#I’m feeling very protective of Tim
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reysjedi · 2 years ago
I know the laundry room scene was hot but it was also so important for them emotionally.
Tim is trying his best but Lucy being UC is bringing up so many feelings of hurt that he never wanted to experience again.
He had to ask if Frank “had tried anything” and once he gets the answer it’s like he needs to go because he doesn’t want any of his anger or frustration over the situation to show in front of her.
But Lucy knows and she doesn’t want distance. She wants to be close to him. Show him physically how much she wants him. Needs him.
Just like when they first met, Tim is putting up walls to protect himself and Lucy just keeps breaking them down.
They both have grown so much.
Tim must love her so much to be willing to go through this kind of pain again. He would cut ties and run if it was anybody else.
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flwrkid14 · 2 months ago
Jason Todd: Dad Mode Activated
There’s a new dynamic in the Batfamily, and nobody saw it coming. Jason Todd—Red Hood, former Robin, perennial black sheep of the Wayne family—has apparently decided that Tim Drake is his son. And no one, least of all Tim, knows what to do about it.
It starts subtly, if you can call Jason “subtle.” He starts showing up when Tim’s been too busy to eat, tossing him a burger or some takeout with a gruff, “Eat, Replacement.” He’s there when Tim’s working himself to the bone, slamming the laptop shut and growling about how his kid isn’t going to die of exhaustion on his watch. When Tim’s in over his head, Jason’s suddenly there, guns blazing, a protective shadow with a deadly smirk.
Tim’s confused. Very confused. Jason has always been... antagonistic, at best. But now he’s... scolding him? Encouraging him? Telling him he’s proud when Tim does something impressive? The man even started calling him “kid” instead of “Replacement,” which is somehow worse because it makes Tim feel all warm and fuzzy inside. What is happening?
Eventually, Tim asks. And Jason, in true Jason fashion, gives an explanation that doesn’t explain much at all.
“Look, Dick’s already treating Damian like his own kid, Bruce is busy helping Duke figure out his place in the family, Cass and Babs are practically attached at the hip—like sisters or something. And you?” Jason shrugs. “You’re my kid.”
Tim stares. “I’m your what?”
“My kid,” Jason repeats, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re smart, you’re resourceful, you’ve got my stubbornness—which, yeah, is annoying—and someone’s gotta make sure you don’t get yourself killed. Congrats, kid. You’ve been adopted.”
It doesn’t really explain anything, but Tim decides not to argue. After all, Jason’s kind of a good dad? He feeds Tim, checks in on him, teaches him things like how to hotwire a car (Tim already knows, but Jason’s so enthusiastic about it that Tim doesn’t have the heart to tell him). And Jason has his back in a way that feels steady, solid. Like he’s not going anywhere.
The thing is, Jason doesn’t stop there. He starts talking about Tim in ways that make Tim want to crawl under a rock. To Roy, to Kory, to anyone who’ll listen. “My kid’s a genius,” Jason brags, his voice filled with so much pride it makes Tim’s chest ache. “Runs a whole company and saves Gotham on the side. Kid’s got a brain the size of the Batcomputer.”
And it’s not just talk. Jason drags Tim along to meet-ups with other vigilantes or allies, casually introducing him like a proud dad at a PTA meeting. “This is Tim,” Jason says, grinning ear to ear. “My kid. Smartest of the bunch, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
Tim flushes, stammering out an awkward, “Uh, hi,” while Jason beams like he’s just presented a Nobel Prize winner.
The height of Tim’s mortification comes when Jason introduces him to Talia—not as a fellow vigilante or even a respected ally, but as his son. Talia, who had become something of a mother figure to Jason after the Pit, is apparently now being roped into her new role as a grandmother. Jason insists it’s only right that she meet her “grandkid” and treat Tim accordingly. Tim, meanwhile, wants to disappear into the floor while Jason beams with unrestrained pride.
“Yeah, this is my boy,” Jason says, arms crossed, radiating smug pride. “Smart, resourceful, better than Bruce—don’t even try to deny it.”
Tim wants the floor to open up and swallow him. But he also can’t help feeling... warm. Embarrassed, yes, but also kind of happy. Jason’s over-the-top pride is ridiculous, but it’s genuine. It’s not something Tim’s used to—someone being proud of him just for being himself.
And of course, Jason’s newfound dad energy throws the rest of the family into chaos.
Bruce tries to scold Tim about something minor—maybe staying out too late on patrol—and Tim just raises an eyebrow. “I’m gonna tell my dad,” he says, completely deadpan. And then he does. Jason shows up at the Batcave later, tearing into Bruce about how his kid doesn’t need this kind of negativity in his life, and Bruce is left speechless.
Damian tries to insult Tim, calling him a weak link or some other scathing remark, and Tim smirks. “Careful, Damian. I’m your nephew now. Better watch your mouth, or Uncle Jason might have something to say about it.”
Even Dick’s thrown off by it. “Jay,” he says one day, watching Jason shove a plate of food at Tim with all the grace of a brick. “You do realize Tim isn’t actually your son, right?”
Jason glares at him. “He’s mine. I’m the dad here. You’ve got Demon Spawn, I’ve got Tim. Deal with it.”
Tim doesn’t understand how or why this happened, but honestly? He’s not complaining. Jason might not be the most conventional parent, but he’s a damn good one. And for Tim, who’s always felt a little lost in the shuffle of the chaotic Wayne family, having someone claim him so fiercely, so completely, feels... nice.
So yeah. Jason Todd: Red Hood, vigilante, crime lord, accidental dad. Who would’ve thought?
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clockwayswrites · 4 months ago
A Bird in the building is worth to in the car. Or something. Part 23
yes, I do have too much fun with these part titles masterpost
The efficiency that Danny and the kids were ushered, privately and securely, into the parking garage and the waiting car with was impressive. Bruce gave the order and then in a breath they were at the car. Unable to fight the instinct, Danny had kept his wings around the boys the whole way, as if he could protect them from the world.
Even in the car Danny still wanted to protectively drape his wings around them. He was grateful when both boys let him. He was grateful that Mr. Pennyworth didn’t comment on the wings at all. He just wished Bruce had gone with them.
It was completely understandable for Bruce to have to check on the situation and the people who had been in the building before leaving, but it left Danny feeling on edge. It would be better once Bruce was back in the car, and Danny knew that everyone here was safe. If it had been possible, he would have preferred to wait in the safe room. With the incoming cops that hadn’t been wise.
What felt like too long later, Danny watched Bruce walk towards the car through the tinted windows, flanked by very alert security. The door opening and closing felt very final. Danny let out a breath he hadn’t exactly been holding, but had still felt clogged up in his chest.
Bruce leaned across the center console and part way into the back seat. “Are you all alright?”
“Yes, Father,” Damian said where he was just barely leaning into Danny’s side and cradled by a wing.
“Yeah,” Tim said. “But, B, he was following me. He said he saw me going into the building. He called me a dormouse. I didn’t… I didn’t even notice him until he came into the building.”
Danny carded talons through Tim’s hair, hoping to calm himself as much as Tim or else he might go back and show the Mad Hatter how terrifying he could really get.
Bruce didn’t look any more pleased at that. “We’ll look into it, and I’ll pass along the information too. We’ll have to put some security on you for a bit in case he has others under control who are still after you.”
Tim frowned at that and Danny couldn’t resist leaning over to press a kiss to Tim’s hair, as presumptuous as the act was. “Let us protect you, hummingbird.”
Tim looked up at him. “Hummingbird?”
Danny just gave a little shrug. It seemed to fit. He didn’t think too much about it. It fit in the same way as being able to wrap his wings around them and the need to protect them.
“And what about you?” Bruce asked.
Danny glanced at the other man, tilting his head quizzically.
“Are you alright?” Bruce clarified.
“He was not before the event,” Damian jumped in quickly. “He was obviously fatigued and suffering from either a headache or over stimulation from the noise.”
“Or both,” Tim added. “We thought he might be leaving to go home.”
“I was just leaving to get lunch,” Danny sighed, even though they weren’t wrong about the rest.
Bruce frowned and held his hand out, which Danny just blinked at.
“Hand, Danny,” Bruce explained. “I want to check your pulse.”
Danny froze. He was suddenly, excruciatingly aware that his hand was still tipped in talon and small feathers. He snatched his hand out of Tim’s hair, worried now that his hand alone had been too much, as distorted as it was. He crossed his arms, hiding his hands against his body.
“I’m fine.”
Bruce didn’t pull his hand back. Instead his whole face softened in a sad way that confused Danny.
“We aren’t afraid of you, Danny,” Bruce said. His voice was a comforting low rumble that Danny wanted desperately to trust. “You’ve been nothing but kind to my family and today you kept them safe. The physical changes you went through to do that do not scare me.”
Danny glanced down and away, trying to avoid looking at any of them in the tight space of the car. “They scare me.”
Damian clicked his tongue and leaned further into Danny’s side, further in under the wing. Tim reached for a hand. Not wanting to accidentally hurt Tim with the sharp talons, Danny reluctantly let him take it. Tim wrapped his own fingers confidently around Danny’s.
Bruce still waited with his hand out.
Danny chewed on his lip, an old nervous tick. Bruce waited. The boys stayed close. Finally, Danny let out a huff of air and offered his hand up to Bruce.
