#I’d like to say that arthur is smiling on the first pic. his smile is just covered by baby alfred lolz [throwing up]
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f0rgetf0rgetting · 7 months ago
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You will never love me in the same way I did, but that’s okay. I will let you hate me for a thousand springs if it meant you would love me in a winter.
extra doodle or whatever
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fleckcmscott · 2 years ago
Tiny Sparks
Summary: On a beautiful night in Gotham, Arthur and Y/N enjoy a long awaited date.
Words: 3,441
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: @sweet-nothings04 requested a story that covered the date night mentioned in Ch. 5 of Way Back Home. Never had I thought that writing something relatively simple would be such a challenge! 😂 Thank you so much for the request! I hope you all enjoy. 😊 Much appreciation to @forever-fleck​ for allowing me to use one of her lovely edits for the intro-pic.
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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The refrigerator's glow beckoned like a distant star.
A salad packed for Y/N's lunch tomorrow. One inch of Five Alive orange juice in a plastic pitcher. An open can of Heinz baked beans sealed with plastic wrap. No, no, no. He scanned the door. Universal Foods ketchup, poppy seed dressing, mustard that dated back to 1982...
"Ah ha." Arthur ripped the jar of green olives from the shelf, twisted the lid with the urgency of a man opening a bottle of nitroglycerin. He shoved a spoon into the jar, shoved it in his mouth. The night out would delay dinner by three hours. By quarter past seven, his stomach had gotten loud enough to be picked up by a microphone.
Tummy tided over, he went to the bedroom to finish getting dressed. Though summer, a cold front had rolled in, settled over the city since Tuesday, a refreshing sixty-two degrees. He slid a short-sleeve dress shirt up his arms. Slipped a navy sweater off a wooden hanger, the cardigan with red, yellow, and pink stripes along the placket. A sheer knit out of one of Mabel's catalogs, perfect for layering, according to his sister-in-law. And the splashes of color fit the image he wanted to present tonight.
This would be his first performance since Y/N's and his return from Missouri. He'd written and rewritten, practiced his stance and body language, studied his facial expressions and showbiz grin. Done everything he could to make his material work. Whether it was confidence that spiraled upward or the urgent need to get onstage, he couldn't tell. But he had an inkling it'd all go swimmingly. Would've bet his last dollar on it.
As he folded back the sweater's cuffs, Y/N breezed through the doorway. She swooped to snag a pair of sandals from the closet floor and sat in the corner chair.
"Don't forget to tuck in your shirt," she said. Ankle crossed over knee, she secured a beige strap around her heel.
His movements slowed while he observed her. Since coming home, their emotional connection had deepened to a depth that rivaled the Mariana Trench. She'd seemed to strike an accord, both with him and herself. Revealed an openness she'd hidden behind a disarming smile whenever dodging the rare inquiry about her former life.
Now when she shared recollections, her face brightened more than it darkened. They browsed her photo album a couple times a week, getting through a few pages here and there. Some days only one. There were moments she'd cut herself off, maintain the border she'd built within her heart to banish the bad.
"Old habits are hard to break," she'd say, front teeth shoved into bottom lip, the pressure turning it waxy. But more and more, she pushed forward. Gave space and voice to her experiences. Interlinked their pasts and paths, the roads crisscrossing between them.
In therapy, he'd talked about their trip, what Y/N had told him. Disclosed what was sufficient for Dr. Ludlow to get the drift. "It's hard for Y/N," he said. "I wanna be there for her. I don't want her to be sad anymore." Fourteen years of sadness had been enough.
"I think it's wonderful you want to help her. That many years of caregiving takes a toll. But she loved her father deeply, and sadness is a typical reaction to those types experiences. Let me ask you: if something happened to Y/N, what would your response be?"
His heart became a cannonball that plummeted to his stomach. "I'd die."
"No," Dr. Ludlow said, uncrossing her legs. "You would not die. You'd come to my office, and we'd work through it together. My point - we come back to this a lot - is that no emotion is negative. It's what you do with your feelings that matters. Sadness isn't a bad feeling. Unpleasant, yes, but necessary. It's a wave we all ride, just like happiness or anger. Let her ride those waves and be her lifejacket when she needs it. You'll know. Trust yourself to know."
He'd followed that guidance to the letter. The other night, they'd gone to bed at the usual hour, lain in the mottled blackness of their room. Soft snoring was the usual lullaby that sung him to sleep, but her repeated sighs continued well past midnight. He'd turned to find her on stomach, forearms shoved beneath her pillow. He'd pressed a kiss to the velvety valley between her shoulders. Placed a protective palm on her side.
She'd rolled onto her back. Spoke with a smile and wet eyes. "You give me a lot of strength by letting me be weak."
The inclination to argue had twisted his tongue. He'd gnawed the tip to stop himself. There was no way he'd say what he wanted at half-past lights out, anyway. Plus, he understood what she meant. Weakness was a hard-won refuge, third nature and allowed only with him. Still. During the decades they'd spend together, her characterization would be one they'd never agree on. It went right on the list alongside the greatness of Gotham and the entertainment value of Milton Berle.
Adjusting her champagne dress's petal sleeves, she swished past him to pluck gold earrings from her jewelry box and stepped to the vanity on the opposite side of the bed. She stuck a post through her left earlobe and screwed on the backing. "Mabel wants a tape of your set."
His great inkling suddenly shrunk to a pinpoint. "Why?" Recordings and he had a sordid history.
"She's dying to hear your material. That's a direct quote."
"Well... Would she accept a picture? I can write a joke on the back."
"How about this. I'll bring my recorder, and if you're happy with your performance, we'll send a copy. A lot of comedians record their sets."
"Oh yeah? A lot of comedians who? How do you know?"
"I've been to a show or two by now." She lined her eyes in the usual sable. "It might be good to hear the audience's reactions without the pressure of being on stage. What worked and what didn't."
"But that's why I have you," he said. When she smoothed a thin layer of silky rose shadow on her eyelids, he slinked up behind her. Traced a line down her bare arm and murmured in her ear. "You don't need all that."
"Uh huh. You don't say that when I'm wearing lace." The applicator dabbed his nose, leaving a pale circle in its wake.
Chuckling, he wiped the powder into his sleeve. "Okay. We can tape it. I think I'll be all right. I practiced a lot."
"You'll be more than all right." She spun to wrap her arms about his waist. "Just trust yourself."
A familiar directive, an encouraging echo. Her chin rested on his shoulder, warm breath on his neck. Tender hands followed the curve of her back, the zippered seam of her dress. His wedding ring gleamed in the mirror's reflection. "I will," he promised.
When Arthur had told her he'd signed up for an open mic at a new joint, Y/N had assumed it'd be the usual smoky nightclub, the kind frequented by couples who ordered one too many drinks. She was overdressed for a casual dining restaurant. And what were these kids doing here at this time of night? She would've tucked her nephews and nieces in by eight on the dot.
The microphone stood in the corner, a lone figure lit by the same recessed, sixty-five-watt bulbs as the tables. Behind it was a man in a faded purple t-shirt and rainbow suspenders, telling jokes about the shapes of jars. The ukulele he strummed was missing a fourth string. It struck Y/N that he was the perfect lead-in for Arthur's newest material. Family friendly and a little left footed.
No spotlight was in sight, so Y/N claimed the nearest two-top to be Arthur's spotlight. She retrieved her cassette recorder from her purse, set it in the center of the table, and scanned the crowd.
A man with lush, brunette hair picked his nose. Studied what he'd found while the woman next to him rolled her eyes and cried Oh, Harold. He stuck the golden nugget in a handkerchief. A grandmother wiped spaghetti sauce from her granddaughter's hands and asked for a doggy bag. One pair, in their fifties and looking as fish out of water as Y/N, shared a pitcher of cloudy beer.
Without a drink list on offer, Y/N had to forgo a Tequila Sunrise. She ordered plain seltzer for Arthur and a diet cola. After the show, they'd have Mai Tais at Traffic Light. Enact the plan they'd made surrounded by sunlight and strawberries.
Their vacation remained fresh in her mind, persistent as water flows shaping sandstone. What she'd assumed would be a search for reconnection and amends had turned into the mirror she'd avoided. The parts of herself she'd shielded Arthur from, the wounds she'd submerged in her marrow had flooded outward. A fountain of broken dreams and regrets, deep enough to drown in.
Her husband was a good, kind man. He'd been the first man she'd dated who'd lived her plight. The first chance to share what eight years of caregiving had done to her. Yet, she'd denied herself that comfort, convinced doing so would dismay him. And make her soul hurt all the worse.
And it had. Sometimes it still did. She'd spent too long trying to move on from it all. Yearning to forget. But the haven of Arthur's heart (and not a little prodding) allowed her to let go. Opening herself to him lightened her load, lessened her fear. The moments she felt small, protected by love and acceptance, brought an unexpected bliss. Turned the Shit She Refused to Talk About into the Shit She Could Talk About on Good Days.
Despite her relief, she'd had trouble sleeping when they'd returned. He'd made her chamomile, brought her along to the fire escape. Pulled her to his lap and guided head to his shoulder. Gently, he'd teased that it was nice to have company that late at night.
Puffing a cigarette, he'd shared past mistakes. A sampling of his notions after Penny had had her stroke, the ones that'd made him question if he was a bad person. If he had the capacity to love within him. He'd adopted the formal posture of a licensed therapist. "The doctor says we all them. Those thoughts. It's okay that you've had them, too."
Revealing his shadow self, the trust he granted her even after her confession, fertilized the seed of grace he'd planted at the cowboy bar. Vine by vine it grew, winding itself through each rib, weaving between her collarbones, wrapping around the facets of her neck. Every touch, every glance was an imprint of a promise. That no matter what had happened, no matter what would happen, he would love her.
He was helping her paste her dreams back together.
Rainbow Suspenders ducked out. Arthur emerged from the restroom alcove to the right. Diners seated along the wall offered a smattering of applause, breaking her out of her reverie and into a wide smile.
Nervous sweat shined his forehead, slender fingers played with one cuff. He began with a long breath and exaggerated bow. A trick he'd developed to hide that he was gauging his condition, the likelihood of ill-timed laughter. Once he'd straightened and caught her eye, he gave a little nod, more of a chin bob. She winked and pressed Record on the tape deck.
"Hello," he said, the start of his typical introduction. "I'm Arthur. It's good to be here. You know, growing up in Gotham was like staying in one place. There's a lot to do, but when you're a poor person it's hard to pay attention."
A cackle from the rear, a hearty guffaw to her left. The din of cutlery and conversation lowered. The press of everyone's attention turned to center stage.
With a flourish, Arthur took his journal from his pocket, presented it as a prop instead of an aid. He thumbed through its pages and leaned into the mic conspiratorially. "I've heard it's not nice to talk about someone behind their back. But what if you've talked to their front, and they want to walk all over you?"
Traffic Light was one of Gotham's best deals. Four dollars for an overflowing mound of Thai delicacies, one self-service plate stacked as high as GCR's Twin Towers. Available after nine o'clock Tuesdays and Thursdays. No sharing, please. Avoid waste and take plenty of napkins.
Just beyond the glass entryway, a praying Buddha statue greeted them, the tip of its ushnisha taller than a stupa. Golden elephants marched along sequined tapestries, plastic greenery hung from the ceiling, cradled in beige macrame. Behind the register, floral garlands topped royal family portraits. And facing the bar was a spirit house the size of a fax machine, where green tea and coconuts were offered for protection. Warm, woody incense merged with the pungent smell of curry to make Y/N's mouth water.
Arthur's long strides beat her to the buffet. He grabbed a scalloped plate, held it parallel to his chest. Drummed the bottom while he studied the unfamiliar cuisine. Grinning, she stepped forward to be his guide.
Chicken satay and steamed jasmine rice found an immediate home on his dish, peanut sauce cuddled up to dependable crispy wings. Scallion pancakes were deep friend, making him an instant fan. On her advice, he added a scoop of vegetable tempura, just to get a vitamin or two in his system. When he poked a squid's suckers, his expression was a mask of alarm. The seafood stir fry was a firm pass. Y/N ordered the yellow curry - two star spicy this time.
They settled on brown wicker bar chairs at the counter, which ran along the front window, facing the street. People hustling to work, to a relaxing night of dozing in an easy chair before the television, to fluttery first dates.
"So." Arthur dipped sliced carrot in her curry sauce, speaking and sipping his cocktail. "What did you think? I couldn't really hear the crowd. I was too nervous."
"No one could tell. You were a real professional out there." She nibbled the last vestiges of meat from a chicken bone. Wiped her fingers and pulled a folded tissue from her purse. "I just had a couple ideas."
"You took notes?"
"You can compare them to the tape later."
His set had started off strong and ended on a high note, bridging a lull that'd sagged the middle. He'd only been a beat off at times, a pause post-setup a split second too long. "The crowd got quiet about halfway through," she said.
"Maybe they were listening?" he asked. She didn't have to look to know he was somewhere between a squint and a grin. His tender tone held a challenge.
"It's possible. But I think they anticipated your shtick, the 'why' and 'what do you get' format of your jokes." Her fingertip followed the points on her paper. "Instead of asking, 'Why is marriage like fine wine?' you could deliver the whole joke as a sentence or two. What about, 'Marriage is like fine wine. The more it ages, the rarer it is.' And than make it personal by mentioning your favorite."
"Like, 'My wife and I are a fine Moscato?'"
"Merlot ages better."
Crossing his arms over his chest, he swiveled on his stool in mock offense. "Well, it is my joke." A truth and a tease.
She popped the last bite of spring roll between his lips, followed the gesture with a peck. He caught her jaw and brought her back for another. Head hazy, she dropped her lashes. Leaned into the warm palm cradling her cheek.
He wasn't the funniest comedian she'd ever heard. But he was the one she loved the most.
Just as he dug out his wallet, a couple halted on the sidewalk, breaking their stride directly in front of them. The man wore a pastel, plaid sportscoat, the woman a blue sweater embroidered with a white Scottish terrier. Y/N recognized them as the older pair from the restaurant, kindred guppies in need of a pond.
Plaid Jacket pointed through the window, waved the wave of the overexcited, and darted through the door.
He wiped his meaty hand on his trousers and extended it to Arthur. "Hey, weren't you that guy at Laughs Lots?" His breath stank of shitty casual dining beer.
"Yes," Arthur said, taking the offered hand. His smile started off disbelieving but then crinkled his entire face. "Yeah! That was me."
"Well, I'll be. Always wanted to do an open mic night, never had the guts, though. I play harmonica. I'm Bob."
The woman on his arm gave a swift nod. "Bob's real good, too. He's got 'The Entertainer' down pat."
That wasn't the first tune Y/N associated with a harmonica. But Arthur's style of jokes wasn't what she expected out of comedy, either.
"And that must be the little lady," Bob continued, nudging Arthur's arm. Then his eyes popped. "I've gotta take a leak." On that note, he jogged towards the back of the restaurant, fists at his side like he was running a race.
Y/N snorted and patted her handbag. She hushed her voice and leaned towards Arthur, upper arm brushing his bicep. "See? You can mail that tape tomorrow."
With the brisk night air and clear, velvet skies, they decided to skip the train and walk home. They threaded around trash bags, hopped over sidewalk cracks, ran the last block to Sheldon Park. It'd closed an hour after sunset, but the iron gate's chain remained unlatched, either as an oversight or because the lock was broken. Likely the latter.
Y/N glanced over both shoulders. Pushed the gate ajar and slipped through the opening. Squeezed Arthur's hand and pulled him to follow.
Camping tents were set off from main entrance, tucked behind a dirt trail. Four or five, a number likely to grow given Gotham's continued stagnation. Flames licked the edges of a metal barrel, where men in ragged jackets warmed their fingers. Along the main path, two teenagers sat with a boombox, blasting the latest Run D.M.C. hit Arthur hadn't heard. Their sunglasses must've been to protect their retinas from their sneakers. Their shoes were so white they glowed. The two clinked Tab bottles and swigged.
Cinching the belt of her spring coat, she continued towards the center of the park. For being smack dab in the middle of the urban landscape, it was surprisingly quiet. No horse hooves clacked, no skateboards whizzed past. Hip hop was out of earshot now. About a minute later, he recognized where they were headed.
Ducks busied themselves on the rear side of the pond, chit chatting and grooming one another. Others slept with beaks buried under their feathers. The nearby bench was a recent addition, grass hadn't yet sprouted around its legs. Y/N sped ahead of him and took a seat. Leaned against the backrest and looked up.
It was six seconds before she spoke. "See that?" she asked and pointed at the sky. "That's the North Star."
"It's the bright one, right?" He settled next to her on the edge of the bench.
"In the tail of the little dipper. My father taught me where it was in case I ever got lost." A light laugh left her. "He tried to show me other constellations, but I was terrible at finding them. But on clear nights, we made our own. The Kite. The Tablespoon. The Stethoscope - though I think that's Orion's club or something." She folded her hands together in her lap. "The stars are hard to see here, with all the skyscrapers and lights. They're the one thing I miss from back home."
Arthur studied her face, all the details he'd memorized. Her brows remained relaxed, her eyes dry, cheeks flushed a subtle pink. He laced his fingers through hers. "I'm sorry you can't see them here."
"Don't be." Her gaze locked with his, eased into a smile. "You're the brightest star of all."
Happy roiling whirled his stomach, his pulse skipped a beat. He felt a sudden, indefinable feeling of rightness. He brought her knuckles to his lips, kissed them and kissed her mouth. She tasted like curry and coconut milk.
Scooting away, adjusting as he went, he reclined to rest his head on her shoulder. Look towards the stars and dream.
"Which one's The Kite?"
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve @ithinkimaperson @sweet-nothings04 @stephieraptorr @rommies @fallenstarsabyss @gruffle1 @another-day-in-chuckletown @hhandley80 @jokerownsmysoul @rafaelbottom @ralugraphics @iartsometimes @fleckficgirl
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Pedantic, chapter three - a Malevolent AU
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Arthur Lester is the best IT architect in the world, and the reason Carcosa, Inc. has its fingers in every pie. Government, medical, everyone in the world uses its systems. Arthur is also going blind and nearly gives up… until a deeply annoying cybersecurity programmer prods him into trying something new.
Chapter Three: The choice is made. What does Arthur have to lose? (The answer is his heart.)
John Doe began sending images around four in the afternoon.
Arthur checked. That meant John was goofing around at two in the morning his time.
The first was a sticker depicting a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Beneath it were the words, Licensed to bear small arms.
Arthur snorted his coffee as Cassilda described it to him. When recovered, he said, “Doe, what the hell?”
No Doe here. That name went out with the dinosaurs.
“It’s your name, idiot. Are you saying you’re old and extinct?”
Maybe I’ve got big teeth and little children love me.
Arthur laughed again. “That can come across all kinds of wrong.”
I’ll give you wrong. A pause, followed by a second text. That made more sense in my head.
“It’s two in the morning, you whacko. Why are you up?”
Waiting for you, princess. Also, Baldur’s Gate 12 is addicting.
“Excuses, excuses.”
John sent a picture of a cat.
It is a young Siamese cat, Cassilda said. Less than a year old. It stares up at the camera with an expectant look, sitting primly, tail wrapped around its feet. Beside it is a human leg in pajama bottoms, wearing a fuzzy slipper.
“Who’s this?” said Arthur.
Guy. She’s my buddy.
I fostered. I’d say, “Hi, guys,” every time I came home, and this one got too used to it.
“I see. Doomed. You had to keep her.”
She kept me.
There was no reason for Arthur to know this reply was different from the others, like there was more to this than mere words said.
But there was. This had mattered in some big way.
He tried to shake it off. “I haven’t had time for pets. I get so focused on my work… they’d starve, or something.”
You just need a partner to share the load, is all.
There were a few ways to take that, and Arthur doubted all of them.
He let it go.
So John sent another photo. This one was a glorious setup; two meter-wide monitors, multiple keyboards, and ample desk space for the numerous snacks and drinks arranged as if in front of six stations.
One chair. It was spun to face the camera, as if whoever had been sitting in it hopped up just to take a pic.
“What’s this?” said Arthur.
Where the magic happens, baby.
Arthur smiled, considering his own absolutely ascetic layout. “Why multiple snack stations?”
Because I have numerous systems running, taking up a portion of the screen. I slide between them, and they require different flavors.
Arthur laughed. “They what?”
That system we’re customizing for the fucking Migo? That’s spicy.
Arthur did not like them. They didn’t trust his ability to make things just work, and kept making requests that complicated the system for users. “I agree.”
The Yithian delegation is a challenge, but I like them, so they get barbecue chips.
“Oddly specific.”
Their biggest challenge is older tech. I like making them able to go toe to toe with the assholes in spite of it.
“I like that, too. You’ll have to show me how you’re getting around their iCore B11 chips.”
Sure. Anyway, enough about me. Decided?
Arthur fell silent.
He walked to his window, looking out. He could almost see the view from this office; or maybe he’d just spent so much time here that his mind overlayed memories—the tree-filled hill falling away, Melbourne stretching out below, the smaller stone bastion where his own home sat gleaming in the fading sunlight.
He held onto the memory, staring at blurs.
His feed dinged. Parker’d sent a message.
“Hold that thought,” he said to John Doe, and sat down to hear Cassilda read it out.
Well. It was a thing.
Arthur called. “Are you fucking serious?”
“When you said he came out of nowhere a year ago, I didn’t think you were literal,” said Parker, amused. “But yeah, I’m serious. Social security number issued last year. Birth certificate not found. No known schools. Not so much as a photo in a yearbook. He’s a ghost.”
“That can’t be,” said Arthur. “Carcosa would never hire someone suspicious, never mind put them in charge of security.”
“Well, Hastur de Amarillo did. And you’re gonna love this part: there’s no record of an application.”
Arthur hesitated for all of one second. “Hold on.” He had Cassilda open his system in the back end.
He had his own back doors. It wasn’t really legal, but Arthur had access to everything simply because it was his baby and he had to in order to fix things or tweak them.
This was worth doing himself, without help. Squinting, close to the screen, he took the mouse in hand and navigated.
John Doe’s employment began one year and two months ago. There was his address (wait… already in Manhattan?), his income (nice), and… that was it.
No interview. No notes. No contacts. No medical contacts or work history. No references. No resume.
He really had sprung from Hastur’s head fully formed, apparently.
“Nothing?” said Arthur.
“Nothing. Whoever he was before your boss hired him has been hidden so well that I can’t dig a fucking thing up. I don’t know what this guy is hiding, Arthur, but this unnerves me.”
It unnerved Arthur, too. John Doe might have the skill to cover his tracks, but it felt impossible to be that good in this day and age.
John had been smart enough not to invent a past. That would’ve been seen through immediately. Instead, he just… didn’t exist. How many systems would he have had to hack? This was upsetting.
“Thanks, Parker,” said Arthur.
“I’ll keep looking, but… he’s hiding something big. People can’t hide themselves this much and still get jobs.”
Arthur knew the answer was to ask Hastur. He didn’t want to ask Hastur. He didn’t want to have to answer Why do you want to know?
He sighed.
“You okay there?” said Parker.
“It’s just complicated.” The implications of being able to do this were staggering. John Doe…
John Doe was a dangerous man.
“Fuck,” said Arthur.
“Use a condom,” said Parker, knowing damn well that would pull him out of his funk.
Arthur laughed. “Goon.”
“Right. I’ll let you know what else I find.”
“Thanks.” Arthur sighed. “Thank you.”
“No problem.”
Arthur had no idea what the hell to do now.
Arthur liked to celebrate a successful launch. He didn’t like to do it alone.
In his twenties, he’d spent a lot of time in the local nightlife, just in the company of strangers, enjoying some booze, the laughter, the dancing.
He hadn’t done that in a few years. It was too scary when he couldn’t really see what was going on.
He sipped his champagne, anyway, mulling. Maybe it was the booze on an empty stomach, but he knew what to do. “Text John. All right, asshole, I’ll take your bet, but you won’t like what I demand when you lose.”
All right! What, you want me to mail you my balls or something?
It was definitely the booze. “No. You’re going to tell me who the fuck you really are and how you hid yourself so well.”
Silence for a long moment, which Arthur could have predicted. It was a rude thing to say, and possibly illegal, and showed he’d been looking into John.
None of which he cared about right now. He tried to refill his glass and realized he’d drunk the whole bottle. When had that happened?
Wait, what was?
Well. This just got interesting. “Good. We start tomorrow.”
It was the most succinct John had ever been. Arthur suddenly felt bad and took a picture of his empty champagne bottle. “To celebrate our new relationship,” he said.
A beat. Maybe he’d pushed too far. Maybe he’d busted this relationship before it even got started. Maybe—
I can drink you under the table, said John, and Arthur knew they were okay. Sleep it off. Wow me tomorrow.
“I will,” said Arthur, far more petulantly than he was proud of, and was grateful text did not portray.
He didn’t remember falling asleep on his couch, but he sure did, and dreamed of programming all night.
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blonde-freckles · 4 years ago
And darling I will be loving you 'til we're 70
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He can feel the building begin to shake under his feet before it comes down. He only has a split second to dive under the closest table, with barely a moment to check his surroundings before it happens. The room shakes, windows rattling as the walls come crumbling down around him. It’s all a blur, thick dust clouding his vision. He can hear the screams echoing out across the building before it falls to silence, he’s trapped encased in rubble and dust. He hears the faint squeak of his radio struggling to pick up a channel through the collapse.
He can feel the panic starting to crawl up his lungs as he shifts his weight, so he's no longer holding it all on his knees.
He’s half way through calling in his location when Hailey’s voice cuts off the radio. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? What the hell Jay? I thought you were waiting.” He can hear the desperation in her voice as he squeezes his eyes shut trying to control his breathing.
“I’m okay...really, it’s barely a scratch. I’m just a little stuck right now.” He lets out a shaky breath before pulling the radio close to himself, he’s not sure who’s he’s trying to convince, himself or Hailey. “I thought...I thought I could talk him out of it.”
He really thought he could. He thought he had this. There was something about military cases that stirred something up in him, something no amount of hour sin therapy could ever fix. His need to help his brothers. The belief that what they’d seen bonded them in a way that would never be able to be broken, and no matter how many times he got burnt by this belief he never gave up trying.
The radio falls silent but he knows she’s there, he can hear her quiet breaths through the radio. “Fire is on the way Jay.” Her voice is quiet and controlled and in full work mode but all Jay can hear is her quiet breathing. This morning he’d spent the first few minutes of his day just watching her breathe, his arms wrapped so tightly around her, their legs tangled under the soft white sheets as the sunlight filtered through. Their warm little bubble, so safe and secure.
“Help...” A quiet voice breaks out drawing Jay's attention, it’s faint but he can hear it. “Help me please...”
His eyebrows furrow as he tries to work out the direction the pleas for help are coming from. He makes out a small gap in the distruction where the light is filtering in, carefully he reattaches his radio to his duty rig, shuffling down on his stomach, he pulls himself forward through the gap.
A steel beam lays across an elderly gentleman's legs, he looks late 70s maybe, with light grey hair now covered in dust, his hands holding tightly around the beam desperately pushing against it.
“Sir...” Jay jumps into action, crawling faster as he makes his way through the gap. “Sir are you all right?”
His brain kicks into work mode, shutting off any lingering thoughts on not making it out of here alive as he assesses this situation. The mans bleeding pretty heavily, his legs crushed on the beam that might be the only thing stopping him from bleeding out. It’s far too heavy for Jay to lift or even try to shift, instead he manages to use his belt as a makeshift tourniquet.
He calls through the radio, listening intently as Brett comes over the air waves to get an idea of the gentleman’s injuries. When Jay does manage to finally slow the bleeding the radio crackles back to silence and Jay looks down at his blood stained hands, wiping them on his jeans in the hopes the gentleman won’t see just how much there is as he sits beside him.
“You’re a detective you say?”
“Yes...erm sorry I never got your name.”
“Arthur Brady...I would say nice to meet you but...” The man half chuckles as Jay gives him a short nod wondering how he could be so chipper in a moment like this, surely he can feel the extent of his injuries, even if he can't he can definitely see the severity of the situation.
“Whatever you do Jay keep him talking until we get there.”
Bretts words echo in his mind.
“Arthur...Arthur talk to me...tell me what brought you here today.”
Time seems to tick by slowly, the faint crackle of Jays radio fading in and out every so often. Fire had arrived, but it was gonna be a long wait until they could get to them. The building was not on steady ground and the aim was to get as many people out alive as possible, however long that took. Hailey's voice had only come through the radio once more in that time, just to say the bomber's body had been pulled from the wreckage near the exit...he hadn’t made it. In the meantime Jay continues to probe Arthur with more questions in the hope it will keep him awake, but he’s also glad for the distraction that it provides him. Sitting still, having nothing to do...that’s never been Jay's speed. He learns that Arthur was at the bank to get some cash out for his granddaughters 21s birthday, he has two daughters and a son and 6 grandchildren. He was a wedding photographer for 47 years before he retired 10 years ago.
“My wife Katherine...oh she’s beautiful. You know we’ve been married 53 years this year..." Arthur explains as he pulls a worn leather wallet from his top pocket, handing it over. Jay could see the old photo inside, it’s slightly faded but he can make out the image of a bride on her wedding day, the vail thrown back over her hair to reveal her smiling brightly at someone behind the camera.
"So what's the secret to making it work?" Jay questions, his gaze falling back to his own phone and the photo of Hailey that lights up his background. He’d dragged her along on a hike a while back, with the promise of getting doughnuts after. She’d been laughing at something he’d said as the sun went down behind her, making her blonde curls glow and he’d snapped the pic before she’d had a chance to protest.
"Marry your best friend. Marry someone you can laugh with. The kind of laugh that makes your belly ache, and your nose snort. Marriage is hard. Life is harder. There are days when you'll wanna walk but as long as your relationship is buried deep in friendship you'll always find your way. You think you might know someone like that?" Arthur asks with a slight twinkle in his eye as he nods towards the phone in Jay's hand.
Jay nods, a soft smile growing on his face as he runs his thumb across the photo on his screen, handing Arthur back his own photo. “Yeah I think I do...and she’s almost guaranteed to be just outside this building right now, she’s gonna be so pissed at me for being here.”
“I don’t think Katherine will be too happy either...will you...will you tell me about her?...what’s her name?” He nods down towards Jay's phone again.
“Hailey.” Jay whispers softly, he can already see her arms folded across her chest, tapping her foot impatiently on the street, eyes trained on every person emerging from the wreckage. Honestly what he wouldn’t give to hear her knowing tone telling him that she’s sick of hospital waiting rooms right now.
“She sort of came out of nowhere, I wasn’t really looking for anything when we met, actually...there was someone else when we met. I couldn’t even tell you the moment everything changed...trust me I’ve tried to work it out but it’s just like one day she was my partner and friend and the next she was the one person I could never live without. I remember looking over at her years ago and thinking I could lose all this...this job. This job that I’ve let define me for so long but it wouldn’t matter as long as I was with her.”
“Sounds like you’re in deep...How come you’re not married?”
“Oh we haven’t been dating that long...I...we still have some things to figure out.” Jay swallows, if he’s honest he’d marry Hailey tomorrow. He’d have married her six months ago given the chance. As soon as they started dating he knew he couldn’t ever imagine spending his life with someone else. He knew it a week in, he’d come in from an early morning run to find her sitting on the kitchen island coffee cup in hand, his t-shirt hanging loosely on her body as she read the morning news. She’d handed him his coffee without so much as a second glance and he’d known in that exact moment. It had taken everything in him not to get down on one knee right then and there.
Things had changed since their first I love you, he was even more careful with her. He didn’t want her to be overwhelmed, he wanted to help her in any way he could. She was trying, really trying and she had gotten good at letting him know when she felt flustered by their relationship, when she needed space or when she needed reassurance. He was all too happy to comply, he was happy to do whatever it took to make this work.
“Don’t waste time...not with the people you love.” The sad look on Arthur’s face like he’s almost defeated makes Jay think the elder man might be close to giving up as his eyes flicker shut briefly.
“Tell me more about Katherine.” Jay urges, he wraps a hand around Arthur's wrist, checking his pulse as he does. It’s weak.
“She’s the dream. I was a New Yorker you see, born and bread...was only here for a wedding 54 years ago when I saw her through the window of a cafe”
“And you knew right then and there?”
“God no.” Arthur begins to laugh but it turns into him choking as he struggles to catch his breath. “I don’t believe in love at first sight. Love...real true love takes work and a lot of it. You’ve got to choose that person every single day.” He croaks out, his eye sparkling as he recalls the memory in his mind. “What I did know was she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I was a young man at the time, full of a confidence I had no real right having.” Jay chuckles, he’s been there, the cocky confident guy in his 20s thinking he knew it all. “I could never have known the love that would’ve formed, so deep it almost shook me to my core. I’d never been in love before, but I’d seen others, especially in my line of work and then I got it, I got why people behave the way they did. I remember thinking if this is what love feels like I get why it starts wars.” He’s words trail off and Jay watches the way his head drops slightly.
“Hey, Arthur...Arthur we’re almost out you hear me. Stay with me now Arthur. Katherine is waiting, she's still waiting for you.”
“Will you tell her...”
Jay shakes his head furiously. Leaning up as he twists his radio, calling out for an update. “No no...I’m not going to pass on any messages.” He mumbles, grabbing hold of both Arthur’s shoulders. “You’re gonna tell her Arthur...Katherines waiting for you.”
“You tell her I loved her and that she made my world a better place.” He mutters before his eyes roll back and Jay begins to bark down his radio desperate for anyone to respond.
It is only seconds later the loud ringing of a drill sounds and Kelly Severide’s voice echoes around them. Jay can feel the relief flooding through him as the familiar uniform comes into view.
“Jay...” The bright sunlight is a stark contrast from the darkness he’d been buried in the last few hours, the buzz of the scene hitting him is almost deafening as he hears orders being shouted out. “Jay...” Hailey’s voice stands out amongst the noise. As he steps out away from the building, he’s ushered past the destruction zone and he can hear Brett asking him to sit but he’s too focused on finding Hailey as he scans that area.
He hears more commotion behind him watching with bated breath as Arthur is pulled from the rubble, he’s attached to a bodyboard, as the next set of paramedics rush to his aid.
He doesn't even see her approach before he feels her arms wrapping tightly around him, he releases a breath he’s been holding since the building first blew as his arms wind themselves around her waist, he sticks his face into the side of her neck letting the wisps of blonde that’s fallen loose from her ponytail tickle his face as he does. They’ve never been ones for any type of public affection, while they’re on the clock anyway but right now he can’t bring himself to care. He breaks away after a while, already missing her touch but he knows they have an audience. He watches as they lower Arthur down onto the gurney wheeling him their way.
“Is this her...is this your Hailey?” He coughs, struggling as they place the oxygen mask over his mouth.
Jay can see Hailey glance his way, shooting him a silent question. “Yeah, this is her.” Jay nods, crouching down closer to Arthur.
“I’m gonna go get Katherine okay? I’m gonna bring her to you Arthur so don’t go anywhere.” Jay grips hold of Arthur’s hand, making sure the man sees the sincerity in his eyes as Sylvie lets him know that they need to move now. “Take care of my girl and I’ll take care of yours okay?” Jay asks, glancing back at Hailey who’s just watching silently.
He steps back letting them get him into the ambulance as he turns back to Hailey. He can see from the look on her face she has a lot to say and he’ll happily listen to everything but just not right now. “Hey I’m okay I promise I’m okay and I'll sit and get a full checkout at the hospital just to please you but first I have something to do, please just trust me and keep Arthur company until I get to the hospital.”
“Erm sure okay...”
Jay smiles as she agrees without question, pressing a firm kiss on Hailey's forehead surprising her before he’s rushing off through the crowd without another word.
Hailey loses sight of Jay almost as quickly as she finds him, her heart is still thumping in her chest as she tries to keep reminding herself that he's alive, he’s alive and safe and doing whatever the hell he does. She'd done as he asked, joining the man he'd been pulled from the rubble with into the ambulance.
The ambulance roars into life and she watches as the elderly man begins to pull down his oxygen mask much to the dismay of the newest recruit to 51, his hand shaking as it reaches out for Haileys.
She takes his hand in hers. It’s cold but it squeezes onto hers tightly. She’d heard the tail end of their conversation. “You take care of my girl...I’ll take care of yours.” She’s not sure what Jay has planned but she trusts him, no questions asked.
“That man loves you more than life itself dear.” Arthur croaks and the tears that she refused to let fall in front of all their colleagues finally fall, splashing against her cheeks, his words catching her off guard.
The E.R is a mess, overrun with victims from the blast, no one can tell her anything as Arthur is rushed off for surgery, she’s not family, she has no right to know. So instead she takes a seat in the corner out of the way of the chaos.
She thinks she might be dreaming when he finally emerges through the doors, still dressed in his blood-stained clothes, an elderly woman holding tightly to his arm as he leads her through the crowd and towards the front desk. His eyes find hers quickly like he doesn’t even need to search for her, he just knows where she is and the small smile that plays on his lips as their eyes meet is enough for her.
It’s hours later when Katherine and Arthur are finally reunited. Jay helps Katherine towards his room, stopping in the doorway as Hailey hangs back. She’s still not sure what the infinity with this couple is but she’ll go along with it if that’s what Jay wants.
“That’s gonna be us one day.” He mutters quietly as the door slips shut and he steps back out into the hallway. Hailey raises her eyebrows in surprise as Jay makes his way around her, his arms encircling her waist as he leans his chin on top of her head. Both of them watching the elderly couple through the window. The way Katherine caresses Arthur’s face as he presses a kiss to her hand. The look of pure joy to see each other is so evident in their faces.
“Minus the major bleed and building collapse I hope.” She hums, leaning back into his embrace, finally feeling at ease as the weight of the day seems to slip away.
He nestles his face into her neck, pressing a light kiss to her skin. “I make no promises...”
“Hey...” she laughs, shaking her head as she places her hands on top of his, she can feel his lip quirk up into a grin against her neck and it makes her own lips turn up. “How are we going to grow old together if you keep being so reckless?”
“That’s what you love about me.”
Hailey turns in his arms, slipping her arms around his waist, one hand stroking his back softly. “I assure you it’s not...but I do love you.” She whispers the last part, she still struggles to say the words but each time she does it feels a little easier, like the words that were once so dark get a shade lighter each time she says them or hears them fall from his lips.
She watches as Jay takes a sharp breath, before resting his forehead against hers, closing his eyes softly just breathing her in. “I’m gonna say something. It’s not a question it’s just a thought...okay? I’m giving you fair warning for when the time comes.”
Hailey narrows her eyes but nods anyway, letting him pull her to the side as the hallway becomes busier. “I love you...you’re my best friend and...”
“And I’m gonna marry you one day.”
Her blue eyes widen for a second and Jay bites down on his lips to stop the smile that comes every time he looks at her. He can see the thoughts whirling through her mind like waves crashing around the ocean. He feels her arms squeeze his waist a little tighter before she simply shrugs. “Okay...” she mumbles , laying her head back against his chest as she turns her gaze back towards Arthur and Katherine. They stand there for a moment in silence and he wonders if she can see what he can...a glimpse at their future. His thoughts are confirmed when he feels her lips pressed to his cheek curling up into a smile against him. “Okay...I’ll marry you one day.”
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funkwhistle · 4 years ago
Charles fluff please I’m starving,,, maybe with a reader that gets nervous around him,,, 💔
Pairing: Charles Smith x GN!Reader
Notes:  A little bit of fluff, a little bit of ignoring each other nothing special here matey. Well this is the first time I wrote Charles so that’s exciting?
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The fire was warm as you sat beside it, watching Charles bind some new arrows for Arthur as he sat next to you. Sometimes he would dip the tip of the arrow in the top of the flame to melt the wax over the head, and when some of it fell in the fire it would hiss and splutter into a larger flame. When this happened, he wouldn't flinch, unlike you, who eventually moved further from the fire in order not to be set alight by his actions. 
He worked so confidently, his focus only on binding the arrow properly, the rest of camp lost around him. He didn't watch Pearson trip and drop the remains of the stew on the floor, nor when Mary-Beth ripped her skirt from catching it on a nearby branch; no, the arrow received his undivided attention. 
"Charles!” Arthur came over to the fire, and Charles looked up for the first time since he'd started work, nodding at the pile of arrows by his feet. From where you were sitting, you couldn't hear what they were talking about, but Arthur was sat, looking serious, as he explained something to Charles. Whatever it was obviously shocked Charles, as he even put down the arrow he was working on to listen. Of course, he would listen to Arthur; the pair of you hadn't spoken for nearly a week, after he snapped at you for disrupting his hunting trip. 
You never anticipated you'd be invited on one of Charles's elusive hunting trips, he only ever invited his most trusted; and up until this point he'd only begrudgingly brought Arthur. He told you he preferred to hunt alone, leaving him some time to clear his head from the worries of the gang. But you wanted to desperately to learn to hunt like he did, a sixth sense, and Arthur could only teach you so much. 
It had taken so much persuasion, that he finally let in, so they pair of you had set off at the crack of dawn this morning, a quiver of freshly made arrows on your back and a canteen of water on your belt. Taima was padding along beside your horse, looking half asleep as you wandered further into the forest. 
