#I’ll do it someday for us and in her honor
mer-se · 5 months
“I remember ‘chasing storms’ with you and your mother” :’)
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asunflowerana · 1 month
eye candy — Sakusa Kiyoomi
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summary: only you have kiyoomi's heart. and he'll make sure every single one knows that.
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It's lunch break, and Kiyoomi peacefully savors his beef stew, his cousin making him company as usual, sitting beside him at the table far from the noisy students. Among the cafeteria, comments about the next volleyball match can be heard, especially with the semifinals of the spring tournament qualifiers, wondering if the team’s star will keep up with his performance or fail to give the school another victory.
What does he think about their opinion? 
Well, actually, he just doesn't care. 
Sakusa doesn’t play to get fan’s approval or popularity: he plays because he enjoys what he does. Being noticed is just an effect of his efforts to become a professional someday, and even though the spotlight brings some benefits, he wouldn’t mind if his whole fanclub disappeared suddenly. Most of their support is superficial and sham, too shallow for his liking. 
Who truly matters to Omi is those who have always been there for him, way before his rise. Like you, for example. 
His favorite fan.
He cares for you so, so much, in a way he never imagined he could do it. It’s strange, now thinking of it, how someone so skeptical about love before now does anything possible to show you how much he appreciates your existence, and how grateful he is for being yours, and for having the honor of calling you his. 
If it depends on Sakusa, this will remain for the rest of his life.
Motoya’s a front row spectator of your relationship, being there since the moment you and his cousin first interacted with each other, you politely asking to borrow one of his pens in History class. Imagine the blonde’s shock when he saw Omi not cleaning the pen after you’ve returned.
He was the first one to hear about the brunette's feelings, the one who helped him pick the first date place, the flowers, the gifts, even the dorky letters Omi sent to your address, wanting to be different from the usual texting-guys. If there’s one person in the world who knows how crazy in love Sakusa Kiyoomi is for you, it’s Motoya. He isn’t bothered at all, having a lot of fun every time he watches his cousin getting all doki doki whenever you’re around.
And how protective he gets when you’re not. 
“Sakusa.” A girl suddenly approaches their table, her sultry but invasive voice interrupting the chewing of both cousins. If Motoya’s not mistaken, this girl is Tai, one of Class D students. He secretly grimaces, already predicting the reason she came to talk to Omi, like all the other girls that has been crushing on his cousin. 
Poor girl.
Kiyoomi doesn’t even look up from his food, preparing a spoon full of vegetables. “Yes?”
“Um-” She fidgets a little with the disinterest in his tone, but a charming smile appears on her face nonetheless. Oh, she’s trying hard. “I just came to wish you a good game this Friday. I’ll be cheering for you on the stands.”
“Hmmm.” He doesn’t even hide his boredom, contemplating the pleasing taste of the seasoned stew. He hopes the staff used gloves while preparing it this time. “Didn’t know you were part of the cheer’s team.” 
“N-no!” She chuckles a little too loud, trying to hide her nervousness. “I’m not part of the team. I just… I wanted to cheer just for you, you know? Give you some boost for the game.”
Unfortunately for her, this time he raises his gaze until it finds her anxious eyes, which averts when they notice the unpleasant frown on his face. “Boost? Do you think I need your cheers to play well?”
“N-not at all. But, you know, having an eye candy could help you play even better.”
Motoya snorts loudly, not being able to hold how impressed he is by the girl’s dumb confidence. Is she that clueless? Sakusa has been dating you for almost six months, there’s no way she doesn’t know by now that he’s taken. He watches as his cousin stares at her for a few uncomfortable seconds, his cold glare making even him uncomfortable. Thank goodness, he is not the target this time.
“I don’t see any eye candy here.” Short and frank, Omi answers her move.
Tai looks clearly dejected, but she took the hint that insisting wouldn’t do any good to her side. To lessen the embarrassing moment, she nods at him, pretending his words didn’t have an effect on her heart, and she offers him a brief goodbye before rushing away from their table, shoulders slowly falling with shame.
“Oof, that one hurted.” Motoya breaks the silence, his eyes widening as he checks his wristwatch. “Twenty-five seconds! It’s your new ditch record, Omi-kun.”
Sakusa rolls his eyes at his comment, having another spoon of his stew “She's been trying that for weeks. She even knows ______.”
“Well, I think she got the message now.” The blonde chuckles, eyes twinkling as he spots you entering the cafeteria right after his comment. He raises his left hand and waves at you with a smile, succeeding in catching your attention.. “And look who’s coming to the party.”
From his cousin's excited tone, Omi has a pretty good guess on who he’s referring to, and he instinctively searches through the crow to check it out. It’s amazing how Omi’s semblance lights up when he sees you. The transformation is visible, and if he could, Motoya would totally take a picture of his cousin’s starstruck face right now.
“Hey guys!” You greet them as soon as you get closer, and your boyfriend immediately takes a chair from the closest table and arranges beside him for you to sit on. Motoya holds back a laugh, and you thank him with a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Omi.”
Hearts could come out of Sakusa’s eyes.
“You’re so beautiful today.” Is the first thing that comes out of his mouth, making you giggle in that sweet way that makes his heart flutter every single time.
“Okay lover, you can go back to eat, she won’t go anywhere.” His cousin cracks a joke, but the brunette doesn’t even pay attention to his words, choosing to focus on you instead.
The displays of affection don’t stop, and he doesn’t even notice how sappy (but sweet) he’s being with you. He holds your hand on top of the table, absently stroking your skin with his thumb and occasionally kissing the back of it; he nuzzles your head when you cuddle his arm, loving to smell the scent of your shampoo; he looks at you intently as you speak about your last class, paying attention to every word that comes out of your pretty mouth like it’s the most important speech he’s ever heard.
Motoya doesn’t know if he looks the other way in disgust, or if he just smiles, happy that his cousin has finally found someone special for him. Or if he takes some pictures of sweet Omi, which would be a good opportunity to make fun of him later.
“Okay guys, I’ll catch up with you later.” The blonde announces, figuring you’d better have your privacy; being the third wheel can be really tiring sometimes.“ Omi, see you at the warm-up. Enjoy your time together, lovebirds.” The blonde leaves, leaving the two of you more comfortable getting closer to each other. Omi kisses your cheek sweetly before caressing it with his palm.
“Will you watch the match today?” He questions, loving the idea of spotting your beautiful self in the middle of the game. 
The question sounds a little strange to your ears, because you almost never lose his games. But you choose to answer regardless, caressing his scalp full of curly locks, to his delight. “Yes, of course I’ll be there.”
“Good.” A small smile of his grows with your touch. “I need my eye candy.”
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© asunflowerana 2024 — all rights reserved.
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helenofsparta2 · 2 months
One thing I’ll never be able to forgive Game of Thrones, especially the later seasons, is the way they warped the conception of so many characters, and completely dumped down their complexity.
Jon Snow is not my favourite character because he is this perfect, always noble hero, who is a great, badass swordfighter.
He is my favourite character because, while he is more morally righteous than a lot of other characters, he can be bitter, and sarcastic and ruthless. Because he used to be arrogant and thought of himself as better than his brothers at the nights watch because of his upbringing but learned to overcome his prejudices again and again and again, first towards the men at the watch, then later towards the wildlings. Because he has always been jealous of Rob and secretly dreamed of being lord of Winterfell, but still refuses Stannis’ offer to get legitimized because of his oaths and because he defends Sansa’s and Arya’s claims. Because he has a strong inner conflict between his intense, often romanticized, desire to someday have a wife and children, he could name after Robb, and his position as a bastard and as Lord Commander of the Night’s watch. Because he tries so hard to be a son Ned Stark would be proud of and tries to be as honorable as he has always been taught, but would still drop his oaths to save his family any day.
Because he makes mistakes as Lord Commander, which cost him his life in the end, but is one of the only characters who sees the big picture and whose efforts will be vital in defeating the Others. Because he is hunted by the ghosts of teh dead. Because he is a Warg, and deeply involved in the magical side of a song of ice and fire, but most of the time acts as pragmatic as possible. Because he is able to win the respect of Stannis, of Aemon, of Lord Commander Mormont, of many brothers of the night’s watch, in spite of his parentage. Because in a world, where bastards are mostly seen as deceitful and dangerous, and their existence has often caused rebellions and wars, especially within the Targaryen dynasty, he loves his family more than anything and is seen as a symbol of safety and home by Arya, Sansa and Bran. Because while Catelyn Stark feared he would someday endanger her children’s birth rights, he is the one, that defends it the most.
Daenerys Targaryen is not one of my favourite characters because she is a Targaryen queen who has dragons and burns slavers, but because she is a young girl who has gone through immense suffering, but still tries desperately to be a good queen.
She makes mistakes, she can be hypocritical and ruthless, she lacks wisdom and experience. She is the mother of dragons, and has close to no idea how to raise and train them. She is disillusioned about Viserys and her father, and is the antithesis to the entire Targaryen dynasty, but still clings to every new piece of information about her brother Rhaegar. She desires to have a home and a family, and wants power not for the sake of power, but because she wants the ability to make the lives of other people better and protect those who can not protect themselves. She wants her kingdom to be beautiful, full of fat men, and pretty maids and laughing children. She is one of the most powerful characters in the books, the one who brought dragons back, and will break the system, but often does not know how to do that and sometimes does not know how to deal with the consequences of her actions. She listens to the smallfolk and nobility alike. She is barely 16 years old in a dance with dragons but acts as an older sister figure to Missandei and a mother figure to her people.
Arya Stark is not one of my favourite characters because she is a cold assassin, and “not like other girls”, but because Arya “underfoot” gets along with soldiers and smallfolk alike and finds friends wherever she goes.
Because she has the wildness of the north in her, and is tomboyish, but doesn’t look down on feminine women and girls. She uses her list as a coping mechanism after seeing her father die. She tries to become this strong assassin, but clings to the memories of her family, especially Jon, and her home. She is (probably) the second strongest Warg in the Stark family. She thirsts for revenge, and doesn’t hesitate to kill, but still has a strong sense of justice, and doesn’t lose her ability to socialize.
I could go on and on and on. I could talk about how Cersei is no cold, calculating player of the game, but a delusional, unpredictable, but very entertaining narcissist, or how Tyrion is becoming a revenge-obsessed, bitter villain. I could talk about Sansa, or the entirety of Dorne or about Stannis Baratheon, or so amny other characters.
George R. R. Martin has crafted so many complex, and fascinating characters in this rich wolrd and narrative, and their treatment in the later seasons of the Tv-show adaptation really make my soul bleed.
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youcalledmebabe · 1 month
webgott pretty please!
75. “I’m going for a swim. Do you wanna join me?” (preferably it’s joe who asks. if you are so inclined. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂)
send me a pairing and a number and I’ll write you a Drabble
happy Webgott Wednesday yna!! enjoy some hot pygmalion summer Webgott. full disclosure this will 10000% be a fic someday.
Waves crash onto the shore. David can just barely make them out from the porch of the summer house. The moon shines bright tonight but his vision isn’t what it used to be; all the straining to see his journal in the dark in Europe has caught up with him. Or maybe he’s just getting old. Twenty-six tomorrow.
He lights a cigarette and takes a contemplative puff. Laughter and chatter filter out through the windows. It seems nobody has noticed the guest of honor has absconded.
The screen door creaks open and David sighs. Please don’t be his mother. He glances up to see Joe, offering him a glass.
“Water,” Joe says. “You’ve been mainlining gin all night.”
David takes a sip and pats the step next to him. When Joe sits, he offers him a drag of his cigarette. Joe doesn’t give it back.
“People keep asking me if I’m Bobby.”
David grins. He supposes Joe does have the reediness of the Kennedys but one word out of his mouth would disabuse anybody of that notion. “My roommate from Harvard. He’s in Hyannis for the summer. But maybe you’ll get to meet him.”
“You really think I’m gonna stick around the whole summer?” Joe says, but it’s a half-hearted barb. He’d come to Long Island at David’s request, had endured a week of the Websters already and earned the affection—if not approval— of everybody but his father. And David hadn’t even managed that in twenty-six years, so he could hardly fault Joe for it.
“Maybe,” David hums and lights another cigarette.
David watches Joe smoke his cigarette, how his face looks marble under the moonlight. Age is doing him nothing but favors. He feels a little guilty for not being completely honest with Joe.
