#I’m in a elena defense mood
vicontheinternet · 7 months
It’s funny how ppl will say that elena changed damon or damon changed to be with her when that’s simply not true I’d argue that he changed elena but that’s another post. Nothing in the history of the show has ever shown us that this grown man has changed for elena. I mean yeah they keep telling us that but they never show it ever. If you want someone to believe you you have to show that you put in the effort not gaslight us like you did elena. Every time they broke up he would snap some she had an emotional connection to neck or go on a murder spree and act like it was her fault for hurting his feelings sir you’re over 100 years old if you do not know how to regulate your emotions by yourself by now that is not on the child you decide to go after.
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rhetoricalrogue · 2 years
I probably should have paid more attention to the militia hierarchy in the last half of Days Gone so I can properly daydream potential story scenarios instead of getting sad that they took what normally looks like a Bob Ross painting and burned 90% of the landscape, like yes, I know this is part of the theme of the story but there are no happy little trees anywhere. Just sad little burnt stumps that did very little to keep the infected hordes away.
The Crater Lake area made me miss Lost Lake and the Cascade maps so much.
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morningstargirl666 · 1 year
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Chapter 26 Sneak Peak:
“I’m fine.” Elena grumbled, when it became clear Stefan wasn’t going to stop fussing over her anytime soon. “More than fine. I’m being over-coddled, more than anything.” She said the last part with a pointed glance in Caroline’s direction. Even if her smile was teasing, Caroline couldn’t help but feel slightly offended.
“You are on house arrest.” She said, a tad defensive, as she jabbed a finger towards Elena. “You’re supposed to be coddled.”
“I don’t know, Care. Wouldn’t it be smarter if we just got her the hell outta town?” Matt suggested.
“And do what?” Elena jumped in to argue before Caroline could. “Go on the run for the rest of my life? No thank you.”
“No one’s running anywhere yet. We’ll work it out.” Stefan reassured them all. Caroline saw Jeremy and Matt exchange a glance, but shook it off, already turning around to go finish drying the dishes Tyler had left. Stefan stayed with Elena a while, talking quietly with her, before he stood up, following Caroline into the kitchen.
He saddled up to her side, lips threatening to twitch into a grin. “Over-coddled, huh?”
Caroline sighed. “I may have panicked a little.”
“A little?” Tyler scoffed, walking over to the fridge to grab a beer. “Care, you drank a bottle of vodka, made tea and then proceeded to clean the entire kitchen.”
“I do that …when I’m stressed, sometimes.”
The four boys exchanged matching amused looks, and Caroline huffed, glaring at all of them. “Shut up.”
They all grinned and Caroline spun around, stomping back to the kitchen just to get away  from them. She’d barely made it to the island before the doorbell rang, a firm knock at the door following quickly after.
“Someone should probably get that.” Tyler pointed out, freezing at the sound.
Jeremy wasn’t nearly as concerned. “It’s probably just Mrs Danvers from down the street. She keeps losing her cat. Says it keeps wandering off.”
Matt made a face. “Isn’t that what cats do? Wander?”
“According to her, apparently not.” Jeremy muttered under his breath.
“I’ll get it!” Elena decided for them all, throwing the blanket off herself.
“You’re supposed to be resting Elena!” Caroline screeched, unimpressed.
She stood to her feet with an angry huff. “I’m not an invalid. I’m done with the couch.”
“But-” Caroline tried to protest, moving to stop her.
Another impatient knock echoed throughout the house, and Elena rushed away to answer it, cutting off Caroline’s protests. “Coming! Just wait a moment!”
Caroline huffed, face falling as Elena disappeared down the hall. Stefan watched her, opening his mouth to no doubt say something that would call out her coddling instincts yet again, but Caroline grabbed a tea towel and threw it at him. “Shut it, Salvatore!”
“I didn’t say anything!”
“But you were about to!”
Stefan couldn’t argue against that. Tyler and Matt snickering behind him weren’t much help.
“Stefan.” Elena called out, but something about her voice, the shaky tone of it, made Caroline still. The others heard it too, the playful mood all but forgotten, replaced with fear and caution.
She exchanged a glance with Stefan, the two of them already moving towards the hallway. Behind her, she heard Jeremy finally stand up, Matt at his side, and even Tyler straightened where he stood.
When she and Stefan rounded the corner, Caroline saw Elena first, and the front door she was holding open. The person standing just outside the threshold caught her attention next, her recognition quickly morphing into horror.
“Kol.” Stefan breathed beside her.
Caroline heard Tyler mutter a curse from far behind her, and she didn’t need to turn around to know Matt’s frame had gone completely rigid, no doubt remembering how Kol had crushed his hand at Ball.
“I’d say it’s nice to see you all again-” Kol began, lip curling into a snarl as he eyed them all, particularly Stefan, “-but it really isn’t.”
Read Chapter 26 on AO3 here
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
The Vampire Files/1
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Part 1
AU crossover story
Elena  Gilbert and Nick Amaro are FBI agents, investigating paranormal activity and all different strange cases involving demons, witchcraft, vampires.
There will be other tvd/to characters in it. All of them and they will all have different roles, completely different than those on TVD/TO and some Law&Order svu characters like Olivia Benson.
As always- love plays a great part too!
I hope you enjoy this story- as always thanks for reading. xoxo
a/n: blame this one me still watching Law&Order svu and other shows  like Penny Dreadful, City of Angels. And been rewatching X files and - cuz I can’t get enough of Nick, the detectiveguapo.  😊
Elena Gilbert extended her condolences to her partner's wife.
"I am so sorry", the Agent said,"Jackson was a really good man."
"Yes, he was."Freya said numb. Elena could see in the woman's eyes that she still blamed her for her husband's death. To tell her that she was going to do everything to avenge her partner was not appropriate at that moment. Elena just nodded as a goodbye to the woman and walked off.
To be a Special agent of the FBI was a tough job. Death was everywhere. A daily occurrence. She has seen the most heinous crimes in the seven years she had been with the Bureau, and although she looked like she was stoned faced and nothing much moved her, she hid a very warm and tormented heart under the made up facade. The picture of Jackson with his heart ripped out kept lingering in her head and although she tried to block it with her usual methods of removing herself from the pain, it still was so vivid and it made her contemplate leaving her job altogether.
At the FBi HQ- the Executive Assistant Director stood up greeting Special agent Nick Amaro offering him a seat. The Agent  sat down ready to listen why he was brought in taken away from a case he was investigating. The two men obviously knew each other well, but still there was a certain coldness that made this meeting a very brief affair.
"It is the extension of the X-files, you are familiar with I know. Elena Gilbert, your new partner, has been working on it for the last two years. I believe you have heard that she had lost her partner two weeks ago."
"I have. And I suppose you are assigning me to the X-files?!" Nick said with no particular emotion.
The EAD passed him the file Elena and Jackson were working on adding a simple yes.
"That is all, I guess." the Agent  said taking the folder standing up.
"This is off record" Rafael Barba said. "Just so you know, you were not reassigned because of the shooting. We thought that agent Gilbert would need someone with your expertise."
"Is that all?" Nick sais standing up, ready to leave.
The man just nodded and with that Nick left the office. He wasn't particularly surprised at the reassignment. And it had all to do with the shooting. Him losing his cool for a moment was something he knew he would pay severely. He took his phone and pressed the speedial.
Elena walked in her office. Another agent was waiting for her to leave the last forensic data she had received.
"Wasn't expecting you here today." Olivia said as she handed her the file over.
Elena sat down at her desk. "If I work and get Jackson's killer then I am useful. I just couldn't be there any longer or go the house. Freya still blames me. And maybe she is right. This is all my fault."
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        "Come on. He was a professional. And you were in far worse situations before." Olivia said.
"We should have done it differently. Like all the the text book stuff got lost on the way. I don't know. I am playing it over and over in my head at what moment the investigation went so out of hand. I will almost believe he was cursed. Like that voodoo priest said." Elena lamented.
The women were interrupted by the knock on the door and a man walking in greeting them politely as he introduced himself, "Hello. Agent Nick Amaro. I've been assigned to -  I’m your new partner."
Elena stood up looking at him nodding a little. She knew that eventually someone would be assigned to take Jackson's place, "Gilbert -uhm, this is Olivia Benson, FSS ( Forensic Science Service)"
Olivia welcomed the Agent and then excused hersel, leaving the Agents.
Elijah looked around at a very small office. with the most strangest posters and a board of It felt like he was demoted. But it actually it didn't matter. They would be out in the field lot more than in his place. He walked over to the desk that was set exactly opposite from Elena's. It was still cluttered with Jackson's things and notes, other personals stuff, like the photo of his wife.
"Yes. I have not yet come to clearing it up. It will be done today." Elena said standing up, taking the photo off the desk and collecting the notes jotted on the papers scattered on it.
“I know how it feels.”Nick inhaled softly.  He remembered his own loss. Losing a partner is one of the hardest things, as this person is more than a friend. Someone you put your lives in hands on a daily basis, especially in their line of the work. He knew of her, seeing her in the building numerous times, and always wondered how someone like her got to work with the Bureau. 'She is tough as nails' Rollins said to Nick once as they had heard of a case a kidnapping of a little girl being solved by her and Jackson a year before.
"Nick Amaro - Ah, I remember now. You worked on the cold cases, and then with the Jeffersonian. Here it is about monsters and paranormal. Voodoo, witchcraft, demons. Take your pick."
"I heard you have PhD in demonology?!" Nick said.
"Did you not read my resume. Anyway, how do you stand on that?" Elena shot back.
"Demons? am here to investigate criminal activities. I had a fair share of twisted cases."
"Twisted cases, ha?" Elena said not so happy his take on it.
"Maybe not a clever choice of words." Nick corrected himself seeing the deadly look she gave him.
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"Maybe." Elena said. "so, I guess you read the file?!"
"I did. Actually skimmed through it. I heard also that another body was found in Virginia, Mystic Falls." Nick said.
"Yes. All drained of blood. No markings on the obvious places, suspecting vampire activity."
"Vampire activity?" Nick said with a surprise in his voice.
"Yes," Elena replied,"File under the number 88. Vampires, beings from who subsists by feeding on the life essence, generally in the form of blood, of living creatures. "Oh, I guess they will finally send someone down to install your own computer. We are here like non-existent as you can see. It's like weird doesn't really is real."
"Agent Benson brought the forensics in? Nick now asked to change the mood.
Elena handed the latest update sheet to him."There."
As soon as he entered the room she noticed a certain assurance and command in his demeanor. He was about the work. There was no reason for her to act so defensively towards him. She knew very well that someone would be assigned to take Jackson's place. But, his appearance made the reality that Jackson was gone for good absolute. And it was harsh. Jackson's dead face came back to her and suddenly went pale.
Nick noticed the change in her. "Gilbert, are you all right?"
"Fine." Elena replied coolly, obviously trying to hide the pain.
"No, you're not. And it's perfectly acceptable. You are allowed to grieve."
Elena just put a small dismissive smile on as if thanking him for his truthful concern, but she was not ready for anything personal yet, so she overrode the moment and continued to talk about the case.                  
Nick listened, letting her brief him fully. It was clear that there was vulnerability under the facade of a woman made out of steel. He listened to her like in a trance. Everything about her captured his soul from the moment he walked into the office. This he could not deny, although he ignored it.
Rebekah walked in the diner, and sat down at the table at the end, taking her phone out, reading a message. The waitress came around with the cup of coffee, serving her, "Bad day?"
Rebekah thanked her for the coffee and replied, "I had worse."
The waitress left and she put the phone aside and looked out. It was still raining. There were days one wish they could be erased altogether. This was one of these days for Dr Rebekah St. Claire. She looked at her finger, where once a diamond ring was.
Flashback "I can't do this Bex. And it's noz because I don't love you. But, I am not myself. Everything inside of me is about the kidnapping. You've seen me. I could have hurt you yesterday. I can't. Let's call this all off" Marcel said.
"Please- we can do therapy- together. You can't just- go-" Rebekah said tearing up feeling like someone had kicked her in the guts.
Marcel felt the same- and looking at her so cut made his psychosis brew up wanting to set the world on fire for having messed with him.
”I can't” he slipped and walked out of the room.
Her attention was soon diverted by her friend Caroline, who sat down opposite from the doctor.
"Hey" Caroline just said without adding anything else. She knew all about her fiance's trouble.
"It hurts. And - you know what today is?"
"Yes. Would have been W-day"
"And look at it- pissing down with rain," Rebekah said, "maybe it is telling me something."
"I know this sounds like a cliche- but it will get easier" Caroline said.
"Not till I know that he is healed - somehow"
"You still blame yourself - the kidnapping had nothing to do with you" Caroline tried to comfort her friend.
"Come on, Caroline, we know it's not true. I had the evidence."
"And you could not give them - we don't negotiate with criminals" the blonde reminded her.
"No-" Rebekah said pensively.
Caroline's phone buzzed and she answered it-
"Klaus?- No. Still waiting the evidence to be released. Yeah- Later"
"You still hate his guts?" Rebekah now remarked "Pretty much. Hate having to work as his deputy" Caroline said.
"But since he was appointed as DA things are getting done- and you rock as a team"
"Can we not talk about him and work. Pie?" Caroline suggested.
Rebekah  nodded as in yes, please.
********** At the FBI HQ
Nick was left reading Elena's notes from the File 88 - as she was called away to the Field Director.
He tried to cross-reference the data with the present case. Everything indicated that Elena was right. This murder was very much related to these mythical creatures.
A knock at the door made Nick look up as a man entered asking for Elena.
"Hi. Elena?" the man said, obviously inquiring for her whereabouts.
"Out," Nick said simply,"you are?" He knew who the man was, but he still wanted formal introduction, "Agent Salvatore, Stefan."
"Nick Amaro" the Agent replied turning away from the file.
"You"re her new partner?!"' Stefan cocked an eyebrow at the Agent.
"I am." Nick replied adding,"leaving a message?"
"No. I will call her later. See you" Stefan said and exited the office.
Nick returned to reading the file when his phone buzzed.
"Third body appeared in the woods," Elena informed him, “I’m outside.”
Swiping the call off, he put his coat on and went out.
Caroline walked in the pub called 'Georgetown' putting down her bag on the bar stool next to Stefan.
"What are you having?" Stefan asked.
"The same as you." Caroline said."it stopped raining."
"It did. I went to see Elena. She got a new partner." Stefan informed his friend.
"So, she did?! Who is it?"
"Nick Amaro" Stefan said.
"Right." Caroline said."I tried to call her. Today was Jackson's funeral. She hasn't answered any of my calls yet."
"She has just sent me a message that she is going to be out of town for a few days. The case." Stefan updated the attorney.
"She is allowed time off, but she has not taken one day off," Caroline said,"one day she will come crushing down."
"Not until this case is over and they find Jackson's killer." Stefan said."But even then she might just sweep it under the mental carpet."
Caroline now took the Bourbon that was served- and inhaled sharply.
Three and a half hours later, Elena and Nick arrived in Mystic Falls. Although it was quite late, Elena wanted to see the Sheriff and get a brief update.
"Sheriff Donovan? Elijah said.
"Yes," Matt said,"come to my office."
Elena and Nick followed the Sheriff in. As they recieved the report, Elena asked when she could see the body. And of course it was first thing in the morning.
“Right.” Elena muttered and then asked if there was anywhere they could grab something to eat.
"The Grill. It’s the best place if you like home made type of food." Matt said.
"Pie - I actually really need some pie." Elena said.
“They served the best pie in all of Virginia” the Sheriff replied putting his hat on. “I’m on my way there, too.”
Soon, Elena and Nick were at the Grill with a burger and a slice of apple pie each.
After taking a bit of the pie, Elena seemed to change into a different person, making Elijah say, "Lack of sugar?"
"I think better when I had something sweet.” Elena said raising her eyebrow at her new partner.
Nick looked at her as if taking notes.
"Ready for the vampire hunt?"
"Excuse me?"
"Everything you said on the way here makes perfect sense, but trust me everything will defy logic." Elena said.
She spoke as if she already knew that they would be tapping in the dark, and there was a whiff of darkness from her heart kicking at him. A strange kind of resignation. It was not that particular case, it was clear to him that she was talking about Jackson's case.
"Agent Salvatore is on Agent Kenner's case?!" Nick then said.
Elena nodded with a small bitter smile.
How, why- at that moment he wished he could take the pain away from those stone cold dark eyes.
Come out while the rain is gone Slow down breathing on your road And the world keeps spinning around while we dive in it And the world is . in stone leaving marks on our skin
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lalainajanes · 5 years
The Kindness of Strangers
It takes a good half hour for Caroline to realize that she’s been ditched.
In her defense, she’s not exactly at her best.
She can’t stop coughing, her chest hurts. She’s freezing, still wearing her coat and scarf even though she’s been indoors, waiting for her turn to see a doctor, for three hours. Caroline will admit that she’s never been an ideal patient. She hates every single part of being sick – gross fluids leaking from her body, disruptions to her carefully plotted schedule. She loathes weakness, isn’t used to having to count on other people. She’s lived in Chicago for just under a year, doesn’t have many people to rely on.
She’d been self medicating for days, guzzling DayQuil and NyQuil in turn, googling home remedies and forcing down cup after cup of chamomile tea with honey.
The medicine hadn’t helped, nor had the tea and the best medical advice Pinterest had to offer.
Hence why she’s sitting in an uncomfortable plastic chair, in a packed waiting room, braving screaming children, bloody wounds, and even more airborne germs.
She’s staring dumbly down at her phone, at the picture that’s just popped up on her Instagram feed. Posted just a few seconds ago it features her boyfriend at the gym, his face strained as he lifts a kettlebell. She hadn’t bothered to read the caption, knows it’s some nonsense about reps or mile times that she’s only ever feigned interest in for the sake of politeness.
He’d been yammering on about his workout plans since he’d picked her up. Caroline had been humming in acknowledgement at regular intervals but she’d figured it didn’t need to be explicitly stated that leaving her in a hospital waiting room was so not cool.
Apparently she’d been mistaken.
“Please tell me he’s some sort of useless relation. A cousin you’re only nice to because your mum insists.”
Caroline’s head swivels to the speaker, a touch surprised by the accent. The guy next to her is looking down at her phone, his expression disbelieving.  She’d nodded tiredly at him when she’d sat down, some part of her brain cataloguing a general impression of an attractive man in her age range. She hadn’t been in the mood for conversation and he hadn’t attempted one either. She’d felt him shifting next to her, restless, and probably in pain judging by the impressive rainbow of purple-black bruises covering his bare left foot.
She should probably snap at him, demand he mind his own business but, if her own freaking boyfriend can’t be bothered to skip a workout when she’s in the emergency room, it’s probably a good idea to expand her social circle.
“My mom has even less time for useless relations than I do.”
“She sounds like a smart woman. Does she like your boyfriend?”
Her mother had yet to be introduced. Caroline had planned a trip to Mystic Falls for a long weekend but Stefan’s brother had called last minute with one of his bimonthly crisis’s so Caroline had made the trip solo. In hindsight, maybe she should have read more into the lack of effort. “Very smart. And handy with all manner of firearms.”
A warning, just in case he happens to be a serial killer.
His brows rise, a hint of amusement beginning to curl his lips. Caroline’s forced turn away and bury her face in the crook of her elbow as she’s wracked with coughs. She slumps back when she’s done, needs a moment to catch her breath.
When she peels her eye open her neighbor’s expression has softened with concern. “I’m Klaus,” he offers.
His arm nudges hers on the armrest between their chairs, a weird approximation of a handshake that Caroline returns. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, even if the circumstances are less than ideal.”
She’s naturally nosy, and he’s given her an opening, “What happened to your foot?”
“Stupid accident. I was helping my brother move, he got distracted. A rather heavy sofa came down on my foot.”
Caroline winces in sympathy, leans forward to peer around Klaus. She hadn’t noticed him talking to another guy but, as she hadn’t really noticed Stefan taking his leave while in her fog of misery, that doesn’t mean much. “Is he here?”
Klaus makes a low noise of denial, “God, no. Kol can only sit still as long as the average five year old. I’ll be storing this incident away for later, when I need a bigger favor than a ride to the hospital.”
Caroline doesn’t know much about healthy sibling relationships but she can admire a strategic mind.
