#I’ll post some more OCs eventually!
bugwardclown · 1 year
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young mother takes abnormally large clown son to build a legion of snowmen ( not selfship / romantic ship !! )
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candyaceart · 1 year
Some sketches of a couple of my splatoon ocs
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pinksilkribbons · 18 days
COLLAGE: yan! classmate
CW/TW: non-consensual candid photos, elijah has a shrine of [name], mentions of praying to and basically viewing another human being as god, small implication of a boner, general yandere stuff ig.
You guys my last post on Elijah got quite a few likes I’m so glad y’all like him!! He’s my least developed OC so i decided to write more on him and develop his character. I’ll post some of my others soon!
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Ever since he bought his new polaroid, Elijah has discovered a new side of himself. At the beginning he’d only taken pictures of you and hung them around his closet.
But eventually…he grew tired of it. Not of his darling, no! Of course not! But…it was rather difficult to sneak photos of you without getting caught. Not to mention the majority of them turned out blurry anyway.
Something needed to change.
He didn’t just want pictures of you at school. He wanted pictures of everything. When you’re angry, when you’re sad, when you’re eating. Pictures in normal clothes instead of a school uniform for fucks sake!
In the beginning school was the easiest (and only) way he could gain access to you, but now it’s proving to make his job that much harder. There’s too many risks involved.
With a dramatic sigh he shut his closet door, making sure to click the padlock into place. After hanging so many pictures of you on his closet walls he decided it would be wise to invest in a lock.
He knows it isn’t normal. Taking pictures of people without asking isn’t normal. Being so deeply obsessed with someone isn’t normal.
But not being normal doesn’t make him bad. Just…more passionate!
“Hey mama?”, He asks, trudging down the stairs.
His mother turns away from her phone with a quick glance his way. Her head tilts up as if to silently ask him what he needs.
“You aren’t using these magazines anymore, are you?”
A small stack of magazines with a bunch of ‘trendy fashion’ labels catches his eye. On the front cover a young lady with blonde hair is posed in a field of flowers. The lady, however, isn’t what he’s interested in.
She laughs playfully and watches Elijah pick up the stack. “Well, not exactly. But why do you need them? I’ve never known you to be interested in fashion.”
Elijah feels a rush of red to his cheeks. A part of him feel dirty. Perverted, even. It’s clear his mother is implying something dirty, and while she isn’t even wrong, he’s probably planning something much worse than whatever she’s imagining right now.
It takes a few good seconds for his mind to come up with a plausible excuse. “W-well, I’m not interested in fashion! I just need some material for this project in art class.”
Luckily his mom doesn’t question him further. She definitely rolled her eyes at him though, clearly not believing his story.
As soon as he makes it back to his room Elijah is quick on his feet. He rushes over to his closet so quickly he almost falls over. A pulse of excitement gushes through his body as he begins to unlock his closet door.
The password to which is his darlings birthday, of course!
Upon opening the door, one wouldn’t suspect much of anything. Clothes, shoes, some random boxes, but nothing out of the ordinary. The real magic is in the far right corner, at the very bottom of the wall.
So far his collection is pretty small. The few photos he does have are all taped beside one another, carefully placed to ensure nothing is crooked or overlaps with the other. This small corner is Elijah’s entire life.
He lives and breathes [Name]. In fact, every morning, without fail, he finds himself in this exact position; sitting on his knees, admiring his darling. He bows his head and prays to your existence.
The amount of sheer joy your being grants him should never be taken lightly. Elijah is a good boy. He’s thankful. And He proves it every single morning.
“I feel kinda bad, cutting up her picture like this”, he mumbled to himself. His hands carefully maneuvered the scissors, making sure to save as much of his darlings face as possible.
Believe it or not it came out pretty good! Next he needed to cut the cover from his mom’s fashion magazine, which proved to be the real challenge.
The blonde lady on the cover was dressed in a blue flowy sundress. From the moment he saw it Elijah knew that dress was meant to be his darlings. The chances of him getting a real photo of you in this dress were zero, but he’d like to think he’s quite creative!
To finalize his creation he glued [Name]’s head onto the models face, successfully dressing her in the beautiful gown. Just imagining her in such an outfit had his heart racing and pants tightening.
It made him feel proud knowing he found a way to grow his collection while also reducing the risk of getting caught. Next time he visited the library, Elijah would be sure to pick up a few books on collaging.
You truly did bring out a new side of him. Who knew he was so artistic?
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ryemackerel · 13 days
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ONCE AGAIN!! Meet Alexander Lucré and Wyllow Sage! 🫶
Local cryptid goddess from a magical land ends up in a completely new, modernized world unlike her own. She has to navigate through this unfamiliar environment, and eventually stumbles across the city’s owner, who’s a deceptive, charming, and sly businessman. Funny snake guy helps Wyllow navigate the place and gives her a place to stay, and the two over time learn to soften up to each other despite their completely different backgrounds.
YES AFTER ALL THIS TIME I STILL LOVEEE THE BELOVED T4T HUSBAND AND WIFE DUO!! They’re my ocs from a while back, some of you may or may not remember them but! They came from what’s previously known as the TINE (This Is Not The End) AU, and I’m thinking of renaming their universe and adding some of my own characters as well. :]
The two out of the very few amount of ocs in my collection still have a very very special place in my heart, so I wanted to redesign them a bit more to make them different from their previous designs! ofc these are just design concepts and everything is still a wip.
I’m really happy with how they turned out YAYYA I can’t guarantee I’ll post about these guys a whole bunch because the Eddsworld fix still got a hold on me, and Arcane and Sonic have also been becoming interests of mine :-] Hope you enjoy!!
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oodliedoodlies · 15 days
could you perhaps hcs about your no breakup au, if that's okay?
No Breakup AU Headcanons
John Dory has some complicated history with viva. They got really close due to their similar positions of lots of pressure being in the public eye with familial responsibility.
John still did his dramatic “goodbye forever!” Exit, and then went to viva to say the same. She was able to talk him down and get him to come back to his family.
They may also co-parent an accidental baby they had, but they are not together
After the blow-up, they took a hiatus from performing to figure out internal issues… then Trollstice happened
The putt putt trolls were not cut off from the rest during trollstice. The would-be putt putt trolls all managed to get out with the main group all together.
So this makes Viva the current Queen of Pop!!
Brozone brothers get therapy during hiatus, much like the other trolls after trollstice. Lots of domestic teenager interactions for this au between the main pop cast!!!
