#I wrote this right before going to bed
So, in my opinion, Athena is probably dead. I think that it’s dumb and doesn’t make sense but the listening party animatic definitely implies she’s dead
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Here we have some before and after pictures. When I first saw the livestream, I assumed that she was just gonna pass out and that people were overreacting. However, the glow fading really implies that she is in fact dead.
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Shortly before the earlier images, we see Athena kind of holding onto life with her glow flickering. We can assume she is almost dead because Ares asks if she’s even alive(I will return to this). All this considered, despite the fact she isn’t glowing in a lot of scenes in this song(such as Odysseus showing her Telemachus), her glow fading really does show that she is probably dead.
If you need some evidence from the songs, we can also get some without looking at the animatics. First and most importantly, Ares asks if Athena is dead. While Ares isn’t the most respected god and many would label him as kind of dumb, he would probably know that gods can’t die if that’s the case. Him asking this does show that a god can, in theory, die. If you want mythological precedence, you can look at how Pan died(I know that there’s a bit of debate to that but idc). Another piece of evidence is actually Calypso saying “Last i checked, goddesses can’t die.” Many people take this as proof that Athena is incapable of death but it’s already been established by major gods that a god/goddess could die and there’s a mythological precedent, so calypso may be lying. In honesty, she isn’t being entirely untruthful in saying that she can’t die. Odysseus is just a half dead mortal king and Zeus is the single most powerful god. Odysseus can’t kill calypso while Zeus could kill Athena. This segues very well into how this line fits into the larger saga. Instead of this line acting as foreshadowing for Athena’s survival, it instead acts as tragic irony for Odysseus. Athena is Odysseus’ only chance at leaving and she dies. The irony comes because Odysseus’ problem could be solved if only a different goddess had died. The wrong goddess died and now it’s up to Zeus to decide whether Odysseus should be set free.
Now, if I’m correct, then I have a lot of feelings about this. If I’m wrong I have slightly less. If I’m right, you can see my previous post for a lot of my reasons why I think athena dying is a bad decision, but I’ll give one here. Gods don’t die. Pan is the only death I can think of (not counting stuff like Helios disappearing over time) and the phrasing of pans death could also be interpreted as the cult of Tammuz praising him for his one myth. Even characters that are treated as mortal like Medea (both her parents are minor gods so she probably should be too) don’t get myths where they die. Medea just runs off to a far away land. Kronos is sliced to bits. Typhon is sealed under Mount Etna. Kronos’ children are swallowed whole. ATHENA’S MOTHER GAVE BIRTH IN ZEUS’ HEAD. IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE THAT ATHENA COULD DIE. If she isn’t dead, why is the animatic like that? Jorge had to have commissioned it. I doubt the animator would have added that in on their own. Why would it be framed so much like she’s dead if she wasn’t.
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sage-lights · 3 months
something... anything... around that amangela merch shoot hug? 👀 -shesmore-shoebill
Before she is fully awake and able to register where that voice was coming from, Amanda notices an amorphous mass in a black hoodie barreling towards her. She's knocked back a step when Angela finally collides with her, wrapping her arms around Amanda's waist and squeezing so tight that Amanda's convinced that she might crushed a rib.
"Ugh, it feels like ages since I've seen you," Angela looks up at her and whines, "What took you so long to get here?"
Amanda slowly pulls Angela in closer, reciprocating the hug in an attempt to appear normal and not like she's dying inside. She just hopes Angela isn't able to feel or hear her rapidly beating heart with her face pressed against Amanda's chest.
"There was a crash on the 5 as I was driving over," Amanda half-lies. It was true, there was a three car pile up that slowed Amanda's morning commute, but she could've easily avoided it if she didn't spend so long trying to mentally prepare herself for coming back to work.
Angela huffs, "Well, at least you're here now. You didn't miss to much honestly. We've mostly been messing around while Brennan sets up the cameras."
Amanda doesn't say anything, but thankfully, Angela doesn't acknowledge the strange silence. Instead, she perks up again, "I have so much to update you on between shots. And you've got to tell me about your relaxing week-long vacation up in the Bay!"