“How long have you been waiting for?”
“I got here about an hour before you did.”
“Ugh,” Caroline grumbles, crossing her arms and yanking her sleeves down over her hands, “maybe I should have just made another pharmacy run and gone back to bed.”
Klaus leans forward, pulls a jacket and a scarf out from under his seat. He shakes them out, offering them to her. “Here. I find it quite warm in here but you’re obviously suffering.”
She shakes her head, “No, I wouldn’t want to infect you with whatever I have.”
“Did you just fall ill?”
“It’s been a few days.”
Kat, her boss, had bullied her out of the office when Caroline had nearly passed out after standing up after a meeting. Caroline had tried to protest but Katherine Pierce was excellent at getting her own way. Caroline had been in the back of a town car, under a blanket, with a driver who’d had strict instructions to only stop at a restaurant for the giant takeaway container of chicken noodle soup Kat had ordered.
She’d texted Stefan when she’d gotten home, had gotten sympathy followed by an apology. He’d told her to rest, that he hoped she’d feel better soon, but he’d claimed that he couldn’t rick catching anything, not when he’s training for a marathon.
Alone on her couch, trying to muster the energy to get herself to her bedroom so she could change out of her pencil skirt and blouse, Caroline had told herself that she shouldn’t be resentful. That ambition was sexy, goals were admirable, and she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
That it wasn’t at all annoying that, just a month ago, she’d spent a whole weekend refilling a hot water bottle for Stefan every half hour after he’d pulled a muscle. He hadn’t asked her, she’d offered, and relationships shouldn’t have scorecards.
Maybe they had different love languages. That didn’t mean they were incompatible.
Reciting the bullet points from Cosmo relationship articles hadn’t stopped Caroline from feeling resentful.
Klaus shakes his jacket gently, drawing her attention back to him, “I doubt you’re contagious at this point.”
The jacket looks to be wool, heavy and lined and probably super cozy. She only hesitates for another second before taking it, draping it over herself like a blanket and looping the scarf around her neck.
She manages to avoid obviously tucking her nose into the fabric, to better appreciate the light touch of the very nice cologne Klaus must use.
“Thank you,” she murmurs. “You can tell your significant other that you’ve earned a pile of gentleman points.”
It’s not the most subtle fishing Caroline’s ever done but she’ll just have to blame that on the large doses of over the counter meds still swimming through her system.
Klaus doesn’t seem to mind, his smile widening as he leans back in his seat. He rests his head back against the wall and sprawls a bit, closer to her than he’d been before. “There’s no significant other.”
She probably shouldn’t consider that good news but she totally does.
“And you?” Klaus asks, “how long have you and the… fitness afficianado been an item?”
Caroline suspects the moniker he’s settled on is far more polite than he’d like to be.
“About six months. But we’ve known each other since we were kids.”
“Let me guess, you were high school sweethearts who reunited years later.”
His distaste is obvious and Caroline laughs softly. “Um, no. Not even close. I had a ginormous crush on him but he was really into my best friend.”
Who’d waffled between being into Stefan right back and being into Stefan’s older brother.
Klaus sighs, “So he’s got an appalling lack of taste in addition to his other less than stellar qualities.”
It’s instinct to jump to Stefan’s defense. “He’s really a great guy.”
“I’m sure.”
“He’s training for a marathon. It’s a lot of work.”
“Is this marathon tomorrow?” Klaus asks pointedly. “Because otherwise I don’t understand why he couldn’t take a day off when you’re so ill you can barely walk.”
Caroline deflates, presses her lips together as she swallows the argument she’d been about to make. She’s had plenty of practice lately. When she’d first moved, and Stefan had shot her a message offering to take her out for a drink to celebrate her new job, it had been easy to fall back in with her old friends. He’d been familiar, Elena and Damon too, and she’d been busy with her new job and settling into a new apartment. It had been easier to relearn how to be around them than to meet new people.
She’s a people person though, has started getting closer to a few coworkers, and Enzo, Rebekah and Kat all have certain opinions about Stefan that Klaus is mirroring.
“Perhaps this is none of my business,” Klaus says, after her silence has stretched on. He’s watching her carefully, like he’s wondering if he’s pushed too far.
“It’s really not.”
“Lost those gentleman points, did I?” he jokes.
Caroline laughs, willing to roll with his attempt to lighten the mood. “Maybe not all of them.” Because she is warmer now, with his layers piled on top of hers. “Where are you from, anyway?”
He’d given her the perfect opening to pry and Caroline’s not going to waste the opportunity.
All in the interest of broadening her social circle of course.
A month later, after a breakup, rearranging her entire apartment (three times), she’s decided to make more of an effort to turn her coworkers into real friends.
Rebekah’s throwing herself a birthday party. There’s even a dress code. Enzo informs Caroline that all of Rebekah’s brothers are ridiculously hot, so clearly she needs a great new dress. And heels. And some lingerie and a new lipstick because, why not?
She sees Klaus before he sees her. He’s planted on a loveseat in the living room, his casted foot resting on an ottoman. He’s flitted through her thoughts more than once since they’d met and Caroline had regretted not getting his contact info. Or at least a last name.
Klaus might be a unique name but her attempts at social media stalking had all failed.
Caroline grabs a flute of champagne (seriously, Rebekah knew how to throw a party) and hugs the perimeter of the room. She approaches Klaus from behind, sitting down on the arm next to him and chirping, “Well, fancy meeting you here.”
His eyes snap up, widening when he recognizes her. “Caroline,” he says, something like wonder coloring the tone.
It’s enough to confirm that she’d not the only one who’s spent way too much time thinking about those few hours they’d spent together.
“Glad you remember me,” she teases. “How do you know Rebekah?”
“She’s my sister.” He shifts over, threading his finger through hers to pull her down next to him. Caroline has no objections, not even when he’s pressed along her side, leaving enough room for another person beside him. “And you?”
“We work together.”
“Small world,” Klaus murmurs, very pleased about it.
Caroline can relate.
She nods down to his foot, “What was the verdict?”
He groans, “At least six weeks in the cast. I’m right sick of it. I’ve barely left my place since it happened because I can’t drive and the simplest things are infinitely more annoying.”
“I’m glad you made it out tonight.”
He’s still got her hand clasped in his but his free arm comes up, resting loosely around her shoulders. He speaks more softly and Caroline leans closer to make sure she can hear. “Likewise, love. I’ll never complain about Rebekah being a shameless nag again.”
Somehow, Caroline doubts that.
She spends the duration of the party at Klaus’ side but she meets a whole pile of new people. There’s Kol, the brother whose couch had maimed Klaus’ foot, Elijah, who is a little scary, with his appraising eyes and aggressively perfect manners. She gets some tips about thrifting vintage clothes from Gia, a classical violinist, and when she chats with Marcel he says he hopes he sees her around, promises that he knows plenty of embarrassing stories about Klaus.
She’s kind of kicking herself for falling back into old habits when she’d first moved to Chicago. Clearly, she’s pretty kickass at making friends.
She leaves with Klaus’ number in her phone and plans for dinner the next night.
Sunday brunch plans follow, with Rebekah, where there are bottomless mimosas and vague threats.
It’s easily the best weekend she’s had since moving.
Though not for long.
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Happy birthday to the wonderfully amazing bean @bobbimorseisbisexual ! I hope you still manage to have an amazing day because you most definitely deserve it for being such an amazing bean! Here’s some FitzHunter to show you my love for you. Thank you for being you!
the (not so) great british bake off 
"There’s a rather unsettling noise, and he turns just in time to see the cake completely cave in the middle, ruining any last chance there might have been of salvaging it. Fitz sighs deeply, a real lung-emptying sigh, and pinches the bridge of his nose tight. This thing has been such a headache, and if he didn’t love Hunter so much then he wouldn’t have even bloody bothered in the first place."
Fitz tries to bake a birthday cake for Hunter. Perhaps it doesn't go according to plan
{Read on Ao3}
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There’s icing on the floor and a cherry has gotten itself stuck on the ceiling. The cabinet doors are sticky with melted butter and the toaster has miraculously ended up coated in flour. In the middle of it, Fitz stands with his hands on his hips, surveying the attempt of a cake in front of him. The cake is drooping slightly in the centre and the edges are crispy and black. The pathetic attempt at icing drips off the lopsided top, not at all in an appetising way. The cherries, possibly long past their expiration date, seem to have collapsed in on themselves, and as Fitz attempts to tell himself it’s not really that bad, one drops off the side with the running icing and lands with an audible plop on the counter.
“This is ridiculous,” he tells himself. “Bloody ridiculous.”
It’s not Hunter’s birthday until tomorrow, but he’d wanted the cake made today so he could spend tonight organising the decorations, so when Hunter left for work at 7am tomorrow morning, all he had to do was put them up, put out the food, and wait for the guests to arrive. Parties have never been Fitz’s strong suit, and clearly neither is baking, but he just wanted to do something nice and lovely for the man he’d quite gladly spend the rest of his life with.
The ingredients for the cake weren’t the best, that he’ll admit. They were bought rather cheaply from the newsagents at the bottom of the street. London rent and London shopping eats away most of their money each month, and as a result it’s 39p flour and 15p eggs that currently litter the kitchen worktop. In all honesty he hadn’t really thought it mattered, and perhaps it still doesn’t. Perhaps it’s his technique which is sadly lacking in quality.
His mum was never really a baker, and she still isn’t. A nurse in the hospital, his birthday cakes were always made by his gran and then when she died it was always something from Marks & Spencer if there was money, or Tesco if there wasn’t. Unfortunately, the state of Fitz’s finances doesn’t even stretch that far, the last of it having been used on the party decorations and the train fare for Hunter’s parents to come and surprise their son at the weekend.
“Looks like it’s a trip back to the shop,” he mutters, without hope. This is his third attempt at such a cake, and he doubts four, five, or even six will be of much improvement.
He’s never been much of a cook, but he thought even he would be able to manage a cake. He’s an engineer for goodness sake. He can build marvellous things from nothing, can see in his mind exactly what he wants to create and then create it, just like that. His talent clearly only covers inedible things. Add a bit of flour or an egg and the whole thing is a disaster, as evidenced by the buttery handprints that make it a task to even turn on the tap to wash his hands.
There’s a rather unsettling noise, and he turns just in time to see the cake completely cave in the middle, ruining any last chance there might have been of salvaging it. Fitz sighs deeply, a real lung-emptying sigh, and pinches the bridge of his nose tight. This thing has been such a headache, and if he didn’t love Hunter so much then he wouldn’t have even bloody bothered in the first place.
Maybe he can ask someone else to bring a cake to the party tomorrow. Mack’s coming, and he’s probably a pretty good baker. It seems like something he’d be good at, but then Fitz remembers his own skill set and how it’s not always transferable. Or Jemma? Jemma’s good at everything. Then, with a slight wince, he remembers the time in university halls when she’d set fire to a tea-towel trying to get a pan out of the oven and he thinks that this is probably the one thing she doesn’t excel at. Daisy doesn’t even pretend she can cook, and told him as much when he asked her about bringing a little something. There’s Elena, but whenever she makes food, she tends to rush it, as if forgetting that not everything can be as quick as her, and so everything tends to come out slightly raw.
It’s unbelievable, it really is, but Fitz comes out as the best baker except he’s really, truly, completely awful and the cake currently slinking down the kitchen cabinet is a testament to that.
One wallet-emptying trip to the newsagents later and he stands in front of the now slightly cleaner kitchen worktop, the ingredients for attempt number four weighed out into separate bowls in order to try and be absolutely perfect. He has the recipe printed in front of him and takes a deep, cleansing breath and starts methodically following through, hoping that by some divine miracle his luck changes.
It is of absolutely no surprise when, forty-five minutes later, the cake is as flat as a pancake on the cooling rack, the icing is horribly lumpy, and there’s a dismal looking yolk from an unfortunate egg accident sitting in pride of place on the floor.
“Shite,” Fitz says, feeling his bottom lip poke out and a deep sense of failure fill him from the toes up. “Shite shite shite.”
Hunter walks through the door in a surprisingly jovial mood. Today���s shift wasn’t so bad and it’s a whole thirteen hours before he has to be back, and he gets to finish early tomorrow to celebrate his birthday which he’s sure (if he knows Fitz, which of course he does) involves some sort of surprise.
The smell of burning is what hits his nostrils first, followed by the smoky haze that fills the flat. This is certainly a surprise, but just not of the variety he was expecting.
“What the hell?” He shouts, knowing there’s no fire because the alarm is surprisingly silent, but also not seeing any other explanation. “Fitz? What the hell’s happened?”
Fitz appears out of the haze, looking as though he’s aged ten years. There’s flour in his hair which does nothing to help his aged appearance, and there’s something on his shirt which just looks as though it has a weird consistency. Hunter’s heart skips at the sight of him regardless, the way it always does after a hard shift, knowing the man he loves can take all of his cares away in a second.
“What happened to you?”
Fitz’s sighs so deeply it’s a wonder it ever stops. “It was supposed to be a surprise.”
“And it is, believe me.” Hunter’s eyebrows draw together. “Not the kind you were expecting though, eh?”
“No.” Fitz rubs the back of his neck, staring at the ground as though it will provide him with a way out. “I tried to bake you a cake.”
His jaw almost drops to the floor, and it’s a conscious effort to keep it clamped shut. “No,” he exclaims.
Fitz nods mournfully.
“You can’t cook.”
Another mournful nod
“What in the hell possessed you to bake a cake?”
“It was supposed to be a surprise, you know, for your birthday. Thought it would be a nice thing to do considering it’s not like I can do much for you this year.”
Hunter’s heart feels like the size of a watermelon in his chest but he can’t get over the shock and the utter stupidity of a man who is literally a certified genius.
“You’re insane. Actually insane.” He smiles though, because for how insane it is, it’s hilarious. “Can I see it?”
Fitz winces. “I’m not sure if you’re going to want to do that. It’s pretty bad in there.”
Hunter rolls his eyes. “Go on. Show us the damage.”
In Fitz’s defence, cake number six hasn’t turned out as terribly as all the others. It’s risen slightly and it’s definitely more golden than charcoal, but the shape of it is strange and there’s an odd lump on one of the sides that doesn’t quite go in when pressed. The best attempt though it may be, everything about it still screams please don’t eat me.
Hunter can’t contain his laughter. “Oh my God.”
Fitz crosses his arms a little defensively and huffs, “I tried.”
“You tried something alright. There was an attempt, if it can be called that.”
His churlish attitude only makes Hunter laugh louder. Strangely enough it’s the best birthday present he could ever get. He clocks the ingredients on the side of the counter. “No wonder it didn’t work, with stuff like that.”
“It was all I could get,” Fitz huffs again. “The second time there was less choice.”
“The second time?”
“Uh, yeah.” More rubbing of the back of the neck, avoidance of Hunter’s eyes. “This might not be the first attempt.”
There’s a reason that Hunter does all of the cooking, and it’s a very good one. There’s a reason there’s a ban on Fitz making anything more strenuous than plain pasta, and if they ever needed any more proof then it’s staring them right in the face.
“How many attempts?” Hunter laughs, expecting a reasonable number and not the murmured six that barely comes out of Fitz’s mouth.
“Six!” He all but screeches, eyebrows rising almost off his head. Fitz sheepishly shows him the evidence, which is currently lined up on the kitchen windowsill for no good reason at all.
“Sorry,” Fitz says. “Just wanted to make something nice.”
“I wouldn’t apologise, love. From what I can see, I’ve had a lucky escape.”
Fitz smiles but his eyes are still sad and it’s unbearable to look at so Hunter brings him in for a side-armed hug. For all the laughing and joking he’s actually deeply appreciative, and he knows it’s not something he’d ever be able to put into words.
“You didn’t have to, you know that, yeah? I thought we agreed no big birthday things this year.”
Money’s been tight, no getting away from it, and they had agreed that this would be a low-key affair this year. Not that Hunter can find fault in it, he knows he probably would have tried to do the same thing.
“I just didn’t want you to have nothing for your birthday, is all.”
“How much did all this cost though?” He sighs gently as Fitz rests his head on his shoulder. “I didn’t want you to bankrupt yourself for me.”
“I didn’t-” Fitz starts but cannot finish. “Doesn’t matter. I’d bankrupt myself for you any day.”
“You’re an idiot,” Hunter sighs, looking at the sad remnants of cake and feeling nothing but a rush of love and his watermelon-sized heart beat rapidly in his chest. “A bloody idiot.” He looks at Fitz, pulls him closer. “You’re lucky I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x10 - Spinnin’ round and round... (part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to – The secret facility, Edward’s cell which, unlike Matt’s, is quite luxurious. He is lying on his bed, sedated, having flashbacks from his past. 
Cut to- 3 years ago, the Powell’s NYC mansion.
TAMARA: Moy malen’kiy geroy, I’m happy you are home; I was getting worried.
EDWARD: Oh, come on mom, I was only gone for a couple of hours.
TAMARA: Come, sit with me, have some wine. (Pours him a glass) So, how did she take it?
EDWARD: Not very well, but that had more to do with her ego than her feelings.
TAMARA: You made the right decision, I never liked her.
EDWARD: I know, you made that quite clear any time she was around.
TAMARA: Well, I tried my best to behave but I just couldn’t stand seeing you with someone that didn’t deserve you; let alone a Luxford. What else did you expect, my dear?
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EDWARD: (Smiles in complicity) That’s true. I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess I thought she might be different given that she actually studied a dignified career, instead of being just another socialite.
TAMARA: Oh, my dear, you can be so naive sometimes. The only reason she got into Harvard medical is because of who her father is, nothing more. Now, let’s forget about her and move on to you. Have you thought about your father’s proposal?
EDWARD: Mother, how can you even ask me that after everything he has put us through? Especially you…
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TAMARA: I know, and I will hate him for the rest of my life for what he has done to us, but this is not about him, it’s about the order, and your god-given right to be at the top of that pyramid.
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EDWARD: I don’t know if I want that… is it even worth it? I mean, for the price one has to pay… I really don’t think it is.
TAMARA: If I didn’t know what they were capable of, I would agree with you, but unfortunately, whether you like it or not, you were born into this, and there is no escaping that.
EDWARD: You managed to get away from him…
TAMARA: Oh, my dear boy, you have it all wrong. I might have been able to get him away from us, but by no means have I escaped him. Just like you, whether I like it or not, I married into this and there is no way out… except death, of course.
EDWARD: Don’t say that, god, mother, you can be so dark sometimes!
TAMARA: I’m sorry, moy malen'kiy geroy, I didn’t mean to upset you. Why don’t we change the subject and lighten the mood. How about we start planning for Anthony’s surprise birthday party, it’s coming soon, and we need to start preparing.
EDWARD: That, I can get on board with.
TAMARA: How about a Gatsby theme? He loves Fitzgerald.
EDWARD: That’s perfect!
TAMARA: The Madame arrives tomorrow; we can ask her to help; she has so many memorabilia from the ’20s, it will come in handy.
EDWARD: If anyone knows how to throw a party, it’s her.
TAMARA: Tell me about it! Wildest days of my life have been with her (they laugh). Alright, my love, it’s getting late and I need my beauty sleep. We’ll get into the planning details tomorrow.
EDWARD: I’m going to stay for a bit longer.
TAMARA: Okay, but don’t stay up too late, sleep is important. (Kisses his cheek) I love you.
EDWARD: I love you too, have a good rest.
Cut to – Akumal, Mexico. Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, and Caroline are at a beautiful cenote, getting ready to scuba dive.
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BONNIE: Wow, Care, I have to say, I’m so proud of you! Just a few days ago you wouldn’t even get near the ocean, and now you are suiting up to explore the deep waters!
CAROLINE: I know! I’m a changed woman, that’s for sure! Also, Alfredo (their dive instructor) said there are no sharks in these waters…
ALFREDO: That’s right, nothing to worry about. Now, if you see a pair of red-eyes shine… let me know.
CAROLINE: What!!!!!
ALFREDO: (Laughs) Just kidding! It’s fine, only thing you might see, if you are lucky, is some fish. Now, everyone, ready?
DAMON: (All suited up) Let’s do this!!
ALFREDO: Remember what I taught you, and stay close. It can get very dark at some points inside the caves, so don’t let go of the lifeline.
