#I’m gonna hide my edibles in it lmao
the-shy-artisan · 1 year
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The collection grows.
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arsenicxarcana · 3 years
m5(4?) helping you rehabilitate banished lucio
or rather reacting to “hey i brought this hobo home can we keep him”
(tending towards nadia’s/THD)
oh you poor sweet summer child, what have you done
may lock him up in the dungeons at first, to make sure he can’t try anything
hope you like loud goat wailing that can be heard across the palace because the absolute LAST thing he wants is to be isolated again
you have to convince her he’s in no state to answer for his crimes like this, not yet, let him recover a little first - all he wants right now is a warm bed and someone to care about him, not taking over vesuvia
(and if this changes you can put him right back in jail)
this does not change, he’s mostly interested in staying close to you
for the most part she remains hands-off, just authorizing various acquisitions for him like any other guest
he will sometimes try to give her little gifts, usually food/wine or little trinkets left outside her door like a cat bringing dead mice
she takes them when no one is around
she may catch him at this one day, and they have a little talk through the crack in the door because he’ll bolt if she opens it
“i’m sorry” “i know. i can’t forgive you” “i know”
this becomes a thing, usually late at night, sitting by her door and telling her things, bringing her more specific gifts based on any troubles she might have had, asking her for advice about making you happy
eventually, maybe, you might even be able to convince them to take lunch together, with you sitting between them as a trusted shield
he WANTS to say absolutely not, not in a million years, he doesn’t deserve the kindness, especially not yours
he WANTS to send him right back to the realms himself, or call the guards, anything to keep him away from you
but he is a doctor, and helping is in his nature
and it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that this poor bastard needs help
and he knows what it’s like to be alone and uncertain of your future
lucio treats him as if they were already old friends, something that seems to endear and rankle him
at first he says he’ll only check him over to make sure he’s not hurt or sick, then you’re on your own, he washes his hands of this nonsense
then he says maybe bring him back around later for another check-up, just in case he missed something the first time
then he says that maybe you two could stick around for a little while, it looks like there’s a storm on the horizon
then he says the room above the clinic is open, most of the time, he’s much too busy to sleep as much as he should, if lucio needs somewhere to lie low for a bit
then he says actually there’s my place in south end, a bit more accommodating but no less abandoned, that might be a little more your speed
and then you find yourself all three coming back from a night on the town, crashing higgledy-piggledy in and around julian’s bedroom, a tangle of limbs and drunken laughter
julian attempts to cook breakfast for you afterwards, with mixed results
(just because lucio will eat it doesn’t mean it’s edible)
he trusts your judgment
not this time, please put that thing back where it came from or so help me
i don’t care if he doesn’t want to go back he can’t stay here, not in this house, not after everything he’s done
there MAY be a fight and it MAY get ugly
either asra storms tf out or they kick both of you out for the night before he can do something stupid
they feel bad as hell, at least for you
if you’ve been kicked out, you take lucio down to the rowdy raven and set up together in the spare room above the bar (and he’s probably crying bc he’s about 75% sure you’re going to get rid of him for Causing Problems)
if asra left, you let lucio have the couch but you’re not about to sleep until asra comes back (crying less, still awkward as hell)
finally, either way, he comes to apologize
but he really, really doesn’t want you to keep the goat and pls think of an alternative? why does it have to be you?
“i’m the one that put him there in the first place”
you don’t! have to feel bad for that!! look at him he’s fine
(lucio currently all but hiding behind you and holding your hand tight, making the saddest little face)
“i can’t just abandon him again, asra. i couldn’t bear it”
oh, curse your good nature
they love that about you but right now it’s the bane of his existence
you tell asra he doesn’t have to forgive him, or even like him - just help me get him back on his feet, pls, just trust me
god. fine. but he sleeps on the couch. and the minute he’s no longer pathetic his ass is out the door
faust stop chilling on his shoulders i swear to god--
she doesn’t have the old history, but she remembers the recent history (stealing your body and being a dick), so she’s still gonna be hostile
there will probably be at least one physical brawl
will probably definitely make him cry
feels bad about it
pepi seems to trust him for some reason (bc fuck you n*h) and she trusts pepi so it can’t be all bad??
gonna put his ass to work in the vegetable garden if he’s expected to stay in her cottage, which he might because it’s close to the palace (but far from people)
he might complain but honestly this is nothing compared to the realms
in return he gets good food, a warm bath, and a pillow pile shared with you, portia and pepi
portia will definitely help you socialize him, especially if you’re not that extroverted yourself, taking him on trips into the city
once he feels more comfortable around her they feed off each other’s energy until they’re one big mass of chaos
you regret your life choices
her cuddly, affectionate nature lines up nicely with his touch starvation and they often become inseparable at the bed time or other soft, quiet moments where you’re just in each other’s company
lmao nah
unless this man finds the hobo first AND feels bad enough to not just leave his ass alone in the forest, good luck with getting him to help you with this
your memory privileges are absolutely revoked goodbye
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salsdemise · 4 years
Gundham and Korekiyo in a relationship hcs  (separate)
I had fun writing these lol.   TW/CW: slight V3 spoilers for Kiyo, other than that none! AU: non-kg/non-despair au Word count: 1,361(kinda long!)
HC’s under the cut!
-I’ve done some on this but
-he’s a generally reserved person, not opening up about himself much if at all until farther into the relationship.
-His love language is giving you gifts!
-He travels a lot so by the time he’s back its like christmas lol
-if he comes home(assuming you live in the same apartment) at a time he knows ur asleep, he joins you in bed.  May not sleep if he’s had tea or something to drink, but he enjoys it when he gets in bed and you almost instantly cling to him.
-Doesn’t like to be touched, that being said he LOVES invading your personal space.  He’s wrapping an arm around your shoulders, waist, he’s spinning you around and goofing off, playing with your hair, ect. 
-try and do the same with him and he won’t tell you not to, but he will be quite stiff and still.  At least at the beginning of the relationship
-Loves 20’s and 30’s music? Like, Button Up Your Overcoat by Helen Kane? That shit slaps to him and if you like it too, then prepare to listen to it often.
-not one for public dates, loves dancing with you in your kitchen.  Loves picnics too!
-doesn’t matter if you can’t cook, he’ll eat it even if it’s mostly burnt.  He might even figure out a way to make what you make taste edible lol
-He loves taking photos of you randomly doing things.  Cooking dinner? He’s got a picture.  Drawing? Picture.  Reading? He’s got one. Picking flowers on a picnic date? Obviously.  You mid scream bc of a horror game jumpscare? He’s got two.
-If you end up asking about his bandages and stuff, he takes them off to show you various scars and marks.  If you ask, he tells you about the ‘welcoming’ he got from natives of an area he was visiting. He doesn’t tell you he almost died though lol.
-He’ll make you bracelets n stuff
-He likes falling asleep with you on top of him.  Helps him feel grounded and he loves holding you
-Fights are almost non-existent between you two.
-unless it’s about his trauma.  But you two don’t often talk about that unless he’s had a day where he can’t stop thinking and even then you just hold him while he cries and talks about it.
-healthy relationship <3
-If you have any trauma he’s more than willing to help you through your issues, making you tea, holding you, calming you down.  He’s a listener.
-He wants to know everything about you.  What you like, what you don’t like, what makes you happy, what to avoid.  He wants to make sure you’re comfy with everything.
-he always asks before touching you, kissing you, entering a room you’re in when the door is closed, calling you ect.
-You do the same.  You always ask if you can go into his room, if you can look when he has his mask off, if you can hold his hand and stuff.
-He has a little garden! Mostly roses, but he likes it.
-You’ve made him masks and he adores them.  His favorite has roses on the sides.
-Korekiyo loves you sm and you get along very well
-Valentines day you guys just stay inside and watch awful romance movies while cuddling.
-if you really want to go out, get ready because he’s not holding anything back. Gundham!
-Getting into the relationship is a LONG process. 
-And I mean LONG
-It probably starts when you find one of his Devas.  He’s looking for them and you’re just walking around with them on your shoulder and he nearly runs into you when he sees you have them and he’s like
- “Mortal, halt any further movement and unhand my Deva this instance!”
-ur just standing there with them on ur shoulder so you hold your hand out to it so it can climb on and then hand it to Gundham
-Mans shocked lmao like his devas clearly like you
-it happens three more times, all of them have gone missing once now
-He’s so confused???
-he starts following you around bc “your energy is...interesting, Mortal.  My Deva’s truly seem to like you and I'm inclined to see why.”
-just accept it he’s not leaving you alone.  Ever.
-if ur free after school he’s gonna ask you to go to the pet store he volunteers at too frequently (half the people there think he works there, he doesn’t but he might as well)
-if you say yes he’ll tell you about all the animals and let you hold them(might get you one if he likes you enough)
-Eventually he asks you out for real, he first asks you to go to the pet store again and you agree.  Then he takes you on a picnic near a cemetery (if you ask why not in he says “It’s quite rude to disturb the dead like that, Mortal.”)
-Durning the picnic his Deva’s bring out notes to you while he’s not looking
-they’re little notes with poems saying how much he loves you
-very sweet, very sweet.
-He notices eventually and mans goes RED.
-hiding in his scarf, he tells you how he feels
-obviously you say yes, and you two start dating (kazuichi would be over the moon lol)
-mind you this is like 4 years into the friendship, y’all are almost out of highschool by now
-It takes him a while to initiate contact with you, also takes him a bit to get used to you touching him in general
-one thing he’s used to quickly is having your arms linked.  He enjoys it.  The devas do too.  They can go from him to you!
-He’ll excuse himself 3 times a day to shower.  Man has hamsters on him constantly, wears no underwear and is a little paranoid about being smelly since he was bullied for smelling like a hamster when he was younger.
-You don’t mind at all, seeing him with his hair down is amazing every time.
-He likes it when you play with his hair but he won’t tell.
-the deva’s will though-
-when you guys get close enough(7 years friends, 3 years dating) he’ll be comfy with skin to skin.  And he adores it when you trace the many large and small scars on him from him training his animals.
-He isn’t someone to ask for cuddles, but when he’s had a rough day he’ll ask to lay down with you.  He likes laying with his head on your lap or stomach and his arms around your waist while you mess with his hair.
-He has hard days a lot when out of highschool.  So when he comes home from work (he works as a tour guide at a zoo change my mind) he likes to just,,,,collapse into you.  He likes when you hold his face and kiss his forehead
-he’s a very affectionate person in private!
-,,,clearly, as written
-Fights are super rare between you two. Like, super rare.  If you have an issue you both sit down to talk.  You listen and work it out, and then things are fine.
-he doesn’t eat most meats.  The only one he eats is fish.  He will not eat any other meat.
-meals are easy with him though, you try your best for him and he loves it. You can make meals with meat in them and remove the meat from half of it for him and when you do he’s so happy.  You think of him and he adores that.
-Lovey poems, notes, gifts, little things that make you both smile. 
-his love language is gifts and notes.
-He’s surprisingly popular with kids at his work, so when you go to visit him with lunch, you’re kinda surprised at first to see him crouched down with a group of 5-8 year olds, talking about birds and lizards.
-You wait till the kids are collected and then go over, smiling
-he’s a little embarrassed.
