#I’ll also accept camp counselor
teethpaste · 3 months
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I love my new glasses I can’t telling if I’m giving 70s IRA member or serial killer
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captainremmington-13 · 6 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
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show!Luke Castellan x daughter of thanatos!reader
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the image above or any of Rick Riordan’s characters/world-building.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: mentions of violence, swearing, and parental neglect
A/N: capture the flag scenes>>>
When you heard your name being called, you didn’t even have to look up to know who was speaking. You’d recognize your best friend’s voice anywhere.
“What’s up, Luke?”
The son of Hermes gave you a toothy grin and linked arms with you, leading you away from the group of miscellaneous campers. You had been participating in a rope-tying class held by the Hephaestus head counselor, but it was really only to pass the time. There were more important matters at hand. 
“Can we go over everything one more time? I want to make sure we’re on the same page.” 
It was Friday afternoon, meaning that Capture the Flag was mere hours away. This time, Hermes was paired with the Hephaestus, Apollo, and Athena cabins. The campers in the cabins of Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Ares would be their opponents. It wasn’t the most difficult match-up they’d faced, but it wasn’t a guaranteed victory.
Luke took winning very seriously. You knew that better than anyone, because he would talk to you for hours upon hours about his plans. He always went to you for consultation, as he knew you’d never betray him by giving information to the opposing team. You were loyal to him, just as he was to you.
He also knew you were an excellent strategist as well as a formidable fighter. After seeing your ideas work flawlessly on the battlefield, he asked if you would be his co-captain. 
And of course, you accepted. Not only would it make the Hermes cabin a stronger force, it meant you had an excuse to spend more time with him. Not that you really needed one, but it couldn’t hurt.
You and Luke took a seat on a fallen tree trunk at the cusp of the woods. He quickly ran through the plan you had formulated last night. It was chalk-full of deception and diversion, which was Luke’s specialty. You had ensured that the strongest fighters would be placed in exactly the right spots, waiting to take hostages to the blue team’s “jail”. The more players the red team lost, the better. You’d also given two of the most observant and experienced fighters the job of guarding your flag. Guards must always be on alert, and you couldn’t risk them getting distracted and allowing the other team to steal the victory. 
When Luke finished talking, you cleared your throat. “I don’t believe there are any misunderstandings between us regarding the plan. I have no doubt that we will emerge victorious.” 
He gave you a small smile. “I appreciate your confidence.” 
“I have a good reason to believe we’ll win,” you said, leaning your head against his arm. “When we work together, we rarely lose.” 
You sat in silence for awhile, enjoying the peaceful moment. You loved having time alone with Luke. It was becoming rarer and rarer, especially now that he was a camp counselor. But he did everything in his power to make time for you. 
After all, you were his best friend, his most loyal ally.
Nothing, not even the gods, could tear you away from him.
“Fuck-I swear to the fucking gods, if someone stole it…gods dammit…LUKE!” 
You screamed for your best friend, who came rushing over, almost tripping over himself. 
“What? What happened?” he said breathlessly, scanning you for any sign of injury. 
“Someone took my chest plate,” you seethed. “Everyone knows what mine looks like, they must’ve stolen it to fuck with my head.”
“Hey,” Luke said, placing his hands on your shoulders. “Relax. I’ll figure out who took it and bring it back here, I promise.” 
“It was probably Vander,” you muttered, internally shuddering as you thought about the son of Ares. “He’s just mad because I beat his ass in a race earlier today.” 
Luke’s eyes narrowed. “I bet you’re right. Stay here and put the rest of your armor on, I’ll go get your chest plate back.” 
Before you could protest, he removed his hands from your shoulders and dashed out the door, leaving you alone in the armory. 
And within minutes, Luke returned, holding your beloved piece of armor and wearing a triumphant grin. You noticed that his knuckles were slightly bruised, but didn’t need to ask why.
Luke had a habit of getting even with anyone who messed with you.
“Campers,” Chiron’s baritone voice echoed throughout the forest clearing. “I know most of you are familiar with the rules, but I must go over them to ensure none are forgotten. I want a fair and clean fight.” 
You barely refrained from rolling your eyes. The Ares cabin never fought fair, of course their opponents would stoop to their level in order to win. 
As Chiron went over the rules, you took the opportunity to size up the red team, who was standing on the other side of Zephyros Creek. 
Dionysus, Demeter, and Aphrodite weren’t the largest concern. Yes, they could fight, but they weren’t nearly as ruthless as the Ares cabin. 
You hated most of the Ares kids. Even though your father had a close relationship with their father, you couldn’t stand their obnoxious bickering and unethical warfare tactics. 
Unlike your father, you believed that death should only come fairly. 
The Ares cabin were always out for blood during Capture the Flag, no matter who they were facing. And when they didn’t win…
Well, whoever was on the opposing team would face their wrath for weeks afterwards. 
“…and finally, all weapons and powers are fair game.” 
“Hang on,” a newly arrived daughter of Ares spoke up, pointing at you. “What about her creepy death powers? And can’t she fly? Isn’t that unfair?” 
Chiron shook his head. “As long as she doesn’t kill or maim anyone, she is allowed to use all powers at her disposal.” 
The girl scowled. “Fine.” 
“If there are no other objections,” Chiron spoke once more. “Let the game begin!” 
The sound of a conch blowing followed his declaration. Luke immediately began giving orders, making sure to use every one of the twenty minutes given to organize the team before the combat began. 
You followed behind him closely, ensuring he didn’t forget any details of the plan. You preferred to to let him talk to the other campers, as he was a friendlier face. When you had tried explaining strategies in the past, people who were supposed to be listening got distracted, either due to fear or your non-assertive tone. 
After all of the campers were briefed, you and Luke turned to each other. 
“I should head to my post,” you began, tightening your forearm guard one last time. “Make sure that everyone is positioned exactly as we discussed.“ 
Luke nodded. “Of course.” He held out his hand, and you clasped it firmly. “The next time you see me, I’ll be holding the red team’s flag.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything else,” you replied, giving him a confident smile. “Good luck, and stay safe.” 
“You too,” Luke said. You expected him to leave after that, but instead, he leaned forward to give you a swift kiss on the cheek. Then, he turned on his heel and raced into the depths of the woods, leaving you feeling as if Zeus had struck you with his master bolt. 
Quickly shaking off the feeling, you gripped the hilt of your weapon, a dual-ended sword made of Celestial Bronze and Stygian Iron. 
You had a game to win.
The campers around you erupted into cheers as Luke hoisted the red team’s flag above his hair triumphantly. He had a euphoric grin on his face as he shook hands with his teammates and congratulated them on a job well done.
You watched the celebration from several feet away, sitting on the dirt ground and resting your head against a tree. It had been a long game, and you’d almost passed out from over-exerting your powers. 
Perhaps you should have run to where your front lines were compromised instead of flying. 
But it didn’t matter now. Your team won, that was the important thing. 
Luke came jogging over to you, holding a small metal water bottle. He knelt down next to you, and placed the canteen in your hands. 
“Drink this,” he instructed. “You look like you’re about to faint.”
You gave him a tired smile, and unscrewed the bottle. Taking a small sip, you immediately recognized the sweet taste of nectar. “Thanks, that helped a lot.” 
Luke took off his helmet, freeing his disheveled curls. He also looked physically tired, but the adrenaline from winning the game was clearly keeping him in an energetic state. “You did great out there today.”
“Not nearly as great as you,” you said, downing half of the bottle of nectar in one go. If it had been a normal-sized canteen, consuming half of the contents would’ve killed you. Luckily, you were smart enough to refrain from ingesting enough nectar to burst into flames. “You’ve been dubbed the best swordsman of the century for a reason.”
Luke chuckled, giving you a gentle nudge. “Careful now, don’t go inflating my ego.”
“It doesn’t need any inflating anyways,” you joke, giving him a teasing smirk. 
“Fair enough,” he agreed, and extended a hand to help you stand up. “Seriously though, I’m glad you’re on my side. Otherwise I’d be fucking terrified of crossing you.” 
You smile proudly, and grabbed his hand. He pulled you onto your feet, and slung an arm across your shoulder. 
“I’ll always be on your side, Luke. As long as you’re on mine.”
“Of course, angel. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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taglist: @orionspaperwork, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @marvelescvpe, @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry, @louweasleymalfoy, @stars4birdie, @stargurl-battleship
Thank you for reading! Pls let me know what you think in the comments!!! Ive absolutely been loving writing this series so far, it’s been a really nice creative outlet for me. i’m pretty busy right now and trying not to get overwhelmed w/ schoolwork, so doing this has been really relaxing and fun.
i’m also sorta going thru some…relationship problems rn, so just know that i may be a little inconsistent with posting
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the taglist!
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ash5monster01 · 4 months
Getaway Camp : Prologue
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Warnings: language, flirting, fluff, annoyance towards others, harsh parents, meet cute.
Summary: Charlie leaves home early for volunteer work in the Catskills, finally feeling free from his father, and on the path to the life he always dreamed of having. Yet when he arrives he meets someone who can’t help but capture his attention and he realizes fairly quickly that he’s already screwed.
word count: 2.3k
→ One
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June 4th 1961
Charlie wouldn’t consider himself much of a nature guy, but anything would do if it meant getting out of his parent’s house sooner. He had already been accepted to Columbia in the Fall but he didn’t have enough money to rent an apartment in the city quite yet. Which is how he discovered Adler’s West Lake Resort and Lodge. His counselor said the school looked fondly onto volunteers who worked there in the summer. So Charlie packed everything up and got himself the job. After all how bad could it be? A summer away in the Catskills, free food, free boarding, and a few rowing lessons here and there. He could handle it.
“Alright honey, do you need anything for your drive?” his mother asked from the porch, watching as he loaded his stuff in the back of the station wagon. She tried to pretend that she didn’t notice he had packed everything but a small part of her heart broke. This was truly it.
“I’m fine Mom, I promise” he told her, mind stuck on the five hour drive ahead of him.
“Okay honey, make sure you call and let us know when you get there” and both of them pretended not to notice the small chuckle that left his fathers mouth as he read the paper on the patio furniture.
“I will and you have the address and number to the resort already” Charlie reminded her, jogging up the porch where he quickly towered over his mother’s height. She hated how tall he had gotten, a grown man now, no longer her little boy.
“Be safe and good luck at school” she told him before pulling him into a hug. Charlie squeezed her right back, thankful to at least have a loving mother.
“I will Mom, thank you” he told her and she sighed, fighting back tears that threatened to spill over. Her only child driven away by the harsh expectations of her husband. He had been hurt so much by the world already and the minute he graduates high school he is off and running away from her.
“I’m about to head off, sir” Charlie says as he pulls away from his mom, walking to stand in front of his father.
“Good, you wouldn’t want to hit the afternoon rush traffic outside of the city” his father mutters, hands flipping the page of his newspaper. He felt that he owed nothing to his son. The only things his son had ever done was get himself kicked out of the best school in Vermont and cost him a lot of money pulling strings to still get him in an ivy league school.
“Exactly so thank you sir” Charlie said, holding his hand out and waiting for his father to bid him goodbye. He never cared much about what his father thought of him but he also figured if his father didn’t say some sort of goodbye he would always have control over some aspect of his life.
“Goodbye son, don’t dick around too much. That’s my name you’re tainting when you do that” his father responded, hand sliding into his own and firmly shaking it.
“I’ll do my best sir, I promise” Charlie said before letting his father’s hand go one last time. He was going to use these next four years to his benefit and take the well deserved break he needed. He couldn’t believe he spent all those years at Welton wishing his parents wanted him around more. What a waste.
“I guess we’ll see” is the last thing he says to him before returning his attention to the paper in his hand. Sighing Charlie brushes his hands down the front of his button up shirt and turns back to his Mom with a soft smile.
“Goodbye Mama” he says, swiftly kissing her cheek and the tears finally break through and cascade down her cheeks as Charlie jogs to his car that holds every piece of his belongings. He knew he didn’t need all of it for camp but he also knew his car could act as a private storage locker so he wouldn’t have to come back here before classes started.
“Bye baby, we’ll miss you” she calls out as the car rumbled to life and Charlie waved a hand out as he shifted the car in gear and headed down the long driveway. He knew his father would more than likely not miss him but it was kind that his mother still tried, so he waved his hand out his open window for her until she could no longer see him driving down the road.
The drive was fairly easy. Only two missed turns and one incident with a wrinkled map and Charlie was finally pulling his car up to the main lodge, the sun casted over the large lake beside it. It was quiet since campers wouldn’t be here until next week and Charlie was surprised to feel peace from the quiet and warmth that resonated in the area around him. Killing the engine he stepped out the car and started for the doors, prepared for direction to his cabin for the next three months.
“Hello camper!” a chirpy blonde girl perked up as he pushed through the cabin doors. He briefly wondered if it was an act, to be so excited about not having a real shower and mosquotio bites for three months on end. Yet the bright white smile on her face suggested otherwise.
“Hey” Charlie muttered, not one for too much enthusiasm. Actually he was pretty sure he hadn't been excited about anything since his Junior year of high school.
“Did you just arrive?” she asked, hands reaching for a large book that Charlie figured held all the information on every worker for the entirety of the camp. It's possible the smile could be fake but someone with this much responsibility had to enjoy this life somewhat.
