of winter in a run-down dorm. And ‘part of winter’ thing is me being generous given the iffy timeline of the game’s story.
I know it’s a running joke to dunk on Crowley for being an irresponsible guardian, but this is a terrifying level of oversight if none of the adults considered this about Yuu’s medical vulnerability. Another strike in favor of Yuu just running away.
- 🦐
I am so sorry I took forever to get around to this my dear Shrimp, I'm also not a medical expert so I had to really think about this. Disease in worlds with magic tends to be an underdeveloped part of most settings world building.
... also if you saw me post this before I was done cooking no you didn't ¬o( ̄- ̄メ)
I want to start off by saying that I disagree about Ramshackle not being temperature regulated... sort of. Ramshackle is more or less a Victorian era mansion, so if we assume that it has the same general architecture then while it does lack a central heating system, it is more or less capable of maintaining heat in individual rooms. If you look at the in game artwork for the dorm, there are visible fireplaces in both of the main rooms where we spend time, the Lounge:
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And our room:
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As long as that fire is kept going, those individual rooms will have heat, and while that falls under the purview of the fire faeries that work for the school I can see Yuu being able to take care of themselves enough to keep their dorm warm. There is even a stack of wood next to the lounge fireplace, so we can assume they can get a fire going to heat the place. The real issues (from Grim's complaints) seems to be a lack of hot water and holes in the roof, both of which they would have had to live through most of winter with that could have caused things like a bad cold or pneumonia before we even get to potential magical diseases.
When it comes to magical diseases and vaccines... my understanding of disease is that a lot of them start in animal populations before they make their way into humans. So while Twisted Wonderland is a different world, the animals are more or less the same so I can see them having the same general diseases as our world... but as people use magic to treat the disease that introduces the potential exists for diseases to evolve to combat the magic treatments. I think it's those treatments Yuu would be more vulnerable to than the twst variants of the diseases they have back home; there's a whole host of new potential allergens in the potential cures they haven't been tested for and there is no guarantee using magic on Yuu won't hurt them.
If there are magic based diseases that come from the monster population, then Yuu would absolutely need vaccines for those but I could also see things like that as not being thought of as illnesses but rather a form of a curse, and therefore something that requires a different type of treatment. And I agree this does seem like a terrible level of negligence and oversight from the adults at NRC... but I can also see why it happens. Yuu shows no outward sign of being anything other than a normal, magicless human so I can see them sort of just assuming Yuu would function the same as anyone else and then go from there.
What really got me thinking in this ask was the potential for Yuu to need something like an inhaler, or an ssri, or hell even my iron supplements and how that would get handled. Especially ssris, I have a bit of experience with getting medicated and it can take forever to get on a combo that gives you your life back as opposed to fucking things up further. Getting snapped into another world without those meds and having to go through the process again in a world with a different concept of chemistry would suck so much. Poor neurodivergent Yuu's, as if life didn't suck enough already.
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mj-thrush-gxn · 9 months
I wanna do age headcanons cus im bored:
i’ll start with kids (also including the adult ages too, so adding 25 years)
Lark and Sparrow- just barely turned 12 before the realms. they would be 37 in s2.
Grant- turned 13 also very recent before the realms. he sometimes forgets he’s 13 and says he’s 12. this is just a way for me to justify him saying he’s 13 during for knights. he would be 38 in s2.
Nick- i wanna say he’s the oldest but that’s just me projecting. i’m saying he turned 14 in the realms. im saying glenn was in prison on his birthday and nobody remembered but him. okay- he would be 39 in s2
Tj- 12 going on 13. idk i like making tall people really young it’s fun to me. he would be 37 as well in s2.
idk they’re all like junior high age.
Henry- 39. mainly because of the whole 20 years since he saw his dad. i’m saying he just rounded up one year. (physically like 20 but dresses his age.)
Darryl- pretty sure he’s canonically 37. since he broke his arm when he was 36 and matt said that was last year.
Glenn- Canonically 36 at the start, 54 at the end. Meth Bay Prison Blues you will always be famous to me.
Ron- 45. making him the same age of my mom. he was born in 1974 according to me. that way willy dies in the 80s.
Teens (pretty self explanatory):
Scary- 16, sophomore age idk
Normal- also 16
Link- 17. is a year older since he was homeschooled.