“We can continue on foot from here,” he said, hushed, as he slipped off Taima's back and loosely looped the reins over a tree stump. Taima looked as bored as ever, used to being left alone in the forest for hours, and she moved to tug at some grass by the stump. Copying Charles, you did the same, and your horse followed his to the patch of grass, munching away happily. He motioned for you to follow him, and the pair of you began to lightly tiptoe through the woodland. 
You'd been at this for almost an hour, and all you'd seen was a singular deer, who scampered as a carriage passed by on a nearby road. You were beginning to regret asking to come, your feet ached and your back was so stiff from hiding behind different bushes. Charles, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying himself, waiting patiently and fiddling with his bow as you moved. 
Suddenly, Charles stopped moving, having spotted something. You, however, were too preoccupied with following him that you bumped into him, knocking the both of you onto the floor, damn your nerves about being near him. This was the first time you'd truly seen Charles looking annoyed at you, as you untangled yourself from him and stood back up. 
“There was a pack of deer over there,” he hissed, brushing some leaves from his legs. Apologizing, you looked away, worried you'f ruined the trip. Charles moved on however, ignoring you now and focussing solely on finding something to bring back to camp. 
As luck would have it, you stumbled upon another pack of deer, and just as Charles was aiming his bow to take the first shot, you shifted your foot slightly; resulting in a twig breaking and the deer spooking away into the forest again. This time he didn't bother to continue, or even speak to you, whistling for Taima and walking away from you. 
You hadn't dared to speak to him since then. Knowing hunting was something which held a dear place in his heart, and knowing you'd ruined the day for him gave you reason enough. Although you didn't completely distance yourself, not knowing if he still would speak to you if you attempted to strike up a conversation. The most words you'd exchanged since then were a simple 'thank you' when he passed you a bowl of stew earlier this evening. 
Of course, you'd ranted about this to Arthur. The poor man was becoming a sponge for all your problems, and you spent one of your jobs together fretting about what you'd done. Arthur being Arthur had brushed it off as nothing, making a joke about how he had once hit Charles with a branch and broken his nose while out hunting. But this didn't feel the same, Charles and you were relatively new in your relationship, yet you knew that you were rockier than before. 
As Charles and Arthur spoke, you could hear glimpses of what you thought to be your name, Arthur kept flashing glances over at you as he spoke. Charles did nothing of the sort however, remaining as stoic as ever, and when Arthur moved away he did not turn to speak to you, just picking up a new arrow and beginning again.
In fact, he did not speak to you for a few more days. When he did, you were sat by the fire, missing Charles, and he sat down behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist without an explanation.
“Sorry,” he whispered in your ear, pressing a delicate kiss onto your shoulder as he got more comfortable. You did not feel the need to say anything, smiling instead as you both stared into the fire, comforted by the heat of him behind you. Occasionally he would shift behind you, peppering the side of your neck and face with kisses, or combing his soft hands through your hair. While you felt like you needed to speak to him about what had happened, for now you were safe and comfortable in his arms, just happy to be close to him again. 
The pair of you awoke by the fire in the morning, in a position similar to how you'd last remembered the pair of you sitting, with his face buried in your neck and his hands around your middle. When you blearily opened your eyes, he was still asleep, snoring lightly, so you relaxed back into him, shutting your eyes again in an attempt to make this moment to last a little longer. 
A/N:  This has taken ages, and it’s not as good as I’d like it to be, but I’ll update it a bit later. But after this I should have a few other fics coming - if you’ve sent me a request it should be coming out soon - I just need to find some pics for a certain one!
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hood-ex · 4 years ago
how would you like to wrtie dick's death scene and people's reaction to it? Also do you know good fanfics about this topic, i am in a mood to cry so lol
Dick's death scene hm... I don't know exactly what I would do for it, but my mind is telling me it should be something equivalent to Hiccup and Toothless defeating the huge dragon and then falling prey to the flames after saving everyone. The angsty part of my brain is pointing back to the time when Dick told Bruce he would die for him 😈.
Instead of people's reactions at the scene of his death, lemme tell you how the events surrounding Dick's funeral should be done. If I had it my way, I would do something big like a mini-series with 200 (or more) pages. I'd give a section to the batfam, Titans, JL, some of the Teen Titans, and civilians.
Bruce and Alfred would get the longest time to reflect on Dick throughout the years and to express their grief over his death. The siblings and other members of the batfam would also get time to reminisce and grieve. I really wanna see Selina having a flashback to Robin Dick. That would be special.
The Titans would be a big ole mess. Fuck why am I getting teary-eyed imagining Donna looking through all the pics she took of Dick?? And her eyes getting so watery she can't even see, but she'd be staring at Dick's face in the pics, and she'd be talking to herself like, "Who's gonna listen to me complain about boys now?" or "You're supposed to be here to hug me and tell me I'll be okay. You'd always do that. Who's gonna—who's... 😣"
Kory. Whew. No matter what you say about her romantic relationship with Dick, she was also one of Dick's best friends who knew him so well. I didn't mind her reaction to Dick's death from Injustice 2. I'd love to get another quote from her similar to, "Dick Grayson. He was my starcrossed soulmate. He will never be replaced."
Yada yada. There are too many Titans for me to go through right here. You get the picture. They'd all be very weepy and thinking irrationally (like Wally who would say to Roy, "What if I reversed time...")
As for the JL, I would definitely want Clark's thoughts on it, especially something like, "Dick was more than a hero, he was my friend." I would also want to overhear Ollie, Arthur, Barry, and Dinah talking about Dick always getting into trouble with Roy, Wally, and Garth. And I'd want Clark and Diana talking to each other about keeping a close eye on Bruce.
I'd want to see the Teen Titans/YJ talking about Dick as well since Dick impacted everybody. I'd want to see them worrying about Tim too.
"The way Tim used to talk about Nightwing... I feel terrible for him."
"Yeah. He looked up to Nightwing since he was a kid."
"This fucking sucks."
I think it would be cool as hell to see some of the civilians Dick has saved in the past reacting to Nightwing's death. Kids he saved, too. Like the girl he saved who said maybe she could grow up to be a Lady Nightwing. The kids that Dick saved from the fire at the circus. Yada yada. It would be heartwarming to see them thinking, "I wish somebody could've saved you the way you saved me."
Oh, and Damian? My boy would FINALLY get to grieve for Dick. His reaction would be the kill that would make everyone cry. I want that kid spraying Dick's cologne on his sweatshirt because he finds the scent comforting. I want him stealing the golden bat buckle from Dick's Batman suit so he can use it kinda like a worry stone. I want it to end with Damian in Dick's apartment. He'd have some papers clutched in his hands, and he'd read them. First, he'd look shocked. Amazed. We'd even see a smile on his face. But then his face would slowly crumble until he was sobbing, and he'd sink to the floor. The panel would zoom in on the papers, and we would see that they were adoption papers dated back to when Dick and Damian were living together ✌🏻.
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isidar-mithrim · 4 years ago
Tag game
Thank you for the tag @fightfortherightsofhouseelves and @clarensjoy!! 
Also, I’ll take this opportunity to apologize for all the tag-chain/game I ignored lately! I’m quite busy this period and while I do still check tumblr almost daily – especially now that I can’t wait for new @giblimort‘s amazing portraits *_* – it’s more like a few-minute scroll in the homepage and maybe read the occasional ficlet so I might miss the tags or more probably I might be lazy about answering them ^^’ But it always makes me smile that someone thought of me, so be aware that it’s appreciated and it makes my day lighter <3 @narukoibito @sybill-the-seer @ballerinaroy and I’m surely forgetting someone ^^’
Fandoms: Harry Potter, the one and only ;)
Where you post: Tumblr and Ao3, but I also have an account on the italian fan fiction page EFP (but my last stories are missing and most of the old ones that I’ve translated needs to be changed/edited, so I would kinda beg any passing italians to read them in English or ask me what version I would suggest XD). And one on Wattpad that I haven’t updated in a long while...
Most popular one-shot: Well I’m not sure what defines “popular” here, so I’ll kinda cheat and check the Ao3 stats I think for the first time ever and give you:
one for “most hits”: Fantasies [NSFW and basically Hinny PWP, so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised it’s the one with most hits XD]
one for “most kudos”: Standing on tiptoe [whoa, hadn’t seen it coming!]
one for “most bookmarks”: Letters for beyond (featuring the Potters)
one for “most comment threads”: so there are 4 with the same number, two of them are the two above, and between the remaining two I’ll pick A new beginning, a post-war chat between Harry and Neville ^^
Most popular multi-chapter: among my only two proper multi chapters, of which one is incomplete so far and with just 2 chapter and the other is complete with just 3 short chapter (what an achievement XD), Better than fireworks  is the one among all of my stories, including one shots, with “most bookmark”, “most subscriptions” (by far) and also “most comments threads”: [all this support is absolutely amazing, but I admit also kinda make me feel guilty because it’s almost been a year since I posted it and promised to finish it, ups ^^’ And the ironic thing is that I still plan too. One day. Maybe XD]
But I’ll also cheat a little bit again, naming a4 one-shots series, “Have a biscuit”. If you like Neville and McGonagall, I’ll be honored if you’d give it a try ^^
Favourite story written so far: Ahhh that’s a tough one, I tend to be quite fond of my stories (yay for the modesty, lol – I swear that when I’m not that thrilled I always admit it, though XD)... Let’s say “As though by a mother” but I might give a different answer in a week XD
Fic you were nervous to post: I’m not sure I’m never actually “nervous” before posting (more like, afraid that the story won’t appreciated as a I hope/that it won’t interest people), but I guess I must have been a bit nervous before posting my first ever pic translated in English, which also happens to have a not-so-usual writing style: And yet it tastes good
How you choose your titles: Ahhhh, good question. I guess it depends. Tbh I’m not that good at titles, or sometime I have a (supposedly) great one in Italian that doesn’t really translate (or isn’t that good) in English or viceversa. [Example: the “Have a biscuit” serie has English titles that I like way better than the italians, but a story like “Souls of Ink”, while having a good ring in English, to me it’s way more powerful and poetic in Italian, “Anime d’inchiostro”].
Sometimes I don’t have a title until the end and I kinda throw something there, sometimes I have the title from the very beginning and it could be a big part in inspiring the story. I tend to use title that are neither too short nor too long, and I don’t usually use songs quotes or the like. Plus, I’m very happy if the words/phrasing of the title recur literally or metaphorically in the story! I also try to match the “feeling” of the title (and the summary) with the “feeling” of the story. Like, I’d go for a more poetic/dramatic one for an angst story, and for a more comedic-like one for something more fluffy or silly.
Complete: Well, that’s easy, since I mostly stay away from multi-chapters XD (and for good reasons – see above XD) All my one shots, and most of my “closed” series, as in, series that I imagined with a beginning and an end or something like that (so, series like “Next Generation” don’t really have a complete/incomplete status) 
In progress: Again “Better than Fireworks”, and I’ve also just realised that I’ve yet to finish translating (despite being at a decent point) the second and last chapter of “Of Matilda, war and Peace” [speaking about being bad a title, lol XD] Ups ^^’
Coming soon/Not yet started: ahhh coming soon probably nothing, ehm, but I’ve at least 4 one shots in the making and that I want to finish one day (most of them started months if not a years ago... I’ll list them below), plus the draft for the rest of Better than Fireworks, plus several random missing-moments or AUs ideas and a long Hinny post-war story started few years ago in Italian (roughly 100.000 written) that needs to be heavily rewritten, translated and possibly finished ^^ Same for a shorter bit of a Jily seventh-year story, if we have to say it all...
“Ghost of the past”, a Hinny one shot from Ginny’s pov with a difficult conversation – I’m very fond of this one, but I have to work on the second part/end. The first/main part is finished and even betaed by the amazing @narukoibito! <3
“Of those who stayed”, a silver trio one shot – again from Ginny’s pov – during DH, when they try to steal the sword. I’ve the first (long) chapter done and again, even betaed by the wonderful @floreatcastellumposts but knowing myself I want to finish it first. I might decide that it’s okay like this (in Italian I’ve already posted it a one shot), but since I had a sort of sequel in mind for now it’ll stay in my drafts ;)
“The man who lived” – This one is all in just Italian so far (I’m rewriting an old piece – I’d probably restart it directly in English now); again Ginny’s pov (wow, hadn’t realised it!), again DH, this time since she (in my head canon) realise Harry might have gone to Voldemort during the battle, until the end of the battle
A one shot that’s it’s a series of Hinny snippets about James Sirius Potter coming to life (from the very start). Old one written in Italian and never posted, that a again needs to be finished. Same for a collection of snippets around Hinny’s wedding (but this is “draftier”)
A one shot of Harry and the Potters waling Teddy at King Cross; I’ve just a very little bit of it written + most of the draft, and it would be the sequel of the one shot “What parents would want”
The random Missing Moments that I’ve have in mind are: a conversation between Bill and Ginny in the hospital wing in HBP, plus maybe a bit more from Ginny’s pov in that period (like going back home from Hogwarts); a conversation between Bill and Ron in DH, not sure if during Ron’s first or second stay and Shell Cottage; Hermione finding out about Arthur’s attack; Dumbledore taking Slughorn’s memory (when it happened, how he found out... I’ve several head canon about it!)
The random AUs moments (and I say moments just because I wouldn’t really be interested in writing a whole story, I only imagine few moments of it): Hermione brining Harry at the Burrow at Christmas after Godric’s Hollow, with is locket attached to his chest (I think I stole the idea from Flo’s!); the trio finding Ginny in the cell in Malfoy Manor as well; and some dumb “Lily and James are resurrected post DH” trash XD Oh, also a real muggle AU with Harry as a self-defence coach and Ginny as trainee!
Do you accept prompts? As you can imagine especially in this period I’m not very good at commitment ^^’, but if you have a specific idea and want to give it a try (maybe during the winter holidays?) I’d be honored, if not able to make any promises!
Upcoming works you’re most excited about: definitely “Ghost of the past”!
I’m tagging @ballerinaroy again, @remedial-potions, @thedistantdusk, @thebiwholived and whoever wants to join ^^
EDIT: Ehm I got caught up with the stats when I wrote this and without realizing it I put a multi chapter in the “Most popular one shot” section, lol XD Problem fixed ;)
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stardancerluv · 4 years ago
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Is Immortality the Ultimate Gift?
Part 8
Summary: Being in New York brings new developments.
Arthur’s note: A touch long...but had to establish a few things. Romantic, fluff. And I just had to use the pics captured from him working on Halston, down in NYC...he looks so good. 😍🥵 Flashback to their first event as a couple that were courting when they were humans is in italics.
Excitement prickled you, it will be great to show Thomas, New York. Glancing, over you saw thatThomas had rolled onto his stomach. You placed a kiss his bare shoulder.
You decided to bring Thomas some breakfast in bed. On your way, something caught your eye. Stopping, you saw a note and an incredibly elegant envelope. You read the note first.
It’s wonderful that you are back in the city. Please come down to say hello. I’ve missed you. I’d love to meet your companion, so bring them with you.
Please, forgive me for coming upstairs when you and your companion were sleeping. I wanted to make sure that you received that envelope in a timely manner.
Once again, please forgive me.
You knew he was a good man. You would remind him of the boundaries, but then make a show of accepting his apology.
Picking up the envelop and turning, it over the elegant golden writing told you immediately who had sent it.
It was from Alastair and his incredibly sweet, Donatella. You met them a little over two hundred years ago. They were kind yet powerful vampires who split their existence between here and Paris.
My sweet,
Welcome back! Alastair and I are having a small get together. We’d love to see you and meet your companion. A birdie told us you have taken one. Rightly, so! You deserve to have someone at your side. I will bring out a delicacy or two in your companion’s honor.
Eternally yours,
The idea of Thomas, having one of their delicacies, was so exciting. When a vampire had a sip; their gifts that lingered would finally blossom. You eager to find out what Thomas’s gift was. Giving, him a kiss of the past, you longed to see a strong hue of life in him.
Hurrying, you looked through the bottles, grabbing one and a glass you went back. You saw that he had moved again, it made you giggle, he always managed to take over the bed.
Putting the bottle and glass down, you laid on your tummy along side of him. Happily, you watched him sleep.
Your thoughts went back to the party, both of you could get dressed up and be yourselves. Seeing him stir, you went to prepare a glass for him.
A deep sleepy chuckle came from him. “Let it wait, love.” Turning back to him, you watched as he rubbed an eye. You laid back down beside him.
“You woke early.” Blinking, he smiled at you. He reached out and pulled you closer. His cool hand, laid on your back.
“I did. I was very excited to show you New York. It’s a special city for me.”
“So you have history here?” He stretched and let out a sound of pure contentment. Something, about him being rumpled from sleep made you happy.
You nodded. “It is, this is the first city, where I declared my independence from Aylwin.”
“Oh, well then more of a reason for me to enjoy New York.” He kissed your shoulder before before moving, so he could rest against the headboard.
You draped yourself across his torso comfortably. His hand idly caressed your back. “Anything else, my love? Your joy is flying around you like bees to a flower.”
“We got invited to a party.” You could hardly contain your excitement.
“Oh, but we just got in last night.” Reaching up, he ran his fingers through his hair.
You smiled. “These two vampires have ears and eyes everywhere. They probably knew we were arriving, shortly after I had Victor get the place ready. “
He pressed his lips together and nodded. “So, we better go then?
You nodded. “Yes, they always throw amazing parties. We’ll have a good time. And I have to admit I am eager to show you off.”
A smirked played on his lips. “Oh really?” His blue eyes were filled with mischief as he looked at you.
He chuckled. “Come here, kiss me to show me how much you want to show me off.”
Easily moving up, you smiled at him. “I will be the luckiest and the happiest one there.” You whispered, you cupped his cheek and kissed him.
It wasn’t long before the kiss deepened between you, as he held you close. Cockiness he was feeling washed over you, a chuckle came over you breaking the kiss.
“Thomas.” You shook your head.
“What? I love knowing how you see me. It makes me feel like I’m unstoppable.”
“I know, I wouldn’t want you to be any other way.” You leaned in close and whispered in his ear. “I love when you’re cocky.”
A loud chuckle came from him then. “Well, when you put it that way.” He smirked, at you.
You could only reply with your own chuckle.
He reached for the bottle and poured himself a glass and took a deep sip. “Now, do I have the proper attire for such a party?” He rose eyebrows and took another sip. “I know you probably do.”
“You know me, I do love my clothes.” You took the glass from him, and finished what was left. You poured another, and took a sip before offering it back to him. “Before we left London, I did order a few pieces for you.”
Peering into his closet, you could feel his happiness. It made you even happier, when you felt his enjoyment over the clothes you chose for him.
You would have to send a message to thank your tailor. Once again he did not disappoint. Thomas, looked so amazing.
“Happy, my love?”
He turned to you, spread out his arms. “I am, how do I look?”
The black tailored jeans, the sweater; you swallowed. “You look fantastic!” You went to him.
He wrapped his arms around and lifted you up into a kiss. He smiled down at you. “This is our forever.”
The next evening, you watched as he tried on a few different things, before he finally chose what to wear.
“Are you going show me, what you’re wearing baby?” He smirked at you, over his shoulder, after he slipping on a sweater. Once again, the tailored pants looked amazing on him.
You giggled, “Maybe.” You added playfully.
He turned, and put a hand on his hip. “Show me, baby.”
“You sure? You’ve never seen me dressed like this?”
He rose an eyebrow.
You giggled, then came out and leaned in the doorway. “What do you think?”
He whistled, “Baby, those leather pants, those boots.” A soft sound came from you, as he pulled you close. “I’m not sure if I want anyone to see you dressed like this.” He looked you up and down.
You flushed. “So you like the outfit?”
He leaned in close. “I do.” He growled, making you giggle.
You looped your arm with his once in the Bentley. “So it’s Alastair and Donatella?”
You nodded. “Yes, Donatella was a Swedish princess, and Alastair was a Scottish lord.”
He smiled, “I’ll remember that, fascinating mix.” He drew closer to you, then he tilted his head toward the driver. “Will he be with us all night?”
“Nah, I figured we could take a nice stroll back.”
He smiled. “Good.”
Once again the opulence and beauty of their estate always was a sight to behold. Simply elegant and wonderfully understated.
Walking in with Thomas on your arm, whispers stopped and eyes turned. You nodded, and smiled as a new pair of humans came to take your coats. “Thank you.” You whispered, wondering how long, they had been with Alastair and Donatella.
“Y/N, my sweet you’ve arrived. As you shrugged out of your coat, you smiled at Donatella, as she glided down the staircase. Alastair, not far from behind her.
You heard the whispers begin once again, though the eyes lingered longer they eventually turned away as well. If you were not enjoying the attention so much, you would have rolled your eyes.
You shook under your dress, as the coach brought you up to his house. Thomas, was introducing you to his friends in the city tonight. Being only a girl from the country, you seriously doubted how good you would look. City girls were supposed to be incredibly sophisticated.
You shouldn’t be too concerned. The heavens had blessed you with love. Your mother and relatives had not stopped telling you what a gift it was.
Twisting and interlacing a deep blue ribbon in your hair, it match rich blue and golden trimmed dress that Thomas chose for you. The color, reminded you of his eyes. You truly felt like a princess in it, his princess.
When the coach finally stopped, he was there to offer you his hand as you stepped down. You blushed, as he looked you up and down, “My love, you are a vision.”
“Thank you.” You said sweetly.
“You will be loviest one here.” He looped his arm with yours. You felt as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Thomas!” You whispered excitedly, looking around.
“What love? We are to be married. I love you, a simple kiss nothing more.” His soft, deep voice calmed your nerves.
You giggled. “I suppose you are right.” Though you flushed deeper.
“I am.” He leaned in close. “I surely hope you will not swoon when I hold you close and dance with you tonight.”
“Thomas, what if I were to faint?” Your heart beat faster at the idea.
“I’ll have to hold you closer.” He smirked.
You flushed deeper at his words and as all eyes, turned to look at the two of you as you entered.
“Donatella,” You smiled broadly. “It is so wonderful to see you.” Soon, you shared a brief but affectionate embrace.
Her golden hair, fell loosely in waves around her face. Her green eyes lit up, more as she took in Thomas.
She pointed a slender finger at Thomas. “Is this him?”
You nodded. “Yes, this is my companion, Thomas.”
She offered a hand, Thomas gave it a brief kiss. “I have heard many a wonderful thing.” He nodded, politely. “Thank you for inviting me.”
She fluffed her golden hair, as she looked back at Alastair. “We had to, we’ve been quite worried about Y/N. She has been wandering around since dear, Aylwin passed.”
Thomas, smiled. You felt his smugness and had to not laugh. He looked back at you. “I am happy, that I could bring some happiness to her existence.”
You found yourself surrounded for a moment. Some of the others, were a flush with questions. Thomas, was very popular. They found him delightful. Only one had their doubts.
“Look, I am not saying he was a ghoul, he just happens to look like one that used to linger around Italy, when I was there during the plague years.”
“Sabina, I doubt it. When I met him he certainly didn’t smell like a ghoul.” You giggled looking, at the others.
“There is not mistaking a ghoul’s stench.” One remarked.
“Yes! Talk about revolting.” You agreed, making a face.
Donatella had excused herself, now she had returned. She held up, two very bland scuffed up bottles.
“Tonight, we have a new one among us. Y/N, brought to us, Thomas Ford. Thomas, Alastair and I welcome you. As do all the rest of us here.”
She poured some into one glass. “Here is to your new found immortality. And here,” she poured more from the other bottle into another glass. “Here’s to much happiness in your existence.”
Thomas went over. He took the first glass. “Thank you.” He bowed gallantly to Donatella and then to Alastair. Slowly, he savored what was in that first glass.
As you watched him flush with life. Your heart actually ached. He looked as he did the night you said your final I love yous as mortals. You knew when, he’d hold you it would feel like then as well.
He held up the glass, “I thank you once again, truly.” And once again he bowed, to Donatella and Alastair.
Once again, he sipped slowly savoring it. Something, magnificent happened as he finished. All of the flames in the room, jumped then strengthened and jumped before settling on the wick.
Gasps, murmur increased greatly in the room.
Alastair, was the first to speak. “Young one, I like you.” The whispers increased, but as he looked around silence fell hard on the room. He so rarely liked someone and even less frequently, even said so. “I am pleased to see that you have been given the ability to control fire.”
Arm in arm, you walked the city streets. He stopped as the two of your passed under a down an ornate arch way, he stopped. “Y/N, my love.
“Yes, Thomas.”
“I know eternity is ahead of us. But, I want to pledge my undying love to you. Is there anyway, we can do that? Do vampires get married? Is there anything we cound do?”
You began to tear up, “Truly?”
“Yes, truly?”
You brought your hands up, you trembled all over. “Oh Thomas.”
He smiled, he pulled you close. He tilted his head to one side. “My darling love does that mean yes?”
“Yes!” You threw your arms around him. “It means, yes!”
@shantellorraine @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @mac-n-cheesie @fandomgirl800 @vcat55 @pooshnulooshnu @greybeardthetotallylegalpirate
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typinggently · 5 years ago
1) unanswered text messages, a crush, a golden sunset for superbat?
Oh, thrilling request!! Thank you! I’ve been very into the whole tired-slim, black turtleneck, RobPat-inspired Bruce look lately and I haven’t had much opportunity to write something for him, so this was a great opportunity!
Bruce in general isn’t the biggest fan of giving out his actual phone number (Brucie has his own phone that Bruce curates for one hour every morning and that’s honestly all the social media and interpersonal contact that he can stand). But what’s even worse is the concept of his “colleagues” having his number. Especially now, when they all don’t know each other all that well yet. All possible things could happen.
They could make a group chat, for example. They could send him messages.  
Truly terrifying concepts.
Anyhow. Two weeks in, they all exchange phone numbers. It’s not like he really has a choice. And it’s not like he can just give them the Brucie number. So with a heavy heart, he adds six new contacts into his phone.
That, of course, is only the beginning. It all gets messy from there.
At first, not much happens. There are some minor things like “I’ll be late” messages in the group chat (terrifying concept), but other than that, most things had been quiet. Until. Until one day, Clark and Hal get into a friendly discussion about cows that turns into a heated debate on cows. Bruce misses parts of it, mostly because it doesn’t seem all that important, but some hours later, Clark posts a photo in the group chat. Bruce, alarmed, opens the message only to find that it’s a portrait of three cows. It’s early morning in Kansas, apparently, and the colours are still a little washed out, even though the long cow-lashes of the cow-ladies are already tipped in gold. They’re all smiling for their portrait (as much as cows can smile) and look warm and soft, curls around their big ears and pink muzzles. One of Clark’s hand is resting on the cheek of one of the cows and she seems to be pressing her face against his caress. He looks tan in comparison to her off-white, cream colour, his hand big and gentle.
“See?” He writes, “Very pretty!”
“Such beautiful eyes!” Diana says in response.
Barry goes “very nice!!!!!!”
Hal sends a line of emojis, most of them rolling their eyes, and ends with “fine, fine”
Arthur is typing…
Bruce closes the chat and checks his alarm once more before closing his eyes, determined not to dream.
That’s how the group chat starts becoming more active. Bruce saw it coming, now he can’t do much about it.
Usually it’s just the odd message or photo here and there. Sometimes the others share newspaper articles they stumble across (Bruce saves those), sometimes they discuss restaurants or take-out places (Bruce deletes those and drinks his shakes).
But naturally, it gets messier. Because while Bruce is fine just ignoring the group chat, another most unfortunate event takes place: Clark texts him. Privately.
It happens at 4am. Bruce’s eyes hurt from staring at the screen of the BatComputer for so long and his mouth tastes like caffeine. When his phone buzzes, he blinks owlishly at it. At first, he assumes it’s a mistake and turns back to his screen, but Clark doesn’t delete the message and doesn’t send one into the group chat. So an hour later, when he’s made his way from the screen-glow dark of the cave to the blackout-curtain dark of his room, Bruce reluctantly opens the new chat. It’s a photo of the Kent farm - Bruce assumes, it might be any old farm as far as he’s concerned - at dawn. The grass is high and looks cool and wet, the house itself is still a sleepy grey-pink. But the sky is slowly warming and the first hints of gold shimmer in the windows of the barn and the leaves of the apple tree to its right.
Kal-El (or Clark, or whatever) wrote “:) since you probably didn’t get to see it!” and that’s enough of that. Bruce drops his phone and rolls around to face the other direction.
It doesn’t stop. At least once a week, Clark sends him a photo of a sunrise. Bruce never answers, but Clark apparently doesn’t care. He sends photos of the farm, the skyline of Metropolis, but sometimes also other places. The green horses drawing Victory’s carriage on the Brandenburg Gate gleaming and caressed with pale sunlight, the windows of the Eremitage flooded with gold, White Hall glowing pink. At one point, there’s the Earth itself, glowing as it turns towards the sun, light flooding the continents, the ocean.
Bruce doesn’t know what to say. When they meet in person, Clark doesn’t seem to treat him differently, so Bruce doesn’t bring it up. Instead, he just keeps his eyes on his notes or on Diana and goes through the meetings as if nothing’s wrong. About 5 minutes in, though, he feels bad. Every time. So he subtly squares his shoulders a little, causing their shoulders to brush. It’s a nice point of contact, Clark running hot even through the suit and Bruce’s Kevlar, and it becomes so familiar that Bruce finds himself standing close to Clark, too, his cape brushing Clark’s.
This goes on for a number of weeks, but suddenly, the photos stop. First, Bruce thinks Clark just missed a day, but when there are no new pictures for a whole week, he feels oddly stranded. Not that it was an actual conversation, Clark didn’t write anything after the first pic, but still, he got used to the little photos just before he goes to sleep. And the problem is, he can’t talk about it with anyone. It’s too late, if he were to explain to Alfred that he’s been ignoring Clark’s messages for one month and a half, Alfred would no doubt look at him disapprovingly and choose one or two cold words. So that’s not going to happen.
And naturally the others are no option, either. He likes Diana, but he’s not going to explain this to her.
So he’s stuck, staring at his phone, unsure what to do. Another week goes past, then Bruce can’t stand it anymore. He has to do something.
“If someone were to send you photos, what would you do?”
Dick puts down his milkshake. “You know, it was lovely talking to you and all, but I think I have to go. Right now, actually-“
Bruce shakes his head and leans over the table to take hold of his arm just before he can slip away. “No, wait. Listen.”
Dick makes a pained face. “I’d rather not, actually. I mean-“
“It’s Clark.”
“Oh.” Dick’s eyes widen. “Oh!” He sits back down. “No way. What kind of photos?”
“I don’t think that matters.”
“Oh my God. Is Superman sending you- You know what, no. Good for you, but I don’t think I want to- I mean, I kind of do want to know. But no.”
“It’s sunrises. He sends me pictures of sunrises.”
At that Dick raises a brow. “Sunrises.”
“Is that a metaphor?”
“What do I do?” Bruce hisses, finally annoyed by the lack of progress this conversation is making.
“Oh, I mean. Send one back?”
Bruce sighs and runs a hand through his hair, gaze lost in his coffee.
It’s been a long day. Clark’s hair is still a little crunchy with salt after he took a dip into the ocean at noon to pull up a sinking oil cruiser, but he doesn’t feel like taking a shower just yet. After dinner, maybe. He drops his messenger bag on one of the chairs around the kitchen table and wanders over to the fridge to check on the leftover potato gratin. His stomach grumbles just as his phone buzzes on the table. He closes the fridge and carries the gratin over, putting it down next to a stack of as of yet unopened mail to pick up his phone.
It’s a photo from Bruce. A library, or a study, maybe an office? A room with a ceiling so high it doesn’t show on the photo, walls covered in dark, glistening wooden shelves. Rows and rows and rows of books. A tall window through which the golden light of the sunset spills on an ornamented carpet, stacks of paper. Dust is dancing in the honey-thick light. And out of the window, the leaves of a copper beech, glowing in rosy red. “just woke up” it says and “(not really, but bats are nocturnal)”, followed by a little bat emoji.
Gold pumps warmly through Clark’s veins. He sends a “:)”.
Thank you SO much!!! This was so much fun to write!!! :) I love soft, awkward Bruce.
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rosesnink · 5 years ago
First Steps of Healing (Briar x Edmund)
A/N: Happiest of the birthdays to youuuu, @mrsbriarmarlcaster​ ! 15 years no less! With this fic that I loooooooved writing, I wish you three things: A nice day: because you’re always dealing with assbutts who won’t shut the hell up and since you’re the Queen of the 15 of Feb, make it count! Command them not to breathe so they chooooke! I love you: because you’re honest, funny and so sweet! You’re always there for me and keep up with my shit and always listen to me. I don’t deserve you. Thank you: for being the funniest, sweetest and most supportive friend ever. This is for you. I hope you enjoy it! 
Set On: The Detective and the Businessman in Chapter 6 or 7 (I need to check!) 
Rating: PG-13 
TW: Mentions of psicological violence towards women, but it’s not graphic, but just in case beware. 
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The bell of the bar rang as Briar Daly stepped on the bar, her blue eyes searching for one person as she tried to pull aside the though of Richards the Big Bitch. She silenced her phone when she found Edmund waiting for her, his usual order on the desk as he was tapping in his screen. Maybe some hard case?
“Hey, stranger” She saluted him
His head snapped from his focus and smiled at her as he got off his glasses and smiled shyly at her “Hey, you”
His eyes went wide as he took in her outfit (which she chose carefully) and sputtered before clearing his throat
“You look lovely”
“The occasion is worth it”
He blushed as he took off his glasses and Briar ordered her usual latte. After what it must’ve been the longest 2 minutes of her life, Briar decided to break the ice
“So, what do you do after work?” She posed her chin in her fist and leaned lightly on him and he shrugged
“I like to watch TV and read some books”
She smiled and asked “Which ones?”
“I don’t truly care. Futuristic, historical, classics, some other worthy romance ones and my favorites one are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s entire collection”
Briar was in awe with him as she nodded, truly interested in what he was saying
“I, too, read when I can. I’m learning Spanish, so I read people like Emilia Pardo Bazán, García Márquez, Azorín, … They’re all amazing writers. I’d love to lend you some books, but the Spanish is a very complex one. Most of them are from the 18th and 19th century”
She sighed as she balanced if tell him about her problem or keep it to herself. It was maybe the hardest step. Every first step was the most difficult one. She felt Edmund’s fingers brushing hers
“Hey, um, I know right now you’re dealing with something big you won’t tell me, and it’s fine. I can wait. Whenever you’re ready”
“I-I know, I just… Relationships for me has been… so exhausting. I was always giving and giving but never receiving. And then they’d ask me for—” She took a deep breath as she tried not to cry “A sex tape” She whispered “I refused to do it every time, and they always told me this famous sentence of ‘Who The Fuck You Think You Are?’ and told me no man could ever love who I really was and they knew who I was. They always talked about the slutty child, and that if someone fell for me, they were full of shit. Until one day Hayley told me that I wasn’t a slut, I was just a woman who tried to survive and neither of those men deserved me, that I needed to remake myself. That’s why I pushed men away, not because I hated them, but because I was… afraid. I had to make of me a strong, self-made woman. I thought I’d never make it, but then… that night, I kissed you in that cozy place and everything changed. Maybe there were good men who only wanted to love and to be loved. That’s how I finally strengthened myself. And now… here you are”
“I, too, had a rough role in my love story. Every woman expected me to ‘man up’ and stop being so anxious and such a crybaby and be one of my people, the men. Then, when Theresa broke up with me and told me I was never a good man because I was full of shit, I knew I had enough. I locked myself for a long time, and during that time, I saw what a strong, witted woman you were. I always had my eyes on you -I mean, not literally, I’m not the next Joe Goldberg! – and knew that, before throwing myself to the pool, I had to be good enough to provide in a healthy environment. I had help from Ernest and my father. And… I’d like to think that I am deserving of you, Bri”
“Why don’t we try to be better, healthier companions… together?”
He smiled at her and kissed her hand
“Yeah… I’d like that”
They kept chatting about books and enjoying the meal, sometimes a glimpse of their hands touching and Edmund blushing. After the bar, they payed the meal and walked out, their elbows caressing lightly. They walked through the busy streets of London, stopping by to buy some cones and laughing. Briar saw a zoo nearby and beamed
“Oh my God! Ed, look at that! We could go to the zoo! I was, like, thirteen when I last went”
He shrugged with a smile “I cannot say no to adorable animals”
They walked in there and bought tickets. They first went to see the lions, where they lay peacefully, eating, as the lionesses were watching the rest of the lions. Briar tried to buy their attention, but it seemed that only Hayley could do that.
They kept walking as they saw the monkeys next and Briar and Edmund chuckled at their clownery. Finally, they stopped by to the birds. One parrot looked at them and she sticked her tongue out.
It was night when Edmund decided to escort Briar home, even if she insisted that it wasn’t truly necessary. They stopped by and Edmund looked at her. She was happy, laughing at the pics and cheerful. He took a deep breath
“Um… Briar?”
She looked at him “Hum?”
“I hope this isn’t awkward, but after today I was wondering… if, at some point, you would like to… hang out… ahem, more oftenly?”
She looked at him and spreaded an smile before kissing him sweetly in the lips, her sweet fragrance impregnating in his nostrils, sighing happily as he wrapped his arms around her and she got on her toes to kiss him better. She pecked him one more time before she bit her lip and giggled, a hand on his chest
“I’ll see you at work tomorrow… Eddie”
He touched his lips with a silly smile, not believing that he had Briar Daly hanging with him. Everyone whispered how Hayley was all gold, glory and pure wild beauty. But then there was Briar. She was like silver: few people noticed she was there, but she also had her way to shine, her beauty was also shiny, like the moon’s reflect: Hayley was the sun, and Briar was the Moon. She shined in the dark, where no one else could see. When he was Briar, he felt like the wolf in the legend that loved the moon but couldn’t have her, that’s why he always howled, because he loved ardently the Moon. But he felt now like flying, because his Moon went down to him to be together. How her touch, smile, voice… Briar Daly was flawless on his eyes, and for once, he felt one damn lucky wolf.
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singingisfun · 6 years ago
Changing Tides - Chapter 22
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link to cover art by @otpapprovedbythegods
And here’s a link to an adorable pic of Dopey as a pirate by @clockadile
ff.net: From the beginning - Current Chapter
AO3:  From the beginning - Current Chapter
Tumblr: Prologue - Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9-Ch 10 - Ch 11- Ch 12 - Ch 13 - Ch 14 - Ch 15 - Ch 16 - Ch 17 - Ch18 - Ch19 - Ch 20 - Ch 21
Chapter 21: The Confession & The Declaration
Hello everyone! No, you're not seeing things. I've finally finished the next chapter! Thanks for all of the encouraging messages. Sorry it took so long. Hopefully, the last few chapters will go faster. Lots of love for sticking with me! Hope you enjoy!
And, as always, thank you @optomisticgirl for your beta services!  
Dopey has always prided himself on his ability to see the best in every situation.  And he’s always endeavored to encourage others to see it as well.  Life can be stressful.  It can be fraught with danger.  And in the case of those closest to him, stress and danger are a regular occurrence which, at times, has made his goal nearly impossible to accomplish.
And it certainly has been impossible for the past week.  The blanket of anxiety that has settled over the Jolly Roger since the night they escaped Regina’s warship has been nearly suffocating.  Everyone is tense.  Everyone on edge.  And no amount of distraction is helping.  
The Spark of Prometheus is still unlit.  Regardless of how many times Emma and Killian try to light it, it continues to lay stubbornly in its case, dull and black.  And with each failed attempt, the peace the two of them had forged since finding each other again has deteriorated.  In fact, it’s gotten so bad, they are barely speaking.
For instance, right now. There they are at the helm with Merlin while he holds the case and murmurs encouragement.  Killian’s hand is resting on Emma’s waist, but that’s the only point of contact between the two of them.  Emma’s hands are balled into fists at her sides, her brow glistening with perspiration and her eyes clamped shut in concentration.  
No one else is on deck and Dopey can’t blame them.  During the first few attempts, everyone had been gathered around, watching expectantly, but now they intentionally make themselves scarce.  Even Merlin looks like he wishes he could be anywhere else.
Long minutes pass, and Emma’s breathing becomes harsh.  Her eyes squeeze tighter and her head bows.  Then, with a sound of frustration, she stomps her foot and opens her eyes.  
Killian’s hand drops from her waist and Emma mumbles something Dopey can’t hear.  Then she turns and walks to the hatch, disappearing from view. Killian shakes his head and walks to the opposite hatch.
Dopey sighs and goes back to polishing the Jolly’s bell.
The way Dopey sees it, there are two obstacles standing in their way.  
First, David.  As much as he loves his king, the man is hell bent on keeping Killian and the princess from having more than a few minutes alone.  His protective nature was a bit comical at first, but as time has passed, it’s become clear the king is hindering more than the couple’s… um…  romantic tendencies.  
The second reason is less obvious. At least to most.  But Dopey can see it plain as day.  Killian is keeping something from Emma.  A secret that weighs heavily on him.  And he’s been keeping it from her since the first day she awoke on the Jolly Roger.  
“Do you know what it is?”
The sound of Merlin’s voice startles Dopey so thoroughly that he drops the scrub brush to the deck with a clatter.  
