#I’m actually struggling to keep my eyes open rn
vinomino · 1 month
Immortality and reincarnation
Featuring: Suo.H x f!reader
Contents: sfw, immortal!Suo, mortal!reader, angst, hurt no comfort, death
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Since the dawn of time, humans have been dreamers. Dreaming about immortal narratives. Embrace or avoid, the human psyche comforts itself in the wake of such thoughts. There are countless ways to die and it could happen at any time. Death is relentless. So to take away death is to take away the human essence itself.
Suo is clad in black. He sits on that bench again, staring out into the sea. The sun brings to rise, forming bright pebbles that ripple along the surface of the dark blue water. You had left him again. He’s lost count of how many times the two of you met. No matter what he does, he would be unable to prevent your death. During the year of your 28th birthday, you’ll always die. He should be wise, he’s lived for millenniums after all. But he cannot bring himself to let you go. Suo can only faintly remember what happened the first time he met you during your first life. In contrast, he can pinpoint the exact year it was, exactly one thousand and three hundred years ago. 
They forewarned him about falling in love with a human, it was condemned. A human lifespan will go by in a blink of an eye. You swayed his heart and kept coming back to haunt him. He witnessed your death over, and over, and over again. All the children you two had departed. He outlived all the babies he made with you. Suo was immortal, he couldn’t age, and he’d always be stuck on this earth, in this same form. 
You always came back. Whether with a different name or background, he will always recognize you. Since it was a face he’s spent his whole life trying to forget. A woman who torments him relentlessly. However, Suo can’t let you go, if he isn’t there, you’ll fall in love with someone else, and he can’t bear to witness that. But whenever you see him, you’ll fall in love, always, that’s how it goes. The indestructible cycle that he can’t break. It decays him out and whole. Suo lives in isolation waiting for you, then you leave, and so he returns to his loneliness until it lifts again. There’s nothing he can do. 
“You’ve met me before?” You chuckle at his unbelievable confession, tracing your finger over his cheekbones. “Like in a past life?” 
“Something like that,” his throat squeezes shut, trying to prevent him from continuing. “But, you always left me.” 
You watch a wet film slip over his red eye. “I won’t leave you.” 
“You will.” Suo pulls you into his bare chest, pressing you into himself, as if he were trying to force you to become one with him. His legs are intertwined with yours, this short peace that he knows will end. It will be ripped from his heart, leaving him bleeding out.
“And there’s nothing I can do.” He rasps out.
It’s helpless. Even if he locks you in a cell for a whole year, keeping you healthy and fed— no matter what he does, you end up a lifeless heap in his arms. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” You whisper and peer up at him. Suo wants to believe it, he so desperately wants to make it real. His time with you will be fleeting, he’ll be left incomplete. For someone who can’t die, Suo’s scared of dying. If he’s gone, you’ll wander this world without him until the end of time. He promised to never leave you alone. 
The lily in his hand starts to droop. The restored innocence of the soul of the departed. He took this one flower with him, unable to leave it behind. Your body no longer has a form, only existing as a pile of ashes. Suo only needs to wait twenty or sixty years to see you again. He hopes you’ll take longer to be reborn this time. To give him some peace in this suffering. 
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coalswriting · 1 month
time of need - natalie scatorccio
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summary – you get captured by your nemesis when your power is needed. (approx. 1.4k words)
a/n – i am very rusty with writing rn!! but this is more of a world-building/introduction chapter. i’m not too sure if i’ll continue with this but if anyone wants to help me out on how to turn this into an enemies to lovers, i’d love to get it done some day :3
anyways, antler queen = lottie, serpent = nat, judgement = taissa, saint = laura lee & you are (h/n) / hero name.
your head rang as you began to regain your consciousness. your limbs felt as heavy as lead as you tried to move them, your eyebrows scrunching together in confusion.
where were you?
then, you noticed two things. one, that you couldn’t move at all, and two, that you were not in your superhero costume.
oh crap.
white metal walls surrounded you with the clinical vibes of the white lights above your head adding to your headache. you felt exposed and vulnerable, and you supposed that you were, considering you were tied to a damn chair.
struggling, you attempted to loosen the restraints around your limbs. you just needed a bit of leverage, and you’d be able to escape. suddenly, you felt your blood run cold as a door slid open in front of you, and through it walked no other than your arch nemesis, serpent.
“i didn’t expect you to be so easy to capture, (h/n), or should i say (y/n) (l/n)?”  
yeah, you were screwed. when you had made your small hero-squad with antler queen, saint, and judgement, you had sworn never to reveal your identities to each other or the public. ‘it’s way too dangerous and we’d get a lot of people hurt’, you had remembered judgement scolding you.
“serpent,” you seethed. her voice sounded like venom in your mouth, fittingly so. narrowing your eyes, you glared as her blonde locks fell through her hood. you began to struggle more, as she came towards you, fear filling your body much like that of a rabbit about to be eaten by its prey.
“no point struggling, i’ll just knock you out again,” her lips fell straight into a smirk, and you had to tear your eyes off her, instead, opting to look down at the floor.
how did you even get captured?
oh, yeah, you remember now. you were helping a child escape from some rubble while your three teammates were preoccupied with serpent’s groupies. and well, turns out the small child was serpent herself, just shapeshifted. obviously, when it comes to a fight with a shapeshifter who can change their body at will, and somebody who can heal others a considerable amount, the shapeshifter will win. sometimes you hated your power, god.
you took a deep breath, feigning the dread in your stomach, before looking up at her. “right, what do you want?”
serpent’s composure seemed to falter for a moment, her smirk dropping into a thin line. heh, she wanted to stay on her power high for longer. well, you weren’t going to let her do that. win for (y/n). 
“i need your help.”
you stared at her for a moment, raising your eyebrows. “you… what?”
“i need your help, what the fuck don’t you get?”, she snapped, and you nearly fell off the chair from shock. serpent’s demeanor softened as she looked at you apologetically for a moment. “sorry.”
you gulped, nodding your head slightly. you didn’t expect one of wiskayok’s most notorious villains to have a polite side. “yeah, yeah… what do you need me for?”
the blonde pulled her hood down, uncovering her hair. you couldn’t see her face due to the scaly green mask that covered her features, but she looked beautiful, actually. or, ugh, maybe she’d concussed you when she had knocked you out. yeah, that must’ve been it.
“my team’s engineer got into a bad accident when working a few days ago. we managed to keep her stable, but her face is pretty damn fuckin’ mangled.”
she stopped for a moment, watching to make sure you were listening before continuing.
“i’ve seen you literally reconstruct people’s faces on the battlefield. i want you to fix her.”
silence fell over the both of you as serpent paced back and forth in the room, waiting for an answer. you noticed how quietly she walked despite wearing chunky boots and loads of shimmery scale-like armor – it was like she had trained herself to do as such, like she hadn’t lived a life where she felt safe.
“okay,” you finally said, “i’ll do it.”
“what?”, she choked, turning her entire body towards you.
“yeah, you’d literally kill me if i didn’t. but, i want you to let me go after.”
a ghost of a smile crept onto the blonde’s face as she stepped towards you. you looked into her hazel eyes, if that’s what they really were, and she stared into your (e/c) ones. then, suddenly, you felt a cold, yet gentle hand on your jaw, as she pulled it up slightly to inspect your face. goosebumps covered your body as you felt your heart thump in your throat. you felt intoxicated, staring at her and you couldn’t tell if you were panicking from how vulnerable you felt, or from how beautiful she was up close. dang, you knew you’d beat yourself up for being attracted to the enemy; the enemy who had done so many awful things, but also the enemy who had never intentionally hurt an innocent civilian. this was wrong.
suddenly, you felt yourself get lighter, and as serpent let go of your jaw, you realized that she had cut the ropes off you with one swoop of her shape-shifted hand. you swore her cheeks had a red tint to them as she turned to look away, muttering a, “had to make sure i wouldn’t slit your throat…”
how romantic.
“so, this is your engineer?” you enquired, staring at the girl sitting in front of you. her face was covered in bandages, and she seemed a bit reluctant, avoiding eye contact.
serpent only nodded, keeping an eye on every movement you made. she was like a hawk, stalking its prey, and you felt unnerved. if you made one wrong move, you weren’t sure if you’d come out of the lair alive.
“what’s your name?” you asked, sitting down on the seat next to her. before she could open her mouth to speak, serpent cut in with a “no formalities!”
sighing, you rolled your eyes.
“okay, this will be fast; i need you to close your eyes, and i’ll touch the injured part of your face. you don’t need to remove your bandages.”
“will it hurt?” the ginger questioned, shocking you – the whole time, you had thought that she wouldn’t utter a word to you, and for a moment, she kind of sounded like a girl in the av club you attended every thursday. you mentally shook off the connection, deciding that you were probably just concussed and delusional.
“no,” you simply replied, “it’ll feel very hot for a second but that’ll quickly turn into a pleasant warmness. i can focus properly here so there’s no risk of it going wrong.”
and with that explanation, the girl closed her eyes. serpent watched closely as your right palm began to glow, and you placed it onto the girl’s face.
as much as you didn’t expect it, serpent was somebody who kept to her word. one second, you were performing your healing magic, the next, you were awoken by your roommate, jackie, throwing a rabbit plushie at your head. “jesus, (y/n), turn off your damn alarm! it’s been going off for ages!”
you moaned, disoriented, grabbing your head with one hand while reaching over to turn off the alarm. your brain felt like it was imploding.
“holy shit, you look awful! did you hit your head?”
hearing this caused you to sit up almost instantly and peer across the shared room at the mirror that adorned the wall. yep, you had a bad bump above your left eye and the bruise that was forming was not pretty.
damn fucking serpent.
“oh, yeah, uh. i bumped my head getting out of the shower last night,” you lied biting your tongue, “you were asleep.”
your roommate simply shrugged her shoulders before murmuring “be more careful” and flipping to face the wall in her bed.
you shuffled through the hallways of your university, dodging hordes of students who had just finished their evening lectures. it was your favourite time of the week; av club, and as you swung the door open, you walked into somebody.
“oh, sorry,” you murmured, staring at the perpetrator. she was a bit shorter than you and had layered platinum blonde hair and intoxicating chocolate brown eyes. your mouth hung open for a moment, trying to figure out why this girl looked so familiar. “um, do i know you from somewhere?”
she simply shook her head ‘no’ before pulling out a box of marlboro reds. “never seen you in my life. i’m nat.”
“(f/n),” you replied, quietly. the girl nodded, acknowledging you, before brushing past you coldly.
behind where she had stood, in the back of the club room, you could see van staring.
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wh0re43van · 10 months
You are great writer! Stumbled on that on set Evan fic and it was soooo good 🔥 Lol, I actually do work on set and you really captured the atmosphere tbh. Keep it up!
Not sure if you’re open to requests rn, but I would love your take on Evan and his partner trying to make a baby for the first time. He just seems so sweet and I’d love to think of this man in a happy marriage, daydreaming about little feet running around.
Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your kind words <33
So, I decided to make this two parts. This first part is just fluff, the readers get to see Evan in kind of a paternal role in this part, baby making will be in the next, I hope you enjoy!
Also ngl, I had this done for a couple of days now, I just couldn’t think of a title :/ so sorry about that. I’m awful with titles smh
Baby fever (Evan Peters X Reader) Pt. 1
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Summary: While babysitting for Evans brother, you realize that you’re finally ready to have a baby, much to your husbands delight.
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: none in this part ;)
Pt2 Pt3
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“Thank you again, I know it’s a bit short notice, “ Evans brother, Andrew, says as he closes the door behind him to step out onto the dim front porch with Evan, his daughter Ellie, and myself.