Taylor- Anywhere between 16 and 19. the whole thing with him being 19 is really funny but i think he’s just 16. i’ll probably make jokes about it later.
Hermie- was 2
Willy- died at 56. Im assuming he was around 9 in Atmod. i’m also assuming ron was about 12 when willy died. willy would have died in 1986, making him 56.
Barry- 60. he’s still aging. he had henry kinda young cause cmon- he lives in a forest and runs a cult-
Bill- had glenn around 32. died when glenn was 15. im making him carry on the live fast die young gene. died at 47. i think it’s fun if glenn outlives him. [christine is much older than him. (10 years) and i’m happy about that]
Frank- Really atmod messes with the timeline so much 😭 he would’ve had to be born in 1940. darryl was born in 1982, which already makes frank 42, which isn’t that bad. at 18 years to that for the college stuff, frank died at 60- which actually lines up with darryl quite well, since matt made a joke about darryl likely not living past 60. THEM FAMILY GENES!!!
and for the spouses just assume about the same age as them. i’m not writing more🤭
oh and hero is 18
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candycandy00 · 9 months
The Doll House - A Nanami x Reader Fanfic Part 2
Despite your crippling fear of men, your family sells you to the Doll House. Luckily, you end up with the handsome, gentlemanly Nanami as your trainer, and he’s about to show you how great a man can be.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Read Geto’s Part Here!
Read Toji’s Part Here!
Read Sukuna’s Part Here!
Read Gojo’s Part Here!
Read Choso’s Part Here!
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AU! Each trainer will get their own story! This is Nanami’s. If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged! Any feedback whatsoever is adored! I’m keeping the same tag list as Geto’s part. If you’d like to be removed, please let me know!
Note: Consider these parts AU’s within an AU. So you might see Geto with a different doll from the reader in his part, but just consider this an alternate timeline lol.
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. Daddy kink. Hair pulling. Oral sex. Fingering. Spanking (with belt). First time sex. Aftercare! Divider by @benkeibear!
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There’s a battle raging inside you. On one side of the conflict, terror. There’s a man on top of you, his heavy, strong body pressing onto yours. You feel panic rising, and you struggle to beat it back down. On the other side of the conflict, thirst. This man is quite literally all your fantasies come to life. His shirt is halfway unbuttoned, revealing a perfectly toned chest, and his blonde hair is slightly mussed, falling in his intense eyes. 
“Are you sure you’re ready?” he asks, the third time this afternoon. He wants to be absolutely positive you want this, bless him. 
Earlier, you told him you were ready to have sex with him, to get your first time done and over with so you can move on with the training. Both of you view it as a bit of an annoyance to get through. You know you’ll be much more comfortable with the training once you’ve had sex once and know what to expect, and Nanami has outright told you that he dislikes sex with virgins. 
“It’s too easy to hurt or embarrass or disappoint them,” he said. “They’re either scared, which is a turn off for me, or they have completely delusional romantic fantasies about it, which no one can ever live up to in reality.”
Personally, you’ve never had any expectations for your first time. You always assumed you’d be a virgin your whole life, considering your phobia. So you neatly fall into the first category: scared. The act of sex doesn’t scare you that much, but being so close and intimate with a man does. However, with Nanami, you think you can do it. He’s promised to be gentle with you, and you believe him, so now you’re in his bed, underneath him, your shirt and skirt discarded.  
“I’m sure,” you tell him, raising up from the mattress to let him unhook your bra and pull it off your shoulders. His hands move softly over your breasts, only lightly squeezing the plump mounds. And then he’s sliding your panties down your hips and off your ankles. It’s embarrassing, but he agreed to your request for dim lighting, so you hope he can’t see every detail clearly. 
He finishes unbuttoning his shirt, then pulls it off his shoulders. Now you’re regretting the lighting choice. From what you can see, he’s absolutely gorgeous. You can’t help gasping for air as he slides down the bed and spreads your legs apart, positioning his face right above your pussy. His fingers stroke your wet folds, then open them. In the semi-darkness, you only see his head dip down, and then you feel his tongue gliding over your clit. 
Your hands grip the sheets as you cry out, your body shocked by the pleasure. He slowly pushes one finger inside you, gently pumping it in and out, giving you time to adjust to it. A few moments later, he inserts a second finger, his tongue still lapping at your clit. You’ve read enough smutty stories to know what he’s doing. He’s preparing you to take his cock. Of course he would make sure you’re slick and slightly stretched. He doesn’t want this to hurt. 
