#I’d be happy to answer questions
awfullybigwardrobe44 · 4 months
back at it with another prayer request!
hello friends!
i am the world’s biggest supporter of mental health medication. It has helped me so much and it’s a lifeline for some of us. I sincerely believe it’s a gift from God.
however. I am experiencing some Not Good side effects after being on one of my meds for a few years, and I need the dosage to be dropped. This is unfortunately the med that helps with my depression, and in the week and a half since I’ve been on the lower dose, I’m experiencing little twinges of depression. Nothing unmanageable, but I’m worried it’s going to get worse.
please pray I can have the dosage successfully lowered without becoming too depressed, or even without being depressed at all! I really need this.
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boinky-doinky · 8 months
can you please draw the Winnie the Pooh meeting Alex Kralie
Thank you
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Alex Kralie meeting Winnie the Pooh
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noodles-and-tea · 5 months
Have you thought about doing a body tutorial or something similar like how you do anatomy or expressions? Not to pressure u to or anything of course, I just find your art very inspiring and its quite honestly like the perfect mix of realistic and cartoony to me :)
Firstly, thank you for the kind words!!
Secondly, I will see if I can compile some tips for stuff | do but I must put the disclaimer here that I mostly have no idea what l'm doing :)))
Something that I learnt way back when I first started studying art for myself is using a line of motion, which I think adds a lot of movement and life to characters - especially if you're drawing them on their own
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(You can see I add one here)
As for my "anatomy" (I use quotations because I will go through phases of studying anatomy vigorously and then a period immediately after where I do not care) | tend to use a lot of blocking and also the movement lines to shape my art and then go back and add detail and fix anything that's wrong
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The head, chest and hips are what I tend to focus on mostly for initial blocking, then adding limbs and all the extra parts
So that's pretty much my process for drawing people and bodies, I could probably post some speed paints or whatever if you're interested to showcase it a bit more practically. But my other advice is to study other art styles and shapes and anatomy and people! Basic but hey, it works.
As for expressions I can potentially make another post for that too but be warned that I am bluffing through those way worse than this so we will see
I hope that helps!!!
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m0thxy · 7 months
pool boy at the vampire mansion. day 1. there’s some humans body in the water . I probably gotta clean that up lol. none of the vampires have tried to attack me yet so that’s pretty cool. if I don’t update you guys tomorrow they’ve probably killed me cus im shit at my job tbh I lied on my resume idk how to do my job lol not my problem though🙏 they pay me in dabloons
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fowlblue · 3 months
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Okay, so I did say I’d go over Diana’s lore a bit (and then completely forgot, forgive me, Artfight got in the way)- so here’s some history (and a few visual notes) for my evil little Arty clone!
Before I explain Diana, I first have to give a brief reminder of another other AF OC: Sine Sylvester, Council member of Haven.
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This guy (wonderfully draw by the delightful @sinigangrobot , thank you so much my friend!)
Sine is a cervitaur, and generally well-liked by most in Haven. He’s made a big name for himself among circles of less “conventional” fairy folk (like other centaurs) in pioneering design/lawmaking in Haven that suits them as well. However, behind the scenes he’s also involved in illegal kidnapping of humans for aboveground for any purposes below, such as experimentation, weapons testing, labor, etc. You could say he runs “Human Resources” for Haven’s criminal underground… and occasionally, the Council.
Enter Artemis Fowl.
Sine exists in a hypothetical future AU in which Artemis is offered a position as the first human consultant for the Council- supposedly for services rendered, though mostly to keep an eye on him. Bureaucracy doesn’t suit Artemis at all, but he does what he can.
Eventually, two things happen- Sine digs up Foaly’s notes on cloning Artemis: a bit patchy, perhaps, but legible. Also, certain members of the Council become concerned about Artemis’s meddling. Eager for the opportunity to use the newfound research, Sine offers to make them a “backup” Artemis- one more suited to fairykind’s needs.
