#I’ll post a few of em if I can get em on my phone
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the-acer-scientist · 14 days ago
This looks like Cycloseris!!!! My advising professor has been studying these for like thirty years. Cycloseris (previously Diaseris) distorta is a free-living coral, so it doesn’t attach to the substrate like all the other corals. Instead, it forms these lil pebbles that are super fleshy on one side and skeleton-y on the other. They roll around in these MASSIVE aggregations, and if they get flipped over or don’t like the angle of the sunlight, they’ll inflate their tissues like a balloon and wait for the current to flip ‘em over.
This also means that their primary method of reproduction is by fragmentation! They roll around, smack into a bigger rock, break into two pieces, each of those two pieces roll around and smack into each other and more rocks and then all of a sudden you have thousands of these lil guys
breaking news: (wait for it)
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"walking" coral discovered!
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ohh...look at it go...
9K notes · View notes
dbnightingale24 · 2 months ago
A Stepceat Love Story about Jim
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4,Chapter 5
It took forever, but I finally have this part the way I like it! Thank you for your support, and thank you to everyone who checked in on me. It means so much to me! I hope it was the wait!
Word Count: 5,994
Warning(s): Swearing (MINORS DNI), Fluff, Drinking, Emotional Cheating, Forbidden Love, Crying, Family Drama, Sneaking Around, Stepcest, Step-Daughter/Step-Father, Angst...I think that's it?
Summary: You're officially done trying with your Mother. You've done everything in your power to make things right with her, but after the Christmas dinner you just had, you know none of it will ever be good enough. You'll never be good enough. Accepting this new reality also means that you need to come to a decision about Jim once and for all.
I do not give permission/consent for my works/stories to be posted elsewhere. I do not condone this type of relationship, this is clearly for entertainment purposes only.
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Chapter 6
“Angel?” you faintly hear Jim’s voice call as he approaches you on the swing. 
You’re not sure how long you’ve been at the park and, thanks to the whiskey, you can’t tell how cold you actually are. 
A small silver lining on the shittiest day you’ve in a while.
“Go away,” you squeak out with a sniffle, using the back of your hand to wipe your nose.
“Don’t Jim. Don’t comfort me-”
“She was wrong. Ciara almost lunged across the table after you left, and your Mother and I got into a huge yelling match in the bedroom. She knows that both she and Rose were out of line.”
“I just wanna leave,” you sob with a slight slur.
“Angel,” he sighs, crouching down in front of you and cupping your face in his hands, “I’m so fuckin’ sorry.”
“I didn’t even wanna come!”
“I know, Angel. I know. Lets just go back-”
“No, I never want to see her again. I know what we did was fucked up, but she doesn’t even know about that! That’s just how she feels about me! How she’ll always feel about me! That’s just how she fuckin’ feels, and I...I have no choice but to accept that.”
“She’s drunk-”
“She’s always drunk, always angry with me, always blaming me, and I’m fucking tired of it. I’m tired of her!”
“You can’t stay out here all night, it’s too damn cold-”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Where do ya want to go?” he sighs, getting up and sitting on the swing next to you, taking the bottle from you and taking a drink from it.
“You have to get back-”
“Danielle took the kids with her, along with the gifts ya got ‘em. Ciara and Darragh took Nora home, because Ciara was too furious to think straight. I told your Mother I wasn’t coming back tonight during our argument-”
“Rose is gonna stay with her, Angel. Whatever you want to do, I’ll do.”
“I just want to be with you, Jim. We don’t have to do anything, I just want to be with you-ya clothes!”
“It’s fine, Angel. I know everywhere is booked, but I know I’ll be able to find us somethin’.”
“What about-”
“Just let me take care of ya, Angel.”
He always makes it all seem so easy. He always seems to have a plan and he’s so damn calm. No matter what happens, he’s always so calm, and maybe that’s part of the reason you’re so tethered to him. 
After a few more swigs from the bottle, and a couple of phone calls, Jim is able to find you both a room for the next few nights. 
“Don’t you have to go back-”
“No,” he answers confidently as he stands up and holds out his hand. “Lets get your clothes from Ciara.”
“What about your-”
“I can get em tomorrow. C’mon, Angel.”
“I promise to get em tomorrow. Now, lets go,” he smiles softly towards you.
You take his hand and as you stand up, you realize just how stiff you are.
“How much was the room?” you as you two slowly make your way to his car. 
“It’s a gift.”
“I’m not tellin’ ya, so drop it,” he chuckles softly, opening the door for you.
“I feel bad-”
“Stop feelin’ bad for the mistakes she makes. You didn’t even want to come and, truth be told, I was gonna bring the kids to see ya at school,” he smirks before closing the door.
“Jim, what do ya mean-”
“They’ve missed you,” he shrugs as he gets into the car, closing the door and starting the engine. “I almost suggested that we take them to see you a few times, but I knew it’d make you unhappy.”
“I keep tellin’ you I want this, Angel. Yes, the sex is phenomenal,” he laughs softly as you giggle, “but there’s so much more to us than that. I’m not confused or angry, or any of that shite. I love you, Y/N. I’m in love with you. You’re the first thought I have in the morning, and the last one I have at night. I’ve missed watching movies with you, eating dinner with you, cuddling up and talking about nothing...this isn’t just physical for me, Angel. I have a lot to consider with us perusing this, and I don’t think you understand that. I have to deal with the possibility of my children hating me, your Mother berating me, Rose being...Rose, and I can only imagine what Danielle will do and I can’t blame her. Still, with knowing all of that, I still came after you tonight. I’ve been trying to get you to see that since we started this.”
“I just don’t see why ya’d want me,” you mumble before taking a drink from your bottle. 
Yes, you know you shouldn’t be drinking in the car while he’s driving, but you’ve had a nightmare of a day.
“None of the things your Mother says about ya are true. How can I not love ya? Not want ya? Angel, I’m amazed that you want anythin’ to do with me,” he scoffs as he pulls up to Ciara’s place. “I love you for all the reasons I’ve already told ya, and a million more that I’m just not ready to tell ya,” he promises as he kills the engine and looks over at you. “Lets get ya things.”
The second Ciara opens the door, she engulfs you in a hug and is apologizing profusely.
“You were just tryin’ to protect me,” you sigh as you and Jim make your way inside, “and I love ya.”
“Ya drunk,” she sighs, once she notices you stumbling a little.
“Only a little, besides, I’m not stayin’ here tonight-”
“You know you’re always welcome to-”
“I know, I know,” you quickly clarify, “but I don’t want Nora seeing me like this, and Jim got us a room for a few nights, so I’ll be there. I’ll come by before I go back,” you smile weakly.
“I’m so sorry, I really-”
“Ci, you didn’t do anything wrong. It was a dumb idea to begin with,” you sigh as you wipe away a lone tear falling down her face with your thumb. “Let me get my stuff.”
It’s not like you brought a lot to begin with, but you still pack your things with a heavy heart. It’s not like you’d expected the trip be amazing by any means, but you’d hoped for more than...this. You’d expected your Mother to be shit faced, but you really had done your best to keep her happy. You stayed out of the way, avoided Jim, made dinner, kept the children happy and entertained, and even played nice with Jim’s ex-wife even when she showed her claws. All of that work, and for what? You to end up alone in a park, drunk, and your...situationship to rescue you.
Happy fuckin’ Christmas.
“I don’t have my charger,” you sigh once you’re back downstairs with your one duffle bag packed.
You really hadn’t packed much.
“Do ya need it tonight, Angel?” Jim asks, taking your bag from you.
“She’s gonna-”
“Fuckin’ let her call and call!” Ciara snaps. “She deserves to feel like shit.” “Ci-”
“No Y/N. Do not try and protect her. She should feel horrible. Besides, you know that Rose is only over there encouraging her bad behavior. Your Mother never defends you, so why should you defend her?”
She has a valid point.
“I’ll let you know when we’re at the place,” you promise, wrapping her in a tight hug.
“Y/N, do not try and-”
“I promise I won’t.”
“I love you.”
“And I love you.”
The both of you exchange gifts before you and Jim finally leave, and you somehow feel more defeated than you did before.
“What are you thinkin’, Angel?” he asks after a few minutes.
“Just tryin’ to figure out when she really started to hate me,” you chuckle humorlessly. “When did I really start to ruin her life?”
“Cause it wasn’t always this bad. Sure, she’s never shown up all that much, but we could at least have fun together. We could skate, watch movies, have dance parties...we had some sort of a relationship, but now? Now, it’s all gone to Hell.”
“Angel, we’ll focus on that tomorrow. Lets just try and salvage the rest of this Christmas.”
“I ruined it for-”
“She ruined it,” he sighs, parking the car.
“Where are we?”
“A friend of mine manages this place. He was able to give us a discounted price on a room for a few nights.”
“Does he know about...us?”
You groan as you put your head in your hands, “Jim!”
“Ciara knows!”
“That’s different!”
“How so?”
“She’s known my Mum for as long as she’s known me. She knows how terrible she is, how terrible she’s always been, and is very understanding of this whole...us. Your friend doesn’t know me from a can of fuckin’ paint,” you mutter, hating how much you feel like a child. 
“You’re right, he doesn’t know you, but he knows about the situation between your Mother and I. It’s fine, Angel.” “Jim-”
“I’d never bring ya somewhere where ya not safe. Lets get inside,” he smiles softly. 
You slowly get out while Jim grabs your bag out of the backseat. As your eyes trail over the building, you can’t help but wonder-
“No, this is not where Yvonne and I would go when we had our affair,” he sighs heavily, walking ahead of you, and you slowly follow after.
Now you feel like an even bigger asshole. 
“Hey, can we speak with Charlie, please?” he kindly asks the man behind the desk. 
“I’ll get ‘im for ya,” the young man smiles before disappearing behind the door.
“Jim, I’m-”
“It’s fine, Angel. We’ll talk in the room, okay?”
“I can stay with Ciara-”
“Angel, please just let me take care of you. I love you, I want to be here with you, and I want to do this. It’s all going to be fine, so please don’t worry.”
“I love you too, Jim,” you mumble, looking down at your feet. 
Today is making you feel so incredibly small and you hate it. 
“Thought you’d be here much earlier,” a man you’re assuming is Charlie laughs as he greets Jim.
“Had to get a few things together, but we’re here now.”
“One bag?”
“I’ll pick up some of my things tomorrow.”
“Really goin’ through with it this time, eh?”
“After tonight? Yeah, long overdue,” Jim scoffs, shaking his head as the man hands him a room key. 
“I’ll get ya when ya leave.”
“You sure?”
“You’ve got enough to think on, just leave it. Is this the little lady?” Charlie asks, smiling at you.
“She’s a little somethin’,” Jim laughs and you roll your eyes. “Y/N, this is Charlie. Charlie, this is Y/N.”
“It’s nice to know ya,” you offer with a small smile shaking his hand. 
“Well, I’ve got food and a few bottles waitin’ up there for ya. Try to enjoy the rest of your night. We’ll talk in the mornin,” he nods towards Jim, who just nods in response, taking the key and heading towards the elevator.
God knows what that means.
“Angel, just be here for now,” he encourages as you two take the ride up.
“You’re doin’ all of this and I’m just-”
“Y/N, please stop. I love ya. I love ya so much, and I’m happy.”
“I’m so happy to be here with you, and it’s not like I pictured it at all, but I’m still with you.”
“Jim...today has been such a mess and, if we stay together, they’re gonna be a lot more days like this before they get better.” 
“I know that. This isn’t like before for me. I know what’s waiting for me when we go through with this. I’m goin’ to be looked at as the dirty old man who seduced you, and ruined your relationship with ya Mum. I know Danielle is goin’ to be disgusted with me, and she’s gonna have an issue with the kids stayin’ with me. Rose is gonna raise hell and convince your Mother to do the same...I know what’s waiting for me,” he sighs as he opens the door to the room. 
“Jim...” you gasp as you marvel at it.
“I didn’t tell him to do this much,” he laughs, walking in behind you and closing the door, “I just told him I want somethin’ nice for ya.”
“This is...oh Jim,” you smile at him as your eyes start to water. 
Jim honestly could have gotten the two of you a rat hole, and you would’ve thanked him endlessly, but this? The room was gorgeous. Beautiful shades, a spacious bed, bottles of your favorite wine and champagne, food (which you’re more than thankful for because you’re ravenous), a gorgeous bathroom, and a small living area.
“Let me help you pay-”
“No,” he laughs, tossing your bag down. “Let me do this.”
“I love you,” he whispers, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close.
“I love you.”
“So lets enjoy this, yeah?”
“Bathe with me.”
“No tricks, no sex. I just wanna be with you a bit,” you promise, slowly breaking out of his hold and taking your shirt off. “I’ll get the water ready,” you call over your shoulder, grabbing the half finished bottle of whiskey, an unopened bottle of wine, and two glasses along with a wine opener, before making your way into the bathroom.
No, you shouldn’t mix alcohol, or be drinking anymore for that matter, but you’ve earned this. 
You’re quick to shed the rest of your clothes, grabbing your phone from the pocket of your jeans and scoffing when you see that your Mother has called 40 times and has sent 20 texts, then finally start the water. You’re well aware that between the two of you, you like your water hotter than Jim does. However, thinking back on how the whole day went, you know you both can use a bit a warmth to shield you from the cold of life awaiting you.
“I expected you to find you texting your Mother back,” Jim laughs, making his way into the bathroom in just his boxer briefs.
“I am tempted to, but I just want us to enjoy whats left of the day. There’s not much left anyway,” you shrug, turning to face him as he steps out of his boxer briefs. “You get in first, I wanna lay against ya.’
“How bad am I about to get burned?”
“I’m playing nice tonight,” you giggle, pouring the both of you a drink.
He’s slow to stand in it, but the second hes completely seated, he lets out a sigh of content, and looks up at you with the most loving look in his eyes. You hand him his drink before carefully stepping in. Once you’re settled comfortably between his legs, you lean against him and close your eyes as he wraps his arms around you tight.
You’re home.
You sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before asking, “Jim?”
“Yeah, Angel?”
“I love you.”
He presses a soft kiss to the top of your head and strokes your arm softly, “I love ya too.”
“What did you mean earlier?”
“Hmm? When?” 
“When you said they’re a million reasons you love me, but you’re not ready to tell me.”
He lets out a heavy sigh before taking a sip of his drink, “ya keep runnin’ from me, Angel.”
You didn’t think it was possible for you to feel any worse, but you stand corrected.
“And I understand,” Jim quickly adds, trying to lessen the pain from the blow he just landed on you. “I’d be a fool if I didn’t, but I’m not gonna lie to ya.”
“Jim...it’s just hard-”
“You have your reservations and rightfully so. I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t hurt, but I know how this looks from your point of view. I cheated before, married your Mum, and now I’m cheating on her with you. Her daughter. I know how much of a scum bag I look like right now.”
“Ya told me about the cheatin, though,” you sigh, grabbing your own glass off the floor, and taking a drink from it.
“I can understand why it doesn’t mean anythin’ to you.”
“I don’t want to hurt ya, Jim-”
“I know you don’t, Angel. That’s why I don’t get angry or frustrated. This is a lot and I know it’s nothing either of us ever imagined. All of this is complicated, and it’s worse for you. If you really decide you don’t want this, then I’ll walk away. Either way, I’ll be divorcing your Mother and you’ll never hear from or see me again.”
“I don’t want that.”
“But I can understand if that’s what ya decide.”
“How are ya so sure, Jim? Why are you so confident?”
“When I cheated on Danielle...that was me being stupid. Yes, a large part of me had feelings for Yvonne, I thought she was pretty, but it wasn’t love. It was so exciting at the time, that I told myself it was love and made excuses for my actions, but I knew better. That’s why it was so easy for me to turn the idea of trying again with her down when she brought it up. After everything settled and I could think clearly again, I knew it was just a moment. It wouldn’t have lasted. That’s probably why I rushed to be with Orla. God, what a fuckin’ nightmare that was,” he mutters, before taking another sip of drink.
You start making little circles on his chest with your index finger, “what went wrong there?”
“You’re gonna think so much less of me,” he groans and you giggle softly. “I could never.”
“The first time I met Orla, she was a mess. Swearin’ in front of my kids, short tempered, combative, and I later found out that she drinks a bit much, which is a lot comin’ from me. That’s why I fell in love with your Mother, or, at least thought I fell in love with your Mother. At the time, she was the exact opposite. No, I didn’t feel as strongly for her as I do for you, and maybe all it was, was a sense of relief. She didn’t drink as much, she wasn’t so short with me, she didn’t assume that I was always out cheating...it felt like it used to with Yvonne. Then...”
“Then I came home,” you scoff.
“You came home.”
“What do you feel for me now that makes all of those times different?”
“None of it is gonna make any sense,” he chuckles, pulling you closer to him. “I just felt it when I first saw you in person. I had seen pictures of you and thought you were beautiful, but seeing you in person...I really wish I knew how to explain it. I just felt this...”
“You felt it too?”
You hang your head and sigh in defeat, “yeah, I did.”
“Angel, I need you to understand that I didn’t intend for any of this to happen. I honestly did my best to try and stop this, but you...you are everything. This isn’t about the chase, this isn’t for my fuckin’ ego, and I won’t be someone else to hurt and let ya down.”
“Jim...it’s gonna be so bad.”
“I’ll face all of it with you, Angel.”
You turn a little in his hold and look up at him. You can tell that he means every words, but that he’s just as terrified as you are. Not that he’ll fuck it up, but that you’ll go running for the hills again. You reach up and cup the right side of his face into your hand and closes his eyes and leans into it.
You’re both so tired of fighting and running from what you both truly want.
“I love you, Jim.”
He dips down and kisses you passionately, “I love you so much, Angel,” he breathes once you two break apart. 
“Can we stay in here just a bit longer?” you question with a small smile as tears come to your eyes.
“We can do whatever ya want, Angel.”
You resume the position you were in before and lay your head on his chest, as he plays with the ends of your hair that are in the water. Why can’t it always be this easy?
“Have you always had Charlie’s support about us?”
“Fuck no,” he laughs softly and you giggle a little. “He asked me if I was out of my fuckin’ mind, and told me that I can’t be with you.”
“You told him-”
“After the first night I met you. I met up with him at that pub round the way and told him that I fucked up.”
“Were you and my Mother having issues before I came back?”
“Honestly? No, not really. We had little arguments here and there, but nothin’ to make me think there was a completely different side to her. After the first night, he convinced me that I was just angry and I’d get over it, and I tried to get myself to believe he was right.”
“What changed his mind?”
“At first, it was that every damn thing that came out of my mouth was about you,” he chuckles sheepishly, moving some of your hair off of your shoulder and kissing it. “No matter what we were talkin’ about, I always found a way to bring it back to you. Then, when I’d come ‘round with ya Mum, he could see the difference in the way I looked at her. The way I touched her. He saw me at her birthday party, and saw that I was constantly lookin’ around for ya. The way I smiled when my eyes finally found you...he could see it was much more than physical. He saw your Mum gettin’ worse, and the way you were always there, even when ya weren’t. When I told him that we...he wasn’t the least bit surprised. I guess anyone who knew what was goin’ on with us wasn’t. I could tell that he wanted to be angry with me, but he understood. He hated that he did, but he did nonetheless.”
“What does he know about me?”
“What doesn’t he know about ya? He knows that you’re in ya final year, he knows what you’re studyin’, he knows your favorite food, your favorite movies, he knows what my favorite things about you are, he knows that you’re scared...I tell him everything,” he shrugs, placing another soft kiss on your shoulder.
“When did you meet him?”
“His ex is best friends with Orla. We both broke up with them around the same time, and we just started hanging out. He’s a good one.”
“Can I ask-”
“I never cheated on Orla,” he sighs and it breaks your heart.
“Don’t get mad-”
“I’m not, Angel. I expect the questions. I just feel horrible that you feel like you need to ask.”
“I just-”
“I know.”
“I do believe ya, Jim. I believe that you love me and want this just as much as I do. I just...” “You’re scared, and you’d be a fool if ya weren’t. This isn’t gunna make things perfect overnight just because we want them to. I know I have to show you, and I know it’s gonna take time, and that’s fine with me.”
“I just know-”
“Just let me get this out, please,” you sniffle softly. “I know ‘ve said some things that weren’t the nicest in an attempt to keep ya away. I want you to know that I’ve always loved ya, I was just tryin’ to do what was best. What I thought was best. I just want you to be happy, and I know you want the same for me. I know it’s gonna take some time and it’ll be tough, but I truly do want this. I’m all in,” you promise softly.