“Dude, It’s no problem really!” Even smiles, laying a gentle hand on his brother’s shoulder. “It’s always a joy having Ellie around,” he grunts as he picks up her small ‘Peppa Pig’ suitcase and her car seat.
“Yeah, Dad! They love me!” Ellie giggles as she grabs onto my arm. I smile at her snaggle toothed grin. The yellow light of the porch reflecting off her dark hair, making her curly pig tails look golden.
“They’re right Andrew,” I reiterate as we all begin to walk to Evans car, Ellie’s small hand in mine while the crickets chirp their evening song. “Now you go inside and help the Mrs. pack for your..uh.. trip. We’ve got it from here, “ I give Andrew a sympathetic smile, taking Ellie’s sippy cup out of his hand.
Andrews wife’s mother has been rushed to the hospital just a few hours ago and the couple is driving through the night to be there with her. They haven’t told Ellie the reason for the trip, all she knows is that she’s spending the weekend with Auntie y/n and Uncle Evan.
“Be sure to call me if you need anything or if Ellie just wants to talk, bye sweetie,” Andrew picks up his daughter, giving her kiss on the head.
“I love you daddy,” she giggles hugging him back quickly before trying to escape his embrace. “Let me down! I wanna go to Uncle Evans!” She Kicks her small light up sneakers, flashes of purple and red glow on the concrete as her feet hit the ground. Andrew just laughs. Thanking us again before making his way inside.
“Give me the suitcase babe, I’ll throw it in the back,” I take the pink bag out of Evans arms, walking to the trunk to toss it in.
I make my way around the vehicle to see Evan bent over struggling to get the carseat hooked in as Ellie hangs on his leg, both of them erupting in giggles.
“Ellie I can’t get this carseat in with you climbing all over me like that,” he laughs as he pulls at the locked seatbelt, trying to free it so he can stretch it through the back of the child’s seat. Ellie continues as if she hasn’t heard him, and Evan lets her. I smile at the pure joy beaming from my husband. He loves children dearly; his niece is no exception of course. He’s brought up starting a family of our own many times in the few years we’ve been married, I’ve just never felt quite ready with how much time away his job requires, but now things are slowing down and the idea of having a baby grows on me more every day.
“Now Ellie, how will we ever make it to our house if you don’t let Uncle Evan buckle your seat in?” I ask, giving her a stern look. She considers my statement, then reluctantly trudges over to me, leaning on my leg.
“Oh okay,” she frowns, looking up at me with her big hazel eyes.
“Done! … I think.” Evan exclaims, backing away from the vehicle. I stifle a laugh when I see the crooked car seat that he is ever so proud of. I simply walk up and adjust it before plopping Ellie in the seat and strap her in. Finally, we can go home.
After arriving home, we bring Ellie’s bag in to the room that she’ll be sleeping in, I take her down to the kitchen as Evan goes to change into some sleepwear. It’s a bit late, 7:00 pm and the sun’s already set for the night, but we’ve been informed that Ellie hasn’t had supper yet.
“Okay so you want a grilled cheese, we can do that, but you need to have a veggie as well,” I pick up Ellie and set her on the dining chair. She’s expressed that she wants a grilled cheese and only a grilled cheese. She even briefly tried to convince me that she’s allergic to all vegetables. “We have broccoli,” I pull a head of broccoli out of the fridge and set it on the table.
“Yuck!” The small girl rolls her tired eyes.
“Carrots,” I grab a bunch of fresh carrots, placing them in front of her.
“No way!” She shoves them away from her. I huff.
“Or we have green beans,” I reach into the pantry and set a jar of green beans next to the other veggies.
“Aunt y/n, you’re crazy. No thank you to all of them. Just a grilled cheese please,” she says in disgust, reaching for the bag of bread and block of cheese, sliding the ingredients closer to me.
“Ellie-“ I sigh, admittedly losing some patience.
“Oh wow look at all these super veggies that Aunt y/n has laid out for you. You’re lucky, she’s giving you the special ones,” Evan says coming around the corner, now in his pajamas, as he takes a seat next to his niece.
“What do you mean?” She inquires, raising a small eyebrow.
“Oh she didn’t tell you?” He gasps, shifting his gaze to wink at me. I stifle a laugh.
“These carrots,” he pulls the bunch to him. “They give you night vision.” He explains. Ellie considers his claim.
“What about this one,” she hands him the head of broccoli.
“Oh this? It just gives you super speed, no big deal I guess if you don’t want to be the next quicksilver,” he says nonchalantly, tossing the head of broccoli in between his hands. Ellie gasps, her eyes light up.
“I want this one!” She grabs the green veggie and hands it to me. “Please.” She adds, remembering her manners. I laugh.
“Don’t you want to hear about the green beans?” Evens asks, standing up from his seat.
“No thank you. Super speed please!” She crosses her hands on the table, awaiting her superpowers. Evan takes the broccoli from my grasp, turning to grab a cutting board.
“I got it honey, go upstairs and get ready for bed,” he kisses my forehead. I smile and thank him before making my way to our bedroom.
I change into some comfy pajamas and do my nightly routine of skincare and brushing my teeth before padding down the steps. Before I peak my head around the corner I hear Evan shout,
“One more time… GO!” followed by the quick stomping of tiny feet. I clear the corner to see the furniture pushed out of the way and Ellie hurtling full speed towards me. She runs right into my stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of me.
“Jesus,” I wheeze. Ellie giggles boisterously with a toothless smile.
“I’m sorry Auntie y/n,” she manages to choke out as she falls to the ground in her fit of laughter. I look to my husband with wide eyes, trying to process what happened.
“Hey don’t look at me babe, it was the supper broccoli. Hopefully it will wear off soon,” he says genuinely, putting his hands up in defense. I can’t help but laugh.
I take a moment to admire the sight of my husband standing in his sweatpants and old stained shirt draped loosely on his toned body. His beautiful brown curls that are just a bit overdue for a trim sticking out every which way, yet resting perfectly on his soft features, and his scruff filling in more and more every day that he’s doesn’t shave. The gorgeous man in front of me, smiling from ear to ear with the purest of joy in his chocolate eyes makes my heart sing. He’s truly in his element right now. The elation coming from Ellie and Evan is contagious, I find myself in a fit of laughter as well as Ellie crawls up my legs and onto my back.
“Your turn to race Auntie y/n!” She cheers.
“No, no not tonight honey,” I disappoint her with my response.
“We have to clean up and get you ready for bed,” I walk over to Evan, passing the girl on my back into his grasp. “Which will be Uncle Evans job since he’s the one that wound you up,” I raise my eye brows at him. Ellie happily rests in his arms bridal style, her gummy grin never leaving her face.
“Hey, don’t give me that look,” he begins to walk towards the steps. “You’re the one that gave Ellie speed enhancing veggies,” he reminds me, almost fooling me as well, with how serious his tone and expression are.
I roll my eyes as I turn to put our living room back together.
‘You’d think Evan would know not have a 6 year old run laps around the house half an hour before bedtime.’ I sigh as I push our couch back into place. As irritated as I want to be, I can’t help but feel giddy. Seeing how happy Evan is with Ellie makes my heart swell with joy.  
‘Maybe I will discuss having a baby with him.’ I think to myself as I replace our rug and coffee table back into the center of the room.
‘But having a child isn’t always fun. It’s much different having your own child than babysitting.’ I make note to remind him as I shove our recliner back to its designated spot.
‘And pregnancy can be complicated’ I’ll have to tell him. ‘I hope mine won’t be, but it is something you have to prepare for’ I’ll explain. He’s not the one getting pregnant so I know this may not be something he’ll consider.
I make my way to the kitchen to begin stacking the dishwasher with what little dishes Evan left in the sink before he went to destroying our living room.
‘And what will we do if you get a big job and have to fly halfway across the country while I’m in labor or freshly postpartum?’ I’ll be sure to ask. I begin to make myself nervous considering all my concerns.
‘And what if-‘
“She’s laying down,” Evans comforting voice breaks me from my thoughts. I can hear the smile as he speaks. I don’t even need to look up. “Once I finally convinced her that there is no goblin living in our guest room closet, she crawled right in bed,” his voice gets closer as he moves to wrap his strong arms around my waist, I lean back to rest my head on his shoulder, taking in his familiar scent. I turn to look up at him. I don’t know how his dimples haven’t popped right off his face from how much he’s been smiling this evening.
“Let’s have a baby,” I blurt out, looking into the pure joy glinting in his eyes. The joy turns to shock. He grabs my shoulders, spinning me around so he can search my eyes for any hint of joking. There isn’t any.
“Are you serious y/n?” He asks. The smile now just his jaw dropped to the floor, his eyes wide and his eyebrows raised so high that they’re hidden behind his curls. I chuckle at his reaction, my chest warming at how excited that one sentence has made him.
“Yes,” I simply answer. He matches my smile, pulling me into his chest so tight it almost hurts, but I don’t say anything.
“I want nothing more than that y/n,” he mumbles to the crook of my neck. I wiggle out of his grip enough to meet his gaze, seeing his mahogany eyes glistening. He blinks and a single tear threatens to escape though his long lashes. He reaches a hand up quickly to wipe the happiness attempting to leak from his eye.
“Let’s do it,” I grin. Every doubt, every concern, flying quickly out of my mind. The speech I was going to give him about the dangers and responsibilities of childbearing now long gone after seeing how happy the idea of us having our very own bundle of joy is making Evan.
“I love you so much y/n Peters,” he pulls me into a soft kiss, his lips warm against mine. I reach my hands up to bury my fingers in his curls.
“And I love you Evan Peters,” I smile against his lips. Though this kiss is gentle, but it is easily the most intimate kiss we’ve had. I can feel the adoration with every breath that fans over my face. “I think we should try as soon as Ellie goes home,” I suggest, pulling away from the kiss, resting my forehead on his.
“You wouldn’t reckon my brothers on his way home now, would you?” He jokes as he reaches down to grab my hands. Running his thumbs over my knuckles.
“I’m not even sure they’re out of the state yet Ev,” I smile at my husband. He brings both my hands up to his mouth, kissing each one gently.
“I suppose I can wait,” he sighs. I giggle, grabbing his arm to guide him to our room.
“Let’s check on Ellie one more time, then we can head to bed ourselves,” I whisper as we walk towards the guest room.
“You seriously expect me to be able to sleep, Honey? I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve night,” he flashes his dimples, I roll my eyes and smile at his excitement.
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Venus my dear have you ever thought about fox hybrid childe? Like the fluffy ears in that mess of orange hair and his already sluttaly low rise pants hanging just under the base of his tail? With both a happy trail that runs down towards his cock and one that runs a short length down his back towards the mess of fluffy orange and white that is his tail? Like a full on feral hybrid, and why not add that good ol' knot on his cock too just cause I can!
Now think about fox boy childe and him bring so eager to have you swallow his cum that he knows your mouth, knowing full well you won't be able to take it and will be stuck there, nose pressed into the wet mess of his happy trail, eyes rolling back and breathing shallow as he watches how you struggle to swallow his load.
Or maybe....
Childe smirking down at you as he pulls you forward and make sure you feel how he swells behind your teeth before he comes, fingers tangled in your hair as he sighs, only now that you're truly stuck on his cock dose he release your hair, chuckling, as he watches you and your absolutely wrecked appearance, eyes rolled back in your head, hands falling from his hips, where your pathetic attempts to push him away had failed, just watches how your arms drop limply next to your sides.
Your blurry vision just starting to fade in and out, and the last thing you are actually aware of before you pass out, is one of his hands petting you gently and the other wiping the tears from your cheek as he coos down at you, ears flicking and twitching as another pulse of his cum floods down your throat.
