#I’m being delulu it ain’t ever going to happen
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yeyayeya · 11 months ago
Sometimes I’m tired of playing FEH and how it is not as fun as it used to be
But I have spent way too much time on this gacha game so I can’t bring myself to quit
The only thing driving me forward to playing it is the potential Titania, Gaius, Diamant, Scáthach, Ivy, Arthur alts in the near future
Plus the Blue Lions alts because those are the only FE3H characters I will summon for
And the potential banners of the rest of the FE4 cast
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rewritingcanon · 4 months ago
nextgen characters and their type of “delulu”:
rose: she believes she deserves everything in life, and naturally she’ll get everything she wants bc shes awesome. like if something doesn’t go her way it’s literally never her fault. she’ll blame it on the most randomest things before she ever thinks to accept responsibility. it’s not her fault dark reunion is out to get her.
james: he’s not delulu he’s just actually delusional. about literally everything. not in the funny haha way. it’s causing him so much strife, somebody please ground this poor man.
albus: i’m sorry but he does have main character syndrome despite going on and onnn about how he doesn’t want attention and he doesn’t want people looking at him. he absolutely does want it he just doesn’t want people thinking about him as only a side character to his dad’s plot. he’s differenttttt guyssssss he’s so much more interestingggg 🙄
scorpius: king of delulu. like every type of delulu. have you ever seen any interaction with him and rose (“she told me to go eat rocks she wants me soooo bad 🤭”). do you remember the nicknames he gave himself. do you remember how his go-to plan was screeching at a newborn infant when he and al got stuck in time. and then he just carries on with his life like that all ain’t nothing. this is all such unreal levels of delusion it’s almost inspiring.
delphi: also unreal levels of delusion but it’s not inspiring it’s just concerning. i think the entire plot of hpcc would go under this.
teddy: so delulu it’s sort of sweet. and it’s for sure completely in the way young teenage girls use ‘delulu’ when talking about their crushes like he will get excited if his crush sends him one 1️⃣ look. he’s convincing himself that the celebrity they thirst over sort of looks like him kinda 🤔. he’s doing the name compatibility and zodiac compatibility and mbti compatibility tests online. he’s getting a palm reading done to see if they end up together. he’s writing “me and x are getting married” 300 times in his diary as a manifestation.
victoire: i feel like delulu is a scale in the shape of a horseshoe, stay with me yall. like on one side you have very delusional and that’s like scorpius level of goofiness. and that’s like comfortable delusion, in the clouds sort of delusion. and then on the other side, you’re so hyperaware of everything happening in life and all of your flaws and problems that i wouldn’t even call it grounded, at this point you’ve sunk through the ground and you’re just dangling there. to the point where this is also being delusional but you think you’re too aware to be it, and on that side you have james. and the people who are the least delusional are in the middle of the horseshoe and walk along the balance. and that’s victoire except she’s holding on for dear life to not get knocked either way. smiling through the pain though.
lorcan: lorcan will say the most mortifying thing imaginable or act super embarrassingly against his will to someone and as a coping mechanism he will actively convince himself that what he did wasnt that bad or he will comfort himself by thinking of scenarios where he did something different, so vividly to the point where he almost believes it.
lily: she’ll see a professional stunt artist or a oil painter with years of experience or a seasoned dragon trick rider and she won’t ever be impressed because she genuinely believes she could do all of that. “my toxic trait is that i think i can” ahhh.
lysander: if you look at him without an overly friendly expression on your face he’s going to believe you’re an opp.
hugo: he thinks he’s a good dancer bless his heart
roxanne: she genuinely thinks she’s a suave jock but she keeps tripping on air
dominique: when caught out in a lie during an argument, she immediately switched to “believe what you want to believe” and exits. she’ll still believe she was right too. #womeninmaledominatedfields
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avocifera · 1 year ago
hi! im the anon from the last ask! i love your ideas as well omg
- i feel like if julien got gf allegations, rockstar!reader could also have done something really drastic like covering “break up with your gf cuz im bored” by ariana grande and posting a thirst trap as well
- also yes!!! reader is for sure closer to lucy and phoebe, so i think they always encourage julien to talk to them but julien is also so shy about it bc reader has this cool aura on them
- to add: “bad idea” by ariana grande is so rockstar!reader releasing after breaking up, and having a very sexy performance at the grammys and julien doesn’t know about it (like vigilante shit performance at the eras tour)
- and when they are already together julien gets a reader tattoo
hi anon !! i >>loved<< your last ask sm and thanks 😭 i’ve been delulu for years now so glad i’m creative sometimes lol! but anyways let’s get onto this ask now !!
- i can a hundred percent see reader going a little crazy when they hear the rumors abt julien having a girlfriend, maybe on some gossip accs or whatever? and i see them calling lucy like “ain’t no way that’s true right?” and posting a cover/song link of “break up with your gf” on insta like the next moment
- the thirst trap post? would happen no doubt! actually i remembered a post that a member from the kpop group wjsn made after people said she posted a lot about her body?? idk i feel like reader would post something with the same vibes as dawon (she’s in the photo i included for context, it’s not saying that reader looks like that or anything, just same vibes of the pic!!)
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- onto reader being closer to phoebe and lucy, i love to think that they would sometimes tease julien for being so shy whenever reader is around and when reader gets to know about that, they go protective mode like “hey!! stop teasing julien, leave her be 😠😠”
- ok i really love this idea of reader performing bad idea??? maybe something like twice did with “cry for me” when they performed an already released song and then boom! new song very powerful and sexy one! so i can definitely feel reader using that opportunity to show the song for the first time and also making julien go ALL red and nervous because “oh my god that’s like the sexiest person i’ve ever laid eyes on 🤯”
- tattoos? yes please bring them all! so, in my mind reader and julien definitely got a tattoo together and maybe it was like a song lyrics/symbol/something that only they know the meaning behind but can also see julien surprising reader with a tattoo on the only space left on her arm and idk i can see the tattoo being reader’s naked silhouette or some art that kinda tells their story !!
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italianexotiicbeauty · 2 years ago
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She tried very hard to not seem amused by him giving her permission to whoop his younger twin’s ass, “I’m going to just try and keep my amusement to a minimum about you telling me I can whoop Jey’s ass. Y’all are professional wrestlers, it’s your job to get beat up and it really wouldn’t look very good if he had to explain somehow that he caught one before going back on the road. I’ll just stick with givin’ him a lecture instead, only people I’m ever gonna throw hands at are the bad guys I chase down for a paycheck.” She chuckled a little bit after before blinking a few times.