The alternative name to this au is the Bandmanager au, simply because My oc, Slate, becomes their bandmanager soon after their official reunion.
When Brozone starts performing again, they decide to move forward as four (to give bitty b more of a proper childhood).
During THAT era of the four of them, Branch met Trickee, hype, and Boom, and started writing songs with them. Just some silly kids doing a hobby.
Also clay was… emo as hell… during his teenage years. Black clothes, hair down, tons of piercings…. The works. He wanted to be “the deep one” and argued with JD for SO long about it
John eventually caved
I think the rock apocalypse happens before the events of the first movie… which makes things interesting and I’ll need a WHOLE new post for that.
That’s when branch, Trickee, Hype and Boom meet Ablaze.
This is also how Floyd finds his rock identity early on
Bruce met brandy on a tour to Vacay 😈
Several years later they’re engaged 🤭
Here’s a few just to start off cause it’s kind of a large au. 🧡🧡🧡
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Can we know more about the monkey demoness? Will the chapters be from shadowpeach perspective always or will we see readers or demoness point of view? Does the demoness have a name? How much does the reader know of jttw and general knowlege about the lands ahe is in. Does she speak the language natuarlly or is it a case of magic transelate? If it is magic transelate can she read written words? Will reader win them over slowly or will there be one major action that wins them over? Will the monkey demoness be part of endgame relationship or just a friend? Would demoness try and protect reader from the monkeys when they go full yandere, run away or defer to the monkey king? Am i coreect in assuming its shadowpeach/reader or is it plaltonic yandere? Will reader become besties with the demoness? How did they meet up? Is this before or after jjtw? Or does jttw not happen? Will this be a horror yandere or a romance yandere story? Will reader suffer issues from culture clash? What will your reader be like? Shy? Confident? Will she wipe out from having to walk for 3 days straight or is this something she is used to? How much will reader sacrifice to protect the ‘cubs’? Would reader declare themelves the cubs defacto mum?
If something was answered in previos post sorry mobile wont let me check your blog without loosing all my questions, feel free to answer asmany or as little as u want. Sorry for spelling mistakes, i read your fic repeatedly instead of going to sleep
I found your blog by that story and its a good read, i cant wait for next chapter, in the meantime i will be scrolling backwards theough your blog and read the rest od your stories after i sleep
😳 Wow… I did not expect this big of an ask. For starters I love that you are enthusiastic about the AU, truly I am. It’s just could everyone please stick to 1-3 questions per ask? If you have several questions feel free to send me multiple asks, for now I’ll try to answer as many from this ask as possible. I might answer a few in another post, thank you for your understanding. Now, onto the answers!
- The monkey demoness’s name is Chu Spirit, at first I made her as a simple oc out of the blue! Now I see her as a big sister type of character to Reader, she will not be romantically involved with either Shadowpeach, or The Female Reader. She is energetic and kind not one to back down from a fight. (Will answer how she met Reader in a later post)
- I have a habit of posting perspective a little crazy, so you will get a chance to get Reader’s and Spirit’s perspective! That is almost guaranteed, in fact you’ll probably get more perspectives as well of other characters that will eventually be in the AU.
- So Reader knows about JTTW because she read a bit of it but never finished it. She found the story entertaining but before she could finish it, she kind of… Was pulled to this new world and is trying to find a way home. As for general knowledge? Yeah she has no idea where she is or how to get anywhere, so she kind of doesn’t have any yet.
- Language! I didn’t even think about that! Okay, so I think she’ll magically understand it. Sometimes that magic understanding will flicker though when she’s especially weak so she’ll have to actually learn the language, eventually. As for reading, no she can’t read words until she actually learns the language.
- I think Reader will win over the Warlords slowly and in a few big events yeah. It’s not right away but it doesn’t take too long especially with how much she is taking care of them. They will definitely fall in love with her as they get more and more used to her. As for some big events? Oh I have a few ideas already! You’ll have to wait and see those though. (Cause long ask, not that it’s bad!)
- Spirit will one hundred percent try to protect Reader from Yandere warlords. She sees Reader as a little sister who helped her when she needed it most, she will do anything to keep her safe. If she had known that the monkey cubs that grew so attached to Reader were warlords? She would have totally thrown them off a cliff to keep them away from Reader. No she will not defer to Monkey King or Macaque because she really doesn’t care about them and never has. (Personal past reasons)
- Yes you are correct to assume it’s romantic Shadowpeach x Reader. Nothing platonic about how Macaque and Wukong feel about Reader… There might end up being smut later, but not sure yet.
- Spirit sees Reader as a little sister and likewise eventually Reader will see Spirit as a big sister. They met when Reader saved her from some bandits (more explained later!)
- JTTW! Okay, so this story begins before JTTW. There will be JTTW in this AU and on that topic sort of Reader will be able to get back to her world. Either willingly or not I’m still debating.
- Horror or romance? I’d honestly say it’s a mix of both, because there will be blood and gore. Reader does care about them but they absolutely terrify her when they return to their original forms. And also because Wukong is impatient and doesn’t explain himself very well before trying to take her home.
- Culture clash… I’ll try to add a few scenes of culture clash into the story. Mostly with how she acts around other people because she doesn’t fall into their ‘normal’ Because ya know she’s a 21st century woman. One with a mind that she speaks when she pleases.
- I would say that Reader is more on the shy side when it comes to talking to other people, but when she’s talking to friends she can get rather loud and confident. She just isn’t all that great with strangers. Unless if they are animals that she decides to take care of.
- After her three day walk, so at first I was going to have it where she slept during it. But after this ask I changed my mind. Spirit has no idea about the human system other than they need food. And monkey demons don’t need as much sleep as humans do so she doesn’t realize that Reader is running on fumes at the start of the story. That is until she passes out, dropping like a rock for almost a whole day.
- She will defend them with her life! She loves animals of all kinds. She doesn’t see herself as their mom because I think it’d be weird with the romance and all. But she does see herself as a friend to them. She cares for them and will try to protect them with everything she’s got. Will probably get herself hurt a few times which these bois, do NOT like after they fall in love with her. How dare someone hurt their new mate friend.
Thank you so much for your ask! I just started this Au and if you have more questions then send me an ask! 1-3 per ask would be preferred with no limit to how many asks you send. Feel free to send several! I encourage it! I hope I didn’t miss anything and have a lovely day! (PS. If you want even more in depth answers just ask one or two of these questions back at a time and I’ll have more room to answer them in depth possibly write scenes about them. But I like to answer everything in the ask)
Feel free to send me more asks and I will be happy to answer as I develop this AU more! If you have suggestions also send those too!