Just think about fox hybrid childe...
ermm… me vs hoardin all of cors asks!! for me n me only!! but… i suppose i can share… cor i luv u i’m givin u a kiss rn mwah mwah!! U^ェ^U
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fox childe thoughts!! nothin too fancy just the fuzzy lil guy bein evil wif his knot!! point form headcannon format :3
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fuzzy fella!! he’s used to running around in without having to worry about how he’s dressed. hybrids like himself get certain privileges like less people caring about how they present. sure, it’s based in the idea that hybrids are ‘less than human’ but Ajax is like most in which he’ll use it to his advantage. he love love love loves walking around shirtless.
he’s about 6’2, bulky, and muscly. being part animal means he has to stay well in shape for hunting and the many other physical activities that are required of him. his tummy does have some chub!! the tummy chub is good for keeping him warm and healthy through the winter months. also most certainly a hairy boy; a happy trail no one can match.
loves having his tails and ears washed!! please do wash, condition, dry, and brush them he will make a little purring type noise like a motor. he tends to be a bit messy with everything he does, eating, playing, and existing, but a clean and fluffy fox is a happy fox!!
when it comes to his… more primal urges… he’s well aware that full humans aren’t built to accommodate certain characteristics. that won’t stop him from forcing it, though. he’s born to express his needs a certain way and will make it happen even if it hurts you both.
Ajax is already most certainly well endowed. about 8” hard with an upwards curve. he’s got a bit of thickness too but what’s really thick is his knot. his cock is great for splitting you open and pumping you full and it’s also delightfully heavy in your mouth.
he is an unashamed face-fucker. this does loop back into his base instincts of ‘cock in warm wet hole? need to go hard and fast to breed mate,’ though it’s also a personal preference of his. Ajax could hold back if he really wanted to but… why would he when you look so pretty covered in tears with your face turning blue?
lover of messy head. with the way he’ll be bucking into your throat, you’ll already be producing plenty of saliva and tears to moisten his dick but it’s not uncommon for him to spit down onto it as well to make it extra filthy. all fluids will end up being swallowed by you, and maybe him, in the end.
him… knotting your mouth… i am admittedly a bit hot and bothered by this… think of it sort of like sticking a lightbulb in your mouth. it can go in find but, you have to break it to get it out. Ajax’s knot will go in your mouth fine but, you’ll have to wait for it to go down to get it out.
he gets off on seeing you sputter around the massive load of seed lodged in your throat that you can’t properly swallow. he’ll most definitely twitch and shoot out a couple more little bursts while watching you struggle and whimper over everything shoved in your face.
Ajax won’t be completely cruel about it, you’ll still get plenty of praise and pats to your head!! it’s almost enough for you to ignore how he sets his hips fully to your face and covers your nose with his fingers. truly, he does want you to pass out.
he just thinks it’s cute when your cunts been fucked so nice that you end up knocked out so he’s gotta figure out some way to make that happen when it’s your throat he’s fucking!! doesn’t mind forcing it at all.
you’ll wake up clean and with a big fox man curled around you. he’s very easy to forgive when he licks your face as kisses and wags his tail; his own set of charms.
foxboy childe 100/10 a very wonderful lil guy!! mean, sure, but very loving… and needy… and aggressive… and protective…
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i wish i had better thots tew add but… cor u have done my brain in once again!! i jus wan my lil fox guy :((
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maochira · 1 year
GREETINGS MAO how are you on this lovely day? Hope your well!!
Soooo I’m I’m back to being obsessed with ness I just read every single fic I know about him and that’s not enough.
I had this thought cus I was recently sick and I love a good sick fic . just ness taking care of reader you can taje this fro here I trust you <3
Btw not in a bad way of course but you think that you will be able in the future to make your fics longer? Like your writing is amazing and I’m sure everyone would love to see more of it and enjoy a good long fic from you! (ughhh my long dream is a 10k fic on ness pls world)(another dream is a 2k fic from you ;)
I answered the question regarding the length of my fics in this post!! Also I usually only write headcanons, scenarios or drabbles for requests so I hope this is fine!!
Requests open! - writing event - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader x Ness, established relationship, domestic fluff (Ness and reader live together), I'm actually sick as I'm writing this
-Ness literally does NOT let you get out of bed for minor things. Even if it's just getting a glass of water or picking up something from the other side of the room. He wants you to rest every single moment, so he'll make you stay in bed and instead call him if needed
-he really wants to cuddle with you to make you feel better, but out of fear of him getting sick, you won't let him, as much as you'd like to cuddle as well
-if you get a headache, Ness sits down on the edge of the bed and massages your head until your painkillers start working
-he also lightly scratches your head whenever you try to fall asleep, because trying to sleep can be a struggle when you're sick
-he's a bit nervous about leaving you alone at home, but sometimes he just needs to leave the house to get you food or meds. He tends to do that only when you take naps
-even though the sound on his phone is on, he looks at it every few minutes just so check if you texted or called him because you need something specific
-Ness always makes sure you either have a bottle of water or a can of tea, and he always keeps an eye on how much you drink so you keep being hydrated (A/N: hello reader you should drink something rn)
-Ness also makes all your food and he makes sure you eat enough. He cooks stuff for you his mother made for him when he was sick as a child
-the entire time, he's SO WORRIED about you. Always hoping you'll feel better on the next day and hoping you won't feel worse
-he also misses cuddling and sleeping next to you a lot. To avoid him getting sick he sleeps on the couch and he has a harder time falling asleep because you're not next to him
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star-quill · 1 year
Hiiiii I’m smoking weed rn and realized that sometimes when I smoke with guys, I wanna make out with them and I’m just imagining getting absolutely blasted with rockstar!Peter one day on his bus and fooling around. But what if you’re actually the lead of the opening act of his tour?? And throughout the first half of the tour, you kept telling him that it’s unprofessional to date “coworkers” even though it’s CLEAR you want him and he wants you. And once you have that lazy slow hook up, you get more needy to see what else he can do
oh my goodddd
having off days is rare, but when they come around, you're so thankful. sometimes you like to see the city you're visiting, but today you just wanted to hang out with peter. you're just friends, telling him that you can't see him, it's unprofessional —no matter how many times you drunkenly make out with him in his bus.
you passed him back the joint he had rolled, the smoke blowing out the little window above your head. peter was laying across the sofa, completely wasted. you were getting there, sliding down the sofa to rest your head on his shoulder.
"you doing ok?"
"mmhm.. feels good to let go sometimes.."
"tell me about it.."
you just smile, curling your body up and wrapping your hands around his bicep. peter had become something of a comfort for you recently. you had grown closer to him during tour and had complete fallen for him. he felt the same, but he would never tell you. he's never been this happy, all the groupies, the hookups with random girls, he wanted to just fill a void but nothing was ever permanent. except you, you filled that hole in his heart, you gave him everything you could. he had never felt so happy than when with you.
"i wanna kiss you.."
"peter.. we can't.."
"it's not like we've not done it before.."
"you're just high.. you don't know what you're saying.."
"i do.. i wanna kiss you.."
he reached an arm around you and pulled you onto his lap, his mouth attaching to your neck. you just whined, hands grabbing at the hem of his shirt.
"i wanna kiss you everywhere.. wanna love you.. wanna make you happy.."
his eyes were cloudy but you could tell he meant it, he had the softest smile on his face and you just smiled and rolled your eyes. he took one last puff of the joint before snuffing it out in the ashtray. he stood up and you yelped when you nearly fell.
"s'alright.. i got you.."
he took you to his bunk and lay you down, before he struggled to get in himself, the space suddenly feeling quite cramped.
"hotel room?"
"hotel room."
he took your hand and led you off the bus and to the hotel, into the elevator and up to his room. you both stumbled into the room, giggling and unable to keep your hands off each other. once he got you onto the bed, he told you to just lay back and relax, his mouth and hands touching you everywhere he could. your mind was clouded and this was just elevating it even further. he was so gentle with you, taking his time and being slow. everything felt so languid, hazy but so good.
"wanna live like this forever with you, peter.."
"yeah? me too.."
you both came at the same time, sighing into each others mouths. peter almost collapsed on top of you, before rolling over, laying by your side on the large king size bed. he let you get cleaned up before you sauntered back to bed and he pulled you into his side.
"i meant it.. by the way, i wanna live like this forever with you.."
"i know.. and i meant it too.."
he kisses your forehead as you snuggled into his side, hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. every night on tour after that was a blur, everything all moulding into one. he kissed you after he got off stage, then he's dragging you to the hotel room. you don't fuck every night, sometimes he runs you both a bath and he washes you up, sometimes you just lay in bed and watch trashy television and sometimes you sit out on the balcony, watching the world go by. he was your everything, and you wouldn't change it for the world
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astrokatsuki · 11 months
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SUMMARY You just created life. This could help the world in so many ways! So is it selfish when you want to keep this gorgeous creation all to yourself? You made him after all.
WARNING fluff, the ending was rushed bc im so behind, choso is a cutie Frankenstein, reader is a smarty pants, not proofread
WORD FROM ARTIST I still have to do my Halloween coloring but I don’t have access to my laptop rn 0.7k+
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You’ve done it. You just created life. Granted it’s not your average human.
It’s not even human.
Staring at your creation through the plexiglass wall dividing you two, you can’t help the manic grin that spreads on your face. You just made a new life form. The only one of its kind.
The sun hasn’t risen and you haven’t slept. You have the eye bags and empty coffee cups to prove it. The only thing keeping you up is the labs fluorescent lights.
He sits up straight facing the wall infront of him with his blank, black eyes. His hair is down and covering his face, but you can see a prominent blood mark across his nose.
Does anybody know how much this can contribute to the world? But as selfish as it might sound, you want him all to yourself.
You try to reassure yourself, This isn’t being selfish. You were the one to create him, after all.
Slowly opening the door at the end of the plexiglass barrier, you walk in. You walk around the reflective table he’s idly sitting on. You’re still cautious, this only being the first time your creation actually comes alive.
Through the strands of his hair, you see his eyes stare at you. You don’t think he’s blinked once yet.
You reach up hesitant, just in case he pushed your hand away. He didn’t. Proceeding, you push his hair back and hold back a gasp at the sight.
He’s gorgeous, but you quickly push that thought to the side. You need to focus.
He needs a name. You’ve had a name in mind for a long time, waiting patiently for a successful experiment. It’s finally time to use it.
Being honest, there’s no special meaning behind the name, but you couldn’t help but fall in love with it. And now looking at this masterpiece, the name fits him perfectly.
“What if I call you Choso?” You tilt your head to the side, analyzing him while waiting for his response. He finally blinks.
And grunts.
You didn’t expect him to be a walking encyclopedia, but it’s seems as if he can’t talk at all. You should’ve known this was going to happen.
You mentally curse.
Making sure he’s paying attention, you first make an affirmative grunt then a disagreeing grunt, signaling him to pick one. You hope he can tell the difference between the two.
It’s seems he can, he repeats the affirmative grunt you just made.
He’s catches on quickly, you internally note.
Finally leaving the lab after being cooped up in there working on Choso, he follows you to his apartment.
You did have to teach him how to walk a bit. It’s not that he couldn’t, he just looked like a baby deer every time he tried to.
You give yourself much needed rest time, and wait until the next day to start teaching him things. You need a long nap and he needs to get used to being alive.
So you let him sleep in the guest room.
Waking up, you sprawl your body out onto the bed, yawning as your limbs stretch. You quickly realize he was no longer in the guest room. He was in your room.
Sleeping straight on his back like the deceased.