“Your pulse is a bit erratic,” Bruce said after he had counted Danny’s pulse along to the ticking of his watch. He didn’t let go of Danny’s hand after it, instead he ran his thumb against Danny’s wrist. The touch almost made Danny shiver in a good way.
“I, ah, adrenalin crash, I figure,” Danny said once he could find his words.
“Are you alright returning to the Manor so that we can keep an eye on you?”
“Oh I get asked this time?” Danny teased. Teasing was easier.
Bruce just chuckled. “Well you are awake.”
“I… yes,” Danny answered. It was less about him being looked after and more so that he could look after the boys. If he went home now, he’d worry all night.
Mr. Pennyworth finally started the car. “Will you be needing medication or any such health items from your apartment, sir?”
Danny shook his head. “I keep some extra doses in my bag. And really, just Danny is alright.”
“Then to home, Master Danny.”
Danny tried not to miss the touch as Bruce pulled away and buckled in for the drive.
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mellotunekitty · 5 months ago
Batboys Headcanons - When They’re Jealous
Dick Grayson
He’s not one to get jealous easily. You really gotta work it outta him. 
“Who flirted with you? Oh, weird. What? Why would I be mad? I trust you.” 
Of course if someone flirted with you to get under his skin, he’d be pissed. 
First of all, he doesn’t want you being used like that. You don’t deserve to be uncomfortable because someone else wants to get to him. Second of all, you’re his.
“So actually, that’s my partner you’re flirting with. Mine. Stop it.” 
Jason Todd
Whoever decided to flirt with you did not understand what they were getting themselves into. 
“I’m sorry, what happened, baby? Who said that?” 
You regret telling him someone innocently flirted with you, thinking you were single. 
He doesn’t care that it was innocent. You’re his. He wishes a slow and painful death to anyone who even thinks of getting with you. Needless to say, he’s very clingy after that. 
“Acting different how? I just want to show you I love you… and show everyone else you’re mine.” 
Tim Drake
Doesn’t know what to do with this feeling. 
“Someone… flirted… with you… huh.” 
He’s upset. Jealous. Possessive. But he doesn’t want to scare you off or make you think he doesn’t trust you. He does trust you, just not other people. Especially in Gotham. 
Tim makes a point to go with you everywhere just so he can show people you’re his and protect you from creeps. 
“You’re getting food? This late at night? …Well, hold on, let me put shoes on. What do you mean why? I’m going!” 
Damian Wayne  
Gives you the silent treatment, but doesn’t tell you why. 
There’s a good chance he won’t even face you. Until you guess why he’s giving you the silent treatment. 
He turns and ducks his head a bit in your direction, a bodily clue that you’ve guessed correctly. 
Once you reassure him he doesn’t have to worry, he apologizes. 
“I’m sorry, Habibti, I overreacted.”
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dollishmehrayan · 3 months ago
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a/n: my posts are barely getting engagement so it would be nice to reblog + like + cmmt tysm! Also
I’m so tired because I don’t know what I want to do with myself when like writing because I don’t have much ideas yk, (I do have a lottt of ideas just don’t want to like spam and idk how to like execute it correctly so ya) but I’m so grateful I’m back!
(Tags: batboys general hcs + fem!reader)
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Compliments: Dick will compliment you constantly, but they’re the slightly extra kind. “You look like you just walked off the cover of a magazine… Or like you’re about to rob a bank with your style, and I’m here for it.”
Date Nights: Dick is a hopeless romantic mixed a romantic flirty person. He'll plan elaborate date nights that are almost too perfect. You're having a candlelit dinner on a rooftop... until a mosquito swoops by, and you both spend 20 minutes trying to catch it.
Awkwardly Adorable: Dick tries so hard to be smooth, but when it’s just the two of you, he ends up tripping over his words, saying things like “I love you… like… in a non-creepy way… I mean, I know that sounds creepy but—“, “you know dick, you could’ve just told me you loved me no need for all that extra yapping.”
Sharing Food: He can’t resist sharing his food with you but will dramatically defend his fries. “No, you can't have any. This is the last one. You’ll be fine. It’s called 'the sacrifice of love.'”
Grumpy But Cute: Jason might be brooding and grumpy on the outside, but once he gets comfortable with you, he’s a sucker for giving you the best hugs. They’re just not as soft as you expect, because, well, he’s Red Hood and that’s not very 'soft' in his book.
Love Language: He definitely has a love language of throwing sarcastic remarks at you to show affection. “I’m just saying, you look so good, I might actually let you live longer than five minutes without me.”
Meme Sharing: Jason will share the funniest memes with you, and he will laugh harder than anyone else when you send him a reaction meme. You two could spend hours going through meme after meme while ignoring his patrol responsibilities.
Late Night Conversations: He’s always the first to text at 3 am just to say, “I’m not okay. Also, I think I might’ve made pasta in the Batcave, but it’s 80% burnt and half of the 20% is missing on the ground in other words, it’s fully burnt. You in?”
Puns & Dad Jokes: Tim is the king of puns. You might be mid-sentence talking about something serious, and he’ll sneak in, “Well, that’s egg-sactly what I was thinking.”
Organizing Everything: Tim will have a notebook just for your relationship. He organizes things like "future plans," "annoying habits to change," and “how we can both pretend to be normal in public.”
Overthinking: Tim might send you long, thoughtful texts about nothing and everything, then panic and delete them. Later, you get a short text that says, “Hey, I like you. It’s cool. Let’s go save Gotham.”
Netflix & Research: On date nights, Tim is all about watching a documentary on some obscure topic. You wanted to watch a rom-com? Nope. Tim says, “Let’s learn about the history of ancient pizza ovens.”
Fiercely Protective: Damian will go full boss mode in a relationship. If someone even looks at you wrong, he’s ready to challenge them to a duel. You’ve never seen someone challenge a guy at the coffee shop to a sword fight over a latte until you met him.
Literally Shakespeare: He has this bizarre habit of reciting random Shakespeare quotes when trying to express his feelings. “My love for you is like a tempest, crashing and relentless. Also, I think you forgot to add sugar in my coffee.”
Jealousy: He’ll get jealous of even the smallest things. That random guy who offered to help you with your grocery bags? Damian’s glaring at them from across the parking lot, preparing his “You’re not worthy” speech.
Tenderness: Don’t be fooled by his brooding exterior. Damian will get you flowers (in his own way) — like a very dramatic single red rose that he purchased with the least amount of emotion possible, but you know he spent an hour picking the perfect one.
Grumpy But Loyal: Bruce is that partner who takes a long time to warm up to things, but once he’s in, he’s in 100%. He’ll still be grumpy, though. If you show up in a bat-themed shirt, you’ll get a raised eyebrow and a grunt that could probably level an entire building.
Affectionate In His Own Way: Bruce will bring you your favorite coffee without asking because he’s been paying attention to your usual order for the past six months. But if you say anything about it, he’ll act like he’s annoyed. “I’m Batman. I don’t do things for people.”
Overprotective: He’ll put the Batcomputer between the two of you if he’s feeling protective, even if it’s completely unnecessary. Someone bumps into you? Bruce is already three steps ahead, tracking their life history and figuring out their deepest secrets, just in case.
Romantic, But Quiet About It: Bruce can’t show his love through words, but the way he gives you his jacket when it’s cold speaks volumes. Of course, he acts like it was an accident. “I didn’t want you to catch a cold, that’s all. I’m not a softy, don’t read into it.”
Matching Outfits: They’ll all pretend like they’re too cool for matching outfits, but one day they’ll catch themselves accidentally twinning with you, and neither of you can ever act normal again.
In Public: They’ll all act like they don’t care if you hold their hand in public, but if anyone tries to grab your hand instead, they’ll give them a glare that could freeze a person in place.
Batman’s Turtleneck: Every Batboy secretly loves when Bruce wears his iconic black turtleneck and glasses. They all think Bruce looks like a mysterious intellectual, and they might just start commenting on it to mess with him. Bruce is too focused on Gotham to care.
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demonic0angel · 3 months ago
Animal AU (click for clarity)
CW: blood and creepy stuff in the description
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If I have to color Dani one more time, I’m going to riot 😭
Notes below: (very long and detailed)
+ Jazz is a melanistic gray wolf, Danny is an albino mule deer, Dan is a king cobra, Dani is a peregrine falcon. Some of these ideas are taken from my dp royal court ideas.
I associate Jazz with wolves and canines. She is very loyal and protective, which I think would be best associated with canines. I usually give her the largest animals possible (because of her height), and gray wolves are the largest of all wolves. She is melanistic due to the fact that I like her color palette of black and turquoise. It also gives her a special connection to Danny that I do on purpose where they are black and white.
Dan is associated with cold blooded animals in my mind, cold in demeanor, vicious, and slippery. He is a king cobra because king cobras are the largest of all venomous snakes. They are also not true cobras, which adds a nice connection to Dan as being the most different out of all of the halfas. Surprisingly, king cobras are rather friendly to humans, which might be because of how smart they are.
I associate Dani with fast and speedy animals, so I often give her the fastest animals I can find lmao. Peregrine falcons are the fastest birds in the world, due to their diving speeds. I like how Dani is considered a bird because she is very free-spirited and flighty in my mind. I love it because I think she’d be really independent and would love the sky. Peregrine falcons also mostly eat birds, just like how king cobras eat other snakes, so that’s pretty cool too.