“Yeah, Charles Dalton. I’m a Columbia volunteer, new rowing instructor” he said finally reaching the desk, hands falling and crossing over the top. He just wanted to find a bed and lay in it, especially after that drive.
“Well welcome Charles, let me grab your orientation packet and parking pass” she grinned still as cheerful and Charlie nodded, almost scared by how happy she is.
“Just Charlie is fine” he told her and she nodded before bouncing off and finding all the things he needed to get settled in. After only a few minutes she had a small stack of papers set in front of him.
“Okay so everything you need to know you can find in here. Cabin number, work schedule, map of the resort, and anything else you can imagine. When you get to your lodge you’ll find your walkie and uniform waiting for you. Meals and everything are all inclusive for staff and we hope you have a great summer” she finished her well practiced spiel and Charlie smiled as he collected the thick packet from in front of him.
“Josie” she filled in and he nodded.
“Thanks Josie, see you around” he tells her before heading back towards the front doors and where he left his car. Using the map to find employee parking Charlie found himself unloading the two suitcases he packed specifically meant for camp and locking up the rest of his belongings in his car. It was a bit harder to find the cabins but finally he was in the upper woods, brown buildings matching the next all in various rows. A big fire burning with a few people chattering around it and Charlie quickly looked for cabin number sixteen.
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Valerie had only been here an hour and already smelled like wood smoke. This wouldn't have been the case if she didn't somehow end up in a cabin with Chrissy Norwick. Valerie didn't necessarily mind the girl but she liked having a chill first day and Chrissy already had five girls compiled in the small shared cabin as she retold the stories of each date she had with Nate Fanning over the school year. She knew it would be the same thing, Nate would appear at camp and pretend Chrissy didn't exist, that was until the fall when he no longer had all of the camps options to focus on.
So Valerie sat by the fire with a few old friends she had been volunteering with since she was sixteen and listened to their much more relaxed conversation as she waited for her cabin to be much less crowded. It was then she saw a taller boy, chestnut hair falling in his eyes, as he walked the trail up into the cabins. It wasn't often new volunteers came around here so she was immediately perking up. He was handsome, in a soft way. A suitcase hung from each of his arms and she could tell from the hike and the strain off the weight, his chest was puffing out broadly. The small beads of sweat collecting at his hair line convinced her to approach him before no one else could.
"Hey, you need some help?" she curiously asked, straightening out her shirt as she appeared on the trail beside him. He jumped only lightly due to her quick appearance and she tried to hide her amusment.
"I’m fine" he muttered even though his hair was now starting to stick to his forehead from sweat.
“First rule as a staff camper, no job is too small to ask for help” and she was snatching one of the suit cases out of his hand that had been weighing him down the entire trek up the hill. Realizing she wasn’t going away anytime soon he finally took a moment to take her in. The white staff shirt laid across her shoulders and the eagle symbol stretched across the center of her chest. He admired her full hips and bright smile. Her long brunette hair tied high in a ponytail that hung in curly strands down her back. She was pretty and he was supposed to last all summer around girls like this. He prayed she wasn’t a lifeguard.
“For the record, I never asked” he told her before starting towards the cabins where she followed quickly behind.
“Well what cabin is yours then Mr. Independent?” she asked, ignoring his previous statement, and the boy sighed. He was realizing pretty quickly that most people around here were pretty cheerful and stubborn.
“Sixteen and the name is Charlie” he caved and finally she was beaming a smile back at him that made her eyes sparkle. He hated that her eyes sparkled.
“Well Charlie I’m Valerie and you’re in luck. I just so happen to be in cabin fifteen” and she was walking along and leaving him behind, going in a direction all too familiar to her. Charlie was a bit shocked by her ease but followed nonetheless as she led him to a destination he had been counting on the last five hours.
"So clearly you're new, so I'll share some wise wisdom as a camper of three years" Valerie told him, thrilled to have something to do other than stare at a campfire in the middle of the day. The June sun was already hot enough. "Never use the showers on the south end. Theyre used the least so not only do they include a variety of bugs you've never seen before but they’re also the showers that lose hot water first"
"This is not making this anymore exciting" Charlie says and the laugh that comes from Valerie surprises them both. Charlie hates the way the sound wraps around his heart and makes him content.
"If Big Al enters the bathrooms wait at least thirty minutes before going in. If you don't know who that is you'll find out fairly quickly. If it's an emergency we're surrounded by woods for a reason" and now Charlie is the one laughing which based on his attitude when they first met has Valerie fairly surprised.
"Lastly tuesday nights mystery dinner sounds fun but it's actually a mix of leftovers from the previous week so we have staff dinner here" Valerie says just as they approach cabin sixteen only to hear the girl laughs from the one beside it.
"Shouldn't you be in there giggling away?" Charlie asks as he takes his suitcase from her and sets them both on the small porch step.
"God no, no use giggling about cute boys inside when I can be out here talking to them" and much to Charlie's surprise she winks at him as if it was the most natural thing in the world. It’s so quick he's almost convinced he didn't see it.
"You seem to have it all figured out Valerie" Charlie says and she softly shrugs, glancing up at the tall trees above them. Birds chirp and in a few hours the cicadas would buzz and she'd finally be right back at home.
"I'm sure there is more I'm forgetting to share but when I remember I promise to tell you. In the mean time Charlie you can find me at cabin fifteen or the lake" she says, oddly comforted by the new guy herself. There was something nice about knowing she got to be the one to greet him here.
"Why the lake?" he curiously asks as Valerie moves to walk away and she flashes a quick grin at him, fingers gliding through her curly brown hair and Charlie nervously gulps.
"I'm a lifeguard" she informs him and for the first time for the entirety of this conversation Charlie accepts that he's screwed. Valerie was not the kind of girl you ignore despite how badly he wanted too. Now worst of all he had to spend every single day of the summer with her in tiny red bathingsuits.
"Of course you are” he says and she quickly flashes him a grin before starting back the way they came, ignoring the group of girls in her very own cabin. Charlie hates how he watches her walk away, admiring her long tan legs in her tight jean shorts. It had been ten minutes and he was already screwed.
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Happy 35th Anniversary to DPS. This is my love letter to this film <3
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star-going-supernova · 6 months
Idea!! Evan and Gregory could swap places for funsies? They’d dress the same and pull a Fred and George Weasley. Like “I’m Gregory- no I’m Gregory!”
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This is very much inspired by The Parent Trap, lol. 
Who’s Who
Steven slipped through the crowd of children with the ease of someone who’d been doing it for years. The munchkins barely noticed him, too high on the first-night thrill of being away from their parents for the next six weeks. 
He was doing a mental check of the brats (affectionate) assigned to his cabin because the sooner he got good at remembering everyone’s name and face, the better. Introducing himself to those he passed by, he counted off one, two, three, four—
It was when he got to his seventh camper that he started to have trouble. Recognizing the stripped shirt from earlier—he’d helped Gregory check in—he called out, “Gregory?” as he approached the boy from behind. 
But both the boy he’d been aiming for and the boy beside him—also wearing a stripped shirt, and now Steven couldn’t remember if Gregory’s had been blue or black—turned around and said, “Yeah?” 
Steven ground to a halt, staring between the two. They had nearly identical messy brown hair, a light smattering of freckles across their cheeks, and were both blinking up at him with wide, innocent brown eyes. 
“I’m looking for Gregory?” Steven said slowly. He wasn’t proud of how uncertain he sounded.
“That’s him,” both boys said in sync, pointing at the other. “I’m Evan.” 
“…Evan,” Steven repeated. 
They nodded. He was no closer to determining which child was Gregory. 
Narrowing his eyes, Steven leaned down and carefully watched their expressions. He’d been doing this camp counselor gig for a while, and he wasn’t about to be bested by a pair of miscreants (still affectionate). 
The boy with the black stripped shirt smirked at him. The one in the blue stripped shirt raised his eyebrows. The former had a faint scar on his right cheek. The latter had a slightly gnarlier one mostly hidden beneath his bangs. He made a mental note about them; they’d be a good indicator for who was who in the future.
“You’re Gregory,” he decided, pointing at the blue-shirted, forehead scar kid. “And you’re Evan.” He nodded at the black-shirted, cheek scar kid. 
The boys exchanged identical looks of amusement. “Sure,” Cheek Scar said. “We can go with that.” 
“If it helps,” Forehead Scar added, “we’re both in your cabin.”
“Lucky me,” Steven said drily.
Forehead Scar, who may or may not have actually been Gregory, rolled his eyes. “I just mean you can cross us both off your list even if you’re not really sure who’s who.” 
“I’ll figure it out.” 
In perfect harmony, both boys said, “No, you won’t.” And they even grinned identically too. 
“Use your powers for evil only with other counselors, and I won’t go looking at camper registration pics to solve the mystery,” Steven bargained. 
The kids exchanged a glance laden with silent communication and then gave him synchronized nods. “You’ve got yourself a deal,” Forehead Scar said. 
“We’ll try not to give you too much trouble,” Cheek Scar promised, all mischief. He’d be the greater troublemaker, or maybe instigator, of the two of them, Steven was suddenly sure. But which boy that made him, he still had no idea. 
Accepting the compromise—you had to know when to push and when to just let kids do their thing, being a camp counselor—Steven stood up straight again. “Atta boys. If you cover those scars, you could probably pull of some real good alibis. But you didn’t hear it from me.” 
Beaming widely, one brat snapped off a sassy salute and the other zipped his lips shut in promise, and yeah, Steven was never going to figure out who was who.
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iwashieonhiatus · 10 months
˜”°•.Marc Snuffy as your S/O (18+).•°”˜ (gn!reader)
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One in a Million. There’s no other man like you.
Green flag!
Ah, the boyfriend, friend, counselor, father if need be, all rolled into one.
The calm, understanding, and encouraging partner. The push you need when you’re unsure of things.
He doesn’t mind talking about your relationship, but he prefers to keep it private so people don’t hurt you.
Age doesn’t matter much to him, younger or older is just a label. He loves you for what you show him.
“Wicked games,” partner.
Boyfriend who has made mistakes in the past and does everything to make it right with you.
Physical contact, words of affirmation, and quality time are his love languages.
Boyfriend who likes to take you out to dinner in open places, expensive or cheap restaurants, the important thing is to be with you.
Boyfriend who loves to hug and dance with you, kisses on your neck and ‘I love you’ whispered all the time.
He takes you camping, mountaineering, cycling, forces you to do some physical activity for your well-being, and because he likes to hear you complain, but always accepts what he proposes.
You two never fight. Conversation is always the first option and if you can’t talk, each one takes the time to cool down and talk.
Boyfriend “daddy issues” themed.
Affectionate nicknames only in Italian.
He loves to teach you Italian and is happy when you keep Italian with him or call him “amore.”
Partner who knows and loves to cook for you. He cooks while you tell him a story, drinking wine and making him laugh.- Cooks all your favorite dishes.
He likes it when you help him cook or teach you the best dishes.
Partner who always innovates showing that they love you.
The best and most expensive gifts for you.
He loves his car, but lets you drive it, on the condition that you don’t crash his most precious possession.
Boyfriend who likes to do the things you like. The dates are divided into things he likes and things you like.
Partner who prefers wine to beer, but drinks beer to go with you if you like it.
There’s always time for you, even if his schedule is full. He takes time just for you.
He is dating with plans to marry in the future.
Inside jokes and lots of laughs. He likes to joke with you, calling you “kid” or “elderly.”
Partner “you can wear whatever you want, I know how to fight”.
Boyfriend who likes to stay at home as much as he likes to go out.
Sundays are dedicated to parties with family and friends.
Old Italian money.
Partner who likes to buy books for you to read to him when you two are in bed. He likes to read to you while you’re on his lap.
Summer holidays were all over Italy, yachts, speedboats, boats, the most expensive tours.
Partner who loves to see you in the stands, wearing his shirt, and runs to kiss you after the game.
You’re practically Lorenzo’s parents.
Boyfriend who encourages you to have independence, but if you want to be a trophy wife, he doesn’t see a problem.
He feels a little jealous, but not obsessive. He trusts you above all else.
Likes old rock or old Italian romantic songs. Always sings to you while dancing with you.
Always “my partner will like this” or “my wife/husband said this the other day”.
“National Anthem,” partner.
Likes to always be touching you; Hand in hand, hand on waist, on the back of your neck, arms intertwined, embraced.
Boyfriend “damn papi, you’re a rare breed, no comparison and it’s motherfucking scary. Let a hoe know I ain’t sharing. You’re the type I wanna marry and keep you merry. I’ll put on a ring when you’re ready.”
Partner who loves to have calm and passionate sex, leaving you lost in so much love. Hands clasped, foreheads glued together, sweaty bodies glued together, slow kisses and loud moans.
“Last night you were screaming for this old man, carina”.
Boyfriend “I want to fuck you slowly with the lights on”.
He loves missionary to see your reactions, but he also likes you on top, your tits swaying in his mouth, struggling to receive his entire member. He likes to leave hand marks on your body.
Partner who eats you out for his own pleasure and eats you anytime. He likes to eat you in the car with the doors open in a secluded place. Wandering hands are also fun for him.
Baths together always, washes your hair and blows dry, puts soap on you, hot water and massages. He sleeps cuddling with you. He likes to be the bigger spoon or have you with your head resting on his chest.