“I lured you here,” he blurts out. “Under false pretenses.”
Joe stubs out his cigarette, amusement flickering in his expression. “I miss you and I want you to come to my summer home was a pretense?”
“Well, no. But it wasn’t the entire truth.”David sighs and takes a drag. “My parents want me to get engaged this summer. Or to go to law school. ‘War Hero’ got me through 1946 and Harvard student got me through now but my mother needs a new accomplishment of mine to brag about at her functions.”
“Just go to law school, Web, Jesus. You talk enough for it.”
David shakes his head. “Bobby’s going but…it’s not for me. I want to write. Lawyers have to actually work.”
Joe flicks his arm. “You’re a spoiled brat.”
“I invited you out here because I want you to get engaged.”
“So that’s why you tried to marry me off to Ann the second I walked through the door,” Joe muses.
“If you marry some wealthy heiress, your life is set, Joe. And we’ll see each other every summer. Maybe even during the year, depending on who the lucky bride is.”
Joe smirks. “I want no part of this life. You’re all crazy. If I were a writer like you I’d write some great piece on this place.”
“Very Nick Carraway,” David says, frowning. Joe was supposed to want to marry rich.
Joe snaps his fingers. “Gatsby.”
David stares at him, surprised he remembered. But then, he shouldn’t be surprised. Joe had read it too, and Joe had a great memory. So sharp, so intelligent.
“You look like you want to kiss me. Just because I get your little book joke. You’re so easy.”
“Maybe,” David sighs. “But it wouldn’t be very ethical to do while I’m trying to marry you off.”
Joe snorts. “None of these women want to marry a cab driver from San Francisco.”
But what if they did? David knows plenty of rebellious young women, plenty of fathers who would be indulgent enough to let Joe slide into the family. If David could just teach him how to walk the walk, talk the talk, he’d be in.
“I bet that I can get a girl to want to marry you. Probably more than one. I’ll teach you to be a perfect gentleman. It’ll be like Pygmalion.”
David would do Pygmalion right though. There was absolutely no danger of him falling in love with Joe. A bit of fooling around in Austria wasn’t love; Joe had made that very clear. And David was much older and wiser now. He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
“Whatever that means. We can talk about it in the morning. Speaking of luring,” Joe says. “Can’t believe you haven’t tried to get me in the ocean yet.”
The truth is David doesn’t entirely trust them to be around each other in a state of undress. He glances out at the water, waves pushing into the shore. It does look inviting, and so do Joe’s eyes. But his party persists inside.
Joe sheds his jacket and loosens his bow tie, scowling. He stalks down the steps. “I’m going for a swim. If you want to join me.”
“Well when you ask so nicely, how can I say no?” David retorts, but he’s taking off his own jacket and running after Joe anyway.
By the time they reach the beach, Joe’s only in his trousers. David’s itching for him to take them off; to see moonlit skin.
“You hate swimming. You just want to see me naked,” David says. “Now who’s easy?”
“Nobody hates swimming, Web. It’s just that nobody else is as weird about it as you.”
David grins at him. How he’s missed Joe’s affectionate ribbing. It just doesn’t read the same in a letter. A whole summer of Joe’s teasing; a whole lifetime of summers if he can just get Joe to marry one of Ann’s ditsy friends, or maybe one of the women being offered up to him. “I’m so glad you came.”
Joe waves a hand. “Just here for a free vacation,” he says, but he’s smiling back, and inching closer.
“Kenyon? Kenyon! Come inside. You need to say goodbye to the Gilmores.”
David turns and squints at the porch. His mother is framed by the lights, martini glass in hand. He looks back at Joe and the water longingly.
“Duty calls, Kenyon,” Joe says but his expression softens. “Come meet me back out here when the party is over. We’ll go for a birthday swim.”
“You’ll be okay out here alone?” David asks.
“Survived a war, Web. What the fuck could go wrong in rich person USA?”
Plenty, David wants to say, but it’s mostly psychological. Joe will be fine. He nods at Joe and slouches back up the beach to a woman his parents want him to marry, already counting the seconds until he can be in the water with Joe.
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack! ✨essential information✨
FIRST off, in honor of the book and its movie release, TBOSAS on Crack is solely (just) created as a JOKE!Alternative Universe that focuses more on the 24 OG Mentors of the 10th Hunger Games. This includes the funny/romantic misunderstandings of Coriolanus Snow and Sejanus Plinth that gave everyone the impression that they were actually “secretly” dating, and are indeed boyfriends (until they honestly were).
In addition, this Crack!AU will tell you the compelling story of how a bunch of delinquents “accidentally” stopped the Hunger Games from continuing, just because of a certain Mentor’s ✨nepotism✨.
MORE or less, most of the characters in the book are the same when it comes to their personalities and backstories. Well, except for our Mentors. They’re a bunch of crackhead Capitol kids with too much fun and stress on their hands. They even almost made Dean Highbottom and Dr. Gaul quit their respective jobs.
ALSO, these young walking disasters are not “all there” in the head. Heck! Half of them went crazy years ago because of the infamous 2 year Capitol Siege by the rebels that almost starved them all to death. Just ask Coryo Snow and Persephone. But as for the other half, let’s just say that all they want to do is eat, drink, party, and ✨graduate✨.
Here is a quick character info: [Read Me]
Here are their visuals: [Read Me]
Here’s the Hunger Games Origin: [Read Me]
Here’s their playlist: [Read Me]
Here are their ✨Code Names✨: [Read Me]
And here’s Dean Highbottom’s take: [Read Me]
Here’s that Epic The Musical Post: [Read Me]
Here’s the fate of District 13: [Read Me]
PS: For sanity’s sake, no Mentor or Tribute will be dying in this Crack!AU. No one gets killed! Bombs will still explode inside the Capitol Arena, but our crazy kids will wear the thickest plot armor EVER, just because I’m their only sponsor!🤣
Read the Cracks here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78,
The cracks are not in chronological order, but someday they will. . .
MOREOVER, this Crack!AU includes the following:
The accidental birth of ✨Snowjanus✨!😘
Also known as Corjanus, SnowPlinth, CabbageBread, The Grandma’am golden ticket to a rich life, and Strabo’s not so secret plan to rule all of Panem through his only son’s marriage to Crassus Snow’s boy.
Coryo Snow malfunctioning for the hundredth time because of how forward and shamelessly romantic Sejanus Plinth is.
“Fine! I’ll marry into money! I’m sick of eating cabbages anyway!”
“Stop throwing bread to the dead, Sejanus Plinth! Throw it to the living!”
The Mentors (intentionally) delaying the Hunger Games from officially starting because of their nonstop shenanigans with their Tributes (much to Dr. Gaul and her Gamemaker’s frustration).🤣
The Tributes slowly accepting (and sometimes rejecting) the fact that their Mentors are just a bunch of “dramatic nepotistic crazy clowns” who refuse to learn basic social cues.
The 10th Hunger Games being officially postponed (over and over again) because of Felix Ravinstill’s ✨nepotism✨ working overtime.😌💅
In truth, the Gamemakers were “forced” to stop the countdown (over and over again) because half of the Mentors illegally barged into the control room without Dr. Gaul’s permission. Afterwards, Felix just used the excuse of “My granduncle is the President of Panem, I can do whatever I want” card to postpone the games.
Lucy Gray ignoring the personal space of her fellow annoyed Tributes (and everyone she meets), just because she’s “Covey” and quirky.
The poor underpaid Capitol Peacekeepers wanting a salary increase, vacation, and promotion because they have been dealing with the Mentors’ extra curricular criminal activities for far too long.
All the Mentors (excluding Livia and Arachne) being genuine ✨Besties✨ to each other since their grade school days.
Livia Cardew only calls her classmates either witches or idiots.
Festus Creed being the real ✨Dumpster Diving Capitol Rat King✨ and the best free cheesecake coupon hoarder of the century.
“Dumpster Diving for free food coupons is a common school activity, officer!”
The Academy? More like ✨The Academy of Arts✨💅.
Everyone wanting to secretly major in ✨Theatre & Drama✨.
Crazy but rich AF Sejanus Plinth and his unhealthy obsession of being Coryo Snow’s beloved boyfriend, fiancé, sugar daddy, baby daddy, and future husband.
Ma Plinth slowly becoming the food benefactor of the Mentors. #feedmeMa
Coriolanus Snow and Lucy Gray being the best of friends who love to sh*t talk about their boyfriends every time they meet.
Seriously, Coryo and Lucy Gray are just friends here. Everyone knows that crazy Sejanus Plinth will strangle anyone who tries to flirt with his gorgeous Snow Bae sugar baby fiancé.
Lucy Gray genuinely liking the Mentors for their chaotic ✨dramatic✨ personalities.
Sejanus Plinth shamelessly calling his darling Coryo “Babe, My love, Snow Angel, Snow Bae, Snowy, Snow Baby, Sweetheart” in front of everyone and their dogs.
The Mentors randomly coming up to Lucy Gray and asking her to sing banned songs from the early 2000s.
Strabo Plinth’s unhealthy obsession with the Snow family. Apparently, he and the ever gorgeous Crassus Snow were very close “friends” and the best “roommates” back in their military days. They were busy “stargazing” and playing with their rifles all night if you know what I mean.😏
The Grandma’am and Strabo Plinth being the true evil geniuses of the Capitol.😈
Strabo Plinth insisting Coryo to marry into his family and change their surnames to ✨The Great Plinth-Snow Dynasty✨, just because it sounds more powerful.
Coryo Snow accidentally convincing his beloved sugar daddy boyfriend (Crazy Sejanus Plinth) to become the future ✨President of Panem✨ (after Felix).
Tigris and The Grandma’am selling Coryo’s hand in marriage to the Plinth family. They genuinely believe that old man Strabo Plinth will lower the food prices if Sejanus marries Coryo for the sake of Panem.
Tigris Snow finally quitting her job (she got fired for being a weird cheese addict) and happy dancing for a whole week when she heard that her sweet little Coryo will marry into the Plinth family fortune.
Tigris, the Grandma’am, and Ma Plinth planning the ultimate ✨Snowjanus Royal Wedding of The Century✨.
The Grandma’am and evil Strabo Plinth scheming together to rule Panem and its people through ✨The Great SnowPlinth Union✨.
Ma Plinth wanting at least 5 beautiful grandchildren out of The Great SnowPlinth Union, while Strabo and the Grandma’am demanded 2 dozen (and more). #24&More
Lysistrata Vickers being the founder and President of the Capitol’s SnowPlinth/Snowjanus Official Fan Club.
Lucy Gray supporting and promising Coryo Snow that she and her Covey will sing the best banned love songs at his wedding.
Reaper Ash being labeled as the “weird one” by his fellow crazy Tributes.
Treech and Vipsania Sickle being the best gym bros for some unknown reason.
Marcus trying (and failing) to ignore the annoying existence of Sejanus Plinth.
Lysistrata Vickers having dibs as Coryo’s official ✨Maid of Honor✨. Apparently, poor cheese addict Tigris Snow was tragically outvoted by the very influential and powerful SnowPlinth/Snowjanus Fan Club members out of jealousy.🥲
Festus Creed and Tigris Snow fighting for the position of ✨Best Man✨ through an epic ✨Dance-off Battle✨💃🕺.
Apollo Ring being forced to be Coryo’s ring bearer because of his surname. Honestly, Gaius Breen and Androcles Anderson just peer pressured him for fun.
Livia Cardew planning to crash Coryo’s wedding for the expensive wine.
The Mentors and Tributes avoiding the “Arena Bomb Explosion Incident” because of Palmyra Monty’s dangerous existence.
Androcles Anderson being a proud professional kleptomaniac.
Lucky Flickerman wanting to quit his job. Apparently, the self proclaimed magic man was extremely unprepared to face and deal with the Mentors’ collective stupidity.😭
The Gamemakers forgetting to edit out Sejanus Plinth’s little arena stunt.
“Marcus was just sleeping, Sejanus! He’s still alive, you idiot Plinth! We freaking postponed the games!”
“For the last time! Don’t kiss Coriolanus Xanthos Snow on LIVE TV! There are freaking kids and dogs watching!”
Coryo and Sejanus shamelessly kissing, hugging, and being dramatic AF inside the Capitol Arena, while poor Marcus and the others are left sitting on the stands annoyed and confused AF.