STEFAN: I think I’m regretting this decision…  
BONNIE: Oh, come on, Stefan, you love the dark.
STEFAN: But not underwater…
CAROLINE: Let’s give it a try, if we don’t like it, we can abort mission (turns to Alfredo), right?
ALFREDO: Of course, you know the signal, so if you want out, let me know and I’ll bring you right back up; no worries. 
STEFAN: What the hell, let’s do it!
ALFREDO: Excellent, my friend! You won’t regret it.  Okay, on the count of three, we’ll jump in. One… two… three!
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Cut to – The Salvatore school, Alaric’s study. After many unsuccessful tries, Radka, Alaric, Lexi and Tyler are still trying to figure out how to undo the body switch spell. Katherine is getting desperate; the student seems to be enjoying this new body, just a tad much…
 KATHERINE: (Catches the student touching his boobs) Hey!!! Hands off perv!!!
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THE STUDENT: I’m sorry Miss Pierce! I swear it won’t happen again; I was just curious.
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KATHERINE: Oh yes, I’m sure that’s what that was! I have my eye on you! (Turns to Lexi and Tyler who can’t stop laughing) And you two... I swear, I’ll get you back!
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TYLER: Oh, come on, Katherine, have a little sense of humor. You have to see the irony in all of this.
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KATHERINE: Not when my body smells like a testosterone-filled locker room and I have a thing hanging between my legs!!
LEXI: (Mocking) As long as it’s not stiff…
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KATHERINE: Shut up, Lexi!! (Throws the couch pillow at her face, Lexi catches it with her vamp reflexes).
ALARIC: (With a grin, trying to contain the laughter) Relax, Katherine, I’m sure we’ll find a way to revert this… at some point.  
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RADKA: (Scrolling through different spellbooks) Well, even if we do, we’ll need to find a different witch to do the spell, an experienced one, Ivan (the traveler student) or any other witch student won’t be able to pull it off without guidance. And, Margo (the witchcraft teacher) is on sick leave, and Bonnie on vacation, so it might take more time than we had hoped.
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KATHERINE: Are you kidding me??! I can’t be trapped in this body any longer!! Look at me!! I’m hideous and hormonal!!!
LEXI: (Looking at her package, smirking) And excited, I see...
KATHERINE: Oh, damn!! 
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(Looking at Alaric, Tyler, and Ivan) How do you live like this??!! It’s disgusting! (Gets up to go to the bathroom, as she walks out, they all crack up).
Cut to- Munich Medical Lab, inside an old operating theatre; first day of the program. Sam, Elena, Alex and Sage, along with the rest of the students, are waiting for the program’s sponsor to arrive for the welcoming speech. After an hour, he finally arrives; absolutely no rush or apology for his tardiness.
PIETRO: Welcome everyone. If you are here you are one of the chosen, and you better be very grateful for that. From this point on, your life is about to change. Those who survive the program will be transformed, from pathetic wannabes to legends. Good luck (He leaves).
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ELENA: That’s it? That’s what we waited an hour for? Speech didn’t even last a minute! No introduction, nothing! How rude!
SAGE: You really are lost, aren’t you? Don’t you know who that is? We should be thankful he even gave us 30 seconds of his time.
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SAM: Drop it, Sage. She doesn’t have to know who he is. And you give him too much credit, he’s just an asshole with a shit load of money, that’s all.  
SAGE: Are you serious, Sam?! God, going small-town really affected you… the old Sam would have been fanboying at the mere glimpse of him.
ALEX:  Oh, please, Sage, just stop. The only reason you worship him is because he’s powerful, and “supposedly” a far relative of yours; which I doubt.
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SAGE: No, the only reason I worship him is because he is a true legend, far more than Grayson was. And we are related.
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ELENA: Wow, your are a bitch...
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SAGE: I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I am being a bitch...Sorry about that, I get very defensive when it comes to him, I’m a huge fan. I’ll stop, I swear. I really am sorry for saying that. Truce?
ELENA: Just keep my father’s name out of your mouth, and we’ll be fine.
SAGE: Done.
SAM: Okay… let’s head to our first course before this gets even more uncomfortable.
ELENA: (As they are heading out) So, what’s the big shots name?
SAM: Pietro Salvatore (Elena holds him back; Sage and Alex keep walking).
ELENA: Salvatore… 
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SAM: I know, what a coincidence! Seems like you can’t escape that name…(Teasing) Good thing this one is much older, I mean, in real-time, so I have nothing to worry about.
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ELENA: As for him, or any other Salvatore in the world, you don’t; but if your “friend” keeps up with her snarky commentary, you will have something to be worried about.
SAM: I’m sorry, she can be a hand full, but that’s not who she really is. She puts up this tough bitchy exterior as a defense mechanism; but once she puts her guard down, she’s a completely different person; trust me.
ELENA: I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt because I love you. But if she doesn’t stop, she’ll know just how bitchy I can be too.
SAM: I’ll keep her in line, I swear.
ELENA: Good.
SAM: Just to be sure, there is no way Damon and Stefan are related to him, right? You told me they were the last ones in their bloodline.
ELENA: They are; the last remaining Salvatore, Sara, was killed by Damon.
SAM: Seriously? Wow, your ex is really fucked up.  
ELENA: Well, he was under some siren’s psychic mind control thing, so it wasn’t his fault.
SAM: I know it’s your home an all, but I’m glad we got away.
ELENA: Me too. Although, I really miss my friends.
SAM: I know (kisses her), let’s hope they come visit soon.
 Cut to – The Powell mansion. Anthony knocks on The Madame’s bedroom door.
ANTHONY: Madame, I am sorry to disturb you at this hour, but Mr. Powell did not come home last night, and he still hasn’t arrived. I am becoming concerned. Do you happen to know where he might be?
THE MADAME: Anthony, love. I think we both know where, or rather who he is with. Trouble is, Augustus has some very annoying tech thta is blocking my ability to track Edward. I’ve been trying to get a reach on him, but nothing.
ANTHONY: I knew this was a mistake, I warned you both.
THE MADAME: I know. I thought we had it under control, was not expecting Augustus’ toys getting in the way.  
ANTHONY: You were sworn to protect him, and if I must say, you are not doing a good job.
THE MADAME: Anthony, as much as I respect and appreciate you, be careful with your words. We wouldn’t want this situation escalating…
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ANTHONY: Am I supposed to take that as a threat?
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THE MADAME: Not at all. I would never hurt you. Just take it as advice to be more empathetic to those that love Edward, just as much as you do. And, FYI, you also failed to protect him, so if there is blood, it will be on both of our hands.
ANTHONY: Pardon me, Madame. I understand what you are saying; and you speak the truth. I’m just desperate, and very scared for him.
THE MADAME: As am I. I’ve dealt with all sorts of supernatural things for years, but I have never been faced with this kind of enemy, mostly because I can’t really comprehend it; I despise technology. But you have my word, I will not rest until I find him and bring him home safely.
ANTHONY: Thank you, Madame. And, once again, I do apologize for my behavior, I was out of line.
THE MADAME: You were being a father, I understand.
ANTHONY: And you, a mother.
THE MADAME: We will find him, I promise.
ANTHONY: I’ll leave you to your duties, Madame. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.
THE MADAME: I will, Anthony. Have a goodnight.
ANTHONY: You too, Madame.
 Cut to – New Orleans, a downtown bar. Klaus and Danae are having a drink. A familiar face walks in.
 KLAUS: (His eyes light up as if they were on fire) Are my eyes deceiving me again?
ABBY: They’re not.
KLAUS: You returned…
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ABBY: (Smirks) I told you I would …
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TVD 9x10 (part 2) coming soon! Hope you stop by, read and enjoy! =)
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francesderwent · 5 years
are there are songs from reputation that you think work really well for delena?
A WONDERFUL question, anon!!!  I went slightly overboard.  In my defense, the intersection of Taylor and TVD is one of my great loves.
Firstly: reputation as an album has its own, overall story arc, which fits Delena pretty neatly!  Just as reputation begins with the very rock bottom, and has to work its way upwards to the happily-ever-after which is truly earned because it’s found where there seems to be no hope – so, too, Damon and Elena meet each other in each of their darkest moments.  Damon has lost and been betrayed by Katherine, Elena is still devastated by her parents’ death.  Damon is distanced from his humanity; Elena is far from her true magnetically charismatic self.   But they see and recognize each other, even through their pain.  And they love each other.  They find peace together, in the midst of all the darkness and craziness and people insisting it can never work.  
That said, there are some individual songs that really scream “DELENA”
“…ready for it?” is the “it is right, just not right now” of songs.  As such, it is more from Damon’s perspective than Elena’s – as soon as Elena figures out “I know I’m gonna be with you” she does not “take her time,” she makes the jump straight from 0 to 100.  Also, the line “in the middle of the night in my dreams, you should see the things we do, baby”, paired with the restraint of the next line insisting on taking time, is a little reminiscent of Friday Night Bites, wherein Damon says he’s going to sneak into the Gilbert house in the middle of the night and do with little cheerleader Elena whatever he wants…and then he breaks in and just tenderly watches her sleep.    
“End Game” has three perspectives, so if you squint I think it can be about the love triangle: Damon proclaims, “I got a bad boy persona, that’s what they like / you love it, I love it too cause you my type / you hold me down and I protect you with my life”.  Stefan’s verse is both a little gentler and a little more cautious: “For all your beautiful traits and the way you do it with ease / for all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities / I made mistakes and made some choices that’s hard to deny…I’ve passed days without fun, this endgame is the one”.  (Bonus points for “it’s easier to ignore it, believe me, ” because Stefan is King of Denial.)  And finally, we find Elena’s perspective in the bridge: “I don’t wanna be just another ex-love you don’t wanna see / I don’t wanna miss you like the other girls do.” She doesn’t want to lose either of them – but it’s the one who “calls my bluff on all my usual tricks” that she eventually chooses.
“I Did Something Bad” is not a Delena song. I’d posit that the first verse is Katherine and the second verse is Rebekah.
“Don’t Blame Me” is more of a Damon/Katherine song, but there’s something kind of charming about imagining a Damon in-love-with-Elena saying “don’t blame me, love made me crazy” when he’s accused of doing something nice or self-sacrificial.
“Delicate” reminds me a lot of pre-relationship s4 Delena, when Elena has just turned and is most self-conscious about who she is and how she’s perceived by her friends and family.  Damon looks at her and sees not a problem to be fixed, but the woman he loves, the most alive he’s ever seen her.  Also “sometimes when I look in your eyes, I pretend you’re mine, all the damn time” is a big time Delena mood.
“Look What You Made Me Do” is sort of the universal humanity-switch song.
“So It Goes” is one of Taylor’s saddest songs, tbh, because the phrase “so it goes” expresses a kind of determined inevitability. And in the past – in “Style” and in “You Are In Love” – she’s used the phrase to describe the way that relationships progress, how things fall into place despite difficulties.  Even though he’s been out and about with other girls, they fall back together because they can’t stop thinking about each other.  Relationships that start with one look in a dark room progress inevitably to pictures kept in an office downtown.  In 1989 particularly, Taylor insists stubbornly that as long as you have the courage to stay, things can work out.  As long as nobody leaves, things move along a set pathway: so it goes.  But with “So It Goes”, the track, what happens inevitably isn’t staying together, it’s not the relationship growing closer and more real.  It’s falling together and falling apart, and “doing a number” on each other.  What’s fated is the whole progression of believing that you’ve found something to keep, and then finding it’s just another thing to lose.  Destiny becomes fatalism.  And this, long story short, is pretty s5 delena.  For a moment, it looks like the love that pushed them both to be better versions of themselves is just going to twist and fall apart, like everything else that’s disappointed them in the past.  The magnetism and chemistry is still there - “'cause we break down a little, but when I get you alone, it’s so simple” – but now it looks like it could be leading them to their doom.  
“Gorgeous” fits pretty neatly into s3 Delena, particularly that one time when Damon is distracting Rebekah and Elena is distracting Stefan and they’re both mad about it.  Also, “you should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in a darkened room” is CLEARLY the hand-holding in the motel-room-of-sexual-tension, and the consequence is making out on the ice machine and embarrassing Jeremy.
“Getaway Car” is not a Delena song, as it is pretty clearly a Katherine song: “us traitors never win…that was the last time you ever saw me”.  But it does kind of describe the season 3 finale moment when Elena says she picks Stefan, “but maybe if we had met first…”  She was the first to leave, because she was thinking of the place where they first met – but she was wrong about where they first met, and that changed the whole arc of the story.
“King of My Heart” is a nice counter-point to “…ready for it?”, encapsulating how as soon as Elena realizes she loves Damon, she is “all at once” totally confident, totally committed, all-in.  “Your love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep” is very Delena, as is “is this the end of all the endings? my broken bones are mending”.  “Baby, all at once, this is enough.”
“Dancing With Our Hands Tied” is another s4-5 early relationship fate-fighting bop.  “I’d kiss you as the lights went out, swaying as the room burned down, I’d hold you as the water rushes in if I could dance with you again” particularly reminds me of “I wanted to dance with you today”.
“Dress” is THE Delena song, because everyone thinks it’s just about sex - but it’s about someone seeing who you are, and about belonging to someone so deeply that it’s written all over you.  It’s about all the things which define you suddenly having a new meaning because of how truly you know you are loved.  “Everyone thinks that they know us, but they know nothing” = “What do they know about us?”.  “Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me” = “I like you now, just the way that you are.”  She doesn’t?? want him like a best friend????
“This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things” is a pretty great anthem for Damon “the fun brother” Salvatore and Elena “just as crazy as me” Gilbert.  Y’all know I love forgiveness and believe it is the truest kind of strength, but Elena and Damon both have petty sides, for sure.  This song is the moment where Elena walks in on Damon and the boys playing a drinking game to celebrate Katherine’s demise, and she says if anyone’s going to drink to it, she is.
“Call It What You Want” feels like a mid-s6 song to me, before Elena’s gotten her memories back, but when she’s beginning to realize just how lucky she is to have Damon back.  She doesn’t fully understand it yet – “call it what you want” – but she knows somehow that despite everything, this is where she belongs: “And I know I make the same mistakes, every time / bridges burn I never learn / at least I did one thing right.”  “You don’t need to save me, but would you run away with me” marks the decision to become human together.
“New Year’s Day” is sort of the perfect song for all the bookends of Damon and Elena’s story.  First, “there’s glitter on the floor after the party…you and me from the night before”: her eighteenth birthday party, the first time she realized she loved him.  “I stay when you’re lost and I’m scared and you’re turning away”: no matter what, they always survive. “I want your midnights”: the epic moments, the night of Miss Mystic Falls, the night at the motel, the night of the meteor shower thunderstorm – “but I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year’s day”: the everyday moments, cooking and sitting together on the sofa and going to parent-teacher conferences.  But midnight and new years day also symbolize the wild, powerful, heightened life of immortality and their peaceful, homey life with their family.  The song ends on “there’s glitter on the floor after the party…you and me forevermore”: Alaric and Jo’s wedding, when they decided they’re going to get married and be human together.
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comradesummers · 5 years
I’m curious about 1. Top 5 TV shows, 11. Top 5 female characters and 20. Top 5 overrated characters
Hi, thanks for asking!
Top 5 TV shows
(This list is based on my current mood, and will probably change tomorrow)
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
Yeah, I know, what a shocker. It may be flawed, and old, and a little corny, but well, there’s a reason I dedicated a blog to it. No show means more to me than Buffy, and no show probably ever will.
2. Legends of Tomorrow
You know what, more shows need to be as batshit fucking crazy as Legends of Tomorrow is. More shows need to save the day via our main characters joining together to create a giant stuffed animal that hugs the bad guy to death. More shows need to give us killer unicorns, and sentient nipples, and hot girls with weapons who make out with each other.
Fuck the golden age of television, fuck everyone taking everything so goddamn seriously. Give me a pure, unadulterated, chaotic, drug-addled (I can only assume), queer, joyful, wonderful mess, and I will love and treasure it forever.
3. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Look, it’s just really good. I don’t really have much to say, beyond just like, it’s great, and it has great songs, and great comedy, and great drama, and great acting, and great writing, etc. It’s not perfect, because nothing is, but I do genuinely believe that it’s one of the best uses of the medium of television that I’ve ever seen. If any show could make me buy into the golden age of television bullshit, it’s probably Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
4. One Day at a Time
So there’s this interview with Gloria Calderón Kellett and Mike Royce, where they talk about how the basic structure of any episode of the show, is that there is a topic at hand, whatever it may be, and then we hear the conservative argument (Lydia), the progressive argument (Elena), and the mediator (Penelope). And like, yeah, that’s it, that’s the show. In that sense it’s super reminiscent of Norman Lear’s work in the 70′s - All in the Family was also basically just one big argument.
So, in addition to everything that’s obviously incredible about the show (funny, well written, loving, the representation, Rita Moreno’s very existence being a gift to us all, etc.), there’s just something so brilliant about the simplicity of the basic premise, the argument about traditionalism vs. progress, which is made far more poignant and interesting because the characters are Cuban American. Lydia isn’t Archie Bunker, because her desire to preserve her traditions isn’t rooted in bigotry, it’s rooted in the culture that she was forced to leave behind. And Elena, as admirable as her quest for progress is, often fails to see the importance of preserving that culture (illustrated most obviously by the fact that she doesn’t speak Spanish). And although Penelope represents the middle ground, she isn’t always right either.
Everyone has a point, and that’s what makes each new conflict so fun to watch.
5. Queer Eye
Queer Eye makes me happy. It really is as simple as that. It has perfected the formula of bringing joy to the world, and I think that is a truly impressive feat.
Top 5 female characters
(I’m going to keep it to one character per show, because otherwise I'd be here all day. Also, again, this list is based on my current mood. It could change tomorrow.)
1. Buffy Summers 
Again, what a shocker. I don’t think I need to explain this one.
2. Elena Alvarez 
I really had to struggle to choose between Lydia, Penelope, and Elena, because I love all three of them so so much. But I went with Elena because she’s the person I aspire to be. She’s awkward, and weird, and struggles socially, and she’s not always right, but she also fights for what she believes in, actively. It’s not just about arguing with her grandmother, it’s about taking action, even if that action can be a little awkward and Elena-y. And well, seeing a character like her, who isn’t just the regular armchair activist young person that’s so common on TV, is really important and inspiring and I love her.
3. Rebecca Bunch 
She’s just kind of one of those characters that was iconic right out of the gate. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a character like Rebecca before, ever. And I haven’t seen any since honestly. It’s small stuff, like the fact that a character with Rachel Bloom’s body type is allowed to be aggressively sexual without being seen as disgusting or villainous for it. And it’s big stuff, like the portrayal of her mental illness, the fact that she was never written to be “likable” or whatever the fuck that means, but we loved her so much anyway. The show may have occasionally faltered, but Rebecca Bunch was always its center and its greatest achievement, and I will forever be grateful for her.
4. Regina Mills and Santana Lopez 
Yeah, I’m cheating, this one’s a tie. My justification for the cheating is that these two are in the same category for me, in terms of characters that I love, but I’m kind of ashamed of choosing because of their garbage source material. So yeah, it would probably be more accurate to say that I’ve chosen the fanfiction versions of both of these characters, but in my defense, the fics are a lot better than the shows they’re based on. Also, kudos to both of these actresses for somehow making these characters interesting in spite of the writing they had to work with.
5. Petra Solano 
Look, if it wasn’t already evident that I like type A control freaks, bonus points if they’re super fucked up, and extra bonus points if they’re into women, well it should be clear now. Petra in particular manages to walk the fine line of being easily the most tragic character of the show, and also easily one of the funniest, while also having one of the best redemption arcs I’ve ever seen. Idk how Grobglas and the writers managed to do all that, but it was really incredible to behold.
(I would like to extend my sincerest apologies to Veronica Mars, Amy Santiago, Rosa Diaz, Sara Lance, Zari Tomaz, and a bunch of other characters who have probably slipped my mind, all of whom would have made the list if I was in a different mood, or was currently obsessed with them. I love them all.)
Top 5 overrated characters
1. Wesley Wyndam Pryce
So, full disclosure, I’m just really not a fan of broody men who’s character development involves them being violent towards women and then brooding about it.
