#I’m actually obsessed with shadow it’s not even funny
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mercurymoths · 8 months ago
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The colours as little paper chain guys was an idea I couldn’t get out of my head, so I drew not one but two versions! (Cuz I’m a sucker for shadow >:))
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astral-catastrophe · 2 years ago
Anyway if anyone would like to direct me to the cheapest place to order boxed sets of books that would be wonderful-
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milksuu · 1 year ago
ᴀ ʀᴜʟᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴀꜱʜ & ꜱᴛᴏʀᴍ ───── ♛ | 𝗣𝗧.𝗢1
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pairing: dark!hiccup x f!mute!reader
wc: 1.7k
tw: yandere, implied kidnapping, obsessive/possessive behavior, mention of blood/violence, mention of death
synopsis: You regretted the day they left him for dead. And you’d regret the day you ever saw him again—he’d make sure of that.
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A gleam of orange blazed in the bleakness of night.
You watched from your hilltop window—the thatched roofs off the eastern slopes of Berk twisting and writhing in flames. Even from a distance, you heard the breaking moans of ceilings, the cracks and bends of collapsing wooden structures, and the piercing wails of scales met with sharp edges of iron. Despite The Red Death’s fall, dragon raids still plagued the lands.
Perhaps it was all a sign of retribution. 
You were told to stay within the safe confines of your home. Your father hadn’t wanted to risk your life, considering how precious you’d become. The next Seer in line after Gothi, gifted with spiritual wisdom, healing, and authority of officiating the next chief.
But the price to pay had been steep. 
The house was dark, not even the smallest candle lit. Nothing that would draw a glimmer of attention to the home. A creak ached the roof above, and you flitted your nose up to the rafters, drawing lines across the ceiling. Nothing but your shallow breaths filled the silent dark. 
The hearth then erupted with flame and spark, jolting you from back to neck bone. Had you any voice, a strangled scream would’ve ripped from your throat. Twisting, you had almost forgotten to breathe. A figure shrouded in shadow and leather stood beside the crackling firewood. Light and dark danced in an undulating battle across the strangers’ features.
Revealing a horrifying familiarity.
“Hope you don’t mind if I warm this place up a bit.” That voice, boy-ish in tone, lacked any hint of innocence or niceties. He stretched a gloved hand towards the licking flames, doing nothing to warm the ice coating his insides. “Couldn’t help but notice you looked a little cold and...alone.”
A snap of wood made you flinch; addressing him with quivering lips and dilated eyes. Your long-lost greeting didn’t forebode well.
Every piece of leather tightened around his body as he shifted. Turning to ensnare you within his talon like stare. When embers casted a sheen across his face, you braced against the sight. Soft features long since abandoned, reforged into a visage of cold iron. Carved and littered with scars and nicks across his furrowed brows, cheeks, and clenched jaw line.
“Well, this is kind of embarrassing. Wait, no. That’s not the word I was looking for. More like—disappointing. That sounds like a better fit. For you and everyone else here.” Hiccup stalked forward, a contraption of metal clanking and scratching against the splintering floors. Each step clanged through you, until he stood one heartbeat away. “After all these years, I’d thought you’d have a bit more to say. And you want to know something else? Every night, I dreamed about how this conversation would go. Just like how I dreamed things could be better than what they were. Funny how you can plan for things to go a certain way, but then…”
He pressed his hands at each side of your head, the glass window behind begging to crack from the pressure. His scent permeated, forcing you to swallow. Once smelling of spring honey and rolling glades, now sundered to singe your senses like bone ash and lightning storms. 
“Looks like I’m not the only one who’s a little different.” He placed a calloused finger into the dip of your clavicle. He dug and dug until your pained gasp fell deaf to his ears. Tilting his head, he curled the lip of his mouth. “So, just like Gothi, you gave up your voice. Good—great, actually. This works out better for me.” 
The smile that crept over his lips never made it up to his eyes. Not like before. Those vibrant meadows sullied into a sickly, muddled green. Thick and ichorous, and dared you stare long enough, you could never trudge your way out. Afraid of being stuck within them, your hand slipped silently into the pocket of your dress, where your fingers brushed against the hilt of a dagger. 
You drew it a mere inch before his hand captured yours, twisting until he pried it into his possession.
“Come on. We both know you were never good at fighting.” He chuckled, wagging the sharpest point between your trembling eyes. “I’ll admit it. I wasn’t either back then. That’s something we had in common…until I had to be. Guess that didn’t work out in anyone’s favor on this wet piece of rock. Now, did it?”
Your vision blurred. Screams of the village roared in your ears. Screeches of dragons pierced through the air, engulfed in smoke and fire. Having consumed so much in its wake, you felt the heat of chaos leech into the glass. Searing your back pressed against it.
“Woah. Hey, don’t cry. It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” He swept a rough thumb over a fallen tear stain. “Not all of them will die tonight. I mean, just think about it for a second. Can’t be chief and rule over a bunch of burnt corpses. How counterintuitive would that be?” 
“As for you though…” he continued, and your heart stalled as he traced the cold metal down your flush cheek and neck, pausing just above your breastbone. “I’m only standing here, watching everything and everyone turn to ash around us, all because of you. And don't tell me you don't remember. When you mended my leg. Somehow kept me from bleeding out. Just before the entire village abandoned me.” His clouded eyes narrowed down. “Including you.”
Releasing you from his pinning weight, your legs wobbled. As if he hadn’t just snatched your foothold underneath. Terror kept your feet webbed in place, watching as he twirled your dagger in his fingers like a child's play thing. Crouching near the fire, he mindlessly poked and prodded at the stoking wood. He picked away a scrap of charred chipping, before plunging the blade into the flank of the burning log. You gazed at him, chest tight, aching. How he hadn’t flinched when the fire slicked around his hand like oil.
He dragged the smoldering stump from the hearth, creating a scorched line. When the licks of fire seeped into the house floors, he rose, one vertebra at a time. 
“If I’m being honest, I probably would’ve done the same thing.”
He unhooked a masked contraption from his belt buckle and tightened it over his face. The eye sockets were of yellow stained sea glass, and the mouth of it appeared like a muzzle of iron teeth.
“Leave something already weak, then crippled to survive on its own. Gambling on the high-stakes of death. So sure of the outcome, no one bothered to turn over a shoulder.” Hellfire rose and swelled in the reflection of his mask. “Maybe they should’ve.” 
The rapid hunger of the hearth fire blazed and curled across the floor of the home. Heat lapped towards your skin, drawing out sweat from your pores. Dense smoke began filling the wooden death chamber. You inhaled the black snowflakes, searing your lungs once they melted inside you. You slapped a hard hand over your mouth, coughing and shuddering against it. A pang of panic willed your body to move. You attempted to open the window behind you, but to your horror, it had been welded to the frame. 
Your eyes watered, hugging the wall as you traced it to the door. When the handle clattered against your pulls and tugs, a ghostly laugh floated around you. The metal was bolted shut from the outside. A bout of nausea cramped your stomach. Fear darted your eyes toward the stairs, where the flames hadn’t yet reached—but soon. Perhaps the window of your room hadn’t been tampered with. 
You darted towards the steps, and before you could place one foot up, a black beast stalked from the darkness of the second floor.
The floating embers danced hauntingly over the onyx scales, and gashes rippled in the firelight. Revealing wounds healed twice, perhaps three times over. That body of night perfectly reflected it's master’s outward appearance.
And as you drowned in those feral slits of pure abandon, it was apparent they also shared the same broken, unmendable soul. 
“Oh. You remember Toothless, don’t you?” Your face paled, backing slowly as the Nightfury slithered down the steps like black ink. A predatory growl rumbled above the snapping and collapsing wood around you. Hiccup sauntered to the dragon’s side, patting the thick of his neck, pulsing with power. Another laugh at your expense. “Looks like he remembers you.”
You fought the claw of unconsciousness raking over every part of you. Choking, straining against your hand pathetically covering your mouth.
“Since you did me a favor back then, I’m going to give you one last chance to make it up to me.” The mask muffled his voice, but the wickedness screamed, rattling your veins. “You can either choose to stay here and burn with the rest of Berk or…” he lifted a hand, hardly an invitation, but a devilish bargain. “You can choose me.”
In the thick of your pounding head and chest, you considered burning to death was the wiser option of the two. All that he was—what he’d inevitably become—held no promise of a life worth degrading yourself for. Nothing about you would be spared. And it wouldn’t be long till you dropped on hands and knees, begging for him to take your life. To end his drawn out game of torture. One he’d carefully crafted for years and years. 
Just for you, only for you.  
Still, you clung to life. A measly mortal thread. Your shaking hand lifted, painfully reaching for his fingertips. One step forward, and the world spun in wisps of red and black. Your lungs and heart throbbed, practically seizing. A calculated arm caught you, cradling you wholly, close as any lover would. 
“Good choice.” 
You heard the waning words of approval, and through the fading light of your vision, something fastened over your face. Your last conscious breath had been clean, airy—a pleasant contrast to the toxic fumes. 
Then, nothing.
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part one | part two
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qwimblenorrisstan · 8 months ago
Insufficient Pt. 2 | Azriel x Reader
Summary: Following the disastrous breakup between you and Azriel, Nesta invites you out to a night at Rita’s, where you then discover that you might not be as safe in Night Court as you think.
Word Count: ~ 4.3k
Warnings: Stalkings, nasty public bathrooms, alcohol, drunk people, obsessive behavior, painfully bad description of blackjack, etc
A/N: ok so I kinda switched gears with this one, I’m trying to flesh it out before introducing another man, but lmk if you liked it, or if you have any opinion on where you’d like it to go, hope you enjoy <3
Requests are open!
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Only a week had passed since the disastrous breakup between you and Azriel, and as it turns out, it was harder to get rid of him than you’d originally thought.
Beforehand, he’d always seemed so controlled and stoic, that even being one of the main problems in your relationship was that he couldn’t ever let go of control. Being in charge meant he felt safe and secure, regardless of his feelings.
He had always seemed almost above you at times, above groveling and begging in bed, above communicating his feelings and emotions normally as he just expected you to read his mind or moods despite the way he hid any kernel of emotion from his body language. However, all of that seemed to have changed.
After the breakup, you’d gone back to working in the bakery, working specifically in the back making bread with your family, so you wouldn’t have to see him when he came in, probably trying to hunt you down. The heat the ovens gave off also seemed to repel his shadows, for whatever reason, so they wouldn’t spy on you any more than they already had. Though he had come asking for you before at the counter, your family had always shut him down. You felt bad about it for a second, but thinking back, you also didn’t. He’d chosen his words, and he was only sorry because you were his mate.
You’d moved back into the family home for now, your relatives surrounding you in love and empathy, and plenty of righteous fury regarding Azriel, and even a few “I told you so.”’s from the older generations.
Nesta would come by to visit now and then, having tea with you and updating you on all the latest news and developments, if not just funny stories to bring your spirits up, such as Nyx swallowing an ancient coin that he got from Rhys’ desk, only to poop it out shiny and clean a few days later, or how Cassian got so drunk he jumped from the top of the townhouse into a nearby pool that belonged to a neighbor.
On the bad days, she would offer some quiet company, or even open up to you about similar things that happened to her in the past.
Specifically, her past relationship.
She didn’t give a name, simply the details that he was a poor man’s family, his father abused his mother, and he was no better. She only was going to marry him to let Feyre take better care of Elain, really, even if it ended up with her getting beaten by some pathetic man. And then she told you of the night she rejected him, and tried to break it off, and how she almost barely got away before he could take what wasn’t his.
You both sat in silence after that, your hand in hers.
Eventually, though, the conversation continued. You told her of the flowers that would mysteriously appear on your windowsill each morning. Neither of you knew how Azriel knew what room you occupied in your family’s home, or even how he knew your address or favorite type of flower, Ditch Lily’s, but he knew. Or the letters you received nightly, always carried by some bird of prey to your window, and would leave it there.
She snorted when you told her about the letters.
“He’s being ridiculous, seriously, even Cassian isn’t that bad. He only cares because you’re his mate, not because of who you actually are, and until he gets his shit together I wouldn’t even open them.”
She said, taking a sip of the herbal tea your mother had prepared for both of you. It was a special recipe, one that some of your distant relatives in Autumn Court had created, originally meant to relieve muscle tension and stress from overuse of magic, and even assist in alleviating burnout. You were mildly convinced that there might be some healer blood in you, because of that half of the family.
You could’ve sworn you felt a tiny tug on the bond at the mention of Azriel.
“I know, I’ve just been burning them, but he won’t leave me alone. Every shadow feels like they’re watching me now, and I just…”
You sighed, trailing off as your hand went to rub the bridge of your nose, and she gave a hum of acknowledgment, finishing your sentence for you.
“Don’t feel safe in the one place that you used to only feel safe in?”
You glanced up, eyes widening a bit. That was precisely how you felt.
“Yes, how..?”
She took another sip of her tea, glancing over to the window and looking out of it, eyes almost glazing over as some memory must’ve come to light.
“Beneath the House of Wind is the library, though I’m sure you’ve already heard of it. The priestesses stayed there, and it was always quiet, and something about it made me feel…safe, even when I was in an unfamiliar body in new surroundings, the world in the middle of a war.”
She said, and you nodded, waiting for her to go on. You knew plenty of the library beneath the House of Wind and how massive it was.
“One night, me and Feyre both descended nearly to the bottom, for what I can barely remember, and there were two twin males. Sent by Hybern, I think. They were taken out before they could do any harm, but the damage was still done. It took me quite a while to think of the library as a safe space after that.”
The glaze in her eyes faded away as she took another sip of her tea, looking more relaxed than before. She looked over at you, her eyes meeting yours.
“How did you get it back like that? A safe place, I mean.”
You then asked, and she looked away for a moment to think, a common habit of hers. One you’d noticed by now. Always noticing things, something you must’ve learned from Azriel, and as much as you hated the reminder of him, it was useful regardless.
“Changing environments helped me. During and after the war, we were always traveling a lot, which forced me to appreciate the thought of home more. Then again, home was also linked with Cassian for me.”
She said, thinking aloud before eventually speaking again.
“I’d try moving around a bit. Exercise helped me, especially travel and hiking, or breathing exercises. I could teach you a few if you’d like?”
She offered. You would be a fool to refuse any sort of advice or help from Nesta Archeron, and she’d never led you astray before, so you nodded, and she smiled brightly, clearly happy to show you.
The next few hours were spent in the backyard on whatever flat surface there was, practicing impossibly stretched that seemed like whoever made them wanted to turn you into a pretzel. Nesta managed them just fine but didn’t laugh when you fell, only helped you back up, telling you all about how when she’d first started training with Cassian, it had been just as hard for her too.
She’d even outright refused to do it the first few times.
However, after that, she showed you cool-down exercises and helped you practice breathing techniques.
“Wait, so…I hold it for how long?”
You asked, and she held back a giggle at the sheer confusion in your tone as she answered.
“Twenty seconds, but you can-“
At that, she burst out laughing, and before you knew it you were laughing too, both of you laying back on the grass of the yard and hoping none of the seasonal bugs crawled up onto you. She finally sat up a moment later, wiping tears from her eyes as she stood and helped you up.
“Build up from five, you can start at five seconds and build up, is what I was going to say.”
She said, and you sighed.
“And I thought I was in shape before.”
You said in an amused tone, and she snorted again, only for the both of you to look over where you heard another loud snort and see Cassian standing, leaning against a large tree in the backyard. He was grinning widely as ever, his eyes full of pure glee.
“Having fun without me, ladies?”
He asked, putting a hand over his heart in a dramatic expression as he rolled his eyes, acting fatally wounded.