This time, he’s the one cupping your face and forcing your attention to him.
“Angel, don’t say it if you don’t mean it.”
“You know me well enough to know better. ‘m not gonna say somethin’ to make you feel better. If I’m sayin’ it, I mean it.”
“Say it again.”
“I’m all in.”
“I need to hear it one more time, Angel. Only say it if you’re sure.”
You take a deep breath as you turn in his hold and face him on your hands and knees.
“I’m all in.”
You laugh as he kisses you, pushing you back a little as water splashes around, and you kiss him back just as enthusiastically as you finally feel peace for the first time in a long time.
“I want to give you one of your gifts tonight,” he breathes once you two break apart.
“One? Jim-”
“One tonight, one tomorrow, and one when you’re back in school.”
“I’ve already bought them, so you may as well let me do it,” he laughs as you shake your head.
“Jim?” you call softly once his laughter subsides.
“Yeah, Angel?”
“Say it for me, please?”
He smiles as his thumb caresses your cheek, “I love you.”
Yes, his smile is reaching his eyes, but you still see a bit of trepidation in them.
“What’s wrong, Jim?”
“Nothin’, lets just-”
“We’re not startin’ off like this. What’s wrong?”
“It’s dumb and it doesn’t-”
“Jim, it’s not dumb to me and it matters to me. What’s wrong?”
He sighs and leans back a little, “it really doesn’t matter.”
“Remember when you rang your Mum...two months ago? She was askin’ about school and boys?”
You already know where this is headed.
You sit back down as you mutter, “yeah.”
“Did ya really-”
“It was only two dates and it didn’t go any farther than makin’ out. I felt so guilty the entire time, but I was tryin’ to get over you. It was wrong and, while ya still married to my Mum, it’s still wrong.”
“I’m changing that once you’re back at school. You don’t need to be here for that.”
“Jim, tell me that ya aren’t mad.”
“I’m not, Angel. I promise. I know why and I understand, it just...”
“It just...?”
“It irritates me because I don’t want you with anyone else but me. It scares me because maybe you’ll realize you don’t actually want this.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“It’s not lost on either of us that I’m the older one. Maybe you’ll realize you actually do want someone younger-”
“Jim, no. That’s not...no. I love you. I’m in love with you. Those dates only happened because I was tryin’ to get over ya, and....maybe get a reaction out of you.”
“A reaction?” he scoffs, sitting up and taking a sip of his drink.
“I know I kept tellin’ ya to stay away, and maybe it was just because I wanted to feel like I was a good daughter after everything that happened over the Summer. I think it’s clear that, that’s not what I wanted at all, and in the back of my mind...I was jealous. She had you and I didn’t. Yes, that was my doing, but it didn’t change the fact that I hated that she had you and I didn’t. I wanted to see if you’d react. How you’d react. I wanted you to show up and tell me that I’m yours or...somethin’,” you scoff sheepishly. “It was childish and dumb, but it’s the truth.”
“You really are somethin’ else,” he laughs, shaking his head and you smile sheepishly. “Lets get out of here.”
You lean forward and pull him close, wrap your arms around his neck, and kiss him passionately. It’s not sexual and it’s not teasing. You just want him to feel that you truly do love him as much as he loves you, and you’re in this for the long haul.
You want him to feel and know that you’ll never need or want anything or anyone else ever again.
When you two break apart, he’s smiling wide and you giggle softly. Once you’re both out, you drain the tub and Jim wraps you in a towel, holding your waist tight.
“I promise, it’s all going to be okay, Angel,” he whispers in your ear before kissing the shell of it.
It’s so hard to be afraid of anything when you’re with him.
“C’mon, I’ anxious to give ya your gift,” you giggle before squealing as he kisses your sweet spot.
Soon enough, he’s back in his boxer briefs and you’re in a pair of panties and an old Bangles t-shirt.
“Alright,” you start, reaching into your bag. “Don’t scold me.”
“What did ya do?”
“You need it.”
“It’s fine,” you promise, handing him a neatly wrapped box and a card.
“You need to focus on yourself.”
“I’m fine,” you laugh. “Open them!”
“I’m openin’ the card first,” he smirks, and you roll your eyes as you finish off your drink, pouring yourself another glass. “Jim, I’m hoping you’re reading this after everyone’s gone to sleep. Also, burn this letter after reading,” he laughs, giving you a quick wink. “I know that this...relationship (I guess) between us hasn’t been anywhere close to ideal, but I want you to know...I want you to know that I truly do love you,” he reads a bit softer, clearing his throat. “It’s never goin’ to be ideal for us, and I’ve accepted that, but I don’t want you to think I hate or resent you, or any of the time we’ve spent together, because being with you is the happiest I’ve ever been. I don’t regret a second of it and my heart is always with you. No matter what happens...my heart will always be with you and it will always be yours. I love you, Jim. I am so in love with you, and I hope you never forget that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your gift. Before you try and argue with me, the one you have now is a piece of shite and you’re too stubborn to buy yourself a new one. Happy Christmas and I love you. Yours, always; Angel,” he finishes with a sniffle.  “You are so fuckin’ precious, ya know that?” he laughs, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. “I love you, Angel, and I’m not gonna burn this letter,��� he laughs as he reaches for the box.
You sit back, crossing your legs as he rips up the paper like a child.
“You need it!”
“You have so much to save for-”
“Stop it, Jim. I’m happy to do it for you.”
“I’ll pay ya-”
“That’s not how gifts work,” you laugh.
“I saved up for it. Just take it.”
“I love it, thank you,” he smiles and you laugh as he tackles you with a hug.
You hadn’t initially meant to buy him a Mac Book Pro, it just kind of happened. The first few nights you were at your Mother’s, you’d heard him silently gripping about it. A few days after that, you just decided you’d start saving for the damn laptop. You honestly hadn’t meant to, it just happened. You liked him, you could tell he’d never buy it for himself, and you knew your Mother hadn’t even thought to. The more you got to know him, the more you liked him. By the time you two started fooling around, the money was more than half way saved.
You told yourself that this would be the last thing you ever gave him, and that seems to have been a complete lie. 
“How are even making money?” he laughs, looking over the box.
“I write papers for other students, I write little stories here and there, dog sit-”
“You should be spendin’ that money on yourself.”
“Jim, I was happy to do it and I love you. Enjoy ya gift,” you smile. 
He cups your face again, capturing you in a soul stealing kiss, before grabbing a small box and handing it to you, “I love you.”
“If you’re allowed to give me this, I’m allowed to give this.”
“Just open it, Angel.”
You timidly take the box, but you’re quick to rip off the wrapping paper.
“It’s not gonna bite ya,” he laughs, eyeing you with small hints of amusement in his eyes.
“Did ya spend too much?” “Nothin’ is too much for you. Now, no more questions, open it.”
“Open,” he laughs.
Slowly, you open the small velvet box, and gasp at what’s inside. Two bracelets that have your favorite charms on them. You’d been eyeing them a few months ago, but decided against getting them because you wanted to make sure you had enough for everyone’s gifts.
“Read the inside.”
You cocked an eyebrow holding them up and reading the inscription.
‘Mar sin, más rud é, a stór, is cosúil go mbeidh uaireanta Sean droichid ag briseadh idir tú féin agus mise’ the first one reads.
‘Ná eagla. B’fhéidir go ligfimid na scafaill ag titim muiníneach go bhfuil ár balla tógtha againn’ finishes the second.
“You are so...I love them so much,” you sniffle, tackling him with the biggest hug.
“Top marks if you can guess the poet,” he chuckles, pulling you into his lap before hugging you back just as tight.
“Seamus Heaney,” you giggle as you try and reign in your emotions. “The poem is ‘Scaffolding’.”
“Looks like school is paying off,” he teases.
“I love you so much, Jim.”
“I love you too, Angel. No matter what.”
“I really want this to work, Jim. I don’t want this to end. I don’t was us to end.”
“We won’t. It’s not gonna be easy, but we can do this.”
“Promise me.”
He presses a soft kiss to your head as his hold on you tightens, “I promise.”
You two stay like that for a while, and you honestly can’t remember the last time you felt this safe and happy. You can’t remember the last time you felt this loved.
This is probably the best Christmas you’ve ever had. Setbacks and all. 
“What are my other gifts?” you joke with a sniffle, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
“I told you when you’ll get them.”
“Why not tonight?”
“Because you need to learn patience,” he teases. “Do you wanna watch a movie?”
“I don’t care what we do, as long as you’re here,” you mumble, putting on your bracelets and settling under the sheets. 
“You need to eat.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“I’m not.”
“You’ve had water, a few bites of potatoes, and too much whiskey. You need food,” he reaffirms as he makes you a small plate of food.
“Eat,” he tells you as he hands you a plate of many different things.
All of which are your favorite. “You take such good care of me,” you tease, taking the plate from him.
“I plan on doin’ it forever.”
“That’s awfully long time.”
“Not long enough if you ask me, Angel,” he smiles towards you softly. “I love ya.”
“I love you too, Jim. Always will.”
As you both settle in and find a movie to watch, Jim pulls you close and you feel as if you’re finally home. Yes, the road ahead is going to be scary and bumpy, but you know that as long as you have Jim, it’s all going to be okay. However, you don’t want to think about any of that right now. Hell is headed both your ways, and you just want a little calm before the storm.
You just wanna live in this moment you’ve been dreaming of.
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user211201 · 9 months ago
Ape boy
--- Originally posted on 2017-01-10 on realhankmccoy ---
“Just don’t make me dumb, man, I want to keep everything about my mind totally intact,” I told my friend at the lab.
I was totally willing to go through the procedure but I didn’t want it messing with my intellect any – my job and lifestyle were too important to me.
They promised me a whole new masculine experience, that they could bring out the man in me in ways that were easily accessible through epigenetic therapy.
I’d be fitter, more energetic, more attractive and just altogether healthier. It was in the beta testing process and they said they’d throw in $3000 if I signed off, too. I’d only need to take a few weeks off work for an outpatient trial.
“That didn’t seem so bad,” I said after the doctor finished up removing the slow drip from my arm and the infusion was complete. Took two different bags of fluid but I mostly felt fine, if a little faint at first.
I got home and realized I was pretty tired so I stripped down and went to bed. I started noticing the changes the next day already. I did have more energy. My face seemed handsomer, just a tad. After two days I was feeling pretty into this.
It was the third day when I started noticing that I was getting beefier.
That was cool, I thought, but then I noticed I was feeling hornier, too. I ignored it at first, but by the end of the day I was jacking off in my bedroom, hard. I got up off my bed, still stroking my dick, to check myself out in the mirror.
“Looks hot,” I thought, stroking it slowly. If this stuff made my sex drive a little stronger, that was fine with me.
I started getting obsessed with checkin’ out the changes in the mirror, and I had so much energy that I started working out. I’d be doing pushups on my hardwood floor and getting excited over how I was going to flex in front of the bathroom mirror after I finished a set of 50.
I went back to the lab and they didn’t seem to think it was a problem.
So I figured, what the hell, I might as well enjoy this. Pretty soon I was hanging out in just my underwear all the time. That didn’t make me dumb, I knew, it just felt good. I might as well get into it, I figured.
Only problem is I got used to it pretty quick. I hate wearing clothes now, dudes.
I looked in the mirror one day and I just looked so fucking good with these thick pecs and the thicker stubble on my face. I figured I should have fun with a haircut so I got kind of a high and tight, cut real short though, and that just turned me on. Even my facial structure has changed from this shit they’re doing to me. My ears look like they stick out more, like some dumb ape or something, and that just makes me hard. I’ve hot this thick abdomen and these beefy deltoids. I feel like I look more like a football dude, even, and I started watching football even. Might as well have fun while I’m stuck in outpatient anyhow.
They told me it wouldn’t alter my mind any but it’s like I’m addicted to working out, flexing in the mirror, taking selfies, hooking up – with dudes – I just find em on my phone. I stopped reading. I look at these hairy legs and I get hard just touching em, I rub a hand across my pecs and my nipples are hard right away and I feel my cock jump up wanting a piece of the action. All I can think about is my goddamn cock, man.
So I took another week off work because I’m not ready to go back, and told myself on Monday I’d start getting ready to get my life on track. I just procrastinated the whole day, jacking off in bed, mostly, slowly stroking it. I guess my new bod’s so awesome that it’s just depressing to think of going back to the office.
My alarm goes off on Tuesday, and I throw it against the wall and say fuck it. One more day of fun’s not gonna hurt. Dudes, I look so fucking good. At least I’ll be productive today, I tell myself. So I start off the day with a ton of pushups, make myself a protein shake, and I look so ripped in the mirror that I figure I’ll score myself a hookup off Grindr. Guy comes over, and his hairy, hard pecs crushed against mine – my rubbing the short beard I’ve got started all up on his asshole, and that turns him on enough that he’s letting me lift his legs and plow the shit out of him..
After he’s gone, I’m back in front of the mirror saying “you fucking stud. Yeah you fuckin’ ape boy. Fuckin’ just want to fuck with dudes, don’t you, gay boy. Yeah you jocked up fuck. Just want to get naked and fuck, don’t you?”
Still hard, still horny, so just stroking my dick slowly while I put the game on for ambience. I don’t know how Thursday’s gonna shake out but today I just went out and bought a basketball hoop for the driveway so I could burn off some of this energy. Felt fuckin’ great, too, goin’ out in the sun in just some shorts and Nikes working on my game. Soon as I was back indoors though, man, just stripped back down to my underwear – I can’t stop admiring this body. Gotta get another dude over here to mess around with. Fuck work, man, you only live once, right?
Think I’m gonna pick up a big screen for the bedroom because that’d be pretty cool, and I just found out gay dues have their own hockey leagues you can join so I’m thinking of that. How hot would that be – those dudes are fuckin’ built, man, and I could pick it up pretty quick I bet.
Fuck, let me know if – oh, fuck it, I’m gonna order a pizza and see if I can find a hot hookup for tonight. Some dude with pecs as thick as mine and who’s like me slapping this cock all over his tongue for a couple of hours while I tease the shit out of his hot jock ass. Yeah man. Fuckin’ hot, man, I could pump a full load into some dude’s muscle butt and be ready to score again two hours later. That’s how good I feel. Friends with benefits, whatever you want to call it as long as it’s none of that lovey-dovey or dramatic shit – I’ve got em on the phone. Sex, muscle, good food and workin’ out, so glad I met those lab rats.
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cindol · 10 months ago
x fem reader
characters included : manjiro sano, sanzu haruchiyo, ken ryuji, rindou haitani, mitsuya takashi,
tw — everyone is a baby father, drug usage/drug bender mentioned
﹒.ᐟ 𐚁 cw— angst, bonten!sanzu, bonten!mikey, bonten!rindou, sanzu and mikey aren’t very good fathers, fluff
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He’s in his son’s life but very distant. He makes sure you and his son are always taken care of but he doesn’t have a active relationship with his son, the most he’s ever done is show up to one elementary school graduation and pat his head a few times when rarely visiting your house.
His right hand man sanzu is there though as an uncle, kinda.
Active in his daughter’s life but the relationship isn’t so strong due to him always going on benders and disappearing. When you get into arguments with him about his disappearing act his response is always the same as he goes through your fridge.
“You disappeared for three months sanzu, with not even a call or a text of where you were.” trying to nail these words deep into his head while he rummaged through your fridge.
“three months sanzu, no call, not even a ‘hey I’ll be out for this amount of days! But I’ll see you till then” you just left me and yuna wondering when daddy was gonna be back.” You weren’t even angry for yourself, sanzu wasn’t your boyfriend so that hole was already digged and burried. What really made you pissed is how he up and left leaving your daughter wondering why he hadn’t visited in such a long time, again.
Sanzu grumbled closing the fridge.“relax relax, enough with your grouching and shit. I was on a trip with mikey, just forgot my phone.”
“You were posting on your instagram story pictures of airplane food.”
there’s silence then a cough from him till he chuckles.“ah well, got the girl a cute little bunny stuffed animal. She still likes em at that age right?”
at least his heart is in the right place, sorta.
Might take the crown as one of the best baby fathers. He loves his baby girl, never misses any dance recital or holidays or birthdays to spend with his daughter.
his sweetness with his daughter almost makes you wanna get back together with him, it doesn’t help how even after the divorce he still was the gentleman he showed you from the beginning.
Always so helpful too when you look too drowsy and tired with eyebags.“I can always take sana an extra day you know? Don’t got shit on my weekend plans anyways” he joked at the end but still rubbing your shoulders, just because of how sweet he is.
You were sure that if you told him you have a date he’d tell you to enjoy yourself, much to his dismay.
gangster in business but a loving father for his princess. He’s prone to missing a school play or small holiday but makes it up with gifts and bringing over his daughter’s favorite uncle ran.
as a ex husband he doesn’t step over the line, he knows your boundary. He doesn’t have an issue with you dating other men, even when you tell him you’ve met someone new he congratulates you.
“good for you, just make sure he ain’t no problem and I don’t got a problem.” you brushed it off as a half joke but he was very serious.
He uses the excuse of taking precautions for his daughters since he didn’t just want any type of man around her but he was also just curious what type of man you were dating so he hired a private investigator for this man.
when talking about it with sanzu and ran it’s laughable to the both of them.
“Stalking? Didn’t think this old flame you had for your ex wife was this bad.” sanzu says teasingly with a laugh at the end smacking rindou on the shoulder.
rindou scoffed.“this is just for precautions, I don’t want just some jackass around rika.”
“just sounds like you’re studying him, trying to see what you need to apply huh to get her back huh?” that gets sanzu a slap to the back of the head and a chuckle from ran.
a amazing father to his baby girl, never misses a birthday, holiday. He’s always creating things for her instead of you spending money like a cozy sweater for winter and a purple stuffed bunny with button eyes for her to snuggle when he’s not there.
He knows his place as a ex husband well, he keeps his love for you at distant but still it shows with his actions. He knows how independent you are but still he likes to help you out.
“mitsuya I’m good I promise. I’m a big girl, a cold ain’t ever stop me from getting anywhere.” you say it with a runny red nose making him do a small smile at how cute you looked with it.
That explanation didn’t stop him from walking you back into your house with him following. Originally he came to check on you since the weather forecast predicted it would be a cold windy week, he thanked his conscience for checking up so now he could stop a sick you from going to work.
“nonsense, what kinda man would I be to just let you out in the cold with a runny nose huh?” he was already looking around on your living room couch for a cover to warm you up in.
“just stay there, can’t just let the mother of my kid just be sick.” a half joke from him while he went to look for tea in your cabinet.
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meangirlsbway · 2 months ago
so i keep getting tagged in that one mutual 2024 chain post? i think its lovely and im grateful to have so many cuties in my phone that think of me when they see these!! but instead of replying to all of these i want to make my own post so i can be more personal and sappy <3 <3
i’ve been on here for almost 5 years and i am so so so grateful for everyone i’ve met, even if we don’t talk much, even if we communicate solely through spam likes and reblogs, if you’ve been here since 2020, or just started interacting a few months ago. it’s insane to me how much this blog has grown and all the communities and mutual circles i’ve been in.
this year specifically i’ve found an incredible group of people that (i’ve said this like a million times to them) i trust a scary amount and !! it’s so crazy to me how this all started because i wanted to get back into something that’s been part my life for so long (i’ll tag you all at the end of this post but you know who you are)
i don’t really know where i’m going with this. you all are great and have made my year so incredibly special, thank you. i hope that these communities are part of my life for many more years to come.
@his-littlefox @sweetreveriee @thebirdhivemind @crenna @sitting-in-a-library @ijustwantmycoffeback @isaidimbatman @rizzgoddessans @midiosaamor @feerique sososo much love for these ones 💖💕💗💓💕
@maybeimamuppet @newlandswestcoast @cooter-n-tooter @usagichanp @sorrynotsorryboutwhatshesaid @sprnklersplashes @upside-down-theater-kid @gnomeantics @thelongtetheredknight @artfreaks-and-lionsss @alittlebitofcinnamon @supergraphicultramodernboy @thepoeticsofremembering @stillbluedawn @much-brighter-ink if i’m remembering correctly i’ve been mutuals w this bunch during the peak of my musical theater tumblr days and i am forever grateful ♥️
@tiredpapergirl @beabeebeee @xoxzso @thornveili @ladysdevotee @letmeliveinelfhame @balladofareader @cavernouswastaken @kit4strophe @viivdle @merlinsleftit @elysianwayy77 @wish-i-were-heather @foreverwinter22 @eternal--dream @mialicassi @fuckthishit25 @your-mommy-ems you people are the loveliest funniest bunch i’ve met and i’m glad i’ve found a space on this side of tumblr ‼️💋
+ SO MANY MORE THAT I MIGHT BE FORGETTING i’m typing this a few days before new years my brain isn’t functioning rn
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away-ward · 2 months ago
Just Get the Tampons, Will
Note: The original link was giving me trouble, and I think it's because it's a reblog, so I'm making an original post just to link.