Yeah, sure. It was totally relaxing. Not like Amanda decided, on a whim, to drive up north and run away from everything that's haunting her in Los Angeles. (God, does her name have to be so similar to LA? It's like everything is a reminder of her!) Not like Amanda didn't spend the week trying to convince herself this schoolyard crush was embarrassing and forcing herself to get over it. Not like Amanda didn't spend the week building resentment towards her closest friend.
But Amanda looks at her now. The slight crinkle around Angela's eyes and the way her smile shines so bright and genuine. Who is Amanda kidding, she wouldn't be able to stay mad even if her life depended on it.
There, in those two big brown eyes, is where her world began and ended.
"Yeah," Amanda releases herself from the embrace, but still keeps one arm around Angela's shoulders, "I'll tell you all about it."
word count: 400
(for @shesmore-shoebill, hopefully this is disaster!amanda enough for you LOL)
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00fairylights00 · 9 months
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Haha funny story, I was diagnosed with a sleep disorder in November after struggling with it unknowingly for give or take 18 months. Turns out I’m not crazy and falling asleep against your will multiple times a day is actually not a good or normal thing.
So permit me to write the puppet like a sap as I need this right now lol. Yes these are in fact all things I experienced but I am medicated for them now hooray!
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One task, that was all you’d managed to get through today. You felt sick and heavy, opting to sit on the cold ground before your body made you, it was a battle to stay awake as sleep attacked you again.
It was only early afternoon and you’d struggled through your one task of sweeping, you were certain everyone at the hotel thought you to be lazy, even if they’d all told you otherwise.
You’d been sick like this for a long time, long before the petrification disease or the puppet frenzy, both events having a negative effect on the way you’d usually manage your symptoms. 
And while you appreciated the sanctity you’d been spared at Hotel Krat, the nagging feeling of needing to repay Lady Antonia for her kindness was not helping your case.
You sat with your head in your hands, slipping in and out of consciousness, losing the battle again. Usually, Polendina would find you, send you to your room to rest and that would be it for the day, once you were in bed you found it hard to do much of anything else. Which you supposed was good for your body but it made your emotional well-being an absolute wreck.
Lady Antonia had asked you time and time again to be kinder to yourself, to feel accomplished of the things you could do and that you were welcome here no matter how sick you were, and she would know a thing or two about being sick.
But, you had a bad habit of being nasty to yourself, and with your sleep-related illness only seeming to get worse you couldn’t remember the last time you’d spoken kindly to yourself.
You felt like shit.
A hand at your shoulder, delicate and tender shook you but it didn’t do much to rouse you. Your vision swam uncomfortably through the gaps in your fingers, your head being too heavy to lift up. Hands grasped your wrists, pulling gently to reveal your face that was then taken into those same hands, one soft and warm, the other firm and cold.
With the weight of your head now being supported by P’s hands you could somewhat force yourself to look at him. His expression was unreadable, as always, but his presence was a balm to your spiralling thoughts.
The friendship of Geppetto’s Puppet had been good for you, P didn’t care how tired you were he was just happy to see you, he didn’t expect anything but your presence and that was something you could give freely, tired or not.
He tilted his head in question to what you assumed to be your position on the floor, slumped over rather uncomfortably.
“It just came on, I had to sit down,” you mumbled, he seemed to frown, getting down on one knee and shifting you against him to pick you up.
With you cradled to his chest, he ascended the stairs. You burrowed down against his chest, relishing in how nice it was to be looked after. 
It was almost like the trip up to your room didn’t happen, one moment you were snug to P’s chest, the next you were under your sheets and propped up against the headboard. P took it upon himself to remove his shoes and coat and sit on the opposite side of the bed to keep you company.
“Sleepy?” P asked innocently, you nodded trying desperately to suppress another yawn. 
“I-“ he started, a thoughtful look crossing his face, “-want to help. How do I help?”