Boyfriend “Salvatore”.
He would like to have children, but he respects your decision.
Boyfriend who would ask you to marry him on the field, the stadium packed, in one hand the World Cup and in the other the ring.
Groom who cried the whole wedding.
Husband, who is thankful every day for having the best family in the world.
© iwashie 2023, please do not translate, modify or republish my works
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unnervinglyferal · 3 months
ADHD grabbed me
Family is coming tomorrow and instead of getting more sleep I decided to sort coins
I stopped now
But like thats an hour gone
To sorting coins
Also the camp I’m going to specifically says not to bring any clothes that are offensive and I have no idea what that means
Like is my vest with a painting of Norman and the words “Look at my cock” offensive?
Is the band hoodie with a guy wearing nothing but a very tight speedo with a very noticeable bulge, bondage gear, and a pup hood, throwing a Molotov cocktail offensive?
Did they just mean don’t bring a shirt with hate speech on it?
I have no idea
Mom thought that maybe my vest might be offensive, but she didn’t think that the hoodie was
Which I was very confused by
Because I feel like out of the two the hoodie is probably more obscene
Than ya know the rooster joke
I’ll just have to ask a camp counselor once I’m there
Do you have enough space to pack both your own regular clothes, and emergency "boring clothes" in case your own clothes aren't acceptable? Do you have any normal people clothes just in case.
Bullshit rule though, they can't expect people to just know what to do with instructions that vague.
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wooldawn · 2 years
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daisy’s bc :)
i’m skipping an intro for now because i’m tired and don’t want to - she’s a werewolf, past camp counselor, BIG on being outdoors, and her traits are childish, active, goofball, self-assured, and loves outdoors! contestants can be any gender and can be human, werewolf, witch, or vampire! also! i’ll be streaming the actual challenges occasionally! deadline is a tentative 11/24 and i’m accepting 7 contestants, you can submit them to the #daisy’s bc tag or tag me or both!
cant wait luv u xoxo
edit: just to add! anybody sent that doesn’t win will stay friends with her! somethin i wish i had done with remi’s bc ;-;;;;
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burningman13 · 2 years
I’m making a life for myself here. A few months ago I moved to Chicago with my girlfriend. Years ago I came here for the first time for an improv competition. I loved it. And now I’m living in the same neighborhood I visited. My plans to move here originally were dashed. My ex needed to be in NYC for work. So that’s what happened, but it’s not what I needed. So now I stand at the brink. On the edge of 30. After years of different jobs and being aimless I’ve finally decided to finish self actualizing.
I started childcare not too long ago. 2019. YMCA. My counselor job at an overnights arts camp. Substituting. I was on track to get my NY certification to be a teacher when the pandemic happened. When my life crumbled apart. After putting humpty back together I’m finally back on track. To, for once in my life, become something.
This week I interviewed for the AUSL Chicago Residency program at DePaul University. If accepted, I’ll be starting a year long journey of getting my masters and certification working in disadvantaged schools. After that I’m obligated to four years working in this public school system. It’s likely going to be my defining moment. My biggest challenge. A road map to my thirties that will double my salary and change my life. The Qualm? Saying goodbye. To a whole version of myself.
The program starts in June. Which means no more camp counseling at Long Lake for the next two years and probably for good. The place that made me feel like myself again. Amongst the Adirondack mountains. Doing what I love with people I love. Calcifying my fate for the next few years. But I’ve come to live through the truth that everything has it’s time. Including Long Lake and including my twenties.
It’s somber. All of it. I feel sadness. Loss. But also peace. Is this what it feels to be responsible for yourself? To move on? One thing I know for sure. I need to write this shit down.
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automatismoateo · 2 years
(2nd Update) My(f18) brother(m20) used to touch me, but my parents didn't believe me, and he landed a weekend job working with kids in the fall via /r/atheism
(2nd Update) My(f18) brother(m20) used to touch me, but my parents didn't believe me, and he landed a weekend job working with kids in the fall
TL;DR: My brother has mostly stopped bothering me since my update, but he returned as a camp counselor last summer and landed a winter weekend class counselor job currently that's strictly for gymnastics, and I'm worried he's stopped bothering me because he's hurting someone else
Don't really feel like rewriting my post, so I'll leave a link to the first two I made. I'll be graduating in the spring, and my brother said he might be moving out at some point this year, but he didn't say when. My parents aren't kicking him out though. He wants to stay with a roommate, but it's not a guarantee yet. I might be graduated before he does. I was 16 when I made my first post, and he was 18. He is now 20, but he's been touching me since he was like 16. I didn't say this in my first post, but there would be times when he'd come into my room when I was sleeping and try to open my legs into a split back when I did gymnastics. And when I woke up sometimes, he'd just run off, and my parents wouldn't believe me when I told them. They only say something sometimes if they see it, but even if they do, they always say he's just playing and that I'm overreacting. But since my last post, he barely touched me at all, and he's been busy with a new part time job/classes, and he has 2 of them. However, that's why I'm making this post
I had one of my friend's parents give a call to the gymnastics gym where he landed a summer counseling job in my first post, but he still landed the job. I had her call because he used to joke about gymnastics being "acceptable porn that parents sign their kids up for" by putting them in gymnastics because the leotards were "basically underwear", and he said that anyone can just sit in a parking lot and watch without anyone knowing. Some people said to call CPS in my update, and I have called since. Nothing's happened though, and I asked my friend's mom to call too. I also didn't tell relatives because I don't want them telling my parents who said that I'm trying to ruin my brother when I talk to them
My brother returned as a gymnastics counselor last summer, and I guess it's because I had no proof when my friend's mom called. However, he also landed a weekend class through the winter that's strictly for gymnastics and isn't multisport like the summer camp, and he works with mostly preteens. My fear is that he's stopped touching me since because he's maybe doing something to someone there. But when I called the gym myself since my update and asked them not to tell my parents, he still works there now, and it makes me miserable. I've tried to have my phone record him at home since people suggested it, but he's almost stopped since my update which makes me nervous he's hurting someone else. Is there anything I can do about his job because it's making me really uneasy
Submitted February 26, 2023 at 01:05AM by throwraneptune (From Reddit https://ift.tt/YJuacg3)
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
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@pirateborn​ asked: 😬 [ uvu this can apply for either marinehero or soulsolid is up to you
Send 😬 for me to suggest an unfitting/terrible AU for your muse(s). (Still Accepting!)
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Why would I limit myself just one? I’ll give them each a suggestion lol!
Garp: Camp Counselor AU - Honestly Garp would probably have a blast and would thrive in this AU. The kids under his care...less so. I’m imagining the camp’s motto is “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” and he lives by this. He’s enrolled Luffy, Sabo, and Ace in the camp. They’re all desperately trying to survive and escape back to civilization.
Brook: Vuvuzela Player AU - Brook is an incredible musician, but he lacks lips and tongue. Both are vital for this instrument. It also only plays one note: B Flat. So he can’t even play Bink’s Sake on it. Darkest timeline.
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11/18/2022 DAB Chronological Transcription
Acts 7-8
Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible Chronological I'm China. Today is the 18th day of November. Welcome. So great to be here with you today as we continue our story in the book of Acts. We are in chapters seven through eight, continuing on with the New International version for this week.
Something really grasped my attention today that I think is really worth talking about. So I can remember Jesus and conversations about Jesus and just the stories, like, being very present my whole life. Grew up going to church, grew up hearing, like, the Sunday school, loved Veggie Tales. Like, Jesus was very evident in my life. I can remember being maybe like five or six, I remember being outside and playing on the basketball hoop in my front yard and being like, yeah, Jesus, like, I want you to come into my heart and be my Savior. You know, like what we're kind of taught to pray and so at a very young age had a concept of who Jesus was and asked him to be my Savior, asked him to come into my heart. I was reading the Bible from a young age, and I definitely had some struggles of believing, just kind of like working out the kinks of my faith. I feel like everybody does this moment where I was walking away from the Lord and then came back. I just kind of always steadily knew who God was. And I have talked I mean, when you're reading the Bible, you get into conversations with people. And I've been camp counselors, I've been youth group leaders. I've been around a lot of people who have genuinely been working through kinks of their faith. A lot of younger we're probably now adults. I still think of myself as a young adult, and I'm like, yeah, kind of getting out of the young adult phase. I'll be 25 next week. But anyways, so just thinking about people kind of having these kinks in their faith. But then I've also talked with people who are straight up just, like, not believers. And it's not that they haven't heard the word of God. It's just they have some issues against God. They have this, it didn't turn out the way they wanted to, or they had all their eggs in their basket for this to work out this way, and it didn't. And so now they walked away and it's like, gosh, what are you even saying this? But I've never had that. I can remember. I'll say, I cannot remember a time where I have talked with someone and they have, like, simply arrived at, I'm going to believe. I'm going to believe in Jesus. You know what? Like, right now, I'm going to pray. I'm going to accept Jesus into my heart, and then I'm going to go get baptized, maybe, like, stored in the back of my brain and I'm not saying, like, to dis those people by any means. Like, truly, I love both scenarios, like, getting to walk out the kinks of people's faith with them, because it's safe to do that. First, can I say it's okay to have questions? It's okay to actually very much so a part of the culture to ask questions. In Judaism, and just in that culture, it's okay to ask questions. We as Christians, Western Christians, got to chill with the accusations and the uncomfortability in calling. Like, I understand that deconstruction is a very real thing, but then just calling everything deconstruction, I'm like, Wait, we just got to work out the kinks here. Hold on. But I just was, like, amazed reading that these men were having these such real and life changing encounters that they were willing to switch everything right on the spot. And I think that's kind of like, what I'm trying to get at is somewhere along the lines, we have really made it complicated. And I'm reminded of the story that we just read about where Jesus is telling him, like, hey, man, come follow me. Jesus never said, hey, man. Or he's like, you come follow me. And the guy's like, Well, I need to go and bury my parents real quick. And Jesus is like, let them dead bury they're dead. Follow me. And the point that I'm bringing that up is to say we can always have reasons why we can't or we're staying on the line or the fence of I'm not sure. I don't want to pick a choice, so I'm just going to stay on this fence. When we're seeing stories of people, their lives being changed from making a decision to follow Jesus and deciding today is the day. And I'm not saying by any means, we just have to arrive. We just have to grasp it and believe it, and that's the only way that we can truly be saved. What I am saying is I think sometimes we get too much in our heads and we over complicate it. Whereas I was a kid and just being like, yeah, this is what you do. I just thought that's what you did. And so that's why I did it. And I think I was five. Like, I had some concept of Jesus being our savior, but I didn't understand that we really needed Jesus to be our savior. We really were in need of a savior. Much into my late teenage years, going to the Bible chronologically, actually, but I just man, like, the apostles were praying yesterday. Like, Lord, would you give us boldness to speak your word? I'm like, man, that's what I want to pray for is, would you give me boldness to speak your word, to speak the words that you have done in my life? The transformations, the redemptions, the healing, any other words that you have done where people can say, man, I really need that in my life? And it's pretty clear that you didn't get out of that predicament yourself. But it was Jesus, it was God who saved you, who rescued you from these things. And I want that from myself. And even just reminding them, hey, we can't rescue ourselves from really anything. We can't really save ourselves from anything. Like, we are in constant need of a savior and we really have to bow down to that truth. 
God, I thank you for Your Word and I thank you for the sweetness of people just simply believing in you, simply believing your gospel is truth. And God, I think that's probably why you said, let the children come to me, come with a childlike faith. And so I pray that you would restore the simplicity of understanding your gospel and understanding your truth. And I think the gospel is not complicated. It's simple, it's true that you would give us eyes to see and ears to hear. And I just thank you so much. Would that you are speaking and you are ever present in us and through us. And I pray that we would have bold conversations of your goodness and that would taste and see, of your truth, of your just fulfillment. And I pray that we would be a vessel in a mouthpiece. And so you name me pray. Amen.
