#I’m building ANOTHER wicked Lego set
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sailorscout93 · 12 days ago
Ugh I finally finished reading one long AF fanfic I was reading, am nearly caught up on one that’s ongoing, and finally making a little progress on a 3rd one that’s also finished but has a sequel and I started another VERY ANGSTY long one last night and I currently can’t decide which one to continue reading tonight (barring any updates to anything else I’m currently reading but caught up on 😂)
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timbertumbr · 3 years ago
If you can could do Lego monkie kid the not-mayor x reader you can do anything you like I just haven't found anything for him
Interest (LMK Mayor X Reader)
Oh wow, he is a very interesting character! I hope you like it! Spoilers for Season 1 and 2 for Lego Monkie Kid! And Please no season 3 spoilers! ^^
The Town… City? Wherever you were, it was always one thing after another. A demon bull attack, a destructive Monkey King Prodigy, and of course, the odd citizens. Especially the Mayor, no one knew where he was most of the time, never had a real connection to him, and everyone agreed that he was… very offputting. 
Just the thought of him brought shivers down your spine as you walked the dim streets of whatever crazy place this was called as the sun slowly set behind the various buildings and hills. The street lights were slowly turning on one by one as various businesses and citizens closed up shop and locked their doors. Who knows what could be hiding in the shadows…
With that terrifying thought in mind, you began hurrying home, an eerie feeling worming its way into the pit of your stomach, like something… or someone was watching you. Your body moved before your brain could, running down the barely lit streets to escape whatever this looming feeling was. 
It isn’t long before you ran into something, your brain too muddled with the static of fear to really process anything around you. Landing on your butt hard, you groaned as you frantically look up to see what you ran into. It turned out to be a who, the Mayor staring down at you with his strange eerie smile. 
“Oh, uh… H-Hello, Mayor sir. Sorry,” You mutter as you slowly pick yourself up, keeping a wary eye on the Mayor as you carefully went around him.
“I’m gonna… go now,” You mutter before turning your back to him and speed walking away, only getting a few steps in before you stop dead in your tracks.
“My, whatever could you be so frightened of that you’d scamper away from little ole’ me?” He wondered in his oddly cheery tone. You gulped nervously as you look over your shoulder.
“I’m just… trying to get home,” He tilts his head.
“Home? At this time of day? It’s a wonderful time! The best time for all the lovely activities of the night!” You stare at him in utter confusion, what on earth is he talking about? You turn around and yelp in surprise to see he was right in front of you.
“My, you are an unattentive one,” He commented, bending forward to study you, you take a step back as he raises an amused brow.
“Why… are you out here?” His smile grew just a smidge before straightening and pacing slowly around you.
“And why are you concerned over my activities, hmm?” You watch him.
“I’m curious, you usually don’t find important people out and about this time of night, alone,” He stops dead in his tracks and stares at you.
“Checking in on my citizens of course, what else would I be doing? Why don’t you get going now, it is quite late as you so cleverly mentioned, it really isn’t safe at night, is it?” He makes a shooing motion towards you, confused, you slowly walk away and out of the Mayor’s sight. He stared after you with a calculating look, most people would make an excuse to try and leave the situation. Yet you told the complete truth and didn’t run away when he moved so suddenly. 
Curiouser and curiouser… With a wicked grin, he turns on his heel and disappears into the fog that so happened to roll in at the right time…
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 years ago
Random Characters with Creative/ Designer S/O HC:
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Conner Kent (RSS), Jamie Reyes
Damian Wayne (Fashion Design):
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·      You’d started off your career when you were young
·      Your father wasn’t super supportive of everything and said that you were too young to start a business or what have you
·      So, with approval from your mother, you started one behind his back
·      He didn’t know until one day you ended up treading and going viral with a dress you made for a very famous celebrity
·      At that point he couldn’t stop you and was just impressed that you made it for months without him knowing
·      As long as you were keeping up schooling, it would fly
·      You ended up getting to travel the world and go to fashion week
·      More specifically NYFW
·      New York was the big one
·      That’s where you and Damian met
·      He was there for a business trip with Bruce and saw you at one of the shows the girls dragged him to
·      He was immediately infatuated with you and wanted to meet you
·      Thank the heavens he has sisters who wear your clothes to almost every gala
·      They got to go back stage and talk to you which led to you two exchanging numbers and the rest is history
·      When you started dating it was really hectic
·      You had a few kidnapping scares which made him want to break it off especially after you found out about the entire Robin thing
·      Heeeellllllllll no
·      You didn’t let that happen at all
·      Bruce actually commented and said that if you were that stubborn, Damian should probably keep you
·      Fashion week becomes more tiring and you also hate not being able to see Damian as much
·      He comes and visits though to make sure you don’t throw yourself out a window or something lol
·      When it’s over, you guys always take a long vacation to Lake Tahoe in a house Bruce owns on the Nevada side
·      He loves seeing your studio since it’s so organized and colorful
·      You’ve got walls of mood boards and mannequins with unfinished garments everywhere along with a massive soft couch that one of you is always sprawled out on
·      Sometimes he’ll send you pictures of pretty things he thinks you’d might like which ends up being incorporated into something
·      You taught him how to drape and make his own suit so that Alfred can have a day off
·      If anyone has a wardrobe malfunction and you’re around, you’ve got the needle and thread kit on hand at any given moment
·      Some things in the kit come in handy for picking locks too
·      He thinks it’s hilarious if you ever critique something or just call it straight ugly
·      If you’re at a gala and do it it’s even funnier
·      “Omg...”
·      “What is it beloved?”
·      “The drape and hem of that dress is the most preposterous thing I think I have ever seen. The fabric isn’t even the right material or fit for their shape. How rich are these people? And they can’t afford clothes that look decent on them?” You said giving them the famous inspecting side eye, “Also, who wears pearls with double sided sequins and fur?” “They can’t fix everything sweetie.”
·      *intense snickering from Damian*
Tim Drake (Software/ Web Designer):
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·      It’s a match made in heaven
·      The two of you meet at a tech conference
·      He thought that you were such an interesting person to talk to and you had offers from places like MIT
·      You got along so well and then he found that you liked coffee like he did
·      Omg
·      He asked you out in the nerdiest way by making you decipher code on your own computer
·      You were kind of mad since you had been doing some other things for some major companies but after reading the message you determined you were fine with it
·      I mean how could you say no
·      Anyways the date when off great and eventually the media caught heavy wind of what was happening
·      You already knew about the Red Robin thing pretty quickly into the relationship though
·      Tim was a genius and you weren’t far behind
·      It was scary how similar you two were
·      From expressions and shared humor and meme taste, it was everything
·      Staying up together was another thing you did
·      Although, after some time one of you would pass out and the other would go to bed too
·      It was like a competition in sorts of who could stay up the longest but at the same time you needed him to sleep
·      The time he felt most betrayed by you was when you replaced his coffee with decaf
·      You guys just sometimes hang out in his bed tangled up in the weirdest way watching vines or weird movies
·      Totally the couple that would watch the worst rated movies just to laugh at them
·      Damian commented on it once and got a tired middle finger from you once
·      It wasn’t the classiest move however you couldn’t care less and Tim laughed his ass off
·      After that Damian seemed to respect you more
·      You guys probably have matching hoodies or something with really funny or obscure culture references
·      Clingy couple but nothing too over dramatic
Bart Allen:
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·      Your designs in architecture went down in text books
·      You were famous for some really amazing builds and constructions
·      You started off by building these really insane LEGO sets or doll houses based off of designs in your notebook
·      Your mother still has the models in the attic which is kind of embarrassing when he sees it but he thinks it’s really cool
·      When he came to your time line he knew immediately who you were
·      He also totally came to you and complimented your work plus some additional hinting at what was going to happen pretty soon
·      Bart was there at the rise of your success
·      He basically was your number one fan the entire time
·      He’ll stay up with you as long as he can when you’re working
·      It’s kind of funny seeing that when you’re designing the things you went down in history for you’ll be stuck on something and he’ll just tiredly recommend what he remembers learning
·      You let him look through the designs sometimes but he understands if you don’t really feel comfortable with it
·      He also knows that in order to do all of this, you’re wicked smart
·      When the cave needed remodeling, you were the first person that they called in
·      The League was very glad that you were there and they didn’t have to pull any strings to get anyone different in
·      Plus, you knew what was needed since you were there all of the time
Kon Kent:
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·      You got your start writing
·      It was the best thing that you did to relive stress
·      Once your parents saw that you were such an imaginative child, they got you in a ton of art related classes but you liked writing the most
·      Your writings had won awards before but then you wrote a book and it did amazing
·      So now, that’s what you do
·      Kon secretly actually really likes your books and met you at a book signing
·      Nerd
·      He got your number there and then you realized who he was
·      It was kind of funny cause you were both in that moment of realization like
·      Ohhhhh I know who you are.... kinda thing
·      He finds it hilarious that sometimes you’re just all over the place
·      When doing research your room isn’t terrible messy, it’s just piles and piles of notes and articles
·      You also probably have an expansive collection of literature yourself ranging from all genres
·      You don’t really like him to proof the book, however if you have an idea for something he’s all ears
·      Coffee dates to strange hole in the wall joints
·      Clark really likes you and finds your humor funny in the sense that it’s close to Bruce’s
·      Both very sarcastic and dry
·      Lex is just glad that his son found someone with an intellect
·      You don’t really like Lex though
·      That’s because you hear everything that Kon has to say about him
·      Although, without giving the man too much credit, the charade that he plays on the daily in quite impressive
·      You will never admit it however
·      Ma and Pa love you
·      So does Lois
·      You get along because of the writing
·      Sometimes Kon will just take you to some random part of the world if you need inspiration
·      “Hey wanna fly to Morocco?”
·      “Why not?”
·      You make a day trip out of it but if it’s a long one you’ll stay longer
·      Short distance he’ll fly you himself but overseas or something, he takes one of Lex’s jets
·      He likes to tease you sometimes but will take it easy during the editing phase
·      Those aren’t fun at alllll
·      You get cranky sometimes during that and he just backs off lol
·      He will make you sleep though
·      He doesn’t want you turning into Tim or anything for an extended amount of time
·      Nope
·      Not doing it
Jamie Reyes:
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·      The team didn’t know anything about your job as an artist
·      You were internationally revered
·      No one knew of your job but for the boy wonder who saw the paint in your hair
·      Once the team did know however, everyone was amazed
·      You and Jamie were already dating by then though
·      He was always impressed with what you did
·      Laughed when you were covered in paint
·      He lets you paint or draw on his hand
·      You both have matching hoodies or jackets from your clothing line or merch that you painted
·      If you have a YouTube channel, he’s in some of the videos
·      Scarab notes that you have a more creative personality which Jamie responds to with a sarcastic remark
·      Your clothes are partly covered in paint
·      He’ll go to every show
·      During the Reach thing you still stayed with him
I have more parts of the Damian Wayne x reader story coming and also requests but I’m just getting into school which is my priority so that’s why I’ve been a bit more inactive. Anyways I hope you liked this one and I can’t wait to put out more 
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mycatshuman · 5 years ago
Good Deeds
Warnings: slight angst, Remus drunk, Mrs. Deeds is a bitch, let me know if I missed any.