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wexhappyxfew · 5 months
hiya shannon hope youre doing well 😚 now ill let you pick the pairing because i actually haven't watched mota yet (which is treason and all, i know), but can't miss out on a chance to read some of your amazing writing. i thought these prompts were interesting:
3. “Tell me to leave and I’ll never bother you again.”
29. “Don’t lie to me. I was there.” 
xoxo hope to hear back from you soon and can't wait to read!
HI FRIEND!!!! i hope you're doing well toooo!! thank you so much for stopping by! awe it's no worries, you know that!! i always say watch when you can or want haha!! :D you're too kind, friend, thank you for the love and support and i hope it lives up to it!!! i picked my OC Judy Rybinski and who she is ~eventually~ paired up with, a fav of favs, Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal, who i have a few more pieces for as well posted and coming in the next few days!! and, i went with the first prompt offered (#3) as it fit the vibes more here! these two have my HEART! and i hope this piece captures that too :) (also: i will absolutely be getting back to you soon my friend hehe 🥹🫶✨)
let it linger
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(a/n): for the judy x rosie girlies again - giving you all the soft, slightly awkward and nervous vibes there is, with a hint of that eagerness and excitement as we near the end of the war! and judy gets a promotion (which she deserves and earns), so please enjoy that! plus, enjoy the slight hint of the imagery of a swan above! they're beautiful!! :D also....just incase i didn't mention it anywhere else (and thinking back i probably didn't) after some of the silver bullets girls get split up, judy gets a position as rosie's turret ball gunner on rosie's riveters!!
"Lieutenant Rybinski, that has a ring to it."
Lieutenant Judy Rybinski. In her eyes, it really did. Lieutenant Rybinski - with her new crusher cap, A-2 jacket fit to the length of her arms and rather tiny form, the Lieutenant bar on her lapel, and the new level of standards she seemed to hold herself to. Judy looked up from underneath that shiny new crusher cap at Rosie Rosenthal and grinned.
"You think?" she asked him with a chuckle, crossing her arms as they approached the mess hall, "I'll be honest, Rosie, I didn't expect it. They don't do that sorta thing real often around here it seems. I know Francis just got the big promotion, but I don't know…." Judy shrugged, "a ball turret gunner doesn't see that sorta stuff." Rosie watched her for a moment, before breaking out into a wide grin and stopping in the path and turning to her, his hands placed firmly on his hips.
"A ball turret gunner like yourself deserves to see that sort of stuff." he said, and then offered her a wink to which she gave him a look. Judy gasped.
"You know something, don't you," she said, leaning forward and popping his shoulder lighting with a finger of hers, "c'mon, spill, what is it?" Rosie watched her and shook his head.
"I just think that Operations really has seen the lengths you've gone in the line of duty," Rosie said with a gentle smile, "your leadership skills, your capability to remain calm under pressure, stepping up to the plate. How you had to come up outta the ball turret and take on tail gunner for the second half of a mission. That sorta stuff doesn't just happen. Some people panic, some stall up. You jumped right in." Judy watched him.
"How would anyone know….?" Judy started, trailing off after his spiel, only to grin like a loon and drop her jaw, when she saw him grinning like he always did.
"It was YOU." Judy managed in a mixture of gasping-whispering-and-excitedly-yelling, before placing her hands on her reddening cheeks and grinning, "You didn't have to!" Rosie laughed lightly and shook his head, before stepping forward and placing his hands on her shoulders comfortably, like they'd been there all her life, his presence both warm and kind.
"I know how hard you work, Judy," Rosie said quietly, the feel of his gaze on her both pleasant and peaceful all at once, "I got mixed up in a conversation with Jack Kidd, he brought up the Silver Bullets, and….well, I couldn't help but bring you up." Couldn't….help? Judy was probably red in the face, but she didn't mind. He couldn't help but bring her up?
"You got that look on your face," Rosie said quietly with a chuckle, "I know you don't like the spotlight, but when people do what you've done, you deserve it." Judy stared at him, fighting back a bit of pent-up emotions that have been living inside her body for months. Despite her feelings towards Rosie as a whole (which had continually grown deeper without fail and had been increasingly harder to hide), and her emotions towards the war (which were ever-present), having someone like himself, taking away her emotions towards him, recognize what she's done, and what her sacrifice has been, made her want to have a breakdown.
"People don't usually tell me that sort of thing," Judy said softly back to him, smiling up at him with her rosy cheeks, "so thank you." Thank you for seeing me, like you always do, Judy thought to herself. Rosie smiled at her genuinely, and then squeezed her shoulders.
"It's always my pleasure, Jude, you know that." Rosie said tenderly, before dropping his hands from her shoulders and crossing his arms, nodding to the mess hall, "Ready for breakfast?" She nodded, but felt rooted in place, eyes somewhere towards the ground.
"You okay?" he asked her, reaching forward and bumping a pointer finger lightly under her chin as she looked up towards him, his hands going back to his hips. The longer she stared at him, the more she couldn't contain her thoughts inwards.
"You're really amazing you know?" Judy managed out, with a nod, "And you've probably been told that a million times, by a bunch of guys, as well as a bunch of girls wanting to have your last name, but, genuinely Rosie, meeting you has meant everything to me. Please know that." Rosie watched her, his turn to get rooted in place as a silence fell around them. Judy's cheeks grew a darker red just as the realization of what she had said to him and she suddenly wanted to take it all back with that look on his face.
"I…" Judy started, "listen, tell me to leave and I'll never bother you again, but, you do so much for me and everyone else around you and you put so much of yourself out there to better others and help other people. And you make sure people are cared for and comforted and doing well and are healthy, which damn, I barely look out for my own health, and you just…" Judy fell at a lose for words as Rosie stood there soaking in her jumbled mess of speech that he was definitely trying to decode in some sort of way. There she goes again, just saying whatever came to mind, right in front of Rosie Rosenthal, her emotions edging her on even more so in recent days it seemed.
Even if all he saw were friendship between them and they'd never be able to explain what all those touches and lingering looks were for whatever was to come, he'd know that she thought he was incredible and someone who has genuinely changed her life. He'd know that for as long as he lived, even it meant embarrassing herself until the point she was red in the face. She noted his slightly red cheeks and the wheels working in his head to speak.