Wesley in particular, I get why people like him, he is a very well written and well acted example of this kind of character. But I’ve seen multiple people suggest that he’s the best character in the Buffyverse, and that drives me a little crazy. Like, no. Wesley becoming a broody asshole doesn’t make him a better character than Buffy or Willow or Cordelia or Gunn or Faith or anyone else, and I am so sick of that kind of broody man story being prioritized over every other kind of story.
2. Logan Echolls (please don’t kill me)
I actually like Logan, I think he’s a good character. I just wish the show, and subsequently the fandom, hadn’t prioritized his character over pretty much everyone else not named Veronica. But I do like him, to be clear.
3. Illyria (I’m so sorry)
Like really, I wish I liked her more. I guess it’s just because I was pissed they had to kill off Fred for Illyria, and she spent all of her time with Wesley, which didn’t do much to endear me to her. I guess maybe if she’d spent time with anyone else, I’d get why people like her, beyond Amy Acker being really good at her job. But she didn’t, and I just don’t get it.
I couldn’t think of a fourth and fifth one. As it turns out, I’m not a fan of the concept of something being overrated. All of the characters I named just aren’t necessarily my cup of tea, but that doesn’t mean I think they’re bad, they’re just not for me. And I don’t really like saying that people are wrong to like things. Plus, I just really couldn’t come up with anybody, and I really tried, I’m sorry.
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strangerivy · 5 years
Let The Rain Fall - Seven
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Summary: Graduation. The day every High School Senior looks forward to. A day that is supposed to be filled with farewells and happy lasting memories. This is what Elena expected at least.  Warnings: None in this chapter, some anxiety attacks throughout the series Pairings: Jasper  x OC (Elena)  Genre: 17+ | Fluff Word Count: 2605 Author’s Note: Let me know what you think! I am always open to feedback to better my writing ♥  
Links: || One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight || Masterlist ||
Today was the day. Graduation day. The day I would officially become a member of human society. At least for now. Till I become a vampire that is.
I was sitting in Alice's room with Bella and Alice, who insisted on doing our makeup and hair for today. Saying something about how there is nothing like your first graduation. Bella told me to just let her do it and that's what I did. I smiled and took it. I would have just gone to graduation with my hair done and no makeup, but this will do too, and it would make my mom happy. 
Truthfully, I had a lot more going on in my head then the worries of graduation. So many thoughts about the future and what it would be like for me. Jasper and I hadn't set a date yet on when I would be turned. We haven’t really talked about it at all since the first conversation. I honestly had been avoiding the conversation altogether.
I glanced over at Bella, she was sitting over by the windows reading a book as she waited for her turn with Alice. A part of me envied her. She was so sure and so certain about what she wanted with Edward. She was letting go of her old life so easily. I noticed her splint was no longer on.
"How's your wrist?" She looked up at me with an amused smile
"Healed, for the time being," I shook my head at her, Alice patted me on the shoulders, I looked up into the mirror to see her work. Alice kept the make-up simple and natural but curled my hair to have a beachy wave look, it was pretty. It made me kind of wish I had the patience to do it myself more often.
"All done! Bella!" I got up from the chair taking Bella's spot by the window.
"I can't believe the one time I'm not there; you punch a werewolf." We both laughed and Alice shook her head at us.
"If you want to punch him next time, be my guest. Though I would not advise it." It went silent and my face started to fall again as the thought of the future started to take hold again. Bella must have noticed.
"Alice, could I have a minute with Elena." I looked up at her confused and Alice just gave a soft smile placing a comforting hand on my shoulder before exiting her room closing the door behind her.
"What is it, Elena?" I looked back at Bella trying to play it off fine.
"It's nothing," She frowned, getting u and coming over to sit with me, I moved over so she would have room. I sighed knowing she wasn't going to drop it. "It's just... How are you so sure? How are you so okay with...with leaving your human life behind?"
"So, this is what's been bothering you for the past few days? Jasper has just been all over Edward about it." That brought a soft chuckle but then we both went serious.
"Remind me to thank Edward later," I half-joked letting out a weak laugh, "How are you so sure?" I blurted out again looking up at Bella. She gave me a small smile before taking my hands into hers.
"It's because I belong here Elena," I stared at her as she spoke that sentence so calmly without any doubt as I tried to understand what she was saying. "This world feels normal. I know that sounds crazy, but it does."
That's when I got it. My life before the Cullen's, before Jasper, was exhausting. The continuous battle with trying to fit into some sort of group at schools or with people in general. Then I moved here, and everything was easy. Being here was easy, just like breathing. It was like I was born into the wrong...species. I guess that would be the correct word. I was meant to be here, right here. I let out a loud laugh as the realization sunk in and it felt like a weight, I had been carrying my whole life was being lifted off my chest.
"I get it," I smiled back at her and she beamed back at me before giving my hands a squeeze and getting back into her seat and calling Alice back in.
"Now! Back to my work, we are almost done, and it is almost time to go!" Alice clapped her hands in excitement which only made us laugh.
I waited in my designated place in line as we waited to be called into the gym. We were in alphabetical order my name is towards the end of the alphabet I looked ahead and spotted the blonde hair I was looking for and as if he knew I was looking at him he turned his head locking eyes with me and I smiled at him and he returned it mouthing an 'I love you' before a teacher came out telling us to head in.
Once seated the ceremony began, a speech from the principle and then a speech from a school administrative none of us had ever interacted with and then they started naming the students, I clapped and cheered for all of the Cullen's, even though I knew this was just another graduation for them and screamed for Bella almost louder than her dad. Then when my name was called and I walked up onto the stage, I looked around and spotted my mom. She was crying and cheering and clapping. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I saw the happiness in her eyes and then the anxiety struck. My chest tightened and I fought so hard to keep it together. I sucked in a breath and before the hyperventilating, I could feel start a wave of relief rushed over and I knew it was Jasper.
I thanked the teacher handing out the diplomas and quickly went back to my seat. The one thing that didn't cross my mind when I was speaking to Bella earlier. My mother. My innocent mom, who had been through so much was now going to lose a daughter. Her only child. I looked up to meet Jaspers eyes full of concern and worry. I gave him a weak smile before looking back up the stage not meeting his eyes again the rest of the ceremony. I knew Edward was reading my mind, so I tried to keep my head clear of any thoughts.
After it was over, I met my mom outside who embraced me in a teary hug bring a happy laugh. That's when I saw him. My brief moment of happiness ruined. I frowned as he walked over.
"Proud of you bug," He said giving me a hug that I didn't return. I kept my eyes straight. "Your mother tells me-"
"What are you doing here?" I cut him off not wanting to make any small talk with him. My father frowned but kept his composure.
"It's your graduation," He simply stated, my body was fuming. It didn't help that I was already upset, to begin with.
"Sweetheart," my mother whispered placing a comforting hand on my shoulder that I shrugged off.
"Well it’s over now, you can leave." I stared at him in the eyes and anger flashed in his eyes but was gone within seconds, not wanting to make the scene most likely. I turned to my mother giving her a hug.
"I have to go get ready for the party; I love you," I said before walking off before my father could say anything more. I walked away not heading in any direction in particular before I collided into what felt like a wall. I looked up after regaining my composure to see a grinning Emmet.
"There you are! Jasper has been looking for you," He beamed throwing an arm around my shoulder
"Excuse me but who the hell are you," I groaned turning to see my father marching over to us, Emmet looked down at me and I shook my head.
"Dad, go." I urged stepping in between him and Emmet. Not that I wouldn't mind see Emmet break a bone, but this was neither the time nor place for that. 
"Is this the guy you've been seeing?" he questioned gesturing to Emmet, Emmet stepped forward this time in a very brotherly proactive manner.
"No, but that would be my brother." He said defensively "I don't suppose you have a problem with him?" I could tell by the way my father was shuffling on his feet that Emmet made him nervous.
"Emmet," I whispered trying to get him to be quiet knowing he was only making the situation worse.
"Dad, you lost your father privileges a long time ago, now, please. Leave." I grabbed Emmet's arm pulling on it signaling him I wanted to go, knowing very well I could not force the freight train if he didn't want to.
"I am still your Father Elena. Like it or not." I turned this time rage taking over. I let go of Emmet storming my way over to him stopping a few feet from him.
"You don't get to come here and pretend to be this" I half yelled motioning to all of him, "I didn't need you as a child and I especially don't need you now." I walked back over to Emmett and he led me over to the rest of the Cullen's who were standing near their cars. I spotted Jasper who was looking past me I looked behind my shoulder to see my father still standing there looking defeated and broken. I almost felt bad for the man but the damage was already done. Once over to Jasper he pulled me into a hug kissing the top of my head.
"Congratulations," he smiled down at me and I laughed shaking my head at him 
"The first of many," I joked getting a small laugh from him. He led me over to Edwards Volvo opening the backdoor for me.
"Let's go, people! We have a party to get ready for!" Alice shouted excitedly getting into Emmet's jeep. We all groaned at her but with smiles on our faces.
I was really impressed with how Alice transformed the downstairs of the Cullen’s house, removing the furniture to create a dance floor and hired a caterer to have some food. I stayed in Jasper's room as the set up began. Seeing my father really put a strain on my mood.
I sat on the bed staring out into the woods, a knock from the doorway pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked over to see Jasper standing there with a soft smile, I returned it turning my head to look back into the woods. I felt the bed sink as he sat down next to me his hand rubbing my back gently.
"Do you want to talk about today?" I tensed up knowing what he was talking about. The ceremony. When my anxiety suddenly acted up. I remained silent feeling my eyes began to water. I sucked in a breath unsure of what to say. I put my head in my hands staring down at the floor.
"My mother." Was all I was able to mutter out between the tears that were now flowing freely. He reached under my arms lifting my head up by my chin making me look into his golden eyes. "I'd never get to see her again." He gave me a broken smile.
"We can wait, Elena." He said and I shook my head looking back out into the woods.
"No, it would only make it harder." I wiped away the tears standing up flattening out the dress that Alice had picked out for me. It was a simple emerald green dress the went just above the knee. She said it was the perfect color to bring out my eye color. I took a deep breath trying to collect myself.
"Elena," Jasper whispered placing a hand in my shoulder, I turned to face him.
"Not tonight Jasper, please," I begged giving him the best smile I could muster up. He looked at me worried but nodded anyway offering me his hand. I took it and he led me down the stairs. I heard the music before we fully got down the stairs. It was already filled with people. I spotted Bella talking with Jessica and Angela. I looked up at Jasper and he smiled motioning his head for me to go over there. I maneuvered my way around the new graduates who were enjoying the first night of adulthood.
"Elena, " Bella greeted once I got over to them "I was wondering when you would come down." she pulled me into a hug when we pulled away she raised an eyebrow at me in question when she noticed my slightly puffy eyes.
"Jessica that speech was amazing!" I said before Bella could say anything.
"You think? It wasn't too cliché?" She asked even though I knew that she knew it was amazing. I nodded my head with a smile.
"Oh my god! I love this song!" Angela cheered pulling Jessica with her to the dance floor. I looked over at Bella to see she was looking past me with a very pissed off expression. I looked over my shoulder to see what she was staring at and then I saw him. Jacob. Along with Quil and Embry. Now I was starting to get upset, the memory of Jake and I's last meeting still very fresh in my mind.
"What are they doing here?" I turned my head back looking back at Bella. She shook her head and then started walking towards them. I stayed back but turning to face them keeping an eye on the situation. Jacob looked over at me and it made me tense up and I looked away deciding I needed some air. I went out on to the porch. It was chilly out but bearable at least for a little awhile. I took a deep breath closing my eyes and leaning my head back slightly. The fresh air felt good and it was calming my nerves.
"Thought I would find you out here." I looked over at where the voice came from and saw Jasper smiling at me, his hands in his pockets. I smiled back at him chuckling a little from a bit of embarrassment. He walked over to me grabbing my hand and brought it up to his lips kissing it softly. I turned pulling him into a hug bearing my face into his chest taking a deep breath. He rubbed my back softly letting me relax into him. "It's been quite a day." I laughed at that pulling back to look up at him. There was something in his eyes telling me that there was something wrong. I pulled back a little from him.
"What is it?" I asked worried evident in my voice.
"The army." Was all he said, I dropped my head knowing what this meant. It was time. The vampire army that they had been watching was finally coming. "We are having a training session with the wolves,"
"I want to come." He signed running his hand through his hair when he looked back at me with a half-grin. I crossed my arms showing that I wasn't budging on this. I wanted to see. I wanted to know what he was going to be going through.
"I knew you would say that."
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gaysparklepires · 5 years
30. First Round
Read on OA3 - Links up Top!
How was I going to find time alone to hunt down J. Jenks, and why did Alice want me to know about him?
If Alice’s clue didn’t prove to be helpful, what could I do to save those I loved?
How were Edward and I going to explain things to Taras and his family in the morning? What if they reacted like Ivan? What if it turned into a fight?
I didn’t know how to fight. How was I going to learn in just a month? Was there any chance at all that I could be taught fast enough that I might be a danger to any one member of the Volturi? Or was I doomed to be totally useless? Just another easily dispatched problem?
So many answers I needed, but I did not get the chance to ask my questions.
Wanting some shred of normality, I’d insisted on staying in the cottage that night. Jacob was more comfortable in his wolf form at the moment; the stress was easier dealt with when he felt ready for a fight. I wished that I could feel the same, could feel ready. He ran in the woods, on guard again.
Once we were back at the cottage, I tried to unobtrusively search to see if there was a chance Alice had left something—anything else that could help me. When my search proved in vain, I returned to the front room of the cottage to ask my questions of Edward. The ones I was able to ask, at any rate; one of the most difficult problems was the idea of trying to hide anything from him, even with the advantage of my silent thoughts.
He stood with his back to me, staring into the fire.
“Edward, I—”
He spun and was across the room in what seemed like no time at all, not even the smallest part of a second. I only had time to register the ferocious expression on his face before his lips were crushing against mine and his arms were locked around me like steel girders.
I didn’t think of my questions again for the rest of that night. It didn’t take long for me to grasp the reason for his mood, and even less time to feel exactly the same way.
I’d been planning on needing years just to somewhat organize the overwhelming passion I felt for him physically. And then centuries after that to enjoy it. If we had only a month left together... Well, I didn’t see how I could stand to have this end. For the moment I couldn’t help but be selfish. All I wanted was to love him as much as possible in the limited time given to me.
It was hard to pull myself away from him when the sun came up, but we had our job to do, a job that might be more difficult than all the rest of our family’s searches put together. As soon as I let myself think of what was coming, I was all tension; it felt like my nerves were being stretched on a rack, thinner and thinner.
“I wish there was a way to get the information we need from Elena before we tell them about everything,” Edward muttered as we hurriedly dressed in the huge closet that was more reminder of Alice than I wanted at the moment. “Just in case.”
“But she wouldn’t understand the question to answer it,” I agreed. “Do you think they’ll let us explain?”
“I don’t know.”
I couldn’t waste one second of time today. There were answers I needed and I wasn’t sure how much time Edward and I would have alone today. If all went well with Taras’s family, hopefully we would have company for an extended period.
“Edward, will you teach me how to fight?” I asked him, tensed for his reaction, as he held the door for me.
It was what I expected. He froze, and then his eyes swept over me with a deep significance, like he was looking at me for the first or last time.
“If it comes to a fight, there won’t be much any of us can do,” he hedged.
I kept my voice even. “Would you leave me unable to defend myself?”
He swallowed convulsively, and the door shuddered, hinges protesting, as his hand tightened. Then he nodded. “When you put it that way... I suppose we should get to work as soon as we can.”
I nodded, too, and we started toward the big house. We didn’t hurry.
I wondered what I could do that would have any hope of making a difference. I was unique, to be sure, and I was a tiny bit special, in my own way—if  having a supernaturally thick skull could really be considered special. Was there any use that I could put that toward?
“What would you say their biggest advantage is? Do they even have a weakness?”
Edward didn’t have to ask to know I meant the Volturi.
“Alec and Jane are their greatest offense,” he said emotionlessly, like we were talking of a basketball team. “Their defensive players rarely see any real action.”
“Because Jane can burn you where you stand—mentally at least. What does Alec do? Didn’t you once say he was even more dangerous than Jane?”
“Yes. In a way, he is the antidote to Jane. She makes you feel the worst pain imaginable. Alec, on the other hand, makes you feel nothing. Absolutely nothing. Sometimes, when the Volturi are feeling kind, they have Alec anesthetize someone before he is executed. If he has surrendered or pleased them in some other way.”
“Anesthetic? But how is that more dangerous than Jane?”
“Because he cuts off your senses altogether. No pain, but also no sight or sound or smell. Total sensory deprivation. You are utterly alone in the blackness. You don’t even feel it when they burn you.”
I shivered. Was this the best we could hope for? To not see or feel death when it came?
“That would make him only equally as dangerous as Jane,” Edward went on in the same detached voice, “in that they both can incapacitate you, make you into a helpless target. The difference between them is like the difference between Aro and me. Aro hears the mind of only one person at a time. Jane can only hurt the one object of her focus. I can hear everyone at the same time.”
I felt cold as I saw where he was going. “And Alec can incapacitate us all at the same time?” I whispered.
“Yes,” he said. “If he uses his gift against us, we will all stand blind and deaf until they get around to killing us—maybe they’ll simply burn us without bothering to tear us apart first. Oh, we could try to fight, but we’ll be more likely to hurt one another than we would be to hurt one of them.”
We walked in silence for a few seconds.
An idea was shaping itself in my head. Not very promising, but better than nothing.
“Do you think Alec is a very good fighter?” I asked. “Aside from what he can do, I mean. If he had to fight without his gift. I wonder if he’s ever even tried...”
Edward glanced at me sharply. “What are you thinking?”
I looked straight ahead. “Well, he probably can’t do that to me, can he? If what he does is like Aro and Jane and you. Maybe... if he’s never really had to defend himself... and I learned a few tricks—”
“He’s been with the Volturi for centuries,” Edward cut me off, his voice abruptly panicked. He was probably seeing the same image in his head that I was: the Cullens standing helpless, senseless pillars on the killing field—all but me. I’d be the only one who could fight. “Yes, you’re surely immune to his power, but you are still new in this life, Beau. I can’t make you that strong a fighter in a few weeks. I’m sure he’s had training.”
“Maybe, maybe not. It’s the one thing I can do that no one else can. Even if I can just distract him for a while—” Could I last long enough to give the others a chance?
“Please, Beau,” Edward said through his teeth. “Let’s not talk about this.”
“Be reasonable.”
“I will try to teach you what I can, but please don’t make me think about you sacrificing yourself as a diversion—” He choked and didn’t finish.
I nodded. I would keep my plans to myself, then. First Alec and then, if I was miraculously lucky enough to win, Jane. If I could only even things out—remove the Volturi’s overwhelming offensive advantage. Maybe then there was a chance... My mind raced ahead. What if I wasable to distract or even take them out? Honestly, why would either Jane or Alec ever have needed to learn battle skills? I couldn’t imagine petulant little Jane surrendering her advantage, even to learn.
If I was able to kill them, what a difference that would make.
“I have to learn everything. As much as you can possibly cram into my head in the next month,” I murmured.
He acted as if I hadn’t spoken.
Who next, then? I might as well have my plans in order so that, if I did live past attacking Alec, there would be no hesitation in my strike. I tried to think of another situation where my thick skull would give me an advantage. I didn’t know enough about what the others did. Obviously, fighters like the huge Felix were beyond me. I could only try to give Emmett his fair fight there. I didn’t know much about the rest of the Volturi guard, besides Demetri…
My face was perfectly smooth as I considered Demetri. Without a doubt, he would be a fighter. There was no other way he could have survived so long, always at the spear point of any attack. And he must always lead, because he was their tracker—the best tracker in the world, no doubt. If there had been one better, the Volturi would have traded up. Aro didn’t surround himself with second best.
If Demetri didn’t exist, then we could run. Whoever was left of us, in any case.
And... if Demetri didn’t exist, then Alice and Jasper could be safe forever. Is that what Alice had seen? That part of our family could continue? The two of them, at the very least.
Could I begrudge her that?
“Demetri...,” I said.