Pairings: Eventual Prinxiety, background logicality
Sorry I didn't post last week, I got a new phone and I don't have the links to all the parts anymore and I haven't felt like getting them, but I did for this story so I could post this. (I didn't put the Masterlist link for most of my work because I forgot about it and I just want to get this posted. Sorry.)
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Roman hummed as he took the pot of mac and cheese off the stove and set it down on top of a pot holder on the dining room table. After that he grabbed the hot dogs and set them on the table beside the pot. With one last quick check to make sure that he had the plates and utensils that they would need to eat, Roman smiled and left the dining room to go get Thomas for dinner. He walked into the room he had designated for Thomas. 
"Prince Thomas, dinner is ready. Please join me in the dining room," Roman said as he projected his voice dramatically. 
Thomas looked up from where he was playing with some legos. "What's for dinner?" 
"Mac and cheese and hot dogs, sir." 
Thomas's face split into a grin and he shot up and raced past Roman. Roman chuckled as he followed and found Thomas already sitting at the table. Roman quickly plated their food before sitting down and beginning to dig in. "So," Roman started. "How was school today?" 
"It was good," Thomas began. "We learned some stuff. And Joan and Talyn and I played Dragon Witch," Thomas stopped to eat some more food. 
"Dragon Witch?" Roman paused in his eating. "I've never heard of that before, what is it?"
"Well, a dragon witch is a witch that can turn into a dragon and Joan Talyn and I choose who is the dragon witch and then who isn't the dragon witch is a royal and a knight and we have to defeat the dragon witch." 
"Interesting," Roman commented. "Is a dragon witch similar to Maleficent?" 
"No-" Thomas paused as he took a moment to think about it. "Wait! Yes!" He exclaimed as he had a realization that Maleficent was a dragon witch.
Roman hummed, impressed. "Wow! I'm honored to be having dinner with someone who can handle a dragon witch!" Thomas giggled and Roman smiled softly. 
The room went silent for a little bit as the two ate their dinner. Roman stopped eating for a moment as he watched Thomas eat. "I talked to your brother earlier today."  
Thomas dropped his fork. "What'd he say?" 
"He said he should be released in a few days." 
"Can we go see him soon?" 
"Yeah, we can go tomorrow." 
Thomas grinned. "Thank you!" Thomas went back to eating as Roman smiled and did the same. 
Roman laughed as Thomas ran into Virgil's hospital room and climbed up onto the bed. Virgil pulled him into a big hug as Roman walked into the room with another balloon Thomas wanted to give his brother. "Roman said you'd be getting out soon!" 
"He's right, buddy." Virgil smiled as his brother beamed at him. "It'll be in the next few days." Where are you going to go? The question nagged at the back of Virgil's brain but he shoved in harshly aside in favor of spending time with his brother. 
"Can we dye our hair again?" Thomas asked as he began playing with the hospital blanket. 
Virgil bit his lip. Was Roman actually going to help them out? Would he be mad if I wasted money on hair dye?  "We'll see-" 
"Yeah!" Roman exclaimed. "We should all get our hair dyed!" Thomas looked over to Roman as his face lit up and he let out a squeal of excitement. Virgil froze. Wait, what? That wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to get mad and stop helping us. "Although, you two will have to help me seeing as I've never had my hair dyed before. If I mess it up will it turn my skin rainbow?" 
Thomas giggled. "No! It'll just be like if you get paint on you!" 
Roman let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness, I was worried." 
Virgil felt himself calming down as his brother giggled at Roman. "What color were you thinking?" He asked as he blocked out his negative thoughts. 
Roman looked thoughtful for a few moments before turning to Thomas. "What do you think, little Prince?" 
Thomas climbed out of the hospital bed and stood back at a distance as he put his fingers up like he was checking angles for a camera. Virgil laughed as his brother inspected Roman. The other adult looked downright nervous. Pure entertainment for Virgil. "Maybe red?" 
Roman gasped. "My favorite color! How'd you know?" 
Virgil gasped dramatically. "Oh my goodness! Thomas, did you hear that? You two have the same favorite color!" Thomas gasped before he laughed and hugged Roman. 
"We can get matching hair colors just like Virgil and I did!" 
Virgil could see the sparkling stars in Roman's eyes as his face lit up. "Oh my stars, yes!" Roman picked Thomas up and began twirling around the room with him. "We would be like twins!!!!" He exclaimed as Thomas giggled and shrieked with joy. Virgil felt his cheeks color from embarrassment over smiling so much in one day. 
"You guys are dorks," he commented. 
The two "dorks" as Virgil called them stopped and looked at Virgil. They looked at him and then looked at each other before looking at him again. They looked at each other and then turned back to Virgil where their faces split into a wicked grin. "Uhhhhh," Virgil began. "You guys are scaring me." 
Thomas hopped forward. "You can join us, Virgil! We can all be matching!!!" 
"What?!?" Virgil shrieked. "No!" 
"Please!" Roman begged as he got on his knees and scooted over to Virgil's bedside and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. 
"No," Virgil responded and turned away from him before the eyes actually worked only to be hit with puppy dog eyes from Thomas. "And then he cracked. "Fine! We can all get matching hair dyes." 
"Yay!" The other two exclaimed leaving Virgil to wonder how the hell did he ever feel intimidated by Roman. 
Roman led Virgil and Thomas into an apartment a few days after Virgil got out of the hospital. "There's a bathroom here and a bed room here, and this is a second right next to it," Roman explained as he walked them through the apartment. 
"Do you need me to clean it?" Virgil asked, hoping this was going to help him get the money for a place for him and his brother so they wouldn't be bothering Roman. 
"Clean?" Roman asked, confused for a moment before laughing. "Oh, no! I want you two to live here?" 
Virgil blinked. "What?" He looked around. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you so much-" he said, assuming the other was tired of him getting in his way. 
"No! That's not it, I just figured you would want your space and-" Roman flushed bright red. "-I don't want you to feel like we have to go faster in this relationship. I want you to be able to not feel obligated to move faster. We're taking it slow and yeah." Virgil blushed as Roman bit his lip. "It's a corporate apartment. And we have a few of them, but you can live here as long as you like." 
"I-I don't know if I can accept this." 
"Please, Virgil. Do it for Thomas. I promise you, this does not mean you owe me anything, I swear." 
Virgil hugged himself as he thought it over. "Okay," he began. "Okay. Thank you so much." 
Roman smiled. "No problem." 
"Can I jump on the bed?" Thomas asked as he came out of the one bedroom he had been looking in.
The adults laughed. "Of course!" Roman exclaimed. "Have fun!" 
Thomas grinned and ran in and began jumping on the bed as Roman turned back to Virgil. "Now, I'm going to take you guys grocery shopping, but it doesn't have to be now. You guys can focus on moving your things in and I can bring you some takeout to eat while you work or we can get the food first?" 
Tears pooled in Virgil's eyes causing Roman to think he did something wrong until Virgil wrapped his arms around him and cried into his chest. "Thank you thank you thank you!" 
Roman smiled and hugged him back. "You're welcome. I'm so happy you are happy." 
"Beyond happy," Virgil mumbled into the other's chest, unaware of the heat coloring Roman's cheeks. "Thank you."
Roman and Logan looked up as a light knock sounded. "Virgil!" Roman exclaimed as his face broke into a wide smile. Logan shot a glance to Roman before looking back at the man in the doorway to Roman's office. "Come in! Come in!" 
Virgil nervously stepped into the office and gave a small nod to Logan. "Virgil, it's nice to see you. Patton has been updating me on how you and Thomas have been doing but it is simply not the same. Maybe we can work out a time to get together soon." 
"Yeah," Virgil said lamely. 
Roman bit his lip. It seemed Virgil was friends with Patton and Logan but he wasn't enough to tell them his situation. It made Roman feel weird. Warm. He of course knew that Virgil hadn't told him of their situation on purpose but, it made him feel slightly warm that Virgil allowed him to remain in the know. 
"I will take my leave now, Patton and I have a lunch date," Logan excused himself and left the two alone. 
Virgil bit his lip as an awkward silence filled the room. He sighed. "Can I take you to lunch?" 
Roman's eyes lit up. "Of course!" Roman stood up and stepped out from behind his desk.
Virgil smiled. "I'll lead the way," and Virgil walked out first, Roman following behind. The two got into the elevator and Virgil pushed the button for the bottom floor before turning to Roman. "Just to let you know, we're walking." 
Roman narrowed his eyes. "So, it's somewhere we can walk to, hhmm."
Virgil snorted. "You really can't wait until we get there to find out?" 
"I'm impatient! I can't help it!" Roman whined which only caused Virgil to laugh more. Roman became too distracted to even think about where they could be going as he was basking in the beauty that was Virgil's laugh. Virgil, however, quickly slapped him outta it. "Ow!" Roman exclaimed. 
Virgil chuckled. "Stop staring at me then. Come on, let's go." 
The two hopped off the elevator and left the building. They walked on the sidewalk, weaving their way past other people chatting lightly until Virgil stopped in front of a small shop. "Here we are," he said and opened the door for Roman. "After you." 
Roman blushed. "Thank you." He stepped inside and looked around curiously. The sign outside had read Fairytale Diner and it did not disappoint. The inside of the shop looked like it was straight out of a storybook. The walls were painted with a gorgeous landscape. Beautiful green forests with a shimmering blue-green river. Fairy lights were strung up along the walls and they twinkled as if they held a magical secret. As Roman and Virgil were seated, he noticed that each chair seemed to be designed to look like thrones. And each table looked like the round table from the King Arthur legend. Upon receiving the menu, he noticed each dish was named after a fairytale. 
"How did you find this place?" He said in awe. 
Virgil laughed. "I did some digging. I like themed restaurants and this one seemed cool so I took Thomas here one time and he loved it. Figured a Disney geek like yourself would like it too." 
Roman smiled. "Yeah, you're right about that." 
"I'm glad." 
As the two men enjoyed their food, they talked about whatever crossed their minds. The conversation seemed to flow easily, between the two, no hiccups that Virgil worried about occurred. It was a perfect little lunch date. Nice and cozy. And as the two made their way back to the office, they just walked in comfortable silence. They said a quick goodbye at the doors to the office building before they parted ways. Virgil would rest some more and Roman would go back to work. 