Danny is both kingly and creepy, which describes deer very well. Mule deer are very common in the US, and you might recognize them due to the fact that the Great Prince of the Forest (in Bambi) is inspired by a mule deer. Deer are fascinating creatures because there have been many, many folklores and myths about them, but none can compare to the real facts. Deer are very heavily affected by diseases such as chronic wasting disease, which can cause very strange behaviors. They get up after death, they walk off after being shot at or run over, they kill themselves repeatedly, they eat other animals, and they walk on their hind legs. All in all, while deer are very majestic and beautiful, they are also very, very freaky. There is a sense of poetry in how they’re hunted, which also applies to Danny. I think deer describes him very well :)
+ Meanwhile, the Batkids are a wild assortment of animals. Dick is a white throated needletail, Jason is an argali sheep, Cass is a black footed cat, Tim is a red fox, Stephanie is a dingo, Duke is an African lion, and Damian is a domestic cat (specifically a tuxedo cat).
Dick was always meant to be a bird. However, I wanted him to be fast, but not a bird of prey (which are usually the top 5 fastest birds). So I chose a white throated needletail for him, who are believed to be the fastest (while flying straight). They’re very elusive and photos are rare :( they are, however, very round and cute, and they even have a patch of shiny blue feathers on their wings, as well as v-shaped white spots, similar to his Nightwing suit!
Jason is an argali sheep because I associate him with lambs and rams. Mostly because sheep and lambs are associated with God and religious sacrifices (*cough cough* Jason dying), as well as innocence, docility, and obedience. Jason, as Red Hood, defies the meaning and memories of his past life as Robin, so I like the idea of him being a “black sheep” and defying those expectations of him as well. Argali sheep are known to have beautiful horns, are a species of wild sheep that live in mountains, and are also the largest of wild sheep.
Cass is a black footed cat because I feel like she’s very feline in demeanor, and black footed cats are one of the best hunters in the animal kingdom, with an over 60% chance of having a successful kill. (I think African wild dogs are the highest with 75-85%. It’s hard in the animal kingdom.) I also think it’s very cute of her to be so small but so deadly.
Tim is a red fox because of his cleverness and smarts. Red foxes are common in America and are usually hunted because people thought that foxes killed their livestock and dug up corpses. Tim is either really loved or really hated, so I feel like a red fox both symbolizes his irl status and his intelligence in the comics.
Stephanie is a dingo for no particular reason. However, they are social creatures and loved due to the fact that they have a history with humans. They’re golden colored and Stephanie gave off the vibes of an Australian, I literally cannot explain myself.
Duke is a lion for the same reasons: none in particular. However, lions are noble and considered very powerful. In my drawing of him, he is still a young adult, so his mane isn’t fully grown yet :3 he is 100% a normal lion tho!
Damian is a domestic cat for a few reasons. He is meant to be cute while the others are considerably scarier. There would also be a sense of irony bc I imagine that Talia is a big cat like a tiger or panther. However, cats are known as good hunters for a reason, and they have good instincts and can be just as loyal as dogs. As such, I think that he would be a regular kitty :3 other choices included him being a leopard cub, but it would be more funny if he was so small while everyone else is so big.
+ Something something, the two people who have had their deaths impact them the most and are often considered their parents’ greatest failures are prey animals that are usually hunted for sport….
+ Other small relationships between animal forms: the assassins are small cat forms. Dan being an animal not from the Americas, which also symbolizes him being out of place in the timeline. The Phantom family are purposefully made very different but also connected, examples being: a predator, a prey, a flying animal, and a cold blooded animal, etc. The Batfam being more random/less connected than the Phantom family due to their different backgrounds/lack of blood relation.
+ Their animal forms are also hint at the couples that I like, which is most obvious with Jason and Jazz lmaoooo. However, it is also a little noticeable in Tim and Dani (bird and fox), and definitely a little more obvious in Dan and Dick (snake and bird; please refer to my first piece of work with them tee hee). Danny’s is vague because I’m a multi-shipper with him, so he’s prey while most of everyone else are predator animals 💀
+ There are a few ideas in this (not counting the Pet AU): 1) Danny, Jazz, Dan, and Dani become companions and helpers to the Batfam, able to transform when necessary but also like spending time in their animal forms. In exchange, the Batfam help them with whatever problems they have and also give them sanctuary, 2) A regular animal-characteristics AU where everyone (or most of everyone, if humans exist) are some sort of animal hybrid creatures in the regular modern world, 3) The same as idea 2 but more Warrior Cats-esque where they’re way more animalistic, form packs, and live in less urban settings.
+ Yes, in his more humanoid form, Dan would have his legs replaced with a snake’s tail. I can’t decide between Dick and Dani having wings attached to their backs, or them having wings that connect to their arms.
+ Extras: Sam is a thoroughbred horse, Tucker is an American alligator, Valerie is a wolverine, and Wes is a swan. Bruce is a giant golden crowned flying fox, Alfred is an emperor penguin, and Barbara is a pony (but tbh, I’m open to suggestions).
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thecloudsaremyhome · 1 month ago
What would be the yandere batfams reaction to reader committing suicide ?
Good question!
Bruce: Bruce would be absoulute devastated to not only loose another child. But never having a connection to you alone. At least with Jason he had a connection with him but with you his precious baby he barely even got to know you got to see you grow because of his own insolence so this breaks him a lot. More than you can image. He will be hugging your dead body and mourning you. But I’m sure he will just use the lazar pit to bring you back to life and to have that connection and have that bond with his precious child he will treat you like a bird in a golden cage.
Dick: dick would be as devestated as Bruce maybe even more so because he was supposed to be your big brother the one you would look up to the one you would rely on to protect you and to comfort you but he failed…he failed you and now your gone… your dead body laying motionlessly on the cold hard floor it’s enough to make him wang to pile from the guilt from the shame and from him failing you. But don’t worry he’ll find a way to bring you back and they will never ever let you go he will never let you go again after all your his precious baby sibling.
Jason: like dick Jason would be absoulute devestated but at the same time he wouldn’t know how to process his emotions he would be emotionally numb not accepting of the fact that you died by your own hands nonetheless let’s just say he will probably go on a rampage to vent out his feelings and no one is going to stop him. He should’ve protected you not hurt you not making you feeling insignificant. Becayse he knows what it’s like to feel less to be less and he’s so so sorry once they bring you back to life he will make it up to you he promises no one will ever hurt you again unless they want to face Jason’s wraith that it.
Tim: let’s just say Tim wouldn’t very be accepting of your death that you actually killed yourself he would think a perpetrator was behind your death and that would fall into his delusions that you didn’t want to leave them someone took you from them. So he will go on a personal man hunt and spend hours reaseraching to find the perpetrator of your death so he can make them pay. Because I’m his mind you didn’t want to leave them . He may have never been the best brother to you but he promises that will change he wants to be their forever you and the guilt is consuming his mind and soul that he can’t help but feed into his delusions. He will bring you back to him to the family he promises
Authors note: I will make a part two with cass and Stephane and Barbara as well as Duke and Damian!
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fluentmoviequoter · 10 days ago
Lock and Key
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!shy!pregnant!CSIphotographer!reader
Summary: When Angela and Nyla need someone to go undercover in a women's prison, you seem like the perfect candidate. Inside with Lucy, Tim, and Angela nearby, you find more than a killer.
Warnings: fluff, brief angst, murder case, very quick allusion to past sexual assualt
Word Count: 1.9k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info
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“Can you do another establishing shot of the bedroom?” your crime scene unit supervisor requests.
You nod, feel your baby kick, and tread carefully through the home-turned-crime scene to take more photographs. It’s no secret that CSIs can never take too many photos, but now that you’re pregnant, you wonder if there’s a way to collect them faster. You love your job; being a police photographer is wholly rewarding and enjoyable for you, but some scenes and some days are more trying than others. Being near Tim Bradford at work similarly has its pros and cons.
“Hey, mama,” Angela greets as she enters the bedroom. “Is this the primary scene?”
“We think so,” you answer softly, removing the sync cord from your camera to photograph the scene without the light.
“How are you feeling?” Angela asks, looking around the room without altering anything before your photos are complete.
“Pretty good,” you reply.
“Tim still… well, Tim?”
You nod as you move toward the corner, focusing the camera on a bloody screwdriver. Whatever happened here wasn’t quick and was undoubtedly painful. Your supervisor walks through the hall and tells you to pack up, and you nod at Angela with a smile. She hugs you before you leave, and you ready your nerves to see Tim when you return to the station.
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“Wait, go back,” Lucy requests as you’re shepherded into the roll call room. “Tim, I’m going to say this slowly and I want you to listen very carefully, okay?”
“Chen,” Tim snaps.
She doesn’t heed his warning tone and begins, “You want to send the mother of your child into a prison to get intel on a murder case. Where in that sentence do you hear a good idea?”
“What?” you inquire with your hands clasped tightly beneath your growing bump.
Lucy turns, her expression guilty. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in here.”
“We were just brainstorming,” Tim explains, walking toward you. “The woman who was murdered this morning was released from CIW last week.”