Now, she tilted her head to the side as if in thought. “Nothing, I mean that honestly - aside from me possibly catching a little more heat from the press…” She shrugged a shoulder. “I’m a civil servant after all, an’ you know they’re nosy as hell when a celebrity starts datin’ or being seen anywhere with someone new. There’s ways around that, I’ll talk to my captain and my union rep … probably public relations as well. Y’know get in front of it.” He’s used to being the public eye, it was going to be different for her so she had to get in front of things just in case it somehow became chaos for whatever reason.
She chuckled again, now walking towards the table that he was sitting on the edge of. hands going to rest on his shoulders, “Suppose now is a good a time as any to tell ya this - cause I don’t think I’ve ever brought this up. I grew up in Connecticut, which you definitely know is where the company is headquartered - not the same town but still. This is also a small insignificant fact as well -- but I attended the same junior high that your cousin, Dwayne attended when he lived in Connecticut. Clearly, not the same year because he is a lot older than I am..” Jimmy also knew that the first time both he and Jey met her? She didn’t fan the fuck out like most people did when meeting celebrities, some folks actually had a chill mode when meeting them. Hell, she had even once posted a story about meeting them and remembered all the people leaving her messages freaking out and asking her how she could be so calm. Her response had been a shrug emoji followed by her stating that celebrities are still regular people, and deserve to have moments where they’re not constantly screamed at or whatever else - just calm.
Now she snorted in amusement as he talked about that one fan, “Yeah celebrities have some delulu ones - for real, and that’s scary to think she believes that. It’s called wishful thinking for a damn reason, and . . . it’s heartbreaking to know that some people cannot separate fantasy from reality. Remind me to lock down my accounts before it all gets out that we’re involved, so my message requests ain’t blowin’ up with haters for it. Cause I will happily send them all nice little cease and desist orders from a very real lawyer.” And that wasn’t no joke, the second lawyers got involved it meant business as much as the police getting involved. “Hell, we have a cyber crimes divison upstairs that I’d happily hand my phone over to and let them take a crack at trackin’ anyone down if they gave me trouble for it.”  Jimmy would know she’s serious about that because her tone changed, people suffered everyday because someone was being allowed to harass or stalk them - even threaten them. Wasn’t about to happen to her, no chance in hell.
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It was rare that Jimmy found himself forming friendships outside of the wrestling business, because it was hard has hell to be friends with anyone who didn’t get the life that he lead. Constantly on the road, never in one city for more than a few hours at times, and being away from home more days than he could even count, it was hard, and could become lonely, but he honestly cherished the friendship he’d formed with Mary. 
It was the type of friendship he needed to stay grounded at times, because he could definitely be a little over the top, always needing to be the center of attention, and never being too serious about much at all. Mary was what he needed, because she kept him balanced, but he just never thought their friendship would go past anything other than that, just friendship, but apparently he’d been seeing things the wrong way. Not to say the feelings weren’t mutual, because he’d be lying if he said he didn’t think Mary was attractive as hell, because she damn sure was.
“Girl, do you realize how many followers I have on social media? Over a million. I don’t be checkin to see who is followin me or not, although, I think I have seen your name pop up from where you pressed that like button. I wish you would have slid in my DMs! It would have been better than some of the freaks I get up in em. Do you know one time this woman tried to tell me I’d fathered all six of her children. I was like, where the hell was I when all this went down?!” He was rambling, something Jimmy tended to do because one, he was long winded, and loved to talk and tell stories, but he also tended to ramble when he was feeling a type of way about someone he was definitely feeling, case in point, Mary. He was now so focused on her, he hadn’t even realized a few of her coworkers were staring at him, and probably did want pictures, maybe an autograph or two, but they’d get back to that later. “I ain’t thinkin bout anythin but you right now, little lady. I’ll handle them later.” 
Jimmy followed Mary to the observation room, taking note that she locked the door behind the two of them, but he took a seat on the edge of one of the tables in the room, giving Mary his full attention, taking in every word she said, letting those words sink in for a second, before he started speaking. “It was Jey, and I give you full permission to whoop his ass, but I’m actually glad he told me, because I feel the same way, Mary, and I mean, what if we were a little more intimate with one another? What’s stoppin us from takin things to the next level, and gettin to know one another on a more personal level?”
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anunvalidcritic · 4 years ago
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: S1 - EP5
I want to apologize for posting this so late. I got the times confused! Any whoo there better be a fuckin’ tag team in this episode after what happened in the last episode....
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smfh he fuckin’ raged on that guy. Like his 
Get that fuckin’ shield back now!!
Bro the blood on that shield is a fuckin’ sight to see.
BUCKY and SAM better tag team that motherfucker!!!!
come on BUCKY you fucked IRON MAN during a tag team get his ass!!!!!
aww shit now BUCKY is Stitch with a glitch
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bruh they just need to 
BRO HIS ARM!!!!!! (oh well...)
great shot of BUCKY holding the shield..
No one can honestly blame SAM for turning the shield in. He didn’t know they were going to do that to it. 
“Sometimes there’s nothing to do until there’s something to do.” - JOAQUIN
this is not the time to save your ass JOHN
“I only ever did what you asked of me, what you told me to be and trained me to do, and I did it. And I did it well. [] You built me. Senator, I am Captain America.” - JOHN W. 
The beginning was him telling the truth, but that last part was him being delulu
JULIA LOUIS DREYFUS!?!?!?!?! With purpler hair!?!?!?
now you know damn well that there’s information on that business card. 
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ofc, he went to the memorial sight.
BUCKY got the glock ready 
“I took the liberty of crossing of crossing out my name in your book. I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do.” - ZEMO
ZEMO has better morals than fuckin’ JOHN W. 
I mean kinda sticks out in Wakanda AYO...
“Them stars and stripes don’t mean nothing good to me.” - ISAIAH
Shiiii.... I’d be bitter too tf
motherfuckers locked him up
smh ofc they told them it was a fuckin’ Tetanus shot
30 years... that’s a long fuckin’ time...
Shout out the fuckin’ nurse, bro!
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“You think things are different? You think times are different? You think I wouldn’t be dead in a day if you brought me out? You wanna believe that jail is my fault because you’ve got that white man’s shield.” - ISAIAH
He has a point SAM you’re being a little to optimistic about this one. 
“They will never let a black man be CAPTAIN AMERICA.” - ISAIAH
yeah go home SAM because that’s all you can do at the moment
SARAH + eyes + BUCKY = love at first sight
“Hi, I’m BUCKY.” - BUCKY lmao
“They don’t care that you wear small T-shirts, have six toes, or that your mom is your aunt.” - SAM
“But don’t flirt with my sister. Because if you do, I’ll have CARLOS cut you up and feed you to the fishes.” - SAM
ROFL said “okay” real quick 
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That man did not fuckin’ do that. We all know it was KARLI. 
if I could rip that shit off the wall, I would.
lol those kids are funny :D
The way that shield comes back like a boomerang is crazy.