Roman floated through the doorway to his office on a high. 
Logan raised an eyebrow. "I assume you are feeling a metaphorical high from your lunch with Virgil, is that a correct assumption?" 
"Yeah," Roman sighed happily. "It was amazing." 
"I could deduce as such. Now, on to business He accepted it." 
"Virgil accepted my proposal?" Roman asked as he began to slowly wake up from his daydream. 
Logan pinched the bridge of his nose. "No, we're talking business, Roman." Logan sighed. "Your company's competitor has accepted the agreement, you will be taking them over once both parties sign the papers." 
"Oh!" Roman exclaimed, effectively having been broken out of his daydream. "That's great." Roman supposed. He felt slightly guilty for not being as excited about this as he was about his lunch with Virgil but, he really didn't enjoy his job. No matter how much he tried to. "I'll call my mom and tell her…" Roman said numbly as he moved over to his desk and picked up his office phone. 
Logan frowned. "No, hey, let's get the agreements signed first, okay Roman?" Logan pushed the phone back down and guided his friend to his seat. "We can have everyone come here on Monday and make the announcement then and celebrate. Okay?" Roman nodded. "Okay, go-ahead and get yourself lost in your fantasy for a bit longer, I'm sure you'd rather think about Virgil than anything else." 
"Thank you," Roman sighed. He really did have the best friends he could ask for. 
Roman stood in front of his employees as he held a glass of champagne. "I just have to tell you that my father, Walter Deeds is smiling down from heaven on this moment right now. We took over the competitor that caused him a lot of stress over th years and I'm very proud of it. I know my mother, Ms. Wilimena Deeds is also very proud of it. Thank you everyone. And don't drink too much we still have four more hours of work left," Roman chuckled. His employees cheered as he toasted his glass.
The elevator doors opened and he turned to see Virgil step through the doors anxiously. Roman's face lit up. "Virgil!" He exclaimed happily and went to meet him. Remus raised an eyebrow as he watched his brother. Their mother looked at Virgil suspiciously. "How are you doing?" Roman asked brightly. 
"I, uh," Virgil fidgeted with the sleeves of his hoodie. "I didn't know this was going on, I can call you later-" Virgil moved to leave but Roman shook his head. "No, it's okay, what did you want?" 
"Who is he?" Roman's mother asked. 
Remus snorted. "What? Don't you ever see "the help"? He's a janitor." 
"A janitor?" Their mother asked, disgusted. Ms. Deeds' eyes narrowed as she walked over to the two. "Hello," she greeted, her voice sickly sweet. 
"Oh," Roman started as he noticed his mother, his smile dimmed. "This is my mother, Wilimena. Mother, this is Virgil." 
Ms. Deeds smiled. "How long have you known my son?"
Virgil unnoticeably frowned. "Uh, I don't know. A little month or so?" 
Ms. Deeds smiled as if she knew something Virgil didn't. "You know my son has a penchant for projects. He loves taking them on, renovating them. Buying small businesses and making them bigger and better. Then he sells them and walks away." 
Roman stared at his mom dumbfounded as Virgil bit his lip and shifted uncomfortably. "Do you really have to suck the life out of everyone you meet, mother?" Remus asked. 
Ms. Deeds' nose flared in anger. "Go home, you're drunk." 
"You only pay attention to me when I make a scene!" Remus screamed. Roman sighed and guided Virgil to the elevator. "Come on, let's get out of here." 
Remus followed them and stormed into the elevator and began pressing random buttons rapidly to leave quicker. The doors closed and they began moving until the elevator stopped. "We're stuck," Virgil said after a moment of not moving. "Oh my god! We're stuck. We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" He began panicking. He slid down the wall and sat with his knees to his chest and buried his face in his knees. Roman kneeled next to him and tried to comfort him as his brother let out a broken laugh. 
"Isn't it ironic?" Remus chuckled humorlessly. "We're all stuck here. Just like you're stuck in a career you don't even want or like," Remus cried angrily. "I hate you!" He screamed before breaking down. Tears dripped from Roman's eyes as he watched his twin break down in front of him for the first time since they were teenagers. It was jarring. And it scared him. And it had scared Virgil too judging by his flinches when Remus yelled. 
And so, the three men cried to themselves as they waited to be rescued from their prisons. 
Everything: @spxced-oxt @superwholocked-for-life @mirror2thespirit @aroundofapplesauce @lyditist @little-euro-girl @unicornofdarknessstuff @maryann-draws @odette-ssbu
Good Deeds: @ureilthealienboio @midnight-personal @supreme-overlord-bubbles @dn-fan21 @soul-of-a-vixen @mellow-yellow-nutella @anxious-but-trying-my-best @sanders-sides-rebloger @kool-bi-69 @ghosttb0y @thevirgantone @prismartist @shamelesslypoetic @icequeenoriginal @are-you-even--real @sparkedawg
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starkerforlife6969 · 6 years ago
Peter who’s really kinda quiet and nerdy and shy but also secretly v kinky- and he keeps teasing tony with it, little things here and there- and Tony’s losing his fucking mind until one day he just snaps
this was...this is gold. I made it way too long also but...I couldn’t stop! 
Tony’s scanning through a very tedious contract at the kitchen counter when Peter stumbles into the tower; home from college. His hair’s a fluffy mess on his head and his large glasses are perched a little off-centred on his nose. He comes racing in and beams at the sight of Tony, whose heart softens a little at the sight of him. 
“Look what Ned got me, Mr Stark!” Peter exclaims, because he’s a walking exclamation point, and everything he says is exuberant and happy. He rifles through his backpack and fishes out a tee that says geology rocks!!! 
Tony stares at it, then at Peter’s rosy face, and then back at the tee. “Whatever makes you happy, kid,” he snorts.
Peter nods enthusiastically, “it’s so cool. And he got me this writing pen knife! It’s not really a penknife, but it’s a pen and you can pull a pencil out of it, and a ruler, and a stencil set and-”
The older man startles suddenly because wait is it Peter’s birthday? Has he forgotten? He’s about to pull up a calendar and fire someone when Peter continues:
“I got him this new LEGO set, and we’re gonna build it together and-”
“Why were you getting each other presents?” 
Peter blinks and looks up from where he’s currently pulling what looks like a protractor out of a bulky pen as he leans over the counter. “Oh, it’s the anniversary of the day we became friends! Ten years ago!” 
Tony hums fondly. Of course. He’s grateful Peter has such good friends. “No parole tonight?” 
Peter shakes his head. “No,” he sighs, but then his voice brightens, “because I have the best assignment for english okay, we have to make a...” 
Slowly, something dawns on Tony. 
Peter is a....he’s a nerd. 
He stares as Peter heads to his bedroom to change, tripping over the coffee table like he does every day despite his spider senses and he resists the urge to gawk, cuz Christ the kid is a nerd. 
He has those big glasses, and loves science puns, and plays with lego and loves work. He laughs at the weirdest things and-
Oh god, how did Tony not put it together sooner? 
In his defence, his first impression of Peter had been as an undercover, albeit smalltime, superhero. Web slinging and people-saving with a heart of gold. The second impression had been that Peter was wicked intelligent, and could design web shooters and understand high-level physics. 
Tony had seen a mini-Tony. Young, fit, intelligent- but no, Peter isn’t hiding coolness under his mask, he doesn’t have any because Peter is a-
He laughs. Fuck. Peter’s a nerd.
It’s adorable. 
And a little arousing. 
He tries not to dwell on that latter one. 
And later, when they’re in the lab, he looks over amusedly to see Peter eagerly putting wires together as he completes his circuit board for the iPod he’s fixing up. Tony’s tinkering around on Rhodey’s suit, and Peter is humming to himself, and they make a nice little team. 
A thought occurs to him. “Hey, you don’t need glasses, do you? Didn’t the spider bite...” he waves his hand to encompass ‘fix everything up’. 
Peter nods, pushing his glasses further up his face with an impish little grin. He has fucking dimples. “Yeah, but I don’t know- they’re kind of a comfort thing, I guess? MJ thinks I do it for fashion but I really don’t.”
Tony can believe it, especially when the next day, the kid wears a fucking sweater vest like it’s normal. 
It should be cute and that’s that. He should leave it at that. 
Except Tony kind of likes it. When he was Peter’s age, he’d been working on his Masters, but he’d still been at college. Where he was popular, charismatic and well-liked, and all he can think about is pinning Peter to the wall and watching that shy little blush creep across his skin and-
Fuck. No. He shouldn’t be thinking stuff like that. 
The two of them are spending another companionable evening in the lab, and Peter is buried in a book except his phone keeps buzzing and he keeps getting this little grin on his face and Tony can’t hold his curiosity. “What’s going on, kid?” He murmurs teasingly, setting down his tools. 
Peter looks up with a start, like he forgot anyone else was in the room with him. “Oh! Sorry, M-Mr Stark,” he says, his voice nervous and stammering- more so than usual. “MJ’s giving me advice.” 
“Oh? Over what?” He can’t really imagine the spunky, slightly scary, girl offering advice. 
“Well,” Peter dips his head a little; biting his bottom lip and Tony has to curl his hands into a fist under the table. “This guy in our class- Harry, he asked me out for a date!” 
Fury, quick as a flash, comes and goes and Tony manages a small smile. “That’s great, Pete.”
“It’s my first date!” Peter exclaims, sighing dreamily, “and MJ’s telling me what to wear and how I should act, you know?” 
His first date. The kid’s a virgin- probably only ever kissed before, and not properly at that. Tony wants it. He wants all of it so hard it hurts. “I didn’t realise you liked Harry,” he says lightly, and Peter pauses. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you’re going on a date with him. Do you like him?” 
Peter looks confused like the words don’t all make sense. “I-he- he asked me out, Mr Stark.”
The kid’s so sweet. So naive and precious. What would he do if Tony wasn’t around? “I get that, but do you like him in that way? Do you think he’s attractive?”
“I-” Peter pauses again, as if really thinking about it for the first time. “He is handsome,” he says slowly, and Tony grits his teeth, “but I don't know if he’s my- Mr Stark, it doesn’t matter! He’s asked me out and I’ve never been asked out before and-”
“Peter,” Tony murmurs, “you don’t have to say yes to the first guy who asks you out. You’re clever, kind and attractive. You’ll be beating them away with a stick- just trust me.”
Peter’s cheeks turn the most delicious shade of red and his eyes seem to look anywhere but Tony. “Really?” He whispers, and Tony nods. 
“Absolutely.” He says, and he watches the boy flush with pleasure. 
Peter ends up saying no to Harry, and Tony tries not to feel smug about it all week. He’s also been having dreams. Troubling dreams about his protege which involve a lot of moaning and dirty uses of the Iron Man suit. 