Sine has his own motivations- he’s in an interspecies marriage with a pixie doctor (in the “mad scientist” way, mind- she handles a lot of the human experimentation) named Mags. They love each other dearly, but understandably, a biological kid isn’t happening. So Diana, as they call the clone of Artemis they develop, becomes a son to them, and they love him fiercely… to the point of threatening the same Council members that commissioned him, if needed.
Diana is designed after how the People view Artemis- cunning, and cruel, and cold. He’s a vicious little guy, only tempered by his love for his parents, and the same burning curiosity as Artemis himself. Diana has a deep desire to learn and be recognized for his intellect- unfortunately for him, he spends most of his time cooped up in Sine’s HR facility for his own protection. See, Foaly’s notes had gaps- Sine and Mags filled these gaps with cybernetics. Because of them, Diana is hooked to the mainframe of Sine’s facility and all sorts of LEP systems to use as his playground (his parents’ attempts to make up for him being confined to the grounds)- laser turrets, survellience, his mother’s experiments… all of it is partially under his control, as Diana mans a lot of the facility’s defenses himself as a means of chasing off boredom. However, his cybernetics are also incredibly delicate, and cause him a lot of pain at times- whenever this happens, Sine takes the day off to look after him.
He, just like his father, considers humans to be lesser creatures. He’s not too pleased with his aboveground counterpart, refusing to acknowledge him as anything but “The Mud Boy”. Diana eagerly awaits the day they can meet in-person, so he can show him who the better Fowl is.
Other notes:
- Being raised in Haven and born of magic, he does have limited fairy abilities.
- Occasionally, he gets to follow Sine along and learn about Council business.
- Diana lacks Artemis’s focus, as he’s never had to cultivate it the way the Fowl heir has, so one of his weaknesses is that he’s easily distracted, and easily tricked.
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robo-milky · 1 year
What if Cloche were to stay in Twisted Wonderland? Worst Case Scenario (Delusion)
CW: BLOOD//GORE (Written?)
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(Edgification— My love/j)
• If Crowley never finds a way to send Cloche back home, Cloche’ position as a prefect is solidified. Cloche would also be granted greater authority over other students.
• The longer Cloche stayed in Twisted Wonderland, the stronger Binding Bells became. Cloche had less of a conscious choice when following orders, and it got to the point where orders become automatic and were harder to reverse. Crowley didn’t take any actions to contain the curse, under the impression most of Cloche’ orders were harmless, until the incident she lost her eye. From that point on, Crowley finally recognized the severity of Cloche’ cursed obedience and set a password on her. The password makes it so that Cloche doesn’t have to follow anyone else’s orders, and that she doesn’t have to address others as “Master/Mistress”.
• Cloche lost her eye to first years who didn’t know any better. The freshmen were skeptical of the curse and wanted to see the full extent of it, so they cornered her when she was alone. They ordered her to freeze to cut her hair, and were surprised Cloche was so complaint. Still under the impression the curse was fake, and cutting hair didn’t cause any physical harm, they went out of their way to order Cloche to take out one of her eyes. Their curiosity turned to horror, when Cloche actually did it. Even if they tried to restrain her, she can’t stop until the order is fulfilled.
• The freshmen weren’t expelled, but suspended and heavily reprimanded. Crowley wanted to keep any and all incidents of violence under the wraps, as best he could. After the incident, Crowley realized Cloche had the potential to kill if ordered so, and temporarily fixed the obedience aspect of Binding Bells.
• Cloche becomes more paranoid and stern after the incident. Her emotional apathy also worsens as a result of not being able to go back home. Cloche never felt a big connection to Twisted Wonderland and NRC in the first place.
• Since Cloche is less emotional now, she’s less likely to go feral.
• Cloche takes off her maid accessories and is finally given a form fitting uniform. With her hair cut, she also fits in with the boys more.
• The first year gang (now second year) are more protective of Cloche and keep a closer eye on her (especially ADeuce + Grim)
• Grim acts as Cloche’ second pair of eyes to make up for her worsened depth perception.
• Cloche comes to terms with the fact she may never be human again, and accepts the beastman features as apart of her.