Damn BUCKY it took you til the fifth episode to say “I’m sorry” but total understandable. lol
BUCKY fiddlin’ that book around all nervous and shit..
“You weren’t amending, you were avenging.” - SAM
que Avengers theme song
SAM - I’m sure there’s at least one person in that book that needs closure on something, and you’re the only one who can give it to ‘em.”
BUCKY - “Probably a dozen.”
SAM - “That’s cool. Start with one.”
BUCKY - “Good talk.”
SAM - “You know KARLI won’t stop.” 
BUCKY - “You call me when you have a lead, and I’ll be there. Not neccesarily as a team.”
SAM - “Nope.”
BUCKY - “We’re not that good.”
SAM - “Definitely not.”
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They’re such a funny duo
I think we all know who he’s gonna start with.  
I was just thinkin’ that the boat needs a good paint job now
“I’mma show them. I’mma go out and change the world.” - SAM
lots of people feel that way about life bro... such a true thought to have in one’s mind
BRUH i fuckin’ love KARLI’s accent lol
KARLI has really lost her mind now. I understand how she feels, but this isn’t the way to do it. 
“One world. One people”
finally, he’s opening the Wakandan suitcase
it’s a fuckin’ suit isn’t it!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wtf is this man doin’
not him making some raggedy daggedy shield and painting it to look like the real one!?!
See Ik JOHN was gonna reach his fuckin’ breaking point...
I bet SAM and JOHN are probably gonna duke it out, one on one, in the last episode!
wait a minute... ain’t his arm still fucked up??
I’ll tell you what I really don’t want this show to end but I understand what Marvel is trying to do in their universe but god this a good fuckin’ series! Unfortunately, my next tfatws post will be the last but boy was it worth the ride! If I don’t know anything I know this... we better not and I mean WE BETTER NOT run up Chris Evan’s Clint Eastwood in this last episode iykwis LOL. Until that time comes, remember everyone’s a critic when their opinion matters the least. 
Here’s a link to past and future episodes:
EP1 - EP2 - EP3 - EP4 - EP5 - EP6
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becauseiameverywhere-blog · 5 years ago
Cœur Brisé
Pairing: Seulgi X Jimin Type: One shot Genre: Angst Word Count: 6,605 Summary: This is where Seulgi’s happiness slipped out of her arms. (Real summary is on the following lines ;) )
P a i n
"우리 헤어지자 (Let's break up.)"
One sentence three words.
You left me alone.
You, who made me laugh, smile, proud is now leaving me.
And I...
and I...
           was left alone, all alone.
All alone to mend my heart.
All alone to suffer.
All alone to see you happy.
All alone to cry.
All alone.
I can still remember it, we met at han river at midnight of July 15 it was during our promotion of 'Red Flavor', I happily went to you, happily hugged you, telling you how much I missed you. I was happily telling you what happened during our fan signing event, telling you what Sooyoungie and Yerim did to me and played a prank to me again, I was telling you this fan who came in wearing a cute dress. I was telling you that another fan gave me a cute teddy bear and it reminded me of you.
Until those words slipped through your beautiful lips.
I really do not know if I heard it right, so I asked you again. You took a deep breath and looked at me in the eye, "미안해. 우리 헤어지자 (I'm sorry. Let's break up.)"
I just stood there, thinking what you meant, looking at you I thought you were just kidding so I laughed it off, but you were so serious that you were not even laughing.
"Why? Did I talk too much? O-or did my breath stink? Or do you hate me talking about my fans?" I was now looking at you with all seriousness. "Seulgi, hajima." I still did not listen to you and still insisted on talking about my flaws, "I-is it about me? Did I perhaps bored you? Or, or, did, did you find some-" I was frantic and my breathe was already heavy, I was already teary eyed, then you shouted at me. "Hajimalago Seulgi!" I immediately stopped, shocked, my tears suddenly poured out of my eyes, "Why!? Why are you breaking up with me!? Give me a reason!" I waited for your answer, but nothing came out of your beautiful lips, "Tell me! Don't just tell me let's break up! Why!?" With our argument getting heating up, you took a deep breath agitated and irritated already, "Do you want to know? Do you really want to know?" you looked at me intensely, "나는 너를 더 이상 사랑하지 않아  (I don't love you anymore.)" As soon as you said those words my heart which has been aching so badly, felt like it was breaking into pieces.
"You are lying! You!" I pointed at him while still crying, "Stop lying to me!" I started punching your chest, desperately wishing and hoping that you are lying, "Stop lying Jimin! Stop lying!" You just stood still while receiving my punches with your head down, "Jimin, why? Please... Don't do this to me." I don't care if I look like a mess already, I don't care if I look like a crazy person, I don't care a damn thing anymore!   
You caught my hands and looked at me in the eye, "Geumanhae Seulgi, we are through! How many times should I tell you! Let's stop this." You let go of my hands and turned away, I hugged you preventing you to go, "Jimin... Please... Hajima... Please... Let's fix this." I was clinging to you, clingin to you as if I am going to die letting you walk away, away from my life. But you still broke free from my hug, as you walked away from me,it felt as if you took my heart in my chest then you literally crushed it with your hands. Without any strength left, I just sat and cried while watching you walk away from me, every step, breaking my heart, wishing that this was just a nightmare. Wishing that everything was just a joke. Because right now it feels like the world is throwing a prank to me.
I heard a shuffling beside me for a while I thought you came back to me, telling me that it is just a prank, that you were just joking, that you were testing me. But no, it was the Red velvet members who came for me at that time, they hugged me, they were trying to comfort me. Our manager even went there, instead of getting angry at me, she pat me on the back telling me 'Gwaenchana, let it all out'.
While we are on our way back to the dorm, everything that you told me replayed in my head, "미안해. 나는 너를 더 이상 사랑하지 않아. 우리 헤어지자 (I'm sorry. I don't love you anymore.  Let's break up.)", that made me realize no matter how pretty a person's lips is, a cruel word or sentence could be created out of it. Tears uncontrollably pouring out of my eyes, lips trembling preventing for a sound to come out, mind bothered by unexpected shock, and heart, slowly but surely breaking into pieces. 
No matter how many hardships we faced, the time will always come for us when we need to break up. No matter how many years we've been, no matter how many times we stayed quiet during the times when our fans suspected us of dating, no matter how many memories we have built together, no matter how many time we spent together. No matter how much we loved each other...
In the end, we would still break.
Through all of those promises, all of those secret glances and touches we shared, you still gave up on us.
When in fact, you were the one who told me you will never ever leave me.
I feel so empty without you.
I feel like a person dancing on my own.
I feel like a bird, who's wings were cut.