-Valentines day is a DAY for you two
-he goes all out with it and that’s all I'm saying
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female-malice · 3 years
next on the watchlist:
-blair witch project + häxan. the last two ultimate witch films i haven’t seen 
-silence of the lambs. one time i was like “i’m gonna eat an edible and put on silence of the lambs when it kicks in 💚” anyway i made it 30 minutes before i was too terrified to continue. i’ve watched like 3 seasons of AHS stoned no problem. i mean it was scawy but i never needed to turn it off. idk if that says more about how great silence is or how bad AHS is. i should probably just try for a solid sober watch but i want to get another edible and try it again lmao
-the innocents. also i need more 60s/70s horror recs. i’m running out of the primo 60s/70s movies. let me know if there’s any others i should watch before i start going through the entire hammer film catalogue indiscriminately. 
-halloween 1978+2018. i don’t love slashers but i wanna see the jamie lee curtis showdown.
-the others. i’m told this film is extremely slept on. i mean it won a ton of international awards, so i guess its slept on by american audiences
-us. i gotta catch up and watch this because jordan peele has new stuff in production right now
-blood and black lace + bird with the crystal plumage. i don’t love slashers but i have a soft spot for giallo. i also might give phenomena a try. i know it’s probably bad but jennifer connelly and also goblin
-suspiria 2018. i’m told my die hard suspiria 1977 loyalty is keeping me from a fun movie that’s not a remake and just happens to be called suspiria. 
-love witch and neon demon. for the suspiria-inspired color palettes lol.
-david lynch. i’ve only seen peaks/fire walk with me/return, eraserhead, and dune. i sound like a fake fan but really i'm just obsessed 😭i’ve rewatched twin peaks enough times that i’m pretty sure i’ve properly absorbed it. but my mind is still reeling from eraserhead and the return. watching the return also sucked out everything i’d absorbed about twin peaks and put it in a blender. blue velvet is probably the next one i’ll watch, but i might have to rewatch the entire return season before i get there. luckily mister lynch has infrequent projects and i have my whole life to make my way through them
-ari aster. i knowwwww i know i know. it should be at the top of the list. but all the buzz around his movies has kind of ruined the ‘watch it and see' magic for me. like, i know why ppl were a little disappointed in the hereditary ending. i know midsommer is the better of the two and i know how that one ends too. if i didn’t know the ending, i’d have watched it already and enjoyed every minute. but watching the whole movie knowing where it’s headed? i’d have to be in the right mood for that. now i can only analyze these movies rather than fully enjoy them. you spoiler-happy queens were having a field day with these lmao
-shape of water. this one is also suffering from too much buzz/too many spoilers. but since it’s Guillermo, i’ll probably get to this one before the ari aster movies. i mean i watched crimson peak so like i’ll watch anything he makes lol
-also some rewatches. i know i need to stop rewatching the same 10 horror films. that’s why i’m doing this. but some of these i have legitimate reasons for. like bram stoker’s dracula. when i was 6, my family rented this but i wasn’t allowed to watch. so naturally i snuck out of bed to hide in the next room and watch from there lmao. anyway i don’t remember the movie super well lol
-exorcist. there is soooo much to absorb from this incredible movie. i can’t just watch it once
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Okay so it's totally understandable if you don't want to do this. Love your blog either way! ❤ but I'd love to see headcanons or scenarios about Kakashi, Itachi and whoever else you want smoking weed with the reader! I think it'd be hilarious!!! Again totally cool if it's a no if you don't smoke or are against it.. love you!
Glad to hear you love the blog!💚💚  LMAO I’M SO DOWN WITH THIS 😂💚 I’ve been around marijuana most of my life in different aspects so I’m excited to write this! 💚💚 I also assumed the reader was their S/O. ---
Kakashi Hatake:
Kakashi’s been smoking weed since he left the ANBU. After being in desperate need of an escape and generally needing to calm down. Now it’s a daily ritual.
Though he generally sleeps better now that he gets to crawl into bed with you he usually smokes before bed.
He’ll always share with you, he’s not possessive over his stash at all. Help yourself if he’s not around S/O.
Why is he so lax about it? He’s never had to pay for it. 
That’s right, years ago Kakashi helped out an elderly couple and turns out they ran a weed farm. As a show of their thankfulness anytime Kakashi comes around he gets a handsome baggy for free.
You went with him once and they think you’re lovely, they’re vert happy someone’s loving and taking care of their broody hero. You get a cute little baggy of your own for free too.
Having the nose of a trained Ninken means he knows the good stuff when he smells it.
So the stash you two share is some potent stuff. It’s that good stinky shit my dude.
Kakashi has got a large double percolator bong covered in dog stickers you’ve put onto it that he hides beside his dresser in case anyone decides to drop by unexpectedly. Guy came by once and Kakashi swears he was lectured about it for three days straight. 
Watching Kakashi take hits with his mask still on always makes you laugh, the way the smoke comes up from the inside of his mask should look really cool but it just makes you burst into a fit of giggles. Which is why he still does it sometimes. He thinks your laugh is cute and nothing makes him laugh more than your own laugh.
You two usually smoke in bed, the plan is always just to get a little stoned and get some good sleep. Oh, how you two rarely follow the plan.
You two can stay up for hours talking. Sometimes it strays into serious and philosophical topics and other times it’s a giggles fest of lame excuses he’ll use on his students later.
You two even have little smoking games. One of his favourite is where you two read Icha Icha and whoever finishes the page last has to take a hit, the more you lose the harder it gets to read. But as the room gets filled with more and more smoke it gets harder for the winner to keep focus too. Kakashi usually wins this game never the less though.
To spite what his reputation as a Shinobi is and how he can come across Kakashi is in fact a gigantic nerd and it comes out full force when you two are stoned. His comfort with you paired with the weed is enough to have him drop down any barriers and he tells you all this fan theories about the next Icha Icha books, how he came up with the names for his Ninken. Come on one of their names is Biscuit! 
Speaking of biscuits. Kakashi doesn’t have a huge sweet tooth but that man can pack it away. You two have definitely walked down to Ichiraku’s for a late night second dinner. You’ve run into Shikamaru and Asuma there too along with a number of other faces. There’s a good reason Ichiraku’s is open late, he knows his clientele. 
You two eventually make it to bed so late that it’s early. Both your heads light and bodies heavy as you cuddle up, conversation slowly turning into snores.
Itachi Uchiha:
Itachi’s been familiar with marijuana for medical use for quite some time.
It’s what’s most easily accessible on the road, not every Village has well trained Medical Nin but there’s always at least one person in every Village that sells pot. 
At first he only took medical marijuana oil that had a low THC to avoid effects of grogginess on missions.
But when you came into the picture with your gummies and potent oils things changed. 
He still rarely uses anything with THC on missions but when he’s off his missions he enjoys it more than he thought he would. 
Edibles are something he enjoys, he has a sweet tooth no matter what he says. You made edible Dango once and he adored it.
He can’t take any hits from bongs or blunts but with you he’s become very fond of shotguns and hotboxings. Shotguns usually end in a kiss and it gives him all the more reason to smile. The lightheadedness from the weed and your lips leaves him with what could be considered a dorky smile by Uchiha standards.
Then of course you introduced him to the world of THC body oils. Heaven you introduced him to Heaven.
When he comes back from missions physically sore you break out the oil and give him a massage. Itachi was a little hesitant at first, brushing you off politely but with some insistence from your end he agreed.
It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy the thought of you giving him a massage, it’s that he worries sometimes the relationship you two have is skewed too much in his favour. You often have to remind him you love him and you do this not because you feel like you have too but because you want too. Plus you often jokingly tease him by grabbing his butt and that’s your Heaven so it’s worth it.
His body is usually sick an uncooperative when it comes to physical forms of love with you but sometimes just the right combinations of medical grade oils and high THC can have his body feeling well enough to try. And if you’re receptive at all he doesn’t miss a chance to try.
Buzzing high on THC and blissful orgasmic relief is enough to knock you and Itachi into sleeping the next week away. 
He never would have thought being high would give him such a semblance of a normal life. Laying, cuddled up to the person he loved so dearly, body and mind relaxed, death far from his thoughts. It all gave him a moment of maybe what his life could have been and he relishes in it. 
When he’s stone he smiles more, breathy chuckles make their way our of him not many but more than you’d normally get. He already smile around you more but when he’d stoned it’s more constant. 
He chooses not to get philosophical when he’s high with you, all his philosophical’s have to do with death and he wants that as far as possible from the conversation when he’s trying to be present in the moment with you. It’s something you two have talked about, you already knew the reality that Itachi was going to die and it was going to be bloody...he didn’t need to remind you of it every second so instead he just lets himself enjoy the hazy moments he has with you.
Itachi’s nerves are shot from dangerous Jutsu he’s used over the years but being high feels to heighten his sensitivity and your little touches of affection are something he wishes he could bottle up and take with him on long missions. 
Kisame is aware of almost everything you are when it comes to Itachi and he’s got no problem with it and he’s gone so far as to remember the strains you told him help Itachi the most and will pick them up if he sees them. Kisame doesn’t see the appeal himself since he’s highly resilient. Seriously check it out fish aren’t susceptible to THC 
Some of Itachi’s best days are spent with you stoned out of your brilliant minds. 
Can you guess who was a bad influence and is to blame for this? I’ll give you two guesses but you’re only gonna need one. That’s right, say it with me: Kakashi.
What started as a way to appear cool and bond with his Senpai has over the years become a personal hobby.
Yamato is absolutely paranoid at times that someone will catch him smoking. It’s not illegal but it once was and sometimes he still gets worried he’ll get in trouble or worse get shamed for it.
So he only exclusively smokes at home by himself, with you or guiltily sometimes with Kakashi to spite the fact Kakashi teases the living Hell outta your poor boyfriend.
You do too a little. You can’t help it. You’d think he’s a teenager hiding it from his mom instead of a grown man who lives with you, his adult partner by the way he acts.
He locks all the doors, puts towels at the bottom of every single one, closes every window and latches them shut, he lights candles to stop the smell, he got so worried once he even used his wood Jutsu to seal the door and windows tight. Which caused the most incredibly intense hotbox of your life.
To spite the fact he’s been smoking much longer than you have you typically have to light up first to help him feel more comfortable about it. He still has a worry in the back of his head you’ll judge him for what he was raised with is a nasty habit.
But as he take a few deep breaths he calms down. One of the root reasons why he smokes is to calm himself down and to unravel the tight spiral he spins himself into.
He mainly smokes joints, they’re easy to hide and if he’s positive if he ever needed too he could convince someone they were just hand rolled cigarettes.
He’s a talker. Going over imaginary scenarios that get more and more ridiculous the higher he gets and he used to be able to talk himself into a panic but when you laugh at the insane lengths he goes too it calms him down and make him realize that he is being a little silly...but just a little.
You sometimes have to steer the conversation a little, telling funny stories of when you were in school and someone dared you to eat a roach claiming it would get you high. It didn’t. 
If you can get him going he’ll absolutely in be stitches as he laughs away. And it’s adorable to see Yamato cut loose like that.
Sometimes he’ll tell his famed ghost stories but instead of his Dead Eyed Ghoulish Stare having it’s usual chilling effect it makes you lose your mind and laugh. It should be terrifying with his pupils enlarged, red blood vessels brimming his big eyes as they stare at you but there’s just something so funny about it when you’re high. And eventually after he has a brief moment of bruised ego he laughs along with you.
About two shared joints in the best way to describe him is dopey. 