• Unlike her first year self, second year!Cloche takes her role as a prefect more seriously, and actively tattles on troublemakers. She’d even go as far as to document suspicious activity her ear bells pick up on. She’d garner a reputation similar to Riddle. Thanks to Crowley’s protection, she can make reports without worrying about others trying to get revenge on her.
• In place of a magical pen, Cloche wears a NRC badge with a whistle behind it.
• Second Year!Cloche is designed with the intent to foil the Cloche who can return to her world, to foil the Cloche who did get her happy ending.
• I went for a police/military vibe with the design and pose to establish power
• Her iris will be forever shrunk to show the constant paranoia and unease.
• Cloche isn’t necessarily bullied here, but she happened to run into dumb kids who didn’t make the best decisions. The justifications of their actions is up to you
• She is twinning with Leona <3 Both felines with scarred eye ;)
• Shout out to the friend who said quote: “What is wrong with you?” when I showed the OG sketches— everything. Nobody deserves to be happy (except for sweet baby Leikata and Otomine uwu)
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sammunmak · 8 months
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uhm i forgot to post these yesterday for sammun-mak sunday but whatever we can extend it to sammun-mak monday. hooray!
this is basically just an au where some time after tdph sammun-mak gets adopted by sam & max and geek builds her a robot body. she can still use her psychic powers which can lead to some shenanigans. but the most important part is that she’s happy under snm’s care :]
(important note that the big joint goes wherever her outer elbow/knee would be. and she uses she/her pronouns in this au ok thanks)
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babisawyer · 1 year
Jackie realizing she’s gonna have to take care of shauna and jeff’s ghost baby
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#🐇#yellowjackets#truly it’s so interesting to me how much better this season is than the first that literally never happens for me#the current timeline is finally getting interesting. Jeff is still the best part#love how fast misty took to being a cult that is so her™️#Jackie liking poppies is interesting to me both in the Jackie is gay camp and also you know the whole thing with wizard oz and her death#the ending was so fucking depressing I need a nap now#like I’m so happy they didn’t eat the baby that would have been so incredibly cheap but glad to finally have answers#like do we think shauna was dreaming or had she temporarily crossed over because like where was Jackie and the French dude#I’d say it would make sense that Lottie could be there somehow#idk it reminded me a lot of Jackie’s death of course so I have many questions#I will say the cop story line is pretty stupid like no fucking way is any of this legal and also let’s kill that creep cop shauna#I will help you girl I will drive the get away car#I was also like wondering awhile ago if Lottie’a camp is near where the plane crash was#and my best friend and I were like no there’s no way and then they tell us it’s in New York so like possibly close to the boarder?#I tried looking up cherry hill but I couldn’t find anything idk it’s probably totally unlikely and they just also happen to be in the woods#I didn’t get a preview for next week is there a preview? idk#my complaint this week is where is Jackie lmfao where is her ghost why wasn’t she in sex ed give me something I’m not ready to move on!!!!
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death-by-moth · 6 months
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I did it, I made that TF2 OC I was talking about.
Technically, Crow is not a Mercenary. He works alongside Miss Pauling as an unofficial assistant of sorts. By that, I mean he was never properly hired. He was attracted by the death and chaos happening between the two teams and just… showed up. But he’s helpful, so he’s allowed to stay. He mostly works as battlefield cleanup, collecting the bodies, shrapnel, and weapons from the battlefield during and after a battle. He especially enjoys collecting the bodies, as he is fascinated by death and loves to study human anatomy. More often than not, he just quietly returns the weapons and scrap metal back to the mercenaries.
Despite being a neutral party, he does wear the team colors so he doesn’t get shot on sight if the mercenaries do see him. Heavy emphasis on IF. He is extremely reclusive and doesn’t like being seen, which has caused him to become adept at hiding and sneaking around. He may appear well put together and even intimidating at times, but he is terribly skittish and will flee at the first sign of a living person being nearby.
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chaosduckies · 2 months
I feel like denying my body sleep to tonight. Anyone want to tell me how their day/night was or ask me some questions? :D
Feel free to tell me really anything honestly!
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aj-thegreatest · 1 month
Hope RL is doing well for you ❤️
My first question is for your Minthephone fic. Do you have an ideal ending for the couple? Is it anywhere compared to the original ending?