I feel like an empty doll.
I feel like a toy thrown away by its owner.
I feel like nothing.
When we entered the dorm no one asked me what happened, they just hugged me, they tried so hard to make me smile and laugh. But I just can't, I left them in the living room then went to my room, since Wendy is my roommate she followed me. She tried to coax me to tell her what happened, that they were surprised when you called her and told her that I was in han river alone. They asked you why but you ended the call.
I cried once again, the freshness of the wound, the pain, and the memory, it all flashed back to me.
"He said we should break up. H-he told me that, h-he doesn't l-love me anymore." More tears escaped my eyes as those words rang inside my head. "Wendy," I looked at her and she hugged me, "he said he doesn't love me anymore. I tried so hard... I tried to tell me that... that it was just a lie... I was waiting for him to tell me that it was just a joke..." I kept on crying, "Hush. Let it all out Seulgi." Wendy kept on patting my back until I unknowingly fell asleep, while in Wendy's arms.
While Seulgi-bear was telling me what that Park Jimin told her, Joy, Irene and Yeri were actually listening, it hurts to see that our bear is crying not because of laughing but because of that punk! 
After all of those promises he made to us, "I promise! I won't hurt Seulgi." Tch, words words words.
That Park Jimin hurting our bear!
When I settled Seulgi on her bed I noticed that she was still crying and was murmuring that punk's name. Sigh, no matter how much you got hurt you still talk about him in your dreams. That punk must be taught a lesson!
When I looked at them their eyes were also burning with anger, oh boy, if looks could kill and thoughts could kill, that punk would be dead. When we went back to the living room we were discussing on what to do with Seulgi's broken heart, and about the punk.
Yeri was calling somebody, hoooo it must be her "friend" in a certain group, a certain group called BTS.
I shook my head, oh dear, another person who is possibly whipped.
I am going to plead and pray that Yerimie will not end up broken hearted like Seulgi.
"Bou!?" I almost jumped out of the sofa when Yeri shouted and looked so angry while staring at her phone. She looked so irritated and angry, "Wae? What happened Yeri?" Irene-unnie asked her, she then let us take a look on the article.
[HOT!] Netizens Speculate Jimin(BTS) and Jeongyeon(Twice) are Dating!
     Love and Hate relationship which can be seen from these two members of a known idol group are now being seen by Netizens as a cover up to confuse people that they are not dating when in fact, they are! With the recent videos that resurfaced in a known site, Naver, showing how they react to each other. It has been the most searched term and has become a hot topic among netizens. Some of them are even telling that they are dating while some are telling them that they broke up in bad terms that is why that is happening. For you guys to judge it on your own you can watch the video below:
(Y'all need to use your imagination in here hhohohohohooh I meant no harm to those who loves Twice, but this is a needed way for me to make this story more ya' know. SO DO NOT GO AND SPREAD THE WORD THAT I DRAGGED JEONGYEON'S NAME FOR NO APPARENT REASON. Nope nope nope. As an avid Seulmin fan I am discouraged by it, that is why my inspiration got more fired up because of that issue. But I am still a Seulmin shipper ^^)
I read the comments. I mean, I should not believe in anything but watching the video made me uncomfortable, the way he looked at Seul, that was the way he was looking at Jeongyeon of Twice.
[+201,-23] ****ws
           kkkkk. I knew it. They are dating.
[+123,-38] ***aw
           Pfft. Delulu, they ain't dating, or maybe they are ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[+20,0] *****hsaj
        Shipping it! ♥‿♥
[+55,-2] *******bass
        Woah woah woah! I never knew this! Let me see more!
[+238,-22] ***sd
          Lol, everyone keeps on pushing this through. But they do look so cute together though.
[+3,0] i***kjd
[+321,-81] ******waer
           Why am I shipping this? Hmmmmmmmm. But damn, I still ship any idols to anyone who looks cute together. Btw, I ship red velvet with bts and now this arrived I am having doubts.
[+123,-23] ****kjdh
           Lol, other shippers are gonna die after looking at this! They really do have a chemistry!
[+231,-67] ****e
          (●´ω`●) Fanfic! Fanfic!
Sigh, all of them are also sure that there is something going on between them.
"But if Seulgi knows about this..." Irene-unnie started, "It would break her more."
We all looked at each other thinking for other solutions to solve this, "We cannot let her see this, Wendy-unnie make sure that Seulgi-unnie will not read anything regarding this issue, we should confirm this first to the person itself or from a member from BTS." Joy said while reading the article again, I think she is searching for more articles connected to it. "Okay, then Yerim-ah, since you are close to Jungkook why don't you ask him? He might know someting about it." Irene-unnie suggested to Yeri.
"But, unnie," Yeri hesitated for a bit but nonetheless agreed, "I'll try." While Yeri is trying to contact Jungkook I went back to the room and checked on Seulgi who's sleeping.
"Unnie," Yeri immediately caught our attention, so I went back to the living room, she was looking grim while holding her phone. This is not a good sign. Our heart already sunked before we could hear it from Yeri. "Jungkook said that Jimin-oppa opened up to them and said that he..." she sighed deeply, "He said that he doesn't feel anything for Seulgi-unnie and that his feelings were directed to Jeongyeon. I just don't know how people's feelings could change that fast."
"Did he really just confirm everything? I mean." Joy was already fuming.
I heard the door just close, when I looked back I saw the door of our room opened.
Oh no.
This is bad.
I immediately stood up and went to the room.
"Seulgi-ah." I called out for Seulgi just to see that she is not in the room.
"Unnie! Seulgi heard our conversation!" I shouted and tried to contact Seulgi through her phone, "What?" Yeri also went to the room and saw that it was empty. Ottoke! Ottoke! Seulgi!
I heard her phone ring in the room and saw that she left it on the table.
"We need to find her! She left her phone!"
Seulgi-ah, where did you go?
I woke up and saw that Wendy is not here, I heard their voices in the living room when I was on the door I heard Yeri, "Jungkook said that Jimin-oppa opened up to them and said that he..." she sighed deeply, "He said that he doesn't feel anything for Seulgi-unnie and that his feelings were directed to Jeongyeon. I just don't know how people's feelings could change that fast."
Jimin and Jeongyeon?
Ahh, that must be it. That's right I don't deserve him anymore. He is unfit to be with me. That's right he is suited for a top girl group. I laughed silently, mocking myself.
This must be a joke.
I got my wallet and wore a white hoodie and a mask.
I need to be alone.
I want to be alone.
This is just a joke, right?
I went out of the dorm quietly and ran. Ran away as far as I could, not minding the people I am bumping.
Not minding the rain.
This is not a movie or a drama, but why? Why is this happening to me? I became an idol like our dream together.
