#I’m gonna do something fun for this one
paperclip-skz · 2 days
Not Drinking For a Fun Time
fem*Reader x Bang Chan
contains: p n v, sex, unprotected sex, kissing, TENSION, straight up delulu, grinding, oral (fem receiving), I'm sure I missed something; let me know in the comments.
WC: 8.7k
a/n: not gonna lie, I'm super nervous because this is my first ever "long fic" that I'm posting and I'm not sure how ya'll will react. This started out as a fluff story and we only meant to be a couple hundred words or so...and then it escalated. Also, my requests are open so if you have an idea and want me to play it out please do not be afraid to send me an ask, I'll pretty much anything fluff, scenario....the dirtier the better hehe
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Synopsis: “I’m not a performer, and I’m not a singer. I can’t entertain people. What makes you think I can lie to them?” … this was the goal. Lie to the public about a relationship between you and Chris, but there was no relationship
You're at the bar. Sulking. Wishing you were at home but longing for another drink. Your day couldn’t be worse, from the emotional rollercoaster you’ve been on to all the little things that ticked you off in the worst ways. 
The bartender rests another glass in front of you, the cold liquid reflecting the bar's dim light. “On the house,” he gestures to the drink. You nod your head in thanks and lazily grab the drink. You’ve already had enough to make your mind foggy, but not foggy enough. The events of today keep replaying in your head. 
“You’ll need to cooperate with us, Ms.L/N.” The shock is evident in not only your face but your tone as well. 
“Cooperate? You're asking me to be someone that I’m not.” Your chest heaves with anger, and your mind runs miles with adrenaline. 
“Y/N, please,” Chris coos. You whip your head around to meet the leader's and the group's defeated eyes. They have their heads hung low, still trying to process the information given in the meeting. 
“I’m not a performer, and I’m not a singer. I can’t entertain people. What makes you think I can lie to them?” … this was the goal. Lie to the public about a relationship between you and Chris, but there was no relationship. In fact, you didn’t know any of the members from Stray Kids. 
You didn’t know any of them until you started working in the same building as them. You’d pass them by in the halls, nodding in acknowledgment. One day, you were just off, stressed from all the work and frustrated that nothing was working. 
Chris noticed and asked if you were okay, being the amazing person he is. His comfort eased your stress, but anyone from afar could have mistaken his comfort for something else. The next thing you knew, pictures of you and Chris were plastered on every face of social media. Hell, you were even on the news.
Everyone was terrified that the public would react negatively and you wouldn’t be allowed to step a foot out of your own house, but it was the opposite. People swooned over your fake relationship and the idea that Chris had found someone that made him happy, but none of that was true. 
The sting of the liquid slides down your throat, and the bitter aftertaste makes your face scrunch. However, the foggy effects of the drink quickly fade your feelings. You notice a few snickers behind you, a pair of girls whispering and staring holes into the back of your head. You ignore them as much as possible while taking another small sip of your drink. 
Am I being overdramatic? Should I just go with what they are saying? People already think so, anyway. Thoughts cloud your mind, and you're entirely oblivious to the man who sneakily slides into the stool next to you. You turn your eyes to him and notice the ball cap that covers his face and the oversized black hoodie that hugs his body casually. 
He lifts his head to meet your eyes, and you're welcomed with soft brown eyes. You sigh…and groan simultaneously, taking another sip of your drink. “I’m not drinking for a fun time, Mr. Bahng.” 
“Then I’m not either.” he raises his finger, indicating a bottle. The bartender quickly sets a bottle of Soju on the counter along with a shot glass. 
You both sit there in silence as Chris pours a single shot. He swings his head back, taking the shot with ease. 
“What are you doing here Bahng?” your voice mimics defeat. 
“Drinking,” his voice is anything but defeat or sympathy. In fact, it almost sounds… optimistic. Your blood boils. How is he not angry, confused, or at least unhappy with the situation? You look at him with disgust.
You scoff under your breath, paying attention back to your glass, “I can’t believe you.”
“Can’t believe what?” he questions.
“I can’t believe you have no reaction. I can’t believe you're not angry. They are asking for us to be in a fake relationship, and you're not the least bit affected,” you whisper, careful not to let anyone hear. 
“I am angry, but not in the way you think” he turned his body to you. “I’m angry that you're in this situation. You didn’t ask for this, but here we are.” 
“I don’t think I can do this.” You lean forward, caging your head in your hands. Tears are threatening to spill. I can’t lie to the world when I don’t even want this. I don’t want to lie. I want to be able to date and have fun, not be caged to some contract just because someone mistook comfort for something else. I can’t have people watch my every move, just waiting for me to make the simplest mistake. 
“Not by yourself, you can’t,” his words lift your head slowly, and your body hangs low in front of you. 
“I don’t even know you.”
“That will come with time. Look, I won’t force you into this; no one will. But you need to know that things have already escalated, and if we don’t do something soon, they will continue to escalate. Yes, this is a solution, a messy one, but a solution.” The earnestness in his eyes makes your heart warm and the tears swell. “And you need to know, you're not doing this alone. I might be a stranger, but I’m here, and the guys say I’m a pretty good listener.” his last comment makes you chuckle as a single tear escapes you, rolling down your cheek. Chris instinctively reaches his hand to catch the tear on your cheek; his thumb delicately wipes the salty liquid off your cheek. The touch is simple but sweet, and you hate the way his touch electrifies your whole body. Your eyes meet, gentle brown eyes and a deep dimple smile. 
Your heart fills with an unfamiliar warmth, but it's welcomed….slightly. Maybe this won’t be as bad as you might think. 
They did offer money, and there's a contract, so does the risk really outweigh the means? Your mind is fighting to keep up with what's morally right and what you want. What do you want? 
You do the one thing you’ve always done: count to three in your head, breathe a long, deep breath, and say the first thing that comes to mind. “Okay.” You stare into Chris’s eyes, pleading for him to understand your hesitance. “I’ll do it.” 
Chris breathes out a sigh of relief, and you can physically see his body relax on the stool. He takes out his hand, waiting for you to shake it. He gives you a look and raises his eyebrows. It makes you laugh, but regardless, you shake his hand. “Thank you, Y/N.” 
“No problem, Mr.Bahng,” you spin in your chair and back to your drink.
“Please, call me Chris,” he nudges your shoulder playfully. 
What could possibly go wrong? 
3 weeks go by after you agreed to be in this fake relationship. A contract was signed, and rules were in place, but that didn’t stop your nerves from crawling all over your body. 
“Okay, run this by me one more time so that I understand completely.” 
Stray Kids' head of marketing sits comfortably at the end of the table, scanning you and Chris. 
You and Chris, it's hard to think about. Since you’ve both agreed to this, you’ve gotten closer and become close friends. It’s hard to imagine that you barely even knew each other weeks ago, but now, he’s your closest friend, closer than anyone else. 
“The press and fans love your relationship; it's actually boosting ratings. Ever since we announced your ‘relationship,’” she air quotes the word, “your fans have been more active.”
You don’t know how to feel; you're glad that the band is getting more attention, but you're also a little nervous. I mean, how long is this little ruse supposed to go on for? “Why do I feel like there is a ‘but’ coming?” 
“But, your fans are asking more and more questions. When did you meet? Are you two living together? How involved are you?” She directs each question to you as if you know all the answers. 
“So what can we do to ease the questions? Surely, no one can expect us to keep this up forever.” You’re thankful Chris can read your mind. 
The marketing head and everyone else in the room hold their breaths. The silence makes your heart thump and sink, “you are, aren't you?” The laugh that escapes you is humorless and breathy. “You are expecting us to keep this up, at least for as long as we can, until someone starts raising eyes, but even then, you’ll probably come up with some way to puppet us out of it.” 
Chris looks from you to the marketing head, waiting for someone to answer your accusation. “Well, is that true?” You’re both met with more silence, answering both of your questions. He scoffs next to you, joining you in your humorless acts.  “Well, what's your solution then?” 
There has to be a catch to all of this. “We suggest that you both…” she pauses, eyes screaming with concern, “start saying that you live together.” 
“Just start saying this publicly? That's all?” You wait for the answer to Chris’s question, but when their marketing professional meets your eye with a weary look, you already know it.
“No, they want us to live together and show it off,” you answer Chris before the head of marketing can speak. 
Chris is fuming beside you; this wasn’t a part of the deal, “But the contract-” 
“The contract states that both of you will keep up this act under any means necessary.” she pauses for a moment, “if the public sees that you are both happy and moving forward, there’s a very good possibility that they’ll be content and move onto another form of gossip. We need to show them that you're both just moving forward like a normal couple.” She tries to make sense of it, even though as you replay her words in your mind, they seem crazier and crazier. You and Chris share the same look of disapproval, but if they were right about this fake relationship, why wouldn’t they be right about anything else? “We just need to keep this act up until something better comes along,” she continues, directing her last comment directly at you, “I promise this will all be over soon. No idol can escape drama of some kind.”
You hang on desperately to her last words, which brings you here and now, moving the last box of your stuff into a small apartment the company paid for. At least you're not spending any real money on all this. You set your box down on the kitchen counter, clapping your hands. “Finally,” you breathe. 
You walk around the kitchen counter and into the living room. There's a large couch in the middle and two hallways on either side of the living room. One leads to Chris’s room and the other to yours. It's a small apartment, but it works for your situation. Chris had already moved his stuff into his room; you haven’t seen much of him. 
You saunter down the hall to your bedroom and collapse onto your bed. Suddenly, your phone starts to ring. You answer without looking at the caller ID, “Hi honey, how are you?”.
“Hey Ama, I’m good, how is Appa?” the smile reaches your ears as you talk endlessly with your mother. The second this whole thing started, the first thing you did was call your mother. Hearing her encouraging words made the whole ordeal a little less nerve-racking. You couldn’t lie to your mother, the rest of the world…maybe, but not her. 
After an hour, you hang up the phone with your mom, bidding her a goodnight. “Jesus, it's late.” You look out into the cold night sky, guessing you kind of lost track of time. 
You get up from your spot on your bed and hurriedly get dressed into your sleepwear until your stomach pains with the feeling of being empty. Hunger overwhelms you as you make your way out to the kitchen quietly. You're wearing an oversized sweater and shorts, with your hair up in a messy bun as you enter the kitchen to find Chris eating cereal. “Don’t tell me that’s your dinner.” 
“Hey! I will let you know that this is a perfectly normal late-night snack,” Chris says between mouthfuls. He’s wearing a black tank top, showing off his defined arms and grey sweatpants. It's so casual, but why does it make him look so hot? 
It makes you chuckle and shake your head, and you slowly make your way to the middle of the kitchen. 
The one word to describe the air in the room right now is awkward. What do you do? Do you act like he’s not there and just go about making food? Do you take a snack into your room and leave him be? Maybe he's hungry, but is asking to make him some food too much? 
Chris sees the gears turning in your head, “do you want something to eat?” He asks.
“Oh, Um. Yeah, but I’m not sure what to make just yet.” You fiddle with your sleeve.
“There's ramen in the cabinets and cereal in the other one. I’m not sure what's in the fridge, but I’m sure there's some fruit if you’d like.” You nod your head, thinking of what you're craving. “But we can always order something if you're craving something specific?” 
He’s so kind. It's the same kindness he showed that fateful day when someone mistook that kindness for something more intimate. You smile at the thought. “Fruit sounds good.” You walk over to the fridge and scan its contents. You settle on some strawberries, take the plastic box, and run it through the sink. You don’t know how hungry you really are, so instead of wasting a plate and taking it to your room, you settle on just plucking each strawberry out of the plastic container. 
Chris watches as you wrap your plump lips around each strawberry; his mind spins with different ideas. He thinks of your lips wrapping around his finger, your tongue twirling around his digit. He thinks of his cock springing free and your hand pumping him to full length while your mouth hangs low in anticipation. He leans forward, guiding himself across your waiting tongue…
“So why are you up so late?” Your comment snaps him out of his fantasies. He tries to shuffle in his spot, making it seem casual when, in reality, his sweats have become uncomfortably tight. 
“I had some work I needed to finish, and then I got hungry.” he gestures to the now empty bowl, “How about you?” 
“I was on a call with my mom, lost track of time, and then got hungry.” You gesture to the strawberry in your hand and slowly wrap your lips around it. Chris looks down, trying not to stare, but then he swallows a groan when he sneaks a glimpse of your bare legs. Shorts. She’s just wearing shorts. Get a hold of yourself. 
Chris needs to think of something to divert the conversation. It's too awkward right now, and it's not helping when all he can think about is ripping your shorts off. 
You both speak at the same time. Clearly, you are both trying to make the whole thing a little more comfortable. Both of you chuckle at the realization. 
“I really hope we can make this whole thing a little less awkward,” Chris says as you start packing the rest of the strawberries and putting the stems in the nearby trash can. 
“Me too,” you sigh.
“We’re friends! The only show we have to put on is for the camera”
This was a shit idea. He can’t eat, he can’t sleep, he can’t function without a single thought leading back to you. And this “ruse” is going on for way too long. 
It's been 3 months. 3 whole months! 
But Chris couldn’t lie—it's been the best three months. You’ve both gotten so comfortable with each other that you’ve dedicated Fridays to movie night. Chris will sometimes bring your coffee order to you just because he knows you’d appreciate it, even if he doesn’t drink coffee himself. 
You’ve gotten to know each other so well and laughed so hard together that it just feels natural. 
He can’t help it. Even before this whole thing happened, he’d always watched you from afar, admired how hard you worked and how beautiful you were. But it was always that—a distant crush. 
Until this whole ordeal just planted itself right in his lap. He had to get close to you and take a chance with you. He didn’t care if it was fake. It was a chance. 
But tonight, he was cursing at himself for ever agreeing to this deal in the first place. 
It had been three months, so the public was starting to ask questions about when they were going to see you at an event…together. So, the marketing team decided that a red carpet-event was the perfect time to show you off to the public. 
Just a few pictures, maybe some conversations, but that's it. Then we’ll both be home, and we can just watch a movie. At least, that's what he thought. 
You both got ready separately because Chris had an interview an hour before the event. He was waiting by the front for your car to pull forward, and that's when you stepped out. 
His eyes widened, and his breath literally caught in his throat. Your dress was long and elegant, with one strap hanging loosely on your shoulder while the other was bare. It hugged your hips tightly to accentuate your best features. The slit was high, a little higher than you’d prefer, but it matched the theme of the dark red dress. The back of the dress was bare and reached down just before the curve of your ass. 
Chris took a long, low breath, trying to control the fighting urge inside him. He was staring at the way the dress flowed with every step you took; it was like you were walking on water with how graceful each heel clicked. 
He took his eyes off your legs and up to your doe eyes, which were smoky. It makes your eyes bright and glow. 
“N-nothing. I-” It was hard for him to form words. He knew you were beautiful; he thought about it every day, but he never saw you like this. He always saw you in either comfy clothes or your work clothes, never this. “You look beautiful.” 
He could see the natural blush from underneath your makeup, and he melted at the sight of your smile. 
“Shall we?” Chris held out his arm.
“We shall.” You took his arm, and he walked you inside the event. 
Easy peasy.
There were endless flashes and pictures, and reporters were screaming from one side to the other. You and Chris were being pulled from one background to another, everyone begging to get a picture of the happy couple. If only they knew. 
Chris was holding the middle of your back, smiling widely at each camera. Your body shivered from his touch. Surely he could feel the goosebumps across your skin. If he did, he didn’t let you know. His previous comment lingered in your mind, and it made your body warm with affection. 
He’s wearing a tailored black suit with just the jacket. It was styled so that he didn’t need a shirt to complement the jacket. It was high enough to cover everything but low enough to show his muscular chest. He stole your breath away—there's no better way to put it. 
His hold on you could be seen as endearing to the public eye, but you knew his tight hold felt different. It felt possessive. As he guided you from one area to another, his touch became more apparent to you. You could map out the roughness of the pads of his fingers, the feeling of the cold metal from his accessories, and how his palm rested fully on your skin. 
It sent tingles through your body, tingles you haven't felt in a while. 
At one point, he guided you to another photographer. Your smile falters, the exhaustion getting to you. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Chris turn his head to look at you, studying you. You couldn’t see if he was smiling. All you could tell was that he was looking at you. The photographers must be eating this up. 
You focused on trying to keep your smile up until you felt the tip of Chris's finger tilt your chin in his direction. Your eyes meet, and your smile immediately fades. Thinking you did something wrong, you search his eyes, but all you see is warmth. Your worry fades, your lips part, and your mind goes blank. The noise of the photographer fades, the tightness of the dress disappears, and every little thing is gone, the only thing you can hear, see, and breathe is Chris. 
His eyes wander from you to your lips and back to your eyes, secretly asking for permission. It's for the camera. You tilt in your head, begging for him to lean in. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips as Chris slowly leans in to graze his lips across yours. He presses a little hard to envelop your lips. His tongue slips across your bottom lip, and his hand on your back itches to touch you more. 
Loud cheers ultimately break up your little moment, and Chris quickly separates his lips from yours. The party mask slips back into action when his dimple smile appears and flashes towards the camera. 
A few more pictures and smiles and Chris quietly guides you out of the red carpet area—the feeling of his soft lips on your own leaves a tattooed memory in your brain. Finally, you and Chris are inside the elegant building. Art decorates each wall, and people mingle around, admiring the work of the artist, sharing conversations, and enjoying the drinks floating around by the staff. 
“I’m sorry if I overstepped. I thought maybe it would be a good idea for the camera.” Chris is quick to answer any accusation that you didn’t have prepared. 
“Oh, yeah, you're right. It was a good move.” You try to seem calm and cool about what just happened. I mean, you are cool with what he did; you just wish it lasted longer. “For the camera.” 
“For the camera” the last few words come out breathy and soft by the both of you, not sure if either of you truly means it. 
“Chris!” shouts of his name come from afar, and you recognize the familiar faces. “Guys!” Chris gives his members a big hug, leaving you to follow close behind. You remember the ones who are here: Hyunjin, Minho, and Felix, all gather to greet Chris. 
You leave them to get caught up, knowing they’ve missed seeing each other. A waiter comes by, offering you a drink, and you take it with grace. You know there will be a driver taking you home tonight, so why not have a few drinks? You wander around, enjoying the sight of the beautiful art. 
Colors and interesting figures decorate each canvas. You read each name and study the painting, wanting to understand exactly what the artist was feeling when creating each masterpiece. 
You stop at a particular painting of a woman. She's surrounded by different shades of black and white, her body covered by just a sheet of cloth. Her bare shoulder and the side of her face are turned away from the view of the audience, seeming like she is trying to hide her naked figure. The cloth in question is splattered with all different shades of red. You examine the title of the piece, “Hidden Lust.”