So last year I stepped out to be a mom. I had my daughter, Reagan. So my mom had the idea last year to go through how did the Bible transform your life and how is it transforming your life? And so you guys called in and you shared and it was compiled into a beautiful podcast around the Thanksgiving time. And so we want to do that again this year. So you can call in starting today. And we're going to accept calls all the way through the 23rd, I believe, which will be next Wednesday. So here's a couple of Brown rules real quick. There's just two. Number one, if you have prayer requests and you want to call in about how the Bible transforms you, make them separate calls or else they're not going to get played. There's just going to be so much people who want to call in and to share it. And we love that. We love that. We want to hear it. We're just asking that make those calls separate so if they are combined, they will not be played. So we want you to call in and say, hey, this is how the Bible transformed my life. And so we want to hear that and so that we can hear everybody's calls together. We are asking that you keep it to a minute long. I know that is tough. So maybe try to do a couple of trial runs, maybe do a couple of trials and get it to where it can be right around that minute mark and those will get played. There will be a really beautiful so like my dad with the daily art of Bible. There's a Christmas DAB, Christmas episode and so my mom had a really great idea last year to do how the Bible has transformed her life and to do it around Thanksgiving. So we're going to do that again this year. So just those two things. If you have a prayer request and you want to call in and share how the Bible has transformed your life, make sure that there are separate calls and keep it at a minute mark. So you can call it 800-583-2164 or if you use the app, you can record through there and send it in as well and those will get played. So super excited and I cannot wait to sit down and hear your stories and feel like we're all going to need to have I would say Kleenex, but I feel like towel will be more appropriate. But yes, I'm very much so looking forward to that. That is all for today. I'm China. I love you. I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Line:
Hey DABC Fam, this is Leslie from Kentucky. And I wanted to I guess not just pray for a specific person, but pray for everybody. God bless those who lost their loved ones. Bless those whose loved ones are dealing with sickness, whether it's MS or cancer or any sickness that may be life threatening. Bless those who are being separated from their spouses. Bless their children, bless their full families, those who are dealing with whose families or friends who are dealing with sin, whether it's sexual sin or sexuality, like gender dysphoria or anything like that. And just bless this whole DABC family. Plus China, Jill, Brian, Ezekiel, everyone. And Tuesday. Amen. And another thing I wanted to say, it's not a prayer or prayer request, just a comment on Kingdom Seeker Daniel's singing. He didn't leave his name, but I can recognize his voice, so he didn't have to. Kingdom Seeker Daniel, thank you for that song. Singing that song with that beautiful voice, it really was touching and it was just amazing. You should be a recording artist. Okay, just wanted to say that. God bless you guys in Jesus name. Bye.
DABC family this is the Burning Bush that will not be devoured for the glory of our God and our King. This morning I'm calling for a request that I heard this morning for a lady named Selena and her husband Tommy. They have a few kids, I think, under the age of 12-10. The husband has been diagnosed with stage four cancer. Father God, I praise you because you are the guy who does the impossible. There is nothing impossible for you. And so we're coming to you on behalf of this family believing that you are able to do exceedingly abundantly, above our expectations. Father God, you are God the healer, the same yesterday, today and forever. I pray that you touch Tommy right now in the name of Jesus, I pray that you heal him of this stage four cancer. In the name of Jesus, I pray that you restore his body, his entire, all his organs. God, I pray that they will return to the way you intentionally made them in the beginning. God, I pray for his soul and his spirit. God, I pray for salvation for him and his family. God, I praise you, Lord, for making this come true. I pray for believers listening to believe God with me. For Tommy's healing. In the name of Jesus. God, we continue to thank you for the sister who calls on behalf of that family, I pray you bless her, bless those children. And as that wife walks to it with her husband, God, make her faithful, God, and help her to follow you and continue to lean on you. Holy Spirit, we thank you for intervening in Jesus name. Amen.
Hi. This is Victoria. So you're just calling to pray for some of the DABers. I wanted to pray for Barbara, my precious sister that lost her husband. I want to speak life to you, Barbara, and let you know that he's asleep and he's waiting for you to come. And we want to speak life that you live the life so that you can go and be with Him when your time come. We thank you for your strength. And we just pray that God continued to strengthen you and he continued to speak life to you. We want to also pray for Kayla. Kayla, who was feeling like giving up Kayla, we want to speak alive. God got life for you. Seek for me and ask him to give your life. Ask him to strengthen you. Ask Him to strengthen you and precious Barbara, I ask him to touch you, a lady of victory, and to touch you. And those who are going through, those who are going through it with their husband, those who are going through with their family, those who have lost their loved ones, going to speak life. Lord is giving you life. He's giving you strength. He's got a blessing for you. He's got a plan for your life, for a future who continue to look up, Lord. Continue to strengthen up. You say they don't wait upon the Lord. You shall renew their strength. Give them wings like an eagle that they can run and not be further. You open doors for them. That no magic go. You're a provider. You are delivery. You are healer. You are way maker. You're a high tower for the accident. You continue to have your way in these precious people's lives, lord, in the name of Jesus, somebody today that feels like giving up, let them know that you have life. Look up and live. As Moses lifted up the servant in the wilderness, so must the Son of God be lifted up. Lord, we just thank you. Lord, we thank you for touching the DABers. We thank you for touching those challenges. We thank you, Lord, for touching those that just need a touch. We just ask you to have your way, Father. And we give you the glory. We thank you for the victory because you always caused us to triumph. And, Lord, we give you the glory. In the mighty name of Jesus. We pray in Jesus name. Have a good day, DABers. Love you all. Bye.
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dawnagustd · 2 years
no rest for the wicked || jjk
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➼ title: no rest for the wicked
➼ pairing: camp counselor!jungkook x camp director!female reader
➼ genre/au: angst | a little fluff | smut | suspense/thriller | light humor | camp crystal lake au | friday the 13th au | enemies to lovers | slight unrequited love | idiots to lovers
➼ summary: Camp Crystal Lake is under new management. You’ve come back to your old hometown to gather some work experience before graduation. You know the dark history surrounding these grounds, but the real challenge is going to be hot guy standing in your kitchen, the same guy that made you leave in the first place.
➼ word count: 7k
➼ warnings: strong language | bickering | mentions murder & massacres | urban legends? | pranks | mild violence(not really descriptive) | mentions death | snakes | a bunch of arguing | mentions smoking and cigarettes | mentions allergic reactions to roses | reader has tattoos | tension (sexual included) | dom!jungkook | switch!reader | choking | doggystyle | ass slapping/spanking | biting | scratching | marking | slight angry/hate sex | hair pulling | manhandling | clit play | thigh riding i guess? | protected sex | dirty talk | spitting | confessions | the ending is cute if you ask me lol | if i missed something please let me know
➼ rating: 18+
➼ a/n: hi! so I wanted to do something based on one of my favorite horror films, Friday the 13th. This story is not horror and the horror/gore listed above is only mentioned. However, I recommend googling what the movie is about before reading if you haven’t heard of it because I based my backstory off of it. This story is more suspenseful and humorous if you ask me and mainly focuses on the pairing’s relationship instead of the actual Jason Vorhees story. Anyway, I hope you like it. Also, I know this is unedited and rushed but this was a last minute idea. I’ll edit it and make it better in the future.
 masterlist |  permanent taglist 
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Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake
The freshly painted sign lets you know that you’ve finally arrived at your destination. You’ve traveled over 800 miles and hiked through a slightly dense wooded area in order to reach your home for the summer. This all will be cleared by next week by the time camp officially opens for the children. For now, it’ll just be you and ten camp counselors that you’ll be supervising during your time here.
You accepted this job knowing the history of this place, and the tragedies that have occurred. But out-of-state school costs are expensive, and it’s been over 40 years since the original owners shut down the camp. After all this time, their children would like to bring innocence back to this place, and burn the horrific events that earned it the name Camp Blood.
People started calling it that in the 70s, after the grounds were terrorized by a vengeful masked murderer that sought after camp counselors he deemed unfit. The story says that it was all the wrath of a man whose son’s life was tragically lost due to the negligence of the employees.
There are some rumors that say his spirit still haunts the camp grounds every thirteenth Friday, symbolizing his son’s age at passing and the day of the week that it fell on—lurking for young adults who sneak off to fuck around in the woods instead of doing their job and monitoring the kids.
As if you weren’t already on edge walking the eerie grounds, tomorrow’s Friday and the calendar says May 13th. 
You sigh as the glimmering lake and renovated cabins come into view. At least you’ll have a proper place to lay your head tonight. Initially the property owners told you that the cabins probably wouldn’t be ready in time of your arrival, and that you’d have to set up a tent most likely. But you got a call last night saying that everything was taken care of and you could bring your things into the employee living quarters.
You find it quite easily since it’s the largest building on the property. Inside is the kitchen, two bathrooms, and bedrooms for the staff. It also houses your office, and you can’t wait to get in there and customize your space. Your hopes are to make it so comfortable and fit for you that you forget about the memories that plagued you when you passed through your old hometown earlier. Everyone should have moved on by now; it’s been three years, but to be safe you made sure your job was away from the city limits—and the people you once called friends.
Those people have been left in the past, especially him. You shiver every time you think of his name, and you quickly bury it in the back of your mind so you can forget once again. This is a step towards your future, and you plan to use these credentials on your resume. The director who brought life back to Camp Crystal Lake will open a lot of doors for you. You have all sorts of activities planned for the children. You just have to see what you’re working with first.
The hiring stage was conducted by the owners so you have no idea who will be working under you this summer. Their information is supposed to be sitting on your desk, so you’ll dive in as soon as you settle. You’re very excited to meet new people that love children as much as you do, and you’re sure whoever they’ve selected will be great employees. 
In fact, one of them is here a day early, and you’re relieved you won’t be spending the night on a deserted camp alone. The biggest smile adorned your face when you parked next to the black pick up truck in the lot, and it is still present as you step across the cabin’s threshold, positivity and optimism coursing through your veins while you look around the empty room.
“Hello! Anyone here?” you call out, but get no response. 
Shrugging, you set your bags by the door and venture further into the mostly open floor plan. There’s a hallway towards the back that leads to multiple rooms, so you opt for heading in that direction. The wooden floor creaks beneath your feet every time you take a step, and you know it’s something you’ll have to get used to. There’s also some noises coming from two doors to the right, so you shout once again to announce your presence. 
“Hey, it’s me, the new director. Are you decent?” Nervous laughter leaves your lips because you don’t want to literally catch someone with their pants down, or even worse, interrupt an active burglary or something. You can’t be certain that the car belonged to a camp counselor or ground’s keeper. “Hello?”
However, after one peek around the doorframe, you notice that there’s no intruder—just a guy jamming to music through his air pods while making himself a sandwich. You’re impressed by his moves, wishing you had half of his coordination. He seems to be around your age, but his back is facing you, and the only thing you can make out is his brown hair and muscular frame underneath his large clothing. 
Tattoos crawl up his right arm and disappear under the sleeve of his shirt. Your mind is already wondering where the trail stops. You’ve always admired body art and you even have a few tattoos yourself—but only in places that are easy to cover. Unfortunately, they aren’t really favored in your career path.
The man seems to be enjoying his alone time, but you figure you’ll at least tell him you’re here so he’s not alarmed when he eventually hears another pair of footsteps walking around.
You tap his shoulder, and try to introduce yourself one final time.
“Hey there, I’m—”
“What the fuck?! You scared the shit out of…me.”
You both stare at each other in total disbelief, but after a few seconds you realize that you aren’t dreaming, and that you’re actually standing face to face. Your shocked expressions transform into scowls of disgust. You’re the first to speak while he grabs his phone to pause his music.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Jungkook?”
Never in a million years did you think you’d use that name again. It produces bile in your throat each time you pronounce just a syllable of it. He isn’t pleased to see you either, and his scornful eyes vividly display such feelings. They burn holes into your skull, but you imagine yours hold the same impact as you glare back at him. His hair may be shorter and his skin may now be littered with tattoos and piercings but those lips, those dark eyes—they haven’t changed one bit.
“I’m working, isn’t it obvious?” he finally scoffs out, resting his weight on the counter and grabbing his sandwich. He takes a bite before pointing at you, speaking throughout random gulps to swallow down his food. “Don’t tell me they hired your prude ass to watch children.”
Your weight shifts to one leg and you fold your arms. Offended by his tasteless insult, you decide to take a jab of your own.
“Worse,” you smirk while watching him take a sip of his milk, brows lifting with curiosity over the rim of the glass. “They hired me to look after you, asshole.”
Jungkook nearly chokes on his drink. “Are you fucking serious?”
“Deadass,” you gloat.
He turns away from you and looks towards the ceiling, pinching the bridge of his nose. If you weren’t about to be under the same roof as him for three months, you’d laugh at how flustered he’s become. “This has got to be a joke man.”
“It isn’t, and if I were you I’d watch what I say to me because let's not forget who’s in charge of terminations from today forward.”
Jungkook’s arms fall to his sides when he hears those words. You find satisfaction in watching his tongue poke at his lip ring because you know you’ve struck a nerve. He turns in your direction again and he shakes his head. 
“I see you haven’t changed one bit,” he notes.
“And what do you mean by that, Jungkook?...because you haven’t changed so much yourself, you know? You’re still a jerk, and an annoying pain in my ass.” 
He starts walking towards you, and suddenly you recall the last thing he’s ever said to you. “This isn’t over, bitch. You’ll get yours.” You have no idea what those words meant, but they still give you chills—and for good reason.
You ratted him out to the principal. You had no choice; he was going to prank you again, but this time the results would have been really bad for you. For two weeks prior, you’d been receiving anonymous gifts at school. You suspected Jungkook from the moment you saw the handwriting on a note someone slipped in your locker. The admirer told you to meet them behind the gym during sixth period. Since you were a senior, fifth period was your last class. 
Imagine your surprise when you showed up early and found Jungkook standing in the meeting spot, waiting for you to arrive—a cigarette in one hand and a bundle of red roses in the other. You went directly to the principal’s office and he was escorted off campus shortly after. Jungkook was expelled only a few months before graduation and the entire school hated you for snitching, but what were you supposed to do? He was going to attack you.
“I’ll tell you what it means,” he says, stepping directly in front of you. He peers down at you through his lashes, asserting his dominance by using his larger stature. 
However, you don’t plan on backing down, no matter how much his aura intoxicates you. You focus on your anger towards him, the built up hatred you developed due to all the horrible pranks he’s orchestrated to embarrass you during high school. It’s all you need to remember what kind of jerk he is, picking on girls in front of his friends, but dodging them when he’s alone. He’s a coward, and you won’t bow down at his command.