He gently took your hand in his own, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles. The astounding amount of care he treated you with was sure to tear you apart in the best ways, making your exhausted mind spin.
“Just stay here with me for a bit,” You laid your head on his shoulder, “I think that’ll help.”
He mimicked you, resting his head on top of yours, pulling the sheets further up your lap. Doing what he could to keep you comfortable, a concept he was still trying to grasp.
“Thank you P,” you mumbled, snuggling closer, “love you.”
He pressed a gentle kiss to your head, nose buried in your hair, “I love you too.”
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thinking about how there's a window of time where Tim and Cass basically had the same haircut and like, I know I've mentioned the Concept™️ of them getting mistaken for biological siblings as civilians before but now I'm thinking about like.... what if various goons and villains thought they were bio siblings, but like, in-mask. obviously nobody puts together Black Bat/Orphan and Red Robin with Cassandra Wayne and Tim Drake-Wayne, but Red Robin and BB/Orphan have the same color and style hair, same slight, narrow build, and pretty similar combat styles — is it really a stretch to think that some people might think the two of them are related by more than just paperwork and a father's love?
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iiwaijime · 1 month
me when i want to eat suna as in nom nom nom likr chicken fry but i need to be normal
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lo-fi-charming · 1 year
Hi, I saw your ideal Elias drawing and wanted to let you know that portraying politically and/or socially power people & people in high positions has roots deep in antisemitism. It's derived from the claim that all or most political figures are actually jewish and that Jews thus 'run the media'.
Some further reading: The Atlantic article on why conspiracy theorists always land on the Jews: https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/10/why-conspiracy-theorists-always-land-on-the-jews/671730/
The Guardian article on QAnon and their roots in antisemitic theories: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/25/qanon-conspiracy-theory-explained-trump-what-is
Wikipedia article on the international Jewish conspiracy, which also has a short 'see also' section linking to two more Wikipedia articles on antisemitic conspiracy theories: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Jewish_conspiracy
I'm sure you didn't purposefully portray Elias as an antisemitic stereotype/conspiracy, antisemitism often hides in plain sight, so I wanted to take initiative.
Have a good [insert relevant temporal word here] :) /gen
anon im going to be so straightforward and real with you
my thoughts on this:
it is a... silly little joke. a pun yknow? EELias? we all have a sensible chuckle
i drew him as an eel because i like eels. i love them so much. i would hug and kiss them.
pr sure the most relevant angle for that antisemitic stereotype is lizard people? and he is not a lizard. he is an eel
my elias isn't jewish? so...?
also elias runs a dumb little institute that relies on donors... he has like 5 dollars... i wouldn't exactly describe him as Politically Powerful
i GUESS you could argue that, well he is literally the guy secretly manipulating all events for his evil plans, but like... that isn't why i drew him, specifically, as an eel? review points 1 and 2
...i think when it comes to why folks might feel the urge to send asks like this... i get it can come from a genuinely well-intentioned place, to an extent. but i've talked before about how asks like these come off and how they make me, personally, feel. it's not your job or obligation to write out an essay explaining to me why [your interpretation of my art] means ive drawn something you feel is bad, and thus need to warn me of
like im sorry but ultimately my feeling is that it's just not that deep and kind of a reach, and this ask is frustrating to me because to me it feels like you're taking the worst-faith reading of something innocuous as an excuse to be pedantic in my direction
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rubberduckyrye · 4 months
Once... Once the Prologue ha been refreshed, I'll be once again done with 1/8th of the story...
Prologue, the six cases, then an epilogue....
So much to do, but 1/8th of such a huge project is nothing to sniff at, either!
The prologue has 5 chapters second-drafted at the current moment, with about 20k words to its name. That's a lot!!! That is so many words!!!
And that's still not the whole prologue, ofc...