Turning, he faces the wizard with wide eyes.
“Do you know what he’s keeping from her?” the wizard asks again.
Confused, Dopey turns to scan the deck behind him to see who on earth Merlin is addressing.  Finding no one in the vicinity, he looks to the other man and points to his chest.  Me? he thinks.  
“Yes, you, Dopey,” the man confirms.
I… I don’t…  You can hear me?
“Yes, I can.”
That takes a minute to process. Dopey has never had a full conversation with anyone.  He’s always been limited to hand gestures and the occasional nod, so the thought that Merlin can understand him is a bit awe-inspiring.
A grin breaks across Dopey’s face. This is amazing!
Merlin mirrors his smile. “No more amazing than your innate skill of observation.  I’d be willing to bet you know more about the goings on in this kingdom than anyone, even the king himself.”
Dopey didn’t think his eyes could get any wider, but now they feel like they’re ready to burst from their sockets.
The wizard is right, though. He does know more than anyone. People tend to disregard his presence most of the time.  It’s almost like his inability to speak renders him invisible, which has made it very simple for him to learn a great many things.  Of course, his knowledge is all for naught since he can’t communicate it, but…
“You can now,” the wizard says.
Right.  Wow.  
Dopey bows his head, his brow wrinkling.  Now, what’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to - Oh! He looks up to Merlin as the thought gushes out.  Doc and Granny have been having an affair for almost five years now but they’ve kept it secret because, when we were young, the seven of us swore we would always put our brotherhood first which included never getting involved with a woman.  Whew! It feels good to get that off my chest. But – you can’t tell anyone.  Doc will have my head if you do.
Merlin laughs outright. “How long have you been holding that one in?”
A long time.
“Well, their secret is safe with me.”
“What about Killian?  Do you know what he’s keeping from Emma?”
Sorry, no.  I just know he’s keeping it from her.  Something catches his eye and he points over the water. Oh, look!  A baby dolphin!  Isn’t she sweet!  I wonder where her mother is…
“Dopey, focus,” Merlin says, bringing Dopey’s attention back to him. “Are you sure he hasn’t mentioned anything?”
Nope. But can’t you see it?  I mean, you can see things, right?  Things you weren’t actually there to witness?
“Yes, but not everything.  I can’t pick and choose what to look at.”
Dopey eyes scan the water as he replies, Well, I’m not sure it makes a differ – Oh there she is! Look!  He points over the rail to the mama dolphin who has just emerged next to her calf.
This time, Merlin spares a glance over the rail and a grin flitters across his face.  “Yes, the mama won’t let her get too far.  But back to Killian and Emma?”
Oh, right, well, I’m not sure it matters what the secret is.  Only that he won’t tell her.
“Fair enough.  But why wouldn’t he?”
Dopey thinks back to the first day Emma awoke and tells Merlin about the whole ‘pirate’ issue.
“Ah, I see,” Merlin replies.
And… Well…
“Well, what?”
Well, I’m not sure having the king here is helping matters.  
“You’re right about that,” Merlin says.  “We need to figure out a way to get him to go back to Camelot.”
Any ideas?
“Usually the simplest way is the best one.”
And that is?
“Tell him the truth,” Merlin replies.
Predictably, the king is none too happy about the suggestion.
“You can’t be serious!” David bursts.
“Unfortunately, I am, Your Majesty,” Merlin replies.
The king’s arms are crossed over his chest but he drops them to his sides.  “I’m not leaving my daughter!”
“David – ” the wizard tries again.
“No.  I’m not going back to Camelot without her!”
“But they need time alone.”
“They can have time alone.”
Dopey can’t stop the pfft that comes out of his mouth but when David turns his fury on him, he sidesteps to stand behind Merlin.
“Your Majesty, please,” Merlin says in a calm voice, “I know you can see Emma’s frustration growing.  She and Killian need to talk.  And it’s not the type of discussion either of them can have if they’re worried about you hovering around.”
"I don't 'hover'!"
Merlin lets his silence answer.  
"Okay, fine.  Maybe I hover a little.  But if I didn't..."
"If you didn't, what?"
"Don't treat me like a fool, wizard.  I know damn well they were sharing a cabin before I showed up."
"And I feel certain they'll share one after you leave."
David’s voice takes on a dangerous edge.  “If that’s your way of trying to talk me into going, I can assure you it’s not helping.”
This from the man who snuck into Snow White’s room every night for a solid week before their wedding, Dopey thinks.
“Did he?” Merlin asks, turning to Dopey with interest, “Did he really?”
“’Did he really,’ what?” David asks.
Merlin smiles at Dopey.  “You really are a font of information, aren’t you?”
Dopey shrugs and Merlin shakes his head in wonder.
“You and I are going to have to have a little sit down later to see what else you know.”
“What the hell are you two talking about?” David growls.
Merlin turns back to David but amusement still lights his face.  “We were just discussing a castle wall you figured out how to scale in your youth.”
David’s eyes widen then land on Dopey.
“You knew about that?”
Dopey tilts his head and gives David a sardonic look.
“It doesn’t matter,” David declares, “This is a completely different situation.  Snow and I were – ”
“True Loves?”  Merlin interrupts.
David grits his teeth.
“Look, there’s more to this than just giving them time.  Think of all the things you could do in Camelot.  You could prepare for our arrival, find out if Arthur has found the other half of the dagger, coordinate with the other kingdoms.  There’s not much time left and a great deal that still needs to be done.”
David remains steadfast, shaking his head.  “Then, you go,” he says to Merlin, “Check in with Lance and come back and give us a full report.”
Merlin rolls his eyes.  “You think if I return to Camelot without you, Lancelot will answer a single one of my questions?  If you’ll recall, he wasn’t too keen on you joining me in the first place.”
“I can write him a letter.  Explain everything.”
“And he’ll think I forged it or forced you to write it.”  
“Then we’ll wait,” David asserts, “We’ll be there in two days, anyway.”
Merlin lets out a long-suffering sigh.  “Okay,” he says, “You don’t want to leave your daughter. I understand that and I sympathize. But they’re further from lighting it today than they were the day after we escaped the Regina’s warship.”
“That can’t be…”
“It is,” Merlin insists.  “If you don’t believe me, watch our next attempt.  We’ll be trying again after dinner.”
Three hours later, David has to admit Merlin might be right.  He’s standing on deck, subtly observing the lesson.  
Tension radiates from the couple standing at the bow.  Killian stands behind Emma, his hand on her hip but keeping an obvious and awkward distance between their bodies.
As David watches, Emma releases a frustrated growl and opens her eyes.
Killian drops his hand from her waist.  “Emma…” he says gently.
“If you tell me I need rest again… “
Killian’s mouth snaps shut.
Looking back to Merlin, Emma adds, “I think we’re done for the day.” Then stalks away and disappears into the ship.
Killian stands immobile as he watches her go, an indecipherable emotion crossing his face that causes David’s brow to wrinkle.  It’s not anger.  It’s not frustration.  It’s something else…  Defeat, maybe?  No. Not with the way his eyes cloud and his jaw tightens.
Killian mumbles something to Merlin and goes off in the opposite direction Emma had taken, stopping at the rail to look out over the water. David stays where he is, apprehensive curiosity holding him frozen.  
What the hell is going on?
He watches the pirate run his hand through his hair and lean over, bracing his elbows on the rail.  His shoulders are slumped, his head bowed and realization slams into David’s chest.  
David’s not sure how he knows, but that’s what the indecipherable emotion had been.  Guilt.
Guilt and fear.  
Over what? David wonders.  
“He’s keeping something from her,” Merlin says in a low voice, having crossed the deck to stand beside him.
“Do you know what it is?” David asks.
“I have my suspicions.”  
David continues to study the pirate’s defeated posture and things start falling into place.  This is the reason for that look they shared when they read the prophecy, when they found out they were True Loves.  Apparently, it was an issue before he even showed up on this ship, he’s just been too distracted by other things to see it until now.
“Something that happened while they were separated?”
While they were separated… which the prophecy said they should never be.  
“Now do you understand why you need to give them space?”
Resigned, David bows his head.  “Yes,” he replies, “I guess I do.”
“Good,” Merlin says.  “So, you’ll go back to Camelot?”
It’s a struggle to be sure.  He doesn’t want to leave Emma.  He’s just gotten her back and the thought of willing saying goodbye to her makes his stomach churn.  It’s not just about the thought of her and Killian sharing a bed.  She’s his little girl.  His family.  
He’s waited years…  Years of solitude in Camelot.  Years of being cooped up while others were out doing.  And the past week, while he’s been on this ship, he finally feels like he’s contributing.  
The end of this is near and his patience is thin.  He’s always been a man of action.  And the thought of going back to the virtual prison of Camelot, grates under his skin.  
“Couldn’t I just stay out of their way?”
Merlin’s voice is sympathetic. “I don’t think that will work. They need privacy.  The kind of privacy that excludes parental supervision.”
David’s thoughts take a dark turn at Merlin’s phrasing.
“Not like that,” Merlin adds quickly.  
David huffs out a breath.  “Fine.  But I’m going to have a talk with a certain pirate before I go.”
 After staring at the ocean for what feels like an eternity, Killian turns and heads below.  Hesitating on the bottom step, his eyes dart toward his cabin where he knows Emma is but he goes in the opposite direction toward the galley.  
Despite his somber mood, amusement tickles at his lips when he enters the room. He’s never seen the galley look so warm and inviting.  Ruby has put her unique staple on it.  The spices are lined up on the counter in pristine order, a plate of cookies made to look like different animals sits on the table, and where on earth she managed to find a cloth to cover the scarred wood, he’ll never know, but the room looks more suited to royalty than a rowdy pirate crew.  Smiling, he chooses a cookie that was obviously made by Grace, a line of sugar used to draw what would usually be a menacing tiger’s snarl now a happy grin.  
Rolling his shoulders, he pops the cookie into his mouth and sits down to reach for the scroll still sitting in the middle of the table.  He’s read it enough times over the past few days that he could recite it by memory, but he opens it anyway.
He’d been right.  It will be Emma against Regina – every one of his greatest fears confirmed – the now certain fate that the woman he loves is the only hope for the realm.  
His True Love.  
She’s his True Love.
It’s the most powerful magic of all.  Or at least it’s supposed to be.  And yet, when they faced Regina it wasn’t enough.  And that’s his fault…
Stuffing another cookie in his mouth, he leans back and stares at the ceiling.
“Do you have a minute?”
Killian’s eyes swing to the door to find King David on the threshold.  
Standing, he nods and David enters the room.  
“Please sit.”  David says, crossing to take the empty chair on the opposite side of the table.  
David leans forward to study the plate of cookies, taking his time making his choice.
He holds one up.  “What is this one supposed to be, do you think?”
It’s an odd opening for the king.  David is usually the type to get right to the point but for whatever reason, he’s taking his time today.  
Killian examines the cookie.  “My guess would be a dragon.”
David nods, still considering the cookie.  “You may be right.”  
At long last, he breaks a piece off and pops it into his mouth, then he sits back in his chair, eyeing Killian while he chews.  
“I’m going back to Camelot tonight.”
It’s the last thing Killian expected to hear and his mouth drops open.
“I don’t really want to leave Emma, but it would be better for me to return ahead of the rest of you so that we can prepare for your arrival.”
He pushes a map across the table and Killian sees an ‘X’ that has been added since the last time they spoke.
“This is where I want you to dock.  It’s remote but the cliffs are easily defended and the cove will provide privacy for us.”  
Killian looks more closely at the map, examining the area to see if he can identify any potential danger.  
The king drums his fingers on the table while he waits, and after a few minutes of study, Killian drops the map.  
“It’s an excellent choice, Your Majesty.”
David doesn’t respond, he just keeps drumming his fingers, his eyes narrowed and on Killian’s face.  
After a few tense moments, during which Killian has to resist the urge to squirm, David finally speaks.  “Are you still planning to marry my daughter, Captain?”
Killian can feel his eyes widen, but before he can reply, the king continues.
“Because your engagement is still official to my mind.”
“I… well… I hadn’t really…”
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it,” David says with a touch of derision.
“I – I mean, we – we haven’t really discussed…”
“You love her,” David says, reaching for the prophecy.  “You can’t say you don’t.  The proof is right here.”
“It’s not a question of love.  It’s…”
“It’s what, exactly?”
It’s a question of whether she’ll still want me when this is over, Killian thinks.  But he can’t say that, so instead he bites at his lip and lowers his gaze to his lap, idly twirling the ring on his thumb.  
Several heartbeats pass in silence before the king speaks again.
“You want to marry her, don’t you?”
“Of course, I do,” he replies instantly, “But…”
“But, what?”
Sucking in a harsh breath, he regards his king.  David isn’t going to let this go.  And Killian can’t blame him.  The king isn’t a fool and he’s surely aware that Emma and he have already… consummated their relationship.  But the thought of voicing the doubts plaguing him makes his stomach churn.  
His silence prompts David to sit back in his chair and let out a small sigh.  
“I’ve heard a lot of stories about you, you know.  Stories of the ruthless pirate, Captain Hook.  Some were brutal, some were impressive, and some were simply outlandish.  I imagine the truth lies somewhere in the middle.”
It’s doesn’t surprise Killian that David has honed in on the real issue. He’s intuitive and smart and misses very little.
“I’m not asking what you did,” the king continues, “but you need to talk to Emma about it.  If you’re afraid she won’t understand – ”
“That’s not what I’m afraid of,” Killian interrupts, but then sucks in a deep breath.  “No, that’s a lie.  I am afraid she won’t understand.  But that’s not…  all.  It’s…” He picks the scroll up and holds it out.   “I love her. She loves me.  Like you said, the proof is right here but…”
“But what?” David prompts.
“What if that’s not enough?”
“How do you mean?”
“Merlin told us that our magic is light magic.  Its power is fueled by good.  So what if I tell her and our magic still isn’t powerful enough?  What if that power has been diminished because I’m… dark?”
“But you’re not.  Not anymore.”
“Maybe.  But I lived in darkness for a long time.  I’ve done some terrible things.  And I do regret some of them.  But others I don’t.”
David regards him in silence for a long moment before speaking.  “Everything you did – every choice you made – brought you here.  It brought you back to my daughter.”  
“Yes. It did.  But you don’t understand.  That darkness, it’s…  it’s still there.  I can feel it inside me.  So if I tell her.  And if she forgives me… What if that’s not enough?”
“You’ll never know until you try.”  The soft feminine voice has both of their heads swinging toward the threshold where Emma is standing, silently watching them.  
Both he and David freeze, but the king recovers quickly.  
“I’d say that’s my cue,” he says, standing and crossing to his daughter. “I’ll see you in a few days, pumpkin.”
“A few days?” she asks.
“Yes, I’m going back to Camelot tonight.  Merlin is taking me.  I’ll ensure everything is ready for your arrival.”
“But I don’t want you to – ”
“Merlin – and Dopey – think it’s better this way, and as much as I don’t want to agree with them, I do.”
Emma’s smile is a bit sheepish but she nods her head.
The two embrace before David crosses back to Killian and extends his hand. Killian takes it and nearly winces at the strength of the king’s grip.  
“You will marry her,” he says in a voice low enough that Emma won’t hear.  “Do you understand me, pirate?”
When Killian nods his agreement, David releases his hand and Killian immediately shakes it out to allow the blood to flow again.  
“Good,” David says, then raises his voice back to a normal level.  “I’ll see you both in Camelot.”
 Regina is sitting in her storeroom, pouring over her books when the door swings open.  She snaps her head up in annoyance at the interruption but before she can react, Claude steps in, his pace urgent.
“Sorry to interrupt, Your Majesty, but there’s someone here to see you.”
“I think it’s better if you see for yourself, my queen.”
Regina’s brow wrinkles. It’s not like Claude to speak in riddles so whoever it is must have substantially flustered him.  With a long-suffering sigh, she lays the book down and stands.  
Claude follows her out and half-way down the corridor motions to four other knights to flank her. His concern piques her curiosity. It’s not usual for her to have bodyguards.  She doesn’t really need them and Claude knows that and yet, for some reason, today he feels she does.  
Who on earth would warrant such a display?
The doors in front of her swing open and she stutters to a halt, her eyes widening.  
Well, that answers that question.  
Of all the people in the world, this would have been one of the last people she would have expected to show up on her doorstep.  
Her guest turns, eyes meeting hers.  They size each other up for a heartbeat then her guest inclines their head with a quirk of a smile, “Your Majesty.”
Regina raises a brow. “What do you want?” she asks, refusing to deal with pleasantries.
Their smile spreads into a full-fledged grin.  “A great many things.  But let’s start with what I can offer.”
 Emma follows behind Killian as he leads her to his quarters.  He hasn’t said a word since her father left them in the galley and his shoulders are stiff and set.  
He holds the door open and lets her proceed him into the room.  Once she reaches the center she turns to see him leaning against the now closed door, watching her.  
A distant ‘whooshing’ sound has her glancing to the deck above them, and she tries to smile.  
“Alone at last,” she comments in an attempt to lighten the mood.
But Killian doesn’t smile, his expression doesn’t change at all.
“I think, perhaps, you should sit down, love.”  
His voice is flat but not harsh and she complies, taking a seat at the table and folding her hands.
Crossing to his desk, he pulls out a bottle of rum and two glasses.  He pours both, then drinks one and refills it before crossing back to the table to hand one to her.   She stays silent, worried that any word from her would only make his anxiety worse, so she simply throws her head back and downs the contents of her glass, laying it gently on the table when she’s done.  He’s already turned away again, studying the amber liquid in his own glass as he swirls it around, then with a long exhale, he lifts the glass to his lips and swallows.
Keeping his eyes on the empty glass, he begins, his words slow and controlled, “The news came of your death while we were still in the Evil Queen’s dungeon.  The guards celebrated it, cheering in the corridors and rattling their swords along the bars – taking immense pleasure in taunting all of us.  Our kingdom was lost.  Our beloved queen was cursed, our brave king on the run and our beautiful princess dead and…”
He trails off, dropping his chin to his chest and squeezing his eyes shut as though trying to fend off the pain rising in him.  After taking a moment to gather himself, he lifts his head, his gaze unfocused somewhere on the wall in front of him.  
“I nearly died in that cell. My wrist was infected and I was burning with fever, and losing you took away all the will I had left to live. But I hallucinated, you see…. vivid hallucinations of you galloping across an open field of flowers, of walking through the woods, and I…  I just…” his voice starts to rise, “I thought I’d know it if you were gone.  I thought I’d feel it and I… I didn’t.”
He enunciates the ‘t’ on the last word, practically spitting it out, then takes a deep breath.
“After we escaped, I convinced Jeff to help me search for you.  Liam had told both he and Graham about an inn where we were supposed to meet you and he made them swear that if anything happened to him, they’d try to get me there.  So that’s where we went.  The innkeeper denied having ever seen you but I didn’t believe him.  He’d obviously been paid off to keep your whereabouts a secret, so we searched the area, looking for any clue and… and that’s where we found August.”
His voice breaks and he stops again to take several deep breaths.  
“I knew August would protect you with his life and it seemed that, if he were dead, there was no hope… But even after that, I kept hoping. I didn’t tell Jeff.  He always thought it was a slim chance and finding August was enough to convince him.  And since there was no trail to follow, we couldn’t continue the search anyway but… But I held onto that hope.  I lived off that hope until…  Until I found something that, in my mind at least, proved you were gone.”
His eyes flick to the chest and Emma has to fight the urge to stand and go to him.
He angles his body away from her, his voice rough and dripping with self-loathing when he tells her what he did.  He tells her about the ship they came across.  He tells her how he’d felt when he found the proof of her death.  He tells her how he’d wanted to die himself. He tells her about the venom that had run through his veins when he’d stood at the bow and given the order to sink the ship, the need to make someone pay for stealing his life.  He even tells her about the satisfaction he’d felt when the ship disappeared beneath the waves…  
Then he tells her about the fall out.  He tells her about the instant he’d realized what he’d done and the grief that rained down on him.  
Emma almost wishes he’d stop speaking, not because she doesn’t want to hear anymore, but because she can see how much it hurts him, how badly he’s tortured himself over this. He made a terrible mistake, a mistake that, yes, was horrendous, but it was a mistake.  
Tears stream down his cheeks, and hers, too, the image of him blurring as the words drip like acid from his tongue. “They didn’t deserve to die,” he says fervently, finally swinging his eyes to hers, “They were simple tradesmen who happened upon something of value.  They had no idea what they had.  They had no idea it was ever yours.  They were innocent men trying to provide for their families and I murdered them.  And for what?  Vengeance?  They hadn’t done anything wrong!”
The blue of his eyes bore into hers like he’s trying to convince her to hate him as much as he hates himself and her stomach drops to the floor.  She starts to rise but the step back he takes stops her.
“But it didn’t matter to me who they were,” he goes on with venom in his voice, “They did business with Regina and that was enough to justify it in my mind.  I made widows and orphans out of their wives and children – wives and children who, to this day, don’t know what happened to them because I couldn’t see past the hatred in my heart!”
He stops there, his confession complete, viciously swiping at the tears on his cheeks, like he realizes he doesn’t even deserve to mourn those men.   Shaking his head, he sniffles and crosses the room to stand in front of the chest.  
When he speaks again, his voice is clogged but his tone is calm and detached.  “Every time I’d find something of yours or your family’s, I’d put it in here.  Other than a few things of Liam’s, everything in here belongs to you.”
Slowly, he lifts the chest and carries it to the table, setting it gently down right in front of her without meeting her eyes.  The click his hook makes when he removes it echoes through the quiet room before he lays it on top of the chest.  Instinctively, she covers his hand with hers before he can draw it back and he sucks in a breath, his fingers contracting around hers.  They stay like that for several seconds while he watches his thumb traces circles on the back of her hand but then he shakes his head and steps away, pulling his hand from hers.  
The message is clear: This isn’t over yet.  It’s not over until she sees what’s in the chest.  But more than that, he’s not ready to accept her forgiveness no matter how badly she wants to give it.  He doesn’t trust yet that this isn’t a snap judgment.  He wants her to take some time alone to process everything he’s said.  
He looks raw and broken when he meets her eyes one last time.  Then, without another word, he turns and walks out of the room.  
She keeps her eyes on the closed door, almost tempted to chase after him without even looking in the box.  She even takes a step in that direction but stops herself.  Because he’s right.  She needs to see what’s in there.  She needs some time to gather herself – not because there’s a chance she’ll change her mind but because she needs to take a minute to let everything sink in.
With shaky hands, she reaches for the key, twisting it in the lock until it clicks.  Slowly, she lifts the lid and her eyes widen, amazed at the number of treasures he’s found.  Her father’s crown is on top, her mother’s rubies, her pearl necklace, her mother’s ring…  She looks through every piece, memory after memory blooming with each new item but then… Then she sees what he found and her eyes gloss over, her heart contracting.
Her jade necklace. The necklace she was wearing the night they were separated.  
With slow movements, she reaches in and curls her fingers around the jewels.  Tears stream down her cheeks and she cradles them to her chest, misery crawling up her throat until she sinks into the chair and sobs.
The night is starless and still as he stands at the helm and surveys the ocean.  There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, to see but pitch black in every direction; there aren’t even any waves being illuminated by the Jolly’s lanterns, the calm eerie and desolate.  
He doesn’t hear her approach, which is surprising given the utter silence of the night, and he startles when a plank only a few feet behind him creaks.  
Turning to face her, he finds her cheeks dry, but her red-rimmed eyes tell him they haven’t been dry long.  His own eyes are gritty and burning and it takes a great deal of concentration to keep them from filling.  She stands speechless for a moment, the diamonds and jades on the necklace in her hand glittering even in the near black night.
At long last, she looks down to the necklace, fingering at the jewels.  “I had to sell them to pay for a new roof for The Gold Mine,” she starts, “Leroy wanted to sell it because we couldn’t afford the wood, so I offered to sell these to make up the difference.  I didn’t want to move again.  I’d finally found a place where I could have a little peace and the thought of giving that up was agonizing to me.”
She sniffles lightly, finally looking up to him and he’s surprised to see how tortured her expression is.
“Do you know what brought me that peace?” she asks quietly and he shakes his head, his lungs burning from his attempt to hold the tears at bay.  “Naval ships used to dock there and, occasionally, the officers would come in and it…” she pauses to swallow and swipe at a tear that escapes, “It was the only thing I had left of you.  The only connection I could find and… And I would have done anything to keep it. This necklace… It meant nothing to me but… Being near the sea…  Being near anything that kept you close to me… I – ”
She cuts off and turns away, struggling to find words once again.  He aches to hold her, so much so that his arm twitches at his side, but he stays where he is, knowing there’s more she wants to say.  
“It never occurred to me that you might still be alive.  Graham told me he saw you die and I had no reason not to believe him.  I never had any hope, so I don’t know what it must have been like to have it crushed.  But I do remember what it felt like when Graham told me you were dead… the way every muscle in my body turned to stone, the way my lungs squeezed into an icy cold weight that pressed on my heart…”
She pauses for several more deep breaths and then her demeanor changes, her shoulders straightening and her head lifting as she looks out at the blackness of the night.  When she speaks again, he’s surprised by the malice in her words. “The next night, black knights caught up with us on the road and I was…  I was glad to see them.  I wanted them to catch us.  I wanted an excuse to draw my sword.  And I wanted them dead.  I charged into them before August could stop me and...  and…”
She shakes her head to cover the crack in her voice, “He chased after me.  He was standing right next to me when he died.  And I can’t help but wonder…  If I’d been more retrained…  If I’d waited like I should have but…” She clears her throat and tightens her hands into fists.  “But I was so angry that I… I couldn’t stop.  I wouldn’t stop until either they were all dead or I was.  I can still remember that rage racing through my bloodstream.  I was consumed by it.  I enjoyed killing them.  Every single one that fell made satisfaction rise up in my chest, every drop of blood was gratifying to watch as it spilled to the earth.”
Killian’s feet feel rooted to the ground, his heart hammering to the point of pain as her confession settles cold and hard in his stomach.
Turning only far enough to see him out of the corner of her eye, she takes a deep breath. “I know it’s not the same as what happened to you.  But my point is, I know how what it feels like when fury blocks out everything else and twists you into another person for a time.  I remember it with perfect clarity.”
The last words come out as nearly a whisper and he forces his feet to work, crossing to her and spinning her into his arms.  Cupping her chin, he lifts her eyes to his, smoothing his thumb over her temple as he takes in the dark emerald.  
She does understand. She does remember.  And she’s just as tortured and repentant for her mistake as he is.  
His heart aches for both of them, but there’s a cleansing quality underneath it that surprises him, realizing this is something they’d both been in need of.  They’d both needed to make these confessions.  And now that they have, they can bear the burden of them together.  It’s an astoundingly profound feeling, this feeling of being completely exposed, of breaking down the remainder of the walls that had been between them.  
They stand silently for some time, slowly allowing the guilt and sadness to release itself, both seemingly content to simply hold the other.  A breeze begins to blow, soft and warm, and Killian feels a sudden peace settle into his heart.  He hears Emma release a long sigh and snuggles further into his chest.
He lifts her chin to find her eyes soft and smoky and he smiles.
“I love you, Emma,” he whispers.  
Her chest expands against his on a sharp breath.  
“I love you, too.”
The moment she says it, he feels an overpowering crackle of magic rush through him but he ignores it in favor of lowering his lips to hers.  They meet softly, light grazes filled with reverence and love while the world around them brightens.  He doesn’t notice at first and she doesn’t either, too distracted by the shimmering peace that settles more firmly with each brush of lips, too caught up in the relief and joy of finally having no barriers left between them. Eventually, though, the light amplifies so much that it can’t be ignored and they turn in unison to see the Spark of Prometheus burning brightly in its case.
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kristinracine34-blog · 7 years ago
atk hairy models - Best 5 Tips For Vagina Pics Hairy
As porn work goes, it was incredibly low maintenance. Guys go to the website, pick you out of a lineup, and instant message with you a little bit. When they decide they want to fork over $3 a minute, they click the "Pay Now" button and take you to a private chat room, where you can do whatever you want. I spoke into furry pocket pussy a microphone and never heard their voices. I got half of the money for each minute, and grew quite adept at stripping slowly. It works like this: you have a webcam. In case you have just about any inquiries regarding wherever along with the way to employ atk hairy nude pussy pics (you could try here), you possibly can call us with our own web site. I signed up with a third-party website to be a cam model. I'd wave at him over the top of the camera, while showing close-ups of my ass cheeks to some unseen guy jerking it in his darkened office. The guys mostly just wanted straightforward tits and ass; I learned how to pull my pussy lips open, how to use camera tricks so it looked like I young atk natural and hairy hairy pussy was really having fun. Sometimes I got strange requests: put a can of hairspray in your pussy. Jason walked back and forth through the house as I worked on the living-room sofa. Screen name: THEPROFESSOR. " His repartee was witty, and his vocabulary was huge. All the other guys sounded like panting idiots hoping to trick me into a free show, begging me to shove things in my ass or dramatically fellate a dildo. He showed up one day and immediately made me laugh — really laugh, not the fake "tee hee" that actually meant "Just click the button, asshole, time is money. How old are you really? I didn't have to shave my legs or wear high heels, or even put on lipstick; I didn't have to actually touch or talk to any of the guys who were watching me take my clothes off. Make them think they have a chance with you. One guy wanted me to pee in a cup and pour it on my chest. It was a steady paycheck, and these gullible souls all believed I was twenty-two years old and my name was Samantha. He hoarded the information I gave him; he was always careful never to say anything where the other guys could see. But I don't think he knew what to do with me. We just talked for a while, at $3 a minute. It was only a few messages before he said, "You're not 22. " I tried to pass it off, as I'd learned to do with private questions — keep them on the hook, believing the fantasy, and you make more money. The Professor enjoyed being the smart one, the one who knew the truth behind the facade, who I really was. By then, I knew him a little bit, and liked him. He said he just wanted to watch me get off. I said no to anything I didn't want to do. He wanted to see me enjoying myself, instead of simulating bad porn. I started getting to know him. I asked him what he wanted to see. One day, he finally clicked "Pay Now" and took me to a private room. I found out he was a real professor — he taught at a small liberal-arts college, which is why he was online all day, grading papers. But he wanted to know, really, so I told him how old I was, what I liked to read, that I wasn't actually in university anymore. So I did, and for once, I wasn't faking it. He wanted to see my face when I came. Finally, I told him one day that I couldn't keep taking his money. NEXT: "He'd say something that would have me biting my lip while I worked, so the guy on the other end wouldn't see me cracking up for no apparent reason…" Then we started emailing back and forth, long, gloriously in-depth emails of feelings and thoughts and background and history. He'd moved to the mainland, met his first wife, had a child, divorced, met his second wife, bought a house, and had a second child… whose name, coincidentally, was the same as mine. I found out he was occasionally cranky, often bitter, but always receptive to banter. He told me about his early twenties doing dangerous and illegal things on the beaches of Hawaii. He read a lot, loved music of all kinds, and got every reference I threw at him. I told him how hairy nude pussy pics much I hated living in Los Angeles, the failures of my relationship with Jason. The pattern continued: he'd come in almost every day and message me hairypussy girls for hours, throwing out comments about the other guys that they couldn't see, sometimes taking me to a private room when he could afford it. Rainier, about his weekend boat trips in altered states with his friends. I mentioned Jason, which, since I pretended to be single online, was another slice of my real self. He mentioned children, in passing. I pressed him for details on his attempts to climb Mt. We began texting each other, slowly at first and then ramping up to dozens of messages a day. I gave him my phone number. What are you making for dinner? I started to keep my personal IM client open while I showed strangers my body, and he chatted with me the whole time, making comments about the little snippets I told him. He gave me a nickname in German, and asked about my mom. I knew he was married, that his wife didn't know about his forays onto webcam pornography sites. I wrote him a long email from my personal email account, the real one, told him my real name, and said I couldn't keep our interactions financial. He worried about what I ate, and suggested books I might like. We video chatted a couple of times; I saw his wry smile, his messy office. "This guy wants me to spray whipped cream in my ass," I'd type, and he'd say something back that would have me biting my lip while I worked, so the guy on the other end wouldn't see me cracking up for no apparent reason. He'd say something that would have me biting my lip while I worked, so the guy on the other end wouldn't see me cracking up for no apparent reason. He was shaggily attractive, disheveled, with a concentrated, thoughtful face and mop of brown hair, a college professor from Central Casting. He groaned as he showed me his cock and I licked my lips, imagining it inside me. I wanted to fuck him, too. We said we loved each other, finally. He wanted to listen to little stories about my day, and he wanted to fuck me. But Arthur was my friend. But I still took my clothes off for him, watched him stroke himself as he listened to me whisper what I wanted to do to him. It became a bit tortured, as he realized he couldn't have both me and his wife. It's sometimes said, with some truth, that nobody has friends in Los Angeles – there are only people you know, and people who want you to do something for them. Neither of us had believed you could build love only online, without ever meeting, and yet, here we were. We feverishly talked about meeting, me flying to his town to couchsurf and sneak to his office during the day, so we could finally touch each other's skin. Everything was laced with sadness and the forbidden. He told me his wife had been offered a job in Europe; it would mean losing contact with his child and probably hamstringing his own career. He said I did the same for him, and that he would love me forever. Just as they made the decision that they would move to Europe, his wife found out about me. Day by day, piece by piece, I picked up my broken heart and tried to move on. I wanted to write him every day, message after message with the same thing: do you think of me? But he sustained me, a light in the seedy darkness. He sent me an email telling me briefly what happened and that we had to sever all contact with each other. We started to grow apart a little bit — it was hard to keep up the stream of constant communication with the different time zone. Years of silence later, I got a message from him on Facebook, presumably the only means of contact unmonitored by his wife. I even give free passes to people who reminded me of THEPROFESSOR. " By that time, I still do cam shows, but I'm using my own domain and I choose who I let in. Right now, im STILL waiting. com submitted by olgakatysheva [link] [1 comment] I wanted selfish proof that I was memorable, adored. The lines of communication fell completely silent. He wrote that although he wanted nothing more than to hear from me one last time, it was for the best if I said nothing. It was only one word: "Still. 1veronikastarr8@gmail. I wanted to say his name.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years ago
valentines day is fast approaching, and the true cross kids face a new foe
[[cont from part 80]]