“Demetri is mine,” Edward said in a hard, tight voice. I looked at him quickly and saw that his expression had turned violent.
“Why?” I whispered.
He didn’t answer at first. We were to the river when he finally murmured, “For Alice. It’s the only thanks I can give her now for the last fifty years.”
So his thoughts were in line with mine.
I heard Jacob’s heavy paws thudding against the frozen ground. In seconds, he was pacing beside me, his dark eyes focused on mine.
I nodded to him once, then returned to my questions. There was so little time.
“Edward, why do you think Alice told us to ask Elena about the Volturi? Has she been in Italy recently or something? What could she know?”
“Elena knows everything when it comes to the Volturi. I forgot you didn’t know. She used to be one of them.”
Jacob growled beside me.
“What?” I demanded, in my head picturing the beautiful dark-haired woman at our wedding wrapped in a long, ashy cloak.
Edward’s face was softer now—he smiled a little. “Elena is a very gentle person. She wasn’t entirely happy with the Volturi, but she respected the law and its need to be upheld. She felt she was working toward the greater good. She doesn’t regret her time with them. But when she found Carmen, she found her place in this world. They are very similar people, both very compassionate for vampires.” He smiled again. “They met Taras and his family, and they never looked back. They are well suited to this lifestyle. If they’d never found Taras, I imagine they would have eventually discovered a way to live without human blood on their own.”
The pictures in my head were jarring. I couldn’t make them match up. A compassionate Volturi soldier?
Edward glanced at Jacob and answered a silent question. “No, she wasn’t one of their warriors, so to speak. She had a gift they found convenient.”
Jacob must have asked the obvious follow-up question.
“Elena has an instinctive feel for the gifts of others—the extra abilities that some vampires have,” Edward told him. “She could give Aro a general idea of what any given vampire was capable of just by being in proximity with him or her. This was helpful when the Volturi went into battle. Elena could warn them if someone in the opposing coven had a skill that might give them some trouble. That was rare; it takes quite a skill to even inconvenience the Volturi for a moment. More often, the warning would give Aro the chance to save someone who might be useful to him. Elena’s gift works even with humans, to an extent. She has to really concentrate with humans, though, because the latent ability is so nebulous. Aro would have her test the people who wanted to join, to see if they had any potential. Aro was sorry to see Elena go.”
“They let her go?” I asked. “Just like that?”
His smile was darker now, a little twisted. “The Volturi aren’t supposed to be the villains, the way they seem to you. They are the foundation of our peace and civilization. Each member of the guard chooses to serve them. It’s quite prestigious; they all are proud to be there, not forced to be there.”
I frowned, troubled by this.
“They’re only alleged to be heinous and evil by the criminals, Beau.”
“We’re not criminals.”
Jacob huffed in agreement.
“They don’t know that.”
“Do you really think we can make them stop and listen?”
Edward hesitated just the tiniest moment and then shrugged. “If we find enough friends to stand beside us. Maybe.”
If. I suddenly felt the urgency of what we had before us today. Edward and I both started to move faster, breaking into a run. Jacob caught up quickly.
“Taras shouldn’t be too much longer,” Edward said. “We need to be ready.”
How to be ready, though? We arranged and rearranged, thought and rethought. Have me in full view? Or hidden at first? Jacob in the room? Or outside? He’d told his pack to stay close but invisible. Should he do the same?
In the end, Jacob—in his human form again—and I waited around the corner from the front door in the dining room, sitting at the big polished table. Jacob sat a few chairs from me; he wanted space in case he had to phase quickly.
Though I was glad to have Jacob nearby, it made me feel useless. It reminded me that in a fight with mature vampires, I was no more than an easy target; I didn’t know how to protect myself.
I tried to remember Taras, Kate, Carmen, and Elena from the wedding. Their faces were murky in my ill-lit memories. I only knew they were beautiful, two blondes and two brunettes. I couldn’t remember if there was any kindness in their eyes.
Edward leaned motionlessly against the back-window wall, staring toward the front door. It didn’t look like he was seeing the room in front of him.
We listened to the cars zooming past out on the freeway, none of them slowing.
“I really made everything as difficult as I possibly could, didn’t I?” I murmured, mostly to myself.
“What do you mean, Beau?” Jacob asked, though he was looking towards the front room. Edward’s eyes locked on to me.
“If I had just let Edward and Carlisle change me as soon as I got sick…”
“Beau, love, you can’t know how that would have changed things.” Edward argued.
“But I’d be a full vampire, the Volturi wouldn’t be confused about what I was.” I countered.
“Maybe, but I wouldn’t have stuck around.” Jacob frowned. “I wouldn’t be here with you.”
“But you’d be safe!” I insisted. “They wouldn’t be coming after you or the rest of the pack.”
“Unless Sam changed his mind and attacked the Cullens for breaking the treaty—or if I had gone ballistic.” He frowned, watching me carefully.
“Jake, I can’t see how this is anything but my fault.”
“No,” Jacob and Edward said at the same time, but before they could argue further, we heard the sound we’d been waiting for: the slowing of an engine on the freeway, the tires moving from pavement to soft dirt.
Edward darted around the corner to stand waiting by the door. Jacob and I stared at each other across the table, desperation on our faces.
The car moved quickly through the woods, faster than Charlie or Sue drove. We heard it pull into the meadow and stop by the front porch. Four doors opened and closed. They didn’t speak as they approached the door. Edward opened it before they could knock.
“Edward!” a male voice enthused.
“Hello, Taras. Kate, Elena, Carmen.” Three murmured hellos.
“Carlisle said he needed to talk to us right away,” the first voice said, Taras. I could hear that they all were still outside. I imagined Edward in the doorway, blocking their entrance. “What’s the problem? Trouble with the werewolves?”
Jacob rolled his eyes.
“No,” Edward said. “Not precisely at least. Our truce with the werewolves is stronger than ever.”
A woman chuckled.
“Aren’t you going to invite us in?” Taras asked. And then he continued without waiting for an answer. “Where’s Carlisle?”
“Carlisle had to leave.”
There was a short silence.
“What’s going on, Edward?” Taras demanded.
“If you could give me the benefit of the doubt for just a few minutes,” he answered. “I have something difficult to explain, and I’ll need you to be open-minded until you understand.”
“Is Carlisle all right?” a female voice asked anxiously. Elena.
“None of us is all right, Elena,” Edward said, and then he patted something, maybe Elena’s shoulder. “But physically, Carlisle is fine.”
“Physically?” Taras asked sharply. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that my entire family is in very grave danger. But before I explain, I ask for your promise. Listen to everything I say before you react. I am begging you to hear me out.”
A longer silence greeted his request. Through the strained hush, Jacob and I stared wordlessly at each other. His russet lips paled.
“We’re listening,” Taras finally said. “We will hear it all before we judge.”
“Thank you, Taras,” Edward said fervently. “We wouldn’t involve you in this if we had any other choice.”
Edward moved. We heard four sets of footsteps walk through the doorway. Someone sniffed. “I knew those werewolves were involved,” Taras muttered.
“Yes, and they’re on our side. Again.”
The reminder silenced Taras.
“Where’s your Beau?” one of the other female voices asked. “How is he?”
“He’ll join us shortly. He’s well, thank you.” Edward hesitated, minutely. “He’s taken to immortality with amazing finesse.”
“Tell us about the danger, Edward,” Taras said quietly. “We’ll listen, and we’ll be on your side, where we belong.”
Edward took a deep breath. “I’d like you to witness for yourselves first. Listen—in the other room. What do you hear?”
It was quiet, and then there was movement.
“Just listen first, please,” Edward said.
“A werewolf, I assume. I can hear his heart,” Taras said.
“What else?” Edward asked.
There was a pause.
“What is that other beat?” Kate or Carmen asked. “It’s so slow…”
“Yes, and remember how distinct it is—how different. Now, what do you smell? Besides the werewolf.”
“Is there a human here?” Elena whispered.
“No,” Taras disagreed. “It’s not human… but… closer to human than the rest of the scents here. What is that, Edward? It’s… almost familiar. Like I’ve smelled it before.”
“You have, Taras. But what else can you discern from that scent?”
A pause.
“It’s more human than we are…” Taras said slowly, “but it isstill like us in some ways.”
“Now, please, Taras, pleaseremember to listen. Throw away your preconceived notions.”
“I promised you I would listen, Edward.”
“All right, then. Beau? Please come here.”
My legs felt strangely numb, but I knew that feeling was all in my head. I forced myself not to hold back, not to move sluggishly, as I got to my feet and walked the few short feet to the corner. The heat from Jacob’s body flamed close behind me as he shadowed my steps.
I took one step into the bigger room and then froze, unable to force myself farther forward. I took a deep breath.
I thought I’d prepared myself for their reaction. For accusations, for shouting, for the motionlessness of deep stress.
Taras staggered back a few steps as he looked me over, confusion overwhelming his expression. Kate narrowed her eyes. Elena moved slightly in front of Carmen, holding her arms out protectively.
“Congrats, you freaked out the vampires,” I heard Jacob tease under his breath.
Edward put his arm around me. “Now before you jump to conclusions—” he began.
“What’s going on here, Edward?” Taras exclaimed. “Are you trying to test the Volturi? Carlisle told us you needed to change him!”
“What’s… wrongwith him?” Kate’s narrowed eyes were focused like lasers on me.
“Edward this isn’t wise.” Elena sighed.
“Wait,” Edward said, his voice harder now. “Remember what you hear, what you smell. Now look at what you can see.”
“I see a human!” Taras snapped back.
“Taras,” Edward said sharply, “Listen to how slow his heartbeat is! Think about his scent! And look at him!”
“His heart…” Carmen whispered, peering around Elena’s shoulder.
“He’s not a full vampire, no,” Edward said, answering an unspoken thought and directing his attention toward Carmen’s more open expression. “But he’s half-vampire.”
The four vampires stared at him like he was speaking a language none of them knew.
“Hear me.” Edward’s voice shifted into a smooth velvet tone of persuasion. “Beau was very sick—he was dying. Carlisle didn’t not believe he would survive the transformation. When we finally did attempt to change him…” Edward paused, only for a briefest second, “Something happened. Beau awoke as you see him now. Half-vampire and half-human.”
Taras’s mouth was hanging open, he didn’t seem aware of it.
“Edward, I don’t understand.” Elena was shaking her head.
“You hear his heart, don’t you? It’s too slow for a human. His scent, it’s human and vampire.” Edward said as calmly as he could manage.
“I’ve never heard of such a thing,” Elena said. Her shoulders were still stiff, her expression cold.
“Come now, Elena. Open your mind.”
It was Carmen who responded to Edward’s words. She stepped around Elena, ignoring her half-articulated protest, and walked carefully to stand right in front of me. She examined me carefully, taking in every detail.
“Your eyes have always been beautiful,” she said in a low, calm voice, “but now they almost glow with an inner light, don’t they?” And then, as if she could not help herself, she smiled.
“Thank you,” I breathed.
They all glanced at each other at the sound of my voice.
“May I?” Carmen held out a hand toward my face.
I nodded once.
She gently placed a hand on my cheek, her head tilted slightly to the side. “You are warm, but… too cold for a human.” She leaned in closer and sniffed. “Your heart beats, but I smell no blood in you—not blood I would desire, at least.”
“What?” Taras demanded, coming closer. “How?”
Elena approached now. Reaching out her hand, “Please?” she glanced down at my own hand, her expression still cold.
I put my hand in hers, she felt my skin, examined my face. “Ah,” she nodded. “How very strange. But I see now. You are not human, not strictly speaking.”
“How did this happen?” Kate asked, coming closer now.
“When I was dying,” I answered, “I needed a blood transfusion.”
“We had few options,” Edward continued, “So we took a chance on a theory.” His eyes darted over to Jacob.
“You used the werewolf’s blood?” Taras’s voice was shocked.
“Hey.” Jacob grumbled.
“Jacob and his people possess advanced healing, we hoped that this would help Beau—and it did. It made him stronger. But the werewolves’ blood is not compatible with our venom. The end result…” Edward tightened his arm around me.
“A half-vampire.” Elena whispered.
“Will the Volturi accept this?” Taras asked Elena.
“He is no longer a mortal,” Elena replied. “If anything, he would be better adept at hiding the secret of the immortals than any of us.”
“They’d be confused.” Kate added. “But they’d understand, I’m sure.”
“So what is this grave danger you warned us of?” Taras asked. “Surely, you’re concerned about how they will react. The Volturi would be cautious but why—”
“The Volturi have been told that Beau is still human, and they’ve been informed of our friendship with the werewolves.” Edward answered, darkly.
The four vampires looked panicked now.
“The Volturi will not honor a truce with werewolves, Edward.” Elena’s voice was grave. “Believe me, I know.”
“We had intended to send Beau alone to meet with the Volturi. His thoughts are protected from Aro and so Beau could hide the wolves’ involvement.”
“But who would do this to you?” Taras was angry now. “Why?”
“When Ivan saw Beau that day in the mountains,” Edward explained. “Beau hadn’t hunted for several weeks. He appears more human when he doesn’t hunt, and he had Jacob with him.”
Kate hissed, her eyes narrowing to slits. “Ivan did this? To you? To Carlisle? Ivan?”
“No,” Taras whispered. “Someone else…”
“Alice saw him go to them,” Edward said. I wondered if the others noticed the way he winced just slightly when he spoke Alice’s name.
“How could he do this thing?” Elena asked of no one.
“Imagine if you had seen Beau, looking even more human than he does now. Imagine if you knew the Volturi demanded he be changed.” Edward said.
“When Ivan saw me, I was telling Jacob how happy I was that everything worked out—that I could stay in Forks, still be around my human family and friends.”
Taras and Kate’s eyes widened slightly as understanding began to dawn on them. The memory of their mother who refused to let go of her human life bringing pain into their expressions.
“Jacob changed into his wolf form when he sensed Ivan and Ivan didn’t wait for our explanation.” Edward continued.
Taras’s eyes tightened. “No matter what he thought—what he might have felt… You are our family.”
“There’s nothing we can do about Ivan’s choice now. It’s too late. Alice gave us a month.”
Both Taras’s and Elena’s heads cocked to one side. Kate’s brow furrowed.
“So long?” Elena asked.
“They are all coming. That must take some preparation.”
Elena gasped. “The entire guard?”
“Not just the guard,” Edward said, his jaw straining tight. “Aro, Caius, Marcus. Even the wives.”
Shock glazed over all their eyes.
“Impossible,” Elena said blankly.
“I would have said the same two days ago,” Edward said.
Elena scowled, and when she spoke it was nearly a growl. “But that doesn’t make any sense. Why would they put themselves and the wives in danger?”
“It doesn’t make sense from that angle. Alice said there was more to this than just punishment for what they think we’ve done. She thought you could help us.”
“More than punishment? But what else is there?” Elena started pacing, stalking toward the door and back again as if she were alone, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the floor.
“Where are the others, Edward? Carlisle and Alice and the rest?” Taras asked.
Edward’s hesitation was almost unnoticeable. He answered only part of her question. “Looking for friends who might help us.”
Taras leaned toward him, holding his hands out in front of him. “Edward, no matter how many friends you gather, we can’t help youwin. We can only die with you. You must know that. Of course, perhaps the four of us deserve that after what Ivan has done now, after how we’ve failed you in the past—for his sake that time as well.”
Edward shook his head quickly. “We’re not asking you to fight and die with us, Taras. You know Carlisle would never ask for that.”
“Then what, Edward?”
“We’re just looking for witnesses. If we can make them pause, just for a moment. If they would let us explain…” He touched my cheek. “Prove that Beau has been changed, or at least that we did our best to change him. Explain that the wolves present no immediate danger to them. Champion the Volturi to show us some mercy.”
Taras nodded slowly. “Do you think they will listen?”
“I don’t know. If Ivan had only given us a chance to explain before going to the Volturi we may have been able to avoid this entirely.”
“Beau still would have had to convince the Volturi his change was… satisfactory.” Kate raised an eyebrow.
“Beau,” Elena said quietly, still pacing, “is a rare creature. Aro would not risk destroying anything so unique without pause.”
“We can witness to the quality of our family.” Carmen finally said in a decided tone. “We can add our voices to yours. The Volturi are strict, but they are not without mercy.”
“Without mercy…” Elena repeated, still distant.
“Yes, we can witness for you,” Taras said. “Certainly that much. We will consider what more we might do.”
“Taras,” Edward protested, hearing more in his thoughts than there was in his words, “we don’t expect you to fight with us.”
“If the Volturi won’t pause to listen to our witness, if they will not show mercy, we cannot simply stand by,” Taras insisted. “Of course, I should only speak for myself.”
Kate snorted. “Do you really doubt me so much, brother?”
Taras smiled widely at her. “It is a suicide mission, after all.”
Kate flashed a grin back and then shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m in.”
“I, too, will do what I can do protect you all,” Carmen agreed. “Do not be so troubled, Beau.” She leaned forward and kissed my cheek.
“Thank you, all of you.” I said quietly.
For a moment I thought that maybe what we were attempting might be possible. Maybe we would be shown mercy by our enemies.
And then I remembered that Alice had left us, and my hope vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
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stonedgilbert · 5 years
Tumblr media
FULL NAME: jeremy greyson gilbert NICKNAME: jer, little gilbert, baby gilbert GENDER: male HEIGHT: 6′1″ AGE: 18 - 33  (verse dependent) ZODIAC: libra SPOKEN LANGUAGES: english
HAIR COLOR: dark brown EYE COLOR: brown SKIN TONE: light BODY TYPE: muscular DOMINANT HAND: right POSTURE: either slouchy or very rigid, depending on his mood MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE: shoulders, because they’re surprisingly broad
FIRST WORDS: ‘bub’  -  he went through a phase where he called basically everyone ‘bub’ and it annoyed his parents endlessly SIBLINGS: no biological siblings ; adopted older sister whom he has a strained relationship PARENTS: miranda and greyson gilbert PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT: his parents showed a clear preference for elena throughout his entire childhood, and because of that, he internalizes a lot of distaste towards them, even after their death. the only real memories he has of them are when they used to help him with his homework, and most of those memories are tinged with the knowledge that they both always got incredibly frustrated by the end of it, because of the fact that he couldn’t seem to grasp the knowledge of whatever it was that his homework was on, while elena was far better in school.
OCCUPATION: artist / self defense teacher at the salvatore school CURRENT RESIDENCE: verse dependent CLOSE FRIENDS: none RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single DRIVER’S LICENSE: yes CRIMINAL RECORD: none
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: homoflexible ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: homoflexible RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES: as far as relationships are concerned, jeremy does not do well with them. his relationships are short lived and intense, and they rarely ever go well for him. it’s rare to see him with anyone where he actually admits to being in a relationship with them.
CHARACTER THEME SONG: i found by amber run HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME: drinking, smoking, sketching, painting, sleeping MENTAL ILLNESS: ptsd, depression, low self worth, inferiority complex, i feel like i’m forgetting one or two but those are the big ones PHYSICAL ILLNESS: none
Tagged by:  @leftinthedcst​ Tagging: whoever wants to
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geekofmanyforms · 5 years
New Beginning Chapter Five
***Thanks to everyone who has liked or shared this story. Please do the same for this Chapter. I'd love to know what you think of the story so far. Hope you enjoy! This chapter has been edited by my Beta Casey. ***
I hear Bonnie and Elena's voices from the kitchen as I headed down the stairs. I caught the tail end of a discussion about a particular combination of numbers as I hopped over the last two steps.
"Maybe we should play the lottery!" I announced, walking into the living room.
Elena chuckled at me, then turned back to Bonnie. "Have you talked to your Grams?"
I followed the heavenly smell of Chinese takeout into the kitchen. Bonnie and Elena stood around the island, surrounded by a litter of white boxes full of fried rice, lo mein, egg rolls, and cashew chicken. I looked over my shoulder at Elena before I stole an egg roll.
"She's just gonna say its because I'm a witch. I don't want to be a witch. Would you want to be a witch?" She asked us both.
I choked on my egg roll before shrugging.
"I don't see the problem with being a witch. Yeah, it would change your life but you can't change who you are —and denying it won't change it." I said.
"Well, I wouldn't want to be a witch," Elena chimed in.