Dopey eyes, dopey grin, dopey compliments on how he’s so thankful for you and that you’re here with him, years ago he never would’ve imagined he’d get to come home to someone, especially someone as pretty and wonderful as you.
When he gets this dopey he just wants to be held, so much of his life has been starved of touch and it feels so wonderful with the way his nerves and buzzing. If you run your nails through his hair he’s an absolute goner.
He likes to wait for all the hotbox smoke to dissipate into nothingness before he dares to open a window or a door. So this usually means you two spend hours together like this. 
He greatly prefers smoking now that he can do it with you. He however to prefer or approve of your pranks like the time you snuck a joint into his flak jacket pocket. He freaked out desperately trying to hide it and you were in so much trouble when he got home.
~Admin Coral. 
Buy Me A Coffee?
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The Time-Traveler’s Daughter
Prince Zuko x Reader Summary: You are where history and prophecy collide, the daughter of a time traveler and a witch, and this has done nothing but cause problems...But maybe getting stuck in another dimension isn’t the worst thing to happen to you. Note: I will probably use this reader again. I don’t know, I just really like this concept. Warnings: None? I’m a hoe for Zuko as usual lmao. (I went way overboard. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is the longest one-shot I’ve ever written for this blog) Word Count: 6k
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Being the child of a dimension-hopping time traveler and a witch who knew better had given you quite possibly the strangest childhood you could have ever asked for. Your father’s friends from all over history and the universe were always popping in for a visit, and your mother’s ancestry granted you an education at a magical boarding school.
It was the summer just after your graduation, and so each of your parents had decided to give you a gift. Your mother’s gift was her own coming of age necklace, a powerful amulet that had been passed down from woman to woman, all the way down her side of the family. Your father, as always, had invented something of his own for you, a watch.
This was no ordinary watch, however. The large steel device allowed the wearer to time travel or travel through dimensions as they pleased. It harnessed the same technology his metal glove did. Your mother was a bit on the fence about this gift, but your father insisted that it was time for you to explore and have your own adventures. After all, if he hadn’t gone out to explore the universe, he would have never met your mother.
So, she relented and let you try it out. That was, perhaps, why you were blacked out in a dimension that wasn’t your own. Your head hurt something fierce, and by the time you started to open your eyes, there were two familiar strangers hovering over you. The first was older, his friendly features obscured by a white beard. The second was around your age, shaggy dark brown hair partially hiding his fierce amber eyes. A scar stretched across the right side of his face.
“Oh my God…” You groaned, struggling to sit up.
“I’ll get you some tea. Please be careful.” The first stranger, someone you recognized as Iroh from your years of watching Avatar as a child, told you. “You’ve been asleep for a long while.”
“You’re...Iroh and Zuko…” You mumbled, looking at each of them for a moment. Zuko’s eyes widened and he looked to his uncle for some clue about what to do. Depending on when in their timeline you’d found them, that might have not been the best thing to say. “I’m...I’m not from around here. I don’t know how I got HERE of all places…”
“I thought you were dressed a little strange.” Iroh noted, chuckling to himself. He didn’t seem bothered about your comment, nor the fact that you knew who they were while they were pretending to be simple refugees as opposed to powerful fire-benders. “I’ve never seen clothes like those before.”
In most dimensions, your gray hoodie, black t-shirt, and ripped jeans would have been more than normal. Of course you found yourself in the one where they weren’t. And then there was the matter of your watch, which upon further inspection was broken, sparking and jolting when you rushed to take it off. “Shit!”
“What’s wrong?” Zuko jolted at your sudden outburst.
“It’s broken! Oh my God, my mom’s gonna kill me! I...” You took a deep breath, trying to center yourself. “I can’t get home without it. It’s broken, so I’m...stuck here.”
“What do you mean you’re stuck here? It’s just a bracelet. I’m sure if you explained to your mom--”
“You don’t understand, Zuko. That watch is...the reason I’m here. It’s like a portal. And without it, I can’t get home.” You looked to Iroh. “I, uh...wasn’t kidding when I said I wasn’t from around here…”
“You’re from another world, then…” Iroh thought about it for a long moment, passing a warm cup of tea to you. “That is quite the pickle. Well, you’re more than welcome to stay with us until you find a way home. Zuko, find our guest something...suitable to wear. Wouldn’t want to draw attention.”
“Thank you.” You were still floored that this was your reality. Your whole childhood, you’d looked up to Iroh. His wisdom and kindness were values you’d appreciated forever. And Zuko...well, it wouldn’t be too far off to say he’d been one of your first crushes, despite the fact that he was animated. Of course, now he was in the flesh in front of you, and it was...different. You couldn’t deny the fact that the prince was handsome.
Zuko left to go to the market and get you something that wouldn’t make you stand out in Ba Sing Se. Meanwhile, Iroh asked about where you’d come from.
“My father is like me. A dimension-hopper. He made my watch as a graduation present. Where I’m from, you and Zuko...you’re fictional.”
“Fictional, you say? Very interesting…” He took a sip from his tea. “So how did you come to know about us, then, if we’re fictional in your universe?”
“Well, you two are characters in one of my favorite cartoons growing up.” You thought for a second. This world you’d found yourself in was very technologically behind the one you’d come from. “Cartoons are like...drawings that move. And they have sound. It’s...hard to explain, I’m sorry.”
“Cartoons sound incredible! It must be such an interesting world, where you’re from.”
“It is, yeah. Where I’m from, the only people with powers are witches like my mom. Like...me. I always thought benders were so cool. The idea that you can just control the elements is so cool.”
“You have magic?!” The old man’s features lit up. “Would it be out of the question to see some?”
“Of course not, um…” You thought for a moment before letting go of your tea cup and letting it float in front of you. When you did it, the amulet around your neck glowed. “I can’t do much. My staff is back home, but without it, I can do some little things. If I had it, I could just...fix my watch. Without it, though, I guess I’ll just have to figure it out.”
“Zuko could probably take you to the market tomorrow to look for parts. Someone around here must have something that could help.”
“What about me?” Zuko entered the house, closing the door behind him. He had a bundle of clothes tucked under his arm. He handed it to you. “I wasn’t sure what size you are, but I think those should fit.”
“Thank you.”
“We were just discussing the matter of (Y/N)’s broken watch.” Iroh explained, motioning to the device that was still sparking every few seconds. “She needs some parts to fix it. I wondered if maybe you could take her to the market tomorrow to get some spare parts for it.”
“Sure.” He shrugged, sitting between you and his uncle. Your heart lurched, and so, you stood up to go to the spare room and change into these new garments. Zuko had found you some naturally colored undergarments with a green dress that went over top. You used some clips to pull your hair back and folded your clothes from home before returning to where Zuko and Iroh were sitting.
The way they both stopped talking and looked up at you when you returned made it obvious what they had been talking about. Well, that, and Zuko’s interested statement, “You’re a witch, too?”
“I’m a lot of things.” You laughed, tucking your folded clothes into the corner of the room with your backpack. “Did Iroh tell you the other thing?”
“That we don’t exist? Yeah, he did.” Zuko looked uncertain as he said it.
“It’s not that you don’t exist.” You walked back to the table and sat down next to him. “My dad explained it to me when I was young like this: there are a lot of dimensions in our universe, and sometimes they leak into each other. Sure, you don’t exist in MY world, but you do exist here. If we’re being technical, most of my dad’s friends technically don’t exist where I’m from, my mother included.”
“Hell, I technically went to school in a whole dimension that isn’t supposed to exist.”
“Well, I guess that makes me feel a little better.” He laughed and shook his head, smiling softly. “It must be weird to...meet the villain from your favorite childhood thing.”
“You’re not the villain.” You told him with an amused chuckle.
He looked genuinely surprised. “I’m...I’m not?”
“Not even close.”
Iroh smiled to himself, going to the other room to get some sleep while you talked with his nephew.
“So...If I’m not the villain, then who is?”
“Your dad.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” He nodded. “So I’m, what, I’m some minor villain then?”
“In season one you were. Kind of. Although that’s arguable, even.” You shook your head, taking in his face in the quiet. There were crickets chirping outside. “I mean, sure, you’ve done some questionable things, but...honestly, you have one of the best redemption arcs in history.”
“Redemption arc?” He laughed. “Me? Really? Me?”
“Really. You’re a fan favorite.”
“People like me?”
“People more than ‘like’ you.” Your cheeks flushed, thinking about it. That you were sitting on the floor next to the love of your seven-year-old life.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Goodnight, Zuko.” You got up and walked to the bedroom, settling into the bedroll Iroh had set up for you.
“Night…” He watched you go, a surprised smirk settling onto his handsome features. Maybe he’d have to investigate that some more…
The next morning, Zuko decided to make breakfast for you and Iroh, which judging from the slight burning smell coming from the pan, you learned was not a usual thing.
“I’m really sorry. I tried.”
“Thank you, Zuko.” You laughed, eating it anyway. It wasn’t great, but it was edible, and that was really all that mattered. “It’s actually pretty alright.”
“Thanks. Just, uh, trying to get that redemption arc on a roll.”
“What’s this about a redemption arc?” Iroh asked, amused, as he drank his tea.
“Nothing, Uncle. After breakfast, I’m taking (Y/N) to the marketplace.”
And so, he did. The prince of the Fire Nation led you through the rows of stalls, and you diligently searched for any merchant that might have a little box full of gears and metal bits. Zuko watched you as you went, an unsure expression on his face. How was it that this stranger had wandered into his life and changed so much? Good, changes, sure, but changes no less.
Your face lit up as you approached the stall of an inventor. Among his wares, there was a  box filled with itty bitty gears and pieces, exactly what you were looking for.
“Sir, how much for the...box of gears?” Zuko asked, his hand on your shoulder, essentially claiming you in front of the locals.
“Oh, those? Couldn’t find a use for them, I’m afraid. My eyesight went years ago, so I don’t have the patience to deal with such small parts. If they make the girl happy, then take them. They’ll do you more good than they ever have me.”
“Thank you so much, sir. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course.” The kind old man handed you the box and winked at Zuko. “She’s a keeper, that one. You’ve got yourself an inventor on your hands, boy. Be careful not to lose her.”
“Believe me, sir, I will.” He smiled and the two of you turned, faces flushed, as you walked back home. “Thank you. For playing along.” He said once the market was far enough away.
“Gotta blend in somehow.” You nodded. Of course. Of course that was what had happened. The two of you were just blending in. The love of your childhood life had certainly not just claimed you as his sweetheart in front of an entire market full of people.
When you got back to the house, Iroh was reading, his cup steaming with a fresh cup of tea. You moved your watch to the table and set the box of gears down. In your backpack, you had a pair of tweezers and some goggles, so you put them on and set to work, carefully pulling out the broken pieces and searching the box for suitable replacements.
Zuko watched as you worked, amazed that someone could know how to manipulate such tiny pieces. “How did you...learn how to do that?”
“Many years of practice. My dad is kind of the best inventor ever. He taught me everything I know.”
“Mmm…” Zuko nodded. He wondered what it was like to have a loving relationship with your father. After all, he’d never really gotten that. His mother had been one of the kindest people he knew, but once she’d exited his life, he was left with Ozai, and...well, the rest was history.
“Speaking of parents...there’s a moon in this dimension, right?” You asked. “That’s a dumb question, of course there’s a moon here.”