“Honestly, I’m hurt-“
He wasn’t able to finish his sentence before you barreled into him, giving him a tight hug that he chuckled at and returned, ruffling your hair. Nesta was soon to follow, and hugging him in a much more elegant manner than you.
When you finally separated, you spoke.
“Gods, I’ve missed you. We should let him come to tea time, too, Nesta.”
You said with a grin, and Nesta rolled her eyes playfully, squeezing his bicep. A tiny twinge of jealousy seemed to echo down the bond, as if Azriel had seen you hugging Cassian, and didn’t appreciate it. Another tug on the bond that you shut out, now hyper aware of any shadows.
“You’d be surprised at how much of a gossip he is, it’s never-ending with the Devlon-rumors.”
She said, and his expression shifted to playfully offended as he swatted at Nesta’s hand. You giggled, and Nesta glanced over at you, before gaining a thoughtful expression.
“We could do Rita’s tonight if you could make it?”
She asked, and Cassian gave a little nod as if also agreeing with this. You didn’t have any plans tonight, so why not spend a night out with your friends? It would certainly help you get your mind off of things.
“Sure, what time?”
You asked, head cocked slightly to the side. Nesta shrugged.
“Is 6 good for you?”
She asked, and you nodded in confirmation. She gave you one last smile before Cassian scooped her up to fly away.
“See you tonig-“
Her words were cut off with a little shriek as Cassian launched into the air at maximum speed just to spook her like he always did, and you giggled to yourself, heading back inside the family home. Unbeknownst to you, a shadowy figure lurked behind that tree after Cassian left, watching.
To be fair, the shifts were switched out now and then so everyone had a break, but he usually ended up babysitting. Despite his objections and complaints, he was good at it, sort of a baby-whisperer.
“Who was that pretty lady?”
He asked, a slight touch of color on his cheeks as you smirked with a knowing look.
“That was my friend, Nesta. She’s taken.”
You clarified for him, noticing the way his face fell in disappointment all too clearly before you patted your baby cousin on the head, and walked up to your temporary room. Maybe Nesta’s idea of traveling a bit and exploring different places was good. You had all of immortality ahead of you, after all. Might as well use it well.
You walked to your room, before going to the bathroom attached to it. You were more than lucky to get a room with a bathroom attached, and you knew it, since everyone bickered over who got to shower first and who had been in there too long for the normal bathroom in the hall. Stripping your clothes off, you turned the water on, letting it settle to a warm, but refreshing temperature.
You went through your entire hair routine and washed your body off, shaving and everything. Tonight was an everything shower. You wanted to look your best at Rita’s tonight, and you desperately needed a confidence boost after what Azriel had said to you.
Nearly half an hour later, your hair done all pretty, makeup on, and a pretty red dress gracing your form. You’d even painted your nails yourself, forgoing the usual stylist you went to for it.
By the time 6 had rolled around, you were almost to Rita’s, walking down the bustling streets of Velaris as the cool air blew by, the sun already beginning to set as early as it did in this season.
The moment you walked into the bar, already full of people, it only took a few seconds to spot Nesta and Cassian inside. Cassian was drinking and laughing his ass off with some other males, and doing arm wrestling that he never seemed to lose at, and Nesta was playing poker, and by the looks of it had already won a few games before based on the sly smile she wore.
You walked over and ordered your drink, nothing too strong, and decided that you could take a little time away from Nesta for now. You couldn’t help but feel a little guilty, considering she’d been listening to all of your problems every time she’d come over. It was probably best if you gave her a little alone time for herself.
Walking over to a table to try your hand at what looked like a boring game of blackjack, you were about to sit down when something captured your attention.
A lone shadow lurking beneath your feet.
You swallow, getting a weird feeling about it, but you simply stomped one foot down on it before sitting down, determined not to let something so small ruin this night for you. The cards were dealt, and you received a queen of spades and eight of clubs, and as the game progressed, you took risks, choosing to hit, and somehow miraculously not going over 21 the entire time. You felt the lightest tug on the bond, but ignored it.
It was mildly suspicious, considering how bad you usually were at cards. That was until you spied the same wispy shadow from earlier on the deck of cards, hiding in the normal shadow of it. It was discreetly moving cards, changing them for you to win.
Now incredibly annoyed, you excused yourself from the game and walked to the bathroom. Rita’s bathrooms weren’t extremely clean, but you just needed a place to take a breather.
You pushed the door open, not surprised by the few females in here who were either redoing their makeup or drunk out of their minds and crying. Oddly enough, though, they filed out almost as soon as you entered, some giving you off looks as you entered one of the stalls, sliding the lock closed, and sat on top of the toilet seat, pulling your knees to your chest.
Sure, things were weird tonight, but it was probably just Azriel trying to play mind games with you. He was a Spymaster. His entire job revolves around torturing information out of people and playing mental gymnastics to get what he wants from them. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was now hyper-fixated on you, determined to get you back if only to feel better about himself.
You heard the bathroom door open, barely creaking as the lightest footsteps became apparent to you. Probably another drunk woman, or someone looking to fix their makeup or outfit. Nothing out of the usual, you told yourself, even as your body began stiffening and your heart rate sped up. A lock clicked. The bathroom door.
You couldn’t get a decent whiff of the stranger, whether it be the alcohol or the reek of the bathroom in and of itself. Not daring to open up the stall or peek out, you became still as a statue.
Nearly silent footsteps.
A knob creaked, probably the sink, and water began running at its maximum speed.
Another sink turned on.
Then another.
Until all the sinks were on.
Your heart began beating faster. Why would anyone turn all the sinks on, if not to cover up the noise of something else, or someone else making loud noises?
Louder, bolder footsteps in your stall’s direction.
Glancing down beneath the door, you could see a pair of thick, black leathery boots now standing in front of it. You recognized those. How could you not?
A certain shadowsinger’s shoes. His work shoes.
You didn’t dare move, even as you heard a knock against the stall. It would’ve seemed polite in any other situation, but not here, not now.
“I know you’re in there.”
His quiet voice spoke, still filled with that tension you’d seen in his eyes the day you’d decided to finally break free of him.
He knocked again.
“I’m sorry for what I said, I shouldn’t have said that, if you would please, please, just give me another chance, I’ve been trying to talk with you for days but you were busy, and when I saw you here tonight, I thought that maybe we could talk this out-“
He said, voice filled with pleading and desperation as he rambled on. You’d never heard him express so much emotion before in his voice. It was interrupted by the bathroom door almost being opened, despite it being locked. A bang on the door, and Nesta’s muffled voice was heard through the door.
“Bullshit, I’m getting a worker..”
Azriel must’ve known he had limited time now, because he banged on the stall door louder, a bit more panicked.
“Please, just open the door. I’m sorry, just let me in. We can figure this out.”
He said, now shaking the stall door with the handle, and you didn’t dare move. Didn’t speak, didn’t do anything other than sit and pray to whatever gods you believed in. The Mother. The Cauldron. Anything. Whatever would make him go away. You had known the respectful, kind Azriel. The one that had waited centuries for Mor and not pushed anything, even when she openly went to other males and pushed him away. The one who wouldn’t push any boundary, but this Azriel…you didn’t know him.
The jingling of keys outside the bathroom door was heard, the worker Nesta must’ve called, and a frustrated sigh came from the voice outside your stall.
You could almost see it now, him angrily running his hands through his inky black hair, shadows swirling and writhing in agitation as he tried to think on how to fix this.
“You can’t hide from me forever, you’re just confused right now. I will get you back.”
He spoke finally, before the bathroom door burst open, and his presence was completely gone. You released a shaky breath, not daring to move still, even as the worker cursed and began turning all the sinks off.
“Haven’t seen it that jammed in a long time,”
She muttered, walking out eventually, you unlocked the stall door when you felt alone, only to swing it open and Nesta to pop into your vision. You almost screamed, jolting backward and slamming your head into a wall. She raised her hands in mock innocence.
“Easy, it’s just me. I figured you might be in here when I couldn’t find you, and…..”
She looked you up and down, noticing how shaken and pale you seemed, and frowned. Tilting her head sideways, she asked the obvious.
“What’s wrong with you?”
You looked all around the bathroom, finding no sign of him anywhere, no moving shadows or dark presences.
“He was here, Nesta. He kept begging me to come out and—I don’t know what he would’ve done if you hadn’t shown up.”
You said, tears welling up before falling as you began sobbing. She frowned deeper, now scowling as she pulled you against her chest, worry filling her expression.
“It’s alright, I’ll take you home.”
She said, helping walk you out of the bathroom, and as she passed by Cassian she grabbed the big Illyrian by the ear and dragged him out of the bar, outside with fresh air. Cassian immediately looked concerned, brows furrowed, but one look from Nesta was enough for him to nod grimly as his expression darkened, the two of them no doubt communicating mentally as most mates did.
He scooped the both of you up, and despite the alcohol in his system, managed a decent flight to your house. He gave you a pat on the head before Nesta walked you inside, and as soon as the two of you were in the privacy of your room, she spoke.
“Look, I’ll tell Rhys to keep an eye on him, but it’s not like Azriel will listen to anything Rhys orders him to do regarding…this. Just…be careful.”
She said in a hushed tone, and you nodded weakly.
“I can’t stay here. Not when he’s..watching and following me.”
Nesta gave a little nod, as she understood, but she still looked concerned. She was friends with Azriel, you knew as much, but even this was pushing it.
“I have family in Autumn, I could go find them.”
You suggested, and she sighed.
“You do realize he could just have one of his shadows follow you? Unless you left without telling anyone, then…”
The both of you shared a glance, and in a moment, understood what you needed to do to get away. A stalker problem wasn’t one that you thought you would have, but Azriel was obsessive and possessive, even after you’d thrown out all the flowers he’d left, and burnt all the letters you’d given him. He wouldn’t stop at anything, no matter what boundaries you tried to set.
You dragged the duffel bag out from under your bed, the same one you had used to pack your things the day you’d left and began shoving clothes into it, clothes that would suit a few days of travel in the wilderness. You nearly tore your dress off, shoving dark clothing that covered almost every bit of your skin.
If you headed through the main routes of the Court traveling system, Azriel could easily find you. The mating bond would only make it easier from there.
Nesta began helping, choosing clothes from your closet that she deemed acceptable and neatly arranging everything in the duffel bag.
“Are you going to tell your family?”
She asked quietly, and you sighed.
“My grandmother, she’d understand. She fled Autumn when she was younger, some long story about escaping a lover from the royal family.”
You said as you continued packing, and hurried down the stairs. Everyone was asleep this late, except for your grandmother for her nightly tea session. She was sitting in the living room, sipping away, and her eyes shifted to you. Despite her young form, her eyes were old and carried a wisdom you couldn’t explain.
“Grandma, I can’t explain, but-“
“You need to leave, I understand. Under the stairs, there is food. I expected this. Find your great aunt in Autumn.”
That made you pause for a moment, eyes widening, a little twinkle in her eye, and a small mischievous smirk made its way onto her face as she saw your confusion.
“I am not nearly as oblivious as you think I am, now go. Time is of the essence.”
She said, making a little waving motion, and you hurried off to find the little place under the stairs, opening the tiny area beneath it through the small cabinet door, rations were stashed there just like she’d said. You grabbed them, and hurried back up the stairs, and walking into your room you shoved it into the now-full duffle bag and zipped it up. Nesta gave you a confused look when she saw all the pre-prepared food you somehow had, but you only shrugged and she moved on.
“You’re going to need a way to travel, it’ll be thousands of miles to Autumn.”
She said, and you sighed, looping your arm through the handles of the duffle bag and throwing it over your shoulder as you hurried down the steps again, trying to be quiet for the sake of your sleeping family.
Nesta followed you out of the front door as you shut it, Cassian still standing outside, quietly watching with that same grim look on his face as you hopped your neighbor's fence, running across the mass of property they had in the backyard, straight to the small horse stables they had. You went in and opened the first one you could find, a dark-colored mare with a splotchy white stripe down her face, and some white near her hooves.
Pulling the winter coat off of her the gentlest you could, you scrambled to find a bridle that fit the mare as she stomped nervously, and you eventually found one and slipped it on, the horse not seeming eager to get the bit in its mouth, even though you managed to get it in.
Nesta caught up with you and glanced from you to the horse.
“You are crazy.”
She said though she had a slight smirk as she said it. You sighed, grabbing the reins and leading the mare outside of its stall, and you glanced over to Nesta.
“Give me a leg up?”
You asked with a small attempt at a grin, and she sighed, shaking her head in fond exasperation as she held her hands out for you to put your foot in, and you did, and she counted down from three before hoisting you up over the horse.
The large animal did not seem happy about that, either. But despite its protests, and the fact that you were riding it bareback because taking care of a bridle, saddle, stirrups and more was probably more than you could handle, you managed.
“Tell Rhys to ignore anyone complaining of a missing horse for me, will you?”
You said with that weak little half-grin, and she returned it.
“Sure, I can manage that.”
She said in an amused tone.
A moment of silence passed, before she swallowed, and spoke.
“Be careful. Don’t get yourself killed.”
She said, and you nodded, laughing softly.
“I won’t. Once I’m..safe, I’ll figure out a way to let you know. I promise.”
The inky mark of your oath spread around both of your wrists, reminding you of the promise. You didn’t know how you’d tell her without anyone else, or a specific shadowsinger catching wind of where you were, but you would figure it out.
The wind blew by, and you swallowed again.
“Well…I guess this is goodbye.”
“For now.”
She replied, and you nodded.
“For now.”
And with that, she gave a single nod and began walking back over to Cassian, who offered a dip of his head in goodbye. You gently nudged the horse with your foot, gathering up the reigns, and it jolted forward, taking any excuse to run wild after being cooped up in a stall for so long.
It hopped the fence easily, despite how you almost fell off and began bounding off before you adjusted it Southeast, where you would skirt the boundaries of Night Court, and then head to Autumn.
Into Autumn, where freedom loomed, and into Autumn, where the threat of more than just your self-discovery loomed as well.
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gliphyartfan · 26 days ago
Diversity among hylians seems to be very low, so I ask you to please headcanons of the chain with a human reader who has vitiligo and maybee heterochromia. Please, please, that's all I need!
Ah, that’s true! Hylians, for all their magic and divine connections, lack a lot of the diversity that humans have. (Even if they have the funkiest hairstyles at times)
I guess at first, they don’t get it.
They’ve certainly never seen anything like it before.
The patches of lighter skin standing out against their natural tone? The two different colored eyes? It’s so far outside of normal Hylian traits that they’re just staring the first time they meet Reader.
Not in a bad way! They’re just so confused but the differences. (They adjust as they always do.)
Wind is the first to ask. (Zero filter after all)
Blunt as always he goes “Did you get cursed?”
(Cue Warriors smacking him upside the head.)
And Reader would laugh, though and reapond. “Nope. It’s just how I was born.”
Sky would be tilting his heads and say “Wait, it’s natural?”
Hyrule is quietly intrigued. (Half fae boy is kinda obsessed.)
He’d be like “So you were just… blessed with two different eye colors? And patterns on your skin?”
And Reader would be like “Blessed?” They’d snort. “I wouldn’t call it that.”
But Hyrule would.
(He probably ends up fully convinced that Readwr is some sort of celestial being that’s just pretending to be human.)
Twilight (when everyone is way more comfortable with each other) actually reaches out to touch your skin. (With permission, of course.)
The difference in texture is interesting to him. It’s not really different from the rest of Reader’s skin, but the contrast is so mesmerizing.
“Does it… change?”
“Sometimes,” They’d shrug. “Spreads a little, but nothing crazy.”
Twilight wouod be so fascinated. His own markings only appeared when he used the Shadow Crystal, so seeing someone with permanent ones they were born with is something else.
