#I’ll write a better one later
goreinfested · 2 months
Hi, I’ll give you full creative range since you just got back to writing. I’m sure you’ll do an amazing job.
Just Headcanons of a relationship with the undertaker 💜
I hope you have a wonderful day and a fun time writing. Take as long as you need.
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Undertaker is definitely a more private man when it comes to his personal life when it comes to the fans HOWEVER that doesn’t mean that he was going to hide you away from the rest of the world.
Especially if you’re another wrestler in the wwe. This man will sit backstage and watch every. Single. One. Of your matches without fail. Even if he had just came back from a match or if he had one up next. His love for the business is stronger then anyone there and the respect he has for you being right in the business with him is immense
Everytime you’d come through gorilla he’d be right there waiting to comfort you or celebrate with you “I’m so proud of you” “you did the best you could darlin’” and sweep you off your feet (literally).
at first when you two met it was safe to say you were intimated by the phenom. I mean it’s the UNDERTAKER. you thought he’d be exactly how you saw on tv but boy were you wrong. He was one of the most humble and nicest man you had encountered at wwe, always addressing you in such a kind manner and giving you advice whenever you needed.
HE definitely loves when you walk him over to gorilla before his matches, locked hand in hand together showing your love and encouragement. It made him want to put on the best performance for you AND the fans.
A lot of the time you had together was unfortunately at the workplace so he tries to make the most of it. Doing small stuff like working out with you and meeting up around the venue just to be close to you whenever possible. What can he say? Being around you is more than enough for him
Leaves black roses in your dressing room at every chance with a card that always says ‘ from taker <3’
And they say romance is dead
Definitely introduces you as his significant other to all his pro wrestling friends backstage and will speak endearingly about you if you’re ever brought up in the conversation
You saw sides of him which were hidden away from most of the world. Despite what the masses think they know, the deadman actually had a silly side
He is the number one offender of using cheesy pick up lines. He will walk up to you in the hallway and be like ‘ hey I haven’t seen ya around here, come here often?’ ‘Did I just die in the ring? Because I think I’m seeing an Angel in front of me’ and everytime you’ll roll your eyes laughing at the way he annunciates his obviously rehearsed lines.
He is NOT shy about kissing you when he’s not actively doing his job out in the ring. Taker is more reserved than most but he will never use his dedication to the ring to ignore giving you what you deserve. Affection is important in a relationship
At home or when alone he’s a lot more endearing, offering to help you cook while he stands behind you enveloping you with his warm arms and giving you cheek kisses
Wherever you are is his home so when you’re apart he will try and call you whenever possible even if it’s just for a few minutes just to tell you he’s thinking about ya and will affirm how much he loves you
( AN: I know this might not be EXACTLY what you were looking for but I tried </3 I’d love to get another request to build on this though :) thank you sm for requesting ! )
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chaoswarfare · 2 years
do x dc prompt #31
danny’s had a lot of time to himself since he moved away from amity park when the portal closed. learning new hobbies and taking up part time jobs occasionally helps hold off the boredom without anyone he knows around. it’s really not his fault that nobody else wanted to move to gotham. there seems to be some interesting people everywhere he goes though, so hopefully he won’t be bored for long.
danny moves to gotham and manages to jump into a hobby of literally every vigilante in the city, and starts trying to put together their identities. nothing’s worse than boredom after all.
except maybe a swarm of agitated bats.
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searchforahero · 2 months
if i go to hell its for being a certified battle for the cowl enjoyer. sorry.
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Heacannon that one day, somehow (don’t ask me how okay its late im running on no brain cells) a speaker in the apartment starts BLARING music
And nobody knows where it came from or how it started but what they DO know is that the speaker is blasting “While You Were Sleeping” by Laufey at full volume. On loop. For 10 or more minutes. But its so loud that you can’t really make out the lyrics that well (so it’s basically just the instrumental and the melody that laufey’s singing without any distinct words ig)
“What the FUCK is that noise?? It’s been playing for the past 10 minutes, which one of you idiots put it on?”, Al says irritably.