No disrespect to PD but I just really wanted Will to get the tampons.
So I wrote it.
Here you go. It’s not heavily edited, written in 3rd person POV, and meant to give you a laugh. I hope it gives you a laugh.
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“Guys, shut up, my wife’s calling,” Will announced to the still rowdy car. Smiling despite it, he slid his thumb across the screen and hit the speaker button in a fluid motion. “Hey babe, you’re on speaker,”
“Can I not be?”
Three pairs of eyes slid his way; Damon from his left, Michael from the rearview mirror, and Kai rotating around from the front passenger seat, each with a salacious gleam. Grinning, Will turned toward his window and dropped his voice. “Why? You got a secret you wanna tell me?”
His wife huffed. “Not like there’s any secrets in this family anyway. Can you pick me up some tampons on your way back into town?”
The scandalous vibe of the group immediately dissipated in the face of real world responsibilities. Will shifted to check the clock on the dash - nearly midnight. They had finished up some meetings in Meridian and stayed for a late dinner before starting back to Thunder Bay. “You’re out?”
“I had a box, but our son thought they looked fun ‘growing’ in the toilet water. The pharmacy here’s already closed, not that they carry my brand anyway.”
“I’ll call Banks,” Kai offered from the front, already pulling out his phone. “Maybe she can run some over.”
“Thanks, but she uses a different kind.”
Will scrunched his face. “Does it really matter?”
“Do you have a favorite condom brand?”
The only sound that could be heard in the car was the low music as each man considered the question. None volunteered an answer.
“Thought so.” He could hear her smugness on the phone and imagined that look she got when she knew she was right. He had to remind himself his wife probably wasn’t up for sexting now, given her physical state. Though he had heard that organisms help with cramps, so maybe…
“So, can I count on you or am I free bleeding in your bed tonight?”
Will blanched at the idea. Michael was already hitting the freeway exit. “You can count on me,” he said, not at all excited about it. “Send a picture?”
A few minutes later, Michael pulled into the empty parking lot of a 24-hour pharmacy. “Thank god,” Will muttered, opening the door and stepping out. “Wish me luck.”
“Embarrassed?” Kai asked, laughing to himself.
“Nah,” Will lied. As much as he loved sharing everything with Em, he loved her even more for keeping that part of her life to herself. She even promised to handle The Talk with the girls when they were old enough. He was only slightly concerned that Indie was getting close to that age. What was next? Bras? Boys?
His mind pulled hard left away from that thought.
How did Michael do it? They only had Athos for a few years before she was a teenager. He felt like it was going by all too quickly, and couldn't imagine how Michael handled it.
On the other side of Michael’s Land Rover, Damon stepped out. “You’re going too?” the driver called in disbelief.
“And miss this moron wandering around the Pink aisle?”
Will rolled his eyes and swung the door shut behind him. He made it five feet before he heard all three doors shut and shook his head. “You guys’ suck balls.”
The four men strutted into the pharmacy the same way they strutted to face any opponent, with confidence and swagger. Once inside the door, they came to an immediate stop, unclear of where to go next. The bright florescent lights spanned across the ceiling of the large store, shining down on the many, many aisles.
“Where would they be? Near the medicine?” Will asked.
“She’s not sick, dipshit,” Damon said.
“Well, I don’t know!”
“We should ask,” Kai reasoned.
“I’m not asking.”
“Either ask or I leave you here,” Michael told him. “I want to see my wife tonight.”
Will grumbled, grabbing a cart and heading farther into the store. His eyes swung from side to side, looking for any sign that he was nearing his target or a store employee. He hoped for the former.
He found the latter.
A young girl stocking the bottom shelves of the paper goods section. Brown flyaway hair that had parted from her ponytail stuck fell around her face. She looked fourteen. A wire ran from her back pocket to one of her ears, muffled music playing as she focused on her task. He hated himself.
“Uh, hey,” he said from the end of the aisle. She jumped, dropping the 12 pack of extra-large toilet paper rolls. Quickly, she pulled the headphones from her ear. “Sorry,” he offered weakly. Clearing his throat, he continued, “Uh. Where are the, uh…”
Exhausted and not nearly as entertained as he thought he’d be, Damon interjected. “Where’s the girly shit.”
“The what?”
“You know, the shit girls use.”
She blinked, eyebrows drawn in confusion and probably fear. At nearly forty and with five children, Damon still had that effect on people. “Make-up?”
Will could feel Damon’s irritation twisting at his side. “Tampons!” He shouted to cut his friend off. “I need tampons.”
Michael and Kai tried not to be obvious with their laughter, hiding behind their hands, but Will could still hear them at his back.
“Oh,” the girl gasped, but then she gathered herself. She pointed deeper into the store. “Three rows down, on your right.”
Will nodded, looking to where she was pointing. “Thanks.” He pushed the cart. He didn’t even know why he had the cart, other than it was giving him something to grip. How many boxes was he going to need? He should have asked. He pulled his phone out, checking to see if Em had sent that picture.
Nothing. He sent a question mark, hoping for the best.
Behind him, Kai said, “You really shouldn’t be listening to music if you can’t hear the door. Anyone could come in.”
“Move it along,” Damon called. “You can’t be everyone’s hero.”
Will found the aisle just where the girl said it would be and walked in. He scanned the shelves, looking for something that was familiar. He’d seen the box below the sink a hundred times. It sat right next to… her face wash? Mouth wash? Extra toothpaste? He really needed to pay more attention.
Was it a pink box? Nearly every box was pink. Some were black. Who were those for? Did she want the pretty one with the nice applicator or - what was super? Super meant better, right?
He checked his phone again. Still no picture.
“What’s the hold up?” Michael asked. He seemed to be avoiding looking at the boxes all together.
Will shook his phone. “No picture.”
Kai picked up a random box. “Reusable? How- “ he flipped it over. “It’s a cup?”
Michael cleared his throat, casting his eyes to the box in his friend’s hands. “I heard Rika and the kid talking about that. Apparently, it’s better for the environment.”
“Athos uses it?” Will asked, grabbing a second box. “Is that healthy?”
“Says it last ten years,” Kai read aloud. “Medical grade silicone. I wonder if Banks would like it.”
Damon grabbed the box from Kai’s hands, ignoring the glare he received. He tossed it into the cart, along with five others that were on the shelf. “Decision made.”
“Hold up,” Will said, “I don’t even know if that’s what Emmy wants.”
“It’s good for the environment and is reusable so we never have to do this again. What’s there to consider.”
“Um, what my wife wants,” Will argued. “What if it’s not comfortable? What if it doesn’t work for her?”
Damon motioned to Michael. “Call Athos and get the details.”
The three men looked at him like he was insane – which, considering…
Michael scoffed. “It’s past midnight. She’ll be sleeping.”
Damon arched a brow. “Did you sleep you’re first week at college?”
Michael pulled out his phone, ignoring the way his friends laughed. Holding it out, he waited as it rang and rang, silently daring her to not answer.
“Dad?” Athos questioned on answer, a note of curiosity, but not sleep, in her voice.
“Do you use a – what’s it called?” he asked the guys.
“A menstrual cup,” Kai finished.
There was a beat of silence from the phone, before a whispered, “It’s never what I think it’s going to be.” Raising her voice, she answered, “Yeah, and how do you even know what that is?”
Will took the phone from Michael. “Is it comfortable?”
Athos laughed. “Is this for you, or someone else?”
“It’s for Em.”
“Then shouldn’t I be talking to her?”
“This is an emergency.”
“A menstrual cup emergency?”
Damon snatched Michael’s phone from Will. “Listen, you little brat,”
“No, you listen, you werido,” Athos broke in, still laughing, “Don’t get her anything she doesn’t already use.”
“I don’t know what she uses,” Will shouted at the phone. Then his eyes diverted to the end of the aisle. A second later, his friends did the same.
The employee stood at the end, the cart of items left to be stocked next to her, staring at them in bewilderment. Will could only imagine how they must have looked to her; four grown men arguing over tampons and cups at a quarter past midnight.
“Hey, little girl,” Damon taunted, “you wannna help us?”
“Oh my god, Uncle D!” Athos’ voice rang from the device in his hand. “You can’t say things like that to people.”
Damon hung up on her, tossing the phone back to Michael, who was only thankful he still had the reflexes to grab it mid-air. He started towards the end of the aisle, to the girl, but was pushed back by a hand on his chest.
“Ignore him,” Kai said, stepping in front of Damon. “He’s unstable. We’re working on the proper combination of meds, but until then-“ Kai lifted a shoulder as if to say, What can you do?
“Okay,” the girl answered, not giving away how she felt about Kai’s explanation. Damon suspected she might be too stupid to have processed what he said. Then she stepped forward, motioning toward the shelf. “Did you need help?”
The men paused, staring at her. She really did look young, her face round, eyes big and brown. She was small too. “Is it even legal for you to be working this late?” Michael asked, suspicious.
She nodded slowly. “I’m nineteen.”
“Oh,” Will said as they all immediately relaxed. The last thing he wanted to do was talk to some young kid about period stuff. Honestly, this is the first thing that had gone right all night in his book. “Great. Then, yeah. I need tampons for my wife, and I don’t know what I’m looking at.”
“Do you know what size she needs?”
Four gazes landed on back her. “There’s different sizes?” Kai inquired with astonishment.
They spent the next half-hour quizzing the girl who proved to be a wealth of knowledge. She gave the menstrual cups a glowing review, assuring Will that his wife would be happy with it, but also recommended a variety box of tampons that she pieced together was Em’s usual picked based on what Will could finally remember once he stopped panicking.
“What’s this one?” Damon said, pulling another box off for her.
“That’s a disk,” the girl said. “It’s similar to a cup, except you can have sex with it in, so there’s no blood.”
Kai looked over boxes, inspecting the difference from the one he was already holding. “Really?”
“Afraid of a little mess, Kai?”
“My sheets are expensive,” Kai responded, not bothering to feed into his goading, and tossed a few of the new products into the cart.
Feeling like he’d done his due diligence as husband of one Emory Grayson, mother of his children and woman who warmed his bed each night, Will pushed the cart to the front. Not only had he taken the girl's advice, but he filled the cart with everything in the aisle that had piqued his interest. His girl would be well stocked, and the aisle was a little less intimidating at the end of it all.
Tapping his card against the reader, he looked at the angel in disguise sent to save him. She looked tired but hadn’t given any indication she wasn’t happy to help. “You like the night shift?”
She shrugged. “I’d prefer morning so I can do want I’d like with my nights, but the manager gives those to his favorites.”
“And you’re not?”
She smiled, her eyes slanting in a way that communicated a deeper message. “I’m a bit of a troublemaker. Don’t always do things by the book.”
Will grinned, feeling like he knew exactly what she was talking about. He liked her, he decided. “Well, my friend, have a good night.”
Things usually worked out for his friends. One way or another.
The horsemen get the girl her morning shifts (cause in my head they occasionally use their influence and amassed power to do nice things for people they like).
Emory thought she hit send on the picture and fell asleep. She was very happy to wake up to not only the right brand of tampons, but the cup, since she wanted to try it. She was also impressed he did it without the picture… until the boys ratted him out.
Damon makes sure all the women have multiple cups so they don’t have to worry about cleaning it right away.
Kai still invests in the whatever cup he picked. I don’t know. It’s probably women owned, though.
Rika got a very confusing phone call from Athos the next day, but it made sense eventually. She had a good laugh at Will and then made sure the boys knew they couldn’t just go around asking people what products they use.
Michael’s just happy it’s over.
Thank you for reading! As always, likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated and welcomed.
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imaexplodenow · 7 months ago
Okay finally! Been a while, but
Helloooo EKH Tumblr! It’s about time I share my AUs I have made! The reason it took a while was cuz the WiFi on all my devices went out for a few days, and I woulda drawn on my phone, but I just didn’t feel that motivation
…..and I made a new AU a few days ago so I was postponing this to draw on the new AU and see if it was one of my,, AUs I’d stick w/
Heads up before u start reading/looking at it!
-There’s a good about of.. chest…. Like…shirtless chest 😓
-So,, if you don’t know me, Sam is,, my favorite character, and so there’s…..a lot of “off character derailment” especially with ‘em. I still love love lloveeee (/p) the anxious cannon Sam, but these changes r for story telling purposes (you’ll see what I mean)
-There’s a GOOD chance that I will make ones in the future, so for now, these r the 6 I HIGHLY focus on as I love AUs and making them
-I have posted most of these on Twt, so if you’ve seen these before, just know I’m sharing these w/ Tumblr, and then I’ll share more on the new AU on Twt after this (u can ask for my @ if you’d like to follow me for more EKH art, as I’ll probably post there more often)
Anyways! Onto the AU sharing and somewhat story telling!
In chronological order of when they were made/discovered:
1st: Virus AU (BL**D/G*RE WARNING)
This was when I was in a BIG horror mood, so it’s basically an apocalyptic x monster AU
Basically, if anyone breathed in the air after a radiation accident, chances are you’d be infected and become a part of the undead,, or a werewolf
First victim of the 4 in this AU: Steven. Fought off a zombie and it took off his mask while in battle, leading to zombie wounds and inhaling the surrounding air killing him off and bringing him back a few days later as a part of the zombie hoard that was rapidly increasing.
Second victim of the 3: Sam. The 3 were fighting off the Steven zombie, and just like Steven and what he was fighting off, the mask came off, but no zombie injuries were present on Sam by the time his passing came. A few more days pass, and he comes back looking.. fine. A little pale, and colorful eyes, but not a zombie at least. Spends a few more days w/ the two that haven’t died, and after feeling extremely weak and a little peeved, takes a bite out of a stranger’s neck. The other two think it’s best to exile him off to a graveyard, to prevent them from getting their necks from getting bitten. Meanwhile, while nights go past after spending time to himself in his new graveyard home, the other two plot to kill him off. It’s decided Kevin should be the one to put a steak in Sam’s slowly beating heart, but when that happens, things go wrong. Despite Sam hating this new life, being killed by a close friend of his was shocking to see, and quickly reacting by fighting back. After some back and forth fighting, Sam accidentally launches himself into a fragile brick wall, causing one brick to fall directly on his head, knocking him out. After awakening to seeing Kevin stitching his injury and running away from guilt, things are no longer the same.
The two of them go to pay a visit to their old friend that’s in the graveyard, particularly because Kevin still cares for Sam and the guilt was eating him alive. They go into the graveyard, and see the place Sam resided in was..oddly more elegant looking than the last visit. Candles, a red carpet…a throne? The two cautiously enter calling out his name. In the blink of an eye, they’re both roped up and on their knees. After a few seconds of panicking and looking around, a sound of sipping was heard from the throne, with their friend looking…different. Still pale, still the red eyes, but more laid back and dressed up. Not like him at all, and not in a good way either, as he emerges from the shadows with a sky look on him. Treating the other two like a frenemy, bickering back and forth with the other two, and after some bickering, threatens to take a bite out of Kevin’s neck. Ofc it’s not something either Kevin or Billy wants, and luckily Kevin’s neck is spared, however, fate wasn’t in Billy’s hands; he shouts at this new Sam, the usual Billy talk, and leads to Sam being fed up. But he can’t bite his “tough love” friend’s neck, no no. There’s other plans for his friend Billy.
Third victim of the 2: Billy. Mask pulled down by this Vampire Sam, and a slight beating, causing Billy to forcefully inhale the air. Sam lets the two go, so they quickly get up and get out of this new home of Sam. They go back to the house all 4 used to live in before all this. They worry. Both of them. None of them want to die or die and then become a violent undead being like their friend. A few more days pass by, and Billy is fine? Maybe the air is fine? No. Night strikes, the moon is out. His body starts to grow and so does the pain, the hair, and the fangs. Mind starts to grow more violent as he cries for help from Kevin. He sees a hole in the wall in the area Billy was in. A huuggeee hole. Kevin would have gone searching, but with all sorts of zombies roaming, boarding up the hole was top priority and he’d have to go looking in the daytime. As nighttime passes, Kevin finishes covering the hole up and sleeps for the night, with late morning time bringing decently loud noises. Morning time comes and Kevin wakes up to hear pained grunts coming from the front door. Cautiously opening the door, he doesn’t see a zombie, he sees Billy, covered in a little bit of blood, dirt, tears in shirt and pants, and just overall messy appeal. It shocks and disgusts Kevin a little bit, but he can’t keep Billy out, as he’s begging to be let back in, saying it’s not safe for him to be outside and how he thinks he ate one or two animals. Kevin lets him in but decides to not discuss what happened, as they both put obvious inferences together. But time after the past hectic days haven’t been easy. Pretty hard actually.
Somehow the werewolf and vampire still chat with each other. The werewolf doesn’t want to keep up with the vampire, but it seems the vampire has learned how to enter the minds of those who sleep, and some more magical abilities. Billy doesn’t sleep as often now, doesn’t go out to get a proper werewolf diet, so both of those factors cause him to stay in a violent mood, especially since he lives with someone he doesn’t have too strong of a connection with. Of course life itself now sucks for him, but being a 12 ft tired and hungry wolf wasn’t on his or Kevin’s bucket list. It’s hard to keep care of the new Billy, but Kevin manages. He goes out so often to get raw meat, fresh water from the remaining water bottles in abandoned stores, keeps calm around Billy as to not escalate anything. Unfortunately, with the other two on the loose wrecking havoc on the public, things can’t always go according to plan.
One day, while Kevin was out getting stuff for Billy, things get messy fast. Billy tries to sleep during the day, since vampires are usually nocturnal, but that was unfortunate timing, as when he wakes up, he’s back at the home of his vampire “friend”. It’s not an illusion either, he’s actually physically there to, as well as…Steven, chained up but right next to the throne. There’s been some improvements to the place, but none to the vampire. If anything he’s gotten worse, somewhat bragging how great it’s been w/o Billy being the one in control. With each sentence Sam was spewing out, it got the werewolf closer and closer to try and maul him to shut him up. Unfortunately, they’re both equal in power, but when it comes to planning an attack, Sam has become better at that with these new found powers; at the perfect time as Billy is really close, he falls under a hypnotic spell, looking straight into Sam’s eyes. Loosening up, not wanting to maul him into pieces, and listening to what Sam’s saying.
Last victim: Kevin. He comes home to the werewolf not being around, getting a little worried, but there’s not much he can do without any visual hints as to where he might have went. So he carries on with his chores, putting away the wolf food and his own, cleans up the place. Of course that’s when Billy returns, of course it is, when he’s cleaning. He informs Billy there’s a restock in the fridge and doesn’t see there’s something wrong with him until Billy states he doesn’t want that. Kevin turns around to see Billy ominously standing at the front door, nothing but red in his eyes, literally. Full glowing red eyes. Getting a little concerned now, Kevin tries to avoid the topic of meats there is to snack on. It doesn’t work, Billy isn’t listening and inches closer to Kevin, treating him like…well…a treat. Next thing you know, Billy grabs one of his legs, making some quick remark of Margaret, sounding something more like what Sam would say, and rips it off without hesitation. A pained scream by Kevin as his lays on the ground, panicking as thoughts rush through his mind. One thought was to call 911, so with the remaining strength he has, he crawls towards his phone and dials 911 (or of course, what’s left of it). As soon as he starts reporting what’s going on, Billy, who’s still in the trance, goes in for the other leg, for another part of him to snack on and to try and shut him up. That only alerts the operator on the other side more, as they say they’ll track Kevin’s location and send an ambulance ASAP. The phone call ends, and so does Billy’s other little snack, but the hypnosis wears off just before he can finish the second leg, and it takes a second for Billy to get a grasp on reality again. He looks behind him, and to his shock and horror, there’s a dying and leg less Kevin, breathing at a rapid pace and heavily, trying to keep his eyes from closing, but with the most amount of emotions he’s ever shown. In this moment, this is the most regret Billy has ever felt and shown.
An ambulance arrives a few minutes later, with Kevin just on the brink of death. They’re able to bring him into the ambulance, but unable to find what or who might have caused such a bloody mess. As they drive away to hopefully help Kevin stay alive, one of the bedroom doors open as Billy peeks out into the empty house. He hated it. The silence, the idea of being by himself, and that he actually committed an act of murder. What had he done? No…what did Sam make him do? Everyone else was dead or close to being dead. Everyone except him. And it hurt. But he couldn’t show that, of course he couldn’t. If he showed a sign of weakness, he’d only feel worse, and that wasn’t who he was. He had to keep pushing through these new conditions.