Yumi: "Everyone buckled in?" shiori: uu! lord death: yep! Yumi: *starts the engine, backs out* "Just stop by the store, pick up some groceries...Maybe get Shiori a treat while we're out." lord death: ^^ Yumi: *smiles, heads out* "Busy week for you?" lord death: yeah. sorting files and missions and what not. Yumi: "Need help?" *reaches a stop light* lord death: it'd be appreciated. ^^ -elsewhere- mikan: *resting in asura's lap* UuU Asura: "...Comfy?" mikan: *she nods* this is nice. Asura: "Hmm..." *strokes her head* mikan: u////u Asura: *cheek smooch* mikan: hmhm~ <3 Asura: *strokes her face* mikan: *kiss* Asura: =\\\\\\\= "Mmm..." *returns the kiss* mikan: are you happy? Asura: "Yes..." -elsewhere- Yukio: "..." *studying a blood sample* seiya: hard at work, okumura? Yukio: "!!! Y-Yes..." *smiles* "Just reviewing old samples." seiya: ah. Yukio: *puts the sample away in a file* "How's everything?" seiya: i've been well. miss kamiki asked me to help tutor her with her studies, and i was more than happy to help. us tamers have to look out for each other, especially since we have a kindred bond. beni: *Yawn* Yukio: "Glad you're helping Kamiki...Beni? Are you okay?" beni: *bark* ^^ Yukio: ^^; "Any plans for the festival?" seiya: well, since we're both on the festival staff, i might tend the haunted house. Yukio: "...Oh, right: I'll be busy with staff work, too." seiya: that might make it hard for the classmates asking you out. *chuckles* Yukio: -\\\-;;; "...I'm not sure about that happening." adrian: ohoho, well arent you a heartbreaker~ ^^ Yukio: -\\\\- "Please." gilda: ^^; Yukio: "Well, let me know if I can help." -elsewhere- Patty: [how's teaching goin, sis?] liz: [good. on break ATM] Patty: [i put the kids to naptime and prepping their snacks] *attaches a pic of apple slices and PB+J sandwiches* liz: [aw. cute. ^^] Patty: [i know right?! ^w^ see u at home l8r?] liz: [yep] Patty: [c u then!] -elsewhere- Konro: *sweating nervously, smiling, shaking* seamstress: *sewing wedding kimonos* fufu, you seem happy, commander. Konro: "I'm just honored to give away the groom." seamstress: *smiles* he's like a son to you. Konro: *nods* "And that's why I want to give him the best wedding possible." seamstress: and soon, we'll have a little benimaru running around, ohoho~ Konro: ^\\\\\^ -elsewhere- Assi: "Zzzz..." setsuna: *cooking dinner* Shotaro: "Can I help?" setsuna: of course. can you get the plates set out? Shotaro: "On it!" *walks to the shelves* Yohei: "What's for dinner?" setsuna: spaghetti neopolitan. nea: ?? o^o~? Shinoda: "Nooooot what you're thinking." nea: =3= boo. Shotaro: "I'm sure we got some cold foods..." *opens the freezer* -yep, they do- nea: yay. TTuTT Shotaro: "Which you want to start with? Gazpacho?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." naoya: *knocks* we got food and we're having some dinner together in the main room. you hungry? Chuuya: "...Coming..." sonia: *following naoya* come on, papa. Chuuya: *weak smile* "Right..." sonia: .... Chuuya: "..." ("Is this what you wanted, Rain? This...just doesn't seem to be enough for her...I...") mito: *purrs and nuzzles chuuya's leg* Chuuya: "..." *pets her* "Gonna need to get you your food, too..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Behave yourself while you visit Kirako." aya: i will. ^^ sylvia: .... *shuffling* atsushi: *smiles* Kyoka: *nods* *knocks on Kirako's door* kirako: come on in, kiddos. ^^ kenji: thanks miss kirako. ^^ Kyoka: "We brought you a thank-you gift." *holds up a stack of books* kirako: aww, how sweet. ^^ sylvia: *looking around* *The titles include some children's books--including 'Baby's First Assassination Guide'* kirako:... ^^; Kyoka: "Want water, Sylvia?" sylvia: um i-if its not any trouble... Kyoka: "I'm sure it's fine with Miss Kirako..." *opens the cabinet, takes out glasses* -elsewhere- Arthur: *reading "A Knight's Guide to Electricity"* maki: ok, who is writing all these weird books? Arthur: "I just buy them and read them--I don't question them." maki:..o...kay then... -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *wringing out his wet clothes* -_-;;; "I said the treasure needed to be liquidated--and you literally threw it into the river..." twain: listen, as soon as we get back, i promise i'll make it up to you. Steinbeck: "How?" *counting the coins* *mutters* "I think we're missing two..." twain: i have an idea, and i know it will make you happy. ^^ Steinbeck: "...Do I need to slap you preemptively for pervy thoughts?" twain: it's nothing lewd! jeez, what do you think i am? Steinbeck: *stare* "...You don't want me to answer." twain: *pout* emily: well, in any case, the sooner we get home, the better. -elsewhere- Belkia: "Ready for our date~?" ayami: *she nods* ^///^ lavender: have fun you two~ Belkia: "Oh, we intend to..." *takes Ayami's hand* ayami: hehe~ naho: use protection, pervs! Belkia: ^\\\^;;;; "Naho, please..." naho: *raises a brow at him* Belkia: "So, where to first, Lovely? Dancing or dinner?" -elsewhere- Rino: T~T *slumped over* "My poor back..." mikami: do you need to lie down, miss rino? ryuuko: you shouldnt overwork yourself. Rino: "I don't--it's the boss that overworks me..." *tries to lie on the couch, moaning* "Ouchie..." mikami: we'll see what we can do to help you. Rino: "I'd like that...But you two have your own work." ryuuko: we still want to help. you're our friend after all. Rino: "..." Q\\\Q "Th-Thanks..." mikami: any time. ^^ -elsewhere- Kishiri: "--then Mom finally noticed how close she was to the edge! She almost backed the car up off the cliff if I hadn't said, 'Mom, we're going over.'" vivian: oh goodness! Kishiri: "Hee hee...Fam never lets me forget that one..." tao: you think _that_ was a crazy one? the other day a centipede got in and i hit it with the fly swatter, but it was an old fly swatter, so when i hit it, the swatter EXPLODED into pieces! Kishiri: "Woooooow...Or a really strong swing." -elsewhere- Kuro: *yawns* "Scoot over..." *crawls more under the blanket* mahiru: *hug* zzzzzz Kuro: =\\\\\= "Mmm..." *yawns* mahiru: mm.....mom...... Kuro: "???" mahiru: *whine* Kuro: "..." *POOF* *hug* mahiru: *calming down* Kuro: *strokes his back* "..." ("What the heck...") mahiru: *chest nuzzle* Kuro: .\\\\. "...???" *continues stroking* mahiru: zzzzzz -warm...- Kuro: =\\\\= ("Thank goodness...I can go back to sleep...") *but he's still stroking him* "..." *nuzzles* -elsewhere- Magaki: <Hello.> tsubaki: how are you? Magaki: "As well as I can...given circumstances." tsubaki: i see. anything new happening? Magaki: "...I finished the lessons in the English book. Thank you. Do you have another one?" tsubaki: *hands it to them* well done, magaki. ^^ Magaki: *nods* "Thank you...I wanted to know..." tsubaki: ?? Magaki: "Have you heard anything from...others about how long I'll be here?" tsubaki:....i havent asked yet. Magaki: "I see..." -elsewhere- Karim: "Okay, that'll be it for training. Dismissed." foien: so i spoke with the commander the other day. Karim: "Oh?" foien: he's spoken with a few engineers to commission a new arm for me. Karim: "Wow! ...You're going to go with it?" foien: may as well. Karim: "Hmm...When you meeting them?" foien: sometime this week. Karim: "Good luck...Need me to take over anything while you're out?" -elsewhere- shinra: .......... Relan: "Shinra?" shinra: hm? Relan: "We brought you some water..." shinra:....thanks....*glances up* iris:....... shinra:.....you're.....really iris....right? iris: *nods* shinra:.....*shaking* i dont feel so good...... Relan: "Well, that's one reason to rest a bit...And I assure you, this is Iris." shinra:....im scared. iris:.....cant say i blame you.....i-if this thing really did look like me.... Relan: "But it wasn't. And we'll figure this out...The Commander has people looking into this." shinra: mm.......am i.....gonna die? iris: its ok shinra. *holds his hand* Relan: *nods* *pat* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *leans back* ("With Aya and the others visiting Kirako, I can unwind and re-organize what I have--") -knock- Kunikida: "..." -_-# *looks out the peephole* ranpo: can i come in? Kunikida: *opens the door* "Of course." ranpo: *plops onto the bed face first* *grooooan* Kunikida: "...Okay. Rest." ranpo: zzzzzz Kunikida: "..." *sighs* *sets a blanket over him* ranpo: *muttering* no....dont do it......if you.....the agency will..... Kunikida: "???" -elsewhere- Kafka: *tapping files* "Busy busy busy--" hans: back to work already? Kafka: "I must. If I left it to everyone else, nothing would be organized--" *vigorously sharpening a pencil* hans: i...see... ._.; Kafka: "..." *taps the tip of the pencil* "OUCH! Okay...sharp enough..." *starts taking notes* "Did you have an assignment? Maybe paperwork to file? Something to type up? Database updates?" hans: at the given moment no, im just here to laminate some papers and write out some assignments. Kafka: "Ah. Well, the laminator has been misbehaving." *evil glare at the machine* "If it continues...I'll punish it." *eye shine* hans: ._.; o..kay then. Laminator: *inanimate Q____Q;;; sweatdrop reaction* Kafka: "...Is the boss happy?" hans: he seems content..... 7//////7 Kafka: "..." -\\\- "I see...Well, good. That'll make work easier until I catch up on work..." *pulls out a file--with glitter* "...Walter just had to upset my organizing method..." -elsewhere- etta: *getting ready for the next show* Leroux: "All set? Or shall we bring you some water?" etta: something to drink. im parched. Leroux: "Right oh!" *pours a glass* "I thought the last performance went well. What did you think?" etta: sure did, all thanks to you as well. ^^ Leroux: "D'aw, that's so sweet--because it's true." ^w^ etta: ^^ christine: *says nothing as she is a doll* Leroux: "Any plans this evening?" etta: well goethe said there was a party at the mansion tonight! Leroux: "Oh, goodie! I hope he won't mind Christine coming along~" christine: ..... etta: im sure he'd be fine with it. ^^; Leroux: "Well, give the performance of your life, sweetie--then we'll celebrate!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: *watching* "Don't go in there, you fool." *watching the movie sylvia: 0~0;;;; aya: watch out, mrs brisby! Kyoka: "I said not to..." *noms on kettle popcorn* -elsewhere- Meme: ^w^ *nom* tsugumi: tasty right? ao: indeed it is. ^^ Meme: "Mm-mm! Good work!" tsugumi: ^///^ *looks at anya* Anya: "..." *nom* mio: your gonna be ok. Anya: "...Th-Thanks..." *sips* -4 days later- stocking: wow, security's really beefed up this year. shura: yeah, just as a precaution. Yukio: "..." *looks around* -elsewhere- shiemi: how does my costume look guys? madoka: looks great. ^^ -there is a girl near by with....two sticks?- girl: hmmm, lets see....hoho! what have we here! *the sticks are pointing to....rin's butt?* Rin: *whistling, sorting through kitchen knives* girl: excuse me, okumura was it? do you have a demon with you right now? madoka: 0-0;;;; shiemi: >->;;;;; it's probably his cat! girl: oh? a cait sith, right? can i see them?? *shiny eyes* madoka: um, who are you exactly? girl: right! totes slipped my mind. call me annabelle warren, demon researcher and occult club member! Rin: *finally notices* "Oh! Hey, ladies!" *waves* madoka + shiemi + annabelle: *sweatdrop* -and so- stocking: *enjoying cotton candy* ~<3 Kid: "Like it?" *takes a piece* stocking: so good~<3 Kid: *nom* "Indeed..." *looks around* -seems pretty busy- Kid: "Lots of people to follow..." stocking: still, got to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. -elsewhere- izumo: ..... Paku: "I'll be heading out now..." izumo: have fun..... Paku: "...I can't convince you to go?" izumo: no can do. got exams to worry about. you have fun.........*lightbulb* OH RIGHT FUCK. -and so- izumo: still cant believe you talked me into this, okumura. Rin: "But you're so good with numbers and math and stuff! And the customers love you!" izumo: well, im here now, right? Rin: ^w^ "I knew I could trust you..." izumo: ..... -that evening- izumo: finally on break.... *phew* ???: "Come here." izumo: ??? *turns* Nemu: "Right now..." izumo: takara? what the heck are you doing here all by yourself like a weirdo? Nemu: *sighs* "I don't have time for this--" *POOF* izumo: ??.... !!!! *It's a small fox doll* izumo: w-where...where did you get that?! Nemu: "..." -elsewhere- Triple A: "Damn you, talk!" *kick* exorcist: grk- ngh.... Triple A: "How many of you are here?" lewin: jeez artie, dont kill the guy before he talks. exorcist: p-please i....i dont know anything... Triple A: "And given his reticence to speak, doesn't that indicate there _are_ more? We find them, we learn more..." -kchnk- lewin: ??? Triple A: "What the devil?" Exorcist #1: "We're locked in!" spy:....cant have you....getting in the way...... Triple A: "...You assume we can't get out?" -commotion outside the door- ???: "Stay where you are!" spy: !!! child: d-dad? whats going on? spy: !!! please! leave them out of this! Triple A: "...Lewin...Did you know about this?" lewin: yeah, i figured we'd have something like this happen, so i planned ahead. True Cross Exorcist #1: *takes the child by the shoulders* spy: within the hour! t-they're going to capture a student in death city, she's important to our goal! Triple A: "Name?" spy: …izumo kamiki. -elsewhere- izumo: why do you have that?! a-are you- Yukio: "???" shura: everyone, we need to find izumo and get her to safety. seiya: !!! adrian: it'll be better if we went into teams. i'll go with shima! ^^ Shima: .\\\. "R-Really?" adrian: come along now~ hehe~ Bon: "??? ...How the heck did he get a date?" shura: shiemi, kaname, you're on a team too. shiemi: we should ask paku. madoka: *nods* Rin: "What about me?" shura: you go with yukio. seiya: bon and konekomaru will be on a team, as will shura and i. Rin: "On it! I'll take the high ground--" Yukio: "Hold on! We should--" *Rin is already leaping up* -elsewhere- izumo: *pant pant* g...give it back! Nemu: "..." *tosses it* "Of course. After all, she gave it to me..." izumo: ??!! y-your lying! its a charm to keep her safe! what did you do to her? who even are you?! -she's reaching into her pocket- Nemu: "COORDINATOR!!!" izumo: for what? Nemu: "...The Illuminati wants you." izumo:... AS IF! -fox summon- Nemu: *sighs* "They told me not to get you injured--" *Suddenly, a giant robot toy appears* Nemu: "Go, my metamorphosing mech warrior Centogaia!!!" izumo: .... !!!! are you kidding me?! "Centogaia": "BEEP BEEP--Missile Punch!!!" *One hand explodes off Centogaia at Izumo* izumo: *braces for impact* *SLASH* izumo: !!! adrian: sorry for being late~<3 Shima: "All that Splatoon paid off...So stop bullying Izumo! It is fated that I won't let you have her!" izumo: miss fawkes! and pink hair?! adrian: if you dont so mind, we're your escorts for the evening, hehehe~ Nemu: "LIKE HELL I'M LETTING THIS HAPPEN! Centogaia! Crush them! Get her!" Centogaia: "BEEP BEEP! Squish them--" Shima: "Well, guess we have no choice..." *picks up Izumo* izumo: o////o h-h-hey! adrian: *le dodge* oop! too slow! Shima: "Girishu chiribikiri...Tadanouun sarabashadoro dashaya. Satanbaya stanbata. Zohatta sohatta sowaka...So hurry up and help me, Yamantaka!" yamantaka: ABOUT TIME! izumo: !!!!! -yamantaka fights off the robot, giving of black flames- Shima: "World class demon...KNOCK ITS PLASTIC HEAD OFF!" yamantaka: BURN IN HELLFIRE MOTHERFUCKER! izumo:...*JAWDROP* Shima: "..." *tired exhale* "D-Damn...Forgot how much energy that takes..." adrian: not bad, shima~ hehe~ Shima: ^\\\^ "I try..." izumo:....um....guys? adrian: nyeh?... OwO;;;; oh, bunnies. Nemu: "FLUFFY TOY BUNNY MODEL TOYS--ATTACK!" izumo:... time to run? adrian: yep! Shima: "Yamantaka, follow! Cover us!" -BOOOOM- madoka: !!! up there! *magical girl mode and picks up shiemi, jumping up* izumo: w-wha...what just.....taka...ra? Shima: "A familiar of mine. My black flames...only attack the demon...or the soul inside. Kind of like certain weapons..." *winks* "Only my familiar is cooler than any demon weapon." izumo:... adrian: *looks at nemu* ... Nemu: *knocked back, lying down, unconscious* izumo: did you....kill him? Nemu: "..." *EYES OPEN WIDE* izumo: !!!!! *All but Nemu are knocked back* izumo: URK- adrian: WOAH! Shima: "DAMN!" *knocked back* izumo: w-what was..... !! Nemu: *groaning, sitting up* izumo: takara? *The hand puppet moves up to Nemu's face* Puppet: "Shhh...Go back to sleep..." izumo: !!!!!! adrian: so it was the doll in control the whole time, eh? i wonder who the puppet really was...~ izumo: .....stay here and hold him off! im getting help! adrian:....sorry izumo, but...... -adrian's horns, wings, tails, and markings appear- pazuzu: im afraid we cant let you do that~<3 izumo: ??!!! m-miss...fawkes? *SLICE* izumo: ......*collapses* pazuzu: shh, there there, it wont hurt long... -pink arrows shoot down at them- pazuzu: oh? Shima: "???" *picks up Izumo* "We heading out?" pazuzu: may as well. madoka: oh no you dont! *fires arrows* shiemi: !!!!!! Shima: "??? ..." *smiles* "That wasn't very nice, Shiemi. Could you ask Madoka to stop?" shiemi: how about _you_ stop and let go of izumo! Shima: "Can't...Got my orders." madoka: how can you do this? isnt izumo your friends? and what about bon and konekomaru? and your family? Shima: "It's...a bit complicated." ^^; "I was just told to watch you all. Honestly, this is the first time they told me to do something like this. Hope I did it well..." madoka: then i'll smack some sense into you! *fires* Shima: "EEP!" *dodges, holding Izumo* "And risk hurting her?!" madoka: !! -a helicopter has appeared- shiemi: !!!! nee! intercept them! Nee: "Nee!" *vines form out, grabbing Shima and Pazuzu by the ankles* pazuzu: !!! Shima: "?! H-Hey...This isn't quite what I had in mind..." madoka: unhand her. Shima: "You're going to make me look bad." shiemi: you already made yourself look bad! Shima: "I just said I can't--why are you making me repeat myself, Madoka? I know you're cute and all, but I can't forgive monotony..." Nemu: "..." -the helicopter has arrived- illuminati member: i see you brought the girl. excellent job. Shima: "D'aw, thanks..." madoka: !!! Nemu: "..." Shima: "So, we'll get Izumo out of here and--" *SLICE* Shima: "..." *a strand of hair falls...on blue fire* "..." QwQ "H-How--" Rin: "..." *death glare* "Shima...WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, MAN?!" -FREEEEEEEEEN- madoka: EEP! Rin: "GAH!" Shima: "...Huh. Really? Right now?" konekomaru: >-< Bon: *covering his eyes* stocking: *angel mode* *glaring at illuminati goons* Shima: OwO "...All kinds of cuteness wanting to attack us...Not how I wanted this to go..." pazuzu: aw, how cute, the taint blood princess decided to play with us too~ Shima: ^w^;; "Maybe don't pester Stocking, Pazuzu? She looks pissed..." stocking: i dont know what that light was just now, or what you guys think your doing, but you need to stop this shit right now. besides, i dont think my dad would appreciate you insulting me like that. ???: *someone talking, their mouth full* "Nope. Not at all." stocking:... with food in your mouth? REALLY? =_=; Mephisto: *swallows* "I was in the middle of something. I did not expect the Illuminati to provoke us so soon. Hmm...Lord Death is going to talk my ear off about this..." ???: "HELLO, ALL." Mephisto: -_-# stocking: what the hell? *The light above assumes the form of a bird, speaking...* Light Bird: "I did not mean to be so rude..." *The light crashes down like lightning, assuming the form of a human* stocking: what the fuck?! madoka: ??!! ???: "Greetings...I am Lucifer." Bon: "?!!! The light bringer..." stocking: ...im gonna go out on a limb and say your the head of the enemy group, right? Mephisto: ^^; "Now, now, sweetie...Let's not be so rude to my brother..." stocking:.........dad........WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Rin: "IS THERE LITERALLY NO ONE IN THIS FAMILY WITH SOME BLACK SHEEP IN IT?!!!" Mephisto: ^^;;;;;;;; "Brother...Why have you come out here? Was it the dry arid air, something to help you with that cough?" stocking: ....whatever, i'll question this later. what are you doing here _uncle_? Lucifer: *cough* "N-No...It was something else. But it is a bit of a family reunion..." Rin: "...Oh, God..." Mephisto: "..." *eyeroll* "Here we go..." Lucifer: "Today, I declare our war on the True Cross and its allies who would get in the way of our goal: to bring back Father." stocking: ?? Lucifer: "We will bring back Satan--and Assiah and Gehenna will be one again." stocking: what do you mean _again_? Lucifer: "Your father has not told you? That is disappointing...I was hoping he would help us..." stocking: *looks at mephisto* Mephisto: "..." *looking serious* stocking:....dad? Lucifer: "In the beginning--the beginning, as far as any of you need to know--there was unity. Then light appeared, and from it darkness was identified. Assiah and Gehenna were cleaved from each other, and from it spread inequality...Is this the world you wanted, Brother? The one where being a demon made you persecuted? Where even one drop of demon blood made you hated?" Mephisto: *smiling...but his right-hand shakes slightly* stocking: ........ pazuzu: even more so if one were to have the blood of demon _and_ angel, a taint blooded freak that shouldnt even exist~ stocking: *tenses up* Lucifer: *stares at Pazuzu* pazuzu: whaaat? its truuue~ Lucifer: *sighs* "Brother...Join me. With your help, we can make this world equal for all..." Mephisto: *smiles* "You call it equal...and I agree, this world is by no means equal. And I am happy to join with anyone to bring about such a world." Lucifer: "...And you think I wouldn't?" stocking: d-dad? Mephisto: "I've seen, firsthand, the 'equality' Father created: a caste system of demons, each clawing up over the other to reach for the Sun and Heavens. This 'equality' you bring back is simply another hierarchy with you on top, like the rank Illuminati has always been." Lucifer: "..." madoka: *still attacking shima* GIVE IZUMO BACK! Shima: *holding Izumo carefully* "H-Hey now! You'll cut up poor Izumo!" madoka: just give her back already! what does she have to do with any of this?? Shima: "Beats me! I just know the Boss said it's part of the plan--" Mephisto: "That word...'inequality.' I assume you mean the caste system in place in this world? But there is one more reason..." *smiles--before he bellows, blowing wind across the rooftop* "YOU DARED TO INSULT MY CHILDREN!" *The wind knocks over Shima* Shima: Q_Q *trying to keep balance* *The wind knocks down Lucifer* pazuzu: OwO;;;;; Lucifer: "!!!" *coughs blood* illuminati member: !!! sir! Lucifer: "D-Doctor..." pazuzu: shimaaaa lets get out of here already! Shima: "R-Right..." *carries Izumo* Rin: "?!!! Do something, Mephisto!" Mephisto: *smiling...and looks at Rin* "If I could, wouldn't I have done so by now?" Rin: "!!! ...Then I'm glad I'm too stupid to let logic hold me back..." *rushes forward* stocking: *charges as well* Shima: "..." *sighs* "What a drag..." *walks forward, calmly, standing before the Illuminati to give them cover* pazuzu: *TAIL SWIPE AT RIN AND STOCKING* Rin: *dodges* "YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!" *slams a foot at Pazuzu's head* pazuzu: *unfazed* go on~ get mad at me and hit me with all you have~ -the helicopter starts up- Rin: "!!!" *looks back to see Shima bringing Izumo onto the helicopter* Shima: "..." Rin: "SHIMA! Bring her back, or I'll--" Shima: *looks back* "--kill me?" Rin: "..." madoka: ..... Shima: "..." *smiles sadly* "I'll give you some advice. If you want to get stronger, you're going to have to be ready to kill me...and other humans...because that is who the Illuminati recruits." madoka: *stomach drops* ???: "Shima..." Shima: "???" "...Bon..." Bon: "What kind of a joke is this...WHAT THE HELL, SHIMA?!" Shima: "...My friends...Thank you." konekomaru: *too stunned to move* Shima: "I value the trust you put into me, for all this time..." *smiles* "But that is as far as it got." Bon: "!!!" pazuzu: i should go too... it was fun, stocking, teaching with you....*pokes her nose* boop~ *flies away* stocking: .... Shima: "See you soon." *waves, as he enters the helicopter* Bon: *shaking...* "SHIMA! YOU THINK I'LL ACCEPT THIS!" *runs at the helicopter* *The doors close behind Shima...who promptly collapses* -the helicopter takes off- stocking: *wings out* oh no you don- *FWOOOM* stocking: !! Rin: *looks up* "...What the hell is that?" stocking:.... !!!!!! shura: mother-... *over intercom* EVACUATE THE SCHOOL GROUNDS, NOW! *There is...a hole in the sky...and something...no...multiple demons are passing through it* stocking: shit! Mephisto: "When Lucifer arrived...the barrier between worlds weakened at just this spot..." shura: luckily, the rest of the city is unscathed. for the time being. madoka: what do we do now? Mephisto: *smiles at Madoka* "I don't suppose you're offering your services to my meager forces again, are you?" madoka:...*nods* stocking: so whats the plan, dad? Mephisto: "Excellent! That puts my mind at greater ease." *looks to Stocking* "I will need you and Yukio to lead the exwires to rescue Izumo." stocking: right. shiemi: we're going now? Yukio: "Just us? What about back-up?" Mephisto: "Yes, now. And don't worry--I already have someone lined up to go with you!" shiemi: really? Mephisto: "Yes." *holds up Nemu* shura:................................................what? Rin: "??? Wait, Bunny Dude? What can he do--" Mephisto: "He's an upper first-class exorcist I personally recruited~" Rin: "..." *stabbed in the heart* "Wh-When am I ever going to advance..." konekomaru:.....*glasses crack of shock* Bon: *all color has faded from him* Yukio: "..." stocking: ._.;; *doesnt even know her own rank* shiemi: ??? madoka: what about shima? Mephisto: "I'm afraid I do not know what has happened with him...but we must accept that Shima was an Illuminati spy--" konekomaru: we cant prove that! Mephisto: "I would think what you just witnessed was proof enough..." *COLLAR CLUTCH* Mephisto: "??" konekomaru: even so, we're bringing both izumo _and_ shima back! Rin: *nods* Mephisto: "..." *sighs* "Focus on bringing Izumo back. Shima's return will just be the dessert..." stocking: *nods* alright, lets move out! -at the train station- stocking: everyone ready? Paku: *watching them* shiemi: *looks at paku and nods* stocking: *hugs kid* the timing of this mission couldnt be worse. Kid: "We'll make it up...Just come back, with everyone." stocking: i will. *kiss* i love you, kid. dont ever forget that, ok? Kid: "..." *wiping his eyes* "D-Don't say that...Just come back..." stocking:...right. Kid: *smiles weakly* Paku: "Shiemi...Bring her home." -and so- shiemi: we're going back to japan? Yukio: "Our source located them near Inari Shrine in the Shimane Prefecture." konekomaru: so we're flying again? stocking: yep. we've contacted someone in the japan branch to drive us there. madoka: so how do we know that's where they are? Nemu: "I planted a doll on Izumo to track her..." madoka: i see. stocking: so the illuminati is a thing after all....yukio, you're the experienced teacher here. exposition time would be nice. Rin: "Yeah, I've heard so much about them: Gravity Falls, Gargoyles, Wikipedia articles--" Yukio: -_-; "That's fiction. This is real life." Yukio: "This iteration was founded 200 years ago., a secret society associated with demons. True Cross has investigated...and found they are a terrorist organization." konekomaru: ......renzou.... Rin: "Konekomaru...You think he..." konekomaru: i dont think so. call it a gut feeling or whatever, but i think renzou still is on our side. madoka:.... -and so- shiemi: so any idea who our driver is? stocking: not a clue. Rin: "...Um...Guys? Someone's holding a sign with Bon's name on it..." Bon: "?!" konekomaru: oh! ???: "Ryu!!!" Bon: -______- konekomaru: long time no see, yoshikuni. ^^; shiemi: ? stocking: friend of yours? Bon: "I mean--" Yoshikuni: "I'm a childhood friend of Ryu! I've been in love with him since then." shiemi: o.o madoka: oh my. Bon: "COULD YOU NOT RIGHT NOW?!" Yoshikuni: "Fufu--I'm just kidding! When we were kids, we'd say we would get married. But I would never hold Bon to that--right, sweetums?" Bon: -\\\\\\- "I'm dead. I'm dead..." konekomaru: *sweatdrop* stocking: .....aaaanyway, i assume you're our ride? Yoshikuni: "Right on. I'll get you there on time..." -and so- Rin: *pushed against Bon in the back seat* "Scoot over, man..." Bon: "..." shiemi: roomy. madoka: *checking map* Rin: "..." *stare* "Your frowny face is pissing me off, Bon..." Bon: "..." *looks out the window* Rin: "...You know what...STOP BEING SO CALM!" *Rin kicks Bon--so hard that the door flies off, and Bon with it* konekomaru: D8> Yukio: "WHY DID YOU KICK HIM THAT HARD?!" Rin: "It's not my fault the door is this flimsy!" Yukio: *looks out the window* "Please tell me he landed in something soft--" Bon: *dripping wet, his hair over his eyes* =_= "..." konekomaru: ._.; stocking: yikes. Rin: "..." *gets out of the car when they pull over* "Could you just stop with the sad sack schtick?! This is--" Bon: "Not. About. You." Rin: "..." Bon: "Shima...is like family. And it is family's responsibility... if it comes down to it..." *lifts up his head* "I'll kill him, then myself in retribution." Rin: "... ... ...BWA HA HA HA HA HA!" Bon: "!!! Shut up!" Rin: *wipes his tears* "Oh, man...You're like I was...when I wanted to die..." madoka: ....... Rin: "I'm glad...someone is worried about him, like you all were worried for me. So don't stop that..." Bon: "..." *shivering* konekomaru: *smiles* Rin: "...Hey, it's okay to cry--" Bon: "I'M NOT CRYING! I'M THINKING HOW I'M GOING TO RIP SHIMA'S LIMBS OFF AND BEAT HIM TO DEATH WITH THEM!" Rin: "That's the spirit!" -elsewhere...- ???: "Help..." izumo: ??? ???: "...not happy...Why..." izumo:....m...mom?.... ???: "Why...won't you help me?" -...shut up...this....everything.....its your fault!- ???: "Sister?" izumo: !!!! tsukumo? Tsukumo: "Are you crying?" izumo: n-no im fine. *hugs* its going to be ok, its going to be- *wakes up* ah! *She's in a medical room, attached to an IV drip* izumo: nnh.... ???: "Hey, you're up!" izumo: *glances.....and glares* you..... Shima: *smiles* "Thirsty?" *shakes an unopened bottle of water* izumo:.....*looks away* Shima: "Oh, and FYI--I didn't undress you. The nurses did that...and I was kind of unconscious." *opens and sips from the bottle* izumo: ................ Shima: "...So, since you're up, you ready to talk to the higher-ups?" izumo: ....... *A rattle is heard approaching the open door...* izumo:......!!!!! ???: "I-Izumo? Help..." izumo: <m....moth...er?> *Restrained to a wheelchair is a woman, bandaged all over, looking dazed, brought in by a nurse* ???: "It's quite unfortunate...that this hag deteriorated faster than expected." izumo: ???!!! *A short, portly doctor enters* ???: "So we needed to bring you in..." izumo: you....you piece of shit! ???: "That's Dr. Gedouin to you, Izumo..." *smiles* "You've grown up quite a bit." izumo: this wasnt.......to become an exorcist, i just needed title of 'tamer second class' right?! Gedouin: "About that...we found a workaround." izumo: ?? what do you mean? Gedouin: "Our 'guinea pig--'" *rests a hand on Izumo's mother's shoulder* "--led me to the brilliant insight how to proceed without you needing to complete your training. The spirit recognizes the Kamiki bloodline, so we just need a Kamiki...Any Kamiki..." izumo: ....... Gedouin: "Your poor mother is no longer able to proceed...So I'm left with two choices." izumo: *shaking* Gedouin: "..." *turns* "Nurse. Bring Tsukumo--" izumo: NO! i-i'll do it! just leave her out of this! Gedouin: *smiles* "Good..." *small laugh* "I had hoped it would be you. After all, Tsukumo is too small, and not as developed...in her training as you." izumo:..... Gedouin: "But you need your sleep right now. Tomorrow, I'll complete your examination. If I find no problems, we'll proceed..." *licks his lip slightly* "Until then..." *carts Izumo's mother...* Izumo's Mother: "Help..." izumo:.....*trembling* Shima: "...Izumo, the charms in this room prevent use of your familiars. Please behave. If you follow his orders, I'm sure it...won't be so bad." ^^; izumo:.......fuck you. Shima: "..." *looks* "May I have a moment with her?" illuminati member: we'll be watching... *exits* felisia: .... Mephisto: "..." *offers a hand* felisia:...*hug*......will she be alright? Mephisto: "She's our child, isn't she? She has this..." -phone call- Mephisto: *answers* "Report." stocking: we're here.....the shrine is a lot more....erm....flashy, than i was expecting. *A fox mascot walks up, doing a little dance in front of Stocking* Fox mascot: OwO *dance dance dance* stocking:.... Rin: *shiny eyes* "Madoka, can we buy one? Pweeeeeease?" madoka: *checks her money* i think so. ^^ Rin: "Score!" Mephisto: "That is to be expected. Please ask Takara for assistance." -and so- Yukio: "??? Where did Takara go?" stocking: hmm.... *reviewing the pamphlet* ???: "Such a good visit..." stocking: .... ._.; you too?! *Nemu is dressed in tourist merchandise--and holding a tall fox puppet* stocking: *siiigh* Yukio: "So instead of helping us, you were off buying cheap souvenirs--" Nemu: "It was 1.2 million yen." Yukio: .__________. stocking: ............................................... *siiiiiiiiighs* Nemu: " 'I pray to Inari, god of the harvest, to fulfill my prayers--'" mike: ugh, what do you want no-....hn? you’re not the inexperienced brat, who even are you people? shiemi: we're izumo's friends. mike: so? Rin: o_____O "..." *whispers* "He put the freaking fox demon into that doll!!!" Nemu: "TELL US EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS PLACE AND IZUMO!!!" mike: and why should i? Nemu: "If you don't, we'll just ask someone else. Maybe a more worthy demon..." mike: O-O# ..... very well then. -elsewhere- izumo: ...... Shima: *smiles* "When I first joined the Academy...they told me you were some important person's daughter. But I didn't know how cute you would be..." izumo: you piece of shit. WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SIDE WITH THEM?! Shima: "...Because I hate everything." *smiles* izumo:....*grabs him by the neck* HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING SO STUPID?! THEY'RE YOUR FRIENDS, AREN'T THEY?! BON, KONEKOMARU, YOUR FAMILY, UNAGI, DONT THEY MEAN A THING TO YOU?! Shima: "...When Todo approached me to join the Academy...I felt so much hate towards everyone...Bon...Konekomaru...My brothers..." izumo:...... Shima: "...!!! B-But not you and Unagi! I can never be mad at ladies..." izumo: fuck off. the others, they're your friends.....right?! so then why betray them??! Shima: "...Heh...You got really passionate right then about 'friends.' I didn't see that coming! I thought you and I were the same." izumo: ......... Shima: "...Oh! I forgot..." *takes out a small fox doll* This was in your uniform..." izumo:....................... Shima: *places it in her hand* *turns and leaves* izumo:.....(i guess i deserve this......because im a real damn idiot....) *tears falling* {-….10…..9…..8….7…..6…..5….4….3….2…1….-} {Kamiki: "Izumo! Help me!"} {izumo: -n-;} {Kamiki: "Everyone is avoiding me like they hate meeeee!!!"} {izumo: of course they do, they disagree with your actions. *feeding tsukumo*} {tsukumo: *babble*} {Kamiki: T~T "So mean...Why won't you help your mother? Without Souji here, I need someone to listen to me..."} {izumo: get a grip, will you? usually its daughters asking for their mother's help, not the other way around!} {Kamiki: "Because a daughter should help their mother! I'm so busy with the housework--"} {???: your breakfast, lady tamamo.} {Kamiki: "Thank you, dear~"} {izumo: -_-;} {Kamiki: "You all love to serve me, yes~?"} {fox spirits: indeed, lady tamamo!} {izumo: DONT CODDLE HER! D8<} {-...-} {School Master: "Oh. It's you..."} {izumo: im here to drop off tsukumo kamiki?} {School Master: "...Okay." *turns her back, walks ahead*} {Tsukumo: Q_Q } {izumo:...tsukumo? whats wrong?} {Tsukumo: *hug* "I don't wanna! >~< } {izumo: its ok. do you still have your good luck charm?} {Tsukumo: *sniff* *nods*} {izumo: *smiles* then you wont be lonely. its ok.} {Tsukumo: "...Will I see you after?"} {izumo: of course....} {-...-} {Student: "She's talking to herself again...Ha ha..."} {izumo:....*running back home* .... ??? (who're those people?) } {???: "Ah, there she is...Little Izumo..."} {woman: hello miss kamiki. ^^} {izumo: ???} {woman: we're researchers from a demon research association, the illuminati.} {izumo: demons?} {woman: the creatures most people cant see, like your foxes.} {izumo: they're not demons! they're youkai! you-kai!} {???: *eyeroll*} {woman:....mind if we have a chat?} {izumo:....no thanks, i dont talk to strangers.} {woman: if you want to talk, here. *hands her a card; Maria Yoshida*} {-....-} {izumo: mom! we're home!} {Kamiki: "IZUMO! I need you to watch your sister..."} {izumo: ??} {Kamiki: "Souji wants to meet with me! It should be a good date..."} {izumo:....} {-...-} {souji: so yeah, they're planning some urbanization of the area.} {Kamiki: "Oh, wow...That would bring more visitors to the temple~"} {souji: indeed.} {Kamiki: *leans*} {souji: ?? tamamo?} {Kamiki: "Come home with me..."} {souji: eh??} {Kamiki: "We can play like we're sharing our home...And the children want to meet you."} {souji: tamamo...i.....} {Kamiki: "Yes~?"} {souji: i dont _want_ to see them.} {Kamiki: "...What?"} {souji: i do like you, but if you keep going on like that, i wont want to see you either.} {Kamiki: *eyes staring at him, glossy* "..."} {-something broke....inside my mom that day-} {izumo: mom, your barely home anymore, tsukumo's lonely!} {Kamiki: "SHUT UP! It's your fault..."} {izumo:......} {-...-} {Priest: "Chief Priest! Open the door!"} {izumo: ??? whats going on?} {???: "M-My Sou..."} {Priest: "??!!! W-what the hell--"} {*SLASH*} {*blood splatter*} {izumo: ??!! *running* mom?! mom?!} {*There is a figure with white hair...black eyes...a foxlike nose*} {izumo:...m...mo...m?} {???: "...Here...in Tama's path again...Getting in her way..." *turns, glaring at Izumo*} {izumo: !!!! *backing way* mom?} {Kamiki: "...YOU MADE SOUJI GO AWAY! If only I had NEVER HAD YOU!"} {izumo: .....} {*Kamiki lunges at Izumo, knocking down a wall*} {izumo: !!! tsukumo!!} {*Kamiki spots Tsukumo...and readies a claw over her daughter--*} {izumo: STOP IT!!} {*Kamiki brings down her claws*} {-one of the foxes grabs tsukumo and gets her away-} {izumo: !!! mike!} {Kamiki: "!!! You poor excuse for a divine servant!" *lunges against at her children*} mike: izumo, take your sister and run!} {izumo: *doing so* come on!} {Kamiki: *cackling growl*} {-outside-} {izumo: *dialing a number...* come on....} {???: yes?} {izumo: please! ninetales has possessed my mom! please help her!!} -….- madoka: *shocked* shiemi: *tears falling* izumo.... stocking: so they kept her family hostage and experimented on her mother?.... Yukio: "..." *pats Shiemi's shoulder* Rin: "...Then we just need to find this lab...Let's go!" shiemi: do you know where the lab is, mike? mike: underground. Rin: "???! Where underground, though?" *looking all over from the roof* -...- {izumo:...tsukumo?....tsukumo?!} {*The room is empty but Izumo*} {*The door's lock clicks open*} {izumo: ???} {*Yoshida appears*} {Yoshida: "..."} {izumo: where's tsukumo?!} {Yoshida: "Izumo...Listen to me...I sent her away--"} {izumo: ???!!!} {Yoshida: "For her safety, I put her up for adoption, so that they...so that they couldn't..."} {izumo: couldnt WHAT?!} {Yoshida: "..." *shakes her head* "They can't experiment on your mother anymore...So they want her children..."} {izumo: *her stomach drops*} {Yoshida: "...I came to tell you...because we are escaping. Stay here while I finish preparations..."} {izumo: dont you lock me in here!} {Yoshida: "..." *nods* "Okay...but don't open this door until I get back to get us out of here. Agreed?"} {izumo:....} {-...-} {Yoshida: *in one of the rooms, downloading items to a USB* "..." ("I was so wrong...This is inhuman, more than I thought...")} {???: "Yoshida?"} {Yoshida: "!!!"} {Gedouin: "You're up late~"} {Yoshida: "Sorry. I was double-checking files I misplaced--"} {Gedouin: "That's not all that you misplaced..."} {Yoshida: "?!!!"} {izumo: let me go!} {Gedouin: "Hmm...Someone forgot to lock the doors..."} {Yoshida: "..."} {izumo: ......} {Gedouin: "Let's review the evidence. First, you knew I was going to work with young Izumo here. Second, the search history on your computer shows you were looking up ADOPTION. AGENCIES. Third...you really think I'm this stupid..."} {Yoshida: "..." *glances at Izumo*} {izumo:.........DONT JUST STAND THERE, RUN!!} {Yoshida: "!!!" *takes off--*} {Gedouin: "Seize her!"} {*Guards grab Yoshida--and knock her to the floor*} {Yoshida: *grunts, struggling*} {Gedouin: *approaches Yoshida* "..." *slams his heel onto Yoshida's head*} {Yoshida: "UMPH!"} {Gedouin: "You betrayed me!" *KICK* "You betrayed this lab!" *KICK* "You betrayed...Lucifer!" *slams his foot into her mouth*} {Gedouin: *pant pant, doubled over* "Y-You!" *points to a guard* "Elixir 1021, now."} {Yoshida: "!!!" *starts crying*} {Gedouin: "Ah, good...You _do_ remember. This concoction developed from our experiments on Tamamo has amazing potential. If it works--and I'm a genius, so of course it will--it will make you my first immortal, my dear Yoshida...But, if you're body rejects it...Well, it'll have to be closed-casket."} {Yoshida: *muttering*} {Gedouin: "I can't hear you--"} {Yoshida: "DON'T DO THIS TO ME! D-Do it...Do it to her! Do it to Izumo!"} {izumo: *heart drops*} {Gedouin: "...Say the oath..."} {Yoshida: "W-We will guide the world...to unity...No demons...No humans...One world...We-We brave warriors...no matter the trial...will go forth...I pledge...I PLEDGE! Please, don't kill me!"} {Gedouin: "..." *takes her chin* *smiles* "Good...We need to have followers..."} {Yoshida: *shudders...but smiles*} {*INJECT*} {Yoshida: "!!!"} {izumo: !!!!!} {Gedouin: "Because...they make the best martyrs..."} {Yoshida: "..." *the color fades from her eyes*" ..." *seizes, twitching, falling to the floor*} {izumo:......} {Yoshida: *panting...as her skin turns deathly white...and then starts to crackle* "N-N-N-"} {scientist: *backing away*} {Gedouin: "Keep the cameras rolling...We'll add it to the file."} {izumo: *shaking*} {Yoshida: *ripping at her arm, as if trying to claw it off...as her fingers fall off* "NOOOOOO--" *the skin along her mouth falls away, exposing teeth*} izumo: *sobbing, clutching the fox doll* -outside- madoka: there it is. dream town inari. stocking: everyone stay close. Yukio: *looks* "Sure enough...Illuminati uniformed guards--" *MUNCH* Yukio: "!!!" *turns* Rin: *nom nom nom--* "???" stocking: you brought snacks from the plane here?! Rin: "Na-uh! I bought these in town! The soba is great..." shiemi: *shoves grass sandwich into his mouth* Rin: "UMPH!" -and so- guard:.....hey. Rin: *walks up with Kuro* madoka: excuse us, we were looking for the bathroom? Guard #2: "Proof of residence, please?" madoka: oh, we're from out of town. -something smacks the guard in the face.....a rock?- konekomaru: *armed with slingshot* Guard #2: "Ouch!" *clutching his nose* guard: what the heck? Rin: "???" Yukio: "Remember--they are humans. No killing." -one pummeling of guards later- Bon: "...'Satan Slash'?" Rin: >3< "I couldn't think of a name in time!" madoka: i thought it was cool. stocking:...........oh my god. -_-; Rin: -\\\\- "Let's just get through this maze of villainy and rescue Izumo--" *throws open the doors* "...My God, it's horrifying..." -the inside of the building is....a mall? rather empty though- Bon: "...I always knew malls were evil." Rin: *nods* Yukio: -_-# "Stop." stocking: no one's here.....no.... keep on your toes. Rin: *nods* "...!!! Stocking, look..." stocking: *glances* *Someone is walking...* Rin: "Someone we could talk to..." stocking: um. excuse me, miss? ???: *moans* madoka: are you ok ma'am? *She turns--and has blood pouring out her mouth* madoka: o________________o;;;;; stocking: .... konekomaru: .... shiemi: ..... *The eyes are discolored...the skin is corroding...* konekomaru: ZOMBIE! AND NOT THE MR SID KIND EITHER!! Yukio: "It's a ghoul!" *aims--* Ghoul: "Huuuuuuungry..." madoka: is it...talking? Yukio: "!!!" *fires* Rin: Q__Q "A talking ghoul?" Yukio: "Zombie." konekomaru: so it is like mr sid then... Rin: "I ALREADY ESTABLISHED THAT! WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?!" stocking: certain zombies have their soul still bound to their body after death, be it naturally or artificially. in this case, im going to assume the latter. Yukio: *nods* "These zombies are more like parasites than just demons inhabiting bodies--hence, the human is still in there..." Rin: "So why not exorcise the parasite out?" stocking: its not that simple. they've already rotted to the point of no return. Yukio: *nods* "Once in necrosis, Sid is the only known case of having his soul persist. This...is a dead body. It is best to put her at rest..." Bon: "...Look at the name tag...'Experiment'..." konekomaru: um.....guysss? Zombie: "..." *eyes open and stare at Konekomaru* -theres more than one- stocking:....ok, lets ballroom blitz these fuckers. Zombie 2: "Hunger..." Yukio: "Then go for the head--" Rin: *looks behind* "!!! Like the one...you already shot?!" Zombie 1: *standing up again* Yukio: "!!!" konekomaru: new plan. SLASH AND RUN YO! Bon: "And find the entrance to the underground!" -elsewhere- Lucifer: "..." *yawns* *shifts in his hospital bed* -elsewhere- madoka: *pant pant* i think....we're safe now.... Rin: "For now...But we still haven't found the entrance." *taps his sword on the floor* madoka: ....i just hope the others are alright. -elsewhere- stocking: ugh...ow.....hello? Yukio: "Stocking?" stocking: oh, thank goodness. where are the others? Yukio: "I don't know..." -the doors open- stocking: ?? ...!!!!!! shiemi: nnnh?....!!!! Rin: "What the H is that stuff?!" madoka: *fires arrows* shiemi: nee! barrier! Nee: "NEE!" *summons vines* Chimera 1: *claws at the vine barrier* konekomaru: s-someone help! Chimera 2: *drools over Konekomaru* *Banging is heard against the wall next to Konekomaru* konekomaru: ??!! *BLAST* Chimera 2: "???!!!" *A giant paw smacks Chimera 2 into the wall* konekomaru: thanks kuro! -BOOOOM from another wall as vines burst in- shiemi: koneko! kuro! Kuro: <I'm hungry! Why is there no food?!> *looks up* *sniffs* Chimera 1: *collapsed under the vines* shiemi: *offers grass sandwich* Kuro: "..." T~T -elsewhere- Yukio: "On your left!" *bang bang bang* stocking: *slice* damn, this thing keeps regenerating. Yukio: "..." *light bulb* *takes something out of his jacket...