Sky thinks they’re literally kissed by the heavens.
No, really.
He genuinely believes that their skin is like clouds drifting across the sky.
He gets so poetic about it, too. “It’s like the sky at dawn… patches of light breaking through the darkness.”
Legend: “You’re making it weird.”
Sky: “I’m appreciating the beauty of nature, shut up.” (Which I personally wouod find funny)
As for heterochromia I thiiiink, Warriors and Legend notice it first.
Warriors, because he’s trained to pick up details.
Legend, because he’s just perceptive as hell. (Not that the others arent but I think everyone is heavily distracted by the vitiligo.)
Legend would go “Wait, were your eyes always different colors?”
“Uh. Yeah?”
Cue them both narrowing their eyes like they’re trying to figure out if Reader’s messing with them.
Wind and Wild immediately love it.
“Whoa! That’s so cool!”
“Can you see differently out of each eye?”
“Do things look different?”
(Reader has to physically stop them from shining a lantern in your face to ‘check.’)
Time kinda thinks it’s an omen.
…Not in a bad way, necessarily, but in the way that his gut tells him you’re important.
Like… by that point Reader was already significant to them, but this just adds to it.
He’s seen plenty of strange things in his time, but a mortal with two different eyes? That’s has to mean something ya know?
Four is intrigued from a more analytical standpoint.
Four: “So, you were born with this?”
Reader: “Yep.”
Four: “It doesn’t affect your vision?”
Reader: “Nope.”
Four: “Fascinating.”
(He will absolutely study their eyes in different lighting, making notes to compare them.)
All in all, they adore it. (And it is inevitable that creeps and weirdos will try to nab such a unique beauty when they go era hopping so it ends up with them being a biiit over protective with Reader. But hey! Stories to tell friends over drinks eh?)
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cowgirlcherrie · 2 years ago
☆ WISHFUL THINKING. loser! sbf! ellie williams headcanons
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♪ 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠…wishful thinking by benee
a/n: here are just some quick head-canons of loser ellie, ellie is best friends with the readers sister, basically like bbf! ellie but girls girl coded dynamic.
warnings/content: 18+ MDNI. a nsfw section. breeding kink. switch!ellie. kissing. petname usage. ellie is so loser…LOL but it intertwines with canon ellie. cursing. dirty talking. finger sucking. edging. mostly toothrotting fluff for the first section
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
౨ৎ loser! Ellie owns an obscure amount of graphic tees with silly slogans on them:
** I can’t find the post but one of my mutuals had an exact post of how she would dress…adam sandler core fr
When she gets complimented on them, she does not know how to take a compliment. When you found one of the slogans funny, your hands delicately intertwined with the fabric of her shirt as you tugged the fabric — with your phone hovering over the bolded text to take a picture – Ellie was sweating bullets beneath your touch.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie dismissed you the first time that the two of you met; she moved like a shadow whenever you were around; if you were talking in the kitchen, she would completely walk out of the room and just avoid the area. At first, you thought Ellie stopped coming around and being friends with your sister until you actively caught her turning on her heels and just heads in another direction.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie goes to your college and is a year above you but you didn’t know she was going to JSU (Jackson state university) because you thought she was planning on community, so it was a shocker to see her around campus because she actually would say hi to you or sit and chat if she wasn’t with Dina or Jesse.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie is obsessed with Jurassic Park and owns all of the DVD collections. She even has posters up on the wall that is stills from the movie and ones she was able to find with a deep dive online *cough* Reddit *cough* Facebook marketplace *cough* 
Frequently she tried to get your sister into it who gets sick of her asking–  but kept on nagging at Ellie to ask you instead, and with many dab pen hits and a quick pep talk in the bathroom, Ellie built up enough courage to ask you to watch it with her. 
The two of you bonded over having crushes on Ellie Sattler which was the first time that Ellie realized that you liked girls and she might have a shot with you.
“It’s even better to watch when you’re high because the dinosaurs are all like-…woahh”
౨ৎ loser! Ellie enjoys it’s always sunny in Philadelphia and parks and recreation, and would definitely enjoy emergency intercom or just podcast-y youtube channels 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie sucks at eye contact, whenever you start talking to her she rubs at the back of her neck, and looks at her feet, twirling the necklace that’s tucked closely to her skin and her shirt. She just doesn’t stop fidgeting. Her face gets all red but she plays it off that Joel kept on turning the heater on when there was no need for it.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie wears flat-brim vintage hats, especially some with corduroy fabric, and apart from her standard arm tattoo gets silly patchwork ones, like one of a drawing she did for Joel. Has a lot of rings and especially enjoys the spinny ones.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie who collects Savage Starlight comics, as always, is surprised when you tell her you found some copies in the bookstore that was actually going to get thrown away but you bargained with the owner to buy the barrel of the books because you knew she would like to have them. She gets all flustered when she realizes that you were thinking of her and it brings the craziest smile to her fast that you took enough time to remember such minuscule detail about her. 
“Do you– uh- do you want me to pay you back?”
౨ৎ loser! Ellie wakes up late all the time when she sleeps over at your house like I’m talking 11-12:30 pm and will walk around the house with messy hair, a large t-shirt and boxers, and dry drool patch on her mouth and down her cheek until she realizes she had been watched for the past few minutes by you who was scared shitless because you didn’t even she spent the night.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie in traditional Ellie fashion uses cursing as a coping mechanism when she gets nervous and doesn’t know what to say:
“I don’t fuckin’ know ask your sister”
“That’s fuckin cute… I guess”
“Oh – Fuck you!”
౨ৎ when your sister started this thing every two weeks where there is a girl’s night, she’d invite Ellie over for a sleepover and the sleepless night would be full of gossip, painting each other’s nails, drinking cheap wine that Ellie got from the gas station down the way —  primarily a self-care night, it takes a lot of convincing to get Ellie to join in but once she does, she regrets it slightly. However, she tolerates it because she can use it as an excuse just to see you and learn about what is up with your life or if you started seeing anyone.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie who bitches and cries when she has a facemask on, and is hissing and spewing curses under her breath every few minutes, with a fluffy headband on that is pushing her auburn hair back, begging you to take it off; meanwhile, you are applying a clear coat on her nails because she would complain about any other color but she keeps tensing up.
“Ow! What the fuck is in this…it hurts, take it off! Take it off!”
౨ৎ loser! Ellie when the summertime rolled around, meant she would be spending way more time with you and your sister – eventually, your sister goes to the locksmith and get Ellie her own key. Ellie will be indulging in pool days with you which is a recipe for disaster
She is tripping all over the place, and terribly applied sunscreen on her face which cast a slight ghostly white cast on her face, adding to how stunned she was to see you in a swimsuit, but she couldn’t look away and caught herself wandering her eyes to places she probably shouldn’t have. 
Underwater kiss! Underwater kiss! 
But she tries to play it off and acts like it never even happened the next day. But when Ellie closed her eyes all she could feel was your wet lips on hers, as the two of you were grabbing at each other and the way for a second time slowed down and all she could feel was the movement of the water and your hands on her skin.
When she applied sunscreen wrong and asks you to fix it for her, gets so embarrassed as you rub your hands over her face to moisturize the sunscreen into her face, but every time she opens her eyes she just sees the view of your boobs in the bikini you are wearing and just squeezes her eyes shut. Visibly pretends to bite her fist when you’re done
౨ৎ loser! Ellie 100% asking strangers on Reddit how to confess for you with crazy ass headlines, 
F(22) IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIEND'S SISTER F(21) ADVICE? If a girl’s arm lingers on you for too long does it mean she likes you? (F) Good pick-up lines that aren’t cringy for gays only…please How much does astrology and birth chart compatibility really matter? 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie splits her sandwiches with you and gives you a jacket when you are cold because even though she asks you a million times and you said no each time she asked. She still brings a jacket just for you — and how she would scold you for not bringing one. (all out of love though)
“You fucker! I knew you would be cold, see this is why I said to bring a jacket” 
Pretends to be angry but really she was waiting for this moment.
Eventually, you build a collection, having 3 of Ellie’s jackets in your room, which was Ellie’s subtle excuse to be able to talk to you. 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie doesn’t hesitate to pick you up from an on-campus party, and her heart shatters when you are crying because you had a shitty night and you don’t want her to tell your sister. Takes you to whatever fast food is open at that hour even if that means she’d have to drive 30 minutes extra just to make you smile.  
“Shh…sweetheart terrible nights happen it’s okay”
“Are you hungry?…cuz’ like I’m fuckin hungry” Ellie whispers amidst a thick awkward silence, mentally cringing and wanting to bang her head on the steering wheel as she grips the wheel until her knuckles turn white.
Suddenly becomes good with comforting people when it comes to you, but anyone else – the spinny wheel of death appears above her head as she struggles to formulate a good sentence. 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie who hates when you bring up anyone you start talking to or that you are going out with, will sit there with her fist tight and jaw clenched whispering to you:
“There are people who can treat you way better”
And by people she really means herself. 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie who set off the fire alarm once by accident because she was hotboxing in her room with Jesse and Dina and almost got a dean’s office summons and tried to blame it on the neighbors next door. 
౨ৎ loser! Ellie when Ellie tells your sister that she likes you, your sister makes the most disgusted face at her, but becomes Ellie’s wing-woman and kinda tells Ellie all of your likes and dislikes, which Ellie has a whole page in her journal with facts about you. 
“can I have your blessing to uh…date your um, fuck sorry your sister?”
“ellie please shut up I’m gonna throw up”
౨ৎ loser! Ellie has pictures of michael cera as her icons on every form of social media.
౨ৎ loser! Ellie gets flustered easily over indirect kisses, like sharing food or sharing drinks, and suddenly she becomes so hyperaware. 
nsfw 𖦹⋆彡🫧꩜♪⋆
౨ৎ When Ellie started having more than just friendly feelings for you…her whole demeanor changed, the tension was so thick it could cut with a sharp knife. Subtle touches suddenly had more meaning and her body felt like someone lit a match with gasoline dripping from her body and set her aflame. 
౨ৎ after an accidental confession that leads to the two of you dating, lewd thoughts from the shadow of her brain came after and she couldn’t control it — initially was too embarrassed to tell you and had nights where she would just walk to the bathroom and try her best to get off in the shower but it only got her so far before it wasn’t helping or doing enough and at this point she needed to actually touch you
౨ৎ That time she slept over and was sleeping on your couch, hoodie on her body with the hood up covering her face, blankets falling off of her body giving a full view of her sleep boxer shorts. When you walked by to go grab a drink of water around 3 am you could hear her moaning your name in your sleep.
౨ৎ is one of those people who seem bashful, sparky, and innocent throughout the day but in the sheets is the biggest freak ever, she becomes another level of unholy.
౨ৎ a breeding kink! Definitely owns one of the squirting dildos because she loves to watch the way liquids drip out of you when she’s done, will sit back pulling at your folds with her fingers with the shit-eating grin on her face that reads I did that 
“Look at you~” “all fucked out for me” Ellie speaks coly and in between breaths as her head reaches down to put kisses all over your face.
౨ৎ Ellie likes to see how much she can get away with, smacks your ass, pulls you back by your belt loop, sticks her hand way too far up your thigh, moans high pitched in your ear during public settings 
౨ৎ falls asleep with her hand on your boobs, god forbid she’s having a nightmare, she starts squeezing them in the midst of it. 
౨ৎ makes dick jokes talking about some:
“My pullout game is not weak thank you very much, if that was the case we would have had a lot of children already”
When listening to rap music that goes into heavy description about fucking humps the air sometimes to the lyrics...not elaborating she's hella immature LOL 
౨ৎ The minute the two of you go out and one of your friends says how she is a simp and how you have all the control in the situation, Ellie will make sure you know that she indefinitely has the upper hand. It’s like a switch flips in her head she gets so ruthless and so mean, she doesn’t want you to forget it either and fucks you until you can’t think
You will be moaning and clawing at her back as she pounds in a rhythmic motion in and out of you, her mouth would get so filthy, smirking as her fingers rub over your lips as she slips her thumb in for you to suck,
“but …do your friends know that you cry like this under me? that you look so pathetic under me?”
“Who’s in charge again cuz’ I fuckin’ know it’s not you”
“Are you cumming? Oh no you don’t…let me see you” “What if I just stopped right now?”
Likes to edge you, no doubt.
౨ৎ a switch likes to be topped or touched but also likes to be the top
౨ৎ whimpers whenever you touch her like a puppy, her eyes get glassy and her face gets red as she lets out low mewls of your name, and suddenly it’s like you’re an angel hovering over her and your touch is an addictive drug that she never wants to stop having.
౨ৎ  Overall just the best girlfriend ever, with a combination of silliness and fun in one, a big ol’ dork that is really just obsessed with you.
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© cowgirlcherrie
@beforeimdeceased @starologist @destielcore @luvrgalore @ellsss @zahraaziza @emluvselandabs @abbyily @elliestrwbrry @mossc0vered @spacewlf @as2rid @spaceshipellie @lottiematthewsceo @emonopolyman @mikasbby @trulygnomed @machetegirl109 @munsonsfairy
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autumnshighlady · 1 year ago
Run For Your Life (pt. 2)
Dark!Azriel x dark!reader
summary: you've been with Azriel for 6 months now, and you began to embrace your twisted side. Azriel finds out what happens with you're pissed off, and you decide to punish him.
special dedication to @febbrile for giving me this idea for part 2
warnings: DARK FIC! both Az and reader are unhinged psychos, sub!azriel, dom!reader, flirting, possessiveness, knife play, orgasm denial, masturbation, face sitting, gore and violence, terrible communication, there's one thing that's deliberately left unclear (send me an ask with what you think it is / what actually happened)
word count: 8.7k
see the playlist for this fic
read part 1 here
A/N: As you may know, i've had a very rough few days. I was going to take a break from writing but decided to finish this fic up first, so the last 500 ish words are rushed and i apologize for that but i hope you enjoy anyway
“I’m going to have so much fun with you.” He purred before his shadows encompassed him and he vanished, leaving you alone wondering what just happened.
You tapped your nails on the wooden bartop, scowling. The whiskey burned your throat, but you barely felt it. You were pretty sure a male from a few seats down from you was trying to get your attention, but his yappy voice faded into the background. The skin tight black dress you donned was constricting, making your skin sticky and sweaty. But you paid it no mind, for your attention was elsewhere.
Azriel was chatting with a pretty female over by the counter where you order food. She was tall and leggy, curly black hair swept into an elegant updo that showed off the open back of her dress. Her hand was brushing against Azriel’s arm, her head thrown back in a high pitched laugh at a joke that surely can’t have been that funny. Anger shot through your veins as Azriel’s white canines flashed in a charming smile, not even glancing your direction.
You couldn’t decide whose throat you wanted to slit more.
For the past six months, Azriel’s visits had become an everyday routine. At first, you had resisted, attempting to fight him off as you began to realise one night wasn’t enough to satisfy his obsession with you. He always emerged victorious, always getting what he wanted in the end, your traitorous body urging you to let him take care of you. It had taken you a few weeks to come to your senses, but you were glad. Azriel knew exactly how to take care of you, not just in the bedroom, but in everyday life. He chose your outfits for you, your meals, your nights out, everything. At first, you hated it. But now, it was freeing. You no longer had to worry about anything, knowing Azriel would take care of it.
Azriel took excellent care of things that belonged to him.
Every cell in your body needed him now. He was like oxygen, a constant requirement to keep your body going. Every second the shadowsinger spent away from you was pure torture, leaving you a whiny mess when he returned from work. To anyone else, it would seem pathetic, like you were a helpless wreck of a female. But they couldn’t be more wrong. It was the opposite – it made you powerful. Not only did you belong to Azriel, but Azriel belonged to you. You had the spymaster of the Night Court all to yourself, wrapped around your finger and ready to bend the world to your whim. 