"Thank you, Judy," Rosie said quietly with a nod, catching her gaze as she stared at him, whatever was swimming in his eyes enough to get a smile on her face, at the way he seemed breathless enough without words to stand there in front of her and look at her like that, "it's the right thing to do. Here. Right now. In the world. Help people. Make them know they're an important part in all of this. I….wow, bit of a loss for words, Jude." Judy watched him and then smiled grandly up at him.
"You take a minute to catch your breath," she whispered, before stepping forward and pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek, where she might've lingered a little longer than needed, but the spark of connection with that gentle touch was enough to keep her boldly functioning, "I'll meet you at the mess hall." Pulling back she looked at him and so up close, she could see every bit of his eye that you never saw from far away, and it made her smile softly within his general gaze, enough to keep him smiling, himself.
"Even if there are a lot of girls who'd like my last name," Rosie started, referencing her rather bold display of emotions, "none of them have ever kissed my cheek like that."
Judy froze up as she stared at him, her heart pounding so loud in her ears, she swore she had imagined that last part. She stared at him, swallowing her words and thoughts to try and get her body functioning and looked up into his eyes again.
"Maybe because none of them ever had the courage to really get to know you," she whispered back, holding his gaze like a sun to the moon, "and know how much you deserve to be loved like that." And then Judy was stepping away from him, trying to tell herself not to regret every word she was saying, spilling out of her mouth in that moment.
They could go down any day of the week - she was done watching her friends fall in love and then get their hearts torn out of their chests. She was done with the war getting what it wanted. She was tired of people letting the war take away the one thing that was ever-present. Love. Even if it meant a few bold, rather embarrassing forms of half-confessions and awkward, nervous laughter.
And Rosie.
Rosie deserved to know. She just had to find the courage to tell it straight to his face all these feelings she had wrapped up deep inside of her. For now, she'd let those thoughts linger longer.
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firehazard64 · 3 months
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Helloooo welcome to my goofy art page :DDD
Read plsss ⬇️
Im new to tumblr. I’ve been drawing for most of my life and animating for about 7 years now… I hope to get better in the future :3!! I am into lots of medias but my brain is too fried to think rn. My hyperfixation right now is obviously regretevator. But also I draw more then just regretevator so expect that from me as well. I have a lot of ocs I’ll post in the future and hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do! The little orange guy in the corner is an Oc I’m mostly recognized for in other social platforms. I made it when I was 8 that’s why it has a basic name lolz. Currently working on regretevator.mov au.. but I take breaks from here and there. I’m usually a very busy person and post when I want to either it being art or spam. Im very awkward and quiet so just be patient with me. You are free to @ me whenever I will respond eventually.
This page is open for everyone!!! You are also free to ask questions or request doodles!!! Just some rules tho…I’m not against shipping I just choose to not draw stuff like that in my page. So please don’t request those…crackships or stupid things is a maybe tho. I’m hella sarcastic and annoying so remember that but I am in general a nice person to my mutuals/friends and the rest of y’all too :3 I hope you all have an epic sauce day/night
Waterflood32 is my enemy…
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gyattoru · 5 days
the apparition (prologue) - hogwarts legacy fic (s.s)
title inspired on the apparition, by sleep token
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summary: An old family friend arrives on the Villin household with strange but intriguing news, and an undoubtly helpful preposition for the 15 year old set of twins whom hold something ancient and unknown within them.
cw: 1.2K words, hogwarts legacy fanfiction, female MC, sebastian sallow x female!MC, poppy sweeting x male!MC, muggle raised MCs, eventual pining & romance, eventual fluff & angst, minimal lore alterations, dialogue alterations, added events, sebastian sallow x seer!MC, will definitely add more as the chapters go on.
a/n: ahhh I honestly can't believe I'm posting this (after revising it three solid times, having second thoughts and realizing it’s super long), this has been in my drafts since I finished the game, writing the prologue (and half of the first chapter 🤫) has been so fun up until now and I really, REALLY hope you enjoy this, and my silly OCs.
-xxx, lola <3.
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A dream, the same one as always.
A roar of an animal, falling, nausea, abandoned ruins, white flashes of light.
A snake, a brunette, a mysterious task, four portraits, a cure for an illness, bright red, pain.
Brown eyes, they feel like home, now they’re melancholic, a sadness which is hidden behind books and wittiness, something dark, corruption.
An owl, a tomb, a green explosion, regret.
An important fight, the fate of the world, death.
Light summer rain tapped on the window as Ellise awoke with a start, she rubbed her temples and gazed over to the bed on the other side of the room. Her brother, Aiden, was still asleep whilst the low light that got through the curtains reflected softly off his freckled features and silvery hair, he snored lightly.
As she pushed her quilt over to the side, muffled conversations could be heard coming from the other side of the door - intriguing - people rarely visited them, a widowed woman with twins to raise alone, townsfolk saw it as bad omen, or just sheer misfortune.
The girl quickly changed her clothes and brushed her disheveled silver hair, pining half of it up in an acceptable updo. She creaked the door open, careful not to disrupt the chattery voices nor wake her brother from his slumber and walked over to the top of the stairs.
“Jasmine tea! One of my favorite blends, thank you for your hospitality, Abigail." An unknown voice echoed through the halls of the Villin home, her mother chuckled softly.
"Don't mention it, Fig. You were Rick’s friend, that makes you a friend of mine." Rick. Richard Villin, this mysterious man was her father’s friend?
Ellise never knew much about her father, he died when she and her brother we’re a really young, her mother refrained from talking about him, it never seemed as if she didn’t want to, it felt like she couldn’t.
“Eavesdropping again, Leesie?” She snapped her head back at her bedroom door, squealing softly “You know mom doesn’t like it when you do that.”
“Bloody hell, Aiden! And you need to stop creeping up on people.” She bit back at him.
“That’s not polite for a lady, Leesie.”
“I’m glad you’re both dressed and awake!” They froze, both their mouths clamping shut “We have a visitor, and he’s here to see you two.”
The tread down the flight of stairs was rather awkward for the twins, their mother right behind their tracks ushering them forward to meet the mysterious man. He was sat on the kitchen table, nestling a tea cup between his hands. His gaze quickly flicked towards the fifteen year olds and he swiftly got up from his chair.
“Ah! I’m glad you’re both here at last, pleasure to meet you.” He gave them a soft smile while shaking both their hands “I’m Eleazar Fig, I was an old friend of your father’s.”
“Pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Fig.” Aiden answered on their behalf, his sister nodding in acknowledgement.