“Interesting painting?” A voice startles you from behind. Chris stands behind you, examining the painting with you. 
You smile, returning to the painting. “How are the boys?”
“They’re good; they asked about you.” A smirk plays on his lips as he studies the painting alongside you. 
You hum and examine the brittle strokes of the painting. You both stand there in silence, admiring each delicate brush of paint. 
Once you hear Chris's steady breathing, all concentration on the painting goes out the window. You can practically feel it on your skin, sending tingles straight to your core. You and Chris stand a mere few inches apart, your hands twitching to touch. 
All thoughts of how the artist could be portrayed in the painting have left your mind; the only thing that haunts your mind is the feeling of Chris’s lips on yours. The fainted memory still makes your skin tingle and your core pound with need. Suddenly the breath you have been holding releases with a long sigh, and you can see Chris suck in a breath. 
Slowly, your head turns in his direction, and Chris does the same. You both hold eye contact for what feels like forever, silently sending each other hidden messages. The air between you is so thick it becomes hard to breathe. Your eyes dart down onto his lips, retaining the memory once again, imagining what his lips would feel like if they were placed on other parts of your body. 
“There’s the lucky couple!” your moment is broken once again, and Chris is left to greet more flooding guests. Once again, you're left to wander the walls…alone. 
Where did she go? He’s been roaming around this building for what feels like hours. If he wasn’t stopped every five minutes, maybe he could find you. 
It's not until he sees the dark, silky color of your dress he finally releases the breath he’s been holding. 
You're walking away from a painting and venturing off into another room filled with more art. He couldn't care less about the pieces hanging on the walls. He keeps thinking about that kiss. 
It was meant to be quick, and he meant to slide his thumb right between the two of you so that your lips wouldn’t touch. But the moment was too quick, and the camera was too bright, and before he knew it, your lips were touching. It was like kissing a flower petal, light and soft, and he craved more. He wanted to kiss you so that you would kiss back with the same passion he felt inside, but he couldn’t do that now, not when everyone was watching. He would take what he could get, even if it was just a small, simple kiss. 
Leaving the cameras, he could see the confusion on your face, and worry settled in the pit of his stomach. He shouldn’t have done that, not without asking you first, not with cameras taking pictures of your every move, not when the whole world was watching. That's why he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. 
I’m such an idiot, he thought to himself. 
Calm and frantic battle in his body with each step he takes to you. This room is filled with sculptures on every corner, and smaller paintings hang. The last few people leave the room so that it's just you and Chris. He sees you studying a sculpture of two people holding each other in an embrace. The two mold together with a shared kiss, and what looks to be water made of stone surrounds them. It's quite beautiful, but the person looking at the art piece is even more stunning. His mind screams with the need to feel your lips on his once again, but he forces himself to stand next to you in silence, pretending as if he cares about the art piece in front of him. 
“I’m sorry I keep getting pulled away.” He whispers as he slides next to you. 
“No need to apologize; you're famous, and people want to meet you.” He can tell you’re holding something back. He’s only known you for a few months, but it feels like years to him. 
“Still, I came here with you. I should be at least spending some time with you,” he can’t help but look at you, at the way your features react to his words, the way your chest rises and falls as you breathe, and the way your nails pick at each other. You're holding something back, and it's killing him inside. “Did I-... Did I make you uncomfortable… with that kiss?”
His question physically takes you aback. He's trying to read you, trying to predict what you’ll say next. Everything runs through his mind: you slapping him, you yelling at him, you kissing him-
“No, of course not.” Chris breathes out a sigh. “It's just-” your eyes wander, and his body stiffens…again. “I-” you attempt to say something, “...nothing,” but your mouth shuts, and your attention is back on the sculpture. 
Knowing he didn’t make you uncomfortable eases him, but not knowing what's on your mind makes his mind wander. If he didn’t make you uncomfortable, what could possibly be going on in that pretty head of yours?
“Y/N” Chris grabs hold of your arms to turn you to face him. “Please, tell me what's on your mind, or else I might lose mine.”
You suck in a breath and open your mouth to say something. “I just…” your eyes wander once again, but Chris quickly takes his other hand to caress his thumb over your jaw, bringing your attention back onto him. “I just really want-”
“Bahng! There you are!” a tall man with spikey black hair holds his arms out. His suit blinds the both of you as his sequined suit sparkles in the light.
“Oh my god, I’m going to end up in jail tonight if we don’t get out of here soon.” his comment makes you laugh, and his body melts at the sound. 
I can’t wait till I finally get you alone. 
Hours later, you are finally home, out of that tight dress, and your hair is free. You're relaxing on the couch, watching as the rain carelessly falls out the window. You thought a nice cup of tea would help the cloud of thoughts in your mind, and then you thought the rain would help, but so far, nothing has helped. 
The way Chris spoke earlier replays in your mind like a constant dream. The way he touched you, the way his eyes bored into your soul. You were so close to confessing that you wanted more than just a simple kiss; he made you want more of him. 
Now you're here, dreading if he walks out here and the awkwardness is back up. You both worked so hard to become comfortable with each other, and you don’t want that awkward tension to fill the room again. 
You hear the door creak open, signaling that Chris is out of the shower. He comes out in a pair of sweats and a loose shirt, rubbing a towel over his drenched hair. 
“You’re still up,” he says surprised. 
“Yeah, can’t sleep. Must be leftover adrenaline from tonight.” that's a lie. It's because stupid Chris won't stay out of your stupid mind. 
He nods his head, and you go back to staring blankly out the window. Thick silence, so thick it could be cut with a knife. You could feel the nerve on the end of your skin, and you pray that Chris doesn’t notice. 
“Back at the gala, you were about to say something.” 
You whip your head around, seeming dumbfounded. “Oh, I-” How do I get out of this? “I don’t remember” 
He slumps, looking defeated. “Oh, I see.” The pout on his lips makes your insides turn and ache. What did he want to hear?
“Do you…want to watch a movie?” his innocent question makes you smile. “Sure, I'd like that.” 
This was pointless. It's not like you’re actually paying attention to the movie. Your mind is clouded with doubts and thoughts, and Chris just sits there, enjoying the mindless action movie you guys agreed on. 
He’s so focused on what's playing on the screen. His lips are slightly parted, his eyes glow with every loud explosion, and his brows furrow every time a character takes a hit. It’s fun to study him, it's more entertaining than this damn movie….I wonder if all he’s thinking is about the movie.
Why the fuck does she keep looking at me? Do I have something on my face? Maybe she can see right through me and tell that I’ve been thinking about her? Can girls do that?
It is taking every bit of will he has left in his body for Chris to keep looking at this damn movie. He stopped paying attention halfway through it because he got a glimpse of your bare thigh. You're wearing shorts again, and it might actually kill him this time. God, he wants to touch you so badly. He wants to rake his hands through your thighs. He wants you to pull his hair and guide him over your body. He wants you to show him what makes you scream, and then he wants to make you scream his name-
“Do you know what's going on? Because I think I’m lost.” 
Chris snaps his head in your direction…shit.
“Uhh…well…you see the guy he… yea, I haven’t really been paying that much attention,” he breathes out a sigh of defeat. 
“Really! You looked like you were really paying attention.” if only you knew. “I guess I just kind of zoned out,” he scratches the back of his head, suddenly feeling embarrassed. 
“What were you thinking about?” your voice sounds so hopeful, but he can’t stop thinking about you running out of the apartment the second he confesses. 
“Oh,” you went from hopeful to disappointment with a single word, and it made his chest ache. You both sit in silence for a beat too long, watching the movie unfold before you. 
He can’t bear the silence. It feels like that first week all over again, and it's killing him inside. “Looks like the storm is passing pretty quickly.”
Your head snaps to him with a quirked eyebrow. You stare at his unphased face for what feels like an eternity…then…The room fills with your laughter. “You want to talk about the weather?”
More sounds of laughter crowd the room. “What?” he's in utter shock. What could possibly be so funny right now?
“Nothing. Yes, it does look like it's dying down,” but it’s laced with sarcasm; anyone can hear it, Chris, most of all. 
His hooded eyes look down at you with a ‘serious’ look. “What?” Your hands are thrown up in surrender. 
“Nothing,” he matches with the same tone.
He’s met with your giggles. The light shift of the mood makes his smile wide, and finally, he’s at ease. Finally, you smile again, and the awkward tension dissipates. 
Your body stretches in a long yawn, and in doing so, it inches closer to Chris. Over time, your head falls onto Chris’s shoulder, relaxing into his warmth. 
Chris’s body is on fire. Every nerve and sense is hyper-aware of your every move; it's like he can feel you without the barrier of his clothes. 
His eyes look down, watching you rest in his comfort. He feels like a teenager again, experiencing his first crush. He can feel butterflies in his stomach, and his palms begin to sweat. No one has ever made him feel this nervous.
Your shirt dips down just below the swell of your breasts, and he curses at himself for even looking. He hates the fact that your body has so much control over him, but he loves it at the same time. He thinks about all the ways your body could torture him. Your body wrapped in fragile lingerie that he could rip with his teeth, your naked body underneath him, fully exposed for him-
“Oh my god.” 
You’re both startled apart from each other. Chris only takes a minute to follow your shocked eyes down to the prominent tent forming at his pants. 
“I- um,” Chris scrambles to find a pillow or blanket to cover his bulge. How could this happen now of all times? He expects to hear your screams, your words of disgust, or something that results in him leaving the apartment with his head hung low in shame. But more laughter echoes around the room, and he sees you turned over, holding your belly with giggles.  
“I would apologize, but it looks like you're enjoying my embarrassment.” 
“It's not that,” your voice cracks with laughs. “I just was surprised. I know you can’t control it.” more laughter fills the room. If only you weren’t laughing at his embarrassment, he would actually enjoy hearing your giggles. 
“I have more control than that,” Chris scoffs. 
“Then what is it?” You look at him, your smile still shining, while his fades. This is his chance; it's now or never. You could either lock yourself in your room, and he could never see you again, or he could be the happiest man alive. 
He takes a deep breath. “I was thinking about…our kiss”. 
You wish you could say you had an immediate reaction, that you jumped into his arms the second he mentioned you, but you were dumbstruck. Your eyes were shot, and your lips parted in a silent gasp. 
“I guess it was a good kiss.” Chris shrugged, his smile mimicking a quiet laugh. 
“It was.” You recall the memory, and instinctively, you wet your lips. Chris holds your gaze, not letting you run or cower away again. 
The two of you are engaged in a silent battle, each waiting for the other to give in and address the unspoken tension between you. However, you refuse to be the first to make a move, unwilling to risk misinterpreting the situation.
Your breathing becomes shallow and heavy, “I should go to bed,” but you have no intention of moving. Rather than moving, you stay perfectly still, gazing at Chris, shifting your gaze from his eyes to his lips.
Chris inches closer, leaning into you. “Tell me you feel nothing, and I will walk away.” 
Another moment of silence settles in the air. His espresso eyes contrast with his pale skin, entrapping you, unable to move, speak, or breathe. His hand comes up to caress your cheek and moves a strand of hair away from your face. “Tell me you don’t feel what I feel,” he says.
Your breath is thick and trapped, and words never make it past your lips. All you can do is communicate with your eyes and beg for him to understand your silence. “I need you to tell me, baby”.
Already breathy and chest heaving with need, you nod your head rapidly and stutter out a “yes.” 
Within seconds, Chris's lips are on yours. It's nothing like the previous kiss you shared; this one is hungry, desperate, and has shallow breaths stolen when your lips part but immediately back as if they have been deprived and starved.  
His hands cup your face, deepening the kiss. You can feel his tongue silently ask permission, sliding along your bottom lip. You steal another breath, which Chris takes as an opportunity to push his tongue past the barrier of your lips. He swallows your pleasurable moans as your hands tug and pull him closer to your body. 
Heat radiates off of him like lust steaming off his body, and you can feel his muscles tense when you rake your hands over his clothes, begging him to remove his shirt.
Chris uses his body weight to push your back flat against the couch; he lodges his leg between your thighs, spreading your legs and pressing against your core. The sudden tension makes you groan into Chris’s mouth, which he devours.  
He keeps the tension on your core, slightly rubbing his thigh against it every now and again. When his hands move down, one to grasp you by your hip and another to fondle your breast is when you separate your lips to release the sudden gasp, all the while, you arch your back.
His grip on your hip tightens, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” his words rasp into your ear, sending shockwaves down every nerve in your body.  
His hands hold you close to his body, and all the while, his eyes wander. Words blend into moans and whimpers as Chris keeps your burning core stimulated with his thigh. “How do you want it, baby?” His voice buzzes in your ear, and it shoots straight to your gut, making you needy and excited for more. 
“Tell me what you want.” your hands shoot into Chris’s hair, tugging and angling his head so you can kiss him again. You just want him, all of him. With your tongue plunged into his mouth, you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. His thigh moves so his hips join with yours, pushing his growing bulge against your thumping core.
Your lips part and open to say something, but Chris adds more pressure to his hips, pushing his erection against you. What you were going to say dies on your tongue, and your eyes roll to the back of your skull. “I want you so bad,” he growls, hiding his rosy cheeks in the crook of your neck. His hips find a slow rhythm, grinding both your clothed cores against each other. 
“Chris,” you moan his name, and you can feel his groin twitch against his pants. Your positive Chris can smell your arousal dripping from you. The wet spot thats gathered at the base of your panties is evidence of it. 
“Please,” you whimper, desperate for more of him. He hums in your shoulder before biting the flesh. The sudden pain causes your face to contort, but it quickly subsides as you feel Chris’s tongue soothing the mark, leaving a beautiful love bite behind.
“I never thought I’d hear you say that, fuck, that’s hot” Your mind is fuzzy with how Chris is grinding his erection into you. 
Without warning, Chris pulls his body up, only to crawl down between your legs. He makes quick work of ridding your lower clothing. Leaving you bare in front of him. Your pussy clenches from his intense stare, and your face heats when he realizes it. “What? Do I make you nervous when I stare?”
You can feel the heat of his breath against your folds. It makes you clench around nothing…and he smirks at the sight. 
Chris starts to kiss your thighs, inching closer to your dripping pussy. Finally, relief washes over you as Chris wets your lips with his tongue. Your hand goes back into Chris’s hair, tugging him closer. 
You bite your lip, trying to keep your moans quiet as his wet muscle swirls around your swollen bundle of nerves. You hold back your screams of pleasure, not willing just yet to let him hear you. 
“Are you holding back?” Chris peaks up from between your legs. Your hips follow him, begging for him to continue. You both meet eyes, and he can tell you’ve been holding back your screams from him. “Don’t. I want to hear you. I want the neighbors to know my name,” and with that, he dives back between your legs, attacking your clit like there is no tomorrow. 
You scream his name in pleasure, grinding your hips onto him. Chris works in tandem in sucking your clit into his mouth and flicking his tongue inside your walls. 
Within minutes your coating his chin with your juices and moaning at the relief in your body. Your orgasm washes over you, but that doesn’t stop Chris. He loves the way your pussy tastes. The sweetness he can feel on his tongue electrifies his whole body. 
“Chris, I- ahg -wait, I can’t” Chris keeps his previous pace, sucking your clit and looping his tongue inside your folds. 
“Come for me, baby. You’ve done so well.” Chris slides his middle finger past your wet folds, curling it up so it hits the gummy spot that makes you see stars. Your legs begin to shake, and your whole body convulses at the added feeling. 
“Chris!” you scream his name as your second orgasm squirts onto his shirt. Your legs shut close, and Chris removes himself from between them. He jumps up to kiss your forehead and lips gently. “You did so well for me, baby. I’ve got you,” he coos softly. 
One of his hands rubs soft circles on your hips, biding them open again. The ache of overstimulation subsides and your legs begin to open again. Chris kisses your forehead gently one last time, a smirk clear on his face. 
 Lost in lust, you tug off his shirt, revealing his chiseled abs and defined body. Your eyes go wide, but Chris takes your lips in a hurried kiss. You rake your hand down his pecks to his abs, stopping just before where his V-line meets the button of his pants. You break the kiss to find that his face is contorted to what looks like pain. Worry shoots through you, but Chris snaps his eyes open and cages you below him, his arms on either side of your head, “no one has ever touched me like that.” he breathes…” Do it again.”
You both tugged at each other, prying more clothes off your bodies and ending up in your current position. You straddling his lap, rubbing your bare cunt against his cock.
Logic and reason left your mind when Chris had you quivering over his tongue. “Y/N, shouldn’t we-” 
But you didn’t want to wait another second. You lifted your lips to guide your folds onto Chris’s waiting cock. You both groan at the pleasure. 
Immediately, you start swirling your hips, chasing that pleasure. “Slowly, baby, I’m not going anywhere,” you clenched at his words. You cling to his words. You hope those words are true, even after this night, after this whole contract thing is over. You don’t want this to end. You hug yourself close to his body, grasping his shoulders, and you can tell by the way he holds you close that he’s thinking the same thoughts as you. 
You lift your hips slowly only to let yourself settle back down onto his cock. You both relish the feeling, not wanting it to be over too soon; You set a measured pace. 
You can see the sweat trickle down Chris’s forehead. His hands claw the flesh of your ass, willing himself not to ram into you. The last thing he wants is for this to end too quickly, and he’ll be damned if he comes before you do. 
A mixture of moans and grunts fills the room. Your hips have a mind of their own as they begin to grind into him at a more steady pace. Your nails leave red marks on his shoulders, “I want to see you, want to watch you come,” Chris grunts out. 
Something within you snaps. You don’t know if it was his words or the growing knot twisting inside you, but with his words, you lift your hips and slam down onto his cock. You set a brutal pace, bousing on top of him. Chris grinds his teeth but wills his eyes open so he can watch your perfect tits bounce. 
You are both lost in the pleasure of each other, and both of you try to chase your release. Chris’s hands grip your waist like a vice, helping you lift your hips in tandem with his thrusts. 
“God, you feel so fucking good.” His thrusts become frantic, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix perfectly. With a few more final thrusts into you, you were coming undone onto his cock. Screaming his name and leaving scratch marks against his abs. 
His cock plunged desperately in and out of your spasming, creaming cunt, using your body shamelessly for his own euphoric release. The harsh sounds of skin slapping skin and shattered moans and muffled curses echoed off the walls as Chris pushed his cock into you and coated your inner walls white. 
You both stilled, with heavy and shaky breathing being the only forms of communication you could muster. 
You couldn’t move, could hardly breathe, and your mind was nothing but a pile of mush. It was once you opened your eyes and realized you had been moved, cleaned, and tucked into your own bed did you realize that you passed out in Chris’s arms. 