Except it didn’t feel that way right now, as the male you were now completely obsessed with was eyeing up the cleavage on another female. You scowled harder as he did nothing to deter the female as she stepped even closer to him, practically crawling into his lap. The bartender handed you another shot, and you angrily downed it, not even feeling the burn.
A male slid into the seat next to you, so close you could smell his cheap cologne. He was on the shorter side, blonde shaggy hair framing his boyish face. Large eyes drank in your figure hungrily, and he slid a hand up your back with the confidence of a much more attractive male. “Another drink for the lady over here.” He said to the bartender, flashing you what he must have thought was a charming smile. “So, what’s a pretty female like you doing–”
“Fuck off.” You grumbled, interrupting him. You reached behind and slapped his arm off your back, his skin like a wad of slime on your own.
“Oh, come on, baby,” The male persisted. “I just bought you a drink. The least you could do is entertain me.”
You groaned inwardly, sneaking a glance at Azriel. He had finally looked up at you, hazel eyes simmering with rage. The female leaning against him was too busy giggling to notice that his attention was no longer on her. His scarred hand was limp on her waist, his body frozen as he glared at you. It made you snort, how hypocritical he was being to only look at you when another male had your attention, despite him being the one with a female draping herself all over him.
So you ignored the shadowsinger. Let him have a hissy fit, as far as you were concerned he was going to fuck the pretty female anyway. If he can branch out, why can’t you. You quickly downed the drink the bartender sat in front of you, then turned toward the blonde male next to you, giving him your best sultry look. “I have a better idea,” You purred. “Why don’t I entertain you somewhere else?”
His eyes widened, a look of surprise and glee crossing his face as he fumbled to toss some money to the bartender for the drinks. You gathered your purse, turning around to meet Azriel’s stare once again. Rage came off him in waves, causing the few fae around him to scatter themselves elsewhere. Even the female that had been all over him had taken a step back in uncertainty, her eyes flickering between him and where his gaze was fixed – you. The spymaster’s body was frozen, a muscle in his neck twitching in anger. You half expected him to storm over and fling the male aside, grab you by the waist and drag you home to punish you. But he did no such thing. He only glared at you as you grabbed the male by the arm, leading him towards the exit.
You didn’t glance back at Azriel as the male followed you out of the bar and down the road towards the nearby motel.
Sunlight crept in through the small window next to the bed. The motel’s breakfast was dry and tasteless on your tongue, but you downed it anyway. The bed sheets were half on the floor, your dress from last night draped across the chair in the corner. You were wearing the male’s button-up shirt, the itchy fabric pungent with his scent mixed with yours, the bottom barely long enough to cover your ass. It was uncomfortable, but your dress got ruined last night anyway. You’d have to find somewhere to dispose of it properly.
You had a pounding headache, but the memories from last night couldn’t have been more clear. The images of Azriel’s angry glare, the male’s hands on your body, the pathetic noises he made for you after you left the bar, they were all crystal clear in your mind. You were still furious with Azriel, but satisfied that you got him back.
However, a part of you knew he was angrier than ever before. There had not been a trace of his presence all night, not even his shadows that seemed to always be around you, reporting your every movement back to him. Evidently, he hadn’t even tried to find out where you had gone last night. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous – either Azriel had abandoned you completely, or he was sitting at home, just waiting for you to return.
You shuddered, wondering what he was going to do to you. Maybe he truly would leave you for the other female, maybe that’s how mad he was.
No. You weren’t going to let him do that.
You downed the rest of the breakfast, gathering your things to get ready to check out. You sighed when you realised you had no pants, as the only thing the male had left behind was his undershirt. You stuffed your ruined dress in a paper bag, shut off the lights and left the motel room, not caring that your ass was nearly on display for the world to see.
First stop was to find some pants, and then you had business to take care of.
Luckily, it didn’t take you long to find a store to obtain some pants. Everyone had stared at your bare legs as you wandered in, but you didn’t care. In fact, it made you chuckle. If Azriel was here, he would have gone ballistic. He was the only one allowed to see you like this. If he knew that over a dozen people had seen your ass cheeks in the last hour, you couldn’t even imagine what he’d have done.
With a set of pants, you had returned to the bar, posing as a friend of the female Azriel was with last night and trying to find out more about her. The mother seemed to be on your side that day, as one of the bartenders was a close friend of hers. He blabbed easily, and within minutes you were able to find out her name, where she usually went on Saturday mornings like this one, and where she lived. Her name was Beatrice, and she always went to the farmer’s market every weekend to pick up fresh vegetables for the week. She lived in a house near the theatre, right in the heart of the city.
So you wandered towards the farmer’s market, hair down and hanging loosely around your face to hide it. The air was crisp and fresh, chatter from the market filling the air as you hovered in the corner, pretending to sift through a barrel of apples.
It wasn’t hard to spot Beatrice. Her curly black hair was trailing down her back, her cheeks flushed with evidence of a hangover. She wore a simple pair of black leggings and a yellow sweater, a cheerful smile on her face as she chatted with one of the vendors. It was almost annoying how she looked just as elegant as she had last night. You made sure to trail her from a distance, staying out of her sight. You wondered if Azriel would be proud, but shook off the thought as soon as it came. 
Once you were sure Beatrice only had a few more things to pick up at the market, you slunk down one of the alleys and headed towards her house. You knew it was the fastest way, allowing you to get to her house before she did.
It was a modest home, sunflowers lining the windowsill and a small swing on the porch. The trim was a deep brown, the wooden accents giving it a charming feel. You crept towards one of the windows along the side of the house, sneaking a glance behind you to ensure nobody was watching. You knew breaking into a house in one of the busiest parts of the city was risky. But that was also the beauty of it – there was so much going on that nobody paid attention to you.
It wasn’t hard to take a small knife and pop open the window then crawl through. You gently closed it behind you, then scanned the interior. You were in the living room, and you couldn’t deny that it impressed you. An elegant piano was in the corner, a large couch next to it with a soft-looking blanket with butterflies on it draped over the top. Various trinkets were scattered across the room, ranging from ancient-looking candle holders to a small music box designed to look like a bird cage. 
You couldn’t scent Azriel in the room, much to your surprise. But that surprise was replaced by anger – if he hadn’t taken her here, then he could have taken her to his home. The thought made you see red, but you took deep breaths and settled yourself on the sofa. Beatrice would be home any minute.
About ten minutes later, the sound of keys turning the lock at the door snapped your attention back to the present. The door opened, and Beatrice entered with a large bag of vegetables. She didn’t notice you at first, closing the door behind her and turning the lock shut.
“You know, you should really lock your windows too.” You spoke casually, and the female whirled around in fright, dropping her groceries. Her brown eyes widened in fear as they met yours, and you smirked.
“What… who the hell are you and why are you in my living room?” Beatrice stammered, backing herself up against the door.
You snorted, fiddling with the necklace you had picked up off the coffee table. It was the one she was wearing last night, you remembered – a gold chain with a small emerald. “Oh, come on,” You snorted. ‘You clearly didn’t have that much to drink last night, seeing as you were able to grocery shop this morning. Think harder.”
She frowned, and then her face went slack as the realisation appeared to hit. “You were at the bar last night. I saw you leave with that blonde male. Azriel was furious about it.”
Bingo. “Ah, so you know Azriel then.”
“Not really. We met last night and flirted. It was going well until he saw you with that male, then things got tense.”
Your voice was cold as ice as you spoke. “So Azriel flirted back, then?”
Beatrice shrugged. “Yes? I see no issue with that considering you left with another male, I assumed you weren’t together. Would you mind telling me what the fuck is going on so you can leave?”
“Come, sit.” You patted the space next to you. Beatrice stayed still for a moment, then carefully walked over to the couch. Her body was tense as she sat down, her breathing shallow.
“Look,” She said slowly. “I don’t know what the deal between you two is. I thought he was available, because he flirted back with me. He did not mention you, and I am sorry about that. But then he went quiet when he saw you with the male, and he was furious when you left with him. He tried to keep flirting with me after, tried to convince me to let him come home with me, but I turned him down. I wasn’t about to be caught up between some weird power struggle between what seems to be a fighting couple. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to let him use me as revenge. So I rejected his advances and went home alone. That’s all, I promise.”
You swallowed the bile in your throat. Azriel had started this by flirting with Beatrice, you had every reason to retaliate. You knew Azriel probably wanted to take her home, but hearing it out loud made it even worse. 
Your face must have given it away, because Beatrice’s expression softened a bit. “I’m sorry, I really am. This must be hard to hear.” She said quietly. “But in his defence, you went home with another male–”
“Shut up!” You yelled, slamming a fist into the table in front of you and making it shake. “Don’t defend him, I wouldn’t have gone home with that male if Azriel hadn’t been flirting with you first.”
Beatrice flinched away from you, fear beginning to creep back into her expression once again as she stood up. “I’m sorry,” She said. “I’m not here to judge you. I don’t want any part of this. But I’ve explained my side to you, so I think it’s best you leave.”
Beatrice walked over to where her groceries lay all over the floor and began picking them up. You bit your lip so hard you nearly drew blood, fist trembling with anger. You knew you should feel relieved that Azriel hadn’t fucked Beatrice, but that wasn’t enough.
So you took deep breaths, relaxing your body and leaning back into the soft cushion. “I’m better, you know.” You said, voice dropping huskily.
The female froze, turning around to face you once again. “What?”
“I’m better than Azriel.” 
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Oh, I think you do.” Your voice purred like a cat as you stood up, walking over to Beatrice. She didn’t move as you closed in on her space, your body less than a foot from hers. You could smell her sweet scent, honey and lavender, you noted. Her chest rose and fell in shallow breaths, and you leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “Azriel is good in bed, but not as good as I am. Sure, he would have given you an enjoyable night, a great one even. And since Azriel is mine, and he failed to give you what you sought after, I feel I am obligated to fulfil your needs in his stead.”
Beatrice inhaled sharply, and you chuckled. You had always enjoyed bedding both males and females, and it had been so long with you submitting to Azriel that you had almost forgotten what it was like to seduce a beautiful female.
“I don’t want to get caught up in whatever this is between you two…” Beatrice’s voice was weak, the scent of her growing arousal betraying her lie.
“Oh, but this is just between you and me.” You said coolly, brushing a curly lock from her face. “Our little secret.”
When you cupped her cheek, she leaned into your touch. Satisfied, you smiled and stepped closer, pressing your body against hers. Your lips brushed hers as you spoke. “I need to hear you say it,” You murmured, caressing her waist with your free hand. “That you want me. Not him.”
“I…” Beatrice’s voice was barely above a whisper. She leaned forward in an attempt to connect her lips with your own, but you drew back.
“Be a good girl and say it.”
“I want you, not him.” She moaned as you squeezed her waist gently. “Please.”
You smiled, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the door at the back where you knew her bedroom was.
The sun was setting as you made your way back home, a small bag of vegetables in hand. The orange rays from the sunset reflected off the emerald necklace, the chain cold as ice around your neck. You knew Azriel would be waiting for you, and you were ready. You ignored the chill of the wind, still in the male’s shirt whose name you never bothered to learn. It offered you little protection against the cold, and you looked forward to the warmth of your home.
Stepping up to your door, the house looked empty. It was an illusion to anyone who walked by. You could sense Azriel’s presence in there, like an icy frost on the wood just waiting to bite you. But you didn’t care what Azriel’s wrath would bring. You had your own plan. 
You swung open the door, locking it behind you and placing the bag of vegetables on your counter.
“Would you mind telling me where the fuck you’ve been?”
Having expected him to make a dramatic out-of-the-dark entrance, you didn’t flinch like you used to when he’d sneak up on you. You sighed in annoyance, knowing it’d infuriate him more. “Farmer’s market.” You said dryly.
Azriel’s towering form appeared from the shadows, coming across to face you on the other side of the counter. You knew he was glaring at you, but you didn’t spare him a glance. “From sunup to sundown?” He demanded.
You shrugged, laying out the vegetables. “It was a busy farmer’s market.”
A shadow found its way to your chin, yanking it up and forcing you to look at him. The sight of Azriel made you gulp. His eyes were darker than you’d ever seen, the anger coming off of him in waves. If you were anyone else, you’d have cowered in fear. But you only raised an eyebrow. “Don’t lie to me.” He said icily. “You were with that male last night, were you with him today, too?”
“Why the fuck does it matter to you?” You spat. “You were too busy burying your dick inside that female to notice me. Not my fault someone else finished what you couldn’t.” The words were completely untrue, but you didn’t care. You just needed them to land their mark.
Azriel laughed heartlessly, but the anger in his eyes grew stronger. “Are you really that fucking pathetic that I’m not allowed to take my attention off of you for five minutes? Is that all it takes for you to go crawling to the nearest male ready to get fucked?”
“She was flirting with you, you absolute prick!” You screamed at him, ripping away from the shadow’s grip and storming towards the bedroom. “And you flirted back! Don’t act like you’re the victim here. You wanted to make me jealous, but what? You didn’t think I was capable of doing the same?”
Azriel followed you. “Don’t walk away from me.”
You tried to slam the door in his face, but his muscular arm caught it, easily prying it open. Azriel roughly grabbed you and slammed you into the wall. You tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he didn’t budge. “You’re the one who fucked someone else, not me.” He growled. 
You chuckled manically. “Is that what you think happened, Az?”
His grip tightened, bruising your arms. “Don’t play dumb, you stupid whore. I saw you leave with him.”
You kept chuckling, body singing with adrenaline. You saw Azriel’s gaze go down to your body, where an unmistakably male shirt clung to you. The look in his eyes was positively murderous. Wordlessly, he let go of you and you fell to the ground, continuing to laugh at him as he went towards the door. 
“Where are you going?” You asked through giggles.
Azriel grabbed truth-teller from his waist, turning to face you. “You have one chance to tell me where that male is, or I will find him myself.”
You pushed yourself up, sighing and letting out another sick laugh. Excitement bubbled in you as you spoke. “I’m not sure there will be much left of him to find.”
For the first time since you’d met him, Azriel’s eyes widened in surprise. He went utterly still, hand frozen on the door handle. Nothing moved, except for you. You were practically buzzing, a new kind of high taking over you. 
“What are you talking about?” Azriel’s voice was low.
The male’s hands were all over you as you walked towards the motel. You resisted the urge to squirm away at his teenager-like giddiness. You didn’t feel the cold night air, your body was hot with adrenaline.
“I can’t wait to fuck you, baby.” The male said breathlessly, squeezing your ass with one hand. 
You let out a fake laugh, but lead him off the cobblestone road. The motel was a few feet away, but that wasn’t where you wanted to take him. Your heels sunk into the mud, dirtying your feet as you headed towards the dark trees in the distance. You felt the male slow behind you.
“Aren’t we going to the motel?” He asked with uncertainty.
“What fun would that be?” You grabbed his hand and pulled him harder. “Come on, trust me.”
The moron just shrugged and continued to follow you. It was another ten minutes before you found a clearing, having nearly tripped over giant roots to get there. This place would do nicely, you decided.
You turned around to face the male, but his shirt was already off and he was in the process of unbuttoning his pants. “Adventurous!” He said excitedly. “I am so fucking hard baby, if you don’t get on your knees and do something about it now I think I might die.”
“Yes,” You said, sliding the knife out of the holster on your thigh. “You will.”
The male barely had a chance to speak before you brought the dagger up and slashed it across his face. Blood spurted from the nasty gash as he fell down, sobbing and clutching his face. His pants were down at his knees, a truly pathetic sight.