“Fig is here to talk to you both about important matters, I’ll be taking care of the chores in the kitchen to give you some privacy.” Their mother walked over to the archway opposite to the table “Make sure to show him hospitality, and tell him about last week’s event.” She reprimanded softly as Aiden gulped, Ellise chuckled.
Both of the twins sat down at the table, Fig sitting opposite to them both, he cleared his throat. “Last week’s event?” He arches an eyebrow, Aiden looked away from him, a rather embarrassed expression plastered on his face.
“Well Aiden was quarreling with the Jones’ boy, they live just down the street from here.” Ellise signaled with her hand “And when me and mom got there he was staring him down while the poor kid floated, we still have no idea how that happened.”
“Well, you’re both wizards! That’s why.” Fig said, baffled at their confusion, to him they took after their father, after all. Did Abigail not tell them anything beforehand? “Although, rather late bloomers if you were to ask me.”
To say Ellise’s eyes were as big as dinner plates was an understatement, Aiden just laughed at the man’s face, much to their mother’s distaste “For God’s sake! Wizards? You can’t be earnest sir.”
“Your mother didn’t tell you anything?” Eleazar asked “After all, I came to deliver your acceptance letters from Hogwarts.”
“I don’t mean to be rude sir.” Ellise stated “But what even is a ‘Hogwarts’?”
“Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it’s where you’re both supposed to study next term.” Fig said calmly “Usually wizarding children show magic at one and ten, but you’ve only showed signs of witchcraft this year, so you’re both quite late bloomers.”
Is this why both of them didn’t fit in with the other kids in their borough? Ellise could only wonder. She always knew something was different about them, but could never figure out what exactly it was. Sure, an unknown man telling her and Aiden that they possessed “magical abilities” was nothing far from odd.
“You said children show magic at one and ten?” She asked, the man nodded “Wouldn’t that mean we’re rather far behind in- Well this sounds weird, magical studies?”
“Leesie, you’re actually taking this seriously!?” Aiden questioned, rather harshly for her liking.
“Well Aiden, it’s not my fault as if it seemed you made the Jones’ kid float around and about!” She snapped at him.
“Stop arguing!” Abigail’s head popped out of the archway as she reprimanded the both of them.
Aiden frowned and looked away from his sister, Ellise looked at her lap as she fidgeted with her hands. Fig took the opportunity to slide two letters over the table and towards the pair.
“Those are your acceptance letters from Hogwarts, you better skim them over.” He commented “And yes Ellise, you’re quite behind other kids your age, but that’s why I’m here too. Magic outside school is strictly forbidden for underage wizards, but the Ministry asked me to come teach you the basics and escort you both to school for the beginning of term.”
“So we have a month to catch up on what?” Aiden scoffed “Four years worth of knowledge?”
“Precisely.” Fig grinned “Although, you’ll have to use the second hand wands that were lended to me, let’s hope that won’t be an issue.”
“When do we start?” Ellise exclaimed. In other circumstances she would’ve found her impulsive question quite rude, but in this moment she didn’t care to hide her bubbling excitement. Aiden couldn’t help but still look apprehensive as he skimmed over his now opened letter.
“We can start today if you’d like.” Fig couldn’t manage to hide his matching excitement, they could tell he looked forward to teaching “Well, if your mother wouldn’t mind it, that is.”
“Oh, I’m quite sure she wouldn’t mind a day of freedom from our bickering.” Aiden stated, lightly shouldering his sister, whom gave her a soft smile in return.
They surely had a busy summer ahead of them, Ellise couldn’t help the excitement bubbling up in her chest, she was looking forward to this new reality.
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a/n: ah yes, the famous “post and run”🏃‍♀️
wattpad link
ao3 link [to be added]
chapter 1 [will tag when posted in the blog]
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unanswered-stars · 5 days
Thank you so much for tagging me @jules-writes-stories @highlordofkrypton @achaotichuman
1. How many works do you have on AO3? I'm a but a wee babe in the ao3 world so just 7 but I have several WIP's that are on pause currently. I had originally had a fic planned for each day of Eris week but haven't been able to write in awhile so might be some time before those are published but once I start posting again you can expect Eris chaos to reign.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 36,487 I struggle to write long chapters and most of my works end up being around 2,500.
3. What fandoms do you write for? A Court of Thorns and Roses
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Shadows of Regret and Redemption| Azris - My first published work. A oneshot that grew legs and started to run. I am not completely happy with it thus far but I have the end plotted and I'm excited to eventually bring that to life.
Daughter of Autumn | Azris - Now this one absolutely shocked me with its popularity. Started as a fun little drabble for Gwyn Week 2024 and of course turned into Azris central.
The Beginning and End of Friendship | Azris - So many people screaming in the comments at me on this one. More screaming to come when I post part two I’m sure.
Two Souls Entangled| Azris - A tiny part of my soul via a short poem for Azris Week 2024.
Heaven Help the Fool Who Falls In Love: The End | Azris - This is the first piece I wrote for fanfiction and it is my precious baby. Only one chapter posted but I have several in need of editing before I publish the remainder. It's very heavy and I haven't had the mental space to read through it again.
5. Do you respond to comments? Every single one! They bring me so much joy. I have currently stayed away from my comment section for my own mental health but when I start posting again I will get back to everyone's comments, promise.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? All of my works are fairly heavy on the angst. TBaEoF comes to mind but I think for published works I’ll go with The Ending of Darkness which is a short little piece about @jules-writes-stories OC Mithras x Sylvan which I have a part 2 almost completed which is equally as angsty (sorry). Unpublished works definitely The Burning of Leaves and The Death of Shadows which are two fics I had planned for Eris week but are currently on pause (poor Eris I was really putting him through the wringer for Eris Week).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Daughter of Autumn. Mostly because Cassian has the closing line and he just always says the darndest things.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have not, nor do I plan on it. Please don’t hate me 😅 Just not my writing jam. I love finding unique ways to explore a relationship and conveying those same emotions and feelings without the smut. That being said some of my favourite stories and authors use smut as such a wonderful exploratory storytelling device and it is delightful. I love reading others contributions to the smutsphere. So so many talented writers out there giving us all our smuttiest dreams. I truly do not think that my smut contribution is even necessary when you have things like To Become a Vanssera by @acourtofladydeath and Why Not Me by @thomasisaslut both absolutely rife with smut and use it beautifully to convey their story (albiet in very different ways).
9. Do you write crossovers? Not yet, and probably not ever because I can hardly keep up with writing ideas I have for one fandom.
10. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but it sounds delightful.