Jimin. We became a known idol. This is our dream together. But why?
Did you really love me? 
Ah that's right. You don't love me anymore.
I kept on running not knowing where my feet will take me.
I just realized that I am in front of their company.
I just laughed, "Hah, what kind of sick joke am I playing?" Why am I even here? He won't be here, he won't look for me, he doesn't care about me anymore.
I took a taxi going back to my hometown.
I don't care how much I spend.
I just need to see them, my parents and oppa.
Because right now, I don't even want to continue being an idol.
I don't even know anymore.
When I reached my destination I saw that the door was locked, that's right Seulgi, they are still sleeping, before I could turn around and go to another place the door opened and saw mother.
"Aigoo! Seulgi-ah! You surprised me! What are you doing there! Come inside." Mother hugged me and without any warning my tears started to flow. 
"Hm? Wae? Why is our princess crying? Did something happen? Huh?" 
"Eomma..." I just kept on crying and crying while being on her arms. 
I just kept repeating her name. Eomma just comforted me, it feels like she knows already but she kept quiet about it and just comforted me. "I really don't know anymore..." I started while crying, "Why? Did something happen?" Eomma just dried my tears with her hands and looked at me with concern, "Hng... I just want to stay here and quit everything." Eomma just kept on wiping my tears away, "Aigoo~ Our princess, everything in life is not all about being happy, we grow up by experiencing pain, rejection and mistakes. Eomma might not know everything what is happening to you but, our princess, fought so hard to become an idol, to shine and share your talents to everybody. Don't let a heart break destroy you Seulgi." I was still crying, "How did you know about that eomma?" She looked at me and smiled, "I know everything Seulgi, even if you don't tell me anything I know. You won't cry this hard even if you got scolded or made mistakes during your performance." My tears completely wiped away by eomma, "Show him! Show him that you are strong, show him that he just made you stronger and braver! You are our princess. You did not become an idol just to be left behind, you became an idol to show them that you are you and they must accept you. I'll call your other members and tell them that you will be spending the night here."
That's right, eomma is correct. I must be strong.
I must show him that I am strong. That I am fine even if he left me.
I'll be fine.
The next day I was fetched by the members and they scolded me for making them worry about me. I just went along with their teasings and tried to be happy. Trying to be happy, faking a smile pretending to be okay is hard. They knew how much I am hurting right now but the members still showered me with love. A month passes and I tried to remove his existence to my life. I flushed all of our memories together down the drain, I deleted our picture together, I threw away all of the things he gave me. I will be meeting him once again to end our relationship properly. At first, Irene-unnie was against this idea, but I made sure that they can trust me with this one. No matter how much they hate Jimin they cannot do anything since I kept on stopping them fron doing anything against him. They were even commenting negative things to Jimin as an anonymous person in a article regarding him. I stopped them and scolded them, telling them that they are not kids anymore and they should stop doing those things. Joy tried to rebel by being noisy but I just laughed at her, telling her to stop it and I'll tell her to Sungjae, with a pouting face and defying glare she said "Psh. Threatening me with Sungjae-oppa." and left the room while throwing a tantrum.
The doorbell clanged and I looked at who entered he hasn't arrived yet. The designated meeting time was 11AM but it has already been 30 minutes past the time, this coffee shop is not really relatively known and it is in a secluded place, this is where we usually meet and have a date, this place became a special spot for us, a happy memory, where I will be drawing him and he will just be sitting there looking at me.
"Hmmmmmm. Oppa." I looked at him while drawing his lips, he looked at me intensely, "Wae?" I was laughing at him and blushing at the same time, waaaaaahhhhhhh looking at his lips look so cute.
He looked surprised when I was laughing at him then he captured my face with his hands and played with my cheeks, "Oppa! I am trying to draw you! Hajimaaaa." He just kept on playing with my cheeks and gave a peck on my lips that I stopped laughing and started to blush heavily.
"Aigoo~ Yepo-da. You look so stunning while blushing." Jimin kept on complimenting me as I blushed harder, "Yah, don't distract me."
"Arasseo, arasseo. Just make sure I am really handsome in your drawing." You said while raising both of your arms.
I was laughing at the memory when Jimin sat on the chair opposite to mine.
"What do you want to talk about? I don't have time so make it quick." You asked with coldness in your voice, since I never got used to this voice of yours pain started to creep again on my chest. I snapped out and came back to the reality.
I hastily took out the box in my bag and slid it in front of you. "I just want to return these things to you. Thank you for everything, if you want to order something you can order it and put it on my tab. Then I'll go now." While I am packing up my things you looked at it and opened it. "Ah, you don't need to return these things to me, you can just throw it away." You slid the box back, "If you just want to see me you have to stop it Seulgi. I am already-" "Seeing someone else and I really love her." I continued and sighed. "I just wanted to return it to you, I have no other ulterior motives about it, and I already agreed that both of us should break up."
You looked surprised, "How did you know about me loving a different person?" I looked at you with my best poker face, "I just heard it." My mask was now falling apart as you came closer at me and I smelled a different perfume on you, a girl's perfume. Ahh, that's why he was late, he must have been all cuddly to her. She must be waiting outside. Before my mask falls of I stood up and went outside of the shop, then I got a glimpse of her waiting for you, she bowed to me then I also bowed to her out of courtesy and respect. I briskly went to my manager's car, "Oppa, let's go, I am done with my business here."
My tears still rolled down, and held my chest.
What a joke, stupid, stupid heart. Still beating for him. Still yearning for him. Haven't you had enough? He already broke you! Stop being a stupid heart!
That was the last thing that I had that made me remember you, the ring and necklace that you gave me, is the sign of me giving up.
"Don't ever remove this ring, Seulgi." I asked you while looking at you sliding the ring in my finger.
"This will the sign of us being a couple, so never ever remove it."
"I won't. I endured so much just to be with you so do you think I'll break up with you that easily? I'm not an easily girl, you know that Chimchim." I told you as I was looking at the ring adoringly.
"That's right, I also did not endure all of your jealousy and temper just to break up with you easily." You teasingly told me and as a retort I just glared at you and smiled at you while hugging you, "I really love you Chimchim."
"I love you too, my Seulgi-bear."
And yet, you easily broke up with me and I just accepted it. Because I already felt as if you don't love me anymore, those late night talks we spent together never happened anymore the last time we had a comeback before "Red Flavor", you never updated yourself personally with my schedules, you never bothered me anymore, you never gave the signs to me anymore. It was as if you are already bored with me, if I knew that the time you will be asking me out again would be the last time and would be the first time you will breaking my heart. 
In every award shows that I see you I always avoided looking at you. I avoided looking sad while you are trying to show a love-hate relationship with your current girl.
I am fine.
I'll be fine.