“It means you’re still an evil ass kissing bitch, but I’m about to dry your cunt up real quick, sweetheart.” He gives you a lopsided grin before he continues. 
“You may be in charge, but this is my uncle’s property, and if anyone has to go, it’s going to be the girl who got his nephew expelled from high school. So if I were you…I’d watch what I said to me,” he chuckles coldly.
There’s a sinking feeling in your stomach following his words, but you ignore it and stand your ground. “All I did was tell the truth,” you whisper and Jungkook throws his head back in laughter.
“Are you delusional? You hearing yourself, right now?” 
He shakes his head and grabs his phone, abandoning his lunch as he prepares to leave. 
“You know what? Fuck it. Talking to you is like trying to get a brick wall to move. Just stay the hell away from me and we won’t have problems. I’ll sleep in my damn truck tonight.”
Jungkook brushes past you and exits the kitchen, leaving you alone to bask in bad memories you tried so hard to forget. You hated each other then and you hate each other now. However, the resentment comes from something much deeper than teenage rivalry. You know the tension between you is bound to come to a head at some point, and you just hope it isn’t here. 
It could ruin everything, and it’d be one more tally for Jungkook when it comes to embarrassing you. For now, you’ll try to step on egg shells when it comes to him. You’ll play nice and only communicate with him when necessary because this job is too valuable for you to lose it over someone like him. You begin cleaning up the mess he left behind with a heavy heart. “Ugh…Why me?”
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May 13th, 2022
Well, it’s Friday evening and you haven’t heard a word from Jungkook since he stormed out of the cabin yesterday. He eventually came inside this morning to shower and eat, but has spent the majority of his time in his room. None of the others have arrived yet, but they aren’t on schedule until tomorrow. You still wish there was someone else here to distract you from the ominous feeling you get at night.
It’s always so quiet; even the wildlife isn’t active when the sun goes down. It’s like they know something is lurking—something dark and sinister. You didn’t get any sleep last night. You felt so isolated, so exposed in the middle of it all. If it wasn’t Jungkook invading your mind every time you close your eyes, it was the stories of this place told to you by your parents. 
All night you expected a man in a hockey mask to appear out of nowhere, and butcher you like he did previous counselors. There were some survivors, the employees who weren’t at the camp to fuck and party. You keep telling yourself that if his vengeful spirit were to return, or if someone followed in his footsteps—you’d be safe. But survivor’s guilt is real, and violence is never the answer. 
You don’t wish such a horrible death on anyone, not even Jungkook. So, of course, you were a bit worried about him being out there alone last night. Hopefully, tonight he’ll consider staying in here—for his sake and yours.
There isn’t much to do right now, so you’re lying on your bunk bed, looking through your phone. Your head lolls to the left and what you see makes your blood run cold.
“Oh my god!”
You jolt out of bed and slip on your sneakers when you see the dark colored creature slither across the floor. It retreats under the neighboring bunks and hides in the darkness, waiting for something to venture near so he can strike. You run out of your room faster than the speed of light, calling for Jungkook to come and help remove it.
“Why the fuck are you screaming?” 
His voice is rough and he’s obviously in a bad mood. You assume he was sleeping because he’s only wearing his sweats, not a shirt in sight. You almost forget the reason for calling him, but he snaps his fingers and you’re quickly brought back to reality.
You point towards your room and give him a nervous side-eye. Your voice trembles when you speak. “Under the bed. It’s a snake…a big one.”
His face shows nothing but annoyance. 
“Are you sure it isn’t just a sock?”
Your eyes expand, offended by his lack of urgency and seriousness for the matter.
“That thing moved!...Fuck it, I’m not sleeping here.” You try to leave, but his arm wraps around your waist before you can get by him. 
“Alright, just hold on. I’ll go check it out,” he sighs. 
When he withdraws you cannot ignore the way your body reacts to the loss of warmth, and you want to slap yourself for actually seeking after his touch. You’ll blame it on your lack of human interaction since you’ve been here. 
Jungkook steps into your room, but turns to you before he goes any further. “Can I use your phone? I need a flashlight.”
You nod and quickly pull it out of your cardigan’s pocket, placing it in his hand and allowing him to turn it on himself. Jungkook taps the flashlight icon on the lockscreen and approaches the center of the room. “It’s under the bed to your right. Please be careful. I don’t know what kind it is.”
He doesn’t say a word as he gets on his hands and knees, keeping a safe distance while he aims the light into the dark crevice. He squints his eyes and curses after only a few seconds of searching. 
“Oh, shit. That’s not good at all.” Jungkook gets on his feet and you immediately take notice of his flushed face. 
“Is it that bad?” you gulp, and to your worst fears Jungkook nods.
“The pupils are like diamonds; it most definitely is.”
He leaves the room, but doesn’t take his eyes off the snake’s hiding place. 
“What kind is it?”
He blows out a puff of air before he responds. His eyes are wide and in utter disbelief. “It looks like a moccasin, but I’m not a hundred percent sure. I just know it has to go.”
“Well, what do we do? I can call my dad but—”
“There’s some shit in the storage closet; I’ll get it,” he states calmly, placing your phone in your hand. “Make sure you keep an eye on the floor, and if it comes out, just stay away from it. I’ll be right back.”
Jungkook is gone before you can get a word out, leaving you alone once again. Your mind can’t help but think about what would have happened if you’d put your feet down at the wrong time. You probably wouldn’t be standing here talking about it right now. What if you were alone? Help is miles away, and by the time anyone got to you, it’d be too late. 
That’s why you requested that someone with trained medical experience be here at all times, and according to his paperwork, he should be here tomorrow morning at 8 am sharp. You’d sure appreciate it if he were here now, however. This isn’t safe by any means, and neither of you are professionally trained for this task.
“Has he moved?”
Jungkook returns with a bucket in one hand and what looks like snake tongs in the other. You make a mental note to go over the importance of safety when it comes to the local wildlife with everyone, especially the kids. A bite from a snake like this can be fatal to an adult, and a small child would have even less of a chance.
“No, it hasn’t moved. But Jungkook, I think we should call someone. This isn't safe,” you suggest.
“Your dad’s a cop. He’s never shown you how to grab a snake?”
“Yeah but…”
Jungkook laughs. “If you’re scared of snakes just say it. I’m not one to judge.”
“No! I’m just…kind of worried? Today is…you know.”
“Well, try not to be so superstitious,” he tells you before entering the room for a second time. “I’m gonna close the door so it can’t get out, okay?”
You want to protest, and your mouth opens to do just that, but he gives you a look and you instantly change your mind. “Okay.”
“See you in a bit,” he winks, shutting the bedroom door behind him.
About ten minutes later, the door opens again and Jungkook holds up the bucket in triumph. “Would you like to kiss your prince before he departs?”
You roll your eyes. 
“So what are you going to do with it now?”
He shrugs. “I guess I’ll put it on the porch. He should be fine overnight. I’ll wake up before dawn and take him on the other side of the lake where there’s more wilderness. I’ve been wanting to catch the sunrise anyway, so this works.”
“How do I know you won’t just go over there and kill it?” you jest, but Jungkook doesn’t think it’s funny. The second his expression changes, you realize that the joke should have never left your mouth. You quickly try to apologize. “Sorry, I—”
“Keep it.”
“Jungkook, I didn’t mean it like that,” you try to convince him.
“I don’t care. That’s your fucking problem; you never think before you open your damn mouth.”
You opened your mouth to apologize again, but instead you ended up giving him a piece of your mind.
“Excuse me? At least I’m not a coward. You used to be cocky when you were with your little clique. Now you can’t even look me in the eye whenever I bring up what you’ve done.”
“I’m the coward?” He shakes his head and laughs. “Then what are you?...I called you, texted you, and you ignored me. You didn’t have to accept my apology, but you could have at least listened to what I had to say after you found out why I was really waiting for you that day.”
“Jungkook, I’m not going to believe your lies. You know damn well what you were doing back there and you’re just pissed that it backfired on you.,” you argue, and Jungkook scoffs.
“You keep telling yourself that.”
“I will actually because it’s the truth.”
Jungkook prepares to walk away, but then suddenly pauses. His back is turned, so he looks at you over his shoulder. 
“You act like everything’s been all bad between us, like all I’ve done was harass you. You’ve forgotten who’s saved your ass with homework you forgot to finish or who’s given you rides home when it rained even though it was on the other side of town. I brought any of that to anyone’s attention because I didn’t do it to hold it over your head. I did it because that’s just the kind of person I am, especially for someone I care about. But if you want me to be something else…you got that.”
He starts walking down the hall without another word to you, and a part of you wants to go after him, but what he said doesn’t justify his actions. You don’t trust him, and he has himself to blame for that. So you stay silent, because if he really cared, he wouldn’t have so much animosity towards you when you did nothing wrong. It’s not your fault you couldn’t put the pieces together; you were too busy looking over your shoulder for his next prank, and even though it’s been years since he threatened you with his words—you look around every corner before you make a turn.
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One thing you’ve already learned to appreciate in your short time here is the shower. The water reaches the perfect temperature, so you can’t help but stay in there a little bit longer than you should. You have to enjoy it while you can because after tonight you’ll have to share, cutting your time in the bathroom in half.
Since you’re alone in the cabin, you take your time and detangle your curls. Jungkook isn’t here so you don’t bother rushing to get your clothes on. A towel is the only thing that covers your body. Your skin is still damp and too hot to throw on a t-shirt so you opt to stay this way until you air dry and cool down.
Once you leave the bathroom, you turn off the lights and go straight to your room. You hadn’t realized you left the window open earlier, and you shiver as the gentle summer’s breeze flows through your bedroom. You throw your phone on the bed and quickly walk over to the window so you can shut it. However, a sudden uneasiness forms in your gut, an instinct you have when something just doesn’t feel right. 
You gnaw at your bottom lip trying to piece together what could be happening and eventually, you brush it off as just your paranoia getting to you. Before you close and lock your bedroom window, you glance at the moon and stars, noting how beautiful they are away from the city and how you’d like to get some pictures before you leave. But that’ll have to wait because right now all you want to do is lie down and at least try to get some sleep—if only your mind allows it. 
While pushing down the glass, you notice something out of place on the outskirts of the woods. You have a small view of the lake from where you are, and the only thing preventing you from seeing it entirely is the trees. However, there’s something blocking the small opening that allows you to see Crystal Lake from your room, or maybe…someone?
You lower your head to eliminate the glare in the window, and that’s when you see it. Barely, but you’re able to make out a white orb in the distance. 
“What the fuck is that?”
You don’t have long to figure it out either. Suddenly, the object begins to move and within seconds you realize that it definitely is a person, and they’re coming straight towards your cabin. When they’re about 30 feet away you can clearly see their dark clothing and the infamous white hockey mask the guy that committed those murders were said to have worn. Fight or flight sets in, and your first reaction is to get the hell out of there before he can catch up to you with his long strides.
You rush out of the cabin wearing nothing but a towel and Pokémon slippers—no phone, no keys, only a bit of hope that Jungkook is alive and near or at least sleeping in his truck so he can drive you both to safety. Once your feet touch the soil, you channel every ounce of determination and drive you possess. Speed will be your only asset against a figure that appears to be twice your size. But unfortunately, even all of that isn’t enough.
“Let me go!” 
A pair of arms grab you before you can even reach the path that leads to the parking lot. You kick, you thrash, and you scream like your life depends on it—because it does, and you use every tactic your father taught you to try and break free.
Your efforts pay off with an elbow to their stomach. A pained laugh escapes the person, and when you jab them again they finally agree to release you. You’re surprised at how familiar their voice sounds.
“Alright, alright. I’ll put you down, but chill. It’s just me,” he chuckles, placing your feet back on the ground. You try to make another run for it, but he grabs your hand and takes off his mask. “Don’t go running off into the woods. It’s just a joke. Calm down.” 
“I was just fucking with you,” he laughs, doubling over and clutching his side. “You should have seen your face. And then you really almost crushed my ribs, damn girl.”
You feel anything but amusement right now, and you head straight for the cabin to start packing your things. 
“Should’ve been your balls,” you say as you’re passing him. 
Fuck this camp. Jungkook and everyone else can have it. You knew you shouldn’t have come back here; it was very foolish of you to think you could actually be in the same space with Jungkook and his old ways wouldn’t resurface. You’ll just find another way; something else will come up. But you can’t stay here any longer, not with him.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
You kick off your slippers because they’re just slowing you down. Jungkook is on your tail and when he grabs your arm you immediately pull away. “Get away from me. I’m leaving!”
“Leaving?...What are you just gonna quit?” he quizzes. You spin around and walk up to him, fueled by nothing but rage and resentment.
“That’s what you want, right? Well, you got it. I’m out…you’ve won, Jungkook.” His smug smile fades slowly and his brows furrow as he processes your words.
“Ahh, here you go again. How does someone survive under same roof as you?...I’m nice, there’s a problem. I’m a jerk, you’re ready to leave. It makes no sense.”
“You call setting me up to be humiliated nice?”
Jungkook’s hands run over his face in frustration. “I thought we established that I was doing nothing wrong that time.”