One Saturday morning, Peter limps out of his bedroom after a particularly gruelling encounter on patrol last night. Tony immediately pours him some orange juice and Peter eases onto the stools of the breakfast bar. “You doing alright, kid?” He asks sympathetically, trying not to ogle all the smooth skin on display as Peter’s night shirt practically swamps him. 
“Yeah,” Peter grins after a large gulpful- his lips all shiny and wet- “I’m healing super fast, but hey, Mr Stark, can I ask you a question?” 
“The floor is yours.”
“Do any of the Avengers ever wish that- like, I don’t know- maybe their super healing could be slowed down sometimes? Or that they could control it?”
Tony frowns, trying to understand the uses of that. “I don’t think so, why?”
Peter bites his lip but tilts his head to the side to show off the long line of his neck. Tony can see little purple bruises- almost gone now, dotted along the side. Peter was covered with them last night, and the thought makes him feel protective and possessive all at once. “You see these?” Tony nods, “well, when I-” Peter uses two of his fingers to press hard over one of the bruises and lets out a long, deep moan that has Tony frozen in place. “Sometimes,” Peter continues, his voice low and his fingers still pressing against the bruises, “sometimes that ache feels really good, right? Or is that just me?’
Shit. Fuck. Shit. Tony finds himself reaching forward against his will and knocking Peter’s fingers out of the way so he can use his own. He presses just like Peter did, but a little harder and watches as the boy’s eyes flutter shut and he lets out a sigh of contentment and Tony has to yank his hand away like he’s been scalded. “Happens to all of us,” he manages faux-lightly, “maybe your spider thing makes you a bit more sensitive.” 
Peter doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s way too innocent, way too inexperienced about the world to know that he’s- fuck Tony wants to fuck him till he’s sore. Till the bruises cover that marble skin and then when they heal, he can do it all over again. 
He thinks it’s a one off. 
He’s wrong.
The following month sees him rescuing Peter from a weird octopus man who has him shackled to the wall. Peter was never in any real danger, but Tony shoots some lasers into the man just to prove a point, and as he goes to free Spiderman from the wall, Peter tugs against them. 
“Leave them on, for a sec, Mr Stark?” He pants, and Tony swallows hard when he sees the swell of an erection through Peter’s suit. The boy pulls harder at the chains around his wrists and lets out a moan like he can’t help himself. “It-it f-feels so good,” he whimpers, sounding so confused and lost, like he can’t help but buck his hips a little and strain against the binds. “Why does it feel good, Mr Stark?” 
Because you’re perfect and you were made for me Tony wants to say. Instead he says: “He must’ve put something in the metal.” He thanks god that his erection is hidden. 
Tony’s starting to have a really hard time controlling himself now. If the image of Peter as a nerd turns him on, then the image of a nerdy Peter completely engulfed in kinks he didn’t even know he had- is driving him mad. He watches the boy like a hawk, the way that he bites his lip hard whenever the smart-tech of his suit creeps up his torso and over his nipples- like he likes the cold, hard little plates rubbing against his dusky peaks. 
Tony watches as Peter tugs his fingers through his hair over a tough assignment question- the way he pulls at the strands, harder and harder until he’s panting a little and his eyes have slipped shut and he’s forgotten about the question altogether. 
It comes to a head when they’re about to leave for a gala. 
Peter comes out of his bedroom in the suit that Tony had made for him (it’s complimentary to Tony’s in every way, just like Peter) except his bowtie is undone around his neck. “I can’t do it- woah! Mr Stark, you look incredible!”
Tony knows, but still, he feels good when the kid says it. He rolls his eyes and beckons Peter over, taking the black ends in his fingers and tugging the boy close. 
He realises that this is a mistake. Because he’s not- he’s not the paternal, mentor figure he should be. He’s not- he’s- he’s someone who likes the way his cologne smells on Peter. Who likes the look of Peter in a suit purposely just a little too tight. 
Peter’s looking up at him, his sweet breath fanning over Tony’s face and Tony doesn’t look at him- focuses on the bow. 
It’s all too intimate, and in his haste to finish the job and get away before he does something stupid, he ends up fastening the bow just a little too tight. 
“Shit, sorry, buddy, let me just-”
Peter’s hands are suddenly on his wrists, and Tony meets those big, brown eyes. “A little tighter,” Peter murmurs, wetting his lips, “please,”
Tony can hear his heart thundering in his ears and does fasten it just a little tighter, and is rewarded with a lovely little gasp and he’s going to have to go the bathroom before they leave, when Peter takes Tony’s right hand and guides it down his body.
Tony stares in awe as Peter places Tony’s palm over his crotch and bucks into him slightly. “Mr Stark,” he whispers, voice a whine, “sometimes I get really hard right here-” he grinds his dick into Tony’s hand and fuck, yes it is hard- he can feel the wetness seeping through- “and I don’t know why.”
Tony’s eyes snap to Peter’s face immediately and those eyes are wide but they’re not innocent at all. They’re fucking knowing. There’s a smirk on his lips and a teasing little grin. This has all been- this whole thing has been a fucking play. The boy’s a tease and Tony’s fallen right into his trap and-and-
“That happens sometimes, baby,” Tony growls, right into the shell of Peter’s ear, as he grabs the boy’s dick more firmly and Peter mewls without restraint. “I can show you how to take care of it though. If you trust me.”
Peter nods desperately, but his eyes are still so fucking smug and triumphant and Tony doesn’t even care that he’s lost this round. 
Loser or not, he still got the prize. 
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alphagthewriter · 5 years ago
Day 2: Rainy Day (Febufluff) - MCU
Summary: Peter and Grace, also known as Spider-Man and Alpha Moon, have a day off from school. With the rain pouring outside they can’t go patrolling, so they have some adventures indoors. 
Today was super grey and boring outside. Clouds coated the previously blue sky and rain thundered on the rooftop. Pete and I had the day off from school because of a teacher workshop. Originally, we were going to go over to Ned’s house for a couple hours to hangout watch movies and probably build one or two of Ned’s lego sets, but something came up on Ned’s end so we couldn’t go over. On top of that, our suits were nowhere near water proof, and I certainly didn’t want to go out in the rain with a non-waterproof suit and have to deal with the wet suit and wet fur when I got back. 
    The other kids were at school and Mrs. White was working at her other job, so Peter and I basically had the place to ourselves for a little bit. I figured since no one was home I might as well use my half-form to have some fun. Earlier Peter and I had raced around the building, Peter climbing the walls to escape me, and me being totally unfair shifting into my wolf form to run faster and further away from him. It was fun! 
    Peter and I are always using this room to its full purpose. Even if the other kids didn’t use it all the time because of whatever Pete and I would come in here and watch movies while working on homework, our suits when no one was home, or when Peter fixed up some of his old tech he got from dumpster diving. I’ve helped him on a few occasions, but he’s good with engineering and fixing up computers and stuff while I’m better at working with airplanes, or different theories about how stuff works, not actually fixing up things. 
    After our wicked adventures of earlier I had relaxed down on the back of the chair in the dining room; my tail hanging lasily off the chair. My ears perked up when Peter came into the room. He was carrying a lego set under one arm and a set of blankets and pillows under the other arm while keeping a movie carefully under his chin. He carefully dropped the pillows on a chair and adjusted his hand so he could grab the movie. It was Star Wars Episode V: Empire Strikes Back. “Get the movie set up. I’ll be back in a little bit.” Peter practically skipped out of the room towards what I assumed was the kitchen. It confirmed my theory when I heard a loud crash of pots and pans and a muffled, “I’m ok!” from Peter. I started moving towards the door to the living room. I had abandoned the lego set knowing that even if we did get to it there was no way we would finish it then. We would 100% get distracted by the movie. The rug was stained from the littler kids spilling drinks and such on them, but it still kept its original floral design. The couch was a dark brown leather with a few small rips patched up with duct tape though I had offered multiple times to fix it or try and save up to get a new one. I grabbed the blankets and pillows from where Peter left them and organized them into a nest on the floor. Specifically the floor because it had much more room than the couch.     The remote in hand I curled up into a comfortable position, while I waited for Peter to be done. I heard some pops from the other room followed by Peter taking out a bowl from the cupboard. Sounds I had heard enough times that I could easily identify them from almost anywhere in the building with my enhanced hearing. “Peter, please don’t burn yourself while making popcorn. Please and thank you!” I called. I heard some unintelligible noise of yes come from him. Not exactly what I would have liked to hear, but it was at least something compared to the chance of getting nothing from him.     Footsteps came from the kitchen, Peter’s light ones that barely sounded like they hit the floor. “Popcorn is here!” He called with a goofy grin on his face. “Butter and a touch of salt exactly how you like it!” He tossed a piece at me and I lunged to the side to catch it in my mouth. The butter tasted so good with the salt and the soft popcorn let out a small crunch in my mouth.     “Amazing, Pete!” I said while grabbing a fistful more. He put the bowl of popcorn on the floor in front of the nest and crawled in next to me. It was slightly cold in the place and with Peter’s inability to thermoregulate because of the Spider DNA he always needed to be warmed by something actually warm. Such as another person or a heated blanket. Normal blankets would do nothing to help him thermoregulate properly. I laid my arm over his shoulder as I used my other arm to hit the play button on the remote.     The opening credits showed up across the screen and the familiar spaceship introduced the movie by doing a flyover. I watched intently feeling Peter rub soothing circles into my back while I comforted him as best I could. With the stressful life we lead as superheroes sometimes its really nice to just chillax and forget about all the pain that comes with the job description. Though I would never quit the superhero bis because of what Peter said once when Ironman asked us to come to Germany with him. ‘When you can do the things that I can, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen? They happen because of you.’ Our excuse to get away from the orphanage was really stupid too. ‘Our friend who lives in Germany asked us to come and visit him for a few days. We were wondering if we could go.’ When she asked for proof I showed a picture of one of my friends from high school that left with an expertly photoshopped picture of him with a landmark in Germany. It worked when we said he would be paying for the flights there and back. Technically it wasn’t fully a lie. We were going to visit an acquaintance in Germany, and he would be paying for tickets over there. I directed my attention back to the movie and we relaxed. It was nice and calming. I wish we could do this more often, but other people’s lives need saving. Peter cleared his throat quietly, “I’m glad I got to make the best of this rainy day with you.” Peter said quietly as if not to disrupt the movie. I let out a muted chuckle at that. Dang, I love my brother. “I’m glad I got to spend this rainy day with you too, Pete.”    By - AlphaGtheWriter
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fabermemorialrink · 7 years ago
some mistake, part 7
Last part of chapter two! Chowder’s back, and we meet some new friends!