You expected to wake up in his arms, but he was nowhere to be seen. You were left in your own room, alone and cold. 
“Chris?” you called, hoping what you experienced wasn’t a dream, that it was real. It sure felt real. Your legs and pussy were still sore just thinking about it. 
Worry begins to settle in. What if you did imagine all of it? What if you're back to a feeling that's all too familiar, with uncomfortable tension that sends shivers down your spine and nights filled with longing for what could have been?
“Look who’s finally up.” You turned your head to your door frame, where Chris was holding a bag of food in one hand. 
You could feel your shoulders relax, “what, you didn’t think I dish you after one night, did you?” he came closer, setting the bag to the side. 
“No, just got me worried.” Chan comes brings his hand up to caress your cheek and you lean into his touch. 
You both knew what was coming. Now that the tension has spoken for itself, what does that mean for the both of you?
Chris sits himself on the edge of your bed, taking a breath for what he’s about to say, but you speak first. 
“What does this mean now? Is the contract still in place?” 
His ears perk up and his eyes widen. He wasn’t about to let you go, no now, not ever. “I’ll be honest. I like you… a lot.” a chuckle escapes him “and I don’t want this to be the end. But I also don’t want to push you, if you don’t want the same.-”
“I do” you interrupt him. Your cheeks flush with that pretty pink that makes him melt and your smile shines high which makes his chest fill with a warmth he’s never felt before. 
“You do?”
“I like you too, I wouldn’t have done what we did if I didn’t. And honestly, I could give two shits about the contract right now” you chuckle with him. 
“Then how about this…” he twists his body so he can comfortably face you and holds out his hand for you to shake, “a new contract, physically binding.” he smiles, but suddenly changes his tone to a more serious one, “I promise to make you laugh, I promise to piss the hell out of you, but make it up to you, to make you smile, to bug the hell out of you, and I promise that as long as I call you mine, I will love you with all of me.”
Your smile stretches miles and you shake his hand. With heartfelt sincerity, you speak, “I promise to always find ways to bring a smile to your face and fill the air with laughter. I promise to make mistakes, but find ways for you to forgive me, I also promise to love every part of you even the parts you may seem unlovable.” Your voice is so angelic as if it’s softly whispering into his ear. 
You both share a tender kiss, feeling the warmth of each other's embrace. As your lips meet, a rush of emotions overcomes you, and you find yourselves entwined in each other's arms. The soft touch of your partner's skin against yours creates an intimate and comforting atmosphere. As you lay in bed, the world outside fades away, leaving only the two of you wrapped in each other's love. In this moment, you both find solace in the knowledge that no matter what challenges life may present, you have each other to lean on.
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blackknight-kai · 1 day
SW/DO... you grab his tail
spoilert alert: it's sensitive
seriously this trope has so much potential. He can flustered, amused, used to to play with you and it's hellishly strong so it can be used as a another limb... just saying
Anon asked: Ello, we all know that the monkei bois would love the reader very much sooo....what if..what if...you wrote about how they couldn't control their tails around the reader despite how hard they might want to.
This can be done in the form of just the tail holding the reader's waist or their tails outting their feelings when trying to appear tough and nonchalant for the reader.
(P.S. I love your work so much!! :)
OKAY! So you both had a thought on the same track. And I HAVE THOUGHTS. There will be some things I keep to myself just yet, because I do have fics I’m writing etc LOL.
I’m gonna start with the fun silly thoughts. (This first bit will go for both SW & DO as a ‘set up’ - a drabble will be down below for one of each)
- [ ] Anon, you are on the right thought there. I imagine his tail is the one thing you can count on to tell you how he’s feeling or what’s happening.
- [ ] He has to actively think about it to make that limb STOP moving and giving him away and 90% of the time he forgets .
- [ ] Generally his tail is fairly still or just moves casually, sometimes it would flick or swish if he’s feeling a strong emotion, he’s never had to worry about it before. But when it comes to you? Oh no that thing fucking LOVES you.
- [ ] As soon as he hears you, smells you, or see’s you that tail is activated
- [ ] He can pout or be dramatic or pretend to be annoyed all he wants but that tail is and will always be a simp for you and will tell you immediately what he’s feeling.
- [ ] It took a while to translate what each specific movement means but over time you become an expert at knowing what each twitch or flick or swish meant. You can judge quickly by the pace it moves or if the movements are jerky and twitchy. Or if it’s lazy and playful. This fact is something that gets under his skin because he cannot hide from you.
- [ ] It’s adorable to see him out of the corner of your eye slap his tail when he realizes it’s doing something stupid like trying to sneakily wrap around some part of you or giving his mood away.
- [ ] Enarian, friend, you got it right too. That tail is sensitive as HELL. So when it acts like a little homing beacon (without his conscious thought) and latches on to you it does all kinds of fuckery to him internally and he has to stop himself from physically reacting (if he catches himself fast enough).
- [ ] Once in a while though he wont notice that he’s hooked his tail around you and you have to debate with yourself on do you tell him or nah?
- [ ] It’s soft as hell too.
- [ ] He is used to baby monkeys grabbing his tail and playing with it. He always used to stiffen it and let them hang from it or he would wrap it around them and toss them in the air making them giggle and make adorable monkey noises of surprise before catching them with it. But thats about it and unless he was purposely using it to mess with someone he generally keeps it to himself. Until you.
- [ ] Before you guys get together that thing makes him a MESS. He doesnt know what to do because when you make his heart race his tail of course has to swish and flick like an excited cub.
- [ ] When hes flustered it goes a little poofy and flicks just so and he HATES that he can see the knowing amusement in your eyes as you catch on.
- [ ] One thing he does note though is how much you seem to love his tail. Not just because it gives him away, oh no. You stare at it longingly when you think hes not looking.
- [ ] He will definitely hit you with it (gently) and hold down his shiver when it touches you. He enjoys the little laugh you make and how you bat at his tail with your hand.
- [ ] I HC that Monkeys have courting gestures and tail language/touches are part of it. He has definitely been making those specific motions regardless of knowingly or not.
- [ ] His tail is possessive of you - by extension he is. He knows you wont go for anyone else and hes secure in that, but no one else’s tail is going to cling to you or brush against you. This is a mates touching zone only.
Destined One
Before you two got together his tail used to make him oh so angry. At first he didn’t notice its sudden…interest in you. Nor did he notice how it gave away his true emotions as he was unused to having to pay attention to it before leaving home on his journey. He’s not stupid though and while he doesnt talk much if ever he is observant. The way your eyes started to flick to his tail caught his attention and at first he thought it was because you were a human and curious about it. But then one afternoon while he was trying act unaffected by you tending to a wound he had gotten his heart was pounding at your close proximity and he felt restless but he made sure not to move an inch nor show his turmoil on his face. He noticed your eyes dart to his side and the small smile you had on your face. Curious he looked over only for his whole body stiffen as his tail was…..swishing in a specific pattern. The movement itself a sign of happiness and contentment amongst his people and he was NOT used to his tail doing this, having never been one for expressing his feelings be it on his face or his tail. His body language was always that of steely determination and focus.
That one simple realization opened a whole new problem for him as he very quickly became aware that his tail NEVER stopped doing stupid things around you and apparently you had been observing every detail during your travels. It’s embarrassing. The knowing little smiles on your face as his tail curls and uncurls happily as he tries to pretend that you pulling twigs out of his fur doesnt make him practically melt inside from the simple act of grooming alone. Or when he’d spooked you by turning into a peach and transforming at the last second as you go to take a bite, hed kept a straight face as you pouted at him. You’d immediately called him out for ‘laughing’ at you even though no sound left his throat or mouth as, of course, his tail swished merrily behind him giving his amusement away.
It’s not just that though, the stupid thing will NOT stop touching you now that he’s hyper aware of not only his growing feelings but also what had been going on with his tail giving his emotional state away. He has to actively make sure his tail remains where it should which is difficult when he’s trying to also keep an ear out for danger and keep an eye on you. You either dont notice or dont mind his clingy appendage. He certainly does. Especially with how sensitive it is and how often he finds it slithering across the small gap between you two just to anchor itself on your arm or leg like a soft little hook. Every time it brushes your skin it sends thousands of little signals through his body and he just hopes you dont notice how hard he has to concentrate not to shudder. His tail is always needy and starved for your warmth and it’s embarrassing how often he has to grab it mid anchor attempt or tuck it inside his shirt/pants just to keep it from touching you.
It doesnt get better either because as you get comfortable with it you seem to allow his tail purchase on you. Even petting it sometimes and making his mouth go dry and his breath catch in his throat. It’s honestly overwhelming and sends his senses into overdrive as his entire world narrows down to the feel of you against his tail. Most day’s is all he can do not to wrap it around your waist and lock you to him.
The day you grabbed his tail was something he will forever be embarrassed about. He apparently was too distracted by eating dinner to notice your annoyance with it. You both had had a long day, the fighting seemed to never end and you were taking a very late dinner having missed both breakfast and lunch due to being interrupted out of your sleep that morning by a fearsome foe. Neither of you spoke as you set up a quick camp that night and settled into a quick dinner before the last light of the day went out. He was tired and irritated, wanting nothing more than to go to sleep and rest his aching muscles. His tail apparently decided to reflect his frustration’s unbeknownst to him. It wasn’t until you let out an annoyed huff and snatched his tail with a firm but gentle hand that he realized he had been thumping it rhythmically against your thigh. The instinctual noise that left his throat was high pitched and surprised, with a slight edge of a moan to it as of course your touch to the sensitive appendage was pleasing. A little too pleasing. At the sound you both still and look at each other with wide eyes.
You’d followed after him stumbling through the woods in the dark as he shot up and stalked away, his tail flicking with embarrassment behind him. He’d taken pity on you as your eyes couldnt see in the dark like his and had stopped. Things were said, feelings were shared, and at the end of it all as you lie there getting ready to sleep that night he shyly allowed his tail to curl around your leg consciously for the first time.
Slight NSFW thoughts
- [ ] Over time you realized how sensitive that tail really is. Purposely you would snatch it just to watch his whole body stiffen and the fur on his neck fluff up before he turns and gives you a heated (not with anger) glare.
- [ ] As you become more comfortable in your new relationship so does the tail and his reaction which doesnt bode well for you all the time especially since he’s always on the look out now for you to try to grab it.
- [ ] He’s noticed how your skin reacts when he brushes it against you softly and that handsome smirk on his face he gets as goosebumps prickle up on you makes you melt.
- [ ] He still gets embarrassed by it giving his true clingy nature away but now his teasing playful nature has settled in to outweigh his previous frustrations.
- [ ] You learn very quickly not to stroke his tail. Not unless you want a very disgruntled heavy breathing monkey carrying you off to somewhere safe/private to let out his rising need. His tail would be flicking impatiently behind him the whole way of course.
- [ ] You also learn how freaking strong the damn thing is, you’d known before as he has used it to push you out of the way as needed, but especially when hes sleeping its like an unmoving vice around whatever part of you it has wrapped around.
- [ ] In more, desperate situations he uses it as almost like a third hand. Yanking you as he pleases or holding you open so he has a free hand. It anchors you possessively to him in your passion.
- [ ] He’s also discovered you like how the soft fur feels against your nipples and he uses that to his advantage more than he should.
Wukong has been around a long long time. He can be both oblivious and hyper vigilant about many things. One thing he was very aware of was his tail complete and utter lack of disrespect for its owner. If this was happening to ANYONE else it would be hysterical and he would never ever let them live it down. But it’s not. So it’s not funny. It’s aggravating and embarrassing. He is too old to be displaying such cub like behavior. His tail should do as he demands, it’s attached to him for fucks sake!
Unfortunately it has a mind of its own. And you are on its mind 25/8.
He very quickly caught on to how his tail reacts when you’re around. You were very careful not to give it away of course but he caught you one day peeking at his tail as he pretended to brush off your thanks after he had stopped you from tripping. Your grateful smile had made him feel twitch and warm, his heart galloping in his chest at the sight. But of course he couldnt have you knowing just a simple smile had him melting like an adolescent during season. Oh no. He grumped, acting put out, and poked and teased you commenting on your terrible walking skills. The usual. Normally you roll your eyes and scoff at his playful irritating words, and you did, but not after taking a quick glance behind him before a twinkle seemed to shine in your eye. He was instantly made aware of his tails happy little swish and flick, internally cursing he sniffed haughtily forcing it to stop. But the damage was done and try as he might to stop it, heat pricked at his cheeks.
This became a reoccurring issue. Every time he tried rebuff your thanks or act nonchalantly towards you his tail couldnt help itself but give his true feelings away, especially when your eyes fell towards it. It made teasing you all the more difficult and the knowing smirk on your face made him twitchy. Constantly he has to remind himself to keep an eye on the stupid thing when you’re around or when someone talks about you.
But you seem to have deciphered the language of tails for the most part. He doesnt know exactly HOW you figured it out honestly, he’s impressed. Clearly this has been going on for a while now too. It annoys the hell out of him as he finds himself flustered repeatedly and has to make a conscious effort to keep the silly thing still.
It also would. Not. Stop. Trying. To. Touch. You. The first time hed noticed THAT happening was embarrassing to say the least. You’d been walking next to him one evening, the dark creeping in as you both made your way back to camp after a little walk.
You are deep into a so called ‘scary’ story you’d been told as a kid. Wukong is listening intently, enjoying the sounds of your voice, when your sudden soft laughter cuts off your story. He’s always attuned to the sounds you make and instantly it made his old heart skip a beat. Masking it though he forces a pout and turns to grumble at you for stopping midway through the tale when he notices a strange sensation sending a tickle up his spine.
Glancing down he see’s to his shock his tail has hooked itself on to your hand, curling around your palm and your fingers are gently holding it, petting it a little with your thumb. His breath stutters as his fur ripples from the soft touch. You snickering catches his attention and he snaps gaze up to meet yours, your smiling and there is a little sparkle in your eye that makes him feel like he’s going to pop out of his skin.
To his embarrassment you teased him about being scared of the story and needing to hold your hand. He’d yanked his tail away and puffed up his chest before stomping off ahead saying he only did that because YOU sounded scared. In reality he had no clue he’d done it and your teasing laughter was stabbing holes in his pride. Your next comment threw him for a loop though. “Hey at least it was my hand this time.”
What that meant was quickly revealed to him as he started to notice how often his tail would gravitate towards you, either to simply brush against your side or leg. Or occasionally trying to hook on to you as you walk or relax close to him for the evening. Wukong found himself many a times sitting high up on a tree branch and grabbing his tail with a strangling grip, seething at it for not keeping itself to itself.
Eventually he had to come to terms with its apparent infatuation with you and you it. Outside of it betraying his thoughts and emotions he has trouble with how sensitive it is and how much you seem to enjoy touching it. It’s bad enough when his tail brushes against you, he has to steel himself to not react, but you petting it absentmindedly? Thats something else entirely. It takes every ounce of his strength, patience, and resolve to not make a sound or to not do something shameful when your fingers happen to slide over his tail.
Wukong does his best to work around the issue so you dont catch on to his plight, playfully hitting you with it or tickling your cheek. Simple things to distract you from his reactions.
One day though he’d had the brilliant idea to mess with you as was his favorite pastime. You’d just gotten done having a wash and yeah, he probably should have paid closer attention to his timing but he was eager to see your pouting annoyed face and your adorable annoyed reaction to the idea that had cropped up in his head. And so, with his keen hyper hearing he listens for when you finish dressing and begin fiddling with your pack.
With a good amount of speed, enough that you wont see him coming, he zips through the trees and grabs you tossing you high up into the air. He cackles as you let out a surprised scream and as you fall, passing by the tree branch he had settled himself he catches you by the ankle with his strong tail. “WUKONG!” You scream at him and he leans over to look at down at you and laugh at your red face. Your face is an angry red, reddest he’s ever seen in fact, but thats not all he notices. As you sway, dangling by the ankle his tail is still holding, you are bent at an awkward angle holding your shirt between your legs. Bare legs.
He catches a glimpse of what your hiding and his tail loosens as his jaw goes slack from the realization that you had not put on your underclothes yet, nor your pants. Your scream as you fall snaps him out of his heated surprise and he moves with lightning speed to catch you. Your face is extremely red and you dont dare look at him as he gently sets you down on your feet. “Leave me.” Is all your cold embarrassed voice demands and he gives a quick jerky nod before stalking off.
Wukong is stuck then by a mixture of emotions as he waits for you back at your little camp. On one hand he’d seen something he could only ever let himself fantasize about in his dreams or precious moments alone. On the other, he’d seen it without your consent and while upsetting you throughly in the process. His heart doesnt stop racing for even a moment as his thoughts bombard him. Hearing your footsteps return to camp some time later makes him oddly nervous.
As you step into view Wukong stands and you two look at each other for a few moments taking each other in. His tail is oddly still. In fact it’s hanging stiffly behind him and the tip is curled just a little between his legs. He doesnt fear you, no. He fears causing you genuine hurt and pain. Seeing his tail and his furrowed brow that he doesnt bother to hide you sigh and relax your tense shoulders before sitting down close by to him.
The conversation that night is difficult. You both being upset for different reasons and being unsure about how to move forward. It takes him allowing himself a moment of vulnerability for you to meet him half way. The words done come easy but you both finally talk about the strange tension between you, the mutual care and enjoyment of each other. Feelings are almost whispered between you and finally, finally Wukong can wrap his arms and tail around you without fear as you now know the depths of his feelings.
Slight NSFW thoughts!
- [ ] Wukong definitely still messes with you 24/7.
- [ ] His tail is a prime suspect at all times.
- [ ] Very rarely will it be still around you. But even being a couple has its challenges and in the beginning there are several instances where his tail hangs down motionlessly with the tip curled between his calves. It’s not fear in those moments, it’s a show of his despair over upsetting you. This specific action becomes rarer over time.
- [ ] Once he discovers how much you REALLY like the damn thing he pretty much as it anchored to you all the time.
- [ ] When he needs two hands he makes sure his tail is settled into your hand wrapped or around some part of you.
- [ ] When you realize just how sensitive the appendage is its game on. You have ammo now to tease him back, purposely brushing your fingers through the fur on it or maybe teasingly bringing it up to your lips for a little kiss.
- [ ] Watching his fur puff up at your little actions is endlessly amusing.
- [ ] Until he turns the tables on you.
- [ ] Be prepared for his tail to swipe at you with very specific intentions. It will caress your ass or you might find it slithering between your legs for a moment to tease you over your clothes before he prances off with a smirk.
- [ ] Would he swipe his tail through your juices so he can smell it again later like a perv? Yes.