“If you weren’t doing anything wrong…which is obviously a lie because you were smoking. Why were you the person waiting for me to turn the corner?...With roses! I’m allergic to roses. You lured me there to hurt me and humiliate me.”
“First of all, I had no idea about the roses and I tried to apologize, remember? I wasn’t trying to be mean to you. I told you I just wanted to smooth things over and—”
“Then why write them Jungkook? Why make me believe someone actually liked me?” you question, cutting him off.
Jungkook steps closer, but once again you do not back down. You don’t care about how angry he is because you’re pissed ten times more. He’s gone too far this time.
“Maybe because I was building up the courage to tell the girl I’ve liked since third grade that I liked her? Ask her to prom? Apologize for being an asshole because she didn’t deserve any of that stuff I did...I don’t know, maybe it was all of those things. I was just doing what the guys told me to do. I wanted your attention, and I was finally trying to get it the correct way,” he argues, anger radiating from his body. He stares you down with so much hatred that if you weren’t feeling the same way, you’d crumble.
“So what if I had one cigarette to calm my nerves? I was fucking shaking, and I put it out after the first hit because I didn’t like it. But the only motive I had for being back there was to get the girl I liked alone so I could apologize and ask her out, but she got me expelled before I could do that.”
His words seem genuine and sincere, but they’re driven by fury. He’s still upset with you and you cannot understand why. You didn’t know, and if you did you still wouldn’t have known how to respond. It’s his fault for traumatizing you so much that you didn’t see all the signs. You feel like shit for it, but you can’t go back and change things. You’re trying to move forward, but each time you take a step, you’re always knocked back two.
“Then you just get to move on and forget it ever happened?” he continues. Your brows furrow when you see the gloss covering his eyes. 
As if you weren’t already feeling terrible for not being able to read between the lines, Jungkook was right earlier; he helped you out just as much as he joked around. 
You didn’t even give him a chance after the day he left school, but how could you when you were dealing with the aftermath of his expulsion? “You come here with your head all high like you own the place, like you haven’t flipped my life upside down. It’s not fair.”
“Jungkook, I had to move on. You think you’re the only one who suffered? Everyone hated me for getting you kicked out of school. And don’t act so beaten down, your dad got you out of it. Or did you think I didn’t hear about that?”
Jungkook scoffs. “Yeah, because everyone knew I liked you…everyone but you. And my dad paid a load of money to make sure I could at least get into a good school. Why the hell do you think I’m here? He calls and I run, until I’m done paying him back.”
“I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t know! But what am I supposed to do about it now? I can apologize a million times, but I can’t change the past. I’m tired Jungkook, so either we end this tonight or I’m leaving because I can’t live like this. Do your worst if it makes you feel better, prank me the whole fucking summer, embarrass me in front of the kids and the staff.”
He lowers his head and shakes it as he speaks. “That’s not enough. It’s never been enough.”
“Then what is, Jungkook?...Tell me what makes it right? I’ll fix it.”
Jungkook looks at you then, softer than before, but his expression still holds a bit of frustration. 
“You just don’t get it,” he whispers.
“Then help me understand. Show me if you can’t tell me. You want revenge? Take it. Or if there’s something else you want, you can take that too. Just go for it because this may be the last chance you get.”
His fingers reach up and touch your arm, and he runs them delicately over your skin. “How do I know if what I want is something you’re offering?”
“Everything’s on the table. You have me alone until tomorrow morning. Do whatever you want, I’m all yours,” you assure.
“Well, come here then.” Jungkook pulls you close to his body and leans in. You expected him to kiss you, but you didn’t expect it to feel this way. His touch is more rough and aggressive than you imagined it would be since he was so timid previously. It still feels amazing despite his lack of tenderness and affection.
He grabs your face and guides you to the nearest wall, never breaking away from the heated moment you’re sharing as he does so. You can’t deny how attractive he is, and now that all of your hatred for him is being released, you can enjoy every inch of his sculpted figure.
You try to reach for his shirt, but he grabs your wrist and pins it against the wall, smiling when he hears you whine. His tongue slips into your mouth and explores as deep as its length will allow. 
“Is that all?” you ask him when your lips ultimately part for air. His eyes linger on your mouth as if he’s missing the warmth already, and you can’t stop yourself from smirking in response.
“That’s not even half of it.” Jungkook’s hand still holds onto your face and neck, but you’re too drunk off his touch to feel any discomfort. 
When he finally allows you to touch his chest and biceps, you try to coax him into spilling all of those hidden emotions buried beneath the surface; it seems to work after a moment. You purr each syllable when you speak, and Jungkook lingers onto every one of them as if they were the answer to all of his prayers. “Then what are you waiting for?...Clock’s ticking.”
“Stop talking like that.”
“Or what?...What’s going to happen if I don’t?” Your challenge makes him tighten his grip. You wince, but nothing tops the satisfaction you get from pissing him off. “What are you gonna do?”
Jungkook growls, and the sound makes you shudder. “You wouldn’t even be able to walk in the morning. Don’t ever try me like that, sweetheart.”
“Do it. I fucking dare you.”
Jungkook chuckles while kissing his way up to your ear. “You have no idea what you’re asking for.”
“Well, enlighten me–Oh fuck!” He uses his knee to force open your legs and flexes his thick thigh against your bare cunt. The contact makes you gasp out a desperate moan.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Jungkook’s grin widens when he feels your thighs try to rub together for more friction.
“Fuck, yes.”
He drags you across the room and he all but tosses you on the couch. 
“Strip, then turn around,” he commands.
You take off your towel and throw it at him. Jungkook twirls his finger in a circle, so you turn and bend over the sofa’s armrest. “Shit, you have tats, a nice ass, and you’re fucking soaking…the hell am I going to do with you?” he asks while leaning over you to speak into your ear.
“Hopefully, you’ll fuck me…and soon–ahh, shit.”
Jungkook slaps your ass and gives it a squeeze. You whimper under his touch, trying not to moan, but then his finger teases your entrance, and you have no choice but to let it out. 
“You’re not in the position to give me demands…not while your cunt’s trying to suck in my fingers, sweetheart. Play nice, and I’ll feed you well,” he says with a smirk. 
You groan, and he slaps your ass again; your backtalk then ceases for a while. 
Jungkook spreads your folds and spits into your entrance, chuckling when you clench in response. “The quiet ones are always freaky,” he comments.
“Shit, I need to grab a condom. I’ll be right back—”
“Here.” You reach into the couch and pull out one of the condoms you secretly stashed there. You can imagine the shock on Jungkook’s face when you reach back and hand it to him. “None of us are saints, Jungkook. Don’t think about it too much.”
And he doesn’t. He quickly pulls down his pants and rolls it on. Your anticipation heightens when you feel his blunt tip come in contact with your heat, and you turn your head to watch his face contort when he slides in. 
“Fuck,” he sighs when he finally feels your warmth molding around his length. His moaning makes butterflies erupt in the pit of your stomach, and you don’t even give him a second to get used to the snug fit. You bounce on his cock and watch as he looks on in awe, taking off his shirt and throwing somewhere across the room.
Jungkook grips your waist and takes control; you grab onto the couch when he starts fucking you back, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth as he concentrates on pleasuring you. You both set a steady pace, but you feel like he’s holding back so you purposely taunt him into giving you more. “You fuck like you’re scared or something. Afraid you’ll drown?”
He reaches forward and tugs your hair. “Nope. I was just going easy on you, but if you insist…”
You scream his name when his thrusts quicken, and he uses his grip to pull you back on his dick. He digs into you deeper and harder, and the pressure in your abdomen begins to build after a few calculated motions. Jungkook’s hand continues to come down on your ass randomly, and each blow leaves your pussy gushing with arousal. He pulls you up and holds you close to him once he’s left you behind red and sore to the touch. “You feel so fucking good. Damn, I wish you were mine,” he moans into your neck.
Your hand reaches behind you to play in his brown strands while he bites and leaves marks on your neck. “Is that what you want?”
He lifts his head and looks you in the eyes, slowing down but still digging into your cervix. 
“Damn right,” he replies, teasing your sensitive clit. “Gonna come for me?”
“Mmhm, please don’t stop doing that.” 
Your nails dig into his arm while he ruts into you. You come with his name flowing from your lips, and he follows soon after. His body trembles as he spills his seed into the condom, and he sighs when he’s finally released all the pressure he’s had inside of him.
Your body almost slumps over when he pulls out and tries to withdraw, so he’s forced to keep you close to him so you don’t hurt yourself. “Can you even walk to your bed?” he laughs, giving you a glimpse of his cute boyish smile.
“Probably not.”
He sighs and scoops you up. “Alright, let’s go to bed, lightweight.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, slapping his chest. 
He stops near the kitchen door and tosses the used condom in the trash before taking you to your room and placing you on the bed gently. “Night,” Jungkook says quickly before turning to leave.
“Wait.” You grab his hand to get his attention, and he pauses. “I don’t usually ask these questions, but…did you mean that stuff or were you just fucking around?”
“No, I wouldn’t say that unless I meant it. I still like you, but I know it’s too late,” he says before he looks at you. He stares for a few seconds and responds with an exhale. “Please don’t leave, though. I really miss you.”
You pat beside you. “Come lay with me?”
Jungkook nods and takes off his shoes before he climbs in your bed. “I only ask because…well, you know.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry, for everything. Especially tonight, I never want you to see you that upset again,” he admits.
He doesn’t say anything when you touch his face and trace over his features. “Can I come with you when you take the boat out tomorrow?”
“Yeah, of course.”
You yawn, and Jungkook wraps his arms around you, caressing your sore behind to help you relax. 
“We’ll talk then, okay? It’ll be all romantic and shit,” you tell him and he only scoffs. “Seriously, it’ll be like those movies, and then we'll kiss—”
“And then we’ll try to fuck without rocking the boat too much?” he suggests. You roll your eyes and turn away from him, suppressing your giggles as best as you can. “Did I ruin it?”
“It was ruined before I started talking.”
When it’s quiet again, your mind begins to wonder and one question resurfaces in your brain that you forgot to ask Jungkook. “Hey.”
“What’s up?”
“How did you make it to the front of the cabin so fast earlier? You were literally like 10 feet away from my bedroom and then right on me when I ran out,” you point out, making him lift his head.
“I wasn’t back there. I was getting ready to come through the front door and scare you, but you just ran out. I figured you thought you saw another snake or something.”
Your breathing pauses. “Dude, I saw you.”
“No…you didn’t see me.” 
Well, if it wasn’t him, then who? 
Your heart rate speeds up, body working in autopilot as you try to usher Jungkook out of the bed. “We gotta get out of here. We have to run, there’s—”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding. That was my friend Tommy. Please don’t be mad at him, I begged him to help me,” he confesses and you narrow your eyes at him. “Don’t get mad, babe,” he pouts.
“Oh, I’m not going to get mad, Jungkook.” You crawl over his body, straddling him and kissing his lips before you continue. He thinks he’s off the hook, but you’re about to show him what you’re capable of. 
“...I’m going to get even.”
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thru-the-grapevine · 2 years
Under the Stars
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Pairing: Choi San x reader
Summary: The stars decide to spell out your fate with the cute boy who took you stargazing rather clearly, for once.
Word Count: 1.6k
Tags: summer camp au, fluff to end all fluff, also idiocy
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You peer up at the universe sprinkled overhead, gnawing your lower lip. “I’m not sure I see it.”
The grass of left outfield shifts beneath the blanket as San scoots a little closer to you. Despite the comfortably warm night, the feeling of his body heat mere inches from your side sends prickles across your skin.
“Okay, look,” San says, lifting his arm and pointing to a cluster of stars. “Starts right there, beneath that really bright one, and it goes down left, and then trails around that way, see?”
You force your gaze away from the contour of his arm and attempt to follow as he traces an outline in the heavens. “And you said it’s…”
“A jellyfish,” he says, and you can hear him grinning. “That spot I just traced is the bell, and then the tentacles—”
“—are just there,” you realize, suddenly seeing the constellation. You snort.
“Nice, right?” San snickers. “I actually felt clever making that one. Okay, your turn.”
“Oh, god,” you mutter, smiling and gazing all across the sky. “Okay, um…”
This is exactly what you’d expected when San asked if you wanted to sneak out to the campground’s baseball field and look at stars. Several other young camp staff you’d been sitting with watched you accept his offer with jealousy, and you knew they were picturing a far more romantic, swoonworthy scene. Something it seemed most of the young camp staff would kill for with San—at least, something they’d kill for now.
Choi San has been your camp bestie since the day you met as kids, when you accidentally spilled green Kool-Aid all over him and he retaliated on purpose with his purple Kool-Aid. He wasn’t one of the cooler kids at camp over the years—too dorky, the other kids said. But that worked out perfectly for you, because you were a dork, too.
It was shocking when he turned up one summer a few years ago when you were counselors and he was…cute. Against your better judgment, it awakened something in you—and, apparently, several other counselors, who were suddenly interested in hanging around him. You tried not to let it boost your ego when he barely noticed them, preferring to stick around you, instead. He was still just as dorky, like nothing had changed, and you wanted to keep it that way, so for the sake of your friendship you fought down any feelings that awakened.
Except they like to re-awaken all the time, as you both continue to grow up and he only gets cuter. A constant battle. You’re running out of room to bury your feelings at this point.