“CIW, however, is out of our jurisdiction,” Nyla adds. “So, we reached out to San Bernadino PD and they’ve agreed to let us send in a UC.”
“The problem is that the woman we need to talk to is notoriously picky about who she takes up company with,” Tim adds. “Rumor is, she has a thing for strays, she likes being around people she can protect.”
“Which, to me, sounds like she would be ready to turn on them in an instant,” Lucy interjects. “Hence my reluctance.”
“So, because I’m pregnant, you think she’d watch out for me, let me close?” you clarify.
“More or less,” Nyla answers.
Lucy scoffs and shakes her head. “It’s too dangerous.”
“Would I be alone?” you whisper, looking at Tim.
“Of course not. We’d send in two officers, acting as doctors, who can pull you out any time.”
“Would it do it if Tim and Angela went in with you?” Nyla asks.
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth as you consider everything. You’d be putting yourself and your baby in danger. If Tim and Angela were a call away, the risk would decrease dramatically. Before you can decide, Lucy holds your arms and hugs you.
“Don’t do it,” she says. “There’s too much at risk.”
“We can’t just leave a killer on the street,” you whisper against her.
Lucy sighs as she pulls back, and she nods. “Then I’m going in too. Get San Bernadino on the phone; I want to be closer than a doctor.”
Nyla nods, then looks at you.
“Yeah, I’ll do it,” you state.
“We’re right beside you,” Tim promises, kissing your hairline.
“Technically, I am right beside her, you’ll be in the infirmary,” Lucy corrects. “I better get to be this baby’s godmother.”
Nyla laughs before she says, “In your dreams, single-income, apartment-sharing option.”
“What, just because you’re married and have a house, you’re a better fit?” Lucy questions. Her smile drops as she murmurs, “Yeah, that makes sense.”
“Alright,” Tim calls, shaking his head. “Let’s go to Chino and get some answers out of convicts.”
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“They call her Pitbull,” Angela had explained before you went in. At your wide-eyed expression, she adds, “She’s essentially a guard dog. She chooses who she’ll protect and sics anyone who comes near. If you can get on the right side of Pitbull, she’ll tell you what she knows about Ringer – our victim.”
You sit on your bunk and look around, wondering if you look like a pumpkin in an oversized orange jumpsuit. When you hear footsteps outside, you drop your head and let your shyness run rampant. If it makes you seem weak, this is a better time than ever to embrace it.
Lucy unlocks the cell door, and Pitbull enters. She looks at you, running her eyes up and down your face before noticing the protruding baby bump beneath your new and temporary outfit.
“What are you in for?” Pitbull asks, her voice raspy and low.
“Stabbed my baby daddy,” you admit, rubbing a hand over your stomach. “He wouldn’t stop,” you add, letting her fill in the blanks.
As you speak, your baby kicks. The farther along you get, the more your voice seems to excite him or her.
“You don’t fit in here, Mommy,” Pitbull sneers.
You nod with your head down, telling the truth when you agree with her.
“People around here don’t like different, don’t like chicas who aren’t the same,” she adds. “What are you going to do about that?”
When you shrug, she surges forward. Her hands land on your shoulders, and you inhale when she pushes you up to make you look at her. She stops, smiles, and brushes her hand against your neck.
“You don’t have to do anything,” she whispers. “Understand?”
“Why?” you inquire.
“Because…” she drops her hand to your bump before she confesses, “I’ve got reasons you won’t understand, and you’ve got a reason to accept the protection.”
“I can’t- I don’t have anything to give you.”
Pitbull laughs as she returns to her cot. “This isn’t a tv-style arrangement; I’m giving you a gift, and I ask for nada in return. Just focus on yourself, and the baby.”
“Thank you.”
As you lay awake in bed the first night, you hear Pitbull whisper a prayer in Spanish. You wonder what she knows when she asks for the eternal protection of Ringer’s soul.
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“Dr. Benson is here,” Lucy says, dressed as a corrections officer. “Let’s go.”
“Whoa, hold up,” Pitbull interrupts, moving to block the cell door. “Dr. Benson male or female?”
“None of your concern.” Lucy barks your fake last name and repeats, “Let’s go.”
“She was traumatized by her ex; she probably doesn’t want a male doctor. Right?”
She turns to face you, and you nod sheepishly.
“So, now it is my concern,” Pitbull continues, cracking her neck to the side. “I go with her, or you get another doctor.”
Lucy sighs as she checks her watch. Pulling a radio from her hip, she asks if you can have another inmate accompany you. You recognize Angela’s voice as she begrudgingly allows it just this one time.
“Boy or girl?” Pitbull asks, glaring at the women in the cells you pass.
“I don’t know yet,” you answer honestly. “Doesn’t matter, though, does it?”
“Still your kid. Last chica I shared a cell with, she had a kid on the inside, reached out when he turned 18, and got cartas desagradables from the parents even though he was old enough.”
“Cruel world,” you murmur.
“Crueler people.”
You glance at Pitbull, wondering what she did to get her locked up for nearly half of her life. She’ll come up for parole in a few years. Part of you wants her to get out, but you know better.
“Ringer – that’s what we called her because she rung a guy’s neck for assaulting her niece…”
You know that’s not true. Ringer's niece was assaulted, but Ringer broke a lot of necks looking for the right guy. She was practically a serial attempted murderer.
“Ringer said she was going to find the kid when she got out, just long enough to apologize and let him know she wouldn’t have given him up if she’d had a chance.”
“Noble,” you muse.
“Crueler people,” she repeats as you near the prison infirmary.
Pitbull stands beside Lucy as you move to the examination table. Tim enters a moment later, looking like an angel in a white lab coat. He’s wearing glasses, and his hair is styled differently. His hands on you feel the same, even if he isn’t smiling and keeps his speaking clipped and serious (though you suppose that part isn’t much different than the version of him you see at work).
“How far along are you?” he asks.
“Four months or so,” you answer.
Tim nods, then lays his hands on either side of your bump.
“Have you had a thorough exam by an OBGYN?” he inquires.
You shake your head, and he slides the rolling chair back as his hands fall away.
“She’ll need one now,” he tells Lucy. “I can call in a female colleague if that would be more comfortable.”
“Do that,” Pitbull demands.
Tim stands, nods at Lucy, and exits the room. He returns to hand Lucy a paper robe, then disappears. Lucy takes Pitbull out of the exam room while you change, and you know she will keep her out for the entire 'examination’ so you can tell Tim and Angela what you found. Angela comes in first, her brows rising at the sight of you in a jumpsuit with tight braids framing your face, courtesy of Pitbull.
“She said Ringer was looking for her son – he turned 18 while she was still incarcerated, and she vowed to find him when she got out,” you explain. “His adoptive parents wanted her far away from him.”
“That’s motive,” Angela says, pulling her phone from her pocket. “I’ll get units to the parents’ house now.”
Tim returns to your side, and you pull his hand against your bump. As you tell him everything Pitbull has shared with you, your baby kicks against his hand. Tim smiles as he bends down to kiss you, and you suddenly want to leave this prison. Pitbull’s parole is no longer a thought in your mind.
“We’ll get you out as soon as we can,” Tim promises.
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Less than twelve hours later, you’re removed from your shared cell with Pitbull, taken to solitary, and then you walk out of the prison in your own clothes with your hand held tightly in Tim’s. Ringer’s killer, the adoptive father of her son, is behind bars and awaiting trial, and Angela and Nyla have yet another solved case to add to their repertoires.
“Want to grab some dinner?” Lucy asks in the parking lot. “Or breakfast,” she amends, noting the first streaks of sunlight painting the sky.
“We’re going home,” Tim answers for you.
“Thanks for everything, Lucy,” you tell her as Tim opens his passenger door for you.
“I didn’t do much,” she argues. “But anytime.”
In the comfort and safety of your home, you sit beside Tim, brutally aware of his fingers brushing along your bump where his arm is tucked around your waist.
“You did amazing,” he says.
He kisses your forehead and then your lips, and you sigh against him as your baby kicks again.
“We should find out the baby’s gender,” he says. “I know we said we didn’t want to…”
“I agree,” you reply, laying your head on his shoulder. “I’ll make an appointment.”
“You mean you’ll have me make an appointment.”
You turn your face against his shoulder and huff, your ears warming at his teasing. Tim chuckles, holding you like he never wants to let you go, and you feel exactly the same.
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gothamite-rambler · 23 days ago
Harley: All right, everyone, this has been a great family session today!
Jason and Dick were sitting in between Bruce on a plush red leather couch in Harley's makeshift office, which doubled as her living room. A plate of muffins sat enticingly on the coffee table.
Dick: You have a lot of plants in here.
Harley: Well, I’m dating Ivy. What did ya expect? Now, back to the session. Bruce, what have we learned today?
Bruce: That I probably shouldn’t have run tests on my kids that left them paranoid.
Dick: Tim still hasn't forgiven you for that.
Bruce: Well, he couldn’t be here today, and I pay—
Harley (snapping her fingers): Bruce.
Bruce: Right. I also learned it’s okay to not always be right… and that the world doesn’t revolve around me and my intellect.
Harley: And?
Bruce: I may have a slight God complex.
Jason (chuckling): Slight? Okay.
Harley: And?