12. What is your all-time favorite ship? Azris most definitely for writing. I definitely have a big soft spot for Samwise and Rosie from LOTR (my husband is Samwise reincarnated and I am irrevocably in love with him). I have a WIP for Thesan and his lover and that dynamic and storyline has been so incredibly fun to explore as well.
13. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I started writing a Tarquin UTM oneshot that is incomplete and while I am still in love with the story I really struggled with writing the voice of Tarquin. This one will only ever get finished if I can finally figure out the right tone for this man’s internal dialogues.
14. What are your writing strengths? I have been told my writing reads like poetry which is one of the biggest compliments you could ever give me. I also love writing parallels but there’s definitely a lot of room for improvement there.
15. What are your writing weaknesses?  Editing haha. But actually, I find that my characters voices don’t feel very distinct and that there is a lot of overlap in the way they speak and think and it can be hard to distinguish who’s talking/thinking. I feel like my characters resemble a cookie cutter suburban neighborhood where the walls and trim might be a different colour but they’re all built exactly the same. If anyone has some tips please feel free to comment or message me!
16. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I absolutely love reading it but unfortunately the only other language I know isn’t really a language at all. Pidgin, which is basically just native slang. I was playing around with it in my Tarquin fic a bit but seemed a tad too niche.
17. First fandom you wrote for? LOTR in middle school. I have a printed multi chapter booklet that is a rewrite of Sam and Frodo’s journey through Mordor that I made for my English class one year.
18. Favorite fic you’ve written? My favourite multi chapter by another author is undoubtedly A Court of Shadows and Ashes by @futurehunt Mother Save Us From Your Twisted fate by @chunkypossum which got a stunning part 2 for Eris Week this year! My favorite of my own published works is either HHtFWFiL:TE or The Ending of Darkness. Of my unpublished works honesty The Burning of Leave or The Death of Shadows are both strong contenders. For non Azris I have a Beron fic WIP for @sjmvillainweek day 1 that will probably get prioritized over the other two.
No pressure tags (and sorry if you've already been tagged): @the-darkestminds @born-to-riot @chairofchaos @thomasisaslut @chunkypossum @acourtofladydeath @shadowsandlint
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xxmeepoxx · 1 month
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⭐️Nice to meet y’all! I’m Meepmeep, and if you have came from my instagram welcome back! I’m a fandom artist thats recently stumbled across tumblr and I’m super excited to show everyone my art from the fandoms I’m in⭐️
🌈Speaking of fandoms, the ones I’m currently in are…🌈
WelcomeHome🏠(This is the longest fandom I’ve been in, I started since late spring last year and I’ve never left!)
Spider-Man across/into the spider verse🕸️
Stardew Valley🌷
Broken colors⛓️‍💥
Lerking for love💖
Hazbin hotel🔥
Cookie run kingdom 👑
🌈and many more that I’m currently forgetting🌈
🌱I’ve been recently thinking about exploring other platforms (I’ve been on just instagram for a while and expended to tiktok though I don’t post there anymore!) and expanding my account so I’m able to show others my artwork as well as see others works as well!🌱
💕Can’t wait to show you all my art here! (WelcomeHome Oc character sheets are currently being reworked!)💕
Tik tok
(for some reason the tiktok link won’t work but eventually I’ll put it up!)
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wlwaerith · 5 months
i’m sorry i’ve been all but completely inactive here. i’ll be back to posting gifs & possibly oc things eventually, but i don’t have the energy or motivation to be here, much less create anything, lately. i wasn’t going to say anything, but it’s gotten to a point where i need to vent it. the tl;dr is that my father is terminally ill and has a matter of weeks—or, more likely, days—left and, between the emotional toll that’s taking on me in addition to my end of semester uni workload (+ the difficulty i’m having completing it due to everything), i’m exhausted, stressed, in an awful place mentally, and having some pretty terrible mood swings. i’m generally not a very pleasant person to be around at the moment, and i don’t think i’ll be back here much until some time after he’s gone. i hope everyone else is keeping safe, and that you all know i’m wishing you all well. take care of yourselves 💖🫶
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mangosundae · 2 months
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Greetings, Ni No Kuni fandom! I’ve seen a couple people on here post their NNK ocs on here so I thought I’d add my own blorbo to the collection. Now presenting: Penelope Homebrew of the Land of Nod! She’s from WotWW and has a whole DLC post game mission, which ends with Penelope becoming a playable character. I’ll write out how her story goes under the cut, but basically she’s a potion saleswoman who helps the gang close the Nightmare Rifts (name in progress) that have taken over Castaway Cove, Yule, and Perdida.
***GIANT infodump under the cut!!***
The Land of Nod: Where Dreaming is Doing.
- Okay so Nod is a kingdom located on the Spindle, a small island near Autumnia. I’m pretty sure spindle is a reference to mining, but we’ll say it references the spindle from Sleeping Beauty.
- The Land of Nod is all about dreaming. Its inhabitants, called Nodlanders, have the ability to bring whatever they dream of to life. This ability is called Manifesting. Manifesting requires the user to both come up with the item they desire, dream it, AND remember it when they wake up. Nodlanders grow up practicing how to lucid dream, and how to remember their dreams in the waking world. It’s a hard skill to master, which is why so few can actually make a career out of it.
- But since Nodlanders who do master this skill are very powerful, Shadar saw them as a threat, which is why he put all of Nod to sleep with a spell. That’s also why Nod doesn’t show up on the map in the main game, because it’s hidden from sight. And also he made everyone have nightmares, which is important later.
- Since Nod is a postgame area, the items you can buy here are very powerful, but also very pricey. They can only be found in Nod because the Nodlanders literally dreamed them up. Most Nodlanders have a specific kind of item they focus on, like weapons or armor. It’s a HUGE tourist trap.
- Also you might be asking, why isn’t Nod the richest place in the world? Why can’t they just dream up infinite money and food? I thought of that. You can’t really read or write in dreams, so any dreamed currency is obviously fake. And Nodlanders CAN dream up food, but it can’t inwardly be food. So basically dream food can look and taste a certain way, but doesn’t contain substance or calories, so you can’t survive off it. Snack stands and buffets are very popular in Nod for this reason, as you’ll never get stuffed.
Penelope Homebrew: Saleswoman Extraordinaire (?)
- Penelope lives in Nod but has no dream powers. She’s a disappointment to her parents because of this, and spends the whole story trying to prove herself, before eventually realizing she doesn’t have to prove herself to anyone. Also I want her and Swaine to be besties so they bond over being non-magicals from magical families.