“There’s only one male allowed to touch me,” You said calmly. “And if he found out you laid your hands on me, he would do much worse to you than what I’m going to do. So be grateful.”
The male sobbed, pleading and begging pathetically for you to spare his life. But you weren’t phased. After all, your words were true. Nothing you did to him could compare to what Azriel would have done. You were proud of yourself for granting him this mercy. You didn’t know this male at all, know if he’d done anything to deserve a more painful death. But truthfully, you didn’t care.
You leaned down over him, pressing your body into his. It made you want to vomit, but you needed as much of his scent on you as possible. “I want you to thank me.” You said sternly. “Thank me for being merciful. Without me, your death would be stretched over the span of months, if not years. So thank me.”
“Thank you!” The male shouted. “Please, let me go!” It seemed he would do anything you asked if he thought there was a chance at sparing his life. But there wasn’t.
You slashed the dagger across his throat, and hot blood spurted all over you, coating your dress. The male choked on his own blood, sick gurgling sounds echoing throughout the eerie quietness of the clearing. It didn’t take long for the light to fade from his eyes, and death finally claimed him.
Satisfied, you stood up and headed over to the creek to wash the blood off your skin and wipe down the dagger. The water was refreshing, soothing your warm cheeks. You grabbed the male’s discarded shirt and pulled your ruined dress off, rolling the fabric into a ball and stuffing it into your purse. Pulling the shirt over your head, you strode back in the direction of the motel, knowing the wolves will have gotten rid of the body for you by sunhigh.
You smirked as Azriel stared you down after you told him the story, dumbfounded. His lack of ability to comprehend that you killed the male was almost insulting, but you mostly found it funny. He looked adorable with his eyes wide and his jaw slack, shock written all over his pretty face. It made your blood sing.
“You killed him.” It was more of a statement than a question. No judgement laced Azriel’s deep voice, just awe. Almost as if he was impressed.
“I did.” You said proudly, crossing your arms over your chest. “You would have been proud of me, Az, if you were there. If you had actually paid attention to me instead of trying to fuck Beatrice.”
Azriel’s eyes narrowed, and you instantly realised your mistake. He took a step towards you, cocking his head. “I never told you her name.”
You cursed inwardly at your slip up. You had gotten so caught up in sticking it to Azriel that you mentioned Beatrice by name, something you weren’t supposed to do. Oh well, you’d just have to improvise. “No, you didn’t.” You purred, pointedly bringing your hand up to toy with the emerald necklace.
Azriel’s hazel eyes zoned in on the necklace, and his face went slack once again. “Did you kill her too?”
You giggled, the ice cold necklace a contrast against your warm fingers. “That doesn’t matter to you. Because you won’t get to fuck her, so it shouldn’t matter if she’s dead or alive.”
“She was innocent in this.” Azriel growled. “She didn’t know you were with me.”
“Innocent is hardly the word I’d use.” You snorted. “Besides, you don’t get to be a fucking hypocrite. So you can kill males who put their hands on me but I can’t do the same?”
“You shouldn’t have to!” Azriel hissed, towering over you with his wings flaring. “You are mine. It is my job to protect you, to keep your hands clean. You should not be involved in this shit”
You glared up at him. “I guess I’m just as twisted as you now.”
Something inside the spymaster shifted at your words, and his shoulders slumped. He reached his arms out and wrapped them around you, pulling you into his strong chest. You felt his chin rest against the top of your head, and he inhaled your scent. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” He murmured. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have ignored you, this is all my fault. Please forgive me, I cannot lose you. You are all I think about every breathing moment of my existence. There’s not a line in the world I wouldn’t cross for you. Please tell me how I can make it up to you.”
Part of you wanted to melt into Azriel’s arms, to let him shield you from the rest of the world. To lay you down and worship your body like a priest at the altar, making you feel good and see stars. He was so good at taking care of you, even when he was an ass about it he always knew exactly what you needed at that moment.
But for the first time, you didn’t give in, wanting to show that side of you that you had kept hidden from him. Until now. “You want to make it up to me, Az?” You cooed.
He nodded against your hair, squeezing tighter.
“Kneel.” You said firmly. 
Azriel paused, pulling away but keeping his hands on your waist as he stared down at you in confusion. “I beg your pardon?”
“I said, kneel.” Your voice was edged like steel, a husky but harsh tone to it, one you hadn’t used in a while. At first, you weren’t sure if it would work. Azriel was a dominant male and loved control, seeing if he would be willing to give it up for you was a huge gamble.
But while Azriel had never uttered the words ‘I love you’, he had always promised you that you were his world, that he would do anything for you. And this was his chance to prove it.
“You think you’re in charge?” Azriel’s tone was light, testing the waters to see if you were serious or not. “Come on, sweetheart. You know how good I can make you feel. Let me take over, so you don’t have to worry your pretty little head about a thing.”
You stood with your chin high, unflinching as you repeated yourself. “Kneel.”
Azriel swallowed, and for a moment you thought he was going to laugh and walk out. But the male simply bowed his head, dropping to his knees and placing his scarred hands in his lap. You stepped back, satisfied as you admired the view. The silver moonlight through the windows cast beautiful highlights across the Illyrian. His glorious wings were flared out slightly, the bottom part lightly trailing on the ground. Azriel’s dark hair cast shadows across his face, the only light coming from it being his curious hazel eyes looking up at you. He looked like a fallen angel, a once mighty god begging at your feet. 
Satisfaction flooded through your body. The roles would be reversed tonight, you decided. Azriel would be the one begging you this time. You began unbuttoning your shirt, and the male’s hands instinctively reached up to help, so you slapped them away. “Did I say you could move?” You demanded.
“No.” Azriel said sullenly, moving his hands back into his lap obediently. His eyes were dark, a turmoil of emotions behind them. You could tell he was fighting his instincts to assume his usual role, grabbing you and pinning you to the bed to do with as he pleased. But he was fighting to obey you, to give you satisfaction in a different form.
“Then stay there,” You commanded sternly. “And watch.”
Azriel’s throat bobbed, seemingly swallowing his protests as he nodded. You shed your shirt and pants, striding confidently over to your bedside drawer, letting your hips sway as you went. You could feel Azriel’s intense gaze burning into you with curiosity, making you chuckle inwardly. He was about to get a taste of his own medicine.
For months, Azriel had controlled your pleasure. He decided when you could touch yourself, when you were allowed to cum, how many times you could be pushed over the edge. And you gladly gave yourself to him, willingly subjecting yourself to his torturous teasing whenever he was mad at you. Once, the spymaster had edged you for an entire night until you passed out. Tears had streamed down your face for hours, body aching the next day from being so tense. Azriel was a generous lover, but a cruel one as well. And now it was your time to turn the tables on him.
You opened the drawer, grabbing the blue vibrator he had gifted you all those months ago. It hadn’t been used much since – there were only a few times when Azriel’s shadows would hold the vibrator to your clit as he pounded into you, as he preferred to use his own hands. As good as the vibrator was, it couldn’t compare to the spymaster’s touch. Which is why you knew he was about to be driven to madness.
Sexual weapon in hand, you walked back over to the kneeling Illyrian. You stopped centimetres from his face, which was level with your thigh. He was breathing heavy, eyes dark as he inhaled your scent. But he had learned from his previous mistake it seemed, as he kept his hands to his sides.
“Take off my panties.” You said coldly. “And do not use your hands.”
Azriel stared up at you, the hazel in his eyes barely visible. He leaned forward, his teeth finding the edge of your blue lace panties. They grasped it, his lips brushing your skin as sharp canines tugged at the fabric. He visibly shuddered, his lips so close to where he wanted them to be, yet not allowed to touch. The scent of your arousal was thick in the air, forcing Azriel to ignore it. You sucked in a breath as his eyes met yours as he managed to slowly pull them down your thighs, not breaking eye contact as they fell to your feet.
You stepped out of the fabric, kicking them to the side and turning around to settle yourself on the bed. You sat on the end, facing Azriel and slowly spreading open your legs. The male’s eyes zeroed in on your glistening cunt, and you noticed his hands trembling with effort to keep them at his sides. You turned on the vibrator, placing the suctioning tip against your clit. The sensation made your legs twitch at the sudden contact, and you let out a loud moan, letting your free hand cup your breast.
Admittedly, the moan was a bit of an exaggeration to piss off Azriel. Evidently, it worked. The shadowsinger was glaring at you. “Oh please,” He scoffed. “We both know that won’t be enough to satisfy you.”
You let out another sigh, kicking the vibrator’s intensity up a notch. “It’s more than you gave me last night. I wore one of your favourite dresses, and you didn’t even try to touch me. I’ve had to go and find satisfaction elsewhere, since you wouldn’t give me any.”
The room was stifling, the scent of Azriel’s arousal mixed with your own, and the faintest traces of Beatrice’s honey and lavender perfume clinging to your skin. You rocked your hips against the toy, your cunt weeping mere feet from Azriel’s desperate face.
“Stop.” He growled sternly. “Let me take care of you, sweetheart. Come on, you know I can do better than that toy.”
 You ignored him, your other hand trailing from your breast across your collarbones, caressing all over your skin as you felt that familiar pressure build up in your stomach. It was a slightly foreign sensation, a different feeling than how the buildup to your orgasm when Azriel ate you out felt, or the way your body neared climax with his cock buried inside you. You imagined it was Azriel’s fingers on your clit, expertly working you as you came closer to your orgasm.
“Ok, this little act is over.” Azriel tried to sound firm, but there was a weakness in his voice that dimmed his threat. “Let me touch you. You know the rule – you’re not allowed to cum without my permission. And I don’t give you permission.”
You chuckled at the falter in his tone. “No. You are going to sit there and watch me do what you failed to do the other night. Your rules don’t apply tonight, Az, so suck it up. If you want to touch me, you’ll have to beg.”
Your voice went high pitched as your legs began to shake. Azriel’s protests faded into background noise as you came, your lower body heated and electrified as your orgasm went through you. It wasn’t as intense as some you’d had before, but the unceasing buzzing against your clit as you writhed through your high made you oversensitive. 
Once you had come down from your climax, you set the vibrator aside, staring at Azriel. The veins in his arms were prominent with his effort to keep himself from pouncing on you. Disbelief was written all over his face, as if he couldn’t believe you had actually obeyed him. And that he had let you.
“I told you, your rules don’t apply tonight.” You panted heavily. “Now remove your clothes and lay down on the bed.”
Azriel scrambled to his feet, glaring at you but obliging anyways. He smirked confidently as he peeled his shirt off, revealing those rock hard abs that you loved riding so much. You could never get enough of his body, no matter how many times he stripped in front of you. He was truly a work of art from head to toe.
The spymaster unbuckled his belt, pulling his pants and underwear down to reveal his rock hard erection. Your mouth watered at the sight of his naked form, but you did not budge. You only stared at him coldly, rather than dropping to your knees and giving in like he had clearly expected. Letting out a huff of frustration, Azriel crawled onto his bed, flipping onto his back and settling in.
Shadows curled around his wrists, bringing his arms above his head and holding them prisoner there. Azriel’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief, and you giggled. It seems his shadows were on your side tonight. 
You crawled over top of him, straddling his waist. His hard cock poked into your backside, making your core pulse against his muscled lower abs. You leaned over top of him, placing one hand beside his head and placing your face inches from his own. The spymaster was breathing heavily, staring up at you with awe. 
“You weren’t good to me last night, Azriel.” Your voice dropped, a dangerous tone gleaming on the edge of it. “You flirted with another female when I had gotten all dressed up for you. Instead of even just looking at me, you tried to take her home and fuck her instead of me.”
“I didn’t f–” Azriel’s protest was cut off by a gasp, as you lifted your hips off of him and your free hand reached down and firmly gripped the base of his cock, just how he liked it. He choked on his words, eyes widening as you slowly moved your hand up and down.
“You think she’d be enough to satisfy you?” You teased, mocking his words to you earlier. “She satisfied me well enough. But she wouldn’t be able to give you what I can. She wouldn’t know how you like your cock stroked, but I do.”
To emphasise your point, you squeezed him tighter and twisted your wrist, letting your thumb graze the slit. Azriel let out a breathy moan, shutting his eyes. 
“Look at me.” You snapped, forcing the male to open his eyes. He obliged, letting out little gasps as you continued to stroke him. 
You leaned forward and let your lips graze his neck, your teeth skimming the skin ever so slightly as you picked up the pace of your strokes. Azriel whimpered underneath you – whimpered. The sound was pathetic and needy, and filled you with so much joy. His pretty face was scrunched up with effort, his hands writhing in his unrelenting shadows. You lightly sucked and bit all across his neck and collarbones, knowing that the feather light touches would drive him wild and send him towards his orgasm faster. You knew Azriel always lasted a long time, his god-like stamina making your body tremble as he relentlessly pounded you through orgasm after orgasm.
But you knew by the way his cock twitched in your hand that he wouldn’t last long like this. You let the tip of his cock graze your slit as you pumped, and the shadowsinger moaned loudly, his muscles flexing.
“You like that, pretty boy?” You cooed against his neck.
Azriel whimpered, bucking his hips into your hand.
“None of that now,” You chastised. “I asked you a question.”
He exhaled. “Yes.” Was all he could manage through his moans. 
“I can feel how close you are, it’s pathetic. Normally you last longer. Is this something you’ve dreamed of, baby? Hm? Tell me, do you want to cum?”
Azriel’s eyelids fluttered as he fought to keep still underneath you, a thin sheen of sweat coating his tanned body. “Yes! Gods, yes. Please.”
You sank your teeth into his neck, biting down harshly and making him cry out. Your hand next to his arm shifted, letting your fingertips graze the edge of his wing. “Beg for it then.”
“Please,” The spymaster whimpered. “I’ll do anything you want. Please, just let me cum. Please.”
You hummed, pretending to consider it. Just as his abs tensed signifying his nearing release, you sat up and released his cock. Azriel let out a frustrated yet pathetic groan. “What the fuck?” He protested.
“Not so fun being on the receiving end of that one, is it?” You asked, sitting down on his abs and lazily grinding yourself into them. “I know you’d rather die than admit that you secretly fucking loved it. How pathetic is that? The mighty spymaster of the Night Court, crying underneath me because I wouldn’t let him finish.”
Azriel’s face was deep red, his jaw clenched. A few strands of black hair clung to his forehead. “Please,” He begged with droopy eyes. “I fucked up. Let me make it up to you. Please, let me touch you. Let me make you feel good. Please, I need to touch you. I need you. All I want is to make you feel good.”
You scraped your nail down his chest, eliciting a shiver from the body beneath you. “Is that so?”
“Yes ma’am.”
A wave of arousal had rushed through your veins at not just the title, but the ease at which he said it. It rolled off his tongue so naturally. Sure, you had been called many names in the bedroom before in both submissive and dominant roles, but this was new. And you fucking loved it.
You gripped his chin firmly, letting your nails dig into the skin as you brought your face closer to his. “Say that again.”
He gulped. “Yes ma’am. Please, let me make you feel good.”
You chuckled darkly, sitting up. The shadows repositioned his arms slightly, giving more room on either side of Azriel’s head for what you were about to do, as if they knew already. “I’m going to sit on your face and use you like my own personal toy. You are going to choke on my cunt just as I have choked on your cock, and you are going to be grateful for it and thank me after. You do not get to touch me with your hands, and you will take what I give you. Am I clear?”
Azriel nodded vigorously, eyes gleaming. Truthfully, you knew this was a reward for him. There was nothing in this world he loved more than eating you out. He had often even encouraged you to ride his face. But never before had he not been able to grab your hips and touch you.