Bruce: I shouldn't force my beliefs, which are completely correct, upon my kids.
Harley: I'm gonna let the middle part slide, but good. Last part?
Bruce: Don't date your child's therapist… Why do you keep telling me that whenever Jason or Dick is brought up?
Harley: I have a strange feelin’ you’ll do somethin' that stupid, then Jason will turn into a mini Joker with Grayson havin' to be Batman and fight him.
Dick: I’m sorry, what?
Harley: Yeah... yeah I stay thinkin' about that. It just... feels so possible!
Jason: He would totally fuck my therapist too. That all made sense. Good looking out, Harley.
Harley: (prideful) It's just my job.
Jason: Who would win though? I'd beat his ass and then take over Gotham as the Joker? You can be honest, as long as I win in that world.
Dick: It’s delusional thinking like that is why you’d become a mini Joker. You’d be defeated every time we fought.
Jason: That’s funny you think you can beat me. The jackass who raised us couldn’t even do that.
Dick: Yeah, but who was there for you when said jackass threw a weapon at your neck?
Bruce: Can you both stop calling me a jackass? I’m a normal man who has made, very limited, mistakes.
Harley took a seat, clicking her pen to jot down more notes as the three men continued to bicker.
Bruce: And Dick would defeat you, Jason, but then his huge heart would make it difficult to protect the city on a regular basis.
Dick: I was you for months while you were gallivanting around as a teacher! And don’t you think it’s odd you’d date your kid's therapist?
Bruce: No… I'm Batman. Why wouldn’t I?
Dick (covering his face): What does that even mean?
Jason: That is not a defense!
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dcxdpdabbles · 10 days ago
I can’t wait to see the next part for passion for fashion! i’m very interested in seeing how Tim handles everything.
Danny scurries across the street as quickly as possible. The flashing hand is counting down, meaning he only has a few seconds before clearing the road. He could wait for the next time it changes, but Danny was already late as it was.
Plus, he was pretty sure he was being followed. Usually, that wouldn't frighten him too severely, but seeing as he had been kidnapped once while in Gotham, it's safe to say this city wasn't exactly safe at all.
He manages to get across just as the light switches from the flashing red hand to a still red hand, and the cars waiting just as impatiently at the white lines roar their engines as soon as green in front of them.
They zoom past him, blaring through the wind at what Danny is sure is unsafe driving speeds. He sighs, pulling up his hood to protect his head from the gentle drizzle that started up. Today he was wearing what Dan called "sports luxe."
Danny thinks it just looked like a skater threw on a jacket over a hoodie, but what did he know? Apparently, not enough to have an opinion on the superiority of sports luxe.
Even the name sounded snobby. Dan threw a fit the moment he pointed it out, though. Sometimes, it was better to agree to disagree with his counterpart.
Danny had felt suffocated within the house lately. Gotham seemed to suddenly develop non-stop rain. It's been heavy rain, a light sprinkle, or threatening rain for a week straight. It was nothing compared to the bright, clear skies of home. How could people stand to live here all the time? It was downright miserable.
The city natives said it was just the first signs of spring, the year's rainy season.
Not to mention, it was a grim reminder that for all the time they had been in this stupid city, they only recently found out who Batman was. He wasn't sure how long Clockwork would be willing to wait, but Danny feared they were getting near an unmentioned deadline.
This morning, he had woken to a clock ticking in his chest. It faded after a while, but Danny had received the message just as loud and clear as the tick tick tick sound was.
There was a very real bomb fused to his core by the God of Time, and he said god was becoming upset with his lack of results. Dan, who had gotten the same message, was seemingly more reserved as he carefully pinned the few fabrics for their next part of the fashion contest.
The silence following their discussion of today's new experimental fashion style had felt choking. Danny had chosen to escape and walk around the city while Dan retreated further into his cave of fabrics. They agreed to meet up for lunch at one pm at the same pizza that Red Robin took him on a date to.
They could gather clues about Batman if they went to where he had shown up.
His date with Tim Drake had been a bust. The man was sweet but seemed too loyal to Batman's secrets. No matter what tricks Danny tried on that date, Tim danced around his probing for any Batman intel like a well-trained ballerina.
He couldn't even get the guy to admit he knew Batman. Either he was the best actor in the world, or Tim didn't know a thing about Batman. Still, the date at the arcade and then dinner had been a relaxing bit of fun.
Something was charming about making someone blush with a mere glance that had Danny feeling on cloud nine. He knows on some level that he is considered hot here, but to witness his effect on someone was something entirely else.
He might have asked for a second date were it not for the man who followed them throughout the date from a distance. Danny noticed him sometime after Tim had shyly offered to buy him some ice cream.
He was taking their picture. As soon as Danny saw him,, he cut the date off quickly. Not only was ita a waste of time if Tim couldn't lead him to Batman, but he also didn't want to drag poor Tim into nanother kidnapping attempt.
Was it a jerk move to cut the date mid-way? Probably.
Did it make him feel like Dash? Uncomfortably so.
But needs most. As soon as Dany told Tim he wasn't feeling well and that he would call him (he didn't), the half had all but run away. The man had quickly followed in step with him, until Danny lost him in the city two hours later.
He returned home with no leads, a new stalker, and the terrier tick tick tick echoing in his rib cage.
Three days later, the same man was back, following Danny from a distance. He was doing a good job staying further away today, but Danny had caught sight of the hummingbird tattoo and realized who it was.
Danny glances at a nearby store window to discreetly check behind him. Sure enough, the same hummingbird flashed briefly as the man reached up to raise his own hoodie.
It's on the right hand, running along the thumb. Danny breathes through his nose, walking as casually as possible but putting more speed into his steps. Around him, people are walking briskly, and his vision is somewhat disorientated by the few umbrellas that are folded open.
He slides through gaps of people, weaving and waving as casually as he can. The distance between the man and him grew bigger, but Danny knew he was still within sight.
He stuffs his hands into his pocket, feeling around for a knife disguised as a comb that Pamela had given him after picking up her new outfit. Danny had to admit that Dan outdid himself with it because she looked like a badass nymph.
Apparently, she heard some whispers that the Fenton twins were a thing of beauty and powerful men were interested in adding them to their collection. Ew.
She said it was better to be safe than sorry while presenting Dan with his own knife. "The world is a nightmare. Be the terror in it, not the victim."
Dan put her words on a poster and hung it in his studio.
Danny glances at another window, feeling his stomach drop when a familiar ticking starts up as the man quickly closes the space between. Somehow, a deep part of his soul knows that should the man catch him, Danny's bomb would be set off.
Breaking into a run, Danny pushed people out of the way, uncaring for the scene he was causing. He heard a curse before footsteps rapidly followed him. Multiple sets of footsteps.
There was more than one.
Crude. crude. crude. Stop ticking! I know I'm in danger! He thinks frantically, pushing his human legs to go faster. He blows his hoodie off his head as he sprints.
His eyes bounce around wildly, searching for anywhere safe, when he lands on an open car door of a nice black car with a man settling in the back as a diver buckles up. Not stopping to think, Danny leaps into it, ignoring the shout of surprise from the man who he landed across the lap.
He hits the diver's seat, babbling, "Drive! Drive! Drive! Please, they're after me! DRIVE"
The man he's lying on reacts fast enough to slam the car door closed just as a large man slams against it. It's someone built like a brick house and looking rather mean as he punches the glass .
Thankfully, the thing must be bulletproof because it doesn't budge. The driver slams his foot on the gas, peeling away from the crowd of kidnappers who attempt to surround the car. They nearly miss slamming into oncoming traffic, but the driver quickly drifts their car into a perfect U and flies off.
Danny gasps, slumping with relief. "Hate this stupid city so much sometimes." He grumbles under his breath, only noticing he spoke in Spanish when the man makes a fumbling sentence in response.
"Er...espanol...un poquito?" The man holds his fingers up, having them separated by only a bit of space.
" I speak English."
"Oh, good. Mind telling me what all that was about, lad? Do we need to go to the police?" The man asks, his voice gentle and warm.
Danny realizes then that he is staring into the face of the man who started the fashion contest. He is also still lying across his lap. With a yelp, he flings himself away, scrambling into the seat beside Bruce Wayne.
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Wayne! I was being chased by...um, I don't know actually who they were."
"Bane's men." The driver says grimly in an English accent. "They were wearing the hummingbird of his inner circle."
"Alfred, please take us to Commissioner Gordon." Mr. Wayne commands, face turning hard, and Danny is about to tell him he's fine being dropped at home when suddenly-
"Are you hurt, chum?" Mr. Wayne asks, noticing Danny staring down at his chest pale face. Or maybe it was how he was frozen in place, waiting for a boom that might be coming.
The bomb stops ticking. Danny feels around his chest, wondering why when it clicks in his head.
He stares into the startled eyes of Mr. Wayne before he feels a sharp prick on the back of his neck. He has a few seconds of whirling around to see the driver- Aflred- settling back in his driving seat. A needle in his hand.
"Are you Batman?" Danny whispers, leaning into Mr. Wayne's face. "
Batman, have you hugged your kids lately?"
"Shit. Here, I thought I escaped a kidnapping."
The world went black, and there was only one thing he was aware of. The sound.