Also, a quick PSA: if I ever screw up with regards to race/gender/sexuality (or anything else), please don’t hesitate to let me know so I can do better! I want everyone to have a positive reading experience. Thanks!!
Chowder’s reaction to Dex bleeding on his shoes was a complex cocktail of fascination and disturbed worry: the cherry on top of a very informative face journey that Derek studied like visual poetry as Dex caught him up to speed. Like Derek, Chowder emphatically refused to stop visiting, which they proved so often that Dex had to kick them out after they skipped a team game night.
More often than not, Derek and Chowder head over to see Dex together, though there are times when one of them is too busy with work to go. Derek loves being part of a trio, but he also appreciates the time he gets to spend with each of his friends individually. Chowder’s roomie is often out and about socializing, so Derek takes to setting up a base camp on C’s floor, where they study and philosophize together. Most questions are open-ended and profound (who would win in a fight, Mr. Rogers or Elmo? would you rather sleep on legos or have a splinter in your tongue?), but the most important question of all cycles back into rotation every few days:
What’s up with Dex and the forest?
Chowder thinks it’s better not to prod, but Derek can’t leave it alone. It’s a secret, but the kind that Dex is willing to entertain guesses about. He archly shoots down Derek’s suggestions that he might be a woodland nymph like the girls, and repeatedly insists that if he had any kind of therianthropy, he would have already shifted and eaten one of Derek’s limbs in annoyance.
It comes up again in conversation when Derek’s helping Dex cut up invasive vines again. Knowing that the forest is alive puts this activity in a new light; Dex tells him that he knows which plants belong to the woods, and which ones the forest considers a threat, so Derek just follows suit and rips out the roots he’s instructed to. There was a lingering uneasiness at the thought of touching the plants again at first, but they’re in the outer ring, where the light filters in, and Dex promises that if anything tries to grab Derek again, he’ll hatchet it right off. Maybe he should be more freaked out, but he can almost feel the truce between himself and the forest now. At the very least, Dex’s presence always makes him feel at ease.
“How’s it going? Not too tough for your delicate poet’s hands, is it?” Dex calls over across the grove. The sleeves of his plaid shirt have been rolled up, and his hatchet and lantern have been put aside next to Derek’s calc homework that Dex was looking over - dangling from the lantern’s wire handle are his crab keychain and a small bottle filled with a rainbow of miniscule origami lucky stars that Chowder gifted him. There’s dirt all over Dex’s knees and hands, but his posture is loose and he seems content. It's a good look for him.
Derek makes an obscene gesture in his direction. Dex wholeheartedly refuses to believe that Derek would ever drop his gloves during a game, citing Derek’s chill masquerade and elegant piano student fingers which would surely shatter on some goon’s cheekbones. Derek’s not big on fighting either, but he resents the implication that he couldn’t at least hold his own to defend his teammates.
“What, you wanna have a go at me?” Dex says with a grin, straightening up to his full height, which is still obnoxiously taller than Derek.
Derek snorts, kicking a clump of roots and dirt toward him. “Don’t go crying to Chowder when I whoop your ass, you skinny bastard.”
“Right, like you wouldn’t trip over your own head while trying to throw a punch. I’m not going to fight you, pretty boy.”
The way he says those words isn’t much different from the Wicked Witch of the West calling Dorothy ‘my pretty,’ but it causes a curl of embarrassment in Derek’s stomach anyway. Dex does this sometimes - calls Derek pretty in that wry tone of his. But it’s not pointedly sarcastic, like the way he gets when he’s intentionally needling Derek about rich people stuff, so Derek is left wondering what it’s supposed to mean. He knows he has nice eyes, and that he’ll hopefully grow into the good facial features he inherited from his parents, but currently, he’s just kind of plain, and full of teenage awkward. Nothing close to pretty.
Still, when Dex says it with a hint of smile Derek’s dumb guts do a strange twisting thing where he thinks they might turn inside out, accompanied by a tightness in his chest from being put on the spot. Not chill. But it's probably good for him to get it out of his system now, in preparation for the far future when someone really does compliment him so he doesn't look like a total loser.
Still, it always gives him a second of pause, throwing a hiccup into his thought process and leaving him scrambling for words, like now. “Are you a witch?” he winds up asking, apropos of nothing, still stuck on the thought of Dex zooming around on a broomstick and cursing young girls from Kansas.
“Am I a witch,” Dex repeats, raising an eyebrow. Derek almost goes to change the subject, then thinks on it a moment, and decides he actually does want to hear the answer to this.
“Yeah, or a wizard? Or whatever the preferred terminology is.”
Dex’s brow wrinkles, and he shakes his head like Derek is a particularly foolish child. “I’m not a witch, Nursey. Where’d you get that idea from?”
“Never mind. Are you a cryptid?”
“Animals or creatures known only through anecdotal evidence, like the sasquatch, or-”
“I know what a fuckin’ cryptid is, you dope, but I’m not some kind of goat man-”
Derek chuckles at the expression Dex is sporting. He looks utterly offended. “I was thinking more like the Dover Demon? Glowing orange eyes, weird-ass hands…”
“You’re dead to me,” Dex laughs. And he pointedly ignores Derek for the next ten minutes until Derek literally jumps on him. He successfully catches him, arms wrapped tight around Derek’s middle, but keels over when his knees give out.
So, no progress on that end, but Derek isn’t going to forget about it anytime soon.
Winter is wild and blustery this year, and Dex decides they can’t meet his friends until after all the snow has passed. Derek tries asking a few times, but Dex always buries his face in Derek’s latest history essay and starts commenting loudly in order to ignore him. There finally comes a day in February where Derek and Chowder show up on Dex’s figurative doorstep bundled to the nines and freshly brewed bribery hot chocolate. The snow isn’t anything more than a crisp flatbread layer under their boots (which Dex has also bled all over) but he still glares crossly at them nonetheless, trying to shoo them back to the dorms until they force feed him some hot chocolate.
“Dex. Bro. French Vanilla Truffle. Extra marshmallows.”
“Alright, fine, fine, get in here.” Dex finally concedes after he swallows three boiling marshmallows whole.
They stop by a spring that begins in the inner ring, though the other end of the water seems to disappear into a haze of shade and foliage. The water is frosted over in shattered panes of ice; Dex crouches down at the embankment and cards his fingers through the weeds as he peers under the surface, but stands shortly after and waves them along.
“She’s not in right now. We’ll have to catch her another day,” he says, and switches on his lantern.
Derek and Chowder link arms when they enter the heart, taking care to follow Dex carefully. Today, the heart is less terrifying, giving off just an aura of general unwelcomeness, but Dex’s steps are sure as ever, like he’s walked this unmarked non-path over the roots and through the maze of trunks a thousand times. They have to readjust to the wildlife noises again, but what’s even weirder is the sound that Derek finally notices coming out of Dex.
It starts off as a kind of uneven hum, but builds up to faint words he can hear when he concentrates.
“Interplanet Janet, she's a galaxy girl…”
“Are you singing Schoolhouse Rock?” Derek asks, trying not to sound as horribly giddy as he feels. He can get Dex to sing with him sometimes: mostly classic rock and Beyonce and pop hits from the mid-aughts. But Dex rarely begins on his own, no matter how much Derek waxes lyrical about his nice voice, which aggrieves Derek to no end.
Dex freezes for a split second, then keeps walking like it never happened. “Uh. It’s been stuck in my head for a while.” Probably since Chowder first started complaining about his independent science paper about new planets, Derek guesses.
“Oh, the grammar ones are the best! I like the adverb song,” Chowder says, starting to hum the starting notes.
Derek can practically see the shock of discomfort running through Dex’s spine, like electricity through a live wire. “It’s catchy, but a little too barbershop for me…”
“Oh my god, they’re not even a quartet,” Derek says in exasperation.
“What about Conjunction Junction?” C suggests next, which Dex agrees easily too, and then they’re off, Dex in a pitchy falsetto and Chowder’s tenor lowered to a raspy growl. Derek holds his breath, not trusting himself not to say something dumb and provoke them into stopping. Chowder has a way of getting Dex to do things that Derek never could in a hundred lifetimes, probably because C has secret mutant powers of persuasiveness and friendship and undetectable bullshittery.
Their duet continues into “Do the Circulation,” complete with Chowder spinning Dex around on his arm in a sloppy swing-dance, and Derek curses the forest gods and anyone else listening for not letting his fucking phone work out here, because when else will he ever get the chance to record this masterpiece? They both just look so charmingly happy, and Derek’s heart swells with it.
He almost forgets where they are until the darkness lightens slightly and the smog of flora opens up into a tiny clearing with a cottage nestled right in the center. It’s the very picture of a stereotypical fairy-tale cottage, covered in climbing ivy and magenta blossoms, built of gray stonework and wooden accents, complete with curved roof tiles and wall mounted lanterns that light the area with a homey glow.
“Uh,” Chowder says, mouth falling open. “So how many houses are hidden in this pocket dimension forest?”
“Not as many as you think,” Dex says, releasing Chowder’s arm, and turning to make sure he doesn’t lose Derek before they enter the house. “Bits? You home? I brought my friends,” he calls, rapping his knuckles against the heavy wood door.
“Come on in!” comes the response, with a slight southern lilt.
Dex pushes the door open and lets the other two in first. The inside is just as adorably quaint as expected from the outside, with a fireplace in the den, cacti on the windowsills and bundles of dried herbs hanging from the ceiling, and an enormous kitchen where a very busy blond is hustling back and forth, his arms cradling a glass bowl. The scent of peaches and sugar fills the brightly lit room, and Dex directs Derek and C to sit on a plump gingham couch in front of the fire. Right after they sit, Derek catches sight of three strange objects bobbing their way through the air toward them.
“Um,” Derek says. “I’m not imagining that, right?” He elbows Chowder, who turns to gape at what is apparently a few glasses of iced tea floating their way.
“Y’all like tea, don’t you? And I don’t mean that gritty, bitter nonsense you serve up here-”
“Sweet tea sounds great,” Derek says automatically as a glass settles into his confused hands. Dex catches his own, and guides the last glass into Chowder’s grasp, the other boy being too dazed still to do anything but stare in the direction of the kitchen, where whisks and butter and sugar are spinning in a waltz around Bitty. On the counter, peaches fall neatly into segments, pits falling to the side. Flour begins threading through the air like a curtain of snowfall, obscuring their sight for a moment before it settles down into his bowl, the whisk still dancing.
“Thanks, Bitty,” Dex says, jolting Chowder back to reality. He calls out a thanks as well, before chugging half his glass in one go, and sinking deeper into the couch.
Derek sips slowly at the tea in silence as he starts to piece together the scene before them. Flying objects usually means magic. And magic means...