- [ ] He’s going to use that strong as hell tail to make sure your body is exactly where he wants it or he will wrap it around your waist and hold you steady as you move on top of him, his hands free to do as they please.
- [ ] Don’t tempt him because he might even try having sex with you upside down hanging from a tree by just his tail.
- [ ] Cuddling? Yeah his tail is involved 24/7, I hope you enjoy your new clingy best friend.
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lanadelreyscokewhor3 · 22 hours
a quick little drabble i made on the spot about older bf! logan and his kinda innocent girl sneaking out and having some fun in the car ;)
warnings: smut! and swearing, and petnames!
word count- 800 or so
"when we drive in your car, i'm your baby (so sweet) losing all my innocence in the backseat say you love, say you love, say you love me (love me) losing all my innocence in the backsеat"- diet pepsi, addison rae
i wrote this in 20 mins so im sorry if its messy n bad i just love this song sm and him aghhhh
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“Careful now, don’t bump your head baby.” Logan's rich voice drawled from the backseat, his hand cupping your neck and slowly guiding your head down to lay against the car door.
You smiled softly, looking down at your twiddling fingers- flustered.
You and your (older) boyfriend Logan had slipped away for a late night drive, something you loved to do during summer months.
He always kept a hand on your thigh as you draped your head out the window, letting the cool wind blow your hair back down the backroads.
This was the first time the two of you had pulled over, in the middle of an empty field, nothing but the stars illuminating the now dead quiet truck. Only the sound of cicadas chirping from the forest as he stepped out, too large to crawl over the middle armrest, like you had.
He was sure to get a good look at your ass in your skirt as you shimmed over, giving it a gentle smack which made you yelp.
You felt so, so dirty for being this despite- for wanting to take him here, in the car. Or moreso, let him take you.
It was a family dinner- that's what led you here.
You didn't want to break your parents' strict rules about PDA at the family function, and you were risking enough already by innocently sipping diet pepsi on Logan's lap, by the campfire.
It was for warmth, you had insisted- looking over at your older sister and her boyfriend. If they were allowed to do it, why couldn't you?!
The need to escape overpowered you, mainly due to the feeling of Logan's soft but hungry gazes at you all night when no one was looking, or the way his hand would slip over in the dark, dangerously past your upper thigh.
You never had car sex before.
Hell, you weren't very experienced with sex, sex yet.
But Logan was so experienced, he had made you feel so good you couldn't help but crave him- to crave more.
So now you were here- empty pepsi cans crushed under your feet as you slipped down the seat, peering up at him. He was so close to you he was practically on top of you, the car much too small for his massive frame.
You giggled as his dogtags dangled in front of you, twirling your fingers around them.
“A-are you sure you wanna do this Lo? Can you fit?”
“You asked that the first time baby and we made it work.” he winked and you rolled your eyes.
“You know thats not what I meant. This cars so small…”
“We’ll make it work baby. Promise.” he smirked, wasting no time unbuckling his belt, the jingle sound of the metal making you squirm. Though you had nowhere to go anyways.
“Wet already? You’re so easy baby.” he chuckled, rubbing his tip across the damp spot in your panties from under your skirt.
You moaned, wiggling from his touch.
”Nowhere to go baby. And there's no one around either. So you can be as loud as you want.”
You let out a quick little gasp, eyes widening as he quickly pushed your panties to the side, taking in the sight of you under him.
It made him feel like a horny teenager again. He just… couldn't resist around you.
“I’m gonna put it in now, mkay? Big stretch.” he cooed down at your softly, hand cupped back around your neck to support you. Your mouth widened to an o-shape as he slid in softly, hissing at your tightness.
“Fuckin hell baby youre like a glove. Every damn time. I will never get tired of this pretty pussy.” he growled possessively as you reached for him, fingers getting tangled in his hair.
He was so big, his smell so intoxicating it made you dizzy. Logan was your first- and you hoped your only. If this was what sex was like, you never wanted it to end with him.
“Mm Lo-” you moaned, letting out a squeal as he slid home, before sliding out and rocking into you roughly.
The car started to shake and creak as he picked up the pace, beating your pussy raw until a little white circle formed around the base of his cock.
The windows had fogged, your handprint a stark contrast against it as you arched for more.
“Fuck Lo-logan, need you, need more..” you babbled mindlessly, self control gone out the window.
“Yeah?” he snarled as he folded your body in half like a pretzel, your toes nearly touching the very window your head was at, still pounding into you hard enough to make your brain go hazy.
“I’m gonna keep you here all night baby, givin you what ya need.”
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arwininecstasy · 1 day
⋆.˚✮ summer’s fading
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⭑ word count: 2.2k
⭑ warnings: very very very tiny bit of sexual thoughts mentioned VERY briefly, use of the nickname “baby”
⭑ summary: while everyone’s enjoying their last night at the lake house you struggle with the thought of it being the last time you’ll see your boyfriend for months. quinn spends the night trying to change your mood after he hears you calling out to him.
⭑ note: hi guys!! this is my first fic post here (kinda nervous) but anyway feel free to have a look around and maybe send in a request or say hi? anyway thank you for reading, i hope you enjoy!
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all day the thought of this being your last night with quinn had weighed heavily on your mind. while everyone shared jokes, laughed, and made the most of the last day, you couldn't shake the looming reality that in less than 24 hours, your boyfriend would be on a plane back to vancouver, leaving you in michigan. the laughter and warmth of the fire only worsened the ache in your chest. it felt like a countdown, every second was slipping away, the end of summer creeping closer and closer.
throughout the day you had barely participated in the fun, you just sat quietly, watching them all as you were lost in your thoughts. no one seemed to notice, not even your boyfriend. part of you was relieved no one noticed, you didn't want to ruin the mood but another part of you felt a deep sting that after all these years together, quinn hadn't picked up on your unease.
as the sun dipped further the group finished their hot dogs and excitedly ran to the lake to jump in before dessert. the sight of them running off, carefree and full of energy only made your heart sink further. it was getting darker and now on top of everything, you regretted letting your emotions keep you from enjoying the day.
you watched as quinn jogged away with everyone, a soft call of his name escaping your lips. he didn't hear you over the splashes and laughter. you called again, a little louder, but no response. frustration and sadness washed over you and tears began to stream down your cheeks as your voice cracked on the third call of his name. it wasn't until the fourth call, which was louder and more desperate that he finally turned around.
his expression immediately shifted as he raced over to you. "what's wrong, baby?" he asked urgently, crouching down in front of your lawn chair, his eyes full of concern as he gently cupped your face. now that he's in front of you the tears flow uncontrollably and your chest tightens with each sob. all you can manage to say is his name between your broken sobs and gasps for breath.
“hey, hey it’s okay.” quinn softly speaks, his eyes searching your face for any sign of what’s wrong. “did something happen?”
“i don’t want it to be over.” you croak out, your voice barely being above a whisper.
a frown tugs quinn’s lips as he gently wipes the tears on your cheek. “i don’t want it to be over either.” he admits, sighing as he looks at your state.
“i don’t want you to leave.” you sob, your words broken. “i can’t stand you being gone for months again.”
quinn sighs, pulling you into a tight hug, his hand rubbing your back soothingly. “i know baby. i’m gonna miss you so much too. but it’ll go by quickly, i promise, and we can text and call every day.”
“it’s not the same.” you say through another sob. “and you’re always busy on game days.”
“i know.” he whispers, pulling you close into his chest. “i wish i could stay here longer but i have things to go back to. i promise it’ll go by fast.”
you wait a moment before pulling back slightly, looking up at your boyfriend with teary eyes. “did i ruin the whole day?”
quinn shakes his head firmly. “no, no, of course not.” he cups your face again. “don't ever think that. it’s okay to feel how you’re feeling.”
“but i didn’t do anything with you and your brother or your friends… i feel like i wasted the day.” you say with a heavy sigh, wiping your own tears away. “i miss it being just us. we don't get that anymore.”
quinn's frown deepens even more. “you don't ruin anything. i got to spend the whole summer with you and that's what matters. we've had so much time together and today was great because i got to be with you.”
“but quinn, we havent done anything the two of us in so long, and i miss that.” you admit, your voice quieter.
“i miss it too.” he whispers, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “you're right, we havent had a lot of time alone this summer.” he pauses and makes eye contact with you. “how about we go get some ice cream? just you and me, like we used to?”
you wipe at the wet skin below your eyes, nodding slowly. “yeah i’d like that.”
quinn leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “good, i’ll go tell the guys we're heading out for a bit.” he stands up and looks down at you with a lighthearted but concerned smile. “wait here.”
he walks over to where his brothers and friends are by the lake, luke noticing him first. “everything okay?” his youngest brother asks.
“yeah.” quinn replies, “we're just gonna grab some ice cream.” he doesn’t stay any longer than needed and quickly heads back to you, smiling and taking your head. “ready?”
you nod again, sniffling. he leads you to his car, opening the door for you and making sure you’re settled before getting in himself.
after arriving at dairy queen, quinn orders two waffle cones, one vanilla and one chocolate for you. the restaurant is mostly empty, except for a few families with kids. he hands you your ice cream and leads you to a quieter table in the corner, where you sit next to each other.
"thanks, quinn," you say softly, the sadness from earlier still lingering.
he nods, offering a reassuring smile. "it’s gonna be okay," he says, rubbing your arm. "i know it sucks, and i hate leaving you too. but i’m always thinking about you, every second of the day, no matter where i am." you hum softly in acknowledgment, focusing on your ice cream.
quinn keeps his eyes on you, his hand still gently rubbing your arm. "i hate seeing you sad. especially over me. i just don’t want you to spend your last night here upset. let’s make the most of it, okay?"
you let out a small, shaky breath. "how?"
he smirks, his eyes twinkling. “i can think of some things.” he chuckles, thinking raunchy thoughts before immediately stopping himself from going further.
you let out a small laugh at his joke. "well, ice cream was a start. maybe we can watch a movie, or take a walk—just the two of us?"
"it’s late, and your flight’s in the morning," you point out.
quinn rolls his eyes with a dramatic pout. "you’re really killing me here." then he notices your eyes welling up again and his expression softens immediately. "hey, i was just teasing. don’t cry, i didn’t mean it like that."
he reaches out, brushing a strand of hair away from your face, his touch gentle. "how about we go for a drive? we can listen to your favorite music, and when we get back, we’ll cuddle up in my room, just the two of us. we can talk, watch something, whatever you want."
a small smile tugs at your lips. "yeah, that sounds good."
he lets out a relieved sigh, smiling as he presses a kiss to your forehead again. "good. let’s go on that drive."
the two of you head back to his car. quinn opens the door for you, making sure you’re comfortable before he gets behind the wheel. once he connects his phone to the car he hands you his phone. "queue up your music."
as the music plays, quinn places his hand on your thigh, giving it a comforting squeeze. he smiles when he sees you begin to relax. for a while, the two of you simply drive, the sound of your favorite songs filling the air as quinn glances at you now and then, his hand never leaving your thigh.
"feeling a bit better now?" he asks softly, his voice full of care.
“yeah, i just… i missed this, being with you like it used to be before you left the first time.”
quinn nods, his tone gentle as he replies, "i know, me too. it's really nice to have this time alone with you again." he glances at you, feeling a pang of regret from seeing how sad you’d been earlier. he missed your usual happy self.
he turns his attention back to the road, sighing softly. a little while later, he pulls onto the street leading up to the lake house. slowing down, he parks in the driveway, turns off the ignition, and looks over at you. unbuckling his seatbelt, he reaches for your hand. "come on," he says with a soft smile, stepping out and walking around the car to open your door for you. he helps you out, shuts the door behind you, and leads you toward the house, opening the door and gently ushering you inside.
once inside, he guides you upstairs to his bedroom, flicking on the light as he walks in. he sits on the bed, patting the spot next to him, signaling you to join him. when you sit down, instead of letting go of your hand, he intertwines his fingers with yours, his eyes meeting yours with a tender smile. he cups your cheek with his other hand, his thumb brushing lightly against your skin. shuffling closer, his expression turns soft and loving.
“i meant it when i said i hate seeing you so sad.” his voice is barely above a whisper, his gaze locked on yours. he runs his hand through your hair gently, sighing. "i know it's hard when i'm gone, but it's hard for me, too. i hate leaving you every time." he looks away for a moment, frowning slightly. “i think about you all the time… when i’m training, playing, even hanging out with the guys… you're always on my mind. i hate being so far from you.” his eyes return to yours as he sighs, pulling you closer, his hand gently caressing your cheek. “i wish you could follow me everywhere i go. i don’t know how i make it through the year without you by my side.”
your lips part as you quietly murmur, “me too.”
he smiles softly, his eyes never leaving yours as his hand moves from your cheek down to your shoulder. he gently nudges you to lie back, and once you’re flat on the bed, he positions himself over you, careful not to put his weight on you. he hovers above, gazing down with nothing but love in his eyes. his thumb strokes your cheek while his other hand rests on your hip, caressing it lightly. his eyes flick to your lips, then back to your face, his heart swelling as he looks at you.
“quinn…” you drag out his name, making him hum in response, his head tilting in silent curiosity. his hand on your hip tightens just slightly, his soft smile still present. “i love you so much.”
his eyes light up, the smile on his lips growing as those words hit him, his heart skipping a beat. even though he knows it, hearing you say it always fills him with happiness.
he gently moves his hand from your cheek to your jaw, cradling your face as he whispers, “i love you too, baby.” then, shifting beside you, he pulls you into his chest, holding you close. his hands wander lovingly across your body—one holding your hip, the other tracing soft lines up and down your back.
it was quiet except for the soft hum of the ceiling fan in his room and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. his fingers traced over your back, he drew soothing patterns along our back, lulling you into a calm and comforting state.
“thank you for buying me ice cream,” you murmur your tone light, catching him off guard after the comfortable silence that had been going on for a little.
he chuckles softly, amused by the sudden shift. tracing your back still, he says with complete sincerity, “i’d do anything to make you smile.”
“i don’t deserve you,” you whisper, the weight of your emotions pressing down again.
quinn frowns, shaking his head as he squeezes your hip gently to grab your attention. "yes, you do. stop saying that. you're perfect. you're my perfect girl." his smile returns, filled with love and certainty.
you blush and look up at him through your lashes quickly. “i wish we could stay like this forever.” you whispered, your voice barely audible as you buried your head back into his chest.
quinn pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “me too,” he murmured, his hold on you tightening ever so slightly.
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inmyheaddd · 2 days
just feeling my way back to you - grayson hawthorne x reader
a/n: this was supposed to be a flashback in a grayson series i’m working on but idk if im ever gonna post it 💔 summary: having what was supposed to be a relaxing picnic by the river, took a very unexpected turn when it started raining. heavily. warnings: rain kiss rain kiss rain kiss!! nothing really tho wc: 1.6k masterlist
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you and grayson sat by a creek-river hybrid, the sun painting a golden hue over everything as the water beneath you seemed to glitter. 
there wasn’t much noise, apart from the rustling of leaves, the sound of the water, and of course, you and grayson’s non stop quiet chatter and laughter.
the air sent a breeze down your spine, but it did nothing to bother you. you don’t think anything could ever ruin this moment with you and grayson, with your head on his shoulder as you brought your knees to your chest.
well, one thing nearly came close. 
you felt a drop of water on your nose, making you sit up fully as you let out a small gasp. 
“oh my god, is it raining?” you reached your hand to wipe the droplet off your nose, only for more to start dropping on your face, faster, too.
you didn’t see the way grayson’s face turned into a slight frown when you lifted your head off his shoulder, you were too preoccupied with looking at the clouds as more rain started falling down, almost in awe.
grayson then found himself smiling as he watched you look up to the sky and laugh, a sound he’d replay over and over on a record player in his mind. 
his gaze stayed on your face as you tilted your head back down and looked at him, a grin spreading across your face. 
“i have an idea,” you said in a sing-song voice. 
“no.” he deadpanned. 
“i didn’t even tell you!” 
grayson raised his eyebrows at you, a hint of laughter in his voice. “your ideas in situations like these are never good.” 
your jaw fell open in mock offense. “never good? well that’s just a lie.”
his lips threatened to turn up. you would’ve barely noticed if it was anyone else, but you noticed everything about grayson. 
“i apologize, never sensible.” he corrected himself.
it was already raining harder now, but you paid it no mind. looking into grayson’s eyes felt the same as looking up at the stormy skies. 
“and when was the last time you had fun doing something sensible?” you retorted, and now grayson’s barely there smile fully cracked. 
it made way for a chuckle as he looked away from you, a light shake of his head before he ran a hand through his hair. 
you knew you’d gotten him with that one, muttering a small, “exactly.” as you turned yourself around, looking through the bag you’d brought with you. 
after flicking through extra clothes, snacks, your phones, and a speaker, you found the item you were looking for. 
“hey, grayson, this is waterproof, right?” you called out to him as you pulled his camera out of its cover. 
obviously grayson hawthorne’s far-too-expensive camera was waterproof, who were you kidding?
he hummed lowly, more in confusion as to answering your question. 
leaning forward with your legs crossed, you you set up the camera against a tree stump beside you, pressing the record button as grayson watched you — still slightly befuddled.
“hey guys, it’s raining!” you spoke into the camera, adjusting it so you and grayson were in frame with the scene behind you.
“—i’m with grayson hawthorne right now, on a sunday, 6:32 pm, and it’s raining!” you reiterated yourself with a laugh, setting the frame for whatever version of yourself would be looking back at this video in the future. you with grayson, you’d silently hoped.
as you talked, grayson looked at you like you were so much more than you actually were, with so much love in his eyes. it stilled you for a moment as you saw it in the camera. 
your attention was no longer on the camera as you sat upright again, looking at grayson with an ever present smile on your face. 
“what?” you laughed quietly.
in all of his hawthorne manner, he answered your question with one of his own. “what are you doing?” he said, his voice low, almost drowned out with the patter of the rain and sounds around you. 
and in all of your “i love annoying grayson” manner, you didn’t answer his question. you simply grabbed the camera and stood up, and his gaze followed you the whole time.
you jogged towards the river, the rain soaking through your clothes as you went, and set the camera up again on a large rock. grayson’s eyes widened slightly as he watched you.
"what are you doing?" he projected his voice over the rain, punctuating each word as he grew concerned. 
you shot him a quick look over your shoulder, your smile growing even wider. "making real memories!” you exclaimed.
before he could protest, you made sure everything was in frame on the camera, then took a few steps back, your bare feet sliding a little on the wet grass.
"you’re not serious," grayson stated as he followed after you, but there was a tiny hint of humour in his tone now.
"oh, i’m so serious!" you shouted back, already running toward the water.