Dean Casca Highbottom intentionally calling poor Coryo “Crassus Xanthos Snow” out of spite and out of regret (and because he’s still madly and deeply in love with the ever gorgeous Crassus Snow).
Drunk Highbottom living and swimming in denial since the infamous ✨#Crasca4Ever! University Breakup✨.😔
Coryo Snow successfully convincing a drunk Highbottom not to expel him by pretending to be Crassus Snow. He later regrets doing it.
Drunk!Casca not being able to correctly pronounce half all of his students’ names.
Festus Creed and Androcles Anderson receiving a lot of demerits and expulsion letters from the Dean. However, they still go to school and join their class discussions like nothing happened.
Casca Highbottom banning the Mentors from attending ✨The Academy’s Annual Students Teachers Meeting✨ (forever) because of the infamous Heavensbee Hall Flooding Incident.
Coryo Snow secretly trading his cabbages for banned music albums at the Capitol Black Market.
The banned song “Heaven Is A Place On Earth” accidentally playing on repeat inside the Capitol Arena because Felix Ravinstill forgot to detach his phone from Dr. Gaul’s master speaker.
“Snow On The Beach” stealing the top spot on the Capitol Billboard Hot 100 because of Coryo Snow and Lucy Gray’s final performance inside the Capitol Arena.
The Mentors trolling Lucky Flickerman and Lepidus Malmsey for the hundredth time.
Hilarius Heavensbee secretly collects movie records from the early 2000s. His favorite banned film is ✨Legally Blonde✨.
Io Jasper and Urban Canville being a bunch of shameless nerds who can’t properly communicate with each other.
Professor Sickle trying to convince Drunk!Casca Highbottom to give her a raise and promotion for tolerating the Mentors’ shenanigans and stupidity.
Crazy Palmyra Monty forever mentally and emotionally scarring her classmates (especially Florus Friend) with her homemade poisonous snacks.
Florus Friend fearing and avoiding Palmyra Monty’s accursed deadly bread rolls and expired sandwiches.
Felix Ravinstill being a genuine good friend and great Class President to everyone.
Dennis Fling asking poor sensitive Felix to beg for some illegal ✨Miracle Pills✨ from Lysistrata to cure Hy and Dill’s respiratory related illnesses.
Everyone knows that Persephone Price willingly ate that infamous “Maid Stew” that her father made for them to survive.
Festus Creed’s ✨PerseFest✨ agenda.
Dairy Heiress Domitia Whimsiwick fawning over Tanner’s skills and biceps.
Coral perfecting her somersault to impress the Capitol crowd and her idiot Mentor.
The Mentors pretending to be stupid whenever they attend Dr. Gaul’s class.
Dr. Gaul giving up on grooming poor Coryo Snow to become her successor because she realized that his brain doesn’t work properly whenever he’s with Sejanus.
Poor homeless Hilarius Heavensbee getting disowned and kicked out of the ✨Queen Bee Mansion✨ by his evil weirdo parents for being a loser nuisance towards his smarter and perfect younger brother.
Livia and Arachne convincing themselves that Casca Highbottom is actually Coryo Snow’s true sugar daddy.
Meanwhile, Florus Friend thinks Strabo Plinth is the real sugar daddy of poor Coryo Snow and homeless Hilarius Heavensbee.
Dr. Gaul openly wanting to strangle the Mentors for acting being stupid.
Urban Canville’s secret mission to strangle Lucky Flickerman and his annoying bird.
Felix Ravinstill being the favorite darling grandnephew son of President Gran Gran.
Festus winning the position of ✨Class Representative✨. Apparently, Creed only won because Sejanus “accidentally” locked Urban Canville inside a bathroom stall.
Persephone Price and Mizzen being the best pizza partners in crime. Somebody, these two idiots will rule all of Panem with their ruthless ✨Pizza Palace Empire✨.
Drunk!Coryo genuinely believes that Felix Ravinstill is the current President of Panem.
Drunk!Sejanus, Drunk!Coryo, Drunk!Festus, and Drunk!Lysistrata acting like shameless fools in front of their Tributes. The poor and underpaid Peacekeepers were not amused.
Festus Creed and Sejanus Plinth stripping on broad daylight because of the summer heat.
Reaper Ash praying for some normalcy and mental peace every day.
Jessup and Sheaf talking and singing with the Capitol’s “sacred” rabid raccoons and wild squirrels in order to stay sane.
Mizzen being a terrible little gremlin.
The Mentors trying to recreate The Hunger Games until ✨Panemvision✨ was born.
Livia’s own version of The Hungers Games is basically ✨Love Island✨ on crack and steroids.
Because of the awful “Love Island” idea, the rest of the Mentors had to write a serious 20 page essay on why the Hunger Games should be recreated/revamped into a true reality TV show with a “no killing, no gore, no cannibalism” policy.
The Mentors trying to convince the School Board Members, the Government Officials, and crazy President Ravinstill to change the 10th Hunger Games into a non-deadly talent show to increase viewership and sponsors.
Moreover, Coryo strongly defended the proposal by having Lucy Gray successfully sing in front of a live audience (again) on TV. Billy Taupe was the only one who got offended (again).
Meanwhile, the rest of the Mentors also convinced their Tributes to show off their talents that same day. That was Reaper’s 2nd worst day of the week.😂
Dean Highbottom only supported the proposal because it reminded him of his wild karaoke clubbing days with his drop dead gorgeous lover. You know who it was.😏 #Crasca4Ever #crassusmylove #SnowBottom
Clemensia Dovecote also backs their weird essays by simply stating that killing children will only make the Districts hate the Capitol more. However, if they provide “real entertainment” without the violence, then the Districts might warm up to them.
In addition, Sejanus proposed that the winner of the contest will be made a ✨STAR of PANEM✨! 🤩
And as the ✨Star of Panem✨, he/she will be given monetary support and a lifetime supply of cabbages and lima beans by the Capitol.
Meanwhile, the losers will only get 10 boxes of pizza, 2 gallons of orange soda, one body bag of sandwiches (made by Ma Plinth) as a reward for “willingly” participating.
Juno Phipps then added a “rule” stating that no Tribute shall be punished (or killed) because the losers must live and remember their humiliation on television for the rest of their lives.😈
Coryo and Clemmie also proposed that each Tribute must have a Prep Team and Stylist to make them presentable for Lucky Flickerman’s Late Night Show with Jubilee.
Finally, Felix Ravinstill and Dennis Fling closed their arguments by stating: “That being forced to sing and perform ON STAGE and on LIVE TV, which could be replayed over and over again, even after death, especially for Tributes who couldn’t save their own pride and dignity for all of Panem to remember, is the worst punishment one could freely give to one’s enemy. They won’t even be allowed to forget how they had wronged you.”
After hearing the Mentors’ closing argument, Dr. Gaul was ready to end it all and commit bloody murder in front of everyone.😡🔪
But after some deliberation, President Ravinstill (and his puppies) approved the Mentors’ proposal and changed the Hungers Games into the ✨HGASC✨ (Hunger Games: Annual Singing Contest).
However, the Grandma’am and Strabo Plinth insisted that they should just officially call it ✨PANEMVISION✨.
Meanwhile, Dr. Gaul tried to persuade President Ravinstill (again) to reconsider the Mentors’ stupid proposals.
However, she was outvoted by both the School Board Committee and the Capitol’s highest ranking government officials, just because everyone (but her) wanted to see what “true entertainment” really looks like on screen.
Livia Cardew even defended everyone’s ideas nonstop because, according to her, there was a lack of spicy entertainment in the Capitol. Damn the rules! This is the Capitol! We want ✨Love Island✨ type of dramas! Where are the ✨Real Housewives of Corso✨?! F*ck the Hunger Games! Give us the 90 Day Fiancé from the Districts!
And that’s how the Mentors “accidentally” ended the Hunger Games and gave birth to the most popular and craziest reality TV show in the weird history of Panem.
As for every Quarter Quell, let’s just say, it’s gonna be a true ✨SHOW STOPPER✨!
The first ✨HGASC/PANEMVISION✨ Quarter Quell will have the Mentors reap kids from both Capitol and District. Afterwards, one District Tribute will be paired with one Capitol Tribute to perform a special duet act (whether they like it or not).
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
I still keep hoping (someday, I’ll be falling without caution)
(steddie | teen | 2.3k | AO3 | @steddie-week | fluff and/or angst)
Eddie has always been a romantic, but he never believed in love at first sight. Still doesn't, but his heart stutters in his chest and the world around him grows distant and quiet. He smiles softly at the man, hoping his thoughts don't show on his face. Thinks they might, because the smile he gets in return is dazed, wondrous. Eddie wonders how he's not used to people fawning over him, throwing themselves at his feet, vying for his attention. Before he can do anything stupid like walk over to the man and catch his perfect lips in a devouring kiss, Gareth taps him on the shoulder. "You okay, man?" "Why wouldn't I be?" "Don't know, but if you tune the strings any tighter they'll snap."
A sweet laugh rings through the warm spring air, bright and playful like a wind chime dancing in a gentle breeze. It's a beautiful sound, full of joy and giddiness and love. It tugs at Steve's heart, a bittersweet ache he's come to recognize and accept around Nancy these days.
He watches as she walks down the aisle, her white dress with the baby blue ribbon complimenting her petite frame, her big azure eyes sparkling with the promise of a happy life with the other half of her heart.
Steve gives her a soft smile, hiding his sadness and melancholy, because Nancy doesn't deserve one of the most important days of her life to be tainted by Steve's longing.
Neither does Robin. She's standing next to Steve, who is her best man of honor as she’s calling it, dressed in a burgundy tuxedo, her face nearly split in two at the sight of the love of her life walking toward her. She threatened to shave his hair off if he ever told anyone she called Nancy that. As if the way they were together could mean anything else.
They don't have eyes for anyone but each other, and before Nancy even reaches the altar, Robin steps forward, too eager to hold Nancy's hands in hers to wait any longer. It's not even funny, but Nancy throws her head back and laughs again, this time louder, uninhibited in a way she's never been with him. Not really.
And that's okay, because he realized that it hadn't been love between them. It had been the idea of love, the dream of the white picket fence life. They had wanted to be in love, and for a while they thought they were. Nancy, always smart, always curious and quick to figure things out, had been the first to realize it and had broken up with him over it. Steve had always been a little slower. It had taken him seeing Robin and Nancy together to finally realize the difference between wanting to be in love and being in love.
He remembered the day Robin came to him at seven-thirty in the morning, before the classes they were teaching even began, literally giggling and kicking her feet. She had told him with bright, excited eyes that she had met someone at the public lecture on how language shapes societal beliefs, or something equally nerdy. Not just someone, but "the most perfect woman that has ever existed, Steve, like, oh my God, you should have seen her, she's so beautiful I wanted to cry and then she opens her pretty mouth and she's also so smart, Steve, so much smarter than me, like, how is that fair, she’s perfect," she rambled on and on.
A few weeks later, Steve found out that the beautiful, smart woman was none other than his ex. Robin had fallen in love with the first girl he ever thought he loved. The one who made him realize there was more to life than popularity and doing what was expected of you. The one who broke his heart into a million pieces. The one who had made him cautious in a way he’s never had been before.
It had hurt, at first. It hadn't been easy watching his best friend, his platonic soulmate, get the love he once had while he went from date to date, bed to bed. Steve soon realized that it didn't hurt because he was jealous of Robin. It hurt because he was jealous of what Robin and Nancy had that he didn't.
Now, four years later, most of that was gone. He is so, so happy for them, his heart full of love for these two wonderful women who still acted like they'd just started dating.
He thinks of the way they still giggle together at the breakfast table, of the way Nancy always makes fun of the way Robin gets during the holidays, all stressed out and frenetic, going all out with the decorations and the presents and the traditions. The way Nancy wears that indulgent, gentle smile that is only Robin's when she does it. Or how Robin still kisses the ring Nancy's been wearing since their first anniversary whenever they haven't seen each other for more than a few hours. The ring they told everyone didn't mean they were engaged, even though they were. A secret only Steve ever learned, something he'll take to his grave.