This is nothing.
But when I saw you looking at her during their performance I turned away immediately.
Ahh. Stupid heart.
When I went to the coffee shop we found together I saw both of you enjoy yourselves, both of you laughing being clingy, sweet, and more in love, when you turned your head to my direction I immediately hid, when I peeked again you kissed her, before I could cry again I went out of the shop and have decided that I'll never return here anymore.  The other members were trying to distract me and I kept on thinking about them, I tried to remove you in my brain. I spent every free time I've got in the practice room. Dancing and singing, improving my skills in everything just to get you out of my system. I became workaholic, I always spend my time in the practice room even when I got home from the studio I would always be doing something, I would draw, watch the TV, read a book, watch a movie. I went out with the members whenever we had time. I went to karaoke alone to sing out my bleeding heart.
Even after all of those efforts I did. Every time I close my eyes it would always wonder back to you.
But just hearing your name, your voice, seeing your face, seeing your smiling face, makes me stuck to you.
It made me hate it. Made me hate you.
I have been doing my best to remove you out of my system but why?
Why am I still suffering? 
I already gave you up. I already deleted all of our memories together. But why? Why is my heart still searching for you?
It has been a year since we broke up. 
It has been a year and your group's popularity rose up.
It has been a year and you are still with her.
It has been a year and I am still hurting.
If I could give an award to myself it would be Best in Being Stupid, and my speech would be "Unfortunately, this award has been given to me since I still can't get over my first love and first heart break. I still update myself with his schedule. And yes, I am still hung up on him. That is why I thank you for giving this award to me for throwing it on my face that I still love the person who left me."
Hearing your name does not really hurt me that much anymore. 
I improved myself, since most of the time you are in U.S. because you are now the top idol group in the world, I haven't been able to see you face.
We became busy because of "Bad Boy" and that reminded me of you but I still kept you hidden away from my mind and heart.
But I forgot, the world is unfair to me.
December 20, it was already past midnight when I finished my own schedule, manager oppa was driving, I am on my phone listening to a music. When our car was suddenly hit by a truck.
It happened so fast that I did not know what to do, all I can remember is shouting before I hit my head so hard that I lost consciousness. 
It was too quiet, too quiet on my own liking. 
It was too cold.
It was too dark.
"-gi!" Somebody's calling for my name, "Seulgi!" 
I want to speak but there's no voice coming out. I tried moving my hands but to no avail I can't. I'm scared. What is going to happen to me? Will I be alright? I can not feel anything. I can not do anything. It is too dark and cold.
"Is Seulgi back already?" Irene-unnie asked, she just came back from another schedule.
"Not yet unnie." 
"Really? That's odd. She should be here already since my schedule is finished an hour after hers."
That's right, Seulgi should have been already here. She sent me a message that she is already going back an hour ago. 
Then Irene-unnie's phone rang. "Hello? Yes oppa?" Then she froze and looked so stricken with fear, "Wh-which hospital? I-is she okay? Unnie!" She snatched her padded jacket and then she grabbed my hands and ran going out of the apartment while she is on the phone. "Unnie, we will be going there right now!" Irene-unnie who is usually strong was crying in front of me. As we rode the taxi we went to a hospital and Irene-unnie told me everything. We were nervous and scared of Seulgi, as we arrived the hospital we immediately looked for our manager unnie.
"Unnie! How's Seulgi? Did the doctor say anything?" Irene-unnie who is usually collected is now panicking. 
We were in front of the emergency room, while waiting for the doctor to save Seulgi, Seulgi's parents arrived. We were all praying that she would be safe.
Then the doctor went out of the emergency room.
"How is my daughter doctor?" Seulgi's Mom was crying while asking the doctor, "We saved her on time," he paused as if there is a contradicting words waiting to be spilled, "However, apparently she received too much pressure within her skull that caused a damage to her nerves, unfortunately it was her optic nerve that has been damaged." All of us was nervous we did not understand what he was talking about, "W-what do you mean?" Seulgi's mom inquired quietly hoping that it was not a serious damage, the doctor took a deep breath "Ma'am, Seulgi-ssi's eye sight has been permanently damaged." We were at loss on what to say, "That can't be! Doctor! Please tell me there isa cure to that right?" Seulgi's mom was crying, "She cannot be blind!" We stopped her on jolding the doctor as she collapsed and kept on crying, all of us started to cry knowing what this means. "I'm very sorry Mrs. Kang." The doctor said and went ahead.
While watching over Seulgi in a private room, all of us are distraught by the accident. Even our manager oppa was injured but not greatly like Seulgi.
Joy and Yeri also went here to check on her but immediately left because there too many people here already. Since, Seulgi's parents are here we have also decided to go back to the dorm.
"I never thought that it would happen suddenly. And, the reporters knew about it so fast." Irene-unnie said while we are in the living room, since there were reporters waiting outside the vicinity we went out of the hospital through their other exit.
"Really, reporters knew about it like they are just there watching." When we turned on the TV the whole channels are already broadcasting about Seulgi's accident.
"SMent, haven't given yet a statement, but I really don't know how Seulgi would take this. This would be a great loss in our group." Irene-unnie said.
We returned to our own room and showered a bit and rested, so that later we will be visiting Seulgi.
After sleeping for 5 hours the four of us went back to the hospital and just checked on Seulgi, we arrived at a good timing since Seulgi's parents should rest so we have decided to stay and keep on watching Seulgi's condition. She is not yet conscious so seeing her in this state makes our heart sink but we need to be strong for Seulgi. There was a knock on the door so Joy opened the door, "What are you guys doing here?" Joy said in a serious tone, so we looked at the person who Joy is talking to. "We are here to visit Seulgi-ssi." It was V, Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon and Suga, they are all wearing a cap and a mask to hide their face. "Does your leader and entertainment know you are here?" Joy continued on interrogating them, sigh, sometimes she acts like a scary step-mom. All of them kept quiet and did not answer Joy's question, Irene-unnie decided to intervene before people would recognize them, "Sigh, it's fine Sooyoungie. Let them in." Since Irene-unnie is our leader and older Joy had no other choice bur to let them in. But before they could breath lightly Irene-unnie scolded them, "We are all friends here, yes, but then, if you are going to visit our Seulgi," ohhh, emphasizing our, yep, unnie is still angry to Jimin-ssi. "You need to ask for a permission from your company and manager. Your group, no, in fact, all of you are a big star, so coming here without taking any precautions can make your whole fandom get angry and can cause a dispute between our fans, you should think before coming here. Its not that I am prohibiting you from visiting our Seulgi, but just make sure you are all taking a precaution." After unnie said those words they seem guilty for not talking to their company, "We are sorry for the sudden intrusion, Irene-ssi, next time we will make sure to contact our director so that it could not be messy. Oh, and our manager actually knows about this." Suga said, and handed a flower and fruits for Seulgi, "We actually wanted to check on Seulgi, since she also became close to us." V immediately said. While Jimin is just staring at Seulgi looking grim. 