- Since she has no dreaming abilities of her own, Penelope runs the Homebrew Apothecary, where she sells potions made from the Dream Energy of other Nodlanders. They look down on her for not having powers of her own, which makes her feel bad. The apothecary got very little business before Shadar, since tourists were more interested in real dream-based products, but Penelope sees traveling with Oliver as a chance to get her brand out there. There are several cutscenes where she’s just advertising to anyone who’ll listen, and she uses the fights to show off her potions.
- Penelope comes with several potions to use in battle and in the overworld. Each of them has a silly little name because you can’t have NNK without some silly little names.
- Nightcap: This potion induces the sleep status on an opponent for 20 seconds.
- Seeing Stars: A potion that induces the confusion status on an opponent.
- A Dream is a Wish: This drinkable potion will, at random, increase the user’s MP or HP, or take away their status condition (the third option only applies if a status condition is present).
- Beauty Sleep: A drinkable potion that completely heals the user’s HP and MP, in return for making them immobile/asleep for thirty seconds. This also almost completely drain’s the user’s MP, so it should be used sparingly.
- Knock Out: A potion that inflicts physical damage on an opponent.
- Shut Eye: An overworld spray potion that gives your party two minutes of invisibility. It works the same as Oliver’s Veil spell.
- Night Light: Ingesting this potion gives the user night vision.
- Basically, all her potions are either thrown, ingested, or sprayed. She starts off with a slingshot, but eventually Swaine makes her the Shooting Star, a steampunk looking bow and arrow that can shoot out any offensive potion Penelope currently has in her roster. The “arrows” are syringes full of potions. This makes her a ranged attacker. I imagine she can replace Swaine in battle, similar to how you can replace Esther with Marcassin.
- Oh also, to make the gang trust her, Penelope pretends she was a famous and successful potioneer before Shadar cast his sleep curse. Swaine suspects her from the start because one con artist recognizes another, but eventually everyone learns she’s been lying and conflict happens. Oooooooo.
The Plot: Nightmare Magic-Induced Therapy
- As I mentioned, Shadar put all the Nodlanders to sleep and gave them nightmares, which they kept having until Cassiopeia woke them up. When they woke up their Dream Energy exploded across the world and caused Nightmare Rifts to appear in Castaway Cove, Yule, and Perdida. Why? It’s like when the printer isn’t working so you keep pressing print, and then it starts working again and shoves out a million papers at once. The Nodlanders had dreamed so much during the sleep curse that when they woke up they couldn’t contain all the energy that had built up.
- Because of this, these three areas are now dungeons with a boss at the end, which are nightmarish manifestations of each town’s Vibe. Each dungeon is also based on a commonly-hated video game mechanic (these being water physics, ice physics, and moving levels). And, also, each dungeon reflects one of the main three’s fears in some way, both literal and metaphorical. In going through these dungeons and defeating the bosses, Oliver, Esther, and Swaine work through their fears with the help of Penelope.
- Also, the reason Penelope starts traveling with them (other than the opportunity to sell more potions) is because the other Nodlanders are too tired from their nightmares to be helpful. Since Penelope doesn’t have dream magic, she feels fine (if a little traumatized after years and years of nightmares).
- Castaway Cove is a water level where the town is completely flooded and sea monsters lurk in the depths. The boss is a sunken ship monster called Ship Wrecker, who has a mouth and teeth made of jagged wooden planks. Its big move is Anchors Away, where it releases a large anchor that damages the whole party. When it’s close to dying it does a new move called Wreckage, where its whole body becomes a mouth to bite the party with. Its normal move is just chasing someone around and biting them. Also there’s a water bubble around the battle arena because it would be a pain in the ass if not.
- This is Oliver’s level, since he almost drowned and is therefore afraid of water. He tries to swim to prove he’s not afraid anymore, but starts having a panic attack. He admits to Penelope (because they split into groups) that he feels guilty that his mom died swimming out to rescue him, and wants to prove that he can take care of himself now like she wants him to. Penelope gives him a pep talk, since she relates to feeling the need to prove herself and doesn’t want him to feel that way. It doesn’t totally fix the problem, but Oliver is able to get through the dungeon without issue.
- Yule is an ice and snow level where the whole place is caved in, and they have to parkour down to the bottom. It kind of sucks because ice physics lol. The little monsters you encounter are scary versions of the Tomte, and the boss is an igloo-abominable snowman fusion called the Bombinable Snowman. It’s a giant spherical igloo with a face and hairy limbs, which it tucks inside itself for certain attacks. Because of the ice blocks, it has really high defense, which only lowers when it does a move called Bumbles Bounce. For this move, it pulls its limbs into itself and throws itself to the ground like a bomb. This does physical damage to anyone not defending. You trigger Bumbles Bounce by attacking it enough, so it’s a very stamina-based fight. It also has an area attack called Avalanche, and a single attack called Stalag-Might, where it slashes with an ice spear.
- This is Esther’s level. She and Penelope get cornered by one of the Tomte monsters, which doesn’t respond to Esther’s attempts to soothe it. Esther gets upset, and says something like “This [monster taming] is what I’m supposed to be good at!” She explains that she’s a sage’s daughter but not a sage herself, so she has to be powerful in her own way so her dad will be proud of her. Penelope’s like “Wow these kids have issues” but assures Esther that if Rashad loves her, he’ll be proud of her no matter what she does. It’s in this moment that Penelope realizes how similar her situation is to Esther’s, and starts feeling less beholden to her parents’ opinions of her.
- Perdida is a moving level where the player has to keep up with the moving camera and dodge constantly changing obstacles. For this one the dungeon is also the boss, as the town’s multi-headed snake statues have come to life and morphed into a giant snake in the sky. It works like the snake boss from Puppeteer, or the Rayquaza balloon from Poke Park. Basically you run across the back of the snake. The heads of the snake attack when you get to the front, but then one of them swallows you and you fight from the inside. Unfortunately I don’t have names for this boss and its moves just yet, but just assume they’re snakey.
- This is Swaine’s level, and also kind of Marcassin’s. Obviously Swaine’s afraid of snakes, but for the whole DLC story he’s also been trying to prove he can be a good brother to Marcassin. Marcassin ends up getting captured by the snake because it was attacking Hamelin, and he wants to prove he can be a good ruler. Basically Swaine wants to be like Marcassin, and Marcassin wants to be like Swaine (in that Swaine is more of a physical attacker and strategist), and they have to work together to stop the snake. In the end both brothers realize they’re good as they are, and Penelope finally comes to the same conclusion.