As they stand before the officiant, holding each other's hands, lost in each other's eyes, and say "I do," Steve wonders if he'll ever find what they have. He wants it, wants it so bad that he can feel it sitting on his chest, knocking the breath out of his lungs. It feels like he's walking through life with Yearning at his side, holding his hand, lying in his arms at night, kissing his lips good morning and good night. It's the longest relationship he's ever had.
After the ceremony, the wedding party mingled while waiters walked around with champagne flutes, and Steve grabbed two and downed them in quick succession. The hardest part is over, he tells himself, now buck up and have some fun, for Robin and Nancy, if not for yourself.
Steve nods to himself and grabs another flute.
He can do this.
Playing in a wedding band was not exactly what he had in mind when he told his uncle that he wanted to make a living with his guitar. And yet here he was with Gareth and Jeff and Grant, setting up their instruments in fucking tuxedos instead of the ripped jeans and leather and chains they usually wear to their concerts. He really doesn't get paid enough for that.
But he does get paid, more than he can say for most of the gigs they play in clubs and bars around town. So wedding band it is. For now.
Eddie's eyes sweep over the crowd, landing on the happy couple chatting with some of the wedding guests. He liked them, especially the taller of the two, Robin (like the bird, he thinks, and it helps him remember her name), because she had also been in a band, and they had bonded over the horrors of being a band geek and theater kid in high school. He had given her a social pariah discount after that.
He lets his eyes wander further, taking in the mingling guests, chattering and laughing in small groups, before they land on a man standing all alone at the bar, and the first thing Eddie thinks is, he looks so lonely, followed by, that's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen, why is he all alone when everyone should be drawn to him like bees to the most enticing flower.
Just as he thinks that, the guy looks up from his empty flute and their eyes meet across the room.
Eddie has always been a romantic, but he never believed in love at first sight. Still doesn't, but his heart stutters in his chest and the world around him grows distant and quiet.
He smiles softly at the man, hoping his thoughts don't show on his face. Thinks they might, because the smile he gets in return is dazed, wondrous. Eddie wonders how he's not used to people fawning over him, throwing themselves at his feet, vying for his attention.
Before he can do anything stupid like walk over to the man and catch his perfect lips in a devouring kiss, Gareth taps him on the shoulder.
"You okay, man?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Don't know, but if you tune the strings any tighter they'll snap."
That's enough for him to tear (most of) his thoughts away from the lovely angel who is standing just a few, endless feet away, and back to what he's doing. It's not his sweetheart, but his uncle gave him this guitar, an acoustic, the one he learned to play on. She's his lucky charm, and he strokes her in silent apology.
When they're all set, he steps up to the microphone and greets the wedding party.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between, it's an honor to witness and celebrate the union of those two lovebirds over there," he points to Robin and Nancy, "with you. We're here to give this joyous occasion the soundtrack it deserves, and we hope you enjoy it. Requests are welcome, and the cuter you are, the more likely we are to play them." He winks at the crowd, thinking of a certain someone who could probably ask for any song, and Eddie would at least try.
He's got it bad.
"But first we have the opening dance. Please give it up for Mrs. and Mrs. Wheeler-Buckley."
With that, the two women make their way to the center of the dance floor, hand in hand, and Eddie begins to strum the first few notes. Everyone is quiet as the newlyweds begin to dance across the hall.
As Eddie sings the lyrics to the song the brides have chosen to declare their love, he can't help but look for the man from earlier.
'Cause it's you and me And all of the people with nothing to do Nothing to lose And it's you and me And all of the people And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you
He finds the man looking right back at him, eyes wide and dark as they watch him, and Eddie knows he has to talk to him, has to at least try, because he feels like he's on the verge of something monumental, something terrifying and wonderful and exhilarating.
It's almost an hour later when he gets his chance. They play their last song before the first break of the evening and Eddie can't wait to get a cold beer and smoke a cigarette outside before he talks to Mr-Too-Gorgeous-To-Be-Real.
Only Mr-Too-Gorgeous-To-Be-Real has other plans, because that's when he approaches the stage and stands right in front of Eddie, looking up at him through long, dark lashes and tousled honey-colored hair. His eyes are hazel and droopy, the sexiest bedroom eyes Eddie has ever seen, and he's glad to have a guitar in his lap.
They finish the song and the cute guy starts clapping before he realizes he's the only one and stops with the most adorable blush on his cheeks. Eddie is a total goner. Cute, sexy and a dork? He never had a chance.
Leaning over to him, Eddie asks in a hopefully sexy, sultry voice, "You're cute enough that I would even play Last Christmas if you asked. And I hate that song."
The blush deepens, but there's a twinkle in his eyes that Eddie is dying to see more of. "Oh, how do you know my favorite song?" he says, batting his eyelashes at Eddie and smiling in a way that is both a challenge and an invitation all at once, and before he can help himself, Eddie starts to strum on his guitar.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special
Eddie feels the stares of his bandmates at his back. They know how much he despises this song, have to listen to his rants about it every December, but he doesn't care what they think. He doesn't want to go home with them.
Pulling his guitar over his head and gently setting it on the floor, he jumps off the stage and lands next to the star of many dreams yet to come.
"I'm Eddie," he says, holding out his hand.
"Steve, nice to meet you," Steve says, taking Eddie's hand in his goddamn paws and Eddie's brain takes a short vacation. He silently thanks a God he doesn't believe in and vows to spend a lot of time on his knees with God's name on his lips whenever his mouth isn't full.
"Steve, what do you say we get out of here for a while?" Eddie knows he's being very forward, obvious in a way he usually isn't. He likes to play with his prey, draw it out, let the tension build. But right now he just wants to ask Steve if he can see him again. Preferably tomorrow, for breakfast at the latest.
Good thing Steve seems to be on the same page, because without another word he grabs Eddie's hand and pulls him towards the patio door leading to the grounds.
They both grab a beer from the bar before stepping outside into the bright May sun. There's a secluded area a few yards away from the main building with a small pond and a bench right under the cherry blossoms, and Steve sits down on it, beckoning Eddie to join him.
Eddie does, sitting as close as he can without being in Steve's lap, and Steve laughs, bright and happy, looking at him like he's something special.
"Tell me about you," Eddie says, and Steve laughs again.
"Like what?"
"Like everything."
Now Steve looks doubtful, almost nervous, as if he thinks Eddie is joking, and Eddie wonders how many people have ever bothered to get to know Steve.
He adds a please through his pouting lips, making his eyes big and round and batting his eyelashes for good measure. Steve snorts, but the lines around his eyes and mouth disappear.
Steve talks until Jeff comes and finds them to tell Eddie that their break ended 10 minutes ago and that he'd really like to get paid for this gig, thank you very much.
Eddie jumps up and runs toward Jeff, but pauses mid-step, turns around, runs back to Steve and tells him, "We're on until midnight, after that I'm free. I really want to dance with you, so please tell me you won't turn into a pumpkin at midnight."
Steve scrunches his nose, confused. "Why would I turn into a pumpkin at midnight?"
"Never mind. Will you save me a dance?"
Jeff clears his throat loudly behind them, and Eddie flips him the bird without taking his eyes off Steve.
"I'd love to."
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drpoisonoaky · 10 months
Are they really your friends if they haven’t threatened your partner? Yes they are, but where’s the fun in that.
This is the Gaang threatening Azula for “Katara’s sake”.
— Sokka
Sokka: Katara out!
Katara, raising an eyebrow: Excuse me?
Sokka: Can you please get out so I can speak with Azula?
Katara: Whatever you want to say to her I’m sure I can be in here.
Sokka: No. And don’t ask.
Sokka: Pretty please?
Azula: I’m honestly intrigued.
Katara: Ugh. Fine.
Sokka: Thanks sister. Luv ya.
*Katara out of the picture*
Sokka: Listen up snooty princess. *Put his boomerang on the table*. I’m here to talk about how I will punish you if you hurt my sister in any kind of way.
Azula: Sure, I’m all ears.
Sokka: Wait what?
Azula: But I must advise you I experienced a lot of forms of torture already. Father used to say “It’s war Azula, they will do this to you if you’re weak and they catch you. It’s for you own good”
Azula: So what do you have in mind? Father favored the traditional practices of the Earth Nation.
Sokka: I- Damn. Spirits.
Azula: Look I never would hurt your sister on purpose. Ever. You have my word and honor.
Sokka: I’m going to hug you. So be ready. Here I go.
Azula: This is certainly a technique that my father didn’t use.
Sokka: NOW.
— Suki
Suki: Let’s talk.
Azula: Last time I checked you weren’t my friend in the kyoshi warriors. Did something happen to Ty lee?
Suki: I want to talk to you as Katara’s friend.
Azula: Ugh.
Suki: Listen asshole If you consider for a fraction of sec-
Azula: I am not going to hurt her on purpose. I’m a bitch. I know. I’m mean. Believe I know. But-
Azula: Wait why am I explaining anything to you?
Suki: Because I’m going to kill you if you don’t treat her as she deserves?
Azula: She’d do it first, don’t you think?
Suki: ..Well yeah, but it’s mandatory. They give Sokka the warning talk when we started dating.
Azula: They give it to Sokka and not you?
Suki: In Katara’s words “You could do way better than him so we’re going to remind him that”
— Toph
Toph: Princess purple platypus.
Azula: Living creature who doesn’t know what a bath is.
Toph: I’m here to give you a talk captain firebitch.
Azula: About how you are going to murder me if I lost my mind again and hurt my girlfriend on purpose?
Toph: Yeah I guess.
Azula: Message received.
Toph: Good. Another thing.
Azula: What?
Toph: Is it true that you know several torture techniques from the Earth Kingdom?
Azula: *sighs* He cannot shut up. Yes.
Toph: Good so start to talk princess snooty-pants. I want details.
— Zuko
Azula: Is your turn in that madness that they’re doing?
Zuko: Has everyone talked to you?
Azula: I think the avatar didn’t but I’m not sure. But I don’t think he knows how to threat someone.
Zuko: Who knows. So can you help me to figure out how to distribute all of the income from-
Azula: Thank Agni. No talk from you?
Zuko: Of course not. If you hurt her she will beat the shit out of you. Well, maybe you will have an awesome battle like I would pick popcorn and watch. So no, I’ve started learning when I don’t need to talk.
Azula: Oh I wasn’t expecting that. Good job Zuzu.
Zuko: So can you help me?
Azula: Gladly.
— Aang
Aang: Hey Azula. Mind if I sit here?
Azula: Do as you please Avatar.
Aang: Oh thanks.
Aang: By the way I came here to say you something.
Azula: So I was right you were the one left-
Aang: Listen Azula I’m only going to say this once. *Avatar State on* Hurt Katara in any kind of way and I will forget everything I know about peace. I’ll bring Kyoshi and let her do whatever she wants. Your past will look like a fairy tale compared to what will happen to you. Understood?
Azula, pale as a piece of paper: Sure.
Aang: It was nice to see you. Let’s grab some tea someday. Bye!
Azula: Who would have thought that the air monk which I already kill once would be the most sadistic. My respects Avatar.
— Katara
Katara: I assume they give you the talk, right?
Azula: You have assumed correctly.
Katara: Poor thing.
Azula: I know you don’t feel bad for me, quit the show.
Katara: Don’t be such a baby. Now I need to know, who was the weakest?
Azula: Your brother by far. He spent more time trying to hug me than threatening me.
Katara: No surprised. Who was the “scariest”?
Azula: The Avatar. But don’t you dare to tell a soul.
Katara: Aang? The pacifist monk? Aang who cries if he eats a piece of meat?
Azula: Yes sweetie, that one.
Katara: *barely holding her laughter*
Azula: One more laugh and I’m done with you.
Katara: No you don’t.
Azula: I hate you.
Katara: I hate you too babe.
Toph, from afar: WHIPPED.
— Ty lee & Mai
Azula: Did you give Katara the talk
Ty lee: What talk?
Mai: I don’t think we need to tell her where the babies come from.
Azula: The one of If Katara hurt me you will hurt her etc.
Mai: No?
Ty lee: Why would we ever do that? We like Katara. She’s way nicer than you.
Mai: Being honest she could do better than you.
Azula: And I’m betrayed once aga-
Azula: Oh no. I’m the Sokka. Somebody kill me.
Mai: I think she lost it. Again.
Ty lee: Suki could also do better than Sokka.
Azula: I’m a sinner in the eyes of the fire nation. SOMEBODY KILL ME.