“There is. Why?” Iroh asked.
“Well, I have to contact my mom. You know, tell her I’m alright. She was worried about this whole dimension hopping thing.”
“Ah, I see.” Iroh nodded. “Well, I’m sure we can help you if you need it.”
“Thank you. Seriously, thank you both. You’ve done so much for me.”
“Well, showing you some basic kindness is the least we can do. I can’t imagine what would have happened to you if someone else had found you.” Iroh lamented on it, humming to himself.
“Me either.”
You tinkered away for a few more minutes before finally finishing. “I think I did it.” You sat up straighter, wrapping the watch around your wrist and looking it over.
“You’re done?” Zuko asked, watching as you stood and started to gather your things. “That was...quick.” You pretended not to notice the disappointment on his face.
“Yeah, I don’t think it was as broken as I thought it was. Well...here goes. Thank you for everything. I’ll come visit if I can.”
“You’re welcome here any time.” Iroh promised.
You let your eyes linger on each of them for a second longer before adjusting the settings and pressing the button on the watch. For a few moments, it whirred the way it was supposed to. And then...everything went wrong. The metal started to get hot. Really hot. The device groaned, pieces grinding against each other. You ripped it off of your wrist and threw it out the window, just in time too, because only a moment later, you heard a loud BOOM and then a cry of “MY CABBAGES!”
“Maybe my...calculations were off.”
“Maybe.” Zuko nodded, looking out the window and then back at you. There was some little piece in him that couldn’t help but be glad you weren’t leaving just yet…
When dark fell, Zuko took you beyond the city walls. It was a clear night. The stars reflected off of the little pond, and inside the crystal waters was the image of the crescent moon. You walked over and knelt beside it, reaching out to skim your fingertips along the surface, letting the waters ripple out from you.
When the image cleared again, your reflection was replaced with your mother’s. She looked at you with concern.
“Are you alright? Did something happen?”
“I’m fine, mom. I just thought I’d check in, let you know where I landed. I’m in the Avatar universe. My watch broke on impact.”
You winced at her outburst of panic. “It’s fine, though. Dad said I’d have to learn how to fix it, so why not now?”
She wasn’t listening to you, though. “That’s it, I’m sending your father to pick you up right now—”
“Mom, you don’t even have to. Seriously, it’s fine. Don’t send Dad. I need to figure this out on my own.”
She looked at you, tilting her head in that way that she did when she was deciding to be angry or proud of you. Eventually, she caved. “Fine. I’m not sending your father. But…you call me if you can’t figure it out and I’ll send him in a heartbeat. You don’t have to do everything alone, you know.”
You looked to Zuko, smiling softly when he looked at you with those sharp golden eyes. “Believe me, Mom. I’m not alone.”
You talked with her for a few more minutes before finally dismissing her aura and standing up again. Zuko stood up beside you, looking down at you, waiting for one of you to break the silence somehow.
“You’re taller than I expected you to be.” You told him.
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s weird that…you know, you knew who I was before. Maybe not weird, just…you know.”
“No, it’s definitely weird. I used to watch your cartoon every single day before school. They used to play reruns in the mornings while I was eating breakfast. My parents had to basically drag me away so I could actually catch the bus.”
“Oh yeah.” You nodded, and the two of you began the long walk back to the safety of the city walls. But not before running into a bit of trouble first.
“What have we got here? The fire prince and his little damsel in distress? I wonder how much we could get for the two of you…” A group of bandits had formed around the two of you. You looked up at Zuko, his eyes blown wide with panic before melting into the confidence he so often had. Flames tickled his palms before igniting in his hands.
You didn’t have any weapons, no watch, no swords of any kind. You were lucky, though, that the two of you were standing back to back beneath the branches of a great tree. You reached a hand up and the tree seemed to kneel under your control, one of the limbs dipping down, down, down until the wood was gripped tight in your hand. The end of the thin branch snapped off, leaves flying off as the new staff formed, twisting and bending to your will.
“What kind of bending is THAT?” One of the bandits’ very panicked voice asked.
“Oh, I’m not a bender.” You replied, fingers tightening around your staff while the tree stood itself upright again. “But you’re going to wish I was.”
And then the battle broke out. Zuko’s flames blazed any of the bandits that dared to get close to him, punching fireballs at anyone who got too close to you. Meanwhile, you were using your staff, which was nowhere near as powerful as the one you had at home, to send the bandits back with waves of sheer power. Needless to say, they hadn’t ever seen anything quite like the two of you.
A few minutes later, all that was left was a scorched field, a panting fire bender, a tired witch, and a trail of bandits making a run for the woods.
“Where did you learn to fight like that?!” Zuko turned to you excitedly.
You rested your staff against the ground and looked up at him. “My mom.”
“Figures.” He chuckled. “You’re good. And you’ll have to be if you’re going to stay with us until we get your bracelet fixed. Uncle Iroh and I…”
“I know. You’re in a bit of trouble. Maybe you need someone like me looking out for you, huh?”
“Yeah, just maybe…”
It didn’t take long for you to fall into a rhythm. In the mornings, Iroh would make tea while you helped teach Zuko how to cook breakfast. After that, Zuko ran the store they were using as a front with his uncle and you helped tidy up a bit. It was only at night that you tinkered with your watch some more. Well, that, or Zuko would take you out to the field to practice fighting. After all, you had a staff to break in.
Fight practice led you to be caught in some precarious positions. Only a few nights ago, you’d wound up pinned beneath him, his breath warm across your cheeks, his shaggy bangs hanging in your face. Something in you lurched, your heart doing a backflip. Never had you imagined, despite your unusual childhood, that you’d ever end up there, your wrists pinned down by rough, warm hands, breaths shallow, lips aching for his. But neither of you acted on it.
Your magic was getting stronger by the day as you became less dependent on your primary staff and learned how to use this new one. Every time you cast a spell, Zuko noticed, the amulet around your neck would glow, as would your eyes. You would meditate on sunny afternoons, and when you did, your form would hover a few feet above the ground. It was mesmerizing to watch, and he often did, only caught by you a few times, causing him to leave the room red-faced, babbling some excuse about going to find his uncle.
Zuko wasn’t sure what it was about you, but he trusted you. He supposed he had to, since you were living in their house after all. Given that he and his uncle were wanted fugitives, trust was a thing they had to be careful with. Yet, the longer you stayed, the less he wanted you to leave…and the less YOU wanted to leave.
In all of your days there, you had yet to see Aang or Katara of Sokka or any other members of the main cast. Just Zuko and Iroh. Not that you were complaining. The fire prince and his uncle were more than fine with you and they had been nothing if not welcoming.
It had been a few weeks since you’d woken up in this place. You were sitting by the window, looking out at the starry sky. Zuko walked in so quietly you didn’t hear him and he sat down beside you, watching the way your features flickered in the light of the lantern.
“Would it be awful…if I said I didn’t want you to leave?” Zuko asked quietly, his voice soft and his expression softer.
“I’d love to stay, Zuko, but…you have a destiny. One that doesn’t involve me, I’m afraid.”
“Mmm.” He nodded. “Right. You know everything that happens, then.”
“Just about.”
“And this…your visit?”
“Not part of the plan.”
“But a pleasant addition.” He amended, reaching out to rest his hand on top of yours. He was so warm, endlessly warm, a result of the flames raging inside him. How someone so broken could be so soft, you weren’t sure, but he was. You were certain you’d never met anyone with a kinder soul. “I could just…go with you.”
“They wouldn’t win the war without you.” You whispered, shaking your head. You looked away from him and instead locked your eyes on the sky. “They need you, Zuko. Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph…they all need you.”
“Please don’t leave me.” He pleaded. “Please…”
“Zuko, what am I supposed to do? If I stay here, I’m putting you in danger. I’m putting your whole WORLD in danger! You’re so important to this place. So, so important…”
“So are you!”
“No I’m not!”
“You’re important to me!” Zuko shouted. It was the first time you’d heard him raise his voice the whole time you’d been there. Sure, he’d had little spats with his uncle here and there, but never like this. There were flames flickering in the golden irises you’d come to love. His expression softened when he saw how tense you were. He reached out with a gentle hand and stroked your cheek. “You’re important to me…”
“I can’t be. I’m not supposed to be. I’m not even supposed to exist…”
“But you do. You’re here and so am I. Why can’t you just—”
“You’re supposed to end up with Mai.” You interrupted. He went quiet for a moment. You could have cut the tension with a knife. “She’s your endgame. Not me. You’re going to end up with her and forget all about me.”
“I don’t want Mai anymore.”
“What do you mean you don’t—”
“I want YOU.” Zuko leaned closer. “I don’t want Mai. I want you. Don’t you feel the same?”
“It’s not about my feelings, Zuko, it’s about your future.” You fought the tears that were welling in your eyes, blurring his face.
He was quiet for a long time, thinking. “You can leave this place. You can go home. But once we win the war, I’m going to come find you. I don’t care what it takes.”
You could only stall on your watch for so long without letting it be noticeable, but you knew the longer you stayed, the more it would hurt when you finally left. So, after a few tests and the aid of your growing magic, you decided you were finally ready to go back.
“You know you’re welcome here any time. We could use a witch around the house.” Iroh told you, pulling you into a tight hug.
“I know I’ll see you again. I’ll be sure to come visit sometime.”
“You better. I’ll miss you if you don’t.”
Zuko stood there quietly for a moment, waiting for his moment with you. Once Iroh had said goodbye, he left the two of you alone, and it was silent for a little while. Then, Zuko took a step closer, hesitating before reaching out to take your hand. Zuko let out a long sigh.
“You…don’t have to leave, you know. You could stay a little longer.”
“If I stay any longer, it’s just going to hurt both of us more.”
“Yeah…” He was quiet, tilting your chin up so you were looking at him, into those fierce golden eyes one last time. Zuko let his eyes drift shut as he closed the distance between you, his lips pressing against yours for the first and last time. Then, he murmured softly. “I’m going to find you after the war. I don’t know how or where, but I will. I promise.”
“I hope you do.” You whispered back, tears welling in your eyes as you kissed him one more time. And then another. And then one last kiss for the road, and then before you knew it, you were activating your watch. There was a flash of light and then you were standing in your backyard, knees trembling until you fell to the ground, finally letting your tears flow as you realized that he was gone. You’d never see Zuko again.
It was quiet in the house without you. Dark. Empty. Zuko missed you. He missed your glowing eyes, your fierce energy, the sight of you floating in the sunlight streaming through the window. This place was so different now. He thought he’d be ready for it, but he wasn’t. He never could have been.
“You miss her.” Iroh noted, watering one of his plants. Zuko only nodded. “So do I.”
It was then that there was a bright flash of light. The same kind that had happened when you’d left him. Zuko sat upright, preparing himself for whatever or whoever was standing there, but to his disappointment, it wasn’t you. However, the stranger standing there did resemble you a bit.
“Are you Zuko?” The man asked, looking over the fire prince. Scar, check. Shaggy dark hair, check. Forlorn look in his fiery eyes, check. This had to be the outcast prince you were so heartbroken over.
“Y-yes, sir. Who are you?”
“I’m (Y/N)’s dad.” He offered the teenager his hand, and he shook it, unsure. “She doesn’t know I’m here, before you ask, and no, I’m not here to take you to her.”
“Oh.” Zuko deflated slightly, listening for what else the dimension-hopper had to say.