* stocking: *flies up* go for it! Yukio: *tosses up the rope* chimera: *ROOOAR* Yukio: "PULL!" stocking: *doing so* Yukio: "Now slice and blow it up! It'll regenerate into the floor itself!" *fires shots* stocking: *x slash* Yukio: *kicks into the Chimera's head* chimera: *shrieeek* Yukio: *HEAD SHOT* chimera: *falls* Yukio: *loud sigh* "Good work." shiemi: yuki? stocking? are you in there? stocking: shiemi good timing! Yukio: "Who is with you?" konekomaru: im here! Yukio: "Hmm...How did you escape?" konekomaru: shiemi saved my butt. shiemi: ehehe. ^^; konekomaru: and kuro's here too. Kuro: *stomach growl* <Thanks...> Yukio: "Find an escape path?" shiemi: not yet, but we should get the others out too. Yukio: "Right. All of you, follow the path. Stocking and I will cut ourselves out." konekomaru:.....!!! shiemi, you get the others out, i'll be right back. *runs* stocking: *slashes ceiling* what the.....!!! YOU! Shima: "Hey, Stocking. You're looking great." stocking: dont give me that shit. *glances* oh dear GOD what the hell is THAT?! Gedoin: -_-; "That's hurtful, even coming from a future experiment candidate..." stocking: ??!! shiemi: !? Gedoin: "Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Dr. Michael Gedoin, and I am a genius." ^w^ stocking: oh good god you're as bad as an eyesore as grossman. *swords out* please drop dead immediately. Gedoin: D:< "YOU FLESHY INSULTING DEMON/ANGEL HYDRID! WHEN I AM THROUGH PLANTING THE FOX SPIRIT INTO IZUMO, I'LL TIE YOU DOWN TO A TABLE AND DETERMINE WHERE THE ANGEL STARTS AND THE DEMON BEGINS!" *stamps his foot* >3< Shima: ._.; "Um...Spoilers, boss?" stocking: cute but that isnt gonna happen. tell you what. you surrender izumo /and probably shima too/ and let me slice you into gibs, and we'll be on our merry way, ok? Shima: "D'aw, I knew you loved me." ^w^ "...But I'm not leaving here." konekomaru: then we'll just drag you back by the ear like usual. -DOUBLE BOOM- shiemi: O-O; Rin: "BOOM, BABY!" Bon: -_-; "I can't believe you're still on with that..." madoka: ok, we're out! Yukio: "...You three are late." stocking: took you long enough! Bon: -_-# Rin: "!!! Hey! We were working as fast as we can?! What were y'all up to? We were-- ...Is that a demon?" stocking:...if your referring to that...._thing_ next to shima, that's just an insult to demons all over. shame on you. Rin: -3- "I'm demon, too...It's hard to keep track of them all. Not like I got a Pokedex or something..." Gedoin: -_-# "I'm human, you uncultured swine. Shima, fetch Izumo." Shima: *salute* "Ay-ay!" madoka: *helping nemu out* stocking: ..... (something seems off about this....) Gedoin: "Vermin...infesting this facility...Obstructing my progress to unlock immortality..." stocking: immortality, huh? Yukio: "And unlocking that secret from Izumo...to make an elixir...which means those zombies were attempts to create immortals..." Gedoin: *sneers* shiemi: y-you... you.... rotten sack of CRAP! Gedoin: *smiles* "Dear, I think you underestimate the gullibility of tourists...especially those who can't even taste mind-altering substances in what they consume or imbibe." stocking: *glares* Rin: "Those zombies...were the tourists...who ate the food..." *feels his forehead* konekomaru: just touch the back of your throat and puke it out! Rin: "...I-I'm fine! I'm a demon! I can handle that stuff, Konekomaru!" >3< Gedoin: "It was Lord Lucifer's compassion that allowed such meals to be prepared...so that the subjects would feel less pain during the experiments towards immortality..." stocking: you're horrible. Gedoin: "Hmm...'Horrible' does come from the root word regarding 'that which stimulates the body,' so you aren't wrong..." -elsewhere- izumo: .... Shima: "..." shiemi:....!! izumo! Rin: "What is she wearing?" Yukio: "...!!! For a ceremony..." stocking: *jumps up* hold on! izumo: ?! *SLICE* *BLOCKED* stocking: damn. rin! hold off shima, bon and i will go for izumo! Bon: "Right!" Rin: "On it!" *leaps up* Shima: "Oh, good...I didn't want to have to hit a woman..." Rin: "YOU'LL BE HITTING NOTHING, YOU SON OF A--" *PUNCH* Rin: "!!!" *coughs up blood* madoka: !!! *jumps up* Shima: "..." *grabs Rin by the hair--and throws him at the wall* Rin: "AAAAAAH--" madoka: *nice catch* Rin: "Th-Thanks..." Shima: "..." *prepares a stance* Rin: "...Look, Madoka. This is how a friend welcomes us..." Stocking: izumo! lets go! Bon: "We're going to get you out--" izumo: forget it. stocking: ?! izumo: this is _my_ problem to deal with! i'll handle it myself. Bon: "Would you stop being so stubborn?!" izumo: ..... Bon: "Can't you just trust us?!" izumo: how can i trust anyone with this? {Yoshido: "Can't you trust me?"} {Izumo's Mother: "Help..."} izumo: i couldnt rely on them, so why should i rely on you?! Bon: "...Gah! You're still so stubborn!" *punches an Illuminati guard* Illuminati: "UMPH!" *falls off the railing* stocking: *lift* izumo: h-hey! Bon: "Good thing we're stubborn too--" *punches through more guards* guard 2: *wilhelm scream* Bon: "Okumura! Slice a path out of--" *Dark energy swirls around Bon's neck--choking him* izumo: !! Shima: *controlling his familiar* "...I am your friend. So I am asking you, as a friend...Stop. Please." *looks at Izumo and Stocking* "This is how it has to be..." stocking: let him go! izumo: why dont you help him then? isnt he your friend too? why focus on me?! stocking: then why are you crying? izumo: ??!!....ah.....ah..... i have to.....f-for....for.... stocking: ??? izumo: my...my sister.... a-and my mother.... stocking: ?! Shima: *lowers Bon, unconscious* "..." *marches up to Izumo, past Stocking* izumo:...... Shima: "Then do it for them..." *rests a hand on her shoulder* stocking:......do you know where izumo's mother and sister are? Shima: *turns, smiles* "Her mom's right this way..." stocking:.... rin! Rin: *rushes at Shima* Shima: *sighs* *pushes Izumo gently aside, assumes a battle pose, and--* Rin: *leaps over Shima* Shima: "?!!" Rin: *--and runs into the room...* izumo: !!!! wait! she's possessed by the ninetails! Rin: "Like I can't handle that--" ???: "Daiitoku funnu youketsu..." stocking: ?? *Yamantaka emerges again--and knocks Rin off the walkway* Rin: "?!!!!" *BLAST* *Sounds of metal crunching are heard--as something looms over the others* madoka: rin!! stocking: ??!!....you have to be shitting me. *The chimeras emerged...now in one towering mass* Yukio: "Everyone, get onto Kuro!" stocking: *picks up izumo and hops on* -underground- scientist:...whats taking them so long? *BLAST* scientist: FKHYHDJH>J *A blue flame explodes throughout the lab* scientist: EEEK! *A figure falls through the flames--* Rin: "AAAAAAAAAH--" *And falls flat on his face* Rin: "..." *lifts himself up, looks around* "???" *looks at one scientist* "Yo, doc? Where's Mrs. Kamiki?" tamamo: *groan* Rin: "Oh, sweet--that answers that question..." *gets up, walks to her* "Ma'am?" tamamo: nnnhnn... Rin: "It's okay...I'm going to get you--" Gendoin: "FOOL!" Rin: "???" *looks* "...Who, me?" Gendoin: "SON OF SATAN! YOU WILL NOT LEAVE HERE WITH MY EXPERIMENTS! FOR THE BENEFITS OF LORD LUCIFER, THE LIGHT BRINGER, OUR GLORIOUS LEADER, I--" Rin: "SHUUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUUUP!!!" Gendoin: .w.; *Rin's fist slams into Gendoin's cheek--knocking him across the floor* Gendoin: X~X Rin: "..." *shakes his hand off* "Blech...All covered in sweat...Human, demon--like I give a shit...I just know one thing...I can't stand to see someone tortured...and I can't stand to see someone cry..." *aims his sword at Gendoin* "But for you, I'll make an exception..." tamamo: *muttering* Gendoin: "P-Please...I have so much progress left--" Rin: "After what you did to her...to Izumo...No..." tamamo: *SCREEEEEEECH* -upstairs- izumo: !!!! mom?? Yukio: "...Oh no..." tamamo: *rushing up the stairs, screaming* Yukio: "...The nine tails..." izumo: *tears falling* tamamo: *heavy breathing* pl....ease.....end......me..... Yukio: "...Izumo...Your family knows the most about exorcising the Nine Tails..." izumo: i dont....know what to do.... Yukio: "...We have to contain the Nine Tails...As long as it is within your mother, she is contained--" ???: "Fufufu~" izumo: ?! Gendoin: *climbs up* "I can think of a few ways..." Rin: "?!!! Hey! You get back here!" Gendoin: "This vessel cannot contain it...So you have your choice: the Nine Tails is released, the old vessel dies...or we find a younger one." izumo:......*shaking* tamamo:.....no......this ends....with me.......*shambles over to izumo....and hugs her* im just glad.....i saw you one more time....mama loves you...so much.... izumo:.....m-mom..... Gendoin: "!!! Now wait a minute--she is the property of the Illuminati! You can't just--" Rin: *chokes Gendoin* "I said quiet..." tamamo:......*takes an empty syringe from him..........and jabs her neck* Bon: "!!!" Rin: "?!" izumo: mo....MOM!! tamamo: *collapses and twitches...........before going still* izumo: u...uuuu.....*breaks down sobbing* MOM!!!! stocking: *shocked* madoka: ...... Rin: "..." *lets go of Gendoin, leaving him on the floor...approaches with Madoka...limping* Bon: "..." Gendoin: "..." *whimpers...then starts crying* madoka:....do you regret what all you've done? Gendoin: "...Yes...I regret it all...I regret every mistake they all made...to prevent me from seizing the Nine Tails' power..." Yukio: *checking the corpse* stocking:............. Gendoin: "This was...my one chance to earn Lucifer's blessing..." *stands, starts limping* stocking:................ Gendoin: "I'll just have to get back to the drawing board..." -SHIV- stocking:......*demonic glare* get the hell out of my sight. Gendoin: "..." *coughs up blood, looks down at the blade through his chest* "N-No...I'm special...You can't do this to me..." -sword right through the head- stocking: ....... Gendoin: "..." *smiles...and collapses* stocking: *knocks him off the walkway* ........still an eyesore to the very end.... Bon: "..." *looks at Izumo* izumo:.............. madoka:...come on! lets go! ???: *clap clap clap* madoka: ?? stocking: ?! ???: "Great work, Stocking. Although, I should be mad, since we were kind of coworkers." Bon: "?!!! Shima!" shiemi: you! Shima: "Well..." *picks up a box* "I guess Lucifer will need this...Thanks for giving us enough to start with, though. That was really cool." shiemi: oh no you dont! *begins to run after him* Shima: *sighs* "Shiemi, please..." *holds up a hand* -is that....ballroom blitz playing? is it...getting louder?- Shima: "??? ...Oh, fu--" kinzou: RENZOOOOOOOOU!!!! YOU ARE SOOOOOO GROUNDEEEEED!!!! Shima: .____.;;; "...That's only if you can catch me, bro." *looks at Shiemi, winks* "Well, guess we'll have to do this again next time~" shiemi: *flips him off* izumo: wait! tsukumo...w-where is- Shima: >3< "So mean..." *looks at Izumo...smiles* "Didn't you hear? She was adopted." izumo:...... Shima: "Well, until we meet again...and that'll be soon enough” -the next morning- shiemi: so stocking went home, as did rin and madoka... Yukio: "...I am sending Bon to Kyoto to speak with the Shima family. You should return to Death City as well..." izumo: ...... i'll stay for now.....attend mom's funeral.... Yukio: "...Izumo...I'm sorry." izumo:......i still dont know where tsukumo is......if she's happy... ???: "Of course she is." izumo: ?? Nemu: *the rabbit puppet has a key in its mouth, which drops into Izumo's hand* "A gift from my benefactor...to show you where that Illuminati woman placed your sister." izumo:...... Nemu: "You should know...that the woman put your sister in the care of True Cross--" izumo: ?? why didnt you tell me?! Yukio: "?!!!" ("Mephisto?") Nemu: "I was instructed not to. If you knew, that attention would alert the Illuminati where to find your sister, wouldn't it?" izumo:......right....... -elsewhere- Bon: "..." *stands outside the door* izumo: *exits*..... Bon: "...Hey." *picks up a duffle bag* izumo:...hey......t-thanks....for not giving up on me....i guess..... Bon: "...It was everyone who didn't give up on you. You know how hard-headed those fools are..." izumo:...yeah...... Bon: "...You eat?" izumo:....not yet.... Bon: "...I'm heading to Kyoto and was going to have some noodles before the trip. Come on." izumo:....thanks, bon. -elsewhere- Rin: *looking out the window* madoka:....*holds his hand* Rin: "..." *small squeeze* madoka:....*lean* you ok? Rin: "Yeah...Just thinking how Yukio and I...never got to say goodbye..." madoka:....... Rin: "...I always wish I could have met her..." madoka:....im sure she was a wonderful person. Rin: "..." *shakes his head* "I don't know...People who fall for devils seem...kind of suspect." madoka: *smile* i fell for you, didnt i? ^^ Rin: "..." *nods* "So..." madoka: *kiss on the cheek* Rin: -\\\\- *sniffs, wipes his eyes* -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: *hugs kid* im home. Kid: *pat pat* "I'm glad..." stocking: guess we can still spend valentines together, huh? Kid: *smiles* "Anytime..." *strokes her face* stocking: *chuckles, tearing up* our first valentines as a married couple, and i almost missed it. Kid: "..." *holds her* "It's okay..." stocking: *kiss* Kid: *smooch* -elsewhere- mrs shima: *stunned* Bon: "..." *bows* "I'm so sorry..." kinzou: i dont want to believe it either, but i saw it with my own two eyes... mamushi:....i dont think i should tell unagi about this, it would break her heart. Bon: *nods* "For now, the Academy is trying to keep it under wraps--but with social media, it's going to come out..." mamushi:.... Mr. Shima: "Thank you, Bon...I'll see you out..." Bon: "..." *walks with him and Kinzou* Mr. Shima: "..." *nods to Kinzou* "Tell him..." Bon: "???" kinzou: .... its ok. *whispers* he's on our side. Bon: "..." *slow head turn* "What did you say?" *grabs Kinzou by the collar* kinzou: SHHHHH *whispers* he's our eyes on the inside! Bon: *whispers* "You knew about the Illuminati? You knew all they were doing--and you let Renzou help them?!" kinzou: its a long complicated story. we'll explain later. Bon: "...I hope the Illuminati doesn't kill him...because when I see him again...I might." -elsewhere- ???: *coughing* *The man in the mask stumbles to the floor* -elsewhere- *A man in a cloak enters the cemetery* -silence....- *He approaches a gravestone* ???: "...I'm failing, Rain." -......- Chuuya: "I was supposed to give Sonia what she needed...what she deserves. Now...once again, we are assaulted by outside forces." -....- Chuuya: "...I'm considering my options carefully...but right now, I don't want to be logical...I want to give into what I feel...And...I'm scared..." -.....- Chuuya: "...What we learned about...about him...I want to kill him. Even if it burned down the entire Mafia...I want him to die." -......- Chuuya: "..." *shudders* "Why now...Why is this happening?" -...........- Chuuya: "..." *cries, covering his face* -......- Chuuya: *sits there, just passing the time with his head in his hands* -silence....- Chuuya: *inhales* "...I can't do this to Sonia..." -.....- Chuuya: "..." *shakes his head* "I don't like it..." -......- Chuuya: "...but I don't see another choice..." -....- Chuuya: "..." *stands up, rests a hand on the gravestone* "I will..." -.....- Chuuya: "She'll be safe...I promise." -elsewhere- leo:......ngh...*stumbling....throwing up into a trash can* *cough cough* pushkin: <easy now.> *holding her hair back* katya: *pats her back* <jeez, dinner didnt go well with you last night?> leo: *panting* <i...i dont know....p-perhaps its just a bug...> Gin: "...Leo...A word?" leo: ...y-yes? Gin: *walks with her, holding her up* "...How are things with you and Motojiro?" leo:....*smiles* well. Gin: *nods* "...I am going to ask a potentially invasive question." leo: what do you mean? Gin: "...Have you been intimate?" leo: *blushing....remembering*....yes. Gin: "...Protection?" leo:.......*covers her mouth* you dont think i-....d-do you? Gin: "That is up to a trained professional to determine." leo: .....r-right. Gin: "...I know we are underground, but we'll find a way..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *enters Deathbucks* "I know, I know--I'm late--" Kepuri: "No kidding!" >3< Yohei: *sips his coffee* Dr. John: ^^;; Stein: "..." miranda: *washing dishes and humming* Vulcan: "The patient is meeting us here?" foien: hello. ^^ serina: *nods* Vulcan: "...Hey." Dr. John: "Welcome, Foien. How are you?" foien: nervous, but given whats going on, hard not to be, haha. Yohei: *nods* "Well, I took what Fear Factory and...someone else had developed in limb replacements--" Kepuri: "--which I perfected." *beaming* Vulcan: *eyeroll* "And I re-designed to be powered by your flame abilities, if need be" Stein: *lays out the blueprint for Foien* foien: neat. Dr. John: "It's a lot to take in, so you can look over it..." foien: i appreciate it. serina: and i'll be here as medical assistance and moral support. foien: aww. ^///^ Stein: "We just have to finalize a date...John will lead on it, I'm there as backup." -elsewhere- kirako: morning, kids. ^^ *making breakfast* atsushi: morning mom. kenji: good mornin' aya: mornin' Kyoka: "Good morning." sylvia: *nods* Kyoka: "Need any assistance?" -elsewhere- Walter: *rings a doorbell* "..." *looking around* goethe: zzzz <hans. check the door. the bed is too cozy.> hans: *sweatdrop* *answers* yes? Walter: "Top of the mornin' to ya!" *holds up mail* "I brought this in!" hans: oh, thank you. Walter: "Any assignments to pass along to the others?" -elsewhere- mahiru:....*yaaaawn* Kuro: "Zzz..." mahiru:..... O.O Kuro: "Mmm..." mahiru: um. kuro? Kuro: *opens one eye* "...What?" mahiru: >/////////< why are you in human form in bed with me? Kuro: "...It was warm, comfy, and bigger." mahiru:.... .//////.;;;; Kuro: "...So, what's for breakfast?" -elsewhere- Belkia: =w= *humming* ayami: zzzz.... -she has some bandages on her neck- Belkia: *cuddles...kiss behind the ear* ayami: mmm, hmhm~ Belkia: ^^;; "Sorry..." ayami: hmm? oh this? its fine. Belkia: "I just...get a little excited..." ayami: *hug* u///u it felt nice. Belkia: *strokes her back* "Okay...I really enjoyed last night..." ayami: i enjoyed it too~ -elsewhere- Mikuni: *munching on Valentine's chocolates* =w= "Say 'aw,' Abel..." abel: *doesnt say anything cause she's a doll.* Mikuni: "...Oh! You want me to have it? Well, it'll go straight to my hips, but for you, anything." *pops another chocolate into his mouth* >w< "Ooooo, caramel! Good call..." abel: .... -elsewhere- Daisy: *grumbling, looking out the window* louisa: everything alright? Daisy: "Just finding it gross out today--all the lovey-dovey Valentine shit." louisa: ah, i see. ^^; Daisy: "And you just know Fitz is going to head to the shops as soon as all the candy is 50 percent off...He ask you to do that already?" -elsewhere- misono: *has a party hat on* -_-; shinoa: happy valentines slash birthday~ ^^ Lily: *blows party favor* misono: -///- jeez. mahiru: ^^ Hugh + Kuro: *staring at the cake* "..." licht: *nom* thank you for inviting us to the festivities, king of hearts. Hyde: *scooping ice cream onto his slice* "Totes." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *holding a small bag* "..." fuyumi: oh? Todoroki: "Yes. A classmate gave it to me." *hands it to Fuyumi* fuyumi: oh, um. *blink* Todoroki: "I wasn't going to eat them, and I politely thanked the classmate." fuyumi: ah. Todoroki: *sits down* "How were your students today?" -elsewhere- Izuku: ^\\\^ "Thanks..." tsuyu: ^^ glad you like them. Izuku: "They're really cute! I love them!" tsuyu: it took me a while to decide what to make. i was considering frog shaped, but that might be a bit cliche and also kinda cannibalistic, so i opted for the lily pad shape. Izuku: .w.;;; "Good call." *pats her hand* tsuyu: ^v^ -elsewhere- Bakugo: "TAKE IT AND LIKE IT!" >\\\\< *hands a gift bag* itsuka: oh, thanks! ^^ Bakugo: >\\\\\< "Good! You're welcome!" itsuka: *smooch on the cheek* -elsewhere- Giriko: "Okay, kiddo--come over here!" *holds out his arms* anna: *trying to crawl over* Giriko: "You can do it!" anna: ba! Giriko: "Daddy! Yep! Crawl on over to Daddy..." -she made it- arachne: yay! you did it. ^^ *claps* anna: ^o^ Giriko: *picks her up* "Growing girl--getting better every day." *hug* -elsewhere- Free: *covered in flour* "I think that's enough dough..." ^^; milia: *aCHOO* eruka: *snaps pic* Free: "Heh...Let's pop one of these into the oven...See how it turns out." -elsewhere- erina: .~.;;; Guard: "??? Working here today?" erina: *salutes, hiding something in her pocket* y-yes! Guard: "That sucks...No date for Valentine's?" erina: guess not. ^^;;; Guard: "Dang. Yeah, I'm missing my date night...Gonna have to make it up later." *half-hearted salute* "Good luck with the prisoner." erina: you too, haha... *waits for them to leave....slides the chocolate in the slot* Fyodor: "???" *looks up* erina: h-hope you like this. >////<; Fyodor: "..." *smiles* "Thank you..." erina: .//////. Fyodor: *opens the box* "Oh my..." -its a box of heart shaped white chocolates with a note that reads 'hope you like them. i worked pretty hard on them'- Fyodor: "..." *picks one up, looks it all over* "..." *slowly puts it in his mouth* erina: how is it? Fyodor: "Not bad..." erina: t-thanks. .//////. Fyodor: *smiles* "Thank you..." *licks a bit of the white chocolate off his finger* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "I know it's not very pricy or anything..." kim: *nom*....yummy =u= Jacqueline: *smiles* "Glad you like them..." -elsewhere- Ivan: "..." zoey: *making chocolates to send to fyodor. mixed with her own blood* Gogol: <What is with this holiday for some people?> yana: <dont ask me. love does some fucked up shit to some people.> Gogol: <Oh? Is that what you call what the nurse is doing--'love'?> yana: ..... <as i said. 'fucked up shit'.> Gogol: <Jeez, I need a more positive example...Haven't you seen good instances?> yana:......................<hell if i'd know...> *turns to her side* Gogol: "???" <Huh...Not even an inanimate object? For example...> *hugs himself* <I just love my coat!> >w< elizaveta: <it's a nice coat.> ^^ <right leila?> 'leila': *click* <its a nice and fancy coat if i do say so myself, hoho!> Gogol: <Hee hee...> -elsewhere- lana: edgaaar~ Poe: "???" lana: *smooooch and hands him a notebook* hope you like it~ Poe: ^\\\\^ "Of course--I can't wait to fill it up with love poems..." lana: ^///^ -elsewhere- Arthur: *holding up a chocolate sword* "...I love you." tamaki: >////< oh my gosh. Arthur: "This is amazing...I can slice down dragons _and_ coat them in delicious chocolate before preparing the meal." -elsewhere- Yumi: *hug* lord death: =//////= *purrs* Yumi: *strokes his head* "My reaper..." lord death: *snuggles* =////w////=~<3 Yumi: *strokes him* *kisses his lips* lord death: mmmm~<3 u////u Yumi: *rubs his hip--with a small scratch* lord death: *happy shiver* Yumi: *kisses his neck* -elsewhere- Meme: *knocking on doors* "We have Valentine's cookies!" rowena: thank you, miss meme. ^^ Meme: "You're welcome!" *holds up a bat cookie* "Spooky..." -elsewhere- sonia: *petting mito* Chuuya: *enters* mito: *mreow* sonia: *smiles at him* Chuuya: "..." *weak smile* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: *hug* "How are you?" sonia: ok...did you see mama? Chuuya: *nods* "I did...I'm sorry you weren't there..." sonia: what did you and mama talk about? Chuuya: "We...talked about you." sonia: ...... Chuuya: "...Do you miss school?" sonia:.....not really. Chuuya: "...Well, that wasn't what I was expecting...I thought you liked school." sonia:....it was ok....but i couldnt relate to the other kids... Chuuya: "...Well, you do need to learn...So we have to figure out how you're going to do that..." sonia:....... Chuuya: "And I'm not the best at enough subjects..." *scratches his cheek* "I think I'll need to bring in some help with home schooling..." sonia:.....*hugs* Chuuya: "!!! ..." *pat pat* sonia: i love you, papa. Chuuya: "I love you, too..." *hug* "I guess I'll have to figure out who to teach you science--" *BOOM* Chuuya: ._.;;; ayako: its cool! no one died! this time at least. miura: -_-; Motojiro: *pops in* "Chuuya! I got new music!" *his sleeve is on fire* "I was going to listen to it after finish my art project, writing some poetry, and engaging in some P.E., Care to join?!" *his hair is now on fire* Chuuya: .______.;;;; "..." ("...He'd still be a better teacher than other former Mafia members...") ayako: how much damn free time do you even have?! Motojiro: "I multitask!" *fire is now going to his pants* Gin: "...Hence the explosion." leo: D8> *has a fire extinguisher out* Chuuya: "...Kajii, do you like teaching?" Motojiro: "Sure I do! I got certification! But I can't teach pottery." *grim face* "Never again..." Chuuya: .____.;;; *looks at Sonia* "...Would you like Kajii as a teacher?" sonia: can i? *shiny eyes* Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "Sure!" sonia: *beaming smile* Chuuya: "Okay...But Kajii, be safe with her. I don't want Sonia hurt." Motojiro: "I swear, I will take care of Sonia like she's my own child!" leo:...r-right... >////>;;;; Motojiro: "??? Lemondrop? Are you well?" leo: ?? oh, of course, motojiro. ^^ -elsewhere- Kafka: *opens the door to his apartment, marches inside...falls onto the couch pillow...lets out a small groan* -silence- etta pillow: *says nothing, as it is a pillow* Kafka: "..." *holds the pillow, hugs it* -no answer- Kafka: "...I hate Valentine's Day..." -...- Kafka: "Everyone else is happy...No one would ever want me. No one wants me. I'm not fun or attractive or...anything." -the pillow remains silent- Kafka: *closes his eyes* "...I wish I was dead….I can't even do that well...I'm going to just be alone...I'm not like Goethe or anyone who can get a relationship to work...I'm only good at work." -at least the pillow still loves you- Kafka: "..." *looks at the pillow's face* -such a sweet, darling face...- Kafka: "..." *blinks away tears...nears the pillow's face...* -...- Kafka: *smooch* >\\\\< -if the pillow had blood, it would be blushing- Kafka: *small moan, as he holds the pillow close, kisses again* "Oh, Etta..." *shifts on the couch, hugging the pillow, kisses the pillow again--* Walter: "Dude, you got it baaaaaaaaad..." Kafka: O_________o *awkward look back...* "...How long?" Walter: "Before you took your pants off, thank goodness..." *munching on a Pop Tart* Kafka: "...Why are you here?" Walter: "Mom had a hot date, so she needed the apartment." Kafka: "...Gross." Walter: "I know, right?!" ^w^ Kafka: "...Could I have, like, five minutes?" Walter: "Sure thing. I'll heat up a pizza." Kafka: "Y-Yeah, thanks..." -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Happy Valentine's Day, sweetness..." stocking: happy valentines to you too~ *slides up under his shirt* Kid: *moans* "Oh, yes..." stocking: *licking his chest* Kid: "A-Aaaaaah~" >\\\\\\< stocking: yeah, you like that, dont you~? Kid: "Y-Yes...I want your lips right there..." stocking: *kiss* *sliding her hand down his pants* Kid: .\\\\\. *small squeak* stocking: *smirks and squeezes tightly* Kid: *gasps* "...Oh my~" stocking: does that feel good, honey~? Kid: "It feels amazing..." *moaning, squirming* stocking: *rubbing and licking a nipple* Kid: *louder moan...he's getting harder in her hand* stocking: good boy~ Kid: "I-I want to be good for you, my queen..." stocking: *smirks* close your eyes, its gonna be a long night~ -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *staring out the window* "..." -...- -someone is exiting a shop across the street....its tsubaki!- Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" QwQ "..." *watches* -you know you cant go see her now...- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *paws at the window* {tsubaki: hehe~ *snuggles the fox* ^///^} {Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ *licks her hand*} {tsubaki: *snuggles*} {*POOF*} {tsubaki: o///o} {Mr. Tsubaki: *stares into her eyes...smiles*} {tsubaki:...*smiles and leans in*} Mr. Tsubaki: *sniff* ("I-I miss her so much...") mary: time to eat ^^.....toby? hey, whats wrong, toby? *pet pet* Mr. Tsubaki: Q____Q *whimpers, pawing the window* mary: do you want to go out for a walk? Mr. Tsubaki: *wagging his tail* mary: ok, leash time! Mr. Tsubaki: *walks up, lowering his head for the leash* -and so- Mr. Tsubaki: *looking around* tsubaki: *checking phone* Mr. Tsubaki: OWO;;; -she doesnt seem to notice- Mr. Tsubaki: *tugging on the leash* mary: woah! toby, easy boy! tsubaki: ?? *glances* Mr. Tsubaki: *small fox yip* tsubaki: *eyes widened in disbelief* Mr. Tsubaki: OwO *wagging his tail* mary: *was dragged and is all banged up* im ok. tsubaki: ....oh, what a cute fox. *sad smile. she remembers* Mr. Tsubaki: *not even noticing Mary* QwQ *leans his head to her feet* tsubaki: *kneels down and pets his head* mary: thanks, his name's toby. ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: =w= *wagging faster* mary: aww, he likes you! tsubaki: hehe, he sure does... Mr. Tsubaki: *nuzzles her hand, soft pant* -elsewhere- atsushi: *nom* >///< thanks lucy! this tastes amazing! Lucy: ^\\\^ "I'm glad to hear. I took a long time working on the recipe--and Kirako was really helpful!" atsushi: its the first time i ever got valentines chocolate so....thanks for being my first. ^///^ Lucy: .\\\\. *scoots closer* "...No one ever did this for you?" atsushi: not really, no. Lucy: "...Me neither." >\\\\> "I was so plain looking...and...well, you know my backstory." atsushi:....*holds her hands* Lucy: .\\\\\\. "..." *sniff* atsushi: *bright pink in the face* t-the moon looks beautiful tonight, doesnt it? >////< Lucy: "???" *looks* "...Yeah. In it's own creepy way..." atsushi: ^///w///^;;;;;; Lucy: "..." *leans closer* atsushi: *leans* >////~////<;;;; Lucy: "..." *smooch* atsushi: .... u/////////////////u *tiger tail pops out and curls into half a heart shape* Lucy: ^\\\\\^ *hug, cuddle* atsushi: *purrs* Lucy: *strokes his head, scratches behind his ear* atsushi: *dopey giggling as his leg thumps violently* Lucy: "Hee hee...Look at you...You're ready to bounce." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "I'm home..." karin: how did it go? Vulcan: "Our patient is in good spirits--so, surgery's up to the other docs." karin: good job. ^^ *pat on the back* Vulcan: ^\\\^ "Thanks...How've things been here?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *staring out the window with a glass of scotch* "..." louisa: everything alright, sir? Fitzgerald: "...I miss them." louisa:...*pap pap* -elsewhere- twain: *yAAAAWN* finally back home! *slumps into bed* zzzzzzzzzzz Benimaru: *smooch* Steinbeck: *dragging two treasure chests and a bag* -_-# "Lazy sack of..." ebie: zzzz oscar: finally home. Hemingway: *carrying Ebie in* *whispers* "Yep...Can't wait to get my new pet into the fishtank..." *holding a bag...with a piranha* emily: .-.; baum: time for bed. dorothy: *being carried on his back, asleep* Piranha: *biting at the bag towards Hemingway* Hemingway: ^w^ Steinbeck: *nods* "Meeting tomorrow before dinner." -after everyone else went to bad- emily: um...mr steinbeck? *hands him something, a card* here. Steinbeck: "???" *looks it over* -its a valentines card- emily: i know its a bit last minute but, happy valentines day, sir. *exits*... .///.; Steinbeck: ._.;;; -elsewhere- kirei: zzzzz *snuggles up to benimaru* Benimaru: =\\\\= *holds her* -elsewhere- Tsuyuki: *yawns* tsurugi: >u> -a tiny little bot comes rolling up to tsuyuki- Tsuyuki: "..." *picks it up* -happy valentines. <3 -the name is smudged- - tinker: *waves* Tsuyuki: "..." *waves* tinker: success! Jun: "...Hello." takuto: hi mommy! ^u^ -the grave is silent- Jun: "Takuto and I wanted to see you." *looks at Takuto* "Need a moment?" takuto: *puts down a card* we made cards in class today. Jun: "Yours turned out great..." -...- Jun: "...Takuto and I...are glad to be here..." takuto: *looks around* Jun: "...We wish you were here." -....- Jun: "..." *rests a hand on the tombstone* -a warm feeling passes over him- Jun: "..." *looks behind him* -nothing there...- Jun: "..." *sad smile...pats Takuto* takuto: *waves his lion plushies hand* bye bye, mama. love you! Jun: *nods* "We love you..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki:....*snuggle* Black Star: =\\\w\\\= *hug* -elsewhere- Asura: "Happy Valentine's Day." *holds up a beating human heart* mikan: aww, how sweet. *smooch* Asura: =\\\\= mikan: hehe~<3 ^///^ Asura: *cuddles, purrs* -morning- stocking: so that's my report. Mephisto: *sips tea* "Thank you for it." stocking: ....you know something, dont you? Mephisto: *sweet smile* "Don't I always~?" stocking: well do you think you could at least tell me? if not as a teacher, then at least as your daughter? Mephisto: "...How long do you think demons live?" stocking: ....a long time? Mephisto: "Yet you saw the condition of Lucifer. Why do you think he was so sickly?" stocking:...... Mephisto: "To be a demon is to be eternal...but not the body." stocking: ....dad.... Mephisto: *smiles* "Lucifer's body is older, and he is more powerful...and he wants no time waiting for his body to regenerate, hence his pursuit of that Elixir." stocking: ....... Mephisto: "And it didn't take a genius to realize the Light Bringer was leading the Illuminati--it's in the name, after all. So, what would you do if you wanted to know more about a secret organization?" stocking: send someone to infiltrat-..... *lightbulb* Mephisto: *claps* "Brilliant~" stocking: .......please tell me our spy is adrian. Mephisto: "Why would you think it's Adrian?" stocking: at least she's not shima. Mephisto: "True. But almost no one would suspect some fool like Shima was in the Illuminati...or could be a double agent." stocking: ......fair point. Mephisto: "It was a good thing I had some contingency plans for Izumo..." stocking: including her getting kidnapped? Mephisto: "Well...I'm looking at my contingency plan." stocking: *sweatdrop* Mephisto: "If Izumo was captured, who better than her teacher and classmates to save her?" stocking:...*small smile* right..........do you know where mom is right now? Mephisto: "She was roaming the halls." stocking: kay, thanks. *exits* felisia: hm? stocking? whats u- stocking: *tight hug* felisia: ah! stocking:....thanks for being my mom.... felisia:...*smiles and hugs back* -elsewhere- sylvia: s-so im....starting school? Kyoka: *nods* "I think you'll fit in well." sylvia: .~.;;; Kyoka: "...Did you used to go to school?" sylvia: i-i was...home schooled....m-most of the time... Kyoka: "..." *nods* "Not so different...The Mafia had me focused more on missions." sylvia:...o-oh..... Kyoka: "So it took some getting used to. But we have friends there..." sylvia: i-i-i see..... Kyoka: "And the teachers are mostly harmless." sylvia: ... Kyoka: "Just avoid Dr. Stein." sylvia: ??? Kyoka: "He's not hard to miss. He has a screw through his head." sylvia: oh, h-he was the man a-at miss etta's show a while back, r-right? Kyoka: *nods* "Him." sylvia: o-ok. Kyoka: "Stick to Miss Marie." sylvia: w-who's that? Kyoka: "She's one of the other teachers. She's really polite and helpful. She has long blonde hair and rants about dating." sylvia:...i-i see.. Kyoka: *pulls out a page* "Let's write up your course schedule. I think one or two ability courses will help." sylvia: o-ok. Kyoka: "Do you like gym?" sylvia: i-im not really g-good at it. Kyoka: "Any hobbies like art or pottery?" sylvia: i'm not...really good at anything. Kyoka: "...Then this is an opportunity to try new things. Want to take pottery with me?" sylvia: um....i-i guess so? Kyoka: "Okay." *writes down pottery for the day and time* "I'll try to make sure someone you know is in each class." sylvia: o-ok... Kyoka: "I would tell you to avoid the Mafia, but I haven't seen them..." sylvia: ... Kyoka: "Hmm...Let's get something at the cafeteria. I'll show you how to order." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "What you gonna wear to the wedding, Fang?" fang-hua: well, since it's going to be a more traditional style, i might get something at the town's seamstress. Tsukiyo: ._.; "...Oh...I...ordered online." fang-hua: ^^; to each their own, i guess. Tsukiyo: "I hope it looks good--" Konro: "Mail call!" *hands a package to Tsukiyo* Tsukiyo: ._____.;;; fang-hua: a lot faster than most packages. -elsewhere- Vulcan: "You keep bugs?" Kepuri: "You design robotics themed around animals?" Vulcan: *nods* "I even made a firefly-themed lantern." Kepuri: "..." Vulcan: "..." Kepuri + Vulcan: *TOTALLY PLATONIC SOBBING HUG* "KINDRED SPIRIT!" lisa + akaderu: *sweatdrop* yu: ^^; akaderu: all they need is a fish type to complete the triforce. lisa:....what? akaderu: n-nothing. -elsewhere- Anya: "..." Fitzgerald: "..." Anya + Fitzgerald: "YOU AGAIN?! UNHAND THAT HEAVILY DISCOUNTED COMMONERS' AFTER-VALENTINE'S DAY CANDY!" tsugumi: oh no. *sweatdrop* louisa: lord francis please. Anya: "Royal Kick!" *Anya knocks down a display for St. Patrick's Day* -elsewhere- inka: *grooooan* so bored =3= Panda: "Want to go to the batting cages?" inka: sure, why not. sasori: *grunt of agreement* inka: oooi, sancho, you coming with or not? Sancho: *already has a baseball helmet on...and football pads...and a hockey stick* "Coming." inka: we-he-hell, arent _you_ prepared? Sancho: "I don't want a repeat of last time..." {Sancho: "Okay! Throw it!"} {Panda: "Okay!" *holding a bowling ball*} {Sancho: *readies the bat--*} Panda: "...I said I was sorry." sasori:.... Panda: "But I bet Sasori is great at the batting cages!" Sancho: "Ever play?" sasori:....i prefer football. [note: she means soccer] Sancho: "Oh, then you can borrow my pads!" *takes off the football pads* Panda: "And get her a helmet." sasori: ??? why would i need a helmet? Panda: "Because football is hardcore! I know you're a badass, but you got to protect your head before someone tackles you! Oh! And I'll need the body paint and the rainbow wig..." sasori:...............*looks at inka, confused* inka: ?? Sancho: "Tailgate! Cheerleaders! 50 yard line! Overpriced stadium consumables!" sasori: oh....are you guys thinking american football? what _i_ meant is what you guys apparently call 'soccer'. for some reason. Panda: "...Ooooooooo! So, hooligans!" sasori: -_-#; -elsewhere- kirara: and that concludes today's lesson. esther: another job well done, kirara. ^^ kirara: indeed. *sigh* *knock knock* esther: hmm? oh, perhaps one of your students forgot something? *opens the door* yes? ^^ *Someone is standing there with a bunny head* esther: oh? kirara: -_-; hello, tezca. Tezca: *muffled* "D'aw, how did you guess?" *takes off the bunny head--and there is a bear head underneath* kirara: call it a wild guess. enrique: ^u^ Tezca: "Then I'll just have to try harder...How was class?" kirara: fortunately no one was injured. this time. *glares at esther* esther: hehe. ^^; Tezca: "Been a little too excited?" esther: i do apologize, i can be a bit intense in combat, hoho~ kirara: ... Tezca: "Well, this is a school to prep kids for death battles..." kirara: right. esther: a sad but true reality. *getting tea ready* Tezca: *sits at a student's chair* "What's up for the rest of your days today, you two?" kirara: the school day isnt over yet. -_-; Tezca: "Can I hang out here? I need to hide because of this--" *knocks his fist on the bunny mask* kirara:................tezca? what did you do this time? Tezca: "Look, I thought the rabbit mask would be a good alibi, and I did not consider the feelings of other people who may not appreciate our Lagomorpha friends." kirara: oh no. you didnt show this mask to _that_ person, right?! Tezca: "I didn't _show_ them. I just happened to be wearing it in public." *BANG BANG BANG* Tezca: OwO;; mami: *GLARE* *The door breaks down under the weight of the attacks* Ragnarok: "HEE HEE HEE! TIME TO SLICE THIS BEAR!" Tezca: *hides behind Kirara* kirara: -_-; -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *pouring tea* kirako: thanks, kunikida. ^^ Kunikida: "You're welcome. How are you?" kirako: doing well. *rubs her stomach* Kunikida: "Did you have an appointment recently?" kirako: *she nods* Kunikida: "And...the child is in good health?" kirako: yes...fukuzawa agreed to be a godfather for them. Kunikida: "Wonderful. That is an excellent choice." *sips* "...I cannot imagine what you are feeling." kirako: yeah.....have you ever considered having children? Kunikida: "...I don't think it would happen." kirako: you never know. aya seems to consider you a father figure. {sasaki: *holding kunikida close* doppo...please....i want to feel good tonight...*tears falling*} {Kunikida: *holding her* "..."} Kunikida: "...Hmm. I am simply keeping an eye on Aya...That's...all." kirako: ....kunikida? is something wrong? Kunikida: "..." *looks at her* "It's...not something I want to burden you with." kirako: ..... Kunikida: "...I just don't think I'm cut out for any of this." kirako: ?? Kunikida: "...I think I'm cursed when it comes to romance or...children." kirako: ....*pap pap* Kunikida: "...It's not right...not for any of them." kirako:....it'll be ok. Kunikida: "..." *looks at his book* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Hurry up, Soul--we'll miss the trailers!" soul: coming, coming. *following suit* tsubaki: ^^; Sakuya: "Hope it's better than the sequel..." *carrying trays of snacks* -elsewhere- Kafka: *nom* -n- leroux: feeling crabby? Kafka: *small grunt* "Yeah..." leroux: because valentines day? Kafka: "N-No!" =\\\\= leroux: well, christine and i had a wonderful time yesterday~ i took her dancing, we got dinner, went on a stroll through a garden, *sigh* it was magnifique~<3 Kafka: "...YOU'RE DATING A DOLL!" leroux: isnt she just~ *snuggles christine* christine: *says nothing, as, as stated before, she is a doll* Kafka: "..." *wraps up his leftovers* "I've lost my appetite." leroux: OwO~? Kafka: *opens the door, walks through--* *SMOOSH CLING* Kafka: "GAH! What the hell?!" *moving his hands through something transparent* wilhelm: SUCCESS! Jakob: "Great work!" Kafka: "YOU SMALL LITTLE GNATS!" wilhelm: *runs off, giggling* Jakob: "Wait for me!" Kafka: *rips through, chases* leroux: *sigh* i hope we can have kids one day, <my dearest~> *nuzzles the doll* Kafka: *runs back in* "WHEN PIGS FLY!" *runs back out* "GET BACK HERE, YOU BASTARDS!" leroux:....h-he's just jealous. -elsewhere- Haumea: *tracing a finger along a map* ???: are we close? Haumea: "Very..." ???: .....*feeling for heat signatures* Haumea: "...Take your time..." ???: there's two people. Haumea: "Anything interesting?" ???: they seem to be just talking... Haumea: =_= "Boo...Wish I could hear..." ???: i cannot hear them either. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "--and it's not that I miss school or the Were Tiger, but I think about how this no-kill policy has compromised so much of what I *ramble ramble ramble* " higuchi: mmhmm. *nods* Akutagawa: " *ramble ramble* --then I got found by that nice kid--" higuchi: *listening* Akutagawa: "--and I don't know why they didn't report me..." higuchi: maybe they didnt know? Akutagawa: "I hope not. I was trying to cover my path..." higuchi: hmm... Akutagawa: "..." *opens a dumpster* higuchi: *peers* *There is stale bread still wrapped and unsold, as well as some misshapen apples* higuchi: hm.... Akutagawa: "Beggers can't be choosers..." *grabs an apple* higuchi: *examining the apples and bread* Akutagawa: "...You okay?" higuchi:....y-yeah... -elsewhere-
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peakyblinders1919 · 8 years ago
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“Ada? My, I never thought I’d actually hear back from Ada Shelby. I called you like three weeks ago.” You giggled into the phone, slightly relived that your best friend from school had not in fact, forgotten about you.