Something Kevin tried, but failed at doing. Trying to distract himself, Billy tries watching TV, because what else was there left to do to keep himself occupied? Unfortunately, hours later, it gets interrupted. Billy almost throws a “werewolf fit” bout it, but he couldn’t. His eyes were averted to someone else. At first he couldn’t recognize him, but that was Kevin. A ghostly apparition form of Kevin. This wasn’t a sick trick either, he didn’t make it. Literally floating, hair and body, he now had pure white eyes, wore a hospital outfit, but was still himself. He was lucky enough to have not become a violent or vengeful spirit, it was just him, but seemingly willing to put more effort into helping those who needed it despite the sarcastic tone he still had.
And that’s where the story caps off. This is how those 4 are now and their new life.
TLDR: Steven’s a mindless servant zombie to the Vampire Sam, who’s completely changed his attitude and view towards everything, behaving more like a traditional vampire. Billy is a werewolf who’s constantly fighting with the werewolf urges on a daily basis and against Sam’s wishes. Kevin is a phantom who’s the neutral-good towards anyone.
But now we can move onto a more silly AU! …ofc it still has angst but no bl0od this time!
2nd: Regretevator AU
Starts out relatively normal! Just the 4 of them going on a camping trip! …okay except for the rumors that there’s alien kidnappings, experimentation, and those who enter don’t come back…the same at least. Ofc Sam and Billy had a little disagreement and ofc it ended up with Billy’s vote mattering, so they go to the supposedly dangerous camp! And of course one there’s an alien kidnapping! The 4 start booking it, leaving most of their camping supplies there, but one of them don’t make it out in time. Billy, Steven, and Kevin make it to a safe area, but…hey where’d Sam go? …oh shit he’s getting abducted. The other three go to try and pull him out of the beam, but to no avail. The beam was stronger than the three of them combined, leading to Sam going into the UFO. Who knows what’s gonna happen to him? Well…he does. Kind of. He got to witness it all, but of course, that damn green cat was the cause of his new life. Xe put Sam into some kind of sleep, but with a kind of drug that didn’t look like any he could recall before passing out. But he wouldn’t be able to recall any of that anymore.
The other three, still in the camp waiting for him to come back, continuing their camping trip in silence. An hour passes and the UFO is back! It lands close by to them, and out comes two figures. One is the green cat, and xe’s holding something that looks human. It has yellow skin…a pink shirt……more accessories…..what the hell this isn’t the human xe kidnapped? Except yes it is. There’s the brown tank top underneath that pink shirt. There’s the shaggy and goatee, even if it looks a bit different. And his voice… despite it being extremely glitchy and compressed, it sounds like him. Turns out the cat just used something xe found at an apartment and tested it on Sam. Well…okay sure he looks different but, it’s still Sam!
The other three keep asking him things about what happened, if he’s okay, the typical. Except, he can’t recall. He’s a little off put by these faces. Who are these 3 guys and how do they know him? He doesn’t even know himself, he just feels, both overwhelmed and…silly? Well if the three talk it out with the green cat maybe they can get it to revert Sam back to norm- oh. The cat’s just left them behind. Great. Stuck with a curious “Sam” and three confused and concerned guys. Best thing they all can do is just go back to where they’re all living.
Over the last few months this…thing…resembles Sam less and less. He knew Kevin was a germaphobe, so why is he fine w/ being sick all the time and acting like it’s not a big deal? He used to keep Billy in check with his money, but now he’s the one spending all his money on decorations and internet related stuff, so how’s that fair? He used to get paranoid when Steven accidentally made a loud noise or spoke loudly, so why is he the loudest one out of the bunch? Especially when playing his games? It’s like he was the total opposite of what he’s supposed to be… He doesn’t even answer to Sam anymore, he has this weird name that isn’t even a name! He prefers to be called S4G3 because “1t c00l3r th4n d1s “S4M” n@m3”. He also has very colorful outfits, and it kind of hurts to look at.
So of course one day Billy grows extremely tired of this and goes to take matters into his in his own hands. He would have dragged Kevin with him, but for some reason he liked Kevin, despite Kevin not like him back. Doesn’t make sense either seeing how “S4G3” likes to spend time with Steven more. So Billy drags Steven along with him instead and leaves Kevin to deal with S4G3. Billy’s plan is to go back to the camp and be as stubborn as possible to get that green alien cat to change S4G3 back onto Sam and have Steven as backup.
Luckily first step of the plan worked. …can’t say that about the rest of the plan, because the green alien has something the other two don’t: an army and weapons. So wouldn’t you know it, they’re also on the chopping block for getting the “gnarpian” treatment. Except instead of whatever was used to create Sam into S4G3, Billy gets this…splinter? Oh and his legs cut off. And unfortunately, Steven watches the majority of that, but of course, there can’t be any witnesses, just experiment vessels. Steven gets a different treatment though, he just gets to listen to music… huh, odd. Hopefully this doesn’t alter his brain in anyway.
Well, another few hours go past, and Kevin is still not enjoying S4G3 company. So when he heard a knock at the door, he was relieved to answer it and ignore S4G3 for a minute or two. Except it was the green cat at the door and tossed the other two back into the apartment, threatening to not bother xe again or else he’d be next and it would be the worst experiment out of the 4 of them. So of course that puts enough fear into Kevin to not want to even talk to xem. …which is unfortunate because now instead of Billy and Steven returning, xe gave him a weird stylized wooden mannequin and Steven but with flashier clothes. …oh. They were also used for experiments. And they also behaved like S4G3 when he first came into existence. Confused and not like themselves. Steven wasn’t as bad, just extra and his personality revolved more around his music gig. Billy though? He’s barely stubborn anymore, he’s more compassionate and caring than rude. He’s also now a hard worker, even of said work is all about wood. That wouldn’t be too much of a problem if the equipment he used was so loud all the time and he wasn’t so confused and anxious majority of the time he interacted with the others.
Great. Something more bothersome for Kevin to suck up and deal with for who knows how long.
TLDR: Sam became Infected ripoff, Billy became Mark ripoff, Steven became a Brock ripoff (even though they’re both music lovers, not much there was changed), and Kevin is…Kevin. (This Kevin isn’t 20 years later in a bad way Kevin, more of Inadvertent Hero Kevin)
Okay! Now back to our regularly scheduled angst!
3rd: Hacker AU
Ever wondered how you could access the outside barriers on the EKH RP game, or wondered what’s the other houses like, but they’re just beyond your reach? Yeah, so did this Sam…in a way.
The day of the house fire. It starts like normal. Billy sticking gum in Kevin’s hair at school, Kevin telling on Him, Billy dragging Sam along to try and get aid to Egg Kevin’s House. The little kid Sam this time though, was getting deja vu, like he’s done this before… but regardless, he declines. Of course he does. He can’t damage his friend’s house! And there it goes. Up in flames. With a woman screaming from inside it. And there they both go, running from it. 20 years later happens. At the burnt house of his old friend’s. To make a video with his two other friends. They go in and out of the house, night after night, and it still feels all too familiar. But, it’s just gotta be that feeling you get…and don’t listen to. They come across Kevin…the basement gets lit on fire. The two of thEm escape, and Kevin is spared. Once they start running, everything goes black.
The day of the house fire. It starts like normaL. Billy sticking gum in Kevin’s hair at school, Kevin telling on him, Billy dragging Sam along to try and get aid to Egg Kevin’s House. Hasn’t she done this before? Who knows. She begrudgingly helps Billy to Egg Kevin’s House. And there it goes. Up in flames. With a woman screaming from inside it. And there they both go, running from it. 20 years later happens. At the burnt house of her old friend’s. To make a video with his two other friends. They go in and out of the house, night after night, and…again, this feels all too recognizable. She could have sworn she’s done this before…maybe it was just a segment of that nightmare she had and just now remembering. …so why did she see herself as a guy? Dreams can be weird. They come across Kevin…the basement gets lit on fire. The two of them escape, and Kevin is…killed. Once they start running, everything goes bLack.
The day of the house fire. It starts…with Sam trying tO backtrack. He really doesn’t want to be here, especially with Billy in his cranky kid mood. But it’s hard to. Why can’t he go back where he came from? He keeps pushing against the invisible force., all while Billy is calling out to Sam that he looks silly and not in a good way. Sam keeps pushing and pushing and pushing, he so desperately doesn’t want anything bad to happen to any of them. After some more pushing, he finally is allowed out of Kevin’s house area…and into a black void? Where’d he go? Where were the other houses? Turns out the idea he had was more scary than actual being called a coward by his friend Billy. …Billy wasn’t around either. Where-
The panicking kicks into high gear once he spots a group of infamous figures, dubbed hackers. Trouble making, rumor spreading creature criminals that ranged from not-so-chaoTic, like John Doe to “should be killed for their crimes”, like 1x1x1x1. And speaking of 1x1x1x1, right behind the child Sam was said hacker, who already knew who they were. They both had a chat, Sam scared of what was going on, like, extremely scared.. he wanted his…parents? …he doesn’t recall having those, let alone their names. It then turned into a kind of vent session after JoHn told 1x1x1x1 to calm themselves and let the child speak their mind. So after the vent session 1x1x1x1 went off the walls a bit and told them none of that was real. John couldn’t zip them up on time, so that lead the little child to be shocked and confused. That’s when the entirety of life was spilled to the child Sam. First was showing they only had four total “models”: Male & FemalE child and adult “models”. After altering the little male Sam child into their adult “model” so they could get a better understanding of all of this, 1x1x1x1 lead them to the gender option screen, and let Sam at it. He hesitates to select the female, but when she selects it, things start to click; she wasn’t in control of anything. Back and forth, male - female -male -female, they couldn’t believe even simple things weren’t up to them. Finally fed up with their identity crisis, just slammed their fist against both choices, and something felt different at that point, but it didn’t matter. Nothing at that point didn’t matter. 1x1x1x1 still had more to spill though. Billy, Steven, Kevin, the nurse, all of those people, none of them were real. Whereas Sam could think multiple things, it was said they all “went with the flow” with whateveR came out Sam’s mouth. Sam could sometimes move wherever they wanted, the others had a path. The more information Sam learnt, the more they hated everything and everyone around them, growing distant from the character they were made out to bE.
With all of that learned, 1x1x1x1 finally put them to a test. They sent them to Night 1, when the three of them were standing outside the house. The other two discussing about making a video, and Sam just standing there, looking upset in an angered type of way. This lead to the other two asking what was the matter with Sam, with nothing being said. So of course, it was taken as the “…” option, which lead to Sam snapping in a violent way. The world around them started to crumble while they seemingly spewing nonsense, saying how “they don’t actually care” and “you guys aren’t real”. The area around the three of them getting worse and worse, opening up to static and void, even opening Kevin’s house showing how confused he is. It’s getting harder and harder to balance on the broken streets, grass, overall land beneath the other 3. Billy starts hoping around on different platforms, trying to reach Sam and trying to “reason” with them. He screwed up with one question when he reaches Sam and states “Try and calm down. This isn’t like you at all, what’s gotten into you?” Sam then stops dwelling for that moment, turns to look at Billy, with the most angered face they have ever put on, and goes on to tell him that they finally realize that everyone and everything around them was the problem, and they’re finally realizing it. But of course, Billy has to go on and rub salt into the wound, by stating that right now, thanks to Sam, they’re causing most of the issue, which, while true, isn’t what they needed, leading to their hands sparking, resembling the colors of 1x1x1x1 as if their influence finally rubbed onto Sam themself. Nothing this, Sam goes in for a brutal beating to their so-called friend, and causes him to go completely red, literally. He starts glitching out, unable to speak, turning the color red, until he finally falls to the ground like a ragdoll. But oh no, they can’t just stop at Billy. In a fit of rage, they start to approach the other two who are just staring in horror. The next one to get “killed off” is Steven while Kevin makes a run for it. Or, at least he tries to. The terrain around him is hard to navigate, but just as Steven’s being finished off, Sam is finishing him off, they catch sight of Kevin and teleport right in front of him, saying how they’ll feel little remorse for erasing Kevin, but not enough to not do it. And just before erasing Kevin, he’s able to ask why and how. Sam swiftly explains how they don’t like their emotions being toyed with. Not anymore at least.
They’re all glitched out corpses now. There’s still more to erase to, but not before having another chat w/ 1x1x1x1, being encouraged to keep it up, because of how much more freeing it is. Except, unfortunately, it can only be done in the “world” of Egg Kevin’s House, because you’d never see a Sam outside that game, ever. But hey, at least they can do whatever they want in that world, toy w/ the other 3, and dress differently instead of the same brown attire (in which the outfit was gifted by John Doe). It didn’t look like much, but that was because it was an older outfit. Still, the newly named 1nS4Mity is a free roaming semi-hacker in their world of Egg Kevin’s House.
TLDR: This is just a 4th wall breaker type of AU, but w/ angst and hackers.
Okay! Last 3! I have been typing the ones above for….about 6 hours now. I’m dead serious 😭 But luckily! These next ones don’t have too much of a story to them (yet(?)), so this should be quick and easy!
4th: 7 Deadly Sins
Honestly I just did this one for two reasons: 1, I like the idea of 7 deadly sins. It can be fun to mess w/ imo. 2, it had been a while since I made an AU, so my mind just came up w/ this idea
Basically, the more a person acts like their ideal sins, the more likely they are to become said sin. In order:
Kevin becomes Wrath after loathing about his mother’s death in his house
Billy becomes Greed after making clickbait video after clickbait video and it actually working and gaining him some revenue
Soon after, Steven, being Pride. He believes that w/o his help, Billy’s ideas would be absolutely garbage.
And lastly, Sam, becoming Sloth. A mix of depression and not needing to do much while the others are doing what they do as sinful entities, so he just decides to sleep in, day after day after day after day..and yeah.
5th: {No real AU name for this}
Soooo this is a goofy one, and I mean, goofy. It’s a crossover of my two favorite Roblox games w/ a dash of their worst endings, this being Warmonger for EKH, and Monster for Overnight (iirc). (If you haven’t watched/played Overnight, highly recommended as there’s spoilers for this game in this AU)
Basically a little after the Warmonger ending, it clicks w/ Sam that this whole “killing people off hobby” is oddly therapeutic, and if Billy isn’t around to judge him, then he could do whatever he wanted, even breaking the law! So he basically becomes this gleeful ball of madness, killing anyone and everyone off in creative ways, while also having this demon as a sort of sidekick (it’s taken the role watching out for Sam (or Warmonger as he prefers) in case he ends up in a prison or almost dead).
6th and most recent one: Pirates AU
It should be obvious what this is about. Now since it’s new, I can’t share a shortened version of the story as I don’t fully have one, but I can share the fact that Billy is the captain of his crew, with Sam being second captain, Steven being the one to help Billy get his crew, and Kevin ………………..
There’s also the side characters in this actually!
The news reporter still being that, just old timey, Nurse Adam’s being a siren now, and the fire fighter being a ghost pirate captain. :D
Oh also Billy prefers others to be called Captain Billy for his crew, and William for strangers/enemies, Sam is Samuel and hates the shortened version of his name, Steven being Stephen, and Kevin still being Kevin lmao.
But I still have artworks to show off, one for each AU, but trust me, I have alloooottt of art on these AUs, and more to come, so if this does well I’ll show more! Most likely on Twt first tho
1st: Virus AU
2nd: Regretevator AU
3rd: Hacker AU
4th: Deadly Sins AU
5th: Unnamed AU
6th: Pirate AU
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eezeybreezy · 2 years ago
ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴜɴᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪꜱ ᴄᴀᴛ ➜ʜᴏʙɪᴇ ʙʀᴏᴡɴ x ɢɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
I have fallen to the Hobie brain rot and this is the result. This was a lot longer than intended so now it's broken into multiple chapters! Lmk if I should post those too or if this is too cringe.  Part 2, Part 3, Part 4🔞
warnings: suggestive, not-so-accurate accent, recreational drug/alcohol use, partying, punk shit, eventual smut? 
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As they entered the headquarters, the pair were met with a cacophony of sound and movement. People in spider suits and uniforms hurried to and fro, carrying files, and talking urgently on their phones or to each other. Clearly, this was a place of importance, filled with sensitive work and decisions.
The first was a young woman, her hair pulled back into a high ponytail and dressed in a long, flowing maxi skirt in earthy tones, paired with a crochet top. Adorned with beads or other natural details, she walked confidently, looking around with a sharp eye and taking in every detail. The second was a young man, his steps a little slower and his gaze mellow. He was dressed in a concoction of ripped fabrics, belts, and buttons, his studded vest and chunky boots a signature in the halls they walked.
"Wow," breathed the woman, taking in the bustling scene. "I knew this was a big deal, but I had no idea.."
The man chuckled. "Told you it was the real deal."
The Spider you’d come to know was none other than Hobie Brown, a stand-out among his peers and variants alike. You’d only met after being rounded up as an anomaly, though you’d come to the HQ willingly, as any means to getting home was better than being stranded in some uppity renaissance dimension. After learning of your role as the Black Cat in your world, the punk had found a new friend in an unexpected place.
“Hm…” Hobie peered at you absentmindedly, seemingly turning something over in his head.
You didn’t like that look, and knowing the kinds of ideas an anarchist could come up with, you decide to pry, “What’s up?”
Hobie finally looked at you and not through you, “How did you get those abilities bruv like, I was bit by a radioactive spider so I have spider DNA in me, but how’d you get ‘em?”
“Hear me out, a cat bit me. But she wasn’t radioactive or anything, actually quite sweet.”
“Wait wait wait, you ‘ere bitten… by a cat? And you now have abilities like me??”
You giggled at this, he’s dumbfounded over a cat but a radioactive spider giving powers is the norm around here. “I don’t know about ‘like you’ per say.’
“Aight, maybe not exactly like me, but it’s similar yeah? You have wall-crawling abilities I presume or am I wrong? And probably enhanced strength?”
Why the sudden interest in my abilities, you thought. “I mean I do have enhanced strength and speed, but I can only climb up walls with my claws, I don’t stick like you all do,” referring to the bustling crowd of Spider-people you found yourself in the presence of.
“I see, then I have one last question… What does your suit look like? I’m proper curious ‘bout that.”
Now this was unexpected, not only was he interested in your powers, but your alter ego altogether. In the few months, you’ve been friends, little was spoken about your homeworld, let alone the role you play in that dimension. You wonder what’s gotten him so interested, and so you decide to tease a little, getting Hobie Brown flustered was something very few could boast.
“You ever been to a BDSM club? It’s like a leather dominatrix suit
“…” “That’s… huh.”
“Problem ‘Obie?” You poke at him playfully, gliding to stand closer to the slender man.
“Not at all… can’t say I’m not confused though…” he trailed off. “But hey, as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man it’s not my problem that you have an… um… interesting taste in fashion.”
That got a snort out of you, “You’re one to talk about ‘interesting taste in fashion’, Mr. Spider Punk.”
A sigh comes from the taller man. “Fine. You win.”
Deciding to toy with him further, you play nonchalant and petty, “If I’m so annoying I’ll just leave then. I enjoyed meeting you Punk.”
“Oi oi, I didn’t mean to insult you, I swear… I'll be 'onest wiv ya, mate. I don't really know what I'm doin' 'ere. I'm just takin' it one day at a time and seein' where it takes me.” He looked up from the ground to look at you again, something sad in his eyes. “Life's a funny old game, ain't it?"
“The rockstar runway model is bad with people? Color me shocked”
Hobie let out a huff of air, which you could only assume mimicked a laugh, “Is that meant to be an insult or genuine criticism?”
“I was being serious Hobie, you seem to have a good handle on people. You’re just so cool I thought maybe you’d have it down by now” Despite wanting to crawl into a hole at your admission, you said it with your chest, and you’re not about to back out now.
He’s quite surprised by this, not anticipating such a blatant compliment from you. “Huh… you’re actually pretty rad yourself. Most people don’t think that and just call me a freak.”
“I mean I’d say I’ma freak too but that hasn’t gotten me any complaints if you know what I mean.” You say with a wink, deciding to lay it on thick.
He smirks at you, catching the vibes you're putting down quickly. “Oh, I understand what you mean. I just didn’t expect you to be this forward luv.”
“What’s the phrase? ‘You miss 100% something something-”
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take?”
“Yeah yeah somethin like that”, you past your giggles. “You tryna get out of here?”