You climbed up his body, seating one knee on either side of his head where the shadows had now cleared space for you. As you slowly lowered your cunt towards his face, the Illyrian strained his neck to lift his head as high as he could in a pathetic attempt to get closer to your core.
Briefly, you recalled all the times Azriel had lectured you about how you refused to fully sit on his face, afraid you’d suffocate him. He’d always end up growling in frustration and grabbing your hips, firmly pulling you down so you were seated on his face. 
It was time you showed him you learned your lesson.
With no warning, you lowered your cunt onto his face, fully seating yourself on it and grabbing onto his hair with both hands. Azriel groaned in delight underneath you, the sound sending vibrations right into your core. You moaned in relief, rocking your hips against his face. Lewd noises filled the room as Azriel ate you out like a man who hadn’t had a meal in days, eagerly slurping up all your juices. You shamelessly ground into his face, wanting more.
You cried out as his tongue shoved its way inside you, your clit scraping his nose in a way that made your legs twitch. For a second you wondered how Azriel was managing to breathe, but his relentlessness reassured you that he was perfectly fine somehow.
“You’re so fucking good at this,” You moaned. “It’s all you’re good for, isn’t it? Eating my pussy? Pretty boy is just a desperate little whore, isn’t that right?”
The noise Azriel made was muffled, but akin to a pathetic whimper. Something you knew would ring in your ears like a new favourite song.
It only took a few more minutes before your orgasm built up, barrelling towards you at rapid speed. Your thighs tensed up, clenching around his face as you came, yanking harshly on his silky hair. Azriel groaned as you did so, your juices coating his face. Part of you had been tempted to not let him make you finish, but you couldn’t help it. His mouth felt too good on you, something you had missed over the last few days.
Finally, you lifted yourself off Azriel’s face, hearing him take in a gasping breath as you did so. His hazel eyes were closed in bliss, face shiny from your juices as he panted for air. “Thank you, ma’am.” He murmured. You crawled down his body, seating yourself back on his abs while you collected your composure.
“You did so good, Az.” You purred, reaching behind you and gently brushing your fingers against his hard cock. “You’re so good to me. Now, have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Azriel said breathlessly. 
“What lesson would that be?”
“Don’t flirt with other females.”
“Exactly.” You pulled out Truth-Teller from its sheath and pressed the sharp blade against his throat, the shadows having discreetly brought it to you from the spymaster’s discarded belt. “You are mine, and mine only. Nobody else gets to have you but me. Nobody gets to touch you but me. If they do, I will remove their hands and feed their body to the beasts in the woods. And if you try to touch another female in a manner I would not deem fit, it will be your body that gets fed to the creatures. Understood?”
Azriel’s hazel eyes were wide, filled with a mixture of awe, horror, and lust. It made you chuckle inwardly, how he seemed surprised that this is who you had become. You weren’t sure why he would be – he had become your new life, every fibre of your being tied to his and his alone. Azriel was unhinged and possessive to begin with, even more so now that he had you.
He was bad, but you were worse.
“Yes ma’am.” Azriel croaked out, swallowing against the cold metal of the blade.
“Good. Now you’ve made me cum, I think it’s only fair if I let you do the same, right?”
“You may do as you see fit, ma’am.”
A smile bloomed across your face. You could tell it was hard for him to say – his cock was hard as a diamond, his body begging for a release. But he chose the right answer. “Correct. You may fuck me now, any position you see fit. But you are not to cum without my permission.”
The second the shadows binding Azriel’s wrists together slipped away, his scarred hands grabbed your waist and flipped you over, pinning you underneath him. His eyes were frantic as if he worried you’d change your mind. He roughly spread your legs and you let him, relishing in the feeling of him over top of you. He lined up his cock with your entrance and slammed in.
You gasped, the air leaving your body. Azriel’s size was something you would never quite get used to. It had taken you a long time to be able to take him with no preparation, and even then it still hurt like hell for the first bit. But you learned to relish in the pain, especially when he praised you for taking him so well.
But there was no praise coming from his lips this time. Azriel fucked you relentlessly, chasing the pleasure that you had denied him earlier. His movements were frantic, a change from his usual deliberate pace. The room was filled with slapping sounds and moans. Azriel was hitting so deep inside of you that you began to feel dizzy, your eyes rolling back in your head.
Azriel had fucked you harder than anyone ever had before, but this was completely different. It took less than five minutes for Azriel to tense up, signifying he was approaching his orgasm quickly.
“You’re going to cum, aren’t you?” You teased, voice shaky with the force of his thrusts.
Azriel leaned over you, his head next to yours with one arm cradled around your head. “Yes! Please, I need it! Please let me cum.” His voice was utterly broken and fragmented.
You were silent for ten seconds, just long enough to feel the panic coming from him, making him think you were going to say no. But you brought a hand up and stroked his wing in that one spot you knew drove him crazy. “Yes. Good boy. Cum for me, Azriel.”
The spymaster erupted into a powerful orgasm the second his name finished leaving your lips. Hot seed filled your insides, making you cry out. His hips jutted against you as he came, his head tilted back exposing his throat as he moaned loudly, a single tear running down his cheek.
Azriel’s thrusts slowed as he rode out his orgasm, pumping his cum back into you as it spilled out of your hole. He panted, wings twitching as he pulled out and slumped down into the spot beside you on the bed. “Thank you, ma’am.” 
You hummed, satisfied with your work. If you had told yourself months ago that you would be the one to break Azriel one night, you’d have laughed at yourself. It filled you with pride, seeing the stone cold, dominating shadowsinger become a whimpering mess all because of you. 
It made everything you had done worth it.
You reached for Truth-Teller, propping yourself up beside him and putting the cold blade onto his skin, causing him to flinch and look at you in surprise. You trailed the knife down his body, circling it around where his heart was. You angled the blade, pressing the tip of it into his skin, right above the beating muscle. A thin trail of blood ran down from the cut. “This heart is mine. And if you try to give it to anyone else, I will carve it out of you myself.”
The shadowsinger was holding his breath, unmoving against your touch. You knew that he would easily be able to disarm you if he needed to, but there was still a hint of fear in his eyes.
No, he was not scared of you cutting his heart from his chest. He was scared of you running away from him.
You smirked, satisfied at his reaction. You weren’t going anywhere. You were right here with Azriel, where you belonged. 
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writhingg · 3 months ago
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(𝐮𝐧)𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐱 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚!𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary: 'twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a — what the hell is that noise?
for @littlexdeaths 12 days of promptmas game!
prompt: whatever you do...don't feed it after midnight.
a/n - this is 2.1k words of pure silliness with sprinkles of horny. takes place somewhere in the ‘90s in whatever large city you want to imagine. shout out to my love @londonfog-chan for inspiring this fic! no major tags other than fluff, yearning, non-explicit smut, reader speaking a little bit of Spanish, and robin & reader being obsessed with each other. also i had to use that picture of the grinning kitten, but the cat in his fic is written as older and chonkier. as usual, my work is 18+/mdni. please reblog and comment if you enjoyed, thank you. 🫶🏽
divider by @strangergraphics
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A faint beeping sound rouses you from your slumber.
Eyes crusted with sleep, your blurry gaze drifts to the digital clock on your nightstand. 2:38 am. Confusion settles over you for a moment when you look at the window and see grey, muted light instead of the usual nighttime darkness. When you squint harder, though, you make out the slow descent of fluffy snowflakes.
It’s definitely too early for your alarm to go off, but whatever you just heard, it’s not coming from the clock.
You sigh, frustrated that you’ve been dealt the curse of being a light sleeper. Even the smallest of noises will have you up and unable to drift back into the recesses of your dreams; unlike Robin, who could probably sleep through the apocalypse. And speaking of your beloved girlfriend, your hand runs over the left side of the bed in search of her warmth, craving the feeling of her lanky body curled into yours. A small frown pulls your brows together when all your palm meets is the smoothness of the sheets.
She’s wandered off, then, which typically means one thing: she’s had a nightmare.
Seldom does she talk about her past, but between her and the eccentric group of friends she has, you’ve gathered enough over the years to understand that whatever happened in Hawkins still rattles her sometimes. It’s with this information that you roll out of bed, intent on providing her some comfort in the form of a hug and a smattering of kisses. With your pajamas askew, you toe on your slippers and push open the bedroom door.
Living in an old two-flat means that your bedroom is connected to the dining room, so when you step out, you fully intend to find her seated at the slightly-wobbly table the two of you thrifted a few weeks ago (“The quality! The craftsmanship! The charm! Baby”—she pulled you to a stop and gripped your shoulders, blue eyes puppy-dog wide—“They don’t make ‘em like this anymore. We have to buy it right now.”), glasses sliding to the tip of her nose while she hunches over one of her latest library finds. Reading helps her chase away the monsters, she once told you. The ones hiding in the shadows of her memories, that taunt her in her dreams. So, it’s a bit of shock when you find the dining room dark and empty.
There is a light coming from the kitchen, though. And when you listen carefully, you catch the end of a whispered sentence.
“—have to be quiet.”
Equal parts curious and suspicious, you inch closer, trying your best to avoid the creaky parts of the wooden floor. When you round the corner, a snort of laughter and a drawn-out mewl punctuating the silence, you see a sight that has you muttering, “Esta tonta” under your breath, your lips curving into an incredulous grin.
“What’s going on here?”
Robin startles, head whipping up so fast that her messy hair flies around her face.
“Baby, I – uh, it’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh, really?” you reply, hands perching on your hips. “Care to explain, then?”
“It’s actually a really funny story. Like, totally hilarious—"
“—And when I’m done telling the story, you’re not gonna be upset with me at all because you’ll be so tickled that you won’t stop laughing—”
“—And then we can laugh together and maybe make out a little? Or a lot. Definitely a lot, because I like you. Well, I love you, actually, in a maddening and sort-of-obsessed kind of way, but not like…creepy obsessed? ‘Cause I’m not a creep, I swear! I’ve only watched you sleep, like, twice. I’m just…very in love with you. I’d fall over and stop breathing and wither away into these sad, gross little flakes of dust if I didn’t have you—”
“Robin!” you exclaim, her nervous rambling coming to a halt. She falls silent, staring up at you with a sweet smile she hopes will communicate her innocence, all while the hefty orange cat in her lap continues to eat from the chopsticks she hovers above his mouth.
You take in the pair of them – Robin sitting crisscrossed on the checkered tile, clad in her reindeer-themed pajamas with cartons of last night’s Chinese takeout strewn around her; and Gremlin, the orange tabby that demanded housing, food, and belly rubs from you three Novembers ago, showing up on your doorstep as a small, sickly kitten; who is now happily overweight and nibbling on small pieces of sweet and sour pork when he shouldn’t be.
Your affection sweeps over you in seconds, warm and fuzzy as it flutters in your chest and swirls in your stomach. It’s impossible to feel any semblance of exasperation when the two of them are so goddamn adorable. Still, you keep up the ruse and say, “Babe, you know what the vet said.”
“I know!” she laments. “But I couldn’t help it! I mean, look at him! How could you say no to a face like that?”
You do as you’re told, staring down at Gremlin like you’re expecting an explanation from him. He gazes up at you and blinks in slow motion, not a single thought behind those bright amber eyes.
With a sigh, you shake your head. “He’s supposed to be on a diet. The vet said we had to have him on a strict feeding schedule. That means no grazing, no food after midnight, and certainly no takeout leftovers!”
“I…I just – here’s what happened! So, I was sleeping soundly, having this crazy dream that I was trapped in Jurassic Park and being chased by a Velociraptor, and I’m running and running, and I trip over a log that appears out of nowhere, and when I roll over, the Velociraptor puts its foot on my chest, then I literally feel a weight on my chest and think, ‘oh my god, it’s gonna eat me’, so I somehow manage to wake myself up, and sitting on my chest, breathing his funky breath in my face, is this little guy right here.” She pauses to take a deep breath, unaware that she’s still gripping the chopsticks between her fingers (and that Gremlin has been hungrily following every sweep and flourish of her hand). “And he reaches out and very gently paws at my face, and immediately, I know he’s asking for food. And like…how could I deny him when he asked so nicely?”
“Easy. You just say no.”
“But I’m weak!” she cries out. “When it comes to chunky cats and beautiful women, I’m spineless, I’m gutless, I’m putty.”
She knows what she’s doing, because any remaining tension in your body has melted away, and now you’re wearing that besotted smile of yours, the one that makes its appearance whenever she combines her chaos, theatrics, and charisma into one irresistible amalgamation – the Buckley Triple Whammy, she calls it.
“So, we climbed out of bed—careful not to wake you, of course—and snuck out to the kitchen. And when I opened the fridge, it was like we were connected in that moment, because I went for the leftovers just as he reached up to tap one of the cartons. And then—”
“You microwaved Chinese food for you and the cat to share,” you finish for her.
She nods, bashful and blushing as she strokes along Gremlin’s back with her unoccupied hand. “Guess I woke you up after all. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”
But she trails off when you plop down next to her, leaning in to softly press your lips against hers.
“I’m not mad at you,” you tell her, leaning back and giggling when she chases you.
Her lips meet your cheek, then the tip of your nose, then the corner of your mouth, before they’re slotting against yours again. And you’d be content to stay here all night—especially when you nip at her bottom lip, and her tongue, warm and wet, slides slowly against yours; and in the back of her throat, she makes this needy little noise that has you itching to splay her out and coax it from her even louder—but the cat situated between the two of you, who makes his momentarily-forgotten presence known by screeching, has you pulling away from each other breathlessly.
“Sorry, Gremlin. I’m not mad at you either.” You gently tap his nose, chuckling when he hops out of Robin’s lap to go sniff the other unopened leftovers. “Still gonna make you diet, though.”
“Starting tomorrow, right?” says Robin, who’d somehow managed to hold onto her chopsticks whilst the two of you kissed. She’s digging into the sweet and sour pork again, pulling out a piece small enough for Gremlin to chew. When she looks at you—eyes dazed as they drink you in, freckled cheeks dusted the prettiest shade of pink, lips a little swollen and curved into a smile that makes you think, god, I fucking love her—you can’t deny her a single thing.
“Fine,” you concede. “Starting tomorrow.”
She cackles triumphantly, summoning Gremlin back into her lap with a whistle. There’s no way you’re going back to bed now, so you decide to join them in their late-night snacking, warming up a bowl of shrimp lo mein that you share with Robin (and, begrudgingly, Gremlin, who is a notorious shrimp fiend). Once the three of you have had your fill, you migrate to the living room, Gremlin perching in his cat tree to watch the snow blanket the ground outside. Robin plugs in the Christmas tree, then she pulls you into the lumpy couch with her, the two of you landing on top of the mismatched throw pillows as her arms wind around you from behind. Together, you bask in the incandescent glow of the lights, the radiator blowing out warm puffs of air. Robin holds you tighter, face buried in your neck.
“I really am sorry I woke you up earlier.”
“It’s fine, amorcito,” you murmur sleepily. “I already told you I wasn’t upset.”
“I know, but…I’m more than willing to make it up to you.”
You hear the playful mischief in her tone, but the way she rolls her hips against your ass, her fingers toying with the drawstring of your pajama pants, tells you that all it’ll take is a faintly whispered yes for her to move her fingers lower, lower, right where you always ache for her. You let out a regretful whine at your next answer.
“We’ve gotta be up in a few hours. The buñuelos aren’t gonna make themselves, plus my mom needs us to bring some more tomatillos for her pozole verde, and we have to make sure we arrive on time for the train, and—"
“We’re already up, amorcito. Why don’t we stay up a little longer?”
Her accent isn’t perfect, but with her lips at your ear and her hand slipping under your camisole (where it snakes up the soft flesh of your belly, fingertips stopping just beneath the naked curve of your breast), she sounds like heaven.