You had known each other when you were kids, and because of who she was, Ada didn’t have many friends in school. But why should that ever stop you? You were like her in more ways than not, having grown up with your own 3 younger brothers terrorizing you accordingly. But you had both grown since then, moving up in you're developing careers and growing further apart.
It was only a week ago when you ran into her at a club in London and chatted for a while before she was whisked away to some family business. “We’ll have to do a proper reunion, maybe tea?” she had offered to which you responded with “I’ll give you a ring.”
Which you had. Three weeks ago.
You had thought she had forgotten or not really cared to give you a proper call back by the first week of not hearing from her. You played the encounter over in your head, coming to the conclusion her politeness had all been a formality. So, that’s why a smile played on your lips as you heard her familiar girlish voice answer on the other end.
“I know I’ve been so busy lately, I apologize for not calling early, truly Y/N.”
“Oh no, I understand. Running a business and having a family, enough said, right?” You smiled as you watched Alfie walk through to the living room. Her giggles fill your ear, reminding you of when you were silly school girls. “Oh man, what I wouldn’t do to be a kid again.”
“I’m glad you said that…”
“What are you going on about Ada?” you question here, hearing the mischievous  smile cross her face.
“I really was gonna say we do tea, but I got a better idea…. how about we go out for a drink.”
When Ada suggested you go out for a drink you agreed, needing to relax a little. But this is not what you had thought she meant.
“Come on…” she called back to you in a hushed whisper.
“Ada, I feel ridiculous…”
“You said you wanted to be kids again.” She said followed by an “Ah-ha” when she pic your husband Alfie had reluctantly let you borrow you creeped into the Garrison.
“What are we doing sneaking into your brothers’ pub? Couldn’t we just get in if we asked?” You questioned, following her lead and putting all the empty bottles on the counter.
“Then it wouldn’t be a surprise?”
“What are you talking about Ada?”
“You and me, we used to prank my brother’s right?”
“You used to prank them, I just went along with it.”
“Exactly, like we’re doing now?”
“What have you planned?”
“I’m tired of them not letting me do more in the business. I can’t even be trusted to order the stock so if that’s what they think I’m gonna show them,” she said.
“What are we doing?”
“We’re gonna swap all the bottle and fill them with tea.”
“Tea? Where are we getting the tea Ada?”
“Start making some and I start taking these off the shelves,” she said with a huff as she started clearing bottles off the shelves behind the bar. You stood on the other side watching her with your mouth wide open. After she took a few more off the shelf she turned around and looked at you.
“You just going to stand there or what?” she asked but you didn’t answer her for a  long time; giving her a little taste of her own medicine. This was the Ada Shelby you remembered, not a fuck to be given. After a while you cracked a smile.
“This is one of the best ideas you ever had.”
“Why thank you Y/N.” she laughed. “Now, help me, this is gonna take all night.”
“If you want to do the everything we’re going to need more bottles,” you pointed out as you finally joined her behind the bar.
“Yeah well why didn’t you bring more.”
“I didn’t know what the bloody hell you wanted with them.”
“I guess we’ll just have to make it work with what we’ve got,” she shrugged.
“Or I got a better idea.” You asked her where the phone was and she pointed you in the right direction, finding yourself in Tommy’s office. You rang Alfie quick, walking him up.
“Oi Alf, I need all the bottle you can get.”
“It fucking 1 in the morning what are you doing love?”
“It’s going to be amazing Alf, just grab the bottle and meet me in Birmingham yeah?”
“Can’t I just make Ollie take them to you or something?”
“No, you’re definitely going to want to see this.”
The next night you and Ada, with a disgruntled Alfie in tow, went to the Garrison for a drink. You sat in the private room sipping the liquor you had brought and waited for the boys to arrive. And it was obvious when they did, the pub getting slightly quieter as they headed to the bar. You heard Tommy’s voice ask for a bottle of whisky, followed by John and Arthur. You sniggered into Ada’s side as you knew what was coming. That’s when you and Ada took a breath and slipped out, trying to watch what happened.
“Harry, what’s this?”
“Your order Mr. Shelby,” he answered timidly.
“It don’t look right.” John said.
“Try it.” They bother’s looked at each other and did, making faces as they realized the drinks didn’t burn as they went down.
“This is tea Harry.”
“This ‘as got to be a fucking joke,” Arthur said disheveled.
“What…but I…”
“Give me the bottle Harry.” Tommy asked with his hand thrust forward. The confused bartender did as he was asked and they all watched Tommy as he poured the whole thing out and found it all to be tea.
“Give me a bottle of something else.” He handed over another bottle quickly to find the same result.
“Fuck, boys check it all.” You watched from the side with Ada as they made it to the other side of the bar, uncapped bottle after bottle and poured them into buckets, finding them all to be tea.
“What the fuck is going on?”
“How did this happen?”
“Did someone order the wrong stuff?”
“No, tea wouldn’t have come in liquor bottles…” Tommy finally concluded as they emptied the bar of everything.
“So if there’s no liquor in the bar… where’s all our stuff?”
“Jesus, someone robbed us!” John said angrily.
“John, no one robbed us.”
“What’re you talking about Tommy, our liquor is missing and all we have to account for it is lousy tea.”
“This has Ada written all over it.” He narrowed his eyes at her in the private room doorway, you not too far behind.
“That’s right it was us.” Ada beams, pulling you under the bus with her. You can’t help but laugh when you see the boy’s faces.
“AHH, should have known Y/N would be involved.”
“Bring’s back good memories, doesn’t it Tommy?” You smiled at him.
So yea this was requested and I know I originally said it would be little Shelby’s but I though of this instead. It’s pretty funny, could you imagine their faces? Also how about that hint of Alfie? And idk y I ended with her ambiguously smiling at Tommy but we’ll see...
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fearlesshealy · 8 years ago
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Today’s my birthday! Like I care haha I’m not the one who actually fancy their birthday, I’m the one who hides. I must talk about the day before my birthday, ‘cause it passed midnight, but I had such an amazing day that I just thought I gotta talk about it, I gotta make it eternal, even if it’s just for me. First I woke up very early with such huge anxiety to see Charlie Hunnam in São Paulo. I was invited by Warner to his premiere. I took my friend with me ‘cause he’s so into this kinda things, he wants to be a movie producer, writter or whatever will make him be on this industry. I enjoy his dream. Well, I had to go to my sister’s ex husband to take one of my father’s correspondence to send it to him right away, so after that I went to do it and went all fine. I met my friend there so we could go to Allianz Parque to take another’s friend ticket to a Ariana Grande concert. We ate and talk just like good friends; we have so many plans for the future and I really hope it will be done by the end of this year, otherwise I’m gonna have to leave my state which I don’t want to. I’m gonna have to work out on it to make it happen. Next stop was the premiere. As I was invited by Warner we didn’t have to stay in the line to take the invitations. There was a woman calling Warner’s people. I gave her my ID so she could put an “ok” on my name. I felt like a really important person, a famous one haha It was so much fun, I made a joke with her ‘cause I’m just like this, I like to enjoy everything in the moment. We got in the place by giving them the invitations. They put on us a green plastic bracelet written “King Arthur”. Oh mine, oh mine. We made it, man! We took some pictures and got into the room to see the movie. We saw him on the big screen when he arrived at the place, he had to talk a little bit about the movie and stuff, then he talked with the press, giving some interviews. After that he entered our room and we saw him so handsome, what a fucking beautiful creature. I’m so happy I got to see him. I’d never ever imagine that, EVER. I screamed him some times and he got out so we could watch it. It was 2 hours of movie. I wasn’t expecting something big, but I must confess I loved him on the movie, also Jude Law. The special effects and the slow motion. It was a really great job. Thank God for Charlie Hunnam. He was so sexy smiling and blinking. What a man! I cannot tell more than that, just got to see him in person to understand the feeling. We ran a bit to take the subway so we could take the bus to get home. I talk to my mom a little bit on Whatsapp, also with the girl I’m into, I said to her I can’t be online on my birthday ‘cause I’ve never been. I’m weird and stuff, I hope she understands. It’s a day to disappear and think about life. I’m missing her already ‘cause I passed the entire day out and now my birthday. I’m gonna give her all my attention the day after. While we were waiting the second subway one girl from our past appeared to say she saw our pic together on Facebook and that she felt something by seeing us together. I mean, she should be with us as well, the three of us were very close in high school. She was the one who always said “we were going to disappear after high school”. Me and my friend used to say we were not, we were going to be just fine. She was scared, but it happened she was the one who disappeared. It was sad, but nobody got into an arguing, so that’s fine by me. It’s been 5 years now since we ever talked, this is so weird. Me and my friend missed her so much, we always talk about her. She lost her father on a Christmas. This is so sad to remember, I wasn’t able to send her a message giving her my condolences ‘cause I didn’t have her number. Well, it’s always time to make things right, am I right? I think we’re gonna see each other this Saturday, the three of us together again, I’d love that. I cannot believe this all happened in just one day. I’m so happy. Another girl waiting the subway called me to ask if that was the right subway to get in to one line, I said it was and that we were going there as well, I asked where she lives, she said São Bernardo. Come on, man! My fucking city. I added her on Facebook ‘cause she’s red head and my friend loves it. He had already seen her while we were coming back home. I’m so fast I guess, but it wasn’t for me, that’s why I was fast hahah. He got so happy. We talked about series, she likes Breaking Bad, House of Cards, Lost and off course Sons of Anarchy (The series Charlie’s in). She came back by Uber and we took the bus. Now he’s gonna make his move on her. I hope he got her or even friendship, hhehe. We talked about many things, me and him. He thanked me for the day. Carpe diem, baby, carpe diem! Thank God for another year of life, for my life, for everything He’s been doing for me. Always thankful.
About my birthday, I’m not gonna hope for anything to happen ‘cause I really don’t like this stuff. No gifts, just consideration. 
- A 
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elliotthezubat · 7 years ago
from plays, to hero exams, jailbreak jobs and major storms.
 Arthur: *knocks on Tamaki's door*
tamaki: it's open.
Arthur: *enters* "Hello..." *sits next to her on the bed*
tamaki: whats up?
Arthur: "..." *drops his head on her lap* "Please don't leave me for the Sun God."
tamaki: ./////. *holds him* im not.
Arthur: *nods* "Thank you...I just wanted to see." *hug*
tamaki:....*hug* i love you, you know.
Arthur: "I love you, too..." *sniff*
Arthur: "Mmm..." *kiss, pats her hand*
lana: thanks for picking me up, guys.
rowena: it's no trouble. ^^
Poe: ^^ "How was your day?"
lana: went pretty well. had to clean vomit today, so _thats_ there. -_-;
rowena: yikes.
Poe: -~- "Awful. Some guests had too much to drink?"
lana: you could say that.
Poe: "Hmph. How irresponsible. Well, we can focus on a good hearty meal."
lana: cheers to that.
Poe: "Maybe a good bowl of soup, or a delicious plate of grilled chicken with lemon, or..."
lenore: sunflower seeds.
rowena: ^^;
Poe: "Oh, they serve those at this restaurant, too! Such a wide selection when catering to so many different customers."
Inka: *asleep in her bedroom* "Zzz..."
{Inka: "Okay, you all know what to do?"}
{panda: yeah, we know. *his skin is charred*}
{Sancho: "Just give me a second." *his arm is missing, his left side blown out*}
{Inka: *stares...* "...What the hell..."}
{panda: why'd ya let us die, huh?}
{Inka: "..." *frowns* "You knew how this was. You know what I wanted. Not my fault you couldn't keep up--"}
{???: because you're a selfish coward.}
{Inka: *her eyes shift, forming the shape when activating her Adora* "You think so, huh?" *turns* "Say it to my face..."}
{inka?: *a corpse like inka stares back* selfish, little bitch.}
{Inka: "?!!! ...Who the hell are you?" *she backs up--bumping into Panda and Sancho, feeling their burnt skin* }
{inka?: isnt this what you want? to be so close to death like this?}
{Inka: "..." *smiles, but nervously* "Y-Yeah, it is...It's great!"}
{inka?: *right in her face* then why are you so nervous?}
{-the other inka is rotting at an alarming rate...-}
{Inka: *stares, still smiling, but feeling tears fall* "C-Cool, right?" *she wipes her face* "...?!!" *those aren't tears--it's blood*}
{other inka: *touches the original's face, before unhinging her jaw to swallow her head whole*}
{Inka: *screams, feeling Panda and Sancho holding her, as she is swallowed--*}
sasori: INKA!
Inka: *screams, bolting up-right in bed* *pants, looking at Sasori* "Wh-What..."
sasori: you were shaking....
Inka: "...I-I'm fine...Just a dream..." *wipes her brow, covered in sweat* "Th-That's all...What are you doing here?"
sasori: we have the same room, remember?
Inka: "...Right...I woke you, then?"
sasori: i wasnt even asleep.
Inka: "...Oh...Trouble sleeping?"
Inka: "..." *hug*
sasori: !!!!! i-inka?
Inka: "...Okay, good, you're not some ghost or something..." >\\\> *pat pat* "Sorry to bother you."
sasori:....7///7; *awkward pat* i-it's fine...just glad you're fine.
Inka: "...Thanks...bodyguard. Um...Could you...um..."
sasori:...*lets go* s-sorry.... 7///////7;;;
Kid: *kitten yawn*
stocking: *already getting changed, trying to pick out an outfit* hmmmm
Kid: "Something for teaching? Or a meeting?"
stocking: should i do an office lady style? or should i go with a pantsuit?
Kid: "Maybe pantsuit for a change?"
stocking: sounds good. i'll even wear glasses to go with~ ^^
Kid: "Excellent." ^^
erina: zzzzz
Allison: *peeks in*
Jordan: "Zzzz..."
erina: *hugging him*
Allison: "..." -\\\u\\\- *carefully closes the door*
Jordan: *holds her, small murmur*
erina: *yaaawn* morning, jo.
Jordan: ^^ "Mornin'...Sleep okay?"
erina: yeah...thanks for last night. i-i know it wasnt much but, im glad you were there.
Jordan: "Hey, if you need anything, I want to help..." *soft pat of her hand*
erina: *hugs*
Jordan: ^\\\^ *pat pat*
Vulcan: *sets down breakfast* "Eat up."
yu: thanks for the meal!
lisa: *nom*
nozomi: thanks, vulcan.
Vulcan: "Any time! There's plenty more if you want it..." *sets down his art pad, doodling some shapes on it*
nozomi: what are you working on?
Vulcan: "You know how firefighters have those oxygen masks? I wanted to shrink the size of those while using lighter but denser materials without obstructing vision--and to, frankly, make them look more badass..." *he has drawings of dragons, demons, birds...*
nozomi: *points to one, a bird* that one looks nice.
Vulcan: "You like it? When I get the prototype ready, maybe you can try it out."
nozomi: i'd like that. ^^
Vulcan: "Cool...I think I'll have my work cut out for me--the Commander has me designing a ton of stuff for this trip..."
nozomi: how about one that's a turtle? OvO
Vulcan: "Aw, yeah!" *starts drawing*
Hyde: "Dude, a fight's happening in the hall!"
mahiru: wait seriously?!
Hyde: "Anya flipped a fool! You got to see it!"
mahiru: *looks outside*
Anya: *holding someone down* "WATCH YOUR HANDS NEXT TIME, OR YOU'LL LOSE THEM!"
mahiru: *glances*
Mineta: *pinned to the ground* Q____Q
mahiru: *walks away*
Hyde: *snaps pics*
Mineta: D: "HELP ME!"
ao:....*glances at a dust chute* he should be small enough to fit...
Anya: "Doing it!" *tosses him*
Mineta: "AAAAH--" *crashes into the chute*
Magaki: *looking at various contact lenses* "..."
clerk: see anything to your liking? ^^
Magaki: "What would look normal and assist with UV protection?"
clerk: hmm, let's see here.
Magaki: "I'll try the blue ones."
clerk: ah, and the sclerae color?
Magaki: "Normal?"
clerk: would you like white? or a different color?
Magaki: "...White."
clerk: alright then. *showing a few displays* what suits your fancy? ^^
Magaki: "..." *points to one on the left* "Let's try this one."
Tanizaki: "Yes...Yes, I understand. We'll call with any information...I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. Goodbye." *hangs up* "..." *sighs*
-knock knock knock-
Tanizaki: "Coming..." *looks through the peephole*
frances: *waves, holding a wagon full of flowers?*
Tanizaki: "???" *opens the door* "Hey!"
frances: hello~ i come bearing gifts~! *hands him a flower in a pot*
Tanizaki: "Neat--thanks! Dropping them off around the building?"
frances: indeed~ ^^ thought i'd bring some cheerful little blossoms to the building and its tenants~ ^^
Tanizaki: "Not a bad plan. You try the restaurant downstairs?"
frances: indeed i have~
atsushi: (she's even left flowers in all the agency apartments...) *sweatdrop*
Tanizaki: ^_^;;;; "Well, thank you."
frances: do take care of them now, and water them regularly. and do talk to them too.
Tanizaki: " 'Talk'? It helps them?"
frances: indeed~ ^^
kirako: i've heard about that.
atsushi: yeah, lucy does that too. ^////^
Tanizaki: "Huh...Um...Hi, little plant?"
-no comment...-
Tanizaki: "..." ^^; "Welcome...to our office?"
Steinbeck: *holding up a doll* "Want to play?"
lavinia: *staaaaare*
emily:... ^^; not very talkative, is she?
Steinbeck: "Well, a lot of kids have their own pace." *shakes the doll--and it talks--*
Doll: "I want to play!"
lavinia:....*sticks the doll in her mouth by its head*
Steinbeck: ^^; "See? She likes it!"
emily: ^^;;;;;;
Doll: *muffled* "I love you."
emily: ._________________.
lavinia: *chewing on the doll's head*
Steinbeck: TwT;;;
Shotaro: "Bandages off!"
mana: amazing how not even being all wrapped up stopped you from doing good deeds. thats determination right there.
Shotaro: "Yep!"
{Shotaro: *stamping paperwork for someone...with the stamp held between his teeth*}
{Shotaro: *walking dogs--while being pulled in a wheelchair* "MUSH! MUSH!"}
{Shotaro: *wrapped in bandages, stuffed into a pharaoh casket*}
nea: i'm both impressed and alarmed.
Shotaro: OwO "...Still not sure why they needed that last one..."
leroux: *walking in the hall*
Hirotsu: *adjusting his collar* *nods to Leroux*
leroux: afternoon, sir.
Hirotsu: *nods* "Afternoon. Could I ask you for some information?"
leroux: about what, per say?
Hirotsu: "You're involved in theatre, correct?"
leroux: why indeed. a stagehand in youth, and theatre aficionado, as it were. ^^
Hirotsu: "Ah, good--someone to speak with. I do miss going to shows. The last one was abysmal--the person playing Ophelia couldn't act her way out of a paper bag."
leroux: *LIGHTBULB* why dont we host a production here? *shiny eyes*
Hirotsu: "...Oh, thank God, someone finally recommends it! Yes, please, do! Which plays do you know?"
leroux: which ones DONT i know?! OvO
Hirotsu: "Excellent...but given the quality of, um...potential actors here..."
*Motojiro is talking to a lemon, Kafka is screaming into a pillow, Walter is asleep*
Hirotsu: "Perhaps a simpler play would be the best course of action."
leroux: hmmmm...i'll see what we can come up with!
Hirotsu: *nods* "Thank you."
Konro: "Fireworks, huh?"
fang-hua: yes. it's actually how i also discovered my ability, when my brother jin decided to light one in the house. i managed to hold the flame in place.
Konro: "Oh, no...Was anyone hurt?"
fang-hua: thankfully no. mom tells me grandpa had the abilities too.
Konro: "But not your mother, so it skipped a generation?"
fang-hua: most likely.
Konro: "How goes business for your family without you there?"
fang-hua: it goes pretty well. we get to bring in shipments to the harbor cities too.
Konro: "By ship?"
fang-hua: by ship, by wagon.
Tsukiyo: "Attach sparklers to the wagon wheels?"
fang-hua: no. *sweatdrop*
Tsukiyo: -3- "Boo."
Konro: ^^; "How are the language lessons going?"
fang-hua: they seem to be coming along well.
Tsukiyo: "What're you teaching them? Just enough to get around town?"
fang-hua: yeah. im also teaching them cultural customs and history.
Tsukiyo: "...Think you'll find out about the first fire demons?"
fang-hua: it's likely...
Tsukiyo: "Hope so..."
Spirit: *packing*
izumi: need help, dad?
Spirit: "Sure! Some of the beach stuff can go in the luggage."
izumi: ok!
*Looks like towels, sunscreen...seems to be something in the pocket of the swim trunks*
Spirit: "Just be careful with some of it--don't want anything getting lost."
tensei: *rolling on in*
Iida: "Brother..."
tensei: hey tenya. *smiles*
Iida: *weak smile*
tensei: pretty cool wheels, huh?
Iida: "Heh...Going to customize them?"
tensei: i think so. what do you think about silver with blue stripes?
Iida: "Th-That'd be great..."
tensei:...it's gonna be ok.
Iida: "..." *hug*
tensei: *hug*
Iida: *sniff, pat pat*
Todoroki: *sets out ice tea*
ochako: looks good.
Todoroki: "Thanks..." *looks at his watch* "Should be here soon..."
ochako: *looks around*
Izuku: "Hey!" *waves*
momo: hello.
ochako: hey guys.
tsuyu: *wave*
Todoroki: "Welcome. I ordered tea to start."
momo: thanks.
ochako: ^^
Izuku: *pulls out a chair for Tsuyu*
tsuyu: *sits down*
Izuku: "I've been wanting to try this place--looks peaceful..." *glances at the menu*
ochako: so how was the exams for you?
tsuyu: my stomach still feels weird.
ochako: yikes.
Izuku: "...Maybe some ginger ale?"
tsuyu: good call.
Patty: "Pass it to me! Pass it!"
riley: HA! *toss*
Patty: *catches* "Yay!"
*The toy laughs when tossed*
julie: *laughs*
Patty: "Catch, Jules!" *tosses softly*
-nice catch-
julie: i did it!
Lord Death Toy: "You did it--yay!"
Jun: "Okay, let's see them."
takuto: *holds up his drawing of his family*
mitsuba: DAWWWW SO CUTE!
Jun: "Great work!"
takuto: ^u^
Jun: *pat pat* "Let's hang it up..."
Jun: "Um...Hyakuya, up for getting us some snacks for lunch?"
hyakuya: oh yeah, sure.
Jun: "Thanks. Maybe celery with peanut butter?"
hyakuya: sounds good.
Jun: "And I'll get this posted..." *puts the drawing up on the fridge*
-it's of takuto, jun, yumikage, tsurugi...and shifumi-
Jun: "..." *sad smile*
hyakuya: .....
Jun: *hugs Takuto*
kirako:......!!! we need oranges.
Kyoka: "??? What?" *looks*
kirako: also do we have peanut butter?
Kyoka: "...I'll check." *goes to the cupboard* "Yes to peanut butter, not to oranges. I can pick some up."
kirako: thank you.
Kyoka: *nods* "I'll be back shortly." *exits*
Kyoka: *sets down the oranges and peanut butter* "...Soooooo..."
kirako: Q~Q you're such a good person kyoukaaaaaa *hugs her and sobs*
Kyoka: "...I...know?" *pat pat* "How are you?"
kirako: hungwy Q3Q
Kyoka: "...How about we peel oranges?"
Kafka: "...A play. Of all the things we need, right now...a play?"
leroux: yes.
Kafka: "..." *sighs, lowers his head* "Send me a budget projection report, I'll review it...What play?"
leroux: i...havent decided yet. ^^; there's so many to choose from! romeo and juliet, hamlet, the scottish play, sleeping beauty, cinderella, snow white, so many to choose from! >3<
Kafka: -_-; "Why do people insist on calling it 'The Scottish Play'..."
hans: we're back with groceries!
etta: ^^
Kafka: "... ... ..."
{Kafka: *haired swept back, in princely attire with a cape*}
{etta: my prince~<3}
{Kafka: *smiles* "Princess..." *sweeps her off her feet*}
{etta: *leans in*}
{Kafka: *smiles, closes his eyes, leans...*}
leroux: KAFKA? are you paying attention? *waves hand in front of him* HELLO? <friend?> Hellooooo?
Kafka: -3- "Mm...Mm...Mmm..."
leroux:....*sigh* <well damn.> .....girls, your assistance a moment?
etta: oh, hey roro.
hans: whats up?
leroux: i've been more-or-less commissioned for a play showing here! but im having trouble deciding which production to host.
Walter: *walks by* "Oh, neat!" *walks in* "Which plays are you looking at?"
wilhelm: *pokes his head in*
Jakob: "??? A play? It's not some mushy lovey stuff, is it?" *looking through Hans's grocery bag*
leroux: im trying to decide, but im having trouble. AH! MY MUSE! I BEG OF YOUR ASSISTANCE IN THIS DIRE TIME!
Walter: "...We could just put them on a dartboard and let fate decide."
Jakob: *tosses cinnamon rolls to Wilhelm*
wilhelm: awesome!
hans: you can have these later.
wilhelm: =3=#
Kafka: "Mmm~ ..." *opens his eyes* "... !!!!" .\\\\\.
hans: *hands them both apples* you can have these for now.
Jakob: -_- "Fine. It's sweet at least."
wilhelm: ?? whats up with him?
Walter: "??? What did Christine show you?"
leroux: the apple! i've made my decision! our showing shall be snow white!
Walter: "...Neat!"
wilhelm: =3= is there gonna be smooching?
Jakob: >~<
leroux: of course, it is the most pivitol scene after all.
wilhelm: eww gros-
etta: *shoves the apple into wilhelm's mouth* sounds wonderful, roro!
Kafka: .\\\\\\\.
wilhelm: DX
Jakob: ._.;
leroux: im kind of nervous too, this is the first time i've ever done any directing. _should_ i be directing or should i leave the task to someone more experienced?
hans: breathe in.
leroux: *INHALES*
hans: and out.
leroux: *exhale* merci.
hans: we can host auditions this weekend.
Jakob: "??? What, some goofy outfit and a fake beard?"
Giriko: "How's your sister holding up?"
kirika: doing better i think. classes have been helping her too.
Giriko: "Sounds like good news...Any hint she remembers more?"
kirika: not sure, but she's remembering bits and pieces.
Giriko: *nods* "Preacher keeping an eye on her?"
kirika: yeah. 7.7
Giriko: "...Need me to 'talk' to him?" *cracks his knuckles*
kirika: as much as i'd like to, i'm gonna have to decline for oriko's sake. no clue what she sees in him...
Giriko: "..." *opens his mouth to say something, stops...* "...Yeah."
Child: *crying* "I-I want to go home..."
guruna: oh child. this _is_ your home now. *smile*
Child: "No, it isn't! I want my daddy! Give him back!"
guruna:....your papa's in a better place now. and he's happy. and he'd want you to be happy here too. all your brothers and sisters are happy.
Child: "They aren't my brothers and sisters!" *collapses, covering their face, sobbing*
guruna:....child....are we going to have to punish you? *sickening smile*
Child: *tossing on the floor* "I want to go home!"
seraphim: *picks them up* i'll handle this one......*takes one of her feathers.....and burns the child's wrist*
Child: *knocked down*
seraphim: stop squirming.
Child: "..." *their eyes look deadened*
seraphim: this is what happens to children who misbehave~
Child: "..." *stays lying on the floor*
seraphim: you can stay there on the ground until you learn your lesson....
sasori:......*walks away*
Child: "..." *curls up into the fetal position*
mono: *asleep*
*From outside her room, it smells like someone is cooking...*
mono: ?? *looks outside*
*Looks like Assi is cooking something in a skillet*
mono: ?? whats that?
Assi: "?!!! O-Oh, Mono...I-I was heating up some pizza bagels..."
mono: oh. *sits down*
Assi: *sets out two plates, then the bagels* "Sleep okay?" *smiles*
mono: yeah.
Assi: *sets down the bagel--it's...heart-shaped?*
mono: .... 7///7;
Assi: ^\\\^; "This house has some great cookie cutters..." *sits down*
mono: ........
Assi: "..." *awkward nom* >\\\\>
mono:.....i guess...
Assi: "??? ...So...How is it?"
mono: hmm? i-it's good. thanks.
Assi: ^\\\^ "You're welcome."
mono: hmm...
Assi: "...You, um, have something on your cheek." *hands a napkin*
mono: *wipes* t-thanks. =//=;
Assi: ^^ "I get excited for pizza stuff, too."
Benimaru: *sits down, holding his head*
kirei: *hug*
Benimaru: "...Thank you."
marie: *putting up posters*
Sid: *hangs another one*
sayaka: looks good!
nygus: thanks. mind helping out, this is so much work, its killing me.
sayaka: not a problem at all!
Sid: "..." Q_Q " 'Killing'?"
nygus: s-sorry, slip of the tongue.
Sid: "Y-Yeah, right--Death Child speak..."
sayaka: ^^ so what do you need help with?
Sid: "Well, you can pass out flyers, ask local businesses to put up the posters."
sayaka: *salutes* you got it, mr barrett!
Sid: *salute* "Thanks...If you run out, come back to pick up more."
sayaka: if all else fails, i can make my own flyers!
yana:........*stuffing a dead squirrel* .....
Ivan: "How's it coming along?"
yana:....<ok, i guess.> ......(i wonder.....why did i pick up this hobby to begin with?......its just trying to make something dead seem living, even though there's no life to it......perhaps by occupying myself with something so trivial.....im trying to make _myself_ feel alive.....) *sigh*
Ivan: "..." <It looks lifelike.>
yana:...<i guess so.> (doesnt mean it's _alive_.)
Ivan: <You're quite good at it--very creative with the pose...>
yana: hmm....
Arthur: *holds up two images against each other--a photo of Qingdao, and a drawing of Avalon*
tamaki: what are you doing?
Arthur: "I think...I know what caused the Great Disaster. It was...King Arthur's Holy Sword!"
shinra: i dont think that's what it was.
tamaki:......*excalibur face* i wouldnt be surprised if it were, though.
Arthur: "See? Tamaki supports my hypothesis. Why can't you be more supportive?"
shinra: *sweatdrop*
Arthur: *points to the images* "See? Similar designs. King Arthur likely ventured forth to this location, did something with the Holy Sword, caused a fire, then we get Flame Humans. All we need is the Lady of the Lake to restore balance."
Master: *sets out rice crispy treats shaped like bunnies*
mio: easter stuff already?
ao: it's april.
Meme: "When it's that cute, I'm not complaining!"
mio: oh. my brain was still in february.
Master: *nods* "I wanted some new menu items for the spring."
tsugumi: hmmm. *thinking*
Master: "Tsugumi?"
tsugumi: *idea* how about omurice chicks?
Master: "Huh. Yeah, I can add those."
Gin: "So, you're auditioning?"
higuchi: yeah. i auditioned once for the very snow white role in middle school....i ended up being the bottom half of the horse.
Gin: "..." *small laugh* "I-I'm sorry..."
higuchi: this is my chance to make up for past mistakes! *determined*
Gin: "Yes! ...Who do you think will be Charming in this play?"
higuchi: not sure.
Gin: "...Well, I look forward to the play. And I will not be jealous of whoever plays Charming. At all."
Walter: "Hi! I'm here to audition for--"
Walter: QwQ;;;
higuchi: gin, easy.
Gin: *holding a kunai* "..." *exhale*
madoka: *nuzzle* ^///^
Rin: ^\\\^ *puts an arm around her*
madoka: *tail pet* hehe ^^
Rin: .\\\\. "heh..."
madoka: fluffy. ^^
Rin: "Yes, it is...Is it okay?"
madoka: *nod* it's kinda cute, actually.
Rin: .\\\\. "Really~?"
madoka: ^^ *cheek smooch*
Rin: *soft shudder* "Th-Thanks..." *holds her hand*
tamaki: *checking her horoscope*
Iris: "Anything interesting?"
tamaki: hmmmm, 'your dreams will take you on a fantastic journey'... huh.
Iris: "Usually they say something a little more, I don't know, tangible?"
tamaki: *looks again*
Iris: "Hmm...The one for Shinra mentions 'Something is coming up.' I wonder what that means."
Motojiro: "I got the chemicals for the theater fog and magic explosions!"
hans: thank you, just be careful that the kids dont get into it.
Motojiro: "Right! After all, dry ice requires keeping the hands free from the CO2--" *opens the box* "..." OwO; "...Where did it go?"
ayako: got it right here!
Motojiro: *loud exhale* "Thank goodness..." *puts on gloves* "Hand it here..."
Hirotsu: *seated* "Okay, next auditioning for the role of the Queen..."
kouyou: hello~ ^^
Hirotsu: "Ah, Kouyou, welcome. Do you need another copy of the script, or are you ready?"
kouyou: i'm ready. ^^
etta: miss kouyou does have a queenly nature to her, huh?
leo: i'm certain she'd be perfect for the role.
katya: what about the witch?
leo: ._.;
Hirotsu: "Traditionally the Queen also plays the Witch."
kouyou: =3=
pushkin:....*meekly raises his hand* i can handle the witch maybe?
katya: *manly tears* you are such a goddamn trooper.
Hirotsu: "That'll be up for auditions..." *hands him the script*
pushkin: *SALUTES*
Hirotsu: "Um..." *half-hearted salute* "That leaves auditioning for Charming and Snow White..."
tachihara:.... (ok, this could be my chance! even if it is a play! it's something!)
Yumi: *making flower crowns with Shiori*
shiori: ^u^
Yumi: "I'm sure your father and siblings will love these..."
shiori: piddy! [translation; pretty!]
Yumi: "Yes, they are pretty!" *adjusts the one for Kid* "Just have to make this one a little more even on the sides..."
Stein: *finds a photo on his desk* "???" *picks it up*
-it's a picture of stein, spirit, kami, marie, nygus, sid, and yumi when they were students-
Stein: "Hmm...Haven't seen this in a bit."
valentine: old class photo?
Stein: *nods* "We all looked different..."
Relan: *reviewing a medical book*
komori: [learning medical training?]
Relan: *nods* "Just more first aid for now...I felt next to useless in the last attack, that many people injured..."
komori: ....
Relan: "...Sorry. Need to stop my self-pity. It's just...Shinra injured, that person he found still in the hospital..."
komori: [its understandable]
Relan: *nods* "It's going to be more difficult with fewer people here--down one nun, one hero, one...whatever Arthur is."
komori: ^^;
Relan: "At least Victor knows some science--hope he or someone in command knows medicine."
Asura: *shivers*
mikan:...the moon looks lovely tonight, doesnt it?
Asura: "..." *looks up* "...I suppose..."
mikan:...*nuzzle* u///u
Asura: =\\\= *wraps his arms--and scarves--gently in embrace*
mikan: hehe ^^
Asura: "...The moonlight reveals so much..."
mikan: *hug*
Asura: *strokes her head*
Hirotsu: "Okay, auditions turned out well...What do you think of the candidates?"
leroux: looks to be quite promising.
etta: this is my first time being an acting coach. im so excited~
Hirotsu: "Good...Should also consider any understudies needed. Miss Hoffman, interested?"
etta: ^u^
Hirotsu: "Let's see..." *checks off the list* "And the dwarves are learning their lines?"
leroux: madame leo is helping them now.
Jakob: "Will the real apple be poisoned?"
leroux: no.
wilhelm: =3= well _that's_ lame.