"sweetheart, wait—" grayson reached out as if to stop you, but it was too late.
you launched yourself off the bank and into the river with a squeal, the cold water hitting you like a shock to the system. it wasn’t that deep— coming up to just below your chest. 
grayson stood frozen for a second, shaking his head as he watched you pop up, gasping and laughing, water streaming down your face as you smoothed your hair back.
"come in!" you called, laughing breathlessly, lifting your arms to show him how much fun you were having. "you know you want to!" you added, giggling to no end.
he hesitated, eyes flicking to the camera that was still recording. "i have absolutely no desire to go in. i truly worry for your sanity sometimes.” 
"my sanity may be questionable, but at least i’m having fun!" you countered, the water swirling around your legs as the rain kept falling. "this is all on camera, gray. if you don’t come in, you’ll be known forever as the grumpy blonde who stood on the sidelines, while i had the time of my life." 
grayson davenport hawthorne would forever be known as a lot of things— and you knew you were going to keep this video as a keepsake for just you two. precious, untarnished with the effects from anyone else. just yours.
maybe not everyone would know the real him— which in fact wasn’t the grumpy blonde like you had joked — but you did. and you were endlessly thankful for that.
grayson let out a deep, exasperated sigh, running a hand through his wet hair before speaking. “you’re going to be the death of me, sweetheart.” 
"so are you getting in or not?" you teased, splashing water in his direction.
grayson looked at you for a second longer, hesitant, before pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his toned chest that had you grinning. 
this was always how it went with you two, but you liked — no, you loved it.
it was second nature for you two; you doing something he found reckless, and him following after you anyway. you completed eachother. 
he kicked off his shoes, then without another word, ran towards the water and landed with a massive splash.
you let out a huge squeal, shielding yourself from the wave and laughing uncontrollably as grayson surfaced, shaking the water from his hair.
you threw your head back laughing as grayson approached you. “i can’t believe you got in!” 
he let out a chuckle as he ran a hand through his hair, “you could get me to do just about anything on this planet.” he said softly, his hands finding your waist as the rain continued to pour around you.
you felt your heart skip a beat, but you didn’t let it show. you smiled up at him, the sound of the rain pattering against the water filling your senses. “just about?” you teased.
“anything.” he corrected himself, pulling you even closer against the water. 
"oh, that’s a dangerous amount of power to give someone, isn’t it?” you joked, putting your arms around grayson’s neck. “especially for a hawthorne like you." 
"oh, undoubtedly.” he teased you right back with a barely there smile, as one of his hands trailed up to caress your face. 
“even more so when it’s you." his voice was all low and smooth, it nearly turned you into putty in his arms.
"you’re lucky i don’t plan on abusing it," you said quietly, trying to keep things light, but you felt your heart hammering against your chest as his face drew nearer to yours. this would never get old.
he let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head. "you already have, sweetheart." 
he said those words before finally pressing his lips to yours, and the kiss was perfect. it was everything and more that you could’ve ever hoped for, it was the rain kiss of your dreams. 
and just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, grayson’s hands travelled down to your thighs, signaling for you to wrap your legs around his torso. 
and that you did. 
you fought breaking into a smile as your hands weaved through his wet hair, and as you felt his hands on your body. 
it was nothing you hadn’t felt before, but it still gave you fireworks every damn time. 
as you pulled back back, both breathless and panting against eachother, you asked him a question. 
“you think that cameras still recording?” you murmured into the tiny space between you. 
“it can record for up to 48 hours before its battery begins to drain, its—”
you cut him off with a quiet laugh, “gray, a simple yes or no would’ve sufficed.”
he smiled, nodding and somehow putting his lips even closer without kissing you, “yes, then.” he breathed out— but you had a feeling he wasn’t really talking about the camera anymore as he pulled you in for another total mind-numbing, record breaking kiss. 
you didn’t need that camera to know that this moment would never be forgotten between the two of you.
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taglist: @charsoamerican @ariabedumb @x-liv25-jamieswife @wish-i-were-heather @thecircularlibrary
@littlemissmentallyunstable @whatsamongus @anintellectualintellectual @bewitchingkisses @maybxlle
@sheisntyou @midiosaamor @emelia07 @sweetreveriee (if you’d like to be added or removed pls lmk! 🤍)
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jinwoosbabyboo · 2 days
Moments Posts - Sylus Pt. 2
More random posts on the TL w/ boyfriend Sylus
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❤️ liked by skye.109, liiisa_, talkthat_tara and 98.4k others
misshuntermc: Who can't get plants to grow in the N109 Zone? 🤪
tagged: skye.109
skye.109: I guess I should start calling you Persephone
↳ misshuntermc: You should 🙂‍↕️ ↳ skye.109: Shall I worship you like a goddess as well? ↳ misshuntermc: bring me your best offerings 😌
liiisa_: Girl only you because how tf 🧐
↳ misshuntermc: I guess I just got it like that 🤷🏾‍♀️ ↳ talkthat_tara: she's not human confirmed 👍🏼
thing1_luke: WITCH!! 🫵🏼
↳ thing2_kieran: SEIZE HER !! 🫵🏼 ↳ misshuntermc: im gonna put spells on you while you sleep little ones 😙 ↳ thing2_kieran: 😰 ↳ thing1_luke: 😥
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❤️ liked by thing1_luke, thing2_kieran, skye.109 and 102k others
misshuntermc: I love my skyscraper boyfriend
tagged: skye.109
skye.109: your skyscraper boyfriend loves you more
↳ misshuntermc: I’m gonna melt into oblivion 😍🫠
thing1_luke: Did you get shorter???
↳ thing2_kieran: her attitude must be causing her to shrink 🤣 ↳ misshuntermc: meet me in the weight room in 10 😙 ↳ thing2_kieran: Luke took my phone I didn’t even say that 😰 ↳ skye.109: have fun boys
talkthat_tara: let me borrow that hoodie
↳ misshuntermc: no you never give me my stuff back ↳ talkthat_tara: please 🥺 ↳ misshuntermc: No ♥️
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❤️ liked by misshuntermc, talkthat_tara, thing2_kieran and 87.2k others
skye.109: her>>>>anything else
tagged: misshuntermc
misshuntermc: Guys I think he likes me 😋
↳ skye.109: Am I that obvious? ↳ misshuntermc: just a little 😘
nene.nero: Bouquet bigger than MCs head and her head big af
↳ misshuntermc: ☹️ ↳ skye.109: Start running ↳ liiisa_: Nero remember that video from karaoke night? 🙂 ↳ nene.nero: You guys know I'm just joking ↳ talkthat_tara: EXPOSE HIM 🗣️🗣️
imjenna: A pretty girl getting pretty flowers 🤍
↳ misshuntermc: Jenna you're gonna make me blush 🤭
evollpoliceofficial_backup: It's giving Zade Meadows
↳ misshuntermc: Sylus I thought you blocked them 🤨 ↳ skye.109: they made a backup account ↳ thing2_kieran: FAN BEHAVIOR 🥱 ↳ thing1_luke: If y'all don't go find something safe to do 😒
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❤️ liked by talkthat_tara, liiisa_, skye.109 and 74.2k others
misshuntermc: need to figure out how to be that phone
tagged: skye.109
talkthat_tara: if he didn’t aggressively throw his phone out the window throw the whole man away 🚮
↳ misshuntermc: he did & he clocked Kieran in the forehead by accident ↳ liiisa_: he better have gripped you the way he grips that glock ↳ misshuntermc: 😏🤭🤭
thing1_luke: @/thing2_kieran still caught that phone tho 😤💪🏼
↳ misshuntermc: my boy seein stars now 😭 ↳ liiisa_: saved the phone but at what cost? ☠️
skye.109 [public story]
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↺ story viewed by thing1_luke, thing2_kieran, misshuntermc and 87.3k others
skye.109: third wheeling my own girlfriend
mentioned: misshuntermc
liiisa_ replied to public story: can you send me this photo? 😅🙏🏼
misshuntermc replied to public story: With the way you were on me the whole time trust me no one thought you were the third wheel 🙄
thing1_luke replied to public story: Should we get rid of this Lisa character? 🤨
thing2_kieran replied to public story: What are your orders boss? 🫡
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leejenowrld · 11 hours
hello there!!! im not sure if you do this kind of ask, but you seem to have a good understanding of what jeno is like as a person (as much as a fan would be able to know!) so i was curious to know what you think jeno falling in love and dating would look like in reality!!! where/how he'd meet her, the things he'll (sub)consciously do when he likes her/realises he likes her, how he'd confess, what he'd be like as a boyfriend and what their rs will look like in the honeymoon phase and even after.
hey! thank you so much. i just want to preface by saying that even though i love jeno and he’s probably the only idol i truly care about, i don’t know him or what he’s really like, and i never will. everything i write is just based on ideas, fantasies, and my own portrayals of him. it’s all in good fun and shouldn’t be taken seriously! <3 (i know you touched on this in your ask, but i just wanted to say it myself as well). that being said, i’m excited to dive into this! i base jeno off my own boyfriend and our relationship in a lot of ways (that’s why i find writing jeno easy, the jeno you see in my fics is a exact copy of how my man is and how he is to me) so it’ll be personal and, as always, focused on how i want to portray him. this is going to be long, detailed, and maybe a bit scattered—that’s just how i am when talking about jeno :)
the way i picture jeno, he needs to have a solid foundation and friendship with the person before he fully commits and falls in love, sure, he has tendencies to fuck around and have mindless sex but when he meets you? it’s like everything clicks into place. you’re different, and he knows it right away. he’s not used to feeling like this, so he treads carefully. no rushing, no overwhelming you with his feelings. instead, he takes his time, building that connection slowly, making sure there’s something real between you. it’s never about the chase for him—it’s about finding something worth staying for. you're gonna see the perfect balance between someone who's possessive but also fucking sweet and gentle at the same time. he applies the right amount of pressure (hehe like how he does during sex) and flirting to the point where it can never feel like he's doing too much. his timing is just always immaculate.
the moment he realizes he wants you, it’s like flipping a switch. he feels the intense emotional and sexual chemistry from the start, something warm and magnetic, but you don’t yet. you’re still timid, unsure of what this pull is, and he loves that. every word, every glance, every touch from him is intentional, smooth in a way that’s almost effortless. it’s the way his fingers casually brush against yours, the way his voice dips low when he teases you, and how his eyes linger on you just a little too long, sending a jolt through you each time. he never overdoes it, keeping you right on the edge with the perfect balance of possessiveness and sweetness. the smiles and the eye contact from across the room, the soft touches on your lower back, his breath warm against your ear when he whispers—it all builds this palpable tension, electric yet controlled. he flirts just enough to make you blush, to make your pulse race, but never so much that you feel overwhelmed. he’s patient, knowing exactly when to push, applying just the right amount of pressure, making it impossible for you not to think about him. before you even realize it, you’re hooked, falling for him harder with each teasing glance, each deliberate move, wondering how he manages to unravel you so effortlessly while keeping you wanting more.
the thing about jeno is that he’s intense mixed with possessiveness (the hot kind). in your eyes you’re his, his girl, the one he’s fully committed too. this is before you even realise this. it’s not difficult for jeno to want to commit, that’s the thing, even if he’s used to the lifestyle of moving from bed to bed and not being tied down by a single woman, it doesn’t mean that he’s a jerk or a bad person, therefore doesn’t mean that it’s difficult for him to use his entire energy and commitment to that one person who he believes he really has a future with. when he realises “yeah, i want you, i see myself marrying you” phew the way his priorities shift into one direction and the way the lover boy comes out of him
but at the end of the day he stays respectful and he’ll always put your priorities first. if you say you want him to stop? he will, no questions asked. he’ll be upset about it but he puts your wishes before what he wants. he’s incredibly patient, especially if you’re shy or hesitant at first. he’s not in a rush to push you into anything, but he’s not holding back either. you notice how his intensity builds over time. it’s gradual, but it’s unmistakable. you might try to keep your guard up, unsure of how to handle someone like jeno being so into you. but he’s got that way about him—gentle and understanding, but persistent. he’s so genuine that you can’t help but let your defenses fall, bit by bit. and when you do? that’s when everything shifts.
once you fall, you fall hard, just like he did. suddenly, it’s not just him making the moves—you’re meeting his intensity with your own. there’s this undeniable chemistry between you, and it’s like fireworks going off. you spend hours together, talking about everything and nothing, getting closer with every passing day. the emotional connection grows deeper, and before you know it, you’re as down bad as he is.
the shift into something physical is just as natural. one minute, you’re out with jeno on one of those ‘not-a-date’ dates, sharing casual glances and smiles, and the next, the tension between you has reached its breaking point. he’s got you pressed against the wall, his lips on yours, hands gripping your waist with just enough force to remind you who’s in control. it’s like all the flirting, the teasing, the playful touches were leading up to this. and when you finally give in to the pull between you, it’s intense.
jeno’s the type who knows exactly how to take charge in bed. there’s no hesitation in the way he touches you, no second-guessing. when he’s got you where he wants you, he’s hard, dominant, and rough in all the best ways. he knows how to push you to your limits, how to make you feel completely at his mercy, but there’s always that underlying sweetness, that care in the way he makes sure you’re enjoying every second. his hands are everywhere—gripping your thighs, pulling you closer, fingers digging into your skin just enough to leave a reminder of what he’s doing to you.
he’s vocal too, not afraid to let you know exactly what you’re doing to him, how good you feel, how much he’s wanted this. you feel it in every thrust, every grip, the way his breath hitches when you moan his name. he’s rough, but it’s controlled. he knows when to hold back, when to go harder, when to whisper dirty things in your ear just to hear you gasp. it’s like he knows your body better than you do, every touch, every move, calculated to drive you wild.
and the sex? it’s not just a physical thing. jeno makes it feel like more. there’s this connection, this intensity that goes beyond just bodies colliding. it’s the way he looks at you, his eyes dark and focused, like you’re the only thing in the world that matters to him in that moment. even when he’s rough, there’s this underlying affection that makes you feel completely safe, like he’s never going to let anything bad happen to you. his dominance isn’t about control—it’s about trust.
afterward, the dynamic between you shifts even more. you’re not just spending time together; you’re practically inseparable. the emotional intimacy is just as intense as the physical. you talk for hours, confide in each other about things you’ve never shared with anyone else. and then, when the time comes to get physical again, it’s like you can’t keep your hands off each other. the dates blend into nights spent tangled up in each other, the connection between you getting stronger with every passing day.
jeno, as a boyfriend, is the perfect mix of sweet and possessive. he’s always got his arm around you, always making sure you know you’re his. but he’s not overbearing. there’s no jealousy or insecurity, just a quiet, steady confidence that comes from knowing you’re as into him as he is into you. he doesn’t have to say it, but you can tell by the way he looks at you, the way he touches you in public, how much he cares.
he’s constantly whispering “mine mine mine mine mine” against your skin during sex. because you are his, and he’s yours. you’re his person and he’s your person, it’s a tie that’s deeper than the runes of the earth. tbh people assume that he’s the possessive one in the relationship but surprisingly… it’s you :) that’s where i’m gonna leave you with that one. jeno will definitely do anything you ask him to do. there’s no limit in his mind when it comes to you.
and it’s not just about the sex or the intense chemistry. jeno is there for you in every way that matters. he listens, he supports, he’s the first person you want to talk to when something happens, good or bad. he’s protective, but not in a way that makes you feel suffocated. he respects your independence, but you know he’ll be there the second you need him.
as time goes on, the relationship doesn’t lose its intensity. if anything, it deepens. you both settle into this rhythm, where the emotional and physical intimacy are perfectly balanced. even after the honeymoon phase, things between you stay exciting, because jeno is always finding new ways to keep you on your toes. one day he’s surprising you with a thoughtful gift, the next he’s pulling you into a heated kiss in the middle of a crowded room, making you forget everything except him.
in essence, jeno’s love is consuming, but in the best way. he’s the kind of person who, once he decides you’re the one, will give you all of him—his attention, his loyalty, his affection. he’s possessive, but in a way that makes you feel cherished. and once the two of you fall for each other, there’s no going back. it’s all in, both emotionally and physically, and the intensity between you never fades.
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astral-crab · 2 days
just had a thought. what if rio and teen are working together? seems like a bit of an odd coincidence that they both showed up at agatha’s at the same time to try to pull agatha out of wanda’s mind control spell. like, i’m guessing the timing is supposed to coincide with wanda’s “death?” and that’s somehow what allowed agatha to be found by them? because i’ve assumed that when wanda cast that spell, she made it so no one else could find agatha (“no one will ever bother you”). but once wanda died the spell….idk, became destabilized? (the magic rules seem a bit hazy here. i remember something from infinity war about how breaking a dead man’s spell is nearly impossible, which also makes me wonder why nobody is questioning how agatha broke out of wanda’s spell, but you know….there’s no time for details lol. it’s fine kids don’t worry about it.)
anyway, so let’s say wanda’s “death” destabilized the mind control and that’s how rio and teen could find agatha (because if agatha was findable before, it doesn’t make sense that everyone else would have just left her alone, especially her enemies).
but also how did rio and teen find her but the salem seven needed rio to tell them where agatha was? maybe only people with a personal connection to agatha could find her, at least that quickly? which would mean teen has a personal connection to her. HMMMMMM.
anyway. it’d make sense that rio and teen are somehow connected. rio could have put the sigil on teen. and maybe teen doesn’t know rio. maybe rio somehow set him on the path to finding her…for reasons? teen might be operating on his own, but maybe rio is pulling strings from behind the scenes, manipulating him somehow.
unrelated, but the ballad says they’re supposed to have their familiars by their sides. so where is everyone’s familiars? WHERE IS SCRATCHY???
also kinda confused how the road works. like teen can come along and participate even if he’s not in the coven, but he joined hands with the others when they were making the potion antidote and setting intentions. and there are five members of the coven. the ballad mentions earth, air, water, fire, but what is agatha? and are all witches supposed to fall into one of those four areas or are those just specializations? can you choose your specialization or are you just born with it? am i thinking about this a little too hard because mcu worldbuilding is not always exactly robust lol. probably. (but it’s fun.)
also i love the concept of “analog magic.” that really cracked me up thank you for that teen. but does that mean anyone can do analog magic? even if they’re not a witch? if you don’t need power to do it, couldn’t anyone do it if they have the knowledge? are you born with power? or the ability to access it? and then it can be bound or taken away obviously.
anyway im not gonna worry too much about minor plot holes or magic system inconsistencies, because im here for the emotional story first and foremost, butttttt i am still very curious about all these things.
oh but one more thing—WHAT HAPPENED TO RALPH BOHNER. that was supposed to be his house “agnes” was living in for three years.