“I came to give you this.” He pressed a small metal token into Zuko’s palm. “After the war, use this, and it will take you to her. You’ll know what to do.”
“But how do I—” Before Zuko could finish his question, the inventor was gone as fast as he’d come, leaving him standing there wide-eyed, gripping the disc tightly in his hand. He couldn’t lose this. It was his only chance.
For the summer solstice, as you had every year since you were young, you helped your mother prepare the back yard, put up tables, string up streamers, tape balloons into place. You helped her cook food and make punch and make sure everything was just right for when all of her witch friends came over to celebrate.
You were wearing your nicest summer gown. It was yellow, knee-length, and the fabric was covered in butterflies, a crown of enchanted flowers sitting in the curls of your hair. Everything was perfect. Well, everything except for one thing. You’d gotten home from the Avatar dimension about a month ago, and still, you were stuck in a post-Zuko gloom. You didn’t think it was possible to miss someone so much.
You weren’t sure why it was, exactly, that the fire prince had captured your heart. You hadn’t stayed with Zuko and his uncle for all that long. You had only kissed the one time before you left. And yet, you couldn’t help running through all of the memories: that day in the market, your first fight side by side, practicing combat with him in the field outside the city once the sun had gone down, and it was just you, the prince, and the stars. You thought of every meal you shared, every stolen glance, every flicker in the golden amber of his eyes.
There had been a time, once, when Zuko had gotten a cut on his face. Some squabble with some man in the market had resulted in the prince being on the receiving end of a knife. He’d come to you, a little blood dripping from the wound, claiming it to be nothing. The cut had been just above the top of his scar, something you knew he was sensitive about.
“Can I?” You’d asked gently, and he’d nodded, leading your hands up to the spot. Your fingers brushed against his reddened skin as you used your magic to heal him, reducing the bleeding gash to nothing more than a faint white scar.
That was the first time the two of you had been that physically close before, face to face, his lips only a step away. The next was the sparring match near the woods that had led to him pinning you down in the grass. Your heart raced, remembering how it felt to have him. And God, it still hurt.
Liking Zuko had been so much simpler when you were seven and he was a cartoon.
“It gets easier.” Your mother whispered, embracing you from behind. She kissed your cheek tenderly before letting go of you. “I know it hurts now, but it will get easier. You have a universe of possibilities at your fingertips. There’s no need to get tangled up in one boy.”
And you knew she was right. What you were, both halves of what you were, gave you quite the variety of opportunities. But it still hurt.
One flick of her wrist sent the gate at the front of the yard flying open, and minutes later, your mother’s witchiest friends started filing in, mingling with each other under the sun’s bright light. Your father was bouncing around, too, chit-chatting. Some of his friends from other dimensions had shown up, as had some of your school friends, who were dying to hear about your experiences dimension-hopping.
“So uh, have you ever…you remember that cartoon Avatar?”
“The one with the blue people?” One of your friends, Jacob, asked.
You laughed and shook your head as your friend Amber corrected him. “Avatar with the blue people wasn’t a cartoon. She means the one with the four elements and the little bald kid with the arrow on his forehead.”
“Yeah, that one.”
“What about it?” Jay asked, watching your expression. Usually when one of you brought up a childhood show, it was met with waves of nostalgia, not…whatever look you had on your face. “Oh my God, is that where you went?”
“It’s kind of a long story, but yeah.”
“Oh my God, is Sokka as handsome as I remember him being?” Amber gasped.
“Wait, wait, wait, you had a crush on SOKKA? Not Mr. Fine-Ass Firebending Prince of my Heart?” Jade held her heart like she’d just been shot. “Zuko is so hot. No pun intended.”
“And that look has to be for something…” Jacob studied your face when the topic had changed.
“No way, you met Zuko?” Amber’s expression softened.
“I…yeah, you could say that.” Before anyone could ask anything else, you grabbed Jade’s hand and dashed over to the dancefloor, pushing all of the thoughts out of your head and instead giving into the beat of the music. Time didn’t exist anymore, which was evident by just how fast the sun seemed to set, igniting the sky with orange.
Eventually, you wandered to the edge of the dancefloor, where Amber and Jade were. You could tell they were curious, and you couldn’t hide from the questions forever, so in the reds and pinks of the setting sun and the flickering lights of the candles on the tables, you decided to surrender to their inquiries.
“So…what exactly happened between you? You don’t have to answer—”
“I kissed him.”
“You AAAAAAH! Oh my God! Tell us everything!!!” Amber squealed.
“You kissed Zuko.” Jade stated, dumbstruck. “You Kissed him. With your lips.”
“Yeah.” You giggled, shrugging. “I kissed a prince.”
“You kissed a prince.”
“So…are you going to bippity boppity boo yourself back to him?”
“I can’t.” You shook your head. “When I got to him, he and his uncle were still pretending to be refugees. The war hadn’t ended yet, and by the time it does, he’ll probably be in love with Mai. I’m…I’m never going to see him again…”
“Now, why would you say that?”
Your eyes widened, and you traced Jade and Amber’s gazes to a spot behind you. Your racing heart had prevented you from noticing the bright flash of light.
“Holy shit…” Jade murmured, covering her mouth. You were almost too afraid to look.
“Zuko…” You whispered, voice catching in your throat. You felt a large, warm hand on your shoulder. As much as you wanted to turn around to look at him, you couldn’t move. You were paralyzed, frozen by the fear that if you looked, he wouldn’t be there.
Footsteps trailed through the grass, walking around you until he was standing in front of you, as real as you remembered him. His hair was a bit longer now, shaggier, almost hiding his gorgeous amber eyes from you. But his smile was still there, as rare and precious as his smiles tended to be.
His voice was soft and gentle, as gentle as the large hand that rose to stroke your cheek. “We won the war, princess. I told you I’d come find you.”
Instead of replying, you launched yourself into his arms, causing him to let out a soft ‘oof’, his strong arms fastening tight around you. “H-how are you here? H-how did y-you--?”
“Aww, don’t cry,” he cooed, stroking your hair as he teased, “I thought you’d be happy to see me.”
“I missed you s-so much…” You cried, shaking as he held you like you were the only thing in all of the worlds that mattered. “I t-think I love you, Zuko.”
“I know you do.” He chuckled. “I love you, too. Took us long enough to say it, huh?”
You pulled your face out of the crook of his neck and stroked his cheek, turning his face towards yours. He smiled softly before leaning closer and closing the distance between you. The crowd of people in your backyard cheered when they saw you and the prince of the Fire Nation locked into an embrace.
“Oh my god, she’s dating Zuko.” Jade whispered to Amber. After only seeing the prince in cartoon form, it was strange to see him here, living and breathing, and as real as you were.
“She’s done what every cartoon-loving little girl has ever wanted to.” Amber agreed.
“I can’t believe you’re here…” You whispered, brushing the bangs out of his face. His hair was a bit longer than when you’d last seen him. You wondered how much time had passed since you left.
“But that’s a good thing, right?”
“A really, really good thing.” You nodded, stroking his cheek as you studied his features, his arms still tight around your waist.
“Good. Because I don’t plan on leaving you any time soon.”
You pecked his lips. “Good.”
Tagged: @rikersgirl22
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artificialqueens · 5 years
And So We Run (ch.6) - Traumathicc
A/N: *gasp* I’M ALIVE!!
Honestly though it’s been like? A month?? Since I touched this fic?????
Well, for starters I got kind of burned out with the whole End of the Semester deal most of us go through in the beginning of June. Other than that I’ve been backpacking around Europe, so I haven’t really given any of my projects that much needed thought. I just hope this chapter isn’t too rushed lmao.
Hopefully this comeback lasts! *fingers crossed*
“Run, Ganja. You’ve always been fast”
“Maybe I should drop out, change my name…”
“No matter what happens, I’m gonna make sure we both make it out”
“How am I supposed to survive if I can’t even-“
“You’re gonna judge me for breaking rules when you have a secret garden? Fuck all the way off!”
“How do you dance like that? It’s pretty… I mean- my name is-“
“I won’t let them get to you. Just remember.
Run and don’t look back.”
Laganja jolts awake and scrambles to her feet before she even opens her eyes. She stumbles around in the dark for a moment until she realizes that she is, in fact, alone. She manages to calm herself and sits back down on the floor of the small cavern she’s taken shelter in for the night.
Her stomach makes a disgusting growling noise and she whimpers to herself. Seeing as she chose to book it right out of the gate she didn’t even give the goods at the cornucopia a second thought. She just ran until she found this cave, and went to sleep without eating. Good thing Adore taught her how to make a campfire. Otherwise she would’ve been starving AND freezing.
It hasn’t even been 24 hours and Laganja already misses her almost as much as she misses regularly scheduled meals. She remembers watching the memorial ceremony and practically sobbing in relief when Adore wasn’t up there. Having to run away from her at the bloodbath was torture enough. What if she’d never seen her again?
”There is still time for that” A voice whispers in the back of her head.
No. She can’t allow herself to doubt her friend at a time like this. She knows that Adore is more than capable of taking care of herself. She’ll come find her. If she doesn’t find her first, that is.
Laganja would like to tell her head and her stomach to shut the fuck up and let her sleep. She’ll search for edible berries and plants in the morning. Something that she, as an 11, was probably expected to do anyway. She hopes that at least Adore didn’t forget about the gigantic metal structure that’s literally in the middle of an open field. She runs her hands over her face and groans at her own stupidity.
Well, it’s in the past, and hopefully they can laugh about it later. Laganja closes her eyes and thinks about Adore until she’s back asleep.
”Did… did I miss anything? What happened to you two?”
Courtney stares at Gia, who’s currently hiding her wet face in her hands, and Bianca, who has smudges of dirt all over her jacket and pants.
“Your noose trap could use some work” Bianca croaks, her voice filled with tears even though she hasn’t shed any. Courtney realizes she’s clutching her gun.
Her hands are shaking.
Courtney doesn’t waste her breath. She walks right up to her friend, takes the gun out of her trembling hands and puts her arms around her.
She reaches out and pulls Gia into the embrace as well, and they remain sitting there, the only sounds being the wind in the trees and Gia’s quiet sobs. Bianca remains quiet, her face buried in Courtney’s shoulder.
They don’t speak because none of them really have the energy to. Even if they all want to cry, scream, or run away. They stay put in that same position until Gia and Bianca are both asleep. It’s only then that Courtney carefully unlocks herself from the embrace and lays them both down beside what remains of the campfire. She bites her lip as she traces her fingers over her shoulder, where Bianca’s tears have soaked into her sleeve.
A girl spent her last moments alive suffering, and it’s Courtney’s fault.
She silently thanks the heavens for her friends heavy slumber before she collapses onto the ground in tears.
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
How much of Margaret Atwood’s writing have you read and which is your favorite
am i allowed to run away and hide? cos i’ll admit.... not many. i’ve literally only read 3 of her novels (tht,the penelopiad, and the edible woman--all of these because of school lmao) even tho i’m constantly telling people i’m gonna read alias grace/cat’s eye/etc etc etc for fun. i have read a lot of her poetry tho. and an essay or two. i really enjoy her poetry and i don’t say that about a lot of poetry. 
so i can’t fairly say which is my favourite novel of hers, but i think, i can say “the blind assassin” would be if i read it. i have a hunch.
as for her poetry... there is SO much to choose from i don’t even know where to begin since i love basically all her stuff with myth/god/feminine imagery. which is most of it lmao.