“Wait a second- Bitty’s a witch? Didn’t you say witches didn’t exist?” he asks, whirling on Dex, who’s leaning casually against the wall.
Dex and Bitty share a look, then a short laugh at Derek’s expense. “I just said I wasn’t a witch. You made your own inferences from that. Wrong ones.”
Bitty shakes his head, sending his bowl to settle gently on the counter with a wave of his hand. “Oh, Dex, you didn’t tell them? Wait just a second, I’ll be right over,” he says while hurrying to wash his hands at the sink.
“Nah, Bits, I thought maybe you’d wanna show ‘em yourself. Though, I think you kinda already have.”
Dex smiles briefly as Bitty dashes around his kitchen in a flurry, before turning back to Derek, who makes meaningful Eye Contact with him, but all he does is scrunch his mouth and shrug.
“What?” he mouths silently back, and Derek throws his hands in the air. Chowder continues to be slowly absorbed by the couch.
Bitty finally arrives, holding three pies in his arms. “Now, Dex never did tell me what your favorite pies are, so we’ll have to make do with these for today, but I promise I'll have something special for you boys next time you come around.” He places the pies - French silk, lemon meringue, and apple - on the table, then waves his hand absently toward the kitchen, summoning plates and silverware.
“I didn't want you flipping out and making a thousand pies. You know you always over-bake when you know guests are coming. Anyway, it's rhubarb for Nursey and honey walnut for Chowder.”
In short order, Derek and Chowder learn that Bitty is much, much older than looks, definitely a witch, and quite possibly the greatest piemaker in all of New England. Bitty preens under their compliments, and has no trouble answering the barrage of questions they pelt him with, or dodging them with practiced southern flair, but he’s much more interested in learning about “Dex’s darling little friends.”
Dex has to finally excuse them so they can leave the forest before it gets dark, but they don’t escape without each of them taking a pie for the road and the promise to return again soon. Bitty starts rattling off all the sweaters and birthday mini pies they’re going to get, and Dex has to physically drag Chowder out the door, since he’s too amiable and polite to know how to leave Bitty’s orbit.
Derek is stopped on his way out by a strong hand to his elbow, and he’s afraid (slash hopeful) that Bitty is going to try and unload another pie on him, but he only gives Derek a smile.
“I just wanted to thank you two for being such good friends to our Dex. I know he can be a bit cantankerous, but I think you’ve really brought him out of his shell, Nursey. All of us in here have noticed just how much he talks about the two of you. I’m glad we could finally meet.”
His approval feels significant, like Derek’s passed some sort of test. Derek swallows, and offers his sincerest smile back. “Thanks, Bitty. He’s- he’s one of us. He’s my best friend.” There’s more he wants to say, but from the way Bitty nods, it seems like he understands even without words.
Dex introduces them to The Falconer and her boys a few days later. She lives in a house on a small outcropping at the edge of the heart, her flock scattered in trees and small satellite houses nearby, except J, who resides with Bitty when he isn’t transformed.
She shakes Derek’s hand with a firm grip, and he trusts her instinctively. Something about her brown eyes and messy bun give her an aura of put-together trustworthiness, and from the way she handles Tater when he swoops down to land on her shoulder, it’s for good reason.
“Only J is actually a falcon,” Dex explains as they sit on her porch watching J and Tater circle each other in the air in the more open space of the inner ring. “Tater’s a white-tailed eagle. Snowy’s a snowy owl.”
“Wow, wonder where he got the nickname,” Chowder snorts, and Dex grins.
“Yeah. There used to be a few others - Thirdy, Marty -  but their curses ended, so they left. Marty, at least, was also a falcon, so that’s where she gets the title, I guess.”
“So they’re just cursed? For thirteen years? Because of some old family bullshit from like a zillion years ago?” Chowder tries to clarify, and Dex nods.
“Something like that. I never really got the specifics, but yeah, it’s like some primogeniture fairy curse thing. The Falconer’s been watching over them in here for decades now, so they always send the next in line back here to roost when he transforms for the first time.”
“And no one’s ever looked into breaking this curse?” Derek asks, raising an eyebrow when Dex just draws his knees up to his chest and makes a non-committal noise.
“Some curses can't be broken.”
“No way, dude. Every clause has a loophole. Every bad deal has a way out. And every curse should be breakable. Otherwise, how could we ever hold onto hope?”
“How could we,” Dex echoes, staring up at the loose feathers that flutter down like errant flakes of snow.
They meet the flock over the course of several days, since their human hours don’t always align with daylight. J, as a human, is reserved and broadly Canadian, but there’s a quiet warmth in his eyes that really comes out when he’s with Bitty. Tater is gregarious and friendly, Snowy more calm and settled, but none of them hesitate to gently chirp Dex when he makes introductions, spouting off things like “finally, we are meeting Dex’s frogs!” and “so this is who you’ve been skipping flight practice to hang out with, eh?”.
“I can’t even fly!” Dex exclaims, and J laughs, leaving the room to help Bits in the kitchen.
“That’s why you shouldn’t skip practice,” Snowy says through a bite of honey walnut pie, and Dex flings a fork at him. It stops in mid-air, accompanied by a “what did I tell you about throwing my good silverware?” from Bitty.
Dex mumbles an apology and sinks back into the couch between Derek and C.
“Hey, why are we your frogs?” Chowder asks, and Dex coughs awkwardly and takes a sip of his tea before explaining.
“Uh, there was a year I rescued some frog eggs and watched over them that spring.”
“Dex watches tadpoles like mother hen, every day sitting at Lardo’s pond,” Tater says, crouching on the rug to imitate Dex staring into the water.
Dex ignores Chowder’s “d’awwww” and mutters out, “Yeah, so now they call any of my rescues ‘frogs’. And you guys are, like, the frogs, I guess. The rest are just people I helped back out.”
“That’s mad adorable. Frogs, C, how about that?”
“It is adorable,” C agrees. Dex buries his face in his hands and they slide in toward him to sandwich him on the couch more securely.
“This was a terrible idea,” he mutters as Chowder rests his head on his shoulder and Derek steals the rest of his coconut cream pie.
Terrible idea or not, Dex does reluctantly bring them to meet the nymphs when winter starts to fade into spring. Camilla, an athletic blonde dryad with a wry sense of humor, shows them her tree: a towering, conical red spruce. Dex points out the nearby tree that J accidentally damaged that time he changed back to a human while perched on a thin branch.
April’s grove of yellow birches is located in the far end of Lardo’s spring, the bare grass underfoot dotted with translucent violet flowers. She regards them sternly as Dex introduces her as a nymph of groves, “not a dryad,” as she emphatically insists.
“Oh, like an alseid?” Derek asks.
“Yeah, actually,” April says, looking almost impressed, her pretty mouth curving with a hint of a smile.
“Of course you would know that,” Dex says.
And Lardo, she whose bro-itude holds no parallel, they finally meet on a slow afternoon after midterms. She emerges halfway from the water to meet them, resting her arms on the bank.
“Your old frogs were cuter,” she says brightly, leaning her cheek against one hand.
“They're plenty cute,” Dex tells her automatically, then pauses, squints, and changes his mind. “No, sorry, you were right. These two are...eh.” He makes an ambivalent motion with his hand, and Lardo nods sagely.
“Disrespectful to say that,” Chowder scoffs, “when you have two of Andover’s most eligible bachelors gracing you with their presence all the time.”
“He’s been over-exposed,” Derek says. “Kinda hurts my feelings, honestly.”
“Well, when you two dreamboats are done complaining, Lardo can give us a tour.” Dex rolls his eyes when Derek tries his best smolder on him and gives him a gentle shove.
Lardo is sweet and sharply funny, and much more knowledgeable about art and literature than Derek would’ve expected from a naiad. Dex explains after another visit that almost all of the forest’s denizens can leave, though whether they want to varies from person to person. The flock tends to travel together, just in case one of them transforms out of cycle. None of the nymphs can travel more than a few miles from their true bodies, but it’s enough to be able to go to the library or the movie theater. They never do meet Jenny or Mandy; all Dex will tell Derek is “they’re around somewhere” whenever he asks.
Over the remainder of sophomore year, they hang out with Dex’s friends several more times. Derek doesn’t know when he starts noticing it, but it feels like he understands Dex better now, after seeing who he is when he’s with the others. It’s not that Dex is a different person, but some of that always present distance that even Derek can’t close disappears when they’re in the heart with his friends.
It’s to be expected, he supposes. They’ve known him longer than Derek has, but still, he wonders when they’ll reach the day when Dex will feel as free around him. Not as long he feels he has secrets he needs to keep, but Derek won’t press it. As it is, he appreciates how much more open Dex already is, now that he and Chowder know about the woods. It feels like they've grown closer.
“What is it? My hair weird or something?” Dex asks when he catches Derek looking one day. He'd just been laughing about something April muttered under her breath as J walked by. Derek had been transfixed for a moment, watching the soft lamplight of Bitty’s porch lanterns casting bronze over Dex’s face while a wheezing cackle escaped his mouth. It's an extremely stupid noise, but it's endearingly free, and Derek feels for a moment like there are no more walls standing between them. Here he is, light-hearted and golden in the darkest part of the woods, and Derek can almost see all of him.
“Nah, just thought I saw a bug,” Derek lies, and Dex frowns.
“Ugh, mosquitoes,” he says, annoyed. “You might want to start wearing bug spray; they're relentless out here, and you have a scratching problem. Better to prepare now, or we’ll have to spend all summer slathering calamine lotion on you.”
Derek agrees absently, thinking about how odd it is that a flower can bloom in the darkness.
When the year ends, Derek returns to the city with a promise to come back with cotton candy, since Dex hasn't had any for well over a decade.
Over the summer, Derek finds himself missing them more than usual. He's overseas with mama for a good chunk of vacation, and doesn't have the chance this year to visit Chowder. August feels like it drags on, and though he loves hanging out with his New York friends, he can't help but wonder what Dex is up to for the summer. At least he can call and skype C, though their time zone difference and Chowder’s bizarre summer sleep schedule make it difficult sometimes.
But Dex could be doing anything. On the nights when no one else is in the apartment but himself, Derek wishes more than ever he could convince Dex to come see him. Maybe he could help cure that guilty brand of loneliness that afflicts Derek even when he's surrounded by people.
Maybe Dex will finally feel like he can be all of himself around Derek.
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carrielovesconcerts · 8 years ago
Ed Sheeran w/James Blunt
Date: August 2, 2017
Venue: Oracle Arena / Oakland
As a general rule I don’t go to concerts at this venue. I’ve been to several but none for the last few years because it’s just never great. To me, the seats all have a weird angle and the sound is hit or miss. It’s a pain to get to, even on BART, and once inside I always feel like the walls are closing in. It’s extremely claustrophobic to me, which is never fun. And to be honest, when Ed announced this venue as his Bay Area stop, I was very disappointed. So much so that I bought tickets for the show in Vegas to avoid it. But then I told myself I was being ridiculous and that it would be amazing to see the show twice so I bought a less expensive ticket and decided to bite the bullet. I still hate the venue but the show itself? Well, that was brilliant.