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achilles-rage · 12 hours
Good Luck Charm: Chapter 20
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college football player!buck x plus size!reader
summary: you go back to school early to attend a new year’s eve party.
word count: 3.5k
previous chapter
series masterlist
a/n: the last chapter!!! screaming crying throwing up fr. i’ll definitely post an epilogue though, and maybe some other short drabbles because i’m gonna miss them :// i also wanna thank everyone who reads this fic, i appreciate it so much!!! anyway, enjoy<3
warnings: a hint of smut, fem!reader, plus size!reader, race inclusive!reader
MDNI- 18+ only!
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Two long weeks later, it’s finally time for you and Evan to go back to school. You continued to sneak into Evan’s room each night, and had managed not to get caught each time his hands started to wander, innocent touches becoming something entirely different.
While you did tease him about keeping his hands to himself the first night, you were a little surprised when his hands traveled down your soft tummy and traced the waistband of your panties. You almost stopped him; the fear of getting caught clear in your mind, but your words were cut short when his hand dipped under the fabric and ghosted over your clit. His lips were on yours before you could make a sound, and when he finally pushed his cock into your dripping cunt, his lips were replaced with his hand as he whispered how good you were being into your ear.
This morning is no different. You wake up early; earlier than either of your parents, Evan’s bare chest against your back warming you up immensely.
“Are you sad to be leaving?” he whispers, his hot breath hitting the back of your neck. You hum softly, shrugging as you think about it. You turn in his grip before you answer, unable to fight back a smile as Evan’s face studies yours with a lovesick expression.
“I love my parents, but I think I get along with them better when we’re apart. Spending some time with them is nice, but I’m glad I’m not living here all the time.” you tell him in the same hushed tone. He nods, seeming to understand where you’re coming from. When he’s at school, sometimes his parents call to catch up, and he can almost pretend that he’s close with his parents when that happens.
“I’m glad. Because now we can go to the New Year’s party at Delta Phi.” he says in a teasing tone. You roll your eyes, laughing softly. He practically begged you to leave a couple of days early so you’d be back for the party once he found out that the theme of the party was to celebrate the university’s sports teams. “Now I can see you in my jersey again. Like old times.” is how he put it when he asked, and you couldn’t say no.
It had been a while since you were able to wear his jersey, and the last time you had, he ended up in the hospital, so a part of you was eager to get some better memories of wearing it.
“You really do like to party, don’t you?” you tease, laughing as he scoffs.
“Come on, they’re fun. You can’t tell me you didn’t like the parties I brought you to, other than the first one.” he says, his jaw clenching when he speaks about the first party you went to a party with him. He still has to see Jared at practice, but for the most part, Jared tries to steer clear of him, and he’s thankful. As much as he wants to fucking kill him for what he did, he knows that wouldn’t be the best idea.
“Alright, they’re not as bad as I thought they’d be. But that doesn’t mean I’d pick going to a party over, like, a movie night. But I like when you get all protective.” you tease, leaning in to kiss him softly. You can feel his fist clenching at your side, where he was holding your hip, and you know what he’s thinking about. You’ve stuck close to Evan at every party since then, and he always has to have a hand on you. Either an arm around your shoulder, or his hand in yours, or on the small of your back. He won’t let you leave his sight.
“Gotta protect my girl. Always.” he tells you earnestly, his hand unclenching as he lets out a breath. He knows he’s more upset about the situation than you are, even though it happened to you, but he can’t help it. He still feels a little guilty for even losing you in the first place.
“And you always do. From people and from the dark.” you tease, and he chuckles. Then in an instant, he moves to pin you to the bed, his body positioning itself between your legs, making you squeal softly in surprise as you giggle. He shushes you softly, lowering his face to the crook of your neck as his hands pin your wrists to the bed beside your head.
“Gotta be quiet, baby. I’ve gotten through two weeks without your dad hating my guts. Can’t start now.” he murmurs against your neck before beginning to trail kisses across your skin. You bite your lip as you tilt your head back, reveling in the feeling of his lips on you. Truth be told, your mom has caught you a couple of times in his room, not that either of you have been awake to notice. She stands near the door with a smile on her face each time, seeing you cuddled up together. She thinks it’s sweet, and she’d never tell your dad, anyway. This is not one of those mornings, evidently.
“We can’t have that.” you whisper, meeting his gaze as he pulls away from your neck. He smirks, moving your wrists up above your head and grabbing them with one hand, then his other moves down to push your shirt up over your plush tummy and chest.
Once your shirt is bunched up above your tits, his eyes trail down your body as he licks his lips. He’s so glad you only ever sleep with an oversized shirt and panties, like you’re just begging him to take care of you.
He leans down and gives you a short, but passionate, kiss, then moves down to your neck again. You bite your lip as his kisses move further down your neck, and he moves his face away for just long enough to move below your shirt, then begins to kiss down the valley of your breasts to your round tummy. He hums softly as he presses featherlight kisses to the skin littered with stretch marks, nipping and sucking softly as he goes.
He loves marking your tummy; he loves seeing the marks that are for his eyes only, and he likes the way it makes you squirm, but he also loves it seems to make you feel more confident. He loves your soft belly, and he’ll keep leaving marks across it until you love it completely, too.
His hands move down to your hips, grabbing and harshly pulling your panties down your legs with a low grunt, now leaning back on his knees to look at all of you.
“God, I love you.” he whispers once you’re left in nothing but your bunched up shirt, his fingers moving up your inner thighs.
You inhale a shaky breath as he leans down until his face is directly in front of your core. He smirks as he keeps eye contact with you, and the last thing he says before his tongue makes contact with your slick folds is “My gorgeous girl. I’m gonna ruin you.”
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You get back to your apartment at around 6, which is still much earlier than when you have to go to the party, but after waking up early and driving all day, you feel like you need a nap before you get ready. Buck dropped you off, and after insisting on carrying your bags up for you, he gave you a sweet kiss and told you he’d be back around 10:00 before he went back to his place.
Your eyelids flutter open an hour or so later, and since you showered this morning, and you know you’ll probably get some form of alcohol spilled on you tonight, you don’t bother showering. Since you now have some time before Evan picks you up, you drag yourself out of bed and into the living room, flopping down onto the couch your roommate isn’t currently sprawled out on.
“How was your break?” she asks innocently, although her expression is anything but. She knows you brought Evan to meet your parents, and she has been patiently waiting since you left for any little detail of your visit. You didn’t want to tell her over text, so you kept telling her you’d update her when you got back. And since she got back four days before you did, she had begged you to tell her, claiming she was too bored and lonely all alone to wait.
“Well, my dad doesn’t hate him.” you tell her with a smile. She laughs, rolling onto her side to face you with a smirk.
“Tell me everything right now.” she urges, and you roll your eyes. She watches you intently as you begin to tell her, leaving out the parts about you sneaking into his bed every night, for the most part.
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Just like promised, Evan buzzes your apartment intercom at 10pm, and your roommate lets him in, as you’re still finishing up your makeup. It’s nothing crazy, just some mascara and lip gloss, but you waited a little too long before you started to get ready; instead spending your time catching up with your roommate.
He walks into the bathroom, eyes trailing down your figure as you bend over the counter to touch up your lip gloss. You’re wearing your favourite pair of jeans and a white long sleeve shirt, knowing you’ll get cold in just Evan’s jersey on the walk to and from the party. You jump slightly in surprise as Evan lets out a low whistle, turning to see him leaning in the doorway. He’s wearing a white hoodie under his own jersey, and you can’t help your eyes traveling down to his broad chest. God, how did you get so lucky?
“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” he asks in a teasing tone, closing the distance between you and dropping your jersey onto the counter before he pulls your hips against his. He meets your lips in a kiss, and you whine softly as you pull back, frowning.
“I just put on lip gloss.” you say, fighting back a smile as you look up at his lips, now shiny and glittery. You reach up and wipe it off with your thumb, and he chuckles softly once you pull your hand away.
“And you can put on some more. I wanna kiss you.” he tells you sternly, then leans in for another kiss.
“Your teammates are gonna make fun of you if you keep doing that. You’re gonna walk into the party with lip gloss all over your face.” you tease once you lean back again, but letting him kiss you for longer this time. You wipe off the lip gloss again, then push him away by putting your hands on his chest. He rolls his eyes, but lets you push him back, then watches you intently as you turn back to the mirror and fix your makeup.
Once you’re finished, you grab the jersey off the counter and throw it on, tucking one side into your jeans so it doesn’t look so awkwardly long.
“You ready, princess?” he asks once you turn to face him. You smile, nodding as you grab his hand and maneuver around him to lead him out of the bathroom. You meet your roommate near the door, ready to walk over with both of them. She’s going to the party anyway, and you’d rather her walk with you and Evan than walk over alone, even if she’s meeting some of her other friends there.
It’s a quick walk over, as your roommate is already a little drunk, and cannot seem to keep her mouth shut. You walk hand in hand with Evan as she walks in front of you, barely even paying attention as she rants on and on about the party.
“Is she gonna be okay once we get there? I kinda don’t want to leave her alone.” Evan whispers to you as she keeps talking. You look up at him, your heart swelling in your chest. You know he’s protective of you, but him being protective of your friend as well makes your heartbeat quicken.
“She’s meeting a few friends there; she should be fine. One of them is staying sober too, so she can keep an eye on her.” you tell him, and he nods slowly. Although this calms him, he still feels a little nervous about it.
“And, her friend’s boyfriend is on the lacrosse team. He said he’d keep an eye on them.” you tell him, and he nods, letting out a breath. That makes him feel a lot better.
“Yeah! He’s gonna set me up with a hot lacrosse player! It’s a sports party, and I don’t have a jersey. Gotta get one somewhere.” your roommate tells you as she turns her head to look over her shoulder at you two. You both let out laughs as she smirks and raises her brows a few times.
“I have faith in you.” Evan responds, and you roll your eyes, shaking your head. You watch as she turns on her heel and walks up to him, forcing you both to stop in your tracks. She raises a hand and puts it on his shoulder, looking up at him with a serious expression.
“You don’t know how much that means to me.” she says, swaying gently side to side. Evan furrows his brows as he lets out a confused laugh while you laugh loudly. Her head snaps to you as you laugh, then takes her hand off of Evan’s shoulder and puts it on yours.
“You’re so lucky you already have a jersey. I love you guys.” she tells you, then throws herself at you, wrapping her arms around your shoulders. You stumble back, shaking your head as you wrap your arms around her torso, hugging her back.
“Alright, let’s go get you that jersey.” Evan says in a teasing tone, making eye contact with you over your roommate’s shoulder. He winks at you as she finally pulls away, mumbling a quiet “good idea” as she turns and starts walking towards the party again.
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The party is in full swing once you drop your roommate off with her friends and Evan says hi to a bunch of his teammates throughout the party. You’re staying close to Evan, getting jostled around as people sway to the music and shove their way through the crowd around you. He keeps his arm firmly wrapped around your shoulder, only letting you go when he grabs both of you a beer. You aren’t a huge fan of the taste, but you take it with a smile, figuring that you’d rather be a little buzzed and deal with the taste than have to endure the lights and noise around you sober.
Just like clockwork, Evan starts to get more handsy when he’s a few drinks in, keeping his front pressed against your back as he holds you close to him. His arms are firmly wrapped around your waist, and his chin is resting on your shoulder as he sways you back and forth with the music.
“Have I told you how good you look in my jersey?” he says in your ear, practically having to yell in order for you to hear him over the music. You laugh softly, rolling your eyes. You’ve had a few drinks, but you’re nowhere near drunk, not as drunk as him, and his clinginess makes your face heat up.
“Yeah, a couple times.” you respond in a teasing tone, turning in his grip to angle your face towards his. He grins, then leans down and gives you a sloppy kiss on your neck, mumbling a “good” as he does. You tilt your head to the side as he kisses you, grinning as you shake your head.
You continue to dance with him until it’s almost midnight, and you only stop when the party around you starts to feel even more chaotic, if at all possible. You turn in Evan’s grip, wrapping your arms around his neck once you’re face to face with him.
“Hi, baby.” he says over the music, and you giggle softly.
“Hi, my love. It’s almost midnight.” you reply, tilting your head to the side as he continues to sway you both back and forth.
“Yeah? What’s that thing people usually do at midnight, again?” he asks in a slightly teasing tone, then gives you a wink. You roll your eyes, shaking your head.
“I’m not sure, why?” you tease back, laughing more when he scoffs.
“I’m gonna kiss you so hard.” he says with a cocky tone, smirking. You rest your forehead on his chest as you laugh, closing your eyes. He’s such a dork when he gets like this, but you wouldn’t change it for the world.
“Whatever you say, baby.” you tell him once you look up at him again, a smile spreading across your face. He’s about to reply when everyone begins to countdown, and he grins, moving one hand up to your jaw, tilting your head up further.
“I love you.” he whispers right as the clock strikes midnight, and then he meets your lips in a searing kiss. You smile against his lips, hands gripping the front of his jersey as you rise onto your toes, momentarily forgetting that you’re in a room full of people, not that anyone notices, or cares.
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You keep one arm around his torso as you both walk up the walkway to his house, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as he leans against you. You fish his keys out of his pocket and unlock the door, which proves difficult as Buck leans against you from behind, hands and lips attached to you, and finally get him to his room. You push him back onto the bed, and he falls back with a low grunt, then smirks as he sits up on his elbows.
“I like where this is going.” he says, licking his lips as he eyes your soft figure. You roll your eyes, then walk over to the edge of the bed, urging him to sit up. You pull his jersey and hoodie over his head in one go, and he raises his arms to help you as you do. You then grab his hands and pull him to stand in front of you, telling him to take off his pants so he can change into sweats to go to bed.
“What are you doing to me? I am not that kind of girl.” he tells you sternly, but his hands move to make quick work of the button and zipper of his jeans. You giggle, watching him pull his pants down and then lay down to let you pull them off of him completely.
“No? Not even for me?” you ask in a sweet voice, a smirk on your face. He shrugs, pursing his lips as he studies your face, then after a moment, a smile erupts on his face.
“Alright. Maybe for you.” he murmurs. You hum softly, then grab a pair of his sweatpants from his closet and toss them at him. He puts them on haphazardly, then stands up and reaches for the hem of the jersey across your chest. “Your turn.” he mumbles as he begins to pull your jersey and your long sleeve shirt up and over your head.
Once your shirts are off, his hands move to your jeans, tugging them down. He watches as you step out of them, and then he grabs your jersey off the bed and puts it back on over your head, humming softly as it falls down your body.
“Perfect.” he murmurs, then cups your cheeks with his hands and kisses you sloppily. You kiss him back, hands resting on his chest as you part your lips, and he eagerily pushes his tongue into your mouth. Once his hands start to wander, grabbing your ass and pushing you against him, you break the kiss, looking up at his puffy lips and blown pupils.
You push him away, muttering a soft “lets go to bed.” He exhales a loud sigh, but obliges, laying down on his back on the bed, and holding his hand out for you to take. You grab it and let him pull you down onto him, resting your cheek against his chest. Once you’re comfortably laying on him, and your leg is thrown over his legs, he sighs in contentment.
“I think I’m gonna keep you forever.” he drawls, his eyelids beginning to grow heavy as he feels his body sinking into the bed and his sheets enveloping him in warmth. You smile, humming softly.
“You better.” you whisper, and he squeezes your thigh softly in response. You can hear his breathing becoming more steady, and you can tell he’s almost asleep, but you speak once more before he falls asleep.
“I love you.” you whisper.
“You know I love you, princess.” he mumbles before sleep finally overcomes him.
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n1ghteeea · 2 days
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After Egon’s 40th birthday that Winston, Peter and Ray attend in 1997 (as seen in EGB) they never leave the Firehouse again. It feels so good being home together after six years apart that they just can’t bring themselves to leave. To be able to sustain this new-old life they raise the prices of the busts and work every other day, switching with EGB, because they still love their job and have the energy for it.
This goes on for a while, but in 2009 (when Egon would be 52, Peter and Winston 51, Janine and Ray 50) they quit fieldwork, fully handing it over to the new team. Egon and Ray keep working on paranormal research and mentoring EGB, while Peter and Winston find some regular jobs to cover basic needs and taxes.
Fast forward to June 2015, six years later (Egon 58, Peter and Winston 57, Ray and Janine 56) when gay marriage gets legalised. After a few months of serious thinking Egon decides to propose to the guys. They don’t *need* a legal act to affirm their relationship, but he loves them so much he feels like he wants to be tied to them in every possible way, especially after being apart for so long. He struggles through planning and seeks help from Janine who is ecstatic about his decision. She helps him set everything up while he writes a longass speech. Then, on a random day in October he asks the guys out on a date to a quiet, private spot (because they cannot announce such a thing to the public).
There would be some joking around from Peter along the lines of: “No wayyy we’re going somewhere nice, what is it today, some sort of holiday I’m not aware of?” but Egon just waves him off with: “Can’t we go out just for the fun of it?”
They arrive to the place and have a nice time, Egon being extremely fucking nervous throughout the whole thing to the point of others growing concerned and asking if he’s okay. Calculating that if he prolongs this for 15 more minutes he will (with a certainty of 65%) get a stroke he drops down to one knee, pulls out the rings and begins his speech.
The guys are stunned. They never expected something like this, especially from Egon. As he keeps talking, they start to smile, realizing what’s happening. Egon, however, avoids their faces, focusing on finishing his speech. Winston finally interrupts with: “Egon, maybe you should...” but Egon cuts him off, “I’ve been preparing this for months, let me finish.” They laugh, and after he finally asks the big question, they lift him off the ground, say a long-awaited “yes,” and feel like the happiest people alive.
They come home that night and tell everything to Janine who waited for their return and she is so happy for them she almost tears up. EGB do not get notified right away, but the next morning they notice an unusual giddiness in Egon and start suspecting that *something* is up.
Next few months are spent preparing the wedding (I have no idea how long it actually takes), but eventually the event is set to happen in late April. Gonna go over the details now.
Place: somewhere in a park, everything green and blooming, but far from the public eye.
Decorations: minimum of those, just the basic tables, altar, some pretty columns around, flowers and fairy lights. Everything in light colours.
Guests: Only trusted people who won’t freak out about four men getting married. The list goes as follows (with little stories of how they would invite them):
Janine as the best person. Literally a part of the family, would help them through the whole planning process, when told that they want her to be their best person would say “Oh you better!” but would still be extremely honoured.
Slimer as the flower boy (he’d try his best to not eat all the flowers).