Mai: Ugh. She’s so dramatic.
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beestriker015 · 11 months
Princess Peach x male s/o headcanons
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S/o is one of the few humans living in the Mushroom Kingdom, and has been a friend of the princess since they were babies.
As time went by and the two grew older, that friendship began blossoming into something more.
Eventually, with some encouragement from both Mario and Luigi, the princess confessed her feelings to s/o.
“I love you s/o, and I wish to be with you. Please know that if you don’t feel the same way about me, the two of us will always be friends.”
She says with a smile, awaiting his answer.
“Peach, I had no idea you felt that way about me. To tell you the truth, I’ve had feelings for you for a long time now. I love you too Peach.”
Upon hearing this, Peach brings s/o into a warm embrace, thus marking the beginning of their relationship.
News quickly spread throughout the kingdom that the princess has found a suitor, much to the couple’s dismay.
“I’m so sorry s/o, I didn’t expect word of our relationship to get out this fast.”
“Well, everyone was bound to find out some time. I just hope we won’t be hounded by the press too badly.”
Much to the pair’s surprise, the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom were very respectful of their privacy and were happy that the princess found someone to love.
“Thank you, all of you. I am honored to be the princess of such amazing people.”
Peach addresses her subjects with a grateful smile on her face during the official announcement of her relationship with s/o.
“If the princess has a suitor, that means she’s gonna get married right?”
A Toad asks as the crowd begins chatting amongst themselves.
Before Peach could speak up and tell them that she and s/o aren’t planning on getting married at the moment, another Toad joins the conversation.
“Yay! Let’s give a big cheer for Princess Peach and s/o! Congratulations lovebirds!”
The crowd begins cheering as Peach and s/o blush and exchange glances.
“I mean, it’s not like I’m opposed to getting married to you s/o, but I don’t wanna rush things.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I definitely wanna marry you someday Peach, but only when we’re both ready.”
He kisses her, flustering the princess as a series of awws are heard from the crowd.
By request of his girlfriend, s/o moves into the castle.
“Welcome to your new home s/o! If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
“Thanks babe, I guess this means no more slinking off to my place huh?”
He smirks as the princess laughs a little.
“I suppose not. As long as I get to be with you though s/o, it doesn’t matter.”
Before s/o moved in with her, Peach had a tendency to sneak out of the castle to go visit her boyfriend, causing everyone (specifically Toadsworth) to panic that their princess has gone missing.
Speaking of going missing, whoever Bowser kidnaps the princess for the umpteenth time, s/o joins Mario to go rescue her from the Koopa King.
“Bwahaha. I heard Princess Peach was dating someone, but I didn’t expect it to be someone so wimpy! You and that stupid plumber should just go home! The princess is mine now!”
“We’ll see about that Bowser! Mario, let’s take him down together ok?”
The mustachioed jumper nods as they prepare to fight, with Bowser ending up defeated as per usual.
“We make a great team man, now let’s save Peach!”
After rescuing the princess, she rewards the two with a cake (and giving s/o an affectionate kiss).
“Thank you s/o for helping Mario rescue me.”
“You’re welcome babe. Besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t do anything to save you?”
The princess smiles and gives her boyfriend another kiss.
“You are an amazing boyfriend s/o. I love you so much.”
“I love you too Peach.”
Being incredibly wealthy, Peach loves to spoil her boyfriend with gifts.
“I love you Peach, but you don’t have to get me all these things, not that I don’t appreciate it.”
“I know, but I just can’t help it s/o. I’ll try not to overdo it.”
She says knowing that she already bought him a really expensive thing he’s always wanted.
Whenever Peach competes in a kart race, s/o can be seen in the stands cheering her on.
“Go babe! I know you can win this!”
Hearing her boyfriend’s support always drives her to do her absolute best to win.
Even if she doesn’t get first place, s/o always runs up to her after the race ends and praises her nonetheless.
After being together for quite some time, s/o decides it’s finally time to propose to his girlfriend.
“I’m nervous Toadsworth, I don’t know if I can do this.”
“There’s nothing to be nervous about my boy! The princess absolutely loves you, I’m sure she’ll be incredibly happy when you ask for her hand.”
“It’s not that I think she’ll say no, I just…what if I mess it up?”
“As long as you speak from the heart, you’ll be fine s/o. Now chin up! The princess is waiting!”
S/o nods and thanks Toadsworth for the confidence boost as he goes to the balcony where his girlfriend is waiting.
“Oh. Hello s/o. Why did you want to meet me out here?”
Not answering her, s/o gets down on one knee and pulls out a beautiful ring as the princess gasps.
“Peach, being with you has made my life worthwhile. I love you with all my heart, and want to spend the rest of my life with you. My love, will you marry me?”
She nods rapidly with tears in her eyes.
“Yes s/o, I will!”
Once she puts the ring on, Peach pulls her now fiancé into a passionate kiss.
When the day of the wedding comes, Peach has Daisy as her bridesmaid, with s/o having both Mario and Luigi as his groomsmen.
“Do you Princess Peach take s/o as your husband for as long as you both shall live?”
The minister Toad asks as the princess smiles.
“I do.”
“And do you s/o take Princess Peach as your wife in sickness and in health?”
S/o nods.
“I do.”
“Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife!”
Peach and s/o seal their marriage with a kiss as the entire kingdom celebrates the two’s marriage, except for a very upset Bowser, who was watching the ceremony from aboard the Koopa Cruiser.
Going from childhood friends to lovers, there’s no doubt that Peach and s/o’s love for each other is so strong that not even Bowser’s constant kidnappings can put a strain on it.
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shinagawa-division · 4 months
The Hegemony Wedding Ceremony (CodeX Voicelines Ver.)
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— Miho
“It’s finally happening, I honestly can’t believe that the day is here. Am I nervous? A tad but I am absolutely confident that this won’t end like the last engagement. But honestly I’m more worried about the ceremony than anything, I don’t know why but I feel like something bad is going to happen which cannot be true, everything has to be absolutely perfect! I’ll have to get more security to keep an extra eye on Sumire.”
(To Ritsuko) “Ritsuko! Don’t you look lovely, I’m so glad you actually decided to show up considering that you’re quite literally my maid of honor. Come now, at least try to look happy for me, but I’m serious, thank you for being here for me, you’ve always been like a sister for me, especially when my own family can’t be here.”
(To Sumire) “Honestly, I don’t know why I still decided to let you step foot in this venue after what you did but…even after everything, despite all the fights and arguing…we’re still family, Sumire, like it or not, the truth is that we’re all we literally have left for each other, we are the last of our family and that’s terrifying. I genuinely, absolutely love Tomi but I’m also doing this to secure the future of our bloodline, I hope…I hope that you understand someday.”
(To Luis) “Kōkyū-san…I wanted to thank you for providing our wedding cake and…thanks for attending.”
(To Karada) “Oh…Kessaku-san…how…lovely to see you, yes, thank you for compliments and wishes, I do hope you enjoy yourself today.”
(To Tomi) “Is it bad to say that I am still in shock? Haha, but truly I could not be happier than I am now, who would’ve thought that the charming young man that I met at his parents’ soirée would become my future husband? Life has a strange way of putting things together but I can say with absolute certainty that I do not regret a single thing, especially because it leads us to now. Tomi Chōten, my dearest, my King, you are the love of my life and I cannot imagine being without you, it is my greatest honor to become your wife and I promise to be there for you always, through highs and lows until death do us part, I love you.”
— Ritsuko
“Miho better thank her lucky stars that I have such a soft spot for her, I find weddings to be quite irritating as they are nothing but over exaggerated pageants and we’ve already had enough of those. But still, this is the only wedding that I will have minimum grievances with, Miho deserves this and who am I to stop her from finally achieving happiness after all she’s been through.”
(To Miho) “I’d be rather hard pressed to find anyone else who would even try to steal the spotlight from you, you look absolutely stunning Miho, hard to believe that Tomi Chōten of all people will be officially able to call you his. Putting that aside, I’m happy for you, truly, I am attempting to smile from the inside. Is that enough sentimentality for you? Yes? Good, now let’s finally get this over with.”
(To Sumire) “Goodness Sumire, dare I say that you look more devoid of emotion than I do, while I understand how positively infuriating this must be for you, I do think you should focus on the bigger picture, that being that Miho has constantly been put through the ringer from the time of your disappearance to even now. The world has tried again and again to beat her down yet she came out on top even stronger than before, what I’m trying to say is that whatever you’re thinking about this is simply not true, Miho is not marrying Tomi simply just to spite you or anything of the sort, even I can see that she is sickeningly in love with him and that she is just simply taking the chance to be happy, to do what she wants to do for herself for once. Just something to think about, I’ll see you on alter.”
(To Luis) “Greetings Kōkyū. At least the one good thing from this is the cake you’ve made.”
(To Karada) “…” *shows him a spider to get him to leave her alone*
(To Tomi) “Chōten, before we proceed to the main event, I just wanted to have a word with you. Miho is absolutely excited and is very looking forward to become Mrs. Miho Chōten, I figured I’d let you know and to also remind you that should you ever hard Miho either physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychologically, I will make sure that you will regret the day that you ever came to existence, Sumire’s little aggressions will look like absolute child’s play compared to what I am capable of and no one, not your wealth, your prestige, or even your mother will be able to save you. Have I made myself clear? Good.”
— Sumire
“So many happy faces and yet I feel absolutely nothing, not even anger funny enough, I don’t know, maybe my subconscious knows that this is it, there’s nothing I can honestly do to actually put a stop to this, Miho’s determined to see this through and I fucking hate hate hate to see how genuinely happy Chōten is. No, no, fuck that, screw this and screw them, I’m not done yet, if they think that they’re coming out of this unscathed then they got another fucking thing coming!”
(To Ritsuko) “Hey Ritsuko, you look nice, who’s funeral you attending? Yeah yeah, whatever, I know you’re not too thrilled about this either, at least we’re suffering together, right? I just…nothing, it’s nothing, you better get ready before Miho goes into full Bridezilla mode.”
(To Miho) “…I hate how pretty you look…oh shut up, also it’s adorable how you think having a bunch of guards follow me throughout the day will deter me from finally putting an end to this bullshit. Save me the speech, Miho! You could have chosen literally anyone in this fucking country to marry and yet you chose HIM?! What the fuck do you even see in him?! And don’t say some bullshit like ‘his personality’! Goddamnit do you seriously hate me that badly that you want me gone?! “
(To Luis) “Hey Luis, surprised to see you here, last time I checked, you and my aunt aren’t the greatest of friends and I honestly thought that Tomi had some sort of blackmail to have you keep hanging out with him. Eh, anyways, good to see you, I guess.”
(To Karada) “Oh for fuck’s sake, don’t you have to go chase some sluts?! Leave me the fuck alone you no brain having, muscle-headed, small dick guerilla!”
(To Tomi) “I have nothing to say to you, you absolute scum, honestly just looking at you is enough to piss me the fuck off, just because you’re marrying my aunt doesn’t mean that I will stop making your life a living hell, I will never see you as family and I hope you drop fucking dead, bitch.”
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ravenoclock · 2 months
A continuation of updates abt presque vu. Spoilers included. Italics are quotes from the fic itself. I apologize for not updating for a few days, I’ve been a bit busy.
Sirius is such a girlboss I swear. Androgynous royalty. Him being saying how they love confusion sm and making people confused like GET IT, LOVE. Also James being so supportive and being like ‘is it comfortable and how does it feel, etc’ is so cute. Love them.
The emmary :( idk what’s going on there but I feel so bad for them.
Oh, Remus, please like my knickers, please don't turn them into a joke, please like everything about me, even the things you don't understand, even the things you don't know, even the things I don't either. This is what I am. Please take me as I am.
Also Remus being like ‘I’ll like u in whatever u wear’ is so wholesome.
"Pretty sure she knows I'm fucking Dorcas," Marlene says, gaze fixed on the wrench. "She hates it. Can you believe that? I kill people and she looks the other way, but I love a woman and she hates me."
That’s rly fucked up. I hate that Marls has to go through stuff like that. Side note, I’m imagining Marlene with her hair short asf and I just died. MARLS THE WOMAN YOU ARE.
Also Peter…poor boy. Ik he chose to betray them and all that but Sirius saying how Peter used to be rly lively and shit and now he’s just… nothing.
