snotty-zombie · 9 days
Some (late) birthday art for my bestie on Instagram, you can find her account at @filthy_monarch (or by going through my post on insta)
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These are our Rageon OCs Trish (she/her) and Mo-Money (he/she) 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ Trish belongs to my friend and Mo-Money is my Rageon sona yeaaaaasss yeasss
(More stuff below cut!!!)
This is the image flipped so you can get a better look at Mo my beloved pull your pants up you goddamn loser
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Their styles of dress is VERY different but they both still have that Rageon need to accessorise 😎😎
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Sorry I have been missing for a while!! I was very busy then went away on a trip- I am MUCH more active on my instagram so if you are interested in keeping up with everything I say that can and will be used against me in court definitely do follow me on there! My user is in my bio 🫶🫶
Thanks sm for looking!! Happy late birthday to my friend 🎉
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snotty-zombie · 28 days
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WICKED FURRY ART BLEHHHHHHH I was stuck in a really bad art block for a while so I switched things up and drew some furry Rageons instead of normal Rageons haha
Some rambling and loads more art underneath the cut! (Didn’t want to make the post too long on ur feeds)
This was so much fun I highly recommend making fursonas for your ocs if you’re ever in an artblock it is like- freeing. I put the same pics on my insta so don’t mind the double post whoopsies
Some info:
the twins are Emerald Tree Boas, they’re green and gorgeous and have a wicked set of fangs (look it up it’s metal)
Kid Ritz is a White Spotted Jellyfish- look it up on google he literally looks exactly like one when he has his hat on it’s uncanny. Was gonna make him a Blue Bottle Jelly but I just couldn’t get past the similarity of the white spotted so I settled on that (plus they’re totally adorable and squishy) his guts are kinda visible through his semi translucent ‘skin’ 😰😰
Rhinestone is a Purple Sea Urchin 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ she means well but might take your eye out when going in for a hug if she doesn’t have her spines tied up- be careful!!
Then I made all the trolls little bugs since they’re so tiny. I thought it would be weird if they were the same/similar sizes to the Rageons since their size difference is such an important factor to their relationships with each other so I have hereby decided that all troll species are different kinds of bugs 😌😌 Brozone are different kinds of beetles (Genji firefly, stag beetle, giraffe weevil, rhino beetle, mint leaf beetle) and Poppy is a rosy maple moth because she’s so cute and pink and fluffy (Viva too)
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snotty-zombie · 1 month
You think Midori
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Would get along with Boogie?
I’m gonna be so honest with you dude, I do NOT follow the fan personalities and names given to the background Rageons. I’ve completely made up my own head canon for them for their names and personalities and roles in my AU so I don’t know anything about Midori haha-
I call ‘Orchid’ Rhinestone, I call ‘Pamenilia’ Sriracha, I call ‘Elwyn’ TAYZ-T. Not hating on anyone who does use these fan names! But I’m kind of in my own little world over here don’t mind me haha
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Although, Boog is a friend to all 😌 he can vibe with almost anyone so I’m sure he would vibe with her too
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snotty-zombie · 1 month
what is boogie’s main genre of music?? (love ur oc btw)
Oh my gosh thank youuuu for the ask 🫶🫶🫶
Boog is ALWAYS listening to music, he can’t work without it. He always has a little radio going at his work or a chunky boombox at his feet when he’s out and about. Dudes always whistling a tune of some random song he heard earlier that day.
You can kinda tell what Boog listens to just by looking at him: a lot of punk-rock and grunge, he listens to a lot of hip-hop when he’s with his friends because it’s a common genre that they all really enjoy. He has also been known to tune into some good ol’ pop when it comes on at random, he’s not afraid to bust a move to some Katy Perry or Ariana Grande 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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Here are some songs I think he listens to under the cut if you are interested:
He’s also a big fan of Katy Perry ‘Birthday’, but don’t tell anyone 😉
Thanks again for the ask!!! 🫶🫶🫶
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snotty-zombie · 1 month
Love your art style🗣🔥🔥 also your oc boogie is so cool omg
THANKS SO MUCH ILY !!!! 💖💖💖 Boogie agrees he thinks he’s really cool too
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snotty-zombie · 1 month
Orchid Rhinestone time 😈😈 I call her Rhinestone cuz I think it’s wayyyyy cooler and sounds more like a Rageon name (Orchid sounds like a troll name imo) sorry to all the Orchid lovers
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I love her and her fucked up ankle monitor girlfriend
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snotty-zombie · 1 month
Your Rageon oc, Boogie looks cool. Anyway, have a question: What's Boogie's favorite food, drink, and dessert? 🤔
Oh goodness thank you so much for the ask! I’m glad you like Boogie 🤩🤩
Wow Boog’s favorite food- hmmmm he’s big into anything greasy that he can eat while walking (like a greasy kebab or little deep fried batter balls he can just throw into his mouth).