Wade, being the himbo that he is, (hey! I am not a himbo, thank you very much!) yes you are Wade, the whole fandom agrees, now SHUSH IM TELLING A STORY (my bad) YES YOUR BAD NOW SHH
says, “How do we know YOU didn’t put it on, hmm Al?
Al shuffles over and whacks him upside the head, “I’M BLIND, MOTHERFUCKER. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT? I DON’T EVEN OWN A GOD DAMN PHONE.”
While..all that..is going on, Logan (who had just woken up from an alcohol-induced nap) stalks into the kitchen wearing a pair of Wade’s hot pink Hello Kitty pajamas, with his eyes reduced to slits (cause yk, hangover and stuff ig?) is like
“what the hell are you guys screaming about and what the fuck is that noi-“
And then he cuts off because Wade and Al just very slowly, very carefully, turn in his direction and stare at him (al kinda just turns in his general direction)
“What the fuck are you guys looking-?”
“I can’t see, honey”
“sorry Althea, facing my general direction, for?”
“..is that my phone, peanut?”
“….yes…what about it, bub” and Logan, bless his oblivious soul, crosses his arms and scrunches his nose up, confused.
and Logan, now mostly awake, slowly pauses the song, and just stares at Wade, waiting for a reaction
“Uh…yes. This is your phone. And what about it?”
”Honey badger..did you put that song on..? See I could be wrong, (even though I never am *logan snorts* HEY!) and I couldn’t hear much, but it sounded a bit too classical and was a bit too jazz pop for the big bad Wolverine to listen to. But now I’m curious sooooo can I see? Pleeeease?”
And Logan, being down bad obviously reluctantly gives it to him cause who is he to not please Wade when he’s begging?? He can’t just NOT when Wade looks so pretty and earnest and is genuinely curious and he knows he won’t make fun of Logan no matter what and he’s pretty and HE’S JUST REALLY PRETTY WE GET IT SHUT UP NOW INNER MONOLOGUE.
Wade gently takes the phone from him and knits his, what would be eyebrows, together
“While you were sleeping?? Kitten (Logan almost chokes at that btw) are you stalking someone? Why didn’t you tell me I could’ve helped!” Wade jokes “Okay but actually, who’s Laufey?”
Logan’s eyes widen and his entire face turns red, not from a blush but from anger. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW WHO LAUFEY IS SHE’S AN AMAZING ARTIST AND ACTUALLY TALENTED HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW HER?? I’ve been alive for 200 years, bub, but she’s one of the best artists I’ve ever listened to in my god damn life! How DARE you insult her by not even knowing who she is.”
Wade, who was not paying attention, (Yes i was!) don’t lie to yourself Wade you literally weren’t.
I JUST wrote that you weren’t paying attention, now FOLLOW THE SCRIPT OMG (okay okay but keep going youre making the readers wait too damn long) SHUT YOUR YAP I KNOW ALREADY OH MY FUCKING GOD.
Anyways, Wade was looking at the lyrics instead of paying attention to Logan’s passionate rant (ooh I wish he was passionate with me) Wade actually shut up (okay sorry) you SHOULD BE.
“I'm dancing down streets, smiling to strangers Idiotic things?? I trace it all back, three-thirty AM, that night, something turned in my heart While you were sleeping, I fell in love??” He says confusedly
“Who’d you fall in love with, hmm Peanut?”
To be continued..
Thank you so much for reading!
This is pretty much the first little story that I’ve ever written, so apologies for anything that doesn’t make sense
Yea I’m splitting this into multiple parts because I’m actually kind of considering making this a small little story?
Not quite sure yet! (You better!! I wanna get to the good stuff! Like where Logan ***** while he *** and *****) Wade there will be NO smut in this story PLEASE do not get ahead of yourself. (Oh c’mon!) Sorry dude I’m ace I (personally) do not know how to write any kind of convincing smut, nor do I want to.
(Sorry to any readers who were hoping for that kind of content!)
I have no idea how it went from me just yapping to like actual story jargon, but I am quite aware that it’s weird and will be updating later! (If anyone wants a part 2 ofc)
If you all want a part 2 I’ll make it more “story-like” and won’t have it start off however the fuck it started off this time.