Tic tic tic tic tic tic
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thediaryofaurora · 7 months ago
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General HCs
Ticci Toby/Tobias Rogers
Sorry this took so long!! I’ve been contemplating writing one shots, but I feel like I should get the head canons out first. If any of you have any ideas for one shots (x readers, char x char, nsfw), my request box is open! I’ll get around to them as soon as possible. :)
- 5’11! Sleeper build and scrawny, but extremely strong upper arms. He’s not as fast as Kate and Brian, but he makes up for it with how long he can run. He never gets tired and can chase victims for hours. Lots of freckles, too!
- White with mostly German heritage. He doesn’t know very much German, just baseline stuff he learned from his mom. (Connie grew up in Germany until she was 15.)
- Medium brown hair and dark brown eyes. He’s pretty pale, but being outside most of the time he does have a slight tan, lots of freckles too.
- His dad was extremely abusive and would beat him, his mom, and his sister, it was rare for him to not be drunk. Toby killed him only a few hours after his father beat his mom to the point she was unconscious. He’d rather his mom lose both of her children and her abusive husband than endure so much pain, he cared about her more than anything. He didn’t want to sit idly by as he loses his sister and mother.
- His fingers are TORN up. Bites and picks at his nails, cuticles, dry knuckles, all of it. His fingertips and palms are also super calloused.
- Hangs out with Jeff and Ben most of the time. He’s closer to Ben and thinks Jeff’s a douche, but he puts up with him since sometimes the three of them have fun.
- He can be a jerk, but if you’re able to break past his shell he’s super sweet. He’s still sarcastic and snarky, but not necessarily mean. VERY smug.
- Had Jeff do a tattoo of Lyra’s birthday on his shoulder. It turned out surprisingly good. He was originally going to do her death date, but he felt like it was better to honor the time she was alive.
- Halloween junkie. He has a massive sweet tooth and loves autumn, so it’s the perfect day ever in his eyes.
- This guy DESTROYS in poker and blackjack. The few times his dad would spend time with him they’d play together. Even though he hated him, it meant a lot to him when he was little. Has the teeny tiniest gambling addiction, makes a bunch of bets with other residents of the mansion and usually wins.
- MIDWESTERN EMO BOY!!!! I will die on this hill. Music taste, clothing, all of it.
- His tics are pretty rare now that he’s older, but when he’s anxious they get bad.
- Exclusively wears comfortable clothes. Not because he gets uncomfortable, he could (and does) sleep in jeans and not be bothered. When he was younger he would always be forced to wear slacks, dress shoes, button ups, and ties for church or family gatherings. He HATED it.
- Him, Tim, and Brian are usually put on missions together. They’re all pretty compatible, and it’s nice to talk to just some regular ass dudes. Sometimes all three of them will go to run down diner’s if they finished their mission early, it’s the most normality any of them have in their lives.
- He and Tim bicker a LOT, but he secretly find comfort in it. He sees Tim as a protective older brother, rather than someone who just hates him. With how his dad treated him growing up, he thought all arguing was yelling and being aggressive, but Tim’s is more disagreement or annoyance.
- Almost knows how to play the acoustic guitar. He’s a quick learner, but he doesn’t have a crazy strong desire to get better at it.
- Pretty much always wears a big bandaid over his cheek gash. He’s not necessarily insecure about it unless he has a crush on someone, but it’s hard to eat or drink when it’s just open.
- He’s actually not to bad at soccer! Sometimes when it’s nice out him and Cody find a ball and play.
- Anywho, I’m in love with him.
Feedback and requests are welcome! Thank you for reading. :)
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Could you do something where the gangs (including Tim and curly) s/o has older brothers who are also greasers and just really intimidating in general?
A/N: This was such a fun concept? Dude, I had a lot of fun writing these, thanks for requesting them <3 and look at the little cuties, god they're the cutest things-
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Darry’s not used to having older siblings? He is the oldest, that’s just the way the world is-
Your brothers though? I have a feeling he’d be one of the boys who are the least afraid of your brothers
Like yeah, your brothers are well-known for being the tough hoods they are, there’s practically your own little family gang just between them
But Darry’s not going to be cowering beneath them, shaking in his boots afraid of them
He’s going to try and be a gentleman? He’ll shake your brothers’ hands, make conversation with them when he picks you up before dates
It’s just Darry being Darry, his mama taught him his manners and he’s going to use them <3 he’s a good person
I just have this gut feeling that without a doubt, Sodapop’s going to be at the very least, slightly afraid of your brothers
At least in the beginning, y’know? Meeting your brothers was probably one of the scariest moments in his entire life
They’re just sort of intimidating, I’m sure they’re the type to try and strike fear into all of the suitors who come for their kid sibling
After he proves himself though, either by protecting you from something or standing up for you somewhere, your brothers are pretty alright with him
Now he’s just got a few more older siblings who like to nag him for things!
I feel like he’d get along with them too, now they’re asking for you to start bringing him around more     
Unlike his older brothers, Ponyboy is, in fact, used to having scary older brothers! So yours probably won’t bother him at all
He’s very used to the whole tradition of giving your younger sibling’s date the third degree whenever you meet them for the first time
But honestly? There really isn’t a reason for your brothers not to like Ponyboy, he’s doesn’t really do a lot of bad stuff
Unless your brothers have beef with the Curtis gang for some reason, Ponyboy’s a pretty safe choice to bring home to them!
He’s respectful with them too, he does his best to make conversation when the occasions call for it and he’s polite when he stops by your house
They like to say hi to him when he walks you home from school, waving from the house or the front yard when you guys show up
Do we really think Dallas is going to be off-put by you having big, scary, older brothers? Cause I don’t-
Your brothers don’t scare him in the slightest, and if they do, he’s never going to admit it Dal likes to brag that he’s seen worse up in New York and that your brothers are nothing in comparison to some of the hoods he’s dealt with
He’s going to be rude, he’s going to push your brothers’ buttons a little and pull you closer and kiss you deeper than is polite 
Honestly? I bet your brothers don’t really like him, they think you can do a lot better than Dallas Winston and will probably tell you that on the regular
However, if Dally takes down some Socs for you or something, plays a protective role that your brothers usually occupy, maybe they’ll start to like him a little more
That it doesn’t mean they’re going to be any more lenient when it comes to the rules about him hanging around though-
Probably your safest choice of a boyfriend when your brothers are as big and bad as they are, they’re very overprotective of you probably
Johnny has never done anything wrong in his life, is super duper polite and won’t push any of the lines your brothers draw
They don’t want him spending the night at your house? Johnny’s alright with that, he’ll give you a soft kiss on the porch before he heads off for the night
He’s respectful guys, he’s not going to push the rules and he’s going to be considerate of your brothers
If you ask him, he’ll probably tell you that he’s not afraid of them, only slightly scared but I can see Johnny kind of looking up to them like he looks up to Dallas
Don’t tell Dally that though, Johnny doesn’t think he needs to know-
Hoohoo, oh boy, Two-Bit is going to run your brothers ragged-
Two-Bit likes to be annoying and your brothers are overprotective and it’s just so easy to get them all riled up
He’ll try and push the line sometimes, argue with them about silly things and just be a menace whenever he’s around them
Two’s not afraid of them like at all, he probably should be at least a little afraid but there isn’t one ounce of fear in his body when it comes to them
It’s another one of those, he’s gotta prove himself to your brothers? They think you can do better than Two-Bit, blah blah blah
But just one time where’s comforting you when you really need it or just being there for you when you need him, your brothers are a little more accepting of the hood
My version of Steve is an only child, so that’s going to affect this a little cause my Steve isn’t used to having siblings in general-
Is Steve afraid of your brothers? The answer is yes, very much so, thoroughly afraid of them
But he won’t act like he’s afraid, he just tries to toughen up by pushing his shoulders back and his chin up whenever he’s got to talk with them
Their approval is sort of important to him? He wants your brothers to like him, that’s really all he wants, he seeks the validation
Steve’s going to be polite then, making sure to have you home on time so you won’t break curfew
Your brothers probably think he’s a good enough kid, they’ll nag him every now and again, tease him just enough to keep him on his toes, it’s a brotherly kind of love guys 
Tim’s not afraid of your brothers, like at all-
He’s a gang leader guys, he deals with “big and scary” guys all the time so your brothers aren’t going to be any different
Tim’s got an attitude, that’s for sure, and it’s not going to change when it comes to your brothers, he’s still going to be a jerk and pester them and push all their buttons
He’s not rude? Like he follows the rules they’ve set for you, but he’s a little passive-aggressive, whispering comments that you’ll smack him for and just being a menace
Tim doesn’t take too kindly to teasing, he’s not going to let them push him around and your brothers will probably figure that out really fast  
Again, your brothers probably don’t like him, whether they don’t like Tim himself or they don’t like the Shepard gang? No one will ever know
Your Brothers Either Don’t Like Him Or Just Don’t Like The Shepard Gang Pt.2
Curly’s not the greatest kid, he gets into trouble and does things he shouldn’t, but he’s used to having a scary older brother
Tim’s pretty good about keeping him in line, so he’s not too surprised when your brothers make rules about him coming around
Is Curly going to follow all of them? Probably not, he treats them more like guidelines than actual rules, curfew is more of a recommendation in his mind than a hard rule to follow
He takes care of you though, that’s something your brothers have to admit about Curly, he takes good care of you
From making sure he’s between you and whatever danger you might find yourself against to simply sharing his food with you if you’re hungry <3
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•~{ Heyyy so you gremlins choose this one out if the poll so here you go! }~•
•Cafe Ghost•
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A new cafe has opened just on the edge of Crime Alley.