Today, Sirius is as much a man as he is a woman, both simultaneously, with no words to describe why it's that way, or what it feels like.
Is it weird to say I’m proud of him? Like, a few chapters before she didn’t even know what she was feeling and now they’re more comfortable with it and they’re fine with it. Idk. I just love it.
To Sirius, control is secrecy.
"You're a vision," Sirius croaks, struck stupid by it, by him. "Do you have any idea how lovely you are?"
Sirius still thinking Remus deserves better and that he’s not good enough for Remus actually makes me want to die because THEYRE MADE FOR EACH OTHER. MOLDED FROM THE SAME CLAY. CUT FROM THE SAME CLOTH. IDC WHAT CORNY SHIT I HAVE TO SAY TO PROVE THAT THEY ARE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER AND ITS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL THING AND I LOVE IT.
Someday, he will be silent more often than he is not. Someday, he will be unable to recall his mother's voice. Someday, he will only remember her scream.
It's unfortunate, really, that so few of them live long past the proof.
moving on to….CHAPTER TEENNNNN
HARRY MY BABY IS HEREEEEE AND SIRIUS IS LIKE ‘hmm I kinda understand why my parents hated me now’ lmao? I guess? Idk if I’m supposed to laugh?
Sirius would scamper out of her bedroom and rub her eyes with her fists and, half-asleep with a tiny yawn, she would reach out for her mother's hand and offer to walk with her. She would ask, on the few and far between nights where her mother actually let her small hand slip into hers, if she could give Regulus a hug, or tell him hello. And, occasionally, with a long suffering sigh like it was the end of the world, Walburga would hold Sirius' hand for a beat, then let go, then let Sirius do it.
"Merlin, your tears are contagious," Sirius informs Harry with a croaky whisper, not understanding why her eyes are suddenly streaming, why her chest feels like it's caving in.
;-; now I wanna cry. thx.
Harry, apparently, is chaos incarnate.
They love Harry so much they can't shut up about it.
But that doesn't stop Sirius from wanting to hold Harry all the time. That doesn't stop her from begging Lily and James to let her come over so she can watch Harry breathe, which is a bit odd, but it's an impulse she can't resist. That doesn't stop her from wanting to feed Harry, or coo at him, or change his nappies and rock him to sleep and gasp in awe when he accidentally manages to grasp his own foot in his fist and fling his baby sock halfway across the room.
All that is to say, Peter's awkward with Harry usually, unsure how to handle him, scared to hurt him. It's sweet and endearing, but his caution must read wrong to Harry, because he genuinely seems to throw a fit every time Peter tries to have anything to do with him. Maybe they need to bond. They haven't seemed to do that yet.
Harry knows…
Even lullabies can be lies sometimes.
So….whos paying for my therapy?
Oh my god. Lily laughing her ass off thinking Dumbledore’s lost his mind and James and Sirius being like ‘umm so who’s gonna tell her?’ And Remus agreeing with Lily but looking at Sirius and realizing she’s not fucking around. Sirius being like ‘it doesn’t fucking matter if you think the prophecy is bullshit, they won’t. they’ll come after your baby whether or not this prophecy is real.’ And Lily being like ‘oh shit you motherfucker now WHY would you say that?’
"She gets it now," James weeps, "and somehow that's worse."
Of course. There’s a saying I can’t quite remember for this kind of situation.
Zar’s metaphor for time and growing up… that’s my 10th life gone y’all.
Remus takes one look at him, and the fight doesn't even exist. They don't say they're sorry, and they don't talk about it anymore, and they simply let it fizzle into nothingness until all that's left is the way they hold each other.
…something tells me that’s kinda toxic. But wolfstar and communication don’t work rly well together. I wish they would just talk :(
It's the brightest part of Sirius' life, to be loved by that kid.
Christ on a Stick. I can’t do this today.
Later, Sirius will think about that tradition he heard about, the one that's almost a superstition, where you're not supposed to do anything strenuous or upsetting on New Years, or else you'll be stuck doing it all year following. It's meant for chores, usually, not for going without your best friend.
Jaw dropped. Tears cried. Screams scrumpt.
I feel a headache incoming so that’s all I’m reading for today. I finished chapter 10!!! Apparently there’s some time for me to prepare for what happens in 1981 so I’m very thankful for that but I don’t think I’ll ever be fully ready :( anywho sorry that it’s a bit shorter this time but yeah! those r my thoughts for chapters 9 & 10 of presque vu. Have a great day :)
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esther-dot · 1 year
I think it makes sense that Bran is chosen as King during a moot but I don't think this is going to become the new way King's are chosen in Westeros going forward. I feel that BRAN is actually the "Queen Elizabeth I" of the story & a child by Sansa/Jon would be the King James I of England (6th of Scotland). I doubt GRRM can realistically do a moot in ADOS without the Lords in the room worrying over Bran's succession plan esp after all the wars we JUST saw over this issue. What do you think?
Succession is a major issue in the books, so I agree, he's gonna have to have an answer to that, anon.
I suppose when Bran became king, I assumed the idea was to keep any and all Targs off that throne (even though book Jon is a great kid), and that makes me think even his son wouldn't be allowed to inherit as Jon would have to be publicly known as a Targ in order to marry Sansa, so I'm hesitant to go there.
Although, I've read and agree with the idea that this line
"And in mine," she blazed, angry now. Why couldn't he see? "He offers his own son in marriage to our daughter, what else would you call that? Sansa might someday be queen. Her sons could rule from the Wall to the mountains of Dorne. What is so wrong with that?" (AGOT, Catelyn II)
feels like foreshadowing for Sansa's child to be Jon's and for him to be heir to Westeros. Just because this feels like one of those passages you read without it giving you pause, but after later events, you revisit and realize, holy shit, the old man told us so at the beginning!
It also tracks with the Jonsa interpretation of this line:
"Glory to your betrothed," Ser Arys answered at once. "See how it flames across the sky today on His Grace's name day, as if the gods themselves had raised a banner in his honor. The smallfolk have named it King Joffrey's Comet."         
Doubtless that was what they told Joffrey; Sansa was not so sure. "I've heard servants calling it the Dragon's Tail."                 
"King Joffrey sits where Aegon the Dragon once sat, in the castle built by his son," Ser Arys said. "He is the dragon's heir--” (ACOK, Sansa I)
But, there’s debate about whether or not Jon is legitimate (the heir), whether or not the North goes free (is Sansa ever a queen?), and whether or not Bran will live an extra long life, whether he might actually be able to have children of his own after all, or whether Martin putting Bran on the throne indicates he will dramatically alter how kings become kings for good.
I like your suggestion a lot, I always love it when people have spec influenced by history because we know that has influenced Martin, but I'm not sure. It works with Cat’s line though!
I’ll tag @minitafan who has written about some historical parallels and may have some helpful thoughts.
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bunbeeplays · 6 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 61 - An Awkward Evening
While the band finishes their last practice before tonight's wedding, Ophelia checks on Hector. A partner losing both their parents has to have been hard for him too.
Hector: Peter and Lakshmi were good people. Shame I couldn’t be there to celebrate their life with my family.
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Ophelia: I’m glad Hilary and Xander have each other for support. I wish I could be more help but I don’t know what else to do.
Hector: You being there is enough. Alexander is a lucky man to have a woman like you.
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Hector: I appreciate you staying in town for the wedding, Ophelia. You’ve proven to be a reliable and loyal employee. I appreciate that.
Hector’s always so busy, Ophelia rarely gets to talk to him one-on-one. They could be family one day, it’s nice to spend time with him.
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Ophelia: Uh, you know, I’m not sure if I’ve ever said it but thank you for giving me a shot, back when I was a nobody.
Hector: You’ve more than proven yourself, my dear. We’re honored to have a rising star amongst us. I always knew there was something special about you.
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Hector: You and the band have been remarkable lately, we’ve gotten nothing but glowing reviews. I’ve been meaning to thank you all for your hard work somehow. How about after the wedding, you three come to my home and I treat you all to some of the best nectar in Tartosa?
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Ophelia: That sounds wonderful, but I feel bad celebrating with everything that’s happened.
Hector: The Pappas were a joyous couple. They wouldn't want us to mope around on their behalf. I’ll tell Drew and Moses about it later. You go get dressed for tonight.
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Drew and Moses chill after another successful wedding. Ophelia is enjoying the peace after the guests have left when Hector approaches.
Ophelia: I think everything went well!
Hector: Certainly. How about we go celebrate, huh?
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Ophelia: I'll go get the band!
Hector: Oh, I just spoke to Drew and Moses. They're both going to change before heading over.
Ophelia: I don't mind waiting for them.
Hector: They didn't want to keep us waiting. We can enjoy a glass or two before they join us.
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Hector and Ophelia have arrived at the Laurent manor and head straight for the bar. Ophelia sends Xander a quick goodnight text while Hector starts pouring some of the best nectars he has.
Ophelia also checks for any texts from her bandmates to explain what's taking so long.
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Hector pours a red and a white nectar.
Hector: Take your pick. You're the star, after all.
Ophelia's drink of choice is Buffalo Wing Tea but she doesn't want to look tacky in front of her boss so she chooses the red.
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Hector checks his phone and sighs dramatically.
Hector: Apparently Moses needs to grab something from home. Looks like they'll be a while. I'm sure we can keep ourselves occupied while we wait.
Hey, as long as Ophelia can keep drinking this nectar, she's not complaining!
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Ophelia tries to think of what to talk about.
Ophelia: Jace made the basketball team. Isn't that great?
Hector: Yes, he told us before they left. It's okay, dear, you don't need to pretend to care about my son.
Ophelia: I do care! Jace is a sweetheart, I'm so happy for him!
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Hector smiles fondly.
Hector: That's very kind. Jace seems to think the world of you, as well. I'm sure you'll make a great mother someday.
Ophelia doesn't know how to respond so she just drinks. The lines between potential in-law and boss make discussions like this feel weird.
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Ophelia finishes her glass a little too quickly, but at least the conversation with Hector is going a little better. He has all kinds of funny wedding stories! Bridezillas, cake fails and affairs, oh my!
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A couple of glasses in, Hector excuses himself to the bathroom. Ophelia's starting to get worried, so she sends a message in the Let Them Eat Cake group chat asking what's taking them so long.
She feels bad drinking so much of this expensive nectar, but damn it's good.
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Hector's pours are generous and continuous.
Ophelia: It's been over an hour. Drew's a party animal, they're never this late to an event with drinks. And Moses is gay, so he walks hella fast. They should be here by now.
Hector: Are you not enjoying our time together, Ophelia?
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Ophelia: N-No, of course I'm having fun talking to you.
Hector: Then let's focus on enjoying each other's company. Don't worry about what they're doing. You deserve to be selfish every once in a while.
Ophelia: …Okay. I've got to powder my nose. Be right back.
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Ophelia washes her hands with cold water to calm herself. She feels on-edge, like something's wrong. Drew and Moses don't flake. She sends one more text asking where they are.
Hector acted a little weird before. Maybe she can make up an excuse to bail. It is late, after all.
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Hector: Thanks for keeping me company. It gets lonely in this big house without my family. Why don't I get to know you better?
Hector really is a sweet guy. Maybe his awkward behavior before was an attempt to be nice.
Ophelia: Sure.
Hector: Great!
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
A Day Full of Surprises- Steve Rogers xreader fic
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Summary: Steve plans a romantic picnic for him and reader to surprise them with asking them to marry him and turns out reader has a big surprise for Steve as well
Warnings: angst, fluff, a lot of fluff and mentions of feeling nervous and overthinking, soft Steve Rogers, not a lot of warnings for this one
———Steve’s POV———
Another year of being together with Y/N has gone by and we’ve been together for five years now and she makes me the happiest man and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my best girl. Today’s the day I’m planning on asking her to marry me. I got a ring a few days ago and I worked out how I’m gonna ask her and I’m so nervous I’ll mess up but Bucky helped me write what I wanna say when I ask her so that helped me feel a lot better about it.
I looked at the paper and said “are you sure this speech is good enough Buck? I don’t wanna mess this up.” Bucky rolled his eyes and said “Steve it’s great she’ll tear up and of course say yes to you man stop stressing ok?”
I felt relieved and I knew Bucky was right I needed to relax.