Thank you so much for all your love and support! It means the world
Sorry for the cliffhanger btw loves (not rlly hehe)
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blaithnne · 6 months
Can we as a fandom collectively move on from writing Scrooge’s accent out in dialogue? Like the “ye” thing? Please. Please. Please. Please Please Please PLEASE—
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aajjks · 4 months
mommy issues!JK
just as you’re beginning to feel much better, you’re once again smacked with the reality of your situation:
from xxx-xxx-5342
you motherfucker!!
you got that bitch pregnant?!!!! how could you!!
fuck you jungkook!
i fucking hate you
how could you do this to me
to us
i carved your name in me for christ sake!
i’m sorry baby. i’ll treat you better
i love you
text me back
is it true?
is she really pregnant?
we’ll talk next week
“My-My mother saw you right?” asks jungkook with teary eyes. as promised, you tell your fiancé everything that happened between you and his mother. just mentioning the woman and her blatant disrespect towards you sours your whole mood and jungkook is even more embarrassed.
his mother called you a maid, a babysitter, and a, quote, “good for nothing housewife.”
you know you aren’t the perfect woman for jungkook and you’re familiar with his very rich background but you would never disrespect his mother the way she disrespected you. you welcomed her into jungkook’s apartment with open arms and remained friendly with when she called you names in front of seol who was too excited to see his grandmother after so long.
“she did see that i was pregnant but i don’t think she believes that we’re actually together. i mean, i think that envelope was an invitation to something. she didn’t want me to look at it. do you need me to cuss that bitch out because you know i will”
He is so stressed out first your parents, and then your ex-boyfriend and then his ex-girlfriend and now his mother.
“Ahhhh sometimes I just want to kill myself. This bitch found out that you’re pregnant now she’s having a meltdown.” Jungkook rolls his eyes before showing you the flurry of texts he received
Was his beating not enough? 
“and what does she mean by we will talk next week?” he’s so fuming right now because his mother blatantly just disrespected you despite seeing that you’re in his house pregnant with his child.
You should’ve told him before, but he can’t blame you. You didn’t want him to think any less of his mother and he loves her a lot but how could she step into his home and insult you?
“Yn my baby I think I need to keep you safe and we really need to immediately move from here..” he sighs, she found out that means that everyone is going to find out, including that psychotic ex-boyfriend of yours,
He’s 100% sure that psycho is looking for you and the fact that he’s probably in contact with Nara. “you know what we have a whole fuckin day ahead of us let’s go and look at some houses.”
Jungkook doesn’t really wait for your response, but he gets up from the couch and brings the both of you your coats, “come on, put it on… we will take Seol too because I can’t leave him here right now.”
Step one: move to a new place.
Step two: go to his parents house and confront them, actually warn them to stay the fuck away from you and him forever.
last step: confront Nara right infront of her parents.
“you can read the fucking letter I don’t care I haven’t read it.” He picks up his keys from the counter and soon calls out for Seol to come to the living room.
What is in that letter anyways.
“Come on yn! I’ll call the estate agent now.”
You take seol’s hand and he locks the door as soon as you’re all out the house.
“Come on let’s catch the elevator.”
It has been two hours since you have all been looking through houses and frankly Seol has grown bored Of this.. you and Jungkook looked through multiple houses together, and he hopes that you like one of them.
A lot of them were big like you have been planning, absolutely perfect for your growing family.
You’re still gonna be residing in Busan though.
Jungkook likes the house number six from your list. “Yn what do you think?” The estate agent is looking at you, and Jungkook as you hold seol’s hand.
“Mommy i wanna go home.”
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nyoomkitty · 6 months
The Sixth String: A Symphony - 3 new chapters!
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The story is progressing, slowly but surely! One new Interlude and two new Movements are now on AO3. Thanks for your patience! There’s still a lot more story to tell but these two chapters include some hugely important lore to the overall story…
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void-tiger · 2 months
You said I’m not a “real musician” because I don’t have an operatic voice. Well fuck you. A different director with more degrees including a doctorate he’ll throw around as clout insists that I am, and a different retired opera singer is pretty disgusted by that attitude of “ONLY Operatic Voices Are Worthy To Study Music” of yours.