It’s in one of the old buildings that was a front for one of the older gangs that have long since been destroyed. It’s known to serve anyone as long as you don’t do these five things.
1: Insult the Employees or the Owners guests.
2: Try to hurt or have hurt anyone in the cafe.
3: Mess with the alley delivery kids.
4:Do not lie to the alley kids about payment they always tell Owner.
5: Make promises you will not keep.
If you do anything on this list your going to get cursed into silence or something worse if it’s the Owner but if it’s the Employee you’ll just get back talked to hell and back or in worse case stabbed. But no one in the alley really cares as the food and drinks are so good and cheap for Gotham so even the alley kids who don’t work there can get food and the Alley doesn’t rat out safe spaces.
But it has caught the attention of the Bats for the mysterious nature of the Owner and his Employe so three members of the family will go undercover and investigate the cafe
Damien and Tim will go undercover as Dion and Ivan who are two Alley kids that are looking for a way to make money the legal way after being backstabbed by their old boss. And Jason will be going as Otto who is an ex-con who is also looking for work after getting caught by the bats a few years back.
Let the investigation proceed.
Danny was just going about his [ half ] life.
Danny came out to his parents about being a ghost and him being phantom with jazz there and Sam, Tucker listening in with a go-bag if they need to skip town fast but that wasn’t needed as his parents immediately went into apologizing for what they said and how scared he must have been and omg we shot our son!!!
So that when very well after that his parents views on ghost changed for the better and thankfully they cut all ties with the G.I.W even if there still somewhat a problem but their manageable so as long as they all keep them at bay it should be fine.
And Jazz “accidentally” •~{ I heacannon that Jazz hates Vlad with a passion for how weird he is about Danny }~• and everything he’s done and how he acted towards Danny…let’s just say the Fentons were in need of new Fenton-bats as all of there’s were bent out of shape.
Anyway with the less stress from having your parents shooting you every other night his grades have been get better admittedly slowly but there getting better! And everything in Danny’s life has finally chilled out and he can just relax.
Until Vlad decided to be a problem.
Vlad after healing from the beating the Fentons gave him, his obsession started to change from marrying Maddie to taking Danny as his [Not in a romantic way like the Batfam will think, IF I SEE THEM BEING SHIP HERE YOU WILL BE BLOCKED THAT IS A CHILD AND A GROWN MAN] so he had to get Danny and keep him but with the Fentons protection he couldn’t get Danny that way so he kidnapped Dani who has come back to Amity park to visit Danny Mama and got grab by Vlad.
Vlad started to destabilize Dani to create a new clone as a place holder until he can grab the real Danny, But he was unable to destabilize Dani all the way as Danny blasted through the wall and grab Dani and booked it back to his house. [This is very simplified, I’m just shit at writing this type of shit]
So 16 year old Danny and a de-aged 2 Dani ( Who has been renamed Arsa ) feeling very uncomfortable and unsafe with Vlad being around but as Danny’s still in high school and under Fentons protection and not to mention Danny would finish the job his parents and the portal couldn’t.
So he stays until he finishes high school well it was a bit more difficult to keep his grades up with his new daughter but he managers and when he graduates he gives his family+Sam and Tucker a way to connect them and promise to visit every once and a while and books it to the ghost zone and into his liar where Vlad can’t get in as Danny wouldn’t let him.
And Danny + Arsa stay there for 11 years [on the earth side of it ✨Time difference✨] well visiting everyone when Vlad was in the ghost zone doing what ever shady shit he does or trying to get into Danny lair and when Danny feels like Arsa and protect herself from whatever may try to hurt her they move back and decide to move to Gotham as amity park is far to close to Vlad then Danny likes to be.
And they open the cafe just for some extra play money and for fun and that’s how we got here.
•Little Facts•
•Danny is trans in this Au
•Asra doesn’t have memories from when she was Dani but she does have feelings
•Maddie and Jack are keeping the G.I.W at bay so they don’t start a war and keep Vlad on his toes while Jazz is in star city as a therapist or psychiatrist
•Danny and Asra choose what age they want to look like so Danny picked 21 and Asra will also probably pick 21 but she still wants to act like a kid or teenager for a few hundred years before than [it’s for Dani who never got the chance to be a kid or teenager]
•Danny somehow found a beanie that looks exactly like the one Dani wore and gave it to Asra as a gift now she wears it with her dagger pins with the magic Danny taught her :)
•Danny is really good at magic, the Fentons think it’s because down the line they most like had witch’s and fea folk in their family tree
•Jason starts to have a crush on Danny after seeing him beat the shit out of Vlad or the Joker or the alley kids
•Danny mother hens the shit out of the alley kids and the alley kids love it as most don’t have the best parents, Damien and Tim are no exceptions :)
•Danny has chilled out with age but is still a feral fucker at heart, Asra doesn’t hide it
•Asra call Danny “Mama” or “The boss man” when on the clock and will call Danny “Papa” if she feels like it
•Asra added to the Vlad and Danny misunderstanding because she is tired of having to deal with this vampire from Temu
•Danny and Asra are always up to some good old gender fuckery
Dannys appearance•
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[Danny likes to wear pants when working so the skirt doesn’t get stuck on anything]
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[ But when he can wear skirts and dresses he makes sure to add pretty shinys ]
Asras Appearance•
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[She likes pants not much to say]
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•~{ And that’s it I hope this is what you gremlins wanted until next time byeeee }~•
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clockwayswrites · 5 months ago
Birds and Mice and Tea Parties 20
AN: B really was trying his best to protect Danny last time, he just was missing too much information. Poor Danny...
No reading over. We suffer and post at 2am.
It had been two weeks since the last rogue Wayne visit.
Danny hadn’t intended to keep track. There was no reason to. One visit from Cass and one from Tim did not a pattern make.
He tried to dismiss the observation. He had plenty to do; it wasn’t like he didn’t have friends. The bi-weekly trivia group would start meeting again soon. He also had a TTRGP session that did its best to meet around all that life threw at them. Tucker and him played online games when they could make schedules match and he and Sam talked when she was stateside. He even had regular lunches with coworkers!
Still, there had been something different about spending time with the family.
So no, Danny hadn’t meant to keep track, but he still knew it had been two weeks and a day. But of course he wouldn’t see the Waynes that often. Bruce was a very busy man and most of the children would have no reason to come to W.E. They had their own lives with work and school and being kids or young adults. The other visits had simply been flukes, as nice as the visits had been.
The subtle feeling of melancholy that had settled over him was ridiculous and he wasn’t having it. His mood was simply off because of the whole Ancient thing. The way it was affecting his health didn’t make feeling better any easier either.
Danny leaned against the wall of the elevator as he tried to catch his breath. He really shouldn’t be walking right then to get lunch, not with the way that he felt, but he hadn’t had anything at his place to make lunch with. He hadn’t had the energy to go shopping. He’d just go somewhere close instead of walking to anything on the other side of the park.
The natural reverb of the lobby assaulted Danny as he stepped out of the elevator.
He just had to get through the lobby, the street, the restaurant, back through the street, and through the lobby again. Then he could hide in his office and eat. Or he could hide in there and eat as long as Lucius didn’t find him. Maybe even Lucius would give him a break today though.
“Dr. Fenton…?”
Danny looked up from rubbing his neck.
It was Tim. Damian was at Tim’s side, flanking him like a little guard dog and scowling. Tim was frowning too. Danny immediately wanted to fix whatever was wrong.
“Look at that, a pair of Waynes. How are you two?”
“That is unimportant,” Damian said with a little sniff. “You are clearly unwell. I assume you are returning to your apartment to rest?”
“Oh, no, I’m just going to go grab lunch. I’m alright, really,” Danny said and put on the best smile he could muster.
Tim and Damian looked at each other in some sort of silence conversation. Danny started to edge away from them, thinking he could escape before they came to some sort of end. He really needed out of the lobby and its echoing sounds.
A startled shriek from the entry way cut off that plan.
Danny twisted to face the sound as he stepped in front of the kids.
Of course it was a rogue, what else would it be in Gotham? It was a rogue, but at least it was the Mad Hatter and his squad of likely mind controlled goons. He usually wasn’t prone to death and destruction like some of the others were. But still, Danny felt his metaphorical hackles rising. The kids were here.
The kids were here and sure to draw the Mad Hatter’s attention if he saw them. Danny stepped slowly backwards, herding the kids away from the scene. At least they weren’t far into the lobby.
“Back up to the stairwell,” Danny said lowly, trying to cast his voice behind him.
“Tch. We can—”
“The elevator, the back left one,” Tim said quietly but firmly over his brother’s protest. “I have a code to take it to a safe room in the basement.”
“If he kills the power,” Danny started.
“The elevators have emergency back up.”
“That’s not very good behavior for a tea party, is it?” the Matter Hatter shouted at someone.
Danny bit back a rising noise of anger in his throat. His fingers twitched to act. But he couldn’t. The best plan was to get the kids out of there away from any action.