Pain is the last thing on your mind as his thumb grazes over your clit, followed by his lips closing around it. Your back arches off the bed, one of your hands automatically moving to his head, where your fingers slide through his hair. Just when you’re on the verge of cumming, he suddenly stops and draws back. You whine at the loss of his mouth between your legs, but then you realize he’s sitting up on his knees, and lifting your hips up into his lap. You feel his tip touch your entrance, and panic wins the battle. 
“Snowcone! Snowcone!”
He stops immediately and pulls back away from you. “Are you alright?”
You sit up and take a few deep breaths. “I just need a minute. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he says. “Take all the time you need.”
You sit there for a few minutes, just breathing and calming yourself down. When you feel ready, you say, “Okay, let’s do it.”
He looks at you skeptically. “Are you certain?”
Oh no, he’s going to stop! You just wanted a moment to mentally prepare. Your body is totally ready! Your pussy is drenched. You’re very horny, and he basically edged you just now. You have to do something to show him how much you want this. 
He’s glancing around for his discarded shirt as he says, “We could try again tomorrow or-“
You suddenly lie back on the mattress and part your legs. “Please fuck me, Daddy!”
His eyes widen, and then he’s on you again, his hands roaming all over your body, his mouth on your throat. Looks like you’ve figured out how to flip his switch! Instead of using the same position as before, he pushes your legs up, bending them at the knee, folding you in half. This pose leaves you extremely vulnerable, and you worry that you got him a little too riled up. 
As you feel his tip at your entrance again, you look up at him with your most innocent expression and say, “Don’t forget to be gentle with me.”
He looks down at you with a heated gaze. “I’ll take good care of you,” he says. And then, you feel him slowly enter you. 
He’s so careful, so gentle, watching your face for any signs of pain, but it doesn’t hurt. In fact it feels really good, the way his skin rubs against yours. But as he goes deeper, way deeper than you imagined a man could reach, you do feel your body stretching around him. For a moment, there’s discomfort, but it’s quickly replaced by pleasure as he kisses your mouth and gives a few shallow thrusts. The friction feels amazing, the angle making it so that he’s brushing across your sensitive clit. 
You look up at his face, and it’s obvious that he’s holding back, not wanting to hurt you. His features are slightly strained, his jaw clenched, his eyes lusty, his muscles taut under his skin. You want to see that control of his slip, just a little. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull yourself closer to him so you can say into his ear, “You can be rougher with me. I can take it.”
He looks down at you, and you can see it in his eyes - he wants to absolutely rail you. But he’s too kind to do that, at least for now. He probably doesn’t want to make your fear of men worse. You’re not afraid of him though. Maybe every other man on earth, but not him. Not now, in this moment. “Please, Daddy,” you whine, and that seems to work. His thrusts become deeper, harder, and your grip on his neck tightens. 
You cry out as he pushes into you more deeply than ever, and it strikes you that you couldn’t possibly be any closer to a man than this, with your bodies pressed together and him buried inside you. The friction against your clit is driving you wild, your body jerking with his movements. You clutch his neck, hiding your face in his shoulder as you finally climax, whimpering and shuddering. 
His thrusts slow as you tremble against him, becoming even deeper, but more deliberate, more intimate, finally stopping with him completely inside you, as far in as possible. He goes still, waiting until your body recovers, letting you feel totally full of him. And then, once your trembling has stopped, he begins thrusting again, faster, a little rougher. Finally, you feel his cock twitch inside you, then his warm, thick cum shoot into the deepest parts of your body. 
Afterwards, he pulls out slowly and climbs off of you, giving you space. He waits a few moments for you to catch your breath, then asks, “How do you feel?”
You’re too embarrassed to say “Fucking Amazing!” so you simply smile and say, “I feel good.”
He smiles back. “It didn’t hurt, did it?”
“No, not at all,” you tell him. Once, you read online that your first time doesn’t hurt if the man knows what he’s doing. Apparently Nanami does. 
He lays down beside you and puts one arm around you, pulling you closer. A few days ago, this would have terrified you. Now, you just feel warm as you drift off to sleep curled up to his side. 
A few days later, Nanami is pulling a book from his shelf to read before bed when his doll approaches and stares at the perfectly arranged and displayed books, her eyes sweeping over the spines. 