“Aaah, wait—um, uh, um…” you sputter, laughing as San begins humming the Jeopardy theme.
You chance a glance over at him, only to look away again sharply when you see him grinning ear-to-ear at you. Your entire face comes to a boil. Panicked, you fling your arm up and point. “There, take a guess.”
You begin scrutinizing that spot desperately for a form that makes sense as San groans. “No fair, that’s where I was going to pick next.”
“Pff, yeah, what were you gonna pick, a….coiled-up snake?” You retort, tossing the snake idea out the window.
“...Noooo,” he says, then pauses. “Okay, kind of. It was going to be one of those fuzzy worm things, so that doesn’t technically count.”
You snort. “Keep dreaming.”
“What’s yours, then, huh, if you’re so clever?”
“You mean you can’t see it?” You ask, faking offense, wracking your brains for ideas.
“Methinks thou doth protest too much,” San says, and you can hear him smirking.
You huff. “Fine, I’ll tell you, spoilsport. It’s one of those, you know…”
You can definitely hear him grinning now. “You know…?”
At last, inspiration strikes. “It’s an ammonite.”
A moment’s pause, and then San asks, “an ammonite?”
“Don’t tell me you don’t know what an ammonite is,” you say, injecting mock horror into your voice. “I remember your dinosaur phase from fourth grade summer too well for that.”
There’s a moment of silence as San scrutinizes the sky.
You smirk the longer he doesn’t reply. “So, you know. An ammonite. Duh.”
“That…” He says, staring at the place you’d pointed out, “…is genius…”
You grin.
“....ly stupid.”
“Hey!” You turn and smack his arm, laughing. “You were going to say it was a fuzzy worm!”
You pointedly ignore how cute his dimples are, the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. “At least mine wasn’t a fossil.”
“You didn’t make any rules except ‘it can’t be boring like a real constellation’!”
“I’m changing the rules now, no fossils.”
You scrunch your face up into an indignant, scowling pout. “Starting now. Mine counts.”
San rolls his eyes, but a grin tugs at his lips. “So needy. Fine, my turn.”
“And you can’t start from where I just made one,” you remind him.
“Yah, who’s in charge here, anyway?” San complains.
You scoff. “Who said anything about someone being in charge? Besides, you’ve got loads of other stars to work with.”
“But I wanted to work with those stars.”
“Ah come on, they’re all fake constellations anyw—whoa!”
You both jolt, eyes wide, as the brightest shooting star you’ve ever seen hurtles through the sky above. It’s huge, the tail burning fire from one horizon to the other in a brilliant slash.
As quickly as it comes, it fades, but the spell it casts lingers over you both. Both of you fall quiet, staring up into the stars. Everything comes into focus that you hadn’t been aware of before—the soft chirp of crickets from the nearby woods, the barely-there breeze stirring across your legs, the earthy smell of the baseball diamond. How close Choi San is lying next to you, on this blanket, the two of you in a world all your own.
“That was…amazing,” San breathes.
Your throat is dry. All you can do is nod.
“Did you see that?”
“It was huge,” he says, shifting a little on the blanket. “I’ve…I feel like I need to make a wish. Should I make a wish?”
You wish your feelings could just go away. “Nah, not on that one. You kidding? It was way too big for just a wish. That was like…a sign, or something.”
San sounds thoughtful. “A sign of what?”
“Like, anything.” Lying here next to him feels more and more dangerous by the second. You sit up, still staring at the sky. “That’s a sign for anything. Like a big thumbs-up, you know? The universe saying, ‘time to go for it’.”
“Go for what?”
“Whatever’s right in front of you, man,” you say, just rambling at this point. “Got a dream school you’re shooting for? Send in the application. Up for that promotion? Assert yourself. Someone you want to see? Gotta shoot your shot. Life’s too short and shooting stars know about it. Like, you saw that one, it was huge and bright and beautiful and it just fizzled…out…”
You stop talking, mind going blank, when you feel San take your hand, twining your fingers together.
You look down at your hands. He really is holding yours; you aren’t just imagining it. His thumb brushes over the back of yours gently, once, twice, and your entire being feels like a live wire.
He clears his throat in the silence that follows. “I, um, then I guess this is just…me, shooting my shot, then.”
Your gaze trails from his hand up his arm, over his shoulder and neck, settling on his face. He’s staring resolutely up at the sky, like the stars have just started tap-dancing. “I mean, you know, if that’s…cool? Maybe? Since you said the star was a sign and not for wishing…maybe this was a bad idea—”
“You’re shooting your shot with me?”
“Not because I don’t like being friends or anything!” San says quickly. “Honestly I haven’t said anything for a while because I didn’t want you to…I guess I was just worried that…and like, we can totally just be friends, that’s super cool, we can just forget this happened at all—”
“Stop talking.”
He falls silent, and you take the moment to calm the veritable tornado of thoughts and feelings whipping through your head at breakneck speeds.
“I…” You trail off. Where are you even supposed to start? “I’m not…I mean, I like being your friend, too, don’t get me wrong, but like…”
You squeeze his hand. “This is cool.”
Slowly, San sits up next to you. “…It is?”
“Way better than cool,” you blurt, feeling your face start to burn again. “I’m…god, San, I’ve liked you a stupidly long time and I didn’t want to blow it and you’re telling me you’re shooting your shot because of a shooting star?”
“Hey, that thing had to be a comet or something,” San said, a slow smile growing over his face. “Like fate. Or an omen.”
“I was talking out of my ass about that earlier,” you tell him, pulse sputtering frantically at the way he’s looking at you.
“No, I think that was the first non-stupid thing you said all night,” San says decidedly. He lifts your joined hands briefly and presses a kiss to the back of yours before letting them drop to his lap.
Your head feels like it’s spinning. “The ammonite wasn’t stupid.”
“It was stupid,” he says, grinning at you.
You huff, scowl-pouting again. “You’re so mean.”
“I think you like it, though,” he says, squeezing your hand and looking back up at the sky. “Just a little.”
Your face feels like it’s in flames. “...Maybe. A very little bit.”
You both spend the next few minutes smiling rather stupidly at the stars.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
if the requests are still up, can I have more big dog/werewolf! captain headcannons? :0
Yeah! I had zero inspiration for this till ISWM 2 dropped so big spoilers ahead!!!
After the truth about you being a werewolf comes out, you become less shy shifting between forms.
Ofc some of the doors don't accommodate your height, so you gotta crouch a lot but it’s no problem, especially since you can run on all fours if need be.
Mark made tons of modifications to your suit so it can adapt to both forms without tearing or breaking.
He always wants to sit in your lap and just pet your fluffy tail when things on the ship get stressful...or just bc he wants to.
CC, Gunther, and literally every other crewmember scold him for “distracting” you but they’re all just really jealous.
Though because you stayed a werewolf when the universe collapsed (as the stress of the whole situation with the warp core, Lady, and Old Mark overwhelmed you), you were unable to change back to human when it rebooted.
Not matter how much you focused or tried calming down...nothing worked.
You were stuck.
Even when travelling through wormholes and space-time continuums, this was the only constant.
The many Marks you encountered had a variety of..interesting reactions to seeing a werewolf in place of a human, but they all recognized you nonetheless.
Murdock/Murderiplier? Offers to let you feast on the victim's flesh if you so desired.
Romanceiplier? Is down bad for you regardless, saying "this changes nothing <3"
Camp Counselor Mark? Is frozen in place when you growl and scare everyone else away (hell, you even intimidate Heehoo when you meet him).
Camo Mark? Thinks you're a badass by tearing into the intruders with your claws and teeth.
Crying Mark? He doesn't care he just bawls into your fur before the scene glitches.
The only one who was genuinely surprised was Yancy (even though he's not a variant of Mark) but he recognizes your smile and now understands how you beat him in that fight.
In the end where Mark attacks you, you nearly attack him back--at this point being near-feral considering how long you stayed a werewolf. 
He thinks it’s all the more reason to go back and prevent your humanity from slipping, managing to rip the crystal out of your paw, wherein you howl in pain.
That awakens your humanity briefly, and you desperately try to reason with him, saying going back won’t fix anything.
After saving him from the wormhole, he screams that you’re a “stupid mutt” for stopping him, but after a moment..he realizes that he not only broke the universe, but he also broke you.
It hurts especially as you revert back to a feral mindset, and he slumps to the floor, thinking the [y/n] he knew was gone forever.
“I-I’m so sorry, Captain..you’re stuck like this all because...o-of me. I did this to you."
He’s ready to accept death but...instead you sit down, pulling him into your lap and cuddling with him--just like old times.
And he sobs, apologizing for everything and begging you to come back to him.
As the paradox resolves and you both wake up on the ship, your paw is healed and you could think clearly again.
Mark was worried when he saw you walk out of the cryopod...until you turn human again and smile, embracing him and drinking some coffee as you overlook the planet together.
“Honestly..it feels great being human again.” You sigh. “I think I’ll stay this way for a while.”
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twosroos · 2 years
All Grown Up [Chapter Five]
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roos says ! a bit of me rushing the plot, adding in some jake for fun, and just fuckin around bc why not >:)
desc: Bob's gone for a few days on a trip, it goes great until it suddenly doesn't.
fluff, angst
notable characters: robert "bob" floyd, jake "hangman" seresin
TWs: mentions of past abuse, panic attacks
ao3 link ! last chapter ! next chapter
Today was Monday, and Robby would be out of town from around noon today, to about four on Wednesday to visit mutual friends of yours he hadn’t seen in years. You would’ve gone— loving the group to death, but it was too close to your derby on Friday and the Fourth of July party only a few days later. Today was also the first day of summer camp for both of your sisters, they were only going for July, just as you and Bob had done almost three decades prior. So, you had to spend the morning coaxing them into going. Now, the four of you stood at the entrance to the little family-owned summer camp, you kneeling in the dirt to give Genevieve a big hug while Molly clung to her brother's leg.
“You just got back!” She whined, punching his thigh. Bob laughed and kneeled, forcing her to step back.
“And I’ll be back, Molly.” He smiles, pulling her into his chest, “I promise. You’ll see me on Friday. It’s just a few days of orientation."
“Rob…” Molly whines and you laugh as Genevieve goes over and grabs her hand.
“C’mon. We have to go. Bobby will be here when we get back. Just like my sister!” Genevieve smiled, dragging Molly over. Seemingly begrudgingly accepting her fate, Molly walked alongside her best friend. The two girls waved goodbye to both of you as they walked away, their counselor kneeling to talk to them and give them big hugs as she greeted them. Once the two were safely tucked into the wooded entrance of summer camp, you jiggled your keys to signal Bob to stand back up. He did, with flushed cheeks, and the two of you walked back to your single cab pickup. You and Bob played old country music as you drove back home, silence enveloping you.
When you pull into the driveway, Bob turns the music down before you shut off the car and you turn to him.
“How… I—“ Bob sighs, “I wish I had been there for Molly when she was growing up.”
The sentence hits you like a train. You knew that he’d come home when Molly was born and tried to send her gifts and stuff every birthday or major event, but he’d missed a lot of his younger sister's life. It hadn’t occurred to you just how much it would affect.
“You still have a lot of time,” you try and offer, “she’s only five, Robby. I don’t remember much before my seventh birthday.”
“I know. But she’s gonna be in camp by the time I’m leaving again.” he buries his head in his hands and sighs heavily, “I mean this time I’ll only be gone for around two months but still, it sucks.”
“Are you going over your— well, our birthdays?” You ask. Your birthday was one day before Bob’s, it was the reason you became friends in the first place.
“Yeah. We’ll be in Nevada this time I’m pretty sure.” He laughs, "It's weird, soon I'll probably have spent just as many birthdays in random places as my own home."
"I hate that one day that'll be right." You huff, using a bit of shoulder force to knock open your door so you can get out. Bob follows suit, and when he says goodbye an hour or so later he gives you a spine-breaking hug while he promises he'll be back on Wednesday. And while you promise him you'll save him and his friend's seats at your derby, you successfully resist the urge to press a gentle kiss to his skin.
The pining is one-sided, you remind yourself as you bitterly think with a bright smile on your face as you wave goodbye to Bob in his truck, that kiss years ago meant nothing, and never will. Even if you desperately wish it did.
Tuesday passes without an issue. You drop the girls off at summer camp and they bounce off with promises to be good and be in one piece when you pick them up at nine that night. You go to lessons, train a few kids, then go home and practice with your mom and both of your horses until a quick left-over dinner around eight. When you pick the girls up from camp, Molly shows you a little painting of a plane she made for her brother. It's cute, though definitely not what a jet-- a Hornet, you think you heard Bob call it once while regaling a story, looks like. When the girls go to bed, you stay up with your mother and Jenny to start preparing everything possible for the party that was coming around the corner faster than you could realize. It was a week away, and you’d be spending every waking minute either at work, training at home, or working on food or decorations for the party. 