Irene-unnie took the flower and fruits for Seulgi and settled it on the table, since the room is quite large it was enough for us. It was actually a awkward situation. We are all quiet and the only one who is talking is Yerim and Jungkook. But they do not really talk that loud, Irene unnie went near me and whispered, "They should not know about Seulgi's blindness." I just agreed, because if they knew they would be coming here everyday and it could cause a ruckus if their fans knew about it, and we were instructed by our manager unnie not to tell it to anyone before SM gives a statement. While, V was staring at Seulgi and looked sad the same with Jimin. Namjoon's phone rang and when he answered it, it was time they go. "Let's go. They are already looking for us." Namjoon said to the other boys, Namjoon looked at us and they bowed, "Thank you for letting us visit Seulgi, we will be going now." Namjoon said that and they took off.
"Sigh. Friends or not it was still an awkward atmosphere." Yeri said when they went out already.
"I know right." Joy second emotioned with Yeri.
"I was actually surprised that he came with them." Irene-unnie said, when Seulgi and Jimin broke up it was never the same anymore. The atmosphere before was light and cheerful but it has now taken a grim and sour mood everytime our group collides. It was as if the thing that connected our group together with BTS was the relationship of Seulgi and Jimin. "But right now, I think we should let go of that beef for now, for Seulgi." I just said and they agreed with a silence.
While scrolling on my phone SMent already gave their statement, it said that:
Hello, this is SM Entertainment giving a statement regarding the accident of Seulgi, member of Red Velvet, and her manager.
We will be assuring you that Seulgi is now of in the safe side and is now currently resting, she will also be taking a rest due to the injury she  received due to the accident with her manager, onve she has been discharged from the hospita. We are also confirming that we will be filing charges to the truvk driver who was also involved and cause of the accident our artist suffered from. As a rightful human being it is unjust and untimely for us not to take any actions since it has been a serious car accident.
We will be updating you regarding our artist's health once she has been diagnosed and given a treatment in the hospital.
Once again, this is SM Entertainment. We will be updating you in regard to this issue, thank you.
So they did not disclose the information that Seulgi is now permanently blind.
I can smell the scent of medicine, am I in the hospital? I tried moving my hands and opening my eyes. I succeeded in moving my hands  is there on my eye? I can not open it. "Seulgi?" I heard my mom's voice, and I felt somebody touch my hands as well, "Eomma? W-where am I? Why can't I open my eyes?" "Wait here our Princess we will be calling the doctor." I felt the hand let go of me and I heard a shuffling of a door being opened. A minute passed and I felt somebody remove a cloth on my head and eye. "Seulgi-ssi, can you try opening your eyes?" The doctor told me, when I opened my eyes I was distraught. "D-doctor? I can't see anything." Panick was already creeping up my spine. "Seulgi-ah, please do not get angry or lose hope, okay?" "Why mom? I-is there something wrong?" A lot of things are now running in my head, worst case scenarios passed in my head before I get to hear what the doctor would tell me. "Seulgi-ssi, since the accident you received a head injury that caused your optic nerve to be damaged, in simpler term, it resulted in your blindness." I could hear him saying those things but nothing could get through my mind after telling me that I am blind. "I, uhm, it is temporarily right...?" Was all I could say, when there is no answer given it got through me. Ahh. I am blind for the rest of my life.
With no words coming out of my mouth I just stayed quiet not telling them what to say. I internally swallowed all of the information given to me. The doctor was suggesting things on how can I get used to it but I did not listen to him, everything was a blur.
Weeks have passed but I still cannot digest everything. My blindness have been already spilled by SM to the media, and right now my future turned into a different way, I was dreaming just last month on how I can improve my dancing and singing skills, last month I was dreaming of going around the world with Joy, Irene-unnie, Wendy and Yerimie. But now... Everything seems so bleak, what can I do? Just accept the reality that I will not be able to perform anymore with them.
I already packed my things to be shipped back to my hometown, and after this we will be meeting our fans, this will be the last and final stage in my life. The last day I can spend with them and the last day that I can be a Red Velvet member. 
As we arrived the venue I can hear the fans' scream and cheers.
I sang BTOB's Beautiful Pain as it talked about breaking up. I listened to this song everytime, and this time I am singing this for the fans, everybody cried. I also cried as I reached the last note. Everything flashed to me. Every moment that happened flashed back to me, the moment I met him, I debut in Red Velvet, we performed, we were loved by our sunbaenim in SM, we were cheered on by our fans when there were bad things that is being thrown at us, when we broke up, when the only that made me happy and stand up again are my fans and members. But right now everything has to stop.
I guess I got very unlucky because I did something bad in my past. I took a deep breath and gave my speech.
Everything that I did was a blur. I don't know but why is it always me who is punished?
Everything that happened is painful to be remembered.
Everything was falling apart ever since.
Everything even me was a failure.
The end.
I don't know I just ended it there. Sorry for the bad story line.
5 notes · View notes
speedilyfriedglitter-blog · 8 years ago
Sasusaku is a fraud
 or how sasuke has been manipulated into SS.
I’m gonna analyze it through two POV: Kishimoto’s and canonverse’s.
let’s say he was genuine about it.
 1) He admitted in one of his interviews that he even wanted to write a love triangle (that’s just… wow) but ACCORDING to his own words, it wasn’t possible because a) this is a Shonen, and b) he had to prioritize. So, if you say romance was equally important here, you’re deluding yourself. He was focused on everything appealing to boys, i.e. just friendships, popularity contexts and fights. So, it’s only normal, that no romance would have deep development.
 In this case, some positive and ROMANTIC-looking moments -no matter how few they are- are enough for romance in this genre. Yet SS doesn’t enjoy from such privilege: part I, team 7 is like family to him (canon), so Sakura is like a sister. He thus protects her as one. Part II -call it ‘he’s in darkness’, or ‘fake Sasuke’- but there’s nothing left of this relationship. The worse is SS went from sibling relationship, to nothing, to romance with a guy that never showed interest in such trivial things as being “attracted to girl or romance”, despite him knowing it actually existed.
 2) Kishimoto had only cared about Naruto, his MC, tailoring the rest of the series around him. It’s so bad that every fodder character, every guy from the “main cast” and every evil has surrendered their soul to him. So, once he’s given Naruto his fucking acknowledgement, nothing else mattered for the author.
Sasuke who should have been seen getting over UCM, mending, finding his ways, healing or anything catering to his mental abuse and this abominating genocide has never happened. Why? Because Kishimoto never cared. It wasn’t in his plan.