Ed rarely disappoints me with his opening acts and this tour is no exception. James Blunt is one of my favorite artists and I was thrilled when I learned he would be opening these shows. And he did not disappoint me, not that I thought he would. He came with his whole band and played a good number of songs from his brilliant new album, The Afterlove, as well as a tune or two from previous albums including, as he put it, “the song you all know”, You’re Beautiful. The funny thing about that song is, I never liked it when it first came out. I think it was just overplayed, overhyped, over everything, and I boycotted it. It’s fun to hear it now and reminds me of some old friends, but there is so much more to James than that one song. He is a fantastic singer songwriter with a wicked sense of humor. If you follow him on Twitter, then you know what I mean. If you don’t, then you should remedy that situation immediately --> James Blunt on Twitter. He has fun and self-deprecating stage banter and a great, great voice. Also, he plays the guitar AND the piano so you know, that’s perfect. And his songs are good. Really good. I was listening to one of the songs from his last album the other day and found myself in tears when the real meaning of it actually hit me (or what I decided was the real meaning anyway). He played a great set of music Wednesday night in Oakland and left me wanting so much more. He had tons of energy and seemed to really be enjoying himself. And his band is equally talented, backing him up as he roamed the stage and sang his heart out. I am super excited to see him again tonight!
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After a very short set change, Ed walked on the stage in his always unassuming manner and proceeded to blow the roof off the place with only his voice, his guitar and his loop pedals. There are not enough words to describe his talent and how he can so easily own a packed arena. The man is beyond. I’ve written about Ed before and he never ceases to amaze me. On this tour he’s got some cool lighting, screen and stage effects, with lights that look like giant Legos. I have no doubt that was intentional. But while those things are cool and allow folks in the back to see him on the big screen, it’s about the talent. It’s the voice, first and foremost. He can sing, he can rap, and he can make simple humming sound ridiculously cool. Then there are the guitar skills and the complete mastery of the loop pedal. And beyond all that it’s the songs themselves, from the melodies to the choruses, the lyrics to the rhythm. The talent is not matched by many. 
He started the set with my favorite song from the new album, Castle on the Hill. From the moment I first heard it I loved it. It’s a beautiful ode to his friends with a great beat and addictive melody behind it. And it sounded even better live. I counted after the show and I believe he played nine songs from the new album, which was great, but he didn’t refrain from the older stuff either. He played all the big hits and some deeper album cuts that everyone in the crowd still sang along with because every single person in the building knew every single word and it was awesome. 
Ed was funny and charming, spending most of his time singing and playing rather than having long chats with the crowd. His crowd interaction and stage banter was perfect and then, just when we all thought it couldn’t get better, he performed his encore songs in a Stephen Curry jersey. Needless to say the Bay Area fell a little bit more in love with him at that moment. Much likes James, Ed left me wanting more. I would have been happy to be there another 1-2 hours to hear more, and I’m pretty sure everyone else in the building would have gladly done the same. 
So even though the venue is still terrible, and the fans in my section were lame (and honestly, I use the term fans very loosely...not even sure why they were there), the show was phenomenal and I can’t wait to see it again tonight.
PS...in case you’re reading this Ed (a girl can dream, right?)...one of these days I will get you to play Fall. It will happen. Even if I have to follow you to a pub in Ireland. I’ll do it. Because it is still my favorite and I need to hear it live. 
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apatricier · 8 years ago
Explanations for Dead Men Tell No Tales/Salazar’s Revenge (SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY)
I think Dead Men Tell No Tales/Salazar’s Revenge is pretty awesome! Its definitely one of my top 3 favourites of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies! It had an interesting reveal as well as an intriguing post credits scene… ☺
Regarding some general thoughts on the movie:
1) The opening bank heist scene is definitely the series’ best opening scene, let alone possibly the best bank heist ever captured on film ☺ Its unbungalievably epic! I can’t wait to watch the special features on/hear or read possible commentary on how they made the scene. It would have made an excellent Lego set (let alone playable level), as Lego would be able to replicate the mechanics that they used with the horses able to pull the building through town ☺
Also, as for why Jack was in the bank vault at the beginning, rather than just taking the money and running, Jack went to go and secure the vault and ended up running into the mayor’s wife and distracting her (and himself) with rum ☺ well they couldn’t just take the money and run for lack of being able to store/carry it all; as it is, they ended up losing next to all of the gold while trying to take the entire vault! On that note, while it went along with the movie’s overall theme of moving on, it was kind of stupid of Jack to just give up his Compass for a bottle of rum when he had the one gold coin that they were able to take from the bank vault. Although, as the bottle of rum only cost a SILVER coin, Jack figured that the Compass would be as equal worth as silver, and that it would be better to save the gold coin for something more valuable (even if it is rum) for later. The Compass wasn’t really working for him, frequently over the last 10 years leading him into a direction that he either couldn’t figure out and or would only cause him more problems, without any progress on things such as how to free the Black Pearl and be a successful captain, let alone pirate, so he simply gave it up out of depression and frustration; “Pirate’s Life”, afterall, moving from one way of doing something to the next.
The “execution” scene was also just as unbungalievably epic and intense, and also would have made an excellent Lego set/level (even if altered to make it less violent). Seriously, the guillotine swings like an inch towards Jack’s head and then nearly lands on top of him! I also loved the sharks. They were thankfully included in a Lego set, and along with the “execution” scene was unbungalievable in D-Box. They, along with the rest of the movie is one of the best D-Box experiences that I’ve ever had ☺ The shark scene made me and another guy sitting nearby nearly jump out of our seats! For those who don’t know what D-Box is, they are motion-enabled seats that move with the movie’s action and other movements. Despite the higher price, aside from the unbungalievable experience enhancing, they are also reserved seats, as they will not work unless they have already been specifically paid for. They can be seen in either 3D or non-3D, and can also be adjusted to preferred motion levels, including no motion at all ☺ It’s definitely worth checking out any movie, that would offer it ☺ None of these sequences were anymore “cartoony” nor suspending of disbelief anymore than any other action sequence in the series and actually felt pretty believable if not realistic to me. You also have to keep in mind that the guillotine sequence was in slow motion, and like how it was for Jack,  I have personally experienced objects landing mere inches away from someone.  
3) Its not really a retcon of how Jack got his compass. As pointed out by the Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki and IMDB, Jack very well bartered the compass from his captain to Tia Dalma. It still came from Tia Dalma only Jack initially received it from his Captain and how he initially received it is just an untold layer of its story. Jack very well learned about the compass’ unique power through Tia Dalma and therefore discovered that it initially came from her.
4) When he gave the compass away in the previous movies, Jack was still following his overall intent with it, only giving it to others as a leverage to accomplish his overall goal. He gave the compass to Will so as to lead Beckett to Shipwreck cove to give the Pirates to Beckett and square his debt with Davy Jones. He gave the compass to Elizabeth to help him figure out where the Dead Man's Chest was. Here in Dead Men Tell No Tales he directly betrayed the compass by giving it away and not using it for any kind of overall intent. Its like how the cursed medallions only curse those who directly steal one from the chest, otherwise Will and Elizabeth would have been cursed from having personally held and kept the medallion for so long.
5) I’m really surprised that people are wondering why Will is angry with Jack. Even though it was to save his life, Jack is the reason why Will is cursed in the first place. Would you not feel the same way? This also explains why Will had started becoming fishy; even though he is an honorable man who would do the job well, not even he can live this kind of life without feeling miserable and frustrated let alone running into problems, which could also be the cause and effect of the Flying Dutchman crew being out of control and a possible danger for Henry.
Nonetheless, Will still needed a crew, regardless of how aggressive they may be, and again its all part of his overall frustration. Keep in mind too that its not exactly easy to find a crew; after all, who would be willing to be bound to a ship without being able to leave and or having to stay for a great length of time? He didn't really have anyone else that would be willing to be part of the crew. And again, not even someone like Will can keep doing the job forever without running into problems and frustration, despite Elizabeth and Henry being greatly loyal to him. Would you be overall satisfied with only being able to see your loved ones only once every 10 years, despite the visits that Henry made? Even with those visits, Will is not truly able to be with his son, let alone with Elizabeth nor truly live any kind of life that would make him honourable despite who he overall is. He is a truly honourable person because he had a true balance of life, despite not being able to get everything he truly wanted. But when you're stuck pretty much literally only doing one thing for all eternity, without truly doing what you can overall live with, let alone overall truly value, it throws you off and turns you against yourself, NO MATTER who you may be.
6) Uncle Jack was not pointless in any kind of way. His forewarning encouraged Jack to keep moving forward and to NEVER give up, even when things seem very difficult or next to impossible, when Jack was on the brink of giving up and sinking even further. He was actually more fitting to give that kind of advice rather than Teague (who it was actually supposed to be, but had to be changed due to Keith Richards being unavailable for filming). As Teague already gave that kind of advice in the previous 2 films, it would have been too repetitive and predictable. Uncle Jack brought in a nice and appropriate new perspective, as it is he who gave Jack his name and some of his demeanour as well :)
7) Regarding how Jack & Gibbs lost their Ship- in-a-Bottle Fleet, they very well traded them off, as they couldn’t find a way to open them, although why they didn’t think to go to Barbossa in the first place is beyond me, but then again, they probably figured that if they went to Barbossa he would just take the Pearl, let alone their whole fleet and claim them for himself. And without a ship and much of a crew, they are no match for Barbossa when he has the Queen Anne’s Revenge, let alone the Sword of Triton on his side. Afterall, Barbossa resumes being the Black Pearl’s captain and ties Jack up when he restores it.
8) I do agree that the writers were lazy in explaining how & why Salazar and his crew were cursed; I was waiting the whole movie for them to explain it ever since they first appeared. Although, given that the Devil’s Triangle is another name for the Bermuda Triangle, they merely added more onto the Bermuda Triangle’s already mysterious nature.
  As for how Salazar knew about Jack’s Compass, it is quite possible that he ended up killing more of Jack’s former Wicked Wench crew members and or someone else who may have had/known about the Compass before who happened to sail into the Devil’s Triangle. Afterall, as pointed out by several, more than a few have sailed into the Triangle and chances are that they very well may have had some kind of connection to Jack and or the Wicked Wench crew.