Your derby, or competition as your mother called it, was during Friday's annual Fourth of July fair. Which didn't run on the fourth, it ran the last weekend of June. It always had. At the annual fair, they hosted three events you were helping train for, barrel racing, calf roping, and bull riding. You had done the first two since the end of high school, plus having ridden horses your whole life, but for the bull riding you mostly just made sure no one died to a rouge bull at any given moment. The farm you trained at— Cherry Lake Farm and Lessons, also offered bull riding, which is where Bob had done it a few times in high school but never enough to be in any sort of rodeo. Just like your horse riding. Now you helped about five people train their skills of riding bulls, even if the idea of riding a bull scared the daylight out of you and you were gonna be riding in the fair. You felt all grown up, living out dreams you never saw in yourself as a kid.
On Wednesday morning, you’d left home at around eight forty, assuring your mom you would help her set up the day before the party. She’d already opened up the two barns and the chicken coop with your sister before driving her and Molly to camp after you'd left, so you were able to soak in those extra thirty or so minutes of sleep before your body automatically woke you up and told you to get going. Usually, on work mornings, you'd drop the girls off at camp, but not today. Today, you rode your truck the short but sweet thirty miles to work, stopping at a local gas station to fuel up and grab some breakfast as you did every morning you worked. Everything seemed to be going perfect, the sun was warm, not hot, it’s cool enough to roll down your windows without the sun making you sweat, it’s so nice you don’t even run your air conditioner, and the bagel you got was better than any breakfast bagel you’d had there before.
Then you see Shannon standing at the stables with her arms crossed when you pull up to teach lessons.
Your stomach drops to your feet, and then through the floor of your truck, through the gravel driveway, and through to the center of the Earth— or hell as your mom would say. You park your truck in your usual spot under a willow tree, and sit there for a moment, contemplating even getting out to face her. Inevitably, you do, noticing you don’t have much more than twenty minutes before you need to clock in. So, you bite the bullet and turn off your truck, collecting your items in a small tote you sling over one shoulder before you hop out of your truck and use the key to lock it. As soon as you approach her, the rocks sounding your movement, Shannon turns to see you.
“Miss Lees?” you call, walking over slowly. She pauses, gaping, before shifting from foot to foot nervously. This is exactly how she had reacted to meeting you in person the first time, the day you had to move out of Mike’s shitty apartment. It makes your stomach slick.
“Y/n. Hey.” She says back, “I wanted to catch up with you a bit since we’re all back home for a few weeks.”
You tilt your head, one hand resting slightly inside your tote where you can toy with the fabric of your hat's rim, “y’all are back home?”
“Me and my brothers.” She murmurs and if your stomach can drop further, it does. It makes you want to vomit, the idea of Mike being near you. His hometown was around forty-five minutes away, Chris had told you Mike and Shannon would move back at some point, you had hoped it would be after the party.
“He’s trying to come to the party, isn’t he?” you murmur and she nods, rocking from foot to foot again as she rubs her shoulder with a bite to her lip.
“Shannon he can’t, Robby’s back and he’ll kill ‘em.” you rub your face, sighing heavily, “Shannon.”
“I needed to come here to tell you, I tried swinging by your house but you weren’t home. I came straight here.” You curse, seeing the genuine panic on Shannon’s face. Everything starts to come crashing on you, but you set your jaw and nod to her.
“I’ll tell my parents, and Tom, and Jenny.” You huff out, turning when you see a familiar black pick-up rolling up. You cannot place who owns it for the life of you but you feel your heart rate pick up.
“Y/n,” Shannon murmurs, and before you can turn to her your attention is grabbed by your phone vibrating. When you check it, the name Jake Seresin states back up at you.
The truck is Mike’s. 
You pick up the call and send Shannon a look, mouthing the old safe word you’d come up with— oatmeal. You’d never say it otherwise, since you didn’t eat oatmeal, and she nodded and rushed over to Mike’s truck. You weren’t sure if he was driving it, because you knew Chris was using it for a while, but goddamnit you weren’t about to get fucked over without any chance of defending yourself.
“Seresin?” you call, waving hello to your boss as you slip into the office beside her. She flashes you a smile, and even if you can tell she wants to, doesn’t comment when you rush to your little shared office in the back and lock the door.
“Mike’s in—“
“— I know.” you groan, “his trucks at my job.”
“What?” Jake says before you hear him pull the phone back and shout, “Rooster! What the fuck— no, stop that.”
“His truck is parked outside my job right now, Seresin. And Shannon’s talking to either him or Chris who’s driving it. I have a fucking derby in two days, so much training and planning to do, and I don't have time to get sidetracked by my old abuser!" You shout, throwing yourself down onto the office chair and bringing your face into your knees, "What time do you get here tomorrow?"
"Real early," Jake says, "But he's there?"
"Him or Chris." You restate and you hear Jake curse. There are sounds of shuffling, someone asking what's wrong before you hear a bell jingle and the sound of waves comes over the phone-- along with the wind.
"Y/n. Shannon's there, right? She told me she was going to find you." Jake's voice falls into the serious tone you remember him using when you'd met him in Texas. He was a flirty guy, who loved joking around and living off adrenaline, but he got serious when he needed to.
"Shannon's here, she told me they are all home for the holiday." You look at the wall of medals, trying to keep yourself calm as you reread the names on the golden, silver, and bronze painted medals and the multicolored ribbons that decorated the walls with their respective trophies.
"So she can help you, right? And, Bob's driving back right now, I'm sure of you call him--" You're not entirely sure when Jake was filled in that his Bob was your Robby, but it made this a thousand times easier.
"If Bob steps foot on this property, and Mike's the one driving the truck, I'll have to talk to the cops after witnessing a murder." You deadpan and Jake snorts.
"Alright, look, stay wherever you are that's safe, okay? Do the breathing things Chris would do with you, and if anything happens you don't call anyone other than the police." He says and you gulp, nodding.
Jake sighs, "I have to go, training calls, but text me when everything's sorted."
"I will," You smile, small, "Thanks, Jake."
"Of course, Y/n. Your brother-- or your sisters, would kill me if I didn't help you." He says and that makes you laugh, even if your chest tightens and you can feel a panic attack coming onto you. Obviously, you don't want to keep Jake away from his work, so you bid him goodbye as happily as you can fake with cherry laughter and jokes before the world comes in on your as you press the end call button. You end up nearly dry-heaving on the floor, hands pressed to your face as you sob, biting back every exhale or inhale that you can, trying to be as quiet as possible. You feel like you're dying, the feeling of your lungs contristing making your chest burn.
Hands are on your shoulders, pressing into them, arms wrapping around you and pulling you close. You panic, pulling away, crying and blubbering nonsense in your panicked state, and though the person lets go of you, they keep a hand on your back. It's grounding, and the voices over your head begin to blur and unblur until you find it easier to listen to the counting someone keeps repeating. It's Shannon, your brain realizes a second later and you fully relax, leaning onto the person who'd grabbed you in the first place, assuming it's your boss.
Once you've calmed down enough to reattach your brain to reality, you blink the unshed tears away and wipe your face, thanking Shannon as she hands you a few tissues, then moves the trashcan over to throw them out, then gives you hand sanitizer and facial wipes to wipe down your face. The person holding you doesn't speak for a really long time, even after Shannon tells you it was Chris the whole time and then assures you that your emotions are valid and that feeling them at that moment was okay. Though you haven't had a panic attack about Mike in such a long time, you're sure that half of this meltdown was also just part of built-up stress. Then, you look to see who's holding you, since you feel back enough to do so and you nearly throw yourself away from him.
Holding you, one arm wrapped tight around each side of you, is Robert-fucking-Floyd. Who wasn't supposed to be home for another two hours.
He sheepishly smiles.
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Murder, Magic, and Monsters
Not specifically Halloween themed but there are a few that definitely hit the mark closer than others. Did I make this rec of my own fics to procrastinate actual writing why yes, yes I did. Hopefully I’ll have more to add to this list in the near future. 
- Harringrove -
🔪🔪 Murders🔪🔪
Black in the Moonlight -  The mind flyer tired of Billy's obsession decides they have to kill Steve. So they follow him, the flyer changes it's mind when they discover one of Steve's hobbies.
Let Me Mu-Marry You -  Flayed Billy gets a pleasant surprise when Steve wanders into their abandoned factory.
Summer of Blood -  Billy gets a job as a camp counselor. Between murders with Max, he hooks up with his fellow counselor Steve. For a while everything is good, no bodies are found, its chalked up to people just not cut out for their job. Then bodies start being found, and not all of them are from Max and Billy.
What’s One More? - Small follow up to Summer of Blood.
🎃🎃 Headless Horseman/Witch 🎃🎃
Pumpkin Head -  Headless Horseman Billy and his witchy partner having some fun in the pumpkin patch.
🐺🦇Vampire/Werewolf 🐺🦇
Bite -  The fight at the Byers doesn't happen but Steve still finds his back against the dirt.
Sink Your Teeth In -  Steve is a vampire vulnerable because he only drinks animal blood, Billy his werewolf boyfriend will not stand for it. 
Tastes Like Sunshine -  Billie has dinner waiting when Stevie gets home. (Fem!Harringrove)
Virgin Sacrifice -   Steve is chosen to be a virgin sacrifice, despite not being a virgin, when Billy is raised nothing goes according to his captors plans. 
🌽🌽 Scarecrow 🌽🌽
Have Some Fun - Steve gets drunk and wanders into Billy's corn maze.
🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♂️ Vampire 🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♂️
The Calling - Steve doesn’t make it out of the tunnels alive but Billy makes sure he does make it out.
⚡🧟‍♂️ Reanimated 🧟‍♂️⚡
☠🌻 Demigods 🌻☠
You Will Be Made New Again - Jonathan and Tommy succeed in brining Billy back from the dead, Steve their exasperated neighbor is the only thing that can get him to cooperate. AKA A Frankenstein's monster Billy fic 
👻👻 Ghost/Medium 👻👻
You're A Vison - Five times Billy gets off while haunting Steve and one time Billy knows he can be seen.
Death and Flowers - Steve comes seeking a favor of Billy.
🧜🏻‍♂️🧜🏻‍♂️ Mermen  🧜🏻‍♂️🧜🏻‍♂️
A Bargain -  Steve is a lonely merman who seek out the sea witch to help him find love. 
🐎🧜🏻‍♂️ Merman/Kelpie 🧜🏻‍♂️🐎
Salt Skin -  Friends don’t plan and construct elaborate surprises that take weeks to prepare and involve a contractor, no that’s beyond friend behavior and edging dangerously close to courting behavior. Except Steve had gone and hurtled right over that line and presents Billy with a gift so fantastic he can no longer ignore his feelings.
💐💐 Powers/flayed 💐💐
The Grower and the Shower - Billy is ready to accept his fate when they break the hold the Mind Flyer has on him. Instead of letting him die Steve reveals his own secrets.
🪄🪄 Magic 🪄🪄
Beauty and The Beast - Mr. Harrington takes a rose and instead of paying the price the beast of the castle demands himself, he sends his son in his stead. Billy is not sure what to do with an omega who not only does not cower away from him like everyone else but also seems to think he is a slob and keeps trying his patience. 
Everything I do Is To Bring Me Closer To You -  Billy has a long way to go before he can make his dream a reality. Or Billy wants Steve and the only way he can see getting to keep him is by becoming king.
Kitchen Witch -   Steve has magic, he just doesn't know it. He doesn't believe Dustin no mater how many times he insists that Steve's food is magic, because that is preposterous. Slowly others start to recognize that Steve has magic too, and then Billy comes in accusations of a love potion when Neil gets a hold of some cookies Steve made and starts acting nice.
Mantle of The Black Cat - Things are looking really bad at the junkyard so Steve makes a deal with a talking cat. Aka Magical Catboy Steve💥💥NEW💥💥
Necromancin Dancin - Billy died at Starcout, he doesn't stay that way for long.
Sear Through Me -  Billy is an asshole with magic, the upside down latches onto him, and he is an unwilling puppet. When he faces the mind flyer at Starcourt he knows he is going to die. Steve doesn't let him.
You Can’t Kill Love - Chrissy dies and Eddie goes to Steve looking to bring her back.
🐺😈 Wereworl/Succubus 🐺😈
Bidder, Bidder Won't You Take Me Home - Steve is up for auction for a charity event Carol's sorority is hosting, after seeing Billy he wants his bid.
🐺🧚🏻‍♂️ Werewolf/Fairy 🐺🧚🏻‍♂️
Care and Feeding -  Billy comes to town and befriends Steve. Billy would like to pursue more than that but he is determined to wait until Steve gets over his recent heartbreak.
The Fairy in the Garden -  Billy finds an unexpected visitor in his garden.
🐉🐉Dragon/Luck Rabbit 🐉🐉
🧚🏻‍♂️🧚🏻‍♂️ Fairy 🧚🏻‍♂️🧚🏻‍♂️
Seashells and Books on Tape -  When Billy gets to Hawkins he finds his mate, the only problem is Billy can't get his mouth to work right around him so he has to find other ways to make his intentions known.  
How to Catch a Boyfriend -  Billy wanders into the forest and meets a fairy. He's sure Steve and the fairy are one in the same and all he wants to do is keep them.
Build-A-Man - Mrs. Harrington buys Steve an android to take care of him, he doesn't particularly like it but Billy isn't going anywhere.
🤖🤖 Android 🤖🤖
🦶🦶 Bigfoot 🦶🦶
Bigfoot Au - not a actual fic but still fun. Steve goes out into the world looking for bigfoot. When he finally finds him he isn’t the monster Steve was expecting. 
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