Hobie looks at you almost sideways, and if you didn’t know him better, you’d be put off by the glare. “Get out of here and do what exactly? What’re you planning?” He takes a step towards you, covering more ground than you’d anticipated due to his long strides. He was so close.
“I’m not dumb, I can tell you’re trying to trick me into something, but I’m not quite sure what…”
You smile at that, despite telling the truth, he’d managed to tease you in the process. We’re in the clear. “No trick here, not today at least.”
You look at him through thick lashes, “Did you have any ideas Spidey?” you ask coyly.
The punk chuckles,
“Ah, the ol’ playing coy shtick ‘uh? Not that I have anything against it, honest with you I kinda like it.”
Your tone is drenched in sarcasm, “Me? Coy? What kind of women do you take me for?” You’re feigning being offended, and he continues your banter. He laughs in a friendly way, deeply and honestly, a sound you wish was heard more often by the masses.
“Oh trust me you’re not like the other girls. You’re cool.”
“I’m not like other girls,” you say mockingly, trying to keep him amused. “So, what’s the punk down to do?”
Hobie’s face lights up with excitement, “I know just the place. Ever been to a punk rock show? There’s always tons of wankers to hang out with and it’s basically a Beano with loud ass music.”
You’d know about Spider-Man in front of you’s reputation, his subtle flex of eclectic success was something you’d come to admire about him. “I’ve had my fair share of underground events, though I’d call myself more goth than punk, you ever been to a goth club? I’m down to go to one of your shows if the anarchist is down to do some substances with me.”
He perked up at this. “Hell yeah, I’d be down, I love partying. Although, can I ask what kind of… substances you’re planning on using? I wanna make sure I bring the right shit.”
“Fuck no nothing hard, just weed and drinks will do it for me. That’s pretty stereotypical punk shit tho huh?”
“Yeah, well stereotypes exist for a reason. Though the whole ‘punks are stoners’ stereotype always bothers me, I never got why people think punk = drug abuse…” He shrugs.
The hair feels heavier, don���t kill the mood now! “ Well I do love me some weed, and hell yeah it’d be great to drink with you and have fun.” You keep going, hoping to bring that light back to the spider that was there but a moment ago. “I think the whole stereotype thing is stupid, but I totally understand why it doesn’t make sense to you, hating labels and all that.” You punctuate the end of your sentence with a punch to his shoulder.
“Alright, lead the way ‘Obie!”
He chuckles a bit at that, and playfully shoves you back into the portal he’s opened. You always land on your feet as you enter his dimension with a thud. He’s crouched next to you, standing to take off his mask and tuck his suit away.  
“What was that for huh? I know you can punch ‘arder than that.”
He closes the portal and starts walking towards the club, throwing you a glance over his shoulder. He beckons you to follow. “It’s just up this way, hopefully, there won’t be too big of a crowd.” His guard is down now, it’s just you and Hobie Brown, not Spider-Punk and Black Cat, just two “civs” kickin it.
“If you’re down to spar I can show you more than a little punch Bee.” You send a wink at Hobie, hoping the new nickname didn’t make him uncomfortable. “And hey! I thought you were a celebrity, don’t get special treatment even in the underground huh?”
Hobie smirks at that, “Hah. You’re funny.” He peers down at you, despite your above-average stature. “So you wanna spar then? Because now I’m very tempted to see what you can do.” He’s being cheeky, you can hear it in his tone.
Oh, this man was dangerous, and you can’t help the sly smile that makes its way to your face. “Oh, I’d love to show you everything I can do.” You’re sultry now, biting your lip as you gaze up at him.
“Damn, you’re a cocky little cat huh?” He shakes his head laughing, but can’t hide the big smirk forming on his face.
“Don’t think I won’t accept your challenge, because I will…”
“Oh? Is that so? What’s the punk challenging me to do exactly?” You step closer, still looking up at the man, with a smug grin on your face.
“Oh, I think you know…” He smirks at you and steps closer. “Or should I remind you?”
You grab him by his guitar strap, pulling him down until your lips almost touch. “It must’ve slipped my mind, Bert.” You emphasize his name teasingly.
Despite the way your eyelids flutter shut, and how your lips seem to draw each other in, he chuckles and gives you a quick kiss on the lips, still very clearly smug.
“I’m glad I could remind you.”
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Ending Unplanned
Warning for horny thoughts.
Cross posted on Ao3!
Chapter Seven- Bed Chem
How you pick me up pull 'em down turn me round oh it just makes sense
How you talk so sweet when you're doing bad things
That's bed chem
How you're looking at me, yea I know what that means, and
I'm obsessed
Are you free next week? I bet we'd have really good bed chem
Bed Chem- Sabrina Carpenter
A few days had gone by since Aron and Sam had finally started to form a comfortable friendship. After so long of hardly speaking, it was surprising to know that they could get along so well. She found herself enjoying their new playful dynamic.
The sky was bright and sunny, the air hot with a small occasional breeze. Aron and Melody were laying on lawn chairs, basking in the warmth of the sun after a few hours of swimming in the large in-ground pool. 
Melody’s curly hair was put up into a ponytail, water dripping from the strands. She was wearing a black bikini with white designs, a towel lazily draped over her legs as she hummed softly to the music playing from her phone.
Aron was wearing a peach-colored bikini, her purple hair left down as she laid beside her friend. She closed her eyes and sighed contently, enjoying the feeling of the sun on her face.
Laying in the sun gave her a feeling of nostalgia, the memories of her and her family playing in the pool or ocean causing a soft, happy smile to grace her lips. She may have had a lot of negative experiences with them, but she was grateful for the fond memories she’d collected with her siblings.
“I’ll be right back,” Melody told her, sitting up.
“Where are you going?” Aron asked, glancing over to her friend.
“Just getting some lemonade. You want some?”
Aron hummed. “Oooh! Yes please! Thanks, boo.”
“Of course!” Mel said back as she got up and wrapped the towel around herself before beginning to walk towards the mansion.
Aron closed her eyes again, her mind returning to the happy memories of her childhood. She was broken out of her thoughts by Erik’s voice. “Enjoying the sun, Princess?”
She perked up and looked back at him with a smile. “Mhm!”
“Good, I’m glad. You deserve a moment to relax,” he mused, sitting in the chair beside her. “I must say, you look stunning in your swimsuit.”
Aron felt her cheeks warm at the compliment, a soft laugh escaping her lips. “Thanks! I’ve had it for a while, but I had lost it until unpacking when I moved here.”
Soon, the sun on Aron’s face became a bit uncomfortable. She reached up and touched the skin, which was warm to the touch. “Hey Erik, can you hand me the sunscreen? It’s by your chair,” she told him as she sat up.
“Of course,” he said, handing her the yellow bottle.
She gave him a thankful smile and began applying the cold substance to her face, legs and arms, leaving a shine on her skin.
Aron's double jointed because of a connective tissue disorder she was diagnosed with as a teenager, so she knew she could reach her back pretty easily. However, she couldn't help but take up Eriks offer when he suggested that he take care of applying sunscreen to her back.
She turned so her back was facing him, moving her hair in front of her shoulders so it was out of the way. She sighed contently when Erik's hands smoothed over the planes of her back and shoulder blades, gently massaging the sunscreen in.
When Erik pulled his hands away, Aron turned and gave him a smile. “Thank you!”
“It’s my pleasure, Princess,” Erik said back.
“Are y’all ‘finna train soon?” she asked him curiously, remembering hearing Damien mention it that morning.
“Yes, that is the plan. We need to stay consistent with our training now, even without the risk of Diana and Malix.”
Aron nodded slowly. “Makes sense…doesn’t that mean y’all need enough energy too?”
He chuckled. “Yes, but we’ve gotten better at finding resources since settling to live here.”
Aron leaned in slightly. “That’s good to know. And obviously if you ever need any, I can just give you some of mine,” she offered, her hand brushing over his forearm.
Erik learned in as well, a smirk approaching his lips, but the two were interrupted the other incubi and Melody walking out of the mansion.
“Get a room,” Sam called out to the pair, crossing his arms with a look of annoyance.
Aron giggled, giving the incubus a challenging grin. “What, are you jealous?”
He huffed out a laugh, but his cheeks turned a little pink. “No! I just don’t wanna see you fucking my brother!”
She laughed incredulously, a blush invading her already slightly red face. Erik sighed in annoyance. “No one was ‘fucking,’ Sam. The lovely princess was just offering up some of her energy,” he countered, making her blush more.
Hiding how flustered she was, Aron leaned back in the lawn chair and closed her eyes with a small, amused smile on her face. She heard some more lighthearted bickering between the brothers before they all ventured away from the pool to begin their training.
Soon, Melody sat beside her with the lemonade. Aron grinned and thanked her friend, sipping her drink through the straw.
She could faintly hear the sound of the incubi’s training, and the magic being used caused a soft tingle in her fingertips. For a while, she resisted watching, not wanting to weird them out by staring. But when she finally glanced over, she couldn’t bring herself to look away.
Much to her own dismay, her eyes immediately landed on Sam. She absentmindedly noticed he seemed to be targeting Erik a bit more, but didn’t think about it too long as her mind went other places.
Obviously, she knew the man was absolutely ripped. Out of all of the brothers, he was the one she saw shirtless the most. It wasn’t because she’d paid more attention to him, but he just so happened to be the one that usually paraded around the mansion shirtless as if he owned the place…not like she was complaining.
However, now that she knew there was a possibility that he wasn’t completely vile, she noticed it more.
He’s an incubus, she reminded herself. It’s basically some kind of unspoken rule that he's gonna be hot. Still, she tilted her head, considering. His arms were huge, and she was reminded of the other night, when he’d effortlessly lifted her onto the roof. She also found herself thinking of the times he’d lifted large objects around the house or around the yard. She blushed as she thought of him manhandling h-
“Aron,” Melody whisper-yelled, lightly swatting her arm, effectively cutting off her train of thought.
She blinked and shook her head, her eyes shooting to the brunette. “Wha- what? What is it?” she asked frantically.
“You’re staring,” Melody explained with a laugh, making Aron blush more.
“I wasn’t staring!” she argued.
“Yes, you were! And your face is red!”
“I’m sunburnt!”
“Not that sunburnt!”
“Well- You- Ughhh,” Aron groaned in defeat and laid back down, closing her eyes.
She heard snickers from Melody, unable to stop her own soft laughter.
After a few moments, Aron started to feel a sudden hunger, which caused a painful pit in her stomach. This wasn’t uncommon, she typically didn’t know she was hungry until it hurt. It was mildly irritating, but it wasn’t until she began her training at the hospital that she learned people knew beforehand that they needed to eat.
“I’m hungry,” she sighed.
“Wanna go in and get food?” Melody asked.
Aron debated for a moment before shaking her head. “Nah. Too lazy for that. I’ll eat later,” she said, feeling too comfortable to get up.
Over time, it became more uncomfortable, and she found herself craving a specific food in particular. “I want mac ‘n cheese.”
“I really want mac ‘n cheese.”
“That’s so real,” Melody said back, but neither of them seemed to have any interest in getting up to make any.
Aron chuckled as she spoke. “Dawg, I can fucking taste it. Like- I want it so bad.”
“Go make some,” Melody suggested with her own soft laughter.
Aron debated for a moment and sat up, trying to find the motivation. After a few minutes, the two decided to go inside together and make it.
They entered the kitchen and looked around the cabinets, searching everywhere for the Kraft mac ‘n cheese. Every cabinet, shelf, and counter was frantically searched by the two women.
“What the fuuuck,” Aron complained as she searched the pantry. “We don’t have any.”
“Damn,” Melody sighed. “Do you wanna eat something else?”
Aron laughed as she responded. “Nah, I’m not even hungry no more. I lost my appetite.”
They decided to each get a bag of chips, and they brought some extra bags in case the incubi wanted some as well. They sat back down in the lawn chairs and settled to watch the incubi as they ate.
Aron sighed, the chips failing to fill her food craving. They didn’t fulfill her one bit, and with each bite, she wished it was mac ‘n cheese instead.
“I’m ‘finna be so real with you. I would suck dick for some mac n cheese right now,” she proclaimed with a bored tone in her voice.
“Girl…what?” Melody asked, looking at her with a look that was mixed with shock, concern, and amusement.
“I would suck dick for Mac n cheese,” Aron repeated. “I would give someone head so good that it’s life shattering. They’d have a new positive outlook on life. They’d have hope for the future because of how good it was. I would do that for someone if it meant they’d get me mac ‘n cheese afterwards. I’m dead fucking serious.”
“You’re so real for that,” Melody sighed, leaning back. “So, if one of the incubi, other than James obviously, offered to make you mac n cheese for head, you'd do it?”
“Honestly? Yeah, abso-fuckin'-lutely,” she responded confidently. “Look, sucking dick is fun as fuck, and I'd get Mac n cheese after? Hell yeah.”
Melody started to agree, but was interrupted by Sam. “You guys know we can hear you, right?”
Aron and Melody froze, eyes shooting over at the group of incubi, who were looking at the women with amused expressions- though a few of them were blushing. It wasn’t until the women’s eyes met that they dissolved into laughing fits.
“Whoops,” Aron said in reply with a shrug once her laughing had calmed down.
“We don’t know what you’re talking about,” Melody joked sarcastically. “We were talking about the sunset.”
“Yeah! The sky is beautiful,” she agreed with her friend.
“Uh huh,” Sam said, crossing his arms as the group walked over to them, likely done with their training.
“Is that what you were staring at earlier then, Aron? The sunset?” Damien spoke up, making her blush even more.
“Wha- yep! What else would I be staring at!”
“Well, your thoughts seemed to be focused on S-”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Aron interrupted with a lighthearted tone, laughing even harder as she playfully swatted his arm.
Soon the entire group- including herself- was laughing at her expense. They continued to joke around for a bit before going inside.
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girlygguk · 4 months ago
Loved it❤️ but now I’m curious what did JK do in those chats that weren’t included?👀
waittt AHHH so many of u wanna see jealous koo so bad... u just like me 😏 so if i remember correctly the pics basically went like
oh my fucking this is literally geneuinly my live reaction i just swiped to my photos because i in fact did NOT remember correctly and when i couldn’t find the pics i was like oh right, they’re in the draft post hehe (bc i got a new phone a few months ago and only saved the photos i really needed since my storage was disgustingly full 😭)
so i waddle back into my drafts....
the draft that i posted......
lord help me i am such a damn DOOFUS. i was just gonna put em up for the girlies that wanted to see them 😭 what is wrong with meeee
sighhhhhh anyway LMFAOOO why can’t i make a single post without ranting these days 😭 sorry guys but it was basically
oc calming jk down while he was being all jelly. and then jaehyun actually DID message her LOL and asked how she was doing like, hey, wanna catch up for old times sake? (they really did end on a good note) so she was like sure why not, but i’m bringing my bf. and jaehyun’s like yeah cool, would be nice to see kook too. so then oc msged jk like hi baby, wanna go for dinner? & jk’s like absolutely my pumpkin wumpkin snickerdoodle where we going?? oc says *insert italian restaurant* he’s like perf, i’ll make the reservation after training. she’s like great, but baby jaehyun wants to come and catch up is that ok? and he’s like LOOOOOOOOOOOL *insert jelly drama texts blah blah blah*
oc’s like okay gukkie, it’s not a big deal. i’ll just tell him never mind, okay?? but can we still go bc i’m hungry?? 🥺 then jk goes actually baby, coach just asked me to stay later for drills sorry let's go another time?? oc’s like :) k. THENN jaehyun posts a throwback pic of oc with a ladybug on her finger (from when they were together) at the beach, and jk LOOSESSSSS IT 😭 oc texted jaehyun like wtf are you doing weirdo 😭 delete that, and he’s like it’s just a throwback pic cmonnnn, y/n... she’s like no, you knew what you were doing. delete it?? *filler filler stuff* then last pic was jk messaging jaehyun like, you good bro..? *insert testosterone-filled texts* and then at the end jaehyun (literally a sweetheart idk why i made him a dick in the smau) is like yeah bro. just a throwback pic, came up in my snap memories. did u like it? and jk’s like yeah bro, it was cool! i like this one better though *insert pic of oc on her knees shirtless, sucking his thumb* BYEEEE i’m unwired 😭😭😭 wow okay this took up my whole break to answer and now i'm late back but i’ll sneak my phone out and get to more asks when i can <3 the asks in my inbox right now actually made my nose sting and i cried guysss i'm not joking. i love you so much you don’t get it u don't FUCKING GET ITTTT
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Daycare Snacks Vash AU Part 11
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A/n: Again I apologize for delaying this chapter! But I hope you enjoy! Also I apologize for this being a long post to scroll through. There’s a lot I needed to add so I’m going to split this part up. Expect another update on this very soon <3
It was another hectic week at the daycare with Vash and Liz. Since the holidays were coming up, everyone was either decorating or trying to cram in as many lessons as they could for the kids. Even some of the kids were a bit more rowdier than usual as they were excited to celebrate. Then there were some who were starting to feel sad that they couldn’t see their friends or favorite helpers. Overall, there wasn’t a dull moment with anyone. It was the week before the holidays started and you were having your lunch break with Vash.
Ever since the night you invited him to the arcade, you’ve been telling Vash more about your actual favorite shows, games, and some of your collectibles. He never once interrupted you and just admired how passionate your were about your interests. Sometimes he’ll ask or remember the things you mentioned and would share memes or news about it that always put a smile to your face. Today at lunch, Vash wanted to show you a new video about one of his favorite video game series coming out. 
“Okay so Y/n, think of it like this. It’s more open world so you can explore and do more things than what the original game series is known for! Just look at how beautiful the graphics are and the music too!” Vash gushed as he had to stop himself from shaking with joy while steadying his phone. You were captivated by the game trailer he showed you as you’ve never seen a video game look that beautiful with its gameplay with a simple but effective art style.
“That looks really cool! And you said it’s coming out soon right? Do you mind if I watch you play it once you get it?” you asked him.
“Of course! I’ll message you once I get it. Plus you’re more than welcome to come over to watch! And I can teach you how to play it if you like! It’s not that hard to play. I’m pretty sure I can adjust the settings for you so it isn’t too hard,” Vash explained as you couldn’t help but smile at how much he was willing to include you for things like this. Meanwhile, Liz and a few other coworkers were staring from the distance with a few smirks on their faces.
“You think they would’ve gotten together by now?” one of the workers mentioned as Liz waved them off.
“Listen, it’s getting there. Ever since I told Y/n I couldn’t make it to that cafe, things have been going smoothly. But maybe we can push ‘em a little more in the right direction,” Liz commented as she started racking her brain with a few ideas.
It was the end of the day where you and Vash waved goodbye to the last kid who got picked up. You both cleaned up and were about to gather your things in the employee lounge until Liz came in with a cup in her hand. Turned out she wanted to do a small gift exchange for the holidays next week for fun. Both you and Vash agreed it was a nice idea and picked out who you were going to gift. The only thing was, none of you can say who you got until next week when it was time to gift each other. After you picked, Vash took you home.
You were resting back at your apartment watching one of your favorite shows to pass the time before going to bed. As the plot twist was revealed, your phone rang and started you by surprise. You checked to see it was Vash calling you. You took a deep breath and picked up.
“Hey Vash, what’s up?” you greeted.
“Hey, Y/n, is this a good time to talk?” he asked.
“Yeah, you’re not bothering me or anything,” you replied as you heard him relax on the other end.
“Oh good! I was calling because one of my friends told me that there’s this big marketplace event called Traders Village happening tomorrow at the neighboring city nearby. There’s going to be all kinds of vendors there including local and big named ones too. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? I figured it would be a good place to find some gift ideas for our gift exchange. It’ll only be a 30 minute drive to get there, but I hear it’s worth going to. Up to you,” Vash offered as you pondered on the idea. 
“So what you’re saying is it’ll be a mini road trip?” you clarified as Vash laughed.
“I can provide the entertainment and snacks if you like,” he added as you giggled.
“Sure, I’d love to join,” you answered.
“Aw Y/n it’s going to be great! You won’t regret it. I’ll pick you up at 9!” he gushed as your smile grew bigger by how excited he was.
“Okay, I’ll see you then. Good night Vash,” you spoke.
“Good night Y/n,” he commented and then hung up. You grabbed the plushie he got you and then dialed Cora’s number. You explained to her what happened as she teased you to where your blush kept deepening in shades of red.