He sure as hell didn’t look living to you, you scoff. He took up most of the bed, leaving you halfway off the bed with a corner of your comforter struggling to cover your shorts and tank top clad body.
You softly shake him, “Wake up.” Your morning voice coming out in a whisper.
He’s eyes snap open. It’s safe to assume he’s a light sleeper. You have to practically drag him out of bed even though he was wide awake.
Walking into the kitchen, you teach him the names of the appliances and groceries. You even tell him a little about yourself.
“I’m y/n, the scientist that created you.” You introduced yourself, speaking slowly, hoping he can understand. While talking, you make yourself busy by pulling out ingredients to make breakfast.
Instead of responding with a grunt like usual, Choso takes your hand in his pulling you closer to his body.
Your eyes widen in shock, as he pulls you to stand in between his legs as he sits on an island chair.
He embraces you in a hug, breathing in your sweet scent. A sigh escapes him as you slowly return the hug.
He hugs you tighter, letting out a possessive grunt.
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cuepickle · 4 months
You should join the STBB! We’re struggling for artists and your style is so so so cool. Round 2 of art claims is happening this weekend and there are so many talented writers whose stories are still unclaimed, especially those doing ships other than Harringrove. It seems like you’re open to drawing multiple ships— you might enjoy joining!! Love your Eddie doodle 🩷🩷
AHH! Thank you so much. I wish I’d actually checked my inbox sooner. I really want to join another big bang, but I’ve been struggling to stick to art “tasks” at the moment cause it’s super mega crunch time in my work life rn.
I’m going to keep my eye out for the next fandom events though!!!
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lokeanheart · 1 year
Hi! I’m not sure if you’ve answered something like this before but I was wondering how you first realised that Loki was there for you. I’m currently trying to connect with a deity (I’m not doing a great job at the moment because executive dysfunction) but I’ve been struggling quite a bit and I’ve only had one experience a while back that might be considered a brief interaction so I was wondering what your experience in this sort of area might have been like and how you managed to grow closer to Loki.
Omg hi hi hi my first Anonymous question 
This is so fun !
Well I started worshiping Loki maybe two and a half months ago and I’m still pretty new
Even being a a Lokean for years there’s still new stuff to learn
Never feel like a deity isn’t listening or isn’t there
They are ! I promise!
For me I found Loki when I was in a very low low spot in my life . I randomly one day started to love marvel loki (I didn’t like marvel at all had no intentions on ever liking it) then I sorta had that whole phase ..then I found out it was all based in norse mythology
So I read up on it and honestly I felt to drawn to loki and I just had to learn more . I began reading about people’s stories with him and realizing most of the symbols (animals ,food, sounds , elements) that he was associated with are all things that were in my life constantly.
So I then made a huge decision to break from my horrible religious trauma (my family strongly believes in god and hates gays and stuff like that’s soooo…being bisexual and genderfluid and lokean.. they didn’t like that)
and I can say that’s probably the best thing I’ve every done - like I feel like I can breathe and be my authentic self.
I realized he was there mostly because I keep fucking getting one fly that won’t fucking leave me alone (it’s actually bothering me rn and I have no fucking clue where it came from when this house is clean so I’m gonna say this is definitely Lokis silly ass)
Also I had such a huge love for red foxes out of nowhere like I just adore them and that’s also another animal associated with him
And sometimes I’ll just be drawn to things in stores or anywhere really and it almost always has something to do with his mischievous lil ass
But other then that I’ve downloaded an app for norse runes and stuff and I’ve started a journey there .
I try my best to be open to not only Loki but the ones that he surrounded himself with- like his children or odin thor etc..
Loki is a funny lil shit and really will be protective
I’ve found that out the hard way when
I came out to my family and told them I felt very misunderstood and depressed and unloveable talked out my abuser and stuff like that
And they all sorta called me crazy and yknow stupid shit like that
But I went out side to bawl my eyes out and my mom was texting me and it was sorta overwhelming and my phone was at 60% I chatted with my pal Roman and that thing shut down…literally turned off and I just sat there in the dark scared and anxious and then there was this bizzare calm like it was ok ..like a parents hug would fix whatever was going on and just as I thought about how I suddenly felt better the wind started to sort blow a cool breeze on my face and when I tell you that was like the best feeling after sobbing and ur eyes burn and face stings ..
But I look back and think ..yeah that was Loki
I try to get closer to him by learning about him more .
try traditional meals that they might like
Or listen to music that is associated with them or reminded u of them
Even a simple “hey thanks for always being there you’re really great !”
“Good morning !” “Goodnight!”
Write poetry for them and draw for them
Wear something that reminds you of them
Or even a pendant or something of that sort
I just recently bought a bunch of lokean stuff
It’s all about patience and believing that they will be there
I can even leave some good Etsy shops I shop from that u might enjoy if u happen to worship loki they have good stuff
If you ever need a friend or anything I’m always open to dms
I have instagram it’s lokeanheart
Also I recommend this song
It’s a pretty good song
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Hi!! I’d like a matchup, if you’re doing them still. My name is mar, my pronouns are she/they/he, and I’m a lesbian but since that terribly limits my options let’s just ignore that. Im a libra sun, Capricorn moon, Scorpio rising (and Scorpio Venus lol), ESTJ 3w4.
My main love language is quality time. I tend to like people who I can also be friends with (I’ve had the episode of falling in love w my best friend lol it’s a universal sapphic experience). People who I can spend fun times with, who share my interests and stuff, because then I feel like I’ll be able to share myself with them. I dont show it outward often but I’m a huge nerd lmaooo
I’m currently double majoring in musical theatre and intl relations. Theatre is a lifelong passion and what I’m looking to make my career, I’ve been in a few productions and they’ve been the greatest experiences of my life. Intl relations is a niche little academic interest (also my parents wanted me to also get a “conventional” major) that combines all my niche little study interests: history, political philosophy and theory, and learning about the different cultures of the world.
I’m also a huge nerd for astrology and personality typology (mbti enneagram etc) I’ve been learning astrology on my own for two years now and it’s fascinating to me. I’ve gotten pretty good at reading birth charts (even have some mysme astrology headcanons) and absolutely LOVE learning anything I can about the subject. It is, to me, a way of understanding not just how people work but also the mechanisms of life itself.
I also like writing, reading, and playing games in my free time. Rn I’m into reading stuff like essays and poetry collections and stuff. And my favorite game to play (the only one I play consistently really lmao) is genshin. I like it’s aesthetics and the lore has me absolutely sucked in. I also sing a lot, and dance. As for activities I like to do: anything social. Going to cafes and bars, going to plays, (unironically) shopping.
I’d say I’m pretty aloof in relationships. I’m really bad at expressing my feelings for the other person, I tend to be a bit insecure on that regard. I like to keep my distance, both physically and emotionally lmao. I’ll talk about whatever with you but it’s hard for me to be actually vulnerable. I struggle with burying my feelings with work and other activities, or disconnecting from the emotional side of the issue by looking at the practical.
My friends all describe me as very funny and I guess I am. I like seeing the humor in things and often point it out, and I don’t take things too seriously at times. I’m also pretty hard to read, but I’d say that’s bc I don’t tend to trust people enough to be truly open with them. I would obviously love for that to happen, though.
It takes a lot for me to fall in love, but when I do, I’m always hooked for a long, long time. I’m like… offhandedly possessive, wanting to spend all day with the person. I also want to know everything about them, like discover them kinda. Tbh I’m not very experienced with love in general (but curiously I write about it a lot).
Anyway that’s all I think is relevant about me idk if it’s a lot or not hehe I’m curious to see the matchup. Love ur stuff!!
I match with you...
It may come as a surprise, or it may not. It's just something about your energy that says that the two of you would mesh well together in your romantic typing. It's because the two of you understand each other better than anybody else ever would. When you are easily misunderstood by other people, it's hard to find that one person who just knows what you're talking about. In this case, when the two of you make eye contact, it's easy to see that you are kindred spirits that have been lost from each other for some time.
You both trust but only when it is necessary. You know when to set boundaries and when to be wary of the people around you. You know how to control yourself in the moment even if the emotions inside of you are going all over the place. You're just the kind of person that needs somebody who can be strong so that you have a moment to be weak. In Vice versa, it would also be important. He never lets himself have a moment with his guard down so would you, it's nice to know that he can do it without fear.
With that said, it's not that hard to imagine that he would have a vetted interest in astrology because it's not all that far off from the dark magic that he normally likes to read about. There's a lot of overlap in these interests so it's something he knows. He may not be as well-versed as you but you can trust that he can easily keep up in a conversation and makes you feel like you have somebody who listens. It's rare to have somebody listen to you when you're talking about something that you're passionate about because people may not understand how much it means to you when you talk about it. He knows what that feels like.
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matt-erialgirl · 3 years
How would Matt take care of you when your migraines hit? Sounds like it’s a common occurrence for you babeyy 😞 feel better soon
Awe babes thank you so much ♥️ it’s a shitty but common occurrence indeed. can’t not say that 50% of the times i get them, it’s because im not taking good care of myself so babies PLEASE care for yourselves, your well-being and your bodies ✨
Before I get into this, I’m letting you know rn im basing this off my own experience with migraines. And hey, if you dont get them, I’m so happy for you God bless. If you get them, come cry with me.
Migraines are different for everyone (symptoms, severity, how long they last) but mine make me extremely sensitive to light and sound. Everything is just ten times brighter and ten times louder and the actual headache sits on half my forehead, that same side’s ear, jaw and that whole side of my skull. It can hang around for as long as 48 hours. Turning this into a cute little drabble or whatever because cute
Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Every tick sounded louder than the last, each one thudding in your ears with an echo that felt like it was vibrating inside your skull. You laid there, body curled up on the leather sofa, head tucked under a throw pillow to avoid the purple lights pouring into Matt’s living room as your head continued to pound to the sound of the clock; in sync.
You wanted to get up and rip it off the wall but that meant having to pull your head out from the dark and open your eyes; both thoughts sounded absurd to you in your mind. So, you stayed put, squeezing your eyes shut, willing the sounds and lights to fade away.
What felt like hours later, you heard Matt enter the apartment, slamming the door shut behind him only to hear you groan in pain at how loud the slam sounded in your ears.
Matt’s head tilted to follow the sound you made, quickly figuring out that something was wrong. He could hear your heart pounding, your breathing was ragged, your nails scratching against the fabric on his pillows.
”baby?” He whispered gently, piecing his observations together, throwing everything down by the door and discarding his suit jacket on the opposite sofa.
“another migraine?” he breathed as he bent down at his knees to be level with you, his palm gently resting against your back while your head remained under the pillow.
”it’s so bad,” you breathed, barely a whisper, but he heard you. He swiftly got up to his feet, unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt to roll the sleeves up to his elbows. He made his way to the kitchen, filling a tall glass with water and finding your migraine medication before bringing it all back to you.
He felt bad having to rouse you from your hideout, knowing exactly how terrible you would feel the second the dark was ripped away from you. “try to get up and take this please,” he said gently, keeping his voice down, “I know you probably haven’t.”
Your head pounded harder as you started to move, pushing the pillow off your head and pulling your head out of the corner of the sofa. A small whimper fell from your lips as a searing pain shot through the side of your head, your eyes struggling to open up.
“it’s so bright,” you huffed, squinting to see Matt’s outstretched hands and taking the tablet and glass from him, “thank you, Matty.”
”I’ll be right back,” he said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before he started flitting around his apartment. You watched him through a crack in your eyes, a small smile making its way to your lips as you realised what he was doing.
Matt switched off every light in sight, the clicking if the switches loud in your ears as he moved quickly between them. Next, he placed a roll of thick cloth tape on the coffee table before he made his way into the bedroom, coming back with three folded blankets.