Jakob: "Are there sword fights?"
leroux: well... ^^;
Hirotsu: "There's, um...dancing?" ^^;
Jakob: "...That is awful, old man."
wilhelm: =3=
Hirotsu: *stabbed* Q_Q
hans: *CHOP* behave you two.
wilhelm: Q~Q
Jakob: "WAH!" T~T
leroux: ^^;;;
Walter: "??? Kafka, you okay, buddy?"
Kafka: *curled up in a ball* "I am the lowly pillbug..." T~T
etta: *pap pap* its ok, kiddos, we can play sword fight later, ok?
wilhelm: YAAAY!
Jakob: QwQ
hans: use the foam swords!
Jakob: >_> "Fine..."
leroux: ^^.....kafka?
Kafka: *still curled up* <What?>
leroux: erm... *in german* <is something mattering?>
Kafka: <I-I'm fine! It's just...um...The expenses! Yes, this play is too, um, expensive...> *looks away...spots Etta* >\\\\>
leroux:..... 7v7 suuuure it is.
Kafka: "?!!!" *small roach hiss*
leroux: xwo;;;;;;
Kafka: >\\\\~\\\\< <Don't say a word...>
Magaki: "...I can't see a reflection, so I don't know how they look."
tsubaki: they look lovely. ^^
Magaki: "...O-Okay. That should be good enough. Thank you. Maybe people will not stare so much..."
Kyoka: "She has been...well, odd."
atsushi: yeah...
Kyoka: "Is this normal? I mean, she seems healthy..."
atsushi: probably pregnancy stuff.
Kyoka: "Hmm...Weird." *shrugs* "Just keep an eye on her."
Chuuya: "How are preparations?"
pushkin: lot's of painting. *phew*
katya: *hammering*
Chuuya: "...Well, don't huff it."
katya: hmm hmm.....
-there seem to be faded war scars on her body-
Chuuya: "..." *looking at the scars*
Chuuya: *looks at Pushkin* "...What was..."
-he's already back to work-
Chuuya: "...Hmph." *sets up props*
Akitaru: "How's packing going?"
shinra: pretty good. vulcan said he was making some masks for us.
Akitaru: "Oh? Halloween's not for a while..."
tamaki: he means gas masks.
shinra: yeah that.
sonia: zzzzzz
-in her dream, she appears to be walking up the stairs of a large crystaline palace-
sonia: ??
-eventually, she finds a door with an odd symbol on it and opens it to a white room-
sonia: hello? *enters*
-when she reaches the center, the floor shatters and she falls-
sonia: AH!
-when she lands, she is in a field of wildflowers, unharmed. she looks up to see a strange girl with white eyes with red crosses in them looking at her-
sonia: *blinks*
girl: hiya!
sonia: huh?
girl: *staaaaaare*
girl: ....oh! are you that person's daughter?
sonia: who are you-
sonia: *she wakes up* nnhuh?
mito: *nuzzles and purrs*
sonia:... *pet pet* good kitty.... (that girl....who was she?)
*The door opens a crack*
sonia: papa?
Chuuya: *peeks in* "You okay?"
sonia: y-yeah...*yaaawn*
Chuuya: "...It's time to get up. Are you feeling okay?"
sonia: yes, papa. *rubs her eyes*
Chuuya: "...Did you sleep okay?"
sonia: *nod nod*
Chuuya: *nods* "Okay. Wash up--I'm setting out breakfast."
sonia: i will.
sero: Q____Q
mina: TTwTT write back to us from the camp, ok?
Izuku: O_O "Well...I mean, nothing is official yet. Maybe you did pass--"
sero: i really hope you jinxed it.
Denki: *grabs Izuku by the shoulders* "THAT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY! WE FLUNKED THE PRACTICAL! AND IT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY WHEN YOU FREAKING PASSED!!!" *violently shaking Izuku*
Izuku: *stammering, vibrating* "I aM SOrrY!!!"
jirou: calm down, kaminari, the teacher's gonna be here soon.
Aizawa: *sits up from the back row in a sleeping bag* "Jinx what?"
mina:....how long has he been there?
Aizawa: "Around the part where Kaminari was shaking Midoriya like a snow globe."
Izuku: Q_Q "...Why didn't I see him..."
Aizawa: *yawns*
-everyone takes their seats-
Aizawa: *unzips, hangs the sleeping bag on the coat hook* "Okay. So, some of you failed the exam. Therefore..."
sero: TT_TT damn you mineta.
Mineta: D:<
Aizawa: "You're going on the camping trip."
everyone: WAIT WHAT?!
eijiro: b-but-but the practical exam-
Aizawa: "You all passed the written exam, but Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Mineta failed the practical exam."
sero: what about me?!
Aizawa: "You also failed."
sero: TT~TT
mina: *pats his back* im sorry you had to be put through that, sero.
tsuyu: *pap pap*
Mineta: "What about me? I lost, too." Q_Q
tsuyu: *tosses him into the trash bin*
Mineta: *muffled shouts*
Aizawa: "But the practical wasn't pass-fail: it was specifically designed around your strengths and weaknesses, with tasks and teachers best suited to where you need to strategize how to win. After all, against those teachers at full strength, you didn't stand a chance anyway."
ojiro: so then, when you said you were going to crush us-
Aizawa: "A ploy to motivate you. After all, what kind of monster would deny students from going on a _training_ trip?"
sero: ._.;
mina: ._.;
eijiro: ._.;
Aizawa: "Call it a rational deception."
Iida: *making a Ffffffffffffffff-- face*
Aizawa: "Those who 'failed' will have special supplemental lessons. Enjoy."
Walter: *looking at the cast list* *whistles*
higuchi: I GOT IT! >u<
Gin: "Congratulations!"
higuchi: ^^
Jakob: "Look, Wilhelm!"
wilhelm: cool!
Jakob: "Even the shorty!"
katya: *grabs them both by the head* you want to say that to my face you little shits?
wilhelm: OxO;
Jakob: Q~Q *crosses his legs*
leo: katyusha, please dont fight with the children.
katya:...*grumble* fine then. i'll let them off.....for now.
wilhelm: QvQ thank you mrs leo!
leo: ^^;
Jakob: Q_Q *runs for the bathroom*
Kid: *ties Shiori's shoes*
shiori: thankie.
Kid: *smiles* "You're welcome! Ready to go?"
shiori: *nod nod*
Kid: *picks her up*
shiori: ^u^
Kid: "Let's walk to the door!"
shiori: *waddling along*
Kid: "Great walking."
shiori: *falls on her butt* uh-oh
Kid: "Uh-oh. Ready to get up?" *offers his hands*
shiori: ah.
io: *crying because her jumper is stuck on a cupboard knob*
saki: *filming* did you get stuck, sweetie? ^^;
Tool: "Need some help, Io?"
io: Q~Q UUU! UUU!
saki: oh, come here sweetie. *helps her out* there you go.
io: >^<
saki: *forehead kiss* you're ok, sweetie. wave bye to the camera.
io: *tiny wave* bai bai....
Tool: ^^ "D'aw..."
Bakugo: "..." *pokes the hamster ball*
sybil: O^O
itsuka: ^^
Bakugo: "Tiny critter..."
itsuka: they are pretty tiny. but chacha here's been putting on the pounds. isnt dat right? *tummy poke*
chacha: *squeek* >3<
itsuka: hehe ^^
Bakugo: "What've you fed them?"
itsuka: the usual hamster food, but chacha needs to share with her siblings.
chacha: >3<
Bakugo: *intense stare at Chacha* "Maybe more exercise..."
itsuka: good call.
Vulcan: "Okay, they're all set." *hands a gas-mask helmet to Shinra*
shinra: *puts it on* well? how does it look?
iris: really cool!
maki: super punk rock!
Relan: *nod nod*
Akitaru: "Rock on!"
shinra: ^u^ d'awww, shucks guys.
Vulcan: "Tamaki, Nozomi..." *hands them theirs*
tamaki: so cute!
nozomi: ^^ a very nice theme as always, vulcan.
Vulcan: ^^ "Thanks! Going to put the finishing touches on the last ones before you all head out."
hagakure: here we are~!
Ojiro: "Okay, so..." *looking over his list* "Shoes, tent, fishing pole..."
jirou: i'll need to get a new duffle bag too.
Ojiro: "Okay, so..." *looking over his list* "Shoes, tent, fishing pole..."
jirou: i'll need to get a new duffle bag too.
ochako: i finally saved up enough for a new sleeping bag. ^^
Ojiro: "Good work!"
eijiro: so meet back here at 3?
tsuyu: sounds good.
Izuku: "Okay! I'll find a first aid kit..."
-and so-
-someone in a hoodie is walking into the mall-
Izuku: *looking through shop windows* "!!! Oh, wow! The new Crimson Riot action figure! I'll have to tell Eijiro..."
???: hey, you're izuku midoriya, right?
Izuku: "???" *turns* "Y-Yeah?" ("I guess he saw me at the Tournament...losing...")
???: *puts and arm around his shoulders* you're the one who got wrecked at the tournament, right? then that hero killer business in hosu, you're just all over the place!
Izuku: "Uummm..." *nervous smile* "Y-You sure know your stuff, huh?"
???: still...i cant help but wonder.....*he puts his hand around izuku's neck, save for one finger* just how did you get this far?.....is it fate? or something else.....it's been bothering me ever since the USJ incident.....
-tomura grins at him-
tomura: why dont we have a little chat?
Izuku: "!!!!" ("Tomura...Shigaraki?!")
mina: *modeling sneakers* pretty slick, eh?
Iida: "But will they wear out too quickly?"
mina: i've had sneakers that have lasted for years, i think they should be fine by the time camp star- *GAAASP* OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THESE! *shiny eyes*
Iida: "...And the price?"
mina: just within my budget~ ^^
-they were a pair of lisa frank sneakers-
Iida: "...A hike on the mountains will rip those apart in a day."
mina: _these_ babies are going into my collection. >3<
Iida: "Fine, but you need something durable..." *holds up plain black hiking boots*
ochako: *now with her new sleeping bag* ^^ *looks out over the crowd below* (lots of people. well i got the main goal complete, so, why not play 'lets spot my classmates'?) *looks around*
*Looks like Sero and Eijiro are stepping into a sporting goods shop*
ochako: (they seem to be doing well.....i wonder if tape can be used to catch fish?)
*Momo is pointing to different duffle bags*
ochako: *smiles and glances* ??
*Looks to be someone in a hoodie with...Izuku?*
ochako: (who is that?......deku's face...) ........ (something's wrong here.....) *she starts heading over to where they are*
tomura: y'know, i really hate everything in this world....but the hero killer is really pissing me off the most right now....
Izuku: "??? W-Wasn't he working for you?"
tomura: you'd think, but that's just not how it is. even after a few months, everyone's still talking about him, and ignoring us, ignoring _me_. he can talk big all he damn pleases, but in the end, he's just destroying what he hates, so how does that make us any different?
Izuku: "...U-Understanding?"
tomura: what?
Izuku: "I...don't accept what either of you have done, the Hero Killer or you...But...I can understand the Hero Killer's reasons, not yours..."
tomura: oh do you?
Izuku: "...For him and for me...we follow ideals inspired by All Might...The Hero Killer even saved me, so even if he's destructive, and even if his methods are wrong, I know he's not just doing this for fun: he's trying to live by some ideal."
tomura: *his face is expressionless, but his eyes have a look of pure, utter hatred*
Izuku: "!!!"
tomura: i get it now...hehehe....i see why he pisses me off so much....and why you irritate me so badly....*wide grin* it's aaaaaall be cause of all might....hehehehehehe, it's soooo obvious! the reason these people go about living, smiling without any trouble, is because of all might and that stupid smiling face, acting like there's no one he can't save. *grips izuku's throat tighter*
Izuku: *coughs, struggling to move--*
ochako: hey deku...
tomura: ???
Izuku: "!!!"
ochako: friend of yours?
Izuku: "...Y-Yeah...It's fine..."
tomura: well, i should be going....best not follow me....*gets up and begins walking away*
Izuku: *coughs, inhaling deeply*
ochako: hey, are you alright, deku?
Izuku: "Sh-Shigaraki!"
tomura: ...
ochako: !!!!
Izuku: "Wh-What does All for One want?!"
tomura: ...._that's_ not what you should worry about.....what you _should_ be worried about is when we meet again....because that's when you'll die....*he vanishes into the crowd*
Izuku: *tries to walk forward--but still struggling to breathe*
-ochako ended up contacting mall security and the mall had to be closed down for the time. izuku and ochako also were taken in to be asked questions-
Izuku: "..."
officer: i see, thank you for your time, mr midoriya, you're mother will be here shortly.
Izuku: *nods* "I wish I could've stopped him..."
officer: you did what you could.
Izuku: "..." *nods*
-outside, ochako was sitting on a bench-
ochako: ....
???: "Ochaco!"
ochako: dad! *she hugs him*
Mr. Uraraka: *hug* "I was so worried! Are you okay?"
ochako: y-yeah. i'm alright. (physically at least)...
Mr. Uraraka: "You could've been hurt...Come on, let's get you home..."
ochako: ok, just waiting on my friend first.
-mrs midoriya is sitting across, weeping-
Izuku: *exits from the interrogation room*
inko: my baby!! *she hugs him* oh thank goodness you're ok! you're poor mama's heart can't take it. *she's crying*
ochako: how did it go, deku?
Izuku: "I-I'm okay, Mom...I'm sorry..." *looks at Ochaco* "I don't know...They asked me a lot of questions..."
ochako: well, we're alive, so that's good news.
Izuku: "..." *nods*
ochako: *smile* well, we should probably get home now... see you later? *offers fist bump*
Izuku: *weak smile, bump*
ochako: *laying in bed*
mrs uraraka: *opens the door a bit* you need anything, sweetie?
ochako: im good.
mrs uraraka: well, let us know if you need something, ok?
ochako: i will.
Mr. Uraraka: "..."
mrs uraraka:....*hug* she's a brave girl...
Mr. Uraraka: *nods, hugs her* "Our hero..."
Kurogiri: "..."
banshee: he actually did that? talk about a ballzy move.
himiko: *peeeeks in* OwO~?
Kurogiri: "Reckless, but I think it stirred fear in enough heroes, so, it evens out..."
mr compress: and how is mr shigaraki now?
Kurogiri: "He's focusing on the next step to take."
-in a small bar somewhere in europe-
???: *sips*
bartender: <dont you three have anything else better to do?>
???: <when a job comes by, yes>
bartender: *looks at the two other men seated across from the blonde one*
???: *smiles, waves* <Hello!>
blonde man: *holds the bartender's arm* <if you arent too busy, mr bartender, maybe we could spend time together later~?> <3
???: *sighs* <Please don't flirt with people you don't know.>
blonde man: *pouts* <you're so meeeeean, dumas.>
Dumas: <No, practical.> *tugs the Blonde by his cheek*
blonde man: <ah~!> >///T
-someone enters-
mailman: <telegram for a mr cervantes?>
Cervantes: <I am Mr. Cervantes!>
mailman: <telegram for you, sir.>
-it seems to have an odd symbol on it, like a golden ribbon?-
bartender: (who sends telegrams anymore?)
Cervantes: "..." *grins* <WORK!>
-it reads; salutations, mr cervantes. i hope this message reaches you without too much trouble. you see, i have a job for you and your companions. you may meet with me at the prince hotel at your earliest convenience and we shall discuss the details further there. cordially, TS.-
blonde man: <oh joy!> ^u^
Dumas: *sighs, pulls out a wallet*
Cervantes: <Happy times!> *puts his foot on the chair* <Onward, to adventure!>
Allison: "You're looking happy."
erina: really? i hadnt noticed.
Allison: "Heh--most people don't." *nudge*
erina: ^^;
Allison: "You going to see him after work?"
erina: yeah.
Arthur: <--which then led to new trade opportunities, including the export of electronics and food.> *closes his Chinese textbook*
shinra: wow.
fang-hua: very good, arthur. ^^
Arthur: <Thank you.>
Victor: *thumbing through pages, trying to keep up* O~O
tamaki: *whispers* was that mandarin or cantonese?
shinra: *shrug*
Arthur: "Have you finalized the itinerary with the Commanders, teacher?"
fang-hua: yes.
Arthur: *nods* "Very good." *pulls out a sword* "Point me in the direction." *points East*
fang-hua: ^^;
Honda: "--big beautiful scenery! Strong people! Fast waters! GO FORTH, AND LEARN MORE ABOUT THE GREAT DISASTER! I-- ...Could you lean down a bit--I can't reach your shoulders, Takeru."
takeru: um y-yessir...
Honda: *pats his shoulders* "MAKE US PROUD, MY BOY!" *warrior cry*
takeru: *strained warrior cry*
hito: *sweatdrop*
Honda: "Where was I...Oh, right! Souvenir shopping! Get something for everyone in the Brigade! Don't skimp!" *hands him money*
Hirotsu: "Okay, let's see the costumes..."
higuchi: *modeling her dress*
maggie: wow!
Hirotsu: "Excellent. How is it?"
-she wore a wig with a brown, yellow, and red colored patchwork dress-
Hirotsu: "Most certainly our Snow White...Let's see the others..."
-kouyou is in quite the elegant gown, the kids are in cute little costumes as well-
Hirotsu: "That leaves Charming..." *looks around* "Where is he?"
Tachihara: *behind the curtain* "...Um...I feel kind of goofy."
katya: come on out here, y'coward.
Tachihara: *grumbles...* stumbles out slightly in tights and a princely jacket* .\\\. *he doesn't have the nose bandage on*
Gin: "...Who the heck is this guy?"
Tachihara: D:<
higuchi: *snickering*
katya: holy shit....he's seriously average looking.
Tachihara: Q_Q "I'm not _that_ average..."
george: ouch.
Hirotsu: "Costume rehearsal begins in five minutes. Take your places..."
Master: *puts up the posters*
nygus:...those are…
-sayaka made doge posters that read 'very festival' 'much spring' 'wow'-
sayaka: ^^
Master: "...Creative."
nygus: that's a polite way of putting it. *sweatdrop*
Master: "Gives me an idea for other menu items..."
Fyodor: *whistling*
Fyodor: "Hmm hmm hmm..." *taps his knuckle on the wall*
Fyodor: "..." *stretches* <Dull.>
Cervantes: *humming, walking along a fence*
Dumas: -_-
blonde man: *humming* ~^^
Cervantes: <Dumas, check the GPS~>
Dumas: *looking at a map*
Cervantes: <I said the GPS~>
Dumas: <A printed map is just as reliable...>
blonde man: <i wonder if our benefactor is good looking..>
Dumas: <They probably have to wear a mask so you don't see their horrible features.>
blonde man: =3= <so gloomy as always.>
Cervantes: <And GPS would be more up to date-->
blonde man: <there it is~!>
Dumas: <I mapped this myself. I am the resourceful, responsible one here.> *turns--and walks into a wall* <...>
Cervantes: <...Please pick up Dumas and bring him in~> *walks on in*
Dumas: "..." X_X *falls back*
-in one area, and individual with long white hair is reading to themselves-
???: hm? <you are cervantes, are you not?>
Cervantes: <Yes! I received your message!>
???: <please, do have a seat. care for some apple slices?> ^^
blonde man: *shiny eyes* <so lovely...>
???: fufufu, <why thank you~>
Dumas: X_X *collapsed on the couch* <Gather the horses, my knights--we will storm the castle...>
???: ?? <is your friend alright?>
blonde man: <he'll be fine momentarily~>
Cervantes: <Just a minor head injury...> *slaps Dumas's face*
Dumas: Q_Q
Cervantes: <See~?>
???: <well, glad to see he isnt dead. now, onto the job. you see, an associate of mine has been wrongfully imprisoned in death city.> *they hand him a folder*
Cervantes: *opens, reads the file, passes the photo to the Blonde Man*
blonde man: *examines* ovo; <um...this is...erm....>
-the photo is of fyodor-
Dumas: *holding his head* <Ugh...> *looks at the photo* <...Oh, yeah, that's a reassuring smile...> *cringes*
???: <so you'll do it? i'll make sure you are handsomely rewarded for your trouble.>
Cervantes: *looks over maps and reports* "..." *smiles widely* <Yes! We accept!>
blonde man: <it shouldnt be a problem, with my ability, freeing him will be a snap~!>>
Dumas: *sighs* <Escaping a prison? I thought it would be a challenge...>
???: <thank you kindly, gentlemen. i will make sure you do not regret it~>
Iida: "And then one approaches a classmate."
tensei: seriously?
Iida: *nods* "No sign where he went. It was the same who attacked USJ."
tensei: ....
Iida: "Let me pull it up..." *his laptop is frozen* *sighs* "So much for dependable tech..."
tensei: let me try something.
Iida: "???" *hands him the laptop*
-after a while, it seemed to be fixed-
Iida: "Oh, thank you! That was impressive."
Poe: *curled up under a blanket, reading*
karl: zzzzz
Poe: *pets Karl, stroking his back*
karl: =w=
Poe: ^w^ *returns to reading, jotting some notes*
Damon: "Then teacher gave us a quiz for chemistry."
soul: how was that?
becky: i got an 89.
Damon: "84?"
soul: great job you two. ^^ *double head pat*
becky: =,=;
Damon: ^^; "I wanted to do better..."
becky: want me to tutor you?
Damon: *nod* "Yes, please!"
becky: ^^
Damon: *takes out his quiz* "I got Number 5 wrong."
Dumas: *checking off items on the list* "We're still short on flash bombs..."
blonde man: <i can secure more for us~>
Dumas: <Do it. And we'll also need-->
Cervantes: *snores*
Dumas: "..." *poke poke*
Cervantes: "Zzz..."
Dumas: "..." -_-
Lucy: *looks out the window* "...What the heck is he doing?"
atsushi: hmm? *looks*
Dazai: *on all fours, sifting through something in the grass*
atsushi: *watching*
Dazai: "..." *looks surprised, starts pulling on something in the grass*
Lucy: "Did he lose something?"
Dazai: *tugging on what looks like a weed*
atsushi: i better check on him to make sure he isnt hurting himself. *heads outside*
Lucy: "Good thinking..." *follows*
Dazai: *grunting, tugging* "Come on...Get loose!"
atsushi: hey dazai, what're you doing exactly?
Dazai: "Ah, I dropped a quarter while walking back--*GRUNT*--and then I saw this weed--*GROAN*--that won't come loose..." *the 'weed' looks...metallic?*
atsushi: ??? (odasaku, you have any idea what the heck that is?)
odasaku: your guess is as good as mine.
Lucy: "...?!! Wait! I think that's the phone--"
Dazai: *PULLS--and the 'weed' snakes up the grass, to the building--and pulls wires off the wall*
atsushi: ._.;;; um.....
naomi: DAZAI! D8<
Tanizaki: "I had an important call!"
Dazai: "..." *points at Lucy, shoves the weed into her hands*
Lucy: "..." -_-#####
naomi: where do you think _you're_ going, mr? ^^# *she has a rope*
Dazai: OwO;; "...See, I already tried rope before, and it's too painful for proper suic--"
Tanizaki: "Grab him!"
-one nice boat later-
atsushi: .____.
Tanizaki: *finishes the sign, puts it around Dazai's neck* " 'Do not pull wires you don't recognize.'"
Lucy: *snaps a pic*
Dazai: *tied to a tree by his feet and hands* QwQ
kirako: *covers aya and kenji's eyes*
Lucy: *typing* " 'The majestic jackass, soaring over the crowd...'"
atsushi: ._. (he seems to be enjoying this predicament....) *sweatdrop*
Dazai: QwQ "...See, ropes are not good for suicide, but when it comes to S and--"
kirako:...*awkward cough*
Dazai: QwQ "..." *nod nod* "I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry for interrupting your phone calls and downloads. May I come down now~?"
naomi: wait up there for a while.
Benimaru: *sets down tea*
kirei: ^^
kabuki: thanks for inviting us, commander.
Benimaru: *nods* "You're welcome. I thought it best before Kohana departed for her mission."
fang-hua: ^^; you didnt have to go to all the trouble, commander-
Tsukiyo: *gobbling snacks*
Benimaru: "It was no trouble. It was the least we could do." *pours her tea*
fang-hua: well, thank you. ^^
Benimaru: *nods* "I have full confidence in you. Keep an eye on the other brigades and report."
fang-hua: *nods*
kirei: *hands her a charm* this will bring you luck.
fang-hua: thank you!
Tsukiyo: *mouth full* "Wow, so pretty!"
Shotaro: *hands Mana mail* "It keeps coming in for you..."
mana: wow.
Shotaro: "Feeling more healed since your fight?"
mana: i think so.
nea: well, arent  _you_ miss popular?
Shotaro: ^^ "I mean, she did advance far in the competition." *holds up his phone* "Although this one fan site is kind of rude..."
nea: let me see that!
mana: hah?
*The fan site seems to have rude remarks in the comments section, as well as photos of Mana walking around town*
mana: what the hell?
nea: kepuri, find their IP address.
Kepuri: "On it!" *takes Shotaro's phone, taps a few keys* "...Um...It's about 12 feet from us..." *looks down the hall*
Emine: *on his laptop* "..."
-nice boat-
mana: *brushing off her hands*
Shotaro: "...Wow...That's gonna need a whole bucket of bandages..."
Steinbeck: "--and that's the family tree!"
twain: wowzers.
oscar: quite a family, johnny-boy.
ebie: cool!
Steinbeck: "Well, we're extended. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of everyone when you have a big family."
emily: i could imagine.
Steinbeck: "How about you--extended family?"
emily: not that i'm familiar with.
Steinbeck: "Aunts or uncles?"
emily: probably, but i havent spoken with them much.
twain: i just have my aunt polly.
oscar: didnt miss porter have an aunt polly, as well?
Hemingway: "Think so..." *flipping through photos*
oscar: *glances*
*Looks like photos of Cuba, with a younger Hemingway in them*
oscar: where was that, ernie?
Hemingway: "Havana, during a fishing trip."
oscar: oooh.
Hemingway: "Work took me to a lot of places."
ebie: *listening* OwO
Hemingway: "Spain, France, Rwanda, Congo--lots of reports to file." *shows a photo of him--wrestling a lion*
emily: (is this man even real?)
Hirotsu: "Hmm...The stage looks sound. How are acoustics?"
naoya: *strumming guitar* *thumbs up*
Hirotsu: "Ah, yes, good. Now, onto seating for the audien--"
Kafka: "OW!" *holding his thumb, dropping a hammer*
naoya: ?? you alright?
Walter: *vacuuming*
Kafka: "THESE BLASTED--" *sound drowned out by vacuuming* "--SEATS WON'T MAKE THEMSELVES, SO I--" *more vacuuming* "--HAVE TO FIX THEM BECAUSE THEY'RE SUCH PIECES OF--" *more vacuuming* "--THAT NO--" *more vacuuming--* "--ING PERSON WOULD EVER BE CAUGHT DEAD IN!"
blonde man: <so how much farther to the airport?>
Dumas: <My map says another 17 miles-->
Cervantes: *points at a sign* <The sign says 1 mile the other way.>
Dumas: -_-#
blonde man: <maybe i should try and get us a lift?>
Dumas: <If you insist--we have enough money...>
blonde man: *stripping by the side of the road*
blonde man: *coy pose*
Cervantes: <No, no--this is all wrong!>
Dumas: <Thank you!>
Cervantes: *imitates a pose* <Like this!>
Dumas: ._. "..." *facepalm*
driver: <what the hell?> *pulls over*
blonde man: <would you pwease give us a ride~?>
Cervantes: *smiles* <See? It worked!>
Dumas: <How do you even know the driver will agree?>
driver: <what the hell is going on here?>
Cervantes: <We request transport to the airport, my friend!>
driver: um...o.....k?
Cervantes: *smug smile at Dumas*
Dumas: >_> <This proves nothing...Just get in the vehicle...AND PUT ON YOUR CLOTHES!>
Anya: *putting on a kimono*
tsugumi: trying on outfits for the spring festival?
Anya: *nods* "Not sure about the color."
tsugumi: it looks nice, a different change of pace. ^^
Anya: "Thanks...Which color will wear?"
ao: isnt blue your image color?
Anya: "I guess that would work..."
naomi: that's one fancy hat, lucy.
Lucy: ^^; "Thanks...I picked the flowers myself in time for the season..."
sylvia: i-it's really pretty, miss montgomery.
Lucy: "..." *clears her throat* "Well, I could make one...if anyone wanted that kind of thing..."
sylvia: a-are you sure? i dont know if i would make a-a hat like that look good, y-your hair is a lot p-prettier than mine...
Lucy: "Then consider it an opportunity to try something to make your hair look better."
sylvia: ....
naomi: maybe we could braid it?
Lucy: "Oh, that'd be great!"
sylvia: .~.
naomi: we're gonna need to wash it and brush it out really good, first.
sylvia: b-but what about m-my ability?
naomi: i dont think your hair will cause any trouble.
Lucy: "Even if it did, 'Medusa,' some hair salon gloves would keep our hands safe enough."
-25 minutes later-
naomi: ._.; how does she _get_ it this tangled?
sylvia: Q~Q
Lucy: "..." *small grunt, grabs a headband, puts it around her own head, stretches* "Leave it to me: if I could style Howard's hair, then I can style hers!"
naomi: good luck.
sylvia: Q~~~Q
Lucy: "Now, just stand still, and if it hurts, please tell me."
sylvia: o-okaaaay....
Kafka: *looking over musical sheets* "...You have to be kidding."
leroux: ??
Kafka: "This score, it's just--BLECH!" *starts scribbling*
leroux: *peeek*
*Looks like Kafka is changing some instructions*
Kafka: "There! You need to be *quiet* in this part, not crescendo!"
leroux: hmm, hmm, i see.
Kafka: "Jeez, who is even handling music in this play?"
karl: *stares at mr shephard*
Mr. Shephard: *puts down his book* "Oh...Hello, um, Karl."
karl: o^o
Poe: "Karl? Karl, where are you?"
karl: *chitter*
Poe: *walks in* "There you are--EEP! M-M-Mr. Shephard..."
Mr. Shephard: "Edgar." *nods*
Poe: .______.
karl: *nudge*
Mr. Shephard: " 'Kay?"
Poe: "I...want your blessing!"
Mr. Shephard: "...Um...I'm not a priest or anything, but--" *makes the sign of the cross* "Amen?"
karl: *facepaw*
Poe: .___. "...Maybe I need to be clearer..." *opens the box, shows the ring*
Mr. Shephard: "Oh, that's pretty. Is it for Lana?"
Poe: "I-I-I-I want to marry her. W-Will you give us your blessing?"
Mr. Shephard: "... ... ..." *sets down the book*
karl: ovo
Poe: *whimper, but stands his ground*
Mr. Shephard: "...Do you love her?"
Poe: "With all my heart!"
Mr. Shephard: "Will you protect her? Against anyone who would do her harm?"
Poe: "Yes!" *inhales deeply*
Mr. Shephard: "..." *sighs* "Then I leave it to her to decide."
Poe: *loud exhale* *hug*
Mr. Shephard: ._.
Poe: *SQUEE!* "I have to go ask her!" *runs outside--then runs back inside, slamming the door, panting* "...It's so bright."
Mephisto: *clears his throat* "How are you?"
stocking: doing well, workwise.
Mephisto: "Good. I had some high compliments from staff and students~"
stocking: oh?
Mephisto: *nods* "On time, prepared for lessons, managing classrooms discussions..." *pulls up a web page* "I had this designed for just such an occasion." *the site is called 'GradeMyTeach.DC'*
stocking: oh cool.
Mephisto: "You're ranking better than Neuhaus--low bar, I know--but your score is going up...Just avoid the hate online."
stocking: i know. is triple A still being a pain in the A?
Mephisto: *Excalibur face* *points to his face* "Does this answer your question?"
stocking: good point.
felisia: *snicker* nice one.
Mephisto: *sighs, resumes his usual face* *pats Felisia's stomach*
felisia: only a month away now...
Mephisto: ^w^ "Glorious~" *nuzzle*
atsushi: *helping dazai down from the tree* easy now.
Dazai: TwT "Thank you, kind sir..."
atsushi: i figured you'd been punished enough, today...
Dazai: "I just wanted to see where it was going--and we have enough other spy risks..."
atsushi: .....
Dazai: "I didn't want someone trying to spy on Kirako...And, you know, too much time on the Internet isn't good for anyone."
atsushi:....did you want to get something to eat?
Dazai: "...Sure. Rice sounds good."
atsushi: yeah, i could go for some chazuke right now...
-and so-
Dazai: *claps his hands* "Thank you for this meal!"
atsushi: *nom* =w=~ *tiger chuff*....*ahem* 737;......so...anything else on your mind, dazai?
Dazai: "...The usual. Scared to death of fatherhood. Want to find the rest of the Rats. Have a rash."
atsushi: did you get ointment from yosano?
Dazai: "I tried--but I got...tied up." OwO
atsushi: maybe i could ask?
Dazai: "Thank you..." *looks at him* "...Huh." *looks at him back and forth*
atsushi: ?? whats up?
Dazai: "...What happened to that scrawny kid Kunikida and I picked up at the canal?"
atsushi: *points to himself* ?
Dazai: *nod nod* "You've bulked up a bit."
atsushi: i guess i have gotten some more muscle...and i think i might be a centimeter taller?
Dazai: "See? A better diet and exercise helps!"
sonia: *putting a rock into the garden with something written on it*
Chuuya: *watching*
-the rock reads 'mama'-
Chuuya: *rubs his eyes*
sonia: *she looks up at him* did you want to put down a rock, papa?
Chuuya: "Um...Yes..."
katya: what're you two up to?
Chuuya: "Just writing..." *putting something on a stone* *looks like he's writing "Rain"*
katya: this some kind of memorial garden?
Chuuya: "Yes..." *sets down the stone, takes another*
katya: i see....
Chuuya: *writing "Oda"* "..." *sets it down*
sonia: did you want to put one down?
katya: nah, there wouldnt be enough room to write all the names down...
Chuuya: "..." *nods*
tamaki: any idea where we're gonna be staying, other than in fang-hua's hometown?
Arthur: "I think visiting Takeru's farm in Qingdao."
tamaki: wonder what that will be like.
shinra: i think a lot different from most farms, i'd think.
Arthur: "Like dragon tooth farms?"
shinra: um....i guess?
Arthur: "Then we shall raise the small warrior babies born from their teeth."
shinra + tamaki: *sweatdrop*
Arthur: "I'll name them Agenor, Guinevere, Phoenix, and Tamaki Jr."
Giriko: *wiping something off his shirt* "Poor thing..."
anna: bwah?
Giriko: ^^; "It's fine, little lady." *light nose tap*
anna: =3=
Giriko: *hug*
anna: ^o^
Giriko: "Heh heh..." *wipes her face carefully*
Patty: "Sis, Kid's doing that thing again."
liz: oh boy.
Kid: "N-Nothing. What makes you think anything happened?" *there's crayon on the wall*
liz: ^^;
Patty: "Um, most kids crayon the walls--it's part of growing up! You could frame it!"
Kid: "..." Q_Q "Do we have extra frames?"
Cervantes: *snores*
blonde man: *reading*
Dumas: *looking out the window* <So dull...>
blonde man: *fidget fidget*
Dumas: <Sit still. Can't you be still?>
blonde man: <too antsy....i wonder if i can join the mile high club>
Dumas: *tugs his ear* <No.>
blonde man: ah! <owieee~>
Dumas: <Contain yourself. Order another drink if you have to...> *looking through his book on poisons*
blonde man: *peeeeek*
Dumas: -_-# <...Yes? I am looking at poisons.>
blonde man: <is it interesting?>
Dumas: <A bit. Did you know there are some poisons you can ingest in small portions to build up resistance?>
blonde man: <oh? i didnt know that.>
Dumas: <Yes...Just takes time...>
blonde man: hmmm....
Dumas: *jots something down* <Yes, just a few more milliters would do it...>
blonde man: *looks around*
Cervantes: *sleep talk* <Curse you, you vile waste of grain grinding...>
blonde man: *fidgeting in his seat*
Cervantes: <BRING ME MY LANCE!> *swings an arm, just missing the Man*
blonde man: ah! >3< <miguel, be careful!>
Cervantes: *yawns, stretches* <Have we landed this giant metal bird yet?>
blonde man: <not yet...> *examines english language guide*
Dumas: <How is language studying coming along?>
blonde man: good.
Dumas: <Oh? Why don't you try asking the flight attendant for something.>
blonde man: ma'am?
Flight Attendant: "Yes? May I help you?"
blonde man: where do i sign for the mile high club~? ^^
Flight Attendant: "...Sir, that is prohibited on flights. And technically it wouldn't be a mile above the ground." -^-
Dumas: *covering his face* <How mortifying...>
blonde man: T3T oh poo.
Flight Attendant: "Now, unless you had anything else to say, I'll take your trash..."
Dumas: "He wouldn't fit in your trash bag."
Flight Attendant: "..." *giggles*
blonde man: <mean> =3=
Dumas: *small smile*
Takehisa: *flipping through a military academy yearbook*
maki: looking at old photos?
Takehisa: *nods* *there's a photo of a younger Takehisa with other cadets--he doesn't have his glasses on* "I couldn't see a thing."
maki: hmm.
Takehisa: *points to a photo of Maki*
maki: man, i was a small-fry back then.
Takehisa: "Yes, not as tall as now. Have you spoken with anyone from the division recently?"
maki: not recently.
Takehisa: "Neither have I...And your father?"
maki: what _about_ him?
Takehisa: "..." *nods* "Sorry."
maki:...*sigh* it's fine.
Takehisa: "...Coffee?"
maki: sure.
mina: yessir!
-they're playing games on bakugou's gamecube-
Eijiro: "Ease up, man--Mina had socks on--OH, YOU JERK!" *tapping on the controller* "No, no, no!"
Bakugo: "IT'S ABOUT POLITENESS!" *leaning while moving the controller*
sero: ooooh oh snap!
mina: nyehehehe~
Eijiro: "You won't be so high and mighty when I--"
*Eijiro loses*
Eijiro: Q_Q
Bakugo: "..."
mina: aw yeah! team acid tape wins again!
sero: up top!
-high five-
Eijiro: "Dang it! Well, Team Shrapnel will be victorious next time!"
Bakugo: "...You no longer get to pick names."
sero: i dunno, 'shrapnel' sounds kinda badass.
mina: it does
Eijiro: ^w^ "See? It's the combination of explosions and rocks--"
Bakugo: "No."
Eijiro: "...You're jealous you didn't think of it first, aren't you--"
Bakugo: *his controller blows up in his hand* -n-###
sero:....guess we have to make another trip to the game-in-box, huh?
Eijiro: "Wow, harsh!"
mina: yeah, baku, no need to be so mean. -3-
sero: at least he's using his name, and not some insulting nickname, eh?
stocking: i'm home.
Kid: "Welcome back." *smiles*
stocking: *huuuug* *whisper* can we go to bed? i wanted to try some new costumes out~
Kid: .\\\\. "O-Oh? Sure..."
stocking: *smirks and drags him to their room by his collar*
Kid: *follows, blushing* "Oh, wow..."
stocking: i thought we could try a little role-playing. some school year nostalgia~ *whispers* i even got us some uniforms~
Kid: "Oh, Stocking, yes..." *lightly brushes his hand along her wrist*
stocking: hehe~ *closes the door*
Kid: "Shall we change?"
-and so-
stocking: *in a uniform, bent over the bed, shaking her rear a bit*
Kid: *in his own uniform* "Well, well, have you been a bad girl?"
stocking: yes. could you tutor me in sex ed~?
Kid: "I don't know..." *rests a hand on her lower back* "I am a hard tutor."
stocking: i would like that~
Kid: "Would you now~?" *rubs her lower back carefully* "Because I think I have to give you an incentive to learn..." *soft pat on her bottom*
stocking: ah~
Kid: "After all, a little stimulation goes a long way..." *his hand passes down over her skirt to her leg, stroking*
stocking: ahhh~<3 T///=
Kid: *leans, his chin on her shoulder, whispering in her ear* "And I like to get close and personal with my tutoring~" *soft kisses along her ear, as his hand slides slowly up her leg*
stocking: nngh~ kid~
Kid: "I love you...but you need to learn a lesson." *small quick spank*
stocking: ah~!
Kid: "I bet that's something not told in the classroom..." *looks down at her uniform* "Oh, that outfit complements you so well..." *his hand brushes above her breasts*
stocking: *soft moan*
Kid: "So after talking and stimulating your partner, you want to check..." *his lower hand brushes against her underwear*
stocking: ah!
Kid: "Oh, too fast?"
stocking: *shaking her rear a bit at him* f-feels good...
Kid: "Oh~?" *spank spank spank*
stocking: *she moans in time with each smack, her legs quivering*
Kid: "Too much of a work-out? Maybe you need some more exercise..." *positions himself behind her, as he rubs against her and cups her breasts over the uniform*
stocking: ahhh, that feels so good...
Kid: *rubs her breasts, lifting the sweater from her stomach, as his hardness is against her* "Oh, Stocking, this takes me back..." *kisses the back of her neck*
stocking: nnnm~ damn, you're so hard already...