Here you can praise the light,having so little of it:
it’s the death you carry in you red and captured, that makes the worldshine for youas it never did before. 
This is how you learn prayer. 
Love is choosing, the snake said.The kingdom of God is within youbecause you ate it.
-- “Quattrocento”
Honestly, Selected Poems II : 1976 -1986 is probably my favourite book of hers if we wanna talk poetry. So many of my faves are in it. (Interlunar has so many snake poems so I love it too.) “Helen of Troy Does Counter Dancing” is also a particular fav and that’s from Morning in the Burned House, which is a great book too. You Are Happy too. omg....
i just can’t decide
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missblanchette · 5 years
Rumor Has It [6/10]
Series: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Izanami Hifumi/Yumeno Gentaro; Minor Jinguji Jakurai/Kannonzaka Doppo
Rating: T
Summary: Thousands of hearts broke that day. With tears shed and cries resounding to the heavens, each grief-stricken woman wondered how this could possibly happen. In the year 20XX of the H. Era, Matenrou’s MC GIGOLO and Fling Posse’s MC Phantom were officially in a relationship.
Except they weren’t, actually.
Notes: The first part kiiinda reads like a chat fic LMAO I tried to make the images as small as possible while still being readable, but there’s a link to the high res of the chats if you click on the day of the week!
Words: 3,470 + a looot of text messages lol
ko-fi // Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | You can read this on AO3! Thank you for reading~! Hope you guys enjoy~! ( ゚▽゚)/
Ch. 6: Head Over Heels
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"Er, Hifumi? A little help here?" Doppo said, juggling two bowls of curry udon in his hands.
"Gimme o~ne sec, Doppo-chin," singsonged Hifumi as he snapped pictures of the food. Three weeks wasn't that long in retrospect, but it felt like three decades since he was able to cook anything saucier than omurice. Sure, he couldn't do it all on his own, but with some (read: a lot of) direction, Doppo could whip something up. At the very least, it actually looked like udon and not a glob of goo like that time Doppo heated up cup noodles.
"What are you doing?"
"Sending pics to Yumenon." Hifumi hummed as he scrolled through his camera roll, unsure of which ones to send. They all looked good so he sent every single one. "I told him we were cooking, so I wanted to show him what a great job you did. Oh, I should show Doc, too!"
Hands too busy to hide his face, Doppo looked away. "It's not that great..."
"Of course it is!" Texts sent, Hifumi pocketed his phone and grabbed a bowl from Doppo. Skipping over to the dining room, the savory scent of the broth wafted throughout. "Ooh, smells yummy~"
"I just did what you told me to." Putting down the rest of the food, Doppo busied himself with setting up the table.
"And you're the one who did the actual cooking. It looks great, so be proud of yourself!"
Flopping into his seat, Doppo sighed. "Well, it doesn't matter if it doesn't taste great."
"Aw, c'mon, it's not like you burnt anything this time," Hifumi said, shoving him playfully. "I'm sure it's, like, edible."
Doppo grunted ("Whatever you say" in Dopponese), but he eyed the food nonetheless. Smiling, Hifumi plopped into his seat and clapped his hands together.
"Let's eat, then?"
Doppo followed suit. "Let's eat."
Not wasting a second, Hifumi grabbed his chopsticks and slurped up some udon. The richness of the curry and the mild sweetness hitting his tongue, his eyes widened and he melted into the flavor.
"Oh my God, Doppo-chin, this is good!"
Rubbing the back of his neck, Doppo looked down at his bowl. He hadn't touched his food yet. "You mean that?"
"Why wouldn't I? Like, okay, maybe the noodles are a little too soft and maybe it's kinda salty, but It’s so savory and rich! I gotta let Doc know!"
"You don't have to, it's not that big of a deal --"
"It totally is, it's your first not-crappy meal! Doc's gonna be so impressed~" Faster than Doppo could blink, Hifumi shot Matenrou's group chat with nothing but stickers and cheers for his food. He gasped then, seeing the next name on his contacts. "I'll let Yumenon know, too."
"Yumeno-san, huh..." Brow creasing, Doppo took a bite of his food. "You've been talking to him a lot recently."
All his focus on LINE, Hifumi nodded. "Yeah! He's pretty fun to talk to, actually."
"That's nice..." Trailing off, Doppo tapped his chopsticks against the edge of his bowl in a steady rhythm. "Hey, Jinguji-san and I are planning on going out tomorrow, and we wanted to know if you wanted to come? I know it's tiring staying home all day."
Hifumi's head snapped up. "Boy, do I! Where are we going? Fishing?"
"No fishing for you yet --" Hifumi pouted, to which Doppo huffed out a laugh. "-- but we're going out for lunch."
"Ooh, where? Can we get Italian?"
"Italian sounds good.”
"Yay! How 'bout after? Are we doing anything?"
"We didn't have anything in mind, but we can do something if you want to."
"Why don't we go to Sakuragaoka-cho Street?"
"Sakuragaoka-cho...?" The tapping quickened. "Isn't that in Shibuya?"
"I don't know, Hifumi..."
"Awww, c'mon, Doppo-chin." He took Doppo's hand from across the table and bounced it up and down, putting an end to the tapping. "I think you'll like it there. It's like really pretty and quiet and there's tons of cafes along the street, so you can relax a little! Doc, too."
Lips pursing, Doppo gave him a once over. If he had anything to say, he didn't and welp, that was Doppo for you. Instead, he sighed that sigh of his -- the light, relenting one rather than the heavy, exasperated one. Small as it was, he smiled.
"We'll see," he said, his grip on Hifumi's hand tightening.
The next morning, Hifumi woke up bright and early for the day that awaited him; his excitement made more palpable when he saw he had a text from Gentaro.
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Heart leaping, Hifumi replied immediately.
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Though he was far from impatient, never had waiting for a text felt so long. Tick, tick, tick, the seconds ticked by and --
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His shoulders sagged, lips curling down as he read Gentaro's message. But as he began typing a reply, his phone pinged.
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Perking up, he grinned.
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With that, Hifumi hopped out of bed. Today was already looking to be good, but now it had to be great -- no, amazing! He was going to have fun for two, after all.
It was a once in a blue moon occasion that he was able to hang out with Doppo, let alone him and Jakurai at once. A shame this time was because of his medical leave, but. Whatever. The reason wasn't important. As promised, Doppo and Jakurai took him out for Italian -- the real, fancy kind, much to his delight. What wasn't so delightful, though, was how they paid for his food despite his protests. No matter! He'd just have to get back at them by cooking a super yummy meal the next time they were all able to get together.
Again, he lost two-against-one when deciding what to do after lunch -- or more like Jakurai suggested somewhere else and Doppo went "Anywhere is fine with me, but..." which pretty much meant "Yeah, let's go with Jinguji-san's idea" -- but he couldn't deny that Shinjuku Gyoen was a nice place. What really mattered to him, anyways, was that he was there with Doppo and Jakurai. With an arm linked with each of theirs, even he could appreciate the calm and quiet of the park. How couldn't he, when Doppo’s blood vessels weren’t on the verge of popping for once and Jakurai, too, wasn't tense with stress. Speaking of which...
A grin growing on his face, Hifumi dropped his hands to grab onto Doppo's and Jakurai's. He swung their hands about in an arc once, twice, three times before hopping back from his place in the middle and clasping their hands together.
Pausing, Doppo narrowed his eyes at him. The blush coloring his cheeks didn't help him much, though.
"What are you doing?"
"Hifumi." Despite his glare, Doppo hadn't let go of Jakurai's hand.
"What?" he said, waving him off. "You guys are a couple, so you gotta act like one!"
Doppo heaved a sigh, the exasperated one. "My coworkers already ask me enough about you and Yumeno-san, I don't need them hounding me about Jinguji-san either."
"Actually, Doppo-kun --" Jakurai cut in before Hifumi could speak again. Holding Doppo's hand to his chest, a light pink dusted his cheeks in spite of the calm expression he wore. "-- there aren't too many people out here, so perhaps it wouldn't hurt to indulge in Hifumi-kun for now?"
Stuttering, Doppo's face reddened. "W-Well, I guess not..."
More than happy to play cupid, Hifumi wrapped his arms around them and pushed them forward with a laugh. They chattered on about life and the like as they continued strolling through the park, Hifumi more than eager to listen to Doppo's and Jakurai's work stories since home wasn't exactly the most exciting place. All the while, the wind swept by and sent the sakura petals flying in their direction.
"Maybe we should make you a flower crown, Doc." Hifumi giggled, picking off the petals that'd gotten caught in Jakurai's hair. From his palms, the breeze carried the petals away and they drifted into the sky; counting them off one by one, the scene reminded him of another outing that took place a while ago. "Y'know, this is kinda like when I went out with Yumenon the other day!"
"'Yumenon'?" Jakurai asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Ah, he means Yumeno-san."
"Yeppers! I dropped by Shibuya last week and ran into him."
Jakurai let out a low hum. "I wasn’t aware you two were that close."
"Yeah, we started talking lots after the the whole stabbing incident. Look, see." Pulling out his phone, he opened up his LINE chat with Gentaro and shoved it into Jakurai's face. "Hey, we should take a selfie! Let him know what we're up to."
"Perhaps later, Hifumi-kun." Jakurai's lips tugged up, the smile not quite reaching his eyes. He took a cursory glance at the screen before gently nudging Hifumi's hand away. "While I'm glad you're making friends, I advise you to be cautious around Yumeno-kun."
Hifumi’s steps slowed down, his brows furrowing. "What? Why?"
"Yumeno-kun is a member of Fling Posse, yes?" Blue irises clouding over, Jakurai brought their stroll to a stop. "Then certainly he has agreed to Amemura-kun's terms and Amemura-kun is... not the most trustworthy person out there."
Hifumi pouted. "Aw, Dr. Jakurai..."
"It's weird, though, isn't it?" Doppo piped up. Biting his lip, his gaze shifted from the ground to Hifumi. "That he came to our apartment when he shouldn't have known where we lived? And didn't you say he called you before this whole thing happened? That seems kind of suspicious to me..."
Pout turned frown, Hifumi started shaking Doppo's arm. "I mean... yeah, but...!"
Jakurai placed a hand on Hifumi’s shoulder, calming him down a bit.
"I do not wish to jump to conclusions, but Doppo-kun has a point. All of this seems rather sudden, so I think it would be wise to keep your guard up."
"You guys make it sound like he's some kinda bad guy..."
"Maybe he's not as good as he seems," Doppo said, barely audible.
"Nope!" Hifumi slapped his hands over his ears. "Don't wanna hear it!"
"Hifumi --"
"You guys are taking this waaay too seriously."
Taking a step back, Hifumi met Doppo's gaze, then Jakurai's. He'd seen those wary looks in their eyes before -- too many times to count from Doppo, always there to keep him from jumping headfirst into things; from Jakurai, whenever his past got brought up, regardless of how many reassurances he gave. Usually he could appreciate their levelheadedness, but accusing a friend was different than getting into trouble. Especially when they didn't know him like he did.