- With all the rifts taken care of, the group goes back to Nod, where they invite Penelope to travel with them. Penelope thinks about how the Nodlanders and her parents never appreciated her, but how these new people do, so she packs up the apothecary and becomes a traveling saleswoman with the gang. The themes are a little hamfisted, but to be fair the themes of the main game aren’t super subtle.
Holy shit this was way longer than I intended it to be. I don’t expect anyone to read this far but if you did, thanks very much for reading my infodump about a game nobody likes! (Lol.) It’s been super fun coming up with the level designs and stuff, and Penelope is just really fun to draw. Also yeah I know she looks a bit like Moon from FNAF but shhhhh it’s fine.
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slitherpuffinstories · 2 months
Intro post!
Hiya! 👋
To begin with, my main account is @yourlocalbadgerscales, so there’s that! And this account won’t be very active, but here’s where I will be posting all my fic ideas and microfics from now on!
Ships I will write fics about:
• Drarry (YESSS)
• Jegulus (My beloved)
• Wolfstar (If I feel like it)
• Rosekiller (Maybe, why not)
• Autumnflower (A new ship I and fellow nerds have made, if you’re a HP and a Marauders fan, go check out @floreanfortescuetruther for more <3)
I will 99,99% of the time keep my writing within the Marauders and the Harry Potter fandom, but maybe some Carulia (Carmen x Julia), from Carmen Sandiego? Or Rayamaari from Raya and the Last Dragon? No, I don’t think so, just thought I’d mention it.
Characters I will write about are Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Regulus Black, James Potter, Florean Fortescue, August Ollivander (OC, again, go check out @floreanfortescuetruther!), Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr. to name a few!
As I already mentioned, I won’t be posting much on here, but I still have rules!
• DNI if you’re a hater or discriminate people in any circumstances.
• DNI if you’re a terf, Zionist, queerphobe, racist, pedophile, zoophile or anything like that!
• 18+ audience is very welcome, but keep in mind that I’m a minor and if you’re weird at all, I’ll block you. Please reach out and write to me or send asks though, or prompts or whatever, as long as you’re not being a pedophile or whatever!
• There will be NO SMUT with detailed descriptions of body parts or what’s going on, yk? The eventual smut will be MINOR!
• Please follow my main if you like this blog! • FUCK JKR
That’s all for now, might edit though 😊 Can’t wait to see who likes my works!
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hippotooth · 2 months
Welcome! Here’s an intro post~
Hello! Thanks for checking out the blog!
I absolutely adore BG3 and its fandom. There is so much passion and creativity in it - and I want to try and support it! I reblog BG3 things that are under appreciated- either it’s a brand new post or it just doesn’t get a ton of notes for some reason. I hope to help people in the fandom connect with smaller artists and find more BG3 stories/worlds to explore!
I only do reblogs, never reposts, all art here belongs to the original artists! The art in my header pic is by @kororobus , used with permission.
About me: I’m in my early 30s, she/her, located in the USA. Always down to chat and meet new people, feel free to message me!
I do have OCs I’m happy to ramble about if anyone is interested! I may start posting about them eventually…
Lots of NSFW content so, 18+ and enter at your own risk.
I never intentionally post AI art, if you ever notice it on my page please feel free to message me and I’ll delete the post.
Sending you good vibes and wishing you a spectacular day if you read this 🥰
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
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Elements of this Character Profile is STC.
Keep in mind that all my OCs in this blog are from a shared universe and that the story/character elements might change as I work on the series. Some works here are also non-canonical to the character, and as such may contain a different plot/setting/character backstory entirely.
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AGE: 21 (As of 1896)
HEIGHT: 6’8” (203cm)
WEIGHT: 250 lb (113kg)
RELATIVES : The Ban Clan
— Ban Gabrielle (Descendant)
— 11 Siblings
— Parents
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Featured In:
Tumblr Works / As a Yandere Character :
— Hairpin | Popped
— 1K Celebration | Underwear
(note that the earlier stories are separate from his actual lore and are the connected at all to the comics he’ll feature in nor his backstory in the overview)
Comic Series :
— Make Money Not Love!
— Midnight Darling
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Main Storyline ( In the Comics ) :
Mori comes from an extremely poor background. He’s the 8th out of all 12 siblings, and was only ever given attention to due to his hair and eye color presumably given to him by Celestial Tower [more on that in future, will link a separate post explaining the Tower].
As such he was forced into school despite wanting to help out by working instead. He’s faced with great pressure to graduate and eventually join the new Reconnaissance of the Otherworld • Special Unit ( RO•SU ロ•ス ). However, his mana was found out to be corrupted and he’s quickly dispatched (killed) on site.
He is reborn many centuries earlier as a delinquent, back before the Celestial Tower’s appearance. His arc on the comic “Make Money Not Love” is about his struggles with finances and the expectations of an Asian society that places value on monetary success.
Mori is abnormally tall. He used to be AMAB in his original timeline and his height (along with his hair and eye color) carried over despite the new biological sex. His height is presumed to also have come from the Celestial Tower since such an incredible height is rare not just from his family but the country he lived in.
Due to the value put on his looks (i.e. hair and eye-color) he abhors people touching him. Afraid that even the slightest change, or damage would affect his value as a person. Even in fights he makes sure that neither gets in harms way.
As a Yandere (for x you/reader people):
Now as a Yandere, Mori is extremely materialistic. Whether consciously or unconsciously, he likes when he’s given objects of value. He’s also extremely masochistic, as he likes to get into fights or annoy people for the sake of attention.
Mori has extremely low self esteem. The slightest bit of kindness will have him falling, but that feeling is usually fleeting unless the other person maintains their affection towards him.
If you’re to be his darling, you’d need to be extremely patient or at least be resistant to teasing. He can’t help it, he does it out of love, you see?
His ideal darling would be the type to be rude when it comes to words but soft when it comes to actions. A tsundere one might say. He’s also into the cool, collected types (but it would be even better if they insulted or beat him up once in a while)
His worse match would be a shy, demure, compliant darling. He enjoys challenges, thrills. His previous life basically wired him to enjoy hardships. If the Darling gave into him easily he’d find them boring.
Is probably the only yandere I’ll ever write that’s okay with being cucked. Might even like it a little too much.
Sub leaning switch.
[to be added upon]
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[to be added upon]
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©️ hana.no.seiiki | yun. please do not redistribute, repost, translate this written / painted work without credit or permission.
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