#silent mary
cupcakeshakesnake · 25 days
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M u r d e r
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pharaohgargamel · 4 months
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Посмотрите на мой флот! ((или тот случай когда на сайте гиф два кадра в ряд))✨😂
Look at my fleet! ((or that case when the site has a GIF of two frames in a row))✨😂
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kyraghosty · 2 years
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{~} Devil’s Triangle under Blood Moon {~}
Remember the Devil’s Triangle in potc 5 ? Very mysterious and frightening place, I always was a fan of the ambiance they put on this
But have you ever wondered how would it looks if we saw it under the blood moon ?
What if Captain Salazar and his crew were released under a blood moon ?
It would add a lot in the horrific ambiance !
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And tbh this is what me, and two friend of mine tought of adding in somethings we are doing..
We are currently trying to rewrite the whole potc 5 (fanfic) but adding ton of missing parts, and fixing some problems
But mostly
Give this horror vibes they added thanks to Salazar !
With us 3 beeing a huge fan of horror, and when we saw all the concept art of the potc 5, dead men tell no tales, we realized that the movies seems to suppose to be way darker than what we got
And tbh we would have love to find that dark ambiance ! After we already got those in the 3 first one and even a little in the 4…
They are also so many plot holes in the 5th that yeah we were like, we have to fix this somehow
And that’s where the magic of fanfiction arrive !
Maybe one day we’ll show it but for now we are faaaaaaar away from finishing it
Anyways have a night version that looks more magical / mystical !
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Anyways thanks for reading, see you guys soon !
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yimmygee · 3 months
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sanamustdie · 10 months
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"now, we can be together."
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k1ru-https · 10 months
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I’m not your Mary.
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rdps01 · 1 year
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"if that were true, why do you look so sad?"
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4525yaoi · 1 year
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Without you, I'm nothing
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redscrawl · 5 months
save me allegorical monster… save me…. save me beast that serves as a literary symbol… save me
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bnnuycafe · 15 days
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born from a wish
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miasmatik · 6 months
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waiting for you
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pharaohgargamel · 8 months
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✨fantasy on the theme of the Ghost Ship "Silent Mary"
Captain Armando Salazar's ship.
(made with AI)
Pirates of the Caribbean               ------------ ✨фантазия на тему Корабля-призрака Немая Мария"
Корабль капитана Армандо Салазара.
(сделано с помощью ИИ)
Пираты Карибского моря
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othelo-s · 1 year
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I wonder if this scene will make it to the remake.
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jkmc · 9 months
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monisalado · 1 year
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trying new brushes
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archivemorgue · 4 months
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