Y/N is still sleeping in and I didn’t wanna wake her up and I wrote her a note and left it on the pillow asking her to meet me at our favorite spot by the lake for a picnic later, I’m so excited to ask her to marry me.
———Y/N’s POV——
My alarm went off on my phone and I woke up to turn it off and saw a note on Steve’s pillow and I opened it and read his note and I wondered what the occasion was but honestly Steve has been so busy with saving the world with the avengers that we haven’t had a date in a few weeks so I was excited to go meet him though.
I walked out to the kitchen to breakfast though I felt nauseous. I saw Bucky our close friend who lives with us, drinking coffee and said “hey Buck how are you doing?” Bucky saw I didn’t look that great and said “Y/N are you gonna tell Steve you’re pregnant soon?” I nodded and said “yes I am actually today on our date, I’m nervous.”
Bucky said “doll I can guarantee he’ll be very happy maybe a bit nervous but I bet it’ll work out just fine.” I smiled and hugged Bucky and said “thank you my friend you’re amazing, see ya I gotta go meet Steve now.”
——-time skip——
———Steve’s POV——
I practiced my speech on how I would say everything before Y/N got here and I checked my phone and Y/N texted me saying “be there in five minutes can’t wait for our date.”
I saw Y/N pull up and walk over and I went to greet her and kissed Y/N and said “hey love I’m so glad you’re here I missed you.” Y/N smiled and said “I’m glad I’m here too steve we really needed a quiet date just the two of us.”
We cuddled on the blanket for a bit and Y/N noticed I was nervous and said “babe? you ok? You seem stressed or something.” I smiled at her and said “I’m fine doll, actually I had you meet me here because I had an important question to ask you and I wanted this to be special.”
Y/N looked at me feeling confused and said “for what to be special?” I got the ring box out and opened the box and Y/N started crying and I took Y/N’s hand in mine and said “Y/N L/N, from the first time we met to our first date to the first time we said I love you I knew you were the one I wanted to be with forever and someday I hope to have children with you and grow old so.. will you Y/N do the honor of marrying me doll?”
Y/N smiled and said “oh my gosh, yes! Yes I will marry you Steve Rogers!” I sat down by Y/N and put the ring on her finger and leaned in to kiss her and said “I love you Y/N, now and always.”
Y/N smiled and then said “I love you too Steve and I actually have a surprise for you, I’m pregnant.”
———Y/N’s POV——
“Steve?.. please say something?” Steve was surprised but smiled & said “wow! really doll? I’m a father now?” I smiled at him and said “yes Stevie we’re gonna have a child in a few months, I wanted to surprise you.”
Steve kissed my belly gently and said “wow, this day is full of surprises huh?” I squeezed his hand softly and looked at him and said “I hope it’s a good surprise?” Steve kissed me and said “darling this is wonderful news I love you so much.”
Today seemed like a dream but I’m so happy Steve and I could finally have our happy ending after so long.
I thought the idea for this one was a really cute one 😊♥️ I love Steve
@imyourbratzdoll , @fluffycutecevans , @nana1000night , @chrisevansdaughter
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paimaniagalaxia · 2 months
FNAF AU- Clean Up Time
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Ship: Springtrap x Self insert
Word count: 1,626
Summary: The after math of the events of FNAF 1, where a clean up crew is hired by Henry Emily to help refurbish and confiscate the animatronics.
Paige is apart of that clean up crew and decides to leave the rest of her crew mates to finish the job, all the while exploring the rest of the pizzaria. Only to end up in parts and services, to find the one and only William Afton. AKA, Springtrap.
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Honestly, I can’t keep going like this. The constant performing and the lines of children. Day after day, seems to be a never ending cycle. If I have to keep this up, I might as well live in the suit itself.
I just want to die, since Henry-- Oh so SWEET Henry, runs the show. He made the animatronics that I’ve designed. But now HE’S the face of the company.
Oh well, let the American have it all!
Heh heh ehh, William, William… You crack yourself up too much.
This job is gonna be the end of you someday. But not today… Not today.
Today, it’s time for Spring Bonnie to perform.
“William. WILLIAM!!” A man with a ginger beard calls out to the undressing Brit with brown hair.
“Oh what do you want?” William states back in an irritated tone as he fixes up his tie in a nearby mirror.
He just finished another tiring performance next to the wondrous Fredbear, as his co-star: Spring Bonnie.
“We need to talk about expenses.” Henry spoke back, matching with William’s irritation.
“Expenses? Oh, now you want me to do my actual job?”
“Oh hardy-har-har Will. You are both the finances and Spring Bonnie. After all, you did say you can multitask!”
“I should have kept my mouth shut…” William grumbles under his breath, before following Henry into his workshop.
Henry’s worship had an endoskeleton left on his work bench, it looked lifeless like a corpse. The metallic build was thin like toothpicks, but had large eyeballs the size of baseballs. The thing looks better with a shell rather than it by itself.
William preferred the more wiring build he had designed, but that project was scrapped-- For personal reasons.
“William, we are getting bigger as a company. And we're gonna expand out from this small rinky-dink diner. It is about time we talk about cuts of the profits.” Henry states back as he moves some nuts and bolts on a nearby table. Forming them into a small pile.
He takes his wrench and moves a huge chunk off to the size.
This made William smile.
“So I’ll be getting a majority of the cut! I am so honored to be taking such a huge pay, this will be so good for me and the boys--”
Then Henry laughs hard. 
Prompting William to frown, and raises a brow.
“What’s so funny? William asks, confused. “Who said you were gonna get that big payout? No one.” Henry states before pointing the wrench at his business partner’s chest. “That would ALL GO, to me.”
“TO YOU?!” William was flabbergasted. He helped run the show, made the designs of the animatronics, and even helped with the finances as well. This venture was built by his very hands, more than Henry could ever think of doing so by himself. “I am practically the STAR of the main show, CHILDREN idolize Spring Bonnie.”
“Yes, that’s all they see. Spring Bonnie. And that’s all you’ll ever be Will.” Henry gently pushes William back with the wrench.
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The main in the asymmetrical dress shirt winces and stumbles back, a firm glare painted on his face. Tired eye was now twitching. William was NOT happy. And why should he be? Henry was taking everything he worked so hard for, away. All for what?
“And why do you deserve so much?” William asks.
Henry dusts the top of his wrench and grins over at his partner.
“It’s only me and Charlotte, William. You have-- Had a wife. And your cut is more than enough for you and the boys.” Henry explains back. “Aren’t you going to hire Michael to work for us anyways?”
“Not now, he’s only fifteen.” William states back.
“Fair. We don’t want to lie on the record.” Henry shrugs and sets his wrench down between the piles of nuts and bolts.
He waves his hand, ushering William goodbye. Leaving the crossed man alone in the room.
The very man was irked beyond comprehension. The same dark urge starts to burn once again. The one who took his wife, his daughter Elizabeth. The one who performs on stage, also took lives. A twisted self when it came to mask his identity, something he pushed down… Was now arising again.
A wicked grin appears. It was time to play.
Charlotte was playing with the other children in the diner. Giggling happily as it was her birthday. She just turned nine, so close to being ten. To be the oldest out of her little friend group.
Then, a shadow casts over her.
“Eh?” She coos before turning and smiling big. “Spring Bonnie!” “Hey howdy ho Charlotte!” Spring Bonnie spoke back, in a Southern draw. Waving back to the girl dressed in black and white. “I heard it was someone’s birthday!”
“Me! Me!!” Charlotte jumps up and down happily.
“It is! Oh my goodness, the special birthday girl needs something for her special day!” He chuckles happily, extending his hand out. His bright blue eyes catch the large present.
Inside that box was a creation of Henry’s, Marionette. It watches over Charlotte. So he couldn’t take her anywhere inside the diner. So, Spring Bonnie had to do things OUTSIDE.
“If I can get your permission, birthday gal, can I give you yer gift outside?” Spring Bonnie asks.
“I don’t know… Daddy says I have to stay inside.” Charlotte nervously replies.
“Is it Daddy’s birthday?” “Nooo, you’re right! We can go out!”
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Spring Bonnie gleams, takes Charlotte’s hand. Leading her out of the Diner. To give her a special gift.
Weeks went by, missing child posters were hung around the outside of the diner itself, but they were chipped away. Blown away in the wind itself as Charlotte wasn’t found. As this left a worried Henry to panic, not able to focus on his work. Locked away in his workshop.
So William had full control.
Despite that control, the only thing he couldn’t control was his youngest son’s fear of animatronics.
“Oh come now, they are not so scary.” William tries to persuade.
“Dad… You know he’s seen what you’ve made back home.” A young teenage son, Micheal spoke back annoyed.
William frowns and sighs. “But these are built by Henry. They are nothing like what we have at home.”
“Uh huh…” Michael rolls his eyes, arms folded and turns away.
“B-Brother is right…” Evan, the youngest, whimpers. Poking his head out from under the table. “That Fredbear is too scary.  His jaw looks like a shark’s.”
“But does it have sharp teeth?” William asks softly.
“Nooo…” Evan responds back.
“Then he won’t hurt you.” He smiles and holds out his arms. 
Evan blinks before rushing into William’s arms, huddling close. As his father was right. Fredbear didn’t have sharp teeth. So he wasn’t going to hurt him, as long as he didn’t go near him.
Michael’s eyes look over Fredbear, as he notices the mechanical parts. Especially around its jaw. “Spring locks.” He states, catching his father’s attention.
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“Right… Keep Evan away.” The father states before handing over Evan.
“Yeah, he’s such a crybaby.” Michael remarks back.
“NO I’M NOT!” Evan whines. “You cried when you realized chocolate milk doesn’t come from brown cows.” Michael argues back.
Evan pouts, a few tears form in his eyes. “Be nice. I’m gonna get suited.” William ruffles Michael’s hair before leaving into his dressing room. “Okay dad.” Michael rolls his eyes, as he takes Evan to their table. To eat the pizza that finally arrived for them.
In his dressing room, William was scrubbing his suit down. The blood stains were still lingering. From the dark deed he has done. Guilt was washing over his eyes, flowing down his cheeks before he puts down the arm of Spring Bonnie. Arms folded over the suit’s head and sobs.
Then he lifts his head up and cleans his face, before talking to himself. “Not again… Not again. God. I can’t keep this in. Henry, he’ll understand my situation. And if I have to, I’ll let him take care of the boys. Give them a proper father to raise them.” He argues with himself before he hears the door open.
“William…?” Henry spoke and saw the suit. Face turns white, horrified.
“Emily! Listen… Let me, let me--” Then he sees Henry’s hand come up, prompting him to silence himself.
“No. I’ve seen enough.” The father of his passed daughter, spoke back with an icy tone. Darkness filled behind his small round specs. “I know what to do.” “Don’t! You won’t be able to live with yourself!!” William gasps in shock and grabs Henry’s arm. Before being kicked down onto his knees. “Hnngh!”
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“And you had?!” “Took me until now. Be a better person. Call the cops! Take my boys, my life-- Just don’t repeat what I’ve done. It’ll eat you alive.” William begs, tugging his arm to get freed.
“I am stronger than you. But I might take one of the boys, just one. To make us even.” Henry grins before kicking William back, knocking him into his dress. 
The man was now out cold.
There was screaming. Multiple screaming could be heard behind underwater hearing, as William slowly wakes up from his forced slumber. Head was aching and bleeding.
Though one voice cried out louder, his name was being spoken out. “DAD! DAAAD!!”
“M…Michael…?” William states as he slowly gets up, holding his vanity as support. “DAD!” Michael calls out again and sees his dad. Blood spattered on his face, shaking. “Dad…”
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His heart ached, as he saw his son. Stained. Mortified. Crying.
“Where is…?” Michael whimpers and rubs his eyes with his forearm.
“Gone. Fredbear took him.”
William grits his teeth before he falls again, face forward out of blood loss.
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sorrow-already-spoiled · 10 months
Midnight Glow Martini
Notes: Hello! A combination Chai and Ani piece for your consideration! This was very inspired by the Lackadaisy pilot episode! The vibes are very fun!
“Are you sure this is the place?” The shovel drives another few inches into the loose gravedirt. 
“Of course I’m sure! Shut up and dig!” 
“You could help!” Animozapino turns to look at Chaimoiw from where she is standing on a mausoleum rooftop, scandalized. 