The next morning, you were dressed in your most comfy yet stylish clothes with a cardigan that pulled your look together. You even brought one of your bigger bags to carry a few items with you for today. Vash messaged you that he was on his way, while you waited outside your apartment for his car to pull up. You then saw his car parking and went downstairs to meet him. He unlocked his car so you can sit in the passenger seat. Vash was wearing a black turtleneck with a white button up where he left a few of the top buttons loose. He wore slightly black pants and some familiar combat boots.
“Morning! Someone looks ready to have fun!” Vash greeted as you flashed him a smile.
“I am, thanks for inviting me! So I’m curious what you have in plan while we get there,” you spoke as you buckled in your seatbelt.
“Oh I have lots of things ready for today. Just sit back and relax,” he added as he put his hand behind your seat and started to reverse the car. Turns out Vash made a playlist for this little road trip last night so you could be comfortable and jam out. He even packed some of your favorite snacks that you would ask for at the daycare and a couple of waters just in case. Vash made you the DJ for the first part of the trip while you talked to him as he drove. If he ever asked for a small snack and water, you got him covered. You actually surprised him by packing a few of his favorite snacks as well.
“Wait, you remembered?” he asked as you handed him his favorite treat from your bag.
“Of course I do! You’ve been treating me whenever we hang out and when you get me my snacks at daycare. Now it’s my turn. Although, I know it’s not much,” you answered as he grabbed the snack from you.
“No this is perfect! Thanks Y/n! I was actually craving this earlier, but the store near me ran out,” he replied after taking a few bites. Vash would continue talking about how great the market was. When you passed by certain areas, he would also point out how those were other memorable places that he wanted to take you another time. 
After being on the road for 30 minutes, you both saw the sign for the market event as Vash drove to the nearest parking place. When he said it was called Traders Village, you had no idea that what he said was literal. It looked like the whole event took up the biggest space possible with multiple colorful tents for each shop. The place was much bigger than any convention space you’ve ever seen. Your mouth was agape from being awestruck that you didn’t realize Vash was opening your side of the door. He helped you get up as he had the biggest smile on his face.
“So what do you think?” Vash asked.
“I feel like I’m going to get lost, because this place is huge!” you commented. 
“Just stay close to me and I’ll show you around! I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen. You let me know if there’s a booth you want to check out and we can take a look,” he offered his hand to you. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have him with you as you grabbed his hand. Vash led the way as you followed him. You got a glimpse of the entrance to see tons of people walking around to different vendors. The place was lively to say the least as you looked to see what each person was selling. Vash led you to one vendor who was selling trinkets and stationary items that had some characters you recognized on TV. You then pointed out another vendor who was selling vintage merch of old shows that Vash was gushing over as he showed you his favorites.
It wasn’t until you landed at a vendor who was selling jam and fruits at their table. You stopped Vash from moving forward and told him you wanted to check this place out. Once you walked up, you noticed the person was offering free tasting samples. You asked to try a few and the minute you tasted them, you were astonished with how sweet the flavors were.
“These are so much better than the grocery store!” you commented as the vendor laughed.
“I grew these myself, and took a lot of playing around until I got the right flavor. Are you interested in any?” she asked.
“Yes! Can I grab two of your most popular fruit and one jam?” you asked as she prepared some items. Once she rang you up to pay, Vash got in front of you and offered his card to the lady.
“Vash no!” you called out as Vash just gave you a grin.
“Just this one time,” he argued as you got slightly red.
“One time? You mean the multiple times you’ve done this every time we hang out?!” you questioned as you tried to pull his arm back and offer your card to the lady.
“I’ll cover this for today and you can pay whatever you like at the next vendor,” Vash offered as he slammed his card while the market lady just laughed.
“Y’all are the funniest couple I’ve seen today,” she commented as you turned a deeper shade of red after hearing that. Little did you know, Vash was also flustered from hearing that as you stuttered.
“Oh, w-w-we aren’t a couple. We work together and he invited me here,” you explained as the lady was still smirking at you both before handing over your items in a bag. Before you could answer again, Vash pointed out another vendor to check out. You noticed he was also flustered and that his ears were a tinge of red. You started thinking about what it would be like if you and Vash were a couple. But you mentally shook that thought out and had to focus on why you were here. Gift shopping. You can worry about Vash later.
The both of you looked at more booths and saw Vash purchase a few items for himself on some rare collectibles from a video game he couldn’t pass up on. Meanwhile you spotted a few notebooks and handmade jewelry that Vash didn’t stop you from buying. If anything, he was happy that you took the time to show him what caught your eye and gave his honest opinion about you wearing them.
“Those look great on you!” he would say as you happily purchased them. It wasn’t until you spotted one vendor who had the perfect item you could gift to Liz. You told Vash you wanted to stop by the booth and he agreed. But, he wanted to let you know there was another booth nearby he wanted to grab for his gift exchange and that he’ll be there or try to rush back to you. You figured it was okay as you went to the next vendor. 
They had a variety of items, but what caught your eye was the handmade tumblers they had with different characters and logos on them. Liz was a coffee drinker and you overheard her talk about how much she loved this new show she was watching and one of the tumblers had the logo and a few characters on it. You never purchased an item so fast. The vendor also decided to give you a buy one get one free deal. You then picked a tumbler for yourself that you could see yourself using. Then you spotted the booth had some DVDs up for sale and one DVD caught your eye. It was the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood DVD and Bluray collection with additional items as well. You remembered Vash telling you how much he wanted this but couldn’t find it anywhere. 
“How much for the DVD set?” you asked.
“I would sell it for $80 but since you’ve bought a few things for me, I’ll give it to you for $40,” he offered as you immediately handed him your card. You glanced over to make sure Vash didn’t see you buying this as you made sure to double bag the item so he couldn’t see. You thanked the vendor before making your way to Vash. It looked like he was still at the booth but there were two people talking to him. Maybe it was people he knew? Upon closer look, you saw Vash’s face look uncomfortable as he was slowly backing away and frowning. You walked closer and started to hear their conversation.
“What? We just wanted to say hi to our old friend. Remember the nickname they gave you back then? Vash the Stampede? Or the Humanoid Typhoon?” one commented.
“Yeah, you were such a klutz back then! I can never forget how much of a mess you left that one time back in home period!" the other guy brought up. You noticed Vash was looking more timid.
“Nice to see that you guys are doing well,” Vash said in a more dejected tone that you never heard before. 
“So what brings you here? Are you planning on stampeding this place too?” the guy asked. 
“There you are! I was wondering where you went,” you chimed in as you held onto Vash’s arm. You could feel Vash slightly jump from your touch as he looked at you. His blue eyes looked into your e/c eyes and saw a mix of emotions.
“Oh and who’s this cutie? You didn’t tell us you brought someone with you Vash,” they commented as you kept a smile on your face, but mentally you were ready to throw hands at them.
“I’m Y/n, one of Vash’s friends. We work together at a daycare,” you introduced yourself as the guys chuckled.
“Vash? Vash the Stampede at a daycare? I bet it must be a lot of work cleaning up after his mess. Do you know how much of a riot he was back then in our class?” one of them laughed.
“Actually, Vash is the most responsible person I’ve ever worked with. The kids, parents, and staff trust him with everything. In fact, he mentored me when I first started working and had to clean up my mess. So if anything I was a handful,” you retorted with high praises but slowly started to glare at the two. You were so focused on the two guys that you didn’t notice yourself squeezing Vash’s arm and getting closer to him.
“Look we’re just saying as his old friends what we knew about Vash back then. Just wanted to warn you about him is all,” one of the guys was defending himself as you took one step forward.
“You know last time I checked, friends don’t bring each other down like that. Also warning me? That’s for me to decide about who I pick to be with. And I pick Vash. Now if you’re done talking, we got places to go,” you said a bit aggressively as you pulled Vash away. You kept walking until you found a bench to sit on and noticed Vash was too quiet for you liking. You looked at him to see him staring at you with wide eyes.
“Everything okay Vash? About earlier, I kinda overheard and couldn’t standby. In my defense they didn’t seem like good friends,” you spoke trying to get a feel of the mood right now. His blue eyes never looked away from yours as you were starting to fidget a bit.
“No, I’m okay. I just wanted to ask...everything you said back there. Did you mean it?” he asked.
“Of course, I stand by what I said back there. You’re such a huge help and someone I look up to. And once we started hanging out more, I realized anyone is lucky to have you in their life. As for your “friends” earlier they’re still jerks,” you answered as you pouted at the thought of those guys.
“Would you still say the same if I told you what they said was true? Like them calling me Vash the Stampede? Humanoid Typhoon? The guy who was known to make messes wherever he goes? Would you still hang out with me?” Vash asked once more as you looked away to think.
“You know my parents once told me this saying. Life is kinda like a movie. When you meet someone, you meet them in the middle of the film. You can’t stop the film, so I have no idea what happened before then or what will happen in the future. I guess what I’m trying to say is I met you right in the middle. I have no idea about what happened before. BUT, I’m willing to listen how you listened to me like last time. I’d like to learn more about you if you let me. The good and bad. So I’m sticking by you regardless,” you answered as you flashed him a fond smile as you felt yourself blush. It took a lot for you to say that, but after how Vash asked you...he needed to know. 
Vash was still quiet, but his blue eyes started to light up at your answer. You could even see his cheeks turning pink which you found absolutely cute. He then pulled you into a tight hug and whispered, “Thank you, I don’t know how I got lucky on meeting you.” Oh you were extra grateful that Vash couldn’t see how much your face was turning red as a tomato. Everything he did was making your heart rush to where you might have to call an ambulance for what he was doing. You then hugged him back as best as you could before he pulled away.
“Sorry for making you worry earlier and asking that. My mind tends to wander. Hope this didn’t ruin our market day,” Vash apologized as he scratched his cheek and let out a nervous laugh. You shook your head and waved off his comment.
“Oh no, not at all! You have nothing to apologize for! Besides I needed a quick break before buying some more again. Plus, we haven’t even explored a good chunk yet!” you reassured him as he looked at your bags.
“Woah, you bought a lot there. Is that for the gift exchange?” he pointed out as you looked at the bag filled with gifts. You made sure it was hidden well so he couldn’t see the contents inside and nodded at him.
“Wow! Whoever you got must be really lucky!” he commented. You giggled trying to hold back the surprise and thought oh yeah they’re pretty lucky.
“Oh speaking of, I spotted this booth you might like! Come on, let’s hurry before they run out of stuff!” Vash mentioned as he got up and pulled you with him. He even grabbed some of your bags because he insisted. You gave in as he made a puppy face at you, but you made sure you held your most recent purchase.
“Hang on tight, don’t want to lose you in this crowd,” he finished and quickly turned to look at you while flashing you that beautiful smile of his. With the way he was holding you close, hand-in-hand, and then that face, you felt your stomach turn in knots as your heart raced once more. Oh if only he know what exactly he did to you so effortlessly.
A/n: Hi! Thanks for reading probably my longest chapter! Again this is half of the full chapter I wanted to release. But I rather split it up for everyone who reads this. Thanks for being patient with me! I hope you like this and like the next one <3
@marydragneell @daschstuff​
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dixxiemaegraphics · 11 months ago
Okay finally have a moment to write about meeting Rohan Campbell (since I’m in the airport now)… So on the first night of Horrorhound I only popped in to grab my wristband and take a look around, thinking it would be bigger and busier than it was… AND that things would close up sooner (I got there around 8pm but apparently things run late!) So I said fuck it, let’s go see some guests. I went to his table where there was hardly anyone there (again, I was surprised by that) and made small talk with his handlers and volunteers (all supes friendly and casual) until it was my turn (there were probably like 2-3 people before me)… So when I came face to face, I luckily remembered to introduce myself first (I am TERRIBLE at that) and he very sweetly introduced himself back. (Side note, he is very happy and light and chill like ALL the time. I think he’s just like that, y’all.) I told him I ordered a selfie but I wanted to show him some art first on my phone (stuff I’ve posted here before). I apologized for not having time to get it all printed but I said something like “This is what I would’ve brought for you. I always try to bring people I meet art!” And he was loving it, saying he wishes they were stickers so he could slap ‘em on his phone (meaning the orange sticker sheet I designed lol). So anyways, we get into position to take the photo, and I ask if he can take it because I have short arms and am a small person in general. He goes “Sure but I’m so bad at it, I’m sorry!” So we take a few and he says “I think they look pretty good.” I go “It’s cuz you got such a handsome smile!” and he goes “No it’s cuz you’re in them!” Ahhh a sweet boy. He mentions again that he wishes he had prints/stickers of the art and I say “I’ll see what I can do before tomorrow—but I’d only do that for you.” And we wish each other a good night, see ya later.
The next day I managed to get a couple of prints made at a Kinkos, and head to his table first. Soon as he arrives (again there’s like no one hanging out at his table) he sees me coming up with papers in a folder and goes “YOU GOT THEM PRINTED?!” So I scurry up (greeting his same very kind handlers) and he immediately gets up to hug me. He looks at the other portrait I included (the blue and pink neon one I’ve posted here) and goes “Oooo you made me so sexy and smouldery” and we laugh about it and go on about the art. He’s so thankful and gives me another big embrace. He then asks about my process, I bore him with what it’s like to draw on an iPad… And then he asks me what else I’m doing at the con that day, I tell him and we get into a conversation about my anxiety about meeting people, and go on about that. We go on about nerves and stuff until he asks his handler “Hey what time are we done today? 5?” She answers 10pm to which he makes a little bug-eyed face at. I tell him get some caffeine and rest and right as we say goodbye he’s got people coming up his line. He was super cute and casual and yeah 😅
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sarasilverspring · 9 months ago
Fandom: Outer Range (Amazon Prime)
Summary: A singing cowboy, the adoptive Abbott daughter, and too much damn free time after the Colter Wall concert goes south. What could go wrong?
8.0k words. Childhood friends/family enemies to lovers. Self-indulgent Billy Tillerson/poc!OFC.
Smut with feelings, breeding kink, unsexy use of a knife. Marriage epilogue. Spoilers for Seasons 1 and 2, but not in great detail.
Saw the gifs of this man in the bathtub and went feral. Good and absolute mercy.
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I’m way too horny over this damn boy. I’ve been talking about this fucking fic on my main blog but I’m too cowardly to post it there. Oh well. Enjoy, folks.
Cross-posted on AO3 at terraincognita777.
TW: narrowly avoided harassment/assault.
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A young woman sways at the counter, covered with sandwich materials next to the farmhouse-style sink, singing along with Juice Newton, “just call me angel of the morning, angel.”
The exterior door into the parlor shuts. The woman at the counter, making herself a sandwich, quickly turns the radio off.
“Hey there, Abby,” Royal says, taking off his jacket and hanging it on the hook row in the kitchen. The young woman turns around.
“Hey yourself, Dad,” she said, walking to him and embracing him. She bends her wrists to make sure she doesn’t get mayonnaise on his shirt. “How was the game?”
“Oh, good. Amy scored a couple of goals on the other team. I’d reckon she outplayed all the other girls on that field.”
“That’s amazing. Wish I could have seen it. Where’s she now?”
“Gone for a hike. She’ll be back for supper.”
“Okay. You can have her sandwich, then.” She stacks three turkey sandwiches onto a plate, setting it at Royal’s place at the table. He sits.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
“You’re welcome, Dad.” She presses a kiss to his temple.
They are silent as Abby works to clean up the lunch mess. She climbs the stairs, changing from her tee shirt and girlfriend jeans into bootcuts, a black tee, and a maroon flannel, pulling on her nicer pair of boots and heading down the steps, going back into the dining room to speak to Royal.
“Oh, I forgot to mention. I’m headed into town, needta pick up some stuff at the general store and then Colter Wall’s playing at the arena. I’ll be back around nine or so. Don’t wait up for me, I already told Mom I wouldn’t be home till later.”
“Okay, then.”
“I’ll see you tonight before you go to bed.” Abby smiles at him, pulling her jacket and hat off the hook and heading for the front.
She puts on her hat as she shuts the door behind her and struts to the square-bodied old Ford.
The radio blares as she turns over the ignition. “…highs in the low 60s and lows in the low 20s today, folks, with a cold front coming in overnight to drop the next few days’ temps to the high 30s during the daytime—“
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Abby says, queueing up her driving music on her phone as she turns the radio off. The engine sputters and hums, idling the truck under her.
The opening strains of Fleetwood Mac’s “Rhiannon” begin, and she shifts the gear into drive, peeling out down the long, long driveway and speeding toward town, singing of supernatural women, believing herself to be a Rhiannon all her own.
“All your life you’ve never seen woman, taken by the wind, would you stay if she promised to you heaven,
Will you ever win?
Will you ever win?”
She’s pulled into her usual parking spot in front of the store when she feels something distinctly off in the air. It’s a normal afternoon, and everyone is running their various errands. Abby’s hackles are raised more when she steps out of the truck, shutting the door behind her.
She walks into the store, greeting the clerk with a “Hey, Mae, how’s your mom and ‘em?” and heading straight for the personal wellness aisle. Abby picks a few boxes of light cotton pads off the shelf, and two bars of chocolate in the candy aisle.
“$11.11,” Mae says when Abby’s at the counter. Thank God she's a woman, she thinks absently.
“Cash or card?”
“Uh, card.” She hands her First National Bank of Wyoming card over, and is returned it quickly. The older woman bags the items. “Thank you very much, ma’am, have a good day,” Abby says with a wide smile. Mae returns the farewell, and as Abby leaves the store, she still can’t shake that oddly sinking feeling.
There’s a red Ford behind her sky-blue one. She tilts her head and peers at it. Also square-body, also old, longer bed, single cab. That damn Tillerson boy.
Billy Tillerson has just left Wabang Drug, and is crossing the street to his truck, when he sees a young and heavily muscled brown woman, not Indian or Mexican, just brown, grocery bag in hand, staring at his Ford.
Their eyes meet. Hers widen. Seeing a Tillerson outside their territories of the family ranch, the bank, and the town bars is almost a sin.
Billy tilts his head down at her once he’s at the drivers side door. This isn’t the first time she’s locked eyes with him since they were about eighteen, and if he has any say in the matter, it won’t be his last, especially tonight at the Colter Wall show.
Her brown eyes are white and wide as saucers and she’s rooted to the spot. Move, goddammit, she’s chanting to herself. Stop looking at the boy and move. Who cares if you were friends back when.
“Hi, Billy,” she manages, twitching her fingers in a little wave. Her coiled dark brown hair shakes with the motion of her arms.
“Hey yourself, Abby,” Billy says. “Ma’am,” and he touches his hat, getting into his truck.
He’s chugging off down the street when Abby comes to again, shaking her head and hauling herself into her own truck.
She pulls out of the parking space and heads to the library, where she devours a sci-fi novel in just over five hours curled up on the floor in a nice back corner, away from where the majority of patrons tend to congregate or browse the shelves.
She checks her watch at last, the silence having grown to a fever pitch. It’s nearly sunset, from the dust motes swirling by the windows in golden light. Abby rises from the floor, dusting her jeans off and reshelving the book.
The opening act is already going strong by the time that she arrives at the arena, tires on the truck kicking up dust, but Abby’s only come to see the main event.
Which she does, alone, swaying in the crowd of people and stamping her feet. Alone like Royal and Cecilia would probably narrow their eyes a bit at because she’s been in their lives long enough to be their daughter, essentially. the gray soil fills her nose as Colter declares the last song of the set; the opening notes of her personal favorite, “The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie” play out.
A couple of yards behind her, Billy Tillerson is watching her coily hair move with her, slowly, simply, as if to tease him. He’s mouthing the lyrics to the song and sipping off of a beer when he remembers it’s there.
His peaceful night’s watch of Abigail “Adoptee” Abbott, family enemy and forbidden interest since childhood, is interrupted when she’s pulled out of her spot by a bullrider he’s seen around town, mostly at The Handsome Gambler during the day and The Pit at night, when he’s deigned to go to either or dragged out by Luke or Trevor.
Where did they go? he asks himself, and sets out to hunt her down. He’s a tracker, and while he can’t identify her like a bear, he knows how to find whatever animal he’s after - including the one that took Abby.
Fifteen goddamned years of martial arts training, I can wrassle wolves, and I can’t get rid of this weirdo? Abby thinks as she’s yanked off toward the parking lot. Second location is the only phrase running through her head.
She’s practically short circuiting, but she catches just a hint of his cologne on the wind. Brian Riggins, one of Rhett’s friends, bullfighter. I can’t shake him easily, the music is loud, but maybe it’s still early enough to where someone’s out.
She can’t figure out in the darkness where exactly in the parking lot they are, but the arm she’s being yanked by is used to swing the rest of her body around, pinning her back against a truck.