9) I disagree with people’s criticisms about Carina and Henry. I thought that they were just as well introduced and just as well developed as when we were first introduced to Jack, Will, Elizabeth and the rest of the characters in Curse of the Black Pearl, albeit in a more hectic nature. Carina has become my second favourite character of the whole series behind Jack, and I personally like Henry much better than Will, both as a character and as an actor.
10) I really liked that for the first time in the series they actually showed flashbacks when explaining Salazar’s backstory. This is one of the reasons why Curse of the Black Pearl is one of my least favourites of the series: there is too much talky backstory explanation, which also throws off the movie’s overall pacing. Afterall, film is SHOW, don’t TELL. The use of flashbacks helped me feel more engaged with what was going on. Granted, at times the series did not essentially need flashbacks, such as when Barbossa was explaining what happened to the Black Pearl in On Stranger Tides, (which nonetheless was helped by the use of cannon fire sound effects), but it would have helped some of the lengthy and confusing explanation given in Curse of the Black Pearl and some of Dead Man’s Chest, especially when they talk about but don’t really explain certain things such as Cortes, whom I had no idea who he is, which also doesn’t help with their kind of accents and the way that they talk.
11) They could have explained her better, but overall I was fine with Shansa. There are obviously more “witchy”/fortune teller characters in the series, yet I actually thought they were going to bring Tia Dalma/Calypso back when I heard Shansa’s voice over in a TV spot, and I’m really glad that they didn’t. The Calypso stuff is what partly ruined At World’s End for me; I know that the Heathen Gods cursed the Medallions in Curse of the Black Pearl, but they went a little too far in directly featuring a God, which went against the series’ groundedness and sense of reality. They could have still kept most of the Calypso stuff without directly featuring her, having (most of) the Pirate Lords still believe that Tia Dalma is Calypso, but in reality can only channel Calypso’s power, and tries to use it to conjure the Maelstrom, only to have herself be over powered and fall to her doom in the process. The movie would have still been overall the same, while also having it be more like the other films, not only in reality, but in overall feeling.
Out of all of the movies, At World’s End feels the least like a Pirates movie (which is ironic because it also features the most amount of pirates), largely because of the overuse of Calypso and other spiritual supernatural content. The other 4 movies were able to have their supernatural content feel grounded and believable, but At World’s End overdid it with things like Calypso and the Multiple Jacks, which felt out of place in the Pirates world. Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio stated on the At World’s End Extras that they “just went weird” in order to keep it unexpected, but On Stranger Tides (which they also wrote) and Dead Men Tell No Tales/Salazar’s Revenge (of which Rossio co-wrote the story), proved (regardless of how you overall feel about them), that they were still able to keep it fresh and grounded, if not unexpected, without having to go against the series’ overall reality.
12) I actually cried at Barbossa’s death ☹ It was so all of a sudden and quite unexpected, and yet still very beautifully well portrayed. Overall, they gave Barbossa a good send off with him becoming this powerful, rich pirate and achieving everything that he truly wanted, only to discover his true self, including the unexpected revelation that he has a daughter, which brought out his true humanity that we knew he had through other circumstances throughout the series. As well, he did NOT rejoin the navy, no matter what some people may think, despite still wearing the wig and having control of a fleet. Per his introduction in On Stranger Tides, he found the wig comfortable and saw it as a symbol of power and authority, and in having achieved it after all of these years of not being in high power and or having it taken away from him.
I also cried at the end when Will & Elizabeth were reunited. It was a very beautiful way to give puncture to their story and truly added feeling onto the movie’s overall goal and overall moral of there ALWAYS being a way to fix ANYTHING, even if it seems pretty much impossible; No matter how impossible things seem, a powerful enough dream will overcome any darkness ☺ As Poseidon’s Trident broke EVERY curse in the ocean, Will is completely free from his curse and therefore would have his heart placed back inside his body as he was already living without it albeit in an undead state, like how the Flying Dutchman crew turned back into humans at the end of At World’s End and also had it stored in the Dead Man’s Chest that was part of the curse.
The only other things that I didn’t really like about the movie were a slight lack of Hans Zimmer’s original themes, and a weak final battle, which is also the series’ worst final battle. I didn’t really get any kind of emotional revelation with Jack regaining his status as a favourite captain. I also agree that they should have had Will come in and help them, and I was actually quite certain that was going to happen, but on the other hand, they already did that in At World’s End and it goes against the overall story and conflict, as it would prove that Will doesn’t essentially need to be rid of his curse as he and his crew can do so good when cursed, but overall they are their best selves when they are NOT cursed, again harkening back to a reason why Will was starting to become fishy and why the crew was a potential threat to Henry. As well, the Flying Dutchman wouldn't've been able to really do anything as Salazar and his crew were ghosts. The most they would be able to do would be to completely hold them off, which Jack & co. were already pretty much able to do on their own :)
Geoff Zanelli did an overall great job with the music and did use a lot of the original themes, more so than in movies like the later Harry Potters and The Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he could have used more original themes such as “Skull and Crossbones” and or “To the Pirates’ Cave!” in places like the final battle which would have had it be better and more engaging. Overall, Geoff Zanelli was a perfect replacement with his new themes (especially that new rousing adventure theme that plays at 4:20 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_PNnNkBY74&index=9&list=PLow_t-BoGfWdYYmeel8Log7-zY6JQJsOm ) which actually fit perfectly well into the Pirates world and not have it seem like a generic action adventure movie.
There is also the following that needs to be resolved:
Where are Pintel & Ragetti and Cotton? It is possible that like possibly Marty, Mullroy & Murtogg they were in Tortuga after Blackbeard attacked the Black Pearl, only to rejoin Jack & or Barbossa, but they should have at least provided an explanation as to where they were/are, especially since Cotton’s Parrot was shown flying around the Black Pearl in On Stranger Tides, yet is nowhere to be seen in Dead Men Tell No Tales/Salazar’s Revenge when the Pearl is restored (although it may be possible that he was resting inside the Pearl) They approached Mackenzie Crook and Lee Arenberg to reprise their roles, but both turned it down, only to regret it afterwards.      
What happened to Phillip and Syrena, although their story pretty much seems to be resolved on its own with it being shown that Syrena took Phillip to be healed and they lived happily ever after in some form or another.
On Stranger Tides’ post credits scene, however there may be a deleted scene, as featured in Dead Men Tell No Tales/Salazar’s Revenge’s novel that somewhat resolves it: Jack’s sword becomes cursed (potentially from his Vodoo Doll) and starts going against him, only to eventually over come it.  
And of course, Dead Men Tell No Tales/Salazar’s Revenge’s own post credits scene. They cannot leave the film series as it is, especially without resolving this post credits scene. Its too much of a set up to be overlooked, even more so than On Stranger Tides’, and not resolving it has the series feel incomplete and no series, let alone something as overall beloved and successful as Pirates should be overall incomplete.
Please keep in mind as well that some of these problems with the movie can be fixed/better explained with possible deleted scenes. The movie was originally reported as being 153 minutes, yet only ended up only being 129, so theres possibly about 23 minutes worth of deleted scenes that may help the movie if released :)
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brentwatchesmovies · 8 years ago
John Wick: Chapter 2
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John McClane. Jason Bourne. James Bond. Ellen Ripley. These guys (and gal) better watch their backs, because there's a new action hero on the scene, and for my money, he could take all three of them, no problem. With 2014's 'John Wick', director Chad Stahelski created an original, authentic, and relentless tale of revenge without a dose of modern-day irony most action films contain these days. It came out of nowhere, and added yet another budding franchise to Keanu Reeves already impressive catalogue of hits. With the sequel, Wick 2 improves on the original in every possible way. The action is better, the directing is better, the story is more complex and interesting (even if the stakes aren't as relatable this time). Writer Derek Kolstad also continues the series tradition of building a hugely interesting world that these mysterious assassins inhabit. John Wick 2 solidifies this series as the best new mid-budget action franchise to hit theaters in at least a decade.
So if you know anything at all about the John Wick series, you know that some bad dudes killed his dog, and he wasn't too happy about it. After getting his revenge the first time around, he's back to being somewhat out of the assassin game at the beginning of Wick 2. It doesn't last long, as an old associate of his comes around to have John make good on a blood oath he'd made years before. This forces him reluctantly back into the fold, and things get more and more complicated from there. What I love that this series does, and continues in spades in Wick 2, is build the world of these international assassins with so many details, almost like it's based on a pre-existing property. I told some friends that it feels like the best comic book movie not actually based on a comic book. I can't wait to see how the series expands even further in the (hopefully never-ending) sequels, especially with the completely insane way this movie wraps things up (or doesn't).
There's a reason why this series is resonating with people (and this one more than doubled the originals opening box office gross.) It's an action series that knows exactly what it's doing, who it's audience is, and how to please them from start to finish. I talked up top about the post-modern irony that a lot of modern action films suffer from (or thrive in). What John Wick does so well (and why I think it clicks with people) is that it's so damn authentic and sincere about what it wants to be. This isn't an insanely self-serious Michael Bay movie, or even an unabashedly ridiculous romp like the Fast and the Furious movies. The creators of John Wick just want to have a badass dude doing badass things, and to do it with style. No more, no less.
When it comes to style, this movie is overflowing with it. The first already established this universe as a sleek, well-dressed and colorful world of assassins, and the sequel doubles down on that aesthetic. So many sequences of this movie are intoxicating for the senses, especially the catacombs/concert battle in the first act, and the final showdown, which I'm trying my hardest not to talk about and spoil. This movie doesn't reinvent the action movie wheel, but it's a damn vibrant and beautiful wheel. Stahelski hadn't directed prior to the first John Wick (having a long career as a stunt man and choreographer) and that's why it's so surprising that he speaks the language of cinema so fluently. While the action scenes are understandably gorgeous and easy to follow, even the character moments in between (however brief) are interesting and loaded with subtext. The scene between Wick and Cassian (Common) at the bar stands toe-to-toe with the best action scenes the movie has to offer. This guy is a director to keep and eye on, whether he's doing a John Wick sequel, an established franchise (he wants to do a Bond film!) or eventually another new action franchise. If John Wick 2 is any indication, this guy is going to blow our minds for years to come, and not just with a bullet to the head.
That's about it for John Wick 2, and I honestly can't wait to check it out a second time. I've seen the first probably 5 or 6 times and I'm sure the sequel wont be any different. I also wanted to say, this will likely be one of the last posts on the blog...BECAUSE I'M MOVING TO MY OWN WEBSITE YEEEEEEUHHHH! I'm getting all that set up and looking professional, and when it's done, you'll definitely hear from me about it. As far as upcoming reviews, keep an eye out for Logan, possibly Lego Batman, and I'm considering doing an Oscars article after that airs on the 26th. As usual, I'd appreciate you telling your friends about the blog, and thanks for reading my review of John Wick 2!
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