“I’m the look out! And I’m wearing a skirt!” Chai makes an irritated noise in the back of her throat and strikes down again. It makes a dull metallic thud as it collides with something solid. Ani and Chai both look towards the sound, their bickering instantly forgotten. Ani jumps off the mausoleum and grabs a shovel. 
It doesn’t take long to uncover the rest of the coffin. The pair of them stare down at the six foot long box, hesitating at the prospect of cracking it open. 
“Do you want to….” 
“No, no. You do the honors.” Ani steps back, as Chai nods and jumps into the hole. With a creaking groan of splintering wood, the lid of the coffin springs free to reveal cobwebs and amber glass bottles. Chai breathes a sigh of relief. 
“You were right.” Ani scoffs, twirling a face-framing ringlet curl around her finger.
“Of course I was.” Ani had in fact, not been sure, but she would sooner die than admit that. “It is my wife we’re stealing from after all.” Chai glanced up.
“I thought you were getting a divorce?”
“Paperwork hasn’t gone through yet.” It hadn’t gone through yet because Ani hadn’t submitted it yet. She had stopped by the notary office with every intention of doing so, but couldn’t do it. Apparently, Zerea hadn’t submitted hers either. Ani wasn’t sure what that meant, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to. “We should get out of here quick though. Zerea would never leave an asset uncollected for long, especially not with how expensive Canadian whiskey is these days. Practically liquid gold!” Chai nods, and starts passing up bottles. 
The tell-tale rumble of a motor starts to hum in the vicinity, and not from their own vehicle. Ani and Chai look at each other in alarm, all too aware of what that means this far out of town. 
“Uh, Ani? I think your wife is coming to collect.” Ani shakes her head.
“She’s got goons for this kind of thing, which is much worse for us. Hurry!” The precious glass cargo clattered together as they made a mad dash for the car. Ani threw open the door to come face to face with the startled eyes of Folceli causing them both to shriek in surprise. “What are you doing here?!” 
“Chai said I could come?” Ani’s head whips around so quickly she feels her neck crack. Chai is already looking at Folceli with a look of utter betrayal. 
“No, I said you could come someday, not necessarily today! How did you even get here?” Chai hauls Folceli out of the vehicle to start piling the bottles of whiskey in the backseat. 
“I was in the back seat!” Folceli’s defense was cut short by the bright beams of headlights illuminating the car, and the three figures. “Oh shit.”
“Language, kid!” Chai chides as she shoves Folceli back into the backseat with the rest of the bottles that clink together worryingly, rolling about freely. 
“I’ll drive.” Ani gathers her skirt in her hands to swing up into the driver’s seat, turning the crank to fire the engine as the first spray of bullets pepper the back of the vehicle. Ani steps on the gas, wheels digging into the grass for a terrifying moment before gaining traction and taking off. The sudden movement causes the bottles to shift, and for one of them to roll out of the not-quite-yet closed door. It bounces off the floor and out into the air, inevitably going to shatter. 
Folceli dives for it, catching it firmly in their grasp and flopping the majority of their body out of the vehicle in the process. Ani can do nothing but watch in the rearview mirror, cursing loudly. Only Chai’s quick reaction time allows her to reach out and grab their ankles, and haul them back into the backseat. She slams the door closed firmly, looking at Folceli who cradles the bottle they rescued. 
“That was scary.” Chai laughs despite herself, spinning the wheel to start heading towards the entrance of the cemetery. Chai pats Folceli on the head and takes the bottle from them. 
“Help me move these.” The pair in the backseat shove the whiskey bottles onto the floor, trying to keep their balance as Ani erratically swerves the vehicle to avoid as much of the gunfire from behind as possible. 
“Chai, do something about these people trying to kill us already, will you?! My hands are a bit tied!” Ani was a hell of a shot herself, she was proud to say, but there was no chance in hell she would let Chai drive at this speed (or any speed at all), and Folceli was still a child. 
“I’m fucking trying to!” The back windshield explodes into a thousand shards of glass as Chai tries to pull up the back seat to access the storage compartment as Folceli mouths the word ‘language’ with an irked expression. The car tilts dangerously to the side as Ani turns sharply, careening around a mausoleum and heading for the graveyard entrance. The black car follows their path, gaining ground quicker than Ani would like. 
“Bingo.” Chai holds up two slim cases, one containing a rifle, the other a gatling gun with a clip of bullets. Chai tosses the slim case to Folceli and unclips the larger for herself.  The mechanical sound of the clip sliding into position is followed by a heartbeat of silence and Chai’s maniac grin as she looks out through the gaping hole that used to contain their back windshield. “Hello there!” 
The glow of exploding gunfire lights up the backseat as bullets pepper across the hood of the enemy car. It swerves to try to avoid some of the fire, narrowly avoiding crashing into the gatepost on the way out of the cemetery. 
The rough grass and mud beneath the tires turns to the packed dirt of a proper road. Ani cranks the gear shift and pins the gas pedal to the floor. It only takes a few seconds for the other car to recover and regain their pursuit, still well within gunfire range. 
Click. The backseat goes quiet as the gatling gun’s clip runs out of bullets. 
“Oh that’s not good.” Chai tosses the now useless gun to the floor. 
“Did you even hit them?!” 
“Of course I did, Ani! But it’s an armored car! What do you want from me?!” 
BANG. A single shot rings out, and gunsmoke fills the car. The pursuing spins out of control and flips onto its side in the ditch. 
“The wheels weren’t armored.” Folceli pulls their face away from the scope of the rifle, the empty shell shot falling to the ground. 
“Oh shit… Good shot kid.” Ani grinned at them through the rearview mirror. She lets Chai fuss over Folceli in the backseat and focuses on getting them as far away as possible before the goons have time to recover. She breathes a sigh of relief as they hit the city outskirts, and are able to hide in the multitude of narrow side streets on their way back to the King’s Club.
Underneath the lavish Kingsley Hotel, was a little known secret of the city: the King’s Club. Rich red and gold decor mixed with natural dark woods, all accented with semi-functional mechanical elements made quite a sight. A stage stood empty, only a few patrons sitting at the plethora of tables. Once upon a time, this had been a lively jazz club, with music, dancing, and plenty of alcohol, though Ani had never seen it in its prime. Since prohibition had rolled in, it had become risky to keep the King’s Club operational, and the price of acquiring alcohol only continued to rise. Many patrons weren’t willing to risk the hard hand of the law for good music and mediocre whiskey.  The resource competition with Zerea’s own speakeasy, “StarDrop'', didn’t help either. One of these days, someone was going to end up dead, if tonight's car chase had been any indication. 
The mood in the club is downright gloomy when Ani, Folceli and Chai return. This place had just started to feel like home for Ani, after the Kingsley family had so graciously taken her in after…. Well. Just after.
A pair of figures sit at the bar, and Ani moves towards them with her armful of bottles (fewer than they had started with, the dangerous road home had claimed four of the 18 bottles, leaving dark stains across the carpet of the car. Although, honestly, the car had bigger issues after tonight). Folceli and Chai follow, setting the bottles down on the bar. 
“Looks like you three had a successful evening.” Leander turns to look at the three of them, pinstriped suit jacket undone, the sleeves pushed up casually. “Any issues?” Of the four Kingsley children, Leander was by far the easiest to deal with, and the least prone to worrying or overreacting. 
“Yes.” Chai answered immediately, and Ani shot her a look that said ‘zip it’. 
“Nothing we couldn’t handle, of course.” Not her smoothest cover, but Ani would take it. “Where’s Daisy? I need her to look at the car.” Leander’s hand freezes halfway to his mouth, and he stares at his watered down whiskey for a second before answering, 
“Out.” and slamming back the rest. Chai made a disgusted sound in the back of her throat, muttering. 
“I don’t know what she sees in him.” She jumps over the bar and waves the bartender away. “Anyways… shall we taste test what we nearly got shot for?” Leander’s eyebrows raise, but he says nothing. 
With practiced ease, Chai sets up a neat row of crystal glasses and cracks the seal on one of the whiskey bottles. She pours a perfect two fingers in three of the glasses, sliding one to Leander, one to Ani. The fourth glass is filled with milk and cocoa powder, which is slid across to Folceli. They know better than to complain, and take their chocolate milk without complaint. Chai grabs her own glass. 
“Cheers!” the crystal clinks together as they all take a sip. “You know… that’s actually pretty good.”
“Best I’ve had in a long time, that's for sure. Might be worth the risk, eh ladies?” Leander says while swirling the whiskey in his glass. “Still not sure where you got the tip on the shipment from.” 
“Course it’s worth the risk, and if you want it to keep coming, you shouldn’t ask where we’re getting it from.” Chai stares down Leander with a dark grin, and the conversation divulges into pleasantries, only briefly interrupted by Chai practically chasing Folceli out of the Club at bedtime. It was all familiar, and comfortable. Ani leans back against the bar. Maybe her luck was going to turn around after all.
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thedummysdummy · 2 years
Midsummer Confession
Rays of sun warmed Victor’s face as they danced a slow waltz with the soft summer breezes across his fair skin. He lay on his back in the swaying green grasses, eyes closed with breaths light and rhythmic. Strong arms raised above his head and his hands crossed beneath the shock of messy black hair that covered his resting head. 
“I think I’m finally happy.” 
Victor’s voice broke the stillness of the summer afternoon gently, like a stream caressing the stones over which it tumbles. The corners of his lips pulled up and his eyebrows raised, softening the proud features of his sharp face. “I never really considered love being a factor in my life. I was self-sufficient, confident, and successful. What more could I possibly need?
“Well, I found out. Do you remember me telling you about that girl I was searching for? After all these years, she actually found me. And she was nothing like I might have expected. She’s clumsy, childish, and the first drafts of her reports are often completely incomprehensible. She’s a total dummy.
“But I didn’t expect her to be so fiercely brave. She has taken on even the most difficult challenges, and no matter how many times I have tried to convince her to stay back and stay safe…she always insists on staying by my side. No matter how dangerous the situations that I put myself in…she’s always there.
“I didn’t expect her to be as stubborn as I am. Right up to her breaking point, she pushes forward like no one else I’ve ever met. She faces the oncoming storm like the proud peak of a mountain cliffside and takes the full brunt of the force. And no matter what I say, once her mind is made up…there’s no changing it.
“I didn’t expect her to be so selfless. She has sacrificed herself for the world multiple times, even when it means taking a dagger to the heart or disappearing right from our existence. She has used her company to protect Evolvers and keep the peace when things looked completely bleak. Her reputation is nothing to her compared to doing what is right. 
“I didn’t expect her to be such a quick learner. Her first attempts might be messy, but she always manages to pull things together. And the longer we work together, the faster she knows what I’m going to say and adjusts accordingly. 
“I didn’t expect…that I would want to spend every moment by her side. That I would fight the very fabric of existence to ensure her safety. That whenever she isn’t around, it’s like the world has come to a halt. She has become the other half of my soul; an extension of my own hands. All the money and success in the world cannot possibly bring even a portion of the joy I feel when she turns those big eyes on me and smiles that carefree smile. 
“She has some of the most ridiculous habits. She can’t stand seeing anything negative about me online without going to bat for ‘my honor.’ She buys the most ridiculous things and insists that I need them. But I find myself thinking…how very cute she is. Things that might have annoyed me from any other person make me want to smile like an idiot. 
“And she’s so…warm. No matter how gloomy and cold my soul is feeling, all it takes is her hand in mine and suddenly I’m surrounded by the warmth of sunshine.” 
Victor rolled over and stared out across the grass, his eyes swirling and misty. “I love her. I love her more than I could ever imagine loving any other human being. I thought I knew what love was, but that was only the outer edges of the depths it can reach. 
“And she loves me just as much! A miracle, isn’t it? That someone so completely messily perfect would feel that way about me? That right there is what truly makes her a dummy. As long as she’s by my side…I will be very happy. Very happy indeed. 
“I know you’ll love her, too. I’ll bring her to meet you someday. Maybe in the fall when the leaves begin to turn. She gets so excited about things like that.” He picked up the rose which had been laying next to him in the grass and rolled over, gently placing it on the stone beside him. “Thanks for always listening, no matter how much I have to say.”
A tender gust of breeze swept Victor’s cheek and he couldn’t help but smile. “I love you, Mom.”
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