“Yes I see, Damian,” Tim hissed. “We’re almost to the elevator.”
“Call it as soon as you can,” Danny said. Was there a reverb to his voice? It felt like there was a reverb to his voice. No, no, he couldn’t, he had to…
“That’s better! See? This is how you behave when someone invites you to a tea party! Now where is that little dormouse?” the Mad Hatter called. “I know I saw him come in here! With an even littler one too.”
He wanted Tim.
“Calling the elevator.”
“Another mouse? A rat? A cat?"
The Mad Hatter wanted Tim and Damian.
“Here mousy mouse mice… where are you?"
Danny would not let that happen.
“Oh there you are! Hiding back by the doors, of course he is!” The Mad Hatter said. The crowed parted in fear. His wide, manic eyes looked right past Danny and he grinned. “Get them. We have a tea party we’re late for.”
“Over my dead body,” Danny growled.
The Mad Hatter blinked at Danny like he just noticed him for the first time. His goons rushed past him and through the crowd. “Oh, who are you? Never mind, if death is what you want, we can make that happen.”
Danny couldn’t hold back the chortling laughter. “See, that’s where you have a problem you don’t even know you could have.”
“And what is that?”
“You couldn’t handle my dead body,” Danny said just as the first goon reached them.
Danny stepped forward. He ducked under the swing of the punch and used the momentum to spin the goon around. With a push of his ghostly power, he sent the attacking goon careening into the next one and they both went tumbling.
“Danny, it’s here!” Tim shouted.
Not turning his back to the attackers, Danny stepped backwards into the elevator. Tim slammed a button and the doors basically snapped closed, much faster than they should. Danny was left staring at the polished metal surface of the elevator. Luminous green stared back at him. Soft black feathers dotted his temples. His fingers ended in talons. And he could feel it.
He could feel the skin on his back started to split.
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dollishmehrayan · 2 months ago
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# BATBOYS WITH A SUNSHINE!READER ── .✦ ( basically batboys with a optimistic reader )
a/n: this was requested by anon (here) but anywayss i think I’m gonna do the world tour thing after my winter inspired fics/hcs end on like February 28th! (Dw i’ll still do the world tour thingy in between) but yahh also I desperately need writer mutals + mutals I mssg daily like I’m a very kind person idm if you dm me at like 4 AM, tags: (batboys x fem!reader)
© dollishmehrayan — ( all rights reserved to me. These works cannot be reposted, translated, or modified. Thank you for understanding dollies! )
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Absolutely smitten. Your optimism is like a magnet for Dick, who thrives on positivity.
He calls you his “little ray of sunshine” (even if you roll your eyes at the nickname).
If he’s feeling down, your relentless optimism is a game changer. “How do you do that? How do you make the world seem so… bright all the time?”
Constantly teases you, especially if you’re being overly cheerful during random moments. “Are you seriously smiling right now? We’re getting ready to head to bed!”
But secretly, he loves it. Your energy balances his occasional doubts && insecurities. (he lovesss positive people who live in their own world)
Dick starts picking up on your habits leaving little notes of encouragement, giving random compliments to strangers and realizes how much better it makes his day.
At first, he’s skeptical. He’s not used to someone so genuinely cheerful, and he might think you’re putting on an act.
“How are you this happy all the time? What’s your secret? Coffee? Dark magic?”, “I just like seeing the world differently, I’m a poet in my mind.”
But over time, he warms up to your positivity and even craves it (to a point he gets sad if you aren’t around for more than 4 hours). You’re the light that cuts through his darker moments and more sulking personality.
“I don’t know how you do it, but you make me feel like the world’s not completely screwed.”, “what did you say?-“, “Nothing go back to sleep.”
He pretends to be annoyed when you try to cheer him up after a rough day, but he secretly loves when you coax a laugh out of him.
Jason starts jokingly calling you his “emotional support sunshine.” He’ll tell Roy, “Yeah, they’re like my personal antidepressant.”
Will protect your positivity at all costs. If anyone tries to dim your light, they’ll have to deal with him.
Finds your optimism so refreshing. Tim can be a little too caught up in stress and overthinking, so your energy is like a breath of fresh air.
He’s constantly asking, “How are you so happy all the time? Teach me your ways.”
If you leave him little notes of encouragement, he’ll treasure them forever. He has a drawer full of them and pulls one out whenever he’s having a bad day.
Sometimes, your cheerfulness makes him feel a little guilty. “You’re so good, and here I am being a grump.” But you always remind him it’s okay to have bad days.
Tim loves how you bring optimism even to his most chaotic moments. “Yeah, sure, we’re being late, but hey, at least it’s not raining, right?”
He’d be a little overwhelmed by your energy at times, but he admires you deeply for seeing the good in everything.
Damian does not know what to do with you at first. Your cheerfulness is a complete mystery to him.
“Why are you smiling? We are surrounded by incompetence.”
He pretends to be annoyed, but deep down, he finds your positivity oddly comforting.
Over time, he starts looking forward to your optimistic take on things. “Yes, fine, maybe there is a silver lining. Stop gloating.”
You have a knack for breaking through his tough exterior. If he’s grumpy, you’ll say something so genuinely kind that he can’t help but soften.
Damian secretly loves how you see the good in him, even when he doesn’t see it himself.
He starts to mimic your habits, like giving Alfred small compliments or trying to look on the bright side, but he’ll deny it if you call him out.
Bruce admires your positivity but doesn’t always understand it. “How do you manage to stay so cheerful in Gotham of all places?”
At first, he worries your optimism will make you naive, but he quickly realizes it’s your strength.
Your energy is a stark contrast to his brooding nature, and he starts leaning on it more than he cares to admit.
When he’s stuck in his head or doubting himself, you always know what to say to pull him out of it.
“You make it sound so simple,” he says after you give him one of your pep talks. But he smiles because somehow, you do make it simple.
You bring a sense of warmth and nostalgia into the Wayne Manor. Bruce finds himself more relaxed when you’re around, even in the middle of chaos.
He’ll never admit it to the others, but your optimism is one of his favorite things about you.
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demonic0angel · 2 months ago
HI GAGSGSGSHS can you do a spirit Halloween ship angst please 🙏 (no pressure tho ahhsgshshegshs)
(Lowkey already did this but ig I'll make the sequel lmao. It’s not as angsty bc I can’t get into the mindset.)
Part 1
Tim blinked. He raised the image higher, bringing it closer so he could observe it even further.
It was a photo of a small family of four. All of them were male, with black hair and blue eyes. There was Bruce, and Dick, and even Jason, all of them smiling. There was a last person, cuddled against Bruce and more slender compared to him, who had bright blue eyes like ice and very familiar pearls around his neck.
Tim's eyes widened.
"This is..."
"My adopted step-dad, yeah."
Tim jumped and turned around, where Dick was leaning against the door to the attic, hands in his pockets, eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m sorry, I was just curious and I wanted to know more about—”
Dick shrugged. “It’s fine. That man right there was Bruce’s boyfriend. He adopted me and Jason together with Bruce. Before… before Jason died.”
Tim stared at the sorrow on his face, the cold sort of acceptance with the barest hint of resentment. “… what happened?”
Dick sighed and weaved a hand through his hair. “He left. After Jason died.”
Tim’s eyebrows furrowed. He looked back at the photo, where everyone was smiling so happily, where Bruce and that man leaned against each other so trustingly and he asked, “But why? How come he left you guys behind? Why didn’t he…”
“Stay? Because of Bruce,” Dick hissed. “Bruce got Jason killed, but that was only the catalyst. Dad— I mean, Danny always hated how Bruce got too stuck in the mindset of Batman, and he kept asking him to slow down and take breaks, but Bruce refused. They had a fight, just before Jason had a fight of his own with Bruce, and when he got killed—” Dick’s voice choked off.
Tim looked at the photo again, recognizing the love on that unknown, yet familiar face. “So… he didn’t abandon you?”
Dick gave him a small smile. “No, baby bird. Danny wouldn’t abandon me or Jason. He’s away, as a punishment for Bruce.”
Tim stared at Dick. “As punishment?”
Dick nodded carefully. He hesitated for a moment, and Tim just watched his face change as he struggled to articulate his thoughts, before he eventually sighed again and clarified.
“Yes. As punishment for failing to protect their child, Bruce is not allowed to see Jason or Danny until Danny feels that Bruce has repented.”
Tim’s eyes widened as he understood the unspoken information. “Jason is alive?!”
Dick nodded, his expression solemn. “Yes. And because Danny feels that Bruce hasn’t changed, Jason isn’t allowed to go back to him.”
Tim stared. Then he said, “Bruce must be devastated.”
“Mhm. That’s why he’s still in mourning.” Dick gave him a small smile. “Maybe one day, you can meet Jason and Dad— Danny. Until then, practice hard, alright?”
Tim nodded, and as he watched Dick’s back before disappearing behind the door, he couldn’t help but think of the man that he didn’t know, who was beloved enough by Dick to be called “Dad,” who had some unknown power to revive people, and was so deeply mourned by Bruce. He looked back at the photo, where the pearls shone brightly around the man’s neck.
Tim nodded to himself, a plan forming in his mind. After all, he was Robin now, and it was his job to help Batman and fix Gotham, wasn’t it?
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