“You sure have a lot of books,” she says. 
He’s heard that before. Many times. “Yes, I do,” he replies. “What about you? Do you like to read?” He’s already prepared for the answer. Most dolls he trains answer with some variation of, “I liked reading when I was a kid/teenager, but I never really have time anymore.” He doesn’t like that answer very much. If you like reading, you’ll make time somehow, even if you just read one book a year. 
“I love reading!” she says, and he stifles a groan. The second most common answer he gets is this exact line. But further conversation almost always reveals that, no, they do not actually love reading. They simply said so because they thought it was the answer he wanted to hear.  
He gives her a thin smile. “You do? What sorts of books do you like?” This is where the lie is normally revealed. 
She points to a twelve book high fantasy series on his shelf - The Queen of Lake Frost. “This is actually one of my favorite series,” she says. “I’ve read every book at least ten times each!” 
He looks from the books to her smiling face, surprised. 
Before he can respond, she goes on. “Princess Rhoswen is my favorite character. I was really rooting for her to become the next queen, but I guess she wouldn’t have been happy on the throne.”
Wait, he’s heard this before, almost word for word. Then it hits him, the memory of a cold, snowy afternoon in high school, his best friend beside him, chattering about this book series. This friend was the reason Nanami even tried the books in the first place. Back then, he’d seen himself as “too good” for speculative fiction. But his friend loved adventurous fantasy stories, and convinced him to try this series in particular. Nanami had enjoyed them much more than he expected to, the pleasure increased by his friend excitedly discussing the books with him as he finished them. 
He gives his doll a warm, genuine smile. “Rhoswen was my best friend’s favorite character too.”
She perks up. “Oh? They have good taste then!”
“Had,” he corrects. “He died in a car accident before we graduated. I can’t help thinking of him every time I read this.”
Her smile fades. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up any bad memories.”
“Oh no, all the memories are fond ones,” he says. Then he points to another fantasy series, one shelf down. “Have you read this one?”
She bends slightly to look at the title. “Yeah, I liked it too. I heard they’re making a movie based on it.”
They go through several more series, discussing each one briefly, and it’s almost like Haibara is there with him again, talking about his favorite scenes and characters. The doll gets really animated when discussing these books, her face glowing. Nanami thinks, in this moment, she’s very cute. 
He finally finds a series she hasn’t read yet, The Stormlight Archive. “I’ve been meaning to try it,” she says, “I like a lot of other books by this author.”
Nanami pulls the first book in the series down from the shelf. “Would you like to read it while you’re here?”
She takes the offered book. “You don’t mind?”
“Of course not.”
She smiles brightly. “Thanks!”
That night before bed, when Nanami is sitting in his chair reading his chosen book, his doll is curled up in the chair across from him, her legs tucked under herself, the book open in her hands. He watches her face for a while, the different emotions crossing it telling him which parts she’s reading. He’s looking forward to discussing the book with her when she finishes. 
Nearly two weeks into the training, you realize Nanami has yet to spank you. 
During sex, or related activities, he often pulls your hair. You enjoy the sensation of his strong hand, firm but not harsh, gripping the strands, guiding your head where he wants it to be. But you’re so so so curious about how he would be when he’s mad, when you’ve been a bad girl and he needs to “punish” you. He’s always so kind and respectful to you, a perfect gentleman even when he’s holding your face up by your hair and covering it in his cum. 
So you decide to test him, to be a bad girl for once and see how he reacts. The perfect opportunity presents itself one afternoon when he has to leave the Doll House to run an errand. He’ll be back in an hour, he tells you, and your plan clicks into place. 
One of the very few rules he laid out for you was that you were not to pleasure yourself. Your pleasure should only come from him, as a reward for being good. So far, he hasn’t held out on you at all. He makes you cum multiple times per day. But what will he do when you break that simple rule? 
You wait until it’s almost time for him to come back, then you get on the bed and open your legs. You’re so nervous you could die, but the thrill of it all urges you to go forward with your scheme. You slip your hand down the front of your shorts, under your panties, and begin touching yourself. The excitement and tension make it easy to become aroused, your fingers slick within seconds. And when you hear Nanami’s footsteps in the hall before the doorknob turns, you almost cum on the spot. 