His fav drink is for sure anything that fizzes in a can- particularly those energy drink flavours that no one likes (more for him) that are for sure going to give you a headache later - not him though he’s built different, they’re always named something like HEART ATTACK or BRAIN BUSTER and he slurps that stuff up
His favourite dessert is ice lollies that cost like €1 especially the ones that look like rocket ships and turn your tongue pink. He’s insane and takes bites out of them so he’s done eating them in like 10 seconds, otherwise they drip and cover his hand in sticky juice
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snotty-zombie · 1 month
ily skinny legend
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snotty-zombie · 1 month
This is Booger Boogie! He is based on that one really popular background Rageon that everyone loves
Some vague info about him under the cut if you’re interested! :3c
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He’s a good example of when judging a book by its cover can be true- He is loud, smelly, insane and sounds like a coin purse when he walks thanks to all his jewelry. Type of guy to shout something unintelligible across the street at you late at night but he’s really nice in his own fucked up way- he will steal from a shop just to give whatever it is to you if he likes you :) very easy to get along with. he works as a mechanic in Under Rageous, anything to do with cars- hes your guy He’s in the same friend group as TV Girl, he kinda ‘founded’ it along with Kid, him and Kid have been friends since they were like 8 but they don’t really see each other much anymore because Kid has to ‘maintain his image’ (basically his excuse for not coming down to the lower sketchy parts of the city to meet with his friends) and he’s too busy being a workaholic to be social with the poor peasants 🙄🙄 Boog has been to the teen prison like 6 times for petty shit, mostly theft and he may or may not have thrown a couple punches at some cops but like who doesn’t want to do that he was doing the city a favour it was only like once or twice. He met Veneer when they were both conveniently locked up at the same and totally harassed him because he grew a weird liking to V and thought his whole story with his sister was hysterical, ended up becoming pretty good friends despite how drastically different they are and he kind of showed Veneer the ropes and helped him get in contact with Velvet (they are separated by gender in prison 😔😔 very sad)
yeah thats Boog! he is probably my oldest Rageon oc and he has stayed pretty consistent in his personality since i came up with him, i love him a lot i hope you guys like him too
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little mini Boog ^^ him with his friends :3c
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snotty-zombie · 2 months
Hi hi hi this is my beloved oc TV Girl (yes like the band) and her little sister Glow Worm 😀😀😀 (her design was originally inspired by that one cute background Rageon I loved her colours so I stole her whoops)
I made this sheet as part of my voice claim video that I’m working on but that won’t be done for another like 7 years so I thought I’d post this as like a little sneaky peak just ignore the VA name teehee (some info on her under image)
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So I’ve been developing these guys (and all my other ocs) since I saw the movie so the lore is extensive- she’s super cool and self assured in public but in private she is usually ripping her hair out from the stress of everyday life (raising her infant sister, battling with Mount Rageous public transport, all her pipes bursting at once and her apartment flooding, you know the drill)
basically she’s just an average Rageon she lives and works in Under Rageous (yknow the not so nice part of the mountain) and only heads up to the summit to partay with her little friend group who I will reveal at a later date. she works in a music shop and spends her free time running around after her little sister (who lives with her due to not so nice family situation) and practising photography (which she goes to art school for I will have you know) she suffers from a disease called oc x canon which may have something to do with ‘Mr 40 Seconds of Screen Time’ Kid Ritz but we will get there when we get there :3c thank you for looking 📺👧
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snotty-zombie · 2 months
First tumblr post!!!! I’m obsessed with Kid Ritz and since he has 46 seconds of screen time (I counted) there’s absolutely no merch in existence not even a fucked up render of him in the art book so I took it into my own hands——
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Tadaaaa needle felted Kid Ritz ‼️‼️‼️ I wanted to do one of the twins but dammit those mfs are skinny so I chose him instead cuz he’s built like a balloon 😩😩 he is faceless for now so just pretend he has a big toothy grin or something. I made the hat separate so you can see his poorly dyed roots and he’s like semi (???) pose-able so yeah that’s him.
I am also making the same sort of thing for a random background Rageon that I got really attached to so I’ll for sure post that when she’s done 🤙🤙 (this one 😌😌)
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