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hsika92 · 1 year
J*ly stans are like cockroaches infesting my house and no matter how much anti-cockroach spray I buy they always find ways to get on my nerves it doesn’t matter how many I crush, or how many times I move they’re like tiny parasites finding their way to me through every crack and one day I’ll just burn my entire house down with them all inside and live a peaceful life.
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
Umbrella Academy Losers
Bill takes a deep breath, twists the cap off the urn, and dumps the ashes out. They fall into an inelegant heap. It would have hated that.
“M-might have been b-b-better with some wind,” he mutters. Everyone stays silent.
Finally, Richie breaks the silence. “Did anyone else ever expect him to turn into some weird alien…clown…spider…thing?”
No one replies, until Bill toes the ashes. “Yeah.”
“Well,” Richie says, lighting a cigarette, “good to know I’m not completely crazy.”
“I don't think that Bill being on your side points to your favor,” Eddie replies.
Bill frowns down at the small pile by his feet. “I used t-t-to th-think he was i-i-immortal. I g-guess I s-st-still thought th-that.”
“He was always good at making us think he was the biggest threat we’d ever face,” Mike says.
“He was wrong,” Bev replies, and glances at the ashes one last time before light flashes and she’s gone.
Richie’s sitting upside down on the couch, much to Eddie’s chagrin. Sucks for him, but there’s plenty of couches to choose from. He didn’t have to sit next to him. He pulls a joint out of his pocket and lights it. Hopefully having lungs upwards for a change doesn’t make him choke.
Bill sighs. “Richie.”
“Sorry, Big Bill, but if you think I’m going to be sober enough to chance seeing It’s ghost, you’re out of your goddamn mind.”
They all wince in sympathy.
“Yeah, okay,” Eddie says, “but can you at least not smoke with the asthmatic in the room?”
Richie squints, trying to make sense of Eddie’s upside-down face. “Do you have asthma? I don’t remember you having asthma.”
“Were you there for most of our childhood?”
“Physically or mentally?” He asks, but gets up and moves to the bar. Close enough to hear, far enough to not aggravate Eddie’s lungs. Bev and Ben follow him.
“Got a smoke?” Bev asks, leaning against the bar, and Ben falters, accidentally turning his two fingers of whiskey into three.
“You—you’re thirteen,” he says, at the same time Richie asks, “Aren’t you an infant now?”
“I’m forty years old,” she says, fixing them with the second most deadpan stare he’s ever seen. “I’m in the body of my thirteen year old self, which is enough torture. Besides, these lungs are already ruined. Give me a damn cigarette.”
Can’t argue with that. He gives her a damn cigarette.
Ben sighs and adds another finger.
“Richie,” Bill calls, because he has some kind of Big Brother instinct that Richie secretly thinks of as his second power, “you better not be giving drugs to the baby.”
“Fuck you, Bill,” Bev snorts, and Richie follows up with, “Yeah, fuck you! The ‘baby’ gave me cigarettes first.”
“Why’d you stay, Mikey?” Bill asks. “You hated it here more than any of us.”
“Actually I think that was Richie.”
“Hell yeah it was!” Richie calls.