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imwritesometimes · 6 months
things that are beyond fucked up: I have a snippet of dialogue so good I thought of it last night before I fell asleep and I still remember it tonight even though I didn't write it down and yet still no desire to actually write
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Gets possessed by a writing demon super late at night with the answers to all of my plotholes/future chapter ideas/writer's block only to become violently unpossessed the second the sun even thinks about rising again
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eiimeixi · 18 days
update ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
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heeeyyyyy... im back after 2 months !!! (this fic took me a month and a half.) i may have yapped a little too much on this one (ps: both in the fic AND the notes) but i hope you guys like it !!!
(please read the tags for more yapper's info)
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heloflor · 2 months
Ok so for quite some time now I’ve been thinking about removing my fics from my blog. Idk if this is insecurity about my writing, the AI scraping thing, or the fact I want to try out youtube stuff and don’t want my fics associated with it, but yeah, I want to remove them. At the same time, I don’t want to straight up delete them and only have them on AO3.
So long story short, I’m making a sideblog @flor-fics-archive (yeah I’m bad at naming things) where I will repost all my old fics + start posting new ones. Not sure at which speed since I don’t want to clutter the tags too much but at the same time want to get it over with, but yeah everything will be moved here. I might just make the sideblog invisible for search for a month or two after reposting so it doesn’t clutter the tags🤔. I also won’t promote my fics on this main blog so follow my fics one or AO3 page if you want to see when I post new ones.
Btw I made a new pfp for this sideblog and used the opportunity to update my current one as well, bc why not. I’m also changing the banner to my youtube one bc I’ve never been a big fan of the plushies pic one I’ve been using recently (I only used it bc I have no idea what to put but didn’t want to leave it blank either).
And in case it needs to be said the fics are the only things I’m removing from my blog. All the textposts, analysis, headcanons etc will stay here. So basically everything in the “my fanfics” tags will be deleted or moved to the sideblog, everything else stays here.
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I am a normal person who has had a normal amount of sleep
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 7 months
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From the Neil Gaiman: Dream Dangerously :) (you can watch it here in US or with US vpn :) <;3) (or just this bit on youtube here :))
Terry Pratchett: One day he rang me up and said, "I've started a book and, I think it's good, but I haven't the faintest idea where it goes." So, I said, "All right, well, send me the pages." And I read it and wrote him back and said, "I don't know where it goes either, but I do know what happens next."
Neil Gaiman: I was pretty much nocturnal then, so I would write my chunk of Good Omens before I went to bed, and I'd go to sleep about five o'clock in the morning and I'd get up about one o'clock in the afternoon and my answering machine would be flashing on, and I'd press the button and a voice would say, "Get up, get up you lazy bastard, I've just written a good bit."
Terry Pratchett: We did it as a kind of holiday, because if it crashed and burned, nobody would notice.
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whoopseydaisy · 8 months
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blue cheese fat washed vodka journey continues on my Wizard Sky cocktail experiment journey and y’all the transformation that occurs i am so excited to taste this i really hope it tastes good with the cold brew i made
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crimes-self-ships · 9 months
okay i was gonna do a comic of this but honestly i wanna work on other things so here in script form meet the new boys
EXT MANOR - A large building containing Crimes and their F/Os, reminiscent of 2012 fan fictions where large groups of characters would live together. It’s raining.
On the porch stands BUBBA SAWYER from Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He looks nervous and uncomfortable, making whining noises as he tries to protect himself from the rain. He tries to peek in through the windows.
INT MANOR - CRIMES and their F/Os stand in the foyer. Crimes stands near the door, facing everyone else as if addressing a class. YANCY, DARK, and HABIT stand closer to the front.
CRIMES: So, what does everyone think?
Yancy looks a little uneasy. Dark looks only mildly interested. Habit looks flabbergasted.
YANCY: I mean… he seems… alright? Like, from what youse’ve told us, I, uh, don’t see why not.
DARK: Just let the poor thing in. He’s been whining for days now.
HABIT: Is that fucking Leatherface?
Cut to the crowd, where FREDERICK and SHOUTA stand near each other. In the background, Habit can still be heard.
FREDERICK: I don’t like this… There’s already enough deranged criminals in our midst.
SHOUTA: I hate agreeing with you.