Kid: "Can you blame me, my delicious honor roll..." *he reaches down, his fingers sliding up to her* "You're getting wet..."
stocking: ahh, oh god kid, your fingers feel amazing!
Kid: *smiles* "You've given me plenty of practice..." *rubs along her slit* "Tell me how much you want it."
stocking: i want you so fucking bad, baby. i even wore my striped undies for you~
Kid: *lifts her skirt* "Oh, God, Stocking--I'm going to cum so hard in you." *tugs on her panties*
stocking: *panting and blushing* please, please fuck me.
Kid: *loosens his tie* "Beg for it..." *he rubs himself along her lips before guiding himself into her*
stocking: please baby, i need it in me so hard. please. *shaking her rear*
Kid: *smiles* "Then let's start..." *thrust*
stocking: AHH~<3
Kid: "I want to make you feel so good that you can't even stand..." *spanks her, before continuing*
Kid: *still wearing the tie, and not much else* "Ahh..."
stocking: *panting, laying next to him, cum still dripping out of her and decorating her chest* ahh....that....was....incredible....
Kid: *smiles* "Yes, you were..." *reaches for the drawer, and pulls something out* *it's a box...* "Pocky?" *puts one between his lips*
stocking: yes please~ *nom* ^///^~<3<3<3
Kid: *smooch* ^\\\3\\\^
stocking: hehehe~<3 so cute~
Kid: *smiles* "So are you...We go together so well..." *rubs a hand over her stomach*
stocking: *smiles* i love you.
Kid: "I love you, too..." *cheek smooch*
stocking: hehehe~
Kid: *hug* "...Forgive the corniness, but I think we gave a new meaning to 'cram school.'"
stocking:....*snerk* *laughing* oh my god, kiddo.
Kid: ^\\\^; "Sorry..." *nuzzle*
airport intercom: now arriving at death city airport.
Dumas: *stretches* <Finally.>
Cervantes: *holding up a tiny bottle of liquor* "..." <I AM A GIANT NOW!>
blonde man: *yaaaawn*
Dumas: <Focus. Once we leave here, we go to the safe house...>
blonde man: *streeeetch* <do we have a plan?>
Dumas: <Yes, but we'll need to observe the patterns at the prison.>
clerk: passports.
blonde man: *shows his; Marquis De Sade*
Dumas: *his passport: Alexandre Dumas*
Cervantes: *his passport: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra*
clerk: carry on, then.
Cervantes: *smiles* "Thank you!"
marquis: ^u^
Dumas: *follows* "Let's find the taxi stand..."
frances: *watering flowers* ^u^~♫
Kyoka: *walking down the stairs*
frances: hello miss kyouka, lovely day, isnt it~?
Kyoka: "Yes, I suppose so. How are your plants?"
frances: quite well. ^^ .....*smiles* i think something interesting will happen very soon.
Kyoka: "Oh?"
frances: *humming to herself*
Kyoka: "...Hmm...I'm going to run an errand."
frances: you do that now, dearie~...........................*talking to her flowers again* now, what else do you have to tell me, my pretty little babies?
Kid: *smiles, setting out files*
homura: you seem to be in a good mood today, kid.
Kid: "Sometimes there are some small pleasures..." =\\\\=
homura: *sweatdrop* i..see...
Kid: *ahem* "In any case, I was reviewing the next mission assignments."
homura: and?
Kid: "Some activity following incidents in Qingdao, Salt Lake..."
homura: hmm.
Kid: "Any preferences?"
Sakuya: "..." *facepalm*
Belkia: *stuck in the crawl space* "..."
otogiri: *pulling him out*
Belkia: "Ow ow ow--" *pops out* "Pfew! Thank you!" *all scrunched up*
Gin: "How's line memorization?"
higuchi: pretty good.
Gin: "Will you be ready?" *looking at the set*
higuchi: i hope so...
Gin: "I guess just keep calm and practice...If the others can do it..."
higuchi: y-yeah....
Gin: "..." *pat pat* "Need advice?"
higuchi: just excited, and not exactly looking forward to the kiss. 7-7;
Gin: "That makes two of us...Hmph. It is just pretend, so I guess get through it."
higuchi: and you get to kick tachihara's ass later if you want. ^^
Gin: "Always." *takes her hand*
higuchi: ^^ *smooch*
Gin: =/////=
Rin: "Now, tap the egg lightly against the bowl, inside." *demonstrates* "Now you."
momo sakura: *tap tap* like this?
Rin: "A little harder--just until a tiny crack forms on the shell."
momo sakura: what if shell bits get into the bowl?
Rin: "That's why we start with a tiny crack, so we don't have a bit fall in. Plus, after one tiny crack, the shell should mostly stay together. And I always got a handy spoon here to pluck out the shell!"
Dumas: "Here's our new temporary residence..."
marquis: oooh, i like it!
Cervantes: *ringing the doorbell* "Such pleasant music!"
marquis: *plomph onto his bed* silk sheets~ =w=
Dumas: *eyeroll, opens the fridge, dropping in some frozen dinners* "Let's review the map--"
Cervantes: *already asleep on the couch*
Dumas: "..."
marquis: *naked and rolling in his sheets* =w=~<3
Dumas: "STOP THAT!"
marquis: =3=
Cervantes: *wakes up* "...We need to plan."
Dumas: "Good--"
Cervantes: "First, a bubble bath and a toy boat!"
Dumas: "..." *goes back to mapping*
Rino: *opens the door* "I'm home."
*it's empty inside*
Rino: "..." *sighs, drops her bag, goes to her room* "Hey, Seymour."
seymour: 030
Rino: *opens the fish food container next to a note, drops in flakes*
-working late tonight, be home at 10 ~ mom-
Rino: "Of freaking course..." *taps her phone to put on some music*
-text message-
Rino: -_-; *reads the message*
ryuuko: [you get home safe?]
Rino: "???" [yeah]
ryuuko: [glad to know.]
Rino: "..." [thanks] *walks to the kitchen, opens the fridge, takes out some chicken* [going to make dinner and get to bed]
ryuuko: [you need anything?]
Rino: "..." [nah. i'll be back at the 5th early tomorrow before i head off to school] "..." [could i ask one favor?]
ryuuko: [what is it?]
Rino: "..." [would mikami mind if i played with her pet rabbit?]
ryuuko: [if you're interested. she's having a sleepover this weekend.]
Rino: "... ... ..." *looks at the calendar...Mom's at work [i'll check my schedule, but i should be able to come]
ryuuko: [ok]
Chuuya: *playing with Mito*
mito: *purr*
Chuuya: *happy sigh* "Enjoying this, kitty?"
mito: *mewl*
Chuuya: "That's good...Sonia, you washing up?"
sonia: yes, papa.
Chuuya: "Okay--it's a few more minutes before bedtime."
sonia: ok....can you read me a story?
Chuuya: "Sure! Any you had in mind?"
sonia: do you know any grandma used to tell you?
Chuuya: "How about...'The Ant and the Grasshopper'?"
sonia: *nods, holding her teddy close*
Chuuya: "Well, one summer, a day like any other, there was a grasshopper, without a care in the world..."
[*The grasshopper looks like Dazai*
Grass!Dazai: *bouncing along* "I haven't a care in the world!" ^w^
Narrator!Chuuya: "This grasshopper was so full of himself--I mean, itself--that it almost knocked over an anthill--"
Ant!Gin: "Watch it!"
Ant!Motojiro: "Hey!"
Ant!Chuuya: "Pay attention, you jerk!"
ant!higuchi: DX>
ant!akutagawa: *monotone* ah.
Grass!Dazai: "Oh, I didn't see you there. On account of how short you all are."
Ant!Chuuya: "..."
Grass!Dazai: "You're real tiny!"
Ant!Chuuya: "..."
Grass!Dazai: "Like, microscopic!"
Ant!Chuuya: "...If this was not a children's story, we would all be swarming you right now and eat you alive--"
Narrator!Chuuya: "*AHEM*"
*Grass!Dazai and Ant!Chuuya look to the left*
Ant!Chuuya + Grass!Dazai: ^\\\\^; "S-Sorry..."
Grass!Dazai: *ahem* "So, why all the hard work? It's summer! We can hop, jump, and play!"
Ant!Chuuya: "Some of us are busy toiling to get enough food before winter--"
Grass!Dazai: "Ah, phooey! That's, like, years away!"
Ant!Motojiro: "4 months, 4 days, 12 minutes, 37 seconds, give or take."
Ant!Gin: "Hmph. Come winter, we'll be warm and well-fed. Best to prepare early than regret it later--"
Grass!Dazai: *rolling up a blade of grass, holding it to the sun until it catches a flame, puffs*
Ant!Gin: "...I thought this was a kids' story."
Narrator!Chuuya: "I think the conceit is broken on that--let's just skip to winter."
*The ants run inside*
Grass!Dazai: "??? Where did everyone--"
Narrator!Chuuya: "The snow came."
*Snow falls all at once, putting out Grass!Dazai's smoking blade*
Grass!Dazai: ._. "..." *shivers* "D-Dang, that was quick...I better get some shelter and food--" *looks* "...Um...Where did all the grain go?"
Narrator!Chuuya: "Meanwhile, the ants were warm and--"
sonia: zzzzzz
Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "Well, better then get to the sad ending..." *forehead kiss*
sonia: =w=
Prison Guard: *closes their locker*
marquis: hello~
Prison Guard: "???" *turns*
marquis: *blows a kiss......there is a soft sweet smell*
Prison Guard: *sniff* "..." *goofy smile, collapses asleep*
marquis: *unbuttons guard's shirt* i'll be taking this now, sweetie~
-one clothing change later-
Dumas: *adjusting sleeves* "Too big..."
Cervantes: "Off to the galley!"
marquis: i'll handle the cameras~
Dumas: "Proceed." *points* "We go left, then right, upstairs three floors, down the hall, around the corner--"
Cervantes: "Why not a direct approach?"
Dumas: "...What, through walls--"
Cervantes: "If you insist~"
Dumas: "NO."
-elsewhere in the prison-
Fyodor: "...Well, this is lonesome."
-some noise can be heard some ways down the hall-
Fyodor: "???"
*The lights go out down the hall, with one light left on in Fyodor's cell*
Fyodor: "???"
Fyodor: "..."
Guard #2: "Here is it, Princess~"
Cervantes: ^^; "Why, thank you~"
Dumas: *wearing night-vision goggles, dragging an unconscious guard with keys on their belt*
Guard #2: "Don't I get a thank you kiss? I did bring you back to your throne room to reunite with your father~"
Fyodor: "...Well, this is bizarre."
marquis: OvO
Dumas: *looks* *points* "I found the target."
*Dumas is pointing at the wrong cell*
marquis: *turns dumas around*
Dumas: "..." *points* "I found the target."
Cervantes: ^^; "My friend, please give the brave knight their kiss while I speak to the galley-man we must free."
marquis: ok~ *smoooches the guard....with tongue*
Guard #2: *moaning* "Oh, Princess~"
Fyodor: "... ... ...What the hell?"
Cervantes: *waves* "Hello, galley-man! We're here to free you from your unfair imprisonment! Why, look at these surroundings! They didn't even let you have a cellmate--"
Fyodor: "I killed previous cellmates."
Cervantes: OwO;;;;
Dumas: *sighs* "Ignore them, Prisoner. They are weirdos."
Fyodor: "Well, at least I can speak to someone rational--"
Dumas: "Put this on." *he's holding an iron torture device* "It goes around your head."
Fyodor: "... ... ..." *looks around* "Is it too late to call for more guards?"
???: "You're freeing him?"
Cervantes: *spins around, points at ??? in the other cell* "Yes!"
Grimoire: "..." *sets down his book* "He is dangerous."
Cervantes: *raises a finger in the air* "We never turn down a job upon taking it!"
Dumas: "And we can handle someone like him. Right, Marquis--"
marquis: *on the floor, making out with the guard*
Dumas: "...Right, Cervantes?"
Cervantes: "Or die trying!"
Fyodor: "That can be arranged."
Dumas: "..." *shudders* "J-Just...Come on..." *unlocks the door*
Grimoire: "Fools..." *turns back to his book*
Cervantes: "Lead the way, Dumas!"
Dumas: "In a second..." *fire his gun at the last light bulb, completely darkening the entire room* "Follow me."
marquis: *following* ^////^~ hehe
Cervantes: "Sorry!" *puts on night-vision goggles* "Which way, Dumas?"
Fyodor: "How can he even see? Those goggles can't be enough..."
Cervantes: "Dumas is empowered by the dark. Our little night owl..."
Dumas: -\\\\- "Shut up. This way--" *SLAM, CRUNCH* "..."
Cervantes: "...You ran into the wall, didn't--"
Fyodor: "...Help? Guards?"
marquis: shhhhh. >3<;;
Dumas: *angry whispering* "You 'shhh'! Go back to humping the wall!"
marquis: T3T meanie.
Cervantes: "Now, now, no need to fight! We are a trio destined for greatness! We have a task to complete! Now let's bring our victim to safety--"
*step step step step*
Dumas: "...He's running away."
marquis: ._.;
Cervantes: QwQ "Well, that's disappointing. Shibusawa will be unhappy with us--"
Fyodor: "...Shibusawa?"
Cervantes: "YES! Shibusawa asked us to--"
Fyodor: *walks ahead of them* "Let's go."
Cervantes: OwO "...But I had a speech ready--"
Dumas: *drags him along*
marquis: *following*
Fyodor: "First, we gather my belongings. Then we leave."
Cervantes: "Splendid! What are we picking up? A keepsake from your beloved?"
Fyodor: "First, we gather my belongings. Then we leave."
Cervantes: "Splendid! What are we picking up? A keepsake from your beloved?"
Dumas: "Riches left by your benefactor, hidden in the walls?"
marquis: some #######
Dumas: .___________________.
Cervantes: "Marquis, no. It's pronounced--"
Fyodor: "There."
-inside the box is a set of clothes, a cloak, a phone, a knife, and an unshanka-
Cervantes: "Ah! Your uniform! It suits you--"
Fyodor: "..." *death glare*
Cervantes: .w.;;;; "...Right. We'll leave you to it. Come along--"
Fyodor: *unbuttons his shirt*
marquis: OvO
Fyodor: "...A little privacy?"
marquis: T3T
Dumas: "Come along..." *drags Marquis* "...Cervantes, this man seems more...axe-crazy than I expected."
Cervantes: "Nonsense! He's friendly! He'll be our new special friend."
marquis: i like him, he's cute.
Dumas: "No, _we're_ special. He's...creepy. Not even creepy cute. Just creepy."
marquis: =3= you're too paranoid, alex
Dumas: "I am not--who told you that? Was it Cervantes?"
Cervantes: *whistles innocently*
Fyodor: *picks up his phone*…*scrolls down, dials a name marked "порождать"*
yana: <yo>
Fyodor: <Change of plans.>
yana: <bossman? whats up?>
Fyodor: <Someone wants me to pay a visit.>
yana: <in jail?>
Fyodor: <Hmmm, not quite. They want to take me out for a bit.>
yana: <and what are we to do then?>
Fyodor: <Await my instructions.>
yana: <ok. do you want to say hi to the others or->
Fyodor: <No. I'll let you know when to tell them.>
yana: <ok>
Fyodor: "..." <Problem?>
yana: <no...>
Fyodor: <Good. More reports will come to you as necessary. Keep the radio on.>
Kid: *shifts under blankets*
stocking: zzzz
Kid: *hug*
stocking: mmmm =w=
Kid: *smooch*
atsushi: zzzzz
*tap tap*
atsushi: nnhnn...hmm? *yaaaawn* huzzah?
*Something on the window*
atsushi: ?? *goes to check. it's still the early hours of the morning, and the sun is just starting to rise*
*sitting on the tree branch near the window is Lucy*
Lucy: *waves*
atsushi: *rubs eyes* morning-...wait, how did you get up there?
Lucy: "I climbed."
atsushi: i kind of figured. i just wasnt expecting it. ^^;
Lucy: "I used to do this a lot! Now, get over here..." *pats a seat next to her on the branch*
atsushi: um.... oh boy, how do i get over there?
Lucy: "You're the tiger here."
atsushi: um....ok...*steps back...runs forward and jumps* HUP!
-nice grab onto the branch-
atsushi: *legs dangling* ._. little help?
Lucy: -n-; *pulls him up by his arms then lifting him by one of his legs* "UMPH!" *
atsushi: woah!
Lucy: "There..." *pats his bottom* "Now sit."
atsushi: *sitting down* this is nice.....
Lucy: *nods* "I wanted to see the sunrise...and with someone..." *rests her head on his shoulder*
atsushi: ./////////////.
Lucy: *interlocks her fingers with his*
atsushi: *holding her hand and smiles*
Lucy: *soft sigh, smiles* "You know I love you, right?"
atsushi: i-i love you too... *leans in*
Lucy: .\\\. *gulp* >\\\<
Lucy: *smooch* "Mmm~" "..."
atsushi: ./////.
Lucy: *smiles, blushing* "That was really good..." *leans closer*
atsushi: u/////u
ranpo: ooooi, lovebirds! you gonna make a nest or what?
atsushi: ACK! *falls back, bringing lucy with him as they fall into a bush*
Lucy: *groans, struggling to get up*
ranpo: dat got your attention, huh?
atsushi: you ok lucy? *coughs up leaves*
Lucy: *groans* "N-No...I think I bust my bottom..."
atsushi: oh no...
Lucy: *frowns at Atsushi* -n-
atsushi: did i at least break your fall? ^^;
Lucy: "Yeah..." *looks at him* "Are you hurt?"
atsushi: a bit scratched up, but i've had worse...
ranpo: when you get outta there, head to the meeting room, kay?
Lucy: *grumbles* *holds onto Atsushi*
-and so-
atsushi: so what's going on?
kirako:....*looks at fukuzawa*
Fukuzawa: "Dostoyevsky has escaped."
atsushi: ??!!
aya: what?!
yosano: are you serious?!
Kunikida: "...It appears th-that someone infiltrated and pretended to be guards..."
atsushi: the rats?
Kunikida: "One prisoner tried to identify them, and the description doesn't match any Rats we have encountered."
ranpo: then again, we havent met every one of the rats thus far.
Kunikida: "We'll be reviewing the descriptions against known criminals..."
-there is a flower on the windowsill...-
-in frances' office-
frances: *listening to the flower*
*There's a sound coming from the flower*
Flower?: "--and interview the guards, too."
frances: hmmm..... *on the phone* this is quite the curious predicament, ma'am.
agatha: indeed it is. for now, just monitor the situation. don not intervene just yet.
frances: understood. till next time~ *hangs up* ..... hmmm....
*Voice in the flower*: "Two of you will visit the prison to speak with guards. I think it would be best for Kunikida to stay here..."
flower voice 2: understood, sir.
Kunikida: "..."
yosano: ....*pats his back*
Kunikida: *nods* "We'll be researching here..."
Fyodor: *blindfolded*
marquis: are we there yet?
Dumas: "A bit further...I told you the Iron Mask would've been better. He's probably following us even blindfolded."
marquis: hmmm...
Fyodor: "I assure you, I see nothing." *looks at Cervantes* "...What are wearing?"
Cervantes: "Cologne!"
Fyodor: "..." *sniffs* "...Awful."
marquis: so why dont you tell us about yourself~?
Fyodor: "What do you want to know?"
marquis: what are your companions like?
Fyodor: "Loyal…..Mostly."
Cervantes: "As leader of this trio, it is not loyalty so much as--" *pose* "FRIENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDSHIP!"
Dumas: -_-;
marquis: any special someone in your life~?
Fyodor: "...There are people with whom I am intimate."
marquis: do tell~
Fyodor: "What's in it for me, lovely?"
marquis: hehehe~ oh you flirter, you~ ^///^
Dumas: "Stop that." *pulls Marquis away* "We're here."
marquis: =3=
Dumas: "Now, how to let them know we're here--"
Cervantes: "WE'RE HERE!"
marquis: *looks out the window*
-there seems to be a large house in the middle of the desert, surrounded by large hills. it almost looks like a large cabin-
Dumas: "...Yeah, that's conspicuous."
Cervantes: "Ring the doorbell!"
Dumas: "Why would a place out here have--"
Cervantes: *suddenly has a doorbell*
marquis: hellooooo?
-a servant answers-
servant: welcome.
Dumas: "Um, yes, we have completed a mission for your employer..."
Cervantes: *waves* "Hi, Sancho!"
Dumas: -_-; "Not every person you meet is 'Sancho.'"
servant: thank you, sirs. my employer first has some business to take care of in europe before coming here to the states.
Dumas: "Wait--they're not even here? Then how do we do this transaction--"
servant: *hands them a briefcase*
Dumas: "..." *puts an ear to it* "...It's not ticking."
marquis: ^^
Cervantes: "So we have to say goodbye to our new friend?"
Fyodor: "I was not your friend."
marquis: so mean. =3=
Fyodor: *looks at the servant* "So, one prison to another..."
servant: do you wish to invite your subordinates to the establishment?
Fyodor: "...Hmm...Interesting proposal. You'll forgive me if I am suspect."
servant: shall i give you a tour, sir?
Fyodor: "..." *follows*
-there's a living room area with a TV, a kitchen and dining area, a game room, a study, and several bedrooms-
Fyodor: "Large."
servant: you can take any of the bedrooms you'd like.
Fyodor: "I don't have much with me."
servant: *nods and exits*
Fyodor: *sits on the bed, looks at the phone*…..*dials*
Fyodor: "..."
*The phone clicks, connecting*
yana: yo.
Fyodor: "I am at the safehouse."
yana: want me to put you on speaker to talk to everyone?
Fyodor: "Yes."
yana: ok..... OI! everyone get on in here! fedya's on the phone!
zoey: master??
lydia: ???
barkova: owo
Gogol: *sets down his tea*
Ivan: QwQ *inches to the phone*
Fyodor: "I am no longer in the prison."
lydia: so we've heard in the news.
elizaveta: yay!
Fyodor: "I will have updates soon--but you must prepare for a move."
yana: to a new location?
Fyodor: "Yes. Just wait until our host gives me more information."
lydia: your host?
Fyodor: "Yes. I am someone's guest."
Ivan: "..."
lydia: who's?
Fyodor: "I'll tell you more soon, but they'll be an...interesting ally."
yana: hmm...
Ivan: OwO "...WE MISS YOU!"
zoey: i want to see you again, master! i want our baby to see you when it's born!
Fyodor: "...I will see you soon."
zoey: *moan~*
Fyodor: "..." *makes a noise* "Whoops--reception--"
lydia: <calm down, vanya, take a breath..> -A-; *sweatdrop*
Ivan: *hyperventilating*
lydia: <inhale, vanya, inhale!>
Ivan: *takes a paper bag, inhales*
lydia: *pats his back*
zoey: pheh....
Fyodor: "I got to go--until then. Yana, may I speak with you..."
yana: sure thing.....do ya'll mind?
Gogol: ^w^ "Let's depart, everyone..." *pushing them out*
yana:...............<what did you want to say?>
Fyodor: <The move will be difficult getting out of the city: keep them in line.>
yana: <noted.>
Fyodor: <Good. Don't disappoint.>
erina: *waking up*
Allison: *looking at the news* "..."
erina: *yaaawn* mornin'
Allison: "!!!" *puts down her phone* "...Morning."
erina: *streeeetch* bacon....
Allison: ^^; "Coming up..."
-phone rings-
erina: *answers* m'hello?
???: "Erina."
erina: *her stomach drops, and her eyes widen in horror*
???: "I hope you did not think I forgot you."
Allison: "Erina...Who is it?"
erina: *she's shaking, unable to speak* ah...
???: "I'm sure you heard the news already: I'm free."
Fyodor: "I'll see you soon."
erina: *she drops the phone.....and falls to her knees*
Allison: "!!! Erina! Erina!"
Fyodor: "..." *smiles*
erina: ah...ah.......*she screams at the top of her lungs in horror, shaking violently*
Allison: "Erina!" *grabs her, holding her*
erina: *hysterically sobbing*
Allison: "..." *keeps holding onto her, strokes her back*
erina: oh god, he's going to come after me! he's going to hurt me!
Allison: *grabs the phone, hangs it up* "Erina...Look at me."
erina: *her eyes look dead, pupils shrunk*
Allison: "..." *gulps* "W-We're not going to let that happen. I'm not going to let him hurt you."
erina:...i cant leave the apartment...
Allison: "...You have to...This is not your prison, this is your home. And...I don't know, we can call the police..."
erina: how can they help me after i-....*urk* *shaking*
Allison: "...I don't know..." *hugs, cries*
erina:.....i feel sick....
Allison: *nods* "L-Let's get you some water..."
Kunikida: *sitting in front of tea* "..."
naomi: ....
Kunikida: *tries to pick up the cup--misses* "..."
naomi: *pat pat*
Kunikida: "...This is not ideal."
naomi: .....
Kunikida: "No one stopped him, again. And he's going to get people killed, again."
yosano: we're going to find him and stop him.
Kunikida: "..." *nods* "Right."
Chuuya: *freezes*
katya: *malicious giggling* ohhhh im gonna kill hiiiim.... OOOOHHHHH IM GONNA KIIIILLL HIIIIIIM NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
pushkin: 0-0;;;;;;
Gin: "Easy there..."
hirotsu: ._. she's certainly....erm... enthusiastic.
Gin: "Yes...I suggest directing her energies towards something effective." *pulls out a sword* "This would work..."
Akutagawa: "..." T_T ("She's still worried for me...")
leo: katyusha, do you want to use the punching bag?
katya: it'll do.....for now....
Tachihara: "Yo, all--"
Gin: "Speaking of punching bags."
katya: *pulls out a knife* C8<
higuchi: not yet, katya.
Tachihara: O_o "..." *slowly backs away*
katya: move it, <shitbag>.
Tachihara: *takes off running* "WHYYYYYYYYY?!!!" >____<
Fitzgerald: "..." *sets down the newspaper*
alcott: oh dear heavens....
Fitzgerald: "Get Eckleburg on this. Track surveillance."
alcott: right away, sir.
Fitzgerald: *looking through files*
Taneda: "I think this calls for additional support."
ango: hmm....
Taneda: "Go through the files, arrange a meeting."
ango: understood.
Taneda: *sighs* "What a mess...Some prison."
ango: *making a call*
*The line is connecting...*
???: "Hello?"
ango: this is ango sakaguchi, with the death city special abilities department. your group has summons to the city ASAP.
???: *sigh* "Very well. I'll make the call."
Yumi: *hands Shiori* "We'll be working until around 2."
kirika: kay.
stocking: *nod*
Yumi: "Thank you." *waves to Shiori*
shiori: baba...
Yumi: *weak smile, as she leaves*
kirika:...be safe mom.
Yumi: "..." *nods* "I will. Thank you."
Dumas: *counting the dollars*
marquis: so what now?
Dumas: "Onto the next task, including dividing up the money--"
Cervantes: *holding binoculars, looking around* "Hmm...Not a bad setting..."
marquis: *pokes head out*
Dumas: "...No--"
Cervantes: "A lovely new home, with chandeliers!"
Dumas: "I said--"
marquis: we can bring your doggy. ^^
Dumas: "... ... ..." >_> "...Backyard?"
marquis: ^^
Cervantes: ^w^ "Even can build our own cave for you~"
Dumas: "...Hmph. Call a real estate agent."
Cervantes: *victory pose*
Yumi: *reviewing maps* "There are multiple exit points." *taps one part of the map* "Here we had reports of lights going out, as well as mass hallucinations."
homura: hmm...
Yumi: "By the time reports came in of the hallucinations, we found border agents at the northwest sector also under the influence. At this time, we cannot confirm whether it was madness, black blood..."
nygus: have we checked the cameras?
Yumi: "Many were disabled in the prison itself. We do have some footage from around the city..."
nygus: lets review that.
Yumi: *taps onto a tablet, pulling up the footage*
homura: ....
*The footage shows three people bringing along what looks like Fyodor*
*One of them starts pointing wildly at skull-shaped decorations on the buildings*
*One of them starts walking off in the wrong direction*
homura: *sweatdrop*
*The one who looks like Fyodor claps his hands, as if trying to get their attention*
nygus: ...
Yumi: "Wait, where did the third one go?"
*the third was out of view of the camera*
*The one looking like Fyodor just stands...tilts his head*
*The one who got lost starts yelling and pointing*
*The other grabs the one off-camera, pulling him along*
homura: hmm....
Yumi: "That's where our footage ends."
nygus: it doesnt help much...
Yumi: "No. Forensics is searching that spot to find any evidence that could identify the trio."
*Rain starts falling*
izumi: *walking along with an umbrella* ^^
rowena: hello, miss albarn.
izumi: hey ro. ^^
Magaki: *nods*
alice: hello....
izumi: heading anywhere?
Magaki: "I was going to the bakery--was asked to pick up bread for the, um, house."
izumi: sounds good.
rowena: ^^ edgar asked me to pick some supplies up for him as well.
Magaki: "??? Ink?"
rowena: *she nods*
Magaki: "Ah. Does he enjoy sweets? Maybe pick one up for him."
Shotaro: *hangs up a teru teru bozu*
setsuna: ^^
Shotaro: "How's yours coming along, Em--"
Emine: *holds up one looking like it's been hanged*
mana: ._.
mono: _that's_ totally not disturbing at all.
lin-kimpur:... ^^ creative.
Emine: "Thank you." *hangs it up*
Shotaro: "Let's make more!" *draws out a face like Mana's*
sonia: *looking out the window*
Motojiro: "--then the light shines through like a prism*
bessy: oooh, neat.
Motojiro: "Then the worms will come out of the ground--"
sonia: ...
Motojiro: "What can you all tell me about the process of how rain is made? Sonia?"
sonia: .........
naoya: *whispers* maaaybe not the best subject to bring up with her.
Motojiro: OwO;;; "...How about we listen to the frogs croaking--MAKING NOISE! Making noise..."
tom: yay!
naoya: you could call it a....ribbeting, experience.
ayako: you did not just say that.
-some of the kids laugh. sonia says nothing-
leo: miss sonia? did you want to go for a walk?
Motojiro: QWQ "..."
Arthur: *meditating...under the pounding rain*
shinra: he's gonna get a cold.
Relan: "I mean, have you ever seen him have a cold?"
Vulcan: "Must be mind over matter."
shinra: mind?
Vulcan: "...Touche. I don't know, maybe Arthur is a robot--"
Viktor: OwO *picks up a screwdriver*
shinra: nah, he'd be short-circuiting if that were the case.
karin: that is also true.
Vulcan: "Could always waterproof things...Hmm...Maybe a submersible...but fire-powered...and with torpedoes with shark faces on them..." *mutter mutter mutter*
karin: *sweatdrop*
lisa: ^^;
Arthur: *eyes break open* "I got it!" *jumps up*
nozomi: oh?
Arthur: *lifts a rock* "The key!" *holding up...a key to the front door?*
shinra: what an epiphany.
Arthur: "The key is what is needed to unlock the secrets!"
Vulcan: "..." *shudders* "A-Already been there..."
shinra: ....
Rino: *looking around* "So...What's the plan?"
mikami: looking for snacks for the party.
Rino: "What does everyone like?" *grabs some gummy worms*
mikami: from what the others tell me, usual party snacks consist of popcorn and chips, right?
Rino: "True, but can't hurt to have something sweet..." *grabs some soda*
ryuuko: *gets some hi-chews* these are really good.
Rino: *small smile* "Good choice...Any cooking?"
mikami: shrimp?
Rino: "That could be good..." -_-; "Unless Hibana cheaps out."
mikami: isnt shrimp always a party food?
Rino: ._.; "...I mean, if you have the cash."
mikami: sorry, im still trying to get used to how other people do things like this. ^^; i know a bit about it i think...at least i hope so.
Rino: "Jeez, don't tell me you haven't had 'commoners' food' or something." *holds up instant ramen*
mikami: o-o-of course i have! i-i didnt mean anything rude a-at all....
ryuuko: easy mikami, easy.
Rino: ._.; "I hit a nerve?"
mikami: n-no, i-i-it's fine... *wipes her eyes*
Rino: ._.;;;; "...Sorry."
mikami: it's alright. i-im not mad at you.
Rino: "...How about I show you a recipe for a simple cheesecake?"
mikami: o-ok.
Shima: ^^; "Maybe I could help. I read about the prison break, and I know a bit about those kinds of thing--"
izumo: *GLARE*
Shima: OwO;;; "...Ah, come on--I'm just trying to help. After all, we're all classmates and teammates again, right?"
izumo: that depends....
Shima: "Depends on what?"
konekomaru: after what you did, it broke a lot of our trust for you. and if you really are being truthful, you're going to have to do a lot of work to earn that trust back.
Shima: "Oh, totally. That's why I'm here! First, help solve this prison break. Second, pay for some meals for you all. Third, take out Izumo--"
izumo: *GLARE*
seiya: *glare*
Shima: ^^;;; "I can skip the last one." *opens a book, showing some arrays*
Kid: "We're back."
lord death: hello~!
kirika: yo.
Kid: "Hello, Shiori!"
shiori: kid!
kirika: how was it?
Kid: *picks Shiori up* *sighs* "I haven't heard any progress. I don't think it's good for prison staff..."
Ivan: *folding clothes into luggage* ^w^
lydia: <so we're moving base then?>
Ivan: <Because Master asked~>
Gogol: <Likely to keep an eye on us.>
yana: we'll have to take unused underground maintenance tunnels out to avoid public eye...
Gogol: "AKA the sewer."
yana: <pretty much>
Gogol: >_< "That stinks. Literally."
lydia: =_=; grow up.
Gogol: <It's not sanitary...> *grabs soap*
Dumas: *looking at furniture*
marquis: hmmm.....i wanna go on a date.
Dumas: "We still want to be low-key, and you haven't met many people here yet."
marquis: but i get wonwy Q3Q
Dumas: *sighs* "Promise you won't out us?"
marquis: i woooont! im not stupid. *pouty face*
Dumas: "And be quiet bringing any date home."
marquis: okaaaay.
Dumas: "Good luck finding someone--even this city seems limited on options."
marquis: you never knooow~
Dumas: *eyeroll, looks at table coasters*
Dabi: *flipping through posts on his phone*
fang: *chewing on a washcloth*
Dabi: *grumbles, looks*
fang: da-
Dabi: "???"
fang: da-bi! ^o^
himiko: OuO
Dabi: "..." *groans*
fang: dabi! dabi! ^u^
Dabi: "Ugh...Why are you repeating that?"
himiko: you're his daddy! ^u^
Dabi: =_=; "Super..."
tomura: ....
Dabi: *looks at Tomura* "What up?"
tomura: *slinks back into his room*
Dabi: "...What's with him? Is he hard-up for attention?"
Gopher: "Hmph..." *looks up at the clouds* "Was hoping for clearer skies..."
kotone: ....
Gopher: "Could fly or go to the park..." *sad sigh* *looks at Kotone* "...Want to make something to eat with me?"
kotone: ok, brother.
Gopher: *smiles* "Cupcakes? With frosting?"
kotone: yes
Gopher: >w< "Okay!" *puts on an apron*
Free: "We're home!" *Milia is in a poncho and rain boots...Free is just in his shirt and pants, soaked*
milia: hi mama!
eruka: welcome back! ^^
???: is this our little granddaughter? she's such a sweetie! ^^
Free: ._.; *turns*
-eruka's parents are there-
sephy: heya, kiddo.
milia: um...hi?
Free: ^^; "Didn't know you were stopping by..."
kerona: we thought we'd come visit due to the lovely weather~ ^^
Free: "Greeeeeeeat..." *shakes the rain off himself*
kerona: we even brought some treats from the witch world along~
milia: *shiny eyes*
Free: "Guess you can have one for now..."
milia: yay!
eruka: it's been a while since i had food from home. *stomach growls*
Free: ^^; "I guess we're all sharing for a bit--" *reaches for one*
Free: *picks up what looks like a cross between an orange and an apple, only it's got green and purple stripes*
eruka: ooh. *picks up another one* *nom* tangy. ^^
Free: "Milia, try this--" *holds up what looks like a dip container--only it's bubbling, neon, and...did it just blink?*
milia: *nom* =w= yum!
Free: "Thank you for trying something new." ^w^
Tool: "How's your arm holding up?"
mana: a bit sore, but fine.
Tool: *nods* "That's good...The streets are saying this isn't going to stop for a bit--and may flood the road."
mana: hmm.
Tool: "I think it's best to put some towels down around the door edges--" *opens the curtains, looks outside* o_O;;;
*Shotaro is now a dolphin, swimming outside*
kyouko: *helping put up sandbags by the edge of the canal*
Rin: "Got another one..." *picks it up*
nygus: thanks again for helping out here today.
kyouko: not a problem, ma'am.
Sid: "The nearby houses are evacuated. Where did this storm come from?"
homura: it could be an incident by a rogue witch.
Sid: "Maybe...Homura, call up some meisters, see which souls they detect. I'll get some other divisions to check on other sources--demons, quirks, abilities..."
homura: understood.
Sid: *texts* [can you patrol for certain rain-based or water-based quirks in the area? potential source of current downpour]
Aizawa: *asleep next to his phone* "Zzzz..."
yuuji: oi, get up. *nudge*
present mic: i got dis.....HEYYYYYYYYYYYY AIZAWA!!!
yuuji: >~Q ow.
Aizawa: =_______= *grabs Present Mic by the throat*
present mic: GRK-
Aizawa: "What."
present mic: text message for you.
Aizawa: *looks* "..." *sighs* "I'll get my poncho...Come along."
Charon: *shivers* "Stupid rain..."
kagu-tsuchi: it should pass soon enough.
Charon: "Not soon enough. I'm freezing." *he's standing with no shirt*
kagu-tsuchi: *sweatdrop* you're the one walking around without a shirt on.
Charon: "??? How could you--"
kagu-tsuchi: your heat signature was different from usual.
Charon: "Hmph. Fine." *puts on a shirt* "It's still unbearable. Rain requires adjusting any techniques in combat."
*There's a child jumping around in the rain, giggling*
shop owner: hey kid, you shouldnt be out here alone, it's dangerous.
???: "???" *smiles, slightly creepy* "But it's fun! Whee!" *plops down, rolling in the puddle*
shop owner: where the heck are your parents?
???: -___-; "Shut up! I'm here because I want to be!" *kicks up water*
shop owner: woah!
???: >n< "I don't need any, any more!" *stamps their feet--and more rain pours down, flooding into the shop*
shop owner: h-hey! hey!!
???: "I get to do what I want! Because I can do THIS!" *splashes water at the window, shattering it*
shop owner: !!!!!
Sid: "Hey!"
???: "???" *turns* "..." ._.; "What the heck are you supposed to be?"
homura: *grabs their shoulder* disciplinary committee.
-one spanking later-
???: Q~Q "You mean ugly jerk!" >n<
*The rain stops falling...*
nygus: so they were the source, then....
homura: *looking up an ID for the kid*
*Looks to be a runaway from the Slums, missing since the disaster there*
homura: you're from the slums, right?
???: "I don't have to tell you anything--you're not my mom!"
nygus: what's your name, sweetie?
???: "...Kai."
nygus: now, how are you able to use this ability of yours, kai? is it a quirk?
Kai: "Dunno...It started happening last week after I...ran."
homura: so you recently discovered your ability, then?
Kai: *frowns at Homura* -n- "Yeah."
nygus: where's your family, kai? in the slums still?
Kai: "...I don't know. After the fire, I couldn't find them...No one came for me anyway, so that's fine."
nygus:.....tell you what, you can stay with us for a while until we get this squared away, alright?
Kai: "Why would you do that for me, Miss Mummy?"
nygus: someone has to make sure you're safe, so that your power isnt used to cause harm to others.
Kai: -n- "I didn't harm anyone..."
*The shop is still flooded*
shop owner: does my insurance cover this?
Sid: "I'm going to guess yes, but I'll check with the Academy--they are taking responsibility for this kid."
shop owner: thank you, mr barrett.
Sid: *nods* "Now, let's dump this brat into a warm bath, get them cleaned up--"
Kai: >_< "MY NAME ISN'T 'BRAT'!"
Joker: "Huh. Rain stopped."
scarlet: weather's odd like that, i guess.
Joker: "Hmm..." *picks up a cigarette box--it's soggy* "...Oh, damn it."
Walter: "Almost ready to put this show on stage, Leroux?"
leroux: just about~ ^u^
Hirotsu: "It's shaping up very well. The costumes in particular."
Kid: *smiles, looking at the rainbow outside*
shiori: woooow!
Kid: "It's so big and colorful! We can see red, orange, and--what else, Shiori?"
shiori: bloo?
Kid: "Yes! The rainbow contains the seven main colors, including indigo."
shiori: indigo?
Kid: "A kind of dark blue..." *Excalibur face* "There should be _eight_ rainbow colors..."
shiori: how about brown?
Kid: "Hmm...Well, that could give us an eighth color, but then it wouldn't be a rainbow but a rain-_brown_." *smiles*
shiori: *giggle*
Kid: ^w^ "Ha ha...The rainbow comes after even the worst rain, kind of a sign of hope."
Todoroki: *passing a finger along rain droplets on the window*
fuyumi: quite a storm, huh?
Todoroki: "No kidding. It wasn't reported at all, so I'm glad it's done."
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