How can a real Sasuke fan be satisfied with that?
 The fact that romance wasn’t even relevant to Kishimoto, and that he didn’t cared about his own creation, he just took the nearest short-cut possible, since ‘Sasuke’s chapter’ was closed to him the moment Naruto beat him.
Since then, he manipulated everything to suit their –SP & Cie’s agenda -Boruto-
Basic reading comprehension.
First, proofs that sasuke is broken and damage i.e. in a state he can be manipulated and driven to do something he doesn’t much care about in the first place.
He’s a ghost of himself
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You see there? Sasuke ceased to exist at that very moment. How any decision he made after this can is something genuine? He just surrendered his soul to the world. He keeps living for other people, putting their wishes first, since he doesn’t have any drive himself.
This fragile sasuke can easily end with sakura not because it’s something he has always wanted but, he’s not himself anymore.
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Here, he shows us that he’s always been inferior to Naruto and Itachi. Here, you witness a broken man who doesn’t have any more self-love or self-esteem. He’s lost. How is he that Sasuke who made choices because he felt it necessary or what he wanted?
 Also, very important, is his dynamic with Itachi. Sorry Itachi fans but he accepted to side against his own family. He betrayed his family, so how Sasuke who is pro-Uchiha forgave a pro-Konoha! Itachi was the last link to the family he ever loved.
Obviously, Sasuke became someone who can be manipulated and everyone who can substitute to his family/Itachi can manipulate him just as well. So, no silly things as “Sasuke can’t be manipulated or driven to do something that doesn’t go with his normal way of being”. He hasn’t even a mind for himself anymore, lol. He deemed necessary to become another Naruto/Itachi.
 Because team 7 became that substitute, team 7 can have a huge impact on his mental, and that include Sakura with all that pushing her obsession on him until he breaks. That’s his reality now.
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When Sakura confesses, he thinks back again to his family.
For Sasuke, nothing was as much important as his family. He even admitted that he had craved for love, and how he sought for a substitute in Naruto.
 That’s back when his old family was more important than anything. After Naruto wins, he breaks down his final wall. What kept team 7 from replacing the Uchiha family, has been vanquished by that final fight. Now Team 7 is not only his sole “decent” connection but his only family.
Like he drank Itachi’s words, he’s bound to drink Team 7 words too.
By the way, why Sasuke felt like helping to save the world but then pull that bullshit? Another bullshit to end this too-long Shonen for Kishimoto.
 That he had always loved his family, that team 7 took this place now, that he feels that what he fought for or thought is inferior to Itachi’s and now Naruto’s moral and that Naruto beat him until he had surrendered shows that he shifted his emotions from his old family to team 7.
Now he thinks he’s the worse person to ever walk on this earth when he actually acted like any other ninja. That lets it read that Itachi and now team 7 are always right and he’s wrong to think otherwise. Because he puts himself under those people he thinks are saints moral-wise, he surrendered to their wishes.
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He’s like a wound left open now. Every bacterium that ever existed can contaminate him. Yahoo!!
 What happened after the big fight and team 7 reunited?
 -Kakashi just keeps reading his porn in a shady place.
-Naruto gave up on him.
-Sakura kept confessing until he said yes.
-He has no one but team 7. This team 7 is what is left for someone who put connections above else, and once craved for love.
-All that is important in Naruto is to be pretty, cool and have super power-ups and whatnot. Also get married. You know, ticking everything on the usual bucket-everyday-lists without actually giving it second-thoughts. What? Friendships? Forget about it! Let’s just scratch it a bit and forget about it later on.
 So, Sasuke pleases them now, and there’s no one out there to put him first or at least help with his mental health or scars. I mean, now that he isn’t against the Shinobi system why cares about him? Just know something: the moment you get married, whatever pain or mental scars you have will vanish without actually caters to it. (Sarcasm again)
-The OOC of both to make SS:
Sakura went:
From this:
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and this
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note her promise
(Makes this face):
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to this:
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like this:
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and that:
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a) Sakura reverts back to her 12 self around Sasuke. Crying and repeating confessions. b) Her natural confidence that could have helped Sasuke is none existent. Now she acts like a doormat. Please go watch canon written by Kishi –she’s got little to no backbone when Sasuke is concerned. As long as Sasuke answered positively to her confession she’s okay with everything. c) Sakura who is a cheerful young lady tone down her personality to match Sasuke’s moody one.
Meanwhile, she never writes letters to Sasuke or even tells him to visit to see his daughter, but she wears gladly his Uchiha crest. See how SSS in gaiden is another guilt-trip session for Sasuke. He wanted a family and now it became a source of stress. Everyone, from Sasuke to Sakura, going through salad, everyone was apologizing.  Sweet love!
 I like Sakura (she’s evolved emotionally and physically), and I love Sasuke but together? I wanna choke a teddy-bear.
 -Sorry but Sasuke has NEVER showed romantic interests or whatsoever in anyone. Instead of ending like Jiraya or Orochimaru, aka with no burdens like raising child but travelling freely, he’s got now a child? What happened? How? Sakura raped him or something? Did he ask her? Had they actually had sex? That’s insane.
-In real fucking life, when a boy doesn’t show interest for any girl, he’s gay or aromantic.  Don’t even start with culture. Naruto showed interest. Jiraya did. Rock lee did. Heck, shojo and shounen ai come from japan.
  -yeah SS is canon lol. So? If I could fucking take it seriously though, it’s empty, boring and with no real sparks or frictions. Nothing at stakes or anything one could write books about except their aesthetic. Just headcanons like Sakura opening Sasuke’s heart to life -when it’s Naruto-, Sasuke looking like a love interest from a shojo or SNS rip-offs…
They don’t match the canon, neither their respective in character persona.
So, only stupid people can get butt-hurt over the fact that not everyone wants to ship it or find it logical. You like it, ship it elsewhere instead of looking for trouble with antis or other shippers.
To summarize my point is:
-SS indeed happens because Sakura drives him -along team 7- to response to her feelings, not because he was “in love”. (It’s not the same old independent Sasuke). There’s nothing remotely special or admirable about it.
-Sasuke’s last relationships aren’t what could have helped him. Look at him; he’s still vagabonding. Even Naruto ‘let him down’. You think that it’s not Naruto’s job? Then their bond is cheap. You think otherwise? Then let’s admit together that Kishi mostly ruined it all.
  I don’t care if you ship SS but how Kishimoto handled it and some extreme fans of his had me angry as hell. 
I can’t believe I’m still receiving “kill yourself delulu fugly”, “kill yourself” and the likes because I ship a crack-ship, like wut?? Please come down your high horse, lol. You ain’t nothing special, neither is your ship.
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