Both Bonnie and Elena looked at me like I was utterly insane. I sighed — I didn't quite understand Bonnie's issue with being a witch. However, I did grow up in a different time and was raised to believe in my gifts.
"Listen, Bon, I know how insane the whole idea of you being a witch is, but you're obviously going through something. You need to figure out what that is, and if going along with this crazy idea helps, then go for it. Just look at it as an acting gig, get into character and play along." I suggested.
Bonnie's face lit up in amusement. "An acting gig, huh? That actually sounded like good advice. Look at you, adulting." she laughed.
I tossed the last bite of my egg roll in the air and caught it in my mouth. "Adulting?" I said, swishing my red hair around dramatically. "As if."
I laughed and grabbed a few ceramic bowls from the cabinet next to me. I handed them to Elena and helped her transfer the Chinese food into them.
"Putting it in a nice bowl isn't fooling anybody," Bonnie smirked.
We ignored Bonnie's unhelpful comment and smiled at one another. Neither of us had ever been good at cooking. In most of the lives I've lived, I've never needed to learn that specific talent, seeing as I never live past 18.
"Ok, serving spoons. Where are the serving spoons?" Elena muttered softly, looking around the kitchen.
"Middle drawer, on your left." Bonnie and I said together.
Bonnie raised a questioning brow at me before Elena drew her attention.
"Ok, so you've been in this kitchen like a thousand times," she told her. "And you," she pointed at me with a spoon, "you live here!"
"Yeah, that's it," Bonnie said with uncertainty.
She once again made eye contact with me, her green eyes mirroring my own as the doorbell rang. Elena took the two full serving bowls with her and headed towards the dining room. Before I could make an escape, Bonnie had me cornered. I kept my face blank as she looked me over. I could feel her magic brushing against mine. It wasn't nearly as strong, but it was still impressive — just as Emily's had been.
"There is something different about you... What is going on?" she questioned.
I fiddled with the edge of my sleeve as I stared straight at her.
"I don't know, Bennett, you tell me."
Her eyes widened as she moved her hand closer to mine.
"This is insane! I am not a witch," she said.
In a split second, she had her hand in mine. A vision flowed into our minds. I held Bonnie's hand tightly as a scene between Emily Bennett and me played out in front of us. I was watching from inside my past self. I could feel the sweat running down my face as I ran, yet somehow I could still feel Bonnie's hand in my own. In the vision, Emily and I were both running, our long dresses bunched up in our arms. We were headed towards the woods, an angry mob following close behind. Pain and terror covered our faces. Cries of "Kill the witches!" came from behind us as we both tripped and fell.
I tried to help Emily to her feet, but it was too late. I remembered this day; it had been my 18th birthday, and I knew neither of us would live through this. The curse had led us to the slaughter. The group surrounded us and poured oil over Emily's body before throwing a torch at her feet. I closed my eyes and cringed as her body lit up in flames — I knew all too well how it felt.
The men surrounded me, pinning me to the ground before the vision faded. The scene changed to one of Katherine and me standing in a meadow filled with flowers. Beside us, Emily stood, lifting flower petals into the air. We all smiled as they danced around us. I raised my arm, my hand in a fist; as I opened my hand, every flower surrounding us flew into the air, their petals falling to the ground. I looked into the sky, smiling; it was magical. Bonnie released my hand, and the vision fading quickly. She stumbled away from me, coughing and choking. I lifted her hair as she gagged over the kitchen sink. The surge of magic had been too much for her.
"What the hell was that? Why were you and Elena there?" she asked.
I leaned against the sink once her gagging had ceased.
"Well, Elena wasn't. The woman who looked like Elena was actually her ancestor." I answered.
Bonnie pulled away from the sink and looked me over carefully.
"What about you?" she said.
"Um well, that's a bit more difficult to explain..." I ran my hands through my hair with a grimace. "I'm a witch,"
Bonnie's eyes widened. I coughed awkwardly, then continued.
"I was cursed by another witch a long time ago, cursed to be reincarnated over and over. All my memories always come back to me and seeing as I always have the same soul, I'm basically the same person — just with different life lessons." I explained.
"So, I am a witch?" she asked
"Yes, you are. The woman you saw — her name was Emily Bennett. She was a good friend of mine and a powerful witch, the same as you. It runs in your family." I said.
Bonnie ran her hand down her face. "Wow, that's a lot to take in. Does Elena know about you?"
She suddenly frowned. I quickly raised my hands in the air.
"No, and she can't! A Lot more comes with my curse, and I don't want her involved. Please, Bonnie." I begged.
I watched as she mulled over my request. With a giant huff, she consented. "Ok, it's your life."
I stepped closer to Bonnie and took her hands in mine.
"Listen, I'll help you as much as I can, but it would be best if you went to your Grams. I'll come with you if you want."
Bonnie gave me a thankful smile. I felt terrible for her, all this power coming at her out of the blue. It would be a lot to take in for anyone.
"I might just take you up on that, El. For now, let's get this dinner over with."
I started to follow her into the dining room before she stopped in her tracks. She turned to face me a suspicious expression on her face.
"You know what's wrong with him, don't you?" she asked.
I stepped beside her and put my arm on her shoulder. "Yep and I'm not telling. You'll have to figure that out for yourself. Just know, he is a good guy."
I had my moments with the Salvatore brothers, but that didn't change the fact that I knew deep down they were both good guys. I pushed past the kitchen door and walked into the dining room. Elena had done an excellent job of making the table — she'd even lit candles for the occasion. I held in my laugh as I sat down beside Stefan, eyeing me warily. He must still be upset by everything I had told him. His forehead was wrinkled, and his eyes red and blotchy. Elena was babbling on incessantly so I could tell I was the only one to notice his poor mood. Leave it to my sister to be so self-absorbed she didn't even notice her own boyfriend was upset.
When Elena and Bonnie had started on their own conversation about cheerleading, I grabbed Stefan's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"You ok, Stef?" I whispered under my breath so only he could hear.
His face twisted for a second before he responded. "Damon isn't taking any of what you told us well — and frankly, neither am I. We care about you Elandra, we always have," he whispered.
I let his hand go and picked at my food. I knew this would happen when I told them. Both Salvatores have always had a bit of a hero complex. Even though they knew things were different between us now, they still wanted to help. I knew what I had to do to help them come to terms with this; I just didn't want to do it this way. I wanted my last year to be one of peace — but now that plan was out the window.
"We will figure this out, Steffie," I said with a wink.
I hoped using his old nickname would help calm his nerves. His answering smile was breathtaking.
"You're going to let us help save you?" he whispered in shock.
I nodded, holding back a frown. I hated that they would have to someday come to the realization that nothing could be done. I guess it couldn't hurt to let them believe what they wanted for a while longer. I nodded slowly and rubbed a circle around his thumb before letting go of his hand. Elena and Bonnie's conversation had come to a full stop to once again include Stefan.
"Bonnie, you should have seen Stefan today. Tyler threw a ball right at him, and..." Elena started but was quickly cut off by Bonnie. It was painfully obvious she was still against Stefan.
"Yeah, I heard," she said.
I gave Stefan a sympathetic smile. In Bonnie's defense, it really was for a good reason. She didn't know what he was, yet— but she knew it wasn't good. I mean, what person would want their friend to be in love with a bloodsucking vampire? Even if they were one of the good ones...
A relationship with a vamp can end one of two ways; death, or an eternity of being undead. Neither option is really all that glamorous to someone that cares about you. Believe me, I've thought about it for myself at one point, before I realized vampire blood wasn't an option for me. Katherine offered to save me, and I had obviously considered it. For me, it was a simple choice; I was already immortal in some ways. Being a vampire would be better than living a half-life. For Elena, though, it won't be easy. She has the chance at a full life. One where she could have children and grow old before moving on to the next life. One I'll never get to witness. Elena and I have never really gotten along, but she was still my sister, and I wanted her to be happy.
"Why don't you tell Stefan about your family?" Elena asked, staring at an irritated Bonnie.
Her face was scrunched up in annoyance. Anyone could tell she didn't want to speak about her family with him, and all the witchiness that accompanied them.
"Um, divorced. No, mom. Live with my dad." Bonnie said, moving her food around with her fork.
I looked down at my chopsticks and smirked at her. I expertly picked up a noodle and ate it, challenging her with my eyes. As I had expected, she laughed at my dorkiness and grabbed some chopsticks. I was hoping to lighten the mood and had succeeded.
"No, about the witches. Bonnie's family has a lineage of witches. It's really cool." Elena said
I swear, my sister doesn't have an ounce of tact in her! How anyone could ever fight over her or her ancestors, was beside me. It's not like any of them had been frickin' Helen of Troy.
Bonnie once again scowled irritably. "Cool isn't the word I'd use," she said, meeting my gaze.
Stefan looked between us with a curious look on his face.
"Well, it's certainly interesting. I'm not too versed, but I do know that there's a history of Celtic druids that migrated here in the 1800s." Stefan said, a professor like tone to his voice.
I hid my smile behind another eggroll, earning a glare from Elena.
"You're gonna bloat if you eat all the egg rolls, Elara." she sighed, shaking her head.
I rolled my eyes at her taking yet another eggroll in protest. "I'm not gonna live forever, Lena. Might as well enjoy life."
This time, I earned a glare from Stefan. He mouthed "Not funny!" at me, with a look that could kill.
"My family came by way of Salem," Bonnie said, a hint of pride in her voice.
I could see a lot of Emily in her. It was a comforting thought to think that I hadn't actually lost Emily. She would want me to look after Bonnie for her… even if it was actually Damon, she had tasked with the duty.
"Really? Salem witches?" Stefan asked, as if he was astonished.
"Yeah," Bonnie said.
I pushed away my plate, finally full, and sat back in my seat. "I would say that was pretty cool," I said.
Stefan nodded in agreement as Elena ate her bland white rice. I scrunched up my nose at her and pushed some fried food her way. She pushed it back towards the middle of the table with an irritated sigh.
"Really? Why?" Bonnie asked.
"Salem witches are heroic examples of individualism and nonconformity," Stefan explained.
"Yeah, they are," Bonnie said.
I stood at the sound of the doorbell, more than excited to escape this annoying and stressful hell.
"I wonder who that could be?" Elena asked.
I walked past the living room, glancing longingly at the tv and couch, to answer the door. I unlocked the top lock leaving the chain in place and opened it slowly. An uneasy feeling settling in my stomach. A familiar head of blonde hair caught my attention.
"What are you doing here, Care?" I asked my eyes taking her in. She smiled up at me brightly, her blue eyes shining, a pie tray in her hands.
"Surprise! Bonnie said you guys were making dinner, so we brought dessert," she said cheerily.
I grumbled softly at the word "we." shutting the door and quickly unlocking the chain. I swung it open and stood to the side. I could guess who she meant.
"Who is we, Caroline?" I said, already knowing the answer.
"Hey, Ellie bean!" Damon enthusiastically said, stepping into view; ruffling my hair as if I was a child.
I pushed his hand away and stepped outside, closing the door behind me. I stepped in front of Caroline and looked her over. Physically she looked ok, her skin was still a bit pale, but other than that she looked good. I touched her skin; it was warm. She didn't feel like she had suffered excessive blood loss. I made sure she still wore her bracelet and looked into her eyes. She took a few steps back, which I followed and raised a brow.
"Look at me, Caroline," I said.
I used my gift and seeped into her mind. I checked for any fuzzy or missing memories. When I found nothing, I backed off.
"Go ahead and take the pie inside Care. I have something I need to ask Damon." I said, looking only at him.
Caroline gave me a speculative look and opened the door, heading inside. She was quickly replaced by an angry Stefan.
"What are you doing here, Damon?" he growled, advancing on his brother.
I stepped in his path and placed a hand on his chest. When he stopped, I gave him a small reassuring smile. Turning back to Damon, I crossed my arms.
"How did you get Caroline to agree to let you come with her?" I asked curiously.
She appeared to be ultimately herself, and I needed to know what tricks he was trying to pull.
Damon ran his hand through his hair with a smirk. "I used my animal magnetism. I don't need compulsion to get her to do my bidding, Elandra," he said.
I closed my eyes, trying to reign in my temper — it didn't work. I opened my palms and pushed him against the house using magic. I tilted my head and bit my lip.
"Listen here, Damon. That girl is my best friend, and I'll be damned if you get her involved in all this supernatural bullshit! Leave. Her. Alone!" I spat angrily.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and calmed down a bit, I closed my hands, quickly releasing Damon from my spell. I pulled my shirt down and adjusted my hair. When I was done fixing my appearance, I took in a deep breath and ran my hands down my face.
"Just please don't bother Caroline again," I said.
Damon stood up, straightening his clothes. "Fine. But, you can't just avoid me, Elandra. We have to figure this curse out while we still have time."
I took a step back and finally looked at him — really looked at him. His eyes showed immense exhaustion. His dark hair was ruffled and messy from his hand continually running through it; a nervous habit. His blue eyes were dull and lifeless. I finally understood how much my curse had affected him. I shook my head in anger.
"Don't you both see what this is doing to you? This is a part of the curse. It hurts not just me, but anyone I care about. That's why I wanted to keep it a secret." I said exasperatedly.
I felt Stefan's hands on my shoulders. My body sagged under his touch, and Damon noticed instantly.
"So you and Stefan hanging out now, huh? It seems like you really don't need my help, not when Saint Stefan is available," he growled.
Stefan's hands left me within a second.
"Damon, he is here for Elena, not me. But, I have agreed to let you both help me." I said.
His face lifted slightly. "Ok, so you gonna let me in?" Damon smiled.
"You know you've already been invited in." I sighed, opening the door and letting them both pass by me.
By now, everyone had converged to the living room. I flopped down onto the couch and lifted my feet onto Elena's lap. Stefan snorted a laugh as she threw my feet off her, nearly knocking me off the couch.
"I cannot believe Mr. Tanner let you be on the team — Tyler must be seething. Good for you, though, go for it." Caroline said.
I smiled lovingly. Most people thought she was a self-absorbed bitch, but I loved her. She was funny, smart, and loyal — all the things I look for in a friend.
"That's what I always tell him. You have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it." Damon said with a boyish grin.
I heckled lightly at his fake enthusiasm. "Yeah, cause that's exactly what you do, isn't it, Damon? Wait! No — that's getting drunk and living in the past. Sorry, my mistake,"
His eyes narrowed at me, and I earned a slap on the arm by Elena. "Elara, behave!" she whispered angrily.
Stefan meanwhile was biting his lip to keep from laughing. Thankfully, Caroline started jabbering away, bringing the attention back to her.
"Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp. God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines..."
"I'll work with her. She'll get it." Bonnie said.
"Well we could put her in the back," Caroline said thoughtfully.
Caroline's talkative nature was something I was grateful for today, even if she was talking about cheerleading. I sat back against the couch and put my head on my hand. This whole conversation was boring — she acted like cheerleading was the essence of life. I loved Caroline, but she was so naive. I wished my biggest worry in life was not learning a cheerleading routine...
"Just put her in the mascot uniform and have her jump around," I blurted out.
I bit my lip and squinted. Oops. Maybe I should've thought before I spoke. Elena kicked me in the side with her foot.
"You know, you don't seem like the cheerleader type, Elena," Damon said.
"Oh, it's just because her parents died. Yeah, I mean, she's just totally going through a blah phase," Caroline took a sip of her drink, "She used to be way more fun — and I say that with complete sensitivity." she added awkwardly.
"It's ok, Care. I'm just glad I have El and Jer. I don't know what I would do without them." Elena said
What an odd moment of sisterly kindness. Usually, I'm not mentioned in her sibling bonding speeches. My stomach dropped, and I quickly stood and swallowed the lump in my throat.
"I'm gonna go for a walk, I could use some air," I said quickly.
Before anyone could say a word, I was out the front door. I couldn't stay there any longer. Knowing that Elena would be losing someone else close to her very soon affected me tremendously. I ran off the porch and kept running. I had no idea where I was planning to go, but I just needed to run. I put everything I feared behind me and just ran from it all. I felt constricted in my jeans but didn't care. My muscles burned as I pushed myself forward. I didn't stop until I saw Wickery Bridge in front of me. I stopped right in the middle of it and sat down. It was stupid, but I didn't care. I laid down and looked up into the sky. The clouds blocked out the light of the stars, it reflected my mood perfectly. I felt blocked by everything that was going on in my life. Every new day only brought me closer to my last one. It's an odd feeling, knowing you're going to die. It really makes you reevaluate your priorities. You never really know how lucky you indeed are until you know you're going to lose everything you have. Even though I've lived hundreds of lives, leaving one never gets easier.
"You planning on dying early this time?" a familiar voice said.
I sat up quickly and spotted Katherine leaning up against the bridge. I jumped up and ran into her arms. "Oh God, I've missed you, Kit Kat!" I squealed, using the nickname I had given her ages ago.
Katherine's eyes narrowed — obviously still against the name — as she hugged me back, before pushing me off her. "I see you're still the clingy type," she said, looking down at her nails. I pushed her arm and sat on the side of the bridge. My legs dangling over the edge. "This is where my parents died. Well, my current parents. I don't really know why I'm here." I said a questioning look on my face. I really had no clue what led me to this bridge. But something Katherine had said had started to make me think. She sat beside me, and we both stared at the water below us.
"Would it really be so bad to die early, Kit? I mean, it would put so many people out of their misery. Both of the Salvatores think they can stop the curse." I said.
Katherine's face was angry and surprised. Her hair blew gently in the breeze, and she brushed it behind her ear. "You know something. I never thought I'd see the day when Elandra Rioult gave up. That's not very Viking of you, ya know." she said.
Hearing my real last name made my eyes water. It had been a very long time. "Katherine, I'm just so tired," I whispered.
I laid my head on her shoulder, and we both sat in silence.
"They will be here soon. That's why I'm here — I'm preparing a few things. It will earn me my freedom, El. If anyone can help you put in end to the curse, it's them. You just have to tell them." she said.
I sat up and tried to make out her expression, but she was wearing the darkness like a mask. "The last time I met him he killed me because he thought I was some doppelganger sent to haunt him," I said.
"Yeah, well that was a very long time ago. Just don't mention that during that life you're the one who helped me escape him. Without you, I would never have gotten out." she smiled.
"Yeah, and he found me when he was looking for you and snapped my neck." I laughed.
That had been one of my quickest deaths, I was only 15 at the time. I was working in the castle, unaware of who owned it until I met Katherine, and she explained her situation. I still remember the surprise on her face when I showed up in her room.
"Did I ever thank you for that?" she said.
"Yeah only every five seconds while I led you outside and to your meeting point with Trevor," I said.
We both laughed at our mutually fucked up past.
"Stay out of my way while I'm here Elandra. I don't want to hurt you, but I will get my freedom." she firmly said.
I knew what Katherine was capable of, but she also knew I would fight for my family.
"You know I can't let you hurt my friends or family Kit. But, I'm not going to go out of my way to mess with your plans. The only time I'll get involved is if you try to hurt someone I love." I told her honestly.
She held her hand out to me, and I shook it. "Well then, may the best bitch win," she said.
I shook her hand and smiled.
"Here, here,"
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I heard you're looking for alvareider prompts! So basically I have not known peace since the laundry room scene, so my request would be some kind of companion piece to that? The missing scene between that and the one in the apartment maybe, or even an AU where Penelope finds him instead of Alex? Hope this isn't too vague!
hi!! somehow this prompt was the angsty thing I needed to finally get past my block, so thanks for that. :) it didn’t turn out shippy, but if I ever write an AU, that one might. here’s a take on that missing scene:
Penelope & Schneider & Lydia & Alex & Elena, One Day At A Time. Also on AO3.
“Abuelita, is Mom with you?” Alex’s voice was tinny and tense through the phone.
Like her daughter, she was keeping her cell close by in case someone heard from Schneider–or in case he decided to call. But Alex sounded so serious, so unlike himself, that Lydia didn’t waste time worrying about tying up the line.
“Yes, Papito, she is right here.”
She waved a hand at Penelope, who left Elena on the couch to join her in the kitchen. Then she put her phone on speaker. “We are both right here.”
Penelope’s whole body clenched up. The last time her son sounded that scared, he’d been asking why Papi wasn’t coming with them, the night she left Victor for good.