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flockrest · 1 year
this will only make sense to me but there was probably a period in kido’s life where hearing apologies made him feel worse than anything. something something it was so often said to him by adults who wanted to make things better for him but couldn’t really do anything to “make up for” the absence of his dad and he got so sick of having to assure them that it was fine. it was alright. it’s okay. instead of exploding about it that he developed a Bit of an aversion to hearing sorry from any adult
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samuelroukin · 7 months
most unsatisfying end to a scene ever but that’s the point. that’s the point *through gritted teeth and maybe also crying*
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catastrxblues · 9 months
good morning it is now 4 am and i have just finished watching atonement good night
#atonement#next tags are just going to be personal rants ignore that#i couldn’t sleep at all so i tried reading s&b and then fanfics and then the bell jar but it just didn’t hit#so then i tried writing but i just kept crying so i thought i’d watch a romance movie because yes#should’ve gone for four weddings and a funeral or pride and prejudice because what the hell is this#i didn’t know anything about this movie i just remember having it on my watchlist and saw ONE clip so i picked that help#and yes i ended up crying and the tears are still here but i’m also starting to think that that’s not entirely because of the movie at all#i stripped my bed off its sheets because the bright color annoyed me and it was already peeling off anyway and i was too lazy to put it rig#and when i pulled back from the screen after the movie finished and just look at how bare my bed is and how i’m in the middle of them#i just started crying again#and my legs are aching and i hate myself and i think i want to take a shower but maybe i’ll wait later on#i don’t think i’ll sleep at all honestly i’m not sleepy anymore#besides i’m thinking of going outside today just at the park i don’t know doing something#i always sleep really really late lately because my parents are out of country right now and no one is keeping me checked and i apparently#still can’t take care of myself. cried about that too it was something. why am the eldest daughter i’m so not fit for it#and then i always wake up at like 9 am and it’s already too late by then that i just never do anything productive#and it’s like i’ve been living in a simulation and i’m kinda going crazy and insane but it’s okay because today is going to be better#i hope because i’m not getting any sleep and i can finally go outside at 7 in the morning instead when it’s already way too hot#damn this is supposed to be one of the best years of my life??????? fuck off#also i can hear the azan subuh from the mosque by the neighborhood and i miss praying honestly#it’s so funny because i was happy to get my period because that meant i wouldn’t have to wake up so very early on in the morning#but i miss it now#hopefully my period will end soon#nadirants
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kirk-says-wah · 11 months
One of my current WIPs just hit 18k and I think I’m halfway? Maybe 3/4? Idk but it’s taking it’s fucking time
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theloveinc · 1 year
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Do you ever listen to someone speak and marvel at how smooth, free-flowing, and free of pauses it is?
Because I sure do. I can’t do that.
Maybe that’s why I feel like most people’s speech is insincere even when it isn’t… because it sounds like how I would recite or read a script. That explains why I view people who aren’t native English speakers, have a heavy accent, and take long pauses to think of the words they need to say as being more trustworthy… because my cadence is similar to theirs; and we both stumble over words.
#I feel like that little kid “If you ever had a dream where— you want— you wish— if you could— you want….”#I’m not that bad; but I come very close to sounding like that sometimes LOL#I feel like I spoke more smoothly as a little kid…#but that’s probably because my verbal communication is almost at the same level it was at when I was eight years old#Like those people who have a growth spurt but end up being on the short side as adults because they stop growing immediately after#I figuratively shot up to 5’0” in third grade and never grew past that point#(with regard to clarity and flow specifically; not vocabulary… my vocabulary has definitely grown a LOT#but that’s only because I get sick of writing or talking in the same way for longer than a year… which is why I currently sound#like a pretentious 20th century englishman whenever I write fiction)#I have no “real” vernacular because I don’t feel comfortable with having a personal vernacular…#because using the same patterns of words over and over again for the same situations counts as para-scripting and feels fake#(to me)#sometimes I hear someone use a new word I’ve never heard in conversation; and I say “Cool! I’ll use that word myself.” But I later realize#it’s not just a fun one-time usage of a word; but it’s a catchphrase they say all the time and forsake any common synonyms of the word#— I assume — solely for the purpose of sounding smart to others (their behavior usually justifies my assumption; because these people#act like they’re better than everyone else)#And sometimes I catch myself doing the same thing; and I switch to a different word or format than I’ve been using; out of nothing#but embarrassment and twisted perfectionism#Or sometimes I come off the high of using lofty words and want to speak in a more commonplace way#and after awhile of that I start thinking “Wait a minute wait a minute…. Now I’m just trying to sound cool and normal.#This isn’t how I talk.”#But the truth is I really feel spoken language is an insufficient medium for communication.#I want a language in which the speakers pry open each others’ chests#rip out each others’ hearts; and rub them together#But at the same time it kills me that I cannot do the same amount of tonal shapeshifting when speaking#especially when my default (socially-acceptable) speaking voice sounds extremely airheaded#I’ve been trying to use larger words and more archaic sentence structures in speech lately and it feels good#but also like I’m trying to show off (even though I’m not and that’s just how I’d prefer to speak)#even then… all my speech patterns are copied from somewhere#It’s been a years-long identity crisis and I want it to end
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