Without a single ounce of hesitation, you surrender yourself to her. You let her drag you back to the bedroom where her lips find yours again, desperate and unrestrained, as she whispers I love you I love you I love you; where, bathed in the snow-white light spilling through the window, she lowers you onto the bed and takes her time undressing you, eager hands roaming and rubbing every expanse of skin she exposes; where she saves your panties for last, and in the kiss she presses to the wet spot you’ve left for her, you can feel her smirk; where she makes a home for herself between your thighs, drawing out the sweet cry of her name from your lips with hungry strokes and languid swirls of her tongue; where, after she has pushed you over the precipice of ecstasy, you straddle her and your fingers beckon that desperate little whimper she’d made earlier, over and over again, louder and breathier, until the two of you are slick with sweat, limbs tangled and trembling.
With your arms around her waist, pressed so close that she can feel the racing thump of your heart, you place a kiss to her bare shoulder. You whisper that you love her. “As long as time.” She doesn’t miss a beat. “Infinite, like the universe.” Te amo. Then, with heavy eyes, you follow her into the cozy embrace of sleep.
And after he’s done searching the kitchen floor for crumbs, Gremlin hops on the bed and takes his rightful spot beside you.
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beloveds-embrace · 18 days ago
if anyone could hear me out ... SOMEONE HEAR ME OUT (I say as i'm being dragged into a psych ward)
Poly!141 x Omaticaya!Reader (Avatar AU)
I recently was re watching Avatar and I was just imagining the most delicious Avatar AU. But they hype for Avatar is already dead so I need to vent my thoughts out here. So, imagine this:
The task force is given their own Avatars (like they give Quarich in the second movie) as protection for the scientist that go out to explore Pandora because, well ... they're scientist, they wouldn't hurt a fly, and like what happens to Jakesully they get attacked by Pandora's beast and they get separated. They have new bodies, hightened senses and strength yet ... nothing they can do with their new abilities because this place is completely foreign to them, they can hear everything and while they can say this new experience is exhilarating they feel exposed, for the first time they actually feel in danger.
Cue you, one of The People, a weaver looking to find new adormengs for yohr garments your connections to the Sky People runs deep after attending Grace's school and you see them. They're giants, hulking Na'vi, even for People usual standart, you're relieved to see more Na'vi people as you made your way back to HomeTree as you get close you notice, guns on their arm instead of bows, shirts and pants on adorning their bodies and the extra finger on their hands, by the time you wished to melt into shadows it's too late, The one adorning his face with warpaint even though there is no war, already has his gun pointed directly at you.
Yummy ... I'm just a girl with an unhealthy obsession if the 141 and Avatar 😔‼️
(English is not my first language, so I apologize for any spelling mistakes)
I like your funny words, magic woman 😍😍 ily and ty for this idea but i haven’t watched avatar since I was a kid and all I remember from it was that they were blue and there was a pod with someone sleeping i think?? Not really much I can do or say for this i’m so sorry 😭💔
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somanyfandomsorkinafs · 28 days ago
Hey guys!!! It’s your favourite neurodivergent animal lover back at it again!!!! And I’m OBSESSED with Sonic the hedgehog. So it’s animal hyperfixation time!!!! (Pls. I am still new to the fandom)
I know, I know, there’s like soooo many fics that have Sonic doing Hedgehog things but like!! We need Shadow or Silver or Amy doing these!!! Give them animal traits PLEASE.
like we all know that Sonic eats a lot but all hedgehogs eat a lot! Let! Them! Eat!
Also quilling!?!! Let! Them! Freak! Out! About! Their! Quills! Falling! Out! Even tho it’s fine for them since they aren’t adults.
(I also think it’s funny that Shadow has a lot of storylines with amnesia when hedgehogs actually have really good memory LOL)
(also also, all the post about Sonic circling which ever character he’s being shipped with is so silly!!! I think there should be post about other hedgehog characters circling him and attracting others to fight them for his attention LOL)
More hedgehog characters being claustrophobic!!! They deserve to suffer. (-Silver. He is my fav and so baby)
I also think that there should be fics about Sonic getting poisoned, Tails freaking out and Sonic is just like “huh. Is it supposed to hurt?”
And for all you angst lovers, when a hedgehog character is being Big Sad(TM), they just stop. Just stop doing anything and everything, even eating!
(Also also also, for the fics where Eggman retires, y’all are so right!!! Sonic would literally become depressed from the lack of Eggman related exercises)
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aerixfixoff · 18 days ago
Einen verloren III
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Chapter 3: Nowhere to hide
Pairing: Mafia Boss!Mingi x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Yandere, Horror, Slight Humor, Smut, Fluff
Warnings: Cursing, stalking, obsessive behavior, yandere themes, implied violence, kidnapping, and controlling behavior.
Word Count: 2,047 ( wtf )
Author’s Note: I never thought I would get this much support from you guys ever but I was proven wrong. I genuinely appreciate the love and support thank y’all very much I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I do, and I will be taking request on what other atz members I should do. I will try to push out a chapter every week and I’m also working on another series so stay tuned!
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Six Months
Six months. That’s how long it took to find you again.
Mingi had gone insane—no, worse than that. He had become a ghost of himself, a shell of the man he once was. People feared him before, but now? Now they trembled at the mention of his name. His enemies, once bold enough to challenge him, had all disappeared into the shadows. By the third month, no one dared to cross him. Nobody.
Because in the absence of you, Mingi was no longer a man. He was a storm.
Six months ago, you ran. You tore yourself away from the world you had once called home, from the man you had once believed you could trust. And though it shattered you, you still left. You changed everything—your name, your look, your entire existence.
But you forgot one thing. Mingi would always find you, and he would never let you go.
First Month: Escape
Hong Kong was overwhelming. The lights, the towering buildings, the thousands of voices speaking a language you barely understood—it was nothing like home. But maybe that was a good thing.
Before leaving, you made your final goodbyes. You returned to your old town, sneaking past places that once felt safe but now felt like a trap. And then there was Karina.
“You’re really doing this?” she whispered, her grip on your wrist tightening as if she could somehow hold you back.
“I have to,” you choked out, your voice barely above a whisper.
“He’s going to find you,” she warned. “You know that, right?”
You knew. You always knew.
But you still left.
Soyeon was waiting for you at the airport in Hong Kong, a familiar face in an unfamiliar world. The moment you stepped off the plane, she engulfed you in a hug, her warmth temporarily easing the icy dread in your chest.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you!” she beamed.
“It’s good to see you too, Soyeon,” you replied, forcing a smile.
“Let’s go get some food and catch up!”
“Yeah… sure.”
You spent the car ride staring out the window, your mind drifting back to the man you had left behind. What is Mingi doing right now? Does he hate me? Is he looking for me?
Or… has he moved on?
The thought made you scoff. You forced yourself to focus on the new city, the vibrant streets, the bustling crowds. This was your fresh start.
But somewhere deep inside, you knew the peace wouldn’t last.
Second Month: Shadows of the Past
Soyeon let you crash at her apartment while you figured things out. She even helped you get a job at a small café through her friend, Song Kang. He was nice—really nice, actually. Kind, patient, funny. The kind of guy who made things feel normal again.
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But you weren’t normal. Not anymore.
One day, as you wiped down tables after closing, Kang sat across from you, watching you carefully. “You okay?” he asked. You flinched at his voice, pulled from your thoughts. Thoughts of him. “Yeah. I’m fine.”“You sure? You’ve been kinda… distant lately.” You forced a smile. “Just tired.” He didn’t believe you, but he didn’t push. Instead, he grinned. “Come take a walk with me.”
You hesitated. Mingi had always been territorial, possessive. If he ever found out you were even speaking to another man- No. You shook the thought away. He wasn’t here.
Kang took you to a small bookstore, the air rich with the scent of old paper and hot chocolate. It was… nice. “Y/N,” he said softly, his hand covering yours. “I don’t know what happened before you came here. But whatever it is… you can talk to me.” Your chest tightened. The words spilled out before you could stop them. You told him everything. And then—he disappeared.
For a whole week, Kang didn’t show up to work. He didn’t call. He didn’t text. You thought you had scared him away, that your past was too much. But when he returned, he looked exhausted, his eyes filled with something you couldn’t quite place.
“I needed time,” he admitted. “Time to process everything. Because, Y/N… I like you.” You froze. “But I also know that being around you? It’s dangerous.” A lump formed in your throat. “Then why are you still here?”Kang exhaled deeply, then gave you the softest smile. “Because I don’t care.”
Fourth Month: The Watcher
You should’ve known peace was temporary.
It started small. A feeling. A tingle at the back of your neck. The sense that someone was watching you.
Then you started noticing him. A man dressed in black, standing just out of reach. Always there. At first, you brushed it off. Hong Kong was a big city—crowds, strangers, it was normal. But the second week? The third? He was always there.
Kang noticed, too.
“You’re not walking alone anymore,” he told you firmly. He changed his schedule just to walk you home. You should have felt safer.
But you didn’t.
Because deep down, you already knew who it was.
Fifth Month: Mingi’s Descent
Mingi had arrived in Hong Kong.
Finding you was easy—he had people everywhere. The moment he saw you with him, something inside him snapped.
Song Kang.
Mingi had his men dig into every part of his life. His childhood, his family, his bank records. His job. His apartment. Mingi knew everything. For weeks, he watched. Studied. Waited. He could’ve taken you right then and there, but he wanted you to see. He wanted you to understand.
You didn’t get to leave him.
You didn’t get to run.
You belonged to him.
And by month six, you would finally realize that.
Sixth Month: The End of Hong Kong
It was late. Kang was supposed to meet you after work, but he never showed. Your calls went straight to voicemail. A sinking feeling settled in your gut.
You hurried home. The apartment was dark. Quiet. The door was unlocked.
You stepped inside, then you saw it.
A single note.
A familiar scent in the air.
And the man standing in the shadows. “You didn’t think I’d let you go that easily, did you?” Mingi’s voice was soft, almost gentle.
Your heart stopped.
His lips curved into a smirk, but his eyes—his eyes were wild. Hungry.
“I told you, baby.” He stepped closer. “You’re mine.”
You swallowed hard. “Where’s Kang?”
Mingi tilted his head, feigning innocence. “Does it matter?”
Terror clawed at your throat.
“Please,” you whispered. “Don’t do this.”
Mingi reached out, brushing your hair from your face, his touch slow, possessive.
“Shh,” he murmured. “You’ll never have to run again.”
And then—darkness.
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Taglist! I will be posting soon on how to join my taglist! 1/25🐝 @kattarrynnka
Chapter 3.5>
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kitsuneheart · 1 month ago
—From the Introduction to "On the Courtship of Hedgehogs," by J. & B., PhD, Mobotropolis Press
I grew up a SatAM and Archie Sonic fan, so there’s a lot of small references in this fic to the older media. J. and B. are actually Jules and Bernadette, better known as Sonic’s parents! I liked the idea that, even though movie Sonic’s parents are absent (dead?), they are still teaching him about growing up and love.
But Amy also just had her own innate charm. She was upbeat, kind, frighteningly strong, a fellow animal-lover, and, above all other things, obsessed with all things romance.
I wound up convinced that Amy Rose loves (non-sentient) animals PURELY because of her first Lego set, “Amy’s Animal Rescue Island.” But I think it works. Her liking animals also solved the problem of where she lives. It’s addressed later, but she lives with Zimmer, who’s the farmer we see in movie 1. Zimmer now also has goats. Of the Tauernscheck breed, also known as...Austrian goats. There is NO WAY that Austrian goat milk is milk Stone FLEW IN from Austria, it would ruin the FRESHNESS of the product!
the girl had needled about the Wachowski’s relationship with the fervor of one of those...oh, what was the word? Ah, right. Shippers.
Five years had passed since Amy arrived on Earth to stop the Skynet-ripoff menace of Metal Sonic. Only a year after, one Rouge the Bat had surfaced...
I’ve got a couple ideas on a Metal Sonic fic to slot in as a prequel, but I’m trying to be good and stick to this one project until it’s done. As for Rouge, I was replaying SA2 for my kid, and realized she was semil-known as a spy before the events of the game. I think, in this story’s universe, she likewise got established at GUN before the hero trio met her.
...the two misfits off in Station Square.
Where is Station Square in this fic? Just close enough for Amy to visit at her running speed (which I’m assuming is fast, but nowhere near Sonic’s speed). I actually find this really funny, as it implies that Station Square is in Montana, which is...not a big-city kind of state.
Maddie had almost been relieved to find nothing about construction in Rosemary P.’s "The Courtship of Foxes"...
Rosemary P. would actually be...Rosemary Prower, Archie comics Tails’s mom!
mini MGA reader
The Mobotropolis Grand Archive. This is the Archie Sonic-verse version of Wikipedia. The MGA is part of the research backbone of Sally Acorn’s digital assistant, Nicole. In this fic, it’s an information repository, including a lot of fiction.
He still thinks Watergate salad is haute cuisine.
I love the idea of Shadow eating terrible 1970s food. Other highlights would include Hamburger Helper and the McDonalds Egg McMuffin, as well as a general craze for cheese logs and Jell-o.
...things are probably backed up all the way to the Mean Bean."
I decided to be a little hand-wavy and let Stone go back to work at the coffee shop. There IS a reason, within the Metal Sonic story, and it does get alluded to a few times in the fic. But I just like Stone.
...but half of the new hires just had to do an "emergency pitstop" in Montana's most famous open-air exotic zoo.
There’s no way Sonic and crew were kept a secret after the entire Eclipse Cannon thing. 
Shots fired, at myself.
And there was just one creature on this planet, or any other, who could exhaust him.
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"Heeeey, Shadoooow" 
It’s me. The Devil. (STOP.)
This clearing had become their accustomed meeting place. The center had once been dominated by a giant cedar, but now, thanks to his metal counterpart, all that remained was a wide, laser-cut stump and a few blasted pieces of the trunk, just starting to decay. 
Tip: don’t get bogged up on details. I spent, like, at least 20 minutes figuring out what kind of tree in Montana would leave a big enough stump, with the end result that I can actually point out the specific area these two are meeting.
Scandal at the Food Court!
Panic! At the Disco.
A little trill came from somewhere deep in Sonic’s chest and he rubbed his chin against the crumbling bark. The scratch sent jolts down his back, somehow to the tips of his quills, and the trill tuned up a notch.
Hedgehogs do not have scent glands. A fact which PISSED ME OFF when I learned it, because I love the idea of Sonic scent marking. I kept a few scent spreading/sharing things in the fic, but never specifically call it “marking.”
Not to say hedgehogs don’t HAVE a scent, just that it’s not a glands thing.
....a chocolate muffin big enough to qualify for its own zip code.
Shortly after beginning this fic, Costco changed their muffins, and now they’re a lot smaller. I have never felt more betrayed.
Sonic chattered the whole time, darting back and forth, coming to sharp stops, posing and preening as he cut off and corralled his opponent, coming in closer with every revolution.
Seeing fanart of these two circling is what inspired this fic. Sigh, oh how fanfic can warp your mind, that I can see running in circles as romantic.
Amy rooted about in her messenger bag, pulling out a phone. “Rouge, when I get my hands on you!"
I was very happy when I decided Rouge and Amy would be friends. It turned out to be very useful in the future of this fic, as there were a few times I needed ways to pass info between characters while not involving other characters. Amy and Rouge were perfect for that, and they wind up having some fun interactions. I should do little fic for them. Maybe a girl’s night out heist. Maddie can come, too.
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fortemelody · 9 months ago
I'm bored so imma send an ask but what are your Amy Rose headcanons?