So it’s definitely a power display and he doesn’t give a shit I know who he is, great. Which means he’s probably at a higher risk of killing me. Even better.
“Hey, Abigail,” Brian mutters, “I know you’re pretty damn smart, so I don’t know how you ain’t gotten this through your thick little skull yet, but there ain’t no one out right now, and that concert’s too big a noise for anyone to hear the two of us. Which means, sweet thing, you’re all mine and I don’t have to worry about getting interrupted.”
Abby can see the light glaring off his eyes as tiny pinpricks bounce off of them in the night. Bastard.
Her yanks are proving ineffectual, and no number of obscenities or amount of spittle she can fling at him is working to keep his filthy lips off her neck, when her savior comes around in the form of a man in all black from head to toe.
Abby is frozen in fright. Still stock straight against the truck and still clothed, she can only listen in horror to the sickening crunch of bone and subdued groans of pain as blow after blow lands.
The man straightens from the ground at long last. “Hey, Abby. You alright, there?” He says, gently, so gently.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I think,” she stutters, voice evening eventually.
“Are you wanting to go back to the concert or would you like me to drive you home?”
Abby can tell by the soft edges of his voice it’s that neighbor boy Billy Tillerson, but damn if he didn’t come in just in time.
She needs the softness.
She welcomes the pad of Billy’s thumb against her cheek, wiping away a stray tear and bringing it to his mouth. “You’re too pretty to cry, Abby Abbott.”
The young woman snuffles, wiping at her nose with the cuff of her flannel. “Thanks, Billy. I don’t really agree, but thanks.”
He smiles at her without teeth in the night. “You’re welcome. Concert or home?”
“Uh, home, please.”
“Okay. That sounds good. Let’s get you home,” Billy says, offering his arm to Abby. She wraps one hand around it, and then the other.
The stars are bright, and forgiving in their light, and she is happy, oddly, in the warm and lax half-embrace of this protector.
It’s only a couple of minutes, she reckons, for them to reach the truck, a fine layer of dust coating the red paint, dull in the darkness. Billy opens the passenger door for her, offering her a hand up.
“Really getting the princess treatment tonight, huh?” she asks.
“You deserve it.”
He shuts the door, walking around to the driver’s side and getting in. “Do you want to play any music? I usually don’t, but if you want to, you’re more than welcome.”
“No, I’m good. Thanks.” There’s a hint of a smile in her voice, Billy notices.
“Okay, suit yourself. Let me know if that changes.”
They’re silent for a long time, and Abby’s lost in a thought from earlier that day when she begins to absently, quietly, sing “Rhiannon” to herself. She’s about halfway through the second verse before Billy picks it up, just as delicately. His voice echoes a millisecond after hers like a feather-light touch.
They finish the song and are silent for a couple of minutes more, until Billy begins to hum the beginning of “Dreams”.
“Big Fleetwood Mac fan, are you?” Abby asks.
Billy laughs. “You could say that, I guess. I just love Stevie’s voice.”
Abby lets him sing the rest of “Dreams” alone, and just as he’s finishing, she notes the big Y-split driveway for their respective homes coming up.
She feels terribly nauseous in a half-second; that gut instinct everyone tells you about, forces words up into her throat: “Take me back home with you. Please. I have a bad feeling.”
Billy nods silently. “You got it.”
Abby takes her phone out of her back pocket, tapping at the screen. She curses at it when it fails to illuminate. “You kidding me?” She sighs.
“What’s up?”
“My phone’s dead. Not the end of the world. I was just thinking about calling my parents and letting them know I’m not going to be home tonight.”
“We can charge it once we get up to the house.”
“Awesome. Thanks.”
They roll up the gravel and park in front of “the house”, which by Abbott standards could only be called a mansion.
“Yay,” Abby says weakly, opening her door.
“Need any help getting out?” Billy asks.
“No, thank you.”
Billy waits outside the truck for Abby to get out, and once she does, her heavy breathing is quickly evident to him. In the front floodlights of the house, he can see her breath creating mist in the air.
“Hey, you okay?” Billy asks.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s just get in the house, I’m really cold,” she laughs, shaking more than before.
Once they’re inside, Billy takes Abby’s jacket from her. “Dad? Luke?” he calls out.
“In here,” Abby hears Wayne Tillerson’s voice from the study.
“Your dad’s here?” Abby hisses. “Jesus, I can’t be here. He’s gonna flip out.” She throws up her hands in frustration, but Billy can sense her panic.
“He won’t. You’ll be fine.” He smiles at her, pure and genuine.
And then he offers her his hand.
She feels that nauseous sensation roiling in her stomach again. Her underarms prickle with nervousness. She takes his offered hand, and Billy leads her to Wayne Tillerson, the one wolf her father told her never to wrassle with.
Wayne Tillerson, ranch hand and owner, has no tolerance for bullshit, and certainly not in his own house, so when he sees his darling, blessed youngest son, a fully-grown man but famously devoid of genuine women, waltz into his bedroom hand-in-hand with the only Abbott daughter, all he can say is an impeccably accented “Well, shit.”
Both Billy and Abigail are praying that Mr. Tillerson is in a good mood. It seems like it’ll be the difference between her life and death.
Abigail’s eyes widen, and she bows a little. “Hello there, Mr. Tillerson, sir,” she says with hopefully unevident fear and trembling.
“Boy, what are you doing bringing the damn Abbott girl home?” Wayne growls.
“I—” Billy starts.
“And you better explain real good real quickly. You got about fifteen seconds left of me toleratin’ this.”
At that deadline, Abby steps forward, head low, and when Billy tries to pull her back, she snatches her arm out of his grasp.
“Sir, your son Billy here was gracious enough to lay into Brian Riggins. He was trying to run off with me and wasn’t having my trying to put up a fight against him. Billy offered to drive me home after he put the son of a bitch down and I got a real bad feelin’ when we were about to split off for my parents’ and so I asked if I could stay with him tonight and he is very kind to let me sleep here overnight. I know you and my daddy don’t get along well, sir, but—”
Wayne nods. “Well, alright then.” Billy’s almost startled at the benevolence in his father’s voice.
“Sir, you don’t—” Abigail begins. Wayne holds up a hand.
“I understand, Miss Abbott. I’m proud of my boy. And who knows, maybe you’ll like it here so much your daddy’ll be willin’ to trade you for that strip of land off the west pasture.”
Abigail is rather shocked, but then, this is Wayne Tillerson, who bore a dynasty out of fire, blood, and toil. She wouldn’t put it past him to keep her there, for as long as any of the Tillerson men wanted. Alarm bells rung faintly in the back of her mind–but then again, they nearly always did.
“Only if I’m worth that much, sir,” Abby laughs with little mirth. “Only if I’m worth that much.”
Wayne leans back in his chair, recrossing his evening robe over him. Then at the sight of Abby still with her head bowed before him, his face breaks into a smile– closer to a smirk, but close enough to a smile.
“Well, then, I don’t suppose I have any more questions for you. Y’all go on.” He pauses a second. “Darlin’, I hate to ask you to leave without your host, but I’d like to speak to my boy just a minute in private.”
“Yes, sir,” Abby says. Billy opens the door of the room, and Abby murmurs her thanks as she leaves. The click shut echoes through the gargantuan house, thankfully still lit by chandeliers and recessed lighting. All she can hear is one baritone and one tenor voice, both very low and calm.
After minutes, likely, the door opens again. Billy exits, shutting it behind him.
“Should I ask what that was about?”
“Hm, probably not.” He half-smiles.
“I won’t, then.”
“Better for your health anyways.”
She follows Billy down the hallways back into the main room, and down another hallway.
Billy opens the door on the right, and the scent of cedar already prevalent in the house is supplemented with pine and mixed with incense as she steps into the room.
“How about that phone charger? I’d text my dad soon.”
“Yeah, I would, too.” He unplugs a charger from his bedside. ”Here. Plug it in wherever you’d like,” he says, handing it to her.
“Thanks.” She crosses to the wall with windows, plugging the phone in and setting it on the will. Billy drapes her jacket over the footboard of his bed. “So. Um. Where do you think I can sleep? I’m not expecting to take a guest room, or. Yeah. I don’t know. I think I’d rather stick around you, honestly.”
“You can take my bed,” Billy says nonchalantly. “I can go sleep out on the couch.”
Something in this strikes her as still wrong, as being separated from him even in sleep as wrong. She can’t stand it.
“I’d actually prefer for us to sleep in the same room. If that’s okay with you, of course,” she adds quickly, nervously fiddling with her fingers.
Billy nods then, like his father. “I can do that.” He takes a seat on his bed, one leg up to turn his body toward her.
The silence hangs uncomfortably between them.
“You know—”
“You’re really—”
Billy and Abby laugh at the same time.
“You go first,” Billy says, waving a hand at her. She leans against the wall, crossing her arms.
Abby chuckles. “You’re really not how I expected you to be. I thought you’d be more of a womanizer like Luke. Seems like he goes around dippin’ his wick in anything that moves.”
Billy laughs with his stomach. “He sure as hell does, doesn’t he!” This is the first time this city-looking boy has sounded country, and it suits him better, Abby thinks.
Abby suddenly pictures Luke as an anthropomorphized candle dipping its wick in other candles.
She begins to laugh too, doubling over. “Oh, Jesus,” she says between fits of hooting. “Oh, mercy, this is too bad. Oh, that’s just too bad.”
She comes to, through her laughter, heat growing in her stomach and blooming up to her face as an idea rotten as an onion takes root in her mind.
“What’s too bad?” Billy asks, leveling his gaze at her.
She looks like a moonflower to him, or the moon itself, by the window, palatial, regal, and delicate, and he can taste the iron in his mouth as he bites back desire in his tongue.
He can practically feel blood draining out of his head, out of his legs and fingertips. Could he smell her from here? How could he catch her perfume on the wind of the ceiling fan?
He’s being consumed, he imagines, by fire, just as she is. The only way that she can rationalize her own reaction is that her brain is trying to overlay the near-assault with something good, something positive and beautiful, but why does she want it with her family enemy?
“Abigail.” Billy says. Shit.
“You didn’t answer my question.” His blue eyes are dark across the room as his body is backlit by the bedside lamp, but she knows he watches her like a hawk.
“What were you asking?” Abby’s fidgeting again.
Billy rises from his spot on the bed, ambling towards her in that not-quite-city, not-quite-country cowboy manner he’s so fond of.
“What’s too bad?” he nearly whispers, coming to a stop about half a yard from her, and she has to look up just a tad– but before she can, he is lifting her chin with a pointer finger.
“I know that we just got into it with Brian, but is this alright with you?” he asks gently. She is hallucinating the moon in his eyes.
She nods, blinking her eyes to their closure and swallowing confused phlegm out of her throat.
It takes so much of her self-control not to keen, and she’s already swaying toward him as if they’re magnetized.
His hand inches up to her cheek, and he steps in until he’s fully in her space. They are sharing breaths, warm and heavy near the exterior wall, near the autumnal night.
“What’s. Too. Bad.” He says, making sure to enunciate fully and punctuating the words with miniscule kisses to her cheeks and nose. Abby’s body shakes, so close to him. “Hm?” he murmurs.
Abby only stutters.
“Don’t make me have to get it out of you, sweet thing.”
A half-cried moan is out of her mouth before any intelligible thoughts, and his cologne is in her nose, his thumbs pressing against the pillowy flesh of her full mouth, and his other hand trailing down her side, crossing her hip to the dip of her jeans, where his middle and ring fingers press gently, but insistently.
Abigail bucks against his initial light touch, and she grins, opening her mouth to sigh happily.
“If I get really quiet, keep going until I make noise, okay? I’ll say red if I want you to stop.”
Billy bends over her, cages her smaller body against the wall. “I’ll keep that in mind, little girl.” He presses into her again.
An instantaneous “oh, fuck” escapes her mouth. “I’ll tell you. Fine.”
His hand lessens its pressure.
“Billy, I’ve been meaning to say it’s just too bad that I want you like I do. I mean, Christ, our parents hate each other and your dad’s trying to take my dad’s land and we really only met alone for the first time this afternoon, but that damn hole take me if I don’t want you right now.”
Billy wraps his arms around her, hands rubbing her back gently.
“Yeah, Abby. I don’t know if I could really call it love, but I want you too, and I don’t just mean it in a physical way.”
“I think I get what you mean.”
“Would you let me love you, Abigail Abbott?”
“Can I call you William?” she says, smiling up at him.
“It makes me feel a little old, but you sure can.”
“Then yes, William Tillerson, I’d let you love me tonight and or as many nights as you’ll let me love you back.”
“All I needed,” Billy murmurs, and he lifts her by the backs of her thighs. Instinctively, Abby wraps her arms around his neck and locks her ankles behind him, just at his upper thigh.
“I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to treat you like I saw you, like the Abbott princess you were instead of the Abbott trash my family kept preaching about.”
“Likewise,” Abigail utters. “And I’m not expecting you to be rough, but if you want to, go ahead. I can stand to be tossed around a little.”
He takes that in stride and upends her onto his bed, so she’s on her back, at his mercy.
“You’re telling me Little Miss Abigail Angel likes to be a dirty girl?” He bares his teeth at her, laughing darkly. “Honestly? It doesn’t really surprise me.”
He takes off his jeans, unbuttons his shirt, climbs onto the bed.
Abby takes her flannel and undershirt off, leaving her bra on.
“Oh, it doesn’t, huh? Well, I’ll tell you, I sure as hell didn’t expect the baby Tillerson boy to grow teeth.”
They’re face to face, Abigail under William, and he rakes his hand over her hair.
“Did you, now,” he murmurs low, words ghosting past her ear.
Voice heavy with lust, his tenor has sunk to a baritone, still sweet but ready and dangerous, like a pointed candy cane.
“Did you expect to be in bed with the boy you snuck off with to play in trees out near the rez?”
She laughs at the memory. “You got me; I sure as hell didn’t.”
“I know I wanted you, though. I always thought about singing to you. Singing for you.”
“Me too, actually. Together.”
Billy laughs. “Not to sound corny, but,” he says, taking her jeans off, “I’d love to make you sing for me, tonight.”
“I’m— I’m not on the pill. Or anything. Just so you know,” Abby blurts out.
“Who says we need to have sex for me to make you sing, sweetheart?”
“But I have–hair.” She whispers the last word like it’s a sin.
“We all have hair. I have hair,” Billy says, with the same intonation. “It’s fine, darlin’, don’t worry about it.”
His hands trail up Abby’s muscular legs to her underwear. He places kisses onto the soft skin there, working his way up from her knees to the heat between her thighs.
He was dragging the breath out of her with every press of his lips, and he knew it.
“Billy, we– we shouldn’t be doing this. Jesus fuck,” she says, curling her fingers into his hair.
He feels the scratch of her fingernails against his scalp, pulling at the soft waves there, insisting that he move higher, and he does, mouthing against the bone through the cotton of her underwear.
“Still think we shouldn’t be doing this?” he asks. “We can stop whenever you want.” A string of saliva runs from his mouth to her clothing, she sees when she props herself up on her elbows.
“Billy, all due respect, I don’t think I could ask you to stop at this point, motherfucker.”
“Can I take these off, then?”
She drops back, slackly, onto the bed. “Yes. God, yes,” she breathes on the exhale of a heavy sigh.
She didn’t think the fleshiness of his torso gave way to any strength whatsoever, but that faulty assumption is alleviated when he picks her up by the hips with one arm, using the other hand to pull her underwear down her long legs and toss them away, and between the two of them maneuvers her up until her head can be cradled by the bevy of pillows on his bed.
Jesus Christ. Her stomach flips.
His mouth moves back to the juncture of her thighs to kiss there, gently.
“Please don’t try to eat me out, okay,” Abby asks.
“Okay. Certainly ain’t a requirement,” he says, and begins to lick a delicate stripe up her body, to her chest. Chills run through and over her bare arms, and she twitches under him.
Billy hovers over her chest, looking directly into her eyes. He is peering into her with those baby blues, reaching around her to unclasp her bra.
He’s flipped the noise switch in her, she thinks. He’s blown her corruption wide open and left her wanton.
Abby mewls under him as he latches onto one breast, nipping lightly at her areola as his tongue runs over it. He uses his hands to greedily grasp and knead what flesh his mouth doesn’t cover.
She wraps her legs around him, forcing him down to her chest by digging her heels into his lower back. His cock, still covered, is so close to her body that all he wants to do is ram up into her, dry-humping her unclothed sex.
But he wants to be a good boy for her, and so he behaves himself and moves to her other nipple when she makes an animal, guttural noise in her throat and tugs his head there, steering him like a horse.
“Thank you,” Billy groans, between the wet, sucking noises of his mouth on her. At the title, desire that’s almost painful emerges in her upper abdomen, just under her sternum.
“You’re such a good boy, Billy,” she growls. “Rich fucking Tillerson boy worshipping a filthy fucking Abbott. You belong like this, pleasing this worthless fucking gardener.”
He whines, and Abby feels the bed and his body move, as he begins to fuck the mattress, desperate for relief. She thumps a foot against his back, pulling him up by the hair to make eye contact. His mouth is covered in his spit as he gapes at her.
“Did I tell you you could do that? Don’t do it again,” Abby bites out sternly.
“Yes, ma’am,” he says. “Sorry.”
There’s some sadness, some genuine pain back in that sweet voice he used, to the point that she smiles at him a little sadly. “It’s okay, baby. I’m sorry for hitting you in the back.” She strokes through his hair with her fingers, deftly.
Billy nods, smiling innocently before he begins to kiss her across where her bra’s underwire sat against her ribs and made deep red marks. He looks up at her with adoration in his gaze after each one. She can feel how much he loves her. She hopes he knows how much she returns the sentiment.
“You’re being so good right now,” she says lovingly, until he bites her nipple, and her back arches, forcing her stomach into his chest. “Fuck, Billy!” she grunts.
“Did that feel good?”
“Yes, do it again, please, mercy,” she begs. He bites the other one, this time, and she cries out a moan, holding his hair tighter in her hands. He slips a hand off her chest and down to her pubic bone, where he pauses, she exhales, and he begins to rub firm circles against her clit.
She tosses her head against the pillow, overwhelmed by the dual sensation. “Fuck, stop,” she pants.
He does.
“Nonono,” she rushes out, “stop means keep going, please keep going,”
He resumes his double work, moving up from her chest to her mouth, and their lips are on each others’. It’s a messy kiss, sloppy and more open-mouthed co-breathing than anything, but they would call it a kiss, recounting it to their siblings.
She takes her hands out of his hair, bringing one to his back, trailing the other down his chest, dragging it down with her nails, and he hisses lightly, laughing after she does.
She brushes his cock through his underwear, and he jolts, highly sensitive to the one touch.
“Oh, we need to get you harder than this if you’re going to fuck me.”
He nods, swallowing.
“Words, William,” she says lowly.
“M- yes, ma’am,” he says off of the back of a moan, the start to a string of half-muttered curses when he begins to jerk him off through his briefs.
“I love you, William,” she says moments later, when her hips are rocking against his hand on their own, and he’s forgotten to stop kissing her.
“I love you too, Abigail,” he breathes. “So much, pretty Abby, so much.”
She can feel her stomach bunching and unbunching like a spring that needs a windup, and when it tightens this final time, her knees snap together, locking Billy’s hand in place as she comes, annoying her when her walls clench with nothing to resist against.
Her body undulates with her breathing, and their body heat feels holy to her as it mingles. His hand is still working between her thighs, stimulating her through her orgasm.
She’s only breathing now, her body still working. She can feel how puffy her pussy lips are when he pulls his fingers away, finally freed from the iron-vise grip of her inner thighs.
“Sorry I didn’t make you come, Billy,” Abby says mournfully, running a finger along the outline of his cock.
“It’s okay. I’d much rather it be inside you anyways,” he says, looking down at her with what’s left of his delicateness he can muster.
She shudders out an exhale. “Do you mean that?”
He kisses along her neck, biting at her collarbone. “Mm, yes. S’what my daddy told me to do, was breed you full of Tillersons.”
“Oh, you’re gonna give me your babies, now, is that what we’re doing?” she breathed.
“I fully intend on doing that, yes ma’am.”
She slides her fingers underneath the waistband of his boxer briefs, tugging downward. “Just doing what your daddy tells you to, hm?” Abby can see the beginning of light brown curls under his hipline. “Is that all who you listen to? Just your daddy, your daddy, your daddy,” she says mockingly.
Billy’s brows furrow. “What? No.”