You watched in silent gratitude as Matt taped the blankets to his large windows, making a note in the back of your mind of the need of actual curtains, even if the windows don‘t bother him.
Without a second thought, he made his way over to the clock on the wall by the bedroom and pulled it down, putting an end to its incessant ticking and relieving it of its batteries. A sigh of relief tumbled out of your lips at the absence of sound. Your head falling back against the sofa, eyes shut.
”what else do you need, baby?” Matt asked gently, coming up to you from behind the sofa and placing his palm gently against your cheek.
”blindfold,” you told him quietly, slowly turning your head to the side and pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of his palm, “it’s in the-“
”bedside table drawer,“ he finished with a nod, gently rubbing his thumb across your temple before pulling away to retrieve the black silk scarf you used specifically for this.
He knew it was because no matter how hard you squeezed your eyes shut, it still felt like you could see and it wasn’t dark enough. But part of him also knew you found relief in the fabric squeezing your temples and pushing against your eyes.
He sat down next to you, scarf in hand, his heart aching at the mere thought of you in pain. He reached out and felt for your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze so you’d get up for him tie the silk around your eyes.
You sat up, eyes closed and facing him. “Okay,” you breathed before Matt pulled the silk up to your eyes. As he brought it around to the back of your head, you leaned forward, placing your forehead against his shoulder so the knot was easier for him to tie.
”Tighter, please,“ you whispered against his shoulder.
Matt obliged, pulling the fabric a little tighter around your head, a sigh falling from your lips as he tied it there.
”Thank you,” you smiled, reveling in the darkness you now found yourself in, the pressure around your head heavenly against the pain.
Matt smiled and pulled you close, slotting you into his side, your legs draped over his thighs and your head in the crook of his neck. His hand went up to run through your hair to lull you to sleep, while the other traced patterns onto your thigh. Slowly, you started to calm down, your breathing getting slower and deeper as you started to drift off, Matt not once leaving your side.
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harrywritingsbyme · 3 years
The one about Y/n and her Stuffie
Based Off Of This Ask
And This One
This One Too
A/N: ITS BEEN OVER A FUCKING MONTH SINCE I LAST POSTEDDDD…but I’m backkkk🤪🥳😙😌it’s not the fic i originally planned on doing for my next piece, but since I’m currently in the middle of everything in my life rn, and this plot doesn’t have to be extremely thought out, i figured i’d do a hot lil fic for y’all. Enjoyy girliess...i hope it doesn't suckk🙃
When Harry came upstairs, he was expecting you to be doing just about anything besides what you were actually doing. As soon as he stepped foot into the doorway of the bedroom, Harry was stopped right in his tracks, completely focused on you, and beyond stunned at the sight in front of him. You were down to a tight little t-shirt and a little pair of panties, and you were humping one of the cute little stuffies he’d bought for you some time ago. You had your legs spread wide over the toy and both of your hands planted on the bed in front of you as you messily dug your cunt into the stuffed toy. Harry intently watched and listened as you tried to relieve yourself. He relished in the sounds of your desperate whines and moans, taking in all of your cries for daddy and how your pussy was in need of and completely throbbing for him. From where he was standing, Harry could clearly see how you were moving against the stuffed toy. You never let up with your movements, continuously digging your needy pussy into the stuffie. You were really intent on digging your clit into it and making sure to rub against the raised parts of the toy to get the most pleasure. And when you rubbed yourself just right, you’d go into a complete frenzy, trying to recreate and feel that exact feeling over and over again. 
As Harry stood there, not only could he not stop himself from pushing a hand into his pants to squeeze at his cock, Harry also had the inability to stop his mind from wandering and conjuring up all the things he could do to you in the position you were in. For starters, Harry could just picture himself coming up from behind you and pushing you down onto your front before tossing the stuffie away and replacing it with his cock. If he did that, Harry was certain that you’d have the loudest and prettiest screams and moans from being suddenly manhandled and from the sudden and intense pleasure. Harry also dreamt of you thrashing back and forth against his cock. Once you’re all done fighting with his cock and you’ve finally gotten all of him into that tight little entrance of yours, Harry could vividly picture you moving against him in the same way you’re moving against the stuffed toy. You’d have your hands planted on his chest and you’d be trying to get into a rhythm but you’d be quickly overcome by the pleasure and you’d just do whatever would give you the most pleasure. The vivid visuals of you moving on his cock are accompanied by the picture of your tits bouncing in front of his face. And the fact that he could see your pebbled nipples through your shirt only made the visual that much better. Those were just two of the many filth ridden thoughts that roamed Harry’s mind as he watched you. And with each and every one of these scenarios, while all being different from the last, you were gushing in no time, making a complete and very wet mess on the bed at the end of every one of them. 
Eventually, after a while of silently stalking you from across the room, Harry finally (and kind of begrudgingly) pulls his hand from his pants and makes his way over to the side of the bed where you were. He then brings a hand up to softly caress your cheek, to which you slightly jump from the sudden company. 
“What are you doing puppy?” He softly asks, watching as you continue to hump the stuffie between your legs.
“I can’t help it daddy! My clit hurts so good!” You pitifully slur, your eyes remaining snapped shut as you continue to move against the toy.
“Want daddy to make it stop hurting and feel good sweet girl?” Harry asks sweetly, continuing to stroke your cheek and watch you dig your clit into the stuffie, noticing you still had the jewel plug in from earlier in the day. 
“Please daddy! You can do anything you want just- m’throbbing so bad!” You whine in response, opening your eyes for the first time in Harry’s direction. Your eyes were all watery and he could see how bad you needed him and how subby you were feeling.
Without wasting anymore time, Harry swiftly maneuvers you both onto the bed. He pulls you down onto your back, completely abandoning the stuffie, before removing the little bit of clothes you had on from your body. He then proceeds to undress himself, practically ripping his clothes off before climbing between your legs. As soon as he does this, his attention shoots down between your legs to see what he was working with.
“Aww look, your little cunt is all swollen and sticky.” He coos, admiring how swollen and dripping you were for him. “So desperate; how pathetic.” He chuckles, bringing his hand down to pinch your puffy pussy lips between his index and thumb, getting his fingers covered in your juices. “What made you so needy baby?” Harry asks, keeping your pinched between his fingers as he lowers himself down between your legs.
“Just-“ You softly sigh, not wanting to give him the real, and slightly embarrassing answer.
“Just what?” He presses before bringing his mouth in and sticking his tongue out to lap up the juices that were spilling from the part where your two lips met. When he does this, you immediately try and snap your legs shut. But Harry stops you right in your tracks. “Close them and you won’t cum.” Harry simply, yet sternly replies, causing you to open your legs back up. “Good girl. But if you don’t answer, you won’t cum or get my cock.” Harry continues on.
“But daddy!” You whine, trying to get out of revealing why you were humping the stuffie not too long ago. 
“If you wanna cum, you better tell me. Or I could just suck on your swollen little button until you cry then jerk off right in front of you. It’s completely up to you.” You couldn’t argue with that ultimatum. In the state that you were in, the simple thought of not being able to cum made your eyes well up a little. 
“Fine…I was thinking about how good it felt when you took me after you pushed my princess plug in earlier.” You manage to finally spit out, struggling to do so from the way Harry kept squeezing your lips together. 
“So all of this is because my baby is a little cockslut.” Harry cockily relishes with a wide smirk spread across his face. “That makes it even better.” Harry hums before suckling on your clit. You didn’t even have the time to scream from how good his mouth felt because it only lasts a couple seconds before he’s letting go of your pussy lips and removing his mouth, moving himself back up your body. Stopping on the way up to sponge wet kisses onto your already pebbled nipples. Harry then attaches his lips to yours, trapping them into a sloppy, lust filled kiss. You let Harry do most of the work, keeping your mouth open and moving your lips against his. As he kissed you, you could hear Harry’s shaky breaths and moans, and you could feel him rutting his cock against your sticky cunt. This only made you need him more than you already did. You wanted to move around and try and push him inside, but Harry had you trapped pretty good. All you could do was move your head around a bit. So that’s what you did, you moved your head to the side, causing Harry’s mouth to break away from yours.
“Need you daddy!” You beg, wrapping your hand around Harry’s bicep that was right by your head.
“Y’always needing me, you’re my little cockslut remember?” Harry coos into your ear, using his other hand to blindly line himself up with your soaking entrance. “All you can think about is me splitting your little pussy apart to fit all of my cock in there.” Harry begins, bringing his hips in to start filling you up. “All you can think about is being pounded until I’m done using your pathetic little hole.” Harry grunts into your ear, bringing the other arm up to rest against the bed near your head. “I bet you like feeling completely powerless when I’m fucking into you.” Harry groans, feeling your tight walls around him as he practically pries them apart with his large cock. As Harry speaks and fills you up, you’re losing your mind below him. Not only are you losing the ability to even think, you’re also feeling and relishing in the pleasurable sting that came along with Harry’s cock and the full feeling that came along with it as well. On top of feeling incredibly needy, you were feeling subby as well, which only intensified the feeling and caused you to use your stuffie. All you could do was dig your nails into his biceps that were almost cradling your head and whimper as Harry made sure you felt everything he gave you.
Once he’s fully inside, Harry goes right into pounding you. And he doesn’t let up. He continuously slams his hips down into yours, pushing his cock all the way up inside of you again and again. With every thrust, there was a flick to your clit. He’d always come down, in, and up, causing you to feel everything inside and out. On top of all that, Harry had his mouth right up to your ear and you could hear his beyond animalistic growls. He kept asking you ‘Is this what you wanted?’ and he kept telling you how good of a fuck and cockslut you were and that he loved destroying you. 
Harry was on cloud nine to say the least. He had worked himself up enough leading up to this moment that he could be cumming any second now. But he decided to hold off a little longer. Not only were your insides, your perfect little walls feeling even more amazing, but he was enjoying being able to fuck you like this, all rough and filthy while you were feeling all small and subby. When you were like this, Harry would go on a bit of a power trip and just degrade you and fuck you any which way he wanted. And on top of that, he got to hear your whimpers and cries from how good it all felt in the process. With the position he had you two in, the same way his growls were clear in your ears, Harry’s able to clearly hear your cries and whimpers from how good it all felt. Harry thought your loopy moans and whimpers were music to his ears. He even heard you call yourself daddy’s cockslut, which only made him go even harder on your pussy.
“Please daddy! I need t’cum!” You whimper, holding on to his biceps for dear life as young for him to let you finally cum. Even though you weren’t being that good of a girl earlier when you were using the stuffie, you didn’t cum, which is a big rule of Harry’s, especially when you haven’t gotten permission. So you’d been holding this release for a long time now and you were dying to just let go already!
“Awww, does my baby’s pathetic little pussy need to cum around daddy’s big cock.” Harry coos patronizingly, continuing his never ending thrusts. 
“Can’t hold it anymore daddy!” You cry, beginning to squirm underneath his tight grip from how much this orgasm was consuming you.
“Go ahead doll, show me how much of a little cockwhore you are for daddy.” Harry pants into your ear before lifting himself up from on top of you, stopping to spit down into your mouth as he sits up. Harry then begins to feel your walls rapidly pulsating and convulsing around his cock. And to follow up, a warm stream of your juices begin to gush out of you, getting Harry and the sheets wet. But you were too busy feeling absolutely amazing to even care. Harry was in awe at how much you were squirting and he thought you looked absolutely adorable as you came around him. He also felt very riled up and anxious to have a similar release of his own. 
Once he feels like he’s given you enough time to ride the seismic waves of your release, Harry dives right back in, not skipping a beat with his intense thrusts.