The door opens. Nanami walks through and closes it behind him, taking off his jacket in the process and not noticing you until he turns to face the bed. He stops suddenly, his eyes freezing on your prone form. You quickly stop, pulling your hand out of your shorts, acting like you’ve been caught, your body already quivering with excitement. 
“I believe I explained the rules to you,” he says, his voice low, his eyes narrowing behind his glasses. 
You can’t hold back a squeak of fear as you scramble out of bed. “I’m sorry! I just felt needy… and you were gone… so I couldn’t help myself.”
There’s a glimmer in his eyes. He knows exactly what you’re doing, knows you’re testing him, knows you want him to punish you. And he won’t disappoint you. 
He loosens his tie as he says, “Get back on the bed, on your hands and knees. Face the headboard.”
You hesitate just a moment, your mind processing the command and where it’s going to lead. He gives you a look. The kind that says he’s in no mood for questions. So you climb back onto the bed and assume the position he described. 
“Raise your ass higher,” he says, circling around to the foot of the bed. Then you feel his hands on you, pulling both your shorts and your panties down your hips and then yanking them off under your knees. You hear them fall to the floor somewhere behind you. 
“Spread your knees apart,” he tells you, and you immediately comply, your face heating up. Nanami has seen you naked plenty of times, but something about this pose is extra embarrassing. With your ass in the air and your thighs spread, your pussy is practically on display. And considering how wet you are, it must be an incredibly lewd sight. 
You hear the sound of him unbuckling his belt, and you turn your head to look back. “Face forward,” he says in a commanding voice. “Put your hands on the headboard, and don’t let go.”
The headboard is made of brass, with vertical bars all the way across. You grip two of them in your hands, your fingers trembling slightly. There’s a pause where nothing happens. No sounds, no sensations. It only makes the tension thicker. You want desperately to look behind you, to see what he’s doing, but you don’t dare. 
Then, you feel his hand on you. His palm slides over your ass, gently, tracing your shape. His fingers ghost over your slick pussy, and you whimper, wishing he would rub you. His hand pulls away, and you hear what sounds like leather being gripped or twisted in his strong hands. Then, impact. 
The belt hits your ass, crossing both cheeks. The leather stings, causing you to yelp and shudder, your grip on the brass bars tightening. Three more hits, and you can feel it: the soreness settling in. It’s not unbearable, but it does hurt. Fortunately, it hurts in a way that turns you on even more. When a hit gets particularly close to your pussy, you flinch and gasp. 
He stops for a moment, his hand returning to your body to rub the raw flesh. His fingers slip down to your dripping cunt and slide between your folds, stroking your clit. You cry out, moaning and shaking, your hands nearly slipping from the headboard. 
When he withdraws his hand again, you whine out, “Daddy, please!”
You hear his voice behind you. “Please what?”
You’re clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled. “Please… fuck me!”
Another hit with the belt comes suddenly across your ass, making you cry out again. You moan, arching your back. You’ve never wanted anything more than you want his cock inside you right now. 
“I believe I told you that bad girls don’t deserve pleasure,” he says, moving around the bed, back to the other side. “And you’ve been a very bad girl.”
Another hit, this one striking you right across your exposed pussy, stinging the sensitive skin, making your whole body jolt and tears wet your eyes. “Ahhh! Please, Daddy… let me prove I can be a good girl for you!”
There’s another pause, then you hear his voice again, further away this time. “Alright then. Prove it.”
You hesitantly glance back, only to find him sitting in his chair, his shirt unbuttoned all the way down, his expensive-looking leather belt gathered in his hand. Oh fuck, he looks so hot. You let go of the brass bars, only then realizing that your hands are shaking. You calm yourself down and crawl off the bed. Your shirt isn’t long enough to cover anything below the waist, so you’re half naked as you walk over to him and drop to your knees. 
Looking up at him with what you hope are bedroom eyes, you nuzzle your face against his crotch for a moment before opening his pants and pulling his raging erection free. It looms over your face, glistening. You waste no time wrapping your lips around it, pressing your tongue into the tip. You’ll show him how good you can be. 
Nanami watches his doll greedily suck his cock, using every ounce of his willpower to remain cool and collected. In truth, he wants to take her to the bed and fuck her brains out, but he has to keep to his role. She wants a reaction from him, a “punishment”, and who was he to deny her? 