EGB (who would be in their thirties by that time). Egon would write handwritten invitations and give them to the team with a heartfelt speech about how much they mean to him. Eduardo would joke, “Writing your will already?” but they’d be happily shocked when they read the invites: “No way! Finally getting married - like, 10 years overdue!”
Aunt Lois. They’d invite her over for dinner and tell her everything, she’s always suspected the guys were in love and would be overjoyed for Ray and the rest of the guys (she’s great, I love her).
Sam (Ray’s relative). That’s literally an aroace lesbian, they’d send her a letter and she would happily show up with her queerplatonic girlfriend.
Mrs Faversham (if she’d still be alive). Peter’s mom is dead and his dad fucking sucks, so he would invite this old lady he has a nice relationship with instead, and while I think she would not get the concept, she would still be happy to be there for him.
A few friendly ghosts like Buster, the party troll and Stay Puft.
The photographer guy from the “The Ghost Fight at the O.K. Corral” episode. No idea about his stance on gay marriage, but they’d pay him to take pictures and he would.
Lieutenant Frump (the police officer who has personal beef with them), they’d invite him as a joke and he’ll cry first for the comedic effect.
That nice couple from the “Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Ghost” episode. I like the idea that they invited the guys to their wedding, so it’d be nice to return the favour.
Jeremy, Cindy and DyTyllio from the “Ragnarok and Roll” episode because poly people solidarity.
Egon’s dragon (horse-sized) because that’s his son.
Suits: the guys wear suits color-coded to their jumpsuits. Janine wears a blue and red dress. Guests are asked to wear cream-colored outfits.
Legal reasoning: since polyamorous marriage is illegal in the US, they flip a coin and marry in pairs (Winston & Egon, Ray & Peter). But during the ceremony, they all share rings and kiss because, in reality, they’re all in it together 🫶
Now moving on from the wedding to their further life!
In 2020 (Egon 63, Peter & Winston 62, Ray & Janine 62) COVID hits and NYC goes on a lockdown. The guys are stuck in the Firehouse with nothing to do, bored out of their minds. That is when Egon discovers a strong ectoplasmic field around this random small town in Oklahoma with the same frequencies as Cathulhu had back in 1987 when they fought him. He shares his observations with the team and announces that he needs to go there to conduct further research. The guys agree on anything just to get out of this dead city and so the four of them have a long roadtrip to Summerville, Oklahoma (yes, just like in GB: Afterlife).
There, they rent an old farm, and Egon dives into his research while the others fix up the place: changing old boards, cleaning, replanting crops, basically doing what old people do at summer houses.
This goes on for a year or so until the lockdown regulations weaken, and as they do, suddenly people start moving into town. Egon identifies them as Cathulhu cultists and reveals that his research has proven that in this exact town, 26 years in the future, in 2047 Cathulhu will be brought back into the world. This time, the ritual will no longer need to be performed near the water. That is because when they last defeated him, Cathulhu vanished into the air, meaning he can now be summoned from anywhere in the world, as long as the proper energy is present.
Egon admits that he cannot do anything about this right now as he has no proof of the newcomers being cultists or carrying potential danger (and even if he did no one would believe him), so he announces that he’s going to stay in this town to build a contraption that would capture and destroy Cathulhu for good if he’s ever summoned again.
Since the lockdown is not as strict as before and EGB are back to work in NYC Egon suggests his friends go back, but they just say: “Do you really think we are going to leave you here?” and just like that it is settled.
As time goes on Egon works on his giant trap with Ray who also takes fun in making the entire farm automated. They grow some crops, have a garden, Winston likes working in the field with Ray, while Peter turns the first floor of their house into a Ghostbuster Museum and gives tours to visitors (kinda like Mystery Shack except without the con man part). He puts their old suits, equipments and pictures as the exhibits and tells stories about how they beat the most dangerous of ghosts. This brings profit and so does selling the stuff that they grow in the city.
Janine still lives in New York and is retired, but visits them often (or they visit home) because they just cannot be away from each other for too long. And that’s pretty much it!
This year Egon celebrates his 67’th birthday surrounded by his friends and family. He feels calm and confident about the future of the world and ghostbusting because he knows that even if something happens to him there will always be people who will pick his work up where he left it.
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mamawasatesttube · 3 hours
Sorry, I know you don’t really like people bringing up Jason but I’m very curious. I read Straight on Till Morning several times before really joining Tumblr and I was surprised by how much you seem to dislike him compared to how nicely he was written in said fic. Is it cuz it’s a future fic so he can be more chilled out than in current comics or something?
Feel free to ignore me if you want. Curiosity does not owe me answers.
no worries, i don't mind polite questions! :P
so there's two things. a) sotm was written when the only real comics i'd read were sb94, yj98, tt03, batgirl (2000), and nightwing '96 (iirc - i might be forgetting one or two but the point is, when i was pretty new to comics). at this point wfa had tricked me into thinking jason actually had a consistent character arc that i simply hadn't read yet, and i assumed it would be weird to write a fic where dick, tim, and cass were all around as kon's friends + damian was there being jon's friend in the background, but jason didn't get mentioned, so i worked him in bc i thought that was like. gonna be weird if i didn't, even tho i didn't know what he was doing in postcrisis yet. i mostly just wanted to write about kon and did not yet have the strong "actually i do not care for 99% of post-rebirth comics" feelings i have today. if i were to do the sotm rewrite in my mind, jason would actually still be in his villain to antivillain era because that's my actual favorite era of him. i think it's fun when he's hanging around being like... a vengeful ghost who's just determined to make his problems Everyone's Problem. i'm not really interested in soft angsty daddy's boy jtodd or whatever sdkjfh and that seems to be the most popular version of him i see. it's either soft angsty daddy's boy jason or it's power fantasy cop-adjacent jason who has never done anything wrong in his life and is completely valid in every decision he's ever made. neither of these interests me.
which brings me to b) it's not so much that i dislike jason todd as a character so much as that his fans are so fucking annoying to me. that chapter of sotm? multiple people in the comments were there ONLY to talk about jason, even though the fic is literally about kon and not about jason and he just happens to appear for PART of one scene that chapter. it made me get sick of hearing about him. like theres soooo many jason todd fics out there can you go read those. i want to talk about kon! and i've had people bring him up on my completely unrelated fics too like he doesn't even get MENTIONED like one fic is about clark kon and tim, and someone was in the comments like "omg i bet clark was thinking about jason here" and i was so ... dude. read the room. or the fic even. it is not about him.
but even more than the way a lot of jason fans have this apparently compulsive need to make him the main character of the entire universe, i really can't stand how many of them i've seen spout literal straight up copaganda and/or defense of the death penalty. like they will bend over backwards so hard to defend why he was right to put 8 heads in a duffel bag or why it's morally correct to kill rapists that they start spewing right-wing talking points. and the constant need to make him the perfect imperfect victim ("he's angry and loud unlike GOOD victims--") and all of that just... it really turns me off of 99% of fan content about him that i've seen. it makes me genuinely kind of uncomfortable. like if you think there's a category of criminal that it's okay to execute (without a trial, even) i want nothing to do with you. can you guys just say it's sexy when a man is covered in blood after murdering a room full of people without having to be like "and he was right to do it too!!" because i promise he was not. and if you SAY any of this people will come up with a whole thing about how you must hate victims and/or poor people or some shit. its... really something.
all of that being said - i think there are interesting things you COULD do with his character. i think he can be a fascinating character! with stories worth telling! the family tragedy, the horror story, the vengeful ghost! but at this point with how rancid i find his fanbase i just really only want to see jason takes from people i know will not start spewing copaganda at me + people who i know appreciate tim kicking him in the balls (bc he kicked dick in the balls and tim is a bitch).
anyways. bring back tentatodd 2k25 who's with me
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bigandgreedy · 2 days
i dont wanna be like like annoying about male lonliness but ever since i transitioned to being a man and passing i havent made a single new friend. i live in a new city and it fucking sucks. i walk home from work feeling like the guy from eraserhead except even he has a son and girlfriend so i dont know what im doing wrong
I don’t think you’re annoying. While “the male loneliness epidemic” is a redpill talking point it’s real and while some of these men are doing this to themselves bc they hate women, a lot of men are very lonely through no fault of their own. Capitalism kind of designs life that way.
I know I have that one post poking fun at the term but that’s more as a talking point. I feel for anyone who is lonely and I know men have weaker friendships in general than women. I hope every one of them can find love and community (so long as they’re not abusive)
Living in a new city is insane. You need to really go out of your way to find a community and make friends. Ppl are just doing their own thing and focused on themselves. Being alone in a new city is very understandable. You’re not doing something wrong.
I’m gonna keep you in my prayers that you are able to find your people. That can definitely happen for you. If you’re comfortable with me adding you to my prayers then pls anonymously send me just your first name so I know who I’m praying for. Winter is tough but I know if you branch out (take a class/volunteer/join a club) and rly put some work in you’re gonna get it no problem. The truth just is when you are in a new place you really have to be constantly putting yourself out there to everyone. Sending hugs 🤗
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Yes Mama Chapter 4
Summary:  Bucky Barnes has made quite the name for himself in the underground mob boss world.  But he’s not the boss.  Just the face of the Family.  
Warnings:  violence, subtle mention of drugs, murder, language, possessiveness, smut, mild choking, public sex
Kids: oldest (from Steve) Frankie 12, second (from Tony) Antonia 10, third (from T’Challa) Uuka 8, fourth (from Bucky) Beau 6, fifth (from Bucky) Lottie 5, sixth (from Bucky) Valentina 3
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The Family had to be more careful for a while after the fallout from John’s treachery.  They were always under some kind of watchful eye or surveillance from the FBI, but now it was even worse since they’d gotten a small taste of nabbing her and the organization.  She went on with life like nothing ever happened after that night.  Her inner circle was even tighter than it was before, like they were trying to prove to her that they were in it for the long haul.  They fed fake operations to the FBI until they finally reduced their presence after a while, not being able to successfully verify what was real and what was going to send them on a wild goose chase.  
Y/N still had Bucky be the forefront of the Family, handling most of the business unless it was something bigger and more influential that needed her attention.  She focused most of her time on the kids, getting Bucky more involved with them since they had repaired their relationship more over the past few months.  
She had him purchase two burlesque clubs in town, making another stream of revenue for them while they let things simmer down.  He spearheaded the acquisition, the revamp, and the hiring and firing for the first year before they would pass on the management to somebody else they could trust so Bucky could do other things.
Bucky noticed as he hired new dancers that he got lingering looks from some of them, but never thought much of it.  He had Y/N.  He was happy.  As pretty as these girls were, it didn’t matter.  But one wasn’t willing to admit defeat just yet.  
He sat in the owner’s box, supervising another night lazily as some other members of the inner circle enjoyed a night out at the club.  Y/N was going to join them later, after the kids went to bed and she could get changed and ready.  They were served drinks and whooping and hollering for one of the dancers when he felt a tap on his shoulder.  He looked up to see the dancer that wouldn’t leave him alone, Raven, who went by Mystique, smirking at him.  Before he could say anything she plopped herself into his lap.
“Hey boss,” she sing-songed, batting her eyelashes at him.
Bucky shifted in his seat on the long couch, trying to push her off without touching her anywhere inappropriately, which was proving difficult with the outfit she had on.  “Raven, what?  Get off,” he said, trying to stand up.
She ignored him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her face.  “Ah, come on, Buck, have some fun.”
Bucky’s hands balled into fists.  “Seriously, get off,” he grumbled, giving her a hard look.
Natasha, one of Y/N’s inner circle that sat across from him, saw what was happening and quickly got up and walked over to him.  “Hey, bitch, get up unless you wanna die,” she said, grabbing Raven’s arm and trying to pull her off.
“Fuck off,” Raven said, wrenching her arm away.  “You’re seriously gonna threaten me for sitting on some guy’s lap?”
“I won’t kill you, but his wife will,” Natasha said, gesturing her thumb over to the side.  
Raven and Bucky looked over to see Y/N sauntering over.  She was dressed to the nines, making Bucky’s eyes pop, but her face look murderous as she stared at Raven.  She stood in front of them and glared at her.  “Get.  Up.”  
Raven had the good sense to immediately stand, her eyes wide at Y/N’s presence and tone.  “Oh, uh, I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize he was married.”
“You did, you just didn’t care because you’re a homewrecker,” Y/N said without missing a beat.  “You’re fired.  Get out.”
“Excuse me?  You’re not the boss–”
“I own this!” Y/N said loudly, stepping forward and gesturing to the club around them.  “I own everyone here, including your sorry ass.  I pay you, bitch.  But now, you’re done.  Get the fuck out of my club, you pathetic, nasty, grimey cunt.”
Raven started crying then ran away from the owner’s box and down the stairs to the back rooms.  Y/N exhaled sharply then turned to everyone else in the box.  “Get out,” she said, and they all immediately stood and walked quickly down the stairs to give them privacy.
Bucky reached a hand out to Y/N.  “Mama, I’m sorry, she just sat on me and I tried–”
Y/N slapped his hand away and slipped her coat off, flinging it onto a chair nearby.  She hiked up her dress and sank down onto Bucky’s lap, straddling him.  He realized she wasn’t wearing any underwear as she slotted her hips on top of his and he groaned as he glimpsed her pussy sitting over his groin.  
“Having fun, babydoll?” Y/N asked, her hands sliding up his chest.
Bucky wasn’t sure where this was going.  “I am now,” he said with a small smirk.
Her nails scratched up his neck, making him hiss.  “Who do you belong to?” she asked, her voice firm and a disappointed frown on her face.
Bucky’s eyes widened.  “You,” he said quickly.  “Only you.”
“Then why was some dancer on your lap?” Y/N asked, her hands tugging harshly at his hair on the back of his head, pulling a gasp from him.  He was turned on and scared at the same time.
“It wasn’t my fault!” he shook his head, grimacing at her rough treatment.  “Please, Mama, she just sat on me, I didn’t want that…I don’t want her!”
“Who do you want?” Y/N asked as she ground down on his lap.
Bucky’s eyes rolled as her hips moved just right on his cock.  He was itching to pull it out and feel her on him.  “You, Mama,” he murmured, his hands holding her hips down on him.  “Just you.  Only you.”
Y/N gripped his face, forcing him to look at her as she leaned in close.  Her frown was still present, but the look in her eyes was hungry and demanding.  “Prove it,” she grumbled.
Bucky’s eyelids fluttered and he nodded.  He surged forward and kissed her hard, his hands moving down to her ass and kneading it roughly.  Y/N kissed him hard back, teeth clacking and biting lips, their tongues fighting for dominance.  She was angry.  They had been having a lot of angry sex lately, with how annoyed and stressed she was over having to tiptoe around the FBI.  He loved every second of it, but this was different.  This was anger, jealousy, and possessiveness.  Y/N wasn’t used to having to assert her ownership over people and things, and she was going to take out that frustration on him.
After she ground down on his lap enough to make him nearly cum in his pants he flipped her over onto the couch cushions next to him.  The loud music vibrated around them, easily masking the clank of his belt as he pushed down his pants and underwear and their panted breaths and moans as he pushed into her.  Her frown slightly dissipated as her eyes rolled and her head lolled to the side as he roughly kissed, licked and sucked along her neck and her jaw, pounding into her like his life depended on it. 
“How could I want anyone else, when this perfect, pretty pussy fucks me so good every…single…time?” Bucky asked, thrusting hard into her with each final word.  Y/N whined as he licked his way to her mouth, nipping at her lips.
“Get up,” she said suddenly, pushing at his shoulders.  Bucky looked at her incredulously but quickly sat up.  Y/N pulled herself up and made him lay back on the couch, sitting on top of him and getting him back inside her in one fast, hard thrust.  She kept up the fast pace, making him start to hyperventilate as he watched her pussy swallow him whole, hitting her deep inside.
“Holy fuck, Y/N, Mama, wait…I’m gonna cum!” Bucky said, panicking at the thought of cumming before her.  It just felt so good, too good.  She was too fast, too all-encompassing.
Y/N kept going until she could see him shake then suddenly pulled off of him, sitting up on her knees.  Bucky’s cock slipped out of her and slapped against his stomach, and he gasped, a surprised high-pitched whimper coming from him as his mouth dropped open.  “Who do you belong to?” she asked again, her hand reaching down between her legs and rubbing at her clit above him.
“You!  You, Mama!” he cried out, trying to reach for her.  She slapped his hands away again.
“Keep your hands above your head,” she instructed, then grabbed his cock and sat back down on it again.  Bucky raised his hands above his head, moaning loudly as she enveloped him, going at the fast pace again, her hips rolling and bobbing up and down on him.  “Whose cock is this?” she asked, leaning down and licking at his neck.
“Yours!  It’s yours, always been yours,” Bucky mumbled.  “Mama, please slow down–”
She sat up quickly and slapped him, not hard but enough to make him look at her in disbelief.  “Who is in charge here?” she growled, gripping his jaw harshly.
“You,” he whispered, tears starting to build in his eyes at how desperate he was to make her happy and how badly he needed to cum.  “I’m sorry.  Please, I just…I need to cum.  It hurts, Mama.”
Y/N kissed his cheek sweetly where she slapped him, then sucked at his neck harder, where he would surely have marks by the time they left the club.  The pain mixing with the pleasure was making him delirious.  Her hand slid up to his neck and as she sat up she squeezed.  It wasn’t enough to stop him breathing, but it was enough for him to grunt at the pressure.  “Who’s my babydoll?” she demanded.
“Me!” Bucky nearly shouted.  He didn’t care if anyone could hear him at this point.  They would do the same if they were being played with like this.  “I am!  Your babydoll.  Jesus fucking Christ…”
Y/N started swirling her hips in a circle, releasing her hold on his neck and then reaching up to his hands, bringing the metal hand to her mouth and his flesh hand to her clit.  “Make me cum, babydoll.  Then you can cum inside me.  Dribbling out of me for everyone to see.  Let everybody know who owns you.”
Bucky nodded as his flesh fingers rubbed and flicked at her clit.  Y/N opened her mouth and took his first two metal fingers in her mouth, sucking them like she would his cock.  He whimpered again as he watched her.  “Yes, Mama.  Fucking hell, that’s so hot.  Yours… yours yours yours yours,” he chanted, his hips starting to buck up into her as best as he could.
Y/N started to shake, then she came hard, a large gush of cum splattering around his cock as she moaned around his fingers.  Bucky saw white as her pussy clenched, triggering his orgasm, and a long, loud, gravelly moan that vibrated in his chest fell from his lips.  He was gone to the world, a buzzing in his head as his body felt like it was floating.