“Can’t anymore daddy!” You cry out to him, trying your hardest to close your legs around him and push his body away from between your legs as you were just coming down from your first high and were already feeling another powerful release quickly building inside the kind of sore pit of of your stomach. 
“But you said you wanted it doll.” Harry reminds through his teeth as he pries your legs back apart. “You were so caught up in being a little cockslut you forgot about what you agreed to.” Harry chuckles down at you. He resumes his thrusts and then proceeds to slap your clit a couple of times, causing you to have mini releases, squirting onto him back to back with every slap he delivered to your clit. “Messy little slut aren’t you. Look at how much you squirt when I destroy your pussy.” Harry moans, continuing to deliver a couple more sting filled slaps to your oh so sensitive button, garnering a few more screams and squirts of your warm juices to his lower body. 
Harry then flips you onto your front, to which he pushes your legs apart a little more before sitting on top of them to keep you down before wrapping his hands around your hips and plunging back into you. You were already worn out so he didn’t exactly have to pin you down. As he fucks into you, Harry can feel his overwhelming release beginning to overtake all of his senses in the exact same way yours did. He began to feel even more pressure in the pit of his stomach as his impending release mounted and mounted, waiting to be released. 
When he’s just a mere minutes away from his release, Harry lays himself down on your back, keeping his mouth close to your ear as he sloppily delivers his final thrusts. You could feel him sucking on the area right below your ear as he reached the hilt of his release.
“And if there has to be one thing I love most about having you as my needy little cockslut, it’d have to be the fact you keep my cum all save and warm in that perfect little honey pot between your legs.” Harry growls before unloading every last drop of his cum into you. Your body was a complete and quivering mess as you took all of Harry’s heavy load, and as you gushed all over him and the bed for the second time. 
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amethystpath-writes · 3 years
Monsters and Legends
Don’t worry, it’s fluff :)
Villain and hero need to stop a bigger villain by somehow acting as a couple, only for them to share a single room and a single bed (im grinning so hard rn) I giggled when I read this request:
The phone rang once, twice, three times.
“Why are you calling me?” Hero’s voice was a groan, one annoyed and filled with malice- or was it anxiousness?
Villain understood he was probably the last person Hero would want to hear from. Why would the bad guy of the city be calling her anyways, and how’d he find her number? Those were questions which Hero could ask later. For now- “I need your help,” Villain pleaded right away.
“You need my help?” Hero laughed brittlely on the other end of the line. That’s how Villain heard it, at least. “What makes you think I would ever help y-”
The line went silent as the horror of such a simple name settled in. It wouldn’t matter to Hero how Supervillain’s name still existed- why it was still being muttered, unforgotten. All that meant was that Supervillain was still prevalent, which further meant something needed to be done.
“Is he still alive?”
Well, I suppose that’s a question I can answer for now. “Yes, that’s why I need you. I can’t vanquish him on my own, Hero.”
Yeah? What was Hero supposed to do about it? She wasn’t capable of fighting Supervillain, even if she fought him alongside Villain. The two of them together were still no match for such a beast, a mistake made by nature. Supervillain wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for his ill intentions.
“We beat him before, Hero,” Villain said after another long silence. “We can do it again.”
Hero said, “If we beat him before, then why is he back?” This wasn’t the first time Hero felt hopeless. Even before Supervillain, she had days where she was convinced Villain was unbeatable. She got past that part of her depression, obviously, but it didn’t mean that anxiety didn’t exist elsewhere- such as when it came to Supervillain. “Villain, I quit this business after the first round. I can’t…I can’t do it again.”
“I know.” Villain nodded, even knowing Hero wouldn’t see it on the phone pressed against her ear. “I know, and I get it.”
“If you did, you wouldn’t have called.”
Villain sighed. Maybe she was right, but… “You’re the only one I know who can pull this off.”
“Pull what off, Villain? What plan have you made up that you think might actually be enough? We killed Supervillain. We killed him, and yet you’re telling me that he’s alive? We can’t beat him.”
How could Villain say this? How did he portray this compliment without it sounding like an insult? “Where you lack in strength, you lead in intelligence. You- you’re able to think things out in a moment, whereas it takes me ages. You are so much more capable than you think you are and, believe it or not, I have always admired you.”
Right. Hero wasn’t so certain Villain was telling the truth. Sure, she was smart, and she could even admit that, but…intelligence couldn’t defeat an undead man. Even if it did, what made Villain say something kind to her? He would never spare a compliment to someone as poor as Hero; he wouldn’t spare an insult either. And anyways, who would admire an anxious mess? Not a villain, not by any means, right?
“Why do you need me? What has made you turn to a last resort?” Last resort, meaning asking anyone for help when Villain preferred to work alone.
Villain’s palms were sweating, his phone nearly sliding out of his hand the longer he remained on the line. “He wants my allegiance. Rejecting him would be a death sentence, and you know it. I don’t want to die. Not now. Not just yet. At the same time, I am not going to work for or with this guy.”
Hero was still failing to understand. “How do I fit into this,” she rephrased, “beyond you needing my intelligence?”
“Supervillain never knew you. He doesn’t know your face, your name, your priorities.”
“And I told him I have a wife who insists on working with me.”
No. No, no, no. No. But she didn’t say this. “So, you are asking me to jeopardize my own life by appearing at your side as a fake wife who doesn’t know how to properly defend herself.”
“I could teach you, Hero. I’m trained. Strength means nothing if your opponent has technique. I can teach you,” Villain repeated, hands heating impossibly more. “Do this for me and I’ll- I’ll…”
Precisely. “There is nothing you can offer me, Villain.”
“If you don’t do this,” Villain returned, gripping his phone with white knuckles, and curled toes which dug into his carpeted floor, “everyone else will suffer for it. Yourself, included. I don’t know about you, but I think you’ve suffered enough.”
You don’t mean that, Hero wanted to say. You don’t mean anything nice that you’re saying. You’re just desperate. You know that I’ll do anything if it means someone will tell me they’re proud of me at the end of the day. She thought this of everyone- even herself, only she knew someone else was more likely to say they were proud of her than herself.
How did anyone ever call her a hero when she couldn’t even save her own mind from destroying itself?
She was a villain to herself, and a hero to others.
“How do I know he’s alive? Am I supposed to take your word for it?”
Villain almost said yes, but he knew Hero would require proof. She didn’t trust herself, let alone anyone else in the world. “There is no evidence of him, but if you’d like to handcuff me every moment we are alone, then I suppose I will hand that to you as your security.”
Hero’s eyes widened. She didn’t have handcuffs; she was no officer, but for Villain to say that, and with such a serious tone…he wouldn’t say something so disadvantageous to him if he didn’t mean it- if it weren’t necessary to gain Hero’s assistance.
“What will it mean,” Hero asked, “to be your wife?”
“Supervillain paid for our room.”
Our room? Hero blinked hard before glancing around the hotel lobby. Well, it was beautiful, but Hero hardly had the brain capacity to think about that. “You said our room,” she commented, lips thin and an eyebrow quirked.
“We’re husband and wife.”
“We’re pretending to be husband and wife,” Hero said in a hush-hush tone, hand squeezing Villain’s for umph.
Even as she said it quietly, Villain scolded her lightly, “Lower your voice if you’re going to say things like that.” Villain began his trek to the elevator, arm extending behind him as Hero followed, hand still in his. As much as she hated this act, she sure did like to hold his hand, it seemed. Maybe it was her anxiety which told her any hand was a good hand, even if it were stained in life after life of blood and tears.
“I don’t want to share a room with you,” Hero whispered, so low that Villain wouldn’t have heard her fully had he not turned his ear towards her as they walked down the hall of the seventh floor. “How will I know you won’t take advantage of me?”
Right. No handcuffs. “You think I’d try to kill you after I called you and begged for your help?”
“It could be a trap,” Hero said, tugging her hand out of Villain’s, stopping in the middle of the hall.
“Maybe. But imagine if it isn’t a trap. Imagine you back out now, and the world goes extinct. What regrets would you have then? Surely, they wouldn’t be as bad as committing yourself to a trap, causing only yourself harm instead of billions.”
His tone wasn’t condescending, but it held such magnificence that Hero couldn’t help but cast her eyes downward and nod in silent guilt. Guilt because why couldn’t she have thought of such a scenario on her own? Was she selfish for being so afraid of Villain?
“You’re right.” Hero nodded. “You’re right and I’m sorry.”
Villain took her hand in his own again, softly, with fragile care. “You don’t need to apologize. Your nerves aren’t without reason. I’ll admit I’m not the most trustworthy man. I get it. Remember you are not jeopardizing yourself for me. You’re doing it for the world.”
The bed was comfortable- even with Villain laying by Hero’s side. Actually, Villain being by her side might have been what made it so comfortable. The blanket which the hotel provided was too warm, but the body heat which Villain radiated was just comfortable enough that Hero struggled to keep her distrusting eyes open.
“I don’t believe this,” Hero whispered in the dark of the room, expecting Villain to be fast asleep. Apparently, he slept as little as she did.
Villain rolled flat against the mattress before turning on his other side to face Hero, earning a light gasp of surprise from her. “About Supervillain?” he asked- suggesting that Supervillain was still alive.
After regaining a state of sanity, Hero mumbled that, yes, Supervillain being alive seemed unreal, but that wasn’t what she meant. She meant that she was laying next to a man who she both despised and was deathly frightened of, and yet she was comfortable with it- comfortable with his heat. It shouldn’t have meant much; it was only science at play, but it still irked her. Of course, Hero didn’t say any of this.
“It isn’t so bad sharing a bed, is it?” Villain yawned and did a little stretch with his arms, groaning as the skin and muscles of his torso stretched. “You have your side. I have mine.”
“Not so bad,” she agreed.
There was still a danger to it, Hero acknowledged. She was still side-by-side with a villain, still frightened by the thought of Villain silently reaching over the moment he heard Hero’s breathing slowing, pushing a knife against her sleeping body, and shiv her through without a thought. It was possible, and it was likely, wasn’t it?
“Have you thought about what you’ll do tomorrow?” Villain asked.
“Me?” Hero swallowed. “I…no, I haven’t thought about it.”
“That’s unlike you.”
Hero turned her head over her shoulder, finding Villain’s moonlight glinting eyes. “Asking someone for help is unlike you. What made you do it?”
“I couldn’t do it alone. I told you-”
“That’s not the truth. Well, it is, but it’s not the full truth.” Hero paused. “When have you ever admitted that you aren’t enough to accomplish a goal? You sought me out for my intelligence, but what else? You don’t ask for help, Villain. It’s not who you are.”
Silence followed, giving hero enough time to gather the courage it took to roll over, to face Villain with her whole body like he did with her before yawning.
“I’m scared,” Villain said, matter-of-factly. “I’m scared that when it is all over, then history will forget me for all the terrible things I’ve done.”
Confused, Hero asked, “Wasn’t the reason you chose the dark side because your crimes would be so extravagantly memorable?” This conversation wasn’t aiding Hero’s underlying fear of lying in bed with Villain. Still, she wanted answers.
“I realized I was wrong. If I don’t do something good for once, I’ll be remembered as a monster, and you see, I want to be remembered as a legend.” Villain drew in a deep breath, turning his head slightly away from Hero before exhaling. “There’s a difference between monsters and legends, I realized. Honour is legendary; Fear is monstrous. Having said that, there’s no fear in honour, so what’s the point in all those criminal activities except mindlessness and naivety? It’s not as fun or rewarding as I thought it’d be.”
“You stay awake and think at night like I do, don’t you?”
Villain nodded. Hero nodded.