He’s surprised by how good she’s gotten with her mouth in such a short time. He’s barely had to give her any coaching at all. Considering she’s never even touched a man before meeting him, it’s really quite impressive. For a while now he’s suspected that she watched a lot of porn before coming here. Sometimes she says or does things that seem odd from a woman who has always been terrified of men. Not that Nanami is complaining. 
Presently, his cock is halfway down her tight little throat as she gags around it, saliva and precum smeared all over her pretty face. He holds out as long as he can, but eventually his own desire wins out. He gently pushes her back and stands up, pulling her to her feet and leading her back to the bed. He bends her over it, softly pushing her face-first onto the mattress, her feet still on the floor. 
With one hand, he caresses her red-striped ass, his fingers grazing over the places where the belt hit her. He’s always careful with how much pressure he applies with the belt, never enough to do any damage but always enough to sting. These marks will be gone in a few days, as if they were never there to begin with, but for now, they make an alluring image. 
Her pussy is dripping wet, her arousal gliding down her thighs. In one fluid motion, he buries himself inside her, so deep that she gasps and clenches around him. She feels incredible, so soft and warm and wet. Her moans and cries are so sweet to his ears. After just a few thrusts, she’s trembling with pleasure, crying as she clutches the sheets in her hands, finally cumming. 
He fucks her through her orgasm, his hand automatically squeezing her plump ass, making her jerk slightly. Damn, he forgot she’s probably sore. He massages her gently instead, until she’s making cute little mewling sounds. All of it is enough to make him cum as well, filling her up until he’s completely emptied himself inside her. 
Once finished, he pulls out and then rolls her over onto her back. She’s still wearing a T-shirt, white with some sort of cartoon character on it. She pants as she looks up at him, her face hot and streaked with tears. He hopes they’re tears of pleasure. 
“Are you alright?” he asks her, taking one of her hands and pulling her up so that she’s sitting on the edge of the bed. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” she replies, and he notices that she’s still a little shaky. This isn’t a totally uncommon response to a first “punishment” session, even when the doll he’s training intentionally provokes him. But considering her phobia, it does concern him to see her looking so frightened. 
“Do you mind if I sit with you?” 
She seems surprised by the question, but he doesn’t want to invade her space without warning if she’s feeling afraid of him. 
“Sure,” she says, and he sits on the bed beside her. 
“Did I scare you?”
She shakes her head. “No, not at all. It was just a little intense. I enjoyed it though.”
He’s relieved to hear it. “I’m glad. Are you okay with doing it again, if the opportunity presents itself?”
She gives him a small grin. “You mean if I’m bad again?”
He grins back, happy to see that she’s back to her normal self, no longer shaking. “Yes, that’s what I mean.”
She seems a little shy as she leans over onto him, placing her head on his shoulder. “I’d like to do it again. But now I have to think of things to do to make you mad.”
He wraps an arm around her. “Don’t go overboard. You want to be able to sit in a chair at some point, don’t you?”
She laughs, then snuggles closer to him, looking satisfied. He’s trained many beautiful women over the past few years, but none have made him feel so content just to be near them, none have made him feel the way she does. He tries to ignore the feelings. He needs to be professional. He owes it to her to take his job seriously and prepare her for her role as a doll. 
But right now, he just wants to have her by his side. 
Tag List:
@suguguro @kaedear @onyxsphynx @poopoobuttsy @butterskyy @collectionofdolls @akaotv @witchbybirth @bloofinntoona @wasurenagusaa @tclbts @tojirin @lucyrocks86 @badbyeyoongi @97britt @aydene @lzaj19 @lyn-lotte @missthatgirl @peachedtv @ladytamayolover @nanam1nx @deegausserr
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Okay, so that interview that I quoted about Glimmer earlier. I found another highlight from it. So when it comes to the whole age thing about Spop, it gets worse. Because we all thought each season represents a year. But, nope!
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And coupled with this OFFICIAL video…
That puts Adora at 17-18 years old by the end. Yeah, either she’s JUST turned 18, or she’s NOT LEGAL AT ALL by the end. We all try to not get to upset by thinking, “Oh, they’re only 17 in the fist season, and 22 by the end.” But they might not even be legal at all! And Catra is confirmed to be younger than Adora, idk by a few months, or a year or two… But if Adora is 17-18… That means Catra could be have either recently turned 18, or if she’s a year or two younger, she’s also not legal!