HABIT: From fucking Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
Cut back to Crimes, who sighs. In the background, some F/Os continue to talk.
CRIMES: Alright, I guess… Fine, yeah, we’ll let him in.
HABIT: I own merch of that guy. What the fuck?
DARK: Do you now? I thought-
HABIT: Yeah, yeah, Evan owns it, whatever. Still. It’s weird.
Crimes claps their hands together to get everyone’s attention. They look pointedly at a few specific people in the crowd, who all roll their eyes or sigh to various effects when speaking.
CRIMES: Alright, you all know the drill by now, don’t you?
FREDERICK: Don’t psychoanalyze anyone without your supervision.
THE DISTORTION: No torture of any kind.
HABIT: Sharing or whatever.
VEILS grumbles in agreement behind him. Crimes makes a choice not to correct them.
CRIMES: Exactly! And I want you all to be especially nice to him ‘cause this is gonna be a big adjustment, alright?
Half the crowd nods politely, the other half nods with some grumbling.
CRIMES: Oh, and I know this normally goes without saying, but Asmo?
ASMODEUS perks up in the crowd, looking surprised to be called upon.
CRIMES: Cool it with the lust stuff around him? I know you’re good about consent and all and y’all know I think it’s okay for you all to have relationships with whoever you so choose, but well… Bubba doesn’t know a lot about any of this stuff and doesn’t need to be plunged into the deep end.
Asmodeus nods.
ASMODEUS: You’ve just made it so tempting, but I’ll do my best.
Crimes nods, taking one last look about the crowd.
CRIMES: Alright. Let’s let him in.
EXT MANOR - BUBBA still stands on the porch, rocking himself back and forth slightly and fidgeting with his hands. The door opens and he stumbles back in surprise for a second before approaching cautiously. CRIMES appears in the doorway.
CRIMES: Hey there, Bubba. Sorry you had to wait out there so long, come on in!
Bubba looks about nervously, quickly scanning the area to see if this is a trick before slowly walking in. He makes small cautious noises to himself.
INT MANOR - CRIMES stands next to BUBBA, looking up at him, smiling softly and trying their best to be welcoming.
CRIMES: Alright, Bubba, welcome to-
CRASH! Wide shot as BRAHMS HEELSHIRE breaks a mirror on the wall of the foyer and crawls out of the wall. F/Os jump, scatter, and square up accordingly. Brahms stands up to his full height slowly and scans the crowd before walking over to Crimes and standing on their other side. Crimes stares up at him and Bubba’s covering his ears, hunched over.
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lily-lovelyy · 1 year
Thinking about Simon or Konig giving you an aphrodisiac without you knowing 🤭
(I wrote this when I was half asleep, this is all consensual, just didn't write it out sorry 🙏🏻)
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Earlier in the day, Ghost had given you some chocolate to help some of your normal cravings. It was ovulation week, and you were craving so much dark chocolate you thought you'd explode.
Simon only gave you a little piece, but you snuck into your room and found the bar. And ate it. The whole thing.
Simon didn't walk in on you, but he subtly noticed your face turning beet red and the way you fondled with his hands. You definitely got his attention whenever you started whining and pulling his hand down to your crotch.
"Someone's needy, huh?" He taunted, before throwing you over his shoulder and leading you into your shared bedroom. He slammed you down onto the bed, and you were already a panting mess. The light reflecting off of the foil wrapper got his attention, and he smirked at you.
"looks like we're going to have a long night tonight, huh bunny?"
He had seen an article on aphrodisiac candies, and he decided for fun to purchase some. He read the instructions, and it said to only consume one, but he figured two wouldn't do much harm...right?
About 30 minutes later, you had been in bed, already pushing up your skirt passed your hips and spreading your legs, whimpering just at the sight of Konig watching you.
You pulled your panties to the side, showing him your already dripping cunt and he smiled at you, groaning at the sight. "Already this horny for me, maus?" He snickered, before climbing over you and kissing you on your neck, making you a panting mess with just a few wet kisses.
'this will be fun...' he thought
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