Hero’s hand slid across the sheets until her fingertips touched Villain’s. Holding his hand was comforting when she considered they would be meeting Supervillain tomorrow- that Villain’s face would be the only familiar one, the only one she could trust even though she hardly even trusted it at all.
Hearing what Villain said now, in the deepest stage of the night…maybe he was worth trusting.
Maybe there was a good reason she was holding his hand.
And maybe there was a good reason she enjoyed the warmth that rolled off her body.
Maybe there was a reason beyond anxiousness and fear that made Hero’s heart beat a little faster than usual.
“Do you think we could both be legends?” Hero asked, to which Villain responded, with a tight squeeze of Hero’s hand:
“I do.”
It wasn’t the only time he would utter those words. Next time, Hero would be wearing a white gown, and Villain, a tux.
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Hello and how are you? I was wondering if you would write prompt 14.“It’s not bad to cry, in fact I think it makes a person stronger.” for Rex? PG is fine, maybe Rex the one crying. Possibly with a Jedi reader and female pronouns? Or gender neutral if you prefer. Please and thank you, but if not no worries!
A Life With Just You
Of course! Thank you so much for the ask! Got a tad carried away with this one because I really wanna comfort someone rn. (Specifically my friend struggling with some family issues.)
Rex x Fem!Jedi!Reader: "It's not bad to cry, in fact I think it makes a person stronger."
Warnings: Mentions of character death. I may have swore in it??? Honestly I don't remember.
Words: 2.2k
Tag List:
@murdertoothpick @andiebell2023 @kaitou2417 @tacticalsparkles @baroclinicinstability @captain-rexs-girlfriend
(This has nothing to do with Ahsoka, it's just the only sad Rex gif I could find rn)
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You guided down the halls of the ship with soft and gentle foot steps. You were looking for a certain someone. Someone you knew for a fact was hurting. One of your closer friends, Captain Rex.
Some Jedi you were 'close' with, often questioned you for hanging out with a clone on your free time. While others like Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and even Master Plo Koon himself. Were all thankful you took the time out of your day to make Rex, and other clones feel like actual people. People instead of cloned weapons. 
You had checked everywhere you thought he would be. The fresher, the barracks, training hall. But you hadn't found him, yet. It was honestly concerning you. Especially with the recent loss of his brother, Fives. The subject was even a tough one for you, so you couldn't even begin to imagine the pain that Rex was going through. Especially with witnessing it all. 
You went to stop by your room. Put your robes up so you wouldn't be carrying them. Relieving some of the weight on your shoulders. Though you froze as you tapped in your codes. Feeling a gentle touch to your shoulder. A touch that had you turning your head to meet the eyes of the slightly taller blond. 
"There you are," you spoke. Turning to smile at the captain of the five-oh-first. The door to your room swishing open. "I've looked everywhere for you." You admitted. 
The captain only nodded. A small huff leaving his nose. "You have?" 
He sounded almost shocked. The way he phrased it sort of hurt you. It made you feel as if he thought he didn't deserve it. Or that you were lying. 
"Of course, Rex, oh dear.. Come inside, would you?" You spoke. Your gentle words easing their way into his heart. A small smile gracing his handsome face. You had to fight every urge in you to not kiss his forehead in the open hall. Doing such would risk someone catching the simple act of affection. 
"I couldn't say no to you," he murmured. Voice soft and quiet. 
He isn't normally loud. Not like his brother Hardcase was, or even Jesse is. But he isn't ever this soft spoken as he is now. If anything his voice is more stern, or even shy. Not secluded and upset like now. The change of tone to his voice only making your chest squeeze more with pain. 
You nodded, forcing a small smile back as the two of you snuck into your small room. Taking his hand to lead him to the couch once the door was shut behind the two of you. 
"Did you want some tea? Water?" You spoke, but before you could even step foot towards the kitchen he was pulling you down onto the sofa. 
You had to admit, you loved that he could resort to you for comfort, but you hated he hadn't removed his armor yet. Or even let you remove your own. What little you wore, at least. 
"Rex," you spoke quietly. Hands moving to his back as he laid on top of you. His arms strong arms around your waist. Face buried in the crook of your neck. 
"Rex, look at me?" You asked. Hands sliding up to cradle the back of his head, but he didn't budge. 
"I can't," his voice was merely a whisper. His body trembling ever so slightly as he clung to you. As if he let go you would disappear from his grasp. 
"Rex, what's wrong? You can talk to me, you know?" You reassure him. Rubbing his scalp with one hand. Feeling as he slightly relaxed at the small touch.
"What if I lose you, too?" The words came out of the blue. Yet you expected it. You could almost feel his insecurities and worries leaking from his exhausted brain. Moving to press a soft kiss atop his head. 
"Rex, you have me, I'm all yours." He grumbled under his breath at those words. Grip tightening, and it had you shifting to avoid being pinched by the plastoid on his arms. 
"No," he snarled a bit. "I mean- I do, I know. Because you have me, but that’s not what I mean." He told you. Keeping his face hidden from.you as he spoke. 
"Mesh'la.. What if I can't save you? Like I couldn't save Hardcase, and Fives, and- And all my brothers. What if I lose you, too?" That was the first time you'd heard him say Fives name since the incident. Rubbing his neck as he eased against you. 
"Then you'll have to live with it." You were blunt. You didn't know what else to exactly say. You couldn't tell him nothing would happen, because that would most likely be a lie. Even with your bluntness, it seemed to ease him. 
"You can't save everyone, Rex." You told him. Shifting upwards. Which had him moving himself as well. So he was now sitting next to you. Facing forwards on the couch. His face, facing away from yours. Tear tracks running down his sun kissed skin. Eyes puffy with sorrow and regret. 
"Rex, look at me," you spoke, asking again. Reaching out to run your fingers over his cheek. 
"I look ridiculous, don't I?" He asked with a laugh. Turning to face you, slightly. Though his eyes avoided yours. 
"A soldier like myself, crying over the inevitable." His words made you nearly tear up. You absolutely despised how people made it seem tears meant signs of weakness. That it meant soldiers weren't soldiers. When in fact, you thought it brought out who people really were. 
"Rex, look at me." Your voice was more stern this time. Young both hands to cup his face as his eyes slowly panned over to stare back into yours. 
"Listen to me, it's not bad to cry, okay?" You told him. Wiping some tears from his face using your thumbs. "In fact, I think it makes a person stronger." You informed. Leaning forward to press your forehead against his. Watching as he brought a hand up to hold one of your hands to his face. Using the other to cup the side of your own face. 
"What did I do to deserve you?" He muttered back. Both of you smiling weakly. 
"Rex, you deserve the world," you responded, making him chuckle a bit. Moving your hand and bring it to his lips so he could kiss your palm. 
"Then I guess you're my world," he cooed against your hand. Smiling softly as your own bashful smile grew. 
"Oh, is that so?" You chuckled. Watching as he pulled your hand down to his lap to intertwine your fingers. 
"As a matter of fact you are, you make me want to win this war. Every time I feel like giving up, I think of a life without fighting, with you." He almost whispered. Still sniffling a bit. Eyes shyly looking around. Then back onto your eyes. 
You had a look of pure love and adoration on your face. You never really liked being a Jedi, you were basically forced into it. So the fact Rex wanted to settle down. Start a life with you. For you. When the war was over? That had your heart racing. You were the one tearing up now and smiling like an idiot. 
"Cyare, are you okay?" Rex asked. Mimicking your actions from before and catching a single tear that rolled down your cheek with his thumb. 
"I love you, so much, and you have no idea how much you wanting to live a life with me, means to me." You gushed. It was so random, and ideal. The words making Rex's eyes go wide. He always thought you would think his words were nothing but words. That your guys relationship was a one time deal, during the war and only during the war. But this had his hopes up and his mind planning your future more already. 
"No, you have no idea how much it means to me." He corrected. Kissing your lips softly. Your arms wrapping around his neck while he hand the side of your face with one hand. Then your hip with the other. 
"Beautiful girl," he cooed, kissing your lips once more. "Starting a life with you is all I ever dream of, and you wanting the same with me? That drives me absolutely wild." He told you, and that had you smiling even more. 
You tugged on the armor of his chest piece. Kissing the corner of his lips. Your eyes fluttering shut as he held you close. "Can you take all this off? I wanna hold you." You licked your lips as you waited for him to comply. Though it really didn't take long. Especially since Rex is now in the mood to feel you. Without his armor hiding your gentle touch and soft skin from his own skin. 
The first time he felt the softness of your skin was the day he decided that was his new favorite feeling. Stripping from the plastoid and his gloves. Then watching as you did the same. Dropping your robes over the back of the couch. Then taking his hand and leading him back to the your bed. 
It was like dragging a love sick teddy bear around. His larger hand locked with yours. Thumb grazing your skin. "What type of home would we have?" You knew questions like this you probably shouldn't ask, but then again. You probably shouldn't even be holding the hand of a captain. Let alone the captain of one of the most well known clone units. 
He sighed. Climbing into the bed with you. Lying on his side, you doing the same. Both of you facing one another with arms and legs intermingled. Though far enough apart you could still see one another's face. 
"Maybe a farm," he told you. Rubbing your side with soft swipes of his hand. Eyes looking slightly about you as he thought about it. Tucking his one arm under his head as a cushion. 
"A farm?" He nodded at your question. Eyes gazing down to you. 
"Yeah, you remember Cut? He was the clone that left the GAR. He settled down. Had a farm, wife.. Kids." The word rolled off his tongue like an unasked question. Wonder dancing in his eyes at just the mention of little ones. 
Rex had always had hopes of having a family of his own. Little pups running around. Maybe even an army of little ones, if he was lucky. He never brought it up, though. Scared of being shot down at just the mere mention. 
You smiled though. Sensing his worry at just the mention of the word. Leaning forward to kiss his chin. 
"You want kids?" You asked. Noticing how he shifted and grew anxious at the question. 
"I mean, no, well, I wouldn't mind," he spoke a bit quickly. His hand on your hip halting its movement. 
"Not until the wars over, of course. So I know they'd be safe. Be able to have a normal life." He admitted. "But only if my partner wants them. Of course." He muttered. Glancing down to meet your eyes. Worried he said too much or not enough. 
"Hmm, kids would be fun." Those simple words from you had his lips curling up in a grin. 
"Yeah, they would be." You snickered. Kissing his lips once more. 
"I'm sure your partner would be lucky to have little Rex's running around." You teased, rolling your eyes slightly with a grin. 
"Only if your my partner would I feel lucky," he spoke gently. Caressing your face again. Your eyes staring up into his with a small smile. 
"What?" You heard him just fine, but his words still shocked you. 
"I want a family with you, on a little farm. Out and away from the city. Where we can just live out happy lives. Away from the war." He told you. Rolling the two of you over so he was hovering above you. Hands on either side of your head. 
"And?" You pried. Expecting him to continue the ramble. Waiting for him to gush on about the future he had for the two of you. All stored away in that mind of his. 
"And, would you do me the favor of making me the luckiest clone-" you shot him a look. Rex clearing his throat with a small smile. "Man," you smiled at his correction. Awaiting the rest of his spew. "In the galaxy, by living a life with me after the war?" He asked. Watching as you stared up to him with a partially opened mouth. 
He was a bit worried you would say no. Even if he knew you wanted it just as bad. That you just admitted to loving him nearly five minutes ago, but the thought of rejection always resurfaced in his anxious mind. 
"Rex, I'd love to be the luckiest girl, living by your side. In some shitty farm, with an army of kids." You joked with an eye roll. Nearly gasping as he leant down to capture your lips with his own. Your arms moving to snake around his neck to pull him closer. Eyes falling shut as the kiss continued to deepen. 