HI HELLO IM SORRY THIS IS SO LATE!! i didn’t know how to answer it and then i got busy and then i forgot but i’m here now!
and tbh i still don’t entirely know how to answer it becus im not someone who makes headcannons very often. i usually just see some on my feed and be like “oh yeah that’s so them” and then immediately forget about it LMAO but i do have a couple even tho they are a bit basic and so i’ll try to describe those few in as great detail as possible
knuckles and amy are sibling 100%. they have that dynamic for sure! they train together and they tease each other. amy’s in the small demographic of few people he trusts too. many have also pointed out that they look similar and some people hc her as part echidna which im not really opposed to either
amy and shadow are definitely besties. whenever sonic is too stubborn to do “girly” things such as try on makeup for example, shadow would do that with her instead. he doesn’t care about his public image unlike sonic. music is something that brings them together too, seeing as we already know that they’re both swifties and went to hot honey! and she was the one who brought him back to his senses in the ending of SA2 (which btw im praying that the third movie has that scene aughdkftk). shadow has a clear soft spot for her that can only be brought out by amy. i feel like the next follow up question would be if i ship them and the answer is…not really?! i think it would be a situation where maybe amy is a bit touchy at times without realizing it and shadow blushes, or shadow does stuff to make sonic jealous (to clarify them hanging out in general is purely becus shadow wants to -not just an act so he can get back at sonic- but i think it would be funny if he would take the opportunity to brag about it when sonic gets on his nerves). i do not think either of them would actually date tho even with these one off situations and they are way better as platonic besties fr ong ‼️
this one is a bit random but i’ve always thought of amy being like… a starbucks addicted girly (in the world of mobius- not irl where they could possibly be funding a genocide 😭). and it’s kinda an ironic thing in my mind. yes, she’s the least ordinary girl you could get: wields a giant hammer, incredibly strong, is hyperfixated on and can use tarot cards as weapons, and has an indescribable intuition. however, calling back to the events of SA1, she really is just a normal hedgehog at the end of the day trying to lead a normal life. she had to learn all of these attributes, she wasn’t really born with an ability like the rest of team sonic. she also lived in an apartment for part of sonic x (i think?? haven’t watched the full series and i don’t remember everything) and actually liked it. so i think she would really enjoy simple more earth like customs. i think she honestly might be embarrassed of this fact too, seeing as she’s come all this way in her life just to resort to her old ways of living.
(…okay i’m gonna be honest that last one was a bit of a stretch and it originated from me and my friend calling her a basic white girl at one point as a joke LMAO but then i thought more about it and it kinda made sense once i put it into context)
the last one is a concept i kinda stole from a comic i saw a long time ago (i have no idea of the username- but if someone does lemme know). it was the idea that sonic started liking amy once she had started to move on, how the “chasing” kinda switched roles, and after she dialed down her “fangirling”. how sonic now wants her to be obsessed after she’s made so much progress in being her own person. i kinda wrote a fanfic based off of this and expanded upon my interpretation of it through amy’s POV. although i never posted it, i think the words i chose still capture it well so i’m just gonna copy and paste that:
“When Amy started to slowly change her childish and obnoxious mannerisms towards Sonic, he immediately felt more comfortable around her, and even started subtly reciprocating his feelings to her. Amy was obviously maturing no doubt about it, but she felt as if she had lost a part of herself in doing so. That side of her that would boldly protect and proclaim her love to him. That side to her that wouldn’t stop until she got her way. That side of her that was, as Jewel stated “…constantly following him”. She felt as if she had given up so much of her personality just to feel less incomplete, to have that soulmate she always dreamed about. On top of that, Sonic loved to come and go as he pleases. She knows that he was always going to be the adventuring type, but she wish more often that he would make an effort to chat or to invite her to tag along. Chaos knows when she tries to plan anything with him, she’s too paranoid for her own good, wondering if he’ll instantly interpret it as a date and chicken out.”
-different scene-
“Amy was surely blushing before, but nothing could’ve prepared her for that statement. She felt her heart beating, no, throbbing out of control. She looked like a full on tomato now. It’s always been her dream to dance with Sonic, but in the past he always ran away, so she gave up after several attempts. But this was the “new” her. He liked the “new” her, apparently enough to dance with him.”
(ik a lot of this doesn’t make sense without more context but uhhh this is getting too long already so if you wanna know details just DM me ig 💀)
and if it wasn’t obvious already- i take a lot of what is said in the twitter takeovers, tailstube, and idw comics to heart becus i think they have the most genuine and interesting versions of these characters and tell us about small details that we wouldn’t otherwise know. i not only make this info my hcs but also like to expand upon them and use them in my evidence- so that’s what most of the things i said above are referencing.
sooo yeah i think that’s all i got. sorry i guess a lot of these were more about dynamics of character interactions rather than amy herself… i hope that’s okay! tysm anon this was a lotta fun to answer and i hope to get more of these types of questions!!
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pipperoo · 3 months ago
just finished the brick satellite and wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow!!!!!!
i’m putting some of my thoughts below the cut
first of all, it was so lovely !!! i don’t know what i was expecting but i really didn’t think it would be an actual satellite made out of bricks. i was very wrong
all the dynamics were so sweet, i didn’t expect to like john and rose as much as i did, but they are such little nerds together. anna was so cool and i really liked how the satellite was being built because of how she lost her father. they just wanted to help people. she’s also so real for wanting to stay in the satellite
i hate charles, who does this guy think he is?? literally stirring up trouble for like no good reason. what are you doing hiring mercenaries bro?? he’s a loser and i was ecstatic when rose brought out her printing press plate again!! i really hope she has a chance to use it again
margaret still has my entire heart, i love her so much!! i can’t wait to get more of her lore, im obsessed with her!! like how is she connected to moon, what even is her magic stuff? i’m so excited to learn! and her forgiving the stratfords and realizing that she has a family through her new friends made me cry. she deserves everything
like all of the songs left me in awe especially, babel, john and the earth, and a world of our own! so many of them made me tear up
i’m so compelled by the ending and everything involving sia (i already know she’s the traveler). what does it all mean??? and sia, why did you send them 30 years into the future?? what happened girlie!
anyway, i can’t wait to listen to the other two, but with each new thing i learn, i grow more scared of the searcher in the shadows (i love samuel too much man, the stratford twins are everything)
(also i’m very happy to be getting into pulp musicals, i’ve been wanting to listen for awhile but didn’t have the time until now. i did find it very funny that most of the reblog on my last post were variants of “one of us!” and i’m thrilled to be one of you guys now!! it really is way too underrated, i’ve been loving it so much!!)
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anxious-bisexual-0 · 11 months ago
Episode 1: out of the shadows
Portia just walking and waving to buy stuff is so funny
Aww pen admiring the debutantes is so cute
Gregory is a king
Hyacinth you are amazing
I love how no one knows it’s Francesca playing except for kate…
I do wish there was a “wow Bath really changed you” or something
Benedict knowing what Fran was playing is amazing
Ya know I knew he traveled and you can’t get out of England at that time without a boat but seeing Colin walk off the boat sparked something in me
Aw poor pen just wants love
“Squawking” hyacinth you’re lovely
Colin is a whore I’ll say it now and no doubt I will say it again
I don’t think Colin actually saw her,,,, he would have gone across the street to speak with her if he did.
I love how they change the intro with each season
MMMMM half naked Colin yay
“Sturdy” I love it
The queen being bored is so me
Those poor debutantes
So miss Stowell is the one who uses BSL but then is hearing for the rest of part 1? Maybe HOH? Idk but slay for representation
Colin where were you
The shock with “style of the season” is fantastic
Aw poor violet seems so sad with Fran wanting to leave
Fran is so lovely. Beautiful and relatable.
Brimsly slays always I can’t ever hate him
Colin what????? stop winking you weirdo
Poor aunt petunia
“Without any man telling us what to do!” -Finch and Dankworth looking at each other 😬😐
“Hiding jars of coin under the floorboards!” -like your daughter, Portia????
My poor pen, you deserve so much better with that outfit and hair
Cressida makes me want to scream idc how much they make me sympathize with her
Pen baby you can’t hide behind that bird thing I’m sorry love
Kate is as always ABSOLUTELY STUNNING I love her and her bond with violet
“Lady Bridgerton” “yes?” I LOVE THEM
Colin no doubt practiced those lines in the restroom or something
Him wearing green and pen’s colors is KILLING MEEEEEE
“Flowers in bloom. Each one of you.” The only flower you care about, my dear, is the WALLFLOWER who you’ve known your whole life SHUUUUT UP
The cowpers always sucked
The Featherington girls always steal the show I love them
Colin you think you’re not flirting with her? You absolutely are.
prudence shut up
Philippa makes me so happy I love her
Again, dankworth just being pretty and in love is fantastic
I love pen just laying in bed restless about her wardrobe cause that was me this past month and I just bought so many new clothes and I love them so much
Does madame Delacroix know about pen’s love of Colin?
“I lost count, in truth” -no you didn’t you liar
Wait don’t Colin and Pen name their daughter Jane after Jane Austen???? (In the books????)
“And what of Penelope?” -you’re obsessed
Eloise very heavily implied that Pen was LW and Colin didn’t catch on, the beautiful idiot
also Rae is a queen I love her
“I wish you very well, Penelope” kills me
Ben says “Purpose” and Colin wants to cry
“A very cold lady.” “She is colder now, im afraid.” I love him idc
Anthony is a munch yet again
She is so gorgeous I can’t even begin to describe it
I love how everyone looks at pen except Colin. And Eloise being in awe. AND ALBION BEING A PROUD BIL
Colin your jaw is on the floor stop drooling
Pen, baby love, maybe you should have practiced the chitchat before you got there
Eloise just wants to talk to Pen I can feel the yearning ugh
Colin you idiot you should have gone to talk with her before she left the ball
How did the Queen not recognize Pen? Wasn’t she on those cards last season for unmasking LW?
I would like to see a zebra ball
Fife and those other assholes talking to Fran makes me want to SCREEEEEEAM
Kate what did you to do Anthony he’s so calm
I love seeing pen and Fran together
Ugh Nicola Coughlan is so short I love her so much
The way Debling read her so quickly is so funny to me
Cressida, as always, an asshole
Colin saw pen run away and IMMEDIATELY had to find her. Couldn’t continue to make conversation while she was in distress
“Charming dress” “the color rather suits you” GURL SHUT UP
yes you tell him, pen
I wish they spoke about the letters more this season
pen really shouldn’t have gone home so angry,,,, she needed to BREEEEEATHE before writing that Whistledown
Dundas talking to portia like that is kinda confusing,,,, isn’t this situation kinda similar to the Mondrich situation?
What happened to the cherry pit, dundas?
Cressida why are you boasting about being a bitch
I don’t think we’d heard Cressida talk this much
I love Anthony’s little ear flop
That’s a strong desk.
The house is so large that Fran and violet in the drawing room can’t hear kanthony fucking is so silly
I love violet making music metaphors without knowing much about music
Fran it’s ok I love you
the way his voice wavers a bit at “ashamed” kills me
“Very good friend” as he looks down and can’t make eye contact. That is a sign of a man in love. He doesn’t understand his feelings and he’s so confused
The smile and second hand wrapping around hers? Killer.
She’s so happy and relieved and then
Mondrich family slay
Poor little baby lord Kent he’s so shocked
I love the tennis references. Cause tennis goes at least as far back as king henry VIII
so Philippa knows that pen loooooves colin?
Eloise not telling Colin is noble but also really stupid????
Colin calm down you drama queen it wasn’t that bad
“I will never forgive her” and Eloise trying to see if he knows that it’s pen, knowing that he will forgive her.
HELL YEAH YOULL RUIN HER (not in the way you think,, buddy boy)
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year ago
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Sing a Yo-Ho! I’ll slaughter the swine!
Yo-Ho! Must be Fate’s design!
At last our tales will again intertwine!
Revenge, REVENGE, REVENGE is Gonna Be Mine!
Oh, it’s gonna be! Oh, it’s gonna be!
Oh, it’s gonna be mine!
Oh, it’s gonna be! Oh, it’s gonna be!
Oh, it’s gonna be MINE!
“Revenge is Gonna Be Mine,” Colin O’Donoghue
Initially I planned for today’s entry to be a different image, but it’s actually not finished yet: due to personal issues, the artist is taking a bit longer to complete the picture than expected. That image will be posted once it is ready, but in the meantime…here’s James Killian, posed with his inspiration, Captain Hook from “Peter Pan!”
The legendary “Shy Art Anon” did the artwork for this one. Funny enough, this was actually the first of the five images for the series to be completed, and it helped to serve as a template for the rest of the artists to use when working on their own images. I can hardly think of a better example: SAA made the official ref pic for James, so I knew they could handle him well, but I’m especially impressed with their rendering of Hook, as well as that ethereal background. As always, a stellar piece of work!
Just like our previous subject, Elias, James was actually one of the first OCs I properly wanted to make…which is ironic, since he’s the last of the five I’m featuring here in this series to make a proper written appearance, and I haven’t even done his Chapter Story yet. The reason I wanted to make James early on had nothing to do with kinks, and simply everything to do with the fact I love Disney Villains: much like the Phantom Blot, Hook has been referenced a few times in the game, and paid homage to, but there is no actual, solid, properly analogous Captain Hook CHARACTER. I honestly consider this not only surprising, but almost akin to blasphemy, as Hook is one of the most prominent of all the Disney Villains, as well as a personal major favorite of mine. So, from very early on, I felt the only thing to do was create my own version of the character.
Like Hook, James is flamboyant, theatrical, and LOUD. He’s very vain and full of himself, and has a sort of old-fashioned quality to his speech at times, calling homage to Hook’s many “hook-isms.” The most important thing I took from the Captain, however, was the way James’ ego works: Hook is an arrogant character, make no mistake, but a big part of who he is comes from how pathetic he is at the same time. Hook doesn’t just hate Peter because he cut off his hand and fed it to the crocodile: he hates Peter Pan because Pan represents everything Hook will never be, and because just about every move Peter makes emasculates and humiliates the Captain, often without Peter even really trying. Something one will note, if they watch Disney’s Hook in things where Peter is not involved, is he can actually be a genuine threat and is able to keep his cool much more easily. But once Peter is involved, Hook goes flying off the handle, and is quickly made a fool of in the process.
With James, I decided to take this idea and transform into the idea that my boi - much like Nakoda - has a very fragile sort of ego. James deliberately makes a spectacle of himself, behaving in an over-the-top manner, because he’s someone who’s always lived in the shadows of others, and has never felt fully respected or appreciated. Underneath that melodramatic demeanor, he’s actually very sad and hurt, as well as very fickle, in some ways. James can be a good sort when he wants to be, but when you put certain temptations in his path, he simply can’t be trusted, and will easily become obsessive.
This also, incidentally, applies to kinks: unlike Captain Hook, who is downright TERRIFIED of being eaten by the Crocodile or the Octopus, James is a bit more…conflicted. On the one hand, he doesn’t REALLY want to DIE…but on the other hand, the idea of himself becoming part of something “greater” than he is ends up being surprisingly irresistible. Seeing beings tower over him and getting the sensation of them lording things over him can be embarrassing, but it also makes his pulses jump. He’s both scared AND “excited” by the sensation, much in the same way I am (and my Prefect character is), although I should say James is typically much less willing. Beyond kinks, though, it’s this sort of backwards, conflicted, broken ego that informs much of who James is: he loves himself, yet he also hates himself, and that kind of mentality will always cause problems for others who get caught in the crossfire.
One last note: you’ll notice the song of choice I used for this description and the image title? While he has yet to appear in a story or art piece properly, rest assured: James does have his very own “Pan” that he loathes with all his soul, and is a major reason for why he is the way he is. His name is Matthew Satyr, and if you bring up his name around James…prepare to get an earful.
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