"There's no way Yumenon's a bad guy... Like, have you read his books? Or even seen the work he puts into them?" He continued, his hands clenching at his sides and his nails digging into his skin. A book filled with notes and dreams came to mind, fantastical stories woven about people passing by; the look on Gentaro’s face as he covered every detail and spun each tale one of pure joy. "He puts so much care and effort into what he does! And the stories themselves, there's so much emotion in them. There's a lonely kinda feel to them, but there's always a happy ending -- like, there's always hope no matter what!"
He paused, trying to make sense of Doppo and Jakurai's reactions. Nothing, except for silence and stares. They listened -- they always listened -- but he needed them to understand as well.
"When you write something like that, I can't believe someone like him could be bad..." Softly, Hifumi said, "I don't wanna believe someone like him could be bad."
Far and few between was it that his voice dipped so quietly, but he’d dropped to a whisper once he'd finished. Unfurling his fingers, he hadn't realized how hard he'd been clenching his hands until the cuts left behind began to sting. His words hanging in the air, the only thing keeping the silence from falling over was the pounding of his heart in his ears.
For better or for worse, Jakurai was always a pillar of calmness and now was no exception; his eyes holding no hint of either acceptance or rejection. Meanwhile, Doppo looked to Jakurai hesitantly -- a sign that he had an answer but was unsure of himself. Jakurai met his gaze and after a moment, they shared a nod.
Jakurai's lips tugged up first, the smile lifting a weight off Hifumi’s chest. "If that's what you believe, Hifumi-kun, then I will have to put my faith in your judgement."
"I guess, but..." Doppo glanced around before looking back at him, worry etched onto his face. "If he does anything to you, you have to tell us, okay?"
"'Course, Doppo-chin." He beamed, taking Doppo's hand and squeezing it. "But like I said, you don't gotta worry about a thing; Yumenon's a good guy through and through!"
Doppo's frown deepened. "If you say so..."
"Hey, now, no frowning! We're out here for fun, aren't we?" he said and tugged the corners of Doppo's lips up. Mood brightening, he spotted a food cart over to the side of the park. "Look, they're selling takoyaki. C'mon!"
Grabbing Jakurai’s hand, Hifumi ran off with the two of them stumbling behind.
"Hifumi, your injury!"
As all fun days did, their outing ended much too soon, but he and Jakurai of all people knew that Doppo's social battery only lasted so long. With the sun steadily setting, they parted ways with Jakurai at the train station. Though they invited him to stay over for the night, he couldn't since he had work in the morning. Disappointing as it was, Hifumi didn’t dwell on it and focused on dragging Doppo up to their apartment.
Not bothering to change out of his clothes yet, Doppo crashed face first into the couch. Laughter bubbling up, Hifumi jumped in beside him and Doppo scooched over to make room. Their arms tangled together, Doppo let out a deep sigh -- the last of his energy leaving with that breath. The quiet allowing him to mull over everything that happened today, Hifumi remembered Gentaro's texts from this morning and gasped. Squirming about, he patted his pockets.
"What are you getting all antsy for?" came Doppo's muffled voice.
"I gotta tell Yumenon about our day," he said, pulling out his phone. "I invited him to come, but he said he couldn't so he told me to have fun for him."
Doppo snorted. "Honestly, the way you talk about him makes it sound like you're in love with him."
Finger hovering above Gentaro's name, Hifumi froze.
Love was a funny thing. He loved fishing and he loved cooking, but he also loved Doppo and he loved Jakurai. While he loved all of them equally, they weren't exactly the same kind of love. That was to say, there was a lot to love in the world, and he had a lot to give! Try as he might, though, striking up relationships of any kind wasn't exactly his strong suit. Doppo said it was because he didn't watch what he said, but he always thought it better to say things how they were.
And maybe, yeah, that was where everything went wrong when he first met Gentaro. His clothes were weird and he wasn't afraid to point that out, but Hifumi learned to love that part of him -- just like he learned to love all the other things about him. Subdued as he was, his clothes helped him stand out and made him unique. Sometimes he said one thing and did another, but he knew his heart was always in the right place; he could see it in the way he put his all into his work and treated his posse. Most of all, he found it easy to be around him. Their back-and-forth became natural with their bad blood behind them, something he never realized was missing his whole life. From the pretentious writer to the whimsical storyteller, he'd come to care for him and all that he did.
But even if he could love Gentaro, to be in love seemed a grander thought. For all the love he had and gave, Hifumi had never felt that spark or that flutter of the heart; none of the fireworks nor the giddy excitement. At least, not until Gentaro came along. Not until he’d shared his worlds with him, not until he’d seen the smile on his face as he created stories with passion, not until he’d heard his airy laughter that tinkled in his ears.
Hifumi loved Gentaro. And perhaps, he was in love with him, too.
"You're right," Hifumi said softly.
Picking up his head, Doppo let out a flat "What."
"You're right, Doppo-chin." He shook him, voice growing louder. "I'm in love with Yumenon!"
"No, what, I was -- I was just joking." Doppo grabbed his hand, stopping the shaking. "You've only known him for like a week or two, you can't possibly be in love with him!"
"Well... I wanna be in love with him," he said, because if he wasn't in love with him now, then surely one day he would be. Quality over quantity they said, and so time was but a small factor if the moments they shared meant anything. "I wanna go on dates with him, and hold hands with him, and be with him!"
"You already do that stuff with me and Jinguji-san, what makes him any different?"
"This!" Hifumi pointed to his heart. "I love you and Dr. Jakurai, but... Yumenon makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside."
Doppo squinted. "Do you hear yourself?"
"Loud and clear. I wanna be in love with Yumenon!"
"He's our rival."
"The battle season's over, so it doesn't matter, right?"
"You barely know him."
"Then I'll get to know him better."
"You've seen what's happened already --" Doppo jabbed a finger towards Hifumi’s abdomen. "-- the backlash is going to get worse."
"So what? People can do whatever they wanna do."
"You're... really serious about this, aren't you?"
"Sure am!" Hifumi said with no hesitation. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Cautious eyes running over him, Doppo fell silent. A million thoughts ran through Hifumi's mind, anything and everything to convince him about Gentaro, but he knew Doppo needed quiet to think. All he could do now was clutch onto Doppo's hands as he waited for his response.
"If he makes you happy then..." He took a deep breath, another beat passing. "I guess it's fine."
Breaking into a grin, Hifumi cheered and threw his arms around Doppo. He squeezed him as tightly as he could, rocking him back and forth.
"He does, he makes me really happy! I think you'll like him a lot, too, Doppo-chin!" Before Doppo could reply, he gasped and pulled back from the hug. Unlocking his phone, he continued on, "I should let him know how I feel right now! It'll be really fun, we can like go on double dates and --"
"Wait, wait, wait, slow down there." Doppo held him back. "You're going to confess to him through text ? He won't take you seriously like that."
Lips puckering, Hifumi tilted his head. "Really? Then what should I do?"
Doppo's mouth hung open as if to speak, but he stared blankly at him.
"Sorry, I don't really know..." Face scrunching up, his tongue poked out in thought. "Take him out or something? Do something meaningful, I guess."
"Meaningful, meaningful, meaningful..." He mulled over the suggestion, bobbing his head slowly. Doppo had a point, now that he thought about it; their short time together meant they didn't have as many moments with each other -- even less were those that were actually good. Still, one memory in particular stood out: an impromptu day out filled with flowers and fantasies.
"Oh, I know! I'll take him out and get him roses and make it super duper romantic~"
"That... sounds nice, yeah." Doppo nodded, a small smile on his lips. "Good luck, Hifumi. I hope it works out."
He patted his shoulder and flashed a V-sign. "No need to hope, it'll work out for sure! Just you see, Doppo-chin."
Heart flying over the moon, Hifumi turned his attention to his phone screen. Gentaro's name stared back at him, and he grew giddy with all the things he wanted to say to him: “You’re so pretty!” and “You’re amazing!!” and “I love you!!!” among other things right at the tip of his fingers. It took everything in him to keep all of it to himself, but he knew they could say everything they wanted to say once he confessed. The perfect plan in mind, Hifumi wasted no time opening up his chat with Gentaro.
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ofherstory-blog · 7 years
will you do all those multimuse questions i reAliZe it"S a lot BUT
not even gonna bother linking this bc SOMEONE wants the WHOLE MEME. basing everything on their main verses, or else shit’ll get wild!!
Which muses have their driver’s license?
teddy probably has one because hermione urged them to teach him just in case! spencer, aria, and alison (though she got hers later, thanks to being on the run for years) also definitely have theirs! aida and sophia are nyc brats, so they probably didn’t get theirs until the summer before they had to leave for college – before that, it was public transportation all day every day. and last but not least, so do juliet, kimberly, and aurelia!
And how many can drive stick shift
spencer definitely learned “just in case.” so did aurelia. they’re the only ones.
Which muse would make the best parent?
i mean, narcissa is canonically, for all her other flaws, a fucking incredible mother. so.
Which muse cries the most?
juliet, probably. my werewolf baby is a big softie!! though she’s probably the type to cry when good things happen more than bad ones - like at emotional scenes in movies, hearing good news from someone she loves, etc. etc.
Which muse never cries?
narcissa. never in public, anyway. i imagine she did more often as a child, but now even in private she’s the foundation of her family, so she rarely – if ever – breaks down.
Which muse is the most ticklish?
to be honest, i just really want louise to secretly be suuuuper ticklish. it’d be a riot.
Which muse is the best singer?
i headcanon that sophia has a similar voice to one of her fcs’ (kim yongsun), so i guess it’d be her! she’s also the one with the most formal music training, so there’s that too haha.
Which muses live on their own? (Don’t live with their parents anymore.)
 making “parents” into “guardians” bc some of their parents ARE DEAD, but anyway!! all the liars as of their tv canon, narcissa, gabrielle (though when she is technically home she’s with her parents, but she’s mostly on the road with xena so it counts), aida, sophia, and aurelia!! i think kimberly lives with the other witchy babes?? though aurelia’s kinda sorta her guardian i guess so idk how much it counts.
Which muse is the bravest?
consistently brave? i’d say gabrielle. i mean, the series starts with her picking up and following after xena – and she never runs and hides after that. not even once that i can remember. she’s bleeding-heart, idiotically brave, and i love her for it.
Which muse is the biggest scaredycat?
probably juliet, which is ironic given that she’s my only muse literally born supernatural lol. but none of them are huge scaredycats so it’s not saying too much, she’s just the softest child.
Which muse is best at sports?
spencer is basically my only athletic one, and she’s damn good at every sport she does too.
Which muse is the smartest?
it’s a toss-up. i’d say spencer has the strongest book smarts, sophia is the most well rounded (book smarts + artistic prowess + social smarts), and louise just has these insane genius plots ALL THE TIME. imagine if she put that effort toward something else, damn.
Which muse is the dumbest?
she’s not actually dumb by any stretch of the imagination, but… bless her lil heart, riley sometimes reminds me of a puppy chasing its own tail.
Which muse has the biggest dick?
i mean, teddy is the ONLY one with a dick (even if only some of the time), so he kinda wins by default lmao
Which muse has the biggest breasts?
i guess alison?? which feels weird to say because sasha was actually like twelve when she started working on pll, but she’s not any more and it definitely shows lmao.
Which muse is the strongest?
physically? juliet, definitely. she never uses it, but being a werewolf gives her an immediate edge over everyone else. after her, probably gabrielle! and mentally, i’d say narcissa.