Your life was complete. Even with the raging war, the deaths that kept coming, and the thought of dying yourself. Rex was there for you, and you were there for him. It was all the two of you needed to keep fighting. To keep living. 
Even without the domestic life, and a public relationship. The two of you had more than you could have ever once dreamt of. You had comfort, love, and each other. 
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lunaserenade · 3 years
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Author's Note: My first time writing for Bucky Barnes and hopefully not the last. Dedicated to @keeper0fthestars for encouraging my nonsense and @reddead-trash for always reading through whatever I write.
Paring: James 'Bucky' Barnes x Reader
Words:  ~ 1.2k
Warnings: Mentions of blood, surgery, and some adult situations.
Summary: A chance meeting with Bucky at a coffee shop after your shift in the ER leads to a late night request
“I hate to do this to you but... I need your help.” Bucky’s voice sounded strained through the phone, immediately catching your attention. You blinked in the darkness of your bedroom, your alarm clock reading 1:27 am.
“I’m here. What do you need?” Shocked at your own lack of hesitation at whatever was coming your way. 
You had met Bucky by pure accident about a month and a half ago at your favorite coffee shop in Brooklyn. Just coming off a 14 hour overnight shift in the Mount Sinai emergency room you were completely drained and oblivious to the world around you. Waiting for your coffee to come out you had noticed the handsome and dark haired man keeping to himself off to the side. You had reached for the cup of coffee that appeared on the counter and as you went to leave you heard him call to you.
“I’m sorry miss, I think this one is yours.” Turning you saw him holding out another cup that, sure enough, had your name scrawled across the side. Your cheeks had flushed immediately and you noticed the name on the cup you held. 
“James? I’m so sorry. I’m exhausted.” You gestured to the dark purple scrubs you wore. 
“It's no problem,” he reached out to trade cups with you, his gloves fingers lightly brushing yours. “Do you work at the hospital?”
You smiled and nodded. “I’m an RN in the emergency room. I’m the girl to call when you need to be patched up.” Smiling at him you brought your cup to lips and took a long sip. That coffee shop quickly became a favorite of Bucky's and a morning routine of his, secretly hoping to run into you every time he visited. Little did you know that first morning that Bucky offered to walk you home he would actually take you up on your offer. 
You were tugging your medical supplies bag out of the hall closet when you heard the sharp raps on your apartment door, a worse for wear Bucky standing there clutching his right shoulder.
“... Do I want to know?” You said apprehensively as you ushered him in, directing him towards your modest kitchen.
“Probably not.” He replied, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
“Let me take a look.” You said, washing your hands, pulling on a pair of gloves, and peaking under his jacket trying to get a better idea of what you were working with. “You need a couple of stitches, we should get you to the hospital.”
“I can't, it's complicated... Any chance you could 'patch me up'?” Bucky said, smirking down at you. You knew how to suture well enough and had the supplies in your bag, but it wasn't something you normally did.
“I can't guarantee it'll be pretty.” You cautioned.
“I’ll be fine. I'm a quick healer.“ Bucky grumbled, struggling to shrug off his jacket. You reached out and slid it off of him, fingers brushing the bare skin of his arm. 
“James, you’ve been stabbed. I don’t usually put that under ‘fine’” You shook your head, gestured for Bucky to sit on your kitchen table and reached for supplies. Feeling bold you took the hem of his shirt in your hands, looking up briefly for permission, and proceeded to help tug it over his head. You became very aware of just how close the two of you were, standing between his thighs you thought you saw a flash of lust cross Bucky’s features. Heart beating wildly in your chest you gingerly cleaned the wound, it wasn't too bad but would need several stitches. 
“I don't have anything to numb the area.” You said softly, looking up at Bucky through your lashes, digging through your bag for the silk thread and needle that was tucked away. “Let me know if I'm hurting you.”
Bucky nodded and reached out absentmindedly, brushing the hair that had fallen into your eyes behind your ear. Your breath caught at the contact as you struggled to focus on threading the needle. You'd been harboring a crush on him since the day you bumped into him at the coffee shop and now you had him half naked and bleeding on your kitchen table as you began to stitch up his shoulder. Bucky let out a small grimace of pain as the needle pierced his skin and his metal arm reached out to grasp your waist, the cool vibranium of his fingers giving you goosebumps. It took every inch of your will power to concentrate on your sutures, which weren't nearly as sloppy as you thought they'd be, and not let your hands wander the body of the man before you.
Bucky watched you attentively as you concentrated on stitching him back together, his heart hammering in his chest as your hands brushed across his chest. He'd been dragging his feet on asking you out and found himself increasingly looking forward to seeing you at the coffee shop, slowly opening up to you during your chats. You finished your last suture, cleaned the last bits of blood off his shoulder, and reluctantly stepped back from your position between his legs. 
“Thank you for doing this, I'm sorry that I woke you up.” He greedily took in the shorts and tank top you wore as he slid off his position on your kitchen table.
“I told you if you needed patching up to call me, didn't I?” You smiled warmly up at him. Feeling bold Bucky stepped close to you and cupped your face in his hand, a thrill running through him as you leaned into his touch. 
“What if I just want to call you?” Bucky leaned in closer until his lips were just a breath away from yours, he hesitated as your eyes flicked up to meet his. And just like that his self-restraint crumbled as he crushed his lips to yours, hungrily and urgently, his arms dropping to your waist to pull you closer. Your every sense was consumed by him as your hands roamed his body, and when he finally pulled away you were dizzy and drunk on his scent.
“You can call whenever you like, especially if you're going to kiss me like that.” You said breathlessly, hands trailing up and down his arms as he held you close.
“... It's getting late. I should probably go, let you get some sleep.” Bucky said, a content smile on his lips.
“Stay.” You offered as you gazed into his blue eyes, a stark contrast to his dark features.
“What?” He replied, surprised.
“You could stay... here, with me tonight.” You insisted. “If you wanted to.” Bucky kissed you again, slow and indulgently.
“I'd like that.” He murmured softly, resting his forehead against yours.
That was the first night in a long time that Bucky slept truly restfully, his slumber finally uninterrupted by nightmares.
tagged: @diva-1992, @yespolkadotkitty, @sarahjkl82-blog, @seasonschange-butpeopledont, @mrsparknuts, @disgruntledspacedad, @mrschiltoncat, @giselatropicana, @sugarontherims, @cynic-spirit, @supernaturalgirl, @farfromjustordinary, @buckstaposition, @jawabear​
Let me know if you’d like to be added to my tags! 💕
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tendouluvr · 3 years
hq!! boys taking care of their s/o who just got their wisdom teeth out - gn reader
- characters: iwaizumi, osamu, matsukawa, kyōtani
- warnings: small mentions of being on anesthesia, centered around wisdom teeth removal/oral surgery, wisdom recovery, vague mentions of blood/gauze/medications nothing graphic tho, a lot of talk about food and eating limitations
- wc: 198, 258, 241, 252
a/n: im writing as im currently recovering from my wisdom teeth removal 😪😪 so kinda (basically) v self-indulgent
this is all based on my own experience. i’m healing pretty fast i think and there hasn’t been any problems for me so i wouldn’t know, personally, cases where people get heavy nausea, dry sockets, etc etc
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#! the best :(((
#! follows every direction the surgeon gave to the dot
#! before the surgery, he was given some papers and it was covered with post-surgery aftercare instructions and he read everything over multiple times
#! doesn’t let you do anything for days even though you were capable of doing things yourself by the third day
#! makes a lot of smoothies
#! he already drinks smoothies a lot on a regular basis besides his protein shakes and all that so being his s/o, you also get to drink them every other day
#! but your smoothie intake goes ☝️
#! understands your pain, makes sure you’re taking all of your required medications on time (he sets up alarms and timers) and giving you any doses of pain relievers as needed
#! (was about to blend up meals for you but you were adamant on him not doing that. you did not want to eat blended liquified food when it’s usually meant to be eaten solid)
#! overall,, kinda strict but he’s just tryna make sure you fully recover properly with no complications :)) you’ll probably be annoyed with him at some point for feeding you another smoothie, but you’re grateful for him anyway <3333
#! he’s a foodie :’(
#! lowk (highkey) sad you won’t be able to eat normally with him until you’re fully healed (could be weeks, could be up to a month and a half)
#! did a lot of research before and during the recovery process to go grocery shopping so he knows what he should stock up on and what he shouldn’t get
#! was kinda convinced four (4) days into recovery that you could start eating a bit normal again but you had to tell him no
#! “so when can you eat my onigiris again? it’s getting boring when only i’m trying new recipes, and you can’t,” he would constantly huff
#! “go feed your brother,” you would reply with an eye roll making him pout
#! your bottle of salt water is always filled because he makes sure it never runs out
#! his search history (and yours) is full of “can i eat ___ after wisdom teeth removal” LMAO mine is
#! to be honest, he was probably more scared of the surgery than you were
#! throughout the healing process, you grew a lot of cravings for a lot of food you couldn’t eat so he would write down everything whenever you tell him while laying in bed together
#! promises to make you all of the food on the list once you can properly eat again :’))
#! will spoil you rotten after this
you have no idea how bad i want focaccia bread rn. i need it. in my mouth. just imagine warm, crispy, chewy fresh out of the oven focaccia bread 💭💭💭
#! does not care.
#! JK
#! he does care but he’ll act like he doesn’t
#! immediately laughs at you passed out on anesthesia in the passenger seat as he’s driving home
#! he’s still holding your hand though and caressing it 🙄
#! literally thought you would’ve been healed the next day for whatever reason ://
#! told you, “you look like a squirrel,” while you were sleeping in bed with gauze in your mouth
#! teases you a lot about the pain cuz he’s a meanie but he does things to take care of you at the same time
#! like reminding you to not drink with a straw because you sometimes forget, or making sure he doesn’t make you laugh/talk too much cuz it really hurts to open your mouth
#! constantly asks you about your extraction sites even though you already told him all you know
#! tempted to squeeze your cheeks because they looked so cute but you were swollen,,,,
#! stacks your pillows up at night so you’re not laying all the way down (he heard it helps with your swelling, something to do with your head being higher than your heart)
#! laughs when you struggle with brushing your teeth (he makes himself so despiseable)
#! kisses your forehead every night and whispers praises before you sleep to let you know you’re doing very well and will recover in no time
#! leaves you to fend for yourself
#! im kidding >< he’s a sweetheart
#! helps you change into your pajamas after he brought you home so you can go to sleep
#! gets all of your meds ready while you were sleeping so you didn’t have to do it yourself after you woke up
#! he holds gauzes out for you while you take out your bloody ones so you didn’t have to stumble around for new ones
#! you lived off of water for a bit because you were afraid to actually eat (you also couldn’t really open your mouth anyway)
#! so when you finally told him you’ll eat now, he makes you whatever you wanted out of your very limited choices
#! he has a tiny grumpy pout while doing everything but it’s just his natural face :( he loves taking care of you, i promise
#! but you don’t really care honestly, you find it adorable
#! he slowly gets irritated as time goes on though because he doesn’t like that you’re going through this and it’s ruining the kisses you would give him from time to time
#! is actually a little childish when it comes to life in general so he gets really pouty at some point with furrowed eyebrows that just keeps getting furrowed-er
#! he grumbles a lot while taking care of you because even after oral surgery you could still find a way to tease him about being a softie
#! threatens to leave you to take care of yourself but he’s all bark
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my mom thought i was healed the day after my surgery and kept telling me i’m just being dramatic about not being able to eat a lot of things (and she kept cooking omf) and told me she thinks i’m fine and worried for no reason shdjsjaj i dont think she knew i had stitches in my mouth 😕
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