Certain stans need to understand these things before they do or say some stuff. That’s all I gotta say. Cuz some of these posts I’m seeing got me like this.👇
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it's so weird and gross, but i can understand the confusion because of the info about the characters being in their 20s in s5 (seriously, where did that come from? why is the timeline of this show so messed up?)
i would actually blame the creators more than the fans here, because they made all the characters' ages so vague and then proceeded to sexualize the hell out of catra and adora. like wtf are you doing? why are you giving your teenage characters boob windows (no practical purpose, if anything, it's a weakness that can be easily exploited in battle) and framing their fights as homoerotic? why not just make an adult show with adult characters at that point?
some of the fans, i'm assuming, are teens themselves so i don't think it's weird for them to find catra attractive. but yeah, in my experience, a huge part of the fandom are adults and they use the vague ages as an excuse to sexualize these characters.
i remember when spop came out, people kept talking about how "the original she-ra doesn't even look like a teenager, she looks old and she's too sexualized!!" (she's NOT a teenager, adora was an adult woman in the OG series, but these people could not be bothered to do a quick google search).
and spop's solution for this was to.. make the characters look and act like teenagers but still sexualize them. so yeah, it's definitely gross that the fandom sexualizes them so much, but i'm not surprised considering how much they are canonically sexualized.
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g-kat423 · 5 months
If Alcina being a lesbian is so important to you why does she have an ex husband in your fic
I’m going to assume this is a genuine question without malicious intent so I will provide a real answer.
This could actually apply to 2 of my fics, but I’m guessing you’re talking about Something Sweet since it’s the one that I update more frequently.
Gonna plop this under a read more since it’s gotten long
Alright, so, the reason for her having an ex husband has been stated throughout the fic. She felt she had to be closeted and to meet certain expectations set for her both by society and by her parents. Sure, people are more accepting now, not that there isn’t still bigotry or pressure to conform, but with the fic taking place in 2022(I started it in 2022 and only a few months have passed in fic time and while I never explicitly stated the year, that’s what everything is based off of, giving Alcina a 1978 birth year and the reader 2001) that means Alcina got married in 2008. Idk if you were around during that time, but homophobia was rampant, being gay was a punchline. It’s not something you would talk about, there’s no way to know if your friends would actually stay your friends and not spread vicious rumors about you. Marriage equality in most states, not a thing. Again, bigots still exist, but it’s generally not this life ruining thing for people to find out you’re queer. Alcina would have come of age in the 90’s which would make that even worse.
That aside, I tend to explore themes of coming out later and families not being being accepting because it’s all I know. I tend to process my trauma through my writing. That and I’m sure it’s no secret that I’ve taken heavy inspiration from Carol only with a sugar baby twist. I also wanted her to have younger, biological children since I felt that would be fitting of a 44 year old divorcee rather than having adopted adult children like she does in canon. Sure, they could have been adopted or older, but there needed to be a reason for her to stay with Kurt for the amount of time that she did. I needed her connected to Karl in someway too. Heisenberg was originally supposed to have a twin brother so I went off of that and now Alcina has her annoying ex brother-in-law(who actually isn’t so bad in this universe, but Alcina won’t hear of it)
As for The Fall of the House of Dimitrescu. I’m sure no one is asking, but in that case Alcina was weak from her hereditary blood disease and didn’t have the energy to be defiant the same way she was as a child. Her father had lost his wife and he had no desire to continue caring for Alcina so he set her up with somebody who she reluctantly went along with. In that case, Alcina wasn’t even aware of her attraction to women yet, she just didn’t understand why she didn’t feel a spark with her soon to be husband. She also assumed it was normal for sex to be an unpleasant “wifely duty.” Once she finally made the connection and had an affair with a woman, turns out she liked sex quite a bit lmao.
Idk, all this aside, I know I’m not the only one who has given Alcina a husband in some context yet still fully believes shes a lesbian. I also have plenty of fics where she’s never had one. The first multichapter fic I wrote she literally left her home and privileged life behind to struggle until she made it as musician rather than marry a man. I don’t think it’s a crime to explore other possibilities. I have so many different headcanons for Alcina and all are universe dependent whether that be modern AU, the canon compliant timeline where she never marries, the canon compliant timeline where she does, and all the other in between stuff that diverges from canon. She’s one of my favorite characters of all time and I love fleshing her out.
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