“Just big bad Wayne Tillerson, huh? That’s who controls you, that’s who owns you.” The curls are there, certainly, soft like Billy is.
His face drops into neutrality, almost innocent, but there is a hard edge, flinty in his eyes, Abby notices. “You’re treading on some dangerous ground, Abbott.”
“Oh, so I’m Abbott now, daughter of the enemy,” she nearly cackles. “Would you look at that.” Her wicked hands have pulled his briefs down just at the top of where his cock begins, and while he wants nothing more than for her to touch him, she’s also being a real brat.
Billy slaps her hands away from his torso. “Cut it out, little girl.”
She pouts. “Why should I? I’m just trying to help you out.” She moves back to his underwear, restarting her attempt to debrief him, literally.
This time, he grabs her wrists, leaning over her just slightly to pin them above her head with such force she laughs breathlessly. “You’re not. Fucking. Helping. You’re just trying to piss me off.” There’s no joking in his voice.
She smirks. “Well, obviously it’s working, then.”
“A little too well, yeah,” Billy says, with a smile more wolfish than strictly characteristic of him.
Abby is scared now, of what he could do to her. This is not the boy she knew. This is a man, who wants to take her as his rightful property.
She does not mind the prospect of belonging to him entirely. This betrayal of her family kills her, a little, inside.
“It’s working well enough that I just want to fuck you into this bed,” he says, biting at her lower lip, “until you scream my name,” he leans over her to his nightstand, pulling out a knife – Abby watches the motion out of the corner of her eye and they go wide – “so loud that my father hears. Maybe even your father,” he says, making no eye contact with her, as if it’s just another Thursday night for him. “Maybe even your whole family. But I’ll make goddamned sure everyone knows,” he runs the blade along the outsides of his underwear, “who you belong to.” He tears the underwear away and tosses them over the bed and the knife onto the nightstand. She is frozen between fear and arousal, her breath catching in her throat.
He takes his cock in one hand and moves the other hand that was for her restraint to her ankles, placing each one of her legs over his shoulders. “William.”
“Gage.” She can feel the tip of him rubbing against her pussy, still a bit overstimulated, but slick nonetheless. He brushes her clit accidentally, and her pelvis jerks.
“Tillerson.” He pushes into her, fully and deeply, letting himself get lost in the feeling of being inside her, at long last.
She is warm. She feels like home to him, more so than Luke or his mother or Trevor, and maybe even more so than his father. She’s warm like sunlight, like the fire they built in her parents’ north pasture the winter when they got frostbite and couldn’t tell anyone. She returns emotion to the marrow of his bones when he feels the velvet of her walls around him.
Abby feels at home with him inside her, finally, filling her in the ways she only daydreamed about, in the last days of the summer before they turned fifteen, hanging from the pine trees just onto the Shoshone reservation. She feels normal. Even. The chaotic sea within her is not simply flat, the sun is shimmering across it, and it is a clarion Caribbean blue, she’s seeing for the first time. She’s full of his wide cock, not long but girthy, and the stretch borders on unpleasant.
“I wonder if I can make you a Tillerson tonight,” he says, making shallow movements into and out of her. “Would you like that? To become one of us?”
Her breathing is dysfunctional. She only nods.
“Baby, I can’t move until I get an answer out of you,” he says, pushing her to verbalize what she needs. He halts his motion but doesn’t withdraw, waiting for her.
Abby only makes a minor quivering noise, shaking, scrabbling her hands at the surface of the quilts covering his bed, needing him, needing that which Billy wants to corrupt her with.
Her teeth show, and she grits them together at him. “Please,” he makes out of the tortured hiss she emits.
“Please what?” he says, tilting his head to the side.
“Please make me yours.”
“Oh, not just mine, baby — my family’s. A Tillerson through and through, once I’m finished with you.”
“No. No, please. Don’t do that to me,” she says, and she knows it isn’t genuine. She knows how dead that ranch is, save the hole in the west pasture. She knows she’s too old to still be living in the same place, same as Rhett. Someone’s gotta leave Royal and Cecilia sometime.
But her? To the Tillersons?
“Darlin’, it’s too late for that. I’m gonna breed your cunt full of my come, gonna make everyone else sees you’ve got my child in you.” He begins to thrust into her, slowly and shallowly. “Now I’m gonna need you to make a lot more noise, here, so my daddy knows how good a girl his daughter-in-law is, okay?”
She nods vigorously. “Please just fuck me,” she pants.
“Oh, baby, do you really mean that?” he says in a mockingly saccharine tone. He touches her chin chillingly and brushes a stray lock of curly hair from her face. The kindness of the gesture isn’t lost on her.
“Mm, Billy, I do.” Her tone’s become a whine, the country accent slipping back into her voice unconsciously.
“You gonna make me happy and scream nice and loud for me?”
She chants “yes”, eyes shut. He leans over her, pressing her knees towards her chest, grabbing her face and squishing her cheeks. “Look at me when I’m talking to you, missy. Keep those pretty eyes open.”
“Okay,” she says. He pats her cheek. “Good girl. Good girl,” he says, lifting his hips and driving them down into hers. She wraps her arms around him, curling her fingernails into the tender flesh of his back, dragging in long trails to leave welts.
“I can’t- I’m sorry—“ she interrupts her sentence with a high wail.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t worry about the words now, sweet thing.”
She’s lost inside her mind, out on a different plane of her existence. She is twisting, dancing with him and dancing with time. Vaguely, out in this space, she is aware of Billy fucking her. She wants to be alive to him, for this.
He hits her cervix; he’s not long, but he thrusts deep, especially with her legs over his shoulders. He does mean to breed her, no doubt of it.
The noises that come from her throat over and over again, short choking punched moans, don’t sound real. But this is her, this is her reality. Her childhood friend is inside her. He wants to marry her.
“Billy,” she says, her tongue wading through her confused mouth like it is full of peanut butter. “Billy, I love you.” Her nails simply dig into his vertebrae now, no movement save from that through her body as he fucks her pussy, rhythmically shaking the bed. They are together upon the sea, full of endless motion, creating the waves in it. He creates the wave, generates the heat, driving her to completion with one hand between their conjoined sexes and one hand cradling her head at the base of her skull. In the violence of his thrusting, he treasures me, Abby thinks, brokenly. She thinks fragments of words, woven into the tapestry of their conjugation.
“I love you too, Abby. I do treasure you,” he says heavily. “Wanna treasure you for the rest of my life, baby. Wanna give you my children.”
She chokes on a word and a breath at first. “I’m— I’m gonna—“
“Me too, baby. Me too, you gonna come?”
“Down from five?” she asks.
“Yeah, yeah. Five.”
“Mhm, five.”
“Fuck me, I want your come inside me,” she whispers.
“Three.” They lock eyes, now.
“T-two,” Billy says, and cries a stuttered “fuck” through his bottom lip.
His hips falter against Abby, her legs shaking, and they cry as one a wordless word against each other in a singular orgasm, breaking the Wyoming night apart.
“I—” Billy starts, then sighs with relief, rolling away from her before he collapses onto the bed. His bones ache with his love for this woman, with all he’s given up to her in sweat and blood. He is entranced by Abigail, chest heaving mightility as she stares at the ceiling, breathing with her mouth open.
“Thank you.”
Billy props himself up on his side. There is a thin sheen on her high cheekbone that he brushes with his thumb. “Thank you.” He presses the finger to his lips. “You’re more beautiful than a full moon, you know that?”
Abby shakes her head. “No. Not really. I don’t agree with you.” She huffs a chuckle.
He crawls over top of her. “Don’t say that, Abigail. Promise me you won’t again.”
“I can’t and I won’t.”
Billy’s fingers run down her sides to her waist. “Oh, really, now?”
Her knees draw in first. “Don’t… don’t tickle me,” she laughs.
His fingers move over her, brushing the skin delicately. “Not my fault you’re ticklish!”
She pulls his hand away, bringing it up to her face. “No, it ain’t. But it’s your fault I like you so damn much.”
“Your fault making me likewise, Abby.”
She is all smiles at him. “Let me up,” she says, beginning to lift herself off the bed. “Gotta pee.”
“Me too.”
“Could I possibly have some water?”
“Got some snacks, too, if you want ‘em.”
Abby slides off the mattress, walks to the bathroom. “Yes please, and thank you much.”
“You got it.”
She holds her head in her hands, sitting on the toilet. “This does not feel real.” Did we really just have sex?
Shit. Apparently so.
There’s a knock on the door. “I got water for you,” Billy says softly through the heavy oak.
“Thanks.” Abby groans, sighs.
“You okay?” It comes out as more of a mumble.
“Are you okay?”
“Dude, just come in at this point. It’s not like it’s anything you haven’t seen yet.”
He opens the door, handing the water to her. “How are you doing? You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m amazing, just trying to pee.” She drains the glass quickly. “Thanks. I needed that.”
He smiles at her, taking the glass back. “Head hurt at all? You looked like it.”
She shakes her head. “Nope. Thank goodness.” She tilts her head at him. “You really are cute as hell, you know that?”
He looks down shyly. “You don’t have to say that,” he says, scuffing his foot on the tiled floor.
A moment.
“What about you? How’s your back? I feel like I scratched you pretty bad.”
“Feels okay.” He leans against the door. “Obviously not too badly.”
“Can I clean your wounds? Just in case.”
“More than welcome to.”
“‘Kay.” She flushes, washing her hands.
They are sitting on his bed upon two new comforters (at Billy’s plea – “I’ve never had to share a bed with someone before, and I move a lot”), Abby treating the shallow pink scratches on the pale skin of his back, when she finds herself speaking.
“Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
“When you said you loved me?”
“Well, I’ll remind you that you said it first. But yes, I did mean it.”
“Yeah, I guess I did say it first. Thanks. I meant when I said it, too.”
He turns around suddenly. “Would you marry me?”
Abby’s eyebrows dance in confusion. “I– that’s an interesting proposal,” she laughs nervously.
“I meant it when I said I’d make you a Tillerson. And I mean properly.”
“You got a ring?” she jokes. “Not that I’m expecting you to have one.”
“No, not yet.”
“I just—I.” Abby sighs. “I know we were friends when we were younger and all, but I’m not sure you’d really want to marry me. There’s so much—” Billy interrupts her with a chaste kiss on the mouth. It is full of love, this time, no lust in it whatsoever.
He pulls away to speak. “There’s so much I want to learn about you. I can’t wait to make up for the years we’ve lost, to both our families. To college. To the ranches.”
Tears well up in Abby’s eyes, and she smiles at him. “I think you mean that.”
“Better believe it,” he says, laying a gentle kiss on Abby’s damp cheekbone. “Let’s get some sleep, huh?”
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
They tuck themselves under the covers, and Abby’s back is pressed to Billy’s chest. He mumbles against her shoulder, just before she succumbs to unconsciousness, “we can go look for a ring tomorrow, there’s a place in town.”
She dreams of a beautiful wedding on the mountainside, in a tranquil clearing among the pine trees. Everything is shrouded in snowy white, including the boughs of the trees. She is warm, as well as all in attendance, and she sees her father and her new father-in-law, arms around each other’s shoulders, proudly looking on at Abby and Billy’s union.
She wonders, in her reasoning outside this dream-body of hers, whether this could come true.
A whole season passed where a girl named Autumn raised hell and it showed itself out, and Billy had his fair share of arguments with Abby. But Amy was returned back to her grandparents’, and Billy resurrected by the odd magic of the time-hole in the west pasture.
Five months after her dream, it came true. Abby became Abigail Hendry Abbott Tillerson, and while the feud between the two men took two years to subside, it was much shorter than it would have been without the marriage.
When they are sitting on the porch swing five years after that, watching Hendry Gage Tillerson and Anna Marie Tillerson playing in the yard of a plot of land in Texas that they bought, Billy asks Abby, “Have I made up for the lost time yet?”
Abby smiles at him, a careworn, motherly-exhaustion smile, but full of love all the same. “I could stand to spend the next few decades letting you find the definition of redame.”
He tilts his head at her. “What’s that?”
“To love in return.”
“Of course you’d say something like that,” Billy snorts. “Only my Abby.”
She leans against him. In this, he knows he won’t ever be able to prove it, but he knows the definition of redame to his core when he feels the weight of her soul on his own.
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haunting-hari · 1 year ago
pinned post!!
hey, i’m hari (pronounced Ha-ree. if you pronounce it as ‘hairy’ i’ll maul you)
i’m now 17, and reside in unova
uhh i have a few partner pkmn. there’s maru, a lampent that i’ve known for years. she could kick your ass. a sweetheart though, and my best friend! [he/she. he’s very fem tho]
there’s jackie, a gengar. he’s pretty cool but real lazy. it’s incredibly hard to piss him off being honest. love that guy he’s like the dad I never had lol [he/him]
then rasp a trevenant. old man. great cook, VERY stubborn, really like charcuterie boards, and he knows jackie well, too. both of em are old geezers [he/him]
…and mal, a rotom. mal, to put it lightly they are an asshole/affectionate. they like stealing my phone. a bastard who regularly engages in trickery and causes problems. [they/them. rotoms don’t have gender I don’t think]
miss tye, a hatterene. she's got the typical personality of a hatterene, but she's a bit easier to enrage. This, actually is a good thing- as her tolerance to 'loud emotion' goes up signifigantly, as she deals with herself being angry, haha. [she/her]
charm, an alcremie. she's very polite, as well as naive, and a bit spunky, but she's honestly a sweetheart. i was the one to evolve her, and she’s been the happiest since. she gets along real well with maru! [she/her]
a froakie, locket!! he hatched just recently, and i love him with all my heart. he fears nothing and while sometimes shy, is just a very interesting little guy. a baby. he also happened to be a shiny. surprised me too, haha!! [he/him]
An applin, now dipplin gifted to me by my (girl)friend, arom! she likes taking naps and out of everyone I know has the biggest sweet tooth lol [she/her]
there’s tags for each of my Pokémon when they’re mentioned, and mal TRIED to be sneaky and post on my account-their posts are tagged “MAL’Z POSTZ”, as well as images are under “art” tag. miss tye also took my phone at one point, her tag is "Tye talks".
and i’m a human. so. yeah. human.
current event: None
//ooc below readmore
More will be revealed about hari and his team as time goes on!! please interact if ur a pokeblogger!!!! try to stay in character with this guy ok? lol
ooc storytelling will be tagged "hari's stories"!! they are often from askgames, but PLEASE request some if you ever get a prompt idea for this guy... you could ask about his past, present, and sometimes future!!
the current events each have tags for things related to their story! So far, we have the events “mourn the nineteenth”, “galarian imports”, “charm evolves”, “trip to alamos”, “unexpected egg”, “rebirth on the 26th”, "entombed event", and "Paldea trip". look at the tag to learn more!
there’s a tag for more serious stuff: that’s tagged as “lore”. Another lore heavy tag is “Forlorn presence”.
ofc, no generally unpleasant people, you get the drill. please send asks!!! :)
magic anons are on, too. please send asks!!!!!! this blog’s activity is mainly correlated to its interaction :)
also, small tidbit- you can do pelliper mail, but don't deliver a dusk stone. maru is gonna stay a lampent for a while because hari cant find one. so. when the time comes she'll evolve, but. yeah
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webslingingslasher · 6 months ago
ok so background: i just joined the senior company at my local volunteer fire station (so i can respond to calls) im not technically an emt yet but im going on calls to observe. the boy (who im gonna refer to as 🩺 because why not, and he’s always wearing his fancy stethoscope around his neck) is an emt as well, a few months older than me.
so the first call i go on i’m observing, he’s treating the patient and we’re both in the back of the ambulance. we transport the patient to hospital, and on our way back he’s showing me the ipad and how we document patient care and stuff. and he’s sitting really close. as in our thighs and sides are TOUCHING. and not just like barely i mean our legs are pressed UP AGAINST each other. and then there’s a part about capillary refill (how fast blood returns to the fingernail and color is regained after pressing down on it) and i forgot what it was so i asked and instead of doing it on his hand he does it on MINE and like, multiple fingers too. and THEN i needed to clean something and need to wear gloves (ppe ‼️) and he asks what size i need and im loke “idk a small probably” and he HOLDS UP HIS HAND TO COMPARE MY HAND SIZE TO HIS.
moving on. next standby we’re both sitting at high tops facing the tv where he’s playing some video game. he starts stomping his foot and i look over and he sees my face and is like “there was a caterpillar” and im like “did you kill it” and he’s all confused and says yes (🚩) and we’re going back and forth for a few minutes bc i was like i would’ve taken it outside bro. later on im bored so i ask about the video game and he’s telling me about it and all that stuff.
up until this point i was like okay, maybe he’s trying to say smth or maybe he’s just clueless and is trying to be nice since we have to work together and we’ve known each other for a little while atp. after last night tho im convinced (and so are all my friends who have weighed in) that he’s into me.
OK NOW LAST NIGHT so a few days ago i had posted a tiktok w pink skies by zach bryan and it was just sky pictures i took bc i love taking sky pictures and i captioned it “yall don’t know zach bryan like i do” and he liked the video (he doesn’t follow me but we are contacts in each others phone so yeah) but last night we had engine room at the ems station (we have 2 stations, one for fire, one for ems, all this happened at the ems station, engine room is just cleaning the room with all the vehicles) and i get there (right at 6:30, literally exactly when it started) and he immediately starts teasing me for being late. THEN he comes up to me and is like referencing my caption being all “only *I* like zach bryan” and teasing me and shit and then we talk for a minute about both liking zach bryan and then i told him the caption was a dig at a girl i don’t like (half true) bc she likes zach bryan and i am a certified gate keeper ‼️ and he’s all interested like “who is it” (background info: he’s a grade older than me, just graduated from the public school i used to go to until freshman year when i switched to private school. the girl im referencing also went to this public school and switched to my private school at the same time as me, and is pretty “well known” in our area.) so i told him like im not telling you bc you might know her, he kept asking so i ended up just telling him and he says he doesn’t know her. so that was that last night.
TOMORROW NIGHTTT we’re going on a little field trip (i’m the only one calling it that because it’s funny) and he’s coming on it, it’s an hour drive away from the fire hall and i don’t know who is driving with who but it’ll be interesting for sure. i’ll give you an update tomorrow if you wish, but that’s everything for now. so yeah, this was long but i hope you enjoyed :D
the full body pressing had me leaning in...
the HAND COMPARISON finished it.
like, the man is slutting himself out for you!!!!!!
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loopsisloops · 1 year ago
Have I ever told you guys about the time I pretended to date Tom Hiddleston?
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Last October, I got an Uber to work. I recognize his name and voice from previous rides, and think “huh he must work this area a lot” but I don’t think much of it after that.
(Thinking back now though…when’s the last you’ve had the same Uber driver for several rides?……………………anyways.)
We’re about half way through the journey, conversation is light and fun, just your routine “What do you do for work/do you go to school?”. We laugh about a joke I made about being afraid of driving. He makes eye contact with me through the rearview mirror and says “I can teach you how to drive” I kinda laugh about it and say “oh idk haha…I’ll probably wreck your car..” and he says “that’s okay haha, I got good insurance.”
At this point, we’ve arrived at my destination and I’ve been trying to open my door to get out of the freaking car for a minute. I’m thinking, I have to clock in in 3 fucking minutes dude! I keep trying the handle and its not budging man. I look back at him and this dude is pulling up instagram on his phone…..
I try the door again. Not budging.
I accept my fate knowing what he’s about to ask.
He turns to me hands me his phone. “So What’s your Instagram? Maybe I can teach you how to drive sometime?”
I stare at his hand, then back at him, then back at his hand.
(I’m still trying the door mind you.)
I give him my instagram. (I panicked okay? I forgot how to say “no.” And I’m not use to someone flirting with me so directly??? Let alone my fucking Uber driver of all people?!??!?)
For two weeks he kept liking my stories and messaging about wanting to see me, and each time I left him on read. This man is just talking to himself in my DMs at this point.
He just wasn’t getting the memo that I didn’t want to take things further than a friendly conversation. So, after a few glasses of wine one night, I decide to have a bit of my own fun. I found some pictures in my gallery and spruced em up a bit with some emojis, nothing crazy. And after a few expertly timed out posts on my story, presto! He was gone!
While executing this plan I decided to keep everyone out of the loop to see how many people I could fool. It’s safe to say I fooled more than just Uber guy that night haha!
One of my closest friends was yelling at me in my DMs “WHO?WHAT?WHEN?WHERE?!?!?”
And so this happened too hahaha:
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So yeah, moral of the story, don’t be like me and learn how to say no. Unless Tom Hiddleston is involved. Then it’s always a resounding yes.
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