He woke up to the feeling of someone tapping his face.  “Bucky?  Bucky, wake up.  I’m sorry, babydoll…”  His eyes fluttered open and he grimaced at the immense noise surrounding him, the bumping from the music making the couch vibrate under him.  He was being kissed all over his face and neck, and his head turned to find Y/N looking down at him.  “Oh god, Jesus, Buck you scared me,” she sighed, her hands holding his face and her thumbs sweeping across his cheeks.  “I’m sorry, babydoll, I didn’t mean to overwhelm you–”
“Don’t ever apologize for making me cum so hard I fainted, Y/N,” Bucky mumbled, huffing a laugh.  “That was…holy shit.”
Y/N laughed, and seeing her bright, wide smile made him smile goofily back at her.  As the feeling started to come back to his body his hips involuntarily rutted up and he could feel that he was still inside her.  “Oof, babydoll, slow down,” Y/N gasped.  “Let’s not get too excited after all that.”  She sat up and looked down at where they were joined.  “God, what a mess.”
She slowly pulled herself up and he slipped out of her, a small spurt of their combined cum leaking from her and onto him.  “Fuck that’s hot,” Bucky groaned.
Y/N laughed again as she pulled her dress down and looked around, grabbing some napkins on the table in front of the couch and wiping him up.  He slowly pulled himself up to a sitting position, and she helped tuck his cock back into his pants and zip them up, straightening out his shirt.  “Just stay still until you feel like you can walk, okay?” she instructed him.  “Here,” she grabbed one of the water cups left on the table and held it up to his lips.  Bucky drank it all down and then grabbed her hand, pulling her close and kissing her.
“Thank you, Mama,” he said, lazily kissing her repeatedly.  “But uh…I think it’s time for bed,” he said, his eyes having a hard time staying open and focused.
“It is,” Y/N giggled.  “Can you stand?”
Bucky nodded and she stood up first, holding her hands out for him to hold on to and helping him stand up.  He leaned on her as she looped one of his arms around her shoulders.  She led him down the stairs to the main area, where a small group of her inner circle members gave them knowing smiles and playful winks.  Y/N told them to get the car and they quickly did as she asked, helping her bring Bucky outside and load him in.  Bucky was clingy as she sat next to him in the car, leaning his head on her shoulder and gripping her hand tightly in his.  “I love you, Mama,” he murmured quietly.
Y/N laughed silently as her free hand reached up and she ran her fingers through his hair.  “I love you, Bucky.”  He whined unhappily.  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she snorted.  “I love you, babydoll.”
“That’s right,” he said resolutely, repositioning himself so his head was laying in her lap.  
She continued playing with his hair.  “Mine,” she said, a firmness in her voice.
“Always yours,” he said, falling asleep.  “Yes Mama…”
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Words: 3k
Synopsis: Greta Van Fleet attend a midnight screening of Rocky Horror and discover something extraordinary. Could this possibly be the best night of their lives?
Warnings: language
Chapter 1
“I can’t believe you two have never done this before,” Josh couldn’t help but muse to himself as he, Jake, Sam, and Danny walked from their parked car to the small indie theater sitting in the outskirts of Nashville. 
“We really let them down, I think,” Jake agreed, looking at Sam and Danny with pity. 
Sam and Danny looked back at the twins, who were both wearing costumes that they couldn’t wrap their heads around. Sam had asked Josh earlier if he was really sure he was legally allowed to be walking around in public wearing nothing but a golden speedo and a white robe. Josh had retorted that he looked good, so it wasn’t a crime. Jake, while covered up significantly more, was wearing all leather, which made him squeak with every step. They had tried to get Sam and Danny into corsets but, not knowing what they were getting themselves into, Sam and Danny had made their stance firm that they were going to remain in their street clothes, thank you very much. 
“I’m just glad we’re getting out tonight,” Danny admitted. “I feel like you’ve all collectively been going through it.” 
Their group chat had been flooded with negativity over the past few weeks, to the point where Danny was starting to wonder if they needed to go on a retreat to another haunted cabin to clear their minds. Hearing about Jake’s sapped creativity, Josh’s chronic perfectionism, and Sam’s overwhelming lack of direction made him worried. This was what happened when they took a break from the studio and touring: they tended to get trapped in their heads to a concerning level. It had been Josh’s suggestion that they meet up for a movie night, and Danny couldn’t be more relieved that everyone accepted the invite. It was time for a little escapism. 
They made it to the front doors of the theater, and Josh looked around at his friends in glee. “Get ready for the best night of your lives,” he told them, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“We played at Madison Square Garden,” Danny murmured under his breath. “That’s gonna be pretty hard to beat.”
Josh tore open the front door and flung himself inside, prepared to be greeted by a hoard of other cult classic film fanatics. What he was met with, instead, was a dead lobby with only a single high school employee standing behind the cash register next to the borderline empty popcorn machine. Jake joined Josh’s side and frowned at the scene. 
“Maybe we got the date wrong?” he murmured to Josh. All that Josh could give in return was a half-assed shrug. 
“You guys here for Rocky Horror?” the teenager asked them, looking up from his phone. 
“We were told it was gonna be the best night of our lives,” Sam replied, unable to stop himself from mocking his older brother. The teenager gave a small smile, but it was obvious that he felt bad for the four men. 
“The troupe all caught food poisoning. I’d be more than happy to get my manager to still play the movie for you though, considering you made the trek out and all,” he offered. Everyone looked around at each other. A part of the magic was having the actors in front of the screen, bringing the movie to life. The other fun part was having a packed theater full of superfans. 
“Are we the only ones here?” Jake had to ask. The teenager nodded, his lips pursed with an apologetic look. Jake was ready to throw up his hands and call it a night. It would probably take him the rest of the evening to peel his body out of the leather clothes anyway. 
“I think we should still do it,” Danny chimed in. “I mean, I’ve heard so much about this movie, I really do want to see it.” 
“You’re still gonna be considered virgins at the next screening we go to,” Josh looked between Sam and Danny. “This won’t count.” 
Sam and Danny shrugged. They really didn’t know what Josh was going on about with virgins and stuff, so they could care less. 
And so, with their tickets scanned and their arms loaded with rice, toast, and newspapers, they made their way into the empty theater. “We have to be in the front row, that’s where the action is,” Josh chirped, rushing towards the screen. 
“My neck is gonna hurt,” Sam whined. He went in the opposite direction and planted himself in the center seat of the back row, throwing his hoodie up over his head and placing on some dark sunglasses. Danny looked back at his friend, sighed, and joined Jake, who was sitting in a more respectable place in the center of the theater. 
“What should I anticipate?” he leaned into Jake’s side. Jake’s clothes let out a tiny squeak.
“Josh is about to become the most insufferable version of himself.” Jake paused and seemed to be pondering something. “I probably will be too. Sorry in advance.” 
Out of habit, Danny clutched onto the arms of his seat to brace himself. Especially in an empty theater, there was no knowing how out of hand things were going to get. Sam seemed to be two steps ahead of Danny in reaching this conclusion, because he was sinking farther and farther back into his seat, trying to disappear. 
The projector flicked on, which was met by applause from Jake and Josh. After the Fox logo briefly flashed onscreen, a pair of vivid red lips appeared. Josh immediately let out a primal scream and tore his robe off, baring his exposed chest to the screen. Jake joined his brother, standing in the aisle, and jumped up and down in antici[...]pation. 
As the mouth sang the opening, Jake and Josh bellowed along at the top of their lungs. 
“Michael Rennie was ill the day the earth stood still, but he told us where we stand…”
Danny shoved his fingers into his ears and felt the dread wash over him that he should have just stayed home and watched golf. 
“Sing along, you know this one!” Jake said down to Danny, smacking at his arm with the back of his hand. Danny shook his head with a frown. 
“I literally don’t.” 
Jake left Danny’s side, to Danny’s relief, and joined Josh so they could continue to holler at the top of their lungs and flail up and down the aisle. Danny thought it couldn’t get any worse until the two started conspiring. 
“We should do the performance!” Josh shouted to Jake, holding his hands and looking at him with a wide grin. Jake was so gobsmacked at the suggestion, all he could do was eagerly nod, his eyes wide. 
“I call dibs on Janet!” Josh announced to the theater. “Which makes Jake Brad.” 
“I wanna be Meatloaf too,” Jake added, motioning down to his leather garb. “It would be a crime to let this costume go to waste.”
“You can be the background characters!” Josh pointed at Danny, nearly smacking him in the face, and then Sam, who had fully planked to the floor in the background, hoping he could go unnoticed for the rest of the evening. 
“Come out, Sammy!” Jake barked. “You gotta shake your ass!” 
“I don’t wanna,” Sam’s soft whines wafted down from the back row. Danny managed to hustle around Jake and Josh so he didn’t get in the way of their continued dancing, and jogged up the stairs to join his friend. Whether it was to coax him down or hide alongside him, Danny wasn’t entirely sure yet. 
“You doing okay?” he softly asked the curled up ball on the floor. All he got in return was a grunt. “If I got popcorn, would that help?” Sam’s low grunts came to a halt. 
“Can you get it with extra butter?” he unfurled himself and bat his eyelashes up at Danny. 
“You got it, bud.” Danny retreated back down the stairs and booked it to the concessions stand. Whatever it took to get Sam as backup for whatever chaos Jake and Josh were about to unleash. It was looking more and more like an all hands on deck type of situation. It had been a while since he had last seen the twins look that energized, and he was terrified. 
“Everything okay?” the high schooler looked at Danny with concern. 
Danny was quick to reassure him. “Oh yeah, just wanted to get some popcorn.” 
“We, er, really don’t have that much left,” the high schooler trailed off as he peered into the machine. Danny took a peek as well and noted that there were definitely more kernels than actual popped corn. He mulled it over, and then finally shrugged. 
“Got an ICEE machine?” 
“That’ll do.” 
A few minutes later, Danny returned back into the theater and was almost immediately taken out by a flying bouquet. “Gah!” Danny hollered out, spilling part of the blue ICEE down the front of his white shirt. “Darn,” he grumbled down at the growing stain. 
“You gotta throw the bouquet to me, Betty!” Josh called from the front of the theater. “Quick, before the scene changes!” 
Danny knew that it was best to play along and ask questions later, so he made sure to pelt Josh in the face with the bouquet. Unphased by this, Josh held it up for everyone to see. 
“I’ve got it, I’ve got it,” he mouthed along with Susan Sarandon’s character, Janet, who was plastered on the screen. 
As Danny trudged back up the theater stairs, still bummed out from his destroyed shirt, Jake and Josh broke out into an enthusiastic lip sync to “Dammit Janet.” 
“Here’s your drink,” Danny stated with a monotonous tone. Sam looked up at him in confusion. 
“I didn’t order a drink?” he whispered. 
“Just, take it,” Danny sighed, placing the blue ICEE in Sam’s hands. While he looked uncertain at first, it didn’t take long for Sam to start happily slurping down on it, without a single care in the world. Danny gazed back at the front of the theater, where Jake was now on one knee, proposing to a surprised Josh with one of his hoop earrings that he had hastily unfastened from his ear. 
“Oh, J-A-N-E-T, I love you so,” Jake sang along with the film, forgetting that he was supposed to be lip syncing. 
“Wanna hide with me?” Sam looked at Danny in between sips of his drink. Danny couldn’t help but shoot Sam a small smile when he saw that his tongue and lips were already starting to turn blue. 
“Kind of,” Danny admitted. “But I also really want to watch what’s gonna happen.” 
At this point, Josh was singing along to the track at the top of his lungs in a falsetto wail, running circles around Jake, who was struggling to catch up with him. Danny was frankly dumbfounded by the entire experience. He had always associated sex and scandal with Rocky Horror, but what was playing in front of him felt more like the opening to some goofy romcom. 
Things started to make more sense to Danny when the scene shifted to Janet and Brad getting stranded with a flat tire, and approaching a spooky castle to use their phone. Josh was upping the ante at this point in his performance, juggling between Janet and Riff Raff. It was hard to watch him force all of his lines out before he had to shift characters, and Danny found himself dragging Sam down to them. 
“No, no,” Sam choked out in shock. “I need to stay incognito.” 
“No one else is here,” Danny tried to comfort his distressed friend. “It’ll be okay, just let loose.” 
“If they try to make me sing, I’m leaving,” Sam warned Danny. 
“That’s only fair.” 
Danny led Sam to Jake and Josh and gave a small wave in front of their faces. 
“Sam and I want to join you,” he spoke quickly when there was a break in the dialogue. 
“It’s about time!” Josh snapped out of character. Jake nodded enthusiastically. 
“You can be Brad,” Josh instructed Danny. 
“Which means I’m Janet, right?” Sam’s face contorted into a scowl. 
“You’ve got the legs for it, sugar,” Jake joked in a creepy voice, leaning into Sam’s side. Danny held onto Sam’s coat sleeve to keep him from booking it out of the theater. 
“It’s astounding, time is fleeting, madness takes its toll…” Josh began to sing along with Riff Raff, opening up his arms to his friends, encouraging their participation. 
“What’s happening? I don’t know what’s happening,” Sam whispered to Danny. 
“Nice improv, you’re really keeping in character!” Jake congratulated him. Sam looked beyond lost. 
“But listen closely…” Josh continued. 
“Not for very much longer…” Jake joined in the song. 
“I’ve got to keep control!” Josh hollered. Danny and Sam gaped at Josh, who was now wiggling around like he had a thousand bees shoved in his golden speedo. As he roared along to the soundtrack, Jake pushed Danny and Sam forward, which caused them to both call out in surprise, barely catching themselves before they tumbled to the floor. 
“What was that for?” Sam barked back at his older brother in shock. Jake shrugged back at him. 
“LET’S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!” boomed around the theater. 
“This is the dance number!” Josh hurried to Sam and Danny’s side to enlighten them. “They tell you all the steps in the song, you just have to follow along!” 
Sam opened his mouth to release yet another complaint, but was stopped in his tracks when Jake, Josh, and Danny took a jump to the left, taking him with them. 
“Oh Christ!” he yelped out, flailing around. 
Danny was having an admittedly better time than Sam. It didn’t take him long to catch onto the dance moves, taking a step to the right, putting his hands on his hips, bringing his knees in tight, and then doing the pelvic thrust. Before long he found that he was singing along with the film, and had broken away from his friends to give himself more space to dance around. 
Perhaps the sight of Danny having the time of his life was enticing. By the second chorus, Sam had started to come around. His movements were exaggerated, and his previously furrowed brow was long gone. Sam Kiszka was deeply enjoying himself at Rocky Horror. So much so that he started to lose control. Danny chuckled at his friend’s clumsiness as he started to teeter over while he was doing the pelvic thrust. That laugh came to an immediate stop when, instead of toppling into the screen, Sam went straight through it. Danny’s eyes bulged and he shook his head, trying to make sure he had just seen what he thought he saw. He couldn’t believe it, but it seemed true. 
Sam had disappeared. 
Still uncertain, Danny crept to the screen and pulled it away from the wall, looking behind it. No Sam. He gazed back up at the rest of the theater, scanning around for his friend, just in case he was playing a prank and hiding. But Danny wasn’t seeing him anywhere. 
Beside him, Jake and Josh were still dancing, entirely oblivious to what had just happened. While Danny was typically a more strategic and thoughtful problem solver, the panic that filled his body from head to toe was overboding. 
“Sam’s gone!” he shrieked. That did the trick, getting Jake and Josh to stop their dancing. They scanned around the theater, like Danny had done just seconds earlier. Jake scratched his head. 
“Like, to the bathroom?” Josh tried to put the pieces together. He was troubled by how horrified Danny looked, but couldn’t conjure up any explanation that seemed fitting. 
“Through the screen!” Danny managed to sputter out. Jake and Josh shared an uncertain glance. Apparently today was the day that Danny officially went off the deep end. Jake was on the verge of recommending they take Danny home so he could sleep it off when his eyebrows shot into his hairline. Above their heads on the large screen where the Rocky Horror characters were still dancing was Sam, dressed in a matching suit to the cast, looking around in confusion. 
“How in the hell…?” Jake trailed off, unable to form a coherent thought. 
Josh had evidently spotted Sam as well, because he was already running towards the screen at full speed. “We have to help him!” Josh called out, before disappearing. Danny and Jake both gawked at the empty place where Josh had just been. Then, slowly, their eyes tracked up to the screen. Josh was now standing next to Sam, wearing a similar suit, flamboyant sunglasses, and a tiny hat. Seeing that Josh had successfully crossed over, Danny gave it no thought. Without a word, he hurried behind his friend, eager to get to Sam and comfort him. 
This left Jake standing alone in the theater, squeaking uncomfortably in his leather. He mulled over his situation. It would be best if he stayed in the theater to get help if they needed it, right? But he was really jealous of his friends. He had always dreamed of being in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It wasn’t fair that they all got to experience it, and he didn’t. 
That thought was enough to get Jake to jump through the screen, into the blinding light. 
Chapter 2 coming soon!
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moonsanoverthinker · 11 months
Just some of my own TMA headcanons (I’m probably just gonna keep adding to the list on occasion or maybe make another list, who knows) - Edit I made another list which is a little more chaotic I won’t lie
Also I’m interested if people have any of their own that they’d want to add because I love reading other people’s x
There will probably be spoilers in this list but I’ll try to keep it broad :) x
Tim always wears short sleeves regardless of the weather
On the opposite Sasha always got a cardigan, she might not be wearing it but it’s stashed somewhere
Jon probably bit someone as a child
Martin had a folder on his work computer with pictures of cows in it
Sasha used to keep a picture of the four of them in her desk - Not Sasha got rid of it
Distortion Helen uses her hands a lot when she speaks
Elias irons his ties and then organises them by colour (They’re all the same colour but he claims the shades are different)
Martin and Jon used to play card games but Jon stopped once he realised he always knew what Martins cards were
Tim would wear those socks with the days of the week on them but would make a point of wearing the wrong socks on the wrong days just to annoy Jon
Martin likes to collect pin badges
Sasha’s definitely thrown a pen at Tim - She threatens to throw one at Martin but never would
Tim paints his nails on occasion and convinced Martin to do it a couple times, who in turn convinced Jon to do it
Specifically series 1 Jon had Martin for secret Santa and he have him a mug with a cow on it - Jon denied it every time he was asked
Martins the better baker but Jons the better cook -
Jon will tell everyone in the kitchen to get out if he’s cooking
Martin had a nightlight while sleeping at the institute and never told anyone but Jon found it once and replaced the batteries just in case they were close to running out
Distortion Helen seems like the kind of avatar to have a load of bracelets but those ones that make noise when someone moves their arm
Edit: I just wanted to say that I’m genuinely overwhelmed by the response to this because this is first time I’ve made a post like this of my own and people have been very lovely about it all and yeah this just my little soppy thank you for it xx
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