Which muse is the weakest?
physically louise, just because she’s a tiny child! but at (almost) adult size, probably riley. mentally… possibly dawn?? as a teen anyway, i think she fortifies a bit as an adult lmao. and louise can definitely dish it out but not take it, so there’s that too.
Which muses need glasses to some extent? (All the time/for reading, etc.)
i headcanon that louise ends up taking after the other belcher girls later on, and needs glasses for nearsightedness (though more mildly, like linda) as an adult. she probably fights the notion until she finds herself squinting to see basically EVERYTHING, and tina gives her a pep talk about it too lmao. spencer needs them for farsightedness, but ends up switching to contacts in high school. sophia has extremely mild nearsightedness, and only ever uses her glasses during lectures/meetings to read the board. dawn spends so much time squinting over ancient text in dark rooms that she ends up needing reading glasses before hitting thirty.
Which muses have sent nudes before?
alison sent a lot when she was younger, but hasn’t really since she had to flee. aria sends tasteful ones, like with flowers over the nipples and artsy farsty shit like that. aida sends the most of the bunch, including to jordan for opinions on them! kimberly and spencer both have, but to only a select few people. dawn’s probably “sent” one or two to be rebellious, but just to janice.
Which muses are left-handed?
in my ideal world THEY ALL ARE (can you tell i’m a lefty?). but in reality, only kimberly is.
Which muses prefer bathing over showering?
alison never could relax for anything longer than a quick shower while she was on the run, and spent more days grimy than she’d live to admit. she definitely doesn’t take bathing for granted any more. juliet particularly enjoys bubble baths. aurelia also enjoys baths, but she can’t always find the time between watching over three rebellious witches to draw them.
Which muses belong to a religion?
alison and spencer were both raised christian. alison still somewhat believes (though her faith has diminished quite a lot over the years), spencer doesn’t. riley’s family is loosely christian. sophia’s family is a mix of catholic and buddhist, and she finds them interesting from a philosophical standpoint, but doesn’t really believe either one. kimberly and aurelia are both pagan witches. gabrielle has literally met the greek gods, so… i guess that makes her kinda polytheistic?
Which muses bite their nails?
it’s a bad habit of spencer’s, for sure. it’s a stress reliever that she mostly curbed as she got older, but sometimes when she’s not paying attention it still slips out.
Which muses can’t ride a bike?
louise only rides a tricycle, so there’s that. i feel like she’d be in denial about ever having to switch to a bike too, so it’ll likely stay that way for a while! gabrielle also can’t, but i don’t think bikes were really a thing in ancient greece anyway lmao.
Which muses can change a tire?
aida. teddy also can (thanks again, hermione) both magically and manually.
Which muse is the clumsiest?
dawn, definitely. it gets better as she ages, but as a teenager that girl really is all limb.
And which is the most elegant?
100% narcissa. that girl was literally bred to be elegant.
Which muses are parents?
narcissa, and alison if you count her current pregnancy. gabrielle technically has her weird half-demon daughter (and kinda eve too), but i like to pretend that arc never happened.
Which muses speak another language than English? Which language(s)?
sophia was born in korea, so she actually learned korean before english! she also knows french, minimal spanish and asl, and some japanese. spencer is a crazy polyglot who knows french, italian, german, and some mandarin chinese. aida grew up both signing asl and speaking since her sister is deaf. she also knows a little korean and some spanish! juliet was born in canada, and knows decent conversational french from her mother. kimberly was raised speaking some japanese, so she can also hold a decent conversation. she knows some latin as well! aurelia’s more advanced than kimberly, so her latin is basically fluent. dawn also learns latin as a junior watcher, but in her main verse she only speaks english! in theory, gabrielle’s technically only speaking greek, but she’s still monolingual.
Which muses can cook?
spencer, alison, aria, sophia, aida, juliet, AURELIA, GABRIELLE, kimberly. i don’t know if dawn’s weird-ass concoctions count as cooking, per se, but they’re certainly something edible.
Which muses rely on frozen dinners and take-out?
teddy, probably. louise and riley on the rare occasions that their respective parents aren’t around. narcissa eats classier than that, but house elves have made her food for literally all her life, so she’d probably flounder a bit at first on her own.
Which muses can play an instrument?
sophia literally went to school for this, so let’s start with her! her major was for the piano, so that’s what she’s best at. but she’s also dabbled with some other instruments, including cello, flute, french horn, and guitar! spencer also plays the piano, as well as aria very occasionally. jessica made alison take piano lessons up until her disappearance, but she hated them and never plays any more. teddy’s tried multiple instruments, but none of them ever stick. louise can play a mean cup-and-straw solo alongside gene’s keyboard.
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0225pm · 6 years
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hello! current time check is 1:20AM.
yesterday was billy’s birthday so we decided to throw him a surprise mini party today at wcp. okay to be frank, i was a little against the location. mainly because by the time we’re doing the surprise it was gonna be really late and it was kinda inconvenient to get there as well but dayah said that he won’t want to meet unless it’s at wcp so we ended up doing the surprise at wcp anyway.
the best part was my boyfriend joined us! HAHAHAHA okok that probably isn’t the best part for everyone else but han joining us was the highlight of the day, or should i say night, for me la at least. i mean, we’re actually about 2 days away from seeing each other again but huhu i’ve missed him.
so the night before, i planned things with dayah and bavani was supposed to join us but apparently she decided to bail cus she didn’t wanna travel and waste money and shit lmao okay i’m sorry if you see this but honestly that isn’t even a good enough reason especially if you really see someone as your friend? wouldn’t you want to see them happy? joined in the celebration and stuff. like okay, i don’t know about you but if it’s within my means, i’d like to see my friends happy. maybe it sounds like i’m crazy defending billy or something but honestly, this is just my own opinion in general la, i hope no one takes it to heart or whatever. hashtag jangankecamsaya hahahahha! ok da cukup, so after that i told dayah it’s okay just go ahead with the same plan - which was to tell dayah that she has to go back to her aunt house at clementi and then ask billy to go home and change into comfortable clothes instead of their uniforms and then meeting billy at wcp after we set up everything. and instead of going to her aunt house, she met me of course and then we went to get the food for the mini celebration.
it was such a mess in between cus we thought there was pizza hut at clementi but apparently not? think they’ve changed it to another shop or something and at first i thought there’s no twelve cupcakes and i was about to get a cake at chateraise but fortunately, i told dayah to let’s walk around a bit more and i saw twelve cupcakes! so i decided to get the box of 3 all of which the same flavors - red velvet which is their signature flavor la haha also because the edible heart shape thingy is super cute huhu. and then from there we went back to chateraise and i ended up getting their mint ice cream, for me and dayah and also their thousand layer mille crepe called white zebra. afterwards, i did some googling and found out that there’s pizza hut at clementi ave 3 or something i can’t remember but after we walked there, we couldn’t see any pizza hut around so dayah asked this passerby and wtf ok lol the pizza hut closed down like 3 years ago or something lololol and then the man was like, “how long have you not been here already huh?” and we were like “we don’t stay here haha” and then we said our thanks and walked away. dayah was so ready to order delivery for the pizza hut thing but i googled again this time on the pizza hut website and found out that there’s one at 501 west coast or something. just nice the bus stop was right in front of us so we took the bus and head to that west coast place to get the pizza.
it wasn’t easy cus the place was super ulu and it was getting dark but thankfully dayah knows her way around so we got to the place super quick and made our order for their super variety box or something and because she was afraid it wasn’t gonna be enough, she ordered one of their personal pan pizza also. and then she forgot there’s aglio olio pasta inside and bought mee goreng from the indian shop at the coffee shop. i was also so tempted to get their combo set for their mutton chop but i decided not to cus we pretty much got a lot of food already. so i went to fairprice and bought some snacks and drinks. but because i couldn’t find any milk tea, i decided to get a cup at the coffee shop instead. it was goooood but too sweet for my liking. i still drank it anyway lmao.
and then after that, han texted me saying that he was already at the bus stop and i guess he was kinda disappointed cus he expected to see me there greeting him but we got so caught up buying the stuff that we lost track of time. we planned to reach there at 730 but ended up going over the stated time. i was still glad to see him anyway :) hehe i’m gonna greet him with a kiss everytime from now on. it’s been so long since i last see him wearing black that i almost forgot how good he looks in them. fucking panas i love it. ok stop it ahahahaha then, we walked towards wcp and it was so fucking crazy la hahaha so jauh gila but good small cardio walking workout since we’re gonna be eating fastfood.
billy was already on the way so dayah went to meet him and then bring him over. i wanted to set up the place and open the pizza box and shit but wtf la got this one bodoh spider thing crawl inside the plastic and then i got so scared i asked han to help me kill it HAHAHAHAHA oh and he said it’s a cricket not a spider?? whatever it is, i hate bugs :( oh and han stripped for awhile cus he was feeling really hot HAAHHAHAAH i love it pls feel hot more jkjk :p and i tried to take a photo cus he was like posing for me liddat but he FOUND OUTTTTT so i couldn’t get like a nice shot, unfortunately. and then we kissed a little hehe i loveeeeeeee :3 ok this part probably sounds really creepy or something to other people but i sat on han’s lap HAAHHA or thighs idk. but like it’s been so long since i last sat on his lap???? like seriously that was ages ago when we were still lepaking at the bawah block and during the earlier months of our relationship when han was at his peak of sweetness and romanticism hahahahahahaahah.
and then around 830 billy came!! we went to the jetty thing to hide before lighting up the one candle we got at the chateraise hehe. also yesssss i stole han’s lighter woohoo. technically i didn’t steal it la cus i made it clear to him that i’m gonna keep it hahahahahaha so like *shrugs* :p
the surprise was a success, and we ate and talked, cracked some lame jokes and pickup lines and shit ahahhahahahaahha. i guess everyone was super hungry at that point so we literally inhaled everything in like idk less than 20 minutes? i’m surprised han likes the aglio olio pasta but i think he was just super hungry so anything taste good to him. 
I ALSO DID THE ABC PICK UP LINE ON HAN HAHAHAHAHAHA bodo la his reaction but it was funny hehehe i love it. i’m gonna go find more so i can make him cringe hhahahahahaha.
and then dayah’s mom called. so we decided to head back, besides it was getting so late already. and while we were walking, billy saw a cab so he flagged for it and han boarded the cab with billy since they were gonna head back the same way anyway whereas me and dayah had to walk a little bit further down to take the bus back. but it was okay, the ride back home was long but it was nice with someone for company.
oh and then i asked dayah if she wanted to stop at the bus stop in front of ubi and she was like okay! so we stopped there and walked back. we were walking towards home until i asked her if i should go get something from macs hahahah but i decided against it and went to giant to get some groceries for my brunch tomorrow. there was a good deal for the bbq steak which was going for 9.90 for 2 so i got that, a canned of tuna mayo and some ham. my dad already got bread and cheese earlier on today so tomorrow’s brunch is gonna be litttttt. i’ll either have a slab of steak or have a tuna and ham with cheese sandwich tomorrow. so excited hehe
did i also mention that han, for the first time in a long time actually has a place he wanna go to this coming sat???? so exciting!!! :D oh and i sent han a little slutty pic of headless me lol. ok it’s not a little slutty. i think it’s VERY cus i literally stepped out of my comfort zone to take pics like that hahahahah i actually have a few more but i deleted them all cus it’s crazy racy lmao.
ok goodnight world!
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