And my second question is do you have any non fandom projects or OC’s? Id love to see them if you!
Thank you so much for the ask!!
First, I do have a vague “official” ending for PomengranMints! It’s more of a slight flash forward into the future, but it’ll bookend their relationship for the time being! At that point in the story, it’ll technically deviate completely from canon. I won’t give any spoilers, but it does end in a big celebration! So that’s a vague similarity
And I do actually! I have a little project I’ve been working on with a friend (hi hi @thepaladincosplays!) It’s called LadyBites!
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It’s about a group of girls who get accepted into an inter-dimensional magic school for nobility!
Alina and Genevieve are the main girls, but each girl will get time to shine and develop. It’s inspired by Winx Club, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Sailor Moon, and MLP.
I still need to redraw all the of the main girls (and majorly redesign Alina, I’m making her black! With slight edits to Genevieve), but I can always take more questions if anyone is curious!
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emily-mooon · 3 months
Last night the ST fire emblem au brainworms came back so to help feed them, here’s my ideas on what classes I think the characters would be
Mike: Lord (he’s essentially the blue haired lord in my head, can become a paladin later)
Will: Mage or Cleric (going more with mage cause they get pointy hats while clerics don’t)
Lucas: Archer
Dustin: Bard (yes this is a class in this game but only in like two and the older ones)
El: idk either mage or she’s manakete (dragon person)
Max: Pegasus knight
Nancy: Mage (with a proficiency in bows)
Jonathan: Thief (might change later idk)
Steve: Red Cavalier
Barb: Cleric or Mage (I was also thinking Pegasus knight to do the whole Pegasus trio trope in many of the games)
Robin: Green Cavalier
Argyle: Apothecary (like Jonathan, might change later)
Vickie: Pegasus knight
Eddie: Mercenary (the hellfire club is his mercenary group, leaning towards the trickster class as well)
Chrissy: Dancer (it’s the cheerleader class of this game)
Hopper: Knight (don’t know which kind yet)
Joyce: Axe Fighter (might change too but might not cause AXE)
Murray is the hubba tester/rainbow sage character (aka the relationship fortune teller mechanic that’s in awakening and fates respectfully) he can also be playable. Idk what his class is yet
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mayakern · 1 year
Hope it’s not a bother!! I love hearing you talk about your skirt creations and behind the scenes! What are your top 10 most popular skirts? Any one of them surprise you with its popularity? What are some concept ideas that you have that you scraped because it seems too self indulgent and won’t do well with the crowd? How much freedom do you give your collaborators, or do you still contribute to the ideas (I remember you said you went to Rio with the rat idea)
it’s not a bother at all! however this is a lot of questions so i’ll just be answering the first one, since that answer alone is already plenty long.
it’s a little difficult to aggregate the most popular designs, since a lot of them have multiple listings (either from size range changes, changes to the design, or having a miniskirt version) but i’ll do my best
the top design, by a very wide margin, is the bee skirt! i don’t think this will surprise anyone hahaha. i also don’t think the whale skirt being second place will surprise anyone either.
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third and fourth are @sergle’s sunflowers and my desert sunset. the desert sunset skirt surprises me only because of how relatively new it is (same with the sunflowers skirt). i think it’s because they were both available for preorders so people were able to order as many as they wanted without worrying about us running out of stock.
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fifth and sixth are cherry tree and deadly florals
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seventh is @sergle’s poppies and eighth is sycamore, which is surprising only that it is a color way of the cherry tree skirt. usually when i make different color ways of designs, one of them vastly outsells the others, but considering how much less time the sycamore skirt has been available for, the sales aren’t that different.
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ninth and tenth are star gayzing and ocean, which is insane considering we’ve only offered the ocean skirt once. i think it could easily hit top five after a couple more reprints
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lorainedoesthings · 4 months
Fic update time!
Chapters 1 and 2 are done, and are going through the occasional edit. Chapter 3 is coming along nicely although it’s not going to reach 2’s length.
I will try to have 3 sit at around 2k words, though I can’t guarantee that since I’m nearly full circle.