“Alex, what’s wrong?”
“I, uh–I’m not sure. But I’m in the laundry room, you and Abuelita should both come. Okay? Just come.”
“Okay.” Her heart was racing as she hung up, and her Mami was already halfway out the front door.
“We’ll be right back,” Penelope told Elena as she followed.
Alex wasn’t in the laundry room when they arrived. He was outside it, standing next to the closed door, shifting from one foot to the other.
His worried eyes landed on hers, and she walked faster down the hall to reach him.
“Schneider’s drunk,” Alex blurted out as soon as they were in hearing range. “He’s not…acting like Schneider.”
Penelope swallowed her sigh, along with her anger and her fear. Alex didn’t need to see any of that. “Okay, Papito. You stay here with your Abuelita. I got this.”
He blocked her from the door before she could take another step.
“Mom, he didn’t want me to call you. He didn’t want me to call anybody.”
“It’s okay. It’s going to be okay,” she promised him. “Mami?”
Lydia gently tugged Alex toward her, out of the way. “Tu Mami se encargará de esto.”
Penelope walked into the laundry room, not sure what to expect. She didn’t see Schneider at first, sitting on the floor between the folding island and the washing machines. If she hadn’t been looking for him, he would have been well-hidden.
She assumed that was the point.
Closing the door behind her with a soft click, Penelope walked to the row of machines, keeping a few feet back from the pathetic picture Schneider made. He was, to put it charitably, a mess.
His long limbs were folded into what had to be deeply uncomfortable angles, with his face pinched like he was already starting to feel the effects of an oncoming hangover. He’d chosen a really bad place for that, Penelope noted, with the glaring florescent lights of the laundry room overhead.
She couldn’t even begin to process his lack of pants and mussed hair. When she and her Mami had confronted him in his apartment, he might have been behaving differently–defensive and anxious and twitchy–but he had still seemed like Schneider. She didn’t recognize this man.
Watching him with his eyes still shut, Penelope considered her options. Victor had always been a combative drunk, and Schneider had been sober for so long she didn’t know if she needed to worry about that with him.
That was part of the problem, she thought. She had only ever known him, really known him as more than their trust-fund landlord, since he’d been sober. Schneider’s sobriety was so central to who he was that she took it for granted.
Clearly, she couldn’t do that anymore.
As hard as it was to face the situation they were in–because whether Penelope liked it or not, what affected Schneider affected her too–her family was waiting for her to handle it. You’ve dealt with worse, she reminded herself, and deliberately relaxed before she spoke.
Schneider turned her way with no expression on his ruddy face at all. She figured he’d heard her come in…but he’d already run from her once today. It wasn’t like she was expecting a warm welcome.
“Hey, Pen.”
Right now, all that mattered was getting Schneider sobered up and back on the program. She knew that. She couldn’t let him out of her sight again until he went back to being himself. But holding back her feelings wasn’t easy.
He was staring at her from his sprawled position up against a machine, his eyes half shut, and she couldn’t completely maintain the calm face she’d put on.
“Don’t talk to me like you always do. Don’t act like this is normal, Schneider. Nicknames and you’re pantsless in the laundry room–after lying to my face?”
“Right.” He rubbed a hand over his eyes, blinking hard as though that could make him less drunk. “Sorry about that. I just…needed to get out of my apartment, and you weren’t gonna let me.”
It took what Penelope considered admirable restraint on her part, but she kept her voice low and level, her words just between the two of them instead of reaching her Mami and Alex.
“Do you know how you sound right now? My fifteen year old son pulls out excuses like that when I catch him making reckless, dangerous choices.”
“Well, I’m not your son,” Schneider replied, turning away from her to drag himself into a standing position using the washer. “You may think it’s your job to boss the whole world around, Penelope, but you’re not my mother.”
She shook her head at him, towering over her now, his pants crumpled in one hand while the other braced on the washer kept him swaying upright.
“No. I’m not. But my mother, a woman who thinks of you like her second, incredibly pale son, is right outside. And neither of us are going anywhere until you pull yourself together.”
She took a chance, and a step forward. “Schneider, this ends now. Anybody could walk in on you here. The McGurbs, with their grandson, needing you to babysit. It could have been Elena coming to tell you she passed her driver’s test.”
His face cleared, the tension of the moment lost to pride. “She did? That’s awesome!”
Penelope let her words bite back a little, because her kids were a part of this, and they deserved so much better. “Yeah, she’s upstairs right now wanting to celebrate. And her whole family is down here, and she doesn’t know why yet.”
Schneider nodded, stepping back. “Then you should go. You can tell her–I don’t know. Tell her whatever you want, just make sure she knows I’m proud of her, okay?”
Penelope sighed, and walked right into his personal space. Even a drunk Schneider, she was pretty sure she could take, if it came down to it. And he wasn’t going to make this easy; she needed every advantage she could get.
“I said her whole family is down here, Schneider. She’s going to want you at the party. Come upstairs.”
He wrapped his arms around his stomach, letting his pants fall to the floor. “No. It’s a good day for her, she shouldn’t see me like this.”
“Can’t argue with that,” she agreed easily, grabbing his pants with one hand and lacing her fingers through his with the other. She squeezed his hand and waited for him to look at her.
“None of us wanted to see you like this, Schneider. You never wanted that either, I know you didn’t. But here we are. So I’ll have Mami grab you some clean clothes, and you’ll come upstairs and borrow our shower and tell Elena you’re happy for her, yourself.”
He shook his head, but didn’t let go of her hand. “I don’t…Penelope, I don’t remember how to do this.”
“I know.” She started moving toward the door, leading him along after her. She wasn’t sure if it was good or bad that he wasn’t arguing anymore–that all the fight seemed to have gone out of him. Without it, he just seemed…
“You start small,” Penelope told him on the way. “One step at a time. First up, a shower.”
“And you remember that things are different now. It’s not 2011, Schneider. You’re not going to be doing this by yourself.”
He didn’t say anything in response to that, but he gripped her hand harder. Hoping to distract him long enough to keep him from changing his mind and bolting, she added lightly, “At least this isn’t the first time your tenants have seen you in your underwear. Remember last Fourth of July?”
“Yes, Penelope, I know,” Schneider replied automatically, falling into the familiar argument. “No more fireworks that ‘fell off a truck.’ Stop, drop, and roll. I only scarred a little.“
Lydia was waiting when Penelope opened the door. She didn’t even blink at Schneider standing there in his boxers–just rested her hand at the small of his back and led him away. His slumped walk made him seem smaller beside her.
Penelope watched them go, her Mami murmuring to him out of earshot, until they turned the corner at the end of the hall.
“Are you okay?” She asked Alex once they were alone.
“Yeah. Is he gonna be alright?”
“He’s going to be just fine, baby. We’re going to make sure of it.”
“He got so upset,” Alex confessed. “I’ve never seen him like that. What happened?”
“I’m not sure, Papito.” She hugged him from the side, resting her check against his for a second. Nothing grounded her faster than her kids.
“But I’m going to find out.”
When Penelope and Alex got back to the apartment, Lydia was already there, listening to the running water from the other side of the bathroom door.
Elena was still on the couch where they’d left her, but Schneider’s arrival had visibly deflated her mood. Her eyes were huge behind her glasses, leaving Penelope to wonder what exactly had happened when Schneider came in.
Her daughter’s frozen expression and nervous posture on the couch reminded Penelope of when the kids were little, when things with Victor started to fall apart.
Despite Schneider’s earlier protests, all of this reminded her of Victor. How could it not?
She was just grateful that Schneider wasn’t dangerous, to himself or anyone else. It probably helped that he was temperamentally different; Penelope didn’t have much reason to think about it, usually, but Schneider was the most laid-back person she’d ever met. His temper was nearly impossible to set off–and while he was a really emotional guy, he directed his pain toward himself instead of at other people.
Obviously, she thought with an inward sigh, hearing the shower turn off.
She was glad they’d found him, that he’d agreed to come home with her. But that didn’t make this any easier.
Trying to convince Victor to get help and having him brush her off, seeing him spiral, had been really hard.
In some ways, today hurt even more, knowing that Schneider needed her and she really had no idea what she was doing. Her only experience with recovering alcoholics was the kind that ended in divorce.
Schneider needed her family too much for her to screw this up.
And they needed him too much to lose him.
Elena disappeared into her room, saying nothing while Lydia guided Schneider past her to the couch.
He seemed clearer now, Penelope noted with relief. She had no desire to try reasoning with a drunk and evasive Schneider ever again. Hopefully he was sobering up fast.
Her Mami went to the kitchen, pulling out a pot and busying herself there. She kept sneaking glances at Schneider from her spot next to the stove, even though Penelope was right there next to him. He wasn’t going anywhere.
Schneider closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the couch, looking like he was trying not to cry. A few feet away, Alex stood rooted to the spot, unable to find the right words but trying to be a comfort.
Penelope knew she should smooth things over while her Mami made him soup, but she didn’t have it in her. The things she needed to say to Schneider wouldn’t comfort him very much, and they weren’t things she wanted to say in front of Alex. Or her mom.
They could wait until she found a way to get him alone. For now, she clasped her hands together, pushing down the desire to reach out and shake sense into him…or just hold him, period.
He looked more devastated than she felt.
Elena reemerged from her room and beelined for the kitchen, whispering something to her Abuelita, who spoke softly back and patted her cheek.
When they came out to the living room together, Lydia with chicken soup and Elena with a damp cloth, Penelope had to smile. Schneider was going to be so taken care of through his recovery this time, he wouldn’t know what hit him.
It sucked that she always had to be the bad cop, though.
She watched her family surround Schneider with love and reassurance and forgiveness, and braced for what came next.
Because as much as he needed people who loved him through the worst, he needed somebody to hold him accountable, too. She had always had that in her Mami–but all Schneider had was her.
Penelope waited while her Mami and the kids left them alone, and hoped she would be enough.
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yourdreamscenarios · 6 years
When your costume is too revealing
🎃 Smutty Friday Halloween scenario 🎃
Characters: Jungkook / OC Genre: Smut Word count: 3,650
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“This is going to be so cool.” Amber was practically jumping up and down beside you, her snow white costume twirling around her as she stood outside of the van, waiting for everyone to get out. For a Halloween costume hers looked quite cute, in contradiction to Samantha’s, who had dressed like a vampire for the occasion. She looked quite convincing. She had rubbed her skin in with the palest make up she owned, wore contacts and had even shoved some fake fangs into her mouth. The cape she wore made her look mysterious and if you’d been snow white, you would have started running by now. “It’s been such a long time since I’ve been in a club.” Amanda sputtered beside you, her Chucky red hair swinging sticking into all different kinds of directions. You’d seen one of the movies and ever since had banished all dolls from your room. 
She had drawn freckles across her cheeks and was dressed in a big oversized sweater. Somehow you felt the need to tell her that this wasn’t a club and that you had been invited to a Halloween party at someone else’s house. You didn’t recall knowing them personally, but you’d heard that several groups and artists from different companies had been invited. You couldn’t remember ever going to a costume party before and you were quite excited. It hadn’t taken you that long to figure out what you were going to wear, you’d immediately figured out what kind of character you wanted to impersonate. Knowing who you were dating, and being aware of the fact that he would be here tonight, you had thought of something to get to him, even if it was only a little. Something that you knew would annoy him, just to be a tease. 
So you carefully stepped out of the van, trying to make sure that your bunny ears didn’t bump against the roof. Combining leather leggings with a top which had a low v-cut and a leather jacket it didn’t seem like that much of a big deal. But you had made sure to have a little fluffy bump sued at the back of your trousers and to apply your make up a little more forceful than you usually did. You looked like a bunny, but there surely wasn’t much cute about it, you were a sexy bunny. You were sure that Jungkook would immediately figured out this costume was meant for him as soon as he’d lay eyes on it. “Look at you. Someone’s playing dirty tonight.” Jessica chuckled beside you, giving your tail a small squeeze before hitting her arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to her. You smirked, brushing your hair back and pushing your chin up. She was dressed in a cat woman suit, her whiskers tickling your cheeks. 
You were very curious to figure out what kind of costumes the other guests had chosen. It wouldn’t be hard for others to beat you, but you hadn’t come here to impress others, you were only here to affect one person and to have some fun of course. The past few weeks had been packed and busy and you had been longing for this free night. No worries, no obligations, just you and your friends having a great time. The huge villa loomed in front of you and you had to bend your neck in order to see the rooftop. Somehow you got the feeling that the organizer of this party could handle quite some guests. You could only hope it wouldn’t be too busy to find Jungkook in the crowd, because then all your efforts would go to waste. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You purred at your friend causing her to laugh as the last one closed the door behind her. 
Elena muttered something underneath her breath, the skeleton suit she was wearing tight against her body. A scowl was plastered across her face as she joined the five of you, crossing her arms over her chest. “We could just go home.” She grumbled and you all sent her a look. This topic had been discussed before and you’d hoped that her mood would improve once she was wearing her costume and she was ready to go. The thing was that she didn’t enjoy these kinds of childish events, as she called them. She thought that getting dressed up and pretending to be something you weren’t was things kids did, not adults with a responsibility. She’d been going on all night about the fact that you had an influence on people, that you shouldn’t risk the chance of loosing the image you’d built up for yourself by wearing these ridiculous suits. 
You knew that she was just tired and that was the number one reason why she was so cranky. But when you had suggested for the five of you to go by yourselves she immediately got defensive, saying that if the rest of her band members went there she wasn’t going to stay home all by herself. The only thing you hoped for was that she wasn’t planning on sulking all night and ruin things for you in the process. The rest of you were here to have a good time, you weren’t going to spend it on making sure she was smiling. “You can go if you want to.” Amanda said, obviously also tired of her behavior. Yet, Elena remained silent, which you translated into the words that she wasn’t planning on leaving. Sighing deeply you ignored her, staring back up at the house in front of you. Music was already meeting your ears and your feet were itching to move closer. The longer you stayed out here the more you missed of the fun. 
Pumpkins were settled along the pavement leading towards the front door, candles lighting up their engraved smiles. Somehow it should have looked scary, but to you it just seemed cosy. Tugging at Jessica’s hand you didn’t give her a choice but move along with you and the others soon followed. Keeping in a fast pace your heels clicked against the stone, and you neared the double doors rather quickly, where two masked men awaited you on each side of the entrance. They didn’t smile, nor did they ask any questions as they opened the doors for all of you, letting you pass. Was it save that they didn’t even ask for names or had they memorized the face of every single celebrity that came here tonight? As soon as you stepped in the warmth air inside of the hallways hit you straight in the face, almost knocking you over. 
It was packed with people, chattering with each other and just standing beside one other. The different colors that reached your eyes amazed you, but you noticed how the dark fabric seemed to fill most of your view. Everything was there, from werewolves to vampires, from fairies to pirates. Some were dressed as princesses others as gnomes. It was as if you had gotten stuck in a fairy tale all of a sudden. “Waaww.” Jessica mumbled beside you, clearly just as amazed as you. Several speakers were placed around the room, music blasting out of them and as you continued your journey inside of the house. Every costume surprised you more than the other and you were astonished to see what some of them had been able to create. Some of them almost seemed real. 
The six of you formed a small circle at the side of the room, trying not to bump into any dancing bodies. It seemed like for some of them this party had been going on for quite a while and they hadn’t thought to bother about their image at all. The alcohol seemed to be flowing freely, glasses of champagne and other, much stronger kinds of liquids. Some of the harry potters and scientists that were walking around the room were already pretty messed up. “It seems like everyone likes to let loose once in a while.” Samantha muttered, which gained her an incoherent response from Elena. An unknown person flipped herself around Amber’s shoulder and you watched them for a second as they got caught up into a deep conversation, like old friends who hadn’t seen each other in a very long time. It seemed like they had a lot of catching up to do. 
Letting your gaze wander around the room your eyes fell on a group of young girls, who were using their whole body to swing on the beat. You wondered if they realized how inappropriate that look. Yet, your eye soon fell on a group of boys standing next to them, who didn’t seem to pay any attention to them but were too busy messing around. It was only then you realized one of them was staring at you, his dark eyes priming into yours before they studied you up from your bunny ears, down to your feet. A smirk was tugging at the corners of your lips when you recognized him. Jungkook was with his the rest of his band members, and you noticed his friend Yugyeom standing beside him. The boy was freely talking to him about something and hadn’t seemed to notice yet that Jungkook wasn’t paying attention and he was too busy drinking you in instead. 
You weren’t sure if you were imagining things, but you thought to see his look getting darker by the second, his fingers turning white around the drink he was holding. If you only knew what was going through his head right now? A gasp escaped from you when you felt someone bumping into you, their drink spilling all over your shirt. The icy cold liquid dripped on your skin, and you could already feel the stickiness of it. Pulling a face you looked up at the the culprit, sending him a glare. The guy in front of you let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back as he did it. You weren’t sure if you had ever seen him before, especially in his strange costume you didn’t recognize him. “I’m sorry! I didn’t see you!” He yelled over the loud music, and you immediately noticed that he was already drunk. Shaking it off you tried to put a step back, wanting to create a distance between the two of you, but he didn’t seem to like that. Instead he lowered himself to your eye level, sending you a look that should have seemed seductive but which was rather capable of shooing you away. 
With his drooped eyelids and slurred smile he just seemed like a drunk guy. “I could clean it up for you if you want me to. I won’t ask for much in return.” He mumbled, already lifting his hand towards the place on your chest where your drink had been spilled. But his movements were slow and if a hand hadn’t jumped out from behind you then you surely would have slapped his hand away yourself. Yet, an annoyed looking Jungkook appeared beside you, a very displeased expression on his face as he stared down the person in front of you who was supposed to represent Peter Pan. Amazed he stared up at your boyfriend, before grinning and putting his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder. “I’ll take you as well, if you want to.” He opted and your jaw dropped in awe as you felt someone curl their fingers around your wrist and pull you away. 
Jungkook’s posture was tense as he guided you through the sea of people, and as you hobbled behind him you took that as your chance to study his costume. It seemed like he had to represent Frankenstein, dressed in a ripped suit and his hair messy and sticking to the sides. Slamming into serval people you apologized every single time, though the most of them didn’t even seem to notice you. Your boyfriend didn’t once turn around to see if you were okay as he piloted you towards the stairs. There weren’t many things you knew about parties that were organized at someone’s home, but you were pretty sure that most of the times the rooms upstairs were forbidden territory. The hallway was dark when the two of you reached the first door and Jungkook passed another two before he tried the doorknob. It gave in easily and he quickly threw the door open and pulled you inside of the dark room. As soon as he closed the door behind himself you heard him lock it before he turned on the light. 
The brightness hurt your eyes for a second but you didn’t have much time to readjust to it as Jungkook spoke up behind you. “I think you owe me an explanation, don’t you?” His voice was low and even though he had meant to ask a question, it came out as a demand. Turning on your heel you shot him an innocent look, pretending as if you didn’t know what he was talking about. “I have no idea why that guy spilled his drink all over me.” You blinked your eyelashes at him as you said it and he let out a dry chuckle as he got his hand through his already messy hair. Even though he was supposed to look scary in his costume, you still though he looked hot. He was too sexy for his own good. Taking big strides it only took him a few seconds before he suddenly showed up right in front of you. You had to tilt back your head in order to focus on him. 
His dark gaze was looking down on you, drilling into yours and even though you knew that he wasn’t referring to that, you refused to say anything more. “I’m talking about your costume.” He grumbled, taking a deep breath as he stared at your bunny ears once more. You could tell it was intruding him and you tilted your head to the side, sending him a smile. Bringing your arms around his neck you flattered your chest against his. It wasn’t like you had come here with the plan to have sex with him, you just wanted to tease him a little. You hadn’t expected for him to get so frustrated by this. “I picked it out especially for you though, I thought you’d like it.” You pouted, keeping your face close to his so that you could feel his breathing hit on top of your cheeks. His lips parted slightly his pupils dilated as his hands found their way towards your hips, resting on them. 