“Is this.. the first time you’ve seen something like this happen?” the engine murmured, his emotions still running high.
“Yes.” the human admitted. “It is. I’ve heard stories of other engines suffering from similar fates, however.”
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wyvernne · 5 months
i swear it’s always during finals, when i’m running on 4 hours of sleep and energy drinks that i’m like “omg i should write right now :)” HELP
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bleached-socks · 26 days
Since people have been talking about Squad Zero on one of my posts, I wanted to take the time to share my Squad Zero Lore that I made for a fanfic I'm writing
Rumors about Squad Zero make them seem significantly stronger than they are, though that is completely on purpose on their end. Their boosted power comes from being in the Royal Realm, which is the connecting point between the three realms (Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, World of the Living). This nexus of realms is subjected to a lot of power, which is reflected by the Royal Realm. That is also why the Royal Guard bankais shake all three realms, not because of how powerful they are, but because the place they were released in is connected to all three realms. The Royal Realm is actually technically accessible from all three realms, the soul society is the only one with a with an actual entrance.
Imagine the Royal Realm was a building with three walls. All three walls can be penetrated with enough force. They can be broken with less force if you know the right techniques. They all have vunerable spots like windows that can be broken more easily. However the Soul Society side has a door. If you have the key, you can open the door and enter no problem. The lock can also be picked for easy access, if you're skilled enough. To enter from the Shadow Realm would be like breaking in through the basement, much harder to do, but a lot less expected. And to be clear, it takes a LOT of power and skill to even begin to do ANY of these things.
Squad Zero captains are recruited for their intellect and resoursefulness. All of the Squad Zero captains invented something that became a core part of Soul Reaper operations (although that wasn't necessarily why they were recruited). They are all shown to be very resourceful. You can also be recruited from outside of the 13 Court Guard Squads if Ichibe decides you are valuble enough. O'Etsu and Tenjiro were not Soul Reapers when they were recruited.
O'Etsu was recruited before the 13 Court Guard Squads were a thing, due to inventing zanpakutos. This very much contribues to his arrogance, since he was the first person allowed in the Royal Realm besides Ichibe and Reio. Senjumaru was the original Lieutenant of Squad 12. She invented many things but most notably the shihakusho. But she was actually recruited for the invention of computers, which in real life were an evolution of the loom, so it fits with her character. They were fairly basic computers that future generations expanded on greatly, but she’s the one who got it started. She went straight from Lieutentent to Squad Zero captain. Tenjiro had trained Unohana in healing techniques, and then she adapted them to combat while he focused on creating stronger healing by condensing healing energy into a stationary location. He then declined a position with the Soul Reapers in favor of researching better healing, and eventually he invented the healing springs which allowed him to be invited to Squad Zero. It was also around when he was recruited that the Squad Zero captains were allowed to bring workers up to assist them in their duties. Kirio was recruited for her invention of soul candies and gigai. She was the most recently recruited. She feels very out of her depth in the Royal palace and is slowly realizing that Squad Zero is not the organization that she'd thought it was…
Just being in the Royal Realm gives you a power boost. The longer you are in there, the more your power is boosted. It takes about an hour for the boost to become noticable. This is where Renji's power boost came from and part of where Ichigo's power boost came from. The speed of growth is steady for about a month, upon which the growth rate starts slowing dramatically. Your power contines to grow, but not at nearly the same speed. After 10 years, the power growth is negligible. When you leave the Royal Realm, that boost starts to fade, and does so at a much greater speed than gaining that power in the first place, which is why Squad Zero rarely leave the Royal Realm. Part of the power boost is permanent, but a lot of it will fade over time once you leave the Royal Realm.
The exception to the "Squad Zero is not as stong as they seem" rule is Ichibe. He is wicked powerful. As the first living being, and as someone who has an emense amount of power, Ichibe is a lot stronger than people realize. ...or he would be if he didn't get super lazy over millennia and stop practicing his power, causing it to fade from disuse. He is genuinely strong, but if he were at full strength, Yhwach would’ve had no chance at defeating him.
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