His fingers dug into your skin without mercy and you couldn’t help but love it. “You weren’t the one who had to deal with every man inside of the room trying to undress you with their eyes.” He informed and this comment did actually astonish you. You hadn’t noticed any stares at all, except for his. You opened your mouth to say something, but didn’t even have the time to react when all of a sudden Jungkook’s hands put pressure against your shoulders and caused you to fall backwards. You gasped loudly out of shock, but soon felt the soft mattress dig into your back as you bounced on the bed. With wide eyes you gazed up at him, feeling the way he forced your legs open and he stood in between them. Unwillingly your breathing fastened, wondering what he was up to. If Jungkook got angry then he could turn into an animal, it wouldn’t be the first time it happened. 
“You’ve been a bad girl, and now I’m going to have to punish you.” He remarked and your breath got stuck inside of your throat as he placed both of his hands down on each side of your head. Biting your lip you watched the way he brought his head closer to yours, your noses brushing together. Automatically your eyes fluttered shut and you waited until he would press his lips against yours and kiss you, like he always did. But to your surprise you felt his lips attack your collarbone. Gasping loudly you felt the way your chest pushed upwards out of surprise, but he pushed you back down. His teeth were nipping at your skin, attacking it and leaving bruises as he went as low as the low cut of your blouse would let him. “You’re not allowed to dress like this around others.” He breathed, causing goosebumps to spread across of your skin as the stream of air hit you. His lips nibbled their way back up towards the side of your neck, creating a hickey right underneath your ear. 
He wasn’t even trying to be gentle. You were panting and you really tried to catch up with what he was doing, but your mind was foggy. You were completely aroused, so when you felt him reach for your trousers and tug them down in one rough pull, you didn’t know anything better to do than to help him. Kicking your legs you heard your heels hit the floor with a thud, the fabric of your jeans slipping fast your feet. Slowly he lifted his head from your throat and you opened your eyes so you could look at him. His cheeks were red as he stared down on you, a lustful glance inside of his eyes. It was clear he was enjoying the view of you getting turned on underneath him. “There’s no one else who can make you feel like this, is there?” He asked, his voice raw. Quickly you shook your head, knowing that if you wouldn’t give into him now you would only make things worse. 
His hand slipped down your body, painfully slow as his fingers tickled your stomach. You moaned softly when you felt the way they stroked you through your panties, pressing at the perfect spots. It was still audible above the loud music coming from downstairs. It was so exciting to know that you friends were all partying just a floor underneath you while you were getting steamy over here. “There’s no one who can make you this wet.” He continued, leaning forward to take your bottom lip in between his teeth, tugging it. You couldn’t get yourself to answer him anymore as you felt him push aside your underwear, his fingertips slipping through your folds. You gripped the bedsheets beside your head, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to stay still. The more you fought him the harder he would make this for you. “There’s no one who can make you bed the way I do.” He growled and you barely had the time to process what happened when all of a sudden his touch disappeared. 
Mewling in dislike your eyes flew open. Yet, he wasn’t even listening when he suddenly grabbed a hold of your legs underneath your knees, drawing you closer near the edge of the bed. When you saw him lowering himself in front of you, you swore that just the sight of it was enough for you to come undone. “I’ll make sure you remember how good I make you feel.” He said, his warm breath hitting your centre, causing you to throw your head back against the mattress. His hands ran across the inside of your inner thighs, making you loose your mind. All the little touches, the teasing, never getting where you wanted him to, it was driving you crazy and he damn sure knew it. “Jungkook please…” You wined, feeling him place small open mouth kisses along your legs, getting closer and closer to where you needed him, but never actually giving in. 
“You’re lucky I liked the bunny ears, otherwise I’d be much harder on you.” He said, and then you finally felt him cupping you with his mouth. Letting out an airy moan of pleasure you felt the way his mouth circled your clit, sucking at it harshly. Immediately your hips buckled upwards, but he placed one of his hands down on your stomach, pressing you down. Instantly your breathing fastened, stars visible behind your closed eyelids as you fixated yourself on the feeling of his tongue swirling intensely on your sweet spot, over and over again. “Jungkook…” You couldn’t help but call his name, it was the only thing that your mind was still able to think of. As an answer he hummed in between your legs in unison, causing you to feel even better. When he slipped two fingers past your entrance he immediately picked up a fast pace, pumping them in and out of you without mercy. “Fuck.” You groaned, squirming slight until you couldn’t stop yourself anymore from curling your hand inside of his hair, gripping the locks tightly. 
He didn’t swap you away but let you hold onto him as he worked you all the way up towards your high. Driving his mouth deeper into your sex he curled his fingers inside of you, hitting the perfect spot. Your toes curled with pleasure and his name rolled off your tongue over and over again when you came undone inside of his mouth. You could practically feel him smirk against you. When he finally pushed himself up again he had a satisfied look on his face, his tongue tracing his lips as he watched the way you tried to catch your breath. Hovering over you once more he placed a passionate kiss against your lips, making you long for more as you circled your arm around his neck. But he stopped you, grabbing a hold of your hands and pulling you up from the bed, making you look at him in surprise. “Get dressed, we’re finishing this at home.” He demanded, and something about the way he looked at you told you that this was going to be a long night. 
BTS Masterlist
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
The Sun and The Moon Curse /1
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Part 1 -How could she kill Elijah
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
AU TVD story
Set after tvd 3x15
a/n: This is the first tvd fanfiction I wrote. And I thought I share it with you.
Elijah asked Elena at the Ball to tell him what Esther was up to- will she tell him, and what will then happen if she does...
Thanks so much for reading and supporting all my stories. I hope you like this one. 😘💕
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @goddessofthunder112 @idkhaylijah @hides2000
if you don’t wish to be tagged please let me know xoxo
Gilbert House
Elena sat down on the bed and toyed with her phone nervously. She looked at the clock- it was 2:00 a.m. After Stefan had left earlier, the only thought in her head was the meeting with Esther.
She looked at her phone in her hands like it was something that would explode. She drew a deep breath and looked at the dress hanging on the wardrobe.
She knew that she had the power to change everything, but she also thought of all the effort that had been put to finally get Klaus out of her life.
But how could she kill Elijah, the one that actually cared that she lived, and, although he had broken his promise to her, she could not see him gone. It wasn't that simple, like she had told Stefan earlier. She gulped and then, resolved scrolled down Elijah's number and simply wrote a message and pressed the send button without any further ado.
Like in a flash her phone made a beeping sound and she looked at the received message.   
                   Nervously, she put some warm clothes on and walked down to the living room. She walked up and down like an animal in the cage. Her heart was pounding and she tried to calm herself down. She flashed back in her mind to months before when she decided to undagger him, the same rush of anxiety came over her. Soon she heard the car pull up. It was her cue to open the door.
"Elena- "- Elijah said with a mellow voice.
"Elijah-" she uttered with a little gulp, trying hard to hide her nervousness and she motioned with her hand to him to enter the house.
"I must say I was slightly surprised to receive a message so late- is something in the matter?"- he followed her into the living room.
She sighed a little and then looking straight into his eyes said- "I never wanted any of this to happen?"
"What, Elena-?"- he said- still quite composed, but she could see the change in the shade of his eyes that he was not happy.
She continued -"We were told that what ever was in that coffin will help us kill Klaus- but we didn't know it was going to be your mother!"
"Yes-??"- he looked at her seriously wanting to hear more.
Elena gulped a bit, although trying hard to keep her cool-
"When she asked to see me- I though that maybe she would help- found a way how to kill Klaus- but- it's not only Klaus that she wants to kill-"- she said and stood frozen waiting for his reaction.
For a moment he just looked at her, and she felt like the earth would open and swallow her. He moved slightly aside and then with a stern face concluded-
"She wants to kill us all! She wants to undo the evil she has created-"
Elena moved forward and instinctively touching his arm simply said: " I'm sorry, Elijah- I-"
He tried hard to compose his anger that charged like a thousand suns blazing turning to her saying-
"I admire you, Elena. You remind me of qualities I valued long before our mother turned us. When I asked you about the meeting with my mother at the Ball- you "- suddenly he stopped there.  
" I wish - I could- I"- Elena said in a half voice, her heart thumping wildly.
She could see that he was very displeased- and yet he still kept his calm that made her completely restless now. Then he said- "Come!"
He took her coat and held it out for her to put it on, which she did.
"Where are we going?"- she said slightly  tremble but still showing courage.  
"We need to pay your witch friend Bonnie a visit!"- he said not amused.
Elena worried slightly not knowing what he had in mind, but she had no choice but to follow him. It was clear to her from the moment she sent that message that there was no going back  and she would have to face all that is coming to her. Strangely, deep inside, she was at ease with it. It was like a heavy burden had lifted off  of her shoulders.
Bonnie was not happy seeing Elijah with Elena so early in the morning at her door. Elena went straight to the point and explained to her friend what Esther was planning on doing.
"You see- "-Elijah started- " Elena did the right thing... killing all of us means ridding the world of all vampires, but  that includes all your friends. So, I suggest we get to work finding a way to stop this, there's not much time left."
Both Elena and Bonnie now looked startled at the revelation Elijah had just sprang on them.
"Esther is a very powerful witch. I can't  just override her magic"- Bonnie said defensively- " I haven't got that kind of knowledge!"
"Whatever resources you need I will provide"- Elijah offered- " in order for this to succeed, I have to have your word that you will keep this to yourself, if my mother finds out that we are trying to stop her, she will not hesitate to stop you."
"All right... but I am only doing this for Caroline- otherwise I would be glad to see you all gone!"- she looked him straight in the eyes not flinching for a moment. Elijah nodded slightly in agreement and didn’t say anything to it. It was clear that his betraying Elena didn't sit well with her friends, but now he had more pressing matters to deal with. Bonnie went to the computer browsing sites that Luka had given her to find out how they could revert the magic that was to be used.
Elena asked Elijah to follow her to the kitchen.  
"What if we don't find a way?"- Elena said- " and it's true, Bonnie is no match for Esther!"
He could see that Elena was nervous again. To calm her said -" it's the same as with poison- there is always an antidote- there is always a weakness! -I will have to go now back to the mansion, no one must suspect that you have told me what is going on. You can send me a message and I will be available at any time " - he was ready to leave when he stopped before he opened the door, turned around to face her once more and simply said- "Thank you."
Elena nodded slightly acknowledging his appreciation for disclosing the truth about Esther's plan. He then left and Elena made some coffee and went back to Bonnie's room.
At the Mikaelson Mansion
"As always creeping around, brother"- Klaus greeted Elijah as he walked into the mansion.-" Hungry, were you?"
Elijah gave him a cold look disregarding his comment. Yet Klaus would not let go.
"Is this about fair Elena? Rebekah cannot keep her mouth shut. I couldn't care less-even better, as my blood bank that I need will be very close to the family, but you are stepping on Salvatore territory, and those two will kill for this doppelganger....you've seen what Stefan has put me through!"
Elijah felt the need to charged at him, but decided to let it go and just passed by him, exercising such restrain as he knew that it was not wise getting into a brawl.  
"This one you can have brother"- Klaus shouted after him smirking.
Elijah got into his room, and stood still for a moment re-channeling his emotions, those of rage, and then those that ripple whenever her name is mentioned. Ever since she had undaggered him, he battled with notion that she matters more than he cared to admit. One thing was true, Elena would have to battle Klaus forever, and yet, given the opportunity to end it all, she chooses to stop it, and it was clearly on his account. His undead heart fluttered like it hadn't done for a thousand year.  
But now he had to concentrate on his mother's whereabouts. He changed and as he was putting a tie on, he thought of how much he hated the fact that his doubts came true. He straightened his sleeves and went out of the room. 
In the Boarding house
Stefan found Rebekah coming down to the lounge from Damon's room. He just gave her a glance without saying anything, she spat a 'what' back at him, but he only shook his head, sat on the sofa disregarding her presence. She walked out of the house. Damon appeared not long after, wishing his brother a good morning knowing a comment  about his indiscretion would follow, so he poured himself a drink of Bourbon.
"I see, you are back to your true self- "- Stefan remarked.
" It's early, Stefan, and I am still not in the mood to discuss any of my affairs with you or anybody else. I guessed you would still be at Elena's anyway."- Damon snarked.
"You guessed wrong. I did see her home, though. And that is all that I did or will do."- Stefan stood up, ready to leave the lounge.
"Come on, Stefan, let's put all this bickering aside, we know what this is... shall I spell it out for you?!- She only ever wanted you, didn't you know that?! -And truly, I tried to win her over- fair and square, but she didn't want me, she was clear last night ! Anyway, who really cares!  I can go back to being the bad guy, which suits me perfectly!"
Stefan was not surprised at his brother's little speech. He knew his brother very well and all his weaknesses and insecurities, and the way he hid them under the bad boy facade, but he was not in the mood to get into it at present, so he simply replied calmly-
" Keep telling yourself that."- and walked away.
Damon raised the glass after him, and sipped the whole drink down, then poured himself another one.
At Bonnie's house, there was no real progress.
"Nothing,"- Bonnie was  frustrated" -just a strange link for a witch in Romania, but it's really interesting though"- she got quiet and continued reading for a second, then she turned to Elena and said-" there is a spell that is probably the most similar to the one Esther has used. You said she bound them with your blood- "  
"Romania?! Well, that is sort of vampire central, right?- Yes, she has bound them with my blood "- Elena said-.
Bonnie continued reading. Elena could see from Bonnie that nothing good is coming out of it-
" Bonnie, what's going on?"
"There is nothing that we can really do, but break a link when Esther starts channeling the magic for the ritual.- we need to find out who she is going to use., as she herself doesn't have the power along to do this, it says here."
Elena sighed. Then she quickly wrote a message to Elijah updating him on the result of their research. 
"I guess you don't want to talk about why you have actually changed your mind about this and told Elijah about the ritual taking place, I mean it's good that you did, but -?!"-  
Elena looked at her friend and sighed again, then she sat down on the chair and said- " Before the sun and moon ritual, Elijah found the way to keep me alive, and now I am in the exact same position, and I couldn't let him die. It didn't feel right."-
"And that's all?"- Bonnie wouldn't let her wriggle out of this one easily, as it was clear now that there is more than Elena was letting on.
"Yes"- Elena said shortly. Then her phone beeped - she read  the message out loud - "Esther is on her way to see you."-
"What?"- Bonnie said, but then added- " she will use my ancestral line- I should have guessed."
"Elijah said to go with whatever Esther suggests, she must not suspect anything."
"All right"- Bonnie agreed- " You have to go now!"
"Ok. Are you going to be all right?"-Elena worried about her friend.
"Yes Elena, you go. I will call you."- Bonnie was reassuring her. The witch always gave out that she could take on whatever came her way.
Elena left, making her way back to her house, where Elijah had been waiting for her in the car. She wasn't surprised to see him there, and without any question got into the car.
"Where are we going?"- she said, as he started driving.  
"To a special place in the woods. We cannot stay here to talk. I suspect also that Finn is in on with mother. Klaus still doesn't suspect anything, I guess he leaves all to me still, and Kol, as usual is carefree, ready only to cause uneccessary havoc and trouble. And as for Rebekah,... it doesn't matter.- Mother will use Bonnie to channel her whole ancestral line to fulfill the ritual, and it is easy then to break the link, it's a done deal then, hoping she does not change her mind."
" She won't. We care about Caroline."
"Good."- Elijah said simply.
They came to the woodland area unknown to Elena.  They stepped out of the car and started walking and Elijah started explaining why they were in this particular area- evoking memories of his childhood, where he and his brothers and sister played long time gone. Elena tried to imagine that once they were happy and carefree, before all changed, and they became these volatile creatures. 
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                       "Underneath is a labyrinth of tunnels, caves, where we used to hide in the nights when the moon gave them power-"  
He looked at her, her chestnut-like eyes beaming up at his as he shared something about his past so fondly. It changed his demeanour.
"I owe you more than an apology Elena"- he uttered then.
"Apology?!- she repeated.
"I have not lived up to my word- and my brother has not lived up to his-"- he looked down and then again at her continuing - "it was all because of my other siblings. You see,- he kept them hidden- I thought them all dead" - he had the need to explain why he went back on his word.
"You don't have to explain anything to me- "Elena then said-
"Maybe not. You have the right to hold this against me forever, but I have the need of disclosing my reasons for failing you-"
Elena was quiet.
"I also recognize that I have to keep Klaus away from you - that's the least I can do- I owe you that much."
Then her phone rang and she looked at the display, saying that it was Bonnie. She answered. -
"What happened?"
"Esther wants to draw the power from my whole ancestral line through me for the ritual. I agreed, of course. But she will not be happy when she finds out that I have double crossed her."
"Let me deal with this."- Elijah then said.
Elena finished the conversation, adding that she will soon be back at her house and they could meet to discuss details.
"What are you going to do?"- Elena said worried.
"When it all fails, you can imagine what Klaus and Kol will be like- they would want Mother dead. I have to make sure that she leaves. But this failed attempt will not stop her. Same as Father, she will be on the mission to get rid of us one way or the other.- so we will have to flee again- and Klaus will take you with him."-  
Elena's heart stopped a beat as she did not think about the repercussions.  
"You can come with me?!"- Elijah then suggested.
He now waited for her reaction, and her heart jumped up, she knew that his proposition was serious. Her startled eyes questioned this anyway.
"Mother will need blood to try again to conjure up something. Also, my brother has a supply of your blood, that actually I have removed, so he will not be happy when he finds out about this either."
Elena now felt like she was cornered and for her there was no other way but accept Elijah's offer.  
Tears now welled up in her eyes somewhat unexpectedly no matter how hard she tried to control it. He wanted to embrace her, and as he stepped towards her, she moved away from him, turning her back, ashamed of her tears, that she wiped off quickly. She turned to face him again and then said:
"There is no other way out of this?!" - she stated with a little sigh.
"You can stay, Elena. Klaus will kill Mother, as he will not give her a chance to try anything like this again. You know he is capable of that. At this very moment I see that you leaving M. Falls is the only option to keep you away from Klaus, till I find a way to stop him."
"Why should I believe you?"- she said daringly.
"I know that my word means nothing to you now - but I owe you my life- and you have this as leverage."
Elena nodded slightly, and was quiet for a moment, thinking about how her life kept changing from one minute to another, how certain decisions have already affected her, and those close to her. And again there was another one in front of her.She dreamed often about leaving this place, but never under these circumstances. And then there it was again, the feeling of strange kind of anxiety coming over and with a heavy heart she said- "I will go with you".
Elijah knew this was not an easy decision to make, and that he put her on the spot.  
On the ride back to her house, she looked through he window, pictures of all her life in Mystic Fall rolling in her head.  
He left her at the house. Bonnie was already there waiting for her.
"Where did you go, Elena, what did he do?"- Bonnie could see that Elena looked very miserable. In the house Elena told her friend what had happened in the woods.
"You are leaving?"- Bonnie was shocked.
"I have to, really, what do I have here? I won't be able to get rid of Klaus- and now Esther will also make sure she thinks of something else to kill them. I am the doppelganger and it's my responsibility- look what happened to all of you guys- and Stefan- it all comes down to me- when I leave, at least you can all have some kind of normal life."
"Elena, we will find a way to stop Klaus, some other way - toss him somewhere down the bottom of the ocean, or dump him in some cave where no one will find him- if he had all his family put to sleep, well, then surely, Elijah can put him to sleep."
"You know that the dagger doesn't work on him."- Elena said.
 "He will go after you- is this the life that you want?" - Bonnie tried to reason with her friend.
"What I want I can't have. I am born as a doppelganger and - I also can't have Klaus or any of them kill Esther- oh.. I don't want any of that- "
"But how can you really trust Elijah?"- Bonnie asked.
"I don't - I don't know, part of me says to be really careful, and then the other part says it is going to be all right and that he is the one who can help me."
"Elena, Klaus is his brother, he betrayed you once, he can do it again."
"Do you think that I haven't thought of that- but what have I got? Stefan and Damon, who are fighting over me, I am so tired of it, look how Damon behaved after I told him that I don't feel the same way he does. He lashes out- he always lashes out when things don't go his way. I know he helped me a lot, but, I just don't want to do that anymore- have the emotional attachment of any kind"-the doppelganger paused and then continued-"and with Elijah-it's easy, I can't explain it- but I know it, I just know that it is ok."
"Elena-" Bonnie said with sadness in her voice and two friends embraced one another, Bonnie trying to keep her tears at bay now. 
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